#to know the monster inside of her father. to know the man who walks beside him. the legends of winchester
hihomeghere · 6 months
Dreams | Arthur Morgan/Reader
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Word Count : 1.1k Summary : Arthur starts having dreams of starting a family with you Warnings/tags : Cursing, fluff, mention of infidelity, just Arthur being a sweet guy <3
He knows he shouldn’t feel like this. Shouldn’t be having these thoughts, because all they are just dreams. They’re never going to become a reality. Not when they’re constantly on the move, running from place to place. He sees the way it affects Jack, poor kid, not knowing what the hell is going on. And his daddy doesn’t exactly help him understand. 
He can’t even say he would be a better father, he wasn’t before. 
Hell you two ain’t even married yet, and he’s not that much of a fool. Not anymore. His regret for not marrying Eliza weighs heavily on him most days, even if he didn’t love her in that way. Now you on the other hand, he loves you more than anything. More than this stupid gang, more than life itself. He would happily lay down his life if he knew you would be happy, safe. 
When these thoughts enter his head, he can’t say. His days sort of blend together, making it hard to pinpoint. Although seeing you interact with Jack doesn’t help. 
You are so sweet, so motherly, hell you even mother the younger folks in the gang. Soft touches, kind words, but internally strong. You have all the qualities he finds attractive in a woman. Somehow you fell for him just as hard as he fell for you. 
But he ain’t a fool, he knows this ain’t the right time or place. So instead he writes down all these dreams in his journal, his safe place. The place where he can say anything without being judged. He dreams of little girls, he didn’t know how to interact with Isaac. Too afraid of being his own father. Girls seem less daunting, and a little you would be perfect. He already has one angel, what’s one more?
He comes up with the name while north of Brandywine Drop. The bright purple flowers caught his eye just off the trail.
Violet Beatrice Morgan.
His heart sings, scribbling the name down in the margins of his journal. He finds himself writing VM in his journal, smiling foolishly to himself. It’s beautiful, his precious flower. 
It’s not like you meant to snoop. You were looking for Arthur, since he was nowhere to be found. You entered his tent, which in reality wasn’t much of a tent at all, finding his journal open. You walked over to it, looking over the worn page. There were the normal doodles he drew, along with his flowing hand writing. But one thing stood out to you, a pair of initials circled by hearts. VM.
You furrowed your brows, you couldn’t think of anyone you knew with the initials VM. Those definitely weren’t your initials either. 
With your curiosity peaked you flipped through a couple more pages. VM was written everywhere, along with those damn little hearts. 
You felt that little green monster grow inside you the further you looked into his journal. Biting your cheek so hard you could taste blood. It did nothing to quench the fire inside of you. 
“Darlin?” Arthur called walking into the so-called tent. You dropped the journal back onto the table, turning to face him. “There you are.” He grinned walking towards you.
“Here I am.” You said forcing a smile.
“Hosea said you were looking for me.” He said softly, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, "Anything you need?”
“Must have forgot.” You said with a noncommittal shrug, “I ought to get back to work.” You nod walking past him. Arthur furrowed his brow at your attitude. Did he say something to offend you?
Then his eyes fall onto his open journal. His stomach drops at the sight. Jesus, you saw. You saw all of it. You were probably thinking the worst, seeing the initial surrounded by hearts. How was he gonna fix this?
You stomped off to the edge of camp, trying to wrack your brain as to who this VM could be. And why was Arthur drawing hearts beside the initials? Maybe you had this all wrong, Arthur would never do anything to hurt you. He was a good man, a man you could trust. Wasn't he?
“Y/n!” He called trailing behind you, a crestfallen expression on his face. You stopped at the tree lining, biting your lip as you turned to face him. “I can explain.”
“I’m sure you can.” You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I-“ He sighed looking down, pinching the bridge of his nose as he let out a low curse. 
“Who is she?” You asked clenching your jaw. He furrowed his brows looking up at you.
“What?” He asked, his hands settling on his hips.
“VM, the girl you keep drawing hearts around. Who is she?” You were blunt, something he loved so much. Always telling it like it is, never leaving him to guess your feelings. A small smile spread on his face, which only made you more mad. “Seriously, you think this is funny?” You hissed, taking a step towards him. Arthur only had one choice, to tell you the truth. 
“Violet.” He said softly, reaching for you. “Violet Morgan.” You let him wrap his hand around your forearm, pulling you close to his chest.
“Who is Violet Morgan?” You asked, swallowing thickly. He sighed, looking off to the side, wetting his lips.
“She’s uh-“ He shook his head, a nervous smile on his lips. “She’s not exactly real, not yet at least.” He said. 
You shook your head, brows knitted together, “Not real? The hell you mean, not real?”
“I-“ He rubbed the back of his neck looking down, “It’s uh- shit.”
“Spit it out Morgan.” You huff throwing your arms up. 
“I thought of a name,” He explained, “A name for a girl if we- if we have one some day.” He said with a shrug, his cheeks flushed, almost as though he had been in a scuffle. 
If we have one some day. 
“Oh Arthur.” You said softly, a smile spreading across your face. Feeling suddenly very foolish for doubting your man. “That's so sweet.” You took a step forward, tilting his face up to look at you. 
“Yeah?” He asked, looping his fingers in his gun belt. 
“Yeah.” You repeated, nodding. “Jesus you had me scared you were gonna tell me you found someone else.” You chuckled, shaking your head.
“Never. There ain’t no one else in this goddamn world that could replace you.” He said his hand reached up to cup your face. “You’re uh- you’re it for me darlin.” His bright blue eyes peered into yours, love and affection pouring out in his expression. 
“When we have our girl.” You said brushing away a stray strand of honey brown hair, “Violet will be a perfect name.” He grinned, wrapping a hand around your waist.
“Guess it’s settled then.” He said as he leaned down to press his lips against yours.
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bamfkeeper · 1 month
Beautiful Devil
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RQ: 'Hi, I have a request: a fic about NightcrawlerxFem!Reader, Beauty and the beast AU, starting it like the fairytale (Reader decide to sacrifice herself for her father because the scared man THINK the mysteriuos blue creature ask him to bring one of his daughters in his place). Maybe in the finale you can add the mob attacking the castle like in the episode of the '90 serie, with Graydon Creed guiding the mob (you can't look at that man and don't think he's a variant of Gaston). Just don't turn Kurt into a human, I love our fuzzy Elf. Thanks!' - @historygirl93
Warnings: F!reader, some violence, minor character death. Unedited.
A/N: I think this is a cute idea, I love the story. I don't see how Kurt could ever be viewed as 'beastly' he's too sweet. The fairytale is a longer story and involving all the details would take me a long time to write, so I did what I could to get the idea of the story across. I did my best, it was slightly challenging, and I changed just a few details just because I thought it would be better for the story.
WC: 2.2k
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The village held such a prejudice against the blue demon who lived in the abandoned church. Rumors of yellow glowing eyes and a shadow with a devil's tail flicking in the dark, crawling on the walls like a hellish insect. A monster, the children of the village feared him just as much as the adults, whom had weapons ready to kill if he dared leave the cathedral.
Your father was highly religious. He wanted to banish the devil from the church once and for all, to purify the holy ground, but believed that only a sacrifice would satisfy the creature. You were horrified at first, being so helplessly given away as a sacrifice, you were the lamb that was about to be beheaded for no reason.
Upon being abandoned at the cathedral, surrounded by the harsh cold and snow, you thought you'd freeze to death. To your initial horror and surprise, the devil appeared. He flashed in front of you in black and purple smoke, like they rose from the ashes of Hell. You were far too tired and exhausted, so before you knew it, your body was wrapped and you were inside.
You felt the warmth of the fire inside the stone furnace, you sat up and watched the orange flames dance quietly while the blanket remained wrapped around your drenched form. The snow melted away and left you wet and still somewhat cold. But you were at least inside...
Once you regained enough bearings, you looked around for the devil, wondering where he was and what he was going to do to you. You felt fearful, your mind having heavy thoughts invading your mind of horrific treatment. While you searched the dark room, you saw his eyes peering to you from the darkest corner, tiny irises of gold staring through your soul.
"It's you..." your voice muttered out quietly, "You're the devil." Your hushed tone made him tilt his head slightly, he slowly walked around the wall, the far shadows hiding most of him.
"Nein...I am no Teufel..." he spoke back, his voice was even and not nearly as intimidating as you thought it would be. "I was born like this. But I am no demon." He stepped closer as he spoke to you, his appearance becoming more visible in the firelight. He had blue skin and sharp teeth like the villagers said, a long tail with a devil's spade, sharp nails and pointed ears...
"You look like one," you shakily retorted, still on edge of what his intentions were and you weren't about to fall victim without a fight. He only chuckled back, empty and somewhat...sad.
"I know."
He sat down near you, a few feet away, looking at you and slowly giving a smile, trying to be friendly. "I won't hurt you, I wouldn't ever." He paused, then continued, "Besides, a demon cannot step inside a church." He reasoned, holding out a three fingered hand to you. "Hab keine Angst."
You were cautious, but after seeing he wasn't nearly as horrifying as the town made him seem, you reached out and touched his hand. His skin was warm, he was fluffy. He felt like soft velvet, not like cold scaled skin you had been told was the skin of the devil.
Over the following weeks, you became closer to each other. You warmed up quickly after his efforts to try to appear not so scary, and once you spoke more often, he was actually very sweet and kind. You watched him feed birds and squirrels, holding the seeds in his palms and speaking to the birds as if they could understand him.
His favorites were the blue jays.
He showed you the cathedral, leading you through the massive church and showing you around. He showed you the library with lots of books along the walls, the studio where old paints and canvases were. He gave you plenty of things to do, and he provided you with good food, a large space to sleep, he treated you well. He was kind and sweet and...attractive.
You couldn't help but feel yourself get pulled towards him. Feel yourself get swept up by his chivalry and charm. He showed off in front of you, entertaining you with his skills as an acrobat and swordsman, he even let you try to swing one of his swords.
It was much heavier than you thought, making his skills all the more impressive.
You got word that your father had fallen very ill, and you wanted to see him. Kurt didn't want you to leave, scared you'd never return again. He held your hands and looked at you in the eye, his worry etched on his face. "You won't abandon me, will you?" he asks softly, "I don't wish for you to go..." he brings your hand up to his cheek, rubbing his face into your palm.
Your heart melts and you sigh, "I promise I'll come back. I just...want to make sure my father is okay..." you whisper back. You knew how he felt, being abandoned was one of his biggest fears. All he had been in his life was abandoned, by his mother, this town, sometimes he felt as though God himself has abandoned him.
With great reluctance, he let go and you rushed back into the village, desperate to see your sickly father. You were still angry he left you to die, but he was still your father. When you made it back, you came to his bedside and saw how terrible he looked. You had no idea what he had, but he looked on the verge of death.
Word got loose that you were in the town, somehow surviving the 'demon' who resided in the abandoned church. The town's greatest 'champion,' Graydon, nearly stormed up to your home and forced his way in. His voice loud and demanding, he as angry and furious with you.
The vile man had attempted to court you before. You always denied him. Why would you want to be with someone as crude and hateful as Graydon?
"How did you escape that wretched demon?" he demanded, yanking you from your father's bedside. He held your arm tight and stared at you with fury in his eyes. "That beastly creature will invade our town because of you! You were his sacrifice! Leaving signifies that the deal is broken! You've doomed all of us!"
Your eyes were wide as he basically screamed in your face, his cool was gone and he looked like he wanted to hurt you. You tugged against his strong hold, grunting as you tried to get free. "He's not a monster, or a demon! He's just a man!" You shouted back, "He's kind, gentle, he wouldn't hurt a soul!"
Graydon laughed at you, yanking you closer again. "You are lucky you are pretty, girl...you are such a naïve little thing. That devil is evil, and you have succumbed to his incubi ways. Don't worry, I'll make sure I fix that little head of yours up and rid you of the corruption he has brought upon you."
He threw you down, you hit your head and everything became a hazy mess. You heard his footsteps leave, his heavy boots hitting the old wooden floors with anger. You tried to lift yourself up, but you hit your head too hard. The world was spinning around you, but you didn't want any harm to come to Kurt. Graydon was as ruthless as he was egotistical, and he was dead set on murdering Kurt. He always had been, telling tall tales of cutting off his head and hanging it over the statue in town square.
You could hear his voice, rallying the town and heading up the treacherous path to the abandoned cathedral. You felt your heart ache, your body fading to unconsciousness from the injury.
When you regained consciousness, your body ached but the thought of Graydon already at the church gave you a newfound form of energy. You jerked up, your father had been too weak and sick to help, while you worried for him, the memory of him giving you up to die was there. You had to make a choice, and your heart had been decided.
You needed to get to the church.
You stumbled out to the stables, your body staggering as your brain felt fuzzy and heavy. You probably had a concussion, but right now that wasn't important. You didn't have a horse of your own, you prayed that the one you made it to wouldn't buck you off. The stallion let out a soft nicker, you rubbed its neck, your hand weakly holding onto the mane and you forced your body to mount.
The horse moved a few steps, adjusting to your weight. No saddle, it'll have to do.
You squeezed your legs and held on, the horse moved forward and with your encouragement it began a steady gallop through the trail that led up to the church. The horse was fast and bareback was hard for you to hold on, especially with a head injury. the horse sensed your wavering weight and tried to steady its run.
Over the hill was the church, and the stallion ran you right inside the broken down doors. You heard loud shouting, men fighting, and the sight that came to view was horrible.
Most of the men were down, unconscious, and Graydon was shooting arrows at Kurt, who had been disappearing in puffs of smoke, reappearing in other places. His yellow eyes blazed and he hissed at Graydon, landing kicks and punches to the larger man. You shouted at them to stop, but your voice fell on deaf ears.
The torches the other men had been carrying caught the tapestries and the flames eagerly began to eat the fabric and grow. The horse reared up, and you fell off its back as it ran out of the church. You sat up and cried out at Graydon, "Stop it! Don't hurt him! Can't you see what you're doing?!"
Kurt's teleporting soon became predictable, Graydon memorized the pattern and he shot an arrow into Kurt's leg right as he reappeared again. Kurt let out a strangled cry, stumbling from the beams and to the ground. By now the flames had consumed the entire room, smoke became thick and Graydon towered over Kurt's body. His eyes reflecting the fire, his face red and his hair a mess. He looked like the devil now, the fire only adding to his hellish desires to smite out Kurt's existence.
"Die, I cast you down to the pits of Hell where you belong!" Graydon tore a blade from his sheath, raising it above his head. But Kurt's eyes were focused on the burning wood above him, and he managed to teleport from that spot right as the wooden beams fell from the ceiling. Kurt reappeared by you, his fuzzy arms wrapped around yours as he teleported you outside. The last thing you saw in the church were the large beams falling onto Graydon's body, crushing him.
When you reappeared outside, you saw Kurt was hurt from the fight. He had two arrows in his body, one in his leg and one in his back, several lacerations from fighting the others and some parts of him had been burned. He let out a deep cough and he laid beside you, unresponsive.
"Kurt?? Kurt! Wake up!" You shook him, gently at first but it became more frantic when you noticed his lack of response. "Please get up!" You felt tears prick your eyes, your head swiveled around, looking for anyone to help. You weren't sure what to do, you felt hopeless. After you thought he was gone, his tail twitched at your side, gently curling up around your thigh weakly.
"Kurt??" You asked quickly, glancing down at him. You could see the exhaustion on his face, the weakness, but he nodded back. He gave you a weak smile, his yellow eyes soft and pure.
"Liebe..." he whispered back, his hand held yours and he pulled you closer. Your body naturally obeyed and you let your lips find his, both weakly pressing together as the two of you kissed for the first time. It felt so right, his hand cupped your face and his tail wrapped around you, being so weak but loving all at the same time.
You hadn't noticed the other townspeople had been watching from the trees, seeing how gentle and sweet you were to him. They could see that Kurt didn't resemble a creature of Hell like they thought, while he did seem odd looking, he didn't look to be horrific as they predicted. Their imaginations took over and the tall tales took over their logic.
When you broke the kiss, he smiled up at you. "You....came back..." he rasped, he was hurt still, but he was okay. He'd live. That's all you needed to know.
"Of course I came back...I told you I would..." you whispered sweetly, guilt gnawed at your core, "If I hadn't left then..."
Kurt cut you off, shushing you, "Nein, liebe...do not worry...the church can be rebuilt...I am going to be fine. What's another small scar? My fur will cover it anyway." He added, giving you a playful smile.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, "Oh, Kurt...don't make me laugh right now..." You muttered, some of the onlookers came to aid you in bringing him to the town to get treatment from the doctor there. You knew he'd be okay. The awful stories were debunked and the town appeared to accept him.
You had your love, safe and sound, and the real demon of the town had been snuffed to ash.
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Thanks for reading.
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Dividers by @/adornedwithlight
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candycandy00 · 1 year
The Offering - A Sukuna x Reader Fic Part 1
Once upon a time, Sukuna was a human man, albeit a monstrously cruel and powerful one. Villages across the land worshipped him as a living deity. One such village holds a festival for seven nights in his honor every year, and on each night they make generous offerings to him, including women who are never seen again. On the fifth night, you are selected to be the offering.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Any feedback whatsoever is greatly loved! If you’d like to be tagged when I post another part, comment to let me know. You must have your age in your bio or pinned post and be 18+ to be tagged.
Smut. 18+. Sukuna is a human (my theory is that he got his four-armed body by modifying himself with jujutsu fuckery later in life). Dubcon. Mentions of rape that happened “off screen”. Very rough sex. Blood. Sukuna just generally being a sadistic monster. F!Reader.
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Your forehead touched the ground, your entire body bent to bow as low as possible as the honored guest of the festival passed by. You didn’t dare look up at him. You’d heard stories of villagers being instantly beheaded by invisible blades for such an offense. 
Even when he was gone, climbing up the steps to the shrine your people had built for him several years ago, you kept your head pressed to the ground. There you and all the other villagers remained until someone announced that Lord Sukuna, your village’s living deity, had gone inside the shrine. 
Every year your village held a festival in Lord Sukuna’s honor. It was a week long affair, and each night generous offerings were left at the shrine’s doors for him to partake of. Sumptuous fruits, tender cooked meats, fragrant oils, delicate trinkets made of precious metals, sake of various types, and of course, beautiful women. 
Lord Sukuna remained inside the shrine for the entire seven days and nights, then left until the next year, when the process began again. The women offered to him were never seen again. 
On the fifth day, you were helping your mother prepare a basket of fruit for an offering. There were juicy pomegranates, glossy apples, and ripe peaches. They smelled heavenly, and you smiled as you arranged them to look as beautiful as possible. 
A sudden voice at the entrance to your home caught your attention, a man speaking to your father. “Please try to stay calm,” the man was saying, “but your daughter has been selected to be tonight’s offering.”
Your mother wailed beside you, clutching you in her arms as if she could keep you from being taken. Your father turned to look at you with an anguished expression. You yourself simply felt numb. A part of you knew this could happen. You were of age, unmarried, and had been told you were pleasing to look at. It was only a matter of time, really. 
So you stood in your home, your sobbing mother still holding you, as three shrine maidens walked in. They were quiet, older women dressed in white robes with downcast faces. They bowed to your parents, as if thanking them for their involuntary sacrifice, then took you by the hands. One of them helped your father pry your mother’s arms away from you as the other two led you outside. You didn’t even have time to say goodbye to your parents. 
You went with the shrine maidens willingly. To struggle or resist would mean death for you and your family, and then another girl would be in your place, being pulled out of her home while her parents cried. It would happen to someone regardless tomorrow night, but at least this would spare one family the misery. 
The shrine maidens took you to a small temple that sat at the base of Sukuna’s shrine. There they removed your simple garments and had you step into a large, warm bath. Floating in the water were near countless cherry blossoms, giving the entire room a sweet fragrance. You looked at the pretty pink flowers and, upon realizing this was the last time you would see them, began to cry. 
One of the women came closer and rubbed your shoulder in a comforting manner. You looked up at her in surprise. The shrine maidens were normally quite stoic, keeping to themselves, maintaining Sukuna’s shrine between festivals, and helping to prepare offerings and see to the Lord’s needs while he was there. From your understanding, they were the only people besides the village elders who were allowed to have any contact with Lord Sukuna at all. 
“Try to keep your head down,” the shrine maiden whispered, “and don’t look at Lord Sukuna until he tells you to. In fact, don’t do anything until he tells you to. Try to please him in whatever way he asks.”
You wiped your tears with your hands and looked at her sadly. “Does it even matter? Has any woman pleased him enough to survive?”
The shrine maiden’s grip on your shoulder became slightly more firm. “It does matter! If you please him, he might give you a quick death. We’ve been forced to clean up the remains of many women who displeased him. Believe me, you don’t want to be among their number. There are far worse fates than being beheaded.”
You shivered at her warning, but decided on the spot to follow her advice. Although the shrine maidens had remained silent about what happened to the other offered women, only confirming their deaths, rumors had drifted among the village for years. Stories of women being skinned alive, having their eyes ripped out of their sockets, having every bone in their bodies broken and their mangled limbs twisted into nightmarish shapes. You’d always hoped they were merely stories made up by the more morbidly curious villagers. 
You composed yourself and then asked the older woman a question. “What is he like?”
The woman glanced back at the other shrine maidens who were preparing a garment for you to wear, then said in a low voice, “Lord Sukuna is cruel. He has no mercy for anyone. He is a monster.”
You felt your heart sink. You would be taken by this man tonight, and you’d never even laid eyes upon him. 
When the bath was finished, you stepped out and were dried off by the women. They then dressed you in an extremely thin white robe. It was so thin that you were certain anyone could see right through it, making you feel embarrassed at the thought of walking into the shrine this way. Then you reminded yourself that he would probably rip it from your body anyway. 
They lightly painted your face and combed out your hair, leaving it unadorned. Then they opened the doors and motioned for you to follow. 
As you climbed the steps to the shrine, the shrine maiden who had spoken to you before gave you instructions. 
“When you enter, keep your eyes down toward the floor. Lord Sukuna will be seated on a dais before you, but you must not look up at him until you are given permission. Once you reach the dais, bow down as low as possible and remain that way until commanded otherwise.”
Your heart was pounding as you neared the end of the stone steps, and the end of your life. You stopped in front of the doors and took several deep breaths to try and steady yourself, then you lowered your gaze to the space in front of your bare feet as the women opened the shrine. 
You could feel his eyes upon you from the moment you stepped inside. The shrine maidens did not accompany you, and closed the doors behind you, leaving you to your fate. You slowly walked forward, keeping your eyes down, feeling a terrifying sense of pressure emanating from the dais that was supposed to be in front of you. 
The walk toward the dais was nerve wracking. You didn’t know how close or far it was, and you felt naked in the sheer robe, your cheeks no doubt burning red at the thought of this man staring at you. 
When you saw the edge of the dais come into view, you stopped and immediately knelt down, pressing your face to the floor as you always did with the other villagers every year. Then you waited. 
For several minutes, you heard nothing. No breathing, no movement. Then a smooth, deep voice said, “You may look up now.”
You shuddered, then worked up the courage to raise your head slightly while maintaining a posture of submission. When you did, your vision was suddenly full of the man your village worshipped, the dreaded monster called Sukuna. 
He was a man, not a beast, and you were shocked by how handsome he was. He sat not on his chair but across it, one leg drawn up at his side and the other hanging down, in a surprisingly casual pose. He wore white robes, the front open to his waist to reveal a muscular torso that drew your eye. 
His face was lined with strange tattoos, and in his eyes there was an intensity that nearly took your breath away. You remained perfectly still even as your heart thundered in your chest. You didn’t know what was happening, why you suddenly felt drawn to this man. You could feel the danger, you had the sense that he would rip you to shreds without a second thought, but you couldn’t take your eyes off him. Something about the terror he provoked also excited you. With a spike of alarm, you realized you wanted to touch him. 
When he spoke again, his voice had a silky texture that made you feel weak. 
“There are three types of women who end up here,” he began, looking down at you as if you were an insect he was about to stomp on. “There are those foolish enough to think they can seduce me. They feign love, and I let them live in their delusions, right up until I take them to my bed. The delusions shatter pretty quickly then.”
His lips curved up into a fiendish smirk, and you were left wondering what terrible things he did to those women in his bed. 
“Then there are the pathetic ones who cry and beg for mercy from the start” he went on. “Unfortunately this is the most common type. I have my way with them and then utterly destroy them. It’s what they deserve for boring me.”
Were these the women who displeased him? The ones who received the most brutal deaths? The cruelty of it stunned you, that the weakest and most frightened women were given the most horrific fates. 
“The last type is my favorite,” he said with a haunting grin, “the ones who fight and scream and claw. These provide me with the most amusement, but sadly are the most rare. It’s hilarious, you see, to watch them slowly realize they never had a chance in the first place. I enjoy breaking their bodies and their spirits. And to reward them for the entertainment, I have them on my plate after having them in my bed.”
Your eyes widened as his words sank in. Plate? Meaning he ate them? He kept grinning, perhaps guessing what you were thinking. You felt a wave of nausea hit your stomach, but you kept your breakfast from coming back up through sheer force of will. 
“I wonder what type you are,” he said, his red eyes boring into you, his unusually sharp teeth bared in his smile. “Try not to disappoint me.”
He stood up then, and his height was imposing, even more so because you were still kneeling on the floor. 
You kept your expression blank, but your mind was racing. What type were you? None of the three he described matched how you felt. You had initially resigned yourself to your fate, and had planned to simply be quiet and obedient until he tired of you and killed you. But now that you were in his overwhelming presence, you couldn’t suppress the thrill you felt, the animal-like attraction to this brutal yet beautiful man. 
The rational part of your brain was filled with terror and dread. Lord Sukuna was going to do indescribably awful things to you this night, then murder you and discard you as if you were nothing. But a bizarre little piece of your brain, one you’d never realized was there before now, was growing more excited by the moment. 
“Stand,” he commanded, and you hurriedly got to your feet. You felt your face burning again when his eyes roamed over your barely concealed body. He turned and walked toward the back of the shrine, looking over his shoulder at you to say, “Follow.”  
You obeyed, walking after him, careful to remain several steps behind. You soon came to a room marked off by sheer curtains, which Lord Sukuna pulled back to reveal the most lavish, ornate bed you had ever seen. Unlike the thin futon you were used to, this bed was thick and elevated off the floor. There were silk pillows and a satin-lined blanket, and the fabrics had apparently been perfumed, as they carried a heady, floral scent. 
When Sukuna reached the bed, he stood beside it and turned to face you. “Remove your robe,” he said in his rich voice. 
You nearly buckled right then and there. The fear and shame were mixing with arousal, and you thought you might collapse. With shaking fingers, you untied the thin sash around your waist. Then, with Sukuna watching intently, you opened the robe and slipped it off your shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. 
You’d never been bare in front of a man before, and it felt as if your skin burned wherever his gaze fell as his eyes moved up and down your form. 
He stepped closer and looked down at you, into your eyes. Did he see the turmoil inside you? The raging war between horror and lust? 
His hands fell upon your trembling shoulders, and his touch felt electric. Finally, his hands on your skin! But then he jerked your body around so that you faced away from him, and those hands roughly explored your exposed flesh. One of them squeezed your right breast while the other moved down to grope between your legs. You gasped at the sensations, at being touched in this way for the first time, at the realization that you didn’t hate it even though his touch was harsh. 
One of his fingers slipped into your folds, and  your breath hitched in your throat as he grazed over a particularly sensitive spot. You felt him pause, both hands going still, and then he suddenly turned you back around to face him. He seemed to study your face for a moment, and then a smirk spread across his features. 
All at once you were thrown onto the bed, your little cry of surprise ignored as Lord Sukuna slowly climbed on top of you. His hands were upon you again, grabbing and kneading the soft, plush areas of your body, his grip strong and bruising. He moved down, then pushed your knees up toward your chest, opening your thighs obscenely wide apart. 
There was a strange look in his eyes as he gazed down at your most private place, and again that smirk. He bent down, his face getting so close to your body that you could feel his breath. You couldn’t help blushing at the closeness, and then you felt something warm and wet glide up your slit. When you looked down, his tongue was extended from his mouth, a string of clear fluid attaching it to your body. 
A shudder rippled through you as he dove back in, this time pressing his tongue in between the folds of flesh to lick your swollen and sensitive clit. “Ah… ahh!” The small quick moans escaped your lips before you could stop them, and you felt a stab of fear when Sukuna looked up at your face. You were told not to do anything without his permission, so you had refrained from speaking. You didn’t want to displease him in any way, so you were trying to be completely silent. But when his tongue returned to your clit, circling it and then pressing into the top corner, even more moans came out. 
Lord Sukuna continued until your body stiffened, your hands gripping the silken sheets as pleasure shot through you and one last, long moan broke free. He pulled away from you and looked down, watching you pant as you started to drop your tired legs back down. He grabbed them before they could straighten and touch the bed, pressing your knees back up. 
You looked at him just as he opened his own robe, revealing the same pattern of black tattoos all over his body. It was a strangely alluring sight, but your eyes were quickly drawn to the very large and imposing organ between his legs. It stood stiff and ready, and you knew what was about to happen. 
Sukuna looked you in the eyes as he shoved himself inside you, so deep and so hard that you could only describe the motion as violent. He didn’t give you even a moment to adjust before he was thrusting viciously into you. It hurt, and even as naive as you were, you understood that he wanted it to hurt. He was clearly being as rough as he possibly could without literally tearing you apart, and tears stung your eyes as you bit back a scream, using one hand to cover your own mouth. 
Sukuna pulled your hand away from your face, then leaned down close and spoke into your ear, a whisper that that sent shivers through you despite the pain you were in, “Cry for me. I’ll allow it. Let me hear your voice.”
Hearing that, you let out a cry of pain before beginning to sob. You looked up him with wet eyes and found him grinning, enjoying your suffering. He truly was a monstrous man. His motions only became rougher, his hands gripping your thighs so hard you thought he might crush them. 
“Please… L-lord Sukuna…” you managed to cry out.
“Please what?” Again, that voice in your ear, that self-satisfied smile while watching you cry. 
“I-I don’t… I don’t know…” You didn’t know what you wanted. Did you want him to stop? You wanted the pain to end, but you didn’t want him to climb off you. 
“Really? Then I won’t let up.”
Unbelievably, he was thrusting even harder, even deeper. When you could no longer bear it, your hands that had been clenched at your sides flew up to wrap around his neck. He would probably kill you for touching him without permission, but you couldn’t stop yourself. Clutching him in your arms somehow made the agony between your legs subside just a little. 
If he was angered by your touch, he didn’t show it. Instead, he laughed as if he were amused by your desperation. 
Finally, when you were nearly at the limit of what you could withstand, you felt Sukuna’s cock twitch, his body go tense, and then  warm, sticky fluid shoot inside you. Your arms slipped down from his neck as he pulled out of you and let your sore legs fall to the bed. Somewhere in your dazed mind you knew this was the end. He’d had his fun with you and now he would kill you, just like all the others. You saw him stand up from the bed and wrap his robe around himself, but before he could even turn around, you passed out. 
Sukuna looked down at the offering, feeling slightly annoyed that she had given out so quickly. She had held out better than most, however. 
Despite what he’d told her earlier, over half the women offered to him never even made it to his bed. They were crying too loudly or shoving their fake affection in his face or even having the gall to try to attack him. They ended up as chunks of meat in front of the dais. 
But this girl had been frustratingly blank and silent. He’d considered beheading her, but on a whim had decided to force a reaction out of her, thinking she could provide some entertainment. The reaction he got was not what he’d expected. 
Sukuna was fully capable of making a woman become aroused, but it was always after applying plenty of stimulation to certain areas, not because he wanted to pleasure them, but because fucking them felt better for him when they were wet. This girl, however, was practically dripping from the moment he first touched her. And when he’d looked at her face, he’d seen reddened cheeks and lusty, glazed eyes. He also saw fear, and that mixture was too delicious to waste. 
Those sounds she’d made, from the little hitching breaths to the soft moans she’d struggled to hold back, to the screams and cries of pain, had all been irresistible. He wanted to hear more of them. 
He stood looming over the bed, watching the growing red stain beneath her naked, still open thighs, and wondered what he should do with her. He could kill her right then and there as she slept, but that would be boring. Much better to listen to her sweet death cries. 
He reached up and absently touched the back of his neck. He could still feel her weak arms clinging to him. He stared down at the bruised and bleeding girl in his bed, at her sleeping tear-streaked face, and came to a decision. 
He summoned one of the shrine maidens, who entered the room with her eyes on the floor. She pointedly avoided looking toward the bed, probably afraid of what she would see. 
“Inform the village I won’t be needing a woman tomorrow night,” Sukuna told her. “I’m not finished with this one yet.”
The shrine maiden’s face lifted very slightly, the shock so much that she nearly forgot her manners. She quickly bowed again and said, “Yes, Lord Sukuna,” before hurrying out of the room. 
He sat down on the bed, then sighed before pulling a thin silken sheet up and draping it over the offering’s body. 
“Sleep while you can,” he murmured, a wicked grin returning to his face. “Tomorrow you’ll be entertaining me again.”
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lullabyes22-blog · 3 months
Snippet - Walk of Shame - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Silco reacquaints himself with his ghosts...
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
He walked. And, one by one, the old ghosts stirred to walk with him.
Vander. The strongest of the old guard, and the first to fall. He was a monolith of shadow. He spoke not one word. But his presence was a palpable weight, as though his specter had draped itself, heavy and ungainly, over Silco's shoulders. It was a weight he'd grown accustomed to, long ago. The weight of a brotherhood gone awry. Blood spilled and bonds broken. The ambitions of two hotheaded boys, once aligned. The heartbreak of two men, irreparably sundered.
Silco bore the weight. He was sixteen again, drunk and in love, with a gash from a brawl across his temple and the scent of tobacco impregnating the weave of his shirt and Vander's arm slung around his shoulders. The two of them, laughing and singing, as they stumbled through the Lanes, the fog splitting to unfold the path ahead, a treacherous one, because in the road to revolution, the only sure thing is the bottom of the grave.
(Here's to the dreams and dead-ends that made us.)
(And the bodies we buried along the way.)
The memory of Vander's blood was still warm on his hand. Like a coin passed from palm to palm. A treasure, held close, and never surrendered.
Silco walked on, and Vander's arm fell away.
The next shadow to materialize was a willowy silhouette. His breath snagged. For the span of a heartbeat, the landscape was bathed in a blue glow. The lanterns from the Nymph, where he'd first glimpsed Nandi float inside with the long-legged sway of a riverbird descending to the Pilt's shore. And there she was, his riverbird, a sultry apparition of silken black hair and chiming bangles and a secret twinkle of mischief in her kohl-ringed eyes.
She beckoned, a coy finger-curl, and he followed. The years had not touched her. But he did. He was twenty-five again, and a stranger to the ways of love. He'd learn them, soon enough. How to worship a woman's body. How to savor, and linger, and make the leavetaking worth the farewell. He was not a man for spiritualism. But, after she'd slipped from his bed and from his life, he'd wondered, fleetingly, if that soft dark sensuality she'd awakened in him in the cozy decadence of her bedchamber was what mystics meant when they spoke of a soul.
(Nan, my riverbird.)
(I never told you I loved you.)
(If I say it now, will you hear?)
He walked on, and Nandi's specter, like her bangles, fell silent.
Another silhouette. He didn't recognize the child who rose up from the shadows. A slender slip of a girl, with a tumble of dark curls, and a mouth full of laughter, and eyes like the sea, blue and changeable. In his bones, Silco knew she belonged to him. He was twenty-nine, a father for a single day, and a widower forever, his newborn stolen before she'd even known the cradle in his arms, and in her loss left him dumbstruck that a life so tiny could blast a world apart.
She'd never know him. He'd never know her. But he carried her in his black heart all the same.
(My little girl, my lost one.)
(Forgive me.)
(Forgive me for the sin of never mourning you.)
He walked on. The shadow-child, silent, danced off into the dark.
One by one, they came. The shades of a life unlived. Silco bore the weight of each. Not out of penance. But to remember. To carry, forward, the imprint of all these people, and paths, and possibilities, that'd shaped him into the man, and that man into the monster. They were Silco's memories, and Silco's mistakes.
And now, at the end, Silco was ready to make them right.
At last, his shadow came.
At his side, a young man. Slender as an eel, his shoulders sinewy with muscle, tapering into a supple waist and narrow hips. His boots made no sound as he prowled, shoulder-to-shoulder, beside the man who'd caged him, crushed him, and, finally, cut him to pieces. A pair of black-fringed blue eyes, sharp with mockery, flicked his way.
They shared the same stride. The same smile. But not the same scars.
(I never hated you, boy.)
(Only the weakness bred into your blood.)
(That's why I made you strong. I know you never forgave me. But that's fine.)
(Because you never forgot, either.)
The young man tossed his head back, and a curl of black hair cut slantwise across his smile.
"You still don't understand shit, old man."
"True," Silco said to himself. "But I'm learning."
He walked on. The shadow on the path was his alone.
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starogeorgina · 2 years
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Children of the dragon
Warnings: Incest, sexual content
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen × Targ oc, Minor Aemond Targaryen × Targ oc
Notes: This is very quickly becoming one of my favorite works
“You poor clueless girl. Aemond would continue to fight for his family with you by his side, but Aegon? He would give it all up if he thought that’s what you wanted.”
You stare at your mother, speechless. You couldn’t understand a situation where he would be forced to choose, and besides, it was very unlikely Aegon or Aemond would ever wear the crown; that would belong to Rhaenyra one day. The current look on your mother's face was the same as when she scolded you for wearing men’s clothing and following Aegon to questionable bars on the street of silk. Aside from tasting wine for the first time, nothing interesting happened, but your mother screamed at you until her face turned bright red.
You look down at the ground and notice how dirty the bottom of your wedding dress is from dragon riding. “I’m sorry,” you say. “It was selfish of me to leave. I will apologize to Father and Aemond.”
“Your king and husband,” she corrects. “Make your apologies then—start behaving like a wife.”
“Yes, your grace,” you say before turning to leave. You walk away from her feeling a heaviness weighing in your chest; you were dreading what was to come next.
Nervously, you pace back and forth, awaiting your new husband's arrival. You doubted you would spend many nights together—at least you hoped not. When the door finally opened, Aemond entered. His emotions were hard to read as he avoided your gaze.
You clap your hands together as you stand in front of him. “Aemond, I’m sorry for leaving. It was unladylike and unkind.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” he says before removing his eye patch. “This marriage is about upholding duty and respect for our house, nothing more.”
“You sound like mother.”
He shrugs his jacket off, hanging it on the back of a chair. Aemond opts to stare down at the ground instead of you as he talks. “She understands the way things need to be and the sacrifices we must make.”
“I suppose,” you gulp.
You begin to unbutton the bottom of your sleeves. Aemond finally looks at you as he watches your action, and with an unreadable expression, he places his hand on top of yours. “You don’t need to remove your clothes. We don’t need to do this a lot, just enough to make a baby.”
The thought of having children petrified you; it wasn’t Aemond himself that scared you, but not knowing what type of father he would be. Would he ignore your children? Play favorites? Use them as pawns in a political game? You wanted to have a child with a man who loved you and them beyond duty.
“Thank you for—”
“Not being cruel? For not acting like a monster?” He quips.
“I was going to say thank you for not being mad at me.”
The room is tense as you make your way towards your bed and lie down on your back. You cringe watching as Aemond begrudgingly unties his trousers and pulls them low enough that his full member is out; he fists himself in his hand while approaching you. In a twisted way, it made you feel better knowing that he didn’t really want this either. He pushes your dress up to your hips so he could have access to where he needed and lines himself up and searches your face for any indication he should stop. When you nod, he begins to slowly thrust inside you. You stare up at the ceiling, fisting the sheets between your fingers, feeling an uncomfortable stinging below while listening to heavy panting and grunting. Aemond’s breathing becomes ragged as his thrusts become sloppy. Seconds later, he pulls out of you; his eyes widen when he looks down, noticing blood on himself and the sheets. “Is that supposed to happen? Do I need to fetch the maester?”
“It’s normal,” you say, pushing your dress back down.
Aemond stuffs himself back into his pants and stands up. He looks uncomfortable trying to figure out something to say; he leans down and kisses you on the cheek, then picks up his jacket and leaves without saying a word.
At your request, your handmaiden scrubs at your skin until it’s a bright red after braiding your damp hair. Doing your duty had left you feeling dirty, no matter how many times you had bathed. “Your tea is getting cold, princess.”
“So is this water,” you say softly.
Your handmaiden helps you step out of the bath and places a robe over you. “I’ll change the water for you right away, princess.”
You smile at her, Tracy looked younger than the other handmaids and had a sweet smile, dark raven hair, and striking blue eyes. “Unless my mother is around, please call me Theo.”
She nods, smiling, before going to change the water in your bath. You sip on the lukewarm tea, thinking about the morning after your wedding night and how you swore a servant girl to secrecy before asking her to bring you moon tea.
Once your bath was ready, you stepped back in, enjoying the heat nipping at your skin. You close your eyes and lay your head back, trying to relax. In the past two weeks, you had only left your bedchamber a few times to fly on Dallax. The news that Aegon and Helaena were announced after your wedding and hearing it broke something inside you. You had yet to see anyone else aside from Tracy or the maids who brought you your meals.
You open your eyes when you hear a light clanging noise and see Tracy gripping a small knife tightly and staring in the opposite direction. You sit upright and ask, “What are you doing?”
“It’s nothing, princess, Theo. I thought I heard someone inside.”
You were impressed by her instinct to reach for a weapon and defend herself. “Where did this noise come from?”
She points towards the large, thick green curtains that hang beside the doorway to the balcony. Butterflies begin to dance inside your stomach. “Tracy, you may finish early for the evening.”
She looks at you hesitantly.
“It’s almost sundown; you will be finishing shortly anyway. I will see you in the morning.”
“Do you want me to check what that noise was first?”
“No,” you chuckle. “Now go enjoy the rest of your evening.”
She smiles brightly at you, her fears from moments ago long forgotten. “Thank you, princess.”
You smile knowing it, and it will take her awhile to get used to calling you Theo. When your chamber doors are closed, you lean back into your bath. “What do you call someone who spies on others as they bathe?”
You close your eyes again, hearing the footsteps from outside draw closer to you, then the sound of what sounds like furniture. It unfazed you that with the wrong move he would see you completely naked if he hadn’t already. You finally look at Aegon, who is now sitting on a chair beside you; the smell of ale on his breath is strong.
“I wasn’t spying,” he pouts.
He looks amused by your insult. “I came to check on you; I haven’t seen you since your wedding day.” He clicks his tongue as his fingers skim across the steaming water. “I gave the girl who served you that tea morning after your wedding enough money to start a new life far away from here,” he says. “It seems married life doesn’t agree with you.”
You snort at his comment, “Perhaps it will agree with you.”
“Maybe you will have given your husband a child or two by then.”
You slap him hard across the face.
“Forgive me, that was a cruel thing to say.” You feel the warmth of a hand on your face, forcing you to look up. “I won’t tell anyone, but you need to promise me you will be more discreet. There will be hell to pay if Aemond finds out”
You hold back from smiling because the situation is serious, but Aegon’s genuine concern warms your heart. Nobody else saw past him being a drunken whore who indulges himself in all types of pleasures, but there was so much more to him. He cares deeply for Sunfyre and wants to be loved more than anything. Your father often ignored him, your mother criticized him for the smallest thing, and Aemond often teased him for being less book smart than him.
You would have shown him nothing but love if given the chance.
“I know,” you sink your head lower into the water. “I just need a bit more time before being bred like cattle. It hurt. I'm dreading the next time we need to... perform our duty.”
“Sweet girl,”he sighs. “You dreamed about marrying someone who sings songs about fighting and dying for love.”
“Don’t you? Isn't that why you begged Mother to let us get married?”
Aegon swallows thickly, his eyes tearing up. He suddenly cups your face; his tired, sunken eyes bore into yours. “My biggest regret was asking for permission; I should have just taken you as my wife the moment you became of age.”
“It doesn’t matter,” he sniffs as a single tear falls down his face. “But you're his now, there’s nothing I can do.”
You cut him off by clashing your lips against his.
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moonlightisdancing · 2 months
Grá Rúnda/ j.t.k
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Pairing: au!Jake Kiszka x f!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: NSFW 18+ MINORS DNI themes of physical abuse/harm, blood, use of guillotine, betrayal
as always if a warning’s forgotten lmk!
a/n: thank you for reading! comment to be added to the tag list for this fic 🫶🏻 (also sorry this is late and kinda short… a lot’s been happening😬)
»»———- x ———-««
Watching the arrow enter Jacob’s thigh pierced your heart in the same manner. It hurt to breathe knowing he was struggling to himself. All you could manage between guttural sobs was crying his name in a poor attempt to save him. You reached your hand towards him and tried to run to his aid as your father’s men attempted to hold you back. You thrashed around until their grips loosened, running to Jacob’s side. Though nowhere near as warm as he usually is, he was still warm nonetheless, granted he was unresponsive. You held his head in your lap, cradling his face with your nimble fingers.
“Please, Jacob,” You whispered before placing a trail of kisses across his forehead. His skin was damp with a thin sheen of cool sweat, his tan complexion slowly fading. “No, no, no… No, Jacob, please?”
A brute man stood before you, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you to your feet. You watch Jacob’s head thump into the ground beneath him, his chocolate locks flying through the air and sticking to his skin. His eyes scrunched in pain and a small groan came from him.
“H-he cannot die. Please? Please do not let him die,” You pleaded, tears pouring down your face.
“Don’t worry, Princess Y/n, we won’t kill him. Your father will get that pleasure. Although after all he’s done to you, I’d like to end him myself.”
The men roughly picked Jacob up, the whine leaving his lips being your only hope of his survival. You hated that he was in pain. All you wanted was to nurture him, hold him in your warmth and tell him he’d be okay. For now you’d have to devise a plan regarding his survival. Jacob was a prince who was simply trying to protect your family and kingdom. Your eyes darted through the crowd, watching as the men tossed Jacob on top a stead. Your attention remained on him as he was carried away until you were guided into a carriage where you could no longer see.
Inside sat Eira, biting the sides of her fingers as she shook. Her eyes widened as you simply stared back, forcing an apologetic smile to be polite. Eira was quick to wrap her arms around your torso, not so subtly gagging when she did.
“What did that monster do to you?” She scoffed, shaking her head as she guided you to sit beside her. A large portion of the ride lacked conversation, only the buzzing summer heat and clacking hooves filling the space. Eira’s hand grabbed yours and she squeezed as she mumbled prayers, asking for guidance and answers.
Upon arriving at the castle, Eira led you to your room where lower ranked servants had lugged in a large tub. They took time hauling in buckets of water and heating them over the fire for a bath. Eira waved off the others as she poured herbs and soaps into the water. The light crackle of the fire reminded you of Jacob and all of the special moments you’d shared in such a short period of time. A faint memory of his lips against your skin passed as you tried to grasp onto the feeling. Eira walked towards you and began plucking the stray leaves and twigs from your hair before aiding you in removing your gown. Her eyes widened as the satin fabric rose over your breasts.
“Princess,” Eira’s voice cracked as she ran her thumb over your collarbone. “What did he do?”
You had forgotten that Jacob’s lips against your skin resulted in bright pink marks that had turned blue and purple. The marks trailed from your hips to just under your ear. Without speaking, Eira knew, but she would assume the worst.
“Eira,” You spoke quietly, placing your hand on hers before grabbing it. “I promise Jacob did not hurt me. He wouldn’t do that.”
Regardless of her subtle nod, you knew she still believed otherwise. She was careful as she washed your body. Your eyes settled on the water around you, watching as it quickly grew dirty, catching a glimpse of the marks left behind. Silence was becoming the new normal between you and Eira, and as much as you hated that, it was well needed. Eira’s nimble fingers working through your messy hair provided you ample relaxation to think. Jacob’s survival was of utmost importance to you. Finding him would not be the hard part, but getting to him would be. Without a doubt the guards would be on high alert, especially after recent events. Eira rinsed your hair and finally broke her silence, pulling you from your thoughts.
“What have you gotten yourself into, my dear?” Eira clicked her tongue as she wrung your hair out.
“I love him, Eira.”
“You love him? Y/n, you put not only that boy’s life at risk, but yours. And he’s-”
“Do not, Eira. He will not die.” You warned, grasping the edges of the tub with your soapy palms, lifting yourself out of the water.
“He has made his bed, he will lay in it.”
“Jacob was trying to save me! For once someone cared and-”
Before you registered Eira’s hand in the air, it came wailing across your cheek, kissing your skin bright pink. Seeing as she was like a second mother, it was no surprise she disciplined you for talking to her that way.
“Save you? You run off with a dirty bard for two days and you come back like this? Best you remember your manners, princess.” Eira tossed a towel at you before storming out of your room. You wanted to cry, but crying would not solve anything. Instead you’d use the anger to fuel your search for Jacob.
Once the moon sat high in the midnight sky, you dampened a scrap square of cloth and crept out of your room. Knowing the state Jacob was taken away in, the least you could do was clean him. To your surprise, no guards were standing outside or at either end of the hallway. It wasn’t long after you’d made way down the hall before you were approached by guards, although it did take longer than you anticipated.
“Where do you think you’re going, Princess Y/n?”
“I don’t think that’s your concern.” You shoot back, folding your arms over your chest.
“It is our duty to-”
“To protect me, yes. I’ll have you know I am not in danger.”
“We cannot let you go any further.”
“Oh, no? Well, I’m sure the king would be elated to hear you’re finally doing your jobs after failing the day I went missing.”
They didn’t dare comment back, instead letting their heads fall between their shoulders. You were surprised after failing the king once that the two of them were still allowed to live. The guard on the left raised his head and hand at the same time, pointing to the hall adjacent to him.
“He is down that way.” The guard murmured before quickly returning his hand to his side. You nod and walk down the dimly lit hall. It reeked of all sorts in more ways you could pinpoint. Sorrow with a hint of anticipation coated the walls, pairing awfully with the old brick and rich copper scent. Though the light was low you were still able to see Jacob curled into a ball, resting in the corner of his cell. For the first time since you’ve known him, you’d say he truly looked awful. His beautiful brown hair was a knotted mess at the nape of his neck, his bottom lip swollen along with his blackened right eye. A blood stained streak trickled down from his nose between his lips and the poorly tended wound on his thigh. It was a surprise that Jacob was still alive considering his current state. You walked towards his chamber, and while evidently lethargic, Jacob was still attentive to his surroundings.
“Please,” Jacob whined weakly, his voice trembling in fear. “Please don’t hurt me again.” His frail body shivered against the solid floor, the chains clattering against the brick as he shook.
“Jacob, it’s me.” You whispered as you lowered yourself to your knees, grasping the steel bars with your hands. He shifted enough to look at you with his good eye, wincing in pain as he held his ribs. Jacob slowly, but surely, inched his way closer to the bars that separated your two bodies. Regardless of how beat up and mangey he looked, you still had an innate desire to kiss and hold him. He rests his head between the bars, you do the same allowing your temples to touch. Jacob reached his hand through the small gap and placed his hand on your knee, gently rubbing his thumb over the fabric of your gown.
“I don’t know what will happen to me. I have loved and lost in my lifetime, I cannot lose you.” He sighed, adjusting his head to kiss the side of yours.
“I’m not sure, but I will not let you die, Jacob.” You pulled away, bringing the damp cloth to his mouth. The water from the rag rehydrated the blood crusted to his plush lips. Jacob’s eyes screwed shut in pain and he hissed with every swipe of the cloth, but he didn’t stop you from cleaning him up. Once his lips and nose were blood free, you placed a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. Next you gently worked your fingers through his hair to untangle his locks as best you could.
“There you are. There’s my pretty boy.” You massaged his scalp with your fingers, bringing your temples together again. If it weren’t for the godforsaken steel bars, you’d wrap him entirely in your comfort.
“Why are you helping me?”
“Because I love you, and I wa-” A newfound light source filling in the space around you made your stomach become a pit. Jacob scurried away from the bars in response to the heavy footsteps coming in close behind you.
“Y/n.” Your father’s voice boomed loudly against the brick, creating an awful ring in your ears.
“Father, I-I was just-”
“Just disobeying the rules yet again, child. Have you learned nothing from your actions?” The king grabs your arm, pressing his fingers into the marks left by Jacob the day before. Even if you found the words to say, nothing you could would change your father’s mind. In his eyes, and everyone else’s, Jacob was your captor, and for that he deserved to be punished.
Your father dragged you to your room that was now well guarded. The tub still sat in the middle of the room, half full of dirty water, twigs and leaves dancing about. He threw you to your bed before demanding you sit up and look at him. Anger painted every inch of his face, as if he were more mad about you talking to Jacob than he was about you running away.
“He is dangerous, Y/n. You cannot help every injured bird that falls in your palms.”
“Jacob is harmless! He was-”
“Y/n,” The king spoke sternly, reaching his hand toward your face. He pushed your hair behind your shoulder, inspecting the marks across your neck. “Look what he did to you. He hurt you, and for that he will pay.”
“He did not hurt me! He came to save me, to save us, and our kingdom.” Your words were cut short with a scoff as the king walked out of your room, clicking his tongue. Surely nothing could get Jacob out of this mess, but you’d be damned if you didn’t try.
Laying in bed felt wrong without Jacob wrapped around you. You stared at the ceiling praying for sleep or simply death. A life without Jacob was not a life worth living, in your opinion. The thought of the punishments he’d continue to endure over the course of the night haunted you. Your beautiful boy, your prince, being beaten beyond recognition shattered you. You swore you could hear him wailing from the end of the corridor, his cries echoing through your head.
You did not sleep, instead you sat at the edge of your bed with Jacob’s guitar in your lap, aimlessly plucking the strings. Every strum sounded absolutely awful, your fingers aching nearly as much as your heart. While you couldn’t play a single coherent song, the mindless strumming allowed you to think. It soothed you in a way, although had the guitar been in Jacob’s lap, you’d have felt more calm. The sun came up, and still you had no idea how to help Jacob. You opened your window, realizing for the first morning in years you hadn’t watched the sunrise. The moon was gone and the sky was a shade of blue that reminded you of the morning birds, the ones who sang perfectly with Jacob’s mandolin each morning. You look across the vast forest, only now being able to know what you were looking at. The smoke still rose from Dinaria, the sweet scent still lingering in the air. You heard horns being blown, if it weren’t for the faintness you’d presume from your own time square. But this sounded like it was traveling from a distance.
An uneasy feeling washed over your body.
It all began piecing together. King Kenric was waiting for a large attendance of people before attacking. Today’s executions would be the proper excuse to do so. Would King Kenric play it off as his son being wrongly executed? Would he simply continue ignoring the existence of Jacob? You would be devastated not only if Jacob lost his life, but innocent people of your kingdom as well. You have to tell your father, even if it’s the last thing you do.
A knock at your door signaled it was time to leave. You flattened the front of your gown with your palms before turning on your heels and opening your door. There stood your father and two guards, ready to escort you to the town square. Sorrow seeped deep to your bones as you knew what you’d bear witness to. The loss of Jacob would mean the loss of you, for he was so engraved in your existence nobody would understand you without at least hearing his name. You were the only one not cheerful as you were loaded into the carriage and brought to the town square. Upon arrival, seeing Jacob next in line with shackles around each limb tore you apart. This was your fault, and he had to pay for it.
Town Square
The only thing more embarrassing than the shackles around your ankles was the limp accompanying them. Even worse than that was how you looked. Y/n tried cleaning you up, but as soon as she left all her hard work had been undone. You were honestly surprised you could even move after the number of times your sides were kicked throughout the night. The pain of losing her was worse than the pain you felt, while your physical body was nearly beaten beyond repair, your heart had felt worse. Saving her had become your only goal, falling in love wasn’t your intention, the stars simply aligned.
Looking out amongst the crowd of townsfolk, you were grateful not to recognize any of their faces. It helped wash away a fraction of the humility. There was one man before you, only tightening the knot in your stomach. In theory, death by guillotine would be quick, but to watch someone knowing that would be you next, provided no reassurance.
The crowd knew this man. Directly in front stood a woman cradling a crying baby, a little girl no older than three beside her. The toddler sucked the thumb of one hand while the other tugged the side of her mother’s apron. The thought of a young child watching the public execution of its own father made your skin crawl. The man was placed face down with his stomach pressed against a long, narrow bench, his head locked between two wooden planks above a bucket as he kicked his legs.
The blade came down and severed his neck in a matter of seconds, his blood spraying across the faces of those in the front of the crowd. The faces of his loved ones. A guard reached his hand into the bucket, grabbing the man’s severed head by a clump of his hair. Majority of the crowd grew sickly in color. His head was flung around as if it were a trophy, the other guards cheering each time the head was displayed. The man’s eyes moved, making your skin crawl as they locked with yours.
The townsfolk had nearly no time to recoup before you were being dragged to the guillotine. You too were put in the same compromising position as the man prior, except you didn’t try to fight the inevitable. Laying down on broken ribs hurt nearly as much as the gaping wound on your thigh pressed against the splintering wood. They left you there for what felt like an eternity, the crowd filling in more and more.
Let that be a price I pay.
This price was more than you bargained for, but you’d rather lose your life than to live without Y/n. You had nothing left to live for after losing your title and now the woman you loved. Praying wouldn’t save you, but maybe it could protect her. You mumbled words that would hopefully find Princess Y/n through whatever higher power existed in the universe.
“Jacob Kiszka of Dinaria has been found guilty of kidnapping, amongst other things, of our beloved Princess Y/n. Today he will pay the ultimate price for his crimes.” You couldn’t see the man who spoke, but you recognized his voice. The king who spent the better half of his night beating you nearly to death would be the one to finish the job. Gentle weeping from behind made you aware that Y/n was in attendance as well. This was it, every choice led you here. You came all this way and still couldn’t save her.
You scanned the crowd on the off chance you’d recognize a single pair of eyes. There he stood towards the back. The dark, angry eyes of your father pierced you to the core. Of course he’d be present to watch the demise of who he deemed his greatest enemy. Footsteps made their way behind you as the crowd grew loud. Just when you thought it would finally end, a grin tugged the corners of your father’s lips. You watched as he gestured with his hand a sort of signal to someone. It was only then you realized he hadn’t shown up for you, but instead to progress with his plan to take over Novaria. Before you could warn anyone, you watched bodies begin to fall.
“Y/n!” Unsure of what else to do, you screamed for Y/n, her name being the only thought you could manage.
“She cannot save you, scoundrel. What’s done is-”
“Y/n, Kenric, in the back, it’s happening.” You whined, hoping anyone cared to listen.
Everything grew rapidly silent as the king made his way to the front before demanding his people to run. Running wouldn’t stop what was to come, but maybe it would save a fraction of Novaria’s people. Y/n went to her father’s side and stood on her toes to whisper something in his ear, pointing to you occasionally. It was then that the guards freed you from the restraints and escorted you alongside King Emyr and Princess Y/n. You weren’t sure where they’d put you, even if it was back in that musty cell, at least Y/n would be safe for now.
You were not allowed to ride with Y/n, instead being thrown in the back of a carriage where you could not see. She spent the duration of the journey whispering and pleasing to her father all too quiet for you to make out.
The Castle
A more than awkward silence filled the space of your throne room. Y/n sat beside you as Jacob was held up by guards in front of you both. He couldn’t stand on his own, that was no fault but yours. After the information Y/n fed you in the carriage you had to put your pride aside and apologize. Apologizing was not something you did, as the king you’re simply never wrong. The words finally found you as you waved off the guards, requesting they gently lowered Jacob to the floor.
“Prince Jacob,” You began slowly, watching his face contort at the name. “Had I known your status as such, perhaps our encounters would have been different. It was never my intention to hurt another member of royalty, simply to protect my daughter. I hope you understand that.”
“I’m sorry, your highness.”
“Please, do not apologize. I understand now we both have had that intention from the start, and it is imperative I know everything you do in order to do so.”
Jacob began explaining everything from overhearing King Kenric’s plan and losing his title to being shot in the leg and the loss of his mare. This boy truly risked it all for the sake of your daughter and your people. His own father would stop at nothing to expand their kingdom, even if it meant losing his only son.
“So tell me then, Jacob. How did they replace you at the castle?” You leaned forward in your throne, Y/n standing up to sit beside Jacob. You watched as she grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle, reassuring squeeze.
“We switched places, m-my cousin and I. The bard is my uncle, he left the royal family at a young age. Something about their values not aligning with his or something.” Jacob’s words became slurred together, if you had to assume it was from his physical state. You called in a handful of servants.
“Give this young man a proper bath, and bring fine linens for him.” You demanded. “I will need your help to save our kingdoms, Jacob.”
“I would do anything for my people, for Y/n’s, too.”
“Then it is decided.” You say, pushing yourself up from your throne. Jacob cowered in fear as if you were to hit him again, his head resting on Y/n’s shoulder. “We will return you to your people and your throne.”
»»———-   ———-««
taglist: @literal-dead-leaf @edgingthedarkness @jenniferkiszka
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
24 - The Unlikely Pair
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Part 25
The Last Velaryon
Tag list @rise-my-angel @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila
The next few chapters will be simply Tyrion and Chezney’s story, enjoy 🤗
Tyrion’s pov 
The feast being hosted at Winterfell was alive with laughter from drunken lords and ladies who were in attendance.  Walking around the tables I was in search of my next fix of wine since I had an empty cup.  I took another step around the corner before suddenly colliding with another person. “Ohhh! - forgive me.” 
I was waiting for whoever it was to address me as a monster or an imp believing I had knocked down another man who was drunk.  Except that wasn’t the case when my eyes focused on a young lady in a simple sea green dress with light brown hair.  “I’m quite alright, my lord.” 
“Here, here let me help you.”  I extended my hand outward for her to take once I had gotten to my own feet.  With her gentle hand in mine I tugged her to stand where I had to lift my head up to look into her eyes. “I must apologize, my lady.  I must have only stopped looking where I was going for a split second.” 
The young girl with her hair loosely framing down her shoulders asked me. “Does your neck hurt having to look up people like that all the time?” 
“Sometimes yes.  But it’s all I’ve ever known.” I wasn’t sure if she meant that as a mockery or not at how short I was compared to everyone else. 
She slowly led me over to an available area in the dining hall where people weren’t occupying before she sat down putting her hands in her lap sending me a gentle smile. “Sit down with me.  I don’t wish for you to have to strain your neck for however our conversation may be.” 
“My lady, I shouldn’t - what of your gown?” I found myself nearly at a loss for words by the small kindness she had just shown me.  Thinking that this must just be a one time thing between us,  until I was wrong in the coming days. 
She waved her hand not fazed by the idea of her gown getting ruined.  “I have other ones back in my chambers.  Besides, I'm not a high born.  I don’t care too much for fancy dresses.  Now are you going to stand there until your feet hurt or are you going to sit down hmm?” 
“I must know your name before we continue this conversation, my lady.” I sat down beside her finally on the cold stone ground. 
“Chezney Ally.  But people closest to me call me Chez.” 
Holding out my hand I introduced myself even though she probably already knew who I was given I was born a high born.  “I’m Tyrion, have you ever had wine before Chezney?” 
“I haven’t.  Although it seems very likable by the amount of drunk men stumbling around this room.” 
I gasped in shock, hanging my mouth open at her statement. “What - h - how have you never had any.  We must fix this at once.” 
“Tyrion! What - what are we doing?” Chezney began giggling before I grabbed her wrist pulling her up off the floor,  dragging her over to the table of alcohol near us, 
Pouring her a small amount I held a cup up to her. “Try it and tell me what you think.” 
“Gah! - that’s not the worst thing I’ve had.” She made a sour face after drinking the liquor inside the cup.  She held the cup in both hands sending me the same innocent smile before we began our conversation back on the stone floor with some glasses of wine in our hands.  
“We must find Sansa Stark a different husband.” My father Tywin who was now Hand of the King to Joffrey sat at the head council chair. 
My sister smirked wickedly at me. “Yes it is.” 
“You can’t mean it?” I questioned my father. 
He responded sternly. “I can and I do.” 
“Joffrey has made this poor girl's life miserable since the day he took her father’s head.  Now she’s finally free of him and you give her to me.  That’s cruel even for you.”
Father raised his chin slightly. “You intend on mistreating her.  The girl's happiness is not my concern, nor should it be yours.” 
“She’s a child!” I raised my voice towards him feeling uneasy about the whole situation. 
He declares to me resting his hands on the table. “You will wed her,  bed her and put a child in her.  Surely you're capable of that.” 
“I was wed.” Pushing my chair out and away from the table I snatched up the Master of Coin book I had carried in with me before storming out of the room.  After I had found Bronn I had filled him in on everything while we were sitting outside drinking a pitcher of wine.  ““I cannot marry Sansa Stark.  She’s a young child regardless of what my sister says.” 
“What’s the youngest you’ve ever had?” 
Shaking my head no in disgust.  “Not that young.” 
“How much older?” 
Rolling my eyes slightly I avoided his gaze.  “Older.” 
“You’re a Lord.  She’s a Lady and a beauty at that.  I don’t see the problem.” He popped a bite of fruit into his mouth. 
Tapping my fingers on the rim of my wine cup I couldn’t help but think about Chezney almost every night before I fell asleep.  “I am not comfortable sleeping with a girl so young like that.  I - I can’t ever love her like she deserves.  Another woman already has my heart.” 
“Is she a whore.  How did marrying a whore work out for you the first time?” Bronn asked me reaching for his glass he had sat down on the table. 
Leaning my head back against the seat I now regretted that I told him about Tysha.  “I should have never told you about that.” 
“If you want this other girl then keep her.  Wed one and bed the other.  All you have to do is put a son in the Stark girl.  He’ll be Lord of Winterfell and you can rule the North in his name.  You’ll have two women and a whole kingdom of your own.” 
I tilted my head back taking a long drink from my glass until I had finished the whole glass.  “Two women to despise me and the whole kingdom to join them.” 
“You waste time trying to get people to love you, you'll end up the most popular dead man in town.”  Bronn grabbed the pitcher before me, pouring himself some more wine in his own glass then mine.  “You want to fuck that Stark girl.  You just don’t want to admit it.” 
I stuttered on my words, nearly dropping the glass in my hands. “I - I - I don’t pay you to put evil notions in my head.  The ones already there don’t need company.” 
“So if this other girl isn’t a whore, what exactly is she?” He asked me. 
Rubbing the back of my neck I sighed heavily, finally meeting his gaze.  “Her name is Chezney.  She isn’t a high born girl.  She used to be a lady-in-waiting for the daughter of House Velaryon.” 
“Oh boy, you might just have a death wish.  You’ve fallen for your brother’s wife’s handmaiden in the middle of a war between your family and the Starks who are keeping them prisoner.  I would hate to be you.” 
Sitting my cup down I pushed myself out of the chair heading to my chamber room.  Locking the door behind myself I ran my fingers through my messy curls before I crossed the room reaching into a secret compartment I had made on the floor underneath the bed.  “I wish I could be marrying you, Chezney.” I whispered under my breath, holding a small black box in my hands that had one of my mothers rings inside of it that I would make a wedding band for her if I ever got to see her again. 
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thatgirlwithasquid · 4 months
Dear Moor Monster of Mine - Chapter 2
7,268 words || read on ao3
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Have thought about posting the next chapters of this fic to tumblr for a lil while but talked myself out of it. Finally decided to screw that cause this is my fic and I'm proud of it... even if I still haven't gotten around to finishing that last chapter (whoopsie!)
You can read chapter 1 on tumblr or ao3
“What do you mean you’re not going to come in and do anything?” Steve scoffs as his mam pulls up to the front of the school.
“I mean exactly what I said,” she answers, not even looking at him as she slows the car to a stop.
Steve doesn’t reach for his door handle, instead turning to look at his father incredulously. He leans into the front of the car to force his attention when the man simply looks back at him impassively.
“Don’t expect me to fight back against your mother, we both know who’s in charge here.”
“But you agree with her?”
“Of course I do!”
His mam reaches across to pat his arm with a smile.
“Right answer. We’ve told you, Steve, you just have to go into school like normal today. We’ll sort this.”
“By ignoring him being here on our territory—?”
“By going to his pack, not harassing a fifteen year old boy at school,” his mam cuts him off, voice stern with finality.
“Besides,” his dad soothes, playing mediator, “what would it look like if two grown adults walked into a school to have a stern chat with a kid they don’t know?”
Steve huffs, snatching up his bag and letting the topic lie. He guesses he sees their point, but he still isn’t a fan of this. The idea of leaving this be for now doesn’t fully appease him; they don’t even know who Billy’s pack are, who knows how long it’ll take to track them down to talk to. Sure, Hawkins isn’t the biggest place, but there’s still enough people here for that to be a daunting enough task.
He tries to shrug the discontent off. It feels weird, knowing he’s going to walk into that building and share the space with some other wolfblood that isn’t his family.
“Hey,” his mam says as he reaches for the door.
She crooks a finger and Steve leans back over with a sigh to let her peck him on the cheek. His dad claps him on the shoulder before he leans back, offering him a smile, and then Steve slips out of the car.
Behind him the front window rolls down for his mam to call out a final: “You just be sure to keep your distance from that kid, okay?”
And then the car rolls on away, making room for the next car to pull in and drop off their kids.
“Alright, Steve?” Jonathan asks, jogging to catch up with him as he heads inside.
“Yeah,” he sighs, “I just got a lecture.”
Jonathan sucks in a wince between his teeth, offering Steve a sympathetic look. Together they walk into class, Steve letting Jonathan lead the conversation towards lenses and other things photography related that Steve will never understand, no matter how many times his friends try to explain it to him. 
They get into form early and settle down in their seats, greeting Nancy and Barb who are already there.
Cool light spills in through the windows next to their desks, the grey sky not darkening the morning in the slightest, even as the unbroken sky of grey makes for a dreary sight. Steve shrugs his coat off his shoulders to hang over the back of his chair, the waterproof fabric crinkling loudly as he does.
“Looks like it’s going to rain. Are we still planning on going out later?” Jonathan asks them.
“A little rain never killed anyone,” Nancy answers. “We can walk over to Benny’s after school.”
Barb approves of the plan and Steve shrugs his approval. Maybe this is what he needs. The smell of rain might wash away the traces of unfamiliar wolfblood scent so that he can do as everyone keeps asking and mind his own business. 
“Hey, Nance,” Steve asks, “you’re still going to help me come up with a homework plan at lunch, right?”
She smiles at him, nodding in agreement before turning to start chatting with Jonathan instead. Barb nudges him, smiling, and he turns to talk to her instead.
“I wouldn’t have expected you to be so on it. Wasn’t it you who kept distracting Nancy from studying last year.”
“Yeah, well,” Steve dismisses, too fond of Barb to be insulted by her, admittedly, fair assessment of his work ethic, “last year wasn’t GCSE year.”
Besides, he’s trying not to be the same person as he was last year. That means putting more time into his schoolwork than hanging around with assholes like Tommy and Carol. He doesn’t even know what they wasted their time doing but back then it had felt like he never had time for homework. Now it’s different.
Different friends bring different expectations and free time. He doesn’t want to end up being that one friend relying on the others for help studying every time mock exam period rolls around. No matter what, he wants to show them he’s trying, and taking homework seriously is a good start for that.
It’s something the teachers will surely appreciate too. All of his homework last year was either handed in last minute or hastily scribbled in while clowning around with Tommy. Safe to say, he hadn’t really set any high expectations for himself; maybe that’s why he got his fair share of detentions.
Actually, that’s probably where half their free time had gone. It would explain his sudden abundance of it since cutting Tommy from his life.
Slowly but surely, the class fills out. A few final students shuffle in just before the second bell, and then Mrs Click starts on the morning register.
Steve actually is trying to mind his own business, but keeping his distance from Billy proves even harder than he had been expecting. Sure, he’d have to deal with being in the same form group as the guy, but for the rest of school he could more-or-less steer clear. With the benefits of wolfblood senses, that should have been a piece of cake, especially since it wasn’t like they had sat next to each other in any classes so far.
That is until their first PE class of the year. Because of course luck couldn’t just be on his side for this; they ended up being put into the same group. 
“Right,” the PE teacher calls out to the group. “Can I trust you kids to pick your own teams or do I have to pick for you?”
The chatter dies down as attention snaps to them as they give the boys a warning look. They all get the message that they will be taking no nonsense. With GCSEs taking priority, general PE classes are a welcome reprieve from the serious teaching and stress of teachers reminding them all of what’s coming at the end of the year. Even a group of rowdy boys like this are willing to quiet long enough to form their own groups.
Playing it safe, Steve settles himself on the team away from Tommy; it doesn’t seem like a wise move to be on a team with someone who hates his guts. As seems fitting considering Tommy and Billy’s fast forming friendship, doing so puts him against Billy as well. 
He’s not really sure if that’s a good or bad thing. Being on opposite teams at least puts a bit more distance between them rather than if they had to work together… But with the way Tommy jeers at him as Steve pulls on a red bib and Billy’s eyes snap over to him, dark with competitiveness, maybe this isn’t the best either.
Steve tries his best to ignore it.
They end up playing football, which the majority of the boys seem content with. Ominously, Billy seems to settle into a silent preparedness.
Steve gets himself set up for the game to begin, around him others do the same. It’s nothing serious, just a way to let loose some pent up energy, and Steve almost relaxes into it. That’s when their paths cross.
He’s playing midfielder, halfway down the blue-bib team’s side of the pitch, keeping his eye on where he’s dribbling the ball, when something solid collides with his side. It sends him stumbling. By the time he rights himself, Billy has sent the ball back towards Steve’s team’s goal and is sending a smug smirk his way. 
The guy’s encroaching on territory that doesn’t belong to him and he’s an asshole.
Throughout the class, Steve does his best to keep away from Billy, but there’s only so much to do when Billy is playing defence on the opposite team. Every time Steve looks up, there he is. It heightens the sinking realisation that, until his parents chase his pack out of Hawkins, he’s going to be feeling like this constantly.
In every class, at every lunch, maybe even outside of school if he’s unlucky. So far Billy seems the type to show up where he’s least wanted to rub in his presence. The guy is obnoxious and unignorable. No matter how hard he tries, Steve just can’t seem to keep his eyes off him for long.
By the time the teacher blows their whistle to mark the end of the lesson, Steve is sweaty, worn out and ready to go home already. 
They all file into the boys’ changing rooms, quickly rinsing off under the showers before changing back into their uniforms. Steve’s shrugging his shirt on when Tommy sits himself down, obnoxiously, on the bench next to where Steve is dressing. 
“Oh, how the mighty do fall, Harrington.”
“The hell do you want, Tommy?” Steve hisses back, starting on his buttons.
“Nothing, man,” he responds, not too convincingly. 
“It’s just not your day,” Billy joins in, victorious smirk still firmly in place, as he sets up his bag beside Tommy and starts dressing.
Tommy snorts.
“Yeah, not your year either, is it? How’s it feel hanging around the guy that stole your girlfriend every day?”
The changing room reeks of the swirling spray of at least twelve different deodorants and the stale sweat clinging to hastily tucked away PE kits. That’s what Steve tries to focus on as he rifles through his bag for a water bottle. Not Tommy and whatever rubbish the other guy lets spill from his mouth, and definitely not Billy watching from over his shoulder with a raised brow. They might linger in the corner of his periphery, but it doesn’t matter.
“Y’know, I bet they’re getting real cosy right now. I saw them getting permission to skip this period, how much do you wanna bet they’re getting cosy off somewhere alone again?”
Steve’s eyes dart to Tommy against his will.
They didn’t tell him that they were going to do that. Something on his face must give that away because Tommy grins.
“Oh shit, you don’t even know.”
With a cackle, he shoulders his bag and strides out of the changing room, not leaving room for Steve to get the last word in. Not that Steve would want to. He just bites the inside of his cheek as he unscrews the lid of his drink.
It doesn’t matter. Him and Nancy are over, and she wasn’t cheating on him last year. He just wishes he didn’t care about the jibe in spite of that. 
Tommy has always been a bit of a dick, even when they were friends. With his parents going off somewhere Steve couldn’t explain once a month, Tommy used to come up with some pretty colourful theories of his own: that his parents had secret other families that they were keeping from Steve; that Steve was a secret lovechild they could only see some of the time; and, his favourite, that one of Steve’s parents was a dirty cheater that the other had to keep an eye on. 
Being on the wrong end of teasing about possible cheating for so long got old really quick. It didn’t matter that Steve knew, without a slither of a doubt, that it was all bullshit, it still got to him.
“Don’t worry about it, man,” Billy’s voice says, cutting through Steve’s thoughts. 
He leans one arm up against the changing room coat hooks and levels Steve with another one of his taunting looks. It makes Steve want to punch him.
“Pretty boy like you’s got nothing to worry about, plenty of bitches in the sea.”
Steve refuses to give Billy the satisfaction of meeting his eye. 
What the hell did Billy think he was doing saying shit like that, goading a wolfblood whose territory you’re trespassing on? All Steve can do is grit his teeth and bear it, because that’s what his parents had told him to do. He hates it. He hates that his parents are treating him like he’s some pup just cause he hasn’t had his first transformation yet, and he hates that this asshole can just walk up to him with that shit-eating grin and talk down to him without Steve being able to do anything about it.
The guy even has the nerve to lean right into his personal space, clapping him on the shoulder and marking his scent all over Steve’s school clothes. Steve freezes, body taught with a rage that the other just ignores. Instead, Billy grabs his school bag and swaggers out, tie hanging undone around his neck.
“Hargrove, tie!” Steve can hear one of the teachers scolding before he snatches out his spray to drown out the guy’s scent.
When lunchtime rolls around, Nancy is nowhere to be seen. Neither, as it so happens, is Jonathan. Something ugly and green curls around his gut as Steve sits there in the cafeteria, nudging his half-empty bag of crisps half-heartedly. 
Across the room, Steve’s hearing can pick up Tommy and Carol snickering at where he sits, alone. It makes him wish he had asked Barb to stay with him while he waited instead of assuring her that she was fine to leave him while she did some research for her beast in the dark room. At the time he’d wanted nothing less than to hear her go on about monsters, but now he’d happily take that discomfort over this humiliating loneliness.
The doors to the room swing open and Steve’s eyes dart over there again, hoping against hope to see Nancy walking over to help him with his homework plan like they had agreed. He doesn’t. Instead, in struts Billy Hargrove. 
One day. His parents told him to keep his distance for one day and yet, everywhere Steve looks, there he is. 
Blue eyes snap to his and Billy—the arrogant, trespassing bastard he is—fucking winks at him.
It’s about at that moment that Steve gives in. It’s been fifteen minutes; lunch is nearly halfway over and there hasn’t been any sign of Nancy or even Jonathan. Neither of them have even texted him, so Steve’s holding little hope that they even remember that he’s waiting there for them. He’s not gonna sit here, overhearing all of the jibes thrown his way, waiting for someone who isn’t going to show.
He snatches up his crisps and heads out of the room, the doors closing with a satisfying thud behind him. At first, he really has no direction in mind, just walking for the sake of walking, but then he catches sight of a familiar head of brown curls.
“Henderson!” he calls out, striding up to the kid. “What’re you doing all by yourself?”
The kid shoots him an embarrassed grin.
Steve doesn’t mind Dustin, the kid seems alright and warmed up to him pretty quickly after he and Nancy broke up. Him and his group seem to spend their time split between each other’s houses, more often than not ending up at the Wheelers’ place. It ends up with Steve getting stuck keeping an eye on them all alongside Nancy whenever they’re all around there at the same time.
He’d begrudge it more if the kids weren’t actually kind of okay. Mike is annoying and Will is a bit shy, but Lucas and Dustin are actually pretty great. 
“I got lost.”
Steve huffs a laugh but decides to help him find his friends without any teasing. He remembers his own first-week nerves, as long ago as that seems now. If he was still the same person he was last year, Steve would probably have just laughed along with Carol and Tommy at the little Y7s getting lost on their way to class. It feels pretty good to realise how much he’s improved in such a short time.
The kids are hanging around outside the computer rooms, sitting up against the wall as they eat their lunches from boxes on their laps. It’s something Steve shakes his head at in amusement as he steps over Mike’s sprawled legs.
“You’re lucky there aren’t many people over here, or else you’d all be getting kicked by everyone walking by,” he tells them as he settles down on the opposite wall, Dustin taking up a seat against his side.
Mike wrinkles his face in annoyance but Steve pays it no mind, simply tilting his nearly-finished crisps over towards Dustin in offering. The kid happily sticks his hand in, emerging with practically a fistfull of them, crumbling to pieces in his grip.
“Dude…” Steve sighs mourning the loss of his lunch.
Lucas snorts.
“You get what you ask for.”
“Hey,” Steve says, brandishing his final crisp with playfully narrowed eyes, “I didn’t ask for that sass, Sinclair.”
“Your face asked for that sass,” Mike grumbles.
Steve decides only to let it slide because it makes Will laugh and he’s still working on getting that kid to open up to him.
“Thin ice, Mini-Nance,” he still warns and, with the look that puts on Mike’s face, Steve maybe gets why Mike likes him the least. “So, how’s your guys’ second day of year 7 going?”
That gets them to perk up and inwardly Steve sighs. Of course they’re enjoying school. He’s now doomed to being friends with nerds, and these ones don’t even have the benefit of being his own age.
Sometimes Steve really thinks he may have dug a hole for himself here.
“It’s been great—” Lucas starts.
“So great!” Dustin cuts in.
Even Will comes out of his shell at the chance to gush, offering a genuine: “There’s so much stuff for doing chemistry practicals, it’s awesome.”
“And there’s this new girl in our classes who didn’t go to our primary school,” Lucas tells him. 
“I think she moved up from the south,” Will agrees.
“Who cares?” Mike huffs. “She’s not important. Our party already has an unwanted tag-along.”
“Ouch,” Steve says when Mike’s eyes dart pointedly over to him. “Point taken.”
“Hey, Steve’s cool,” Dustin stresses, and Steve maybe shouldn’t feel as pleased as he does by the sentiment. “Besides, have you seen Max? She’s awesome. Why wouldn’t we want a cool new girl in our group?”
The topic, annoyingly, only serves to send Steve’s own thoughts back to the new kid in his own class. He knows embarrassingly little about either of them. For all he knows, they might have come here together—they did both start at Hawkins High at the same time. Though, Steve hasn’t caught any hint of another wolfblood at the school other than himself and Billy.
With how quickly he picked up on Billy’s presence, he highly doubts he’d have missed another. Even if it had only been a day and a half, the new girl must be leaving trails of her scent all across the building and Steve hasn’t picked up on a singular thing so it seems highly unlikely.
Still, he doesn’t enjoy the topic purely on the basis that he doesn’t want to have to consider Billy in the slightest. He’s not going to let that guy drag down every moment of his life, not even for the short time he’s going to be sticking around.
“Let’s maybe not argue about that,” he uses as an excuse. “I don’t want to have to tell your sister that you were fighting with your friends.”
“Then keep it to yourself,” Mike mumbles petulantly.
Lucas laughs.
“Sure, like Steve could keep a secret to save his life.”
That makes Steve wince. Will shoots him a sorry look which he just waves away.
The kids keep bickering on for a while, friendly enough that Steve is content to lean back and let it all wash over him. Their lunches dwindle as they eat them between discussions about something to do with their last D&D campaign.
Steve really has no clue what they’re talking about with all of that, even though he was in the room for their last one. The Wheelers had gotten snacks for all the kids but made sure they were actually sharing. That left Steve and Nancy hanging out in the basement while the kids were playing. Didn’t mean that Steve listened to a word of it, and it’s not like any of it would’ve made sense if he had.
“Steve should join us next time,” Will says.
He says it pretty quietly, but it’s apparent that everyone else hears him given the way their chatter falls suddenly silent. 
Steve would spend more time insulted by that reaction if he wasn’t already so flabbergasted by the fact that that suggestion came from Will in the first place. He really didn’t think the kid liked him that much. Or, okay, maybe he liked him fine enough because of that time he brought that box of ice lollies over to the Wheelers’ place for them—even Mike had somewhat warmed up to him after that—but Steve hadn’t thought the kid was that comfortable around him yet.
When the others just keep staring at him (Steve included), Will just shrugs unapologetically. Steve makes a mental reminder to sneak the kid some extra crap the next time he’s feeling affectionate enough to the party. He’d never have expected a Fab to earn him that much of Will’s respect.
Dustin has seemingly come back to his senses by now, because he’s begun nodding fiercely.
“Yeah, dude,” he grins, “that would be awesome.”
Even Lucas seems to like the idea a little.
“Seriously?” Mike complains, with a touch less petulance than Steve would have actually expected. Holy shit, does Mike actually secretly not hate him?
“Consider it this way,” Lucas offers. “We can laugh at him when he gets himself killed.”
“Hey,” Steve grumbles. “I haven’t even agreed.”
“Yeah, please Steve?”
“C’mon it’ll be fun.”
Steve sighs and resigns himself to a night of bullying from Y7s. What even is his life anymore? On the plus side, maybe if he’s worrying about dealing with these assholes he won’t be so disturbed by Billy being around.
It’s a long shot but, hey, a guy has to have hope.
When he turns away from the kid’s excited planning, wanting to head towards a water fountain and fill his bottle before last period, his eyes meet those of Nicole. She’s standing there, smirking down at the group's antics with an annoyingly superior look on her face.
Well, great. Just brilliant. Nicole is the biggest damn snitch in their year and there isn’t a single chance that she isn’t going to tell Carol about this. And Carol knowing about this means that, by tomorrow, Tommy will know about this. 
It’s not that Steve is embarrassed to be seen around these guys—they’re great kids—but Tommy would never have let him live this down back when they were friends. Now that they don’t even have that marginal buffer between Steve and Tommy’s brutal teasing, Steve’s fucked.
With a subtle sigh of despair, he flops back against the wall. There’s no point in trying to catch up to Nicole’s disappearing back as she walks away; no bargaining with that girl will give him anything better than a bruised sense of dignity. Well, as flimsy as his dignity already with everything else considered.
He tries to enjoy the precious last few minutes of his lunch break in quiet acceptance.
By the time the final bell of the school day rings, Steve is just shy of having already been lined up directly at his classroom door. With the way Billy kept shooting him more and more frequent looks, Steve wasn’t willing to chance hanging around. It was like the guy was thinking about cornering him and, even despite knowing full well that he shouldn’t, Steve thinks he might have actually hit the guy if he tried something like that.
It’s easy enough to shrug his bag up onto his shoulder and get lost in the flow of kids rushing to finally escape from the building. Within a minute or two, Steve is already standing at the school gate and waiting.
His parents aren’t picking him up today since he already let them know he had plans, so instead he looks out into the coming swarms of other students for his friends. With any luck, it won’t take them too long to get out—the clouded-over sky from this morning has only darkened with a swell of soon-coming rainfall and Steve would very much like to avoid the beginnings of it.
It isn’t long before he spots a familiar head of ginger hair. Barb makes her way over to him, meandering through the flow of kids to stand beside him.
By the time they start exchanging concerned looks, it’s started spitting with rain. Steve’s hood is pulled up over his head, no doubt ruffling his hair into a real state, when he turns to Barb.
“Do we just… keep waiting?”
Barb shrugs helplessly at him.
“I can text her again to ask but I don’t know. I don’t know what would keep them behind. Did they say anything to you at lunch time?”
Steve shakes his head.
“They never showed.”
“Neither of them?”
“Neither of them,” Steve agrees. “Tommy mentioned that they’d gotten permission to skip third period, but that shouldn’t still have them doing stuff, surely.”
Barb swipes little droplets of rain from her phone screen and sends a third text, teeth worrying her lip between her teeth.
“I’m sure they’re fine,” Steve soothes. “Maybe her phone just died and so she can’t tell us about whatever’s holding her up. They could’ve just gone home sick?”
“Both of them?” Barb asks with incredulously raised brows. “They seemed fine this morning.”
Steve shrugs helplessly, unable to offer a better explanation. Truth be told, his fingers are twitching a little anxiously. He’s sure they’re fine… or he would be if there wasn’t that slight worry that this could be related in some way to the intruders on his territory. 
Rationally, he knows nothing should be wrong there, not like this at least. It doesn’t matter how rude and standoffish Billy has been, wolfbloods at the end of the day are just people like everyone else. Just because he doesn’t like the guy doesn’t mean his family have gone and kidnapped two kids just because they’re friends with the current pack’s son. That would be deranged and, as every wolfblood knows, you can’t just go out and do things that would give away the secret.
It doesn’t stop that over-stressed part of his mind from worrying. Or maybe even hoping. Even if he and Nancy are over, he doesn’t want to think about her and Jonathan getting together, no matter how much sense that might make. It would explain their strange absence together, but the thought of it stings with a subtle sort of betrayal.
Barb’s phone chimes and she tilts the screen for Steve to see too. It’s a text from Jonathan’s number, but one that Nancy apparently sent:
Phone dead, sorry for the hold up. Head to Benny’s without us, we’ll catch you up -Nancy x
With that worry settled, Steve and Barb shrug off their anxieties the best they can and walk off down the path into town.
“So,” Barb asks him. “If you weren’t with Nancy, what were you doing all lunch?”
“Herding lost ducklings,” he shrugs, smirking and explaining: “Nancy’s brother and his friends” at Barb’s confused look.
“Good,” she says with a smile, “then I don’t have to feel so bad about abandoning you to yourself.”
“Awh,” Steve coos, wrapping an arm around Barb’s shoulders as they keep walking, “I knew you loved me.”
“Shut up,” she huffs with a roll of her eyes, batting Steve’s hand away. “You’re lucky I actually do.”
“Yeah, I am.”
His sappiness earns him an amused look.
“So,” she asks instead, blessedly not teasing him because Barb is a saint, “you know what you’re going to do when you get home?”
Steve shrugs, turning the corner and feeling thankful that it’s not too much further of a walk to the café from here. The rain is picking up now, tapping against the hoods of their coats. Steve can’t remember if Jonathan and Nancy brought coats today, but he hopes for their sakes that they did, or that they’re not far behind them if not.
“Having dinner with my parents, which will be thrilling. A proper family meeting.”
Barb shoots him a frown.
“What’s the occasion? Is everything okay?”
Steve lets out a huff of breath, determinedly not thinking about everything that’s going to be discussed this evening.
“Yeah, it’s fine, something just came up recently. Borning family stuff, nothing you need to worry about. How about you?”
“I’m going to go through all my photos from the moors. I know there’s something up there, Steve. That paw print means something. There has to be something more there, I just need to look harder.”
Steve’s face twitched with a suppressed cringe, but he listens dutifully as Barb goes over her plans of where to start and what she thinks her best guess of what her monster could be is. He wouldn’t have taken her as the type to believe in cryptids and folktales but she seems to have seriously considered a great number of things.
A better friend might have entertained her theories more, asking questions about what she’s telling him, but the best he can manage is his held breath and a silent prayer that the word ‘werewolf ’ never passes her lips.
It doesn’t seem to bother Barb that her audience is silent, just that he’s willing to listen at all. That makes him feel both sad and a little thankful at the same time, which only serves to raise more guilt inside him. It squirms like a living thing and there is no word for the immensity of his relief when the door to Benny’s is before them and they can duck inside.
That serves as the disruption necessary to quiet Barb’s rambling as they wander over to the counter and ask Benny for four hot chocolates to warm up from the cold rain. The warmth of them stings against Steve’s rain-cooled fingers through their cardboard cups. He hands over the money for them, ignoring Barb’s attempts to pay for half, and then they settle themself in a table by the window.
Barb sighs from between sips of her drink.
Against the glass, the rain begins to hammer down. For a moment, Steve just watches the droplets racing down the plane and thinks about how they’ll be washing everything clean. It would be nice to go out and run when the weather passes, basking in the petrichor and the way it brings out the smell of the woods stronger than ever, but that’s not wise right now.
Hiding his disgruntled expression, Steve takes a sip from his own drink and immediately hisses as the hot liquid burns the tip of his tongue.
“How are you just drinking that? This is boiling still.”
Barb just shrugs, taking another long gulp and Steve takes a moment to feel sorry for her internal organs cause surely drinking something that warm cannot be good for them.
“Don’t be dramatic,” she smiles at him, as if she can read his mind.
God, would Steve be fucked by now if she actually could.
The door opens with the chime of the shop bell and Nancy and Jonathan slip inside, dripping with rain. 
Jonathan’s hair is plastered to his forehead when he slips into the seat across from Steve, grasping for his drink with a thankful expression. He doesn’t even raise it to his mouth, simply cradling it in his hands and leeching the heat away from the cardboard. Nancy, however, fairs a lot better, lowering the hood of Jonathan’s coat.
“It’s freezing out there,” Nancy winces, also taking her seat now.
“You’re more of a gentleman than me, Jonathan,” Steve laughs. He can’t help himself.
The guy looks like a drowned puppy, looking up with sad eyes at the dryness of Barb and Steve’s own clothes.
“Thanks again, Jonathan,” Nancy smiles, looking a little guilty but very appreciative. “I owe you.”
“You could cover the cost of his drink,” Steve suggests, and Nancy looks like she’s actually about to pull out her purse when Barb speaks up with an admonishing look in Steve’s direction.
“You didn’t make me pay,” she points out and Steve pouts.
“Well, now you’ve done it.”
Nancy shakes her head, amused, and tucks her purse back away.
“You’re an idiot, Steve,” she informs him with a fond look.
“So I’ve been told.”
Nancy just smirks and sips at her drink. Barb sends Steve a pointed look as if to say ‘see, it’s not too hot, you're just ridiculous’.
“So,” he asks instead, voice coming out impressively casual, “what kept you two so long anyway?”
“Ah, yeah,” Jonathan says with an embarrassed chuckle, “sorry we were so late.”
“We were talking to some year 8s about signing up for photography club. They saw us sticking up sign-up sheets at lunchtime and had some follow up questions.”
“We might have some new members,” Jonathan says to corroborate her story, a pleased little smile on his face.
Ah. Right. Steve schools his expression into a plastic smile, ignoring the way Barb sends him a quick little sorry look. 
“So that’s where you were. I was wondering.”
Nancy’s face seems to suddenly drain of colour as she pops her cup back onto the table. She sends Steve her most sorry look, complete with pitiful wide eyes. If anything it makes him feel suddenly worse.
“Oh, crap! Steve, I’m so sorry. I completely forgot that I said I’d—”
“It’s fine, Nance,” Steve says quickly, cutting her off.
He doesn’t want to get into it. Really, he doesn’t. It’ll just remind him of the way she looked at him when they broke up, and Steve thinks he doesn’t quite love Nancy in that way anymore but it still hurts to be reminded. 
He’s much rather just press on, sweep this all under the rug and act like everything is normal. He needs that, especially with every other chaotic aspect of his life right now. His friends are supposed to be easy, not be another source of stress. And maybe it’s a bit selfish to want other people to just be simple and how he needs rather than their own complicated selves, but he’s just already so tired.
“How did it go anyway? They the right kind of nerds for your loser club?”
Nancy seems relieved that he’s back to his usual self, giving him another one of those indulgent looks.
“Yes, they’re ‘the right kind of nerd’. They seem really nice.”
Jonathan nods his agreement.
“I hope they do sign up, it would be nice to have some new people around in the dark room with us.”
“Well, you have fun with the Y8s. I’ve apparently befriended your brothers and their friends, so I’ll be hanging around with them instead.”
“You did?” Jonathan smiles, always so openly affectionate when Will gets brought up.
Steve doesn’t think he’s imagining that flicker of gratefulness in his eyes, either. It’s been hard on him and his mam since Will was found, each of them worrying about how he’s doing after being lost out in the woods for days. His mam’s been taking it worse, but Jonathan’s been keeping a closer eye on him, too. 
It occurs to Steve that he’s probably glad to find out someone else a bit more mature will be keeping an eye on him too. He thinks he might actually be okay with being that guy for him—it’s nice to be trusted so clearly.
Of course, because Steve can’t have a moment’s peace, when the door next opens Tommy strides in, followed by a grinning Billy Hargrove. Maybe Steve would hate the guy less if he didn’t look so pleased constantly, grinning in that obnoxious way he has. It just oozes tauntingness. He also might at least pretend he was less bothered by the guy if he wasn’t fucking everywhere Steve looked.
When Billy notices Steve glaring him down his smile widens, the prick.
Tommy delights in Steve being there too, laughing at him the second he sees him there.
“Look who it is,” he calls out. “I heard you were making friends with some year 7s today, Stevie. Are you really that desperate now? I really didn’t think you could sink any lower after...”
He trails off with a pointed look at his friends. 
It should be ridiculous for him to have the gall to say that, half-drowned-looking himself from the rain. Billy’s fairing little better, blonde curls darkened by water and dripping from the tips to soak into the collar of his jacket and run in little lines like artificial tear-tracks down his stupid face. They really don’t make the best picture, certainly not enough for Tommy to be snickering at Jonathan’s state at any rate.
It makes Steve grit his teeth to avoid saying anything, instead glaring back at them with a malice he cannot suppress. Perhaps it should be surprising for him to see the irritated look Billy is giving Tommy behind his back, but it’s easy enough to brush off. If Billy really is so set on ruining Steve’s day then maybe he wanted to be able to jump on that opportunity to insult Steve and his friends instead of Tommy taking it for him.
Hell, maybe the guy is even just mad that Tommy went for such low-hanging fruit… again. Maybe Tommy being so predictable in his insulting Steve that it’s cramping Billy’s style. He should probably concede that it’s at least effective, though.
Apparently everyone can see the strained edge to how Steve sits, even as he tries to relax his body. Doing so just feels stiff and fake, like he’s a plastic action-figure with limbs that fall just shy of settling in a natural-looking sort of way.
“Just ignore them,” Nancy tells him, like it’s that simple.
Steve has been ignoring so much from Tommy for so long now, but it’s not so simple when Billy’s staring at him again. Those big blue eyes are so intense, locked onto his, framed by those long bambi lashes, speckled with stubborn drops of rain. He can feel his brows scrunch further as he glares back at him and something in Billy’s face twitched in annoyance at that.
It shouldn’t feel good to bother Billy back, even just a little, but fuck does it soothe just a tiny bit of his own indignation to see the way something closes off in the guy’s expression.
When he finally tears his eyes away from Billy, trying to just block those assholes out and go back to pretending that pretending this insult away is working, he sees the squirmy discomfort written on Barb’s face. Shit, right. Barb must have had more than enough crap from other kids already, she really doesn’t need any more heaped on her as collateral from Steve’s stupid little rivalry.
Something in his body-language must have softened when he took note of Barb, because Tommy snickers again like some caricature of an immature bully.
“Awh, you got yourself a new girlfriend? In love again are you, Steve? I gotta say, I didn’t think crazy was your type. Real downgrade here.”
Barb just ducks her head and Steve seethes. He reaches out under the table and squeezes Barb’s hand without breaking his gaze from the cup in front of him. If he looks anywhere else, he thinks he’ll scream or swear or do something else stupid like throw a punch at Tommy.
“I mean, Wheeler was one thing, but at least she didn’t run around telling people about the ghosties running around in the woods at night. I mean, seriously.”
From between his fingers, Barb pulls her hand away. He can practically feel the shame radiating off of her. That’s what does it. He can’t just sit here and take this, not when he’s as angry as he is now, hands clenched into trembling fists over his knees and ears ringing under the rush of rage.
Tommy can say whatever shit about him he wants, but Steve will not stand for him coming for Barb’s feelings like this. He won’t just let Tommy humiliate her, no matter how much Nancy wants him to play nice. He can see it in the angry set of her own jaw—even as she tries to drown out Tommy by talking with Jonathan like everything’s normal—that she’s nearly as mad as he is, but he knows Nancy will keep his head down and pretend it all away.
He won’t. Right now, it’s just all too fucking much. He smells the intruding scent of Billy, and Barb is upset, and their conversation is tense, and Nancy abandoned him for Jon again and—
“Oh, shut the fuck up, Tommy. No one gives a fuck what you think so you’re just being pathetic.”
That stuns Tommy silent for a moment. Next to him, Billy’s shoulders shake in silent laughter.
“What did you say to me?” Tommy finally manages.
Steve pushes to his feet, chair screeching out behind him.
“I said to piss off.”
“Oi, boys!” comes the annoyed yell of Benny from over at the counter. “Either quit it or take that outside, I’m not having that in here.”
Steve takes a steadying breath and tries not to feel suddenly embarrassed by his outburst.
Billy, on the other hand… Billy cackles.
“So there’s that King Steve I’ve heard so much about.”
He tries not to glance down at his friends, but he can’t help it. The look on Nancy’s face is ashamed, but it’s more than that… It's one that makes Steve think that she never had much faith in him in the first place. She seems almost resigned, like she knew, somewhere deep down where she tries to hide it, that Steve would let her down again.
His bag gets shrugged onto his shoulder and then he’s making his way towards the door.
“Steve, you don’t have to go,” Jonathan tries to call out but Steve waves him off.
“My parents want me home for dinner, anyway.”
He looks back at Barb and she nods. At least she looks a little thankful that he stuck up for her.
“I’ll call you later,” he tells them, shouldering past Tommy and Billy.
“Going so soon, Harrington?” Billy asks him. “We were just getting started.”
That’s not something Steve deigns to give an answer to. He just heads out into the downpour, listening through the thundering of rain on the ground as the door to Benny’s swings closed behind him, cutting off Billy’s voice.
In that moment, Steve decides that he truly hates Billy Hargrove.
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animeprincessforever · 6 months
Lady Tamayo X Dead Human Child Reader Together Again
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Child can be boy or girl whatever you are! Enjoy!
Your POV:
It was a normal day at home. I was cooking, mom was resting due to her illness and dad was at work. As I finished making shrimp and miso soup for my dinner as I walked to Mother’s room however I heard an unrecognizable voice. ‘Who is that?’ I thought. I peaked to see a man that looks like MICHEAL JACKSON?!?! (LOL HAD TOO SORRY) ‘is that Micheal Jackson? The king of pop? Why would a man like that be in our house? Is he paying my mother a visit to hope she gets well?’ Millions of questions flooded through my head. When I looked through the door the man was gone. ‘Maybe I am seeing things’ I thought I went into my mother’s room and gave her dinner. “Anything else you need mother?” Mother looked at me and weakly coughed “everything is fine my love. Thank you.” 
“Are you sure mother? Who was that man? Is everything okay? Was th-“
”That man was a ‘old friend’ of mine and came to discuss some things so no need to worry my dear (Y/n).”
I sighed and nodded “good night mother. Enjoy call me if you need anything. I love you mother!” as I walked away and got ready for bed and got in my pjs.
The pjs: www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwj3rZOpycCEAxXXAa0GHWONAIMYABAtGgJwdg&ae=2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI962TqcnAhAMV1wGtBh1jjQCDEAkYBSABEgKUJfD_BwE&sig=AOD64_0V0NGtiEtgMiZwRpUZObJYCEkMnA&adurl&ctype=5&ved=2ahUKEwimj4GpycCEAxU0O0QIHUKbDYcQp6wHegUIARDwAg&nis=8
I was nice and comfy as I sat on the couch and waited for father to get home. When father greeted me I hugged him and said good night. So I went to bed.
My husband lied beside me asleep. I got up and went on my balcony and side. ‘I feel weaker and weaker. Is it almost my time? T-o d-I-e?’ I thought till I heard that man named Muzan again. “It’s not to late for my offer you know?” He said. “How exactly does this cure work?” I said. He looked at me and smirked and said “like magic” I was desperate I thought about my beloved child ‘if I die I’ll miss things’ I thought and so I looked up at him and said “I agree to your deal.” All the sudden I felt weird as my body felt like it was changing. ‘What’s happening?!?!’ I thought. All the sudden this hunger came inside me and I did something unthinkable. I attacked and started devouring my beloved husband. I tore him to shreds and ate him. ‘STOP! STOP! STOP PLEASE!’ I thought and begged but I couldn’t control myself. I hear my child coming ‘NO GO AWAY (Y/N)! DON’T COME GO AWAY!” 
I was a woken from a blood curdling scream coming from my father I jumped out of bed and ran to their bedroom. As I opened the door my eyes widen to the scary sight of my mother?!?! NO! A MONSTER! Killing my father. When the thing looked at me I gulped as I realized it was my mother. “Mom?!?! What are you doing?!?! Is everythi-“ I screamed as she attacked me and things went black.
I thought about my beloved daughter and husband. I hate myself everyday for it. However today is the day I am working with Shinobu to make a potion that will permanently destroy him. 
CLIP FOR REMINDER: twitter.com/tanijrou/status/1234157626633707521
As I slowly left I saw my beloved child and husband smiling “we were waiting for you mom” my daughter said. I replied “why?” My husband said “did you really think we will let you go to hell without us? We love you.” My daughter hugged me and I started to cry and apologize over and over again. My daughter said “we don’t blame you mom. We love you after all we are together as a family again.” I smiled as flames slowly appeared bringing me, my husband, and beloved child into the cruel darkness where I was forced to go. ‘Why did they forgive me?’ I thought. As my daughters words “we love you” repeated over and over in my head I smiled as we faded away together.
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ladybellissima · 2 months
Demon of the dark
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One shot Dark Link x Reader
Everybody knew the legend of the demon of the dark. Clothed in black, deep red eyes, which let you shudder in fear. Waiting paitently deep in the dark Lost Woods for his next innocent prey. That was just one of all those stories, villagers told their children to prevent them of going out at night alone.
But was the legend true?
Nobody knew it exactly. These warnings were just rumors. No one saw him in real. Still villagers spoke about an cold aura, while walking through woodlands or believed to notice two red dots in the darkness, which let them leave quickly.
Strange. Terrifying.
Would there be a demon hunting you down and kill you?
A merciless monster created by the demon lord Ganondorf, who was banned from the land of light, but still causing trouble in sending his monsters.
Would you dare to risk your life and try enter the mysterious woodlands?
A soft breeze blew across her exposed legs and made her shudder in discomfort. Still the young girl's look stayed at the woodlands before her, while sitting in the soft gras of Hyrule field. Deep in thought about the latest gossip from villagers, she let out a deep sigh. How she wished to just walk along the beautiful path full of flowers and trees. Enjoy the view and explore this untouched land.
Honestly, she was unsure to believe them, but still her family, especially her father would make sure to clear her mind of dangerous ideas.
"Sure they can't think clear anymore after listening to one gossip after another. This demon was just their imagination. And if he really exists, he maybe is guarding a secret place or something. Not wandering around on a sunny day.", sighing she slowly got back up to her feet, while brushing through her hair with her fingers.
"(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)….don't go overboard with your thoughts..", she whispered with a faint smile. Knowing all too well which consequences she would have to face, after ignoring her parents warnings.
Still it was haunting her mind.
Balling her fists, (Y/N)'s smile grew even more after taking her thoughts to the next step.
Just a little.
Not that far.
Nobody would notice. It was only a short trip.
Biting her lip to control her excitment, (Y/N) made sure no one was in sight and slowly stepped before the first bushes and trees of the Lost woods. Her parents thought she was out for a walk on Hyrule field, maybe visiting the horses of Lon Lon-Farm. There was plenty of time to explore for awhile and to her relief alone, much to her family's complain.
It felt complicated to deal with others. Or better uncomfortable. Unsure how to act, how to speak to avoid mistakes, (Y/N) felt more herself on her own. There were times she tried to go out, was even asked out by young knights, because of her beauty and sweet shyness. But beside feeling intriguid and overwhelmed by their loud and extrovert act, (Y/N) felt like living a lie. Shaking her head slightly to get those troublesome thoughts out of her mind, she slowly stepped across the invisible border. It felt like she stepped into another world. The sounds of birds got louder, the beautiful scent of flowers and wood overwhelmed her scences and more and more, (Y/N) felt pulled inside into this breathtaking place. Smiling widely she couldn't believe that she was really here.
"That's exactly what i want. What i need.", she spoke loudly to herself. This thrilling feeling of an adventure. Those beautiful goosebumps all over her body. "Find a man, settle down…i don't want to be like everyone else..i don't…", she spoke with a hint of frustation.
She knew she was lying to herself. And the silent atmosphere around her suddenly made her feel like suffocating. She wanted to find someone. But the right one. The one who would steal her heart in an instant. She wanted this beautiful feeling of thousands of butterflies in her stomach. Someone to talk to, to have fun and laugh. Cliché and unrealistic. (Y/N) was well aware about her daydreaming. Well aware that she was too romantic. Her father called her naive. Still she couldn't but wait and kept her mind in the clouds.
(Y/N) didn't realize that she was already captured, after stepping into the woods. Humming a tune, she gave her resting spot one last glance and started to head back to avoid getting in trouble. "Everything's fine here..", she whispered proudly, but slowly an uncomfortable feeling crawled up her back. The same way. Exactly the same path seemed to look different than before. "I…i was walking exactly this path…and not far..how..", she whispered nervously, while balling her fists to control her uneasiness. Step after step she walked along the path to finally reach hyrule field. Impatient her body moved faster till she was running like crazy, shaking her head in disbelief of not reaching the end. Desperately she changed the direction, her mind racing of her terrible mistake. Now it was over. She got terribly lost. Breathing heavily (Y/N) stopped, while feeling overwhelmed by her emotions. "How is this possible…i was just walking some minutes, focused not to lose the path where i've entered…", she spoke frustrated.
What now?
Nothing around here seems familiar, no trace of a way to get out. The once beautiful trees seemed like iron bars of a cell. Holding onto her shirt, she slowly fell onto her knees, while tears rolled down her cheeks. "I am lost…alone…and in a few hours it's getting dark…", her words let her heart beat faster. Shaking she tried to focuse on not losing herself in these woods. Trying hard to make a plan, but she knew it was useless.
"Sitting here won't help me either…", she whispered uneasy and started to walk again. Her once brave and excited steps, turned into shaken and shy ones. The wood seemed to turn darker, or it was getting really late. In a way she felt like not only losing her path, but also time. Sudden intriguing sounds made her gasp and run. Was someone chasing her? The demon? Frightened her body moved on its own and became faster. She had no control about herself and the world around her. Her surroundings turned dark, while the once beautiful sounds of birds and wildlife changed into a deadly silence, only the terrifying growling rang in her ears and made her whimper of fear. It felt like the monster was already right at her back. Suddenly arrows pierced the ground right in front of her way and made her gasp and stumble. Quickly regaining her composure she was met with the image of a wolf like creature and screaming, she quickly rushed forward to get space between her and the monster, but she was aware that it was already too late to escape.
But to her surprise it got suddenly silent. Slowing down (Y/N) couldn't see the wolf anywhere closby.
"Normally someone would avoid running into the direction where arrows come from…", a deep voice spoke seriously.
Holding her breath (Y/N) froze in place, while watching her surroundings terrifyed. The deep voice alone gave her goosebumps of fear and the sudden deep red eyes in the dark woods before her made her gasp.
"The demon of the dark…", she gasped of shock, while stepping back.
"How charming…and you might be?", his amused chuckle echoed through the area. (Y/N) tried to collect her thoughts, tried to think of what to do, but the next moment she was face to face with a man clothed in a pitch-black uniform. Hair white and neatly pulled back into a ponytail, strong features, arrogantly watching her weak existance and his deep red eyes bore right into her soul. Alone his appearance made her feel weak and hopeless lost. It was the first time meeting a demon, but mostly she was surprised that the gossip seemed true. The moment of realization made her body feel like suffocating, but the next moment the sudden growl of the wolf cut through the heated moment. Quickly turning, (Y/N) was met with the monstrous wolf, who jumped out of the dark to attack her defensless form. Screaming (Y/N) moved automatically away and right into the demons arms, who felt beyond shocked and surprised of this woman's attack and clinged onto him for dear life and trying to get behind, under his shirt or on him. But with one swift movement, the wolf's aggressive growl turned into screams of agony and fell lifeless to the ground.
"So rushed…Are we a bit impatient?", his amused whisper into her ear made (Y/N) gasp, looking up she was face to face with his calm expression. Realizing that she was hugging the demon dearly, she quickly jumped back to get some space between them. Beside the fact he was a merciless killer, she was so close with a man for the very first time. Overwhelmed by her racing thoughts and fear she was at loss of words how to respond.
"I am terribly sorry…i was scared and you…you..", she stuttered frightened, while noticing the wolf slowly burning down in flames.  "You saved my life. Thank you…", she spoke shaken, while still comprehending the situation. Should she even apologize to a demon, who sure would kill her now?
Surprised by her words, the demon watched her form seriously. "Saving you?  You seem quite out of your mind.", his words made her avoid his intrigued gaze on her. It wasn't often that someone was speaking quite normally with him, on top giving thanks. Something he experienced for the very first time. The demon felt intrigued by her power over him. By this motivated feeling he suddenly felt. (Y/N) on the other hand, was aware that running away from this man was useless. His aura alone made her weak.
"I am impressed how far you've got.", the demon clicked with his tongue, while walking around in a comfortable manner. He would lie, if he didn't feel excited. Mostly bored all day, he kept an eye on the temple, wiped out unecessary intruders, who could get troublesome later on, in telling the hylian army about the amount of monsters. And he would lie, if he didn't feel interested about these sudden rush of adrenaline, which pushed through his vines, after she reached out for him. It was something new. Exciting. Interesting.
"I didn't intend to come this far. To come here at all..just..", she spoke uneasy, while watching the demon's serious gaze.
"Just wanted to see, if the gossip is true? And even all alone..i have to say, if you wanted to be brave, it sure was just stupid.", he spoke seriously and observed every move she did. Surprised about the fact that he seems aware about his titel and stories, (Y/N) quickly shook her head.
"No, i've wanted to explore the Lost Woods..i've thought by day nothing would happen..", she explained nervously, while enduring the tense atmosphere around her and his mockery on top.
"How foolish…one step and you are trapped, if you only rely on your eyes..", the demon explained with a smirk, observing her shaken form amused.
"Still you were able to come this far with your lack of knowledge. What luck..", he added with a smirk, while stepping closer to her side, enjoying those delightful shivers he got as a respond from his move.
"What now?", he whispered seriously and locked eyes with her scared ones. (Y/N) wasn't sure how to react. Any mistake sure would lead to her despair, still this man made her heart race not only of fear. She often read stories about demons, who attract young maidens with their charme. He was definately able to do that. And definately would kill her, if she wouldn't be able to try something.
"If…if you tell me how to leave, would you let me try?", she asked frustrated, while trying hard to stop her shaken form. Surprised about her request the demon raised his brows, while shaking his head in disbelief. He would have expected a pleading, a helpless cry for mercy, anything, than trying to get out of here, which sure would lead to death anyway by the amount of monsters.
"Quite motivated are we? Even skilled travelers are struggeling to get out of here. You think a simple explanation will guide you out of here?", the demon spoke in a mocking tone, but stopped after feeling her tight grip on his arm. "I've come this far..even if it was by accident..Let me try, if i fail, i am all yours.", (Y/N) spoke as confident as possible, while watching his perplexed gaze, but suddenly it seemed all her breath left her lungs, after his face got close, so close, she was able to feel his breath against her lips.
"All yours..you are playing with fire my dear..you will die a painful death out there. Your little friend here was just a starter.", he whispered dangerously and made her slightly gasp. How foolish to think she would be able to make a deal. To maybe get out of his fangs and able to escape. He would kill her. Right here and now. Alone the thought make her body tremble.
"So will you try and guide me out there?"
Now it was him, whose composure slightly waver. Since the beginning of their meeting he found her attitude completely different, than any other victim he had met. She seemed weak, but her will to survive was strong.
Chuckling he started to walk, feeling her uneasy gaze following him.
"Try you say! Like i wouldn't be able to be succesful..you really are something..Well thinking about it, it's more entertaining to have a little walk, than watching your pathetic running in circles.", he spoke amused, while stretching his arms bored. Surprised of his words, (Y/N) quickly catched up with the demon, unsure to feel relieved or still being afraid. He would guide her out? And after that?
Stopping abruptly, her thoughts were interupted by his sign to be quiet. "You have to listen closely…", he whispered and made her close her eyes for a moment. Surprised, (Y/N) noticed that only one path was full of sounds by birds and wildlife, while the others were dead silent. In her hurry and fear she would never have been able to find that out. It seemed simple, but still deadly for someone who wasn't aware. Quickly their surroundings became friendlier, till a familiar small road crossed her sight. Gasping she started to run along the path and found herself back on hyrule field, where the sun slowly was about to set. It felt surreal, like she stepped out of a dream.
"Beautiful…", his sudden deep voice next to her made her quickly turn to meet the demon again. "Yeah the view from here always amaze me..", she spoke uneasy, the feeling of being captured again returned quicker, than expected.
"Yeah the view also has its charme…", he spoke amused and made her slightly gasp. At loss for words, she avoid his intense gaze, helpless of what to do. Situations like that always felt overwhelming, on top with someone who she was sure he would kill her now.
Slowly reaching out, the demon brushed some hair out of her face, making her eyes widen of surprise and embarrassment.
"Well then..are you going to visiting again?", he spoke amused, while slowly stepping back into the woods. (Y/N) didn't know why her body quickly reached out for him. A man, who had a list of brutal and terrifying stories following him. Still he let her survive. And she felt her heart race about the fact that he really helped her out. Stopping midway (Y/N) felt stupid for feeling this way so sudden. Embarrassed she quickly tried to hide her act in leaving this insane journey behind as quickly as possible. Leaving these thoughts behind, which definately were insane. But much to her despair, the demon noticed. Watched her attempt, observed her reacting and felt overwhelmed by his own rush of emotions. Excitment. 
"Will i see you again, if i enter these woods?..", she asked kind of desperate, but his hand catching her chin to pull her closer made her mind go blank.
"No worries my dear, how do you think you've came that far in the first place (Y/N)?", he asked amused, his grin even wider after enjoying her surprised gaze.
He was there.
The whole time.
"You were talking to yourself, while getting lost or better scolding yourself over and over again of being so stupid to enter this godforsaken place…." , he explained with a dramatic voice. Embarrassed (Y/N) tried to avoid his intense gaze, but in a way she felt captured by his deep red eyes.
"So you let me run into my despair, without help..", she shot back helplessly, because her rollercoater of emotions rushed back to her, after he took her hand in his to slowly place a soft kiss onto her skin.
"Forgive me my dear, i couldn't help it. I gave the young brave maiden a chance.", he spoke with his deep voice and made her shudder.
"But sadly i have to tell you that you are still captured..", he spoke amused and pulled her close. Gasping (Y/N) felt unsure of what his intention was about. Was he just playing around like in those fairy tales. Blinded by his charme she would die a painful death? Chuckling of her ditress, the demon took her chin with his fingers to guide her closer.
"After stepping into my territory and my arms, you belong to me now..(Y/N)", he whispered amused and slowly pressed his lips against hers for a short kiss. Gasping (Y/N) felt overwhelmed by this man's words, attitude and honestly everything about him. 
"Call me Dark..soon we will meet again my dear..", he spoke amsued and vanished into smoke. Breathing heavily, (Y/N) touched her lips, while stepping back from the lost wood's path, a invisible string pulling desperately to make her enter again. 
Just a little
Not that far
She got safely back and in time to avoid getting in trouble.
But on her way, she lost her heart.
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universestreasures · 6 months
@shacchou Sent: Actions Speak Louder Than Words (Accepting)
care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick. (for Mokuba)
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Everything happened so suddenly that he honestly couldn't realize it before it was too late. Mokuba had woken up that morning not feeling too well, his forehead feeling a bit warm and his throat slightly dry, but it wasn't enough for him to really register he was 'sick'. It was only after he got to school that the symptoms started to get worse, the fourteen-year-old overheating and couching rapidly before eventually passing out on the floor beside his desk.
He was then brought to the nurse's office with help from his schoolmate Akatsuki and his buddy monster Byakuya. The human happened to be walking in the hallway towards the restroom at the time of the incident and quickly rushed in to help his friend upon hearing the commotion, the ninja monster manifesting in a flash from his card to help carry the youngest Kaiba brother as well. Such good friends both of them were. Mokuba would owe them one later.
It was after the nurse began her examination that the son of the Cho-Tokyo police commissioner managed to snag Mokuba's cell phone from his locker. How did he unlock it? Well, that was a ninja secret for Akatsuki to know and for his big brother to never find out he used.
Regardless, he knew he was in the right by using it in a situation like this. The ninja was well aware that those associated with his friend were hard to contact through means other than directly through a secure line like that phone, and they certainly should be informed of what was going on in a timely manner. So, he took it upon himself to do the school's job of contacting both Seto Kaiba and Isano about the situation, his voice laced with urgency as he retold what had happened to the best of his ability.
Not too long after making his call, the suited bodyguard arrived inside the nurse's office. He had been temporarily reassigned as Mokuba's chaperone by the Kaiba Corp CEO after pulling a reckless act (as Seto would call it) one day following a Buddyfight at Castle. So, naturally, he had stationed himself outside the school grounds since they did not permit him entry during most times of the day. His presence there wasn't surprising. What was surprising was who came barging in not too long after the suited man's arrival.
For Seto Kaiba, the most powerful man in the entire city, appeared in the flesh before them all, the sight almost causing the poor nurse, and probably the rest of the school's staff, a heart attack of panic. Isano, knowing his boss's preferences well when it came to matters pertaining to the younger Kaiba in situations like this, prompted everyone else, including the nurse, to leave the room. That left the two brothers alone, with one of them unconscious and having a fever that was astronomically high.
What ended up awakening Mokuba not too long after his brother's arrival wasn't the commotion that said arrival had caused. It was instead the fact that his body felt suddenly a bit cooler because of a wet rag that Seto had placed on his forehead, a technique Mokuba can faintly remember their father using when he was little. Purple hues slowly begin to open as his consciousness returns, with this blurry vision slowly focusing on the sight of his brother who was looking over him.
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"Big...Big brother...? Is that...you...?" Mokuba's voice was weak and strained, as if scissors had been applied to his throat. A few coughs escape him next, his body warming up and his heart rate starting to increase as a result. "Wha...What happened...? Last thing I remember was...being in math class..."
His head tilts up to examine his surroundings, not quite recognizing the room. This was the first time he's had to visit here, which was a good thing. He, along with pretty much everyone else around the boy like the staff, Mochi, or his brother, were usually better at catching when he was starting to get sick like this. Though, considering how busy things had been as of late for everyone, it made sense his subtle symptoms earlier had managed to sneak under everyone's noses. What was important was he was getting help now before things got even worse.
"Wait...Am I...still at school? And...how did you...how did you know I was-" He is stopped by his own coughing again, his voice echoing throughout the small room with an intensity unlike any other sickness he's ever had.
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Fluffy Friday
Don't know if fluffy Friday is a thing already but my last few wipes and blurbs have all been downers. So now it is.
Here is a little fluff featuring John and Esther.
Tagging @inafieldofdaisies @strangefable @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @detectivelokis @hopecountyisforlovers @voidika @aceghosts @baldurrs and anyone else I missed
Esther chuckled as John impatiently paced around the room. He hated the clinic almost as much as he hated waiting.
"Why is it taking so long?" He huffed finally sitting down beside her, idly playing with the stirrups on the exam bed she was laying on.
"They have other patients hummingbird. Besides it's only been ten minutes. Relax."
He sighed forcing himself to calm down. "I guess but Cohen is one of us. Why couldn't he just come to the house?"
"It's a good thing to have members of the project help out in the community." She reached over to stroke his cheek. He leaned into her hand.
"I know, I know." He put his hand on her stomach. Rubbing the small bump that had started to show there. The first visible proof of the tiny life growing inside.
He was about to say something when Dr. Cohen walked in. "Well how are we feeling today Esther?"
"We're doing alright Rajesh. Although I still can't seem to keep anything down for long. And someone's a little antsy."
Rajesh smiled warmly at John. "Totally normal. Most first time fathers are." He turned his attention back to Esther. "And the nausea should pass soon but I can give you something for it just in case."
John sat back, resting his hands on his knees, not listening as they talked. Refusing to look at the good doctor. Rajesh made him uncomfortable. He always expected to find hate burning in those green eyes when they looked at him. But he never did. His handsome face was marred by several deep scars, though his clothes hid the far deeper scars that littered his tall frame. Scars that John had given him.
Rajesh had joined the project not long after he and Esther had gotten married and his confession hadn't gone well. John had been manic, frenzied and had gone much too far. He hadn't meant to hurt him so badly. He really hadn't. It was only by the grace of God that Esther had wandered in, looking for him. Her own confession, if you could really call it that had been a tender, gentle moment that Joseph surely wouldn't have approved of.
She'd never seen what it could be, he remembered the horrified look on her face before she jumped forward to stop him from inflicting more harm. Calling for help her quick action had saved Rajesh's life. But John had been certain at the time that she'd leave, once she'd learned what a monster he truly was.
But she hadn't left him. She hadn't even seemed to be afraid of him. She'd soothed and comforted him. Told him he wasn't a monster, that he just needed help and begged him to please let her help him. Now here she was sitting with a man who should hate him but didn't, preparing to give him a gift John hadn't even realized he wanted. Something he'd assumed he could never have.
"John? Hummingbird...look."
Her voice pulled him back to the present. He'd been so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice Rajesh begin the ultrasound.
"That's your baby." Rajesh looked back at him. "Perfectly healthy."
He grabbed Esther's hand, squeezing a bit tighter than he should, staring in awe at the image on the screen. At this tiny little miracle God had decided to bless them with.
"You okay John?"
He looked down at Esther, finding in her dark eyes the same love he always found there. And just nodded, fighting back tears of joy. Feeling his heart swell with a depth of love he hadn't known he was capable of feeling. For their baby. For this woman who had without asking for a single thing in return, given him the whole world with her heart.
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shellyscribbles · 7 months
Find the Word
Thank you for tagging me in my favorite game @avrablake :)
My words were: Fault, Threat, Rough and Burst
Fault: (From The Shadow of Vale)
              Halvar looked at the mosaic image. It was notable even among the wonderful art they had seen in other gardens. “You’re afraid to push south.”               “I don’t know if I can.” He dropped his eyes, looking down at his hands. “But I am running out of reasons to hold off. I know I have all of Vale to consider but I just keep thinking that if I do this, she’ll die.”               Halvar nodded. “If Samael would just present her somewhere.”               “He won’t.” Zuriel looked back at the shimmering stone. “And I can’t keep waiting for him to do something I know he won’t do.”               Halvar opened his mouth to tell him they’d think of something, but it had been nearly a year since she was taken and they had nothing. They hadn’t thought of anything.               “I think I am clinging to the baby because I am trying to get myself to accept that I can’t get her back.” He pressed his lips, trying to control himself. “I have faced her marrying Elior. I have faced her falling in battle, but this would be me making a choice that takes her life. I can’t do it.” He bowed his head, covering his face with his hand.               “It’s not the same as you killing her, this is Samael’s fault. It always has been.”
Threat: (From Hallendrest)
              “The threat isn’t that he’ll hurt you.” He paused and allowed Reena to try and process the idea. “That is a threat,” he said as he gestured back toward the cage. “But, well, let me start over. Do you know much about Druid magic?”               Reena frowned and shook her head, “It’s related to the earth and plants and animals.”               “Yes, one of their abilities is to change into the form of an animal. A bear or a wolf or a raven,” he waved his hand, “a rather large variety of things, but this,” he turned back to the creature, “this is what happens when a Druid uses that ability on another person.”               Reena looked at the raving monster as he cried and flailed and noticed once she allowed herself to really see it, that it was a mix of creatures, but half formed and blended with what once must have been a man.               “Who was he?” She asked softly.               “Kaiser Adlay.” Kallias said in a voice devoid of life. “Former king of Vonterre; my father.” He turned back to face Reena who gaped at him in shock. “That’s the threat. If we disobey, we become a mindless beast locked away in the cellar.”
Rough: (From Hallendrest)
              In the narrow passage, Kallias was led before her with the guard on his right still gripping his arm though he had stopped trying to pull away. Reena glanced to her side and behind her and found she was also surrounded by grim-faced guards with the councilmen following behind. Ahead she could see a rough wooden door before which Travastol stood waiting. When the group drew near, he opened the door and slipped inside.               As the guard brought Kallias near the doorway, he pulled back once more, turning away. A feeble and involuntary attempt at flight. His eyes met Reena’s for just a moment; they were filled with fear and regret.               With the flinch of an escape over, Kallias walked beside the guard through the door and Reena behind allowed herself to be corralled into the same room.
Burst: (From The Elker Rex)
              How irritating to be solely known by a placeholder name; a slur. Where he might have had years to grow accustomed to it, he’d always been Edmund, more than that, he’d been default Master Edmund as the sole servant in the Farah cottage.               Beacon veered into Edmund, bumping him with his shoulder. “It’s because I get to keep my breakfast this morning.” He grinned and let out a chuckle.               They walked on in silence. Beacon with his air of cheer and Edmund with a scowl.               Beacon made several more attempts to cheer his friend before accepting he would not be moved from his foul mood and kept his jovial outbursts to himself.
I will tag (with no pressure): @emberlyric, @hippiewrites, @ryns-ramblings, @catkin-morgs-kookaburralover and an open tag for you if you are interested.
Your words are : Abandon, Bright, Code, and Delight.
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thepuppeterproject · 10 months
Part 1 - The old tales
For the longest time now, a house has been lying vacant, a white and blue FOR SALE sign plastered in the large front window. Nothing was wrong with this home, brand new plumbing, gorgeous interior, and unbelievably cheap compared to other house prices in the area.  
It was the neiborhood that was the problem. Tales of spooks, monsters, and paranormal activity floated around the workspace, newspapers, and school gossip. Tales of werewolves in the forests, witches living in old cabins, and people claiming to have seen the dead moving on their own – much like a puppet. 
So there the house lies on Fortcress Drive. However, one day when a group of high school students pass by the old house, there it is. A big, red, SOLD sign sitting in front of the torn old sign.  
Who in their right mind would move here? The town of Roseview, Michigan has just been getting smaller and smaller sense the . . . incidents. The talk of paranormal activity only began 20 years ago, when a home burned down out of nowhere, and other house fires began unexpectedly. 
Some say it’s all superstitions, old stories passed around for no other reason besides gossip to fill boredom. Others say they’re all nonsense, just fiction, as if anything hidden from the eye is not real. But others . . . others have been part of it.  
* * * 
“Maria, darling, get your nose out of that book and help us unload the car!” Harlie Malicent, Maria’s mom said. Ah Harlie, the living embodiment of ‘Live, Laugh, Love, Family’. Sometimes I wonder how she ever tricked a man into marriage. An attractive one too – not my cup of tea, but I can see how he’s fuckable.  
“Mom, I-” Maria went to protest, but Harlie isn’t one to take no for an answer. “Nonono, no backtalk. Book down.” With a groan, Maria put down her book on the windowsill of the porch. Almost hitting her head on the hanging potted cherry tree. Vines sprawl out, pouring out of the sides. The way the vines are hanging . . . something is drawing Maria towards it - “Mama!” whined a little girl. Annoying as ever, she’ll probably grow up to be a pick-me cheerleader. 
Liela Malicent. Just turned ten years of age – still as childish as a toddler. “Mama, where’s bubbles?” She asked. Ah, Bubbles. I almost forgot about him. The poor abused goldfish – well one of them at least. They have gone through seven in the past year, these stupid adults too stuck up to tell their daughter that her fish died.  
“Oh, your father took him to the vet, he got sick.” Harlie said. Liela huffed and muttered, more like yelled, “I want to see him!” as she stormed inside. Just as the little brat went inside, Maria walked back out. “Bubbles?” She asked her mom and closed the door.  
Harlie nodded, “Yeah sadly. I just can’t tell her that her fish died, you know how emotional she is!” Before Maria had a chance to answer, a car pulled up into the driveway. Liela ran back out squealing, “Papa’s home, Papa’s home!” 
Then there he was, in all his glory! Jessie Malicent! Jessie is an attractive man with a fit shape. He’s what you’d think of as your typical attractive man. Fit body, great smile, and not bad on the eyes.  
Jessie gets out of the car holding a pizza box, and a smaller box that sits up top with breadsticks. Liela doesn’t care that brat not caring if the pizza falls- and runs right up to Jessie and hugs him. “Hi, Papa!” She said happily.  
“Hey there, Kiddo!” Jessie said and handed the pizza to Maria, “Can you set that inside dear?” He asked. Maria just nodded and grabbed the food, her book, and walked inside. She was close with her father, but after the day she had she wasn’t in the mood to chit-chat.  
There was barely anywhere to set the pizza box. There were two folding chairs, both surrounded by boxes. Maria groaned under her breath and stumbled her way outside, and called out from the porch, “Hey Mama, Papa, could we eat outside?” It’s not like they had a choice – there was no room inside to even walk. 
“Of course, dear, great idea!” Harlie agreed. Then before they knew it, the family was sitting on the stone porch and eating pizza, using gas station napkins as plates.  
Maria had been mostly spaced-out reading, though when her mom said her name, it caught her attention quite well. “Oh, Maria! We know how you like reading and tend to be – antisocial �� at times, but we signed you up to the school nearby!” Maria was shocked. She was social, but only with those she was close with. She had a tough time making friends but was rather enthusiastic when she had friends back at their old home.  
“Mama-” Maria went to say but Harlie carried on. “And it is biking distance from here! Now listen, I know the school year has already started, but it was just a week or two! Just think, being a first-year high school student!” Jessie added, “New school, new home, new start!” “I think it’s-” Maria couldn’t get a single sentence in before her mom cut her off again. “This will be great, darling!” 
Maria stood up, “I’m going to bed.” She said and walked inside without another word to her family. Maria shuffled around the boxes, grabbed her sleeping bag and went upstairs. Maria opened the vacant room which would soon be hers.  
Laying out the sleeping bag, she spoke to herself. “I wanna go home...” Instead of laying down, she walked to the window. Maria was looking outside, her bedroom window having a full view of a forest. She could almost see what looked like the roof of a house . . . but there was no way that there would be a house all the way out there-right? It was darkening outside, so she wasn’t sure.  
Sighing, Maria sat down on top of her sleeping bag. Despite trying, Maria suffered a restless night tossing and turning. And then before she knew it, it was Monday morning.  
* * * 
Ah, Autumn mornings in Michigan. It could be anywhere from 80°F to a literal blizzard. Though this morning was a special one, crisp air, leaves of orange and yellow dancing in the wind, absolutely gorgeous.  
Maria hopped onto her bike and set off for school. Her mother texted her the address and she had Google Maps pulled up on her phone. Maria rode her bike through a quick shortcut. It looked like other people also used this, as there was a trail of tire marks from bikes indented in the ground of a forest. Though something caught her eye . . . 
Looking to her left, Maria sees just what she thought she had seen yesterday. That old cabin . . . so it was there! Maria stared at it for a moment, gazing at little beams of light floating around it – she's just seeing things. Tiny light beams flying isn’t real.  
Shaking her head, Maria put her hands back to her bike handles and continued back off towards school hell. 
Maria stopped by the office and picked up her schedule. Looking at her electives, she wasn’t the happiest. Drama and Spanish. Maria knew Spanish before this, so why did she need to take classes on it?  
Either way, it was better to get Drama than something crappy like ‘creative writing.’ Was Maria excited – no. Was she wanting to walk out of those doors and go home – yes. But she did the only thing people can do – suck it up and deal with it. 
A few weeks went by, and Maria was slowly adjusting to her new life. She wasn’t happy about it, but she accepted it. Her life now was quite boring until one day she met some new friends – little did she know they would be the reason for her torture. 
So, there she sat, bored as could be. Maria was in English, studying for math. Hey, gotta study sometime, right? Never mind, she was on her phone behind her textbook. Who really studies anymore? 
“Hey there, new kid! Maria, right?” a boy asked suddenly. Maria was startled, jumping in her chair a little. Maria blankly stared at the boy for a moment before eventually saying, “Can I help you?” 
  The boy passed her a smile. He was . . . interesting . . . to say the least. He wore more casual clothing, with brightly colored pins flowing down his school lanyard. Pins of anime, music, and pride pins. Anymore and he would have sold out Hot Topic. 
The boy said, “I’m Mark,” as he knelt beside her. “You don’t talk a lot, and I haven’t seen you hang around anyone, so I thought I'd come and say hello!” 
Ah, the gay theatre kid – just the light of every classroom. Look – even if this kid didn’t look like a unicorn died on him, you could still tell he’s gay “What lunch period do you have?” 
Maria shuffled through some papers and found her schedule, “I have A.” She spoke. “No way, so do I! I eat lunch with my friends, you should join us!”  
Maria asked, “Why?” “Because, you look alone, and why not? I like to meet new people!” Mark answered. “So, is that a deal?” Maria let out a small sigh, “Alright.” She spoke. Aria now started to smile. No harm in making friends, right? Wrong. 
Just a moment later, the bell had rung. Mark walked back over to his desk while Maria gathered her things and got her bag on. When Mark walked back over, he asked, “Ready?” With a nod from Maria, they were out. 
 The hallways were like your average high school hallway. A fight the next hall to their left, a straight couple about to fuck on the water fountain, and a teacher dress coding girls that look like they’re cosplaying clowns in lingerie.  
Walking into the cafeteria was just as bad. The table of ‘straight’ guys jerking each other off under the table, the kids off to the side mixing chocolate milk with fruit cups, the ‘couple table’ - which the whole table is just the assortment of couples; you know – the ones that only last for a day? The ‘popular kids’ relationships! 
Mark led Maria to a table of 3 others. Two girls and a guy – Maria recognized them from other classes she had. The girls were leaning against each other – clearly dating; no doubt. Though they didn’t over-do it like some people (AKA straight people). 
The boy looked chilled out, casually reading. He was reading, ‘May the Best Man Win” by Zr Ellor. Maria recognized the book from the library in her old town but had never read it. 
The boy looked up, his face had a small touch of pink as his eyes met Mark’s, “Oh, hey!” He spoke. “Hey! I brought someone, y’all mind if she hangs out?” “Go right ahead!” One of the girls said. 
Taking a seat, Maria said, “I’m Maria.” With a slight smile. “I’m Jill!” The boy said, then looked to the girls, “That’s Caroline and Sara!” Caroline waved, followed by Sara. “It’s nice to meet you!” Caroline said. After a while of talking and eating, Jill said, “Hey, Maria! We planned on a sleepover tonight! What do you say? I can give you my address!”  
Maria looked up from her food, “Sure!” she said, “That sounds great!” 
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jackzillanyanut8008 · 2 years
The Last Of Us Part 3: Fan Write (Part 3)
Author’s Note:
This fan write of the 3rd addition to The Last Of Us franchise is completely fan made, I own zero rights to the game, tv show, or merchandise. Any and all properties of this franchise are owned by Naughty Dog Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment, Sony Interactive Entertainment, and PlayStation Studios. And of course, please support both the previous games, as well as the HBO series.
-Stone CL Williams
Chapter 9: What Goes “Bump” in the Night
Ellie wakes up in a panic as she looks around her and Dina’s room. It’s okay Ellie, just another damn nightmare she thought to herself. She gets up to make something to drink before Dina grabs her hand “Don’t worry hun, just getting something to calm my nerves, promise” Ellie says as she kisses Dina’s fingers and walks out the door.
Ellie fucking nightmares, ever since she was little. The idea of her mind twisting some of the fucked up shit she’d seen over the years into terrifying monsters or vivid and dark memories that would spiral her into a panic, never sat right with her. She walks downstairs and grabs Joel’s old mug and starts to make some tea, before hearing a knock at her door.
She knew it was one of two things: One, it was some drunk ass from The Tipsy Bison thinking that their house was the local inn; Or it was something else entirely. Regardless, Ellie opens the door and almost cups her hand over her mouth in shock as she sees her late night guest.
“Sup sugar tits? Miss me?” Abby says as she smirks ear to ear before letting out a brief chuckle. Ellie grabs her knife before a strange man comes from behind Abby and disarms her. “Sorry Mrs’ Williams, don’t wanna wake up the kid and your old lady” he says as Abby and Lev walk in. Ellie’s fear overtakes her rage before realizing what this could be, an invasion of Jackson. It all made sense now; the need to find more Fireflies, her and the others being so close to Jackson before they killed Joel, and Ellie was sitting on the floor, in a robe, defenseless. “You lay one finger on either of them and I’ll-” she says quietly before Abby puts up her hand, interrupting her threat “First off: I’m not THAT deranged bitch, Secondly; I came here to talk” she says as she looks to her strange accomplice “Deacon, let her go”. The man gives her a look of concern but obliges nonetheless. “Sorry about the roughhousing miss, you’re the one who pulled the knife out though” he says sheepishly as Ellie grabs her switchblade.
The four of them sit in the living room, Abby and Deacon on the couch opposite of Ellie, and Lev on a sofa to her right. Ellie takes a drink of tea before giving Abby a stare “How’d you dickwads get in anyway? Nobody outside gets inside without clearance or permission” she says before Deacon holds up her answer: A giant plastic bag of weed as big as JJ. “Hey, not everyone can just forget the apocalypse miss, and besides me and Tommy go back” Deacon explains as he sets the bag on the coffee table as Dina rushes down with JJ in her arms. “Well, howdy miss” Deacon says as he tips his hat to Dina, who stares directly at Abby and Lev “What the fuck are you doing in my house” she says flatly as she slowly steps down the staircase. “Weed and action movies? I got the weed part and figured you would provide the rest” Deacon says sarcastically with a loud laugh, prompting JJ to whine a little. “But in all seriousness, we didn’t come here to fight, quite the opposite actually” Abby says as Deacon clears his throat.
The two look at them confused before Abby finishes “We came here to make peace”
Chapter 10: Peace Among Worlds
“Peace? Are you fucking serious?” Dina says before Ellie cuts her off “Hun, I know it’s hard to believe but in all actuality, we started the whole mess in the first place”. Dina gives Ellie a look of both surprise and concern. “Joel killed Abby’s father, Tommy and I killed her friends, and they went through hell to get here, as much as I wanna stick her with my knife, we shouldn’t fight the clean” Ellie says with a heavy sigh. Dina takes a deep breath before looking at Lev “Hey kid, I get one punch to your shoulder, then we’re square” she says as she sets JJ on a highchair next to Ellie. “Fair enough” Lev says as he looks at Abby “What about that Tommy guy? We still gotta see him right?” he asks. Ellie shakes her head “If you thought I was hard to convince, Tommy would be impossible. I mean, Abby did blast a chunk of his face off and you did shoot him in the leg with that bow of yours” Ellie explains. 
Abby lets out a sigh and gets up “Yeah best to give him a few days of us being here, maybe you can talk him down a little Ellie?” she says as she throws on a jacket. Ellie takes a sip of coffee and sighs “I’ll try, he left for New York a few weeks ago, but he might pop in soon for the Outbreak Festival”. Lev tilts her head in confusion before Dina explains “It’s an annual festival we have at the end of the summer to celebrate our survival of the apocalypse, it helps people forget the world ended and all that”. Lev nods her head in understanding as the trio leave.
As they walk out, Deacon gives Ellie a brief stare before shutting the door. “Something up D? You look weirded out” Lev asks as they walk onto the street. Deacon sparks up a joint and takes a puff “That Ellie girl, you said she was immune right?” he asks. Abby stops in her tracks “Yeah, why?” she asks. Deacon lets out a deep exhale before giving off a chuckle “Nothing, just was wondering who did her ink, not a lot of tattoo artists these days” he says with a laugh.
Abby gives him a smirk as they move on, Lev catching up before they pass by an old house.
“Is that his house Abby?” Deacon asks as Abby puts her hand to the mailbox
Abby lets out a sigh before backing off “I was so blinded by hate and vengeance, maybe if I just let it go-” she says before Deacon cuts her off. “Listen Abbs, if some schmuck ever kills my dad, I’d do far worse. Just be glad those two forgive you” he says, putting his hand on her shoulder. “Thanks D. Let's get to the Inn, I’m beat” Abby says as the trio head into town.
Back in Port Hueneme, Thatch runs out of the burning wreckage of The Mileena. “Holy shit, holy shit, holy fucking shit” he says as he runs to the old employee garage that he and D had stashed a bunch of supplies and an old pickup truck.
“Gotta find Deacon, before these assholes do” he says as he peels out into the night. The Mileena still burning behind him.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
72 - Always and Forever
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Her Life Means Everything
Thank you all for reading this story 🙏 ❤️ This is the final chapter of Klaus and Maddie
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus @dragonixfrye @samsgirl93 @elijahmikaelsonbitch
Nikola was upstairs putting her little Henry to sleep since we had finally made the trip home. It was a long drive but it was worth it. Walking down the main stairs I could see the sadness in my eldest daughter. Of how much she was missing the man that she loved. Entering the main office I saw my sister jump up to her feet running to embrace me in a hug. “Oh Mads. I was so worried that something would happen to you all. How are the girls?”
“Back to their normal selves, Care. Oh and we have a vampire from Nik’s past laying on our bedroom floor since I snapped her neck.” I shrugged my shoulders simply smiling at my twin.
She moved her hands down to my forearms, scanning my eyes confused at what I was saying. “Maddie, I know that look in your eyes. What are you thinking of doing this time?”
“We need to find a way to bring Landon Kirby back. Because I can see the broken heart in my daughter and I hate it - what the hell!” Whipping my head around we heard a werewolf roar through the school where we vamped into the main living room in front of the fireplace.
Hope and Nikola were standing in front of the wolf pack where one werewolf was ready to attack them with a red stake in their hand. “Get away from us, Tribrids. You are monsters and won’t change unless someone ends it!”
“No!” Klaus vamped forward about to snap the werewolf’s neck but a streak of red hair vamped in front of the red stake before the wolf stabbed the weapon into the figure’s chest.
Covering my mouth with my hands I released some tears with Hope and Nikola getting to their feet seeing exactly what I was seeing. “Aurora…” The red headed vampire gasped stumbling backwards staring down at the red stake sticking inside of her chest.
“I’ve got her.” Klaus caught her body biting into his wrist trying to heal her.
Snagging his wrist I stopped him before he could making him send me a confused look. “We need to trade her for Landon. She can take his place once we figure out how to get to the afterlife without dying ourselves. We just need a certain witch..”
“Who?” Hope asked, looking at me then to the Saltzman twins standing beside their father.
Caroline and I both locked gazes where she picked up her phone pressing it to her ear. Turning my head around the doors I heard the werewolves all leave the room on Alaric’s request giving us time alone. The doors slowly opened bringing a smile to my face seeing black curly hair getting thrown in the wind until she shut the door smiling at our group. “Did someone call for a Mystic Falls witch?”
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“Bennett witch long time no see.” Klaus grinned tugging me into his side, draping his arm over my shoulder.
She stepped down the stairs where Caroline and I rushed forward engulfing her in a long awaited best friend's hug. She wrapped her arms around each of us laughing along with us. “I have missed you guys so much. And I have missed this little home of ours.”
“I’ve missed you too, Bonnie.” I grinned holding her hand in mine while my sister was holding her other hand. “I am sorry though that I am asking for you to put your life on the line for someone you don't know. I know you would rather be traveling the world like Enzo told you too."
She pulled me in for an individual hug where I squeezed her a little tighter. "Hey don't apologize, Mads. I told you before I went traveling that I would always come if you ever called for my help."
"Well thank you, Bon." I broke the hug staring down at Aurora's body where she was gasping. The stake had grazed her heart enough where it was going to kill her slowly. So we had to move fast if we were going to connect to the limbo and make the trade.
Bonnie had went into the library coming back with her families books of spells sitting on the floor drawing a white circle around all of us. She had instructed the twins to bring the red oak stake that was pulled out of Aurora before all of us were standing around the circle waiting for what to do next. "Alright so Lizzie, Josie, Hope and Nikola we are going to channel the combined magic of each other. But I will be the one who has to travel to limbo since I have been dead already a few times." The four nodded understanding where she turned to face the three immortal vampires. "Caroline you and Klaus are only allowed in the circle to pull us out if something starts to go wrong."
"Wait, you said us. Who's us?" I raised my hand not understanding what she meant.
The Bennett witch takes my hands in hers locking eyes with me. "I need you to come with me to Limbo. Since Aurora is on the verge of death I need someone to make the jump with me. That can respond fast if something goes wrong and we need to get out. I can’t ask the girls to do it because they all need to focus their strength on the connection spell.”
"Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema. Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo…" The four witches intertwined hands muttering softly when I grasped Bonnie's hand in mine and we both put a hand on a dying Aurora who squeezed my shoulder. "...Carcerema. Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema."
The next time I opened my eyes I saw a boat doc with a far out ocean in front of us. Glancing over my shoulder the land behind us was almost black whereas the direction of the boat was bright and hopeful meaning that was the way to peace. “Maddie Mikaelson, what are you doing here? And who are these two?” I smiled recognizing the voice of my son in law.
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“Landon, we have come to bring you home.” Rushing forward I gently hugged him. He hugged me back for a brief moment where I was confused at what he was saying.
“I can’t go back, Maddie. I took the job of the ferrymen so now that I am sending people off to peace forever. I am sorry but it is the right thing to do.”
Knitting my brows together Bonnie glanced at me when I released some tears not wanting to return home without him. “Landon, you have to try and come back. For your family, for Niklola and your son. Or do you not love them anymore?”
“I do love them but I have signed up for this. The only way I can leave is if someone else becomes the ferryman. Who is worthy enough of a trade for me to return to the land of the living. So unless you can show me someone like that then I have to remain here.” He explained throwing his hands up away from his sides.
Running my fingers through my hair I sighed heavily tapping my foot on the wooden dock. “Crap…what do we do now?”
“Let me talk with the boy, Maddison.” Aurora croaked out, stumbling to stand on her own two feet. Vamping beside her I gently held onto her arm so she could steady herself. “Landon is it, I don’t have much longer to live. But I will take this burden from you….I cannot be with my brother Tristan. And I will never be reunited with him…yet you speak of helping others find their way back to their loved ones. I couldn’t let someone destroy the Mikaelson’s bloodline. Which is why I took the stake because I still love the family even though I also hated them at some points. So let me take the place…let me do more than I did with my immortal life.”
Bonnie lifted her head up getting a little dizzy when she stared at the three of us. “Guys I hate to say this but the spell isn’t going to stay for much longer. If we are doing something we need to do it now.”
“If she is willing to sacrifice herself for an entire family then she can take the job. Just know that you will feel weird after paying a price to return someone back to the land of the living. But I won’t take your trade for granted Aurora.” Landon responded by opening his hand creating a large staff holding it out for her to take.
The red head shared a smile at me one more time wrapping her hand around the blade. “Maddison, tell Nik that I will always love him.” Once her hand touched the blade there was a bright blue clow where I shut my eyes seeing that it disappeared. She lifted her hand returning the three of us back to the living realm.
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“Landon!” Nikola cried stepping inside the circle flinging herself. He stumbled backwards wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. She started sobbing into his shoulder and he was crying too.
Someone vamped forward picking me up and twirling me around in a circle finally sitting me down on the wooden floor making me giggle happily. “Oh Mads…I was getting worried about you.” Klaus kissed my forehead before I wrapped my arms around his neck breathing in his scent until Caroline walked up to us.
“Now that everyone is back I have been planning a ceremony since Alaric has named me the new headmistress. But I think these two need to finally get married for real don’t you.” She suggested grinning ear to ear seeing that the pair had broken apart from each other yet they never removed their arms from each other.
Hope stepped up pointing towards someone coming down the stairs. “Everybody you need to see this, it's Henry.”
“Oh my god…he’s…he’s walking.” Nikola started crying again watching our grandson stumbling down the staircase attempting to come to his mother and father.
She picked him up in her arms with Landon running his fingers through his short hair. The tiny baby grabbed some of his curly hair before I tugged my husband upstairs knowing that we were going to rush to the whole we’d ceremony. The two young teenagers had been through enough so we knew they would just want to be married already. Standing in front of the mirror I brushed my hands over the light red dress with my hair curled. “I don’t think I am prepared for this, Mads. Walking our little girl down the aisle.”
“Oh Nik, she will always be our little girl forever. Besides if you think about it, Landon is the one who will be joining our family. We won’t lose our girl. She is forever a Mikaelson.” I chuckled, resting my hands on his chest eyeing him up and down. He was wearing a black tux with a white tie. The same exact outfit that he wore the night of the Mikaelson’s ball which seems so long ago.
He sniffs leaning forward pressing his lips down onto mine slowly. Wrapping my arms around his neck I smiled into the kiss depending it when I gripped his shoulders. “I love you, Maddie Forbes . You’re life has given me everything I never thought I could have when I was turned into a vampire.”
“I love you too, Klaus Mikaelson. You have been everything I wanted. And now nothing will separate the Mikaelson and Forbes families. Always and forever isn’t just a family vow anymore.” I declared intertwining my hand with his letting him lead me down the staircase. My sister had quickly decorated the main hall in front of the fireplace where I saw that the Saltzman twins and their other friends were standing on either side.
Marcel, Rebekah, Hayley, Elijah, Freya and her girlfriend had also come with Kol and Daviana. Klaus and I stopped to stand before I broke away from him knowing that he needed to walk Nikola down the isle. Walking down the line I stand beside Hope where she was holding her little nephew in her arms. Everyone turned their heads seeing a white train dress coming down the staircase. Her dress was short in the front and long in the back. Decorated with lace and her hair was curled and a flower crown was sitting on her head. “Awe dad, I can’t handle you crying or I will cry.” She spoke up looping her arm with her fathers.
“I am sorry, little wolf. But I am your father and you are my daughter. Just remember that I love you forever.” He mumbled, squeezing her hand while they walked down.
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Caroline walked up being the one to perform the ceremony where I spared a glance at Landon. He was wearing a suit jacket and a nice shirt he got from one of their friends since he didn’t own a suit. And he had a huge grin on his face. “We are gathered here today to join the union of Nikola Mikaelson and Landon Kirby. Now I have a gut feeling that you two have your own vows. So Nikola you can go first then Landon after her.”
“Landon, I love you. There is no one else I would want to be by my side and be the father of my child. I am always worried about finding love while worrying about the destiny that I was given. But there is no uncertainty when you are by my side.” She declares holding his hands in hers.
“Nikola Mikaelson, I love you too. I wasn’t sure where I belonged. I haven’t really had a home until I met you. As long as I am with you I know where I belong and it is with you and Henry.” He grinned brightly down to her.
Caroline held out the rings in her hands watching them slip the rings on one another. “By the power vested in me by the state of Mystic Falls, Virginia. I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
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Nikola and Landon kissed making everyone start cheering before I heard my husband whisper in my ear causing me to spin around in his comfortable hold draping my arms around his neck. “So now that they are married what do you say we do next in our immortal lives. Would you say Paris, Rome or perhaps France again?”
“It doesn’t matter what we do or where we go, Klaus. I have everything I want. You are my life and I love you, forever.” I vowed kissing him deeply and running my fingers through his blonde hair.
He grinned down into the kiss tugging me against his chest kissing me deeply. “You are my life too, Mads. Always and forever.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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