#in a relationship already? no they have to Stare At Each Other Longingly From Across The Room
Can you write a fanfiction/bullet points or whatever makes you comfortable of Comte comforting a crying female MC? Thank you for your time. 💙☔️
This one is a bit (a lot 🤡) late, but hopefully it still brings some belated comfort to a wounded heart. Take care!! 💜
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For whatever reason anything I write for Ikevamp always becomes half found family trope hours, so please pardon the wayward premise--
Below a cut because it's long!
When I hadn't emerged from my room before noon, Sebastian knocked--three quick raps--against my door. 
I sat up in bed, setting my book aside. I'd done the bare minimum by then, thankfully: washed my face, made my bed, dressed in a nightgown with an appropriate robe for company. It was about all I could manage before deflating into a lethargic heap.
“Meli?” Curious slate eyes searched for me.
“Present,” I raised my hand, grinning sheepishly.
“Are you all right?” 
Did I look pale? My head was killing me. And it was nothing compared to the ache from the waist down.
“In a manner of speaking,” I grimaced, “I’m sorry I was MIA all morning, I’m really not feeling well.”
He marched out and returned with a First Aid kit, and I gestured with flustered hands to stop him. “Whoa whoa, not quite like that. You don’t need to bring that weapon in here.”
One sharp eyebrow arched, side eyeing me dubiously. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.”
“Phrasing,” I scrunched my features, before sighing. “It’s uh…a particularly female problem, if you catch my drift.”
He looked like he was about to say something smart again, until understanding dawned on his face. “Oh.”
“Yeah…I’ll keep the gruesome details to myself. Could I trouble you for some soup, though? I don't think I can keep much else down.”
He smiled, closing the First Aid kit with a crisp flip of the latch. “You’ll owe me one.”
“You can lord it over me as much as you want when I don’t feel like I’m about to snap in two.”
He frowned, skeptical again. “Are you sure you’ll be alright?”
“Oh don’t worry, every so often this stupid thing clocks me out mercilessly. It never lasts, it just sucks for the first few days.” I waved him away.
He nodded then, and I hoped the passé inflection would be enough to ease his mind.
What I didn’t expect was the entire rest of the afternoon.
“Meli?” A muffled voice came from the other side of my door about an hour later. 
Was that? “Vincent?”
“May I come in?”
“Of course,” I laughed a little at how cautious he sounded, as if Vincent could be a bother to anyone.
White blonde hair poked past the threshold, wide eyes taking me in. I laughed again, unable to help myself. “Don’t worry, I promise I’m not contagious.”
His smile waned, but he stepped inside and approached the foot of the bed. “That’s not what I’m worried about. How are you feeling?”
I couldn’t help the way my features softened. There were so few people I had ever met with such a pure heart, but sometimes it worried me. He should look after himself more. “Just fine,” I smiled easily, patting the bed to let him know he could sit if he wanted. “Is something on your mind?”
A little color found his cheeks and he shook his head, “Mm-mm, I’m glad to see you’re doing okay. I’m heading out to town today with Theo to explore some prospective venues for art displays. Would you like us to bring anything back for you?”
I was…frankly a little shocked that he thought of me. “Sure,” I grinned, “An invitation, when you’ve finalized the time and place.”
He gazed at me intently, before resolve made that baby face solidify with determination. “I promise.” He nodded once, firm.
“Even when you’re sick, you’re the only person in this house who knows how to appreciate real talent.” Theo swaggered in as if we’d conjured him by the mere mention of the display. “This is all it takes to keep you down and out, hondje?”
“Remind me to sucker punch you when I’m better.”
“I’m busy enlightening the world about the greatest artist who ever lived, remember it yourself.”
“Dat is genoeg, Theo,” Vincent glanced at him, and it made Theo sulk and look away.
I giggled, unable to help it. “Don’t worry, Vincent, I’m happy you both stopped by. Don’t let me keep you from your errands today.”
Vincent seemed to hesitate, and it was at that moment when Dazai walked right through the open door with an apologetic Napoleon behind him.
“I tried to stop him, but he was surprisingly adamant about bringing it over himself. Sebastian gave him an earful,” Napoleon snickered, “How are you holding up, noyer?”
“Like I’m going to throw up all over him,” I couldn’t help myself as they all looked at me with wide eyes, but the exaggeration didn’t fool Dazai. He continued on, unperturbed as always when he was marching to his own drum.
Everybody chuckled when they realized I was just trying to deter his enthusiasm.
“Open wide, Toshiko-chan,” Dazai crooned, trying to guide a spoonful of soup to my lips. “Say ahh--”
Theo had him in a headlock in the next few seconds, scowling fiercely. “Give it a rest, dwaas, she’s not an invalid.”
Theo hoisted him away and waved, and Dazai surprisingly left without a fuss as Vincent scolded his brother for resorting to physicalities. 
“He wasn’t the only one worried, you know,” Napoleon remarked, voice much quieter than usual--and I sensed it was because he was revealing some poorly guarded secrets. 
“Ah, I’d visit them both if I could, but I’m afraid I’m a bit compromised at the minute.”
Napoleon seemed shocked to hear this bit of news, alarm clear as he approached me and looked for the signs of harm. I suppose Sebastian didn’t go into the gory details, for once. “What…?”
I smiled broadly, “Don’t worry, I’ll be right as rain soon--enough to spar with you without a problem.”
The confidence in my expression seemed to put him at ease somewhat, retreating back an appropriate distance. “Shall I extend the good tidings, then?”
“Of course, and tell Jeanne I expect to see entries in his diary regardless of whether or not I can teach him right now.”
Napoleon shook his head, and when I shot him a curious look he just shrugged, throwing his hands up in a gesture of surrender. “Worry about yourself for the moment, noyer.”
I nodded solemnly, mock saluting, “Yes, monsieur, your will be done.”
“Well it’s good to see you have enough energy to joke, at least,” He crossed his arms, gesturing with his chin to the soup that was now at a proper temperature to consume. “Now eat before it gets cold.”
“The general,” I moaned with exaggerated woe as I reached for the bowl, “He’s relentless these days. Do you have any idea the last time I got to--”
“It’s a shame Shakespeare doesn’t have you perform for his little shows,” Napoleon was equal parts amused and exasperated as he moved to the door, “I never thought I’d meet somebody with more latent drama in their heart.”
“You really mean it?” I blinked rapidly and made doe eyes at him, and he rolled his in return.
“Get some rest, nunuche.”
When the door finally shut again I closed my eyes, willing the dull throb in my head to ease off. I tried to focus on the soup, hoping it would help me relax. It was only then that I noticed Sebastian had served it with a cold glass of oolong, and I sighed, suddenly grateful for his powers of observation. Hopefully it would help keep the food down--I didn’t want to throw up for real.
I took my time, eating slowly to thwart the nausea and stared at the ceiling. I wasn’t really expecting everyone to trickle in like that, but it was…a nice change. Back home, nobody ever knew I was sick because I didn’t tell them. I needed to work; there had been no time for rest and no safe haven to heal. I considered that for a moment, that for once I didn’t feel I had to push myself to my limits to deserve some respite. 
The empty bowl stared back at me as I finished the last spoonful, the gold flowers inlaid in the china a reminder; it seemed I had yet more to thank him for.
I was braiding my hair absently--marveling that it was long enough for that now--when a single knock sounded, more wooden even than the door. 
I found myself grinning before I could help it, “Come on in, Jeanne.” Wiry and lean, he marched inside and crossed over to my bedside, Mozart on his heels--though he looked cautious. I smiled wryly, “And welcome, Mozart. Don’t worry, I won’t get you sick--I promise.”
“As if anybody cares about that,” he sniffed, though I could see his shoulders visibly lower and I withheld laughter. 
Jeanne got up close, examining me with eyes that missed nothing. “You look pale, mademoiselle.”
“At ease, soldat. It’s an old fight, I’ll be just fine.” 
I was glad for the bravado, since it felt like my uterus was ready to pop right out of my abdomen, my entire lower half swollen.
“I still expect you to study while I’m recuperating,” I tapped his nose with the tip of my finger, and he leaned back as if he only just noticed how close he was.
Mozart sighed, “See? I told you she’d be fine. She even has enough energy to play school mistress.”
“I could play it with you too, Mozart.” I raised my brows, glancing at him. 
He threw me a disgusted look, “Don’t be ridiculous. Only you two would do something so outlandish.”
Jeanne looked unable to follow, “But Arthur said that a woman who teaches you your letters is your mistress.”
Mozart and I grimaced, in agreement here. 
“Don’t listen to Arthur.”
“Forget everything he says, in one ear out the other.”
“Don’t forget about the shop, Jeanne, we were just stopping by.”
Jeanne’s violet eye widened, “Ah, that’s right. Be strong, mademoiselle.”
“You won’t be getting rid of me that easily.”
Mozart smirked, “Don’t we know it.”
“I’m perfectly well enough to get feathers in your hair, you silly little composer.” I lifted the pillow beside me and mimed chucking it at him.
I was stunned to see Mozart stick his pink tongue out at me, smiling as he followed Jeanne out the door.
“That wasn’t a very nice thing to say, Mozart.” I could hear Jeanne’s muffled disapproval. 
“She knows better than to believe something like that anyway.”
Warmth overflowed in my heart, and when I glanced over at my bedside table I was shocked to see that it was nearly evening; I likely had all the visits to thank for time passing so quickly.
“You still alive in here, cara mia?” The giant Italian entered without preamble, a stark and frankly hilarious contrast to the nervous Isaac behind him. 
“For you? No.”
“You always knew how to break a man’s heart.” I closed my eyes as the smell of cigarillos reached me, the rich and smoky scent oddly comforting. If it wasn’t for the fact that it would be misconstrued, I resisted the urge to ask for a hug. He could make for a decent heat pad at his size. He sat mere inches from me unceremoniously--Leonardo was never one for personal space--leaning in and evaluating me with those amber eyes. The color always made me squirm a little, conjuring their parallel image in the house every time.
“We thought we’d bring you some cake,” it was only then that I noticed Isaac was carrying a tray, chocolate cheesecake drizzled with raspberry and coated in dark chocolate adornments. “We can’t take all the credit though, Vincent and Theo brought some for everyone.”
Trust Vincent to insist on a gesture like this. So that's what his determination had been about, finding a way to offer me something without fanfare. And, well, it was no secret I loved chocolate.
I kept my eyes on my lap, willing the slight film over my vision to dry and disappear. I knew Leonardo would never let me live it down if he noticed. That's probably why he came with Isaac in the first place.
I cleared my throat a little, "Thanks for bringing it all the way here, Isaac."
Isaac fiddled with his hair, tugging on the strands shyly. "D-don't worry about it. It's the least we could do, considering all you've done for us."
I accepted the tray and settled it in my lap, taking up the fork. "I can't eat it while you stare at me, Leo."
"Oh well."
"Correction, I won't eat it if you keep staring at me."
"I'm just enjoying the rare sight. House feels strange without you stomping and bustling around. The floorboards must be awfully lonely."
"You make me sound like an elephant."
"All right, come here so I can cough all over you--"
"But Sebastian already told us it wasn't contagious..." Isaac interjected.
"He lied," and I was about to continue when Isaac sighed.
It suddenly occurred to me that Sebastian probably sent Isaac along to make sure we didn't argue for the rest of the night.
"You two never change," his smile was conflicted, but fond.
"Ah, sorry," I leaned back, trying to relax.
"Bickering is healthy where we come from," Leonardo guffawed.
"Oh dear, an oncoming sneeze--" I mimed reaching over to sully his sleeve.
They both lingered a little as I finished my slice, making small talk until they seemed to silently agree to let me rest and take back both trays to the kitchen. I figured I'd be turning in for the night shortly after when I heard rapid footsteps crossing the hall about an hour later. It was nearly nine o'clock, who…?
I knew that baritone anywhere, though there was an atypical urgency to his murmur.
"Come in, Comte."
There was a gust of air as the door twisted open, gold eyes zeroing in on the source of my voice. When they landed on me there was alarm clear in every line of his body, and he seemed to take a deep breath. He smiled, but something about it was wan--it didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Bad day?" I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen him so wrung out as he made his way over to me.
He averted his gaze to my bedside table, "Something like that." He shook his head before reaching a hand up to my forehead. 
I bit the inside of my lip to keep from leaning in, the heady scent of him distracting. All of a sudden I felt like a little kid with my favorite stuffed animal again; I just wanted to curl up against him and close my eyes.
I laughed awkwardly, "Did, um, Sebastian not tell you?"
He seemed genuinely confused. "Tell me?"
"It's ah, not exactly an 'illness', per say…"
"Then what…?"
I glanced at my lap, then looked away. 
"Oh. Oh, I see," he hefted the chair against the wall and placed it next to the bed, unhooking his tie and rubbing a thumb under his jaw. "Well that's a relief."
"That makes one of us," I grinned, unable to help myself.
I wondered if I looked as sparkly as I felt when he finally managed a small smile.
"Did you just get home?"
"I'm afraid so, I was a bit buried in meetings and errands today."
Not surprising, he had been rather busy of late. "And you raced over here? Don't be silly, you should go to your own room and rest. I've been well tended to, I promise."
There was something akin to a dry smirk on his face, and it was puzzling enough to give me pause. What did that look mean?
"Everyone’s so demoralized it nearly frightened a century of life out of me," he admitted and laughed in earnest, taking one of my hands in his own gently. Color stained my cheeks, and I cursed how it gave me away. “I had to come see for myself.”
"Drama queens," I muttered, mortified. I willed my palms not to sweat and embarrass me even further.
"It just goes to show how much they care about you," Comte offered me a pearly grin, and I couldn't manage to meet his eyes. So much for the headache going away, I could practically hear a pulse in my head just trying to make eye contact with him. "The house doesn't feel quite right without you." 
Throughout the day I'd been wracking my brain to figure out what their little visits reminded me of, and in that split second it hit me like a train. Oh my god…they were like a bunch of children worried about their sick mother. Bringing trinkets and food, looking for any opportunity to help. Even Vincent perfectly fit the role of the oldest independent son, all insistence on being the adult for the day.
I squeezed his fingers just enough to convey my meaning. "They're very sweet," I bit my tongue against the rest. Wonder where they could have gotten that from. “But really, there’s nothing to worry about.”
Comte was unmoved. Did I really look that bad? His eyes sought out mine, gazing for a long moment. Instinctively I knew he was looking for something there, and if I looked away it would only make him more anxious--but it also made me so self-conscious. 
“What can I do?” 
His quiet voice, imploring all of a sudden, startled me. “Huh?”
“Everybody seems to have beaten me to the punch today,” there was a rueful touch to his smile that I didn’t quite understand. Almost…bitter? “Anything that would make you feel better, it’s yours.”
“You don’t have to--” I hedged, embarrassed.
“I insist.” He was smiling, but I knew that tone. There was no brooking argument when he got like this.
“Can I have a moment to think? Nothing really comes to mind immediately.”
This seemed to pacify him, and he leaned back to grab his long coat, folding it over and placing it on my lap over the blankets. I smoothed the fabric over with my hands, thumbing the collar absently. What was it about everything he did that conveyed so much warmth? Like my very heart was being enfolded in care and affection. I stared at it as he poked around the book on my bedside table, content to be awash in his colors. Despite feeling terrible and exhausted beyond belief, something inside me started to unravel and relax.
When I noticed him out of my peripheral vision, I suddenly knew what I wanted to ask.
My fingers curled around the bed spread, not wanting to wrinkle his nice coat. “I think I know what I want to ask now.”
“Oh?” he looked over, setting the book aside. He gave me his full attention, and I hoped he would attribute the blush that crept into my face from the scrutiny to illness. “Let’s hear it.”
“Would you read to me? Just for a little while. And only if you want to.” The words came out haltingly, and I already regretted that I’d spoken them aloud. Christ I felt so childish, surely he would think I was ridiculous. 
There was a moment of silence, as I contemplated crawling into a hole to waste away in peace. This is exactly why periods were evil. They made me reveal things that I wouldn’t have said at gunpoint.
“...What would you like me to read?”
He was serious, expression inquisitive. I couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. 
I hugged the pillow next to me for courage, refusing to meet his eyes. “...Would it be too childish to ask for a fairy tale?”
“Any particular one in mind?”
“...Rapunzel, if we have it.”
He nodded, “Rapunzel it is. I’ll be back shortly.”
When he was out the door on the hunt for a book of fairy tales, I shoved my face in the pillow and groaned. Well, so much for living that one down. I’d be the gossip of the mansion for the next five years let alone weeks.
I fidgeted and tried to read what I already had with me, but the pages might as well have been in another language for all that I managed to retain. I’d been interested in learning about recovered knowledge and expertise that had been lost to the ages, scouring old texts for tidbits of information and wisdom. The notepad on my bedside attested to all the curiosities I’d gathered up to that point, but the thought that I was troubling Comte was enough to leave me unable to work anything out.
Mercifully, he had returned as promised without much delay, a book on fairy tales in tow as he closed the door gingerly. When I spied the name Grimm on the spine, I laughed a little. “Good to know it’ll be a version I recognize.”
He indulged me. “I’m just glad it wasn’t buried somewhere in that mess Leonardo calls a room.”
I snickered at the jab as he removed the jacket of his suit, leaving him in his waistcoat and dress shirt. I pretended I hadn’t noticed, waiting patiently for him to start. I forgot that Sebastian had left a pitcher of water behind after he shooed Leonardo and Isaac out of the room, and I gestured to the desk across from him.
“Seb left me some water, but please help yourself.”
He poured a glass before settling in earnest, rolling his shoulders. I glanced here and there to gauge his disposition, a little perplexed. He didn’t look like he was waiting for the moment he could slip away, he looked prepared to spend the better part of the night. Surely he wouldn’t, he had more important things to attend to than me and he’d barely gotten any rest.
“Ready?” He looked to me, waiting.
I sat up straighter, “Go for it,” I prompted.
Though we started there, he ended up reading several since they were pretty short--expectation in his eyes when he looked up from the book to flip to the next one. I got caught up in his momentum all too easily, his even voice more soothing than I cared to admit. Or maybe it was the fact that I could tell he didn’t begrudge me this, or seemed to think it was silly. I was lulled and warm and comforted, which was more than I could say in nearly three decades of life. I tried to remember every little detail of the moment; the soft light of the lamps, the warmth of his coat, the gentle scent of him, the balm of his voice. Something to keep close to my heart when I’d be forced to leave his side someday and return to my own time like the stranger I was.
Tears burned in my eyes, baffling me. I swallowed thickly, and took a deep breath as surreptitiously as possible. I didn’t want to ruin this balance between us, this closely guarded secret of mine wasn’t worth making him dread coming home every day.
When we’d gone through all the ones I liked, he closed the book and set it on the bedside table. He was pensive, rubbing his palms together absently. I knew that look, so I spoke first.
“You can ask whatever it is you’re wondering,” I laughed, “I don’t mind.”
He seemed a little surprised that I’d noticed, before leaning back in his chair. “I guess I was wondering why you chose fairy tales, of all things. I did say anything you wanted.”
I covered my face with my hands, “Yeah, I know it was childish. Sorry.”
Patient hands drew mine away from my face, “That’s not what I meant.”
I shot him a dour look. "Jewelry is expensive. So are dresses."
"That's not what I meant either. Although that's an idea…"
I ignored his expectant look. “Oh,” I blinked, “Then what did you mean?"
“Why fairy tales?” His head tilted just so, trying to find answers in my impassive face as he gestured to the book on my bedside table.
“Well,” My eyes darted away, nervous. “It’s not really a short answer, and you’ve probably heard it before. I don’t want to bore you.”
“Would you tell me, all the same?”
Usually he’d be the type to change the subject and take the discordant note in stride, content to play smooth conversationalist. I wondered briefly what brought this on, but I didn’t have much time since he was looking for an answer. I tried to gather my thoughts.
“Fairy tales are the written--and in many cases--oral manifestations of human feeling and imagination.” I sat up a little, “They were told by the fireside, in sewing circles, to children who asked too many questions, whether appropriate or inopportune.” I gazed at the back of my hands, the faded burn that marred my left one. There was more grief in my smile than I would have liked, but I was too tired to entirely disguise what I was feeling. “Happy endings are afforded in situations where they seem unlikely and impossible. Justice exists and culls the selfishness of others. In some ways, they are time capsules of hope; buried, only to be found again by the weary in similar situations of entrapment or despair.”
“Sometimes they feel like a hand reached out across the ages, promising that we aren’t alone, not really. I guess it’s a nice feeling, to know that I’m not the only one who likes to dream.” 
It was only when I realized that the outline of his coat in my lap was indistinguishable, voice wobbly, that I scrubbed at my eyes with my sleeve. Stupid, I always spoke too much around him. He was quiet and still for a long time.
“But then, I have a bad habit of wanting things to make sense more than I probably should.” I shrugged, trying to lighten the mood. “They’re just stories, at the end of the day. Just a way to keep the mind occupied.”
He took the book back into his hands, gazing at it with different eyes. “I think that’s a beautiful way to think about it,” His fingers traced the embellished cover, still shining nearly a hundred years since it was published. "And very like you.”
“W-well, it’s just one way to think about it. Most people would probably say it’s a stretch.”
“I don’t think it is.” Even though I couldn’t meet his gaze, somehow I could tell his eyes were tender as they lingered on me. I was just relieved for the lack of disgust.
After that he stood up, gathering his suit jacket over his arm. “I suppose it’s time we allowed you to get some proper rest,” he leaned over to brush a kiss against my forehead. “I’ll make sure everyone keeps out until you’re feeling well, other than Sebastian. They don’t seem to be able to help themselves.”
I was entirely distracted by that split second of warmth against my forehead, lamenting how quickly it faded. Joy bubbled up in an endless cascade, and I tried to conceal how sated and giddy I felt on the inside. He was halfway across the room before I could manage to speak again.
“I was pretty surprised, I was so sure the sound of plague would send Mozart running for the hills.”
“I can think of very little that would keep us away, plague or not.” He chuckled, and shook his head as he reached for the door handle. “Rest well, Meli.”
“Good night, Comte.”
I was so lovestruck I didn’t notice he’d left his long coat behind, with me. I brushed my teeth and turned out the lights, pretending to get ready for bed--but really, I wanted enough time to pass to know for certain that he wasn’t coming back for it. Content to know it was mine for the night, I hugged the folded parcel close to my chest, sighing. If being by his side was out of my reach, then it was enough to know he cared.
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abbatoirablaze · 1 month
Matched, Elle, Chapter 1
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings:  mentions of death, dubcon/noncon relationship, manipulation.
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“Oh, come on,” your mother smiled as she brushed her hand along your cheek, “you should be happy that you are getting matched so early!  It’s an honor.  I was tested on my eighteenth birthday, and didn’t receive my full match until I was nearly twenty because we were waiting on a score high enough for our sigma.”  
“I-I’m not even eighteen yet.  How did they-“
“I submitted your name early,” your father smiled from the head of the table.  He looked to your other four fathers, and they nodded along, “we all talked about it, and knew that we would submit you early for the best possible matches.  And look...it’s an honor that they’re choosing you, Elle.  To have matches even before-“
“It’s disgusting!” you growled, shooting your father a look, “it’s a disgusting and barbaric practice and I want nothing to do with it!”
The epsilon across from you frowned, “honey...we’ve talked about this.”
“No, all of you talked about this,” you growled, taking a moment to glare at each of the men you’d called father, “all of you did this without my permission.”
“No!” you frowned, throwing your napkin down on your plate, “don’t ‘Elle,’ me, father.  This is not my choice.”
“But Ellie-“
“I don’t need your input,” you hissed at your younger sibling.  The ten-year-old shrunk back in her chair, “mom and dad put it in your head that this is a good thing, but it’s not, Karen.  They’re forcing me to take on five men.  I don’t want that.”
“I don’t know why you’re the one complaining,” your younger brother Alden frowned, “you don’t have to share a partner with four others.  I’m straight.  That means no extra fun for me lest I go to a pleasure house.”
“Alden!” your father grumbled
“Why can’t men and women just find someone the old school way?” you asked, looking at another of your younger brothers, “I mean, Declan is in love with the girl down the street.  I don’t see why I can’t  just take my time and-“
“That’s how we got into this mess in the first place,” another of your father’s growled, “with men and women who wanted to ‘take their time,’ and ‘figure things out.’  It’s because of generations of that which led to low birth rates as it was.  And then it became the rate at which they were having boys because men wanted their family name carried on so they were aborting the girls...you should be happy you are so valued in our world, Elle.  You and your sister.  The two of you are miracles.”
“See Ellie,” Karen proudly proclaimed, “daddy said we’re miracles.”
“You’re a breeding den for their future propaganda!” you proclaimed, “you don’t mean anything more to them than a cow-“
“ELLEN MARIE MCMANIS,” your mother scolded you, “apologize to your little sister right now.”
You stared longingly at the photo in the inside of your locket. 
Your stomach rumbled as you thought about the last time you’d seen your whole family together, and especially your little sister.  She was only ten when you left home 9 years ago, and she was probably undoubtedly matched and married by now. 
You knew that the rest of your siblings couldn’t have fared much easier, especially once you had disappeared.   
But you hadn’t allowed yourself to fall into that situation, despite how you were already matched before you were eighteen.
Something that supposedly shouldn’t have been allowed to happen. 
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”
Your eyes snapped up to the voice. 
Your heart raced in your chest as you looked at the very familiar man. 
“His name is Lloyd Hansen,” your father said proudly as he and the rest of your family admired the man on the screen, “he’s actually a very big name in the federal government, not just in the quadrants.  You’re very lucky, Elle.  Quite a few of your matches are actually very important men.  It means that you’ll be in the same, if not higher social standings when you move in with them and become their wife.”
Your stomach turned.
It’s not that he wasn’t an attractive man, he was, but you never wanted this.
“According to the file, he’s six foot one.  Tall...and look at those muscles!” your mother gushed, “he looks like a solid young man.”
“I think I’m going to be sick,” you grumbled.  You went to stand, but another one of your fathers pulled you back onto the couch, “dad-“
“We haven’t seen the rest of your matches yet,” he frowned, giving you a sad look, “come on, Ellie Bear...you know we can’t look at it without you...”
You sighed.
He was the omega of the group, and your biological father.  You knew that much because you had seen your birth file when you were younger.
And while the two of you always had a special connection, you knew that he was only privy to the match information so long as you were there.
Omegas usually were the last ones in on the loop.   
“I don’t want this, daddy.” He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you to his side.  You inhaled his scent and buried your face into his shoulder, “don’t make me do this.”
“It’ll be okay, princess...I promise.”
“I’ve been waiting a long, long time for you, princess.” He grumbled huskily, “and I must say, the time away from me has done you well...you’ve matured into quite the tasty-looking little treat.”  
You glared at the man on the other side of the room, “Lloyd...”
“You know...I’d waited a long time for them to allow me to come after you.  When you abandoned your match, I begged the quadrants to let me come after you, but they refused, saying it was probably just cold feet.  But when you didn’t come back for us on your eighteenth birthday, they split all of us into other matches...but  none of them were graded higher than how you matched with us.”
“Let me go...i-it doesn’t have to be like this,” you tried to reason, “I-I’m sure that all of you were much happier with a woman that wanted the match.”
“None of us were happier,” he hissed, “you ran away because you were a scared little girl, Elle...and now, you’re a grown woman.  When the other’s matches fell apart, I started getting in some ears yet again.  They were hesitant, but with a little convincing they allowed me the time off to track you down.  That, and well, Johnny and Jefferson are real charmers...oh, you’ll love them, princess.  When their matches fell to pieces they greased the right palms...scratched the right backs to pull us all back together once again.  I’ll give you this though...you nearly had me...I was coming up on the end of the deadline that they gave us to find you.”  
Worry coated every inch of your soul.  You found yourself looking around the room, searching for anything that you could possibly use to beat him over the head and run with.
“Oh, sunshine, I took great care in making sure there’s no way you could escape us this time...me and Bobby, that is.  We all lost you once, but we don’t ever plan on letting you out of our sights again.”
“Robert Pronge, your delta,” your father smiled, looking over to you as the next slide came up. His picture had him with long, shaggy hair, and a pair of tinted aviators.  You cringed, “he’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s in the same part of government work that your alpha is.  The two of them are very high performers according to the parts of the sealed records that we’re allowed to look at.”
“Ohh, he’s cute.” Your mom cooed, tapping your thigh, “two very large, handsome men already.”
“Now, his profile says that he’s been pulled from a match once before because of irreconcilable differences, but really, that’s because the designated alpha of the group was really a sigma who took his twin’s place.  He caught the error and turned the man in.  He’s a smart man, your delta.  You should be proud.”
“Morals too!” your mom cheered, “he’s a good one for sure, making sure that the matches’ dynamics are followed.  You know Ellie, the dynamics of a pack is very important!”
“Mom,” you groaned, sneering as you looked at her, “you act like we’re some sort of animal pack by referring to the match as a pack.”
“She’s right, jelly bean,” the delta you’d known as another of your fathers answered from the end of the couch, “you know, each of us has an important role in maintaining the family unit.  Your father is our main provider.  The alpha is there to ensure the healthy relationships within our ranks.  The delta, my position is as a peacemaker.  We make sure that everyone follows the dynamics that our alpha sets up and plans for the future.  The epsilon is our controlled chaos.”
“Hey!” You couldn’t help but smile at another of your dads as he gave a faux hurt expression.
“I love your controlled chaos,” you admitted, “you’re the best, bubba.”
He gave you a soft smile and patted your leg, “I love you too jelly bean.”
“See,” your dad pointed out, “he makes the environment fun for our legacies...you and your siblings.  He and the omega, work hand in hand in that.  The omega is responsible for making sure happiness within the ranks is fulfilled.  And the sigma is the one who is the one usually in charge of work life balance.  He takes over the alpha’s responsibilities in their work life and is a secondary provider so that the alpha can enjoy his family just as much as everyone else.”
“It’s not fair-“
“Ellen Marie McMannis, this is not a choice!” your father growled, the remote clutched tightly in his hands, “this is your match.  This is everything our family worked for, and the quadrants have graced you with an amazing option.  You will not spit all over it because you feel like throwing a tantrum.  This is your responsibility.  Your duty!”
“Now, now, Jared...don’t be hasty.  Life isn’t all about the business side of things...Elle, do you love each of us?  Do you feel like your life has been unfair at all, Elle?” your papa, and sigma asked. 
You went to open your lips, but they closed. 
You had never felt unfulfilled, or unloved in your life. 
“Just tell us, and we’ll ask for a match rejection if you haven’t been fulfilled with your life,” he said honestly, “say it, and we’ll look for alternatives, but we just want your happiness.  The quadrants set up this system to ensure that our futures have a future.  And you get to be part of that by taking your rightful place within the system.”
“But-I-it doesn’t feel right.”
Your father went to speak, but your sigma dad gave him a look.  He nodded, and his attention turned back to you.  He gently took your hands in his own, “I know how you’re feeling, Ellie.  When this whole program started generations ago, and I learned about it, I was skeptical of it too.  By the time I’d turned eighteen and been sorted as a sigma, I was pissed.  I had the mind of an alpha, but the emotions of an omega, which I thought made me weak.  I hated the concept and thought it was doomed to fail, just as you do now...but when I matched with your mother, and I met your dads...I fell into a world that I never knew existed.  I felt it was like something just clicked...it all felt right...I didn’t care about being a sigma...and I didn’t care about how angry I’d been about the process.  All I cared about was the dynamic that we could create.  And now, we have the eight of you.  And each of you means something to me...but you are our oldest, Ellie.  You are our first born.  So, answer me this.  Do you hate all of us?  Do you hate how you’ve been raised?  Because if you do truly dislike how you were raised, and this family that we’ve created, it doesn’t mean that our system failed...it means that we’ve failed you.  So tell me, honey.  Did we fail you?”
“If it wasn’t for the thoughtful work of our little chaos maker himself, I wouldn’t have been able to track you as well as I have,” he chuckled, “you know that?  That our tasty little epsilon had worked the strings that was your broken family and got your own fathers to admit that they’d heard snippets of your life but that your mother and alpha kept them quiet.”
 “I mean, your alpha dad tried to keep you hidden when you ran.  He tried to say that he didn’t know where you were,” he scoffed, “he made the rest of your family’s life so hard because of that.  He lost his governor title because of your little stunt, and your family had to move to the rurals just to keep their heads above water.  Thank god that your birth father had those connections that they could fall back on...but after he passed last year...your sigma became unstable...your delta tried to keep him calm, but they had to institutionalize him after your mother passed.”
“M-my mom?”
He chuckled, “sweetheart...you’re all alone.  The only one left is your little siblings, your little sister was matched just as you were, at seventeen.  One of your brothers are matched now, but that was just because their scores were too high to bar...that and your sister took her match in exchange for one of them getting theirs.  Once you ran away the rest of your brothers lost their rights to match and were placed too low on the lists...shame too.  Alden has scored on par with a few other women already and he’s missed out on all of them.  He really is the carbon copy of your omega father, despite coming from Jared.  So compassionate...but he missed out on happiness because of you.  He joined the quadrant corps just to have some redemption...he just finished his first tour, and gave up his chance so that Declan, could get his match...”
“Declan...” you whimpered, thinking of the third born, and the one who’d helped you originally escape.
“Shame about him though,” he smirked as he cleaned his knife, “Little Declan actually had a perfect score with the girl down the street from the two of you and was supposed to be her alpha...he killed himself two days after she was matched.  Too bad that was the same day they sent out the notice that he’d have been eligible for a new match.  And it’s all your fault.”
“All you had to do was follow the path laid out in front of you, Elle.” He chuckled, “been a good, law-abiding citizen...how does it feel knowing that you ruined your whole family because of your selfish actions?”
“Take this.”
You looked at your younger brother, pain in your eyes, “Dec-“
“Stop,” he growled, shaking his head, “stop and do what I say.”
“You shouldn’t be helping me.  You should-“
“This life won’t make you happy and I know it.  Alden won’t help you, and he’s next in line, so I have to do what is right.  I have to-“
“You’ll lose your rights, Declan.”
“I’ll lose my sister if I let this happen.” He said firmly, giving you a stern look, “and you’re more important to me, Elle...you need to run.”
Your heart ached as you looked at your baby brother, “you don’t have to help me.”
“It’s the right thing to do,” he admitted, “and that’s what matters here, Elle.”
“The only thing that matters now, is that I can finally take you home, Elle...you can finally be with us, like you were always meant to be.”
“I-I don’t want to go.”
“That’s not up to you, Elle...it never was.”
Chapter 2
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Puzzling On The Inside
Holly crap the amount of anatomical research I had to put into this one...
Another trade story for @luci-voracious-blog
Once again a lot of you will recognize what this is based off of lol. (It's Feedfancier's Cutie Cruise) In fact I should go back and give credit in my other stories as well... ****
     You never, ever could’ve imagined yourself, even just as soon as two months ago, to be legitimately sitting across from the famed and beloved Professor Layton, sharing a Gressenheller University cafeteria blueberry-flavored smoothie as you gazed longingly into each other’s eyes; all due to the simple fact, of course, that you were on a romantic date. And yet, as the archeology professor’s iconic dotted black eyes stared calmly and affectionately back at yours, the reality of the situation couldn’t be avoided. You had managed to make it this far, in terms of developing a healthy relationship, and as the two of you gracefully leaned in for a kiss upon each other’s pursed lips, the only desire you possessed, pounding along the four chambers of your heart, was to continue to do so into the future.
     Steadily closing your eyes as your lips touch against Professor Layton’s, it seemed right then and there that your entire reality had disappeared around you simultaneously, and the only thing left in this universe after its crumbling was now exclusively you, and your beloved partner known as Layton. 
     At least, that’s how it seemed. 
     Your ears almost instantly perk up as you are suddenly able to hear someone chuckling. But this wasn’t Layton chuckling, or even anyone you knew or recognized by voice in any sense at all. No. You weren’t even required to open your eyes in order to get a sense of who or what this new speaker was as their echoing footsteps plodded forwards, as it seemed that their image had become instantaneously zapped into your mind by some force upon them taking in a breath to speak again.
     “Y’know…even though I’m mainly a vore writer, Wattpad doesn’t allow people to add vore scenarios onto ‘Character X Reader stories.” the small, white, white wolf speaker, possessing light blue wings and a floating halo, as well as a trans flag bandanna around their neck with a circular symbol upon it you didn’t recognize, spoke out in a powerful yet controlled, giggling manner.
     “...oh…that’s….great?” you, having absolutely no clue what Wattpad was, awkwardly responded soon after.
     “...but as all my readers obviously know…I don’t post on Wattpad…now do I?”
     “.................no?”     “Heh. Yeah. Luci just wanted me to add in that little exchange as a Toy Story reference.”
     And then, just like that, the universe re-constructed itself all around you. 
     “But with one single, little twist.”
     You found yourself unable to scream or even speak as your body began to rapidly shrink before your eyes. Layton’s eyes, however, remained firmly closed as his lips still fervently touched against yours. The resulting sucking force from the continual, blissfully ignorant, professor’s kissing only ended up pulling you closer and closer unto his puckered up lips. Eventually, then, once you had shrunken down to just about the size of a raisin, you became sucked in all the way through the tiny hole present between the lips. And it was only after all that that Layton finally realized something was wrong. But by then, it was already too late.
     Giving your disoriented head a little shake before lifting it up and heaving a sigh, you did, of course, possess a very good idea as to just where you had now ended up; but it wasn’t until you opened your eyes and gazed around for a little while were those assumptions finally confirmed.
     You naturally let out a little half-gasp half-exclamation of your sudden confusion and slight worry now that you knew you were lying within Layton’s maw, and down upon his squishy tongue, more specifically. All this before, however, reality once again flooded its way over your being seconds later.
     Professor Layton heaves a slight sigh, resulting in his soft palette rising up along with the air. Able to gaze straight upon his floppy uvula as a result whilst the force of the sigh makes it wobble just a bit, you are instantly overcome with a strange sense of deep comfort, as Layton on the outside is only able to wonder just where you had gone after the kiss.
     Eventually, upon being unable to see you anywhere within his near vicinity, or just anywhere around the spacious cafeteria in general, Layton is only able to conclude, in that moment, that you had, for whatever reason, left him alone. His heart momentarily superseding his capabilities as an apt problem solver, and thus leaving him incapable of noticing the slight pressure upon his smooth tongue, Layton eventually moves in to take a sip from one of the straws in the smoothie with slight tears welling up in his eyes. You on the inside, upon suddenly sensing a slight change in temperature, swiftly swivel your head around in order to see what, exactly, was going on. Only to be met with Layton’s straw pumping blue smoothie deep up into his slick, pinkish maw, and at a rate too fast for you to take action before the stream at last swept you away.
     Whisked away past the tip of the tongue, it would only take a couple seconds before the smoothie flood brought you all the way through the volume of the maw, past both the cheeks and hard palate, until at last you were right below the dangling uvula. Without a single flash of conscious thought upon the matter, as though merely commanded by instinct, you raise up both arms towards the flesh sack, and fervently clutch both your hands onto its large, rounded bit on the bottom. Gripping with increasing fervor as Layton lurches just a bit forwards from the sudden bodily shock, your efforts are ultimately unable to save you from the flood, as the archeology professor immediately sucks even more of the torrential blue liquid into his maw. The uvula stretches downwards just a little as you desperately attempt to keep your grip, only for the deluge of blueberry flavored sugary drink to forcefully wash you down towards the gaping form of the upper esophageal sphincter as Layton on the outside swallows hard.
     The resulting trip down his squishy throat resembled an experience closer to that of riding down a water park tube slide than being rhythmically squelched down through the peristaltic motions of the throat muscles. Regardless of all that though, the end result was still the same.
     The lower esophageal sphincter, as it was currently gaping wide open due to letting in all the liquid smoothie, naturally passed you through to the stomach, causing you to do a bit of a half-somersault into the air as you fell, before ultimately taking the plunge deep into the bubbling acid pool.
     You swifty rise up above the waterline and take in a great breath of fresh air, before your eyes open up and dart downwards towards the churning liquids below. Seeing no cruel burning of your skin taking place, this being accompanied by a lack of any pain, you then realized as a result that the acids in here weren’t actually harmful to you. Giving an excessively drawn out sigh whilst suppressing the urge to roll your eyes, you sarcastically wonder to yourself just how this possibly could be the case.
     Nonetheless, it obviously wasn’t like you were mad that you were safe, and so after taking a minute to get over the reason why you were here in the first place, you eventually brush it away with a head shake, before treading your way over to the nearest region of stomach wall, reasoning that you might as well get comfortable while you were here. Squishing yourself up against the slightly shifting, pillowy walls, you gently nuzzle your head into its squishy, slimy, smooth lining and prepare to settle down for a while, as you now appreciate your dear Layton where you had never ever been able to until now. Before immediately realizing seconds later that the acids were quite hastily dragging you away from said walls, causing you to swiftly tumble back down into its depths once again. Upon resurfacing for a second time, you are able to discern as a result just where all the liquids were dragging you. 
     Squelching cleanly through the pylorus, you are forced to take in one more breath of fresh air before entering into the duodenum of the small intestine, where the liquids fill the volume of the squishy, glorping tubes, thus leaving you unable to breathe. You are just barely able to accomplish this in time before the tiny, finger-like protrusions of the villi lining the walls of the small intestine enter your sight. Gently waving about in the waters they were doused in, the villi calmly absorbed the nutrients present within the homogenous chime that entered into the small intestine, in order to send said nutrients into the bloodstream to be delivered throughout Layton’s body. You, realizing that you were not suddenly gaining the urge to breathe like you normally would underwater, merely close your eyes once again, and remind yourself that you should be grateful that you were staying alive before opening them up once again and thus also realizing that the liquids weren’t stinging your eyes like they normally would and that you were able to see through the digested chime perfectly fine. Acknowledging this, too, with a slight nod before you enter into the jejunum, you are therefore able to settle down for the moment and simply enjoy the free ride throughout the small intestine you were getting for the moment.
     Eventually, however, you start to notice that you were drifting a little ways towards the small intestine’s villi-lined walls, and before you could really start swimming away, you swiftly became absorbed right into one of those villi, diffusing through the wall of the epithelium, and into the blood capillary of the villi as a result. Following along with the blood flow and entering into the venule where you were then transferred into a jejunal vein and then the hepatic portal vein, the blood flow and pressure steadily drag you along towards the liver, finally entering you into the central vein of one of the lobules of the filtering organ. You then go on to flow into one of the sinusoids along with all the venous blood, as well as the nutrients and toxins it carries. Staring with fixed eyes in pure awe upon the kupffer cells lining the sinusoids as they filtered out the toxins in the blood into the hepatocytes, where they would eventually be broken down, you continue to flow along with the filtered blood, entering into a hepatic vein before at last, the inferior vena cava lead you upwards and towards Layton’s heart.
     Upon being cleanly pumped into the archaeologist's right atrium, something almost instantly tipped you off as not right. It would then only take a single second of mental processing before the realization that you were no longer following the flow of the deoxygenated blood into the right ventricle towards the lungs, struck you through with a sharp jolt. Swishing your head around within the fluids in order to glance backwards over your shoulder, you are immediately graced with the form of the endocardium, the very first layer of the heart wall. Proceeding to magically diffuse, via the same mechanism responsible for bringing you here in the first place, of course, through the myocardium, them through the epicardium, the pericardial cavity, the parietal layer, and finally, the fibrous pericardium, you have at last found yourself lying on the outside of the heart.
      A sharp, panicked gasping sound suddenly graces your ears from the outside, as Layton, now downtroddenly plodding his way through the university hallways, collapses onto the floor in great pain from something suddenly lying on his heart. And it was right then and there, after all of that bodily traveling that, reality finally set in. 
     Here you were at long last, on top of your beloved Layton’s throbbing heart. You had traveled your way all throughout his gastrointestinal tract in order to get here, from his mouth into his small intestine. You had gotten absorbed into the professor’s portal vein, and ventured through his liver as a result. And now, at the end of it all, here you were, lying calmly upon the fibrous pericardium, the very top layer of his heart.
     Layton, by this point on the outside, is no longer feeling any pain. Instead, he has simply stopped to examine the strange pressure upon the top of the right side of his pounding, warm, embraced heart. And then, whether by his naturally apt problem-solving capabilities, or by intervention of some sort or another, the professor understood everything. Layton calmly rubs his hands against his chest whilst you gently squish yourself into and nuzzle the top of his heart, something which he is naturally able to feel from outside. Promptly growing a quivering smile and tearing up with overwhelming affection from this as he tightly wrapped his arms around each other, Layton is therefore able to bring them both as close as was possible to you upon his beating heart. Layton and you thus communally engage within the deep love you possessed for the other, whilst the historically presumed seat of all his emotions, and thus his deep love for you upon it, rhythmically pounded beneath. 
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be with you than without you ~ eminem
word count: 2489
request?: yes!
“Hi! Love your work!😍
Can I request an Eminem one where him and the reader break up after two years because she can’t let go of the idea of marriage and he doesn’t want to get married again. But after being apart for however long, she realises she’d rather be with him unmarried than married to someone else and he’d rather marry her than lose her? Like they both realise they love each other too much to be selfish and will do whatever makes the other happy.
Thanks! And sorry my request is so long and sooo cheesy😂😂😘”
description: sometimes, two people in a relationship don’t always have the same plans in mind, and they come to realize that that’s okay
pairing: eminem x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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Ever since you were a kid, you had dreamed of getting married. When you were little you’d dream of marrying a prince and you’d have little weddings for your dolls. As you got older, you would find yourself looking at wedding dresses and engagement rings, fantasizing about the wedding you’d have one day.
You had dated plenty of guys but never felt that connection with any of them. That was until you met Marshall. From your very first kiss you knew that you wanted to spend your life with him. The biggest issue? Marshall had already been married. Twice, technically.
He had already been through the marriage process, and had to go through the hardship of divorce. As much as Marshall knew he wanted to be with you for life too, he didn’t want to get married again. It was a conversation you both had early on in your relationship and you tried to be understanding of his mindset, but there was always that small part of you that still desired to get married.
One day, after being together for two years, you had come home from work with a stack of mail in your hand. You were sifting through the pile of bills and coupons when you came across a fancy envelope with your name on it. Inside was an invitation for your cousin’s wedding along with a picture from their engagement photoshoot.
You looked longingly at the picture of your cousin and her fiancé, your eyes fixating on the giant diamond on her left ring finger. You could suddenly feel how empty your own ring finger was.
“What are you looking at?”
You jumped at the sound of Marshall’s voice. You forgot he had been staying over since finishing his latest album. You quickly dropped the invitation on the table with the rest of the mail.
“Just my cousin’s wedding invitation,” you said, trying to act nonchalant.
Marshall put an arm around your waist and kissed your cheek. You smiled at him and pulled away to get yourself a drink.
“When is the wedding?” he asked. “I’ll make sure I have nothing going on so I can go with you. If you want me to go, that is.”
You chuckled. “Of course I do! It’s a distant cousin and I don’t really know her fiancé, so I won’t know any of their friends at the wedding. I’ll need someone who’s not family there to keep me sane.”
He picked up the invitation and glanced down at it. He didn’t look at it the way you had. He didn’t have that look of longing in his face because he didn’t long to be married the way you did. You knew his reasoning for that, but it still stung a little bit every time you had that realization. Like maybe he just didn’t see you as being good enough to marry despite the fact that he didn’t want to get married again period.
He looked up at you and his brows furrowed together. “What’s that look?”
You snapped out of your daze and turned back to your open fridge. “What look?”
“The one you were just giving me. It was like a sad look.”
You shoved your head into the fridge to try and hide your face. “I don’t know, I kind of zoned out for a second.”
“What were you thinking about?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know.”
You grabbed the jug of water and stood up. You tried not to look at Marshall as you got a glass from the cupboards and poured the water into it. You could feel his eyes staring at your back, but you refused to turn around. Not until you knew for sure that your face wouldn’t give you away.
“Is it because of the invite?” he asked.
“It’s nothing, Marshall. I swear, I just zoned out.”
“Yeah, but whatever you zoned out on made you upset. I’ve seen that look on your face before. The last time I saw it was when we talked about marriage when we first got together.”
You were silent, unsure if you could actually respond without your voice wavering. You felt like you were going to start crying, but you weren’t even sure why. It’s not like he had said anything hurtful or untrue.
You felt a hand on your arm and turned to look at Marshall.
“Are you upset over the marriage thing?” he asked.
You started to shake your head, but stopped when you realized there was no use in lying. Marshall sighed and pulled you into a hug.
“Baby, we’ve been over this before,” he told you. “You told me that was fine.”
“I know I did,” you said. “And it is fine...but it’s also not fine. I can’t just switch off this longing to get married that I’ve had since I was a kid. It’s not that easy.”
“Being married isn’t even that big of a deal. It’s a piece of paper and two rings that say that we’re committed to one another, which we already know we are. And if that ever changes, it’s a fuck ton of money just to sign another piece of paper that says we’re not longer committed to one another.”
“It’s not just that,” you said, pulling out of his embrace. “It’s the joy you feel when you walk down the aisle on your wedding day, or the excitement leading up to saying I do and being with one another forever. It’s spending the most special day in your life with the people you love, and then getting to spend the rest of your life with your soulmate.”
Marshall scoffed. “Yeah, ‘soulmate’. That’s really how it went for me. Kim and I were definitely soulmates.”
“Okay, so there’s a trial and error process sometimes. That doesn’t mean that’s how all marriages go.”
“But what if it is? What if we get marries and it ends the exact same way?”
You shook your head. “Never mind. We can drop the subject. Forget I even brought it up.”
You took your drink and walked out of the kitchen, hoping Marshall would follow your lead and forget all about the conversation.
Unfortunately, you weren’t so lucky, as he did follow you to the lounge and said, “I just don’t understand why you can’t respect the way I feel when we talked about this before we started dating.”
You stopped suddenly and spun around to look at him. “I could say the same about you. I do respect the way you feel, Marshall. I’m not forcing you to get married. I’m just telling you my opinion on weddings and marriage and why I want to get married so much. When we had that talk at the beginning of our relationship, I told you that I would respect how you felt but it wasn’t going to be easy for me to just let go of something I’ve been dreaming of since I was a kid and you told me you understood that! But you’re here getting upset with me because of it.”
“Because you’re getting pissed with me because I don’t want to get married!”
“I’m not getting pissed!” you exclaimed in frustration. “But if I was, is that so bad? Is it so wrong to want to marry the man that I love?”
“It is to me.”
“Well then maybe I should just find someone else then!”
The words were out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. Silence filled the room as they lingered in the air. You desperately wanted to take them back, but it was too late now.
You and Marshall just looked at each other for a long time, waiting for the other to say something first. You couldn’t read the expression on his face and you hoped you looked as neutral as he did. You didn’t mean what you said, but you didn’t want to be the first to admit that.
“Maybe you should.”
And with those three words, your heart broke into a million tiny pieces.
You watched in silence as Marshall got his things and left, not even giving you a second thought. You watched him from the front door as he got into his car and started driving away. You continued to watch until he was gone from sight, and even you stayed in the doorway for a long time. You felt numb, like you couldn’t move or else you’d fall apart.
When you finally managed to coax yourself back into your house, you sat down on the couch and finally let the dam break as tears rushed down your cheeks.
That was a little over a month ago. You hadn’t heard from Marshall since that day, nor had you tried to reach out to him. After the initial heartbreak, you thought that maybe this would be better for you. It was clear that you and Marshall didn’t have the same visions of your future together, and no matter how hard you both tried to be understanding of that, it was bound to get in the way eventually. It was best for you to look for someone else who shared that desire to get married, who wanted the same future that you wanted.
Thinking that way worked for a little while. You had managed to forget your heartbreak and move on with your life. You still thought about Marshall every now and then, but for the most part you felt fine.
Until you found yourself dreaming of Marshall, and when you’d wake up you’d forget that he wasn’t there anymore. You started to think of him and all the memories you had together again. Whenever you tried to picture yourself with someone else it just didn’t seem right. Marshall was the only one you wanted to be with, the only one you could see yourself with.
And that’s when you decided that truly you didn’t care whether you and Marshall got married. As much as you longed for a wedding, you longed for him more.
You gathered up your courage and decided to go see him. Maybe he’d tell you to leave and that he didn’t want to get back with you, which would hurt, but you had to try.
Ironically, as you walked out the front door of your house, a familiar car was pulling up outside. You watched as the car parked and Marshall got out of the driver’s seat. Suddenly you were speechless, your heart having jumped to your throat at the sight of him. Everything you had been practicing saying the past hour was completely gone.
“Hey,” he said. “I didn’t catch you at a bad time, did I?”
“N-no,” you stuttered. “I was actually coming to see you.”
“Oh,” he said. “Good timing I guess.”
You shuffled awkwardly as Marshall stayed stood by his car. You wondered why he had come here. Was he bringing back the stuff you had left at his place? Had be come to make the break up truly official?
“Listen,” you said, stepping off your front step and approaching him. “I’m sorry about the way things were left between us. I shouldn’t have made such a big deal over my cousin’s wedding when I’ve known our entire relationship how you feel about getting married. It’s selfish of me to try and push that onto you.”
Marshall shook his head. “No, I’m sorry. I should’ve thought more about your feelings and less of my own. Of course it’s easy for me to make the decision not to get married, I’ve already been through it. But this is something you’ve wanted your whole life and you haven’t gotten to experience it yet. I was the selfish one.”
“Maybe we were both a bit selfish,” you said with a small smile.
He smiled back at you. “Yeah, maybe we were.”
“So, um,” you started, suddenly dropping your gaze to look at the ground around him, “was that...the only reason you came here? To apologize?”
“Depends, was that the only reason you were coming to see me?”
You shook your head. “No. I...I wanted to tell you that, truly, I don’t care that you don’t want to get married. I tried to convince myself that our break up was good for the both of us so we could find people who had the same visions as us, but the truth is I don’t want to be with anyone else. I want to be with you. I don’t care if that means we never get married and we keep living in separate houses - fuck, in separate states even if that’s what happens. There’s no one else I want, just you.”
Marshall came closer and took your face in his hands. He tilted your head back so you were looking up at him. The smile on his face had brightened.
“That’s what I was coming to tell you, too,” he said. “Except not the unmarried part. I was going to say that, if it will make you happy, we can get married. We can have a big ceremony with a ton of people and a big reception, or a small one. Whatever you want. Whatever would make you happy, I’ll do it for you.”
You shook your head. “I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not. I realized the same thing as you - that I want to be with you and only you. I’ve known since our first date that I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and since I’ve already decided that, why not put it on a piece of paper and make it legally official?”
You couldn’t stop the smile that broke out across your face as you leaned forward to press your lips against Marshall’s. You had missed the feeling of his lips on yours. You never wanted to let go of him again. If you could, you’d keep him in your house - in your bed to be more specific - for as long as you possibly could.
When you pulled away from the kiss, you rested your forehead against his. “I don’t want you to make this decision now. I want you to really think about it and consider your own feelings, not just mine. If you still feel the same way, then my answer will always be yes.”
He smiled down at you. “I don’t think I need that much time to consider it, but I do appreciate that. I need to get you a ring before I officially ask.”
You couldn’t help the excitement that was bubbling up inside you as you lunged at Marshall again, pressing your entire body against his as you kissed him with such force that he nearly toppled over. He chuckled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around you, picking you up and carrying you back into the house so you could be reunited the right way.
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dracowars · 3 years
LOVED YOUR TOM RIDDLE. Can I please request a arranged marriage au where yn is in love with him but he hates her so when she decides to let him go or someone else wants to marry her, Tom finally realises he’s in love with her. happ ending :))))
my heart belongs to you | tom riddle
pairing: tom x black!reader
word count: 3,3k
summary: where tom and y/n are in an arranged marriage
a/n: i'm so sorry for being so inactive recently, uni is taking its toll on me.. i had to do a bit of research for this one and also tom is a pureblood here!
warnings: toxic relationship, violence
universe: harry potter
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“Get out of my sight, will you?”, he angrily snaps at you out of nowhere, for the third time already on this still very early day. Furiously, he stomps past you, pushing you to the side harshly, the filled glasses on your tray swaying dangerously. Knowing that you should just leave him alone, you stand there completely frozen at the door, still feeling the breeze on your skin after he stormed past you.
The glasses clink on the serving tray as you try to keep your trembling hands under control, but you terribly fail while tears shoot into your eyes. A lump forms in your throat and you gasp in desperation, losing your composure after hearing the front door slam shut.
Slowly, you slump down and therefore with a loud rattle let happen what could have been foreseen already: a thousand shattered pieces of glass scattered across the floor around you while you cower against the wall, your elegant dress pulled over your knees, your forehead leaning against it. Heavy sobs rock through your body and tears find their way down your cheeks, dripping from your chin onto the expensive fabric of your dress.
You just wanted to spend some time with him. Together, in the house of your parents, who went on a daily trip with their close friends early in the morning, all part of the most notorious popular pureblood families in the wizarding world – the Nott’s, the Macmillan’s, the Malfoy’s, the Lestrange’s. And if his parents were still alive, probably with the Riddle’s as well.
This is primarily the reason why you even are in this position right now; crying and huddled in the living room because your fiancé hates you profoundly.
After graduating from Hogwarts last year, the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you, descendant of the pureblood Black family, got engaged to Tom Marvolo Riddle, the last living heir of the Riddle’s. He would offer you a good future, they said, and you would never have to worry about anything again.
But nobody knows that in reality, your own beloved fiancé really does not want to have anything to do with you. He does not even want to stay in the same room as you.
You can’t explain why he acts like this towards you. You do not know why he harbors such an abysmal hatred for you and any clear-headed, rational person would have done something about it long ago. Unfortunately for you, you feel the exact opposite for him.
Your heart belongs to him and only to him.
You have liked him since you first met him at Hogwarts, back in 1938, when the two of you were sorted into the Slytherin house. This initial friendly liking has quickly evolved into something more than that over the years and lead you to where you are now, at a point where you would have never seen yourself back then.
You have already tried everything to convince him that you are not as bad as he seems to think. Every morning you bring him his breakfast, you give him everything he needs. Even when you were still at Hogwarts, you always looked after him, finished his homework for him when he was too busy to do it by himself, and helped him pass all of his exams.
And not once did you hear a thank you. Not then and not now either.
Slowly gathering your thoughts together again, you rub the long sleeves of your velvet dress over your damp face, wiping away all of your tears before you get up on shaky legs and begin to clean up the mess that you have created. After you went back to the kitchen with the broken pieces and some injuries on your hands, your gaze longingly slides out the window.
Outside, the sun stands high over the magnificent garden of the mansion, making the clear water in the fountain shimmer in its bright light. A gentle breeze blows through the air and rustles through the perfectly cut trees that line a small path through the garden.
The loud, excited voices that suddenly roar through the house snap you out of your daydream and you quickly wipe the blood from your fingers before you step into the huge marble entrance hall. You arrive at the front door just in time to open it for your parents, who, to your surprise, did not come back alone. You are amazed to find not too familiar faces in front of you as they climb up the stairs to the door where you are still standing.
“And that has to be Y/N. Oh, how you have grown!”, an older man smiles friendly at you and you return his smile with a certain uncertainty in your face.
“Darling, we brought guests over for dinner today. You surely remember the Lestranges?”, your father announces happily and only now do the faces that you have seen at numerous balls and celebrations seem familiar again. Especially one.
“Reinhard?”, you ask in amazement when you spot him standing behind his parents, a big smile on his face when he sees you.
“Y/N, how nice to see you again”, he grins, carefully pushing his way past your parents in order to slightly bow venerably to you, taking your hand in his to place a kiss on the back of it. “It has been some time.”
“I am sure you have a lot to tell each other”, your mother mentions in a sweet voice, but before she can continue, she watches how your facial expression changes from one second to the other as you look past them, out into the yard.
Next to the carriage with which they have returned, Tom is standing now, petting one of the splendid noble white horses before he joins all of you.
“Tom! There you are, I was already wondering where you went”, your father says, visibly pleased when he too spotted his future son-in-law, drawing everyone’s attention to him.
Within a few seconds, the two former best friends lay in each other’s arms, obviously happy to finally see the other again.
“Let us go inside. We want to show you our newest masterpiece of art in our wonderful collection, come on”, your mother announces happily and leads the Lestranges inside, but not without turning around to you once more. “The children can catch up on what they have missed.”
“I can’t believe it! You are really here, Tom. Man, you look even better than at Hogwarts”, Reinhard laughs, playfully pushing Tom to the side while you watch them in silence. “What are you doing here with the Blacks?”
“They kindly took me in”, Tom lies to him and for a moment you think he threw you a glance out of the corner of his eyes after uttering these words. His statement makes Reinhard realize that you were still there with them, who had apparently completely forgotten that you were even there.
“I am so happy to see you again, Y/N!”, he grins and takes a step closer to you, probably to be able to take a closer look at you. “Still just as beautiful as I imagined. And just as smart, I guess?”
Reinhard’s sudden compliments make you blush and your cheeks glow, which is why you nervously avert your gaze from him, directly falling on Tom, who looks at the scene in front of him with incredible resentment.
Unlike Tom, Reinhard was always there for you. You spent a lot of time together in your school days and if your parents had known about your close friendship, you are sure that he would have been your fiancé by now. Which, to be honest, does not sound bad anymore right now.
And yet your heart still belongs to Tom.
When you all sit together at dinner later in the evening, where your parents are talking about irrelevant things like Ministry of Magic, you keep making eye contact with Reinhard, who seems to be staring at you.
“Is there something on my face?”, you ask uncertainly and put your glass back on the table when you can no longer bear his piercing gaze.
“No, no, not at all. I was just wondering how a beautiful witch like you could have become so much more stunning”, Reinhard winks at you, causing you to swallow hard. You are not used to getting compliments, especially not from a handsome young man like him. Before you can answer to him, however, there is a loud clink and you startle, your eyes immediately fixed on the cause of the noise.
The glass, which you have certainly placed far away from the edge, is now lying in your lap, the little liquid that was still inside now spread over your elegant evening gown. You move your chair back in shock when, in the corner of your eye, you see how Tom puts away his wand. And not only did you notice Tom just now, but the rest of them follow your gaze.
“Tom, darling, how about you tell our guests how you and our daughter got to know each other”, your mother suddenly prompts him, not even realizing that he has just deliberately spilled your drink on you. But why did he in the first place?
„I would love to“, Tom puts on a really believable smile that no one but you questions and starts telling them how you met and fell in love with each other. He tells one lie after another, explaining the web of lies that you have spun around you over time to make your relationship as credible as possible, at least in front of other people. And suddenly nobody cares about you or your still soaking wet dress anymore.
“What a wonderful story”, Mrs. Lestrange applauds and everyone else seems to be completely enthusiastic about Tom’s fairytale. To top it off, he then reaches across the table to take your hand in his, just like a real affectionate couple would do.
You lower your gaze as he gently strokes the back of your hand with his thumb, trying your best to not show how uncomfortable you are. Oh, how much you wish that this were real, that Tom would actually treat you like this when you are alone, the same way as he does in front of your parents.
But he does not and deep down you know that he will never do.
“So, you are engaged?”, Reinhard scrutinizes the statement of his former best friend, his eyes focused on you suspiciously, as if he is expecting an answer from you and not from Tom. A slight pressure on your hand makes you flinch and look up.
“Y-Yes”, you force a smile onto your lips, whereupon Tom seems satisfied with your answer, letting go of your hand again with a - what seemed to you like a – disgusted expression on his face.
An uncomfortable silence spreads between the three of you, which is drowned out by the loud conversation of the adults on the other side of the table. Finally, making up your mind, you clear your throat loudly and get up from your chair, gaining everyone’s attention in a matter of seconds.
“Excuse me, I have to go freshen up for a moment”, you explain with a slight polite bow before turning away to leave the dining room.
“Reinhard, would you be so kind and help Y/N”, Mr. Lestrange asks his son, who stands up with furrowed brows, apparently just as surprised about this sudden request as you, but then follows you out into the hallway with no further objection.
“I really do not need any help, thank you”, you try to get rid of him as you walk up the large staircase leading to the first floor together, only wanting to be alone.
“Dinner like these are totally boring anyway”, he chuckles softly and shows no intentions of leaving your side any time soon, which is why you do not even try to search for further arguments. He follows you to your room where you are able to tear yourself away from him to put on a new dress while he waits outside in front of the door.
With an equally elegant burgundy red dress you step out of your room after a few minutes, Reinhard’s eyes greeting you with a sparkle.
“Wow”, he breathes out barely audible and takes you hand without asking to swirl you around, causing your dress to fly around gorgeously. Unintentionally, warmth rises in your face again and your hearts makes a barely noticeable jump inside your chest when he looks deep into your eyes after catching you back in his arms.
The loud clearing of a throat behind you makes you turn around in shock, only to see that Tom himself is now standing at the end of the corridor, not seeming very enthusiastic.
“We did not see you there, Tom”, Reinhard disguises his obvious nervousness with a laugh, acting like Tom had just caught you in doing something he should not have seen. Tom, however, does not even react to his words, but looks past Reinhard at you, his eyebrows raised meaningfully.
But when you do not move under his piercing gaze, his facial expression changes and he quickly approaches you, Reinhard instinctively pushing you behind him so that you can only see Tom approaching further over his shoulder. Before neither you nor Reinhard can say or do anything, Tom has already pulled out his wand and aims it directly at Reinhard, who flies back through the air only a few seconds later, hitting the hard marble floor at the end of the corridor with a thud.
“What the-?!”
“Come with me”, Tom orders, now standing directly in front of you. When you stubbornly refuse, he suddenly grabs your wrist to pull you away from there. No matter how much you fight against his firm grip, you cannot tear yourself away from him as he pulls you into the closest room, which turns out to be the library.
Once there, you can finally free yourself from his tight grip, but before you can reach for the doorknob to leave immediately, he locks the door with a spell. Angrily, you turn to him, despair written all over your stunning face.
“What is this supposed to be, Tom? Let me out of here, now!”, you command him in a loud voice, not caring if anybody can hear.
“What did he want from you?”, he asks you urgently and steps closer to you. Since the door is in your back, every possible escape route is blocked, and you are caught.
“We just talked to each other, you know. Like normal people do”, you answer irritably and cross your arms in front of your chest, not in the mood to justify yourself, especially not in front of someone who does not care about you at all and not after what he has done.
“But that did not look like it.”
“Tom, stop it.”
“You belong to me and nobody else!”
These words coming out of his mouth echo loudly through the dark library, his face wrapped in an eerie candlelight. Before you can even control yourself and fully process what he said, you severely slap him.
Frightened by your own horrible deed, you immediately pull your hand away, your gaze filled with fear, but the anger that keeps building up inside of you winning the upper hand after all.
“How dare you call me your property?!”, you scream in rage and tears form in your eyes because of your uncontrollable anger. However, Tom needs a moment to collect his thoughts after your heavy smack before he can answer you.
“You are my fiancé”, he spits out coldly, a touch of shock in his voice, apparently not expecting you to react like this.
“And that does not make me nowhere near your property! You never treat me like your fiancé anyway, so why now all of a sudden?!”, you bicker at him, your voice loud and constant, even though you would like to flee from this situation right away if you were able to.
But Tom does not have an answer.
“Fine, okay. If you have nothing to say to me, like you never have, then I will go back now and ask my parents to end this damn failed engagement and engage me with someone else who truly cares for me!”
Suddenly, without letting you time to catch your breath after your outburst, he presses you with your back against the door completely, his hands tightly grabbing your wrists, a little too tight for your personal liking.
“You mustn’t do that”, he softly whispers, his head lowered as if he does not dare to look you in the eyes.
“What is stopping me?”, you hiss, still full of anger and – probably for the very first time – hatred towards him.
But when you feel his lips on yours all of a sudden, all of these emotions evaporate and all that remains is your racing heartbeat, which is being repaired at this very moment. You never would have thought that at some point in your life the moment would come when Tom Marvolo Riddle, who absolutely loathes his fiancé, kisses you.
After kissing you, he looks straight into your eyes, and the Tom you met in 1938 is standing in front of you again. The Tom you fell so deeply in love with.
“I can’t explain it to you”, he finally breaks the silence, his gaze directed to the floor as he moves away from you, giving you enough space to breathe regularly again. You, however, do not say anything but just stare at him.
“I was not aware that I am capable of feeling such feelings for someone. I am unfamiliar with this feeling and I did not know how to deal with it, Y/N. I treated you badly because I did not want it to be true, I did not want to accept it. I could not imagine having feelings for the little nuisance that has always been running after me”, Tom explains, choosing each and every single word very carefully, trying to put his emotions into words which does not really work the way he would like it to. But that is how you know him. You know that this confession must be extremely difficult for him, but you can’t help but feel a sense of relief inside of you.
“When?”, you ask and manage, with this tiny little word, to make him look up at you. “When did you know?”
“Since I have been here. You served me every day and took care of me, even though I wanted to push you away from me with all of my might. You have already helped me so many times in the past without me even asking, you have always accepted me for who I am”, he desperately tries to but his feelings into words, asking himself what he is even doing right now.
“No, I have to sincerely apologize to you. I had no right to treat you the way I did. And also today.. when I saw you with him and how well you got along, it finally became clear to me. Reinhard has felt something for you since our school days, I know that even though I could never understand, but now I do. I understand why he fell in love with you”, Tom continues without breathing, pouring out all of his feelings that he has hidden for so long.
“I understand if you want to dissolve this engagement and I will not stop you if that is what you want”, he quickly adds, looking at you with desperation in his eyes. He already prepares himself for the worst when you are the one getting closer to him this time.
“Idiot”, you smile slightly and place a gentle kiss on his lips while he looks at you puzzled. “I love you, I thought you knew that.”
“I know, but-“
“But nothing”, you interrupt him and take his hand to lead it to your fast pounding heart. “It always belonged to you.”
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hollandsmushroom · 3 years
A Ring and A Chain
Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff and proposals. 
Summary: Tom wants to replace something of yours but comes up with a conclusion so you can keep your old ones as well. 
Word Count: 1610
You awoke to a rose on the pillow next to you, the soft smell enchanting your olfactory senses and drawing you from your peaceful sleep, it was in just enough time to catch the shirtless back of your boyfriend slipping out of the room. You're wrapped around the green stem, bringing the flora to your nose and inhaling deeply, the soft petals rubbing against your nose and making you shiver. The touch reminded you of gentle innocence and wandering through stores as a child trying to find the softest item, it was pure and unmeaning yet somehow filled with love. Your fingers pressed into the soft mattress topper, raising your sleep impaired body from the blankets. 
You swung your legs over the edge of the bed, toes curling as the bare soles met the cold wooden floor, a shiver running through your body at the sudden change in air surrounding it, looking longingly at the pile of blankets on the bed before the sound of the kettle in the kitchen pulled you in the direction. The scent of tea and coffee replaced the lingering aroma of roses on your cheeks. You heard Tom before you saw him, the velvety notes of his humming overwhelming your hearing as you leaned against the door frame. Your body was shrouded with one of Tom’s shirt, the one that he had taken off last night before getting in bed, he was wearing nothing but his grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips, the shadow of his hip bone peaking out, making you want to fall to your knees and places feathery kisses along the line of musculature.
His weight shifted from foot to foot, twisting around to face the kitchen island, where two plates with fresh fruit adorning the white porcelain sat. His brown eyes widened, eyebrows raising up his forehead, as he finally became aware of your presence. Your fingers still spinning the rose that had been so kindly placed next to you, he watched your movements as his eyes returned to normal, gaze softening as it went from your hands to your sleepy eyes. 
A yawn escaped your lips as you shuffled towards him, he stood still, hands still holding the frying pan that was filled with the pancakes he had lovingly made. Your arms wrapped around his naked torso, nuzzling your cheek against his bare chest, his skin smooth against yours. You huffed contentedly as he set the pan down, his arms encircling you and pulling you tight, lips burying themselves in your hair as he kissed the top of your head. 
“I thought you were still asleep” He spoke quietly, eyeing yoru striking features as you continued to cuddle yourself into him.
“Was, but a little cupid woke me up” you giggled, peeling your eyes open to meet his gaze, a smile spreading across your cheeks with how much adoration he was pouring into his stare, a grin quickly spreading to him as well. Leaning in and uniting your lips, it was a soft kiss, yet it still took your breath away. The only noise that filled your ears was the sound of your heart pounding, blood rushing as the world seemed to spin, there was more passion in this one kiss than there had been in any of your other relationships combined. His hands found your cheeks, thumbing over the dips of your orbital bones.
He continued this movement as you pulled apart, foreheads resting against one another as you both tried to catch your breath, everything in you seems to have been poured into that kiss. 
“Good morning” he whispered, not wanting to break the serenity that was the atmosphere of the kitsch at the moment. 
“Morning” you hum, looking at his eyes in time to catch them cover with a thick layer of fear, pulling back from your embrace, he placed pancakes on the plates and moved them to the other side of the island where two champagne glasses of orange juice sat. 
“What is the occasion?” you asked, curious at what made this morning so special. 
“Um, let's just eat and then you can see” he assured, kissing your lips tenderly as he moved around the island and pulling out your chair, which you happily accepted, the soft suede of the seat brushing against your bare thighs as you settled in, waiting for Tom to sit down before you started eating. 
“How did you sleep?” you spoke before taking your first bite, humming in satisfaction as you rolled your eyes back to show the pleasure this food had caused your taste buds. 
“I slept alright, if I’m honest, I just couldn’t get to sleep” he muttered, pulling your hand into his and twisting the rings that sat on your finger around, something he only did when he was really nervous. 
“Tom? Are you okay?” you asked, worry overtaking as you turned to face him, he looked terrified, his knee was shaking and he looked like he was about to start sweating. 
“Mhmm, I guess I just really need to talk to you about something” his voice was soft, turning his whole body to face you as he slipped something out of his pocket, a small black box. 
“Yeah?” you tried to ignore the box, thinking maybe he was upset that an heirloom broke or something but part of you exploded, thinking ‘what if this is what I think it is’. 
“Okay, here goes nothing,” he said, more to himself than to you. “Y/n, I love you, and you know that but, something has changed,” he paused, making your heart stop, did he want the small amethyst ring that he had given you years ago back, was he no longer in love with you?  Pinky and thumb going to scratch at the metal band that now felt too hot against your skin. 
“Last year, when we sat here in the kitchen and we hadn’t slept all night but you decided that you wanted to make breakfast before going to bed, you accidentally dropped the whipped cream on the floor and instead of clean it up or cry you sat down and dipped your strawberries in the part that wasn’t on the floor” he recounted that wild morning where all the both of you did was humor the others eccentricities, tears coming to your eyes in anticipation of what you truly believed to be happening. “I saw you and something in me clicked, all of the other times that we had of just being each other and going on adventures together came back and I realized that there is no one else that I would want to get lemonade with a 2 a.m. after getting late night noodles at that noodle express place in the financial district. Or that I would not have loved the night we found a rave randomly as much as I did if it was with anyone else” Your eyes searched  his, tears now streaming down both of your faces. “There is no one in this world I would rather be myself with, you make me feel loved and cherished and like I am perfectly enough at whatever point in time.” he took a deep breath, opening the box to reveal a small ring that was surrounded by something else silver, a chain? “In short, you make my life what I want it to be and I want to spend the rest of my life doing my best to make you feel a fraction of how you make me feel, will you do me the honor and marry me?” he rushed it out but you caught every single word. 
“You make me feel everything and more, Tom, of course I will marry you” you sobbed, it was a messy cry, snot on your top lip that you ignored, not caring anymore. 
“Oh thank god,” he cried, pressing his lips to yoru in a tearstained kiss, joy radiating off of the both of you. His fingers reader for the small silver chain, placing it in the palm of your open hand making you look at him with eyes that asked what?
“Um, you already have rings on your engagement finger so I figured that you could put them on the chain and wear them around your neck cause they will be replaced” a grin found its place on your lips as he handed you the ring as well. 
“I was, uh-hoping that the ring you would wear on you finger would be the engagement ring cause-” you cut off his rambling with your lips, hands wrapping around his neck as you pulled him close once again, you fingers making quick work of removing your other rings before pulling back, showing him your naked finger as you set your other rings aside, the clang of metal on marble beautiful to his ears, a sign of your devotion. 
“Would you put it on me?” you questioned, holding the ring he had offered you just moments before out to him. 
“Of course” he hummed, taking the ring and sliding it down on your finger before turning around, unclasping the chain and threading it through your past rings. 
“Here, let me help you with this as well” his voice was melting you and your throat had closed with emotion, you could only nod. He leaned in, lips on lips again as his hands went around your neck this time, clasping your new jewelry on before pulling back, admiring his now soon to be spouse. 
“I love you, future Holland” he mumbled, now fiddling with your engagement ring, but no longer out of anxiety, out of pure excitement. 
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wellsayhelloaagin · 3 years
Think Of Me Fondly (Happier Part Three)
Summary: Moving on should be easy right?
Pairing: Wanda x Female reader
Warnings: Some light swearing, drinking, sexual innuendo
Words: 3.8k
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
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As it turned out, bumping into Wanda wasn’t so bad after all.
After that awkward first encounter in the bathroom, you stopped trying to avoid her. It seemed she had the same idea and you found yourself running into her more often. The two of you would find yourselves in the kitchen having breakfast at the same time, or using the gym to train together. The rest of the team were wary, but you and Wanda were determined to prove that everything was fine.
You would strike up conversations with each other, joke around, and after a few weeks, the team didn’t even look twice when you were in a room together.
You and Wanda almost went back to how things were before you started dating. Almost.
Neither of you ever brought up your relationship, too afraid to ruin your tentative new friendship. The soft touches were gone too, Wanda no longer tried to hold your hand every chance she got, a habit that formed long before you were together. You were happy to keep ignoring the elephant in the room, happy that you had your friend back.
Only Natasha seemed to have a problem with the two of you blatantly ignoring your past.
“You have to talk about what happened Y/N,” she cried out in frustration late one afternoon when the two of you had gone for a run, “If you keep ignoring it, neither of you will get any closure.”
You slowed your pace to catch your breath, looking at your friend and seeing the concern in her eyes. “I can’t Nat,” you said, your voice pleading with her to drop it, “I can’t open that wound up again.”
She looks over at you like she wants to say something before shaking her head, “Race you home,” she says before taking off again. You laugh and take off after her, glad that she agreed to drop the conversation. For now at least.
It’s late January and the weather is finally starting to warm up again. You wake one morning to find the sun shining through the window of your room, your spirits instantly lifting. You shower and make your way downstairs to the kitchen, greeting the other members of the team who were already seated at the counter.
“Someones in a good mood today,” Sam commented on your cheery demeanor.
“Well the sun’s out, how can I possibly be in a bad mood?” you reply, grabbing a mug of coffee before sitting down across from him.
“Hate to break it to you Y/N/N,” Natasha began as she walked into the room, “but Fury wants us at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters today for a meeting.”
You groan and let your head fall down onto the bench in front of you, your distaste for meetings abundantly clear.
“Well, that did it,” Sam joked, rising from his seat. “Enjoy your meeting Y/N, I’m off to go soak up some of that sun you were admiring earlier.”
He ran off laughing, missing the way you glared at his retreating form.
“Oh come on, stop being so dramatic,” Natasha said walking over to you and grabbing you by the arm. “The quicker we get there, the quicker we can leave,” and with that, she dragged you off toward the front door, your still full coffee mug abandoned on the bench.
Three hours later and you were still sitting in a conference room, arms crossed in front of you in a petulant way as you stared longingly at the coffee cart outside the doors you were trapped inside.
Fury was at the head of the table, discussing mission logs and new upgrades, the other occupants in the room listening attentively. Normally you were more receptive during these meetings, but without a hit of caffeine, your brain was foggy. You glanced over at Natasha, who thankfully was taking notes. You’d have to look at them later.
Finally, Fury dismissed the group, and you made a beeline for the coffee cart, ordering your favourite drink from the barista there. After a few minutes, you received your drink and walked over to the table nearby, taking a long sip of the delicious beverage closing your eyes appreciatively, and letting out a low moan.
“I’ll have to ask that barista to share his secrets on how to get you to moan like that again,” you hear a voice next to you say. Your eyes snap open and you look over to put a face to the voice.
You see a woman standing there in a S.H.I.E.L.D uniform, her long black hair pulled into a ponytail. Brown eyes locked on yours and when she smiled sheepishly at you, you noted how it lit up her whole face.
“Sorry, that was way out of line. I’m terrible at flirting and I thought I was being smooth. Forget I said anything,” she said quickly, moving to walk away.
“Wait,” you call out, your mind still trying to process the last few seconds. The woman stops, turning back around to face you, nervously clasping her hands in front of her. You stand and walk over to her, noticing that she was a few inches taller than you. “You were flirting with me?” you ask, unsure why someone as beautiful as her would even notice you.
“Uh, yeah, not very well apparently,” she replies before sticking out her hand in front of her, “I’m Emily by the way.”
You take her hand, and you feel a fluttering sensation in your stomach. Huh, butterflies, you think to yourself. “I’m Y/N,” you say shaking her hand.
She lets go after a few seconds, and you both continue to stand there in silence. You wrack your brain for something to say, but come up blank.
“So rough morning?” she asks, nodding toward your cup of coffee sitting on the table.
You chuckle briefly, “Not so much rough, just long and coffeeless,” you reply with a shrug.
She laughs lightly and your stomach does a somersault at the sound. Wanda’s face floods your mind, and you feel a pang of guilt before stamping it down. You were allowed to talk to cute girls right?
“Well, maybe you’d like some company?” she asked shyly.
You opened your mouth to respond but Natasha walking out of the conference room and calling your name stopped you.
“Raincheck?” Emily supplied hopefully and you nodded your agreement. You gave her your phone number and she promised to be in touch before you walked over to join Natasha.
“Don’t even start,” you began when you made your way back to your friend, noticing the smirk that was forming on her lips.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” she replied, her smile growing.
True to her word, Emily called you later that day to ask you out. Seeing her number appear on your screen set the butterflies off in your stomach again. You spoke for a few minutes and organised a time and place to meet the following evening.
The next day found you filled with nervous anticipation. You could barely concentrate on training and the team kept making jokes about your lack of focus, Natasha having filled them in on your date. You wanted to be mad at her, but you were too excited to really care. You were a little worried about how Wanda would take the news, but she just smiled at you and told you to enjoy your night, although you noticed that the smile seemed a little forced.
Ten minutes before you had to leave found you downstairs pacing a hole in front of the door.
“Would you relax already?” Natasha asked, looking up at you from the armchair in the lounge room next to the front door.
“Sorry, I just don’t know how to act on a date,” you respond, playing with the rings on your fingers to channel the nervous energy.
“Where are you going anyway?” Bruce asks as he strolls into the room, a tub of ice cream in one hand and a spoon in the other.
“Ooooh, gimme!” Natasha demands reaching out for the dessert. Bruce sighs before handing it over, knowing better than to argue with her.
You roll your eyes at your friend’s antics before answering the question, “Uhh dinner and movie downtown.”
You hear a scoff from behind you and turn to see Wanda standing there. You raise an eyebrow at her and she grins at you.
“Sorry,” she begins, “but dinner and a movie is a bit cliche don’t you think?”
You fold your arms defensively in front of you, a snarky response on the tip of your tongue, but the doorbell ringing drew your attention away from Wanda.
You huff out a breath, smoothing down the front of your dress before opening the door. The sight of Emily makes you smile, your previous irritation with your ex forgotten. Her hair was down now, falling in soft waves around her face. She wore a black dress that fell to her mid-thigh, showing off her toned legs. She had a denim jacket on to protect her arms from the cold and the heels she wore made it seem like she was towering over you.
“Wow,” you breathed out, lost for words.
She smiled brightly at you, reaching out to touch your arm. “Wow yourself,” she returned and you felt your cheeks flush at the compliment. “Shall we get going?”
You nodded in response, ducking inside quickly to grab your bag. You noticed that Wanda was sitting on the couch next to Natasha, a surly expression on her face. Natasha wore a shit-eating grin, and you hurried to grab your things before she could embarrass you.
“I won’t bother waiting up,” she called out loudly, as you grabbed Emily’s hand and tried to lead her away from the door so you could close it behind you and block out the rest of Natasha’s statement. You were too late though. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” her voice followed you down the drive and toward Emily’s car.
On your date you found yourself enjoying Emily’s company. The two of you talked over dinner and discovered that you had a lot in common, sharing a love of comic books and music. The more she talked, the more you found yourself staring at her lips. During the movie, her hand found yours during the opening scene, and your intertwined fingers lay between you for the rest of the movie. The drive home had the two of you quoting your favourite comedian, both of you laughing over the terrible impressions.
So when Emily asked to see you again, you didn’t hesitate before saying yes. And when she walked you to the door of the compound, you found yourself leaning up towards her to connect your lips. The kiss was soft and sweet, Emily pulled away after few seconds before returning to her car.
You walked inside the house and found Natasha in the same position as when you left, the grin still on her face and an empty tub of ice cream beside her. The rest of the team were thankfully nowhere to be found.
“Don’t even start,” you said, echoing your words from the day before and pointing a finger at the redhead.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” she repeated laughing at you as you scurried off to your room.
The next few months fly by. You continue to see Emily, spending time with her as often as your jobs allow. She starts introducing you to her friends as her girlfriend and you can’t help the warmth that spreads through your body when she does.
You convince her to come to the compound one afternoon in April, the warm weather prompting Tony to host a barbeque. Emily charms the rest of the team, and they all welcome her into the group. Well, everyone except Wanda, who you notice is absent. That night, as you lay in Emily’s arms, she confesses her love for you. Words whispered in the dark room that make your heart skip a beat. You reach up and caress her cheek, returning the declaration before sealing your lips together with a kiss.
Emily begins to spend more and more time at the compound. You’re thrilled that she gets along with your friends so well. Dating Emily is easy, you realise. The two of you fit into each other’s life so well, and she makes you happy.
The only thing that dampens your happiness is Wanda. Ever since you and Emily started to get serious, she started acting strange around you. The tentative friendship you had started rebuilding felt tense and strained. She started avoiding you when Emily was at the compound, spending her time in her room.
“She’s jealous,” Natasha told you when you questioned her about Wanda’s strange behaviour.
“She broke up with me, she doesn’t get to be jealous,” you reply, annoyed by the whole situation. Why couldn’t Wanda just be happy for you?
Then one day, not long before the start of summer, Wanda seems to snap out of it. She stops ignoring you, and your friendship seems to return to normal. You’re relieved, glad to finally have your friend back.
When Emily is over, Wanda no longer hides in her room. Instead, she spends a lot of time with you and your new girlfriend. You worry that it will be awkward but the two seem to get along well. You tell Emily about your past with Wanda, and she tells you that she doesn’t care about that as long as your future is with her.
The weather had warmed up considerably, and the team decided to spend a rare day off by the pool at the compound. You arrived a few hours after the team had made their way poolside, having spent the previous night at Emily’s house. The two of you made your way over to the team who were lounging in deckchairs, except for Sam and Clint who were having a competition to see who could hold their breath the longest.
Emily sits down on a chair next to Natasha and the two begin talking as Sam returns to the surface, gasping for breath. You all laugh as he claims that Clint has to be cheating somehow and when no one agrees with him, he begins to look for a new target to compete with.
“Y/N, get in here so I can kick your butt,” he loudly calls out across the pool.
You shake your head at the absurdity of it, but know that he won’t stop bugging you until you agree. “Be right back babe,” you say to Emily, kissing her on the cheek as you stand.
You slip your shirt over your head, revealing your bikini underneath.
“Looking good Y/N,” you hear Wanda call out appreciatively from her chair nearby, “I guess that new training schedule is working for you.”
You flush at the compliment, before diving into the water missing the way Emily’s head snaps up at Wanda’s comment, looking over at the witch with narrowed eyes.
The afternoon stretches on and eventually, the entire team has made it into the pool. Wanda had continued to throw compliments your way most of the day, the poolside cocktails clearly going to her head.
Someone suggests a game of volleyball and you all agree and split onto two teams. You find yourself on Wanda’s team, Emily on the other side with Natasha.
The game starts off as casual fun but soon turns competitive, and no one is surprised with the personalities involved. The points go back and forth for a while, with no team having a real advantage over the other. Finally Tony declares the next point the winner, stating that he was going to order some pizza for dinner.
Sam served the ball and a rally began, everyone trying their hardest to claim victory for their team. After a minute or so, Wanda hit the ball up for you to spike over the net, Steve dove for the ball but it hit the water with a resounding splash and your team was declared victorious.
You all cheered loudly, Wanda jumping on your back in the pool, her arms around your shoulders and legs locking around your waist. She leaned over and pressed a kiss to your cheek, as you gloated to Steve.
“I uh, think I’m going to head home,” Emily said quietly before exiting the pool and grabbing her towel. She started to make her way toward the gate and you unlock Wanda’s legs from around you, swimming toward the edge of the pool and running after her.
“Em, hey what’s up?” you say as you reach her, water dripping from your body as you try and catch your breath.
“I just don’t appreciate watching someone flirt with my girlfriend right in front of me,” she blurts out, and you notice that tears are beginning to form in her eyes.
“That’s just Wanda, she flirts with everyone,” you tried to reassure her.
“I don’t see her flirting with Nat,” she countered, raising her eyebrow.
“Only because Nat would kill her if she tried,” you try and joke, frowning when the tears begin to spill down her cheeks.
“Nat was never in love with her either,” she says softly, looking down at her feet.
“I thought you didn’t care about my past,” you say, brushing the tears from her cheek, “I love you and only you,” you continue bringing, raising her head to look into her eyes.
“It’s not just today though, do you notice how whenever I’m around she’s always complimenting you or finding an excuse to touch you?” Emily meets your gaze now, her eyes narrowed.
You shake your head, trying to figure out where all this is coming from. “Wanda is just my friend,” you say, your voice pleading with her to believe you.
“Promise?” she asks, her voice barely a whisper.
“I promise,” you reassure her, pulling her in for a hug.
After the day at the pool, you start to pay more attention to how Wanda acts toward you. You find that Emily was right, Wanda was always throwing compliments your way or finding an excuse to touch you.
You tried to discourage her, but she didn’t seem to get the message. You couldn’t come right out and say it, you were sure that Wanda wasn’t even aware she was doing it. Plus, you kind of liked the way it felt when she called you sweetie or rested her head on your shoulder.
It was nearing the end of summer and Tony had decided to throw a party to celebrate. You were excited at the chance to dress up and dance with your girlfriend all night, but at the last minute, she was called away for work.
Sulking, you made your way to the party anyway. Natasha had refused to let you waste a perfectly good dress and an open bar, so there you were, sitting at a table in the corner wishing your girlfriend was here with you.
“Come have a drink with me,” Natasha said, grabbing you by the arm and dragging you to the bar. By the looks of things, she had already had a few drinks herself.
You made it to the bar and ordered a drink, sipping it slowly while you scanned the room.
It seemed like Tony had invited half the city, the dance floor was crowded with bodies moving to the beat of the music, people crowding around tables talking and laughing loudly with each other. Natasha had ditched you again in order to go talk with Clint, the two of them leaning on each other for support, a table full of empty glasses in front of them.
“Hey stranger,” you hear and turn to see Wanda sitting down on the stool next to you at the bar.
“Hey yourself,” you reply, noticing the flush of her cheeks and her dilated pupils, indicating that she had had a few too many drinks herself.
“Whatcha doing?” she asked, swinging her legs in front of her like a child. It was then you noticed what she was wearing and you gulped. She wore a sheer lace red dress that left nothing to the imagination, her hair cascading over her shoulder.
“Just thinking,” you hummed, taking another sip of your drink.
Wanda’s smile fell, “About her?” she said quietly, almost too quiet for you to hear over the music.
You didn’t respond, not knowing what to say.
“I miss you,” Wanda continued, looking up at you from under her eyelashes.
You sighed before replying, “I’m not doing this now Wanda, you’ve clearly had too much to drink.” You stand from your stool before walking away.
You knew you shouldn’t have come tonight, everyone was preoccupied and now you had to deal with your drunk ex-girlfriend saying things that were starting to confuse you. You shake your head to clear it, maybe the alcohol was affecting you more than you thought.
You walk down the hallway to the bathroom, thinking you could take a few minutes to freshen up and clear your mind of Wanda before going back to the party.
As you neared the door you felt a hand grab your wrist and tug you toward a dark corner. Your breath hitches when you recognise the scent of peaches, and you feel Wanda push your back against the wall.
“You look absolutely incredible tonight,” she whispers leaning in, her thumb stroking your cheek.
“Wanda, wha-” you begin but she places her finger on her lips, stopping you mid-sentence.
“Shhh,” she said quietly, and her free hand goes to your waist, squeezing it lightly. “I meant what I said before, I miss you.”
You lean into her touch, your breath becoming ragged. She leans down and places a light kiss against your collarbone. Your breath hitches in your throat, your body erupting in goosebumps.
“I miss waking up in your arms, I miss talking to you about everything and nothing at all, I miss feeling safe and loved by you.” She says as she moves her lips up to the base of your neck.
“I miss being close to you, I miss the way you taste, I miss hearing you scream my name” she continues, dragging her lips up your neck. Your legs feel like jelly, every nerve in your body on fire.
“Does she make you forget your name the way I could?” she whispers into your ear, her breath on your neck sending shivers down your spine.
“Do me a favour?” she asks, pulling back to look you in the eyes, her stare full of lust. “Think of me fondly when your hands are on her.”
With that, she turns and walks away. You gulp, maybe you weren’t as over Wanda as you think.
Part Four
Taglist: @halobaby @chasethemoon @supersourlemon13 @cristin-rjd @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @royalityofmultifandom @obsessed-with-wandamaximoff @madamevirgo @afuckingshituniverse @millennial-teenybopper @anotherunsuccessful
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stressy-enby · 3 years
Some Scars aren’t Physical: PART 1
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Iida x GN! Reader
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Past abusive relationship (gaslighting, possessiveness, yelling), slight panic attack, swearing
Summery: (Y/N) had a terrible boyfriend in middle school. He was possessive, manipulative, and just plain awful. Since breaking up with Him, (Y/N)’s had pretty bad relationship anxiety. It’s so bad, that it makes them afraid to pursue their new crush: the kind, earnest class rep, Tenya Iida.
Link to Part 2 
. . .
It only takes one bad experience to ruin something forever.
Take dating, for instance.
You hadn’t had many friends in middle school. You had Izuku, your friend since elementary school, and the people who sat next to you in class who occasionally talked to you. That was about it, but it never mattered. You were still happy.
Then there was Him.
He had been kind. Flattering. He laughed at your jokes and told you His own. You had been happier than you had ever been when you started dating. You spent long nights on the phone with Him, trying to smother your giddy laughter so not to wake the rest of your house. Then you spent hours recounting every moment of the conversation to Izuku, who always rolled his eyes playfully, remarking “As long as you’re happy, (Y/N).”
Then He changed.
It was a gradual shift. You didn’t even realize that something wasn’t right until a month or so into the relationship. It started with Izuku, funnily enough. He didn’t like how close you were with him. You had tried to calmly explain to Him that you were just friends, and had been friends for several years. He wouldn’t have it, though. He never outright asked you to stop spending time with Izuku, but He made it very clear that He didn’t approve of your friendship. 
You didn’t want Him to be angry with you. You didn’t cut Izuku out completely, you couldn’t bear to. You did start to avoid him, though.
It didn’t end with Izuku, though. Next it was the classmates you occasionally hung out with. Next it was anyone He didn’t personally know. Next it was anyone if He wasn’t there.
Then there were the arguments. You were frustrated. You told Him that he couldn’t control you like this. But you couldn’t bring yourself to leave Him. Not when His counterarguments where oh so persuasive.
“Listen, these people don’t really care about you. They’re just going to hurt you. I just want to keep you safe. You trust me, right?”
The hurt look on His face was enough for you to assure Him that yes, of course you trusted Him. You weren’t sure how honest you were being, though.
Four months.
It took four months of loneliness, and anxiety for you to finally end it. It took four months of Izuku pleading with you to leave Him before you actually did it. 
He wouldn’t go down without a fight, unfortunately. He went down in the end, albeit kicking and screaming. He had raised his voice at our before, but never like this. He had never screamed directly in your face. You’d never cried in front of Him before. You’d been good at hiding it, but the all the pent up anxiety and frustrations you were feeling spilt out when He shrieked at you like that.
He’d been suspended for two weeks. They were over all too fast.
He hardly talked to you when He got back, but you always felt His eyes. They seemed to follow you wherever you went.
Izuku stuck to you like glue. He was a nervous kid, and he never said anything directly to Him, but he was always there, offering you his silent support.
“Do you think you’ll want to date anyone else?” Izuku asked one day.
“No one from our class,” You rolled your eyes, surveying the middle school classroom.
“What about when we get to high school?” 
“I don’t know,” You answered after a moment. “I’d like to be in a good relationship, but…”
Izuku frowned. “But?”
You averted your eyes, feeling His gaze burning a hole in the back of your head. “I thought He seemed good at first. Look how well that went.”
. . . 
High school felt like heaven. It might’ve been grueling, and sure, villains showed up every other week, but He wasn’t there. Izuku was, though, plus you both managed to make a few other friends. 
Iida was one such friend. The first thing you had noticed about him was that he was loud. You had never liked loud people, especially after what had happened with Him, but Iida was never loud to you directly. He was just loud in general.
A few weeks into your friendship with him, and you realized that he was incredibly earnest. He was dependable, and seemed to be one of the kindest, if also intense people you’d ever met.
He was also handsome.
You spent lunch periods staring at Iida’s large hands, wondering what they’d feel like in your own. You laid awake at night, hugging your pillow and pretending it was him. 
One night, as you pictured him holding you, his gentle arms suddenly became tight and constrictive. Suddenly, it wasn’t Iida.
It was Him.
Your breathing became sporadic you threw your pillow onto the floor. You folded in on yourself, rubbing your arms to try to rid yourself of His lingering touch.
“I can’t,” You whimpered. “I can’t,”
You wanted to be with Iida, you really did. But He was still poisoning your mind.
. . .
“(L/N), are you doing anything this weekend?” 
You hummed noncommittally at Iida, who was standing at your desk, waiting for you to pack up to go home.
“I don’t think so.” You shrugged. “What about you?”
“Well, a cafe recently opened near my home, I’m thinking of checking it out.” He said casually, eyes darting away. “Perhaps you’d like to come with me?”
“Oh!” You exclaimed, looking up at the boy. “Uh, yeah! That sounds fun. It’d be nice to spend some time with you outside of school.”
“Yes, I-I thought the same thing.” Iida readjusted his glasses, a pink dusting forming on his cheeks. “Is Saturday alright with you?”
About twenty minutes later, when you and Izuku were walking home from the train station, he asked if you wanted to do anything over the weekend.
“On Sunday, maybe.” You kicked an acorn along the sidewalk. “Iida and I are going out on Saturday.”
“Woah, really? Like on a date?”
“I- I don’t- what?” You froze. You replayed the conversation with Iida in your head. “Is it a date? Shit. I can’t go on a date.”
“Why not?” Izuku furrowed his brows in concern. “Iida’s really nice, I think you’d be happy with him. You’d have a good time.”
“Yeah, well we thought I’d be happy with Him too,”
Izuku flinched, understanding flashing in his eyes. “Okay. (Y/N), Iida is lightyears better than Him. Iida’s a super serious guy, but that makes him transparent. If he had ulterior motives, or even if he just seemed like he’d be a dick, you’d know it. Iida isn’t Him. At least go out with him this one time.”
“But I-”
“It’s one date, not marriage.” Izuku reasoned, placing a hand on your shoulder. “There are no obligations. Go out with him. If it goes well, then great! You can do it again, or, don’t. If it goes poorly, then end it there. You don’t have to tie yourself to Iida just because he’s showing interest in you.”
You raised a pointed eyebrow. “What if I’m not interested in him?”
“(Y/N).” Izuku deadpanned. “You and I both know that you are.”
You snickered a little, the sound coming out breathy and broken. “Ok. One date. We���ll see where it goes from there.”
. . .
Izuku knew you and Iida had it bad for each other. The staring longingly when the other wasn’t looking, the flustered laughing, all the goddamn blushing, there was a lot. It was torture watching you both dance around each other, but he knew it wasn’t easy for you. He had left his mark on you, even if it wasn’t a physical one. 
Izuku wasn’t exactly thrilled to push you right back into dating when you obviously were uncomfortable, despite knowing that Iida could be a healing presence in your life if you let him. 
So you were going on a date with him. 
“It’s one date, not marriage.” He had said, trying to convince himself as well as you. “There are no obligations.”
Izuku knew Iida. He trusted him with his life, he just wasn’t sure if he trusted him with you. You, the closest thing to a sibling Izuku had ever had. You, who had stayed his friend even after you had manifested your quirk and he’d been left quirkless. You, who stayed by his side and defended him against Kacchan and his other middle school bullies. 
You, who had been hurt before by someone you had liked.
Izuku groaned, flopping onto his bed. “Iida isn’t Him. Iida isn’t Him. He’s not going to hurt (Y/N). They’re going to be fine.”
It still didn’t stop him from constantly checking his phone, to see if you’d messaged him. Today was your date. He check the time again. 3:21. You should be home by now, or at least on the way. He’d told you to text him when you were home and tell him all about the date, but you might’ve forgotten. Maybe he should text your parents?
No. He was your best friend, not your father. He’d wait to see if you contacted him. If you didn’t, no big deal. He’d see you on Monday at school. Izuku very deliberately placed his phone face down on his bedside table. Deciding to go for a jog to get his mind off it, he began to change into his workout clothes.
Not two minutes later, his phone buzzed. Halfway into his gym shorts, Izuku scrambled back to the table, tripping over his own feet and hitting his head squarely on the bed frame. 
“Shit!” He hissed, rubbing his forehead.
“Izuku?” His mother called. “Is everything all right in there?”
“Yeah, I just tripped. I’m okay.” He replied, feeling around for his phone with the hand not cradling his head. Much to Izuku’s disappointment, the text wasn’t from you.
Much to his surprise though, it was from Iida.
Iida: Is (L/N) afraid of me?
“Uh oh,” He murmured, fingers already flying across the keypad.
Izuku: wdym? Did something happen during your date?
Iida: Kind of? It went well, but (L/N) seemed really nervous.
Izuku: And you weren’t? Lol, it’s your first date
Iida: Well, yes of course I was nervous. (L/N) seems more nervous then would be ordinary in that situation, though.
Izuku: What exactly did they do?
Iida: They were very overly jittery. They looked apprehensive and guilty whenever we talked. At one point I put my hand on their arm and they flinched. 
“Oh shit,” Izuku whispered. Iida wasn’t done, though.
Iida: The night ended well enough, I suppose. They seemed to have a good time, it just looked like they were too frightened to enjoy it to the full extent, though.
Izuku: You didn’t do anything weird, did you?
Iida: Weird how? All I did was talk to them. I offered to pay for their food, but they declined. I touched their arm, but once they flinched away I didn’t try again. We walked back to the train station together, and I offered to accompany them home, but they shot me down again.
Izuku sighed, rubbing his throbbing temples. It was a delicate situation. It wasn’t really Izuku’s place to tell Iida your business. So how was he going to tell Iida that you had relationship trauma without actually telling him?
Izuku: Ok, I don’t think you did anything wrong. (Y/N) gets nervous at the idea of dating, but I promise it’s not you. They’ve had bad experiences with dating, but they seem to really like you and want to try again.
Izuku: (Y/N)’s story isn’t mine to tell. If they feel comfortable giving you all the details, then they will. All you need to know for now is that their anxiety isn’t your fault. It also doesn’t mean that they don’t like you because I don’t think I’ve ever seen them as happy with someone as they are with you  
Iida: I see. Their behavior makes a little more sense now. Thank you for telling me, Midoriya. I’d like to have a relationship with them, so on Monday I’ll talk to them and see if there’s anything I can do or stop doing to make them more comfortable. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than I am when I’m with them either, in all honesty. I would hate to loose them over a misunderstanding.
Izuku chuckled, smiling warmly at his device. “What was I ever worried about?”
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daegall · 3 years
[07:02] Lee Donghyuck
pairing: lee donghyuck x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship! AU, domestic! AU
warnings: uhhh suggestions of marriage? is that a warning? its literally the point of this imagine tho lol
word count: 757 words
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The morning is young, and yet Donghyuck is already up and sitting by the bed. A few beams of golden light shines gently by your form, the sun had just started to rise. Your boyfriend is up in the morning, well, he has been since 5 am, which is weird because he usually would wake up 5 hours later on a free Friday.
He stares longingly at your beautiful puffy face, his lips twitching up when you hum and shift into a more comfortable spot. You're wearing his shirt, his favorite one, and he feels warm and fuzzy when he sees it on you.
He doesn't realize you're awake until he feels your arms wrapping the blanket around the two of you and your arms lazily draping around his bare waist. You nuzzle your head into Donghyuck's shoulder blade, softly kissing his sunkissed skin that looked even more ethereal in the sunlight. "Good morning," you mumble.
Donghyuck smiles at the slight tone of tiredness in your voice, "Good morning, baby," he softly takes your left hand, playing and imagining a gleaming ring on your ring finger. You scoot closer to him, "How are you so warm? You're shirtless!" Donghyuck chuckles as you sigh and place your hand to his chest, pulling him closer.
"You're just cold all the time." You him back a reply, almost at the verge of sleeping right there on his warm and soft skin, "It's okay, because I have you."
His heart stutters. You have him. You always have him.
It’s a bit weird, how he’s starting to think a bit too deep into your words, but he guesses it’s what happens when you’re in love. But, it’s true. You do have him. He's there for you when you need to break down or cry, he's there for you when you're stressed about an assessment, he's always there.
And then he realizes, you're there as well.
You're there when he needs to rant and complain about Mrs. Lee's teaching that is absolute shit, you're there for him when he needs help with basically anything, sleeping, calming down, hyping up, whatever it is. You're there for him.
His mouth moves on it's own, "Do you wanna marry me in the future?" Donghyuck silently curses to himself at the sudden deep topic, nervously waiting for your reply.
Strangely enough, you don't feel overwhelmed or panicked, you're nodding, mumbling a quick 'yes' against the back of his neck. Donghyuck looks back at you, surprised and delighted, "Really?"
"I mean, long term? Definitely. I would love to marry you now, but that would just clash with college and we would have to get jobs first. I hope you don't mind," Your boyfriend turns around completely, sitting across from you and grabbing your face between his hands, "No! No, I don't mind at all! We can take our time, I'm just so happy you actually consider marrying me."
You smile and place your hands over his own, intertwining them in a somewhat strange way, "And I'm happy you actually asked me about it." Your mumbles are soft, just like the looks you give each other, you don't think cotton or feathers could compare to Donghyuck's eyes right now.
With anticipation, you lean up slightly and pucker your lips. Donghyuck takes initiative and leans down to connect them softly. Your lips feel so soft and perfect against his chapped ones, he thinks he should ask to borrow some of your lip balm more often. He claps his index finger and thumb to your chin, and quite suddenly, Donghyuck pries your mouth open softly. You guess he's just being a little bit needier than often.
The moment your tongues meet, you pull away, "Yep! okay, that's enough, you're getting a bit too riled up for seven in the morning." You get up from the bed, rushing to the bathroom to do your morning skin routine (and maybe trying to hide your growing smile from Hyuck). Your boyfriend chuckles at your flustered form, quickly following you to do his own morning routines.
He hopes to have mornings like this in the future, when you become his wife. Mornings where you help him with his hair to get it out of his face as he tries to wash it, mornings where you cook a big breakfast together, mornings where you ask each other about your days lately. It's the tiny things he loves, the tiny things he appreciates and wants, tiny things he will get in the future, the future with you.
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wandsandwheezes · 4 years
Pining for you | G. W
can you write a one shot for george that has the line “i think i’d know if my best friend was in love with me” @bury-my-love-inthe-moondust
Taglist - @whiz-bangs78 @hufflepuffgirly @weasleysflowr @witch-and-a-half
A/N - I fell in love with this ask the moment I saw it and I simp so hard for George so to say I was READY is an understatement 👉👈🥺
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What was it about him that made it feel like a whole quidditch match was going on inside your stomach. Your head was telling you that the only reason you felt any attraction to him was because you were lonely but your heart was telling you that he was everything you'd always wanted - neither really seemed rational to you. 
Don't look at me like that. You thought, walking through the great hall and over to the table where the twins sat. His eyes locked onto you the second you'd walked through the doors and his face lit up like a kid on Christmas Day. That's my best friend, he thought, watching you smile at other students before taking your seat across from the two redheads. 
"How was potions, boys?" I ask, pulling out my textbook for transfiguration, a gesture that I'm not sure would make me actually study but nevertheless it seemed like a decent effort. "bloody awful, If being in the room with Snape wasn't awful enough, I was sat next to this moping git." Fred laughs, nudging his twin who's smile has now left his lips, a look of sadness and disappointment covering his face. 
"Yeah, thanks for bringing that one up, Fred" George rolled his eyes, burying his head in his hand, "what's got his knickers in a twist then?" you ask Fred, looking away from the boy. 
Fred shook his head, you nodded in response - you'd talk about this later in transfiguration. You place your hand on George's arm, causing him to look up at you, a glint of hope in his eyes, looking at you for a moment before patting your hand reassuringly. Whatever it was, George wasn't happy at all. 
The walk to McGonagall's class was awkward, finding yourself and fred giggling and pushing each other as you walked along, George in tow, following you both like a lost puppy, he looked up to see his brother making you belly laugh at something he said and he had a moment thinking - that should be me. 
He wasn't jealous, because that was his brother but you were his best friend, he pictured you leaning up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his brother's lips, pulling away and giggling again. He felt a pang, that was definitely jealousy. It was all in his head because to you, the thought of kissing Fred as anything more than a dare was the funniest thought of all, because he was like your brother. However, the thought of George storming over and pressing a rough kiss to your lips made your head spin. 
"What's up with him then?" you whispered quietly to Fred, he jotted down his last few notes, flipping over the page before looking you dead in the eyes. "He got rejected, hard. I feel bad for him, he asked out one of the hufflepuff girls from potions, but it turns out she's seeing someone. He's not heart-broken or anything, I think he's just embarrassed." 
Your heart sank, it felt like it was about to fall out. You tried not to let a tear slip, taking a deep breath."oh, so he's looking to date again?" you feigned a smile at the twin, George had broken up with his girlfriend before returning home for the summer, deciding that being in a relationship just wasn’t for him, but that was 7 months ago and it seemed his priorities had changed. Fred rolled his eyes at you, "I know you're in love with him, Y/N" 
You snorted, causing the pair in-front of you to turn their heads to look at you, you mouth a sorry to them, before picking up your quill to distract you from what Fred had just said, because as much as you didn’t want to admit it, you were in love with George. “Well, If he is dating again, I’m happy for him”
“I’m sure you’d be happier if it was you he was dating,” Fred adds, snatching your quill from your hands, making a note on his own parchment resting his cheek on his hand as he stares at you, taking a moment to look over at his own brother, before looking back at you. “and, I’m not giving this quill back until you admit it.” 
“Fred don’t be a bastard, give it back!” you pinch his arm, holding out your hand for him to give you the quill, he shakes his head, leaning in to whisper in your ear, his breath fanning over your neck, exposed by the hair that is tucked neatly behind your ear. “Just admit it.”
George decided that it was the right moment to look over his shoulder, seeing his brother close enough to kiss you. Surely it was just his mind messing with him again. He blinked once. You were still inches apart. He blinked again. You were giggling and pushing his brother’s chest. That was enough for him, he grabbed his book pushing out of his chair and storming out of the room. 
The loud sound of the chair scraping against the floor, caused the whole class to snap their attention towards the red-haired boy storming out of the room. You look towards Fred, and he towards you, shrugging your shoulders.  “Mr Weasley, would you mind please seeing to the disruption your brother has caused, make sure you let me know how he is after the class, will you?” McGonagall asks, Fred nods at his head of house, collecting his things and following his brother out of the room, not before giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. 
George was already halfway to the black lake before Fred had caught up to him, “George, Wait!” The younger twin spins on his heels, walking toward Fred and grabbing him by the collar, “I suppose you’re here to gloat then?” Fred shoves his brother’s hands off of him, straightening out his robes, he’s never seen George this angry outside quidditch. “What the fuck has gotten into you latley?” 
“Did you ever plan on telling me?” The older boy squints at his sibling quizzically “Tell you about what?” he questions, George rolls his eyes, crossing his arms, his jaw tensing as he pictures his brother close to you. “About how you and Y/N are quite clearly together!” Fred laughs, bending over to rest on his thighs before sighing, “Georgie, you might be the blindest man I’ve ever met, It’s not me she likes you git, It’s you.”
“Yeah right!” George laughs, going to turn away, clearly agitated at his brother’s poor attempt at trying to cover up the relationship that you quite clearly have. “I think I’d know if my best friend was in love with me” Fred rolls his eyes, picking up his books as he shakes his head. “You are so oblivious, she wants it to be her you’re pining for, not your ex, not that Hufflepuff girl - her.”
After making up with his twin, apologising for acting so angrily, he heads back to the common room, partly because he’s embarrassed to walk back into transfiguration, partly because he’s already planning on how he’ll tell you he loves you too. He changes into some comfier clothes and decides to wait in front of the fire for you, he hears the portrait door open, your laugh music to his ears, you spot him sat on the couch, waving your friends goodbye as they head up to the dorms and you join George in front of the fire.
“How’re you feeling, Georgie?” you ask, resting your chin on his knee as you're sat on the floor, his hand rests on your cheek, looking down at you and you feel that pang in your stomach again. You were head over heels. He pats the seat next to him which you gladly take, now resting your head on his shoulder, his arm slinging around you. “I was worried when you walked out of transfiguration like that.” his other hand cups your cheek again forcing you to look at him, you look into each other's eyes, you notice the way his eyes glisten as the fire reflects in them and he notices the way you look at him so longingly and he revels in the way you could have a whole conversation with just a look. He takes a deep breath and leans in, pressing his lips to yours, you feel as if it was a whole fireworks display going on inside you as happiness fills you, you reach up to thread your fingers through his hair at the back of his head, keeping his lips pressed to yours for just a little bit longer. It was like you were dreaming, but you didn’t want to wake up.
You both pull away, resting your foreheads against each other’s, smiling happily, both taking a deep breath, speaking the same words with an exhale. “I love you.”
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
Blackwater Lake - Chapter 3
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Summary: There’s a little town high in the mountains where everyone has a secret, and every family has something that makes them unique. In Blackwater Lake those that are outcast by nature come together.
Characters/Pairing:  August Walker x OFC Freya (Forest Nymph) Original Female Character is described as white/pale, short and of small build, hazel eyes, long dark hair.
Warnings (for this chapter); Talk of past abusive relationships, on the run, alcohol consumption, Daddy Kink, DD/LG, Pet names, fingering, oral sex (male receiving), unprotected sex, hyperspermia, cum play, cum feeding, unplanned pregnancy, pregnancy test.
Previous Parts: 
Werewolf!Sy: Moonlight on the Sand  Castle Under The Stars. Werewolf!Sy, Vampire!Walter: Chapter 1 Vampire Walter: Chapter 2
This will be a series of stand alone stories/2 parters, which will revolve around the residents of the town, with some recurring characters. The ‘reader’ for each story will be a ‘new’ reader, so its not the same woman being with all the male characters.
I do not run a tag list, but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications. You’ll then get an alert every time i post something new.
Blackwater Lake - Chapter 3
The blood slowly trickled across the board and off the table, coating the floor before running into the drain. August raised the heavy cleaver, and with one thunderous swipe severed the femur clean in two. The cleaver made a metallic clang that echoed around the stark tile lined room, and wiping his hands on his apron he lifted the product of his work and inspected his efforts closely. A smile spread over his lips as he looked up;
“There we go Mrs Mackenzie, a nice juicy bone for your dog”
The old woman smiled, her purple tinted grey hair in tight curls that barely moved as she nodded;
“Oh yes, that’ll be perfect! My Clarence will love it!”
At that very moment Clarence started yapping outside where he was tied to the specials chalkboard that sat on the sidewalk outside Walkers Meats, 10lbs of teeth, fur and anger wrapped into the body of a small West Highland Terrier;
“I’m sure he will. I’ll wrap it up for you and Freya will finish ringing up your order for you. We’ll get it delivered this afternoon…”
August walked around the counter and set the wrapped bone into the box, nodding to his assistant to finish up the order. She knew that the bone would be free of charge, but that Mrs Mackenzie would insist on tipping and sliding her $10 which August was more than happy for Freya to keep. The slight girl turned and a tiny smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, before she quietly nodded and continued with her duties.
Returning to the butchery area August glanced up and caught sight of his reflection in the painted mirror, the design obscuring the scarring on the side of his face, giving him that moment of relief from those memories of a past long ago, a life he had left behind when he had sought out quiet solitude in the peaceful mountain town of Blackwater Lake. People minded their own business there and didn’t ask questions. If you had a skill that could help others you were welcomed into the community. How August got into the meat business is a story for another day, but as his gaze travelled across the mirror to where Freya was measuring out the wild herb mixes into small mason jars he smiled and remembered instead how she came into his life.
Pulling the sign in from the sidewalk August was exhausted. Running a business completely on his own had seemed like a good idea when he’d started, he enjoyed his own company and he distrusted anyone else to do the job to a standard he would approve of. What he hadn’t counted on was the residents of this sleepy little town not only accepting him, but joyous that he was there and wanting to talk endlessly every time they visited his store. Although he was always polite and did his best to end conversations quickly, after eight hours of it he had jaw ache and knew he would need to work well into the night on the new sides of beef that had been delivered that morning if he were to have any stock to sell the next day. He glanced longingly at the small sign that sat propped up in the window; ‘Help Needed - Enquire Within’, yet he hadn’t had any takers in the month the sign had been up. 
The icy winter wind curled at his neck, sending a shiver down his spine as he let out a sigh, heaving the heavy sign into the building so it didn’t blow away in the night as a icy squall blew in from the mountains. As the door slammed shut behind him it echoed a knock around the store, but when it came again he turned and let out a far from masculine yelp; the face of a pale young woman stared back at him like a ghoul in the darkness. Clearing his throat and smoothing down his blue and white striped apron, he approached the door and opened it;
“May I help you Miss?”
She nodded down to the sign;
“Do you still need someone?”
Her teeth were chattering, and it was hardly surprising as she was barely dressed for the weather, the knitted cardigan doing little to ward off the cold wind. August opened the door to allow her to enter, looking down at the top of her head as she slunk past him.
“Let me get a pot of coffee on, you must be freezing”
As he disappeared into the back office he set the pot of coffee on to heat before grabbing an old jacket that was hanging on the back of the door, returning to where his visitor stood in the store a few moments later, handing her the jacket;
“Its cold in here, we can’t have the heat on because of the meat”
Nodding she took the jacket, her teeth still chattering;
“T-t-thanks… its still warmer than outside”
He handed her a mug of steaming coffee;
“Sorry, i don’t have any creamer or sugar…” She wrapped her delicate fingers around the mug using it more for heat than sustenance as he leant back against the counter on the other side of the store; “So… you’re wanting a job? What experience have you got? You worked in retail?”
She shook her head and muttered a quiet no, keeping her eyes averted from him as she spoke;
“But i will try anything… just looking for a new start”
“Are you running from something?” A gentle nod of her head and the way she clutched the mug tighter told August it was a someone not a something; “Look, if you’re willing to learn, work hard and pay attention, i’ll give you a trial. I’ve gotta level with you, you’re the only person who’s shown any interest in the sign, and i’m getting desperate, so if you want you can start tomorrow”
Her head snapped up and for the first time he saw her eyes, deep hazel peering out from behind long strands of dark brown hair;
“Yes. Really” he stated in a matter of fact way; “I’ll need to get your address and details for the wages…”
“Oh… i’m not… i’ve not got anywhere. I guess i’ll find a cheap motel…”
August paused;
“Kid, there’s no motel in town… at least not this time of year. But i might have a solution for you”
Her eyes widened in fear and August realised whatever she was running from had done more damage than she showed;
“No no, not that” he assured her; “There’s a small apartment above the shop - two in fact, i’ve got one and the other i’ve never rented out, never got round to it… its small but completely self contained, your own entrance and everything, completely secure”
Once a few forms had been filled out August had gotten the girl settled in the small studio apartment. He’d shown her how the fold out bed worked, explained that the hot water fed off the furnace for the whole building so she could use as much as she wanted. A couple of minutes after he’d left her in the apartment he knocked at her door, surprised to hear the locks sliding across at first, but then realising she needed to feel safe. When she peered around the door she almost looked surprised to see him there, as if it would be anyone else;
“Umm yeah?”
August handed her a box of things he’d scavenged from his own kitchen;
“Here’s just a few things to see you through the night… I haven’t been grocery shopping in a while, but the bread was in the freezer and it’ll defrost pretty quickly if you put it in the toaster”
He handed the box to Freya, surprised at how smooth but also small her hands were as she took it from him as they brushed against his own. She nodded and smiled;
“Thank you Mr Walker”
“Night. See you bright and early tomorrow morning” 
The next morning August woke to an insistent knocking on his door. Grumbling to himself he pulled on his robe and stalked across his small apartment, pulling the door open with a thunderous look on his face, ready to give whatever maniac that was knocking on his door at 5am a piece of his mind;
“WHAT THE… oh… hi…”
Freya was standing on his doormat, a look of shock on her face;
“Hi… i’m ready to start”
“To… start?”
“Work. You said bright and early”
August ran his palm over his face;
“I… When i said…” he let out a long slow breath; “I meant 8am”
That was a long day, but by lunchtime Freya had mastered the cash desk and had already started to come out of her shell, the locals more than welcoming for the tiny girl with the woodland eyes, and with her help August was able to catch up on his work.
Over the following month her input had helped August expand his products, suggesting a range of seasonings in reusable jars, where if the customer returned the mason jar they’d get a discount off the next one they purchased. He discovered she had this unfathomable knowledge of herbs and plants, but also had this connection with nature he couldn’t quite understand. He’d sometimes catch her staring out of the window at the trees blowing in the wind, as if listening to their songs that were beyond his own ears.
One thing was for sure, there was a sense of magic to her and August thanked the stars above that she walked into his store on that cold winter night.
Back in the present August was busy cleaning the cutting table as Freya busied herself with her jars - it was her own little enterprise now and one she was absolutely proud of. He could see that she kept glancing outside, gnawing on her lip;
“Freya, everything ok?”
“Yes Mr Walker. I was just thinking, the next batch wild garlic is ready to be picked, if i collect some this afternoon i can have more chimichurri mixed ready for tomorrow, and that’s when the beef delivery is coming in”
August let out a chuckle;
“How many times do I have to say to call me August…” he met her gaze with a smile; “And yes, that sounds like a brilliant idea. The store’s quiet and i’ll be doing deliveries in a while, so sure, go exploring”
“Thank you Mr Walker”
August rolled his eyes and let out a laugh, watching as she hung up her apron and grabbed her foraging basket, skipping out of the door and towards the creek that fed into the lake a couple of miles away.
Three hours later August was driving back along the gravel road that led into town, having made his deliveries. The spring air was damp but warm, rain threatening to spill but the clouds unwilling to release their bounty just yet. Rounding the bend he looked out over the soft marshland, the grass knee high already and he saw a familiar figure stepping through the green undergrowth. With a smile he pulled his SUV to a stop at the side of the road, stepping out of the vehicle he leaned against the door as he watched Freya as she slowly made her way through the field, before she stopped as her attention moved to the treeline. Following her gaze he watched as a bear emerged from the woods and his heart sank. The native wildlife would be coming out of hibernation, and would be grumpy and hungry. He went to shout but a sudden rush of wind silenced his voice, watching as she held her arm out and the grass flattened in front of her as if a wind devil had made its way through. Glancing back to the bear it had stopped in its tracks but was still staring at her, but then started to circle around on the spot before settling down as if for a nap.
August anxiously watched, knowing if Freya ran she could make it to the car as long as the bear was weak, but he didn’t want to risk that it hadn’t had a belly full of salmon yet, so he quickly reached into the vehicle and pulled his unregistered handgun from beneath his seat. Back at the side of the road he raised the firearm at the bear, glancing at Freya who had now spotted him waiting for her. She started to quicken her pace through the grasses, eventually breaking into a run as she neared the embankment of the road. August glanced to where the bear had been and let out a yell as he saw it was starting to approach them;
“Freya, RUN!”
Doing as he instructed she broke into a sprint, her legs carrying her through the grass and up the embankment. Flinging his door open he motioned for her to dive in, her basket being launched into the passenger footwell as she tumbled across the centre console and into the passenger seat, August launching himself into the driver's seat and gunning the engine as he slammed the door shut, the urgent crunch of tyres on loose gravel dulling the sound of the grizzly’s roar as it had caught up, but was now rapidly disappearing into the distance of the rear view mirror.
August only slowed down as he reached the urban centre of Blackwater Lake, Freya’s breathing having finally levelled out as she turned to him;
“So… there’s bears here?”
He slowed the vehicle and pulled to a stop in a parking lot before turning to her;
“Yes. And moose and cougars and mountain lions… hell sometimes I even hear howls in the night so there’s probably something wolfy up in those mountains too… We need to get you better prepared for nature” August paused; “And what was that thing you did with your hand? That made the grass flatten and the bear sit down…”
Freya shrugged;
“I’m not sure… it's just this thing i’ve always been able to do, calm animals down”
“Huh. Didn’t seem to work this time…”
She glanced at him, her eyes wide;
“I think that was because you were there…”
August let out a laugh, before sitting back in his seat;
“Okay, point taken. I need a drink. We’re at Big-G’s, I'll buy you dinner…”
August regretted his decision. He hadn’t factored in how slight Freya was in comparison to her ability to consume alcohol, so three drinks later where all he’d had was lite beer, Freya was completely wasted. The giveaway was when she’d fallen asleep on his shoulder whilst he’d been talking to Geralt - the bar owner - and she’d started to drool on his shirt. Geralt had told him to ‘get his girl home’ with a wry laugh, telling August his meal was on the house. Something had stopped August from correcting the ashen haired man, looking down at the imp of the girl leaning on him. 
He’d managed to carry her to his car fairly easily but the journey up the steps at their building had been more of a challenge. He’d managed to get her to wrap her arms around his shoulders, but had been surprised when she’d also wrapped her legs around his waist. Although it meant he could use one arm to hold her up, the feel of her warm body clinging to his sent a rush of heat through his stomach straight to his groin, he was just thankful she was so out of it she didn’t notice the tent in his pants. 
As he juggled his keys he found the spare for her apartment but then thought better of it, unsure how she was when she’d had alcohol, and instead opened his own apartment. Crossing the almost dark room he reached the couch and slowly lowered her down to the cushions, her whimpers of loss as he started to pull away making him pause;
“Mmmm Daddy, you’re so warm…” 
Holding her still a low rumble slowly bubbled through his throat when she nuzzled against his neck;
“Daddy smells so good…” and she pressed a kiss to the stubble on his chin.
August knew she was drunk, probably didn’t even realise it was him, after all who would want someone as broken and scarred as he was, but for that briefest of moment’s he relished her touch and what was going on in her tequila addled mind. He couldn’t help himself and pressed the briefest of kiss to her cheek;
“Time to sleep now little Kitten” he muttered before reluctantly uncoupling himself from her grasp, pulling a blanket over her as she dozed on his couch. Raking his hand down his face he let out a sigh, before grabbing a glass of water and setting it onto the coffee table in front of her. A scribbled note on the back of a flyer explained that she was drunk and he wasn’t sure if she would need his help, and he didn’t want to invade her privacy of her own apartment.
Having poured himself a generous glass of vodka, August withdrew to his own bedroom, silently closing the door before stripping for bed. It was an early night but without the TV to entertain him and no desire to get lost in a book, he settled on top of the covers in just his underwear, sipping at the ice cold liquor as he willed the swelling of his loins to subside. However every time he tried to clear his mind, all he could imagine was Freya. The thought of her small body beneath his, their bodies sweaty and writhing as one. Finally with a curse he gave in to his desires, pulling his underwear down and taking his hard length into his hand, pumping dry to increase the friction as his mind descended further into taboo territory. He imagined it was her hand, calling him Daddy as she asked if she was doing it right, that her perfect lips would duck down and take his bulbous tip into her mouth, her tongue lapping at his slit as her hazel eyes would stare back up at him, wide with innocence. With a strangled cry he came in violent spurts, covering his hand and stomach in ropes of his cum, thoughts of the delicate woman in his lounge lapping at his spent seed prolonging his orgasm until he was aching and empty. With a curse he looked down at the mess he’d made, realising he needed to clean himself up.
The quiet click of his front door woke August the next morning, pushing himself up off the pillow as he heard small footsteps down the outside of the building and the quiet beep of his car being unlocked. Wondering what the hell was happening he leapt out of bed and peered out of the window, letting out a sigh of relief when he saw a dishevelled Freya gathering the wild garlic that had been scattered around his inside of his vehicle the day before.
A few minutes later the thud of his keys falling onto his doormat where she’d posted them through the letterbox sounded through his apartment, and when he went to collect them he found a small note with them;
‘Mr Walker, thank you for your help, I hope I didn't make a fool of myself last night. Your car stinks of garlic now, i’m going to walk up the creek and collect some herbs that will help reduce the odour, Freya x’
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An hour later when she hadn’t returned, August set off towards the creek through the pleasant woodland, the sunlight leaving dappled patches of gold on the forest floor. Coming to the wide bend in the creek where the water was shallow, he saw the swing over the water that someone had put there years ago, mismatched ropes and a wooden seat, and how someone had now woven wildflowers into the ropes, and as he glanced upstream he saw Freya knee deep in the water, a butterfly dancing on her hand.
Something overcame him and he pulled off his boots and socks, rolling up his pants as he stepped out into the water and sat on the swing, silently watching as she charmed nature beyond a simple human’s comprehension, having control of the elements like a forest nymph. August had seen a lot of unusual things in the time he’d lived in Blackwater Lake, he knew those that had something a little special about them gravitated towards the sleepy little mountain town, so as he watched Freya make her way upstream towards him he realised there was magic in the air. Small water spouts rose from the water as she took each step, as if chasing after her touch as she stepped from rock to rock submerged under the water. 
As she approached the shallow bend in the creek she finally looked up and saw August, a smile spreading over her lips;
“Its so pretty here, isn’t it?” she asked wistfully
“Beautiful from where i’m sitting”
She approached where he sat, stopped at arms reach, a hint of blush warming her cheeks;
“I’m sorry if I was inappropriate last night… thank you for taking care of me, i’m not a big drinker”
“You weren’t inappropriate…” he reassured her; “But it's been a while since a beautiful woman called me Daddy… since before… since before i was broken...”
Her gaze moved to the scar on the side of his face, and without a word she stepped forward and pressed her hand to the spidery scarring. In that moment August felt the magic in her touch, prickling at his skin before she nimbly climbed onto his lap, her legs wrapping around his waist and she lowered her lips to his, softly brushing against his as she spoke;
“You’re not broken, no more than I am…”
The kiss was soft and slow, and as her tongue started to gently tease at the seam of his lips she eased her weight completely onto his lap, her core pressing to his, the heat of their growing lust growing like an ember between them. 
Her small tongue licked into his mouth, tasting him as she pressed her body flush to his chest, small whimpers coming from her as his hands splayed over her back and pulled her firmly down onto his growing arousal. When the need for oxygen finally took precedence August’s lips traced a path of kisses down her jaw and neck, her fingers winding through his dark curls as her head fell back to give him better access to the pale expanse of her collarbone;
“Oh Daddy…”
“That’s it my little one, i’m going to treat you so well, my little Kitten…” August’s mustache brushed against her heated skin as he spoke, the gentle sway of the swing letting their bodies move against each other.
Just at that moment an ominous creak sounded above them, drawing their attention up into the tree’s canopy, just in time to see the rope that held the swing up snap, plunging them down into the shallow creekwater below.
With shouts and screams the moment of passion was lost, taken over by the shock of the water hitting their heated skin. August helped Freya up, her dress plastered to her skin in much the same way his shirt was, soaked head to toe he shook the water from his hair;
“Yes Daddy” Freya purred, pulling into his touch as he wrapped an arm around her to help her out of the water.
Pushing in the door to his apartment, clothes were being pulled from each other's bodies even as the door was still ajar. As he pulled his shirt off, Freya’s hands were curling into the hair on his chest, an almost feral growl bubbling from her lips as she ran her hands down to his stomach and rested on the buckle of his belt. Catching her hands in his he held them gently, only speaking when she looked up and met his gaze;
“Kitten, I want to be sure you want this… You’re in total control here, you set the boundaries, you say when you need to stop. But if you do want this, i’ll be your Daddy and take care of you like a Princess”
Freya voice shook as she spoke;
“I want this… my last… he wanted to be my Daddy but didn’t treat me right. He took more than I could give…”
August lifted her small hands to his mouth, kissing each fingertip with such great care and tenderness her heart almost melted before she finally spoke again;
“We should really check for leeches”
Freya had never seen anyone strip their clothing off quite as fast as August just had. For a big man - and a pretty tough one at that - the mere thought of little blood suckers had him stripping completely naked in a matter of seconds, Freya pulling her dress off a little slower until she stood in just her simple underwear. August was still patting himself down, turning to look at his behind;
“Am I ok?”
Freya couldn’t help herself, stepping forwards and taking two handfuls of August’s pert asscheeks, giving them a squeeze before running her palms over the perfectly rounded globes of his buttocks;
“More than ok”
In the following moments August carried her to his small bathroom, turning the shower on before he stepped under the warm jets of water, pulling her with him so he could soap her down. The scent of sandalwood of his soap as he carefully washed every inch of her body was overwhelming, taking care of her to wash any last traces of creek water from her body. He paused as he reached the apex of her thighs, waiting for her agreement which she quickly nodded for him to continue, his large hand sliding between her legs and caressing her lips. His skilled fingers soon sought out her pearl, teasing it gently from its hood before he slid a finger into her waiting heat, a cry falling from her lips which he quickly swallowed with a kiss. His work calloused hands quickly drove her to an orgasm - a first of many - and as she came she called his name, like a prayer on her lips. 
Shutting the water off, August carefully lifted her out of the bath, wrapping a large towel around her before scooping her into his arms and carrying her to his bed. On the messy covers her hair clung to her skin, before he carefully lifted the long tendrils from her chest and was able to take in the sight of her petite naked body laying fresh and prone on his bed. Her hand reached out for him, pulling him close;
“Daddy, I want to feel you…”
August smiled;
“Will you be a good girl for me Kitten? Do you think you can take me? You’re awfully small, and I'm pretty big…”
She sat up, pressing a hand to his chest;
“Can I try? Can I go on top?”
Nodding August lay on the bed, propped up against the pillows, lifting her petite frame on top of him. He watched with pleasure as she wriggled down the bed, her hands gripping his thighs as she settled between his legs. Wrapping her small hands around his generous length she looked up at him as she started to give small licks to his hot flesh, her fingers struggling to encircle his meaty girth. Opening her mouth she took a good three inches between her lips straight away, a litany of curses falling from August’s lips as he felt the hot wet heat of her mouth engulf him. It was better than he could ever had imagined, and he had to grip at the bedsheets to stop himself from cumming at that very moment. Steadying his breathing he let out a low sigh before he reluctantly pulled her off, a trail of spittle hanging between his dick and her mouth;
“But Daddy, I want to taste your cum…”
“I know Kitten, but it's going to be a lot the first time, and I want to see your cunt dripping with me, knowing your tight little pussy is going to overflow with the amount I'm going to pump into you. Now be a good girl and see what you can do, let's make it fit…”
Straddling his thick thighs she positioned herself over his hard shaft, her hand holding him steady as she swiped him through her folds to douse his gnarled girth with her juices, before settling with the tip at her entrance. August ran his hands up and down her arms, comforting her and hoping to get her to relax. He was a patient man but the feel of her soaked flesh pressing against his crown was becoming a struggle not to grab her hips and pull her down until he was balls deep in one swift thrust.
Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, Freya slowly lowered herself onto August’s shaft, going at a pace she could cope with, but the strain of holding back caused perspiration to bead on August’s forehead;
“Doing so well Kitten… I know its a lot, but you can do it… you’re so fucking tight…. Fuck…”
Taking a deep breath Freya finally let herself fall the rest of the way, feeling him part her silken walls until she was settled on his lap. Tears fell from her eyes, tiny diamonds adorning her cheeks at the overwhelming sense of fullness she was experiencing. Seeing these August kissed them away, his praises made her swell with pride as he admitted to her he was struggling not to cum from just the feeling of her tight walls engulfing him. He pushed a hand between their bodies, resting his palm on her stomach;
“Put your hand here… you’re so tiny I can feel myself deep inside you, your little tummy blown out with my dick…”
His thumb crept down and grazed at her pearl, making her cry out before yearning for more. With his ministrations she was soon relaxed enough to start to ride him, her nimble thighs bouncing on his meaty counterparts, feeling the slick push and pull as he filled her whilst she drove them towards their peak. 
Unsurprisingly Freya came first, the overwhelming pleasure that was coursing through her body was all too much to hold back, and she came with a silent scream, her body gripping August so tight it set him off, pushing in so deep he was sure his dick had kissed her cervix, before flooding her with endless ropes of his thick seed, soothing her inner core with his milky gift. Wrapping his arms around her he pulled her to his chest, holding her tight as the floods of emotions surged through her, stroking her back tenderly.
Eventually he carefully lifted her onto the bed, peppering her bare skin with bristly kisses, before parting her thighs and leaning back to admire his handiwork, a thick sheen of white covering her swollen petals. With a single finger he carefully swiped through his mess, before holding it to her mouth;
“Taste Kitten… taste our passion…”
Holding onto his wrist she sucked the digit into her mouth, her tongue tasting their combined essence. When his finger finally dropped from her lips his gaze fell down and hers followed, her eyes going wide when she saw he was hard and ready for more. Laying back she hooked her hands behind her knees and spread herself open for him;
“Daddy, will you fill me up again, please?”
Positioning himself at her cum soaked hole August smiled, a dark hint of lust glinting in his eyes;
“It would be my pleasure Kitten”
Three weeks later
Freya chewed nervously on her lip, having circled the isles of the drug store too many times to count now, waiting for a time when there was no-one near what she needed. Finally it was the right moment and she slunk into the isle, grabbing the thin rectangular box before stepping back and bumping into someone, her item tumbling to the floor as a third set of feet appeared;
“Freya! Mrs Syverson! Good Morning!”
It was Sue from the coffee shop, having appeared seemingly out of nowhere just as Mrs Syverson had backed away from the opposite shelf to keep little baby Luna from grabbing the glass bottles of antacid medicine. Mrs Syverson immediately clocked what Freya had been holding;
“Oh Freya, could you just reach those things for me? I can’t reach down with Luna here…”
With shaking hands Freya handed the bag of cotton wool balls and the pregnancy test to the woman only a couple of years her senior, who in turn smiled at Sue as she laughed;
“Sy’s always keeping me on my toes… in more ways than one” She winked before tugging on Freya’s arm; “Sweetie, I need to place an order for a big cookout we have coming up for Sy’s birthday…”
Steering her away from town gossip Sue, Mrs Syverson lowered her voice;
“I’ll meet you outside sweetie, don’t worry about it, i saw you circling the shop”
A few minutes later Mrs Syverson appeared at the door, two drugstore bags in her hand before handing one to Freya;
“My advice, tell August now, do the test together”
“Are you sure? Do you think he’ll be angry?”
“Angry? Hell no, i think it’ll be what he wants, and no matter what the result he’s always had puppy dog eyes for you, we could all tell from the moment you walked into his life”
Peering into the bag Freya saw there was also a bag of Hershey’s kisses;
“You’ll need the sugar, to calm your nerves afterwards”
“Thanks Mrs S… i appreciate it”
“No problem Freya… and i’ll see you tomorrow, i really do need to place that order, but get today over and done with first”
That afternoon Freya and August took the test, then feasted on kisses of every kind.
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Ok like I know this is your third compliment but I'm so glad you're writing for this fandom. All your ideas are so creative and developed that none of it felt so OOC. If you can, what about angst HCs from Kaeya and Diluc. Since theyre so head to head against each other, imagine if they were in love with someone but was with their brother. Now they have to watch Kaeya/Diluc with their s/o while suffering from the sidelines ;w;
Ahh you’re all so lovely 💕 Don’t be shy to just say anything I promise I’m not scary. Your compliments makes me feel more confident ;u; I just finished diluc’s and kaeya’s hc of being jealous so I’m lowkey branching of my last hc point for both of those posts. Took a bit of a different style this time and I might have went a little too deep aha. 
Spoiler’s for Diluc’s and Kaeya’s character stories and past (but you should really read Kaeya’s story) 
Diluc and Kaeya: Falling for their brother’s s/o 
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You had told him when it was late at night in the tavern. For the better half of a couple months, you’ve been dropping by around late afternoon asking if you could keep him company and help out since he’s been so busy during the day, and Diluc would never say no to that. It was a passing comment you made as you said goodbye to him as you opened the door to head out.  
You wanted to keep your relationship a secret from the public? Felt it was wrong to not tell him since you were dating his brother? Had you not noticed that he was in love with you for months? 
He smiles and bares it, nodding goodbye as you leave, just until that door closes and he’s left alone. He slowly unclenches his fists from under the counter as the weight in his chest gets heavier. He hasn’t felt like this in a long time. The last time was when his father passed away. 
A part of him feels ashamed that he let himself get so close to you even though at the time, he had no idea you were actually in love with his brother. He hadn’t even seen you talk to Kaeya once since knowing you but to be fair, he doesn’t involve himself in Kaeya’s affairs unless it’s to protect Mondstadt. 
But as he reflects in the empty tavern, he doesn’t regret meeting you and becoming close friends. It’s not your fault, you were in love with someone else. He should be happy for you and Kaeya. 
He wants to protect the things that he treasures most. When his father passed away he lost the faith in both the gods and the knights of Favonius. He doesn’t want to push you away and lose what he still has because of his actions or behaviour. 
In the beginning, he becomes bitter to Kaeya. Before he might have humored Kaeya’s antics and random drop ins but now all he feels is rejection and this weight he can’t get rid of that start’s clawing at him whenever he sees his brother. The first time Kaeya made eye contact with him after you had told him about your relationship, he simply had a wry smile stating that he hadn’t seen Diluc’s eyes like that since he defected from being a knight. 
He doesn’t hate Kaeya or think Kaeya stole you away from him. Kaeya protects Mondstadt in the day while he does in the night. That’s how they’ve always been. When he sees you out with Kaeya in the morning he stares longingly before quickly disappearing out of sight. 
When his father passed away, Diluc's took a journey that lasted for three years. He had a lot of time to reflect on his past and the anger he had carried until he acknowledged his shortcomings. Those years away let him leave his childish immaturity and when he returned to Mondstadt, he was ready to take on his father’s will one more time. He’s been through this process once before and he’ll push himself to do it again. 
That doesn’t mean that his feelings for you will immediately leave him but he’ll learn to move on and treasure you as a friend, that you’re still in his life. There might be some days when he’s alone that he might think of the what if’s but he’ll take a deep breath, know that you’re happy, and the weight will settle down and become lighter. 
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You were friends with Kaeya before you officially met Diluc. You and Kaeya had bonded over drinks and soon became drinking buddies. At first you had been a bit wary of him since he was the Cavalry Captain and thought you had done something wrong, but he really was just interested in talking since he heard you also disliked grape juice. 
Naturally, that meant that he would drop by the tavern with you and one day, Diluc happened to be there and he thought he might officially introduce you two. Maybe poke some fun at Diluc and his distant personality.  
Overtime Kaeya finds that he looks forward to your outings. Hunters and bandits are often his drinking buddies but he’s there to smooth talk them until they end up telling him everything he wants to know. But you’re not a bandit or some spy, he can let his guard down around you and just have a normal conversation without ulterior motives. It feels...nice and he let’s himself slowly relax until he ends up tripping along the way and finds himself falling. 
That is until he makes an unprompted visit to see Diluc only to find that you’re there too. He takes one look at the scene and turns around. He remembers when they were younger and how people would say they were almost like twins, knowing each other’s thoughts and intentions without having to say a word to each other. 
He think’s its some cruel joke you’re playing or maybe the Gods are cursing him over his methods. As he walks down the streets of Mondstadt, he wants to rationalize that the only reason you were so kind to him was to get closer to Diluc. Or maybe you actually were a spy? He’ll laugh to himself for thinking of such a thing as he replays the same scene in his head over and over. 
Everyone's got a secret, but not everyone knows what to do with it, he had told you this with his usual arrogant smirk one night. You were confused at his implication before he shift’s his gaze to where Diluc is. Diluc quickly turns away when you turn your head in his direction. He watches amused as you sputter about how you do not need his help with setting you up with his brother. 
On the contrary, he actually enjoys putting people into the difficult position of making tough decisions. He won’t lie and say that he hasn’t given you false information just to see you come back embarrassed. In a way, these moments are a way for him to slowly let go of his feelings by helping you get yours across. 
Diluc is direct so he’s not surprised when his brother cut’s right to the point early in the morning and asking what he’s trying to do. As Diluc’s hard stare attempts to drill into him for answer’s he thinks back on that same scene. Diluc had looked calm and in a state of content. Peaceful happiness. It’s the same feeling he has when he’s with you. 
He thinks back to another scene. It was the first and only time Kaeya failed in his duty. By the time Kaeya finally reached Diluc, it was all already over. Their father was dead and killed by his own son. 
Kaeya’s own biological father had abandoned him and it was Diluc’s father and Mondstadt that had welcomed him with open arms when he had nowhere else to go. 
Kaeya just smiles at Diluc and remarks in his typical cryptic manner that there will be a time where he won’t know where to stand. He doesn’t know when that time will come but he’ll think of you and where he would want you to be. So until that day comes, he’ll do everything he can to guarantee your safety. He can tell Diluc wants to say something but he holds back. 
To be the first yet placed second, he thinks when you come running up to him to thank him for all his help. He can see Diluc off to the side silently watching and ready to step in and he thinks of the possibilities of what he could do in that moment. Maybe he could confess that he’s been secretly in love with you before you even met Diluc? 
Instead he holds back and repays the favour from earlier in the day. He congratulates you and invites you out to drink in celebration of your new relationship. 
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s1ut4harrypotter · 4 years
Boyish- Fred Weasley x Reader
Fred weasley x fem!reader
summary: you and Fred have been dating for about a year, but something in your 6th year feels different between you. 
a/n: surprise you get two fics in one day.
 this is based off Boyish by Japanese Breakfast. holy fuck that’s such a good song i don’t think i’ve stopped crying since I heard it. so naturally I wrote a fan fic about it. I will NOT tolerate any Angelina slander on this post, or anywhere on my page for that matter, holy shit she was my gay awakening (fictional character wise) but anyways I almost cried while writing this.
warnings: a whole lotta angst because it wouldn’t be one of my posts without it. not cheating or anything but fred wishing to be in a different relationship while you’re dating, just sad in general. sorta happy ending but not really
Lyrics in italics/bold
You and Fred had been dating for almost a year now. You loved him and it felt like he loved you back. It was your 6th year. Things felt different this year though, Fred felt more distant. It felt like you were falling deeper and deeper for him as he was getting further and further away.
Your boyish reassurance is not reassuring when I need it 
You didn’t know how to feel about it, but he still told you he loved you, so you figured you were just being insecure. His reassurance that he did love you, never felt true as you wanted, but ‘no matter’ you thought as you pushed it down. But as the months went on, it got to be a bigger problem. It felt like you and Fred never saw each other. Like anytime you were coming into the common room, he was leaving, and vice versa. You were getting fed up with never getting to see your boyfriend, so you decided to ask George what was up with him.
“Hey George! Can we talk for a second?” you said, as you finally caught George alone. 
“Hey Y/N/N! What’s up?”
You and George were close before you met Fred. Fred saw stepping foot in the library as the 8th deadly sin, but George occasionally found his way in there on quiet afternoons. You had clicked instantly, and when he introduced you to Fred, you were crushing pretty quickly. 
“I was wondering what’s been going on with Freddie lately? He feels so distant this year” you said sadly. 
“You know, I’m not sure darling, I think you should talk to him about it, I’ve noticed he is different this year too” he said, giving you a pat on the back before heading out of the common room. 
Unsatisfied with George’s answer, you decided to find Fred. You weren’t sure if you were just imagining it or not. You and Fred still did all the things couples would do, you held hands as you walked down the hall, sat next to each other at meals, and cuddled on the couch at night. But it didn’t feel like he was fully there anymore. At the start of your relationship, he was so warm and inviting, but now you didn’t feel only complete happiness when you were with him. You were upset, you wanted to know what you had done wrong, if anything, so you could fix it. 
And all of my devotion turns violent
You finally found Fred later that day, sitting in the Great Hall with George and Lee. 
“Hey Freddie. I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute?” you asked, timidly.
“Of course darling, here let’s go to the common room. I’ll see you later boys.”, he said leading you out of the great hall.
Once you got back you decided not to beat around the bush. 
“What’s been going on with you lately Fred? It feels like you’re miles away. Did I do something wrong?” you asked, wiggling your way out of your spot, he had you tucked into his side, but this was a conversation you needed to have face to face. 
“ Nothing is wrong Darling. You didn’t do anything wrong, I promise. I’ve just been feeling off for a bit, my love. Nothing to worry about.” he said with a smile that seemed genuine.
“I’m sorry Freddie, is it about what happened with your mom?” you asked, suddenly feeling bad for even thinking something was wrong.
Earlier that summer, Molly had confiscated their batch of joke products, and they were the only ones Fred and George had. They were devastated.
“Yeah, we just worked so hard to make them and for her to just take them was kind of disappointing.”. The lie slipped out easily, he never meant to lie to you, but he couldn’t tell you the truth.
In reality, Fred was fighting a battle in his head. At the end of last year, Fred was hopelessly- what he thought was- in love with you. But it turned out to just be infatuation on his part. He figured if he waited, he would fall in love with you for real. He did like you, he just didn’t like you the way you liked him. When they got back to school, his old school boy crush on Angelina Johnson came back and hit him like a ton of bricks. He was falling hard for Angelina, and you were stuck thinking he loved you just as much as you loved him. 
I want you and you want something more beautiful
You started noticing things, you’d be looking at Fred, and he’d be looking across the room at something. You quickly realized what that something was; Angelina Johnson. You always thought of her as the prettiest girl in your year. She was gorgeous, funny, athletic, and she just walked around like she was sure of herself. You weren’t best friends, merely acquaintances, but you had always respected her for the way she carried herself. She had the confidence you always wished you had. 
What do you want from me? If you don’t like how I look then leave
The day professor Mcgonnagal announced the Yule Ball you were excited. You were still, foolishly, holding onto hope for your relationship with Fred. You figured that the ball would be the little push he needed to realize he still liked you. But, as I said, it was foolish to hope.
I can’t get you off my mind. You can’t get yours off her 
(the lyric is hostess but i changed it to her for fic purposes)
Fred had decided he would try to push his attraction to Angelina down, he figured it would fade away if he paid it no attention. But the more he tried, the more he thought about her. He was constantly scolding himself for thinking of her, instead of his girlfriend, who was so in love with him. He thought he didn’t deserve you. He thought you were attractive for sure, and he liked your personality, but he couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if he were with her.
“Hey darling,” he said one night when you were alone in the common room.
“Yeah Freddie?” you replied.
“I know we’re dating already, but do you want to go to the ball with me?”
You giggled. “Of course I’ll go with you Freddles”
“Oh? Freddles is new”. He said poking you in the side.
The poking turned into a full on tickle war. Fred was laying half on top of you, tickling you mercilessly, and you were laughing to the point where you could barely breathe. It almost felt, to you, like it was back to normal. You had decided to just not notice his lingering stares at Angelina, and hold out hope that he really did love you like he said he did.
While it might have felt like it was back to normal, it was really just the calm before the storm.
The ball was finally here, you had gone out with Ginny and Hermione earlier that week to get dresses. Your dress was a gorgeous, floor length,  long sleeve, y/f/c dress. Ginny had done your hair for you, and you had a simple makeup look. Ever since you and Fred started dating, Ginny had started calling you her older sister.
“My sister is gorgeous!” she exclaimed, as she pushed the last bobby pin into your hair.
“Oh hush you! You’re going to be the prettiest girl at the ball Ginny, Neville is a lucky man.” you said, trying to hide your blush. You felt like a princess, you had really felt like things were turning around with you and Fred. You were hoping that tonight would be a good night.
You watched her lips reserving tables
You arrived at the top steps with Hermione. You both looked absolutely gorgeous, and you felt it too. George tapped Fred on the arm, and jerked his head in your direction. As he looked over to you, he felt his heart drop. You were breathtakingly gorgeous, but he just didn’t love you anymore. He felt like a foul git for leading you on for so long when he was in love with another girl. You were all the right things, you were a perfect girlfriend, but he just couldn’t love you the same way he loved Angelina. He had planned on breaking up with you sometime a few days after the ball. He was smart enough not to break it off before the ball, leaving you dateless and heartbroken. 
You both danced almost the whole night. It was one of the last few slow dances, and you had reached the end of your rope. From the outside, it looked like you and Fred were having the time of your lives. In actuality, you had spent the night watching your boyfriend stare longingly at another girl. 
As my ugly mouth kept running “love me, love me”
You were dancing to a muggle song, swaying back and forth.
“Why Fred? You snapped.
“Why what, my love?” Fred asked, confused.
“Why can’t you just love me?” you said, as tears began to cloud your vision.
Fred felt his heart drop for what felt like the millionth time that night. He thought he had been somewhat discreet with his watching of Angelina. You begged to differ.
“What do you mean darling?”. He really didn’t want to have this conversation yet. As much as he knew it was wrong, you were safe for Fred, if you had to have this conversation, it meant you were over. 
“Don’t play daft with me Fred, I’ve had enough of this. For months, I’ve watched you stare at her, I’ve watched you fall deeper in love with her, and further out of love with me. If you even loved me in the first place. I can’t do it anymore Fred. If you didn’t love me anymore, fine, but tell me. It’s been gut wrenching to know you don’t feel anything for me anymore.” you said. 
He was speechless. He didn’t know how to respond, he wanted to deny it, he wanted to tell you he did love you and that he didn’t love Angelina. He wanted to, but he couldn’t, because it wasn’t the truth. 
“Love me” you said, tears now freely falling down your face. “Love me” 
His heart broke at the sight of you, he did this. He made you cry like this, and there wasn’t anything he could do to fix it. 
“I’m sorry” was all he said, his voice cracking. That was all he could say? ‘I’m sorry’ wasn’t good enough. So there you left him, standing alone, with just a softly spoken “Goodbye Freddie” and a shake of your head.
After about two days, news had spread to pretty much the whole school that you and Fred had broken up. 
After 2 weeks, Fred and Angelina were together. Turns out she had always had a bit of a crush on him too. 
But you were stuck in the same place. You barely left your dorm, only for classes and occasionally the library, Hermione and Ginny would bring you food, so you could avoid Fred as much as possible. Ginny was furious with him, she didn’t talk to him for almost 2 full weeks. You felt as though you were moving in slow motion. The events from the yule ball played out in your mind every night in your dreams, you felt like you were cursed to relive those events nightly as everyone moved on around you. You were so hopelessly in love with Fred that the initial shock of the break up had you nearly incapacitated. Anytime you did see him, you quickly walked the other direction. 
After a month, you started feeling more human. You still felt empty inside sometimes, like there was something wrong with you, like there was something you could’ve done differently. You still broke down when you were alone, you sobbed and sobbed, you were a mess of a person. You’d gotten dark circles under your eyes, but as the days went on, it got easier. You started eating meals in the Great Hall again, you started doing things more with your friends, you started feeling more and more like yourself again. Fred may have broken you, but you pieced yourself back together, slowly but surely.
It did hurt to see Fred treating Angelina the same way he treated you at the beginning of your relationship, looking at her like she hung the moon and stars, like she was the only person in the room, but it was manageable. You knew that you and Fred were just not meant to be. 
You sat on the lawn one day, since you and Fred broke up, you had started journaling. It helped to get out all your thoughts on what happened. It was the early evening on a Saturday, the sun was setting, painting the sky with gorgeous shades of yellow, orange, pink, and blue. You could hear birds chirping in the trees around you. And right then, you knew you’d be ok.
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laviefantasie · 4 years
ALL I WANT - L. Patterson
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Pairings: Alive!Luke Patterson x Alive!Reader
Summary: After a whole year together, the last thing Luke expected to come out fo your mouth were those three little words that had the power to change everything in your relationship.
Song: All I Want by Olivia Rodrigo
“Lu...Luk... LUKE!”
The green-eyed boy is snapped out of his daze as Julie, his newly added bandmate, snaps her fingers in front of his face. Soon, the talented singer following your gaze to see Y/N.
It had been two months since you both had broken up, but apparently Luke hadn’t realized it had been an actual breakup until he saw you under the arms of Lacross star player, Ian Lancaster.
Nobody had known how the two of them had happened, but Y/N and Ian seemed really happy as you talked in the school’s hallway oblivious to the hurt look on Luke’s face.
“Luke, you can’t blame her for moving on” Julie whispers softly, “You didn’t see her when you and the guys left to find your sound. She was heartbroken”
The beanie-head boy stares at her friend with hurt on his green eyes before looking once again at his, apparently, ex-girlfriend. 
Y/N laughed at something the lacrosse player said before grabbing his hand to pull him with her down the hallway.
What had he done?
Both Luke and you were laying on the boy’s bed cuddling as he talked to you about the plans the band and him were making. After the unexpected leaving of Bobby from Sunset Curve, the three best friends were finding it hard to work again so they were adamant about finding their sound again.
Yet they knew something was missing.
“What about Julie?” 
Your words have Luke looking at you in confusion as you mention your best friend.
“What about her?”
“What about her? She can sing like an angel!” she exclaims with a smile, “I feel she would be perfect, you should think about it”
The boy looks at you weirdly before nodding with a sigh, he was willing to try anything as long as the band didn’t break up. He wasn’t ready to give up on his dream yet.
As the conversation about the band is over, Y/N turns on Luke’s computer to look for a musical on Netflix. Luke groaning as soon as he sees you click on High School Musical, him being a fan of music didn’t mean he was a fan of musicals.
But you loved them so he watched contently, not without groaning jokingly every time.
You’re halfway through the movie when Y/N pauses it turning unexpectely to the brunette making him stare at you in confusion. Before the boy can question what happened, Y/N blurts out three little words without thinking.
“I love you”
Luke finds himself staring at you from across the class you both share, his gaze staring intently at you as you write in your red-leather notebook. That notebook that you never let anyone but him read, your songbook.
Feeling his gaze on you, Y/N turns towards you with a frown on her face. Neither tearing off their gaze from one another. Y/N feeling her on-the-way healing heart  break a little as she sees the green eyes she hasn’t been able to forget.
Nevertheless, you weren’t about to let him pull you back to him. Not after what he had done. Though you did want an explanation, you weren’t sure you were ready to hear it.
Still, as you stared at him you couldn’t help but wish he’d just been able to handle the situation differently.
Y/N stared with wide eyes at Luke as he paced around his room anxiously. As soon as you had uttered those three words the boy had leaped off of his bed and had started pacing.
His eyes were wide with confusion and fear as he stared at you from his nervous walking. You didn’t dare utter another word afraid to say something that would make him run out of the room.
Finally stopping his facing, Luke faces you once again looking at you with an unreadable look on his face. The words he lets out are enough to break you apart.
“We need to break up”
The ringing of the bell is enough to snap you out of your daze, making you rapidly pick up your stuff to get out of the room where Ian awaits you with a big smile.
You feel the relief flood through you as he grounds you once again. Ian is the one person who had made you see your true potential in the music industry after he heard you sing while also being the only one that had been able to ground you back to the real world and step back up, leaving Luke behind.
You both had started seeing each other after Luke had fleed Los Angeles with Reggie and Alex to find their sound again, leaving you behind without even a goodbye.
Ian had met you when you both had bumped into one another as you skated alongside Willie -Alex’s boyfriend and a good friend of yours- at the skating rink. Neither of you expected to become friends and much less something else since he was a senior like Luke and you were a junior. 
But you had been surprised as he asked you out, happily accepting and allowing him to hold your hand as you got out of the dark place Luke had left you in.
Seeing him waiting for you out of your class brought a smile to your face as you ran to hug him, ignorant to Luke’s sad stare at your back.
With a sigh, the Patterson boy heads to the cafeteria going straight to sit with his bandmates as soon as he gets his food. Julie, Reggie, Alex, and Flynn already there chatting happily with one another.
“Hey Luke” says Reggie happily.
The boy is about to reply when the bassist cuts him off, “Y/N!”
Everyone turns to stare at the h/c beauty that enters the cafeteria with Ian’s arm around her shoulder. Her e/c eyes find Reggie’s and a small soon breaks out of her face, her feet soon carrying her to the table they reside.
Ian stares at you in confusion as he sees you get out of his grip and run towards the table her former boyfriend sits at.
“Reggie” you say happily before smiling at everyone else at the table “Hi guys”
All of them greet you excitedly, Luke smiling happily your way hoping you’d stay there with you like the old time. Maybe that way he could fix what he had broken.
Julie was about to invite you to sit down when Ian appears by your side leaving a sweet kiss on your cheek, erasing Luke’s smile completely. Flynn and Julie turn to one another sharing a worried glance before staring at Luke, Alex and Reggie already looking at their friend in worry.
Said boy, though, keeps his gaze on his food. His hands resting on either side of his tray gripping it tightly to stop himself from lashing out, knowing he had no right to do anything.
As soon as you left Luke’s house, the boy had run out of his house running towards Reggie’s house after shooting a quick text to the band’s group chat asking to meet there.
Both Alex and Reggie are waiting for him when he comes running through the door with tears running down his red cheeks. His best friends jumping out of their sits to go to his side in worry. 
“Luke” calls Reggie out softly “What happened?”
That is all it takes for the boy to break down, falling to the floor as sobs wreck through his body. The events that had just happened finally catching up to him, letting him know the gravity of them.
“Luke. buddy, you’re scaring us” states Alex with wide eyes, “What happened?”
The boy sobs louder, Y/N’s words repeating over and over in his head and the ones he blurted out in his panic state. How could he have said that to you? He had meant to say it back.
“I meant to say it” he whispers “I-I meant say i-it back. I me-meant to say it”
Alex and Reggie share a worried glance before hugging Luke from each of his sides making sure the boy knows he’s not alone. 
Sometime later the boy would finally calm down enough to explain softly how he had broken the best thing he had ever had. Both reassuring him that he just needed to talk to you.
But he didn’t.
Instead that night, the three of them started planning their plans to head out to look for their band’s missing sound. Not knowing how different things would be once they came back.
“Should we go eat, babe?”
You stare at your best friends with doubt, wanting more than anything to sit down with them and catch up, but as you stare at the way Luke grips his tray and avoids your gaze you know it is better if you don’t.
“Yeah... Sure, let’s go” you smile at your friends “See you later, guys”
Walking towards the table where all the Dirty Candy members and the Lacrosse team players sit at, you can’t help but turn once again to stare longingly at the table where the best people you had ever met sat.
Although, as you and Carrie talked about the new song you were writing happily you couldn’t help but think that not everything was so bad.
“You should definitely sign up for the talent show” Carrie mentions with a sweet smile “Your voice is amazing, people should definitely hear it”
The strawberry blonde shows you the pamphlet with the information and you can’t help but stared at it in wonder. Were you ready to sing in front of a crowd about your most vulnerable feelings?
You give the pamphlet back to the leader to Dirty Candy with a small smile, “I haven’t even finished the song”
Julie opened the door to find you crying on her porch, she barely had time lo look at you before you jumped into her arms. Sobs coming out of your small figure.
Confused, the hispanic girl hugs you back trying to soothe you. She grows more worried with every sob and she can’t help but wonder what happened, the last message you had sent her was before you left your home to go to Luke’s house.
“Y/N/N, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?”
You sob louder, “H-he brok-broke up wi-with me”
That’s all Julie needed to hear to pull you up to her room and call Flynn. Both girls staying by your side all night watching sad movies and cursing Luke when you couldn’t hear them.
The latina nearly going over to knock some sense into him when two months later, just before school started, Luke sent her a text inviting her to join the band. Only agreeing once Y/N basically begged her to and once the boys agreed it was her band now.
Though it was pretty obvious after the first band practice that the brunette boy wasn’t over you, asking Julie about you every chance he got. Julie’s weak romantic heart giving in to his puppy-eye look and finding it in herself forgiving him for hurting you.
And, low key, wanting you both to talk it out and fix it.
Though after you told her happily about Ian it was obvious it was not happening, and even though she tried the hispanic didn’t feel like that was the right thing. But she was happy as long as you were happy.
You stared in disbelief at the scene in front of you. Ian repeating the same words he had once said to you to another girl at the skating rink. You were pretty sure he hadn’t seen you yet, but that didn’t stop you from waking over to him and landing a good punch to his nose.
Both of you groaning in pain after the collision, your e/c eyes staring at your red looking hand with a grimace.
“We’re done” You spat through gritted teeth before turning around to go back home.
The tears making an appearance as soon as you know you’re far enough. How could this be happening again? Ian had been so perfect, yet turned out to be nothing but a liar. And Luke? He had left you as soon as you had figured out the depth of your feelings.
All you wanted was love, real love that lasted, why couldn’t you find a good guy? Was something wrong with you that every time you thought you had it, it left?
Why couldn’t everything just be like those musicals you loved were the perfect boy came to you? 
You arrive home muttering a weak greeting to your family before going to lock yourself up in your room, instantly being met by the hundreds of photos of you and Luke that you still hadn’t been able to take off your walls.
With a sigh, you throw yourself to your bed, tired to keep on crying for the heartbreak you were once again feeling.
Your gaze finds your red-leather songbook, sighing before grabbing it and sitting up. Opening the notebook on the recent son you were writing you head to your keyboard, sitting down ready to blurt out your feelings.
Julie, Flynn, and Carrie stood by your sides at the talent show with excited smiles adorning their beautiful faces. Neither could believe you were actually about to sing.
Dirty Candy and Julie and the Phantoms already having performed meant the girls were glued to your sides waiting anxiously for your turn to get on stage.
You turn your stare towards the crowd, instantly finding Luke and the boys looking at the ongoing acts. Your nerves coming back as soon as you realized you were next.
“I can’t” you whisper “I can’t do this, not with everyone watching. Not with him watching”
Your three friends instantly catch up to what you mean, Julie taking her job as your best friend and putting her hands over your shoulders as she stared at you with determination in her brown eyes.
“Yes, you can. This is for you, not for either of them” She reminds you “You. Can. Do. This”
Your gaze finds your other two friends who look at you with beaming smiles, giving you the confidence you need to get on stage as soon as your name is called.
You see the grand piano in the middle of the stage and walk slowly towards it, everyone’s eyes glued to your figure.
Two more classmates join you, one with a violin and another with a cello, but they stayed out of the main view making it known that this was your presentation. With a nervous breath, your hands graze the piano keys before looking towards the crowd.
Your gaze catches Ian’s frown and Luke’s confused yet happy smile.
Closing your eyes you let Julie’s words rang through your ears. This was your moment, this was for you.
Your fingers starts playing the chord for the intro, your eyes finding Ian’s as you starts singing the first verse. Memories of his time with you coming to your mind as you wonder if any of it was actually real.
“I found a guy, told me I was a star He held the door held my hand in the dark And he's perfect on paper but he's lying to my face Does he think that I'm the kinda girl who needs to be saved”
With hesitation, your e/c find Luke’s green eyes. He looking at you in awe as you sing your heart out. Singing everything you’ve been feeling since the moment he left you.
“And there's one more boy, he's from my past We fell in love but it didn't last 'Cause the second I figure it out he pushes me away And I won't fight for love if you won't meet me halfway And I say that I'm through but this song's still for you”
The tears threaten to fall down your face as all your insecurities come crushing back. Memories of all the nights after Luke left that you spent in your bed crying youself to sleep wondering why you hadn’t been enough for him.
“All I want is love that lasts Is all I want too much to ask Is it something wrong with me All I want is a good guy Are my expectations far too high Try my best but what can I say All I have is myself at the end of the day But shouldn't that be enough for me Ooh ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh”
Tears start falling down your cheeks as you let yourself be vulnerable. Your feelings out in the open for everyone to see as you crave for a love that’ll finally not hurt you.
“And I miss the days When I was young and naive I thought the perfect guy would come and find me Now happy ever after it don't come so easily”
Your voice grows stronger as you come back to the chorus, your eyes finding your friends’ in the crowds, all staring at you with proud smiles.
Luke, though, he is amazed by you. By your talent and your passion. Just when he thought you couldn’t be more perfect there you were proving him wrong.
Sadly, the fact that you were in so much pain -thanks to him- made his eyes fill up with tears. Falling before he can realize he is crying.
“All I want is love that lasts Is all I want too much to ask Is it something wrong with me, oh All I want is a good guy Are my expectations far too high Try my best but what can I say”
Your voice becomes softer as does your playing, the outro of the song being played by just you, the voilin and the cello falling silent as you finished the song.
“All I have is myself at the end of the day And all I want is for that to be okay”
Your gaze catches Luke throught the standing ovation, both with your eyes filled with tears, before you take a bow and proceed to get off the stage feeling yourself unable to breathe if you stayed there longer.
You had done it, the weight off your shoulder finally being lifted as you let everything you had bottled up down.
A smile crepts up your face as tears of relief fall once again down your face.
It was over.
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kaistarus · 4 years
Just A Line Without A Hook
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Pairing: Hinata X Reader
Words: 5.9K
Summary: You and Hinata share your point-of-views during important milestones throughout your relationship.
A/N: This is a full relationship development and I’m very proud lol hopefully you can find some joy in it :3
Masterlist // Ko-Fi
Hinata was weird.
That lurked in your mind as you leaned on a conspicuously sticky bar table listening to him tell you his entire life’s story. Your original intent for the night had been to quickly pop into Yachi’s birthday party since you worked at the butt crack of dawn. Give her the present and maybe have a drink. Whatever you did it was meant to be fast.
Too bad you had never been good at sticking to plans.
“I moved to Brazil right after high school to learn beach volleyball,” Hinata said, his smile soft as he looked longingly in the distance. “But I didn’t explore as much as I should have. I really want to go back.”
“Out of high school?” You cocked your head to the side, “that’s wild. I moved to Tokyo and still felt completely out of place.”
“Well, it didn’t go too hot at first.” He scratched his cheek. “I actually got my wallet stolen my first week there…”
You fought to keep lips from pulling into a smile.
There was something in the carefree way he carried himself that made it hard to turn away. The moment Yachi introduced you there was an odd sense of comfort that washed over you. Which made no sense because you had known absolutely nothing about the guy-aside from him being a professional volleyball player and attending high school with Yachi.
Still, it was no reason to let your guard down.
“Sounds like they took advantage of the clueless foreigner,” you teased, curious butterflies tickling your abdomen when he pouted. “I’ve always thought Italy looked cool. If I could travel somewhere.”
Hinata’s lips mindlessly curved into a relaxed smile as you spoke, as if that was their default expression when not preoccupied. And it made conversation with him easy. It dissipated your usual anxieties about overthinking every action or word. You truly felt like you could be yourself and just exist within his presence.
“I have a friend in Italy!” Hinata said, elation lighting up his amber eyes. He began drawing circles in the condensation of his glass with an awkward laugh. “I think anyway. He travels all over the place, but he was in Italy last I knew.”
“That’s so cool,” your jaw went a little slack. You didn’t know people actually did stuff like that.
“Yeah Noya’s the best,” Hinata nodded resolutely. “He visited me for a while in Brazil. I taught him some Portugese and we played beach volleyball. He was so jealous everyone called me Ninja Shoyo. It was awesome.”
Hinata could speak Portugese? Ninja Shoyo?
So many questions…
“What’s a Ninja Sho-” You began until your phone lit up after receiving a message and you realized just how late it was. “Oh my god, I have to go.”
“Wait,” Hinata interrupted you mid-frantic scrabble to zip your jacket. You furrowed your brow at the smartphone he placed unlocked on the table between you. “Could I-uh-you know… talk to you again sometime?”
You blinked a few times before swiping the device off the bar’s gross table. “Yeah,” you said, a warmth you didn’t recognize filling your chest as you created your contact. “I’d like that.”
An absentminded smile painted Hinata’s face after you waved good-bye and when you stepped outside beneath the light snowfall you realized your lips were curved to match. But there was still too wide a gap between how little you knew about Hinata and how much you desired to be close to him. That new part of you burned too bright in your chest to be ignored.
And you would simply have to change that.
Hinata huddled in the corner of the gymnasium over his duffle bag, staring at his cellphone in case he received a last second message. His eyes flickered between the ticking clock above the bleachers and his phone’s black screen, stomach sinking as the seconds passed. He anxiously unlocked his phone to scroll through and analyze his last conversation.
Had he said something wrong? He supposed he’d never actively tried to flirt before, so it wasn’t unlikely he offended you somehow. He furrowed his brow and chewed on his thumbnail, rereading his last message. Maybe he overdid it with the emojis?
Wait, were you at work? You could also just be busy. Maybe he was just overthinking everything…
“Why are you crouched in the corner like a creep?” Atsumu crept up behind him, eyeing him suspiciously.
Hinata jumped, shoving his phone back into his duffle bag. “Nothing.”
“Bull shit. You’ve been acting off for weeks,” Atsumu squatted to Hinata’s eye-level and leaned forward with a sly grin. “Someone’s keeping secrets.”
A warmth rushed to Hinata’s face. He was a terrible liar if questioned directly. “I wouldn’t keep secrets from you guys. I mean, we’re practically family now.” he chuckled unconvincingly.
“Right,” Atsumu gave him a once-over before standing. Hinata let out a relieved sigh that he’d been spared for now.
“What’s happening over here?” Bakuto boisterously called out while skipping over to the boys. Sakusa trailed behind him with his hands shoved deep into his sweatpant’s pockets.
“Hinata’s lying out his ass.”
Hinata whipped around toward Atsumu with his jaw slack. The audacity of this guy. “I am not!”
“The guy’s zoning out at practice, making heart eyes at his phone, and fucking notre daming over his duffle?” Atsume raised his brows at Hinata. “Either he’s getting scouted for a different team or he’s dating someone.”
“You’re leaving the team?” Sakusa asked monotone, as if he couldn’t care either way. If Hinata wasn’t used to the constant monotone he’d be offended.
“No,” he denied, qualming Bokuto’s prepared puppy-dog eyes. “And I’m not dating anyone.”
Which wasn’t a lie. You were nothing more than a friend at this point. Even if his heart ignited a flame anytime your name crossed his mind.
“A crush then,” Atsumu waved him off. “Either way a massive Hinata life development you lied to us about.”
“I didn’t lie, I just,” Hinata wrinkled his nose while thinking of ways out of the predicament. “I think Shugo is calling to start practice. We should probably-”
“You’ve got a crush?” Bokuto’s eyes appeared to sparkle when he flung an arm around Hinata’s shoulder. “Who is it? Do we know them? You don’t need to sweat Hinata I’m an excellent wingman.”
Hinata waved his hands in front of him. “You don’t know them and it’s okay. You really don’t have to-”
“Oh, don’t be so considerate. We’re offering our services Hinata.” Atsumu said smugly while Bokuto nodded excitedly.
Hinata forced a half-smile. This had been exactly what he wanted to avoid. If his feelings were just a measly crush he would have gladly brought them up to the guys, but they were way more extreme then that.
“I’m not offering anything,” Sakusa raised his brows slightly in Hinata’s direction before walking off. “Good luck.”
“Buzz kill.” Atsumu pouted.
“Look, this is more complicated than you guys realize,” Hinata brushed Bokuto’s arm off his shoulders. “I can’t really explain it, but I don’t think you guys can help me.”
“Hinata, it’s okay. We all have our faults. Some more than others, but we’re here for you.” Atsumu patted his shoulder understandably and Hinata shot him a glare.
“Akaashi always tells me to ‘just be yourself’.” Bokuto nodded proudly, clasping his fist with determination. “Then you’ll attract the people who are meant to be in your life.”
Hinata blinked a few times. That… was really good advice.
“That’s stupid,” Atsumu scoffed. “You gotta stalk them on all social media. Analyze their personality and figure out exactly what they're into. Learn their ins and outs and become their type.”
That… was the dumbest thing he had ever heard.
“I don’t know Atsumu, that sounds kind of wrong,” Bokuto tapped his chin and Atsumu pinched the bridge of his nose, sighed deeply.
“Okay, but numbers don’t lie and I have the highest success rate.”
Bokuto and Hinata tilted their heads mulling that one over. No. It still seemed dumb.
Hinata zoned off as Bokuto and Atsumu began debating the morals of online stalking and the value of Akaashi’s opinions. He already knew that if he wanted real help picking apart the fire in his chest he’d have to talk to someone who’d take him seriously like Yamaguchi. Then he’d actually get to dissect the confusing emotions in his heart-look at them from all angles.
Learn to understand them and tend to them properly. Help them grow.
He watched Atsumu chase a cackling Bokuto around the gym until their captain Shugo scolded them. Hinata smirked. Even if they weren’t the most helpful he still appreciated knowing he had people willing to help him... in their own way.
You and Hinata spent the majority of your free time together, but even after several months it was nothing more than two friends placing comfort in each other’s company. Most Thursdays it was normal to find Hinata lounging on your living room sofa. He watched some volleyball commentary video on his cellphone, legs propped lazily on the armrest, while you answered work emails at your coffee table.
On a normal Thursday night you would continue whatever show you’d been watching-currently Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood-but tonight you were stuck finishing last minute work. You heaved a sigh and glanced over your shoulder at Hinata, his breathing relaxed while his eyes flickered across his phone’s screen.
You weren’t oblivious to your feelings. Maybe at first you were able to brush them off as excitement about a new friend, but they had shifted into something intense. Always festering in the forefront of your mind throughout your daily routine.
It became obvious when you noticed you spent more time counting the freckles scattered across the bridge of his nose than focusing on conversations. When you realized you spent more time at work trying to pin-point the exact shade to call his hair than getting actual work done. Even more so when your heart would do acrobatics at the sound of his voice whenever you talked on the phone.
No matter how you looked at it, it became impossible to deny.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You looked back again and Hinata’s eyebrows were furrowed with concern, his earbuds pulled out and phone placed on his stomach. 
“Yeah,” you half-smiled and he raised his brows to show he clearly didn’t believe you. You let out a breathy laugh, breaking the eye-contact to lean back against the couch and place your head on his bicep. “I’m just thinking.”
“Don’t hurt yourself,” he teased, a hand gently placed on the crown of your head.
“Shut up,” you said with no bite behind your words.
He snorted, rubbing his thumb against the top of your head. “...what if I was also thinking?”
“That’s probably more dangerous than me thinking,” you laughed, rubbing your socked toes together with a soft smile. When he didn’t respond you twisted around to check on him, but he wouldn’t meet your eyes. “Hinata?”
You gripped the couch cushion for support as you leaned in slightly. There was no way for you to be sure, but you could have sworn Hinata was blushing.
“What were you thinking about?” You questioned. Your heart was beating a million times a second in your chest and there was something akin to hope burning beside it.
Hinata looked in your eyes challengingly, “what were you thinking about?”
He seemed taken aback by your bluntness, but brushed it off quickly. “I want to kiss you.”
Your eyes widened. It felt like all the air had been sucked from the room as you stared into his hopeful amber eyes.
“Well, do it then.” You responded, barely above a whisper. Hinata took a while to process, but once he had his face lit up crimson.
His hand cradled the side of your face and you watched him carefully, allowing him to make the moves. You kept your mind blank so as not to overthink the situation, but you hoped at least one brain cell was functioning enough to get you through it.
The kiss Hinata pressed against your lips was a little too hesitant, too off-center, and too brief. Yet the beaming smile he gave you afterward sent your heart into a frenzy unlike anything you’d ever experienced. The dopey smile on your lips felt too embarrassing and you buried your face against Hinata’s chest.
After a little coaxing with promises of television and snacks you peeked back up, happily met with Hinata’s dazed smile. The rest of the night was spent wrapped in each other’s arms and supplying random kisses because ‘they definitely needed practice’; ending with Hinata falling asleep in your bed for the first, but definitely not last, time.
Hinata hated being sick.
He hated fighting through a thick fog to collect words when stringing together sentences was usually effortless. He hated the pounding headaches following any light reaching his unfocused eyes. And Hinata especially hated his fit lungs struggling through breaths that came out raspy and weak through his aching throat.
Nothing good came from being sick. It was a lesson he learned long ago.
“You need to sleep,” you whispered against the crown of his head, your fingers carding gently through his sweaty locks. He nuzzled the tip of his nose against the cool skin at your collarbone while gripping your shirt at your shoulder.
Unfortunately, you were making it really hard for him to hate anything anymore.
“You’re going to get sick,” he pointed out, voice scratchy from his throat’s soreness.
You hummed dismissively, planting a small kiss on the top of his head. “My immune system’s pretty strong.”
Hinata knew it didn’t work that way, but was too selfish to argue your flawed logic. The bare skin of your neck helped chill his overheated forehead and he cuddled ever closer into you, twining your legs together. He wrinkled his nose when he realized how gross his fever was probably making him.
He’d have to wash your sheets and stuff when he was feeling better.
“I wish I could kiss you,” he pouted.
“That one’s gonna have to wait,” you chuckled lightly, beginning to rub soothing circles into his lower back. The vibrations from your voice sent a pleasant shiver down Hinata’s spine and the corners of his lips lifted. “You know, you’ll get better faster if you sleep.”
“But I wanna stay awake with you,” Hinata whined, lazily beginning to trace designs on your shoulder. The world was so cruel.
“I’ll be here when you wake up,” you said, barely above a whisper. Hinata grumbled a nonsense of a response and you chuckled lightly. You fell silent for a long enough period that Hinata began believing you fell asleep before him until you asked, “can I tell you a secret?”
“Yeah,” Hinata yawned, snuggling against your chest. “I love secrets.”
Silence enveloped his apartment again and Hinata almost dozed off.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
He blinked himself back to consciousness while the words rolled over in his mind. He froze. The fast paced rhythm of your heart was the only source available to keep him grounded as his foggy brain worked to unpack your words.
He glanced up to meet your nervous eyes paired with flushed cheeks. He stared in disbelief while you continued to patiently wait for his reaction. This better not be some sort of fever induced hallucination.
“No one’s ever said that to me before,” he said, eyebrows creased. Aside from his mom and Natsu, obviously, but he figured you’d know what he meant.
The corner of your mouth lifted into a hopeful half-smile. “Well, I’m honored.” Your touch was gentle as you brushed the hair back from his forehead. He subconsciously leaned into your touch with a wondrous stare and his eyes scoured your face for his answer.
Except you were the answer.
“I’ve never been in love before, but…” He struggled for the right words-any words-settling on what he could piece together at the moment. “I feel like things are better when you’re here. Like, I can do anything I hope to and more. I just feel happier when I’m with you and it’s easier and everything makes sense…” He wrinkled his nose. “Is… is that love?”
You cradled his fevered cheeks tenderly. “I think that’s for you to decide Hinata.”
He nodded to himself. “Okay,” he said determinedly. “Then yeah. It is, I love you, (Y/N).”
“I’m glad,” you smiled, looking at him with an affectionate stare that set his heart ablaze. He took a deep breath before disappointedly letting his forehead drop to your chest.
“Fuck, I want to kiss you so bad.”
You let out a bubble of laughter, rubbing your thumbs tenderly against his cheeks. “We’ll make up for it plenty when you’re feeling better.”
He tried to hold back a smirk, but failed. “Fine.”
“Now go to sleep,” You ordered, planting a quick peck to the top of his head.
He grumbled half-assed as he situated himself more comfortably, but Hinata was all talk at this point. His eyelids were heavy with sleep and his heart hummed with contentment. He was in love. A smile dusted his lips as he began drifting off.
Maybe being sick wasn’t so bad after all.
You narrowed your eyes suspiciously at your boyfriend across the couch chowing down on take-out sushi. Hinata’s eyes were glued to the television’s screen, his hand alternating between shoveling food into his mouth and rubbing mindless circles on your shin across his lap. Things were comfortable, easy, perfect some might even say.
Too perfect.
“Why aren’t we fighting?”
Hinata turned, cheeks stuffed with food and eyebrows raised with surprise. Under normal circumstances you’d consider it adorable, but you wanted to be serious.
He swallowed with a wince before raising an eyebrow. “Did something happen?”
“No, but we’ve been dating for a while and we haven’t had the big fight.”
“We fight all the time,” he placed his plate on the coffee table with a roll of his eyes. You huffed because he clearly wasn’t on the same page. “Just yesterday I was pissed because you left an empty container of milk in my fridge.”
“It wasn’t empty.”
“There was a dribble. That’s not enough for-” He put up a hand and took a breath. “Not the point. Point is: we fought right?”
“That was hardly a discussion.” You waved him off. He had angrily brought it up, you kissed him sorry, and he forgave you. Hinata didn’t know how to hold a grudge and all you had to do was buy him more milk.
“Okay, a few weeks ago then. You fell in the toilet because I forgot to put the seat down.” He nodded confidently. “You woke me up in the middle of the night for that one.”
You shuddered at the memory of being shocked into full consciousness by falling into a pool of your own piss. In your shocked state you may have chosen violence and decided to pick a fight with Hinata at three in the morning, but it was well deserved.
“Okay, but that’s not what I mean.”
“Are you sure?” He raised a brow. “Waking up with my girlfriend on top of me and slowly realizing she’s threatening to end my bloodline kind of feels like a fight.”
“Okay, that’s-” You pinched the bridge of your nose and ignored his amused smirk. “I’m talking about relationship ruining fights.”
He tilted his head, clearly not following you.
“Like, you insult me using some secret I’ve only divulged to you and I leave crying with no self-esteem.” You explained with exaggerated hand gestures and his nose wrinkled. “Or I walk in on you having an explicit affair with Kageyama, or maybe you get drunk and I over hear you talking with-”
He put both his hands up, “back it up. What the hell was that last one?”
“An explicit affair?” You blinked a few times and cocked your head to the side. “With… Kageyama?”
“Yeah that’s what I-we’re gonna unpack that later.” He palmed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Anyway, why would any of this happen?”
“Because that’s what always happens.” You answered honestly. Maybe you sounded like a pessimist, but that was just the reality of the world. At least, you had never seen it work any other way. “So just… tell me how it’s going to happen.”
Hinata looked crestfallen at your statement and the dejected look in his eyes made your heart sink to your stomach. You closed your eyes, waiting for him to question your sanity, but was taken back when he crawled forward to rest his head on your chest.
“If I ever hurt you like that,” he mouthed against your collarbone. “I would never forgive myself.”
Your heart raced and you brought a hand to card through his unruly locks, nodding to acknowledge his words.
“Don’t overthink,” he said, kissing your neck softly. “If we’re good then we’re good. Maybe that’s just how it’s meant to be.”
Your lips curved into a small smile and you nodded again. You let yourselves just exist with him for a while. Heart’s beating in unison while you twirled tufts of autumn through your fingers. His lips dusting across your neck as he whispered loving affirmations against you. And maybe he was right.
Maybe it was just meant to be.
Hinata moved expertly around his kitchen preparing breakfast, sneaking glancing at you perched drowsily beside the stove adorning one of his larger shirts. Obviously it wasn’t the first time he’d seen you like that-hair mussed, eyes heavy with sleep, in only his clothes-but it still warmed his heart when you existed so casually in space. Like you belonged there.
His lips curved into a smile as he cracked several eggs into a heated frying pan. The dull thudding of your heels hitting a cupboard mixed with the sizzling on the pan for the background of your comfortable silence. Even without conversation his life felt brighter in your presence and he was thankful his apartment was such a convenient location for the both of you.
You yawned deeply, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and finally focusing on him. Hinata selfishly wished you could be with him more often. The days he woke up without you were the coldest.
“What are you staring at?” You slurred with another yawn.
Hinata shot you a lopsided grin, “my beautiful girlfriend.”
You side-eyed him with an amused smirk, “kiss ass.”
Hinata slid the eggs onto a couple plates before going to stand in front of you. You raised a curious brow, but weren’t given enough time to voice a question before he pressed his lips to yours. His mouth curved into a smile against yours-another reason he loved you being here so often was it meant more of this.
Your hands cradled his face as he appreciated that you still tasted like mint from his borrowed toothpaste this morning. Another subtle way he’d nudged himself into your life he realized, toying with the bottom of his shirt you were wearing.
“What’s this for?” You asked, sliding your hands over his shoulders and hooking them behind his neck.
“I just love you,” he replied earnestly. Your fingers laid a scorching touch as they teased the baby hairs on his neck, sending a shiver down his spine. Hinata took his time with languid kisses-he could kiss you a million times and the hunger for more would always linger.
Your breaths were heavy when you pulled back to place your forehead against his, eyeing him with pure affection that set his heart ablaze. “I love you too, Shoyo.”
He trailed his knuckles down your cheek and relished in the way you leaned into his touch. How had he gotten this luck? Hinata placed a tender kiss on your forehead, temple, cheekbone, tip of your nose, and finally on your lips.
“You should move in.”
Hinata’s eyes widened in shock at his own question because that had been the last thing he’d planned on doing this morning. Well, the suggestion was out there and it’s not like he wanted to take it back...
You blinked several times as you processed. “With you?”
You furrowed your brow while mulling it over and Hinata counted his heartbeats to stay grounded. Worst case scenario you say no and things are awkward for a bit. Best case scenario he takes a large step forward with the love of his life.
Oh god, he should’ve planned this better.
“I understand,” Hinata sighed. “It was totally random and I shouldn’t have expected-did you say yes?”
“Yeah,” your cheeks flushed and you bit your bottom lip to fight down a smile. “I mean, I’m here most of the time anyway, right?”
Hinata nodded mindlessly before a face splitting grin covered his features and he scooped you off the corner. You squealed while he spun you around with a bright laugh, interrupting any of your comments with a passionate kiss. While you were busy tangling your fingers into his unruly hair he glanced toward his bedroom’s door.
There was probably enough time to celebrate.
“She’s beautiful,” you said in awe, cradling the swaddled newborn in your arms. She was sleeping soundly, tiny breaths leaving her partly open mouth. The baby looked too fragile for this world, features too small and delicate to be realistic.
She was amazing.
“Well, she’s our daughter,” Tanaka’s chest puffed up proudly. He sat beside Shimizu on her hospital bed with an arm hung loosely around her. “Obviously she’s going to be perfect.”
You wouldn’t fight his dramatics; he deserved to be happy today.
“What’s her name?” Hinata breathed. Seated beside you he leaned heavily against your side to observe the baby.
“Sayori,” Shimizu yawned. She and Tanaka had deep bruises under their eyes, and you smirked knowingly down at the sleeping demon in disguise.
Hinata hesitantly moved his hand toward Sayori before planting it back on his lap. You raised a brow, reaching over with the hand not helping cradle Sayori’s head and grabbed his forefinger. Hinata looked at you panicked, but relaxed as you guided him toward Sayori’s small fist that pressed gently against her pink cheeks.
When she instinctively wrapped her fingers around his forefinger his eyes widened and he whipped his gaze to you. “She grabbed my finger,” he whispered.
“They do that,” you smirked, a frenzy of butterflies attacking your stomach as he stared at Sayori wondrously.
“That’s amazing.”
“Okay, stop using my kid as a way to feed your baby fever.” Tanaka huffed. Shimizu elbowed him in the stomach and a warmth trickled up your face when his words hit you.
“What’s a baby fever?” Hinata asked, raising an eyebrow at you. “Is it dangerous?”
“No,” you stumbled over a reply that wouldn’t make the situation incredibly awkward. “It’s when you, uh, want kids.”
“Oh,” Hinata shrugged, bouncing his finger to play with Sayori’s hand. “What’s wrong with eventually wanting kids?”
“That’s not-”
“No, it means you want a kid now.” Tanaka emphasized by smacking the hospital bed. “Like, go home immediately and make a baby level now.”
Hinata blinked a few times before his face lit up red, “oh.”
You nodded awkwardly and both of you remained quiet while Shimizu chastised Tanaka in the background. One of you should probably deny the baby fever thing… right? You glanced over to Hinata, but his eyebrows were furrowed as he stared intently at Sayori.
“Okay, Sayori needs to eat soon, so I’m kicking Hinata out.” Tanaka announced.
Hinata didn’t put up any fights and you passed Sayori back to Shimizu, making plans to see each other again soon. You offered your services for future babysitting with Hinata’s vigorous agreeing behind you and they were more than grateful for it. Regardless Tanaka shooed you out when Sayori began wriggling in Shimizu’s arms.
As you and Hinata made your way to the metro that would bring you to your apartment complex the air between you was heavy. An obvious awkwardness that was harder to ignore the longer you walked together.
“I’m not surprised their baby ended up looking so cute,” you laughed, filling the space with nervous chatter. “Shimizu is really pretty.”
He nodded, looking up at the cloudless sky thoughtfully. “Do you think our baby would be cute?”
Your heart rate quickened at the idea. It wasn’t like you’d never thought of it, but talking about it outloud was a completely different monster. “I think it would have pretty great genes.”
He nodded, furrowing his brow at the sidewalk ahead.
Hinata wasn’t an idiot. Neither of you were ready for something like that. Several nights ago you’d decided to get drunk and attempt making meat buns-you’d nearly set the kitchen on fire. That doesn’t scream parent material.
On a larger scale, Hinata had just been selected for Japan’s Olympic team. There just wasn’t time for something like that. No, a baby wasn’t realistic.
“What’s our apartment’s pet policy?”
He turned to you with a raised brow, “probably an extra fee and a weight limit. Why?”
You smirked mischievously at him, “want to get a dog?”
His jaw dropped. “Oh my fu-can I name it?”
“Only if I get to pick the breed.”
“Well then, what are you waiting for?” Hinata grasped your hand and yanked you toward the closest metro station. “Look up the closest pet store and let’s go!”
You chuckled, allowing him to pull you toward a random station that probably wouldn’t lead you where you needed. It would work out in the end. Things always seemed to fall perfectly into place with HInata.
Hinata glared across the roll of wrapping paper at the small puppy crushing the end of the tube, tearing edges of red and white striped paper with its sharp teeth. Hinata tugged it out of the pup’s mouth, but that only encouraged the behavior as it leapt forward to chew with more vigor.
“Can you grab your son?” Hinata waved the roll around, letting the Shiba Inu chase the end that Hinata held just out of reach. “He’s making this more difficult than it needs to be.”
You paused your typing at the dining table and giggled at Hinata’s antics. After closing the laptop you jogged over to scoop the puppy up, flipping him over in your arms to rub its belly. The puppy let its tongue hang out and wagged its tail vigorously at the attention.
“Oh, Deku, are you giving your dad a hard time,” you cooed down at the puppy, lifting him to look him in the eyes with a furrowed brow. “That’s not very nice.”
Hinata rolled his eyes fondly at your pathetic attempt of scolding while Deku licked you on the nose. Just several months old and he already knew how to manipulate people with his cuteness.
“I bought our bullet train tickets,” you said while nudging him the roll of tape he’d started looking around for. “Natsu called me earlier. We decided that you and I should get there around 3.”
Hinata tore a piece of tape off with his teeth while he held the wrapping paper still around the boxed pair of rollerskates with his foot.
“We have to stop by Tanaka’s place before we head out,” Hinata wrinkled his nose at his poor wrapping job. “Noya’s visiting for a while and he wants to meet Deku.”
“Of course,” you smiled as you held a chew toy above Deku’s face so he could nibble on it in your lap. “We have some presents for Sayori, anyway.”
Oh yeah. You had split the present wrapping in terms of difficulty, so you had the pleasure of wrapping weirdly shaped toys while he was left with boxes. Somehow, his still turned out to be a disaster.
He could hear Natsu’s complaints already.
“The train doesn’t leave till one, so we should have plenty of time.” You stated once Hinata taped the final present, completing his small present tower. Deku wriggled himself free from your grip and immediately attacked the empty wrapping paper roll.
Hinata smiled absentmindedly as he watched Deku hold the tube still with his small paws as he gnawed the cardboard. He felt you crawl over, lying your head onto his lap as your eyes followed his to watch your dog-son together. He felt at peace, running his fingers through your hair while Deku wreaked mischief nearby.
He felt like he could never get happier than this, and he never wanted it to end.
“He really is a troublemaker,” you snorted as Deku dragged the tube across the living room proudly. “Gets it from you.”
Hinata rolled his eyes and pinched your cheek. “It’s because you let him do whatever he wants.”
“Do not!”
He chuckled, taking his time tracing your features. The curve of your cheekbones, the dip of your lips, the bridge of your nose-everything he’d kissed into his memory by now but still couldn’t get enough of.
Hinata’s heart burned bright as he ran his knuckles along your cheek, “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” You smiled softly, leaning subconsciously into his touch.
“I mean… I really love you, (Y/N).” Hinata grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips. “I think this is it.”
You met his stare for several moments before your cheeks reddened. “Oh.”
Hinata nodded, pressing a loving kiss to the back of your hand. “I just-I always want you with me and if it’s not you in the end then… then what’s the point?”
Your mouth fell slightly open and he felt your hand flex in his grasp. He assumed he made a mistake-said too much too fast-but his chest was so warm and full and it was hard to reign in his emotions when he got that way.
A smile blossomed across your face and it eased his anxieties when you held his cheek. “You’re it for me too, Sho.”
He blinked several times as the words rolled over in his mind. “Wha-really?” He twisted himself so he could look you in the eyes, begging for you to be telling the truth.
You nodded shyly, your face crimson. “Yeah. You have been. I’m not… I don’t think I’d be able to love anyone else ever again.”
It felt like he’d been hit by a train at your confession and he pressed his mouth against yours before he’d even processed the statement. Your content hum against his lips was enough to drive him insane.
“Well, I’m going to love you forever.” Hinata promised with a dopey smile. “So don’t even think about that.”
You snorted, but nodded anyway. Hinata glanced down at your lips again with hooded eyes and started leaning forward, but was rudely interrupted by a damp cardboard tube hitting his forehead.
He glanced up exhaustedly at the Shiba Inu puppy panting obliviously at the both of you, waiting patiently for the love and attention he knew he deserved. You pushed Hinata off to grab Deku, but he jumped into a play bow and jolted back when you reached for him.
Hinata smiled dazedly as you chased Deku around the apartment, juking around furniture to attempt to throw the puppy off-course. He had never felt so complete than he had in that moment because he realized that this was it for him.
It was you. It was him. It was a troublemaker dog. And it was a promise that you’d be together forever.
And that was pretty damn perfect.
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empress-simps · 4 years
Too Late (two)
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▪︎Featuring: Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei and Yachi Hitoka from Haikyuu!
▪︎Pronouns: She/Her [fem!reader]
▪︎Genre: Angst
▪︎Synopsis: Tsukishima Kei left yku behind,what he didn't know is that there will be no one whom he can turn back to after what he did.
▪︎Warnings: Slight spoilers, and strained relationship of Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.
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》 previous
》 Main Masterlist
》 Karasuno Masterlist
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You threw your head back and laughed.
"Kei-chan, I thought you were smart!" He gritted his teeth, "I can explain-"
Yachi teared up and left hurriedly, Tsukishima scrambling to get up and ran after her. The sight alone made your heart hurt. It made you realize one thing.
He never cared for you like he does for Yachi. He likes her better than you.
Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you heard Tsukishima yelling for her, voice full of emotions. You laughed as you felt your already broken heart getting trampled all over again.
"I should've known.." You mumbled as you furiously wiped your eyes. Yamaguchi groaned as he stood up and staggered over you. "Are you okay..?" He looked at you worriedly, putting his hand on your face to cup your cheek.
"Im fine, but you on the other hand.. You should worry about yourself. Let me treat your wounds." You said while grabbing your emergency first aid kit. Yamaguchi raised a brow as an amused smile made it's way on his face.
You rolled your eyes at him, "Yea, I have one. I'm on the track and field dummy, I can get scrapes and stuff like that since im clumsy." He hissed as he felt the antiseptic stinging on the cut near his brow. He winced as you continued to clean all the wounds he acquired earlier from the fight.
You clicked your tounge as you stared at him, examining your work, all patched up thanks to you. "Tell me you're not the only one injured." Yamaguchi let out a laugh "I probably busted his lip?" You let out a chuckle. "Good. Because If you didn't i would've given him one myself."
Tsukishima manuevers around the sea of students to find the blonde heather, he felt his heart rate pick up as fear clawed him on his insides, scanning the crowd. He tries to keep his composure but it slowly crumbles apart every second. He didn't care if people is staring at him, heck he can't even feel his busted lip dripping down with blood and pulsing in pain.
Then there she was.
He felt like he could breathe again as he saw the familiar short blonde hair with a small ponytail on the side. He took big strides towards the quivering frame.
"Don't come near me."
He felt his body freeze, halting in his tracks. "Yachi." He said, voice full of emotions. Yachi turned to face him, tear tracks ran down her face as her eyes became puffy and bloodshot.
Tsukishima furrowed his brows, "what do you mean?" Yachi shook with anger, "why did you lie to me?! Do you think I'll be happy knowing the fact I stole you away from Y/n?!"
Tsukishima opened his mouth then closed it, he couldn't find the right words to say to the girl crying across him. "I love you, Tsukishima. But I don't want us to be together. Not like this. Not when someone is hurting, we won't be happy." Yachi said as she turned and slowly walked away.
Tsukishima could feel his heart shatter, he fucked up.
"...but I love you..."
Yachi stopped at his proclamation, not bothering to even turn around as she resumed to walk away.
Tsukishima let his hands dropped to his sides as he looked down, gritting his teeth. He fucked up and he knows it would be too late to fix.
Yamaguchi looked at you longingly, he tried to keep his feelings at bay since you were already his bestfriend's girlfirend. Evrytime he saw you always trying to make your relationship with Kei makes his heart hurt. It should've been him that's with you.
He could've treat you right.
Now, you're here before him, broken. Maybe, just maybe.. He could help you build yourslef up and make you realize your worth.
Tadashi would wait, even if its a month or 100 years.
He wouldn't mind. Your wellbeing comes first.
After a few years
A gentle breeze made you look more ethereal.
Tsukishima noticed, he stood in the midst of the Karasuno's Volleball Club Reunion. Of course you would be here, even if you weren't officially a manager.
You were the wife of the former captain of Karasuno Volleyball Club after all.
He watched you acting like a watch man as children of his former team mates play with each other. Suddenly, a girl no older than five years old tripped and fell.
"Mamaa!" She yelled out, fat tears staining her freckle-coated cheeks. You rushed towards her, wiping her face. "I told you to be careful..." You sighed, as you brushed her long locks similar to yours.
Tsukishima widened his eyes in realization, is she...?
"Everything alright?"
Yamaguchi emerged, looking concerned while staring at his child and wife. You looked at him and chuckled, your husband is such a worrywart. Yamaguchi picked up his daughter "She tripped, thank goodness there's no cuts." You said as you continued to wipe her face.
Tsukishima's heart ached at the sight, but somehow, he cannot look away. So many what if's ran through his head the lonnger he stared at the child you and Yamaguchi created.
Stop it. You're torturing yourself.
Tsukishima balled his fist as unshed tears threatened to pour down his face the longer he stared at the family across him. More specifically, the child filled with curiosity staring at him with your husband's eyes that seem to haunt him everytime.
If only Tsukishima didn't do those things, the way he made you feel, the way he let you slip past his fingertips..
Then maybe, your child could've had his eyes.
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Taglist [CLOSED]: @semhal @hellokittykuroo @alejandrasenpai3 @meiikuki @verajaegr @lazyexuseforausername @masaquette @shoyosbitchh @kimiiiiiiiiii @egrieme @iforgotthemelody @yams-wants-that-booty @pluviophilefangirl @elianetsantana @why-000 @peachiikichu
I couldn't tag some of you for some reason :/
* hope the ending is okay for y'all! Thank you for reading!
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