#like masking emotions angels can learn to control the wing colors
onlineviolence · 1 year
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insolitus-academy · 2 years
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♚ //  Face Claim Full name Face Claim: Jung Yoonoh / Jaehyun. Group/Band/Occupation: NCT. Nationality: Korean. Faceclaim age: 26
♚ // Character ;  Basic information Quote: "No price is to great. No atrocity beyond my reach. For you ... I will do anything.”
Full name character: Akobel Rhee (Dead Name: Haesoo Rhee) Nickname: Ako Realm of birth: Homeless Age: 22 Date of Birth: November 7th, 2000 Gender: Cismale Preferred Pronouns: He/him Race: Fallen Angel Sexual Orientation: Pansexual What languages does your character speak?: Fluent in Korean and English but multilingual due to his previous background as an Angel. (Everything else is conversational.) What is the level of Korean and how did they learn to speak it (For non-Korean characters from other realms & other earth-countries): Fluent due to originating in South Korea.
♚ // Character ; Appearance Skin Color: Golden/Pale. Eye color: Dark brown – almost identical to black at times. Scars: None. Piercings: None. Tattoos: Large, black feather-like wings tattooed largely on his back – scaled life size. Hair color: Bleached blonde. Abnormalities: He still has his ethereal glow from being an angel despite never actually gaining his wings, radiates at most when he is sleeping and decipates whenever he has any unholy thoughts. Horns/wings/etc.: None. Transformed form: None.
♚ // Character ; Personality Six personality traits: Charming, rebellious, distrusting, facetious, dry, and quick-tempered.
Likes: Silk, heavy thunderstorms, tousled hair, strawberries, and the color ‘gold’. Dislikes: Optimism, biblical terms/references, cellos, cats, and Angels. Manias: He stares at people – Ako has this intense urge to learn about people and things but he doesn’t like talking to people so he constantly stares, using his own thoughts and feelings to judge characters. He will stare at people unwillingly and intensely, never wavering if caught staring. Phobias: None. Animal: Owl. Religion: Alatrism. Favorite song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-8pyVBvCPQ - No Blueberries Vice: Wrath. Virtue: Diligence.
Personality description: Akobel is something sort of undecipherable at first glance. He's the observer rather than converser, more to keep to himself than go out of his way to greet a stranger. He's long since lost trust in most beings – supernatural or not – but holds grudges against certain species such as Humans or Angels. Akobel is all sorts of manipulative and dry, not particularly caring about much of anything anymore since his fall from grace which shows through his words when he talks with a fellow student or teacher. He can try to be a somewhat decent person when he needs to be, using his observation skills as a tool to be decent at picking up social queues and can be charming at times, but he's very dry and sarcastic as a person overall.
Under the surface, Akobel is very sensitive. He's particular about who he's close with and how far he'd go in relations to someone as he's afraid he'd ultimately hurt anyone close to him as his penance from above.
He puts on a mask to cope as most people do – trying to show confidence while faking morality with due diligence as his position as an "Angel". He does not advertise freely that he is a Fallen Angel. Akobel will also snark back when talked down on and finds most humor not funny.
♚ // Character ; Powers Magical Powers: Minor Weak Powers (Light Manipulation) - Ako is able to create very weak shadows of what they once were able to do. Only at highly emotional times (which happens very rarely) lights flicker between his fingertips and in his irises as his control over light comes back in minuscule amounts. Non-magical Powers:
Very skilled at playing the piano – can play any music sheets at first glance as Ako has a very good understanding and handling of a piano. Weaknesses:
Human Injury – Any human pain exemplifies either largely or even just by a little bit more than it should. Ako is not used to getting headaches, migraines, paper cuts, and everything in between so the pain in which he suffers from humane things hurt a lot worse than typical humans would experience. Darkness – Ako, previously trained on light holding and light sharing, is very weak against the dark. Though, he is not afraid of it, he does feel helpless as it counters him in a way where he is not able to see so he is unable to function. Fear creeps up on him in the dark and he starts to go delirious. Anger – Ako had uncontrollable anger ever since he was stripped of his title of ‘Angel’ in which means anger is something new and foreign to him. When he gets angry, he is overfilled with rage and loses his senses in which becomes physically upset. He cannot overturn this quite yet in which deters him of thinking, feeling, and conversing.
♚ // Character ; The Student Study Style: He, outwardly, looks like a perfect student with perfect grades but cheats at every chance he gets, cutting corners to achieve top ranks at any costs. Favorite class: Sword Fighting Least Favorite class: Biology
classes (5-8) :
Magical Rituals Sword Fighting Human and Earth History Manipulation Biology Psychology
♚ // Character ; The Past Date of Birth: November 7th, 2000 Date of Death: N/A Crime Record: Fell in love with a human while on Earth and chose his love for humans over his need to be an Angel which went against the guidelines in which Angels held at the time – this is what stripped him of his title before he could become an official Angel.
Has your character attended Insolitus Academy in the past? No.
tw: Heavy mentions of religion, character death, & cancer.
Akobel, the (almost) Angel of Light.
Akobel was the Angel that never was – all because of a human.
There was careful planning in making Akobel into the Angel that he so desired; there was diligence, hard work, patience, and sacrifices in which made him the pure bred soul that God had chosen.
Akobel – real name Haesoo, was sixteen when he was hand-picked, a whisper within the church walls that blinded him with this intense light that Haesoo's never foresought. He attended church that day like he did every week, with his hands folded at his waist and head bowed low, and even his mother and father was seated tightly at his left and right, but no one saw the light except for him. When bought up, everyone called him crazy – that there was no way that a teen could have experienced that kind of connection within their holy walls. He was only sixteen.
But Haesoo heard the invitation: join God and become an Angel of Light.
And so Haesoo Rhee disappeared one day from Seoul, Korea on his seventeenth birthday. No one had a clue what had happened to Haesoo – kids just run away all the time – in which Haesoo became a long, forgotten memory.
Akobel joined God's plan at the mere age of seventeen. He was cautious and careful, always following his guidance from fellow Angels were deliberate steps. Ako was good at what he did, fluttering lights and suspending rays, but he was also so curious about anything and everything. He put his trust into his community around him and was left with little to few answers but he powered through and sought for any kind of end goal.
Akobel was twenty when he was sentenced his first walkthrough back on Earth as an Angel-to-be.
Humans were so different than he remembered them to be when he was sixteen – maybe he just grew more mature, indifferent, now that Haesoo was just a distant memory. He walked through humans for months and was treated to something close to a plastic bag left gliding through the streets. No one really cared for his existence as he watched from the sidelines and judged silently – his conclusion was that all humans were arrogant, ruthless, and mean.
All humans except one.
She was a college student sitting next to him on a park bench as Akobel sat there idly, palms perched on his thighs and eyes studying humans that passed by him unknowingly. She sought him out and at first, it was nonsensical, asking about his day and if he was from around the area. She sparked curiosity in him – always curious, that Akobel – so he conversed back as a kind gesture. But then, it reeled into something more than kind smiles exchanged and whispers of a touch, it became multiple days spent along on dates and dinners into brushes of lips against lips into intimate touches and promises of forever.
Akobel couldn't keep the secret, it was his duty as a warrior from above that he would respect his elders in which told them the truth, the whole truth. He was in love. But he never expected it to backlash so harshly and in his face – they made him pick: continue his duty as an Angel of Light interim or choose that ... that human.
Akobel fell from grace at the age of twenty.
He didn't even get his wings, ironically enough, but he found love in a human after all hope was lost in finding redemption on Earth. It was a bit humorous because Akobel thought happiness would've solidified after he made the biggest sacrifice he was deemed unholy for. He thought he would be left alone after the unbecoming of an Angel.
The love of his life, the human he had so fought for, gotten terminal cancer three months after his unbecoming.
It was his penance – not the five Hail Mary's and two Glory Be's that he was promised – but a much crueler sentence than "almost" being an Angel. He finally found peace on Earth only for it to be ripped away from him as soon as he could feel human again. It was cruel but that was reality. When his beloved passed, Akobel cried and cried and cried – nothing really mattered as he was never able to be the same again.
Akobel gave so much to everyone until he was a bare empty corpse of what he once was.
Insolitus Academy was a whispered place amongst his fellow Angels where lost souls go and with nothing left for him but bare bones, Akobel found himself on the grounds of the academy. He had nothing left for him – no Angels to call his own and no love to keep him upright. He truly did just run away like he was whispered of doing years ago.
At the age of twenty-two, Akobel enrolled in Insolitus Academy with no wings on his back and no love in his heart.
♚ // Roleplayer
Time zone: CST.
OOC! Triggers: None.
Themes/genres you like writing the most?: Angst, action, romance, drama, AUs, anything and everything honestly.
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pl-panda · 5 years
Damienette arranged marriage: part 24
Credits: Miraculous Ladybug team for the elements I take from MLB show. DC for their characters, @ozmav for the AU, @maribat-archive for giving me access to so many different stories to have take inspirations from, @thyladyanput for idea for Chat Damian and me for the plot.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 part 14 part 15
part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Damienette arranged marriage: part 24
“Papa will help us on this one. And maybe we should call the cavalry from Gotham?”
“Relax Angel. We have two to one number advantage. We can deal with them.” Damian reassured her. 
‘Fine. We two weeks until we leave. It is decided then. In one week, we storm the Agreste Manor.”
The week passed by faster than anyone wanted. Marinette especially felt like it was all in such rush. It was overwhelming. After over two years of fighting hawkmoth they were finally about to put an end to his reign. That is if Tim’s assumptions were correct. It was still just a theory. Really solid one, but theory nonetheless. They did know Adrien was Chat Noir. This was without doubt. Nobody else could be him if what Tim gathered was correct. It’s amazing what you can figure in two months with good logic skills and enough hacking skill to have White House Coffee machine prepare a frappuccino with your face on it for a week. ‘Batboys’ had weirdest truth or dare in the whole world, Marinette decided. 
The raid was supposed to happen on saturday. This way they were sure that Adrien would be home and there would be little interruptions. Precisely on 10:20 A.M., the time when Adrien should be practicing his piano, Ladybug, Pink Tigress, Ryuko and Viperion walked to the front gate of the Agreste Manor. Marinette did ask her father to use Ox miraculous and help them, but he politely declined. Tom felt like the hero gig was not really for him. It was okay. Not everyone need to be on the front line. 
A camera eye popped out of the wall as soon as Ladybug pressed the bell. 
“Hi. I have an urgent matter with Mousier Agreste. It’s about his son.” She spoke. It was risky, but if he didn’t allow them to enter, he would only raise suspicion. It was a perfect trap. Small crowd already gathered in here and got curious. Rejecting Paris’ beloved heroes would be bad for image and much too suspicious. 
There was no answer, but the gate opened, letting the group in. As they walked, Ladybug and the others indeed noticed several automated defence turrets, now half-burried underground while disabled. They were probably loaded with rubber bullets, but how did this not violate gun regulations anyway was a surprise. 
Doors to the manor were opened by Gorilla, who then stepped aside and let them in. Nobody noticed three shadows jumping over the front yard. Gabriel was already waiting for them with Natalie by his side.
“Ladybug. What a surprising visit. Is something wrong?” He asked in a worried tone. 
“Yes. But I would prefer if we talked in somewhere more private.” Ladybug said, nudging her head toward atelier. 
“Of course. Nathalie. Go check on Adrien in the meantime.” The man motioned to his secretary and let group of colorful heroes to his private study. As the doors closed he turned to the heroes. “Now. What is this urgent matter you need to discuss.”
“Like I mentioned, it’s about your son Mousier.”
“Adrien?” Gabriel grasped. “Did something happen to him? Is he in trouble?!” If Ladybug didn’t know the man as Marinette and didn’t suspect him of being hawkmoth she would actually think he cared about his son. 
“Yes. He is in big big trouble.” Pink Tigress practically growled. Marinette wondered if it was the mask or was her mother always like that but she didn’t show it. 
“Tigress. Control your emotions.” Ryuko scolded the newest heroine, but it was obvious she was having hard time herself.
“Ladybug. What is this all about?!” Gabriel shouted. “I demand an explanation.” He recomposed himself and fixed his tie.
“Well… Your son… He… You see…” Suddenly, the confidence Ladybug usually showed disappeared.
“What our Bug is trying to say is that we believe your son is Chat Noir.” Viperion offered some help to the distressed heroine.
“And how is that bad? If what you say is true I am proud of my son and his accomplishments in defending Paris. His mother would surely be proud.” The designer defended his son while acting confused. Except Ladybug saw right through the scene. It was too much out of character for Gabriel Agreste to be real. This confirmed it. He was Hawkmoth. 
“Except Chat Noir switched sides. He is a traitor. That is why Tigress reacted like that. For some time, he is working with Hawkmoth.” Ladybug straightened up and looked in the eyes of man before her. 
“What?! Perpeterous! My son would never do such thing. He was always loyal to those he considered family.” 
“If you could please call him in here, I would be happy to discuss some things with him in your presence if that’s okay.” The girl in red gave a weak smile and nodded toward the intercom.
Gabriel reluctantly walked to it and pressed a button. “Nathalie. Could you please bring Adrien in here?”
It wasn’t long before the secretary and prodigal son entered the room.
“You wished to see me father?” Adrien started, but then he noticed several heroes standing in there. “Oh! Ladybug? I am honored to meet you again.” In the back, Ryuko was stopping Pink Tigress from attacking by holding hand in front of her. Viperion was doing the same for Dragon-themed hero.
“Adrien Agreste.” Ladybug started in stern tone. “As the Great Guardian of Miraculous I hereby renounce your right to the Ring of Black Cat. You are no longer a hero of Paris or part of the team.” She grabbed his hand and was about to pull the ring when he chuckled. 
“So that’s it my lady? After all this time together you would end it just like that?” There was something dark in his face. “Plagg! Darkclaws out!”
Suddenly a black Kwami was sucked out of his pocket and entered the ring. In a flash of green light he was now Chat Noir, except instead his bell was now silver and his face was twisted. His features were more catlike and when he smiled he had fangs. Hearing the commotion, Gorilla barged into the room through other doors. He looked confused at the situation. He didn’t even mother with the fact that the entrance was locked and he kept holding the doorknob 
“Guess there is no more hiding it Father.” Adrien said. It could very well refer to him being Chat Noir, but Gabriel understood the suggestion.
“Indeed son. Nooroo! Darkwings rise!” There was another flash of light and Hawkmoth joined the fray.
“Duusu! Spread my feathers!” Nathalie was transformed into Mayura with the help of her booch. Only no longer it was damaged so she was now able to fight in full strength. 
Hawkmoth hit the floor with his cane, opening a small hole from which flew a white butterfly. “You’ve made a mistake Ladybug. Engaging me in my own home was a stupid strategy.” He then charged new Akuma and sent it at the Gorilla, who was still holding the doorknob. It entered the damaged object and transformed him into smaller version of gorizilla. “Now the chances are more fair, don’t you think?” He grinned maliciously at her.
“No. I think they will be equal about… now!” She shouted and tossed her Yo-Yo. It zoomed right past surprised Hawkmoth and Shattered the window. Through it jumped Spoiler, Red Robin and Robin, all already in battle stance.
“Ah. I see you called different help from the states. I guess I should be worried now?” The mocking tone from the villain was never that good. Suddenly, the floor on the right side lowered slightly making a ramp. From there, walked a lines of robots. “You like it? I got it from my own friend in America.” He gloated. This was not good. They needed new plan.
“Spoiler, Robin, Red Robin! I need you to take care of the robots. Tigress! Get Mayura. Ryuko. You will go after hawkmoth. Viperion! Take the Akuma out and then help Ryuko!” Ladybug started shouting new battle plans.
“What about you?” 
“I will take care of Chat Noir.” She stated and lunged at the irritating cat, who just stood there the whole time with a grin on his face. 
Ladybug used her Yo-Yo to attach to the roof before smashing into Chat Noir leg-first. The cat was pushed back and she proceeded with continous assault, switching between Tossing her weapon at him and using some of the moves she learned from maman over the years. 
This was like a spark. Immediately after Ladybug’s charge, other heroes also attacked. The battle has begun. At least until there was an ear-piercing cry of pain that got everyone’s attention.
Taglist (sorry if I missed you)@pheonixashtree @sassakitty @unabashedbookworm @vixen-uchiha @maggiecc12 @actualdisasterwoman @tired-butterfly @shizukiryuu @floralfi @imanerddealwith @northernbluetongue @krispydefendorpolice @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @bluesoulblueheart @theatreandcomicfreak @disneyfoxuniverse @mindfulmagics @alwaysnumberonetruth @nyaabinch @jardimazul @lenamau @rosep16 @dramatic-squirrel @sonif50 @daminett4life @lulutheawkwardess @weird-pale-blonde-person @mooshoon @jeminiikrystal @mochegato @moonlightstar64 @dragonflyswing @silverwhiteraven @shamefullove @magic-miraculous @valeks-princess @heaven428 @mlbchaosqueen @winter-gardenflower @spicybelladonna @emo-elaine13 @vetilora @karukofox21 @my-name-is-michell  @sturchling @lokiifriggasonn @redscarlet95 @melicmusicmagic @interobanginyourmom @the-fusionist @razzledazzle247 @miss-mysterys-blog @darkthunder1589 @i-is-mysterious @catthhay @the-one-woman-army @zestyzealot @dahjokester @write-for-your-life2 @mermaidreject @peachedpocky @sassakitty @dahjokester @crazylittlemunchkin @novicevoice @justafanwarrior @eliza-bitch @schrodingers25 @tired-butterfly @toodaloo-kangaroo @redscarlet95 @miukiiu @sassakitty @corabeth11 @vixen-uchiha
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containsxmultitudes · 3 years
You know what? Have a long-ish headcanon post with all the weird little side effects of Nick’s residual archangel grace. The good and the shitty things-
Harmless Effects:
~Passive aural energy sense. Everything living has an energy around it, and he can see it. He cannot control it, he can’t make it go away. It doesn’t hurt him at all to have it. For the most part these things are normal, they can be colorful, they can be something else. They can be concentrated into specific places. But normal humans feel human. (And animals and plants feel like themselves.) However he can also see vessels and demon hosts by their aural scarring, and he can see Celestial or Infernal beings that are not masking their presence (In which case he can see an energy, but it will read human.) He can also see become privy to other types of monsters, but because he wasn’t in the know of that community during the whole Lucifer Event, he doesn’t really place it actively. Just has like an even more passive sense and he may make a joke thinking it was just a funny thought. Like he might make a werewolf joke at a werewolf. But guaranteed he doesn’t actually know they’re a werewolf if they don’t say it. (he might actually think they’re kidding if they do admit it. Even though he knows Werewolves exist. He just doesn’t realize it might be easy to run into one. And that also goes for other monsters.)
~Temperature drop/cold touch. He can’t control this. This is just that his body temperature is lower because of Lucifer. It drops more when he sleeps, or when he’s triggered a certain way. His hands are always chilled, and he is always a degree or two colder than normal physically. It can be uncomfortable on his joints but he’s used to it at this point.
~Grace singing. Also a passive effect. This is very specific to when unmasked angels are around him. The leftover grace in him sings in response to it in his head. Sometimes he can even be known to hum a human interpretation of it if the angel isn’t directly in his path. This also happens when previous angelic vessels are around him, but quieter until they’re close enough. It’s not painful but it can be distracting.
~The trust of animals. Also known as disney princess vibes. Animals trust him more than they did before the possession. There are specific animals that are more noticeable to this effect. Birds and snakes. Snakes just respect him and are less afraid of him. With birds if he sits outside long enough he will often have a decent number of pigeons around him or sometimes even little finches. He’s taken to having seeds with him if he’s planning on being outside a while in turn. But that’s one thing. it’s very often Magpies that get to him personally. And he’s picked up on that enough to be on the look out for things if he notices a magpie around him. They seem the most active in telling him things and he’s not sure why. But he does attract the attention of cats pretty frequently too. He just thinks it’s because he puts food out for them mostly. It’s his favorite side-effect as an animal lover.
Unsettling effects
~Angeliform rendering. He can’t see true forms, but sometimes the grace hits him in such a way, that it will leave a very terrifying abstract rendered visual in his head of what an angel he’s with could look like but it’s safe for him to see. He does not like this effect, it honestly terrifies him when it happens. Because he’s not supposed to see that.
~Negative reaction to angelic warding. He doesn’t really know this one by himself, but if he were to go into a room that was heavily warded to keep angels out, it would make his skin crawl until he was out of it, or until the warding was broken. He can walk into those spaces. He is not an angel. But he can feel when warding is around. It’s not fun.
~Gift of tongues. This could be good. The problem is that because he was not the true vessel, and he’s really not supposed to have these things naturally, the gift is glitched. When it happens with human languages, it’s extremely passive and he doesn’t know it’s happening until someone is looking at him weird. Because it’ll be like he’s actively understanding a language, but can’t respond back in the same language. Which does mean this is the more useful side of it. Because seeing as he lives in America, most people also know a little English to get by even if it’s only a little so he can still respond to them. It becomes weird to him later in retrospect because it’s not like he’s constantly hearing and understanding people speaking other languages. He’s not sure what causes it to happen at random moments. The other side is that he starts speaking something, but it’s not translating in his head, he’s just speaking something else and he doesn’t know what he’s saying. And this scares him a little more. There’s also the fact he knows Enochian, and an infernal tongue that’s essentially a bastardization of Enochian as a form of disrespect. I made this aspect up, because there is no canon for that possibility. But basically shit-ass demon language. These really only come out when triggered in that direction. Usually he’s not the one speaking it, and that part of him CAN understand what they’re saying as they say it. (And they really only use it as a means to protect themself and communicate. Not an evil thing even when using the infernal tongue.)
~Lucifer’s memories. He has some of Lucifer’s memories. Not all, but some. One of which is Lucifer’s fall. And this DOES fuck with him. Because it feels like it’s his own memory. He experiences it very physically and it is painful. He has others as well, but this one is the one he recognizes the most as it’s the most awful. He also has some hell memories and nightmares.
~Phantom feelings. He sometimes experiences angelic phantom wings, or abstract limbs, phantom eyes, or phantom pieces. Sometimes phantom multiverse. It’s... he doesn’t like it. 
Other effects-
~Glowing eyes. Usually this is involuntary and triggered, but he could also concentrate grace into his eyes if he tried. The problem is that he doesn’t want to. Because while technically it means he’s seeing a lot more, he’s human. He’s not supposed to see like that. So like he can’t actually focus himself to see through it and it’s essentially blinding. It becomes overwhelming, and causes awful nosebleeds and migraines during and after it ends. It’s a very short term effect for such reasons. 
~Harder to hurt. Similar to the glowing eyes. He can concentrate grace into parts of him to make himself either physically stronger, or harder to hurt. (To be clear: He’s never invulnerable, just a little harder to hurt for 10 minutes tops before it drains out of him. It’s usually less than 10 minutes.) This one can be voluntary or involuntary. It’s fairly short lived in being there and acts with his adrenaline mostly. He feels very tired afterward, and usually his temperature drops uncomfortably low.
~Frost touch. Emotionally driven. If he’s righteously, or unrighteously enraged by something, sometimes the cold touch in his hands turns to leaving a layer of frost where his hands are. It’s not really useful for hurting anyone, but it can be a little bit intimidating and “what the fuck” for everyone involved. Risk of very stiff hands for a while, and potentially something like frostbite. Or at least cold related skin breakage.
~Unknown passive knowledge. He has a lot of deeply hidden angelic (and some hellish) knowledge. Like he knows a few demonic exorcisms without ever learning them. He knows how to do certain wards or symbols without ever seeing them. And he has a lot of other things that he could just say without realizing it’s weird to know. It’s kept from him because it’s an overwhelming amount of things, some of which is probably terrifying.
~Empathy Link / Grace addiction. This one is specific to interactions with Lucifers. He has a link to other angels to a degree. But it’s very different than if it’s Lucifer. The grace singing happens and sings to its origin. He can feel and is affected by Lucifer’s emotions. And he feels unfortunately drawn to the feeling. So if Lucifer were to touch him he’d want to lean into it. He’d want to be part of it even if he really didn’t want that from the human side. But it’s like an addiction to him. He feels more complete, or the grace feels more complete. So he’s very malleable much to his chagrin. He’ll fight it, but god he still feels it. 
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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Warren Worthington was born in Centerport, New York, to Kathryn Worthington and Warren Worthington Jr. He attends Phillips Exeter Academy in his adolescence when his feathered wings begin to grow from his shoulder blades. At first, Warren feels he is a freak and aberration, but he soon learns that he can use his wings to fly and help people. When there is a fire in his dormitory, he borrows some props from the school's drama department, dresses up as a heavenly angel, and rescues his friends. He soon learns that he is in fact a mutant. He dons a mask and costume, calls himself the Avenging Angel, and becomes a solo adventurer, before being recruited by Professor Charles Xavier for the X-Men.[8]
Warren's status as a wealthy playboy, as well as being an outspoken individual who chafes at the notion of being told what to do, is the subject of much tension within the X-Men. In particular, Warren is in love with Jean Grey, who is in love with Scott Summers, although he ultimately concedes Jean to Scott.[9] Angel still harbors an unrequited love for Jean even as he finds himself a girlfriend of his own, Candy Southern.[10]
While pursuing Sauron in the Savage Land, Angel is attacked by pteranodons and falls to his death. He would have remained dead if not for the "Creator", who is Magneto without his costume. Magneto provides the necessary medical treatment needed to revive Angel, and provides him with a new blue-and-white costume.[11] Unknown to Angel, the costume also has a device installed that lets Magneto gain control over Angel, which he does months later when he makes an attack on the X-Men.[12]
Around this time, Angel publicly reveals himself as a mutant after discovering that not only has his uncle, Burt Worthington (who goes by the name of the Dazzler — though he is in no way related to Alison Blaire, a later mutant heroine and brief love interest for Warren in her own comic series who also uses the name), murdered Warren's father, Warren Worthington, Jr.,[13] but also poisoned his mother in order to ensure his inheritance of the Worthington fortune.[14]
When the original X-Men are captured by the mutant island Krakoa, Professor X creates a new team of X-Men to rescue them.[15] When this new team decides to stay on as X-Men, Angel and the rest of the original team, with the exception of Cyclops, leave.[16] He and Iceman go to Los Angeles, where they found the Champions with Hercules, the Black Widow, and the original Ghost Rider.[17] Following the apparent death of Jean Grey and Cyclops' subsequent exile from the team, Warren rejoins the X-Men.[18] During this time, Angel unsuccessfully pursues pop star Alison Blaire, also known as Dazzler.[volume & issue needed] He grows increasingly disturbed by the behavior and actions of Wolverine,[19] and quits the team in protest.[20]
He is kidnapped by the Morlock leader Callisto, who intends to force Angel to be her lover. Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Sprite arrive in time to stop Callisto from cutting off Angel's wings (believing that without them, Angel will be unable to flee from her). Storm fights and defeats Callisto for the right to be the leader of the Morlocks, effectively freeing Angel in the process.[21]
Shortly thereafter, Angel joins the Defenders, along with Beast, Iceman and girlfriend Candy Southern.[22] Using Angel's Colorado house as their base, the group has several adventures before most of the group are killed freeing teammate Moondragon from demonic possession.[23]
Angel considers retirement following the collapse of the Defenders, but the discovery of Jean Grey alive changes his mind. Jean Grey is furious at the increase in anti-mutant hysteria in the two years she has been missing, and opposes the X-Men's decision to align themselves with the villain Magneto. To appease Jean's desire for action, Warren organizes X-Factor.[24] He recruits his old prep school friend Cameron Hodge to run the team, unaware that Cameron hates mutants, particularly Warren.[volume & issue needed] Since Cyclops is married to Madelyne Pryor at the time and reacts coldly to Jean's return, Angel takes advantage of Jean's need for emotional support and expresses his love for her.[volume & issue needed] This destroys Warren's relationship with Candy Southern, after Candy finds Warren consoling Jean.[25]
X-Factor's formation begins a period of upheaval in Warren's life. Cameron Hodge abuses Warren's trust and portrays X-Factor as "mutant hunters" for hire, further fueling anti-mutant sentiment.[volume & issue needed] An altercation with the Brotherhood of Mutants allows Mystique to discover the relationship between the "mutant hunters" and the former X-Men; she exposes Warren as the financial backer for X-Factor, causing a public relations nightmare.[volume & issue needed] Warren's wings are mutilated during the Mutant Massacre by the Marauder, Harpoon.[26] When the wings develop gangrene, Cameron Hodge violates Angel's wishes and has the crippled wings amputated.[27] Despondent over the loss, Warren escapes the hospital and commandeers his private jet. It explodes in the air as the rest of X-Factor watch helplessly from below.[28] It is ultimately revealed that Hodge sabotaged Warren's plane in order to finish off his nemesis, in an apparent suicide.[volume & issue needed]
Seconds before the explosion, Warren is spirited away by the ancient mutant Apocalypse. Apocalypse offers to restore Angel's wings if Angel will serve him as one of his Four Horsemen.[29] Apocalypse subjects Angel to extensive genetic alterations, giving him blue skin and organic metal wings which can cut through almost anything. The wings can fire the metal feathers as projectiles. Apocalypse gives Worthington the title of Death. He makes Worthington the leader of his Horsemen after Worthington beats the others in a fight, and gives him a drug that remove his reservations to follow Apocalypse's dark plans.[30] Death is unveiled to X-Factor during their second encounter with the Horsemen,[31] and Warren sadistically exploits the weaknesses of his friends to defeat them in combat.[32] During a later attack on Manhattan, Iceman fakes his own death at Warren's hands, hoping that the shock of killing a friend will enable him to break free of the influence of Apocalypse's drug. Although freed, Warren refuses to rejoin X-Factor, feeling that he has changed too much psychologically to be a hero.[33]
He seeks out Candy Southern, but finds that she is missing.[volume & issue needed] Warren learns that Candy has been lobotomized to protect Cameron Hodge's secrets, including the establishment of the anti-mutant militia "The Right" using funds embezzled from Worthington.[volume & issue needed] In the confrontation that follows, Hodge murders Candy in front of Warren and Warren decapitates Hodge.[34] Changing his codename from "Death" to "Dark Angel", he later rejoins X-Factor and takes the codename "Archangel" during the events of Inferno.[35]
Warren later meets and becomes romantically involved with Charlotte Jones, a New York City Police officer and single mother.[volume & issue needed] It is with Charlotte's help that X-Factor frees Warren from the Ravens, a cult of near-immortal psychic vampires.[36] It is during this battle that Warren's survival is made public knowledge, allowing him to regain control over his family's remaining business holdings and his personal fortune.[volume & issue needed] X-Factor rejoins the X-Men following the defeat of the Shadow King on Muir Island.[volume & issue needed]
Angel againEdit
After rejoining the X-Men, Archangel's brooding behavior lessens, after Jean reveals to Warren that his wings (which Warren believes have a mind of their own) have actually been operating off Warren's own unconscious desires for violence.[37] This, combined with Warren's accidental decapitation of Mutant Liberation Front member Kamikaze,[38] leads Warren to try to reject the dark cloud that has hung over his head ever since gaining his new wings. His relationship with Charlotte Jones fades as Warren begins dating fellow X-Men member Psylocke.[39] In an attempt to put his dark days behind him, Warren retires his "Death" uniform in favor of the blue/white costume Magneto made for him.[volume & issue needed]
After Psylocke is eviscerated by X-Men prisoner Sabretooth during an escape attempt, Warren and the X-Men track him down and capture him, but not before he is able to badly damage Warren's metal wings.[40] Over time, the damage to his wings spreads. Eventually, the metal wings shatter completely, revealing that his feathered wings have been growing back within them and have broken them apart from the inside.[41] This follows a visit from Ozymandias, who tells him that he is indeed one of Apocalypse's chosen ones.[volume & issue needed] Reclaiming his original Angel powers, Warren still retains his blue skin color.[volume & issue needed]
Angel is one of several X-Men who are present when Gambit's culpability in the events of the "Mutant Massacre" is made public by Magneto, which turns him against his teammate.[42] Shortly afterwards, with the X-Men broke and their mansion stripped bare by the US Government, Angel volunteers money to help keep the team going, though this requires his reclaiming full control over his family company to do so.[volume & issue needed] Tracking some of his company's finances at this time, Warren discovers the former villains the Thunderbolts retrieving a jet that was used by the Champions, but although initially suspicious of the Thunderbolts' motives, after joining them in a confrontation with Graviton, Warren accepts their genuine desire to reform, leaving them with the jet as he wishes them luck.[43] Angel returns to the X-Men following the events of The Twelve, in which his wings (temporarily) further mutate into wings made of light and he gains talon-like hands and healing powers, which Warren uses to restore the mobility of crippled Horseman of Apocalypse War.[volume & issue needed] Returning to the X-Men, Warren finds his relationship with Psylocke gone, as she has begun dating new X-Men recruit Thunderbird III.[volume & issue needed]
When Rogue leaves the X-Men to join Storm's splinter group (X-Treme X-Men), Angel is promoted to head of the X-Men's field team.[volume & issue needed] Angel's squad fights the anti-mutant group Church of Humanity[volume & issue needed] and Mystique and her newest incarnation of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants,[volume & issue needed] and tangles with the Vanisher, who has gone into business with several medical companies to create a designer drug that could give humans mutant-like powers.[volume & issue needed] Angel also becomes entangled in a love triangle with rookie X-Men member Paige Guthrie and the mutant prostitute Stacy X.[volume & issue needed] Furthermore, during a battle with Black Tom Cassidy, Angel's regression to his pre-"Death" state is complete when he reverts to his normal Caucasian skin color when Cassidy (now turned into a plant-type vampire) attempts to drain Angel's life force from him.[44] His healing powers from The Twelve also manifest themselves again, in the form of the revelation that Angel's blood has miracle healing properties.[volume & issue needed][45]
Following the death of Jean Grey, Warren and Paige take an extended leave of absence from the team.[volume & issue needed] Warren begins doing overseas charity work at this point, in the form of a charity called "Mutants Sans Frontières" in Zanzibar (a reference to Doctors Without Borders), where he then proceeds to help stop a coup with the aid of Professor X's newest charges from nearby Genosha.[46] In Excalibur, Warren meets up again with Callisto. As Paige reminds Warren of his history with Callisto, Viper attacks, but Warren and Callisto defeat Viper together.[47]
In Generation M, Angel fakes having lost his wings in order to capture the Ghoul, a deranged serial killer who uses his retained mutant powers to murder ex-mutants.[48]
Though not an active member of any team, Warren reunites with the other surviving original X-Men — Cyclops, Iceman, and Beast — in a mission to stop Bishop from recapturing the fugitive mutants known as the 198,[volume & issue needed] though Bishop later joins them in their rescue attempt.[49]
World War HulkEdit
Angel joins with fellow former Champions member Hercules, Namora, and Amadeus Cho in order to calm down the rampaging Hulk.[50] Afterward, Angel discovers that Amadeus Cho has hacked into Warren's bank accounts and stolen several million dollars from him, to help him further aid the Hulk.[volume & issue needed]
Messiah ComplexEdit
Angel is part of the team that investigates the new mutant birth in Alaska.[51] He is later part of the team who is looking for former Acolytes.[52] He is next seen part of the same team, but attacking the Marauders.[53] Warren goes against Mister Sinister, but is easily defeated once Sinister recovers from Emma Frost's mental attack.[54] Angel is knocked out, but recovers and is present with the X-teams for the final battle over the fate of the baby.[55]
Divided We StandEdit
Angel is later seen flying over San Francisco, going to meet with Hepzibah, Warpath, and Iceman, when he stumbles across an area that looks as if the 1960s never ended. He contacts Scott and Emma, asking them for assistance before suffering the mind-altering effects of the zone, which are revealed to be caused by Martinique Jason.[56] Angel and the three other ensnared X-Men are sent by Martinique to confront Scott and Emma.[57] Emma manages to free them from the illusion and, during the fall-out battle, Angel rescues Mayor Sadie Sinclair. Thankful for the assistance and for the idea of having real superheroes in their city, Mayor Sinclair then talks to Cyclops and Angel about helping them resettle the X-Men in San Francisco.[58]
Archangel returnsEdit
In X-Force (vol. 3) #4, Warren is brutally attacked by a mind-controlled Wolfsbane. During the attack, Wolfsbane savagely rips Warren's feather wings from his back and runs away, taking the wings with her.[59] It is revealed by Elixir that Warren's wings, despite appearing fully organic, are actually still techno-organic constructs that he is unable to regenerate[volume & issue needed]. Wolfsbane later delivers them to the Purifiers, who are seeking the Apocalypse Strain, the techno-organics which comprise Warren's wings. The Purifiers use the Apocalypse Strain to modify an army of Purifier agents, giving them the same metallic wings that Archangel once had.[volume & issue needed] Meanwhile, although Elixir is able to heal all of Warren's injuries, he cannot regrow his wings due to interference from the Apocalypse Strain. Later in the story, Warren is gripped by a series of excruciating seizures that not only mysteriously regenerate his techno-organic wings, but also transform him back into Apocalypse's version of Death/Archangel, complete with blue skin and a techno-organic version of his uniform.[60]
X-Force attacks Archangel, who eventually asks for relief from the pain of losing his wings and transforming into Archangel.[61] Archangel escapes, to take revenge on the Purifiers, and at their headquarters he slaughters most of them in a blood-maddened rage. Once the battle is over, he reverts to his normal Caucasian, feather-winged appearance. He comments to Wolverine that he can still feel the metal wings inside him, and that they want to come out again. According to Elixir, Warren's transformation is permanent, implying that he is fully capable of transforming back into Archangel again at any time.[62]
In an attempt to understand what was done to both Wolfsbane and Angel, the pair of them are placed in a room together, where Rahne is forced to gaze at Warren. The mere sight of him causes her to become murderous once again, and she attempts to rip the wings from Warren's body once more. The sight of a psychotic Wolfsbane, as well as the fear of having his wings torn from his body again, causes a defensive reaction in Warren, reverting him back into his violent Archangel persona.[volume & issue needed]
From then on, Angel takes dual membership with both the X-Men and X-Force, though Cyclops forbids Angel from telling the rest of the team about the return of his Archangel powers.[volume & issue needed] While recruiting a scientist for Beast's "Science Squad", the X-Club, Angel is forced to transform into Archangel in order to destroy a giant rampaging monster. Beast reacts in anger that Angel has not told him that his "Death" powers have returned, creating tension between the two friends. Angel knows telling Beast would expose the latest incarnation of X-Force and effectively end Cyclops' latest tenure as leader if the truth about his personal black ops squad became public knowledge.[volume & issue needed]
During the X-Club's trip to 1906 in order to discover the origins of the modern mutant race, Angel transforms into Archangel a number of times to help further their mission.[volume & issue needed]
During the Fear Itself storyline, Wolverine and Archangel interrogate Purifiers member Benedict Ryan on where Jonathan Standish is hiding out.[63]
Dark Angel SagaEdit
In the "Dark Angel Saga", the "Archangel" persona of Warren, which was secretly created when he was first transformed by Apocalypse into his Horseman of Death, has finally taken over his mind, and he plans to be the heir to Apocalypse, bringing Ozymandias, Dark Beast, the Final Horsemen, Autumn Rolfson, and her son Genocide as his army to destroy humanity.[64] At the conclusion of the story arc Betsy stabs Archangel in the chest with the Celestial Life Seed, seemingly killing him. In the aftermath of the explosion of Apocalypse's citadel, Warren is seen by the members of X-Force walking in the snow. Psylocke, shocked that he is alive and apparently free of Apocalypse, runs up and embraces him. This Warren then reveals he had no idea who Psylocke is and appears to have amnesia. Warren has his normal white skin again but seems to have retained his metallic wings.[65]
Death and new personalityEdit
Following the Dark Angel Saga, it is revealed that Warren had indeed died and his soul departed for the afterlife, with his Celestial-mutated body now hosting an all-new personality with its own soul. He lost leadership of Worthington Industries and became a student in Wolverine's new school for mutants.[2] Although the new entity, who has chosen to retain the same name of Warren Worthington III and the code name of "Angel" is making efforts to be integrated, it is clear that he has no memory at all of the original Warren Worthington's friends and acquaintances, as his discussions with Iceman demonstrate and how he turned away former lover Psylocke.[2]
When Wolverine's legs were damaged Warren tried to fix them with a "miracle". When he failed he wanted to try it again but Wolverine wouldn't allow him, so he and a few other students went to the casino on Planet Sin. There they took the device that damaged their headmaster's legs so it could be used to heal him. While doing so he forged a friendship with Evan, a clone of Apocalypse.[volume & issue needed]
Warren tried to prove that he truly was a real angel by flying to heaven but he failed and accepted the fact that he was mutant. While falling he was saved by Evan and revealed that he could see the essence of people when he looked at them. Evan asked him what he saw when he looked at him and despite seeing only the image of Apocalypse, Warren told him that he could see nothing but goodness in him.[66]
Warren left the school with Bobby and Rachel to help his fellow mutants in the battle against the Avengers.[volume & issue needed] After the battle, he returned to join the stand against Cyclops, and has since regained all of his memories.[volume & issue needed]
Warren's childrenEdit
In an apocalyptic possible future, an aging Frank Castle warns the present-day Deadpool of the "son of Archangel".[67] During Uncanny Avengers (2013), it is revealed that while preparing to ascend as Apocalypse during the "Dark Angel Saga", Warren fathered two children with Pestilence of the Final Horsemen, who appear as the time-traveling "Apocalypse Twins".[68]
All-New, All-Different MarvelEdit
As part of the All-New, All-Different Marvel event, Angel has mysteriously reverted somehow to his pre-LifeSeed blue-skinned Archangel form, and appears as a member of Magneto's new Uncanny X-Men in order to protect mutantkind at all costs. His mind had also changed, having become nothing more than a silent and mindless predator controlled by Psylocke. Under her psychic leash, Archangel became a heavy hitter in Magneto's X-Men.[69]
Apocalypse WarsEdit
Psylocke and Magneto travel to Green Ridge, Colorado to investigate reports of an up-and-coming preacher who looks identical to the original Angel. They discover that he is indeed the Angel who was created by the Celestial LifeSeed and he is attracting a cult of religious fanatics around him.[70] It is revealed that during the 8-month timeskip after the events of Secret Wars, Angel allied himself with Apocalypse's son, Genocide and the Clan Akkaba in exchange for their help in controlling his Horseman of Death split-personality, which has revived as it is permanently linked to his own metal wings. Clan Akkaba are constantly harvesting Angel's rapidly-regenerating metal wings (in order to prevent the Death persona from fully possessing Angel) and grafting them into his clones, creating a mindless clone army of blue-skinned Archangels. The silent Archangel who is a member of Magneto's team of X-Men was merely the first such clone who retained trace memories of the original Angel and thus managed to escape to join Magneto's X-Men. Magneto and Psylocke are captured, but Psylocke easily escapes. She gets into a fight with Fantomex, who was sent by Magneto as back-up with Mystique, who herself freed Magneto.[71] Psylocke in a panic calls for the Archangel who is their teammate, who then telepathically controls the rest of the clone army into destroying the town, but the clones are all killed.[72] In a flashback, it is revealed that Magneto accidentally found Angel's unconscious and injured body in a barn during the 8-month timeskip and helped him recover. Magneto at the time gave up on being a hero, as the rest of the X-Men had either disbanded or fled to Limbo, but then was inspired by Angel to restart his own version of the Uncanny X-Men.[73] It is implied that Angel disappeared after that encounter, only to "reappear" as the silent Archangel. In the present, a chastised and repentant Angel explains to Magneto and Psylocke that he and the silent Archangel are ultimately two half-parts of the same one being, so they physically combine into a new blue-skinned persona. This new Archangel being is unsure of who or what he now was, but was determined to find out. He swore off all violence and returned with Magneto's X-Men to their base in the Savage Land.[74]
Time-displaced Warren Worthington IIIEdit
All-New X-MenEdit
Main article: All-New X-Men
When Beast decides to travel back in time to recruit the original X-Men to stop Scott committing mutant genocide,[75] Angel accompanies his teammates into the future, but initially prefers to return to the past rather than remain in such a twisted present. Even after his teammates vote to remain until they have saved the future, Angel expresses curiosity about what has happened to his own future self, as no reference has been made to his present condition.[76] The next day, the rebirthed Angel finds the younger Angel who asks him why he has metallic wings; the older Angel ignores the question and invites his younger self to go flying.[77] While flying above the skies of New York, the two Angels become caught up in H.Y.D.R.A.'s attack on Avengers Tower. Together, the two heroes are able to defeat the terrorists and capture Madame Hydra.[78]
Joining Cyclops and gaining cosmic wingsEdit
Frustrated after seeing what will happen to himself in the future, the younger Angel defects from the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning and joins the older Cyclops' new team of outlaw X-Men.[79] After the 2013 "Battle of the Atom" storyline, the rest of the displaced X-Men also join Cyclops' team, except for young Cyclops, who joins his father Corsair and the Starjammers.[80] Warren then starts a romantic relationship with X-23.[volume & issue needed] Later, the All-New X-Men accidentally travel to the Ultimate Universe, where Angel and X-23 encounter that universe's version of Wolverine's son, Jimmy Hudson and the X-Men.[81] During the events of the 2015 storyline "The Black Vortex", young Warren is imbued with cosmic powers and gains magic wings of light.[82] When asked by X-23 why he risked his life to gain new powers, he said he hoped that changing himself will alter his future and prevent him from being transformed into Archangel.[83]
After the X-Men go to war against the Inhumans over the fate of the Terrigen, Angel joins the rest of the time-displaced X-Men in hopes of finally returning them to their own timeline. However they discover that they aren't from Earth 616's timeline and with no way of figuring out which timeline they're from, they become stranded on Earth 616.[84] With this knowledge in mind, Angel and the rest of the time-displaced X-Men leave the main team of X-Men to find their place in the world.[85] Angel joins the rest of the time-displaced X-Men alongside Magneto.[86]
After a series of adventures - which included the discovery that they actually were from the true past and the X-Men they had witnessed were actually the disguised Brotherhood of Mutants attempting to change history -[87] the X-Men are forced to return to the past when they are attacked by Ahab, a mutant-hunter from the future, and a younger version of Cable who feels that his future self has lost his way. Part of young-Cable's efforts include surgically removing Warren's new cosmic wings and replacing them with the wings Mimic copied from Warren in the past.[88] The team eventually return to the past, with Jean planting a psychic block on their memories so that they will forget about their experiences in the future until they catch up with the moment they departed.[89]
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Last edited 9 days ago by BD2412
Mister Sinister
Marvel Comics supervillain
Horsemen of Apocalypse
Team of Marvel fictional superheroes
X-Men: Regenesis
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Color Association
As many of you have probably noticed, for certain characters I stick to a certain color pattern. I thought I’d provide some insight onto why I chose what colors for them all.
Eren Jaeger: Red, Black Eren is a complicated kid. He is very dark, emotional, and angry 24/7. Red commonly represents rage but also can represent love and powerful feelings of pleasure. Even though he’s a crazy kid, he is also caring and willing to sacrifice anything to keep his friends safe from harm. Black is a depression color for him.he has lost a lot in his life and tragic events such as the loss of his mother and some dear friends that have stuck with him.
Mikasa Ackerman: Black, Red, (sometimes) Purple Mikasa, like Eren has faced many tragedy in her life and that is what the black is. She’s lost her family but also, in losing her parents, she found a new family. Red ties into the love and devotion she has for Eren, Carla, Grisha, and Armin. It also represents her strength, both emotional and physical. The purple is cool, like her. She can keep her calm but she also has the capability to snap and go back to a harsh red.
Armin Arlert: Blue, Minty Green, White Armin’s colors are very light and cute (like him). He is a very knowledgeable and courageous boy who wants to know the truth about the world and everything it has to offer for humanity. Blue is his courage and knowledge. Minty Green is more of a visual thing because he looks so darn cute in that pastel mint green. White shows the angelic likeness and purity within him along with his curiosity. He does not want to harm others, he only wants the world to be a better place for those he loves.
Jean Kirstein: Brown Jean is courageous and emotional. He often gets into fights with others because he can’t control his emotions. The brown is more of a lighter shade. It represents his leadership skills and potential to be a caring friend. He made friends with Marco and losing him was one of the hardest things he ever had to go through. It showed he can be a friend and that he can be someone loving and approachable. He just needs to accept that he is not as much of a tough, steel guy as he thinks he is.
Marco Bodt: White Marco is a very angelic and kind boy. He saw good in all and wanted nothing more than to help others. Others saw his niceness as a way to shield his true motives, even though his motive was only to make others feel safe. Marco’s death effected everyone and his gleaming personality could shine some sunlight on the gloomiest of days.
Annie Leonhardt: Deep Blue, Gold Annie is a very mysterious young woman. She hides her emotions away and does not interact well with others. She was sent to the military to pursue a secret mission but she developed a close bond to those around her. Deep blue shows her connections to the group and her desire to be their friend. Gold is because she is so fabulous and a queen.
Reiner Braun: Green, Hot Pink Reiner, not only looks good in green, but he also has a connection with the outside. Captivity isn’t really his thing. It represents his freedom and his soldier side. He loves his friends and would give his own life for their safety. Hot Pink is because he is gayer than a rainbow and it is his color.
Bertholdt Hoover: Blue, Khaki Bert is a friendly, socially awkward child. He likes his friends but he has a hard time speaking for himself and has to depend on Reiner a lot. The khaki is his passive trait and his lack of his own will. The blue is his caring attitude toward his friends and his longing to see Annie again.
Ymir: Brown, Grey Ymir has a past that is a mystery to everyone, even Histroia. She dreamed of freedom and being true to no one but herself. The brown is the free will that she found but the grey is the free will that she lost when she was separated from Historia. She only cares for her beloved queen and her love burns brighter than any other emotion she could feel.
Krista Lenz/Historia Reiss: Pink, White, Silver Krista is an angelic and innocent girl. She is very girly and very manner orientated. That is pink. Her kindness and love for others is white. The white also shows her angel wings. She hid behind her lies but she learned to be honest with herself by loving Ymir like no one else she had ever met. Silver is her royal blood. She is a regal jewel and prays for her friends to be safe and sound.
Connie Springer: Grey Connie is silly and the clown of the group. He is grey because of the mask he wears. He is funny and he loves making others laugh but he does not have any identity other than the clown. He acts like it doesn’t matter but he doesn’t think that anyone will take him seriously if he speaks up about a serious problem. He connected with Sasha though and can share with her.
Sasha Blouse: Coral, Pink Sasha is a bubbly, bright, and hungry girl. Much like Connie, she is a clown. The coral is a sweet and pleasing color, as well as pink. She is a positive spirit to be around and can brighten the day of those around her. Her colors are sweet and cheerful. They reflect who she is onto her friends.
Erwin Smith: Gold, Royal Blue Erwin is a very dominating figure. He is determined to create a future that humanity can be proud of. He is honorable and strong. Gold represents his leadership and his ability to convince others to join the fight to save the human race. Royal Blue is his strength and his authority but also his depression and sadness about the lives they have lost and his longing to prove his father’s theory. He remains strong until the end.
Levi Ackerman: Black Levi is a serious guy. He values the lives of his comrades more than anything else. He has lost a lot of people he cared greatly for: his mother, his uncle, his friends, his squad, and then Erwin. Black is the sorrow he feels from losing his friends and family. Black is also his strong and sophisticated nature. It can also be related his mysteriousness. He does not tell his past to just anybody who asks. Rumors spread about him about his past and his intentions for being in the Survey Corps. He doesn’t mind the rumors, he only ignores them.
Hanji Zoe: Brown, Yellow Hanji is definitely an outcast. Though very different from others, Hanji is very smart. Yellow represents their leadership and wisdom as well as their creativity and enthusiasm. They do not play by the rules, they didn’t even play by Erwin’s. That sometimes got in the way of mission objectives though. Brown is Hanji’s sensibility and compassion towards others. The lives lost effect them greatly and they want to be sure each family has closure.
Mike Zacharias: Gold, Green Mike is complicated. He is a quiet and overpowering figure that looms over others. His sense of smell is magnificent and he makes others uncomfortable with his ability. Gold shows his strength and courage. When at the face of death, he stood tall and let out his war cry. He served the military well. Green represents his calm nature and his compassion for others as a soldier. He does what he can to protect his comrades and guide them to the path of a powerful and dedicated soldier.
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