#like ok that reeks of transmisogyny!
cicadangel · 2 years
scrolled to deep into twitter and found probably one of the worst carrds I've ever seen... (cw for rape, abuse, suicide, sh, transmisogyny, grooming ment)
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the-delta-quadrant · 8 months
transmascs: transmasc erasure and transandromisia are bad
also transmascs: *erase transandromisa-affected people who aren't transmasc*
i'm so sorry we're too complicated for you to consider. real "bisexuals complaining about bi erasure but then erasing biromantics, bisensual and other non-bisexual bis" vibes.
it's like... you support people unless their identity gets too complicated. both transandromisia and transmisogyny discourse fucking reek of exorsexism because none of you seem to be aware that you don't need to be transmasc or transfem to be affected by either, that other-aligned nonbinary people aren't somehow not oppressed, that there are actually options besides transmasc and transfem, that it's LITERALLY FUCKING DEADLY that we experience transandromisia and/or transmisogyny but aren't actually included in advocacy. lots of you all are way too ok with other-aligned folk being left behind simply because we don't fit your new gender binary and you have to use more than two words to be inclusive. we're nothing but an inconvenience to you but the fact that you silence and exclude and erase us is costing people's lives.
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molsno · 1 year
just because transmascs don't face the exact same type of oppression that transfems do, doesn't mean that we don't face oppression at all. you don't have to use the term transandrophobia, but don't act like we're the pinnacle of society and we garner respect wherever we go, whoever we interact with. we tried to make our own space in the trans community wider by creating a term to describe our unique experience with oppression, and the community immediately shot us down.
it's a good thing I never said that! c'mon now, do you really think you're gonna convince me to change my mind by putting words in my mouth?
if I started smashing together different aspects of my identity and pretended they formed a new and unique kind of oppression, where would it end? should I start talking about "alesbophobia" because I'm an asexual lesbian? sure it presents some challenges that manifest in specific ways but those challenges aren't unique, other asexuals and lesbians experience them separately.
what if added my transness into the mix to call it "transalesbophobia"? yeah these are all inseparable parts of me and again, I do feel like I experience them in ways specific to my being an ace lesbian trans woman, but none of these things meaningfully intersect in a way that makes the resulting product unique.
except, oh wait, whoops, I've only been giving you examples of mashups between actual marginalized identities I hold. I almost gave you too much credit there! let's go with something more analogous to transandrophobia.
suppose I were to start talking about the specific experiences I have as a white trans woman, and I decided to give those experiences a name like "blanchetransmisogyny", and I started insisting that this is something important that white trans women need to be able to talk about. even though yes, my whiteness is inseparable from the rest of my identity and that results in the transmisogyny against me taking shape in specific ways, those manifestations aren't unique. if they were unique, then that would imply that there's a widespread hatred of white people within society, a la "reverse racism". but there's no such thing! I may be marginalized for being a trans woman, but I still hold privilege over trans women of color because I'm white. insisting otherwise would absolutely reek of white supremacy, and poc would have every reason to "shoot me down" as you put it.
that's what you're doing with transandrophobia. it's not about "describing your unique experiences with oppression", it's about denying your male privilege. yes, you are oppressed for being trans, and within the context of larger society, you will very much feel that oppression. but the fact of the matter is that you still hold privilege over trans women just by way of being a man. and guess what! denying that fact is extremely misogynistic. if a cis man did the same thing you're doing but to a cis woman, there would be no denying his misogyny. so why is it ok for you to do it to a trans woman?
and if I'm being honest, having misogynistic trans guys coming into my inbox to mansplain oppression to me every week is testing my patience! I don't have to explain any of this to you, especially not when I've already written numerous posts about it that you can browse at your convenience. next time I might just decide to be the mean bitch tranny you all seem to think I am!
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abloobloobloo · 2 months
bad person on Twitter alert
CW: transmisogyny, and transphobia more generally; levels of irony that will make steam billow out your ears
this person is @LittleMammith on Twitter. Liberals think their opinion is worth anything for some reason.
i first found out about this person from this horrifically bad-faith tweet:
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Now, there could be a smidgen of a non-dogshit argument here, but the tweet Mx. Mammoth is quoting is responding to is literally responding to a tweet saying that leftists "have no interest in securing a better future," which is, well, pretty blatantly contradicted by the fact that at least some of them are going out of their way to help people in need:
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but even then, it wouldn't reek as bad-faith to me if it wasn't for this HORRIFIC subsequent response:
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Now, I can't believe I have to say this.... but there is a SUBSTANTIAL FUCKING DIFFERENCE between acting as if stories like this are normal and good, which is something these stories are doing; and UNDERSTANDING HOW FUCKED OUR SYSTEM IS WHILE STILL HELPING OUT PEOPLE IN NEED ANYWAY. Y'know, WHAT MUTUAL AID IS.
Like...the WHOLE FUCKING POINT is that this shit exists because this system is broken and the government isn't helping these people!!!! They're literally doing this shit in addition to campaigning for better fucking systems, UNLIKE THE FUCKING NEWS STORIES EVERYONE DUNKS ON, YOU UTTER FUCKING CRETIN.
And then this motherfucker had the audacity to say this shit:
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But if that was all, I probably wouldn't be making this post.
No, because it turns out literally two seconds of searching their other tweets reveals textbook horrific transmisogyny.
And I don't mean some shitty tweets from ten years ago. I'm talking this month.
Yeah, this is where the transmisogyny cw comes in. (More in the read below)
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Like...do I even need to say anything here? What the fuck kind of analysis can I add here that other people haven't said more eloquently? What the fuck am I supposed to say to someone literally calling a trans woman a male-socialized misogynist specifically wielding "classic, bargain-bin MALE MISOGYNY"?!
well, ok, I have one thing to add: it gets worse. So much fucking worse:
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look, dipshit, I know this might be a foreign concept to you, but different people having different analysis of something isn't a sign of "bending over backwards to say something isn't bad."
That's just analysis. That's how analyzing things works. That's the inevitable results of different people's experiences factoring into how they interpret things.
(that's not even getting into that extra layer of retweeting this call-out from fucking Brianna Wu: a woman who was exposed saying horrifically transphobic shit about trans women)
And the talk about "sleazy subcultures" is just the transmisogynistic cherry on top of this tranmisogynistic shit sundae.
And yet, despite this person's dog shit argumentation, despite their HORRIFICALLY BLATANT BIGOTRY... I've seen big liberal accounts who supposedly give a single solitary shit about trans women supporting this piece of shit and retweeting them onto their timelines. Retweeting this motherfucker as if they have anything worthwhile to say.
What a fucking farce.
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tokosyomaru · 8 months
Post I just reblogged has me thinking. There is something so revolting abt transmasc Chihiro headcanons.
I will never understand someone who looks at a character whose writing reeks of transmisogyny and goes "ok but what if I made this about myself (transmasc)". Like I don't like cis Chihiro takes but it somehow manages to be more respectable than "ok but what if she's transmasc instead :3". I hate it here.
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horrifically · 2 years
nah that’s WEIRD the way i’ve seen so many crypto terfs say that kind of shit like “i just am open to seeing all different beliefs!” if ur ok with filling ur dash with blatant transphobia and violent transmisogyny + exposing all ur followers to it that’s like . a problem lol . also “i don’t agree with what the trans movement has become” just sounds eerily similar to the way terfs refuse to acknowledge trans ppl as individuals and call them all “TRAs”. you can have issues w certain beliefs that some trans people hold without saying that junk. not accusing them of being a terf but this whole thing does reek.
okay but can you take this to @antiwaif shes my friend and i dont want to lose the friendship, im sorry- i have never been hurt and ive never seen her hurt a trans women, in fact ive seen posts supporting them so im sorry i dont know what you want from me
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meeresbande · 7 years
ok I’m mostly just thinking out loud here… but when it comes to aro and ace people and our treatment by some LGBT people (those that want us excluded) - I mean obviously they are not the ones who created the systems of oppression that btw oppress us all, but they can contribute to them. Same as ace and aro people can contribute to homo-, bi-, pan- and transphobia etc. Same as gay cis men can and do contribute to transmisogyny and lesbophobia. Etc etc. But it should be obvious that we didn’t create heterosexism, none of us did. The worse problem is though that they try to exclude us from the few safer spaces we could share and frequently attack the formation of new, specifically aro and ace spaces and resources as well as attempts to research aro/ace-history (or spinster movements or whatever words were used in the past).
So we have a group of people who are not our oppressors, but they can choose to throw us to the wolves, and in effect side with them against us. Or they can choose (as many do!) to side with us against our common oppressors. And my wording here is inaccurate too because we are not distinct groups, we have so so many overlaps.
I think it all comes back to the not-exactly-new question of (so-called) “identity politics” versus queer politics. When I first learned about queer politics and queer theory abt 10-12 years ago (yes they did use the queer word in university and it was used as a self-descriptor by many and the idea that that might be problematic only came to my attention much later tho tbh that might be bc I’m german) “identity politics” was basically a swear word, it meant closed-minded and reeked of assimilationism. Now I feel I’ve come full circle - almost! In the meantime I learned more about what “identity politics” actually are or can be (bc when you only hear about something in the context of why it’s bad or passé you don’t really learn what it is) and what their value is and I still think that things like safer spaces and political organisation around shared identities and experiences is invaluable and necessary and often revolutionary. On the other hand I realise more and more (or rather, again), that there are dangers and limits. Specifically when it comes to people who are oppressed on several axes or who don’t fit easy descriptions… like, say, a lot of bi, pan, ace and aro people, nonbinary and genderqueer people… it’s important to point out here that there are many many overlaps and a whole lot of aro and ace spectra people are trans, nonbinary, genderqueer and/or have a queer orientation. Not to mention other layers of marginalisation like being neurodivergent, disabled, non-white etc etc.
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