#other than losing my scholarship
weirdlizard26 · 1 year
im so genuinely devastated by the fact that i go back to class tomorrow its embarrassing dfkgjdd ive been completely out of it for. weeks????? i couldnt enjoy the second half of my break bc i never stopped thinking about having to go back to uni im just aughhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Doing the most irresponsible thing and using my scholarship to buy Kinito because if I don't I will explode <3
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charles-snippy · 1 year
Not to be like “kids these days” but some mfs in this generation are so unreasonably fucking selfish like I am actually so pissed because some people will do you so so dirty but then you’re not allowed to be mad because they didn’t mean it because they genuinely are that fucking stupid and devoid of empathy that they didn’t even think or care about the consequences that other people suffer because of their actions. Like fuck “I didn’t mean to” ok and you still fucking hurt me I don’t care if you meant it or not why do you care more about how I perceive you than the fact that you hurt me
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roosterforme · 5 months
The Younger Kind Part 46 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: A run in with a few familiar faces you never wanted to see again threatens to ruin your day at the beach. But Bradley always manages to make you feel safer and happier than you've ever been before. You plan to reward him once you return home, but you don't realize you might be unintentionally ruining a surprise.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, smut, butt stuff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4000 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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You were in the middle of covering Natasha with sand, making Noah laugh, while Bradley appeared to be talking to Jake. You knew they weren't each other's biggest fans, so you found that a little bit surprising. You also felt uncomfortable every time the memory of Jake's kisses and touches flashed through your mind, and of course those images flooded your system right now. Your cheeks felt warmer, heated by embarrassment as much as by the warm sunlight. He wasn't right for you, but when you glanced at Bradley again, you felt much calmer.
"Heads up!"
You quickly turned and put your hands in front of Noah just in time to save him from being smacked by a volleyball. Glaring against the sunlight, you saw a familiar form rushing toward you, but the closer he got, the more his steps slowed before coming to a stop. Then he said your name.
Noah had already picked up the ball and started toward the volleyball nets with it, so you jumped to your feet and followed him, reaching for his hand as he neared Greyson.
"Hi," your ex boyfriend said as he eyed you with a puzzled expression as you held onto Noah's wrist. 
"Greyson," you replied as Noah reached up to hand him the volleyball. 
"Um, thanks," he replied awkwardly, looking from Noah back up to you as he took the ball. "So.... you're still babysitting?"
His words felt like an unintentional slap in the face. You could barely stand to look at him now after the way he treated you at the fraternity party months ago, but somehow the idea of babysitting for Noah sounded insulting coming from him. And it shouldn't. It really shouldn't.
"No, actually," you replied, pulling Noah a little closer to you. "This is my boyfriend's son." You weren't even sure why you were talking to him right now. You could turn away and go right back to Natasha half buried in the sand and pretend Greyson didn't exist, but Noah was tugging on your hand and looking up at you. 
"Mommy? Who's that?"
Before you could answer or walk away, Greyson made a strangled sound. "He calls you mommy?" Your face scrunched up in annoyance and anger as he added, "Are you dating that old guy? The big dude who broke Ryan's fingers? Because he's probably going to lose his lacrosse scholarship because you got drunk and acted like a bitch." He gestured over his shoulder to where his friends were waiting by the volleyball court.
A feeling you couldn't even identify bubbled up inside you, making you too afraid to speak. Tears stung at your eyes, because you'd been so terrified that night, the memory of it made you shake with rage. And now Greyson was essentially calling you a drunk bitch in front of Noah, adding embarrassment to the mix. And Ryan and Ollie were making their way toward you like they had a score to even.
"Hey," barked out Bradley's voice from behind you, and relief flowed through your veins immediately. His hand came to rest on your lower back, and you didn't even need to look at him to know he had that pissed off expression on his face that he saved for when he was really mad. 
When you turned and looked up at him, he had his aviators set low on his nose, and his brown eyes were flashing with a warning that left you with a chill running through your body. When you looked back at the boys, Ryan was holding his fingers tight in his other hand. That fact that you didn't even know all the details of the night at that party wasn't lost on you. Bradley had saved you, bottom line, and that had really been the start of your relationship with a label attached to it. 
"Relax, man. No need to get aggressive again," Greyson told Bradley as he tried to stand a little taller. 
But Ryan was rolling his shoulders as he said, "You fucked up my hand, asshole."
You looked down at Noah and pulled him even closer, and he looked up at you with wide, scared brown eyes like he could feel the tension around him. Bradley's hand rubbed along your back as he bent to kiss your cheek. "Hey, Princess, why don't you take Noah and finish burying Nat in the sand?" His lips and mustache skimmed your temple, and his voice was so calm, it surprised you.
"Okay," you agreed softly, bending to pick Noah up, knowing that getting him separated from this situation was the most important thing at this point. You tripped along the sand, glancing at Bradley's strong back a few times as you went. Straight in front of you, Nat was brushing sand from her skin as she stood up, and she had Jake and Javy right behind her.
"What the hell is going on?" she asked as you squeezed Noah. 
"Nothing," you replied, your voice tiny and mortified. You wished you'd just stayed home today and played with Noah and Skittles in the backyard instead. 
"Doesn't look like nothing," Jake drawled casually, crossing his arms over his chest. "Looks like Rooster might need a hand."
"He's about to get more than just one," Nat replied as she cracked her knuckles.
Bradley wondered briefly why he couldn't have a single peaceful day. He just wanted to hit the beach, send Noah home with Penny, and then enjoy the night alone with you. But he supposed he could still do all of that with a black eye if necessary. 
"Did you hear me?" the biggest guy asked. "I said you fucked up my hand, asshole."
Bradley shrugged. "I guess you shouldn't have been touching her then."
He scoffed. "Wasn't worth it then, and she's not worth it now."
Bradley couldn't keep the smile from his face as he took a step closer. "I can give you a fucked up face to match it. If you keep running your mouth."
"You really want to go three against one, old man?" Greyson asked, and Bradley shifted his gaze to the rather skinny looking blonde. 
"You look more like one and a half from where I'm standing," Bradley replied. "Now why don't you just apologize to me and leave before you embarrass yourselves."
"Apologize?" asked the littlest one, jaw dropping open. "For what? We didn't even fucking do anything except come to the beach."
"See, that's where you're wrong," Bradley said as he started holding up his fingers one at a time in front of himself. "First of all, you cursed in front of my child. Second, you upset my girlfriend... again. Third, I don't respect the way you mistreat women at parties. And fourth, I don't like looking at you. So apologize and leave."
Bradley watched Greyson's eyes shift to the side, but he didn't need to turn to look. He could tell that he wasn't entirely alone, and he was pretty sure it was Nat there in case needed her. But it wouldn't come to that.
"Well?" Bradley asked, taking his aviators off and tucking them in his pocket before holding his hands out to his sides. "Where's my apology?"
"Let's get out of here," Greyson muttered to the other two, but Bradley took a step closer to them, fingers just itching to make fists.
"That's not how this works," he barked out, and he got to watch the three of them have an entire silent conversation just by looking at each other. Then they all glanced at him and murmured the saddest, most pitiful apologies he'd ever heard.
Bradley couldn't hold back his laughter after that as he said, "Just get the fuck out of here." He watched them walk awkwardly across the hot sand with the volleyball, occasionally turning back to make sure he wasn't following them. He kept an eye on them until they were in the parking lot and out of sight. 
"What the hell was that?" Nat asked. Jake and Javy were a little ways behind her, and Bradley had to laugh a little harder just thinking about the four of them pounding some kids in their twenties into the sand. 
"I thought you were getting buried?" he asked, slinging his arm over her shoulders, but she just cringed and pushed his arm away.
"You're all sweaty," she complained. "And I was getting buried until I thought I was going to have to jump in there."
"Nah, I had it under control," he promised. You were still holding Noah in your arms and playing with him as Bradley approached. 
"Everything okay?" you asked, closing the distance and tucking your body against his. At least you didn't seem to mind that he was sweaty as you kissed his shoulder and looked up at him.
"Of course, Princess," he replied, taking Noah from you. "They left." Your arms were around his middle immediately, and you kissed Bradley on the lips as if nobody else was there. He let his free hand drift down as far as your lower back for now, and he could tell that you were relaxed again as you let your cheek rest on his chest and looked out toward the parking lot.
"Thanks," you whispered. "I just... wasn't expecting to see them."
"Do not thank me," Bradley replied while Noah started to squirm. "I just want to protect you and make you happy. Just you and Noah. All day long."
"And Skittles," you murmured.
Bradley rolled his eyes. "Obviously. She's my best friend."
"I want to go swimming," Noah whined loudly, wriggling his way out of Bradley's grasp. 
"You don't know how to swim," he reminded Noah as he set him down on the sand and watched him run over to Nat. But now Bradley had two arms full of you, and he wasn't complaining. Especially not when you started kissing his sternum. 
"You make me feel safe," you whispered. "So safe. I love you, Daddy."
You just wanted to go home. Or give Bradley a blowjob. Or have sex on the beach towel under the umbrella next to the picnic cooler that you overpacked with drinks and ants on logs. But instead you were left clinging to him, looking up into his pretty brown eyes and biting your lip. And you knew he knew exactly what you were thinking. The gentle but deliberate twitch of his cock against your belly left you moaning softly. 
"Can we go home?" you asked with a grin.
"Princess," he groaned. "We just got here, Baby. Penny and Mav aren't even here yet, and they're supposed to take Noah home with them for the night."
You kissed his sternum again. "I'll wear my plug for you."
He groaned even louder, his hand cupping your butt and giving you a little squeeze. "You're making me hard."
"I can tell," you informed him, letting your fingers trail down his sides and along his abs as you started to ease yourself away from him. But he pulled you right back.
"Hell, no," he grunted. "You started this. You can just wait it out."
You laughed as you let him snuggle you for a few extra seconds. Natasha was holding Noah's right hand, and you weren't at all surprised to see Javy holding his left. They were at the water's edge, running at the waves and then backing away when they came crashing down to the sand. When you looked up at Bradley again, you whispered, "You need more sunblock. Your nose and cheeks are a little pink."
He narrowed his eyes at you. "Probably just blushing because you gave me a fucking boner at the beach. In front of my coworkers."
You pressed your lips together. "Seriously, Daddy. You just tell me when you want to go home, because I'm all about that right now. I'd love to rock your old man world."
This time you spun away from him, leaving him there next to the cooler with a little smirk on his face. You waved to Penny and Maverick as you saw them walking up the beach, and you ran toward Noah near the crashing waves. Penny made her way right to you while Maverick made a beeline for Bradley. 
"Noah!" Penny gushed, getting her shoes wet as she scooped him up and gave him a kiss on his chubby cheek. He laughed at all the attention he was getting from everyone, and a minute later, Maverick and Bradley were running past you out into the cool water and diving through the waves. 
Noah clapped in delight and shouted, "Daddy!" as Bradley resurfaced and waved to him. He looked so good, you had to bite your lip. The shock of seeing Greyson, Ryan and Ollie had worn off, and you were relieved that they hadn't ruined your day. Once again, you were completely taken by the safety you felt when Bradley was nearby. His wet trunks were clinging to him as he ran his hand back through his wet hair and walked through the moving current to get to you.
"I forgot to grab this on my way out before," he said, picking you up in his arms while you screeched. His body was cold now that he was all wet. "This is all mine," he told you as he kissed along your neck and shoulders. "And I like it when it's wet." 
"Don't do it!" you warned, but it was too late as he waded out into the deeper water and dunked himself under with you in his arms. You came up sputtering for air and said, "I'll make you pay for that later."
"Oh yeah," Bradley grunted as you yanked his swim trunks down in the backyard and dropped to your knees. "I'm really paying for it." 
Noah went home with Penny and Mav late in the afternoon, but Bradley took a few adorable photos of you and Noah napping in the shade on the beach blanket first. One of them was already his new phone wallpaper, something he had to ask you to help him with. He was obsessed with every aspect of being with you. Somehow you managed to do it all without trying. You were a mom to Noah and you were everything to Bradley, even when you were teasing him relenelessly. 
You giggled as you parted your lips and took his throbbing cock as he grew harder for you. You had the place to yourselves for roughly the next twenty four hours, and you weren't wasting any time. Your bikini top was off and the garden hose that Bradley had been using to rinse you both off was in his hand with the water flowing onto the walkway. The sun was dipping low in the sky, cooling things off, and he spent a few seconds looking around to make sure no neighbors were out before tossing the hose aside and letting his hand come to rest at the back of your head.
Eyes half lidded, you looked up at him as you lazily ran your tongue in a little swirling pattern along his cock as he pushed himself deeper. "That's a good girl," he whispered, watching you take every inch of him before hollowing out your cheeks and sucking. Bradley stroked your chin and watched the soft bounce of your tits as he started to fuck your face. You whimpered as tears filled your eyes for him when he hit the back of your throat. "Fucking gorgeous."
You grabbed him by both of his hips, and soon Bradley could feel your saliva dripping down his balls. It was indecent how good you were at this. You had his number from the very first time you went down on him, but he was interested in getting his cum inside your pussy tonight.
The water from the hose was flowing around your knees when he pulled you to your feet. "Daddy," you whined, actively trying to get your mouth back on him which just made him wilder. He was standing in his yard with his cock out, reaching for the hose at the same time he untied your bikini bottoms. And then you were naked and fucking perfect as he rinsed you off a little more, making you gasp as the water met your pussy and then your ass. 
"Get inside," he commanded, and you did exactly as you were told, letting Skittles come bounding out the back door when you opened it. Bradley barely reached down to pet the dog as he followed you inside, leaving the door open wide as he tracked you across the kitchen. Apparently you knew what you wanted as you bent at the waist and leaned down on the kitchen counter, pressed up on your tiptoes. 
Bradley stroked his cock a few times as he said, "You were fucking made for me." Your body was cool and damp, but your pussy was warm, wet and tight. He eased himself inside and thrust up into you nice and hard, making you whine his name as he brought his chest down against your back. "Made for Daddy," he whispered, covering your left hand with his where it rested on the counter next to your cheek and your parted lips. 
He fucked you hard right there where you usually made dinner while he softly kissed your cheek and whispered, "You're Noah's Mommy, and I want to make you a Mommy again."
You nodded as you turned your head a little more to look him in the eye. "Do it," you told him, and he could feel all of the pent up need from the day growing stronger and stronger as he thought about another baby. His hips snapped against your body. He went deeper, pushing himself harder, feeling your walls grabbing him along the way. Bradley kissed your shoulder softly as you panted, taking every rough thrust and deep grind that he gave you. After he got you filled up with his cum, he'd give you anything you wanted. The ring was ready to go, and it was always on his mind now, but he had a plan, and he was going to stick to it.
But he could already picture how it would look on your hand while it rested on your swollen belly. And now you were clenching him hard like you needed this as much as he did, or like you could read his fucking mind. Maybe you could. The word Daddy fell from your lips over and over again, and he was a lost cause. He filled you up, groaning loudly as he fucked his cum deeper hoping it would take. The shell of your ear met his nose as he kissed blindly along your body, inhaling your sweet wildflower scent. And you kept him there, pulling his fingers closer to your mouth and kissing his knuckles, enduring his weight against you.
Eventually he spoke, his voice hoarse now as he started to pull his body up to stand. "The rest of the night is yours, Princess. Anything you want."
You stood too and stretched, wrapping your arms around his neck with a little smile like he hadn't just pounded you against the kitchen counter next to the fancy coffee maker. "I want you to sing to me while we take a shower. And then I think we should further investigate the little collection of goodies you left out on the dresser."
You had your eyes closed with a smile on your lips. The cascading water was hitting your face and chest while Bradley had his arms wrapped around you from behind, singing his favorite song. It was nice that you didn't have to worry about getting Noah in bed or getting dinner ready. Bradley already offered to go pick up some takeout later if that's what you wanted. But right now you were completely content as he washed his dried cum from your thighs with his big, soapy hand. 
"You know what we should do?" he asked softly. When you just hummed in response, he said, "We should plan another vacation."
"To Disneyland."
His deep laughter rumbled against your back. "Sure. Disneyland. Noah will love that."
You didn't have the heart to tell him that you'd probably love it more than the child. "I think a nice little break will be good for you too, Daddy. I'll put it on the credit card."
Bradley's hand slid from the front of your body around to your butt. "If you put it on the card, I'll spank you."
Your moan was loud and echoed around the shower as you spun in his arms. "I have an idea." You kissed his neck and his rough chin as you said, "How about you wear your crown tonight?"
Bradley's smile was handsome and surprised. "My green one?"
"Yes," you whispered, feeling giddy. "The green one we made for you. I'll go into the bedroom and get myself all ready, but I'll leave the crown out for you to wear."  When you stepped out of the tub, Bradley's hand was stroking himself, and his eyes were on you. The need you felt was indescribable as you toweled off, practically tripping on your way out of the bathroom. 
You squealed as you reached for his crown on the dresser and gently set it down on the hallway floor just outside the bedroom, and then you closed the door. Your eyes settled on the items he left lined up on the dresser, and you chewed on your lip a little nervously. The need was so palpable again, you couldn't understand it. You thought about his strong, sure body and the timber of his voice as you dragged the lubed plug back and forth along your hole before slowly pushing it in. 
Being so full made you want Bradley more. You curled up on the bed and tried to get yourself under control so you could have him deep inside you at the same time, but it wasn't easy. You made your hands into fists keep from touching yourself as you moaned softly, but you wanted to see him in his green crown. You wanted to make everything as good for him as it was for you.
The pristine white fabric caught your eye from inside the open closet. With a giggle, you eased yourself out of bed and walked toward his dress whites uniform hanging there, fresh from the dry cleaner. They'd done a great job removing your dark lipstick marks from the pants. You grabbed a lacy thong from the dresser and pulled it up your legs to where you were most sensitive right now, and then you took Bradley's white jacket from the hanger. 
You were just sliding your hands down through the sleeves as you laughed at how comically large it was on you, but you thought he might enjoy himself. You were wearing his Bradshaw nametag which brought heat to your cheeks as you did up a few of the golden buttons. Then you grabbed your phone from the nightstand before heading for the closed bedroom door. 
"Are you there?" you asked, and his immediate response from the other side had you tipping your head back in delight.
"I'm waiting patiently, Princess. I got my crown on."
You started to record a video on your phone, knowing you'd let him do what he wanted with you, because he never did you wrong. Then you opened the door, but your arm brushed something hard and square in his jacket pocket. You ignored it when you saw him standing there with his crooked crown perched on his soft curls and his hard cock resting in one hand. 
Bradley's smile was sweet and just for you, and it only grew when you said, "I'm recording. Hi, Daddy."
"Hey, Baby," he crooned, but as his eyes drifted down your body, they grew wider and almost panicked, and then he was reaching for you.
We are getting closer. Will Daddy's plans pan out or will Princess inadvertently rush things? Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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wileys-russo · 4 months
new alessia x reader series sneak peak:
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UNC!lessi x DUKE!reader slow burn enemies to lovers vibes based around this request here
"where are you going?" you looked up from your phone at the blondes voice, raising an eyebrow where she lay on her bed. "and you care because?" you questioned sarcastically as her baby blue eyes narrowed.
"just hoping each time you walk out that door one day you just magically don't come back." the english woman grinned as you flipped her off, grabbing your toiletries bag and a change of clothes.
"i wouldn't dare give you the satisfaction, chav." you bit back as her grin dropped. "you don't even know what that means!" she protested with a huff as now it was your turn to grin.
"all i need to know is that it gets under your skin, so it works for me." you smiled mockingly, taking your towel and leaving her behind. "whatever redneck!" the blonde shouted after you but you'd long blocked her out, putting your phone to your ear.
"oh my god she lives!" you cracked a sincere smile at the sound of the girls voice. "ha ha, i've been gone like a few days soph." you chuckled, catching her up on everything as you made your way over to the staff shower block.
"-she is driving me crazy! every night i lay there and the temptation to just smother her with a pillow and end my suffering is overwhelming." you scoffed, blood boiling as the image of the strikers smug face hovering over you at the championship burned into your brain.
"well, why don't you do something about it?" sophia questioned as you paused. "what do you mean?" you retorted with a frown. "you don't want her there, but she needs to be there to make up her community service hours since the vandalism right?" your best friend pushed as you hummed, starting to see where she was going with this.
"so? make her leave, or get her kicked out! problem solved and you don't have to see her again until next season. or if she fails to make up the community service she'd lose her scholarship and its bye bye miss england." sophia encouraged as a small smile curled onto your lips.
"lois you don't understand. on the pitch i have to deal with her attitude for like two hours, here its twenty four seven i can't escape her and she is fucking insufferable!" alessia groaned, collapsing back into her bed.
"so you're telling me you share a room with her and you can't think of any advantages to that?" lois quipped as alessia scoffed. "no? other than that she's constantly within strangling distance!" alessia grumbled with a roll of her eyes.
"less i love you but sometimes you can be so thick. this is great! its like the golden opportunity to get in her head. you have to do the whole camp for your service right? well if you make her life a nightmare she's hardly going to want to stay since she doesn't have to be there." lois continued to hint as finally the blonde started to follow along.
"plus if i can get into her head before the she believes tournament, if we both get a call up i can use that to play some serious mind games. for the good of the cause!" alessia grinned as lois sighed.
"less sometimes my own genius even surprises me."
you glanced up as you heard footsteps, your singing ceasing as suddenly there was silence and you wondered if you were hearing things. with a shrug you started humming again, ducking your head back under the water to wash the conditioner out.
but as suddenly your towel disappeared from the top of the cubicle your eyes widened and you hurried to shut the water off, sticking your head out.
"oh you have to be fucking kidding me." you scoffed, all of your clothes and towel suddenly missing in action, and you knew exactly who the culprit would be.
"fuck." you mumbled looking around desperately for a solution. with a groan you realised you really only had one choice, not particularly wanting to have to wait there soaking wet and shivering until night fall.
so with an enraged huff you ripped the shower curtains down with a tug, wrapping them as best around your body as you could, having to hold them up as to not let anything slip out.
cautiously poking your head out of the door your eyes locked in on your target and you retreated, taking a deep breath and muttering some affirmations to yourself.
"if you don't show weakness nobody can take advantage of something that isn't there." you mumbled, cocking your chin up high as you kicked open the door and stormed out of the building.
you heard the wolf whistles but paid them no mind, keeping your head held high and marching your way over toward the blonde sat by herself with a smug grin.
"did you leave something behind america? thought i'd bring it over to you, save you the embarrassment but well...guess you were too impatient to wait." alessia smirked as you snatched back your towel which was held in her hand.
"where the hell are my clothes england?" you warned, alessia looking upward with a slight smile as you followed your eyes, scoffing seeing your clothes hanging from one of the trees.
"cheeky kids. never know when a joke goes too far!" alessia tutted, unwavering as you squared up to her, the blonde standing so she was a head taller than you as you exhaled.
"you know russo if you wanted to see me naked so badly, next time you could just ask."
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octuscle · 26 days
Reorganization of a law student
I am a university student here in Cambridge. My class teacher urged me to study law. He said I had what it takes. I'm the first person in my family to ever graduate from school. No relative has ever even thought about going to university. And if I hadn't gotten the scholarship, I wouldn't have done it either. The stupid thing is that, as an obvious member of the working class, I never fitted in at university. And the scholarship isn't enough to live on either. I thought about taking a job at McDonald's. That's where I meet the people I understand. Even if they think I'm the snob from university now. It's still better than being the working-class proletarian for my fellow students.
Day 1: Monday
What a day it has been. I commenced my new employment at McDonald's. I felt somewhat out of place in my suit, amidst the others in their uniforms. Nevertheless, they appeared to be amicable. However, I found it difficult to comprehend much of their conversation.
The boss incessantly spoke about burgers and fries. I couldn't help but think, "My dear sir, I am well versed in arguing a case; I hardly require a lecture on flipping a burger."
Day 3: Wednesday
I'm gettin' the hang of it, I guess. It's just about flippin' burgers and slingin' fries, ain't it? Not that complicated, eh? So, I meet this dude named Dave, been workin' here forever. He's like a big deal around here, ya know? But man, he talks funny, all Cockney and stuff.
Anyway, Dave's big into bodybuilding and stuff. He's like, "Bro, you gotta hit the gym with me." I might give it a shot, ya know? Need to lose some of this uni weight, man.
Day 5: Friday
So, turns out Dave ain't just into bodybuildin'. Bloke's obsessed with it. He's always talkin' about his protein shakes and them supplements. Keeps tryin' to get me to take some, reckon it'll make me "ripped".
Said yes to goin' to the pub with him tonight. He reckons he knows some places where we can watch the rugby. Never really been into rugby, but why not, eh?
Day 7: Sunday
Last night was mad. Went to the pub with Dave, ended up watchin' rugby and havin' a few pints. Then some bloke started mouthing off, next thing I know, there's a full-on brawl.
Dave was right in the middle of it, throwin' punches like there's no tomorrow. Got a few bruises meself, but it was proper adrenaline rush, I tell ya.
Day 10: Wednesday
Me life's taken a turn, ain't it? Can't believe how much I've changed in just a week. Started takin' them supplements Dave gave me. Dunno what's in 'em, but I feel like I could take on the world.
Been skippin' lectures to hang out with Dave. He's teachin' me all sorts of things about bodybuildin' and rugby. Who knew I'd find it all so interestin'?
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Day 14: Sunday
Two weeks in, and I'm a changed man. Used to be all about them fancy words and legal cases. Now, I'm more interested in bench pressin' and pint down the pub.
Me mates from uni are proper shocked when they see me now. But sod 'em, I'm lovin' life. Dave's me new mentor, and I couldn't be happier. Who needs law when you've got burgers, rugby, and a good old pub brawl?
Inspiration by @mchav1020
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kenziesimsblog · 7 months
hi guys! I decided to make my very own legacy for sims 3! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
some traits are repeated because they fit!
you never really fit in when you lived in your small town so as soon as you became a young adult you moved to the bustling city where you began a new alternative band.
traits - over-emotional, loner, virtuous, shy, and night owl
lifetime wish-rock star
career- music
must fall in love with another emo. -must name kids after alternative band members / singers, albums or songs.
must have fun colored hair. -must have piercing (s)
dye hair at least 3 times during each life stage
must complete lifetime wish.
master guitar skill
start a band. -must be close to bandmates
perform every or most gig you get. -reach level 5 celeb status
you are the exact opposite of your parent but hey when you're the kid of a famous band member you're bound to be popular.
traits- diva, irresistible, social butterfly, party animal, and flirty
lifetime wish- super popular..
requirements must have 2 best friends. choose either being a mean popular or a nice one. throw tons of parties be in at least 3 relationships before finding the one. marry the nerdiest person. master the charisma skill. don't lose any friends. chat with friends at least once week have at least 1 boy and 1 girl
your parent always taught you to be yourself and to show how smart you are!
traits - genius, bookworm, socially awkward, eccentric, and loser
lifetime wish- perfect student
career- scientist requirements always have an "A" in school go to university. earn your degree with a perfect GPA. earn a scholarship. be a strict parent. if kid has lower than a yell at them meet your partner in university. make kids have daily chores. make kids have curfew of 7. master logic skill master inventor skill
your parent was super strict and you vowed to never be like them
traits good sense of humor, rebellious, easily impressed, inappropriate,and friendly.
lifetime wish- distinguished director.
career- director
requirements have a bad relationship with your parents. have a "D" in school. always pull pranks on school and home become a director for comedies (pretend) master street art skill have at least 1 girl steal partner from someone else
horses, horses, horses that's all you talk about traits - equestrian, loves the outdoors, ambitious, athletic ,and lucky
lifetime wish- the jockey
career- none all your time is spent with horses
requirements have a horse as a child. must be female. have at least 2 horses ride them every day. marry a cowboy/cowgirl. enter racing. live in a farmhouse. master riding skill have 1 kid that you have a bad relationship with.
your mom only paid attention to her horses and not you resulting in a bully
traits- evil, mean spirited , grumpy, brooding, and coward
lifetime wish- ceo of mega corporation
career - business requirements be hated by everyone. have one "friend" that is a sidekick. get pregnant or impregnate a one-night stand. have baby in your household. co parent with one night stand even though you hate it. marry one night stand at middle/end of adult life. have one more child/ or multiples before you reach elder status. at least perform two mean actions a day
your parents didnt care what you did they spent to much time hating each other so what better way to distract your self then video games
traits- couch potato, computer whiz, heavy sleeper, night owl and loner
lifetime wish- blog artist
career - video game developer
requirements attend university to master nerd social group. drop out when maxed nerd group. marry college sweetheart. cheat on college sweetheart with person you met online. have one kid with college sweetheart.
have more with new partner play video games every day. run a blog about games. master logic skill
you spent all of your childhood watching plays dreaming one day it would be you
traits- star quality, natural born performer , hopeless romantic , dramatic, and ambitious
lifetime wish- superstar actor.
career- actor
requirements name kids after real life actors woohoo 5 celebs. complete lifetime wish. get pregnant by 3 different celebs. have at least 3 kids have a bad reputation. ruin your reputation at least once. never get married. spoil your kids.
you lived in a booming town with a big gym where you spent most of your time
traits- handy, athletic, vegetarian, green thumb, and daredevil
lifetime wish- become a superstar athlete.
career- athletic
requirements master lifetime wish. be a vegetarian. have a garden of healthy vegetables. workout everyday max gardening skill max handy skill max athletic skill meet partner at gym. have a big family (4 kids)
traits- artistic, avant garde, adventurous, perfectionist, virtuoso
lifetime wish-master of arts
career- self employed artist
requirements master guitar skill master painting skill travel to different countries for inspiration meet partner in another country. perform for tips. sell paintings. at least always have one animal in house house is very colorful. do photography on the side. master lifetime wish. go out with family every holiday.
be sure to tag me in posts if you decide to play!
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dropsofletters · 2 months
i feel like i know you [jww]
SUMMARY: sometimes, we meet a person, a complete stranger in the streets, and we feel as though we have seen them somewhere else. a sense of familiarity that comes with longing and extreme love. however, it could only be one of those cases of deja-vu…if one does not think that there are other universes, roaming around its axis at the same time that we do.
jeon wonwoo doesn’t believe in the concept of soulmates, but somehow, he always has the same one in various universes.
maybe, destiny does exist.
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TITLE: i feel like i know you
PAIRING: jeon wonwoo x reader
GENRE: soulmates!au ; soulmates in different universes!au ; friends to lovers!au ; unrequited love!au ; forbidden love!au ; childhood friends!au and wonwoo finding his way back to oc again and again.
WORD COUNT: 8,000 words approx.
TYPE: fluffy fluff ; fantasy ; alternative universes ; angst if you squint
NOTE: this was a ko-fi request! you can go over there if you want to request something from me.
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UNIVERSE 01: friendship.
A pendant sits on the palm of her hand.
It dangles in between his fingertips; tips colored by Kool-Aid, burning red. The music is a little too loud in the cramped room, where the strands of his bleached hair merge in between the black, original ones. Wonwoo sits neatly, though his image is copied out of one of those magazines that he reads over every once in a while when at his job at the mall.
Maybe, this is where her friend met the supposed old lady that taught him the future was written in one’s palm. He’s a man of science, though he masks it as not. Books and articles highlighted on his bookshelves, casted in dust as he reaches his twenty-five years of age and he realizes that, perhaps, in the midst and wits of time he never truly reached what he wanted. No scholarship. No travelling. Nothing other than sitting at his small apartment, dangling a necklace, hoping for a sign.
“What do you want to know?” Wonwoo always speaks like he has a secret, eyes squinted, voice a rumble of depth. His vision, however, is settled on the pendant that only moves the slightest, from side to side, venturing into the unknown of what it is supposed to tell her.
Life, on the other hand, is a little bit more secure for her. She didn’t imagine her life to be big, and hence, settling seemed nice. Three years into a relationship that started out in college; a college degree that also sits on her bookshelf, waiting for it to mean something than it actually is, and work. Work has been hectic, with coffee breaks towards the coffee shop in which Wonwoo works at with a scowl to his face and a purse of his lips.
“The unknown.” She jokes, hand trembling a bit as Wonwoo rests it on his thigh.
His eyes roll, the sclerotic becoming a bit apparent, before he returns his gaze to her. For Wonwoo, the world is serious; like the heat of the Americano she has each day, and the routine of making perfect coffee. “I’m being serious.”
“So am I,” She looks back at Wonwoo. This is the man that would nod at every single one of her words when battling her fear of speaking in public back in high school. Her friend. The reason as to why she gets to speak now in her corporate job for some fashion magazine. She knows him far too well, dances with his eyes and knows how to sit him down with simple syllables. “You don’t believe in any of this.”
“I’d like to grant myself the benefit of doubting my beliefs.” He explains. The nineties are far more technological, fitted for someone like him, with up-and-coming laptops and websites. He could have been so much more, but it feels these days like he’s losing himself to a trail of nothingness. “They haven’t exactly worked to my favor the past few years, so what do I lose by giving you an answer to something? Shit, maybe, I could get an answer, too.”
She grabs his hand, pendant digging to the skin of her palm, engraving the thunder that Wonwoo had bought on a convenience store nearby. It was probably on sale, too. “You don’t need answers, Wonwoo. What’s not lost should not be hunted down.”
His eyes soften. Mirrors in shades of brown, like a lake house that she could never escape. Here, listening to Backstreet Boys, trying to hide from the reality that they are not kids anymore, is the man she trusts the most. The one person she cherishes more than life itself. For, Wonwoo was there for her to lighten up her days, even when the exposure of sunshine would hurt him, too.
“…Let me just answer one question of yours.”
“What for, though—?”
“Just to prove to myself that I’m not the only one that doesn’t have it figured out.”
She sighs, opening her palm once again and closing her eyes tightly. She imagines all that has happened throughout the years of her living on this earth. She has a job that she likes. She has gone through college safely, thankfully. She has a relationship but…these days, it feels like he doesn’t foresee a future. Nick, her boyfriend of three years, goes on and on about his plans in the future, but it never includes her. A shush coming after his words when she ever-so asks…
Would you ever want to marry me?
“The first letter of the love of my life’s name.” She spurts out, knowing that the universe will be unable to ever grant her a benefit of knowing, let alone draw it on her palm with a pendant. Wonwoo doesn’t raise his eyebrows, never judging out loud, but speaking under his breath.
“Totally not the asshole you have for a boyfriend.”
“Wonwoo, have some respect and concentrate.”
“I’m just being honest.” He shrugs, sending a tight-lipped smile her way before he’s tracing her palm with the pendant and letting it hang. The woman at his job told him that it would trace two answers; a circle was a yes, a line was a no, and what she was asking…they’d see if it could get answered.
Much to his surprise, they hold their breaths, looking at the pendant before it starts moving. Almost like magic, like the world has things that we will never understand to its full complexity, the necklace starts moving its pendant until it draws a shape. Repetitive not, perhaps a little bit two quick, but the two folds of the ‘W’ are apparent. Her eyes trail forward, widened in complexion, before laughter spurts out of her lips.
“This shit is crazy.” Wonwoo’s cheeks are tinged pink, standing up and clasping the necklace in between his digits.
“Totally. Uh, where the hell did you even learn this?”
“Remind me to never trust people from work again.” Wonwoo’s back is turned towards her, saving the necklace on the coffee table, and she thinks about it for a moment…
Wonwoo and her together…
Pfft, as if that could ever happen.
“Noted. This will never happen again—”
“Yep. Want to get some burritos?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
The nineties had their own tagline, but ruining a friendship because of some stupid myth as the ear of technology was launching was totally not it.
UNIVERSE 02: opposites.
Wonwoo has always had an odd liking to coffee.
He presumptuously admits that he enjoys the taste on the roof of his mouth, and how it burns his palate and awakens him in the early mornings. Macchiato. Latte. Cold or hot. He enjoys them all. Hidden behind of strands of long hair, curled at the edges, and a pair of glasses so thick that they might as well hold all the eyes in the universe, he thinks it’s his own language. His way of speaking without actually opening his mouth. He grants happiness with a ‘good morning’ and a nod of his head, even though his coffee shop is not as big or as crowded as his family back home thinks.
A sigh leaves his lips, wiping the same spot he has worked on since the early morning. Only a client had passed by. A latte, decaffeinated, with two shots of vanilla and one of dark, moody chocolate. The busy man left without much of a glance at him, but the job was done. Hence, the day was uneventful, leaving him with pastries to sell and coffees to prepare. Aching to feel that this business is going somewhere.
He painted the walls green himself, thinking they’d match well with the plants his brother had gifted him after he moved to Jeju with his wife and worked on a gardening program over December. The tables, found in a trip to Scotland, did cost a little bit more than what he likes to admit, but it’s gloomy. Wholesome, like he wants it to be. A place that resembles the peace that comes with having a cup of coffee on a winter day.
It's summer.
Maybe, people just don’t want hot beverages.
The repetition of one of the first albums from The Beatles is cut off by the sound of a megaphone. Sharp and repetitive sentences shouted into the void of the street. People start to gather in front of his shop, but it’s not because of the coffee beans he brews every morning. There is someone else there—one of those hippies that he tries to stay away from.
Wonwoo pushes his hair away from his face, not even making the effort to clasp his beige apron off as he ventures to the entrance door and opens it with a swing. Standing on a small beer box is a woman; sporting a long floral skirt and a simple top that dangles off one shoulder. It reads ‘fuck politicians!’, loud and clear, like the sound of her voice as she asks for rights.
Rights to have some kind of reelection, for she thinks the government is corrupt.
“We are fucking marionettes to the politicians. Workers that will lose their nails clawing to get to the last bit of money they offer us. Not enough for us to eat and live freely—” She speaks into the megaphone, and he notices the soft hue of her lips and the crookedness of her hair. She’s not playing the part, but somehow, she looks quite beautiful in her messiness.
“Excuse me.” Wonwoo speaks softly, as per usual.
“Us women, we need to stay close, to protect the children of our lives. The people that need us the most. We are tired of staying silent—”
Though, she’s silencing him in the process. If this protest gets any heavier, he could even get jailed just because she wants to speak out…in front of a coffee shop. “Um, miss, excuse me, I have something to say—”
“Say it with me: ‘We shall not be silenced’!”
“Miss!” Just when she gives a moment for the crowd to speak, Wonwoo’s voice becomes loud. A shout into nothingness that brings color to his cheeks and a set of widened eyes that anyone could miss if they don’t look at him from up-close. She turns to him, still on that beer box, the wind blowing at her skirt and tracing the soft curves of her body. “This is my coffee shop…and—and I fear my clients would be scared of entering if they saw this protest in front of it. Could you please—?”
“What?” She questions, putting the megaphone down and raising her eyebrows. “This is something important.”
“Yeah! Totally. I know.” Wonwoo, though not a fan of politics, can understand that the economics are not the best these days. Hell, he fears that he will lose the business that he had worked so hard on. “How about this…I know that you planned this protest and that—”
“Just leave the fucking woman alone!” One of the protesters grits through his teeth, the others bursting in exclamations just like him.
“Yeah, fucking capitalist!”
“I could offer all of you coffee! And a place to talk. You buy me a cup, I let you have this whole…ordeal inside.” Wonwoo tries to smile, covered by the strands of his hair, but the wind whisks it away and she gets a good glimpse at him. The frown in between her eyebrows softens, mouth agape for a second before she brings the megaphone up to her lips again.
“We’re going inside! A small business needs us, everybody. We’re not getting out of this mess if we don’t make a change.”
Her hand lays on his shoulder, getting off the box and sending him a smile that blossoms one of his own on his face. It’s crazy how the world has millions of people, each more different than the last one, but there are still connections. Electricity that pulls two people together even with a mere touch, as he realizes just how gorgeous she is.
And so unlike him.
Such an impossibility.
He prepares her favorite coffee then. Sweeter than anything, with marshmallows on top, a caramel Macchiato that keeps her fed along with the guava pastry that she dared try. Speaking her mind away, he only sits and listens, knowing that this is the last time he’ll ever see her.
UNIVERSE 03: right person, wrong time.
He looks like the image of what his mother used to coo about every Christmas night when the eggnog got to her system.
Not a man of marriage, he used to say he was, when he was just fifteen years old and promising he could pull through with a relationship. At the time, his now bride-to-be Fae was the third wheel of the trio. The woman that would wipe her tears when everything got to be a little bit too much with him, and that would clasp Wonwoo’s hands in between her own and teach him how to be a better boyfriend. How to leave the faux interests of bad friends behind to build something beautiful.
That they built in just a few months of relationship, tainted and left as lukewarm friendship, got destroyed in just three months.
She’d dare say, however, as she lets the emerald green of her bridesmaid’s dress cascade down her back, knowing fairly well that the fabric fits her a little too snugly because she decided to bathe her stomach with alcohol just hours prior to this, that…Wonwoo was her first love. She had never loved as purely, harshly and truly. With rain falling down on them as they both cried their goodbyes, eager to make it work, but regretting forcing their friendship to be something more.
Now, he’s marrying Fae. They didn’t get together soon after they broke up. It took years, pulling away, falling apart as a trio, coming back together and Wonwoo and Fae being roommates during their senior year of law school for them to get in a relationship.
Though, the word has it that when a man is totally certain about a woman, things will fall into place quickly. He looked at Fae in the eyes quite like he does now, as she stands behind her. Fae has her soft peachy hair curled and tied at the top of her rounded face, lips opened in that heart-curling smile that shows all her teeth, imperfect and yet, so fucking gorgeous. She looks like she was taken out of a fairytale, glowing…and she should be happy with her friend.
Fuck, she is.
God, imagine how difficult it would be to explain to Heaven when she tried to knock on its doors at the end of her life that she was happy…but also a bit jealous that this wasn’t her.
Because once, when she was a teen, she thought she would be in this position. Standing in front of Wonwoo, eager to place her hands on his arms, tug him closer and press their lips together. Call it forever, because it sounds like it could be possible with him. And these are thoughts not to be having when at the altar with her two best friends, as his eyes get filled with tears when looking at Fae.
She wishes it was her.
Wonwoo does look her way at one moment, departing from his vision towards Fae and it’s almost like his shoulders fall. She knows, then, that he remembers the possibilities—what they once talked about when seated on the front-yard of his old house, through small pecks and giggles. They once said that they were ‘ride-or-die’, only to ride along the adventure that they tried.
She gives him a tight-lipped smile, raising the corners of her mouth, as if telling him that they have made it. The ‘happy-ever-after’ reached in different spectrums. Wonwoo smiles back, tracing the outline of his engagement ring, the one that will meet the new ring that will create, hopefully, a lifetime of happiness.
Not with her.
Of course, not with her.
And that doesn’t haunt her. It’s something that she wishes she could have told herself in the past, so she would have never placed herself in Wonwoo’s life that way, making his relationship with Fae easier and more factual from the beginning. However, now that she’s here, it brings nostalgia.
They were once kids, now he’s getting married.
There’s a baby waiting for him in Fae’s womb, that not many people in this church know about. If any, really.
That’s the magic of moving on, but at the same time, wondering why it wasn’t like how they wished for as kids.
She nods at him, mouthing the words: “I’m proud of you.” in hopes that he can read her lips. Wonwoo, excelling at everything he does, manages to do so, nodding back at her before returning his gaze towards his wife.
Then, comes the exchange of words. His deep vibrato promises to cherish Fae forever, and she believes him. Maybe, she doesn’t have anyone by her side, or a man that can compare to the quality of people that Wonwoo is, but the time will come. For now, she’s the tree that shadows over the couple, sheltering from the eyes of the judging as they kiss, after letting out into the world what they wish for each other. Enormous contentedness, for example.
She claps, hands coming together as if praying that they will get to live up to their words. Plenty of years that will come and would have happened to her if Wonwoo was truly her person. Or maybe, he is, because this buzzing excitement that builds like makeup within her chest, coating her heart in layers and layers to hide what truly lays underneath is…an indicative.
Wonwoo is not a person that she got rid off easily. If not, they wouldn’t be friends by now.
Cheers escape her lips, fists balled and raised high in the air for the new couple. At least, someone got to have a happy ending.
UNIVERSE 04: the unknown
“I wish I had your eyes.”
Wonwoo says so with simplicity, his nephew—or more like his brother’s grandson—looking up from the handwritten letter that is taking up most of his time and headspace. He takes off on the family genes, with the dark hair, stoic eyes and cat-like smile. Though, the blush is different. In his eighty-six years of living, Wonwoo can’t recall the last time he actually blushed.
He sits back on his chair, creaking from how old it is, wood carving into the spine that had once functioned as leverage for running miles in the Olympics, but now is just a tale that people rarely believe from him. With that, he gets to cross one leg over the other and smile.
Love. Oh lord, love. How beautiful it is, and so inexplicably unreachable for him.
People say that everyone has fallen in love at least once in their lives, but for Wonwoo, it never felt quite right. Women were beautiful in their own spectrum of differences; he had liked a few, if he dares say so himself, with relationships growing and then, withering to the pressure of passing a few months together. But he had never met someone that had him feeling like he could keep going. A romance that could paralyze him to the bone and make him stay.
Now he doesn’t move much, but he doesn’t have anyone that accompanies him, perhaps with a memory, as he sits on this damn uncomfortable chair at six in the morning, downs his two shots of coffee and then, proceeds to read whatever book he finds in his beloved book collection. He wonders if the problem was him; if he couldn’t just quite make his expectations lower so someone could sit by his side.
He feels like his soulmate never came his way, either.
Minho crooks one of his slim legs over his hip, turning to look at the old man. “Paps, I am quite sure you have them. My dad can’t stop going on and on about the Jeon’s and how their eyes are the reason they got ladies on the first place—”
“Not that. Your dad’s an idiot.” Wonwoo excuses, laughing from within his belly and earning a smile from Minho, who plays with the button of his pen. “I am saying that you have a look in your eyes that I wish I had. How long have you been going out with this lady?”
“Almost three months.” Minho admits, running a hand through his dense hair. “…I mean, I’ve liked her for a bit longer, but paps, this is…like…you have to know how it is. I love this woman. I can’t imagine any other girl in my life.”
He can’t say that thought has crossed his head. It’s difficult to fathom just one person being enough for the rest of his life. He was a man of education, so it wasn’t like he was lurking for hook-ups…he just liked the science of relationships more. Why hunt when it always ended in a fall-out?
And he never really cared enough to keep going, either.
“I don’t know how that is. Maybe, that’s the goddamned problem.”
“How—? What?” Minho’s incredulous voice has him standing up, forgetting his letter to his girl to frown at Wonwoo as he points at him. “You’ve never been in love?”
“Never met anybody who could truly make me feel at ease.” Wonwoo announces, clearing his throat and rubbing at the long hairs on his chin. “…Because that’s what love is to me. I didn’t want a woman that I could go crazy with in the sheets. I needed a lady that…made me feel like I could be a better man, who pressured me to be better but still, made it seem like it was nothing. Like trying for her was just enough.”
“That’s crazy…” Minho mumbles, taking a seat next to Wonwoo. It’s horrid that he has to live in the same house as his brother’s family, just because walking gets harder by the day. “Do you believe in soulmates?”
“I do.” Wonwoo contemplates, nodding along to his words before sighing. “I believe there are people in this universe that we are just meant to find. But I never looked, you know? I stayed still. Hoped the great woman would just burst through the door and be…perfect. For her to be ready for me. For us.”
“That’s not how it works.” Minho says. “Love is action. Soulmates are action, too. You can find them, but if you never truly make an effort to develop and help grow, it’s not going anywhere.” Those words ring within him, youth bursting from his vocal cords, but nonexistent in the antiqueness of his vision. “Because destiny can only do so much. People can be perfect for each other, while being imperfect in their own ways.”
His nephew, or grandnephew, stops for a moment before smiling fully, like a vein in his chest had popped and liberated him.
“If we learn to forgive, we learn to love.” He finalizes, pressing a hand to Wonwoo’s knee and patting it. Those words settle within him; regret basking upon the old man’s figure. Of having so much and yet, having lived so little. With that, the guy raises one eyebrow in questioning. “Would you like to read what I’m writing? I want to give it to her for our four-month anniversary.”
“Technically not an anniversary.” Wonwoo adds the obvious, only to have Minho laughing.
“And right and there, paps, is why you’re still single at this age and time.” He still doesn’t listen to Wonwoo’s grumpy ways, or the grumble that he lets out. Minho sits by his side, the bubblegum pink paper making Wonwoo cackle. “So, I started it off by spraying perfume on it.”
“Of course, you did.” Wonwoo rolls his eyes.
“Oh, just so the lady never forgets me.”
“…And there goes, some of your dad’s genes popping out.”
“Paps, don’t be so grumpy.”
“Sorry, that’s what old single men are like.”
“Well, old man, let me show you what real love sounds like.”
UNIVERSE 05: we were just kids.
Bones chilled, crippling under the weight of small tremors, Wonwoo doubts this is the harshest rain the city has met. Not that he would know; he’s only been living for eight years in this wholesome world, but he knows for a fact that he could climb mountains with storms that could break the sky itself and he’d make it, just to meet his crush by the swings that near his home.
She’s his neighbor of sorts. His cousin studies with him, just one year older than him, and he ignores the kind of beauty he holds. The headbands that cling to her hair and tangle it even more. The gloss of her lips that may come from the donuts he always steals from his dad’s shelves just to give something to her. Her cheeks are rounded, like universes that he’d dare kiss if that wasn’t prohibited. Mom taught him that he shouldn’t get too close to girls, but she’s…gorgeous.
She’s a storm waiting to unravel and he notices it when her hands splay under the rain, trapped underneath one of the picnic tables, waiting for the night not to eat them alive with the power of rain water. She may be made of sugar, like the sweetness of her words when she tells him that he’s the best student in his grade, that he knows things that even her, as his senior, has no idea about. That could be why she doesn’t get under the rain, afraid of it, cling to her own knees…
“Oh!” Wonwoo says his thoughts out loud. Of freaking course! Dad always lent his jacket to Mom when the weather got a bit cold. Though, he’s not a businessman. He doesn’t have a jacket around waiting to wrap around her arms. Instead, he stretches the sleeves of his yellow sweater, placing the tips on her ears and mumbling. “You must be freezing.”
“Everywhere. Not just my ears.” She points out and thank God it has gotten late—though not really, he may hear an earful from his parents when he gets back home—. Or, they could come looking for them. For, both her family and his knew about their whereabouts. “You’ll ruin your sweater.”
“You’ll get sick.” Wonwoo points out the obvious, though he can’t help but give a toothy grin that is mostly braces. “…That could give us an excuse to come over to my place. My grandma always makes the best chicken soup. Dad says it heals the heart.”
She smiles at him, crooked, closing her eyes the slightest before returning her gaze to the sky. “I’m afraid we won’t make it home tonight. I don’t want to stay out from home.”
Then, she pauses, lowering her voice.
“I’m scared.”
He hadn’t noticed that while being under the rain with her seemed like the most romantic thing to do, it was also something that she didn’t want to do. Responsible, eager to wrap herself up in her mom’s arms as she had hot chocolate to ease the ache in her joints, that’s who she was. The stars become her north, though Wonwoo notices she’s studying the houses not too far, where the lights have started to take place one by one because of people turning them on at the dusk of dawn.
That’s the cue he needs for taking off his sweater, leaving him only in a white t-shirt with a dinosaur imprinted on it. Then, he’s placing the sweater on top of their heads.
“Wonwoo!” She screeches, covering her face with her palms. “What do you think you’re doing? You’ll get sick, too!”
“I am getting you home, that’s exactly what I’m doing!” His black hair sticks to his face, turning around with his sweater getting drenched while on top of him. He’s already out of their hideaway, nodding at her. “Get here! We need to run before we get entirely wet!”
“Jesus!” She adds, walking alongside him and wrapping an arm around his waist to keep the two of them under the sweater. Wonwoo would be lying if he said he didn’t feel his heart racing within his chest. “O—Okay. I’ll have my mom make you some hot choco in return.”
“O—Of course.” Teeth tittering, she gives him a smile when he looks down at her for a fraction of a second, running through the streets of their neighborhood, shoes ruined because of them splashing against the water-covered concrete. The tip of her nose glistens as if she had just cried, but she looks genuinely happy. “Wonwoo, you’re…the best boy I’ve ever met.”
They are only eight years old, but those words are enough to let Wonwoo know that he wants to be just as old as his parents are and cling to her hand just because he can, and because he wants to. He guides their scavenging, blushing, trembling, mumbling and tripping over his own words, perhaps even his shoelaces, because he is so young and yet, he knows this is love.
The romance his grandma always coos about in those books she reads as her dishes are finished.
The same love that his brother got scolded about just a few days prior for drawing hearts on his notebook.
The love that adults say they can’t find because they are too blind to the obvious. Only a heart that loves purely is able to hunt for romance. For, if love is viewed by a battlefield, it will only be a matter of time before the ticking bomb explodes and their territory is turned to ashes. He may not know a lot about life, or if they’ll last forever, but in his short years of living he knows he doesn’t want her anywhere but at his side, each and every afternoon, playing in that park near their neighborhood, swings with their names written in between doodles of hearts.
UNIVERSE 06: i promised i’d stay.
The first night of living with somebody should feel like the initiation of a construction work that only architects could battle with. It’s a promise of sorts; the trial and error that every relationship needs to go through, and she’s so certain about Wonwoo. Everything that he has established and shown to be in the year they have been together, but at the same time, lying next to him as the lull light of his reading lamp bathes over them, his eyes half-closing as he dives into a good read, feels like she could die at any minute.
Not because of him, but she just wants everything to go well.
It’s the fear of having people a few years from now telling her that they saw it from the get-go; that they wouldn’t work out in any way. It’s the irrational thought that pops in her head and tells her that, much like blogs and memes have emphasized, people are not to be trusted, for no one loves truly in this time and age. It’s the weight on her chest that tells her that he loves her, but she could have tried to put on something sexier instead of her usual cartoon pajamas.
She tries to fall asleep to no avail. People say that relationships no longer exist; we are just going from one person to the other, searching to be found. However, the thought of not having Wonwoo by her side and failing in this terrifies her. She is supposed to be the love of his life, the woman that he sighs about every single day and the mere reason why he has a smile on his face. She doesn’t ask for perfect, for they have had their arguments with tranquil conversations aiming to be respectful between the two, but she wants it to be him.
But what if it’s not him?
What if it’s him, but she’s not his ‘it’s her’?
Another turn on the bed.
Another tug of the sheets.
Another sigh.
Wonwoo closes his book softly, eyes closing the slightest before he turns to the side. That’s when he comes face to face with her, pulling the covers slightly over his chin before he connects his gaze to hers.
“I can hear the gears turning inside your head.” He whispers, licking his bottom lip and pressing a chaste kiss to her cheek before sighing. “What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing.” She lies through her teeth, afraid of what he may think in that moment of overthinking. Though, Wonwoo doesn’t eat it up, humming at her words.
“Are you sad?”
“Not precisely.”
“Are you angry?”
“Not precisely.” She repeats.
“Is it something I did?”
“Not precisely.” She confesses, hiding her face on his chest and feeling all the weight on her shoulders come out in a sigh. “It’s the fear of what you can do. Like leaving, stop loving me, hating me after moving in with me…wanting to go somewhere else, loving someone else—”
“That’s impossible.” Wonwoo says with a scoff, placing a hand on her face and pressing kisses to her cheeks repeatedly, each softer than the last one.
“Promise me it’s impossible.”
“I can swear.” Wonwoo announces, pulling away to kiss her lips. Her heart races and calms down at his motions at the same time; the paradoxical magic that he pulls with her. “Because I choose to love you every day, even when there are millions of people out there, and circumstances that can happen between us. I choose to go to bed every night with you because I was tired of thanking God and having to think you’re far away. I won’t hate you, because I want to make it work.” He stops for a second, rubbing at a tear that had glided down her eye. “I choose you here, now, tomorrow, forever. You’re the love of my life not because the universe put you on my road, but because I choose you.”
Sometimes, we get lost on ‘the one’. The one person that was made to perfection to fit exactly what we wanted. However, we shape the person we love within our thoughts to be the one that we wanted. It’s up to us to accept someone, or feel like they are the kind of person that we want by our sides forever. She thinks this way as she cuddles closer to his chest, intertwining their legs, imagining if it will feel as safe and beautiful as it does right now when they are eighty and he keeps reading a few chapters before going to bed.
After all, doubting Wonwoo comes in spurts that disappear when she recalls that she feels like she has known him forever. Here, in this lifetime and the many ones to come.
Maybe, in another universe, they are just as in love as they are right now.
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angelizs · 2 years
[Club activities - part 1]
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Summary: Crowley insists you join one of the school's clubs, even though your schedule is already full. Having no other choice, you oblige, on one condition: you'll attend a meeting of each club before deciding which one you'll join. As expected, shenanigans ensue.
Notes: gn!reader, humor, it's kinda long, reader is oblivious, mentions of minor injuries but in a funny way dw, I had to research about horse management and now you'll know about it too
Part: 1 (you're here!) / 2.0 / 2.5 (soon!)
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"Do I really have to do this? Isn't it enough that I already am your unnoficial errand runner, Grim's babysitter, Ramshackle's prefect and have to deal with an overblot a month on top of whatever insanity the students decide to put me through while I try to keep my grades up to not lose my scholarship?"
You really hoped he would listen to reason, after all, you already have way more than enough on your plate. As it is, he obviously didn't hear to a word you said. How unfortunate. 
"Of course it's most crucial you participate in a club! As a model educator, I must set an example for my peers. How would it look if one of my students didn't partake in such an important school activity?"
Crowley looks agravated by the mere idea. You deadpan at him. He stares back at you. Grim snoozes in the background. 
"Well, which one will it be?"
You sigh, as if the weight of the world was in your shoulders.
"...Can I see the list, at least?"
Crowley smiles, his whole demeanor changing as soon as he got what he wanted. You brace yourself for what is to come, knowing it will be a headache.
After taking a look at your options, you decide to go in one meeting of each before choosing one to join. You could just randomly pick one and be done with it, but since you're already being forced to do this, you should do something you enjoy.
The headmaster gives you a genial smile and agrees on your conditions, telling you how kind he is for doing so and how it will be great for your education. You glare at him, defeated.
Better start sooner than later, right?
Spelldrive Club (Leona, Ruggie, Epel)
Good news, you've played spelldrive before, so you're not entirely lost!
You keep that in mind as you arrive at the field. It's pretty intimidating, with most of the players being thugs from Savanaclaw that look like they could fold you in half like a twig. You scurry to Epel's side.
He's surprised you decided to participate in a meeting, but really happy as well since it's a chance to show off his manliness to you. You chat for a bit as you wait for Leona, the captain, to arrive. Ruggie eventually joins you both, cracking some joke about your unexpected attendance and having a new member on the team.
Once Leona arrives, he looks just as grumpy as usual, but his ears are perked up and he's scanning the field as if looking for something. And it seems he finds it once his eyes land on you, leading him to your little group's direction.
Crowley had the decency of telling him in advance about your test drive of the club, but Leona warns you he won't allow you to slack off just because it's your first day. You're surprised he even bothered to tell you this, as you imagined he would be as unenthusiastic as he is about his normal classes. It seems he has high expectations for you. Epel and Ruggie look startled as well, but wisely keep their mouths shut.
Everyone did light stretchs and got their brooms, ready to play. It was... intense. You already expected it from what little experience you had from the tornament, not to mention that by being magicless you had a limited range of moves you could pull, but it seemed Leona was a strict leader when it came to the sport. 
That, or he wanted to show off today for some reason. According to one of Epel's snide remarks, Leona is usually more laid back than he was being. You couldn't help but worry it had something to do with you, so you kept your head low and tried to follow the best you could, least he screamed at you as well. Besides, his complaints did sound reasonable, even if he was blunt and kind of rude about them, so it was good he was so motivated!
And he wasn't the only one. Epel was giving his all, pulling stunts left and right to get points. You were amazed by his ability, since you've never seen him play before, you had no idea he was this good! Your gaze would wander to wherever he was and you could swear you felt him staring back sometimes, though he turned his head away too fast for you to confirm it.
Even so, he wasn't safe from blundering his play eventually. After marking a point, he turned in your direction, confident that you've been watching, chest puffed out proudly. Only to be met with your panicked look as you tried to signal for him to look behind. One of the players from Savanaclaw shoved him then, almost dropping him from his broom. Luckly, Epel managed to catch himself just in time to avoid an accident, making you sigh relieved, your clammy hands readjusting their grip on your own broom, heart beating wildly on your chest. Leona screamed at both of you for being distracted, but he glared harder at Epel.
Ruggie was another one set on impressing you with his techniques, doing dangerous tricks on his broom while in midair. You knew he was very good, he was the one you went against on the first time you played, after all, but still cheered on his tricks. His cheeky smile stayed firm on his face, growing at every compliment you threw his way. His tail was wagging behind him, but you didn't have to know that.
The thing is, if he started to pay too much attention on you to gauge your reactions, he got distracted from the game going on around him. On more than one occasion he was almost throw out while dangling on his broom with only his feet, somehow managing to get his balance back everytime. Leona looked ready to burst a blood vessel when it happened, you had a feeling he was going to be extra annoying to Ruggie for the rest of the week.
All in all, you couldn't do much, so you stayed at the sidelines watching your friends play. You were sweating all over, the scorching sun shining above you. Did you remember to use sunscreen? You closed your eyes and took one arm off your broom to wipe out some sweat from your brow, distracted. You were pretty tired. The shouting went on at the background. You had the impression your friends were calling your name. As soon as you were going to turn to their direction and see what it was that they wanted, everything went black and you lost consciousness.
You woke up at the infirmary, having a feeling of deja vu. Why whenever you tried to play spelldrive something had to happen? Epel, Ruggie and Leona were by your bedside, looking worried, upset or annoyed. They explained a disk went out of course and ended up hitting you at the back of your head, causing you to pass out. 
Ruggie proudly announced he was the first one to react and caught you just in time, before you hit the ground. Epel added that he helped Ruggie bring you to the infirmary and that Leona went off on everyone at the field for not catching the damned disk. Leona just huffed and pretended to not care, but you could tell he did just from how he stayed waiting for you to wake up.
As sweet as that little moment was, you didn't want a repeat of what happened and felt spelldrive wasn't really for you. Time to check out other clubs. 
(Epel excitedly asks for you to come and watch another pratice some time. Ruggie backs him up and pulls his puppy eyes on you. Leona looks like he would like that as well but stays silent, staring at you expectantly, ears perked up. You end up agreeing, not wanting to crush their enthusiasm. It seems they really enjoyed having you over. Not sure if the rest of the team could say the same, but a glare from Leona will shut them up if they dare to bother you.)
Equestrian Club (Riddle, Silver, Sebek)
There were horses on campus!? How come you never met one before? Time to rectify that!
You couldn't remember if you ever rode a horse before or not. Well, surely everything would turn out alright, since some of the most responsible people were on this club. Surely.
Riddle was the one that greeted you and showed you around the stables. There was a huge area dedicated to them, with all the horses having their own section and a fenced space reserved for riding them. They were all very well taken care of, as Riddle made sure to tell you about some of his duties as a member of the club. He even took you to meet his horse and taught you how to pet it!
You also met Sebek and Silver tending to their horses and talked with them a bit. Sebek expressed his diligence as always, talking loudly about his passion for the sport and how he would definitly make his Lord proud of his work. Silver was less overwhelming and seemed gentler surrounded by animals like that, as he told you softly that he was glad you showed interest in their club and how he hoped you'd enjoy it.
After such a warm welcome, you had your hopes high for this club! (Especially after what happened at spelldrive pratice). It didn't involve any magic either, so you could do everything just fine. All was well, until you were assigned a horse to tend for the day.
There was only one horse available, so you didn't have much of a choice, really. It was a beautiful white horse that truly looked straight out of a fairytale, with it's elegant aura and thick mane. If only it's temper could match it's appearence. It was one of the most petulant equines you've ever seen. It took a while for it to even let you get closer without trying to bite your hand off.
Silver said it still didn't have a name and Riddle told you that since you were it's handler for the day, you should name it. You decided to name it Maximus. Sebek liked the name, loudly approving it. Maximus seemed pretty content as well, so you patted yourself on the back for scoring one point with him.
The first thing you were going to do before actually riding him was to groom him. You decided to watch how your friends did it and mimick their actions. Riddle handed you a bucket with different brushes that you had no idea what should be used for. Sebek secured Maximus for you, saying it was to make sure he wouldn't move around while you tried to take care of him. Silver helped you two get acquainted, making sure you knew basic safety instructions.
You grab a round rubber comb, watching Riddle rub circles on his horse's side with a firm hold. Starting on Maximus' left side, you hesitantly bring the comb in contact with his fur, watching as he gives you a nasty side eye. You weakly start your sweeps, careful to not hurt him or press on a tender spot. Riddle tells you to use more pressure in order to remove the dirt from his coat. You increase your strenght as he nods approvingly. Just as he's about to turn back to his own work, he sees you sliding the brush down Maximus' shoulders and to his legs, his tail swishing in warning. He manages to pull you back just in time before Maximus closes his jaw where your hand was mere moments ago. Your arm trembles and your eyes are wide as he explains which areas are sensitive and that you'd better avoid them.
After using a stiff brush that reminded you of a broom to knock out the dirt you had loosened, being extra careful on the areas Riddle mentioned, you grab a soft brush. You feel dread pool on your stomach as you watch Silver kneel down to tend to his horse's legs. You stare at Maximus, hoping he would let you do the same, but you swear his expression is one that says 'I dare you to try and see what happens'. You gulp but still get down to it, better get it done as soon as possible. The front legs go swimmingly, the back ones not so much. As you're almost getting finished you accidently press on a sore spot. Maximus loudly neighs, stamps his foot and raises his knee, causing you to fall on your behind, surprised and very much still in hitting range. You were pretty sure that was it, you were going to infirmary again with the worst concussion ever known to man. Thankfully, Silver had noticed it just in time to drag you away, holding you by your armpits like a misbehaving kitten. Your knees feel weak, so you stay on the ground with a racing heart as you watch Silver calm Maximus down.
The next step was to clean Maximus' hooves. Anyone with half a brain cell could sense it was a bad idea to leave you to it, so you stayed back while Sebek did the cleaning. He didn't to it quietly though, he made sure to shout every step so you'd learn how to do it at a later date. You couldn't even find it in yourself to be mad at his condescending tone, too grateful for him helping you out. You thank him sincerely as he pauses mid rant. He stares at you with his mouth open, as if he had short circuited. Sebek stays strangely quiet for the next few minutes, not making eye contact with you but trying to steal glances your way without you noticing. Maximus huffs and it sounds mocking, somehow. 
To finish it up, you comb Maximus' mane, untangling it carefully, finding it surprisingly relaxing and by far the best part of this whole thing. When brushing his tail, you make sure to stand by his side, not behind, to avoid almost being kicked again. You look proudly at your work as Maximus flaunts himself. Riddle, Silver and Sebek compliment your efforts, making you smile sincerely despite being pretty sure Maximus hates your guts and has cursed your entire bloodline in his mind.
Finally, the time has come. You're going to actually ride the horse now!
That is, if you manage to mount it first. 
You try to mount Maximus' by his right side, but he doesn't budge. Plus, he's too tall for you to reach properly. He stares at you. You're sure he's laughing at your misery. Silver, bless him, comes to your aid. He hands you a safety helmet and calmly checks if the saddle is well secured with the girth and all buckles are fastened. He offers you his hand and you take it, letting him guide you to Maximus' left side as he explains just how to get up. He looks very princely like this, talking almost excitedly... or, well, as excited as Silver gets. He doesn't look like he's about to fall asleep, so that must count for something, and there's a rare smile on his face. He must really like his club. And the horses seem to like him just fine as well. Way too fine, actually, since they insist in interrupting him as he talks, demanding his attention. His horse smacks it's tail on your face as it nuzzles on Silver's hand. Maximus neighs amused, that bastard.
You thank Silver and let him get to his own activities, not wanting to take more of his time. He leaves, but his smile dropped and he looked almost disappointed. You wonder what that was about. Either way, you go find a steeping stool to help you mount Maximus. Riddle goes with you, insisting in supervising everything to make sure you won't have any problems. He holds Maximus' face to make sure he will stay quiet for you to mount him like Silver taught you to. As soon as you're seated Riddle withdraws from proximity, letting Maximus have some space. However, before you get time to grip the reins, Maximus takes off, leaving you to desperately hold onto his neck as he runs around. Riddle goes after the two of you, trying to stop him while you hold your screams in. After a full minute of this, Maximus suddenly stops, making you let go of your grip on him and fall to the side. Riddle fusses over you, making sure you're not badly hurt while reprimanding the horse for the stunt he pulled. 
You do feel sore all over, but refuse to back down. You're not going to let Maximus have the last laugh. You thank Riddle for his help and let him go back to his horse, assuring him you'll be fine. He checks on you once more to make sure you're ok before going, looking behing his shoulder as if you were about to fall again. You smile reassuringly. His face turns red like his hair and he scurries away. You take Maximus back to where you left the steeping stool, determined to mount him and actually stay there this time.
Sebek notices your struggle and decides to graciously help you once more. Maximus squirms around but eventually the two of you make him stay in place while you mount him. Sebek keeps his hand on Maximus while you adjust your footing and organize the reins. Once you're ready, you nudge Maximus with your lower leg, encouraging him to start walking. Sebek insists on being close the entire time, making corrections to your position and moviments, such as keeping your back straight and looking forward. Even with his harsh soldier like tone, you begin enjoying the ride and compliment him on his ability as a teacher, stating how much of an exceptional rider he must be. Sebek blushes and starts stuttering, words getting mixed up with one another. Without his clear instructions you start having a rockier time with reining Maximus, but he manages to not blunder his words too much when telling you how to halt and to dismount your horse.
At the end of pratice you're sweaty, covered in mud and sore all over. It was fun some times, but you rather not have to worry for your life at every meeting (the overblots and dealing with your friends antics was already more than enough life threatning excitement for you). You also feel you should steer clear from the stables, just in case Maximus tries to commit his revenge on you. Time to check out other clubs.
(The boys insist you only need some more practice, that you have potential, that Maximus will warm up to you. They are very earnest when telling you they enjoyed having you over, even if they had to keep an eye on you the whole time to make sure you wouldn't get hurt. When they ask you to come by another time, you can't say no. You suppose you do owe them one for all their help. They ligthen up when you agree, so you can't bring yourself to regret it, even if you know you'll have to deal Maximus once again.)
Basketball Club (Ace, Floyd, Jamil)
Oh, this is Ace's club, right? And it's a normal non-magical sport as well. Let's give it a try!
The first person to greet you is, obviously, one of your closest friends (and cause of your daily headaches), Ace. He had bragged to you about his ability in playing basketball before, something about being the best freshmen in the team and even Riddle complimenting him on his skill. He teases you, asking if you'll be able to keep up with him, which earns him an eyeroll and a friendly punch on the shoulder.
You quickly remember who else Ace mentioned being on the team as soon as you hear a loud voice call for 'Shrimpy' and two arms squeezing the air out of you. Of course, Floyd was overenthusiastic about your participation, telling you how your presence would surely make things interesting and how this class was starting to get boring so it was good to have something new added to it. You're not sure how to react so you reply telling him you'll do your best (and praying he'd let you go before you run out of air). Floyd stares at you for a bit, taken aback from such an earnest answer, before squeezing you even harder for being so cute. Ace comes to the rescue, saving you from passing out before the class could even start.
You also find another familiar face on the team, Jamil. You thank whatever higher being that was out there looking out for you for sending a sane person to keep you company. It seems Jamil shares the sentiment, as you start a light conversation about the club that ends up being more about Jamil complaining that he had to deal with Kalim's shenanigans his entire life and the only moment he's alone he has to babysit Ace and Floyd, least they cause a disaster and the rest of the team is blamed for it. You sympathize with him, promising to do your part in the babysitting duty for the day. Jamil looks really relieved as he thanks you.
Before pratice, just like in Spelldrive, you did light stretches, competing with Ace to see who can reach their feet when bending down or who can stay longer balancing on one leg. Everyone got separated in duos to train some passes before actually playing. Scattering across the gym, each at one end of the room, you and Ace threw the ball between yourselves. He always had some cheeky comment to make about your lack of skill, which only motivated you to throw the ball harder at his direction, technique be damned. All the while you had to be careful to avoid stray shots from the others around you. Perhaps you should have brought the safety helmet from the Equestrian club.
Floyd and Jamil (he must have been dragged into this, being one of the only ones able to handle Floyd) were right next to where your duo was. They both were obviously skilled, doing tricks with the ball to show off. You were actually pretty impressed as you observed them, so much so that you miscalculated your shot and instead of sending the ball to hit Ace, it went at Floyd's direction. As Floyd was busy annoying the closest student to his side, he only noticed the ball right before it hit him, too late to stop it. 
Thankfully his skull was thick enough that not even a basketball hitting him managed to hurt, though it did leave quite an impressive red mark on his face. Ace swore and scurried away from Floyd's other side, Jamil pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, you felt your heart drop. The student that previously had Floyd's attention took the opportunity to run away, leaving the four of you in this stalemate. Even with all the activity around, you could only focus on the way Floyd raised his eyes to meet your frightened ones, an impassive expression on his face and your basketball on his hand.
Instead of a frown and the deeper tone of voice you expected (alongside the promise of pain in your future), you were met with a wide grin, sharp teeth at full display, and a high pitched giggle. You didn't know which was worse. Either way, you felt like a prey caught in it's predator radar. Floyd told you that if you wanted to play so bad, he'd be happy to play with you! Ace was planning your funeral already.
And so, what was supposed to be a simple exercise of passing the ball became an impromptu game of dodgeball in which if you were hit, instead of being out you gained a concussion and a trip to the infirmary. Somehow, Ace and Jamil got roped into it as well, the three of you running around to avoid being hit by one of the deathly bullets Floyd threw at you. After noticing it, the club leader announced they could stop for a short break before picking out the teams for a game, in the hopes it would distract the eelmer enough to make him stop.
It worked, since the prospect of 'playing another game with shrimpy' made Floyd get excited to get you on his team. You sighed in relief, a bit out of breath. You and Ace sprawled yourselves at the floor to rest, not caring about how dirty it may be, your legs needed to lay down for a while. He turned his head at your direction and said it was your fault for having such bad aim. You replied with how it was his fault for being so bad at teaching you. You have a stare down that ends in both bursting into laughter.
Jamil and some other second year were the ones choosing the teams. He smiled mischievously, the same smile he had when he was planning something. Jamil could be the calmer one between your options, but that didn't mean he wouldn't cause trouble as well. In the end, you stayed on Jamil's team while Floyd and Ace were on the other. Floyd pouted and whined about how he had wanted to play in the same team as you and Ace seemed a bit miffed (you weren't sure if it was because he ended up against you or because he was with Floyd). Jamil had a very self satisfied smile on his face as he told you which formation your team would use. He sent a smug smirk to the others when you weren't looking.
You were wondering what kind of stunt Floyd would put to get what he wanted, but once the game started he just... didn't do anything. Jamil, on the other hand, was quick to catch the ball and take it to the other side of the court, dodging Ace's attempts at stopping him, jumping high and scoring some points. You were in awe, you had no idea Jamil was this good! As he went to your side with a self-satisfied expression in face, you showered him in compliments, saying how fast he ran and how high he jumped and how he looked really cool! While the smile stayed on his face, it seemed softer, and Jamil wouldn't look you in the eyes, murmuring something that you didn't catch about this being his strategy to win by having you on his side.
As the game went on you managed to get the hang of it, actually enjoying playing! Jamil and you made a great duo and Floyd was too desmotivated to try to win, so that only left Ace as your major obstacle. He'd often try to get the ball from your hands while making some sassy remarks and engaging in light hearted banter with you. Even when you weren't with the ball he stayed close to try to block you. It came to a point when you were going to try to score a point when he appeared in front of you, close enough that you wouldn't have time to dodge him. So, of course, you had to maneuver your way out, getting close to his face as you made sure to keep his hands away from the ball. His attention was solely on you, gaze unwavering as your noses almost touched and your breaths mingled. He was frozen in place and you took your chance, jumping as high as you could and dunking the ball on the net.
Your team cheered you on, a huge smile on your lips as you turned to see Ace's reaction. He was standing at the same spot, still looking at you. You winked playfully and blew him a kiss, rubbing your victory on his face, proud of your work. He blushed and crossed his arms, saying that you cheated by distracting him. His gaze remained on the lower half of you face. Before you could reply, Jamil whisked you away, congratulating you on your shot.
It was good your team got hyped up, but alongside it so did Floyd. He suddenly felt motivated to play against you and see you try to dodge around him like you did with Ace, since it seemed like lots of fun! (Which would not happen because have you seen his height?) It's not like you had a choice in the matter, anyway, since Floyd could easily take down any member of your team and go straight at you now that he felt like playing again. The last minutes were more like a game of tag between you two, Floyd giggling as he tried to catch you. You ran around the players, trying your best to make a complicated path to confuse him. 
You were actually having some fun, seeing Jamil get the ball from Floyd's hands to help you out and Ace try to get in your way to slow you down. Still, you were not used to that much exercise, your sore body becoming your own enemy as you got more sluggish, which in turn made you get more distracted. It was thanks to that you didn't notice Floyd until he was right beside you, ready to glomp you and squeeze as he trapped you in his arms. You'd blame it on your tiredness later, but as a last effort to get away from him you turned around abruptly, supporting your weight on your heel. Since you were worn out, you got dizzy quickly, tripping over your own feet and landing on the ground.
As soon as you felt sharp pain on your ankle you knew you were screwed, a whine coming out of your throat and tears welling in your eyes. Why must something like this always happen to you? The boys crowded over you, asking if you were okay or if you could stand up or if you wanted a hug to feel better. The answer was no to all of them.
In the end, you saw yourself staring at the infirmary ceiling once more, sweaty and tired, your ankle wrapped in bandages and propped up on the bed. Maybe you should stop going to sports clubs' pratices. Ace, Jamil and Floyd stood by your side, watching you to make sure you were alright, in their own ways. You felt a strong sense of deja vu, though you were grateful for them carrying you all the way up there (even if Floyd took the opportunity to squeeze you some). You could tell for sure that basketball wasn't for you. Time to check out other clubs.
(To lift the mood, Ace cracked a joke about how terrible you were at basketball and how you still had a long way to go before reaching his level. Jamil agreed, adding that pratice makes perfect. Floyd said he had much more fun with shrimpy around to keep him entertained. It wss pretty obvious they wanted to see you there again. The three of them looked at you with hope, even if Floyd's puppy eyes didn't work nearly as well as Ruggie's and Ace's and Jamil's tsundere act didn't fool you, you couldn't say no to them. You did have some fun as well, although next time you'll try to only watch and cheer on the sidelines, no need to be on the playing field and within squeezing distance.)
Track and Field Club (Deuce, Jack)
Despite your previous conviction, you decided to give the sports clubs one last chance. As this club didn't involve a game with complicated rules nor any magic, it seemed like the best choice. Positive thinking is key!
As soon as you steped foot into the field, Deuce and Jack came to great you, visibly happy to have you there! (They won't admit it to you, but they were a bit jealous that you had went to your other first year friends' clubs but not to theirs yet. They were determined to impress you.)
You tell them you're a little worried you won't be able to keep up with their pace, since Deuce has won prizes for his speed and Jack goes on morning jogs everyday. They reassure you that it's no problem, they'll help you the best they can!
The other members don't mind you much, letting your friends monopolize your attention. Jack asks if you've eaten and how has your diet been, you'll need some energy to run! Deuce asks if your uniform is comfortable and if the shoes fit in the right way, it's important to be able to move freely! They are very respectful and answer any question you might have patiently, which makes you feel welcomed. Maybe this time it won't be so bad!
To start pratice, the club leader tells all the members to run some laps. You notice you're pretty behind everyone else, but you're trying to not use all your energy at the warm up, so you don't mind. You take the chance to observe your friends running ahead of you, how the sun reflects on their skin, their shoulders going up and down, every step helping them gain speed. They looked really cool. This fills you with determination, promising to yourself to give it your best in this club.
After taking a break to drink water and stretching your muscles, you start the dynamics. It was a bit funny since you did them by basically moving in circles and changing the way you walk. Still, they were easier to accompany everyone than the laps. So far, so good!
Things start going downhill once you had to do the jumps. Everyone lined up, you staying at the last place, Jack and Deuce right in front of you. They explain that you should sprint, jump at the wooden board and land on the sand pit. Seems easy enough! 
It's not. On Jack's turn, he makes it looks effortless, even with his bigger built he manages to land with grace. You clap for him and he pretends to not notice, but his tail is wagging. On Deuce's, he catches speed quickly and jumps high, landing on his feet and turning to look at you. You cheer for him, a big smile in face as he rubs the back of his neck and thanks you with red cheeks. 
You try to copy their moviments, sprinting with a concentrated look on your face, focused on your destination. Unfortunately, you should have looked at the ground as well, since when it was time to jump you were just a tad too slow and tripped on the wooden plank, falling on the sand pit. You try again, this time focusing on where you're putting your feet, not missing the plank! However, you jump with too much force and doesn't land right, bouncing off the ground again before falling on your knees. You try one more time, jumping at the right place and not putting to much force. This time, though, your feet are not positioned the right way and you loose the strenght to support your weight, eating sand once more. You're going to blame this one on your recently sprained ankle and call it a day. (Thanks Floyd!)
After getting no luck on the long jump (and leaving with your hair full of sand), Jack and Deuce make sure you're ok. You reassure them that yes, your ankle is fine (for now), no, you didn't swallow sand (at least you're pretty sure you didn't) and yes, of course you want to keep going, it's going to take more than just that to deter you (you're a bit used to defeats). Finally, you start to train for the high jump. Especifically the landing, since if you fall the wrong way you could get seriously hurt. Please make sure you land right! Jack and Deuce will be watching closely, ready to help.
Everyone gets separated to go to different mats, some of the older students going straight to the jump. Your friends follow you, Deuce has a fist up as he talks excitedly about his progress on this jump. Jack listens by the side, nodding to some things or adding a comment on how he didn't jump quite that high, but it was an improvement anyway. They are like your personal coaches, instructing you to start by doing rollouts, than jumping and doing a rollout, then jumping higher and doing a rollout.
Once the basics are covered they join you, taking turns at running and flopping on their backs. It's fun, the way your body bounces of the mat and watching Jack and Deuce compete on who can flop harder. They add the bungee, which makes things more complicated since you had to reach a certain heigh to not get stuck on it, but it was a nice challenge. You did lose your shoe due to your feet getting caught in the bungee on the first try, though.
You were enjoying it, laughing along your friends! Until they added the bar. The bar changed everything. The height was a bit higher than it was with the bungee and it was nowhere near as soft. You watched, in awe, as Jack and Deuce flew just over lt and landed on a rollout. You were sure you'd get it too, after all, you did great on the other steps! You ran, turned around and used as much impulse as you could to jump. Instead of the soft embrace of the training mat, you were met with the metalic and hard feeling of the bar digging on your back as you landed right above it. Not even the mat could soften the blow, making you cry out, both in surprise and in pain. The sting was enough to have you wondering if you ever wanted to try this again in your life, the pain was not worth it.
Deuce was by your side instantly, bending down, asking if your back was ok and offering his hand to help you get up. Your hand clasps his, the force he used making your faces come very close to each other, noses touching, your breathless and flushed face right in front of his worried blue eyes. Said eyes widen as his face takes a red tone, he stutters apologies while backing away, hands covering his cheeks. Jack, who you hadn't notice coming close behind you, puts his hand on your shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly. He says you went well for a begginer and tells you how Deuce did the same thing on his first try. You giggle, putting one of your hands above his to show your appreciation. He quickly drops it and crosses his arms, saying the three of you better get going to the next exercise, eyes avoiding yours and conveniently looking at where the others on the field were gathering together.
There were obstacles scattered across the field, some closer than others. Deuce puffs out his chest and says it's time for the hurdle hops and that he'll show to you how it's done. You watch intently as he sprints and jumps at all the right times, not losing speed despite the things in his way. Jack follows him, a stoic look as he calculates just the right time to jump and cross every obstacle. It reminded you of when you'd watch race competitions back at home, how the runners looked as they crossed the finish line.
Filled with nostalgia, you try to replicate your memory, basing yourself on your friends' perfomances. You run and jump successfully on the first hurdle, feeling as if you're really improving! Though not for too long, since on the second hurdle you don't manage to jump high enough and just end up kicking it and falling on your butt. Oh well, you lasted longer than expected.
You refuse to back down, getting up and dusting yourself, ready to try again. Deuce and Jack support your enthusiasm, hyping you up on every try. It's a bit embarrassing to have them watching and commenting like this, but you feel warmth spreading through your chest and a smile blooming on your face. It's good to know people trust your ability to improve and do better, and you're not about to let them down!
There's one time you trip when you're near the hurdle and end up slipping under it. Another time you jump too close to it and almost full body slam it, falling on top of it. Your feet catches onto the edge of one of the hurdles and makes you fall. You end up knocking over one hurdle, keep running and then falling due to your lost momentum and equilibrium. You stay on the ground, defeated, your body screaming at you after so many falls. It wouldn't be so bad to give up, right? You really did try.
Deuce and Jack carry you to a bench and take care of you, Deuce handing you some water while Jack cleans the scratches you got from meeting the floor so much. They don't rub it in your face about your defeat (like a certain red haired first year would) and try to encourage you to keep trying. (They were pretty worried when you didn't get up though. They wanted to be one of the clubs that didn't make up you end on the infirmary.)
To end pratice, everyone would do a long run. The boys tell you can skip it, since you are already very tired, not used to this much exercising, chest heaving up and down and breath coming as short puffs of air. Jack says it'll do you no good to overwork your body and end up collapsing, Deuce backing him up. Still, you're stubborn, and you already did everything, you might as well go until the end. So you tell them you'll be just fine and agree to the run.
You keep Jack's words in mind, making sure to not overexerte it. Instead of holding a full on sprint you settle on a lighter jog, making sure your breaths are somewhat regulated. This makes you stay very behind the others but you don't mind, everyone has their own pace after all. Deuce and Jack were close to you, since they had very obviously slowed down significantly to keep you company, and you greatly appreciated that, flashing them a smile. Deuce offers a thumbs up and Jack nods his head.
There is a part where you trip and almost fall, but thankfully Deuce catches your arm and manages to keep you upright while still in movement. Though you two get extremely close again, your foreheads even knock on each other's. Deuce gets red faced again, instead of fumbling with his words he fumbles with his feet, tripping and taking you with him as his grip tightens on your arm.
Jack comes to the rescue and stays in the middle, still running prefectly even after having used so much energy during pratice. Guess the daily jogs do work. You look at his back muscles contracting, his shoulders moving, his tail helping him keep equilibrium, feet touchig the ground for a moment before they're gone. He seems to notice the eyes on his back as he looks over his shoulder, head tilting in confusion in such an endearing way you can't help but tell him what you were thinkin, about how cool he looks and how he must have trained so much for this! He looks taken a bit aback, ears twitching and tail wagging. So much so, in fact, that due to your closeness and his thick fur, it hits you, and due to your tiredness and the position it hits, you end up falling once again. You're not even mad, honestly. It was the nicest fall you've had so far.
Congrats, you manage to finish the run! Although you're drenched in sweat, hair sticking to your forehead and throat dry, you did it! But Deuce and Jack won't look you in the eye and keep blushing for some reason, you start to wonder if they're down with a fever at this point. Anyways, as soon as the run is over you throw youself (gently) on the ground, taking large gulps of air and spreading and stretching your limbs. 
All in all it was pretty fun, even if you did get some scratches and lost whatever little dignity you still had. But you found yourself all sweaty and sore again, not to mention that you didn't think that track was for you. You plan to check other non sport related clubs later, but first, you deserve a break.
(Jack's tail keeps wagging and Deuce's smile is glued to his face. They mentally high five each other for a job well done. They had made you feel welcomed! And you enjoyed yourself! Such a shame you're not entering the club yet... remember to not fall out ot pratice in order to build stamina. Jack can help you with that, going on jogs with you! And you were so good at the high jump, not to mention you were almost getting the hang of the hurdle hops, so maybe next time you try will be the time you make it! Deuce can help you if you need! It's very clear what they wanted, and since they did do their best it feels right to give them a little reward, so of course you agree to come to another pratice eventually. Their smiles give you the force to strengthen your resolve, as you bid goodbye to any possible dignity you had left.)
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caffeinemachine · 10 months
Life Jacket - Chapter 1
Conrad Fisher x Eldest Conklin Sibling Reader
I just wrote this so quickly cause it was sitting in my head and it had to get out. Go read this post for an idea of what this series will be! I'm very excited about it!
Here's Part One!!!
Word Count; 1.2K
Cousins. Lots of mixed emotions came with going to Cousins. I loved it I really did, but I wasn’t blessed with the privilege of experiencing the blissful, worry-free love like my sister. Things still followed me to Cousins, responsibilities. And I always was stuck wishing they didn’t.
My siblings got to go swimming whenever they wanted, I had to swim once a day to “keep up with it” in my parents' words, mainly my Dad. I know they don't mean it. That in their hearts they do it out of love. Cause I do love swimming, I really do, but sometimes I wish reality could go on pause so I could live freely for a little while. With no concerns, or right way or wrong way, just me doing as I please. Without my Dad here the past two summers it helped. He’s harder on me than Mom. I grew up to realize it was just cause he didn’t really know how to be a parent. Does anyone really?  But his way of showing me love as a parent was by promising my success and ensuring my future. Well, I got recruited to Harvard's swim program with a scholarship so I guess his way of love kind of worked.
Despite everything, Cousins meant I got to see them. Susannah, Jeremiah, and him. Conrad. He was what stirred my emotions about Cousins the most. I’d had a crush on him for as long as I could remember. But I couldn’t tell him. I couldn’t jeopardize our families like that.  I didn’t have time for boys. I had tried to date here and there, but everyone got bored, or mad that I “didn’t have enough time for them”. I couldn’t even get upset because they were right. I didn’t have time for them like normal high school girls did. I couldn’t hang out after school, I had swim practice and very few high school boys wanted to hang out just to do homework together once I got home if you know what I mean. I couldn't afford to be distracted, so I let them all go. I couldn’t do that to Conrad, put him in that situation. I also think I couldn’t do it to myself. The other boys didn’t matter, but him? Losing him would crush me so hard that I don’t think I would recover.
I drove to Cousins with Steven in my car.  I had saved up all summer and bought my trusty Volkswagen Passat last Fall. That was another pro about Cousins, the money. I've worked as a lifeguard at the club since I was 15, and I also did swim lessons there as well as private lessons. Those people will pay real well to have an all-star swimmer teach their three-year-old how to float I’ll tell ya.
“So you excited to work this summer?” I asked Steven. He got a job at the pool snack stand at the club and I had helped Jeremiah get a position as a lifeguard.
“Yeah, I guess, I’m excited to make big bucks like you have been all these summers.” He smiled at me making me instantly light up. Steven just had a natural energy to him that brightened people's moods. 
We jammed out to music for the rest of the drive and before I knew it we were pulling in the driveway. I noticed my mom's car wasn’t here yet. Knowing her and Belly, they probably stopped for snacks. Man, this house. I dreamed about this house. It was absolutely beautiful. I honked, our signal to them we had arrived. 
Jeremiah was the first one to run out to see us, but Susannah was not far behind. Conrad was nowhere to be seen, odd. I didn't have time to think about it though as Jere scooped me up in a big hug and spun me around. I noticed then how much he had grown since last summer. He probably started working out and he definitely grew a couple of inches. As we said hello he had a huge smile on his face, he usually did Jere was always a golden retriever in human form. 
Then Susannah came up to me. when Susannah hugged me it was like life went on pause, the way I always wanted it to. In her arms I was safe, in her arms I was still just her baby, the first born girl. 
“ Wow Y/N look at you, my precious girl, you've bloomed," Susannah said to me as she held the sides of my face. I never doubted a word Susannah said, the way she said things made me believe them. Susannah never said it and neither did I, but we were each other's favorites. She always spoiled me, she always was my number one fan. Susannah had a level of enthusiasm to her that most people didn't have. It probably wasn't fair for me to call her my favorite. She got to love me like a mother and spoil me like the fun aunt, and she never had to give me any of the negatives. So yes it probably wasn't fair for her to be my favorite, which is why I only ever told her private.
We all walked back inside, Susannah and Jere helping Steven and me carry in our bags. Still no Conrad. I dropped my bags on the floor as I scanned my eyes around my room. Nothing out of place, everything was as I left it. I really do love this room. It was bigger than my one back home, it even had a small walk-in closet.  Conrad and I had the biggest rooms, we were the oldest so we got the first pick of rooms. 
I'm mindlessly unpacked for a while before hearing the same signal I had done myself just a bit earlier, Mom and Belly were here. I didn't rush down after all, I had seen them just a few hours ago. I thought it was okay to let them have their own proper reunion with the Fishers. So I finished putting the rest of my clothes in my drawers before I went downstairs. However, when I open my bedroom door, I open it to find Conrad with his hand in mid-air as if he were about to knock. 
“Whoa- oh, hi,” I said somewhat skeptically, he had just appeared out of nowhere, where had he been when I would got here? He cleared his throat, shuffling his feet somewhat awkwardly as he put his arm down from its spot in the air and clasped his hands behind his back.
“Hey, um I was uh coming to say hello!  I was down at the beach surfing all morning, I didn't even realize you were here until your mom pulled up and you weren't with her.” He seemed nervous for some reason, I wasn't sure why.
“Don't worry about it, was the surf any good?” 
He smiled at me then, “ Yeah it was so good, I lost track of time.” I smile back at him, I had missed him. 
“Glad to know you missed my entrance for something worthwhile.” He laughed, me along with him before his face went back to being relaxed. He stared at me in silence for a few moments before suddenly, before I could even realize what was happening, Conrad had his arms around me. Conrad was hugging me. It was nice, but odd. Conrad wasn't the most affectionate person and this was very out of the blue.
“I'm happy you're here Y/N.” He whispered, slightly muffled by my hair. We backed away as I said,
“Me too.”  The silence stretched a moment too long for my level of comfort. He was too intoxicating, his gaze on me was all consuming, I had to get out of there. “I'm going to go say hi to my mom and my sister.” I rushed out, going past him down the stairs before he even replied.
This summer was already off to an interesting start.
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jd07201990 · 5 months
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The next time you’re at a Grecian Resort, enjoying the food, the pool, and the breeze from the ocean, be sure not to insult a God, hiding in plain sight as a gym Trainer; Unless you want to be, “Blessed” with Herculean strength, and everything the movie didn’t mention comes with that! I wasn’t an athlete at all. This was supposed to be a vacation before college, where I was majoring in Physics. Then, one afternoon while I was passing by the Resort’s gym, I saw a hoard of sweating, grunting behemoths, lifting, running, and posing, while a beast of a man with Silver-Blonde hair and a thick beard, pushed them hard. I snorted, remembering the meatheads at school who’d gotten free-ride scholarships for sports, while I’d worked hard to keep my GPA flawless. The man locked eyes with me, glared, and suddenly I found myself walking toward him, my feet doing the work as I struggled to try to stop. This is why I should have kept my mouth shut. But when he made me explain why I thought Athletics wasn’t important, I decided to be snide, insulting anyone wasting time with sports and weights. Then, emboldened by his relative silence, his arms crossing over his titanic chest, I went in for him as well, his age mostly, but also that he worked as a trainer at a Resort, not something to brag about. Well, turns out that was Zeus, this is his resort, and every one of those beefed up, thick-built lumbering brutes currently filling the gym with a humid funk, were snotty rich boys who’d been stuck here for weeks, as the Zeus forced them to grow. I was then pushed onto a bench, and began helplessly lifting, as Zeus pushed me through the first workout of my life, and many, many more. I was there 3 months and did nothing but eat, sleep, workout, and sometimes we were allowed to talk with the others. Over that time, with the help of a cursed metabolism, I had to stuff myself at every meal, often snacking in between. We were all like this, constantly shoving food into our mouths to fuel the endless bulk. The whole place seemed to ring out with grunting, groaning, the sound of protein shakes being chugged, and helpless belching, as our bodies burned the calories into pounds. We had no choice, and Zeus only made it worse when you complained. By the time my vacation was finished, I was 6’, 205lbs of thick, padded bulk. Just a pile of muscle, lumbering around on huge, sweaty size 14s. Everything about me had gotten big. Even my hair grew, wild and curly, although it was also more often than not, plastered to my forehead as I grunted out another 50 reps. No matter how much I showered, there was always the lingering scent of testosterone pouring from under my arms. My pecs were Zeus’s pride, and he finally let me go when he said I’d gotten far too big to ever hide the muscle and warned me that I’d never lose the bulk, that I’d always be starving for food, and would get fat if I didn’t work out. That’s how I started college as a Big, sweaty Physics Major, with a skinny little roommate who complains about my mountain of dirty laundry, my sweaty shoes, and has no idea there’s nothing I can do about it! I can’t fight it, I eat, I sleep, I work out, and sometimes I even get to study, when I’m not getting crumbs all over my textbooks.
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happypotato48 · 16 days
Wandee Goodday EP 3 Unhinged Tangants Thoughts
Another week, another naughty fun time with our beautiful doctor x boxer BL. accompanying my unhinged thoughts this week is this random musical number that popped up in my head while i was watching this ep.
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I would burn down the world for you Yak!
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Renaissance painting ass shit right here. also we know they're gay for each other can we tone down the purple now.
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One Eyebrows a day keeps the heteros aways.
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I love this unconventional family so much your honor. anyways, Buddy!
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Yes! calls out those bitches whoes watched too much romantic movies/shows. it's me i'm bitches 😔
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She seems nice.... Ugh i can't even hate her god damn it show! anyways hope this show would not put her through too much shits with paring her with Ai Phi Ter and all.
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That's how you do seduction Dee take some god dang notes!
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That eyes. these brothers and their forking beautiful soulful eyes. these ones feels like a gentle breeze in mid summer day before the rain fall. god damn these men making me be poetic and junk, ahhh. also here Yei tease Cher by calling him ซ้อ "Zor" which mean sister in law in teochew. it's commonly use now a days as a way to refer to a wife of a establishment owner.
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Finally he dressed like what he is on inside.
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Did i just turn on grey's anatomy by mistake?? joke aside i liked that they flesh out more of Dee motivations for the scholarship so it not just him being a petty bitch.
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Look at you two, being supportive fuck buddies and whatnot. aah a good and supportive dick. BL is indeed a fantasy.
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Is nobody in this dang hospital have works to do lol.
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Yeah i understand Yak here completely. cause like Boxing and Football are like two of the most sacred places for them straight men in thailand. it probably scarier to be out in these fields than a lot of other careers.
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อีดีนี่ จะตอแหลก็หัดให้เนียนหน่อย.
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Side boobs! ok slut, i know what's you're up to.
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Yak you know making that face is not going to stop Dee.
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I stan this unashamed whorish behavior.
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Oh, Dee is indeed come from school of grey's anatomy tragic doctor backstory.
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He got me. all of its.
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You dorks i love you two so much.
Holy shit this ep was great. i know that Dee gone a bit too far in this ep, but i can't be mad at him cause he said it himself early in the ep that he doesn't like to lose and he admited that its not a part of him that he think highly of. and after so many loses relentlessly pursuing Yak was probably the only thing he felt he in control with. and at the end he stopped and realized that its his own problems and it's not fair to drag Yak into it. what he did was not good but it's very human and it make me like him more as a character, flaws and all.
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selfishdoll · 8 months
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⭒ ݁ . ໒꒱ Can I be with you just one night? I could wear you out inside | I could tell you like persistence, but I make you cum in tri's
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DEAL ! ft. martial artist! kashimo hajime
SUMMARY. being saddled with tutoring the stubborn martial artist was bad enough, him learning you had the hots for him was even worse. but of course, you decide to use this to your advantage. and he is more then happy to partake in your little game. ━━ ★
CW. ooc kashimo, modern au (you two are college students, same age), reader with glasses (self indulgent asf), porn w/o plot, slight degradation, praise kink, lowkey soft dom kashimo, pet names (sweet girl, princess, baby, good bye, etc), kashimo & reader teasing each other, unprotected sex, bets, creampies, frenemies(?) to lovers, reader is black (obviously), multiple orgasms, etc. ━━ ★
NOTE. i got this idea randomly & it’s been a while since i’ve written for my man so here we are. unedited, please excuse typos & grammar mistakes. ━━ ★
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Being the smart kid had as many disadvantages as it did perks. People flocked to you, not for friendship; but rather to feed off you. Using you to get good grades, notes, and then discarding you later. It hurt you at first, but now, you couldn’t care less. Now that you were an adult in college you gained a shiny spine, immediately saying no when someone approached you for help. You didn’t care if you came off as bitchy or stuck up, you refused to put your school career in jeopardy just for a bunch of strangers.
Which left you with a small group of friends, but hey— big groups didn’t work out anyway.
You carried this thought process all the way to junior year, your teachers used to it by now. No amount of begging from them or a student’s behalf changed your mind. Until, your beloved biology teacher reached out to you.
See, you took the class around your sophomore year of college, and the two of you clicked instantly. Something about being one of the few other black woman among the faculty and student body really drew you close together. If she asked for something, you were more than happy to oblige. Which, she knew all too well.
So when she called you into her classroom one day you weren’t surprised— until you noticed the tall, cyan colored hair man standing infront of her desk. The moment you stepped in she was all smiles, buttering you up before delivering the punch line:
“Could you tutor Kashimo Hajime please?” Her tone was soft, wavering on desperate. She watched as the annoyance covered your features, her scrambling a bit. “One more bad grade and he loses his scholarship. You know I wouldn’t normally ask this of you, but he’s a good student— I swear.”
“If he was so good, he wouldn’t be failing.” You murmured under your breath, eyes darting to the side to spot the man already staring at you. A grin in place. You wouldn’t find anything funny about this situation if you were him, but again— you weren’t and never would be. “Come on, Ms. Wells; you know I can’t stand tutoring people. Besides, I took this class last year.”
“And you were my best student.” She mused, buttering you up once more. A soft sigh escaped the older woman, leaning against her desk. “Look. Do this for me and I’ll write you the best damn recommendation letter you’ve ever seen. Okay?”
You thought it over, wondering if you really wanted to subject yourself to a whole week and a half of tutoring for someone who probably couldn’t care less. But, you really wanted that letter and you had to admit you had a soft spot for your previous teacher. So with a reluctant sigh you nodded, turning to face Kashimo who did the same.
“But if you still fail, it will not be my fault.”
“Of course.” He spoke cooly, smiling down at you.
You wondered if Ms. Wells was lying. If she was held at gunpoint to say he was a good student. He was far from it. Not only was he stubborn, Kashimo got disinterested in the material quickly; moving on to scrolling on his phone or attempting to watch something on your television. Even hitting on you, which you shut down— with minor hesitation. You couldn’t blame yourself, as annoying as he was; he was easy on the eyes and ears.
Today was Wednesday, meaning Kashimo only had four days until the test. And by the looks of it, he wouldn’t be passing it. The man wasn’t stupid, he just didn’t want to sit still and do the work. He was far too rambunctious.
You snatched the phone out of his hand for about the third time that day, placing it on the desk behind you. “You’re wasting mine and your time, Kashimo. Could you please focus on the studying?” You grumbled, adjusting your black rimmed glasses on your face. Kashimo leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. “If that’s the case just kick me out, you have no obligation to tutor me.”
“Ms. Wells asked me to.” You spoke, breathing softly and slowly blinking. You then turned to the sheet on your desk, scribbling something on the page. “Plus it’s called human decency and empathy, I want to help you.”
“That or you want to fuck me.”
You released a choked scoff, eyes wide as your eyebrows rose. You whipped around to face him, Kashimo sporting a cocky grin. “Really? You really think so?”
“I know so.” Kashimo shrugged as if it was obvious, leaning forward and resting his elbows onto his thighs; heavy, hot gaze trailing up and down your body. Satisfaction gleamed in his eyes, pressing his chin into a palm. “Because.. I’m able to tell when someone wants to fight or fuck me.”
“Oh, those are the only two options?”
“The only ones that matter.” He responded quickly, grinning at the way your pressed your lips together. You didn’t expect to be found out, seeing as you tried to be discreet with the glances you took at his strong arms and his crotch whenever he wore those damned grey sweatpants. You breathed softly, eyes darting elsewhere as you grabbed the middle of your glasses, rubbing the space between your eyes. “Mkay.. maybe you’re right; maybe I allowed my eyes to linger for far too long—“ Your breath hitched as you felt his hand fall to the bottom of your chair, pulling you closer while the other gently grabbed your calf. Before it could travel up you rose your leg, pressing it against his stomach.
“— But, the two aren’t mutually exclusive; I still want you to pass.” You spoke slowly, ignoring the way his fingers slowly caressed your leg. Kashimo chuckled softly to himself, leaning back in his chair and allowing your foot to slide down his body into his lap. “Okay.. how about we make a deal?”
“I’m listening..”
“You tutor me as hard as you like and if I pass— well..” The man dragged on, using a hand to cover the little smirk pulling his lips. You got the gist however, sucking in a small breath as you slowly nodded. You scooted a bit closer, “But that means, you have to get an A.”
Kashimo blinked at your words, eyes snapping back to your face with a bewildered expression. It was your turn to grin, reaching over his shoulder to curl a piece of his hair between your fingers. “I can tutor you as hard as I like, remember? Get an A, and you’ll get a reward. Deal?” You tilted your head, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
Kashimo licked his lips a bit, mimicking your smile. “Deal.”
“Good boy. Now get the hell out of my dorm so I can get some sleep.
Much to surprise, Kashimo’s entire attitude seemed to change over night. He was listening to each piece of material you threw at him, getting a few questions wrong but paying attention otherwise. It made you a little warm inside, and happy he was actually listening. Even if it was just to get in your pants which you— truly didn’t mind. The feeling was mutual after all.
Sunday night the night before the test, you offered him a break which Kashimo refused, stating he’ll be fine to take it in the morning. You got a little worried especially from how early her class was so you offered him to sleep in your dorm. Much to his, and your own surprise.
“Oh, don’t break your part of the deal now..”
“Don’t be gross, like I said— human decency.”
That night was a little awkward, having another person in your room on the floor— especially someone you were pinning for. You desperately tried to sleep the thought away, turning over to lay on your stomach and cuddling your pillow. Which helped, seeing as you drifted moments later, waking up when you heard movement in your room.
“Yeah. Class starts in about twenty minutes.” Kashimo called to you in the darkness. You soon felt him near your bed, giving you the opportunity to gently caress his arm. “Good luck on the test.”
“Mhm.” You shivered as his warm hand suddenly brushed your bare shoulder, leaning close to your face. “Get some rest.. you’ll need it.” Your eyes went wide at his words, slowly sitting up to watch him exit your dorm.
Well, now you couldn’t go back to sleep.
You got up shortly after the man left, taking a shower and throwing on some jeans and a shirt while heading to your own classes. Kashimo was pushed to the back of your mind, giving it may take Ms. Wells a day or so to get through grading all the papers. And while you hate to admit it, as much as you wanted to be wrong— he probably still failed. A harsh thought, but it was probably true.
Your classes ended as normal, already back in your dorm by about four in the afternoon. You stripped yourself of your outside clothes, pulling on some random juicy couture shorts and a tank top. You laid across your bed, switching to a random show; flipping between watching and glancing at your phone. You had sent the man a text message around the time his class should have ended and to your dismay, he didn’t answer. Even if he couldn’t get the grade tonight, you wanted to at least gauge how he felt about it.
Pursing your lips, you turned off your phone and pushed it to the corner of your bed, laying your cheek against your pillow. Your eyes remained glued to the television for about several hours, eyes blinking as you wondered whether to turn in for the night or not. That thought left the minute you heard knocking on your door however.
You flipped your phone, glaring at the time which read 9:30 p.m. You grumbled softly in annoyance, rising from your bed and sliding off it. Waltzing over to the door, you opened it to reveal Kashimo Hajime standing in all his glory. A large grin on his face. Your heart dropped to your stomach, watching him raise his hand to showcase the piece of paper he was holding. You silently took it, flipping it around to glance it over and spotting the big fat 100% glaring back at you.
“Oh..” Kashimo mocked you softly, pushing into the room. He watched with interest as you backed away, eyes remaining on you as he closed and locked the door behind him. He reached over, grabbing your wrist with one hand and your cheeks with the other. “Looks like I get my reward.” The words came out whispered, leaning down and planting his lips on your own. Your eyes shut instantly, his test dropping to the floor as your hands rose to his hair. Your fingers curled in the cyan-colored tresses, moaning softly as his gently bit your bottom lip to shove his tongue into your mouth. The two appendages played and curled with each other, whilst his hands fell to your ass, gripping the warm flesh for a moment before lifting you easily— pushing forward to place you onto the bed.
Kashimo pulled back, a string of saliva connecting the two of you. “Bet you were thinking of this all day.. waiting for me to come and fuck you.” He spoke on bated breath, hand sliding up your body to gently grab your throat. The man chuckled softly as you shook your head, using his other hand to pull your glasses off your face delicately, turning to place it off to the side. “You’re a shitty liar, [Name].” Hajime pushed you further up on the bed, hovering over your body as he attached his lips back to your own. A hand was pressed beside your head while the other flicked down the top of your loose tank top, exposing your breasts to him.
He trailed his kisses down from your face to your throat and finally breasts, using a hand to squeeze one while his mouth wrapped around the other nipple. You gasped softly as the pleasure swirled within you, head leaning back against the back as your hips rose. Kashimo grinned against your chest, pushing a knee up between your thighs, chuckling at the way you instantly began to grind against it. His teeth gently raked your sensitive skin, sucking and licking the bud raw to hear you shudder and moan. Kashimo pressed his leg up harsher, slowly rolling his knee, feeling your wetness seep through your thin shorts and slowly dampen his pants. The man pulled back, rolling your nipple between his fingers.
“Oh, you’re already so wet and I’ve barely touched you. Needy little thing, aren’t you?”
“Hajime.. stop teasin’ me.”
The martial artist hummed to himself, gently pinching the raw bud to watch you gasp. “I’ll do what I want. Better yet, I could leave you here yearning for my touch— possibly get my reward at a later date.” The moment he pulled his leg away you were whining, reaching to grab at his shirt. Hajime grinned down at you, leaning close and allowing his leg to press against your center once again. “Then lay here and take what I give you like a good girl.”
Sucking kisses into your dark mocha skin, your hips as you ground against his muscular leg, feeling him flex the appendage every once in a while. It felt far too good to simply just be dry humping, your head leaning back as your clutched his shirt in your hands. You gasped out as he bit your neck, sucking harshly— the action enough to push you over the edge. A whine escaped you as you came, ruining your panties and shorts completely.
Hajime pulled back with a grin, resting on his hutches and pushing your thighs. “Still can’t believe you got off just from my thigh…” The man teased softly, hooking his fingers on your shorts and panties, dragging them down your body. Before he could do anything else you were pushing your legs together, causing his heated gaze to snap to your face.
“Take your shirt off.” You spoke, watching the man tilt his head with a little grin. He leaned over you once again, caressing your exposed stomach slowly.
“You want it off, take it off yourself.”
You gently bit your lip but obeyed, reaching over and slowly pulling his shirt up and off his body; warmth flooding you as you glanced over his form. He certainly had the build of a martial artist, sculpted but not disgustingly so— just right. Your hand smoothed down his toned stomach, feeling it contract when you got closer to the waistband of his pants. Your breath hitched a little when he grasped your wrist, eyes snapping back to his face.
“Focus up here, sweetheart.” Hajime spoke, releasing your hand to slowly descend down your body. Your eyes widened, watching as pushed your legs wider, revealing the prize between them. You shifted under his gaze, gripping your shirt and yelping the moment he pinched the inside of your thigh. “Quit movin’.” The man spoke, leaning down. He used to fingers to slide your slick folds, pressing a kiss against your swollen clit. The foreign feeling caused you to twitch, hand falling to the bed and gasping the moment you felt his tongue glide across you.
“Relax, princess. Just relax for me..” He murmured against you, gently taking your clit into your mouth. He began to suck, throwing a hand across your hips to keep them against the bed. Your legs widened, mouth hung open as soft moans escaped you. You gripped your sheets the moment you felt two fingers slowly push inside you, scissoring and thrusting into your soft entrance.
Your moans grew louder, hands falling to his hair and gripping; looking for leverage. The pleasure took over your senses, eyes pinched close as you struggled against his heavy arm, pushing your pussy into his face more. His tongue was wicked, circling your swollen bud, dragging up and down your slit, lathering you in saliva. Kashimo’s fingers weren’t any better, trusting into you, pushing against your spongy walls and reaching deeper then your own fingers could.
Soft smacks and groans escaped from between your legs, moans now pitching as your toes curled from the pleasure. You panted, walls clenching around his fingers as your peak grew closer and closer. The man seemed to notice, withdrawing his fingers from you and pulling away from your clit. You nearly whined if it wasn’t for his warm, thick appendage driving into you; hand moving to allow his thumb to circle your bud.
“Ha—haji.. Mmm—!” Little tears treated to spill from your eyes, palms hurting from your tightly you were gripping his hair. The martial artist tongue fucked you relentlessly, the pace of his thumb quickening. Moments passed before your back rose up off the bed, making a mess all over his face and under you, arousal trailing down to your taint.
Your body shook, panting heavily as you felt him remove himself from between your legs. Through your hazy vision you watched him lean over your body, warming as his hands cradled your throat and skull; leaning down to plant your lips together. You held onto his arm, eyes closed as your returned the kiss, delving on your taste from his mouth.
“So good, princess.. so good for me.” Kashimo breathed against your lips, planting a few more kisses against your bruised lips, pulling back to glance at you. He grinned to himself, enamored by the display before him. Your edges a mess, braids sprawled out around your head while your chest rose and fall heavily, lips slick with his salvia and your mess; pouted and used. Hajime’s thumb caressed your throat, curling his fingers between the parts of your hair. “You want more, sweet girl?”
The moment you nodded the man’s grin was falling, gently clenching his fingers around your neck. “Words. Use your words.”
Your body went hot, eyes trailing away from his features. “Haji..” Your cunt clenched the minute his hold on your neck tightened just a bit, urging your eyes back to his face. “I asked for words, not my name.” The man leaned down, forehead pressed against your own. “Unless you want me to leave you here, a needy— desperate mess.”
The thought alone had you whining, shaking your head once again to which the man urged you once again. Biting the inside of your cheek, your hands dragged up his back to his shoulders, blinking up at him. “Please Haji.. I need you.” As much as you wanted to kick yourself for such a pathetic display, the thought melted the moment he came close, pressing a kiss to your lips and whispering good girl.
Kashimo released your throat to push his sweats and boxers down, revealing his length to you. It was heavy, a lighter shade then him with a bulbous red tip. You bit the inside of your cheek the moment you realized it ended just below your navel, shivering at the thought it splitting you open.
He grabbed the underside of your thighs, pushing them up and open as he crowded in close, lining his dick up with your entrance. Pushing in slowly, the man cooed as you whined— releasing a leg to gently caress your side. “Mm.. relax baby.. that’s it— let me take care of you.” Hajime watched the way your walls clenched him as he sunk in deeper, having half a mind to fuck you into the mattress right then and there. But for once, he decided to be patient.
Soon enough Kashimo was all the way in, shuddering as your clenched— adjusting to his size. The stretch burned of course, eyes pinched closed as you remained still. The pain melted away however, breathing as you moved your hips, eyes opening as the pleasure ran down your spine. The soft moan that escaped you was enough, watching as the man dragged his hips back before pushing back inside— the two of you gasping.
His hands found purchase on your hips, immediately setting a rough and fast pace inside you; drilling you into the bed. Under his mercy you moaned, pretty acrylics digging into his back as your legs shook around his form. With his weight placed behind each thrust you could barely breathe let alone think, pleasure consuming you whole. Your eyes were rolling to the back of your skull, lost completely— ruined.
Kashimo enjoyed each expression each sound, dedicating to memory. He couldn’t care less if someone else in the dorm heard— even swearing he heard knocks against the wall above them. He wanted them to head; wanted them hear his name fall from your lips so sweetly. The man leaned down, softly mocking your moans with the sickest grin. “Feels good baby? Yeah— wanted this the moment you met me, didn’t you?” The man questioned, grunting the moment he felt your walls clench from his words.
“Haji, Haji— Fuck!” Your words dragged, speech muddled as he continued to fuck you as if he would die without it. He was pushing you wide, cock digging deep inside and brushing against spots you didn’t even know existed— angling his hips just right to hear you squeal from the pleasure.
“I know baby, I know— feels good for Haji too.. fuck..” His eyelids were heavy, thumbs digging into your plump flesh as he fucked you with all his might. The bed rocked from the force, headboard slamming against the wall for a moment before Kashimo reached over; gripping it tightly while continuing to drill into you. The moment you noticed it, you were pushed over the edge; creaming all over his length while a loud cry of his name escaped you. The man grinned down at you, pulling your leg over your shoulder, somehow moving deeper inside you.
“One more princess, fuck—“
You shook your head, clenching him so tightly as the oversensitivity flooded your body. You felt him release your hip to gently grab your throat, coming close once again. “Come on, I know you got it in you, pretty girl— be good for me.” No matter how much your body ached with exhaustion, how your messy cunt clenched and pulsed tiredly around him— you ignored it all, wrapping your hand around his wrist and rising up to kiss him.
Kashimo grinned against you, bruising pace continuing inside you, head brushing against your cervix with each thrust. The pleasure quickly overshadowed the pain, his hand falling from your throat to rub tight, fast circles against your wet, swollen bud. Your stomach clenched, fucked completely dumb to the point his name came out in incoherent babbles and cries.
Moments of this continued before his breathing got heavier, eyebrows pinched close as his thrusts got a little uncoordinated. He gripped the headboard harshly, harsh swears escaping him as he rocked into you. “Fuckkk.. you want me inside baby? Want me to pump you full?”
“Yes, yes! Wa—want it inside, Haji—“
Hajime smiled down at you, leaning close to kiss you once again muttering a soft of course, against your swollen lips. He drove himself deep, hips stilling as he painted your walls white. That was enough for you, walls milking him dry as you came; moaning into his mouth.
His thrusts slowed to slow gyrates, hand raising to your skull against to slowly massage your scalp. The man soon pulled away, your combined pants fanning against the other’s face. Kashimo’s hand fell to your cheek, caressing it gently and smiling at the way you tiredly leaned into it.
“Best tutor ever.” Kashimo teased, chuckling softly at the way you playfully glared at him.
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xdacted · 7 months
The art of sibling hood
Paring: sister!Reader & Charles Leclerc
Warnings: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 3,815
Status: Complete
***Request made by reader***
Summer break offers us a sliver of peace. 
No teams are calling, no coaches screaming, no clients to take care of - there is nothing but family. For a few weeks out of the year, all we have is each other. I can’t ask for anything better. 
We all gather at our mother’s house, hiding away there with her. It’s nice, to all be under the same roof again, we haven’t been since Lorenzo first moved out. It only worsened when I decided to take my training to France. 16 years of living under one roof was gone in an instant. We had lived together our entire lives until that point. 
It was like losing a piece of myself. 
But then, after the sadness rolled away, I was filled with so much joy. To know that both Charles and Arthur were chasing their dream, to see them every weekend battling it out on the track. Though my mother refused to watch, I always did. 
But there is always more I want to know, more I want to see. I can’t help myself from asking questions. The countries they see, the people they meet - it’s a world I’ll never know. I almost got involved, my father put me in karting as a child, but it was never my passion. Not the way it was with Arthur and Charles. I found my calling in school. 
At six, I was sitting among my classmates in the gymnasium, watching as our instructor introduced the sport of fencing. He was trying to start a club, with a school as small as ours, it wasn’t very likely to happen. 
He brandished the swords, explaining the rules. My friend, Anies, had fallen asleep on my shoulder, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away. I was transfixed, hooked. That day, I ran home, with the club papers in my hand and begged my parents.
At first, Papa was hesitant, telling me that this sport was a fighting spot - I wasn’t a ‘fighting girl’. But I pleaded, hooking my arms around his neck and staring up at him. This was my dream. Fencing was racing to me. Fencing was everything. 
What I didn’t understand was that fencing was also incredibly expensive. With two children karting and one in fencing, I remember the night I caught Mum and Papa talking it over, they couldn’t afford it. 
I was lucky enough to be given a scholarship by a fencing club, I would have the funding to chase my dream. Arthur, however, was not so lucky. I remember how he cried, screaming and howling into his pillow. He mourned the loss of his sport, but he was never angry. Just sad. 
I shake off the memories when Charles calls my name. 
He looks at me, staring at me from his seat on the floor, arms holding his knees close to him. He and Arthur are playing some card game they explained more than once - but I have never cared to learn. Arthur glares at the cards below him, flipping them over in his hand.
He laughs, “I asked how training was going?”
“Good,” I burrow further into the couch, pulling a blanket across my shoulders, “When I go back, I have a tournament in Italy.”
“Well,” Arthur huffs, still fixed on the game, “You’re already a World Champion - Ugh! Charles, you’re cheating! This is why I hate playing with you!”
Charles throws his hands up, turning to Arthur with an indignant expression, “I am not a cheater. I am a man of honor, you just suck.”
With a curse, Arthur throws his cards down. 
He stands, “You’re a cheat and you know it.”
“You just don’t know how to lose.”
Arthur throws himself beside me, moving the pillows so he can lean against them, crossing his arms in front of him. I don’t have to hide my laughter, I let it slip from me. The laughter is easy, the tension from yesterday gone. Charles had still been insistent on apologizing, even when I told him to just drop it. 
My brother is one of the kindest people in the world. 
“What about you?” I dare to ask, offering Arthur some of my blanket, “How’s Ferrari treating you?”
I don’t need to ask because I already know. Even from across the world, every Sunday, I watch him. Every Sunday, I watch my brother get into that car and put his life on the line. And every Sunday I watch Ferrari screw him over. My teammates were getting far too tired of my outbursts. 
Charles clears his throat, looking down at the cards scattered across the floor. He sweeps them together, shuffling them, “Fine.”
I’m stepping on thin ice. My brothers like to assume that when it came to racing they knew everything, but I had grown up around this. My father was a racer and now my brothers were racers - it was in my blood. I had just chosen not to pursue it. 
“Yes, fine.” He pushes himself up, standing and walking to the edge of the couch. 
“If you say so, brother,” Charles opens his mouth to speak, but the sound of the doorbell cuts him off. 
He practically leaps over the couches, nearly tripping over the carpet, to throw the door open. My mother hardly has time to scold him as she steps inside her room because cheery voices are ringing out through the house. 
Lorenzo comes bounding from upstairs and Arthur rolls off the couch, kicking the blanket away from him. The three women who step inside the house bring the light of the shining sun with them. 
“Girls!” I cry, it has been so long since I’ve last seen them. 
Carla sees me first, throwing her hands in the air. She pushes past Arthur to sweep me into a hug. The position is awkward, as her body curves over the couch and I attempt to reach up to her, but I can feel her laughter vibrate within her chest. 
“Did you get in today?” Her eyes are shining and the glasses perched atop her head threaten to fall, “Why didn’t you text me?”
“I wanted to surprise you, of course!” When we pull away, Charlotte and Alexandria are right beside us. 
“We need to get breakfast while you’re here,” Charlotte says, pressing her hands together. It isn’t so much a request as it is a plan in motion. 
I just nod along. I look around, my brother’s waiting behind them with crossed arms and a less-than-pleased expression. 
“They’re supposed to be here to see us.”
“No,” Charlotte says, wrapping her arms around me, “We’re here for her and of course - Pascale.”
“Hello, dear,” Mum says, Carla placing welcoming kisses on her cheeks. 
I turn to my left, Alex having taken a seat in the open space that Arthur left. 
“Hey,” I whisper, pulling her close. 
“Hi,” She whispers back. 
There’s something different. I can tell when she hugs me, pressing a kiss on my cheek. When we pull away, there’s a glow to her skin and a twinkle in her eyes. 
“Is there -?” 
Charles is draped across her in a second, gentle hands on her shoulders, “She is my girlfriend. Please, do not be selfish.”
Alex only rolls her eyes and I can’t help but follow. 
What a drama queen. 
I watch Charles and Alex as Mum bustles around the kitchen. It’s little, but something is different. I can feel it. Something about the way Charles has an arm curled around her waist or the way she clings to his arm. They keep eyeing the rest of us, Alex turning around to whisper in his ear. 
Hm. How strange. 
Alex was quite shy, this much became evident when I first met her, but she was by no means afraid of the family. Just a few weeks earlier she had come to visit me in France, we spent the day together and had been texting each other constantly. 
What could it be?
I met her eyes and she sharply turned away from me. 
A secret then. 
Papa liked to say that I inherited Mum’s gift for reading people, especially my brothers. Even when we’re separated by seas, I know when something’s bothering them. I know when something is wrong. 
But this - this was different. 
I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. 
But, my mind can help but wonder, what if - no. Could it be?
He hardly looks up from his phone, “Hm?”
“Wanna make a bet?”
“What kind of bet?” He asks, still scrolling. 
I lean in closer, “I think Alex is pregnant.”
Arthur nearly drops his phone. He whips his head over to look at me, mouth agape, “What?!”
“Sh!” I smack his arm, he is going to give us away, “You’re so loud…”
“Why do you think she’s pregnant?” He whisper-shouts, “That’s crazy. Charles would’ve told us.”
“Maybe he’s going to tell us tonight,” I shrug, pulling away from him. 
“Are you in or out?” I crossed my legs, my gut feelings were always strong. I’d guessed many things over the years and felt a change within the people around me before they told me. I’d known Charles got signed to Ferrari before he told us, or that Arthur was going to be moved to F2, or that Lorenzo had met someone new - all of these things, I’d felt. All of these things I guessed. 
Maybe I was a bit psychic. 
“You’re on,” He stuck his hand out, “€10?”
I scoffed, “That’s nothing - €100.”
“You could be wrong.”
“I could be right,” I looked down at his waiting hand. 
I slapped my hand in his, “€50 it is!”
“You’re going down,” He whispered, squeezing my hand. I kick at his shin.
“That’s what you get, dumbass.”
Dinner is an easy affair. The time ticks by slowly, but none of us mind. Warm and laughter fill the house, everyone staying at the table after the food has long been eaten. Stories are tossed around and jokes float about, it's peaceful. 
A peace that’s so very addicting. 
Here, I can forget that I have to leave in only a few days. I can tell that the boys forget too, throwing themselves over Mum and the table. Arthur laughs so hard that he snorts and Lorenzo’s jokes have Charles reduced to tears - it’s all so nostalgic. 
As we eat, I can see Charles and Alex glance at each other, watching as he scoops her hand in his. She whispers something in his ear and he nods. 
Before I know it, they are both standing. 
“I,” He clears his throat, “I have something to say - well, we do, actually...”
“Well,” Alex begins, a bright smile pulling over her face, “Charles and I are expecting a - a child.”
The table erupts into cheers and exclamations. Mum drops her head into her hands, and before we can rush over, she looks up with tears in her eyes and a dazzling smile on her lips. We stand to offer them hugs and kisses, pats, and words of encouragement. 
“I told you!” I cry. 
Arthur lets out a loud groan, pushing his face into his hands, “Why?”
Confusion is written across their face and I can only laugh
I hold out a waiting hand.
With another groan and a roll of his eyes, he shoves his hand into his pockets, pulling out the €50 I’m owed. The bill is crunched and he drops it into my palm with little fanfare. 
“This is so unfair,” Arthur throws his arms around my shoulders, “How could you have possibly known?”
“I just do,” I shrug, looking up at him with a smile, “I’m just that good.”
“I knew it,” Carla giggles, “You are a psychic.”
I lock eyes with Mum over the table, she flashes me a smile.
“Of course,” I say, “I learned from the very best.”
The ocean calls our name, the lull of the tides and the crashing of the waves. Such a beautiful song and we can do nothing but dance to it. With the sun shining down on our backs, we pile into Charles’s boat, clinging to the railing as we push away from the dock. The salt of the air tangles in my hair, and gentle winds give us a beautiful day. The weather was perfect, the sea was calm. What more could we ever ask for?
We spend the day lounging about the boat, pushing and shoving each other in the water. I manage to convince Charles to let me take the smaller boat out for a spin, with Carla clinging to the seats, and Charolette cheering us on from the deck above. I can’t help but dissolve into laughter at his face, twisted with worry. 
The water is cool against our heated skin, it invites us in for more. The longer we stay, the more we forget about the world that surrounds us. It is nearly enough to make me forget about my flight in only a few days. I will have to leave and this will all become a memory. 
But what a beautiful memory it will be. 
I can’t dwell on my thoughts, because Charlotte demands that we all jump. There is little fanfare for Charles and Lorenzo as they practically wrestle to the sea below. Arthur grips my hand as we jump, throwing ourselves into the Moncao air, caught by the arms of the sea. 
It is perfect. It is home. 
When the sun begins to dip in the sky, my mother draws herself up from the couch and claims that dinner will not ready itself. The others agree and begin to shuffle off but Carla and I are the last to get back from the boat. Though Charles has always held the title of ‘captain’, I have always maintained that the sea is but a little requirement for boating. We stayed behind to just lounge about in the sun, only coming back to the house when she got a frantic call from Arthur, telling her to come back. 
“What’s…” The words die in our throats when we see Alex huddled in the corner, sobbing into her hands. Charlotte stands over her, rubbing a reassuring hand over her back, whispering something into her ear. 
Before we can say another word, Arthur and Lorenzo interrupt us. He pulls us into a corner of the house, wiping his hands on his shorts. His eyes dart around the room, lip caught between his teeth. 
“What happened?” Carla demands. 
“It - it was the press,” Arthur manages, “They got pictures from earlier, on the boat.”
I need to hear little else. I dig my phone from my bag.
Finding the photo doesn’t take much work. It’s there as soon as I open Twitter, Alexandria and Charles standing on the balcony of the boat. Her hands on her stomach, nothing there to show - not yet - but the implication is enough for the media to run with. 
I can hardly breathe. 
Anger coils tight within me. 
Fucking vultures. 
Carla gasps from beside me, pressing a hand to her mouth. The headlines make my stomach turn. Far too atrocious to look at, I shove my phone back into my bag. Carla is quick to slip from beside me, rushing over to the couch, and dropping to her knees beside Alex. 
Haven’t they gone through enough? Have people not thrown Alex into the fire already? Had they not already ripped her apart? I remember the articles and the tweets when their relationship went public, the look of sadness on her face. People hated her simply because she loved Charles. How they got together and why they got together was no one’s business but their own. 
“Where -” I cut myself off, dropping my voice lower, “Where’s Charles?”
For a moment, Lorenzo doesn’t answer me, phone in hand. I can’t tell who’s calling, but the grave look on his face is all I need to know. He shakes his head, dragging a hand through his hair. 
“He’s outside,” He whispers, sparing a look over at Alex, “He stormed out and won’t come back in.”
“Of course! He’s upset!” I hiss, this was private. This was personal. The media has taken that away from him. 
Lorenzo holds his hands up, “I’m not saying he shouldn’t be - I’m not saying that I’m not,” He sighs, “But this is more - this is more than just…”
He looks away, rubbing a hand over his face, “He can’t run from this now.” 
I turn away from Lorenzo and the tears begin to gather in my eyes before I can gather the courage to force them back. I wrap my arms around myself, afraid that I might throw something across the room. 
This wasn’t right. 
Summer is our time. 
There is never any anger, never any sadness. That’s the world that waits beyond the walls of our home, that is the world we leave behind. We shut it all out because summer break is just us. I don’t realize that I’ve begun to dig my fingers into the flesh of my arm until Arthur yanks my hands away. 
He doesn’t say anything, just squeezing my hands in his. I can’t look at him, but I feel his gaze on me. When he releases me, my hands drop back down to my sides. I suck in a large gulp of air, trying to calm the pounding of my heartbeat. 
Before I can make my way to Alex, Charlotte stops me. She holds her hand up, a sad smile on her face. 
‘We’ve got it,’ She mouths, ‘Go.’
Her eyes flicker to the terrace, doors closed tightly. I can see, in the shadows of the darkness, Charles. 
“I’ll be back,” I whisper, reaching out to squeeze Arthur’s shoulder before I walk towards the doors. 
I gently push them open, waiting for Charles to scream out that he wasn’t privacy, that he needs space, but he never does
I step through. 
Charles stands out on the balcony, hands clutching onto the terrace railing. He stares into the swaying trees of our backyard, the melting sun casting a glow around the shadow of the house. Though the wind blows, there is no twinkle of windchimes. There is no echo of laughter or memory of youth, there is nothing. The light from the entry room spills across his back, but he doesn’t turn. 
The silence is thick, sitting heavily atop the both of us. With his back turned to me, I can’t see his face. There’s a selfish part of me that never wants to. I never want to see the pain and anger on my brother’s face. I never want to watch his heart fall apart before me. He is my family, an extension of myself. 
“Why can’t they just leave us alone?” 
His voice is hardly above a whisper, nearly consumed by the distant sounds of the city, but I hear. It cuts through the silence, piercing it with ease. There is sadness in his voice and I can feel the tears burn once more. His shoulders slump forward, a heavy sigh leaving his lips. For a movement, I fear that he might collapse. 
I take a tentative step forward. 
My brother is many things. Charles is competitive and rash, he is hard-working and self-deprecating. But he is also kind and forgiving, with a smile like the sun and a laugh like the sea. He is good. Our Papa used to say that Lorenzo and I got all the anger and bite, as it never seemed that Charles could hate, to be spiteful. 
Always the first to take the blame, always the first to vouch, always the first to arrive, always the last to go. 
My brother is good. 
And the world is cruel. 
“Charles,” I whisper, he doesn’t turn.
I reach for him, my fingertips barely grazing the fabric of his shirt, “Charles.”
He finally turns, biting his lip, tears in his eyes. The words die in my throat. There is nothing I can say to fix his pain, nothing I can do to take his unhappiness away. It kills me. They may be my older brothers, but I have always been fiercely protective of them. To hurt them was to hurt me - and to hurt them was unforgivable. 
And Charles. 
Charles, who flew through the night to catch my competitions. Charles, who cheered me on, even if he knew nothing about fencing. Charles, who always had an extra Paddock Pass for me. Charles, who always let me have his last cookie or pastry. Charles, who held me when I wailed for weeks after Papa’s passing. Charles put the money he earned in Formula 1 into getting Arthur back into carting. Charles, who always called to scream ‘Happy Birthday’ in my ear. 
That Charles. 
My brother Charles, would forgive. He will see it as a mistake, he will blame himself. In only a few hours, he will make a statement and tell the truth - because that’s just who he is. 
I throw my arms open and catch him as he falls into them. 
He doesn’t cry, not at first, just clinging onto me. But then, the moment that Alex’s cries drift onto the open terrace, he begins to weep. He sobbed into my shoulder, pressing his wet face into the fabric of my shirt. He clutches my hand, and I can do nothing but hold him. 
I hold him and let him fall apart. 
From over Charle’s shoulder, I see Arthur peeking out at us. He wrings his hands, twisting his fingers around. He can’t sit still, pacing around the room, brushing Carla away when she tries to calm him. 
I gesture for him to come and he does. 
Before I can say a word, he’s wrapping his arms around Charles, burying his face into his back. 
“We’ll fix this,” He mumbles, “I - I don’t know how, but we will.”
Charles doesn’t speak, he just searches for Arthur’s hand blindly in the pile of libs and holds on. It’s all we can do. I feel like I am 15 years old, losing our father again. It feels just as it did then, unbearable. But we do just what we did then, we hold each other. Clinging onto the only people that we have known since before we knew them, the only people that will love us even when no one else does. 
The only person -
Lorenzo is there, strong arms trying to tuck us all into him. I can feel his warmth against my back and push my face into his chest. 
“We’ve got you, Charlie,” He says, “We’ve got you.”
We do. 
We always will. 
A/N:This work has been cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3. All are under the name XDACTED. Thank you for reading and feel free to request fics about any of the drivers <3
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bookishcarmela · 6 months
Shadows of Affection
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warnings: Alcohol abuse, physical abuse
slow burn Coriolanus Snow x reader, slight Felix Ravinstill x reader
Chapter 3: The Proposal
 Your mind buzzed with the memory of Coriolanus's words on your way home, the word "familiar" haunting your thoughts. It felt like a dismissal, a reduction of their friendship to something insignificant. As she arrived home late, a pit settled in your stomach. you could hear the muffled sounds of your family enjoying dinner as you entered. Trying to avoid disturbing them, you tiptoed towards the staircase, hoping to slip upstairs unnoticed. 
But before you could reach safety, your mother's voice rang out, calling your name and inviting you to join them for dinner. you hesitated, torn between the desire to retreat to your room and the expectation of familial obligation. Sighing softly, you reluctantly changed course and descended the stairs, preparing to join your family for the evening meal.
As you descended the stairs into the dining room, a familiar scene unfolded before you. Quincy occupied the head of the table, with her mother to his right and Benjamin and Charlotte to his left. A moment of contemplation hung in the air as you debated where to sit—next to your mother or at the other end.
"Are you just gonna stand there, gawking, or are you going to come eat?" Quincy's demanding voice broke your hesitation. Opting for the other end, you replied, "Of course, my apologies."
Your mother called for Christa to make a plate for you, but you insisted you weren't hungry. Quincy, however, wasn't having it. "Eat," he commanded, and as your food was brought out, you sat, toying with it but not taking a bite.
A moment of familial chatter ensued, with Charlotte excitedly recounting her visit to the zoo and interaction with the tributes. Despite the unpleasant surprise of seeing them on television, you didn't want to upset Charlotte. You smiled and replied, "Yes, I actually saw you guys on television. I almost thought I was losing my mind." you chuckled, attempting to downplay the unsettling encounter. Benjamin opened his mouth to speak it was cut off, Quincy's commanding voice cut through the conversation, demanding an explanation for your absence from class. Tension hung in the air as Quincy pressed you about where you had been.
"I was with Dr. Gual. I'm assisting with the Hunger Games this year, and I plan on studying under her when I go to University," you explained, trying to diffuse the situation.
"University," Quincy scoffed, his tone dismissive. "And who's supposed to pay for that, hmm?" he added, the underlying tension in his voice hinting at a deeper frustration.
"I thought you would, but if you're unable to provide for your family like a real man, then I can apply for a scholarship," you replied, your tone steady, offering Quincy a small smile. The room grew tense, and your mother stopped eating, recognizing the brewing storm in her husband's eyes.
"Darling, plea—" your mother began, but Quincy cut her off abruptly. "Out," he commanded, jaw clenched. The twins exchanged perplexed looks, and even Benjamin voiced his disappointment about missing dessert. However, Quincy's anger brought no compromise."Out, everyone!" Quincy bellowed, slamming his fist on the table. The atmosphere hung heavy with tension, and as the rest of the family filed out of the room, you and Quincy locked eyes. The lingering echo of his anger filled the room as she remained, refusing to avert her gaze.
Quincy's fury simmered as the rest of the family left the room, leaving him alone with you. "You think you're so smart, don't you?" Quincy sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Just like your father—thinking he was better than everyone. Look where that got him." your heart sank at the mention of your father, a wound that never quite healed. you felt a surge of anger, but held your ground, meeting Quincy's gaze. "He stood for something," you retorted, your voice steady. "More than I can say for you."
Quincy's face contorted in rage, his eyes ablaze with fury. He threw his chair back and made his way toward you, grabbing you by the hair and forcing you to look at him.
"You ungrateful little—" Quincy began, but you interrupted him defiantly. "Ungrateful little what, Quincy? Say it. Go ahead. What are you going to do, hit me? Does that make you feel like a man, Quincy? Is that why you do it, because you keep trying to be something you're not?" you said, grinning up at him with a mixture of defiance and disdain. The air crackled with tension as you locked eyes, both refusing to back down.
Quincy's rage reached its peak as he slammed your head against the table. For a moment, everything went blurry, and a persistent ringing filled your ears. "You never know when to shut your mouth, do you?" he growled, finally letting go of your hair and storming out of the dining room.
you lay there, the terrible ringing still echoing in your head. You knew it would surely leave a bruise by morning. Christa rushed into the dining room in concern. "Oh no, mistress, are you alright? Please, we must get you cleaned up."
You let out a pitiful laugh. "Leave me, Christa. I can get up by myself. I just need a second." That was the last thing you remembered before closing your eyes, allowing the darkness to envelop you. 
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The next morning was agonizing; you hoped that the events from the previous night had only resulted in a simple bruise, one you could cover up easily. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. The impact with the table had left a gash just above your hairline, making concealing the injury more challenging.With your face partially obscured, you bypassed the usual routine of heading to school. Instead, you made your way straight to the lab to seek ointment from Dr. Gual. The eccentric doctor was the only adult you felt you could turn to without facing a barrage of questions. Dr. Gual didn't pry; she already knew the reasons behind your frequent visits, evident in the all-too-familiar signs of physical abuse that lingered beneath her attempts to conceal them. After a brief visit to Dr. Gual for treatment, you headed to the morning seminar led by Professor Crispus Demigloss. By the time you arrived, you were already late. However, Professor Demigloss, being elderly and deliberate in his pace, hadn't progressed far into roll call. Handing him a pass signed by Dr. Gual, you were permitted to enter. As you scanned the room for an open seat, only two caught your eye. One was on the other side of Sejanus, who was seated next to Coriolanus. As your eyes locked, a mixture of pity and concern flashed in Coriolanus's gaze. The other option was beside Felix, who gave her a warm smile and motioned for her to join him. On any other day, she would have gravitated towards Coriolanus and Sejanus. However, something within you sought comfort, something she doubted she'd find with Coriolanus. Thus, you chose the seat next to Felix, who beamed with delight as you approached. 
Felix flashed a charming grin as you settled into the seat beside him, leaning closer to whisper in your ear. " If I'd known I'd get such a delightful neighbor, I might've arrived late too," he teased.
you couldn't help but grin at his playful remark. "Oh, please, I'm sure you're used to the spotlight. But I must say, it's not a bad seat with such good company," you countered, matching his flirtatious tone with a hint of amusement.
As the lesson began, Felix leaned in quietly and asked, "Why are you late?" "I'm not late," you responded with a playful wink. "I'm right on time." 
Despite your attempt to engage with the lesson, sleep still weighed heavily on your eyes. 
A small yawn escaped you, and, in a moment of fatigue, you leaned closer to Felix, resting your head on his shoulder. In a fluid movement, he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer and placing a light kiss on your temple.
A mix of conflicting emotions washed over you. There was a pang of guilt for using Felix in this way, giving him hope for something more when you knew it might never happen. The desire for comfort, for the feeling of being held and loved, battled with the awareness that you were manipulating the situation. Yet, in this moment of vulnerability, you craved the illusion of control that it provided, a small semblance of order in a life that felt increasingly chaotic.
As Professor Demigloss delved into the discussion about the Games, you felt the burning intensity of Coriolanus's gaze directed at you. His eyes shot daggers, and though he appeared displeased, you couldn't bring yourself to care. He had his little songbird, and you had Felix. There was no reason for him to be mad at you. Matching his glare with your own, neither of you looked away until the professor interrupted.
Sejanus’s  hand went up directly. “Ah, Sejanus?” “Before we talk about making people watch, shouldn’t we begin with the question of whether or not watching is the right thing to do?” he said. Making you roll your eyes
“Let’s stay on topic, please,” the professor urged. Festus Creed then offered his perspective, suggesting making it a legal requirement for people to watch the Games. You couldn't help but think it was an idiotic proposal, as forcing people to watch would negate the purpose of the games.“What happens if you don’t watch?” asked Clemensia, not bothering to raise her hand. “In the districts, we execute you. In the Capitol, we make you move to the districts, and if you mess up again next year, then we execute you,” Festus cheerfully replied. 
The class laughed, but soon serious contemplation followed. Ideas about enforcing the watching requirement were discussed, with random sampling and punishments being considered. Clemensia voiced her disdain, stating that the gruesome nature of the Games made people avoid watching. Sejanus, ever the idealist, interjected, “Of course they do! Who wants to watch a group of children kill each other? Only a vicious, twisted person. Human beings may not be perfect, but we’re better than that.” Livia challenged him, questioning how he knew what Capitol citizens wanted to watch, especially given his absence during the war. Lysistrata Vickers added, “Most of us don’t want to watch other people suffer.”
“We watched worse things during the war. And after,” you reminded Lysistrata, sitting up straight now. There had been some bloody stuff broadcast over the airwaves during the Dark Days, and many brutal executions after the Treaty of Treason had been signed. Opinions varied on caring about the Games. Some thought the tributes were unimportant, while others didn't care at all. Betting on the tributes was brought up as a way to make the Games more interesting. you saw potential in this idea and wrote it down for discussion with Dr. Gaul later. 
After class, you went for lunch off-campus with Felix before heading to the lab. Your mood dampened upon seeing Dean Highbottom there. As the other students entered, you couldn't help but wonder about the dean's frequent presence in the lab lately. Dr. Gaul prodded at her experiments until the class settled. She greeted them with one of her rhymes, leaving the students bewildered. As she collected questionnaires, a small laugh escaped you."I'm Dr. Gaul, the Head Gamemaker, and I will be mentoring your mentorships," she announced, flipping through the papers. She frowned and held up Coriolanus's questionnaire. "This is what you were asked to do. Thank you, Mr. Snow. Now, what happened to the rest of you?" Coriolanus spoke up, sharing his experiences. "I had good luck with my tribute. She's a talker. But most of the kids wouldn't communicate. And even my girl can't see the point of making an effort at the interview." Sejanus chimed in, questioning the purpose of making an effort when the ultimate fate was the arena. 
Dr. Gaul turned her attention to him. "You're the boy who fed the tributes. Why did you do it?" you knew Sejanus held a disdain for the Games, something you had mentioned to Dr. Gaul. He hesitated but stood firm. 
"They were starving. We're going to kill them; do we have to torture them ahead of time as well?" Dr. Gaul labeled him a rebel sympathizer and acknowledged his disapproval of the Hunger Games. Sejanus suggested he be replaced, but she dismissed the idea with a chuckle, stating compassion was key to the Games. Sejanus's face fell, but he didn't argue back. You were genuinely surprised. He proved to be tougher than he looked, willing to challenge Dr. Gaul even at the risk of his position. 
Dr. Gaul sparked an idea about involving the audience in the Games by allowing them to send food to the tributes in the arena. 
This suggestion intrigued the class, with Festus even expressing interest in betting on the tributes he fed. Dr. Gaul instructed the students to collaborate and draft a proposal for this concept, hinting that she might consider implementing their ideas. Livia, surprised at the possibility of their ideas being used, questioned Dr. Gaul's intentions. Dr. Gaul, unfazed, explained that young minds often bring idealism and creativity. She shared that Dean Highbottom, in his youth, had conceptualized the Hunger Games as a theoretical idea. Despite the skepticism, Dr. Gaul encouraged the students to submit their proposal by the next morning.
Dr. Gaul had to leave for a meeting, advising you to prepare for the next day as there would be a lot of work. Confused, you asked about the plans for tomorrow. Dr. Gaul hinted that you would be the one to approve the proposals. Surprised by this responsibility, you felt a rush of excitement, smiling as you left, feeling eager for tomorrow.
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hubristicassholefight · 3 months
Hubristic Asshole Fight: Round 1 Part 1b
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) vs Feanor (The Silmarillion)
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Propaganda below cut
Decided that he would become stronger than death to stop those he cares about from dying after failing to accept his mother's death. When he begins getting visions/nightmares like he had before losing his mother of his wife dying in childbirth, he decides to team up with an evil sorcerer and mastermind to learn the secret to stopping death. The price he willingly paid was leading the slaughter of the community of peacekeeping monks who had raised him from nine years old, feeling guilt about his heinous betrayal even as he unflichingly continued the massacre (sunk cost fallacy to a very extreme degree). The unintended price he paid was the loss of his limbs and independence after his injuries during a fight with his mentor and brother figure, his wife dying on childbirth due to the great stress of his heinous actions, and being separated from his children until they were adults firmly opposed to the imperial regime he became the attack dog for (only knowing of their survival until after he had personally attacked them both); He literally did not have to do any of that. his wife Padmè very very very very much did not want him to do any of that. He was completely absorbed in his own inability to deal with loss that he deadlock refused to consider losing family again and then he went and killed what amounted to his extended family, his wife and the man who raised and guided him from age 9. And his own kids unknowingly. In terms of accomplishing your goals there really really wasn't much more he could have fucked up. And when it comes down to key moments, all he had to do was not cut off mentor and co-worker Mace Windu's hand with a laser sword and everything would have been fine. He's a nominee for Fail King of All Time to me
He thinks he's hot shit which, he is, but like cool it dude you don't have to mass murder maim mutilate your way through life to prove you're the extra most specialest bestest psychic space wizard;
Hubrised so hard he 1) lost his limbs and his skin 2) became what he hated 3) caused the very death he sought to prevent, betraying and destroying himself for nothing; So soaking wet and self aware that he cried committing atrocities. If he knew what hubris was, he'd agree he has a lot of it
The definition of hubris. Created the silmarils who were so perfect even the gods praised them. Got them stolen by the gods evil brother (so essentially fantasy satan). Then decided to go fight the evil god to get the silmarils back and swore an oath binding him and his sons to get them back no matter who would stand in their way. This drastically backfired when some other elves stood in his way so he murdered them. Got cursed by the gods for this (together with his entire family and everyone who followed them). Told the gods that they were of the same kind as fantasy satan and that they would end up following him
Morgoth (a god) shows up at his house and Feanor (professional hater of gods) tells him to get fucked* and slams the door in his face. *”Get thee gone from my gate thou jail-crow of Mandos!”; He has never spent anything wrong ever aside from all the war crimes.
The Valar (gods) asked Feanor for help in saving the world from being in total darkness and he said “no, figure it out yourselves”. Repeatedly and intentionally goes against their orders leading to war and chaos; I know it’s left open ended to what really happened to him after he died, but I hope he never repents. I hope he stays an antagonistic and egotistical bastard after being reimbodied (brought back to life) and continues to make it everyone else’s problem. I love him.
I’m gonna have to try to do this without a sing Tolkien scholarship words so bear with me. Basically my dude is one of the smartest and most talented elves in the world. Unfortunately he has a lot of daddy issues AND mommy issues largely due to the fact that his mom died when he was a kid and decided not to come back (as elves can do). No one else has this problem. He invented a ton of important stuff and had seven sons. His most prized creation was three gems called the Silmarils, which contained the light of the Two Trees, which gave light to the world before they were destroyed. When the Valar (the gods of Tolkien’s world) asked if they could use the Silmarils to potentially create another light source, he emphatically refused and in fact became so jealous of them that he and his sons swore an oath that anyone who so much as touched them would die by their swords. Sauron’s boss steals the gems and Feanor decides that he will lead his people on a crusade to retrieve and avenge them. This results in the death of him, most of his people, and almost his entire family minus one of his sons, Galadriel, and Elrond; He once yelled at the devil to get off his lawn
went to war with morgoth (satan basically) against the will of the gods and made a whole speech to said gods about how they were gonna feel really silly when he killed morgoth and saved the whole world. he never actually did battle with morgoth because he died on like day 1 of getting to middle earth (he left like 2/3 of his forces behind because he didn’t trust them) and spontaneously combusted upon his death; he’s a huge asshole and a mad scientist and linguist and prince with daddy issues and also mommy issues
Dude thought he could win a fight with the devil, tried to just walk into Angband (Mordor before Mordor actually existed), made an oath to kill everyone that tries to take his creations even the Valar (angelic like beings) and ends up causing his death, his sons deaths and a bunch of other deaths; His name is quite literally spirit of fire Is basically regarded as THE greastest elf Is in fact THE best smith of the elves and crafts their most precious jewels (that end up causing so much death) Is THE linguist to the point of creating the alfabet every one uses even after The Crimes, creates a bunch of things that are used even after The Crimes actually Loves his dad more than the things he made Is the only recorded elf with seven kids Is married to a sculpter that is so good that people confuse her statues as actual people (a propaganda because he had to be good to actually bag her you know) Manages to create jewelry so good even the the angelics beings sent by god are surprised he managed to do it So good at making speeches that it leads to a rebellion against said angelic beings and a lot of people to leave paradise with him His mother died because his spirit was too powerful Invented kinslaying after trying to steal some boats for said rebellion Swears an oath that destroys his whole family (but adds a great flavour to the rest of the story) Tells the devil to fuck off and slams his house door on said devils face Dies via auto combustion because his spirit was just too powerful for a normal death Gets stuck in the afterlife (that elves can usually just return from) for spiting the Valar Is said he will have an important role in Tolkien’s version of Ragnarok by letting the jewels he previously promised to kill for be destroyed to defeat the devil
Because of his pride, he went against the gods because the evil god Morgoth stole his life's work (the Silmarils, 3 shiny gems that radiated the light of the two trees that a huge evil spider had sapped dry). Swore (with his 7 sons) an oath to hunt Morgoth and retrieve his shiny gems. Commited kinslaying, burned some boats, combusted to ashes after suffering mortal wounds at the hands of corrupted demi-gods. Consequences of his actions could be seen long long after his death: the oath was passed on to his sons to hopelessly fulfill (failure after failure, including two more kinslayings, one of them casting himself into a fiery volcano, another wandering the shores for eternity);
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