#like is that not the thing wc is known for?? kitty death????
yuridovewing · 9 months
im starting to see a lot of videos like “‘warriors is just for kids!!!’ *shows a bunch of clips from MAPs that show gore with a long list of tws*” and i know that’s basically par for the course with kids series but. likely stolen animation aside, is anyone actually arguing that the infamous kitty cat war books that made a generation of kids draw cat blood is actually just cocomelon baby slop
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bonefall · 2 years
Since it is Stormpaw's Demon time in the ask box, I was wondering about how you are going to handle Mudfur's story. I think it's really interesting how he's a former strong warrior who becomes a medicine cat out of disillusionment towards war and duels Adderfang to spare everyone else the battle, though his motivation regarding Brightsky's death seems a little weak in that Brightsky just dies in a way that has nothing to do with the warriors' battle culture which somehow makes him be disillusioned with constant war. I wonder if that will be changed in the rewrite so that Brightsky's death more directly connects with his arc or his motivations don't have to do with Brightsky at all and maybe she lives longer than in canon (especially because it feels odd to have two unrelated deaths in childbirth in one clan in one book when that's pretty rare for cats). I even thought that maybe you could play on how humans tried to capture Brightsky in canon and have her get captured after a particularly bloody battle, give birth to her kittens in a human house and decides she'd prefer not to come back. Hailstar basically decides he doesn't want a willing traitor but takes Leopardkit back, leading to Mudfur still raising her alone and being left with the haunting realization that Brightsky isn't wrong about the horrible parts of Clan life, and was it really right for Leopardkit to be taken away? So he wants to create a world that is peaceful enough that his daughter really would be better off in the Clans, only for said daughter to grow up to be one of their most violent members. This could also make Mudfur a sort of foil to Leopardfoot in their reactions to their kits' other parent becoming a kitty pet, with Leopardstar and Tigerstar maybe bonding over this as young warriors.
I would love to see how his principled opposition to his culture plays out during all of the events of TPB and pre-TNP with the TigerClan sympathizers still running around (I remember @feathermedics suggested Mudfur should have called for the disbandment of RiverClan after the TigerClan incident to show he really does stand for something, that could be interesting).
I would love if, even if you are gutting a lot of Leopardstar's Honor, you kept some kind of novella to cover Leopardstar's drypaw stage and her relationship with her father because I think that is interesting material.
Also regarding Mudfur, I think it would be interesting if there is differences in the Clan culture about whether Mudfur should really be allowed to be a medicine cat. Like RiverClan is fine with it and thinks it doesn't violate the celibacy vow thing if he doesn't have kits while he's a medicine cat, but WindClan, who was responsible for making the vow as harsh as it was back in Ripplestar's time and are known for being extra pious, think it's bad for someone who already had kits to be a medicine cat and generally give Mudfur dirty looks and disrespect at gatherings.
That's a good point about Brightsky I hadn't considered; that her death doesn't actually have anything to do with the horrors of Clan Culture during the late Chivalric Period.
That DOES work better, to have her leave instead. Added. She's either a kittypet or part of BloodClan now. (She could be a friend of Pinestar, even... hmm.)
There's no need to have so many childbirth deaths anyway, especially not for the "Big Players" in Clan politics. I don't like how WC keeps implying that badness comes from Sad Childhoods lmao.
Leopardfur can have problems with Skyheart when they're little, and she can have a complicated relationship to the disappearance of her mother (she won't be told she's still alive though, that's Hailstar's and Mudfur's secret, they take Darkstar's Commandment very seriously), but 4 people don't have to die to accomplish Bonefall Leopardstar becoming the threat she is.
On that note, I could actually use a couple of her genetics. I just checked the wiki, and it looks like there's 3 free kittens for me to work with in RiverClan! Their names were Oatkit, Waterkit, and Carpkit.
So poll time! Pick the kitten you want to see.
(Note: The other two might get shuffled around to other warriors in RiverClan, or go live in Chelford with their mom.)
I'm not very interested in preserving Leopardstar's Hoopla because I don't think she actually gains anything by getting an entire SE. I think she exists perfectly as an intimidating, honor-bound force of nature whose late TPB shame was only a temporary lapse in her pride, her death considered a great loss even by her enemies.
But Mudfur... I wouldn't mind trying to preserve and elevate Mudfur. Especially since he was definitely a cat who worked with Deerfoot, Dawnflower, Reedpaw, and the other TigerClan Rebels. One of the cats saved by Deerfoot refusing to rat out his accomplices.
For now I'll definitely promise more time in the redux of A Shadow In RiverClan-- The Tiger in RiverClan and consider more.
Also... I need more girls. I might hit Mudfur with the Woman Beam. Brightsky can either trade genders, or I'll shuffle the runner-up kitten to be a sibling so they can honor-sire (though it would mean losing a valuable extra kitten).
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redux-iterum · 3 years
Ok, here's a little challenge for you and the editors; roast for me 10 WC couples of your choice.
This was fun! We each took five with a bonus from the editor, and you can read our complaints after the readmore.
LYNX (editor)
Violetshine X Tree: I'm still trying to get through the latter half of AVOS, so I haven't seen their first time meeting up or them falling in love or anything like that. What makes me rather uncomfortable with this couple is that Tree's old enough to be Violetshine's father. Pebbleshine and Hawkwing were already young lovers, but with the release of Tree's Roots, one can calculate Tree to be born around the same time as Hawkwing. He even meets a heavily pregnant Pebbleshine when he's around fifteen months old. Honestly, if his and Violetshine's dynamic in late AVOS is good enough for a Warriors couple, I'm willing to just headcanon him as at most eight months older than her to make it more palatable. By the way, this has nothing to do with the ages when they meet up. Violet's a year old by Darkest Night and nearly an adult if her sister's warrior assessment is anything to go by.
Clear Sky X Storm: It's been some years since I read DotC, but the love drama in The Sun Trail was pretty stupid. Especially the insta-love thing. Maybe it was an insta-attraction? But this is Warriors and we can't have that, noooooooooo...
Clear Sky X Star Flower: Everyone's gone on with how Clear Sky getting with his son's ex is rather dubious, but what is often neglected is the fact that Star Flower can make choices too! She made the choice to go for her ex's dad which is about as questionable as Clear Sky's choice! My personal headcanon is that she's the kitty equivalent of a gold-digger.
Pebbleshine X Hawkwing: Alright, so you're either of these two nitwits who've recently become a warrior. Your very way of life has been drastically upturned by someone you thought you could trust. You've lost family and friends to your betrayal, and what's worse is you've lost your home. The world you've known for your whole life has been ripped form you and you have to keep ambling forward with the hope that the place you'll finally settle in will be worth all this hardship. The path ahead of you is long, uncertain, and dangerous, and you'll need to have a clear head to have a hope of surviving this season. SOUNDS LIKE THE PERFECT TIME TO BOINK AND START A FAMILY, AM I RIGHT?
Bumblestripe X Dovewing: Pushy, inconsiderate, trademark Nice Guy, from questioning why they haven't had children yet at some random meeting to suggesting they have children at her friend's funeral, everyone's said it already. Bumblestripe is not a good cat for Dovewing. I'm glad she's not with him since that makes her happy. But... Tigerfartstar X Dovewing: Yeah, Dovewing, your taste in toms is awful. This temperamental, arrogant, patronizing shipdit, while not as bad as Bimbostripe over there, is still pretty bad. It's been a long while since I read OotS and I haven't yet read Tigerheart's Shadow, but I probably should to get a refresher on why I hate this couple.
Bristlefrost x Rootspring: So ignoring that Rootspring as a -paw is a whiny, overly defensive putz that acts self-conscious about having Tree as his father, Bristlefrost does not ONCE show interest in him. Not once. Count ‘em, zero times. In fact, she’s aware of his crush on her and is embarrassed whenever he comes around and whenever people notice him staring at her. She actively avoids him and speaks curtly, even rudely, to try and drive him off. Then, out of buttfuck nowhere, she says she has feelings for him once he’s a warrior? When they’ve barely interacted beyond her spurring his affections? Fuck with that?
Crowpaw x Feathertail: Feathertail, you’re a nice girl. You’re team mom and almost a second in command to Brambleclaw. Everyone likes you. So why in the good god damn fuck does a pissant like Crowpaw (an apprentice at the time, by the way) deserve your recognition, let alone your love? You could get literally any other cat you wanted to, and you go for the fruit that was formerly hanging the lowest, but dropped off the tree and is now rotting on the floor. He is nothing but a dick to you and only starts being remotely kind two seconds before you die. Please love yourself and do better in StarClan.
Bluefur x Oakheart: Speaking of low hanging fruit, this is a very, very easy one to dunk on. It’s moreso the fact that this entire “relationship” is treated as one of the great tragic romances in this series than anything else. The two of them talk, what, two or three times? And then have exactly one night together before Bluefur kills one of their kits and shoves the other two on him and then that’s it. That’s all they had. A one night stand and child death. What a love story. Why does Bluefur think Thrushpelt is the worse option, again?
Dustpelt x Fernpaw: GOD, this relationship is creepy. I still get simultaneously unnerved and mad whenever I read the first arc, because Dustpelt initially seems like he’ll go with Sandstorm before she stupidly falls in love with Fireheart, but then he sets his sights on someone so much younger than him that he actually asks if he can mentor her instead of his original apprentice (her brother, fun fact). Let me emphasize that, because he is actively seeking a power imbalance in this relationship, and he clearly intends to eventually get with her. Bear in mind that she is still being treated like she’s a young kid, if not a teenager, by the narrative. I could be here all day on this fucking topic, but let’s move on.
Berrynose x Poppyfrost: We all know what I’m going to say here. Berrynose having the brass to say loving things to a dying, agonizing Honeyfern after she spent all this time pining after him, and then less than two months later, he shacks up with her sister. That is the coldest thing he could possibly have done to her. The fact that the writers decided that she’s totally okay with the relationship and takes care of her sister’s dead kits like they’re hers is extra terrible. Like, she still gets the scraps when she’s dead? Seriously?
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rebrandedbard · 3 years
WC: 963
TW: poison, death scare (not really)
Mushroom Eater
Lambert and Aiden go mushroom picking. Kitty has a fright.
Lambert wasn’t the best at signs. He wasn’t the best at combat. Socially, he was hardly a step above Geralt, but rather more by choice than by being truly inept. His fishing style was … unorthodox to say the least. To say more would be to account for all the ways it was ‘ineffective and wasteful,’ or so Vesemir has explained to him. Lambert had not the patience for the rod and reel, and bombs were plenty effective for his needs. So he was not the most efficient, nor the most skilled fisherman. But there was one thing he knew better than any other wolf—perhaps even better than any other witcher.
Mushrooms. Lambert knew his foraging.
“This one?” Aiden plucked a mottled red thing from the side of a tree and sniffed it experimentally. “What do you think? Poisonous?”
Lambert was busily sawing several white mushrooms from the top of a mossy log. He didn’t bother looking over as he collected them in his bag. “Aiden,” he sighed, “we’re witchers. It doesn’t fucking matter if they’re poisonous. They’ll never be toxic enough to do any damage.”
“I have human friends, Lambkins. Mayhap I don’t feel like killing them off if we ever have a meal together, eh? Now is it safe or not.”
Lambert gave it a quick glance. “Not,” he replied.
Aiden tossed it over his shoulder and crouched above him. “What’ve you got there?” He poked Lambert’s forehead, pushing him back for a good look. He pulled a handful of mushrooms up from the log and promptly popped them in his mouth. If they were safe enough for Lambert to collect, they were safe enough to eat. “Takes like dirt,” he complained, smacking his tongue.
“You idiot!” Lambert shouted. Several birds took flight, startled by the sudden outburst. He pulled Aiden down from the log, slamming him to the ground. His eyes were wide in horror. “Did you seriously just eat that!”
Aiden looked between Lambert and the log. The uncharacteristic urgency in Lambert’s voice caught him off guard, and his usual snark died on his tongue. “I—yeah, I—why? You were packing them. They aren’t something you use in your potions, right?”
“You’re bloody right I don’t put them in potions!”
Cold sweat pricked at the back of Aiden’s neck. His stomach rumbled uncomfortably and he looked down at it. He’d been hungry, but was this a reaction? He was not one to panic, known for his level-head, but Lambert was likewise not one to show such concern. The blood drained from his face as the implication set in.
“But … mushrooms aren’t poisonous enough to hurt witchers,” Aiden whispered. “You said that. It shouldn’t hurt me to eat them. Right?”
Lambert dropped his grip on Aiden’s shirt. He threw down his bundle of mushrooms and sat against the log, head in his hands. “They weren’t poisonous,” he said, but his tone implied something far worse than poisons. His shoulders shook, and seeing that shook Aiden to his very core. Lambert was trembling.
Aiden fell on his hands before him. “Hey. Hey, Lambert?” He tugged at his sleeve, the fear rising in his throat, squeezing it closed. His voice became hoarse. Was it another side-effect of the mushroom? “Lambert what did I eat?”
“Something you ought never to have touched in the first place. You have no idea what you’ve done. You’re a dead man, Aiden.”
His heart hammered in his chest as Aiden took to his feet. He paced, fumbling with the potions at his belt. “I can still throw them up. And my potions! They can fix it, can’t they?”
“There’s no fixing it,” Lambert groaned. There was a strained quality to his voice. His shoulders shook harder.
It only served to raise Aiden’s hackles higher. He whirled around to face Lambert. He fell to his knees, clutching at Lambert’s shoulders. “How long do I have?” he begged. “Fuck, when will those mushrooms kill me? Lambkins, how long have we got?”
Lambert at last let his hands fall and Aiden was shocked to see a devilish grin had been hidden behind it. “We?” Lambert said. “You’ve got about thirty seconds before I beat your sorry tail for eating my fucking mushrooms! They’re selling for a mint in town and it took me three hours to find those! I can’t sell whatever half-digested slime you cough up!” He pushed Aiden off, shoulders shaking as he howled with laughter. “Better start running, jackass! You’re reimbursing me for every last cent!”
Aiden grabbed his leg and tugged, Lambert whooping as he hit the ground. Aiden wrestled on top of him, pinning him in place. “You bastard! You made me think I was dying!”
Lambert snorted. “You’re so gullible,” he chided back.
Aiden growled and flexed his hands, gripping him tighter.
“Aw, kneading my shirt now, kitty?” Lambert teased. He winked, tapping on Aiden’s fist with one finger. “How sweet. Do you forgive me already?”
He waited, but Aiden did not speak. He tilted his head curiously. “Hey, what’s the matter? Cat got your—”
Aiden swallowed his words with a clash of teeth and lips. He kissed Lambert until the man forgot his teasing. When he pulled away, Lambert looked dazed.
Like a cat in the cream, Aiden smirked. “Got your tongue easy enough,” he said. He stood up and tossed a little canvas bag in the air. In his other hand, he held Lambert’s knife. “And your mushrooms into the bargain,” he added. He spun on his heel and ambled off through the mossy wood, calling over his shoulder, “You’ve got thirty seconds to get them back, little wolf pup!”
It took five for Lambert to recover. It took another fifty-four to tackle Aiden.
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 24
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WC: 627
Rated: E
Chapter Tags: angst but positive?, sibling love, language at times, fluff
A/N: very dialogue heavy, but short chapter
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When the telephone rang you expected it to be Niki. He had mentioned that he was going on some sort of business trip up north, but that he would call you when had the chance. You answered on the third ring.
“Kitty?” At your brother’s voice you nearly dropped your cup of tea. The shock of him calling left you silent. “Catherine? Are you there?”
“Yes! James, yes…. you called.”
“It was about time,” he mimicked the same thing you had told him the first time you saw him in over a year at the race the first day.
“James I am so, so sorry. I wanted-” you started but he cut you off.
“I know. He uh, he told me.”
“Pete said he would but I wasn’t sure if he got through to you…”
You didn’t understand. “What?”
“Niki came to see me today.” You sat up straighter, mind going to the worst. Christ, did he hurt him? Is this him about to confess to killing my boyfriend before he gets hauled off to jail? “We talked about some things.”
“...And?” you swallow. Sitting in the chair at your kitchen table, you mentally prepare yourself for anything.
He waits a beat before speaking. “Do you love him, Cat? Really love him?”
Choking back a sob, you say “with all my heart, Jamie.”
“And he treats you right?”
“Yes. God he’s so good to me. I’ve never been this happy.” You are openly crying silent tears now, the tracks staining your cheeks. The way you loved Niki was like a raging fire. Uncontrolled, but it left a warmth unlike anything you had ever felt. It was as deep as the ocean, waves crashing at the shore with every little thought of him.
You can hear a shift on the other line before James tells you “Alright. I just want you happy, and if he makes you happy then I can live with that. But I will kick his ratty little ass if he hurts you-”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less of you,” you laugh, relieved that he accepts your relationship. “But James, you really do need to stop calling him a rat. It’s old and frankly quite rude,” you chastise.
“Ahh, I suppose you’re right. Wouldn’t look to fetching if I called my brother-in-law a rat all the time.”
“Your what?” Brother-in-law?
“He’s bought a ring, you know.”
The smile on your face grows of its own volition. Niki bought you a ring? Is he…? You bite your lip to contain it. “He told you this?”
“He did. He loves you; didn’t think he was capable but you must’ve done something. I probably shouldn’t be telling you but I like to stir up trouble.” You roll your eyes at his antics.
James sighed. “In the years that I’ve known him I’ve never seen him like this. There’s almost a… softness to him now underneath that hard sarcastic shell of his. And for him to come all the way here just to tell me to grow a pair and talk to you is something. I very well could have kicked his arse again for showing up!”
“He wouldn’t take the risk if he didnt think it worth it,” you defend.
“Well you are worth it, Kitty Cat.”
A peaceful pause settles over the line. It felt so nice to be talking to James again. “Are we alright?” you asked.
“So long as you promise to not keep things from me, and actually mean it this time,” he responded, his tone light.
“I do, Jamie, really.”
“Fantastic!” he cheered. You both laughed.
“I’m still going to bust his balls on the track, though.”
Your grin breaks out again at his cockiness. “I would be disappointed if you didn’t.”
Tag list: @ay0nha @apparrio @livvyshmiv @fictionlandslanddreams @vinylrosess @typical-bistander @ntlmundy @mymagicsuitcase @anteroom-of-death @somethingthatsaysbubbles @lieutenantn @multiversemarielle @trashbin2 @whatawildone @metalbreakfast @laura-naruto-fan1998 @greeneyedblondie44 @godidontevenknowwhat @marchingicenotes7 @loliissmut 
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smallmarvel · 6 years
Forever Means Forever - part 2
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: Growing up with your best friends Steve and Bucky in the 40′s was the highlight of your entire life. But honestly, being a governmental weapon doesn’t offer much competition.
WC: 1.4k
A/N: Pretty sure this low key sucks but it’s okay because it’ll get better! I can’t wait to show you guys the next part! Comments are strongly encouraged, I’d love to know what you think or ideas you have :)
Warnings: death, mourning 
part 1
You heard your alarm clock blaring and swung your arm over your bed to turn it off. Another day, another mission, another kill. You yawned and threw your legs off the bed. You quickly changed into your suit and made your way to the jet. Every day was the same. You were briefed at the beginning of the week, then followed through. Every. Single. Day. You were the government’s property, so you did as you were told. You buckled in on the jet as it started its route to wherever the hell it was going. You set your head back and closed your eyes.
You turned the page of your magazine you were reading on your front porch. You’d finally received a message from Steve the other day. He was safe. They’d actually taken him into the army. You’d figured just as much. It was just good to ease your conscience and know that he wasn’t dead. Even though he wouldn’t be much better off in the war. You’d finally adjusted to life without your best friends. All you had was your waitressing job at the diner, and your hope. Your hope that your best friends would come back safe and sound to you.  
You were ripped out of your daydream by a knock on the column of your porch. A young man in a tan uniform pulled out a sheet of paper and your heart dropped. 
“Excuse me, are you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” All you could manage was a nod. “Do you share this apartment with James Buchanan Barnes?” you nodded again. “I’m very sorry, ma’am, but Barnes is MIA, as is Steven Grant Rogers. You were listed as his only emergency contact,” he saluted and walked back down the porch steps. Your magazine dropped to the ground. 
You stood and ushed your way into your house before your legs gave out. You tripped over the coffee table and fell onto the ground. Your body shook with silent sobs and you cried harder than you’d ever cried in your entire life. Your heart was shattered and your body felt like a stone. Your lungs were on fire. You couldn’t stop thinking about how you were going to have to live without them. You couldn’t. You just couldn’t live without them. 
Life continued like this. You cried yourself to sleep every night. You barely ate, slept, or did much of anything. After two or so weeks, you got your first wakeup call. You were being evicted. The apartment you’d shared with Bucky for three years was going to be taken away from you. It was the last thing you cared about. Material possessions meant nothing to you anymore. So you decided to get your shit together and sell everything. You sold clothes, furniture, everything. While you were purging, you got an idea.
“Hello, I’m Thomas (Y/L/N),” you spoke in your lowest voice. The recruitment officer shuffled the papers on his desk and sighed. 
“You’re looking to enlist?” he peered at your over his glasses. You nodded. You were sweating and shaking and cursing yourself for coming up with this awful idea. Your baggy clothes swamped you, making you even hotter. In grade school, you’d read about several women who had dressed up as men and fought in wars. With all the technological differences, you should’ve known you couldn’t have gotten away with it. You just thought it was something nice to honour Bucky and Steve. They were all you had to live for, anyway. With them gone, you didn’t mind dying for the same cause they had, and, in a way, for them. “Well, get ready for the physical examination,” he said, standing up and tucking the papers into a manilla folder on the desk. “The doctor will be in shortly.”
He exited the room and shut the door. Your heart rate increased and you began to panic. What were you supposed to do? You hadn’t thought this through all the way. Your brain was racing a million miles a minute and you knew you were quickly running out of options. You heard the door open and a little man with grey hair and glasses walked in. You sat down on the examination bed. He sat down on the swivel chair and laced his hands together, laying them on his lap.
“You can calm down, (Y/N),” he said. Your eyes widened and you did the exact opposite. Your heart rate quickened, if that was possible, and you felt your body go into flight mode. “We know why you’re here. We know about Rogers and Barnes,” he sighed. “We know you were very close with them. Clearly, you share their bravery and courage.”
“Who is ‘we’?” You found your voice. You took off your hat and your outer layer of clothes, revealing your normal pants and shirt. He sighed again.
“The government, (Y/N),” you squinted at him. “We chose Rogers for a top-secret experiment to turn him into a super soldier. However, the serum was destroyed. We have been hoping to find a new candidate for the new and improved serum. We figured you would be a good candidate,” you didn’t even think twice. 
“Yes,” you said. His eyes widened. 
“Are you sure? I mean, there’s a lot involved in-” you cut him off.
“I’m sure,” you said. “I’m doing this for Bucky and Steve.”
You laughed at the memory. You were so young and naive. You should have listened to the terms and conditions before you made the biggest decision of your entire life. The serum gave you super strength, incredible reflexes, and an incredible body. On top of all of this, you literally could not get hurt. You were virtually indestructible. You couldn’t even get so much as a papercut. 
It was the worst decision of your life. For the past 70 years, you’d been made to destroy and kill. You did the missions that the government was too scared to do. You were just a weapon, a tool. Sure, they gave you food, housing, anything you could ask for. In exchange for your freedom. After a few years of it, while you were technically still in the trials for the new serum, you had realized how much of a curse this new power was. As far as you were concerned, you couldn’t die. Any blade that touched your skin broke, any fist that tried to hit you shattered. That’s why you decided to destroy the serum and all plans that had come with it. You wouldn’t allow them to do this to anyone else. They were playing God and they knew it. 
Unfortunately but understandably, you were punished. That’s why you were under house arrest and had no freedom. Sometimes you were given liberties, but you mostly just stayed in the place they housed you. You had nothing else to do, anyway. 
You didn’t have a phone, computer, or television. As far as you were concerned, it was still the 40′s. You were content with your newspapers and your books. You sewed in your free time. Of course, the government fed all of these hobbies. They provided you with any books or materials that you wanted. You’d even been the one who made your suit. It was dark blue and felt like a second skin. You could fight with no problem in it. It was a big improvement from your first suit, the one they’d provided you with.
You lived a bleak, bleak life. The only highlight was when you were able to venture to the museum to see the Captain America exhibit. You’d only been a handful of times. It hurt when you went, but you were happy to be able to see Steve again, even if it was just the glorified version of Captain America. You were incredibly proud of Steve. He’d gotten what he wanted, a chance to fight for his country. He was brave and courageous, everything he’d always been, but had a chance to finally use. Even up until his last second alive, he was protecting the greater good. You still missed Steve and Bucky, but the sharp pain had turned into a dull ache over the years. 
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you’d hardly realized that the ship was landing. You prepared to hear the words “(Y/N), prepare for dispatch”, beginning to unbuckle your seatbelt, but they didn’t come. Instead, it boomed “Prepare for a change of course”. You were confused. You heard Fury’s voice in your ear.
“You’re headed to Antarctica,” he said. “A certain Hydra bomber plane was just found.”
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Taglist: @chantelle-x0x @musical-whovian @kitty-satan1
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Sleeping With the Enemy
Chapter 2
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Summary: Catherine Sinclair is the younger, estranged half-sister of renowned F1 driver James Hunt. Things get a bit complicated when she decides to reenter James’ life and ends up meeting his rival - Niki Lauda. Engines ignite as Catherine finds herself caught between her feelings for Niki and the rivalry that the two men share. Will she pump the brakes or let herself crash in the inferno?
Pairing: Niki Lauda (Rush 2013) x fem!OC Catherine Sinclair
WC: 979
Rating: E 18+ for eventual smut
T/W: language, eventual smut, hot second of accidental implied incest (but there is none), rivalry, mentions of substance use, F1 racing, flirting 
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You never really had an interest in racing or F1 growing up. In fact, you maintained that you had no interests or talents as a child. That's why when you turned 18 you left home; to find myself, you'd told your mother. You had a bit of a rough patch, so to speak, from the time you left until you were about 20. After all, it was the early 70s. Sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll were all the rage. You even spent a summer as a groupie for the Rolling Stones on their European tour. 
After a few years of going non-stop you decided to settle down. Your father paid for university and you degreed in Medieval and Renaissance Art. You had yourself a nice little flat in Bologna and worked in one of the art museums. But through it all you never returned to your family. 
Your poor mother. She worked hard to provide for you. Your father wasn't in the picture -  at least not until he found out about you. At the age of 13 your mum reached out to him to confess that the affair between the two had produced a child. He tried to bring you into his own family. A doting wife and step siblings all on the path to great success. He provided anything you could ever need, but you never felt that you fit in. You weren't destined to be some hot shot doctor or barrister. 
The only one of your siblings you felt close with was James. He was 15 when you ‘joined’ the Hunts. In secret you would talk about your dreams and fears with each other. How the two of you were just different. James was the only one you truly believed was your family. That is, until you decided to leave. Naturally he didn't want you to go, as adventurous and daring as he was himself. You hadn't spoken much in the years since. 
When you heard he'd finally made it to the big leagues and gotten himself a drive with McLaren you felt so proud. Pushing down your own pride, you made it your mission to find and see him race when there was a local grand prix. Thus, here you were today.
“Catherine,” Niki tested your name in his mouth. You felt heat rise in your cheeks at the intensity of his expression. I suppose everything you do will be pretty intense with a job like this though?
Before you could respond there was a bellow from behind you. “Kitty? Is that you?” 
You cringed at the old nickname. James jogged up to you and put his hand on your shoulder, shaking you with joy at seeing you after so many years. “I came over to rib the Rat King and look what I find! I didn’t know you were coming!” While you were elated to finally be with your brother again you felt the sudden anxiety come creeping back in. Would he be mad that you had been gone for so many years, only to randomly show up at a race?
“Yeah it uh… it was pretty last minute...” You cleared your throat. “But when I heard about your drive I figured it was about time.” James’ hair was longer than you remembered, your father always insisting he kept it short when you were young. 
“You look good,” his tone softened, hand squeezing your arm. “I hope Niki isn’t giving you any shit. He’s always so serious all the time.”
Niki cocked his shoulders. “I’m a serious guy. I go to bed early, look after myself, look after my car.”
“Yes, you’re very well behaved.” James rolled his eyes.
“Go to work, kick ass, then after the race I go home instead of going to bars and doing all this bullshit with all these assholes,” he gestured around. 
“Assholes?” James’ eyes narrowed.
“Alright, boys, that’s enough,” you said while crossing your arms and raising your eyebrows at James.
The two drivers shared a look. Turning to you, James asked “I have to get back, but you’ll stop by, yeah? I want to see you again.”
“Yeah I'll swing by in a bit,” you nod.
Niki watched the interaction with annoyance. Here he was thinking that he had met the one woman that didn’t swoon for Hunt. He had also never seen his rival so… soft when talking to a woman. You must be someone special to him. Instantly he felt the jealousy rise in his chest. 
Hunt left the two of you and headed back to the celebration. Niki was giving James a death glare. Now that your brother was gone you hoped to pick the conversation back up.
“How do you know Hunt?” Niki questioned abruptly. 
“Oh we um…. we’ve known each other for years. Our families are pretty… close...” You didn’t like the line of questioning into your family problems. You changed the subject, hoping that he will drop his own. “So you were saying something about visiting the garage?” you chewed your lip.
Niki glanced at you with surprise evident on his face. He hadn’t expected you to want to visit with him after the interaction with Hunt. If you were involved with him he did not want to put himself in that situation either. “I’m sure you would rather spend your time with him,” he gestured between you and the direction James had travelled in.
You visibly shuttered and nearly shouted out “oh god - no, NO.”
Maybe she isn’t fucking Hunt then, Niki hoped. He was pleased and amused with your response. “I have precision testing with Ferrari on Thursday in Maranello. Be there at 10. Tell them you’re with me and they won’t give you shit.”
Studying his face for a brief second, you decided to live a little, “yeah alright.” 
You smile at him and turn to go find James. “I’ll see you Thursday, Catherine,” Niki called after you.
“Have a good night, Niki,” you threw over your shoulder.
Tag list: @ay0nha @apparrio
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