#like they say ''write for yourself'' and i do but i certainly dont share just for my own satisfaction yk???
mamawasatesttube · 28 days
i wish it wasn't so normal for people to complain about unfinished wips or fics that take a long time to update. because sometimes i think i have a really fun idea for a fic but it'd take a while for me to write, and i like talking about my work as i do it and i don't like writing entire fics over like 20k without sharing, because i lose steam. so if i were to write and post that cool fic idea, it'd be as a wip. and then i think about all the people who just refuse to engage with wips, or all the other people who would just go "update pls" all the time, and of how people only really comment in the first 24 hours something is posted and then it's lost to obscurity, and then i just go "actually whats the point in going through the effort writing this out? i'll just daydream about it now and then and be done with it." and then i don't write it. alas!
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mournings-stars · 2 months
Hello I hope your requests are on and if they are can I have angsty and alittle platonic headcanons for Lucifer
Where him, Lilith and Charlie run into he's ex wife who he left because he lost feelings for her and started liking Lilith after years his ex wife has movied on from him and her personality has also changed to the point its like a new person and that she has gone from a soft Naive woman to a more independent and emotionally stronger one
Thank you ignore this if you like
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hello im back to writing!!! … with a bit of an angst warning
i like to think the marriage with lucifer was a lot like adam and liliths, you were basically created to be his wife. despite having free will, you were made for a purpose, so you understood lilith. you probably talked about it with him, saying you felt for her. “if i didn’t love you, i don’t know what i’d do,” you say and he smiles before telling you he loves you too
“if you ever feel how she does, and didn’t want to be with me anymore, you could tell me,” he’d say one day, and you dont think much of it
but back then you were too passive. like him, you were full of beliefs, but you were much more credulous and naive, and that led him to find someone else to share his dreams with. he used them to help comfort her and cheer her up, even telling you about it
then one day he stops
you piece it together, though — even if you’re naïve, you’re not an idiot, and you just let him go on until he plans to give eve the fruit
“don’t do this,” you tell him and he feigns like he doesn’t know what you’re talking about — or he really doesn’t because you feel like you have to say, “you must think i’m stupid,” when you see the shocked look on his face. “i know what you’ve been doing. i know what you’re about to do. don’t.”
but even if he didn’t think you were stupid, he certainly knew you didn’t think about the world the same way the other angels did; he convinced you, no matter what you knew was right, that this was the right thing to do. everything would be okay! humans would have free will, and everything would be fine
of course, that was the last time you spoke. you weren’t exactly sure if you’d ended things on good or bad terms, but in his mind you absolutely hated him, never wanted to see his face again, and were glad he fell
so, of course, once he ran into you — in hell of all places — at a high society event with his wife and daughter, he was floored. his only reaction, logically of course, was to turn the opposite way and drag his wife over to one of the princes to introduce her to
“where’s charlie?” lilith would ask him after a moment and he already knew
you were an angel, one of the only angels to swallow their pride and come to this event when invited, so it only made sense that his daughter wandered over to you and your small group of other angels — probably only there on a formality, he thought — and of-fucking-course she was drawn to you
lilith was already going over to you before he could stop her, so he went after her
you already recognized charlie; she looked so much like him, but you didn’t turn away. instead, you bent to her level and talked with her, listening as the tiny child talked about her parents and toys, and anything she could think of while you nodded along and conversed with her about her fantastical stories as best you could
“charlie, honey, let’s not bother…” he couldn’t even bring himself to say your name, prompting you to look up and introduce yourself
you didn’t know if he never told lilith about you, or if she was just being kind, but it seemed like she didn’t know your name or who you were. she introduced herself with a smile and you easily understood why lucifer fell for her
“it’s been a while,” you say to him and he can’t help but smile, relieved that your voice didn’t hold any contempt for him
but he didn’t know whether to feel grateful or ashamed when you introduced yourself to his wife as an old friend
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bingusbongu · 3 months
you write for so many characters that I absolutely adore oml.
Could you write some kind of Alastor x new-to-hell reader? (I feel like this would be really interesting :3)
Also since I'm likely gonna be putting in a lot of reqs I'm claiming an Emoji (🖋 <- this one) so you know which anon this is teehee
��A/N: RAAAAAAA HELLO I KNOW YOU GFYFGG im glad you found my blog!!! I also made sure to make this on this specific day for you,,, ♡
Alastor x New Sinner Reader!
Tw: mentions of death and murder, and of stalking
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• okay, the fact you manage to catch the eye of NONE OTHER than the famous and feared Radio Demon is beyond believable
• your new, you must have done something to become his intrest. I dont think he will just pluck you out of the streets as soon as you spawned because he wanted to
• maybe you found yourself in the middle of a turf war or spawned while he and some other demon were in a battle. Maybe you killed another demon on pure accident. And maybe, due to him working with Charlie, maybe he decided not to kill you instantly and offered you the hotel. Since you are new, perhapse you wanted redemption? Hell knows that charlie would be ecstatic to have a new member!
• so, you go with Alastor to the hotel! Meeting an overjoyed Charlie and the rest of the crew!
• though, Alastor kept his eyes on you. Your new, he couldnt have a new member of the hotel accidently step into a war of some sorts and have yourself killed the moment he looks away.
• so, you being as clueless as you are, Alastor reluctantly decided he was going to teach you what to do and not to do in hell! Charlie thought it was a wonderful idea, finding it unbelievable that Alastor was the one to come up with the idea AND go along with it
• so, Alastor would take you out of the hotel and teach you certain things, like how to categorize lower level demons and higher ranking demons, how to protect yourself while walking the street from others who want to harm you
• "no no, you go for the heart, thats the liver"
• after you manage to learn alot from Alastor! Suprisingly, he is quiet a good teacher! But, instead of leaving you to yourself, he would be found occasionally hanging around you
• others would take notice how they always were able to find Alastor wherever you are, and when confronted about it, he would completely shoot down their question and change the subject
• Alastor thought you needed more protection. Though he did teach yoi how to take care of yourself, he still found a need to watch over you, to protect you. A worm of worry that wiggled in his chest when he cant spot you in the hotel.
• Alastor dosnt bring you along to his meetings, to keep his reputation and to protect you from certain eyes. If you are with the Radio Demon, then you have a bigger target on your head
• though, he does sometimes take you to his visits with Rosie!
• she adores you, finding you the cutest little thing. She sure was suprise to find a new sinner with Alastor, and one Alastor was so protective over, but she left it be, finding you precious and telling you stores from her time while sharing tea.
• though, a few of the staff of the hotel were,,, concerned for you. Husk especially. Having the Radio Demon on your back was certainly something new and worrying to him. Maybe he got you under contract, too. When he asked you about it, you shrugged it off and smiled like you hadnt even noticed! It baffled him, and how your mood didnt seem to dim when Alastor came around to check up on you.
• Vox, well, lets just say he may or may not have been the first overlord to actually notice you and your presence with Alastor. He has camaras everywhere, especially hidden outside of the hotel, he dosnt miss anything. So when he realized that the Radio demon was being friendly with a someone new he was not a happy camper
• he ended up confronting Alastor about it during their next meeting. And the way he quickly shut up apon noticing Alastors mood shift when you were mentioned had him traumatized. Velvet had to help him fix his screen after that
• Alastor is quite protective over you, even if you dont realize it, he has one of his little weird minions keeping an eye on you at all times when he isnt there, just to make sure you dont do something stupid.
• if you, instead of being a weak newcomer, started making a name for yourself withoit wasting any time, maybe killing off demons left and right or taking down a few overlords, you definitely have his attention
• you remind him of his old new sinner self, so he happily makes his presence known to you, and openly offers to guide you to make a name for yourself like he did
• he would show you how to take down even the most powerful overlords, collect souls to feed your power, and even how to keep your clothes from getting messy after killing so many!
• you are much like his apprentice. Following him wherever he goes and listening to him teach you about something.
• if you become powerful like him, you two become a quick and good duo! Both pf you being feared!
• though, he still makes sure you dont hurt yourself. No matter how powerful you have become, he makes sure you dont slip up and hurt yourself, or let someone hurt you. <3
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Maybe a drabble or hcs about reader having to avoid Ms. Rainfort like the plague bc if they are around her for too long the ruin pokemon will prob do to her what they did to the king of paldea (If you dont want to write all of them could you pick ting-lu?)
(I have a hc that the ruin pokemon can feel peoples evil intentions and ms Rainfort is very insistent in taking the ruin pokemon and just gives you nasty plot as well so that doesn't help her case at all))
"Nasty Plot? Why are you giving me this TM in particular, Professor?" Staring down at the disc in your hands, you looked at your history professor with a puzzled gaze, wondering why she would have something like this on-hand.
It certainly seemed strange, given the circumstances of your most recently-captured Pokémon...who happened to be one of the harbingers of disaster to the Paldean Kingdom.
"Oh! It can be used to boost Ting-Lu's special attacks. Of course, it can always be stronger...it has been sealed away for many years, after all." Despite Raifort's gentle smile, the glint in her eyes was nothing short of sinister. "But I can understand if you're having difficulties in taming this Ruinous Treasure's might. It's still quite the unpredictable brute, so if at anytime you wish to turn it over to me, I can-"
Blinking in surprise, you glanced at Ting-Lu, who heavily opposed her proposition as it backed away, sticking close to your side (or at least as much as it could without its bowl hitting you). Its red eyes stared at her with such caution, as though boring into her very soul.
You frowned a bit, resting your hand on its side, before gazing back at Raifort.
Something about this...didn't feel right.
"I think Ting-Lu trusts me more, professor. But thank you for the offer anyways."
"It's not problem." Although her smile didn't waver for a moment, she now seemed quite unnerved at the dark/ground type's reaction. "I hope you don't mind gathering some data on its habits and such...for homework, let's say. I'd like to share the knowledge we've gained on the quartet so far with my future students so I'm not just telling them how these Pokémon are shrouded in total mystery."
"That's fair." You nodded respectfully. "And...I'll work on finding the locations of the others and their shrines."
"Wonderful! Now I'll have to prepare for my next class. See you around, [y/n]!"
"Take care, professor."
As soon as Raifort headed back into the school, Ting-Lu relaxed its haunches, and you found yourself relaxing your own shoulders, too. Somehow you were apparently just as tense as it.
You looked at it with a sympathetic smile, rubbing its snout. "I know she's a history professor, but...this obsession with you guys is strange. Clearly you know something about her that I don't. I'll get to the bottom of it."
"Lu." It nodded in agreement, before you returned it to its pokeball as to not attract unwanted attention from any nearby students. You decided to head back to the dorms.
Though not without checking out a few books first..
It was no surprise that you didn't find a lot of recorded information on the Legendary Quartet.
The most you could find were old tales and scriptures of their associated items....as well as the effects they had on humans who used them or sought them out. Obviously they left the greatest impact on the Paldean Kingdom beyond causing it to collapse practically overnight.
However, there was one story in particular which stood out to you.....and you realized that this fictious tale may be true after all, especially given Ting-Lu's wariness around Raifort.
The passage claimed that having just one of the items within the vicinity of an authority figure would drive them to obsession with it, willing to do just about anything to have it for themselves.
They'd barter, beg, bribe, steal...or even kill for it.
And this would only grow further if another item was present as well, and it would continue with the third and the fourth..
Eventually this accumulates into this person having unfathomable greed and hoarding all of their powers for themselves, refusing to share them with anyone else.
That's exactly what the king had done, and in his greed he destroyed lives and inevitably caused the items to become Pokémon themselves--living sentient beings fueled by the rage of dozens of souls.
Because they were able to sense his evil and corruption, they flattened his empire for good....at the cost of their freedom.
But now that you've released Ting-Lu from captivity, you wondered if Raifort's reaction to it was going to lead to something similar.
Or, as they say, if history was going to repeat itself.
She did offer to take it away from you despite not knowing the bond you've formed with it during your time exploring and teaching it new moves. And she seemed very insistent that you collected data on the remaining Ruinous Treasures and not share it with anyone else, acting as though you're her research assistant rather than a student like every other kid in this academy.
But you trusted Ting-Lu's judgement, even though in your heart you didn't want to believe she was secretly some corrupt and evil person. You didn't wanna stir up any rumors or conspiracies that could get her fired or you expelled.
So for now, you decided that the best thing to do was gather data and only send it to her via rotomphone and give her updates that way.
You won't let her see any of the Ruinous Pokémon face-to-face anymore...and unless you're attending her class, you'll try to avoid bumping into her as often as you can, fearing how she'll react if you catch any of the others.
In order to keep her, yourself, and possibly all of Paldea safe...this was the best course of action.
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sutherkins · 1 year
request / “Soo here's a request for our cutest boy Peter - how about working with Peter as a night agent for years, knowing him better than yourself and being best friends since, together at a mission where reader gets hurt and Peter totally freaking out and panicking leading him to confess his love for reader? Of course it's mutual but neither of them dared to say something until this moment because both thought the other one's not feeling the same way.”
warnings: blood, reader gets shot, bad writing
this kinda sucks, and i apologize for the wait! i wanted it to be longer but i got sick after i started writing it and i literally just finished it today. im also still getting used to writing in general bc i normally dont have any inspo or energy to do it
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being part of a top secret organization within the government was certainly not on your list of things you’d wanted to accomplish when you graduated school. having a career at all was something you weren’t sure was in the cards for you, much less being a spy and being on a first name basis with the president. nothing about the job was easy — as you’d expected. living so cut off from the rest of the world was more difficult than you could have imagined.
now, several years later, you realized that the job was much more enjoyable when you had a partner. especially when that partner was peter sutherland. peter was hired about a year after you and assigned as your partner. both of you were still newbies to the other night agents and figuring out how to do the job with someone like him by your side made the loneliness you felt that first year completely vanish. it felt nice to have a best friend throughout all of this. you realized that was the key to this job – besides the training, having someone to lean on was the best way to succeed at being a night agent.
peter was the best partner you could have asked for. he was attentive and always took care of you, even when you didn’t think you needed it. now, you most definitely fucking needed it.
your most recent assignment was challenging to say the least. the both of you were constantly on the move and sleeping in run down motels. and now, much to your displeasure, you just got shot.
laying on the floor next to the bed you shared, blood began to pool around you. you tried to fight your blurred vision and the overwhelming desire to close your eyes but that was a losing battle from the moment the bullet pierced your stomach. you were getting ready to give up — but just then, the door opened and peters voice rang through the air.
you would’ve blushed at the pet name if you weren’t bleeding out on the floor. trying your best to speak, you’re voice hoarse and thick with pain. “peter..”
as soon as he spotted you, peter shouted your name and immediately went into protection mode. rushing to your side and putting pressure on the obvious wound, his other hand cupped your cheek. “jesus christ. sweetheart? can you hear me?”
“yeah, i can hear you. ‘s not as bad as it looks.” even when you were bleeding onto the carpet you still tried to comfort him.
“not that bad?! you got shot in the stomach! if i didn’t come when i did you could’ve bled out on the floor and died!” tears threatened to spill from his eyes.
you whined, the pressure from his hand on your wound producing a stabbing sensation that you’ve never felt from a gunshot before. “please don’t cry, pete. ‘s really not that bad, i promise. just — just call an ambulence, okay?”
pulling his phone from his pocket, your best friend quickly calls for an ambulance and lets your bosses know what happened. his attention is back on you, his hands covered in your blood. “don’t tell me not to cry. you’re my best friend and i love you. honestly, i’m…i’m in love with you, okay? you’re hurt and i love you and when i saw you lying on the ground i thought i lost you forever. i thought i lost you before i even got the chance to tell you how i felt. i can’t lose you.”
a stray tear fell from your eye, your hand reaching up to caress his cheek. “peter sutherland, i love you. i’ve never loved anyone more, to be honest. you’re not gonna lose me, okay? i was serious when i said it’s not as bad as it looks. i’m gonna be fine. ‘sides, once i’m patched up we can spend my newfound vacation time at your cabin.”
peter lets out a small chuckle, grabbing the hand holding his face and kissing your palm. “you got yourself a deal.”
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angeledeggs · 11 months
Back to bothering u bc I have nothing better to do than consume ur amazing writing. A humble request for Valdemar + Valerius sharing a partner?
An absolutely wild idea tbh I just can't get it out of my head
Done and done! Thank you for the compliment :) it's always nice to see your ideas in my inbox!
Headcannons for Valdemar and Valerius sharing a partner:
They.. Don't quite get along. When they first started working together at the palace it was fine, but then Valerius got annoyed because Valdemar is always covered in blood and Valdemar is annoyed because Valerius certainly talks too much and this meeting could have been a letter that they will ignore and never open-- and now they kind of butt heads.
Valerius is much more... Polite in his own snarky way towards Valdemar, but Valdemar doesn't believe in manners, so they're much more comfortable saying rude things towards Valerius.
Valdemar and Valerius are both people that get jealous towards others that even look at their partner the wrong way, which actually helps them.. Bond?
Like, they'll see someone look at you and they'll both scoff in unison at it. Valdemar might soften a bit when they see Valerius chew out anyone who says a mean word towards you before they can. But they only soften just a bit. Or at least, that's what they tell themself.
They're also both rich and don't mind spoiling a partner. Though Valerius is a bit less... Extravagant when he spoils a partner compared to Valdemar? He buys expensive gifts because he feels like it and simply gives them to you, while Valdemar just stuffs wads of thick cash into your hand, insisting, oh there you go darling, get yourself something nice but then will keep stuffing money into your pockets, insisting, oh that's just in case, that's just for taxes, this is for food, this is just because I feel like it--
Valerius and Valdemar both also enjoy quote unquote, "rich people dates". Basically dates to the opera, theatre, wine tasting, all the fancy stuff like that is stuff they both enjoy and share a common interest of.
Surprisingly, they find that they're both able to be civil with each other when sharing a partner. They're both able to not get into a physical altercation like when they were both young, sooo.. Win-Win? (story for another time)
They might even be... Friends, in the end.
They at least work well with each other in the end once they become friends, if a night of beating a cat caller to a bloody pulp together is anything to go off of.
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chimivx · 2 years
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HAVEN. -> Lee Know x Female!Reader ( she/her pronouns )
summary: Hyunjin was never much of a boyfriend, making all of your friends wonder why you've stuck by him for so long. You know what they say though, love makes you crazy... Or, love makes you end up in your best friend backseat straddling his waist... Something like that... Right?
words: 10k
warnings: INFIDELITY themes all throughout, hyunlix, alcohol consumption, mentions of smoking marijuana, smoking cigarettes, angry boyfriends ( if you can call it that ), brief zodiac sign talk lol, SEXUAL CONTENT, unprotected sex ( DONT DO THAT ), mature themes throughout every line of this mofo, p*rn w very long plot. If I missed anything PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
a/n: Hi, I dunno what this is. SKZ brainrot. This took entirely too long to write. I don't know if I like it, eek. Minho is a dreamboat. Enjoy!
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“I’m just so, so tired,” Expels from your lips in a harsh whisper, your sigh that follows is as equally exasperated.
“Do you think I’m not?” Hyunjin’s tone packs a powerful voltage, enough to startle your bones. Maintaining eye contact with the boy's deep brown eyes, you furrow your brow.
“Hyunjin,” Raising your voice to a reasonable level, you place a hand on the kitchen table that stands between you and lean toward him. Using his full name, you make a mental note of how it affects him, the discomfort appearing in the slight scrunch of his button nose.
“You have not answered my question,” He sneers. With a dramatic groan you roll your head backward, staring at the ceiling for all of three seconds before focusing back on his grimace.
“We are breaking up right now,” You say with persistence, the crease in your forehead becoming somewhat permanent, “You seriously need this information?”
“Yes,” He snaps, then shifts into a softer energy, “I never thought you’d be the one to break my heart.” The kitchen goes quiet, the only sound heard is that of the ice machine in the freezer. 
A moment passes with a stare-down, Hyunjin being the one to break it by shaking his head. A thin lock of his black hair drops over his right eye.
“I knew this… relationship was over a week ago,” He speaks with heavy intention, his words packing a punch, “I’m not oblivious,” His hair dances over his eyes some more as he shakes his head again, “But you know how I feel about you. I can’t believe you’d do something like this, you’re not even moved out yet.” 
“Jennie,” You whisper, narrowing your eyes. Hyunjin’s expression falters.
“Lia,” You continue on, listing names of women he’s slept with since your situationship began, “Nayeon,” He seems to catch on, averting his eyes around the room as he scoffs, folding his arms across his chest.
“Even fucking Felix, Hyunjin, jesus!” Your laugh does nothing to mask the frustration weeping from your eyes.
“I never had sex with Nayeon-”
“It doesn’t matter!” You shout, your hands slamming flat on the table as your eyes widen, “Do you hear yourself?”
“I do, do you hear me?” He squinted his eyes, jutting his head to the side, “You fucked Minho,” He spoke slow, fueling the fury simmering within you, “Like a little slut, in the backseat of his car, in the parking lot of Haven, while the rest of us danced together inside.” 
Swallowing hard, you refuse to shrivel beneath his interrogation.
“Two hours ago, I’ll add,” He smirks, finding it all a bit funny, “This happened… two hours ago. Does he know what happened yesterday morning? The moment we shared literally right here?” He presses a fingertip into the wood, narrowing his sharp, feline-like eyes.
“No,” You say, screwing your face in confusion, “Why does it matter?” Hyunjin takes his bottom lip between his teeth, sitting backward in the chair, folding his arms across his chest.
“I know some things,” He says, smug as he’s ever been.
“Enlighten me,” You whisper.
“Certainly,” Hyunjin huffs, holding up a hand for you to see. He taps his pointer finger, “Minho’s been after you for a while,” He taps his middle finger, “You’ve been after Minho equally as long,” He taps his ring finger, “You’ve got a type.”
“I do not have a type,” You say, glaring at his slender fingers that could have an obscene amount of control over you if Hyunjin really tried. Focused on your eyes, watching as they follow his hands that he places flat on the table, he chuckles.
“You have a type,” He reiterates, “Minho’s no better than me, he’s a bartender, if anything he’s worse.”
“Minho’s as clean as a saint!” You say, and Hyunjin chuckles, “He hasn’t been with anyone in ages, he’s a good guy.” Lowering his chin, Hyunjin glares at you through his lashes, speaking in a tone so low his voice has dropped a few octaves.
“Then, tell me why he fucked his best friends girlfriend in the backseat of his car last night?”
“Oh my…” You gasp, clasping your hands over your hair, grabbing it by the fistful, “I’m your girlfriend now!? You’ve never said that word, of course this would be when you’d use it.”
“You were my girlfriend when I fucked Jennie,” He shrugs. Your eyes go wild.
“That hurt,” You dig, “Fuck you.”
“Fuck you!” He curls his lip, eyes dancing around your exhausted appearance.
Dragging your hands from your hair to over your eyes, you rub the sleep away gently and sigh, placing your hands on your knees. Avoiding Hyunjin’s gaze, you stare down at the table.
“I think… I think I should go,” You offer, flickering your eyes up to catch his face of sorrow, “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?” He whispers.
“Like… like you’re sad,” Shaking your head, you speak from an empty heart, “You don’t hold an ounce of empathy for me when you go frolicking down the streets to pick up the next conventionally attractive person, and take them somewhere to hook up,” His expression doesn’t falter, “Some of them, we’re friends with, Hyunjin. So, yes. This relationship was over a week ago when you drove me to crazy town, to the point of no return,” His eyes are laser focused on yours, “You know, in a way, it’s like you pushed me right into his arms.” 
Stepping inside dim lit, musty scented Haven was a bit like stepping straight into the Sahara, except the concrete floor was slick with spilt drinks, not dusty grains of sand. There were no windows either, just dinged up chestnut wooden planks for walls adorned with cheesy neon signs and posters of bands and other artists. Your personal favorite was the lit up pink flamingo with a bottle of tequila in its hand. 
A year ago, when you and your group of friends started making regular appearances here, you compared it to Hyunjin and his stretch of a frame. The banter that followed the laughter was essentially what got the two of you together in the first place, sharing the right amount of sarcasm, sparking an attraction to want to slip beneath the sheets… or into a bathroom stall.
Sitting at the creaky bar now on top of a cushion on a stool that was flattened with age, you gripped an ice cold glass of Vodka Cran, twisting it on the napkin the bartender sat it down with. Staring at the flamingo holding the tequila, it was perched above a long mirror that ran across the entire wall behind the bar, one that was short vertically, giving you a beautiful view of the scowl you wore.
The pink and yellow glow of the neon lights used to be accompanied with giggles, with soft touches and sneaky kisses. Tonight, those acts of love had his arms wrapped around Felix where they moved in sync on the dance floor, three inches apart without shame.
Glancing over your shoulder you catch them cheek to cheek, rocking side to side. Felix’s hands seemed nervous, they were greedy, but tentative, his fingertips sliding up and down Hyunjin’s tight t-shirt clad torso. The younger boy's eyes were pointed down, listening with parted lips to whatever charm Hyunjin was spilling into his ear. A hex, a curse, an enchantment that would keep Felix at his beck and call for as long as he pleased.
The sight of their hips grinding, and their thighs slipping between the others knees used to be nauseating, however, it’s been occurring for two weeks, so it’s become tolerable. 
At least it wasn’t a female.
Girls crawled out of the woodwork for Hyunjin, there was never a night where he wasn’t fighting one off of his hip. The boy could walk into a room, and in an instant have someone on their knees with just a look. Something about his aura, his lust fueled, mysterious facade of an attitude made them melt in his fingers like putty. Felix though, Felix was different.
The blonde haired boy taunted Hyunjin, insufferably oblivious to his flirting. 
The two have been friends for a couple of years, coming together at about the same time as you had found them. There were nine of you total, a group that never hesitated to let life go, not taking it too seriously. 
You all came with your quirks, your imperfections. You and Hyunjin were tied for ‘most self-destructive bitch’, while the others fit into every category, and somewhere in between, ranging from ‘funny guy’ to ‘cry baby’. Han took leadership of the funny guy’s, Seungmin fell into that in between grey area, and Felix made himself more than comfortable in cry baby territory.
Felix has a huge heart, Felix is a great friend, but Felix is a good boy, and he made it a game for Hyunjin without even knowing.
Once the Nayeon rift was over in your relationship, things were smooth for about a week, until Hyunjin got bored. That’s when Felix fell into his lap. Sweet sunshine, bright eyed, bushy tailed Felix, who had no idea what he was in for when Hyunjin invited him on a solo night out after a couple of days of slinking around him stealthily, buttering him up with empty words.
That night, Hyunjin pounced, and poor Felix had fallen in the trap, becoming another notch in the charismatic bastard's bedpost. 
Spinning around to watch the show the boys were lost in, you lean your back against the bar, crossing your legs. The rips in your jeans stretched at the bend, the skinny white strings over your skin threatening to snap, much like your patience. Sipping from the straw in your drink, you shake the ice around in the half empty glass as you swallow, catching Hyunjin’s eye as he continues to twist about the floor, claws in his shiny new toy.
He stares at you for all of five seconds, then turns his chin to nuzzle his nose into Felix’s hair, closing his eyes, whispering more unholy nothings. His plump, pink lips moved effortlessly, everything about this act coming entirely too easy to him. 
For god's sake, this was just his warm up, and Felix was already buckling at the knees.
“That’s still happening?” A polished, yet dreamy voice says beside you, having approached your frustrated energy after spotting you here alone from across the room. Shifting only your eyes to give him a look, you’re greeted by Minho’s silver hair and a quick eye roll as he sits down.
Dressed simply in a black t-shirt and dark pants, accessorized the slightest, taking a seat next to you was the first of many mistakes Minho was going to make tonight.
Your heart took a tumble at the sound of his voice, a slight nervousness sparking through your veins as you took in his appearance. Minho was buff, but he wasn’t built like a gym shark like Chan or Changbin. Instead the boy's muscles filled out the sleeves of his t-shirt enough to give Captain America a run for his money, and spending nights with him on the dance floor made you want to personally tell Chris Evans that America’s ass has some competition.
Holding a glass of jack and coke, Minho presses the lip of the cup to his own, rolling it side to side along the fat bottom, squinting out to the boys on the floor. His jaw is sharp, all of his features are, chiseled by Michael Angelo himself.
Taking a quick breath, you sigh and mutter, “Yes it is.”
Bobbing his head, Minho watches Felix press a swift kiss to Hyunjin’s cheek, then side eyes to see if you caught it too. To his pleasant surprise, that no longer held much of a shock value, your gaze was fixed where he balanced his glass.
Suppressing a smirk, Minho turns briefly to place the empty cup of melting ice on the bar before sliding his stool an inch closer to yours. He leans his back on the wood, crossing his arms. You could’ve sworn he flexed on purpose, his muscles seeming more defined than ever. With his chin lowered, he shot daggers at the handsy boys with dark eyes, and eyebrows slightly upturned.
That’s when you realized you were staring.
Swallowing, hard, you snap out of the trance he quite easily put you in, and sit up to compose yourself so you don't appear like a schlump.
“Is, uh,” Pausing to clear your throat, you ask, “Is Han here?” Taking a sip of your drink. Nodding with more of a purpose, Minho purses his lips and scans the room as if to look for his shadow of a friend.
“He’s here somewhere, Chan, too,” He says, glancing at you with a small smile. Returning it, you look back out to the dance floor, afraid that if you looked at him any longer your cheeks would turn pink.
“That’s great,” Your tone falls flat while Hyunjin brushes noses with Felix, pressed chest to chest. Following your eyes, Minho’s smile falters. 
All of your friends were familiar with Hyunjin’s tendencies, the boy didn’t necessarily keep it a secret. When it all started they’d call him out and put him on the spot, but it didn’t change a thing. Born a Pisces, he was infatuated with the life of chaos, but conversations with your friends made you question if his star sign was right. You’ve never seen him practice unconditional love.
As much as it sucked watching a friend hurt another again, and again, he was still Hyunjin, and like you, unfortunately, your friends still loved him. Minho however, he’s been festering in bitterness since the moment he saw you fall for the charm Hyunjin was currently casting over Felix.
He knew off the bat he didn’t stand a chance, Hyunjin was like a drug. A relentless, karmic drug that's had you hooked for too long. 
A spectator to the tumultuous year, Minho was livid Hyunjin snagged you first. You’ve always had more in common with the older boy, and if Minho had to guess, you only had one thing in common with Hyunjin. That, and your chilling attitudes, though Hyunjin was actively altruistic. You were caring, and thoughtful, and put others before yourself most times. Hell, Minho’s been standing witness to it for as long as he can remember, watching you get pummeled by Hyunjin’s emotional turmoil consistently.
When it came down to it, Minho was the one you’d run to, the guy you’d turn to for a shoulder to lean on, finding some sort of comfort in his ability to simply listen, without listening to speak. He would truly listen, and only share his thoughts if you asked.
Across the room, with Felix buried in his neck, you meet Hyunjin’s eyes swapping between you and the boy that were millimeters apart. Like you both caught it at the same time, you and Minho turn your chins to give each other a look. He wears an expression of worry cocktailed with fury.
“What?” You question, smirking, knowing he had plenty to say.
“Where’s the breaking point?” He asks, “When will you finally… snap?”
“Yes, snap,” He chuckles, glancing at glaring Hyunjin momentarily, “I don’t understand how you can sit here and watch this happen.”
“Me either,” You mumble, a little white lie.
Twenty minutes at the kitchen table this morning with Hyunjin was enough to keep you on his side for another night. Sitting on his lap with his arms clamped around you, you held him as he sobbed into your chest, spilling muffled babbles of apologies and guilt ridden excuses for ‘why he is the way he is’, and that he ‘cannot live without you’. Endless empty promises, all he seemed to express, would keep you on a short leash, but what Hyunjin doesn’t know is that his cry for help this morning was pathetically transparent.
Felix gyrating against Hyunjin’s body, probably getting off on the dance floor in the middle of a crowd while the boy he was stuck to showed you the same eyes he had given you this morning was enough of a sign. Hyunjin didn’t give a shit. 
“Snap,” You say. Minho raises his eyebrows.
“Excuse me?”
“Snap,” You repeat yourself, lifting a hand between your faces to literally snap your fingers.
“Okay, Thanos,” Minho mumbles, but you miss it.
Swiveling around on the stool, you slap your hands on the bar to stop yourself, leaning forward to grab the bartender who was tending to customers on the end. Minho follows you over his shoulder, arms still crossed, wearing a smug smile.
“You’re serious?” He spins around like you, bumping your knee with his along the way. The bartender comes your way, and after grabbing your order of six different shots, bustles away to gather it.
“Pretty sure,” You shrug, tilting your head so you’re a bit closer to him, “Might as well start listening to you after all this time.”
“That’s fair,” Minho’s lips twist into a smile, “Just hope you’re not lying.” 
The bartender places six tiny glasses in front of you. With a thank you, you slide three of them over to Minho who raises a brow in question.
“What, lying like you?” You grill, peeking at his eyes before knocking back a shot of tequila.
“I saw you with Han and Chan,” You smirk, happily watching him down two of the little glasses right after the other.
Wiping his bottom lip with his thumb, his brow creases, “What are you talking about?”
“You guys got here when we did,” You say, catching up to him in alcohol consumption, “Soon as Hyunjin walked away from me, I saw Han hyping you up to come over here.” Minho swigs his last shot, almost choking at the sound of your words.
“You keeping tabs on me?” He asks, squinting his eyes, closing the gap between you even more. Flickering your eyes to his lips that were wet with liquor, you look back up and only give him a smile. An innocent one that stirs up trouble as you down the last glass sitting on the bar.
Placing it back in line with a clink, you hop off the stool and hold your hand out. Unable to keep his gaze off of you, Minho swivels around, glancing at your open palm.
“Come on,” You coerce, wiggling your fingers. Laughing at himself, he snatches your hand to stand up.
“Where are we going?” He asks sincerely.
“I wanna dance,” You say, then step closer to him, lowering your voice, “And if you don’t want me keeping tabs on you, you have to come with me.”
“I’m yours,” He says, holding up his other hand in defeat. Dragging him along through the crowd of thirty other sweaty people, you peek backward at him and raise your brows.
“Famous last words,” You giggle.
“Wouldn’t choose any others,” He squeezes your hand, narrowing his eyes.
Distracted by Felix, Hyunjin misses the change of location, peeking back over to the empty stools after you’ve taken your place on the dance floor with Minho by your friends in the corner. Han and Chan were at a small table cradling their umpteenth drinks of the night, both of them breaking into widespread grins after spotting Minho in your grasp.
“Glad to see you’ve brought someone else along this time around,” Chan says, wrapping an arm over your shoulder, hugging you sideways. Han lifts his glass to cheers, taking a long sip afterward.
“Look at him,” You roll your eyes playfully at the two, then turn to Minho, “How can I say no?” 
Clicking his tongue, Minho tilts his head back with a smirk, “Chill,” His voice has dropped several octaves within the twenty feet from the bar to the corner. 
Biting down on your bottom lip in thought, you feel the wave wash over you. Gazing into his eyes that were laced with a type of passion you’ve never come face to face with, the wave more so crashed over both of you. These seven silent seconds shifted the entire night.
Minho looks over your shoulder to his friends sitting on the high top chairs, both of them gesturing to your back wearing suggestive looks of grandeur. Han and Chan have patiently waited, marinated in forced silence courtesy of Minho for a year, slowly dying inside the longer the two of you resisted the gravitational pull that’s tried for ages to tangle you up. All of your friends have actually, aside from Hyunjin who’s only suspected the pining. Han and Chan were two who were invested, using this moment to make their self proclaimed prophecy come true, ready to witness history happen in front of their eyes.
Catching Minho, you follow his eyeline and watch Han and Chan quickly pop into natural looking poses, focusing on one another and chatting about their drinks with silly little comments that ultimately meant nothing.
“Well that was slick,” You tease. Chan peeks up from his glass, lips wrapped around the tip of the straw, and gives you a wink. Han hides behind his drink, peering between you and Minho with a hidden smirk, puffing out his already chubby cheeks.
“Have fun,” He sings, wiggling his eyebrows.
“You guys are ridiculous,” You say, and turn to face Minho. His fingers tense around yours.
“Let’s dance,” He says, then pulls you into his body, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, leading you to the center of the dance floor.
Brushing by a dozen people your age, Minho finds a clearing with a smile and spins you around before finding the beat of the music himself. Keeping your hands locked, you sway with him, stepping a bit closer to close the gap.
Minho knew what he was doing, the boy was an expert when it came to moving to music. It never mattered where he was either, if he heard a beat he liked, one that he could feel in his soul, he was going to move. Like Changbin, Minho was musically inclined, his skillset extending far beyond just dancing. Tipsy enough to stand here with him without being intimidated by his extensive resume of talents, you take another step closer, bumping into his chest.
“You ever think about doing something with dance?” You ask over the music. Glancing down to where your bodies touched, Minho looks into your eyes and slips a hand around your waist without thinking twice. His fingertips press into your hip, continuing his sway, now holding you in place on him.
“God,” He mutters, shaking his head a bit, “You ask me that every three months, I think.” He smiles.
“I do,” You chuckle, placing an arm around his back, ignoring how it makes him take a sharp breath, “You just have a lot going for you,” His eyes soften as he listens to you, “Don’t you want to get out of this place? Do something huge?”
“Course I do,” He says, and though he wears a gentle expression, his tone is rough, “Don’t you?” 
You would’ve stopped moving all together if you weren’t latched onto his body.
“I would,” You say quieter, his words striking your heart, “You know I would.”
“What’s stopping you?” His eyes zone in on you, already knowing the answer he wishes you would forget about. It takes you a moment to say anything, gulping out of sheer embarrassment. You peer to the side, trying to see if you could spot where the answer had ended up.
Minho unravels his hand from yours and places a finger to your cheek, turning your focus back to him. Flipping his hand, he drags the back of his fingers down your skin softly.
“Don’t look for him,” He says.
“What’s stopping you?” You ask, studying his defined features, “From moving on?”
You don’t expect him to open up, Minho was always a person who knew how to keep a secret, like those dads who dropped random trauma stories out of the blue unprovoked. Minho could’ve deflected his answer, he could’ve made some shit up, but swaying here together over the liquor stained floor he keeps his gaze on you, pressing his lips into a line, perking a brow.
A tinge of excitement surges through you, a short burst of the feeling to keep you from getting swallowed back up in Hyunjin. Minho watches you like you’re made of stars, his eyes unable to part from yours. It was you. You were the block preventing him from moving on.
“You’re playing a dangerous game,” You say.
“Do I look like I care?” Minho nearly whispers, bringing his face down closer to yours. Pouting your lips, you sigh.
“Why didn’t you get to me first?” Your voice drops as your eyes flicker to his lips, your words flowing from yours with ease, like sweet, sweet music to his ears.
“He’s too pretty,” Minho tries to smile, pressing his forehead to yours.
“He’s a dick.”
“That too,” He says after a chuckle. 
Dancing this way for a couple of minutes, holding on to one another beneath the cheesy strobe lights amongst the sea of human beings who didn’t care to look your way, your hands explored skin as your lips frustratingly ghosted each other. Minho took your waist with both his arms, his hands slipping down over your ass every few seconds, feeling too nervous to keep them there for too long. Your noses brushed, eyes locking for a bit before they’d shut between the shared air of pure intimacy.
Tossing your arms around his neck, his skin was dewy with sweat much like yours. The heat pumping in the closed off bar was always kicked up to a higher degree no matter the season, but tangled up this way with Minho you knew the bar wasn’t to blame for the warmth you were feeling. 
Your mind was clear of any thoughts that didn’t have to do with the babe attached to you, running his hands over your body. Hyunjin and his treacherous reign of terror was gone, Hyunjin and Felix were dead to you. All that was left was the heat and the need manifesting around the two of you, revealing itself from underneath the love and the care.
Seeing Minho lick his lips slowly, seemingly hungry, warps your mind. His fingertips that once pressed into your skin were gripping you now with vigor, his eyes closed as he held you tight. When they open, the look he gives you makes your jaw drop with a heavy sigh. You're unable to do much else. 
In a hurry, he tilts his chin and presses his lips to yours, this kiss long overdue. It’s packed with passion, and sprinkled with lust, deepening faster than it had happened.
Parting your lips, you slip him your tongue and nearly moan into his mouth. You feel him smile, dancing his tongue with yours, then he slides it along your bottom lip before biting it gently, pulling away, and letting go with a pop. Jaw agape, your eyes are wide as you stare in shock. 
“Sorry,” He mumbles, but his eyes are dark, signifying he didn’t feel as guilty as he had sounded. There isn’t much for you to say, you weren’t upset. With a minute’s worth of kisses Minho rendered you absolutely thoughtless.
“Do it again,” You whisper. His eyebrows raise with surprise, and to your request he does not hesitate. The gap closes quickly, his lips on yours in a second, hot, wet and heavy. The first kiss, and the following, were anything but innocent and sweet.
Moving with intensity, Minho sighs within the kiss, his brows furrowing above his closed eyes. You feel his hands move up your back, making their home between your shoulder blades where he can keep you locked in place. Sliding your fingers up into his hair that was littered with moisture, you grip the silver locks and smile when you feel him tense up. A groan escapes him, one that deepens the arousal already pooling in your center.
“What are you doing to me,” He mumbles, pressing a tender kiss to your cheek just beside your lips. Giving his head a scratch, you smile, taking a deep breath. Tilting your chin back, centimeters apart, your eyes dance over his focused look, his lips parted and eyebrows twisted with need.
“Everything I’ve always wanted to do,” You brush your lips swiftly over his, taking them down to his neck, peppering the skin with soft, angelic kisses that set his skin ablaze. Bending at the knuckles, his fingers grip the fabric of your shirt, knotting it in his fists.
Tossing his head backward, eyes screwed shut, he’s guided by your lips, melting into your touch as your fingertips graze through his hair. Popping out your tongue between your lips, you draw a small circle in the valley beneath his jaw before wrapping your lips over the skin, giving it a suck, leaving a happy little mark there for him to find later. Dragging your tongue over it once more, you kiss it and look up to Minho.
His hands slide over your ass again, giving it a generous squeeze as he puts his forehead back on yours, slipping you a quick kiss. Dragging your hands down his neck, wrapping them around the front for a moment, you look into his eyes and smile. You’ve never seen him so flustered, Minho’s always composed, always in control. Never once have you ever seen him this desperate.
“Minho,” You half ask his heavy lidded state.
“Hm?” He hums, unable to say much. Placing your hands back behind his shoulders, you give him a sensual squeeze. Opening your mouth, you want to spill everything, everything you’re longing to do with him, but for an unbeknownst reason, nothing comes out. 
Lifting a hand, Minho places it under your chin then shifts it to your neck, wrapping his nimble fingers around the base, giving it a gentle grab. Taller than you, he was above you, looking down into your eyes that have softened with submission at his touch.
“What was it you were gonna say?” He questions, parting his lips to subtly touch yours, depriving you of a kiss you were ready for. Rubbing his bottom lip on yours, he drags his tongue over the seam of your lips, then catches them in a kiss you’d be able to hear if the music wasn’t pumping.
“Want you,” You whisper when he parts from you, your lips wet with a slick that didn’t belong to you. Sliding his hand up your throat, pressing purposely with his palm, he passes your chin and places his thumb on your lips where you subconsciously give the pad a kiss.
Smirking, he pulls at your bottom lip, getting lost in your upturned brows and pleading gaze. He’s always wondered how this would happen, how it would all go down eventually once he had you. Hearing plenty of stories from Hyunjin over the months, he learned that you could be a real brat, Hyunjin bringing that out of you on purpose. Minho knew if he played the jerk, the tamer, you weren’t going to walk away fulfilled, wanting more. And he needed you to want more.
Hyunjin was good at what he did, but he never listened. Hyunjin was consistent when he was inside someone, but that’s where it would end. He had one mode, get in and get off, however, Minho had a trillion, and he was ready to figure out which one would have you writhing with pleasure, whining his name.
He believes he’s got part of the puzzle figured out already.
Toying your bottom lip with his thumb, Minho whispers, “Want to get out of here?”
“And go where?” You ask, hypnotized by his gaze that was always sultry. Smiling, Minho sighs in satisfaction. He had you.
“Out of here,” He breathes, touching your lips with his briefly, “Anywhere, so you can do everything you’ve always wanted to do, to me.” 
There wasn’t a chance you were catching onto his game, or the way he was playing it. Minho was slick, and if anything, a tad more manipulative than Hyunjin. Playing the role of your knight in shining armor, appearing effortlessly perfect in every way, swooping in when Hyunjin started embarrassing himself, and Felix…
Minho knew what he had to do to get you, because like Hyunjin, you loved nothing more than feeling like you were in control. It warmed Minho’s heart to see you melt into him, and revved him up to no end knowing that you had no idea he had his hands on the wheel, not you.
You heart longed for him, more than the need between your thighs, so if you were going to do this it would mean catastrophe for the Hyunjin entanglement you’ve overstayed your welcome in. Though you meant what you said to Minho at the bar, you snapped, that didn’t mean there wasn’t going to be an ache within you over it. You loved Hyunjin. As ridiculously shitty as the boy can be, like, absolute garbage… You loved him.
“No?” Minho asks, pulling you from your spiral.
“Yes,” You say without a thought, your eyes darting between his. He raises a brow slightly.
“But?” His tone is gentle, coaching you along patiently.
“Where is he?” You ask, gesturing to the side with a shift of your gaze for a moment. Minho narrows his eyes, a disappointed curiousness clouding in his deep brown irises.
“Why are you worried about him?”
“Becau- Minho, please,” Widening your eyes, you plead with his, “You care about me?”
“Course I do,” He answers quick.
“Then tell me where he is,” You say, then touch the edges of your lips together, tugging him closer behind his neck, and whisper, “And after that, get us out of this sweatbox, and for all I care, you can fuck me senseless on the side of the goddamn building,” His eyes blow open wide, a small smirk pulling at the corners of his lips, “Just tell me where he is.”
“Don’t want to give him a taste of his own medicine?” Minho teases, engulfing your lips with his own messily. Whining into it, feeling your heart twist deviously, the offer was intriguing. Pulling back, Minho is wearing a wicked grin. “Don’t want him to see the perfect girl he's giving up on leave with somebody else?”
“Perfect girl,” You repeat under your breath with a laugh, glancing away, “Don’t try to talk me up, you’re already getting it, Minho. Where is he?” 
Taken aback, Minho sighs and softens his smile. Maybe you could see through the game he was playing, which made you smarter than the Hyunjin he’d compare you to.
Tipping his head away from yours, he scans the room quickly and efficiently. Hyunjin and Felix were no longer on the dance floor, they had made their way to the corner of the room where Han and Chan chatted away. Many, many empty glasses filled up their table making Minho wonder how long the two of you have been out here making fools of yourselves around everyone, shoving your tongues in your cheeks.
Hyunjin was speaking to Chan, standing beside him and still towering over where the oldest sat on the high top chair. Chan didn’t stand a chance, though he carried himself as if he was six feet tall.
The long, dark haired boy seemed worried, his brows furrowed as he leaned into Chan to talk directly into his ear over the pumping bass polluting the air from the speakers. Behind him, pouting pathetically with his knees squeezed together, stood Felix, clinging to Hyunjin’s arm with his cheek pressed to his shoulder. His entire front side was pressed to Hyunjin’s back, and Minho could read his expression from a mile away, knowing Felix wasn’t embarrassed to just be talking to your friends. 
That type of desperation could be sniffed out in seconds by a cat in heat. The way he gulped and breathed from between his pouted lips was a telltale sign, not to mention his brows that were twisted in need. Either he was hard, or, he came already and was hard all over again. 
Minho’s had one too many talks about it with your friends. Felix was annoyingly soft-hearted, but he was an easy little submissive bitch.
Minho watches the four of them, Chan and Han keeping their chins down while Hyunjin looks out to the dance floor, his wild, bugging eyes scouring the crowd of people on the dance floor, probably looking for you. When he gets close, Minho spins you around so that his back is facing your friends, keeping you out of Hyunjin’s sight.
“What? Is he over there?” You ask. Minho nods, locking his eyes back on yours.
“Talking to Han and Chan,” He says with caution, studying you closely, “With Felix glued to his back,” You both share a chuckle, “But… it looks like he’s looking for you… or, us, rather.”
“Great,” You sigh. Minho presses his lips together, waiting for you to say anything else. For the hundredth time, he is not Hyunjin, if you were going to back out of this, he would let you. 
Watching his mind come to a complete pause as he takes you in, you smile, then rise to your tiptoes to kiss him. Not once, but three times. On his lips, on his cheek, then his earlobe, where you whispered in his ear, “Let’s go.”
“You sure?” He questions, quite whiney, and you laugh.
“Minho!” Was all you had to say.
Strong hands move to your waist, flipping you around so that you could lead the way out of Haven without being seen by your friends. On the way to the door Minho’s fingertips press into your torso, sneaking underneath the hem of your shirt to catch a quick graze of your smooth skin. Sharing giggles, quick kisses and tiny suggestive touches, the two of you finally stumble out of the door after dodging a handful of others doing the same exact thing.
Outside on the cracked sidewalk there was a group of people passing around a joint, the smell of the drug smacking you right in the face as the heavy metal door of the bar shut behind you. Lined along the brick wall were others out here for a smoke, talking amongst themselves drunkenly loud. Twisting around in Minho’s arms, you toss one of yours around his shoulder and pop your brows.
“It’s a little crowded out here,” You joke. Rolling his eyes, Minho walks you over to the end of concrete, peering around the corner into the dark alleyway where two couples could be seen feet apart making out in the dull glow of the singular streetlight that stood out front. “You thought I was serious?!” Your tone is humorous, shifting into a laugh by the end of your words.
With darkened eyes, Minho snaps his neck to look down at you, shutting you up, “I want you so bad, I’ll fuck you right here in front of the stoners,” His voice is deep, and gritty, taking you by surprise. Minho smirks, “Don’t look so shocked, what did you think you were getting into? You’re messing with a Scorpio, babe.”
Speechless, you take your bottom lip between your teeth and press your thighs together, becoming unknowingly comparable to Felix who Minho just witnessed harboring the same issue. His sudden forwardness fueled the fire burning within you.
There’s no need for Minho to say another word. In the cool breeze of the night, he tucks you beneath his arm and hustles you past the bleary drunks, around the opposite corner you had started, leading you right up to his car. A recognizable black four door Range Rover that was always sleek and clean. 
Wiggling free from his grasp, you give him a cheeky look and hurry ahead of him, yanking on the handle of the backdoor. Smiling, Minho fumbles in his back pocket for the key, unlocking the doors for you, his passion burning deeper as you turn to him with a grin when you finally get it open.
Climbing in one knee at a time, Minho steps behind you and smacks your ass gently, giving it a squeeze straight after. Closing your eyes, your cheeks flush as you crawl across the leather seats, pursing your lips with shyness. Adjusting yourself so your feet are on the floor, you look over to Minho when the door shuts and the lights start to dim.
He appears as flustered as you, unsure of what the next move is going to be. He was surprised he made it this far.
As if you sensed it on each other, you both scoot closer toward the middle, hands nearly touching on the cushion of the backseat. With every care in the world, you lean into one another, foreheads caressing the other, lips hovering with hesitation knowing that what was about to follow was going to change the trajectory of the drama that was your lives.
A tiny, bitty piece of you was shouting no, don’t do it, but Minho’s cut body, sharp jawline and pining eyes that were undressing you at the moment overpowered that piece of you, screaming, bursting at the seams with need. 
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Minho whispers in the silence, and it’s at this moment realize how quiet it had gotten from being in the bar, to being outside, to now being in his car. His eyes flutter shut.
Lifting a hand, you brush it against his soft cheek, and cup his chin, dragging your thumb along his jaw. Minho opens his eyes, not moving a muscle until you answer him. Smiling, you give him a slight nod before turning your head to lock your lips over his. 
This kiss is immensely different from all the others shared inside, it’s actually leading somewhere. Aside from your hand on his jaw, only your lips touch. It’s soft, well thought out, and all a bit juvenile… until it’s not. A small sound, a subtle hum from Minho sets you off.
After a humiliating gasp, you’re climbing over into his lap, situating your knees on either side of his hips. Deepening the kiss, it becomes a wet, sloppy battle for who can move faster. Sliding your fingers up into his hair, he lul’s his head back onto the headrest and sighs, another whine leaving him seeming more desperate than before.
“I like that,” You mumble onto his lips, licking a stripe across his bottom lip. Taking a breath, Minho laughs within it, his eyes shut. 
“Never had a vocal boy before?” He questions, tilting to the side as you work your lips down the side of his neck once more, littering the honey colored skin with as many marks as you possibly could. Lifting your chin with a pop, after sucking at the crook of his neck so hard he whimpers again, you smize.
“Not unless he’s calling me a slut,” You say, and his eyes pop open, glaring toward you.
“You like that?” He asks. Bringing your gaze back up to meet with his, you raise an eyebrow and shrug, licking your lips. Minho eyes you curiously, then like lightning, raises a hand off your waist to grip you beneath your chin, pressing his palm against your throat. Your jaw falls open in shock, the abrupt movement catching you totally off-guard. His expression hasn’t changed, he’s still eating you alive with his eyes. 
“Forget how to use your words?” His voice is soft, yet entirely demanding, “Gonna have to talk like a big girl and ask nicely if you want me inside of you, you little slut.” Gulping pathetically, he feels it in your throat. There’s a whine that escapes you, one so quiet it could be missed if he wasn’t so enthralled with everything you did.
“Yeah,” He whispers, smirking devilishly, “You like that.”
“I do,” You breathe, answering him like he wanted you to, even if he was just messing around. You knew how to follow your rules.
“Oh my god,” He groans, releasing his grip on your neck to bury his face in it, marking your skin up just the same. Falling into his chest, tangling your fingers in his silver strands, your head falls back at the feeling of his lips on your skin, his teeth grazing along the sore spots he created. Grinding down on his lap, you moan aloud for him, one he returns, his lips vibrating behind your ear where he planted kisses.
“Minho,” You say, “Fuck this, I can’t wait,” You whine, pushing him away. With heaving breaths, he sits back, hands falling to your thighs the same as his eyes where he watches you start to mess with the button of your jeans. 
Feeling a spark in his veins, his breath hitches in his throat looking back up to your eyes that were already looking back.
“Next time we can fool around, I just need you right now,” You mutter fast, getting your zipper down at the same speed. Minho’s smile is almost nonexistent. He’s repeating your words in his head, the two at the start wiping his mind of anything else that could possibly exist. Next time.
Grabbing hold of the waistband of your jeans, Minho helps to shimmy you out of them without bumping your head on the lined ceiling of his car. He tosses them beside him, placing his hands on your knees that straddled his lap again, and slowly drug them up your bare thighs, inching closer to the place that needed him most.
Cutting him short, not wanting him to touch you until he was as exposed as you- because you knew if he did you’d both get too lost in the pleasure, and you didn’t want to come unless it was on his dick first. Minho could hold his secrets, and keep them away from you as much as he wanted, but you knew one thing to be true. Minho wants nothing more than to touch you.
Unbuttoning his pants with haste, you release a breathy sound with a smile and pull his bottoms down to his knees as he lifts his hips with you on them to help you. Glancing between your bodies that were centimeters away, you were met with everything you hoped for and more. 
“Jesus, Min,” You whisper, taking a deep breath, looking back up at him. Minho rolls his eyes and laughs.
“That’s affirming,” He mumbles, and you let his hands slide up to your hips, drawing dainty circles over the newly exposed sensitive skin, inches away from where he should be. Biting your lip, pointing your gaze down, you hear him laugh again.
“What?” You ask, obliviously cute, looking to him with wide eyes.
Minho lowers his brows in admiration and says, “It’s nice to know I’m bigger than him.”
“Oh, without a doubt,” You answer, nodding your head, your expression remaining the same.
Laughing louder, he squeezes the round of your thighs and takes a deep breath, leaning in to give you a quick messy kiss before saying, “Gonna show me what it’s like to fuck a little slut, or what?” 
Reaching for his hardened length, he intakes a sharp breath between his teeth at your touch, his eyebrows furrowing. Lifting your hips, you keep your eyes on him, his head falling back to look up at you with parted lips. His hands are stuck to your hips, making themselves at home there, his fingertips massaging your skin carefully.
Lining him up, he’s right in place, both of you ready to go. Through shared breath, your hearts are racing, but you hesitate. Composing himself as best as he could, Minho swallows hard and shakes his head a bit.
“Don’t do it if you don’t want to,” He whispers, giving you the whole truth, you could see it in his eyes.
“I want to,” You whisper back, “I want you, I need you…” Leaning into him, you crash your lips onto his at the same time you let your hips settle onto his lap, his girthy length slipping inside of you with ease.
Gasping, a wave of euphoria washes over you, your back arching you into his chest as his hips thrust up into you once he felt your slick wrap around him. Releasing a moan together, you both laugh breathlessly and subtly shift as the overwhelming sensation sucks you under.
“Oh… my god,” Minho groans from his chest, digging his fingertips into your hips. While he mentally talked down his release to himself, you swayed your hips forward and back, just slightly, to get used to the stretch. It wasn’t painful, Minho wasn’t hurting you, but he was obviously bigger than Hyunjin, something you weren’t used to.
Your body was comfortable, that much was clear, at least you could both tell by the way he so effortlessly slid into you with a shrewd squelch.
“You okay?” Minho asks as you grip him around his shoulders, chest to chest. Nuzzling his face into your neck, he presses a few soft kisses, feeling how, like him, you couldn’t catch your breath. Nodding, you sigh, and suck in a gust of air through your lips.
“Yeah,” Whispering to him, you move so you can rest your forehead on his, meeting his eyes for the first time. 
With just one look into his softened, heavy lidded eyes written in a language neither you nor Minho spoke yet, you feel him tense beneath you, a feeling that has you clenching around him without having even moved. Grabbing you tight by the waist he lifts you up so only the tip of his cock is sheathed.
“Jesus,” He mutters, his blown out pupils making you smile.
“Never thought sex would get you so spiritual, Min,” You tease.
“Shut up,” He smiles, letting go of your hips so you plop back down onto his lap. A loud moan escapes you, the sensation making you clobber your hands around him tight. “Mhm, still funny?” 
“Hysterical,” You curl your lip, then kiss him with vigor, starting to move your hips over his at an unapologetic pace. Groaning as your lips ghost his with every bounce, Minho slides his hands up your shirt and drags his fingernails down your back slowly, sliding them back up to do it again before he holds the small of your back, guiding your movement.
For minutes you stay this way, riding him on the leather seats of his expensive car, filling the empty air with filthy sounds and profanities while your hands explore each other's bodies. Minho was right, you’d never been with a guy that was as vocal as him before, not even Hyunjin. All the other guys you’ve slept with held it in, kept the sounds to themselves as if they were embarrassed, but Minho let it all go. You were certain no one would sound as beautiful as him, though. It spurred you on, let you know he was feeling incredible, and sparked the race to your release.
“Love the way you sound,” You whisper, popping your tongue out to tangle with his.
“Yeah?” He breathes, catching your lips in a kiss.
“Yeah,” You sigh, planting your hips, and twisting them in a circle. Minho screws his eyes shut, giving you a nasty sound that makes you shake.
“Fuck,” He mutters, opening his eyes, “Are you gonna come?” 
“If you keep whining like that, I will,” You say from behind clenched teeth, swirling your hips in a circle again, letting your eyes fall shut as he gives you what you want to hear. “Too soon,” You mumble, your knees involuntarily jutting into his thighs.
“No,” He groans, moving his hands back down to your hips, “Come,” He says, guiding you back into a bounce, “Next time we can fool around.” Copying your words, you give him a sly look.
Letting his hands coerce you along, every few tips of your hips you throw them in a circle, making him thrust up into you as his own release stalks him down. A guttural moan was enough to let him know he should do it again, and without thinking he does. 
The two of you cling to one another, chasing your highs, singing songs of utmost pleasure for one another, the feeling within you being pulled tighter, and tighter, until it finally snaps. Your body presses into Minho’s harder than before, locking him in place as his hips thrust up into you to ride out your high. Feeling you squeeze him tight has him spilling into you after a few more relentless bucks of his hips, definitely leaving a couple of bruises on your hips with his fingertips.
Bodies radiating with pleasure, sucking in air, shaking in aftershock like you never have, you and Minho share a slow, exhausted kiss. Parting lips, you take a few moments to gaze at one another, reveling in the euphoric feeling for a while longer.
You’re the first to break the silence, glancing to the window beside you, giggling. A smile grows on his face as he watches you, then he follows your gaze and lets out his own chuckle.
“You ever see the Titanic?” You ask, and he makes a face of disbelief.
“Have I ever seen the Titanic,” He repeats with a dramaticized eye roll, then lifts a hand to swipe across the fogged up window. It wasn’t as perfect as Kate Winslett’s, but it held the same meaning.
“How am I getting off of you without making a mess?” You whisper to him, pulling your lips into a line with a laugh. Looking down at where he was still inside of you, he pouts his bottom lip, glancing around the backseat for anything to help you guys out. Placing a hand around your back he scoots forward, taking you with him, and slips a hand in the pouch that was on the back of the passenger seat.
“Shit,” He shrugs, sitting back on the leather, “Guess we’re makin’ a mess,” He sighs, looking at you with a sweet smile, “Wait,” He stops you before you can move. Wrapping both hands around your back, he shifts slowly and carefully, keeping all extremities safe from the car set up, and he places you on your back where he can slip out of you with ease.
“Genius,” You say sarcastically. With another shrug he smirks.
“What can I say?” He plays along, reaching over your head for the panties he pulled off of you a half hour ago. Maneuvering the pair of unflattering bikini cut underwear over your feet, he slides them all the way up and plants a kiss to the inside of one of your ankles. Blushing, you turn your cheek to hide, regretting your choice of undergarments. 
Getting laid in the backseat of one of your best friends' cars wasn’t on the agenda for this evening, but here you were, with Minho helping you back into your jeans.
“Thank you,” You say, sitting up to put the button back together, and Minho, who was situating himself, shoots you a funny glance.
“Don’t thank me, you make it sound like-”
“For my pants, Min,” You laugh, leaning over to kiss his cheek. He opens his mouth to speak, then hesitates, letting it close, then open again. “You don’t have to say anything,” You whisper, and he huffs.
“But I feel like there’s so much to say,” He shakes his head, “I mean, are you kidding me? I have so much to say to you.” His tone of voice doesn’t seem to match the strength of his gaze that’s on you. Lifting a hand, you place it on his shoulder and give it a squeeze.
“I know,” You nod, your eyes wandering to the number you did on his neck, “I know you do, and I have… so much to say to you.” Looking into his eyes, the emotion within them shifted. What once was worried, and somewhat shameful, was now full of hope.
“Not now,” He says, and you nod.
“Not now,” You repeat. He maintains eye contact with you for a little while longer, then sighs and nods toward the door.
“Come on,” He says, then makes you laugh with, “It’s fucking hot in here.”
Jumping out of the Range Rover, using his hand to help you out, you and Minho both share smiles as you stretch your limbs like complete dorks. Slamming the door shut, Minho holds open his arms for you to fall into, burying your face in his chest. 
Circling his hands over your back, you want to stay right here and melt into his touch, but a person standing on the corner of the street catches your eye. They’re leaning against the building with their arms folded across their chest, looking straight at you.
“Minho?” You get his attention with a whisper.
“Hm?” He hums, looking down at you, kissing the top of your head on the way. An act that makes your knees quiver at the moment.
“Hyunjin is right there.”
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thank you for reading, I hope you’ve enjoyed this piece! 
feedback is always greatly appreciated & helps artists immensely. we also all love messages & the audience’s input, opinions, and ideas.
leave me some here! &lt;3
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hi uh i could use some advice :<
im a host of a recent system of 20-ish and guh i am t i r e d
im mainly looking for advice on how to switch or just retreat into the headspace/leave front or even just kinda stop being fully aware while still being in front for awhile bc id rlly like to take a break and the realization that im most likely front attracted/frontstuck is kinda making me more tired of being in front
also if it helps at all my(&) system is parogenic + traumagenic in origin (specifically parotraumagenic) and theres kinda iffy communication between members (some of them i have clear communication with and they randomly pop up to say stuff, some i have no idea where they are and some of them i can usually only hear when im directly interacting with them).
afaik (as far as i know) only three?? ppl have rlly "fronted" per se, and the rest have been co-con
i apologize for the long and mildly depressing ask but any help is appreciated also dont forget to hydrate
Hello! We have some posts that might help you that we’d like to share if that’s okay. The first is a post we wrote a while back with some tips on switching from our own experience:
We’d also like to share this post by @rin-and-jade on being frontstuck or frontlocked, and how to go about unsticking yourself!
Our own system host (Parker) is almost always fronting to some extent. It can certainly be exhausting and disheartening fronting nonstop, especially when other members of your system can seemingly come and go as they please. He’s going to put some info under a cut for how he copes with fronting constantly, in case you want some advice on coping with being genuinely unable to switch out!
We hope something here will be helpful for you! We’re wishing you the best of luck with switching out or at least learning how best to cope with fronting in your future!
(Host here - I’ll just write this bit if thats okay. Anyway here’s some stuff I do to deal with The Horrors of perpetual existence)
Taking a few moments to sit in comfortable silence can be useful for me when I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed or straight up exhausted. Here’s how I meditate (I’m no expert and I’m sure there’s better ways to do this… this is just what I do)
- get in a comfortable position in a quiet place where I’m not likely to be disturbed
- set a timer on my phone for 5 minutes
- close my eyes, focus on my breathing
- don’t dwell on any thoughts but also don’t push them away; acknowledge them and let them go
- try to stay still and calm until my timer goes off
And that’s it. Sometimes I get interrupted by an alter or something outside, but for the most part, this is how I’ve been able to meditate effectively.
I take naps whenever I can. I sit down whenever I can. I’ll literally just close my eyes for a few minutes whenever I can. Our body has issues with chronic fatigue, and fronting constantly can sometimes exacerbate our exhaustion. So yeah I am a huge fan of naps and will often set a timer for like 15-20 minutes and snooze whenever the opportunity arises. Even just lying down with closed eyes can help replenish some energy.
Reading, watching something on TV, or playing video games can help give me somewhat of a break even if I’m still fronting. I do tend to try and keep us distracted as much as possible… sometimes to our own detriment. But if you find that you really aren’t ever able to switch out, or if your system is specutien and that’s just the way your system functions, finding things you enjoy that can serve as distractions may help you as well.
Saying No
This one’s tough, but I’m trying to learn to say no when I’m overwhelmed or have too much on my plate. This means sometimes I’ll cancel plans, hand off a responsibility, make a compromise, or turn down an opportunity if I don’t have the energy for it.
Honestly idk how much my addition can help you, but if you find that you’re not ever able to switch out at all please know there’s other folks out there in similar positions. Hoping you can make the most of your situation, anon /genuine
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blueywrites · 1 year
I get what previous anon was trying to say. I dont think u need to write hair color or skin color for us to know that in the 1940s in the united states poc we're not happily welcomed. Eddie being white most likely was with a white woman. And i say this as a poc. Matter of fact whenever i read fanfiction i imagine reader being white in every fic even though im not white. 🤷‍♀️ Now the history of the US is not on ur hands and this is just a fun fanfic to get lost in but i do feel representation matters and i think as the author of this fic posting how u see reader kinda puts the idea in our minds that reader is white (with big boobs 🤪)This is in no way hate towards you cuz i seriously crush on you and will read anything u write. Please take this with a grain of salt as this just my 2 cents in the matter. ❤️
Hey babes! 💙 Believe me, I absolutely understand what you're saying here! My other major AU fic (TKYM) is set in modern day and, thus, it's totally believable that Sweet Girl could be any race whatsoever. I do agree with you that it's much harder with TD&TC. Inherently, considering the setting of this story is 1940s America, there has to be some MAJOR suspension of disbelief and disregard for the country's problematic history to cast Dove as anything but white. A friend of mine made an excellent point that in order for her not just to speak with her white male neighbors so comfortably, but also for the reason that they can't court to be because of fault with him and not her... Yes, 100% you would need to ignore reality and just read this story as a little escapist piece of fiction if Dove were not white. That being said, I am also very much ignoring the Great Depression and WWII as I am writing this version of the story btw, so that's in the same vein of playing pretend for the sake of enjoyment haha.
And certainly there's something to be said for the author putting an image out there of how they imagine a character, like that adds more weight to a particular interpretation. Maybe think of that this way: this is a reader insert, and I may be writing it, but I'm also reading it and loving it because I wish it was my life 😩. So I commissioned reader-insert artwork of this story where I'm very much the reader, and I just so happen to also be writing it 😂
So if anyone else wants to hit @toomanyacorns (or whomever!) up for some TD&TC artwork starring yourself as Dove, by all means, please feel free!! Or draw it yourself and please share with me because I would LOVE that! Any and all versions of Dove are welcome here 💙🪺
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iheartchv · 2 years
Hi Can You Do A Vampire Donnie x F!Reader x Mikey But In Bayverse And With Prompts And Can You Do A Lemon For It Too
89. Mating season 74. “Just relax.” 79. “Lay back and let me take care of you.” 58. Turtle bedroom 142. “Bite me.” 132. “Argue all you want, we both know you belong to me.” 123. “Don’t hold back.” 5. “MINE.” and Turning into a vampire
Alright c: i dont know if you wanted original mikey or vampire mikey, so I went ahead with the reader and 2 vampire brothers 😈 im also sorry for it being messy, short and all over the place, this is my first time writing a threesome >×<
Prompts(c) @turtle-babe83
Everyone in this is 18+ This was written by an adult for adults! No one under 18, please
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⚜Unholy Trinity⚜
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Both of your best friends had asked you the most awkward question youve ever heard.
"Well, we've been thinking since mating seasons around the corner, and we both like you, we decided to share you."
"It was my idea." Mikey chimed in. "So, what do you think, babes?"
“Bite me.” You smirked and rolled your eyes as you said this. But seeing the look in both the blues and golden eyes of the boys made something sinful awaken within you.
“Argue all you want, we both know you belong to me.”
"Us." Donnies throat cleared.
"Oh, yeah, yeah, us."
Having a threesome with Donnie and Mikey did sound tempting. You started dating them and liked both of them equally, there wasn't no way to choose between them. But of course there was your dos and donts that they would have to follow.
"Consider it done and done, dove."
"Yeah. Cant wait." Mikey said, rubbing his hands together.
The evening had finally come. Your body was burning with desire. And they knew it because when you entered Donnie's room that he built in his lab, their hands were all over you, licking and leaving open mouthed kisses on the sides of your neck, Donnie on your left and Mikey on your right.
You started losing yourself in the building pleasure when you felt a sharp pang and yelped.
"Hey, no biting."
"You didnt say biting wasnt allowed, Angelcakes." you heard the smile in his voice.
"Well, I say no biting."
“Just relax. We've got everything under control, turtle dove." Donnie explained the whole mating season situation, and biting was bound to happen, as well as turning a mate into a vampire.
"How would that work out?"
"We'll think of something, dont worry, babygirl. Just let us-" Mikey's lips wrapped around your flesh to leave a hickey "-make you feel good"
You let the feeling of pleasure roll over you once again. Mikey massaged your breast through your shirt. Donnie let his hand glide down over your hip to your thigh. Inhibitions were left behind, and you lost yourself in the burning flames of passion. After a while you could tell that the boys were getting impatient; they were hungry for you.
"So, the plan is to sex her up and then bite her?"
Its a good thing they were telepathic. It kept things a surprise from their prey. And they certainly wanted to surprise you and watch your face and reactions.
"Lay back and let me take care of you.” Mikey whispered sweetly in your ear. His older brother sat on the bed with you sitting backwards in his lap, your back against his plastron. He got on his knees and looked into your eyes, hypnotizing you. Your bottoms were off, and then Donnies hands spread your thighs, opening your glistening slit to his younger brother's view.
"Doesn't she smell good, Don?"
"Mhmmm~" He couldn't wait to have a turn to taste your arousal.
"I'm gonna eat you out good, baby" Mikey teased your inner thighs, nipping them, as he trailed up to your wet sex. His tongue slowly licked from bottom to top, tasting you. He growled when you squirmed and softly squeaked as his tongue flicked your clit.
Donnie moaned lowly as your bottom ground into his crotch, making him hard. He buried his face into the crook of your now bare shoulder, his hot tongue and breath tasting your skin again. The gasps and moans that escaped you was music to his ears
Mikey used his flexible talented tongue to thrust inside you, drawing out more of your juices. He moaned at the sweet nectar that trickled down his tongue. Your hips bucked trying to grind against his mouth to get your release. He knew you were getting close.
"Make her cum, Mikey. She's aching for it."
He smirked and sure enough made you cum on Donnie's lap. The purple masked turtle thought he was going to cum already hearing you cry out in ecstasy. The rush of hot blood and your heart echoed in his ears. His mouth watered.
"Are you alright?" they both asked.
"Yeah." You replied, trying to catch your breath and come down from your high.
"Good because..."
"We're not done yet"
Donnie shifted you to unzip his pants and let his cock spring free. It was so arousing seeing his erection between your legs, settling against your folds. You wouldve been so embaressed before, but the desire flooding your veins made you not care about anything. "Alright, princess, I'm going get myself wet, and then I'm going to enter your... 'backdoor'. I'll be slow and gentle." He whispered, and chuckled darkly when you shivered. Meanwhile Mikey already stripped and had his cock in hand, giving it slow steady strokes.
The tall terrapin held your hips and used you to coat his length from tip to base. He was secretly teasing you, rubbing his hard shaft against your slick folds, the tip brushing against your entrance.
"Donnie~" you whined.
This felt like it went on forever. But your slickness trailed down between your cheeks. You were so wet and more than ready. Your whimpers echoed through the room. Don dug out a bottle of lube from his pocket and used it to coat his finger and slowly enter his digit in your anal canal. Pain hit you at first but then it overridden by a burning pleasure.
"Oh, so tight, love. Good girl, good girl, you're taking me so well"
Mikey's strokes turned into pumps, jerking his hard on to full mast. He watched as Donnie's member slowly get swallowed by your backside. Oh he wanted to bury himself in your wet pussy. Once he saw that Don was fully seated inside, and he gave the okay from you, he slipped just the head, and then the base, halfway inside your tight,hot cavern.
He groaned "You feel so good baby. You're so tight here, too."
"Ohhhhhh~ Mikey~"
You have had sex a time or two with each of them at seperate times, and you felt full when one of them stuffed you. But now having 2 cocks, you never felt so full, so stuffed. They waited for you to tell them to move. They started slow, finding a pattern to follow.
After a short while, you whined that you needed to cum. They were at the point to where they'd cum if you did. They pulled out of you and got into position: Mikey underneath you so you could ride him while Donnie slid back into your backdoor entrance. The speed of their thrusts took your breath away. You panted and screamed as your climax was quickly approaching.
“Don’t hold back, Y/n. Let it go"
"Cum all over my cock, Angel. Cum for us."
Your whole body clenched around both cocks and gushed as you drowned in the most blissful and powerful orgasm you've had. "Oh, god! Oh, god!" You screamed. Curses and cries of pleasure filled the room, as well as the sound of slapping skin to skin contact.
Mikey and Donnie felt themselves cumming as well and prepared to bite you. “MINE.” They both roared as their muscles clamped down on their bones. Ropes of hot thick cum was pumped into you as their fangs sunk into your neck and shoulder. Your blood flowed into their mouths, finally getting a taste of your sweet blood.
You had passed out from the intense orgasm and awoke snuggled between a turtle sandwich. Mikey was worried but Donnie explained that they didnt drink enough to kill you. He wouldn't let that happen. The backs of your hands was kissed by your lovers.
"Angelcakes, we didn't kill you" he said with a smile
"No, but I'm feeling a little woozy."
"Here, I'll get you some water and supplements."
You were being taken care of throughout the night and experienced a night of passion with both Mikey and Donnie, both offering something different each turn.
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2ofswords · 5 months
I will say that the whole "does writing have meaning" poll got to me. Do you really value writing that little? I already knew that writing is less liked and more scrutinized than art on this side but like... come on!
If someone whould say "does art need to convey a meaning" you would all be laughing at them. Espacially if we think about modern art and their comentary on color, composition and materials, which appear simple but DO in fact convey a lot of meaning, if in a more abstract sense. (Same btw with for example Dada-literature and more abstract writing, which is written as an answer to a literature crisis, that questions the inherent meaning of writing as a direct relation to objective truth. Instead it invoces material, assoiative and affective reactions, that also convey... well... meaning.) Writing is a medium, it conveys meaning! That is literally what it is supposed to do! In what way and how and how successfull we can talk about. And I am not saying that this meaning has to be clear cut and objective. But it doesn't need to do that, sure, but... it just does. All the fucking time!
Secondly... it does ring a little bit anti-intelectual to me. "Writing doesnt have to have meaning" is only refrasing the fucking "why is the curtain blue"-argument. "Oh it doesn't have to have meaning, what if the author just wrote it for fun, what if there is no meaning at all? See, I don't have to think about meaning, I can just enjoy a thing without thinking about implications, and certainly I can write things without having those pescy themes and implications in mind!" Which... fair enough, you can just like a thing sometimes and don't need to hyper-analyse that if you dont want to. That is completely up to you! But... come on! You can not care about the meaning if you want to but implying that it isnt there is doing everyone a disservice: the writer, the written work and also other people who try to find meaning! If you write something for fun, you have a reason you find this thing fun! Others have reasons to find it fun! Are you actually implying that your enjoyment isn't meaningful or doesnt have a meaningful reason/origin? Think higher of yourself and your opinions!
(Btw, this reason doesn't have to be a moral one. But calling it meaningless? Your opinions aren't meaningless! There is meaning in what you enjoy! There is a reason the artwork is the way it is and how and why it affects you! That can be a direct statement you vibe with, an implication, an association or even material (e.g.: liking the way a thing is written or how it is structured.))
And yes that does mean, that you as an author need to think about the meaning of your work! You simply do, at least if you value your art. You dont need to hyper-analyse every little bit of it but at least take some time to reflect. Why do you think it works? Does it convey what you want properly? Why do you like the things you like? Does it tranfer into what you wrote? Those things are also meaning! "Isn't this cool?" is meaningful! Creating tension is meaningful! Wanting to affect others is meaningful! Sharing your passions is meaningful! Why we react to certain things in certain ways is meaningful! Meaning is everywhere and so is beauty and you are able to find it both outside and in yourself!
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shoyoist · 1 year
Hello rekha! I hope this isn't weird or anything but you talked about planning your day in another ask and i was wondering if you could share some tips 🥺
Trying to get my shit together. But i'm very bad at sticking to a schedule no matter how i try. Since you have a day-to-day plan, how do you stick to it? 😭
hello<3 no it's not weird, dont worry! in fact another anon asked the same thing, hehe. so here you are<3 let me give you some tips that helped me stick to a schedule/organized routine best.
number one is to fix how you make your schedule.
the whole "wake up at 7" "breakfast at 8" "biology homework at 9" "chemistry assignment at 10" thing is self sabotage, imo. if i miss my alarm or something and wake up at 8 instead, it ruins the whole flow of the day and i dont have the motivation to do anything at all after failing the first step.
so the first thing i did was get rid of strict timestamps. instead, i write down a number of tasks for the day, starting from most important to least important (based on deadlines and all) and give myself the entire day to complete them. no "this at 8, this at 9" nonsense!
limiting the number of tasks in a day is also important. if you set too much work for a single day, then you'll likely get tired halfway through and leave most of your tasks undone. so instead of say, ten tasks a day, do five tasks in two days!
it's very important to stick to this for the first week or so to clear up the clutter. deep clean your room/home, finish up your homework or any important tasks, whatever. once you're done, you'll be in a much better headspace (and have more physical space too) to carry out your daily life. it'll definitely help you stick to your future to-do lists, plans and schedules.
and when you're making a schedule, give yourself as much time as possible! for example, if doing things day by day gets too tedious or crowding you can extend it to a week. list down all the things you need to do during the week, and depending on importance, complete them one by one. just finish everything by the end of the week!
if you make schedules like this though, the problem is that new things will certainly pop up through the week. so it's important to prioritize your tasks, complete them asap and to not fill up the list too much. do it in your own time, but never give yourself too much slack.
+ for long periods of work/school, try using the pomodoro method! if you haven't heard of that already, it's a system where you do your work for [set amount of time] and take a break for [set amount of time] throughout the day. for example, you do 2hrs of work and take a 30min break. and then you do 2hrs of work again, followed by another 30min break. i've found it really helpful and productive!
and well, balance and discipline is very important! it's tough at first no matter what, but consistency is key, so don't ever give up <33
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corpsesbaby-main · 2 years
i've actually been trying to find your blog for weeks to not only binge atp for the millionth time but to reblog it with comments as i finally made time to do it 😅 i'm sorry for being part of the problem!
i'm a writer (yikes i know) who's dealt with a similar issue on wattpad where the only interactions i got were people adding my stories to reading lists, so likes are super rare and i literally don't know the last time i got a comment or a reply to a comment (and i doubt ny notifications go back far enough to see 🙃). it's one reason why i've kind of stopped putting stuff on there (again: yikes i know).
yet i'm terrible at commenting?? especially on here because i always want to write an essay everytime because i know how much work goes into writing something as short as a blurb so i feel bad about writing a 'i love this!' even though i personally enjoy those comments? no one will be more pissed or confused about me being affected by yet contributing to this problem more than me. again, i'm sorry. i know much a heart emoji means and how much silence hurts.
i'm so sorry that i contributed to your frustration.
i adore atp and your writing but never knew how to put it into words (ironic). i'm angry at myself for not supporting my fellow writers especially seeing how many fic writers are talking about the lack of comments are discouraging and angry for contributing to this problem. and to anyone reading this or other fic writers' vents, non-fic writers like me and published writers are having issues getting feedback. (hence why i said no one is more pissed about my lack of comments than me)
i hoped tumblr was glitching when i was having issues finding atp until i saw the asks and your answers. you have every right to be angry and upset and disappointed in readers like me. anyone who says otherwise is a dick because it's true.
i'm sorry i waited too long to try and reblog and comment. i truly am and i hope you enjoy finishing atp and any other works for yourself 💙 if you ever decide to share your writing again, i will be sure to reblog and comment with everything.
thank you for apologising lovey and i completely understand! it's not you in particular that made me leave, just a collective problem if that makes sense? i don't bear any ill feelings towards anyone in particular just more how this like-culture has formed bc of tik tok and instagram and users of tumblr not using tumblr the way they did 5 years ago when my stuff was actually reblogged
the only thing that genuinely grinds my gears (besides the like problem) is that ive received asks of anons telling me im being 'hurtful to fans' when i say that everyone who just liked and never reblogged or even send an ask yk were part of the reason i left and refuse to roll out chapter after chapter, request after request with the same people demanding more to get nothing in return. the fanfics everyone reads are already free, so are reblog, yk?
as if i want fans? i just want a community and people who support me in my writing and who i can support back in whatever they create, who chat with me not just about my fics but fandoms in general, life, etc! and thats not achievable through likes
thank you for also giving some perspective! it's good that more writers step up and talk about this and offer a different viewpoint to those who don't write bc it's impossible to know how discouraging this feels until you're in the middle of it. im sorry you feel that way too and that people interact so little with your works as well! im not sure if you're a corpse writer and i havent read corpse stuff in so long but if you are, send me some of your stuff and i'll be happy to read and comment! ❤️ (this goes for everyone btw for most fandoms)
and i completely get being horrible at commenting! i always write essays too (especially on ao3 lmao) and i understand how you wanna carve out some time to do so!
i dont know if tips will help you and i certainly dont wanna tell you what to do but maybe i can give some tips in general to fic readers reading this:
i have a fanfiction sideblog (which i will not share bc there's shit on there that's between me, the author who wrote it, and god) bc i didn't want to reblog on the account i post my own writings on, mainly bc i feel like it will annoy people if i reblog every fic i read bc... there are a lot lmao. so first tip is maybe run a sideblog where you just reblog fics you've read and loved?
second tip is to have a queue running if you're scared it will annoy people?
i have a system where i reblog when there's a fic i see that i wanna read but i dont have the time for yet and tag it with 'to read' then i'll reblog it again with insight/comments. that way the post is in circulation and even if i dont get to it ever, i've still helped out he author?
i hope you don't feel too guilty. it's something we all have to work more on to make sure writers feel more appreciated! i genuinely dont have any vendetta or ill feelings towards you or anyone, i just choose to write for myself now <3
feel free to dm me any time if you wanna chat! im genuinely open to sharing my works with the friends ive made on here and other writers!
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it could be us
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authours note: -don’t-know-what-was-writing. this made me physically cringe. I do know how to write I promise.
not eddited
word count: 1.1k
cw: none
paring: Kiyoko Shimizu x Hitoka Yachi
written by: H
“How are you still single, I mean look at you” a laugh escaped the blonde as she pointed out the absurdity of the statement as she pointed out how obviously attractive the woman sitting across from her was. Hitoka herself was sitting crossed legged in a wide cushioned chair, hair pulled back into a ponytail and a selcheligj book in her lap.
“actually my flirt game isn’t terrible, just the person I’m interested in is about as observant as a cabbage” The gray eyed girl said leaning back on her chair before looking up at the person across from her, face showing a light blush at the subject of her love life in the first place. It’s not something she and ever really focused on, it had always been work rather than school as top priorities, there was something ironic about falling for your best friend in a way. It leaves much less to be discovered, less to be infield from the depths of the soul.
“Seriously, who is it? You get so much attention and do nothing with it, do you not want someone to spend your day with?” It was a simple question really, but oh so difficult, there was no point in trying to hide it, she wasn’t in reality but nothing seemed to get through to Hitoka, a lighthouse couldn’t help how obvious it was.
“What if I don’t think it would work out?” She asked the same deadpan expression as before.
“You only live once.” It one of those gem of advice you give out but refuse to follow yourself, their was at least the case for Hitoka, times like these were when it was really put to merit.
Kiyoko was almost flustered at what she was about to say next, “Hypothetically I do tell them, How would you want to be asked out then? What’s the best way?” It felt like a stupid question afterwards while silence filled the room.
“I suppose I would just want asked something like ‘I want you in every way, I don’t care what happens I just want to be yours’ the simple things, there’s no need for a big romantic gesture” the blood rushed to her cheeks as she answered, a doozy smile cursing her lips and a almost whimsical tone. 
“Okay then” 
“Okay what? You can’t just answer okay and stop talking.” She was still smiling but obviously a nervous tension was rising. She hated how easy it was for her to get nervous at any small thing. Being around Kiyoko and became strangle comforting in most situations, it wasn’t expected fro: twitcher part but it was a welcome surprise 
“Hitoka, I want you in every way, I don’t care what happens I just want to be yours, I don’t care if other disagree with it or deem it as wrong, I want to be with you, every part of you inside and out” it was exactly her style, sharp hot and loaded. It was practically a gut punch to the woman of her interest, the apple of her eye, who was now receding more in a tightly packed sphere.
“I’m sorry what, please dont be messing with me, I-“ her words trembled as they fell out of place
“I’m serious” there was a sense of urgency ready to break through the illusion of serenity 
There was a fleeting glance between the two, her gray eyes were as if a siren's voice they shared the same power, it would be stupid to admit that she had thought about Kiyoko in that way, most who got a good look at her had “What? No you can not be.”
“I mean it, I care about you more than I can put into words.”
“Why didn't you say anything sooner?” She sounded small, almost childlike, she certainly felt like one for not realizing sooner.
Urgency rang in her voice like a siren, it was seemingly more useless at getting the point across “Because I knew you’d react like this” the simple questions were the hardest to answer.
“Why should I not react like this when a 12 out of 10 can say that?” 
“What else do you need to hear” 
“Do you mean it, please don’t be messing with me, you better not be-“ it was irresistible to stop looking between her eyes and lips in a calculated pattern
She cut the woman off while waiting to speak again. “Hitoka” there was another pause, her tone was a whip in the air. “Listen to yourself” it sounded harsh, it was harsh but it was something that had to be heard. 
There was no point in listening, there was the pounding of blood in her ears over shadowing anything else important, her mouth was dry, her eyes glued shut in disbelief. It was an easy choice whether to stay and listen or to run from what it cloud meant, what did she want it to mean? 
All of a sudden there was no desk separating them, there were now two hands joined in way of leaving this behind to fester. Kiyoko wasn’t going to let this be hurried alive, how could she? The feel of soft skin grazing made Hitoka practically melt, you could feel her rain heartbeat like you could see waves on the ocean.
It didn’t take long to consider if she wanted this, she wanted this more than she knew what to do with, the gap between the two separated, It took five seconds for the two to be forced together with a stitch, a world of passion to open up with a single kiss, heads tilted leaning over the space dividing them as if pulling the two together till the gap was filled, hands entangled, running through hair. This wasn’t like any other kisses either had experienced before, this was a moment nearly lost in time, just the two of them, gray eyes sparkling, breath heaving passion still in the air connecting the unlikely pair 
“You're serious.” It was less of a question, more of a statement, a statement filled with shock and curiosity of what this could mean for anything and everything.
“I am” she said just as blind as before still slightly out of breathe, there was a look of succession showering her 
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protagonistheavy · 1 year
I recall you stating on Twitter once that writing has "so little value to lose". Considering you're a writer yourself, I see that as quite self-deprecating. So, I'm going to ask you: Why do you believe that writing has "so little value to lose"?
My tweet was in regards to obstacles towards successful writing: the algorithm, and the modern culture of reading. Both are just extremely steep odds that work against writers at every turn. The algorithm assumes writing is just a waste of space on someone's feed and always requires a link to take people elsewhere; this means not only is my art getting deprioritized just because it's writing, but also deprioritized further because twitter doesnt want you clicking off of twitter, and so it suppresses links.
The other problem is with how people engage with writing. Reading tends to be a very intimate act, and so sharing writing has the consequence of making yourself "vulnerable," in the sense that someone might read what you shared and then make some wild judgement about what interested you about that writing. As a result, people don't share tweets about writing, they don't want to discuss writing, and so it remains an unpopular topic. So much writing is lost to the wind on social media because just, no one wants to talk about it. No one wants to be the weirdo sharing writing.
It's bad to do this as much as I do, but when you compare writing to visual art, it's just a total no contest -- visual art wins every single time. People want to look at something and be wowed within a window of 0.6 seconds. Reading requires investment, to set time aside and be absorbed into a story; your average user on twitter doesnt have time for that, even if theyre in your key audience and would LOVE to read your story, they dont often think about coming back and reading a story that they scroll past on their feed.
All this together makes writing as an art feel worthless. I write as a career, I write multiple hours every day, I have a whole schedule so that my creations get completed. And yet I get a fraction-of-a-fraction of appreciation for it compared to visual artists. I hate saying this but even your dinkiest, lamest, uninspired art piece will get 10x the interactions of a 12,000 word story that took months to complete -- 10x the number of people who will actually even SEE your creation, let alone engage with it. I rarely get reviews or comments, I rarely get praise from my audience, but any artist can shit out a drawing and almost certainly at least one person will pass by and give it a like. Writing is not appreciated that way in our culture, people frankly do not want to read when they can get much more satisfaction much more quickly just by scrolling through an image search.
I love writing but I cant deny that it often feels futile with regards to getting recognized on any level. I'm grateful for the audience I do have, but I'm undeniably jealous of the popularity visual artists get -- a constant reminder that all my hours and days of work, across years of self-publishing, pales in comparison to the art form I wish I had talent in. And always making it worse is some algorithm or another, something made by some crew of people who acknowledged that writing sucks, reading sucks, and people don't want to have it clogging up their social media feeds.
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dailytatsu · 3 years
Hello! I saw request were open so i was wondering if i could request some headcanons of the Archons and/or the Adepti meeting a God reader who is the God of Chaos and destruction. The reader is not a Archon tho and travels all over Teyvat cuz small bits of destruction were ever they go. They're pretty mischievous and somewhat smug but despite how they act they're actually a good person. They dont mean to cause problems(most of the time anyways) chaos follows them were ever they go. Idk if you have a character limit but if you do please tell me so i wont make a mistake again. And if there is you can just do Zhongli and Xiao. Optionally could you make them a dendro user, there not a lot of dendro content and if not thats fine. I understand. Could you make the reader Gn or Non-binary they/them pronouns please? If not male reader is totally fine. Im so sorry for the long post and I hope you have a good day/night!
Ohmy, it’s my first time just writing headcanons! I’m use to write a lot, so let’s hope I did it right (^ ^' )7
Thanks for the request! ✨
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[HC] God of Chaos! Reader and the Archons + Xiao
Characters: Zhongli, Xiao, Venti, Shogun Raiden (Ei).
Gn! Reader
I tried doing it with everyone but I’m no still that confident to try writing with some characters _| ̄|○
Sorry for any mistakes!
Request are open!
Genshin Masterlist
Second part ->
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To be honest, he didn't notice your presence at first. He had other concerns on his mind that day to perceive the chaotic (and slightly threatening) aura that Mondstadt was infected with that day.
Barbatos is a person of habit, so he couldn't help but be curious when the crowd in front of him began to look a little agitated instead of seeming to enjoy his lyre and his songs.
But then a series of domino events appeared in front of his very eyes.
The purity of the chaos was such that he felt overwhelmed, even without the white-haired boy around, if it wasn’t Bennett fault, then how was it possible for everything to be ruined in such a short time?
His patience ended when, out of nowhere, the strings of his lyre jumped close to his face as they snapped. Making that awful noise that couldn’t mean nothing good.
Okay, enough, who is messing around in here? No more joking in his nation!
He concentrated a little, a faint but unique presence kept his nerves on edge, as if he was being watched from afar. He moved away from the busy areas and then chased that ephemeral energy to the highest point of the church, where the bells were ringing in an irregular and stressful way.
Then he found you. Snoozing against one of the columns, somewhat tired because the trip you made to reach Mondstadt.
Surprisingly, Barbatos understood you since the first exchange of words. A god of chaos who was also a free spirit, you followed no rules ever written in Teyvat, and you had no plans to apologize for the mess you made.
Both of you were Zhongli’s worst nightmare, but that’s another story.
He managed to through your arrogance and your teasing nature that you, in fact, were a lonely spirit that liked to witness the life from above of everyone.
The difference between teasing someone accidentally and committing a crime was really visible, but he still couldn't help but feel like he should scold you after your mere presence messed up with the guild's baskets full of fish.
But hey! He also enjoy the company! Venti tried to teach you how to enjoy the calm and the whisper of wind, music can also contain chaos, feelings, old stories waiting to be told again, expressions and desire united, in a wonderful piece of-
As you yawned his lyre broke up again. Making clear the message.
Okay, not even God of Freedom and Wind can control chaos. Anyways, what a tragedy, but there’s nothing a simple bard can do, smh.
“Do you like kids, don’t you?” He said once, after a nice day of hearing him sing before your chaos reached his little concert. Again watching everyone from above on the hands of the statue, with your attention caught by some kids playing tag.
“… I don’t know what do you mean.” Once discovered you had no choice but to remain defensive, pretending to be disinterested.
“Heh, you aren’t a good liar.” It may not be the wisest thing to make fun of someone who could destroy the place where you were resting, but Venti was confident that he knew you well enough to know that you were not so explosive. “You know!, I just have some pieces, but I think it’s because they are little walking concentrations of pure and innocent chaos, am I wrong?”
He wasn’t, no at all. But you would never confess something that embarrassing.
This guy wrote a ballad about the days when Mondstadt got immerse with that strike of bad luck. Kind of an apology of not being able to handle the situation.
Now there’s the rumor that says that, every time somebody sings that song, something unlucky will happen in front of you.
The song is cursed.
One night when the moon was shining on the Cider Lake his well tuned ears distinguished a melody that was broken from time to time by the accidents of his performer, distracting him of his way to look for you.
It could be painful to listen to, but Venti could certainly feel the dedication of the one who was playing the imperfect song.
The ballad of the god of chaos, hummed like a lullaby that instead of making you sleep makes you question the events of the day. Wishing for the slightest thing to be different after an exhaustive week of peace and tranquility.
A lonely spirits cursing their existence, sitting in the highest point of a stranger’s palace, where you can reach the sky by only rising your hand.
The next day, Barbatos invited you to drink some wine, this time near Windrise to avoid accidents in the city.
As he almost dropped the bottle when a lot of slimes were attracted by your presence, he confirmed the theory about that the way to spend time with you would not be his personal definition of hanging out.
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Okay, there’s only two scenarios that could happened when you set a foot in Liyue.
Old man has a soft spot for you for being a relative young deity.
Or he’s always lecturing you for not having control of your aura and powers.
How u dare bringing chaos to the nation of order? It’s that a death wish?
Jokes aside, you’re not really a threat. And he could sense that after he saw how you tried to avoid having direct contact with the city. Rex Lapis found your silhouette jumping and crossing through the mountains until reaching the fairest point that allowed you to enjoy the view of the streets that were filled with life and light as the sunsets.
He even noticed how you sighed in frustration when a storm started out of nowhere. A rain dedicated just for the arriving of the God of Chaos. Not even bothering of getting shield, you stayed in your place to look at all the people who were getting back to their places.
The rain seemed to stop over your head, for a second was enough to stop you from being cruelly swamped by the very weather you had created. An elegant umbrella covered you, the long awaited surprise you expected from someone as outdated as Morax.
You looked up, and found his expression calm and attentive, watching you. As if he had made a great discovery that he could not believe
“May I have a moment of your time to keep you company? Letting out your sorrows in the middle of a torrential storm is not what I would recommend as way to spend a good day.”
“… What are you talking about? Get in your own business, old man.”
“Well, you should know that a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.”
Next time you knew was that he was helping you to dry your hair with a towel once you let him guide you to his place.
Zhongli picked you up like a abandoned cat that day. Even if having you near meant to deal with new the roof leaks.
Also kept you away from Hu Tao, if you two ever get along for being partners in crime he would seal himself underground-
For all the time you spend exploring Liyue, there he was. Like a little kid showing his treasures. But also like a worried father looking after his child for them not to stumble making their first steps.
Look at you! Almost crushing those Treasure Hoarders when a bunch of rocks fell down after you jumped at the edge of the cliff.
Wait, no- come back here! You should verify the surroundings and be aware of the weight of your power if you’re going to explore in that bold way. You, chaotic brat.
Another one who believed fervently that your mood was to blame for the constant chaos you caused. He also tried to show you the wonders of peace and calm, teaching you how to prepare tea while listening to the storyteller (also both being a little far away from the rest of them, just in case).
He couldn’t help but sigh when the teapot arm broke as soon as you tried to serve the tea. What a waste, he thought.
You apologized to him, kind of stressed with yourself after you took all the pieces with your bare hands to run away with them. Leaving a confused Zhongli behind.
Next day you were back, with the teapot repaired and just like new.
He let out a lot of thankful words, some flattering and a lot more cheesy things that you never had received before.
With that unexpected affection you couldn’t help but react flustered; then a cat that was chasing a bird jumped through a lot of decorations and merchandise, almost starting a fire as the chained events kept going.
Yeah,, uh, Zhongli got some useful mental notes about you and your chaos that day.
Hey, before you go, want to make a contract? You won’t regret it!
But as the wandering spirit you were you had no problems in reject his offer, but also promising that you would visit Liyue if he wanted you to.
Of course he wanted! But.. maybe next time you should stay in Huaguang Stone Forest instead of roaming near the city,,
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Tried to kill you.
I mean, your aura is threatening and full of a destructive energy, how is possible that you weren’t a demon to eradicate??
Sorry, but he had a point.
Your first met was on your way to reach Huaguang Stone Forest along with Zhongli for introduce you with the Adeptus.
Xiao, in the other side, thought that you were about to attack Morax from behind, so he just struck against you. With his polearm near to go through your chest, just stopped because you felt him before.
Lifting your hand at his direction, summoning chaos, this time, on purpose. The wind gained a wrathful nature and the biggest roots that were hiding under his feet rose to caught him.
And when you were about to hit each other Zhongli’s shield appeared just in time to separate both of you. Preventing a real catastrophic event.
Now stop fighting and introduce to each other.
Nice(n’t) to meet u.
What if you tried to awake Azhdaha to bring chaos and destruction to Liyue? What if you wanted to summoned Osial? What if… ?
Zhongli had to confirm and promise to him that those cruel possibilities won’t be a near future for respecting the real reason of your travel.
No matter if he wasn’t comfortable with your presence, it wasn’t his decision to allow you to roam freely, so he had to get use to it.
He immediately knew after hearing about your nature that was your fault that lately there were a lot more demons and monsters. Even his karma was getting more painful than usual.
(If you ever meet Hu Tao, please think twice before doing Xiao a prank)
You both didn’t interact a lot, and being honest, it was better that way.
He hadn’t a single intention of talking with you again until the day you were practicing the song that your Anemo friend taught you. By the other hand, Xiao noticed that the melody had the same nature as the one he once heard before being consumed by the karma.
It wasn’t a flute, but a worn lyre that was still in one piece after weeks of being repaired again and again.
“That song… ”
“Do you know it?” Xiao just nodded, staying in silence, being your very first audience even if you still have a lot to learn about playing a lyre.
It wasn’t as effective as the original, but was still… nice, kind of nostalgic.
Next morning, the Yaksha called for you. Made you stay still in the middle of a plain and then he disappeared of your sight.
He abandoned y- wait, what’s that? Why those monsters has that weird dark aura?
You were about to defend yourself until Xiao appeared back just in time to defeat them.
That day you became his personal bait for demons and monsters. Naturally you attracted chaos, so anyway you were, there will be also something to fight.
I guess this is your way to pay for all the troubles you made for him and his duty, so no complaining about it.
If you ask for a unexpected experience to Ganyu she would said that once she found both of you fighting along against the catastrophe, looking after each other’s back and almost having a perfect synchrony.
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Also tried to kill you.
Well, the puppet tried to.
And then Ei tried when you had the opportunity of facing her.
But since killing a god just mean the releasing of a lot, pure, energy she couldn’t afford that risk, much less considering your “speciality”.
Who knows what would happen to Inazuma if your vital energy burst across the nation. Just like that old story about Sal Terrae and their goddess.
She just defeated you. Letting you rest and recovering in the midst of the plane of her reality within her mind. Your inert body in the middle of the battlefield as she kept meditating.
When you woke up she ignored your presence, but also denying your complaints about letting you go out back.
In her words, you were a burden, another enemy of eternity. Something as unpredictable as you and your “accidents” couldn’t get along with her utopia.
Ei could banish you from Inazuma, but she knows your type. Stubborn and not accepting the most simple orders to obey.
She knew that you would found a way to be back.
It’s better like this.
And in the hypothetical case of you being freed when she trapped the traveler (kicking you out) and then having a chance to see her again after the end of the war, then things would be somewhat different.
There’s not that much of civilization on some islands, so she allowed you to explore as much as your heart wanted. But if something serious happen, she promised that would end her work in the middle of the sea so your remains never be found.
Okay, message clear. Just do chaos near monsters and bandits, got it,,
Even if she wanted to spend some time with you and telling you some stories about Inazuma and other gods she couldn’t found the right time to call you at her presence.
As the current ruler of Inazuma she was busier than the rest of Archons you have meet. Maybe just some letters now and then like a way to keep a logbook, but not really a face to face talk.
Until she got the opportunity of a day off, just to found you messing around near some ruins. Trying to solve a puzzle before your speciality strikes in. The structure fell down after your fingertips reached the stone.
When the dust dissipated, you discovered her figure judging you from the other side of the remain ruins.
Give her a good reason for not errase you from the map, I dare u.
You felt the worst was about to come when Ei ordered you to follow her after a long sigh. Crossing her arms and starting to walk away from the bunch of old and worn rock.
Plot Twist, she actually invited you to rest under a tree, asking in her serene voice the reason for your journey and your origin. In such a direct way that it seemed more like a sentence than a talk to get to know each other better.
You answered what you could remember and then the silence stayed like the only way of interaction between you two.
Ohno, you know this pattern. Something’s about to happen-
“There is some strange beauty in the chaos, it may be the calm after the storm, but the catastrophe itself is seen as a necessary evil to appreciate the stillness. How much it would last until the lighting hit the valley?”
“So I arrived to keep order between the humans?”
Well yes, but actually no.
“… You see, if there is nothing but order and a lack of problems, mortals are likely to create them on their own. Their minds feels the need to be tested, to prove their worth, so I guess some of your chaos may be part of the history.”
“… then shall we take a walk in Inazuma?” You did not know if you were right, but you thought you saw a faint smile through his lips in the same way that lightning can be seen in the sky.
“I’ll allow it.” She said.
Her only condition was for you not to approach the huge boxes of fireworks down the street.
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