#them i was raped ya know??? like sure i managed on my own but maybe i want to feel like people arent just apathetic to my traumas
tagiscool · 8 months
Girls when they are hit with the overwhelming urge to be held and protected
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soxcietyy · 2 years
In a world where females are not commonly born you are kidnapped and taken to the kingdom of Valgore to be sold off to whoever can afford you. The General of the knights Yuta Okkotsu who isn’t sure if he wants a wife, takes you in but you arnt going to make his life easy by submitting yourself to him.
Tw: bad language, violence, drinking, beating, woman being mistreated, abuse, murder, rape, things that may trigger people.
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
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"I don't even have my shoes on yet!" You yell while watching Yuta rushing around getting his things. 
"I know I know but we can't afford to be late, I booked a dress appointment around 9pm." Yuta said as he grabbed a pair of your heels from the closet. It was the black ones you always wore. 
"Who told you to book it so early?" You sit on the bed. 
"Well I didn't see the invitation till yesterday. Plus the earlier we go the fastest it can be adjusted to your body. I have VIP access so it will be quick." Yuta kneeled down to slip your shoes on your feet. You shake your head in disappointment but you couldn't blame him. He didn't read the invitation when he was supposed to. Quickly he grabbed your hand making you follow right behind him. Your steps echoing loudly in the house. "Yuta" you say trying to get his attention. He didn't hear you due to all the thoughts going on in his head. "Yuta!" You called out louder. Eventually you made it to the front door with him. Not wanting your husband to embarrass you, you pulled back. He looked at you confused for a second until you opened your mouth. 
"Yuta darling you still need your shoes." 
His eyes quickly look down to see he had no shoes of yet. He let out a fake chuckle. "I knew that" he said before leaving to put on his own shoes. You watch as he walked off before walking outside. Walking outside you watched as the guards stood outside guarding the place. They where still outside guarding since their general didn't inform them about his absence today. You walk down the path to the carriage as men try approaching you. 
"Stay down boys I am with my husband today. He's just running late. What would he think of other men where to touch me?" 
"And do you think we'll listen to you? Your just a fortune leech that managed to attach them selfs to the general. Why don't we go inside now?" A red headed guard said. You glare at them as they got closer. 
"Maybe we can convince him to tie you down in your room or have you in the guard tower when you miss behave. Iv had enough from you this week." A blond said grabbing your arm. His big hand folding it to your back. 
"Good morning general men, I see we've started off with a tough morning. To inform you the General in on his way and I would hate to see you guys fired. So I advice you letting her go."Haru said as he fixed his handkerchief. He had came into the scene out of no where. 
The men looked at each other and dispersed. Giving them a small smile you continued walking forward but before you could step in carriage you heard footsteps behind you. Turning around you saw Yuta. 
You approached him quickly and gave him a tight hug making him stumble back a bit shocked. "Yuta these men are being so rude to me, one grabbed me aggressively, Iv never need manhandled like this." you flutter your eyes. His pale skin quickly turned pink as he grabbed you by the shoulders. "Go into the cart, please. I’ll talk to my men" He whispered into your ear. His hand intertwined with your hair. You complied and entered slamming the door shut. 
"Wow general I see your already hitting it. Cant blame ya." A man with blue hair said with a smirked. Yuta smiled at him, "glad you see the beauty I see too but sadly your fired" he said cheerfully as he looked at the the rest of the men. "Say something disrespectful and you'll also end up with no job. You will not speak to me as if we were friends. I am your general, your boss, your paychecks are because of me... Anyways I'm going to be taking my wife out so theirs no need for you guys to stay here. Take your old patrols and work. I'll see you gentlemen later." Yuta sent them off with a nod and got inside the carriage. Sitting across from you he rested his elbows on his knees and looked at you with his hands intertwined. "What was that?" You asked as the carriage started moving. 
"What do you mean? I corrected them" Yuta tilts his head confused. 
"You didn't tell them that the rule of me not being able to go out was lifted. Or for them to be treated kindly." You throw your hands up. 
"First of all it hasn't been lifted and second they probably treat you that way because you treat them like that too." He looked at you. 
The carriage began to move in a steady pace as you looked at him in his eyes. They still looked tired even after sleeping. Not looking quite fond of the situation. 
"Of course you take their side, is it because I'm a woman? Your scared that they won’t see you as a man if you take my side? Why do you act like you actually care?" You say looking away from his eyes.
"I care because your my wife of course. Why wouldn't I care for the person who will bare my children." 
"Of course the person who will bear your children. That's all that men see in woman. I never wanted to be your wife! The only reasons you care for me is because you paid for me. You don't truly love me. Your just pretending to look good in front of everyone. You don't even know the simplest thing about me. What's my favorite food? Color? Place to go out? Song? You know nothing." You say as tears begin to form. 
"Y/n where is this suddenly come from? Are you home sick? Have a fever? Or just not feeling well?" He said pressing the back of his cold hand to your forehead. 
"No I'm absolutely fine. Theirs no issue with me." You throw his had away. He looked at you sadden. His eyes dropping down. "I see... I'll call Megumi to meet with you in a bit. Since it seems I'm the issue." Yuta said getting up to stop the driver, suddenly Your back hit the back of the seat hard. You groan rubbing your head. 
You both looked at each other trying to register what just happened until you heard commotion outside. He quickly pulled out his sword out with his right hand. Slowly approaching the door he opened it hopping out. You following behind curious on the situation. After closing the door Behind you, you look to see the horse laying dead in the floor with the rider. Your body freezing in the spot. "General!" You hear a raspy voice yell. To your right a old man appeared. He had white wrinkly skin, rotten teeth, long gray thin hair. He held his pocket knife at Yuta as his shaky hands fumbled in his pocket. Quickly pulling out a piece of paper. 
"Give it to me!" The shaky old man said as he waved his weapon in the air. You look at Yuta who also looked shocked. He slowly looked at your direction as he dug his hand into his right pocket. Eventually taking out the bag of gold. It was a fat pouch that contained enough to buy 5 expensive Horses. He quickly threw it at the mans hands who looked at it disguised. 
"I dont want this shit" he threw it on the floor. "General you know what I want now. Don’t play a fool just because your wife is here. Give me her." He said pointing at you. You looked at them bewildered. Their was no way he could of possibly done all of this to give you off. Was he offered doubled the amount he paid for? As you questioned everything He handed Yuta a paper that contained a bunch of horrible hand writing and Yutas signature. 
"I know well Iv never promised anything. I said that as a joke five years ago sir. But of course I didn’t mean it. I said it because I never thought I would marry. So let’s just forget about this no?" Yuta said giving him a smile. Ripping the paper into pieces in front of him. 
But the old man shook in anger. He fell to the ground and slowly started picking up the pieces. Trying to connect them together in his hands hoping to make something out of it. "I don’t care what you say anymore I’m going to have it my way." He said as he launched himself towards you. You gasp at the sudden movement closing your eyes tight. Surprisingly nothing occurred, opening your eyes you see Yuta having a firm grip on the man’s throat who begged for him to let go. 
He clawed at Yutas veiny hand that started turning white due to him having such a tight grip. Your husband’s face having no reaction to what was happening. One of the best poker faces you’ve ever seen. "Yuu, you can let go of him now." You say quietly in your corner. 
He flinched hearing your voice and looked at you. "Right I’m sorry you must be frightened." Yuta said walking to your direction as he dragged the man behind him by his hair. "Can you do me a favor?" He said quietly as he caressed your face with his free hand. "Close your eyes and don’t open then no matter what you hear. You can open them when I tap you okay?" He said looking at you with a stern look. You nod and cover your eyes with your hand. You could hear a bunch of punching and kicking. The groans of pain from the man. His attempts of crying for help quickly being shut. "I’m sorry! I’m sorry okay?! Please spare me. I won’t ever bother you again!" He cried. You could feel the lump in your throat as you stood their quietly. Not daring to take a peak. Soon horrific yelling could be heard. Your shaking legs make you crouch on the floor. Silence suddenly falling. Everything happened so fast it was hard to even imagine the situation. 
Your hand was removed from your face and you were met with exhausted Yuta. Sweat on his forehead and blood splattered over his cheek. "You didn’t peak right?" He asked holding your hand. 
You shake your head telling him the truth. 
"Good girl" he said as he leaned in pressing his lips onto yours. For some odd reason you didn’t push away. You leaned into it more enjoying every second of it. 
Authors note: I ended up taking it out Lmaoo. Sorry 🧍‍♀️
Tags 🏷: @hannya-exists @pinkraindropsfell @halparkebitch @mokonasenpaiposts @a10vely-yutazen
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drades-lair · 2 years
The Albino (Striker x male reader) PT4
Note: 18+ content included and later chapters will include mentions of rape
“So…what’ll it be Blitz?” Striker’s tone was serious as he stared the other imp down
 “Ah fuck! This was supposed to be an easy job! Who the fuck are you?” Blitz exclaimed clearly frustrated
 “It’s (Y/N) and next time maybe do a little research on your target. I’ve dealt with assholes like you lot my whole life. Now will you leave me alone?” You explained
 “Sir? What do we do?” The small male imp currently in your clutches asked
 “Ugh! Alright! Alright! You fucking win!” Blitz groused as he put his flint lock into a holster on his side
 “Good choice,” Striker commended easing off his revolver a little
 You let the other two go watching as the small male imp went right to the female one instantly helping her to her feet. Striker slowly made his way over to you which was a surprise especially when he put himself firmly between you and the other 3 almost protectively. You came along side Striker watching as the other three moved back together glaring more it seemed at Striker then at you but either way there was a tension in the air that you could cut with a knife.
 “Humph, you know your pretty good could use someone like you at IMP,” Blitz commented with a scoff and a grin.
 “Sorry, not looking for a job,” You retorted with a smirk
 “Right, now get lost you three. Me and (Y/N) have some business to get down too,” Striker smirked with a wink.
 “Fine! Come on Moxxie,” Millie stated practically hauling the other imp out the door
 “If you ever change your mind about the job offer do drop by,” Blitz chuckled following the other two out.
 “That…was possibly the oddest assassination attempt I’ve ever been involved with,” You commented still not sure what happened. Striker holstered his revolver only once the other 3 imps were fully out of sight seeming to let out a relieved breath which confused you, why was he so worked up about this? You weren’t anything other then a good fuck buddy, right?
 “Ya alright?” Striker asked you upon turning around
 “Yeah, I’m fine…mmh…” You were promptly cut off by Striker’s lips pressing to yours in a heated kiss. One of Striker’s hands came up to tangle in your hair while the other wrapped around your waist, yanking you close. Striker’s demeanor was one you hadn’t seen before possessive…concerned? Had he really been so concerned for you? Why? This was nothing…right?
 Striker shoved you against the wall next to your bedroom with a growl, his hips pressing against your own revealing he was already growing aroused. Upon pulling from the kiss the two of you were panting already, Striker pressed his forehead to your own.
 “What…is going on with you?” You questioned in a breathy tone
 “I-I’m not sure…I just…seeing Blitz threaten Ya…it…pissed me off…” Striker panted out giving another roll of his hips.
 “Shit! Striker! Bedroom! NOW!” You growled feeling your crotches slide against one another
 Striker obeyed the command letting you off the wall to move into the bedroom where he instantly caught sight of the items you’d put out on the bedside table. The two of you made short work of stripping off your clothing, your hand caressing from Striker’s bare chest to his back followed by a sharp shove that sent him to the mattress face down. Striker tried to turn back around but you were too swift, crawling up to sit on his ass while pulling both his wrists behind his back. Using your tail, you grabbed the handcuffs from the bedside table immediately clamping them onto Striker’s wrists at which point you dismounted him, striding over to the bedside table to grab the gag. Striker managed to roll himself over despite his hands being cuffed behind his back, splaying slightly in possibly the sexiest manner you’d seen in a while. You snatched up the gag then crawled back up onto the bed to straddle Striker’s torso again enjoying the deep red flush spread across Striker’s pale face.
 You set the gag next to your leg then moved up to Striker’s chest before reaching into your briefs to pull out your hard length. Striker’s expression turned pensive as his eyes shifted from your cock to your face seeming slightly apprehensive. You caressed a hand along Striker’s jawline to his lips where you pressed a thumb to the bottom lip prompting him to pull it in and suck for a moment, tongue wrapping around the digit. You hummed in satisfaction before removing the digit from Striker’s mouth using your other hand to guide your length to his mouth instead.
 “Suck me off,” You demanded
 “Uh…(Y/N) …I…” Striker hesitated staring at the large cock near his face
 “Relax, I know. You know what to do if it gets too much,” You reassured Striker
 “Alright, I’ll give it a go,” Striker agreed
 You watched as Striker leaned forward a little to wrap his tongue around the head of your cock before pulling it into his mouth. You gave a moan as Striker started sucking down your length his throat muscles struggling to relax as the girth invaded it. You grabbed his horns to start thrusting into the warm heat of Striker’s mouth feeling him gag around the length down his throat. Striker lifted his hips up just enough to allow his fingers room to snap twice a signal that you two had agreed upon basically Striker was tapping out of the blowjob. You stop immediately upon hearing the snapping, pulling your length out of Striker’s mouth causing him to gag a little after it was removed.
 “Are you alright?” You asked gently caressing Striker’s cheek
 “Yeah…just never been great at blowjobs, too much gag reflex,” Striker stated
 “It’s fine, thanks for trying. What about this?” You asked holding up the gag
 “I can do that,” Striker confirmed
 ��Well then…open up,” You instructed
 Striker obeyed opening his mouth to accept the gag which you happily inserted, securing the clasp behind his head. You slid slowly down Striker’s torso allowing your hard length to run all the way down his torso till you reached his noticeable bulge giving it a squeeze through the tight fabric of his briefs eliciting a deep wonderful moan from Striker’s chest. You grabbed his waistband to yank the underwear free of Striker’s body, marvelling at the sight before slipping off the bed once more to go back to the bedside table, opening the drawer to pull out the bottle of lube kept there. Swaggering to the end of the bed you grabbed Striker’s calves to yank the pale imp towards yourself. Striker knew exactly what you were doing so he adjusted his hips and crooked his legs taking on a rather lovely pose that you reveled in for a few moments. Striker had his head slightly off to the left with a bright red blush painting his pale face, panting past the ball gag firmly situated in his mouth, naked body laid out with his arms firmly handcuffed behind his back still as his knees were spread and crooked presenting his hard erection that curved up to his stomach.
 You hummed in approval at the sight, popping the lid on the lube bottle to squeeze a small amount on to two of your fingers. You pressed the two fingers against Striker’s entrance, rubbing around the rim to spread the slick lube before pressing in to the first knuckle. Striker gave a guttural groan as you started finger fucking his hole, pushing along his walls then scissoring. You quickly inserted a third finger causing Striker to start rolling his hips against the stretching feeling, head thrown back as he moaned past the gag. You were confident Striker was open enough now so you retracked your fingers making him shudder slightly from the loss. You crawled up on to the bed between Striker’s legs, hooking one over your shoulder as you grabbed the lube bottle once more, drizzling some over your length and with a couple pumps you guided it to Striker’s hole. Pressing forwards gingerly you pressed the head of your cock into Striker with a slight moan from the tight heat clutching around you, watching as Striker started panting heavily, yellow eyes half lidded with his chin tucked to his chest. Fuck this never got old Striker was always a sexy piece of ass but whenever the two of you had sex it was like that sexual image was amped up to 1000.
 You pushed to the hilt into Striker taking a moment to collect your thoughts while simultaneously allowing Striker to adjust. You planted a hand on the mattress beside Striker’s hip while the other held onto his thigh of the leg currently resting on your shoulder. You tested the waters with a single hip roll and when it went smoothly with Striker letting out a wanting moan you began a steady pace. As you both grew closer to climax you heard Striker trying to mumble something passed the gag, lowering Striker’s leg you adjusted slightly to pull the gag from Striker’s mouth to his chin.
 “What was that?” You asked breathily
 “Bite me! F-Fuck…Fucking mark me!” Striker panted out
 “W-what? You want me too…” You trailed off in slight shock
“Yes…please…(Y/N) …fucking mark me!” Striker once again panted out
 You didn’t know why but your instincts drove you forwards still thrusting at a fast pace, licking along Striker’s right shoulder before doing as requested. You sunk your fangs deep into Striker’s shoulder tipping the other imp over the edge with a groaning cry, cum spurting onto both your stomachs as Striker clenched around your length. You only managed a few more thrusts before spilling into Striker’s ass with a drawn-out moan, mouth pulling from the bite as you rocked casually through your orgasm. You reached under Striker’s back to undo the cuffs allowing him to bring them comfortably around while you pulled out of him, both of you maneuvering to lay against the pillows near the head of the bed.
 Basking in the after glow of the fantastic sex you glanced over to see the red bite wound on Striker’s shoulder. You grabbed a couple cigarettes along with a lighter from the bedside table and offered one to Striker which he accepted. After lighting your cigarette, you took a long drag, blowing out a puff of smoke as Striker did the same.
 “So…we’re mates now?” You inquired with a reference to the mark on Striker’s shoulder
 “Um…yeah…I guess…” Striker stammered
 “Why did you want to be marked by me? Isn’t this just a casual fucking?” You asked seriously confused by the sudden change in Striker’s demeanor not just the marking either nor just this night it seemed like for a while Striker had been changing.
 “That’s what I thought…honestly…I don’t have answers to the questions yer askin’…I just know when I saw Blitz threathin’ Ya, it pissed me off…like he was steppin’ on my turf,” Striker attempted to explain although it did appear he was telling the truth about not really understanding what was going on in his head.
 “Don’t you mean my turf?” You corrected ghosting fingers over the mark you placed on his shoulder
 “Ha-ha, true,” Striker chuckled lightly in agreement
 “Did you get the food by the way?” You asked suddenly remembering what Striker originally left for
 “Yep, it’s sittin’ on the table in the kitchen,” Striker informed you
 “Great, I’m definitely starving now. I’m gonna go take a shower then go reheat it,” You explained stubbing out the cigarette you’d been smoking on the crappy bedside table that already had several burn marks on its surface. Striker watched with an approving smirk on his face as you swaggered your way out of the bedroom heading across to the bathroom without bothering to put on any clothing.  
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anon-e-miss · 3 years
In your a/b/o au, I have a feeling that once Prowl regains control over himself, nothing is goi by to go well for him, especially if he ends up carrying
Nine mega-cycles passed in a hazy blur. Prowl lay under the alpha rutting into him, legs wrapped around his waist and hips rocking up to urge him on. He needed the knot that was grinding against his rim. It punched the ventilations out of him as his flexible rim gave in, as it had dozens of times in the last orn. The alpha pulled Prowl's legs from around his waist and pushed them held them against his own chassis as he burrowed deep into Prowl's frame. Transfluids flooded Prowl's gestation tank and he sighed as he helm fell back. He was exhausted. Prowl's servos fell from the alpha's shoulders, limp against the berth. Though the alpha had never taken his spark, it felt swollen. Bitterness would come later, for now the fading heat kept Prowl pliant and dull. His frame was processing the alpha's spend so quickly, he felt certain the code was taking root in his forge as the energy flooded his spark. When he could see a medic, Prowl was certain they would find a newspark. His most important secret would be exposed. All the vorns Prowl had spent studying and working would be wasted. Every investigation he had let, every conviction he had achieved would be called into question, because he an omega had accomplished it. The alpha pulled out of Prowl and Prowl did not move. He was exhausted and sore but his frame was cooling, the heat was finally ending. Prowl managed a sigh of appreciation as the alpha wiped his frame of their fluids, as he had after each frag. He had never allowed Prowl to lay in their filth. "Not yet," the alpha said as Prowl's optics dimmed. "Coolant and energon first." "Mm," Prowl grumbled. He only wanted to recharge so he could finally think and sort out the fragging mess his life had turned into. "Lazy," the alpha scolded him, and not for the first time. "Open up, Minx. Drink yer medicine." Prowl opened his mouth as the alpha lifted his shoulders up. A cube was placed against his lipplates and Prowl drank. His frame had been wrung dry of coolant and energy and the mixture flowed easily down his throat. In the pornography his colleagues had watched in the breakroom sometimes, that line had been spoke as an alpha pushed their spike against the mouth of a pouty omega. When they found out Prowl was an omega would they pull that line on him as they took their fill before they tossed him, used up, on the street? Possibly. Even the mated ones had largely had misogynistic attitudes towards omegas. They had especially low opinions of unmated omegas who were interfacially active. He had seen them speak to rape victims, blaming them for their assaults. There was a reason it was policy for betas to interview such victims, alphas were just too aggressive. It seemed to Prowl more likely that these alphas were just aftholes. "That's better, ain't it Minx?" The alpha asked. "Maybe," Prowl grumbled. He wanted the mech to lay him down so he could recharge. Though he could normally go an orn without recharging for even a joor, Prowl could not even gather the energy to keep his optics online. "Can I trust ya in a bath while I change the berth?" The alpha asked. "No," Prowl replied. His helm dropped to the mech's shoulder. He was tired. "Least yer honest," the alpha murmured. It was the last thing Prowl heard. Joors later, he woke, curled on his side, alone in the berth. Prowl side and brought a servo down to his belly, then his array. He was tender, but it was not terrible. His frame was coded to withstand the marathon fragging of heat. Forcing himself upright, Prowl winced as he sat, the blankets pooling around his waist. Really, it was more tenderness, the ache of overuse that had his aft and hips sore. He had done more damage to himself sitting at his desk for too many orns straight. He took stock of himself. His wells were dotted with hickeys and his nozzles were tender. Now, was this because the alpha had enjoyed sucking and pinching them, or the first symptom of carrying? Prowl placed a servo over his spark chamber. It could all just be paranoia, the alpha had never merged with him, but his spark felt
swollen and his lower belly hard and raised as his gestation tank was bloated with transfluids. There was no knowing for certain until he could see a medic and Prowl had no idea when that would be. He had dozens of messages in his inbox. "Enforcer 79031 reporting," he utilized an internal comm to reach his superiors. "Where have you been?" Flatfoot demanded. An, are you alright, would have been appropriate here, Sir. "We've been trying to make contact for an orn." "There was an incident," Prowl replied, keeping his denta clenched. "I know there was an incident," Flatfoot growled. "Everyone knows about the riot. Some dumbaft stirred up the whole crowd. Don't tell me you've been spending the last orn fragging the slut." "No, Sir," Prowl said. "I need to be retrieved. I am somewhere in the inner sanctum of the Maestro's compound." "What? What are you doing in there?" Flatfoot demanded. "I went into an unexpected heat and the Maestro took advantage of my circumstances," Prowl hated to tell the truth but if he was not honest about his situation Flatfoot would be hard pressed to send a team. He would be expected to carrying out his assignment. "You... you went into heat," Flatfoot said. "You're the reprobate that caused that energon bath." "I am not a reprobate," Prowl growled. "The only omegas that dress up like alphas are reprobates," Flatfoot replied and Prowl made a face, though his commander could not see it. "Wait... you said the Maestro fragged you?" "That is not what I said," Prowl replied. "Semantics," Flatfoot said. "He took you too his berth and fragged you through your heat?" "Yes." "That's... perfect," Flatfoot declared. "We've never gotten anyone alone in the same room as him and you're in his berth. It's perfect." "No, it is not perfect," Prowl snapped. "I need to be evacuated. I need to see a medic." "Did he damage you?" Flatfoot asked. "Not especially," Prowl replied. "Then you'll remain at your post," Flatfoot said. "You're in the perfect position to get us the intel to bring that bastard down." "Sir!" Prowl exclaimed. "You cannot expect me to be his berthwarmer for the investigation." "You're an omega, taking spike is natural to you," Flatfoot retorted. "This investigation will make my career. I expect you to report back in an orn." Prowl reset his optics as he stared at his servos. Of all the misogynistic slag... he should not have been surprised, Flatfoot ignored the porn and the harrassment of victims. Still, Prowl was surprised, he was an enforcer, not a buymech. He was an enforcer for now, when he did get out of here, he would lose his badge for certain. Frag. If Flatfoot would not retrieve him, Prowl would have to escape on his own. Except... he would be in dereliction of his duties if he did and... Flatfoot would make sure he paid dearly for it. "Awake?" The alpha, the Maestro asked. He stood in the doorway, a wide tray in his servos. Prowl smelled energon and his empty fuel tank rumbled. "Yes," Prowl replied, he crossed his servos on his lap and got his first clear look of his investigation's target. The Maestro was Polihexian, like Flatfoot. He was short, lean with glossy, well cut armour. Largely white with some black accents, the Maestro had racing stripes down he centre of his chassis... what was the significance of the number 4? Though the mech's blue visor covered his optics, it was clear to Prowl that the mech was looking him over. Though his wells remained uncovered, Prowl did not raise the blanket to cover them. They were covered with Jazz's lovebites and hickeys, he had already seen plenty of them. "I brought ya pressed energon 'n breakfast," the Maestro said. "I couldn't get much fuel in ya o'er the orn." "Oh," Prowl said. "Thank you..." "Ain't no thang," the alpha replied and his irreverance was more charming than vexing. "After breakfast, I'll run ya an oil bath. Y're gonna be sore." "You were not overly rough," Prowl replied. "I am... in good working order." "All the same, I bet y're achin' some," the Maestro said and of course he was right. "A little,"
Prowl confessed. "There ya go," the alpha said. "I don't know how ya take yer energon." "This is fine," Prowl replied as the alpha lowered the tray to his lap. The energon was sapphire blue, quite a bit weaker than he liked. But ordering copshop energon would be one Pit of a giveaway, and beggars should not be choosers. "I take it plain." "Cool," the Maestro said, he sat on the berth and crossed his legs. "Tell me, what's yer designation, Minx?" "Prowl." "What had ya sneakin' 'round my club in heat, Prowl?" The Maestro asked. "I did not know I was entering a heat," Prowl replied. "My suppressants... failed. I have been living as a beta for vorns." "Ya caused a damn rut in my club," the alpha said. "My apologies for the inconvenience," he replied, primly. It was not as if he had not suffered the greater inconvenience. "Sassy," the Maestro laughed and Prowl glowered at him, which only made him laughed harder. "Go on, eat yer breakfast. Don't ya want that oil bath?" "What is your designation?" Prowl asked. "Maestro ain't good 'nough for ya?" "The Maestro is not a designation," Prowl replied. "I would like to know the designation of the mech who spent nine mega-cycle knot deep in my valve." "Jazz." "Is that really your designation?" Prowl asked. "It's what ya can call me if ya don't like Maestro." "Jazz it is, then."
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eclecticmiasma · 4 years
Human Art (Yandere!Rohan x Reader)
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🖤 For the eternally lovely @vani-ya​ 💚
When strange things start happening around your apartment, your kind friend Rohan offers you a place to stay. 
[Warnings: somnophilia, rape, mind control, abuse, dead dove: do not eat] 
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It started out innocuous enough. Doors ajar that you could have sworn you closed. Missing laundry. Strange bruises. The fact that Morioh had a serial killer running around wasn’t exactly a secret, so you just felt like you were being overly paranoid when little things around your apartment began to go awry. You weren’t always the most mindful person, and a few little incidents did not a serial killer make.
That is, until the open doors had broken locks. Until you found strange stains on your underwear. Until the bruises that marred your hips and thighs began to look like fingerprints.
“Maybe it’s a ghost!” Okuyasu jested, waggling his eyebrows. Rohan shot him a look of deep disgust. Okuyasu’s face fell as he remembered the existence of Reimi, “Sorry…”  
“Well, you’re more than welcome to crash at my place,” Josuke interjected, “Mom’s probably dying to have another woman around-” At this, Rohan let out a snort of laughter.
“Stay at your place? And sleep where exactly?” Josuke chewed the inside of his lip.
“I…I mean I could sleep on the couch…” The mangaka rolled his eyes and set down his coffee with a frustrated clink.
“Am I always the only one with any real solutions?” He turned to you and looked you sternly in the eyes, “[Y/n], I’m sure you’ve noticed that my house is massive. As long as you don’t interrupt my work, the best thing to do is to stay with me for a while,” The gang blinked at Rohan, shocked at his uncharacteristic generosity. Okuyasu got ready to grill him on the fact that he refused to let him and his father stay at his mansion despite the fact that they continued to live in an abandoned shack, but Josuke elbowed him before he could start.
You were hesitant to accept. While it was a generous offer, you never really spoke to Rohan beyond gathering cursory information about the town’s other stand users. He sensed your unease and softened his gaze.
“It’ll be…an adventure. Maybe you could even help me model certain character poses? There is a severe lack of women in my work.”
In the end, you agreed. All of your things were moved to Rohan’s with the help of your friends, and you found yourself much more at ease with someone else in the house. Even if your rooms were fairly far apart, you felt much less likely to be murdered while not living alone. Whether or not that was misguided, you began to enjoy your temporary home.
But, slowly, incidents began to occur at Rohan’s home too. Much like before, they started out small. Bits of hair in your bed that weren’t yours. More marks on your body, covering the ones that had faded. One morning, you woke up with something dry and flaky across your chest and neck. You started to think that Okuyasu was right, maybe you did have some kind of ghost following you around.
When you voiced your concerns to Rohan, he waved them away. The two of you did laundry at the same time, so of course it was probably his hair caught in your blankets. Your aloof nature meant that you constantly bumped into things, he saw it himself. As for the mystery substance on your chest, maybe you needed to buy some new body lotion that wouldn’t clump up in your sleep. He recommended a local brand. Everything you came at him with, he had an answer for. Rohan’s level-headed nature put you at ease, and you were thankful for him.
But then everything fell apart. You don’t know what possessed you, perhaps it was a familiarity with the mangaka’s drawing room after having modeled for his various projects several times, but you found yourself perusing his massive catalogue of books. He had a novel on nearly every subject. As he told you many times, he found it of utmost importance to take inspiration from the real world.
When none of his library piqued your interest, you walked away from his bookshelf and padded over to his desk. Though you were never allowed to look at his unfinished work, curiosity got the better of you. Rohan was much too controlling when it came to his work, you felt. A little peak wouldn’t do anyone any harm.
You picked up a sketchbook and rifled through it, amazed at how detailed his drawings were. Birds, insects around the home, coffee plates, sandwiches, human hands, anything and everything he saw was sketched out to the most minute details. He was absurdly talented. You felt a bit of pride in being his friend.
At the back of the sketchbook were nude drawings. You blushed as your eyes raked over the lewd poses. Some genitalia was drawn, both male and female. The model’s body was contorted in all different poses, many sexual in nature. As you flipped the page, you were shocked to see actual sexual acts being performed. You had never heard of models that were willing to do this kind of thing. Although, Rohan had a lot of money and none of the sketches showed their faces. Except for one.
The sketchbook tumbled to the floor.
The face was yours.
Not once had he asked you to pose nude for him, but there you were. Your full body was on display. Leaned back over the edge of a sofa so that your hair dragged along the floor. One of your hands grasped your breast seductively while the other delved into your core. It was unmistakably you, down to the birthmark on your abdomen. You knew Rohan only drew from what was directly in front of him, so how in the world-
Rohan cleared his throat behind you, and you nearly jumped out of your skin. A devious look danced behind his eyes. He set down his satchel unceremoniously and closed the study door.
“I suppose this was bound to happen at some point,” Your heart raced as the lock clicked in place. Rohan slid off his gloves and threw them on the leather chair next to his satchel. Not once did he take his emerald eyes off of your now trembling form.
“I don’t understand,” You managed to say, though your voice was weak and nearly unintelligible.
“You wouldn’t,” Rohan chuckled darkly, “You’re much too stupid to put two and two together. Now, kneel.”
To your shock, your knees immediately hit the wooden floor.
“Heaven’s Door,” Rohan muttered, taking your face in his palms. Your whole body tensed and something like a book opened in your left cheek, “You know, this charade has been quite fun. I probably could have been happy to keep you as my perfect little pet forever. But, seeing you like this, seeing the genuine fear in your eyes, I’m starting to realize that your inability to remember our time together has honestly been quite boring,” He whipped out a pencil from his pocket and erased something from your pages.
All at once, everything came flooding back. The nights in your apartment where something, someone held you down while you sobbed, marking your body as their own. The way they flaunted your stolen underwear as they huffed it while fucking your breasts. Broken locks strewn to the floor as you screamed.
And at Rohan’s house, memories of him choking you until you complied with his demands, his thick cock stretching your throat. The unhinged glee in his eyes as he came all over your neck and chest. Images of your naked, trembling body on display as he drew you any way he wanted, even while being used by him.
Paralyzed by Rohan’s stand, all you could do was remember and weep.
“There we go,” He said, closing your pages and stepping back, admiring his work, “I even took out the clause that says you have to obey any orders I give,” A dark grin danced across his features, “Now, look at me when I’m speaking to you.”
You couldn’t. Not after the visions that played in your mind. Everything you had feared for months stood directly in front of you, taunting you. Pain erupted on the side of your head as Rohan twisted your hair around his fist and pulled you way from the side of the desk. He used that momentum to throw you to the floor and, immediately, he was on you, tearing off your clothes with practiced precision. Though you kicked and screamed, Rohan was deceptively strong. You cried out as he wrenched your arm painfully behind your back.
“Keep fighting me, and I’ll pop your arm out of its socket,” Despite his warning you continued to struggle, wriggling underneath him for any kind of opportunity to get the upper hand. He let out an exasperated sigh and tugged hard. You cried out as burning agony shot down your arm and the limb fell to your side with a thud, “You really think one would learn after the first twenty or so times. How did you even survive on your own for this long?”
With the rest of your clothing off, he moved his weight from you and ordered you to get back on your knees. Trembling, you acceded, forcing yourself up with your working arm to face him. You watched as he retrieved his sketchbook from the floor. He flipped through the pages with annoyance.
“Not many left. Ah, here’s a spot. Now…what do I need from you…” Rohan’s brow furrowed as he tapped his chin with a fountain pen and looked at your sobbing face. His lip curled in disgust, “Let’s put that mouth to use. Open up,” Your eyes met his and you silently pleaded for mercy. Images of him forcing his way past your lips flashed before you, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to comply.
“I shouldn’t have to repeat myself,” Fury bubbled beneath Rohan’s calculated stare. After you continued to hesitate, he cupped his hand and put it to his ear, “What’s that? You’re begging me to paralyze you with my stand?” You shook your head furiously and opened your mouth for him, ashamed, “Good girl.”
Rohan walked over to you and unzipped his baggy trousers. With pen in hand, he fished out his half-hard member and let it hit your tongue. Fresh tears streamed down your cheeks. His thumb grazed your cheek, and for a moment you thought he might even take pity on you. He only smirked.
“Mess up my drawing, and I’ll throat-fuck you until you have to use a feeding tube,” Fear coursed through you as he started to draw, lightly thrusting his length along your tongue to allow it to fully harden. You barely breathed.
Minutes passed. Ten. Twenty. Rohan sketched the way his cock sat between your lips as if he were sketching a detailed flower. Nothing in his facial expressions betrayed the act in which he was participating. But he was certainly aroused. You fought back the urge to gag when salty pre-cum hit your tongue.
When he slapped the sketchbook closed, you jumped. The sick sense of security you felt while he was drawing melted, and terrified anticipation took its place.
“Get on all fours,” Reluctantly, you did as he said. He came up behind you and slid his hands along your inner thighs, “Spread your legs…Further,” Your face heated up with shame and rage as you felt him grasp the soft flesh of your behind. He toyed with it, massaging it and spreading it apart to examine your innermost parts.
“Wait!” You cried out as something prodded at your entrance. You lurched forward to escape him, but tumbled onto your dislocated shoulder. Rohan quickly caught your hips and dragged you back across the floor. A sharp slap resounded in the room as he reared back and spanked you as hard as he could, “Please, Rohan-”
“Please, Rohan,” He mocked, smacking you again, “Do you know how long I’ve kept myself from burying my cock inside of you?” Burning pain filled you as he thrust himself forward, plunging inside of you with his thick length. Your nails dug into the floor as you sobbed, begging him to stop.
His pace was instantly vicious, dizzying. It was painful, so incredibly painful, but your cries fell on deaf ears. He even chuckled as you writhed beneath him, trying desperately to get away. With a swift motion he grabbed the back of your head and pulled you to him so that your back stuck to his chest. His clammy hands enthusiastically grasped at your bouncing breasts.
“Don’t you wonder why…” He growled in your ear, rolling his hips against you, “…after all the ways I’ve taken you, why not here?” His hand moved from your chest to rub painful circles into your clit. His other hand slid up to your neck and gripped it so tightly that you could barely respond, “I don’t mean to sound sentimental, but I wanted you to remember it. A whore like you should be so lucky to be fucked by Rohan Kishibe.”
Finally, his thrusts slowed and he shifted the angle of your body. Though it was still painful, the new position allowed his dick to plant a cloying feeling deep within your core. Every time he penetrated you, it gave you pause. Combined with the more deliberate ministrations of his fingers on your clit, the realization dawned on you that you were dangerously close to orgasm. Your heart raced at the thought. You wanted to scream, but Rohan’s grip on your neck kept you near silent.
“Cum for me you little slut. I know exactly where your buttons are, so don’t try to fight it,” The world around you spun as lack of oxygen finally took its toll, and everything you had been fighting so hard to stop fell by the wayside. Your orgasm hit you like a freight train, little pinpricks of light dancing in your vision as your body trembled. Rohan cackled psychotically and let you drop to the floor.
While you came down from your high, Rohan fucked you harder. Your knees rubbed the floor painfully as he took you, slamming his cock deep within you again and again and again. You had no energy to hold yourself up, especially with just one arm, and you let him have his way with you as you silently cried.
His own orgasm wasn’t far behind. To your absolute shock he pulled out of you, digging the nails of his left hand into your thigh as his right milked out semen all over the skin of your back.
As soon as he released every drop of cum, there was shuffling behind you. You dared to glance down to see that he immediately went to grab his sketchpad to draw your freshly marked body and abused hole. You didn’t even need to be told to stay still.
When he was finished, he flipped you over. You yelped in shock as he grabbed your foot and held it up to where he could see the bottom of it. Pain shot through you as he took his fountain pen and sliced into the sole of your foot, cutting a thin line.
“There,” he panted, dropping your leg, “You didn’t really think that was our first time, did you?” He cast a smug smile your direction as your face dropped, “That’s it, that’s the face! Hold still,” He picked up the book beside him and quickly outlined your pained expression. He grinned as his pen flew across the paper, absolutely unhinged. “Anyway, of course you believed me. The only person more gullible than you is that buffoon Josuke.”
“But…I saw everything…” Rohan let out a genuine cackle.
“You remember what I let you remember, you stupid bitch. Why would I pass up the chance to break you anew every single day? To let you think that I still had one more line left to cross? The raw emotion…that’s truly art,” You thought you had run your tears dry, but more just kept coming. A choked sob left your lips as you dared to look at the bottom of your foot. It was covered in scars, some fresher than others. There must have been hundreds. Little tick marks that denoted how Rohan had used you time and time and time again.
Before you could process everything that happened, before you could curl up into yourself and howl at the indignity, Heaven’s Door had you between its grubby little hands. Rohan himself sauntered over and scribbled something on your cheek.
“Now, why don’t you go wash your filthy little hole and go to bed?” Your mind went blank as the world around you fell away. Rohan called out to you as you mindlessly lifted yourself up to walk to the bathroom as he bid you.
“Sweet dreams, [Y/n].” *all original work is my intellectual property. do not edit or re-upload.
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Finding Him
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AU!Dean x Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping/taken, angst, mentions/implications of rape, mentions of blood, gruesome I think, maybe. (If I need more warnings, I’ll add them. Not sure what I need for warnings right now) I would recommend to being at least 18 to be safe.
Summary: Dean doesn’t come home from a supply run. Sam and the Reader find the Impala, but no Dean. Who would take Dean? Why? Clock’s ticking.
Word count: 2,400-ish
a/n: Inspired by a fic called Lost by @talesmaniac89​, only I switched the roles and the whole premise of the story in comparison.
Finding Him Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
His vision blackened by the dark hood that covered his head.
“See boss, I found him, one of the Winchester boys.” A male voice says. As if he were expecting a prize.
“Yes, I see that, you were also to get his little brother you nitwit!” another man shouted.
Dean could hear growls in the distance. Meaning he was dealing with more than just one monster. Also, what kind of monster?
“But doing this draws out his brother. Once he is out and about, I’ll get him.”
“You better, but watch out for his mate. I hear she’s feisty.”
Y/N, they knew her as well. But she was only with the brothers for, not even, 6 months now.
“Why again are we doing this? Why don’t we just swarm their base now? I mean, we can use his scent to lead us there.” A female voice was heard this time. She sounded rather annoyed by the whole situation.
“Because, it’s her I want.”
“She’s a half-breed. First of our kind. Her mother was human. They say half-breeds are weaker than their pure bred counterpart. But I beg to fucking differ!” the boss man got furious at a memory.
Y/N’s a what? Dean thought. He could only huff against the gag in his mouth that was tapped in by duct tape. His hands were bound by all kinds of bindings. Rope, tape and even chains. These werewolves took precautions to prevent Dean from escaping or fighting back.
Y/N must have done something to piss this guy off. He thought.
“Just bring the other Winchester, Lure this bitch out. I want her now!”
 “Sam, I found the impala but no Dean.” She said into the phone.
“Store clerk said no one was following him in the store. So it must have happened outside of the store on the way home.”
“I don’t like this Sam, who would take him and why?”
“I don’t know. Come swing by, pick me up and I’ll drive Dean’s baby home.”
“Sure thing, then we’ll get hunting for your brother.”
She hung up the phone. She could smell it. It’s faint but it’s werewolf. Maybe it’s time to come clean about her lineage to Sam. It might help in finding Dean.
 “So you’re a half breed. Half human, half werewolf? How’s that possible?” Sam asked. Not a hint of malice in his words, no hint of anger or hostility in his body language.
“My mom was human. My dad was an alpha werewolf. But my mom died giving birth to me. I never really had a mother. But there’s this other pack, my dad went rogue on them when they started killing humans. He’d kill his own members to save humans.” She explained.
“Your dad sounds like a good man.”
“He was. Then his alpha found us. Tried to take me. He fought back. Or, tried to. I managed to get away. But in the woods I could smell my dad’s blood. He kill him. I’m more than sure, he’s the one that took Dean. He’s trying to lure me out.”
“He really shouldn’t underestimate the Winchester way of doing things.”
“What do you have in mind, I do see those wheels in your head turning?” she asked.
“We’ll need Cas’s help. I’ll even see if Bobby or any of the apocalypse hunters are up for some fuckery.”
She smiled, what does this guy have in mind, must be awesome.
 Weeks pass.
Sure he’d feed Dean, give him water even. But the alpha has a plan. And it’s not a great one.
He’s building an army.
“It’s my daughter, Alpha. She’s presenting, and I feel she is suitable for bearing a half breed.” Said a woman behind the door.
“Once she is fully presented, we’ll put him to work. And soon she will bear a half breed. Because if that bitch won’t come to me, we’ll come to her, with an army to boot.”
Dean swallowed thickly.
Already several scared girls had come in, he was forced to impregnate these girls. In hopes of making werewolves just like y/n.
He’s not dumb, half breeds are not as weak as people or other monster claim them to be. Because of their human counterparts, they don’t give up.
“How many have we made so far boss?” the same wolf that kidnapped Dean asked.
“9. Nine half breeds. And 5 of us. Two omegas, one beta, and two alphas. The half breeds don’t even need to present. That’s the thing we need to research further.”
“I’m sure our doctors in the sandy hills would love to look at them, and this girl of yours.”
“I’m sure. But, she’s mine. Mine to tame, mine alone. I’ll make an omega out of her.”
“You want to see what offspring you and her would produce?” he asked. Seeing his masterplan now.
“We need an army. Those British hunters already got the drop on us and have killed most of ours. But now, with us being mostly half breeds. We’ll see how much of a match we are to them.”
“Impervious to silver. But they’ll die like any normal human.”
“Maybe so. But we’ll train them in combat. We will win this.”
His comrade nodded.
 A low growl could be heard from y/n as she paced the library.
“Weeks Sam, it has been weeks. We need to find him.”
“I know, Bobby’s trying to round up everyone.”
“I can feel them doing something to him, it’s not good. We need to hurry.”
“Like what?”
“I can’t describe it without making you feel uncomfortable. But it’s not good. Let’s just put it at that.”
Sam’s phone rang. Caller ID, Bobby.
“Hey, Bobby, whatchyou got?”
“Sam, bring your girl and come to our hide out. It’s getting bad out there.”
“Bad, bad how?”
“We’re out numbered. The amount of werewolves is growing. More than what we can keep up with.”
“Okay, we’ll pack what we can and meet you out there.”
Sam hung up.
“What’s wrong?”
“Their numbers are growing.”
“I told you it was bad.”
“What are you saying?”
“He’s making an army of half breeds. Like me. And he’s using Dean to help in that process.”
“You mean, he’s forcing these wolf girls to rape my brother?” Sam asks, growing sickened and angry.
“Yes. Which is why we need to hurry. Let’s just go where we need to go. I’ll tell you what we can do to win.”
 “Great, not only are you like a human, but impervious to silver. So our bullets and knives won’t kill you.” One of the male apocalypse hunters fumed.
“So how do we kill them?” Meg asks.
“Just like how you’d kill any human. An ordinary weapon. But don’t injure them. Or Don’t waste time on the kill. They…we can heal quickly.”
“You have to have some kind of weakness.” Bobby says.
“Well, we’re not totally impervious to silver. I learned that the hard way from you hunters.” She says. “Just before I met Sam and Dean, I ran into a hunter. He learned of what I was. And tried to kill me. His silver blade slashed my arm. I had this nasty looking infection. But really it was poison.”
“Dean brought you back, and we healed you up.” Sam added. She nodded with a sad smile.
“That’s why you didn’t tell us. You were afraid we’d do that to you.” Sam says. She cast her gaze to her feet, fiddling her hands at her waistline. She felt Sam’s hand at her cheek. Coaxing her to look up at him.
“You had our backs, you saved Dean from shifters and wendigos. You saved me from vamps and werewolves. Cas from angels. Hell, even our own mother from a number of monsters. We wouldn’t have hurt you darlin’.”
“When he saved me, Dean. I imprinted on him.”
“How’d you…”
“I’m not sure. He felt safe. I felt safe. It was after he saved me, I’ve been able to feel what he feels. Know exactly where he was. Or is. Some say imprinting anyone, a wolf or human, is done by sex. But we didn’t do anything. He just held me. Safe in his arms.” She explained.
“Could be that. Could be a soul thing.” Bobby says. “Soulmates.”
Sam and Y/N nodded.
A moment passed. Y/N shook her head out of her thoughts.
“We need to get Dean back before the Alpha kills him. When he deems Dean no longer useful. I can, feel him. He does feel far. But I’m sure I can find him.”
“Well, let’s do this. Bobby, you, and the hunters try to get their numbers down. Kill as many as you can. Y/N and I will get Dean out of there. Then after—”
“I’m killing that Alpha, once and for all. More lives are in danger with him alive.” She growled.
Sam could only nod.
 A shot rang out.
“All the guards outside are half breeds. Aim for the head.” She ordered the hunters that came along.
Shot after shot rang out.
She took in their scent. They weren’t that old, freshly presented. She stared at them in confusion. Half breeds don’t present. Unless a certain gene allows them to present or not enough research went into half breeds.
“Sam, you and I we need to move in. now.” She ordered. Sam nodded.
“Keep them from entering.” She told the hunters.
“Sam, let’s go!”
And they ran their way inside.
 “Get the human!” the alpha ordered.
Dean, looking a bit rough from weeks and weeks of rough sex, little food and water and no sleep. The wolf picked him up by the collar, Dean grunted against the motion as his hands were bound behind his back since the day they brought him in here. His wrists have been cut up and bloodied from his struggles.
“I’d be happy to rip his heart out for ya boss.” He sneered.
“NO!” The alpha shouted.
The wolf shuddered.
“He’s mine.”
He threw Dean at the Alpha’s side.
Dean landed on his side with a hard thud and grunt. He was too weak to play the tough guy. Too weak to give a witty comeback.
He just laid there, waiting for his death.
 Sam, preoccupied by other wolves in the warehouse as Y/N walked into the Alpha’s Domaine. His den, his ‘Throne Room’. He stood on a balcony meant for loading large machinery. It had no railing on one side.
She could smell his blood. Causing a growl to emerge deep within her chest. Her fists clench so hard she could draw blood.
“There she is.” The alpha growled.
“Here I am. Do you want to end this or should I?” she asked. Glaring down at him.
“You dare talk like that to your Alpha?” he growled.
“You are not my alpha, I’m no one’s alpha. You are a murderer.”
“Now, I’d beg to differ on that. You killed your own kind.”
“I have two kinds. Human and wolf. Humans seem a lot better than you.”
He growled at her remark.
“You mean, like this human!” he pulls Dean up by the collar. His sheer strength alone allowed him to hold Dean in the air, hanging him by his collar. He hung him over the ledge with no railing. Intending on letting him either hang to his death or drop him.
Her heart dropped.
Dean kicked, trying to get free. He began gagging for air.
“He’s weak, just like your father was. Your father was infatuated with a human and it weakened him. He was my right hand man!” he shouted.
She tried to keep a good poker face going. But Dean’s eyes began to roll as he was loosing more and more air.
“You are just like him. Infatuated with a human.”
“Let him go.” She says. Demanding.
The Alpha cocked his head, cocking an eyebrow, smirking. Oh, she thinks she’s going to have it easy. He thought.
“Please, I’ll turn myself over to you willingly. But you have to let him go. Alive!” she demanded.
“Hmm, such a tempting offer.” The Alpha says playfully. “But, no. I think I’ll pass.” He says.
He repositions Dean so he could easily wrap his hand around his throat. She could tell he was squeezing the life out of him, he kicked furiously, desperately trying to get free.
I hope this will work. She thought.
She darts, climbing up a stack of crates leading up to the platform.
She managed to get on the platform without him noticing. She could see the color to Dean’s face changing. His eyes rolling.
A fire burned in her eyes. He’s not going to take him from her.
With her claws now drawn, she forces her hand through the Alpha’s back and through his chest.
He can see what looks like silver nails on her claws.
The impact causes him to drop Dean.
He drops on to his back with a hard thud.
The Alpha gags as the poison from the polish is coursing through his veins.
“You really should have taken the deal.” She says. Pulling her hand from his back the Alpha drops dead with a thud. On the concrete ground below.
“Dean!” she gasps. Seeing him not moving.
She rushes to him, cutting him free. She brings her ear to his mouth. He’s not breathing.
“No, no, no. Dean, please.” She begs.
She works him over her shoulder as she get’s him to a more flat surface.
“Dean!” she heard Sam shout.
She laid Dean flat on his back and began doing chest compressions.
“Sam, Bobby, we need to get him help.” She begs as she worked on him.
“Cas!” Sam prays out loud. “Cas, if you hear me please, we need you to save him!”
“Cas!” she adds on. “Please, I can’t lose him!”
“Sam, Y/N.” Cas says behind her.
“Cas, help him.” She begs. Her eyes blurring with tears.
“I will try.” He says.
He places two fingers to his forehead. Only to see limited injuries healed. But Dean took in a deep, much needed, breath.
Cas falls back, weakened.
“I do not have enough grace to heal him completely. My grace has been depleting lately. Once I am fully regenerated, I’ll heal him again.” Cas says.
“Thanks Cas, it’s something.” Y/N says. “Let’s get him home.”
Part 2
What’d you think? Want more? Let me know either by ask or reblog. Remember, feedback is fuel.
Dean Girls:
@pandazombie69​, @luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles​, @becs-bunker​, @jayankles​, @mlovesstories​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @akshi8278​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 2/8/2021
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Blame Me- Chapter 4
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Specified gender: Female
Word Count: 11.7K
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x reader,
TW: canon typical violence, canon divergence, flashback of past character death (OCs), cannibalism, detailed gore, sexual innuendos, suggestion of rape, reference to past child death, torture (dismemberment), Negan being Negan, probably badly written Negan, mention of a broken ankle?
Genre: Horror ig?
Series: Blame Me
Requests: CLOSED
A/N: Yeah, like I warned last chapter, I got a little carried away with this chapter. Negan is so fucking hard to write, so warning you for that as well. I loved this chapter though. And, uh, a lot of trigger warnings. Enjoy!
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(Y/N) sighed, looking into her bag. Her supplies were running dangerously low - only two cans and half a water bottle, not to mention the nonexistent ammo. She wouldn't be able to stay out here much longer. But paranoia crept into her, as it had done regularly since that night, and kept her in place. Trusting people was damn near impossible. Being in a group, in a community, a camp? It was terrifying. Unless she was truly desperate, and only then, would there be the smallest slither of a chance of it happening. Maybe she would be better just moving on. Staying alone. She was safer alone.
"Don't be stupid, woman, ya barely standin'." She could practically hear Daryl's voice in her ear, and her head snapped to the side just to check. But she was met with empty, open-air, and her heart sank a little bit, despite knowing he wasn't there. (Y/N) let out a huff, a mix of frustration and sadness, and looked back to the clearing in the bushes where she was watching Terminus. Goddamn it, even when he wasn't there, he was always right. She was going to get herself killed. There was a herd on the way, so it wouldn't hurt to stay a couple days right? Restock, sleep, and then get on the road again before the herd hit. They'd destroy that place anyway.
(Y/N) watched with hardened eyes as the fencing was pulled open, fixed on the men behind it. He had a smile on his face and open hands but his eyes gave him away. There was something menacing behind them. She wasn't sure she wanted to find out what that was. Just a few days.
"Hello there! My name is Gareth, I'm kind of the leader around here. Welcome to Terminus," Gareth greeted, striding forward, much quicker than (Y/N) had liked. She stepped back in response, narrowing her eyes cautiously.
"(Y/N)," She responded after a long pause. Hell, the longer she spent alone, the more she was sounding like her husband. Gareth's eyes flittered to her dirty, bloodied face; to the gun, she held in a vice-like grip; to her furrowed eyebrows; to the way she swayed lightly in exhaustion.
"Well, we're glad to have you. Before you come in, though, I need you to put your weapons on the ground. All of them. Just so we have no surprises," He replied. (Y/N) glanced down to the gun, still with the safety off and hesitated. Gareth waited patiently, much to her odd annoyance. Eventually, she gave a small nod, watching as relief flooded his features. There was something off about him. What was he hiding? She didn't trust him. Not that that meant much anymore. Down the gun went, along with the knife from her belt, still covered in walker blood, and the small handgun she kept clipped to her bag. Gareth came towards her, slowly this time, like someone approaching a scared pet. "I'm just going to pat you down now. Just our policy."
Much to (Y/N)'s relief, he kept professional as he patted along her arms, down her torso and legs and back up again. He was giving her that fake gentle smile. That only made her stiffen and the leader was quick to back off when he was done. He was trying to earn her trust. A nagging voice in the back of her head kept asking why what was he up to? (Y/N) tried to shake the suspicion as she bent down to pick her weapons back up.
"C'mon in," Gareth gestured to the gate and despite her unease, she allowed him to take her through to a small courtyard. There were a few people, maybe ten or so. Some of them were sat down on tables and little booths that were dotted around, and two people were stood next to a barbecue, where there was a blonde woman stood behind cooking. The closer they got, the stronger the smell wafting through the air did, and it made her stomach twist in a knot. She knew that smell. Why did she know that smell? The lady shot (Y/N) a warm smile as she offered her a plate of whatever it was she was cooking. But she only stared at it, a look of scepticism and partial disgust and the Terminus people exchanged a glance. Finally, the lady shrugged and handed the plate to a guy who'd come to stand behind the survivor. "You really find it hard to trust people don't you?"
"I'll be here for a day or two. I just need to rest," (Y/N) cut in sharply, readjusting the bag on her back, leaving a hand on the strap for grounding. Gareth shook his head slightly and placed his hand on his hips.
"Right this way," He breathed, growing increasingly vexed with the newcomer's dismissal. This time, she was led to what looked like a canteen, made out of an old factory (maybe? It was hard to tell), and this time she let herself sit down on a bench that had been shoved against the wall. Her bag was placed on the floor between her feet, never letting it get too far. The three pictures and a random bobby pin that she had no idea how it got there, that were folded in her back pocket were stabbing into her ass through her jeans but she didn't move. If she was going to get stolen from again, she would happily lose everything as long as she could keep those three photos. Gareth disappeared into a back room and she let her gaze slide around the room. It was barren but looked like it had been untouched by the dead. A few minutes stretched by and her knee began to bounce nervously, before he returned, holding a can of sweetcorn, top already taken off, and a glass of water. He handed it to her, and hesitantly she took it. Hell, she was starving.
(Y/N) dug in a second later, ravenous, and it would long before the can was empty. The leader was babbling on about the community and rules and all that bullshit. By god, that man could talk. She'd zoned out by now, more focused on getting fed and hydrated. She took a gulp from the glass, nearly emptying, and putting on an expression that made it seem like she was listening. Slowly, however, his words started to fade in and out, muffling and blending together. Her head felt light, and she felt like she could barely hold herself up. She felt so damn heavy. Her body fell to the side, lying on the bench. Gareth knelt down in front of her. There it was. Through her dotted vision, she could see the dark grin on his face, and a shiver ran down her spine. He'd put something in her food and water. That motherfucker.
"What the hell did-" (Y/N) started. She could hardly recognise her own voice. It was slurred and quiet, but still filled with the anger she'd hoped for. Well, if she was gonna die, he wanted her to know she was pissed about it. Gareth just stared her down, and eventually, she surrendered to the black dots. For Fuck's sake.
The faint noise of hushed chatter made (Y/N) lift her head from the floor. Shit that was a mistake. She scrunched her eyes back shut, trying to relieve her pounding headache. Slowly, she let herself open her eyes again, only to be met by the same darkness, bar a slither of light coming from under, what she assumed to be, a door. Everything fucking hurt, but she still pushed herself up, shuffling until she met a wall, to get grounding. The room couldn't have been very big, a storeroom or something? Well, at the very least, she knew she could trust her instincts. She saw something suspicious in Gareth and the motherfucker had drugged her. Asshole. The next question was, why the fuck had he drugged her? As if the people outside could read her mind, the door slammed open, flooding the room in sunlight, which made (Y/N) shut her eyes. Fuck that headache was killing her. Whoever had opened the door gripped her arm, jerking her out of the room across the rough ground and tearing her skin slightly. That was gonna sting later. She moved to fight back but found her wrists tied by course rope. How hadn't she noticed that? Probably the headache, damn it. When her eyes adjusted, they raised to glare at the person. Gareth. Of fucking course.
"Hey asshole," She quipped, giving him a sarcastic smile and he smiled, though there was no kindness in it. She heard him mumble something about being a smart ass before he lifted a bit of cloth from around her neck (when had that gotten there? Stupid drug side effects) she was tugged to her feet and shoved forward. (Y/N) had no idea where she was going, but the faces of the Terminus people read glad and... hungry? They had plenty of food in that pantry, more than (Y/n) had seen in a long time, why would they be hungry?
It wasn't long before her surroundings became gloomy and darkened as Gareth took her into another old looking warehouse. The corridor opened up to a large room, with different kinds of tools littering the walls and various tools, along with a long trough in the centre of the room. Oh fuck, oh no. Oh no no no. She'd been hunting with Daryl and Merle enough times to know exactly what this fucking meant. She was NOT going out like this, no fucking way. And definitely not without a damn fight She squirmed in his grip, launching her leg backwards to try and kick him, but Gareth managed to jump back just in time. He twisted her arm slightly in return and she released a grunt of pain, but didn't let up, turning, bending, kicking, just moving as much as she possibly could, shouting out, trying to backpedal. Anything to get away from that trough. There were two guys in the corner, bouncing on their heels and shuffling, clearly waiting for Gareth to ask them to step in.
"Stop, fucking stop," Gareth growled in her ear, pushing her forward even more, despite her struggling. She was getting closer, and closer and closer and she was running out of options. This was gonna hurt like a bitch. Better than getting eaten. With a deep breath, she threw her head back, smashing into his nose. Shit, shit, shit she was right that fucking hurt. Instinctively, he let go, swearing violently and she made a mad dash for the door. The likelihood of her actually getting anywhere, especially with tied hands and goons around every corner but hell if they thought she was gonna just lay down and let them kill her, they were wrong. She raced back down the route Gareth had just taken her, and she soon heard three sets of footsteps behind her. She managed to get outside, back to the courtyard she'd been in hours (maybe? she didn't really know how long she was out) earlier, before one of the men who'd been in the slaughter room tackled her to the floor. Well, there went another layer of her skin on the ground. Ow. Over the slight ringing in her ears (Y/N) could hear slightly panicked muttering from the small crowd in the courtyard. Gareth came over seconds later, towering over her, and she grinned at him upon seeing his bloodied nose and the drips of blood on the collar of his shirt. He gripped her shirt harshly and pulled her up and hurriedly pushed her towards the small storeroom she'd been in minutes earlier.
"What? Don't have the balls to try and kill me again?" She asked through the gag, which Gareth pulled down before shoving her down to the floor. He stood in the doorway, glaring down at her with a wild look in his eye. He crouched in front of her, and despite the fear snaking into her, she kept his gaze, smirking slightly.
"Oh, don't worry, we'll kill you. But, you see, we have some newcomers, who we've yet to break the news of how things work here. We don't need you scaring them off. You can stay here for a few days, let things calm down and then..." He trailed off and ran a finger along her cheek. (Y/N) moved her head away, sneering at him.
"And what happens if your new people don't agree with the way you run things? I mean, eating people? You're not that different from the snarlers," She asked, her voice slightly hoarse, but still full of venom. There was that flash of amusement on his face and he leant forward, right in her face. She narrowed her eyes, resisting the urge to smash her head into his nose again. That headache was still hammering behind her eyes and Jesus, it still hurt.
"If they don't agree, you can have some buddies joining you, and you can help the rest of us out," Okay that was just a weirdly cryptic way of saying they'd get eaten too. The leader was still too close for comfort, and she just looked at him, before spitting and narrowly missing his eyes. He snarled and stood up before slamming the door shut behind him and flooding the room with semi-darkness. Fantastic.
The only way (Y/N) was measuring time was the light underneath the door. It'd been around three days, and her arms had started cramping just hours after Gareth had shoved her back in that shithole. Thankfully, around halfway through day two, someone had come and untied her, only so she could eat, but her arms still felt tender. They fed her, and while most of it had expired, it was more than she'd eaten in weeks, and it made her the strongest she'd been in a while. The smell of her own vomit had made her nose numb, and honestly, she couldn't wait to get out even if it meant her becoming dinner. In the darkness and mostly silent room, she had nothing to do, other than getting lost in her thoughts. It was the only thing stopping her from going crazy.
"You're telling me that Merle got you this?" (Y/N) asked, about three years younger, looking back to an also younger Daryl. The pair were stepping through dead leaves, and moving past bushes. He looked over, moving his significantly shorter hair off his forehead.
"Ya really surprised by that?" He questioned, raising his eyebrows. He felt naked without his crossbow, but his girl was holding it tightly, he knew it was in good hands. She laughed quietly, as he led them to the makeshift target range he'd set up the day before.
"Don't really know why I'm surprised by it," She replied, moving slightly closer, and looking down at the crossbow. Her eyes were bright and full of excitement. (Y/N) had been begging her boyfriend for months to teach her to use the crossbow, or at the very least hunting. Not because she was actually particularly interested in it, but because it was such a big part of his and Merle's life. And when Daryl had learnt that, he damn near melted. Stupid, affectionate woman, she remembered him saying, despite the faint blush on his face. "Y'know my mom's been pestering me about getting you to teach her how to use this thing as soon as she found out you used a crossbow."
Daryl glanced over to her, his lips twitched upwards and shook his head. Her mom, Lily, was so sweet on him, and he wasn't quite sure why. However, it was clear that she hadn't been swayed by Merle yet. Couldn't exactly blame her though. His brother was an asshole at the best of times.
"She still movin' to South Carolina?" (Y/N) and Daryl kept walking, but he used a hand on her back to direct her more to the left. She nodded with a small grin but didn't say anything. They walked in comfortable silence, occasionally sneaking glances when the other wasn't looking before they reached their destination. There were various little targets, ranging between small empty bottles and bags full of rice or hay. Daryl took her into a small box on the floor made out of twigs so that there were bigger targets closer to her and smaller targets further away. He started explaining how to pull the string back to the latch, showing her and then letting her do it herself.
(Y/N) brought the crossbow up to rest near her shoulder, closing one eye to look down the arrow track as Daryl had instructed her.
"Merle ever show ya how to use a rifle?" Daryl inquired. He was stood right behind her, so her back was nearly pressed to his chest, and his head was hovering over her other shoulder.
"Would it be Merle if he hadn't?" (Y/N) shot back with a playful smirk and he just chuckled, reaching around and adjusting her grip on the crossbow. He placed his hands over hers, and he could already tell she'd be teasing him about it later, especially if she saw him blushing. Well, if she saw him, he could shoot back that she was blushing too. Win-win, he supposed
"Ya don't damn act like it. Y'ain't even holdin' it right," Daryl returned, but it was light and he wouldn't deny the grin on his face if she said anything. (Y/N) tightened her grip, finding comfort in his hands over hers, keeping her eye on the arrow track. "Now, ya gotta line up the bolt and the arrow track, and when ya think ya got it, ya pull the trigger."
(Y/N) couldn't deny how at home he seemed out there, in the wilderness, with his crossbow. He was content, as content as a Dixon could be at one time, and the way he hovered around her made her fight back a smile. The asshole was just adorable and he didn't realise it.
He watched as her eyebrows scrunched more in concentration, and he felt himself soften when she stuck her tongue out slightly. Fucking hell, she was gonna make his mean redneck facade crack. Not like it mattered, there wasn't anyone around.
With a deep breath, (Y/N) lined up the arrow track with one of the rice-filled bags closer to the box, and pulled the trigger. The bolt went flying out, and the string lurched forward, making her jump and Daryl let out a loud laugh at the movement. The bolt stabbed into the floor right beside the bag and she let out a huff.
"That's pretty good for a first try. I want ya to try and hit one of the bottles. Don't matter if ya miss," He said, short hair sticking to his forehead in the Georgia heat while he moved from behind her to go and retrieve the bolt. As he was getting the bolt, (Y/N) pulled the string back, so when he returned she slid the bolt along the arrow track. She stood back up, and Daryl returned to his place behind her. A few seconds later, the bolt whistled through the air, and once again narrowly missed the bottle. But she felt pride blooming in her chest. It was further away, after all! She turned to her boyfriend with an excited grin, happiness seeping from her and Daryl couldn't help but smile back at her.
They continued like this for a few hours, until (Y/N) arms started to hurt from holding the crossbow up, and they started heading back. She was trailing ahead of Daryl, back in that comfortable, and very frequent, silence. He had to admit, she was pretty damn good. Her aim wasn't bad and after some practice, she'd probably be as good as him. But the excitement she'd had even when she'd missed the targets, her grin every time she got a little bit closer, made his heart feel full. If he hadn't been certain before, he definitely was now. She was it for him. He was gonna marry her someday, even if it wasn't his thing. He was gonna be with her.
The ground-shaking below her feet and an ear-splitting explosion, as well as a faint flash of bright light under the door, knocked her to her side and pushed her from her reminiscing. What the fuck? Silence stretched for a minute before panic started, and footsteps raced past the door. (Y/N) pressed herself against the door, and a second bang went off, close enough to knock some debris into her door, and send it shooting open and slamming her back. She groaned, using the wall to stand up, but she shot behind the door when she heard the all too familiar noise of snarlers. A lone snarler stumbled past her door, and she banged her hand against the wall, just quiet enough for it to only lure the one. It paused and growled, turning into the room. (Y/N) slowly bent down and picked up the bit of debris from the floor, before stepping out and slamming the debris into the snarlers head before it had time to see her. There were more coming, the explosion would have lured them for miles and miles. She had to think fast, but with only the sharp bit of debris, that would definitely break soon, she didn't have many options. Fuck. She was gonna have to cut the snarler open. Great.
With a small shiver, and a pause much longer than she probably should have risked with the oncoming storm of snarlers, she lifted the snarlers ripped shirt and brought the debris down into its stomach. Resisting the urge to vomit (god she'd never get used to that smell), she pressed on until the debris snapped and she started pulling out guts. A disgusted noise escaped her as she started spreading the guts all over her body, along her arms and legs, and, unfortunately, her face too. (Y/N) couldn't resist a shudder as the smell got caught in her nose. Jesus, she couldn't wait to find a creek or a river already and wash this shit off. At least she could go out with the snarlers now, and maybe find a weapon, and maybe her stuff. Not that she had much worth saving. She had her pictures and right now, she was just grateful for that. After giving her lungs a much-needed breath of fresh air, she walked into the sunlight, squinting in the sun, at a snail-like pace. Blend in, please for the love of fuck, please blend in. (Y/N) turned a corner, and she couldn't stop herself from hesitated. Terminus was flooded. There was no fucking chance of her getting her stuff back. She had to get out. Gunshots were filling the air, doing nothing to deter the snarlers.
However, while the snarlers hadn't noticed her, someone from Terminus clearly had. A ginger woman surged forward towards her, knife in hand. Perfect. She immediately stretched her arm out to slash at her face, but (Y/N) managed to duck under her arm and grab it, but the woman twisted and pressed it forward. It inched closer and closer to her face, and a bit too close to her eye, and (Y/N) used the grip she had on her wrist to push it back. Apparently, their strengths were matched, since they didn't move for a second. She grunted lightly, before glancing down. While she was defending her face, this woman had left her legs undefended, and she smiled at her before kicking her knee, hard. The woman went down with a cry of pain, clutching her knee and allowing the knife to clatter to the floor and (Y/N) didn't hesitate to pick it up and stab it into the woman's temple. She let out a sigh, leaning on her thighs for a minute. Christ being locked in a tiny room for a few days and launching into the fight right after wasn't a good idea. The snarlers were getting closer, and (Y/N) plucked the gun from the woman's holster and walked forward, allowing herself to fall into the herd.
She was trying to follow the herd's direction while also looking for an exit. There was a lot of shouting and gunshots and screaming surrounding her, not to mention the groaning and growling of the snarlers, and it was getting harder and harder to decipher which direction any of it was coming from. Her eyes skimmed her surroundings. There had to be an exit somewhere. Right as she thought that, she noticed a gap in the fence, like someone, had torn through it and she started trying to move towards it, as much as she could without alerting the snarlers. Despite the loud noises surrounding her, one noise that was getting easier and easier to pick out were gunshots that were getting closer and closer and the herd getting shoved into two, like a twisted version of Moses splitting the sea. A group of maybe 12-14 people were sprinting through, moving too fast for her to really see them properly, shooting and slashing as they approached the fence. (Y/N) continued on in the herd, hoping she wouldn't get caught in their rampage. It wasn't until one of them got grabbed, a little boy, and was getting pulled forward by a snarler. Some cowboy looking guy froze in his tracks, probably his dad. But he wouldn't get there in time, she knew that. And she wasn't going to have another Anna. Not again. She rushed forward, raising her gun and shooting the snarler right between its eyes. The little boy stared up at her, fear and shock still present in his eyes and her eye softened, before the father came running up. The father pulled him away immediately and stared her down like she hadn't just saved his son's life. She narrowed her eyes and yelled "go!" and thankfully, they didn't hesitate in following her instructions. But now, the snarlers knew she wasn't one of them. She had to make a break for that gap. This would be fun.
(Y/N) felt dead on her feet. She'd been walking for days, and while she was sure it was gonna kill her eventually, every day she was closer and closer to Washington. Maybe another one or two days and she'd be there. Her supplies were running short again, not that she'd found many after Terminus. Most places had been picked clean by now. There had to be something in Washington. There had to be. And while the realist part of her knew she shouldn't get her hopes up, another part of her was really hoping that Daryl would have made his way North, and be there, with his weird attachment to his crossbow, and his much too short hair, and following behind her louder than life brother-in-law, and the fiddling of his wedding band whenever he was nervous, or angry, or even just lost in thought. She hadn't really let herself think about him much since the world had gone to shit, apart from in Terminus, and it made her heart hurt. He could be dead. He could have died months ago and she was just holding out false hope. Merle could be dead.
That only reminded her of why she hadn't let herself think of her family much. (Y/N) shook her head and focused on the woods surrounding her. There was a map tucked into the side of the worn backpack she'd found two nights ago, and there were a knife and a gun strapped around her waist. Like the rest of her resources, she was running low on bullets. Maybe ten or eleven bullets left. Knife work had become common practice unless she'd gotten caught in a tight spot, which thankfully hadn't been often. But with each day and the lack of supplies, she was getting weak again, and she knew if there was nothing in Washington, she would probably die. And it was fucking terrifying. She was just thanking whatever god, or lack of, was up there that her husband had taught her to track and to navigate the woods.
Nightfall was nearing, and (Y/N) had managed to find the ruins of an old gas station. If there'd been more choice, she would have found somewhere else. It was too similar to where she'd stayed with her group near the beginning. With Kai, her mom, Andrew... But there was nowhere else, and it was safe enough, so it would have to do. It beat sleeping in a tree again. Seriously, sleeping in trees was going to destroy her back. After clearing the gas station, and trying to barricade the doors as much as possible, she opened the latch of the room, closing it behind her, and climbed onto the roof. She placed her bag down on the roof, and hesitantly lay down, using her bag as a pillow, keeping her knife and gun close. Nowadays, as it had been further proved by Terminus, it wasn't just the dead she had to worry about. After a lot of tossing, turning, rumbling of her stomach and worrying, her body finally shut down, and she let herself sleep.
Dawn was barely breaking when she was woken by the sound of brakes squealing. Fuck. People weren't something that reassured her. Not anymore By instinct, the sleep was shaken from her body and the grogginess was non-existent as she crawled back to the latch, panic starting to rise in her chest.
"You're sure it was here you saw someone from Hilltop? Boss is coming to check it out himself," An unfamiliar, and much too loud considering how many walkers were around. The door of their vehicle was slammed shut.
" I saw 'em last night. Just the one, killed a couple dead fucks and barricaded the doors. Looked tired, sick, think they ran away from Hilltop or something," Another voice replied. Oh fuck. This guy had seen her. He had to know where she was. She was gonna have to have a mad dash for freedom. Carefully, she opened the latch, making sure to drop into a crouch when she got back into the store and tiptoed towards the backroom where the least barricaded door was, only made of a relatively flimsy. metal shelf Last night, she'd been too exhausted to barricade it properly, which now she looked back was unbelievably stupid, however it was also potentially saving her life now. The two voices continued as they got closer to the storefront, and (Y/N) used the little strength she had to push the barricade out of the way and opened the door. However in her rush to escape, she hadn't noticed the bit of broken metal jutting out of the shelf, so as she pushed her body against it, it torn through the side of her leg. Red seeped down her leg, making a small pool on the floor quickly. (Y/N), you fucking idiot.
"Fuck!" She whispered. Fucking hell that hurt! She moved to try and apply pressure but the sound of glass smashing in the front of the store made her freeze. She didn't have time to stop, she had to get out of here, even if it killed her. Something about the way these people talked alone felt off. Honestly, she wasn't sure if it wasn't just her paranoia at this point, but after Terminus and that night at the camp, she wouldn't risk it. Just as she limped outside, she heard another squeal and she could only assume another vehicle had pulled up. Her bag, her body, everything felt heavy as she stumbled forward and back into the woods. She wasn't getting far, but if she could get just far enough that she could hide, maybe she'd be okay. Knowing her luck, it wasn't damn likely. (Y/N) couldn't help but be hyper-aware of the blood trail she had to be leaving behind. She managed to get a fair distance before the pain searing up her leg stopped her, and she hid inside a bush. She didn't have any other options. She heard swearing and shouting, and some snarlers getting taken down and eventually, two men came barging out the partially open back door. One of them was holding a rifle, up and ready to shoot and the other one had a revolver. Both of them looked like the perfect example of someone who could ruin (Y/N)'s day.
They were looking around, still on guard, and it was clear they were looking for snarlers until she saw a new guy on the roof where she'd been just minutes ago and called down that she wasn't there. Well hell, they were definitely looking for her now. One hand was clutching her leg, desperately trying to stop the bleeding as much as possible so she didn't bleed out, while the other gripped her gun tightly, ready to fight if she had to. She had to bite her lip to stop her from crying out as she applied more and more pressure. It wasn't deep enough to have hit a vein, and she knew if she'd hit an artery she would already be dead and eating these fuckers, but it was deep enough to not stop bleeding with a little bit of pressure. Upon hearing that (Y/N) wasn't on the roof they cursed, and pressed further on and unluckily, nearer to her bush. Rifle guy whispered to revolver guy and revolver guy went back around the building towards where she assumed the vehicles were. Maybe he was going for the boss? She watched carefully, before letting her gaze fall back to her leg, applying more pressure and she was starting to taste something metallic in her mouth as well as she bit her lip harder. Apparently, that split second was all it took for the rifle guy to creep forward right in front of her bush. It made her think that they'd known where she was all along.
There was the end of a rifle right in her face when she looked up and she couldn't stop the alarm from spilling into her eyes as they met his. This guy had a smirk on his face, looking very accomplished. The living didn't want to give him a fucking break, did they? Knowing her chances against a rifle were disadvantaged, she stood up slowly from her hiding, wincing as she put a little pressure on her leg. The barrel followed her as she rose, even as she stumbled slightly on her injured leg. The pair stared at each other in a moment of tense silence, and she tried her hardest not to let her internal panic spread to the outside, and (Y/N) scowled at him, eyes sharp and narrowed. What she was about to do was the dumbest plan she'd ever had, but with a fucked up leg and nothing to patch her up, none of her options was looking particularly great. So, she quickly raised her gun and fired, so soon he only just reacted. The bullet skimmed his head, tearing a bit of skin from the side of it, and he tackled her, his rifle falling out of either of their reach, but not before catching her face and leaving a nick on her forehead. A cry, borderline scream, escaped her as his knee fell onto her wound, but she gritted her teeth and stretched to his belt where a knife was protruding. He pulled back, but she'd just managed to grab it and turned them around so she was straddling him awkwardly, her injured leg at an angle to avoid any pressure.
(Y/N) raised the knife to stab it down into his head, seeing an angry but smug expression on his face. She couldn't help but wonder how the fuck someone in his situation could be smug, but her question was answered by the clicking of four or five, as far as she could tell, guns.
"I'd drop that if I were you," Rifle guy smirked from underneath her, and she glared but reluctantly released the knife and let it drop. He shoved her off and she let out a grunt of pain. Shit that leg was going to get infected. Her gaze raised to look at the semi-circle of men around her, along with one woman, with dark-haired and bleached tips pulled into a bun and a deadly look in her eyes. The rifle guy stood up and picked up his rifle and joined his people. A slight glimmer in the corner of her eye in the dawn sun made her look up, and there he stood in dead centre. He clutched a barbed wire wrapped bat, a glove on the hand holding it, and she had to admire his weapon. It was pretty damn cool. Baseball bat guy was wearing a white shirt, super impractical for the apocalypse she couldn't stop herself thinking, with a leather jacket on top. His hair was dark, but greying along the sides and in his scruff. And he was grinning, and while there was no malice in it, it didn't make her feel at ease by any means. If anything, it made her squirm more. His eyes raked down her body and suddenly she felt small. He was a predator, and she was the prey. Oh fuck. He whistled, almost akin to that of a wolf whistle.
"God damn lady! If that didn't make my pants tight I don't, know what will! Adam, you should be ashamed. She nearly killed you, and she was fucking injured!" Baseball guy grinned, stepping forward swinging the bat slightly. (Y/N) didn't say a word, just glared at him and she saw entertainment dancing behind his eyes. He crouched in front of her. She was starting to get really sick of egotistical men who had a little bit of power over her crouching in front of her. Fucking condescending assholes. His eyes dragged down to her wound, and he pressed two fingers to it, making her hiss.
"Go to hell," She growled, leaning towards his face. If only to prove she wasn't intimidated despite the terror in her lungs. He let out a loud laugh. But unlike the murderers at camp or Gareth, it wasn't fake or dark. It was a genuine laugh. Somehow that worried her more.
"Is that any way to talk to your saviour?" He asked with a cockiness that made her skin crawl. Her glare deepened, and he removed his hand from her wound. He wiped his bloody hand on his jeans, before using it to grip her chin. She had to resist the urge to pull her face away. This guy was more dangerous than the other asshole men she'd met. He was calm but dangerous. Like a landmine that hasn't yet gone off. One wrong move and he'd explode. After a second her eyebrows raised in question. "If I hadn't come, you would have killed Adam, not that I could blame you," He leant forward to her ear whispering the next part "He's made moves on some of my wives before. You'd be doing me a favour. However, my loyal crew here would have had to kill you. But I sent my crew and stopped you, so you get to live. You should thank me."
With that last sentence, she was suddenly back nearly two years in front of a dim campfire, with Andrew and her mom at her side. Kai's body, wide-eyed and still bleeding, was slumped in front of her, her mom's throat was slashed and she was gurgling, trying her hardest to cry out. Andrew was beside her, the ghost of a triumphant grin on his face and a bullet between his eyes.
"Really you should be thanking us."
Baseball guy was watching her with a wide grin, as she came back to reality. She was trembling, and tears were building in the corner of her eyes. God damn it.
"Should have a stony as shit lady like you had met some fucked up people. The way I see it, you're in my debt," He heaved himself up with a deep sigh, still holding the barbed wire bat, which he placed beneath her chin, the spikes cutting and pricking her skin lightly. He clicked his tongue and his eyebrows flashed up quickly. "Hell, woman, you gotta stop giving me that look. Makes me wanna take you back home and fuck you six ways to Sunday."
It took every fibre in her body to stop her from shuddering, and she already knew that when the adrenaline ran out she would be having some form of breakdown. That would be fun
"But, we can discuss that later," He said with a wink "As I was saying, you're in my debt, and you have two ways to pay it off."
"Which are?" She ground out, pressing harder on her wound. Oh, she was definitely going to pass out from blood loss soon. She was already starting to feel woozy.
"See fellas! This is what I mean when I say I want direct! Goddamn, I can tell you are gonna fit right in!" (Y/N)'s unamused look made Baseball guy laugh heartily before continuing on "You can either join us, work for me, we break you down and you become my soldier. Maybe if I'm lucky I can convince you to become a lovely wife for me," He shot her a wink and words of rejection were already building on her tongue "Or, we kill you. Right here and now and leave you for the dead fucks."
Well. She probably should have seen that coming. Men like him wanted few things, and they usually fell along the same lines. From the way he spoke, while he was brash, vulgar and clearly larger than life, he seemed to have a vague, fucked up, set of morals. While he'd talked about fucking her, he'd never suggested forcing it upon her. But she could never be too careful. (Y/N) knew if she tried to run, she wouldn't get anywhere and they'd kill her anyway. Maybe if she went with them, they would patch her up, she'd work there for a while and make an escape. Maybe this guy was just an asshole and his community wasn't bad. From the look of his crew, not likely. Once again, she had limited options. She was getting sick of being in these situations. Baseball guy was watching her, glee in his eyes. However, he was growing impatient, and she could tell when he pushed the barbed wire slightly more into her chin, tearing into her skin, that she knew she had to give him an answer. (Y/N) wasn't stupid enough to deny she was scared. If she wasn't full of so much adrenaline, she would probably be paralysed by it. But she looked up at him, as much as she could with the barbed wire pricking her chin and met his eyes.
"I'll join you."
Being in that room felt too much like Terminus. If it hadn't been for the stitches in her leg, her brain could have tricked her into thinking she was there. It was silent, more so than Terminus. At Terminus, she could at least hear people in the courtyard and walking past the door. She could keep track of time through the sunlight under the door. Here, there was nothing. No light. No noise. Nothing. She didn't know how long she'd been there. They fed her, and at least here the food wasn't expired and once in a while (once a day maybe?) some guy in a scientist coat came in to check and change her bandages. The doctor had told her that Baseball guy was called Negan, but everyone was Negan, which made no fucking sense but she was sure it would in time, and they were in 'The Sanctuary'. Narcissistic bastard. (Y/N) had a strong suspicion that he wasn't supposed to be telling her by the hushed voice he used, but she didn't reject the information. It was the most someone had talked to her in days (hours? Who fucking knew anymore). There had been six doctors visits, so maybe six days if she was right about the time frame, until they pulled her out.
Danica was still storming ahead, but Ben had fallen back to walk beside (Y/N) and Lily, who had an arm around her daughter as she worked through the shock.
"Thank you for saving our asses back there," (Y/N) mumbled quietly and Ben looked to her with a small smile. He shrugged, and turned back to his sister, keeping a careful eye on her. She was pissed, and she got reckless when she was pissed.
"Don't worry about it. Maybe you can save my ass in the future as payback," He quipped lightly, and a small giggle escaped Lily. They were deep in the woods by now, and the dim flashlights Danica and Ben were holding were the only things stopping them from being completely blind. (Y/N) smiled at him. He seemed sweet, unlike his bitchy companion.
"Maybe," She responded faintly. Milky white eyes kept flashing in front of her, guts spilling from a stomach and she shook her head viciously to remove the image. Ben's face suddenly fell, and his eyebrows furrowed as he began running towards Danica. Lily and (Y/N) followed soon after as soon as they saw Danica holding someone at gunpoint. There were four of them, one of them stood in front, wearing a military-style uniform, holding a gun and a military-grade backpack on their back. Two of them stood in front of a little girl, no older than 6 or 7. One of them had short ginger hair with thick eyebrows, looking stony and glaring at Danica. The other kept his hand hovering near the ginger guy and the other hand in front of the kid. He had long, shoulder-length green hair that was starting to fade. (Y/N) rushed to Danica's side, narrowing her eyes at the strangers.
"Hey, hey, hey, look we don't want no trouble. Just wanna get down ta Georgia," The military one said, attempting to defuse the situation, placing the gun down on the floor.
"We have a kid for fuck's sake," The ginger one snapped and (Y/N) looked to Danica. When she didn't move to put the gun away, she put a hand on her arm to get her to lower it. Danica glared daggers at her but hesitantly lowered the gun. The little kid was looking scared, but she had these big green eyes. (Y/N) was never one for kids, she and Daryl had had that discussion before, but she was cute, and she could see herself getting attached to her.
"Hey, alright, it's okay. We just had a tough time, we're all a little on edge. I'm (Y/N) Dixon, this is my mom, Lily, and these two are Danica and Ben," (Y/N) introduced trying to give them a reassuring smile. The tension in the green-haired guy's shoulders deflated slightly and the little girl moved forward a little.
"I'm Kai Thompson," The military one smiled, picking their gun back up and shoving it in their holster. "This is Andrew and Oliver Stewart, and their daughter Anna."
Lily crouched down in front of Anna giving her a little grin, as she moved from behind her dads. She extended a hand to the little girl who took it reluctantly. Her dads were watching carefully, still not trusting her entirely.
"Heya Anna, I'm Lily," She said softly, shaking her hand gently. (Y/N) folded her arms slowly, giving the group a once over, and she noticed how Ben kept his hand over his knife.
"Where y'all headed?" Kai asked, and (Y/N) could pick out that strong Georgia drawl anywhere. It only made her think of Daryl and Merle, out in the middle of nowhere, possibly dead by now. She had to get home.
"Down to Georgia, you?" Ben replied, raising his eyebrows. (Y/N) could feel eyes burning into the back of her head and it didn't take a genius to figure out it was Danica.
"Us too. Meant to be a safe zone in Atlanta," Kai answered, finally dragging their eyes away from Danica. There was a look of budding trust in their eyes, and (Y/N) could tell that they were going to keep each other safe.
When the door creaked open, (Y/N) squinted at the artificial light that flooded the room. Oh, this was way too much like Terminus. A deep chuckle made it abundantly clear about who was standing in the doorway, despite her current lack of sight. As her eyes adapted, she saw him extending a hand to her to help her up.
"C'mon gorgeous, think you've spent enough time in this shithole. Much too disgusting for a lady like you," Negan smirked, and she glared back at him but took his hand. He helped her to her feet, catching her as she toppled slightly on her bad leg. She could tell he was resisting the urge to make a shitty joke about 'falling for him' and she was glad he didn't say it. If he had, she probably would have hit him and sealed her fate as dead.
"Where are we going?" (Y/N)'s throat felt like acid, as she limped beside him. He was leading her back through the corridors deep in the Sanctuary and upstairs, which took her much longer than she'd hoped. Despite how long it took her, Negan didn't lose his patience this and with him still clutching that damn bat, that she'd learnt he called Lucille, she had to be grateful. He was even helping her when he could. However, after being alone for so long, she hated herself for relying on someone else, especially someone like him.
"You've got a big test, beautiful. Gotta make sure you belong here. And I really hope you do, because I wanna pound into you at least once even if you won't marry me," Negan grinned and part of her wished she were still in that cage. Sure, she was convinced she was going crazy in there, but at least she was away from his uncouth comments.
"Not interested," (Y/N) shot back, almost immediately, narrowing her eyes. That only made Negan laugh again, helping her up a small set of stairs.
"Well, that's a damn shame. Never say never though, princess. I'm sure I can convince you," Did he ever stop talking? She knew he was trying to get under her skin, and unfortunately, he was succeeding.
"You've got other wives, fuck them instead," She snapped, sarcastically. Shit, her smart mouth was going to get her killed someday. Pick your damn battles (Y/N).
"Just cause I've got wives doesn't mean I can't mess around some, right darling?" He returned. That cocky grin didn't fall from his face, but there was danger hiding in his eyes. Stop pushing, stop pushing.
"Clearly we have different definitions of marriage," With her response, Negan's eyes darted to her ring finger and he chuckled humourlessly when he saw the silver band. Well, she had just shown her hand. Good fucking job.
"Married, huh? What a shame. Always the hottest ones that are taken. He still out there?" He asked, voice light with glee but she looked away, glaring and biting her tongue. To (Y/N)'s relief, he dropped the subject as they reached a huge room, once again looking a bit too similar to the empty warehouses of Terminus.
Negan removed his hand from hers and moved her to be leant against the metal railing. Below them most if not all of the Saviours were gathered, looking scared and confused, and there was a guy tied to a chair in the dead centre of the group. (Y/N) managed to pick out a small huddle of women, all wearing strappy black dresses and tall heels. His wives. The thought made her squeamish as she looked at the discomfort on their faces. All of a sudden, he slammed Lucille on the metal railing beside her, making her jump out of her skin. He placed a hand on her back, but she limped to the side, just out of his reach. She didn't want his filthy hands on her. Everyone's heads shot up, and they fell to one knew. What kind of cult-level shit was this?
"As all of you know, when we save someone new, when we get a new recruit... they have to prove their loyalty. You know what's about to happen, and you know it isn't going to be pretty. But we got a rule breaker in our midst and a new recruit, so why not kill two birds with one stone?" Negan started down the stairs just beside where (Y/N) was positioned, and she watched him cautiously. "Now, I wish I could let this slide, I wish I could ignore the rules, but this man here betrayed us. Our little AJ here decided he didn't want to spy on our friends at the Kingdom anymore and made a runner! Now, you all know that one of the things I can't stand is a traitor. We're all we have in this shitty world and we can't be turning our backs on one another! Why can't I ignore our little rule-breaker here?"
"The rules keep us alive!" Seriously, this had to be a cult. (Y/N) didn't know how much longer she could stay here. They were all fucking insane.
"That's right! We survive, we save others, we bring civilisation! Rules keep us alive," The guy in the chair, AJ, eyes were darting around, filled to the brim with terror. "And we need to show that to our newest member! So, it's time to punish our dear AJ, and time for our newest member to prove her loyalty. Arat, hand me the saw."
The woman (Y/N) had seen at the gas station the other day strutted over, handing Negan a sharp saw, with the hint of a smirk on her mouth. God, what was wrong with the people here? (Y/N) felt her blood run cold as Negan took the saw and stepped towards AJ, who was starting to panic, wriggling in his bonds. Negan looked up to her, and he stifled a laugh at how tense she was. Without any other words, Negan pulled AJ's sleeve up, and rest the saw on his arm. He wasn't. He couldn't. But she was wrong. Negan brought the saw down, slicing it into the guy's arm. AJ let out a blood-curdling scream, and (Y/N) felt her blood run cold. Her eyes were wide, and she could feel panic sinking into her lungs. There was red everywhere, dripping down his arm, onto the floor, staining Negan's shirt, his scruff, his jacket. He just kept screaming and screaming and screaming. She couldn't breathe. The sickening noise of bones snapping and seperating, of flesh tearing filled the air. What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck.
Eventually, the guy passed out, just as Negan yanked his dismembered arm off. (Y/N) was frozen in spot. What the fuck, what the fuck. He looked at her again grinning and used AJ's arm to wave at her. (Y/N) managed to drag her eyes away and looked around the room. The saviour's faces were all blank, no one showing any emotion apart from Negan's wives, who were crying in horror.
"Doc, take him away, fix him up. Fellas, bring it in!" The doctor who had been checking (Y/N)'s leg started untying AJ and quickly whisked him away on a stretcher that had been placed to one side. There was an all too familiar noise of a snarler behind her, and (Y/N)'s head snapped to look at the doorway Negan had to lead her through earlier, and there stood two saviours leading a snarler on a weird adapted leash. It was reaching out, teeth-gnashing, and she tried to scurry back, but her stupid leg decided she had moved too quickly. She tripped and started to fall back but was stopped by Negan once again. She hadn't heard him come back upstairs, but to be fair she was more focused on the snarler. He wrapped an arm around her waist while she tried to move away, and she thrashed slightly. She had no fucking weapon, what the fuck was he doing? She couldn't breathe. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't breathe.
"See, if you're going to be one of us, you can't be afraid to get your hands dirty, and do every little task I ask of you," Negan announced, handing AJ's arm to her. "Feed it to the dead fuck."
"You alright, princess? You look pale," Negan asked. He'd moved her to what looked like a meeting room after she'd...
(Y/N) didn't say a word. She still hadn't fully comprehended what just happened and she was just staring at the floor, silently. She couldn't reply. Even if she wanted to. Red everywhere, flesh tearing, bones cracking and creaking. Negan walked over to where she sat, placing Lucille on the table right in front of her, before he placed his hands on her shoulders, to which she'd flinched much to his satisfaction, and leant down next to her ear.
"Okay, better question. Who are you?" He whispered, and she squirmed at the feeling of his breath on her neck.
"I'm Negan."
"Hey Spencer, are Aaron and Eric back yet?" (Y/N) questioned, jogging over to the gate. They should have been back two days ago, but the storm must have stopped them and she couldn't deny how worried she'd been. Deanna had let her into Alexandria about two weeks ago, just after Negan had sent her on her task. She shouldn't be getting attached. She knew that. And she knew it would make it all hurt later, but despite how weak everyone in this place, and how little they knew of the struggles outside the walls, they were the first trustworthy people she'd met since Kai and the others. Spencer let out a heavy sigh, rolling his eyes.
"If they'd been back, do you think you wouldn't be the first to know?" He snapped, and she raised her eyebrows, daring him to keep pushing. She'd beaten his ass twice before, she would happily do it again. The way he and his brother dealt with runs was ridiculous, and they'd fought over it on more than one occasion. Deanna had nearly kicked her out the second time it got ugly.
In the short time she'd been there, she'd found herself growing close to Aaron and Eric. When she arrived, Deanna could sense something was suspicious about her. As much as the woman irritated her, (Y/N) couldn't deny her sharp wit. She'd put her in with Aaron and Eric after the latter had offered, in some weird hope that they would stop her from getting into trouble. (Y/N) had to hand it to her, apart from a few odd occasions, the couple had been keeping her out of fights, especially when she first joined the community. After so long out there, she was always on guard, and while she didn't think she'd be able to ever get rid of that, she felt safer here. From the snarlers at the very least.
After Nicholas walked over to take his shift on guard duty, Spencer shoved past her. That guy had serious issues. With a small sigh, (Y/N) turned around and walked back into her neighbourhood. She had to get back to her job. Even though she'd hated the idea of working again, of pretending that the world hadn't gone to hell, after a few days, she had started falling into a routine. Since she had much more experience out there than anyone in the whole of Alexandria (not even Eric or Aaron really had any idea what it was like despite being out there so often), she went on runs with Spencer, Nicholas and Aidan, though she knew there was something slightly fishy going on there. Half the time Aidan and Nicholas would wander off somewhere and leave her with Spencer. Spencer only came on runs sometimes, but he would share looks with the other men before they left. Part of her had been tempted to go with them, but she got an awful feeling that prying would do her little good. Especially if they started prying into her business because of it. That would get them killed. And probably her too.
Every week, she had to meet someone from The Sanctuary with information about Alexandria. He needed to know whether it was worth making a deal with them. At first, it had been every two days, and Negan had come himself, to ensure she didn't try anything. But after a few days, he started sending random Saviours, most of which she'd never seen before and extended the time between. She hated them. Every inch of her soul hated herself for ever accepting Negan's offer. She should have died that morning. That would have been better than living with the constant crawling guilt every time anyone showed her any kindness. Or the nightmares of AJ and that snarler that would haunt her every time she closed her eyes. Part of her was tempted to run away, but she knew they'd find her. Negan wouldn't let her go, now he had her unless she was very lucky. But as she'd learnt the past few years, she definitely wasn't.
When she wasn't on runs, she was helping run Alexandria, not that Deanna ever realised it. (Y/N) had learnt that suggesting was more effective than demanding. If she made it sound like it was Deanna's idea, it was more likely to get through to her. That was the only reason some of her ideas had even gotten put into place, like putting locks on houses of the elderly to lock at night in case they passed and turned in their sleep.
"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice sounded and (Y/N) turned around to see Enid jogging over. The teen was known to be extremely antisocial, and according to one of Jessie's sons, Ron, it had taken her nearly three weeks to say anything when she first joined. But for some reason, she'd gotten attached to (Y/N), and she stuck by her as much as she could. Maybe it was the fact that they both knew how much the post-apocalyptic world outside the walls sucked. Enid came to walk beside her as she started heading back to the house she shared with Aaron and Eric. God, she had to stop getting attached. They would hate her later.
"You doing okay, kiddo? I thought Pete was meant to be teaching you and Denise some medical crap?" (Y/N) questioned, shoving her hands in her pockets. Enid shook her head and rolled her eyes.
"He was, but he only wanted to teach Denise because I'm 'just a kid'" She grumbled, using sarcastic air quotations that made (Y/N) chortle. Enid gave a small smile, one that only (Y/N) really got to see.
"Well, kid, you already know how I feel about that man," The two continued walking, exchanging repetitive conversation about the pantry, Pete, Enid bitched about Ron and Sam before they reached her house. They stepped inside and collapsed onto the couch.
"Hey, I was wondering, next time you're on a run, could you try and grab some more comics? I've nearly read all mine, and Sam keeps stealing them," Enid asked, bashfully and (Y/N) smiled. The kid played adult more often than not, and it was nice seeing her actually acting like a child.
"Of course, Enid, I'll see what I can find," She answered, and Enid went to thank her when Denise came crashing through the front door, making the pair jump to their feet. Shit, walkers? An attack?
"They're back and Eric is in the infirmary, c'mon!" Denise dashed off again, and (Y/N) was hot on her heels, sprinting to the infirmary. What the hell did that idiot do now? How bad was he injured? When they reached the infirmary, (Y/N) didn't pause for even a second, and went barreling to Eric's side. Pete was hovering near his feet, but she couldn't help but notice how deathly pale her friend was.
"What did you do, you dumbass?" She demanded, but Eric could hear the pure relief in her voice, and he smiled back at her, despite the small glare on her face.
"Just took a page out of your book," He teased, but let out a groan as Pete started setting his ankle, which she was starting to guess was broken.
"Be careful, asshole," She hissed, and Pete sent her a deathly glare. Eric put a hand over hers, to reassure her. She knew it wasn't Pete's fault, but she was still winding down from the worry.
After about half an hour, Eric was moved home, with the help of Denise, Enid and (Y/N), and she hadn't moved from his side, except to get him anything he needed. Enid had left to give them some space. According to Eric, Aaron had found a new group of about 14 people, and at some point, they'd split up and half of them had found and saved him from getting eaten by snarlers. She made a mental note to thank them later. Aaron had gone with the group for their interviews. Yeah, she remembered hers. Even then she'd found Deanna pretentious. Eric was the one who noticed Aaron walking back to the house, and he laughed when (Y/N) sprinted out of the house to nearly tackle him in a hug. Aaron had to step back a few steps so he didn't fall over, and he was more than a little surprised. She didn't show affection very often, but he supposed he'd probably scared her by being out for so long. Over his shoulder, she couldn't help but notice some kid in a sheriffs hat with his dad. Hell, he looked a lot like that kid from Terminus. But she was probably imagining it.
"You can't just stay in here until my ankle heals, you need to leave, do your job, actually talk to people. Besides, Denise is bringing my crutches later," Eric stated, folding his arms. Aaron was stood behind him from where he sat on the couch, and they were ganging up on her.
"When you first got here, we didn't stay here every day while you had that gash in your leg," Aaron agreed, and (Y/N) started messing with her ring absently, narrowing her eyes.
"You barely knew me then. It's been two weeks and I know you better now," She shot back, starting to pace slightly.
"Okay, look. If you go out for at least an hour, you can come back and check on me. I can survive for an hour, as long as I have a book or something," Eric tried to reason, and (Y/N) paused, holding his gaze. Fuck, they weren't going to let this go until she went outside. It was two against one, and she wasn't going to win this one.
"Alright, fine. One hour, but then I'm coming right back," She snapped grumpily, and the men both grinned. "But let it be known, I'm not happy about this."
"Oh, believe me, we know," Aaron laughed, before kissing Eric's cheek and heading out the door. (Y/N) went to walk out but Eric caught her arm.
"I'll be fine, (Y/N). I promise," He stated and she sighed, leaning down to give him a brief hug before nodding and waking out the door after Aaron. He was stood out front, talking to a large group. Must be the new group, since she knew all the faces here by now. The kid (Y/N) had seen yesterday raised his arm, waving at her with a kind smile, and she waved back, beaming. Then it dropped and she froze, as her eyes caught with some in the small crowd. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. She had to be hallucinating. This couldn't be real
"Daryl?" She heard someone say, but it sounded like her. She couldn't move. This was it. She'd lost her mind, she'd gone crazy. She felt her eyes building with tears, as the breeze blew her hair into her face.
His crossbow, the one he'd taught her how to use so many years ago now, fell to the ground with a clatter, and suddenly he was moving, running, closer and closer until he stopped right in front of her. Her eyes darted all over his body. This felt so real. Could it be real? There was a moment of dead silence between them, where she couldn't hear the confused muttering of the group behind her. Where she couldn't see the wide grin on Aaron's face as he put the pieces together. Then suddenly, Daryl launched forward, yanking her into him so tightly she thought she felt her ribs creak.
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. She wasn't crazy. He was there, he was right fucking there, holding her so tightly, a hand on the back of her head keeping her locked against him. Her fingers stabbed into the back of his vest, and she was whispering against his neck without even realising it.
"You're alive, you're alive, you're here," Over and over. She could feel him trembling and tears dripping onto her neck but she didn't care. Her Daryl was alive. Her husband was alive.
"Holy shit," Daryl choked out, and she felt like she could have cried. She never thought she'd hear that gruff, southern drawl again. She let out a teary laugh and she pulled back just enough so she could see him properly. Her hands drifted from his back to hold his cheeks, thumbs running over his cheeks, still laced with dirt and grime.
"If you haven't brushed your teeth, I'm going to kill you, Dixon," She said with a smile before she tugged him forward into a rough kiss. His hands shifted to her hips and he held on so tightly. Like she would disappear if he let go for even a second. Behind them, she could hear Aaron's voice, filled with glee, and the voice of a woman in a similar tone. Confused voices, borderline shouting, and the sound of footsteps running over. But none of it mattered.
He was alive.
Tags (for this series): @graniairish @fuseburner @gloomystorm @bxxbxy @browneyes528 @hoemadegrace​
(Some of the tags didn’t work last chapter for some reason I’m sorry!)
36 notes · View notes
New World CH. Eighteen
Title: Alive
Words: 3001
Warnings: Strong language, talk of rape and past assault (no actual rape or assault), talk of killing
A/N: Enjoy!
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New World Masterlist
Daryl Dixon Masterlist
The Walking Dead Masterlist
Dean was running along the fence when he saw Daryl and Merle. Heart pounding in his chest, he quickened his pace until Merle was on the ground, face in the dirt.
 “What the hell are ya doin’?” Daryl said angrily.
 Dean didn’t answer and just dug his knee into Merle’s back, causing him to let out a yell of pain.
 “The fuck is he doing here, Rick?” Dean asked Rick.
 “They came out of the woods and saved me,” Rick said. “If they weren’t here, I’d be dead.”
 “He’s not coming inside,” Dean spat.
 “He is,” Daryl said. “Now get offa him!”
 Dean shook his head. “No! He hurt [y/n] and Glenn! And you decided to leave! So why are you here, huh? What brought you back?”
 “We had a talk,” Merle said, voice muffled.
 “Dean, let him go,” Rick said. With a huff, Dean got off of Merle and stalked back to the prison, not giving any of the men a second glance.
 When Dean got back inside the safety of the intact fences, he gave Glenn a look.
 “What’s wrong?” Glenn asked. “Is Rick okay?”
 “Rick’s fine.” Dean glanced at the prison and clenched his fists.
 “They’re both here, aren’t they?” Glenn said. Dean nodded and neither of them said anything, turning to go back inside.
When Sam saw Sophia get shot, he didn’t even think before his feet were moving and he was crouching beside her. He took his shirt off and was pressing it to the wound as Beth opened the door and Carl was covering them with his rifle.
 Quickly, he got Sophia into the medical cell and sat her on the bunk. She was crying and even though it hurt Sam to see her like this, he knew it was a good sign.
 “This is going to hurt,” Sam said before he gently peeled his shirt off of the wound. Sophia let out a muffled scream and Sam gently shushed her.
 “I need to cut your shirt, okay?”
 “Okay,” Sophia whimpered.
 Sam cut the shirt and turned her so he could see both sides of her shoulder. Thankfully, there was an exit wound and Sam managed to stop the bleeding. Sophia had passed out due to the pain and Sam worked on stitching her up.
 “Is she gonna be alright?” Carol said softly from the doorway. She had a bottle of water, a bowl, and some spare towels in her hands.
 “She’s gonna be fine,” Sam said as he took the things from Carol. “I just have to clean and wrap it. We’ll have to keep an eye on it for a while, make sure it doesn’t get infected.”
 “Oh thank god. Beth took Adeline and Carl to Judith. They’re startled but fine.” Carol sat down next to her daughter and that was when you came skidding to a halt outside of the cell.
 “How’s she doing?” You said out of breath. Sam repeated what he said to Carol and you let out a breath of relief, your body sagging slightly.
 “Good. I’m glad to hear that she’s gonna be okay.” You turned to Carol with teary eyes. “I’m so sorry. I thought I was getting them out of harm’s way but I only managed to get Sophia hurt.”
 “It’s not your fault, honey,” Carol said soothingly. “You weren’t the one to shoot her.”
 “Still.” You choked back a sob and walked out of the cell. Carol watched you go with sad eyes before turning her attention to her daughter.
 It wasn’t long before everyone else filed inside. Merle was locked in the common area while you and everyone else, minus Carol and Sophia, were in the common area. Daryl had climbed the stairs to stand near you and Beth, but without even as much as a look in his direction, you went down to the lower level to stand near Michonne. You didn’t miss the slump of his shoulders or the little breath he let out, but you found yourself not caring.
 “Rick, we need to leave,” you said, breaking the silence.
 “We’re not leaving.”
 “Well, we can’t stay here,” you shot back. Glancing up, you saw Daryl holding Adeline and you shook your head.
 “What if there’s another sniper? Wood pallet won’t stop those rounds,” Maggie said.
 “We can’t even go outside,” Beth chimed in quietly.
 “Maybe not during the day, but we can at night.”
 “If Rick say’s we’re not running, then we’re not running,” Glenn said.
 “No. Better ta live like rats,” Merle said. You glared at him before turning your attention elsewhere
 “You got any better ideas?” Rick said. “I’m all ears.”
 “Yeah, we should’a left already. Lived ta fight another day. We lost that window though, didn’t we? I bet that he’s got scouts on every road outta this place by now.”
 “We ain’t scared of that prick,” you heard Daryl say. You scoffed loudly and shook your head.
 “We should be,” you said. Dean gave you a worried look but you didn’t see it.
 “Sugar’s right. That truck through tha fence thing? That was just a welcome ta tha neighborhood from him. We might have some thick walls ta hide behind, but sooner or later he’s gonna come back. He got tha guns and tha numbers.”
 “He needs to go in the other cell block,” Maggie said.
 “No. He’s gotta point,” Daryl said.
 “He might have a point, but I don’t want to see or hear him,” you said sharply. “This is all his fault!”
 “It doesn’t matter whose fault it is!” Beth said, coming down the stairs. “What are we gonna do?”
 “I say we should leave. [Y/n] thinks so too. Now both Axel and Oscar are dead and Sophia got shot. We can’t just sit here,” Hershel said. Rick said nothing, turning around and walking away when Hershel yelled at him.
 “You’re slipping, Rick,” Hershel said when Rick stopped walking. “We can all see it and we understand why. But now is not the time. You said that this wasn’t a democracy and now you have to own up to that.”
 Rick turned to face Hershel and you propped yourself up against the wall, watching the show.
 “I put my family’s life in your hands. So get your head clear before anyone else dies. You need to do something before anything else happens.”
 Rick gave one last look to Hershel and his gaze landed on you. You met his gaze with your hardened look and Rick was the first one to look away before he walked out of the cell block. With a shake of your head, you pushed yourself off the wall and went to your cell to grab something. Walking back out, you almost ran into Daryl. He reached an arm out to steady you, but you flinched and stepped back.
 “[Y/n], can we talk?” He asked you quietly.
 “We have nothing to talk about. Now please move so I can leave.” Your voice was harsh and you saw hurt flash in Daryl’s eyes. He moved out of your way and you walked back down the stairs, sitting on the last step.
 A few minutes later, Rick came back inside, sending Maggie on watch. Your brothers, Glenn, Michonne, Hershel, Daryl, and Rick stood near the other staircase and started making plans. You didn’t go over to them, knowing one of your brothers would fill you in later. It didn’t take long before Daryl was storming up the stairs, angry at Glenn for dissing his brother.
 Soon after, Dean came up to you.
 “What’s the plan?” You asked him, knowing full well there wasn’t a plan.
 “We don’t have one,” he said with a sigh.
 “[Y/n], I’m gonna say something and I need you to listen,” Dean said after a moment.
 “I’m not talking to him,” you said sharply.
 “You have to, [y/n]. He’s back and sure, he brought the asshat with him, but you know Daryl.”
 “Not as well as I thought. He left when we needed him. When I needed him. He just left!” Your voice was getting louder, not caring who could hear.
 “It was his brother, [y/n]. Don’t say that you wouldn’t have done the same if it was me or Sammy,” Dean said, crossing his arms.
 “Don’t. Don’t compare yourselves to a man who helps his buddy almost rape someone!” You were yelling now and you didn’t notice Daryl standing at the top of the steps, Carol right next to him.
 “The Governor did what?” Daryl said, voice low.
 “So now you care? Didn’t seem to when you left,” you said, whirling around to glare at Daryl. “You chose that douchebag over your real family.”
 “I didn’t know.”
 Everyone else decided that it was a good time to make themselves scarce and soon it was only you and Daryl in the cell block.
 “Do you want to know what he did to me? Your brother and the Governor?”
 Daryl said nothing and you took it as your cue to keep talking.
 “Your brother held me at gunpoint, threatening my life to make Glenn do what he wanted. He hit me on the head when I tried to get out of his hold. Then, he locked me in a room and tied me to a chair. That’s when I had to hear him beating the shit out of Glenn. Merle sicced a walker on him, Daryl. For a few minutes, I thought that Glenn had died. No sound was coming from that room anymore. That’s when the Governor came into my room.”
 “Did he r—“
 “Rape me? No. But he came damn close to it. The sick bastard forced me to take my shirt off. Said if I didn’t, he’d bring me Glenn’s hand. He touched me, slammed me down on a table. He pointed a gun at my stomach to make us say what he wanted, knowing I was pregnant. That’s the man your brother took us too. The man he’s friends with.”
 “They ain’t friends no more, [y/n].”
 “Doesn’t matter,” you said, shaking your head. “You still decided to leave with him, Daryl.”
 “And I realized that I chose wrong. I came back.” There was a desperation in Daryl’s voice that you had never heard and you looked into his eyes.
 “You’re right. You came back. But the trust that we’ve built up is gone. It’s gonna take a lot to get it back to where it was.”
 The next day, you got a surprise visit from someone you thought you’d never see again. Andrea. When Carl had come into the cell block and announced that Andrea was here, you furrowed your eyebrows.
 “Andrea? She’s alive?” You asked.
 “Apparently,” Rick said.
 Everyone got guns ready and you watched as your brothers followed Rick and Daryl outside. You went onto the catwalk with Glenn and Carol, rifle at the ready. Andrea was leading a walker by the throat and you felt no pity for her when Rick held her against the fence and checked her for weapons.
 Tearing your eyes away from her, you scanned the tree line, looking to see if she was alone or not. You saw nothing out of the ordinary and when you saw nothing, you walked back inside with Carol, Glenn close behind.
 You stayed up on the second level while Andrea was reconnecting with everyone. You were glad to see her alive, but something about her felt off.
 “Where’s Shane?” She asked. Rick shook his head and Andrea asked, “And Lori?”
 “Lori didn’t make it. She had a girl,” Hershel said.
 “Neither did T-Dog,” Maggie said.
 “I’m so sorry.” She looked at Carl with pity on her face. Carl hung his head and Dean squeezed his shoulder. When she tried to talk to Rick, he backed up slightly and Andrea thought it might be good to change the subject.
 “You all live here?” She asked.
 “Here and the cell block,” Glenn said.
 “There? Can I see?” Andrea went to walk inside but Rick and Sam got in her way.
 “I can’t allow that,” Rick said quietly.
 “I’m not the enemy, Rick.”
 “We had that field and courtyard completely clear until your boyfriend tore down the fence and shot us up.”
 “You’re the Governor’s girlfriend?” Dean said, voice sharp. He looked at Rick. “Why is she still here?”
 “Why would I not be here?” Andrea said, looking at Dean with a confused look.
 “Well, let’s see. Your boyfriend assaulted me, tried to kill Daryl, and shot up our home,” you said.
 “Assaulted?” Andrea shook her head. “No way. He wouldn’t do that.”
 “You keep telling yourself that, honey,” you said with a cold laugh. “Whatever makes you sleep at night.”
 Andrea just glared at you and turned her attention back to Rick.
 “He said you fired first.” Andrea said, ignoring you and you rolled your eyes.
 “He’s lying,” Rick said.
 “He killed two inmates who survived here and shot Sophia,” Hershel said.
 “We liked those inmates. They was part of this group,” Daryl said. “And [y/n] ain’t lyin’.”
 “I didn’t know anything about that. Any of it. I came as soon as I found out.” She turned and looked at everyone. “I didn’t even know that it was you in Woodbury until after the shootout.”
 “That was days ago,” Glenn said.
 “I told you, I came as soon as I could.”
 No one said a word and Andrea whipped around to face Michonne.
 “What have you told them?” Andrea accused.
 “I don’t get it. I left Atlanta with you guys and now I’m the odd one out?”
 “He almost killed Michonne and he would have killed us,” Dean said. “My little sister and Glenn were almost executed on his orders.”
 “With his finger on the trigger!” Andrea pointed at Merle. She turned to Glenn. “Isn’t he the one who kidnapped you? Beat you?”
 “At least it wasn’t my boyfriend who assaulted someone, almost killed two innocent people, and had one of his men shoot a child,” you said. Andrea looked up at you to see you casually leaning against the wall, rifle in hand.
 “Look, I cannot excuse or explain what Philip has done. But I am here to bring us all together. We have to work this out.”
 You snorted and she sent you glare.
 “There’s nothing to work out because we’re gonna kill him,” Rick said. “I don’t know how or when, but we will.”
 “We can settle this. There’s room for you all at Woodbury.”
 “Ya know better than that,” Merle said.
 “For once, I agree with the douchebag,” you said. Sam choked back a laugh and you cracked a smile.
 “What makes you think he wants to negotiate?” Hershel asked Andrea.
 “Did he say that?” Sam asked.
 “No. He didn’t.” Andrea shook her head. You rolled your eyes.
 “Then why’d you come?”
 “He’s gearing up for war,” Andrea said as she looked at Rick. “The people are terrified, they see you as killers. They’re training to attack.”
 “Tell ya what. Next time ya see Philip, tell him I’m gonna take his other eye,” Daryl growled.
 “We’ve taken too much shit for far too long. He wants a war? Then he’s got one,” Glenn said.
 “Rick, if you don’t sit down and try to work this out, I don’t know what’s going to happen,” Andrea said, trying to stop the fighting.
 “No matter what, people are gonna die,” you said.
 “You’ve lost so much already, you can’t be alone anymore.”
 “You wanna make this right? Get us inside,” Rick said.
 “Then we got nothing to talk about.” Rick walked back into the cell block, not listening to Andrea trying to keep him there.
 “There’s innocent people!” She called after him.
 “There’s innocent people in both parties,” Carol said.
 “They have kids, we have kids. They also have people who don’t care who they hurt, as long as they get what they want. All we want is to be left alone but your boyfriend is crazy,” you said, walking down the stairs. “He’s not going to leave us alone and he’s going to keep trying to kill us. To keep my family safe, to keep these kids from dying, I will do anything I need to do.”
 You were now almost two feet away from Andrea.
 “Now you need to make a choice. Help the people you’ve gone through so much with? The people that consider you part of their family? Or help the man you’re just fucking to feel something. Your choice.” Giving her a salute, you turned on your heel and walked into the cell block.
 When Andrea was finally leaving, you were up on the catwalk with Hershel, Adeline hiding behind you. Andrea had waved bye to Adeline, but she just gripped your hand and hid herself behind your legs. Andrea’s face had fallen but you didn’t care. Adeline might be young, but she was smart enough to realize that Andrea was on the wrong side and didn’t like her for it.
 You could barely hear what they were saying below you, but you didn’t care anyways. Andrea gave you bad vibes and you knew the rest of your group, they felt it too.
 You had heard what Carol had suggested she do and you already knew she didn’t have the guts to do it. Watching as she took off in the car Rick gave her, you shook your head and walked back inside, Adeline trailing behind you.
 For the rest of the day, you opted to stay inside your cell with your daughter instead of hanging around with everyone else. You could hear Beth singing when night fell and the sounds washed over you. Closing your eyes, you fell asleep to her voice.
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qvid-pro-qvo · 4 years
And, because this screams him and I can’t help myself (if you’re willing to give him a shot), #71: “How’s the weather down there, babe?” With Carisi?
sonny carisi x gender neutral reader. 
word count: 1400
rating: e for everyone, for the kinds of feelings you get on the job, and the kinds of feelings you can’t ignore (tw: mention of rape, canon-typical action, but pretty much pure fluff). 
“You know, you’re not funny.” The statement is paired with your hand reaching up to retousle his hair, make it look less forcibly styled, more relaxed. 
It’s an attempt at tempering the detective’s teasing, but you know better than anyone that he’s ruthless. You’re his partner after all, and stakeouts and chases and cases have informed you that there’s nothing more enjoyable to Dominick Carisi, Jr. than banter. Any opportunity he has to get a chuckle out of you, he does so with gusto, and so your statement is more of a final plea than any actual try at stopping the barrage of proverbial nudges with the elbow. You’re on a case, after all.
Sonny just raises his brow, gives you a smirk as his eyes continue to scan the bar. Because being undercover doesn’t help. It just means that the glasses he has on carry the view of the full team, and the microphone in the button of your shirt carries their ears. So you’re sure they see you roll your eyes and duck your head, and you’re positive they hear the warmth in Carisi’s voice as he just chuckles.
“Well, you married me, didn’t ya?” A reference to your ploy, in this particular instance. A pair looking for a third, with the third being a woman connected to a string of rapes and robberies across the more affluent areas of Manhattan. “And the bartender laughed, so. I think you’re feeling a little on edge, little tense. Just trying to help, yeah?” 
You snort, shaking your head. He looks better now, more loose, but you don’t know if it’s because of the hair, the way he’s leaning on the bar, or the jacket he���s wearing that fits perfect on his shoulders. He doesn’t look like a detective, he looks like a catch, and you wonder if he’s preparing to put on a show for the suspect or if the kindness in his eyes is just his natural state.
Your fingers move to the foreign object on your ring finger. You twist it, over and over, and after a moment you feel his hand cover yours. It shocks you. Makes you startle a bit. Maybe you are on edge. You won’t consider an alternative option. 
He smiles. Pulls back his hand (and you do not mourn that loss). “Lighten up, all right? In a couple of hours, this’ll be all over, and you can go back to being grumpy –“
That gives you a jumpstart. You forget for a moment about the strategy, and you just see Detective Carisi trying to get you riled. “I’m not grumpy!”
“– about the fact that you’re the one that got us here in the first place –“
“Oh, no, do not pin this on me, Carisi –“
“Guys!” Liv’s voice sounds off through your earpieces, and the both of you wince at the force of it. It’s the third time she’s berated you, but it’s only the first time she sounds serious. “We’ve got a visual. Outside the bar. Get ready.”
The two of you straighten up, and you find yourself reaching to touch Sonny’s arm, letting your fingers move down it until you can hold his hand. “Try and pretend like you like me,” you manage with a smirk, and your fellow detective just laughs a little, leaning close to press a little kiss to your cheek as the suspect pushes open the door. You’re right in her line of sight - that’s why. Surely. 
“I’ll do my best, but I think I’ve gotta say the same to you.”
The warmth in your cheeks isn’t faked. You’re not that good. But you are good enough to convince the woman, Sarah, that there’s an apartment down the block waiting for the three of you, and you are good enough to lay it on thick enough with her that she loops her arm with your own instead of Sonny’s as the three of you leave the bar. And if Sonny’s brow furrows with that, you can’t help your little laugh with Sarah about your husband’s jealous nature.
But then, because it’s the squad, and because it’s Manhattan, and because it’s just the way things go, the night doesn’t end with a peaceful arrest. No. The night ends with you sprinting up the stairwell, Sonny two flights ahead of you and his long legs carrying him further and further up.
You see Sarah shoot left. Sonny follows her. Your mind starts racing, assisted by the adrenaline, and though you’re still a few floors down you follow them – making it to the second floor, you take a sharp left, rushing down the halls. You know where she’s heading, and you’re screaming at residents to move, and you see at the end an open door.
“NYPD! I need to use your fire escape! Move!”
It’s in the nick of time that you manage to get through the window. When you look up, Sonny’s now coming down, with Sarah a few balconies below him. His long legs are tripping him up now, but you start moving to meet her, climbing with the skill of someone who’s been in New York apartments their whole life. Your collision with her bruises the both of you, but in the end you have her arms behind her.
“You’re under arrest,” you snap, lungs still heaving a little.
“What for?” she hisses, but your cuffs are on and you start pulling her down the stairs again.
“For right now? Pissing me off.”
But you go through the thing, you read her rights, and tell her what she’s really arrested for. The maneuvering down to the ground floor is the worst part, especially when you pass the window you came through, the residents of that apartment just staring at you, eyes wide.
Suddenly, you hear Sonny’s voice, still a few floors above. When you look up, you can see him peeking out and staring down at you with his hair tousled perfectly on its own.
“How’s the weather down there, babe?” he calls, and you snort, shaking your head before holding up your middle finger.
You try not to think about how that sounds in his mouth. That term of endearment, and the way that how even from down here, you can tell he’s grinning.
“I’m cleaning up after your messes, Carisi. What do you think?”
When the two of you meet down at the bottom floor, Fin is there waiting with a car, and Sarah’s put in the squad car. You’ve caught your breath, but you know you look a mess, and the sergeant just grins at you while you wait for Sonny to meet the two of you.
“What?” you ask, and he just shrugs, glancing back towards where Liv and the surveillance van sits, with her and Amanda and Barba still inside.
“Listening to Carisi flirt? Painful enough. Listening to you flirt back? Let’s just say I’m glad we didn’t have to spend the whole night in that van.” He’s grinning, now, and you swallow. “Playing with his hair for what, twenty minutes, huh?” 
“Bullshit,” you shoot off, instantly, a reaction, but the way that Fin is looking at you just makes your cheeks warm, for the third time that night.
“Whatever you say.”
He doesn’t look convinced, and you can’t blame him, but you have to put up some kind of fight. “We were on a case! That was the whole job!”
“For the hour before Sarah showed?” Fin asks you, and that’s what makes you avoid his gaze, shaking your head. His voice softens, when he speaks again, lowers his voice so it’s just between the two of you. “Look. Just be careful, all right? The both of you. This job is hard enough, but. When it’s someone you care about…”
When you look back at Fin, there’s no judgement there. You’re grateful, for him and the words as you see Sonny come through the front entrance to the apartment building.
“Yeah. I hear you, Fin.”
“Meet you at the precinct?”
You do care about Dominick Carisi, Jr., and you might not tell him just yet, but. When he offers you a ride home, offers you his coat when the night air gets chilly, when he gives you a smile paired with brilliant baby blues, you can’t help but feel like he cares about you, too.
“Was Fin giving you a hard time?” he asks, sidling up next to you as you watch the sergeant walk away.
“Nah,” you return. “Just telling me how he couldn’t believe you let Sarah get away.”
“Now wait a minute –“
87 notes · View notes
Hue and Cry II
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; abuse of power, threats, chase.
This is dark!medieval!Bucky Barnes x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find a place to hide for the time being.
Note: Got this done quickly and was surprised with myself. Gearing up to go back to work tomorrow. I’ll try to catch up on responses after work and check in with y’all.
Thanks to everyone and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You didn’t stop running until the dawn. You didn’t head for the village as you knew that would be the first place the lord and his party would look. You kept to the forest despite the howls and the hoots of unseen creatures. You stopped to bury your cap and apron under an overturned trunk. If it was known that Barnes was searching out a servant, it would be better to be less obvious.
As the horizon turned to a soft amber, you found an overhang and nestled into the small nook. You turned your back to the bitter morning air and tried to sleep. If you kept going, you would only pass out in the open. Your slumber was shallow and fitful. You were stiff as you woke up just after noon and climbed out of the cranny.
You feasted on nuts and berries gathered along your clueless path, eating as the twigs and branches pulled at your skirts. You weren’t sure where you were or where you were going. You could be out of the county or you could be five minutes from the castle. For your luck, you could have just gone in circles.
The second night you found a cave and slept there instead of pressing on through the dark. You were itchy from a brush with poison ivy and your feet throbbed from the endless trek. You got a few hours under your eyelids before you emerged and carried on.
What were you doing? Where were you going? If you did manage to evade the wrathful lord, what then? Knock on the doors of another castle and barter an apron with your fingernails dirty and your face wind burned?
The third night saw your stomach squeezing painfully as you failed to catch a rabbit and drank from a river eagerly. You slept between two broken logs and woke to the sound of hooves. You didn’t move as you listened to the voices. None were familiar and the only prey they spoke of was some doe they sighted moments ago.
“Nolan spooked the creature just behind the hill, my lord, if we hook around the lea, we might catch it by the stream,” a man said.
“I’d rather the stag. He must be close,” a deeper timbre replied, “you and Nolan take your course and I’ll search these grounds for the mate. Whistle if you sight our game.”
“Yes, my lord,” the other responded and the horses cantered away.
You stayed as you were as you heard the remaining man dismount and tramp over the carpet of leaves. You rolled onto your stomach and wriggled away from the noise and kicked yourself out from between the logs. You kept on your knees as you crawled around the other side and headed for the nearest tree.
His footsteps softened and you kept on, hoping your dirty dress helped you blend into the wild. You pushed yourself behind a trunk and pressed your back to the bark. If you sprinted out, he might just think you another frightened creature. If he sought a stag, he would be uninterested.
You nodded and readied for your flight. You took a breath and yelped as suddenly a figure appeared before you.
“I thought I heard a rustle,” the man said as he looked down at you. He was a lord, you could tell by the pin at the nape of his cape, “you look to be lost, my lady.”
“My lord,” you stood and bowed your head, “I only wandered too far. I can find my way back.”
“Way back where?” his hands went to his hips, “you look as if you have been wandering for a time.”
“I only tumbled and mussed myself,” you lied, “my lord, my apologies, I did not realise this forest was noble land.”
“It is easy to break the threshold of the common lands and the noble sprawl. It would be quicker on horseback to reunite you with your home, would it not?”
“I am grateful for such generosity but I would be remiss to accept, I might go on my way and--”
“Where do you hail from, lady?” he squinted.
“The village over yonder,” you pointed away from him, “it was a game and I did go too far.”
“And the village you speak of? What is it’s name?” he asked.
“Ildersin,” you uttered, one of the three nearest villages to the castle you knew.
“Ildersin? That is far and beyond my holdings,” he tilted your head, “one cannot wander there in less than a day so I warn you now to be honest or I would have your tongue out with hot pincers.”
You gulped and looked away from him. He stepped closer and caught your wrist.
“I could chase you down easy on my horse’s back, trample you into the mud, so answer me now or I will take you to the stocks,” he snarled.
“My father,” you said, “my father, he does beat me and I waited until he was abed to leave but I lost the bundle I did prepare for the escape. You see, my spare clothing and my food… I only did want to be upon my own and toil for one who does not lash me.”
He breathed through his nostrils as his thumb brushed the stitching along your cuff. He dropped your arm and his jaw ticked. His blond lashes flicked and he considered you and the dirt as one.
“You seek work?” he asked, “and asylum from your violent father?”
“Yes, my lord, er,” you blinked innocently, “I know not where I’ve found myself but I would serve you loyal if you would keep me from the stocks.”
“You can hold a broom? Empty a pot?” he asked.
“I can,” you assured, “my lord.”
“You have good manners for a farm maid,” he mused, “I might find a place for you in my kitchens.”
“My lord? You might direct me to the nearest village so I might find labour there, instead, I would not presume to further tax--”
“My castle is big enough, another hand would be more help than a burden,” he stepped back and waved you around the tree, “I will accompany you back to my keep and return to fetch my men… you look to have been out here long enough.”
“Truly, my lord, I--” you saw his impatience in the vein along his forehead and bowed your head, “I am most grateful.”
“Let us be off or my men might be lost without me,” he said.
He lifted you onto his horse and climbed up behind you. You’d never been astride with a man against you, it was awkward and crowded. He snapped the reins and the horse fell into step. He steered it away from your hiding place.
“Might I ask where I am, my lord?” you ventured.
“This is Astrens,” his voice rumbled through you, “And I am its lord, Duke Steven Rogers.”
Your heart sank as you recognised his name and your mistake. He wasn’t easily known with his beard, newly grown since his last visit to the Lord Barnes’ hold. He was of the few who were granted company with the miserly lord of the castle but there was a chance yet he did not know you. You were after all, only a servant.
Lord Rogers handed you over to his steward. You were reassured as you were given a cap, apron, and a new dress. You washed out of a basin and reported for your new duties.
It might just be far enough away that you wouldn’t have to worry about Barnes. He never went far from his estate and Astrens was out of the way of the capital. Even if it didn’t work, it gave you time to plot a real departure.
You were sent to the laundries to sweat over boiling cauldrons as you stirred the linens with a large stick. The steams seeped through your clothing and left you out of breath as you wrung out the sheets. You hung them outside along the line and helped beat out the old woven rugs.
After nights in the forest, your first day felt far from a return to normalcy. You were in a new place, you had new duties, and you didn’t know anyone in the castle. You’d worked in Lord Barnes’ manor since his father was still alive and you were only a kid. It was only a few years before Barnes took over but you remember it being much easy to ingratiate yourself to the staff.
You were shuffled onto a feather mattress in the servants’ quarters with three others. The snoring, snorting, and coughing kept you awake and you missed the chirp of crickets and scratching of critters. You woke more tired than any night spent among the trees and went back to the laundries.
Your days took on this pattern, sleep, eat, work, and do it all over again. You were forgotten among the other servants and it really seemed like you might just be able to hide among them forever. 
Nearly a week into your time as Astrens and the castle blustered to a storm. All the drapes were to be taken down, beat, and washed, and all beds were to be stripped and redressed. Servants littered the corridors scrubbing, sweeping, and running from chamber to chamber. When you asked what the occasion was, the response was vague. Lord Rogers is hosting a guest.
You weren’t used to the rush. Visitors were rare at the other castle and rarely were they accommodated so wholly. If they had a place to rest their head and fill their stomach, Barnes felt they could not gripe. Even his greetings were not required on such an occasion.
You helped with the scourging and scouring of the linens and the drapes. You worked so hard you didn’t even have the energy to gulp down the lumpy stew allotted to the servants. You fell into the heap of your bedmates into dreams laced with your own snores. You dreamt of the forest and the sound of hooves.
Another early morning and the gears began to grind once more. Darcy sent you away from the laundries to help refresh the rushes in the entrance hall with several others. You scattered herbs over the grand carpet that displayed scenes of hunting through the seasons. 
You wondered if perhaps Rogers was to be betrothed at last, the news of his first wife’s passing had sent many into gossip even before she was buried. Or maybe the king would make progress to the ancient grounds of the historic castle. You let your mind wander as your body was led by habit.
You heard the rolling of the carriage and the clip clop of horses. You followed several other servants as the tall doors were opened and you peered out into the yard at the party. You backed away as Lord Rogers emerged from the archway that led to the spiraling stairs and crossed the carpet. You could hardly hide your curiosity as you reluctantly followed the other servants. It would be unseemly to remain as Rogers welcomed his guests.
“James!” Rogers’ voice boomed and you stopped just outside the chamber as you looked down the stairs that led to the servants quarters, “it has been too long.”
“It has,” Lord Barnes’ responded and your eyes went wide as Deandra hissed for you to go. You couldn’t move as you listened and she abandoned you with a flutter of her fingers, “you know my father only ever called me James.”
“Ah, Buck, I’m kidding,” Rogers chuckled, “it is a pleasure to have you drag yourself from your hermitage.”
“You would make me regret it already,” the other lord chirped, “but the king did request my presence at the tournament and he did not allow for refusal. I’d prefer to travel with a friend, my only friend.”
“Oh, the sentiment, Lord Barnes,” Rogers preened dryly.
“I don’t know if I should be able to wait to tussle until the tourney,” Barnes jibed, “oh, this old place, has it been so long?”
You shoved yourself away from the door and clamoured down the stairs. You nearly tumbled down the last few and caught yourself on the wall. You sidled past Agnes and towards the laundries. Harriet called after you as you passed and rushed out the doors past the muddy puddles of dirty water and hanging sheets.
The grass was slick beneath your shoes as you raced for the stables. You only needed to hide there for a time and sneak out before they closed the gates. You didn’t make it past the first stall before you heard the steel whine. You turned as Lester greeted you with the tip of his sword.
“The master has been searching for you,” the toothy guard smirked, “oh and what a reward I shall have for bringing him a prize of his own.”
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anon-e-miss · 4 years
Primus Help the Outcasts 4
Prowl felt a familiar frame wide ache as his consciousness returned. It had been a while since his last crashed, but he supposed one had been bound to be building. He onlined his optics and turned his helm from side to side. A chest with drawers, large pieces of art on the wall. Low tables on each side of the berth and a bench at the foot. Trickets covered geometric shelves on the wall. Where was he? This was not their room in the shelter. This was not a medicentre room or a hotel room. This was someone’s berthroom. Whose? Lockdown’s. Prowl bolted upright, struggling to free his arms from the blankets as the door opened and Jazz stepped inside.
“Good, y’re up,” he declared, smiling.
“Where am I?” Prowl asked.
“My procreators’ hab,” Jazz explained. “Ya crashed. Do ya remember?”
“A little,” Prowl replied as he rubbed his helm. “There is a lot of static.”
“I brought ya upstairs ‘cause Ori didn’t want ya layin’ on the cold floor ‘til ya came ‘round,” Jazz revealed. He placed a cube on the berthside table. “How ya feelin’?”
“Sore,” Prowl replied, dropping his servos to his lap. “I am always sore after a crash.”
“What do yer self-dianostics say?”
“I do not have any. They went offline when my repair nanites expired.”
“Had a feelin’ that’d be the case, from the look o’ ya,” Jazz said, he sat on the edge of the berth, next to Prowl. “I got a cube o’ medgrade here for ya. Think ya can drink it?”
“I think so,” Prowl replied. Jazz uncapped the energon and placed the cube in Prowl’s servos. Prowl brought it to his lipplates and drank. It was a little bitter,  but medgrade usually was. There must have been additional additives in it because when Prowl swallowed the thick blue fuel seemed to settle his queasy fuel tank. “Thank you.”
“Figure it was our fault. They hassled ya more than I’d thought they would.”
“I crash,” Prowl said. Flicking his doorwings, though the movement was still. Everything hurt but it did not feel like he had managed to dent himself. That was something, at least. “It is not their fault I am a glitch.”
“Do ya need a blocker?” Jazz asked. His optics brightened and dimmed at the slur. It had been a long time since Prowl had thought of himself or spoken of himself in such a manner but Primus below, Prowl was so tired of all of this scrap. He shook his helm.
“I am sensitive to them. I do not want to be addled around my mechlings. They need me functional... What times is it?”
“Chronometer out?”
“It is unreliable.”
“Once we get some mass on ya, it should sort itself out,” Jazz replied. “I’ll pick up the mechlings in half a joor. Ya best stay in berth a while longer.”
“I cannot spend all mega-cycle in your procreators’ berth.”
“Once they finish up upstairs ya can move into yer own berth.”
“I was not sure if I remembered that correctly,” Prowl said. They had been talk while his processor had been buzzing. They had asked for their favourite colours.
“It’s just two berthrooms,” Jazz explained. “But I think the mechlings won’t mind sharing too much.”
“They have been recharging in the same berth as me,” Prowl revealed. “They will probably relish the space. Someone broke into our room the first dark-cycle. They looked, stepped towards the berth they were sharing... They ran out when I sat up. I have not been able to recharge since.”
“‘M sorry,” Jazz said, softly. “For this memory purge ya been livin’. Y’re all gonna be safe now. Once y’re healthy, me ‘n my procreators, we’ll find ya work. But I don’t think y’re up for anythin’ right now.”
“I do not have any saving,” Prowl said, bunching the blanket fitfully in his servos. “I only have four emergency rations left for the mechlings. I need to work now.”
“Ya need to rest, so ya get healthy,” Jazz replied. “I got ya covered.”
“I have no way to repay you,” Prowl said. There was a harmonic in his glyphs. He had no way he wanted to repay Jazz. Prowl might have been a bit more desperate than he had been when he had refused Lockdown and then the priest. But he still did not want to pay for housing by laying on his back. He was not that desperate yet. Maybe in a few mega-cycles.
“I don’t want anythin’ from ya, Prowl,” Jazz said, decisively. “When I came back to Simfur after doin’ some tours wit the Elite Guard, I had nothin’. It was just me ‘n the Twins. My kin were in Polihex had stuck optic deep in their own scrap. It took’em six more vorns to follow me. Master Yoketron helped us out. He gave us a place to stay. Gave me work. He woulda done the same for ya. He would want me to do the same for ya.”
“Thank you. I do not know how to process this kindness.”
“S’okay. I know it’s hard,” Jazz squeezed his servo and Prowl believed, actually believe he could trust him. “I know ya got that med-alert etchin’... crashes are part o’ a processor defect? Right?”
“All the same, do ya think ya outta be seen to by a medic? Have ya been seen by a medic?”
“After we were recovered. Other than some minor dents, my creations were physically unharmed. Mentally... Bluestreak onlines screaming sometimes. Nothing soothes him save for being held to my spark. Smokescreen does not tolerate being touched much at all.”
“And you?”
“It was noted that my injuries were minor for one claiming to have been gang raped.”
“Scrap,” Jazz cursed and shook his helm. “So ya were ‘sposed to fight ‘til they decided yer younglin’ would be easier prey, or til they killed ya? That’s scrap. That medic ain’t worth their patch.”
“They made him watch,” Prowl said, with a stuttering intake. “So he would learn to please them. I had to protect him.”
“Of course,” Jazz replied and he held Prowl’s servos as he started to cry. “Of course ya did. Y’re a good ori. Y’re all gonna be okay. Ya just need a safe space, ‘n time to heal.”
Prowl loathed weakness, at least in himself, but here he was crying in front of a stranger. A stranger he had poured out his spark to, revealed his ugly humiliation to and here Jazz was, patiently comforting and reassuring. Realistically, Prowl knew he had been pushed to the brink and had pushed himself still further and he knew the crash would only be the first of many if he did not restore his beleaguered self repair systems. He knew his creations needed him to hold the centre but it was bitterly hard when he was so tired and scared and stressed. Jazz stayed with Prowl for the half joor before he needed to go to collect the mechlings. Prowl thought he should go. Smokescreen got out first. He always went and got Bluestreak while Prowl hung back because he loathed being stared at with such brazen scorn. Smokescreen would got with Jazz, he trusted his tutor. Jazz was trustworthy.
“Nap a lil more,” Jazz said as he rose to go collect their creations. “Ya need it.”
He could not imagine recharging with his current frame of processor. Prowl sank back into the soft blanket and pillows. His processor went fuzzy around the edges. Prowl was forced to admit he had reached the limits of his processor and his frame. Jazz and his procreators had been moved enough by his revelations to help, but Prowl new generosity had its limits. In any case, it a precarious thing to rely on another’s generosity for survival. There was no telling how long it would take before they, or rather Prowl, wore out his welcome. Though Prowl needed to plan and more than anything needed to think, he found his consciousness slipping down and down until he knew nothing at all.
“O’gin,” Bluestreak exclaimed as he crawled onto Prowl’s chassis and nuzzled his face. Prowl looked at his creation with bleary optics and reached up to ruffled his helm.
“Brightspark,” he said, voice soft. “How was school?”
“Good! We had a class feast! Master Jazz said you had crash.”
“I am alright, Bluestreak,” Prowl said, he had to be after all. “Jazz and his procreators were kind enough to take care of me.”
“I like them. They’re nice,” Bluestreak declared as he smiled down at his originator. His doorwings never stopped moving, but that was normal. They were always fluttering. Always talking. “Punch said you needed your rest so we let you recharge but it’s time for dinner.”
“Oh!” Prowl optics cleared as his battle computer fitfully surged. “I recharged that long?”
“Ya obviously needed it,” Jazz said from the doorway, and Prowl jerked his helm so quickly his helm throbbed as he looked to his host.. “We got dinner on the table. If ya think yer up for gettin’ up.”
“Of course,” Prowl said. Bluestreak climbed off of his chassis, letting Prowl sit up. The world did not exactly spin but it did tilt.
“Just don’t push yerself.”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Hauting existence (Chapter one)
Summary: She lived with a negletful life, choosing one way to survive this despicable kind of life, disowing her own name to something she decided to take as her own name,  “ Tsuyoi”, meaning of strenght. So this way she could at least have someone to count on, herself. While him had the good luck, born on a hateful and abusive familybut adopted by a kind yet strict agricultor... raised with morals.
Funny thing how these two actually manage to know each other
Chisaki Kai x reader
Warnings: I will see only if the feedback of this fic is good to continue, if not oh well that’s life. It contains beating, mental and physical abuse, curse words, prostitution, sexual assaultt and rape... need I say no more?
either way, enjoy.
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You closed the door of the man’s car with a laugh. Winking at him as he cursed under his breath at receiving a call from a woman, probably from his wifem you didn’t doubt it.
“Best reply your sweatheart~!” You giggled at his desperation as he drove the car far away from the post. Adjusting the wig in your head as you walked until the street, being greeted by your “friends” as they whistled and looked at you getting to your usual “spot” as always.
“Rough shift tonight huh?” you heard a femine voice from beside you as you rolled your eyes and smirked at her.
“Kussaku-san.” You greeted as the older woman snickered and poked your shoulder with her fist.
Those weren’t your given names... Yet, no one would ever know your name as far as you et them. Kussaku could be Akemi-san while in day as she took care of her teenager son... a ngrateful one for that matter. She was ony a bit older than you but sadly worked on the same breadwinner as you...
“How many did that old man gave to you for one round?”
“Bastard is a married bussines man, so I charged him triple.” You waved the bills at her face as she laughed in shock.
“You’re such a evil little thing!”
“I do it for survival, just like all os us.” You spoke more seriously as the others left the place, leaving you and Kussaku to chat a bit until no “clients” apperead...
“If no more appear I’ll have to get back home with only 500 yen...” The older woman sighed and you had the slightest pity over her until she adjusted her purse on her shoulder “I have to get goin’ see ya Tsuyoi!” 
You snorted, supporting your weight on only one leg as you watched the cars pass bu the street... A van got closer and stopped by the gas station... You arched an eyebrow up until you saw a man getting out of the car, tall and buff frame with a mask on; the color of his hair was an oak and what caught your attention the most was the gold in her eyes. You smirked, bitting your bottom lip as you walked elegantly towards the man, ocasionaly wiggling your hips.
Supporting your self on where the man was picking some gas fro his car you smile devilsh.
“Heyy~” You purred, finally catching the attention of the guy as he looked down at you. One of his brown eyebrows up. “Wanna have a goo time handsome, for such a full course meal I will only charge the tiniest bit.” You licked your lips while looking up and down at his body, adoring how even despite him having a mask on how embarresed he got at your words, yet still stuck on the same stoic expression.
“My apologies, not interested.” He placed the cash on the balcony and gave you one look before leaving, you furrowed your eyebrows before trailing after him.
“No? Well, maybe is because you don’t want to dissapointed your wifey or girlfriend then?” You snorted as he stoppe, but soon got shocked when he gave you a look over his shoulder.
“Pardon. I guess maybe someone cant take “no” as an answer?”
You frowned and scoffed at how his cheeks liften up slightly, showing that dammed smirk beneath that mask of his.
“Full of yourself.” You mumbled as he rolled his eyes and got in his car as you chuffed, knocking on his window. “At least give me a ride back home will ya?”
The man looked at you with a deappan look, before sighing and unlocking the passenger door as you chuckled in victory and got in despite his annoyed look as he drove.
“Not much of a talker daddy’s boy?” You smirked from your seat, seing how his gloved hand tighten on the wheel as he breathed in and out slowly.
“Usually I dont give rides, esoecially for, well, your type of person.” 
“uhuhuhu!” You laughed in sarcasm at his words “I poked at the sting didn’t I??”
Although your lips parted in shock as a chuckle escaped hismouth looking at you from the corner of his eyes.
“I know what you’re got. And let me explain that was not what I meant, I usually don’t give rides for strangers... idiot.” He snorted at your scoff and continued driving. “You have a name?”
You looked at him with a devilish smirl, so maybe he was interested...
“Tsuyoi.” you almost purred your name as he scoffed.
“I meant your real name idiot.”
“Oi! More respect towards my name will you?! You got a problem with my name so say it instead.’
“Is a adjective this, not a name.”
“Well mister gramatic, is MY NAME.” you talked back as he pinched his nose with one hand as the other stayed tight on the wheel.
How much would you will be owning to that guy for this..?
“Where do I drop you off anyway?” you didn’t catched his wordsas you saw a car getting too close to your liking, and even before you could even coment something the car got in the side of the man, and hitted with such a brute force that made you scream and the car to fly out of the street. You heard the man shouting a curse as the car rolled in the dirt as you were throw out of it and landed on the grass with a groan,
“Fuck...” You groaned, touching a place on your fprehead and wincing, seing the fred velvet fluid on your fingers... You looked behing you and saw a masked man throw some liquid in the car and a bit on the grass from a safe distance before you widened your eyes at when them took a phosphor and dropped into the ground before walking away.
You cursed and got up from the grass to gasp at seing the man still on the car, passed out.
“SHIT!” you screamed and took off your heels to get to the upside down car and try to take off the seat bell out “MAN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WAKE UP!“
Unknown to you was that you lost your wig and your truly hair fell as you shaked him and pulled the seat bell, wakening him up as he groaned before widening his eyes at seing you, how beautiful he found you on your true nature and how much you looked like a.. a
“Angel..?” he muttered as you screamed and begged him to move.
“SIR PLEASE WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE IS GOING TO EXPLODE!” you cried as he finally come to his senses and strated t figet to get out.
‘I’m trying! Its stuck”“ he shouted as you panicked seing the fire getting close until you let put a gasp, grabbing a knife you always carried for protection on your abandoned purse and cuted the seat belt out of him as you pulled him out of the upsided down car.
“COME ON!” You grabbed his arm and pu on your shoulders as both of you tried to run, only to the explosion to happen, sending both of you straight to the ground.
You got up, looking mortified at the scene in front of you as the man besides you groaned and got promped into his his arms as his eyes widened.
“For the love of...” He mumbled as you looked at him.
“That will be all Chisaki-san.” the woman spoke while giving him a paper as he looked over at it, looking over his shoulder to see you were gone.
His feet moved on his own and found you at the exit of the hospital, not getting why he finally got to breath again at seing you standing there.
“You seem like a magnet for trouble.” He sighed as you looked at him before rolling your eyes.
“I can say the same for you... The van was yours, I could have died because of you, ya know?” You mumbled as he stood tall besides you with a arrogant aurea that surely pissed you off to no ends.
“Yet you didn’t.” He spoke nonchantly, hands stuffed on his jacket as he mantained looking at you, until you clenched your teeth and snapped.
“Stop staring at me like that!” You shouted as he remained unfazed by your attics “ If you got nothing to pay for it or to complain about it so just leave dammit!”
“Can’t a person just look at something because is beautiful?” You gagged in your words at hearing him speak so nonchantly before seeing him, even witha patch up on his forehead still looking so good and beutiful, smirking, fucking smirking at you “Cat got your tongue brat?”
You narrowed your eyes at him and pointed a finger at him as you spilled acid with your words.
“Listen, you little shit. Just because you paid for my consultation to see if I had any broken bones doesn't mean you can at least have the fucking audacity to talk to me like that, did you hear me right?” you growled as he glred back at you, but soon a snort came out.
“Whatever you say.. brat.” You scoffed and marched your way away from him as he looked at you “To your concern, my name is Chisaki, Chisaki Kai... a true name. Hope to see you around.. Tsuyoi.” you could hear the snicker behind his voice as you flipped him ff and got on your way home.
If only you knew you would be crossing paths with this misterious man again...
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kri-babe · 3 years
A Bad Experience ᅳ Word Count: 2143 Summary: TAKE THE TRASH OUT. Warning: Implied Sexual Assault. Murder.
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I was a pretty average kid. I wasn’t excessively popular, but I wasn’t an outcast either. I liked my silence and my own company, but I didn’t mind the company of my friends either. I had my own little pack of misfits that I ran with but we were average kids. We hung out where we could, but it wasn’t all that often between our classes or after school. My best friend in school was… sort of unorthodox, and a lot of people would have probably questioned it, and had my mom been any better, she would’ve told me to stay the fuck away from him.
And with good reason…
Mr. Rhodes was the school janitor; dressed persistently in a dark blue jumpsuit, and jingling whenever he walked because of the keys he carried on his belt. He was a fairly recluse guy, and the other kids thought he was pretty creepy. I think that was because of the fact that he had this weird tendency to turn up in random places, or… maybe it was the scars that mangled the side of his face. Hell, now that I think back on it, it could’ve even just been the vibe he put off. The smile that was just a little too friendly… the dark eyes that were just a little… too happy.
I guess I was a bad read of people…
But for whatever unfortunate reason, I liked Mr. Rhodes… I spoke to him regularly whenever I saw him, treated the guy like he was just another friend of mine. He was friendly enough, and he didn’t treat me like I was just some dumb fuckin’ kid in his way, wasting his time.
I never told him about it, but I think he put it together anyway - the problems back at home. He’d told me one day that I could hide out in the janitor’s closet if I ever needed a place away from everyone else. I hadn’t thought anything of it. Just a friendly gesture from a decent guy everyone overlooked because he had an unsavory job, and scars on his face.
I never once stopped to wonder why he was working at that school, why he was a janitor, and why the other kids avoided him… why the teachers avoided him. I never really thought beyond the idea that they were just mean. That maybe it was pack instinct that kept the flock together, safe in their numbers where the wolf couldn’t easily get to them.
No, I had to be the black sheep - the one that sticks out like a sore thumb, all the easier to snatch.
Too bad I didn’t see his fangs until he found me in the janitor’s closet one day. It’d been a shit day, mom was off her meds, had thrown away some of my stuff because it was ‘Satanic’. I didn’t want to put up with the teachers, nor the other kids, so I hunkered down in that little, cramped closet to just ride the day out. Where the fuck else was I going to go? Home? As if. If only I’d thought of some place else. If only I’d refused to trust him too.
He asked how long I’d been there, and I told him since school started. Guess that meant no one would notice one missing kid. The minute he closed the door, I felt something. A sinking brick in my gut and it only got worse when Mr. Rhodes knelt beside me, rubbed my back and told me that it’d all be okay. He could make it better. … I must’ve been twelve.
I stayed in the closet for the rest of the day. I was too scared to come out until well after school had ended….
I told her anyway. I knew she wouldn’t hear it, I knew she wouldn’t believe me. I knew she wouldn’t be on my side. But sometimes… just… sometimes. She was mom. I told her anyway. I felt the strike far before I had seen it coming.
“No son of mine will be an incubus, not in this house. God will excise this evil from you, you pustulant seductor.”
I still have scars from the whipping.
So… what now…
What do you do when your childhood fucking rapist comes into your place of work… and recognizes you…?
“Well, well,” Chimed a familiar, snake-like voice from just a few steps behind.
Alby blinked tiredly a few times, staring at the bleary image of the DVD cases in the cart and in his hands. As per the norm, the night had been slow - Blockbusters wasn’t really what it used to be, and the few customers he did get were often high as hell, and just looking for cheap movies to rent. He’d had maybe one other customer earlier that evening, before he’d set to putting back the returns.
Another blink, Alby slowly frowned as it pushed its way back to the surface - that rotten, fetid trauma he’d buried years ago. The boy straightened, blinking, and turned his head to peer over his shoulder as Rhodes stepped nearer, grinning just like the wolf he’d always been. Alby’s frown hardened as his good eye slowly cleared from the haze of the pot that clouded his head.
“If it isn’t little Alby… and you’ve grown up to be so handsome too… I’m honestly surprised to still see you around, kiddo… I was so sure your mother would be the end of you…” He reached closer, tilting Alby’s chin in his direction with a finger to better see the patch that was taped over the young man’s right eye. “Looks like she might still be,” He smirked, releasing him then, and instead, placed his hand over Alby’s back.
Broad, slender - he’d shot up like a beanstalk since they had last seen each other. Rhodes looked no different somehow, and Alby wasn’t sure how to take that. But the hand over his back summoned something from the depths of his being. A cold sweat broke out over his porcelain skin and Alby could feel a tremble push its way into his arms and fingers.
“So, how’s life been, kiddo…?” Alby frowned again, staring silently at Rhodes. Was this a joke? Was this guy just… playing fucking stupid? Like they’d always been buddy buddy? Like he fucking hadn’t raped him all those years ago? What was this? Was he trying to get cozy with him so he could do it again?
“What’s the matter, Alby~? Cat got your tongue?”
Rhodes’ hand slid lower, and whether that was to withdraw or not didn’t matter anymore when Alby suddenly exploded into motion with a left hook that connected directly with Rhodes�� jaw. He fell like a sack of bricks and Alby stood there in total silence once more - naught but the sound of his own shaky breathing to accompany him as he glared down at Rhodes’ body. He must have hit him just right… and certainly just hard enough, his knuckles protested about it.
What the fuck was he going to do with this fucker… call the police? But for what… a crime he’d committed twelve years ago? This was assault… and he was positive that his boss wasn’t going to be happy about his one fucking employee assaulting a customer…
The walkie-talkie on the back of Alby’s hip crackled and popped, and there it came: his boss’s chipper voice.
“Hey, Al, you there, bud~?”
He’d never seen the guy’s face, but his manager was always so weirdly happy… it was unsettling at best.
“Fuck…” Alby breathed, still shaking as he pulled the walkie-talkie off his belt and brought it to his lips, “Y-yeah, what’s up?” Just… be calm. Act normal. Everything was fine. He never even came into the store, and it was late. They were just between the shelves. No one would know.
“Hey, Al, there ya are! Listen, bud!” Popped the walkie.
“Remember what I told you about the trash? Those no-good lay-about trash guys don’t come by anymore, so there’s an incinerator in the basement of the building you can use to take out the trash! It’s pretty big, too, remember? So don’t fall in!”
Alby shook harder, blinking widely.
He was so sure he could hear something else just under his boss’s peppy voice. Something unnatural, just under the static, like worms in the dirt, whispering the earth’s secrets into his ears.
‘T̴̨̥̥̮̖̮̠̰̗͖̘̺͒̂̿̅͠Ā̴̫̖̬̜̝̟̠̥̿͌̃͐ͅK̶̟̻̤̼͇̭̻̗̖̖̮̤̺̺̅̐̐̊̀̅̔̈́͑̔̄̀̕̚͝ͅE̶͔̥̺̩̖͓̗̱͉̤̮̭̲͎̺̫̋͛̋̒̊̄̕ ̶̧̬̙͉̮̦̮̭̘͙͌̈́̈Ţ̶̨̛̛̫͖̙̫̺̘̰̘̳̮̘̞̊̏̅͊͋̍͂̄̅́̌͜͠͠͝ͅH̸̨̟͕͍̝̠̫̔̏̓͘͜͝Ě̶̡̨̨͖̫͚͇͍̰̻̪̭̰̃̈́́̈́̌̇̔̒̂̑́̉̿̓̑͘ͅ ̴̭̮͍̟̩̯̍̉͂̂̒͗̀̈́̐̒͘T̷͓̱͎͔̦̫̲̹̰̠̬̤̹͂R̸̡̹͔͓̳͎̣̗͙̥͙̱̯̂͊̌̽͗̈́̎̅̇͘͝A̴̳̳̤̣͐̑̄͘ͅS̷̩̲͖͒̏́̆̋Ḩ̶͔̥͉̪͓͉͇̠̭̓͋̀͒͘͜ ̸͇͎̘̮̀̊͐̈͋̽̑̇̔̄̋̈́͜͝͠Ơ̷̡̳̰̳͈͙̙̞͔̹̦͍͋̋̑̿̿͂̾̊̀̓͑̎̕̕͘̚U̶͔̩̘͖͖̗͚̞̲͓̬̟̥̺̅̓̂͑̏́͝͠͝T̸̺̹̤̮̆̓̽̈́̀̒̉͒̄̓̀̒͒͠,̶̪̤̯̖̩̯̘̾̒͊̇̂͂͗̑̂͋͋̈́̏͐̏͜͝ͅ ̶̡̡̣͓̠̭̫̟̫͕̔͆͋̈́̈́̌̊̓̈́̍͌̈́̔̐́̾͜͝A̵̲͓̝͚͚̖͖͙͉̹͍̗̦͙͔̭̞͑͊̃̓̿̑̓̑̾̃͊L̵̨͖̣̜̬̜̮̲̦̞̥̑̓͑̄͌̎̿͛̈́̈̂͝Ḇ̷̯͎̝̮̯͖͈̰͔̦͕̫̭̬̙̉̉̅ͅY̵̡̪̹̲͚̭͈̞͚̆̓͒̍̚͘͝͝͠.̷͚̳̘̜͙̺̝̳̌̀̔̑͒͗̐̌̈̃͌͝͠͝’
Alby swallowed, and looked back down at the body that lay sprawled across the carpeted flooring, lips working to form words he couldn’t find the ability to add noise to.
“Still there, Al!?” He jolted.
“Y-yeah, yeah, sorry, I’m here. I-I -- I’m on it, boss.” The walkie was hooked back onto his belt and Alby slowly exhaled.
Did he… know…? There was no fucking way this was coincidence. Trash day was usually at the end of the week… it was fucking Tuesday.
Could he do this…?
The basement door swung open, and Alby panted softly, grunting as he readjusted the man draped over his shoulder and slowly began down the steps into the blackness of the basement. There were lights, but the incinerator was often just bright enough that its orange glow was more than enough to light his way. That… beast of a machine. Steel and fire - the belly of a dragon, and the teeth to match.
When he first came to work here, there was no basement. There was no incinerator. There were large trash bins outside that the garbage men would occasionally come get, because the Blockbuster didn’t produce enough trash. Alby was the only employee. But after a time, he’d gotten word from his boss that the garbage men wouldn’t be stopping by anymore. They’d decided the place wasn’t worth the stop anymore, due to how infrequently they had to pick up from it.
The next day, there was a note about the basement. The incinerator. The shop never shut down. There were no construction workers. There was no equipment. No signs that the building had been added onto. It was just… there.
Every step thunked down the stairs as Alby disappeared down into that blackness, and squinted the moment he came around the corner to face the incinerator. It didn’t often make much noise… but it was growling now. Like a ravenous beast, it’s teeth clanking against its jaw in anticipation. Alby hesitated. He often wondered if this fucking thing was alive… the way it acted. But it was so easy for him to chalk it up to the fact that it was probably just funky machinery. He swallowed, and drew nearer, pulling the lever to open the jaws of this hellbeast which roared hungrily, releasing a burning belch of hot air into the basement. Alby squinted against the blast, and stared into those roaring flames.
The weight on his shoulder never felt heavier… and he wasn’t sure he could do this…
The guy… raped him but… this was murder, and no one would ever know…
But they never knew about his rape, either, did they…?
The walkie talkie crackled and popped, fuzzing loudly against the rumbling of the incinerator. There were no words that spilled through the static, and yet… he could hear that distant sound once again. As if there was just… too much interference, or the frequency wasn’t
quite right.
‘T̴̨̥̥̮̖̮̠̰̗͖̘̺͒̂̿̅͠Ā̴̫̖̬̜̝̟̠̥̿͌̃͐ͅK̶̟̻̤̼͇̭̻̗̖̖̮̤̺̺̅̐̐̊̀̅̔̈́͑̔̄̀̕̚͝ͅE̶͔̥̺̩̖͓̗̱͉̤̮̭̲͎̺̫̋͛̋̒̊̄̕ ̶̧̬̙͉̮̦̮̭̘͙͌̈́̈Ţ̶̨̛̛̫͖̙̫̺̘̰̘̳̮̘̞̊̏̅͊͋̍͂̄̅́̌͜͠͠͝ͅH̸̨̟͕͍̝̠̫̔̏̓͘͜͝Ě̶̡̨̨͖̫͚͇͍̰̻̪̭̰̃̈́́̈́̌̇̔̒̂̑́̉̿̓̑͘ͅ ̴̭̮͍̟̩̯̍̉͂̂̒͗̀̈́̐̒͘T̷͓̱͎͔̦̫̲̹̰̠̬̤̹͂R̸̡̹͔͓̳͎̣̗͙̥͙̱̯̂͊̌̽͗̈́̎̅̇͘͝A̴̳̳̤̣͐̑̄͘ͅS̷̩̲͖͒̏́̆̋Ḩ̶͔̥͉̪͓͉͇̠̭̓͋̀͒͘͜ ̸͇͎̘̮̀̊͐̈͋̽̑̇̔̄̋̈́͜͝͠Ơ̷̡̳̰̳͈͙̙̞͔̹̦͍͋̋̑̿̿͂̾̊̀̓͑̎̕̕͘̚U̶͔̩̘͖͖̗͚̞̲͓̬̟̥̺̅̓̂͑̏́͝͠͝T̸̺̹̤̮̆̓̽̈́̀̒̉͒̄̓̀̒͒͠,̶̪̤̯̖̩̯̘̾̒͊̇̂͂͗̑̂͋͋̈́̏͐̏͜͝ͅ ̶̡̡̣͓̠̭̫̟̫͕̔͆͋̈́̈́̌̊̓̈́̍͌̈́̔̐́̾͜͝A̵̲͓̝͚͚̖͖͙͉̹͍̗̦͙͔̭̞͑͊̃̓̿̑̓̑̾̃͊L̵̨͖̣̜̬̜̮̲̦̞̥̑̓͑̄͌̎̿͛̈́̈̂͝Ḇ̷̯͎̝̮̯͖͈̰͔̦͕̫̭̬̙̉̉̅ͅY̵̡̪̹̲͚̭͈̞͚̆̓͒̍̚͘͝͝͠.̷͚̳̘̜͙̺̝̳̌̀̔̑͒͗̐̌̈̃͌͝͠͝’
There it was again - that compulsion. This subtle… feeling. Like someone or something was just… gently pushing on his mind. On his thoughts. Compelling him, his wants. With a deep breath, and another soft grunt, Alby bounced the man from his shoulder, and into the blazing fires of the furnace, tossing in his legs to follow the body as embers shot out in every direction. He hadn’t even fully straightened when those steel jaws banged shut, and Alby threw a widened brown eye over the lever. Was it faulty…? Holy shit.
The blow to his jaw wasn’t enough to keep Rhodes down now… the screaming started shortly after, and Alby couldn’t take his eyes off the furnace as that blackening silhouette within thrashed and struggled frantically for an escape that would not be found.
It couldn’t have lasted for more than a few minutes… but those minutes felt like an eon, and Alby knew Rhodes suffered… too bad it was over so soon.
He stared quietly at the furnace as the roaring dulled to a soft, content rumble, fingers shaking by his thighs as he searched in vain for signs that Rhodes yet remained within that beast’s blazing belly.
The walkie talkie popped and fuzzed.
There were no clear words again… but he could have sworn that he heard the faintest sound of a voice… just… just out of range.
'̶̡͙̗͔̒̄͒͛̆̈́͐̏̐̃̈́̎͝Ṋ̷̱̙̝̋́͐̑̀̋̐̽̽̐͂̆͐͝Ơ̵͔̒̀͋̋̌̂B̸̖̞̘̬̥̺͓̜̘̟͙̥̑̍͑́̍̈́̿̉̈́̽͑̏̀͘ͅO̸̡̬͉̞̱̪͚̭̼̬͉͊̉̆͛̍̒̊D̷̥̩̮̈̃̊̈́͂͊̔͑̈́̽̇͘̚ͅẎ̵̦̺̯̣̦̲̣̐̽̀͆̽̊̏̃ ̷̨͖̖̪̥̹̣̠͕͔̤͎͍̹̽̈̕͝L̵͔̜͇͖̮̰͙̤̰̠̂́̄̓̌̑̄̐̈̚͝Ǐ̸̗̭̬͍̬͙̗̘͔̃͝͠ͅK̸̙̼͙̳̹̫͚̩͎͍̈́ͅȄ̵͙̏̉̏͛̈̎̒̐̆̿S̴̅̿̈̉́̌͠͝͠��̧̧͙̤̳̤̐̿͠ ̵̢͙͍̮̳̐̅͐̀͐̅͗͂̈́́̈́A̸̧͉̟̯͔̠̮͚̻̭͑̿͒̈̿̅͒͛͛̽͠ ̶̡̢̹̭͉̳̙̣̺̘̍͂́̏͝K̵̻͉̳̘͍̩̦͎̱̙̩̝͍͌͒̈́̐̃͘͜I̵̺̝̣̩͕̱̱͇͔̊̅͒D̴̨͔̘͎̝̫͕͙͚̥̦̘̙̳̀̔͑͘D̵͔̤͓̗͈͍͕̱͎̭̀Ī̴̱̲́̇͂̐͠Ē̶̡̪̅́̑̃͊̎̐́͐̂̊̓ ̵̨̱͎͚̣͖̘͓̻̬̗͖͊̊̉̇̽͑̓̋͊̾̾F̶̡̡͈̭̼͇͇͎̙̂̽͛͐͒̈́̅̉̎Ḭ̷̧̛̮̤̣͓̖͈̐̏̀̅͗́͘͝D̸̛̦͊D̸̡̢͈̞͙͔̜͖̖̮̻͖̒͆̆̒̆̿͋̌̒́̅̚͘͠Ļ̵̻̼͚̝́̿͋̚E̸̝͎͍͂̇̽̃͋͊̐͌͝͠ͅR̶̡̞͉̞̩̱̝͚̗͙̦̐́̉̑̈́̆̀͌̀̾̅͘ͅ'̷̨̧͔̣̜̺̪̰̜̦̮̖̺͑̂̃̊̔͂̈̀͐̃͜
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outlawsworld · 4 years
Trusting strangers - Chapter 2
Arthur Morgan x Female reader
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Summary: Reader reveals the truth about where she is from but is worried about the consequences.
Warnings: mention or abuse and rape. But just fluff.
Author notes: I enjoyed writing the first one so much that I had to continue. Please let me know if you like it and if I should keep writing. I know a fair bit happens in this chapter but it's all setting the scene for the rest of the story ❤️🤠
Chapter one here
''We got time'' The words rang in your ears like alarm bells. You knew you had no choice but to tell Arthur the truth.
You had played out in your head this situation many times. How you were going to tell the gang the truth. Hosea was going to be the one you told. He had always been kind to you and he would definitely listen to the full story. The last person you expected to confess to was Arthur but here you were. 
You breathed out a sigh and looked down at your feet. Arthur was still standing over you hand ready at his gun belt.
''Well go on, spit it out'' He grunted impatiently. You looked up at him straight in the eye almost pleading with him to not make you speak but it was no use. Arthur was not one to back down from what he wanted.
''My daddy owned a ranch just outside of a city called Saint Denis. He bred and sold fine horses. They were worth a ton of money so this attracted all sorts of people. Mostly rich people but also thieves as you would expect. There was only me, my daddy and my mamma. My mama was a small housewife that didn't have any fondness for horses. I guess they hoped I would be a boy so they had someone else to help. My dad didn't care that I was a girl because as soon as I could walk, I could ride. He taught me everything I know about horses and he knew a lot.'' You paused to look at Arthur.
His expression was unmoved. ''So you're a rich girl?'' He laughed under his breath rolling his eyes.
''Hold on a minute, I told you it was a long story and I ain't done'' you fired back irritated by Arthur's reaction. ''He also taught me how to shoot. Having so many good horses we had to learn to defend our ranch from thieves that came along. I got good at it too. I would spend hours helping my daddy on the ranch and then go practise shooting everyday.'' You looked back down at your feet.
''One night a big storm hit and I went out to make sure the horses were alright. I heard gunshots coming from the house but by the time I got there these men had killed my daddy and beaten my mama bloody. My daddy had managed to gun down a load of them before they stormed the house. I didn't have a gun on me and they soon grabbed me too. They kept me and my mama hostage for a few months. Feeding us next to nothin' and beating us when they wanted somethin' to do. My mama didn't last long, not with all the beatings before....well at least she is in a better place.'' You closed your eyes for a moment trying to hold back tears as you remembered the past events. Composing yourself you carried on.
''After she passed the men thought beating me wasn't as fun anymore. They needed something more...I tried to fight them off at first but I didn't have the energy. They would pin me down, rip my clothes off me and have their fun. There was nothin' I could do. I was defensless and weak. This went on for a month or two but it felt like a liftime'' Your voice wavered but not with sorrow but with anger and embarrassment. 
''One night, one of the men came and had his way with me but after forgot to tie me back up and passed out drunk. I managed to sneak through the house to my Daddy's gun closet. Got my hands on his best rifle and took out every single one of the men in the house. There were more of them outside and I knew they had heard the gunshots so I took off. Grabbed our best stallion and rode as fast as I could outta there.'' 
''Some came after me but I managed to gun them down but there was a witness and I was suddenly an outlaw. My face was plastered on every poster in town. No one would listen to me and if they did no one would believe me. I ran changing from place to place for a couple months. Pick pocketing and hunting to stay alive but I was barely breathing. I hadn't eaten properly in months. A couple of weeks back the men from my daddy's ranch caught up to me and gunned my horse down. They had me surrounded, I tried to give them a good fight but there was too many of em'. Last thing I remember was getting hit over the head with something hard and waking up to Bill finding me. They must have thought they had killed me because I know that they wouldn't have left me there if they knew I was alive. They would have taken me back to the ranch and kept me for their own entertainment. So there. Now you know everything. I've got absolutely nothing and there is a bounty on my head''. You sighed not daring to look at Arthur but needing to know what he was thinking.
The silence was deafening and you could feel your heartbeat getting faster. ''Why didn't you just tell us?'' Arthur finally spoke. His tone was now soft compared to the harshness before. 
''Tell a bunch of strangers there is a bounty on my head? How would I have known you wouldn't just turn me in?'' You scoffed at his question before silence again. Why was he not saying anything? You wanted to know what he was thinking but he wasn't giving anything away. Instead he just turned to his horse and mounted before giving you a look to do the same. You mounted up and kept a slow walk next to Arthur. Your chest felt tight as you hung your head low. The feeling of embarrassment and ashame overcame you as you realised there was no going back. Arthur, the man you barely knew and didnt trust, knew everything.
The ride back was quiet and slow. Neither of you had spoken a word to each other and it was making your mind go crazy. You knew as soon as you got to camp Arthur would tell Dutch and the next day you'll be turned in for your bounty. There was no use running. Arthur had proven he is not a man to be messed with and you knew you wouldn't get far. You came to the conclusion that this was it. There was no point in fighting anymore.
''I'm sorry'' Arthurs low voice brought you back to reality. Shocked, you looked at him and he turned to meet your eye. ''No one should av' gone through all that. Those men got what they deserved''. For the first time he was properly looking at you. He had no sarcastic tone in his voice and he looked genuinely sympathetic towards you. Arthur was the first person you had told and you expected him to just spit and laugh in your face but here he was actually showing kindness to you. 
''It's in the past now.'' You broke the eye contact between you both. ''You gonna tell Dutch?'' although you didn't want to ask, you couldn't help yourself. You had finally found people who were nice to you after months of tourchur and you didn't want to loose that.
''It's your past'' He paused looking away from you ''Not up to me who knows it or not but you may wanna tell 'em at some point'' You nodded gratefully in reply. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. All this time trying to find someone who would listen to your story without calling you a liar or trying to turn you in with no luck. The last person you expected to listen, to truly listen and understand, was Arthur. Maybe you judged him too quickly.
You both arrived back in camp in the mid afternoon. The camp was quiet as people were out doing their daily jobs. The smell of the stew coming from Pearson's pot was mouthwatering after the morning you had. Mrs Grimshaw was the first to greet you as you arrived at the hitching posts.
''Where the hell av' you been Miss (Y/N)?'' She looked you up and down and you dismounted Johns horse. ''We all thought you had up and left'' Her hands placed on her hips waiting for an answer. She looked angry but slightly relived that you had come back.
''It's my fault Mrs Grimshaw'' Arthur intervened ''I took her hunting with me this mornin', I needed more than one horse and she was the only one awake'' Mrs Grimshaw turned her attention to Arthur.
''Well next time let me know before you go off like that but at least you made yourself useful Miss'' She softened her tone when Arthur spoke up for you. ''Better get some food and get on with the rest of your chores then'' she smiled before she walked off to go and yell at someone else. 
You breathed a sigh of relief ''Does she ever take a day off?'' You smirked as you began to untack the horses.
''Nah but you'll get used to it'' Arthur smiled at you and nodded before leaving you to take the buck to Pearsons cart. You watched him leave with a slight warmness in your chest and a smile on your face. 'Get used to it' does this mean you will be sticking around? You assumed Arthur might still have intentions to turn you in and collect a decent bounty but these words changed your thoughts. The feeling of telling the truth with no bad consequences made you relax a little. You began to think if you thought Arthur was the worst man here then this gang isn't too bad..
The rest of the afternoon went quickly. You managed to get all of your chores done in very little time with the help of Tilly and Mary-Beth. You had become very close to these two girls in the short time you were there, almost enough to trust them. Trusting strangers was hard especially when you had been on the run for some time. You learnt only to rely on yourself but these were kind people and they were all in the same position as you. 
''(Y/N)'' You heard your name being called from the hitching posts. ''Come help me with this would ya'' Charles was stood by one of the horses lifting its front leg. Quickly you ran over to him to see what was wrong. 
''You alright?'' You questioned as you observed what he was doing. The horse was losing a shoe but it had twisted and stood on the nail. Before Charles had a chance to respond you grabbed the shoe and started levering it from the horse's hoof while Charles lifted the leg. You managed to get the shoe completely off and without any extra damage to the horses hoof.
''We need to make a poultice to stop any infection but she should be fine in a couple of days'' You patted the mare as Charles released her leg.
''You really know what you are doing, don't cha''' He smiled at you as you got to work with some herbs and material to wrap the mare's foot in. After, you and Charles sat in the shade under the tree observing the rest of the camp while you relaxed. 
You saw Arthur head out again with Hosea riding a big black shire horse. He never got a full day around camp before he was out doing another job again. You couldn't help feel slightly sorry for him as you never saw him truly rest. He must be tired constantly but he never complained as long as it was worth his time. The rest of the camp were beginning to settle for the night and you and Charles peacefully watched the sunsetting. 
''Seems like you have settled in well with the gang'' Charles smiled at you. ''I have only been riding with them for around 6 months and it took me longer to find my place then you have''.
''I just do what I'm told and ask questions later'' You giggled ''But I am glad to have been found by you lot, don't know where I would be if I hadn't'' 
"Probably would have starved" he smirked at you. "I'm glad they found you. I need someone who knows as much about horses as you do" he smiled gesturing to the mare from earlier.
"I'm glad too, like you say I would have died if it wasn't for this gang" you smiled back then looked at the mare. "lookin' after horses don't feel like a chore to me so always happy to help"
Charles looked at you and opened his mouth to say something before he was cut off.
''Charles, (Y/N)!'' Javier called to you both before gesturing to gather round the fire. 
"Come on, better join in or people will start talkin'" Charles helped you to stand and you both walked to join the group.
This became a routine on a night that whoever was in camp would gather round the fire to tell stories. This time Javier told his story and everyone listened intently. You looked around the campfire at each of the gang members and couldn't help but smile. This could work. You could stay here with them and learn to trust each other. The thought made you relax and smile which didn't go unnoticed.
''It's nice to finally see you smile'' a rough voice quietly spoke to you before sitting next to you on the log. He was hushed so it wouldn't draw attention to the rest of the camp. ''I don't think I've seen you smile yet, well not a proper smile anyway''. You looked to see John sitting next to you. He had fresh scars on his face and dark features. 
''Don't think I had reason to'' You turned your attention to him.
''Well it's a nice thing to see. I'm sorry I've never actually had a chance to speak to you. I'm John'' He smiled and held his hand out to you which you shook giggling.
''Why thank you John. (Y/N), nice to finally meet you'' You let go of his hand and you smiled back at the fire in front of you. ''I guess I'm smiling because I'm happy. Haven't felt happy in a while'' you admitted.
''Well...I'm glad you are happy. There ain't much we can offer but at least we have each other'' John looked around the camp and then back to you. ''You will be safe with us. By the way, thank you for going huntin' with Arthur today. I definitely wasn't in the best way this mornin'" he laughed gesturing to his head.
"No problem, it was nice to get outta camp" you smirked.
"I trust old boy was good with you?"
"Oh god, I forgot to thank you for letting me borrow her. Yes, she's a good horse" you smiled looking in the horses direction.
"That she is. Well you must have been good company because I didn't get an earful from Arthur when he got back" John took a sip of whiskey. "Normally I wouldn't hear the end of it"
You spoke to John for a while as you found he was easy to talk to. He told you how he got his scars and how Arthur and Javier had saved him. The scars were healing well and he was nearly back to full strength so he would be off running jobs again soon. As the night drew to a close John walked you back to your tent and wished you a good night before taking his leave. 
You laid on your bedroll in your tent staring at the ceiling. The smile was still plastered across your face and you finally felt like you were in the right place. Everything seemed to fit perfectly. What a day....you didn't want to let yourself get too used to this feeling as you knew that things could change in a day. But just for tonight you allowed yourself the feeling of happiness. You were safe for now.
The next day was slow. You had done all of your chores by midday and there was nothing much to do. The only reason you felt like this was because for the last two days you had been out of camp. So being cooped up all day was slightly boring. You decided to go round and see if anyone needed your help. John was just about to go on watch so you asked to tag along which he accepted gratefully. It was a nice sunny day without a cloud in the sky so you were more then happy to sit out with him.
''You know it's nice to 'av company for once. Can get boring by yourself'' He walked to the spot to keep a look out and you sat at the bottom of the tree beside him. 
''Well I'm glad I could tag along. I like to keep busy'' You admitted.
''Really?'' He asked surprised ''The rest of the girls are normally happy to 'av the afternoon off but if your ever bored feel free to join me'' 
You sat with John for a couple of hours talking about the gang. ''Nah, he's a lazy old man but he's harmless. Wait till he tells you stories from when he was young. That'll make you laugh'' John laughed whilst talking about Uncle. 
''I'll keep that in mind when I'm next trying to avoid him'' You were both in fits of laughter that tears were almost falling from your eyes. Soon you composed yourself and Bill came to take the next watch. Without hesitation you stood up and followed close behind John back to camp before Bill offered for you to sit with him as well.
John giggled at this ''You ain't a fan of Bill then?'' 
''I'm just cautious. He's never the kindest''. Plus you didn't want to admit it but you really enjoyed John's company and replacing that with Bill's would have been dissapointing. 
"Yeah I wouldn't say that but he ain't so bad. He's dumb as rocks but he won't hurt ya" John comforted you. He patted you on your shoulder, gave you a friendly smile and went to his tent for some rest.
When you reached the camp you went to sit with the girls and little Jack. They were braiding each other's hair and Tilly was teaching Jack to make a flower chain. You complained about how bored you had been all day and they all hmmed in agreement. Before long you were all talking about Mrs Grimshaw and how she thinks she is the one in charge around here. Once you had your hair neatly braided by Abigail you decided to head to your tent to have a nap but as you were making your way across camp you heard shouting as Hosea and Arthur arrived back from their trip.  
You carried on towards your tent expecting them both to go to the rest of the camp when you caught a glimpse of Arthur heading straight towards you.
''Y/N'' Arthur called to you. This was the first time he said your name and somehow it hit differently with you. Something inside you said if your name was worth learning then he had accepted you into the gang. You stopped in your tracks and before you knew it Arthur was standing in front of you. ''I've got something for ya'' He motioned his head to follow him and without question you did.
He took you over to the hitching post where a beautiful Black, American Saddler, Stallion, stood. You gave Arthur a confused look as you approached the horse giving it a firm pat on the neck. 
''You don't have a horse and....Well Hosea needed to sell one so....and I'm starting to like my new one. I thought'' He paused and looked at your shocked face as you realised what he was trying to say. ''Well he's yours if you want 'im''
Was this real? Had Arthur gone out of his way to get you your own horse. You looked at the beautiful stallion and back to Arthur. ''I don't know what to say'' Your mouth was hanging open but your lips were upturned into a smile. 
Arthur smiled at you ''I wanted to say thank you for helping me out yesterday'' He paused as you nodded at him with a grateful smile. His voice was soft and genuine again. ''This was the best one of a bad bunch, I knew I couldn't get you a cheap nag as I remembered you knew too much about 'em. Didn't think I would get away with it" Arthur joked but tried to keep a straight face as to come across serious.
''Thank you Arthur'' You smiled before fully looking over the horse. Arthur blushed under the brim of his hat at hearing you say his name. You could tell Arthur didn't want you to think he was capable of kindness as he made up the excuse of getting you a shit horse. But the more you looked over the stallion the more you knew that it was a fine one. It wouldn't have been cheap if he had actually bought it. ''I owe you one'' You said trying to look at him from over the horses back. 
''You can help me with a job tomorrow if you are up for it? Gives you chance to test your steed out'' He took the saddle off the horses back ''It's just a little house robbery but I need another pair of hands just in case something goes wrong'' .
''Sure'' You took the bridle off the horse ''but wouldn't you rather go with one of the men'' You gave him a questioning look.
''You are just as good as any of 'em by the way you handled yourself yesterday'' Arthur got a brush out of the saddle bag before passing it to you. ''Unless you feel you ain't up for it'' he teased you waiting for a reaction.
''Oh, I'm more than up for it'' you smirked at him before beginning to brush your horse down. ''I was just making sure''.
''I'll let you two get acquainted then'' Arthur gave you a cheeky smile before heading over to the rest of the camp leaving you with your new horse. 
You couldn't help but feel excited to go on your first real job for the gang. Does this mean they trust you. So many thoughts rushed through your head but the main one was......what do I name you? 
While you were thinking about names you heard a man screaming from the camp. You looked over to see what all the noise was and you saw Dutch, Bill and Arthur standing around the man they had tied to one of the trees. He had been there the whole time you had been in the camp. Tied to the tree like that for weeks on end. You avoided him most of the time as you had no idea why he was there and you were new to camp. Fratanising with the enemy wouldn't look too good for you. Occasionally you would ask him if he was okay but that was all.
They had pulled his trousers down and Bill was holding a huge pair of tweezers threatening to geld him. You watched as you saw Arthur's face hardened again as he threatened the man. He was so confusing, one minute you think he is a kind caring man and the next he does something like this. You had to think twice as you had done things you were not proud of too, to servive, and maybe that's all he was doing. Although he seemed to be enjoying this a bit too much. Doubt filled your thoughts and suddenly you couldn't help thinking maybe he was only showing you kindness to keep you on there side, to stop you running off. You might be valuable to them. There was already $2000 on your bounty, imagine if that went up the longer you were an outlaw.
You pushed these thoughts to the back of your mind as you watched them untie the young man from the tree. Arthur pushed him into a walk and Dutch hollered for John to go with Arthur and Bill. You managed to hear them talking about finding an O'Driscoll hide out. Before you knew it the four men were riding out of camp on another job.
"No rest for the wicked" you wispered into your horses ear.
You began to regain your thoughts. "Dallas, I think that suits you" you carried on brushing the stallion until he was gleaming and it began to get dark.
There wasn't many of you round the campfire tonight. You sat with a bowl of stew and kept warm by the flames. Someone grabbed your shoulder and you looked up to see Hosea stood over you.
"How you doing little lady?" He asked. He reminded you of your daddy in this moment. 'Little lady' used to be what he would call you but he also had the tender look in his eye, the same look Hosea was giving you now. He was like you dad in many ways the more you thought of it. He was kind and soft but tough and stern when he needed to be. Just the other day you saw him threaten Bill with his pistle because Bill was too drunk and getting on his last nerve.
"I'm alright Hosea, and you?" You answered back.
"I'm not bad, thanks for asking" he looked around the campfire for a minute. "Fancy accompanying me on a stroll round the camp?"
You nodded your head before standing up. Hosea held out his arm for you to link yours through as you set off on your walk. You were both quiet at first, it wasn't at all awkward but peaceful. The noises from the surrounding nature was relaxing, you could hear the water stream nearby and the sound of owls in the trees.
"Where did you get off too last night, anything exciting?" You decided to break the silence.
"Arthur and I decided to go hunt a bear I had heard about. The animal was about the size of a house and unfortunately got the better of me" he turned and smiled to you but he seemed troubled. "Arthur mentioned that you had told him about your past" you eyes widened as Hosea spoke. Suddenly your heartbeat raced and you began to look around for some sort of trap he was walking you into.
"Whoa, calm down there" Hosea petted your arm. "He didn't tell me anything just that you will tell your story when you are good and ready. He said to trust you"
You felt a sudden rush of relief which made you dizzy. Hosea saw the look on your face of panic and paused for you to say something. "It's not that I didn't want to tell you Hosea" you looked at him and you saw your farther in this moment. You went with your gut feeling which was screaming at you to tell him everything.
Hosea listened to every word as you spoke, not once turning his glance away. When you started to get upset he took both your hands in his and squeezed them tight. The warmth from his hands gave you strength and made you trust him instantly. After you finished he pulled you in for a long hug. You didn't know how much you needed human affection until the moment. The tears came streaming down your face and soaked his shirt but he didn't seem to mind. He was warm and you felt safe in his arms at this moment.
Hosea broke the hug before lifting your chin to look him in the eye. "You fit in here more than you know. We need you just as much as you need us and I promise that no one will ever lay a hand on you again" he smiled and you knew he wasn't lying. "Arthur speaks very highly of you, sees great things and now I do too".
You felt a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. Maybe Hosea was right, maybe you did fit in more then you ever cared to realise. You both made your way back to the campfire and you thanked Hosea for everything before taking a seat. As you looked round the fire it was like you saw everyone for the first time. They were all outlaws running from something. They had all been scared and mistreated but they had each other and you were now part of that. Through all the shit you had been through, you thought no one would understand but everyone here would. Of course they would because they had all been through hell and back together. You just needed to learn to trust them and maybe you were already starting too.
Chapter 3
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sero-sphere · 4 years
Writing Prompt : Serial Killer Tomura Shigaraki PT 2
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Prompt: a serial killer who finds their victims through dating apps has finally chosen their next target. they've been texting for a while and had planned what would've been a fatal first date, but then the country went on lockdown. the killer keeps in touch figuring they might as well keep around another potential victim except...they’re kinda starting to like this one.
(Serial killer Tomura x f reader)
Warnings: murder, non-con everything? , mention of rape? choking, death, breath play, idk its bad he kills people. maybe a little hybristophilia if you look real close.  (pls just remember none of this is real and proceed with caution....thnks)
PT1    (taglist: @centerhabit​ @lawlesshedgehog @bakugotrashpanda​ )
You were just about to go digging through your freezer for ice cream when you heard the buzzer to your apartment go off. To say you were nervous was an understatement. It was almost 11pm on a Friday, and you knew for sure it was not one of your friends. They had all returned to their home towns to ride out this pandemic. Against your better judgement, you pressed the buzzer to speak.
"Why do you sound so scared...I thought I told you I was coming?" A gruff, yet familiar voice rang out from the speaker. How could he have gotten here so fast, and when did you tell him where you lived?
"But I never gave you my address..."
"Just open the door before I get in trouble." Tomuras voice held a hint of annoyance.
“O-ohkay.” You mumbled back and buzzed him in before your neighbors saw, and reported you for following unsafe quarantine procedures. You waited by the door for him, for what felt like ages. You finally heard footsteps outside and opened it up to find him looming over you. He spoke first.
"Hi..."You both stood there and stared at each other. Tomura couldn’t figure out what to do next, now that you were finally right in front of him? Does he play along with this little charade for a while longer...or does he cut right to the chase.
"You can come in you know, you don’t have to stand there. It's not like you’re a stranger or anything...well I mean kind of...." You stepped further into your apartment and motioned for him to follow you. Once the door was closed behind him, you took in his appearance. Much like the pictures you had seen of him thus far, he was dressed in all black. A black pair of jeans, black sweatshirt, and a long black jacket over top. He was taller than you’d thought he’d be. Way taller than you at least. He was also wearing some sort of makeshift facemask that was odd to say the least. It looked like a hand…that covered his whole face. You could make out his red eyes peering out from underneath. You wondered how he could even see between the hand and his long hair that was cascading down around his face.
"Well...I still haven’t seen what you look like, so you’re only a semi-stranger now...you can take it off ya’ know."
He was stuck, in his own mind. He couldn’t utter a response or even bring himself to take another step. His adrenaline was pumping and he couldn't think straight. He had the overwhelming urge to just take you, but there was a longing ache in his heart. He felt it the moment you opened the door. He couldn't figure out what it was, he never had felt this way before. It was familiar, yet foreign to him all at the same time.
"May I?" You motioned up towards his face, you wanted to remove the hand, and take a peek at what was behind it. He finally nodded slowly, still unsure of his next moves, deciding it was ok for you to take the lead for now. You removed the large hand slowly.
"Oh, wow..."
That was it, he knew what he was going to do. He was going to kill you right then and there, clean it up before anyone even heard a thing. He reached up to grab at your neck when you spoke again. 
"You're so handsome, why have you been hiding this from me?"
What? That stopped him dead in his tracks. Not that he thought he was bad looking, Tomura just never really considered himself ‘handsome’ before. Hell, no one has ever called him good looking before, yet alone handsome. He didn’t exactly put himself in the types of situations where women would complement him, not while he was in the middle of murdering them  , that’s for sure.
"You're perfect." You broke through his bewilderment and brought your hand up to stroke his cheek.You really were so carefree and trusting. He was a stranger from the internet and you just let him walk right in, not even having a clue as to what he was about to do.
Instead of crushing your throat, he reached up and grabbed at your hair. He bent over and leaned in, his grasp on your head moving you closer to him, meeting you halfway. His lips were on yours in an instant, and you immediately matched his vigor.
This was all so foreign to him. Usually he was calculated and always thinking of his next move, but now it was like he was drunk from your scent. His mind was foggy and he couldn't do anything but look at you, and kiss you.
You managed to make your way over to the couch, as you sat him down and plopped down on your knees in from of him. Stroking him through his jeans, feeling how tight they were already becoming. Usually it took a while for him to get to this point. No one ever did this willingly, and the ones who eventually did were too close to death to refuse. But here you were, just willing to please him right off the bat.
He wasted no time in letting you do what you wanted. Getting lost in this hazy dream world, he couldn’t even process one thought in his mind. He didn’t even realize he came down your throat...
"Well, maybe it wasn't ice cream, but at least I got my dessert… " You licked your lips, and stood up from beneath him. “Do you want anything to drink?”
“Sure if you don't mind...” Maybe an ice cold drink would do him good, get his mind thinking again. While you were in the kitchen he was thinking of what his next move would be. Clearly his DNA was all up in you, and no doubt you'd be connected to him instantly. He'd been chatting with you for so long, as soon as they found your body they'd put two and two together and his killing spree would be over. He already fucked up if he was going to do this the right way.
 Maybe he didn't fuck up though. Maybe in the back of his mind he came inside you just to make sure he couldn't kill you just yet. Keep you around a little longer. 
You walked in from the kitchen. Two drinks in hand and sat down on the couch next to him silently sipping from your glass, as you reached out to hand the other to him.
Shigaraki supposed he should say something nice at this point. "That was....thank you."
"No problem...I hope you didn't come all the way over here during quarantine for just a blow job? At least tell me you're staying the night?" You winked and flashed him a grin, wiping the last bit of cum from your chin.
 Shigaraki had his routines, and sleeping out was definitely not one of them. To leave his lair unguarded...what if someone broke in, and found all his trophies? You took his silence as a negative thing, and moved over to practically sit on his lap.
“Please? You've been teasing me for like 4 weeks now…and now I've finally seen you….” There was a long pause. “I don't think I want you to go back.”
He supposed it was quarantine, no one should be going out and the chances of someone stumbling into his lair by chance were even lower. One night couldn't hurt.
He had never spent this much time with someone so lively so to speak. This whole thing was new to him, and he wasn't quite sure of what to do. He was used to the one being in control but it was the exact opposite here with you.
4 weeks and 2 days into quarantine:
Shigaraki was walking home when he spied you out of the corner of his eye, walking down some side alley. Except, that wasn’t you was it? He had just left you back at your apartment. There was no way you were walking that fast either, you could barely stand when he decided to head back. He was quite proud he didn’t leave you in a worse state. He at least had some self-control, all of which was about to come crashing down quickly.  Before he realized, he was right behind your look-alike, grabbing her face and smashing it into the brick wall beside him. He didn’t have time to catch his breath before she took her last. Although he didn’t leave his now signature “dessert” behind, he had just enough time to snag a trophy. Even though it was unplanned, it was still a kill nonetheless.  
He didn't hesitate not once with this girl. He did it before he could even realize what was happening...so why wasn't it the same with you???
That scared him.
 5 weeks into quarantine:
That scared him so much he ignored you for a few days. He left you on read, every time you tried to reach out and talk to him. The last time being when you finally decided to tell him off and to “go eat shit, you fucking prick.”  With all the time that had passed he was now free to kill you. His DNA was nowhere to be found by now, and you had blocked him. He just looked like some tinder hookup that got what he wanted and fucked off right after. Soon you wouldn’t even be a thought in his mind.
 5 weeks and 1 day into quarantine:
He decided how he was going to execute his plan, having been thinking about it since he came back down from the haze of your presence. He decided to stalk your apartment building and wait until someone was leaving, for him to slip in undetected. He waited then slipped in the building as your nieghbr made their exit. 
He got to your door and hesitated...it was now or never. He reached for the handle, and it was locked....should he knock? Or break it open. Maybe his plan wasn’t as well thought out as he originally thought it was. He was still stuck in his mind, debating, when he heard you on the other side of the door. 
"What are you doing here?"
He stood there, deer in the headlights. He could have sworn you could feel his heart thump from all the way on the other side of the door.
"Don't look so fucking surprised. I heard you try the knob." 
He finally pulled his head from his ass and spoke up. “I…” he mumbled “...can you open the door?”
You swung open the door just a crack...the chain was still locked. "What?"
"All the way?" He didn’t want to have to beg, but anything he did at this point wouldn’t surprise him. You had a tendency to make him behave irregularly.
You shut the door and waited awhile.....finally, it opened all the way and you stepped aside to let him in. Shigaraki slammed the door behind him, it was now or never. He lunged at you, catching you off guard, slamming you over the side of your couch. He remained on top of you, clutching your throat, watching you try to speak, only able to barely breathe. The other hand was on your hip, grabbing you with a bruising grip to keep you in place.  His grip around your neck was getting increasingly tighter, and tighter....until all of a sudden it wasn't. You were getting enough air now and instead of screaming, it sounded to him like you were moaning? He stopped squeezing all together and watched curiously as you started to rub your legs back and forth. You were getting off on this?...holy fuck.
His lips were crashing into yours before you had a chance to breathe properly. Shigaraki was rough straight away, and his lips continued to steal your air before his hands got the chance too. His body taking over, giving his brain a back seat as he let you flip him over and take control. Why was this always so hard for him?
A few hours later when you were finally gathering your thoughts together, you decided to ask him why he ghosted you. Why he suddenly showed up out of nowhere just to blow your back out, with no remorse.
"Why did you ignore me for so long?"
"I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with you…" He glanced over and brushed the hair that was stuck to your sweaty forehead aside.
"What you wanted to do with me? I'm a human you know… I have feelings…"
“If you were really so mad at me you wouldn’t have let me in, in the first place…or even let me do any of that.”
You slap his arm away from you playfully. He instantly pulls you back, closer to him, into tighter embrace, and brings his chin to rest on your head.
“So...what did you decide to do with me, handsome?”
He smirked. “I’ve decided to keep you around.”
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wesimpforxiao · 4 years
My Backstory (IRL)
Before I begin, if you want nothing to do with hearing about abusive relationships, possible eating disorder, anxiety disorders/depression/suicide, sexual assualt, manipulation, gaslighting, sexual harassment, etc, SKIP THIS POST.
So, I would like to start off by saying the NSFW content I *try* to write always falls stale, 1. being because I get embarrassed or ashamed by my writing my own thoughts, and 2. because of the rest of this post.  So the Albedo NSFW may not happen, but I asked just in case (i have some of it written out, but it is very stale).  And also because I may or may not have accidentally triggered a trauma response as I was writing the Albedo post (oops...)
To begin, freshman year of high school, 14 yrs old, (I’m 20 and in college now), I started dating this guy that was in my grade.  I have an anxiety disorder, so when we started going out, I immediately stopped eating because I constantly felt sick to my stomach.  It wasn’t because I thought I was fat or anything, I just felt sick.  Think butterflies in your stomach times 10 and ALL the time.  We dated for a month before he broke up with me.  During that time, he had suddenly brought up the idea of me sending nude or bra/undie pics to him.  Him and his friend (who was in the call with us) tag-teamed and said that it was normal and asked when I would be ready to send pictures.  Both of them asked that.  Red flag number one.  I said 3 months just to please them, not that I was actually going to do it.
Once he broke up with me, I was DEVASTATED. I feel A LOT, and it was my first ‘relationship.’ Exactly a month later, he texted me, saying he wanted to be friends.  I said okay.  He never acknowledged my presence at school, often avoiding my eyes.  Sometime into that he had asked me what I would do if he had asked me out again, and when I said I’d say yes, he immediately texted back and said “i am so sorry, my friend [insert name] was texting you on my phone and I didn’t know until now.”  Red flag number two.
Then, after we had stopped being friends, a month passes.  He texts me again, this time saying “It’s been 3 months.”  Yeah.  Did you read the part where I said I’d consider sending pictures at 3 months? That only applied if we were dating for that long (and I still wouldnt do that), so where is his logic?  Now, I don’t know why I even got back together with him, but I did.  For a week.  And just like the first time, I felt sick to my stomach.  I always look back on this as a warning from God.  And this time, he wasn’t hiding his intentions.  He was CONSTANTLY making sexual jokes, sending inappropriate emoji ‘jokes,’ and asking for nudes.  He did not stop asking even when I told him to, and even when I told him it made my stomachache worsen.  I did not trust him, but I stayed for a full week of hell.  Eventually I slightly caved, showing him on facetime me in my bra and underwear (My thinking: he couldn’t save pictures that way).  He covered his camera.  Did he take screenshots or something? I don’t know.  It was awful.  I kicked him to the curb the next day, still feeling like *I* should be the one apologizing.  He eventually “tried” to apologize thru text, but was too much of a coward to apologize in person when i requested that.  He says he had cancer or something, I honestly don’t care. His actions were inexcusable and it was pathetic that he used it as an excuse.
I hated him so strongly for the next 3-4 years, but the story doesn’t end there.  A new guy, senior, 17 yrs old.  End of my freshman year.  We get together.  He didn’t properly ask me out, just assumed we were dating after we confessed our feelings EVEN THOUGH I told him my dad said to wait 3 months.  Red flag number three.  So, by the bf’s standards, 6 months into the relationship, I stay over at his place for New year’s.  I will admit that we did stuff over the phone prior to then, but I consider to be fine with that timeline.  At some point while we were planning to do stuff (if ya know what I mean but NOT full on hoo-ha stuff okay) for New year’s, he said “Who knows, maybe we’ll get carried away ;)” Red flag number four.  This immediately made me uncomfortable, and I was not fully comfortable when the day came either.
We were making out (consensual, but I feel like i was forcing myself a bit), I let him touch me down *there* (which he sucked at lemme tell ya) (also it was fine when he touched me before this day), and then he asked to touch my chest.  *Previously, he had stated if i wasnt sure, hed touch over my bra first and go slow.  He did not do either, instead immediately slipping his hand under my bra.* That is when something inside me snapped, and I felt number than I already was. Red flag number five.
I didn’t stop him because I wanted to feel something, anything.  I got nothing.  And then came the time when he decided to say “Now its your turn,” grabbed my hand, and put it down his pants, ignoring me, who was saying “I don’t know how to, I’m not sure I want to.”  
I felt nothing for a few days, and then depression set in.  It didn’t feel connected to that incident, and i didn’t connect the dots until later.  It got so bad I had almost decided to kill myself three months later.  My anxiety was through the roof, and every day my trauma manifested itself in the question “Do I actually love him?”  It was a living hell to be inside my head all the time.  He at one point asked me “Are you sure you were okay with what happened on new year’s? You’re acting like you’ve been raped.”  When I said I wasn’t, he said “oh.” and we never talked about it again.
The relationship continued for another year despite my obvious depression and anxiety that revolved around him. He lied to me on several occasions, disregarded my boundaries (i.e. continued to make sexual jokes even though they clearly bugged me after the assault), and refused to get a job so he could smoke weed all day.  My parents urged him to prove himself (he was out of high school by this time), and when I eventually took their side and gently nudged him along, he said “You are in a relationship with me, not your parents.  Its either me or them.”  Red flags six through ten right there.
When I managed to break it off with him, a ‘friend’ apparently took his side.  This is the girlfriend in the “His Reaction to Your Ex(es)” post(s).  This friend was actually an adopted cousin of mine, and we were not on speaking terms at this point because she had taken my first bf’s side, saying that *I* had to forgive him and that I was in the wrong for not wanting to talk to him or accept his half-assed apologies. (She was not at our school during the time me and that guy dated so she literally knew nothing).  I cut her off because of that.  Turns out she had a massive crush on the dude and he was already taken by someone else.  
So, this same chick sides with the second bf, telling people that I’m the one who hurt him and whatnot.  I come to find out that him and her are now dating and honestly, it is hilarious.  Even I think she deserves better.  He has no future, and I came to realize that, knowing that if i stayed with him longer I would have 100% actually killed myself, or died spiritually.
So yeah, that’s my story, hopelessly in love with fictional characters now because I am too traumatized by what they have done.  I cannot be touched sexually without reverting to a depression or an anxious mess.  Even if I did manage to be in a relationship after that, I don’t think I’d ever be able to have sex with someone. And finally I cannot have a healthy relationship, because what is that, really?  I’m just gonna live alone with some goats LOL.
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