#like my very first pair from when I was in like 6th grade or something
xxpinkdslitexx · 7 months
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calisaalutforchriss · 27 days
⋆.˚✮you make me lose my self control✮˚.⋆
summary: y/n went over to a friend, Gage's house. she was there for awhile. chris texted and asked where she was, she admitted and chris got jealous. very jealous.
a/n: first person pov? second? thrid? shit..i dont know. im so bad at writing smut. smuttttttttt. name calling, pretty girl, sweet girl, babe, etc. SOFTDOM!CHRIS SUB!READER. a bit of aftercare. fluff, p in v, no condom (bad chris, bad), dry humping...slight praise kink if you squint. little itty witty tiny bit of angst. all lowercase oopsies are on purpose
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i walked into gages house, smiling. i had on a baggy tee and a pair of chris's, (my bofriend) fresh love sweatpants. i put my bag on the ground, along with my nike dunks.
g: hey y/n!
i looked up to see gage making pasta
y: oh hey! whats up?
i walk over to gage and smile, greeting him
g: how ya doin?
y: great! you makin pasta?
i look down at the creamy Alfredo
g: yup! you ready? its done!
i nod my head and sit at the table. gage comes by and sets my plate down in front of me. and shit, it smells amazingggg. i take a bite and smile up at gage.
y: shit this is good.
g: thanks, its my mom recipe.
y: damn, slide me that shit.
me and gage laugh.
y: hey, thanks for inviting me and letting me eat with you. wanna take a photo?
gage nods his head, putting his fork down on his plate. i take out my phone and put it in 0.5x and smile, we both are touching heads. not in a weird way, in a friendly way.
g: good?
y: yup! can i post it to the gram?
g: sure, just tag me if you can, okay?
i noded my head. i posted it, a few hours later, we're playing a card game. we were laughing and having fun until i got a text from chris.
c: where tf are you?
i was a bit surprised, chris never acted like this.
y: at gages...
c: why? come home now.
what?...i was just having fun. dammit.
y: 10 more minutes?
c: home. now.
shit. i fucked the fuckity fuck up.
y: sorry, ill be there soon...
i looked up at gage
g: what happened?
y: i-i...my mom...i need to u-uh...goo...home! yeah! home!...
i immediately packed up my shit. no goodbyes were necessary, i was in deep shit with my man. i timidly opened the front door.
y: babe?...
i walked upstairs, into our bedroom, seeing chris on our bed, watching tiktok on his phone.
y: babe? what are you doing?
i put my bag down in the loveseat and take off my shoes.
c: where were you?
y: gage's
c: cool...
cool? what did he mean, "cool"?
y: yeah! it was a lot of fun! he made us alfredo and we played board games!
chris nodded his head, not even looking at me.
y: oh! did you see my insta post? doesnt he look so diffrent? i rember when we were in like 6th grade, we were so young and cute an-
c: cool.
i hate it when people interrupt me. chris knows that...whats his deal? is he...jealous?
y: whats your deal?
i asked, laying down next to him and pushing hair behind his ear.
c: it makes me so fucking pissed when youre always with gage.
what is he yaping about?...
y: im not always at gages house.
chris rolled his eyes at me
c: whatever. i dont wanna fight with you, baby. did you shower?
i smiled. even though chris was pissed, he was still a gentleman and a nice boyfriend.
y: not yet.
c: go shower.
i nodded my head and gave him a quick peck before getting out of bed and walking into our walk-in closet. i grabbed my silk pj dress. i never slept in it before, but...chris bought it for me a while back. might as well wear it. i shrugged and walked into the bathroom
i hopped out the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. then my hair. i did my skincare routine, put on my deodorant, my pjs, and chapstick. i smiled then walked out. i saw chris, asleep. no matter how pissed he was, he was still my baby. i slowly got into bed, trying not to wake him. he turned around, looking at me. his hair a mess and his eyes droopy.
y: sorry, my love.
i smiled and kissed his temple before spooning him.
c: no, i wanna be big spoon.
he whined
y: mhp...fine...
i turned over, i felt chris spoon me...wait...that felt...weird...im praying that was the remote on my back.
y: baby? do me a favor, and move that remote?
chris smirked
c: the remote is on the nightstand, sweet girl.
y: i-is that your phone?...
c: on the charger.
y: why are you so...bricked?
chris grabbed my hips and my curves, caressing them and peppering my neck in kisses.
c: you. that dress. mhh..fuck...
i felt him thrust his hard clothed cock on my ass
y: fuck...babe! whatre you doing?...
c: let me fuck you.
oh shit, that made my pussy throb
y: fuck, babe. i just showered, though.
c: then you can shower again.
he wouldnt stop pounding his hips into me. i started to lift up my dress, revealing my lace panties...soaked
c: fuck, ma. so wet for me already, havent even touched you.
y: mhh...baby...please fuck me.
c: okay, baby. stay still.
chris slowly pulled down his boxers. he didnt have anything else on, besides boxers. now...they were at his ankles. he grabbed my ass and pulled my panties down to my knees and pulled me close to him.
c: fuck, baby. youre gorgeous.
i whined, needy for his dick.
c: fine, fine, baby.
chris pushed himself into me
y: mh fuck!
i whined. no matter how much we fucked, i had to get used to how long and thick he was.
c: mmh..fuck..youre so tight, ma. keep singing for me.
he slowly thrusted into me. i kept moaning, he kissed my shoulder as he thrusted.
c: fuck...so tight. this is what happens when you leave me for gage. fuck. so tight.
chris makes me moan, moan moan moan moan.
c: so
c: fucking
c: tight...so good for me, ma.
i moaned too loud. it was too much, i couldnt do it.
y: youre so fucki-
i moaned, i couldnt finish my sentence.
c: hm? im what? i need words, sweet girl.
chris asked, not stopping the hard thrusts.
y: BIG!
i felt the knot in my stomach tense
y: im gonna cum!
this made chris groan, and his thrusts harder and harder.
c: me too...fuck! mmmmhhhh
the knot snapped
y: FUCK!
i came all over chris, he didnt stop, his thrusts getting sloppy and he pulls out for a few seconds before groaning, he came all over my ass.
c: mmm...fuck...so hot.
i was panting, on my side, tired and out of breath. i went down and pulled my panties up.
c: good job, sweet girl. you did so well for me. i love you.
i was fast asleep. he chuckled and cleaned me up. he laid next to me, spooning me and falling fast asleep. our snoring making symphony.
i guess chris just lost his self control.
@livialifesblog thanks for the request. sorry its so bad.
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queenofmistresses · 2 months
If you have time:
Zekina - timeless
A/n hope you like it!! This took me so long and it was so worth it!!
It was in 6th grade the Zeke fell in love with Tina. He was new, and scared out of his goddamn mind about a new school (again) and just wanted to fit in. Being a hall monitor (as she proudly told him) she gave him a tour around wagstaff, looking after him the whole day, she was very attentive the entire day. She introduced him to Jimmy Junior and both her siblings, and spent the whole day being sweet and kind in a way he didn’t experience before. Other schools never bothered showing him around with any kind of dedication, knowing that he could be moving again any time soon, but even when Zeke tried to insist it was necessary because of this, Tina just brushed him off, telling him how much she enjoyed her hall monitor duties and proceeded to what he still refers to as the best tour ever.
In 8th grade things got increasingly complicated and he squashed his feelings down deep. After her birthday party, he got an excited call from Jimmy Junior about his first ever kiss. With Tina Belcher. He could tell how happy J-Ju was about it, and he was never the type to go after his best mate’s girl, so he tried to forget it. Unfortunately it wasn’t that easy.
The mad pooper incident? He didn’t like to talk about it, but everyone remembers that. Then there was the day of his Grandmother’s surgery. He swears he’s never loved her more than that moment. So much so he practically confessed it, by telling her how determined he is for them to be married. Then the science fair incident. Not his first kiss (to his disappointment) but definitely the best kiss he had had so far in his life. He spent many years thinking about that kiss. Asking himself so many questions. Why had she kissed him? Him of all people? Yes she’d kissed J-Ju as well, but she hadn’t kissed anyone else. Did it mean something?
It wasn’t until a couple years into high school that Tina saw Zeke differently. She had decided she finally has enough of the on and off again relationship with Jimmy Junior and broke up with him for the last time, making that point very clear to him. After that she lost some friends, realising they only hung out with her because of Jimmy Junior. Some of them she was glad to be gone, the likes of Tammy and Jocelyn, but others she missed. And honestly? She missed being friends with Jimmy Junior. It was weird.
But one day her science teacher paired her up with Zeke, and she felt awful. Her mind was riddled with thoughts of regret and humiliation. Knowing he was friends with Jimmy Junior and hating that he was put into this position. But she played nice and invited him to her house to do the work.
They sat down on her bedroom floor with various pieces of paper and stationary surrounding them, an awkward silence filling the air.
“Okay look I’m just gonna say it now so it’s out there otherwise I’m not going to be able to think about anything else. I’m so sorry that you got paired with me, I know I’m the last person you want to work with. I-if we separate the work out to things we have to do then we don’t even really have to work together and I can just put it all together at the last minute and you’ll never have to speak to me again! And then you won’t have to deal with me.” She blurts out in one breath, desperately avoiding eye contact with him.
He’s just confused. “You- what? Why wouldn’t I want to be around you?!” He looks at her in shock, having spent the last few months missing her like hell.
“Because Jimmy Junior’s your best friend. And I broke up with him. And I’m… horrible?” She whispers the last part out, not entirely sure she’s getting her point across.
He sighs and brings a hand to his face, trying to rub the worry out of his features. “T-bird, you’re not horrible. And yeah J-Ju’s my best friend, but he wasn’t good to you. I don’t know why, he doesn’t like to talk about it, but the point is that’s not your fault. You deserve better, I don’t blame you for breaking up with him.” He admits, desperate to show her that he wants to be friends again.
But that just confuses Tina more, “Then why did you stop talking to me?”
“I thought you didn’t want to talk to me! I mean come on girl I let it happen! I watched him treat you like garbage and I didn’t do anything!” He looks away from her. “I couldn’t blame you for not wanting to hang around me anymore.”
Tina blinks. And blinks again. And just for good measure, to make sure she had really processed what he’s just said to her, she blinks once more. “So we both blamed ourselves but wanted to keep hanging out?” She asks slowly, still wrapping her head around the new information herself. He looks up at her and she can’t read his face for a moment. But then he laughs. And it’s the most beautiful, kind, relieved laugh she has ever heard. She starts laughing too, just as relieved.
When they calm down they look at each other just smiling for a small moment before Zeke finally speaks again, “So… friends again? I’ve missed you T-bird. It’s not the same without you.” He says and she blushes, feeling incredibly embarrassed and confused as to why she does, but she nods, and sees as even more relief fills his eyes and watches how his entire body relaxes.
Eventually they manage to start some work, after a long overdue catch up on each other’s lives. It’s one of Tina’s favourite days to think back to.
Much to both of their strain, they don’t do anything about their obvious-to-everyone-but-themselves crushes on each other for another year. Tina’s affections for Zeke grow stronger and stronger every day and she finds herself quickly falling harder than she ever did for any of her other boy obsessions in the past. Certainly more than Jimmy Junior.
And Zeke, well he’s as whipped as day 1. He spends every moment he can with her, helping her with school work, taking her to the movies any time she mentions a film she wants to watch, taking her to the aquarium after school at least once a week, driving her to and from school.
Jimmy Junior can’t even find himself to be upset at the fact that Zeke spent so much time with her than him, not once he’d finally seen them interact in person, and watched how much genuine love and affection was in his best friends eyes when looking at her. And seeing how much more love was in Tina’s eyes than he had ever seen, it stung a little but he couldn’t help but smile and tell Tammy to shut up when she tried to make a comment.
Thanks to this Tina and Jimmy Junior even managed to find a way to feel comfortable around each other again, even feeling like friends for the first time in a long time.
They finally made it official when Zeke got offered a scholarship at one of the best culinary schools in the state. He had made it! He was able to go to his dream school and he finally had a chance to make his dreams come true.
To absolutely no-one’s surprise, the first thing he did when he found it was race to Tina’s house. She opened the door and tackled him into the tightest hug she could, the moment he told her the news. “I’m so proud of you Zeke. You did it!!” She breathed out, squeezing him impossibly tighter.
He pulls back slightly to look her in her eyes, his big grin fading into something softer when he could see how happy she was for him. “T, I-” He begins but she cuts him off, a surge of bravery coursing through her as she presses her lips against his in a searing kiss. She desperately tried to pour every emotion, every word she had tried to say so many times, into this one act of affection. Zeke felt it all and took everything she was giving him with no hesitation. They both felt as though they were drowning. Forgetting everything else in the world around them but each other.
When they finally come up for air they just look at each other, their breaths mixing with each other in an almost suffocating but enticing way. “I love you Zeke.” She whispers, watching his face grow into an even happier grin than when he first arrived, before he whispers back the same thing, softer and more heartfelt than anything she imagined in her dreams.
They kiss again, with even more passion and if Jimmy Junior feels himself tearing up a little from his position in his restaurant, he certainly won’t tell them that.
When they both go off to college they’re sad to not be as close, but they call every day, text basically 24/7 and they visit each other as often as they can. Neither of them have a moment of doubt through it all. They talk about the future a lot, their from their greatest ambitions to the small moments they’re looking forward to.
Tina starts looking at houses and dreaming of sharing it with him every day. Her writing improves tenfold thanks to how head over heels in love she is, and she takes inspiration from her devoted boyfriend to stream it into every piece of work she does.
The next big moment in their lives is when they both graduate. Zeke graduates with an offer to work at an extremely high end restaurant- thanks to many glowing reviews from professors, and Tina graduates with an offer to publish a book of hers, they couldn’t be more happy with their lives. Especially once they find an apartment for them to live in together. They truly make the place their own and they’re favourite parts of the day are waking up in each others arms, and when Zeke comes home from work and they can see each other again.
After a year of living together, Zeke proposes. He prepares Tina’s favourite meal, lights her favourite scented candles, wears a suit, buys her a new dress, and plays her favourite songs. Just them. In their first home. Years after Tina fell in love with him, and even longer after Zeke fell in love with him. He tries to do a whole speech, but he splutters as tears fill his eyes and his voice breaks. Tina cries too. At first she can’t get the words out, nodding furiously, until she’s finally able to squeak out a small, “yes”, and Zeke slides the ring onto her finger.
10 months later they both cry again as they desperately try to get their wedding vows out. There isn’t a single dry in the house then either. Even louise doesn’t bother hiding it.
2 years later, Tina gives birth to 2 beautiful girls. Zeke says she has never looked as beautiful as when she held those girls in her arms for the first time. There are tears in everyone’s eyes then as well.
Zeke is the best girl dad ever. His entire life is devoted to his girls, and he is not afraid for everyone to know it. He makes sure that all of his girls always feel how strongly and ferociously he loves them all, and how much he would sacrifice for them all if it would just make them smile.
At 89 years old Zeke goes to bed, lying next to his adoring wife, and passes away in his sleep. When Tina calls the ambulance, almost hysterically, they tell her that she died with no pain and in peace. She cries more then, than she ever has before. Their children cry when they hear the news, and so do their grandchildren. Their great-grandchildren don’t quite understand but they cry as well.
His funeral is filled with nothing but loving stories from everyone who ever knew him.
6 months later and it’s Tina’s turn. She swears she can feel it coming that day, and wonders if he knew too. Thinking back to that day. She’s convinced he hugged her just that little bit tighter, loved her that little bit louder. And maybe he didn’t but spending her last day thinking about every beautiful moment spent with her love is exactly what she wants to be doing.
Her death is peaceful and painless. There’s even a small smile on her face as she closes her eyes and lets sleep consume her one last time
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humansofstarshollow · 5 months
I think there’s substantial evidence that rory had a crush on lindsay growing up. she tells the mark twain magnet story to like anyone who will listen and even before she finds out about lindsay and dean she’s upset by the idea that lindsay might not like her anymore. and when the magnet story is brought up in front of lindsay rory tries to brush it off like it’s not big deal because she’s embarrassed, indicating that it probably meant a lot to her.
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It's not mystery i quite like rory/lindsay as a couple but i have to be honest, i've never really taken canon and looked at it in a different way, like you did. and boy oh boy-- galaxy brain!
lindsay was always probably one of the more popular girls in class, many friends and regularly invited to all of the cool birthday parties. on the other hand, rory wasn't a loser, not at all, but she had a narrow group of good people and that was plenty enough.
if they crossed paths, they politely shared small talks but that was that.
until the science project in 6th grade. very trope-ily, they got paired up and that was the first time rory ever caught glimpses of lindsay, and not school-lindsay-lister. needless to say, she liked what she saw.
they weren't exactly friends after that, but something had certainly changed, although neither could pinpoint the matter. they still shared small talk, quick glances across the rooms, brief waves, but they also didn't shy away from taking every single opportunity to spend a little more time together after school, or on weekends. they didn't plan meetings, they were often just in the same spot at the right time.
they go on the school trip, lindsay buys the magnet, and that brings a whole lot of new feelings into rory's already confused mind. (lindsay's too -queue gay panic)
they grow up, never growing closer than friends-ish; rory goes to chilton; rory dates dean; rory still cannot keep her mind away from lindsay's wit, cleverness, kindness. her beauty. so when she goes to yale, she makes sure to bring the piece of paper with lindsay's number and email (which she has had for years, and never used).
she sends an email.
lindsay replies.
they finally grow closer; friends proper.
one day rory is back in stars hollow and lindsay is crossing the street, their eyes meet for a second, but dean is waiting for the blonde on the sidewalk, with his lopsided smile and small town boy charme.
rory doesn't reply to lindsay's following email. nor the one after that. or the next. she needs time, she tells herself, she is so busy.
lindsay keeps reaching out, until she doesn't.
it's tuesday night, she is walking back from the cafeteria, and a deliciousate form is sitting on the floor just outside her dorm's door, head resting on her bent legs. a blonde head.
the rest, my dears, is as fanfiction-like as it gets, choose your own path. just know that, well, dean is no more than a distant memory to either of them.
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madwinterschild · 2 years
Eddie Munson x F Reader Imagine you're In A Band And You Surprise Eddie!
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Imagine you're secretly in a band called "Hells Succubus" and Eddie has NO IDEA, He mentions that he hasn't had a favourite female-fronted band for a while. Challenge accepted! You tell him and the rest of hellfire and your friends to meet you at the local bar where they'll be playing to a sizable crowd. draw dropping reactions ensue along with a very surprised and horny for his girlfriend metal head. Enjoy!
WARNINGS: MUCH SMUT AHEAD especially in chapter 2 (I'm here for the thirst ;) swearing, drug and alcohol use. f + m sexual relations, oral sex on both parts and vaginal sex, Dirty Talk also!
Much DnD and 80s music references (The 80s is my favourite period for rock and metal music :) I think that's pretty much it! Enjoy my loves! Also, I'm aware the song I used was sung by Vixen in 1990 but I think it really fits the tone!
NOTE! I am from the UK so if I do get any references wrong I do apologise! I had to search up how our school systems work! T'was enlightening!
"all's I'm sayin' is, I haven't heard any good ones lately! Vixen, sure their good but not many others" You simply rolled your eyes at the centre of your world, your reason for living, the light of your life, your pumpkin or as he was known to others Eddie Munson, Local town freak and metal extraordinaire. You all found yourselves at your usual spot in the school cafeteria, it was a Friday so the kids were abuzz with the weekend. The rest of the Hellfire Club mumbled excitedly over the next campaign, with a few insults of "Dustin your a paladin PLEASE heal us faster this time!" Whilst you and your boyfriend bickered over the topic of the current best Rock bands.
Buzz cut Eddie had been drawn to you like a moth to a flame when he first met you in 6th grade. You'd been quietly humming to yourself some Alice Cooper lyrics whilst you casually drew the Album artwork for 'Welcome To My Nightmare'. The Coop was your god and you wouldn't have a bad word said against him! Eddie found it oddly charming as he got to know you. You taught him all the best ways to tame his wild hair after he'd been head-banging too hard. The best way to sew his band patches onto his jacket, at least until he'd got the hang of it, he was so proud of himself! And had many magical hours of conversation, either sober or high off your faces about how rock music was the best thing in the world! Your chest blossomed with pride as you saw Eddie transform into his authentic self, you still held that same pride for your boyfriend because he refused to conform, and be something he wasn't. He was pure Rock n Roll baby!
You can still remember the day that he drove you to lovers lake, he played your favourite cassettes in the van, put on his best denim vest (The one with the huge DIO patch on the back) you could still smell the gorgeous cologne he wore and how he was so damn nervous. You picked your usual spot and smoke some weed, had a couple of cans of beer and had an amazing night together. You can also remember the moment he turned to you, messing with his silver rings again and confessed his love for you. Turns out he'd been in love with you since he saw you drawing that damn album cover, he'd been smitten with you for as long as you'd been smitten with him. Buzz cut an all. From then you'd been the freakiest couple of Hawkins, the most likely pair to be a bunch of Satanists. It was you against the goddamn world and you wouldn't have it any other way.
You could feel the grin getting wider on your face as you reminisce, it wasn't till a few moments later that you noticed the clicking fingers in front of you. You snapped back to reality and shook your head "Sorry baby, what did you say?" Eddie just huffed a laugh, shaking his head and making his brown curls bounce "I saaaaaaid" He poked your cheek " you still haven't given me any examples of good bands" Your mind rebooted as you remembered the conversation 'ah we're still on that one…maybe nows a good time to mention it' you chewed your lip as you rolled what IT was around your mind. Eddie knew practically everything about his princess, what you hadn't told him was you were actually in a female-fronted band and YOU fronted that band. You'd only been going for a couple of years but a bunch of girls you'd met at a summer camp long ago became really good friends, had similar interests and for the fun of it, you decided to start a band. Nothing serious, just something to pass the time on lazy weekends when you weren't with Eddie. You never told him about it because hell you thought he'd laugh! Here was this adonis that you worshipped as a guitar-wielding metal god, and you just felt fucking silly about it all. So you covered it up as some kind of family time thing and Eddie simply shrugged his shoulders and brought the little white lie.
However, recently you played a fantastic gig at a bar in the next town and the crowd loved you! So much so, the guy behind the bar called his cousin who owned a sister bar in Hawkins and told her to book your band! You and your band mates were thrilled and couldn't wait for the next gig, You'd heard a few town members of Hawkins muttering how excited they were for the band to perform, even some of your bullies were excited. You had to chuckle to yourself because NOBODY had a clue it was yours. Your day-to-day look was far more toned down than your stage look so it was no wonder nobody recognised you. Maybe tonight was the night to let the cat out of the bag? Not just to Eddie but to your friends as well, You'd love to see the look on your best friend Robin's face too!
"Actually," You thought quickly about how you could keep this a secret for as long as possible, you wanted to surprise Eddie. "One of my favourite bands is playing in town tonight…Female fronted as well" Eddie quirked an eyebrow at you and leaned forward with his hands clasped, you'd caught his interest "Really now? And what's the band called (y/n)?" you swallowed a nervous lump in your throat "Th- they're called 'Hells Succubus'? I don't know if you've heard of them? Their relatively new?" Eddie hummed "Yeah yeah I know the band, not personally but a few guys from the band went to see them a couple of months ago and said the lead singer is smoking hot" he commented nonchalantly. Your heart swelled with pride again, Eddie had been very dedicated in his love for you, he'd kiss the ground you walk upon (if you let him) and treated you like a princess as much as he possibly could. His eyes never strayed, he never looked at another girl, like he'd said time and time again "Your my world baby, I'm your problem now!". What a surprise he'd get tonight! You couldn't wait to see his reaction
"Well…" you turned and rummaged through your bag, pulling out a poster to show to Eddie, fortunately, it didn't have your band's faces on, just the name, eloquently written. You'd all agreed that just because you were a rock band, borderline heavy metal sometimes. You'd didn't have to follow everyone else with an intense font that was just a mess and looked like a splat of paint, you preferred something that fit the vibe.
You gauged your boyfriend's reaction. His eyes scanned the details and he made small humming noises as he went. His brown eyes turned to you "You say they make you happy princess? You like them?" you nodded eagerly. "Well then" He leaned forward and kissed your cheek softly "let's go and see Hells Succubus….boys!" He turned to the rest of the table, the boys popped their heads up like meerkats, waiting for instructions. You had to laugh "Get your rock on, we're going to see a band tonight. Consider it a club trip" the boys all cheered. The metal Head turned to you and winked. Tonight was going to be good!
And that's how you found yourself in the dressing room in the back of the bar. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled, your boyfriend's bright eyes smiling back at you from the small polaroid you'd stuck in the frame of the mirror. It was a picture of the both of you, you in the front and Eddie behind you, with the dopiest grin, firmly holding a Metallica album in his hands. It was the 'horsemen Of The Apocalypse' album and it was brand new at the time, and to think you had 'Master Of Puppets' hidden away in your room, ready to give Eddie for his upcoming birthday. The picture had become your good luck charm when you performed, before you'd head out to meet the girls, you'd always blow a kiss to the picture.
You shook your head fondly and continued to apply your Make up. The black eyeshadow you used threatened to swallow up your (e/c) eyes but made the whites pop at the same time. Mixed in with a bit of red it looked sinful. Your dark full red lips pouted back at you, you wondered if you'd make Eddie want you as much as you wanted him when you saw him play. You remember the uncountable times you'd seen Corroded Coffin and watched Eddie like a Hawk watches a Mouse. You could feel yourself getting wet with excitement as you watched the same fingers that pleasured you dance over his guitar. you'd bite your lip when your boyfriend's eyes would fall on you and the air was suddenly knocked out of you. His gaze was like an invisible grip that held you in place, preventing you from moving as he played for you and only you.
You shook your head, there'd be plenty of time for that later, right now you needed to tighten your corset over your black see-through blouse, the tattered sleeves floated around as you pulled the leather tight, and your breasts immediately jumped to attention, dangerously perched on top of the corset. "He won't know what hit him" you mumbled to yourself with glee, fixing the multiple necklaces in place. your most prized one gently rested on your cleavage. It was a ring that Eddie gave to you, it had a black heart in the middle with bat wings on either side, it was another one of your most treasured items next to the picture. You finally stood up. Pulled up your leather bell bottoms and adjusted your clunky belt. this one was your favourite. It has large black lips with vampire fangs peeking out from the top lip. It reminded you of the aesthetic of the band. A group of succubus had emerged from the pits of hell and used the power of music and sin to draw in unsuspecting victims, that's what you called your fans and they lapped it up.
You took one last look at yourself, grabbed your can of hair spray and covered yourself head to toe in it. It was the best thing to keep your make-up and backcombed hair in place for the whole gig. You didn't want to look like a sweaty mess, you wanted to look pristine for your lover. Your eyes fell upon the picture again "That comes later, lover" you blew a kiss to polaroid Eddie and turned to leave. You were ready.
"I don't understand! She should be here! She's going to miss it!" Eddie moaned into the table, his head 'thunking' against the wood. Robin laughed at the dejected metal head. You had assured your friends, the boys and your boyfriend that you'd meet them all at the venue, you had a few extra errands to run before the gig started. "Chill your beans Goldie Locks, (Y/N) said she'd be here didn't she? I'm sure she's just doing herself up so you'll fuck her senseless tonight" Robin chortled as Eddie perked up, his cheeks bright red "do you think so?" "Course I do you perv…now just relax" Eddie frowned at the quip "anyway" Robin continued looking at Dustin, Mike and Lucas "How the hell did you get the toddlers in? This is a bar" "I promised the staff they wouldn't drink, besides they've got 'Steve The Babysitter' to look out for them huh big boy?" Eddie winked at Steve who scowled in return, he took a sip of his beer "'s my night off Munson" "We can look after ourselves you know?" Dustin piped up, the boys nodding. Robin looked over unconvinced "Hush now children…drink your Sodas" she pushed the drinks over and turned back. Nancy smacked Robin's arm to shush her "Quiet! It's starting!" "Nance were not in a theatre" Steve chuckled. The group turned to look at the stage, Eddie hadn't actually taken a look at the instruments properly, worrying about your absence, he was either staring at the entrance to the bar or your empty chair. But now he had a chance to get a look at the stage he whistled in appreciation, it was a nice set-up.
The drums lay at the back with black skins with red flames threatening to engulf them, the band's logo proudly displayed on the front of the kit. Two guitars, similar in their design. a Base guitar and finally a keyboard. 'Damn (Y/N) wasn't kidding, these guys are serious' he turned his eyes to fellow members of Corroded Coffin and they silently nodded at each other 'we need to up our game' was a mutual thought. Eddie loved the microphone the most, it had two simple little bat wings on it, very quirky. His stomach dropped as he saw the bartender walk up to the mic, her heels clicking on the wooden floor. He turned to look at the entrance again with worry "(Y/N) where are you?" he frowned in worry as he turned back.
The bartender spoke "Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you so much for coming! Tonight we've got a real treat for you all! This is actually this band's debut in Hawkins and we're super pumped that they chose to debut with us! The band consists of some of Hawkins's finest students!" The group all looked at each other completely perplexed, how had they not heard of them before? They turned back as the Bartender continued "This band promises to make you rock hard and feel the flames of hell! Ladies and Gents put your hands together…..HELLS SUCCUBUS!" Loud cheers cascaded from all sides of the bar as the band members slowly sauntered onto the stage. Smoke erupted from the smoke machine as the lights on stage turned red.
"Unsuspecting Victims of Hawkins! Are you ready to be seduced?!" Eddies eyes suddenly widened…he knew that voice anywhere. Before he could utter a word the lights changed to white and the smoke cleared, and all he could see was you! Standing proudly in the centre of the stage. You licked your lips as the crowd cheered. You could see people from all walks of life in the bar. A few bikers, a few people from school and even Hopper in the back tipping his sheriff's hat to you in respect. Your eyes looked down and finally landed on your group of friends. They all looked astonished! Robin's eyes bugged open and she was suddenly screaming "YESSSSSS GIRL". Steve looked like a fish out of water whilst Nancy had the biggest smile on her face. The boys all looked at you and the girls like you we're the best thing since sliced bread. And finally, your eyes landed on your Boyfriend and he did not disappoint. His eyes were shining bright at you, his mouth hung open as all the air in his body left him.
Eddie didn't believe in God all that much, how could he? When he'd had to deal with all the shit in his life. He'd heard about these dumb ass religious experiences and could never imagine it would happen to him. That was until he'd met you, from then on he considered himself practically born again, worshipping at your feet and yours alone. He'd touched heaven so many times like when he'd asked you to be his girlfriend when he first kissed you when you'd fucked for the first time when he said he loved you for the first time and right now. Right now he was staring into the eyes of some kind of hellish goddess, he swore at that moment that he would sell his soul for you. For who was he to stand in the presence of this unearthly rock creature who looked like she could eat him up right there, promise him everything as she melted his tattoos with her heat. your eyes met and a sinful smirk stretched across your face. You licked your lips and practically heard Eddie moan as you opened your mouth to speak.
"Tonight my devilish creatures, We're not only in our home town but I have someone very special in the audience, my own personal plaything, you may know him as the lead guitarist from Corroded Coffin, I know him as the sexiest demon alive so we're going to play something special for him…This is for you Eddie Munson" You winked at him as you saw his eyes widen even further. You'd got him "This is 'Not A Minute Too Soon' Hit it, girls!" You yelled in joy, and the bar erupted into claps and cheers as the guitars and drums kicked in. You immediately lost yourself in the music and moved to the beat, swinging your hips and moving your head to the beat. You moved to the microphone to ready yourself
I was pretending it was easy alone I built a fortress to keep out the unknown Surrounded myself with the walls of rejection Trapped in the dungeon for my own protection Your smile came shining through so pure I knew
Not a minute too soon Your love came through for me You are the water in my desert Not a minute too soon Your love got through to me You rescued me just in the nick of time
Eddie almost lost his mind, he was on the edge of his seat but was instantly blown away by your voice, he tried to catch his breath as the sound washed over him. It was like he was drowning in ecstasy, this had to be a dream, a very very wet dream. How was this possible? His most gorgeous girl on a stage, dressed like THAT and singing like THAT! He couldn't believe his fucking luck, and neither could his dick apparently. He could feel himself growing harder by the second, is this what it felt like for you when he played? Holy shit, it was like the best torture possible. He wanted to jump up the stage, tear your trousers down and fuck into you like there was no tomorrow as you sang your moans into the microphone so EVERYONE would know how good he was to you. The fact that you'd told everyone in the bar that he was your boyfriend, EVERYONE! He could almost cry. He never thought he'd find someone like you, let alone someone that would happily scream to the world that he belonged to someone. Clearly, he'd died on the way to the venue because this wasn't possible. You caught eyes with the boy again and smirked at him, clearly he was enjoying this WAY more than you thought he would. You continued with the song, swaying your hips suggestively and flicking your hair behind you.
Time after time I threw my heart away My faith was fading fast day after day I had enough of giving in I couldn't lay down my pride So love just pushed me aside Your kisses washed away my thirst Every touch felt like the first
Not a minute too soon Your love came through for me You are the water in my desert Not a minute too soon Your love got through to me You rescued me just in the nick of time
In this angry world I thought loneliness would shelter me My broken spirit cried in vain Till you set me free
The guitar solo instantly kicked in and you danced around the stage, you had at least thirty seconds of your friend's wicked playing to fill and you got a wicked idea. You turned to your band members with a devious smile on your face and they all smiled back. You'd told them about what you wanted to do during your little Pow-Wow before the show started and they loved it. You grabbed the microphone out of the stand, careful not to trip on the wires and executed your plan. Eddies eyes widened as you hopped off the stage and made a beeline straight for him, bouncing on your platformed boots as you went. You were forever grateful that he'd stolen a chair right in front of you. He looked at you hopelessly and mouthed 'your gonna kill me baby girl' at you. You simply smiled and came closer to him. By the time you stood in front of him you swung your leg around his hips and sat down snuggly on his lap, you could feel cock was rock hard through his jeans, the poor baby must have been in agony. You looked down at him and licked your lips suggestively before you began singing again.
Your kisses washed away my thirst Every touch feels just like the first
You began to slowly grind your hips onto your boyfriend, not obviously so but just enough to get a reaction out of Eddie, he threw his head back with a barely restrained moan and wrapped his hands around your leather-clad ass, his large hands directed you and pushed you to keep humping his desperate dick through his jeans. He looked up at you again with nothing but deep affection and thirst, like the song you sang to him, he was drinking you in, you were his own personal brand of drug and he was close to whiting out. You looked down at him through thick lashes as your hair fell in his face. You continued.
Not a minute too soon Your love came through for me You are the water in my desert Not a minute too soon Your love got through to me You rescued me just in the nick of time Not a minute too soon Your love came through for me You are the water, yeah, you are the water
Eddie was so close, so fucking close. He hadn't creamed in his trousers since he was a pre-teen but fuck you made it impossible, the way you sounded, the way you sang to him, the love in those lyrics, he could feel the truth. Fuck his heart hurt so badly in such a good way right now. He was going through all the ways he could keep you in his life. If he could afford a ring he'd marry you tomorrow, He could feel tears leaking down his eyes as he gazed upon your face. You tried to convey as much as you could with your words and your eyes, your own shining with tears. Eddie thought you looked breathtaking. "(Y/N) I'm so close…please…." He moaned, his eyes pleading with you to either stop or grind harder. You smiled sadly and kissed him sweetly. "meet me in the dressing room after" You whispered before you launched yourself off his knees and straight back onto the stage, the crowd erupted again. All you could hear was whistling and cheering, your band mates smiling at you knowingly. You waved at the audience as you continued your final verse.
Not a minute too soon Your love got through to me You rescued me just in the nick of time Not a minute too soon (Not a minute too soon) You are the water in my desert (Not a minute too soon) You know your love came through for me, your love got through to me (Not a minute too soon) I want you to rock me, roll me (Not a minute too soon) I wanna be the one
The song finished and the place went wild! You all smiled at each other and you looked down at your friends again, Robin was losing her mind and the rest of your friends weren't doing much better, even Nancy was screaming and applauding you. The only one that was sat down was Eddie. His hand frantically pushed down his very OBVIOUS problem. He took his jacket off and covered his legs before clapping and screaming for you. You gave him a watery smile and approached the microphone again.
"Thank you so much, folks! Thank you! We've only got three more songs tonight. The fourth one will be our very own creation whilst the other two will be covers, and the next one for you tonight is" You looked straight down at Eddie, a large sadistic smile on your face, he looked at you pleadingly….not that one…any but that one.
"Holy Diver by DIO…..and One…Two…Three…Four…"
The band began again, the cheers were deafening and Eddie Munson Knew he was fucked.
I hope you liked it folks! Part 2 shall be up relatively soon depending on how much y'all like this one! This is my first Eddie Munson x Reader fic so please let me know what you think!
THE LYRICS DO NOT BELONG TO ME! They belong to Vixen. The source material does also not belong to me! Thank you!
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dem0nguy · 2 months
The council (me, myself, and I) have decided, I shall post about my way-too-elaborate OC lore!
I’ll likely share this through story snippets, spurts of lore, art, or whatever else comes to me. Regardless, I hope you enjoy something I’ve been crafting for many years in the back of my mind.
Now let me introduce you to a story called:
A Good Demon
Listen, part of me still doesn’t understand everything that’s happened to me over the past couple years. But these journal entries, those that I wrote while it was happening. May be the only accurate recount I can give you.
So much has changed over the years, I’ve lost and gained. I’ve gone from a naïve little boy to a kid who knows too much for his age.
So let my younger self tell you our story:
It’s My Birthday! Wahooo!!!!
Man I’ve been psyched for weeks! I’m turning twelve, and tomorrow I start 6th grade! It’s kinda crazy honestly. I’m not sure if I should be excited, or terrified.
But well, that’s what this journal is for. Writing down my thoughts and worries. As much as I will use it for that, I also wanna be able to look back when I’m older! It’ll be cool to see what future me thinks of present me (I hope future me is doing well!) He’s not, but the notion is nice.
I got a whole bunch of presents today! First off, I got this journal. Which seemed like a lame present at first (especially in comparison to my twin brother’s remote controlled car) but I’m learning to like it. I think… The journal is a marble red-black pattern, with a gold engraving on the front of my name “Adam”.
I also got a bunch of chocolate (my favorite candy!), as well as action figures from my favorite TV show, a few new books, a couple letters with money, and an odd red and blue crystal necklace. Irrelevant as it may be, chocolate is still my favorite candy.
The necklace was a gift from my Uncle Sam. He’s a very, err, interesting guy? I don’t know, he’s very closed off, and doesn’t seem very fond of anything really. But my dad (his twin brother. Isn’t it crazy there are two pairs of twins in this family??) Likes having him around.
My twin, Conner, got a similar necklace. Though it was a little more blue than red. Uncle Sam was very hesitant when giving them to us, almost as though he didn’t want to. It made me wonder if my dad had made him buy these for us.
I’m not ungrateful for his gift. Just, skeptical. He told us to keep the necklaces close by all day and night, that they’re a sign of good luck. Should’ve been more skeptical…
I’m not exactly gonna give up potential good luck. I’ll definitely need it for tomorrow. I’m absolutely terrified that I’m gonna get lost in the big concrete building that is “middle school.” I’ll have more than one teacher a year now, how will I remember them all?? What if I forget and walk into the wrong classroom? God that would be so embarrassing. All the looks from the other students trained on me, I can almost hear their snickering and laughing in my ears!
Even worse, what if I’m stuck in a class with no one I know? What if all my friends and my brother are on completely different sides of the building? What if there’s an emergency?? What would I do? Funny how this was my greatest fear when I was twelve.
I don’t think I can answer any of those questions, just thinking about them shakes me to the core. But, it is nice to write down on paper. Somehow the words are less scary when you can see them.
Hey, maybe this good luck charm will help me after all.
Little did I know it would make my life living hell.
(Part twoooooo :D)
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spacexcowgirl · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
here's some stuff about me, thanks for the tag @magswrite <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
169,069 (double 69 this is so embarrassing)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently only the marauders, but I've written for other fandoms in the past. On this account, my old Weasley fics can be found, and then I've written for a few other fandoms in other places.
4. What are you top 5 fics by kudos?
just like Maggie I do not have 5 fics lol so this is just my 4 from highest to lowest !!
we'll be just fine (even when I lose my mind) : 16k words, James loses his memories after a quidditch fall and doesn't remember his relationship with Regulus.
Foolish One : 5k word one shot. friends with benefits. miscommunication. mutual pining.
Mutually Assured Destruction : 113k word WIP. a "how to lose a guy in 10 days" au.
where milk and honey flow : 34k word WIP. band/fame au, multiple pairings, multiple tropes. this will be a long one.
5. Do you respond comments? Why or why not?
oh yes! I try to always reply, but sometimes it slips my mind and I forget. Most of the time I get to them, though! I love comments, and I appreciate when a reader takes time out to comment, so I want to show that appreciation by replying.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
so, I only have 2 completed fics, but it's no secret that all of my stuff is happy endings. if I had to pick, I'd say we'll be just fine. it's still a happy ending, but everything isn't perfect, you know?
7. What is a fic your wrote with the happiest ending?
again, only 2 completed fics, so at the moment, probably Foolish One? I think my long fics will beat that in the end though lol.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! I have very nice commenters
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
hmmm hard to answer. have I in the past? yes. have I in any of my current fics? no, not yet. but wm&hf will have smut in it eventually.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
mmm at most I've had it reposted without my permission and without credit on another site, but have never had like a fic idea stolen.
12. Have you ever has a fic translated?
mmm no, but I have had one turned into audio format for accessibility?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
eeee as Maggie said, we have something in the works ;) something fun, very excited about it, but it's neither of our first priorities so it'll be a bit before its done!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
ooooh that's so hard. maybe my judgements clouded bc I'm so hyper fixated, but I do think it's jegulus. maybe that will change tho.
15. What’s a wip you what to finish but doubt you ever will?
the only thing I have started that I don't think I'll ever go back to is this mcd fic that's like a plane crash situation? everything else I fully intend to finish.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've gotten comments praising my prose and characterizations a few times, which really means the world to me. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on grammar and clear ideas of what I want to happen.
17. What are you writing weaknesses?
okay, two things I think: first, I feel like I meander too much. takes me too long to get to the point, like I'm so fucking wordy so everything is always so slow moving. second, I feel like I'm so bad at like... describing surroundings and stuff.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I use google translate and I take any and all comment suggestions and make changes!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
oh my god I don't even want to say. (hints: RPF, a dance crew, I was in 6th grade). After that one, I kinda abandoned reading/writing fic until I was 19? and when I came back to it, I started in The 100 fandom!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
just going off of the ones I'm currently working with, wm&hf is my favorite. I've been brain rotting about it since like February, I have so many plans, and it just feels a lot more like something I'm really writing for me.
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rising-angelx · 1 year
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ a mother’s embrace. solo in chicago
the wind whipped her cheeks in a familiar welcome as angel stared up at the towering apartment building she once called home. while her wealthy aunt and uncle, jeanine and john wilde sat in their penthouse throne atop the building, her mother had opted to move into a slightly more humble unit in the lower levels, wanting a space for herself once her daughter had moved out. dahye elected to take the elevator up to the 6th floor, although she could hear her mom’s voice in her head playfully scolding her for being too lazy to take the short trip up the stairs for good exercise. she had instructed her mom not to come to the airport out of fear of any possible crazy swarms of fans that may be there to greet them instead, but made this building her first stop before her belongings even made it to the hotel. fingers fumbling with excitement and nerves slipped the spare key out of her bag that she had been sent a few years ago for this very moment to make her way inside. 
though the new apartment was unfamiliar, as soon as the door opened she was engulfed by the comforting smell of her childhood, wrapping her in nostalgia like the warmest blanket she would wrap herself in and cuddle up under her mother’s wing. “eomma?” she called, the living room barren of the familiar figure of the woman, but faint music wafting from elsewhere in the apartment alerted her that she was home. dahye dropped her bag on the nearby couch, taking in all the surroundings as she approached the kitchen. broad windows overlooking the street stretched across the far wall of the living room, the only light in the whole place traveling miles and miles from the sun, comfortably warming the space. the leather couch was worn and decorated with plenty of knit blankets and throw pillows. the place was rather tidy by any standards, but there were papers and projects scattered from the coffee table to the kitchen island. she found a pot of steaming sundubu-jjigae already bubbling on the stove and smiled, her mother never forgot her favorite home cooked meal on a special day like this. 
“dahye-ya!” her mom came shuffling into the kitchen, quickly tearing off a paint-covered apron and tossing it to the side, engulfing her daughter in a tight hug. she was a couple inches shorter than angel now, and she could hear her trying to hide the sniffling as she fought off tears. “i missed you so much, my baby, my angel,” she whispered into her shoulder.
“i missed you too, eomma,” dahye responded softly, attempting to keep tears of her own at bay.
with hearts full of each other’s comforting presence and stomachs full of delicious stew, the pair sat together on the couch as sunyoung gently brushed and braided her daughter’s hair, just as they used to do when she was much smaller. “I wanted to talk to you about something, eomma,” dahye started, almost nervous for the conversation ahead. “i’ve been thinking about it for awhile.”
“what is it, darling?” her mother hummed contentedly, still weaving her fingers through her hair.
“i… i want you to come back to korea with me. when this tour is over. i can find a place for you and we can even live together if you’d like. i can support you and you can do your art and it can be like this again. like before when… like before.” her words felt rushed, her thoughts spilling from her mouth quickly, afraid a ‘no’ would interrupt her before she could even finish. she even almost brought up their life with her father, but she knew it would only make her mother sad. living in korea again made her miss her childhood so much more. the streets of seoul she walked hand in hand with her dad were different and yet still so familiar. the small restaurant her parents would always take her just down the street from their house to celebrate good grades and any special achievements was still there, though she had never been able to muster the courage to venture inside. most of all, she missed being able to spend time with her mom. even just on holidays or birthdays. she missed her cooking and her embrace and the uncanny way she always managed to comfort her in any situation. 
she felt the elder woman’s fingers still in her hair and her nerves nearly doubled. she had been considering this for so long, she didn’t want her to reject her idea on the very first night she was home. 
“hye-ya,” she sighed and dropped the tied off braid to rest down the center of her back. “i miss you so much when you are away. and i miss korea too, but… i don’t think that is a good idea.”
she frowned, turning to face her mother now. “why not? I know you never liked living under uncle’s paycheck, and you didn’t want to have to come here in the first place, right?”
“i came here to give you the life you deserved, and i do not regret it. and if i came back with you, i would just be living under your paycheck instead, correct?” she raised her eyebrows in that signature mom expression that dahye knew oh so well. she still felt the same way she did whenever she was affixed with that stern gaze as a kid, that childish embarrassment of being scolded by your mother. “your uncle did help me get a position with his company, but i work for my own paycheck now, and i enjoy it. you don’t need to be so worried about me,” she passed a comforting hand to smooth down the top of her hair. “my life is here now, and yours is there.”
“but what about your art?” she was grasping at straws now and she knew it. she could feel the disappointment bubbling up in her heart, threatening to spill onto her cheeks. what she wanted to ask was ‘what about me?’ but she knew her mom had given up everything to move to this city for her, and suddenly she almost felt ashamed of even thinking to ask her to do the same thing but the opposite way.
“i still have my art here, on the side. my baby, i love you so much, and i thank you for being so concerned for your mother,” she carefully pulled her daughter into her embrace again, rubbing soothing circles into her back. “you have grown into such a beautiful and successful woman and i am so proud of you. but you don’t need me anymore.”
“i’ll always need you, eomma,” angel whimpered into her shoulder, unwilling to let her go. through so many ups and downs since she had begun her career she had needed this hug, a comforting hand soothing her worries and reminding her everything will be ok. 
“i will always be right here for you,” she laid a kiss on top of her head, gently rocking her in her arms as she did when she was just a baby.
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sweetbuckybarnes · 2 years
What if...?
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Pairings: Lara Jean Song-Covey + Peter Kavinsky
Summary: What if, Peter had pursued Lara Jean after their first kiss? Peter's POV
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I watched from afar (because apparently, that's where I belonged with Lara Jean) as the girl I like - possibly even love - was curled up in her older sister's arms, Lara Jean's shoulders shaking like mad.
I could even see Dr Covey with tears rolling down his cheeks, as he holds Lara Jean's little sister to his chest.
Something horrible has just shaken Lara Jean's world, all I want to do is make it better.
So, young 13-year-old Peter walked over to her and rested his hand on her back - hoping it would be a source of comfort.
That's when Lara Jean's older sister happened to look down at the 13-year-old and saw the heartbroken look on his face. She saw how attached Peter was to her little sister.
Lara Jean's older sister (who he'd later find out that her name was Margot) gently put Lara Jean's hand in his. "LJ, who's this?" She asks as Lara Jean turned around to look at me.
All Lara Jean did was sniffle, let out a mumble of my name and launched herself into my arms. I held her tightly, hoping that my comfort would help her out in some way.
"My mama's gone," she sobs, and when I look up to Dr Covey - wondering what LJ meant. He simply pointed to the sky.
Lara Jean's mama was watching over them from heaven...
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It had been 2½ weeks since Lara Jean was curled up in my arms, seeking my comfort (well, she's bombarded me sometimes during the game on the playground - for a hug, and all I could do was wrap her up in a warm hug, hoping that it would help).
But, I know knew what it felt like to only have one parent from now on...
My 'dad' had left us, going off to marry someone whom mom said was 'half his age'. 
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This is the same time when Genevieve (Chris' cousin and Lara Jean's best friend) started getting too close for my liking - but if LJ was this close, I'd be very happy about it.
Lara Jean and I had been sat at one of the wooden picnic tables, playing tic-tac-toe with some paper and two pencils, when Genevieve walked into our small bubble, blocking the sunlight to where I couldn't see where I was placing my nought.
"Come on, Peter, let's leave her be," Genevieve said, grabbing ahold of my arm and started to pull me away.
The look on Lara Jean's face broke my heart. She was looking down at the wood, almost like she couldn't compete with Genevieve (when it was actually the other way around) and started to pick up the paper and pencils.
That's when I pulled my arm out of her hold and walked back to LJ's side. The girl of my dreams, looked at me with a raised questioning eyebrow, gently fiddling with the paper between her fingers.
"I'm perfectly happy here with Lara Jean, so sorry Gen," I simply say, taking a new piece of paper from Lara Jean and drew another board for another game of tic-tac-toe.
LJ's face brightened, whereas Genevieve's crumbled as she went red with (most likely anger and frustration). She looks to Lara Jean and looks her dead in the eye. "You can have him, he's not that brilliant anyway," and marches off.
That almost sets me into tears, as LJ walks around the picnic table, and sits at my side. "I think you're brilliant, Peter. You don't need to listen to her," she placed a kiss on my cheek - and even though I've properly kissed her some months ago, I do sort of miss it.
"Thanks, LJ," I smile at her and hugs her.
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High School. The vein of every teenager's life. Something that I'd not been looking forward to, but with LJ - I knew I would do great.
I have been in love with Lara Jean since the beginning of 6th grade, I'd always noticed her. She was my dream girl (why am I saying was, I should be saying is, because she is my dream girl).
It's now two weeks in Freshman Year, and I've now know Lara Jean for 3 years - and I feel like it's time for me to admit how I feel.
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"LJ? Can I talk to you?" I ask her, grabbing her hand before she walks into the cafeteria - where the new friends I'd made on the Lacrosse team are waiting.
I still remember how proud Lara Jean was of me when I made the team, the only game that we've played since I started - LJ had my jersey on (making most of the players think she was my girlfriend).
But it's time to make it official, I think...
"Yeah, of course, Peter," Lara Jean smiles up at me, and I take her away to the side, and away from prying eyes.
I take in a deep breath and let it out. "Lara Jean, for as long as I have known you, I've liked you. But it is only recently that I've realised that I love you," I say, looking at the ground most of the time but only to look at Lara Jean's face once.
"Really?" She asks, but I didn't look at her face as I nodded. "Peter. Look at me," I lift my face and look at her smiling face. "I like you, Peter Kavinsky," she reaches up and kisses me on my lips.
Lara Jean Song-Covey. My girl.
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rythmicjea · 1 month
Can you write an Lody endgame analysis
This is a very interesting ask to me for many reasons. I have only ever watched the show, in its entirety, once. And I only did it to see how close I was to it after writing the majority of The Suite Adult Life. When I was a teenager, my grandmother said to me, "a good writer can take something they don't want to write about and turn it into something they do." I've kind of lived by that since. Did I want to write a Z&C fanfic? No, I did not. Did I want to write something that would aid me through the grief I was experiencing? Yes I did. And voila! TSAL was born.
So, I'm going to answer this, but it won't be in the way it is requested. This will be split into two parts. The first is addressing the characters directly and the second will be addressing the tropes the characters represent.
The pairing of Cody and London within the Suite Life universe was never a possibility. This is for a multitude of reasons. The first, and the most important, is that Brenda Song, the actress of London is five years older than Dylan & Cole Sprouse. When the pilot aired it was just before Brenda's 17th birthday. The twins were thirteen but they played the ages of eleven (because they were so small). By the time the twins were of an age where any romantic storyline could be portrayed it would literally be breaking the law. The law of consent in California is 18. Disney, being the family oriented network that it is, would never cross that line.
Another example of this is Zack's crush on Maddie. Ashley Tisdale is seven years older than the twins. The show does a wonderful job addressing how such an age difference is inappropriate (even though they are only supposed to be three years apart - Maddie is in high school and the twins are in the 5/6th grade). Zack tries to flirt, she always turns him down.
Disney channel shows are not very complex and overall continuity in sitcoms were still a relatively new thing. Speaking of continuity, a little factoid that doesn't get mentioned is that London is twenty-one when she finally graduates high school. She and Maddie are the same age. Maddie, from what we can discern does graduate high school but London, due to her absences and lack of comprehension of the material continues to get held back. (In the series finale, London learning Spanish is an homage to the play The Miracle Worker about Helen Keller. "Aqua?" refers to Helen Keller learning how to speak and her first word is "Water?") So, with London being able to legally drink and the other students of her class being younger than the legal age of an adult definitely makes this problematic.
These legal issues are why actual teenagers are never (if rarely) cast in teen dramas like Riverdale. The actors being adults allows for the showrunners to explore situations and themes that teenagers get themselves involved in but without the legal consequences.
Because of this, London was never coded to be endgame with any of the other cast. It was morally, ethically, and legally wrong to even chance going down that path.
The Beauty and The Nerd...
However, if the characters were adults (during college for example) then this formula is time-tested and generally approved of. You have a character who is not very bright academically, but smart in their own way. They generally have a street smarts about them or they have been exposed to a social climate that the other has not. And then you have the quintessential "nerd". The person who is ranked first in the class, has hobbies that are considered "weird" and the like.
The reason why these two characters work is because on the surface they seem like opposites. The "dumb" one is attractive and the "nerd" is ugly (even though they never actually are). One is into what people consider "superficial" and the other is into "science" or academically challenging subjects. But that's about where it ends. Because when you look past these trivial issues, you see that the two characters are considered outsiders. They are either misunderstood by their peers or they are isolated from them for various reason. And because of that shared ostracization they are able to find common ground. They are able to change and grow to fit in with society better and expand their worldview thanks to the other has brought (an example of this is Penny and Leonard from The Big Bang Theory).
If we apply these two tropes to the characters of Cody and London we can see how, in other circumstances, the writers might have put them together and why. Cody and London basically grew up together so they have a history. London might have a mean streak she is not a mean girl and the same with Cody. Cody is kind of a dick when he gets older, leaning too much into his ego, but he still has a kind heart. He doesn't have the mass appeal that his twin does, but he does have an endearing quality about him. The same with London. London is portrayed as "very dumb". She does things that make no sense (because they are mostly written for comedic effect) but she has an affinity for animals and is incredibly sharp when it comes to them, fashion, and business. Overall, the pair compliment each other quite nicely. They would certainly have their conflicts but nothing that would be so detrimental to a relationship to end it.
In conclusion, there's no evidence to support a "Lody" endgame theory. They were never written to be romantic interests to each other for many reasons. So, the writers never inserted any clues in the background or dialogue to support the pair. However, if you do what I did, which was age them up ten years, and put them on more equal footing, it's easier to create a narrative with the tropes they represent.
As for any other alternative pairings within the show, because of the age of the actors and the network it was on, the show was very straightforward with its intent. Best friends are best friends, romantic interests are stated at the beginning, etc.
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notreallymando · 4 months
We had to write a Fan Narrative for my honors class figured I’d go ahead and share on here even though it had nothing to do with Mando.
One Direction Helps a Little Girl Make a Friend
From the age of 6 I have always been a fan girl. I have obsessed over who knows how many popstars, boybands, superheroes, or any other thing I may have loved. I remember my first love being Justin Bieber and his face plastered all over my 6th birthday party. This obsession continued for years and was the beginning of my downfall into cute boys in pop culture. The thing is a year or so later I remember suddenly there was some controversy about him, and it took away my obsession but there were 5 pop stars ready to take over my life and it was none other than One Direction themselves.
One Direction was the first thing in my young life I can remember connecting with people through. As someone who has moved around a lot in their life, having something like a band to connect through was a saving grace. The first move was not too bad just Oklahoma to Texas, only a state away but moving with 2 months left in the second grade was not easy. This was the first time I had to figure out a way to make friends of my own. Previously all my friends were kids that I got paired up with in kindergarten and we stayed in the same class all the way until I moved. I was an outgoing child, very loud and really liked being around people but I also was nervous I was not only in a new school but a new state my whole life shifted in less than a month. I needed to adapt to it all before I could try to make a connection. Here is where One Direction comes in, I begged my mom for a lunch box and backpack that the boys were on. I did not end up getting the backpack my mom thought that it was too expensive, and I already had one from the previous school year (I was devastated at the time, but I did end up getting one for third grade). This lunch box was the reason for the first friend I made in Texas.
When we first moved, I started at a school next to our hotel I was there for a whopping 2 weeks before we found a house in a little town outside of San Antonio, New Braunfels, that I then called home for 5 years. I got to start school there about a week after we moved in, so I now had a little over a month left of school and no friends. So little Rylyn, about seven years old shaking in her boots, goes to her first day at this big new school. My mom drove me to school that day to get us all situated so this day I did not ride the bus to school but I did get to ride it home. I go the whole day kind of talking to the kids in my class but not really making any new friends yet. The day ends and I can finally go home and see my mom who at this point is my best friend but then something happens. Everyone had assigned seats on the bus, but I was new, so I didn't have one yet, so they found me one and it just so happened to be next to this girl in my class who I didn't get to talk to a lot throughout the day. She immediately saw my lunchbox because I had it connected to the outside of my backpack and her face lit up. She was kind of shy at first but eventually she turned to me and asked who my favorite was. I was honestly so confused at first and she had to explain that she was talking about my lunch box and the members. After figuring that out I was so excited someone wanted to talk to me about them. I told her my favorite member was Niall because I thought he was cute, and he was the only Irish one. She then told me her favorite was Louis because he was funny. We talked about how “I Would” was one of my favorite songs (now its Fool’s Gold because Niall obviously.) We discussed them all the way until I had to get off the bus. The next morning, I had to take the bus to school, and she was there. We were so excited to continue talking about them and sharing our favorite songs or little weird quotes the boys were known to have said. She very quickly became my best friend. It was not uncommon to hear “You can’t go to bed with a cup of tea” in awful British coming from my room when we would hang out. We did everything together for the rest of the school year and beyond that until she moved away, which sucked but at that point I had other friends, so I wasn't starting from the beginning or anything.
I think about this girl all the time and will forever be thankful for her because she gave me a place to be in a new school. I am even more grateful, as cheesy as it sounds to one direction because they gave me something to connect with others about and it was a one-time thing I have so many friends still to this day because of my obsession with them. This was the first experience I have learning to adapt and finding a space where I belong. I have moved another four times after this one and I’ve had to make friends all over the world at this point and one thing I have learned is finding something to connect over like music, tv, or books is the best way to make connections with others. These fandoms like One Direction are so huge and everyone likes them for one reason or another there is always a discussion to be had and it is one of my biggest assets in life that allows me to make new friends wherever I go. Sure, they were 5 cute guys who were funny, they made music that I loved maybe couldn't really relate to at the time since I was so young but things I can relate to now. They have such a huge fan base everywhere and watching interviews they did all over the world made me want to learn more about these places and visit them, which was a welcome consequence of being a fan. This also meant that when I moved to Germany or Italy and was going to school with people from all over the world, I could still make a connection through them. Fandoms provided me with a way to connect and adapt at a time when I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Our fandom shaped us in many different ways, mine chnaged how I interact with people and allowed me to become adaptable.
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reinahwanggg · 2 years
From Your POV • Heeseung Lee
genre: non idol!au, friends to lovers!au, school!au, body switching!au (yes you read that right), angst
estimated word count: i wanna say 9k, but it looks like it'll be more than that honestly
pairing: lee heeseung x reader
warning(s): the fic will have mentions of food and cooking, heeseung is definitely taking on more than he can handle, sunghoon tries to blackmail niki in one scene lmfao, i used a lot of italics in the fic for emphasis purposes, sometimes i write in heeseung's pov as well after the body switching
prompt: note to self: NEVER sing a love song with your crush in mind around your deranged, yet helpful best friend nishimura riki. why, you may ask? because you'll end up switching bodies with them! with absolutely no clue how to switch back.
a/n: my lovely friend and self proclaimed intern lilac suggested that i make a character list for the fic that has had my attention for the last two weeks. so, because i listen to her more than i listen to myself, HERE'S A CHARACTER LIST INTO THE NEW WORLD I AM CREATING.
l e t ' s g o !
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yes this fic is based around POV by Ariana Grande lmao
anyways, let's go under the cut 🤩
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⇻ student council treasurer
⇻ in your 2nd year of high school
⇻ sunoo's sibling (in this fic it seems as if he's the older one, but you definitely act older)
⇻ you're the youngest
⇻ best friends are niki and sunghoon (besties with sunghoon since you were eight, besties with niki since you were 13)
⇻you have had a crush on heeseung since like ... 6th grade when he taught you how to dance the choreo his dance teacher told him to make.
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⇻ student council president
⇻ co-captain of the dance team
⇻captain of the varsity basketball team
⇻ everyone calls him the valedictorian of their graduating class (read: he is valedictorian)
⇻ in his last year of high school (let's go baby, we out this bitch)
⇻ best friends are jay and jake (besties with jay since second grade, besties with jake since eighth grade)
⇻ became friends with you through sunoo (obvi) but it was mainly because he thought you were so cute. found out years later that he had a crush on you, but because he picked up on more things than he can chew he ended up being too busy to confess to you (lol poor baby)
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⇻ the school's "fortune teller"
⇻ lol someone has got to be the reason why you and heeseung switched bodies and ladies gents and peeps, here's your reason
⇻ he has superpowers. doesn't know how he got them he just happened to have them one day.
⇻ his powers include mentifery (the ability to make one's or another's thoughts into reality), foresight (being able to see the future), and telepathy (communicating through one's mind to another through a mind link)
⇻ he uses his foresight to run a low (read: everyone in the school knows) profiled fortune teller business throughout the school for money.
⇻ you're the only person who knows about his powers muhaha
⇻ he's in his first year of high school
⇻ he came to korea without his parents under the guise of "foreign exchange" and because of that he lives with sunghoon
⇻ loves video games
⇻ 90% of the reason why he and sunghoon sleep at sunoo and your house more than their own
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⇻ your adorable, lovable, yet totally insufferable brother
⇻ number 1 heeseung x _____ shipper you can't take his throne away from him he will argue with you about it for hours
⇻ every single day during lunch he would tease you because heeseung saves a seat for you at the lunch table (lol yes beside him)
⇻ don't mind him though, because the moment someone does something to you all hell with break loose
⇻ in his last year of high school (as you can tell, he's very happy with this)
⇻ somehow convinced your parents to let you guys live on your own, and instead of them buying you guys an apartment, they gave up their fucking house. don't ask how, don't ask why just be thankful you're related to this guy
⇻ he's also the reason your friend group consists of him and the other boys from his dance team.
⇻ oh yeah and he's apart of the dance team
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⇻ student council secretary in the HOUSE !!
⇻ well, he only became secretary because none of the seniors wanted to run LMFAO (so they picked the freshmen with the highest entrance exam scores to be secretary)
⇻ he also teases you about your crush on heeseung because he likes it when you pretend to be angry at him
⇻ he does care for you though, and literally no one bothers you because he accidentally (yes purely by accident it was not on purpose whatsoever) broke a guy's arm for saying some mean shit about you.
⇻ he's also the reason why you and niki are besties in the first place and boy does he regret it
⇻ he thinks he's the number one heeseung x _____ shipper rather than sunoo so he does spend a lot of time arguing with sunoo about it
⇻ in his first year of high school (yeah don't ask me how this happened idk what to tell you)
⇻ takes pictures of you giving heart eyes to heeseung so that he can send it in the group chat and clown you about it LMFAO
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⇻ please just leave him alone, all he wants to do is graduate school and whine about it during summer break like the rest of us graduates
⇻ lol this is gonna be a cliche but he spends a lot on you guys
⇻ he actually does it out of the goodness of his heart, and half of the time you guys refuse, but jay's so stubborn he wouldn't let anyone refuse him
⇻ in his last year of high school (he's definitely not looking forward to college lmao)
⇻ i swear if he has to hear heeseung call him and rant about your beautiful eyes one more time he's gonna lose it
⇻ he's apart of the dance team (like the rest of them are lmao)
⇻ he actually became friends with sunoo first during dance class back then because heeseung was too scared that he'd choke on his words if was ever in a five foot radius of you back then
⇻ he still wonders how it took heeseung years to realize his crush on you but then again heeseung doesn't like thinking about serious things all the time so he can justify it
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⇻ co-captain of the dance team
⇻ he used to figure skate back in the day, and the girls from his lessons found out where he went for high school so now he has this fanbase that he completely doesn't know about /srs
⇻ he's been your best friend since you were eight
⇻ lowkey thought niki was trying to steal you away at first back then. that and the fact that niki was living in his house and getting all the attention from his mom made him envious in a way
⇻ but over time he grew to love niki, and he's fine with the three of you being besties
⇻ in his last year of high school (highkey doesn't wanna leave you in school by yourself because he loves you platonically and he knows that although you'll have jungwon and riki, sometimes they're not always there)
⇻ he was actually the first to find out about both your crush on heeseung and heeseung's crush on you
⇻ he made the groupchat where the boys constantly try to plan how to get the two of you together
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⇻ the newest edition of your friend group, but you guys love him as if he's been there forever
⇻ aside from you, he's also someone niki genuinely sees as a close friend, and thus niki confides in him when he doesn't wanna burden you
⇻ he actually became friends with you guys because you talked to him during the dance auditions and calmed him down
⇻ he's also a big protector of you (he will fight for you TO THE D*ATH)
⇻ in his last year of high school (he's gonna miss you man)
⇻ often the one to constantly text heeseung and tell him to man up and confess
⇻ he actually plays on the soccer team, but he's apart of the dance team as well
⇻ the salutatorian of their graduating class (and that's only because he's the only one out of all of them to take up biology, chemistry and physics, and he passes them all along with math) and he deserves it amirite ?
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and that is IT for my character list !! i hope you guys enjoy the one-shot when it comes out. i am actually so excited for this one and i hope you guys are as well.
this has been reinahwanggg, signing out !!
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rickmandowneyjr · 3 years
Fluff, angst
Pairing: Severus Snape x Student!Reader
Warning: mention of character's death
Word count: 1300
(feedback is appreciated ^_^)
No description. Just read to find out :p
Entering the headmaster's office, you saw Severus standing with his back to you. You took a moment to eye him, his frame, and the way he stood, before shutting the door behind you. As it clicked, he spoke, "[Y/N]. Back again, are we?" His voice sent butterflies through your stomach, as it always did. You smirked to yourself, before feigning annoyance and saying, "You didn't even turn around. Why did you just assume it was me?"
He chuckled lowly as he turned around. "Well, you're my most frequent visitor, love," he smiled warmly at you. "Besides, I could feel you ogling me," he teased.
Yep, now in your 7th year at Hogwarts, you had been dating Severus Snape for over two years. You'd had a crush on him since the second year when you were 14 (yes, you were older than your classmates), choosing to act on your feelings, only a couple of weeks after you had turned eighteen.
You still remembered kissing him in your 6th year, when he was the DADA professor. Bold move, considering he'd given you detention for being distracted in his class. You'd been trying to find an opportunity to confess to him when he presented you with the perfect one. As you were reminiscing the beginning of your little love story, he brought you back to reality when he asked, "So, what did you do this time?"
A smirk tugged at your lips as you recalled the incident. "I may or may not have turned the Quidditch field pink," you said, trying to hold back your laughter as you remembered the horrified looks on everyone's faces. You looked up at Severus, who had an amused smile on his face.
"You look like you're not surprised," you said raising an eyebrow at him.
"Well, after you turned the new DADA professor's office neon yellow, I don't think I am," he snickered. Seeing him smile so freely made your heart swell. He never did it as often, earlier. But I guess it was cause he had no troubles anymore. The Battle against Voldemort happened the previous year, which Voldemort lost, meaning everyone was finally free of the Dark Lord's torment. Though it sucked that you had to repeat the final year, you chose to see it as a good thing; it meant you could still see Severus.
"Why do you never smile around others? I swear they'd think of you as less scary if they saw you smiling this adorably."
"First of all, I'm glad they're still scared of me. I have a reputation to uphold. And second of all, I'd smile around others if they made me smile like you do."
Your heart fluttered at his words. Severus always said these things so nonchalantly - it added to the beauty of it, honestly. He gave you such sweet compliments without the intention of it being a compliment.
"So, what did you do today?" You asked, taking a seat on the headmaster's table.
"Same old, same old. Not much to do here, I'm afraid. Must you always sit on top of the table?" He asked.
"I recall you enjoying it when I would hop onto your table in the DADA classroom," you teased.
"It was different then. I could simply lock the door and do something about it," he played along. You smirked before hopping off the table and taking a seat on the chair, mumbling an annoyed, "Fine."
The rest of detention went by just talking to Severus and telling him about your day. You both recalled instances from when you had just started dating, laughing and playfully arguing about whose version of the events was correct. You were smiling to yourself when Severus spoke, interrupting your thoughts. His tone had changed, assuming a more serious one and you worried about the discussion that was to come.
"Everything aside, you can't keep doing this, sweetheart. You're just ruining your perfect record in school."
"I don't really care about a perfect record. I already have my grades securing my future," you mumbled.
"I agree. But getting detention over and over just to come see me, isn't a good look. Neither is healthy," he spoke with concern and care, trying to not hurt you with his words.
You inhaled sharply, letting out a shaky exhale at his words. Before you could recover from the earlier sentence, he dropped yet another harsh truth for you to comprehend.
"Besides, you graduate next week. What are you going to do then? You won't be able to see me."
You took yet another deep breath, knowing there was truth in his words. You were just conveniently ignoring the facts up until now, putting off having to deal with reality. You didn't want to discuss it until you had to leave, wanting to enjoy whatever time you had left with him. "I know," you sighed. "If I'm being honest, I'm considering whisking you away from here. A kidnapping, if you will," you joked. "I just need to find the perfect getaway vehicle now."
He let out a soft chuckle but remained serious. "We can't keep doing this. I understand that it's difficult. It's difficult for me too," he paused. "You have your whole life ahead of you and my future is here, at Hogwarts."
Severus was only stating what you knew, but that didn't make the words hurt any less. "I could always come back to be a professor. The DADA teacher, if Hogwarts would have me."
"You're a talented witch, love. And Hogwarts would be lucky to have you as a professor, but I would have to say no."
"Why not?" You argued.
"Because not only do I know that you planned to be an Auror, but also because you have your whole life ahead of you. I'm not letting you throw your future away because of me, little one. You need to move on."
"Plans change, Severus. We planned our life together but look where we are right now."
"No means no, little one!"
"Please, love! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let you do what you want to. It's absolutely ridiculous! Please don't make spend the rest of my life with that guilt."
You finally snapped at that sentence. "What life?!"
Silence filled the room, the ringing in your ears growing louder until it stopped. The admittance had your heart pounding against your chest and you could hear it in your ears as you felt your pulse throbbing in your neck. Tears stung your eyes, knowing this was it. Your little fantasy had finally been shattered, forcing you to accept reality.
"What life, Severus? Rest of your life? Of all the thing you could've said?" Your voice cracked as a few tears escaped, streaming down your cheeks.
"You're gone! And this is all I have left of you. It's pathetic, really. I've been so unable to move on, I've attached myself to a portrait."
You sobbed silently as he watched. What else could he do? He couldn't comfort you... No matter how much he wanted to. So he just watched, hearing your heart-wrenching sobs as you finally let it all out.
"I could never move on. Knowing you loved me until your very last breath, knowing that we could've been something so much more, and remembering everything that we got to be. No one could ever take your place. So, no. I won't move on. But, I will stop coming to see you if that's what you want," you said, walking towards him.
You brought your hand to your lips, kissing it softly, transferring it onto the canvas, placing it where his hand was. You turned around and walked to the door, looking at him one last time as you left. "Goodbye, Severus."
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drawlfoy · 3 years
detention retention finale p.2 (the real finale!)
masterlist (catch up on parts 1, 2, and the first half of the finale here!)
request guidelines
pairing: draco x reader
request: no my original idea
summary: gryffindor and friend of the golden trio y/n y/l/n is tasked with getting close to malfoy to learn his secret in 6th year. things quickly become more complicated.
warnings: (please pay attention this time around) nsfw content, implied sex, swearing, character death. however, if you are sensitive to gore know that this one is a lot less graphic than the first half of the finale
a/n: wow. here we are! this part is going to be considerably more light hearted than the first part. ngl while writing this i reread my 8th grade diary when i spent hours overanalyzing what my crushes did/said and i kind of wanted to emulate that school crush feeling of “does he like me does he not”. if this seems like a weird turn considering how dark things were in the last chapter, i’m sorry i just really wanted to give poor draco and y/n a break fdajkfls. i hope you guys like it :) 
word count: 16.1k (the longest part of them all...lmfao)
tags! @sycathorn-slush @writeandtranslate  @gruffle1 @missmultifandommess @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @straightzoinked @imintoodeeptostop @naiomimoonshard @jejegu @ophelia-enthusiast @alwaysbeanunknownfan @nearly-memories @litty-dumb @callieclearwater @malfoy-wife15 @charlenasaxen @belladaises @fiantomartell @yiamalfoy @crystalox @dracoismybabey @dreamcxtcherr @decaffeinated-turtle @marrymetheonott @felicityofbakerstreet @daedreamss 
here’s a spotify playlist i made for this!
Back at the Gryffindor tower, she was met with a surprise: Ron, sitting cross-legged on her bed, paging through a random Quidditch catalog he stole from Fred. 
“Hi, Ron,” greeted Y/N tentatively. Despite the fact that Harry and Hermione had both been outwardly stand-offish towards her, Ron had, for the most part, remained neutral. “What’s up?”
He jerked his head upwards, his eyes wide. “Sorry, er, you scared me. Hey, Y/N.” Ron awkwardly waved. 
“Is something...going on?”
“Oh.” He uncrossed his legs and sat up straight, his thumbs twiddling together in his lap. “I just wanted to, erm, have a chat with you. I know Hermione and Harry are a little angry with you still, but I miss you. And I don’t think they’re right in doing this to you.”
Y/N allowed her shoulders to sag in relief as she joined him, letting the bed sink under both of their weight. “I understand why they’re upset. I just felt so bad, you know. Drac--Malfoy is going through a lot right now, and even though he’s been a prat to you guys, all of a sudden it was like I would be a horrible person to ignore what’s been going on with him.”
“Harry and Hermione think it’s because you’re a pureblood,” Ron said. “That’s mostly why I came to talk to you. Harry said something before the day in the bathroom about how he wasn’t surprised ‘your kind’ was so quick to turn on us.”
“Does he not know that you’re literally a--”
“Exactly.” A nervous laugh left Ron’s lips. “I mentioned that, and I think he realized how messed up that line of thought was. Anyways, he feels proper terrible about hurting you the way he did. I think you’ll have to wait around a bit before he swallows his pride and apologizes to you himself, but he hasn’t been the same since what happened before the break.”
“Wow.” Y/N allowed that thought to sink in. “And...Hermione?”
“She’s still hurt,” admitted Ron. “Can you blame her, though? One of her best friends starts messing around with her childhood bully?”
She winced. “I know, I know. Believe me, I know. But we’re not...like that.”
“I think you should try talking to her again. I’m not sure why you’re so insistent on keeping a promise to Malfoy, but nothing’s going to change unless you tell her why you did what you did.”
“Thanks, Ron.” Y/N reached out to lay her hand on his shoulder. “Also, I don’t want to be gossipy or anything, but I think you should leave Lavender for Hermione.”
Ron balked. “I’m sorry?”
“It’s just an idea,” said Y/N, shrugging. “I just have a feeling you two would be really cute together. I dunno what it is. Just an inkling of a thought.”
“I would never leave Lavender,” he said, frowning as his eyes hazed over. “I would never do that…”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” Y/N smirked, elbowing him in the side. He grinned at her, the dimples easily forming in the freckled skin of his cheek. 
“Shut up, Y/N.”
Hermione Granger was not a difficult witch to locate. All Y/N had to do was wait until prime studying hours before searching the library’s long halls until she found the bushy head of hair craned intently over a large textbook.
At her voice, Hermione snapped to attention, a sour expression forming on her face. “What do you want?” She didn’t even wait for a response, dipping her head back down and continuing to take notes.
“I want to apologize, properly, for what happened,” Y/N said, settling into the seat across from her and dropping her voice. “I know I didn’t give you a very good explanation about what was going on, and I know I wasn’t completely honest with you.”
“I’m not interested in hearing what you have to say right now, Y/L/N.”
She brushed off the pain of her last name being used instead of her given name and continued. “I know you must be really hurt that I got close with Malfoy, especially considering how cruel he was to you.”
Hermione remained silent.
“I know that I’ll never understand how it feels to be an outsider in this world,” she said. “I’m sorry that I can’t change what happened in the past. You’re allowed to be as angry as you want with me. Believe me when I say that I never meant to lie to or to deceive you. You had to have noticed how different Malfoy looks. He needed someone, and I was there. He might not deserve that kind of treatment, especially not from you, but it would’ve been wrong of me to just let him suffer on his own.”
Hermione finally met her eyes, a few tears shining in the deep brown depths of her stare. “I don’t understand how you could overlook all the things he’s said about me. Is...that what you think of me, too?”
“Of course not, Hermione,” exclaimed Y/N. The angry shh from the table over made her drop her voice once again. “You’re twice as capable as my entire bloodline combined. You have every right to be part of this world. You are part of this world and you always have been. If I thought that Draco hadn’t changed, I wouldn’t have become friends with him.”
“You call him Draco now?”
“He’s my friend. And I think that if things were a little different, he’d actually defect from his family’s beliefs and join our side. Living firsthand in the close proximity of Death Eaters really took a toll on him.”
Hermione chewed her lip. “This is really hard. I don’t know what to say.”
“I miss you,” confessed Y/N. “And, to be honest, I felt quite left out, too. I know you and Harry and Ron have important confidential business to attend to, but the way it was treated made it seem like I was too stupid to hear about or understand it. Draco didn’t make me feel that way, and I liked it.”
To her surprise, Hermione’s features softened. “I’m sorry. I really am, Y/N. I don’t know why I didn’t realize earlier how unfair we were to you about that.”
She shrugged. “I think so.”
“Are we okay, then?”
Hermione frowned a little deeper as her idle hand allowed her quill to dribble ink over the fresh parchment she used. “Not really. I think I need some time. It’s hard for me to feel like I can trust you again after all of this.”
“I completely understand,” Y/N rushed out. “Hopefully one day things will be better, yeah?”
“Yeah. Maybe.” Hermione offered her a small smile before turning back to her work. If it had been another time, Y/N would’ve invited herself to sit across from her and distract her as she tried to study, telling Hermione all about her day and how much she wanted to drop kick Goyle across the Quidditch pitch, but it was different now, and she knew that. 
Without another word, Y/N got up and left her old friend in her library. 
Her dorm was rather quiet as she settled back into her bed for the second time that day, this time happy to find it entirely empty. It was a Sunday, after all, and she had an entire stack of homework to try and drag herself through before her classes the next day. 
As her fingers began to card through the messy parchment of her desk, she took notice of an item that hadn’t been there before--a crimson red envelope, embossed with glittery golden piping and a roaring lion. Her family crest.
Y/N tore into the parchment as she wracked her brain to try and guess the contents. A howler? No, she’d been (mostly) good. A gift? She hadn’t been that good. What awaited her was much more underwhelming--just a boring old piece of parchment with black ink penned in her father’s handwriting. 
But the news that it brought her had the memories from Christmas Break rushing back.
The next day, he was sitting in his Potions seat, making small talk with Pansy that coaxed a few laughs out of both students like nothing had happened the day before. Their eyes met briefly before he uncomfortably cleared his throat and turned away, back to Pansy’s animated speech over how ridiculous this class was. 
Her heart ached at the sight. How could he act like nothing had ever happened between them? How could he just evade eye contact like that? Y/N felt a wave of uncontrollable jealousy wash over her when the thought of Pansy lying in his silk sheets with the knowledge that she was actually HIS, that he actually wanted her. It was all she could do to avert her eyes and pretend it didn’t happen, though Draco wasn’t exactly ignoring her anymore, which was almost worse. Now that she knew he only saw her as a friend, it only hurt so much more when he would chivalrously offer to walk her back to the library at night or say polite hellos to her in the halls. 
The days began to bleed into each other again, speeding along even quicker now that she actually had people to sit with during meals and to talk to during common hours. Hermione and Ron had begun speaking to her again, though Harry was still making himself sparse whenever she appeared in a group.
To her surprise, though, that changed one day when a paper crane fluttered onto her desk in Charms. She opened it quickly, hoping desperately (and against her will) that it was from Draco, but instead she was greeted with a messy scrawl that she knew very well.
Meet me after practice on the pitch if you’d be okay with talking to me. -Harry
Despite the recent events, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a twinge of nostalgia for the many times that Harry had written her similar notes, back when their relationship wasn’t rocky and she was actually helping the Trio. That wistfulness was quickly replaced with anxiety when she tried to figure out what to expect from Harry.
“Y/N,” he greeted her a few hours later. She rose from her seat on the bleachers and began to walk alongside him.
“Hi Harry.”
“Listen,” he began, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, “I know I’m not very good at talking about feelings--that’s why I’ve been putting this off for so long--but you deserve an apology for what happened in Myrtle’s bathroom. I don’t think I’ll ever understand your connection with Malfoy, but that isn’t an excuse for what happened.”
Well, this was going better than expected. “I’m not going to lie and say that it’s okay that you hexed me, but I don’t blame you all that much.”
Harry let out a nervous laugh. “That’s, er, really good to hear, Y/N. I am so, so sorry for what I did to you. Are you okay?”
“Just peachy,” responded Y/N. “Madame Pomfrey even said that the scarring might go away.” The way the blood drained out of his face made her realize that that probably wasn’t the right thing to say.
“Oh, Merlin, there’s scarring?”
“Forget I said that,” replied Y/N, placing a hand comfortingly on his arm. “Water under the bridge. It really is okay.”
“Well…” He coughed awkwardly as they neared the castle’s entrance. “I think I owe you an explanation as well. If you want one, that is.”
“Shoot,” she said. “Preferably not a deadly curse at me, though.”
If Harry thought that was funny, he certainly didn’t show it. “Looking back on what happened, it was all just a complete blur. I lost control.”
“Because I hadn’t told you about Malfoy?”
“Oh, well…” He cleared his throat, avoiding her eyes. “Obviously I was angry that you’d lied to us. And I was angry at Malfoy over Katie Bell. But that wasn’t what made me lose control. It was seeing you together. There was this moment before either of you noticed I was there and it just made me sick to my stomach to watch. Merlin, the way he…” Harry trailed off, squeezing his eyes shut. “The way he looked at you. It just boiled my blood.”
“What do you mean?” asked Y/N, beginning to grow more and more confused. How could Harry have seen something that wasn’t even there in the first place? 
“And the way you two looked at each other in Potions,” he continued, clearly not planning on answering her question. “It makes me sick. He doesn’t deserve you.”
“He doesn’t see me that way, Harry,” she said, her voice little.
“Has he told you that?”
“As a matter of fact he has.”
Harry’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh. Sorry about that.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” she replied, holding his palms up in a surrender. “It’s not as if it came as a surprise or anything. Plus, not like I care. Just because I don’t want to see him get hurt does not mean I have feelings for him.” Y/N was talking too animatedly, something that prompted her friend to tilt his head and send her a curious look. 
“Right. Well…” Harry stood up, brushing his robes off. “If I didn’t make it clear enough already, I’m sorry. I don’t think I’ll ever understand what you see in him. But you haven’t lost me. I just hope I haven’t lost you.”
Y/N gave him a grateful smile before launching into his arms. He started, but once Y/N had her arms around his neck, he hugged her back. She breathed in the familiar woodsy smell she’d known since she was 11 and swallowed the lump in her throat. “I missed you, Harry.”
“I missed you too. So much.” 
She was just about to poke fun at him for being sappy when someone pointedly cleared their throat behind them, prompting her to spin around and prepare to tell someone off for interrupting her conversation. Once she saw who it was before her, though, she froze. 
“Try and keep the PDA at a minimum, yeah?” Draco Malfoy said, his lips twisted into a bored scowl.
“Draco,” she warned. He simply arched an eyebrow at her before swiftly passing by the two, being sure to brush harshly against Harry’s shoulder.
“What has gotten into him?” she asked in astonishment. “Merlin, it’s like we time traveled back to 5th year or something.” 
He scoffed at her side. “Y/N, what did I tell you?”
The next day, Draco wasn’t at breakfast. Y/N tried not to think too much about his empty seat as she listened to Ron ramble on about how crazy Lavender was being. She had finally migrated over to the Gryffindor table, bringing her new Ravenclaw friend along with her. Hermione was still giving her side eye, but it was better than being treated like a complete outcast. This time around, Parkinson was gone from the Slytherin table, too. The thought of Pansy being the one to comfort him filled her chest with the slimy coolness of jealousy, but instead of dwelling on it further, she stabbed her fork through the strawberry on her plate and took a bite. If he wanted to mess around with her, he could. Merlin knew he needed some sort of distraction. But her most private thoughts couldn’t help but wonder if he ever had feelings for her. There were so many moments that made her think otherwise--the way he’d blush when she said anything flirtatious, how eager he had been to walk her to her dorm, all the glances sent her way…
It was at moments like these when Y/N sternly reminded herself that they were just friends and that was all he’d ever seen her as. Friends brushed hands. Friends walked each other to their dorms. Friends stared across the room at each other sometimes. Friends gave each other gifts. Hermione, Ron, and Luna had all acted similarly to her in the past and it was entirely platonic. She was just overanalyzing.
He didn’t show up to Potions, Charms, or Defense Against the Dark Arts. Snape was giving her the eye, and Y/N uncomfortably shifted in her chair as she wondered if the wizard had found out it was her who stole the Veritaserum.
“As you all may know,” he drawled, stalking the perimeter of the classroom, “A particular potion of mine has been...misplaced. If any of you happen to know where it is, I suggest you confess now.”
Nervous chatter erupted around the room as Snape’s eyes bored into hers. Was he using Legilimency on her? Wouldn’t she feel something? Despite her worries, he broke eye contact and spun around to the board, scrawling the topic of the lesson on the chalkboard. Y/N reminded herself to breathe. 
He wasn’t at lunch, Transfiguration, or dinner. Y/N was starting to believe that Draco had just up and left Hogwarts as she began to get ready for bed, showering off the day and dressing in comfier clothes. For once, her homework load had been lightened to the point where she could put it off for a full day. Diffuser on, windows open, and sleeping clothes on, Y/N was ready and settled into bed early with nothing but her racing thoughts to keep her company.
Was Draco okay? Did something happen with his task? Where was he?
Her thoughts were interrupted by a light rap on her door.
“Y/N?” A young girl’s voice, muffled but distinguishable through the heavy wooden door shook her out of it. She groaned, throwing the blankets off her and closing her hand around the doorknob. She wasn’t even a prefect, but for some god-forsaken reason the first-years always went to her instead.
“Candace,” she greeted. “What’s cracking?”
“Someone wants to see you.” The first-year’s voice sounded shakier than usual. Y/N finally cast her eyes up from the short girl to take in the sight of a rather disheveled looking Draco Malfoy standing in her hallway.
“Draco? What are you doing here?” 
He cleared his throat. “Are you busy?”
“Candace,” Y/N said, addressing the eleven year old in front of her first, “Thanks for helping Draco. You should go to bed, you know. It’s late.”
Wide-eyed, Candace dashed off without any protest. Y/N cast a raised brow to Draco and tried to look like she hadn’t spent the past 12 hours obsessing over his disappearance. “You better have a good reason for showing up at my dorm in the middle of the night and scaring one of my first-years to death.”
“She wasn’t scared,” he argued.
“You must be horrible with reading children,” stated Y/N. “Anyways, is this a conversation that you want to have in my dorm hall? Or would you prefer to come inside?”
He tilted his head towards the doorway. “May I?”
“Er...sure. Come on in.” She bit back the quip about already offering. “What’s going on? You missed all your classes today.”
“I’m aware,” he responded drily as he sat down on the same spot she’d just been nearly asleep on. “I just...something happened last night. I didn’t know where else to go.”
Y/N tried not to blush at how flattered she was. He didn’t even like her. Why was she acting like that still? Friends did this sort of thing. Friends were there for each other. “Oh. Do you want to talk about it? Or do you want to just take your mind off of it?”
He seemed to ponder this for a moment before exhaling a deep sigh. “I don’t know. Maybe take my mind off it until I feel ready to talk about it.”
Y/N gave him a small smile, leading him by the cuff of his sleeve over to her window. “I think I know something we can do. Grab a pillow and a blanket.”
He did as she asked while she opened up the window wider until it was large enough to crawl through, spelling the tiles of the roof outside clean. 
“Are we going on the roof?”
“As long as you’re not too scared of heights, yeah,” she responded, using her desk as a stepping stool while she swung the rest of her body out on the old Hogwarts roof. Despite the age of the castle, the structure was thankfully sturdy. “Pass me anything you want out here. I’ll get it set up for us.”
“I’m not sitting on that dirty roof,” he said, his usual snotty tone creeping into his voice as he handed her a blanket for each of them. 
“Okayyy, Your Highness.” Y/N rolled her eyes. “We can sit on my blanket.” True to her word, she took the one she usually slept with and covered the tiles. “Will you come sit with me now?”
“Since you asked so nicely.” He settled in next to her, his own blanket barely draped over his knees while she sat cross legged at his side, trying not to shiver from the cold late winter air. “Wow. This is actually a better view than from the Astronomy tower.”
“I know, right?” she said, trying to ignore how her heart fluttered every time he looked at her. “You can see Hogsmeade from here, too.”
The pair watched the scenery before them in silence. Y/N drank in the landscape bathed in soft moonlight, the winding creeks leading into the Dark Forest reflecting the moon while the Black Lake’s waves gently lapped at the shores. 
“I come up here sometimes when I get stressed,” she confessed after a little while. Draco turned to look at her, his lips slightly quirked up and his eyes soft. 
“It just helps clear my head,” she continued. “I feel really lucky to live in the Tower. It must be kind of weird to know that if you opened your window you’d just flood your room.”
Draco snorted. “You get used to it.”
Y/N hummed in something that felt a little like agreement.
He shuffled, clearing his throat. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to tell you this since that night. I’m…sorry that I can’t give you what you want.”
“It’s really okay,” she said, her cheeks growing hot. “I understand. You can’t change how you feel. I’m happy to be your friend and eventually that’s all I’ll ever want.”
Draco dipped his head in a nod of acknowledgement when a brilliant display of lights suddenly exploded over Hogsmeade. Fireworks. They were obviously magic, charmed to glitter in the shape of the words, “Happy Birthday, Margie!”
“Oh my god, happy birthday Margie,” Y/N echoed, eager for the distraction of their conversation.
“I wonder how old she’s turning.”
“I bet she’s 34,” said Y/N. 
“33, maybe, but that’s pushing it.”
She returned his grin before she felt something hit the top of her head--a raindrop, fat and cold--and roll down the back of her neck. “Shit. I think it’s going to rain soon. Do you want to go back in?”
As if to accentuate her point, the clouds above them rumbled. Draco shrugged. “If you want. I kind of like staying out here, though.”
“Me too.”
They sat in the quiet for a few more moments, the only sound coming from the soft patter of the rain and the occasional boom of Margie’s birthday fireworks. Y/N began to shiver as the raindrops became more frequent, her loose sleeping shirt and her shorts not really doing much for her. All of a sudden, she felt something fuzzy on top of her head.
She looked to her left to see that Draco had lifted his blanket to drape over both of them, creating a tent of some sort. “Thanks, Draco.”
“Don’t mention it.” His smile set off the butterflies in her stomach once again, but she beat them back. The fireworks continued, now switching to a glittering sage green. “I bet Margie was a Slytherin.”
“Or maybe she just likes sage green,” argued Y/N. 
“Maybe.” He held her gaze for what felt like a second too long before clearing his throat and turning his attention back onto the night sky. It occurred to her at that moment that they could’ve just transfigured the pillows they were sitting on into umbrellas, but traitorously, she didn’t want to mention it if it meant she lost her chance to be near him. 
She felt something lightly brush past the hand she had rested in the space between them but thought nothing of it, instead focusing on her breathing and making sure she didn’t sound like she was hyperventilating because she most certainly felt like she wanted to. She’d never shared her special roof spot with anyone, not even Harry or Ron. But he didn’t know that. 
The fireworks exploded with a crescendo of motion as multiple green sparkles were launched into the air, crackling and sparking with energy. At any other point in time, Y/N would’ve found it easy to focus on the beauty of the show, but something else caught her attention: the fact that Draco’s hand was now set directly next to hers, the edge of his touching her with the lightest of pressures. Every nerve ending in her left hand felt like it was burning with energy as Draco, without even sparing a glance in her direction, inched his hand over just enough for his pinky to overlap with hers.
Y/N tried to remember how to breathe as her thoughts ran wild. Friends touched hands sometimes. Maybe it was an accident. Maybe he didn’t even know it was her hand.
She heard Draco’s own breath hitch in his throat as his hand finally slipped under hers, intertwining their fingers and turning them so her hand rested in his palm. 
Friends held hands sometimes. There was nothing romantic about this. Nope. This was normal. Y/N’s frenzied thoughts were interrupted by Draco’s voice.
“You know how much danger my family is in,” he said, finally revealing what had him so shaken up. “Well, I got a letter from my mother last night. Apparently she’s been getting these strange, veiled threats. She can’t identify the owl and it seems like whoever this is is hell-bent on breaking into the manor. My aunt and the rest of the Death Eaters have been ridiculing her for even worrying about it.”
Y/N started to feel a guilty pit in her stomach. The letter her father sent her was beginning to make more sense. “Draco, that’s awful.”
“Do you think that maybe they’re the ones who are sending them to her?” he asked, his voice raising an octave at the end, flourished with a small crack in his tone. “As a way to rush me to the end of my task?”
Draco had slowly leaned into her as he told her his worries, and Y/N found herself gently squeezing his hand. “I’m so sorry you have to deal with this on top of everything else. This isn’t fair to you. Is there anything I can do to help you? Do you need help solving the cabinet?”
He shook his head, casting his gaze down to their hands. “Is it okay if I just stay here for a little?”
“Of course you can,” she said, immediately regretting her words. Having him around would only make her feel worse. Was this how he treated all of his friends? She held back an ill-timed chuckle at the thought of him holding hands with Goyle. 
“Thanks, Y/N.” His eyes were so light that she could still see the silver hue of them in the dark, reflecting what little moonlight found him under the blanket. “You know, I’m glad we had detention together. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Pansy kept badgering me all day about how she could help instead of actually listening and Blaise just told me that if I kept moping around he’d nab my mother himself.”
“Oh,” said Y/N. Jealousy surged through her as she thought again about Pansy. When she held hands with him, she probably never had to wonder what it meant. “Do they know about…”
“Not everything,” Draco clarified. “That’s just you. They just know about my current house guests. I haven’t told them any specifics.”
Another pang of guilt rattled through Y/N as she ran through the information she’d gotten the night prior in her head while he squeezed her hand back, his thumb running along her skin. She felt like the shame of not mentioning it earlier was burning her up.
“Draco, I need to tell you something.” The makeshift blanket tent all of a sudden felt like the most intimate location in the world as he turned to face her fully, now gripping her hand with two of his own and leaning closer, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. “What is it?”
“I…” She trailed off, squeezing her eyes shut as she mentally ran through the contents of the parchment on her desk. For a moment, all she could hear was the pounding of rain and Draco’s breathing. 
“If this is what I think it is, then I--”
“I’m not about to confess to you again literally right after being rejected,” she snipped back, pulling her hands from his grip in a moment of unexpected humiliation. “I’m not that stupid.”
Draco took his own hands, now empty, and folded them neatly on his thigh. He stopped meeting her eyes. “Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t--I wasn’t going to--”
“It’s--no, I’m sorry.” Y/N found herself angry that she gave up her excuse to hold his hand. “That was just a little embarrassing for me. I promise I won’t bring it up again. This is something totally different.”
“It’s okay. I understand.” To her surprise, there was no usual teasing lilt to his tone; he was being entirely genuine.
“I want you to know that we can call this off at any time,” she began, watching his blank expression carefully should it change, “But I hope you think about this.”
“Think about what?”
“I’m kidnapping your mom.” 
There. It was out. Draco’s mouth had long since fallen open, a look of mild horror on his face. “What the actual fuck?”
“Let me explain,” Y/N rushed. “The Order owes my family a favor. My mom knew yours. I may have mentioned something about the treatment towards her over the holidays and now my family is orchestrating a way to fake a kidnapping-turned-murder situation to get her out.”
He blinked at her.
“Of course we can call it off anytime you want,” Y/N repeated. She cast a quick Accio (something she was surprised worked considering how shaky she was) and summoned her father’s letter from her desk, thrusting it into his arms. “Read this. It has all the details.”
Draco scanned the document without a single word leaving his lips.
“You’re scaring me, Draco. What do you think?”
“You have an Italian beach cottage?” he asked. 
“Apparently so,” answered Y/N. “I’ve never been there, but we haven’t actually registered it through the British Ministry. If we hide your mother there, no one is going to be able to find her. She’s not required to give up information to the Order, either--I mean, we kind of hope that she will, but there’s no mandated amount of intel to keep her safe.”
“And I can…”
“Yes. After your task is straightened out, you can join her if you want.” She hardly finished her sentence before Draco’s arms pulled her into the tightest hug she’d ever been given in her life.
“I can’t believe you did that,” he mumbled, his voice strained. “How did you...wow. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” Her voice was muffled by his shoulder. “I’m just glad I could help.”
He finally pulled away, still keeping his hands gently placed on her forearms. She tried to keep her thoughts from straying too much as he gazed down at her, a slightly sad downturn in his lips. The way he was looking at her began to make her even more nervous.
“Well, it’s getting late,” she stated. “I want to get up early tomorrow so I’m not too late to Potions. Are you feeling better?”
Draco cleared his throat. “Er, yes. I suppose so. Thanks again, Y/N. I’m assuming this is when you kick me out?”
“Don’t say it like that.” She spelled her blanket clean from under him and stepped back into her room, turning to face him. “I’m just tired. That’s all. I’m glad you felt like you could come to me.”
He sent her a small smile before swinging his legs over the windowsill and making his way to the door. “I hope you have a good night. Sleep well.” He went in for another hug, but this time Y/N accidentally leaned the same direction as him, nearly crashing her lips into his.
“Shit, sorry,” she murmured as she quickly corrected herself to lean the other way--and was horrified to find that he had done the exact thing as well, barely dodging him this time and instead reeling herself back as far as his hold on her allowed. Draco let out a nervous laugh, letting her go and stepping away, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Well. That was poorly timed considering the conversation we had,” he pointed out. What stellar observational skills.
“Er, yeah. Well…” Y/N held her hand out and immediately felt herself cringe. “Here’s to being good friends.”
He took her hand in his and tentatively shook it, a sort of half-smirk dancing on his lips as his eyebrow raised. “To being good friends. I’ll see you later.”
Then he was gone, and Y/N was able to flop back on her bed and frantically sort through her thoughts in peace. He’d almost--no, she’d almost--well, they both had almost kissed. As friends, though. Obviously.
This is ridiculous. She pulled a blanket up around her and immediately froze when she breathed in--black tea and sage, just as she remembered. She decided it was high time to switch her blankets anyways and tossed that one in the laundry bin.
“And then guess what she said?”
“Come on, we’re waiting,” Y/N said to Ron as they chattered over their cauldron in Potions together, flanked by the rest of her Gryffindor friends.
“Lavender said I’m obviously pining after Hermione because I keep asking her to study with me.”
“No!” came from Neville after a theatrical gasp. “She did not.” 
“She literally did, mate,” Harry cut in. “I saw it myself. Honestly, I think she might be onto something. I’ve always sensed some sort of tension between you two.”
“I think Harry’s right, as much as it pains me to say it,” she teased, giving her friend a little shove. Seamus had just opened his mouth to start talking when the sound of shattering glass prompted them all to whip around to face the Slytherin section. Draco Malfoy stood awkwardly clutching the broken remains of a glass vial in his hand like he was still in disbelief over what had occurred. 
“Malfoy, boy, is everything alright over there?” Slughorn asked from the front.
“Yes,” he said quickly, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. “I’m sorry, sir. I don’t know what happened.”
“You should sleep more,” the professor continued. “It’s harder to control your magic when you’re young and exhausted.”
Draco just nodded, his gaze turning over to meet Y/N’s worried one. She tilted her head, mouthing, “Are you okay?”. He sent her a tight smile and nodded, though Pansy sent her a very dirty look. 
“So that was weird,” said Y/N, turning back around to face Harry. “I haven’t broken glass by losing control of my magic since I was a kid.”
“One time I let a snake out in a muggle zoo,” said Harry, his eyes miles away as he traveled down memory lane.
“You what now?”
“I can’t believe I never told you that.”
“I think I would’ve remembered that. What’d you do, whisper in its ear about how the only thing it has to lose is its chains or something until he was motivated enough to escape?”
Harry laughed. “No. I vanished the glass. And then it thanked me, which was horribly alarming for a kid who had no idea what magic was.”
“You poor, poor thing,” she mocked before Slughorn dismissed them and they began to make their way together down the hall. “Suffering from success.”
Harry chuckled, and Y/N felt a surge of affection for the fact that they were friends once again. “Basically the story of my life. Anyways, I’m off to see Snape.”
“Merlin, are you okay?” asked Y/N, holding her hand to his forehead and miming the motion of checking for a fever. “On your own time?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s alright,” he said, suddenly looking more somber. “I’m just serving detention for what happened in the bathroom. I am still very sorry about that, you know. If you wanted to curse me to get back at me, I’d understand.”
She shoved him forward, a smile dancing on her lips as she said, “Go on, suffer for my honor.” Then she felt a hand pull her back into an empty, dark classroom. 
“Let go of me!” she exclaimed, twisting around to try and see the person who had grabbed her.
“Boo,” whispered a familiar voice in her ear. 
“Draco, you do realize you could just talk to me in the halls like a normal goddamn person,” she chided, finally being released from his grip so she could give him a stern look. He only shrugged, a slightly impish look displayed across his features.
“But it’s more fun this way.”
She tried her hardest to frown at him, but it was honestly difficult when he was smiling at her the way he was. “So, what’s up? Did something happen?”
“Nothing really,” he admitted. “I just know that we both have free periods. Do you want to spend it together?”
Friends, friends, friends, friends, friends Y/N chanted in her head. He’s only saying this as a platonic thing.
“I guess I don’t really have anything better to do,” she teased. Despite her light hearted tone, she couldn’t help but notice the shift in Draco’s behavior. In a matter of days, he was looking more like himself than he had all year--the color finding its way back into his cheeks, the corners of his eyes crinkling up when he smiled, the food on his plate in the Great Hall actually being eaten. 
If there was one thing that Y/N was quickly learning about Draco, it was that under all of his snobbery, he was endearingly weird. He’d memorized all of the captains of the Slytherin Quidditch team, read everything there was in the library about alchemy, and always sent her the dorkiest fucking waves whenever their eyes met. 
So, in spirit of Draco’s newly recovered persona, Y/N spent the rest of her free period sitting in the empty classroom and chatting with him about a whole load of nothing. They’d both sat on top of adjacent desks, and sometimes Y/N would swing her feet so she kicked his shin. He’d always promptly return the favor.
“So,” she said after a while, “Have you been thinking about what I told you? My family’s plan, and all?”
He was quiet for a few seconds, his gaze cast down to his hands. “A little. I guess I’m just a little confused about what I should do with my task or when all of this is going to happen.”
“I’m only asking because I’ve been thinking about it,” confessed Y/N. “I think I’ve figured out what you should do with your task. If you want to, that is.”
“I’m listening.”
“We’ve already established that You-Know-Who has nothing to hold over your head without your mother at stake,” began Y/N, searching his face to find agreement, “But it’s going to look suspicious if you suddenly stop sending progress reports.”
Draco reached his hand up to scratch his cheek. “One problem, though. I don’t think I’ll be able to repair the cabinet. I’ve hit a complete dead end anyways.”
“That’s fine,” said Y/N. “That doesn’t matter. Fake the progress reports. I don’t think that you should fix it at all, to be honest. I think you should leave it broken and still invite Bellatrix and her friends to travel through it.”
“And kill them?!”
“Or maim them,” offered Y/N. “I know it’s not ideal, but I think that if I tweaked the cabinet’s lunar belt just right, I might be able to control how the space-time continuum is warped and simply incapacitate them so the Order can take them into custody. Of course, the dark magic as an element may throw a curveball, but it’s worth a shot. And if you do this, it’ll mean that the Order will trust you more.”
“Hm.” Draco caught his bottom lip on his teeth while he shut his eyes, obviously stewing over everything. “That’s quite the risk.”
“I can run it by my family to get their thoughts on it,” she offered. “But the only caveat is that I have to mention what you’re trying to do.”
His eyes shot open. “Maybe don’t mention the part where I’ve already made more than one attempt on the headmaster’s life if we end up going down that route.”
Y/N shrugged. “The Order might already know. Isn’t Snape onto you?”
“He’s not ‘onto me’, he was instructed to help--” Draco stopped in his tracks as he stared at her. “Wait, what?”
“Oh,” she said, both of them frozen as they realized what they’d revealed to each other. “Erm...forget I mentioned that.”
“Yeah, probably a good idea,” he mumbled, sending a half-hearted kick at her. “Let’s change the subject.”
“Love it,” she said absentmindedly. “Anyways, will you go to Slug’s Valentine party with me next weekend? As friends, of course. He wants all of us to bring dates and I don’t know who else to ask.”
Draco looked like he was glowing. “Really? You wouldn’t bring Potter?”
“Eh,” she responded. “I’m pretty sure he’s going with Ginny. Plus, I see him around the common room enough as it is.” Y/N waited a few moments. “So? Are you in?”
He shook himself out of what looked to be a weirdly stupified state. “Er, of course. Just let me know when you need me.”
The Hogwarts bells began to chime outside, signifying that the third period block was beginning. 
“Saturday at 8,” said Y/N, turning to leave. “You can meet me in front of the Great Hall.”
“I’ll just walk you from your dorm.”
“Then you have to be there earlier.”
Draco shrugged. “I don’t mind. Anyways, I’m off to Runes. Enjoy Divination.” He bumped her shoulder as he walked past, sending a thrill through Y/N. How had he even known that she had Divination? That was one of the few classes they didn’t share, and she probably just mentioned it in passing once. 
Then again, they were friends. And just because Ron and Hermione hadn’t memorized her schedule, it didn’t mean that Draco was the same kind of friend.
Things only got more confusing as time went on. Draco found any excuse to talk to her, especially when she was with Harry. If he were any other boy, Y/N would’ve immediately assumed the obvious: that he had a crush on her and was jealous. But, obviously, that was impossible. He’d told her upfront that he didn’t have any feelings for her. So why was his behavior so different after that night they spent together on the roof? 
It got even weirder on Friday. Draco once again pulled her away from a conversation with Harry to shove a little box in her hands.
“What’s this, Draco?” she asked, frowning as she turned it around in her hand.
“It’s just something I thought you might like,” he muttered, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. Her interest piqued, Y/N opened the box.
“A quidditch bracelet?” Y/N gulped as she looked down at the enchanted diamonds, each glittering with a gentle silver pigment--as well as a slight lavender purple sheen. This was not a normal gift to give to your school friend. This was at least a few thousand galleons--probably even more, considering the enchantments that made the stones glow. Even her considerably wealthy family wouldn’t buy her one because of her horrid track record with jewelry.
He shrugged. “I picked it up while I was at Barnaby’s a bit ago. You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want. I remembered I had it when you asked me to Slug’s party and I thought I’d see if you’d be interested.”
“Erm,” said Y/N, stammering, “I’ve never gotten a gift like this from someone before.”
“Believable.” Draco snorted. “Take it and do me a favor. It’s not like I’d wear it. It might as well be appreciated by someone.”
“It’s beautiful, it really is. I’m just worried because I have a bit of a habit of forgetting I’m wearing jewelry and breaking it….”
“I assumed. That’s why I charmed it to be unbreakable,” said Draco quickly. “If you don’t want to wear it, I won’t be offended. I’m just offering.”
Y/N couldn’t help but be thankful that the abandoned classroom he’d pulled her into was dark. Otherwise, he might’ve seen how red her cheeks were. “I guess we’ll figure out how strong your unbreaking enchantments are shortly.”
“Is this your way of saying yes?”
“Help me put it on, will you?” 
She could see dimples form in his cheeks as he allowed a small, close lipped smile to spread across his face while he unclasped the bracelet from the box and gently turned her arm so her palm faced up to the sky. His touch lingered over her skin for a few seconds. Y/N had to remind herself to breathe.
“I’ve been thinking,” he said, his voice suddenly low, “About what we talked about last time we were here. About the cabinet, and the Order…”
“I think I want to do it,” he said firmly, finally pulling his hands away from her arm and tossing the empty wrapping into his pocket. “Just tell me what you need from me.”
“Nothing yet, really. Just your consent to tell my family about your task. I’ll let you know if they want anything else.” Though Y/N’s response was truthful and concise, her mind was elsewhere as she came to a depressing realization. He wasn’t giving her the quidditch bracelet because he secretly liked her and wanted to spoil her or whatever. He was doing it as a thank you for what she was doing for him and his mother. An elaborate gift for an even more elaborate favor. 
“That’s easy enough,” Draco mused. “In the meantime, I’ll keep sending progress reports.”
“Good plan,” said Y/N, her voice a little deflated. “Thank you again for the bracelet. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She left the classroom and spent the rest of her night stewing over the poor decisions she’d made regarding her emotions over the past week. She knew about the effect that Draco had over her, yet she still invited him to Slug’s party like an idiot. And then she’d let herself get her hopes up over dumb little things like the way he looked at her in class or the quidditch bracelet when he was really just being a friend trying to pay her back for a big favor. 
Saturday night was going to be rough if she couldn’t get her feelings in line.
At 7:50 sharp, Y/N waited by the portrait of the Fat Lady. Peeves wailed above her as she tried to practice slow breathing--in for 5 seconds, out for 5 seconds. I am in control of my feelings. I control my own reality.
Then she saw him, and all of the work she’d done trying to quell the butterflies in her stomach at the thought of him amounted to nothing. He looked breathtaking. Y/N bit her tongue as she tried to violently beat back the thoughts of all the things she wanted him to do to her. 
“You look nice,” he said smoothly once he was close enough for it to be socially acceptable. Her mouth went completely dry as she drank in the sight of him in an all-black suit.
“Thanks. So do you.” She internally congratulated herself for getting through that without stumbling over her words too much. Gingerly, she pushed herself off her position of leaning on the wall and began to walk alongside him.
As they ascended the steps, her heel teetered. She reached for Draco’s hand in a moment of sheer panic--and, surprisingly, he latched onto her and held her up. 
“Didn’t your parents ever tell you to not wear shoes you couldn’t walk in?” he said, amused. He didn’t move to let go of her hand. 
“Don’t be rude, Malfoy,” she fired back.  
“You’re not wearing it,” he noted. His lips slightly turned into a frown as he cast his eyes downwards.
Y/N stared at him, her mind barely functioning at this point. “What?” 
“The bracelet,” he said, letting go of her hand to motion to her wrist.
“Oh,” she responded lamely. In truth, she’d tossed it into his quill box while she was in the throes of self-pity over the whole ordeal of unrequited feelings, but she could hardly tell him that. “I took it off to shower and it took too long to put back on.”
“You know, you could’ve just asked me to help again,” he said with a teasing lilt. “I’d only judge you a little.”
She smiled, grateful he wasn’t pushing it any further. “Ever the gentleman. I’ll keep that in mind next time.”
They made it to the fifth floor in no time. Slughorn only seemed slightly concerned with the presence of Draco, but he didn’t say anything to Y/N. As she expected, Hermione and Ron gave her a little bit of side-eye once they saw her choice of a date, but neither of them brought it up and even spoke to her for a little--though they never verbally acknowledged Malfoy. While she was constantly overanalyzing the little things that Draco was doing--the way he offered her a sip of his drink when she spaced out on the way his hands looked holding it for too long, the way he was always touching her in some way, whether it be a hand on her lower back or a lingering grip on her waist--she couldn’t help but feel overcome with the relief that her friends seemed somewhat accepting of her new friendship with Draco. 
Then Harry opened his mouth. 
“Malfoy,” he greeted through gritted teeth. 
Ginny met her slightly panicked gaze with one of her own. To her surprise, though, Harry just flicked his gaze to where Draco’s hand was lightly poised on her waist, raising an eyebrow. “Congratulations for finally being honest with her. I always thought Y/N deserved a bloke who outright admitted his feelings. I never thought I’d say this, but maybe that is you after all.”
Draco’s hand immediately dropped. “Do me a favor and bugger off.”
“Or maybe I’m wrong,” replied Harry, looking Draco up and down with possibly the pettiest look she’d ever seen on a wizard before. “Enjoy the rest of your night.”
“That was weird,” said Y/N, though she secretly revelled in the fact that Harry was picking up on something too.
“I suppose.” Draco slid off one of his rings, running his fingertips over the ridges of his family crest.
“Hey, are you okay?” asked Y/N, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
He nodded. “I’m fine. Sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve just never really been a party person.”
“I imagine it’s probably not helping that Harry’s here,” she said, giving his arm a little squeeze before releasing him. “Do you want to just get out of here? I think we’ve been here for long enough to justify ditching.” His grateful smile told her everything. “I had a feeling. Where do you want to go?”
He pondered this for a bit. “I’m not sure. Anywhere but here.”
“Anywhere but here” quickly turned into his dorm as they wordlessly made their way down to the dungeons, passing by Marvin the raven outside Snape’s stores. Y/N’s pulse sped up every time their hands brushed--which seemed to happen far, far too often for it to be accidental on either of their ends. 
“I can’t believe you broke in there,” he said finally, chuckling as the raven cooed at her appreciatively. “And just for me? I’m flattered.”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t mention it,” grumbled Y/N. Obviously she’d done it just for him--she was hopelessly obsessed with him. He knew that. She found herself profoundly grateful that she’d been under the influence of Veritaserum that time instead of now--if she’d had so much as a drop of truth serum, she’d spend the entire night telling him how much she wanted him. “Anyways, I’m sorry for how weird Harry was back there. I don’t get why he feels the need to make assumptions about everything.”
Draco hummed, tapping his fingers on her wrist. Just friends, just friends, you’re just friends. Merlin fucking damnit, why did he have such nice hands? “I don’t know. He was certainly sure about it.”
“And I have no clue why,” Y/N said, pretending like she was in disbelief instead of acute pain. “I know you don’t see me like that. I’m not really sure where he’s getting that from.”
“Oh?” Draco let his hand fall, a weird tone coming over his voice. “You aren’t?”
“Well, I remember what you said,” she said matter-of-factly, trying her hardest not to read into the way he was staring at her, watching every fidget of her hands. “It’s not like I’d be self-loathing enough to expect anything different.”
He let out a huff of frustration. “Y/L/N, honestly. I sent you a box of special Wurgie’s lavender chocolates on Valentine’s day. I spend all of my free periods talking to you.”
“Ok?” Y/N couldn’t help but be taken aback by how argumentative his tone was becoming. “I suppose I see how Harry could read into that. But I have to spend my free periods with someone, right? And sometimes I get my friends chocolate on Valentine’s day too.”
“I bought you a whole enchanted quidditch bracelet. It’s the only one of its kind,” he snipped, obviously becoming more agitated. “I spent an entire day trying to find the right unbreaking spell. My father literally wrote to me from Azkaban to ask me why the Gringotts bank statement recorded me taking out that many galleons at once. He thought someone had broken into our account.”
“He doesn’t know that.” Y/N was becoming keenly aware of how close he was standing to her now that they’d stopped walking, her back a few inches from the wall as he leaned into her space. “Even if I had worn it out, there’s no way he could’ve known it was from you.”
“That’s not what I’m--” he began waspishly before clearing his throat and collecting himself. “I’m just saying, those things aren’t exactly platonic.”
“Okay,” said Y/N slowly, trying to turn her thoughts away from how soft his lips looked, “I’ll concede that some things that we do can be read as something more than friendship. But I know how you feel. You told me.”
He wet his lips. “Do you actually think I care about whatever goes in that dim brain of his?”
“Normally, no. But considering the fact that we just had an argument over it, then maybe I’m incorrect in assuming.”
“Well, I don’t,” he said, his voice suddenly quiet. He was close enough that she could smell the traces of that expensive cologne he always wore that reminded her of loose leaf lapsang souchong and fresh parchment. “And I was never trying to argue with you about his perception. I was talking about my actual intentions.”
“What?” Y/N choked out as she tentatively glanced up to see his jaw set. Her heart was pounding so hard it must’ve been audible. What the hell was he talking about?
Instead of answering, Draco gently reached up to her shoulders, walking her back until she was pinned up against the wall. His other hand came to tilt her chin so their eyes met. She would’ve been deceived into thinking he was confident by his unwavering stare, but she’d felt how his hands were slightly unstable. “Merlin, are you going to make me spell it out for you? How many different ways am I going to need to tell you?”
In the end, she wasn’t quite sure who it was who closed the gap--just that, at some point, one of them did, and that she was all of a sudden kissing Draco Malfoy with a fervor that she didn’t know she had in her. His mouth was hot against hers as he pressed her up further into the wall, his knee rising between her thighs to prop her up.
In the recesses of the back of her mind, it vaguely registered that this didn’t add up with what he told her the last night they spent together--but she decided to brush all those concerns off to the nebulous concept of later when his hands tangled into her hair.
The sound of footsteps and students giggling echoed down the corridor, making the pair jump apart. Y/N wiped her lips, trying to fix the smear of her lipstick as Draco frantically straightened out his tie that she’d tugged loose. No matter how much she wanted to, she couldn’t make herself meet his eyes. 
“Do you still want to go back to my dorm?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. 
She dared to look up at him, not expecting the sight of his pupils blown out and his cheeks slightly rosy. “If that’s okay, yeah.”
Neither of them attempted to make conversation as he led her through the empty Slytherin common room. She could feel her heart crawling into her throat. She’d never gone to a boy’s dorm before other than during the Veritaserum incident--sure, she’d kissed some boys before, she’d even gone to the Yule Ball with a cute Beauxbatons boy--but she didn’t know how this worked. Was she supposed to immediately start kissing him the moment his bedroom door was closed? Was she supposed to be kissing him now? Was she supposed to be kissing him at all after that?
They made it into his bedroom before Y/N could come to a decision on her next action, so she decided to just not make any moves. Fuck, that was almost worse. Where would she sit? At his desk? No, who the fuck does that? Next to him on his bed? No, too suggestive. Just stand by the door? Merlin, no. She wished that the ground would just open up and swallow her whole so she could sit back in her dorm and think about the way he’d kissed her in private. 
“So,” said Draco. 
“So,” echoed Y/N, finally giving in and sinking down onto the bed next to him. 
“So, I take it that you still like me?” A small smirk danced on his lips. 
Her cheeks blushed into a furious red. “Draco, please don’t make this any more embarrassing than it has to be.”
“What are you...huh?” He shifted so he was on his side, propping up his chin with his palm as he studied her with agonizing attention. “Why would it be embarrassing when I was the one who kissed you?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe the fact that this isn’t the first time? And the fact that I’m waiting for you to tell me you didn’t mean it again?”
“You think I didn’t mean that?” Draco’s eyebrows raised. “Do I need to do it again to get it through that thick skull of yours?”
“I--what--don’t be rude,” she stuttered. 
He rolled his eyes but didn’t lose the upturn of his lips. “I guess so. I suppose I was planning on it anyway.” 
All her nervousness melted away as Draco edged closer, the coolness of his rings pressing pleasantly into her neck. Instead of kissing her immediately like she expected, he traced the outline of her neck up to her ear where he wound his fingers into her hair, finally leaning in so their lips met. 
His skin was soft against hers as he tilted his head, deepening the kiss and pulling her into his lap, his fingers spanning the width of her waist and twisting in the satiny fabric of her dress. When she was out of breath and the pillow she was next to was beginning to get pushed dangerously close to the edge, she finally broke the kiss. 
“Can’t you just tell me how you feel with your words?” she prompted.
“Isn’t it obvious?” said Draco. 
“I thought it was obvious last time.”
���Well, it was. That was before I knew that I was relieved of my task,” he explained, his grip around her waist tightening to tug her ever closer. 
“Why would that matter?”
“Because,” he began, a slightly exasperated look in his eye, “If I had my task and my mother was still at stake, I would’ve had to go back home over the summer. And You-Know-Who would see you in my memories. Plus, I think that being a full-time Death Eater makes it very difficult to be a good boyfriend to someone who’s best friends with Harry Potter. That would complicate things. I knew that if I told you I felt the same way I wouldn’t be able to say no to you.”
“So…” She swallowed. “Does this mean that you’ve liked me all along? Like, from the start?”
“What do you think?” he drawled, his fingers ghosting over the zipper of her dress. “Do you think I just go around kissing random girls in my bed?”
“Well, what about Pansy?”
“Yeah, actually, what about her?” he asked, a little glimmer appearing in his eye. “We haven’t been together since, what, the middle of 5th year? I talk to her as much as I talk to any of my other Slytherin friends. I don’t know what’s got you so up in arms over her.”
“She obviously isn’t over you,” Y/N pointed out. “I just know it.”
“And? I’m over her.” He gave her a knowing look. “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
“I didn’t know!” she exclaimed. “I thought that maybe there was something. It’s not like I’m keenly aware of the Slytherin social going-ons.” 
“Sheesh, so defensive,” he tutted, his thumbs now rubbing circles into her shoulders. “It’s almost like you like me or something.”
“Draco!” She swatted at him, but he caught her hand in midair and kissed each of her knuckles, giving her an almost sheepish look. It was all she could do to keep her laughs from getting too loud as he dropped her hand and swept towards her again, kissing her fully. 
Before she knew it, they were rolled over so he was on top of her, hovering over her with his elbows supporting his weight as he pressed warm, open-mouthed kisses along the bare curve of her neck. She closed her eyes and let a soft sigh escape her as his lips drags across the spot under her ear, pushing up further into him.
“You liked that, huh?” He looked far too pleased with himself.
“Shut up,” she said, reaching up to thread her fingers lightly through his hair. It was just as soft as she imagined it to be. Something possessed her to wind her fingers through the locks on the back of his neck and close them into a fist, awarding her with a sharp intake of air from Draco. “You liked that, huh?” she mocked.
He rolled his eyes, muttering a “fucking hell” so quietly that she wasn’t sure if she was supposed to hear it. Despite the exasperation in his tone, his mouth was still fixed in an upturn as he looked down at her, his eyes soft. She couldn’t help but move up to kiss him again, and again, and again, until her lungs were screaming for air and her neck was cramping from the angle.
She let her head fall back onto his down comforter, taking in the sight of Draco with swollen, well-kissed lips. 
“What?” He tilted his head as he regarded her.
“I just love you like this,” she said shyly. “Oh, Merlin, wait, I didn’t mean it like…”
Draco let out a chuckle. “It’s okay. I know what you meant. I love you like this, too. You’re not as difficult.” He rolled off of her, taking a moment to shed his dress coat and pull off his tie.
When he was close enough again, she rewarded his tolerance with a smile and a delicate, nervous kiss on his collarbone, dragging her teeth over his skin for just a moment. The hand that was placed on her back scrunched up the material of her dress as Draco’s breath caught. 
“Your hands are bloody cold,” he complained as her fingers wound themselves under his dress shirt, exploring the new expanse of exposed alabaster skin.  
“Do you want me to stop?” she asked, pulling away and letting go for just a second before he grabbed her wrists together and hauled her back.
“I’ve never…”
“That’s okay,” he said as she settled back onto his lap, reveling in the soft way that he was treating the skin that was exposed by her dress. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want.”
“I’m just scared,” she suddenly choked out. Where did that come from? “I want you, now, but I don’t want to wake up tomorrow to you telling me that you can’t do this or that you didn’t like it or…” She trailed off, distracted by the way he firmly tapped the outer edge of her thigh.
“I’m not going to do that to you,” he said. “I promise. I made that mistake once. Plus, the burden of the performance is kind of on me anyways, so there’s nothing to be nervous about if that’s a hold up.”
She snorted. “Don’t make me change my mind, Malfoy.” 
Despite her words, the corners of his eyes crinkled. “I mean it. If you want to just lie there that’s fine. As long as you enjoy it, it’ll be great for me.” His hand came up to gingerly brush away the pieces of hair that had fallen in her face before dropping to gently toy with the top of her zipper again--a question. Wordlessly, she allowed herself to be helped out of the garment, letting it fall to the ground before turning back to attack the buttons on Draco’s chest. He made an amused sound as she struggled, eventually unsheathing his wand and opening it up in a second.
“I could’ve done that, you know,” she said rather defensively.
“Yes, yes, I know,” he said, hardly masking his teasing tone. “You’re very capable. Now come here.”
 And so she did.
The idea of sex had always been scary to Y/N. Someone, especially someone attractive enough for her to want to sleep with him, seeing her fully exposed made her want to freeze up and dive under her blankets. But that was before Draco. Somewhere, hidden deep in the back of her brain, lay an anxious switch that flicked off as soon as she was pinned under him with his knee pushing up to part her legs. She no longer felt like she had to be self-conscious--despite how intimidated she was by him, she’d never felt more adored. 
Y/N learned three surprising things about Draco in the span of that night: one, that in some places his skin felt like crushed velvet under her fingers; two, that he melted in her hands when she pressed her lips to the sensitive spot on his neck; and three, that he had a freckle under his jaw. And on his left shoulder. And at the spot where his thigh met his torso.
“What are you thinking about?” he murmured to her after they’d slumped together, his duvet haphazardly flung over their bodies while his fingers traced patterns on her back.
“I’m just so glad you feel the same way,” she admitted. “I thought I was going crazy over your actions not lining up with your words. It was driving me insane.”
Draco let out a little laugh. “I thought it was painfully obvious.”
“Remember when you tripped up the stairs that time you walked with me after detention?”
“Remember when you tripped up the stairs today?”
“You’re ruining this,” she said sourly as she swatted his chest.
Instead of responding, he just snatched her hand and held it hostage. “I’m not the one resorting to physical violence. Which, now that I think of it, is pretty commonplace for you.”
“Hey! If I hadn’t thrown the york pudding at Pansy, we wouldn’t be here right now.”
Draco was silent for a few moments.
“You know I’m right,” she pressed. To her surprise, he shifted uncomfortably under her.
“I’m not so sure,” he finally admitted.
“Huh?” Her features flooded with confusion. “What does that mean?”
“I mean, I’m lucky it worked out like this,” he said hesitantly. “And...so soon. You hated me.”
She sat up, pulling away from his embrace and folding her knees under her. “What are you talking about?” 
“I dunno.” Draco refused to meet her eyes, his fingers instead playing with the edges of his sheets. “This is probably stupid, but do you remember the time we brewed Amortentia in Slughorn’s class?”
She nodded. 
“You told me that it reminded you of a memory,” he continued, “And that you knew you had to have danced with them at some point.”
“I’m aware.” Y/N blinked down at him as she tried to piece the puzzle together.
He finally flicked his gaze up to meet her eyes. “I guess you don’t remember it, but in fourth year we danced together once. I’d never talked to you before--I knew you were friends with Potter and the like--but I just never really stopped thinking about it since.”
“This is so embarrassing,” said Y/N. “How do I not remember?”
He shrugged. “I think you were a little tipsy at the time. I did, though. I’ve never forgotten.”
“Then why were you so mean to my friends?”
“I stopped for the most part,” he pointed out. “And, if you’ll notice, it was mostly towards Harry.”
“I thought that was because he’s the Chosen One.”
“No, it’s because I could see that he liked you and I was jealous. Eventually I just gave up around 5th year, around when I started dating Pansy. I didn’t think there was a chance in hell that I was ever going to be able to be with you, especially not after getting my task.” 
“Oh,” Y/N said as she mulled over this information. “My story isn't as romantic. I suppose I’ve always had a little crush on you too, but I was definitely in denial. I just always found you ridiculously attractive and tragically funny considering what you used to support.”
He glowed down at her, pressing the pad of his thumb into her cheek. “Well, I’m glad I can finally give you what you deserve.”
“Me too.”
The weeks began to pass faster after that. Draco never really struck Y/N as a PDA type of guy, but he was surprisingly affectionate. When they began to brew potions together again, he was quick to tuck away her hair behind her ear when she was looking over the cauldron and sent her sweet, private smiles that made her heart flutter. He even sat with her every once in a while at the Gryffindor table when the trio was busy doing whatever they had to do to save the world. Y/N pretended to not notice the whispers that were elicited from her peers when Draco would casually touch her.
They spent as many nights together as they could, but considering how often her friends were giving her dirty looks for stumbling into Potions after not being seen in the Gryffindor Tower for the past day, they had to be reasonable, cutting it down to three or four nights a week. 
Y/N treasured every moment she had with Draco, even when they were fleeting and in between classes. She learned everything she could about him--how he was actually terrified of snakes, how he preferred his tea black, how he had an elaborate morning routine he hardly ever deviated from--and committed it all to mind. Her favorite version of him in her head was the way he looked when he was between her sheets, fast asleep with his arms draped over her. Whenever she woke up before him, she tried to memorize it.
He was absolutely ridiculous with the kind of gifts he gave her. Y/N swore that one day she’d wake up to find that he’d bought the British crown jewels because he “saw them” and “just thought of her”. She now had enough Barnaby’s quills to rival the number of feathers on the country’s entire population of geese, but instead of feeling overwhelmed with gratitude, all Y/N could feel was the impending doom that, one day, those gifts would be the only thing she had left of him. He seemed to know this, too.
Draco always found some kind of reason to pull her away and kiss her senseless, whether it be behind a tapestry or in a broom closet when Filch heard them walking around the castle after curfew. In a way, it was like they were just normal teenagers, enjoying the thrill of the moment and acting out. When she thought of it like that, it made the inevitable events seem more bearable; at least they had some time together.
The letter came with no more context than just a simple “Tomorrow.” Y/N knew exactly what it meant--Narcissa Malfoy was going to finally be taken from the manor. Bellatrix needed to be convinced over the next 24 hours to enter the Borgin & Burke’s Vanishing Cabinet as a distraction, and Y/N needed to be sure of her work on the cabinet.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been here,” Y/N mused absentmindedly as she sat in front of the cabinet. Draco’s head rested on her shoulder after recounting all of the changes he’d made. “That was clever, switching out the conductor clasp with a copper fitting.”
He smiled, pressing a kiss into her shoulder. “I’m not totally daft, you know.”
“Of course I know,” she said, her voice dropping into a soft murmur. Fingers pressed into the soft flesh of her thigh as he pulled her onto him. “Draco, I have to fix this first. Then we can do whatever you’d like.”
“Hm,” was all he said, burying his face in her neck once again and letting out a deep sigh.
“Are you worried?”
He was still for a few moments before dipping his head slightly in a nod.
“You’ll be okay,” she promised, winding his fingers through hers. “I’ll make sure of that.”
“I should be comforting you, not the other way around,” he said softly. “I dragged you into this.”
“I pushed myself into this,” she corrected. “And, plus, it’s not my mother on the line. It’s okay to care, you know.”
Y/N got up, making her way towards the cabinet and meeting his eyes once. They shared a knowing glance as she brandished her wand and whispered a quick fracturing spell, sending cracks down the eastern side of the lunar belt. Her hand shook as she shrank back onto the couch until his arms found her shoulders and turned her towards him. “I can’t believe I just...I just did that.”
Instead of responding, he simply sat up straight and delicately pressed his lips to her forehead, his hand coming around to cradle her for just a moment. “Let’s get out of here.” 
“Out of here” once again turned into Draco’s dorm room.
“I can’t believe this will all be over tomorrow,” Draco said, his back turned as he loosened his Slytherin tie. “I’m going to be gone by Sunday morning.”
“Yeah.” Y/N tried not to let the lump in her throat garner too much attention at the thought of losing Draco into what was essentially the Order’s witness protection program. 
He seemed to notice her uncharacteristic silence, frowning at his reflection before making his way towards her and diligently pressing kisses on her cheeks. Instead of grabbing onto his sleeve cuffs and pulling him closer like she usually did, she just let out a tiny sigh and kept her eyes fixed on the tie slung over his shoulder. 
“Hey,” he murmured, moving so she had to look at him. 
“Hey.” She sent him a watery smile, hoping that he couldn’t see how close she was to tears. 
“What’s wrong?”
Y/N just shook her head, anchoring her bottom lip with her teeth so she didn’t choke up. “It’s nothing.”
Draco rolled his eyes. “Don’t pull that with me. I’m not falling for that. I’m going to ask again. What’s wrong?” His hand came up to pull her chin up again so their eyes were level, his eyebrows raised in expectation.
Y/N tried to tell him; she really did. It wasn’t her fault that the most pathetic sounding sob of her life came out of her mouth instead of a confession. Instead of asking any more questions or trying to get her to talk, Draco just pulled her into his arms and held her there, letting her weep into him. His hands came up to rub her back as she struggled to breathe normally.
“Everything’s going to be okay,” he whispered, breaking the silence. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
“This isn’t about me,” said Y/N miserably. “It’s about you. What if something happens to you while we’re apart? What if I don’t get to see you again?”
Draco made a small sound in his throat, almost like he was holding back a sob himself. “Y/N, don’t worry about me, okay? It’ll all be alright, love. Don’t worry.”
Despite the fact that Draco was doing his best to comfort her, Y/N knew one thing for sure: his word couldn’t stand against fate, and if he were meant to die or disappear during the time that he was hidden away in Italy, there was nothing either of them could do about it.
She turned her head and found herself pressing her lips to his with so much desperation that she hardly even noticed the few stray tears that had made their way down her cheeks. He met her with much more tenderness, his fingers gently brushing away the wetness on her cheeks. For someone as cocky as Draco, he could be so shy when he kissed her, almost like he expected her to change her mind halfway through. 
“I don’t want this to be over,” she whispered as she pulled away, leaving the slightest gap between their lips. 
He cupped her face, his eyes shining. “It’s not over. We have a few hours left.”
To her horror, another strangled gasp left her lips. Draco had her tucked into his arms in an instant, his lips pressing into her hairline. “It’s not over, okay? I just don’t want to hold you back if you aren’t allowed to see me. Don’t wait around for me.”
“I don’t care,” choked out Y/N. “I’d wait forever if it meant I got to have you.”
“I know,” he murmured. “But it’s not fair of me to expect that from you. I don’t know how long this war is going to last.”
“I don’t care about fairness,” whispered Y/N. “I just want you.”
They spent the rest of the night tangled together in his sheets, just waiting for the morning to come. Neither one got any sleep. Instead, Y/N entertained herself by playing with his hands and asking him questions about his childhood--anything to keep her from remembering what was in store for both of them.
It had been decided earlier that Y/N would have no part in the cabinet plan after they ran the information by the Order. Actually, it was decided that she’d have no part in anything beyond just bringing the situation of Narcissa Malfoy to attention. “It’s crucial to your safety that you don’t connect yourself and by extension our family to this,” one of her father’s earlier letters had read. “Doing so puts you and everyone you love in jeopardy.”
That evening, just as dusk set in, she stood with Draco in her dorm for what was the last time, shaking with unshed tears. He just clung to her for the first few minutes, her head tucked under his chin as his hands were clasped around her back. 
“Give me your hand,” he said finally. “I want you to have something.”
She felt something slide on her thumb, her eyes widening as she realized what it was--his family ring.
“I probably shouldn’t have this on me, anyways,” he explained. “And I want you to have something of mine, something that’s really mine, not just a gift. Just...maybe don’t wear it in public, and if you do wear it as a necklace charm or something. The last thing I want is you to get connected to this--”
Y/N cut off his rambling by pressing her lips to his, his hand feeling oddly bare as it came up to touch her cheek. “If anything happens to you, I love you. I hope you know that.”
He smiled, then kissed her again--so long that it seemed like he was savoring every moment of 
it before finally stepping away. “You know I love you. Always will.”
She managed to fit in one last kiss before he left.
Monday turned into Tuesday which turned into Wednesday which turned into the next week. Before she knew it, her 6th year was almost over. Neither Draco nor Narcissa had contacted her. The Order had been cagey about the details leading to the Malfoys--while she obviously had a general idea as to the location of her Italian vacation home and thus by extent the Malfoys, she hadn’t heard anything about their travels there. All she’d heard was the basic news that everyone had--that Bellatrix Lestrange had been found dead and that the Ministry had taken both Fenrir Greyback and Antonin Dolohov into custody with near fatal injuries.
But that didn’t make her miss him any less. Y/N found herself longing for the nostalgic, innocent time when she shamelessly flirted with him in detention and only worried about whether or not the Trio would like her again. It all seemed so long ago. 
Falling asleep was the worst. She couldn’t smell the lavender of her diffuser or her room spray without relating it to him, couldn’t slide under her sheets without remembering how it felt to fall asleep in his arms. Around May, Y/N came to the most disturbing realization: she wasn’t entirely sure if she remembered what his voice sounded like anymore. Not in the way that meant she wouldn’t recognize it if he called out to her--she would, of course she would--but she couldn’t replicate it in her mind or replay their interactions with convincing accuracy.
Sometimes, on the nights when she couldn’t sleep at all, she envisioned her last interaction with Draco: his snow blond hair ruffled and his face grim as he turned to leave. Even though she couldn’t hear his voice quite right as he told her he loved her, she remembered the scent of his cologne against her jumper and the feeling of his skin against hers as he slipped his family ring onto her hand. It was killing her that she didn’t know exactly what happened to him. He could’ve been taken by a surviving Death Eater and held hostage at the manor. He could be dead. The papers had printed that he’d been pulled into the Vanishing Cabinet and, true to the name, completely vanished, caught in the space passageway between it and the sister cabinet. She’d known that that was the angle the Order was going to take from the start, but it did nothing to ease her anxiety. 
It was even more concerning when she remembered that they’d never agreed upon anything in the future--just simply that they cared about each other in March. At that moment it had been enough. But it wasn’t anymore. All she wanted was for him to appear, give her that stupid wave he sometimes sent to her from across the dining hall when she saw him enter in the morning, and sweep her up into his arms. But that was hard to do when he was countries away. 
N.E.W.Ts had been cancelled, much to the dismay of Hermione, so Y/N had even less things to distract her with. Harry was off with Dumbledore doing Merlin knows what to try and defeat Voldemort. She was left with nothing to do but wallow in her own pity.
In early June, days before Hogwarts classes were officially concluded, someone knocked on her door.
“Come in,” mumbled Y/N. While she had thankfully gotten past the habit of crying every day, she’d instead slipped into a sort of anxious paralysis, lying on her bed after all of her tasks were done.
“It’s me.” Ron’s voice made her sit up in surprise. He hadn’t really spoken to her privately since he’d brokered the peace between her and the rest of the trio. “Do you have time to chat?”
“Sure,” she responded, moving over so he had room to sit beside her. “What’s going on?”
“Lavender just broke up with me,” muttered Ron, his hand coming up to brush at something on his cheek. “And I’ve never felt this way before. Is this what it feels like for you? With Malfoy?”
Y/N met his eyes and saw the same kind of hopelessness in them, the edges pricking with tears. “Yeah. I think so.” It was hard to choke back her own sob, so she just hugged him. He smelled of caramel and spring grass.
“Not to be a prat,” he said, “But you shouldn’t waste any tears over Malfoy. I don’t care if he switched sides in the end, he’s still a snot-nosed tosser to me. When this is all over, we’re going out together so we can find you someone better.”
“You know he switched sides?” She pulled back in surprise. Ron sent her a little wink.
“Of course not. I’m not sure why I said that. I’m sure if it was true, it’d be confidential Order information.”
“Who else?”
“Just Hermione and Harry,” he replied in a low voice. “But we weren’t supposed to figure it out--it was an accident over Easter break while we were eavesdropping on an Order meeting. That doesn’t change anything, though. You could definitely do better.”
“And so could you,” she said. “Remember what I said about you and Hermione?”
He laughed. “I’m working on it.”
Her conversation with Ron shed light on something else that had baffled her as of late--the tentative rekindling of her friendship with Hermione. The witch was actually inviting her to study nowadays, making small talk with her despite steering clear of all topics regarding Malfoy and Death Eaters. 
The last day of school rolled around before she was ready, the final ceremony being spoken by McGonagall instead of Dumbledore while he was still traveling with Harry. As she got up from her seat in the Great Hall, Hermione grabbed onto her sleeve.
“Let’s go for a walk, shall we?”
So, instead of walking straight up to the Gryffindor Tower on the route they’d used countless times since the beginning of their educational career, they took the scenic route along the Black Lake, away from the hordes of students. They walked the shore quietly until Hermione spoke up.
“Draco needs a tutor to cover what he missed this year.” 
Y/N snapped to attention. “What?”
“Narcissa Malfoy has been requesting it and all the professors are busy with Order work,” continued Hermione, not bothering to repeat herself. “They want me to do it. When they ask, I’m going to turn them down and volunteer you instead. Is that okay?”
“Um…” Y/N stuttered. “I’m going to be a pretty shit tutor. Why would you do that for me?”
“I’m going to try and help Harry this summer,” she explained. “And even if I wasn’t, consider it my formal apology. I know it wasn’t right how I treated you this year. I don’t expect you to forgive me right away. I just hope you understand why I was hurt.”
“Of course I understand!” said Y/N, reaching out to touch her elbow. “Considering the way he treated you, I can’t blame you for feeling betrayed. I should be the one apologizing. It just...happened the way it did. I didn’t want to fall for him, but I did anyway.”
Hermione covered her hand with her own and gave it a little squeeze. “I know. Do you think we can put this all behind us? I’ve missed my best friend. Ron and Harry have been driving me crazy this term. Ron told me to tell you that you have permission to smack me if I ever say something condescending to you again.”
“Please, let’s. And I think I’d resort to throwing a nice york pudding instead…”
The familiar bittersweet feeling of looking forward to putting school behind her yet dreading leaving her friends consumed her as she filed onto the Hogwarts Express, looking back onto the castle for the last time. She didn’t know it then, but she wouldn’t be returning. At least not for a long time.
“Luna!” she exclaimed as she ran into someone trying to find her seat. The blonde Ravenclaw sent her a dreamy smile.
“You certainly look happier.” Luna tilted her head as she studied her features. 
“I never got to properly thank you for this,” said Y/N, “But you absolutely saved me this year. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you in January.”
“You don’t need to thank me for being your friend,” responded Luna. “If you really want to, owl me this summer. I think I’ll miss you quite a bit.”
“I’ll miss you more.” She let her new Ravenclaw friend pull her into a hug before she finally retired to her respective seat next to Hermione, who pressed a package into her hand.
“McGonagall just gave it to me,” she whispered into her ear. “Don’t show it to anyone. I think it’s a Portkey.”
True to Hermione’s prediction, it was a familiar object from her manor--an ornate vase that was normally on display in the main foyer. A piece of parchment was rolled up inside.
Activates at 9am on the 10th of June. Closes 5 minutes after the hour. Do not be late.
Instead of feeling excited to see Draco, all she could feel was her nerves as she stared at the vase in front of her at 8:55 in the morning. It’d been so long since she’d kissed him that she wasn’t even sure if she remembered how. She literally felt as if her virginity had grown back like her leg hairs did the morning after she cast hair removal spells. 
And not to mention, seeing Narcissa again--that was terrifying. She’d always been a very intimidating woman, dressed impeccably with sharp, aristocratic features much like her son. Y/N doubted she’d take kindly to her son’s tutor being more interested in him than the actual job at hand. 
That assumed he even wanted her still, anyways. Maybe three months in isolation made him come to his senses and realize he’d been absolutely off his rocker for liking her in the first place. Merlin, did he regret it? Was he going to tell her they couldn’t?
Swallowing her worries as the clock chimed at 9, she wrapped her hand around the vase and allowed herself to be pulled across international borders.
The first thing she noticed was the smell. Instead of the florally pine forest that surrounded her family’s main manor, she was greeted with the scent of sea salt and the sound of cawing birds. The sun had long since risen, the temperature a pleasant warmth to her skin after she’d spent a year in the cooler English air. 
Y/N stepped forward, towards the looming white structure that she assumed was her beach cottage. Her feet sunk in the sand as she made her way across the beach. Did he even know she was coming then? She would’ve thought he did, considering that anyone approaching the safe house unannounced would no doubt send everyone into some sort of a panic. 
Finally, she made it to the front door, tapping her wand on the enchanted knocker to signal that someone was at the front door. It creaked, and all of a sudden she was looking into the silver eyes of Draco Malfoy. He looked less pale than he did the last time she’d seen him, like he’d actually begun to spend time in the sun instead of locked away in the Slytherin dungeons. His hair looked somewhat sunbleached. She could see the faintest beginning of unfamiliar freckles across his nose. 
“Hi,” she said shyly, toying with her nails in front of her and not sure whether or not to embrace him. “I’m not sure if you knew, but your mother wanted someone to review the material you missed this year and Hermione didn’t want to, so--”
She didn’t even get to finish her sentence before he crossed through the door, swept her up, and kissed her with conviction. 
“I was wondering when you’d show up,” he whispered when he pulled away. Her eyes pooled with tears as his voice re-registered in her head. 
“I missed you,” Y/N managed. She let her fingers run over his cheekbones and the rest of his face and hair like she couldn’t believe he was actually there in front of her again. “I thought something had happened to you.”
“Something kind of did,” he admitted. “My aunt died.”
“So I’ve heard. Sorry about that.”
“It was her own fault. She brought a dagger enchanted with dark magic and it messed with the energy.” His smile had morphed into something more tense, so she stood on her toes to press a kiss to the corner of his lips, a bit tentative after not touching him since March. 
“You were all I could think about,” she admitted. “I’m not going to be much good at teaching you anything because I honestly stopped paying attention after you left…”
Draco’s smile widened, and she felt her legs turn to jelly. “I don’t mind. You were all I could think about, too. If you ever run out of things to teach me…” His fingers ghosted along her jawline as he spoke, “...I’ve had three months with nothing better to do than to think up ways to make up for the time we’ve spent apart.”
As she basked in the warmth of his embrace and the gentle sound of the Mediterranean ocean lapping at the earth, she allowed herself to relax for the first time in months. There was a war on the horizon, her friends were in danger, and her parents were once again risking themselves to aid the Order. But she’d gotten Draco out of his task. They had at least a summer left together. And at that moment, that was enough. 
“What are you thinking about?” he murmured, tugging her chin up to meet his eyes once again.
She shrugged. “Nothing. Just kiss me again.”
And so he did.
final a/n: thanks for hanging in there! i hope you guys liked it! first off, apologies if my fluff scenes are choppy or repetitive. i’m not very experienced with writing them yet. also, i decided to write draco this way last minute because i like to imagine him as someone who has never had to actually admit feelings for someone and put himself on the line--instead i think he’d try his hardest to get you to confess that you like him if he’s afraid of messing it up. also if you were confused the quidditch bracelet is supposed to be the magic equivalent of a tennis bracelet lol...when i was shopping w my mom i may have been inspired when i saw those bc literally who wears diamonds around their wrist that cost thousands of dollars every day? i asked the saleslady how much the smallest one was and she was like “only 4k and you can wear it anywhere!” like girl i work a minimum wage customer service job and that shit would break in a few seconds. no i would not wear that everywhere. tennis bracelet rant over but anyways ig i was saying that a tennis bracelet def has draco malfoy energy per se
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stcveskent · 3 years
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his comfort ; andy barber
warnings: fluff, some old trauma idk?
pairings: Andy Barber x Reader
requested by cevansmarvel
you were working on some papers, when you heard your phone ring, you sighed and looked for your phone, and looked at the contact name, Andy💞
A huge smile on your face as you pressed the green button, and placed it on speaker.
"Hey Good Morning!!" His cheerful voice made you chuckle.
"Good Morning to you too, Andy, how are you doing?" You asked as you continued talking and doing your work at the same time.
"I'm great, now that i heard your voice." He flirted, typical Andy . You mocked him on this one and he laughed, at how funny you sounded. Andy's been your everything since you were 5. You went to same kindergarten, to same school years later, and your friendship never changed into anything. You were always with him, no matter what. Your mothers, both were great friends, and had kinda similar pasts, but other than Andy's dad, your father abandoned you and your mother because he didn't wanted both of you.
But Andy, was always there for you, and you were there for him too. He always loved seeing you, at his place, anywhere. During college, Andy met a girl, Laurie , who he eventually fell in love with and got married too. It hurt you a lot, because you were in love with him since your 6th grade, but never told him. Laurie, started being friends with you first, and then started her plan of stealing Andy from you.
When he got married, you've never felt that broken, ever in your life, and he forgot you later. You never married, never dated never did anything, because you felt that if you too, would get married, then you couldn't give him the love he deserves in your life.
Everything turned upside down, when on work you were talking to your colleagues while they randomly switched on the T.V and randomly pressed the news channel number, and the news stated something which shocked you.
Jacob, Andy and Laurie were displayed on the screen, and it showed some murder news, Jacob could ever do that? you were shocked, and you saw  Andy after millions of years....the look on his face showed how broken he looked, and you wanted to rush towards him right now. Your collegues started to call you, at how shocked you looked.
You walked out of your office, right then, and started driving towards his place, which he hasn't changed since the time he got married. You knocked on the door, feeling uneasy, but he needed you, and you too needed to see his face. Just a minute later, a sad Andy opened the door, and his eyes widened at the sight of yours.
"Y-y/n?" He stuttered, and you passed a small weak smile, and he hugged you. The warm feeling of his, hugging you, and your burying your face in his chest, just comforting for both of you.
"I-i missed you, so so much." He confessed, a smile over your face as you kept hugging you.
"I missed you too, Andy, so much." You replied and he smiles pressing a kiss on your forehead.
"Come in." He says and you walk in with him, you two got comfortable, and he started talking about how he felt, and started talking about Jacob's case, you felt bad for that man, he looked so broken, as he talked. He even told you about how him and Laurie were not the same anymore. Just then you heard Jacob and Laurie get in the house.
"Y/n? After so many years?!" Laurie asked and you smiled, and she hugged you before she excused herself to go upstairs, and there comes Jacob.
"I remember you." He said and you chuckled.
"Me too, Jay!! How are you doing?" You asked and he smiles before answering.
"good actually." He says and goes upstairs to his room, later, you and Andy talk about olden times..and then you leave the place..and try to always stay in contact with him, since then.
It was four years ago. Jacob, died in a car accident, and Laurie, its wasn't a surprise that they filed for a divorce and also, got married the next month with someone.
Since then you always visited Andy, and never left his side.
"Can you spend the night at my place? Movie nights just like the old days?" He asked and you smiled, only if he saw how happy he made you.
"Yes, i'll be there. See you tonight!" You said and he greets again before you hang up. Your smile wasn't leaving you the whole day, and everyone has noticed it. Well, you then got into shit load of work and concentrated, and got of work as soon as possible.
As soon as you stepped at your place, you knew what you were going to be looking like, natural. And so you did, and drove to his place.
You met Andy, and he gave you the biggest hugs as possible, and all your stress would just leave, and then he plays some series on the T.V. You two are focusing on how the two lovers are trying to tell how much they love each other, but don't know how to talk. A smile on your face as your head on the pillow.
"What're you smiling at?" He asked, getting closer, sipping, a glass of soft drink, because you're non alcoholic and he always backs away from alcohol near you.
"Two people, so much in love, can't express how they feel." You replied and he chuckles.
"Romantic, Y/n, i missed the girl." He confessed, and everytime he mentioned something like that would make you go red. He would do it often, lets say, Andy loves getting flirty with you.
"God that smile!" He says and you hit him playfully before pulling the blanket a little bit more closer, and he noticed it why you did that, and pulled you closer to him, that you were on top of him.
"What're you doing?" You asked as you laid on him comfortably, and he pulled the blanket on both of you.
"Giving you more warmth, you feel cold always." He says and you smile before concentrating on the scene again.
An hour later, you were asleep, soft snores made him smile, he was feeling something, he wasn't sure of and later, his head rested on yours, sleeping.
"You could've saved me, Dad, but you didn't."
"I tried my best! Jacob, i love you."
"You're a liar Dad, a big liar!" Jacob points his finger and Andy's tears falls, at the sight of his son, being so angry, that he couldn't solve it.
"I hate you Dad!"
"Jacob no—"
and just then Jacob is hit by a truck, making Andy scream in horror.
He wakes up gasping sweat on his forehead and he looks at you, sleeping peacefully. His hand on his chest, as he tries to calm himself down. He moves you gently and walks to the bathroom.
He stares in the mirror, he looked awful, he missed his son so much, he was having nightmares about him, only if Laurie didn't do that years ago.
You woke up, loss of warmth woke you up, and looked around, to see no one there, but you heard sniffles, and you knew whom it was.
You walked in the bedroom, as the bathroom door was open and he cried, burying his face in his hands, not gonna lie, that sight broke you into millions of pieces, and you stayed strong, walking in, lowering your voice, so it would be calming for him.
"Andy?" You softly called and he wiped his tears looking at you.
"You're awake? Sorry if i woke you—"
"You saw it again?" You asked and he nodded, tears forming in his eyes again, you felt worse. He hugged you, burying his face in your neck, you were his comfort, he never told anyone about.
"It's okay, its okay." You said as you rubbed his back.
"My son hates me." He says, stuttering.
"No! Andy that's not true at all, Jacob loves you, you were the best dad, Andy you and I both know what happened and what killed him. You knew his last words, he said he loves you, forever." You spoke, and every of that word was right, and he nods.
"But what if i could've save him? He would be with me—"
"You didn't know that, its not your fault, Jacob always loved his father, because his father never lost his trust in him. Jacob loved his Father, because he made him feel like he mattered in the world and no one else, Jacob loves his father very much." You said, and he nods before hugging you again.
"Thank you, you really are the best!" He spoke and kissed your cheek.
"I get that a lot, from you honestly." You said and he chuckled before you kiss his forehead. He loved these little small gestures you did. Now you brought him to bed, and he starts to talk to you, and you get involved in the conversation.
"Come on Andy, now you really need to sleep." You said and he nods, you stoof up before he questions.
"Hey where are you going?"
"No we're sharing our bed, come on you'll get cold." He teased and you rolled your eyes.
"I want you to sleep comfortably, you won't be able to sleep with me."
"We've shared beds many times y/n, come on, I won't hurt you." He said making you laugh as you join him.
While talking both of you fall asleep, your head on his arm and his other arm, pulling you closer. Maybe if you and Andy were together this would be so normal for you, to feel it every day, but you felt like you lost your chance there, with the love of your life.
hope you like it 🥺💞
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mingishoe · 4 years
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Summary: You and Wooyoung have been friends for as long as you can remember. After an unfortunate event, the two of you decided to make a safe word for when you feel uncomfortable or want out of a situation. Cinnamon. You just happen to say it on your wedding day.
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst! hits of crack
Pairing: Wooyoung x Fem!Reader ft. Seonghwa x reader
Word count: 15.1k 
Warning: infidelity?/cheating I do not encourage cheating, please don’t cheat :)
Smut Warnings: Dom!Wooyoung Sub!Reader, lots of dirty talk, teasing, unintentional edging, oral (m&f receiving), unprotected sex, fingering, hand job, marking
A/N: ik this is like an oLD trend,, I wrote this back in may and never finished it but I reread it and decided I liked it too much not to post so here it is :)
also please don’t make fun of my header it sucks bc idk how to make them sjkdhsks
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You honestly don’t remember when you met Wooyoung, you just know that he’s always been your best friend.
You were 3 and Wooyoung was 4. You were just starting to be able to put your sentences together and make some sort of sense, and Wooyoung had already pretty much figured it out.
The two of you never did much talking, you just always sat together and played. Wooyoung was just a comfortable presence until you finally started grade school.
You were 6 and Wooyoung was 7 and it was probably the scariest thing that either of you have experienced at that time. Wooyoung’s mom drove the two of you to your first day of the 1st grade.
Your eyes were watery as you got out of the car with Wooyoung and his mom. She walked the two of you into your class and hugged the both of you goodbye.
Wooyoung sat next to you and watched as a tear fell down your cheek. He was only 7, he didn’t know how to comfort anyone but he tried. Wooyoung brought you into a hug that most 6 year old girls would hate because boys have cooties. Even you thought boys had cooties, but not Wooyoung. Wooyoung was cootie free.
Wooyoung gave you the tightest hug, “It’s okay y/n! I promise I’ll be next to you the whole time,” and he kept that promise.
Wooyoung was next to you all day, through the first introductions, making sure to help you if you got shy, “And this is my best friend y/n! She’s shy right now.” To snack time when you shared your fruit gummies with him just because you knew they were his favourite. Even at nap time Wooyoung made sure he was close to you even when you were supposed to be separated.
That day was the first time you knew you were sticking with Wooyoung for forever.
Every day you spent the entire day with Wooyoung, slowly making more friends. Most of your friends were boys, San, Yeosang, Mingi, and Yunho. You being the only girl in your friend group was wild. You developed basically what was a boy personality, you were always playing outside with them, in sports, and don’t even get started on your humour. You had the humour of a 10 year old boy and that would never go away.
One day your class was in the playground and Wooyoung was trying to push you on the swing. One of Wooyoung’s friends, Jisoo, came over and asked Wooyoung to go on the slides with him.
You shrugged and went over to San and watched as he struggled on the money bars, “Sannie! You’re not strong enough!” San pouted at you as he jumped down from only the very first bar, “I am! I just… have a scratch on my hand so it hurts.” You laughed at sans excuses before he pulled you to the slides, “Come on! Let’s race on the slides!”
Wooyoung was at the top of the little castle the play set was supposed to look like with Jisoo. She had Wooyoung practically cornered as she spoke to him, “Wooyoung, since you’re my boyfriend we have to kiss.”
Wooyoung didn’t remember having a girlfriend. He was pretty sure she never even asked him to be her boyfriend, “I’m not your boyfriend.” Wooyoung very simply told her.
Everyone knows how these elementary school relationships work, if someone says you’re dating, you’re dating. It’s not always that both parties agree.
She obviously didn’t care that Wooyoung didn’t want to be her boyfriend. “Well, now you are.” Wooyoung shook his head, still disagreeing, “Why not?” Wooyoung looked around trying to find you and when he did he pointed in your direction, “Because y/n is my girlfriend.” And he wasn’t wrong, you were his friend that was a girl, his girlfriend.
Wooyoung and Jisoo both watched as you came up the stairs with San, “y/n, is it true that you’re Wooyoung’s girlfriend?”
You blink at both Wooyoung and Jisoo, “What?” You look at Wooyoung who’s nodding at you, “Yeah, Wooyoung is my boyfriend.”
Jisoo looks at you with a scowl before sliding down the slide. Wooyoung looks relieved as Jisoo leaves, “You just saved my life.” You roll your eyes and laugh at Wooyoung, “We need a code word in case this happens again.”
You nod then turn to san, “San you need to leave, you can’t hear the code word.” San makes a fuss but finally agrees after you tell him you’ll give him your gummies tomorrow at lunch.
You sit down with Wooyoung in front of you making sure no one else is around you, “What should the word be?”
The both of you sit and think for a few seconds before Wooyoung speaks up, “Umm… what about clouds?” You shake your head, “I don’t think so, we talk about clouds a lot.”
Wooyoung nods, “You’re right, what about pomegranate?” Once again you shake your head, “I’m never going to remember that.” Wooyoung frowns but nods. You speak up again, “What about cinnamon?”
Wooyoung looks at you like you just said the smartest thing ever, “Yes! That’s perfect!” The two of you high five with a laugh, “Race you down the slide!” Wooyoung said before quickly jumping down to get on the slide.
Day after day you spent with those 5 boys, with Wooyoung. You and Wooyoung had sleepovers every single night, on school nights, weekends, and even in summer. It was never a problem until you got to high school.
Don’t think that middle school was easy breezy covergirl. There were always stares as you walked with Wooyoung or any of the other boys for that matter. You honestly really weren’t sure why, like yeah they were all extremely attractive but it wasn’t anything to be petty over.
All the boys were constantly being approached by different girls since middle school started and it didn’t stop in high school or in college. You never got approached by any boys because of the ones that constantly surrounded you.
Any boy you talked to got scared away by either Wooyoung or one of the other boys. Any girl that liked one of the boys always tried to threaten you, like you even cared at all.
You hadn’t ever had a boyfriend and honestly you didn’t really mind contrary to others opinions. Some of your other friends had tried to tell you it was all Wooyoung’s fault and in all honesty it was but you didn’t mind. You had Wooyoung so you were okay.
One of the things that always stuck besides your friendship with Wooyoung and the other boys was the safe word.
After another uncomfortable incident that happened in 6th grade you changed the code word to a safe word. So every time you were wanting to get out of a situation or felt uncomfortable all you had to do was either say or text the word ‘cinnamon’ to Wooyoung. You two were still to this day the only people who knew what that meant.
It was a few weeks before prom and the bell had just rung. You were waiting for Wooyoung at your locker so you could leave together. You were leaning against your locker scrolling through your social media when you sense a presence in front of you.
When you look up your heart stops in your chest, “Hello princess,” you look around for Wooyoung before looking back to the boy standing in front of you, “S-Seonghwa, Hi.”
You���re quick to find Wooyoung’s contact and type a single word, “cinnamon” and press send. It was senior year and you were all 18, and Seonghwa had been trying to get into your pants for the longest time.
Seonghwa and Wooyoung were both known to absolutely hate each other, and it’s all because of you. Everyone knows that Wooyoung is extremely protective of you but Seonghwa doesn’t seem to care. He also doesn’t seem to get the hint that you're not necessarily his biggest fan.
You put your phone in your pocket after you see Wooyoung’s name flash on the screen signalling he was coming. “Where’s your little boyfriend?” Seonghwa teases you as he places one of his arms on the lockers next to you.
You press yourself against the locker trying to get away from Seonghwa, “H-He’s not my boyfriend… but uhh, he’s not here.”
Seonghwa smirks at you before pulling away slightly, “Perfect, he’s finally not up your ass.” You start to say something before Seonghwa stops you, “anyway, I haven’t had a chance to ask you because you’re always with someone and your friends aren’t necessarily my biggest fans…” you look at Seonghwa with red cheeks that match his, “You’re blushing.” Seonghwa’s mouth drops slightly in shock, “Shut up, let me ask the question.” You smile at Seonghwa as he continues, “D-Do you want to go to prom with me?”
This time your heart stops for a different reason. You definitely didn’t expect that. You look up at Seonghwa with cheeks that honestly rivalled his, “Seonghwa… I-”
“No, she doesn’t.” Wooyoung spoke up causing Seonghwa to look down with even redder cheeks. Wooyoung grabbed your hand pulling you away from Seonghwa before you could even say sorry.
“Wooyoung, what’re you doing?!” Wooyoung stopped you in the middle of the hall, “What do you mean? You sent the word!” You looked down awkwardly, “M-Maybe I said it a little too early…”
Wooyoung stood there with his mouth slightly open, “So you’re saying that you were gonna say yes to Seonghwa?” You pout at Wooyoung, “I don’t- I don’t know?”
“But y/n, you know exactly what he wants.” Wooyoung was right, you knew that probably all Seonghwa wanted to do was finally get into your pants. But you weren’t sure, what if there was that slim possibility that he actually truly just wanted to take you to prom, “You can go to prom with us, you know that.”
You nod at Wooyoung, “I know but you all have dates…” Wooyoung sensed your disappointment and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, “I don’t have a date,”
You looked to Wooyoung as the two of you walked to his car, “Really? You’ve been asked by approximately half of the school.”
Wooyoung rolls his eyes and pushes you making you laugh, “Yeah but that doesn’t mean I wanna go with any of them.” You nibble on your lip in thought, “Maybe you should.”
Wooyoung looks at you with furrowed eyebrows, “What do you mean?” You huff as you get into Wooyoung’s car, “Maybe you should go somewhere with someone who isn’t me for once…”
Wooyoung doesn’t know how he should take that. He can’t tell if you’re actually being sincere, jealous, or if you’re just finally getting sick of him, “Do you not want to go with me?”
You sighed as you grabbed onto Wooyoung’s hand, “Wooyoungie, you know that’s not what I’m saying. I just think that maybe you should just… I dunno, give someone else a chance. Plus you know parties aren’t my scene.” You can tell Wooyoung is hurt by what you said but he’s trying to play it off as he doesn’t care.
Once you arrived at your house Wooyoung unlocked your door and waited for you to get out, “Are you not gonna come in?” Wooyoung shook his head without even looking at you, “I have to help my mom with something, tell your mom I said hi. I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning.”
You stayed looking at Wooyoung for a second before stepping out, “Oh… okay. Love you, see you tomorrow.” Wooyoung mumbled an ‘I love you’ before driving off.
You know you shouldn’t really be too affected by Wooyoung right now knowing that he’s upset but that doesn’t stop you from biting your lip in worry.
You open the door and see your mom in the kitchen, “Hey honey, hey Woo.” You pout as your mom unconsciously says Wooyoung’s name because he always comes home with you, “Wooyoung didn’t get off…”
Your mom looks up and immediately knows something’s off, “What happened?” You just shrug and sit at the stool next to where your mom is cutting vegetables, “He got mad at me.”
Your mom laughs softly knowing that it probably wasn’t even a big deal, “Wooyoung got mad because I told him that I didn’t wanna go to prom with him.”
Her eyebrows shoot up “Why don’t you wanna go to prom with him?” You just shrug, “It isn’t that I don’t want to go with him, I just don’t wanna go in general. So I told him that he should go with someone else… because somewhere close to 30 other girls asked him and he rejected them. I told him that he should give someone else an opportunity.”
Your mom looks conflicted. Well shit- that means that what you did was probably terrible and actually really mean. “Y/n sweetheart, Wooyoung rejected the other girls because he wanted to go with you. It’s not like he feels it’s a requirement, you know what I mean?”
You rest your head on the counter, “So you’re saying I should go to prom with Wooyoung?” Your mom shakes her head, “Not if you don’t want to, I’m just saying not to think that Wooyoung thinks he has to.”
“Someone asked me to prom…” your mom's head snapped up to look at you, “Really?! Who was it?” You laugh loudly before responding, “You know that boy that Wooyoung talks about all the time?” This time your mom’s jaw drops, “That boy umm… Seong- something? You know I’m not good with names,”
You nod vigorously as your mom is having a heart attack at what you’re saying, “Yes! Seonghwa! But he asked me today after school… and it was kinda cute? I’ve never seen him so flustered before. His cheeks were so red and he just looked really cute. But I don’t know, like I said I don’t even want to go at all.” You almost leave it at that but make sure to mention the obvious, “but Wooyoung would kill the both of us so that’s a no go.”
Your mom winks at you before leaning in to whisper, “Sometimes you need that adrenaline… just don’t let Wooyoung find out.” You pull away from your mom with a gasp, “You did not just betray Wooyoung like that!” Your mom just shrugs with a laugh.
The next day Wooyoung is really distant and is just pretty much ignoring you. Everyone else notices the shift in your energy making them pretty uncomfortable, “Y/n, what the fuck is happening?”
You look at San for a moment before simply saying, “Wooyoung’s mad at me.” Before San can even ask you why, you walk away and go to your class.
Thankfully that class has pretty much no one that you’re friends with so you’re free of any interrogation. You notice that Seonghwa is in this class so you decide to sit next to him, “H-Hey Seonghwa, sorry about yesterday…”
Seonghwa looks up from his phone to see you sitting next to him making him sit up straight, “Oh, Umm no it’s okay. I can handle rejection…” for some reason that made you feel really sad, “It’s not that I don’t want to go with you, I just don’t want to go in general.”
Seonghwa is looking down at his hands with his lip in between his teeth and your heart literally breaks, “You can just say you’re going with Wooyoung, it’s okay.”
“I-I’m not going with Wooyoung either…” This makes Seonghwa look at you, “Y-You’re not?” You shake your head with a soft smile, “I told you,”
You laugh as Seonghwa visibly perks up. You thought about what your mom had previously told you, “Why don’t you give me your number and maybe we can do something else?”
Seonghwa freezes, obviously not expecting you to ask for his number, “What about Wooyoung? Won’t he like murder you?” You laugh and nod, “Let’s just not let him find out… our secret.” You have your phone held out to him waiting for him to take it. He looks at you cautiously before deciding you were being serious, “Y/n, Wooyoung is going to murder me and send my balls to my mother if he sees my number in your phone.”
You pause for a minute, that being way too specific for Wooyoung to not have said that to Seonghwa, “Uhh… right.” You grabbed your phone from his hand and sent him a smiley face so he would have your number. Before you had a chance to say anything else your teacher walked in starting the class.
You and Seonghwa sat comfortably next to each other, not as awkward as you thought it was going to be.
When class ended Seonghwa walked out with you and you looked around you hoping that Wooyoung wasn’t there. You stopped yourself and looked up at Seonghwa, “Let’s start over yeah? Let’s just forget about Wooyoung and the other boys and not worry about them.”
Seonghwa smiled and nodded but still looked around like he was nervous making you laugh, “See you later,”
The rest of your classes were insanely awkward. Wooyoung still sat next to you and in all honesty it probably would’ve been better if he didn’t. The concerned glances of San and Yunho were becoming too much once it reached lunch time.
Both you and Wooyoung were mindlessly poking at your food and Yeosang was getting sick of it, “What the fuck is y’all’s problem?”
You drop your fork and look at Yeosang, “It’s none of your business.” Wooyoung rolls his eyes at you before snapping, “She doesn’t wanna go to prom with me.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes, “Wooyoung I already told you, I just don’t want to go! It has nothing to do with you!” Yeosang already regretted asking.
“Oh okay but you were going to say yes when Seonghwa asked you?” You froze. Yeosang froze. Everyone at the table froze except Wooyoung, if this was a cartoon there’d surely be steam coming out of his ears.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” You can see the veins sticking out on Wooyoung’s neck as his face turns red from anger, “You know exactly what my problem is and you know exactly why Seonghwa wants to take you to prom! He just wants to fuck you and then he’s gonna leave you.”
That was it. You pushed your tray of food at Wooyoung making it spill all over him, “Fuck you.” You’ve never wanted to hit Wooyoung as much as you do in this moment but you knew that it would hurt the both of you even more, so you contained yourself and just walked out of the cafeteria.
Wooyoung sat completely frozen. Everyone was completely shocked at your reaction. They’ve honestly never seen you this angry in the 12 years they’ve been your friend.
“Wooyoung I don’t know what your problem is but you need to fix it.” San stood up and followed you out of the cafeteria so he could make sure you were okay.
He went out the back doors of the school and walked some distance to the line of trees behind the school, that’s where you normally went if you skipped class or were wanting time to yourself.
“Y/n?” You didn’t look towards him opting to continue to text Seonghwa. You don’t even bother turning your phone off when San sits next to you, “Since when are you and Seonghwa all buddy buddy?”
You look at San with pleading eyes, “Please don’t.” San wrapped his arm around you letting you rest your head on his shoulder, “I’m not gonna say anything love, I’m just curious.”
You shrug as you further lean into San, “Just the other day when he asked me to prom, like Wooyoung said. I just- I just don’t know why he got so upset you know? I wasn’t going to say yes but that doesn’t mean he can’t let me deal with it by myself?”
San nods, “You know how protective he is over you, he loves you too much to see you get hurt.” You whisper this last part so quietly that almost San doesn’t hear you, “What if I want to?”
It was finally the night of prom and Wooyoung was still pissed at you. It's been weeks and you were honestly over it at this point so you didn’t even bother messing with him.
You and Seonghwa have gotten closer, he’s taken you out to eat a few times and you’re constantly texting. You honestly really enjoy his company and may you even go as far to say you like him.
While everyone else is at prom you’re laying in bed with your mom watching whatever’s on. Your phone buzzes and you see Seonghwa’s name. You look to your mom with a guilty look before opening the message,
Seonghwa:): You’re lucky you decided not to come to prom, it’s the most boring party I’ve ever gone to. No one has even spiked the punch yet.
Your mom snorts from beside you, “They still spike the punch?” You laugh and nod, “They do a little more than spike these days…”
Your mom watches as your thumbs hover over the keyboard, “Why don’t you invite him over?” Your eyes widen, “You’re really just betraying Wooyoung up and down these days aren’t you?” But you just shrug and send him a message back.
You: Why don’t you come over?
Seonghwa looks up from the wall he’s leaning against and sees Wooyoung and the rest of your friends sitting at a table looking awfully tense and awkward.
He watched as Wooyoung took a swig from a vodka bottle that he got from god knows where before deciding that he was going to take up on your offer.
Seonghwa stood outside your door for a solid two minutes trying to decide if he should knock or just go home. He doesn’t have a chance to do either before you open the door and look at him in amusement, “You’ve been standing out here for a while… do you wanna come in or not?”
Seonghwa walks in front of you as you close the door. Your mom is watching him in amusement as he looks down with red cheeks, “This is Seonghwa? Like Seonghwa Seonghwa?”
You bite your lip to keep you from laughing, “Yes mom. Seonghwa Seonghwa.” You eye her in warning before she says what you know she wants to, “Anyway, we’re going to my room, if you need anything just call me.”
“Prove that Wooyoung is wrong, Seonghwa” Your head snaps toward your mom with wide eyes, “I’m just kidding, go on.”
Your mom shooed the two of you off as she was too busy laughing.
“S-She’s just joking.” Seonghwa rubs his neck awkwardly, “Wooyoung told your mom about me.” You nod as you open the door to your room and let him go in, “I’d like to say it was all good things but…”
Seonghwa stops to look at your room, “I don’t know why but I didn’t expect your room to be so… cute.” You squealed as you jumped on your bed to cover up the stuffed animals that were sitting there.
Seonghwa grabbed one of your teddy bears and held it as he laid down next to you, “Do you not wanna change?” Seonghwa looked down seemingly like he forgot he was still in his suit, “I don’t have anything to change into…”
You thought for a minute before speaking up, “If it isn’t weird… one of the boys’ clothes will fit you.”
Seonghwa thought for a minute before nodding and standing up, still holding your teddy bear. You smile as he’s hugging the bear, “Looks like you like Mr.B.”
While you're going through your drawers you hear Seonghwa giggle, full on giggle, “You name your stuffed animals?” You pout as you hand Seonghwa a shirt with a pair of sweats, “Here, you can just change here.”
“Okay but don’t look, you aren’t ready for the sexy that I am shirtless.” You raise your eyebrows at Seonghwa with a smirk, “Seonghwa sweetheart, I’m friends with nothing but boys, I’ve seen abs before.”
Seonghwa looks at you expectantly before throwing Mr.B at you making you squeal. You cover your eyes with your hands as you hear him shuffling. You feel something being thrown down at your feet and you get the sudden urge to look.
You slowly separate your fingers and look at Seonghwa with your lip in between your teeth. You inhale sharply when Seonghwa makes eye contact with you as he’s undoing his belt.
Your cheeks are burning as you make no move to look away. Seonghwa doesn’t break eye contact as he pulls his belt through the loops. You whine as you turn over to put your head in the pillows while flailing your legs. You can practically feel the amusement dripping off of Seonghwa. Thankfully he ignored it and laid back down next to you.
Seonghwa was facing you as you were still whining with your head stuffed in the pillow. Seonghwa tapped on your shoulder making you look at him, “You’re really cute.”
You look away with a small smile, “Look at me princess.” You bite your lip as you look back at Seonghwa but you can still hear Wooyoung nagging at the back of your mind.
“Hwa… can I ask you a question?” Seonghwa nods while never looking away from your eyes, “Y-You don’t just want to… f-fuck me and then leave me, right?”
Seonghwa’s eyes flash what you can only express as anger, “Who told you that?” From the tone of Seonghwa’s voice you immediately knew that Wooyoung was lying. From your silence Seonghwa already knew the answer to his question, “It was Wooyoung, wasn’t it?” You pause before nodding carefully.
“Look, I don’t know what Wooyoung told you but that’s not true. Wooyoung- Never mind…” you shake your head, “N-No what?” Seonghwa bites his lip contemplating if he should actually say it, “Wooyoung knows that I l-like you… and I guess he didn’t want you to know so he said that.”
Your mouth parts slightly as you took in what Seonghwa just told you, “You like me? Like, like like me?” Seonghwa looks at you with a smile, “Yeah, like like.”
You just realised that what Wooyoung told you was a complete lie, “W-Wait! So you’ve liked me for three years?” Seonghwa nods sadly before wrapping his arms around you and hiding his face in your neck.
You carefully bring your hand up to run your hand through his hair. You feel a sudden urge of confidence and you pull Seonghwa’s head back to look at you before you carefully place your lips on his.
When Seonghwa doesn’t kiss you back you panic and pull away, “S-Sorry, I should’ve-” you get cut off when Seonghwa grabs your face in his hand and places his lips back on yours.
You pull away with a small whine as you place your head in Seonghwa’s chest and the two of you stay like that for what felt like forever. Seonghwa held you as you started to fall asleep in his arms.
The two of you were asleep for maybe 30 minutes when you woke up to your mom talking to someone. Your phone started to ring and you answered it with a tired ‘yeah?’ It was your mom, “Hide him. Tell Seonghwa to hide- like now.”
You didn’t even ask why before you started hitting Seonghwa’s chest frantically and telling him to go inside your closet. He almost falls on the floor but successfully makes it into the closest in time for your door to swing open.
Your eyes widen when you see Wooyoung walk into your room. You immediately look to Seonghwa not knowing what to do. The door to your closet is partially closed, only open enough for Seonghwa to see out.
“Wooyoung what do you want?” Wooyoung went to sit on your bed with heavy eyes, “I’m here to say sorry.” You would take his apology any other day but he’s clearly drunk right now, “Wooyoung, you’re drunk.”
“But that doesn’t mean I’m not sorry. I overreacted.” You kept looking to the closet making Wooyoung turn around in suspicion, “What’re you looking at?” You pull Wooyoung's face to look at you and you press your lips to his.
You honestly surprised yourself but you moved your hand to the direction of the closet and signalled Seonghwa to go. Seonghwa stepped out of the closet but stopped in the middle when he saw you kissing Wooyoung.
You pulled away and Wooyoung was looking at you with eyes the size of disks. You widen your eyes at Seonghwa and try to tell him to go but he points at his clothes on your bed. Shit.
Once again Wooyoung tries to look behind you making you pull him in once again. You kicked Seonghwa’s clothes off the bed and just signaled for him to go and this time he actually did. Once you made sure he was at least in the kitchen you pulled away from Wooyoung.
You quickly get up and kick Seonghwa’s clothes underneath your bed before going in your drawer and handing Wooyoung some clothes, “Here, just change and I’ll get you some water.”
When you closed the door to your room you almost had a heart attack. Seonghwa was in the kitchen talking to your mom and you walked up to them with the reddest cheeks, “S-Seonghwa, I’m sorry… I just- I just couldn’t let him see you. Maybe you can come over tomorrow or something?” Seonghwa nodded and gave you a hug before walking out.
Once you made sure Seonghwa walked out you sighed and almost started crying, “Mom, I like him.” Your mom looked at you like you were stupid, “And?” You looked to your room where Wooyoung was, “Wooyoung doesn’t like him. But he lied about Seonghwa so…” her mouth dropped open as you continued, “Andimaybejustkissedwooyoung but it was so Seonghwa could leave without being seen.”
You quickly grabbed Wooyoung a bottle of water and ran back to your room before your mom could say something. You were glad you and your mom were really close but you still couldn’t handle certain things she said to you.
When you reentered your room Wooyoung was sitting on your bed with the cutest pout, “What’s wrong Woo?”
“Who’s car just left?” You froze with your mouth wide open, “My mom… had a friend over…” Wooyoung nods but then his eyebrows furrow, “I didn’t see them?” You shook your head, “You're drunk Wooyoung.” You hand him the water and he drinks the entire thing like he found water in the desert.
“You need to sleep. Come on, let’s cuddle yeah?” Wooyoung smiles as you wrap your arms around him when you lay next to him.
His eyes never leave yours as he whispers, “I love you.” This time it felt different though. Your heart starts to beat faster as Wooyoung looks at you with loving eyes, “I love you.” Wooyoung shakes his head, “No you don’t, not the same way.”
Your heart almost exploded, “W-Wooyoung your drunk, don’t say things like that.”
Wooyoung grabbed your hand and started playing with your fingers, “But I’m sober enough to know what I’m saying y/n.”
“I-It’s late Woo, you should get some rest.” Before Wooyoung could continue anything he was going to say you turned and faced your back to him with your eyes squeezed shut. What the fuck are you supposed to do? You like Seonghwa but if Wooyoung isn’t just drunk and saying stuff you don’t want to hurt him.
Whenever you woke up Wooyoung was gone. You honestly didn’t know how he managed to get up and leave with a hangover and not wake you up.
You got up and went to the kitten to see your mom looking the most conflicted you’ve ever seen her, “What?” You looked at her with suspicion not knowing what she was going to do.
Once your mom sees you she shakes her head and pretends like whatever just happened didn’t happen, “Wooyoung just left…”
Your eyebrows shot up, “You let him leave?”
“Why not?” Your mom looked at you with furrowed eyebrows making you pout “Because he’s hungover and he can’t drive like that…”
She shakes her head, “He's fine… What about Seonghwa? Are you going to invite him over?”
After that day you never once brought up Wooyoung’s drunken words, your kiss, or the lie about Seonghwa, too scared that it would ruin your friendship but you had the hunch that it was already falling apart. Everything had been different since that day and you’re not sure in what way. There were lingering stares and touches that made your hearts race a little bit faster.
After a couple of months you and Seonghwa ended up dating and let’s just say when you announced it, it wasn’t pretty. Wooyoung threw what would be best described as a hissy fit and the rest of the boys thought you were joking.
Once they realised you were being serious they all supported you, even Wooyoung. It took Wooyoung the longest though. He ignored you for what felt like forever before San finally convinced him to get over himself.
You all continued to be friends in college, going to the same school. After a while they were finally warming up to Seonghwa and actually thought he was cool which meant a lot to the both of you.
Let’s just say Seonghwa didn’t want to fuck you and leave you because he’s stuck around everytime.
It was at the 4 year mark that Seonghwa proposed to you.
It honestly shocked you way more than it did everyone else, which was saying something.
It was at your 23rd birthday party, in front of the entirety of your friends and family. For whatever reason Seonghwa decided to do it at the birthday party your family held for you, making it all the more stressful.
You were never one for PDA or doing something private and intimate in a public setting or in front of people, so when you saw Seonghwa go down on his knee you almost told him to get up.
Everyone else was either crying or screaming and the only thing you managed to do was look at Wooyoung with wide eyes. You watched as Wooyoung shut his eyes before pushing through the people to leave. You wanted to follow him, you really did but with Seonghwa staring at you with his eyes shining brighter than ever you just couldn’t.
“Will you marry me?” Your eyes started watering and before you knew it you were crying.
The one word completely changed everything so fast it almost gave you whiplash, “Yes.”
The cheers got louder and more tears fell when you wrapped your arms around Seonghwa but it just didn’t feel right. Once everyone calmed down a little bit you went to San, “Where did Wooyoung go?”
He glanced at the ring around your finger with sad eyes, “I think just to the front… I dunno.”
You saw Wooyoung sitting under the big tree in your yard so you go sit next to him without saying anything.
You sit in silence for what felt like forever before you spoke up quietly, “I’m too young to get married aren't I?”
Wooyoung laughs with a nod, “A little bit… you’re still 23, most people wait to get married until their 30’s.”
You knew Wooyoung was right. You were still really young, you haven’t done half the things you wanted to do before you started a family.
“Remember how you always used to say you never wanted to get married? Because it felt like you were trapped?” You snort, “It is.”
Wooyoung turns to look at you with slightly teary eyes, “Then why did you say yes?”
You pause with your mouth opening and closing before you whisper, “I-I don’t know…”
A tear falls from Wooyoung’s eyes making your heart shatter, “D-Don’t leave me, please.”
Tears start leaving your eyes and now the two of you are sitting under your tree crying while looking into the others eyes, “Woo, I would never leave you. I promise.”
Wooyoung lets out a choked sob making you take his face in your hands, “Wooyoung, I love you so fucking much, you have no idea.”
Wooyoung shakes his head as more tears fall from his eyes, “N-Not the same way y/n. I love you. Now you’re engaged to fucking Seonghwa out of everyone. I spent so long keeping him away from you because I just fucking knew that something like this would happen.”
“Woo trust me. It doesn’t matter if I’m engaged to Seonghwa or not I still love you more than anyone and anything in the world.”
While you were outside Seonghwa was running around looking for you. He found San and asked where you were, “She’s outside talking to Wooyoung. I wouldn’t bother them if I were you.”
“Why? Don’t I have the right to-” san shakes his head and stops him, “Just don’t. Let them talk it out okay? If you’re so curious you can see from the window.” San and Seonghwa watch the two of you from the window.
San doesn’t look concerned in the slightest whereas Seonghwa has his eyes filled with concern, “She’s crying.” San shrugs, “So is Wooyoung, she’s fine.”
Seonghwa watches how you have Wooyoung’s face in your hands and the way the two of you are staring into each other’s eyes. He watches as Wooyoung falls into your chest and the way you hold Wooyoung. You’ve never held him like that…
You’re practically sitting on Wooyoung’s lap making Seonghwa turn to San with a confused face, “W-What is she…” San shrugs with an equally confused expression, “I have no idea.”
When Seonghwa tries to go outside San stops him, “Just- Just let them have their moment… please?” Seonghwa lets out a pained sigh as he watches the woman he’s engaged with sitting on the lap of the man who tried to keep them apart in the first place.
You had your eyes closed as Wooyoung rocked you back and forth with his arms wrapped around you tightly, too scared to let go.
You pull away slightly and rest your forehead on his just looking into each other’s eyes, “Wooyoung I’m serious. No matter what, I’m always on your side. I don’t care how much you think I love Seonghwa, I love you more okay? I won’t leave you. Ever.”
You wanted nothing more than to stay with Wooyoung and hold him and tell him that everything was going to be okay but you couldn’t. No matter how much you wanted to kiss away his tears, you just couldn’t do that to Seonghwa.
You heard a door open and close so you quickly got off of Wooyoung and wiped the tears off your face. When you looked up and saw Seonghwa you tried your best to smile at him without it seeming fake, “There you are. Come on baby, your mom wants to talk to you.”
You didn’t miss the glare Seonghwa gave Wooyoung before pulling you away. You tried to stop the trembling of your lip as Seonghwa brought you back inside with everyone. Your mom took your hand and brought you into her room.
As soon as the door was shut you let out a sob and buried your face in your hands. “Why did you say yes sweetheart?”
You let out incoherent babbles with sobs and sniffles in between, “I have no idea what you’re saying.” Your mom makes you laugh slightly and you finally look at her. You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down before you start to speak up again.
“I truly w-wanted to say yes but not right now you know? I’m still really young and I have a feeling Seonghwa wants to get married soon and I don’t know…” your mom sighed, “He wants to get married this summer.”
Your mouth dropped open, “It’s December- Summer is in like 7 months.” Your mom nodded with an apprehensive look on her face, “What? You think I’m going to back out or something?”
Your mom doesn’t respond and changes the subject, “A beach wedding would be cute. Especially in the summer.” You really didn’t want to be having this conversation. Not so soon at least.
“Yeah… I’ll talk to Seonghwa about it.” Your mom could clearly see on your face that you didn’t want this, but it wasn’t in her place to say anything. She was confident that you would work it out.
It had only been maybe a month before Seonghwa started pressuring you to start making wedding arrangements. The two of you settled on a beach side wedding in June. Even though it was still several months away you were still extremely anxious. Everyday that passed you felt the sinking feeling in your stomach grow.
No matter how sudden, how rushed, or how short a time you have, you're going to have a cute flowy dress no matter what anyone else says. It’s too hot to have a skin tight dress or a big ball gown dress.
You had taken Wooyoung and your parents to go dress shopping with you and all of them cried when you put on the dress, Wooyoung for maybe a different reason.
It was tight from your waist up with a sweetheart neckline, making sure to show your figure perfectly. The bottom was flowy covered with pretty sparkles covering the entirety of the dress.
You remember how beautiful you looked with the headdress and veil. The way you looked to Wooyoung with teary eyes had him squeezing his eyes shut to contain himself, “D-Do you like it Woo?”
Wooyoung smiled and nodded even though you could tell he was very obviously upset, “You look beautiful.”
A month after it was time for the anticipated bachelor and bachelorette parties. Bachelorette parties are supposed to be fun right? You had practically no friends that were girls, and the ones you did have you weren’t super close with you. While Seonghwa went out with his friends for his bachelor party you asked Wooyoung to come to your place for yours.
Wooyoung was apprehensive, not knowing if he could really stay with you all night, but he decided that he wanted to spend one last night with you.
You’re not going to say it wasn’t tense or awkward because the lingering stares were too much for the both of you to handle.
You tried to put on a movie to distract from the tension but if anything it made it worse. You were too scared to say anything as Wooyoung’s eyes were glued to your lips, “W-Woo…”
“Can I kiss you?” You stayed silent for a while not knowing what to say, “Wooyoung-”
“Just once. Please.” You couldn't say no. Not when Wooyoung was looking at you the way he was.
You should’ve said no. You should’ve thought about Seonghwa and said no, but as soon as you nodded it was too late.
You felt yourself immediately become hot when Wooyoung’s lips met yours. All thoughts of Seonghwa left your mind the second he held your face in his hands.
Your heart started racing as you tilted your head to deepen the kiss. Wooyoung didn’t expect you to keep going but he definitely didn’t want it to stop.
You both knew it was wrong and you both knew you should stop before the both of you got too carried away, but that didn’t stop either of you.
You pulled away so you could catch your breath and the way Wooyoung was biting his lip made your thighs clench.
“Wooyoung, we should stop.” Wooyoung nodded but made no move to get away from you, “Y-You’re right. This is wrong.”
You nodded mindlessly as Wooyoung leaned in again. His lips met yours for the second time and this is what felt right. It felt different from kissing Seonghwa, but in a good way. You didn’t want to pull away.
Wooyoung’s tongue went to lick your lips making you gasp slightly. Wooyoung used that as an opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth.
Your cheeks burned as the kissing sounds were the only thing able to be heard. You unconsciously moved yourself so you were on top of Wooyoung.
Wooyoung gripped your waist and pulled you closer to him before he carefully flipped the two of you so you were laying on your back.
You whimpered quietly as Wooyoung moved to attach his lips to your jaw and neck, “Woo- I-” You whimpered as Wooyoung started sucking lightly on your neck, making sure not to leave marks.
You spread your legs further to make room for Wooyoung to get in between them, “Wooyoung, Please-” Wooyoung pulls away from your neck and looks up at you with dark eyes, “Y/n… A-Are you sure? You don’t have to j-just because I want to.”
You shook your head with a whimper whenever you felt Wooyoung’s boner on your inner thigh, “I want to Wooyoung, j-just please!” Wooyoung groans as you run your hands up his back to grip onto his hair.
Your heavy breathing is the only thing that can be heard as Wooyoung lifts your shirt to grope your chest through your bra.
Wooyoung wanted to take his time with you, to make up for all the lost time. He wanted to kiss and mark every inch of your body but he knew he couldn’t, not when he knew tomorrow you were going to be back with Seonghwa.
Wooyoung knew he should stop. Wooyoung knew he should be the bigger person and put his foot down and say that it wasn’t okay. You knew it was wrong, he didn’t have to tell you that but you were too far into it to stop.
“Wooyoung stop.” Wooyoung looked up at you concerned that you changed your mind and wanted to kick him out, “Stop thinking about Seonghwa… it-it’s okay.”
You both knew it wasn’t okay but that was the only thing that could stop the guilt from taking over.
Wooyoung let out a shaky breath as he nodded and went back to pay attention to your chest. He hesitantly lifted your shirt over your head and took a minute to look at your chest.
You didn’t wait for Wooyoung and you quickly pulled your hands behind you to undo your bra. You let it fall down your arms as Wooyoung let out a groan, “F-Fuck~ you’re so pretty.”
You suck in harshly whenever Wooyoung attaches his lips around one of your nipples. Your hand moves to grip onto Wooyoung’s blonde locks as he swirls his tongue around your perky nipple.
The hand that isn’t wrapped around your waist moves to tweak your other nipple between his fingers. Once he decides he’s paid enough attention to one he switches and does the same to the other.
Your mind is clouded with nothing but lust and you can only think about having Wooyoung inside of you, “Wooyoung- please fuck me!” Wooyoung groans before pulling your shorts down, “Patience sweetheart.”
Wooyoung spreads your legs and leaves wet kisses from your ankle to just beside where you need him the most. He repeats his actions with your other leg before placing open mouthed kisses on your clothed core making your thighs close around his head lightly.
“W-Wooyoung!” Wooyoung chuckles deeply before finally sliding your now ruined panties down your legs. Wooyoung bites his lip as he sits back to take in the sight of you naked underneath him.
He slowly brings a hand down to rub his fingers through your soaked folds, “F-Fuck y/n. You’re so pretty. Too bad I can’t have you to myself…”
Wooyoung didn’t want to get into a pity party while you were naked underneath him so he experimentally rubbed your clit in small circles with his thumb making you wither underneath him, “Wooyoung please stop teasing me! Do something!”
Wooyoung honestly didn’t even realise his teasing but he complied and swiftly gripped your hips and placed his head in between your legs.
Wooyoung licked a stripe up your cunt while he tentatively watched your face, trying to engrave the smallest of expressions into his brain. Your hand reached down to grip onto Wooyoung’s locks making him groan against your core.
Your eyes had shut from the pleasure as soon as Wooyoung’s mouth had touched your dripping cunt but you wanted to see him. You forced your eyes open and you swear you almost came at the sight.
Wooyoung lifted his face from your core making a pathetic whine come from your pretty lips whenever you saw his lips and chin covered in your juices.
You bit your lip as Wooyoung made eye contact with you before wrapping his lips around your clit. You moaned loudly whenever Wooyoung had probbed at your entrance.
His two fingers slipped into your tight hole almost completely with how wet you were, “Do you hear that sweetheart?” Your face was burning as you heard the lewd squelching noises coming from your bottom half, “You’re fucking soaked. All for me.”
“Yes Wooyoung! Fuck- all for you, just for you!” Wooyoung was encouraged by your words, and your noises, so he increased the speed of his fingers inside of you.
His fingers weren’t as long as Seonghwa’s so it took him a minute to find that spot inside of you, but when he did your grip on his hair tightened.
Wooyoung smirked against you as he continued to massage the sweet spot in you making you gush juices, “Woo- pleasepleaseplease, G-Gonna cum!” He sucked harder on your clit so he could push you off the edge.
Wooyoung was insanely hard in his pajama pants, almost crossing the edge to becoming painful. Wooyoung smirked as he swiftly added a third finger, making you feel the stretch.
Your mouth dropped open into a silent moan as you came. You pulled harshly on Wooyoung’s hair but he absolutely loved it. His groans were vibrating your clit, only intensifying your orgasm.
“Fuck W-Wooyoung! Fuck me- I n-need you to fuck me!”
Wooyoung wasted no time before he quickly stripped himself of his clothing. You barely had enough time to take the sight in before Wooyoung had his cock in his hand as he ran it through your folds.
He paused making you whine, “W-Wait y/n, condom?” You shook your head and pulled Wooyoung closer to you by wrapping your legs around him, “It’s o-okay… unless you w-want to?”
“I-I mean no but S-Seong-” You groaned and shook your head knowing that if Seonghwa found the condom it would be over.
“It’s okay W-Wooyoung… please?” He took a deep breath in before he slowly pushed in. You both moaned in unison as he had bottomed out inside of you. Wooyoung was a lot bigger than Seonghwa making you feel a stretch you haven’t felt before.
Wooyoung gripped your hips tightly as he tried to contain himself. You were already so tight but the way you were clenching around his cock almost made him cum on the spot, “y-y/n wait. If you keep doing t-that, I'm gonna cum.”
You nod in agreement knowing that you were pretty much walking on the same line he was. After probably a minute too long Wooyoung hesitantly starts to pull out before slowly thrusting back into you.
You let out a choked sob as Wooyoung started to thrust shallowly into you, still determined to tease you. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as Wooyoung brought a hand down to rub softly at your already sensitive clit.
After you whined about Wooyoung teasing you again Wooyoung gave in from more of his own need than yours, he would tease you for hours if he had the time and patience.
Wooyoung’s grip on your hips tightened as he slammed his hips into you. So much for wanting to take his time with you.
“Wooyoung! Fuck- y-you fuck me so good!” Wooyoung groaned and placed his feet on the bed so he would have more leverage to fuck into you.
“Y-Yeah? Does it feel good? Does my cock feel good?” Your head spun from Wooyoung’s words.
“Fuck yes- f-feels so good!” Tears sprung in your eyes from the pleasure you were receiving, Wooyoung’s cock hitting your spot with each thrust.
“Does Seonghwa fuck you good like this? Does he fuck you the way you deserve?” You shook your head, not remembering if you’ve ever felt this good before.
“No fuck!” Wooyoung managed to chuckle at your response, “Aww poor baby, you won’t be able to get fucked properly after this. Seonghwa won’t be able to fuck you without you thinking of me. You better be careful baby because once you moan my name it’s over, then you’re gonna be running back to me so I can show you what it’s like to be fucked properly again.”
Wooyoung’s words were becoming too much for you to handle as your legs started to shake. The coil in your stomach was so close to snapping and then your phone rang.
Wooyoung immediately stopped all movements making you let out the loudest whine you’ve ever made, “Wooyoung why- fuck!”
Wooyoung looked around before grabbing your phone, “Your phone is ringing” you honestly almost started crying, “Just leave it-”
Wooyoung shook his head, “It’s Seonghwa.”
You groaned loudly as your high was slowly starting to fade. You grabbed your phone from Wooyoung’s hand and took a deep breath before you pressed the answer button, “H-Hello?”
You heard what was loud music before it got quiet, “What’re you d-doing?” You heard Seonghwa hiccup as he was speaking.
As you started to respond to Seonghwa, Wooyoung started to thrust slowly making you inhale sharply, “oh n-nothing, we’re just watching that new movie…”
You heard someone speaking in the background before grabbing the phone, “Sorry y/n, Seonghwa’s drunk. I told you Seonghwa they weren’t doing anything, have a little more faith in them would ya?” You weren’t even listening to San with Wooyoung starting to increase the speed of his thrusts.
“What?” You held the phone away from your face so they wouldn’t be able to hear your heavy breathing, “Are you sure they’re not fucking?”
Your mouth dropped open in a silent moan whenever Wooyoung started rubbing against your sweet spot, “Wh-What is he talking about?”
San yelled at Seonghwa before bringing the phone back to his ear, “Seonghwa thinks that you’re having sex with Wooyoung.” Your eyes roll to the back of your head when Wooyoung reaches down to rub your clit, “Huh? Like right now?”
You hear San laugh on the other end of the phone like he knows how ridiculous it sounds, “Yeah, anyway, sorry about that. Go ahead and continue with whatever you were doing. Bye!”
You hang up quickly and throw your phone somewhere. You wrap your legs around Wooyoung’s waist and bring him even closer to you, “Did you hear him? Seonghwa thinks we’re fucking right now… little does he know he’s never gonna be able to satisfy you again.”
Once again Wooyoung’s words started bringing you over the edge, “Imagine if he came home and saw us right now, the look on his face when he sees his pretty little wife fucking her best friend.”
Your nails dig into Wooyoung’s back as your core starts to throb around Wooyoung’s cock, “He would see how good I’m making you feel, and he would know by the way your pretty little moans sound that he’s never made you feel this good.”
Without warning the coil in your stomach finally snapped. Wooyoung’s name came out of your mouth like it was the only word you knew. The feeling of you cumming was enough to push Wooyoung off the edge of his orgasm.
Your moans got even louder when you felt Wooyoung’s hot spurts of cum cover your walls. Wooyoung’s moans and groans engraved themselves into your brain as he was right next to your ear.
Your legs were shaking even after Wooyoung had pulled out and was laying next to you. Your cheeks burned red as both you and Wooyoung’s eyes were glued to your legs.
“Has Seonghwa ever made you feel that good before?” Wooyoung asked seriously. You let out a dry laugh before looking at Wooyoung with raised eyebrows, “What did that just look… and sound like?”
Wooyoung laughed before pulling you back on top of him. One of his arms wrapped around your waist while his other hand started running its fingers through your hair, “Like a no?”
You looked up to Wooyoung with a small smile, “Yep…” you looked at the clock on your bedside table and saw that it was only just after midnight, “Woo, we need to get dressed…”
Wooyoung agrees but neither of you make any effort to actually move. Wooyoung feels you becoming heavier on top of him signaling you’re falling asleep. He knows he can’t leave you naked on the bed for Seonghwa to see you and become even more suspicious so he carefully rolls you over to your back and gets up.
He goes over to the drawers and tries to find you some underwear to put on. While he’s over there he finds a pair of shorts and a T-shirt to put on you as well.
He places the clothes on the bed and looks around to find the clothes he had just previously ripped off of you, as much as he wanted you for himself he wouldn’t hurt Seonghwa to know that he had slept with you.
Once he puts the soiled clothing in the dirty clothes he quickly puts his clothes back on so he can go dress you.
As he carefully slips your underwear on you he feels a sudden wave of guilt. He tries his best not to let Seonghwa’s voice in the back of his head get to him as he continues to dress you.
He lifts your top half up as he puts your head through the hole. You mumbled something before you placed your head in Wooyoung’s neck and wrapped your arms around him, “L-Let me see your arms sweetheart.”
You whine quietly before sticking out your arms for Wooyoung and once he succeeded in fully dressing you, you wrapped your arms around him again and pulled him on top of you.
Wooyoung smiled fondly at you when he felt your grip tighten, “Love you Woo.” His heart clenched in his chest, “I love you more sweetheart.” He loved you more than words can explain but he knows you don’t love him in the same way, you couldn’t. Not when you’re marrying Seonghwa.
Wooyoung really tried not to think about it and focused on your breathing and soon enough he fell asleep while holding you.
Wooyoung woke up to the loud ringing of his phone somewhere. He tried his best to answer before it woke you up too, “Hello?” Wooyoung couldn’t keep up with whoever was on the other end of the line, “Wait wait wait- who is this?”
The person groans, “Yeosang you idiot.” Wooyoung makes a noise of acknowledgement before telling him to continue. As Yeosang is talking, Wooyoung looks over to your sleeping form next to him.
You just look so peaceful and so beautiful that Wooyoung can’t help but groan in annoyance making Yeosang stop talking, “What?”
Wooyoung carefully gets up to go to the kitchen so he wouldn’t wake you up, “Yeosang I fucked up big time.”
Yeosang pauses and Wooyoung hears shuffling so he's assuming he’s going somewhere else, “Please don’t tell me what I think happened…”
“Are you at your place?” Yeosang sighed harshly, “San and Yunho are here too though.”
Wooyoung nodded and went back to your room to grab his bag, “It’s okay… Seonghwa?”
“Oh his way back home… so you better leave before you feel too guilty.” Wooyoung agreed and hung up. He sits down next to you and brushes the hair out of your face before kissing you gently.
Your eyes flutter open as Wooyoung is pulling away. You grab onto his face and pull him into another kiss. When you pulled away you looked at him with your lip in between your teeth, “Are you leaving?”
Wooyoung smiles sadly and nods, “Seonghwa is coming back so I think it’s best if I go…” he watches as your eyes widen in a panic before he pulls you closer to him.
“No no no it’s okay! Hey sweetheart it’s okay, it’ll be fine.” You wrap your arms around him tightly, not wanting to let go, “Please stay?”
You looked at Wooyoung with watery eyes that made him want to give you the world, “I want to baby I really do, but Seonghwa he’s gonna be here in a minute and… I don’t think we could be in the same room as him right now.”
You nodded knowing that he was right but you still don’t pull away. Wooyoung gets up making him pick you up while he’s at it. He drops your legs so you’re standing on your tippy toes, “I love you.”
Wooyoung tightens his grip on you and rests his head on your neck, “Love you.” You finally let go of him but almost immediately grab onto his face to give him one more kiss, “Y/n-”
The way you’re looking at Wooyoung makes him weak and he can’t resist when you plea, “One last time. Please?”
Wooyoung holds your face with both of his hands as he kisses you with much love he can possibly muster. You let out a soft whine making him pull away, “I-I have to go…” you nod but when you make an effort to actually sit back down your mouth drops open and makes a noise of slight pain and discomfort.
Wooyoung snores loudly at you making you glare at him, “Sore?” You nod with a pout making Wooyoung feel a wave of pride mixed with slight anxiety, what if Seonghwa notices?
“I know that look Woo. I’ll be fine, it's okay.” Wooyoung nods once again but still looks concerned, “Want me to run you a bath? It’ll help.” You consider his offer but decline knowing that he couldn’t join you even if he wanted to.
Wooyoung finally makes his way to the front door, double checking he had everything he needed. He pulls the door open right as Seonghwa is pushing it open making him jump, “Holy shit! You scared me!” Seonghwa jumped too making him hold his hand over his heart, “Are you fucking serious?!”
The both of them stand at the doorway trying to calm down from the jump scare they both just received, “So, are you leaving already?” Wooyoung opens and closes his mouth trying to find the words before nodding, “Yeah, Yeosang asked me to take them something to eat… did y’all have fun last night?”
Seonghwa looks unsure of his answer but nods anyway, “Yeah, you know how it is with the boys… what about you and y/n?” Wooyoung panics slightly but nods, “Umm yeah, we just ate some snacks and watched a few movies.”
Seonghwa nods and they both stare at each other awkwardly before Wooyoung speaks up, “S-Sorry, I gotta go… the boys, they’re waiting.” Seonghwa nods and moves out of the way for Wooyoung to walk out.
Once Seonghwa closed the door, Wooyoung let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding in. When Wooyoung got to his car he threw his head against the steering wheel and let out a loud groan.
He fucked up big time.
When Wooyoung drives to Yeosang’s place he actually stops to go get food knowing they’re probably starving… plus if Seonghwa asks he doesn’t want him to know he was lying.
When he knocks on the door, San opens it with a large smile when he sees the bags of food Wooyoung was holding.
Wooyoung doesn’t even greet san before shoving the bags of food into his hands and walking into the apartment, “I fucked up.”
Yeosang and Yunho who were sitting at the table drinking coffee looked towards him. San followed Wooyoung completely confused, “Like our order?”
“No you idiot.” Wooyoung sits at one of the empty chairs at the table before looking at Yeosang with an extremely distressed look, “We- I fucked up big time Yeosang.”
Yunho’s eyes widen when he gets an idea of what happened, “We? As in You and y/n?” Wooyoung wanted nothing more than to say no and lie but whenever he nodded all three boys in front of him exploded.
“Wooyoung are you fucking kidding me?!” San had nothing else to say knowing that you had lied straight through your teeth whenever Seonghwa had called you. But then again what did he expect you to say, ‘Yeah I’m fucking my best friend’ obviously not.
“Even after Seonghwa had called her? After she told me straight up that that didn’t happen?” Yeosang really doesn’t look surprised but Yunho on the other hand looks like he’s having a heart attack.
Wooyoung shakes his head in response to San’s question, “So before?!” Wooyoung suddenly feels an immense amount of guilt as he shakes his head again.
San looks confused for a moment before his mouth drops open, “While we were on the fucking phone Wooyoung!” Wooyoung has never wanted to lie more in his entire life but he can’t bring himself to do it so he slowly nods.
A million expressions pass through San’s face and Wooyoung can’t stand the harsh glares of his friends, “Wooyoung- they’re getting married… MARRIED WOOYOUNG!” Wooyoung scoffs at Yunho who’s looking at him like he’s trash.
“You don’t think I fucking know that? It was just a kiss Yunho a-and then I pulled away. We both said we couldn’t do it but then she kissed me again…” Their glares soften as they see as Wooyoung starts to tear up.
“And I asked her like 3 times if she wanted me to keep going and every time she said yes. I-I’m not saying it’s y/n’s fault… because I was the one that started it. And yeah I know it wasn’t a very smart decision but I- Yunho I love her so much.”
Yunho sends Wooyoung a sad smile as he continues. All the boys know how Wooyoung feels about you so in all honesty they really don’t blame either of you, “I love her so fucking much and in that moment I know she felt the same way… I just couldn’t handle it. And Yunho this morning when I told her I had to go- she kissed me again and begged me not to leave. She begged me to stay and give her kisses while we laid together but I couldn’t. I couldn’t Yunho, not when Seonghwa was on his way home to come back to his fiancé.”
Wooyoung wipes the tears that are falling whenever he finally stops talking. The three boys look between each other not knowing what to do or say, “Do you think she’s going to go through with it?” Wooyoung looked at the other boys expectantly with nothing but Hope filling his eyes.
In all honesty they really didn’t think you were, but it wasn’t their business to put out there. “You know Wooyoung… I don’t know. I really don’t know, but for now all we can do is wish the best for both of them…” San put his arm around Wooyoung, trying his best to comfort him in any way possible.
You saw Seonghwa open the door to your room with a large smile. You got up from the bed to wrap your arms around him in a big hug. You squeezed your eyes shut as you let out a shaky breath, “How was your night?”
“We had fun, believe it or not, I wasn’t the one who got the drunkest.” You laughed softly as you pulled away.
You sat back down with a slight grunt, “You alright?”
You nodded as you swallowed harshly, “I slept wrong, my back hurts.” Seonghwa nods in understanding.
He walks to the bathroom and you flop back onto the bed. You shut your eyes and cover your face with your hands as you felt like crying.
As you tried to focus on your breathing Seonghwa came out of the bathroom and pulled on your hand. You looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows, “I ran you a bath princess.”
You smile and follow Seonghwa, “I��ll let you relax alright?” You nod as he kisses you on the cheek, thankful that he doesn’t want to join you.
As soon as Seonghwa walked out you locked the door behind him and looked at yourself in the mirror. You couldn’t do this. You scanned yourself in the mirror as you took your clothes off, trying to make sure there weren’t any hickeys on you.
You carefully went to sit down in the bath with a pained expression and a groan. You soaked your body in the water and bubbles and you couldn’t stop the tears that started flowing from your eyes.
You couldn’t stop the soft sobs and the way your body shook. You needed Wooyoung.
You don’t know how long you sat there and cried but the water was now cold and your fingers were wrinkly.
You looked down and your eyes widened as you saw the bruises on your thighs and hips, “Shit Wooyoung-”
“Are you okay in there?!” Seonghwa knocked on the door and called out to you.
“Umm… yeah I’m okay! I’m getting out now!” You looked at yourself in the mirror one more time and you could tell you had been crying for who knows how long. You tighten the towel that’s wrapped around you as you walk back into your shared room to get some clothes to change into.
You made sure you grabbed a pair of sweats to cover the bruises and a random shirt. You grabbed your phone and pressed San’s contact as you walked out of the room, ignoring Seonghwa who was looking at you.
San answered your call almost immediately, “Hey my love, what’s up?”
“San cut the bullshit, I know he’s there.” San was quiet on the other line before you heard a door close.
Your breathing was shaky and you walked out of your apartment, needing to get some fresh air, “Y/n what the fuck were you thinking? You’re getting married!”
You laughed dryly, “Do you think I don’t fucking know that? I’m not oblivious to what I did.”
“You lied right through your teeth. How do you think Seonghwa would feel?” Tears started pricking at your eyes again because you know you would’ve broken Seonghwa’s heart.
You know how much Seonghwa loves you and it hurts you knowing that your love for Seonghwa isn’t as strong, “San I don’t know what to do.”
“I don’t know what you want me to do lovely… you’re getting married in a week. A week y/n. You need to decide if you’re going to call it off or not.”
You shook your head, “I can’t do that Sannie. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
You heard a sigh, “You need to talk to Seonghwa. Y/n I know you don’t want to go through with it. No matter what decision you make, it’s going to hurt Seonghwa.”
You didn’t even realise you started crying again until San started trying to comfort you, “Hey, y/n, listen to me. Everything is gonna be okay. You and Wooyoung will work it out.”
You nodded more to yourself, “Y-You’re right. Look, I got to go. Take care of Wooyoung for me.” You didn’t let San respond before you hung up the phone and shut your eyes.
You fucked up and you knew it. You were getting married in a few days and you just cheated on the man you’re getting married to.
You dragged your feet as you walked back to your apartment, wanting to take as much time as possible getting there.
Seonghwa was at the door and immediately walked to you whenever you walked back in. You stiffened as Seonghwa pulled you into a hug, “What’s wrong princess?”
“N-Nothing. It’s nothing, I’m okay.” Seonghwa pulled away and held your face in his hands. He raised his eyebrows at you, knowing that something was wrong, “I’m sorry. I’m just really stressed with everything going on.”
Seonghwa nodded in understanding, “It’s okay. I’ll take care of everything, we’ll work it out. Love you.”
“Love you.”
Your wedding day. It’s the day that should be the happiest moment of anyone’s life. You and Wooyoung haven’t seen each other since… then, but he texted you this morning making sure that you were okay.
Your mom and San and a couple other members of your family were helping you with your hair and makeup, San was just there for emotional support.
Everyone could see it in your face, you didn’t want to do this. Everyone tiptoed around you being careful not to mention Wooyoung or being married even though you were literally sitting there in your wedding dress looking out the window.
Your wedding was at the beach. It was supposed to be beautiful. There was a breeze, the ocean looked absolutely beautiful, and it was sunny.
The perfect wedding right?
San made sure you had everything you needed because you really didn’t have any motivation. You had barely finished your vows and Seonghwa had gotten his done months ago.
It was time that San had to leave and go help Seonghwa and the rest of the boys. San pulled you into a hug and you didn’t want to let go, “S-San please stay.”
“You’ll be okay darling. Just… don’t force yourself to do anything okay? You’ll know what the right decision is when you get up there.” San gave you an unconvincing smile but you nodded and took a deep breath.
San gave you a kiss on the forehead and one last hug before he went to join Seonghwa and Wooyoung.
San’s heart physically broke whenever he walked into the opposite room. He could see how happy Seonghwa looked and how Wooyoung looked like he was going to cry.
San felt so awkward but he was pained by his friends. He walked over to where the rest of the boys were, “What the fuck is going on?”
San made sure to speak quietly so neither Wooyoung or Seonghwa could hear them, “Dude there’s no way.”
“No?” Yunho looked at San with a sad smile as he shook his head.
The three boys sat there quietly as they watched Wooyoung try his best to keep a smile on his face as Seonghwa read his vows to Wooyoung. They really felt bad for Wooyoung.
Once poor Wooyoung confirmed his vows, it was time. Seonghwa stood in front of y’alls family and friends with Wooyoung next to him looking like he wanted to be anywhere but there.
If literally everyone was being honest, they didn’t think they’d actually be sitting there looking at Seonghwa. No one had ever imagined anyone else but Wooyoung standing there.
You wanted Wooyoung to walk you down the aisle but in the end it didn’t seem very smart so you had your closest family member do it. You stood at the exit of the building trying to force yourself to walk out. You took a couple of deep breaths before you heard the music start to play.
You felt like you were going to simultaneously vomit and shit yourself.
Your heart felt heavy as you saw Seonghwa looking happier than ever and your feet felt more like cinder blocks the closer you got.
You were tearing up and before you knew it, your body was shaking with soft sobs. Seonghwa was the complete opposite, his eyes shone with only love as he took your hands in his.
Wooyoung had the dreaded task of being the ring bearer, even though he wasn’t a child, so he walked from his spot next to Seonghwa in front of the two of you to hand Seonghwa the box with the rings.
Wooyoung gave you the most pained smile you’ve ever seen and you couldn’t help yourself when you pulled Wooyoung in for a hug. You both held onto each other so tight, absolutely terrified of letting go. Finally Wooyoung decided to pull away with teary eyes and quickly went back to his spot.
Usually the groom goes first in saying his vows, but you decided that you wanted to start out.
You forced out a laugh as you started, “Seonghwa… we’ve known each other for the longest time. After I realised that you were just a big softie who smelt like c-cinnamon all the time… cinnamon… that’s how you make me feel, warm like cinnamon.”
Wooyoung’s heart froze. Maybe it was just a coincidence? It had to be. Until you said it again… and again… and when you gave Wooyoung the look, he knew he had to do something.
What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t just grab you and run, but he also couldn’t let you exchange rings.
Wooyoung’s adrenaline was pumping and he was suddenly glad he was there. His breathing got faster and he started shifting his weight anxiously, “You okay Woo?” San, who had noticed Wooyoung’s shift in mood was now… concerned to say the least.
Wooyoung couldn’t focus on anything else you were saying and before he knew it you had the ring and Seonghwa had his hand held out.
Your hand was so shaky and your vision was blurry from all the tears and you dropped the ring. That was Wooyoung’s opportunity, “I’ll get it-”
You glanced at Wooyoung and you knew, “I-I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Seonghwa- I’m sorry, I love you so much.”
Behind Seonghwa, the boys shut their eyes in anticipation and your mom gave Wooyoung a knowing look with a nod.
Seonghwa looked confused for a minute before Wooyoung successfully found the ring and gave it to Seonghwa.
You and Wooyoung looked at each other for a minute before he grabbed your hand and started running.
You wanted to look back but you couldn’t. You couldn’t bring yourself to see the look on Seonghwa’s face as you ran away with Wooyoung.
You listened to the gasps of everyone you passed by but in all honesty, most weren’t surprised.
San, Yunho, and Yeosang looked at each other in both shock and relief. They honestly were really close to running with the two of you.
It was dead silent besides the sound of the ocean. No one knew what to do. Do they just… leave? Do they wait? If you ran you’re probably… not coming back.
San really wanted to cheer you on but it would obviously be a little bit insensitive with Seonghwa standing there so he contained his cheers with the biggest smile on his face.
Seonghwa couldn’t even comprehend what happened. There was no emotion on his face. He looked at the ring in his hand to where you and Wooyoung were distant.
The two of you couldn’t be seen anymore and you finally stopped Wooyoung, “W-Wooyoung I’m in heels. The beach isn’t nice to heels.”
“Let me carry you then.” Wooyoung lifted you up bridal style and walked you back to the parking lot. When he found his car and let you down and looked at you with a cheesy smile.
You rolled your eye at him with a matching smile as you got into his car. As soon as Wooyoung got in he took off before anyone could find y’all. You watched Wooyoung as he was driving, “Do you think that was a little too harsh?”
Wooyoung thought for a moment, “Umm, I- maybe wasn’t the best outcome but it wasn’t the worst.”
You bit your lip in thought before you spoke, “Wooyoung I love you.”
Wooyoung glanced over to you as he pulled into the parking lot of the hotel he was staying at, “I love you.”
“No- Wooyoung I love you a-and I’m so sorry that I had to make you go through that.”
“Y-n, it’s okay-”
“No it’s not. It was so much unnecessary pain for the both of us. Me and Seonghwa, we were never going to work out. It just wasn’t meant to be. You’re what I want- no need. You’re my soulmate Wooyoung, and I know that’s cheesy and I understand if you just wanna give up on me and just be friends again… but that’s okay. It’s better than not being with you at all. It was so hard Wooyoung- I’m so used to being with you 24/7, i'm used to the way we used to cuddle, the way you would hold me and make me feel like everything is going to be okay and I miss it so much-” you continued to ramble until Wooyoung grabbed your face to get you to stop.
Your heart already felt like it was going to explode but when Wooyoung pressed his lips against yours, everything was calm.
It was right. This is how it was supposed to happen, with Wooyoung. Wooyoung was what you needed.
You pulled away with a smile, “Come on.” You got out of the car and walked into the hotel with Wooyoung trailing behind you. Y’all got a few stares along with a couple of ‘congratulations’ thrown at you making you laugh at Wooyoung's flushed cheeks.
Wooyoung takes your hand in his as he leads you to his hotel room. He immediately shuts the door and you move to sit on the bed.
The tension in the room was thick. You both knew what you wanted to happen but neither of you were making the move.
“Kiss me Wooyoung.”
That was the only push he needed. Wooyoung’s lips crashed against yours as you leaned back so you were laying on the bed. Wooyoung hovered over you and you held onto him tightly.
When Wooyoung pulled away he looked at your dress and laughed softly, “I- I don’t know how to take it off…”
You groaned at Wooyoung but you sat up and directed Wooyoung how to take it off. Wooyoung tried not to ruin the moment completely so he let his lips trail along your neck and shoulder.
Wooyoung pulled you so you were standing up and let the dress fall off of you. He picked you up and laid you in the middle of the bed while biting his lip.
Wooyoung sat up and took a minute to look at you, “W-Wooyoung-”
“Patience darling, I’m taking my time with you this time.” You whined as Wooyoung lowered himself down and attached himself to your neck.
“Wooyoung you can’t-” Wooyoung scoffed against your shoulder before he started to suck marks.
“Why not? You’re mine now.” You couldn’t stop the smile that came across your face before you squealed whenever Wooyoung bit down on your neck.
Your breathing was heavy as Wooyoung slowly made his way down your body with sloppy kisses and hickeys on your chest and stomach.
Wooyoung reaches your thighs and you stop him, “W-Wait.”
You grab onto his hips and bring him lower so you could grab onto his belt. You let Wooyoung straddle your waist as you shoved your hand in his pants to release his cock.
Your mouth watered as you slowly jerked Wooyoung off. He looked down at you with dark eyes and a parted mouth. Wooyoung reached underneath you to undo your bra with a groan when he saw you exposed underneath him, “You’re so pretty and you're all mine.
Your core was throbbing with need but you just ignored it in an opt to get Wooyoung off and his cock was pulsing in your hand.
You let out soft whimpers as Wooyoung kneaded your tits in between tweaking your nipples.
Suddenly Wooyoung pulled away from you making you groan before he moved up and held his cock in front of your lips. You immediately took him between your lips and sucked on his tip lightly.
Your legs instinctively spread as Wooyoung had a hand resting on your hip. He took that as a cue to dip his hand into your panties.
Wooyoung immediately felt how wet you are with a cocky smirk on his face, “I knew you’d come back for me to fuck you properly. Good thing you’re mine now so you’ll always get fucked right, just how you deserve.”
You pulled away from Wooyoung’s cock because you knew he was on the verge of cuming, “C-Cum in me.”
Wooyoung groaned deeply, “Please Wooyoung, show me that I’m yours. Make me yours.” He watched you for a second in complete disbelief before he gathered himself and spread your legs further as he carefully pushed into you.
You moaned loudly, remembering the stretch of Wooyoung’s cock. Your pussy pulsed around his cock, pushing him over the edge. Your eyes squeezed shut and your mouth was open as you took in the feeling of Wooyoung filling you.
Your legs wrapped around Wooyoung loosely as he started to thrust inside of you. He was still fully hard and was determined to get you to cum twice because he can’t be the one getting all the pleasure.
You were already embarrassingly close to cuming untouched so you almost came immediately after Wooyoung picked up his pace.
The fact that Wooyoung was still fully dressed while you’re completely naked was a lot hotter than it should be, so you grabbed onto his tie and pulled him down to attach his lips to yours.
Sloppy noises filled the room from your kisses along with your cum mixing together on your bottom half.
All the sensations mixed together were too much for you to handle especially when Wooyoung let his fingers trail down and rub figure eights on your clit.
You let out a muffled sob as your legs wrapped around Wooyoung’s waist again and held him close to you as you came. Your sobs mixed with whines got louder as Wooyoung slowed his thrusts, “Nonono! Don’t! Please don’t stop- please Wooyoung!”
Wooyoung laughed at how desperate you were before pulling out of you. You started babbling about how you needed to cum again and Wooyoung cocked his head in fake sympathy, “Aww, do you? I guess since I’m being nice today I’ll let you cum again.”
Wooyoung swiftly pushed back into you, making tears start running down your cheeks from how good it felt, “Does my cock make you feel that good? So good that you’re crying?” You couldn’t even answer Wooyoung properly from the pleasure you were feeling.
Wooyoung couldn't understand the incoherent babbling but he continued to tease you, “Huh, look at that, not only are you crying, but you're drooling too.” Your mouth was wide open and Wooyoung snorted as he used the opportunity to press his thumb against your tongue, “You’re so messy and I can tell you're about to make an even bigger mess.” He was right, you were about to cum again.
Wooyoung was waiting for you to cum again before he did. As much as his words affect you, they do the same to him.
He gripped your hips tightly as your legs tightened further around him, completely trapping him inside of you so you could cum again. Once again with the way you were throbbing so deliciously around Wooyoung’s cock, it didn’t take long for him to cum inside of you again.
Your soft whines and Wooyoung’s groans were filling the room as you both came down from your second orgasm.
As soon as Wooyoung pulled out of you, all of your mixed cum started to drip out of you and Wooyoung watched with furrowed eyebrows. He reached over to grab his phone and before you knew it, you saw a flash go off, “Jung Wooyoung I know you did not just take a picture of my pussy-”
Wooyoung laughs and takes a couple more, “I’m gonna put it as my background.”
“I dare you…”
Wooyoung pats your knee and gets up to get a wet towel to wipe off the mess on your pussy and thighs, “I told you- so messy.”
You roll your eyes and smack Wooyoung’s arm, “It was all you!”
Wooyoung looks at you with a smug smile, “Yeah, only because I fuck you so well. Now get up.”
“Wooyoung I can’t…” he really really wanted to make another remark but he decided to stop teasing you and removed the sheet from around you before you moved off of it.
It was actually kinda late and he was surprised neither of your phones were blowing up but he realised he had his on ‘do not disturb’
As Wooyoung was getting a set of clothes to sleep in he checked his call log and saw like 50 calls from several people.
“Don't call anyone back. At least not yet…” Wooyoung looked to where you were as you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“I won’t… I want to stay with you.”
 You held your arms open for Wooyoung and he walked over to you with a smile, “But here, you need to put some clothes on before I wanna fuck you again.”
You giggle as you put on the shirt and boxers Wooyoung gave you before you wrapped your arms around him tightly.
The two of you lay in each other’s arms until you speak up softly, “I told you I’d never leave you.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.” Wooyoung didn’t take his eyes away from yours as he spoke, “I love you so much y/n and I know you’ve always felt the same a-and then you said yes when Seonghwa asked to marry you-”
“I know. It was always you Wooyoung, and I’m not going anywhere anymore. I’m all yours.”
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