#like of course no one listened to nia when she said she had a problem bc they’re all cis
darlinimamess · 10 months
i Love when they give minority characters their own episodes to highlight what they go through
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cvmercns · 3 years
hi  my  loves  !  i  just  got  out  of  work  so  i’m  sry  this  is  late  &  rushed  but  tbh  that’s  pretty  on  brand  for  me  so  (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞  .  anyways  i’m  nia  ,  she  /  her  pronouns  ,  and  this  is  luca  and  he’s  a  garbage  boi  so  here  we  go  !
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luca cameron was spotted in the fashion district adorning vltn combat boots , with some airpod pros on . they’re most likely listening to daywalker! by machine gun kelly . you may know them as @lewcuh or as that dylan minnette lookalike . their twenty-third birthday just passed . while living in tribeca , they’ve gained a bit of a reputation . they’re known to be vagarious but on the other hand innovative . wonder if they’ll be the next person to hit the headlines . ( cismale / he / him )
NAME :  luca  anthony  cameron
AGE :  twenty - three
DATE  OF  BIRTH:  december 13th ,  1997
ZODIAC :   sagittarius  
PLACE  OF  BIRTH / HOMETOWN :  jersey  city  ,  new  jersey
GENDER :  cismale
PRONOUNS :  he  /  him
ORIENTATION :  pansexual 
PARENTS :  elliott  cameron  &  cassandra  scott
SIBLINGS :  xavier  cameron
CAREER :  musician  (  the  neighbourhood  career  claim  )
MUSE  PARALLELS  :  steve  -  o  (  slc  punk  ) ,  stu  (  scream  )  ,  patrick  verona  (  10  things  i  hate  about  you  )  ,  richie  tozier  (  it  )  ,  cliff  pantone  (  bring  it  on )  ,  jd  (  heathers  )
luca  was  born  in  jersey  city  on  a  cold  ass  ,  snowy  december  day 
his  parents  ,  at  the  time  ,  were  thrilled  to  add  another  member  to  their  small  family  after  trying  to  get  pregnant  for  years  after  giving  birth  to  their  first  son
from  what  luca  remembers  of  the  first  ten  years  of  his  life  ,  it  was  pretty  normal  ,  pretty  happy  aside  from  his  older  brother  doing  older  brother  things  to  make  his  life  hell
he  was  in  fifth  grade  was  when  he  started  to  notice  a  change  in  his  family  --  his  dad  seemed  to  work  a  lot  ,  slept  on  the  couch  often  ,  he  could  hear  arguing  coming  from  their  room  at  all  hours  of  the  day
his  brother  ,  about  fourteen  at  the  time  ,  would  distract  him  with  video  games  and  skateboarding  lessons  because  he  was  old  enough  to  know  what  was  going  on
the  next  year  was  when  his  parents  filed  for  divorce  ,  and  of  course  at  the  time  he  didn’t  know  it  was  because  his  dad  had  been  cheating  on  his  mom  but  he  did  get  remarried  awfully  quick  so  it  didn’t  take  a  genius  to  figure  it  out
his  mom  had  family  in  new  york  so  that’s  where  she  moved  them  ,  close  enough  that  they  could  spend  their  mandatory  weekends  with  their  dad  ,  although  once  his  new  wife  got  pregnant  those  visits  dwindled  down  to  nothing
and  when  he  was  fourteen  his  mom  got  remarried  too  ,  the  same  year  his  brother  left  for  college  ,  leaving  luca  to  deal  with  them  alone
so  high  school  was  rough  for  him  .  he  was  in  detention  a  lot  ,  one  of  those  kids  that  you  just  expected  to  get  in  trouble  on  any  day  ending  in  a  y
he’s  done  it  all  --  smoked  cigarettes  behind  the  bleachers  ,  spiked  the  punch  at  dances  ,  graffitied  any  available  surface  ,  argued  with  teachers  over  the  smallest  things
he’s  generally  not  a  dick  ,  so  the  therapists  his  stepdad  sent  him  to  said  he  did  it  for  attention  and  also  probably  because  he  has  add  (  he  just  sold  whatever  they  prescribed  him  so  joke’s  on  them  )
his  stepdad  wasn’t  terrible  ,  but  obviously  not  the  paternal  type  ,  always  acting  like  luca  was  some  cat  that  he  just  had  to  make  sure  to  leave  food  out  for
but  jeez  was  he  rich  ,  some  soulless  businessman  type  that  liked  to  make  money  but  liked  to  spend  it  even  more  ,  always  flying  his  mom  out  to  tropical  vacations  and  buying  luca  whatever  new  iphone  or  playstation  just  came  out  ,  probably  just  to  keep  him  from  bitching  too  much
his  mom  ,  though  he  loves  her  to  death  and  knows  she  was  just  trying  to  give  him  the  best  possible  life  ,  was  easily  won  over  by  the  money  ;  she  loved  the  nights  spent  at  expensive  restaurants  and  hotels  ,  loved  going  to  broadway  shows  and  spending  thousands  on  a  single  shopping  trip
so  she  wasn’t  around  much  either  ,  but  luca  kept  his  mouth  shut  because  he  figured  she  deserved  it  after  dealing  with  his  dad  for  all  those  years
and  luca  figured  he’d  make  the  best  out  of  the  situation  ,  asking  his  stepdad  for  music  lessons  and  drum  sets  and  guitars  because  he  had  always  been  interested  in  learning  to  play
he  met  his  best  friends  and  bandmates  through  school  --  at  first  they  were  just  fucking  around  and  jamming  in  one  of  their  garages  ,  and  when  the  idea  of  making  a  band  came  up  he  just  went  with  it  ,  never  having  been  all  that  interested  in  academics  anyways
one  of  them  had  a  family  member  in  the  music  business  which  is  how  their  first  ep  got  made  when  luca  was  eighteen  ,  and  unexpectedly  shot  them  into  the  spotlight  when  their  song  sweater  weather  blew  up  (  the  neighbourhood  is  his  career  claim  --  lead  vocals  anyways  --  and  as  of  rn  they’ve  put  out  the  albums  i  love  you  ,  wiped  out  ,  and  the  neighbourhood  )
luca  is  ...  for  sure  a  sagittarius  askdflj
he  loves  change  ,  loves  switching  things  up  constantly  because  he  gets  bored  faster  than  the  flash  can  run  a  mile
for  that  reason  ,  he’s  kind  of  a  terrible  boyfriend  .  not  that  he’d  cheat  or  anything  ,  but  it’s  hard  to  hold  his  attention  and  keep  him  in  one  place
he  does  try  because  he’s  a  very  loyal  person  ,  like  will  for  sure  go  to  jail  for  you  if  he  loves  you  ,  but  it  does  take  a  lot  of  dedication  to  become  someone  important  to  him
he’s  a  super  fun  person  to  be  around  ,  always  up  for  anything  ,  doesn’t  stay  in  a  bad  mood  for  too  long  (  partly  because  he  has  a  shit  memory  but  oh  well  )
but  he  does  have  his  mood  swings  here  and  there  ,  you  never  rly  know  what’s  gonna  set  him  off  ,  he  could  be  laughing  one  minute  and  then  throwing  things  at  a  wall  the  next
should  probably  go  to  therapy  again  but  he’d  sooner  eat  glass
might  have  a  partying  problem  but   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  he  got  super  famous  at  eighteen  what  else  can  you  expect
probably  high  99%  of  the  time
he  likes  to  think  he’s  a  bad  boy  but  he’s  a  fucking  sweetheart  ,  11/10  cries  at  tiktoks  of  dogs
speaking  of  which  ,  he  has  an  alaskian  malamute  named  squidward
idk  what  else  to  add  here  ,  the  backstory  was  pretty  long  so  i’ll  give  y’all  a  break  <3
so  that’s  it  !  if  u  wanna  plot  (  which  i  would  luv  )  u  can  like  this  &  i’ll  come  message  u  ,  or  u  can  dm  me  here  or  on  discord  𝔡𝔯. 𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔰 𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔬𝔤𝔤𝔞𝔫#9874  .  can’t  wait  to  rp  with  all  u  cuties   ❤️
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bokutoisbestowl · 4 years
Serendipitous!Y/n and Bokuto
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Okay okay okay, so when baby Y/n was born Bokuto was starstruck
this thing was his sister
and it was so
s m a l l
how was that even pOSSIBLE!??
Super protective brother (did that even need to be said?)
is also super clingy, kinda like how is with Akaashi but slightly worse?? 
When they were kids, momma Bokuto couldn’t put baby Y/n down for a nap without Kou joining her and when Kou stopped taking his naps boi cried because one: why in the fuck does Y/n still get naps and I don’t that's RUDE and two SHE’S ALONE and PRECIOUS and needs PROTECTING
honestly their mom deserves a break holy shit (you just know she had that one glass of wine a day to help destress
Whenever bby girl got a new toy, Bokuto is there interrogating it like
“Okay Mr Owl. If that is your rEAL nAME!”
has all her teddy’s standing in a kline whilst he marches up and down
“Now you listen here! you gotta protect my little sister!!”
honestly he is the cutest little shit
 when they grew up he was really hesitant to let her play volleyball with him on account of his strong arm and this only got worse when she joined Fukurodani
Her and Akaashi were instant friends, they had to be since wherever Bokuto goes, Y/n followed.
with his help, y/n managed to convince Bokuto to let Y/n join the team as a manager
Unlike Doodles!Kuroo!Y/n, Serendipitous!Bokuto!Y/n didn’t have any first year friends or really hang out with anyone outside of the team.
Even then she was only really acquaintances and this was simply because she is a bokuto and therefore clingy af
she’s chill with it tho she knows people in her class and hangs out with Akaashi and her brother during breaks and after school
she’s kinda intelligent but can struggle with things
slightly more competent that her brother hence why she becomes his PA.
y/n is tasked with looking after Bokuto at the training camps, she was there when Bokuto and Kuroo blasted Tsukishima and trained him
(she apologised to Daichi with Kuroo and suddenly the Karasuno third years had a third fav girl)
so when shes not helping her brother with volleyball, bby is rescuing birds
has fostered around 10 baby owlets that were born in a tree in a nearby park which kept getting the attention of cats (homegirl really felt some type of way towards nekoma after this)
has several veterinary books in her room (specifically about birds and birds of prey)
her and bokuto are said to be similar to owls (she got them golden eyes) and lowkey took after her brother when it comes to behaviourisms
she legit photoshopped his face onto an owl and has it as her phone background
her hobby is lowkey dangerous and she comes home with scratches all the time
“ion know why you do this y/n. you gunna get tetris or smth”
“Kou, they are my Children- wait did you say tetris?”
“you know that dirty one”
“the dirty one”
“yeah yeah the dirty one!!”
“bro tetris is a game. you mean Tetanus.”
“Pft yeah right, you just wanted an excuse to say anus”
“... what?”
this is another reason why Bo is knowledgeable about first aid (he’s sporty he knows some basics about first aid)
he took a genuine course on that shit 
they study in each others rooms when it comes to home work
if any of the team came round then they’d find bo at his desk and Y/n led on either the bed or the floor, kicking her feet in the air and trying to solve a problem
they have also found them both with headbands, face masks, dressing gowns and trashy magazines
legit spa days (akaashi gets dragged to them)
they do have their moments
they have been doing dares since they were 10, playing games such as odds on and just plain old dares
so bokuto once did “odds on you acting like a cat for the day?” when he was bored
y/n weighed her options and stated out of 5
oh baby, oh sweetie, oh hunny
she lost and Bo was feeling evil that day
had a laser pointed it and pointed it to the wall, making her having to chase it
he pointed it to the other side of the wall and baby FLUNG herself
she hit that wall with a SmAcC
Bokuto pissed himself laughing and was so glad he caught it
y/n dared him to google “a will to live” and the shopping tag showed up
Bokuto is legit running to his car
speaking off
they sneak out the house for sibling trips to mcdonalds
“ay.... ay y/n”
“kou… it’s 3 AM why are you in my room?”
“..... you want a 20 piece?”
“.... I want that sweet and sour too”
“okay boo boo you do you”
they will rein act tiktoks and vines
Proceeds to yeet it at poor Bokuto’s head
poor babies hit their heads on EVERYTHING
they loose braincells each time
the team have a compilations and have edited it to the sound of the Nintendo wii music
it was sent to the black jackels and it’s TsumTsums ringtone for Y/n
he laughs everytime
y/n followed Kou when he went to the black jackels, and a few weeks later - realising his sister couldn’t really look after herself properly and was struggling to find a job, made her his personal assistant
that way they spend time together AND she gets paid
Kou wants nothing more than for y/n to go to a veterinary school and become a vet/bird rescuer like she’s always wanted but is happy to know that she’s somewhat satisfied with her life right now
y/n wants nothing more than to support her brother - her rescuing days aren’t over, she just doesn’t know the right spots to be looking for lost/injured birdies
she plans to renovate the spare room in her apartment into some sort of office space
for now the siblings are happy as they are and sibling spa night is a weekly occurrence
Feedback is ALWAYS welcome! I hope you guys enjoy these hcs, Bokuto is truly the best brother - just wanting the best for his baby sister. 
MASTERLIST IS OPEN (Plenty of space left)
TAGLIST: Open (Shoot an ask if you'd like to be added!!)
@pleasemelafook-outta-ere @pattys-got-cakes @yougivemebutterfliess @dadchi-oya @ly-nia @cuddlesslut @yakus-yakult @satomiis @angelmingyu @toaster-stick @reinyrei @bokutosphatass @lilacshouko @simpywara @heheheh2547
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Love Never Does (Kara Danvers x Reader)
Prompt: Indigo: 25) “Look, I feel things when I’m with you, and it’s new and scary but I think I like it.” With Kara head over heels for the reader
Words: 2576
Warnings: None?
A/N: Yep, I did another color one when I should be doing other things. I’m sorry. But I liked this prompt so here we are.
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Kara’s hands trembled and she nervously wrung them as she waited for you and the rest of the “Superfriends” to show up. Game Night was a big deal and no one ever missed unless things were going horribly wrong so all she had to do right now was wait.
It was unusual for her to be so nervous about something as simple as Game Night, but tonight was special. Well, maybe special. It might be a total disaster. She didn’t really know but she prayed to Rao that everything worked out in her favor because if it blew up in her face, she’d be heartbroken.
Tonight was going to be the night she admitted she had feelings for you.
She was going to wait for the games to end and the others to leave (you were always the last to go, always volunteering to stay and help clean up) and then she was - hopefully - going to sit you down and tell you how she felt. It was a scary thing to do, but she was determined to get it all out in the open.
The first knock on the door had her moving at an inhuman speed. You were the only one who ever knocked, stating every time she said something that you didn’t just want to barge in.
“It’s rude, Kara,” you would laugh. “I get why Alex can do it but I’m not Alex.”
She threw the door wide and you jumped back, startled by her sudden presence. Your fist was still raised to knock but it fell to your side.
“Hi,” Kara greeted shyly, biting her lip as she looked you over.
“Hey,” you smiled, walking up to the superhero and wrapping your arms around her waist. You hugged her briefly and it left Kara wanting to pout. She wished you would have held on longer.
“How was work, Ms. Pulitzer Winner?” you asked, stepping into the threshold of her apartment.
Kara beamed, padding after you. “It was great! I met an alien who runs an animal shelter and donates so much money to other non-kill shelters to help them stay in business. She was so sweet and her animals were so cute. I almost adopted a cat but my landlord would have killed me.”
Your chest warmed at the sight of Kara’s innocent expression and the admiration in her eyes. You adored her and her genuineness. She was too good for Earth but God you were so glad to have met her.
“I’m glad,” you replied honestly, “Maybe you could take me to the shelter some time and show me around? I’ve been wanting to get a pet and my landlord doesn’t care. You could help me pick one out and, of course, you’d be able to come see them whenever.”
Kara paused. Not only did this sound like a date but the idea of sharing a pet with you made her heart pound in her chest. Maybe tonight wouldn’t go badly at all.
“T-that sounds great!” Kara squeaked, her cheeks going crimson.
You didn’t understand Kara’s blush but you found it precious all the same.
“How was things in the lab?” Kara inquired, rubbing her hands over her cheeks to will the blood away.
You were Lena’s lead scientist at L-Corp and honestly, you loved your job. You were in charge of projects and helping the other scientists if they slammed into a mental wall. It was the best job you could think of and you wouldn’t change it for the world.
Plus it had brought you so wonderful friends whom you wouldn’t trade for anything.
“Oh, things are going. A couple of the guys are stuck on this formula and I’ve been trying to help them but we’re all a little confused it seems.”
Kara chewed her lip. “The next time you’re free you could bring it by and I might be able to help. I was supposed to go into the science guild on Krypton and your science on Earth isn’t really advanced so maybe I could help you solve your mystery.”
Grinning, you threw your arms around Kara and squeezed. “Thank you! It’s been days and we’re still lost,” you admitted.
Kara relished your arms around her and the way your scent lingered even as you let go. “You’re welcome, (Y/N). You know I’d do anything for you,” she said thoughtlessly, her eyes widening the moment she realized what she said.
Your brow arched at the admittance but before you could say anything, the door flew open and Alex announced herself loudly, Kelly not too far behind shaking her head.
You waved at the newcomers and took the beer from Alex’s arm, snagging a bottle as you set the box on the counter. You cracked it open and sipped, eyeing Kara as she grabbed Alex’s wrist and tugged her towards her bedroom, leaving you and Kelly bewildered.
“Do you know what that was about?” Kelly wondered.
“No idea,” you shrugged.
“What do you mean you’re telling (Y/N) how you feel? How do you feel?” Alex questioned, confusion shining in her eyes.
“I think I’m in love with her,” Kara whispered, her arms wrapped around her waist.
Alex was stunned. She prided herself on knowing Kara but she had obviously missed something. “You love her?”
Nodding, Kara stared imploringly at Alex. She was silently begging her to understand.
“Come here.” Alex beckoned Kara over and embraced her, rubbing her little sister’s back. “I’m proud of you for admitting it. I’m sorry I didn’t pay more attention. (Y/N) is great and you two would make the cutest couple. Well, second to Kelly and me but still,” Alex teased.
With a watery laugh, Kara nodded. “I hope it all works out. I’m so nervous,” she mumbled.
“It will,” Alex said confidently. “(Y/N) would be stupid not to feel the same and we both know she is not stupid.”
Kara heard the door opening and the rest of the group pouring into her apartment. She let go of Alex and wiped the tears that gathered in her eyes away. “Well, everyone’s here.”
“Then let’s go party!” Alex grinned, leading Kara from the bedroom and back into the living room.
Kara found you chatting with Brainy and Nia, discussing Dreamer’s latest heroics. You were always so intrigued by the notion of heroes and knowing two of them just made you wish you were one. It also made you worry - a lot. These heroes were your friends; you wanted them safe.
Lena and James were standing in the corner, their break up still fresh though it was obvious they were trying to work out their problems so that it wouldn’t affect the dynamic of the group. Kelly was nearby, secretly listening to the former couple talk. She couldn’t help it; James was her brother and Lena was her friend.
As Kara joined you, your arm instinctively came around her and you hugged her momentarily before looking at her. “You okay?”
Kara nodded, her palms sweating and heart racing. “Y-Yeah! I’m fine.” She smiled, hoping to hide her nerves. “What do you think we should play first?”
“Not Monopoly,” J’onn piped up from the kitchen, a drink in his hand. “I refuse to play that again with Lena.”
Heading her name, Lena’s head snapped around and she playfully glared at J’onn. “You just don’t want to lose again.”
“You’re right,” J’onn agreed with a shrug.
Snickering silently, you and Nia shared a look.
“I think we should play Scrabble,” Nia suggested.
You nodded. “Definitely.”
In a room full of brilliant people, Scrabble was such an interesting endeavor, considering there were three scientists, a former DEO Director, three journalists, a psychologist and a brainiac from a different time. The board was always full of strange words that would have left most people scratching their heads.
“We should do teams,” you gasped, “Do you know how cool that would be?”
“I call Nia,” Brainy announced immediately, touching his girlfriend’s arm.
“Kelly!” Alex shouted, wildly gesturing for the woman to join her on the chair.
Smirking, you latched onto Kara’s bicep and batted your eyes at her. “Wanna be my partner?”
Swallowing drily, Kara nodded. “Sounds like fun,” she murmured, almost breathless. She wanted to be your partner in more ways than one but this was a good start.
“I call J’onn,” Lena said from across the room, stepping away from her ex. “I believe we could have a spectacular partnership.” She winked at the older man and he chuckled, accepting the offer with a raise of his cup.
James sighed. “I guess I’m on my own,” he muttered irritably, though he couldn’t blame Lena for ditching him.
Kara hurriedly set up the game, ignoring the shake of her hands as she put out the pieces. Kelly, ever observant, noticed but Alex’s quick jerk of the head kept her from asking. You settled on the couch, waiting for your partner to join you and watched the others pair up.
Tonight was going to be awesome.
No one was surprised that you and Kara won - or that Lena and J’onn came in second. Both of your vocabularies were spectacular and it made sense that you two would conjure such words out of nothingness.
None of you, however, had realized how late it had gotten. The game had lasted way longer than you’d anticipated and now the others were planning to leave. Lena first, since she had to be up so early though James and J’onn weren’t far behind.
“Are you sure you don’t need any help?” Nia asked, staring at the empty chip bowls and drinks scattered about.
“Don’t worry, Nia, we’ve got this,” you assured her, gathering up some of the bottles near you.
Nodding, Nia hugged Kara before dragging Brainy out of the apartment.
Alex lingered by the door, her hand clasped in Kelly’s. “I’ll see you tomorrow for breakfast, right?”
Kara hesitated and Alex amended her question. “I’ll see you unless something comes up?”
Nodding firmly, Kara waved at her sister before the door slammed closed behind her.
The apartment was silent yet it wasn’t uncomfortable. You and Kara simply worked around each other. You knew Kara could do this by herself in seconds but she never rebuffed your help so you always stayed. You didn’t mind, though. Spending time with Kara was your favorite part of any day.
Once things were finally in place and the trash was tossed, you peered at the door. “I guess I should be going,” you remarked, a little sad to leave this wonderful woman’s presence.
“A-actually, can you stay for a minute? I was hoping we could talk. I mean, if you can’t that’s okay too. You might have plans or something and I didn’t think about that...” Kara would have continued rambling on, but you grabbing her hand and leading her towards the couch stopped her word-vomit.
“Is everything okay?” you asked, concerned by the terror swirling in ocean eyes. “You’ve seemed a little off all night.”
Kara stared at your connected hands, the words dying on her tongue as she reveled in your warmth. She had so much she wanted to say yet she couldn’t get it out. Usually if she was scared or anxious, she wouldn’t shut up but in this moment, she had no idea what to say.
“Kara?” you prompted, slowly pulling your hand away.
Before you could fully inch back, her hand was in yours again, fingers tangled together as she struggled to find the right thing to say. Seeing her in such turmoil, you stayed quiet, your thumb stroking the back of her hand comfortingly as you waited. It was obvious something of importance was bothering her; you just didn’t know what.
Kara inhaled sharply, the dam holding her back finally breaking as words spilled forth. “I think I have feelings for you. Wait,” she shook her head, panic in her voice, “I know that I have feelings for you. You’re my favorite person. When your name shows up on my phone, my heart feels like a hummingbird got trapped and when I see you I feel like I’m flying - and I know what that feels like! You’re my favorite partner at Game Night and when you leave, you take a part of me with you. I think you’re so beautiful and smart and funny and sweet and I don’t want to spend time with anyone as much as I want to spend it with you...” she trailed off, your stunned expression terrifying her.
“Kara...” you didn’t know what to say, completely blown away by her admissions.
“Look, I feel things when I’m with you, and it’s new and scary but I think I like it because I like you. I think I’m in love with you, (Y/N). And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same, but -”
You threw yourself at the superhero, catching her by surprise. Slamming into her felt like hitting a soft-fleshed, steel-muscled brick wall but you didn’t care. All you wanted was Kara’s lips on yours - now.
A noise of surprise escaped Kara when your mouth crashed into hers, her arms encircling your waist. When she realized what was happening, Kara’s eyes slipped closed and she reciprocated the affection presented eagerly, her lips moving against yours as you poured everything into it.
You didn’t know if you could call this love - not yet - but you cared about Kara in a way that was definitely not platonic. You often fantasized about kissing Kara, late at night when no one was around, but you’d never wanted your affections to get in the way of your friendship so you had tried burying them.
Maybe you should have said something after all.
“I like you too,” you whispered between the brushing of your lips.
Blood rushed to Kara’s head and a dopey grin tugged at the edges of pillow-soft flesh. “Really?”
You nodded, your forehead against hers. “Really really.”
“Oh,” Kara breathed, unable to form a coherent thought.
You giggled, pressing a kiss to Kara’s reddened cheek.
“That’s good,” she nodded, her head bobbing awkwardly.
Smiling, you leaned back, staring into those eyes you could stare into for days. “How about we get breakfast in the morning? Just you and me?”
Kara nodded enthusiastically, already planning an apology text to Alex in her head. She looked so adorable that you couldn’t help kissing her again. And again. And again.
By the fourth parting of your lips, you noticed you’d somehow managed to end up on Kara’s lap, your legs on either side of her on the couch. Kara’s strong hands gripped your waist, her chest heaving despite not really needing that much oxygen. She was staring at you like you held the moon and stars in your hand and it was so empowering - yet so humbling.
“Stay the night?” Kara requested imploringly. “Please, nothing has to happen. I just want to cuddle.”
You smiled. “You’re so cute,” you cooed, undoing her ponytail so that you could card your fingers through her blonde locks. “Cuddles sound good.”
“Yay!” Kara swept you up into her arms, earning a squeal of surprise as your legs wrapped around her torso and your hands flew up to her neck.
Love was a big word - one you couldn’t say yet - but it wouldn’t take long.
Love never does.
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38. Part 2
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My mom gasped “Robbie, why are you crying?” I sniffled wiping the tear that left, I am so stupid, but I feel highly emotional about that, he really called me mom like oh my god “what happened? Was it Chris?” My mom rubbed my back “not that, just” Mel walked over all concerned that I am being this way, I am so emotional about this “Aeko didn’t want to go with Chris, I have told Chris off about his behaviour but I have told Chris and Aeko didn’t understand that he was the one going, he was hiding behind my legs. He called me moqrm!” I spat, Mel gasped “no way!?” she spat “yeah, he called me Bobyn mom, like I am just feeling all sorts of things right now, he called me mom. What did I do to deserve such a title” placing my hand over my chest “oh god” noticing Dennis is recording, of course he is “that is because you have took the place of his mother, you have showered him with love and care, this is all he wants. All he wanted was someone that believed in him and you did, he feels it. Awww my baby, you are such a good woman” my mom hugged me, I just don’t know what I deserved to have such a title, mom “that is beautiful” Mel rubbed my back “I just don’t think I deserved it, like I was just doing what I thought was right. You know, god. It’s really hit my heart. I don’t want to ever take someone’s child away, that is not the case but I am pretty shocked about it. Chris was like you what? He really wanted to stay with me” I breathed out moving back from my mom “that has to be the highlight of my life at this moment, like people don’t know the full story. I don’t know the full story but to have a child call you mom, it’s just a highlight” god, I am so much in shock that he did, bless his heart.
I am not even sure how to react to it “what would you do mom? Like should I allow him to call me that? Should I tell him no, please help me mom?” I asked, I am not sure of it at all “do you feel uncomfortable with it? I mean if he sees you as Bobyn mom then who are you to correct him, you got to be a good person to get such a title Robyn. You are so good, a little too good and I think you should let him. If his mother wants to battle you then so be it, but I don’t think she has much of a case. She has done a number on that child; he shouldn’t feel that way. Not even with Chris, where is Jah?” my mom asked “he has gone with them, Aeko wouldn’t go without him. I have spoken to Chris about being more kind to him, he needs it. I am so overjoyed, like it’s weird. I am used to him looking at me with those big brown eyes, he’s there more then he is Chris at times. He is so loving, and I hate them two idiots, she uses him as a pawn, and he thinks of him as a waste of time because that’s her son. It’s not that, I don’t even care for that. They both need to grow up, I am not even playing anymore. I want them both to fucking grow up, but I don’t see it, but anyways. I need to prepare for my meetings” I breathed out “I hope Chris listens to you, Jah will tell us anyways” Mel is right, Jah will tell us.
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I can’t believe this little nigga really called Robyn mom, is he feeling ok. I am unsure on even how to feel about that because he shouldn’t say that, who the hell even put that idea in his mind in the first place “infamous Chris Brown home, I seen this shit in picture. Seeing it in person, shit is crazy” Shem said as I unlocked the door “welcome, come in. Make yourself comfortable, don’t ask for anything. You do what you need to do” walking into my home “shit is wild Chris, I love your home!” this is why I don’t want to sell it, this home is like a masterpiece, it doesn’t deserve anyone to have it besides me, I get to have my own shit here and decorate the outside when I want, I don’t think I will be ever selling it, I will keep it whether Robyn likes it or not “you can use the studio, whatever you want. Make yourself home” Stephan dapped me “thank you, it’s like staying at an entertainment park bro, amazing” they are looking around in shock, my home is a masterpiece “you want to go and play?” I asked Aeko, he is holding onto Jah’ hand firmly “yes I do daddy” Jah said on his behalf “nigga, shut up!” I laughed “come, you know this home now. Don’t be sad” he knows this home so he don’t need the acting this way at all, I picked him up whether he likes it or not, he didn’t react badly at all, he let me pick him up.
Watching him throw the basketball “you got it, go on. Here” holding the ball out as he threw it at the hoop “oh wow, you nearly had it there” picking the ball “Look” throwing it and it fell into the hoop “now Aeko does it” grabbing another ball for him “I do it” he said as he took it from me, grabbing him up and aiming up at the hoop so he can easily put it in “there we go! Yay! Aeko did it” putting him down on the floor “I did it!” he yelped out, I chuckled nodding my head “you did” he clapped his hands “I play car, I go here” he ran to the Mario Kart machine “yeah we can play on that, sit on the seat. You want to play with him” I asked Jah “no, you can. He wants his dad too” Aeko sat back on the seat “your little legs won’t reach, so how about you sit on my lap and we play with Jah?” I just realised his legs won’t reach the pedals; he nodded his head. Picking him up from the seat, sitting down and placing him on my lap “you hold the steering wheel, and I will do the pedals ok?” Aeko nodded his head already grabbing the steering wheel ready to play “you better let me win Chris” Jah said, he probably will win because Aeko is steering. Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, grabbing my phone from my pocket and seeing that my mom facetiming me “one minute” I said to him, answering the facetime call. Aeko looked at my phone, his face just got in the way “I want my son back Chris!” Ammikka snatched the phone from my mom “what son?” I said laughing, is she crazy “you blocked my number, you blocked me on Instagram. You stole my son and I want him back!” she barked, it made me laugh “right” she is really crying wolf right now “Aeko you want to speak to momma?” I asked, he turned away from the steering wheel “mommy” he looked at the phone “no” he legit refused, I gasped “wow, you don’t want her?” putting the camera down “Bobyn momma, she shouts. Mean” he pointed at my phone “does she? What she say?” I asked “daddy not want me, she cry and she make me cry. She hit me” my eyes widened, Ammikka is screaming on this phone “hit you? Really, why baby” this is some shit “she not want me, she want erm” he turned in my lap “let’s play!” he totally just ignored that “you hit my son you dumb bitch” bringing the phone up “he acts like you, a whole fool” disconnecting the facetime “wow, she is a bad mother” Jah said, I didn’t know she like hits him.
Let me try something “we can play, lets try something” tapping on Robyn’ name to connect the facetime “that is fucked up Chris if he is saying that, hey Aeko. Did mommy hurt you?” Jah asked him, waiting for this facetime to connect “Bobyn?” my son said, he is something else “no, not Bobyn. Mommy that was on the facetime, the mean one” Aeko held his arm up “there, she pull cause I not walk fast” it connected finally “what is it? I am in a meeting, I hope it’s nothing bad” Robyn looks all flustered “send nudes” I said laughing “nigga, I will come there and kick you. Don’t be stupid” she is not in the mood “Aeko, look. Who is this” turning the screen so he can see, he turned in my lap “Bobyn, hi!” he clapped smiling “hey baby, are you having fun or is daddy being annoying like this” I was trying to test this out, seeing the drop down notification from my mom “oh god” I said as I read it “the bitch called the police on me, Robyn I got to go” least my mom warned me “huh, Chris what!?” Robyn spat “the bitch is playing up, she has phoned the police on me, she is claiming I kidnapped Aeko when I really didn’t, the bitch gave up the right. I need to call Mark; I will keep in touch” Robyn was going to speak but I disconnected the call “she phoning the police on you!? You have all that proof she didn’t want him” nodding my head, I know damn well she ain’t trying it. There is one thing my mom has done and has warned me about this, now I can prepare myself for the storm that will come and they will search my home because she will say I am on drugs, I know her and that is the only thing she got on me.
I totally forgot that Royalty is coming but she is here with Nia “so what is happening?” Stephan asked “this is why you don’t impregnant bitches, I was so out of it and I didn’t even know. She didn’t want my son and now she does, she is doing it to cause problems because they hate me anyways, the police will come and search my home now, watch. Just relax, you good” Royalty ran inside “hey big girl, look at you” hugging her as I placed my phone against my ear “and you got your hair braided!? I love it, you are so pretty” Mark answered my call “are you coming? Like are you close, I know they going to be here soon so I need you here” I am panicking a little “I am coming son” he said, disconnecting the call “Nia, this is Stephan. A friend, uhm did you see any police out there!?” I asked her, Nia shook her head “no why? Don’t tell me there is trouble coming” I sighed out heavily, tapping on my photos and going to the messages she has sent me “look at this shit, she threw Aeko to me and is now claiming I stole him” Nia took my phone, picking up Royalty “you getting too tall for this baby, I missed you so much. My twin, don’t you think?” turning to Stephan “she is, hi princess” Royalty waved “daddy, are you in trouble?” I chuckled “mhmm I am not sure yet” I chuckled “seriously!? Keep these messages Chris, I cannot believe she is doing this to you, that is mean to him” Nia said “she literally let him travel with a random woman with no clothes or anything, I am just fed up. My lawyer is coming anyways” putting Royalty down, my daughter is getting too big for me now, she is tall as hell.
Robyn is wanting to come here but I told her not too, I can handle it. Mark is here now too, Nia and Jah so kindly taken the kids to another room so Aeko and Royalty don’t need to see this shit “she is fucked bro, not going to lie. What made you think to impregnant her?” Shem asked “she wasn’t like this, she was quiet. She jumped when I said jump, she was a puppet to me but she is heartbroken, she wanted me to play happy families with her and I wasn’t happy” she is now just being drama but she will learn “Chris” Mark said walking over to me “I have spoke to the police, they still want to sweep over the house but they have no rights to remove Aeko. I have shown the messages, there is no foul play so if the gentleman calmly can look around and they can be on their way, I will file a restraining order on Ammikka and we will need to go to court, full custody of him. She is screaming murder out there alone; she has no money to even have a lawyer, but we will get her removed. And I will file the paperwork and get this rolling quickly” nodding my head, the officers walked in “please” Mark gestured “I thought you wasn’t going to go for full custody?” Mark asked “yeah when I called you I uhm didn’t, but I need to do right by my son. He is unhappy with her so; I am going to do it. I have a good home Mark, I am married. I have a family, stability. I can do it” Mark smiled at me “I believe you can son, but the restraining order needs to be done as soon as possible. I don’t want her jumping to do something else and blaming you” Mark is right, she is unhappy with herself, so I do not want her to be doing something to get me in trouble.
The officers found nothing; I mean I knew that anyways “you American police move differently brother” Stephan said pointing at the officer “you think I would let some officer without any papers come in my home, brother I would knock your block off bro” this is why I like him “thank you Chris” the officer said walking off “will you be escorting the lady from the premises please, I will come with you” Mark walked off with them, I am so glad that bitch did not get the chance to see me at all, the best thing I did was have Mark here, she couldn’t even get to me at all, not only has she lost her son but she ain’t about to get no money from me, this is a good day “welcome to my life” I sighed out walking off, let me get them to come out now. Nia is good peoples, she stayed behind which she didn’t need too “I still think you should knock his block off” Stephan said, I laughed at him because I wish I could “y’all can come out now, coast is clear. That was fun wasn’t it?” I chuckled “dad are you being naughty again? Rihanna won’t like it” Royalty said, she is being deadass too “you better relax, I ain’t do anything. This is grown folk business now, thank you Nia for waiting behind. I will drop this girl off before Monday, so Sunday night” Royalty pulled a face “where is Riri? Why isn’t she here?” Nia snorted laughing “she has been counting the days down to see Rihanna, good luck to you. Be good for your dad now, seriously” Nia pointed at Royalty.
Aeko and Royalty really be going at it, like I think Royalty doesn’t have the patience and Aeko continues to touch her stuff “hold the mic while I put this on” Royalty and this karaoke shit “can I be next?” Jah said “me and Chris, it’s Jahleel featuring Chris Brown” I chuckled at him “I don’t mind that, we can be after. Come on you two” my son doesn’t look happy to be there “I am Royalty Brown, and this is? Say it!” she shouted “Aeko” she groaned out “and I am going to sing what’s my name, and Aeko you can be Drake” Jah screamed out laughing, like I don’t know whether to laugh or cry “what?” I said half laughing as Jah screamed out, like these niggas are laughing at me “listen dad, I am Rihanna obviously and he is Drake so let’s go!” I can’t even be angry “can’t you just do something else? My god” pulling a face “oh my god, this has really made me cry. Oh god, Aeko you make a beautiful Drake, you go boo” Jah waved her off, Royalty chooses the worst things on earth. Watching the video play in the back, Aeko looked behind him and he dropped the mic “Bobyn!” he pointed, I just remembered he doesn’t actually know the singer she is supposed to be “Bobyn!” he shouted jumping up and down “it’s Rihanna Aeko” Royalty said “no it Bobyn, dad. It Bobyn” he ran to me “it is” he sat next to me “you’re supposed to be singing with me?” Royalty said but it’s too late, Aeko is entranced by Robyn being on TV “I have never seen such a genuine excitement on someone’s face, he has heart eyes. I can’t believe he doesn’t know Rihanna, like this is so new to him” Jah said “why doesn’t he know Rihanna?” Royalty asked, “because he doesn’t know her like that, and he calls her Bobyn, so let him” Royalty is not pleased.
Skipping the Kiss it Better video for him and then it went to Diamonds, we are going back to the home to eat and then we have to go back but I found a new way to keep him entertained, by playing Rihanna on YouTube and putting headphones on him, he is so intrigued by it, I think he is in disbelieve that she is singing and she is on Youtube, he is so whipped, like me “thank you for earlier” I said to Jah “for coming, breaking that barrier down. Like I know I am not the best person, I fucked up. I want to make it right; I think we are going to be good. It’s kind of pains me to know he felt that way, she was really bad to him” Jah smiled at me “it’s not a problem, I think we can gather why she only wanted him and treated him good for. She wanted you, she didn’t get you so why be nice to the seed. I think she is unstable. She got played at her own game, she only got herself to blame now. Even if the courts don’t give you full custody. Least you will get the right type of custody of him, it needed to happen. He has so much to learn, I enjoy him” that is nice of him “I need to let that guard down, I need to enjoy him” I can see why they love him.
Helping Aeko out of the car, Royalty ran like her life depended on it and I felt for Aeko because she will not let him get peace now. Aeko also ran off, my kids don’t want me anymore “this home is so damn busy” I kind of hate it, not going to lie. She also has Rich and Frank living here, I hate it. like clockwork, of course I hear the cries of Aeko. It was going to happen “I have been counting down the days Rihanna! Oh my god” Royalty is hugging Robyn of course, Aeko is on the floor crying “do you want to cry too?” Robyn said laughing, side eyeing Robyn as I leaned down to pick him up “what is wrong huh?” he pointed at Robyn “I hug Bobyn” he is out of breath “you can hug her Aeko, calm down. You got to share now” putting him down “what is wrong with you, there is enough hugs to go around. Come here” Robyn hugged Aeko “it’s ok, calm down” she rubbed his back “did you have a good time with daddy huh” I really prefer London right now, this home is just getting on top of me, it’s like everyone is here and watching “I see you dance” he pointed at Robyn laughing “me?” Robyn laughed “he has found out about the singer Rihanna” Jah said “oh that old thang, I joke. You like it?” he nodded his head.
Sneaking off to the kitchen, Mel is showing Royalty Fenty so I can sneak off for a little while. Seeing Robyn with her mom cooking, running around the counter “what I say about you coming in this kitchen” Monica caught me before I even got to Robyn “I know but, please. Just two minutes, it’s just time. Robyn is always busy, please” Monica shook her head “go on then” grabbing Robyn’ hand, the dining room will be a good place to hide right now. I am running hoping no child clocks Robyn, now Majesty is here, this is hell for me. Closing the door and turning to Robyn “I miss you so much, and I just can’t wait to have sex with you. I am sick of not having time with you, it’s not fair. It’s just kids, on kids. I miss you so much” Robyn looked taken a back “I thought you was enjoying this Cali freedom” hugging Robyn close, she wrapped her arms around my neck “I miss us” Robyn said, it’s been a while where I can just hold Robyn without anyone interrupting. Her attention is all mine, she is busy and I don’t like it now “I knew I would be busy here Chris, doesn’t stop me thinking about you” Robyn moved back from the hug, pressing a kiss against my lips “I just miss us being alone now, it’s wack. You know, I miss your face. I miss your body the most, I have not had the chance to really just have you to myself like that” Robyn smiled at me lightly staring at my face “I am wanting sex so badly now, I know my pussy is crying. We will make time for each other, but you didn’t get in trouble right? You called Mark” nodding my head “let’s not think of anything or anybody, just us” I miss it, I just miss us “maybe we can think of getting a nanny, so we can have more us time? Don’t you think?” Robyn pulled a face, doesn’t like the idea at all “in London we’re ok, we don’t need it” I guess that is a no.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Duality, Chapter 2 (Crygi) - Metaluna
Chapter summary: Reflecting on an interesting day at work, Gigi goes to the bar with absolutely no intention of seeing a certain human.
A/N: Hi everyone! So I’m really bad at submitting on here, but feel free to read it on ao3 where i’m a few chapters ahead. tw for smut and light bloodplay.
thank you to Juno for beta reading and to crygijankiedoll-rps for making sure that my smut wasn’t too awkward since it was my first time writing it :’)
A few days later, Gigi sat in her office deep in her thoughts which were rushing through her head all at once to the point that she could barely keep up with them. The same string of thoughts were replaying themselves. The thoughts didn’t lead to Crystal, or any of the events from the night at the bar. They all led back to her humanity.
When Gigi was first turned, Nicky would constantly mock her for her sympathy toward humans. The first time she had to feed, she sobbed for two days, and starved herself for a week, only able to think about the look of fear in the woman’s eyes as the life faded from her body. Sometime in the past few decades, the empathy she held toward humans faded away entirely.
The more she thought about it, the more Gigi realized, it wasn’t that her humanity went away on its own, she forced it down deep inside of herself. There was no way she could be a killer if she maintained her sense of empathy that she had as a human, was there?
Why now, after nearly a century were all these emotions bubbling back up to the surface?
She knew the answer.
There was something about Crystal that made Gigi think of humans as more than an annoyance or a food source. She wasn’t sure what it was about the girl that had Gigi so intrigued, but she didn’t like it, just like she didn’t like thinking about her humanity.
Maybe she could attempt to be more human. As human as a 115 year old vampire could be, anyway.
There was a knock on the door.
“Come in.”
Jackie walked into Gigi’s office nervously.
“Do you need something, Jackie?”
Jackie looked away. “Can you please do me a favor?”
“So, you know how I have a hard time with the visitations of kids and teenagers…?” Jackie trailed off.
Gigi groaned.
“I’ll do your filing for a week.”
“I’ll do it,” Gigi replied instantly.
“I’ll do your filing if… and only if, the family doesn’t request that I come in instead. So you better be on your best behavior.”
“I’ll be nothing short of a saint,” Gigi promised.
If nothing else, this could help Gigi practice her empathy toward humans.
By the time Gigi went inside the visitation room, the casket had already been moved into place. The girl had died of an overdose that the family swore was accidental. Gigi, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure. Humans would much rather be in denial than to admit the truth. The mother even went on a tangent about how her daughter had been having a hard time in school before quickly changing the subject to the color of the floral arrangements.
Humans liked to claim that their loved ones looked like they were sleeping when they saw them in an open casket. This annoyed Gigi. Nothing about this girl looked like she was asleep. No matter how good Gigi was at what she did, the corpses were dead. They looked dead. Not asleep.
Whenever there was a sixteen-year-old girl, Gigi couldn’t help thinking about her sister. Even if this girl’s appearance was the opposite of her Nora’s. As she set boxes of tissues on the chairs lining the room, she began thinking about Nora’s sixteenth birthday.
Somehow she still remembered the day perfectly.
Gigi was so deep in her thoughts, she didn’t see the first person arrive. It was a girl, who looked to be a few years older than the body who Gigi assumed was her sister. The resemblance between her and the pictures Gigi was given was striking. The girl was dressed in an oversized flannel and jeans, with her hair in a messy bun.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t hear you enter,” Gigi said.
“It’s okay,” the girl’s voice cracked. “I’m sorry I’m early. I just wanted to see her before anyone else.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Quickly, Gigi looked at the sign to see what the girl’s name was. Rarely did she remember. Nia.
“Are you Nia’s sister?” Gigi asked, walking over to the girl.
The girl nodded. “I’m Olivia.”
The girl stepped up to the casket. “Can you like… stand next to me? I’ve never seen a dead body, and this is weird. Especially because it’s her…”
“Of course.”
Off to a good start. Maybe this would be easier than she thought.  
“Thank you. It’s so weird, like… I was always told that they look like they’re sleeping… Mom said she’d look like she’s sleeping. She doesn’t look like she’s sleeping. There’s something too still, I think that’s the problem. I don’t know… But she looks good though. You took good care of her.”
“Thank you.”
As the girl gently stroked her sister’s hair, Olivia started crying. No, not crying, sobbing. Normally, this is the point Gigi took a step back. Instead, she stayed by her side and handed her a box of tissues.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
Just as it seemed as though Olivia was calming down, she started crying harder than before. Gigi comfortingly rubbed the girl’s back. In response, the girl hugged Gigi. She didn’t hug Olivia back, but simply stood as the girl got tears on her favorite shirt.
“Sorry,” Olivia mumbled as she pulled away.
“It’s okay.”
“I can’t believe my baby sister is gone,” Olivia whispered.
Gigi could only take so much in one day, and by now wasn’t sure how to comfort the girl, other than with honesty. As she led Olivia to a chair she said, “I’m sorry. This is horrible, but it gets easier, the grief you’re feeling. Soon, you’ll be able to think about the good memories, instead of seeing her like this.”
Gigi nodded. The two of them sat together wordlessly until others started to file in the room.
“Thank you for listening to me,” Olivia said, hugging Gigi once more.
Gigi hugged back this time. “Of course.”
With the visitation well under way, Gigi took her spot in the back corner as she watched the family interact with one another. Nia’s loved ones were overcome with grief. Somehow, the entire time, Olivia managed to not only remain calm, but also was able to calm down her family members.
Right as Gigi was watching Olivia and another girl her age talk, Gigi felt the familiar urge to feed. She shut her eyes and clenched her first, desperately trying to ground herself.
Not now.
Somehow, Olivia noticed and came over. “Gigi? Are you okay?”
Gigi nodded. “Just ate something bad at lunch, I guess. Give me a minute?”
She walked off before waiting for a response. Once she made it into the prep room, she swirled the blood like a glass of wine. The thought of drinking the blood of someone who she knew something about made it almost difficult to drink. Almost.
The rest of the visitation was uneventful, but the entire time, Gigi kept watch over Olivia, making sure that she was okay.
Before she left, Olivia approached Gigi. “Thank you again. For everything.”
Gigi smiled as the girl walked away, not realizing Jackie was watching.
“Wow, you didn’t get a single complaint! Also, I could tell you were really good to that girl.”
“I just hate filing. That’s all,” Gigi said coolly as she walked away.
Even though Gigi knew that she had a lot of work to do, she sat at her desk, thinking. Absentmindedly tapping her pen against her desk, all she could do was think about the the past few hours.
Gigi knocked on the door of Jackie’s office. “Would you like to go home early? I have plans.”
Jackie raised an eyebrow. “You? Plans?”
“Do you want to go home or not?” Gigi snapped.
Jackie laughed. “Yes. It’s date night.”
“Every night with you and your wife is date night.”
“Come over for dinner sometime. Jan loves to cook and always makes way too much.”
Usually on the nights that Gigi had to hunt, she didn’t get ready as soon as she got home. Tonight was different, and she hated that it was because the thought of seeing Crystal excited her. She didn’t even know if Crystal would be there. For all she knew, she was getting her hopes up for nothing.
Normally, she did her makeup similarly to how she would do the makeup on a body of someone her age. It was natural and simple, but with some added eyeliner. Tonight she decided to do something new. Gigi hadn’t worn elaborate makeup since the 1980’s when she had her Madonna phase. As she opened the single eyeshadow palette in her possession, she realized she had no idea how to do makeup the way girls did in this decade.
Thank God for the Internet. Three and a half makeup tutorials later, Gigi was well-versed in cut creases and halo eyes.
Watching the makeup tutorials passed the time. By the time she finished, she was right on schedule. Staring into her closet, Gigi realized she suddenly hated every article of clothing she owned, eventually settling on a fitted leather jacket over a tank top.
Just as she always did, she took her same spot at the bar as she watched the patrons interact with one another. After silently judging the passerby, she found her mark, an athletically-built man who was a few years older than Gigi’s physical age.
Just as she was about to make her move, she felt a tap on the shoulder. Gigi was pleased to see Crystal standing in front of her. Taking her in from head to toe, Gigi saw how beautiful she looked, and appreciated her bravery in outfits and makeup.
“Hey!” Crystal greeted. “You’re out again.”
“So are you.”
“What happened the other night?”
Gigi shrugged. “Sorry about that. I realized that I had to go feed my cat, and now that I’m saying that, I’m hearing just how pathetic that sounds.”
Crystal laughed. “Your cat caused you to run away directly after making out with me and then biting down on my neck like a fucking vampire?”
Gigi stared at Crystal.
“I’m kidding.”
Gigi forced a laugh as she sat on a barstool. “I know.”
Crystal took the stool next to hers. “I’m glad it wasn’t me that made you run away.”
It was 100 percent you.
“Of course it wasn’t!”
“Good,” Crystal smiled.
After an awkward silence, Gigi asked, “Do you want a drink?”
“What do you drink?”
“Jack and coke.”
Gigi waved the bartender down. “Two Jack and cokes please.”
Alcohol had absolutely no effect on a vampire. In fact, it tasted disgusting as most human food did. She’d only drank it a handful of times for appearance sake. Normally it was champagne or wine, she’d never had whiskey before, or Coke the way it was now. The thought of things being sweetened with corn instead of sugar was disturbing to Gigi.
The bartender set the two drinks on the bar as Gigi set a twenty on the table. Money accumulated when one had unlimited time and a high-paying job.
“Keep the change,” Gigi instructed.
“You tip so generously. You must be in the service industry.”
“Kind of,” Gigi said as she tentatively took a sip of the drink. Gigi had no idea what to expect, but she fully didn’t expect it to taste like fizzy paint thinner. As much as she tried, she couldn’t hide her facial expression.
“Not a whisky person?”
“Not quite.”
“You didn’t have to order what I ordered,” Crystal laughed.
“I’m not a big drinker. I never know what to order.”
“Got it. Also, how do you kind of work in the service industry?”
Gigi tapped the rim of the glass. “I’m a funeral director.”
“I mean, you’re servicing dead people.” Crystal realized how her words sounded. “Oh, shit. I mean. Uh…”
This made Gigi laugh. “I know what you mean.”
“Excuse me, I have to go walk off a cliff.”
Never had Gigi met a human she actually liked, even Jackie she merely tolerated. But, for some reason there was something about Crystal that drew her like a moth to a flame. Between that, and her attempt to be less callous, she was interested in continuing the conversation.
“No, don’t do that, you’re far too interesting.”
“You’re pretty interesting yourself,” Crystal said as she took a sip.
“You think so?”
Gigi had been called many things over the past century, but “interesting” was never one.
“Well, first of all, you work at a funeral home, which is cool as hell, second, you’re probably the baddest bitch here, and it’s like you don’t even know it.”
Yes I do.
“What do you do for work?” Gigi asked, not knowing quite how to respond to Crystal’s compliment.
“I’m an art curator.”
“You look like you work at an art museum,” GIgi said.
“Is that a good thing?”
“Yes.” Gigi had no idea what possessed her to ask the next question that came out of her mouth. “Do you want to get out of here?”
“Promise you won’t run away for your cat?”
Gigi smiled, slinging her handbag over her shoulder. “If we’re at my apartment, you can meet my cat.”
“I do love cats… Let’s go.”
The drive to Gigi’s apartment was mainly silent. Halfway through, Crystal placed her hand on Gigi’s thigh and continued to move her hand upward, rubbing deliberate circles with her thumb.
“You’re so cold,” Crystal mused.
“I’m always cold.”
“Just like your bodies.”
Gigi couldn’t help but smile at the offhand comment. “Something like that.”
Crystal continued rubbing small circles as Gigi shifted in her seat. While Gigi had sex in the past, it had been roughly two decades. The thought of possibly having sex soon made her nervous, which was a rare emotion. Why was she thinking about sex? For all she knew, nothing was going to happen… But what if it did?
Before she could think about it for too long, they arrived at Gigi’s apartment.
Gigi had just barely shut the door before Crystal started kissing her, the force behind Crystal’s kisses surprised her. Gigi blindly led them to her bedroom as she took off Crystal’s dress, tossing it aside, admiring her full breasts as she began gently playing with her nipples, focusing her attention on the one that was pierced, the silver jewelry glinting in the light filtering in from the window. As she guided Crystal onto her back, beginning a trail of kisses starting on Crystal’s neck, she felt her fangs protrude.
Thankfully, Gigi managed to retract them as she pulled away.
“Everything okay?” Crystal asked breathily.
Gigi nodded in response.
Crystal bit her lip. “Can I make a request?”
“Rougher. Make me fucking hurt. Make mebleed.”
“That can certainly be arranged.” The look in Gigi’s eye had become that of a predator eyeing its prey.
Immediately, Gigi pinned Crystal against the bed, who tried to fight back. Crystal’s fighting was in vain, a human’s strength paled in comparison to that of a vampire’s. Gigi had such a tight grip on Crystal’s wrists, she’d cut off the circulation if she maintained the pressure too long. The power imbalance excited Gigi, who returned her attention back to the inviting column of Crystal’s neck.
“You like kissing necks, don’t you?” The question was innocent, a mere observation .
“I like biting necks.”
Gigi knew her next move was a risk, but she bared her fangs. If nothing else, she could glamour the girl and it would be like nothing ever happened. The thought of glamouring Crystal wasn’t appealing, but if she had to do so to keep the girl from panicking, she would do it without a second thought.
Crystal sat up, completely fixated “What… Are those ?”
“Remember when you said I bit your neck like a vampire?”
Crystal only nodded in response, unable to look away from Gigi’s fangs.
“You’re taking this rather calmly,” Gigi mused.
Crystal’s face flushed. “I may have a few… fetishes.”
“Do you now, darling?”
Crystal nodded again.
Gigi raised an eyebrow, lips pouting seductively, making sure her fangs were on full display . “Do you want me to keep going?”
“Do you want me to bite you?”
Crystal took a moment to reply. “Yes. I think so.”
“You think so?” This was not a good enough answer for Gigi.
“I want you to.”
“Are you absolutely certain?” Crystal didn’t respond, the silence lingered between them before Gigi spoke again. “You need to use your words, darling.”
“Do it. Please.”
Regardless of what Crystal replied, Gigi knew she wasn’t completely sure what she was consenting to. It had always been a desire of Gigi to fuck a girl while drinking from her. Nicky always told her how incredible it was, but Gigi had never become close enough to a human to do so.
Crystal had closed her eyes in anticipation for what was to come. At first, Gigi was going to bite Crystal’s neck, the spot in which she was fixated earlier but then she got another idea. She stroked Crystal’s thighs as Crystal opened them in eagerly as she arched her back, lifting her hips to make it easier for Gigi to remove her thong.
Remembering Crystal’s request, Gigi ripped the delicate lace thong as if it were made of paper and threw the remains on the hardwood floor. Gigi started kissing Crystal’s inner thigh, lightly running her fangs up and down, licking the small droplets of blood left behind, stopping just before Crystal’s entrance, which she teased with her fingertips, feeling just how wet she was.
“Oh, darling is all of this for me?” Gigi licked at her fingers, savoring the taste, only imagining how incredible her sweet blood would taste.
“Just do it,” Crystal moaned.
“As you wish.”
Gigi sank her fangs into Crystal’s thigh as she entered Crystal with three fingers with no resistance, Crystal’s euphoric moan was music to Gigi’s ears as her blood flowed steadily into her mouth. Although she took more than she initially planned, Gigi ensured Crystal wouldn’t die of blood loss as she paused her drinking to murmur to the writhing girl below her.
“Oh, you have no idea what that moaning does to me.”
It didn’t take Crystal long to finish, between the euphoria of her blood being drank, in addition to Gigi’s skillful fingers building her up to her climax, Gigi didn’t have time to use her tongue, much to her disappointment. As much as Gigi wanted Crystal to fuck her, between the blood loss and the intensity of her orgasm, Crystal instantly fell into a deep sleep, her body drained from everything it had endured.
God, I missed sex, Gigi thought as she covered Crystal with the blankets and lightly shut the bedroom door.
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thundergrace · 4 years
Can I just say, I'm really tired of people using Dansen to diss the Supergirl writers? Noms for the glaad awards came out and keep seeing same old arguemnt that they only had like, 5 minutes of screen time. And it's like, yeah. Thw writing has problems with the cast being too bloated and whatever, but Dansen still had a lot more screentime in season five devoted to their relationship than Kara's romantic life. They had multiple episodes and their relationship actually added to their individual storylines!
And it's always petty white girls angry that their non-canon, all-white ship isn't getting written in.
Yeah in 5B they did get done kinda dirty with screen time. But at the end of the day, it's about quality, not quantity. Of course, a lot of quality is great and would've been great sure lol.
But what we got was great development of a healthy wlw relationship. 5A was largely dedicated to moving them forward.
But don't waste your energy getting mad. SC shippers can scream until the sun comes up (in my experience, they will), no one is listening anymore. They're just a nuisance and everyone's used to it; all the media outlets, the cast, the writers, etc. It's just sad at this point. They've decided to just be angry and miserable about a ship they were never promised. I don't know why they hang on. I'd have been dipped, especially if I felt I was being baited as many do.
But anyway, I've said all this and I have no new thoughts. But yes they do pad their discourse with seemingly valid complaints about Dansen and Nia. But when Dansen was getting more screen time than Lena in 5A and Nia had an episode that had no Lena at all, we saw what was really real about that.
Literally I think two episodes Lena wasn't in in a row during a season that mostly revolved around her and the shittiest storyline in the history of the show and people were raging.
It's always about Lena. It's always about SC.
Anyway, their time could've been so much better spent yelling at writers about Lena's storyline and how her friendship with Kara can only be abusive and toxic now, because she cannot be redeemed (I mean I love her so I'll pretend she can be lol). They ruined one of the most important relationships on the show, the canon one that they created. Like... hate tweet about that ya kno
And I know, I know. This is a generalization but listen if you ship SC and you're not this way then this isn't about you ✌🏾
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nancywheelxr · 5 years
heaven help the fool who falls in love
( read on AO3 )
They stay there, sitting around the table until all conversations fade out and the only sound is the flickering of the flames. It feels very important to be there, somehow, like something was starting, something big. It feels a little like being at the Dawn of Time, watching the universe being born.
  The flames flicker and Black Lightning is the first one to leave, heading back to Freeland with the promise of returning whenever he was needed, with backup, too, a faint smell of ozone lingering in his wake.
  After that, everyone seems to filter out quietly, going back to their lives, to try and figure out what’s changed and what’s the same, a shared trepidation of finding something’s too irrevocably different, but they’ll all be fine– they’ve got each other’s backs, and honestly, Kara can’t think of anything worse than having Lex Luthor as her boss.
  “Need a lift?” Kate asks, smirking a little, and she’s got her mask back on, wig and all, and Kara can’t help a small smile from blooming. 
  “I feel like I should be the one asking you that,” she counters, watching the sun setting behind her, washing Kate in orange light. It should not be so flattering, considering all the red she's got going. “Gotham’s a long way to walk.”
  Kate raises her eyebrows, head tilting to the side, nodding at a monster of a bike parked nearby. “Who says I’m walking?”
  “Okay, that does not look safe,” Kara says, noting the distinct lack of a helmet, “I think I’ll stick to flying, thank you very much.”
  It earns her a huff of a snicker and for some reason, she feels the urge to do a victory dance. “So, I guess I’ll see you around?”
  “Until the next time the world’s ending,” Kate gives her a two-finger salute, readying herself to drive away on her upgraded bike, key dangling from her fingers.
  “Or before,” Kara ends up blurting out, hands flailing more than she wished they would. Rao, Kate is always so precise, every movement with a destination, with a meaning, with a goal; why can’t Kara be just a bit more graceful? “You know,hopefully.”
“Ha!” Kate snorts, shaking her head, amused, and adds before walking away, “I think I’ll leave the hoping to you.”
  Her bike’s engine roars above the low buzzing of the city and Kara watches her drive out onto the road, back to Gotham and whatever waits for her there. Something in her chest constricts and she has the strange feeling she should probably leave the bravery thing to Kate too.
  Things in National City aren’t exactly normal, but there’s something comforting in having Nia and Alex and J’onn and Brainy knowing Lex’s farce, in not being the only one living in an upside-down world and still being so freaking grateful for it. Now, she can trade a look with Alex over the computers and see the same resigned despair reflected on her eyes. 
  It’s only a miracle and very, very careful avoidance that Kara hasn’t run into Lena or Lex yet. She’s not sure she could stomach that, doesn’t want to know what Lex turned Lena into– a puppet? The obedient, starry-eyed sister he wanted? A villain, like him? Kara can’t face that, not yet.
  So yeah, maybe she’s just a tiny bit glad when the alarms start ringing. “Where?” She demands, hiding her relief beneath a mask of professionalism. 
  “The park,” Brainy calls behind his shoulder, fingers flying over the keys, and he’s frowning, “it seems to be a meta-human, he’s freezing the trees.”
  “Okay,” she nods sharply, preparing to take off, “ice powers, got it. It’s time to teach him some chill!”
  As she leaves the DEO behind, Kara hears Alex’s groan and just for a little minute, just while she’s flying, everything feels normal, fine. 
  Not that it stays that way for much longer, of course. The guy with a weird-ass bowl on his head is a pretty good wake-up call. 
  “Okay, okay– hey, ice guy,” she glares, dodging what she supposes is some sort of freeze ray. Behind his goggles, the guy seems to focus on her and away from unsuspecting trees, “I don’t know who you are or what you think you’re doing, but winter is definitely not coming here, pal.”
  “I am Mr. Freeze,” ice guy booms, spreading his arms and encasing a terrified duck in a block of ice as he does it, “and no one will stand in my way!”
  “So, another megalomaniac, yeah, that tracks,” she shrugs, heat pooling behind her eyes, and the world is already tinting red when a blur flies past her, black and red and as fast as a bat. Kara blinks, huffs. “Oh, come on! Again?”
  “Sorry, blondie,” Kate throws her a smirk as she stabs Mr. Freeze with a syringe in the neck where his armor and helmet meet. He crumples in a white-and-blue heap, tied up and ice gun disabled. Never let it be said Batwoman isn’t scarily efficient. “This one’s one of mine.”
  Rolling her eyes, Kara lands in front of her, arms crossed and the best grumpy expression she can manage. “I had it covered, you know.”
  “Yeah, I don’t doubt it,” she says, pocketing her Batarang in her belt, and okay, it’s been only a week since the Crisis, but Kara had forgotten how it felt to be at the end of Kate’s whole laser-focus. Is this how people feel when she uses her laser vision? She hopes not, it’s very odd to feel like this– like she’s lighting up from the inside out, a whole forest fire sparking somewhere in her chest.
  Truthfully, it might just be the turkey sandwich she had earlier, the mayo had tasted a bit off, after all.
  “But Freeze's my problem,” she continues, shrugging, “but you're welcome to handle the cleanup if you want?”
  Kara glances around. Half the lake is frozen and there are at least half a dozen trees melting. “Nah, I think I'll leave that to the DEO, thank you very much.”
  “Right,” Kate grimaces, and now they're slowly moving towards the shade, to one of the benches in the park that isn't wet with melting ice, “and how is that going?”
  “Not very good?” Kara sighs, slumping on her seat, drags a hand across her face, “I mean, Lex is still just– parading around as, as! I don't know! A good person that's not a psychopathic evil genius!”
  A hand falls on her shoulder and Kara looks up, something loosening in her chest. Kate doesn't offer her a smile but her eyes are sympathetic and surprisingly open like she truly doesn't mind being here, away from Gotham, in National City, sitting in a park bench and listening to Kara's stupid problems. Her hand is warm through the gloves, solid and real.  
  “Hey,” says Kate, fingers squeezing her shoulder once, and Kara has to glance away, swallowing thickly, “do you want me to punch him for you?”
  Startled, Kara laughs, picturing Batwoman flying to Luthor’s penthouse and decking him in his stupid smug face. “Thanks, but no,” she shakes her head, “I think– we’ll figure something out, it’ll be fine.”
  “There she is,” Kate grins, leaning back on the bench, apparently very self-satisfied, “that sounds more like our Paragon of Hope.”
  “Maybe I just needed, you know,” she looks up at the sky, stretching indefinitely in all directions, cloudlessly blue, and Kara feels suddenly oddly unmoored. Turning, she catches Kate’s eyes. “A bit of courage.”
  It’s Kate’s turn to look away, red hair falling in a curtain as she turns, and her hand retreats back to her lap. “No,” she stands up, brushing dirt and snowflakes from her uniform, and when she looks back at Kara, there’s something shuttered in her eyes, even as she smiles carefully, “I’m pretty sure you’ve got it covered.”
  Another month goes by and the Lex problem is far from solved but at least the Brainy problem is. It was honestly so weird to have more than one Brainy, she's kinda glad they're down to just their Brainy again.
  Anyway, successfully solving one thing makes her feel better about the rest; maybe slow truly does it, maybe she can do this one day at a time, bit by bit.
  Maybe Kate was right, maybe she does have this covered.
  Maybe she'll even tell Kate that the next time one of her rogues end up in National City– something that, by the way, happened more than she would have expected? Seriously, she ran into Kate at least five other times in this month alone, either fighting someone or following a lead.
  Not that she’s complaining, she appreciates the company.
  “So,” she says, sitting down with her latte and passing Kate her coffee, “I’m sorry your lead went cold, I can keep an eye out for any shady business going on if you want?”
  Kate waves her off, picking up one of the donuts. “No need, Black Mask will turn up soon,” she pauses, moaning around her donut, eyes closing, “shit, you were right, this is the best donut I’ve ever had!”
  Pride swells in her chest and satisfaction brings warmth to her cheeks. “Told you,” she makes the executive decision of leaving the sprinkled one for Kate, “but seriously, are you sure? Because it must’ve been urgent for you to come all the way here.”
  “Maybe I wanted to see you,” Kate winks, playful like she only ever is out of the uniform, and it’s nice to see her like this, no wig and no mask– just Kate. Once again, something shifts inside Kara. “No, but I mean it, let me handle Black Mask.”
  Right, sometimes she forgets how touchy the Bats are about their city. “Okay, your call,” she says mildly, taking a sip of her latte, “but for the record, I am glad you’re here.”
  Kate ducks, smiles, then shakes her head as if dispelling a fog. “Tough morning?”
  “More like, tough week,” Kara huffs, thinking back at the peacocking Lex has been doing all month, rubbing his success on her face, at Lena’s fond eyes, clear of the anger and betrayal that had been swimming there before the world was reset. Shame rises to her throat at how traitorously happy she still feels sometimes at having Lena on her side again, half-wishing things could stay like this– it makes her nauseous, feeling dirty, almost as bad as Lex. 
  “I could still punch him for you?” Kate’s suggestion brings another snort out of her, just like the first time, and also like the first time, Kara’s no doubt she fully means it. It’s nice, she thinks, to have someone in your corner like this. 
  “Thanks,” she exhales, hoping to push her worries away along with the air in her lungs, “how about you handle Black Mask and I’ll handle Lex?”
  “Damn, that’s a shame. I was kinda hoping to get to punch his smug face,” Kate grins, then grows serious, uncharacteristically soft, reaches for Kara’s hands where they’re resting on the table. Her fingers curl around Kara’s wrist, delicate and precise, and Kara wonders why her heart is stuttering like that, wonders if Kate can feel it through the skin, if she can tell why that’s happening. “Hey, you’ll be okay, you’ll beat him. Maybe not today, maybe not next week, but you’re gonna win this shit.”
  Throat tightening oddly, Kara swallows, licks her lips. “Thanks, I– thank you.”
  Kate pulls back, thumb brushing one last circle over on the underside of her wrist. “Don’t thank me yet,” she runs a hand through her hair, tattoos catching Kara’s gaze like always, “I’ve still got a favor to ask.”
  “A favor? What’s is it?” She straightens up, slipping into a more professional mask, “come on, hit me up.”
  Hesitancy crosses Kate’s eyes, but it’s gone in a flash, dismissed as quickly as it materialized, and Kate nods sharply. “I want to come out.”
  Kara chokes a little on her latte. “Excuse me? But I thought–”
  “No, yeah, I’m already out,” Kate snickers, waiting for her to recover before sobering up, “I had some– look, some reporters got in their heads Batwoman is straight and I just can’t stand for that, not when I could be helping people, you know? So, I think it’s past time Batwoman gives an interview.”
  “Oh,” Kara blinks, processing, “that’s– I’m sorry, people do like to just assume stuff.”
  “So you’ll do it? The interview?”
  “Oh,” she says again, “you want me to interview, er, Batwoman?”
  “There’s no one else I’d trust with this,” Kate shrugs, indifferent, and Kara wants to do her victory dance again because, from all she’s learned about the Bats and Gotham and Kate, trust is not something so easily given, but this is not the first time Kate showed her the extent of hers in Kara. It’s– a strange tangle of emotions knots themselves in her ribcage.
  “Then, of course, I’ll do it,” Kara smiles. This she can do. 
  “Thank you,” she says, a grin finally breaking on her face, “I’ll call you later to schedule it?”
  Kara has a feeling Andrea won’t be too mad if she delays a few articles in favor of an exclusive with freaking Batwoman. “Sounds great, whenever you want.”
  Her latte is getting cold but Kara can’t quite bring herself to hurry– if anything, she takes her time eating the donuts, sipping her beverage; the sun is shining especially bright today, reflecting off Kate’s hair and blinding Kara to anything else around the world.
  Gotham is still dark, and grim, and oppressively rude, and Kara, superpowers and all, feels the need to clutch her bag a little tighter and keep her head down as she makes her way to the Kane penthouse– because Kate has a penthouse, that’s a thing, because Kate is rich. How is it that Kara keeps befriending millionaires?
  “Oh, hello,” says the girl who opens the door and is definitely not Kate. She has a friendly smile and very sad eyes, and she reminds Kara a little of Lena, if only a little softer, kinder, friendlier. “I’m Mary, can I help you?”
  Right, Mary Hamilton, Kate’s stepsister. “Hi, I’m Kara Danvers– the reporter? Kate said to just come here instead of Wayne Tower? I’m sorry, I know how this sounds but I swear I’m not just some tabloid–”
  “You’re Kara?” Mary’s whole face lights up and Kara is faintly happy for Kate, she remembers how miserable she had been talking about when her step-sister had been at odds with her. Now, Mary waves her in, grinning wide, “come in, come in, Kate’s talked so much about you! It’s so nice to finally meet you, seriously, I feel like I already know you–”
  This is all happening rather fast, but Kara tries to keep up with Mary’s words, following her to a large, open-concept living room, talking a mile a minute. “Thanks, I– she talked about me? I mean! She talked a lot about you too!”
  “Really? Because I swear, it’s like pulling teeth with her when it comes to this stuff–”
  “Kara!” It’s Kate, rounding a corner and looking sorta alarmed at her sister, eyes going between them as if she’s assessing the situation, and for the first time, Kara thinks she might be a little wrong-footed, even if it’s only for a second. “Thank you for agreeing to this,” she pauses in front of Kara with a small smile and Kara hesitates– should they hug? Shake hands? What’s the protocol here now that there’s no villain to serve as a buffer? She waits too long and the moment passes, Kate turning her focus to Mary and leaving Kara feeling slightly disappointed, bereft. “Don’t start– she’s here for an interview.”
  Mary’s smile becomes sly. “Sure, see you later Kate, it was very nice to meet you Kara, come by anytime. Have fun!”
  She takes her leave like a hurricane, the dull sound of the door closing behind her almost jarring in the silence that stays after her.
  “Sorry about that,” Kate grimaces, half-apologetic, “we're still– she resents Sophie, I think, and she thinks I should have more friends, that's all.”
  Again, Kara tries to match the name with a face, coming up with very little information– ex-girlfriend, married, works in security, messy breakup. Though, messy isn't exactly the word she'd use, not when she clearly hurt Kate then and is most likely hurting her again now. Whoever Sophie is, Kara would very much like to have a few words with her.
  Yeah, after all, Kara knows a little about messy breakups. 
  It’s not the same, though, she reminds herself; her situation with Lena isn’t complicated like Kate’s with Sophie is, like hers with Mon-El had been. If she had more time, if she were alone, perhaps Kara would examine why she’s holding them all to the same level, or why her chest is aching bitterly for no good reason at all.
  Everything is so complicated these days.
  “It's okay, I know how sisters can be,” she smiles, forcing herself to be very still when Kate sits down beside her in the couch, knees touching hers, “so, how do you want to do this?”
  Kate sighs, not quite a scowl on her face but none of the playfulness from before either. “Here is as secure as it can be,” she says, glancing out the large windows, and Kara wants to ask about the Batcave, a few fragmented memories of Oliver mentioning the secrecy around Batman and his dislike of meta-humans in general the only things keeping her away from the topic. She’s not about to pry into someone else’s secret, not when Kate is already going against what her cousin would have liked for their city just by inviting Kara there. 
  Something about Kate– it gives Kara pause, recorder dropping to her lap. There’s a tiredness clinging to the corner of her eyes, taking up space where laughter lines should be, and while she’s going through the motions of this conversation as natural as ever, it’s clear she’s not wholly there. Wherever she is, Kate’s mind must be worrying and unhappy if the way her eyebrows keep knitting minutely, a crinkle in her forehead that Kara is itching to smooth over with her fingers. She wonders if Kate will feel cool to the touch against Kara’s sun-charged skin, Kryptonians always do run a little hotter than most humans. 
  A blink. Jesus, where’s this coming from?
  In any case. “Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” She hovers a little before deciding to place her hand on Kate’s knee, just an inch above the rip on her jeans. It’s more tempting than it has any right to be. “We don’t have to do this today, you look tired.”
  Kate shakes her head, seeming to dispel a stormy cloud of thoughts, and looks warily at Kara, eyes seizing her like she’s still unsure how genuine the question is, how much is out of politeness. It’s almost offensive, really, Kate should know better by now. 
  She really, really should know better by now, considering how long they spent in the Vanishing Point, before the timeline reset, before things hit the fan and then more or less fixed themselves. 
  Then, Kate sighs again, not deflating but maybe unsteeling. “Alice has gone underground,” she admits, running a hand through her hair, “and there’s only so much I can do until she resurfaces again.”
  So she’s probably running herself ragged the whole night. Kara frowns. “I’m sorry,” she says, biting her lip, “it never gets easy, having to stop people you love, family.”
  “She killed Mary’s mother,” the words leave her lips through gritted teeth, and Kate is now glaring at the tiled floor like it’s personally responsible for every bad thing that’s going on. The faraway look in her eyes returns, fogging over, “you know, when I took Bruce’s place I didn’t think– it wasn’t supposed to be Beth.”
  Today is a bad day, Kara recognizes with terrible clarity, one of those where everything weighs a little heavier on your shoulders. There’s not much to be done in those times, she knows from experience. Saying I’m sorry again feels awfully inadequate. Instead, she shuffles a little closer, subtly trying to telegraph I’m here, it doesn’t have to be lonelier than it already is. “Once,” Kara clears her throat, “my aunt and uncle tried to take over the world in the worst way possible and I had to stop them. They’re dead now. My point is– Beth isn’t. There’s still hope. She’ll appear again and you’ll stop her, get her the help she needs.”
  “How can you be so sure?” Kate looks up at her with clear eyes, greenish-blue like a bottomless ocean, tides warring over each other with tall waves of emotion. Kara likes to think this is better than the fog, than the tar-like glaze. You can’t see through fog, but every storm clears eventually. “There’s not many places for hope in Gotham.”
  “That’s okay,” Kara says decidedly, meeting her gaze steadily, head-on, “I can do the hoping for you.”
  Kate smiles, a small, weak, sad thing, brittle, and it’s not a smirk and it’s not the malleable plastic she gives the media. It’s just that, a smile, and Kara commits it to memory like a treasure map.
  Her computer screen gives off blue light, illuminating her face in the rapidly darkening room, but Kara’s fingers still hover unsurely over the keys, the blank page mocking her just like it’s been doing for the past hour.
  Beside her laptop, her recorder sits, red light blinking, and Kara is tempted to run it again, listen to the whole interview one more time to try and find the right words for this. The article is important for Kate, for Batwoman, and for so many people– it could be huge, it could be a great thing, inspiring. But only if Kara gets it right; there’ll be no do-over for this.
  Sure, the main purpose of the interview is for Kate to come out, but they didn’t just talk about that. The lines got blurred. Kate told her about West Point and Sophie, about waiting in her bike for Sophie to come out of the building, a thousand plans for the future already bubbling in her mind, never once thinking about Sophie’s side of things. I was being selfish, she had told Kara, I’m still being selfish, I think. Her voice had been horribly sad and Kara thinks complicated had been both an understatement and exaggeration on the state of things. 
  In turn, Kara had thought it was only fair for her to tell her about Lena and all the snowball of tragedies that brought on, her own voice stilted and cracking at the edges. About Myriad and Andrea and how confusing everything had become at the end.
  Halfway through, though, Luke had texted, calling Kate away to deal with someone they had called Killer Croc over the phone. Kate had been apologetic and guilty, but– here’s the thing, Kara truly gets it. She had told her so, too. Supergirl had had to exit stage left many times over the years.
  It’s nice, she thinks, not to have to lie about that.
  And now, here Kara is, fretting over how to even start the article, how to be truthful to Kate’s story, live up to the trust she’s placing on her. 
  She wonders what it means that she’s worrying so much.
  Thank you, Kate texts her while Kara is still reeling from the outpouring of reactions the article has sparked, and she can’t help grinning madly at her phone, heart running a marathon around her ribs.
  “You look happy,” Nia tells her much later when they’re patrolling together to avoid the DEO and Lex and his lies, “do you want to know what I dreamt about last night?”
  “Shoot,” says Kara, unbothered by her remark.
  “There was a field of wildflowers,” she pauses at the edge of the roof, frowning in concentration, “and a bat was flying high even though the sun was shining very bright in the sky. Do you know what it means?”
  Her chest aches hopefully. Kara thinks she’s beginning to understand now. “I might have an idea.”
  “The sun usually has to do with you,” Nia shrugs, “but I was thinking the bat might have to do with that friend of yours from Gotham. That’s all I got though, sorry.”
  “That’s okay,” Kara smiles, knocking her shoulders with Nia’s in comfort, letting her know it’s alright not to know everything, she’s still learning how to interpret her dreams, after all. “I like a little mystery.”
  Nia blinks. “You really do look happy,” grins, “I’m glad.”
  The months spent in the Vanishing Point are both sharp and fuzzy in her memory. Some days they feel like minutes spent in someplace far away, in suspended animation, a blink compared to the enormity of their task. In others, though, lingering grief turns them into years of stretched out nothingness, a lifetime of blank repetitions.
  Somehow, it always feels like a world of its own– nearly enough to make Kara wonder if it hadn't all been a dreadful nightmare, a delusion from the anti-matter wave.
  But then, she looks at Kate now and it's so painfully familiar, those terrible months have to be real. She remembers Kate training endlessly in the shadows, tiring herself out for days on end, working until she would collapse in a corner somewhere to sleep fitfully, and she remembers curling at her side and feeling a little less alone, red cape still clutched tightly in her fingers.
  When she closes her eyes, she can still hear their whispered conversations, half plans and half rants, too desperate and sad to be anywhere useful. Mostly, it was only to keep the silence at bay.
  To be reminded there was at least one other person in the whole universe.
  Somedays the Vanishing Point feels very far away, but Kate is always close, sharp in focus, a streak of red in the dull grey landscape.
  Kara resolutely does not think about those months, accepting the shifts in dynamic as only natural, a fast forward of more pleasant times.
  “Alex,” Kara says quietly, huddling closer to her pillow, phone pressed to her ear and a hundred and two thoughts swimming in her head. No, that’s not right, it’s just one, just the one thought about just the one person. 
  Across the line, she hears her sister yawn. “Yeah? Everything alright?”
  “Yes. No. I don’t know,” she closes her eyes, trying to keep everything contained, all the cards laid orderly on the table. Facts, questions, answers– if she goes over it like one of her stories, then it’s easier to figure it out, to see the bigger picture from the puzzle. Or maybe it’s not that Kara can’t finish the puzzle, it’s just that she owes it to Kate to make sure it really fits the image on the box. She exhales and in the same breath, asks, “how do you know you’re in love?”
  “What?” Alex’s frown it’s clear even through the phone, the sounds of the rustling of covers probably meaning she’s sitting up in bed. A low murmur, muffled; Kelly is there, too, then. A door opening and closing. “What’s going on?”
  “How do I know it’s love?” Kara rephrases her question, tries to shift the pieces so it’s easier to make anything out, “I liked James and Carter and Ioved Mon-El, and I think I could’ve fallen in love with Lena– but I didn’t– it’s easier to realize how I felt later, after things were already sorted out. I need to know– how do I know it’s love now?”
  Before I go and say something I don’t mean, before I make a mess of things, before I risk the best thing that’s happened all year, before I hurt someone who’s been hurt too much already.
  Alex pauses. “Did you just say you were in love with Lena?”
  “I said I could have fallen in love with Lena,” she corrects, biting the inside of her cheek, “things– changed. The moment passed, the timing isn’t right anymore.”
  I met someone else, she doesn't add.
  “Yeah, it’s probably– sorry,” Alex sounds rattled, and Kara supposes that’s fair; this is all a lot to dump on someone without warning. “I’m just– is this you coming out?”
  Kara smiles, not necessarily nervous, but still a bit anxious. Did she wait too long to do this? Things were different in Krypton and by the time Kara realized she actually needed to come out and say something, it never felt like the right time. And then Alex came out and it felt– she doesn’t know. Maybe she is nervous after all. “In part, yes. Sorry, I should probably have done this in person.”
  “So you are…” Alex trails off, probably not wanting to assume anything. She’s considerate like that.
  “Bisexual,” Kara says, testing out the word. Yeah, it feels right, saying it out loud. As if that makes it properly real– no, official. Kara Danvers is bisexual. Supergirl is bisexual. “I’m sorry I never said anything sooner, maybe if I had, it would’ve been easier for you, but–”
  “Don’t– there’s nothing to apologize for,” Alex says softly, gently, “everyone has their own time. Thank you for trusting me with this.”
  Kara wonders if this is what Alex had wanted to hear when she first came out. Yeah, Kara really could have handled that one better. “Thank you," she swallows, breathes, “you're the best sister in the world, did you know?”
  There's a quiet huff that Kara recognizes as Alex breathing out a laugh. “I love you too,” she pauses for a second, “so now that we got that out of the way, what's really going on? Is this about Kate?”
  Something cold weights on her gut and Kara chokes on nothing. “Is it that obvious?”
  Am I that obvious?
  “Relax,” now there’s definitely the sound of Alex snickering, “I just know you, I don’t think she’s noticed it yet.”
  Boldened by the rush of relief talking about it brings her, Kara takes a deep breath. “I have feelings for her, I just don’t know if it’s love,” then, she adds quieter, hesitant as if this was the real secret all along, “I really want it to be love.”
  “You know,” Alex begins, “mom used to say you like someone because and love them despite of.”
  “That sounds like she was quoting something,” Kara replies, almost sullenly, “what does it even mean?”
  “She probably was, yeah, but it’s not wrong– it’s easy to like someone because of their qualities, but loving someone means staying despite their flaws. It means knowing all the stuff that annoys you about them, that you don’t necessarily like, and choosing to be there anyway. I like Kelly because she’s beautiful and ridiculously smart, and I love her despite her being a bit of a know-it-all.”
  “Kate’s so beautiful, and smart, and so, so brave,” Kara says, rolling on her bed so she feels less like she’s reciting a prayer, “I like that about her. I like that she’s trying to keep her city safe and still save her sister. I even like how she’s always smirking like she knows something no one does. I like how she cares and how determined she is. I like how she never gives up.”
  Alex sounds like she’s still smiling. “And?”
  “And I don’t know,” Kara whines, plainly whines, covering her face with her arm.
  “I think you do,” Alex counters, mild and steady, “but for the record, you seem a hell of a lot happier now that she’s around.”
  Her conversation with Nia on the roof claws its way to the forefront of her mind and Kara blushes even though no one is there. Nonsensically, she feels sort of guilty about it. As if she shouldn’t get to be this happy when so much is still going on, half-afraid the universe will come collect its due later– so far, her happiness has always been more or less on borrowed time.
  “I have– I need to think about this,” she finally settles, “thanks for listening.”
  “I hope I’ve helped a little,” says Alex, yawning, “will you be okay?”
  “Yeah, I’ll be fine,” glancing out her window, Kara can see the stars, too bright to be swallowed by the city lights, “go back to sleep. And tell Kelly I say hi.”
  Alex is probably rolling her eyes. “See you tomorrow, try and get some sleep too, alright?”
  Sleep does claim her sooner rather than later, and Kara drifts off to dream about a field of wildflowers, two hands reaching for each other, the sun shining warmly over their skin, and Kate’s smile softer than the grass under their feet.
  Movie night is a fairly regular occurrence, especially after the Crisis, and there’s honestly no telling who might show up.
  Tonight, besides Alex, Brainy, Nia, and Kelly, a lot more people are crowded inside Kara’s living room. Barry, Cisco, Sara, and Ray are all spread out on the couches and armchairs, swapping tales of their latest adventures and bitching about their hurdles.
  It’s– nice. More than nice. Better.
  And now, of course–
  “Hey, I come bearing gifts,” Kate grins, holding up a six-pack of beers in each hand, and Kara is taken aback by how unfairly good she looks under the fluorescent lights of her building’s hallway, sharp and bold in her leather jacket, and for a second, Kara stays there, rooted to the spot while her brain reboots. 
  Sara and Cisco push her out of the way first. “Thank you,” Cisco mouths happily as they run off with the booze, disappearing back into the living room.
  “Hi, sorry,” Kara shakes herself into moving, waving Kate in with a smile, “come in, we’re watching The Wizard of Oz tonight. It was Barry’s turn to pick, so. I lucked out, I guess.”
  “That’s your favorite movie, right?” Kate follows her into the fray, throwing a half-hearted greeting to the room before sitting on the floor beside Kara in the conveniently only open seat left. Well, not only, she could have chosen anywhere else in the carpet to seat, after all, but it would be sort of impolite– okay, yeah, this is probably what Alex means about Kara overthinking things. 
  “Yup,” Kara nods, passing Barry the remote, “I know all the songs by heart at this point, really. And the dialogues. Maybe. I might have been in my high school rendition of the musical too.”
  Kate’s eyebrows rise and she stretches her legs, crossing them at the ankle, and Kara forces herself not to track the movement with her eyes. “I would’ve paid a lot of money to see that, please tell me someone recorded the whole thing.”
  “Don’t laugh!” She hits her arm lightly, earning said a huff of said laughter, and hugs the popcorn bowl closer, “you can’t make fun of me, I’m holding the popcorn hostage now.”
  “I’m not! I think it’s cute– actually, it’s adorable,” Kate is grinning, eyes glittering with humor, with mischief, with something, “so will you release the popcorn or is this going to escalate to a hostage negotiation?”
  “I haven’t heard any negotiating yet,” Kara says haughtily, holding the bowl out of reach.
  If possible, Kate’s grin grows wider, sharper. Prettier. Deadlier. “I guess I’ll just have to try harder to convince you.”
  It knocks the breath out of her lungs, something hungry brewing somewhere down her chest, and Kara needs to say something soon before it gets awkward, needs to get her shit together and stop melting every time Kate maybe-flirts with her. This doesn’t have to mean anything. This is just how Kate is. She smirks and teases and, and whatever, but it doesn’t have any deeper meaning. There’s no need for Kara or Alex for that matter, to read anything into it.
  And she really, really needs to stop having a meltdown over it.
  As it is, she is accidentally saved by Sara, who throws popcorn at them with a half-hearted shush.
  Barry, on the other hand, is not helpful at all when he adds, “yeah, quit flirting so loud, the movie’s starting.”
  Now Kara is frigging blushing, she knows she must be because her cheeks feel hot and heat is crawling up her neck, but Kate only laughs, leaning over her to rescue the popcorn bowl from Kara’s numb fingers with a, a playful wink.
  Rao, tonight is going to be the death of her.
  Because now that Kara is aware of her feelings, it’s like she’s opened a door she doesn’t know how to close again. Someone has turned off the lights and Kara sneaks a look at Kate, and she is so close, Kara can’t bring herself to look away, too busy tracing her profile, following the lines of her tattoos down her collarbone, disappearing under her shirt, and something is shifting on her chest like her ribcage is cracking open and all these emotions are pouring out– she looks at Kate and she wants and wants and wants, and it all feels rooted down to her bones, so deep down inside her being that it would bleed her dry to try and pluck them out like wildflowers.
  It feels so much it hurts.
  Can you be addicted to something you never tasted?
  Is this how love aches?
  I shall take the heart, the Tin Woodsman is saying on the screen, and Kara forces herself to look away. It doesn’t matter, anyway, Kate’s image is burned in the back of her eyelids, filling the dark with leather jackets and dangerous smiles.
  “You should tell her,” Alex says, “you really should tell her how you feel.”
  It’s a very rehearsed argument at this point and Kara is tired of explaining there’s little room in Kate’s life, in Kate’s heart, that isn’t Gotham, or Beth, or Sophie. She doesn’t want to be another Reagan. She’d rather wait in silence and, well, hope, than rush in and ruin everything.
  Things are fine now, they’re friends, and Kara genuinely loves being her friend, why should she put that in jeopardy? Friendship isn’t less than a romance. It can be enough; she can be content.
  “It’s not the same as happy, though, is it?” Alex always replies, mouth in a thin line. “Won’t you trust me on this? I’ve seen how she looks at you.”
  Sometimes, she wishes Alex wouldn’t say things like that.
  “You won’t ever be one hundred percent sure, Kara,” she adds, “it’s a leap of faith– you gotta jump and trust she’s going to catch you.”
  Maybe that’s the problem, Kara is too used to be the one doing the catching.
  She’s fine, this is fine, it’s all fine.
  “You’re pining,” Barry tells her, “it’s a little sad to watch– not that I’m one to talk, but. Yeah, it’s kinda sad, you should tell her how you feel.”
  Oliver’s memorial has nothing to say on this matter.
  Not that Oliver would know what to say– he’d probably tell her to talk to Barry about it.
  “Tell her how you feel, oh my god,” Barry groans, draining the last of his milkshake, “seriously, please, just go over to Gotham and confess your undying love, Kate’s been grumpier than usual– she growled at me to get out of her city, Kara. Growled. And I didn’t even want to be there. Just tell her how you feel so I don’t have to fear for my life every time the Trickster decides to wander out of Central City.”
  Somehow Kate owning a gay club comes as less of a surprise than one would think. Sure, she’s got the vigilante gig at night and keeping Wayne Tower in one piece seems to be trouble enough, but Kara can’t think of anything Kate can’t do if she puts her mind to it.
  Especially if it’s out of spite.
  “I could punch that guy for you,” Kara offers after Kate finishes the story, anger simmering under the surface only mitigated by Kate’s own petty vengeance, “seriously, one hit and he’d be out like a light.”
  Kate laughs. The music is loud here but it still somehow rings clearer than anything. “Thanks, but I need him awake to see this place.”
  “Pity, I’m pretty sure punching bigots is in my job description by now,” she shrugs, not-so-fake disappointed. They’re in one of the booths, secluded away from most of the crowd, alone after the others left for the dancefloor; it might have been an excuse, although there’s not enough information for her to be totally sure. “So,” she says, sipping her drink unconcernedly, “Barry said you were in a bad mood last week.”
  To be fair, Kate does look regretful at the reminder, pouring herself another shot. “Yeah, I should probably apologize to him later,” they both look at the crowd, searching for Barry and sharing a laugh at his uncoordinated moves. “Man, you’d think he’d be better at dancing, all things considered.”
  “Maybe it’s a good thing nazis from another dimension crashed his wedding– can you imagine him trying to waltz?”
  “That,” Kate keeps laughing, head tilting back, and Kara watches the curve of her neck, wishes to cover it with kisses until she’s shivering under her lips. “Sounds like a story I want to hear later.”
  She shakes her head. “It’s not a very fun story, really, I shouldn’t have joked,” she hurries to add, “but I did have time to sing before the shoot-out!”
  “Of course you can sing,” Kate huffs, leaning back on her seat, shakes her head, and the way she’s looking at Kara, it’s all a bit too much, it leaves her unsteady, drunk like the alcohol didn’t. It barely registers what an odd thing that is to fixate on. When she continues, it’s just a murmur, probably not meant for Kara to hear, “why wouldn’t you? You’re perfect.”
  Perhaps she should have taken it as a compliment or nothing at all since she wasn’t meant to hear anyway, but Kara still feels vaguely betrayed. Thinking someone is perfect only means you don’t know them at all and she had thought– being hopelessly hopeful, she thought Kate knew her deeper than that, more honest than that, past Supergirl and Kara Danvers down to whatever is left under both.
  “I’m not perfect,” the need to point out is greater than the disappointment swirling in her gut.
  “Oh, no, I know that,” Kate waves her off, leaning back in on her elbows, glass half-empty on her fingers, glinting in the colorful lights, and she just looks so, so painfully beautiful, “you can be self-righteous sometimes and you trust way too easily. You’re too optimistic and also, when you nap, you drool. I know you’re not perfectly perfect, you’re just…” she gestures in her vague direction, making a face and downing the rest of her drink.
  And Kara. She lets the words sink in and thinks oh.
  She thinks oh and she hears Alex’s words on her head, voice wavering into Eliza’s even though she never heard Eliza say that, and she knows with blinding clarity that this cannot be a dream because Kara’s never been more awake in her whole life.
  If anything, it’s as if she’s finally, finally, awake.
  “You brood a lot,” she hears herself saying, “and you can be a little self-centered, and you can be a little arrogant, too.”
  Kate has set her glass down and she’s now staring at Kara like she’s trying to solve a particularly difficult puzzle, “ouch,” she fakes a wince distractedly, “harsh, but you’re not denying the drooling, I see.”
  “Kate,” Kara says, heart trembling in her chest, and maybe this is why Kate is the Paragon of Courage– she feels a lot braver when she’s with her; it’s easy to fall and trust she’ll catch her. “Kate, I could give you infinite reasons why I like you, and I love you despite all I said. I think I could love you despite anything, really, and I’ve been loving you despite that, too.”
  For one terrifying second, Kate says nothing, frozen into perfect stillness, but then she’s rounding the table to stop in front of Kara, looking down at her as if she’s watching the whole universe unfold, openly vulnerable, as if she can’t quite believe this is real, and Kara wants and wants and wants.
  And when Kate finally leans down, she’s already meeting her halfway.
  Her lips are soft and her hands are in Kara’s hair, and Kara was right, Kate’s skin is blessedly cool against her own feverish touch, and the world ends and begins in the inches between them they steal with each new kiss.
  It’s terrifyingly addicting.
  People are all made of stardust, Kara even more so, maybe that’s why for her, Kate feels an awful lot like coming home.
  “Kara,” Kate whispers her name against her lips like a prayer, and her eyes are still shut even as she presses her forehead against Kara’s, “I love you, I do, but I really need you to be sure. Are you sure?”
  Are you sure you can love me, she hears, unsaid.
  “I’m sure,” Kara answers, kissing her softly, a fleeting press of lips, just because she can, and then another, just because prayers are never recited only once, and one more because neither should promises, not if you intend to keep them, “I love you, that’s all.”
  Kate smiles.
  It’s more beautiful than any sun.
  “That’s all,” she echoes, and it’s as simple as that, “I love you,”  she says and holds Kara like she’s a delicate thing, even as her fingers dig wonderfully into her hips.
  In the end, Kara thinks she’ll take the heart too, and with Kate pressing yet another kiss, her mind clears, and she thinks nothing at all.
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buddha-in-disguise · 5 years
Will this ever end?
Well I woke up to a shitstorm on Twitter and the Supergirl fandom, with David Harewood.
I can't say exactly what was said to cause David to post what he did as I haven't seen posts he might have done - but his subsequent reactions have unfortunately merely seemed to have exacerbated the issue and inflamed it.
My thoughts though before I go further into this. Also remember these are my own thoughts, I don't expect everyone to agree with me. However I hope I can make some kind of sense with what I'm trying to write down here.
Supergirl this season has one character I'm finding hard to relate to. This has absolutely nothing to do with potential storylines and relationship possibilty, but everything to do with what they have tried to do with William Dey as a whole.
I get the reason he came along in regards Russell and so the Andrea connection. That story made some sense.
What hasn't made sense - William being used as a journalist, when Nia is right there! Nia has barely had any screen time, and virtually none as a journalist; you know - her actual job. I'm not sure what the minutes on screen ratio has been this season between the two, but it has felt completely slanted towards William as a viewer.
First instead of Kara and Nia investigating Leviathan after William was 'exposed' in the earlier episodes, now Nia is sidelined again, because they want Kara to team up with William to investigate Lex.
Why? Why do they need that journalistic pairing, when Nia - who as a Superhero, is better placed if danger from Lex occurs. But no, they're making it about Kara having to work with William because Lex threatened to kill him.
They have a Superhero who is also a journalist right there!
Right. There.
Personally this simply makes no sense to me. Plus if I am being honest, William as a character is bringing nothing to the table for me. He feels more like a token male character because James has left.
That brings me to Dansen. While we had some scenes before Crisis, considering at SDCC we were being told how Dansen would strengthen after those events, again we have seen seconds worth of screen time of Kelly, let alone the lack of Dansen.
We accept it isn't the Dansen show and this isn't about that, but again it feels as if it is being pushed way into the background & Kelly is being underutilised. She works for Obsidian North, yet was nowhere to be seen at the launch of the new tech. Sure, it isn't her area of expertise within the company, but you would expect senior employees to have been at such an important launch.
Plus, she is ex-military, but again nothing has been utilised about that part of her character.
The problems with both these issues is these characters are LGBTQ rep on the show. Representation that is already severely underrepresented on TV. Even allowing for the LGBTQ rep on SG (which is above average), it is still well below the ratio percentages that GLAAD show as being the main demographic of viewers.
So LGBTQ fans also look at non-canon representation as well. They have to, because LGBTQ on screen numbers simply don't reflect what the viewer numbers are. I made a post about it to try & highlight this, which I will link to.
But needless to say, LGBTQ fans also generally have difficulties that a lot of people don't have to face.
This brings me back to David and his lack of understanding that many fans were (looking through the comments), trying to explain to him. That criticism wasn't aimed at him per se (at least that I saw), or his directing or acting of that episode. If criticism was aimed at him, that was and is wrong.
The main criticism I saw was being aimed about elements that the writers and producers had done (Winn's wife being another aspect that was problematic). It was unfortunate that it has coincided with David's directorial episode.
Look, David can direct an episode wonderfully, it can have some great aspects to it, but it can also be highly problematic to some fans, & receive valid criticism for it.
For example, the latest episode of Batwoman. The Alice/Beth story was great. The acting superb. What I found worrying was the way they made Sophie feel guilty for legitimate reasons why she had led a closeted lifestyle. That lifestyle is valid, for Sophie and many LGBTQ people, and for good reason, including keeping some people safe from harm. I felt it was a clumsy attempt for Alice to get into Sophie's mind; it could've been tackled other ways, so it felt wrong they used her sexuality as a way to achieve that. Being closeted for many literally keeps them alive. So that was one hell of a poor choice in my opinion. So, great episode, valid criticism.
I personally find it sad that David hasn't seemed to understand this. Especially considering he only recently tweeted about the lack of diversity on TV for black actors. His argument there applies to what the LGBTQ audience have been trying to explain so many times, both with Supergirl and beyond that.
Except for LGBTQ it goes further, as not only are there LGBTQ, there is further intersectionality that runs through us as a group.
So for example, Kelly is LGBTQ, but Black. She is also a woman. All areas that struggle in their own sphere and marginalised in their own right. Added together, and it makes her representation even more important.
Nia Nal is Transgender. And a woman. Also two areas of intersectionality. If we don't listen to all marginalised people, especially when that intersectionality comes into play, we fail.
David is Black.
But also heterosexual, and male, and honestly, seeing his reaction I felt the heterosexual male with no understanding what the LGBTQ audience was trying to explain come through far more than I imagined I would.
Now of course, it could be David had no intention of coming across in that way. Yet the way he liked certain posts also felt as a complete dismissal of the LGBTQ community as a whole. It felt like the reactions from SDCC 2017 all over again.
Without a doubt some fans were taking it too far. I get that. I don't know how often I have written about fandoms and the way some can behave. However, if David is putting everyone in a fandom as all being problematic (as his liking of Tweets seem to suggest), then that is a very poor take indeed by him, and one I hope he considers.
By taking those steps, he has angered some fans more than was necessary in my view. Like Staz the other day, I know we are all human and sometimes react emotionally. Unlike Staz, who tried to clarify his words and apologised for any upset he might've caused, David seems to have gone the other way and doubled down against fans, blocking even respectful tweets to him that were trying to explain a point of view.
Now before anyone thinks I am hating on David, I'm not. I have supported much of his work.
I am though disappointed that for someone who is marginalised himself, has had mental health struggles, he has seemingly failed to understand that LGBTQ are just as marginalised (if not more so) than he is, & that because of the issues LGBTQ people face, mental health problems are extremely high versus the general population. That some of his wording and liking of tweets have felt like a complete slap in the face for many, who have legitimate concerns about Supergirl at the moment.
As I say, I get some fans take it too far, in all areas of the Supergirl fandom. Outright hate towards anyone is absolutely unacceptable. I also understand that we all react at times that is instinctual because we feel hurt, and that reaction is not as good as it could be.
I just hope that rather than it implode more on us, that everyone takes a step back to try and calm down.
As for the issues of queerbaiting that has risen as a result of the teaser for the next episode of SG. Supergirl in earlier episodes of the season, used parallels to show Lena and Kara alongside canon relationships on the show. To then have other people call fans delusional for seeing those scenes as romantically formulated is not okay! It really isn't. That's hateful, because like it or not, those elements are there.
When I have people who don't watch the show asking if Lena and Kara are together because of clips they might see (straight people at that), that isn't delusional.
But, that isn't an issue the cast should address or make judgement on, or fans to insist they do.
It should though be something asked of the producers and showrunners, because if they have no plans to go through with it - it has been outright queerbaiting this season. Up until this year, they've not done things with notable intent to parallel other relationships. This season they have. The shift felt deliberate.
I know ultimately that this show is about Supergirl, but it is also about those around her as family & friends. I understand there are only so many minutes in one episode. What I don't understand is why those precious minutes are going to a character, when they have one perfectly placed to do the same role. Why they have to potentially explore another relationship, when we have one canon relationship & one relationship that while isn't canon in terms of romantic, it is a big story in terms of best friends, both seemingly sidelined. Which brings me to the Kara fighting for Lena's soul aspect. Again, I am not seeing a lot of fighting for anything, except more and more fans fighting themselves and cast.
I will be honest, I had high hopes for this season. I also knew it was likely going to be pretty confusing at times since it was given as 'our Black mirror season' and 'nothing is as it seems.' I accepted that.
However, all it seems at the moment is a jumbled mess from pre and post Crisis. They just doesn't appear to be any cohesion at all, which is making it really difficult as a viewer. Add in the changes post Crisis and it feels even more of a mess.
Of course, they could bring in more cohesive elements soon, but considering that we know episode 13 is 'It's a wonderful life,' and Alex Danvers in a later episode is wearing a Super suit - I just sense this whole 'nothing is as it seems' side we appear to be getting isn't changing any time soon, & with episodes running out, with so many strings running through at the moment, it feels really discombomulated. If by seasons end, they pull it off and you can look back and see how it's played out as a whole, I will be the first to say well done for that part.
I get that as more characters are added to a show, it can make shuffling screen time for those already established characters harder to achieve that will please everyone, especially when we get invested in those characters.
I do though think right now Supergirl feels chaotic beyond expectation, and no end in sight. I feel there have been too many character additions this season (particularly Andrea & William) that is taking screen time away from Kara, Alex, Nia, Lena, Kelly et al.
That is causing confusion for fans, that is also beginning to become frustration. That frustration is spilling over. Add in the genuine and legitimate concerns over the LGBTQ issues that have arisen, and the frustration has built even more.
Again though, that is something we need to be asking of the producers and show runners, and not pulling the cast into it.
Let's all try less to score points against each other, or make generalisations, as none of that is helpful.
If you can't do that, you will get other fans calling you out.
Let's all learn to step away a bit more when it is obviously getting to the point rational discussion isn't working, to let things calm down.
We all need to try and do better.
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marvelsdc22 · 5 years
The Professor And I (pt. 12)
Intro: Hello lovelies!! I hope you’re having a good day/night!! I hope you enjoy this part, it’s the longest I’ve ever written!! :)
Note: Y/N is gender neutral. Lena is a professor. Y/N is a student. Tw PTSD (in a way). Nightmares.
Word Count: 2416
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Later that night, you woke up with a gasp, causing you to cough since the smoke had done a number on your throat, looking at the time once you had calmed down and sighing 2:45am glaring back at you, flopping back onto your bed and staring at the ceiling, the whole thing that had happened earlier still fresh on your mind You honestly think I’ll get caught? The masked person’s voice mocking and haunting you, jumping when you heard Kara resituating on her bed and slowly sitting up “Kara?” You asked softly, looking over at her and watching as she rolled over to look at you, her seeing the fear in your eyes from the moonlight creeping in through the blinds of the window in your dorm “Come here” Kara said, lifting her blanket up as she scooted back to give you room and watching as you slowly got up before crawling into bed with her, this not the first time either of you had done this “You okay?” she asked you softly, waiting for you to get situated “No… This whole thing has me on edge” you admitted, your voice cracking and feeling weak because you were breaking like this, burying your face in Kara’s neck when she pulled you in for a tight hug “I know, we’re going to get to the bottom of this… Don’t worry” Kara said, rubbing your back gently “I’m… I’m scared, Kara” you said, finally letting the tears that you’ve been holding in fall and clutching Kara’s shirt, Kara’s heart breaking at the way you were shaking and how much you were currently crying, you were like a sister/brother to her and it hurt her to see you like this “I know, I’m not going to let anyone hurt you” she promised, kissing your head and letting you cry it all out until you cried yourself to sleep, promising herself she would do everything in her power to finish this.
The next morning, you woke up feeling even more exhausted than when you went to bed, basking in the comfort of Kara’s hold on you until you finally rolled over to look at the time, sighing when you realized you had thirty minutes before your Neuroscience class and carefully getting out of bed so you didn’t disrupt Kara’s sleep even more than you already had, checking your phone when it vibrated, it being an email from the school notifying everyone about the events from the night before and how they were doing an investigation to find out how it all happened and about how the Student Union building would be closed until further notice, you sighed and tossed your phone onto your bed before you went into the bathroom, wincing at how pale and drained you looked, the hand prints from the person very evident on your neck, tearing up as you ran your fingers over the bruises “It’s going to be okay… Just wear a scarf” you whispered to yourself, forcing yourself to turn away from the mirror so you could take a quick shower to just wake yourself up before you got ready for the day.
As you walked to class, you burrowed yourself as much as possible in your favorite hoodie and your heavy coat, your hands stuffed in you pockets as you made your way to class and keeping your head down as you walked towards the science building, only looking up when someone fell into step beside you “How are you holding up?” Alex asked softly, holding two coffee’s and wearing a puffy black jacket “How are you not cold?” You asked, your teeth chattering and looking at her, causing her to laugh and hand you a coffee which you gratefully accepted “It’s really not that cold, Y/N… Now, stop trying to change the subject” she said, opening the door when you guys made it to the science building, sighing as you stepped inside and kicked some snow off your shoes “I’m struggling… I woke up to nightmares, so many things happened last night I-“ you said, shaking your head and looking at Alex when she placed a hand on your shoulder “Hey, calm down… We can talk about this later” she said, able to tell this was too much to talk about right now “Thank you” you said, giving her a small smile as the two of you went into the lecture room and set your stuff down before you pulled your heavy coat off, getting as comfortable as possible in your seat and pulling your phone out, seeing several messages from Lena and one from Nia
Hey, are you okay? I know I didn’t ask last night, but still -Lena
Y/N? -Lena
Can we talk after your classes today? Please? -Lena
Hey Y/N… I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for last night, can we please talk? -Nia
Yeah, I’m free after my last class, I’ll meet you at the diner? I have a shift at 6 ­-You to Lena
Yeah, let’s meet up at the library? I go there anyways to hang out with Alex and Kara -You to Nia
You sighed as you set your phone down and rubbed your face with your hands, looking at Alex when she scooted her chair closer to you to rub your back “You okay?” She asked, her worried older sister side starting to come out “I’m okay, just… A lot going on, I’m hoping my shift tonight will fix it” you said, looking at her and watching her eyebrows furrow “Are you sure you should take a shift tonight? You’re still healing and now after everything-“ Alex said, looking at you and just worried because you had a lot on your plate already “I’ll be fine, Alex” you said, cutting her off and looking at her before sighing “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t snap at you… I need something to keep my mind busy” you said, looking at her and watching her nod “Okay, but if it gets to be too much you call me and I’ll come get you” Alex said, giving your arm a small squeeze before turning towards the front when Lena walked in “Of course” you told her, giving her a small smile before turning to focus on the lecture.
Afterwards, you and Alex made it to the library, the two of you heading towards Kara when you saw Nia sitting on one of the couches “I’ll join you in a bit… There’s someone I gotta talk to” you said, looking at Alex and not giving her a chance to answer as you went over to Nia and sat down on the couch across from her “Hey” you said, looking at her and watching her jump and look up from her book “Hey… Thanks for meeting me” Nia said, looking at you and setting her book down “No problem, what did you want to talk to me about?” You asked, taking your heavy coat off once more and watching as she bit her lip “First things first, I’m so sorry for kissing you like that… I panicked, I’m just so confused with my feelings right now” Nia said, looking at you and fidgeting with the end of her jacket, you patiently waiting for her to figure out what she wanted to say and crossing your legs “I… When I first ran into you I thought that I had developed a crush… And as we got to know each other better I thought there might have been something there, then I met Brainy and I didn’t know what I was thinking anymore and I was confused so at the party I didn’t think, so I kissed you and I’m so sorry” Nia said, looking at you and looking like she was at the verge of tears “Hey, it’s okay, I’m not mad at you… I was just confused” you said, scooting forward some so you could place a hand on hers in a comforting way “Besides, we’re still friends but I am currently seeing someone” you told her honestly, looking at her and watching her nod and crack a small smile “I’m just glad I didn’t ruin anything” Nia said, giving a small laugh and you gave her a small smile before you stood up and pulled her into a hug “Of course we are… Now, tell me all about you and Brainy” you said, laughing some when she blushed and sitting back down as you listened to her talk.
Later that night, you were at the diner and snacking on some fries as you looked over the math problem you were currently on, looking away when you saw someone sit down next to you in your peripheral “Hey” you said, giving Lena a smile when she looked at you after she was situated “Hey” she said, looking at you with an unreadable expression which caused your smile to drop “I’m sorry for last night, but it really wasn’t what it looked like, I talked it out with Nia today and she was just confused with her feelings… I understand if you want to break up with me-“ you rambled, getting cut off when Lena put a finger to your lips and shook her head “Break up with you? Y/N, I’m not going to break up with you… Yeah, I’m upset about what happened last night, but I’m not going to break up with you over it” Lena said, looking at you and giving you a small smile as she moved her hand to your cheek before she tugged on your scarf a bit to see the bruises, wincing as she looked at them “How are you feeling?” She asked, looking at you once more and dropping her hand to yours “I… Honestly, I don’t know” you told her, sighing some and looking down at your joined hands “Can we talk elsewhere?” You asked, glancing at her and want to be open with her but there were too many people, standing up and pulling her to the back.
Once you got to the back room and into the area where all the lockers were for the workers you sat down on one of the chairs that were scattered in there, telling Lena what you had told Kara earlier and blinking back some tears as she scooted her chair closer to you and pulled you into a tight hug “We’re going to find him, Y/N… I promise” she whispered in your ear as you let out a small sob which caused her to tighten her hold on you “How about tomorrow you come and stay with me for the night?” She proposed, pulling back to look at you and knowing that you didn’t want to keep waking Kara every night, watching as you shook your head “I don’t want to accidentally wake you” you said, looking at her and wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt as she shook her head “I’m a night owl, I will honestly probably still be awake” she said, looking at you and gently cupping your face “Please? I also want to spend time with you before finals” she said, knowing she’ll be swamped that week so she wanted to spend as much time with you as possible “Okay okay, I’ll stay” you said, giving her a small smile which she returned before pressing a kiss to your lips “Y/N, are you-“ Maggie said, stopping when she saw you and Lena and smirking “Am I interrupting something?” She asked, looking between the two of you as you guys jumped apart “No no” you said, blushing heavily and standing up “Uh-huh, anyway you sure you’re up for your shift? I can cover you” Maggie said, looking at you with a slightly worried look since you were one of her best friends “I’ll be fine, don’t worry” you assured, looking at her and digging through your locker for your clothes “I’ll stick around, I have papers to grade anyways” Lena assured Maggie, looking at her with a smile while Maggie mouthed ‘thank you’ before she took her apron off as you pulled yours on “Alright, I’ll see you later then… Call me if you need anything” Maggie said, ruffling your hair on her way out “Guess that’s my que to head back to the front” you said, giving Lena a small smile before the two of you headed back to the front.
About two hours into your shift, you were taking some orders while Lena occupied a booth in the corner “I’ll be with you shortly” you called when you heard the chime of the door opening, heading back behind the counter to hang up the order and pick up another, setting everything down in front of the people that ordered it before going over to the new customer with the tray in your hands “Hi, I’m Y/N and I’ll be your server tonight, what can I get for you?” You asked, giving the man a smile as he looked over the menu “Just a coffee please” he said, setting the menu down and raising an eyebrow when you froze “Something wrong?” He asked, looking at you and you shook your head “N-No… One coffee coming right up” you stuttered, writing it down and heading back behind the counter to get the coffee, trying to stop your shaking as you poured the coffee until it became too much and you dropped the coffee pot, causing it to crash to the floor before you vanished into the back once more, Lena running after you and kneeling in front of you when she found you curled up on the floor “Hey hey, what happened?” She asked softly, brushing some hair out of your face “Th-That man, that was him” you whispered, shaking as the events from last night came flashing back “What do you mean?” Lena asked, looking at you and rubbing your arms to try to calm you down “H-He was the one from last night… Hi-His voice” you stuttered, struggling to be able to speak over the panic you felt and watching as Lena left to check in the dining area again “He’s gone, we’ll find him… I promise” Lena said, sitting down and pulling you onto her lap, trying her best to comfort you and rubbing your back, you listening as she whispered sweet words into your ear as you felt your panic start to fade away to the sound of her voice.
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates​ / @5aftermidnight​
Supergirl Taglist: @x-danvers-x​ / @aznblossom​
Lena Taglist: @life2-live​ / @stewie-castle / @supergirl-imaginess​
The Professor And I Taglist: @youngandwildx7​ / @undertherightlight / @youlookterribleilookawesome​ / @ironsnowstorm​ / @rebornpoet​ / @scottishgirl1998​
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed!! I was going to make it so much longer, but I decided to let it be split up. If your name is crossed out in the taglists, it means I cannot tag you. If you want to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! Have a good day/night!! :)
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jammatown919 · 4 years
Estranged (Brainia)
Content: Maeve's birthday rolls around and brings up some painful memories for Nia.
Nia had managed to get through half her day without realizing. She'd gone through her entire morning routine, arrived at work, and made some good progress on her latest article, all while being blissfully unaware of what day it was. She was forgetful like that; it was why she set alarms for everything. The alarm she'd set for this particular occasion went off right at the start of her lunch break. Upon hearing the buzz, Nia's first thought was that Brainy was trying to call her. Perfectly normal. Instead, the words "Call Maeve" greeted her as she retrieved her phone from her purse. It was her sister's birthday. Her newly estranged sister's birthday.
Hastily, Nia silenced the alarm and moved to shove her phone back into her bag, but something stopped her. She really did want to call Maeve and pretend things were normal, but they weren't. Not a single word had been exchanged between them since their mother's memorial service; since Maeve had declared that Nia was not a real woman.
She understood why Maeve was upset; the powers she'd trained her whole life to receive had chosen Nia instead, and then Nia had lied about it. What she didn't understand was why Maeve used her anger as an excuse to invalid her sister's identity. To revoke the support that had been so vital during Nia's transition. Nia shook her head and stowed her phone away. It didn't matter why. What mattered was that Nia wasn't going to call the sister who had responded to an attempt to spare her feelings with downright cruelty. No matter how much she wanted to repair their relationship, it was not Nia's job to seek out an apology from Maeve. It was either coming or it wasn't, and considering how much time had passed, it probably wasn't.
For the rest of her work day, Nia tried in vain to get her mind off of her sister. Her concentration was pretty screwed at this point, so progress on her article had all but stopped. No matter what she tried, her thoughts always managed to circle back around to Maeve. To how they were probably never going to fix their relationship if neither of them took initiative. But you shouldn't have to, she told herself over and over, it's her responsibility to make it right.
Needless to say, Nia got absolutely nothing done between the alarm going off and the end of the day.
By the time she got home, she was considering a nap so she wouldn't have to think about anything for a while. She had a couple of hours before Brainy was due to be home. With any luck, she'd feel better afterwards and be able to make up what she hadn't been able to accomplish at work before bed.
Upon opening the door, however, Nia was surprised to find that Brainy was already home. Perhaps it was one of the DEO's rare slow days. She knew Alex would sometimes send him home early in order to give him in the breaks he never gave himself. Of course, he was still on call, but it was better than nothing.
"Nia Nal," Brainy, perched neatly on the couch, smiled over his shoulder at her. "How was work?"
"Are you watching Dateline?" Nia asked instead of answering his question. She'd suggested it to him weeks ago, but things had been busy at the DEO and he hadn't had the time nor the focus to watch much tv.
"Ah," Brainy glanced back the screen. "Yes. As per your recommendation. I find it quite frustrating."
"Really?" Nia inquired as she walked around the couch to take a seat beside him. Perhaps some quality time with her boyfriend was just what she needed to cheer up.
"I was able to identify the culprit quite early on." Brainy replied, casually slipping an arm around her. She leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. "It wasn't difficult, and yet these detectives haven't a clue." He gave a little huff of annoyance, and Nia chuckled at him. God, he was cute.
"It wouldn't be a mystery if everyone caught on right away." She pointed out, only slightly teasingly. "We can't all be twelfth-level intellects."
"But the evidence is all there." Brainy protested. "How can anyone not see that it was his wife?"
"Spoilers!" Nia lightly thumped his arm and he fell silent with a small sigh.
For a few minutes, Nia thought that the show might be able to distract her, but that hope was quickly dashed. She couldn't focus on the unfolding mystery - although Brainy had been right in saying that the culprit was incredibly obvious - when her sister was still lurking in the back of her mind. Fortunately, however, she'd been both blessed and cursed with the ability to fall asleep anywhere, and she was already kind of tired. She'd nap to get her mind off everything, and hopefully she'd feel better once she woke up.
Falling asleep took no more than five minutes. Snuggled up against Brainy, it was easy to let herself drift into the dreamscape.
It presented itself in a way with which she was not familiar. All around her, there was nothing but dark, empty space. It seemed to be open, but Nia felt as if there were invisible walls on every side of her, closing her in, preventing her from leaving this one spot.
"Hello?" She called out, listening to her voice echo. No answer came.
All in all, not the worst dream she could've found herself in, though it did kind of defeat the purpose. She'd gone to sleep so she wouldn't have to think about anything, and now here she was, alone with her thoughts. Maybe this was the dreamscape's way of telling her that she needed to deal with this rather than just ignoring the problem.
But what was there to deal with? She still wasn't going to swallow her pride for Maeve's sake. Not this time.
You weren't supposed to get the powers.
What the hell? The dreamscape had never spoken to her directly; certainly not to tell her something like that.
"What?" She asked, not entirely sure that she'd heard correctly.  
When are you going to stop playing hero?
Was that... Maeve?
"What are you talking about?" Nia called.
Why couldn't you save Mom?
Nia froze. That was definitely her sister's voice.
"Maeve?" She asked tentatively. "What's going on?"
Why couldn't you save her?!
The scream startled Nia back into the real world. She jolted upright, eyes wide and heart racing.
"Nia?" Instantly, Brainy's hand found her shoulder, squeezing gently.
"I'm fine." She muttered. "It was just a dream."
He gave her a look, and she realized how odd that must sound coming from her.
"A normal dream." She corrected. "It's fine."
"Regardless, it seems to have caused you distress." Brainy observed, his voice soft. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"We don't have to."
"I know that we don't have to." Brainy replied, removing his hand from her shoulder. "I asked if you want to."
Nia let out a sigh. She didn't particularly want to get into it, but maybe this was how she was supposed to deal with it. Going to Maeve to directly was out of the question, so talking about it with someone else would be the next best thing.
"It was about my sister." She said vaguely.
"You don't talk about her much." Brainy remarked. "I assume there's a reason for that?"
"Yeah," Nia replied. "I told you about how my powers were passed down from my mother. All our lives, everybody assumed that Maeve would get them because my mom had a dream when she was pregnant with Maeve that her daughter would inherit the powers."
"But your mother had two daughters. Once you came out, did nobody think that perhaps you would be the next Dreamer?"
"We'd already spent so long thinking it would be Maeve. Even I didn't consider that it could be me. I didn't even want it to be me." Nia looked down at her hands, recalling the feeling of fulfillment she got from using her powers. They were so much a part of her now that she could hardly believe that she'd spent so long trying to get rid of them. "Maeve didn't want it to be me either."
"She didn't react well?"
"No, she didn't." Nia's voice cracked, and she took a moment to compose herself so she wouldn't start crying. "She told me I shouldn't have gotten them because I'm 'not even a real woman'."
"She said that to you?" Brainy straightened, his voice as angry as it was disbelieving. Nia gave him a little nod.
"We haven't talked since." She sniffled, her voice growing thick with emotion as her eyes grew wet with tears. "Today's her birthday, and usually I'd call her and we'd catch up, but I can't just call her like everything's normal. A-and it hurts, y'know? We've always been so close, and I hate not being able to talk to her."
"I'm sorry." Brainy said softly. Slowly, gently, he wrapped his arms around her.
"It's not your fault." Nia mumbled, leaning into his chest.
"I know, but you're in pain," He said. "And for that, I am sorry."
"It'll be okay eventually." This was the thought that Nia was choosing to cling to. At some point, one occasion or another would force her and Maeve into the same room, and once they were together, they'd work it out. They had to. She couldn't for a second allow herself to believe that she was going to be permanently at odds with someone who had been her best friend for so long. "Doesn't make it any easier, though."
"Is there anything that I can do to help?"
"You're already helping."
He tightened his hold on her slightly, and she relaxed against him, sighing as he began running his fingers through her hair. Despite her fractured relationship with Maeve still weighing heavily in her mind, being here, tucked safely against Brainy's chest, made Nia feel like things were okay. And they would be. She wasn't sure how or when, but someday, things would be okay again.
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apveng · 4 years
She Is Not Kara, Damn It!
Here is the third part of my story. The first part, Khao-Shuh, is here. Second part, Why Do You Need Supergirl, Anyways?, is here.
“Alex, are you listening to me?” Alex picked up the dress that lay on the floor and held it up for her daughter to see. And, hopefully, accept. “This, Hope. You are wearing this to school. Not a Bat Woman custom.”
Into the phone, she added. “Of course, I am.”
“The Bat Woman fever is not down, yet?” Kelly asked sympathetically.
“No, Mommie. I am wearing black and red to school today. Ms. Hamza would love it. She loves Bat Woman. She told me so.” Hope stubbornly shook her head.
“I did ask you not to bring her so many Bat Woman comics.” Alex glared at her daughter. “But, when does anyone ever listen to me?”
“Ha! I could recite all the issues that you bought her, Dr. Danvers.” Kelly retorted.
Alex ignored that inconvenient truth.
She assumed her no-nonsense mother expression and said clearly, “Hope. No. You are not going to wear Bat Woman to school.” When her daughter’s chin tightened in response, she added. “And, no means no. You can wear your Bat Woman costume on Saturday, not today.”
“Kel, I need to go. Otherwise, she will never listen to me.” Without waiting for Kelly to say goodbye, she hung up. And then rolled her sleeves for battle.
Apparently, Kelly hadn’t considered her own warning sufficient because she got a call from Nia as soon as she reached her office.
“Hey! Alex, how is it going?” The overly bright voice, not to mention the odd timing, confirmed her suspicions.
“I am alright. I am not going to lose my head to a White Martian pretending to be Kara. Can we get this over with please?” Alex returned. The way her friends acted one would think she was an irresponsible teenager not a 36-year old working mom who had served as the director of the DEO.
Nia protested. Thankfully, a call over the intercom announcing J’onn, M’gann and an unnamed visitor saved her. “Gotta go, Nia. Duty calls.”
She steadied her breathing, snapped a professional smile on her face and opened the door, closing and securing it after J’onn, M’gann and the stranger—the stranger who looked nothing like Kara—came in.
“We thought it best for S’lynn to come here in another form.” J’onn said once they were seated.
Not knowing whether to feel grateful or irritated, she looked at S’lynn Sh’onkend. According to the report M’gann sent over, S’lynn was a soldier and had been with the rebels for nearly a hundred years. She carried herself like a soldier too. Easy and full of self-assurance but alert and ready to move at a moment’s notice.
So, different from Kara.
“Thank you for agreeing to do this.” She meant the words. To have been fighting so long for peace, against your own species, and now to come to a completely strange planet and agree to go incognito against her own people. It was a lot to ask of anyone. She had nothing but admiration for this woman.
“Of course, Dr. Danvers. I couldn’t do anything else.” S’lynn returned.
Brief and to the point. Alex liked this woman. Of course, that might change once she saw her in Kara’s form.
After a round of thorough questioning about Kara, she nodded at M’gann. “She is well prepared, M’gann. Thank you.”
“Of course.”
Realising she was stalling, she nodded at S’lynn. “Would you change? We can see how well you can copy Kara’s mannerism and demeanour.”
Thankfully, unlike her friends—who seemed to have forgotten that they voted unanimously for this very thing—none of them protested. S’lynn stood up, and as Alex braced herself, changed into Kara.
No amount of preparation would have saved her from feeling like being run over by a truck.
This after all her preparation. After she had gone through old albums and videos that she hadn’t glanced at for so many years. Rifled through memories that she had buried so deep that she hadn’t realised she could even access them. Listened to songs and jokes and game nights each of which sliced like knives.
Only the sympathetic look on the woman’s face, so unlike Kara—who would have been at her side eyes full of worry, not looking from six feet away with a stranger’s distant sympathy—saved her from completely losing her mind.
She had to go through her breathing routine before she could regain her composure. J’onn, M’gann and S’lynn waited without commenting. She was grateful for their forbearance.
“Alright. Could you show me how she, I mean you, walk, fly, act? Just anything Supergirl or Kara Danvers may have reason to do.”
“Yes, Dr. Danvers.” The voice—so familiar, so beloved—sent another set of chills through Alex. How had she got the cadence so pitch perfect? It was almost as if she had taken training from Kara herself.
Alex’s wonder, admiration, and dismay only grew as she conducted the tests. There were a few differences of course. Mainly in how S’lynn reacted to and acted with Alex—she was as familiar with Alex as she was with M’gann, her mentor and leader, her actions full of respect and affection; but the warmth that Kara kept specially for her, which Alex had missed every day, every moment since Kara left, was missing. In everything else, S’lynn was the perfect Kara double. Even J’onn couldn’t have done better.
She supposed she should be thankful that S’lynn couldn’t imitate Kara’s intimacy with her. Otherwise, she might have been in trouble. The way her heart pounded, double-time when she saw certain actions, so familiar and so strange, she wasn’t sure she was completely safe.
There was nothing to be done about it but to be vigilant of her own heart. She had made a promise.
So, she continued.
As that first week passed, Alex found that she could actually use S’lynn as a data point for her detection program—now renamed, quite originally, “SK”, after S’lynn and Kara. At least, it wouldn’t make industry leaders raise their eyebrows like Kara’s imaginative product name had. M’gann gave her the go ahead and a few other rebels who could help her, so it wasn’t long before all her focus was diverted from El Mayarah to SK.
It was still hard for her. She found herself continually taken aback at S’lynn’s ability to play Kara so perfectly. Even accounting for Martian ability to share memories, which gave S’lynn J’onn’s and M’gann’s memories of Kara, the quality of the work was beyond her comprehension. Thank goodness no Martian can read her mind any more, or she wasn’t sure she could have kept up the façade in front of all the people she was working with. As it is, she found it tough to keep her cool around her colleagues and S’lynn.
She had to remind herself, constantly, that S’lynn is not Kara.
It also made her work itself difficult. Her earlier detection program had been based on mind waves and a few communication cues. The limited availability of test subjects had constrained her. J’onn and the few she knew maintained other forms only for short periods, so the very immediacy of their act was built into her models. It, she realised, was different when they had someone like S’lynn who had everything near pitch perfect. Alex couldn’t after all find a person who was as familiar and close as she was to Kara for every employee who worked at every organisation under threat from infiltration.
Biometrics, such as fingerprints and retina scans, were of course out of the question since these were perfectly copied by even the least prepared of her Martian subjects. DNA scans pretty much defeated the purpose and was too wide and intensive in scope to help given that the infiltration was already underway. And there were privacy concerns. She needed something unique to Martians but something that wouldn’t give warning or impinge on anyone’s privacy.
What was she supposed to do?
Alex heart went into double-time at the voice. She is not Kara, Damn it! She took a moment to settle herself. “Just trying to identify the one characteristic that makes a Martian a Martian.”
S’lynn drew her eyebrows together. Oh my God, how does she get even that little squiggle that Kara gets when she worries about something correct? “Given we need to rule out DNA and mind waves, I am not sure either.”
Alex was about to nod when a sudden explosion startled them both. As always, without waiting to move, Alex was at Kara’s side in a flash. It was when she caught the hand, bare except for the material from the suit, that she faltered. Not, Kara, S’lynn. She remained frozen for a moment and had to be pulled down by S’lynn.
As they remained huddled on the floor, S’lynn’s arm around Alex, waiting and wondering whether the project has been discovered and if they were under attack, for the first time since M’gann had announced her plan, Alex felt at ease. What an idiot she had been. She had kept her physical distance from S’lynn believing that it would only increase her pain. Turns out, all she had to do was touch S’lynn’s skin to realise, deep within her soul, without a shadow of a doubt, that she wasn’t Kara.
She lacked Kara’s warmth that always brought sunshine to Alex’s mind. Of course, she did.
The door opened and Brainy called. “It is alright. It was just a test gone wrong.” He reached them, gave his code, and then pulled Alex up. “Director Danvers, are you alright?”
“I am not Director anymore, Director Dox.” Alex repeated perhaps for the hundredth time in the last week.
“Ah! Yes. It is you being back at the DEO. Some portion of my mind refuses to accept the update.” He tapped his forehead in thought. “I don’t know why.”
Alex rolled her eyes and waved her arm at the door.
Once Brainy left, after giving her an overview of what had gone wrong outside, she smiled at S’lynn. “I have found the solution to our problem.”
S’lynn brightened. “You have? What is it then?”
Alex’s smile broadened. “Turns out you are not Kara.” At S’lynn’s confused look, she explained. “I mean, your body temperature is different from a Kryptonian’s.”
S’lynn slapped her forehead. “Of course. We should have realised.” She looked up at Alex hopefully. “Now, we could get the detector made easily, right?”
“Yes.” Alex nodded. “So, let us get it going, Supergirl.” Alex said that last with relish. They were careful to use “Supergirl” whenever they were together, “Kara” being out of the question. Alex had been professional about it. And, it had been hard. Now though, she can say the title without her heart doing a confused little dance. S’lynn was not Kara.
She would never confuse any shapeshifter with Kara. Why had she thought she would?
With her heart both light and heavy, Alex got back to work.
I will have the next chapter ready in a couple of days. Thank you.
Any scientists/engineers reading this, please don’t curse this lapsed engineer for her product design and modelling skills. Thank you.
I used this cool name generator for S’lynn’s name.
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Fushigi Yugi
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ghostsoapgirl · 6 years
Little Red
Baron Corbin/OFC
Rating: G
Words: 2K
She’s been working in the makeup department of WWE for almost six months now. She loved her job, truly she did, but being a heavy set woman surrounded by model like figures all day every day was detrimental to her self esteem. Of course, she had no one she could talk to about her insecurities except Nia, but even Nia was built in a way she could only dream of.
She was on her break, sitting in catering staring at reflection on her cell phone screen. Her eyes were blue and she always loved them but they didn’t seem to fit with her red hair. She had considered dying it many times but was always discouraged because everyone said it was such a lovely shade of red. Staring at herself only made things worse. He cheeks were just a bit pudgy, her lips just a little too thin, and don’t even get her started on her chin.
Before she could start picking apart the rest of her appearance, someone sat across the table from her. She sat her phone down on the table and looked up, only to meet the eyes of her crush, Baron Corbin.
“Hey,” she spoke softly, adjusting the baggy hoodie she was wearing. She had shoved her phone in the pocket, keeping her hands there as well to hide her fidgeting fingers.
“Hey Little Red.” Coming from anyone else, she would have hated the nickname. Several stars had tried to get away with calling her that but she just glared at them until they decided it was a bad idea. Baron, though, the way he said it always sounded endearing while from others it sounded like mockery. “How much longer on your break?” She pulled her phone from her pocket, checking the time. It was halfway through the show and she was due back to her station in ten minutes.
“I have about ten minutes. What’s up?” She always tried to keep her voice neutral around Baron, afraid she may give her secret away.
“I was warming up and I, uh, kinda got a tear on the inside of my thigh. Think you could sew it up for me before my match?” Although she was a makeup artist, once wardrobe had found out about her sewing abilities, the less severe problems were sent her way when she wasn’t busy.
“Yeah, I’ve gotta do Becky’s hair when I get back so I’ll sew you up now.” She stood from her seat and headed towards her little area in the back, not even stopping to make sure Baron was following.
When she reached her station she pulled out her sewing kit. It was nothing compared to wardrobes massive kit but it got the job done, at least on the jobs that were sent her way. She listened as Baron walked up behind her, stopping just shy of the chair the stars usually set in. Except this was a thigh tear, and unless she was going to have Baron undress in front of her, she’d have to sew it quickly while they were on him.
“Alright,” she spoke as she had gotten what she needed. Baron’s suit pants were black so she went with a simple black thread. “I’m just gonna do this well enough to get you through your match. Once your changed, bring em on back to me and I’ll do something a bit more permanent.” Baron nodded as she moved him into place to look at the tear. The angle was awkward and her face was practically in his crotch so she focused intently on the seam she needed to work on.
She bent his knee, having him place his boot on the foot rest of her chair and knelt down and began sewing. Baron was saying something above her, but she tuned him out, focusing so she didn’t accidentally stick him with the needle in her hand. She went over the stitch a few times before deciding it would hold and she stood, brushing the dirt from her jeans. Baron just stood there, smiling down at her.
“Something funny?” She tried not to sound defensive but she just knew he was going to make a dirty joke about her being between his legs.
“I was trying to thank you but you didn’t seem to hear me. So I started rambling off asinine shit but I don’t think you heard that either.” She laughed, tucking the needle and thread back in her kit before turning back around to face him.
“I’m sorry, you’re right. I did tune you out, but only because I didn’t want to be responsible for stabbing you with a sewing needle.” Baron smiled at her before ruffling her hair and walking out. She didn’t have time to think what that meant before Becky was bounding into her area, plopping down in the seat and chatting animatedly about her newest promo. She began with brushing her hair but as she was putting the braid in, all she could think about was how thick Baron’s thighs had felt for the few moments she got to touch him.
Raw was officially over, meaning she had no more hair or makeup to do so she removed her hoodie before placing it on the empty chair. She didn’t normally remove her sweatshirt at work, too ashamed of the way she looked, but it was the end of the night and it was just so hot backstage. She put her headphones in as she cleaned and and packed away her things. She was listening to her music pretty loud, so when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she spun around, a gasp falling from her lips.
“I’m sorry, I called your name but you didn’t hear me.” She removed her head phones as she gaped at Baron, trying to gain her composure. She watched as he looked her up and down and she had to fight the urge to cover herself with the baggy red sweatshirt still sitting on the chair. She debated for a second. If she grabbed the hoodie and put it on, Baron would know how insecure she was. If she didn’t, he would get to see just how big she was and would probably never look at her again.
As she was trying to make up her mind, Baron caught her attention again. He was smiling, something that was so rare it caught her off guard and made her forget her little dilemma.
“Did you forget you told me to come back?” Right she thought.
“I did,” she decided to be honest. “I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately.”
“Wanna talk about it?” He sat down as he talked, covering her hoodie with his body. There went the idea of covering up. He handed his pants over and that’s when she realized he had changed. He was now in loose basketball shorts, one of his cutoff shirts and he was wearing that beanie she loved so much.
“Not particularly,” she spoke as she took the pants from his hand before fishing out the needle and thread she had used earlier. As she removed the old stitch and began the new one, she found herself talking anyways. “I just, it’s hard being around all these skinny, beautiful women when I’m just me, ya know?” She continued the stitch, almost forgetting Baron was sitting right next to her.
“What do you mean, just you?” His voice startled her into dropping the needle. She picked it up quickly, trying to cover her falter and decided on what she was going to say next.
“I’m just plain. I don’t wear makeup, even though I’m a professional makeup artist. I do almost nothing with my hair except curl it or straighten it if I’m not wearing it up. I’ll never look good in any of the attire these women wear and honestly, being the biggest person behind the scenes and being bigger than the girls on the roster, that shit eventually eats away at you.” She stopped when she realized she just word vomited all over Baron. She was facing him now, having finished the stitch, and handed his pants back to him. “I’m sorry. It’s just been so long since anyone’s actually asked me how I felt.”
“You have friends here, Little Red, and I’m one of them. I don’t know if you’re hearing this from other people, but I swear,” she placed a hand on his forearm to stop him. He looked genuinely angry and she couldn’t remember the last time someone got angry on her behalf.
“It’s not that. Yeah some of the women talk but it’s nothing I haven’t heard before.” She pulled her hand away when she realized she was still touching him and shoved both hands in her jeans pockets. “I have a few friends here Baron, but none that I’m close to. I just, can’t bring myself to make an effort with people. I’m too worried about what people think of me, ya know?”
“Yeah, I do know. Everyone here thinks I’m an asshole but that’s just a character I play.” He stopped then, searching her face for something, before he continued, “but you don’t. You never have.” She fought really hard to keep her mouth shut, because if she spoke she was going to say something stupid and ruin whatever was happening at this moment. “Look, I can’t change how other people see you, but I can change the way you see yourself.”
“What are you talking about?” He was staring at her so intently now, she was actually just a bit nervous. He stood from the chair, setting his pants behind him and stepped closer to her. She backed up until her back hit the wall. Baron stepped closer until she could feel the heat radiating from him and she could smell him and that made her a bit dizzy. “God you smell so good.” She wanted to smack herself for letting that slip but the smile on Baron’s face showed that he didn’t mind.
“Do you trust me?” His arms were resting on either side of her head now, their face so close she could feel his breath on her lips. She knew if she tried to speak it would only come out as a squeak so she just nodded her head. Baron’s smile grew even larger, before he dipped his head down to place a small kiss to her neck.
She couldn't fight the moan that left her throat and she felt Baron laugh into the skin of her throat, before trailing his lips up to her ear. He nibbled on the lobe before placing a kiss to her cheek and stepping back, just enough to take in the way she looked.
Her cheeks were red, her eyes blown with lust and her chest was rising and falling fast, her breathing just a little out of sync.
“Come with me to my room?” Again, she just nodded before Baron took her hand, before grabbing her suitcase, hoodie and his pants with the other. “I promise, when I’m done with you, the only thing on your mind will be just how beautiful I think you are.” The fire in his eyes told her he was telling the truth and the shiver that ran through her was almost violent, heat pooling in her belly.
The ride to the hotel was spent in silence, the tension in the air almost palpable. She wanted to speak but couldn’t find the words. Baron didn’t seem to mind, sending her sideways glances as they drove to the hotel. When he parked, he reached over and pulled her over the console to him, before placing a searing kiss to her lips.
When he pulled away they were both smiling. “What was that for?” She licked her lips, his stubble leaving them tingling.
“I just remembered I hadn’t kissed you yet. Now come on. I think I made you a promise.” They left everything in the rental in their hurry to get to his room. She knew she’d regret that decision later but the look he kept giving her, she knew there was no time to think about that right now. All she could think about was Baron’s promise, and the look in his eyes, she knew he was determined to keep it.
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aprilbrowines · 5 years
Princess problem
Janaya used his fire magic to grab Morgan and Lucius by the head so they can pay attention to him.
“Care to tell me why Vera is depressed all of a sudden?” said Janaya. His expression to them is a mixture of Stoic and calm manner, but his tone has a hint of anger. And his arms are crossed. “All I ever wanted was to have a normal day and looks what happens.”
Janaya showed them his phone and see the news about how Vera got humiliated. They got nervous Morgan started to sweat while Lucius whistles trying not to make eye contact with Janaya.
“Actually it's quite a funny story you see…” Lucius stammered.
“Lucius wanted to test out his new weapon that he made and I wanted to stop him but…” Morgan interrupted Lucius with an excuse.
“THAT’S BS AND YOU KNOW IT!!!” Lucius exclaimed, shocked that Morgan would throw him under the bus.
“Beside it's not like we hurt her or something.” Morgan said
Janaya glared at the two. He cannot believe that Morgan is blaming Lucius and not taking full responsibility of his own action like Lucius.
Lucius cleared his throat.
“Let me try to clear this story you see.” said Lucius.
“Very well.” Janaya allows as he listens to Lucius' side of the story.
“Me and Morgan were getting parts for some of my weapons and gadgets when suddenly.”
A Flashback starts
Lucius hears a scream coming from the park.  
“Sound like someone in trouble,” said Morgan. They leave the box of spare parts behind. They turn to see the park in shambles trees were uprooted, benches broken in half, and the people were running in fear of getting eaten.
“Okay, I am visualizing the scenario,” affirmed Janaya. “And how does it related to Vera?”
Lucius and Morgan ran into the playground and saw a three-eyed girl demon girl on the ground, her face widen in fear of the monster as her bodyguard struggles to protect her.
Janaya's eyes are shunned.
“The scream belongs to Vera?” questioned Janaya with his mouth dry. Then he's confused. “Wait, where is her bodyguard, Cayenne?”
“That's the thing she was trying to push back the monster while getting innocent civilians out of the way,” Lucius explained.
“I tried to help Vera get to safety you know,”
Morgan uses his magic to pull a fire hydrant and threw it at the monster.
“Hey, ya big warty dork come and get it” taunting the toad it hops toward Morgan when it came closer he slide under its legs as it crashed in a nearby parked car.  
Lucius threw his thunder bolas at the monster shocking the monster to submission, While Morgan carried Vera away from the danger, but she was fighting.
Janaya glared at the ground and tightens his fist. Vera has been fighting the monster by herself? That cannot be. She has been always fighting monsters with her super princess partner, Nia together, well Nia did most of the work. Vera is pretty defenseless without a few karate moves and swordsmanship. She hadn't been using her demonic powers yet due to being sheltered a lot, just looks at her. Caring for the world and making a difference without knowing what it is like to face reality.
Visiting the injured and the poor as the Royal Sweetheart during the battles between Mewmans and Monsters and helping them by using her wealth does not count. She was so stupid to fight on her own.
“What happens next?” Janaya said.
“Well” as Morgan continues to retell the event, carrying Vera to the a nearby alley she wiggles in Morgan’s grasp. The Flashback continues.
“Let me go you do you think you are?” Vera said, pushing him away from her. Morgan tried to impress her with his monologue “My friends calls me the white shadow my enemies a ban to their existence, but you call me Fox Charme.” as he posed in a hasty manner.
Janaya remained stoic as he cannot believe that Vera didn't say “Thank you”. Didn't her mother taught her any manner, but she did learn not to trust strangers. Including those who wanted to kidnap her.
Vera looked at him with an unamused look on her face. “Well, whoever you are, you can let me go I have to find my friend.” she said as she looks for Cayenne. Suddenly Morgan grabbed her arm.
“You mean your bodyguard she's with Lucius, they'll be fine.”
Vera wiggled to get her arm out she cried Cayenne for help and at the same time kicked him in the vital point. Cayenne and Lucius were looking for the two in the chaos of the monster attack. They found them in the nearby alleyway. Cayenne who see Morgan grabbing Vera's arm, causing a huge misunderstanding.
“Hey! Get the f*** out of here and leave it to the professional!” She demanded.
“EXCUSE ME!?!” Morgan said dramatically.
“Lady, I am a professional! I just save this young lady from certain doom.” Morgan said, trying to get some respects from the brash mouthed girl. Lucius putting his hand on his face.
“Morgan don't start.”
Cayenne walks up to him and poke his chest. She furrowed her eyebrows and glare at him.
“Oh Yeah? What group?” Cayenne asked, getting in Morgan’s face.
Lucius gulp. Morgan is going to break the number one rule, never tell anyone about The Synonymous.
“We don't need a stinkin group” Morgan answered as he pokes her chest with his finger in defiance. They broke the next rule, do not interfere with the Vanguard League.
“Well then You’re coming with me” Cayenne said as she grabs Morgan’s arm like a parent dragging their child to shop clothes.
“Hey, let me go.” Morgan tries to wiggle his arm out of the bear trap like grip, seeing this Cayenne change to the fireman’s carry.
“Not a chance bub” Cayenne said as she carries him to the police station. Lucius and Vera watched as the two flies away.
"You were in jailed?" Janaya questioned in a neutral face because Morgan has been in jail for a few times now since joining The Synonymous. He seemed to manage to escape using his vortex manipulation and creation, with his mom's help of bailing him out afterward.
“Technically Morgan was taken to a precinct I was just the neutral party.” Lucius explained.  
“Traitor,” mutters Morgan.
"We are suppose to be doing community service, working on our jobs, and fighting crimes at night. Not doing a superhero team up with the Vanguard League to fight crimes in the morning." Janaya explains pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Well we were suppose to do? Just let the monster go wild?” Morgan asked confusedly.
“Of course it is. You need to leave it to the professional of the day. If you want to help fight monsters. Do it in the night with Lily Greason. Hunting down monsters, capturing them and sometime slaying them is her job.”
“And who is she is?” Morgan questioned.
“Another member of the Arcane and Holly's girlfriend.” Janaya answered as his patience is running thin. Morgan is a newbie the only Arcane members he know and already met are Holly and him. And he never knew that Holly has a girlfriend.
“We’re sorry sir,” apologized Lucius.
“I don't have to apologize” Morgan mumbled under his breath. Hearing the last part Lucius slap Morgan on the back of his head. Morgan rubbed the back of his head.
Janaya put his hand on his face in irritation and tiredness. "You cannot change Morgan, Lucius,”
The tiredness and irritation caused Janaya's fire magic to manipulate a giant lion made of orange flames from the palm of his hands. The lion roared angrily to stop the two from bickering. It lifted it chest up in pride for the Synonymous. Morgan stared at Janaya on how he’s treating him at first and then astonish of what he did. It was amazing. His eyes were sparkling. While Lucius just stood there in frozen in fear on whether the lion was going to kill them if Janaya was not controlling it.
“I am not saying he is not like his father, but he is just a kid. Unlike me, I had to grown up quickly. He is lucky that he is still a kid acting reckless and regrets it until he learnt and grow."
Janaya calmed down for a bit. He took a deep breath and relaxed his face. The fire lion is extinguished.
“I guess you're right.” Lucius said.
“Morgan, are you all right. Lucius didn't mean to slap you or treated you poorly because of your dad.” Janaya asked in concern. He rubs Morgan's back side of his head. His hand glows to icy blue causing his hand to be cold as ice.
“It's fine.” Morgan answered.
Janaya looked at him. “Lucius..... What happened next? After Morgan was taken to a precinct, after Vera was rescued?”
It turns out the monster that Cayenne was fighting wasn't out yet. Vera and Lucius are sitting down at their seat. They watched as Cayenne and Morgan argue against each other to the Police, the monster bust in the building.
“Watch out!” Morgan cried out.
Vera pushed Cayenne, but the monster push them both. Cayenne slammed onto the wall. While Vera fell down to the ground.
“We got to help them.”
“You distract the monster, I'll get the girls.” Lucius explained.
“Starplosion!” Morgan shot an array of white sparks at the monster, It squealed in pain as turn to Vera in hunger.
“Y’all ok?” Lucius asked as he gives his hand to help her up. Cayenne glares and stand up and reject his offer. “Thanks, Now buzz off,”
“Wait... Where's Vera?” Lucius Looked around to see the monster closing in on her. It’s tongue wraps around her pulling her into its slimy, stinky maw, Cayenne, Morgan and Lucius watch in horror as Vera is eaten alive.
“Vera, No! Crap!” Cayenne exclaimed. She just let herself leave Vera for a couple of minutes and the monster ate her. As Cayenne was about to take action. Lucius runs towards it as he takes off his jacket and tackle the monster. “Spit her out ya bastard!” he demanded. Lucius pries the mouth open as he saw a bit of Vera’s head.
Running towards the monster Morgan does a flying kick to the monster's stomach, making it puke out its contents. Car tires, a stop sign, and Princess Vera were all covered in puke as everyone started snapping pictures of her. Cayenne yelled and threatens the people to put their phone and camera down as Vera starts to sob.
“I think we should leave” Morgan said as he threw a smoke bomb and disappear. “Sorry!” Lucius yells as he ran off from the scene.
“Hey, come back here!!! Grrrr I will find you and hunt you down,” Cayenne threatened the two as she keeps the paparazzi from taking more photos Vera crying into her hands
Janaya smack his forehead and groan. "I may not be her bodyguard.... because I am an unofficial and secret bodyguard, but I will get a scolding from Margo," he thought.
“I'm sure people will forget I mean there are plenty of celebrities who get in trouble.” Morgan said, trying to find the bright side of the situation. Janaya cannot believe what he just heard out of Morgan’s mouth. He thinks that Vera is just a celebrity that can be forgotten in one day.
“Vera is more than just a celebrity,” said Janaya. “She is the princess. A princess from another dimension, The Underworld, Mewni.”
“We didn't know that she was of blue blood.” said Lucius, not knowing about that part.
“Well, read the newspaper, watch the news on TV and read the news online next time.” Janaya scolding the two of them. Lucius and Morgan both look down in shame of their mistakes.
Janaya’s face softens as he realized what he said. He let out a sigh. He snatched the reports from their hands, they wrote in their own perspective about what they did.
“I will send these reports to Ethan. I will see you two then. Good job helping the Vanguard League, You two deserves a break.”
Morgan and Lucius smile a little bit as they leave to their room.
Janaya walked away, holding a book. "I see a bright future in these two," he thought. "I am a seer.”
Vera lucitor, Cayenne Jojo belongs to @princesscallyie
Nia Butterfly belongs to @kururu418
Morgan morningstar and Lucius vreedle belongs to @aprilbrownies (that’s me)
Holly test and Janaya Lynn thomas belongs to @froppy-butterflyfan2000
Ethan Corduroy and Lily greason belongs to @ej-cappy-universe
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silkkpopbonnet · 6 years
“How have you been? I haven’t heard from you in awhile.” Chanwoo kept his hand on Amina’s elbow as he tried to lead her to a quieter corner.
Amina looked out of the corner her eye seeing Jaebum lead Nia away, he did not look happy. “I've been good, just work and life.”
“Got7?” Chanwoo asked smiling at her, he still had those baby cheeks and that million dollar smile, it was impossible not to smile while talking to him. “Tired of iKON?”
Amina shook her head. “Never, you know  that it would just be weird to try to hang out or something with everything that went down.”
Chanwoo shook his head, his hand reaching out again to stroke down her arm. “It’s really nice seeing you, you have to know that. I left voicemails, but I figured you wanted to be alone, I just…missed you.”
Oh, here it comes. Amina thought as she watched Jaebum look at her and Chanwoo. Nodding her head, Amina tried to think of what to say that wouldn't lead him on or give him the wrong idea. True, when she got here she worked with iKON, and Chanwoo had asked her on a date the second day. It seemed like they were mostly friends until that one drunken night. That turned into two, then three. She didn’t want to think about the rest.
“Chan, listen ok? I’m dating Jaebum, and I don’t know why she brought you here-”
“So she would know someone, and I know BamBam, Bobby is supposed to show up, he brought a present, I did too, Nia said that Jaebum was an ass to her and that she didn’t want to feel awkward at her own kid’s party. I felt bad for her, but then I saw you.” He stopped watching Amina’s face for any telltale sign that she was feeling something for him. They had seen each other for awhile, and Chanwoo would openly admit that he had fallen for her.
It was interesting how Nia had flipped the script on Chanwoo like that though, he had wandered into this unwillingly, and that wasn’t fair. The least Amina knew she could do was make sure he didn’t get hurt or that someone was rude to him.
“We should get something to drink sometime.” He chuckled. “Just not too much or we’ll end up back in the same spot.”
“And what spot is that?” Jaebum asked as he slipped his arm round Amina’s waist.
The gesture was not lost on Chanwoo, and he placed his hands in his pockets smiling at Jaebum. “Just friends talking, how are you Jaebum. I heard about the showcase, you know we are performing there as well before heading off to Japan again.”
“Yea.” Jaebum nodded. “You guys are really popular over there.”
Chanwoo shrugged. “I don’t know what it is.” Looking back at Amina, he cleared his throat. “So, do you want to? It’s been a minute we should catch up.”
“I will have to see.” Amina stuttered. “Work has been so hectic lately, and I think I’m in between working for several groups you know how it is.”
Jaebum pulled Amina closer to him, addressing Chanwoo. “If you guys want, after the showcase we can get food and maybe go somewhere to hang out. BamBam knows all the best spots, perfect time for everyone to talk and whatnot.”
Chanwoo eyed Amina, he knew what was going on but rather than start something with Jaebum right here, he let it slide. He didn’t want to talk to Amina in front of Jaebum or anyone else, he wanted her alone. If Jaebum had an issue with it then maybe he shouldn’t be so jealous. Nia called Chanwoo’s name waving him over as Bobby came inside the party, giving greetings to those he knew.
Nodding his head, Chanwoo spoke directly to Amina again. “I still have your number. I’ll call you, or text you later on. Coffee or something?”
She didn’t want to be rude, he didn’t deserve that. Amina nodded her head. “Yea, just call me and hey we’ll be here for awhile.”
“Of course.” Chanwoo winked at her walking off.
The way Jaebum gripped her side made Amina wince, she pushed his arm off. “Don’t do that.”
“Are you mad?” He asked facing her, in truth he was searching her face for some sign of wanting to talk to Chanwoo.
“No, you were just holding me too tight. You know I’m not gonna just disappear from the party with Chanwoo right?” She watched his eyebrow raise, he looked in Chanwoo’s direction then back to her. “Jaebum!”
He grinned, leaning in to kiss her nose. “I’d hope not, I hate to have to beat his ass at Areum’s party, then when we get home you’re getting punished too.”
“Mmhmm.” Amina rolled her eyes watching the kids play.
“You used to date?” Jaebum asked her, fishing for answers.
Taking a deep breath, Amina willed the thoughts away. “Something like that but this isn’t the time or place to discuss it, let’s wait until later please?”
Nodding his head, Jaebum moved her from their little corner back into the party area. It was time for cake, and as Areum sat at her spot at the table, she waved her father and Amina over. Part of Amina wanted to hang back with everyone else and just watch, but Areum was calling her name.
“Go,” Youngjae said behind her. “She wants you near her.” He smiled at Amina, pushing her forward gently.
Cameras flashing as people took pictures, Amina smiled as everyone sang for Areum. Her eyes catching Nia’s, as she stared hard at Amina with a scowl on her face. The bitch was lucky Amina didn’t decide to trip her into a table or something. She had some reserve that she didn’t know she had, that combined with not making Areum’s day terrible.
As the gifts were opened and the party whined down, Chanwoo and Bobby left, but not before Chanwoo took the time to thank Jaebum for letting him be there and winking at Amina. He was a flirt, she shook her head and gathered up some of the presents to take them to Jaebum’s car. As she turned around Nia stood there, her hands on her hips.
“Well, well.” She smiled at Amina, and from this day forward Amina vowed she would never wear red lipstick. Nia had worn the shade out, and she just wanted to turn Nia’s whole mouth red when she punched her.
“Well, what? Cause we’re along now so don’t think I won’t fight your ass.” Amina leaned her back against the car, crossing her arms over her chest.
“He’s just playing with you, you know that right?” Nia placed her hand on her hip. “Jaebum falls in love easily, but he falls out of it just as fast.”
Amina smiled. “Really? That’s your plan now? Make me doubt him? Or did you bring Chanwoo here to make me falter? Cause that’s not gonna work.”
“Will it?” Nia stepped closer to Amina. “You should listen to me, I know him better than you do. His anger gets the better of him, and he’ll cut you off quicker than you think. Just give one reason to doubt you, you’re gone and replaced.”
Taking a deep breath, Amina leaned forward in Nia’s face. “Is that what happened to you? No, you left him with a baby, you doubted him. So what’s this really about Nia? Jealousy? Control?”
Nia moved over to the passenger side door or Jaebum’s car, she slides her finger down the paint before answering. “A little of both, that and the fact that Jaebum just thinks he can get over me, but getting a younger model.”
Amina smiled sadly. “You realize how insane you sound? How petty that is? Just leave him alone, I wasn’t thinking about you and neither was he. Move on.”
“Too simple, I like a little chaos in my days, keeps me young.”
Sighing, Amina rubbed her forehead. “So you want me out of the picture? You’ll leave him alone, if I’m gone, is that it?”
Shrugging, Nia shook her head. “Sure.”
Amina laughed, long and loud. Walking away from the car, she shook her head. “Get used to me being here bitch cause I ain’t going nowhere.”
“We’ll see,” Nia called. “Tell Jaebum I’ll see him later on this week.”
Going back inside, Amina helped Jaebum gather the rest the gifts and Areum as they headed for the car.
“Are we taking the party back to your place?” Jackson asked as he followed them.
The rest of the guys were in tow, talking amongst themselves as they did so.
Jaebum turned his shoulder, Areum was falling asleep. “I think she’s beat.”
“We have practice tomorrow at nine A.M. hyung,” Jinyoung called.
Jaebum groaned his back already sore as he thought about. The ride home was a quiet one, everything in the house, Areum undressed, and in bed, Jaebum sat down on the couch leaning his head against the back.
“Tell me the story.” He wanted to continue the conversation from earlier, it wasn’t that it was bothering him what happened between them, but he needed to know that every chapter in her life was closed now.
“What story?” Amina grabbed two water bottles from the fridge, handing one to him.
“Chanwoo.” Taking a long drink, Jaebum watched Amina’s face as she shook her head at him.
She chuckled, not that it was funny but in annoyance. “Are you serious right now?”
Shrugging, Jaebum set the bottle down. “Yes, what’s the problem? It’s just a question, and I want to know. You didn’t seem upset at him, and he genuinely seemed interested in you connecting again. Why?”
On the one hand, Amina could understand why he would want to know, if it were her she’d want to make sure that he wasn’t going to somehow fall back in love with Nia, but after the shit, she was pulling she knew that wasn’t true. On the other end of the spectrum, she knew what happened between her and Chanwoo, she held nothing against him but if Jaebum knew. She couldn’t keep secrets, especially nothing like this.
“I’m going to tell you, but you need to let me finish and listen to my whole story. ok?” She waited for him to nod his head. “Jaebum, when I tell you that I don’t have feelings for him like that anymore and that it’s over and done, trust that alright?”
“I do,” Jaebum’s nerves started to act up, this didn’t sound good, and he rubbed his hands together, anxious for what was about to happen.
Taking a deep breath Amina told him about how she met Chanwoo, she liked him, and they seemed to vibe well. He took her around to food places, showed her international shops to buy clothes, who spoke the best English in what areas until her Korean was better. It seemed like they were just friends, things didn’t progress like a regular boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. They had gotten drunk one night, and when she woke up the next morning, she was in his bed. She knew it was consensual, she remembered that much, she was eager for him. He seemed to not know how to feel, and they didn’t talk for a few days. When he came to speak to her, she kissed him, not knowing what else to do, and they slept together again, and again. She didn’t know how or when but in the course of time, she had gotten pregnant. They didn’t have a formal relationship, and she didn’t want this, with him, at least not right now. Chanwoo, on the other hand, was delighted, he saw it as an opportunity to take things further with her, but when she told him no, he was upset but ultimately respected her decision.
It was over and done with it, her time with iKON was over, and gradually she just drifted away, that was it. Chanwoo stopped calling and stopped texting, and things went back to normal for her.
Jaebum sat listening to everything she said, in all this time why didn’t she say something, why had she pretended that he was just a one night stand. He clenched his jaw, trying to come to the reasoning of what she said before. She didn’t love him, there was nothing between them, and she was his. Still, though, she had been pregnant, at one point she was going to have a baby by him. Running his hands through his dark hair, Jaebum covered his face and laid his head on the back of the couch.
“Jaebum?” Amina reached out placing her hand on his knee. “Are you ok?”
“No.” He didn’t want to push her off but remember them talking together, his mind ran through so many possibilities. It was over for Amina but was it over for him? Nia had brought him there, if Chanwoo hadn’t seen Amina again then maybe he would have forgotten in time. He saw the man’s face, the longing on there. He would have felt the same as well. “I’m just in shock.”
Jaebum felt the couch next to him dip, Amina’s arms coming around his waist. She kissed his neck. “There’s no reason for you to be upset, that was then, and this is now. It’s over now, nothing to do with you.”
“He still loves you,” Jaebum blurted out. “I feel like, damn.”
“If he does, that’s him, and that’s not how I feel. I love you.” She watched as Jaebum stood up, pushing his hair back once more exposing his forehead.
“Answer me. Don’t lie.” Crouching he took Amina’s hands in his. “Did you ever tell him that you loved him?”
“No.” Straight face with eye contact.
He could live with this knowledge. “Amina. If you find yourself pregnant now, what will you do?”
Amina blanked. “I don’t know.” She stuttered over her words. “I mean, I just, I’m working, and you’re working, I don’t want to be a burden, and I didn’t want to think about kids until I got married.”
“Don’t abort it. Don’t keep me out of the loop alright? Tell me, I’d be delighted to have a baby with you. You don’t want me to take care of you? Fine, I’ll support you but don’t do that.” He rubbed her hand against the growing stubble on his face.
“It’s my decision, I mean I’ll involve you Jaebum but,” She knew she wouldn’t do that, she’d probably tell him and then try to figure out her life after that. Jaebum wasn’t Chanwoo, the situation was different.
“I just, this is my life now. You and Areum, and I don’t want to lose that. I know things seem rough now, but work with me and I’ll find a way to get through anything. I just want to know that I have you too.”
Closing her eyes Amina nearly though this was some sort of proposal. Not knowing what else to do she nodded her head standing up. “I should go home now, work in the morning.”
“You want to stay the night?” He wagged his eyebrows at her.
Smiling, Amina shook her head. “I need to think and sort through everything. Today had too much drama, and I need to rest. Not have you keep me up all night.”
As she walked out the door, Jaebum followed her. She got into the taxi, and as he watched it pull away, he briefly wondered if that were the last time he’d see her.
The next day, Amina awoke to a few texts from Jaebum, today was a busy day for him, and he might not get to the phone. He left an address to where he would be practicing should she want to come see him. Then one from Chanwoo. He was asking to see her, Amina rolled her eyes, why now? She cursed Nia in her mind. Old spiteful, red lipstick wearing, not walking in heels ass bitch.
Instead of texting, she called Chanwoo. “Hey.”
“Hey!” I didn’t think you’d answer my text. “Want to get some breakfast?”
“I can’t, Chan listen. I told Jaebum everything that went on between us. I-you’re a good friend but I’m in a relationship and Jaebum wouldn’t be comfortable with this.” She said it all quickly hoping he caught it.
Chanwoo blew out a breath. “Wow, everything? Not even my members know what happened. So, you’re telling me that he won’t let you spend time with a friend? Wow, Nia was right.”
Immediate anger flew into Amina’s voice. “Fuck that dusty bitch! She brought you there to bring a rift between Jaebum and me. She was using you, listen to me, do what you want with her but when it concerns me, stop it.”
“Nia is cool.” Chanwoo had started, but he stopped. “So you don’t wanna meet up? He’s keeping you on a short leash?”
“There is no leash, it’s just disrespectful to my relationship right now.” She could practically hear him searching his mind for something to say, but true to his easy-going nature. Chanwoo acquiesced.
“I understand, just listen to me ok, if it doesn’t work. Call me, I won’t feel like a second choice. I just…I just feel like we could have been something more.”
Amina didn’t want to say yes, that was planning for more, and she didn’t want to say no, he didn’t do anything to deserve that. “I hear you.” With that, they hung up, and Amina sat up in bed wondering at what point would her life just slow down enough that she could actually think.
She was happy with Jaebum, she loved him and Areum. She didn’t know how to really handle going from a girlfriend to a wife and mother if that even happened, but it scared her. She was 24 and Jaebum had cemented his life at 36. Hers was still going on, she had so much to do, that she wanted to do. All this BS with Nia was just cream on her cake of anxiety. Amina’s mind wandered back to what Nia said, she was sure that Jaebum wouldn’t be tired of her. That was just a flat-out lie, but the fact that Nia would always be there bothered her.
Nia was Areum’s mother sure, one that wasn’t around but now she was and how would that make Jaebum feel? The relative peace he had with just Areum and him was interrupted, accidentally that was by her. Would Jaebum get tired of it? Would he sacrifice a relationship in the name of peace? She didn’t know, he didn’t seem to be pointing that way, but stress could make people act up.
Jaebum stared at himself in the mirror and watched as Youngjae plucked a strand of gray hair from his head. “Getting old.” Youngjae joked as he let it drop to the floor.
“I feel it.” Stretching his back, Jaebum got up and went over one of the moves again.
“Is Amina coming to watch us practice?” Yugyeom asked. “She can see who the best dancer is.”
Jaebum shrugged. “She might be busy today, and I don’t want to push her.”
“What’s wrong?” Jinyoung asked as he got into position again.
“I feel like I might be pushing her too much and I don’t want to drive her away.” Jaebum stood in front, starting the music again.  
“Then pull away a little, let her know you’re there but let her come to you,” BamBam suggested.
“Don’t back out too much, send some flowers or something. Is it Nia?” Mark asked, switching spots with Jaebum, as they slid across the floor.
“I think so.” Jaebum caught his breath, as they grabbed their crotches, thrusting.
“We should kill her,” Youngjae suggested.
Jinyoung laughed. “It’s the only way hyung.”
He had to do something, or he might lose her, he had to figure out some way to let Amina know he was serious about her. He didn’t care what happened before, or what was happening now, he just wanted a future with her. One that he was sure he saw her in but did she see herself there? The showcase was coming fast, and he knew he had to focus on it. That and he was writing songs for a new CD, something that was pure GOT7 but the feelings he was experiencing now laced the music. Would the fans like it? Was it too much Jaebum and not enough GOT7?  
As they finished the dance Jaebum called an end to practice now, he had to pick up Areum and then back to the studio to practice vocals. No calls or texts from Amina, worry filled his heart. Was he losing her, or was she just as worried about their future as he was?
Chapter Seven
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