#like its not just him but he's a perfect example i think.
lightlycareless · 1 day
Naoya's reaction when y/n's thighs expand 3 times its size when she sits down. For my girlie's that have thick thighs 🙏🙏 plus me. Serious insecurity but damn wouldn't that be Naoya's 2nd favourite thing after tiddies. Definitely would give some criticism that y/n don't exercise enough and that's why her thighs are like that,but would br also smother his face between her thighs? Yes
Hello anon!!
Ngl when I first read this ask (the beginning) I was like HUH? But then I read the rest and was like ugh same. I kind of relate to what you feel, that plus chafing and what not 💀
ANYWAYS I hope you enjoy this debauched piece. :) ehehehe dunno what was going through my head but I liked it.
warnings: NSFW. THOUGH NOT DETAILED, THERE'S SMUT. MINORS DNI. Naoya and the Zen'in are perverts, some more explicit than others. Also misogynistic views, unwanted commentary about bodies.
Happy reading!
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You know what I was thinking?
Naoya being so obsessed with your body, that the moment he sees you he doesn’t even bother to make formal introductions or anything; nope.
He just needed to see you sit down one time, one time, unwittingly getting a very detailed look of how your thighs just become bigger underneath your skirt, alongside the adorably cute way you attempted to tug the edge down to avoid revealing too much (Naoya had seen more than enough at that point, of course he did.) and that was it for him to know you’d be the perfect wife.
So, fast forward a few weeks, after making the right arrangements, you’re effectively married to him, “happily” living in the Zen’in estate, where he can keep an eye on you, close to whenever he might need to make use of your wifely commitments—but most importantly, underneath constant scrutiny that not even your role as future Lady of the House could save you from.
The torments you’re subjected to here aren’t ones you haven’t heard before, in fact, you’ve heard enough of them to not care anymore…
But perhaps being married to Naoya, something that many cautioned would probably never happen due to your appearance, was enough to finally make them hurt.
His family just couldn’t… wrap their mind around the fact that from all women in the world, literally anyone else, he chose you: the epitome of laziness as they’d like to say. The sheer example of not being able to control one’s selfish desires in favor of temporary satisfaction.
In a world where thinner, athletic physiques were encouraged, you sure stood out like a sore thumb.
It wasn’t your fault, though. Some people were simply born that way, with different genetics and there was nothing wrong with that.
But to them, that was not enough of an excuse, if there ever was one; and once you heard for the last time how Naoya was simply tolerating you because, well, because of some unknown reason, you had enough.
You were tired of constantly hearing them belittling your worth, comparing you to whichever woman they brought along to hopefully convince Naoya into divorcing you—or at least sow his seeds on a more suitable candidate; a fact made worse when he seemingly didn’t put a resistance to their invitations, chipping away at your confidence.
And above all, you were exhausted of unwittingly highlighting the faults in your relationship, the clear signs that Naoya was never truly happy with you, such as those scarce moments of intimacy the two shared. Those that you didn’t think much of, outside of fear and pain, for he never struck you to be the kind, patient lover (and he wasn’t).
But now that these issues were highlighted… you could only feel sorrowful.
Naoya, while insatiable when it comes to lust, seemed to have only spent the night with you for political reasons. To fulfill his duty of securing the future of the Zen’in—not because he ever harbored desire for you.
Yet, why did you even expect otherwise? For he too demeaned you with cruel commentaries, and with the one thing you were mostly self-conscious about…
“You know, your thighs wouldn’t be that big if you actually worked out or something…”
“Don’t wear that. I don’t want you to show your legs—it’s already unbefitting a woman, but in your case… well, it’s only necessary.”
That was more than enough to finally push you to the edge and do the one thing many were constantly pestering you about: not to eat. Though in your defense, it’s not like you felt like doing so anyways, the voices and faces of those that hurt you were quick to put you back in your place if you even did as little as consider it, ruining your appetite.
And you managed to keep this way for a few days, at least until you began to grow sick, tired, unable to tend to your duties as you did before, which did not escape your staff’s attention, and subsequently, Naoya’s.
“What the fuck is wrong with you??” Naoya would exclaim first thing upon returning from a mission; tired. The last thing he wanted to do was deal with the complaints of your lacking commitment, the only goddamn thing you had to do around the estate. “To go ahead and cause problems to my family, taint my name—have you got no shame?!”
“I didn’t mean to…” you murmur, yourself tired as well, due for other reasons, made worse by Naoya’s reproach.
“Then do you mind explaining what the hell were you thinking? What were you planning to do? Get my attention??” He frowns. “Dramatic, but what else could I expect from a woman like you?”
“Please, Naoya… I don’t feel like arguing…”
“No, of course not. You don’t feel like doing anything, do you? Not even eating!” He remarked. “What? Trying to lose some weight, now? Is that what’s gotten into your mind?”
You remain silent, giving him enough of an answer. He laughs.
“So it is that!” He boasts. “I can’t believe it, Y/N! I didn’t think you’d be so stupid to actually do that!”
“Leave me alone…” you whisper, tears beginning to pool around your eyes.
“To what? Puke your guts out, now? Don’t be stupid!” Naoya continues to jest. “I knew women were desperate, but I didn’t think you’d break the mold!”
His words, perhaps out of your already brewing insecurities, or simply because you’ve grown tired of his mockery, wash you over with an unprecedented wave of anger, dropping your heart to the pit of your stomach as you sharply turn around, ready to take a stand for yourself once and for all.
“And why do you care so much, hm, Naoya?!” You cry. “Weren’t you also one of those that always bothered me about my weight? About how embarrassing I am to your name simply because of the way I look?!”
He flinches, startled by your reaction at first, but soon angered by it as well.
“I won’t tolerate your disrespect—” he frowns, yet you don’t let him continue.
“You even ask me to cover myself up!” you gasp. “You’re so—you’re so disgusted by how I look that you—you wouldn’t mind if I spent the rest of my life locked away so you won’t ever have to see—”
“Do you hear yourself?” Naoya seethes, taking your hand and pulling you to him with such strength that instantly startles you, making you squirm in reaction, trying to move away but he keeps you still, understanding you’ve officially made him furious. “Do you hear the stupidities you’re spewing?!”
“Leave—leave me alone.” You whimper, tears sliding down your cheeks. “You’re hurting me!”
“I ought to hurt you more for insulting me!”
“Insulting… you?” you repeat, confused. “How was this insulting to you?!”
“You think I’d let you walk around the estate like a whore? Let you display what’s mine?!”
“Naoya, you’re not—you’re not making any sense.” You respond, shame settling in your heart. “If you’re going to make fun of me—!”
“You’re fucking stupid, did you know that?” Is all that he says before pushing you against the wall, making you whimper when roughly hitting the wooden pillar behind, a noise that is quickly shut by his lips landing on yours, wasting no time for his tongue to battle yours, subduing you. “So fucking stupid…”
He’d murmur, you moan.
“Na—Naoya—” you breathe, torn apart by his desire and your confusion. Didn’t he… dislike you? “St—stop!”
“What is it that you wanted me to do? Stand aside as my family ogles at you?!”
“Don’t you mean—don’t you mean scrutinize?!” you gasp, flinching when his lips move from yours, down to your jaw, then neck… “Stop—stop mocking me!”
“I should feel offended by your stupidity, if anything.” He responds, pulling away from you to take a good look into your teary eyes—as if trying to assess if you really declared such atrocity, or if it was work of his own anguished mind. “Your blindness to acknowledge what I truly think of you.”
“They—they hate me.” You tremble, why would he want you to remember such an awful thing? “You hate me—”
“No, Y/N.” Naoya groans, pressing closer to you while taking your hand once more to move it down to his groin where his hardening cock was in full display for you to feel, destroying the perceptions you had of everything around you—around him. “This is what you make them feel— what you make me feel!”
“Nao—Naoya—” you tremble, trying to move away your hand from his growing length, intimidated that he somehow felt even bigger underneath your palm; giving the impression his desire for you right now was much stronger than any other instances. But… how? Or more likely, Why? “I don’t—I don’t get it—!”
“Do you really think I’d be blind to the way they stare at you? To their futile attempts of bringing you down, of changing you, just so they’d stop thinking what your skin feels like underneath their fingertips—or how sweet your cunt tastes like?” Naoya breathed, continuing to rub your hand against his cock, desperate to let you know how much he needs his release—how he wants to throw this senseless discussion away…
But not without declaring his upper hand, the one he always had with his family, of course. “But they can’t” He smirks. “The moment I saw you, I knew you’d be the perfect wife, the perfect mother for my children.”
The thought of harboring such desire from Naoya made your cunt tighten, the same way his cock twitches.
“They’re just jealous I got to you first.” He continues. “That I was able to see your worth just by your wide hips and ample bosom—you’re the epitome of femininity… but even better—
You’re all mine.”
“But you—but you said horrible things to me—” you cry, his lascivious words still not enough to remove the pain from those awful moments. “Why…?”
“Aw, my love.” Naoya chuckles, cupping your face with his hands and squeezing it so softly, making you pout, a face he always loved to incite from you, amongst others. “I just can’t help it; your reactions are so adorable; you simply make it too easy.”
His hands then travel down to the edges of your skirt, lifting your kimono just enough to reveal your smooth legs to him, the same ones he always had touch and kneed whenever you were close, the mere sight of them enough to make him further spiral into his desire—
If not anger when seeing the flimsy piece of cloth covering your cunt, fingers quick to grab the edge and rip it apart, letting out a quick gasp from your mouth.
“How many times have I told you to stop wearing these stupidities?!” He hisses. “You know damn well than to go against the words of your own husband!”
“But you—you hadn’t touched me.” You fret. “Since that night, we… you hadn’t—I didn’t think it was necessary.”
“You truly couldn’t be any dumber, could you? Just because I’ve been busy does that mean you can go on and disobey my words?” Naoya accuses with a jesting tone that serves to place the direction of his following actions. “My lovely wife is really that naive… luckily for you, I’m the one in charge of doing all the thinking, while you—you just have to stay like this, ready for me…
To take my cock like the good whore of a wife you are, with that lewd body of yours that is only mine. Exclaiming for me to give you a baby, make you a mother, make your hips wider, your breasts bigger, filled milk—”
And the way your body tightens against him, letting out a moan when his hands parted your legs, guiding his cock onto your dampened slit and gently pushed the head into you, let’s him know this desire has settled in the back of your mind for quite some time, but never revealed itself by the stupidities of his own family, his too undeniably.
But after these agonizing days away from you, forced so by his job, if not those insignificant whores his family brought in an attempt to push him away from you, failing to do so for he quickly discarded them as soon as they crossed his sight…
He’ll never let the opportunity to claim you pass again.
Naoya will do whatever necessary to drill that idea into that little, pathetic mind of yours, even if it means fucking you in the middle of the hallway, where all servants and relatives alike would be able to hear his message loud and clear.
The reality they could only dream of in their most desperate moments—but to him, it was only a matter of taking.
“Naoya—Naoya please—not here.” You whimper, your husband had effectively forced you onto the ground and made you take his cock, either from behind, hands and knees on the wooden floor as he teased and kneaded your ass and hips; he was an avid enjoyed of many positions, but this one had to be one of his favorite ones. To see your skin bounce whenever his hips slammed into you, savoring the way your lewd cunt swallowed him whole, down to the base, with no intentions of letting go, regardless of what you said, it was surprising he still had some restraint. “Please—they’re—they’re going to see!”
“Let them.” Naoya moans, the thought of being caught sends a shiver through his spine; and while it’s not something he necessarily advocated for, the constant, tiring need to be proving his authority over you is what forced him to do so. You might as well play along. “Let them hear how tight your cunt is around my cock! How only I can make you come undone like this—”
“N—No—I don’t—I don’t want…!” you whimper, but even when he changed positions, having you on top of him, giving him sight of the breasts he couldn’t wait to see grow when you’re inevitably pregnant, you still do not stop jumping on his cock, moving your hips up and down alongside his, clenching whenever hitting that sensitive spot that always had you seeing stars. “I don’t want to cum—!”
“Then maybe—Maybe you shouldn’t have this lewd body.” Naoya moans, truly believing that he would never be able to stop himself from using every inch of your body for his own pleasure—from fucking his cock between your soft thighs and boobs, admiring the way they completely cover his cock, drowning it in a combination of softness and his own seed, barely able to see where the tip of his head was…
To relieve that same sensation with his own face, asking you—no, demanding you to smother him with your thighs, a sensation that has him thinking if he were to die this way, cock hard, eased by your soft licks and moans, while deep in the sweet taste of your cunt, he wouldn’t mind it, not one bit.
In fact, he hopes that’s the way he goes.
But he’s in no rush to avoid enjoying the present, the warmth of your body besides him when the two eventually stop, careless to acknowledge if they ever gathered an audience, certainly so when Naoya’s mind was firmly set in getting you pregnant, as heard by his following words.
“I’ll see you tonight.” He declares. “It’s about time you give me a heir.”
And you do nothing but oblige, though you doubted all the cum nestled inside your cervix hadn’t done the job already.
In fact, you relished the idea. If it meant getting this side of Naoya’s desire, attention you didn’t think to be deserving of, or even capable of obtaining…. Then you were nothing but obedient.
“Naoya, you’re—oh!” You gasp when instead of waiting for you to stand up to properly greet him, he lowers down to your level, taking a seat before eventually resting his head over your lap, taking a deep sigh and resting for the first time after a long week of work. “Is… everything alright?”
“I’m tired.” He responds, adjusting himself into an even better position and sighing once more. “I don’t want to talk.”
So, you don’t, preferring instead to softly caress his head, moving some of his silky black threads away from his face and letting him relax, enough to dive into the beginnings of his slumber, but not before clearing his mind from one doubt.
“Our baby—”
“He’s fine.” You murmur, placing your hand over your stomach. It’s still very early during the pregnancy to know so, and yet, there was something about you that just made it so obvious that you were carrying a life inside you—
Perhaps it was the way you glowed, or how you became softer with him ever since it was first announced.
Though the latter was mostly the fact that you started to feel… wanted by your husband, a kind of desire that while far from perfect, was enough for you to change your perspective of this marriage, allowing you to open up to him, mostly so when Naoya now defended you from those unwanted comments from his family.
You’re carrying the future of the Zen’in, after all, some decorum must be maintained.
Yet something tells you his changed demeaner ran far deeper than what Naoya wanted to reveal. «All in due time» you suppose.
“I love you, and our baby too.” You say, instinctively taken by this calm moment of domesticity with your loving husband, not expecting a response considering his somewhat cold nature—only to be proven wrong when he turns around to see you, silently placing his gaze on yours in such way that initially makes you think you might’ve ruined this moment, just for him to pull you closer to him, taking your lips in a soft, quick kiss before returning to your lap, closing his eyes and sleeping.
He may not have said it, but the sentiment was the same, and that was enough for you to be happy.
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Naoya is still a jerk, but I like to think he eventually got to genuinely care about you. Also, he got real lucky that one time he thought with his dick, imagine if you were a piece of shit too? NAH He'd lose it. He got real lucky that you were nice, I tell you...
Also, I'm still with the pregnancy stuff :) sorrynotsorry.
OH! and also!! It's safe to say that the things Naoya said are NOT a reflection of what I think!! Everybody is beautiful and deserving of love, no matter what body type ❤️
Now, thank you so much for sending this niche ask... I gotta say, I have been thinking about it since I do relate to it............... but I try to keep my work pretty open-ended so anyone can relate :) Still, if there's something you'd like me to write a bit more detailed, just let me know! I'll be sure to try my best tho, some I might reject if I don't feel like I know much about the matter....
Anyways, thank you so much for this ask ❤️ take care, and hope to see you soon ❤️
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monstrsball · 1 year
its always the posts that you intended to just be for you and your mutuals that take off huh
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
Okay but why haven't we had a time travel/fix it fic where after some shenanigans everyone decides to take down shinra, they split up to take out the important figures, sephiroth obviously takes hojo for any and all of a dozen good reasons.
And then hojo pulls a winter soldier sleeper code on him.
And then everyone is suddenly dealing with a brainwashed sephiroth.
Hojo has to have some way to control sephiroth as he grew into his monstrous strength and power, yes? And learned helplessness isn't enough of a reassurance your prized military leader powerhouse isn't going to wake up one day and realise just how easily he could paint the labs walls red with chunks of you. And because hojo is obsessed with total power and control, dealing with a murder machine with huge mental issues, it'd only be fitting he create his own emergency shutdown.
In the most needlessly traumatic and mentally violating way, of course. Would sephiroth even know, if he couldn't remember? Would he have long stretches of emptiness in his memories that never get explained to him, or would he wake up where he'd blacked out, just another day in the labs?
Imagine, his allies watching on the cameras, as sephiroth stalks into the labs, a predator sighting its prey, exchanging a few cold words with hojo, raising masamune... And then hojos mouth opening, sephiroth going stiff like an animatronic, rearranging himself on the floor where he stood, face hidden behind his hair. Hojo leaves the room and he doesn't move, doesn't respond to any comms or passing scientists accidentally rolling a cart over his coat and hair.
Hojo ordering sephiroth to reveal their plans, their allies, their resources. Sephiroth doing it. Hojo deciding to punish sephiroth for the rebellion with lab procedures, or hojo ordering him to hunt down his co conspirators and end the takeover. Sephiroth doing so, heavy in his steps, crashing through walls and doors, heedless now of morals or civilians, silent, unresponsive. So completely unlike the jenova malice they'd been prepared to fight, that sephiroth had been bracing against. No arrogance, no mocking, no dramatic battlefield or hungry glowing eyes.
The puppeteer becomes the puppet, and with it, every trace of holding back. The perfect soldier.
I imagine the first trigger word would be lucrecia.
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frank herbet had a nun fetish. my proof?
- the bene geserit's whole deal is that they're nuns who have a sexy voice so powerful they can make you do whatever they want and the only people who can resist are basically just more powerful nuns. or paul i guess idk fuck that guy. they're the archetypical dommy mommies
- duncan idaho's (frank's favorite character) final form is a guy who is designed to get women addicted to having sex with him (literally a hentai plot). the bene geserit made him Like That because they couldnt use spice so they just decided to fuck everyone into submission instead
i swear to got frank was fully yankin' it while writing by the end of the series bro is 100% cum brained
#i literally dont need to say anything else#the way duncan ends up really just proves my point#dune#spoilers#i guess?#i honestly would not be surprised if duncan was a bit of a self insert but that's speculation at that point#unrelated but dune 2 knocked it out of the ball park when it came to making the fremen likeable Human Beings with Thoughts and Opinions#stellar stuff#the other adaptations did a shit job at that so the bar was in hell but like really above and beyond#really made it super clear who is the bad guy#just a great example of building off the source material and fixing issues#granted ofc its not perfect but ill be damned if it isnt really good#i still think mini series baron harkonen was the best bc they made him a human threat#like not the butt of the joke for being fat or disabled. like they actually made him elegant and brutal without resorting to using his#fatness and disability as the means to that#straight up a great baron#the new one? not so much. i think they rely too much of the fatness and disability for my liking. at least he isnt comical but still.#bad taste in the mouth for sure#feyd was handled excellent they made him perfectly scary. rabban couldve used more but idk hes ultimately not important#but yeah the baron's been handled better.#the second season of the miniseries did delve a bit into early 2000's insanity but thats par for the course#the first season was pretty fire#but overall i still think the most recent iteration's been the best#even with the baron being made monstrous rather than human
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talentforlying · 7 months
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@normaltothemax: Ooh meta about John and children. How he sees himself vs. how he actually is with them <3 — SEND META TOPICS.
oh he thinks he's horrendous with children. he thinks nobody in their right mind should ever let him look after a kid / spend time with their kids, because he's terrified about being a bad influence or turning his back at the wrong moment. even when he really makes an effort to do everything right by your most puritanical housewife's standards — no smoking, no swearing, no drinking, PG movies — he's always convinced that something's going to happen, some accident or tragedy that he won't be able to prevent, especially someone looking to get to him and using the kid or their family to do it. it's happened several times before, and it'll probably happen again. it's one of the reasons he can't really see himself being a dad, even though on some level i think he would have liked that. (in his new 52 verse with his daughter rose porter, he is very much a helicopter parent for this reason; he's always terrified of something happening to her because of his reputation.)
aside from the obvious life-or-death fears, he tends to feel out-of-place and clumsy and careless when he's around kids; he's someone who works best with a plan, even just the kernel of one, but around kids he's always improvising, with their clever questions and inane curiosities. he also has zero concept of what constitutes a normal response to an average question, most of the time, because it's not like he's lived a normal life; turns out the right answer to "sometimes i see a scary man in my closet" is not, in fact, "well he's probably dead, so."
in reality, he's mostly only a bad influence insofar as swearing and normalizing obscene amounts of cigarette-smoking; he's actually really fucking good with kids. he had an awful childhood and he remembers vividly all the ways he used to wish adults in his life would treat him, all the times he wanted a hand to hold or a hug; to inflict any kind of hardship on a child would mean he's become his father, and that's a fate worse than death to him. he's incredibly protective of kids, he's a genuinely good listener, and he communicates with them like they're adults (which isn't always a good thing, considering the way he communicates with other adults, but he doesn't condescend or brush them off). he's childish enough to know & engage with what they might consider fun, and he's always willing to risk embarrassment to play along with a game or coax out a smile. he would risk absolutely anything if it meant saving a kid's life, and he will ruin the existence of anyone who so much as thinks about hurting a child. (even though he has pushed the occasional snotty bastard into a duck pond before. he stuck around to make sure they could swim, though.)
now, the intersection of the two is this: sometimes he's so good with kids, and they like him so much, that they start to emulate him. which includes getting involved in the occult and starting down the same path he did when he was younger, with all the pitfalls and harsh learning curves and horrors that come with it. this is what happened with his niece gemma, and he regrets that every day of his life.
all things considered, his primary strategy towards dealing with children is that he doesn't. it's safer for them, and it's less stressful for him.
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yuridovewing · 10 months
Omg I forgot about this one, and I'll fact check this later cause I have a copy of Bluestar's Prophecy, but one thing I forgot to mention in the "things fandom gets completely wrong" section yesterday is the idea that Bluestar "stole" Whitekit from Thistleclaw. Like, she walked up, told Whitekit he couldn't talk to his dad anymore, and just took full custody and raged at Thistleclaw for liking his son and Thistleclaw couldn't do anything (???)
When I believe what actually happened was that Thistleclaw stopped spending time with Whitekit on his own terms. In fact, Thistleclaw was the one shouting at Bluefur to stop talking to her nephew. If I remember correctly, once he got Tigerpaw, he just stopped hanging out with Whitekit as much in favor of his apprentice, and this is supported by Crookedstar's Promise where Thistleclaw (who's training in the Dark Forest at this point) mocks Whitekit and calls him soft.
(Also that first interpretation isn't exactly the golden "Thistle is good actually" smoking gun people think it is and I don't know why people think so. Like. He's in a clan, he HAS the power and time and space to keep talking to his own damn motherless son. If Bluefur does parental alienation, he has people in his corner who can help stop that from happening like literally 24/7. Also it bugs me how people either neglect to mention the part where Bluefur tries to look after Whitekit more because Thistleclaw was beating him up and using claws to train him, or they do mention it and present it like "Oh he has a different parenting method than Bluefur :/ Why can't Bluefur just accept that?")
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
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Girl like. The reason he said "this is how it should be" and faced death with a smile....is cuz he wanted to die. For 2 years he sat there thinking he was worthless and deserved to die. If he hadn’t be shot, his death would’ve been suicide, he was fully planning to die in a gutter somewhere undetected. When saying "this is how it should be" hes literally saying "don’t cry because I’m dying, my death is a good thing actually because I fucking suck and you are better off without me". I don’t think that’s badass even slightly, it’s actually really sad and really shitty. Shinjiro is so convinced that he deserves to die and hates the idea of anyone giving a shit about him because he literally can’t wrap his mind around the idea that he will be missed when he’s gone, that his death is a bad thing actually. And his last words were meant to be comforting because he fully did not intend for anyone to be there when he died, he intended to die alone, so he says them as a reminder that he’s not worth crying over
Personally, if it were me, if I was holding my dying best friend in my arms who was deeply depressed and suicidal and he said "this is how it should be" uh. I wouldn’t admire him for it??? Like am I losing my mind when I say the way this game handles Shinji is bad or is anyone else seeing this too 😰
#its like okay listen i understand the basic math of any persona game they say things and everything they say is actually#very bad when you think about it for more than 3 seconds#like what theyre intending to do with the death of this character is be like oh no your sad friend dies tragically thats so saddddd#but that doesnt mean you cant live a wonderful life full of meaning you cant let grief consume you life is beautiful awagga#and i guess shinji is a specific character whos used cuz i guess its more tragic that he never realized he was worthy of life and shit#and i guess its also like ‘dont be like this guy who let grief consume him and then died you gotta Be Different’#which i dont. love. that last part cuz if you think about shinji and what led him down this road#its like. of course hes depressed! he accidentally killed a woman with a child when he was 16!#he himself is an orphan and he just made some other kid an orphan as well and it happened cuz his persona went out of control#which very much can translate to ‘this must mean im dangerous and can hurt everyone if im not kept under control’#so of course he isolated himself and believed he was evil and became suicidal like who wouldnt feel that way#like am i supposed to be mad he left sees and took drugs cuz uh while i dont think isolation or Evil Drug is good for his mental health#i dont think him continuing to fight in sees is something he can just easily do again given how he killed someone like he shouldnt have to#be a part of this thing anymore like how would he even safely get castor to not do that??? he cant kill more people on accident!#so yeah like using shinji as an example of bad coping mechanisms is already just. a big fucking oof to me like it just feels like the game#is saying he shouldve gotten over it and simply not be suicidal and stayed on the team. idk if thats the intent but uh it wouldnt faze me#cuz persona games are notoriously awful at writing characters who are traumatized and abused#but what makes everything even worse is how the game kinda like. acts like shinjis death is a stepping stone#like we’re supposed to use it as a wake up call and understand the stakes but keep going on anyways#and akihiko and Ken get. ‘great character development’ according to the game telling you they have now developed#but damn all akihiko is is just repressed he cries for 3 seconds and then is like I SHOULD MAN UP and then neglects a depressed child#shinjis dying words are words to live by now even though they piss me the fuck off like girl am i crazy HES FUCKING#HES TELLING ME NOT TO CRY OVER HIM BECAUSE HE SHOULD BE DEAD ACTUALLY AND THIS IS A GOOD THING ACTUALLY#like if the game wants us to still find meaning in life despite losing someone it just really hurts that shinji has to die for that to work#apparently. cuz the character i see myself in is shinji. not some perfect prettyboy who does everything perfectly and has 4 gfs#his death seems like a punishment for bad behavior. the bad behavior being of course depression and drug use. and im simply supposed to be#better than that if i want to live. and we dont get to form a connection with him cuz thats gayyyyy#and his death is like a NOBLE HEROIC SACRIFICE idk its just such bullshit to me i hate it so bad#how is killing a suicidal guy and then treating it as admirable that he said ‘this is how it should be’ supposed to make me feel#makes me feel sick personally and it ruins the entire game’s theme to me because its fucking shallow and the story is bad and im tired
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doomhearted · 5 months
Call it coping, but I'm trying so hard to see modern (edgelord) Shadow as the same character even though he's such a flanderization. I just imagine he's putting on a mask to be insufferable on purpose in order to keep his distance with others.
It's ridiculous to imagine otherwise. He CAN'T be serious.
Besides, real people don't just have a character arc and peak, they take one step forward, two steps back (har har). I don't want him to be perfect.
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
okay like the thing is. if i was going to write actual real marie fic with plot and consequences and everything. even in the hypothetical fic with lucifer being released from his rewritten character back to factory settings (s5) he’s still like. he’s not a good person. it’s important to me that if this was a real fic and not just me shitposting, that lucifer does not magically become a good person this way. or a good parent. in fact, he’s probably worse because he now has empirical evidence to back up that God will, when convenient, erase who he is, make him worse, make it so that there’s never any choice but for him to get worse. And who’s to say it isn’t still happening. who’s to say lucifer is “back to normal” because nephilim baby interference and not because God thought it would be more interesting to see him spiral down from a higher place rather than fall over already at rock bottom.
#he’s paranoid he’s possessive he’s a bitch he has daddy issues he doesn’t even know what (human) children eat#there’s a part of him that loves jack & marie so much it’s actually a dangerous terrifying thing and then another part of him that’s scared#of that love itself. for what it means he could do to them. for what it means they can do to him. the power they hold by existing and being#his babies. and then even another part that. not hates or resents but. he looks at them and thinks. did i choose this? i love you. i dont#know if i wanted you. i dont know if you’re just what my father used me to make for the next chapter. but i love you.#like yes there is the version of marie twin au where everything is Fine and theyre happy and everything gets wrapped up neatly#but realistically. that is not how the story actually goes. lucifer is not so easy to wrangle as that.#and neither are tfw for that matter. just because lucifer looks like a better parent to the twins on the surface (doesn’t threaten to murder#them daily) doesn’t mean he’s actually. good. at not hurting them in different ways. i mean. his example is god. he’s trying to surpass#someone that he can’t even. like even at his most rebellious. god is still on a pedestal and its everything around him that sucked shit. but#he still had to know what he was doing. and so lucifer is trying to surpass someone he hasn’t yet figured out how to look at without. well.#making him into a god. a perfect one or a cruel one.#at some point lucifer is going to realize he needs to be a father. not a god. is what i think im saying. but that takes time.#marieposting
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floralovebot · 2 years
I love LOVE your headcanons hence why I keep sending question and I'm glad you like the fashion one! when I saw the pictures of the new collection I knew some of it would suit Helia well.
Another question: in the show they didn't explore florelia much once they got together but seeing how Flora was so reserved at first do you think it was recurring thing in their relationship at first and how do you think Helia reacted to that?
This is actually so interesting because Flora really wasn't reserved once they got together! A lot of her initial shyness was due to her not knowing how Helia felt about her. She just wasn't sure how he felt, if he was interested, if she had a chance, etc., which caused her to be very reserved in their first interactions. Once they cleared that up and became an official couple, she opened up a lot and almost never felt shy around him again.
It's really the opposite with them! Flora is open with Helia about literally everything. She doesn't hide anything, she talks about her feelings (even and especially the bad ones), and she suggests dates and plans. Literally the whole thing!! Helia on the other hand can still be very reserved. It gets better after he leaves the second/third time (however you want to see it) and he realizes that he genuinely likes them and wants to be with them. But for the most part, it can take literal prompting for him to actually share how he feels.
This is another big reason why their dynamic is so interesting to me! When they first meet, Helia seems very confident and even outright flirty. He is pretty flirty with her! And with her getting Super Shy with him around, it definitely makes it seem like their dynamic will be Cool Guy + Shy Girl. But then when they do actually get together, it switches!! Flora becomes the super confident one who initiates a lot of their interactions while Helia becomes the chill one who still stews in "but does she actually like me?????" and then add on his general "no i will Not tell anyone anything how dare you" attitude and it's like... And of course there are times when she does get shy or has a hard time talking about her feelings but it's definitely not as bad as it was before they got together. Just... ough..... they <3
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gopissbepis · 1 year
I think I might hate my boyfriend.....
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marklikely · 2 years
a while ago you said you hated the movie the eternals so I was wondering what you didn’t like about it? just bc I’m vindictive about marvel lol
god they just literally didnt do even a single thing right.
the acting was really bad from just about everyone (except maybe kumail nanjiani who was the only person who decided he would try to play an actual character), like everyone was just phoning it in. im going to chalk it up to bad directing because people also seemed like they had no idea what they were supposed to be doing on set, plus some of these people are decorated actors that have proven they were good at their job in other movies.
it could also be because the writing was just a mess on every level. like, how good could the acting be when no characters were given any solid motivations or personality traits (any motivations or traits that they DID bother to put in the movie were either told with 0 evidence, or just changed whenever it suited a plot twist to try and create some tepid and meaningless conflict within the team). the lore was tedious and nonsensical, there were no stakes because absolutely nothing felt earned or consequential at all, the overall goal of the plot changed like 8 different times as well as constantly being interrupted by flashbacks with no rhyme or reason as to when we would see a flashback or what we would flash back to, which led to a pacing nightmare.
and the tone was too dour and serious to be able to ignore any of this for the camp or fun either!! because there was absolutely no fun!!!!! it's like they wanted to make a Prestige Drama out of a movie that's 75% exposition dumps and half-assed sci fi lore and 0% actual character moments that make dramas work.
ok im typing too much so let's just rapid fire the rest: the color pallet was atrocious, just concrete and mud. the costumes looked like absolute garbage, cheaply made and extremely bland even just on a design level (i'm talking specifically about the hero uniforms here. the civilian clothes for every character were also boring and pointless, though). the effects were literally laughably bad, the object designs (like for the spaceship and other alien stuff, i'm not sure what to call this category) were ridiculous and never fully came together into something interesting or otherworldly. the score was trash and the needledrops were distracting. the diversity was shallow and insulting, you can't just constantly brag about diversity when you couldn't be bothered write those diverse characters to be actual, yknow, characters.
anyway if you want a well-made superhero movie about ancient heroes who have a deep love for humanity, that has diverse characters who are actually fleshed out and treated like characters instead of an Inclusivity Checklist, that has serious moments with emotional impact but is also capable of being fun, that has clear intra-team conflicts and morally grey characters that you can actually understand, that doesn't look like total garbage, then literally just watch The Old Guard. just watch The Old Guard im literally begging you. if you liked eternals just watch The Old Guard and see what it looks like when a movie actually does what eternals pretends it's doing.
#sorry anyway i decided a while ago that eternals is the new number one worst movie ive ever seen xoxo#if i could say one nice thing about it uh. again kumail nanjiani hard carried and he wasn't even that good.#its just that the bar was literally so low that him deciding to actually try and play a character was still leagues above everyone else.#uh. the opening song was by pink floyd and i like those guys.#although the song they chose was time which is like. completely antithetical to the entire movie so idk.#i guess they were just like oh its about time and these guys are eternal it must be perfect *does not actually listen to the song*#asks#the diversity thing really fucking bugged me too like they wont shut up about diversity but#then when we watched the making-of documentary to try and see what we missed that would make this movie make sense#like there was this one section where they all listed a bunch of personality traits for each of the characters#(and for most of the characters they either listed things that are not actually a personality or were things that were NOT in the movie)#and for one girl literally all they could come up with was that shes fast and Deaf and she taught them asl.#which is like. so fucking insulting. you couldnt think of a single personality trait? shes just fast??#shes just fast and she taught the hearing people some asl because as we all know thats the only role a Deaf person can have right?#we dont need to give her an actual character we just need someone to fill the Deaf Marvel Character quota.#idk. if it were me and i realized that i couldnt name a trait for this character besides 'knows asl' and 'has super speed' id like#stop patting myself on the back for my Great Deaf Representation. because thats not good representation at all its just pathetic.#and the other characters were all similarly shallow but she's just. the best example of it bc they couldnt even PRETEND that she was deep.#movie diary#and again if the movie was even slightly able to have fun id be a lot less hard on it but it took itself so fucking seriously#and patted itself on the back so much for being like this Highbrow Next Level version of a marvel movie#and like. no. this is the worst marvel movie by a nautical mile even if youre judging by really strict standards of Art.
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interclouds · 2 years
I feel like I can’t trust anyone’s opinions on what good anime is anymore
#maybe i never could who knows#maybe i dont even know what is good#i recently thought back to how much i liked flcl and how much i think it influenced me#or at least theoretically influenced me im working on it#but i did a rewatch and while the good parts i remembered were still good#there were issues for sure#i kept wanting to recommend it to my boyfriend but as i rewatched i kept feeling insecure like he wouldnt enjoy it#maybe thats kind of a bad example bc while flcl is as close to timeless as anime gets it does stills how its age a bit in small ways#the only anime ive watched recently that actually stood up to some scrutiny was mp100#but i gotta be honest i only like maybe half of mp100 and probably less#whats good about it is great but so much of it i just have no stomach for#maybe thats me being picky but idk i feel like a lot of people wouldnt enjoy those same aspects#we did a watch of brba recently and like no show is perfect 100% but brba was pretty incredible start to finish#and i think most people would pretty much agree regardless of tastes#should i be comparing some anime about a silly little guy to one of the most critically acclaimed tv shows ever? probably not#but idk i want to like anime so much bc theres so much about it that what i want#but i just keep running into not just disappointment but like actual shock at how it fails to meet expectations other people set up for me#anyway rant over i guess#probably gonna delete this? who cares what i think about anime lol#this is probably the vyvanse talking and my boyfriend isnt awake for me to bother him
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
and you WILL listen to my half finished synthv covers (vsqx by help me)
#vocal synth wip#synthv#genbu#in the time since my last half finished cover i have purchased the full version of my beloved dolphin being electrocuted genbu#jk jk i really do think his full standard is solid. his lite is glitched out but thats not his fault he was just programmed that way#although as he is a standard bank i do miss the breath phonemes. and he doesnt even have like a folder of external soundbytes or anything#he cant breathe 😔 thats okay genbu i still love you. even though you cant breathe.#for real i do love how his bank sounds like. so moody? i remember they wanted to make an ai bank for him#and that would be fun to have especially to fit his voicevox counterpart better (AND ALSO BREATH PHONEMES!!!!!)#but there is like this gloomy quality to his standard that i think sounds so good in songs like this#lots of power but very dark. perfect for crying his eyes out in alt rock LOL#anyway. despite my love for genbu. as you can hear i am still fighting against his volume discrepancies LOL#compression settings are so hard to figure out in mixing orz the real hard part with vocal synth covers no one warns u about#BUT IM GETTNG THERE also i think i wanna do a couple more things in the synthv editor. mostly messing with phonemes and expression and whtv#u can also hear that genbu struggles at saying 'warau' in the same soft way miku does in the original LOL but i think it adds character#his like. aggressive enunciation. in his voicevox talk bank and with his real life voice provider the enunciation sounds more like charming#like a silly and blunt but very kind young man. but in his synthv bank it makes him sound like hes fucking seething sometimes LOL#moody and gloomy indeed <3 its fun when that happens in vocal synths: where the synth just sounds completely like its own thing#because of the resampling process or whatever. lots of examples like vocaloid ia vs lia or like i dunno. miriam vs miriam stockley LOL#anyway. time to go back in the trenches (trying to mix genbus voice in fucking fruityloops)
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cinnabeat · 1 year
i think the worst thing about house of leaves is the never ending sentences
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bookdragonideas · 2 months
Here's the thing. I'm a girl, and as a girl, I really like it when girls are portrayed in fiction. Especially fantasy.
But so much fiction/fantasy mixes up 'girls' with 'unstoppable forces of female badass' and there's not necessarily anything wrong with having a character who is an 'unstoppable forces of female badass'. But it gets old real quick. And it is not the same as portraying normal girls, or having good female characters.
And that's one of the many reasons I love Avatar the Last Airbender.
Because all the girl characters have flaws and weaknesses and sometimes act like idiots or jerks. They get emotional and make mistakes. They lose fights or arguments or are just wrong sometimes. Some of them are amazing warriors, and some aren't. Some are powerful or special and some are normal, with nothing special about them.
And I Love that.
I was around the same age as Katara when I first watched Atla. And I instantly connected with her as a character. I loved her optimistic attitude and her fighting spirit. And I could relate with her anger, and with her maternal instinct. I admired her fighting skills of course, but I loved how the show portrayed her compassion and kindness, the way she could both beat up a bunch of bullies AND enjoy a relaxing day at the spa. She was a baddass warrior that should never be crossed. But she was also a normal teenage girl who had a lot of the same internal struggles and problems that I did.
(I never connected to Toph on the same level, but I did relate to her on a few things. She's an adorable trash gremlin who would commit any crime for fun and I love that. But she struggles with being both independent and letting people help her, and I still struggle with that sometimes. I've learned that sometimes, you can help others by letting them help you.)
Yue is, in my opinion, a perfect example of a type of hero that seems to be disappearing. She is not a warrior. She is not a fighter. She's not even a bender.
Yue is a perfect princess, a perfect daughter. She is extremely feminine in a rather older sense.
And she was the only one who could save the world. She gave up everything for her people. She saved everything, everyone, the entire world. Without ever becoming a fighter.
Yue is a perfect example of a girl who was never more than a girl, and how that's okay. Not every girl has to be rough and tumble and fight for her rights in order to change everything. Sometimes it's okay to just be a quiet obedient girly girl. Sometimes that's all it takes to be a hero.
And I love that. Yue is strong in her own way. She is unique and interesting. She appears in only a few episodes and yet manages to be one of my favorite characters.
Song is another great example of this. Song is a healer in a small town. We don't see much of her but we see her compassion and empathy. She is gentle and generous. A healer not a fighter.
She watches Zuko steal her ostrich horse and does nothing.
Is that because she's kind and generous and knows he needs it more? Or is it because she's a healer girl who knows she can't actually stop those two from taking the horse? Maybe neither, maybe both. I have always thought that the scene where Zuko steals the horse and only the audience knows she saw it is one of the most thought-provoking in the series.
Suki is a badass warrior woman who is an awesome fighter and good leader. She is one of the best non bender fighter we see in the entire show. She was one of the smartest, most efficient, and powerful characters we ever saw.
She kissed a boy she had just met because she thought he was cute.
Now don't get me wrong I love SokkaxSuki. Its one of the best couples in the show.
But Suki totally did the old 'love at first sight' thing. And that is awesome. Because when she kisses him she delivers one of the best lines, not only from her, but, I think, in the entire show.
"I AM a warrior, but I'm a girl too."
Being a warrior doesn't mean that she isn't also a teenage girl. She might be a fighter, but she still gets crushes and likes to flirt with cute boys. And hey, she picked a good one. Not every boy is going to come break you out of prison.
Anyways, let's have more realistic girls in fiction. And please enjoy the next 24 hours.
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