#like she can teach herself to love and even like cas and the winchesters because she needs to
magdaclaire · 2 years
i know deep within me that claire novak has read every single page of the winchester gospels trying desperately to find a reason why her life was upended, devouring them like she used to sit, calm and pretty, at sunday school, like she used to bow her head for prayer, with a dedication she was sometimes ashamed of, but there’s always something in her that needs to know
did she deserve it? for being like this. or is this just one of the many consequences of living your own life when god already knows that you aren’t the main character?
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rowenas-megacoven · 2 years
When Sam rocks up to Heaven they all have a massive gathering at the roadhouse to welcome him. The place is packed out with folks who know the Winchesters and their friends. There’s a few live bands and when they finish their sets, that’s when the karaoke starts. Plenty of classic rock and country and dancing and Dean singing his little heart out. It’s 1am when the place starts dying down, the crowd thinning out to just those closest to Sam and Dean with a few exceptions, all competing to be the last one standing. Most are too tired to sing now and there’s little groups of people sitting around reminiscing, taking turns putting on song requests over the speakers. Bobby has dozed off by the fire pit outside, sharing a blanket with Ellen as Rufus recounts tales of he and Bobby’s hunting days. Charlie, Jo and a few others still have a some energy left to keep dancing. Pamela and Ash are still knocking back the shots. Dean barely has left Cas’ side all night, aside from getting up for the karaoke. He’s been mulling over how to break it to Sammy, if someone already hasn’t dropped the bomb in conversation.
When someone puts on Led Zeppelin’s Rock and Roll over the speakers, the room livens up again and Dean notices that Cas’ leg is bouncing away to the beat. When Cas mentions this is his favourite Zepp song, Dean is fascinated. It isn’t one of the 13 tracks on the mixtape Dean made for him but it stuns him that Cas likes Zepp enough to listen to the rest of the Discography. In that moment, he craves to find out everything he doesn’t know about his angel. he vows that if he ponders or wonders anything about him, he’ll ask everything and anything, even the things he was too afraid to ask when they were both living and pining. At the moment? Dean is wondering if Cas can dance. Dean’s never been much of a dancer himself but he had a one night stand with one. She had spent the hours leading up to it teaching him the basics. He hadn’t been dying about it then but damn does Dean want to find out if dancing with Cas will change his entire perspective on things.
So he asks and when Cas says he doesn’t know because he hasn’t tried, Dean whisks him off to the dance floor to show him the ropes with a “wanna find out?” When the trench coat gets tangled between them one too many times, Dean eagerly helps Cas tug it off and tosses it over the back of nearby chair. He isn’t sure when Cas’ tie comes off or what the hell he should be teaching Cas, a bit of country? A jive? Their dancing is whole mix of things yet nothing at all. We’re making it up as we go Dean thinks, remembering those exact words from the night Cas first rebelled for him.
Rules don’t matter as they tug at each others hands, dance close, push away, flail arms and move legs clumsily, narrowly avoid bumping into Pam and Ash who are having the time of their lives on the dance floor beside them. Ash tumbles over at one point, Charlie accidentally elbows Dean in the back, it doesn’t matter, because all Dean sees is Cas’ eyes transfixed on his own or trialing over his body, all Dean sees and all that matters is Cas.
It turns out that Cas has a thing for rhythm and Dean could dance all night - he just hadn’t danced with the right person before. An hour later, the two transcend into a slow dance to Dean’s favourite Ten Years Gone, with Dean breathless and Cas dishevelled. It used to hurt when he let himself think too hard about why this one always reminded him of Cas. All Dean wants now, as he sings the lyrics under his breath, is to take Cas out back and press him into the wall and tell him he loves him too over and over again between kisses.
Mary smiles at the mind-blown look on Sam’s face as she watches it all go down. It’s a look of since when did Dean dance? and with Cas? and then the realisation of Oh. Holy shit. with a smile filling his face. She gives herself a pat on the back for her song choices - all a Winchester ever needs is a good Zepp song or two to sort everything out.
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s11e17 · 3 years
fic prompt: mary and cas have a conversation... about potentially anything you want Really but i'd love it if it was centered around jack somehow / their experiences of being Parents. i just think their dynamic is so interesting and underexplored
[shows up 5 years late with starbucks] [dates myself by making that joke] i hope this is to your satisfaction anon thank u for the prompt <3 <3 <3 i totally agree that mary & cas's dynamic is underexplored!!! i wish we had more of them (esp the s12 hiatus mary-and-cas-looking-for-sam-and-dean vibes those were so fun).
“He’s doing pretty good,” she says.
Castiel looks at them. Dean and Sam and Claire and Kaia, attempting to teach Jack how to play basketball. Unsurprisingly, there have been more basketball-to-face impacts than Castiel thinks is standard.
“Yes,” Castiel says, settling into his bench against the gym wall. He hopes that the proposed gymnasium expansion at the Lebanon community center goes through, so that Jack can play somewhere with windows.
Mary settles in next to him, watching them. There’s a confusion of generations here: Mary, ostensibly older than all of them except Castiel, but for the fact that Castiel and Dean and Sam are raising Jack together, and the fact that Mary is, by most metrics, only just turned thirty.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” Castiel says.
“He didn’t grow up with you,” Mary says. Castiel looks at her, and she clarifies, “Not— I mean, of course he did. But you didn’t see him when he was a child. He came to you, sort of… fully… formed.”
Hm. “You’re right,” Castiel admits, thinking of the few infants he has had in his care, who were certainly different from his son. Jack has never been dependent in that way. He was never a curious four year old, never a bratty pubescent tween or an angsty teenager. He has always simply been Jack.
Mary sighs. She asks, “How do you feel… connected to him?”
“Do you feel disconnected from your sons?”
Mary pauses. Castiel waits, and watches. Out on the floor, Dean tosses a basketball over Jack’s head to Claire, who scores while Sam halfheartedly tries to block her.
“I don’t even know how old I am,” Mary says softly, and Castiel turns back to her. “Yeah, I feel disconnected from them, but I feel disconnected from everything. I feel disconnected from my own body. Y’know, Cas, I don’t even menstruate anymore.”
“Oh.” Castiel frowns. That seems… early. “Yes. I can see why this would be… disconcerting.”
“Ha.” Mary leans back, crosses her arms over her chest. “Anyway. They grew up good, with or without me.”
“Some days, I think your memory raised them more than John Winchester did,” Castiel says, perhaps more aggressively than he meant to. Mary flinches, and Castiel sighs. “I didn’t mean— well. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“You don’t have to—” Mary frowns. She leans forward, puts her elbows on her knees as she stares out at the basketball court. Eventually, she says, “Giving birth isn’t some holy experience. It’s the opposite. It’s incredibly painful. It’s the realest thing I’ve ever done.” And she turns to him, and says, “You can be real with me, Castiel. I’m not very delicate.”
Castiel thinks over that one as Mary looks back to the court. Jack is watching Claire and Kaia’s friendly trash talk, wide-eyed. Dean catches Castiel’s gaze over their heads, while Sam jokingly tries to break the girls up. Castiel smiles a little, and Dean flushes, looking away at once.
“He gets that from his dad,” Mary says softly. “The shyness. John was like that too, when we met. Could barely get a sentence out our first date.”
Castiel thinks of saying, Dean isn’t shy — Dean is afraid. And yes, Dean gets that from his dad, just as Sam did. They inherited a fear that makes the both of them flinch when Castiel flexes his fingers in the wrong way, a fear that makes them angry. A fear that makes Dean shrink away from Castiel’s hands when they’re in public, a fear that makes Dean pale when Jack talks about having crushes on boys, a fear that makes Dean kiss Castiel’s ribs and slide his hands up Castiel’s chest and offer his mouth before Castiel can think to leave him.
But Mary isn’t here for Dean, really. Or if she is, she shouldn’t be. She’s here because the Darkness brought up from out of the earth a woman who’s been dead for thirty-five years and delivered her as a gift and then left her alone.
So Castiel returns to her first question. “I feel connected to Jack because I see how special he is. I see how he brightens every room he’s in. I see how he cares for his family, and I see what I love in all other people when I look at him. Jack is… Jack is the best of both your sons, I think. I feel connected to him because I love him.”
“Well, if it’s that easy,” Mary says, and then she laughs at herself. “I mean. Maybe I just need to get to know them.”
“That’s a good first step.”
Mary stands up. “Better put myself in, then,” she says. “You coming?”
Castiel counts the number of people playing. “It’ll be an even number if you join alone. You can have three on each team.”
“Since when has our family ever cared about the rules?” Mary says.
“Oh.” Castiel says, “Yes, you’re right.” So he takes off his coat, and joins his family on the basketball court.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
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Spoilers for Season 15x20 finale
Summary: This is a semi-rewrite of episode 15x20...
Pairing: Dean x reader (reader is treated more like an OC than a typical reader)
Word Count: 2,000ish
Warnings: language, major 15x20 spoilers
A/N: I wrote this for myself honestly. I know it is idealistic and was never going to happen. Again, I’m sharing simply if you’re interested but please feel free to ignore. This picks up from a very obvious point in the episode...
Dean POV
“Fuck,” said Dean, his hand over his chest. Something big was stabbing into his back. This felt wrong though. A dull, achy pain trickled up and down his spine and across his chest. His heart was racing up and slowing down when it wanted and Dean shut his eyes as he recognized the feeling in his bones.
He was dying. The kind of dying a doctor can’t fix.
“Jack!” shouted Sam, Dean peeling open his eyes as he realized Sam was besides him, hand covered in blood. A few seconds later Jack appeared in front of them eating a bar of nougat. “Jack fix him. Please.”
“He said he was hands off,” said Dean with a wince, his whole body shaking. Jack cocked his head and walked over, touching Dean’s forehead. The next thing he knew, Dean was sat on the ground and taking a deep breath, the pain gone as he looked up. “You said you were hands off.”
“You’re my dads. Why wouldn’t I help you?” he asked, a confused look on his face. Dean chuckled and nodded, still holding onto his chest. “You seem upset. I’ll pop you guys home.”
“Kid there’s-”
“Those boys are okay,” said Jack, snapping his fingers. Dean was suddenly sat on the steps up into the library, Jack mentioning something about taking some nougat from the pantry before he headed out. 
“You alright?” asked Sam. Dean shook his head and he took a seat. Dean rubbed the heel of his palm against his chest and shuddered. “Jack got there in time.”
“If he hadn’t-”
“If he hadn’t...because it was bad, Sammy. If he hadn’t...I’m so proud of you and I love you, so fucking much. I couldn’t have asked for a better baby brother, a better best friend. You just gotta tell me something. When the time comes, you’ll be okay without me. Tell me Sam. Please.”
“I’ll be okay,” said Sam quietly. Dean nodded and moved his hand to his lap, Sam scooting closer. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Let’s get a house. We can get a big yard for Miracle. Run an operation like Bobby did, do the occasional case. Let’s go live more,” said Sam. Dean paused but rubbed his chest again and smiled.
“Dibs on the master bedroom,” said Dean. Sam chuckled and nodded. “Yeah. This place is home but I wouldn’t mind an upgrade.”
Two Months Later
“Miracle!” called Dean when he ignored the ball Dean had just thrown across the yard and ran around the corner of the house. “Miracle!”
“I think your daddy’s looking for you,” Dean heard a voice giggle. He walked around the house and saw a woman knelt down and ruffling the dog. “You’re so cute. You’re so cute.”
“Yes, I am,” smirked Dean as the woman popped her head up. “So, how can I help you and why are you parked in my driveway?”
“I’m Y/N. Y/N-”
“I heard of you. Hunter out of Alaska right?” he asked as she nodded. “You work a lot of Canada cases.”
“I did,” she said with a shrug. “I was thinking of retiring down south. Wondering if you got any tips on how to adjust.”
“A dog helps,” he said and she smiled, Dean looking her up and down. “You do realize this is Austin, Texas right?”
“This is south to me,” she said. “I know Donna through a friend of a friend. She said it’d be cool if I came and talked to you?”
“Uh, yeah, sure,” said Dean, Miracle running over to the ball and rushing back with it. He nudged Dean’s hand and Y/N smiled. “You mind chatting while we do some fetch?”
“Not at all, Winchester.”
“Kinda funny how Eileen and Y/N know each other,” said Sam, Dean looking out the back window to where the girls and Miracle were sat on the back deck after dinner drinking a beer. Dean hummed and dried a plate, Sam nudging his arm. “You like her, don’t you.”
“You like her.”
“Yeah, I like her. What’s the big deal?”
“Oh, I don’t know. A gorgeous, former hunter with your kind of humor, love for pie, muscle cars and classic rock that’s single just happens to have stuck around long after she got done talking to you.”
“I invited her to dinner.”
“She understands the life Dean. All the shit we carry. You’ve never tried with a hunter. Give her a chance.”
“Tried what?” said Dean, putting the plate in the cupboard. 
“You can have a relationship Dean. I’m pretty sure she likes you too,” said Sam.
“Hello, Dean,” said Castiel, both guys jumping as they spun around. They stared at the angel as Cas looked around. “I enjoy your home. The air is fragrant.”
“It’s a candle,” said Sam, pointing to the flickering light on the countertop. He blew it out and Dean walked around the island, shaking his head. 
“Where the fuck have you been?” said Dean, giving Cas a hug. Sam joined them and Castiel shrugged.
“Rebuilding heaven is labor intensive process,” said Cas before turning to Dean. “I felt you would be coming there soon a few months ago.”
“Why didn’t you pop down when you knew he was dying?” asked Sam.
“You are humans,” said Cas with a pout. “You will die someday. It’s an inevitable fact. Time is very strange in heaven in its relation to earth. I assumed you were an old man.”
“No, not old,” said Dean.
“Would you two like for me to prevent your deaths until a certain age?” asked Cas. 
“No,” they both said, Dean smiling. 
“But if we ask for help, you will help?” asked Dean.
“Always,” said Castiel. He tilted his head and looked out the back window. “Who is the woman with Eileen?”
“Y/N. Hunter from the Yukon area. Dean has a crush,” said Sam. He smirked when Dean whacked his arm, Cas still cocking his head. “You know her?”
“She’s quite drawn to Dean. Metaphysically speaking.”
“Yes cause whatever you just said was very clear. Like I’m five Cas,” said Dean. Cas sighed and pursed his lips.
“Jack has given me some extra power to help assist him better. I can see more of a person now,” said Cas. “Their energy, soul, things of that nature.”
“Okay...so what does that mean?” asked Dean.
“Oh your souls are quite intertwined. She’s your soulmate,” said Cas.
“Really?” said Dean, allowing a brief smile to cross his face.
“She also has a growing inoperable mass in her head that will kill her in the next few years. She suffers from headaches quite frequently,” said Cas. Dean sat down at the counter and stared out the back door, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Why can’t I be happy?” he breathed out. “For a fucking minute I can’t even be happy before the rug gets pulled out.”
“...Did you not want me to heal her?” asked Cas. Dean rolled his eyes and Cas’ glowed blue for a moment. “She’s fine now. You seem...emotional.”
“Well I am Cas,” said Dean. 
“You’ve been off since that hunt and the barn,” said Sam.
“Sam I shouldn’t be alive,” said Dean. “I got lucky.”
“You have sacrificed your entire life for others, Dean,” said Cas, Sam taking a seat next to Dean. “You should take advantage of your powerful friends. Let others care for you now. I will speak to Jack about the remaining monsters and their relocation to somewhere better suited for them, perhaps a new world.”
“Everything alright?” asked Y/N, slipping in through the back door with an empty beer bottle. 
“Yeah, we’re all good,” said Sam.
“Liar,” she said, smiling at Dean. “I’ll be right back.”
She excused herself to the bathroom, Sam and Cas going outside. Dean got another set of beers out just in time for Y/N to return. 
“Can I ask you a question?” she said.
“Shoot,” said Dean, handing her the drink.
“Your friend, the angel, did he just heal me? I’ve had constant headaches for awhile now. Brain tumor. I feel different. You guys wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with that would you?”
“You deserve to enjoy your retirement,” he said. “A very long retirement. You’re fine now.”
“I won’t be mad about that,” she said, leaning against the counter by him. She took a long sip and smiled. “I like you, Dean.”
“I like you,” he said.
“I’m gonna stick around town for a bit, see if things work out,” she said. He nodded and smiled, watching her smirk. “So there’s really no more monsters?”
“Uh, what?”
“I overheard Castiel when I walked in. Guess we’re really out of jobs now,” you said.
“I got an offer for a construction manager,” he said. 
“You gonna take it?” she asked.
“I think so. What do you think?” he asked.
“I think it’s a great idea,” she said. “Gotta keep busy somehow.”
“What’s your retirement look like?” he asked. She shrugged and smiled. “Now that death isn’t imminent.”
“Maybe I’ll find a guy, try the domestic thing,” she said, a soft smile staying on her lips. “Know anyone who might be interested?”
“I’m sure I can think of someone, sweetheart.”
One Year Later
“So what do you think?” asked Sam as he spun around in his suit in the family room.
“What do we think junior?” asked Dean, the baby on his lap clapping his hands. “He says dad’s gonna score tonight.”
“I fear for you teaching my son things when he’s a teenager,” chuckled Sam.
“That’s what Uncles are for,” said Dean as Y/N got up from the couch and started fixing Sam’s tie.
“And what Aunt’s are for to rein them in,” she said, smoothing it out. 
“Thank you,” said Sam. “Hey, when you two gonna have a kid?”
“Who says we aren’t?” smirked Dean. Sam went wide eyed and she rolled hers.
“We’re trying just recently. You will literally be the first to know once we do,” she said. She winked and Sam narrowed his eyes, looking back and forth between them then down to her stomach. 
“You’re so pregnant.”
“Ugh, we were gonna surprise you guys. Let us surprise, Eileen at least,” she said.
“You guys are pregnant!” said Eileen from over the balcony upstairs. Y/N laughed and headed up, Sam taking a seat next to Dean and plucking his son into his arms.
“You’re gonna be a real good dad. You got a lot of practice,” said Sam. Dean shrugged and Sam gave him a side hug. “I’m really happy he gets to know his Uncle, Dean. You’re gonna do great.”
“I’m really happy I get to be here too,” said Dean. He sat back and shut his eyes. “I owe you one.”
“For what?”
“The barn. I thought Jack wouldn’t come. I didn’t even bother. I thought that was gonna be it,” said Dean. “I didn’t want to go yet.”
“You don’t owe me for that,” said Sam, handing the baby back when he heard feet on the stairs. “Be good for Uncle Dean, baby boy.”
“Go have fun on your date, Sammy,” said Dean.
“You have fun on your stay at home date,” chuckled Sam. “See ya later, De.”
“Later, Sammy.”
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eleanor shellstrop, secret winchester
given her age she’s a little older than Sam which means Eleanor and Sam are MIDDLE CHILDREN. She considers herself the Oldest Sibling because she does, jerkoff, and if you have a problem with that you can eat her farts!!!
she inherited the important Winchester gene to repress repress repress.
she’s a TERRIBLE hunter, she HATES it, but she is excellent at remembering random connections between hunters. She’s like imdb for for hunters. 
Chidi hosts ethics classes for interested supernatural beings. Meg is his best student. 
Bela is alive because I say so and always tries to get Eleanor to work with her. She also tries to seduce Tahani three times a year. 
Garth and Jason are BEST. BUDS.
Pillboi becomes part of the hunter’s network sourcing blood and organs for creatures who don’t want to murder humans. This means he has a bunch of incredibly dangerous supernatural beings with a vested interest in his well being. Pillboi might date Benny at some point.
Sam is constantly trying to get Eleanor to TALK about her FEELINGS, like, fork off, man! Just because we share a dad doesn’t mean we’re FAMILY.
Michael to Sam: i was totally rooting for you to take over hell. it’s so exciting to meet you! like meeting royalty that isn’t racist or imperialist. so not like meeting royalty at all.
dean: what the fuck is jeremy bearimy
sam: this broke me. the dot over the i.
getting drunk and swapping Traumatic Childhood™ stories with her brothers and realizing that they have a lot in common, actually, and maybe they aren’t as terrible as she thought
she and Sam bond over striking out on their own
Adam is the only one of them who had even SLIGHTLY a normal childhood and he’s just like. guys you all need therapy. 
she and dean watch Venom together and have this slow-dawning realization that THIS is what Adam and Michael’s relationship is, WHAT THE HELL
going to bars and having competitions over who can get the most numbers
eleanor giving dean the Talk about liking dudes
at some point just yelling at him that he loves cas, now would dean PLEASE get his head out of his ash and DO something about it, we are SO TIRED of your heteronormativity, dude!!!
“if I can finish college you sure as fork can” and she dumps a bunch of nontraditional student info on Sam
Eleanor helping during investigations because “i’m a world-class liar, baby!”
she and Sam also bond over their hatred of clowns
teaches Sam some signs that she knows but they’re all VERY suggestive and she doesn’t tell him that. She’s got your back, Eileen
Eleanor flirting with Billie, accidentally has a threesome with her and Rowena
Dean making her elaborate shrimp dishes when she’s sad (usually when Chidi has to go lecture somewhere)
Eleanor: I’m an Arizona dirtbag but YOU are serial killers. I’m gonna be the velociraptor of this family.
(has big “a TRANSFORMER is the scribe of god???” “that’s megatron” energy)
She and Jason ask Sam for HYPOTHETICAL legal advice
for some reason can’t use her nephilim powers until after she dies and comes back
she doesn’t really use them for anything except shrimp and margaritas and pranks
is Jack’s vodka aunt
he just BEAMS every time he sees her
teaches Jack normal human behaviors since NONE of his fathers are even remotely normal
“oh my god, NO Jack, don’t return your cart to the cart corral. leave it in the parking space. that’s what humans do.”
she’s helped a demon through an existential moral crisis. jack’s soul stuff? not a big deal. she’ll walk him through it.
loans him some of her powers so maybe he doesn’t even need to use his soul
“this kid is too nice. satan is your dad. be meaner, jack”
“this is my cousin, the son of the devil, who uses his magical godlike powers to right the wrongs of the world. i am the child of gabriel, the angel who explained shirt to people, and i use my magical godlike powers to manifest a never ending supply of shrimp”
“are we SURE i am not lucifer’s child?”
Gabe: nope kiddo you’re mine
Gabe: this sarcasm-fueled trashbag is my daughter and i love her very much
they go cop tipping on weekends which is where they flip over cop cars
you know those posts that talk about Gabe being Jesus’ dad? That
Eleanor: i’m sorry the FUCK do you mean JC is my BROTHER
Eleanor, five hours and a panic attack later: are there any other famous siblings I should know about????
Gabe: well we don’t talk about Rasputin
Sam: i’m sorry WHAT
she never meets soulless!sam which is good because pre-death Eleanor and soulless!sam would have been like. ponzi-scheme and bounce to bermuda with the money types
Crowley proposes to her once a month
also the height difference between her and her brothers is VERY important and hilarious
she’s yelling at Sam about something and Dean picks her up and stands her on a table so she can be eye to eye with him
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How are we supposed to fix the friggin’ sun? (Or: Andrew Dabb had planned this all along.)
I was thinking about 11x23 Alpha and Omega. I was going to simply make a very gloat-y post about the sheer GLEE that pervades me about being right on why the car scene in 11x23 was written, filmed and acted like that. It was SUPPOSED to be jarring and to feel wrong. It was supposed to make Cas believe that Dean thought of him as a brother, because Dean believed that that’s what Cas would be happy to hear. And it was filmed from a lopsided angle, the way scenes are filmed when they’re supposed to feel wrong. And the actors made the characters look uncomfortable, in different ways.
So, yeah. Andrew Dabb has planned it all along and I TOLD you. Dabb slammed there the premises for what is happening right now. He played hard on the miscommunication so that the journey would feel realistic and the resolution even more satisfying.
I’m sorry, I’m a humble person normally, but we just got explicitly romantic Destiel (*pauses* *screams* *coughs* okay we can continue now) so I think I deserve my minute of self-celebration. That scene in the car in my eyes looked like it couldn’t be anything but the grounds for the very development we got. Just like, well, everything else, but I remember very well all the crap that specific scene got while I was there like... it’s on purpose, guys...
But then I thought more about that episode and more things clicked in my mind. So, self-celebrating part over. Let’s get to the serious things.
So. You know how 11x23 had the whole “Amara is eating the sun” thing going on? Well. My thesis here is that that was a metaphor-slash-foreshadowing-slash-mirror-slash-whatever-you-want-to-call-it for “the Empty has eaten Cas”.
Lucifer is gone. Amara ripped him from my body.
The repression is gone, the Empty ripped him away from me by pushing me to talk about my feelings.
It looks like the sun is— Dying. Why would Amara do that? The sun is the source of all life on earth. Without it, everything just... just wastes away.
Yeah Cas is the sun and Dean is earth, I don’t have to explain it. We know what happens to Dean when Cas is gone.
Look, man. If you’ve got something for me to punch, shoot, or kill, let me know and I’ll do it. I’ll do it till I die. But how are we supposed to fix the friggin’ sun?
Ah, Dean’s classic “I only have 1 skill and it’s violence” speech. Because I was angry and because I just needed something to kill and because that’s all I know how to do.
Back then, he didn’t think he could fix the sun, but he did. He fixed the sun by talking to Amara with compassion and respect, by appealing to feelings and love, by asking Amara to see a different way, by literally telling her “Put aside the rage. Put aside the hate. And you tell me... what do you want?”.
And now it’s Cas that addesses Dean just like Dean had addressed Amara. Not really in what they say, context and all is completely different, but the point was that Amara was told for the first time that she could be more than her anger and pain. Amara changed because Dean told her that she could open herself up to love and beauty. And Cas tells Dean that he is more than his anger and pain, that he’s so full of love that he teaches it to others. (Just what happened in 11x23, in fact. Dean’s loved saved Cas, saved the world.)
In 11x23, the answer to “how are we supposed to fix the friggin’ sun?” was that no, Dean was wrong about himself, he can do more than kill. And now, the answer to “how am I supposed to save Cas?” is exactly what Cas has told him after his speech about only knowing how to kill. Love.
And now to what I expect to be relevant in the near future:
W-What are we doing? Nothing. Exactly. Amara’s out there eating the freaking sun, and—and we’re doing nothing. And you have a better idea? Yes. Anything. That’s my better idea, because anything is better than this. 
This was Sam prodding the others. I wonder if Sam will encourage Dean to do something about Cas, or Dean will enter ‘I gotta do something about this’ mode after something snaps him out of hopelessness.
Then the car scene
How you doing? You good? I mean, you know, the whole Lucifer thing. I was just... so stupid. No, no, no. It wasn’t stupid. You were right. You were right to let Lucifer ride shotgun. Me and Sam wouldn’t have done that. Well, it didn’t work. No, but it was our best shot, and you stepped up. I was just trying to help. Well, and you do help, Cas.
Of course Dean was trying to be nice, but, as we’ve discussed to the moon and back, Cas hears that his “help” is valued. We know why Cas had said yes to Lucifer, he didn’t think he could help in any other way, that he was “expendable” (“I’ve heard the stories. You help. But Sam and Dean Winchester are the real heroes.”) and that he has value in the measure he contributes to the cause. Compare to (tumblr decided that blackquote doesn’t work anymore, sorry for the aesthetic blip)
How you feeling? You’ve been quiet. How long have you been waiting to ask me that? I guess I didn’t want to overwhelm you. […] I wanted to make things right, and now… I don’t know why I’m even here. Jack. You never needed absolution from Sam or Dean or from me. We don’t care about you because you’re useful or you fit into some grand design. We care about you because you’re good.
I don’t even have to discuss the parallels between the soul bomb plot and the current plot, but that’s not the point here. The point is... this has been a long way in the coming and we’ve seen it coming all the way through.
Thoughts on this?
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deanwasalwaysbi · 4 years
12x06 - Mary is Dean - So Jody Mills, You Learn that Boy Some Soft
Sam and Dean stop at Jody’s - Their mom has walked out and maybe they needed some motherly affection from Platonic mom Jody.                                                                 -  or  - Dean needs to hear that you can both be badass AND have feelings watch chick flicks. Whhhaaaaaahhhhh?!
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Toxic Feminity. [“Pick a bloody side!” ‘Or What?’] I don’t think it’s a coincidence that in this episode we get Max Banes, a cute and openly gay witch who hunts with his sibling. Below the cut for analysis of 12x06, Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox (cont. under the cut)
Mary is being portrayed as a stand in for Dean, or at least Performing!Dean.  In 12x03 she likes Bacon! She likes loud music! We must be the saaaaammmme peeeerrrrrson. ‘We are so related.’ 
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When we met young Mary in ‘In the Beginning’ she was a stand in for Sam.  Mary wanted to get out of that hunter life her father brought her up in, she got dragged in by tragedy but that wasn’t her goal.  Like Sam, Mary has come to be drawn to hunter life by 12x06 to hide in it from her pain.  
Instead, in season 12, the show has made Mary a stand in for Dean.  Mary had herself her very own muscle car as a stand in for performance personality baby, she was ‘saving people. hunting things.’ she inspired another hunter ... but that’s a different essay.  [Common! Bacon and loud music guys! they are like, clearly the same person!] Mary is scared.  She blames herself for everything the Winchesters have endured, not just in the 12 years of the show but over their entire lives.  If Mary hadn’t have made the demon deal, she reasoned, none of it would have happened. 
[Okay let’s just move on and not note that actually Sam was always going to be Lucifer’s perf vessel and Dean, Michael’s, and let’s FURTHER ignore the fact that John would have been dead and Mary would have been single mom to Dean and Sam wouldn’t have existed. Not mentioning, because it does not matter, nope. nope. nope. ahem. anyway.]
It’s not just bacon - it’s about guilt - it’s about not feeling you are deserving of love - that you deserve to be saved.   I have just NO IDEA WHO THAT MIGHT SOUND LIKE. [cue Cas/Misha in my brain].
With this cloud hanging over Dean, the boys go to visit Jody and we learn the truly shocking news.  Jody. Watches. Chick Flicks. Mind. Blown. Yes, Dean, you aren’t the only one. You don’t have to hide your secret shame. We already know that you like chick flicks.  You admitted it in the season 11 finale.
Now that we’ve established that, Jody can challenge him on actual feelings once Mary shows up.   Awww, surrogate mom meets Mary mom. 
“Is that why you spent the entire ride up here telling me in extreme excruciating detail about how you killed Hitler but uh, you neglected to mention that somehow your mom is back from the dead?”
Jody might be teaching Dean that it’s okay to have feelings. But fake Dean Mary has some learnin’ to do too.   Billie is talking about Mary the way she will later talk about dean in season 13 .  But now Dean can step up and talk about feelings, sort of.  Mary’s learning that she didn’t just condemn Asa, she saved him and he saved others.
Mary: “I didn’t ask to come back here” Billie: “No, you didn’t, and you hate it. You’re all alone.” Dean: “Well, she’s not alone.   ... Billie says if Mary dies she can give Mary a ‘one way ticket upstairs’ Mary looks at the boys, clearly worried they are about to lose her again, and tells Billie, “Well... Then... Then I guess you’re just going to have to wait.” 
Dean watched this - Dean’s learning that model him is choosing to live over going straight to heaven.  Both characters develop, continuing to move that needle.  There’s a reason this episode title focuses on the life of Asa Fox, not the death. In a few short episodes Sam and Dean will make a deal with Billie, prepared to trade one of their lives to progress the story.  Mary steps in, ready to trade the life she may not even want for their lives. 
It’s Cas that will step in, kill Billie, and lose his absolute shit at them again like DEAN YOU CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS TO ME. STAY ALIVE. -  FUCKING WINCHESTERS!   - [Just love for Cas and what he does to this fam and comment if you think that car scene involved holding hands.]
Dean’s daddy Kripke ending didn’t have him learn, didn’t have him change, didn’t have his character develop from believing that the only way for Dean to find peace was to die, in a blaze of glory. If Mary can learn that there is value in staying alive - trying to return to the Mary that was yearning for family life, then so can Dean. 
This continues in the clues as to why the finale was so tragic to fans.   Finale Dean died the way Kripke always envisioned, he got Chuck’s Dean after we spent 15 years watching this performing!boy grow into a [more anyway] emotionally mature man. Dean was on a 15 year arc of overcoming this nonsense, overcoming toxic masculinity, overcoming trauma response, this self hatred.  
Finale!Dean doesn’t have to be your headcanon. And that’s okay. 
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years
I Just Want My Heart Back: Sam Winchester x Reader
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A/N: Hello friends! Well, I thought it was time to update my Supernatural masterlist since I’ve been writing so much for Marvel and Harry Potter. It’s been way too long since I wrote something that wasn’t holiday related for Supernatural and after talking to a very good friend, I came up with this! 
BIG shoutout to @calaofnoldor because she gave some wonderful little nudges and suggestions for this and I’m quite proud of how quickly I put this together. The title for this was her idea, as well as this GIF so thank you lovely for all your help!
Warnings: Angst, swearing, breakup, jealous!Sam, mentions of sex, boobs (yep that’s a warning lol) and implied sex but nothing too filthy cause y’all know that’s not how I roll (and I want y’all to use your imaginations too ;))
Word Count: 4,383 
Supernatural Masterlist| Masterlist of all Masterlists
Feedback is greatly appreciated! Tag lists requests are OPEN as well as my inbox!
*Italics are flashbacks and POV*
“I don’t think this is working out,” Sam says, coming to you one day after a hunt gone bad.
“What isn’t working out?” You ask, looking up to the taller Winchester.
“Us, you and me. You living and working with us. All of it.” He says, refusing to make eye contact.
“What? What do you mean it’s not working out? What’s the problem? I’ve been living with you and Dean for the last two years! Why is there suddenly an issue?” You question.
“Well lately, (Y/N) you’ve been really reckless on these hunts we’ve been going on,” he answers, still not looking at you.
“What? Reckless? I’m a hunter, Sam. I take chances just like you and Dean do and they don’t always go as planned, like today.”
“Exactly, that was really stupid of you to go in that warehouse by yourself,” he says as you’re taken back to the events of the day.
“Alright, Sam, you and I will scout out the warehouse, see if we come across any vics. (Y/N) I need you to be on the lookout and alert us if someone’s coming,” Dean said, with Sam next to him, guns aimed and ready to fire. But they looked to you and you were nowhere to be found.
“(Y/N)?” Dean whisper yells for you.
“Dean!” Sam says, panic filling his voice. The youngest brother pointed in the direction of where he was looking straight ahead, seeing you running inside the warehouse.
“Son of a bitch!” Dean yells as he and Sam run after you.
You were too far ahead to hear them running after you until it was too late. An entire pack of vampires had rushed you, trying desperately to sink their teeth into you. A good dozen or more were surrounding you and you began swinging, taking your knife to slice off the heads of the monsters as they grew too close. Screams of the victims could be heard as you fought hard, soon realizing you went alone. Just as one vamp lost its head, another was right behind you and sank its teeth into your shoulder. You scream out in agony; the venom was quickly spreading through your body.
“(Y/N)!” Sam yells to you, watching as you fall to the ground; the pain bringing you to your knees.
“Sam, we can’t stop, there are too many vamps out here!”
“She’s going to turn into one of them if we don’t help her, Dean!”
“Cas! If you can hear us, get your feathery ass down here and save (Y/N)!” Dean yells and then, a fluttering of wings came down in front of you.
“Hello (Y/N), let me take a look at you,” Cas says, kneeling beside you and carefully moving your collar of your shirt away from where you were a bit. You hiss out in pain as the wound was now exposed to the air around you.
“Alright (Y/N) luckily I was able to get here just in time before it got too bad so I can heal you enough now to transport you back to the Bunker but I’ll have to extract the venom from you later. okay?” Cas explained.
“Just, do it!” You cry and a blinding light flashed around you, causing you to lose your sight for just a moment but the sound of vamps being killed was the last thing you heard.
 “Alright, I admit, that wasn’t the best decision I could’ve come up with but I’m okay!”
“Yeah, but today wasn’t the first time you got hurt really bad on a hunt!” Sam yelled, suddenly making himself seem even bigger than he already was.
“What are you saying, Sam? You want me to leave?”
“Yes. I can’t keep worrying about you getting hurt because you’re too damn stubborn to listen to a damn thing Dean or I tell you! We’re more experienced hunters, (Y/N), we know what’s safe and what’s not. We can’t that burden over our heads,” He says.
You felt the tears brimming to the surface of your eyes but with the words he just spoke, you couldn’t let him see you upset.
“Alright, um, I’ll go pack my things and be out of your way.” You say, brushing past your now ex-boyfriend, but making sure to hit him hard as you did so.
When you reached your room, a photo of you and Sam sat on the end-table beside your bed, the smiling faces just mocking you. Grabbing the frame, you throw it across the room and scream at the broken glass now scattered across the floor.
“Fuck you, Sam Winchester!” You yell, hoping to anyone that he was listening.
You and Sam had always been close and just recently started dating. Sure, it was challenging but you thought since you were in the business too, it would be easier to work out any differences you may face; you were clearly mistaken. Taking a duffel bag from out of your closet, you throw all your clothes and toiletries inside, packing up furiously. When you were sure you had everything, you find a scratch piece of paper and write up a note for Dean. You and he were close too; he was like your older brother.
I am so sorry to be writing you this letter but I’ve been informed that I should not be living or hunting with you and Sam anymore. Apparently, I am a burden to you guys and you don’t want to have to worry about my well-being on every case. I guess I am just like you though; stubborn as a mule. I thought that was a good thing but according to Sam, it’s not. I thought he and I could work through anything because I became a hunter too, but I was wrong about that, too.
I’m not sure where he and I went wrong, but today was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I love him, Dean, I really do, but I guess he doesn’t love me enough to keep fighting for a relationship with me. I have a friend who’s a hunter who offered a place for me to stay and is willing to teach me new skills to improve myself as a hunter and who knows, maybe by then, Sam will actually want me around as a partner.
I’m going to miss eating greasy burgers and staying in cheap motels and watching Western’s with you but this is for the best. I can’t be around someone who doesn’t want me around and Sam has made that very clear that he doesn’t care about me anymore.
Here’s my address of where I’ll be staying at for a while; just don’t tell Sam where I’m at. I need to grieve the loss of one of the best things that have ever happened to me. I wish him well though, please tell him that.
I hope to stay in touch with you; you’ve always been like a big brother to me. I love you Dean and I’ll call you when I get to my new home.
Love, (Y/N)
Folding up the paper, you grab your bag and your keys for your car. Walking past Dean’s room, you slide the letter under his door and knock on it, before rushing towards the stairs out when you heard Sam calling for Dean.
“What’s up, Sammy?” Dean asks when he opens his door, noticing the note in front of him.
“I think I found a case for us to work. What’s that?” Sam said, looking at the paper in his brothers’ hand. Just then, the sound of a vehicle starting and driving away interrupted them.
“Who’s leaving?” Dean asked, walking out to the War Room; Sam remaining silent. “What?”
Sam remained quiet for a while until Dean starting growing angry.
“(Y/N) left,” Sam finally said.
“What? What do you mean, (Y/N) left?” Dean asked, still furious with his little brother.
“Where did she go, Sam?”
“I don’t know,” Sam said, avoiding the conversation he just had with (Y/N).
Just then, Dean remembered the letter that was on his bedroom floor. He reached for it from his back pocket and opened it.
Sam watched as Dean’s eyes bounced back and forth across the page; he was starting to feel guilty.
“You told her to leave?” Dean asked, in a calm voice but Sam didn’t peak.
“Answer me, Sammy! Did you tell (Y/N) to leave?!” Dean’s voice escalated.
“Yes,” Sam simply answered.
“Great, you know she’s gone, right? She said we see her as a burden? Did-did you tell her that?!”
“Oh my God, Sam! That’s just great! You know she was the best thing that ever happened to you and you just push her away like that? Why?”
“She was always getting hurt, Dean? What was I supposed to do? Tell her she was doing a good job at constantly getting hurt?” Sam yelled back to his brother.
“Yes! She was stubborn like we are but she was willing to become a hunter just so she could be with you, Sammy! She loved your dumb ass and what, because she got hurt all the time, you stopped loving her?”
“No, I-I never said I don’t love her anymore,”
“Well, she thinks you don’t love her! And you know what else she said in this letter? She said she needs time to grieve the best thing that ever happened to her!”
Sam was quiet for a minute, letting his brothers’ words sink in. The girl he was in love with, was gone forever, all because he hated how stubborn she was and how she never listened. She was just like him and that bothered him. He didn’t want her to be like him, so broken and hurt, but she was also good. She was beautiful and had a positive outlook on life; always bringing happiness to the brothers when they were down. She was young and full of life, always caring about everyone else before herself and maybe that was why she always got hurt. But she loved Sam and he couldn’t understand why, but he felt lucky to have her. Maybe he was overreacting; he got hurt a lot too. It was part of the job to get hurt saving people’s lives and not everyone could do it but (Y/N)? She was good at it because she cared for people so much, way more than he or Dean even could.
“Did she say where she was going?” Sam suddenly asks, growing worried about where she had gone.
“She did, but she doesn’t want you to know. You really hurt her, Sam,” Dean said.
“I know, I fucked up bad. I thought if she wasn’t here anymore, that she couldn’t get hurt, and then I wouldn’t have to worry about her so much. At least, if she went away, she would be safe, but I don’t even know that to be true,” Sam confesses.
“Your plan just completely backfired on you,”
“Yeah, I made things worse, and for what?”
“Because I thought this was the best way to protect her and when she got hurt, Dean, she was almost always near death. I-I couldn’t stand seeing her like that because I knew there was a better way but she always had to go down the harder and more painful path.”
“Yeah, and you know why she did that?” Dean asked.
“Because she was a Winchester. She was stubborn and hard-headed but she is a fighter and she always believed in the best in people. And what did you do? You tried to penalize her for it,” Dean said.
“I know, I really fucked up here. I gotta try and find her, Dean. Tell her I was wrong,” Sam said, going to grab keys for one of the vehicles the brothers owned.
“Dude, she doesn’t want to see you,” Dean reminded him of the letter.
“Well, she didn’t leave that long ago. She couldn’t have gotten too far; I have to try,” Sam argued back.
“Want me to go with you?” Dean asked but Sam shook his head.
“I need you to stay here just in case she comes back home,” Sam says before realizing the Bunker wasn’t (Y/N)’s home anymore. “Just stay here.”
Sam grabbed a jacket and his phone before rushing off to the garage and jumping in behind the wheel of a car. Just before he sped away, Dean came out to the garage with a set of keys in his hands.
“Here,” he said, tossing the keys to Sam.
“Baby? You’re letting me take her?” Sam questioned, surprised that his brother trusted him with his most prized possession.
“Yeah, she’s pretty reliable and will get you where you need to go. Plus, (Y/N) loves her. If you do end up catching up with her, the least you can do is show up in a good-looking car,” Dean smirked as Sam threw the other keys back to him. 
Throwing the car into drive, Sam sped out of the garage, desperate to find (Y/N) and hoping he wasn’t too far behind her. He wanted to apologize to her, tell her he still loved her, and was only speaking out of frustration. Of course, he wanted her to stay and keep hunting with him and Dean but he worried about her a lot, and seeing her hurt all the time, wasn’t good for anyone. Maybe he was being selfish but he thought he was doing the right thing for everyone when he really was hurting the one person who meant the most to him. He pushed the gas pedal down as hard as he could, not caring about the speed limits, and looking around to see if her vehicle had stopped anywhere, as his mind kept wandering off to the letter she left for Dean. Why didn’t she leave one for him? Did he hurt her that bad? 
Sam’s POV
Damnit, I shouldn’t have told her to go and now, I can’t find her. What if I do find her and she doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore? She easily could tell me to go to hell; I mean I did that already but it would be worse hearing it from her. Would she ever let me explain where I was coming from? If she didn’t, I don’t think I would blame her; I wouldn’t let me explain. I hadn’t realized how long I had been driving for but it was starting to get dark. My speed had decreased drastically as I figured I should pull over and rest for the night. It’d be no good for me driving at night when I was this upset over the whole situation. Maybe this still made me seem selfish but I didn’t want to end up dead before I got to her. Seeing a small bar off the side of the road, I go to pull into the parking lot, searching for (Y/N)’s car just in case she had done the same as me. 
Getting out of the car, I lock Baby up and head inside, anxious to see if (Y/N) was there. Looking around the room, I’m met with a bunch of unfamiliar faces. I walk to the bar and order a shot of whiskey. The liquid burned as it went down my throat and temporarily made me feel better but that feeling went away quickly. Just as I was about to order my next shot, I look over out of the corner of my right eye and see that familiar face; the one who had been driving me insane. 
She was sitting at a booth with some guy who couldn’t keep his hands off of her but she didn’t seem to mind. Was she crazy?! This guy is disgusting! How could she be okay with him touching her? I’m the only one who is allowed to touch her. Wait, no, I can’t think like that; I’m the one who broke up with her. But did she have to be looking at him with those big (y/e/c) eyes? And that perfect smile? She used to look at me like that all the time and now? My last memory of her was the look of pure sadness and somber; like I just kicked a puppy or something. No, I just broke her heart. Alright, I hate myself but I need to do something about it instead of just sitting here and watching her fall all over some random guy. I may regret this later but I figure I should go with it and see what happens.
“Hey baby, there you are. I was starting to worry about you,” I say, pulling a chair over to sit on the opposite side of where her “date” was. She looked over at me with a look of disgust but my jealous side told me I was doing the right thing. 
“Go away, I don’t want to talk to you,” she says, turning back to the other guy, so I did the next best thing I thought to do. I stand up and wrap an arm around her waist, hoisting her over my shoulder. She screamed and started cussing me out, causing everyone to look at us. 
“Just our honeymoon is all, she’s a bit nervous,” I lied, looking at the bartender who just nodded his head and smirked; dirty old man. Walking back out to Baby, (Y/N) hits my back several times, telling me I must’ve lost my mind to be treating her like this and she is going to fucking scream when I finally let her down. 
“(Y/N) please, just let me explain,” I say, finally setting her down but still holding onto her arm.
“Why should I Sam? You made it very clear that we were over and that I was a burden to you; why can’t you just let me go? I just want my heart back because you destroyed it,” She says trying to wiggle free from my grasp.
“I can’t let you go,” I say, letting her out of my hold.
“You just did a few hours ago!” She says, growing frustrated with me.
“I didn’t mean anything I said back then; I’m so sorry,” I try to reason with her but I can tell she’s not buying it. 
“Why even say it then?” She scoffs, rolling her eyes at me. 
“I was talking out of my frustration. I hate seeing get hurt; you’ve almost died more than once. I hate that you’re just as much a Winchester as Dean and I are; just as stubborn. But you’re a damn good hunter and we’ve gotten better at this job because of you. I can’t imagine not having you hunt with us anymore; you’re too damn important to me now. I want you to stay; I need you to stay.”
She was quiet for a minute then spoke up, “you told me I was a burden to you, Sam. Do you know how that made me feel? You made me think you didn’t love me anymore. So when you told me to leave, I couldn’t fathom the words that were coming from your mouth. I sat in my car about a mile outside the Bunker and balled my eyes out. Do you not realize what you mean to me? I love you, Sam, but you just tossed me aside like I was nothing.” 
“That wasn’t my intention, (Y/N)! I-I thought I was protecting you!” I yell.
“Okay you really don’t want to be yelling at me right now when you’re already on thin ice here, Winchester,” she warns and I apologize. 
“I promise, that wasn’t what I meant to do. I thought I was protecting you by telling you, you were a burden on us. I knew that if I asked you not to hunt with us for a while, you’d just argue with me about why that’s not fair, so I figured if I told you that it was becoming too difficult for us to always care for you, that you would sit back yourself. And then it spiraled out of control from there and I kept up with the act that I didn’t care about you because I had to make you believe that you weren’t safe hunting. I never told you I didn’t love you; I can’t believe you thought that. I love you more than I’ve loved anyone else and I know that’s a lot to hear because we’ve only really been dating for a short time but we started off as friends first and I knew from that very first day you came to us for help on a case, that I loved you. And then when you told me you had feelings for me too, I was so happy because finally, here’s this amazing woman who understands the business because she does it herself and I love her. But I talked to Dean and he made me realize I probably made the biggest mistake of my life and I am so, so sorry. I only said everything I did because I cared too damn much about your well-being. And I know, it’s dumb and doesn’t make any sense but it’s the truth. I hope you can forgive me and we can go back to just being us. And I am so sorry you cried; I hate when you’re sad. But if you’ll let me, I want to make it up to you.” 
There was silence was settled between us for an agonizing amount of time before she did something I wasn’t expecting. She quickly closed the space between us and grabbed the back of my head to pull me into a kiss. Instantly, I grab onto her hips, holding her into place, while my lips let her know how much I truly missed her. I was growing tired of leaning over so I lifted her to my level, easily able to intensify the kiss. She held onto the back of my shirt like she was afraid she was dreaming and I would disappear at any minute, but I tried to convince her that I wasn’t going anywhere; I was too far invested in this. I broke the kiss for a minute, looking at the beautiful girl in my arms. 
“I have an idea,” I said, setting her down and unlocking the car. She watches me closely as I unlock the door she was standing closest to and open the door to her. 
“Get in,” I say. She does but doesn't understand what I was implying until I grabbed the bottom hemline of my shirt and lifted it over my head. When she realized what my idea was, she followed my lead, lifting her shirt over her head and threw it on the floor of the car. I duck down and make my way inside to the back seat, hovering over her as she lays across the seat. She looked up at me, never breaking eye contact until I kissed her again. My hands traveled down her body, and she reacted to my touch, back arching into me. She pulled away to remove her bra before attaching her lips to mine again. As more and more articles of clothing were being removed, she broke the silence for a minute.
“You know, Dean is going to kill us when he finds out we had sex back here.” 
I laugh, knowing she was telling the truth and thinking what my brother’s reaction was going to be.
“Well, he doesn’t have to know; we’ll get her cleaned before we go back to the Bunker,” I say, trying not to make a big deal out of what we had planned. 
“Oh, I don’t know, plus, how many times has he had sex back here?” She asked and I paused to think about it.
“You know, you’re probably right. I’m sure it’s been numerous times! Wanna just go check into that motel over there?” I suggest, throwing my head to the side to motion to the motel. 
“I mean, that’s tempting but equally as disgusting. You know how questionable those rooms are! If we’re going to have sex, I want it to be special!” She kept her stance on the topic. 
I sigh but realize she was right. I didn’t want to just sleep with her in the backseat of a car or at a dingy motel. As much as I was really wanting to go through with this, I figured we would have a much better time back at the Bunker. 
“Alright, how about we just make out like some crazy teenagers for now and save the rest for later,” I suggested, wiggling my eyebrows at her. She laughs for a moment before reaching down to pick her bra back up but I stopped her.
“Why don’t you just leave that off for now,” I say, eyes trailing down to ger exposed chest before a devilish grin made its way across my face. Her cheeks redden but she throws the bra back and brings me back for another kiss, my hands traveling their way over each breast, savoring the way her skin felt against mine. I missed this feeling; having her with me and exploring every part of each other. And not just for a day or just to ‘scratch an itch,’ but because we loved one another and I needed her to know just how vital she was to my life. Without her, I cannot go on; I know this from experience so I knew I needed to do whatever it took to make her realize that I loved her. 
And after a while and we began our journey home, my hand in hers as she sang along to the cassette tapes Dean had, I knew I finally found the happiness that I thought I couldn’t find because of the life I chose to lead and a life I prayed would never change. It may have been selfish to desire a happiness such as this but I also know I struggled to find peace so now that I have it, it’s like a precious artifact that I will fight to protect at all costs, no matter the risk to my own life, because that I what you do when you love someone. 
Taglist: @tloveswriting @calaofnoldor @thinkinghardhardlythinking @440mxs-wife @angeredcrow @baby1967impala @suckmysupernatural @slutforfics @sam-winchester-admiration-league @awesomesusiebstuff @hobby27 @spnjediavenger @polina-93 @simpleb00x​
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mishavacado · 4 years
SPN has so much spinoff potential and so much canon to work with, it's such a waste that none of it's getting used. This post is just all of my spinoff ideas, I'll apologize in advance because it is VERY long.
Wayward Sisters, obviously. There are so many possible storylines to work with, so many stories to tell. I'd really love to see some Charlie, Eileen, or Krissy Chambers cameos. I think that Charlie and Claire would get along really well (just read this post). Rowena is another character that I think could easily be worked into the canon. She could teach the girls all kinds of magic and be the fun wine aunt that spoils the girls on their birthdays. I don't think that Claire would like her very much, but, Rowena and Alex would probably get along just fine. How much I need this in my life: 1000000000000000000000000/10 when I heard that this idea had been tossed out I was so angry. Why doesn't this exist?
Men of Letters prequel that's mostly set in the bunker. This show could really expand on the canon lore and give us some more background on the Men of Letters, as well as any other similar/rival organizations that were around before the main show's time. The Men of Letters have so much story potential for a spin-off; corrupt leadership, new monsters, other organizations, expanding the MoL to outside the U.S. Episodes could be in a monster-of-the-week (MOTW) format, starting and ending with the Man of Letters the case is assigned to making notes in his journal or case file or talking about the case, as well as the overall season arcs. Episodes would be titled by their case number, i.e S1 E1 Case No. 1925-4, etc How much I need this in my life: 1000000/10, the supernatural/historical drama combo would be absolutely stunning.
A series focusing on all of the alternate timelines and universes, both the ones mentioned in the main show and ones just randomly created for an episode. There are infinite possibilities. Each episode would be in a MOTW format, but with different versions of Sam and Dean. The HunterCorp universe, Jared and Jensen from the French Mistake, a universe where their names are switched, a universe where Dean went to college and was the one with the demon blood powers, a universe where they drive a Mustang instead of the Impala, a universe where Sam isn't scared of clowns. I could go on, but I'm going to stop myself here. How much I need this in my life: 9/10 I think it would be pretty funny, but it's not my best idea.
A Bobby and Rufus spin-off where they talk about cases they worked on together or with other hunters, but the stories are told similarly to Tall Tales. It's the same story but told from different points of view depending on who's talking. I wish we'd gotten to see more of Bobby and Rufus because I think those two are hilarious and really think that this could be funny, even if it was just a web series with twenty-minute episodes. How much I need this in my life: 10/10, I love Bobby and Rufus and I think that they have a lot of interesting hunting stories to tell.
GHOSTFACERS GHOSTFACERS GHOSTFACERS. How much I need this in my life: 100000000000000000000000/10, I love the Ghostfacers. That's my whole idea.
A Jack-centric show that's almost a political drama. Jack is the ruler of heaven and is constantly being manipulated by angels, demons, and Death herself. He just wants to make an afterlife paradise, but power-hungry angels won't leave him alone. Remember that Jack is very young and trusting by nature, so there is a lot of potential for disaster if he gets goaded into doing something, like making new universes or ending existing ones. Cas is a main character and he does his best to protect Jack, but he has to be careful to not seem overprotective/like another manipulator or Jack won't trust him either. I have no idea if I'm making any sense, but shoutout to me if I am. For some reason, I've always thought that heaven would be an interesting setting for a spin-off, and those angels are pretty similar to power-hungry politicians. How much I need this in my life: 800/10, I would totally watch this.
A very short series that just destroys the canon finale. Twelve episodes, detailing the storylines that were ignored or destroyed by Carry On. E1: Rescuing Cas from the Empty and he and Dean have a long talk about their ~feelings~. They kiss, and for the first time, Dean’s mind is free of doubt about whether or not anyone could ever love all of him. E2: Eileen returns. She says nothing when she sees Dean and Cas holding hands, just raises her eyebrow and smiles knowingly. Some excellent movie night content. E3: 1 year later. Sam and Eileen’s wedding. Dean and Cas aren’t legally married, but their matching gold rings are very prominently shown. It isn’t mentioned. The wedding is almost canceled because of the rain, but with a wave of Jack’s hand the clouds disappear and the birds start to sing. E4: Sam and Eileen have moved out of the Bunker. Cas finally convinces Dean to downsize, so they find a little house in Lawrence and settle down. Cas works as a special ed teacher. Dean works as a mechanic. Miracle loves the backyard but makes sure to stay away from the beehives in the back corner. E5: Sam and Eileen’s twins, Mary and Maura, are born. Dean and Cas love their nieces, and Jack loves them too. He doesn’t know what to call himself, so they settle on Uncle and call it good. E6: Deaths. They all die old. Cas’s vessel has aged, but he can’t die, so when Dean finally passes away in his sleep, Cas scatters his ashes in the woods and disappears, ascending to heaven, to spend eternity with Dean. The closing scene is a dark screen, with the whoosh of wings and a soft “Hello, Dean.” OK. That was a long one. My apologies. How much I need this in my life: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10. I would reach nerdvana thirty seconds into episode one.
Another spinoff of that idea is just...Dean and Cas living a normal life. Short episodes. Cas goes to the grocery store. Dean drags Cas to a horror movie fan convention. Cas meets a roomba. How much I need this in my life: I can’t type enough zeroes to express it.
Campbell prequel that focuses on Mary and her childhood. Mary being raised as a hunter but not being allowed on hunts. Mary rushing home to finish her chemistry homework so she can help her dad track a nest of vampires moving east. Mary missing her prom to help Samuel on a hunt. Mary trying to keep her real life secret from John, a man she knows loves the parts of her he knows about. Mary always being an outsider, the kindest and most beautiful girl in her class, but so slow to trust and quick to speak that everyone is afraid to be her friend. Mary is a character that has the potential a lot more development, for twelve seasons she’s the burning martyr in every Winchester’s imagined paradise. She deserves more. How much I need this in my life: 11/10, Mary isn’t my favorite character but I would die for her.
Gabriel spin-off. That’s it, that’s the idea. How much I need this in my life: 10000000/10, Gabriel is a character that we don’t know a lot about so there are so many possible directions for a story about him to go.
Show set in the SPN universe that doesn’t really interact with the main show’s canon. It’s about two cops in the 30s that become hunters by accident. After investigating the apparent suicide of a hunter in their small town, they become enthralled by her library, filled with books about ghosts and vampires. They pour over her journals on their own time, fascinated by what they’re reading. They get to know the hunter through her writings, her accounts of her hunts and travels. Eventually, a nest of vampires settles in the town and the two put their newfound knowledge to the test. This show would just be based on canon lore, there wouldn’t be any mention of the Winchesters or other main characters, although a few MoL team-ups is definitely a possibility. The two become quite a team, tracking werewolf backs on bulletin boards in their basements and hoarding rock salt. How much I need this in my life: 89/10, I think this could be really interesting and I am a sucker for historical hunters.
Speaking of historical hunters-Samuel Colt prequel. Cowboys, vampires, cowpires. Hunting in the wild west, galloping across the prairie chasing a pack of werewolves. This show could also tell us a lot about how different types of monsters spread across the U.S. Ghosts will go anywhere people go, but what about vampires? Shapeshifters? Ghouls? What was it like to hunt without technology to help with research? The hunters in this series would be the authors of the journals that modern hunters use every day. They’re the ones that tested tracking and trapping methods. Again, no idea if this is making sense, but I think that a supernatural western would be really awesome and would expand/substantiate the canon lore. How much I need this in my life: 1000000000000000000000000000000/10, I love cowboys and I love Supernatural. This is literally the best thing that could ever happen to me.
Crowley. I want to know more about him. A series that tells us all about Fergus Roderick MacLeod, starting with when he was born in Scotland and ending with his death in All Along the Watchtower. We know that Rowena was his mother, that he was a tailor, that he sold his soul for an extra three inches ~down there~, and that he was a terrible dad. I want to know more about his childhood, about the people he made deals with, about how he became king of the crossroads and of Hell. Crowley was a very interesting character that was abused by the story. I want to know more about him. How much I need this in my life: 10000000000000000000000000000000000000/10, I really do love Crowley and I would watch this a thousand times over.
Final idea: MOTW only. No season arc, no overall storyline. New hunters every episode, from all different times, from over the world. All kinds of monsters. One episode in Victorian England, the next in 1990s Los Angeles. Very few recurring characters, if any. The recurring characters would be the Bobby Singers of the world; the lore guys that you call when you need help. Each new character has their own style, own car, own music, own personality. The show could have some a m a z i n g guest stars because they’d only appear in a few episodes. There are so many possibilities for episodes, even if they weren’t full length. How much I need this in my life: 100000/10, I love MOTW episodes and would really like to get to know the characters. It would be very easy to write one-off fanfics for this show, and also very easy to introduce this show’s characters into Supernatural’s canon.
You made it to the end!!!!!!!! That’s all I have for now. Sorry for writing so much, I just can’t stop thinking about SPN and all of the wasted stories.
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
A lot like ‘Us’ (Part-6)
Word count: 3.5K
Pairing: Sam X Reader AU
Warnings: fluff, feels
Series Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is eager and honestly, still in awe that she managed to get herself an acceptance from Stanford Law School. On the face of it, her life seems as put together, mysterious and independent as one might hope for. On the insides, she carries the burden of past that haunts her till date. Seemingly, she’d left it all behind; that is until she sets foot in the class of the Law School’s youngest, most promising professor.
A/N: The story employs two different timelines. The present timeline for the story takes place in 2014. Please let me know what you guys think :)
Beta: @deanssweetheart23​​​​ I love you, babe <3
A lot like ‘Us’ masterlist
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“This is fun!” You rolled the ball along the lane. It didn’t even reach halfway before sliding to the side.
“You actually suck!” Jack exclaimed somewhat surprised. “You weren’t lying about that.”
Sticking your tongue out at him, you let him pass to the aisle, carrying another bowling ball. He knocked out 2 pins in the first strike.
You cheered for him as he drew another and in his second turn knocked down four more.
He triumphantly pumped his fists in the air and you high fived him. “That’s more than either of us have accomplished this evening.”
Jack threw a wry look at the girl he had been eyeing all evening. “I don’t think I’ve impressed her.”
The girl in question was a pretty blonde and you had definitely seen her check Jack out at least once. Jack was actually quite good-looking with his soft brown hair and a guileless smile.
“You know what I think?” You winked. “You should go talk to her.”
“Noooooo,” he backed off real quick. “She’s never going to want to talk to me.”
“I’ll bake you those cookies I gave Cas if you do it!”
He made a face. “Aw Y/N! You’re not playing fair.”
You shrugged. “It’s a one time deal. Take it or leave it.”
“You drive a hard bargain.” He glanced at the girl once. “I get the cookies even if she doesn’t agree?”
“Sure do. You just gotta ask her out!”
He gave you one accusing look, then walked over to the girl at the counter. You watched as she smiled sweetly and he nervously scratched his neck. After a few minutes, he came back waving a chit and a huge, disbelieving grin on his face. “She gave me her number. Can you believe that?”
“Whoever would have guessed.” You feigned disinterest. 
“This is such a win-win. I got a date on Sunday and I get the cookies,” he sighed happily.
You wanted to reach out and shuffle his hair, so you did and Jack wrinkled his nose at you.
The two of you grabbed a quick bite at a fast food trolley and walked home teasing each other about how sucky the bowling was.
“I thought the ball was going to drag you with it that one time,” Jack said as you opened the door to your apartment. 
“Know what?” You said conspiratorially. “I did, too.”
You waved a goodbye and then locked the door behind you, exhausted in the good way. The moment your head hit the pillow you were fast asleep.
14th August 2008
“C’mon, Y/N, you can do better than that,” Jo encouraged and you threw the ball hard. It still landed at her feet.
“I can’t do this,” you gave up, going to sit under the tree in the park. “I’m tired.” 
Jo sighed as she sat down beside you. “It’s been almost a month since your Gran… you know… You can talk to me.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” you muttered, plucking the grass at your feet.
She laid back on the grass, staring into the bright blue sky. “It’s just that I know you’re hurting- I know it, but if you don’t tell me what to do, I can’t help you!”
No one could help you. Help could only be given in times of a disaster or a problem. There was no help for the last person left alive in the world. No one was coming for that person… just like no help was coming for you who were the last one left in your world.
“There you are!” Dean Winchester was walking up the small hillock, a wicker basket in his hand. He looked damn good in that leather jacket, the sunlight making his hair glint golden.
You gave Jo a questioning look and she smiled guilty. “I uhhh… arranged for a surprise picnic for us. Dean offered to get us sandwiches.”
You wanted to feel annoyed with her. The last thing you needed was to pretend to smile for company. Dean had been exceptionally kind to you, but you didn’t want to make him a victim of your isolation driven lethargy.
“Hey,” Dean said, his eyes softening when he saw you. “How’re you doing?”
“I’m fine, thank you,” you said automatically.
He pushed the wicker basket towards you. “Jo said you liked muffins. Now, we tried baking some, but they come with health warnings.”
“Sammy and I,” he said, jerking his head sideways. You saw Sam coming up the hillock with a thermos in his hand. 
You sat up straight. 
You hadn’t seen Sam since your return to Lawrence for good and felt a bit ashamed about how you had behaved at the funeral, clinging to him the way that you had throughout the night. The brothers had walked you to the house and stayed over along with Ellen and Jo. They had left with Jo before you were up the following morning.
Ellen had stayed with you for the better part of that week, helping you tie the loose ends. She absolutely refused to leave till you agreed to come with. After a while of resisting her, you had given in. Who was left here for you anyway?
After returning to Lawrence, you mostly locked yourself in the room, rereading the books you had bought with you. It was immature and highly inappropriate to be this unhelpful in someone else's house, but you couldn’t bear the pitying looks in everyone’s eyes. Sam had come by once or twice. You had pretended to be asleep each time after hearing his voice downstairs. 
Now, you didn’t have a choice but to talk to him.
“We’ve already pulled out the death by muffins, I see,” he said, sitting down next to his brother. He looked up and your heart almost leapt out of your chest. You had forgotten just how good-looking he was… and then when he was looking at you like that...
“We tried, Y/N,” Sam said apologetically. “We really did. Asked the recipe from Karen and all, but they just taste weirdly bitter.”
“It’s too much chocolate,” Jo said, wrinkling her nose as she took a small bite out of one innocent looking muffin.
“Here, you wanna try some?” Sam offered, looking so hopeful that you automatically took it from him. When your fingers touched his, it felt electric. 
It was awful. The bitterness wasn’t the rich bitterness of chocolate. It was excess baking soda. It left the insides of your mouth feeling desiccated.
“Well, you’re officially the bravest person I’ve ever met,” Dean declared, his face twisted in absolute disgust. “What did you eat the full thing for?”
“It’s not that -”
“Bad?” Dean asked, revolted. “It’s disgusting. Satan’s rear end tastes like that. We only brought them with us to see we could feed them to the ducks! Sammy and I bet money on that.”
He looked so horrified that you laughed with a mouthful of the muffin, the crumbs sputtering out of your mouth, in all their caustic horribleness. Once the laughter broke out, a fit overtook you and you fell back into the soft grass laughing till tears rolled down the sides of your eyes.
“You guys suck at baking,” you coughed in between the chortles.
“Yeah, Y/N is our resident baker. Her cakes and cookies are to die for!” Jo lauded. You punched her in the arm lightly to stop her from praising you.
“Maybe you can teach us,” Sam said, and there was an undercurrent to his voice, warm and inviting. 
“Alright you crazy kids hang around here with the basket,” Jo said. “We’re heading out for a while to the diner. There’s a couple of things we have to pick up for mom. Don’t hog the muffins.”
You sat up straight, realising that laying around like that wasn’t displaying any sense of propriety.
“Will you be alright?” Jo asked, worry lining her forehead.
“Yes, don’t worry about me.”
Jo still looked concerned as she walked down the hillock and disappeared from view.
You closed your eyes, and before Sam could utter a word, said, “Listen, I’m really sorry about how I behaved at the- the funeral. It was anything but appropriate to put you through that. I’m really sorry.”
When Sam didn’t say anything, you opened your eyes, albeit reluctantly. 
He was staring into the distance, not at you. When he finally spoke, you couldn’t place the tone of his voice. “Is that really how you feel?”
“What do you mean?”
He regarded you closely, the wind ruffling his hair. “I was under the impression that me being there helped you- even if just a bit. But if all it did was make you feel sorry, then maybe I shouldn’t have come.” 
“It did help me,” you said quickly. “Really. The mere thought that there was someone who wasn’t there because they had to be there was more help that I can even begin to explain. I mean Aunt Ellen and Jo are family, and though they didn’t know Gran too well, they still had at least some level of obligation to be there. And it was so thoughtful of Dean to drive Jo. But not a single person was there only and only for me, except you. Trust me, you got me through that evening.”
“Then why are you sorry?” He asked, perplexed. Though he appeared relieved at the same time.
“Because,” you said, resigning to finally saying it out loud. “It doesn’t justify clinging to you like that. It was really kind of you to come, but I think I overstepped my boundary.”
“Y/N,” Sam said, placing his hand on top of yours. “I didn’t come there from the kindness of my heart. I came because I was worried about you. It was driving me crazy thinking about how you were. I had to make sure with my own two eyes that you were okay. I’ve known you for what, a week? And even then, drove all the way across Kansas to just see you! And you think you overstepped boundaries?”
“As wrong as it sounds, I was really glad to see you. I don’t regret a minute of having you next to me. I think it kept me standing throughout the dinner,” you said in a low voice, not meeting his eyes. “The next day a few women brought casseroles over and they asked about you. I didn’t know what to tell them.”
“Not that you needed to tell them anything, because it was none of their business,” Sam said through gritted teeth, “But aren’t we, at least, friends?”
At least. 
People didn’t want to kiss their friends, and you wanted to kiss Sam. Very Much.
“Thank you for being there, Sam,” you said, instead of replying to the question. “It meant a lot to me. It still means a lot to me.”
“What’re you going to do now?”
You shrugged. “Hope for an acceptance and then apply for a student loan. Then I can get out of Ellen’s hair.”
Sam braced himself against the smooth grass with his other hand- the one not laying over yours- resting it behind his back. This way, his torso stretched out, his t-shirt hitching up just a bit to reveal his belt. You tried your best not to look. 
“You know Ellen and Jo don’t think like that,” Sam reasoned. “Jo was so worried about you. She still is.”
You sighed. “I know she is. This isn’t them. I’m just not comfortable. I just miss Gran so much, and I hate that I wasn’t there for her. I know I couldn’t have done anything to prevent it. It was a stroke and it was instantaneous, but I just can’t help feeling guilty… like if I had been there, I could have stopped it somehow. “
Sam didn’t say anything to contradict your words, didn’t try to oppose you in any way or tell you how you shouldn’t be feeling this way. He knew that one couldn’t control the way they felt. He simply put his hand on your shoulder, something he had done a lot that other evening. It was comforting and more familiar than it should have been. Your body simply accepted his touch now. 
“She left the house to my name, or so a lawyer told me. He said I should sell it and use the money for college. I don’t want to sell it like it was a shack that didn’t mean anything to anyone. I want to keep it and turn it into a bakery one day, so someone who loves baking as much as Gran did can run it one day.”
You didn’t understand why you were telling him any of this. Maybe because you knew Sam wouldn’t preach or discredit any of your words. He simply listened. Listened and understood, not just what was spoken but also that which was left unsaid. He stroked the back of your hand with his thumb, the feel of his skin on yours felt calming.
“So what did you bet on?” You said after several moments of silence, raising the muffin from hell and waving it in front of him.
“That the ducks would eat it.” His mouth quirked up. “I don’t have high hopes, though.”
“We should at least try,” you suggested. “Ducks are vicious creatures. They just might eat it.”
The ducks did not eat it.
You tried throwing small pieces into the little pond in the park, and Sam tried chasing them much to your entertainment, but the ducks were smarter than you gave them the credit for.
“Blood fiends,” you glared as a couple of them flew off. 
“You don’t like ducks?” He asked, amused.
“I was 6 when a duck attacked me. They are monsters.”
Sam laughed as the two of you made your way to the bench in the park. It was the same bench where he had taken you the first time you had met him. You could see the bar across the shrubbery in the distance. 
When you looked back at Sam, his cheeks were slightly pink and so were the tips of his ears.
“Hey,” he said, his hand tucking his hair behind his ear. “Do you want to go out for dinner sometime?”
“Like a date?” You asked, surprised.
He licked his lips. “Yeah. Like a date.”
Sam was clearly nervous about this, absurdly more than you were. “That sounds nice,” you said.
“How about Saturday?” He asked, then laughed a short laugh. “I mean. I would have wanted to go sooner but I’m flying out of town.”
“It sounds great.”
Then he said those words that made your heart melt. “Y/N, I can’t wait for Saturday.”
“Damn, woman! You can bake.” Meg came hovering out of her room still in her pajamas. “This is what heaven smells like.”
You smiled at her over the fresh batch of cookies you had pulled out of the oven.
“Y/N! It smells like a Bakery in there. What are you doing?” 
It was Kevin, shouting from the balcony. 
“Come out here!” He yelled, and Meg opened the glass doors of the balcony wide.
“In a minute!” You shouted back, replacing the tray with a new one in the oven and adjusting the dials. 
Both Jack and Kevin were in the window, looking like they had just woken up. Even the undergrads seemed to be out on their balconies downstairs. You could hear the muttering.
“I’m baking cookies for everyone,” you announced, leaning against the railing.
“And by everyone, you mean...?” Asked Meg.
“Just everyone,” you waved your hand vaguely. “So far there’s 138 and counting. I’ve been up since six.”
“You’re mental,” said Meg. 
“Those cookies were just for me!” Said Jack at the same time as her.
Pam, who was just entering the apartment from what must have been a night shift at the bar looked up at the assembled crowd. 
“What the hell?” She shouted. “Y’all are really this jobless first thing in the morning, huh?” Then she paused to sniff. “What’s that wonderful smell?”
“Y/N’s baking cookies for everyone.” Kevin was kind enough to provide her with an answer.
“Don’t you have better things to do than feed these idiots?” 
You grinned down at her. “There’s a whole batch for you.”
“Well, God bless your soul, you sweet child,” she said and disappeared under the awning.
You were sure to pack some cookies with you while leaving for the first day of your job. 
The Robert Crown Law library was starting to feel homely enough by this point, thanks to having spent so much of last week there for the Civil Procedure assignment. The Librarian on duty was supposed to overlap her shift with you for today and tomorrow, so you could be trained. Molly was sweet and really helpful. The library was fairly empty today. It was easier for her to run you through the bookshelves and their arrangement, the basics of handling the data centre and the ultra-systematic cataloging. Molly insisted that she take the desk duty for the day while you familiarized yourself with everything. Back when you had worked as the library assistant in TU, you had always considered yourself to be lucky to get paid for spending time amidst so many books. That hadn’t changed.
“We’re really lucky with the Law library,” said Molly. “The other libraries are a mess, especially the big ones. People keep calling there all the time, and even visitors are allowed without appointments. Law library only gets our usual crowd and very few people are a particular pain in the ass.”
Molly was a final year student. She had taken a break after her second year to backpack across Europe. Apparently she really didn’t have any anxiety whatsoever about her career. Whatever the case was, she was super chill.
“These cookies kick ass, by the way,” she hummed after taking a bite out of the one that you had offered. You smiled and bent down to retrieve the tags.
“How’s it going, Molly?” 
You stilled. 
“Sam!” You heard Molly squeal. “You’re back again? Spending an awful lot of time here these days, aren’t you?”
“Oh, it’s the loneliness,” he said in a mocking voice.
“Y/N, What’re you doing down there. Get up,” Molly called.
Slowly you got to your feet. 
Sam straightened like a rod at the sight of you. He was wearing flannel today over a pair of jeans, which shocked you because you were so not used to seeing him in anything except suits. It made him look so young. Not like your Sam, or the professor you distanced yourself from, but painfully somewhere in between.
“Sam, this is Y/N. She’s the new odd-shifts librarian,” Molly introduced cheerfully. “Y/N, this is Sam Winchester. Does he teach you?”
She turned to Sam. “Do you teach her?”
“Oh, of course you don’t remember her name, even if you do teach her. It’s been like two weeks,” she prattled on. “Do you take a class for the first year?”
“Civil procedure,” he said curtly, not sparing you a single glance. Then he spoke to Molly. “Can you grab that book I was reading yesterday? I think I asked you to keep that one aside.”
“Sure. Here,” She handed him a Code violation handbook from under the table. He promptly turned away from the table, heading straight for a bench that did not have a view of the Librarian’s desk.
It hurt. It hurt like a whiplash each time he ignored you. Pretended that you didn’t exist. And it sucked that you couldn’t even blame him for it.
“Isn’t he amazing?” Molly sighed after Sam.
“Sure,” you muttered, going back to retrieving the cards.
“It’s not unusual for professors to be here, but Sam’s been spending an awful lot of time in the library since the past few weeks. I wonder what’s up.”
You avoided the whole section of the library where Sam sat, sticking to the computers and going through the database cataloging. It wasn’t long before Sam was back at the table. 
“Actually, can I take this book to go?” He asked.
“Leaving already?” You heard the thrumming of keys as Molly entered the book’s name in the directory of issued books.
You did not turn around to peep, and the desk was almost out of earshot anyway.
“That’s it, then?”
“Thanks, Molly.”
“Hey, you want to grab a cookie before you leave?”
You heard the crumbling sound of the wrappers and then a crunch.
There was a pause. In an almost imperceptible voice, so low that you had to strain your ears to hear it, Sam said, “Tell her these are lovely.”
Blood rushed to your ears, and you did not hear the rest of the interaction. You didn’t even go back to the desk again till the end of the shift. By the time you returned, all the cookies were gone and Molly was humming to herself softly, completely having forgotten about passing on the compliment. She waved at you as you left for the day and you waved back absentmindedly.
Tell her these are lovely.
He knew. He just knew.
A/N 2: Last slow chapter!!! Yay. Things start escalating pretty quickly after the next chapter. No playing footsie. ;) 
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Destiel Trope Collection 2020 Day 15: Friends to Lovers
The First Thanksgiving | @fangirlingtodeath513
Rating: General Word Count: 1184 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester,Mary Winchester,John Winchester,Dean Winchester,Castiel (Supernatural),Traditions,Established Castiel/Dean Winchester,Thanksgiving,Thanksgiving Dinner,Minor Rowena MacLeod/Sam Winchester,Minor John Winchester/Mary Winchester Summary: Mary has a Thanksgiving tradition she’s carried on for years, but this year’s is particularly special.
For Better or Worse | @deansrightfulangerissue
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1497 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Parental Physical Abuse, Alternate Universe, Fluff and Angst Summary: When they first meet, Cas saves Dean from school bullies. Over the years, their friendship only grows stronger.
Quarantine Roomies | @cloverhighfive
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2038 Main Tags/Warnings: domestic fluff, idiots in love, first kiss, college AU Summary: Cas and Dean roomie together while they have to go in quarantine to wait out the pandemic outbreak. They're friends. But maybe Dean misread Cas.
Sex Ed | @Destielshipper4Cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2324 Main Tags/Warnings: Roommates, Virgin Castiel, Loss of Virginity, First Time, Alpha Dean, Omega Castiel, Barebacking Summary: Cas grew up in a religious family who have kept him sheltered all his life. When he finally gets out of there, his knowledge about sex is seriously lacking. Luckily, his alpha roommate Dean knows all about sex and can teach him a thing or two. It would be so much easier if feelings weren’t involved…
Stay a While | @nickelkeep
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2755 Main Tags/Warnings: AU - Roommates, Friends to Lovers, Moving in Together, Love Confessions Summary: With his brother expecting, Cas needs a place to live. With Sam moving out, Dean needs a roommate. After not living together for several years, can Cas and Dean make things work?
The Archaeologist and the Disco Ball | @saltnhalo
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2761 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - High School, Halloween, Halloween Costumes, Fluff, Love Confessions Summary: When Dean had agreed to take Castiel shopping for a costume to wear to Meg’s Halloween party this Friday, he had not expected the actual expedition to be so… difficult.
Pulling Shivers | @suckerfordeansfreckles
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3200 Main Tags/Warnings: childhood best friends, friends to lovers, skinny dipping, getting together, mutual pining, love confessions Summary: “You ever been skinny dipping?” Dean asks, out of absolutely nowhere. He’s looking up at Cas, upside-down from where he’s hanging off of Cas’ bed, a black controler clasped loosely in his hands. They’ve been hanging out and playing video games in Cas’ childhood bedroom all day, trying to use the days they have left before they inevitably have to start the three-hour drive back to college together. They are roommates now, and still best friends, just like when they were seven years old and missing a few teeth. Cas is also, unfortunately, still as head over heels in love with Dean now, at the age of 23, as he was when Dean was still too small to sit in the Impala without a booster seat, still only sitting and watching as his uncle Bobby tinkered on cars, still loud and laughing unabashedly, still void of worries. Cas stumbles a little over the question. “Um — I. No, never. You?”
Out Of Bed | @saltnhalo
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4145 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Hogwarts, Wizard Castiel (Supernatural), Wizard Dean Winchester, Mutual Pining, Love Confessions, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Hufflepuff Dean Winchester, Gryffindor Castiel (Supernatural) Summary: On his way back from the Quidditch Pitch late one night, Dean Winchester finds himself adventuring the deserted corridors of Hogwarts with the Head Boy.
feathers and lightbulbs | @procasdeanating
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4371 Main Tags/Warnings: witch!Cas, incubus!Dean, sharing a bed, mutual pining Summary: A spell gone wrong forces Dean and Cas to keep in physical contact. Easier said than done, when one of them is a succubus and madly and secretly in love with his best friend.
The Fault of Flying | @thebloggerbloggerfun
Rating: General Word Count: 4478 Main Tags/Warnings: Reverse!Verse, Insomniac!Castiel, Angel!Dean Summary: Insomnia can make trying to fall asleep an incredibly frustrating endeavor, and for the human Castiel, it is. Luckily for him, his best friend is an angel with the ability to take him anywhere in the world when the nights get rough, and it makes everything more interesting! And more confusing.
Never Ever | @suckerfordeansfreckles
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4494 Main Tags/Warnings: best friends to lovers, drinking games, alcohol, confessions Summary: Every other week, Charlie and Gilda and Row, Jo, Garth and Kevin, Benny, Chuck, Sam, Dean and Cas get together to get drunk — or, depending on preferences, high. They meet and get drunk and talk about life, most of the time. Sometimes, though, like today, they play drinking games. Today, it’s Never Have I Ever. It’s only a quarter past midnight, all of them are way past tipsy already, when Charlie giggles to herself and slurs: “Never ’ve I ever — ever slapped my partner’s ass durin’ sex.” A mixture of laughter and snorts wanders through their rows, and everyone raises their glasses. Everyone, even Garth — everyone except Cas. Everyone drinks, except Cas, and Dean just stares. He can feel the vodka dribbling down his chin while he drinks, and oggles his best friend some more. As soon as he swallowed and coughed his way through the burning liquor, he blurts: “Dude, seriously, never?” And that's how it begins.
Scent-Bonded | @destielshipper4cas
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4742 Main Tags/Warnings: Friends to Lovers, Best Friends, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sharing a Bed, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Summary: When the alpha Cas is scent-bonded to leaves him, it’s on Dean to pick up the pieces. Since they’re scent-compatible, letting Cas scent him helps the omega feel less despaired. An easy solution—if only Dean wasn’t in love with and scent-bonded to Cas.
Be quiet | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4748 Main Tags/Warnings: 5+1 Things, Semi-Public Sex Summary: 5 Times where Castiel needs Dean to be quiet and one time, where he really wants to hear what Dean has to say.
Pen Pal | @peanutbutterjelly-pie
Rating: General Word Count: 5246 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Pen Pals, Fluff, Falling in Love, Friends to Lovers, Summary: Hey, Cas, you wanna be my pen pal?” + (Dean is twelve years old when he asks Castiel to be his pen pal, not knowing that it will change his life completely.)
Not good enough? | @notfunnydean
Rating: General Word Count: 6099 Main Tags/Warnings: hurt!Dean, crying!Dean Summary: When Dean finds a list in Cas’ room, where Cas has written down everything he hates about him, Dean tries to become a brand new person. But Castiel seems to hate that as well.
making the most of the night | @pomegranatedaffodil
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6819 Main Tags/Warnings: Modern AU, Friends to Lovers, Birthdays, Fluff and Smut Summary: Dean isn't exactly looking forward to his thirtieth birthday, but at least the party he has planned to mark its passing will be pretty great. Or so he thinks, until a massive snowstorm causes a power outage on the afternoon of the party. One by one, the guests make their excuses for not being able to attend-- all except for Cas, who Dean can't seem to get a hold of. And then there's a knock on his door.
Cuddle Buddies | @Destielshipper4Cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 10056 Main Tags/Warnings: Roommates, Mutual Pining, Couch Cuddles, Idiots in Love, Alpha Dean, Omega Castiel, Massage, Barebacking Summary: Cas just wants some alpha cuddles, but alphas generally aren’t all that interested in cuddling. Luckily, he has an awesome roommate who steps up to the plate.
Kilig | @gii-heylittleangel
Rating: General Word Count: 10397 Main Tags/Warnings: friends to lovers, 5+1 things, secret admirer Summary: Five times Castiel didn't know his secret admirer and the one time he did.
Took Me Long Enough | @confusedcasishere
Rating: Mature Word Count: 15579 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Openly Gay Castiel, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Top Castiel, High School AU, Eventual Smut, Dean Winchester Has A Crush on Castiel Summary: Alright, so you know how in movies the friendzoned BFF always gets the girl in the end? Well what if the girl is a dude and you’re also a dude? Do the same rules apply? Or will this clusterfuck end with me losing my best friend?
Unexpectedly You | @verobatto-angelxhunter
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 30239 Main Tags/Warnings: Destiel, season 8 canon divergent, mutual pining, winged Castiel, Sammy knows, explicit sexual content, Aruiel (OC) Sam/Aruiel (OC), first kiss, love confession. Summary: Cas is back in the bunker after being absent for a couple of weeks, although for Dean were like centuries. So this time he will train Castiel as a hunter, not because he missed him a lot and he wanted him to stay with him at all. Just because they are good friends. But something will ruin his plans, a new danger and an old enemy of Castiel will resurge. Ancient enochian spells and a big secret will be revealed while the hunter will try to figure out his feelings for the angel. Helped by Sammy's insightful mind and a new angel ally, our friends will have to save the world one more time.
Lucky Winner | @natmoose
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 31719 Main Tags/Warnings: General Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Past Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Mechanic Dean Winchester, Professor Castiel, Castiel and Dean Winchester are Roommates, Friends to Lovers Warnings: Anxiety Attacks, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Explicit Sexual Content, Non-Penetrative Sex Summary: Dean wins a trip to Paris. In and of itself, that’s an amazing thing, but the problem is: he isn’t in a relationship with Lisa anymore, and the trip requires a romantic partner. The obvious choice is Cas, his roommate and best friend of 3 years, but coming with that are some very very complicated feelings and things Dean absolutely doesn’t want to deal with. But Dean isn’t selfish and also really wants to give his overworked best friend a well deserved holiday, so the only and best solution is to take Cas to Paris, romantic theme be damned. What Dean doesn’t know is that their whole trip will be documented by a photographer from the company - so to avoid their vacation being cut short, Dean and Cas will have to convincingly play a couple.
Because This Moment Simply Is | @ilovelucey
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 32045 Main Tags/Warnings: Highschool/College AU; Neighbor AU; Best friends to lovers; Bottom!Dean/Top!Cas Summary: Dean and Cas have been next-door neighbors and best friends since they were both four years old. They've been through everything together. Cas was there for Dean when his mother died, and his father started going off the rails. Dean was there for Cas while he came to terms with his sexuality and came out to his religious family. Now they’re both eighteen and Cas is secretly, hopelessly in love with Dean. After years of ignoring his burgeoning feelings, Cas finds the courage to come clean just before he moves across the country to attend college in California. Determined, Cas pours his feelings out into a letter and leaves it for Dean to find. It isn't until eight years later that Dean finally receives the letter, and that single sheet of yellowed notebook paper turns his entire world upside down.
Where the Road Leads? (WIP) | lightmyway (AO3)
Rating: Mature Word Count: 141598 Main Tags/Warnings: Friends to Lovers, Hurt/comfort, angst, Photojournalist Cas, Legal Guardian Dean Summary: Castiel took off on his motorcycle at eighteen, ready to let the road take him where it wanted. That plan changed when he met Mary Winchester at a protest rally and shell learned the power of the camera around his neck. He never expected he would move in with her two boys and step back from his up and coming career. Dean never expected to be a parent at the age of eighteen. He also never expected that Cas would dedicate himself to being there for both Winchester boys. Dean, also, never expected that Cas would return to the career he left behind and fly off to some of the most dangerous places in the world. He certainly never thought it would be because of something he let happen. Will he be able to bring Cas home?
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Dabb's Dream of a Red Chamber: Death's Library (Bo Ming Si) and Dean as Qin Keqing
I've seen a lot of SPN meta on this website, and in typical fashion, I'm YEARS late to the game. But I think there are some things that can only be understood in retrospect, and SPN's structure is one of them. What I'm trying to say is this: when Dabb took over, he turned Supernatural, a Western show about saving people and hunting things, into Dream of a Red Mansion, a Chinese literary classic about inter and intra family conflicts, class conflicts, political conflicts, and above all-- women.
Yes, I know how absurd this sounds. Why on earth would Dabb do that? My guess: because there is no surpassing Dream of a Red Chamber when it comes to metafiction-- the answer to the question "why metafiction?" will probably devolve into speculation about the network, so I won't get into it now.
What really tipped me off was that scene in 13x05, where Dean tries to commit suicide, but ends up Death's library instead. Some necessary background info: there is a scene in the first few chapters of Dream of the Red Chambers where Baoyu takes a nap in Qin Keqing's room (which is scandalous in its own right) and is transported to Taixu Huanjing, a dream world of goddesses in another dimension. The English translation? Taixu = The Void (note how this corresponds to the Empty, which makes its first appearance in 13x04), Huanjing = Dream World. Baoyu comes upon Jinghuan Xianzi, the goddess in charge of this world, who then takes him into a library called Bo Ming Si-- the Office of Unlucky Women-- and shows him books containing the fates of all the women in his family.
Does this sound familiar? Because it should. Here's a screenshot of Bo Ming Si from the 2010 adaptation:
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A screenshot of Jinghuan Xianzi leading Baoyu through Bo Ming SI:
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A screenshot of how the books are kept:
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Now let's take a look at Death's library (pics from Superwiki):
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Look at how the books are stacked in both shows. The reason they're stacked horizontally in Dream of a Red Chamber is that Chinese books tend to be very soft. The reason they're stacked horizontally in SPN is???
But that's just a coincidence, you might say. But Dabb doesn't just stop there. He borrows symbols, motifs, character relationships, family conflicts, and more from Dream of a Red Chamber-- he even borrows the structure. I'll talk about the structure and the motifs in another post-- today I'm here to talk about Dean.
Readers familiar with Dream of a Red Chamber might ask at this point-- is Dean Baoyu? No. (I'll talk about Cas, Jack, and Baoyu in a separate post.) So who is Dean?
Billie tells Dean that "every notebook on this particular shelf tells a version of how [he] die[s]." Let's see what Jinghuan Xianzi tells Baoyu-- he's shown three volumes titled "The Twelve Beauties of Jinling." The main volume records the ladies of his household, the second volume records the concubines, and the last volume records the maids.
Dean gets multiple notebooks because he's a combination of multiple characters from the first volume-- he starts off as Qin Keqing, who has multiple identities in the book, despite dying within the first thirteen chapters. Who is Qin Keqing? She is:
- the younger sister of Jinghuan Xianzi.
- the one who teaches Baoyu the matters of love in the dream world. She is his sexual awakening, and even though she doesn't do anything more scandalous than let Baoyu sleep on her bed in the human world, her brother is Baoyu's introduction to gay sex.
- the wife of the first and only son of the legal wife of the older branch of the Jia family. In other words, she's the wife of the future head of the household.
- there are theories that she may be the daughter of a prince who lost power, but I doubt those count for much here.
- she "dies from illness" but according to the "The Twelve Beauties of Jinling," she hangs herself after everyone learns that her father-in-law raped her.
- her death signals the beginning of the end of the four major families; her funeral is far too lavish, as is her coffin (it's made from wood that was originally reserved for a prince's funeral), and it's hinted that this is the beginning of the end of the Jia family, because they've reached above their station.
Now let's see how this matches up with Dean. We know that he:
- has played the reaper and has a special connection with Death.
- teaches Jack about romantic love in 14x06.
- is the head of the household.
- is possessed by Michael at the end of S13, an experience that's coded as rape, and is suicidal for most of S14 as a result. He then brings back a special coffin, which later causes Jack to lose control, which marks the beginning of the end for the Winchesters. Of course, the coffin scene references other media too. Angel comes to mind.
Now let's talk about Qin Keqing's best friend, Wang Xifeng. I'm not implying that Dean is anything like Wang Xifeng (although a case can be made that her panci might have influenced Dean and Cas's storyline, but that's a separate post). I bring up Wang Xifeng purely because I want to compare Dean to Lady Wang, Wang Xifeng's aunt and Baoyu's mother. If you're a Dean stan who's read Dream of the Red Chambers, you're probably livid right now. But think of it this way-- Lady Wang is a victim of patriarchal feudalism, and while Dean isn't a woman living under this sort of oppression, Dabb alludes to a similar power structure, and there's a reason why there are so many posts comparing Dean to the Eldest Daughter.
Late season SPN is where Dabb explores female-centric themes in a male centric show. Yes, I find this absurd too, but that's the choice he made. It's why Amara exists. It's why he brought back Mary. It's why S12-15 is extremely domestic. And it's why he covers a range of female experiences through Dean.
Let me go back to Qin Keqing. If she hadn't died, she would have been in charge of running the household, and she would have done an excellent job. But would she have been happy?
The only other woman who matches Qin Keqing's talents is Wang Xifeng, and she dies relatively young. If she'd lived-- would she have turned into her aunt? Lady Wang is described as "wooden," but we know from Grandma Liu that before she married into the Jia family, she had a fiery personality, just like Wang Xifeng. Marriage turned her bitter. Indeed, Baoyu remarked that marriage turned women from pearls into dead fish eyes. And even though Dean isn't married, the role he plays in his family and his conflicts with Cas (and his resulting dislike of Jack) are very similar to the problems the legal wife of a wealthy man in ancient China would face. Or rather-- they're very similar to the problems the wife of a wealthy man/noblesman in a patriarchal feudalistic society would face. He probably would have identified with Catelyn Stark in GOT.
I'll probably write another post exploring how Red Chamber influenced the intra family conflicts in SPN, but before I do that, I want to talk about one more thing: Qin Keqing's nickname is Jian Mei, which means Both Beauties; she's considered to share both Daiyu and Baochai's beauty. Am I saying that there are shades of both Daiyu and Baochai in Dean's late season characterization? Yes. Dabb leans toward Daiyu = Dean and Baochai = Sam, although he plays with Baochai = Eileen too. Let me give you the shorthand for what these women stand for.
Daiyu = rebellious, bucks societal conventions, dies from a broken heart when Baoyu is tricked into marrying Baochai.
Baochai = obedient, adheres to societal conventions and thus the patriarchy, marries Baoyu but is then cast away because Baoyu decides to become a monk.
Tomorrow, I'll go into greater detail on how Baoyu, Daiyu, and Baochai appear through Cas, Dean, Sam, Jack, and Eileen, and how these choices tie into the finale.
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AU: Helloooo how are you all ? I hope you’re all doing fine and that you’re safe. I haven’t posted anything for a quite long time, sorry, collège is stealing my time ahah. Here is one fanfic I wrote on a break at college! Hope you’ll like it!
Summary: Sam is so done to be stuck in the middle of his brother and his angel’s constant flirting. This has to end, he has a devious plan to make them both confess their feelings.
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A devious plan (Destiel)
That day, Sam Winchester had enough. The sexual tension between his stupid brother and his stubborn Angel was becoming unbearable. Yet, neither of them had the guts to admit their feelings.
Sam was powerless in this exhausting situation. He was always in the middle of those two, and every time it was like he was caught up in a couple fight. It was enough! Today he’ll break this infernal spiral because it was Toxic and heartbreaking for the three of them.
The younger brother had conceived a whole plan in his head, a truly devious plan. Since his brother was too proud to admit that he really liked Castiel, Sam will make him spit the truth by force. He’ll make him believe that he’s interested in the Angel to drive him mad until Dean loses it. Sam will play dumb like he had no idea of their feelings. That was gonna be a sweet revenge for Sam.
He will teach both of them a lesson they will be force to learn and that they will remember for sure.
They were on a vamp nest case today. Some kids went missing and people reported strange sounds coming from the street. A woman even claimed she saw a man covered in blood yesterday. Of course, the first question Sam asked her was pretty obvious.
« Miss Pratt, why didn’t you call the police yesterday then? When you saw that woman? »
As usual, Sam was staring at the potential suspect with his piercing eyes. It was like he knew everything you might possibly tell him and therefore, he was only testing you. He could either make you freak out so bad that you needed to confess right away or make you weak in the knee. I must say that either way you ended up telling him everything he needed. This was how Sam Winchester worked.
In this precise case, the woman seemed to have been the victim of the second option. She was staring back at Sam intently with shiny blue eyes. She was pretty good looking even considering the recent events which were noticeable due to the bags under her eyes. She was about Sam’s age and the hunter decided he would take advantage of the situation. He wanted her to hit on him in front of his brother so that he could nicely turn her advances down. That will definitely catch Dean’s attention.
« I guess I was scared, and I wasn’t sure of what I saw, what I think I saw. I thought nobody would have believed me. But now I realize that I should have called the police. I’m sorry. » she answered with a shaking voice.
« It’s okay, as long as you’re telling us the truth now. Was there anything weird on that woman ? Except the blood of course. Any detail could be important. »
She hesitated for a moment and then she started to talk again with an uncertain look.
« I’m not sure, but ... »
« You can tell us, me anything Aria. We will believe you. » Sam added with a little smile.
« I might be crazy but I think she had fangs, like vampire fangs »
« You’re not crazy, thank you for your time. »
Sam leaned forward to pick his phone that « accidentally » felled from his pocket and « inadvertently » knocked the cup of coffee on his way up. The cup shattered on the wooden floor and the brown liquid spread everywhere. Of course, Sam pretended it was an accident and Dean mocked his little brother for being the trouble maker for once.
« Oh my god! I’m really sorry miss Pratt, can I help you clean this mess? » Sam asked with little concern in his voice.
The woman, -whose name was Aria- had a quicker reaction than Sam and caught a napkin on the table before he could.
« Oh no no don’t worry! It happens! » She answered.
When she bent herself in front of Sam -which, Sam was certain, she did on purpose- Dean winked at his brother.
« Come on dude, don’t you see the signs? That woman is blinking like a traffic light.» Dean whispered
Sam couldn’t help a little chuckle from his throat. He couldn’t get enough of his brother and his constant sex allusions which, by the way, didn’t make any sense sometimes. The woman interrupted his train Of thoughts as she got up.
« I would have offered you another cup but, I’m afraid I’m running out of coffee. » she made a small pause as if she was scared of her next words. « But, if you like, I can offer you one » she almost whispered.
This was exactly what Sam wanted to happen. Everything was just perfect for now.
« Oh! I’m sorry but I have to refuse. It would have been a pleasure but I need to focus on the case right now. »
If Sam hurt her feelings nobody would have known.
« Right, of course. Good luck to you gentlemen. »
She then, gently directed us towards the way out and the second Sam crossed the door Dean went completely hysterical.
« What the hell Sammy? This woman wanted you and you refused? Have you seen her? We don’t have any research to do we both know that it’s a vampire nest that we’re looking for. »
Dean almost yelled.
« Yeah so? She was hot but not my type. » Sam said whilst trying to look enigmatic.
« Not your type? Are you sick Sammy? Is there anything I need to know ‘bout you ? » he said with a truly concerned tone.
« No I’m not sick Dean. I’m just not in the mood. Besides, I have someone on my mind and I can’t do that. »
There, Sam said it and Dean was now staring at him with wide eyes.
« WHAT? Who is she Sammy? Another crazy ass bitch like Ruby? » he screamed
« That was low Dean. He’s not crazy, he’s different. »
Dean stopped in the side of the road.
« A he ? You’re thinking about a he ? You’re gay? »
Dean was so surprised that it looked like his eyes would just pop out of his head.
« I’m not gay, I’m pan. »
« What is pan ? » dean asked suspiciously
« It means that I do not care about the genre of the person. I only care about the person and his or her mentality. »
« Well, okay. Who is he then ? »
« I’m not sure if I should tell you. » Sam said playing dramatic.
« Oh come on Sam! I’m your brother. Tell me. » Dean was starting to to be annoyed. Perfect.
« Okay I’ll tell you but you can’t tell anyone. »
Sam suddenly felt like a teenage boy again and he was dying of amusement inside. Dean made no answer but it was pretty clear with the look on his face that he wanted Sam to continue.
« Ok, it’s Cas. »
For a minute I though that Dean had an attack. When he finally moved again I could see a very weird expression on his face. My revelation hurt him because he finally realized that Cas was not to take for granted. As long as their relation was blurry anything could happen. If someone had the guts to make a declaration to the Angel and that the Angel accepted it Dean would be left aside. He’ll end up blaming himself because he left the only good thing in his life.
« I like him, like, really really like him. I think I might be in love with him. » Sam added.
« No you’re not. You’re definitely not In love with Cas. » Dean reacted.
« What do you mean I’m not in love your Cas? I just told you I am! And I’m gonna ask him out today. »
Dean got out of the car and slammed baby’s door. Sam followed.
« What’s wrong with you Dean ? Dammit get over yourself you can’t stand that I like an other man ? Really ? »
« No Sammy it has nothing to do with you. You can like anyone but not Cas. »
« But why ? Why not Cas ? » Sam asked again
« Because Cas is mine okay! You can’t be in love with Cas and ask him out because I do ! I won’t watch my brother kiss the man I am so desperately in love with! » Dean finally shouted.
The plan had worked. Dean had confessed his love for the Angel.
« Of course you are, and of course I’m not Dean. »
When Dean understood the meaning to that he started to cry and I thought he was about to kick my ass.
« Why did you ... why would you do this? »
« Trust me I’m helping you right now Dean. Turn around. »
Cas was there. He showed up minutes ago when he heard his name being said again and again as we were fighting. He needed to hear this too.
« You like me ? » Cas asked
« Of course I love you stupid Angel. Don’t you dare like someone else. »
« How could I ever? I love you too Dean. I thought it was pretty obvious when I saved you all those times. I even abandoned heaven and God for you, only for you. »
And so the story ends, the beautiful story of how Sam Winchester help the two men in his life to get together. We always knew you were such a fangirl Sam.
Please let me know what you think about this story and support me on Archiveofourown ❤️ my username is « ClaireMcKenzieFraser »
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dlwritings · 4 years
Firecracker Soul | Dean Winchester
Chapter 22 - Sorry
pairing - mob!Dean x teacher!ofc
word count - 3,950
warnings - language, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (cover your stump before you hump), daddy kink
additional notes at the end
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Alice didn't sleep at all the night after the Ben Platt concert. Part of her wished she hadn't blown up at Dean, but another part of her was still frustrated and hurt. Why did Dean have to be so complicated? Why did she have to get involved with someone who made such simple things so difficult?
She made herself a cup of tea and headed out to her balcony. It was small -nothing compared to Dean's- but it was hers, and she liked it. She wrapped a blanket around her shoulders and sat on the outdoor chair. With her legs tucked under her, she brought her mug to her lips. She wasn't even slightly tired, and it was after midnight. She was usually fast asleep by then. Her mind just kept running in circles. She liked Dean. She really did. She just couldn't stay in a relationship with someone who didn't understand how relationships worked. Was it her job to teach him? Was she making all of this more complicated than she needed to?
Naturally, when she met Christine for breakfast, she asked her.
"He thinks I overuse the word normal," she told her. "Like there's no such thing as normal. But there is. I think I deserve to be in a normal relationship at least once in my life. Greg definitely wasn't normal, and I guess I thought Dean was."
"You thought he would be normal even after he told you he was a mob boss?" Christine asked. "You still thought he might be normal?"
"I guess I did," she said with a sigh. She yawned and took another sip of her coffee.
"No offense," Christine said, "but you look awful."
"I didn't sleep last night," she answered.
"At all?"
"No," Alice said with another sigh. "Just couldn't. Couldn't turn my mind off."
"Alice," Christine sighed. "Don't start this."
"Start what?" she said.
"You gotta take care of yourself," she said. "When everything started with Greg, you did this same thing. You would call me constantly at, like, 2AM."
"I know," she said. "It's just hard."
Christine nodded. "Do you want to forgive him?"
"Of course I do," she said. "I just want him to be sorry. To actually be sorry. You know, I don't even think he said the words yesterday. He just, like, paid me off." Christine was quiet. She licked her lips and looked down at her coffee cup. "What're you thinking?" Alice asked. "You have that look."
Christine sighed. "I know I only met him once, but from what you say of him, it really seems like he cares about you. I think he just doesn't know how to express it."
"God," Alice mumbled, rubbing her temples. "Jess said the same thing."
"Do you not agree?" Christine asked.
"I don't know," she groaned. "I'm just trying to weigh if he's worth the effort I'm putting into this."
"What's your gut telling you?" she asked. Alice raised her eyebrows.
"My gut?" she repeated.
"Yeah," she said. "You know, you've got to feel this in your stomach. Is he worth it, or is he not?"
"I don't know," Alice said, shaking her head. "I don't know, okay?"
"It's because you're thinking too much," Christine said. "Don't think, just say it. Is he worth it, yes or no?"
"Yes!" she blurted out. Christine smirked and folded her arms across her chest, leaning back in her seat. "Wow," Alice said, impressed. "Where'd you learn that?"
"The Office," Christine said.
"Of course," Alice said. "Of course that's where you learned it."
Family dinner was at Cas and Hannah's on Saturday, and Dean wished he could skip it. Still, he knew the rules. Only sickness could excuse a family dinner absence, and he couldn't fake that. He supposed he just had too much of a conscience. So, he showed up to dinner with store bought cookies and greeted everyone half heartedly.
As Dean made his way to the alcohol, he missed the looks everyone shared behind his back. Everyone expected things to have been better between Dean and Alice by then. Hannah even got a plate out for her. They knew he planned to apologize to her on Friday, so what had gone so wrong?
Dean avoided the topic of Alice all throughout dinner, and he had no intention of sticking around for the usual after-meal drinks to talk it out. The others, of course, noticed, and weren't going to let him go that easy.
"Nah, nah," Sam said, waving his hand at Dean. "Sit down."
"I've got things to do," Dean said.
"Bullshit," Sam said. "Talk to your family about your problems."
"You can't not bring her and not expect us to ask why," Cas said.
"You guys were hot and heavy for, like, two months straight," Jess said. "And now you're not talking? I thought you were apologizing yesterday."
"I did!" he said, plopping back down on the seat in annoyance. "You know what I did? I got her favorite singer to come perform for us on the terrace. Do you know how much that cost me? A lot. It cost me a lot. And the whole time, I thought things were better, but she was still mad. What more could I have done?"
"Wait, are you being serious?" Hannah asked. Dean furrowed his eyebrows, shook his head, and shrugged.
"Yeah?" he said.
"Dean," Jess said with a laugh of disbelief, "you're really shit at problem solving, you know that?" He was genuinely confused as he looked at her. "You can't just buy her things and expect everything to be better," she said. "Not everything needs a big, grand gesture. Sometimes, all she wants is for you to say I'm sorry."
"I did say I'm sorry," he said.
"Did you?" Sam asked. Dean opened his mouth, but no words came out.
"Yes?" he finally said.
"Dude," Sam said with a laugh. "Come on."
"I'm sure I apologized after our fight when she fell in the pool," he said. "And that was after I brought flowers to her work. So what did I do wrong there? She was mad about that too."
"It's like I said," Jess said, "not everything needs a grand gesture. Apologies like that seem like they're more about you looking good than you actually being sorry."
"They look ingenuine," Hannah simplified.
"What, so you think she doesn't even think I'm sorry?" he asked. The others were quiet, and Jess shrugged. Dean groaned in annoyance and ran his hands through his hair. "Fuck," he muttered. "Why are relationships so complicated? Nothing was this hard with Lisa."
"You can't compare relationships," Sam said as the others made various expressions of agreement.
"That's a rabbit hole you cannot go down," Jess said. "No two relationships are the same because no two women are the same." Dean groaned and downed the rest of his whiskey.
"So how the fuck am I suppose to fix this?" he said.
"Do you want to fix this?" Sam asked.
"Of course I do," Dean said. "I like her. It's just that every time I do anything, it only makes everything worse. It's not that I'm not trying. I just don't think I know how to do this right."
"Well," Cas said, "there's this thing called talking. That might be a good way to start."
"Fuck off," Dean said, rubbing his temples.
"He's right," Hannah said. "Just talk to her."
"How?" Dean said. "It's not like she's gonna answer my calls." Everyone was quiet for a moment.
"Okay," Jess said with a sigh, "normally I wouldn't condone this, but there is a way to balance a grand gesture and a normal conversation."
"And you think that's what I should do?" he said. Jess looked at the others as if searching for their agreement. She must've gotten the response she wanted.
"Here's what I think you should do."
A few weeks passed, and Alice was on her way to her eight-week prenatal appointment. It was a Friday, so she decided to take the whole day off, even though the appointment was in the late afternoon. She knew she wouldn't be able to have a good day or do anything productive when she'd be thinking about the appointment all day.
She met up with Jess before the appointment for lunch at Panera. "How're you doing?" Jess asked as soon as they sat at their table.
"Nervous," she admitted. "But kind of excited too."
"Good," Jess said. "You should be. This is an exciting time. They'll even do an ultrasound today. You'll get your first little glimpse at the baby."
"I know," Alice said. "I googled a bunch of stuff."
When they got to the appointment, everything went as she expected: a general health exam, urine test, bloodwork, genetic carrier screening, STD tests, pap smear, and a blood sugar test. Based on the information Alice shared with Dr. Montgomery, she was able to estimate a due date. "So, this little kiddo is going to be due on June 30, 2021."
"That feels so far away," Alice said, putting her hands on her stomach.
"It'll go by before you know it," Dr. Montgomery said. "Should we do an ultrasound?"
Alice nodded, and Jess squeezed her hand as Dr. Montgomery began the process. The jelly was cold on her stomach, and she couldn't help but jump. Everyone chuckled, and Alice sighed and laid her head back on the medical chair. A few minutes went by, and Dr. Montgomery turned the screen to face Alice and Jess. "That right there," she said, pointing to the blurry blob in the middle of her uterus, "is little Baby Berkley."
"Really?" Alice whispered, tears blurring her eyes.
"Yup," Dr. Montgomery said. "It's about half an inch long. No bigger than a raspberry."
"It's perfect," she said, tears flowing from her eyes. "It's so beautiful."
"Beautiful and healthy," Dr. Montgomery added. "Things are looking good."
They chatted for a while more about what Alice was to expect during the pregnancy and after. By the time the appointment was done, Alice was exhausted. Her brain was overloaded with information, and she felt like every time she exhaled she would lose some of it. Once again, she was glad she had Jess. "Thank you for coming," Alice said, "again."
"Of course," Jess said. "Like I told you, I'll be with you this whole way."
"I appreciate it," she said. "Do you want to come over for a bit? Hannah and Christine can come too. We can watch some movies or-"
"Oh, I would love to," Jess said, "but Sam and I already made dinner plans."
"Oh," Alice said, trying not to sound too disappointed. "Of course."
"Seriously though," Jess said quickly, "we should do that sometime. That sounds like fun." Alice nodded, and the two got into their cars and parted ways.
Alice walked into her apartment and kicked her shoes off. Her feet were killing her, and she was hungry, but she didn't want to take the time to make anything. Seemed like it'd be a night of ramen noodles and whatever cheap wine she had on hand. She hadn't had a night like that since she started dating Dean. God. What had her life become?
When she got into her room, she let out a shriek and covered her mouth with her hand.
"Dean," she breathed out. "You scared the crap out of me."
Once the shock wore off, she took in the scene in front of her. Dean was wearing sweats and a t-shirt and was sitting on a blanket that he laid out on the floor. There was a box of pizza from her favorite pizza place and a plate of chocolate covered strawberries. She could feel tears pooling in her eyes. "What's all this?" she asked.
"Shit, shit," Dean said, standing up and stepping over to her. "Fuck, you're crying. Did I get the wrong pizza? Is it-"
"No, no," she said, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I just-" She let out a soft laugh. "What's going on?" Dean scratched the back of his neck.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry," he said. "For everything. For getting that man killed, for when I blew up about Lisa, for dealing with Brent without talking to you first, and for what I did at the party. And I'm sorry I try to make things better with money and sex and violence instead of with words. You're right. I'm not good at this, and I'm not normal. I don't know how to be in a real relationship, because I haven't been in one in a really long time. I know I can be possessive and disrespectful, and I am so sorry. I do stupid shit because I don't know how to handle the way I feel about you sometimes, and I just worry. I-" He hesitated. "I lost my cool at the party. And I'm honestly, truly sorry."
"S'okay," she mumbled, hanging her head. Dean sighed, shook his head, and closed the space between them in a few steps. He looked down at her and lifted her chin.
"I know I've been hurting you," he said. "And I know I scared you at the party. And I'm so, so sorry for that. I need to learn to talk instead of just act on all my feelings. But I'm gonna learn, okay? I'm gonna make this better." She smiled at him, and he wiped away a tear that had fallen from her eye. "You know, I may not be wise," he said, "and I won't always save the day."
She couldn't help but giggle at the way he managed to fit a Ben Platt lyric into the conversation like a dork. He smiled softly. God, he missed that sound.
"But I won't run away," he whispered. "And I won't let you run away either."
"I don't want to run away," she said, putting her hands on his cheeks. "I really like you, Dean. And I appreciate all of this. It means so, so much."
"Yeah?" he said.
"Yeah," she repeated. "Thank you for this."
"Of course," he said. He pinched her chin lightly. "Can I kiss you?"
Alice giggled. "Yeah. Yeah, you can kiss me."
Dean smiled, tilted his head down, and pressed his lips to hers. She kissed him softly back. The kiss didn't last very long, and when they pulled away, Alice looked down at the mini picnic Dean had set up. "This looks great," she said. "You got my favorite pizza."
"Yeah," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was hoping I got it right."
"You did," she said. "I want to change out of this outfit first." Dean nodded, so she went into her drawers to get some comfier clothes. She grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms and the Zeppelin t-shirt she stole from Dean and didn't bother going into the bathroom to change. Dean swallowed thickly and forced himself to look away from her. Not everything was about sex.
When she sat down beside him, she reached for a slice of pizza. Dean smiled and did the same. "So," she said, turning to face him and crossing her legs, "what's up?"
"What's up?" he repeated with a chuckle.
"Yeah," she said. "I miss you."
"I'm right here," he said.
"Shut up," she giggled, rolling her eyes at him. "I just mean we didn't talk for a while, and I want to know how you are. How's Jack doing? Or can you not talk about it?"
He shrugged and took another bite of his pizza. "I don't get to talk to him that much," he said, "for obvious reasons. He calls from a payphone to a different burner phone of mine as often as he can. So far, he's just trying to blend in. We have the location of his base -like, his equivalent to our bunker- which is awesome."
"Seriously?" she said.
"Mhm," he hummed, wiping his mouth on a napkin.
"Are you gonna go there?" she asked.
"No," Dean said. "We don't want to ambush the whole place. We just want to get him."
"If you get him, does his family fall apart?" she asked.
"No," Dean said again, this time with a sigh. "His underboss will take over."
"So why don't you just take out his whole family?" she said.
Dean chuckled. "Because then we'd be talking mass murder, and I don't think we really want to do that."
"So what's the point of taking out Lucifer?" she asked. "If someone else takes over, don't you just think the next boss will have it out for you? If you take out a boss, you'll start a war." He looked at her in amusement.
"Where'd you hear that?" he asked.
She shrugged. "I might've watched Goodfellas to learn about your career."
"Alice!" Dean laughed.
"It was very violent!"
"Yeah, it is," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're such a dork. You could've just asked me, you know."
"I know," she said. "But I wanted to randomly share some mob knowledge and impress you." She paused and fluttered her eyelashes. "Did it work?"
"Oh yeah," Dean said. "I'm very impressed." Alice giggled and reached out to scratch her nails across his beard. Dean hummed and leaned into her touch. He grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. "I missed you," he muttered against her hand.
She smiled. "I missed you too, Dean." When he smiled back at her, she stood up from the ground and stuck her hand out to him. He furrowed his eyebrows but took it and got up from the ground. Barely giving him a chance to get his balance, Alice stood on her tip-toes and pressed her lips to his. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, then lifted her thighs and wrapped them around his waist. He walked them over to the bed and dropped her onto it. She giggled as she bounced on the mattress, and he laughed as well and pulled his shirt over his head.
Dean licked his lips and scratched his beard, letting his eyes rake over Alice's body. Her cheeks flushed, and she held her arms out to him. "C'mere," she said. He smiled and crawled over to her, and she moved her hands to his cheeks to bring him down for a kiss. She kissed across his cheek and to his ear, nibbling his earlobe.
Alright, if Dean was going to try and communicate better in their relationship, so could she.
"I want you inside me, Dean," she whispered.
"Fuck," he breathed out, hanging his head with a smile of disbelief. "I think that's the hottest thing you've ever said to me." She smiled as she kissed his neck.
"Please, daddy," she whispered. He groaned as she sucked a mark onto his skin. He pulled away and made her sit up so he could pull her shirt over her head. She had taken off her bra when she came home, so her tits were bare to him.
"I could look at you all day," he muttered, licking his lips and running his hands up her torso to her tits, gripping them in his hands and pinching her nipples. A whine rose up the back of her throat as she arched her back against his hands.
"Dean," she whispered.
"I'm gonna eat your pretty pussy first, okay?" he said, kissing down her neck and across her chest. He trapped her nipple between his lips, sucking it until it was hard, then he moved onto the other. He kissed down her torso and to the waistband of her pajama pants. Once they were off, he captured her panties between his teeth and tugged them down her legs. He tossed them aside and pushed her legs apart, then kissed up her thighs. "God," he muttered, "I missed this pussy." She put her arms over her face when he spoke, and then sighed when he dipped his tongue past her folds.
He always knew exactly what ways to move to make her toes curl. Between slow, kitten licks and swirling circles around her clit, she was gripping his hair in her fists in no time. When his finger started teasing her opening, she lifted her hips to get closer to him. "So needy for daddy," he teased. She just nodded, and he smiled and pushed his finger inside her. He moved it in and out of her slowly, bringing his mouth to her clit. He sucked it between his lips, letting his tongue flick at it as he eased another finger inside her.
"Dean," she said for the second time. "I wanna cum."
"I know, sweetheart," he said. "You're right there. Let go. Cum for daddy." She nodded and felt her breath catch in her throat as she tilted her head into the pillow and came around Dean's fingers. He kept moving them, slowing down so she could come down from her high. "So pretty when you cum," he said, kissing up her body again until he reached her lips. She kissed him back, her teeth clashing with his. "Hey, hey, slow down," Dean said with a chuckle, pulling away. She kept her eyes closed until Dean put his hand on her chin. "I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart," he said. "We can take this nice and slow."
"I know," she whispered. "I know. I just-" She sighed and licked her lips. "Dean, I missed you. I want you."
A smile grew on his lips again. "Okay."
He sat back on his heels and tugged his sweats off, letting his boxers follow. When his cock sprang up, Alice bit her lip, which made Dean smile as he gripped his cock. He pumped it before rubbing the head across her folds. Every time it brushed against her clit, she would jump and dig her nails into his shoulder. Dean took the not-so-subtle hint and slid into her. He hesitated a moment, giving her time to adjust before moving his hips back and thrusting into her again. Her lips parted as she tilted her head back into the pillow again. He grabbed her hand and laced his fingers with hers before leaning down to kiss her lips. He was always able to maintain a steady, back-arching rhythm with her that hit in all the right places. He was so big, and the drag of his cock against her walls made her whimper against his lips. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her heels into his lower back. She wanted him closer. Deeper.
So she decided to take control.
She used all her strength to turn her and Dean over so he was on his back. He sat up, and she situated herself on his cock, wrapping her whole body around his. She could feel his cock in the deepest part of her, and his pelvic bone brushed against her clit. She gripped onto him like her life depended on it, burying her face in his shoulder. Dean put his hands on her waist and helped her move against his cock, grinding in the most pleasurable motion. Her breath caught in her throat as her nails ran deep scratches up his back. When his cock hit her g-spot one final time, she came around him with a loud moan, only slightly muffled by her mouth resting against his skin. Dean came right after, shooting his load inside her.
They stayed wrapped in each other's arms again, Alice kissing his shoulder. "I'm glad you're back, sweetheart," Dean whispered.
"Mm," she hummed, kissing his skin again. "I'm glad you're back."
Dean chuckled. "And I'm not going anywhere ever again."
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18 notes · View notes
67-chevy-baby · 5 years
Teach Me
Pairing - Dean x Reader / Eventual Cas x Reader / No Destiel
Rating - 18+ Only!!
Squares Filled - Kink Bingo: Voyeurism and Castiel Bingo: Smut
Tags - Voyeurism, Smut, Fingering (Female Receiving), Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Squirting, Finger Sucking, Masturbation, Unprotected Sex, Use of Grace, A little bit of a Threesome (NO DESTIEL in this one), Some Fluff at the end, and I think that’s it.
Word Count - 2,969
Beta - @winecatsandpizza​
Fic Aesthetic - Yours truly
Written for - @spnkinkbingo​ and @castiel-bingo​
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Dean couldn’t keep Y/N quiet. Her pleasure-filled screams echoed through the halls of the bunker as he flicked his tongue rapidly over her clit, two of his skilled fingers curling inside her searching out her sweet spot. He was just glad that they were alone and didn’t have any close neighbors because he was sure the cops would have been called by now. Edging was one of his favorite things to do to her. Dean loved seeing her beg. He always thought she begged pretty.
“Oh God, please… Dean, please! Need to cum…”
Dean knew she was close. The way her needy moans became pants as her walls started to tighten around his thick digits was his key to stop. He pulled out of her, chuckling at her low whimper. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Sweetheart, I didn’t give you permission yet. You gotta be a good girl. Only good girls get what they want. Think you can do that for me?”
Y/N’s chest was heaving, and she swore the moment anything touched her throbbing clit she’d explode, but Dean always knew what she needed. Especially when she was in a submissive state like this. She felt Dean’s calloused hands slide slowly up her sides, goosebumps rising in their wake. His lips sucked at the pulse point just below her ear sending a shiver down her spine. 
His lips ghosted along the skin of her throat ever so lightly. It was getting hard for him to hold back himself, so he could only imagine how she was feeling. His fingers found her slick folds once again, her walls fluttering around nothing before he slid one into her. The action wasn’t anything near what she needed, but it was better than him not touching her at all. 
Y/N began to raise her hips to meet the lazy thrust of his finger. All she needed was a little bit more, just a little more, and she’d be soaring into pure bliss. Dean’s sound of disapproval brought her back to reality, and she almost sobbed when he pulled out of her. 
“Ah, Ah, Ah. Didn’t say you could move, darlin’.”
“Fuck, please… please Dean. I-I need it.”
Just as Dean was about to give in and grant the release they both needed, a flutter of wings sounded in the corner of the room. Y/N scrambled up the bed, covering herself with the sheet just as Dean threw his black t-shirt on and grabbed his pistol off the nightstand. 
“Y/N? Is everything alright? I heard you calling for De-”
The familiar figure of Castiel stood clad in his usual attire looking halfway between confused and embarrassed as he took in the scene before him. His head tilted slightly before he spoke again, his attention fixed on Dean curiously. 
“Dean, was it you that was causing Y/N to cry out in distress?”
Y/N watched as Dean put his hands on his hips, rolling his eyes. 
“Dammit, Cas … Y/N wasn’t distressed. She was enjoyin’ herself.”
Cas’ eyes narrowed to thin slits finally realizing that they were completely naked save for Dean’s tee. He walked forward slightly, picking up Dean’s boxers for a moment before dropping them back onto the pile of clothes on the floor. 
“Oh, I understand now Dean. This is how humans participate in the act of intercourse. My apologies for interrupting.”
Y/N watched as Cas awkwardly shifted his weight from one foot to the other before looking at Dean expectantly. 
“Cas? You okay, buddy? I was kinda hoping to get back to uh … well, ya know …”
Cas’ blue eyes wandered over their bare skin slowly, and Y/N didn’t miss the hint of redness that tinted his cheeks.
“Dean? I would very much like to learn how to make Y/N enjoy herself as you did. Can you teach me?”
Y/N’s gaze darted to Dean’s as he looked at her, the silent question was understood and she nodded slightly. A moment later, Dean stood from his spot at the foot of the bed and walked slowly towards his angel friend. Cas looked at him curiously as the fabric of his signature blue tie slid through the hunter’s thumb and index finger. 
“Well, first things first Cas, you’re wearing too many clothes.”
He looked crestfallen at Dean, grasping the lapel of his trench coat lovingly. 
“I like my clothing Dean. I don’t see why it would matter if I took all of it off or not.”
Y/N held back a laugh, shaking her head as Dean scrubbed a hand across his face. 
“Cas, buddy, you gotta be naked. It’s uhh … it’s easier to …” 
He sighed heavily, the annoyance thick in his tone.
“Trust me on this, Cas. Okay? It’ll make Y/N happy.”
Moments later, the ever-so-powerful angel of the Lord stood there in nothing but his white boxers. Y/N hadn’t realized just how muscular he was underneath all the layers of clothing he normally wore. His biceps were notably distinguished, his chest looked firm, and his deeply defined Adonis belt was deliciously inviting. 
“I still don’t see how my lack of clothing would make Y/N feel pleasure, Dean.”
Just as Dean let out another exasperated sigh, Y/N patted the bed welcomingly and scooted over. 
“C’mere Cas, let me show you what Dean means.”
The angel stole a hesitant glance at Dean, watching him nod towards the bed. Cas swallowed thickly and made his way over to where Y/N laid invitingly. 
Cas watched as her delicate hand patted the thin fitted sheet. Her fingers sliding over the fabric made his pulse quicken. It wasn’t until Dean sat on the end of the bed that he came to his senses. 
“Go on, Cas. You have to feel how smooth her skin is. Y/N’s got the prettiest skin doesn’t she?” 
Indeed, Cas always admired how beautifully porcelain it was. He just didn’t think he would ever get this opportunity. Celestial beings weren’t supposed to participate in acts like this. Sexual desires rarely crossed his mind, mainly because it was wired into his genetic code to serve God. 
Ever so slowly he extended his hand, allowing it to come to rest on Y/N’s bare hip. Not only was her skin soft, but this simple touch seemed to electrify his body. The celestial energy within him made everything more heightened. An instinct he never thought he would’ve possessed took over. 
Y/N returned the gesture by stroking her fingertips along the side of his cheek. She watched as Cas closed his eyes, the initial contact making him shiver. He’d never been touched so intimately before. The sensations from it alone caused his breath to hitch, and she hadn’t even got him completely naked yet. He hadn’t even noticed Dean move to the chair in the corner until his gruff voice broke the silence in the room, egging him on. 
“Yeah, buddy that’s it. Kiss her next. See if you can find the spot on her neck that drives her absolutely wild.”
Y/ N’s gaze flitted from the angel’s slightly-parted lips to his cerulean eyes. It made desire begin to pool in her abdomen seeing him like this. She’d always had feelings for Cas, but it never seemed possible that she would be able to explore those desires. His mouth descended onto her neck, kissing and sucking at her fair skin. 
Y/N’s back arched into his toned chest at its own accord, his lips continuing their journey south. His ocean-colored eyes looked up through his thick lashes at her reaction to his kisses. It never occurred to him how such a small gesture could have such an effect on someone. He wanted more, needed to see Y/N come completely undone for him. 
Cas marveled at her beautiful figure laid out before him. Beads of sweat collected in the valley between her breasts, her chest rising and falling as she looked down at him with want. He gracefully kissed his way back up to her bowtie lips, capturing them in a passionate caress. His tongue danced with hers expertly, the thickening of his cock evident on her upper thigh. 
The moment his lips left hers a needy whine fell from her lips. Y/N looked over at Dean and felt her walls clench again. Seeing him fully naked again with his cock in his hand, hard and leaking, drove her absolutely wild. Her body began to shake again, her hands fisting the sheets. 
“P-Please… I… I can’t… I need…”
Dean chuckled as Cas looked over at him with slight confusion etched in his features. He bit his lip, nodding at the angel to keep going as he slowly increased the speed of his hand on his cock. 
“Dean, did I do something wrong? Y/N seems to be in distress again.”
A low moan fell from the elder Winchester’s lips. It was getting harder to focus on being a teacher when he was getting the hottest live show he’d ever seen. Eventually, he shook his head and tried desperately to form a coherent sentence. 
“Nah buddy, I bet her pussy’s soaked. Just look at the way she’s breathin’. You see the way her eyes roll back in her head just from your hands and mouth touching her? That’s just the tip of the iceberg, Cas. You really wanna hear Y/N lose it, then you gotta find her sweet spot.”
Dean stood up and joined his angelic friend on the bed, carefully spreading Y/N’s legs. He showed Cas his middle and ring fingers for a moment before dipping them into the slick folds of her sex. Cas didn’t miss how her back arched off the bed or the way she whimpered. Dean didn’t keep them inside her long though. This wasn’t his show anymore, but he wasn’t upset. If he was honest with himself, teaching turned him on more than he thought it would.
“You see that? Now you try…”
Cas slid his left hand up Y/N’s thigh, his fingertips ghosting over the goosebumps on her skin. He took note of how she sucked in a breath the moment his fingers grazed her folds. Dean was right, she was very wet. Ever so slowly, he began to smooth them up and down, his cock throbbing in his boxers every time a new plea fell from her mouth. 
“Is this her sweet spot, Dean?” 
His hand never faltered as his blue eyes met Dean’s lust-blown ones. The hunter shook his head and bit his lip, his voice thick with arousal as he spoke. 
“Not quite, Cas. I’ll help you find it though. Those two fingers you’re touchin’ her with? Push them inside her. Then, I want you to curl them upwards.”
Cas did as he was told, and the moment he curled his fingers the prettiest moan he’d ever heard filled the room like a prayer.
“Oh, Castiel!... M-More… please!”
Cas didn’t have to be told twice. Virgin or not, he could tell he’d found the spot that drove her crazy. He began to rub his fingers along the bundle inside her, his other hand rubbing his own arousal through his boxers to gain some relief. Dean praised him, egging him on as he used his thumb to draw circles around her clit. 
“That’s it, Cas. Fuck... keep moving your hand like that, and she’ll cum in no time. You think we should let her? You wanna see her squirt? She tastes like Heaven.”
Cas wasn’t sure what Dean meant by that, but he loved the way Y/N’s walls squeezed around his fingers. He continued to thrust his fingers in and out, a little faster each time. His eyes went wide as he watched Dean lowered his mouth towards where his hand was.
“I’m about to show you another spot, Cas. This one’s called her clit. Y/N’s about to become putty in our hands. Ready, buddy?” 
Cas nodded, licking his lips as Dean closed his mouth over Y/N. Almost instantaneously he felt her walls clamp around his fingers. He couldn’t believe he’d never experienced anything like this before. Why would his Father keep something this pleasurable hidden from his brothers and sisters for so long? A few seconds later, Cas felt something wet gush over his vessel’s hand. 
“Oh, fuck! C-Cas…. Dean I… I’m gonna… Right there!... OH, FUCK!!”
Dean sat back on his heels, his chin glistening with Y/N’s juices. A smirk formed on his lips before he gestured to where Cas’ hand was. 
“Good job, buddy. You know, for an angel you’re not too bad at this. Taste her, Cas. Then, I wanna see you fuck her.” 
Cas did as instructed and slowly removed his fingers from Y/N’s heat. He curiously observed the way they glistened with her wetness for a moment before sucking them between his lips. His eyes fluttered closed as he tasted her. Dean was right, she was delicious and he needed more. Before he could stop himself, he settled between her quivering legs. His instincts took over and soon he was devouring her like it was the only thing keeping him alive. 
“Sh-Shit! CAS!! Ohholyshityes… yes… YES!” So good… Oh, you’re so good! AH!” 
Dean’s jaw went slack as he watched the scene play out before him. His cock jerked in his hand, and he began to stroke himself faster. The coil of his arousal tightening with each passing moment he watched Cas work Y/N over. 
“Jesus, Cas… Look at you, making her a complete mess with your mouth. Fuck… yeah, make her sweet pussy cum again… C’mon, buddy… you can do it. Make her scream…”
His words gave him the fuel he needed. He closed his mouth over the same spot Dean had before and sucked. He could quickly tell that she was sensitive, so as if on queue he used his grace to hold Y/N in place while he moved his tongue in circles across her bundle of nerves. 
“Ca...Cas… Cas, OhmyG-... M’gonna… Fuck, I’m gonna… CAS!!!”
He released her clit after her second orgasm calmed down and sat up next to where Dean was standing. His pupils fully engulfing the blue of his eyes. His cock was painfully hard in the confines of his boxers, so he took a moment to remove them. 
“Cas, I think she’s ready for you. God, I can’t wait to see you fuck her and watch her cum with you buried inside her.” 
Cas had never had something so filthy be spoken to him, but it unlocked something inside him. Something primal that needed to be sated, and it was something only Y/N could provide him. He positioned himself between her legs and pushed inside her, not stopping until his hips met hers. He heard her cry out and stopped, his eyes looking down into hers as he waited for her to adjust to him. 
“Please… please, Cas… fuck me…”
The moment the words left her lips, he gave in and began a punishing pace. Dean marveled at the way Y/N looked from this angle. He knew he wasn’t going to last like this. Seeing his best friend fuck the girl he loved senseless would be his undoing. He stood there fucking himself into his hand while the most obscene noises filled his ears. It all became too much, the sound of skin slapping against skin, the stream of Enochian chants coming from Castiel, and the sound of Y/N begging for him to cum sent him over the edge. Thick ropes of his release coated her chest and neck as he gripped onto the headboard for support. 
“Mmm, fuck Cas… Yeah, buddy… fuck her just like that… She feels amazing, doesn’t she? That tight pussy squeezing your cock like a vice. She’s close, I can tell.” 
He leaned down close to her ear and flicked his tongue over her earlobe. 
“You like when Cas fucks you, sweetheart? His cock feels good splitting you open… I can tell. You gonna cum for us? Gonna cum all over him?”
The moment Y/N’s walls fluttered around Cas he was a goner. With a guttural cry, he stilled inside her, his release filling her completely. 
For a few moments, no one said anything. It was all just heavy breathing and the occasional whimper from Y/N. Dean broke the silence and ran a hand through his sweat-slicked hair before slipping back into his boxers. 
“That was… wow… We gotta do that more often. He padded across the room to the door and gave the Cas and Y/N a lopsided smile. “I’m gonna go get cleaned up. You two should do the same and then we can talk about all this.”
He was gone seconds later, but before Y/N could move to get up herself, Cas shook his head. “Allow me.” With a quick snap of his fingers, they were both clean and back in their clothes. She smiled at him and threaded her fingers with his. “That was amazing, Cas. I… I don’t know what we do from here, but I don’t want this to be a one-time thing.” Cas smiled and leaned down to kiss her temple. “I may be somewhat ignorant of intimate feelings, but Dean seemed pleased with what we just did together.” 
The two made their way to the Bunker’s library completely sated. If you’d told Y/N a year ago that she’d be fucked into oblivion by an angel of the Lord while one of the most beautiful hunters that ever existed watched, she would have laughed. Now? Now, it was safe to say that anything can happen, and she couldn’t wait for Dean to give Cas another lesson.
Tags: @desiree-0816​ @jensens-snackles​ @thinkwritexpress-official​
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the-abominable-hulk · 5 years
jack kline having two older siblings -- kevin tran and claire novak [like, im bringing kevin back to l i f e because the writers are always doing him wrong] and they sneak out at night and the tree of them sleep in a shared treehouse together sometimes and and and they'll have a really nice car [i'll probably take one from the fast and furious movies]
I can 100000% get behind them being siblings! (Also sorry I didn’t get to this yesterday, but I had many thoughts and wanted to actually take the time to write them out skdjsk)
• Kevin lives before this by banishing Gadreel instead of Gadreel killing him. Because he deserved better than that!! They really did do him so dirty ://
• Once things settled down with the tablets Kevin had a lot more freedom, so he probably travels between the bunker, and his mom’s home. Taking turns staying at both. (He would go on a few hunts with the Winchester’s at one point + be completely useless and end up staying at the bunker and helping from there instead but that’s not of import for the Jack + Kevin + Claire headcanons).
• The first time he meets Jack it would be before Castiel returned. I like the idea of Jack chilling in the library or war room watching some sy-fy movie that he found on Netflix or Sam recommended and Kevin just welcomes himself like usual
• The Winchester’s are much too self involved and probably didn’t bother telling Kevin that Jack had been born, even though he knew that Lucifer was having a son and that was terrifying to him.
• ”Hello. I’m Jack”
“Lucifer’s son?!”
Kevin internally: “you can’t just ask people if they’re the son of Satan. C’mon man”
• Kevin’s lowkey terrified at first considers leaving then and there, but ends up staying and is fairly distant from Jack.
• but then Kevin hears the way Sam seems to truly believe in him. Sees first hand that Jack is truly terrified of being like his father, and that makes the kid a lot more likable
• plus maybe Kevin found seeing Jack struggle to tie his shoes before he got his Velcro’s to be endearing. He seemed more like a kid than evil.
• The first time they actually talk is in the kitchen while Jack is eating cookie crunch at like,,, 3am
• it’s canon that Jack doesn’t require much sleep + I headcanon that Kevin has major sleep troubles after everything with the tablets, so maybe they make midnight snacking/movies a thing they do together on the regular?? And that’s when they really start to bond?
• and Jack learns to cling onto anyone who doesn’t seem to immediately hate him because of how quickly Dean made his mind up about him
• Also I like the idea that Sam does try to like tutor Jack on some school stuff like math/reading/history etc so he has a better understanding of the knowledge if it ever does become necessary, but a lot of the times he just,,, doesn’t have the time to. And Kevin would really pick up the slack and probably teach Jack what he could
• By the time that Jack met Claire I imagine that Castiel would be back
• At first I imagine things between them would be really strained— or at the very least from Claire’s end it would be
• Seeing Castiel father someone else (because he’s possessing Jimmy’s vessel) MUST be painful af
• She probably takes her anger about the situation out on Jack to an extent despite it not being his fault
• Jack’s upset thinking that there’s something wrong with him/she doesn’t like him when that’s really not the case
• Castiel probably has to explain to Jack why she’s upset, and Jack takes it a lot less personal after that
• Insert Claire & Castiel heart to heart as well about how Cas cares immensely about her & that she should try to go easier on Jack
• She offers Jack a 3 musketeers as a peace offering and Jack is ECSTATIC that things seem to be going better
• they still have their moments of being tense/Claire struggling with it but for the most part things are in the right direction
• it takes awhile for things with Jack & Claire to get to a good place, but I could see them texting one another fairly often and not seeing each other in person much at first— maybe they facetime? Claire teaches Jack about memes— he says “OK Boomer” to Dean because she told him to it’s DEVASTATING for Dean— Sam and Kevin would be SO ENTERTAINED— If Castiel is there he’s confused as to what it means/why Dean seems angry
• Also Jack and Claire??? Mlm wlw solidarity (bc Jack is gay and no one can take that headcanon from me— like he’s not really interested in anyone but I love the idea of him having a fairly innocent crush on some guy he meets and wanting to hold his hand yknow?)
• When Kevin and Claire first meet they’re both kind of indifferent/tolerate each other because of Jack
• Kevin would lowkey feel left out because Claire and Jack are both like Castiel’s adopted kid to an extent
• Claire lowkey feels left out because Kevin and Jack already seem fairly close
• so it’s just,,,, kind of awkward at first Bc theyre not trying to do this high school jealousy bullshit because they’re adults (even though at moments they are kind of still childish because they can be with one another and that ability was ripped from them so early)
• Kevin and Claire eventually would probably be able to bond about having a normal life at one point only to have it ripped away from them
• they’re both v snarky at times, and probably bicker about EVERYTHING— because of the way they bicker sometimes people comment about Claire and Kevin being like an old married couple/a good possible couple and they’re both DISGUSTED IMMEDIATELY when they hear that
• Claire has always considered herself the “cool” person and is lost as to how to she ended up being so close to these nerds— like she has an existential crisis while watching Kevin and Jack bicker about Star Wars (which she actually does enjoy once she watches)
• The three of them are really protective of one another— specifically Kevin and Claire over Jack because he’s the youngest, and most often in serious danger— but he’s just as protective over them and Kevin & Claire are protective over each other a lot too
• Everyone around them is so PLEASED they get along like they do because they all had their childhoods ripped from them and deserve some sort of friendship/happiness
•They also probably have a group chat that they text each other on constantly when they can’t see each other in person
• Claire and Kevin’s favorite pastime is to playfully make fun of Sam & Dean— Jack is confused at first but learns that it’s all in good fun quickly
• also something I want to add is that while Castiel doesn’t view Kevin his kid the same way he views Claire and Jack
• Castiel feels protective of him because Kevin’s a prophet of the lord. It was heavens job to protect him and they failed MISERABLY. So now he takes it as his personal duty
• and tbh I could see Castiel in time especially when he sees how close he is to Jack and Claire feeling a more fatherly protection over him too (Bc I love dadstiel)
Okay so for the treehouse what were you thinking??
Like did you imagine like,,, they build one or they find an abandoned one somewhere or Jack sees a treehouse on TV and decides he wants one so he snaps his fingers and suddenly he creates one or??? I like the idea of a treehouse and I’d love to hear more of what you had in mind for that!!!
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