#like im not as active in fandom spaces anymore but like im on tumblr
darcyolsson · 1 year
whenever I see a post on here critiquing "fandom people" or getting upset w them interacting w a certain post about a social issue or whatever I get whiplash because we're literally on fandom people dot com.....???? that's like going to the circus and proclaiming loudly how much you hate clowns to a crowd of people who are also all clowns
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leonscape · 26 days
Hi Sui,
I'm sorry to see that you were thinking about leaving Tumblr. I hope you don't, but I understand the need to do what's best for you.
However - if you do leave, I hope it's because you want to, and not because you feel like you have to. Specifically in regards to your reblog about Ikepri and prize pulls, I didn't think you were being overly negative at all, and I felt you were right to call out the poster who was being both rude and condescending (and then felt the need to justify their rudeness and condescension). You didn't owe anyone an explanation for what I (and probably many others who came across the post) clearly saw as a joke. Someone else's happiness about the luck they have and your unhappiness about your lack of luck - those two aren't mutually exclusive and can exist in the same space. I could write an entire dissertation on my thoughts surrounding the tone of the post, but I doubt anyone wants to hear it.
My point is that I don't think you should feel bad about what you said, and it doesn't mean that you're bringing negativity to Tumblr with the things you say and post. If anything, I think that post was just a really good example of the balance this fandom needs, since it seems to have become some sort of weird hierarchy-based system where the people at the 'top' feel like their opinions are the only ones that matter.
Sorry for ranting in your inbox, and I know I'm on anon so feel free to ignore this if you don't feel comfortable posting... but it made me sad to see you were beating up on yourself when you did nothing wrong.
i wasn’t going to post/respond to this because i do not agree with some of the things you said. and i don’t want to start anything. but i realized that i would be throwing away your opinion and that’s exactly what you mentioned. thank you for your opinion anon. and thank you for supporting me.
i run away from a lot of things so that’s why that was my first reaction; just remove myself from the equation so there are no more problems in the future. i don’t really do much on here anymore so i didn’t think it would matter.
i crossed a boundary when i said those things. i didn’t realize it at the time but it was not a nice thing to say. and they do not tolerate things of that nature for their own reasons. that person is very kind, so there’s no grudges or anything. but the fact still remains, that was not right. they were sharing very rare moments and to be met with negativity like that is upsetting. it could be argued that they could have responded in better communication. but this is online, we did not communicate the proper tone in both of our responses. they did not see at as a joke. just because i meant it as a joke and other people saw it as a joke, it still doesn’t make it okay in my opinion. this isn’t me trying to scold you or anything of that sort. it’s just me saying that what i said made the other person upset. i want to own up to my mistake. but i appreciate your support and reassurance, it means a lot to me.
i do agree with what you said about how our feelings can exist in the same space. but i have to admit that it was not the time for that 😬 i often post my own bad luck with gacha pulls and salon bonuses. and no one looks down on me or brags about their luck on my posts. i joke a lot though so if they did brag i would’ve just laughed about it (because i make those posts as jokes as well. i believe the last time i did i said i was filing for divorce from leon but obviously were not married so 😹).
i think you have an interesting perspective on the fandom. i don’t know you and your activity in the fandom so i can’t really say anything. but i never really noticed anything, mostly because im in my own little world. i can kind of see where you’re coming from. there is a power dynamic here (to be clear, it is everywhere) it’s not problematic to have power dynamics, but it only becomes a problem when there’s an abuse of it. from my perspective, there is not an abuse of it here. sure, maybe the more well known blogs/people who create content and interact heavily with the fandom are more intimidating (i was scared of everyone when i first got here too). but in reality, we are all just regular people talking about our love for the same thing. i wonder what you’ve experienced to make you feel like the ones at the “top” feel like their opinions are the only ones that matter 🤔
i want to improve the fandom experience so i don’t want to be negative or unhappy on other’s posts.
thank you 🦁❤️
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skylerfurmaniac · 2 months
Just saying this is sorta a rant/vent post? I guess lol but it's also some other stuff.
honestly thinking about how I should just. Delete Tumblr. IM NOT GOING TO but it's not the same anymore augh. I barley am even active here anymore and if I'm going to be honest I think I'm fading away from the Deltarune fandom. Honestly the only real reason why I'm in it is because of spamton lolz but even the obsession with him is starting to fade. Which tbh, really, really, sucks for me DUDE SPAMTON WAS THE START OF MY ART AND EVERYTHING CRIES he's still a very special guy in my heart but I've kinda moved on. Ive been doing a lot with this au I made with my friends, and also getting a lot more into the kinito fandom honestly, if you cant see by now.
Spacing here cus it's sorta a vent continuing on? I think lol it's nothing to serious
But also I just am starting to feel disconnected with a lot of people now and it's.....just not the same. I miss my friends honestly and I haven't really been able to talk to them as much as I used to (hi if you know I'm talking about you) but a lot has changed and I don't know if I'm going to be staying around honestly. It kinda sucks but I felt like I had to get this off my chest and just let you all know. Hopefully I can bounce back, but right now I honestly can't see that happening. So yeah. Love you all tho/p
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zukosdualdao · 6 months
Im glad to read the takes of a fellow zuko stan :)
Honestly, it feels like people just hate on him way too much lately. The posts ive seen on twitter, on tik tok, on tumblr... Do people just not like him anymore? Why did everyone turn against him so suddenly? I've been hoping it's something temporary, just a trend, but. I don't know anymore. People mock his disability, spit on his trauma, wish death on him and interpret everything he says or does in the worst possible way. I saw someone crying about how entitled he was because he took aang's seat when watching the play just the other day lmao. Another person wrote about how mysoginistic he was because he didn't remember katara's name when asking about kya's death to sokka? There are those who even call him a colonizer on the same level as iroh lmao. It seems their justifications for all the salt they throw his way are along the lines of "he's been loved for too long, aang stans have suffered way more, people just watched the show again and realized how bad he actually was, he's catching strays since his fans keep setting him up, his fans paint him as perfect and erase every bad thing he's done" etc etc. I'm all for criticism and deeper character analysis, but this is just said in bad faith. I also think it has a bit to do with how different engagement has become in fandom spaces recently (things people support in fiction need to be morally correct) and well, zuko was the perfect target. He's done bad things, sides with the villains for a good portion of the series, redeems himself but there are things he still has to work on... I don't know, it's been getting to me. There are many other harsh things ive read said about him (like implying how every single member of the gaang hates even after redeeming himself), but i honestly don't have the energy to delve into each and every one. His arc was poorly executed and his development was badly written now, apparently. I kind of just ranted here, i apologize. Im very happy to read the posts of someone who genuinely likes him and doesnt throw him under the bus to defend or elevate other characters...
hi! i'm glad you're enjoying my blog <3 and no need to apologize for the rant, i'm always happy to talk about zuko!
about to theorize a bit as to why it seems like maybe zuko has become a more contentious character, but it should be noted i have not been exceptionally, actively involved in the fandom very long. i loved atla as a kid, have retained fond memories, have witnessed some discourse from the fringes over the years, but only recently has it overtaken my brain to the point of making a whole blog about it. lol. so, like, grain of salt, etc.
i think a big part of it is what you said - in the last few years of fandom in particular, it feels like there has been a huge upswing in purity culture, moralizing liking/not liking certain ships or characters, and an overall increase in very black-and-white thinking. there's also an emphasis on "holding people accountable" (good in theory), often without specifying what, exactly, that looks like (less good). the idea then becomes that if you've done harmful things, there's no way you can ever make up for them and should just, like, hate yourself for all eternity and also die, probably, which is not actually helpful to anyone.
so, i think for those who ascribe to that mindset, zuko is a prime candidate for them to criticize. and while there's nothing wrong with criticizing a character or their arc or writing if you truly have a problem with it, as you've said, a lot of the time, criticisms against zuko don't seem to be made in very good faith. after all, a big part of zuko's arc is having to unlearn some very black-and-white thinking. also, zuko is not a real person. he is a character, and therefore a narrative tool, and if we want him to be 'held accountable', we need look no further than the story itself, in which he is probably the character the narrative holds the most accountable for his actions due to his prior status as a villain.
(it reminds me a bit, actually, of another favorite character of mine: alec in the tv series shadowhunters. he starts out the story already in a heroic role, unlike zuko, but a big part of his narrative is unlearning some prejudiced cultural mindsets and challenging not only his previous ideologies, but his conception of himself and the people in his life as well. as a result, alec can look sometimes more obviously flawed than the other main cast, but the point is that the narrative asks him to examine those flaws and change and introspect and grow in a way that it doesn't always ask of other characters when they are showcasing their own flaws. which does make me thing about zuko vs. aang in the atla narrative.)
the other thing i think is contributing to zuko's more contentious status in the fandom is how long atla's been in the cultural consciousness, and how common it is for things that used to be popular to cycle through to people starting to criticize or actively hate it to people saying "no, actually, it's still pretty good, you just don't want to like a popular thing" (this is me rn), to maybe eventually getting popular again/at least in certain subsects of the audience. zuko was probably one of the most talked-about aspects of atla for a long time, and while i can understand how that could get frustrating (because there are some other really great characters and aspects of the story!), that's not, like, for no reason. people connected with and admired his story for a reason, and many still do, and (in my humble opinion) that is because it is one of the most thought-out, intentional, and nuanced character arcs of the show.
the ableism, i think, really gets to me because like... even if every criticism from the people who hate him were 100% accurate and said in good faith (they're not, but let's pretend for a minute)... that still wouldn't be an excuse for ableism against a character with a prominent facial difference (or making fun of abuse survivors for the permanent injuries they sustain from abuse.) if zuko had never redeemed himself and stayed a villain, it would still be wrong to talk about his scar and abuse the way some of his detractors do. and the show agrees with me! you know how i know? the only two characters to ever make fun of zuko's scar are villains in the narrative: zhao and azula. ("make fun of" might not be quite right for zhao, since what he said - "you have the scar to prove it" - is far more matter-of-fact than azula imitating him by covering her eye or "make sure they get your good side", but he's absolutely being a huge jerk about it.) other characters react to zuko's scar in all sorts of different ways, even when he's still in a villain/antagonist/anti-hero role: zuko's crew is horrified to learn how he got the scar, song sees a point of connection and tries to reach out to him, but, while i think well-intentioned, she breaks a major boundary by trying to touch his scar when he hasn't conveyed he's okay with that, jet makes assumptions about his background because of it, lee, the kid from zuko alone, asks with curious, childish naivete how he got it, only for his father to reprimand him for asking, aang reacts with annoyance/boredom to azula's ableist joke, and katara trips over her words to correct him when zuko thinks she's essentially calling him "scary to look at". not all of these interactions are positive, but the characters (all of whom are written as pretty sympathetic, even if also flawed) aren't outright trying to make fun of him for it, and the narrative never implies he deserves to be treated as less than because of it, even before his redemption.
anyway. if people don't believe in characters' (and, hell, irl people's) capacity for growth and change and don't want to have nuanced discussions about how trauma can impact these things, i mean... that's their prerogative, but i don't understand why they enjoy the show, because those are big parts of it (and not just wrt zuko.)
i know it can be frustrating, anon— trust me, i get very frustrated. but i promise you, there are plenty of people out there who a) still love zuko and his story and b) are capable of and willing to talk about things with nuance and in good faith. i'm happy to be part of that corner of fandom, and i bet you can manage to carve out a space where more people like that exist, too! <3
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fandomfluffandfuck · 4 months
hi S ok you definitely dont have to answer this bc its basically just me venting and its pretty lame haha but im curious if its something you've ever dealt with or if u have advice... basically i have diagnosed ASD and marvel is my special interest and has been since i was a kid and im pretty positive its going to stay my favorite thing for the rest of my life lol. and sometimes i get so sooo sad and kinda lonely thinking about the fact that like .. i know its basically still one of the biggest fandoms out there but like all my favorite fics were posted like 5-10 years ago mostly from authors that arent even in the fandom anymore and theres never gonna be another movie with steve and bucky together that everyone gets excited about and wants to talk about and theres also just so much less of a fun goofy little tight knit community for stucky on tumblr and online like ... idk i just miss so bad when the mcu was at its peak and there was so much content to consume and so many people passionate about it... and i know theres definitely still a huge presence and like im so thankful that youre an author that i love thats still super active and im always glad to visit your page and to see that theres still so many fans out there that care and wanna interact yknow. but tumblrs different now and its been like ten years since peak stucky content and the actors are all doing their own thing now idk it just makes me sad 😩😩 i feel like such a loser saying it i swear i have other interests and an irl life that is very fruitful and lovely hahaha its just makes me a bit frustrated at my autism because i know i wont be able to ever really stop loving these characters even as others move on
Hey, sweets!
I understand what you mean and you're not a loser, not at all. It's fucking great to have an interest in something, anything--what else is life for? You gotta have something to be focused on and interested in that gives you joy, otherwise, what is there? Just blandness. And, yeah, Marvel fandom is still very much active and that's wonderful and great! But, it's also true that it will never be the same as it was in its heyday. Personally, I wasn't around when the stucky fandom was exploding along the release of CA:TWS/the general MCU height, but I certainly see all the old art, edits, cosplay, etc. that's still reblogged and I've read so many of the fics from years prior, so I have a grasp of what was happening. And I can totally see how you'd miss generally, but especially if your fixation has attached deeply to these characters.
I have a sibling on the autism spectrum (who's old enough to have been diagnosed with Aspergers's syndrome before that was phased out but they are, of course, on the spectrum regardless of arbitrary hierarchical labels that I will restrain from ranting about because I fucking hate that shit, don't talk to me about "high functioning" ugh) and they have a few different life-long hyperfixations as well. So, you're not alone, but, it is hard to think of any actual advice per se. I think you're already doing what you need to be doing, y'know? You're here and enjoying what is going on now, connecting to blogs that are active, finding space where you can talk about these characters, you've got other things to do that also capture your attention, and, of course, you know you're sad about what isn't going on anymore. It's okay to be sad. You can't control what you're passionate about in the same way you can't control who you fall in love with. Are these silly little fictional characters not just people we've fallen in love with a little or a lot, no matter if they don't "exist"? I love that for us. Humans are so cute and full of love.
Fandoms and people change and sometimes it fucking sucks when it happens, sometimes it's great. Either way, it's part of the ecosystem of life. Water and nutrients and air and sun--it makes people change, it makes them grow, and you're allowed to be sad about what they used to be, you just have to keep growing, too. Remember what they were and know who they are now.
Hopefully, something in there helped you feel better, even if it was just from telling someone how you feel.
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intcritus · 30 days
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
Tumblr media
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I don't really do OTPs, but Hua Cheng and Xie Lian is the only one to ever exist in my head. Other than that, I don't really have many if any at all because fandom tends to ruin any sort of OTP for me and I just don't even bother anymore.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Mmm, I'm pretty open to write anything but no non-con, I just don't see myself going that route after somene shoved it on me in Bleach fandom days, I'm still traumatized that shit happened. That and I find that it's a harstop for me to write stuff like that in general with the way I've mutred over the years and it's a trigger for me. Generally though, I'm happy to write pretty much anything else, but there has to be communication involved.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
I try to make my characters from 27 to damn near 50, and I have a lot of immortal muses. That being said, no one below like 27 because most of my muses are just old enough that they'd be bothered by certain age gaps. For my 27+ muses, no one below their age but upward ? Yes please. For my immortal muses, give them them 30 + always. They don't wanna feel like grave robbers. As for any muse I have below 27, i.e Edward, Shoto, Shinso, they're dating in their age bracket.
Are you selective when shipping?
Yes and no. As someone who needs active communication when it comes to shipping, I realize things don't really progress or develop if we aren't talking. And I don't mean everyday, because that's unrealistic. But if we're in the midst of shipping, I would like to hear your thoughts on the way they're developing together. I would love to share thoughts about the ins and outs of them just being in the same space. I love to ship, but empty ships with no substance fall flat and get dropped overtime because shipping is a two-way street and if one part is not putting in the work, the whole workload falls onto the other partner and that's a no go for me. In the same token, I'm happy to talk about dynamics, I'm all about what'll work and what won't work, especially in romantic ships, but familiar and friendships work out perfectly without much chatter.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
There's steamy, then there's suggestive. Steamy is them grinding against one another, dirty talk and the like. Suggestive is just them probably making eyes. Either way, I'm tagging it as is because I don't want the tumblr police in my ear.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Honestly, couldn't tell you off rip. I have friends who I've been friends with for years that occupy most of my ships. It's such dynamic and rarepairs that it's hard to list them all. Its so much fun when I think about just how rarepairs, pairs I've hardly thought about can work once talked about. It's so good.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Absolutely. I feel like if there's some blooming chemistry for our muses, and you see it, feel free to tip yourself into my IMs or my inbox and shout in capital letters about them, I'm always happy to discuss it. Because I'm not an insta-shipper, but I love when muses develop crushes, or if there's potential for a certain dynamic and I'll never turn down anything, as long as there's adequate communication.
How often do you like to ship?
As someone who takes the time to develop ships, not as often as I used to. Mutual interest goes a long way into getting me to ship. Sometimes I'm there for shipping and I'm like hell yeah, other times I'm just eh. Depends on the why and if there's interest on both ends.
Are you multiship?
That, I am. But I don't do multiples of the same muse. I'm all for a friendships but I refuse to be ship with multiples because it's messy and my brain doesn't like to feel like someone's hoarding my muse or vice versa. Most people don't do exclusives but in my head, I do because it gives me peace of mind. That and my muses are very devoted to their person and the thought of trying with the same muse, different writer shrivels up their muse as a whole.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
The only thing I'm obssessed with when it comes to my ships is probably everything me, Sis and Aven come up with. Because those pairings come outta nowhere and are all the more dynamic for them. Shipping has become a rare thing for me these days because stuff tends to fall off, and I am okay with that. Developing ships is different because muses aren't one dimensional and it's fun to see them opposing one another, for them to be realistic and have conflicting feelings. Those are the things that make me want to ship rather than ' oh my god, they need to kiss', it's more ' could they agree on world destruction ? ' or ' is that thing a deal breaker ?'
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Don't really belong to a single fandom tbh. Like I said, most of my pairings are rare and odd, so....
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Like I've been saying, communicate with me ! I'm not gonna bite and the worst thing I can say is no. I'm big on communicating because it goes a long way in letting me determined if there's mutual interest there and if not, we can always come back to it another time. But if not, I'm not always in a rush to jump into ships, it takes time.
tagged by : @avaere ( thanks nerd <3 )
tagging: @venstm @strcngered @msftsn & anyone whose feeling froggy !
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shvkespearc · 2 months
fun facts about da blogger
Tagged by @elizabeth-karenina for ANOTHER ASK POST <3
1. why did you choose your url?
special interest williyum shakespeare...simply. i have had many urls. many many. someone out there may recall: kit1564, daarcy, kitmaarlowe, darcy-alexander, lavender--lover, adraelian, king-of-irises, old-ass-gandalf (favorite) and several others.... OH MY GOD alexander-hamiltons-gr8-butt. alternative design: alexander-hamiltons-spooky-butt. god take me out back and shoot me
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.week.
@lordbyron666 is my kind of miscellaneous fandom memes etc. blog where i reblog things i dont particularly want to reblog to main. i started it in like 2017(?) when i became more of an aesthetic blog but QUITE HONESTLY i find myself using it less these days. i fink ive stopped giving a fuck
@1seafoam cottagecore ISH side blog, mostly for comfort pleasant images. soothing space for my panic disorder having ass.
@vnge11 art blog i DONT REALLY USE. though i do stay drawing. i just dont post much. i once had an art blog in 2014/5(?) , which actually became the lordbyron666 blog.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
i made my blog in july 2012 and started as a black and white grunge blogger + memes. me now quite honestly like the vibe is still there. my best friend at the time (RIP) made me make one. i remember i had a music player and she said that it was "good, just not really tumblr"... i remember having like a galaxy background at one point when i started to get into it.... then over the years i had like a VERY CUSTOMIZED INSANE BLOG like with gifs and transparent things and pixel buddies AND MUSIC PLAYER. my friends would say they couldnt load my blog but i never had a problem 😤
4. do you have a queue tag?
i BELIEVE it's 'q' but i don't use the queue feature.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
re: my friend made me make one, but i think i really enjoyed it being a place where i could collect moody feelings (and laffs). then i joined a few fandoms (polite way of saying homestuck) and it felt more and more like a community and fun.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
ethel cain w a shotgun. not much else to be said
7. why did you choose your header?
bjork writhing around on the floor kind of a no brainer to me. absolute vibe absolute mood.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
OOUAAGHH i think it's either my vampire uquiz orrrrrr ugh idk there is like a handful of random ass posts that have blown up. it's all fun and games until people are weird in the replies and you see yourself screenshotted on imgur. ALSO i think i just don't like when they resurface years later and i'm like STOP SPREADING IT AROUND IM NOT THAT PERSON ANYMORE ID NEVER SAY THAT!!!!
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i dont know! i dont know!!! i just recognize people on my dash or in my notes but whether or not we follow each other and specifically enjoy one anothers content. I DONT KNOW
10. how many followers do you have?
in da 4-digits. enough that i get not 0 notes but about 2 notes per post.
11. how many people do you follow?
700-something. i like to follow more rather than less people cause following many blogs is the key to a healthy dashboard ecosystem.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
every day of my life
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
i look at my activity daily but i dont ALWAYS scroll every day anymore. but usually every day ish at least for a minute
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
i am sure... now the idea of "fighting" on tumblr.com is so hilarious to me. bro this is website. clown on clown violence
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
i do not do it... but those "REBLOG IF YOU ARE NOT A HOMOPHONE" posts really hit in 2013
16. do you like tag games?
YA. however sometimes i get too overwhelmed and say i will do it and then never do <3
17. do you like ask games?
YA. however sometimes i g-
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
WHICH OF YOU SHOULDERS THE GREATEST BURDEN? IE: FOLLOWER COUNT? it is unknown to me... i just work here
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
no...but i am not immune to getting attention on the internet from a Cool Profile disease
20. tags
👉👈 do it if you wana
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spindrifters · 1 year
dude i really dont know how to tell you this in a comprehensible way but im just so in awe at you. i've been following your blog for maybe two months or smth bc of the constant wolfstar spam and really enjoy that.
but also i find it so so nice to see an adult in fandom that is comfortable with being an adult in fandom. i've seen lots of people turn away from fandom activity as they grow older (especially from harry potter related stuff. ig it becomes embarrassing for people) but i couldn't imagine that for myself as it is a big part of my own life. why would i stop engaging in a community that shares art and stories and beliefs?
(also as i'm a nonbinary teenager my heart just kind of jumps seeing an adult whos comfy presenting themselves like that on the internet. i'm finishing school soon and growing into the age where lots of people in my social circle seem to expect from me to grow out of this "phase". ALSO i make art myself and its just cool to see "real" writers in fandom. (i really hope me telling you this doesn't bother you.))
i just wanna tell you that your silly little posts always make me giggle and this blog feels like its own little safe space :) hope you're having a nice day <3
I want you to know that it really made my day to wake up to this.
I remember being a teenager and seeing my 30+ fandom friends and just sort of thinking well that's great for them, but there was an underlying assumption that I'd probably grow out of it by then. which made me really sad, but I assumed it was just a natural part of growing up. and then I didn't grow out of it. but more importantly, like you've said, I became really comfortable with it. if football fanboys can have their niche obsessive interests their whole life, then so can I. that's something that happens across the board, at least in my experience. I hit 27 or 28 I think and started embracing things I thought I'd have to put away as an adult, only now I had the freedom to do it in ways I didn't when I was younger. (I'm not just talking fandom. I'm talking dying my hair pink after 7 years of blonde because it made me happy and I stopped caring about it looking professional.)
and I do think part of this is because there's no actual way to 'be an adult.' part of that's because the markers and milestones boomers and much of gen x had don't really exist for us anymore. so you get older and it's a realization that, "I don't have to look and act like an adult. an adult looks and acts like me, because that's what I am." and then you start to meet other people who think similarly. the community of 30+ fans here on tumblr dot com are honestly some of the best people I know.
anyway, all this is to say, I so remember what those growing pains you're going through/can see on the horizon were like, especially relating to the interests I had that society messaged to me were shameful to have. I was a teenager during peak fangirl shaming of the 00s/10s. so I turned it into a fucking career instead.
I'm really, really glad that this feels like a safe space for you, it makes my lil gremlin heart very cozy and warm. xx
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percentstardust · 2 years
name: marissa but please call me rissa. i have also been called reese's russia and ridsa >:)
pronouns:     she/her/they/them
preference of communication:  discord i use im for those who don't have discord or for those who do not have my discord. i get distracted easily on here and pay more attention to discord.
most active muse:  YOU ASKING ME A MULTIMUSE THIS? i will name five of the muses that never leave my head space. rey skywalker. steve rogers. rebekah mikaelson. daenerys targaryen. diana prince. my most active muse depends on me and the month and who what fandom era i am in.
experience / how many years:  i have been rping on this site since 2011. i am am A VETERAN. i have been here so long. I WAS STILL IN HS WHEN I JOINED. my last year of hs but still. damn. started out in a transformers ( michael bayverse ) group and ended up in the tvd fandom in indie. started out with my oc nikia and then decided to write stefan. it was all over for me then.
platforms you use:  tumblr mostly though i will write on discord i am just even slower there lmfao
best experience: making friends and doing crack threads and posting shit posts
rp pet peeves: one of my biggest pet peeves is when i spend time talking to someone ooc, plotting with them, getting to know them, and even becoming friends with them AND THEN I AM SOFT BLOCKED / BLOCKED / GHOSTED with no explanation. WE OWE EACH OTHER BETTER COMMUNICATION AS PARTNERS. especially if i did something wrong. how am i going to know that? even if you don't wanna write with me anymore, i will understand. we will say our goodbyes and that's that. but, unfollowing me and dropping me like i meant nothing? nah. that's sick and twisted. i will block you so you can't make contact with me if you ever wanted to again. just because we are online does not mean we can't treat each other like we treat our friends irl. this annoys the hell out of me. you don't intend on at least communicating with me if you wanna cut contact, don't bother trying to get to know me. i have abandonment issues, bestie, don't add to them. another pet peeve is people not giving female muses the same attention and effort they give male muses. it's 2023. ENOUGH.
fluff,   angst,   or smut: fluff and angst. a good mix of both. i rarely smut so don't expect that a lot from me.
plots or memes: memes as ice breakers though i really prefer plotting with people. though, if you come to me first to interact with my muses, please have a muse of mine in mind you want to interact with and please also have a plot in mind. i will throw back muses and ideas myself if effort is made when i am approached first. i cannot stress this enough.
long or short replies:  can't do oneliners anymore honestly. my replies can go from one paragraph to two to sometimes four depending on my muse and mood for the thread / reply.
best time to write: my best time to write is when i feel like it or have the TIME.
are you like your muses:  i see myself in my ocs, especially ones i borrow things from myself for.
tagged by: @multistoty
tagging: @trihrid, @affcgato, @queenifice, @graunblida, @ofteaandmagic @ofblackskies @hopegained @dracharenae @purposetaken @kurtzbergsiblings @sah1x1s
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fuckedprophet · 1 year
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(  #FUCKEDPROPHET  )    a  extremely private  rp  blog  for  DALLAS "PRETTY BOY" MCMEEN.  a  (  FANDOMLESS )  original  HORROR character.  birthed  by  L  and  originally  est. 2023.  this  blog  is primarily iconless.  BLOG  FEATURES;  heavy  themes  that  are  USFW.  topics  include  and  are  not  limited  too;  murder,  drugs,  sacrilegious  ideology,  religious  trauma,  sex,  cannibalism,  sacrificial  rituals,  etc.  CONTENT  WILL  NOT    be  suitable  for  all  viewers,  please  curate  your  own  space.  in  order  to  interact  please  be  over  the  age  of  twenty  one,  mun  is  twenty  six.  
*FUCKED PROPHET  -  a man who can see the past , present , and future and chooses to walk willingly into his death.
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1.  don't  be  gross ( homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, ableist, pedophilic, someone who fetishizes someone for their race. )  basic  rp  rules  apply,  but  please  don't  be  rude  or  mean.  that  kinda  negativity  im  not  into.  keep  the  drama  to  yourself,  im  just  here  to  write.  if  you  wanna  be  friends  that's  great  and  we  can,  but  i  don't  wanna  be  pulled  into  any  kind  of  drama. 
2.  this  blog  is  heavily  nsfw.  when  i  say  heavily  i  do  mean  it  literally.  it  touches  on  uncomfortable  topics  for  most,  drug  abuse,  murder,  cannibalism  (mentioned  not  written  out),  sexual  conduct,  sacrilegious  topics  and  or  behavior,  cosmic  monsters  verses  human  monster.  its  not  for  the  faint  at  heart.  i  wont  write  rape,  incest,  dd/lg,  or  anything  gross  like  that.  if  you  write  that,  stay  away.  thank  you.  i  also  wont  write  smut  on  tumblr.  if  we  are  close  enough  and  have  developed  a  stable  friendship  /  plotting  /  chemistry,  we  can  write  it  on  discord.  
3.  im  simple.  easy  as  that,  i  used  to  write  real  flowery  prose  and  such  --  but  i  cant  seem  to  do  it  anymore.  my  writing  has  shifted  more  into  a  novel  format  rather  than  a  Shakespeare  play.  if  you  write  that  way  awesome,  i  love  to  see  it  and  read  it.  i  just  cant  do  it.  that  being  said  i  don't  expect  you  to  match  my  length,  writing  style,  or  anything  like  that.  i do have vision issues so i don't use icons or tiny font.
4. shipping is fun. its cool and great and i love it. im not afraid to admit ships are one of the fun aspects of rp-ing. i enjoy all forms of connections, romance, platonic, hateship, etc. i just like chemistry is all. its easier that way yknow? so please don't force anything on me. i don't consider memes sent force shipping its testing the waters. if you have an idea or see anyone that strikes your interest just let me know and we can chemistry test. easy as that. 
5.  i  love  ocs.  i  love  some  canon  characters,  but  im  skeptical  of  some  fandoms.  forgive  me  if  i  don't  follow  you  for  my  own  comfort.  if  i  followed  you  first  though  that  means  im  interested  in  writing.  i  try  to  keep  my  list  pretty  sl
im,  so  if  we  follow  each  other  and  i  send  memes  with  no  real  response  or  there  isn't  any  pulse  on  the  other  end  of  our  plotting  i'll  unfollow.  i  just  don't  see  the  point  in  following  someone  if  we  aren't  going  to  actually  try  to  write  together.
that's  the  end  gang.  hope  those  rules  weren't  too  harsh,  i  don't  see  the  point  in  kinda  beating  around  the  bush.  im  pretty  sporadic  and  this  is  a  low  activity  blog;  i  work  and  have  a  family  im  pretty  dedicated  too.  any  questions  please  shoot  them  my  way.  
psd credits go to ; ariapsds
authors note: this character is constantly evolving and never has a real set lore to him, he's affiliated with my two other ocs thefair and thenewton.
QUICK FACT SHEET ABOUT DALLAS; - he grew up in an abusive home. his neglect began from the day he was born and carried on into his youth. - he was the son of a well renowned pastor luke mcmeen who prided himself on the perfect family image. he kept his abuse of dallas under wraps for years and even to date several of his patrons do not know what he did to him. - dallas' mother was compliant in all this abuse because she feared being left by luke; she eventually began to believe luke's insistence that dallas was horrible and an abomination they were forced to trial by gods hand. - dallas despite being highly intelligent did poorly in school because any attention be it positive or negative was viewed in bad lighting by luke and lead to more abuse. - at first he was nothing more than an onlooker to these things, but soon he realized that his actions in this liminal space caused ripples that changed the out come of his nightmares turning them for the better or worse.
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isabelguerra · 2 years
ok disclaimers: i was not personally involved in the parastucking this is mostly stuff i remember from lurking in both fandoms around 2012 and therefore the details or timelines may be inaccurate because it's 2023 and 2012 was 11 years ago what the sodding fuck
but basically im sure you know that there used to be homestuck references in paranatural (ex. GENUINE DISTRESS!), and that zack morrison did the first and last comics of paradox space as well as made some merch for hussie and also parts of [s] game over (i.e. they used to talk)
back when comments were open on pnat's site, it was clear from reading comments that there was a lot of overlap b/w hamsteak fans and paranatural fans
(And i guess earthbound fans too come to think of it, the overlap pipeline was like earthbound --> homestuck --> paranatural --> undertale coming later in 2015.)
i can confirm the above pipeline worked for me at least because that was the exact order i discovered all of these in
there were also percy jackson references here and there because i specifically remember someone saying "move over jason grace there's a new weatherboy in town" somewhere around isaac revealing he had lightning powers and there definitely was a paranatural percy jackson au but that's neither here nor theer)
so naturally if you look at really old blogs (think fyeahparanatural which mercifully is still up) you find a lot of little crossovers here and there but relevant to the purposes of ur au is that a lot of people drew characters in their god tiers (there was never like, a consensus on who got what god tier everyone seemed to have a diff take on it)
idk how many of these artists are still active in the community let alone tumblr itself but assuming the blogs aren't deactivated you could shoot them an ask or two and see if they respond
what sucks is that there used to be a paranatural tumblr that was specifically dedicated to crossovers and they for SURE had documented all homestuck crossovers but i can't remember the url and i have no guarantee that's even still up but if someone has that PLEASE GIVE US THE URL
there also might've been parastuck stuff on deviantart just going off the timeline of homestuck and paranatural being popular at the same time around like 2011-2013 but i'm not super familiar with that content if it exists (i'll look into it tho seeing as i've recently been trying to track down bobby pendragon content on deviantart for a completely diff fandom)
rn i'm just opening tabs like a madman trying to catalogue every piece of fanart or lore that i can find while woozy from loss of blood thanks 4 ur time
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YES YESSSSSSSS I REMEMBER THE MORRISON PARADOX SPACE COMICS!!!!!!!!!!!!! i never played earthbound but watching everything springing from the bloated corpse of homestuck and into mainstream culture is fucking crazy. so many people dont even know. i talked with someone literally yesterday about radiation and they were like TOBY FOX WAS IN HOMESTUCK???? the look on her face when i showed her [S] Wake and megalovania turned on was priceless.
and yeah tbh its kinda sad seeing how many ‘staple’ pnat blogs just arent around anymore. thank god for fyeahparanatural keeping the blog up as an archive. i cant believe i never knew they had a homestuck tag. looking through it for the first time has some REALLY interesting results. i saw dunacht’s puppet x lil cal fanart. i saw a god tier max that turned his hat into the aspect color scheme. i saw spender in sock garters. i saw the jang as the midnight crew. i saw spender in sock garters. hey did you know what comic turns 13 this year
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fuckedprophet-arch · 1 year
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(  #FUCKEDPROPHET  )    a  private  rp  blog  for  DALLAS "PRETTY BOY" MCMEEN.  a  (  FANDOMLESS )  original  character.  birthed  by  L  and  originally  est. 2023.  this  blog  is  iconless.  BLOG  FEATURES;  heavy  themes  that  are  USFW.  topics  include  and  are  not  limited  too;  murder,  drugs,  sacrilegious  ideology,  religious  trauma,  sex,  cannibalism,  sacrificial  rituals,  etc.  CONTENT  WILL  NOT    be  suitable  for  all  viewers,  please  curate  your  own  space.  in  order  to  interact  please  be  over  the  age  of  twenty  one,  mun  is  twenty  six.  
*FUCKED PROPHET  -  a man who can see the past , present , and future and chooses to walk willingly into his death.
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AFFILIATED ; @notladylikes | @ohlazrus | @deigrxtia <3
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1.  don't  be  gross ( homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, ableist, pedophilic, someone who fetishizes someone for their race. )  basic  rp  rules  apply,  but  please  don't  be  rude  or  mean.  that  kinda  negativity  im  not  into.  keep  the  drama  to  yourself,  im  just  here  to  write.  if  you  wanna  be  friends  that's  great  and  we  can,  but  i  don't  wanna  be  pulled  into  any  kind  of  drama. 
2.  this  blog  is  heavily  nsfw.  when  i  say  heavily  i  do  mean  it  literally.  it  touches  on  uncomfortable  topics  for  most,  drug  abuse,  murder,  cannibalism  (mentioned  not  written  out),  sexual  conduct,  sacrilegious  topics  and  or  behavior,  cosmic  monsters  verses  human  monster.  its  not  for  the  faint  at  heart.  i  wont  write  rape,  incest,  dd/lg,  or  anything  gross  like  that.  if  you  write  that,  stay  away.  thank  you.  i  also  wont  write  smut  on  tumblr.  if  we  are  close  enough  and  have  developed  a  stable  friendship  /  plotting  /  chemistry,  we  can  write  it  on  discord.  
3.  im  simple.  easy  as  that,  i  used  to  write  real  flowery  prose  and  such  --  but  i  cant  seem  to  do  it  anymore.  my  writing  has  shifted  more  into  a  novel  format  rather  than  a  Shakespeare  play.  if  you  write  that  way  awesome,  i  love  to  see  it  and  read  it.  i  just  cant  do  it.  that  being  said  i  don't  expect  you  to  match  my  length,  writing  style,  or  anything  like  that.  i do have vision issues so i don't use icons or tiny font.
4. shipping is fun. its cool and great and i love it. im not afraid to admit ships are one of the fun aspects of rp-ing. i enjoy all forms of connections, romance, platonic, hateship, etc. i just like chemistry is all. its easier that way yknow? so please don't force anything on me. i don't consider memes sent force shipping its testing the waters. if you have an idea or see anyone that strikes your interest just let me know and we can chemistry test. easy as that. 
5.  i  love  ocs.  i  love  some  canon  characters,  but  im  skeptical  of  some  fandoms.  forgive  me  if  i  don't  follow  you  for  my  own  comfort.  if  i  followed  you  first  though  that  means  im  interested  in  writing.  i  try  to  keep  my  list  pretty  sl
im,  so  if  we  follow  each  other  and  i  send  memes  with  no  real  response  or  there  isn't  any  pulse  on  the  other  end  of  our  plotting  i'll  unfollow.  i  just  don't  see  the  point  in  following  someone  if  we  aren't  going  to  actually  try  to  write  together.
that's  the  end  gang.  hope  those  rules  weren't  too  harsh,  i  don't  see  the  point  in  kinda  beating  around  the  bush.  im  pretty  sporadic  and  this  is  a  low  activity  blog;  i  work  and  have  a  family  im  pretty  dedicated  too.  any  questions  please  shoot  them  my  way.  
psd credits go to ; ariapsds
MAINS: notladylikes / ohlazrus / medicnal / bandysnatched / fleuramor / mafiaheiress / behe4dings / shellcrack / @el3nas / @cahroline / @swervdcity
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𝙳𝙰𝙻𝙻𝙰𝚂 𝙹𝙾𝙽𝙴𝚂 𝙼𝙲𝙼𝙴𝙴𝙽 ___  was  born  during  the  month  of  january;  the  3rd  to  be  exact.  born  to    luke  and  sarah  mcmeen, he  is  the  eldest  of  two.  elder brother too alana ruth mcmeen, dallas despite being the first born son was cast down by his own family. now  we  find  him  roaming  alongside his  band FUCKED PROPHET.  sharing the tour bus and motels with his bandmates and managers.  
AGE:  late twenties  -  early  thirties.  NICKNAMES:  pretty boy,  meenie,  tex,  hoss.  BIRTHDATE:  january  3rd,  ___. SPECIES:  human.  GENDER:  CIS-male.  SEXUALITY:  undecided.  STATUS:  single.  BIRTHPLACE:  copper wood tx.  RESIDENCE:  no where.  OCCUPATION:  guitarist && back up vocalist  /  VD.  
HEIGHT:  6'4".  WEIGHT:  215lbs.  BODY  TYPE:  sort of healthy,  built like a wall, muscular.  SKIN  TONE:  fair,  freckled.  HAIR  STYLE:  shaggy, hangs below his ears.  HAIR  COLOR.  dark brown almost black.  EYE  COLOR:  baby blue.  SCARS:  several from the abuse his father acted out on him, mainly on his arms and back.  MODIFICATIONS:  pierced  ears,  pierced tongue, tattoos that cover his scars (on his arm, two sleeves and a large piece on his back, he also has one on his left hip).  FACECLAIM:  tom welling. 
BIRTHSTONE:  garnet.  SUN  SIGN:  capricorn.  MENTAL:  pstd, anger issues, anxiety, undiagnosed depression. ALIGNMENT:  true  neutral.  AESTHETIC:  unloved child feed poison shall grow too love the taste, cowboy turned metal, i will devour god, killer smile, loyalty shall be the death of me. 
PERSONALITY:  Intelligent,  Calm,  Trustworthy,  Loaded gun,  Cruel.  
FATHER:  luke austin mcmeen.  MOTHER:  sarah abbigail mcmeen nee eunice. YOUNGER  SISTER:  alana ruth mcmeen.  FRIENDS:  camillie shepard, corkie johnson, jack o'neil, micky lorene, tot, etc.  PETS:  none.  
ABILITIES: it is noticed at some point in the earlier pieces of dallas music career, that he has a knack for predicting the future. a skill he puts into his music and lyrics that seem too haunt him in his sleep.
SOUNDTRACK:  jekyll & hyde - fiver finger death punch.   
SYNOPSIS:  dallas was loved for all of two seconds as his mother held him. not her fault really she's just weak willed, one look of that righteous disapproval on lukes face and sarah cast out her only son. they couldn't give him up for adoption oh no, how would that look to the congregation that luke led so diligently? no they'd raise him, even if they didn't want him. sarah didn't count on marrying a man who would envy a newborn that his wife smiled at him so brightly or that nurses cooed over him. things stayed that way even after alana was born three years later and took some of her fathers attention off how ashamed he was of dallas. things would stay that way and progressively get worse over the years for the young boy, but at the ripe age of sixteen when he came home from school his father attacked him. dallas cant remember how he did it, but he'd been able to over power his father now that he'd shot up four inches taller than him and put on at least fifty more pounds.
he nearly killed the older man, there was so much blood staining their pea green shag run in the foyer. now looking back dallas cant tell you who bled more but at the time the young man was able to over power his father and even bite a chunk out of his right hand. luke mcmeen would later on to go and claim that he'd been attacked by a wild dog which sent him to the hospital, and as for dallas? he'd ran away. he'd struck his father and slammed his mother into the wood paneling of their entry way, and all to be looked at like he was the monster. no he'd had enough; nothing to his name he bolted out the back door and hoped fences. it was nearly dawn when he emerged from his hiding spot, washing his face and clothes in a loose hose from the house he'd hide around. he would then later go on to walk the highway leading out of town before hitch hiking his way to the city.
four days had gone by when the sixteen year old had been discovered by jack o'neil and the girls at 'heartstoppers', sprawled out in the alley behind the pastel pink brink building they'd dragged the kid into the back room and let him rest on the sofa. they say fairytales don't exist, that only god is the maker of miracles and happy endings -- but dallas calls bullshit. the very people his father had preached against and claimed to have hated had protect him far better than either of his parents had. jack and his topless bar eventually became dallas' second home, never allowed on the floor dallas simply provided security for jacks back office. after all jack had nagged him about it several times to go and get his GED, and even though it'd taken a couple weeks he'd managed to secure that very thing.
as years came and go, in this time dallas began to start hanging out with corkie johnson. a metal head from the record store four blocks over, and from there it seemed history would be made. corkie taught dallas how to play guitar, and in the damp and shitty apartment of corkie's the band Fucked Prophet was born.
now fucked prophet is a famous metal band that's touring the country and putting on jaw dropping shows.
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pictured above, a rough edit of the bands questionnaire in the popular metal head magazine ' iron balls '.
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Shady sider turned Sunnyvaler isn't easy. In fact its pure torture if you dont get in with the right crowd. Though verbal abuse isn't anything new for Dallas, up until his sixteenth birthday he’d been brutalized by his father while residing under his roof. It wasn't until his grandmother, who had just recently discovered he existed, took him from under her son's care and brought him over to the sunniest town all around did Dallas begin to understand why. It was the summer before junior year and with hormones blazing and more, it became evident – after raising a lycanthrope isn't easy. In fact it's what spurred Dallas’ father to kill his own brother ages ago and casted Luke McMeen into the trenches of Shady side. Now under his grandmother's care he must learn how to deal with the social queues of High School royalty, the raging hormones of a werewolf, and not to mention a plague that seems to be stalking shady siders – even if they’ve changed their colors. ( this is pre camp ) At camp Night Wing, Dallas is a counselor for the Sunnyvale side. He runs his own cabin shared with another counselor, and mainly partakes in swimming, hiking, and music lessons. During the events of the camp wing massacre, he is targeted during the attacks but thanks to his special skills he’s able to save some kids but ultimately sustains a few minor injuries before escaping.
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ultimablades · 2 years
I want to be more active in this space again, I’ve missed it! I’ve had this tumblr since 2009, so I don’t want to remake it but I also feel like it’s a bit of a mess right now, it has been through…many fandoms LOL. Most of you probably remember me (if you remember me at all) for mostly posting about MCR, Merlin, Ben Whishaw, figure skating/Yuzuru Hanyu, then back to MCR. These days I’m mostly playing final fantasy XIV! So I’ll probably blog about that a lot, though there will probably also be a healthy dose of MCR in there lol.
Im on Twitter mostly these days @UltimaBlades, though I do mostly talk about ffxiv there. Specifically the NPCs from the bard quests lol.
I think I want to change my URL here too since I neither really follow Ben or Merlin related things anymore. But this has also been my url since like 2013 so I’m like who would I even be…I’ll figure it out lol
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neonbodyache · 4 days
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u can call me neon! Welcome to my 3d blog 24 | ftm (they/he)
ill build this into a proper intro post bit by bit just give me some time to format everything lol
Pro recovery for all! Except not for me rn lol which of course means Pls dni if you are in active recovery I’m just living my life 😭 and that means a lot of cycling between destructive habits, this is my safe space to talk about it because none exists for me in real life, and hopefully to commiserate with others in the mud with me, not to cause any new harm.
I both b1ng3 and r3str1ct in fucked up phases i cant rlly control so tw for discussions of both over3ating super high cal and under3ating vry low cal!!
middle image is me from some years ago as a way to hold myself accountable. cant say i rlly look like that anymore but we’ll get it back
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will tag the heavier shit as #vent (but heavy is relative so follow at your own risk) wont go into too much depth abt sui or sh or the worst of my mania/delusions but I’ll crack jokes abt it prolly, theres a bunchhh of other stuff wrong w me and some stuff that isnt wrong but just isnt neurotypical !
But again this is 3d blog!! Which means mostly post lots of spo- meals, body, fashion- couple of sillies and diet/lifestyle stuff in ways I find motivating or otherwise but i like trying to romanticize my issues bc being fucked in the head just gets so dreary if u dont at least try to be creative when u can
my spo posts/moodboards will have a range but be mostly masc/androgynous side :’) all will be under #neonboards and u can find me on that tag if i ever get got
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been on tumblr since 2013 just never this side unless u count silently scrolling long lost tags when i was younger so pls be patient if i make faux pas in the community!!! I truly mean no harm to anyone
my interests will inevitably slip thru ive got a few hyperfixations that will become obvious n im a big film guy n some anime and viddygames but this isnt a fandom blog so i wont be tagging for that
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Thx for stopping by xox
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yang4ever · 5 days
HIIII omg NO dont say sorry!!! lowk writing on tumblr nd getting a much of mentions sounds scary?? and having a blog on here??? u were the first person i sent an ask to and that was soo stressful idk how u write and respond to people omg
1: i like snacks!! yk like uhh chips cheezits nd stuff like that i think most desserts r js really sweet and leave a gross aftertaste in my mouth... do u like all desserts???
2: omf im so happy that my phone has a headphone jack bc your soo right theres NOWHERE to plug in wired things
3: no omg ever since i started watching reels my brainrot has gotten soo much worse i fear it be worse than those kids
4: help were like rhe opposite omg i got into wayv ans then i heard my first dream song and then i finally listened to 127
5: RIGHT?? like my entire twitter has js been filled of clips from their livestream... the comments are so mean to like??? what are they supposed to do... i really like their music andd them i hope they dont disband
ohh wait i thought i should ask how your day is!! or whenever ur replying to this
anywaysss making ur ask replies aestheric sounds so hard like how do ppl even manage to make their blogs pretty but i lovee ur long reply to me!! its so fun reading thru it!! AND I SHOULD B THE ONE SAYING SORRY BC I ALWAYS TYPE SO MUCH??
- (シ. .)シ
no honestly it was literally MY bad like. i sent a buncha people asks/comments saying that i liked their stuff and etc and it got hard to keep track of my notifications omg .. people r just so active on here also we are so matchy matchy bc u are my FIRST anon 🥺🥺💕💞💓💗💖💘💝
1. OK i see what ur saying. hersheys def leaves an icky aftertaste. i like savory too!! i like desserts so much but every time someone asks me "sweet vs savory" i will always say savory. umm i like cheetos and there was this time period where i was obsessed w cheddar + sour cream flavored ruffles
2. WHY DID I FORGET HEADPHONE JACKS EXIST dude my puppy ate my airpod the day u sent this ask. i fear.... i need a headphone jack soon bc of this...
3. lowkey reels is my favorite place LMFAOO it's just full of silly stuff tbh i like it better than tiktok, im never on tiktok anymore
4. wait that's so cool u got into wayv first !?!? i had been listening to nct dream for like a year before i found wayv but i never bothered to like learn the dreamies names or faces or anything.. confession time but i NEVER thought i would become an nctzen like literally i was like haha that fandom is so silly i could never but then i DID wtf LMFAOO
5. omg i know:( !! the hate being directed at them lowk stresses me out bc they must be having a hard enough time already. why cant people just be normal goddamn 😭😭 i was thinking too that if they disband, illit is going to be blamed a lot and have another massive hate train so tbh i feel bad for both groups rn
U R SOOO SWEET. my day was a MESS.
i won freaky bingo (heavy on freaky because the board spaces had insane shit like "el student debt" "la thigh gap" and "el twitter") while i was in the student union and i got to pick a prize. naturally i chose the remote control bumper cars (they are for 6 year olds) and i drove them around campus w friends n friends of friends for like 5 hours instead of doing my homework which is due in like 3 hours 😓😓HOW WAS UR DAY I NEED TO KNOW BAD.
also i put my thinking cap on and i realized that the long replies r necessary to have a good conversation so it is OK that we are both typing a lot and is in fact a good thing actually. like SAME i love ur long replies to me. it feels like i have an international pen pal. or that im the war waiting for mail call LMFAOO
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cybrthrillz · 21 days
i feel like Tumblr is a more safe space in general than twitter when on twitter people will jump at you for random things that don't harm anyone...like it sucks glad you got out of there
exactly!!! plus, while tumblr has got some bumps here and there its MOSTLY great at keeping things you dont want to see away from view so i feel really comfortable and safe here. hate anons are very very rare and even when i do get them theyre more entertaining than anything LOL
truth be told, i actually stopped being very active on twitter months ago, i just delete and redownload it occasionally. it's actually really great there now! i don't get into shit anymore, i unfollow accounts that put discourse on my dash, i have nice mutuals, and i block who i want!
(i want to talk about my thoughts on twitter more but it got a bit venty so im putting it under the cut)
but like... i don't think i'm ever going to feel safe or comfortable there ever again despite how calm things are now. i don't like being surrounded by reminders that i'm not welcome or wanted in this fandom. it's not fun when you go into a comment section and 90% of the people there have you blocked, or when i have to mentally prepare myself whenever i open my notifications, or my dms, or how i have to cover the follower count with my hand when i go to my profile, or when the people i follow reply to/qrt a post made by a past mutual who has said terrible things about me as if i'm something less than human and my trauma comes back to me, or that i can't look at regretevator fanart without wondering if the artist is friend or foe.
every time i get on twitter, it feels like i'm constantly pretending that i'm not affected by all this. but i am. even with its flaws (and the potential threat of getting deactivated because i'm a trans girl), tumblr is just so much more fun and comfortable in so many ways. anything else is literally not worth posting on
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