#like it's not needed yk and it makes the boys speak about women in a way they didn't choose to ???
jisungshotfirst · 2 years
Omg Kevin snapped, ily king
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listofwhyyouloveher · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if I can request the Curtis gang with a Curtis sister!reader who’s a lesbian? Like one day reader decides to bring her gf over and the boys just see this muscular southern woman that’s just a lil taller than Darry with their sister? Can it please be hc’s? 😚
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Summary: The Outsiders meeting your girlfriend
Warnings: vague mentions of homophobia and misogyny
Author's Note: I doubt this is how the greasers would realistically react because yk it's Tulsa
I feel as if Pony would be most accepting of your homosexuality, like on a scale of 5 he's be a 3.5
He doesn't understand it and stuff but hes not going to think of you any less because he generally doesn't care too much
That doesn't mean Pony isn't annoying about it, sometimes he develops a small crush on the girls you introduce as your girlfriend
When he sees your girlfriend he's a little shocked but he sees it normal because that's how he'd stereotype a lesbian woman, muscular manly etc.
On the acceptance scale Johnny's about a 4, like Pony he won't think much less of you but he certainly thinks it's a little crazy
Johnny likes meeting your girlfriends because he thinks that people like you are a little more carefree and he enjoys it
When he meets your current girlfriend he's a little taken aback because of how strong and tall she was
They get along quite well, he thinks her quick wit and humor are quite enjoyable traits
Sodapop is like a 2.9 on the acceptance scale, he still thinks of you as a friend but will refrain from hanging out with you in public if you're open about your sexuality (which, knowing these times, you probably aren't)
Sodapops never really liked meeting the girls you dated but he puts up with it, he doesn't like it because he's just not really used to it.
However, seeing how you were talking about your new girlfriend, he's kind of excited to meet her because he has no perception of what she could look like
He's shocked, jaw dropped, when he sees her, he didn't know women like her existed outside of TV and he's clapping you on the back for bagging a person like her
Steve is about as accepting as Sodapop, he has to really because Sodas your brother and they are best friends
He's trying his best to be as accepting as he possibly can but there's always be a problem with his mindset of course
Steve met your girlfriend by accident, he saw you two when you were both out and went up to you two.
He actually finds your girlfriend very suitable for you, there's a hint of protection in him but he knows you can stand your own
Two Bit is about the same as Soda and Steve, he doesn't really understand but he appreciates reform and is overall just glad that you're happy.
He's kind of intimidated by your new girlfriend, he's very nervous when he speaks to her, like he's walking on eggshells
However, after you all hangout for a while, he finds her to be really funny and a good person to talk to
He likes how good of a role model she is to his little sister, teaching her how to be safe and strong which he doesn't know if she'll need just yet but it's good to be safe.
Darry tries to accept you the most, he knows how hard it can be to be different, he felt that when he dropped out of school
He doesn't know whether or not inviting your girlfriend is a good idea because of how the rest of the gang will react
He decides to let her come and is prepping to make everything perfect, he's so caught up in the prep that he forgot to ask what she'd be like
He's sooo shocked when he sees her, he feels a little humbled by how tall she is and pretends he doesn't hear the "Darrys got competition" jokes.
DALLAS IS A BITCH ASS MOTHERFUCKER, if you aren't perfectly to his standards, he's giving you sooo much trouble
He's probably talked about you behind your back a little but he's never saying anything too mean or to your face because Darry might give him the boot
However, when he meets your girl he's soo emasculated and humbled. He doesn't know what to do with himself he just sits there silently.
Tries to put a move on her to regain his ego but she's firm with him and it shatters his confidence again
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fabuladorah · 1 month
My top 5 fave DBDA charachters
1. Crystal Palace
2. Charles Rowland
3. Night Nurse
4. Niko Sasaki
5. Jenny The Butcher
Honorable mention: Tragick Mick and Edwin Payne.
1 - Lemme be superficial first, her looks are simply iconic, i worship her hair and witch-core clothes and the way her powers are potrayed (those white globes, the three eyes, quick flashed) just make me go brwwww. And then there is hee character arc... which is *chef kiss* so, so good: she doesnt know who she is, she thinks people didnt really like her, she is sure her parents are looking for her, her first instict is to be mean, but then for what is she being mean for anyway, so she stops. She drags the boys from Big ol' London all the way to an small town in America just to save a little girl, because she is alone and scared. Her abusive demon ex, even after exorcised, is still haunting her. She offers her life to save an stranger she had just met (an stranger who had been kind, an stranger who had understood her, an stranger who had a place while she didn't). Her abusive demon ex shows that maybe she wasnt a good person after all. She misses her mom. She give away her powers (her strenght, her core) to be free from her abuser. She gets her power back, she buries her abusive demon ex alive in her mind (the place where he had her prisoner) with the help of her FAMILY (she didn't know who she was, she didn't know were she was from now she knows) she wrestles a thousand-year olds witch seconds after gaining her mind power back because she CAN AND SHE WINS. She has her memory back, she was an horrible person, her parents weren't looking for her (she missed her mother) and now she needs to go back home and she needs to make things right. Seriously what's there not love about her? Crystal Palace, please understand, you'll always be famous.
2 - Wait one second *close the door* *inhumans sounds* *open the door* okay now lets start. He is not the brain, he is the brawn, he is the protector. He couldn't protect himself. He died defending a boy he didn't even know, he died because he hated senseless violence, he died by the senseless violence. He fears being a bad person — he think he is a bad person, his father's son. He is terrified, so he'll lie, he'll smile. He was just a boy, he died young, he wanted to grow old, he hates to be dead, but he loves Edwin. He chose Edwin over Heaven — this boy, alone, died young and had been his light during the darkest, final, moment of Charles' life. It was an easy choice. I just really, really love Charles, because of all that, but also because he is charismatic af (all Jayden's hard work) and funny and he foes around with a fucking cricket bar, I should've started with that... he has a cricket bar, your Honour, I rest my case. And and I just love charachters with this """savior complex""", this responsibility of being alright to take care of others, of smile and lighting the mood because no one else will do that.
3 - she's an overworked work and that's my kinda shit. The whole point of her job is to protect and care for the lost children, and being honest to god I know she would shoot a kid right in the head if it meant finish her job and thats so fucked up and hyprocte of her and i just absolutely worship her. Also, her whole life views being changed because of a funny man she met inside of a whale is just--- I think she is underrated, and people are missing her angst potential, but I will not be the one to tell you how to write her because dude my english is going to shit as we speak.
4 - I know this is kinda dissapointing, but my whole reason is that she is Niko. That's it.
5 - She is a dyke running a butch shop, thats actually so cool I could die. On her first appearence I thought she would kill Crystal and the boys (again) and thats how I like my women. Also its really refreshing to seen that there is an adult who cares about these kids... the talks she had with Crystal and Niko, yk, she is so mature and smart and wants to help and she is like so cleary trying not to get attached and failinh tremendously, cmon she saw Crystal going to meet her abusive ex and was like "Nuh uh u aint going alone and I AM TAKING THIS MF CLEVER WITH ME" based af. Local lesbian accidentaly addopts four kids (two of which are dead)
Bonus: okay I feel like I gotta justify myself: I DO NOT HATE EDWIN, okay? I love him, he just didnt make the cut. And about Tragick Mick, cmon he is a goddammned (LITERALLY) seal and runs a funny little shop and saved Niko's life. We love him. We adore him. Tragick Mick may not have the sea, but he has the people!!
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relatableblorbopoll · 10 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 10
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Nagisa Ran (Ensemble Stars)
"- autistic - grew up very isolated - nonbinary. to me. - they had a speech impediment veeeery similar to the one i used to have and their current speaking patterns are very similar to the way i speak - we both have a special interest in geology - i'd list more but the rest are just autism symptoms so. uhhh"
Waver Velvet (Fate series /The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II)
No propaganda
Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa V3)
"sorry for submitting a danganronpa character but hear me out!! there's many reasons shuichi is a relatable character, such as: 1. he's def lgbtq+ actually. in the free time events with kaito momota (another male character), shuichi's inner monologue says "only someone like him could tell me what i need to hear." before he internally scolds himself saying he "shouldn't talk about another boy like that" 2. self doubt. throughout the game, he doubts his detective skills a lot. well, in earlier chapters. he grows out of it but yk. he feels like he isn't a "real detective" n all 3. a. autism. throughout the entire prologue and chapter 1, he wears a hat to avoid eye contact. while there is an actual reason that isn't autism, i still think that's autism behavior. also he seemingly knows a lot about true crime and at one point, when another character brings up the victorian era, he responds by mentioning jack the ripper. 4. he's very sad. chapter 1? cries. chapter 3? cries. chapter 5? cries. chapter 6? cries. he might've cried other times i don't remember though. although it is fair bc people are dying. but even outside of the death, he is sad. refer to number 2. also he feels like he shouldn't have solved the case that made him the ultimate detective. (there are reasons for that. also linked to the hat.) and more"
Opossums (real life)
"Nocturnal creatures that just like wanna chill and eat, plus they have to lay down when really stressed, they are like me for real."
Midori Takamine (Ensemble Stars!! Music)
"- literally just some guy that gets dragged into things (accidentally became an idol somehow) - his only real interests are mascot characters and vegetables + he finds talking to people bothersome - all of his friends are extroverted or very friendly while midori is just… there. - cringefail loser who can’t talk to people without being nervous despite being a 5’10 giant and an idol (179cm), only really talks a lot when discussing mascots - depressed, just straight up clinical depression but its ok cause he’s working on it and doesn’t let it get him too down"
Seven of nine (Star Trek)
"seven of nine is a big ball of identity questioning in one person. she literally has a whole section on her wiki page titled "identity crises". mood. as a child she's snatched up and made part of a hivemind, all these cyborg augments put into her, the usual scifi stuff. but her story begins when she's freed. against her will, even if it's ultimately for the best. she has no idea how to relate to these people, how to speak or act or dress or sound. big autism mood. big trans mood. big gay mood, because she has no idea what anyone is supposed to do when dating and it turns out she's into women and ends up with a girlfriend so it's no wonder she couldn't connect to all the lessons about boyfriends and the attempt to date a man! multiple times she's forced to assimilate and act more "human" and change her name but she won't! and the people who make an effort to understand end up important found family and friends. and she ends up in control of her own life and a captain!! legend."
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wongyuseok · 1 year
bias tag game
tagged by: @lee-minhoe (ty beloved 💜)
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10, then answer the questions below. try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
tagging (ofc only if you want to): @cheolmatez @sunminshine @boobzi @kimsmingyu @janggtoco @choiyeonjuns +anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!! Pls tag me if you do 🫶🏻
questions below the cut
My Bias List (narrowing down to 10 biases was an impossible ask. I'm still very much in my exo brainrot so I have all 3 of my exo biases on this and also moon taeil ily. Also sorry to all the women I bias. I could literally make a list of 10 gg biases and do this a 2nd time):
Minho (shinee)
1. Between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
Minho. Choi Minho is my og bias wrecker. Plus I started stanning shinee in 2010 before seventeen was even a thing. Wonwoo was just a babe in the woods at that point 😂
2. Between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
TAEIL v. DOKYEOM?? Well, it should come as no surprise to anyone but the answer is Moon Taeil. I adore that man with my whole being (I hope he's recovering and resting well rn). Lee Seokmin is very important to me too, but he was up against my moon man and stood no chance. Sorry, DK 💔
3. If you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
I have to pick between Kim Jongin and Byun Baekhyun??? This game is rude 😒 but ofc I'm choosing Baekhyun. Mel had a really cute answer to this that I'm not going to be able to compare to. But I feel like Baek just needs a break. So I'd probably choose to do something chill (I say as tho I wouldn't be a basket case and like I can speak Korean). Maybe go to a coffee place, preferably one with baked goods, near a park or a river and just take our coffee (and pastries) to a nice spot to chill and talk. Maybe get some pizza for lunch. Play some video games (truthfully I'd probably just watch HIM play since I only play single player games due to being shit at them). Idk 🤷‍♀️ I'm bad at this lmao
4. What is your favorite physical feature about 9?
HIS SMILE!! I know he's known for his sad eyes while singing but COME ON!! LOOK AT HIM 🥺 (yes, I'm stealing mel's idea of including a picture, but mostly bc more people should know and love Donghun)
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5. What is your favorite part of 6's personality?
Dokyeom is like the literal embodiment of sunshine. He is so bright and happy!! You can tell he loves life and finds joy in little things. His laughter and smile is such a serotonin boost! I know that he feels and thinks about things deeply and can be a little (a lot) hard on himself. But he's got this big, big heart. I just love how full of light he is, yk?
7. Between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
Why do I feel like neither Baekhyun nor Taeil have much that I would want to raid from their closets? 🤔 idk that I pay that close attention to their own personal styles either tbh. I think I'm picking Baek tho. I don't have a great reason other than I know he's always wearing these oversized things. And oversized clothes are cozy 🤷‍♀️ I'm stealing one of that man's hoodies and keeping it for the rest of my life thanks so much
8. What is a style that you want to see 3 try?
I don't feel like I have any notes for Mr. Gucci. Jongin has a much better grasp on fashion than I do. AND he's done pretty much everything and can pull off the craziest things.
9. Between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
Minho, but I'm not actually close to his height either. Chanyeol's just a tol boy™️
10. Between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
Oh man this is such a difficult question. Out of the 2, Kihyun's the only one with solo work. But Donghun's voice is SOOO 👌🏻💯🤧👏🏻👍🏻 I feel similarly about Kihyun's voice tho. If we're saying between a.c.e's music and monsta x's tho...?? I *think* I'm choosing a.c.e's, but kihyun's solos are so good 😭😭 this is such an impossible decision to make 🙃
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enmi-land · 6 months
DIAAA, I hope you had a great day/night!
I am LIKE super-excited for the jjk fic!! ADJDJD – I LOVE the jjk universee!! 😭 & the first idea you told 🐰anon!! the goodwill event, right?? where the kyoto & the main school have like this competition?? & ADKDJD – I think Kiara would defo get along with Utahimee!! maybe she & some of the boys could be in like the kyoto schl branch & Mila & the rest of the boys could be in the main schl branch [ Ig it was Tokyo, Ionno? ] & OH MY LORD – what if Mila is like sort of from a privileged clan like the zenin clan?? I meannn, she‘s canonically from a wealthy fam & I totally think she would fit in a misogynistic clan like the Zenins, cause yk? they prefer the male kids & since Mila is canonically a high-achiever who aims to meet other‘s expectations & strive hard to prove others wrong! like yk? maybe a sunshine version of Maki?? & speaking of Maki, I feel like she & Mila would defo be the ‘black cat x sunshine’ trope!! Maybe like Yuta, Mila could like admire Maki! & GOJOOO, [ I love him & I miss him, please include him 🥺 ] I feel like once the manchild gets to know of the boys’ having a crush on his dear student(?), Mila, he like starts to tease them & tries to get them together!! & I can really see Nobara & Kiara teaming up to get the boys’ & Mila together!! & I really feel like they‘ll drag an exasperated Gumi & a clueless Yuji into their mission!! & I can totally see Yuji & Sunoo being besties!!
– 🐍anon
[ sorry for the VERY-VERY long message😭 I just had these things in mind & I had to share them with you 😭 sorry if it was annoying lool ]
yesssss the goodwill event is sooooo fun 🥲 i had a little different train of thought from you- so i was going to make mila and the others part of like a different branch from korea, and have the two japanese branch students be like eagerly anticipating their arrival like gossiping about who is in the class and what their techniques might be (does this count as spoilers??) 🍄🍄 but ahhh trying not to say too much bc again don’t wanna spoil it before it even comes out, but i love the ideas you have going on!! kiara would defs vibe with maki when they first meet— maybe the two of them bond over weapons and stuff 👑👑 and yesss mila would defs be a sunshine type- her and nobara would probs get along rlly well too, like them complimenting each other’s fashion sense and planning to go shopping together 💅✨✨ imagine todo asking one of the boys what their type is, and them instantly replying “mila” and todo just crying tears of joy bc yeah they have amazing taste in women 😋 mila would deffo have a girl crush on maki ngl, like she’d just find her strong aura and determination so attractive — and especially if they’re both from clans who don’t view women as highly… like mila is defs a princess of some well known clan, and probs is a disappointment bc she’s the only child of the main family, but she’s a girl, so when she sees maki and learns about her history, mila is all 🤩🤩 the boys will have to fight to drag mila away from maki lol 🌝 as for gojo (he shall be missed), riki would defs bother him all the time trying to provoke him into deactivating his infinity so he can have a go at the so called “strongest sorcerer” 🤺🤺 meanwhile mila silently fangirls over him with miwa (omg 2mi???) like “omg he’s so cool” which only fuels the boys need to try and one up him even more 😆
but ahhh hopefully this doesn’t spoil too much lol bc I haven’t written the jjk segment yet 😆 but don’t apologise for sharing!! I actually love asks like this- esp rlly long ones bc it also gets my brain thinking as well so thank youuuuu and love you mwah mwah 🌻💛
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f0point5 · 8 months
Idk about you but personally people in general hating on women or men for liking a tweet years ago and stuff is pathetic to me. Cancel culture is stupid. People like offensive TikTok comments all the time but then go ahead to hate on a celebrity for doing so 6 years ago. People need to get lives tbh who even scrolls down on someone’s likes THAT far 😭 insane imo but you do you I guess. Sure liking a racist tweet ain’t it and having a sponsorship from a homophobic author isn’t the most moral thing to do but it’s not the end of the world as a lot of people make it out to be. Often times people put celebrities on such high expectations like they’re gods that need to do the right thing all the time/ need to use their voice on every single topic. Sorry if I offend anyone but also the war between Isreal and Palestine(🍉).Obviously it’s important to be educated and stuff but people go ahead and expect every single celebrity to comment on it. People need to remember that those people have a platform built for entertainment not politics. Using your platform to educate people is awesome but no need to shame someone for not speaking up about politics when their content is about beauty and stuff yk. Cancel culture is embarrassing as HECK and then those that claim to have ”cancelled”someone act as if they’re saints. I wonder what kind of jokes they laughed at in their lives or what tweets they liked etc. cancelling isn’t even real. The ”cancelled“ celebrity will disable their comments and keep going with their content because the era of being cancelled lasts at most 1 month and then everyone keeps supporting them again.
I’m pretty sure cancel culture is not real because when was the last time the internet successfully cancelled someone? They come back like a whack a mole 😂
But anyway, yes I agree that making discussions out of the likes tweets or Instagram stories of women who date boys that drive cars is pretty sad behaviour. Because trust me the people submitting this nonsense to gossip pages would not pull their boss/family members up for the same thing. They like to talk when there’s no consequences. It’s the same theory as “punch down” humour…you’re too scared to say it when saying it might actually affect you. So you say it about people who don’t care about your opinion. It’s just so…exhausting.
And yes, people really be expecting the world of these people for why? Where were they educated, what are their qualifications, where did they sign up to be UN ambassadors, that you expect so damn much from them? They’re people who do a job that means a lot of people know who they are, that doesn’t make them more “ethical”, educated, informed, or interested, than anyone else. In most cases it makes them far less educated than the average person. So you’re holding them to these arbitrary standards on what basis? Idk man.
Personally, I like it when celebrities stfu about politics. Because I simply don’t believe they are educated or informed enough for their opinion to be necessary or adding to discourse in a positive way. Just because 5 million people like to watch you get ready for a night out, doesn’t mean you know shit about shit. And frankly, most of them aren’t interested. Which is FINE. It’s totally fine not to be interested in every world event, but just hold your hands up and say you don’t know, or just leave it alone. Don’t have your assistant collect 4 infographics from Google and then repost something on your story just to pretend you know what you’re talking about. You recommend foundation for a living? Stick to that please. The amount of celebrities and influencers that spout political/economic jargon when it’s clear they don’t have the slightest understanding of the terms they are using or the principles behind them never ceases to depress me (and 99% of the time their “ideologies” are incredibly hypocritical, which they don’t realise because they don’t actually know what they’re saying).“Political” celebrities give me the ick.
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urlocallsimp · 1 year
Believe victims first ❤️❤️❤️ ty for that statement. She had acid thrown on her face and there is other women and comments coming out. As a woman of latin origin, I feel he was just a very good manipulator and charismatic (Jonathan Meyers has a similar Charisma), which are sadly something very usual. Men nowadays use being humanists or feminists to desguise their misogyny/power trips, self serving!! I'm trying my best nowadays to mostly support and follow fellow women of color, eg mabel cadena (lesbian afaik).
Oh boy this turned out to be a pretty long reply but I just had to clarify where and how I stand w this situation. Just note that the 'you' in this is mostly used in a general way not specifically addressing you anon :) so here's my reply:
You absolutely don't need to thank me for that! It is my personal belief that as women it is our duty to stand with other women. I believe in believing victims first bc it's not about BELIEVING them blindily without proof in the sense of trusting they're being truthful but what that sentence means (to me at least) is STANDING with women, forming a defensive line protecting these victims from hate and showing solidarity, it is about sending a message to the patriarchal/sexist/misogynist world that we live in and the people (mostly men) that actively try to uphold it that way, that there is an equal force that is RESISTING IT and pushing back the silencing they're trynna impose on victims bc we see that they're trying to silence women and trying to pretend that SA doesn't happen and portray EVERY SA victim as a liar for money/attention. it's about SHOWING UP with ur morals and showing you are aware of these existent, continuous and repeated issues and you are against them. It is showing up bc it is an opportunity to fight.
I've seen the response of people to this situation throughout social media and it's mostly men immediately jumping to say it's another Amber Heard situation as if it's not a MEN situation, as if it's not that men are notoriously known for being shitty times and times again as if this issue doesn't happen and ALOT. So naturally, I'll side w women first (even if they turn out actual liars later on, bc yk what? men side with other men UNAPOLOGETICALLY, REGARDLESS IF THE MAN TURNS OUT SHITTY, THEY FIND WAYS TO VICTIM BLAME) but also bc I can SADLY EAAAASILY believe it happened, since it HAPPENS ALOT!! and if she's lying I DO NOT CARE, that's on her!!! That makes HER a shitty person, it doesn't change my morals or the way i approach these issues bc if one woman lies there are thousands others sadly not lying. And they're all accused of lying, not believed, attacked and bullied into retaliation, into shutting up, into fear, into reverting back to not daring say there is a problem in the world we live in, just so the system continues working in favor of men abusing and controlling women without any change or resistance! That's what I mean by standing w her, not bc i personally know her or that im 100% certain or convinced she's telling the truth but bc she's a fellow woman, bc it's a very REAL SERIOUS women issue that any of us can find ourselves in one day, it can happen to me, to u, to my sis, friends... Etc. Again, if she's lying that's on her and we can rest assured she'll be punished for it, if not judicially, then publically, i mean victims get punished for simply speaking, and are threatened with death, so let alone if it turns out they lied, have we not seen what happened to amber heard? All that public ridicule ??
And this supposed worry for him that she's lying and might ruin his career sounds so fake and soo 'awww men are the real victims in this world' to me bc hello!?!? R we living in the same reality or are u actively trying to pretend we're not living in a world that is biased towards men and protects abusive men. Have we not seen ezra miller strolling freely in the premiere of the flash like he's done nothing??
Men don't need you to defend them bc they're disproportionately at more advantage than the woman. + Counting the fact that SA is hard to proof + the fact that the court could be biased towards men in these situations. All of these factors stand against the women. U don't need to worry abt men. They seldom suffer consequences for their actions especially if they're famous and rich and have teams.. And if he turns out innocent and his career is damaged u better believe I'll be here rooting for him again and supporting him it's that simple.
Idk, this is how I see things, to me this situation is a typical man vs woman situation. I don't see it as a 'tenoch my beloved whom I wanna stay in denial about him VS someone who might be taking advantage of him'
And i wanna clarify that me standing w her is not an act of betrayal towards my previous love for tenoch (like some are actively trying to guilt his fans into) + if he is truly innocent and truly a feminist he'd actually understand, he'd know the importance of believing victims. As long as I'm not ACTIVELY hating on him or bullying him or being racist like some ppl are (which is fucked up). For now, I'm just absolutely NEUTRAL ABOUT HIM. My love and simping for him is just on pause until it is confirmed that he's absolutely innocent.
So, tbh about the second part of ur message about him being manipulative and all, I don't wanna engage in that, or in deciphering his statement or picking out red flags etc.. Bc people can see whatever they wanna see when they wanna see a fault, flaw or red flag.. Etc. Bc one day everything will be clear and we'll find out. As I said, I'm very neutral abt him for now.
To conclude, i stand w women the same way men (most) openly and actively and shamelessly stand with horrible men even after they were proven to be shitty, ex: andrew tate's fans. There is such a double standard that exists for women that many aren't aware they're falling for; Men can be soooooo easily flexible with their morals and support abusers whereas women have to absolutely make the most perfect rational logical CORRECT DECISIONS at all and any time. I choose to believe her simply bc she's my gender (at least for now) and if I'm wrong im wrong and we as women are allowed to be wrong. Men stand w men all the time even after they learn they're shitty. So, sorry I'm not sorry that I show up to my own gender the same way men (again most) show up unapologetically to their own gender.
And it's not an act of hatred towards Tenoch it's an act of defiance to the patriarchy/sexism/misogyny... It just happened to be a situation that involves tenoch in the mix.. But just bc i loved him alot, won't make me go easy on him (equally doesn't mean imma start bullying him). Neutral.
Anyways, wish you and everyone else safety and support throughout ur lives. Trust me as a North African (Algerian), the situation and men of my country aren't any better so I understand..
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
Okay, so there is this Asian boy in my class right.
I have the biggest crush on him like I can't even explain it.
so like all I did when he first came was just look at him..from a distance tho
We've spoken a few times and we studied together for finals last semester so we're kind of acquaintances.
Lately, he's been very talkative with me and it's not helping my crush on him at allllll.
The other day I tried blonde braids right? And he was literally gushing over me.... what do I do...is he just being friendly?
sometimes he just stares at me yk...and I'm not the most confident so I start becoming self conscious after awhile
but last week I wore this dress to school right...its kinda like the skims dress and one of my other male friends made a joke about how they could see my rolls and I started to feel insecure.
later I heard that my crush and that friend had an argument about it and he threatened him not to say things like that to me which made me feel really good.
He's always checking in on me and stuff and just like your bf (you guys are so cute btw) he throws a fit when I don't eat.
I really like him and I know that I shouldn't think like this but I'm black...I'm dark-skinned and fat and ik that's not what guys like him usually go for...he's tall, athletic, smart and really fucking hot but what if he's just being friendly or just feels sorry for me?
I'm so scared to approach him....advice?
Sweetheart, first of all, he does not sound like an acquaintance at all.
and secondly love, from one black woman to another I'm telling you right now it's a blessing for others to even be able to look at us...your skin does not define you honestly it does nothing but adds more beauty to you.
So what if you're dark-skinned? so am I and so are many other people. Don't allow others to trick you into thinking your skin is some kind of disadvantage...have you ever seen yourself glow when the sun shines on you? Baby, you are a fucking star.
I know the media is always painting dark skin women as some type of unattractive monster but trust me when I say it's out of jealousy and ignorance...you are not automatically -ed out of being someone's love interest because you're dark skinned and if they do that thank God because you dodged several bullets.
thirdly, being fat and being ugly are two very different things. You have extra flesh okay...and? so, because you have back rolls that makes you unlikeable? NOPE!
girl you better cut that shit out!
I don't know you but I love you and I hate when the people I love talk badly about themselves.
Your body is your temple. Understand me when I tell you your body can hear you...when you think and speak badly of it...it shows.
I wish I was beside you to give you a good smack you need to understand bitches could never be you..they only wish they could.
and to that boy that was running his mouth knock him out nxt time ...actuallyy don't do that. next time just remind him just how much he's unwanted and how unnecessary his entire existence is😊.
fourthly, I think he likes you. and im sure anybody reading this ask agrees right guys?
staring at you?
gushing at your hair? (blond braids on dark skin is superior)
making sure you eat?
always checking in on you?
defending you against that bitch?
he likes tf outta you.
if you're scared to approach him though... just drop subtle hints.
IMO though i think he'll say smt soon.
also, I can't even imagine what he was thinking when he saw you in that dress AGIFGIEFHJOFEFRJ
ik you ate the fuck up out of that fit.
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what-if-nct · 2 years
hiiii today's reminder is all three of the nct units coming back within the next two months, and the new unit might be debuting soon, and I'm having a hard time being excited for any of it
127, i just want them to take a nap. esp with the J line being injured enough to cancel smtown recordings, i would feel super weird enjoying a new song knowing that it was prepared in between nonstop concerts while three members were hurt. plus i REALLY don't want a 2 baddies part 2, i still don't understand why that song happened
wayv, they seem straight-up cursed at this point. I'm not gonna believe there's an album until the album is actually out. plus part of me is braced for the possibility of a rehashing of the incident from last year that we don't speak about, or at the very least knowing a lot of the discussion about this comeback will be centred around that, which I'm really not looking forward to
dream… i feel like every time i hear about them outside of teasers, it's just another case of them "playfully" making fun of Haechan, especially Jeno and Jisung, to the point where i just… dislike them, as people. i get that they were raised with the expectation that they'll be famous in a society that places a lot of weight on this shit, and I'm sure that's fucked with their heads a lot, but that's no excuse for grown ass adults not to have basic decency yk? it's turning me off the group, even though i love the rest of them. well, most of them, Jaemin and Chenle also give me those vibes, though i don't remember if they've ever explicitly said anything like that on camera
so… idk it's weird. I've spent more than two years with nct being my main hobby (idk if that word applies but it's the only one i could think of), and now it all feels a bit icky. I'm just holding on because i think new wayv content will bring me back to them
Hiii! And first of all I feel exactly the same way about everything that you've said. Every single word of it. Like 127 has been touring nonstop and are about to go out again plus a repackaged album after three members being injured. Like it's the kpop industry Skz is also extremely overworked. But like imagine the overall well being of them if they just released one album a year with multiple music videos, promote for like a month and one full and complete tour then, then they rest for at least 5 to 6 months. Or do their own obligations to brands and stuff. I know it's nothing like western pop music cause they run off of high engagement but it's just such a ridiculous system that is doing nothing but harm. They need rest. Sleep, and FOOD!! They're overworking on extreme diets. Like something has to give before it breaks
Then we have the complete opposite with Wayv where it's been two years since an album and despite there being a rightful reason for the delay right now. it's just so unfortunate that they're not getting to do anything. And I think we all know why wayv's comeback has been put on the back burner till now. I'm happy they had a break and they've been just having fun. But you see it in them they want to work, they're so excited for this album. Which I'm buying the moment it's released. But I just want everyone to focus on the boys for their comeback and not the situation around them. I'm sure it's been harder on every single member of Wayv then it is for us and we just gotta keep it a joyous occasion when it finally happens.
And yeahhh, like before I get to how I feel I just want to say before anyone says its part of their culture. Being Fatphobic and Colorist are bad things!!! It's a toxic part of most cultures! Colorism runs rampant in every single non white culture. And it's fucking bad! As a black person I can acknowledge the colorism in my culture is bullshit. And I have never thought that shit was funny. Im always disgusted seeing how dark skin women are treated. And don't get me started on fatphobia. I just want to know why we don't expect grown ass men who have access to the internet and global knowledge to go against societal norms like most of the Younger generations all over. Like why can't we expect better from them. Like Jeno saying why does Haechan have so much flesh after Haechan complimented his muscles like thats a strike. But when he said Haechan fits black panther..........my eye is twitching. And Jisung also always saying something. Sure we don't know they're dynamic. But Jisung was saying do you think Haechan will ever get paler alone out with Chenle. Like that's just not a joke like that shit effects Haechan who is gorgeous and perfect and beautiful. And I remember Haechan wanting a regular coke and Renjun insisting he get diet coke that rubbed me the wrong way for awhile. If my friends joked with me like that uh we're not friends anymore. Like it's toxic behavior like. It's bad no excuses. It's just bad. It's not okay to joke about esp in public spaces do they not understand their words effect Haechan and fans bigger and darker than Haechan. I think I have the most hope in Jaemin cause I just get that from him. Luckily I am a grown ass woman and it doesn't effect me the way it did when I was 16 and 17. It's why I took a break around 19, like kpop really fucked up my self esteem that I had just acquired. I totally feel you. Sidenote the skz thing with Changbin isn't apart of this. Felix and Chan were obviously talking about Changbin's muscles, he's a little beef cake they've both expressed envy of his physique. So Chan and Felix are cool.
I really don't want a 2 baddies part 2 either. Love 127 but thats one 127 song I can't defend. But when Wayv blesses us with their talent and beauty it'll be the best day.
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
since i no longer consider myself a genshinner i will share some of my thoughts! epic! do not try at 3am. leaks and its long and stuff warning
- i dont like in game yelan ayato or childe sorry. rich 5* hydro users just arent it for me i guess especially if theyre bows.
- yelans design however objectively speaking i can see why so many like her 👍 go girls
- heizou also i am not a fan of 😕 Unfortunate! hes made me lose my detective liking streak
- i am bad with bows i am so bad with bows.
- idk how i feel about tighnari anymore. a lot of my negative opinions are fandom based tbh and its not the characters' fault for that but w him, the instant switch up was so insanely obvious im kinda iffy about he himself 💀💀 dont c/ynonari me
- also his voicceee 😭😭 never any hate to the vas but its so bad. i dont like it. i have him and made myself do a challenge where i got however many waypoints in sumeru in my ar 55 world using only him at level 11 so i can make this judgement.
- c/ynonari is genuinely.... fhwhhrgegrggrgr LIKE ITS NOT BAD i guess, no comment as far as me being cyno goes, but it just got so popular so quick it jumpscared me
- al-hai/tham. another im more so irritated by what you represent otherwise i probably would like him better. boy why are you white
- kav/eh too man like half of these designs would Literally Look Better With Slightly More Saturated Skin what is going ON!!!!!!!
- i personally dont care for kusa/nali for yk colourism reasons too but there very much is a. well the men are hot. lets get mad at the women tho
- ni/lou is the okest so far for cultural representation but her i just dont care for
- uhhhh. hm. what THE HECK is faru/zans design..... bro... its so bad im sorry? PROFESSOR?? huh? what? 3* design behaviour
- same w nah/ida 😭😭 dont argue against me i get it shes a kid cool nice her pale design is literally not interesting to me its. whatever. thats a 5*? lmao ok
- god...... actually this isnt even a my opinions list its jyst a things-that-were-ruined-for-me bc racism bht everyone else ignored it which ruined it for me more. anyways the harbingers.
- they knew what they were doing with the release time on that and everyone ate it up and it makes me sad bc i was genuinely very invested in the harbingers! but then theyre all shown all at once at a time like that huh. gross.
- idm scaras new design its cool its jhst we got TOO MANY BLUE GREEN PEOPLE 😭😭 change it up!!! his old colour palette or whatever was unique that what was nice ab it. yeah but his new colour scheme is getting a bit old sorry.
- the stepping on is funny for his burst everyone getting mad at it but not raidens is irritating tho
- layla is like..... people ARE being dramatic but i get what they mean on the voice. change it up a little we dont need more high pitched stressed girls my god!!! oh wait this is an anime waifu game
- i love itto 👍 NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT HIS PERSONALITY. he was another ruined by the fandom bc LITWRALLY ALL I KNEW ABIYT HIM, BEFORE I DID HIS QUEST, was he had abs. thag was it. that was all anyone evr told me. he had slightly more abs than all the other skinny twinks. j dont care aboyt abs so i didnt care about him its that sjmple!!!!! why didnt anyone tell me how great he is!!!!!!!! wtf!!!!!!!!!!!! injustice
- AYA/THOMA IS SO OVERRATED oh my god stop talking
- itto/rou seems to have died down? or idk im interacting with the right people
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quillheel · 4 months
//🚢 Hmmmm Akari and Yusuke? :) I also lowkey wanna know what you think of Yuuma and Yusuke as well fdkgjkl
send 🚢 or ( 'SHIP' ) if you ever considered shipping our characters romantically and want me to fill out the following form for our muses. / always accepting!
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— Yusuke & Akari!
do i ship our characters together? — yes | no(?) | not yet but ???
i portray Yusuke as gay, so it'd be very. ??? with him i think? because I think Yusuke innately would find a lot of Akari's characteristics to be attractive which usually applies to Joker overall due to just how Yusuke is attracted to ppl, but because of him just not being attracted to women, it'd be kind of flickers of Something but not really full attraction if that makes sense? It's like seeing someone and going 'on GOD if i were bi i'd be down Atrocious rn jesus christ' but instead just being left with that awareness that you WOULD be into someone but you're kind of just. not? while also still finding aspects of their personality attractive? it'd be very funky for him! I could only see that kind of relationship Existing in Any form if it was in a poly queerplatonic kind of relationship with others alongside Yusuke even if Yusuke I think would still definitely be muddled and kinda moreso a backing note vs the others who would be more firmly 'i am a romantic partner' yknow
though generally speaking, Yusuke is v queer as it is so him kissing all his friends in a polycule and then leaving the rest to Akari's actual boyfriends isn't too out of par for him, even if it wouldn't really be a Proper ship between them GBTRHKBGH Yusuke's OVERALL care of Akari is endless though even w/o the Full attraction, just for the record <3333 he loves his friends vv much and honestly I don't think it'd be right to confine that general love to Specifically platonic. Yusuke still loves with his Entire heart <3 appreciate the inquiry big-time though even if it kinda didnt work out!!!
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— Yusuke & Yuuma! (hot boy summer fr fr)
do i ship our characters together? — yes | no | not yet but maybe soon (I MAY NOT FULLY YET BUT I SEE THE POTENTIAL)
would i like to ship with you? — yes!!!! | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see — childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love (yusuke is what i often call A Yearner <3) | fling | long distance | online relationship (cause of yuuma's parents + diff school mostly) | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them — friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love (looks again at yuuma's parents GBTHK) | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes? — develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between (I'm prob gonna end up putting this on all of these i do, but! I'm flexible and chill with figuring out stuff along the way if we're rping out the build up before the relationship/the realizations/etc, but I work better on getting invested with ships when we discuss them ooc first! we don't necessarily have to figure out EVERYTHING, but since Yuuma and Yusuke have never really interacted before, I think I'd need that to Really get invested with them even if I already have the baseline of thinking they could be interesting yk!)
what now? — let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits — I can't think of anything else that I haven't already mentioned! the biggest thing was me portraying Yusuke as gay which. opening paragraph, baby BKHTRTB Ig an overall closing note to go on a positive one, even with characters we havent tossed at eachother before (like stuff with garry, luxien, nasu, aelia, etc etc!) or with pairings that might not always work out, I'm always game to ship with you!!! It's really fun and i enjoy talking to you and BOY is chattering about ships a good excuse sometimes <333
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castle-dominion · 1 year
5x21 still
beautiful music & coffee RC: Yes, which is writer-speak for “all procrastinations welcome”. So what was it? A terrorist plot? A meth lab?
Women hate it when men do that
six minutes is a long enough time bro
Love the badges lol. also love the writer jacket
mum suggested that this is not diego
he WAS planning on selling baseball cards
Oh NO she got trapped or it's a mine
Ok but if it is that sensitive with my adhd I'd die
RC: Loose nail. That’s how floorboards get wonky. KB: You know, if I have to be stuck not standing on a bomb, then I’m glad I’m stuck with you. remember Cuffed?
mahoney my beloved
Gates my beloved & ryan's outfit my beloved
Spray paint my beloved like in indiana jones-- hE SAID THE SAME THING
No it cannot. Going DOWN should not set it off... shifting weight should not set it off, gosh my add would kill me
it's a unique episode, stationary instead of running around after murderers bomb buddy <3
RC, correct: That would be great if you were a reliable judge of your own feelings, which clearly, you’re not. But he brings up the wrong example. She liked you as an author, then she thought u were annoying & you thought she was hot, then you realized she was more than hot & she kind of liked you even tho she hated you, & then you fell for each other & he stopped liking you for being hot but for being you (including your hotness lol)
love all the flashbacks his ear XD APPLES ajdfasjdkfhsjfh I love the flshbacks
RC: Oh, geez. How do you even get in that position? The three boys: EW EW EWWWW
her hair became boring. I miss her old hair
KB: That’s not how I meant it. I can’t help it if you get off by putting things in my mouth.
She's right he did WAY more with bad sayings lol
Cut to: we've never done this before (escept yk that's not what actually happens)
Poor Boyer. poor boyer ten months hhh
Gates my beloved What was that with gates & esposito
Oh no he probably set a bunch of bombs!
Like a colonoscopy
Quick as we can, slow as we have to you have a daughter get rid of your porn collection? (esposito: I got u covered bro) WAIT I WAS RIGHT RC: You need me to hind your porn stash so your dad doesn’t find it? I don't make promises. Esp if idk what I'm promising to do
wow hours...
What if I think of ice cream on a sunday afternoon? What if I think of something on a something afternoon? It's ice cream on a sunday afternoon I lick I lick. What flavour of the ice cream will I pick? I want RASP BER RY. I want CHO CO LATE. I want chocolate chip mint chocolate chip with chocolate sauce-a
Lanie knew (& maddie knew & esposito knew & jordan shaw knew & that fbi guy with the dirty bomb knew) how did I forget about natalie rhodes? (& demming asked castle) Who is that last gal tho?
Many of those were undercover & there was that one when she was on a date with the puppy fireman-- BTW WHY DIDN'T ESPOSITO LOOK INTO HIM WHEN THEY WERE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT ABOUT CASKETT?
KB: No, it wasn’t a coincidence because you were always following me around. Why? ‘cause you were into me.
Castle is just playing her lol
They didn't have that silly fake sound when he got hit
They are seriously calling esposito? (also what is the injury on his arm? Is it ever explained? No? Good. I like how he is allowed to have random injuries that have explanations even if they were not explained onscreen. Maybe he was cooking. He has a life outside of what we see.)
JE: Seriously? Who liked who first? JE: You do realize that I’m busy trying to save your life? JE: listens, but he doesn’t really care. KR: Who’re you talking to? He covers the microphone. JE: It’s Castle and Beckett. I think they’re starting to crack. Check it out. He flips his phone over to speaker. KR gives JE a look. They’ve lost interest. KR: Yeah, well, totally losing it. JE: Yep.
Why is there a timer too?
30m & not 47 seconds exactly castle my man
Only half an hour left? Oof look at these beautiful scenes look at this flashback but it is different from the previous funny ones I just love it
The story always matters The flashbacks are getting annoying but actually I like it. & then the samebrain moments. I just saw a youtube video of samebrain moments & then his spun tales I love it. Spinning too far insane
Read em through each individually
Oof only 10m left. I can't believe it has taken hours & then suddenly only 30m left
Clever of her to have made him promise this Girl you have a daughter
First name hhhhhh I love you HHHHH Always
Has she had anything to drink all day?
Calling her dad hkjsdfhsjkdfhh good for her this is saddddd who else does she absolutely need to call
this is another flashback sequence sjfdksljfklsdj mmmmmmm
Great scene there camera angle like that
But srs what if they DO like put a box beside her
But that didn't mean anything, diego didn't know anything...
Porn, more porn witness protection?
Ryan has removed his tie... (someone should take pics from allllll angles & on all days for this man & his outfit)
But what is the kid's NEW name? & what was his code BEFORE he got the name?
five digit code tho JE: What kind of mother’s gonna call her kid Willy unless she wants his ass kicked every day at the playground? could have been the kid's bday
Maybe DON'T step off yet just in case it only deactivated the timer...
Love how he slams the table once castle confirms she's off
Always <3
ngl when I first noticed the red car (in under the influence with the musician & the foster kid, the joey malone ep) I thought it was his personal vehicle but it has lights & stuff on it. & gates is in it huh THAT'S WHY HE TURNED ON THE SIREN, TO PREVENT THEM FROM KISSING IN FRONT OF GATES also becks needs some water & food sharing hugs but they didn't switch hugs, it was only especkett & rystle.
Even you mr castle! She was a detective too! gates <3 <3 <3 castle looks so proud lol
clipping that lol
the music jfsdhfskdhjdsj but they def had more kisses that were not onscreen again with the flashback I'm love
What a great kiss
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sleep3deprived · 3 years
I happen to run into your blog and see that your requests were open so
Can I request for Baji draken chifuyu having a female!koreanS/O 🇰🇷 If your not comfortable with this
than change it into them having a S/O who eats a lot without gaining weight not even a single pound
TokyoRev Boys With F!Korean S/O
Note: Thank you for requesting! Sorry it took so long! But I had no issue with this! Let me know if anything is wrong or you guys don't agree with something and I'll change it!! Enjoy :3
Pairing: Baji Keisuke x Reader, Ryguji 'Draken' Ken x Reader, Chifuyu Matsuno x Reader (Separate)
Warnings: Language
Genre: Fluff/ Comedy
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Baji Keisuke
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Yall I write sm for this boy omg-
Anyways, Baji is many things as we know
And one of them is him being a loveable boyfriend to you
Honestly, I can easily picture you being new to the school, and not being able to speak perfect Japanese
And hello you’re so gorgeous, how could he not resist talking to you?
So there it goes, in exchange for helping him with his homework, he will show you around the school
It was hard at first definitely, with both of you guys having a language barrier
But you made it work, eventually, you getting used to the language, and even Baji picking up a few phrases in Korean by you here and there
Baji is definitely the type of guy to first ask you all the cuss words in Korean
“Say, y/n, how’dya say ‘fuck’”
Later, showing you around school led to him taking you to look around the city which also turned into him taking you to a restaurant
A date
But he enjoys his time with you
You both take the time to learn about each others culture, and sometimes even remind each other of it
Yk when you do something and Asian parents say don’t do it cause its bad luck or something, like that
‘Don’t go outside with wet hair! Yk what happens!’
‘NOTHING HAPPENS! Where did you even hear that from, what???’
Anyways Baji really loves this duality you both have, and loves learning new things about you
He’s totally not trying to get you to become an idol
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Ryuguji “Draken” Ken
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Dranken is a simple man
as long as he has a girl, he has no complaints
Like he has no preference. no type, just…✨ women ✨
but yeah, he met you around town
you were new and struggling to speak to a local store vendor and had difficulty translating between the two of you, so Draken decided to help out the best he can
thing is, Draken didn’t know who this girl was or what you even looked like, he just decided to help out
so when the store vendor handed him the stuff you asked for and he went to give the bag to you, he swears everything stops
same for you, because this is the first time you’ve both made eye contact
it was basically love at first sight
from there, Draken decided to take you around town on his bike so that you can at least get accustomed to the area you live in
He asked for your number after and got to know you a little more, and eventually started falling for you.
And you fell for him too.
I mean, it makes sense. He was the first person you’ve met since coming to Japan that gave you kindness, regardless of him looking really intimidating.
He asked you out on a date (even though he just said he'll take you to a really good restaurant nearby)
It went well, you enjoyed being in his presence
Over time with dating him, you came to become accustomed to Japanese lifestyle, and learned their traditions and cultures, while still maintaining yours.
And anytime you need help, you have Draken to lean onto
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Chifuyu Matsuno
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As someone who is Indian, it’s pretty easy for me to see when someone is Pakistani, Indian, y’know.
And the same goes for literally anyone else of a similar country…(this is the best way I could put it.)
So when Chifuyu saw you, just walking around a shopping center, looking around, he could tell you’re not really from Japan.
So he came up to talk to you
(so he’ll hopefully have a gf by the holidays but that’s beside the point)
Since he saw you looking around, he thought you were lost or something.
And since he sees you don’t look Japanese, he spoke pretty slow…
“Are…You….Lost?” “Do…You….Neeed…Help.???”
“Uh, what are you doing?”
You just looked at him like he’s a fucking idiot
Which he really does look like right now “Your Japanese…..really….good..!!”
“Uh, yeah, I know….I live here- wait what do you want?”
Cue Chifuyu embarrassing himself in front of a pretty girl
“...I just thought you weren’t from here…”
“And what makes you think that?”
At this point, you’re curious but also annoyed. All you wanted to do was shop, not talk to a weird dumbass
“Well, you don’t look Japanese, and you’re looking around confused, so you can’t blame me!”
“I’m half Korean, first off, and I’m looking for my friend.”
Yeah, Chifuyu is definitely a dumbass.
Turns out your friend had to bail last minute, and Chifuyu thought that he could hang out with you
You said no, but he followed you around like a lost puppy.
But he was good company so why not?
You told him how you’re half Korean, but lived in Japan for most of your life, so it’s not like you’re a stranger or anything.
Chifuyu genuinely thought you were pretty too, so obviously he asked you out as much as he can.
Eventually, you gave in and realized just how admirable he is
(This dumbass brought you to a Toman meeting to show himself off, but you had your eyes on Mitsuya….same girl… but when Chifuyu got into his zone, yeah you may or may not start falling for him)
So the next time Chifuyu asked you out, you agreed
You had fun, he was carefree yet kind. And when he talked about what he was passionate in, the way it lit up his face was adorable, and the more time you spent with him, the harder you fell
Now, being with Chifuyu, you guys talk about anything and everything. He asks some stuff about Korea, and you ask some stuff about Japan, at least things you don’t know of.
You love benign with Chifuyu. Sure it took a while, but the fall was worth it.
But you swear to God if he asks you to become an idol oNE MORE TIME
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swimmingleo · 3 years
Harry Styles and Two Loves - A love that dare not speak its name.
‼️Disclaimer I am in no way an English literature expert or student for that matter and can barely organize my thoughts but I’ll try my best. If something doesn’t make sense or is regretful thinking please tell me‼️
Basically Harry is a fervent reader that does not limit himself to Buk*wski and Mur*kami though for some reason he loves to bring up those dudes. Queer literature seems to play a big role when it comes to his inspiration and I love that about his music. A good example is his Shakesqueer Sweet Creature madness. But another one that I hold close to my heart are the parallels he draws with Alfred Douglas’ poem, Two Loves.
Here is the full poem. Give it a read if you can because I won't break it down verse by verse for this post sorry :(
To make it short, the poem is about the narrator (let's say Douglas) wandering in a garden where he meets a young man that turns out to be his lover. For context, Alfred Douglas was very much queer and in a romantic relationship with Oscar Wilde. Both developed their own coded language to express their love and ''sexual tendencies'' through their art (been this way foreverrr will we ever leaarn). However they were not always so sneaky about it and Two Loves in particular was so in your face that it was used against Wilde to prove his homosexuality in trial. He did get away with it this time. Here is his defense. Blueprint of denials. No iPhones at the time.
In Two Loves, two different personifications of love introduce themselves to Douglas and his lover:
The first love is loud and cheerful and sings about pretty women and men that love the said pretty women.
The second love is discreet, almost erased by the other’s presence but is beautiful and draws the attention of the narrator.
Obviously the first love is Heterosexuality, the one that is openly praised by society and the second is Homosexuality who is bullied into silence by Heterosexuality if he tries to speak. The poem ends with Homosexuality saying "I am the love that dare not speak its name." Yeah. And isn’t that the story of H’s career.
HS1 opens with MMITH which ends on "We don’t talk about it, it’s something we don’t do". And from there follows SOTT, "We don’t speak enough". And right after we get the very loud, very explicit and very well documented Carolina. So far the album narration goes "There is something painful going on but we can’t talk about it, I say ‘we’ because there is a you and I and yeeEEAAH THIS GIRL I MET ONCE GETS A WHOLE SONG THE WORLD DESERVES TO KNOW HOW GOOD SHE FEELS FOR A LADDY LAD LIKE ME ALSO HER NAME IS TOWNES YOU CAN CHECK FOR YOURSELF SEE IF SHES REAL I LOVE REAL WOMEN AS IN WOMEN THAT EXIST". Heterosexuality is loud and sings about pretty women right.
But then, THEN we get Two Ghosts. Which is the center piece of this whole post. I mean, the title... Two Ghosts//Two Loves Two hearts in one home ? Sick.
The parallel that hits the most is the physical description that is made of Douglas’ lover and of Homosexuality (which are technically two different characters in the poem).
Douglas’ lover / Homosexuality
Same lips red / Same eyes blue / Same white shirt
Red were his lips / His lips were red / His eyes were clear as crystal / His large eyes were strange with wondrous brightness / White as the snow / His cheeks were wan and white
In Douglas’ poem, it is meant to be understood that the young boy he meets first, his lover, is related to Homosexuality through their physical appearance. Douglas’ love is therefore inherently queer. With Two Ghosts, I’ve always wondered why Harry chose specifically to point out a white shirt as it comes across a bit generic and not really personal yk? But if you compare it to Two Loves, it checks out the recurrent descriptive color scheme: red, blue and white. In both works, red are the lips, blue are the eyes, and white is the ~envelopp. RIGHT. I suppose Harry didn’t feel like describing his lover with pale white skin since it’s brown with lemon over ice when under summer skies so he went with a plain white shirt instead.
I’m not going through a whole analysis of Two Ghosts yet I can safely say that it deals with unspoken words. Not saying things is a recurrent theme in H’s songwriting but within the album, Two Ghosts is the first song that deals with it through the undeniable prism of romantic love. Right before with Carolina, H had no issue being straightforward and wanted to "scream and shout it out", but with Two Ghosts he’s tongue tied and doesn’t say what he really means. Communication issues go on with the following track Sweet Creature, btw may I just:
But oh, Sweet Creature (!), Sweet Creature
Would he […] cry "O sweet creature!", Othello
I cried "Sweet youth…, Two Loves
Queer Literaturry is going wild(e).
Expanding this post with Sweet Creature allows me to speak about the garden metaphor. In lyric poetry, the expression of emotions is often done through nature. It is a process that Harry seems pretty fond of when singing about love (ie Olivia, Adore You, WS, Canyon Moon and Sunflower are good examples) but it’s way more subtle with TG and SC. In Two Ghosts, nature is the moon, and in Sweet Creature it’s the garden.
Would you look at that, Two Loves happens to combine both:
Moon dances over your good side and this was all we used to need, Two Ghosts
Running through the garden oh where nothing bothered us, Sweet Creature
Flowers that were stained with moonlight / Alone in this fair garden, till he came unasked by night, Two Loves
For Harry, the night is where the moon enhances his lover’s beauty, when it’s just the two of them and they need nothing more than each other. The garden is where they run (free?away?), once again alone, unbothered. For Douglas, Homosexuality took form and began to occupy the garden at night, while Heterosexuality who thrives in the golden light (um I- nvm) wasn’t paying attention.
It is also interesting to note that Homosexuality is associated with the night but also with death. And he’s super pale. So like… A ghost ? ANYWAY.
The garden in Two Loves is where love happens, it is a piece of heaven. It’s elevated on a hill and untamed with flowers of various colors growing everywhere. There is sunshine and moonlight, there are "pools that dreamed" and by pools I assume the author means vernal pools which are habitats where flowers grow and oh look over there:
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Nice ruffles on that white shirt by the way. Very Victorian.
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Two Ghosts, 2017 Mularry so true
So yeah. I don’t want to go into full analysis mode but I find it all interesting. Once again, Two Loves holds a great significance regarding the Oscar Wilde’s lore, and Harry is probably very familiar with anything Wilde related (don’t even start) and by that I think about the Carnation business.
I’ll just conclude with that quote from Maurice by E.M Forster whom I love very much:
"I am an unspeakable of the Oscar Wilde sort."
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leviiattacks · 2 years
Hey Zaria! how've you been?
Since my exams are over I watched all seven episodes(that are out currently) of SxF in one sitting and now I don't know what to do with my life anymore :)
And OH. MY. GOD. the hype really does justice to the media this anime is EVERYTHING from the animations, the characters, the music and most importantly the story- it's all so beautifully crafted.
Speaking of the story, was nobody gonna tell me how all three of them had such a sad past?!? Seeing the scenes of little Loid, and Anya in the lab crying simply broke my heart 😭😭 It's been a while since an anime has affected me this much.
Also the ending!! Oh man I can't stop listening to it, reading the lyrics with the context in mind makes me so soft I could cry
Even after being an anime only with the little content that's out now I could rant about it all day I just love it so SO much.
So, what's your favorite part of SxF? (or at least tell me about some of the most favorites because let's face it, there's nothing to not love in this)
i’ve been good!! will be finishing exams in a month and then i am FREEE 😭 but omg i’m so happy you started sxf and you like it tbh if you can you should definitely read the manga - the anime is nearly as good but the manga is so special to me i promise you won’t regret it !!!! either way the anime really did a good job like the art style stayed true to the original source and seeing the found family trope in the manga is great but seeing them moving and everything just i LOVE it it felt so good to watch.
also yes their backstories are so so so so so sad but it gets worse when you read the manga like 😭😭 my god loid’s backstory is the one we see the most in the manga so far and it’s so sad i just want to. hug him.
anyway yes the ending song i love it and the lyrics but yk what the best part of the whole ending is? when anya flies away and she leaves yor and loid in darkness - kind of like they’re saying she’s the light of their life 😭😭😭😭😭
i have too many good parts about sxf that i like but i would say the realistic structure of the characters even with all the wild stuff that happens at the end they all have really normal concerns and worries - like yor wants the women at work to like her and see her as this good wife to her husband, anya wants a mother and father which is why she tries to help operation strix in secret, damian just wants a normal relationship with his dad etc etc
but ANYWAY that aside i should show you one of my favourite panels to be honest it is probably my favourite panel but it’s this (spoiler if you havent read the manga but!)
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for context loid is the old man (he’s wearing a mask) and he hears what anya says. she says she’s not very sure if he likes her and he gets mad sometimes because she gets bad grades but she believes he will understand her failing because she loves him and knows that’s how he is - even if he gets mad he understands. she tells this to damian who’s fearful to meet his dad after his test result. to be honest i just liked her advice, if you love someone and have something to tell them just say it, they may not understand you at first but they will at some point. it really is a marking point that shows just how much anya cherishes loid. he is her father, even if she knows he’s doing it for a mission she still sees him as her father and i just think that is so. cute.
also it is nice seeing damian later on tell his dad he failed, that boy needs the pressure to be taken off him he is 6 😭😭😭
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