#like it’s not a big deal but I do just feel. kinda nauseous
spacemancharisma · 1 year
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lucy90712 · 3 months
kinda sad but reader distancing herself from jude bc she’s pregnant and don’t know how to tell him and he’s really scared bc he thinks she’s gonna leave him
A/n: I had to give this a happy ending as I have far too much angst to write that I needed a pick me up
Do it. Just do it. 
I have to keep telling myself those few words. In front of me sits a pregnancy test that I can't get myself to take as I don't want to know the answer. Jude and I have always been really careful as he doesn't want kids, I don't mind either way but because he doesn't want them we always try to be super safe. Despite that for the last few weeks I've just not felt right I've been feeling really nauseous and my period is now a week late which really only means one thing I just didn't want to believe it. As much as I know I'm almost definitely pregnant I don't want to take the test as that will confirm it and then I'll have to deal with the consequences.
How would I tell Jude? Would he leave me? Can I raise a baby on my own? All of those questions swirled round my brain as I still just stared at the test. Jude will definitely not be happy but if I am pregnant I don't want to get rid of the baby as I don't think I could handle all the emotions that come with that. If I don't get rid of the baby I can definitely see Jude breaking up with me which I understand he doesn't want kids and he's just starting out his career at Real Madrid he won't want a baby to look after so I'll probably be on my own in a city I don't know with no support. 
It got to the point that all of the questions were starting to eat away at me so to forget about them I decided just to take the test. What no one tells you about taking a pregnancy test is that the few minute wait for the result feels like a century I swear I was pacing back and forth forever before the screen displayed the result. I chose to take a digital test as it would tell me how many weeks I was as that's something I wanted to know too but then I realised that knowing how far along I am will make it feel a whole lot more real. There was no surprise when I finally looked at the test and it said pregnant 4-5 weeks. 
Finally seeing it confirmed made it impossible to hold back my tears any longer. Instinctively my hand went to my stomach as I thought about how in a few short months I will have a baby the baby that is currently growing inside me. The tears were a mix of happiness as somehow I was actually happy to know I was pregnant and anxiety as I have no idea what the future holds. 
It has been a month since I found out I was pregnant and I'm now 10 weeks along. A few weeks back I went for my first ultrasound and got to see the baby and make sure everything was ok which it was. Jude still doesn't know, I've tried to tell him so many times but I just can't do it I either chicken out or the moment just doesn't feel right. I know I need to tell him soon as I'm already starting to develop a small bump which will only get bigger and sometimes I think Jude gets a bit suspicious when I won't eat certain things I usually love as I know they will make me sick. 
Over the past month I have definitely been a lot more distant with Jude which has meant he hasn't noticed when I've had really bad sickness days and that I have a small bump growing. It's hard hiding such a big secret from him which is part of why I've been so distant because I just want to tell him and for us to be a happy family but I know it won't go that way and I can't bare the thought of that. I love Jude so much and I don't want to ruin our relationship but I know at some point I'll have to tell him and deal with whatever heartbreak comes along with that. 
No one apart from me knows about my pregnancy not even my parents or my friends I have kept it a complete secret. Today though I'm seeing my friends and I know they are getting a bit suspicious as when we go out I'm always tired and I don't drink anymore. We aren't doing much today just going for brunch so I got up after Jude left for training and went to where we were supposed to meet. Once everyone was there we went in and got a table and I lasted less than a minute before the smell of someone's food made me feel so nauseous that I had to run to the bathroom. My best friend joined me to make sure I was ok but I knew she wasn't convinced when I said I was fine. 
"Are you ok?" The rest of the group asked 
"Yeah I'm fine" I said 
"What's going on girl you've been acting weird for a while now" my best friend said 
"Ok you guys can't say anything to anyone but I'm pregnant I found out a month ago and I've been hiding it because Jude doesn't want kids and I don't know how to tell him" I admitted 
None of them really knew what to say they all knew that Jude didn't want kids and a baby was never supposed to be part of our lives so they were as shocked as I was. After the initial shock they all started giving me advice and telling me everything would be fine. They all tried to reassure me that Jude wouldn't leave me when he found out but they did say I need to tell him at some point soon and I agree but it's hard to find the right words to say. 
Once I got back home I just sat in silence thinking about life and how I got to this point. I was so consumed with my thoughts that I didn’t hear the front door opening or Jude calling my name as he entered the house with increased panic when I didn’t reply. I only came back to reality when he was stood in front of me catching his breath after I nearly gave him a heart attack. There was a lot of staring at each other as I tried to find something to say while he tried to read me and work out what I was thinking. 
“Love are you ok and before you tell me you’re fine I know you’re not you’ve been acting strange for a while and I just want to know what I can do to make things better” he said 
Hearing him say that was too much for me I just burst into tears right in front of him. His arms made their way around me and he tried to calm me down but that didn’t help. This last month I’ve held back all of my emotions about this whole situation and now they are coming out all at once and I can’t hold them back any longer. I tried to tell him but the words couldn’t escape my mouth so instead I grabbed his hand and took him upstairs with me. I kept my pregnancy test and ultrasound pictures hidden away in my wardrobe so I found them and just placed them in Jude’s hands. This isn’t how I wanted to tell him but I think it’s the only way I can do it without having another breakdown. 
“What is this?” He asked 
“I’m pregnant” I said 
“I’m sorry I know you don’t want kids and we are always careful I don’t know how it happened and I just I’m just sorry” I rambled 
“Hey it’s ok calm down how long have you known?” He asked 
“I’ve known for a month and I’m 10 weeks now” I said 
“Wow we are going to be parents” he said hugging me tightly 
“Wait you aren’t mad” I questioned 
“No of course I’m not mad I’m actually really happy I know I said I didn’t want kids but more recently I started to change my mind especially seeing you with all the guys kids it made me want that with you I couldn’t be happier right now” he said 
“So you aren’t going to leave me?” I asked 
“Of course not I can’t wait to go through this whole journey with you I’m just sad I haven’t been there for you until now” he said 
Hearing that was such a relief but not at all what I expected. I’ve always been told things happen for a reason and this is one of those things I guess. Naturally Jude had a lot of questions so I told him everything like everything I know about the baby and how I’ve been feeling as he wanted to know how I’ve been coping. It felt so good to finally tell him everything and he seemed so genuinely happy which allowed me to actually think about how excited I am too as that’s something I’ve pushed away until now. 
After a long conversation we both went silent and just took a minute to take in what has just happened. As we sat there Jude’s hand made its way to my shirt which he lifted up slightly and just rested his hand on my tiny bump. I watched as the smile on his face got even bigger than it was before I could see him look at my almost non existent bump with so much love that it almost made me cry. This whole thing doesn’t seem anywhere near as scary now that I know Jude is here to support me and I already know he’s going to be the best dad if he loves our baby this much already. 
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suzukiblu · 6 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for Karam, plus a cut for more; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good!
The walk over to the diner is quiet, mostly. Billy tells Lynn where some things are in Fawcett and points some stuff out in the neighborhood, but Lynn doesn’t really say much back. He nods along, though, and Billy's pretty sure he's listening. 
Maybe sure, at least. 
Worst case scenario, he figures he'll just repeat himself later. If Lynn's a little too stressed or overwhelmed to really be listening right now, well, he definitely wouldn't blame him. He's a baby, basically! Everything's gotta be so new and weird and overwhelming for him right now.
Billy isn’t gonna push. Not on day one, when they don’t even know each other yet. Lynn can take his time all he wants right now. It’s not like he’s hurting anyone, or even himself. So Billy just has to be patient with him while he learns stuff, same as any little kid he’s met in the system or on the streets. 
They get to the diner and Lynn hangs back a little bit. Billy suspects Cadmus did really not prepare him for restaurant etiquette and stuff like that, considering. He’s pretty positive it didn’t, in fact. Billy doesn’t go to many restaurants himself, but . . . 
It’s fine, he figures. He just needs to be a good example for Lynn, that’s all. And that’s what he always needs to do right now, so it’s no big deal. 
He hopes he’s being a good example, anyway. He really wants Lynn to be able to trust that he is one, so he can know he has someone to learn from, so . . . yeah. 
Billy goes to the counter, politely gives their fake last name–Batman would not appreciate them half-assing the new secret identities–and tips the waitress twenty percent and thanks her. It’s kind of a lot of food, but they have super-strength and a fridge for leftovers, so he figures it’ll be fine. 
He does feel a little nauseous over how much money he just spent, though. 
Batman gave them way more money than that, Billy reminds himself as he gathers up the bags. And there’ll be more next week. And if they actually somehow run out or just have an emergency, he can just fill out the League paperwork to requisition funds to make up for it. They could spend way more than this and still be fine. 
He’s pretty sure takeout is still gonna be a special occasions only thing, though. And couponing. Couponing is definitely gonna be a thing. 
It’s just a lot of money. 
Billy gets all of the bags juggled into his arms. Lynn looks awkward again and shifts Tawky under his other arm. 
“I can carry it,” he says stiffly. 
“Well, if you wanna,” Billy says. “We could split it?” 
“. . . sure,” Lynn says, still stiff. Billy smiles at him and offers him a couple of the bags. Lynn frowns, but takes them. Billy figures it makes sense Lynn wants to help; that’s pretty normal with little kids. Like, they always wanna do what the older kids are doing, or the adults, or just whoever. So it makes sense Lynn would too, especially if Cadmus didn’t teach him this stuff to begin with. He’s learning, basically. So yeah, it’s normal. 
And also a good sign, Billy hopes, if Lynn trusts he knows what he’s doing enough to copy him. It’s even sorta cute, actually. 
. . . okay, it’s really cute, but Lynn’s kinda a teenager so he might not appreciate hearing that. 
Still cute, though. 
They walk back to the apartment–back home, which is a weird thought, Billy recognizes fleetingly but tries not to focus on right now–and Billy unpacks all the food onto the coffee table in the living room. He figures that’ll be lower-pressure than the kitchen table for their first meal together, and they can put a show or a movie on if Lynn doesn’t want to talk too much or anything. 
Lynn sets Tawky on the end of the table, looking a little awkward about it. Billy smiles encouragingly at him. Tawky doesn’t really need to eat either in his stuffed animal form, but it’s nice that Lynn’s including him at lunch. And food does still taste good, obviously. 
“What do you wanna try first?” he asks, nudging the open box of onion rings over towards Tawky. He knows he likes them. Lynn frowns, looking a little wary. 
“It doesn’t matter,” he says stiffly. “Just . . . whatever.” 
“Okay,” Billy says, figuring that means he’s a little overwhelmed by the options. They did order a lot, so . . . yeah, that makes sense. “How about the soup, then?” 
“. . . sure,” Lynn mutters, and warily pulls the takeout bowl over to himself and takes the lid off. Billy offers him a spoon. Lynn frowns, but takes it. “. . . thanks.” 
“You’re welcome,” Billy says cheerfully. Setting a good example, and all.
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bambisspeckles · 3 months
Disasterology {BD!Simon}
Chapter One: Cry, Cry
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*pics for aesthetic purposes only!
CW: no simon this part (kinda) (sorry), fem!reader, mentions of p in v sex and oral sex but no actual sex scenes, mentions of blood, urine, and needles but all in medical context, mentions of terminating pregnancies (no actual termination happens), angst, simon got commit issues rn lowk, age gap but it's unspecified so you make it up, reader has anxiety (projecting), probable inaccurate representation of OGBYS/gynos, mildly edited! lmk if i missed something <3
WC: 1.9k (i genuinely didn't mean to make it this long!!)
Summary: You and Simon have a complicated relationship, he's not your boyfriend and he's definitely not just your friend, but what happens when he ends up being the father to your child?
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You like Simon, honestly you do, and you're sure he likes you too. I mean he must to some degree if he's kept you around this long. You're just not sure he wants you. He dances around any conversation pertaining to making thing serious with you, committing to you. It's honestly confusing, he acts like a boyfriend, you go out on dates, he runs errands with you, and he stays over at your place more often than he stays at his. It all feels serious, it all feels like fidelity, but no matter how much you try to bring it up he brushes past the conversation. He'll shut you up with a kiss before dropping to his knees and throwing your legs over his shoulders.
It'd piss you off more if he didn't make you feel so good.
Eventually you stopped bringing it up all together, even though you wanted more with him, to be with him seriously, you were content to continue your arrangement in order to keep him in your life. You told yourself things were fine, and they were, you were with him and he was with you, and as long as you ignored the tugging at your heart then they would continue to be fine.
Unfortunately, for you, things can never be that simple.
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It started when you missed your period.
You didn't think much of it at first, you've missed your period before and both you and Simon have always been very careful to use protection when you had sex, so you didn't really think there was anything to worry about. You just figured your period was a little late this month, not a big deal, it happens.
That was until a few more weeks went by and you were still missing that awful pain in your gut. You kept telling yourself to wait it out a few more days and it'll come but it never did. Eventually you turned to google, looking on different forums and sketchy women's health blogs for answers and advice. Of course, most of the results just told you that you were probably pregnant but you avoided those answers, you and Simon use condoms, you were careful, there is no way you could be having a baby.
You decided that your period had just skipped for the month and it would come back next month. Everything was going to be fine. Days and days went by but nothing you've googled or told yourself was easing your anxieties. Simon noticed the change in your behavior and, in his own strange way, asked if everything was alright. You brushed him off, telling him it was stress from work. Honestly the last thing you needed was to freak him out by telling him you might be pregnant with his baby.
What a fucking mess that would be.
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You're worried. With each passing day you're becoming more and more convinced there's a baby inside you. Every morning you wake up feeling violently ill, you're bloated, weepy, and seemingly every food item on the planet makes you nauseous. All early signs of pregnancy.
Fuck you can't be pregnant, god you hope you're not.
You consider going to some random drug store to pick up some pregnancy tests but you don't think you could stomach doing that on your own, no pun intended, and you definitely don't want to involve Simon yet, especially if you're not pregnant. No point in stressing him out over nothing. What you hope is nothing.
You resolve to make an appointment and get tested through an OBGYN instead of taking an at home test yourself. Their tests are more accurate so you won't have to go through the trouble of possibly dealing with false positives… or false negatives. Your voice shakes throughout the entire phone call, it's not a long call but somehow it feels like the longest conversation you've had in your life. When the call ends and the line goes quiet you find yourself saying a prayer for the first time.
God, please don't let me be pregnant.
When the day of your appointment arrives you're extremely nervous and fidgety, your stomach is churning so much it's making your head spin, and you're worried if your heart beats any faster you'll end up having a heart attack. The whole clinical feel of the waiting room doesn't ease your anxieties any less either. The women at the front desk hands you a clipboard after you check-in and explains that you need to fill some papers out before you see the doctor. It doesn't take long to fill the papers out, just some general health questions and the reasoning behind your visit, though you're sure the doctor will ask the same questions again.
Soon enough, you name is called out by a nurse and you walk towards her with shaky legs. She leads you through a small hallway, making quiet conversation with you all the way to the examination room, though you're not entirely sure if you ever even answered her, you're thoughts to fogged up to conversate. She seems to understand.
"Here we are," She says as the both of you slow in front of a sky blue door. "The doctor will be with you shortly, for now just take a seat on the exam table and try to get comfortable." She gives you a small smile as she pushes open the door.
You thank her, your voice coming out soft, almost meek and she gives a gentle squeeze on your arm as you walk through the door before closing it behind you. You place your things down on a rather uncomfortable looking chair before settling down on the exam table, the paper covering crumpling underneath your thighs. Some time passes, though you're not sure how much, before you hear a knock at the door that jolts you out of your dazed state.
"Hello! may I come in?" The woman's voice comes out muffled behind the door.
"Y-yes," You take a small breath. "Yes, you can come in."
The door opens and a middle aged women walks through, she gives you a kind smile as she settles into the chair in front of a little desk. She goes to turn on the computer and types a few things in before turning back to you.
"I'm Doctor Green, I'll be conducting your exam today. I need to ask you a couple questions before we begin, is that alright?" You nod at her in an impassive away and she pulls a clipboard off her desk.
As you guessed, she asks you the same questions you answered in the waiting room only this time she asks for more details. After an uncomfortable Q&A session she finally begins to explain the actual procedures that are going to be preformed. They all seem pretty straight forward, she'll start with a physical exam that, of course will come with more questions, then a urine sample and blood sample will be taken from you to actually see if you're pregnant.
The physical exam is about what you expected, though she's a bit more thorough in examining certain areas. After that part is over, the urine sample is next. She provides you two cups, one cup is filled with water and the other is a cup you are quite literally supposed to pee in. Doctor Green instructs you to drink the cup of water, wait about fifteen minutes, then take the sample cup to the bathroom to pee in. You cringe a bit at the last part and you see a small smile tug at her lips. You drink the water and she shows you where the bathroom is before leading you back to the exam room once more.
"I'll be back in twenty minutes for your blood sample alright?" You nod at her and she nods back before exiting the room.
Just as Doctor Green predicted, fifteen minutes after drinking the cup of water you had too pee. You grabbed the sample cup and walked towards the bathroom with quivering legs to take care of your business. Once you finished you took the cup back into the exam room and placed it onto a mat.
Doctor Green comes back into the exam room a few minutes later to take your urine sample to the lab for testing before finally collecting your blood sample. It was as unpleasant as you had thought, a strange feeling in your veins as she fills the little syringe with your blood. After she finishes, Doctor Green cleans and patches the needled area up when suddenly her computer chimes.
"Perfect timing, your results must be ready!" Her words quickly have you sputtering as your eyes blow wide.
"My… results? Doesn't that take some time? I thought it would take longer…" You wish it would take longer, you're not ready to hear them yet.
She moves over to the desk to open up your lab results, humming in acknowledgment at your words.
"The blood test is the one that takes time," She explains. "The results of that can take either a few hours or a few days depending on how busy the lab is. The urine results don't take more than a couple minutes though. That's why people use at home tests a lot."
She turns to you, a small smile on her face.
"Are you ready to hear your results?" No, you think.
But, "Yes." Is what you say.
"Congratulations, You're having a baby!"
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You don't remember the rest of the appointment, or the drive home honestly. You weren't really thinking, you didn't know what to think, what to do. When you arrive back to your apartment the only thing you can bring yourself to do is flop onto the couch and throw your head in your hands. What was the logical next step? You can't hide the pregnancy forever, in fact it's probably better to tell Simon sooner rather than later, and you don't think you could bring yourself to terminate the pregnancy either.
Everything feels so fucking hopeless.
You don't know what to do or what you want, you don't know how Simon will react, what he'll want. It's scary, so fucking scary. You can't even get this man to talk about what's going on between the two of you so how are you supposed to tell him you're having his baby? What will he do? What if he runs? He could do that easily given his military connections. He could run from you and leave you to deal with this alone, he could tell you he wants nothing to do with you or this baby and that it's your issue to deal with, alone.
You'd hope he wouldn't do that. You like to think he'd be kinder.
But you don't know, and that's the scariest part about everything. You don't even know if Simon is your boyfriend, how are you supposed to figure out what to do now that you're pregnant? Tears begin to slip down the supple skin of your cheeks as you cry, grabbing onto a pillow and pulling it tight to your chest as you sob so hard it's almost painful.
You're scared, so fucking scared, and the one person who makes everything less scary is the one you're afraid of most right now.
You sob, for hours upon hours until the tears stop falling and your red, puffy eyes fall shut after all the emotional exertion. Even in your sleep that anxious knot in your chest doesn't loosen, if anything it feels like it grows tighter and your subconscious mind thrusts all your biggest worries to the forefront of your mind.
God, what are you going to do?
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AAHHH! dad!simon my beloved… I'm honestly really excited idk where this came from because I was trying to figure out what to write for neighbor!simon but then the thoughts came and now this is not neighbor!simon but an entirely different beast… I hope you guys enjoyed this I will do my best to maintain this and create a little series out of it :3 I know you can hardly call this a chapter but putting part 1 feels like i'm making a tiktok story time LMAOO!! think of em' as short chapters :p Likes and reblogs are appreciated asssss always and ilysm thanks for all the support mwah!! <3
(and yes the series title and all the chapter titles are songs!)
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mcflymemes · 10 months
PROMPTS FROM MADAGASCAR *  assorted dialogue from the 2005 film, adjust as necessary
do not interrupt me when i'm daydreaming!
just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!
i got something stuck in my teeth. it's driving me crazy! can you help me out here? please?
okay, just don't talk with your mouth full.
what the heck is this doing in there?
it's just that another year's come and gone and i'm still doing the same old thing.
i see your problem.
maybe i should go to law school.
you know it's all in your head.
gather around, people. big show's about to start.
just smile and wave, boys. smile and wave.
we don't want to risk another cave in.
i want you to look cute and cuddly.
i'll be here all week. in fact, i'll be here for my whole life.
we don't belong here. it's just not natural.
you can actually go there? that sounds great!
you didn't see anything.
you guys are just embarrassing me. and yourselves.
what are you talking about? we worked on that all week.
oh for crying out loud, [name]. would you just tell us?
i told you it was bad luck.
i hear they have wide-open spaces in connecticut.
everybody has days when they think the grass might be greener somewhere else.
don't do that. you really had me worried there.
you suck your thumb?
this doesn't make any sense.
you don't bite the hand that feeds you.
you know, maybe one of us should wait here.
can i shoot it?
did that just say "grand central station" or "my aunt's constipation?"
we have an emergency here! this is an emergency situation!
get a grip on yourselves people!
how could you do this to me?
what's the big deal? i was coming back in the morning!
i am loving the sound of your voice!
because of me? i fail to see how this is my fault.
i did not ask you to come after me, did i?
does anybody feel nauseous?
don't make me come up there.
let's just talk about it like adults.
i'm going to kill you! you come here! don't run away from me!
san diego? what could be worse than san diego?
don't you shush me!
where there's music, there's people.
a sidewalk would be nice.
this place kinda grows on you.
oh, i'm not smiling. it's gas.
i don't know how things are normally run around here.
they've come to kill us! and take our women! and our precious metals!
i have devised a cunning test to see whether these are savage killers.
aren't you the sweetest little thing.
they're always annoying us by trespassing, interrupting our parties, and ripping our limbs off.
can you not see that you've insulted the freak?
you must tell me, who the heck are you?
all hail the new york giants!
you know something? i bet they're already on their way.
i've been standing here for hours.
look, i've been thinking. maybe if you gave this place a chance, i don't know... you might even enjoy yourself.
hey, have a drink. it's on the house.
i haven't eaten in two days.
excuse me. you're biting my butt.
what's a simple bite on the buttocks among friends?
they're on a slow lifeboat to china.
i don't want to hurt you.
should we head back to new york?
after much deep and profound brain things inside my head, i have decided to thank you for bringing peace to our home.
ooh. you just read my mind.
you know, i wouldn't even mind coming back here sometime.
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darl-ingfics · 5 days
Sicktember Day 18: "My body is one big ache"
Fandom: Seventeen
Sickie: Seungkwan (flu)
Caregiver(s): The8
Word Count: 1,416
Notes: Semi-based on my friend saying the "I shouldn't have dropped it low so many times" line, but about back issues rather than illness. It's just too good NOT to use!
When Minghao stumbled to the bathroom at two in the morning for a glass of water, he was genuinely shocked to find the light already on, door halfway open, and Seungkwan crumpled in a heap on the floor. Naturally, Minghao’s sleepiness disappeared in a flash, and he basically fell to the floor and slid on his knees over to the younger man, grasping him by the shoulders. Seungkwan startled awake, helpless, confused, glassy eyes blinking up at Minghao.
“Kwannie, what the fuck?!” the dancer whispered, looking the vocalist up and down. “What’s wrong?!”
Seungkwan’s lower lip jutted out and his eyes filled with tears. “Hao, I don’t feel good.” 
Minghao’s panic slowly eased out of his body as he ran his hands up and down Seungkwan’s arms. “I know, bud. What’s wrong? Why aren’t you in bed?”
“When I woke up, I felt kinda nauseous, so I figured it was safer to be here than there.” 
Minghao frowned, taking a knee to slide a hand against Seungkwan’s burning forehead. “How are you feeling now?”
“My body is one big ache.” The vocalist groaned. “Maybe I shouldn’t have dropped it low so many times last night.” He hid his face in his hands, squeezing at the space between his eyebrows in disappointment. 
Minghao smirked. “Or maybe you shouldn’t have performed on stage with the flu.” Seungkwan whined, the noise somehow both raspy and congested, and the dancer’s heart melted for his friend. “You still feel nauseous?”
Seungkwan shook his head. “That stopped literally as soon as I walked in here. I think I just…” His hand circled around his head. “Dizzy from the medicine wearing off. Do I feel warm to you?” He leaned forward slightly, and Minghao obligingly felt his skin again. 
“You’re burning up, kid.” Seungkwan fell back against the wall, eyes closing. “How long have you been here?”
“I don’t know! There’s no clock in here!” Minghao had to stop himself from laughing at how pitiful Seungkwan’s voice was. “And now I’m too tired to walk back to my bed.”
“Well, I can help with that.” Minghao pushed himself to his feet, hands finding his hips.“You wanna shower first? You’re really sweaty.”
Seungkwan pouted. “Mean.”
“Not mean. Accurate.”
“Not kind.”
Minghao rolled his eyes. “Do you want to shower or just change clothes?”
“Change clothes, please.”
“Okay. Can you chill here for a sec?” Seungkwan nodded, and Minghao raced off into the hall. He made a stop in his own room, grabbing his electric blanket before heading to Seungkwan’s room. Minghao set about his work quickly: plug in the electric blanket and position it on the bed, pick out the coziest pair of pajamas he could find, pull the bag in the trash can closed and move the empty can closer to the bed just in case the nausea was real…
In no time, he was back in the bathroom. Seungkwan was still leaning heavily against the wall, heavy eyelids drooping closed. He looked up when Minghao entered. 
“You good?”
“Stupid question.” 
Minghao nodded. “Fair enough.” He held out his hands. “Let’s get you to bed.” Seungkwan simply stared back and forth from Minghao’s hands to his eyes. “Kwannie, I love you, but I’m too tired to carry you. It’s this or I drag your ass down the hall.”
Seungkwan shook his head. “Don’t want to get you sick…”
Minghao rolled his eyes skyward, then reached forward and physically pulled Seungkwan to his feet. The younger man whined, slumping against Minghao’s shoulder. “I’m here, aren’t I? If I cared about getting sick, I would’ve woken someone else to deal with you.”
“I’m sorry…”
“I didn’t mean it like that, love.” Minghao’s voice softened immediately as he began to walk Seungkwan back to his room. He knew from experience how much Seungkwan hated being a burden, how he bottled up all of his feelings just so it wouldn’t hurt anyone else. How much he hated having to be ‘dealt with’ in anyway. Usually, such an expression would’ve been taken as the joke it was, but clearly this wasn’t a usual circumstance. “I was trying to be funny. This isn’t an inconvenience at all. I’m happy to be here, and I really don’t give a shit about your germs. I just care about you.”
Seungkwan’s head fell against his shoulder. “I love you, Hao.”
“Love you too.” 
When they arrived in Seungkwan’s room, the vocalist stepped away from Minghao’s embrace, stumbling to the bed as he was coughed harshly into his sleeve. Minghao winced, his eyes darting to the bedside table. He reached for the water bottle there, shaking it to assess the water left. It felt empty. “I’ll be right back.” 
He didn’t wait for a response, running back to the bathroom to refill Seungkwan’s water bottle. While there, he searched the cabinet for their cold and flu medicine. Medical terminology always took him an extra moment to make sense of, but he was used to the color of the bottle, and, upon reading the label, he quickly found the words he was looking for: ‘don’t take on an empty stomach.
Minghao returned to Seungkwan’s room just long enough to place both bottles (water and medicine) on the nightstand, pointing at his patient. “Hang on…” He darted away again, this time to the kitchen, rifling through the cabinets there for something quick and easy to eat. He found a box of crackers, and grabbed the open sleeve, presenting them to Seungkwan upon his return. 
“What?” the vocalist asked, clearly confused. 
“You can’t take medicine on an empty stomach, and you mentioned how your previous meds had worn off, so…” Minghao shook the crackers once. “Eat up.” Seungkwan nodded, accepting the crackers. Minghao nodded back, hands on his hips again, surveying the room. His back straightened with a new thought. “Okay, one more time, and then I’ll be back.” He raced back to the bathroom, pulling their thermometer gun from the drawer. 
“How many do I need to eat?” Seungkwan asked immediately when Minghao walked back through his door. 
The dancer shrugged. “I don’t know? Eight? Ten? Maybe nine?” 
“Okay.” Seungkwan frowned down at the cracker in his hand before taking a cautious bite out of it. 
It took every strand of will power Minghao had not to laugh. “How many have you had?”
Seungkwan shrugged. “Six?”
“That’ll be fine.” 
“Are you sure?”
Minghao nodded. “We just need something in your stomach.” Seungkwan sighed gratefully, carefully placing the remaining sleeve of crackers on the nightstand. Minghao moved to point the thermometer at his forehead. He nodded at the numbers. “Not terrible. But still not great.”
“That’s what the medicine is for.”
“Right.” Minghao measured out a dose of the liquid, passing it to Seungkwan and waiting avidly with his water bottle. As soon as the medicine was down, Seungkwan rolled over into his bed, inching like a worm to get into a comfy position. Minghao waited until he was satisfied before pulling the blankets over him.
Seungkwan sat up almost immediately, hands fumbling in the material on top of him Minghao tensed. “Is this your blanket?” Seungkwan looked up at him with wide eyes. 
“Yeah. You said you were really achy, and the electric blanket it my favorite remedy for sore muscles.” Minghao shrugged, some of the tension leaving his body. “I can also go grab my heating pad if there’s something else you want to…”
“Thank you.” The pure gratitude in Seungkwan’s voice, the genuine relief, melted Minghao’s heart on the spot.
The dancer carded his fingers through Seungkwan’s hair. “Of course, angel. Now lay back down.” Seungkwan did as told. “Rest. That’s what your body needs.” After one final reassuring smile, he turned to go.
“Hey Hao?”
Minghao turned back. “Yeah?”
“Can you… can you stay here? Until I fall asleep?”
Minghao smiled, returning to the bed, and sitting down on the edge. “Of course.” Seugnkwan returned his smile before he curled up on his side, body facing Minghao. One hand popped out of the blanket, and the dancer took it instantly. They sat like that, comfortably silent, for an indeterminate amount of time (Minghao hadn’t brought his phone and Seungkwan’s room, much like the bathroom, didn’t have a clock.) But that didn’t stop Minghao from disappearing into his own thoughts as he hummed a soft melody for his friend. 
He genuinely thought Seungkwan was asleep when he whispered, “Hey Hao?”
“Yes, hun?”
“I love you.”
The softest smile. “I love you more.”
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i think when steddie have their first baby (not sure if they have more) it's an accidental pregnancy. eddie's been on t long enough that he didn't really think he still could get pregnant, and he hasn't had his period in a while, so it takes him a second to realise why he's been so nauseous lately. wayne picks up the test for him, and waits outside the bathroom door while he takes it. eddie'd moved in with steve like a year ago, but he's so off-kilter he needs waynes stability right now.
the test is positive. eddie walks outside the bathroom and wordlessly hands wayne the test. wayne sees it, puts a hand on eddies shoulder, and asks if this is good news. and now eddie has to think. he always kind of wanted kids, abstractly, and he knows steve does too (six of them, the mother hen), but he always thought that it would be some time nebulously in the future. he feels too young right now, still feels like a kid himself, even if he is in his mid-20s. and carrying a pregnancy to term is resigning himself to at least 9 months of definite misgendering. but also he's not sure he'll ever get a chance like this again. he hasn't had a period in years, so he kind of assumed his uterus was just like. dust and cobwebs at this point. it's probably an act of god this happened in the first place, like what are the chances?
and then he looks down at his stomach. again, it took him a while to realise anything was up, so he's about two months along now and just starting to show, even though his bump is still small enough he thought he was just getting fat. and he thinks about the little bump of life inside of him. his and steve's baby. thinks of him and steve raising it together. and he thinks it might be good news.
but first he has to tell steve. it goes well. mostly well. at first when eddie says he and steve need to talk, all serious and sitting him down at the kitchen table, steve has a minor panic attack thinking eddie's gonna break up with him. but they smooth it over, and eddie tells him he's pregnant. honestly, steve's elated. but then he thinks about eddie, who's a dude, and maybe won't want to go through such a traditionally feminine ordeal as pregnancy. steve'd carry their baby himself if he could (don't read into that, steve), but he doesn't want to accidentally guilt eddie into it if he doesn't want to. so they go back and forth for a bit like 'how do you feel about it' 'idk how do you feel about it' 'idk how do y-' but they eventually do talk it out like the adults they are. eddie can handle it, for their baby. and yeah their apartments kinda small, but it's big enough for one more (robins gonna have to give up her allocated guest room, but don't worry, she's cool with it), and money will be tight, but eddie knows how to make a pay check stretch
eddie's pregnancy is kinda rough. nothing goes seriously wrong, but no obstetricians know how to deal with a pregnant man, and the constant misgendering wears him down a little. the constant pissing and back pain and foot pain and everything pain really don't help matters. but at night he lays down next to steve, who curls around him and lays a hand on his stomach, and they feel their baby kick together. and he thinks it's probably worth it
their baby girl is born in the fall, happy and healthy. they name her alexis (lexie munson), and she grows up into the weirdest little kid ever, with two parents (and aunty nancy and aunty robin and uncle dustin and-) who love her very much. she collects bugs and plays dnd and loves metal and climbing trees. she joins the softball team (that night eddie cries himself to sleep while stevie gloats) and always gets one of her aunts to help her with her homework because her parents are helpless. stevie almost cried the first time she asked, no idea what was going on there.
they're not a normal family, and sometimes lexi gets teased for this. but she goes home to two parents who love her so much, who always support her and her passions, and who would do anything to put a smile on her face. so yeah, not a normal family, but a very, very happy one.
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cjsarchive · 6 months
I like the insecure mc with sam fic you wrote, can you do a matthew one? like incorperating the fact he cooks a lot of sweets maybe.
Yep, hope you enjoy!<3
The Most Beautiful Girl-Matthew x Female Reader
I stared at myself in the mirror. Stared at my stomach, hips and thighs. I sucked in my stomach and turned to look at myself from the side. I definitely like how this looks. But when I let my stomach rest, I felt like crap. I need to stop obsessing over how I look. I look at myself in the mirror too much. But I couldn’t help but keep coming back to examine myself, my body, what I need to work on and fix. I sighed.
“Hey, you okay?” I turned towards the voice and saw Matthew was standing in the doorway to my bedroom.
“Oh, yeah I'm okay.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. I’m okay,” I forced a smile on my face, hoping to convince him. He didn’t look fully convinced, but he didn’t push any further.
“Alright, if you say so. Anyways, dinner’s done!” He grinned.
“Okay, coming!” I looked at myself in the mirror one more time. I didn’t have an appetite right now, but I followed Matthew downstairs anyway. I sat down across from him.
“I made your favorite dessert tonight too!”
“Thanks,” I wanted to smile, but I only felt worse. He was so sweet, but he didn’t know the thought of eating anything sweet right now made me nauseous. I tilted my head down, hiding my face, and began to eat.
I managed to scarf my food down, but I still couldn’t touch the dessert. Matthew must have noticed me simply staring at it, “Is everything okay? Are you tired of that? Cause I can make something else for dessert if you want!” He offered.
“Um, no it’s okay. I’m just full right now. I’ll eat it tomorrow.” I couldn’t read the expression on his face, it made me anxious.
“Alright, I’ll handle dishes and stuff tonight, okay?” He walked over to me and left a kiss on my forehead before taking the dishes to the kitchen. Ugh, why am I being so difficult?
I went back up to my bedroom. I look towards the mirror. I tried to stop myself. I need to stop looking in the mirror. But as I thought that, my feet were already making their way towards the mirror. I stared for a long time. I can’t keep being like this. I can’t keep being myself. I grabbed my phone and looked up dieting routines online. I was so focused on it that I didn’t notice Matthew had come in until I felt his arms wrap around my waist.
“I know I keep asking but are you sure you’re alright? You seemed kinda off at dinner.” He said softly. Before I could turn my phone off, he saw my search results on my phone. “You wanna start dieting?” He asked, confused. I hesitated. There was no point in lying to him now.
I sighed, “Yes. I want to lose weight.”
The words slipped out before I could catch them, “Because I don’t like my body.” After I let that out, the words just kept coming, “I want to feel good about my body, I really do. I try to convince myself it’s not that big of a deal. But then I see so many girls with my body type going on diets, having intense workout routines, working to be slimmer, and trying to get the ‘ideal body.’” My eyes started to water, but I blinked the tears away, “It’s hard to feel good about my body when everywhere I look, I’m being shown that my body is not ideal and I should be working to change it. That’s why I don’t want to eat dessert. I’m just so tired of feeling shitty.”
Matthew was silent for a moment, taking in what I had said. He gently turned me around to look at him.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you felt like that. If I had known I wouldn’t have made-“
“No, you have nothing to be sorry for. You’ve done nothing but be kind and sweet to me. You always try to make me happy. I don’t even know why you’re with me, Matthew. All I’ve done lately is whine and be difficult. I don’t deserve someone like you.” I looked down, I couldn’t even look him in the eye. I felt small. Matthew stood in thought for a while before he softly smiled.
“I have an idea.”
He led me over and we both sat on the bed. He reached into his pockets and pulled out various plushies. Two of which looked like me and Matthew. He placed the plushies at the end of the bed.
“What is this, Matthew?”
“Just watch.” I looked at the toys and they started moving, like they had come to life, “I’m gonna tell you a story.” I looked at him in slight surprise before taking my attention back to the toys. “Once there was a guy named Matthew,” The Matthew plush stood front and centre and waved at me. I giggled at the sight, “After he left the demon world, he got to explore the wonders of the human world, and all it had to bring.” His plush was shown wandering and experiencing different things such as books, stores, and food. “But there was something he had yet to experience: Love. Love wasn’t a thing in the world he grew up in, he never experienced it. Until he met..” A puppet that looked like me propped up. Matthew conjured a little spotlight as well and shined it on my plush. “This girl turned Matthew’s life upside down! In the best way of course. From the day they first met, she showed Matthew kindness, letting him and his brothers live with her when they had nowhere else to go. Matthew didn’t know it yet, but from that day forward, he would never be able to get this girl out of his mind. Again, in the best way.” I laughed as I continued to watch the puppet show.
“He was attracted to her so quickly. Her kindness, her gentleness, her beauty, her independence. She was amazing! He loved being able to be close to her, he loved the person he was when he was with her. She made him feel so empowered, like he could do anything! He’d never met anyone who made him feel like that. He was 100 percent in love with her!” The plushies began reenacting all the dates Matthew and I went on. I felt a great wave of nostalgia remembering them all. Before I knew it, tears started flowing, “Even though she doesn’t feel great about her body right now, Matthew still felt her body was beautiful and didn’t need to change. She was the most gorgeous woman he ever knew. A woman he never wanted to live without. A woman he loved more than anything. And he’ll never leave her. Ever.” The two plushies hugged and I felt my heart melt. All the toys then stood in a line and bowed to me. “To the most beautiful and wonderful girl.” The toys then went limp again.
Matthew rubbed the back of his neck and blushed, “Heh, I know it’s a kinda corny but-“ I didn’t let him finish as I threw myself into his arms. I sobbed in his shoulder. I was so overwhelmed with happiness.
“T-that was beautiful, Matthew,” I sputtered out. I squeezed him tighter. Matthew hugged me back just as tight.
“I’m really glad you liked it.” He gently pulled away, but still held me as he looked at me, “If you really want to start dieting, I’ll support you. But there’s nothing wrong with your body or your size, I promise! You are gorgeous.” He reassured me again. I smiled bright before I leaned in and gave him a gentle but passionate kiss on the lips. He very happily kissed back.
“I love you, Matthew. I love you so much.”
Matthew smiled and left multiple kisses all over my face, making me giggle, “I love you too, beautiful.”
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mmmeto · 13 days
How was the puke?
It was sort of good and bad… I’ll explain 🤭
I’ve been feeling off for the past week, as you can probably tell from my posts lately lol. Not awful bad, but… iffy. Didn’t puked and still haven’t really puked, even after today.
I was driving home for classes when I started feeling my belly ache again. It’s okay, I’ve felt kinda queasy on and off for the past several days, no big deal. It was a cross between cramps and nausea and just that sort of unsettled upset feeling, so I kinda passed it off as nothing… until it happened.
I was about four minutes away from home and felt a small burp rising in my throat. Again, not out of the norm lately, my belly’s been upset and gassy and each burp is just kinda relief for a few seconds. I let it happen and boy, was that a mistake. This gush of hot, burning, sour vomit fills my mouth and before I can react I’m swallowing it down and groaning at the sensation. God, it was hot though.
That was this morning, and since then I’ve been feeling off. For a few hours after my stomach got super nauseous and I was just really burpy, had a bitter taste in my throat and felt like it might come back up… but it didn’t, not after that. Had I been home when it happened I probably would’ve grabbed a trash bin or let it spill down my front, but it all just happened so fast.
I’m keeping a bin by my bed tonight just in case because I do still feel queasy. Dinner didn’t settle well and I’m kinda burpy hours later, so we’ll see.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
38 for the dialogue prompt… maybe with some bart and kon?
also prompted by an anon!
38. "I'm going to be sick."
There are upsides to getting sent to New Orleans to deal with a surprise villain attack, starring Metallo. Like the pecan pralines from this one shop near the French Quarter that Wally has never shut up about since Bart's known him. Or the cajun fries. Or the beignets.
There are also downsides. Like the heat and the humidity. Seriously, how does anyone live down here? Running interference, and then helping with cleanup, has never been sweatier. Why'd that asshole have to damage so many buildings, anyway?
At least Café du Monde is still intact. Rob promised he'd buy everyone beignets and coffee when everything's settled, and Bart's gonna hold him to that.
...Except that right now, he kinda doesn't want to eat. Probably 'cuz it's so hot out. But it is kinda weird to not be hungry after a big battle.
Oh well. Shit needs doing, so shit's gotta get done, and Bart's gonna be a shit-doer. He chugs some tepid water from the bottle at his hip, grimaces as nausea pulses through his stomach, and starts to run again.
Five minutes later, his legs give out.
It comes as a shock: one moment he's moving some debris to free a couple trapped cars in an alleyway, and the next, his leg cramps up so bad that for a second he swears he's just gotten shot again, and he goes crashing to the ground before he even realizes he's falling.
What the fuck?!
Sweaty, exhausted, nauseous, in pain, and miserable, Bart gives up. Something's wrong, but he can't figure out what. Someone else can handle that; he digs his thumbs into the meat of his calf and whines, "Kooooon..."
A whoosh of air and a red, blue, and black blur drop out of the sky almost instantly. Kon, damn his Kryptonian genes, isn't sweating at all; his cyan gaze pierces right through Bart as he drops to his knees next to him. "Imp! What's the matter?"
Bart groans, stomach churning. His leg still hurts like a bitch. "I think," he says, "I'm gonna be sick." He whines again.
Kon's eyes widen. He reaches for Bart's shoulders to help him sit up, then hisses. "Shit, dude, you're burning up! Have you had any water?"
Bart nods miserably. Now why the hell is he shivering? That seems wrong. Uuugghhh, he's so nauseous. "Jus' a minute ago. Made me feel more sick. I don't think water's supposed to do that. It's just so fucking hoooot..."
"Oh, man. Okay. I think you're overheating, buddy." Kon exhales slowly; the air he blows out over Bart's face is blessedly cool, and Bart almost topples over from his precarious sitting position just trying to lean further into it. "Yup, okay. Gotta get you somewhere cooler."
"But... the cleanup," Bart balks.
"Dude." Kon gives him a disappointed look—aw, beans, that's his disappointed Ma Kent look. Bart would squirm under his gaze, if he wasn't so close to puking. "It's, like, literally a hundred and ten degrees out, and super humid, and you've always run hot even without strenuous shit like a villain fight. Muscle cramps? Nausea? Feeling faint? Classic symptoms of heat exhaustion."
As he speaks, he gathers Bart up in his arms; Bart whines again, just to reiterate that this sucks balls, but then a tendril of TTK works its way along his cramping leg and presses in against his aching muscle just right, and he shuts up instantly. Fuuuck, that feels good.
"What are you?" he mumbles, a full second or two late. "WebMD? Why do you know all that off the top of your head?"
Kon snorts. He blows cool air against Bart's sticky forehead again, rising into the air in a smooth arc (Bart appreciates that, because neither of them would have a good time if he emptied his stomach all over them both mid-flight). "Imp, c'mon. They programmed field medicine into my head back in the tube, man."
"Oh." Bart huffs. "That makes sense." He lets his head loll against Kon's shoulder as Kon picks up speed; the Mississippi River sparkles in the sun far below. "Where're we going?"
"Back to base," Kon answers. The air up here is cooler; Bart sighs in relief. "You're gonna sit in a cool shower, and I'm getting you some Gatorade."
Kon's always so good at taking care of him, Bart thinks. His leg already feels way better. Of course, he can't just say that normally. "Okay, mom."
Kon scoffs. "Excuse me for being a good friend who worries about you!"
"You're excused," Bart assures him, closing his eyes.
For a few moments, the whistling of the wind is the only sound. Then Bart heaves a massive sigh.
"Hey, Kon?"
"Yeah, bud?"
"I still want beignets later. Can you make sure Rob remembers?"
Kon's rumble of laughter reverberates through his chest as the clouds pass them by. "Yeah, Imp," he promises. "I'll be sure to let him know."
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astranite · 3 months
Edges of the Universe: Part 2
Scott and John :)
Part 1 // Ao3
The tags in summary: Hurt/Comfort, this is what it is fundamentally but we do dive into the angst and the fluff, Autistic John Tracy, Scott Tracy has ADHD, Scott Tracy Has PTSD, Autistic meltdowns, References to Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Chronic Illness, that's how i'm treating John's space issues, this is all written from a disability and neurodiversity lens and lot of my own experience, there's alot going on but there's also alot of love here, and acceptance, its about hope its always about hope ultimately, things are hard and they wont just fix themselves but it does get better, we just have to keep hanging on. all of us you and me together, its not a straight line there are alot of up and downs and emotions in this fic, as in life and everything because thats whats its like but its not impossible
@idontknowreallywhy thank you for all.
“You alright?” Scott asked, “And I’ve brought takeaway if you’re feeling up to it.” 
“‘S only a headache,” John mumbled.
Scott’s hand gripped his shoulder more firmly. “Seems like some headache, Johnny.”
John couldn't handle even the gentle ribbing right now. Or Scott needling him about what the hell was wrong with him to make him admit to it, which was pretty hypocritical coming from Commander ‘I’m actively bleeding out but I’m Fine.’
John sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. That wasn't fair on Scott. He was getting better at letting them in when it was needed. All the smothering came from a good place of looking out for little brothers prone to getting themselves into trouble, and John also had a history of being less than honest about exactly how ‘Fine’ he was.
He pushed himself into a sitting position, leaning against the headboard of the bed as the blurry dark crowded in at the corners of his vision at the rush of his blood pressure dropping. Because he, Thunderbird Five, head of communications for IR and an astronaut breaking records for space hours and expertise, had really pushed himself today. Went totally wild with it. He had, he checked his mental notes, landed on Tracy Island yesterday evening, sat in the passenger seat of Tracy One as Scott did all the flying to get here and immediately clocked out as soon as they got to the hotel. Then attempted to attend a meeting today. Wild, he bit out in sharp, sarcastic thoughts. Maybe that ignored the busy week he’d already pushed through. Even if he usually had to rest the day after the rough descent down from orbit because that was what his body needed and that was meant to be okay.
John reached over to flick on one of the bedside lamps to make it easier on Scott. He squinted in the brightness but it was better than the main light. In the background was the rustle of biodegradable bags and the distinctive snap of takeaway containers being opened: Chinese, from the place he and Scott had really liked the last time they were here, predictable so he wouldn't have to deal with trying something new.
Objectively, the food smelled good but John’s stomach turned. He spent several amusing minutes poking at his noodles, trying to figure out whether it was merely his usual space issues or he was coming down with something.
Scott bumped his shoulder ever so gently. “I got the not too spicy ones for you in case you weren’t feeling so good.”
“Thanks, Scott.” John’s voice came tiny and squeezed out. 
He picked up a mouthful and they were okay, it was him that was at the point of so hungry he was nauseous, and Scott had realised that he hadn't had lunch or dinner and made sure to bring back food John would like. Because he was thoughtful and he cared, and John had the best big brother so why did that make him want to cry?
They ate in silence. Companionable silence. It was kinda nice actually, just sharing space with Scott.
John did not cry all over his brother and his noodles. He would’ve gotten his tablet to read on and distract himself except he’d need his glasses which were in his bag, though he could turn up the font size, except the headache made staring into a bright screen currently unpalatable, so the entire point was moot.
He tipped his head back, resting it on the wall, then turned to Scott.
Scott had scoffed his entire meal far too quickly, shovelling noodles into his mouth with his set of chopsticks, whilst scrolling on his phone. Hair falling out of its careful gelling, top buttons of his blue business shirt undone, meeting out of the way and laughing at something inane, he seemed far more relaxed than this morning. Share space with Scott was nice because he too rarely got to.
John looked away. He pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapping an arm around them, rocking slightly before it made him too dizzy. He stared off around the room, mostly to keep himself from giving in to the urge to worry at the numb, hollow wound in his thoughts. To map out its shape and form, going over it like the hole left by a pulled tooth. To not drag himself into a John classic overthinking spiral, and attempt to ground himself or whatever. 
The room. Too much beige. Carpet, curtains, walls, really what were they thinking? 
John liked colour. He’d chosen the stripes running throughout Thunderbirds Five and his bright orange baldric with the matching narrower lines through his uniform on purpose. They broke up the monotony of whites and greys space stations were far too prone to and he soaked it up, everything from the stickers and few books in his little room to the colour coded holotabs that displayed each of his siblings’ vitals. Bright and vivid, they reminded him of alive, alive, alive. 
Here, even the abstract painting was nearly monochrome. Virgil would have a lot to say but John could only muster a vague disgust towards it. Or maybe it was mostly his mood turning to harshly critical.The place was nice enough, clean and neat, nearest to TI. They didn't need fancy. 
Hints of the darkened evening view shone through the gaps between the curtains in the form of city lights. John had watched the sunset in hours previous briefly paint the dimness of the room through slitted eyelids. 
There had been the colour he wanted, but he’d ignored it instead of opening the curtains up to the light like he usually would in lieu of visible stars. He had stared at the wall, drifting in his thoughts amongst the achy pain and exhaustion instead of choosing to do literally anything else.
And here he was overthinking, doing exactly what he wasn't supposed to be doing. Fantastic job, John.
Doors to the hallway and bathroom, both shut, John listed. Lamp on Scott’s bedside table, dark grey, not black, switched off.
The blue blanket Scott brought everywhere lay as a bright splash on top of the covers of Scott’s bed, a familiar sight no matter where they were.
They didn't have to share a room, with the large beds on each side where John took the one nearest the window under claim it would be better for the stargazing he wouldn't do because of the light pollution but would make Scott edgy from feeling too exposed and too far from the exits. His brother’s face had crumpled in relief before he’d gleefully bounced on his bed like he was totally still five, as John laughed with him. 
With their money they could easily afford two, could get the frankly a waste of money whole penthouse suite of rooms, but they didn't need to. And it was nice to be close.
He and Scott hadn't regularly shared a room since before Alan had been born, and John was fully aware that as adults it would drive them both mad within a week, but on the occasional business trip or even rarer holiday, it was nice. Waking up disorientated and jet lagged in the middle of last night, he’d fallen back to sleep to big brother’s calm, even breathing. Plus Scott could look over and reassure himself at least John was here and okay, as substitute for checking in on all his little brothers before he turned in.
…it had actually been a bit after Alan had been born that the rooms had been shuffled. When it had been Mum and Dad and baby Allie he had to sneak past to go stargaze outside for a few months until Alan was big enough and got the cot, sharing a room with Gordon. Then it was him and Virgil so Scott as the eldest, encouraged by Dad, could have his own room. 
Virgil was a lot quieter and less prone to dragging him into crazy schemes, and John had loved sharing a room with him, of course he did, but something had still ached as he helped take Scott’s aeroplane posters down from between his glow in the dark stars to put them up on bare blue walls that smelt of new paint. Virgil had never woken up when John went to stargaze, no matter what he tripped over or how much he swore, so he never came with him on those forbidden midnight trips either. Scott had. 
But after Mum, because John was evidently all for following miserable trains of thought tonight, Scott technically had still shared a room with them. Just when no one, especially Dad, would notice. John had woken up to the door opening after everyone else was asleep each night to Scott tiptoeing in to curl up on the floor between his and Virgil’s beds, wrapped in the blue baby blanket that had been Allie’s until it was put away but had originally been knitted by Mum for Scott.
John had always shuffled over to make room for Scott beside him. Scott shouldn’t be alone, he wasn't meant to be alone but everyone had known that evidently except for Dad. He’d always woken up at dawn when Scott left too…
Scott’s hand back on his shoulder startled him, and between the flinch he barely processed the worried, “Earth to John?” 
A wave of dizziness hit and John buried his head in his knees. 
“Sorry,” John mumbled.
“No apologies needed.”
Scott gently took the container of noodles out of his hand which he was holding and had kinda forgotten about, even as the pointed edges dug into his palm. John’d only managed half of his before he had to put it aside. Maybe later, if he got over the nausea. 
Scott held out an arm, giving John the option of being pulled into a hug. He swallowed and shuffled closer, then leant against Scott. 
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
Ducky hi I hope this isn’t a bother but I have an oddly specific emergency request??
I’ve been struggling with atypical anorexia for years. I keep gaslighting myself that it’s not that bad because I’m not skinny enough to look sick. I feel like it’s no big deal because it wouldn’t hurt for a fat girl like me to stop eating right? Hah sorry. Bad joke…
anyways, I saw that you write for Genshin and I was wondering if I can have Cyno and/or Tighnari comfort me? It can be separate or together but maybe can you make it that we’re classmates and he/they notice us?
thank you for even taking the time to read this and I hope you have a really good day 🥲
Oh my god anon hi
It’s like my brain was fucking cloned and copied into yours.
Fear not my liege, I’ll do both of them bc I’m infatuated with them both.
This is EXACTLY what I face on the daily.
I hope this isn’t too triggering because I really projected into these. I kinda just emptied my mind into the doc
(Oh no, Cyno’s got long)
I want you to know that you are deserving of food. No matter your size, food is fuel and you NEED to eat.
CW BELOW THE CUT: Reader has An0r3xia, Symptoms of An0r3xia, Self-hatred and Self-depreciation Ducky is essentially venting in this post
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The course of your life changed long ago, and you can’t exactly remember what “inspired” you to take the path that you did. However, you’d been plagued with negative thoughts for years, and decided to take action.
What you didn’t take into account was the people that you would hurt in the process…
Tighnari wasn’t expecting you to enter his life. You were a Haravatat student, and he was an Amurta student. Your paths were not technically supposed to cross. But, somehow you both ended up in the same required arithmetic class.
The first day went as always, your professor would explain the outline of the course, you’d introduce yourself to your seat-mate, and that would be it.
Little did you know, your seat-mate would be the one to save you from yourself…
The fennec leaned over to you, and in a whispered voice said, “If he doesn’t stop talking about his cat, I might just walk out.”
You giggled a little, to his delight, replying, “Walking? Man, you’re calm. I’m ready to drop out entirely.”
You earned a snort in reply. You watched the student next to you try not to erupt into laughter. “Tighnari.” He managed through his scattered breaths.
“(Y/N).” You replied with a smile. “Need any water? You’re looking a little…”
“Mm mmnh, fine, fine. I’m fine…” He blew an exhale through his lips as he gently fanned himself with his hand. “No laughing here.”
From that moment on, the two of you became friends. Your torturous arithmetic class became your favorite part of the day, and you looked forward to seeing Tighnari every time you went.
Eventually, all good things must come to an end. Your disorder had caught up with you, and you started to behave differently.
You started to slowly deteriorate. You became more reserved, nauseous and irritable. Your daily caloric intake sunk drastically, and you did not feel good whatsoever. Every time you stood, gravity was begging for you to go back down.
Ideally, this was not what a human should face, but this is what you greatly desired deep down. The pain in your stomach, head, knees, chest, it all meant that you were doing what you thought you needed to do.
One day during arithmetic, you were completely spaced out. You couldn’t focus on anything aside from your pounding head and starving stomach. A loud growl emitted from your abdomen, but you could scarcely hear it over the ringing in your ears.
Tighnari looked upon you worriedly, noticing you gag while your professor talked about the breakfast he had. When class was dismissed, you practically jumped to your feet to leave, promptly causing you to stumble and brace yourself on him for support.
“I’m… I’m fine.” And with that, you quickly left the room and rushed to the top floor of the library, in a spot that only you and your best friend knew about. After climbing the stairs, you fell onto the beanbag chair, panting heavily and holding your throbbing head. What was wrong?
You didn’t have much time to focus on why you were feeling so feeble, due to hearing frantic footsteps climbing the stairs behind you.
“Please, go away,” you whimpered as you tried to calm yourself. “I don’t want anyone to see me. Please just leave me alone.”
“I’d be a fool to leave you like this.” The person sat down next to you, looking at you with sympathetic eyes.
You looked to your left to meet aquamarine colored irises, blaring holes through you. “Tighnari…” With a wobbling lip, your tears started to bubble up again.
“I’m here… I’m here… it’s okay,” he soothed, moving to kneel in front of you. “What’s going on?”
“I… I-“ you wanted nothing more to explain, but would he believe you? You didn’t look sick enough, so who were you to claim you had an eating disorder. “I’m j-just not fee-feeling well.” You lied
“(N/N), please don’t lie to me…” he begged. “I may be reaching way too far out of proportion, but-“ his face screwed into one of sympathy as he looked at your terrified eyes, securing his fears. “With everything I’ve been noticing-“ he sighed. “If… If you’re having problems eating, you can tell me.”
You froze, breath stopping completely. “I-I don’t have-“ you scoff in disbelief at him. How did he figure that out from just your symptoms? “Look at me, Tighnari. I’m too fat to have an eating disorder.”
“Anyone of any size can have an eating disorder.”
“Not someone like me.” You shook your head as pitiful laughter bubbled out of you. “Someone like me doesn’t have an eating disorder. It doesn’t matter how hard I try, I never make any progress. That’s kinda how it works, and I can’t manage to make it work.”
“I’m obsessed with what I eat and how much I eat, and no one fucking believes me. Archons, it wouldn’t matter to the public if I just completely stopped eating. It would honestly be better knowing that I wasn’t stuffing my face all of the time. Maybe I’d actually drop a few pounds if I-“
“(Y/N).” The archer’s heart sank to the ground as he heard what you thought of yourself.
“Can I please give you a hug?”
You paused, taking in his face. Tighnari looked absolutely distressed, almost as if he was about to cry. “Y-Yes please.” You whimpered.
Without further need for conversation, you slumped your head against his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around your waist, and another around your shoulders as his hand cradled the side of your head. His padded thumb gently stroked your cheek.
“You, (N/N),” he began. “Are absolutely beautiful.”
The words made your breath catch in your lungs.
“I think you’re stunning atop of being your size. You don’t need to be a certain weight to be beautiful, you just need to be yourself. There will never not be someone trying to get under your skin, but it’s important that you stay positive. It’s like my mother always said: not everyone will want to be your friend, and that’s okay.”
The fennec sniffled, using his thumb to wipe his eyes. “What I’m saying is: you don’t have to change yourself for someone else to think you’re worthy. You brighten my life just by being alive, please don’t try to change who you are.”
“It absolutely breaks my heart to hear what you think about yourself.” Guilt washed over you as you heard his voice start to break with sniffles and tears. “A-And I don’t know h-how I’d manage if I-I lost you… (Y/N), I can’t b-bear to have to think of burying my b-best friend.”
You closed your eyes as your lip wobbled. It wasn’t long before a sob ripped from your throat and you broke down in loud lamentations.
He held you tighter, eyes closed, hot tears running down his cheeks, as he allowed you to finally release all of the woes and feelings that you had been holding in for so long.
“I’ve got you…” he whispered. “Don’t worry about a thing…”
It took a while for you to calm down, but ultimately, you did. You laid still in Tighnari’s embrace, playing with a few locks of his hair that hung loosely in front of you. “I’m sorry to cause you so much trouble…”
“Don’t be.” He replied with a patient grin, eyes focused on the people outside. “I’m just glad that you told me. To be honest, I was missing your usual quips in arithmetic.”
You snorted in amusement. “You’re only saying that to make me feel better.”
He cocked a brow and pursed his lips. “(N/N), my only other source of “comedy” is Cy-“
“Nevermind.” You interrupted.
The fennec snorted and burst out into boisterous laughter. You couldn’t help but mirror his action, giggling over the lack of hesitation in your answer.
As seconds passed, and the two of you laughed, the tears that were in your eyes were replaced by ones of mirth. When the laughter subsided, you laid lax against his torso, sighing in contentment.
Maybe Tighnari would be right after all…
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Cyno has always been a very detail oriented person. He’s keen at catching tiny things that others may overlook.
It was the end of the academic year and final examinations were coming around. The Kshahrewar students decided to host a huge party, and your dearest friend was begging you to go with him.
You wanted nothing more than to deny, for you knew your ED would ruin the night. You had been caught in a pretty bad relapse lately, and you dared not to tell Cyno.
Regardless, you swallowed your fears and agreed with a patient smile.
“Great.” His lips upturned into a gentle grin. “I can’t wait.”
That evening, you spent hours looking for something to wear. Every outfit had some sort of issue, and you never found yourself satisfied with what you had on.
Eventually, you decided on the outfit that you hated the least, texted Cyno to alert him of your departure, and left your dorm feeling uneasy.
When you arrived at the party, you found your best friend analyzing the refreshment table, plate in hand. You made your way over to him, taking in his simple, yet fashionable, clothing choice.
“Hey.” He smiled as he looked at you. He caught glimpse of your outfit and whistled, “You look hot, (N/N).”
You couldn’t help but giggle a bit at his flattery. “You’ve been waiting a while to pull that card, havent’cha?”
A simple shrug of amusement answered your question. “Im going to go say hello to Al-Haitham and Tighnari, wanna grab a plate and meet me outside?”
Your stomach dropped, but you never lost your smile. “Sure. I’ll see you out there.”
As Cyno retreated to say hello to his friends, you eyeballed the table. It was a beautiful array of food, but looking at it made you nauseous.
Your pupils flickered between sweet treats and savory snacks, the music drowning under the growing static in your ear. Your hands shook in protest as you went to grab a plate.
Having finished a, rather curt, exchange with Al Haitham, Cyno was deep in conversation with Tighnari. After a while, his eyes traveled back to the table, brows knit in confusion as he took in your demeanor. His face fell upon noticing…
You looked dazed. Your eyes absentmindedly pooled with tears as your quivering hand hovered back and forth between foods and back at your side. Eventually, you sighed in defeat and put the plate down with a loud groan, grabbing a bottle of water and retreating outside.
Words caught in his throat as he pointed to the door and attempted to stutter out an excuse to leave. Unbeknownst to him, Tighnari had seen the same thing and ushered the white-haired male after you.
When he went outside, Cyno couldn’t find you. You were nowhere to be seen in the backyard. It wasn’t until he heard gentle sniffling from above that it had dawned on him.
You were hiding out in a tiny treehouse that had been built by the Kshahrewar students as a final project. Those damn architects and their spare time…
He pushed aside his worries of cleanliness and began to scale the large tree. He carefully climbed up the ladder and silently entered the small, wooden house.
When your best friend’s eyes fell on you, his face dropped instantly. You had thrown on an oversized hoodie over your outfit, and were hugging your knees to your chest.
Cyno sat down next to you wordlessly, settling onto the dusty floor. He looked through the wooden window, eyes fixated on the twinkling stars.
“I’m sorry.” You murmured, not daring to look at him. “I ruined your fun.”
The white-haired male scoffed with amusement. “The only “fun” to be had was listening to Tighnari talk about a beetle that he found today. I love the guy, but sometimes I can only smile and nod and pretend to know what’s coming out of his mouth.”
His comment got a chuckle out of you, then an uncomfortable silence followed. “You feelin’ okay?” He asked gently.
“Not really, I’m not big into parties and I’m feeling sick.” You rest your head between your knees.
“Oh dear…” he mumbled. “Do you have water with you? Anything to snack on to get your levels regulated?”
You held up the bottle you had brought with you, not daring to speak.
“Good on the water part, but you need to eat something.”
“I’m not hungry.” Your stomach suddenly cried out for food, betraying you as you managed to curl in on yourself more.
The white-haired male sighed as he turned his head to look at you. “Do you wanna tell me what’s going on? Or do I have to force you?”
“Threatening me is not the way to get me to talk to you, Cyno.” You grumbled in reply, sneering a bit as you don’t move your head from its previous position.
“If that’s what it takes for you to tell me what’s wrong, I don’t care how it happens.” He said sternly. “Please, just tell me what’s going on.”
“It’s fine, I’m okay. Go have fun at the party.”
“I said I’m fine!”
Your head shoots up to reveal hot tears running down your cheeks, you lock eyes with Cyno and instantly feel guilty for yelling.
The white-haired male takes hold of both of your shoulders, gazing into your eyes. “You. Are. Not. Fine.” His fiery gaze is baring holes into you. “After what I saw a few minutes ago, I can’t believe you when you say that you’re fine. I just can’t-”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I know the signs, (Y/N). Please, tell me I’m wrong in what I’m thinking is going on, please... I care about you way too much for you to hurt yourself like this.”
His thumb comes up to wipe your tears, but it’s all in vain as you hang your head low and start to sob. Cyno is taken aback at the sudden outburst, but doesn’t fail to turn to comfort. “Oh honey… c’mere, it’s alright… it’s alright...” He soothed as he shifted to a kneeling position, wrapping his arms around you.
Through your sobs, you explained how you had been feeling lately. You explained your relapse, your self-hatred, the things you believed were true (when in reality they were not). Your best friend listened intently to every word, giving you his undivided attention.
When you were finished, Cyno did not reply, he only hugged you for a moment longer. When you broke free to wipe your eyes, that is when he finally spoke…
“I want to preface by apologizing. I didn’t even notice, and you’re one of my dearest friends… I’m so sorry.”
“S’okay.” You replied, resting your head on his shoulder.
He rested his head atop of yours, bringing a hand up to gently trace shapes on the small of your back. “I can’t entirely understand what you’re going through, but I do know what you’re feeling all too well…” he murmured. “I’m so sorry that you felt that you had to resort to this. You’re an incredible person, and I’m so lucky to call you my best friend… I couldn’t care less what you look like, or what you eat. I just wish that you felt that way too.”
“I just wanna be me again,” you whimpered. “I hate all of this. I’m tired all of the time, in pain, dizzy, everything just hurts and I’m starving but I can’t bring myself to eat anything. It’s- It’s crippling.”
“I know…” he soothed. “I wish that people understood how awful it is to have a calculator running in your head constantly. They see someone who looks like me and they think “he’s sick”. They see someone who might be on the heavier side and think “they’re an inspiration.” It’s unfair, and it’s repulsive. Anyone of any size can go through this.” He rambled,
Your eyes widened when you realized what his words meant. “Someone like you…? Wait, you? You’re-“
“For years, yes. I finally managed to get it under control when I entered the Akademiya. However, sometimes I still have moments like you’re in right now.”
“How did you recover?” You asked with hope in your voice.
Cyno gently held out his hand for you to take, which, to his delight, you did. “I met Tighnari,” he answered truthfully. “He helped me learn to love who I am… every inch of me. And I want to see if he can help you too. Do you think you’d be okay with that?”
You closed your eyes with a smile as you nodded tearfully. “Yes, please do so.”
A solemn silence was left in the treehouse until Tighnari had climbed his way up. He promptly said what everyone had been thinking: “Aw man, now my pants are all dirty.”
As you and Cyno laughed at his similar fate, you thought, for the first time in a while, that things might just be okay.
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humanbug · 1 year
Someone else? pt. 4
Tommy and Joel discover another immune person.
a/n: this will probably be the last part...i said that last time but idk maybe ill change my mind again. i don't loveee this one but i kinda had writers block. again thank you for all the interaction!!! it makes me want to keep writing! as always feel free to comment your thoughts and dont be afraid to send me requests about what i should write next! reblogs are also appreciated!! enjoy!!!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The sun was beginning to lower in the sky as you made your way to the couch. You smile as the scene before you seemed too good given the shit-hole of a world you lived in. You had a roof over your head, clean hair, several blankets surrounding you, a mug of tea, and music playing softly on the record player. 
Ellie was out on patrol tonight and wasn’t expected to be back until early morning. You felt nervous spending the night alone but already felt like such a burden living in her home and her taking care of you. She would constantly be giving you reassurance opposing the very idea of being a burden but the fear was still there. 
As you snuggle into the blanket nest you’ve made on the couch your mind wanders to the conversation you had with Ellie this morning. She had let you know that Tommy had found a place for you to live on your own but if you wanted to keep living with her that you could. It had been on your mind all day.
‘Do I want to live alone? I haven’t…ever lived alone? God, the very thought makes me nauseous. That’s so pathetic. Fuck this shouldn’t be such a hard decision-’ Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. You sit up, frozen, heart racing. Another knock sounds followed by a soft voice calling your name. Dina? You had gotten to meet her about a week ago but what was she doing at your door this late?
Walking to the door with a blanket around your body you open it to see Dina standing there.
“Hey! Can I come in? It’s freezing but I wanna ask you something!” She asks with a gentle smile.
Stepping aside, she walks in rubbing her hands over her arms to warm herself up. 
“Uh…what’s up Dina?” You shift nervously on your feet.
She smiles warmly at you, “Jesse and I are planning on hanging out at the Tipsy Bison tonight. We thought we’d ask you to join us. I know Ellie is on patrol tonight and thought you might enjoy some company!” 
“Oh! Um- I mean- I dunno. I mean, yeah? Yeah! I’ll join you guys.” You stutter out. Anxiety filling your body to the brim. It couldn’t hurt to go out. You had basically been a hermit the last few weeks anyway, only going out for some meals and to the medic building a few days ago to get your stitches removed. Besides Ellie won’t be back ‘till the morning anyway and you’d probably get bored soon just sitting around the house.
“Yes! Oh I’m so happy! I’ll wait outside for you to get dressed and we’ll walk over.” She grins in excitement, already easing your anxiety at her eagerness to spend time with you. 
Changing into jeans and a long sleeve shirt, slipping one of Ellie’s hoodies over. Slipping on your boots you look into the small mirror, smoothing your hands over your hair anxiously. 
‘Deep breaths! Just be cool. It’s not a big deal and whatever you do, do not mention your…injury.’ You give yourself a pep talk and before you can psych yourself out you swing the door open and step outside. 
Walking over to the Tipsy Bison together, you two make small talk. You learn that Dina has lived in Jackson for about three years and that she and Jesse are dating. She asks about you and Ellie’s relationship and your face burns and you ramble out, “Relationship!? Oh, I- We aren’t- She just took me in because Tommy asked her too! I don’t- She’s not- I’m- I’m pretty sure I am more of a thorn in her side than anything.”
Dina looks over at you, giving you a knowing smile as you ramble. “I mean, if you insist! I see the way she looks at you and trust me, if someone is a thorn in Ellie’s side she…doesn’t hesitate to let them know. That girl has no filter and is the worst at hiding facial expressions.” She laughs out. 
Before you can ramble out even more about what a pest you’ve been to Ellie you are walking through the doors of the bar. The building is warm, both in temperature and in ambiance. The room is dim with warm lighting, there is a large bar covering one side and tables and chairs made out of old wooden barrels along the opposite wall. There are a decent amount of people around causing your anxiety to sky rocket, still not being used to being around so many people all the time. 
The two of you join Jesse at the table in the corner of the bar. Noticing that he has a game of scrabble ready to be played, your face lights up at the thought of playing a board game. You couldn’t even remember the last time you could enjoy something as simple as a board game. 
“Shvitz is a word goddamnit! It’s a word! Twenty one points! Write ‘em down!” Dina shouts at Jesse.
“Fine! Fine but only because I am feeling kind…because it’s not a word.” Jesse concedes causing Dina to give him the middle finger. Dina leans over the table to watch and make sure Jesse gives her the correct amount of points.
You are laughing so hard that your cheeks hurt. The two of them had been arguing over every other word played and it never seemed to get old. Realizing that you're starting to get a small headache from laughing so hard you look over to the bar wondering if you should ask for water. 
‘C’mon don’t be a baby. Just get up and ask!’ You think to yourself.
Taking a deep breath you rise up and walk over to an empty standing spot. Making eye contact with the bar-tender and giving him a small smile just to get his attention you patiently wait for your turn. Leaning against the bar and fiddling with your fingers, your shoulders square and a chill runs down your back and the sudden intrusion of your personal space. Turning around slightly you see a young man standing…way too close looking down at you. A smug smirk on his face.  
Giving him a tight lipped smile you try to scoot past him abandoning the idea of getting water however he places his arm on the bar in front of you becoming painfully invasive of your personal space, that stupid smoke growing as if he won something.
“Excuse me…please move.” You mumble.
“Aw c’mon now. Don’t run off like a scared little kitten. I’m just tryin’ to talk to you.” He jeers. 
‘Oh my god. Oh my god. Please just move.”
Giving an uncomfortable smile, not wanting to anger him, “I- I’m okay. Really.” You begin to take a step back but he places a hand way too low on your back.
“And what’s a little thing like you gonna do if I don’t, hm?” His voice takes a mocking tone.
“Please- Please just-” You are cut off by the man being violently shoved off of you. Gasping you press yourself against the bar as you see Ellie getting in the man's face.
“You put your fucking hands on her!? Huh!? Fucking answer me. You were so fucking cocky ten seconds ago!” She says inches from his face.
‘Ellie!? What the fuck!?’ 
You see her rear her hand back in a fist but before you can think you rush forward to stop her. This needs to stop, she got her point across. Grabbing the back of her jacket you pull her attention towards you. 
“Ellie! Please stop. C’mon you got your point across. Please!” You say desperately. 
As her attention shifts to you, her gaze softens into worry. Grabbing your hand she rushes out of the bar with you stumbling behind her.
Dina and Jesse are rushing behind you two.
“Ellie! Ellie, stop! What the fuck?” Dina is shouting at her. 
As the four of you step into the cold, Ellie turns around keeping you behind her. You keep your head down feeling downright mortified.
“Me ‘what the fuck!? What the fuck were you thinking taking her out? Did you even see that sleaze touching her? Huh!?” She seethes.
You mumble out, “It’s not their fault Ellie please…”
Jesse steps forward holding a hand out to Ellie, “Christ, Ellie take a breath!”
“I just-” She takes a deep breath, “I just panicked okay? I got back from patrol early and she wasn’t home and I just panicked, okay?” She rushes out, regret settling deep in her bones.
Looking over at you apologetically Dina sighs, “We’re sorry for not seeing that creep. We just wanted to invite you out and really didn’t think some perv was gonna try something.”
Feeling so embarrassed you almost cry as you rush out, “Please! Please don’t apologize! I had so much fun, really.” Turning to look at Ellie, “I’m okay, I promise. Please don’t be mad at them Ellie.” You give your best puppy dog eyes to her.
Running a hand over her face, she huffs out a breath, “I can’t be mad when you’re looking at me like that…I didn’t mean to freak out. I didn’t mean to ruin you guys’ night either.” Regret laced in her tone.
“Can we hang out again tomorrow night! Please!” You ask everyone, hoping to ease the tension. Really hoping they agree so you can spend more time together. Feeling overjoyed at the feeling of normalcy that Jackson has given you. You got to go to a bar and play board games, never in your life did you think that you would be able to have that kind of fun. 
The tension dissipates from the air as Dina grins ear to ear, “Of course, Tipsy Bison tomorrow at seven!” She beams with almost as much excitement as you.  
As you both walk back to the house there’s a tension that lulls in the air. Neither of you can figure out what to say to the other. You bite your lip in anxiety and kick stones on the ground as you shuffle along. 
‘Fuck it! Just say it! Say it!’
“I don’t want to live alone!” You rush out, your cheeks turning red, not giving her a chance to respond you ramble on, “I- I’ve never lived alone and- you make me feel safe and I- If you are totally sick of living with me I understand- so don’t hesitate to tell me-”
“I’d like that. For you to keep living with me.” She cuts off your rambling, making you look at her with wide eyes. 
“Really?” You practically whisper. Not believing what you heard. 
“Really.” She assures as she unlocks the front door. 
You toe off your shoes and flop down on the bed and she leans on the edge of her desk, fiddling with her fingers. Silence falls over the two of you again.
Feeling confident at Ellie’s lack of rejection of your confession, you take a deep breath and move to stand in front of her. Upon sensing your movement she glances at you as you step forward and take her face in your hands, pressing your lips to hers.
She stills for a second before returning the kiss with fervor. Placing her hands low on your waist she pulls you flush to her body. She runs her tongue along the seam of your lips, asking for entrance and you give it to her without hesitation. Ellie’s grip on your waist tightens as she begins to stand, lips still molded onto yours. Needing air you pull back, not expecting her to keep kissing across your cheek and down your jaw you whine. She lets out a chuckle at your sound and guides you backward, bodies still pressed together. 
The back of your knees meet the bed and you fall onto it with a small gasp. She pulls back, leaning over you with her hands on either side of you, she presses her forehead to yours. 
“I want to keep you safe.” She whispers, almost as if she’s afraid of what she’s saying. Placing your hands on either side of her jaw you look into her eyes.
“I’d really like that.” You whisper back.
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tera-starstorm · 7 months
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hey guys it's me mr. oc x canon gay rivals with a little oc x canon gay rival compare/contrast for you. Long winded infodump incoming
by now you may be aware that hop and yasuta have known each other since they were like 8 years old. ever since they met the two of them have sort of just hung off of each other all the time like. hop's always just been a very physically affectionate person and yasuta latched onto him (quite literally) because he was a very anxious child and trusted hop as a sort of "anchor". so as they get older they continue kinda just being Like That yknow. and as they start developing feelings for each other they don't really... Realize? the line between platonic and romantic is just so blurred for them and the process happened so slowly and gradually neither of them realized. there is no very distinct "oh shit i think i'm in love with him" moment for either of them. like there was of course a realization for both of them but it was sort of just "oh wait huh. that makes sense" and they're both pretty comfortable with the idea of being in love with each other. like the realization perhaps isn't as nerve-wracking as you would think it might be. sure there's some nervousness in the form of "would anything change if i told him" (mostly on yasuta's part tbh) but the IDEA of loving the other feels very natural and like. i think the best way i can put it is that it doesn't feel foreign to them because of the way it was built up SO slowly over time and how they've always behaved around each other.
now on the flip side. yuki and kieran did not meet that long ago. by the end of mochi mayhem and after yuki's uh. Little Plan. it's been a couple of months. kieran obviously fell for yuki fast and hard but i think until end end of indigo disk it was largely infatuation. it gets Very real after ID though. and like... he Knows how he feels about yuki and is having a lot of trouble figuring out how to deal with it. obviously he doesn't wanna fuck up their friendship and figures yuki does not and never will feel the same. kieran doesn't even really feel like he deserves the second chance at friendship he got and the fact that he feels the way he does kinda scares him! he sort of bounces between moments of boldness in which he strongly tries to make gestures that imply how he feels and moments of getting really nervous and being like "what am i doing i have to stop before i scare him away he would never feel the same"
and yuki. So yuki i think did develop a little bit of a crush on kieran in teal mask but it was not like. on the same level of kieran's infatuation with him. and i also don't think he like... Realized he had even DEVELOPED that little crush in the first place. much like his brother before him he just goes "i feel a little differently about him than my other friends. how quaint!" and moves on without thinking about it further. weirdly enough i think it was during ID where those feelings started getting a lot stronger as his worry for kieran grew. and at somepoint between ID and MM he has a very distinct "i think i'm in love with him" moment.
so. that's the big thing i think. unlike hop and yasuta, yuki and kieran did not grow up together and sort of have time to grow into those feelings so that they didn't seem so scary. when yuki realizes this it is SCARY because it's such an unfamiliar thing and like. it also requires him to think about himself which he doesn't like doing. nevermind the fact that he was a disaster between ID and MM so this stacked on top of all of that did not do him any favors emotionally. but even after those other things are resolved it still makes him SOOO fucking nervous. i mentioned it earlier but it literally makes him so nervous he gets nauseous over it sometimes. and it's unusual because yuki is typically very headstrong and just Goes For Shit and nothing makes him this visibly nervous. but like i said this requires him to consider his own feelings and i do not think he likes that ❤️ this isn't even to mention that he is somehow FULLY UNAWARE OF THE FACT THAT KIERAN LIKES HIM AS WELL AS IF IT WASN'T THE MOST OBVIOUS THING ON PLANET FUCKING EARTH. he's still working on distancing himself from the idea that he's not a burden and deserves to live and feel and this whole situation is really putting that to the test i think
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catchyhuh · 10 months
It's flu season. How would they live through the sickness + would they take care of each other? Bonus: how did they survive the pancemic / quarantine situations?
you know the funny thing is the only time i’ve ever had the flu (which was miserable and lasted a full week WITH the vaccine already in my system so remember to ALWAYS KEEP UP WITH YOUR SHOTS) i had been into lupin for about a yearish, and i watched fuma AND napoleon’s dictionary in one night to pass the time and only at that moment did i truly understand the. variety of animation quality present in the lupin the third franchise. i can still taste that medicine in my mouth whenever i see either of them. but anyway
lupin has two sick modes: not feeling too peachy but will act like he’s dying to exploit special treatment and being pampered, and actually very, very sick, but will deny he’s that sick because he feels weird having people truly, honestly, sincerely worried for him. 
would he take care of others? well. yes. not in a very tender way, but he doesn’t want them DYING at least. like, if jigen is bundled up on the couch, red nosed, blanket over his head, and pathetically asks for the remote, lupin will get up and give it to him, but he’s not holding his hair back when he’s vomming lol. he WILL offer a hairtie though. you see? it’s about that level of care. you’ll be far from miserable, but in all honesty, he COULD do more
would you believe people standing multiple feet away from you in a museum makes it twice as easy to plant secret tracking devices and tiny bombs and shit? would you believe? would you believe masks made facial recognition tech twice as easy to crack since most people turned it off anyway? WOULD YOU BELIEVE?
jigen feels this weird defensive embarrassment about being sick. people like jigen don’t GET sick. or so they all tell themselves. so when he’s actually like, SICK sick, miserable and nauseous and coughing, it bothers him MENTALLY more than it does PHYSICALLY
as a result he doesn’t want people taking care of him. it’s going to happen anyway, usually from lupin, so he doesn’t waste energy fighting, but he’ll only barely acknowledge the fact he’s the picture of death right now
his usual personality is in full play when he’s taking care of someone ELSE though. you’re only getting the help if you beg or if he can immediately tell you’re going through it, but if you DO get his help, he’s going to talk and talk and talk about how you KNOW better than to hang around after someone tells you to your face they’ve been sick. you’re lucky he gives enough of a damn to get you the big stack of tissues with the special lotion in them so you don’t rub your stupid nose raw. you’re welcome btw,
oh the emotional turmoil of being “too perfect to get sick” but also LOVING getting whatever you want under the guise of “please? i’m sick :(“ it's so hard to be her. so difficult to have her lavish life
fujiko is not. the most doting person. you wanna talk about someone who will just stand in the next room over while you’re hunched over a toilet bowl all pitiful and green in the face. it’s not that she doesn’t care! she just. would rather never ever ever see that shit lol
fujiko’s usual targets are selfish, hateful, yet unbearably idiotic and easy to manipulate. so… she kinda loved when covid was at its full peak, because she got an IMMEDIATE visual shorthand for who was deserving of her sugar baby schemes. ESPECIALLY if they constantly made a big deal about how they refused to mask up. so… yeah, made her life incredibly easy!
actually gets the sick the most out of them because he forces his body to withstand extremes that NOBODY’S BODY SHOULD REALLY BE WITHSTANDING. gets the flu almost every year despite getting shots and the like, but he survives. 
all of them WOULD take care of him, but he rejects the help. it’s not fully a pride thing; he’s heard many times that you heal faster by working your body as normal, so it can readjust quicker. but… he doesn’t really question why they’ve already got some warm soup lightly simmering on the stove so it doesn’t get cold before he pours himself a bowl, or why they just HAPPENED to have the nausea medicine right on the coffee table…
the same “get better faster by getting off your ass” technique is in full swing when he’s watching OVER somebody sick though, so… very much a tough love approach. but if you act even a smidgeon MORE miserable during the process you might get him to back down a tiny bit
(sticking the DO NOT EMULATE sticker on his forehead again) zenigata could stand sopping wet in negative degree weather with the patient 0 covid guy standing right in front of him, breathing right into his nose, and there’s ONLY a 50% chance he’ll actually get sick. and even if he does get sick, IT WON’T STOP HIM IN THE SLIGHTEST.
zenigata is weird because if he’s taking care of one of the gang, first he gets this HAHA IDIOT YOU SHOULD’VE KNOWN YOU’D GET SICK but when they actually start paling and getting weak he’s like “oh my god you lost a shit ton of electrolytes. we need some gatorade” so once you get past that initial gloating stage he’s not bad. just. very overwhelming, as he usually is
gets touchy about being taken care of depending on who the caretaker in question is. for 85% of people, he’s brushing off the help, insisting he’ll be back on his feet, and really, you shouldn’t hang around him either or you might catch it too. but if it’s somebody who’s already seen him drunkenly sobbing over the smallest act of kindness or quite literally jumping out of windows in a lupin-filled blind rage then. yeah, he’s a little more accepting of the help. 
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yuzuyoon · 1 month
To me watching the third episode, it looks lik JM babies both JK and Tae but he seems to especially coddle Tae which honestly doesn't make sense to me since Tae is same age as him. Who even cares about the 2 months difference lol but I do think that JMs maturity is at another level. That was always going to be the case anyways since it's been pretty apparent from the beginning but this episode was noticeable too.
I personally don't think Tae and Jk were rude to Jimin. JM knows how to handle them both and if something wasn't working out for him, he would have told them off. He was just feeling motion sickness and needed a rest to gain his power back which he did halfway through the episode.
People need to stop trying to make Jimin look like a damsel in distress. He literally climbed the fucking wall and if those two were pissing him off, he can literally pick them up lol. I think people sometimes forget how strong JM is mentally and physically. Just because he doesn't feel the need to mention his strength doesn't mean he isn't strong.
I do however think JK was pretty rude to Tae. Like I know people excuse that as him being sassy, he is young and all that colourful word but I found it quiet rude. Generally I don't find him rude because I can only imagine how hard it is for them all but he isn't a baby anymore. I didn't find him rude in the USA part because I don't personally think he was rude to JM. He is obviously an awkward kid and trying to fill that silence without JM is hard. JK doesn't have the natural charisma that JM has. Plus they were both unwell so I could understand a bit there. But I thought the attitude towards Tae was a bit harsh and Tae didn't seem to deserve it.
I also think it's okay to call out certain behaviors without attacking the person. I saw shippers make fun of his rudeness saying how he didn't want Tae there. Even if he didn't want him there, he should be showing it in a better way. That's no reason to make someone feel crap. It also doesn't prove anything others than the fact that he can be an ass sometimes which I don't know why anyone would celebrate that about their favourite. This isn't to say I think JK is an asshole. I think he was being a bit of a dick in the episode. But also maybe he just wasn't having a good day.
I saw some people drag Tae for joining but I didn't see JM have any problem. Infact he seemed happy to have him there and he hung out with him a lot. The level of easiness JM has with Tae is quiet nice and that doesn't seem to change overtime. JM treats him like a fucking baby even more than he treats JK. When V is around, JMs attention also seems to go to V.
I also don't understand what people are saying when it comes to their bodies lol. I just saw two skinny dudes whose body I could have lived without seeing lol. I would say the same about it if Jimin was showing his body as well haha.
jimin's a big brother by blood so it doesn't surprise me that he babies his younger non blood related brothers.
i don't think they were necessarily rude but they certainly do not know how to read the room. if jimin wasn't feeling well and was just laying down to try to rest, getting him soaked was not the move. nausea is no joke. i had some trouble with it a month ago and i was nauseous all week but i wasn't sick. it sucks. the last thing i would've wanted was to be sprayed with water guns while trying to rest.
i also personally think ppl are reading too much into the th joining the show thing. it's not like he was one of jimin or jk's friends from outside the group like kai or mingi. jimin and jk could've said no to him coming if they really didn't want him there. they're all friends and they all clearly enjoy their time together, so i dont get the problem. you can be annoyed he's on the show but 🤷‍♀️
i honestly dont get the big deal with seeing them shirtless. there have only been a few instances when i've gotten excited to see jimin's body, and its very rare. it's kinda weird how stans of boy groups have gotten so comfortable expecting their idols to go shirtless or give them an ab flash. like it's not something that's surprising anymore but anticipated. they are not entitled to showing off their bodies, just like how female idols shouldn't be expected to wear incredibly revealing clothing. why has kpop gotten to a place where we value seeing skin over liking the music we listen to?
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