#like its that. yep. thats my guy right there
blinkpen · 11 months
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they're a bunch of fucking dipshits and i fell in love with them despite trying very hard not to your honor (except zebra he sucks i mean i do love him but in the way that his inevitable death will bring me big big smiles, smiles so big)
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lecliss · 2 months
Just realized Vincent's character can kinda be summed up as "i can fix her" and horrendously failing
#'i can fix her' bro she is actively being made worse as we speak!!!!!#okay i jest but this did make me think about some stuff actually#vincent's honestly a guy that seems so. not human. like literally in that hes kinda a zombie and can transform into monsters#and then metaphorically in that hes canonically a 'natural loner' as nojima calls him and comes off as cold and admits hes just like that#but hes So. Fucking. Human in that he was in love and chased after a woman with a million red flags#and who frankly didnt deserve him and he butted into a situation that actually should have stopped being his business#but he continuously tried to do 'the right thing' and got himself screwed over for it#and proceeded to BLAME HIMSELF and try to fix 'his mistake'#like. whats more human than 'its my fault and i should have tried harder and done the right thing' WHEN WHAT HE SHOULD HAVE DONE#WAS GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE ONCE HE WAS TOLD TIME AND TIME AGAIN THAT ITS NONE OF HIS BUSINESS ESSENTIALLY#the more and more i break down vincent the more i realize like#wow. he kinda sucks. like not even just in a loser way but in like. yep! thats a human! way#thats a person who digs himself deeper and deeper into a hole thinking if i just dig a little deeper itll get better#and now hes six feet under in a grave :/ metaphorically. well. he does end up in a coffin but like. unrelated actually. huh.#okay i actually shouldnt call him a loser and say he sucks actually cuz i think he acts very realistically in terms of like#guy whos in love and thinks he can save her if he just talks enough. guy who thinks maybe this time will be enough to fix the situation#GUY WHO THINKS IF I SAY THE RIGHT THING ITLL FINALLY GET THROUGH TO HER *proceeds to reword the same statement a million times*#hes too human really. ohhhh my god im gonna lose it. OH MY GOD HES JUST SOME GUY#HES THE RESULT OF JUST SOME GUY TRYING TO BE A PROTAG BUT THEN HES HIT WITH CRUEL REALITY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#personal
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gibbearish · 3 months
hm ive been thinking about it and i dont feel like that post is actually falling in the division being sown because like. theres no part of me that feels like these beliefs and behaviors are inherent to transfems, and in both that post and the long baeddel one from before i focused entirely on the ops and their specific actions/motivations. and i feel like if there /is/ a way to discuss things like this without falling into the trap, that has to be it. there has to be a way to address the actual issues without it just being about fighting and i can't think of a better way but. idk i do still worry it does more harm than good
#or maybe this is all just me making excuses for being just as gullible as the person i was mad about before#idk#im like. i want to be objective about things but i also know that true objectivity is impossible and that i will#always be biased towards agreeing with the things i believe given that yknow . theyre my beliefs. i wouldnt believe#in them if i didnt agree with them#so when i try to assess my own behavior and beliefs and come out of it going 'yep sounds about right' im like#well thatd still be what id say if i am wrong so this is meaningless#so i try to go off of like. the ways people disagree with me?#like that thing from before about 'what does it say about your beliefs that this is how you have to defend them' where its like#if i have a bunch of supporting evidence and go over my thing a thousand times poking any holes in it i can before anyone else can#and the response is something deeply ridiculous or disprovable by just Clicking The Link They Used As A Source#then that probably means im in the right‚ right?#but theres other times where im like. is my opinion actually solid or am i just being defensive right now#i dont feel like im being defensive but like no one who is does‚ they feel like theyre responding rationally#so i go back and reread arguments later to see if i still agree and i do which in theory would mean i am right#except it could also just be that im still defensive about it and thats why im still thinking about it and rereading it days later#idk. anyways do you guys think my psychiatrist was right about me not having ocd or should i revisit that IWBDKSBDKSN#origibberish
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norrisleclercf1 · 10 months
Hi love ❤ could you maybe write something for the Mini lando Series,maybe where reader does Grocerie Shopping with Aiden and Lando stays at home with Caleb. And while they are shopping some man flirts with reader and Aiden is like THATS my mom and she only loves my daddy. And then he tells lando what happend when they are home. And lando is jelous but thinks its funny how People still trie to hit on reader even with Baby and ring on her finger.
A/N: pffffft love this, Aiden totally has his dads sass. Aiden is about 5 and Caleb is 2. This happens before you become pregnant with your 3rd child Daniel William Norris.
Warnings: Fluff and Angst, yep that's right it's not always going to be sunshine and roses, slight crude language and joke
Mini Lando Series Masterlist
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"Just, call if you need anything okay?" You ask Lando, about to run to the grocery store he waves you off. "What? Think I can't take care of my own son?" It's a teasing comment but with a tiny bite.
Taking a deep breath you have to remind your self to remain calm to his comment. "Lando, you're a capable father, I'm just saying-" You stop pursing your lips. "Whatever, forget it. Aiden! Baby, come on we're leaving!" Aiden runs down the hall smiling.
He loved going to the store with you, Caleb was about 2 and now able to talk and run around so Aiden didn't get much peace. And at 5, he was already an old man with Lando's mouth to boot.
"I'm ready! Bye daddy." Lando crouches, kissing Aiden on the cheek. "Be good for you Mom or I won't be taking you karting. Understand?" Aiden has gotten into karting, nothing serious yet. But he was a natural talent and it started to worry you.
That's why there was so much tension between you and Lando recently. "Yes, sir. I'll be good for Mom." Running to the garage, leaving you and Lando alone. "We'll talk later." Is all Lando says, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek and off to check on Caleb.
""Sure." You mumble, wanting to shake off the fog in your brain. You wanted a good day with your son and fighting with your husband wasn't going to damper that. "Mama! Come on!" Aiden yells, hurrying you to the car.
Opening the door, you help him in, strapping him into the booster seat. "Is Daddy mad?" Fingers fumble slightly with the last buckle at his question you look up. "No, baby. We're just having an adult conversation. He's not mad at you, I promise." Aiden nods, his question quickly forgotten by him but not by you.
The drive is relatively nice as you park, going over the rules again with Aiden who just nods saying "yes mom". Running into the store he grabs one of the mini buggies, making sure to copy you. The two of you giggle and talk about his karting.
Not even noticing as a man approaches you until he grabs something off the top shelf for you. "Here you go gorgeous." The guy smiles, you give a tight lip one taking the box of pasta from him. "Thanks." Aiden staring at the guy, wondering what he was doing.
"You're welcome. Can't turn down a stunning woman like you now can I? What kind of person would I be?" He chuckles moving closer, but not enough to make you uncomfortable. "One who isn't my daddy." Aiden's voice has the guy looking down, you hiding a smile as you turn.
"Excuse me little guy?" The man shocked at the little kids quip. "It's not little guy, my name is Aiden. You're not my daddy, and the only one to call Mommy pretty is Daddy." Aiden standing firm, staring the guy down. "Oh, well I don't see your daddy." Winking at you, now you're stepping in but Aiden doesn't stop.
"Daddy is busy at home with my little brother. He also drives super fast cars, the orange one. Unless you drive one like Daddy and Uncle Carlos or Uncle Pear you can't call Mommy pretty." The guy steps back, rolling his eyes. "Whatever." And walks off leaving you in shock.
"Aiden Carlos." Your voice calm, Aiden looks down. He knew he shouldn't have done that. His mommy could handle herself but...daddy always told him to protect mommy when he wasn't there. "Are you going to tell Daddy?" He knew he did wrong, talking back to a stranger unaware of what he could do.
"No, you will." Sighing you head to check out. "Mommy?" Aiden's voice soft as you two drive back. "Yes?" Aiden sniffles kicking his little feet. "I was just doing what Daddy does for you." He whispers, eyes looking in the rearview mirror you catch Aiden's head down.
"What do you mean baby?" Confused by that. "Daddy always protects Mommy, and Uncle Carlos said since I'm the oldest I have to protect you and Caleb when Daddy isn't here. I'm sorry." Sniffling again, reaching back you squeeze his little leg.
"My little boy. You don't need to do that. When you're bigger and older, sure. But you're still my little baby, it's my job to protect you." Aiden smiles, nodding as you pull into the garage.
The garage door opens, showing Caleb being held by Lando who laughs as Lando blows raspberries on his stomach. "Mama!" Caleb giggles, Aiden jumping out and running inside.
"Something happen?" Lando asks, you nod. Lando just nods sucking in his cheeks placing Caleb down. "I'll go talk to him." Caleb carrying light bags of groceries inside happy to help.
Lando walks to his eldest son's room, poking his head in not seeing Aiden he goes to second best spot. "Bubs?" Lando calls pushing open his office door, Aiden staring at all the trophies, helmets, and pictures.
"I thought I told you to be good?" Lando sighs, crouching to be eye level with the boy sitting in the desk chair. "I was, but a stranger was calling Mommy names and I protected her just like you and Uncle Carlos always say to do." Aiden whines, for such a little boy he sure did have mature emotions.
Anger fuels Lando hearing this, he has to take a couple deep breaths before asking his next question. "What kind of names, bubs? It's okay you can tell me." Lando comforts him, Aiden's curls bouncing back to place from Lando's fingers.
"They kept calling Mommy pretty, and doing what you do." Lando blinks, the anger shaping into jealousy. A guy was hitting on you? With his ring on your finger and in front of his child? Okay, this could be worse.
Lando having to talk himself down. "Aiden, you have to let Mommy handle that until your bigger, understand?" Aiden nods, staring at a picture of you, Aiden, and him holding a trophy. "Can we still kart?" Lando smirks, ruffling his hair. "Yeah, go get dressed." Aiden running off.
Lando stands, taking in the pictures. First date, Wedding, His first WDC, your entire life together was here. Yet he was still feeling jealous? He hated it. Walking back, he sees Caleb watching bluey holding his stuffed koala given to him by Oscar.
"Y/n?" You poke your head around the corner, Lando walks into the kitchen kicking the standout the door swinging closed. "A guy hit on you?" Voice calm, but even you could hear the lace of anger.
"Yes, but it was handled, by our 5-year-old. Apparently, you and Carlos have put in his head he's allowed to do that." You hiss, angry at the fact that your son could've been put in harm's way. "Y/n, that's not the point here, a guy hit on you." His temper fizzles out quickly as he laughs.
"What is so damn funny? This isn't funny!" You snap, pushing his shoulder as Lando just laughs. "This fucker hit on you, while you wear my ring. My child was next to you, and I'm here acting like a jealous teenager." He laughs harder shaking his head at his own actions.
"I felt threatened when I'm the one who married you, the one who is the father of two gorgeous boys. And," He steps closer, wrapping an arm around your waist pulling you into his chest. "The one who gets to fill you every night." You slap a hand over his mouth, feeling the smirk on your palm.
"Are you crazy! The kids could hear." Anger slipping too as you roll your eyes. "M swommy." Words muffled you drop your hand. "What?" "I'm sorry. About our fight recently and now, this. Just, ever since we had Aiden; I've been worried about your safety and the kids. Now I understand what Fernando and the others felt over their kids and partners." Lando wraps you in a hug.
"Lando, I love you. But, if you ever tell our child to do that again. I'm slicing your balls." Lando snorts shaking his head. "You love my balls to much." You shove him away as he laughs loudly.
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privitivium · 2 months
A thought just came over me and i don't know whether or not this is a bad idea lol.
So reader right, having a motherly "spouse" thats a bit too overwhelming and protective?, Yep totally normal.
And having his boss, a literal CEO following and giving coffee or latte's during readers working hour, sometimes he would see the fatherly CEO stalking him in the corner of his eyes, well that's a bit weird..
And oh my, seems like a streamer had just befriended him, a pretty popular guy too.
not giving too much thought about it, reader immediately started playing with the streamer.
Not giving too much thought on how deranged and personal the streamer's questions about him, a bit uncomfortable nonetheless, but he really seems like pathetic guy infront of him with the cameras off, But mother did say to be careful on the internet (or else he's taking away the internet privileges)
But what happens if the streamer "accidentally" (he doxxed reader lol) met reader in real life and started stalking him, only to see two humongous guys clinging on to him and seemingly fighting each other internally, calling one of them mother and the other father, but streamer knows that is definitely NOT your parents...seems like reader got another yandere on his dick
(if you don't get the gist of it, what im basically saying is that can you add streamer yan to the mother yan and father yan ordeal..just a headcannon is fine..but i wanna see a story tho lol.
Sorry if this is a bit too long haha
this is the same anon that requested yan mother and father yan, the whole "bringing my bae his forgotten lunch to his workplace only to see him getting spoonfed by fucking his boss" ordeal lol)
its fine i generally love reading little stories in my requests . Thanks anon
motherly, fatherly, streamer yandere x male reader,,,
all amab, cw;; mild perversion, manipulation
i'm gonna go with,,, theyre just housemates. two super close friends with obvious sexual, romantic tension - mother refers to you to others as his lover, and you dont really care, so you must want to be lovers? mother doesnt push it... but is still as overwhelming n overprotective as ever. thanks mother !
fatherly CEO stalking you? seemingly to pop up everywhere you went with a cup of coffee for you - or even mixing it up and getting you some kinda matcha deal!! nothing out of the ordinary, your superior was always kinda affectionate... you try to tell him that theres no reason to be so chummy with you ( trying to direct his attention on something else but it doesnt work ) afterall, you do see all ur coworkers prying eyes... but it was no big deal. ur coworkers didnt seem to bother you anyway, so... you guess ur fine with your superior doting on you ( even if it was quite inappropriate in the workplace, but he managed to turn ur mind right around !! so charming ! )
and - three whole friends ?! two of which theres some kind of unspoken tension, especially with your housemate who you affectionately nicknamed mother - you don't tell anyone so, embarrassed that youre referring to a grown man as mother... and instead, almost spilling it to your newest friend-! ㅡstreamer yan being a fucking freak and tapping into ur shit before mother or fatherly does - having to play with a raging hard-on because hes a sad little freak in real life, but on stream hes the coolest most badass guy ever... who asks too personal questions - but you didnt seem to mind. like, who do you live with? is it nice? what kind of soap do you use in the shower? how often do you do laundry? didnt register in your mind that this streamer guy is a total pervert - but steering clear of such questions when on stream...
and what do you know ?? streamer pulling up to where you live... just to get a good scope of the place n all,,, nothing too out of the ordinary. definitely not stalking. he just happened to live a few towns close by... and - having the great idea to ask what you were gonna do one day, just to be there to show up. small town or something... just to see you in the middle of two bulky ass dudes who were adamant on avoiding each other - ever so often glaring heatedly at one another... and, he hears you calling one mother??
can imagine mother n father wondering why ur spending so much time on ur phone... unusual for you since ur never really on it that much-? and mother did tell you to be wary of the internet... you begin to hide away in your little workspace mother made up for you in your shared home, fiddling on your computer and - playing video games and messaging some guy... who were you talking to? who were you laughing with? how dare they make you smile ????
mother n father teaming up reluctantly just to figure out wtf is up with ur computer and phone... wanting to know who ur talking to ( surprisingly havent tapped it!!! ) and obviously, mother goes in there when ur not home - at work with that bastard other man he has no choice but to work together with, fiddling with your computer n not knowing the password - so mother, immediately going to guilttrip you into giving him the password. hes especially sad that it wasnt his name or anything of the sort...
they were so happy you were suddenly so comfortable calling them father and mother in public as they act accordingly - so sweetly, you feel an overwhelming amount of affection which was what they wanted in the first place... streamer obviously feeling intimidated,,, but willing to join ur little harem.,,,
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dirtybitfic · 1 month
Lets get horny
chris x y/n
Contains- talking about sexual topics, smutt, kinks, dom-chris, bondage, blindfolds, choking, slapping, rough, orgasm control, dirty talk, degradation, breeding kink, daddy kink.
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y/n pov-
The guys decided to make a r-rated video and see how it goes and naturally they asked me to join them they said it was a "comfort" thing having me there when they talk about such topics.
I obviously said yes so right now we're parked in a spot and getting the camera ready.
i'm sitting in the back with nicks as he's going through the list of questions and topics well be talking about.
i've never been one to share my personal life on social media so i'm a bit stand offish with the video i'm about to be in but id do anything for them so here I am.
okay cameras set but y/n scoot closer to the middle so the camera can see you. matt says and I scoot closer touching legs with nick . I feel bad im so much in his space but it is what it is.
okay everyone ready nick asks and we all say yes.
Okay hey guys today were doing a rated r video since you all seemed to really want one nick says and we all nod along.
as you can see we have y/n here with us matt says looking back at me and I give an awkward smile and nod .
okay nick what's the first topic chris asks as he smiles a devious look on his face as he rubs his hands together.
okay umm first kiss stories well start if off a little chill he says
ill go first . okay I think I was like 15 and I was hanging out at the. park with some friends and I kissed a girl that was there and yeah thats it matt says as he smiles and looks at chris to go next
okay It was like 8th grade and I kissed a girl at our dance win the hallway and yeah that was my first kiss he says and then looks back at us .
I look at nick brows raised
I role my eyes as he smiles
okay fine ill go . I was a freshman in highschool and I went on a movie date with a kid who was literally 5'2 I shiver from the memory but yeah he kissed me
I look at nick waiting for him to answer
umm I think I was 17 and I went on my first date with a guy and he kissed me when he dropped me back off at home and yep thats it ... okay next topic .Ummm loosing our virginity
oh god I sigh as I lean my head back in embarrassment
ill go first I guess . It was senior year for me . it was very awkward chris says
I lost mine junior year also very awkward
I lost mine senior year
I internally scream as I know I have to answer now
I lost mine sophomore year
damn youngest out of all of us chris says smiling back at me and I cut my eyes and mouth "turn around" making him put his hands up in surrender and turn back around chuckling.
okay now well get into the juicy stuff , most embarrassing thing thats happened during sex he says with a laugh .
well there was one time a girl was riding me and I leaned forward at the same time as her and we but heads really hard and she started crying he says laughing
ooh awkward I say laughing a bit too.
there was one time a girl asked me to choke her and I gripped to tight and she choked cause I was pressing on her wind pipe
come on chris everyone knows you squeeze the sides not the middle I say rolling my eyes and smiling
okay ms choking expert he says looking back at me narrowing his eyes.
I shrug my shoulders
since you have so much to say lets hear yours he says tilting his head.
okay fine... there was one time a guy tried to talk dirty to me and I laughed right in his face
poor guy matt says and we all laugh
okay there was one time as guy hadn't uhh cleaned up the area well and I literally left cause I just couldn't do it nick says shaking his head.
I laugh damn nick
yeah yeah anyways next one this ones mostly for y/n cause its how many times has someone made you cum during sex and obviously its easier for guys then girls
I sigh as my face Gets red .
I look down at my hands as I mumble zero
sorry what I didnt hear you
I said zero
wait what ... never matt asks shocked
nope never I say as I get embarrassed
damn thats embarrassing for the guys you've been with chris says laughing .
okay now lets ask how many times have you two made someone cum
matt and Chris look at each other smiling
4 times I think matt answers shrugging
wait all in the same day I ask shocked .
yeah why he asks looking back at me smiling
oh nothing just wish it was that easy for me I say as I look out the window .
he nods his head in understanding as we all look in chris's direction
oh uhm I think 6 he says smirking after .
damn okay then well now we have some questions y/n wanna find a good one he asks and I say sure as I take the phone scrolling through trying to find a good one.
okay this one is bold but what's your kinks I read off as I look up .
I have a couple but ill say two ... chocking and... bondage but not like ropes just like belts and shit matt says turning a little red as he sighs and looks at chris .
ummm ill say a couple of mine , slapping, chocking uhhh breeding and daddy kink he answers confidently before looking back at us .
I try and hide the blush that creeps up o my face. I have a little crush on chris so hearing these things about him have me flustered and a little turned on.
nick you go first I say as I think through all my crazy ass kinks trying to think of the ones that won't be to crazy to admit.
okay uuh chocking, slapping and like dom and sub type thing he answers then looks at me .
hold up let me look through my list real quick .I say as I open my notes app
damn you got a whole list Chris asks a little shocked
yeah why is that a bad thing I ask a little nervous
no just didnt know people keep lists
well ... shit I don't know if I wanna out myself like this I say as I read through my list realizing most of them are a bit out there compared to theirs
nick looks over my shoulder whispering a damn making me smack him
girl you freaky the last one is crazyyy nick says as he chuckles.
now we have too know just read the chill ones matt says as he looks back at me
okay ummm... humiliation, impact play which is like slapping and whips and stuff , umm fuck thats the most chill one
they cant be that crazy chris says with raised brows as he looks back at me
oh don't be too sure about that nicks says and I smack his arm again.
okay fine ill say three more , choking , dom and sub and uhh cnc
wait what's cnc
umm consensual non consensual
hold up matt says as he looks up the definition
oh wow he says as he reads it and hands it to chris too read
oh ... so its like a submission type of thing
yeah I guess so idk I think its more liking the idea of playing out being forced even though its fully consensual
hmm okay I understand it better after you explained it like that
okayyy next one I say getting embarrassed . I look through the questions finding one I know will be juicy .
okay biggest sexual fantasy you have I read off as I look up waiting for one of them to answer
how about you go first this time matt says smiling back at me cocking his head to the side
nah last tike I checked this is you guys channel not mine y'all go first I sass back . I need to get a feel for how crazy there's are so I can narrow mine down to the best one to say out loud.
okay fine whatever i'll go nick says as he talks about his fantasy of someone overstimulation him which is very tame compared to all of mine.
okay mine would be like role playing as like a teacher or student or something like that Matt says as he looks at Chris waiting for him to answer.
okay mine is to have complete control over a girl like tying her up and going for hours until she's crying and begging me to stop chris says as he smirks .
my legs clench and I can feel a pulse start in between my thighs .
I gulp as they all turn to me waiting for me to answer
i... ummm I have a fantasy of being fucked by a guy in a ghost face mask I say as I get red and embarrassed
oh come on you have to have one more freaky than that chris says as he looks at me with a smirk
I mean I do but some of them I don't want to share to 6 million people I bite back making it obvious I don't want to share the other ones.
I know one of hers nicks says smiling and I slap his chest harder than I meant too
shut the fuck uuuup nick I say in a sing song voice showing my annoyance.
nah nick tell us chris says as he narrows his eyes at me like hes challenging me.
I sigh as I cover my face and sink lower in the seat
she has one of being tied down and blindfolded and being over stimulated and also..
I cu them off by slapping my hand over his mouth as he still says it into my hand but its muffled .
okay okay well stop chris says as he laughs and turns back around .
I take my hand off oh nicks mouth and he smiles wide before opening his mouth and the words fall out
being forced to crawl to a guy by a collar and chain he rushes out before scooting further away from me knowing im gonna beat his ass
both matt and chris eyes pop out of their head as they turn to me mouth open and brows raised
I read it in a book okay now turn the fuck around I say as I grab nicks arm and mouth "im gonna kill you"
he just smiles and goes to do the outro to the video.
once we finish we headed back to their house since I was sleeping over .
nick tells me hes gonna be in his room editing for a bit and I know that means he needs space and quiet so I decide to chill on the couch.
as im zoned out on my phone a hand grabs my shoulder making me jump .
I look back and see chris
he smiles at me and I return it
come with me he says as he holds out his hand
what why I say as I get up and take his hand
you'll see he says with a expression I cant place .
I gulp as I follow him to down the stairs and into his room.
he shuts the door and locks it making me even more nervous
so he says as he tilts his head and smirks
soo i question back as I stumble back as he steps closer
what did you think about the video he says as his hand comes up and traces my jaw
I gulp which makes him smile harder
it was fun I guess I-i don't know I stumble back again as he gets even closer .
mmm I know you liked it ... you wanna know why he asks as I smirk grows onto his face and his eyes sparkle with lust.
wh-why I question as my heartbeat accelerates
I saw the way you got red and your thighs clenched when I talked about all the things ive done
mm I hum as he closes the space between us so his front is flush with mine
his hand slides into my hair at the back as he pulls it tight making me look up at him
do I turn you on y/n he asks as he leans in closer our faces so close if I moved forward just an inch our lips would touch.
my face heats up as my knees buckle
I- uh I don't ... I cant even finish my sentence before he interrupts me
I think I do ...I think you want me just as much as I want you he says as he presses a soft kiss right under my ear making me whimper
am I right he whispers into my ear making me gulp.
I- y-yes I whisper . His hands moves to my neck squeezing a bit causing me to whimper .
He smiles as he walks me back until my legs hit the bed and I flop down on the edge .
He stands above me as I look up at him through my lashes.
here's what's gonna happen your gonna be a good girl and strip for me ... and then im gonna tie you up and use you . does that sound good ma
I whimper as I nod my head and start slipping my sweat shirt over my head then my shorts and underwear .
good now lay down he orders and I scoot myself further onto the bed and lay down.
He grabs my wrist as he ties my right arm to another one connected to something behind his bed frame then he switches to the other one doing the same thing.
I tug a bit too see how much movement I have which is little to none.
He moves to my legs and ties them so im spread out for him .
I whine from the way my limbs are tightening from the stretch which only makes him smile and chuckle.
fuck you look so hot tied up for me he groans as his hands roam my naked body until his hands move to my tits and he pinches and pulls my hard nipples making me gasp and arch off the bed. He continues groaning and adding a couple light slaps to my tits as he starts sucking on my neck leaving marks as he goes along.
Im a whimpering mess for him and ive never felt so alive. I never thought that video would lead to this but ive always wanted a man to do this too me and the man being chris makes me ten times wetter.
chris p-please I whine out in a begging tone wanting him to touch me where I need him most . I know I sound pathetic judging by the way he smirks into my neck .
what do you want baby he asks as he looks down at me .
a-anything just please I whimper as I look into his eyes.
he smiles before he moves to be in-between my thighs
fuck so wet for me he groans as he runs his fingers through my wetness making me gasp and buck into him .
his mouth all the sudden latched around my clit and he licks and sucks at the perfect pace that has me whining . He slips one finger into me and pumps it in and out making my legs tense and shake.
F-fuck chris I whine as I try and close my legs but remember they are tied and I physically cant close them.
he adds another finger and starts sucking on my clit sending my body into overdrive with how much pleasure im in.
f-fuck fuck oh-my I cry out as I shaking and gasping for air . Im so close and he can obviously tell by the way my body is trembling .
Come on slut cum all over my face he says before going right back to sucking and licking.
I scream his name as I reach my orgasm and my body goes tense in the restraints army legs shake .
thats it such a good girl he praises as I come down from the high . His fingers are still pumping in and out .
Im trying to catch my breathe as he comes back up and hovers over me placing kisses and bites on my neck and chest . He curls his fingers to perfectly hit the spot that drives me crazy.
C-chris wait I he cuts me off
You're gonna take it. I know you can he says in a deep gravely voice that makes me even more wet.
im whimpering and breathing heavy as I feel pressure build and squelching sounds can be heard signaling i'm going to squirt.
f-fuck oh-my god chris I cry out as I feel my juices spray out of me all over the bed, his hand and my legs.
he pulls out his fingers and grabs my throat as he brings me into a deep needy kiss.
I knew you'd look pretty when you cum and before I even have the chance to comprehend what he just said my legs are untied and i'm flipped over onto my knees and back arched. My arms are uncomfortably crossed over each other pulled tightly by the restraints.
I hear clothes rustling and it only takes a second before the bed behind me dips and I feel his body right behind me.
His hand comes down on my ass making me gasp .
you like that don't you he says in a dark tone with a bit of amusement mixed in.
he slaps harder
I said don't you he waits for me to answer
y-yes I l-like it in stutter out
good girl using your words he whispers in my ear before I feel him rub his tip along my folds making me whimper .
My breathe is taken away as he slides into me so deep that all I can do is cry out .
He stays still for a second stoking my back sweetly before his hand grabs my hair tightly and he starts slamming into me relentlessly.
I scream out as he somehow thrusts more rough than before.
I’m moaning and shaking as he continues slamming into me with such force my wrist burn from the restrains and how they continue tightening with each movement.
Just a good girl taking my dick so deep
He says to me as he lets go of my head and it drops on-top of my arms
Fuck fuck IM GONNA CUM I cry out as my legs start to shake and my arms tense
Not until you beg me for it
He says as he grabs my hips and angles my back so he hits even deeper making me to struggle to get any words out.
p- fuck please can I cum please I whine out holding my orgasm back painfully.
mmm no I think you can do better than that he says as he continues his rough deep thrusts
my legs are shaking and im gasping trying do get the words out
PLEASE FUCK PLEASE DADDY CAN I CUM PLEASE I scream out praying to god he'll finally let me.
fuck yeah you can cum he groans out and I immediately break as I cum harder than I ever have before . I scream out as i'm coming down and legs continue shaking .
such a good girl for me he groans as he slows his pace down giving me a moment to rest.
He pulls out and flips me onto my back as he stares down at me .
god you're beautiful he says as he slides back in .
I blush as I continue looking into his eyes.
he comes down to kiss me and he starts pounding into me again . I try my best to continue the kiss but fail when he lefts my legs onto his shoulders and hits my spot repeatedly .
f-fuck oh my god I moan as his hand comes down to my lower stomach where he's bulging inside me .
yeah you feel how deep I am he groans as he smirks down at my face morphed into full pleasure.
mhm fu-fuck im gonna I cry out but cit myself off as my juices squirt out all over him and the bed below.
fu-fuck he groans in pleasure as he watches me squirm and whimper.
my legs shake on his shoulders as I start to become very overstimulated.
c-chris I c-cant I whine as I try and move my arms to push him away but fail.
come on baby you can give me one more I know you can he says in a deep sweet tone as he strokes my hair.
mmm o-okay I whimper out as he does my legs and lowers his body flush with mine and his arms wrap around and under me lifting my lower half up just a little .
he starts pounding into me rough again and his thrusts get sloppier telling me hes close too.
fuck your gonna be a good girl and cum with me he groans into my ear and I whimper and shake my head in response .
my legs start trembling around his waist and my whole body starts twitching the closer I get to my final orgasm .
All that can be heard is skin slapping and my heavy breathing mixed with his deep groans.
he groans loudly into my ear bringing me even closer to my orgasm.
fuck come on ma cum for me he groans and I do just that .
he thrusts a couple more times before he fills me up and his body drops onto mine as we breathe heavy .
Jesus I say as im still catching my breathe and he comes up and invites my arms and I sigh in relief and I stretch them .
he goes to the bathroom to grab a towel and then cleans me off .
that was... the best sex ive ever had he says smiling down at me
yeah same I say as I laugh a little .
can I tell you something he asks as he looks at me with a slightly worried expression.
yeah of course I say as I sit up and give him my full attention.
ive wanted to that for so long like ... ive liked you for a while I just was to scared to tell you he says as his face gets a bit red from embarrassment .
chris... i've liked you for a while too I just didn't want to scare you away I say as my face gets red and I cant help but smile.
he brings me into a tight hug making me laugh and he laughs too .
you free Saturday he ask and I look at him
yes why
cause we're going on a date he says with a big smile on his face.
we lay down and get comfortable and drift off to sleep.
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 3 months
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second, never first
part seven | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six
chris x fem!reader
summary - you grew up hating one guy all of high school but suddenly become close friends, but as time goes on feelings develop, only its one sided.
warnings - swearing, use of y/n, BOYS (no smut… for now lol)
word count - 700+??
sitting next to chris during a scary movie when he is being set up with your best friend is wayy more terrifying than the conjuring let me tell you that. anna may be my best friend but i know what she i capable of and lets just say i cannot let her find out what is going on right now. for the first 30 minutes of the movie it was calm, mini jump scares here and there. each time there was a jump scare i would just jump and cover my eyes. but the movie got progressively scarier and thats how i ended up curled up next to chris with my knees up to my chest, hands over my eyes, head on his chest and his right arm on my back.
since matt and nick were sitting on a different couch i had no one else to turn to and i am a fucking pussy when it comes to scary movies. im a romance girl my favourite movies include kissing and heartfelt confessions not people in chair flipping upside down because of a demon taking over their body.
“are you sure your ok to finish this movie, we can turn it off.” chris whispers looking down at me, “uhhh” i say out loud. “its ok i can finish it.” i say looking at him as he chuckles and rubs my right shoulder.
if the situation was different i would be ecstatic to be cuddled up to chris right now but its wrong. i moved to sit up and chris removes his arm from me and grabs his water bottle off the coffee table and sips on it. the movie finally finishes and i let out the biggest sigh when its done.
“jesus y/n you look scared shitless it wasnt even that bad.” nick says. “dont think i didnt hear you audibly scream like 20 minutes ago.” i snap back. “ok” nick says sarcastically.
i grab my eyes from my purse and start my car, looking out the window to see if it actually started. “your leaving now?” chris asks. “well we have school tomorrow no?” i reply. “oh yeah” he says. “im gonna go grab a water from the fridge if thats ok.” i say “yep go ahead” chris says holding his hand out toward the hallway that leads to the kitchen. as im walking out i hear the boys mumbling.
“matt snap out of it.” i hear chris say in an annoyed tone as i walk back out to the living room. “im gonna take off now and hopefully am able to sleep tonight.” i smile. “ok thanks for coming” matt says, i smile at him and wave them off as i walk out.
later that night i got a text from chris
sunday 11:29pm
chris: be prepared for anna tomorrow
y/n: what are you talking about?????
chris: she completely blew up on me when i told her we had a movie night
y/n: did you tell her that your brothers were also included..
chris: yep
chris: she is still pissed
y/n: ok so i guess i will just go fuck myself
ring ring ring
i answer the face time with chris.
“chris what the fuck do you mean shes pissed, like jealous?” i exclaim. i knew this would fucking happen, anna is going to think me and chris are crossing her. “like i mean she thinks were hooking up and im using a movie night with my siblings to cover that up.” he states. “your fucking joking.” i say, “why the fuck doesnt she believe you i mean you guys are practically dating kissing every weekend and she thinks i want you because i set you two up?” i breathe. “ok kid calm down, she just needs reassurance from both of us.” he says shifting in his position on his bed. “you like her why would she believe you would want me in the first place.” i say.
“i dont know kid you tell me.”
thanks for reading xx
taglist: @sleepysturnss @blahbel668 @alorsxsturn @w4nnabeurs @junnniiieee07 @waydasims @accio326 @bitchydragonparadise @matthewsturnioloswifey
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elliessession · 2 months
"I need you right now."
an: IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN BUSY BECAUSE OF SCHOOL UGHHH, ANYWAYS HERE YALL GOO💗 I HOPE YALL LIKE THIS! And ofc as alwayss this one shot is inspired by "Coming Down" by the weeknd!
summary: you were done doing the chores in your apartment and ellie is still not home, shes at work but you decided to text her some things that you know would drive her crazy and immediately regret it.
-> smut! d!ellie, s!reader, pet names: princess, baby, good girl, slight degrading!, cursing! And i guess thats all?
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After hours of cleaning your apartment you're finally done with everything. 'The bedroom? Clean! The dishes? Yep already cleaned, and im pretty sure i already vacuumed the whole apartment' you thought to yourself. Now theres nothing to do. You're on your school break right now and you've already did all the things you're supposed to do.
You tried to watch a movie which never really entertained you. You've also tried this tiktok trends just to really get out of your boredom, yet nothing really helped. You miss ellie, you miss being in her arms. "Yes! Why did i not think of this earlier!' you screamed getting your phone and plopping on your bed and opening your phone to text ellie.
me: els? When are you coming homeee, imyy! :(
no reponse.
"awe, she's probably busy" you said in a upset tone, really missing ellie closing your phone, then getting a 'bright idea' that is not so bright. 'why not send risky texts to ellie? She probably wouldn't even read it since shes at work, then ill probably just remove my text when her break is near'you thought to yourself
me: els, fuckkk i need you right now baby.
no response.
You giggled at the text you sent knowing she wont really read it.But the thought of her actually reading your texts and knowing what can happen. "Err.. lets go send another one!" You said.
me: els, baby please i really need you right now.
me: els, please. I miss you, can you text me back baby please. Fuck i need you so baddd
me: ;)
"holy shit!, Shit she saw it, im doomed for fucks sake" you say with a slight panic in your voice.
els💞: hey baby, missed me that much hm?
me: fuck yes i do.
"shit, just go with it lets just end what i have started" you say to yourself.
els💞: baby yk you're really turning me on rn.
me: oh? thats a good thing then.
els💞: babe stop.
me: whyy? do you not like it when im bold hm?
els💞: fuck this.
me: hm? Im all alone baby. I need you.
"shit is it her break right now?" You asked yourself looking at the time in your phone "3:58pm" "its not her break yet, her breaks are in 4pm since i know shes in her night shift right now." you asked your self.
what do you not know is ellie actually left early to buy you gifts, she was buying you your favorite food at the time you texted her.
els💞: pick up your phone.
"shit im in trouble" you say to yourself picking up the phone.
"im on my way home."
"d-dont you have work?"
"shit, you'll understand later baby."
"what do you mean?"
"your messages. Shit you've been driving me crazy."
"wheres your boldness now? Hm?"
"fuck you els."
"you'll be fucking me later princess dont worry."
"ugh i hate you."
"pretty sure you dont baby"
*hangs up*
you can imagine ellies stupid smirk on her face, knowing you're literally folder right now.
A few minutes later your door opened and guess whos there. Ellie, you tried to play it cool like you didn't just drive your girlfriend crazy. "Heyy baby! I missed you!" You hugged her, ellie well.. was not playing with you. She took off her shoe and placed the things she bought for you and kissed you.
"you dont know how much you.. fuck youre driving me crazy all day."
ellies kiss deepen as her hands moves up and down from your shoulder to your waist, you tried your best not to moan from her touch.
a moment after there you guys were. Your laying at the bed and ellies there, between your legs..
"f-fuck.. els.."
and there she was. Coming down, right now.
infront of you.
"you're such a slut for me baby. I love it."
you closed your legs as she said this
"no need to be shy now princess, be a good girl for me hm? Show me your boldness."
"els please.. just.. fuck me please."
"eat up now baby"
"els i.. im tired okay"
"shh, you were begging me for more earlier." She laughs
"ugh i hate you so much."
"thats not what you were saying earlier when i made you cum, hm?"
"shuuutttt upp"
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xxtaneria · 2 months
𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 | lamine yamal
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summary: lamine toys around with his girlfriend.
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TODAY, WAS YOUR sister's 19th birthday. And as she should, and of course, she invited you to it.
your outfit:
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You were doing your makeup, as your partner was preparing to go to practice. He looked at you, and smiled.
Lamine admired your pale blue dress, and the all the accessories such as the butterfly hair clip in it.
As you already know, the Moroccan is a bit mischievous. And you felt a pair of eyes staring at you, and next thing, you slightly jump and the lipstick got misplaced on your face. All Lamine did was smirk as you gently tap his cheek.
"Lamine... now I have to do my makeup all over again.." you say in a tsundere-ish tone. "So what? Aren't I allowed to jumpscare you a little?" he replies slyly.
"No.. Now dont you have training to get to?" you ask. His smile faded almost immediately.
"Shit.. I gotta go!" he says giving you a kiss, and his spit went into that kiss. He wipes it off which smudges your makeup even more. He did it on purpose.
"See you at the party later!" Lamine says, before getting out the door.
Wait what? What did he mean by 'See you at the party later' ? You didn't think much of it, before getting your makeup kit and repairing the smudged parts.
˚˖𓍢ִ໋ ✧˚.༘⋆
After getting out the car, you look at your sister's house, it. Was. Lit. You could even see some people standing outside the house, that's how lit it really was.
You walking in through the front door to see tons of people in there. A lot of ballons, the music was blasting, and vice versa. Then you go to the backyard and yeah, pretty much the same, but with some people in the pool.
Excited, you search around your sister, and you find her, she looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing a tiara, a black dress along with some jewelry and black gloves to finish it off. You go up to her and she sees you.
(I'm just going to use Sira as an example of your sister's name)
Sira runs up to you, enveloping you in a warn, loving hug. "Hey, I'm glad you made hermana!" she says, very happy to see you.
I mean, Sira went out of Barcelona to fulfill her acting dreams and hadn't seen you in about 3 years. So she was. ECSTATIC.
"So, how has acting been for you?" you ask smiling. "Its been good. I'm just excited you're here." Sira replies. She moves her head a bit and sees your partner going in.
"Hey Y/N.. What's your boyfriend here for?" she asks. You turn around and your eyes widen. Lamine comes in and starts talking with the boys there.
"Uhh Sira.. I'm just going to Lamine. Is that okay?" you ask, a bit stressed. "Sure. I don't mind!" Sira replies. You slowly run towards Lamine and luckily, you didn't trip because of your Converses.
When you get to Lamine, you rapidly tap his shoulder. And he turns around. "Amor.. What the fuck are you doing here??"
"Oh, we got off training early and your sister's boyfriend,also known as my teammate, let me come." he smiles and slightly shifts so you could see him.
"Hey, what's good Y/N?" he begins. You smile and look at him closely, then you realize that it was Alejandro Balde, Barça's left back. "Hey, you're Alejandro Balde right?" you question.
"Yep, that's me. And by the way, I'm your sister's boyfriend." Alejandro smiles. "Thats cool dude. How long have you and Sira been dating?"
"Oh, it's been about two weeks. We met on Instagram and we liked eachother ever since." Alejandro replies. Next thing you knew, you found yourself having a conversation between Lamine and Alejandro, your new friend.
Ale looks around and sees the people gathering around. "Oh guys, we're about to go sing happy birthday now." Alejandro says, as he gets up from the sofa and goes in the garden. You and Lamine join him and walk towards the garden, hand in hand.
(I'm lazy asf so skip)
You look at the cake you were eating and you were stewing a little. It did feel a little stuffy in there so you wanted to take a breather. You go outside and sit on the porch, looking at the night sky.
The door opens and Lamine goes outside aswell and sits next to you. "Why did you just walk out like that?" Lamine asks.
"It was a little hard to breathe in there, and it was really chaotic." you reply. In return, Lamine pulls you close and puts an arm around you.
"I get you. It kinda was crowded." "Thanks." you say, and give him a kiss on the cheek. This moment was the best, just you, Lamine, and the, dark, night sky.
"Hey, remember when we got our first tattoos?" you ask, breaking the silence. "Yeah, that was actually pretty cool. I used to think if you get a tattoo, you're putting scribble scrabble on yourself." Lamine laughs.
You look down and your arm, and the ink it has. It was Lamine's debut date for Barcelona, you practically had to get that on you. Meanwhile his tattoo is of your name and birthday, so he had two.
"The tattoo thing was a really good idea Y/N." "I know." you responded as you, shift closer to Lamine and just, be there. For him.
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fictionalwh0ree · 3 months
hey!!! could you please do a dean winchester x reader where they play a game or something after celebrating a successful hunt and they end up confessing to each other or something like that? thanks!
best of five- dean winchester
summary: after wrapping up a hunt, you go for a drink with dean. he challenges you to a game of darts, but when the game is tied 2-2, dean ups the stakes, changing the entire trajectory of the night. word count: 2k warnings: drinking
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going to the bar after wrapping up a case had become a tradition with you and the winchester boys. when your cases were in a nice city, you’d usually end up at a nicer bar, where it didn’t smell like piss and beer. one that was busy. your nights would usually end with you having hooked up with some guy there and dean taking some girl back to the room, meaning sam would room with you for the night. however, many of your cases happened in smaller towns. this meant you’d frequent shitty bars that reeked of cheap beer and piss. you enjoyed the atmosphere more, weirdly enough.
tonight had been one of those nights, you’d wrapped up a witch case in buttfuck, kentucky. usually, you’d go straight to the bar, not even stopping at whatever shitty motel you were staying at. but today, sam had called it a night early, asking to be dropped off. you and dean pushed for the younger boy to join you guys, but he insisted that you two go one your own, saying he had a headache and was sore all over. eventually, you agreed, taking him back before showering quickly and heading out. when you’d arrived at the bar, you weren’t even sure the place was open. the building was made of wood, old wood, and it looked like it was one gust of wind away from collapsing. that’s how you knew the drinks would be cheap.
you followed dean into the bar, immediately greeted by an older bartender. you took a seat at the bar and dean ordered the two of you a beer. you scoped the area, seeing some older men in cowboy hats and flannels with ripped off sleeves eyeing you. you also noticed the girls around. similar to the men, they were older, their shirts tied up at the front and bright red lipstick was smeared messily around their thin lips, their eyes glued to dean.
“jesus christ, these people are creeping me out,” you muttered to him.
“yeah, tell me about it,” dean laughed, making eye contact with a blonde lady. she smiled “seductively,” revealing lipstick stained teeth.
“i’ll call sam, let him know he should be sleeping in my room tonight. can’t imagine you leaving here home alone tonight,” you teased.
“ha ha,” he fake laughed.
“he might have to sleep in the car. i already know you’re going home with that guy over there,” he said, nodding his head towards the corner of the room.
you looked over in the right direction, met by the eyes of a man old enough to be your father. he smiled up at you, revealing his missing front tooth and the yellowing rest.
“oh yeah, he’s real cute,” you played along, rolling your eyes playfully.
dean sighed, looking around the poorly lit building. his eyes landed on a darts board, and he was immediately interested. he got a refill on your drinks before pulling you over.
“winner pays for drinks?” you said, collecting the darts from the board.
“you know it,” he said.
“best of five?” you asked.
“yep,” he confirmed, already picking up a dart.
dean had won two sets before you caught up, bringing the score to 2-2.
“sudden death?” you asked dean.
“uh huh,” he confirmed, face a little flushed.
“but, hold on,” he said, calling your attention, “what do you say we raise the stakes?”
“how so?” you smiled, interested.
thats when dean pulled a little bottle out of his jacked pocket.
“what is that?” you asked.
“i snagged it from that witch’s house. its the truth serum,” he said.
your mind flashed back to your case. yesterday, you’d been on the hunt for whatever was causing some odd deaths in the small town. you’d stopped at a diner for breakfast, and what you didn’t know at the time was that your waitress was a witch. she overheard your conversation and put in a couple drops of the truth serum into sams drink. she was interrupted by a coworker, explaining why neither you nor dean had it in your drink. for the following four hours, sam could not lie. it was hilarious to you and dean, you couldn’t stop laughing. when you’d found her den today, sam asked her what she did. she whipped out a small bottle with a dropper.
three drops of this and you can’t tell a single lie for hours, she’d said with a smug smile.
dean had been the one to finish her off, which is why he had the chance to grab the bottle, thinking it’d be funny for the future.
“loser takes three drops?” you asked.
“loser takes three drops,” dean confirmed.
“you’re on, winchester. be ready to spill your deepest and darkest secrets to me,” you smirked.
“yeah right,” he scoffed, “i’ll be hearing all about your wet dreams in ten minutes.”
“you wish,” you laughed, picking up a dart.
after an intense twenty minutes, you were losing. the score was 17-50. all you needed was one bullseye and you could win. you were on the last dart of your turn. you focused your eyes on the taunting red circle in the middle, drawing your hand back before pushing forward and releasing the dart. you watched as it landed right in the centre, granting you the winner.
“yes,” you cheered, turning to dean with your arms up in the air.
“no no, no way,” dean said.
“i win, you lose” you said, smiling childishly.
“you are so lucky,” he spoke, shaking his head with a smile.
“it had nothing to do with luck, buddy. this is pure skill,” you bragged.
“yeah right. was landing four darts on the floor pure skill?” he teased.
“that was all part of my master plan,” you lied.
“okay,” dean said sarcastically.
“you know what time it is,” you said, picking up the little bottle.
“i don’t know if this is a good idea, y/n,” he said.
“awe are you scared?” you said, mocking him with a pout.
“no,” he scoffed.
“perfect,” you said, dropping three drops into his beer, “drink up deano.”
he chugged the beer, slamming the cup onto the table. you watched as he opened his eyes slowly, looking at you.
“how do you feel?” you asked expectantly.
“great,” he said.
you looked at him, confused. for sam, it had hit almost instantly.
“i lied. i’m really nervous. please don’t ask me anything stupid,” he blurted, causing a smile to spread on your face.
“who was your first kiss?” you asked.
“i said it was mindy jones in eighth grade but it was actually jenna mcadams in grade ten,” he said.
“go to hell, y/n,” dean said.
“aw, you couldn’t live without me,” you teased.
“you’re right,” dean said before smacking his own face.
you smiled widely, your brain working hard to find a good question to ask him. you spitfired a couple dumb questions that left you clutching your stomach.
“okay okay. can we just go back now?” dean whined.
“fine, dean. give me your keys,” you said.
“my keys? why?” he asked.
“don’t you think you’ve drank a little too much to be on the road,” you asked.
“yes,” he said.
“perfect,” you smiled innocently, sticking your hand out towards him.
he rolled his eyes, reluctantly handing you the keys. he followed you out to his car and got into the passenger seat, you started the car up, picking out a mötley crüe casette and putting it in. as you started the car, you could feel dean’s eyes burning into the side of your head.
“take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you joked.
“your music taste is really great, you know that? i mean i didn’t expect it from you but i wish it’d rub off on sam. sometimes i actually enjoy his girly shit,” he confessed.
“you like it?” you laughed.
“it’s catchy,” he said, followed by a quick, “don’t tell sam.”
you sped down the highway, kickstart my heart blasting. your window was open a little, wind blowing into the car and blowing your hair with it. it was almost a full moon and the streets were almost completely illuminated. you felt dean’s eyes on you once more. in his head, he couldn’t help but think about how perfectly the light framed your face, how it made you look almost angelic. he tried to pry his eyes from you and he prayed you wouldn’t notice him staring. he had vowed to keep his feelings for you to himself, thinking you didn’t feel the same, worried that your relationship would be ruined if he said something. he scolded himself in his head for the serum idea. he was soon broken out of his thoughts by your voice.
“you’re staring again,” you said over the music.
“sorry,” he apologized.
your eyes flicked to him quickly before you spoke again.
“so you gonna tell me why you were staring? do i have something on my face?” you asked.
“no, you just look really beautiful,” dean confessed.
“really what?” you asked, surprised and completely flattered, your cheeks heating up.
“really beautiful,” he repeated.
“you think i’m beautiful?” you asked shyly, biting your lip.
“i think you’re the most beautiful person out there,” he said.
“are you serious?” you asked, your face now hot as you held back a smile.
“well, i can’t lie,” dean said, matter-of-factly.
“dean, can i ask you something?” you said, to which he nodded.
you knew now was your chance. you really liked dean, you had for years, and you thought you felt a connection between the two of you sometimes. you’d seen the way he looked at you sometimes, you knew you were looking at him the same way when you could. you felt it when you made eye contact, when you laughed together.
“is there something between us?” you asked, eyes flickering anxiously between the boy and the road, “because i feel like there is, but i also feel like i could just be crazy.”
“i’d like there to be,” dean confessed.
“really? because i- i like you dean,” you said, making a confession of your own.
“i like you too. i have for a long time, since you started hunting with us,” he said.
“what do you like about me?” you asked, taking the opportunity.
“you’re evil,” dean smiled.
“mm, that doesn’t sound like something you like about me,” you joked.
“well,” he said before clearing his throat, “i like how your hair smells when you wash it. i like how peaceful you look when you sleep. i like how you glow when the light hits your face. i like the way you draw everyone’s attention when you step into the room. i like how easy it is for you to read people. i like how you always have sam and i’s back. i like how you care about us more than anyone ever has. i like how you don’t complain about having to listen to our problems and how you always know what to say. i like how strong and independent you are. i like how gentle you are when you patch me up. i don’t know what i don’t like about you.”
you had arrived at the motel and parked the car. it was quiet for a moment.
“i- i actually think i might love you.”
you looked up at dean, seeing the terrified look in his eyes.
“i love you too,” you smiled, pulling dean in by the shirt.
you kissed him hard, his lips moving with yours in perfect sync.
“you’re a great kisser. what do you say we take this upstairs?” dean said, making you laugh.
you nodded and followed him up to the room, his arms around your waist the whole time.
maybe the truth serum wasn’t a bad idea after all.
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niftukkun · 11 months
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New from RECAP Weekly!!! An Exclusive Interview from Hermitopia's Emperor?!?
for the third week of @shepscapades ’s hermitcraft character design event, i offer grian as an empires smp member!
ok so first off, that head. thats just p03 from inscryption. but grian. it fits! but also! go play inscryption go go its on sale Right Now (until june 30) go play it its so good then go watch this video afterwards join my fandom please please please join us
ok back to hermpires! so i originally was gonna take an empire from s2 and just insert grian into it, but while browsing through the esmp s2 wiki i came across/remembered hermitopia and my brain went yep! this one. so i thought a bit about what grian would do if he was an empires smp member and how hermitopia would happen, and i think grian would crash the economy on purpose. i mean it almost already happened when the hermitpires crossover happened so i dont think im too far off. i think grian originally exported something simple, like maybe sugarcanes or mud, something easy to farm yknow, but then i dunno got bored or something so he made a couple more farms. then kept making more farms. then the hermitopia we all know and love happened!
actually maybe hermitopia isnt grians first empire. i think grian has a separate empire but decided to invite his friends to help him make some farms and then it just kept going. then hermitopia happened. i like the collaboration aspect of hermitopia so i think thats how that happens. hermitopia isnt necessarily grian's but its under his command so it gets called his. (isnt there a word for this? was it vassalage? i think its vassalage)
with that in mind i went with a robot-y grian because grumbot and a snazzy cool suit because business man (sidenote im looking over my pre art notes and one of them is just capitalism man and. yeah! not wrong). i gave him more steampunk-y wings than the usual feathery ones cause that fit better. i gave him a crown not really sure why but it fits since without it the design was more Just A Guy but with it he's more Emperor yknow. the buttons have a g on it because he would and an (attempted) gold trim cause that looked nice and fancy. originally he was gonna have four wings cause fun fact four wings is part of my base grian design but four wings kind of crowded the drawing so i didnt include them (sad) and i also didnt include the tail hes supposed to have because i couldnt find a good way to add it in with the pose. but in my heart he has both four wings and a tail
now why magazine style artwork? i 'unno. i thought itd look cool. and it does!! it looks SO cool!!! im so proud of it. recap magazine!! because of course im gonna make a hermitcraft recap reference are you kidding me recap is practically already a magazine reporting what gossip is happening on the hermitcraft server on any given week. its very specifically volume 9 issue 34 because thats when the crossover happened season 9 week 34 babey we love little esoteric details hell yeah!! i looked up how magazine covers work and its supposed to be like, main article big and smaller supporting side articles just kinda floating around so i did that!! and i made them funney references because of course i did! local bard catches scurvy because you cannot convince me that oli orionsound would not catch scurvy he would. does god is gay is a reference to that does bruno mars is gay nonsense article that makes me laugh everytime specifically in reference about mr smallish bean because he. has so many children. and none of them as far as i know from the lady server members theyre all lovechilds from gay lovers its hysterical and hilarious. quit your job join our sun cult is about the dawn empire because thatse the vibe that empire gives me and i think its funny. also!! thats hermitopia!! in the background!! i got the image off of the empires smp wiki and just Biggen'd it and it makes a bomb ass background hell yeah ^-^!!
also version with no text here lookit it!!
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tubchunk · 8 months
me spitting out all my thoughts here as i watch tubbo's vod
"YEP innocent" "innocent to me" yeah like qtubbo doesnt give a shit if fred is bad, he will burn it all down to find her
"its time for me to step into the sun, you know? and who cares if everyone else burns?" HOLY FUCKKKKKKKK TUBBO??????
"this is more than a villain arc, this is a lifestyle adjustment" oh qtubbo you are going to fly so close to the sun and youre going to burn and i am here for it all
"you wrong me? you're not gonna be around to tell the tale" HES SODHDJDBFBFJ QTUBBO ENJOYERS WE ARE SO BACK
"this is not a story of villains and heroes, this is a story of revenge" WHAT WAS IN HIS FOOD TODAY WHAT WAS HE ONNNNN LINE AFTER LINE IS HITTING
qtubbo knowing the server underestimates him and is now ready to show what he really is capable of YOU GO BABYGIRL
"this is a conflict where there arr no winners, just mutually-ensured destruction" goddamn he is on it today
GIRL 26 STACKS OF TNT?????????
qtubbo deciding that morning crew doesnt need to know about what hes gonna do, cuz theyll always be his boys :(
"i think we show them a healthy does of regret" his qcellbit is coming out !!
just imagining qtubbo with his airpods in as he is dramatic, bumping classical music
"the suit stays on until he's found, safe and alive" thr fact that qtubbo does all this, still in thr suit for his date GOD its so sad
that post that said qtubbo, a machine guy, tearinf every block down by HAND is important cuz that shows how genuinely furious he is. cuz he needed to feel the catharsis of tearing it all down himself.
why did he research warp plate mods to figure out where fred is😭😭 gay love stories are getting out of hand
"i made a promise today. i said i would break every block he has ever placed. *i* will break. fire wont break. tnt wont break. *i* will break." holy fucking shittttttttt he got possessed by qtubbo
qfit noticing and asking why qtubbo was at quackity's but as qtubbo askes him to leave him be, he did. he knew qtubbo would come to him when he wanted to.
qtubbo's action plan just being pushing qquackity over the edge that is so fucked up and i am here for this downward spiral !!
"i could mentally destroy him until hes a quivering ball of tears and regret on the floor" HOLY FUCK???????
"youre trying to turn me against the federation while actively doing thr same exact thing they're doing, the fucking hypocrisy" GOD i think qquackity is justified in his reasons BUT QTUBBO ISNT WRONG HERE!!!! IN HIS EYES, WHY WOULD YOU SAY THEYRE BAD AND THEN DO THR SAME THINF AS THEM???
him still saving all the stuff qquackity got from the eggs and others cuz "those seem important" GOD
"he doesnt need a hoise, cuz home is where the heart is. and i feel like thats a lesson he ought to learn. too bad that his is dead and cold" QTUBBO HOLY?????
"its like you never existed at all. thats my mission" girl youre speedrunning that descent into insanity and evil and i love you for it
"youre crazy. maybe i am! i dont give a shit!" wow hes so aware
"i didnt have a purpose before. but now its to make sure quackity never has a mark on this server" he didnt have a purpose and now, after losing fred, his purpose is to make qq pay holyyyy
"i never said i was morally grey, i said i would fuck up all his shit" LETSGO BABYGIRL
him literally saying he doesnt care and the enemy of his enemy is his friend yoo
qtubbo not being silly and walking into fred's office and just quietly moving on STOPPPPPP
"if youve become as bad as the thing you are trying to destroy to destroy it, yourr not better. youre just a replacement" BARS 🔥🔥🔥
qtubbo's voice instantly softening looking at fred's office and the desk plant he got STOPPPPP THEY MEAN SO MUCH TO ME
him replacing the flower on fred's desk with a poppy :(((
"why do i bother making anything to help the server? this is the thanks i get" oh yeah he is fully turning against everyone soon
oh god convo with qfit
oh i know qfit is concerned hearing qtubbo talk this way but theres nothing he can do to make him change his mind, so he just stays by him
"just to watch him. not say a word. just watch him" WATCHER QTUBBO??????
oh qtubbo is actuslly scaring me rn
"theres an old sayinf that 'if youre on the quest for revenge, dig two graves" "thats alright. i dont care if i burn as long as he does as well. maybe ill dig 3 graves. maybe ill take some other people along with me on the way" HOLY FUCKCJDJFJDJFJFJDJFJ QTUBBO YOURE INSANE I LOVE YOU SO BAD
"so i take there was no date?" "i was invited on one. it was real to me" GODJDDHFB IM GONNA END IT ALL
qfit still reassuring qtubbo that fred is okay, he still cares for qtubbo so much thats someone he has grown to care for
qtubbo gaslight gatekeep girlboss
"is it more satisfying to destroy a person. or watch them destroy themselves?" AND WE ARR WATCHING AS QTUBBO ALSO DESTROYS HIMSELF BIT BY BIT OOOOOOOOH
his ass spoiling stuff again😭😭
snack break!
qtubbo instantly leaving when he sees quackity joined and fred joined god
the curse of bad nees bringer tubbo about to strike again with wilbur LMAO
distracted to spy on wilbur so real
qtubbo just carrying thr flower from fred's office in his offhand im sick
qtubbo warning qpac that he may hear some stuff about him that isnt true i. coming weeks, and qpac saying he trusts qtubbo 100% MORNING CREW MY FAMILYYYYYYY
not pac and tubbo arguing over who has to break the news to wilbur lmaoooooo
qtubbo qquackity's biggest hater rn
damn im sad tubbo crashed before the event but that laptop was hanging by a THREAD
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luxiguess · 18 days
Skibidi toilet x reader x part 2 The enddnjsjnjkdjs
“Your WHAT??” reigen exclaims. “Yeah sorry... I’m just not to fond of gay people...” They both look at me in disbelief. Almost like they have seen a ghost. Then we hear Skibidi toilet break down the door. “I AGREE!!! GAY PEOPLE SHOULD BURN IN HELL” Skibidi toilet exclaims. Reigen and Sans sob while holding each other tight as we continue to yell and harass them. “I HATE FAGGOTS!!” skibidi says. “Maybe that's a bit too far... you know that's a bad word, right?” I say.  
“YEAH!!! WE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!” Sans finally stands up for himself. “WHO CARES IF HE LIKES MEN?” “I DO!!!” skibidi toilet says. They both look at skibidi toilet. “Says the one who likes little girls!!” Reigen exclaims to Skibidi. “I... DON’T... LIKE... UNDERAGED GIRLS!!!” “KILL YOURSELF!!!” Sans tells skibidi. The room goes silent. It's unbelievably awkward. “I-I-I...” Skibidi starts to cry. “H-Hey skibidi its okay!! Who cares what you did in the past... your fine now... right?” I start to comfort Skibidi. “Oh honey... I saw him touch a little girl the other day.” Sans says smugly. Skibidi sobs louder. “N-NO!!! I DIDN’T!!!”  
“Come on sans let's get out of here.” Reigen says as he starts to walk towards the door with sans. “WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!!! YOU GUYS CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT ME!!! YOU WOULD BE HOMELESS!!!” Skibidi cries out to them. “Well, you're wrong skibidi.. I am loaded. From all of my con-manness" Reigen says to Skibidi extra smugly. “NO WAIT!!! IM NOT A PEDOPHILE!!”  
Suddenly Shane Dawson breaks down the door. “DID SOMEONE SAY.... PEDOPHILE?????” Shane Dawson exclaims. “SHANE DAWSON!!!!!!” We all say in unison. “Yep!! It's me. Shane Dawson. I heard there was a guy who touches little girls over here... You do know that I’m the only one in this town that can do that...” “I DONT TOUCH. LITTLE GIRLS...” Skibidi exclaims. “Thats what they all say” Shane says to Skibidi. “Come on reigen lets get out of here...” Sans says. 
 Both Sans and Reigen leave the place leaving me, skibidi, and Shane Dawson alone. “Well, what do you say Skibidi? Wanna team up?” Shane puts his hand out for skibidi to shake. “I....” Skibidi thinks for a second. “I couldn’t....” “Oh yes you could!!! Be a part of my special club. We give out free pictures of my cat.” “What... why would I need a picture of your cat...” Skibidi starts to slowly back away from Shane Dawson. “Because!! My cat is a bit freaky... Just look at its face...” Shane begins to get lost in the thought of his cat. It's kind of weird to look at.  
“Welll I better join Reigen and Sans heh...” I say while I head towards the door. “NO WAIT!! DONT JOIN THEM!!! THEY KISS MEN!!!! PLEASE!! NOOO!!!! Y/N!!!! DONT LEAVE ME!!!” I quickly run out the door and slam it behind me. I sit outside the house for a bit to figure out what to do next. Then I suddenly feel the house start to shake and crack. I look behind me to see a gigantic Skibidi toilet absolutely crushing the house. “S-Skibidi-kun???” “DONT LEAVE ME YOU.... YOU... BAKA!!” Skibidi yells as he goes alpha mode. “SKIBIDI KUN!!”  
I then see Reigen and Sans and another weird looking guy running towards me. “WHAT HAPPEND!!” Reigen exclaims. “Who the FUCK is this stupid little autistic boy you have with you Reigen.” I say. “Oh, it's my son!!! He name is Mob. He’s a bit stupid.” “Master, I hope you FUCKING BURN ALIVE YOU FUCKING FAGGOT.” Mob says to Reigen. “Woah there mob who taught you such strong words.” “That doesn’t matter!!! Skibidi crushed your house!!!!” “OH YEAH HE DID!!” Reigen exclaims as he looks at the gigantic Skibidi toilet crushing the house.  
“Well shit what do we do now.” Sans says unamused. “Uhmm... Mob!! Can’t you Ex-or-size him.” Reigen begins to shake like a little mouse. “Master, are you FUCKING RETARD this GIANT ASS TOILET is not a FUCKING SPIRT.” “nooooooo.... are you sure.......” “I think he’s sure about that Reigen... If you don’t listen to your kid, you're not getting backshots...” Sans looks deep into Reigen’s blue orbs. “OH!!!! Well... I guess he’s not a spirit hehe....” Reigen says flustered.  
“Well, when I left is when Shane Dawson appeared... do you think he has anything to do with this??” I say to the others. “Hmmm do you think Shane Dawson possessed Skibidi???” Reigen says mysteriously. “Well, that could be the case since I heard about an evil spirit that steals peoples cats and...” Mob gets quieter, “Freaks them...” “WOAH MOB!!!! DON’T USE SUCH FOWL LAUNGUE!!” “YOU ARE RETARDED.” Mob yells to Reigen. Sans giggles at the little autistic boy. 
 “Well are you guys going to do something about it or...???” I say to them. “Yeah, let me Ex-or-size him real quick gang.” Mob says as he faces Skibidi toilet. “So this is the bitch you have been living with for 5 years??? No wonder your like this 💀💀💀💀💀” “JUST GET IT OVER WITH MOB!!” Reigen exclaims and tries to hold back tears. “I-I swear my son isn’t like this please ignore him.” “Yeah sure” Sans says smugly. Then mob Ex-or-sizes Shane Dawson out of skibidi toilet somehow and he goes back to normal.  
“S-Skibidi-kun!!!! I missed you so much my pookie bear!! Even if you did touch little girls!!.” I say as I run towards Skibidi gracefully. “I missed you too my alpha... Even if you do freak with those... homosexuals...” We both share a big smooch and then mob reverts the house back to its normal state. “Who is this goofy looking autistic boy.” Skibidi says while looking at mob. “You can not be saying that while you look like a FUCKING TOILET DUDE. Stop with this shit vro....” Mob then walks away sassily. “Jesus dude... I didn’t know you guys were like this...” Skibidi looks like he's about to cry again. “D-dont cry Skibidi!! You didn’t do anything wrong....” I say to try and cheer him up.  
Sans and Reigen then get freaky or something and the screen fades to black and Y/n wakes up from their slumber. “Man... it was all a dream...” Y/n says. “That was a pretty freaky dream. I wonder if toilets are real...” 
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faru-itsok · 1 month
hi! and congratulations on having watched the new movie :) i'm curious, what are your top favorite dcmk movies and where would 27 rank?
HI! Thanks 🤗✨ and that is a difficult question 😅 hmm I will do a top 10!
So let's start!
1. Movie 27 “the million dollar pentagram”
Well after watching the movie it just moved right up the list, I just had to see Aoko there and it automatically became the best movie ever! Hahaha well it is a bit true, but the main reason is that the movie is entertaining, it had me giggling and shocked and then it had action and a bit of angst, it just worked so well I loved it!
2. Movie 19 “Sunflowers of inferno”
To be honest I would put these 3 movies as my seconds( 19, 26, 22), I really liked them so much, but I'm a huge Vincent van Gogh fan! I have been painting replicas of his works (not in an illegal way? Just painting for school projects, for me and gifts) since I was in middle school and when you combine my love for Kid and My love For art well… yeah it takes the cake 😅
3.Movie 22 “Zero the enforcer”
I had a hard time placing 22 and 26 i just find these are the best movies objectively speaking, they had a lot of action and are very quick movies, like there is always something happening and get your attention from start to finish, now 27 has that too and its why it jumped right above all XD. Now this one takes 3rd place because i just watch it more often, like when i travel or im bored and want to watch something exiting this is my go to movie along with movie 4 thats the only reason its above 26
4. Movie 26 “Black iron submarine”
As i said above this might as well be my second favorite as well, is a very well constructed movie, when I showed it to my family I actually said “this might be the best Conan movie in existence” to which my sister answered “because of Kaito Kid?” and when I said he didn't appear on it she actually felt curious enough to watch it and liked it. I really like the way things unfolded, had me focused the whole time and enjoyed it a lot.
5. Movie 4 “Captured in her eyes”
One of the best movies in my opinion! It has that quick peace that I like in movies and I just find it so beautiful!
6. Movie 14 “The lost ship in the sky”
This is other of my go to movies, it has that weird combination between action and humor that I love and I just loved the team work between Kaito and Conan
7. Movie 23 “The fist of the blue Sapphire”
It was a good movie! Don't get me wrong, I feel I should love it more, not that I don’t, is just it's not one of those movies I would seek to lift my spirits but the one I would watch to see just how cool Kid is and inspire me to write something😅
8. Movie 25 “The bride of Halloween”
I think the main reason this is even on the top 10 is because of Furuya Rei, I liked it a lot! Like most of the movies of DetCo but it lacked the sparkle? Idk I feel like I saw what was coming from the beginning but it was enjoyable. I loved the scenes of his past and Takagi acting like Matsuda 👌🏻✨
9. Movie 3 “The last wizard of the century”
It's just a classic you know? Like the whole story was entertaining, how Kid blew up a fucking power central just to find where the eggwas? the attempting murder on Kid, how he later saved Shinichi’s ass? It was glorious I really liked it but not as the ones up
10. Movie 20 “The darkest nightmare”
It's a great movie! I'm putting it down here because it made me love a character and then took it away from me so quickly that it makes me emotional when I watch it 😭😂✨
Wellp thats my top 10 is obviously based on my personal preferences and i tend to like the movies where Kid appears because it ads a bit to the comical area and the action (I have always loved movies with heists and thievery (not only kid and lupin the 3 ones)) so yep I hope you guys like this and i’ll be delighted to read your top 10 as well!
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akiitos · 2 years
summary: project sekai boys confessing that they like u!!! ☆
(gn!reader, contains toya, akito, rui, and tsukasa!)
;; hcs, then a short story
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☆ Akito shinonome -
• ena and an kept on teasing him about how he had a crush on you
• lol he did but he was in denial
• also spent like a full 3 mins alone in his room thinking about a cool way he could say it without embarrassing himself
• an suggests at a nice cafe, and akito thinks its too much
• ena insisted on helping akito, and suggested to meet you after school or saying it over text
• decided on texting you after school before you left to meet him in front of the school
• ena was TOTALLY not behind a tree or something like that
• he was nervous but he wanted to look cool for you so he tried keeping eye contact
• mission failed, he looked obviously nervous that it was funny
• "i like you, y/n. i'd rather not make an excuse to hide my feelings anymore, it's getting annoying" was probably something akito said ngl
the bell had just rung, and you grabbed your school bag and put it on. sighing with exhaustion, you grab your phone and see that you had just gotten a text from Akito, a friend of yours. he's a cool guy, and he's pretty, you had to admit. which embarrassingly, you had to admit, you started developing a crush on him. clicking the chat, you saw that he wanted to meet you in front of the school. curious, you agreed and said that you'd be there in a couple minutes. jogging down the stairs, you managed to make it right when he did! with a confused face, you ask, "oh, hey akito. what did you need to talk about?" he blushes while coughing and begins to put his hands in his pocket. you couldve sworn you saw someone give him a thumbs up from behind a tree, but maybe it was just your imagination. with a serious face, he says, "i like you, y/n." you feel as if everything around you has froze, and its just you both in the world. blushing, you look at him in the eyes, his cheeks a fuming red color.
what if he was pranking you? you didnt wanna embarrass yourself. you both stay silent until akito coughs awkwardly, and apologizes. "i don't really care if you don't feel the same way.. i just had to get these.. uh, feelings off my chest! so sorry," so, he was actually telling the genuine truth? with a smile, you laugh a little, causing him to deadpan. "i like you aswell, akito!" you say while putting your hands in your pocket. he looks suprised, honestly, he didn't expect you to feel the same way. with a short smile, he chuckles, "i'm glad. well then, would you like to go out sometime?"
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♡ Toya Aoyagi -
• he probably didnt even realize he liked you at first until his other fellow group members pointed it out
• thats when he started thinking if he liked you or not
• yep he ended up liking you in the end
• wasnt unsure if you liked him back, and he didnt wanna risk ruining your guys' friendship
• that was until he overheard you and an talking about how you liked him
• thats when he started getting more confident in his feelings
• he felt pretty confident in confessing, but he was pretty inexperienced
• sort of nervous ig?? like 3/10 nervousness? he was only nervous bc he didnt wanna ruin his confession
• an knew that both of you guys had a crush on eachother, and insisted on being a wingwomann
• an suggested inviting you to the park or something casual
• he ended up asking you if you wanted to hangout at an arcade
it was a boring saturday for you. no plans at all, that was, until toya asked if you wanted to hangout at an arcade. answering the text almost immidientally, you replied with a yes. excitedly, you got ready, putting on some nice outfit that you found in your closet. you thought that maybe, just maybe, today would be the day that you'd tell him that you liked him. but, what if he didn't like you back? numerous thoughts roamed your mind. before you knew it, you were already out the door and walking to the arcade that was nearby. hearing a distant, "hey!", you look and see that its toya. with a smile, you wave and run over to him.
he patted your head as you both entered the arcade, ready to play as much games as you both could. but, toya being the toya he is, he planned this whole thing from top to bottom. stating that he'd first play a couple of games with you, and stop to take a break, then play more games, buy you the most expensive prize, and give it to you before you leave while confessing. with proud smiles, you both went around the arcade, playing games that you both thought was fun, practically draining each game from their tickets! after an hour or so has passed, he suggested on taking a break, on which you agreed to. he looked at the prize booth and realized that he had enough tickets to buy a certain prize he thought you'd like. excusing himself from you, he secretly bought the pair of headphones, that were your favorite color. after he bought it, he hid it in his bag and came back to you. both of you excited, you both continued playing more games until you both had to go. right as you were out the door, he followed after you, patting your shoulder. you turned around, and asked what the matter was, until he brought something out of his bag.
with a blushing face, you thanked him endlessly and hugged him. he patted your back and smiled. suddenly, he said, "i like you a lot, y/n. would you like to my s/o?" with a shy, yet certain smile. you were shocked, but nodded eagerly. maybe this weekend wasn't gonna be so bad after all.
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☆ Tsukasa Tenma -
• he knew for a fact that he liked you when he got to know you better
• nene kept on telling tsukasa that he liked you, in which he just stayed silent in response
• he was very excited whenever you both were alone together, and was usually hyper
• honestly saki caught on when he kept on talking about you
• even saki teased him about how much he talks abour you, in which he denies
• he wanted the confession to be unforgettable, yet special to both you and him
• he was kinda nervous, but acted like he knew what he was doing
• he had NO idea what he was doing but (somehow) managed to pull it off??? like???? ????? what
• he probably took you to pheonix wonderland and casually, yet proudly, told him that he liked you
• was probably cocky about it too /hj
it was a sunny day, and you sat on one od the chairs watching wonderlandsxshowtime preform. you were friends with one of the actors, tsukasa, and you had a crush on him the first time you saw him. secretly, he did aswell. families sat in the audience waiting for the curtains to open, and that happened. the curtains opened, revealing the four actors. but, your eyes were glued onto the sunset-haired boy before you.
with a smile, you watched the play. the play was about a boy who fell in love with a friend, but the boy was unsure if his friend liked him aswell. the plot, was relatable to the situation you were in, so you watched, with a fascinated expression planted on your face. you thought, that maybe this play would give you advice on how you could someday, confess your growing feelings to tsukasa. but before you knew it, the play was already over. the audience, was clapping as the chairs slowly emptied out once again, leaving you alone. you got up and ran over to the back of the stage and congratulated the group about their performances. the group members all started leaving, but tsukasa stayed with you. the sun was setting, and you never realized how pretty he looked under the setting sun, the sun shining on his golden hair, lighting him. it felt perfect, both of you alone. he stated that you were his own special 'lucky charm'
as you both were lost in thought, he laughed a little. you smiled and realized that it was getting late. as he started walking away, he stopped and turned back to look at you. you were pretty confused, really. that was, until he said, "oh yeah, thank you for coming here, y/n. i like you a lot!"
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♡ Kamishiro Rui -
• bros just head over hills for you atp, no joke
• you both met when you guys were kids, and he was happy that you havent left him, even now that you guys are older.
• both of your parents teased you both about how you reminded them of an old married couple
• he probably acts like he doesnt like you so he doesnt seem weird
• he OBVIOUSLY likes you 😭
• he isnt that nervous about confessing, he just doesnt want it to turn out badly
• he's pretty observant, so he would probably find out that you both share the same feelings
• he defo ended up making the first move lol
• he probably teased you SOO much during his confession too
• summary: he's a tease
it was late at night, and you couldn't fall asleep. luckily for you, it wasn't a school night. you were pretty bored, and you wanted someone to talk to. knowing rui, he'd probably be up at this time doing something with his robots that he has.. so, you get our your phone and dial in his number, waiting for him to answer. speaking of the devil, he just did. "y/n? you're still awake at this time? what's the matter?" he asks with a worried tone. "no, it's nothing! i just can't fall asleep, that's all." you say in a slight whisper. he quietly hums in response. "well then, we could talk the night away if thats what you want! i could even turn on my camera if you want, hehe" he insists with a sly voice. you agree as both of you guys turn on youe camera.
the bright light illuminating in your dark room, showed his messy room, filled with endless inventions he could come up with. the night wasn't as boring now, and you both talked about any subject that came up to both of your minds. like how your days went, favorite stuff, and stuff you hate. even simple what-if questions. that was, until he suddenly asked, "hey y/n, what if i liked you? then what?" you blush a little, and think. then what? you did like him, so you wouldn't really mind. you hesitantly respond with, "i don't really know. i wouldn't mind though" he looks a little suprised and chuckles.
"well then, i like you, y/n. care to go out with me?"
authors note: DANG long post with rui and toya????????? wowooeoeoeee!!!!
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tadpolebobatea · 2 months
Day 7 - A song you associate with UU
Oh girlies we're really in it now. its still the 31st somewhere right?
I never know whether to call something an animatic or not. like its kinda static? whatever!!!!
(Yep its billytella again. no apologies. i wont mean them)
i had a few other songs i was considering. i mean I have a couple songs that are A. more actively billytella or B. more actively Undead unluck.
specifically "the truth" by the front bottoms, its very billytella to me with its whole "i will believe in anything you believe in. i will do it for you" and "over at the frankenstein place" from rocky horror, its super sweet and uplifting but rocky horror is complete balls to the wall insanity, which i think suits undead unluck, like theres a quote thats lovely out of context but then the context is "the character is in the middle of trying to kill the anthropomorphic concept of spring with a card game." i think rocky suits that energy
in the end i couldn't get the imagery to work in my head. so maybe another time.
This thing really is my excuse t draw the blorbos in the most sappy poses possible. (oh and to make more people listen to will wood )
Images i think deserve special mention (there are 90+ in the thing btw)
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this one of wet dog tella. it goes by super fast but i thought it was charming
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i was possessed by something and had to draw tella like... giving billy water directly from his hands (oh and the visual of going bottoms up with an unbrella wasnt the vibe necessarily )
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pretty proud of this detail, direct gunshot to the head from our dead eye billy and scattered body shots from tella, for flavour
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(i regret the blue skin. i made billy look like the purple guy.)
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drawing billy like a ditzy clumsy anime girl is deeply funny to me. cutie pie.
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gently holds ughhhhhh (Tellla does not enjoy being known)
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Im a total sucker for characters hugging in general. but i really love the whole; clinging to you as the only thing thats keeping me sane thing
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They are married. to me. (this is the only time ive successfully drawn the back of tellas head. i wanted to highlight it. im really proud)
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i did have an ounce of consistency in this whole thing regarding heights. was entirely based on vibes. I need actual measurements (ill ignore them. but theyd be nice to have)
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this image exists because i was like "oh shit. i have a ton of "characters facing eachother and doing X" but no like... diverse profiles" so boop, moe over the shoulder shot
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