#like okay I cut these gifs to make it look better but MC's face never moves
carewyncromwell · 1 year
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Anastasia “Ana” Read had escaped onto the pages of fantasy books for as long as she could remember. From the likes of Lewis Carroll and L. Frank Baum to fantastical Japanese manga like Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura, she’d always found comfort in the stories of ordinary girls finding themselves through exploring worlds of magic and mystery.
The day she received her own wand, therefore, was a day the aspiring writer had trouble describing through anything other than the written word. Ana didn’t think she could ever have coherently articulated all of the feelings she experienced in that moment, even if she’d tried.
The surprise. The excitement, the power -- the potential. The feeling that you had liquid fire dancing in your veins, and yet it didn’t hurt -- it was only invigorating. Like you could go running and dancing -- maybe even take flight, just from the feeling!
The warmth. The companionship, the completeness, the acceptance. The feeling that you were suddenly so much more than you were before, and who you were always meant to be. Was this what self-love felt like? Even just in flickers? If so, was it hardly a wonder why those blessed with self-confidence walked so tall?
The vindication. The reassurance that this was not a dream -- that you weren’t just some freak -- that you were special, and that there were others like you, many others! That they’d likewise felt alone and friendless and uncomfortable in their own skin, just as you did...but that now, you didn’t have to hide. You didn’t have to, nor should anyone else. And soon...soon, you’d feel strong enough to make sure no one else ever grew up as lonely and lost as you did.
Ana may have been incredibly quiet upon receiving her wand from Ollivander’s (as she often was), but her heart was aflame and her mind danced with surrealist dreams of what other amazing things could be in store for her. What glorious adventures she herself could go on, as Dorothy Gale and Tsukino Usagi did in her favorite books...
Her magic had been truly awakened -- and with it, dreams of heroism that swept this taciturn idealist up like a romantic fantasy.
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undercroft-files · 6 months
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Gif not mine
Various HL Characters & MC
Genre: Scenarios
Summary: After MC's daring solo fight with Ranrok and doing whatever they chose to do with the stored ancient magic, they were admitted into the hospital wing by some of the professors that found them. The nurse just now started allowing visitors, how do they all react?
Characters: Natsai Onai, Sebastian Sallow, Poppy Sweeting, Ominis Gaunt, Amit Thakkar, Eleazar Fig
Warnings: Mentions of cuts, bruises, and bandages but nothing out of place.
Natsai Onai
Once she heard about you being in the hospital wing and knowing you were allowed one visitor at a time, Natty didn't waste a second in seeing you. She knew about Ranrok and the ancient magic but a whole battle against Rankrok alone under Hogwarts definitely didn't sound pleasant.
The hospital wing was quiet, no one else seemed to be there at the time other than you. Natty immediately came to your side and hugged you, catching you off guard.
"I am so happy you are okay!" Natty exclaimed, clutching you around your waist.
"Ow...!" You grunted, your voice was hoarse and gravely from overuse.
"Oh! I apologize! Did I accidentally harm you?" Natty asked, becoming aware of her own strength and letting you go.
"You're okay, Natty. Thank you for coming to visit me." You said, your voice cracking a little from it being hoarse.
"Of course, MC. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't make sure they were okay after what I heard you went through." Natty admitted, pulling one of the visitor's chairs closer to your bed and sitting down on it.
"Ah, so you know." You chuckled, a weak smile on your face.
"How could I not? Most people assumed you were expelled but I knew Black wouldn't actually do that after all the trouble he went through just to get you here." Natty said, hinting to the spreading rumors about you.
"Huh, you got a point..." You replied, your voice cracking again.
"You sound tired, why don't you get some more rest?" Natty offered, pulling some of your covers up for you.
"And miss out on seeing my friend when I need her most?" You replied, smiling at Natty.
"Trust me, MC. You will not be missing out on anything because I will remain here until I'm told otherwise. Get some rest, you deserve it." Natty almost commanded, helping you shift into a comfortable position for you to sleep.
Sebastian Sallow
He didn't even wait from word about where you were after the events of the goblin attack were confirmed, he just bolted to the hospital wing. Sebastian had a lot on his mind since you last talked to him, the events between him and what was left of his family shattering and you stayed by him, despite when he got difficult. He needed to talk to you.
The nurse almost didn't let him enter but you called out and told her that it was okay. Sebastian gave one final glare to the nurse before he rushed to your side, grabbing your hands and holding them in a comforting way.
"Are you okay? You look absolutely terrible." Sebastian stated, looking over all the markings of your face and arms.
"Well, I've definitely been better." You joked, smiling a little.
"You should've told me. I could've helped you." Sebastian said, sitting on the bed by your legs but never letting go of your hands.
"No, Sebastian. It would've been useless. Professor Fig was with me but I told him to leave because it was too dangerous for him, I would've told you the same if you were there. Besides, you had your own things to worry about—"
"No, no, no, don't say that. You've done so much for me this year that most people wouldn't have been able to accomplish in a single year, the least I could've done was protect you." Sebastian said, his grip slightly getting tighter but not overbearing.
"I'm fine, really." You tried to push away his concerns but he insisted.
"Fine? MC, have you looked at yourself? Your arms are covered in bandages, you basically look like a mummy! If that's your definition of 'Fine' then I'm deeply concerned for you." Sebastian confronted, causing you to give me a pitiful smile.
"I'm sorry, Sebastian. I just didn't want anymore trouble nor did I want to risk losing someone I care about." You admitted, giving a small smile.
"I forgive you, just promise me next year won't be as dangerous as this one? I appreciate adventure, but not death wishes." Sebastian joked, causing you to laugh a bit.
Poppy Sweeting
"MC! Are you okay?!" Poppy greeted, rushing to your side at the hospital wing.
"Yeah, just a bit bruised." You admitted, smiling to Poppy.
"Don't ever do that again! From now on, I'm gonna make sure Highwing always has her eyes on you because you're just so... so—reckless!" Poppy exclaimed, her worries and care pouring out like word vomit.
Poppy had more to say but you didn't want to interrupt her in her worried rants, so you just listened with a smile on your face. She finished with an exaggerated sigh, her lungs trapping a bit of air at the beginning of her rant that needed to be let out.
"Feel better now?" You joked, seeing her calm down.
"A bit, I'll be way better once you're well enough to leave the hospital wing." Poppy admitted, sighing a little.
"Couldn't agree more." You stated, smiling brightly.
Ominis Gaunt
Word about the goblin attack spread through the school and surrounding areas like wildfire, everyone's talked about it at least once. Ominis knew you had some quarrels with a goblin named Ranrok and knew the dangers that came with it and he didn't question that you played a major part in defending Hogwarts.
Sebastian was the one to inform Ominis about you being in the hospital wing but that you hadn't woken up yet, so it felt only right to check on you, even if you didn't know he was there.
Ominis used Floo Powder to get to the hospital wing to make travel easier and located you from his wand, still unconscious. He sighed a little before sitting down in a nearby chair, waiting for either you to wake up or for the nurse to tell him it was time to go.
He wished you stayed mostly out of trouble when you got here or at least only worried about the goblin issues, sensing the bandages on you made Ominis have the feeling that if him and Sebastian had been more reckless when you helped them that this would've happened sooner.
Ominis heard you shuffle a little in your bed and tensed up a bit, trying to hear if you were awake or not.
"Ominis...?" You asked, answering his question.
"Hi," Ominis paused, not really knowing what to say. "How do you feel?"
"Like I just got attacked by a magical dragon." You chuckled, causing Ominis to give you a more concerning look than he already had. "Sorry..."
"Don't apologize, you did what you had to do." Ominis paused again, he's not used to comforting people or being comforted so he really didn't know what to say. He gently found your hand and held it. "I'm just glad you made it out alive."
You smiled, Ominis had always been nice to you unless he was upset but somehow managed to forgive you easily. You know you and Ominis got off on a lot of wrong starts but tried to make it up whenever you could, like if you saw his struggling in potions, you'd help him.
"Thank you, Ominis." You said with a smile, gently squeezing his hand.
Ominis smiled, "Just promise to not get into as much trouble in the future, you got lucky this time, I wouldn't test it again."
You chuckled, agreeing with him.
Amit Thakkar
He was anxious all morning during breakfast because he had heard of what to you the night prior, he wanted to see you but knew it wasn't worth the risk of getting caught when he didn't want to be. Finally, after leaving the Great Hall, he hurried to the hospital wing to find you quietly eating something yourself.
"Oh, hello Amit." You greeted, seeing him approach you.
"MC, what happened? Are you okay?" Amit asked, sitting down in a chair next to your bed.
"Well, goblins happened. Hopefully, I gave them enough of a scare that they decide to never mess around with Hogwarts again, and yes, I'm okay." You explained, smiling a bit.
"I've been so worried since I heard about the rumors of the goblin attack. I knew you were trying to keep them from whatever they were looking for but I was hoping they were just rumors." Amit admitted, sighing a little.
"Honestly, I'd have wished the same thing. It's over now, though. There will still be a nasty goblin here and there but they seem like a pesky bug now after I fought Ranrok." You joked, smiling to Amit.
Amit chuckled, finding a weird sense of admiration from your bravery. "I guess fighting a goblin who had been using wizard magic makes everything else seem like an assignment for school." Amit agreed, smiling back at you.
He decided to stay as long as he could with you as good company, some of your other friends came to visit and bring you gifts but he never left.
Eleazar Fig
He had been the one that carried your unconscious body to the hospital wing after you collapse from the powerful fight Ranrok gave you and from keeping that ancient magic from branching out where it doesn't belong. You had told him to run to safety after Ranrok destroyed the crate the magic was concealed in, he hated the idea of leaving a student he cared for in the jaws of potential death but he had no other choice.
He helped the other professors fight the goblins that came before rushing back to check on you, finding Ranrok dead, the magic concealed once more, and your body motionless on the ground. He expected the worst but didn't give up hope, he knew you could pull through.
After the nurse patched up your wounds and gave you a bed to rest in, Fig spent all his time by your side. He had a few cuts and bruises on himself that he got taken care of as well but never left you out of his sight for too long, not wanting to miss when you woke up again.
Hours passed, maybe even a full day passed before you slowly opened your eyes. Fig's attention was brought back to reality when he heard you sigh and saw your hand instinctively rub your eye.
"Professor...?" You asked, your voice raspy from the battle.
"I'm here, it's alright. You're in the hospital wing, Ranrok is dead, and the ancient magic has been concealed. You've done it." Fig smiled, gently taking the hand you weren't using and holding it.
"How long...?" You began but trailed off, finding it hard to use your words.
"You haven't been out long. Maybe a day, but I was expecting you to be resting longer." Fig admitted, gently brushing his thumb over your knuckles.
You hummed in response, letting Fig know you heard him. Words became something nearly impossible for you to use as tiredness and the weight of your body needing healing overpowered you.
"Rest, MC. Merlin knows you deserve it after all you've done." Fig said, seeing how exhausted you still were.
You nodded before letting yourself drift off into a peaceful slumber, the most peaceful you've had in a long time. Fig smiled before he leaned back in the chair he was sitting on, thinking to himself, 'I could use some shut eye too.'
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ficnation · 1 year
Chapter 2: The Guilt She Bears
Series: “She” Word count: 2,5k+ Pairing: Angel Reyes x Female! Reader; Past! Angel Reyes x Luisa Espina Warnings: SPOILERS for Mayans MC season 5 episode 7, mayans mc typical warnings A/n: I’m starting to enjoy all of this angst muahaha
Main Masterlist
Mayans MC Masterlist
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A few days have passed since Luisa’s death. Angel tries to return to the life he once knew, but it isn’t easy. He tries not to think about Luisa, but the apartment they once shared reminds him of her every second of the day. Every moment he spends there makes it harder not to reach for a bottle of cheap whiskey and the company of another woman.
One day he shows up at your doors, hastily packed bags in his hands as he supports Maverick’s bottom with one muscular arm. Angel’s fist shakes as he raises it to knock on your door. The sound echoes in his ears. He wonders if you’re even home, he forgot to text you before getting in the car, but something in his heart tells him you will be there. You’re always close when he needs you.
As Angel waits, staring intently at the door, each minute feels like an hour. The weight of worry and anticipation seems to become physically tangible. Finally, his impatience wins, and the man reaches for the doorknob, but the door is slowly pushed open from inside before he can make contact.
The door opens just an inch so you can peer out at the intruder with a grimace. You look exhausted, your hair is all over the place, and your eyes tell him you haven’t slept in a while. You give the impression of someone who has been through hell and is struggling to survive. On top of all that, you seem stressed and worn out, ready to give in at any moment. Angel knows he doesn’t look much better, but seeing you like that still worries him.
The grimace falls from your face when you recognize him, and you open the door wider. You see the bags he’s holding in his hands as he stands before you, your expression turning into one of pure confusion.
“Angel? What are you doing here?” you ask him with a raspy voice. You notice Maverick in his other arm. The baby looks just as tired as his father, his big brown eyes drooping sleepily.
“Please, can I come in?” His voice is pleading even though he knows you’d never refuse him that.
You nod, stepping back out of the way to let him in. He can feel your eyes studying him intently as he walks inside. You watch his every move, every breath, and every blink.
“What’s going on?” You grab Maverick from his arms, holding him against your chest as you kiss the crown of his head softly.
Angel heads over to the couch and sets his bags next to it, letting himself fall onto the furniture heavily. He ignores your question for now, and you refrain from asking again, focusing instead on the child in your hold.
“Is he okay? Does he feel better?” you question, observing the little boy. He’s so quiet and tired. You wonder if he can’t sleep without his mommy, if he can sense her absence in his life.
“He’s okay. Just doesn’t sleep well lately,” your friend explains with a deep sigh.
“Oh… poor baby,” you say to Maverick, caressing his soft hair. The child presses his face into the crook of your neck, grabbing your shirt in his tiny fists. You turn your gaze back toward Angel. “What’s in all those bags?”
He doesn’t respond to that question, instead cutting right to the point. “I can’t be there anymore. Everything reminds me of her,” the man confesses, his eyes pleading.
You pause, trying to understand what he’s asking. “You want to... live here?” you finally say, your expression conveying your confusion. It’s not something you had anticipated. It hasn’t even crossed your mind.
Angel nods, shamefully hanging his head. “Please, it’s either you or my dad.”
You bite your bottom lip, noticing how abashed he is to ask you this. Angel has always been so strong and independent that you never expected him to need you this much. Even when he was at his worst, drinking himself into oblivion, he has never turned up to your door asking for a place to stay. Not even once. He was always the one making sure you were alright. But you know the circumstances are different this time.
“Angel,” you begin, and the man sitting on your couch prepares for you to say no. “You know that you’re always welcome here.”
He sighs in relief, some of the tension disappearing from his muscles as he slumps down against the couch. He thanks you wordlessly with an appreciative nod of his head.
“What about your dad?” you inquire, meeting his tired brown eyes.
“It’s not that I don’t want to live with him, but he’s old, you know. He needs his sleep and I don’t wanna be a burden,” your friend explains. “Not that I’m not gonna be a burden to you but—”
You cut him off before he can doubt himself even more and try to explain something that doesn’t need to be explained. “No, no, Angel, you’re not a burden. Trust me,” you reassure him, “you and Maverick are more than welcome here.”
You know their company might help you too. You have been lonely lately more than ever. The nights seemed too long and restless as you kept overthinking every little thing—the guilt swallowing your whole being, drowning you in its darkness. You kept thinking day and night—what could you’ve done to save Luisa, what could you’ve done to take her place and die that night instead of her.
“I’m not sure where I’ll be in a few months. My lease is almost up. But for right now, and as long as you need it to be, my home is your home.” You look down at Maverick, who’s fallen asleep in your arms, the corner of your lips arching as you kiss his head softly.
A faint smile crosses Angel’s face as he watches the two of you together. It’s painful to know his mommy will never hold him like that again—will never kiss him like that again, but he cherishes the fact that at least you’re there for him and his son. You bring them the comfort—the love they need so desperately right now.
“I have a spare room.” Your voice breaks through Angel’s thoughts. His eyes follow you as you step toward the archway and nod your head in the direction of one of the doors across the corridor.
You can feel the nervousness radiating off him when he follows you. He’s uneasy at the prospect of crashing here, at your house. It’s not like he hasn’t been here before—he has—many times, sometimes with Luisa or Maverick and other times by himself, but he’s never spent the night.
“I don’t have a crib, but we can arrange something. Get the one from your house or get a new one,” you offer, opening the wooden door and stepping inside. You make a gesture with your hand to bring Angel’s attention to the room.
He looks around curiously. The room isn’t too fancy, but it’s cozy and bright. There’s a bed, a small dresser, and other minor furniture. The walls are a light blue color, with a few clouds painted onto them to give the feel of a dreamlike peace. You can tell that Angel likes it by the way he takes it all in with sparkling eyes, the corner of his mouth curving up.
“I can bring it. I planned on that,” he admits, scratching the back of his neck, embarrassed. “I knew you wouldn’t have those stuff.” He sets the bags down by the wall, the tips of his fingers trailing over one of the painted-on clouds.
Maverick fusses in his sleep, still cuddled up to your body. You hum softly, caressing his back. “He’s finally getting some good sleep,” you whisper, a smile crossing your face.
“He feels safe with you.”
Angel’s words are simple, but nevertheless, they stir something inside your heart. Something you’ve buried deep within a long time ago.
The two of you remain silent for a few more minutes. You take in the fact that your friend will be living with you, sharing your space—your mornings, evenings, and nights. The thought of it makes you feel peaceful in a way you haven’t felt before.
“We can take out the mattress from the bed frame and place it in the corner of the room,” you propose, making Angel look at you confused. You roll your eyes at him. “So Maverick doesn’t roll off the bed,” you explain further.
“Yeah, that’s smart,” he agrees, nodding his head at your idea. It feels like his mind is somewhere else.
Your eyes soften, and you giggle softly as the realization hits you. Angel’s head is in the clouds, almost literally. “Well, my hands are kinda busy, so you have to figure it out yourself.”
It takes your words a minute to reach the man. He shakes his head and looks at you, confused. You repeat the sentence, and Angel chuckles softly—the tension relieved by a bit of humor. Just like when you first met him, your heart can’t help but soften at the sight of his smile.
“Oh, you’re funny. Just wait until I’m holding Maverick,” he says, moving past you toward the bed.
He kneels down in front of it and tries to lift it up without success. You notice his struggle and almost let out a very unladylike snort, but you catch it at the last second, not wanting to wake the baby in your arms. Angel doesn’t look like he wants to ask you for help—his manly pride is not allowing it in this matter.
Knowing fully well he won’t be able to figure it out on his own—you decide to save him the embarrassment. “It’s attached to the bed frame. You have to reach underneath and pull the elastic loose,” you guide him, amusement in your eyes.
Angel listens to your instructions and reaches under the bed. He feels out the elastic and begins to pull at it. It takes some effort, but he’s successful in freeing the mattress. He straightens up and lifts it off the bed frame, placing it in the corner of the room.
His brown eyes look down at his little son, cuddled up in your arms. “He looks comfy,” he says softly. “He’s still asleep?”
You walk up to the mattress and place Maverick in the middle, the mattress barely dipping beneath his weight. “Sleeps like a rock. Just like his daddy.”
“So small,” Angel whispers quietly, his eyes glued to the boy’s tiny body—to his clenched fists and his small chest, rising with every steady breath, to his round pink cheeks and the little waves of his hair. His little miracle.
You look back at your friend, tears prickling in your eyes. You know you can both see so much of her in Maverick. The resemblance to his mommy was painfully evident. It was hard for both of you to look at his innocent face and be reminded of what you’ve lost.
Angel notices the tears threatening to escape your eyes. He feels responsible, knowing his presence has indirectly brought you to tears. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes in a whisper, his hand reaching out to gently caress your arm.
“No, I’m sorry. I know you’re hurting just as much as I do.” You wipe your tears away with the sleeve of your shirt. You stand straight, stepping out of Angel’s reach and nodding at him in appreciation.
“Do you want to get some rest? You look like hell,” you say, glancing at him.
He still hasn’t taken his kutte off; he looks exhausted and worn down. But he still refuses with a shake of his head. “Nah, I’m good.”
You know it’s a lie, but you don’t push.
“Come on, I will make us some tea.”
You walk into the kitchen, Angel rubbing his temples in an attempt to relieve the headache he caused himself by the lack of sleep and food. You take out two mugs from one of the cupboards above as your friend moves to lean on the counter beside you.
“How are you holding up?” He can easily guess the answer to this question, but he still lets it slip out of his mouth, concern in his voice.
You’ve known Luisa for years; you’ve known her before Angel has even joined her world. The lack of her quiet presence in your life is devastating—sometimes, it just makes you want to blow your brains out. But you know you wouldn’t be able to do that—not when you had people who still loved you and needed you there. And you know Angel is one of them; he cares about you probably more than he cares about himself. The two of you have grown much closer after Luisa’s death. In the span of those few days, you became each other’s lifelines.
“Just getting through, I guess... I miss her a lot.” You let out a deep sigh. “How are you holding up?”
“It’s been hard. Especially—” Angel pauses; he hesitates, unsure if it’s something he should share with anyone. He clears his throat, his voice breaking slightly. “Seeing him… It’s a constant reminder.”
You sense the pain in his words, the struggles he goes through every day. It kills you to hear it. You squeeze his hand in yours for a second, wordlessly showing him your support.
You can tell the conversation took its toll on Angel. He remains nearby, not wanting to leave your side. You fill the kettle and place it on the stove, turning around to lean against the counter next to your friend.
“I miss her,” the man admits; he wraps his tattooed arms around himself. “I still can’t believe she’s gone. I thought I was just dreaming.”
“It’s tough,” you nod in understanding.
“I always knew someday we would have to say goodbye. I always knew that,” Angel continues, his eyes gazing off into the distance. “But I didn’t think it would be so soon.”
He turns his attention to you. You can see that there are so many things he wants to get off his chest, but he doesn’t know where to start. You reach for his hand to hold it in yours, to comfort him. You wish you had the ability to make it all better, but there’s not much you can offer him.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles out, his voice so shy and quiet you can barely hear him. “I’m sorry that you have to be here for me when I’m like this.”
“I don’t have to do anything, Angel.” You squeeze his hand to make him look you in the eyes. “I want to be there for you.”
You watch as his eyes fill with so much love and gratitude. He looks like he wants to pull you close, hold you in his arms, and cry it all out. But he fights it, trying his best to stay afloat.
“I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“You’d be miserable by yourself. Now, at least you have some company,” you joke, trying to change the topic. It was starting to be too much; you could feel the darkness of guilt crawling up the walls of your brain. You couldn’t save her. You did nothing to save her.
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ravennaortiz · 1 year
Halloween SOA Day 2: Pumpkin Patch
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Sumamry: Juice x Happy's Daughter. Fluffy story where Juice tried to make her feel better after a breakup.
“Thought Danny was taking you to the pumpkin patch today?” questioned Juice as he sat next to Cori Lowman who had her head down on the bar at the club house. “Things changed” murmured Cori as she sniffled slightly without looking up at him. She had been pleased to find everyone mostly gone when she had arrived. She hated people to see her cry especially when she was just frustrated with herself. Juice frowned before speaking. “You okay?” he asked. “Danny and I had a fight again this morning and he dumped me” replied Cori after a couple minutes as she lifted her head up revealing her tear streaked face and red eyes.
“His loss Lassie” comforted Chibs as he joined them, catching the tail end of the conversation. “Yeah, he has no idea what he lost” agreed Juice as he squeezed Cori’s shoulder in comfort. As much as he hated that Cori was hurt Juice couldn’t lie he was kinda glad Danny was out of the picture. He had had a crush on Happy’s daughter the minute they had met. One smile from her and he had been hooked. He had also never really cared for Danny and neither had Happy. The guy was a bit of a douche to be honest. “Want me to beat him up? Make him disappear?” offered Juice causing her to smile softly and chuckle. “It’s okay. Thank you though” replied Cori as she laid her head on his shoulder with a sigh. If Cori was being honest she should have dumped him weeks ago. He wasn’t cutting it, like most of the guys she had tried dating they just couldn’t accept the MC lifestyle.
“Earth to Cori” called Juice jokingly. “Shit, Sorry Juice I zoned out” apologized Cori as she shook her head to clear her brain. “Your fine happens to me all the time. I was saying if you still want too I can take you to the pumpkin patch.” Offered Juice trying to keep it casual as his heart hammered in his chest. “Really? Don’t you have anything better to do?” replied Cori surprised by the offer. Most of the guys liked to act like they were too tough for these type of things. “Believe me the pumpkin patch will definitely be my better thing to do. It’ll be fun” replied Juice relieved at the way her face had lit up. “Okay, umm let me go clean up and we can go” replied Cori as she slipped off the bar stool and made her way back to the dorm hall. “What?” asked Juice as Chibs laughed quietly.  “Just wandering if you forgot who her daddy was Lad” replied Chibs. “Happy loves me” replied Juice with a laugh as he tried to ignore that part of the equation. “Besides were just hanging out as friends” he added. “Uh-huh” replied Chibs with a grin.
“You can drive” called Cori as she tossed Juice her car keys as they exited the clubhouse. “Where are you two going?” asked Happy from where he stood talking to Jax and Tig. “Pumpkin patch” replied Cori as she kissed his cheek before continuing on her way to her car. “Juice” called Happy as he grabbed the younger mans arm. Juice gulped as he turned and met his friends’ stern face. “Yes?” inquired Juice as he met Happys eyes. Happy didn't speak for a few moments before he dug around in his kutte for his wallet. “I got her Hap” stated Juice as he saw the older man start to count out bills. “Take it. Make sure she has a fun time” growled Happy as he shoved the money into Juices hand. Juice nodded as he closed his hand around the money.
After a day spent getting lost repeatedly in every corn maze, trying every pumpkin related food and drink item they offered, petting baby animals and drinking so much cocoa their stomachs ached the two were now traversing the pumpkin fields. Cori was on the hunt for the most deformed pumpkin as she preferred misfits over perfect orange ones.
“Something funny Juice?” inquired Cori from where she was knelt in the dirt in front of him as she gazed upon two pumpkins. “Cause this is a very serious sport”. She added trying to sound stern as he laughed some more. “My apologies. I didn’t realize that” replied Juice as he held his hands up causing them both to burst out in a fit of laughter. “Which one do you think” asked Cori after a moment as she looked up at him. “Hmm” considered Juice as he knelt next to her gazing intently upon the two pumpkins in question before giving each one a firm slap before standing up and pretending to write his notes. “After a rigorous round of testing. I say we get both” announced Juice as he grinned down at Cori who was wiping her eyes from the laughter as she tried to recover from the sight of him hitting the pumpkins. “Thank goodness you were available today to test them for me” replied Cori after she caught her breath. “Both it is” she added as she stood up and wiped her hands on her pants as she smiled at him as he started to load the wagon.
As they made their way to the exit to pay Cori grabbed Juices hand interlacing their fingers. “Thank you for today. Means a lot to me” she murmured as she squeezed his hand as she looked up at him catching his gaze. “Anything for you” replied Juice caught off guard as his eyes locked on hers before leaning down and kissing her gently on the lips.
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callsignmist · 1 year
"You WASH them?"
A little John Doe x Reader fluff.
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SUMMARY: You try to wash your clothes, but your partner keeps protesting.
A/N: Used they/them for both MC and Doe!
Just some fluff as an apology for being dead.. I love you guys-
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As you put on a clean shirt and shorts, you hear Doe whining beside you.
"Pleeease don't wash them! Your scent is so much better!!!"
You look at them with a tired look.
"Doe sweetheart. I know that you eh- like my scent but i still need to wash my clothes! It's unhealthy and overall gross."
You tell them, but they just turn their head to the side.
"Really? I never heard about that before.."
Uh wait. Have they NEVER washed their clothes? You knew that Doe can't touch water, but you thought that they at least knew that you need to wash your clothes..
"Have you- NEVER washed your clothing?"
They shake their head.
"I don't need too. They're clean!"
You mentally facepalm. Good luck explaining this to them.
"Doe, you DO need to wash them. I'll put your clothing in the wash with mine, you can put them in the basket while I'll go get the dirty towels from the bathroom."
Doe's pupils grow a few centimeters bigger.
"Do I have too?"
"Even my shirt?"
"Yes Doe, even though your shirt. Everything, in the basket."
You walk into the bathroom,picking up some towels and changing them for fresh ones. Then you walk into your room and pick up the clothes that were on the floor.
You walk back into the living room too see Doe completely nude. They were standing by the couch, holding a thumbs up.
You taught them that a thumbs up is a positive remark, and now they do it every time you are him. It's funny to see sometimes, just imagine you brushing your hair and then turning to see Doe standing beside you with his thumb up. It's adorable.
You could see everything. From their three toes, to their willy and all the scars they had on they're chest and arms.
They told you that they weren't self harm or anything, but a reminder of the loop.
But still, it filled you with hurt too see them.
"I did it!" Doe says with the "sweetest" expression on their face and their grin as big as ever.
"Oh, yea, good job. Uh, you're completely naked dear wait here-" You make a beeline to your bedroom. Doe doesn't have any spare clothes, you assume, so you found a white band shirt and black and red long shorts for them, as some underwear that you thought would be their size. It kind of fit their whole aesthetic, and you knew that Doe would look awesome in this.
You run back and hand Doe the outfit
And tell them to put it on. Doe just stands there, looking at the clothes as their breathing gets louder and their pupils expand.
You run into the laundry room, and turn the washing machine on and set it on a 2:40 minute program.
You hear a whine coming from the living room and you walk back to see Doe trying to put their head into the right armhole. You giggle as you tell them to calm down.
"I'm stuck. Please help me love!"
You hear whimpers from them.
"Okay, wait- wait, stop struggling."
Doe looks down and looks at the outfit you gave him and keeps admiring it. 
They grip the shirt collar and brings it into view.
"Doe you goo-" *SNIIIIIIIFF*
Ah, okay then..
"And this one smells like you! I love your scent! It's so soothing!!"
They run up to you, hugging you tightly.
"And I love love LOVE you!" They nuzzle your chest, listening to your heartbeat.
"Heh, I love you too, Doe." You smile, embracing the taller "regular guy".
In the blink of an eye, you were swept of your feet and carried bridal style onto the sofa, and then they laid down on your chest. 
"Dear I still need to finish washing the dishes-"
You were cut off by a negative whine.
"Noooooo, you're trapped, love! You're never leaving!!"
You roll your eyes and giggle.
"Fine, but only for a few minutes. I really DO need to finish the dishes."
You feel a certain calmness as you feel Does breathing synchronize with yours. Their hair intertwines with your fingers and you can feel Doe almost purring.
"You're all mine. And I love you, so so so so so much <3."
"I love you too Doe."
You feel safe. 
And you know that you are safe with your partner, John Doe.
You fall asleep, feeling random, small kisses on your chest.
Doe has been sitting infront of the washing machine for a while now. I got alot of stuff done, so its not a bad thing but it's been an hour and I'm getting worried.
"Doe? Honey, you okay there?"
"Yep! It's still spinning!!"
"Yea, you know that you don't have to watch the machine, it stops by itself and it won't just leave.."
"I don't trust it. Remember the trashcan?"
"...okay, just come to bed soon."
"Okay! I love you!"
"Yea yea, love ya too."
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Can you write a fanfiction/bullet points or whatever makes you comfortable of Comte comforting a crying female MC? Thank you for your time. 💙☔️
This one is a bit (a lot 🤡) late, but hopefully it still brings some belated comfort to a wounded heart. Take care!! 💜
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For whatever reason anything I write for Ikevamp always becomes half found family trope hours, so please pardon the wayward premise--
Below a cut because it's long!
When I hadn't emerged from my room before noon, Sebastian knocked--three quick raps--against my door. 
I sat up in bed, setting my book aside. I'd done the bare minimum by then, thankfully: washed my face, made my bed, dressed in a nightgown with an appropriate robe for company. It was about all I could manage before deflating into a lethargic heap.
“Meli?” Curious slate eyes searched for me.
“Present,” I raised my hand, grinning sheepishly.
“Are you all right?” 
Did I look pale? My head was killing me. And it was nothing compared to the ache from the waist down.
“In a manner of speaking,” I grimaced, “I’m sorry I was MIA all morning, I’m really not feeling well.”
He marched out and returned with a First Aid kit, and I gestured with flustered hands to stop him. “Whoa whoa, not quite like that. You don’t need to bring that weapon in here.”
One sharp eyebrow arched, side eyeing me dubiously. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.”
“Phrasing,” I scrunched my features, before sighing. “It’s uh…a particularly female problem, if you catch my drift.”
He looked like he was about to say something smart again, until understanding dawned on his face. “Oh.”
“Yeah…I’ll keep the gruesome details to myself. Could I trouble you for some soup, though? I don't think I can keep much else down.”
He smiled, closing the First Aid kit with a crisp flip of the latch. “You’ll owe me one.”
“You can lord it over me as much as you want when I don’t feel like I’m about to snap in two.”
He frowned, skeptical again. “Are you sure you’ll be alright?”
“Oh don’t worry, every so often this stupid thing clocks me out mercilessly. It never lasts, it just sucks for the first few days.” I waved him away.
He nodded then, and I hoped the passé inflection would be enough to ease his mind.
What I didn’t expect was the entire rest of the afternoon.
“Meli?” A muffled voice came from the other side of my door about an hour later. 
Was that? “Vincent?”
“May I come in?”
“Of course,” I laughed a little at how cautious he sounded, as if Vincent could be a bother to anyone.
White blonde hair poked past the threshold, wide eyes taking me in. I laughed again, unable to help myself. “Don’t worry, I promise I’m not contagious.”
His smile waned, but he stepped inside and approached the foot of the bed. “That’s not what I’m worried about. How are you feeling?”
I couldn’t help the way my features softened. There were so few people I had ever met with such a pure heart, but sometimes it worried me. He should look after himself more. “Just fine,” I smiled easily, patting the bed to let him know he could sit if he wanted. “Is something on your mind?”
A little color found his cheeks and he shook his head, “Mm-mm, I’m glad to see you’re doing okay. I’m heading out to town today with Theo to explore some prospective venues for art displays. Would you like us to bring anything back for you?”
I was…frankly a little shocked that he thought of me. “Sure,” I grinned, “An invitation, when you’ve finalized the time and place.”
He gazed at me intently, before resolve made that baby face solidify with determination. “I promise.” He nodded once, firm.
“Even when you’re sick, you’re the only person in this house who knows how to appreciate real talent.” Theo swaggered in as if we’d conjured him by the mere mention of the display. “This is all it takes to keep you down and out, hondje?”
“Remind me to sucker punch you when I’m better.”
“I’m busy enlightening the world about the greatest artist who ever lived, remember it yourself.”
“Dat is genoeg, Theo,” Vincent glanced at him, and it made Theo sulk and look away.
I giggled, unable to help it. “Don’t worry, Vincent, I’m happy you both stopped by. Don’t let me keep you from your errands today.”
Vincent seemed to hesitate, and it was at that moment when Dazai walked right through the open door with an apologetic Napoleon behind him.
“I tried to stop him, but he was surprisingly adamant about bringing it over himself. Sebastian gave him an earful,” Napoleon snickered, “How are you holding up, noyer?”
“Like I’m going to throw up all over him,” I couldn’t help myself as they all looked at me with wide eyes, but the exaggeration didn’t fool Dazai. He continued on, unperturbed as always when he was marching to his own drum.
Everybody chuckled when they realized I was just trying to deter his enthusiasm.
“Open wide, Toshiko-chan,” Dazai crooned, trying to guide a spoonful of soup to my lips. “Say ahh--”
Theo had him in a headlock in the next few seconds, scowling fiercely. “Give it a rest, dwaas, she’s not an invalid.”
Theo hoisted him away and waved, and Dazai surprisingly left without a fuss as Vincent scolded his brother for resorting to physicalities. 
“He wasn’t the only one worried, you know,” Napoleon remarked, voice much quieter than usual--and I sensed it was because he was revealing some poorly guarded secrets. 
“Ah, I’d visit them both if I could, but I’m afraid I’m a bit compromised at the minute.”
Napoleon seemed shocked to hear this bit of news, alarm clear as he approached me and looked for the signs of harm. I suppose Sebastian didn’t go into the gory details, for once. “What…?”
I smiled broadly, “Don’t worry, I’ll be right as rain soon--enough to spar with you without a problem.”
The confidence in my expression seemed to put him at ease somewhat, retreating back an appropriate distance. “Shall I extend the good tidings, then?”
“Of course, and tell Jeanne I expect to see entries in his diary regardless of whether or not I can teach him right now.”
Napoleon shook his head, and when I shot him a curious look he just shrugged, throwing his hands up in a gesture of surrender. “Worry about yourself for the moment, noyer.”
I nodded solemnly, mock saluting, “Yes, monsieur, your will be done.”
“Well it’s good to see you have enough energy to joke, at least,” He crossed his arms, gesturing with his chin to the soup that was now at a proper temperature to consume. “Now eat before it gets cold.”
“The general,” I moaned with exaggerated woe as I reached for the bowl, “He’s relentless these days. Do you have any idea the last time I got to--”
“It’s a shame Shakespeare doesn’t have you perform for his little shows,” Napoleon was equal parts amused and exasperated as he moved to the door, “I never thought I’d meet somebody with more latent drama in their heart.”
“You really mean it?” I blinked rapidly and made doe eyes at him, and he rolled his in return.
“Get some rest, nunuche.”
When the door finally shut again I closed my eyes, willing the dull throb in my head to ease off. I tried to focus on the soup, hoping it would help me relax. It was only then that I noticed Sebastian had served it with a cold glass of oolong, and I sighed, suddenly grateful for his powers of observation. Hopefully it would help keep the food down--I didn’t want to throw up for real.
I took my time, eating slowly to thwart the nausea and stared at the ceiling. I wasn’t really expecting everyone to trickle in like that, but it was…a nice change. Back home, nobody ever knew I was sick because I didn’t tell them. I needed to work; there had been no time for rest and no safe haven to heal. I considered that for a moment, that for once I didn’t feel I had to push myself to my limits to deserve some respite. 
The empty bowl stared back at me as I finished the last spoonful, the gold flowers inlaid in the china a reminder; it seemed I had yet more to thank him for.
I was braiding my hair absently--marveling that it was long enough for that now--when a single knock sounded, more wooden even than the door. 
I found myself grinning before I could help it, “Come on in, Jeanne.” Wiry and lean, he marched inside and crossed over to my bedside, Mozart on his heels--though he looked cautious. I smiled wryly, “And welcome, Mozart. Don’t worry, I won’t get you sick--I promise.”
“As if anybody cares about that,” he sniffed, though I could see his shoulders visibly lower and I withheld laughter. 
Jeanne got up close, examining me with eyes that missed nothing. “You look pale, mademoiselle.”
“At ease, soldat. It’s an old fight, I’ll be just fine.” 
I was glad for the bravado, since it felt like my uterus was ready to pop right out of my abdomen, my entire lower half swollen.
“I still expect you to study while I’m recuperating,” I tapped his nose with the tip of my finger, and he leaned back as if he only just noticed how close he was.
Mozart sighed, “See? I told you she’d be fine. She even has enough energy to play school mistress.”
“I could play it with you too, Mozart.” I raised my brows, glancing at him. 
He threw me a disgusted look, “Don’t be ridiculous. Only you two would do something so outlandish.”
Jeanne looked unable to follow, “But Arthur said that a woman who teaches you your letters is your mistress.”
Mozart and I grimaced, in agreement here. 
“Don’t listen to Arthur.”
“Forget everything he says, in one ear out the other.”
“Don’t forget about the shop, Jeanne, we were just stopping by.”
Jeanne’s violet eye widened, “Ah, that’s right. Be strong, mademoiselle.”
“You won’t be getting rid of me that easily.”
Mozart smirked, “Don’t we know it.”
“I’m perfectly well enough to get feathers in your hair, you silly little composer.” I lifted the pillow beside me and mimed chucking it at him.
I was stunned to see Mozart stick his pink tongue out at me, smiling as he followed Jeanne out the door.
“That wasn’t a very nice thing to say, Mozart.” I could hear Jeanne’s muffled disapproval. 
“She knows better than to believe something like that anyway.”
Warmth overflowed in my heart, and when I glanced over at my bedside table I was shocked to see that it was nearly evening; I likely had all the visits to thank for time passing so quickly.
“You still alive in here, cara mia?” The giant Italian entered without preamble, a stark and frankly hilarious contrast to the nervous Isaac behind him. 
“For you? No.”
“You always knew how to break a man’s heart.” I closed my eyes as the smell of cigarillos reached me, the rich and smoky scent oddly comforting. If it wasn’t for the fact that it would be misconstrued, I resisted the urge to ask for a hug. He could make for a decent heat pad at his size. He sat mere inches from me unceremoniously--Leonardo was never one for personal space--leaning in and evaluating me with those amber eyes. The color always made me squirm a little, conjuring their parallel image in the house every time.
“We thought we’d bring you some cake,” it was only then that I noticed Isaac was carrying a tray, chocolate cheesecake drizzled with raspberry and coated in dark chocolate adornments. “We can’t take all the credit though, Vincent and Theo brought some for everyone.”
Trust Vincent to insist on a gesture like this. So that's what his determination had been about, finding a way to offer me something without fanfare. And, well, it was no secret I loved chocolate.
I kept my eyes on my lap, willing the slight film over my vision to dry and disappear. I knew Leonardo would never let me live it down if he noticed. That's probably why he came with Isaac in the first place.
I cleared my throat a little, "Thanks for bringing it all the way here, Isaac."
Isaac fiddled with his hair, tugging on the strands shyly. "D-don't worry about it. It's the least we could do, considering all you've done for us."
I accepted the tray and settled it in my lap, taking up the fork. "I can't eat it while you stare at me, Leo."
"Oh well."
"Correction, I won't eat it if you keep staring at me."
"I'm just enjoying the rare sight. House feels strange without you stomping and bustling around. The floorboards must be awfully lonely."
"You make me sound like an elephant."
"All right, come here so I can cough all over you--"
"But Sebastian already told us it wasn't contagious..." Isaac interjected.
"He lied," and I was about to continue when Isaac sighed.
It suddenly occurred to me that Sebastian probably sent Isaac along to make sure we didn't argue for the rest of the night.
"You two never change," his smile was conflicted, but fond.
"Ah, sorry," I leaned back, trying to relax.
"Bickering is healthy where we come from," Leonardo guffawed.
"Oh dear, an oncoming sneeze--" I mimed reaching over to sully his sleeve.
They both lingered a little as I finished my slice, making small talk until they seemed to silently agree to let me rest and take back both trays to the kitchen. I figured I'd be turning in for the night shortly after when I heard rapid footsteps crossing the hall about an hour later. It was nearly nine o'clock, who…?
I knew that baritone anywhere, though there was an atypical urgency to his murmur.
"Come in, Comte."
There was a gust of air as the door twisted open, gold eyes zeroing in on the source of my voice. When they landed on me there was alarm clear in every line of his body, and he seemed to take a deep breath. He smiled, but something about it was wan--it didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Bad day?" I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen him so wrung out as he made his way over to me.
He averted his gaze to my bedside table, "Something like that." He shook his head before reaching a hand up to my forehead. 
I bit the inside of my lip to keep from leaning in, the heady scent of him distracting. All of a sudden I felt like a little kid with my favorite stuffed animal again; I just wanted to curl up against him and close my eyes.
I laughed awkwardly, "Did, um, Sebastian not tell you?"
He seemed genuinely confused. "Tell me?"
"It's ah, not exactly an 'illness', per say…"
"Then what…?"
I glanced at my lap, then looked away. 
"Oh. Oh, I see," he hefted the chair against the wall and placed it next to the bed, unhooking his tie and rubbing a thumb under his jaw. "Well that's a relief."
"That makes one of us," I grinned, unable to help myself.
I wondered if I looked as sparkly as I felt when he finally managed a small smile.
"Did you just get home?"
"I'm afraid so, I was a bit buried in meetings and errands today."
Not surprising, he had been rather busy of late. "And you raced over here? Don't be silly, you should go to your own room and rest. I've been well tended to, I promise."
There was something akin to a dry smirk on his face, and it was puzzling enough to give me pause. What did that look mean?
"Everyone’s so demoralized it nearly frightened a century of life out of me," he admitted and laughed in earnest, taking one of my hands in his own gently. Color stained my cheeks, and I cursed how it gave me away. “I had to come see for myself.”
"Drama queens," I muttered, mortified. I willed my palms not to sweat and embarrass me even further.
"It just goes to show how much they care about you," Comte offered me a pearly grin, and I couldn't manage to meet his eyes. So much for the headache going away, I could practically hear a pulse in my head just trying to make eye contact with him. "The house doesn't feel quite right without you." 
Throughout the day I'd been wracking my brain to figure out what their little visits reminded me of, and in that split second it hit me like a train. Oh my god…they were like a bunch of children worried about their sick mother. Bringing trinkets and food, looking for any opportunity to help. Even Vincent perfectly fit the role of the oldest independent son, all insistence on being the adult for the day.
I squeezed his fingers just enough to convey my meaning. "They're very sweet," I bit my tongue against the rest. Wonder where they could have gotten that from. “But really, there’s nothing to worry about.”
Comte was unmoved. Did I really look that bad? His eyes sought out mine, gazing for a long moment. Instinctively I knew he was looking for something there, and if I looked away it would only make him more anxious--but it also made me so self-conscious. 
“What can I do?” 
His quiet voice, imploring all of a sudden, startled me. “Huh?”
“Everybody seems to have beaten me to the punch today,” there was a rueful touch to his smile that I didn’t quite understand. Almost…bitter? “Anything that would make you feel better, it’s yours.”
“You don’t have to--” I hedged, embarrassed.
“I insist.” He was smiling, but I knew that tone. There was no brooking argument when he got like this.
“Can I have a moment to think? Nothing really comes to mind immediately.”
This seemed to pacify him, and he leaned back to grab his long coat, folding it over and placing it on my lap over the blankets. I smoothed the fabric over with my hands, thumbing the collar absently. What was it about everything he did that conveyed so much warmth? Like my very heart was being enfolded in care and affection. I stared at it as he poked around the book on my bedside table, content to be awash in his colors. Despite feeling terrible and exhausted beyond belief, something inside me started to unravel and relax.
When I noticed him out of my peripheral vision, I suddenly knew what I wanted to ask.
My fingers curled around the bed spread, not wanting to wrinkle his nice coat. “I think I know what I want to ask now.”
“Oh?” he looked over, setting the book aside. He gave me his full attention, and I hoped he would attribute the blush that crept into my face from the scrutiny to illness. “Let’s hear it.”
“Would you read to me? Just for a little while. And only if you want to.” The words came out haltingly, and I already regretted that I’d spoken them aloud. Christ I felt so childish, surely he would think I was ridiculous. 
There was a moment of silence, as I contemplated crawling into a hole to waste away in peace. This is exactly why periods were evil. They made me reveal things that I wouldn’t have said at gunpoint.
“...What would you like me to read?”
He was serious, expression inquisitive. I couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. 
I hugged the pillow next to me for courage, refusing to meet his eyes. “...Would it be too childish to ask for a fairy tale?”
“Any particular one in mind?”
“...Rapunzel, if we have it.”
He nodded, “Rapunzel it is. I’ll be back shortly.”
When he was out the door on the hunt for a book of fairy tales, I shoved my face in the pillow and groaned. Well, so much for living that one down. I’d be the gossip of the mansion for the next five years let alone weeks.
I fidgeted and tried to read what I already had with me, but the pages might as well have been in another language for all that I managed to retain. I’d been interested in learning about recovered knowledge and expertise that had been lost to the ages, scouring old texts for tidbits of information and wisdom. The notepad on my bedside attested to all the curiosities I’d gathered up to that point, but the thought that I was troubling Comte was enough to leave me unable to work anything out.
Mercifully, he had returned as promised without much delay, a book on fairy tales in tow as he closed the door gingerly. When I spied the name Grimm on the spine, I laughed a little. “Good to know it’ll be a version I recognize.”
He indulged me. “I’m just glad it wasn’t buried somewhere in that mess Leonardo calls a room.”
I snickered at the jab as he removed the jacket of his suit, leaving him in his waistcoat and dress shirt. I pretended I hadn’t noticed, waiting patiently for him to start. I forgot that Sebastian had left a pitcher of water behind after he shooed Leonardo and Isaac out of the room, and I gestured to the desk across from him.
“Seb left me some water, but please help yourself.”
He poured a glass before settling in earnest, rolling his shoulders. I glanced here and there to gauge his disposition, a little perplexed. He didn’t look like he was waiting for the moment he could slip away, he looked prepared to spend the better part of the night. Surely he wouldn’t, he had more important things to attend to than me and he’d barely gotten any rest.
“Ready?” He looked to me, waiting.
I sat up straighter, “Go for it,” I prompted.
Though we started there, he ended up reading several since they were pretty short--expectation in his eyes when he looked up from the book to flip to the next one. I got caught up in his momentum all too easily, his even voice more soothing than I cared to admit. Or maybe it was the fact that I could tell he didn’t begrudge me this, or seemed to think it was silly. I was lulled and warm and comforted, which was more than I could say in nearly three decades of life. I tried to remember every little detail of the moment; the soft light of the lamps, the warmth of his coat, the gentle scent of him, the balm of his voice. Something to keep close to my heart when I’d be forced to leave his side someday and return to my own time like the stranger I was.
Tears burned in my eyes, baffling me. I swallowed thickly, and took a deep breath as surreptitiously as possible. I didn’t want to ruin this balance between us, this closely guarded secret of mine wasn’t worth making him dread coming home every day.
When we’d gone through all the ones I liked, he closed the book and set it on the bedside table. He was pensive, rubbing his palms together absently. I knew that look, so I spoke first.
“You can ask whatever it is you’re wondering,” I laughed, “I don’t mind.”
He seemed a little surprised that I’d noticed, before leaning back in his chair. “I guess I was wondering why you chose fairy tales, of all things. I did say anything you wanted.”
I covered my face with my hands, “Yeah, I know it was childish. Sorry.”
Patient hands drew mine away from my face, “That’s not what I meant.”
I shot him a dour look. "Jewelry is expensive. So are dresses."
"That's not what I meant either. Although that's an idea…"
I ignored his expectant look. “Oh,” I blinked, “Then what did you mean?"
“Why fairy tales?” His head tilted just so, trying to find answers in my impassive face as he gestured to the book on my bedside table.
“Well,” My eyes darted away, nervous. “It’s not really a short answer, and you’ve probably heard it before. I don’t want to bore you.”
“Would you tell me, all the same?”
Usually he’d be the type to change the subject and take the discordant note in stride, content to play smooth conversationalist. I wondered briefly what brought this on, but I didn’t have much time since he was looking for an answer. I tried to gather my thoughts.
“Fairy tales are the written--and in many cases--oral manifestations of human feeling and imagination.” I sat up a little, “They were told by the fireside, in sewing circles, to children who asked too many questions, whether appropriate or inopportune.” I gazed at the back of my hands, the faded burn that marred my left one. There was more grief in my smile than I would have liked, but I was too tired to entirely disguise what I was feeling. “Happy endings are afforded in situations where they seem unlikely and impossible. Justice exists and culls the selfishness of others. In some ways, they are time capsules of hope; buried, only to be found again by the weary in similar situations of entrapment or despair.”
“Sometimes they feel like a hand reached out across the ages, promising that we aren’t alone, not really. I guess it’s a nice feeling, to know that I’m not the only one who likes to dream.” 
It was only when I realized that the outline of his coat in my lap was indistinguishable, voice wobbly, that I scrubbed at my eyes with my sleeve. Stupid, I always spoke too much around him. He was quiet and still for a long time.
“But then, I have a bad habit of wanting things to make sense more than I probably should.” I shrugged, trying to lighten the mood. “They’re just stories, at the end of the day. Just a way to keep the mind occupied.”
He took the book back into his hands, gazing at it with different eyes. “I think that’s a beautiful way to think about it,” His fingers traced the embellished cover, still shining nearly a hundred years since it was published. "And very like you.”
“W-well, it’s just one way to think about it. Most people would probably say it’s a stretch.”
“I don’t think it is.” Even though I couldn’t meet his gaze, somehow I could tell his eyes were tender as they lingered on me. I was just relieved for the lack of disgust.
After that he stood up, gathering his suit jacket over his arm. “I suppose it’s time we allowed you to get some proper rest,” he leaned over to brush a kiss against my forehead. “I’ll make sure everyone keeps out until you’re feeling well, other than Sebastian. They don’t seem to be able to help themselves.”
I was entirely distracted by that split second of warmth against my forehead, lamenting how quickly it faded. Joy bubbled up in an endless cascade, and I tried to conceal how sated and giddy I felt on the inside. He was halfway across the room before I could manage to speak again.
“I was pretty surprised, I was so sure the sound of plague would send Mozart running for the hills.”
“I can think of very little that would keep us away, plague or not.” He chuckled, and shook his head as he reached for the door handle. “Rest well, Meli.”
“Good night, Comte.”
I was so lovestruck I didn’t notice he’d left his long coat behind, with me. I brushed my teeth and turned out the lights, pretending to get ready for bed--but really, I wanted enough time to pass to know for certain that he wasn’t coming back for it. Content to know it was mine for the night, I hugged the folded parcel close to my chest, sighing. If being by his side was out of my reach, then it was enough to know he cared.
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aporcelainphantom · 2 years
Part of a collab 💞
Obey Me! Diavolo
CW: Female reader, f receiving oral, vaginal sex, nsfw, size kink, I think it lacks pronouns for the reader but the term “good girl” is used, implied breeding kink
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You loved days like these, no homework, no stress, just tea made by Barbatos that never ran out, and Diavolo practically worshipping you between the paperwork he was reading through. Pussywhipped was an understatement to describe how the prince was for you. You, his perfect little human.
It never took too long before Barbatos would stop coming in. He knew better. One didn’t even need to be observant to tell how badly Diavolo was craving you. Your legs mindlessly draped over his lap would soon lead to his hands petting along your skin, tracing and teasing higher and higher until the ruler of the Devildom was on his knees in front of you.
“MC, my beloved, my everything” he said, his voice quiet as his hands separated your legs, his lips leaving desperate kisses as he made his way up them “you’re so good to me, so sweet” he nearly whines, looking up at you.
You can’t help but run your hands through his hair, cupping his face in your hands as he looks up at you as though you’re the center of the entire world.
He kisses your mound over your panties, soon hooking his fingers over the band, sliding them down, groaning with pleasure just from the sight of your pussy. A giggle leaves your lips as you watch him “my Lord, you look more pleased than a child left to their own devices in a toy store” your tease, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest as he shakes his head “MC, my sweetest treat, you know you never need to address my by proper title” her reminds you, you fingers gliding through your slit, gently starting to play with your clit. “I know darling” you began, a moan cutting through you “however, I quite enjoy having such a powerful man on his knees for me”.
He chuckles, placing a kiss on your clit before his lips surround it, gently sucking and flicking his tongue, your fingers in his hair and the sweet, sweet noises that fell from your lips driving him. He moans against your bud, his tongue diving inside your hole as his large hands hold your thighs, his thumbs gently rubbing them.
Like a man possessed he buried himself between your legs, licking and sucking as though it was the only thing keeping him alive, soon adding two of his thick fingers, your climax bringing him nearly as much pleasure as he desperately licks you clean before sliding a third finger in.
“You’re such a good girl, you’re my everything. I just need to make sure you’re completely ready” he coos, his tongue lapping at your clit again.
“Dia, I need you so badly” you whine, the sweet sounds making his cock throb against his slacks, the fabric straining against it.
“I know sweetest, let me just get one more from you, okay? I promise I’ll fuck you until this couch breaks after if you want” he promises, the moan from your lips enough confirmation for him as he pumps his fingers, scissoring them inside, making sure his sweetest darling, his perfect human, is ready.
Only moments after he slips his third finger in, you feel yourself reaching your high again, even more intense than the last time, hips desperately riding against him as you soak his face and hand.
Through your babbled pleas, he nods, kissing you deeply as he quickly removes his own clothing, his large, perfectly sculpted body towering over you as he pumps his cock in his hand, bending down for another kiss
“Are you ready my sweetest?” He asks, your frantic nodding serving as confirmation as he positions your body on the couch, a moan falling from his lips purely from the sight of your body.
He couldn’t deny either of you any longer, patting the fat head of his cock on your mound before carefully sliding it in, hissing as you stretch perfectly around him.
You could swear you saw stars every time he fucked you. The way he split you open, his cock filling every inch of you as he tried so hard to be careful. But how much control could he manage when he was inside his absolute perfect MC? When your pussy pulled him in, feeling as desperate as he was?
It didn’t take long before he bottomed out, cursing under his breath as you gasped, your tits bouncing with the movement. “You always look so beautiful when I fill you like this, did you know that? You look absolutely perfect” he praises, his pace slow to make sure he doesn’t hurt you.
You’re his everything. His most precious treasure. And he needed to make sure you were well taken care of.
You were so small beneath him, it drove him mad. It doesn’t take long before he’s speeding up, kissing your neck and playing with your clit to help bring you as much pleasure as he could. The lewd sounds spilling from your lips letting him know you were enjoying the moment as well.
Though he’d always manage to pull plenty of orgasms from you, he always worried he wasn’t lasting long enough. But with the way your pussy drained him, pulling every last drop of cum from him, he never stood a chance.
He would always cum where you wanted, he insisted that you get exactly what you wanted, spoiling you even with this, though his favorite was always to fill you up, spilling his cum inside of you.
His aftercare was always loving and lavish. Hot baths, more kisses than you could imagine, your favorite treats, he never hesitates to pamper you.
After all, you, his perfect MC, has him wrapped around your finger.
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yeon-luv · 3 years
the 1.
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pairing. idol!yeonjun x idol!reader (gn) word count. 700+ genre. a little fluff, a little angst maybe warnings. none ??? kinda sad tbh. english is not my first language. bestfriend troupe :)
author’s note. yes, this is heavily influenced by taylor swift’s song, the 1, so i really recommend you to listen to it while reading!
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it’s been a year since you’ve been chosen as music bank’s mc. you were so glad to hear the news because aside from being an idol, you wanted to try out hosting. yet the joy you’ve felt knowing yeonjun was your partner was nothing compared to that.
you and yeonjun were the perfect definition of partners-in-crime. there was not a single day that went by where you didn’t know about each other’s day. during your trainee days until your own groups debuted, your bond never changed.
“today’s the day.” yeonjun greeted in a monotonous tone as he entered your dressing room
you glanced at him through the mirror as your make up artist was putting some finishing touches, “so, how you feeling?” you asked.
yeonjun slammed his whole self on the sofa making sounds you couldn’t understand.
“jjunie!”, you threw your brush at him, “your make up! you’re making our make up artist suffer.”
“ah don’t worry we still have some time for retouch, right?” said as he got back up and gave the make up artist a sweet big smile.
they giggled, “that’s it. I’ll be back 10 minutes before the show starts.”
you and yeonjun gave thanks as they left you two alone.
silence immediately filled the air.
both of you didn’t know what to say. it was the day neither of you didn’t expect to come this fast.
“so, again, how are you feeling?”, you turned yourself to face him.
yeonjun gazed on you, “what else would I feel? it’s our last day together as mcs.”
you gave him a reassuring look, “you know we’ll still stay in touch after this right?”
“are you sure? our groups are growing so fast right now.”
“we’ll find a way. we always do.”
because of those words, yeonjun felt nothing but happiness. he got up and gave you a hug.
“god y/n. I’m really glad to have you.”
you gave him a hard pat on the back, “I know”, turned away with a smirk on your face as yeonjun’s turned into a crying baby.
“it was such an amazing journey.” yeonjun sighed with pleasure as he walks behind your chair to look at the mirror and fixes his hair.
“we were really something huh.”
“we were something, don’t you think so?”
you looked down from mirror, avoiding any eye contact.
this mc journey with yeonjun made both of you grow into a better artist, however, it also made the feelings you had for him blossom too.
“y/n, we’ve talked about this.” yeonjun places his hands on your shoulder, looking at your face at the mirror.
“I know. I’m sorry. I just—”
he turns you to his direction and lifts your face, “don’t be sorry, love.”
you nodded and gave him a smile.
“if my wishes came true, it would’ve been you too.”
“okay yeonjun,” you removed his hand from your chin as you didn’t want to have another conversation like this again, “enough.”
“we are best friends. we’ve always been. from practicing to become idols to being one now. everyone, I mean, every one knows that. and if we decided to date—“
you cut him off to avoid hearing that one phrase coming from his mouth for you know it will just cause pain, “everything will be different. I got it.”
“I love you, y/n. believe me.” yeonjun responded as he reached out and held your hand.
you sighed and moved your face a little closer to his where your foreheads met.
“I love you too.”
yeonjun gave you a kiss on your forehead as he brought you closer to him.
the hugs you were giving each other at the very moment were enough to express how you long for one another. yet knew time wasn’t on your side.
as the clock counts down, you feel like a part of your life is ending today too. there’s a small part in you that you regret accepting this offer, yet the rest are more than grateful.
but you can’t help to wonder.. if we pushed it, would everything be totally different today?
“with the world watching.. it’s music bank live!”
“it’s y/n!”
in unison, “together we’re partners, y/n and yeonjun!”
nonetheless, like what yeonjun said, it was an amazing journey for me, for him, for us.
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author’s note. and that’s it, my writing debut! my very first blog omo I really didn’t expect that I’ll get back into tumblr after how many years but here I am now treating it as one of my comfort apps (><) I am very open to any suggestions or improvements I can make through my asks pls let me know ur thoughts hehe I’m really glad I got back into writing. I missed this feeling~ anyway, I hope you like it and don’t forget to reblog. ☻
© yeon-luv — all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost my work without my explicit permission.
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genshinarchives · 3 years
hi !! if your rqs are still open can i ask for Diluc marrying a fem reader? :o hcs or one shot is fine depending on whatever u feel like doing!💗 have a great day! (( @mrs-ragnvindr ))
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Diluc Ragnvindr / female reader.
Synopsis: Diluc never thought that the happiest moment of his life would come so soon.
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It felt as if Diluc had only met (y/n) yesterday. It felt as if only a night had passed since he was first graced by her innocent smile; the smile that cut through the abyss he drowned himself in, letting him walk in the light after years of living in the dark of the night. Diluc didn't think that he'd be able to find love or even find himself loving anyone, but (y/n) proved his thoughts wrong when she entered his life.
Diluc met her for the first time when Lumine returned from her journey in Inazuma. The Traveler brought a young Inazuman woman back to Mondstadt, whose presence alone was able to turn heads. From her pretty face hidden behind a white veil that covered the bottom half of it to her crimson red kimono fastened to her body by an emerald sash, she was a beautiful sight to behold, and her wisteria kanzashi accentuated her femininity further. Diluc was the first person Lumine introduced her to since he happened to be walking out of the tavern when they passed by.
"Master Diluc!" Lumine called, drawing his attention, "This is (y/n), one of the many friends I made in Inazuma."
(Y/n) was a kabuki dancer back in Inazuma. She was part of a troupe that was renowned for its expressive dances, and she was the troupe's main dancer. The fleeting movements of her feet and the graceful swings of her arms when she dances were befitting of her Anemo Vision; she seemed more like an Anemo spirit and less like a human during her performances. She was also a great companion to have around, as Diluc would discover later. Despite not being fond of idle chitchat, he would more than often stick around to hear her spin Inazuman tales. He found himself wanting to spend more time with her, and the more memories they created together, the more attached he became to her. Before he knew what was happening, he fell in mutual love with the Inazuman dancer.
When he confessed to (y/n) about how he felt towards her, she revealed that she too had caught feelings for him, causing inexplicable elation to well up in his chest.
And today was the day they're going to get married.
"You doing okay there?" Kaeya's voice snapped him back to reality, and he turned his head to see his adoptive brother gazing at him in amusement. Diluc coughed into his fist in a vain attempt to hide the fact that he had spaced out during such an important event.
“Yes. I just had a few things on my mind,” he said, making Kaeya chuckle.
“Make sure to clear your thoughts before your bride arrives,” Albedo interjected.
“Yeah, you have to give her your full attention - especially since Amber and Eula worked really hard to make her look her best today,” Kaeya told him, lightly patting his shoulder.
Diluc let out a soft sigh. “I know.”
“Everyone, please stand up for the bride!” Jean said. She was the wedding’s MC and had donned a magnificent suit that made her stand out.
On cue, the double doors to the Favonius Cathedral opened, prompting all of the guests to stand up as they directed their attention towards the bride standing in the doorway. Klee and Diona stood in front of the bridal party as a pair of junior bridesmaids, each of them holding a bouquet of cecilias. Lumine was interposed between them and (y/n) as the adult bridesmaid with a bouquet of windwheel asters, and Venti had (y/n)’s arm linked around his as the father of the bride.
Venti had excitedly volunteered to play the role of her father during their wedding ceremony a few days ago, claiming that nobody could fit the image better than him. Since there was no one else who could fill in for the role, everyone hesitantly agreed.
Barbara, who was the marriage officiant of Diluc’s and (y/n)’s wedding, clasped her hands together with a gasp as she admired (y/n)’s wedding gown, designed none other by Eula herself. The layers and floral lace on the skirt of the dress made her look like a princess, and the silver tiara on her head only fed the image further.
“Wow, she’s absolutely stunning,” Kaeya remarked, unable to stop himself from staring at Diluc’s bride.
“I agree,” Albedo said, nodding with a minuscule smile.
Diluc swallowed thickly, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of the woman he’s going to marry. He couldn’t find the right words to describe her breathtaking appearance, but if he had to say something then it’d be that she looked like an angel.
The bridal party began to walk down the aisle as they led the way for the bride. Klee was the most excitable of the group, and (y/n) couldn’t stop a giggle from slipping out at her energy. When they reached the alter, the bridal party separated from her so she could stand in front of Diluc, smiling as radiantly as she did when they first met.
“Welcome, everyone,” Barbara began as the guests sat down, “We have been chosen to witness this very special moment in Diluc’s and (y/n)’s lives, as they are going to be united by the holy bond of marriage.” Diluc and (y/n) took a step towards each other, their hands interlocked. Barbara looked at the groom. “Diluc Ragnvindr, do you take (y/n) Mitsuyo as your wedded wife?”
“Yes, I do,” he said.
Turning to the bride, Barbara asked, “(Y/n) Mitsuyo, do you take Diluc Ragnvindr as your wedded husband?”
“Yes, I do,” (y/n) replied.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife!” Barbara exclaimed with a beam.
The pair gazed at each other bashfully, but proceeded to lean forward and sealed their new life together with a heartfelt kiss. On cue, everyone cheered, and Klee spread her non-explosive Jumpy Dumpties around the cathedral to fuel the atmosphere.
After their wedding ceremony, (y/n) asked Diluc to have a walk outside with her. They both basked in the cool afternoon air, enjoying their time away from the crowd that had gathered by the Anemo Archon’s statue to partake in the feast that Good Hunter and the Traveler had prepared for this occasion. The couple soon found themselves at the back of the Favonius Cathedral, where they could see white daises dotting the patches of grass adorning the area. The sun was high in the sky with not a single cloud to obscure it, allowing streams of sunlight to shroud their forms with warmth. (Y/n) held a white folding fan to her face while holding hands with Diluc.
He sighed when a cool breeze blew in their direction. “How are you feeling, (y/n)?"
"I'm afraid I cannot find the right words to express how happy I am today," she said with a soft giggle, "Doesn't this remind you of the time we took a stroll near Stone Gate, where your confession took place?" Diluc blushed at the memory, and (y/n) brought herself closer to his side so she can lean her head on his shoulder. "I was overjoyed when you told me that you love me, because you've certainly taken my heart."
"... I'm glad," he murmured, lifting his free hand to gingerly cup her face, "I'm happy I could make you mine today as well."
Smiling, (y/n) pulled away from his touch whilst tugging him towards the railing that overlooked the glistening body of water surrounding the City of Freedom. Diluc gently wrapped his arms around her waist from behind as he affectionately nuzzled the crown of her head. As the pair admired the beauty of Mondstadt, (y/n) suddenly remembered something about the Inazuman language.
"Diluc, did you know that there are three ways of saying "I love you" in Inazuma?" she asked, earning a hum from him.
"No, I don't. Care to share your knowledge?"
She turned around in his embrace and cupped his face, her thumbs delicately caressing his cheeks. "Daisuki is what you say to your family and friends; aishiteru is what you say to someone you want to have a serious relationship with; and koishiteru is what you say to someone you want to spend the rest of your life with." She then pecked his lips, making his eyes widen. "Koishiteru, Diluc. Will you let me spend an eternity with you?"
His gaze softened as he carefully pressed her body against the railing. "Of course, but only if you'll allow me to do the same. I can't imagine a life without you by my side."
A flush of embarrassment rose to her cheeks at his words, and he chuckled lightly at her flustered face. He then lifted her chin with his thumb and index finger, forcing their eyes to meet; in his crimson hues, she could see the depth of his love for her, and it caused the butterflies to flutter in her stomach for a brief moment. Slowly, Diluc drew her into a passionate and loving kiss.
When their kiss began to heat up, (y/n) accidentally dropped her fan to the lower ground below, prompting her to break away from his lips. Before she could turn her head to see where it had fallen, Diluc quickly cupped her cheek and guided her lips back to his, drowning her in another sweet kiss.
At that moment, (y/n) was content to be in her lover's arms, thoughts of retrieving her fan discarded altogether.
She was his, and he was hers; that's all that matters now.
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d-targaryenshoe · 3 years
Running Of The Good • Jackson Avery
Word count: 1038
Summary: Running from the good feelings is not what you're supposed to do is it?
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"You've been avoiding Jackson for a week now, just face your feelings, y/n." Meredith walked next to you, talking quietly. "You did this with Andrew too, you ran from what you felt."
"Correction, Andrew did the same thing to me when i admitted what i felt for him." You squinted your eyes to the blonde next you. "You should do the same with Mc Widow."
"We're talking about Mc Widow?" Amelia caught up with the both of you, her eyes running back and forth from you and Meredith. "A heads up?"
"Pov is that y/n is still running from her feelings for someone called Jackson Avery, that's about it." Meredith shrugged as you rolled your eyes. "She's got it bad though."
"You still haven't pulled him into an on call room yet?" Amelia sounded sort of disappointed as she glanced at you. "The time is ticking off, do you know that?"
"The time that the two of you finally stop bossing me and my feelings around? Well, I hope it ticks of really fast, you two are getting on my last nerve, now i have a patient to talk to." You took the chart out of Amelia's hands, running up to the room.
Opening the door you saw the dark skinned man sitting on the bed while the television was showing the news channel.
"Chester, Amelia had a surgery on her hands, so you'll have to do it with me." You closed the door behind you as the dark man quietly chuckled. "What?"
"Nothing, nothing, just reminiscing all the years i've spend in here with this dirty tumor." The man shuffled himself on the bed. "Just waiting for the moment my heart gives up."
"You're not on your own, you know that." Pressing the sides of the mans forehead, you noticed how he pulled back in pain. "I wasn't even pressing that hard, you did take bed rest right?"
The man looked at you but quickly dodged your stare, turning off the television. "What if i didn't? I'm dying in the end anyways."
"Behavior changes, nothing new, we have those every week." You mumbled as you wrote something down on your chart. "Is there something annoying you?"
The man scoffed, throwing the remote at the end of the hospital bed, crossing his arms at you. "Listen, i'm gay, really gay and terminally ill, you know that, and i hate that you run from the hottest surgeon who admitted that he loves you, are you a woman or what are you? I guess Dr Grey and Shepherd were right."
"Those two eh? They hypnotised you as well? Was it the 'she's so stubborn it's not okay' or the 'try and talk some sense in her'?" Browsing through the medical chart, you waited for an answer of the older man.
"Option one sounded appealing, but it was the second option, actually." He answered, slightly smirking at you when you stared up to him. "I mean it, what is wrong with you, that man is a snack, and that's coming from a gay man."
"He's much more than that, he's determined, amazingly talented, he's there when you need him, an unbelievable single dad.." You pursed your lips when you noticed as you were rambling. "Never mind, you didnt hear a word, no, you did not."
"Honey, you're in love, and that's the only thing you can scream of a roof, it's the most wonderful thing in the world." He smiled, placing his head down on the pillow. "Or when i die? You can scream it out then too, let Seattle know their biggest drag queen died."
"You're so dramatic, but the good kind of dramatic , you keep me on my toes, most of the time." You closed the chart, sitting down on the side of the bed.
"Listen to me, y/n, love is painful and frightening. At times it'll make you doubt yourself, judge yourself, distance yourself from the people in your life. At days it'll makes you selfish as hell or make you say and do things you never thought you would do, been there. Love is what all of us want. But it's heavenly when we get there. So no wonder you're running from something that can flip your world upside down. My mother taught me that if we're born with love then love is about choosing the right person to put it on the line for. People talk about it a lot, meeting the right person, when it feels right it's right. And I'm sure that's true. It takes strength and power to know what's right. But love isn't something that weak people do. You're not weak, so let yourself love."
"So what do i do, do i just run up to him and throw it all out." You frowned, running a hand over your face.
"Yeah." He nodded, pressing on the on button for the tv. "Get out of my room and get him."
"Like i said, behavior changes." You shook your head as you got out of the room, noticing Jackson walking out of the hospital. "Fuck me.."
Dodging the nurses you started to sprint out of the hospital, no watching if there were any cars driving away. "You're gonna keep fucking walking or what?"
You came to a halt when you noticed that Jackson turned around with a shocked frown on his face.
"Cutting things with Jo was probably for the better , because we belong together." You started to slow down your breath, leaning your hands on your knees.
"After you've been avoiding me for a week, i already knew that." He answered, walking towards his car door and throwing his bag inside.
"We're literally each other's person, ever since Mercy West, we're great." You shrugged, shuffling back and forth on your feet.
"We really are." Jackson nodded his head,
"And beside my stubbornness, i guess it's time for me to face that i'm in love with you." You pursed your lips at the blue eyes guy. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"
He leaned forward slightly to grab your face in both his hands and kissed your lips, closing his eyes before pulling back. "And it took you seven days."
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you’re jealous | monsta x ot7 reactions
maybe some smut ;)
shownu | son hyunwoo
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shownu has been going on variety shows to promote the group’s latest comeback and the female hosts and guests always comment on his looks
it doesn’t bother you usually, you know he’s handsome and love when he gets all flustered from the attention, but you don’t like how the hosts feel up his arms and ogle him when he performs a part of the choreo
they continue to dote on him and jealousy crawls up your throat and takes over your body as you wait for shownu to come home
he comes home earlier than usual and you would be happy if the images of women touching up his arms weren’t flashing in your mind, clouding your vision
he greets you with a kiss to the cheek and your arms are crossed and you’re pouting, still quiet
only when he’s setting down his stuff does he ask what’s wrong giving you time to look away from his sweaty chiseled chest and focus on your anger
“i saw the show today.” a beat of silence
“oh? was it fun?” he was almost done now as he grew closer to you
“it would’ve been if those women weren’t touching you up...” shownu found it adorable when you were jealous so he couldn’t help but put his arms around your waist and pull your back to his chest, resting his head on your shoulders. you could feel his muscles against you, was he not wearing a shirt any more? it didn’t matter you were angry
“i told them to stop but they cut that out of the show...” your anger subsided, of course he did. you turned in his arms then, properly looking him in the eyes for the first time today.
“you’re cute when you’re jealous,” he kissed your nose and you blushed, for a second he thought he outta make you jealous more often but he couldn’t bare even trying to give anyone that kind of attention when he had you. “let me make it up to you,” he started kissing your lips then, his hands roaming down your body as the found your ass and lifted you up, instinctively your legs went around his waist
he was sweaty so u offered to shower with him to save water of course, he thanked you for that with his actions...
wonho | shin hoseok
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wonho was performing WITH YOU and you couldn’t help but feel jealous as the beautiful female dancer moved in synch with him and his hands traced her body
you rarely got jealous, he did that enough for both of you, but you couldn’t help it when fans were saying how good they looked together and of course they didn’t know he was already taken
the tweets, instagram posts, even tiktoks of them together consumed you and you finally came to your breaking point when wonho came home from the music show
“enough hoseok i can’t take it any more!”
“what’s wrong?” he had never seen you so upset, a mix of frustration and sadness adorned your face
“you and your dancer, everywhere i look online i just see you two together and i know it’s not real but when everyone’s telling you they would be good together i-“
“baby they don’t know what’s real and what’s for the performance, at the end of the day i came home to you and love you, i don’t even have her number on my phone much less have her saved as my lock screen like i do you,” wonho grinned and you felt the anxiety leave your body slowly. he always knew how to calm me down and when he realized you weren’t as mad he opened his arms for a hug which you fell into with a small pout still on your face
“can i make it up to my baby?” you didn’t know what he had in mind and you certainly didn’t expect being handcuffed to your bed frame screaming his name as he ate you out until you came...three times
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kihyun wasn’t naturally flirty, just too kind to know he could be perceived as flirty so when a girl trips in front of him and he helps her up like the gentlemen he is she gets the wrong idea and starts flirting with him...in front of you
you let it go on as he obliviously responds to her intrusive questions, you were grateful she didn’t recognize him with his mask and beanie on but you still felt your possessiveness rearing it’s ugly head
“we need to get going honey,” you cut in, having had enough of this girl just when she’s about to ask YOUR boyfriend for his number and she stutters and apologizes, you just mutter an okay as you grab kihyun’s hand and walk away
kihyun laughs as he catches up to you
“aww someone got jealous.”
“not jealous just annoyed, how could you not tell she was flirting?” you frowned at him and he smirked, oh no he’s gonna tease the hell out of you now
“i can only tell when you flirt with me, but what if i was flirting with her? would you get mad? and if i fucked her?” he whispered the last part, since you were still very much in public.
“kihyun,” you groaned as his hold on your hand tightened. you knew where this was going, knew exactly what this tone in his voice would lead to. but honestly you didn’t care, not when you were just as territorial as him and wanted to feel like his in the most physical way.
“would you beg for me back?” kihyun, pulled you flush against him and whispered into your ear and you couldn’t help but hold onto his shoulder for strength, he knew what he did to you.
“you know i would.”
“you look so pretty when you beg, maybe i’ll go get her number.” you were whining at this point, still very much in public, he drove you crazy.
“fuck me please kihyun.” and that’s all it took before you were rushing to the nearest bathroom like a bunch of horny teenagers, and kihyun was making you cry and scream his name.
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being an mc on a music show meant he interacted with lots of idols and you always anticipated the influx of delusional fans assuming he’s dating any girl idol he has any interaction with but one day is different from the others
he’s doing his usual mc duties but this kpop idol is staring at him intensely, even as going as far as telling him he’s handsome
she’s much older but it doesn’t stop the influx of tweets and comments
minhyuk is handsome you know that, anyone with eyesight can see that so when he comes home you can’t help but be grumpy
you can’t be mad at him you know that but your feelings are your feelings
he knows as soon as he’s home what’s making you grumpy
“babe i can’t help it!”
“ i know it’s just-why are you so handsome??? cover your face or something argh” you’re not really angry at him and he knows that as he kisses your face until the pout drops from your lips and he kisses you
you’re still feeling annoyed so you make it a point to show minhyuk just how much he is yours as you are his, making him scream your name all night long
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like kihyun he doesn’t realize people assume he’s flirting when he’s kind just because he’s handsome
you’re out with him in vacation in greece and hyungwon is helping these japanese tourists with directions because he overhears them being confused about the hotel names, they assume he’s flirting with them since they don’t see you standing, waiting for him under the shade of the store front
hyungwon politely declines their offer to join him back at their hotel and you unfortunately hear the entire conversation, not once did he mention you
you scoff and walk off as he walks back to you, his eyebrows raising in shock
“woah what’s wrong?” he catches up to you with ease, damn his long legs.
“why don’t you go ask your new friends since i don’t exist?” you glare at him and he smirks, the handsome fucker smirks
“jealous babe?”
“why would i be, not like i’m your girlfriend or anything.” you grumble and he laughs at how you’re the angriest he’s seen you in a while. the last time you were this angry it was at netizens for attacking him over some dumb thing.
“i didn’t tell them because they could have recognized me and that wouldn’t have been good for anyone,” that made a lot of sense, maybe you had reacted too strongly. you might just be angry about other people flirting with what’s yours more than anything.
“you’re hot when you’re angry though, maybe i should do that more often.” you stopped in your tracks and narrowed your eyes even more at him, you pulled him into the side alley, pushing him against the building side.
“you won’t.” you shut up with a kiss and he was smirking into your kiss, his hands roaming down your body and you had to pull away and remind yourself you were not in your hotel room. after that you both stumbled and practically ran back to your hotel.
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jooheon is pretty well known for his unabashed displays of aegyo and so when he goes on a variety show it’s not surprising he’s asked to do it
unfortunately this show is hosted by a female idol and her reaction sends netizens into delusional theories that the two are surely dating
you’re so upset by the rumors and allegations that you start to believe them so when jooheon sees you two days after the rumors started you’re crying at your place
he’s so worried he pulls you to him automatically and asks repeatedly what happened and what’s wrong, not even thinking for a second it could be related to the rumors
finally you manage to stop crying and get out, “it’s okay if you love her too if she makes you happier i’ll understand.”
“what the hell are you talking about?” jooheon is so dumbfounded by your statement he stops soothing you and this makes you go back to crying
“you and that kpop idol on the variety show it’s all over the internet.”
“you idiot i would never date much less love anyone other than you.” you just stop crying at look at him through your tears, which you furiously wipe away again and see the sincerity on his face.
“yes oh i can’t believe you even believed them.” jooheon scoffs and gets off the bed you were both sat on, and then out of nowhere he picks you up and takes you to the bathroom
“we’re taking a bath so my baby can feel better,” the relaxing bath turns to a little more when he can’t but show how much he missed you the past couple days and just how much he loves you more than anyone else
I.M | im changkyun
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people expected changkyun to be the bad bitch in your relationship, he had sharp features, a deep voice, piercings, and an amazing body but everyone who knew you both knew you were the one who would slice a bitch
especially if a random girl is trying to dance on your man in the one nightclub everyone knows he’s taken in, this nightclub had cut some kind of nondisclosure deal with the idols and their companies but clearly this girl was new, however, that didn’t mean you would hold back
changkyun winced as she started to dance on him and backed away, but she was persistent as she turned around and tried again, he waved his hand in front of her, clearly disinterested
you didn’t want to step in but as you monitored the situation where you danced with jooheon you could tell changkyun was struggling to remain polite
but you didn’t have a reputation to maintain and you certainly weren’t as calm and collected as your boyfriend
in a couple seconds you were wedging yourself between her and your boyfriend
“i’d back away sweetie,” you painted on your best fake smile and changkyun let out a sigh of relief.
“who are you?” her voice and tone was unpleasant, it was all too unpleasant especially when you were trying your best not to break her
“i’m his girlfriend,”
“let’s let him pick,” she shoved you away and stepped closer to changkyun, and that’s when you know you’re about to end up at the police station...again
changkyun stops you by grabbing your waist and hauling you over his shoulder as you’re lunging for her hair
shownu appears out of nowhere and asks the girl to kindly fuck off in the way shownu just knows how to do
when you’re outside and the driver has pulled up to the club, changkyun sets you down, he looks partially amused but mostly concerned
he knows you hate it when other people flirt with him just like he has to stop himself from breaking the jaw of any guy who dances on you at the club
he pushes the hair out of your face and looks at you fondly, you just nod at him to let him know you’re okay, too lost in his eyes to find words at the moment
and then the driver is opening the door for you and you both shuffle into the very back row of the minivan
changkyun presses a kiss to your temple, and you lean into his side
“you’re so fucking sexy when you get like that, i know i shouldn’t encourage it but fuck,” changkyun whispers into your hair and you shiver as his deep voice sends chills through you, you let your hand travel from its place on his lap to where the leather of his pants is becoming strained
“don’t.” he hisses and you aren’t in the obedient mood as you look him straight in the eyes and continue your torture
you estimate you have about thirty mins to go to get home, the privacy screen between the driver and the back of the car won’t muffle all the sound of you both but you can at least remind changkyun who he belongs to
so when you’re done making him suffer in his leather pants, you unzip them and he’s hissing and grabbing your hand
“fuck babe,” you just smirk at him and then spit in your hand. changkyun groans and throws his head back against the headrest, soon enough you’re leaning down and taking him into your mouth and he’s whining your name in between strings of curses. you manage to finish him off before you even get home.
changkyun gets back at you and you’re sure the entire apartment complex knows his name now
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jeonstellate · 2 years
[97✙] we got married: moonlight couple — snapshot viii
silver and hanbin’s supposed date takes an unexpected turn.
✩༄ kim hanbin x original character
✩༄ no warnings available for this snapshot
✩༄ paragraph format — 0.4K words
masterlist | wgm: mc masterlist | next snapshot
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
south korea.
Silver signals to Hanbin that she’ll walk ahead of him to answer an incoming call.
Once she saw him nod slightly, she’s quick to walk a bit faster to put enough distance between them and keep her phone conversation private. Unfortunately, her actions aren’t fast enough — which allowed him to hear her answer the call. "Hyunie-ya?"
As her phone conversation continues for several minutes, he made sure to slow down his pace to give her more space and to avoid accidental eavesdropping. He also made sure to not stare too intently at her back as he ensures that he never lose sight of her — after all, she’s supposed to be leading the way to their next date.
When Silver comes back to her spot next to him, there’s a hint of apologetic look on her face. "I’m afraid we’ll have to cancel our date today. I have to fill in for my brother."
"What happened? Is your brother okay?"
"Yeah. It’s just— my brothers have this tradition where they’ll spend a day together once every two weeks." She starts to explain as they both unconsciously decide to stand at a spot on the sidewalk. "They’re supposed to have one today, but my older brother Seojun can’t leave the café when there are a lot of customers, so Seohyun wants to hang out with me instead."
"Oh," Hanbin nods in understanding. "Is it okay if . . . if I tag along?"
Silver looks at him. "You want to meet my brother today?"
"Yeah, if that’s alright with you? I’ll just drop you off and you guys can spend the day with just the two of you."
"Are you sure?"
"Completely," he replies before she even finishes.
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-NIM: Are you really ready to meet her brothers?
KIM: I’d like to think so, yes. [he smiles while looking straight at the camera, then laughing suddenly out of embarrassment.] I’ve known Silver-ssi for years, so I think it’s about time I meet her siblings.
-NIM: Are you not scared?
KIM: I’m a little nervous, sure, but I don’t think there should be something to be scared about. Is there . . . ? [he chuckles nervously as his eyes wavers lightly.]
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"Unless you don’t want—"
She’s quick to cut him off and clear any possible misunderstanding, "No, no. I don’t mind. I just needed to make sure you’re really up for meeting Seohyun." She then shrugs before continuing, "Now that I think about it, I think it’ll be better if you meet my brothers one at a time. They can be a little bit . . . chaotic."
Hanbin offers his hand out as he chuckles at her word choice, "Shall we get going then?"
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god-save-the-keen · 3 years
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Book: Bloodbound
Pairing: Adrian Raines x MC
Warning: Angst / Fluff
Words: 1588
Permanent tag list: @gardeningourmet @eileendannie @desiree-pow @dawn-1994 @darley1101 @blackcatkita @flyawayboo @drakewalker04 @choicesficwriterscreations @mrawxs @itsjustwinter @alesana45 @brightningstar
Adrian Raines x MC tag list: @obsessedwithdool @mattrodriguezmylife @perriewinklenerdie @x-kyne-x @livingpurpose @adriansbiss @badgoodfishes @amyraineshessa @bloodboundismylife @bloodboundhoe @choices-addict-25 @lexilovesadrian @bloodboundstuff @a-raines @nala-raines @silma-words @khoicesbyk
She woke up with a jolt, her face sweaty and her breathing erratic as a few tears fell slowly from her eyes, leaving their trace on her cheek. She lifted her fingers, her hand trembling a little, and softly touched her throat, calming herself even though she knew that everything was fine. She was used to the nightmares by now. Most of the time she relived the day she died in the MET, dreamed about Lily dying in her arms, or that it was Adrian the one she held that day before became ashes. However, this one was new.
She looked at her side, where Adrian's peacefully sleeping form was subtly bathed in the minimal soft light coming from the window through the heavy curtains. She smiled at him for a second before gently moving his arm, from around her waist before she woke up, to the side. As silently as she could, Amy stood up, taking her silky robe from a nearby chair, and headed to the rooftop. 
The sun was almost completely hidden, the fresh air like a caress at her face as the last red splashes of light disappeared behind the buildings and the first stars twinkling in the sky. She sat on one of the couches near the pool, her elbows on her knees and her hands holding her head as a heavy sigh escaped her lips. A little shiver roamed her body while her mind remembered some images of the dream. Of all the things that she had gone through, this one was the only one that she wanted to forget. 
She heard a soft noise behind her and the muscles of her back and shoulders tensed up until her eyes landed on Adrian, walking towards her and putting a t-shirt on his way.
"I thought you might be here." He said with a smile. At the sight of her frown, his face became serious and worried as he sat beside her. "Are you okay, love?" He placed his hand on her back and she couldn't suppress flinching at the contact before relaxed once more. 
"I…" She leaned her chin on her palms. "Just a bad dream. A new one." She turned her face to the side, a small smile on her lips and sadness in her eyes as she watched him. 
"Do you want to tell me about it?" He studied her face with concern in his eyes. Normally, when she has a nightmare, she would wake him up. Sometimes they would talk about it and snuggle afterwards. Other times, he simply hugged her until she calmed down. This time, instead, she had decided to face it alone. 
"It's not a big deal, really… Just took me by surprise." She leaned her head on his shoulder as his arm held her close.
"Are you sure?" His hand lovingly moved away a few strands of hair out of her face, the soft touch caressing her cheek. "You seem truly upset, Amy." The silence stretched between them, he could see her hesitation so he just sat beside her, holding her until she decided whether to tell him or not. She stood up with a sigh, looking at the sky for a moment and hugging herself.
"I… Dreamt of what happened at Rheya's party...When we were running from her." She turned towards him, her eyes staring into his blue ones, now filled with sadness and guilt. "I haven't thought about that in ages, I don't know why--"
"Probably…" He interrupts her calmly as he lowered his head to look at his hands, understanding passed through his eyes until it was replaced with sorrow."... Because it was a traumatic event for you. In some part of your mind it must still be present, even if you are not thinking about it." He closed his hands in loosened fists and opened them again. Even if it wasn't really him doing it, he would never forget how scared and disturbed she was. Or how her voice sounded while she tried to reach him as his hand closed around her throat, leaving his hand printed on her skin until healed. How Rheya made him wish to hurt her. To kill her. She forgave him instantly, without seconds thoughts or doubts, acting like always around him, knowing that he would never do something like that. She even told him that she loved him for the first time, just a couple hours later. But the pain was still there inside of her. Still hurting her. "I'm so sorry Amy. That night, I--" He cut himself off when her hands cupped both sides of his head, gently, lovingly, lifting his face towards her, squatting in front of him.
"I know." Her voice, low and sweet as always, was like a caress to his heart. Her eyes were focused into his, nothing but love in them. Her hands were warm while her right thumb stroked the skin under it, softly. "I know it wasn't you. I never thought otherwise, not even once, not even that day. And I never will." After a long moment looking at each other, she stood up again. She walked to the edge of the pool, giving a small kick to the water, like she always did when she was frustrated or stressed. "That's why this stupid nightmare bothers me so much." She sat at the edge, sinking her legs on the water, watching the ripples of her moves on the surface. 
"What do you mean?" Adrian stood up as well, going to the pool and taking a seat beside her. The water was surprisingly warm as the little waves distorted the reflection of the sky. 
"At the risk of sounding presumptuous, I know how much you always care about me. I know that you would never do something like that on your own." She took his hand, their fingers closing together, as she looked at him smiling. "Since the day of Lily's attack, when you risked so much for her… For me, I've known." He kissed her knuckles, softly, without taking his gaze from her. "And I hate that you were part of this nightmare. 'Cause it's not true, I always felt safe with you. I still do. Everyday." Adrian softly leaned his forehead against hers, taking a deep breath as a small smile rose up the corners of his lips. 
"I'm glad to hear it, love… Even when I've put you in danger so many times." He opened his eyes, the soft skin of his lips brushing her forehead first and then her cheek, planting soft kisses in both places. "There's no day that I don't wish to erase that moment. I not only failed to protect you but I also hurt you." His voice was low and his words filled with grief. 
"And you also saved me from darkness. From becoming what I was fighting against." She pressed a soft kiss on his lips as her free hand cupped his cheek. "I didn't mean to make you feel bad." He placed his hand on top of hers. "I'm sorry."
"Don't." Adrian let out a sigh with a sad tiny smile on his lips. "There's nothing for you to apologize for, Amy. Even if I wish we could forget it, the fact still remains. It happened and…" His voice cut a bit. Adrian stopped to compose himself, clearing his throat before he continued. "And it's completely normal that you go through this kind of thing. We were running away, immediately facing Gaius again, which was itself traumatic, training your powers… You couldn't process it properly." She leaned on his shoulder again and he kissed her head. "I'm sorry, love. I should have helped you to deal with it better and... I understand if you need time on your own."
"Thanks." Her hand delicately touched his neck going to his nape and gently putting pressure lowering his face towards hers. Her lips took his, a feather like touch at first, soft, slow. Meaningful. It was an unhurried kiss, sweet and deep, their moves pouring all their feelings into it. His hand grabbing her waist, pulling her closer and squeezing it a little, like he was afraid that she could disappear at any moment. Her fingers thread in his hair, lovingly holding him as close as possible. Her lips separate from his but their faces and bodies stood like that, neither of them moving away. "But all I need is right here. I love you Adrian and I need you beside me. Always." Adrian kissed her lips again and leaned his forehead gently against hers, a beloved smile in his face. 
"I love you too Amy. And I will be beside you as long as you’ll have me."
"You sure?" Her hand moving to his cheek, cupping it again and caressing it. "It could be a very long time." She joked, happily smiling for the first time that night and he chuckled.
"I have the time." His smile matches hers.
"Then I know that everything will be okay."
They stood like that for a long time, until the night had devoured every inch of the sky and the lights of the city sparkled around them. He stood up and offered her his hand. "Breakfast?" 
"Ugh, yes please!" She took his hand, standing up and stretching her back a bit. Her arm encircled his waist and he held her shoulders, kissing the side of her face as they started to walk back inside of the apartment, side by side. 
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Don't leave me
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Book: Ride or Die
Pairing: Logan x MC
Rating: Explicit 
Warning: angst / death / guns / blood
Words: 1321
Note: I was in a bit of dark place when I wrote this so you have been warned 👀
**Tags in the reblog**
Five liters.
The average amount of blood in the human body. Five liters. He had never seen that volume, but as he tried to stop the flow coming out from her, he doubted that was the right amount. It couldn't be. Because, right now, slipping through his hand and fingers, ignoring his efforts to stop it, it felt like twenty. Or thirty. Or maybe hundreds. He rapidly blinked, trying to focus on her, to help her.
"Logan…?" She whispered, her voice was terrifyingly weak.
"I'm here Ellie." He lifted his eyes to Detective Wheeler, rooted in his place, stunned. The gun that just a few moments ago was aiming at his chest, still in his hand. Still smoking. "Do something!" Logan shouted at him, hating him with every cell of his body. His voice grumbled, anger and fear mixing up in equal parts. The detective finally dropped his arm, running to his daughter while calling an ambulance for help.
"Ellie, sweetheart, I'm so sorry." Tears fell from her father's eyes, his hand shaking and his mouth slightly open, like he couldn't find the words or have the strength to let his voice out. He tried to hold her but Logan carefully pulled her closer, his eyes staring murderously at the old man.
"Don't you dare to touch her. You did this,." hHe said, restraining the rage he was feeling. He lowered his gaze and concentrated on her face again as her father watched her, crying. After all, he hadn't helped her when she asked, he was the one that had made her cry so many times. He was the one who hurt her. Her eyes started to close and her skin was more and more pale by the second.
"Ellie!" Logan called her, softly nudging her head with his shoulder, just an inch, enough to get her attention. She opened her eyes, a glossy look in them, trying to focus on him. He had caught her before her body hit the ground, leaning her against his chest and holding her shoulders with his arm. Logan took off his denim shirt and placed it on her chest, making pressure in the wound with his right hand, trying to stop the bleeding. She winced, pain going through her face. "Ellie, please, I need you to open your eyes, please." Everything happened so fast. One moment he was saying goodbye to her, ready to run away and out of her life, and in a blink of an eye, she was standing in front of him. Protecting him. Receiving the bullet that was destined to him. Her head fell softly on his chest, closing her eyes once more.
"Logan… The police… Is coming… You should go." Her voice was a whisper, every pause, every pained word, going through his body, making him feel his chest tight and his heart shatter in a billion pieces.
"I'm not going anywhere, Troublemaker." Her front was soaked in blood, the spark plug he had given her contrasting with the dark liquid, shining under the street lights, as a puddle was forming under them. His lips brushed her forehead as the tears threatened to fall from his eyes. He knew he couldn't break down, no right now at least. She needed him. "I promise I'm not going anywhere. I won't leave LA." He muttered, touching her forehead gently with his. "I'll stay with you."
"But--" A cough interrupted her, making her whole body shudder, leaving her pale lips spotted with red.
"Don't talk El… Just keep your eyes open…" His voice breaks a bit, his emotions dangerously close to overwhelming him. "I'll be fine, I promise. Just focus on getting better, okay? Don't worry about me." He couldn't be sure but for a moment it seemed like a tiny smile lifted her lips at his words. He heard the ambulance siren at a distance, approaching, alongside with a few police cars. But he didn't care. If he ended up in jail knowing she was okay, it was enough. There was no other option for him. She had to live. "You have to recover, Ellie. Langston is waiting for you. That’s your dream, what you have worked so hard for, remember?... You can't die, Troublemaker." The lump in his throat cut his voice again as the first tear slowly slid on his cheek, out of his control. "You can't die." He repeated, kissing her forehead again, his lips feeling how cold her skin was.
"Logan..." Her lips barely moved, her brown eyes closed again and her voice paused and low. So low. "I… Love you…"
"I love you too, Ellie." His tears falling uncontrollably now, their faces touching, her chest almost still under his hand. "And I always will." He heard the paramedics running towards them. "Please Ellie… Please… Don't leave me. I'll stay with you, but please be okay." Before he could say or do anything else, the paramedics were kneeling in front of them, gently but quickly, laying her on top of the stretcher. As they worked on Ellie, he tried to dry his eyes but stopped halfway. His hands were soaked in her blood. His fingers, shaking, took the hem of his t-shirt, the white fabric had been tinted in a dark red, clinging at his torso. His shirt, discarded by the paramedics to treat the wound, was also drenched. No matter where he put his eyes, all that he saw was her blood.
His hands were holding the wheel of his car tightly. A voice inside his head telling him it wasn't too late to ignite the motor and run away. That he could come back another time. That he could face reality later, a couple more months was okay. But he knew it wasn't fair. His eyes closed as the constriction in his chest grew and his head fell back against the leather seat. With a shudder sigh he let his hands slip off the wheel. He had prepared himself for this the last couple of months, he couldn't turn away now. Logan finally opened the door, taking the bouquet of the passenger seat and walked as slowly as he could through the parking lot.
The place was pretty empty, the sun warmed his skin and everything around. His foot stepped on the grass and his heart ached, almost like that day. He had never been in a cemetery before, no one ever mattered enough to him.. He wasn't sure what to expect or what to do… He even didn't know if the flowers he had picked were okay.
The tombstones marking his path as his eyes searched for a specific one, trying to ignore the pain in his chest and his palms sweating, trembling a bit, his determination fading away with each step. Until he found it. Her tomb, in a white marble with her name carved in the top part, beside her mother's. A sad little smile rose up his lips, the fact that she wasn't alone, as silly as it sounds, gave him a bit of consolation.
'Eleanor Wheeler.
Beloved daughter and friend.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal'
He kneeled, his eyes were burning and his breathing came up painfully. He placed the bouquet softly on the ground. The vibrant colour of the flowers almost sparkling under the sun. He didn't know what the flowers were or if he had seen them before. The florist had told him its name was cyclamen and that it was known as the flower of love but that wasn't the motive of why he chose it. The moment he saw it, it reminded to her. They were pretty and delicate but also wild and fun, their petals going up and down in a beautiful way. Free. Just like her. He sat on the ground.
"Hi Troublemaker. I'm sorry it took me so long to come."
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bbnibini · 3 years
Your Words (Simeon)
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"Simeon comforting MC after a hard day with a story and a song. (The story could be about anything really)"
Requester: Cchinita (AO3) ao3 vers.
So, I got really invested in this HC Request and inadvertently made an AU(?) for this. I already mentioned this in the AO3 version of this post but, I really appreciate the OP for requesting this to be a platonic relationship. I LOVE writing about friendships. As someone who places equal value on both romantic and platonic relationships, this request really warmed my heart.♡ In fact, I love this so much, I might post a continuation for it in the distant future-
(HC/scenario under cut)
It was the same, usual day. Same, usual spiels. Same, usual annoyances. Same, usual, miniscule discomforts. Yet, the same, “usual” made you feel…unusual. The snide remarks you tolerate from your co-workers sounded particularly biting. The broken coffee machine seemed to act up even more than before, even if the hands of the clock overhead indicated you still had plenty of time for your break. It was the same weekend to look forward to, same katsu sandos at the company cafeteria that were a little soggier to your liking. You have gotten used to the polite, yet tiresome indirectness of adult confrontation—on tiptoeing on your every word like a tightrope, with the entire world watching your struggles to acclimate with “the real world’s mundane”, as if were some cheap variety show entertainment. Yet...
Something about today seemed different. It was tiring. Exhausting even. You were one more passive-aggressive remark away from throwing an outburst—even your practised smiles were strained and everyone around you started to notice. Two-faced inquiries of your well-being masked more malicious intentions (whether it’s fabricated from your own overthinking, or it being even the slightest truth did not matter), questions of the breaks and accruals you have never really utilised because of your obsession to catch up with some proverbial Goliath who had dollar signs in his eyes, or your fixation on “making a difference”; on “investements” rang in your head and would not stop until the first drop of tears formed in your eyes.
“Take it easy today.” Were such comforting words if it did not fall from your disappointed supervisor’s eyes, who was as obsessed with numbers and team performance as yourself—in their eyes, you felt less of a human being and more of a defective asset. When had it been like this? When did life start to feel…dull? In your quest to find meaning in your life, you have reached a dead end. Would anyone even care if you tell them? Why would such thoughts ever have meaning if you have “your life set out for you?”
Such crippling feelings always felt less burdensome with a few sips of liquid courage. One shots. Two shots. Cheers! There was no need to pretend you were drinking it if you were in your lonesome. Alcohol definitely tasted better when it wasn’t being offered, nor pressured on you. Your head buzzed, and your cheeks heated with its familiar warmth. The strained voice of the usual balladeer in your favourite bar even sounded melodic in your ears after downing a bottle’s worth of your favourite cocktail. In fact, she sounded really, really good: angelic even, if not a lot more…baritone than you were used to. Her blue eyes lingered on your direction until you heard your name being spoken by him…him? What happened to the shy songstress at the centre stage? And who was this handsome stranger calling for you to join him by the grand piano?
“Do you have any requests for this evening, dear customer?”
He wasn’t the usual singer in the bar at all! You felt the laughable boldness that your alcohol had given you fizzle up and vanish in an instant.
So many eyes were on you that it was hard to pretend indifference. The handsome stranger beside you noticed this and leaned on your ear, whispering the same words your supervisor had told you earlier.
“Take it easy today.”
…but his felt like he actually meant it. He sang your request so beautifully that you momentarily forgot your worries. He even went so far as to walk you home when the bartender worriedly fussed over getting you a taxi.
Before you knew it, you spilled all of your complaints and grievances to the handsome stranger, his blue eyes only narrowing as if he were smiling at you.
“Thank you for working hard today.”
How could he know how hard you worked? You called him arrogant, and he only laughed and admitted you were right.
“For now, let’s walk you home.”
Your next day at work was the same, usual dullness. Monotony. Indifference. The only highlights of your day were the times when Simeon had shifts in the bar you frequent. Oftentimes, he sings a tune for you while he was at work, and in the after hours, he scoots you over next to him on his favourite spot in the empty park, a cup of the nice old lady’s hangover soup at a strategically placed food stall across from the bar at hand.
You found out that he was a graduate student working on his Master’s on literature. His face was beautiful, yet unfamiliar. His pseudonym, Christopher Peugeot however…
“Haha! I’m afraid it’s the truth.”
Why was a famous author working minimum wage at a rundown bar? Came the question in your face, which he had answered with unnerving calm.
“Because it’s fun!”
Fun? You haven’t heard that spoken for a while. Simeon looked over at you worriedly, commenting on your soup getting cold, your reply he had awaited a few minutes too late for any conversation to continue. You promptly apologised once you snapped out of it.
You smiled at him, bashful. “How to have fun. It feels like I’m…just here. I…I’m exhausted, Simeon. I don’t know what to do.”
The next thing you knew, you were wrapped in his arms, his gentle hand stroking your head, reminding you of a gentle hand from your distant past doing the same.
When he had wiped your tears and called for your name, it felt like you were seen for the first time in a while. Maybe it was fine to feel this way. Maybe…just maybe…you had a “right” to feel exhausted. Maybe…
“It’s okay, I’m here.”
And he was. He always was. For the years to come-- even when the test of time had placed hardships in your bonds, he had always been.
(To be continued?)
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saeyoungchoismaid · 4 years
MC had a crush on a different brother
Genre: angst, fluff Warnings: very vague nsfw on Lucifer’s and Asmo’s parts Summary: the brother you’re dating finds out that you used to like another brother A/N: reader is gender neutral! Also, I’m pretty sure this is the same person but just in case it somehow isn’t I added both. Also, if it is the same person, guys, please don’t do this. I see every request and am working as fast as I can. Don’t spam me. Thank you and I hope you enjoy :)
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it’s simple, really
he was a mix of disgust and anger
I mean, how could you like such a dingus before dating himself?
he thought you had good taste, but maybe he jumped to conclusions too soon
c’mon, Mammon, really?
out of all of his brothers?
he just doesn’t understand 
he pretended not to be bothered by it, other than showing you his signature frown and a sigh
“It’s all in the past,” he reassures you but it kind of sounds like he’s trying to reassure himself
but you noticed that he wouldn’t let you near “the dingus” without him there as well 
after a week of not being able to sit next to Mammon at the table, go shopping with him, or anything else really, you decided enough is enough 
you walk to his study and walk in without even knocking, not that you needed to
“Darling, you don’t need to worry about Mammon. It was a fleeting crush that lasted all of a week,” you promise
he raises a brow up at you before smirking
“Funny that you think that it bothered me,” he says all cool like as if it really didn’t bother him 
he tugs you onto his lap and gives you a kiss, staring up at your beautiful face
“Maybe I should mark you to remind my brother just who you belong to,” he whispers in your ear before starting to suck hickeys on your neck 
when Mammon finds out you had a crush on him out of all the possible options 
his whole body surged with jealousy 
why Asmodeus? 
what was so great about that overdramatic f boi
nothing, that’s what 
he doesn’t even bother trying to hide how mad he is 
he even finds Asmo and goes off on him 
“Oh? (Y/n) has a crush on me?” the flirty man coos, smirking at you 
next thing you all know, Mammon is in his demon form and gripping the front of his shirt 
“Had! Had a crush on you! They’re dating me now! The Great Mammon! Don’t get it twisted!” he shouts in his face
you’ve never seen Mammon in his demon form other than at the ball that Diavolo held 
Asmo stares up at his elder brother, his eyes widened 
he did not see that coming for some reason 
you’re quick to walk up to Mammon, placing your hands on his back and arm 
“Babe. Hey, it’s okay,” you soothe, pulling him away from Asmo 
he relaxes a bit, his heated glare still on Asmo 
“Baby, look at me,” you whisper, placing your hands on the side of his face
it takes a moment but he eventually looks at you, his glare disappearing when he makes eye contact with you 
“I don’t like him anymore. I liked him for like a week. I love you and only you, okay? I don’t want him, I want you,” you reassure 
and just like that, his demon form is gone and he pulls you into a tight hug before giving you a passionate kiss 
“I knew that! Why wouldn’t you want The Great Mammon?”
when he discovers that you used to like his brother, he’s shocked 
he’s jealous, to say the least
what if his brother likes you and takes you away from him?
Beel wouldn’t do that, right?
he only cares about food 
there’s no way he likes you 
you can see the gears turning inside of Levi’s head, a frown hanging heavy on his face 
you smile softly as you tug him to the bed and lay him down, cuddling into him 
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I don’t like him anymore. I just brought it up cause I thought it was funny,” you say softly before giggling 
Levi nods his head, taking a deep breath before tugging you closer to him 
he believed you but it was hard to get over it 
he’s not the Avatar of Envy for nothing 
it took a while of reassuring, cuddles, and kisses for him to completely calm down 
this man is furious
not that he can help it 
he’s the Avatar of Wrath for crying out loud 
you didn’t even mean to tell him 
it kind of just slipped out 
you knew he’d react like this and that he’d make it a big deal 
but it makes him even angrier that you hid it from him 
he’s quick to find Lucifer
Lucifer is surprised to see that he’s in his demon form 
everyone is, for that matter
Satan tries to keep his anger in check, knowing he’s overreacting 
he just can’t control the blinding rage that consumes him 
“Satan, think before you a-”
“Shut up!’ he snaps, cutting Lucifer off before taking deep breaths 
you run to catch up, panting when you finally find him 
“Oh lord,” you groan, quickly going over to them 
before you can even speak to try and calm him down, Satan is speaking again 
“You’re always one-upping me and it’s really starting to piss me off!” 
he looks ready to attack Lucifer, so you quickly step between the two 
“Hey, it’s alright. Calm down, love.”
that didn’t seem to work 
“How can I calm down? You used to like him! You probably still do! Why wouldn’t you, right?” 
you frown up at him, quickly and gently grabbing his face with your hands 
you swiftly kiss him, knowing that’ll calm him down a little bit 
“I love you. You and you alone. Not Lucifer. None of your brothers. No one else. Just you. I love you,” you say against his lips, watching him slowly calm down 
“Okay. I know. I’m sorry. I love you,” he whispers back, holding you tightly against him 
Asmo’s honestly not that bothered by it 
I mean, you chose him for a reason 
no one can make you scream their name like he can 
why would he be jealous of Satan? 
I mean, have you seen his hair?
or the way he dresses?
if anything, he teases you both about it 
“You used to like Mr. Librarian over here?”
“Satan, do you find (Y/n) attractive?” 
Satan didn’t even know that you used to like him 
which makes sense since you very clearly clarify that you only liked him for a week or two 
“I’m not surprised you got over him quickly. I’m way more attractive and just an overall better boyfriend,” Asmo boasts 
Satan wanted to argue that he’d probably be a better boyfriend but he didn’t want either of you getting the wrong idea 
Asmo eventually went as far as to invite him for a threesome 
Beel didn’t even start liking you until you started flirting with him
now, he’s head over heels for you but in the beginning, he barely knew you existed 
when he finds out you used to like his twin brother, he’s shocked but not really surprised at the same time 
he tells you that he understands if you’d rather date Belphie, a pout on his lips 
this poor baby boy omg my heart 
you frown and bring him into a hug, holding him tightly to you before giving him a kiss 
“I don’t want him. I want you. I only liked him because he seemed like a cool, mysterious, bad boy. I mean, he was locked inside the attic. I was very curious,” you say honestly, smiling up at him 
he does that cute chuckle thing he does before giving you another kiss 
guys my fragile heart literally can’t write this fluff 
my heart is swelling just by imagining this 
he’s quite a bit upset, to say the least 
it makes sense to him though 
it feels like he’s been locked up in the attic for like half the time you’ve been here
he becomes very insecure after hearing this new information 
it just makes sense 
Levi has known you and gotten to know you longer than he has 
why wouldn’t you like him?
you have to spend a while reassuring him that you love him and not Levi 
“Baby, I instantly got a crush on you when I met you,” you admit
he looks up at you with round, saddened eyes 
he looks like a kicked puppy 
“Really?” he asks unsurely 
“Yes! Do you know how cool I thought you were? I can’t even explain it.” 
he smiles at that 
“You thought I was cool because I was locked up in the attic?” he asks, a teasing lilt to his voice 
you giggle and nod your head, wrapping your arms around him 
“Yes, I did. You were just so mysterious and hot. I wanted to know you better and I’m glad I got the chance to. I got a lovely boyfriend from it,” you reply, hoping to boost his ego to make him feel better 
he smiles even more at that
“You think I’m hot?” he teases further 
you scoff and roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest 
“Is that the only part you heard?”
More with Obey Me!
Tag List: @mexicanmagick, @animefreak-247, @niphredil-14, @gamelovers-posts, @virtualmemmecollector ✦ if you would like to be added, comment or send an ask :)
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