#like this is a 16 yo boy who’s never dated anyone and who can’t talk about his emotions for shit. I think u might be safe actually
yellowraincoat · 2 years
The funniest thing reading the hollow boy for the first time as a 19 year old was that Lucy was so very concerned about Lockwood picking Holly over her, and yeah maybe Lockwood had the tiniest of crushes on Holly for a minute there. Maybe.
But at the end of the day, Lucy, I guarantee you, the hottest 18 year old girl you’ve ever seen does not want ur 16 year old boyfriend. She’s got better options available to her, I promise u.
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willow-tree-writes · 4 years
❀Bet {1}❀
JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: You were always the good girl that didn’t do anything outside your parents’ wishes. Including dating bad boys. Out of the blue, the baddest of boys comes and asks you on a date. The catch? You don’t know quite yet...
Request: N/A
Author’s Note: This idea is kind of based off 10 Thing I Hate About You. Great movies, if you haven’t watched it, please go watch it.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Cursing
!I don’t own this gif!
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“He’s a bad boy, Di.” You didn't look up from your notebook as you finished your poem for English.
Dina, who sat next to you at the library table, huffed. “But he’s so your type - blond hair, blue eyes, built like a God. He’s the whole fucking package.” 
You rolled your eyes, closing the notebook and turning to her. “Who drinks, smokes, and has sex with anything that breathes with a vagina. I want someone a little more stable.”
She groans, throwing her head back. “You’re a 16 year old virgin, Y/N. Stability is a middle-aged person thing.”
You laugh a little and shake your head. “One, it’s not. Two, even if I was interested in him, there’s no way in hell he’d ever notice me.”
She smirks, hearing your second point as you possibly being interested in the boy. “I can think of a way for you to get his attention…”
“No.” You frantically shake your head. “Hell no.”
“Come on! You never go!” 
You laughed. “Yeah, cause I don’t feel like getting drunk around a bunch of fake people.”
She pouted. “Come on…” She whined. “Just one! I promise I won’t leave your side for a second, or get drunk.”
You sigh, shaking your head. You were about to say no when you looked at your best friend. She displayed a puppy dog face. You sigh again, closing your eyes. “Just this one time.” She never did the puppy dog face unless she really wanted something.
She squealed, jumping up from her seat. “Yes!” 
The librarian, who was a good distance from you two, looked in your direction at Dina’s outburst. “Shh!”
She giggled out an apology before suffocating you in a hug.
You were so going to regret this.
JJ plopped down in his seat at the cafeteria table. “Yo, John B, watch this.” He hit his friend lightly on the arm as he grabbed a french fry. 
Kie rolled her eyes from where she sat. “Do you always have to do this?”
He ignored her as he tossed the french fry up in the air, catching it in his mouth long ways.
John B chuckled. “How long did it take you to do that?” 
He shrugged, chewing the fry. “Fucking long enough to be appreciated.”
Everyone at the table snorted at JJ’s comment. Their laughs died quickly when a few Kooks came over and sat at their table around them.
“You guys lost or something?” 
The one that seemed to be the leader of the pack, Gavin they thought his name was, spoke. “I was actually looking for a favor.”
“Look elsewhere.” John B answered, sitting back a little.
JJ looks at the fake watch on his wrist. “Come back when we’re working. Oh, wait, that’s never.”
Gavin rolled his eyes a little. “We both know I can pay. So humor me.”
JJ crossed his arms. “You humor us.”
“I need one of you to trick a girl for me.” He looked at the boys, but specifically John B and JJ. 
They all laugh a little. “Sorry, but that’s not our thing.”
One of the Kook goons patted his friend on the back. “You didn’t let him finish.”
JJ rolled his eyes and signaled for Gavin to continue.
“She’s right over there.” He points across the cafeteria to a H/C girl sitting with a brunette. “Her best friend is a total babe. But she won’t date anyone unless the both of them are getting some.”
John B shook his head. “And I’m guessing that’s where we come in?”
JJ speaks up before Gavin can say anything more. “Why can’t you get one of your ‘friends’ to do your dirty work?”
“This girl has specific tastes. And one of them is she prefers anyone but Kooks.” Gavin looks away from the two girls and back at the two boys. “So, what do you say? Will one of you take the offer?”
The table was silent for a moment. Kie was disgusted with the premise of using a girl just to get into another girl’s pants. Pope was glad he didn't get rope into this. John B knew sure as hell he wasn’t going to do this. But JJ, he was actually considering it.
“Alright, bet.” JJ says after a while, shoving a french fry in his mouth. “I’ll do it.”
Gavin smiles and pats him on the back. “That’s what I’m talking about, man. Her name is Y/N.”
“Now that’s what I’m talking about, girl!” Di squeals as she looks you up and down.
You were in a pair of black ripped jean shorts that kept riding up on your thighs. Your F/C crop top barely covered any part of your stomach, also riding up every now and then. You didn’t do much with your hair, not wanting to seem like you got really ready for a Kegger Party.
Di drags you to where most people are. “Thank my mom. I was going to come in tights and a t-shirt.” You mumbled.
She rolls her eyes playfully as she shoves a red solo cup in your hand. “Of course you were.”
“What’s in this?” Sloshing the liquid inside, it looked like a cheap substitute for red wine mixed with hard beer.
She shrugged and grabbed your arm, pulling you where more people were. “Who cares! Let loose for once and have some fun!”
You laugh a little and look back at the contents of your cup. Maybe a couple sips wouldn’t be that big of a deal.
Boy was that a bad idea.
The alcohol tasted cheap and went down like a child scared of a waterslide. It also hit you like a truck on an icy road.
You didn’t realize this until you were babbling on about the horrible quality of the education system to some poor Touron from Maine. Di, who had had way more to drink than you, was right behind you, laughing every once in a while at what you said. 
“I mean, who the hell cares about proofs? I shouldn’t have to prove shit!” It’s not like you even drank a lot. You had, at most, four sips.
The Touron was a mix between an uncaring tipsy and a concerned sober. “I need to get another drink.” He got up and, without waiting for you to respond, rushed off away from the kegger.
Not processing he was ditching you, you waited nice and patiently for him to return. You waited five minutes. Which turned to ten minutes. Then twenty. Then thirty. Then Di had to come over and correct your thinking.
“Girlie,” she slurred, almost tripping on you. She did seem to have sober up a little bit. “He’s gone gone. Like so gone.”
You sighed, helping her stand up properly. In the back of your mind you knew you overstepped, but you couldn’t say it.
After you were sure she could stand up on her own, you said, “I think I’m gonna-”
You had started to turn around and head towards the kegger when the sudden appearance of a body set you landing down right on your ass.
“Mother of all ducks and gooses…” You mutter, rubbing the part of your butt that wasn’t completely in the sand.
A hand popped in front of your face. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
The voice was one you didn’t really recall. But the face… If the blow to your ass didn’t sober you up, the thought of talking to this boy would have.
His smile was goofy, but presented itself like he knew how he made girls feel. Which he did. “Y/N, right?”
How the hell did JJ Maybank know your name? There was no way he should have known your name. It was impossible.
You felt a nudge on your shoulder and glanced back to see Di trying to contain her excitement and failing. Looking back forward, you slowly take his hand and let him help you stand back up.
“Great.” He didn’t let go of your hand once you were standing. Instead, he started to pull you over to a group you recognized as his friends.
You might have been a little too quick to stop him. “Wait, wait.” You pulled back on your hand. It didn’t get him to let go; only to slow down. “What - Who - Why?” You weren’t completely sober, so complete sentences and comprehensive thought wasn’t a friend.
He laughed, enjoying the effect he had on you. “Go on a date with me.”
That wasn’t a question. And the bluntness of it made you want to take a couple steps back. JJ Maybank, head Pogue boy or whatever, was asking a low profile Kook on a date. Something wasn’t right there.
Before you could open your mouth to answer, Di came and leaned over your shoulder. “Yes! Of course she’s gonna go on a date with you.” The smell of alcohol was a little too much for you.
He let go of your hand, which left a cold spot, and flashed you a charming smile. “Great. Meet me here on Friday. 3:30.” With that, he just walked back to his friends.
You were left sober with a drunk best friend to deal with and one question on your mind - What the fuck just happened?
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Take Your Father to Work Day (S2, E4)
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As many people have said: This is one of the STRONGEST Prodigal Son episodes to date. It was incredible. My time-stamped thoughts for this episode are below. 
I reference Malcolm’s mental health and sexual violence in this one. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading.
0:16 - OMG. Destiny’s Child. Whoever is in charge of the soundtrack for this show needs a raise. Or an award. It’s SOO GOOD.
0:18 - How great is this montage of Martin’s prison life too? I mean the insane mundanity of it combined with “Survivor” and Michael Sheen’s incredible acting is some perfect mix between hilarious, captivating, and just brilliant. 
1:06 - I feel so bad for Mr.David. He has to deal with Martin’s theatrics every day. Poor guy looks done in this episode.
1:35 - CAN HECTOR BECOME A BIGGER CHARACTER?! PLEASE. He’s hilarious and I love him. “Bro. You got your ass jumped at Sunday School.”
2:09 - Wait. What? Jerry’s getting released?!? I mean, I understand that he’s no longer in need of psychiatric care......but he still killed someone. Shouldn’t he just be getting transferred to a different prison?
2:25 - Does Jerry have a death wish?!?! He’s talking about being released in a room full of jealous murderers. Everyone looks sooooo pissed at Jerry. 
2:54 - Martin is such a liar. However - Michael Sheen’s performance is astoundingly good. Like he shines brighter than usual in this episode. 
 3:17 - Poor Malcolm. “What’s going on?” Poor boy looks terrified. 
3:23 - I love everything about this scene. I love how freaked out Malcolm is. I love you extra Jessica is. BUT HANS. Holy shit. I want Hans in every episode. He’s crazy in a good way and such a beautiful comedic relief. 
3:30 - OMG.  “Skinny milennial” might be the best thing anyone has ever called Malcolm. Someone please tell JT and Dani - hell, even Gil. They would tease him forever and I want to see it. 
3:45 - 1) Malcolm is a terrible liar. 2) Jessica knows he’s lying. 3) This story about the wine is interesting. I wonder when and how Malcolm first told Jessica the story. Was it the same night? AND HOW DID ENDICOTT’S BODY END UP IN ESTONIA?!? I WANT MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THAT NIGHT. 
3:54 - “Ainsley and I came back from the hospital after Gil’s stabbing.”....we never saw Ainsley at the hospital. Was she there and left before Malcolm got there? Or is this a plot hole I need to ignore?
4:05 - The way that the flashbacks of Endicott’s murder is spliced into this scene with Malcolm’s cover story is so perfectly executed. It’s so captivating and so so well done.
4:14 - Malcolm’s eyes look quite manic during the retelling of this story. Poor guy is desperate to have everyone believe the story. Poor guy probably wants to convince himself that the story is true. 
4:16 - Wait. What? Ainsley has always been clumsy? .....interesting. I’ve seen no evidence of it but I’ll believe it for the sake of the plot. 
4:23 - “At least one of you has a soul.” Holy shit.  hahaha Hans is brutal. I love him so much. I also love how this line makes me, as a viewer, think “does that mean the writers want me to think that Ainsley doesn’t have a soul?” ...or more likely that she doesn’t feel emotion (which can be interpreted as a lack of a soul). That she’s a psychopath like Martin?
4:27 - OMG. Jessica loves Hans. He speaks to her dramatic rich woman soul. So entertaining. 
4:30 - Poor. Malcolm. This boy is always in some sort of emotional turmoil. For once I wish he was happy (but also I love the emotional whump so if that could continue that would be great). 
4:44 - “It’s so much more than that.” *chef’s kiss* comedic genius.  I would watch a whole episode of Mr.David making fun of Martin. But can we all just take a minute to appreciate that Martin doesn’t seem bothered at all that Mr.David is basically verbally telling him that he sucks? It’s almost like Martin thinks they’re friends?
4:50 - Martin is strangely chill talking to Mr.David in this scene. It’s a little off-putting. He almost seems normal. He’s not putting on his usual theatrics or ranting about doctor stuff. It makes you wonder how many different sides of Martin that Mr.David has witnessed. 
5:01 - “Oh no. Not Jerry.” LMAO. HOLY SHIT. Michael Sheen needs an Emmy. His delivery of that line might be the funniest thing this show has ever given us. hahahahaha
5:29 - Damn. This is not Gil’s month. First Jessica dumps him. Then he has to deal with Martin Whitly in the flesh. That plus the on-going drama of worrying about Malcolm’s mental health and the stress of reintegrating into work after a STAB WOUND.
5:31 - Gil’s face. hahahahaha he’s like, “Kill me. This can’t be happening. I hate everything. I wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole.”
5:37 - “Yeah. Why’d you do it?” GIL. OMG. I’m so proud of Gil for dissing Martin to his face. BUT ALSO I worry that that’s going to give Martin more of a reason to hate Gil. I’m genuinely scared that the writers have Martin escaping as the pre-finale episode and Martin trying to kill Gil as the finale. Maybe Gil shows up trying to save Malcolm, AInsley, and Jessica (whom Martin is trying to abduct or hurt or something) idk I just feel like it’s going to be a likely subplot somewhere. I don’t want an attempt on Gil’s life to become a season finale tradition. 
5:56 - Ew. “Gilly” That is a terrible nickname. I think I threw up a little. 
6:00 - Damn. I love this scene. I could watch Martin and Gil pretending to be civil to each other for years. So entertaining. 
6:29 - hahahahaha OMG. Gil’s reaction to Martin saying, “Thank you” PLUS Edrisa’s sudden excitement at realizing she’s 10 ft away from Malcolm’s Dad - a medical legend, is magical.
6:35 - Not gonna lie. When Edrisa said, “Ok. I’m gonna play it cool.” I had to pause my TV and walk away to calm down. I was experiencing a mixture of second hand embarrassment for Edrisa’s inevitable behaviour, excitement for what is to come, and fear that Martin would be a jerk to our precious Edrisa. 
6:44 - Edrisa and Martin interacting was everything I’d hoped. It was strange, funny, sweet, and disturbing at the same time. The sweet, eccentric girl who attends cuddle parties is getting buddy-buddy with a literal serial killer. Hilarious. Even better is Gil’s background reactions as he desperately tries to keep Edrisa away from the psychopath. hahaha <3 
7:12 - Gil is currently living in a nightmare. hahahahaha 
7:47 - I love this. I love how Malcolm and Ainsley interact. Malcolm is such a good big brother. IDK something about these two adult siblings chilling on a couch and warning each other about Mom’s current rampage reminds me of myself and my younger brother. <3 Warms my cold dead heart. <3 PLUS has anyone else noticed that (as long as Ainsley isn’t hounding Malcolm about a story or airing out his mental health diagnoses like the bs from Q&A) Malcolm is extremely calm around Ainsley. Like maybe the calmest we’ve ever seen him?
8:20 - “Oh Ainsley, that’s a horrible idea.” This is adorable. Malcolm is totally acting like Ainsley’s surrogate dad. He’s trying so hard to protect her. <3 
8:42 - There’s something about the way that Malcolm says, “Hey Gil” that makes my heart swell. Idk why. I just their father/son relationship. So much. And it makes me so happy to see Malcolm having semi-normal interactions with people in general. 
8:48 - This. Is. The. Funniest. Episode. Of. Prodigal. Son. To. Date. Holy shit. The comical dread on Malcolm’s face. Martin’s glee on the phone. Gil’s general “done with life” body language. Ainsley’s utter joy at her luck. MALCOLM DRAINING THE ALKA-SELTZER. Ainsley saying “chug chug”. So perfect. 
9:27 - Is it just me or has Jessica been showing way more concern for her children’s well-being this season? At first I thought it was because she was so happy with Gil....but that’s not a thing anymore (because Jessica is a MORON - seriously if this show gets cancelled before Gil and Jessica are living happily ever after I will riot) so now Idk. 
10:02 - EDRISA WHY DID YOU NOT TELL GIL AND MALCOLM THAT THE SURGEON WAS ON THE PHONE?!? For a hot second, poor Malcolm looks like he thinks he’s hallucinating. 
10:40 - Gil hanging up on Martin and then telling Edrisa that she needs to make new friends is everything. It’s vicious. Gil looks absolutely furious in this scene and I love it. 
11:07 - Yo. Edrisa’s got some baggage. hahaha Malcolm looks soooo uncomfortable with her outburst.
11:18 - I would pay good money to watch Martin and Gil have a pissing match in front of Malcolm every episode. It’s amazing. They’re constantly trying to one-up each other. The tension is palatable. And someone Malcolm is the only one acting like a mature, working adult. Malcolm. My mentally unstable, skinny millennial. 
11:34 - OH SHIT. Martin did not just bring Jessica into this. Oh SNAP. Does Martin know that Jessica dumped Gil?!? 
11:56 - “I’m going to need a little more than that.” Damn. Malcolm looks pissed here. Pretty sure he hates that Martin just brought up Gil/Jessica. Malcolm’s bio-dad and real dad are fighting and it’s very clear that Malcolm is on Gil’s side.
12:17 - The look that Gil and Malcolm share here is perfect. I love it so much. You can see how annoyed they both are, how much they hate that they need Martin on this case, how much neither of them want Martin’s help. <3 
12:23 - SOMEONE GIVE GIL A MEDAL. This man just grit his teeth, smiled, and let MARTIN WHITLY - the man who tried to KILL HIM work on his case. Why? Because Malcolm silently asked him to. Because Gil loves Malcolm and knows that it’s better for Martin to work with them officially than for Malcolm to work with Martin in secret. At least this way he can look out for Malcolm. 
12:42 - “It’s taken Dr. Marsh years...” soooo was Dr. Marsh the name of the Asian doctor leading group therapy last season? Is this just a new actor, same character scenario? OR am I supposed to forget that Asian doctor existed last season? 
13:04 - I can’t tell if Gil hates this whole “father-son in group therapy idea”. He looks kind of like he hates it (although he is looking at Martin in the shot). I’m inclined to think that Gil is worried. He doesn’t like how nice Martin is acting toward Malcolm. He doesn’t want Malcolm to get hurt again. BUT I also think there’s probably a part of Gil that thinks group therapy might be beneficial for Malcolm’s mental health? I mean it was only ever going to be terrible or amazing. Nothing in between. 
13:12 - “They hate you don’t they?” GIL BRINGING THE FIRE. hahahaha angry Gil is really funny.
13:43 - OH HELL YES. More Hector. <3
13:46 - hahaha YES. Hector this is Malcolm - the son. You know, the one you had to role-play? hahaha I feel like Hector is a really cool dude (aside from the murder). 
13:53 - Damn. Hector pays attention in group. He has a lot of info about Malcolm. I would’ve thought the other inmates would just tune Martin out when he starts his monologues. 
13:59 - “He’s got a thing with hands?” hahahaha OMG. How did I never connect the hand thing. DOES Malcolm have a thing with hands? ....I kind of want that to be cannon?
14:00 - “You’re crazier than me.”  Ouch. That must’ve hurt. Think about it - Malcolm is ridden with guilt about Endicott. He’s haunted by what he experienced as a kid and by what his father is. Malcolm believes he’s broken beyond repair. On some level Malcolm thinks he’s crazy. Now a literal killer just told him he’s crazy. That just affirms what Malcolm already believes about himself. :( PLUS right after Hector tells Malcolm that he’s crazy - the camera pans to Martin. MARTIN looks scared. Martin is losing control of the situation and he doesn’t like it. Martin knows on some level that he ruined Malcolm’s mental health. He almost looks a little guilty?
14:31 - FINALLY. We have a cannon occurrence of someone calling Malcolm “Mal” (or “Malc” if you’re going by HULU’s subtitles?). I hope the writers start having people call Malcolm by Mal/Malc more often. 
14:38 - YES YES. Malcolm looks angry. I LOVE IT. Scream at him Malcolm! Give him hell!
15:03 - Yikes. Malcolm sounds like he’s about to cry here. :( My heart breaks for him. .....I wonder if this is the first time Martin has ever heard how much pain he caused Malcolm straight from Malcolm? Martin looks hella uncomfortable here. 
15:25 - The inmates (literal murderers) empathizing with Malcolm is twisted, beautiful, and haunting. These guys understand how much it sucks to hang out with Martin. These guys can see the real pain in Malcolm’s expression. They know he isn’t lying. Part of me honestly wonders if one of them is going to try and hurt Martin for Malcolm. They looked pissed enough by the end of the conversation that I kind of believe they might. 
16:00 - Malcolm is not acting here. For once he’s not projecting his problems onto potential suspects. He’s just venting to suspects. No pretence. I love it. BUT 100% of me wants to know where Gil is during this session. Is Gil listening? Is the session being recorded for evidence? There’s no way Gil (or Dani) wouldn’t confront Malcolm about this. Even if they just asked him if he’s okay. 
16:10 - hahahaha look at Doctor Marsh. He’s like “ooookkkkkaaaayyyy. I’m a psychiatrist in a psychiatric facility for people who have committed violent crimes. BUT THIS IS THE NUTTIEST THING I’VE EVER SEEN.”
16:12 - Look at the way Martin narrows his eyes. He’s trying to figure out if Malcolm is acting. He’s finally realizing that Malcolm truly hates what Martin subjected him to as a child. I honestly think this interaction will cause Martin to shift his “become a murderer like me” agenda from Malcolm to Ainsley. He’s finally seen the depth of Malcolm’s hatred and pain and knows deep down that Malcolm will never turn into a serial killer. But there’s still hope for Ainsley. That’s not to say that Martin won’t stop gaslighting Malcolm - he totally will.
17:10 - Martin has been at Claremont for 20 YEARS. How is it that he didn’t know a gold card existed?!?
17:21 - I honestly thought Marsh was going to get shanked. For the gold card. No other reason. 
18:07 - It’s not supposed to be funny but Burt freaking out and punching Marsh is HYSTERICAL. hahahahaha
18:10 - That guard who pushed Malcolm out of the room and into a safe area? He’s in my good books. Every time I watch him push Malcolm to safety I want to give him a hug. Just for doing his job. What the hell is wrong with me?!?
18:18 - UGH. I hate that creepy, satisfied look that Martin gives Malcolm. It’s the same look he gave baby Malcolm in the pilot. It’s the “we’re the same” look and it clearly bothers Malcolm. :( 
18:26 - Oh look. 18 minutes into the episode and we finally have a Dani appearance!! annnnnnd no mention of JT. I mean, I get it. He’s on paternity leave. I’m happy for him. BUT TWO EPISODES WITHOUT A JT APPEARANCE IS TORTURE. At least give me a throw away line about how happy JT is or about the baby!?? Honestly - it’s my biggest gripe with this episode. 
18:56 - soooo either Dr. Marsh is a terrible psychiatrist OR you can’t “cure” murderers. 
19:08 - The NYPD knows that Martin cured Jerry?!? HOW? Did Mr. David get Martin to admit to shocking him? Did Mr. David tell the police?!? I don’t remember Martin telling Malcolm. I specifically remember Malcolm saying, “I don’t want to know”
20:02 - Damn. I want Ainsley to go dark so badly. I want to see how badly it would destroy Malcolm and Jessica. I am evil. 
20:52 - Malcolm’s burgundy jacket is gorgeous. That is all.
21:10 - Malcolm knows that Martin wants to escape. This is good. I love this. 
22:00 - Oh wow. Finally - a perk to gender inequality. 
22:52 - This Brightwell scene is so cute. I love watching Malcolm be excited about solving the crime. I love watching Dani gently tease him about how weird he is. I love watching them subtly flirt. Is Malcolm ready for another relationship - hell no. Do I think Dani has forgiven him - not totally. If they got together now it would end badly. But I do want them to be endgame. 
23:11 - Andre is really suspicious throughout this whole scene. I’m convinced that if Dani and Malcolm weren’t too busy flirting Andre would’ve become a suspect really fast. 
23:15 - Why do people get released from psychiatric prisons?!? This is a genuine question. I would’ve thought that everyone in Claremont has committed some seriously heinous crimes and only a very small portion of them are actually sick. The rest of them just pleaded insanity and had good lawyers. But even if they are/were sick. I don’t think the types of mental illnesses that drive people to murder and/or rape is something that can be cured.  Sooo why are they getting released? I guess I just wonder because there’s this guy that’s been in my local news on and off for like 10+ years. He’s molested/raped many young women between the ages of about 16-25. He’s been arrested and released multiple times. He keeps getting released to different major cities in my province (usually a city with a big University) and reoffends within 6 months of being released. Most recently he was arrested last month after being released in October 2020. Clearly he’s going to keep reoffending - so why does he keep getting released? I guess I just don’t understand what the criteria are that allow an inmate who has committed that sort of crime to be released. Here’s a link to one of the more recent news stories if you’re interested: https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/police-warn-of-high-risk-sex-offender-moving-to-victoria-1.5149264
23:23 - hahaha Andre is like, “Yo. This dude is freaky.”
24:15 - Look at how proud Malcolm is of his whole “lobster = murderer” profile. <3 So freaking precious. <3 and Dani looks so amused with him.  <3
24:37 - Sooooo Mr. David isn’t listening to this conversation? He left the room?
24:40 - Jessica going to Martin for parenting help is terrifying. This is a woman in crisis. 
25:20 - But Jessica was right to be paranoid in 97′. She wasn’t being cheated on romantically but her husband was murdering people. 
25:24 - Martin is so selling his kids out here. He knows it. He doesn’t care. He’s having too much fun torturing Jessica. He’s rejoicing at the fact that he gets to play the “I turned the kids to the dark side” card. 
26:40 - Poor Jessica. She looks suspicious and scared. Scared that she raised a killer even though she tried desperately to prevent that very behaviour. 
26:56 - Damn. Martin is having a really good day. First he gets to annoy Gil Arroyo in the flesh. Then Edrisa talks medical with him. Then he gets to work with Malcolm. THEN his ex-wife calls him and he gets to toy with her mind. THEN his daughter, who has literally murdered someone comes to visit him. He is a proud Dad right here and he’s having an amazing day. 
28:00 - Rhonda is terrifying. This girl has perfected the “I’m sweet and unthreatening” while lying and manipulating people. I swear she’s a teenage Queen B personality with a side of violence. 
28:30 - I love how protective Malcolm is of Ainsley. Look how positively livid he is that Marin is talking to her. Malcolm is terrified that Martin is going to purposefully and successfully turn Ainsley into a serial killer. Malcolm doesn’t want to lose his sister. He doesn’t want Jessica to lose her ‘stable’ child.
29:09 - This scares me. This is the kind of Ainsley behaviour from last season that made me believe she is the Whitly child most like Martin. Her ruthlessness and lack of a conscience when it comes to looking for a news story is extremely upsetting. 
30:11 - What the hell happened to Tevin? AND WATKINS?!? We got no closure on those guys. Are they dead? In prison? Is Tevin still in Claremont? Were they transferred to facilities outside of New York State?
30:28 - Malcolm yelling at Martin is perfect. *chef’s kiss* Finally this boy is being honest with his father and he isn’t holding back. 
30:40 - Michael Sheen is an incredible actor. This is an Emmy worthy scene. By Sheen AND Payne.
30:48 - I love how you can see Mr. David just chilling. Sitting outside the door and staring across the hall during this scene. It’s just....can’t he hear the screaming?!? Is he just like, “I can’t take anymore of this today. Not my circus and not my monkeys.”
30:55 - Soooooo this is Martin showing his true colours. There’s definitely a part of Martin that hates Malcolm. I honestly wonder if that part of Martin actively tries/tried to emotionally torture Malcolm now and throughout his childhood. 
31:00 - “And your mother. And you ruined HeR!!!”....does this mean Martin was trying to make Ainsley a serial killer? Maybe after the camping trip when he realized Malcolm was too “weak” to kill anyone? Is this Martin saying that Ainsley is ruined because she didn’t become a serial killer? Or that Ainsley is ruined because she killed Endicott?
31:05 - “But that’s not me.” hahaha OMG. Michael Sheen just flipped between two personalities like nobody’s business. Respect.
31:08 - Martin’s outburst hurt Malcolm. Badly. You can see it all over his face. Even now, when Malcolm is being strong and showing some backbone to Martin, Martin can wound Malcolm with a single phrase. :( 
31:41 - soooo where has Gil been for the past 10 minutes of this episode?
32:02 - Sooooo did Andre kill Jerry for Rhonda? Or did he just know about the murder and keep quiet for Rhonda? Or is his oblivious to the fact that Rhonda killed Jerry? I’m honestly confused here. 
32:20 - Holy shit. Rhonda is crazy. Andre is dead now. Right?
32:48 - Wait. Why did Andre have a gold card? Mr. David only has red. What kind of qualifications does a guard need to get a gold card vs blue, green, or red?!?!
32:55 - Claremont isn’t a punishment for Martin. Solitary is. Martin should live in solitary. He deserves to suffer for his crimes (and the ongoing torture of his son). 
33:05 - How messed up is it that Mr. David’s job is to protect a serial killer? I don’t think I’m brave enough to do something like that. I also don’t know if I could do that for moral reasons. 
33:14 - Damn. That elevator looks like it hasn’t been cleaned since it was installed. It’s sooo much nastier than the hallway outside of the elevator. 
33:50 - Sooo does this mean Martin is eventually going to try and murder someone down here?
36:00 - This is really interesting to me. I honestly wonder if Martin has some sort of split personality disorder (personality #1: murderous, selfish, psychopath; personality #2: loving, concerned father and lawful doctor). You can see how desperately he wants to escape. But also how much he loves his son. I honestly thought he was going to leave Malcolm to die. 
36:06 - Ugh. Look at his whumped face. <3 <3 <3 ....one thing that I couldn’t stop thinking during all the tazing (which was amazing FYI, I’m not complaining) is this: in QxA (1x07) Mr. David says that he only has a single shot tazer. Why did Andre have a multi-shot tazer? Is this a gold card vs red card thing?
37:03 - MARTIN, IF YOU TOUCH A HAIR ON DANI’S HEAD I WILL PERSONALLY HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU MYSELF. He honestly looks like he wants to murder her. 
37:50 - Martin’s speech is not going to help Malcolm’s mental state. At all. 
38:31 - No. No. No. Martin you do NOT get to talk to Dani on a first name basis. Look at how much Dani hates it. 
38:35 - I love how soft Malcolm looks as Martin lifts him up. Look at how Malcolm gently leans into the touch. It breaks my heart. After 20 years Malcolm is still comforted by physical contact with his father. :( 
38:37 - “Put your hands on me again Dr. Whitly, and I’ll blow your head off.” OH HELL YES. Dani is my hero. Iconic. Also - anyone else notice that Dani is chewing gum in this scene (I don’t think she’s chewed gum on camera since the pilot?) it makes her look like so much more of a badass in this scene. 
38:55 - Oh look. The rest of the backup finally showed up. Where were these assholes 5 minutes ago when DANI WAS ALONE? AND WHERE IS GIL?!?!
39:00 - Malcolm thanking Dani is so so precious. And the fact that he’s clearly struggling to breathe and stay conscious is giving me life. ALSO Dani saying, “YOU’re welcome.”?!? *chef’s kiss* :) :) <3
39:30 - So Malcolm definitely knows that Martin almost left him to die so that Martin could escape. 
39:33 - ......Ainsley is currently living with Jessica. Why is Ainsley not at the family dinner? We literally see her in the house in like 30 seconds. 
39:35 - Malcolm in a polo shirt. Malcolm in a polo shirt. Why is it so attractive?!? He looks like a baby cinnamon roll? <3 
40:15 - Jessica desperately tearing apart the living room is heartbreaking. :(
40:29 - Question: Did Jessica send her staff home before she tore apart the living room? Because I can just imagine two of them staring into the living room from the hall like, “She’s finally snapped. Should we call someone?”
41:00 - Jessica is the queen of drama. HOLY SHIT. This reveal was so extra and so perfect. 
41:13 - “I killed him.” “You’re lying.” I love this interaction between Jessica and Malcolm. Malcolm has spent his whole life trying to convince people that he’s not a murderer. To protect Ainsley, his baby sister, he will say the words “I killed him”. Even though that is literally killing a part of Malcolm. Jessica knows it. I love that Jessica can see that Malcolm is lying. She’s not trying to convince herself that he’s innocent. She literally just accused him of murder. She’s scared. Because Malcolm just admitted to killing someone - his biggest fear - and it was a lie. 
41:35 - Watching Bellamy Young’s facial expression as Jessica realizes that Ainsley killed Endicott is a thing of beauty. This woman needs an Emmy too. HELL, CAN WE GIVE THIS WHOLE EPISODE AN EMMY?!?! 
42:00 - Poor Jessica. The guilt she must feel. She’s always thought that Malcolm was the one at risk of being a murderer. He’s a boy (they’re statistically more prone to violence than girls), he was older than Ainsley, he remembers terrible things, Malcolm had continued exposure to Martin throughout his childhood (Ainsley didn’t - I think?). But the child she neglected, the child she thought was safe, the child she thought remained free of Martin’s evil killed someone. It’s a plot-twist that just ripped Jessica’s heart into a million pieces. 
42:30 - Yep. I promise you Malcolm has been psychoanalyzing Ainsley’s past behaviours since the moment she killed Endicott. He’s found traits common to serial killers and he’s terrified that she’ll become one if she remembers what it felt like to kill Endicott. He’s probably kicking himself for not noticing sooner. He’s probably questioning his ability as a profiler and as a big brother. AND the fact that MALCOLM has to protect Jessica AND Ainsley is heartbreaking. It’s way too big a burden. No wonder Malcolm’s mental health is on a downward spiral. 
42:33 - This is the moment Jessica begins grieving for Ainsley. The fear, disbelief, and horror on her face. It’s torture that I can only describe as someone telling a mother that her daughter is dead. Because Ainsley is dead. The person Jessica believed Ainsley was - that little girl is dead. Because Jess just found out the truth. 
42:55 - Jessica is now terrified of her own daughter. That is maybe the most upsetting thing this show has given us. 
43:00 - I saw an interesting theory about how Ainsley is regressing back to her childhood (crawling into bed with Mom, moving back in with Mom) and I must say - that would be a really interesting way for this story to go. Ainsley regressing to a child-like state as she is convicted of murder. As a result she ends up in the women’s ward of Claremont because she can plead insanity. 
This episode was amazing. Seriously, one of the best Prodigal Son episodes to date. Definitely the best of season 2 so far. If you’ve read this far - thanks for hanging out. 
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deplatform · 3 years
A very long word vomit about The Traveler’s age because some people still insist that they’re minor or have “minor body” and I’ve had enough
Note: I’m referring to the English voicelines because I don’t have enough understanding of the original Chinese dub. Also, I’m gonna refer The Twins with they/them since either one can be Traveler or Abyss Twin.
It’s pretty much already established from the Archon Quest (Act 1: Chapter IV) that the twins are at least 500+ years so I’m not gonna delve deep into it. Here’s some things people bring out every time The Traveler’s age brought up
Characters’ voicelines about The Traveler being underage
The Traveler’s origin isn’t known to just anyone. Of course there are people who are aware of The Traveler’s origin such as Fischl & Xinyan (from their voicelines) and the Archons. But most people only know The Traveler as “traveler from afar” which is what Amber introduced them as to Kaeya in the prologue. 
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And even before meeting Kaeya, Paimon only introduced The Traveler to Amber in an ambiguous manner (that they’re lost their sibling in a long journey) and not mentioning anything about another world. 
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The Traveler also praised Albedo when they first met after he correctly concluded that they’re from another world.
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If everyone know that Traveler is not from Teyvat, the above exchange wouldn’t make sense. So it’s safe to assume most people (and NPCs) are just assuming Traveler’s age and not letting them drink, which brings us to the next point.
People won’t let The Traveler drink
Honestly I don’t remember any NPC that forbade The Traveler to drink but I saw some people mentioning Charles? I don’t remember when that happened but in the idle dialogue, he gives The Traveler liquor recommendations
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Also since Venti’s and Kaeya’s voicelines are most frequently brought up in this argument I’m gonna bring that up too:
Kaeya, as mentioned before, is assumed to not know about The Traveler’s true origin. Also, in Windblume Festival he offered The Traveler wine (should this indicate that he now knows about The Traveler’s being an alien??? save that for another lore discussion). 
Venti’s voiceline is from the middle of the prologue, where he showed no sign of knowing The Traveler’s origin, or at least hide it because Jean and Diluc were also there. Later though, in Zhongli’s voiceline (which took place after the prologue and Liyue arc), Venti apparently gave some alcohol to The Traveler and tricked them into getting drunk.
It’s worth mentioning The Traveler acts annoyed whenever people refuse serving them drinks on multiple occasion yet never tried to correct them. I’ve seen people mentioning that China have laws about this and The Traveler drinking in game would count as “alcohol promotion” which put Mhy at risk of getting banned or having to change the game’s rating (which isn’t good if you want as many players as you can). I can’t verify this because I don’t understand ch law and I’m not spending my time learning about game censorship law in china.
They’re still minor mentally/still have the mind of a minor because they slept in those 500 years
The Twins are immortal beings and can’t age physically. We can see the Abyss Twin (who didn’t sleep for 500 years) still looks the same as before the Unknown God took them away. And how do you know that they’ve only lived for, say, 15 years before sleeping? The Traveler is shown to be mature and capable of making difficult decision like an adult. 
Also it’s funny that people mostly bring out the number 15 or 14 from speculating about Mondstat’s drinking age being 16 yo (like Germany irl), even though it’s pretty much confirmed that the drinking age in Mondstat is 18 yo (pictured: Diluc’s 18th birthday bash from the manga)
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and finally for the most popular argument:
It doesn’t matter they’re 500 years old, they still have a minor body
1. What the fuck is a minor body 2. Mhy only uses 5 body models and those models are supposed to represent people in a variety of ages. The body models are not indicative of their ages. Not everyone with that model are the same age and not everyone with different models have different ages. 
Regarding to characters’ age, I think Fischl is the only one we vaguely know about their age from her vision lore, she’s at least 16 or older (she received her vision at 14 and we know no one has received electro vision in the last 2 years). Noelle explicitly tells us she’s not old enough to drink, while Hu Tao is described to already passed her teenage years. Keqing is one of Liyue Qinxing, you know, people with the highest influence over Liyue’s whole economy and is unlikely to be a teenager. And they ALL have the same model.
3. People who looks younger than they are actually are exist in real life lmao (from being short like me or have baby face)
Also worth mentioning the “we’re only getting dating event with minor characters so The Traveler is minor-coded” argument:
None of those character have confirmed age, let me remind you that body models are not indicative of the character’s age
It’s a hangout event, not “dating event”
You people will lose your mind when future hangout events come lmao (like with Diona or other other characters that doesn’t have young girl/young boy body models) 
“I hope Mhy would release official age to make this clear”
I don’t think they’ll do that because The Traveler is a self-insert character. Stating a clear age would make some people relate even less to The Traveler’s character. Even if Mhy eventually gives The Traveler official age, it’d be super old like 1000+ or something (there’s actually a popular theory about the twins actually being 1000+ years old. It’s connected to Honkai Impact’s universe but idk enough about HI3 to talk about it)
And honestly, The Traveler’s age doesn’t matter. Like I said, it’s a self-insert. Which means, people can interpret it as freely as they want. It’s not important to the story progression afterall. Mhy gave us a room for different interpretation by keeping it ambiguous. As long as you don’t attack random people on the internet for thinking differently, you’re good.
Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
TL;DR: It doesn’t matter if  u think the traveler minor or not, just don’t harass people who think differently. Read the bold parts for details
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l8rhader · 3 years
You Can Change Right Next To Me Universe Meta that might eventually become an in universe oneshot collection.
Bev was ALL of the Losers’ first kiss.
All of them.
Bill (the play... but also between Eddie and Richie when they start “dating” because they’re 13.  it’s not unlike the movies tbh) then Eddie, (she’s probably been spending too much time with richie because eddie is really fucking cute and she can’t? help? it?) then Richie (fall after what would be the summer of IT if any of the clown shit happened they’re sitting behind the ice cream shop talking) then Ben (he does something super sweet one day and she just can’t not) then Mike (truth or dare), then Stan (he’s not not jealous and they’re not not stoned and it’s not not the hottest thing that Bill and Richie have ever seen ever until that moment and it’s definitely not not the moment they both realize that bisexual can definitely be a thing because they’re both so fucking jealous of both of them both in that particular moment.)
Stan was all of the boys (except Ben’s) first kiss with a boy and they’re literally all 16 here.  This is ALL in the year before YCCRNTM
Richie (he saw the way that Richie was watching him and Bev earlier that night and didn’t want his best friend feeling left out so, when Richie pulled into his driveway to drop him off, he kissed him to thank him for the ride home and Richie thought he might actually die and that also may have been A Thing for both of them for a hot minute because kiss is a really loose term here because they were ) then Mike (the only one of the Losers to actually come out to anyone else in like a speech type situation and Mike’s just like “BUT I’M GONNA DIE ALONE BECAUSE DERRY” and Stan kneels up and plants one one him, assuring him that if someone else doesn’t see that he’s a fucking catch by the time they graduate, they’ll make a go of it.  Mike laughs it off but doesn’t realize that Stan is 100% serious) then Eddie (they’d actually been fighting.  Stan had already figured out that Richie was in love with Eddie and Eddie made some snippy comment about some joke Richie had made and Stan had to stand up for him and it became a kind of weird back and forth that wound up with Eddie saying “It’d make more sense for me to kiss you” so Stan just... does.  Eddie melts.  Actually like melts.  Then Stan looks at him and goes, “imagine how much better that would’ve been if i’d been him” and stomps off leaving Eddie.exe to malfunction) then Bill (bill didn’t know about Stan kissing Richie until waaaaaaaaaay after and he only finds out because he walks into gym one day to find Richie and Bev talking about their best kisses and Bev says, because she’s incapable of being anything other than candid, that it’s Stan.  She likes kissing Ben, but the way Stan had just grabbed her and kissed her that night Did Things and she definitely had to go home that night and Take Care of Business.  Richie had laughed really hard because SAME BEV HOLY SHIT so next period is Lunch and he’s like yo stan we’re going to burger king because it’s pre-you-have-to-stay-on-campus-all-day-because-people-are-crazy-it’s-lunch-if-you-wanna-go-home-go-home and he’s like “you’ve kissed bev and richie wtf” and stan’s like “yep.  and also almost everyone else.  what about it?  you’re literally the straightest guy i’ve ever met so it never even entered my mind” to which Bill makes an audible “?!!???!!!” and Stan’s like “Okay.  So.  Can we get lunch now or did you just bring me out here to be a pain in my ass?”  and he deliberately Does Not Kiss Bill that day.  or for like a week.  Bill hasn’t exactly forgotten so much as given up when Stan pulls up in The Cardinal to pick Bill up from the library and he is standing there with his arms and legs crossed, leaning against the car and Bill makes a face that screams “?!!???!!!” more than the noise did and Stan, honest to god, smirks.  Bill is practically vibrating the whole way home and Stan.  Doesn’t.  Kiss.  Him.  Just drops him off at home.  Bill stands in the garage for like 10 minutes all flustered and huffy.  He grabs silver and rides like the fucking wind over to Stan’s, finding him sitting in his garage.  “Took you long enough.” and Bill just fucking mauls him.  
Ben’s first kiss with a boy was Richie.  They were paired up for a scene in As You Like It   They played rock paper scissors for who’d be who.  Richie won for Rosalind and stuck his tongue out mercilessly.  Ben was still pining over Bev here not actually with her yet and Richie knew that the line with the “You will not die” would need absolutely no reaction from Ben at all because he had literally said the same words to him over the summer.  not literally but like pretty much they were talking about how, when friends have this kind of conversation (because he may or may not have made bev be eddie once or twice except she didn’t know she was being eddie just a hypothetical person that richie had a crush on that Sounded An Awful Lot Like Eddie) they end up kissing there and there and there.  Ben was like (shocked pikachu face) and richie’s like... so we should kiss there and there and there.  So Ben’s like. um. no. i’ll kiss my hand and high five you?  and Richie was like “Or you could kiss me and not be a pussy?”  and ben gets all grumbly and goes mnotapussyijustdonwanna and richie’s like dude it’s fine i just thought that the point of this assignment was to modernize it and give it more reality and he’s like look put yourself in her shoes here.  she’s pretending to be a guy and then falls in love with a guy and he’s in love with who she is as a woman but she can’t let him know that she’s falling for him because what if he realizes that she’s him.  SO aren’t you, in rosalind’s shoes, going to take any opportunity you can get to kiss bev until you can figure out how to make it work?  and ben’s got this mentally constipated look, then it sinks in.  then, grasping at straws goes “i’ve only ever been kissed by one person.” and richie just leaned in and kissed him.  “now it’s two” Ben looks at him for a second, then kisses him.  so Richie’s like “look we run through it once with then once without and see which works better.”  fun fact- richie was right.  it worked better.  they got extra credit for the insightful commentary.
Bev, on the other hand, has never kissed a girl and she thinks that is a TRAVESTY and they really need more girl friends.
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zigtheeortega · 4 years
in a spurt of energy i decided to finish the playlist i’d been working on for a while! this turned into a raleigh playlist, and i’m a little sorry about it but not really :/ this playlist is nsfw and all of the descriptions are under the cut! [there’s a line separating the spanish-language songs’ explanations]
1. anywhere
we can make love on the bedroom / floating on top of my waterbed / i'm kissing you / running my fingers through your hair / in the hallway / making our way beside the stairs / we can do it anywhere
most singers are influenced by their predecessors, so i have no doubt that raleigh listened to old r&b groups and practiced lead vocals, background vocals, & harmonies to them in the shower. this one stands out to me because i think it captures just the right amount of smooth sensual energy that raleigh exudes at all times. 112 is immaculate and no doubt one of raleigh’s favs.
2. nasty
promise I'ma give it to you like you never had it / i do it so good, it's gon' be hard to break the habit / you're like a whole constellation / swimming like you on vacation / promise i'm still gonna love you when you wake up in the a.m.
you can’t convince me that raleigh didn’t listen to ariana’s album when it dropped and went absolutely wide eyed when they heard these lyrics like “she really went there...” – but then it became a staple of every ~secret playlist to do the horizontal polka to~ 
3. sex money feelings die
all my lights off when i wake up / tears under my makeup / your lips will stay shut / wanna wake up, break up / i don't wanna think about, think about you / drink up, drink up / i'm so fucked up / all i want is you / no, i don't wanna think about, think about you / sex money feelings die / baby don't you cry
so this is the song i’ve latched onto for my mc dom. i have a headcanon (i think i’ve said it on main a lot, and i’ve even made edits for it) that after the breakup, which everyone else thinks is real, but they think is fake, but is actually real, dom drives to the studio super late at night and just belts out the lyrics while sobbing just to get them off of her shoulders. and it accidentally becomes a hit! which makes raleigh feel even more like shit 
4. facetime
back up all that shit you talking / facetimin' my baby tonight, oh / bet you wanna cop a feel / bet you wonder if it's real / facetimin' my baby tonight / and when you coming home / i'm gon' give you all of my love / i'm gon' put it on you / i said ooh you a hell of a drug
not to get too in detail but raleigh is an ~active~ individual, so i have no doubt that during long tours, they’re facetiming mc for some quality time. and this one’s just sensual and sweet like raleigh’s relationship is so!  
5. only 1
i know all the competition that's after you / so i get to thinking, is this too good to be true? / i can't, be your, only one / no i can't, be your only one / 'cause you look twice as good as anyone i ever met / and your love is three times better / how could anyone forget? / as I'm layin' down, with you every night / it still gets to me, that you remain by my side / i ain't saying that i'm not deservin' of you / but i was dreaming, bigger than i ever knew
raleigh’s convinced they don’t deserve someone as good as the mc and this for sure seems to be one of those songs that they heard when ari’s album dropped and they were like “jeez this is sappy” then they turn out to relate to it super hard like the clown they are
6. kissin’ on my tattoos
now i ain't ever been the jealous type of guy / but i want you to myself, i can't lie / i know we ain't on no one on one thing / but baby, it should change / 'cause when i be out with other chicks i be thinking 'bout you / and when you be out on dates you be texting me too / i don't want nobody but you / kissin' on my tattoos / i don't want nobody but me / talkin' to you / until you fall asleep / we better stop playing (we better stop playing) / before we mess around and someone gets hurt
now this... this is THE quintessential raleigh song for me. like when i think of raleigh this is THE first song that comes to mind. the entire song beginning to end is raleigh singing about mc. like i am convinced if this existed in their universe, they ghostwrote it for mc. genuinely the MOST raleigh song in existence and i cannot be convinced otherwise
7. life of an outlaw
not gonna put the lyrics but this would absolutely be on one of raleigh’s playlists that they play pre-concert to get hyped up, or a workout playlist. i just feel it in my bones that their fav music is from the 90′s ok
8. watch ‘n’ learn
i'ma do it, do it, do it / on the bed, on the floor, on the couch / only 'cause your lips say make it to my mouth / just because i can't kiss back / doesn't mean you can't kiss that / baby all i need / all doing on me / like you aimed to please / show me how much you mean it / by the way that you please me, baby
another song on their freaky deeky playlist ! i know raleigh’s prob tried to get with rihanna at least once in their lives
9. freaky girls
i'ma be your freak any time or place, any day of the week / said i'ma let you hit it, i ain't scared, i ain't shy, it's cool with me 
yet ANOTHER song on their freaky deeky playlist ! sorry im not taking this more seriously im just daydreaming ab the songs that raleigh would add to their secret playlists
10. thinkin’ bout you
thinking bout ya, dreaming bout ya / i don't wanna be without ya / pillow talking, heaven walking / been about ya, still about ya / you ain't gotta worry bout it, baby girl, you know i got you / drinking out the bottle to deal with all my problems like / i should call / i thought i had the right one the last time around
god this is post breakup raleigh through and through. i have a hc that raleigh ghostwrites a lot of songs for people especially ones that fuck with their brand – they collabed on this with micah and a popular rapper and micah was like :/ come on now raleigh i KNOW who this is about
11. un-thinkable
moment of honesty / someone's gotta take the lead tonight, who's it gonna be? / i'm gonna sit right here and tell you all that comes to me / if you have something to say, you should say it right now / you give me a feeling that i never felt before / and i deserve it, i think i deserve it / it's becoming something that's impossible to ignore / and i can't take it / i know you said to me / this is exactly how it should feel when it's meant to be
raleigh’s confession!!!!!!!! lord this reminds me of when they were on the beach together just talking and vibing – or really any time that they took
12. kiss it better
been waiting on that sunshine / boy, I think I need that back / can't do it like that / no one else gonna get it like that / man, fuck your pride, just take it on back, boy / take it on back boy, take it back all night / what are you willing to do? / oh, tell me what you're willing to do? / kiss it, kiss it better, baby
i think raleigh would cover this omg and maybe im biased bc it’s my fav song of all time but it just exudes raleigh energy!! plus i think this might be on their freaky deeky playlist LMAO
13. unrequited love
lost in the flames of love / unrequited love / time won't always heal / and it eats at my mind / because you're the one that got away / sometimes i feel alone / tried to hold my breath / somewhere deep in space / and i felt like you understood / what it truly means to be in love / now i'm wide open, it's so hard to focus / now that it's the end, i guess you'll always be / the one that got away
you know raleigh was super in their feelings after the breakup – i don’t think they knew how fast they’d fall for the mc. even if they didn’t admit it out loud, i think they were convinced they wouldn’t find someone like the mc again. anyways this song is sad as hell
14. you’re mine
come a little closer / let me tell you something / eat your ego honey / honey swallow your pride / i spotted you the second you walked in the building / i knew that you had let me get you high / i wanna hear the things you say when no-one's listening / no one's gonna save you / use you up and break you / i'm the one who plagues you every night / 'cause you're mine.
so the song itself is ab a toxic relationship, but tbh i can picture my mc dom and raleigh singing this duet on stage together and the chemistry would be absolutely off the charts oh my god. 
[disclaimer, i do not speak spanish, but i grew up listening to it and a lot of them have a lot of significance to me – i hope the rough translations i found online will do! some of them are very rough so i’ll just put the spanish lyrics]
so with all of these spanish songs im convinced that raleigh would cover any of these! most of them are really romantic and have the same vibe as what i imagine raleigh would have !! not gonna do a lot of explaining here because i think this explanation speaks for itself
15. viento
préstame tu peine / y péiname el alma / desenrédame / fuera de este mundo / dime que no / estoy sonándote / enséñame / de que estamos hechos.
lend me your comb / and comb my soul / untangle me / away from this world / tell me i'm not / dreaming of you / show me / what we’re made of
16. visita
que no es gusto, no es mi voluntad / que es lo que te digo / que aunque no me veas yo voi a estar / siempre contigo / la semana me parte en dos / de viernes a domingo / tu visita me repara cuando nos conecta entonces / quiero que te vengas a vivir, todos los dias conmigo
do not have a translation that makes a lot of grammatical sense for this one, but it’s generally about wanting to be closer to each other and move in together rather than visiting! it’s a really sweet song and the distance aspect reminds me of raleigh and mc
17. te quiero
te quiero / no, ya no me llores / no me vayas a hacer / llorar a mí / dame, dame tu mano / intentalo, mi niña / quiero verte reir / necesito verte / donde quiera que estes / te quiero, te quiero, te quiero / y no hago otra cosa / que pensar en ti / solo vivo y respiro / para ti 
i love you / no, don’t cry for me anymore / don’t make me cry / give me, give me your hand / try, my darling / i want to see you laughing / i need to see you / wherever you are / i love you, i love you, i love you / i don’t do anything else / than thinking about you / i only live and breath / for you
imagining raleigh singing this for mc......... swoooooon
18. maría
not offering a translation, but it’s a sad song that i think raleigh would potentially cover!
19. efímera
nos miramos a través del cuerpo y la piel / se conectaron nuestras almas / es que tus ojos de miel deslumbran mi ser / cuando la oscuridad me atrapa / cuando me besas / me siento en otra parte / me hierve la sangre / me derrite el corazón
we saw each other through our bodies and skin / our souls connected / its cause your honey colored eyes dazzle my being / when the darkness traps me / when you kiss me / i feel like i’m in another place / my blood boils / it melts my heart
“it’s like every song i’ve ever written was about you” this is one of em for sure
20. obsesion
son las cinco de la mañana y no he dormido nada / pensado en tu belleza en loco voy a parar / el insomnio es me castigo, tu amor será mi alivio / y hasta que no seas mía, no viviré en paz
it’s five in the morning and i haven’t slept at all / thinking bout your beauty, i’m gonna end up crazy / insomnia is my punishment, your love will be my relief / and until you’re mine, i will not live in peace
raleigh and mc would duet this!!!! the lyrics themselves aren’t really about their relationship but i think the vocals would be perfect for them
21. quiero ver
quiero ver tu risa todo el día / escuchar la melodía de tu voz / quisiera ser el brillo de tus ojos / el peine que desnuda tu esplendor / la esquina que te ve cuando caminas / y quiero ser tu último dolor / te pido que me cures esta herida / yo sé muy bien que no es tu obligación / tan sólo si amortiguas mi caída / será mi salvación
i want to see your smile all day / listen to the melody of your voice / i wish i could be the brightness of your eyes / the comb that undresses your splendor / the corner that sees you when you walk / i want to be your last pain / i ask you to heal this wound / i know very well it’s not your obligation / just only if you cushion my fall / it’ll be my salvation
this one makes me so soft oh my god and its another “it’s like every song i’ve ever written was about you” type of song
22. más que tu amigo
es un secreto / que tan solo quiero compartir / con esos ojos / que le han dado luz a mi vivir / y en esta noche no hay más luna / que como tú me alumbre más / que en mi alma crece una fortuna / por tanta dicha que me das / te quiero, te quiero / se oye en mi pecho / es el grande amor que me has hecho / latido a latido / te siento conmigo / yo quiero ser más que tu amigo
it is a secret / i just want to share / with those eyes / that give me light to live / and tonight there is no more moon / that shines on em as brightly as you do / in my soul grows a fortune / for such happiness that you bring me / i love you, i love you / you can hear in my chest / it’s the great love you’ve made me / heartbeat to heartbeat / i feel you with me / i want to be more than your friend
god i can just imagine them singing this to mc teasingly during their fake relationship and she’s like “sounds pretty i love your voice” but it’s really a confession AHHH
23. peligroso pop
no explanation on this one either! i just think this spanglish song would no doubt be on a playlist of raleigh’s !!! i’m also imagining raleigh dancing to this or going to this artists’ concert or something. idk it just reminds me of him !!!
24. eres
aquí estoy a tu lado / y espero aquí sentado hasta el final / no te has imaginado / lo que por tí esperado, pues eres / lo que yo amo en éste mundo, eso eres / cada minuto lo que pienso, eso eres / lo que más cuido en este mundo, eso eres
here i am by your side / and i’ll wait here, sitting, until the end / you haven’t imagined / what i’ve waited for you, because you are / what i love in this world, that’s what you are / every minute in what i think, that’s what you are / what i treasure most in this world, that’s what you are
this entire song is raleigh singing to mc, but like this little section is just SO sappy. that one line i keep mentioning? yeah that’s this song
25. locos
estoy contento de tenerte cerca / muy cerca de mí / que me digas loco / que me des besos / y que te rías de mí / y sé que nunca te lo he dicho / y me da miedo confesar / pero antes, quiero besarte / que llevo loco, tratando de decirte / que ya no puedo vivir sin ti
i’m happy because you’re close / very close to me / cause you call me crazy / cause you give me kisses / and laugh at me / and i know i’ve never told you this / and i’m afraid to confess / but first, i want to kiss you / i’m crazy, trying to tell you / that i can no longer live without you
god this reminds me of raleigh so much like ??? ok i dont know if this makes sense but imagine raleigh not being able to quite say the words they’re feeling so they just sing a song in spanish instead because they one, express their feelings through lyrics better and two, they know mc doesn’t understand spanish (this is specifically for non spanish speaking mcs)
26. no te puedo olvidar
sé que nunca me equivoqué / en lo que siento / y cuando me tocas la piel / me desvanezco / sé que miraremos a la última estrella / así nos conectaremos / yo te necesito más de lo que piensas / más de lo que puedo creer / vives en mí y en mi materia / no te quedo olvidar
i know i was never wrong / about what i feel / and when you touch my skin / i vanish / i know we’re gonna stare at the last star / that’s how we’ll connect / and i need you more than you can imagine / more than you can believe / you live in me and in my matter / i can’t forget you
this is one of the most romantic songs i swear to gooooddddd i think if raleigh and mc ever broke up this would be what they wrote afterwards – but also i think in general he’d write this about her without the breakup ! idk i’m just in love with this song. anyways
OKAY I’M DONE RAMBLING I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS PLAYLIST !!!! this is what i’ve been listening to while i’ve been reblogging posts today !!!
19 notes · View notes
Present day
“(y/n)!” Harry’s voice echoed through your flat and you laughed quietly, covering your mouth with your hand so that your hiding space would not be revealed. It was the first time seeing Harry in almost 4 months, which was nearly a record for the two of you. Unfortunately due to Harry being in LA when the COVID-19 crisis began, your longtime streak of seeing each other at least twice a month had been broken and you had been separated, forced to only chat through text, calls, and FaceTime. It worked....but it wasn’t the same. You missed his arms around you, the way he laughed at your jokes, winked when he wanted to get his way, and of course his dad jokes. Harry had been your best friend for over 10 years now, which meant you had been with him through it all. From the auditions at the X-Factor to One Direction and then his solo career. You were the one thing that was always a constant in his life, just as he was a constant in yours. “(y/n)....” Harry’s voice was quieter but closer, he must've heard you laughing. You held your breath, preparing to jump from the corner of the kitchen as he walked around. His body past the nook you were hiding in, his hair held up with a clip, jogging shorts and jacket on. Harry stood in the living room with a frown looking around. “Where did yo-”
“Ahhhh!” you jumped out, grabbing his shoulders and jumping onto his back with a laugh. “Hey there.” you giggled into his ear.
Harry laughed and shook his head, “Jesus woman, why can’t you just greet me like a normal person?”
“Normal people aren’t fun and you know it.” you hoped off and he spun around arms open. You walked into them with a smile. “I missed you.”
“I missed you to love.” He pressed a lingering kiss onto the top of your head, your cheeks blushing pink and the butterflies slowly taking flight in your stomach. Even though you had been friends for 10 years, only recently in the last 2 years had you realized that Harry made you feel a certain way, almost as if you had just realized that he was no longer a 16 year old boy, but a grown man. Of course, you had never acted on these new feelings. You supported him through relationships and break ups, never crossing the friend lines that been drawn early on in the relationship. You pulled away from him reluctantly, looking into his emerald green eyes. “How have things been?”
“Well...I broke up with Max...” 
“Thank god, it’s about time. He was terrible.” Harry smiled while jumping onto the couch and you just shook your head at him, continuing on.
“Other than that, same old same old. Been waiting for you to come home. It’s been so long, I’ve resorted to drinking with Lou.” you shrugged and watched his facial expression change.
“Ah I did hear that. I’ve received some videos of you two laying around the pool absolutely wasted.” You bit your lip wondering what exactly Louis had sent him. Even though Harry was your best friend, you and Louis had really connected during the days of One Direction and you stayed in touch with him over the years. You could tell him anything, and in fact,  you did tell him everything, including your newly found feelings for Harry. Louis had endlessly teased you days after the confession, but if Harry knew anything, he didn’t let on.
“It’s a good time.” you laughed, letting out a breath of relief knowing your secret was still safe while crawling across the couch to his lap. You let out a gentle sigh as you fell into your favorite position. Your head on his shoulder, your legs tucked up and across his legs. “How are things with you?”
“Well I had to reschedule tour, I participated in some of the protests in LA and then also have been working on some writing and the One Direction reunion and anniversary stuff.”
“Ohh yeah. Louis won’t tell me shit about that. Wanna clue me in?”
“It’s a secret.” 
“A secret?”
“Yeah, can’t tell ya, I’d have to kill ya and why would I ever want to have to do that to my best friend.”
“Ugh...” you groaned. “No fair. I’ve been with you through it all. I feel like I should be the first to be clued in.”
“Well on July 22 at 11:59 pm, you will be the first to know.” Harry gave you a wink to which you just rolled your eyes and focused on the tv. 
“Can you at least tell me if I’m in any of it?” you looked up at him, batting your eyelashes. 
“I didn’t know you were part of the band” he teased.
“I mean, I basically am. I was there for like every major event wasn’t I? I’m the one who got you all through the drama....the interviews....shows....pretty much everything come to think of it.”
“Hmm is that so?” Harry shifted so that you were lounging in his arms, his eyes able to focus on you. 
He pressed a kiss to your nose and grinned. “I think you may be right there... but that doesn’t mean you’re involved in whatever it is we are doing.” You wanted to think of a comeback but your brain was a little fuzzy after watching his lips move to your nose. You sat up and moved off of his body, trying to ease your body’s tension.
“Can you believe it’s been almost 10 years since you auditioned...” 
Harry shook his head with a smile. “No I really can’t....it’s been a decade since my life has changed....”
“Look at everything you’ve done in 10 years....it’s pretty crazy.” You closed your eyes, allowing your brain to think back to that day. The day you knew it would all change for him. 
July 23, 2010
“(y/n)?” his voice squeaked through the phone. You could hear the tears and the slight shake of his breath. Oh, no.....he didn’t make it.... You swallowed the lump forming in your throat, waiting to console him.
“Yeah?” you managed to squeak out, your heart aching for the curly haired boy who’s dream was about to be shattered. You had been sure they would say yes. He was an amazing singer and a down to earth person. He was destined to be a star.
“They put me into a group. Simon...he placed me with four other boys. I get to move on with my new band.”
You could almost hear the smile in his voice. He must’ve been crying from happiness, or maybe stress....either way he had done it. You were crying along with him now as well, immensely proud of the boy who worked in a bakery, the boy with the heart of gold, and most importantly, your best friend. “Harry I’m so happy for you! Tell me all about it! How was it meeting Simon Cowell? Did he like your song? Who are your new bandmates? Are they nice? Do the sing well? Are they better dancers than you?” you teased him.
You heard him laugh lightly, making you smile even bigger. “Simon seems cool, it was his idea to place us together. I don’t know about the other boys...I think one of their names is Louis...and maybe there’s a Neil...or Niall...something like that. We all thought we were going to be kicked off. We made it with some yes’ but then weren't chosen and now we are in a band and I guess we will have to see what happens. But they did like my song, Simon was asking me about what pies were popular before I sang.”
“You told them you worked in a bakery?”
“Of course, they asked about what I did.” You laughed, shaking your head and smiling at the goof on the phone. Only Harry would bring up the fact that he worked in a bakery. “I have to go, they are calling all of our names. I think I’m going to invite them to my dad’s house, that way we can get started. Maybe you could stop by?”
“Maybe..just let me know when you’re there.”
“Alright...I will.”
“Oh and Harry?”
“I’m really happy for you. I knew you could do it.”
“Thanks (y/n). I’ll talk to you soon yeah?”
“Bye Harry.” You hung up the phone and screamed, startling everyone in the park you were walking through. “MY BEST FRIEND IS GOING TO BE FAMOUS!” 
Present day:
“It really is. I’m glad I’ve had you with me for the ride too.” Harry nudged your side before standing up and walking to the kitchen. “So what are we having for dinner?”
“Tacos?” you laughed. Harry would always come over for Taco Tuesday, and it was always a go to dinner for the two of you.
“You’re speaking my language now.” Harry smiled. 
The two of you got to work, pulling out all the stops for taco night. “So...are you seeing anyone?” you asked while cutting the tomatoes for salsa. You didn’t look up, you really didn’t want to know if he was seeing anyone, you wanted to know if he was single.
“Not right now...I’ve just been focusing on me.” Harry answered. You met his eyes and smiled. “There is someone though.”
There it is. The gut wrenching, stomach flipping answer you always received. There was always someone with Harry, and the fact it wasn’t you, just didn’t sit well. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, I just don’t know where it’s going yet.” 
You sighed and looked at him again. You always did this, always gave him advice on what to do.”Well, you should go for it. If you like her then maybe...maybe she’s the one.”
“Maybe.” He said thoughtfully. “I don’t know. I don’t want to risk anything.”
“How will you know until you try though?”
“That’s true... maybe I’ll plan my move.”
“Good idea.” you tossed everything into a bowl and stirred, not saying anything. You knew you couldn’t be upset when you hadn’t actually talked to Harry about your feelings, but at the same time you were upset he never even considered you in that type of way. 
You didn’t say much at dinner despite the hundreds of questions Harry was asking you. You just weren't in the mood anymore. You were cleaning up the dishes lost in your thoughts when Harry’s arms went around your waist. You looked up and he smiled. “What’s wrong?”
“(y/n) come on, I’ve been your best friend for 10 years I know when you’re lying.”
“It’s fine..it’s nothing.” Harry rested his chin on your shoulder and waited. “Really. It’s all good.”
“Okay.” He stood up letting go and moving to help finish up.  “So, what about you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are you seeing anyone?”
“What’s it to you?” you laughed. “You never like the guys I date anyways.”
“That’s because they don’t deserve a girl like you.”
“And who does?” you turned and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Harry debated on answering. He was working through the process in his head. 
Instead of answering he tugged you closer and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Someone. Just none of the guys you have dated.”
You were used to Harry being affectionate. You and him had always been touchy, which is why everyone used to think you were dating. Harry would kiss you nose, forehead, cheeks, head, hands. You would lay on his lap, play with his hair, and even snuggle in bed. It’s how your friendship was and how you hoped it would always be. “Someone? That’s the answer I get.”
“Yeah. Someone.” He laughed and gripped your hand in his. “Now come on, I believe we have a movie night planned.”
“Lead the way.” 
Harry tugged you to the couch, tossing your favorite blanket to you while grabbing the remote. He took his seat and you took yours, snuggling up together while the movie played. You were exhausted, tired out from the emotions and your work day. You kept yawning, trying to stay awake but eventually you ended up tangled in Harry’s body, out cold. 
You were flat on his chest, your legs tangled in his when you woke up. Light was streaming through the blinds and you knew it was the next morning. Harry’s arms were tightly wrapped around your back, ensuring you wouldn’t roll off his body. You tried climbing off him, but his response was a grunt and an even tighter grip. 
“Well isn’t this just adorable.” You jumped up, turning around and finding Louis in the kitchen, making himself a cup of tea. Harry also sat up, confused. You felt your cheeks get hot at the look Louis was giving you. You climbed off Harry and brushed your hair back, suddenly realizing you weren't wearing pants. You tugged the shirt down farther, earning a laugh from Louis. Harry frowned at Louis and tossed you the blanket, allowing you to cover up and run to the bedroom to change.
You got dressed and headed to the kitchen where the guys were talking. “She’s just a friend.” you heard Harry say. You froze, leaning against the wall.
“Well does she know that? You two seem pretty close.” Louis commented. 
“Yeah, of course. I’m into someone else anyway.”
“Whatever you say Harry, just don’t be surprised when she ends up heartbroken because of you.”
“She won’t. I won’t let it get that far.” Your heart fell. He only thought of you as a friend and was interested in someone else. He had basically told you that last night but hearing him confirm it with Louis hurt more. Why couldn’t he just give you a chance. Your phone buzzed and your ex Max’s number popped up. *Can we talk. Please.* You wanted to say no. You had used Max in the beginning and then realized what a dick he was. At the same time, Harry hated Max. If you dated him, maybe Harry dating this other girl wouldn’t hurt as much. 
*Yeah. Come pick me up.* You hit send and walked into the kitchen with a frown.
“Well there’s the princess.” Louis laughed. “Looking awfully unhappy this morning aren’t we.”
You ignored him, brushing past the boys and to the fridge for some orange juice. “What’s wrong?” Harry asked, confused what had happened since last night.
“Nothing.” you didn’t make eye contact with him. 
“Okay, well what are your plans today...I was thinking we could hangout.”
“Actually Max is picking me up soon.”
“What?” Harry and Louis turned to you with surprised looks. 
“You said you broke up with him.” Harry grumbled.
“You said he was a dick.” Louis added.
“Well he asked to talk to me and I figured why not.” you answered pouring a cup.
“That’s a terrible idea.” Louis crossed his arms and shook his head. “Where would you ever get the idea that was good.”
“Well after talking to Harry about him making his move, I figured why not try mine. Maybe Max isn’t that bad.”
“Or maybe he is.” Harry crossed his arms and frowned. “You’re best friend is finally here and you’re not going to hang out with him?” “Maybe you can make your move with the other girl while I’m making mine.” you stated, taking a sip.
Louis nodded, suddenly understanding where this was all coming from. He was aware you had heard the conversation. “Interesting plan. Well I better be going. We are all going out tonight yeah? (y/n) bring Max. Harry bring your girl and I’ll bring El. It’ll be fun.”
You nodded agreeing and Harry nodded as well, glaring at you as he walked out the door. “You’re not really going to trust Max again are you?”
“I don’t know.”
“You can’t-” Harry was cut off by the doorbell.
“Max is here. Can you lock up when you leave?” you weren't in the mood for a lecture from Harry. You knew it wasn't fair to be mad at him but you really were frustrated with the whole thing. 
Harry nodded, grabbing your arm as you walked out the door. “Just remember...you’re worth more than that asshole standing on the porch. You may not realize it, but you’re beautiful inside and out. You deserve better.” Harry let you go, his eyes burning into your back as you walked out to the porch where Max was standing.
“Hey-”  Your mind wasn’t listening to him. It was thinking back to the first time Harry had said that to you.
September 11, 2011:
You were sitting on Harry’s couch. It was a big day for the band. They were releasing their first single today. You wanted to be happy for Harry and the other guys, but instead you were focused on James, your now ex boyfriend. “Penny for your thoughts?” Harry asked, jumping next to you with a grin. You shook your head and wiped the tear that was falling. “Come on (y/n)...something’s wrong...let me help.”
“James broke up with me. He said I wasn’t pretty enough...that I wasn’t skinny enough....” You looked into Harry’s eyes with tears falling down your cheeks. “Why aren’t I good enough H?”
“Stop. That’s ridiculous. You are more than enough. You are beautiful, and you are you. All of those things, the things he said weren’t good enough...they make you YOU. And you, my love, are the most beautiful girl I know.”
You smiled and wiped your tears with your sleeve. “You’re just saying that because you’re my friend.”
“No I’m not. I swear.” He grinned. “You turn heads when you walk through doors. He’s an idiot if he doesn’t see that.” Harry pulled you into his arms and rubbed your back. “In fact, our new single is actually perfect for you right now.”
“It is”
“Yeah, and I’m going to sing it for you.” Harry pushed your butt to the couch and grinned. “You’re insecure, don’t know what for, you’re turning heads when you walk through the door, don’t need make up, to cover up, being the way that you are is enough, everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you, baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair is enough, and when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell, you don’t know oh oh, you don’t know you’re beautiful, oh oh, that’s what makes you beautiful.” Harry placed a kiss on your nose and smiled. “You’re beautiful (y/n). Don’t let others tell you differently.”
“You’re single is beautiful Harry.” You hugged him tightly and laughed for the first time all day. “I’m so proud of you. Like really, you’re going to go places, and this song, this song will get you there.”
“I’m excited, but promise me you’ll always stay and be part of the journey with me?”
“I promise.”
You and Harry had spent the day watching the song climb in charts, all over the world. The response was overwhelming and again, you were more than excited that Harry was able to live out his dream.
Present day:
“Uh, (y/n)....are we good to go?” Max repeated himself, pointing at the car. You nodded, shaking the images from your head. Harry needed to be put in the past. He didn’t love you that way, not the way that Max did.
“Yeah, sorry. Let’s go.” You climbed in the car, watching Harry stand on the porch and let you leave. If he really wanted me, he would’ve stopped me. He would’ve made an effort to actually let you know he felt more. Max drove off and you sat there awkwardly, Harry still stuck in your mind. “So how have things been?” you finally turned to him and forced a smile.
“Fine.” Max kept his eyes on the road, his voice harsh and cold.
“Uh...later tonight, Eleanor, Louis, and Harry are going out, do you want to come with?”
“Okay...” You looked out the window, regretting this decision. Maybe being single was better than this. Max pulled off at a park and got out. You followed his lead, still uncertain that this was a good idea. “So you wanted to talk?” You sat on the bench next to him.
“Yeah.” You looked over at him, he was focused on the tree in the distance.
“What about?”
“I think we should get back together.” He looked over at you and you froze. You knew this was coming and yet, you weren’t ready to give an answer.
“Why’s that?” Now you were the one focused on the tree.
“I miss you. I miss us.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, I mean we had some fun right?”
“I guess...” you bit your lip. You and Max had started as a fwb type of thing and then you had pushed him to being in a relationship after saying you no longer wanted that. Now he was coming back saying he missed you? “Do you just miss the sex or do you miss me.”
“The se- well both I mean.” Max gripped your chin roughly, forcing you to look at him and then he shoved his lips to your mouth. It was in no way the gentle kiss that you know Harry would give. This was a kiss that was trying to take control. “God I missed you.” he mumbled against your lips. His hands were already trying to slip into your shirt, his length pushing against you as he tugged you to his lap harshly. You tried getting up, breaking the kiss, but his hands held you tightly, a little too tightly actually. 
“Max.” you pushed back on his chest, breaking the kiss. “Max stop.”
“What? What the hell?” He grabbed your wrist and prevented you from moving, causing you to wince in pain. “What the fuck is your problem?”
“No shut the fuck up.” You watched him raise his hand, and closed your eyes. Max had hit you a few times in the past, but usually after getting blackout drunk and aggressive. His hand didn’t hit you, and when you opened your eyes he had lowered it back to your wrist. “Let’s just get in the car.” Max was pissed and you were slightly afraid to get back in his car.
“I-I’m just going to stay here.” you mumbled.
“I’m going to stay here.” you said louder and more confidently.
“Like hell you are.” he mumbled, dragging you towards the car. He opened the door and yelled, “GET IN THE CAR (y/n).”
“No.” you tried pulling loose of his grip. “Let me go.” You were pushing against him trying to free your hand. He laughed madly before throwing you to the ground and laying a foot into your side. You cried out, curling into a ball away from him. 
“You’re a fucking whore. You pathetic little bitch.” He spit on you and then laughed. “Don’t ever call me again.”
You laid on the ground as he drove away, tears streaming down your face. You didn’t know what to do, you were now stuck at some random park alone, and in pain. You grabbed your phone, debating on who to call for help. Harry would come and give you the supporting words you knew you needed, but he would be upset at the state you were in, and he would be mad that Max left you alone. In fact, he would be pissed. Louis was your other option. He wouldn’t press but would be disappointed knowing everything that had happened in the past. “Louis.” you cried into the phone. “Can you come get me.” 
You were sitting in the parking lot when he pulled up. You luckily weren’t injured. You’re side hurt from where he had kicked you, but other than a bruise that would form, you knew you would be okay. You had wiped the tears, and tried to look presentable, but the minute Louis walked out of the car, you broke down. He held you in his arms, rubbing your back as you told him everything. Everything that you had heard about Harry, everything Max had just done, and how you were afraid of what else would happen. “Shh, come on love, let’s get you home.” Louis didn’t say anything, he just drove you home and sat with you as you calmed down. 
“Don’t tell Harry.” you looked over at him after an hour of sitting on the couch in his arms. “Please. He will just be upset. Don’t tell Harry.”
“Don’t tell Harry what?” Harry walked into the kitchen with a smile but frowned when he saw you in Louis’ arms.
You looked at Louis and he slightly shook his head. You sat up and sighed, looking at Harry. “That...”
“Go on.” Harry had crossed his arms and was staring the two of you down.
“That she’s not going clubbing.” Louis sat up with a sigh and you looked at him grateful for the excuse. 
Harry’s mouth dropped. “What? Why not? We are supposed to leave in an hour or so.” 
“I’m not feeling well.” “She doesn’t want to go alone.” You and Louis looked at each other after giving opposite answers. 
“I don’t want to go alone.” you stuttered.
“Why would you go alone. Max is in the driveway waiting.”
“What?” you and Louis nearly yelled.
“Yeah...is he not supposed to be?”
“No...I mean...Yes he is. I should go get ready so we can leave.” You stood up, running upstairs and Louis followed.’
“I should help you pick an outfit out yeah?”
You nodded, walking past Harry with your head down. Louis gave him an apologetic smile but saying nothing. You were tearing through your closet for an outfit. You had originally planned on wearing a crop top with jeans, but that wouldn’t cover the giant bruise from Max’s foot. “What can I wear Lou, I mean I can’t just cover a bruise this size.”
“(y/n) you need to not go. You can’t go with Max. You need to fess up and tell Harry what happened.”
“What? No!”
“So you’re just going to go with the guy who just abused you?”
“Yeah.” you tugged on a shirt and looked in the mirror before taking it off and throwing it to the floor. 
You turned and looked at Louis with tears in your eyes. “Do you know how hard it is? How hard it is to see Harry with other people and know that you are still in love with him and he’s not in love with you?”
“I don’t think-”
“I’m going. And I’m going with Max.” You stared at Louis, not about to give into that idea.
“Fine. Then wear the longer crop top with high waisted jeans. As long as you keep your arms up, you’ll be able to cover it. You smiled, hugging him tightly and throwing on the outfit earning an approving look from Louis. “You look beautiful.”
“Thanks Lou.” You hugged him one last time before meeting Harry back downstairs. He was in a t-shirt with his black jeans, the classic look you had grown to love. 
“You look- wow.” He smiled at your appearance but frowned when Max walked in.
“You look okay, better than earlier. Let’s go.” Harry looked at Max like he was crazy and you sighed, following him out to the car. Neither of you said anything in the car but when you pulled up to the club, Max locked the doors as you were trying to get out. “Don’t try to pull any shit tonight. Nothing like earlier. Got it?” You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded, jumping out of the car and hurrying to where Louis and Harry were waiting.
The night was going fine, Max wouldn’t try anything as long as you were around Harry and Louis, which you had made a point of priority. You watched Max order two drinks, of course one wasn’t for you, they were both for him. He tilted his head back and downed the quickly before ordering another. Harry watched him with a frown, but pulled you aside while he was busy with the other. “Want to dance?”
“What happened to your date?”
“I decided solo was going to be more fun. Plus we haven’t gone out together in forever, I wanted to spend time with you.”
You smiled letting the butterflies move throughout your stomach while taking his hand and allowing him to pull you out onto the dance floor. He spun you around, his hand landing on your side and causing you to wince in pain. He froze, slightly confused as his hand had barely grazed you. “Sorry I just-”
He tugged your shirt up and his mouth fell open looking at the dark bruise. “What the hell happened (y/n)?”
“Nothing I-I”
Harry shook his head. “He did this didn’t he?” Harry’s eyes darkened and his voice was in a low growl.
“Harry, no stop. Okay? It’s fine.”
“That is not fine (y/n). There is NOTHING about this that is even near fine.”
“Hey man what the hell, she’s my date.” Max stumbled over, slurring his words and grabbing your hand roughly. “Get your dirty hands off my girl.”
“Your GIRL?” Harry laughed and shoved Max backward. “She’s not your girl.”
Max was pissed he ran at Harry, but since Harry was nowhere near drunk, he easily dodged. Louis and Eleanor ran over, trying to step in between the two guys. “What happened?” Louis asked.
“Harry found out what Max did.” you cried. “Harry! Harry please stop.”
Harry looked at you, noticing your fear and froze. A bouncer had rushed in, grabbing Max and halting the fight. “You fucking little whore. You better get your ass in the car. You better give me what I want or your ass will be sorry.”
“She’s not going anywhere with you. Now or ever.” Harry snarled, nodding to the bouncer to carry him away. Harry turned to you, wiping the dirt from his shirt. “(y/n)...” you didn’t even hesitate. You ran into his arms crying, his hands tugging through your hair and rubbing circles into your back until you calmed down. “Shh...come on love, lets go home.” Harry helped you to his car, his hand never leaving yours. He helped you inside and tugged you to his lap where you were finally able to settle down and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Oh (y/n)....my sweet sweet (y/n)...why would you ever let a man treat you that way and still go back to him.” 
You weren’t drunk, but you had alcohol in your system and you were also exhausted. You yawned, turning into his chest so that he was holding you close. “Because I can’t have the guy I really love” you mumbled sleepily.
“What?” Harry’s hands in your hair froze. His eyes staring down at you.
You closed your eyes, listening to the sound of his heart beat. You were drifting off to sleep but managed to get out one more sentence beforehand, “because I can’t have you.” 
Possibly a new series? What do you think?
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caffeinetheory · 5 years
So what if they had met at a gala Roy with Queen and Marinette with Jagged and like they each of this bad impression of each other such as "Oh, he's the spoiled rich kid"or that"she's a total diva who would do anything to do famous" or something like that. But then when both the to like ditch the party or go somewhere not as bad as the main room and end up meeting and talking and becoming friends and then later dating. Then Lila goes on and on that she's dating Roy but that fails as he shows up.
Okay so this is my first ask/prompt thing but I loved it and I hope it’s good
Thanks to the people in the group chat for the encouragement, I really appreciate it <3
Here goes nothing, hope you like what I ended up writting
(pacing maybe a little fast, oops)
She didn’t want to be here, Mari only came because she ran out of excuses to not go to a gala with Jagged. Don’t get her wrong, she loves her honorary uncle but being in the spotlight was not something Marinette enjoyed, Ladybug was more than enough for her thank you very much.
So here she was sipping champagne, which she shouldn’t be but that’s for another time, hugging the wall trying to not stand out with all of her will power. Despite her best efforts Jagged could be heard loudly boating about his favorite designer and talking about how she made his and Penny’s outfits as well as her own. Knowing he was about to drag people around to show her off she decided to bite the bullet and pushed herself off the wall and walked over to him and what looked like a rich blonde businessman and another person around her ae that clearly didn’t want to be here.
The floor length rose pink dress shined in the light as she made her way over to Jagged. The intricate flowers becoming seen as she moved, and her hair flowing behind her as she walked. She commanded the room with confidence as she walked, a perk of being Ladybug for so long, long gone was the overly shy pre-teen and now stood tall legal adult. The shear back of her dress exposed small scars from years of fighting but no one would notice as her over all beauty distracted from the clear battle scars dancing across her skin.
She came to a stop next to Jagged placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, “I know you want to tell everyone about me, but I could hear you from across the ballroom,” rubbing his neck in slight embarrassment Jagged shared a smile with her then to the gentleman he was talking with. “Mari, how nice of you to finally join us, I’ve been trying to get her to come to one of these for years, this is Oliver Queen and his ward Roy Harper,” anyone could tell how proud of the person she had become with his enthusiasm.
Shaking Oliver’s hand politely Mari turned to shake Roy’s only yo be met with a badly hidden scoff and rough handshake in return. ‘Spoiled rich kid with everything handed to him, lovely. Exactly why i tried to avoid these things’ was all that went through her head as she watched the red-head look anywhere but at her or the conversation he was begrudgingly in. ‘Great another person I’m going to have to pretend to tolerate because of the bs that is plesanties’
“So did you really make all three of your outfits?” Oliver was trying to make conversation, someone Roy’s age could possibly do him some good. Given that her deminr became less forced and Marinette seemed to light up the room even more he figures he picked the right thing to ask. “Yes! I’ve been designing for as long as I can remember. It is one of the few constants in my life, and Jagged here,” she gestures in his direction her enthusiasm clear to anyone, “Has insisted that I keep making him things. At first I thought he was just being nice but finding out he was the one that got Clara to look into my stuff is something I can't thank him enough for.”
“Anything for my rock and roll niece,” Jagged playfully ruffles her hair and she swats at his hands, this was a normal thing and Mari was clearly more at ease now that she was able to talk about her interests. She went on for a bit longer, Roy had left under the guise of getting something to drink and snuck off to one of the side rooms to get out of the stuff “party”. Mari left the pair of influential men saying she needed to get off her feet, they let her go and she ended up ducking into the very room that Roy was settled in.
Marinette’s huff of relief after closing the door and leaning against it made Roy snap his attention to the door. “I can’t wait for this to be over,” she looked at her phone to check the time, her heels already in her hand, “Still two more hours till I can ditch.” rolling her eyes, she looked up finally noticing the red-head and a startled sound involuntarily left her, ‘lovely rich boy is here’ she tuned to leave the room when his cough made her look in Roy’s direction. “You trying to escape too?” a sheepish smile played on his lips, his shaggy red hair hung loosely as he tilted his head toward her. Hesitantly she walked to the table across from the one he is sitting on to sit on herself.
“You could say that. Not really a fan of the spotlight,” she replies hesitantly, though his small laugh in return helps loosen her up. “That makes two of us, had to force me” his posture is loose, no longer as stiff. The two ended up spend the next few hours just ranting about how stuffy galas are and how they’d rather be anywhere else. They got to know each other so when both left the room with smiles and a small paper the guardians they came with, had knowing smiles, their plan had worked.
The rest of the month while Marinette was in Star City she was with Roy. Rumors of the two dating where everywhere by the end of the first week. Everywhere the two visited seemed to radiate happiness as the pair enjoyed the other’s company. No one had seen either so happy in a few years. Late night coffee ‘dates’ and soft laughter had become the norm so quickly that when Mari had to go back to Paris everything felt a little too quiet and dull.
‘I made it back, guess I got to accept the chaos again’
‘Miss me that much already ;)’
‘Oh shut it you dork’
Collapsing on her bed Mari’s smile since the gala still hadn’t falutlered. She still had two weeks before she had to go back to class but she didn’t want to think about that yet. Savor the moment of happiness she had while she could...that couldn’t last long could it? It never did, an Akuma alert went off and Ladybug was swiftly on the scene.
“I’m glad to see you’re back M’Lady”
“Good to see you too Kitty, but I just got back, any idea what’s going on”
“Seems like a tourist who missed their reservations”
“Ok sweet, this should be a piece of cake,” and it was they were done in less than 10 minutes. “Come on M’Lady we have a few more that need to be taken care of,” leading Ladybug the partners went to the Effilé Tower so she could purify the other Akumas that had happened while she was gone.
“Thank you Kitty, I appreciate the break.” There were maybe 20 glass jars and only 16 or so butterflies. They had made a system just in case Ladybug wasn’t in Paris and didn’t require to come back all the time. “It’s what a purr-ncess deserves isn’t it, everyone should get a break even you Mari.” “What better sibling could I ask for? Hang out tomorrow? It’s been awhile since I destroyed you in Mécha Strike.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
By the time Marinette woke up it was close to 11 and it was to light tapping on her trap door, what sounded like a ‘come in’ left her lips as she went around her room to look presentable. Adrian came into her room, some food on a plate and a Cheshire like smile, “Sooo, how was the states? Make any new ‘friends’ while there?” His testing tone made it clear she couldn’t get out of it.
The next two days were spent together catching up on what they had done and Adrian getting all the details about a certain red-head. “Ok so maybe I like him but we both know how bad my track record is?” Mari’s exasperation was clear, she had confessed to Adrian before they knew who was behind the mask and he came out as gay to her. She ended up being what got him and Luka together, then Kagami and Cholé, we don’t mention that confession. “I don’t know princess, you might actually have a chance,” he had a knowing smile, too knowing, something was up. Pushing away the thought, “You’re just a helpless romantic,” they playfully shoved each other as they were heading back to the bakery after a day just walking around.
Texting Roy and hanging out with her small team was all she had done when she had done when she got back so walking into the classroom to cold stares had thrown her for a moment. Her reality hit her like a ton of bricks but it didn’t hurt as much as it used to, she had people who cared about her and people she cared about. Marinette took her seat in the back of the class with Cholé and Adrian. The trio had been forced to the back but enjoyed the freedom it let them have.
The door slammed open and one Lila Rossi had walked in laughing loudly to Alya, no doubt talking about ‘what an amazing summer’ she had, the trio just rolled their eyes and went back to their phones.
“You texting him again, I swear you are always texting him,” Adrian joked seeing Mari ignore the world, the only thing she cared about being her screen.
“I mean you know me so well,” rolling her eyes at his antics, “what else am I supposed to do? Listen to ‘something that totally happened guys I don’t know why you don’t believe me’,” her sarcasm was palpable.
“I mean this time you might care, it’s about some boy toy, a Queen I think,” Cholé supplied to the conversation muffling a laugh as Mari immediately snapped her attention to the girl in the front of the class.
“You have got to be kidding me, she can’t be that dumb can she.”
“Oh you know she can and will be”
The rest of the week was spent with Lila telling the class about how amazing and put together Robert was, she couldn’t even get his name right!!! Mari was a little pissed but it wasn’t worth it, she knew the real Roy and he may be a disaster incarnée but he was hers. Did she really just think that? Damn Adrian was really rubbing off on her.
Two weeks later when Adrian told her to wear red and black, and to make sure her hair was in a ponytail, she chose not to question it. What ever crazy plan he had plan would probably be fine, they usually were. Texting Roy in the way to her class she almost missed the foot out to rip her, but being so focused she just sidestepped and jumped over the other 2 that were outstretched as she made her way to class. She wore a bright smile, Roy was talking about how pretty Paris was. ‘He must have seen the pictures I sent’.
Practically falling into her practical sibling’s lap she hummed a happy tune forgetting where she was. The red shirt she wore was one that she may have narrowed from Roy and it still smelled like him. The two blondes who sat with her started to tease and run their hands through her hair, happy to see their girl so happy again.
“So, Kitty, why was I to wear this today? What’s the occasion?”
“Oh you’ll see,” his knowing smile should have worried her but the text from Roy distracted her.
A picture of her parents' bakery and a text that said ‘this is your parents right?’ Lit up her screen.
‘Yeah why’
‘No reason, shouldn’t you be in class?’
‘Hasn’t stopped me before ;)’
Lila’s loud boasting about her ‘boyfriend’ Mr. Harper, at least she got the last name right, broke the bliss Mari had been feeling, though Adrian’s poorly concealed laugh did bring some of her smile back.
It was at lunch when Mari found out why Adrian was so giddy and why Roy was talking about the beauty of Paris. In the middle of another one of Lila’s stories about her ‘boyfriend’ a cough stopped her mid sentence, “Um actually, who are you? I’m pretty sure I’ve never met you before. I think I’d remember someone as loud as you.” There he stood at the bottom of the stairs, in all his glory, one Roy Harper.
“Adrian I love you but I’ll kill you later,” Mari whispered to him and then launched herself at red-head. “What are you doing here?” He caught her with ease spinning her slightly, “Happy to see you again Pixie,” their laughter could be heard throughout the school. “But Roy, seriously what are you doing here?”
Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, “Adrian may or may not have gotten me here… and I wanted to see you again” Mari half hearted flared at the blonde who jut give her a grin. This was sister and Roy made her happy, so of course he was going to do what he could so she could be happy. “Told you it would work out,” Chloe’s retuned fistbup told him she was happy for their friend too. After all she had done for them it was only fair they helped her.
“I may have also wanted to ask you something,” Roy looked down at the shorter girl, “would you be down to be my girl…” he trailed off at the end but their was clear admiration in his eyes as he squeezed her hands.
“Of course you dork,” she gently pulled him down into a soft kiss.
They left the school after that, somehow the school already knew to excuse her for the est of the day. The pair had a lovely date ending up with them both falling asleep in the couch as a movie played.
The next day Mari didn’t come to class, neither did Adrian or Cholé, but there were cease and desist letters on both Alya’s and Lila’s desks and a firm warning from the Queen lawyers about falsely using their name.
Mari was happy and she really had to thank Jagged for finally convincing her to go the dumb gala, and maybe Adrian for getting them together.
They were an odd pair, the human disaster and the embodiment of an angel but they were happy and they fit, they wouldn’t change it for the world.
So that was that, hope it was good :>
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by ohsh1t2wksl8
Layer 1: The Basics
Name: Since there’ve been several people who’ve followed me recently anyway, HI I’m Robyn.
Age: 23.
Birthday: April 21st.
Gender: Female.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
Layer 2: Your Family
Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, I have one of each.
Do you have any pets? Yup, two dogs.
Do you still live with your parents? I do. I’m not in a rush.
Do you have any stepparents? Nope.
How many cousins do you have? 11 first cousins. Throwing my second cousins into the mix would dramatically increase the number and I don’t feel like counting rn.
Layer 3: Your Friends
Who is your best friend? Angela and Andi.
Who have you been friends with the longest? Angela and I have been friends for 16 years and it’s stronger as ever these days because of our mutual love for BTS hehe.
What do you like to do with your friends? It really depends! There’s no one thing I like doing most with any of them; as long as I’m with them I’d consider it time well spent.
Do you have more friends online or in real life? Real life. It’s hard to form friendships online once nearly everyone starts becoming younger than you.
What is a good way to make friends with others? One thing I learned is that you have to be okay to initiate, and that’s not really something I like doing all the time.
Layer 4: Your Home
Do you live in a home, apartment, duplex, trailer, etc? I live in a house.
How many rooms are there in your house? There are 4 bedrooms and 5 other kinds of rooms – that’s 2 bathrooms, the living room, dining room, and kitchen.
Is your home large or small? I’d say it’s medium-sized. It’s not small that I feel cramped or inadequate, but it’s also nowhere near a mansion. It’s very comfortable for a family of 5.
What is your favorite room in your house, and why? Rooftop. My family barely goes there (and what a shame they don’t), so it’s a nice place to go to when I want to be alone but can’t get out of the house. Not to mention that it’s open-air and windy there, so whenever I feel as if I’m getting cooked inside I can always depend on the rooftop.
Do you prefer having people over to your house, or would you rather go to theirs? I’d rather go to theirs. Our house is really deep into the village and is a challenge to get to, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the general area.
Layer 5: Can You
Can you fold your tongue into the taco shape? Yes, but that’s the furthest it can go. I can’t really bend or twist it into shapes more complex than that.
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? Nah, I lost that ability years ago. I didn’t make the most out of my flexibility back when I still had it.
Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue? I never tried.
Can you hold up your end of a physical fight? I bet I can’t.
Can you do any yo-yo tricks? No, I was always terrible at the yo-yo.
Layer 6: Who
Who inspires you the most, and why? I don’t have any ~inspirations. I do like looking up to whoever my current obsession is – be it Rhett and Link, Paramore, BTS, etc. – to help me be happy and have something to smile at, but I try not to let any of them govern every single aspect of my life.
Who helps you maintain your sanity? My best friends. And these days, surprise surprise! – BTS.
Who do you go to most often for advice? Depends on the topic; I always run to either of my best friends. If I need a collective opinion, I go to my college friend group’s group chat.
Who knows you better than you know yourself? At one point it had been Gabie, but *shrug* Nowadays, the person who knows me best would probably be Andi.
Who is someone that you would die or put your life on the line for, no questions asked? Any of my friends.
Layer 7: Do you
Do you still eat sandwiches without the crusts? Nah - I’ve grown to be a fan of the crusts. I used to make my grandma slice them off as a kid or else I wouldn’t even think of touching the sandwich; then something changed as I got older and now I absolutely have to have the crust. At home, I even call dibs on the first and last pieces of bread (the ones that are all crust) whenever we get a new pack of sliced bread.
Do you typically finish your meal at a restaurant, or need to take a container home? I usually ask for it to be packed up for takeout.
Do you pull an Oreo apart in order to eat it? No, I just bite into it.
Do you read a lot of gossip magazines? As a kid/teenager. I’m over that now.
Do you make friends easily? I’m not the biggest social butterfly, but I’m also not super closed off. I’ll be happy to talk to anyone who approaches me.
Layer 8: How Many?
How many people live in your house with you? Four.
How many pets have you had in your lifetime? In my lifetime...I guess a good rough estimate would be somewhere around 10? I’ll never know exactly how many we’ve had since I never kept track of how many goldfish we kept.
How many tries does it take you to become successful at something? Depends. I never learned how to ride a bike even if I’ve pushed myself to practice ever since I was 5, but there are other things I’m able to pick up easily.
How many meals do you eat a day? One, dinner.
How many people can you honestly tolerate? This isn’t really an issue to me haha, I like being around people and my patience around them is usually long.
Layer 9: How
How do you typically get to school or work? I work from home at the moment and probably would for a little while longer; but if things were different, I would be driving myself.
How do you deal with a breakup? When I was going through mine, I was stupidly stubborn at first and refused any form of help. I deactivated all my social media and shut both my best friends out; it even got to a point where mutual friends were beginning to ask Andi where I’ve been as I’ve “disappeared off the face of the Earth” (an actual quote they relayed to me). I cried day in and day out, cried during my shifts, stayed holed up in my room; and I skipped hundreds of meals, sometimes not eating all day. It wasn’t a good place to be in.
But I knew I was on the right path to recovering the moment I reached out to friends again and acknowledged that I needed help. I started to help myself, too; I cut the person off slowly, and I started to look for new things to get into, new hobbies to invest in. I let my friends give me tough love and show me the reality of my situation, and I listened this time around. I don’t know what drove me to make a sudden change in my life but I’m really glad I came around to the decision, because I’m happier than ever these days.
How do you like to help others? All sorts of ways. I always want to make others’ lives a little easier.
How do you know when you’ve found “the one”? I don’t trust that instinct anymore.
How do you sleep in bed? On my side, clutching a pillow. No pillow to hug, no sleep.
Layer 10: What
What do you think happens when we die? That I just fall asleep for a very long time.
What do you do if there’s no toilet paper left on the roll and you’re already peeing? Turn around and hope there is at least a bidet in the stall.
What do you eat most often? Rice.
What toys did you enjoy most as a child? Anything with a lot of buttons or features to play around with, like detailed dollhouses.
What do you do if you witness someone being awful to someone else? Intervene, for the most part.
Layer 11: Where
Where is your favorite place to eat out? BGC has great ambience and restaurant choices, but it’s been a while since I’ve been there. I also still feel weird about the place since Gabie and I had dates there pretty often, sooooo I really ought to make new memories there with new people once I can.
Where is the place that has the best ice cream in your area? We don’t really have places known for ice cream...most people just buy pints or tubs of them at the grocery lol.
Where did you meet your current or last significant other? School.
Where can you be found at 7 PM. typically? Wrapping up work in my room.
Where can you find the best French fries? Potato Corner.
Layer 12: When
When did you find out the truth about Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy? Never believed in the first two. Tooth Fairy I lost hope in when I placed a tooth under my pillow when I was around 6 or 7 and woke up to nothing.
When do you typically fall asleep? Early hours of the morning tbh. I’d sleep anywhere between 1-4 AM these days.
When was the last time that someone paid you a compliment? Kata and I often make sure to compliment one another for our hard work by the end of particularly grueling shifts.
When do you feel most comfortable? Friday nights when I’m sure I can finally close my work group chats for the next two days.
When did you last go to the bathroom? Around an hour or so ago.
Layer 13: Why
Why do you enjoy taking surveys so much? It’s a stress reliever that has never failed me, and it lets me answers quirky random questions no one would ever have to ask me.
Why do people gossip so much? For one, probably the thrill of knowing something that's meant to be a thing.
Why can’t humans fly? It wouldn’t have been a necessity, I’m guessing.
Why aren’t you doing something else right now? Because I just spent the last 24 hours streaming Butter on Spotify and YouTube to raise views and plays for the boys, and taking this survey is actually the first thing I’ve done all day after taking a quick nap this afternoon to recover from all the streaming I did hahaha.
Why is the sky blue? I don’t know.
Layer 14: If…
If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on? Buy chocolate chips because I’m craving them rn; get all BTS merch in one go; give a chunk to my parents; keep the rest.
If you found out someone was cheating on you, would you ever take them back? I don’t really have consistency when it comes to this situation. I know I definitely would’ve been stupid enough to stay with Gab if she hypothetically cheated on me while we were still together; I’m not sure if I’d stay when it comes to another person entirely.
If you found a wallet with cash in the street, including identification, would you turn it in? Why or why not? Yeah, I’d look for the owner. I’m not that desperate for money, personally.
If you could have any food right now, what would you like?   SUSHI.
If you found out that the world was going to end tomorrow, how would you spend your last day? Go to the mall and get some much-needed air, then probably drop off some japchae and tteokbokki at Angela’s place.
Layer 15: Firsts
When did you lose your first tooth? I was in Prep and it actually fell out while I was in school. We were having storytime and I had to interrupt the session to tell my teacher it was starting to feel loose, so she got me some tissues to help me get it out.
Who was your first teacher that you ever had? Her name was Kathy. I don’t really have any substantial memories of her because I was 4 lmao, but I know she was nice.
When did you first learn how to ride a bike? ...Still learning...
When was the first time you had sex? Like a day or two after turning 18.
Did your first birthday have a theme to it? Not necessarily but my parents threw me a party at Jollibee, so it kinda had to be Jollibee-themed lol.
Layer 16: Lasts
Last person you texted: I don’t feel like checking because it was most definitely a work-related text and I don’t want to be reminded of work on a Sunday, but it was a media person. 
Last drink you sipped: The last of my coffee.
Last time you rode a bike: Like, March last year when the pandemic had still been fresh and I thought I could use all the free time to finally learn how to ride a bike. Absolute clownery.
Last time you swam in a pool: August 2019.
Last person you hugged: Not sure. Angela, I think.
Layer 17: Favorites
Favorite Color: I think pastel pink is still taking the lead for me.
Favorite Season: We don’t have the usual four seasons, but I do have a liking for winter. It just seems very cozy for me.
Favorite Shape: I don’t have one.
Favorite Letter: Mmmmm, don’t really have one of these either.
Favorite Number: 4 or 7.
Layer 18: This or That
Pepsi or Coke? I don’t drink softdrinks.
Movies or Television? Movies, but I haven’t really been watching much of either recently.
Phone or Tablet? Phone. Haven’t used a tablet in yearrrrrsssssss.
Fruits or Vegetables? Veggies. Hate fruits.
Animals or Humans? I think I like both an equal amount.
Layer 19: Which
Which Poke’mon is your favorite? Chikorita.
Which day of the week is your favorite? Friday, because of course.
Which birthday celebration was the most memorable for you? My 18th, even though out of all the friends I celebrated my birthday with I only have one of them left in my life. I know I was happy during that time so I wouldn’t invalidate that experience for myself.
Which holiday is your favorite? Christmas, only for the sheer amount of food I get to have.
Which shoe do you put on first? I always switch it up, I’m pretty sure. I don’t have a particular habit.
Layer 20: Love Life/Relationships
What is the name of your first love? Gabie.
How many times can you honestly say you’ve been in love? Once.
Have you ever been in a relationship before that was abusive in any way? After being able to take a step back and analyzing it deeper, yes.
Have you ever been engaged or married before? Nope.
Do you have any children? I don’t.
Layer 21: Jobs, Dreams, & Goals
What did you want to be when you grew up (as a little kid)? I couldn’t decide among being an astronaut, firefighter, or veterinarian.
What do you aspire to be now? What interests you? I realized I wanted to be in the field of media and public relations, and that’s where I am now. I like being able to use my writing skills for something I find fun and fulfilling, instead of rotting away in a newsroom writing news I’m usually too sensitive for.
What is the most recent goal you’ve achieved? I got regularized! :)
What is a goal you are still striving to reach? A salary increase would be nice, and then a promotion down the road would also be awesome.
Have you ever won any sort of awards before? If so, for what? Sure. I was consistently on the honor roll in college and graduated with Latin honors, if those count as awards.
Layer 22: Opinions & Beliefs
Pro-life or pro-choice? Pro-choice.
Were you raised with any sort of religious background? If so, then what? Yesss, I was and am raised in a Catholic household. Weirdly enough my parents have grown more laidback in the last few years and my mom no longer berates us for not doing the sign of the cross when we pray before eating (my siblings have taken after me and refuse to do it as well). No idea what sparked that change but I’m just glad I never have to do gestures like that one anymore.
Democrat, Republican, or Independent? We don’t have the same parties here.
For or against the death penalty? This is a very complicated web and for reasons largely relevant to my country and the issues we have, I am mostly against it.
Thoughts on assisted suicide? I am ok with it as long as there is consent involved. 
Layer 23: Currently/Today/Present
What day is it? It’s Sunday again, blegh.
What’s the weather like outside? Sunny.
What have you eaten? Just a Fudgee Bar so far but I’m having breakfast with my family in an hour or so.
Did you run any errands? Well it’s only 8:37 AM so not yet, but one or two might come up throughout the day.
What time is it? 8:38 now.
Layer 24: Yesterday
Did you have a work shift? No, I don’t work Saturdays.
Did you eat out anywhere? No :( I’ve wanted to for a while, though. Maybe I might today, actually – they’ve loosened up quarantine protocols so restaurants have opened up again. Let’s see if I’ll feel like driving today.
Was it snowing? It doesn’t snow here.
Who did you last say goodnight to? Cooper.
Did anything unusual happen? It rained and there was cold breeze during the evening.
Layer 25: Tomorrow
Do you have to go to school/class? No, but I do have to go to work.
Does this day have any sort of significance to you? May 24...I don’t think so. Nothing comes to mind.
What is a chore that needs to get done? My veeeeeeery long list of to-do tasks that I’m trying not to think about rn.
Will you hang out with friends? No chance of that happening.
What time will you be expected to be awake by? 9 AM.
Layer 26: Have You Ever
Performed a magic trick successfully? I don’t think so.
Sat or laid on a rooftop and looked at the stars? I’m at the rooftop all the time but I only occasionally lie down to look at the stars.
Walked around with your underwear on inside out or backwards all day without realizing it? Nope.
Touched a snake? Yep. I’ve had one wrapped around me before, too.
Been bitten by an animal? If so, what animal? Just by ants and mosquitoes.
Layer 27: School Life
Are preschool and kindergarten mandatory where you live? Not sure about mandatory but I’m pretty sure I’ve heard of people who went straight to first grade as kids, either because of advanced intelligence or financial limitations.
Were you or anyone you knew homeschooled? I have one set of cousins who are all homeschooled; and I also used to have classmates who eventually transferred out of my school to be homeschooled instead.
Did you attend public or private school? Private.
Were you bullied in school, popular, or somewhere in-between? I was a loner for the most part, but after befriending the popular groups in high school I kind of got dragged into that scene as well.
What is the highest level of education that you completed? Undergraduate degree.
Layer 28: Your Appearance
Eye Color: Dark brown/black.
Hair Color: Black.
Height: 5′1″.
Weight: A little under 100 lbs.
Do you have freckles, moles, beauty marks, or birthmarks - and where? I have moles on my right arm, under my jaw, near my left knee, and under my left boob. I have a birthmark behind my left shoulder.
Layer 29: Electronics, Internet, & Social Media
How much time do you spend on the internet per day? Hahahah yeesh, way to put me on the spot. I wanna say anywhere between 16-18 hours? I’m online the second I wake up until the moment I turn in for bed.
Which social media platforms do you belong to? Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr.
When’s the last time you replaced the batteries in your television remote? 4975493875495743 years ago.
Are you more likely to stream movies and shows on your laptop, or cast them to your television? Laptop.
Do you have an e-reader, or do you prefer actual books? I don’t read regularly anymore, but I’ve never liked reading from a screen. I prefer a physical book as much as possible.
Layer 30: Are You
Are you still in school? No. I’m not opposed to grad school either, but it has to be a REALLY REALLY REALLY fucking great opportunity for me to sink my teeth into it. We’re talking getting accepted to grad school in like Spain or NYU; otherwise I wouldn’t take it.
Are you a member of the LGBTQ+ community? Yes.
Are you looking forward to anything coming soon? Festa month!
Are you dreading anything coming soon? Work tomorrow.
Are you gullible or naive? I can be both.
Layer 31: Does
Does your workplace make you feel like you can never take a day off without feeling guilty about it? Not at all. I’m really grateful they take vacation leaves seriously; we even have a Mental Health Break Day scheduled two Fridays from now. Purely a company thing.
Does someone currently hold the key to your heart? Kim Taehyung... :/
Does anyone out there hate you? Idk and I couldn’t give less of a shit if anyone does.
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? No.
Does crying make you feel less strong? Nope. It took me a while to realize it, but acknowledging feelings and processing them is actually one of the strongest things you can do for yourself. 
Layer 32: Would You
Do the Polar Bear Plunge? Idk what that is.
Ever try to walk across a room blindfolded? I’ve done it before, so sure.
Swim with sharks? As long as I’m surrounded with experts, yes.
Go into outer space, given the chance? In a heartbeat.
Go out in public, looking how you do right now? Nope.
Layer 33: Pets/Animals
Do you have any pets? If so, what type, and their names… Yesss. There’s Kimi who’s an aspin, and Cooper the beagle.
If not, what type of pet have you always wanted?
What is your favorite animal? Dogs and elephants :)
Do you think it is cruel to have circus animals? Yes, or having animals do tricks for show, in general. I always discourage my parents from booking tickets to animal theme parks when we plan vacations.
How often do you walk your dog, if you have one? How often do you scoop the litterbox, if you have a cat? Every week.
Layer 34: Food
What is your favorite breakfast item? Fried rice.
What is your favorite kind of dessert? Macarons and cheescake.
Do you eat all three meals everyday? Nah. I have one meal on weekdays, and two meals on some weekends.
What’s the longest you’ve gone without food? Around 24 hours.
What do you like to eat when you are feeling sick? Greasy things haha. If I’m feeling like death, might as well be having good food.
Layer 35: Past
Does your past ever come back to haunt you at times? Not really.
What is one of your favorite memories of the past? Spending my college years with the right people.
What is something that you used to do in the past, but no longer do? Harm myself.
If you could have a meal with someone from the past, who would it be, and what would you ask them? Audrey Hepburn, but I don’t really have a question for her. It would just be nice to get to spend a few minutes with her.
Which historical time period would you like to go back to and check out? Precolonial Philippines.
Layer 36: Future
Do you think you will ever get married one day? It’s definitely a lovely scenario to have but I’m really unsure about it at the moment just because there’s no one I have in mind and I have no plans to start dating around again soon.
Do you plan on ever getting a different job in the future, or are you happy with the one you’ve got? I’m happy with the one I have and I don’t see it changing any time soon.
What age do you plan to retire at? Or do you plan on working til you’re dead? Probably the latter haha.
What is something on your bucket list worth mentioning? Going to Wrestlemania.
If given the opportunity to see how your future plays out, would you take it, or no? Yes.
Layer 37: Hygiene
How often do you shower? Once daily. Twice if it’s stupidly hot during the day.
How often do you brush your teeth? Once or twice a day.
Do you actually iron any of your clothes? Mm, not really. But if I was planning on wear something that gets easily crumpled, I iron that in advance.
How often do you do laundry? I’m not in charge of laundry.
How long do you use a bath towel before switching it out? Around 1–2 weeks.
Layer 38: Clothing, Makeup, & Style
Do you wear nail polish? If so, how often do you paint your nails? Nah.
How would your describe your sense of style? I like sticking with trends as long as I feel comfortable in them.
Are there any popular trends that you do not find appealing? Just makeup in general.
Where do you typically buy your clothing from? Local small businesses or H&M. 
What sorts of accessories do you wear/use? I don’t really invest in them, but I wanna start buying more headbands, bucket hats, and earrings.
Layer 39: Hobbies
Do you still color, even as an adult? Occasionally.
Do you/would you like to crochet, knit, cross-stitch, etc? Yeaaah I do embroidery but I’ve stopped for a while since finding other interests and hobbies to dabble in. I have no plans to ditch it completely though; I’ll come back to it when the time is right.
What’s the last thing you crafted all by yourself? Not sure.
Do you use Pinterest at all? Nope.
What’s the last thing that you cooked or baked? Lol.
Layer 40: Dislikes
List some of your pet peeves here. Driving slowly on lanes intended for overtaking; taking too much of my food; being subtle about asking for favors.
What are some things that annoy you about yourself? Easily punishing myself for mistakes, no matter how small; I also find that putting others first before myself 100% of the time can sometimes end up being an inconvenience for myself.
Is there anyone out there who you actually hate? Who? Nope.
What is a feeling that you dislike? “I should have done/said this.” Not sure what feeling this falls under (maybe helplessness?), but having these thoughts irritate me to no end especially if I can’t do anything about the situation.
Do you get some ugly road rage while driving? Yep.
Layer 41: Random
Have you ever successfully pogo’ed on a pogo stick? Nah, I’ve never even seen one in real life. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always been dying to try getting on one lol. 
Have you ever mastered the jump rope? I wouldn’t say I’m a master, but I can do the basic jumps and last a long time doing them.
Do you know what it feels like to be truly happy? I don’t know if I’ve determined this already; I have a lot of years ahead of me and lots of experiences I’ve yet to go through.
Is it winter in your part of the world right now? No.
What’s your favorite type of survey, and why? Random ones or ones with categories, like this one.
Layer 42: Music
What are some of your favorite genres of music? Alternative, folk indie, punk rock, R&B...and BTS.
What are some music genres that you can’t stand? Country, screamo, techno.
If you had a blank pair of concert tickets, who would you hope to be going to see? Any one of my holy trinity: Paramore, Beyoncé, or BTS.
Do you still listen to music on the radio from time to time? Not anymore, come to think of it. I’m completely unaware of the Top 40 space right now, and have been for a while.
iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, or YouTube? Spotify.
Layer 43: Books
What were some of your favorite books as a child? The Septimus Heap series and the Percy Jackson series.
What genre of books do you typically read most often? Memoirs.
What are some of your favorite books as an adult? I don’t read anymore.
What is a book that you were required to read for school that you actually enjoyed? Hands down, Without Seeing the Dawn. I remember fairly enjoying Charlotte’s Web and Number the Stars as well.
Do you read any newspapers or magazines anymore? No.
Layer 43: Around the World
Where’s the best place you’ve taken a vacation and/or day trip to? Jeju, South Korea; Bali, Indonesia; Palawan; Batanes; and Boracay.
Where is somewhere that you’d like to go someday, assuming you have the funds to do so? Seoul, South Korea.
Where do your family members originate from? Just Philippines.
What is your favorite type of ethnic cuisine? All Asian cuisines. Each of them is so unique and always has something new to discover.
What is something that is typically representative of your own culture? Jollibee? Hahaha.
Layer 44: Would you Rather…
Drink apple juice or grape juice? Apple.
Wear pants or shorts? Shorts, as much as possible.
Be taller or shorter? Taller.
Go to a zoo or an aquarium? Neither if possible.
Visit an art gallery or a museum? Museum.
Layer 45: Movies
Do you remember what the first movie was that you saw in theaters? Stuart Little 2 when I was 4.
What are some of your favorite movies you’ve seen? Two for the Road, Gone with the Wind, Roman Holiday, Revolutionary Road, Toy Story, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and Room.
What genre of movie do you typically enjoy? Drama.
What is a movie you’ve seen that you weren’t expecting to like, but were pleasantly surprised? Requiem For A Dream, but maybe remove ‘pleasantly.’ Anomalisa is also a good answer for this.
How many movies do you own? Are they all DVD’s, or do you still have some VHS ones left? I just watch them on Netflix, haha.
Layer 46: Personality
Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert? I’m really more of an ambivert than anything else. I can deal with alone time and more social days equally well.
Are you more easygoing and laid back, or anal? Again, I can be both depending on the situation.
Are you kind to everyone who shows that they deserve kindness? Yes.
Describe your sense of humor. I can laugh over anything from dad jokes to crackhead memes.
Do you tend to over-share? Not really. I tend to have a good sense of how much I should share depending on the person/group I’m with.
Layer 47: Celebrities
Which celebrity has given their child the most unique name, in your opinion? I mean, Elon Musk and Grimes have to be up there, right? The Kardashians have also given their kids unique names, but I actually am a fan of them all.
Are there any celebrities that you keep tabs on/read articles about often? Nah, I’m past that part of my life lol. As obsessed as I am with BTS and as unavoidable rumors about their personal life are, I literally don’t care and just want them to have happy private lives. That’s one of the reasons why I know I’m truly in my 20s now hahaha.
Who is/are your celebrity crush(es)? Kim Taehyung, Hayley Williams, Kristen Stewart.
Have you ever personally met someone famous before? If so, then who? A lot of local celebrities and personalities since it came with the nature of my course.
Who is a celebrity that you’re getting tired of hearing about all the time? Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift.
Layer 48: Emotions
When was the last time you cried? Earlier, but they were happy tears.
What are some things that you’re afraid of? Big change, injections, drowning, sharp objects.
What is something small that makes you happy? Cold weather.
Who is the last person that you were angry with, and about what? My mom wrongfully blaming me for something I had very little to do with. Both my siblings are very sensitive and are never scolded, so I usually take the heat even for things I’m barely involved in. Such is the life of the eldest daughter in an Asian household, lmao.
Are you typically a shy or outgoing person? I’m always shy at first, but end up being perky and outgoing once warmed up.
Layer 49: Digging Deeper
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? Mixed drinks.
How old were you when you got drunk for the first time? 18.
Do you smoke? Very rarely. I don’t want to make it a habit.
Have you ever taken and sent naked pictures of yourself? I have.
Have you ever done any drugs other than marijuana? If so, which ones? No.
Layer 50: Games
What are some of your favorite video games? Mario Kart, Resident Evil, and Legend of Zelda are some of my favorite series.
Do you have any computer games that you play regularly? I don’t play computer games.
What was your favorite board game, growing up? Scrabble.
How about your favorite card game? I also don’t play card games.
How good are you at solving puzzles? (such as a Rubik’s cube, word puzzles, or putting together a jigsaw puzzle) I don’t like puzzles.
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bespectacledbun · 4 years
What is in Arthur, Sasuke, Mousse, and Charles that you super love about them?
GASPPPP I LOVE THIS ASK SO MUCH OMG 💕💕💕 it’s gonna be a long post so I’m putting it under the cut sjdjfkg 
if you don’t want eng/jp spoilers for any of the guys, please don’t read!! that is my warning for this post, so if you decide to click anyway and then complain I put spoilers, I will laugh in your face ✌🏽😚
Sasuke – where do I even begin with this boy??? He’s caught my eye since day fucking one of ikesen when I downloaded it and I was so??? excited??? because 1) holy SHIT we get a meme-y best friend and 2) he’s?? a ninja??? and  I got into this game when I was 16 and I was like THIS IS THE ONE I WANT HIM. I’ll admit, the first thing I liked about his character was that he wore glasses (gotta stay on brand yo) but when we got to see more content of Sasuke in the other routes and in the events I just…slowly fell in love with him and all his quirks. The way he could reference memes with such a straight face. His enthusiasm for history and the warlords. The ninja jokes. The way he couldn’t wink. The more stories he featured in, the more I started loving him (@under-sengoku-skies knows how much I’ve rambled about Sasuke in our dms)
The first story event he featured in, Lord vs Vassal, his story side was him taking the MC on a stargazing date and they saw shooting stars from Azuchi’s roof and I just… The way I felt reading that is indescribable. As a history nerd and space geek myself, I loved his jokes, and the way he thought that his and MC’s meeting was designed by fate is just. I couldn’t help but fall in love with that, y’know? The idea that this man of science is such a romantic that he believed his meeting with MC wasn’t just a chance encounter, but it was arranged by destiny… I can’t think of anything right now except cute hdgahshfg.
And then when we got his route and I found out that he’s been waiting for FOUR YEARS and training all that time just to protect the MC it was like,,, the last piece of the puzzle clicked in. To wait all that time and constantly be there for MC in every single route and to protect her… everything Sasuke does has always been for MC (this is your reminder to go read Sasuke’s route if you haven’t done so already). So tldr, Local Sengoku Ninja is Actually a Romantic and Makes an Excellent Boyfriend
Mousse – So when Mousse first got released in…late 2018 iirc, I actually didn’t think much of him at first 😂 it’s funny, because at first all I knew was that he was the Sleeping Dormouse and a diplomat. So I didn’t have much of an opinion outside “oh cool, I wanna see what he looks like” right?? And then cybird dropped his character design and I was like. Shit. He’s actually kind cute?? So I think @ladygacha translated a few of his stories and his introduction story where he’s napping in the Civic Centre was released and I was like fuuuuuuuuuuuck. 
It’s kinda weird to explain but hdgajsd his hair is so fluffy and his general character design was just so appealing to me and then… I heard his voice. From that point on it was basically over for me ajsjdk I was WHIPPED. In 2019 his first birthday story released and he talks about how he fell in love with Alice at first sight and I was just g o n e HE’S REALLY SO CUTE IN HIS INTERACTIONS. It’s like what happened with Sasuke asdjfkajd I’m a sucker for “love at first sight” characters.
So when we got to see him in Zero’s route in English I was !!!! FINALLY I GET TO SEE MY BOI and holy SHIT, it was everything I could have wanted. The way he just called Zero out for not protecting Alice?? I was sold. Just his character and personality in general, the way he’s so passionate about other cultures and countries and the way his love towards Alice is so pure and genuine, it’s adorable, and I’m really excited to see more of him in English ajdfjgjajdf
Arthur – strap in because this is prolly gonna be so much longer than the other two ajsjdjfg. So funny thing, I liked Arthur before ikevamp got announced in English–before it was out even in jp, actually. For my 15th birthday, I had gotten a huge volume of Sherlock Holmes novels from my mother, and when I read them I LOVED the stories. I liked Sir Arthur Conan Doyle the mystery writer before I liked Arthur, the ikevamp suitor. So when I found out he was going to be a character I could date, needless to say, I was REALLY excited for his route and ikevamp in general.
To anyone who’s read Arthur’s route, remember the chapter where Theo explains that Arthur is scared of getting close to people because he’s afraid they’ll leave??? Yeah. That chapter was the biggest fucking callout for me because I’m a little like that too. I’ve always been afraid of being left so when I read that, I was like ‘oh shit, this hits too close to home for me’. I know the popular fandom portrayal is this fuckboi who just sleeps around and has -10 braincells, but there’s actually so much more to him than that, which is what made me fall for him in the first place. 
I’ll be honest, I was really disappointed with the first few chapter of his route because I knew that it wouldn’t go over well and. Well. I really wish that we didn’t have to have such a scene in the first place, but sadly I’m not the story writer for ikevamp 😔 I was a bit scared of how he’d be portrayed in the rest of the route, mainly because I wanted to like his character a lot. So when his route actually dropped and we got him entertaining children, and his confidence at games, and how his brogue slips out when he’s stressed or nervous–all of that made me feel ‘okay, so this isn’t so bad’. I liked that we also got to see the darker parts of his route and his trauma wasn’t just brushed over for the sake of romance. 
Also, Arthur is… really stupid. Like really stupid. He might be smart most of the times, but when he goes into Panic ModeTM or when his emotions are running high, he becomes rash and impulsive and does the first thing that comes to his head (much like myself, which was a callout I did Not appreciate). Like throwing himself under a knife for MC. Or buying her a music box to see her smile. The first time I got to his confession at the end of his route, and he said he got a note from MC and ran to the portal without even checking to see if it was actually from her I just. stared at my screen. like, How can you be so smart and yet be such an idiot at the same time??? I don’t know. I really don’t. Tl;dr, Arthur is a dumbass but he’s a lonely dumbass with a heart of gold and has some really soft event stories in jp (gap moe, anyone?), so please stan him hdgsjdhfg
Charles – Charles has literally only been out for a max of 4 months and yet, if anything happened to him I would shoot everyone in ikevamp and then myself. The funny thing is, NOBODY thought I would fall for Charles at first. Last December when they were releasing character designs for the new characters in ikevamp jp, all my friends tagged me for Faust because everyone, including me, thought I’d fall for the megane character. Then Charles waltzed in and wrecked my home and hearth and I was done for. 
Like Sasuke and Mousse, he’s one of those “love at first sight” characters, and in his first story he calls the MC cute and they go shopping together and I just *flails around* he’s so cute??? His character profile also says he’s starved for love and I just,,, in real life I would never stay with that kind of person but since he’s a fictional character, I can’t help but just want to stay with him Q_Q My friends like to tease me by saying all the guys I like have a sort of “puppy” personality ahshdjfg wheezes 
And that’s all of them!! If you came here expecting a coherent explanation, you’re asking the wrong guy my bro ajshdjf but please talk to me more about these boys I would gladly talk to anyone in my inbox 💖💖💖💖
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twoblueheartslocked · 4 years
Mini Para: July Flashback.
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Four and a Half years before the events of ( Hold On To The Memories, They Will Hold On To You ) Start of July before Blaine’s Senior Year and Sebastian’s Junior Year. Blaine (almost 17) Seb (almost 16).
Location: Westerville, OH- In a Starbucks tucked away in a little nook.
Info: The First Flashback. Blaine and Kurt break up before Kurt heads off to college in New York. Sebastian tries to contain himself.
Warnings: N/A
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Notes: Some canon events remain in place while others have been changed. Some things may even be out of order. You can consider this sort of canon divergent AU. A few changes are that Blaine’s parents are different from the show (His mother is Filipina), he didn’t cheat on Kurt or date Dave and Sebastian is younger than Blaine. Feel free to send a message if you have any questions!
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine turned his music down, the poppy sound of Perry fading away as he pulled into the crowded parking lot of Westerville, Ohio’s Starbucks. There were better coffee places, but it was less likely a bunch of people he knew would be milling around a Starbucks. He’d done well to keep his friendship with Sebastian Smythe hushed and he wanted to keep it that way. Sebastian, for his part, did as well. It wasn’t really a secret, but people talked and it didn’t matter that it truly was just a friendship at the end of the day. He tried to ignore the nagging, annoying little voice in his head that scoffed and nagged at him about how he was totally attracted to Sebastian and liked his company more than most of his McKinley friends. Why else are you driving to meet him after the events of the past week, Blaine?
He pushed the thoughts away and pulled the mirror from above his head down and gave himself a quick look, noting that his eyes were only still just a little red and the puffiness from crying had gone away completely. He got out of his SUV, making sure to shove his wallet into the back pocket of his rolled, bright coral shorts and made his way into the shop to get out of the July heat, his Sperrys threatening to melt into the pavement.He glanced around the store, scanning for the tall familiar form of his tentative friend and frowned when he couldn’t find him.
He pulled out his phone to shoot a text when it started to vibrate in his hand, the words making him smile and rolling his eyes as he did as he was told. 
Seb: Turn around, Killer.
The smile was still faintly on his face when he made his way over to Sebastian. His companion had actually secured their nook table that deemed them hidden out of view. The spot was usually taken up by students hoping to get some work done or couples making out and the thought made him blush a little as he sat down across from Sebastian who had made himself at home, long legs spread out and taking up way more space than he needed. The other boy, smirking as usual, slid two biscottis and a grande white and green cup over to Blaine. Blaine picked it up, already smelling that Sebastian had remembered the cinnamon in his drip. His heart gave a little flip because self absorbed Sebastian had remembered the cinnamon and the biscotti but Blaine being Blaine ignored it like usual.
“Thank you. I’ll get the next round, okay? I can’t believe you managed to snag our spot.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian couldn’t stop the excitement that flared in his stomach anytime Blaine’s name flashed across the screen of his iPhone. He always cancelled his plans in favor of meeting Blaine at Starbucks or to toss around a football or anything he wanted, really. Sometimes Sebastian felt extremely lame because of his all consuming crush and that he’d rather drink stale coffee to the sounds of a ‘cafe pop’ playlist than meet random boys or drink in furnished basements.
Their friendship had been sort of a blur and came out of nowhere. He knew that sounded totally cliche and annoying but wasn’t that just how relationships in high school worked? You suddenly had so much in common with somebody and grew so close that you couldn’t understand how you went without this person in your life before? Sebastian had been obsessed with ‘winning’ Blaine over. He hated that this bashful kid just kept turning him down with shy smiles and dismissive waves of the hand and that his boyfriend was always around and wasn’t intimidated by his sharp wit. Seb hadn’t experienced being turned down before. He became jealous and his mean streak reared it’s monstrous head when he threw a salt spiked slushie at Blaine. All he wanted to do was stain Kurt’s precious clothing, the only thing he seemed to be passionate about.  After the slushie incident, Sebastian had sent flowers and visited Blaine to apologize. Somehow they grew close and met more and more often just to talk. Sebastian had to laugh, he was turning down dates with public school seniors just to read magazines in companionable silence, just to watch Blaine’s cheeks turn red when he teased him, to feel the spark of what could be when their thighs would touch squeezed into a diner booth.
It wasn’t any surprise that Sebastian made his driver get him to the coffee shop before Blaine so that he could get his regular drink and snack. He constantly assured Blaine that he understood that they were just friends and lied and said he was on the same page but couldn’t quell his crush. All he wanted to do was impress Blaine, it wasn’t even about winning anymore and that was like, a really scary thing to admit. He was totally sprung and spent too much time picking out outfits that looked like he didn’t care and memorizing orders and favorite songs and staring at his phone waiting for his phone to buzz.
Sebastian smirked when Blaine turned around to see him in the nook that they both preferred. He pushed Blaine’s coffee and biscotti towards him, “You deserve the best spot in the house. I had to fight a few pre teen girls but it was worth it.” Sebastian took a sip of his iced Americano and smiled around his straw, he hoped Blaine would notice. “So, what’s up?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine scooted himself up towards the table, sitting his phone down in front of him face up on the tiny table. He’d shut the sound off because Coop had been harassing him all day about his upcoming visit to Ohio. Just a constant stream of texts all morning pushing Blaine to make sure their parents had the house in order for him like he was freaking royalty. As if Blaine didn’t have enough issues of his own. His mom, Imelda, had laughed softly and given Blaine’s hand a squeeze telling him to just appease his brother because it made him happy. He only obliged for his mom because who cared what Cooper wanted.
Blaine found himself chuckling at the thought of Sebastian scaring preteens away with his rude language and idle threats and again his heart did the little flippy thing that felt familiar and brand new all at once when he told him that he deserved happiness. He cleared his throat and proceeded to pull the lid off of his coffee so he could dip his biscotti into it. He took a bite and Sebastian had put just the right amount of sugar and cream and cinnamon into the cup. He smiled to himself and swallowed before looking over at his friend.
“I can’t wait until I see Sam tomorrow night so that I can tell him that you’re actually just the sweetest, softest boy around.” He laughed, his shoulder coming up in a shrug. “You don’t have to worry though, because he’ll never believe me.” He watched Sebastian take a sip of his drink, his signature smirk had been replaced by this new thing that Blaine liked to say was his smile because he’d never seen him give it to anyone else. His teeth were showing and Blaine got a little glimpse of the crooked teeth that were hidden on his bottom  and top teeth. Blaine had been delighted to hear that picture perfect Sebastian Smythe had undone a bunch of expensive dental work all because he hated his retainer. Blaine was secretly glad because it was so adorable.
He could wax poetic about Sebastian Smythe’s teeth all day but that’s not why he’d come here. He’d come here to get away from the pitiful Facebook and Instagram messages his McKinley friends kept sending him. Telling him they were so sorry and that they just were so surprised about the thing that had made Blaine’s eyes red and puffy. Well, everyone except Sam who knew Blaine like the back of his hand and knew that things had been far from perfect.
Blaine finished his food, chewing thoughtfully for a moment trying to compartmentalize all of his feelings about the situation. He licked his lips and looked up at Sebastian. 
“Kurt and I broke up.” He paused, pursing his lips together. “I mean, I’ve told you how off everything has been over the last few months and with him going away to New York in a month I feel like this is the best move.” He felt a little wave of sorrow as he talked because of course Blaine had loved Kurt and he valued their time together but there was this sick feeling in the pit of his stomach as he thought back to some of their recent fights. Kurt had gotten mean and anytime Blaine took longer than five minutes to answer a text he would make accusations that Blaine was ‘probably out screwing Sebastian’ and even went so far to accuse him of sleeping with Sam, too. Which was... laughable. Everything they did was strained- from their intimacy to New Direction solos to where they’d eat for dinners. He flicked his eyes up to Sebastian, trying to gauge his reaction. Seb knew that things had been rocky but he didn’t know about the accusations. He wondered how he’d feel if he knew.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian rolled his eyes but didn’t stop smiling. He shook his head and leaned back into the leather covered booth seat. “Please don’t. I’ve worked really hard on my image, you know.” Sebastian spread his legs under the table, his knees knocked into Blaine’s leg. It sent a little thrill though his body before he gently maneuvered his long legs so that they wouldn’t invade the other’s space. Sebastian wished he could keep his knees pressed to Blaine’s leg, wished they could hold hands under the table or kiss over their coffees. He caught himself being pulled from his daydream by Blaine’s sober tone. 
He watched Blaine’s face as he spoke, he noticed his red rimmed eyes and it all made sense now. Sebastian fought to keep his face even. He didn’t want to break out into song and dance and flip the table in excitement just yet. The other boy was obviously upset. Seb couldn’t really understand because he had never been in a serious relationship and was always the one to not return calls or texts. He was his friend, though so he needed to chill out and be there for him. “How do you feel?” Sebastian chewed on his green straw, suddenly a little anxious.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine arched his brow a little impressed by how calm Sebastian was being. He hadn’t made a joke about his relationship or made any kind of swipe at Kurt at all. He shouldn’t have been surprised though, Sebastian had come so far over the year they’d gone from acquaintances where Sebastian shamelessly flirted and made Blaine feel things he shouldn’t while having a boyfriend, to being a massive asshole and getting Blaine hurt, to remorseful and learning about how his words could hurt people all the way to now. Where he was actually sweet and funny and paid attention. If people could see this side of Sebastian they wouldn’t talk so much crap about him behind his back. If people could see this Seb they’d all be clamoring for his time and where would that leave you? Blaine didn’t like to think about it. He liked having this piece of Sebastian to himself. Sounds super friendly. A voice in his head taunted. Blaine ignored it.
He thought for a moment, wondering how he was supposed to feel versus how he actually did feel. There was pain, he’d built a pretty solid relationship with Kurt over the last almost two years. He had loved him. Of course there was pain. He’d cried for two nights after it was over but now he wasn’t sure how he actually felt. It was startling when he realized he felt free.
“I feel, I don’t know, relieved?” He licked his lips and looked into Seb’s lush green eyes. “I- I  don’t think we love each other anymore.” He shrugged, he’d struggled with the revelation over the last few weeks. The truth hit him when he realized all they did was fight and things were often incredibly uneasy when they were once easy. “I mean, we had a good run but… it’s not like he’s going to wait for me to move to New York. He would end up ignoring me and growing apart from me anyway. And eventually we’d hate each other and why do that to ourselves? It was amicable enough.” Was it? Kurt had been livid to the point of screaming and then suddenly he’d just gone calm. An eerie calm and then the calculating look he’d given Blaine was cold and borderline scary, but he’d agreed eventually.  
He paused, wondering how much to give away to Sebastian. “He was starting to get really weird about who I was talking to. Like not just you, but Sam as well. I’ve never done anything to make him worry. I was faithful and did anything he asked me to.” He bit his lip, trying not to let the negativity seep in. “I don’t know, Seb. I feel like this was the right decision.”
He brought his coffee to his lips and took a drink. The caffeine burned through his veins and suddenly Blaine wished they were in the car driving around with the music blaring. 
“But, hey I won’t be going to New York this Summer now. Coop will be here but I can ignore him. And Sam will be camping with his family. Tina’s going to visit some distant relatives and David and Nick are… who knows what they’re doing. So, we get to spend extra time together. I mean, if you can handle that.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian always knew that Kurt was a little jealous behind the scenes. Blaine had told him so before and even cancelled on him a few times because of it. He told himself it was because Kurt was insecure and maybe deep down really was a little threatened by him. He should have trusted Blaine, though. It was true that Blaine had never done anything nefarious to Kurt, had never caused any damage to their relationship. He and Sebastian were strictly friends (sad as that was.) and Seb even forced himself to control his flirty tendencies (which meant he really liked him because he flirted with everybody.) “As long as you feel okay. This is a move in the right direction.” He winced internally, how generic was that sentiment. 
Seb sat up in his seat and cleared his throat. He needed to cheer Blaine up. “Hey, now you have the entire summer to be a single man. Think of all the cool shit you can do now.  You can go anywhere you want, do whatever you want.”  He wanted nothing more than to spend his favorite season with Blaine. Images of fireworks and swimming and bike riding filled his brain. “I’m down, B.” He would always be down for him, always be willing to drop everything to be where he was. Sebastian knew it was pathetic but he couldn’t help it. It was his best kept secret, how huge his crush was and how utterly heels over head and back again he was. Sebastian finished his drink and pushed his biscotti towards Blaine. “Celebratory biscotti.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine laughed, shaking his head at Sebastian. “You’re just dying to say something about Kurt, aren’t you?” He bit his bottom lip to keep from smiling too big, a little ashamed of himself for having such a good time so close to his break up, but he couldn’t seem to help himself around Sebastian. There was just something about the other boy that just made him feel relaxed and comfortable and sometimes Blaine felt like as long as they stayed friends he’d be okay. Sure, he had Sam and Tina and David and Nick but there was something different about being with Sebastian. He didn’t like to look too closely at it though, terrified that he’d ruin this dynamic they had going on. “Go ahead, I’ll let you get in one good swipe but then you gotta promise to behave.”
Blaine gave Sebastian a thankful smile because of course he was trying to cheer him up. Trouble was that he didn’t even need to try. Blaine was already feeling better just being around him. “Yeah, single. Do whatever I want. Hmm…” He narrowed his eyes playfully,  “And yet I’m choosing to waste my free time with the likes of you.” He laughed, taking the sweets that Seb had offered him and dunking it into his almost empty cup of coffee. Kurt would have tisked at him for eating more than one in the middle of the day. He finished it, making a show at how good it was before speaking again. The nickname made him smile to himself even bigger. 
“So, what are you doing right now? Is your fancy driver around here somewhere? You should send him away and spend the day with me. We could take a ride and go get burgers and shakes from the root beer stand and drive around and listen to music. I’ll even let you pick the music.” He looked up at Sebastian, his eyes wide and face probably far too hopeful. “Please? It’s my treat and besides, it’ll make me feel so much better. I promise the stench of public school doesn’t seep into my car like it does clothing.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Was Sebastian so obvious? He laughed, his wide smile that was rarely seen broke out across his face. He really did want to talk shit about Kurt but thought that he could keep that suppressed until he texted Hunter later. Seb cleared his throat dramatically, as if he were about to put on a show and sat up straight. “If I only get one chance I better make this good. He dresses like a depressed librarian that lives off of lean cuisines and thinks that unseasoned boiled chicken is too spicy. He’s so generically bitchy and mean and pre-maturely geriatric that if he started to do drag, he could be a Bea Arthur impersonator. Actually, I’m almost positive all of his humor comes from The Golden Girls anyway. You’re so better off without him.” He sighed and laughed again. “I’m done. I promise I’ll behave as best as I know how.”
Sebastian looked into Blaine’s golden eyes, bit his bottom lip, leaned over the table. He nodded and pulled his phone out to text his driver to leave the parking lot. “If I get to pick the music then I’m all yours.” Seb rolled his eyes and stood up from the table to stretch his legs, gathering up their trash to throw away. “The scent of your hair gel sort of covers up the public school smell anyway.”  He elbowed Blaine in the side, smiled wide so he knew the joke was good natured. “I’m gonna blare Nicki Minaj and I want a large strawberry shake with extra whipped cream and extra cherries.” Sebastian started to walk backwards towards the door, his eyes on Blaine the entire time. “This is going to be the best summer ever, Killer. Promise.” 
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beiingalive · 4 years
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* ⌞ʾ⁎ ⊰ adria arjona, cis female, she/her ⊱ i think i just saw ANITA MORENO walk across trafalgar square, singing to YO PERREO SOLA ( BAD BUNNY ). you know, the TWENTY-FIVE year old SEAMSTRESS? people claim that they are just like ANITA from WEST SIDE STORY. it must be because they are LOYAL and OUTSPOKEN as well… though i could be wrong. all i know for sure is that they live at PETERSBURG apartment.⌝
               ❝ how can i hear what goes on twelve feet above my head ? ❞
name: ana josefina del carmen moreno rivera. nicknames: anita, nita. age: 25. date of birth: may 6th, 1995. hometown: san juan, puerto rico. current location: london, england. apartment: petersburg. occupation: seamstress.
pinterest: xx. playlist: xx.
→ 𝕙𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪.
[ tw: sexual assault ]
✂ anita was born in san juan, puerto rico, to arturo moreno and dolores rivera. they lived in santurce, near the theatre district — this was convenient, as dolores was a seamstress who was often tasked with making the costumes for local productions, and arturo was a carpenter who dreamed of being a painter — the perfect combination to work in scenic design. they had a nice little home that had just enough space for their growing family ; after anita, they had three more kids — guillermo, esteban, and luis.
✂ being the oldest, anita always knew it was her job to help out around the house. she often took care of her brothers, making sure they were well fed, clean, and out of danger. she would walk them home from school, make them hold hands and look both sides before crossing the street. she would help them with their homework before doing her own. she practically raised those boys — and still checks up on them like they’re her kids.
✂ when anita was eleven, a workplace injury put her father out of a job. the morenos never had a lot of money, but now they struggled even more to make ends meet. dolores became the primary breadwinner, and her income just wasn’t enough. just a year later, they were forced to relocate to new york city, which promised more jobs and better salaries. a friend of dolores’ got her a job at a costume shop ; arturo worked as a handyman.
✂ at first, anita was optimistic about her new life in the big apple. she was bored with life in her little island ; she wanted so much more than what puerto rico could offer. anita wanted to travel, to see the world. she wanted to study art and fashion, to become a fashion designer herself. like other puerto ricans, she saw america as the land of opportunity. she quickly realized just how wrong she was.
✂ things weren’t as easy as she thought they would be. she quickly became disenchanted with the american dream and grew up angry and resentful as she watched her parents work their asses off for a salary that was a small fraction of what their white coworkers got. she got sick of getting taunted for having an accent, for being too loud, or having a name that wasn’t easy to pronounce ( “ ah - nee - tah ” , not “ uh - nee - duh ” ). she realized that in order to fit in, she would have to lose her accent and change her name. she would have to change who she was.
✂ but anita has never been the kind of person who would make herself small to make other comfortable. at her young age, she decided she wouldn’t go out of her way to fit in. she would not change who she was just to appease those around her. anita made the choice to be unapologetically herself, and she hasn’t looked back since.
✂ she met the sharks in her early teens, and she’s forever grateful for them. she finally had a group of people that made her feel like she belonged. most of the time, she was an outsider. she was the “ other ”. with the sharks, she felt like she was one of them ( even technically she wasn’t ). she didn’t care that they were a gang, she had no qualms about that. it would be naive to think they weren’t a target. they had to protect themselves by any means necessary. it also didn’t hurt that their leader, bernardo, was so easy on the eyes. anita fell in love with bernardo, despite all the warning signs.
✂ once she was old enough, she went to work. her family’s financial situation was better in new york, but she still wanted to help her parents any way she could. she was a maid, a waitress, a babysitter, an usher. she handed out flyers at the park. she answered phones at a call center. during the weekends, she helped her mom at the costume shop — anita was already making clothes for herself, so she might as well put those skills to good use. she did anything to lessen her parents’ burden.
✂ tw sexual assault: her connection to the sharks made her feel safe, but at 16 it became clear to her that she needed to protect herself as well. she was walking home late one night after the restaurant where she was working had closed, when three boys surrounded her and cornered her in an alley. she knew what they had in mind, but she just froze. her body couldn’t react to what was happening until the very last minute, when it was almost too late. she made enough of a racket to scare them off. she ran back home. she vowed never to depend on anyone else to save her.
✂ once she graduated high school and started working full time at the shop, practically running it. she would have liked to study fashion, but she knew it wasn’t a possibility — college was expensive and not for people like her. she had some money saved up, sure, but the applications alone would have created a pretty big dent in her savings. she didn’t even bother asking her parents — college was out of the question. she focused all of her energy into the shop.
✂ about a year ago, she heard through one of the shop’s clients about a shop that was hiring in london — anita grabbed maría and jumped at the opportunity. the fact that the boys had moved relocated to london a few years before was a decent incentive, but not a reason. anita had outgrown new york. plus, she’d always wanted to travel. so anita took her savings and hopped across the pond.
→ 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪.
zodiac sign: taurus. personality type: estp — the entrepreneur. enneagram: type 1 — the reformer. temperament: choleric. moral alignment: chaotic neutral. primary vice: envy. primary virtue: diligence. element: earth.
✂ anita is feisty. she’s passionate and intense. she’s loud, she’s bold, she has strong opinions and is not afraid to share them. she might seem like she’s all over the place, but her feet are firmly planted on the ground. she knows who she is, and won’t let anybody tell her otherwise. she knows what she wants, and she won’t let anyone get in her way.
✂ i mentioned she has strong opinions, right ? well, to her, they’re the only valid opinions. she's not afraid to tell someone when they’re wrong ( or when she thinks they’re wrong, which to her, is the same thing ). go forbid anyone ever tell her she’s wrong — heaven help that poor soul. once she’s made up her mind up her mind about something, no one can tell her otherwise. she’s stubborn as a mule.
✂ she’s everyone’s mom friend. she’s the tough love mom friend. she’ll nag her friends and force them to eat their vegetables, drink water, and moisturize. this isn’t just because she cares ( although she does, deeply ) , she also just loves telling people what to do.
✂ she’s a hard worker ; it’s not rare to find her still working at the shop way past closing time — but she knows how to let loose. anita loves to go out dancing and will constantly beg her friends ( especially maría ) to go out with her. she’s convinced there’s nothing that can’t be fixed by a night out on the dance floor.
✂ she’s a highly skilled seamstress. she can recreate any article of clothing by just looking at it ; no pattern necessary. most of her clothes are handmade, and she loves making garments for her friends. you see a dress you like at some shop? can’t afford it? anita will make it for you.
✂ she’s always on / off with bernardo. she loves him, and she’s sure that will never change. still, they’re both passionate, volatile people. they clash constantly, breaking up and getting back together. she adores him, but she also wants to hit him with a chair sometimes.
✂ her apartment is full of plants. all kinds. she’s a certified green thumb and will yell at anyone who thinks succulents are easy to take care of.
✂ she has a small shoplifting problem. it’s nothing major. no need to worry.
✂ she has a cat named gasolina by daddy yankee. gaz for short.
✂ she’s a huge bad bunny stan. this may not seem relevant, but it’s important for me to tell you.
→ 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤.
✂ FRIENDS: i always have to start out with this one. anita’s a tough cookie to crack, but once she’s your friend, she’s loyal. she’s a ride or die kinda lady. your muse will not regret taking the time to get to know anita and earn her trust. they will have a friend for life.
✂ FRIENDS FROM NEW YORK: like i said, friend for life. your muse could have met anita when they were in high school, but this girl is not the kind of person to just let a friendship die because it’s been a long time.
✂ FIRST FRIENDS IN LONDON: she had the sharks, of course. but moving halfway around the world is scary and anita would’ve accepted any help she could get. these are the friends that helped her settle in and get used to all the cultural differences.
✂ PARTY PALS: anita loves to go out, so clearly she needs a little squad she hits up whenever she wants to hit the dance floor.
✂ FRENEMIES: anita’s a good friend, but she’s not everyone’s cup of tea. your muse might not like her. anita might not like them. anita might talk shit behind their back. anita might tell them to their face they that they suck, and might list the reasons why. anything’s possible.
✂ NEIGHBORS: could be friendly, could be not so friendly ! she plays a lot of loud music and doesn’t really have an inside voice. anita lives in the petersburg building, so if your muse lives there and you wanna say they live right next door, hit me up !
✂ COWORKERS: self-explanatory ! anita works at a shop that makes costumes for some west end shows, but they also take on a variety of clients ! they make clothes, they repair clothes, anything goes.
✂ CLIENTS: anita works at the shop, but will also take jobs on the side — she’ll take commissions, she’ll upcycle that oversized shirt you thrifted, of maybe just mend a torn-up skirt. anita is here for any of your seamstress / aspiring designer needs.
✂ FLINGS / FWB / HOOKUPS: like i said...on / off with bernardo. she’s not the kind of girl who’ll just wait around for him, so she will absolutely go out with other people ( and do other stuff with other people, winkwonk ) while she’s single.
✂ EXES: give me someone anita dated other than bernardo, please, i am begging you. give me someone she almost fell for before falling back into her old habits. i am on my knEES.
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hyunsracha · 5 years
path of night — seo changbin
word count: 2.4k
summary: changbin thinks you’re really great.
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it’s 2018. witches are … Okay.
like ppl aren’t KILLING them anymore but a lot of people don’t even believe in them and like witches don’t go around Telling people they’re witches
but ppl wear them as halloween costumes and the real witches just have to :)
speaking of witches … seo changbin!
he’s only half witch but shhhhh
his mother is a human, but she studied witches so obviously when his dad was like “uhh yo i'm a warlock ?? lol” she was like “ok yea.”
and they fell in love and had a changbin!
they live in a big ass victorian house on the edge of town, which basically screams, “we’re the only family of witches in this town! look at our big, spooky house!”
changbin doesn’t understand why they didn’t just get a fuckin house in the suburbs
his familiar is a raven named Prince of Darkness (he was like 14 ok he was going through his emo phase) and they're bros
sometimes Prince just shows up and caws and changbin caws back and it’s cute !
changbin’s mortal best friend, chris, thinks it’s fucking weird
“u have a pet raven.”
“like raven.”
so when changbin was 16, he had to choose between his mortal and his witch side.
and obviously he chose the witch side
why tf would he give up such epic powers?
the downside though … was that he had to leave
since he decided to go down the Path of Night, he would move to salem and go to the largest division of the academy for witches
and he Thought about telling chris that he was moving to an Elite Boarding School For Smart People but chris would not believe that .. so it was time to fess up
“hey so uh ….. i may or may not be a warlock”
“a who”
“u know . like sabrina the teenage witch . but …. changbin”
“i mean yeah but u DONT HAVE TO SAY IT OUT LOUD!!”
so with that loose end tied up, changbin packed his shit (and his bird) and moved to salem !!!!
there, he meets minho, a year older, and hyunjin, in the same year (i'll do ages as i want thank u very much) and they all become bros !!!
ur only allowed to bring One familiar to school . and minho has Three . so his familiar is ……………. all three of his cats
he put on a spell on them so they all just became one cat but it’s completely reversible !! when he goes back to his room he frees his kitties from their kitty cell
“minho wtf do u mean that’s Three cats there’s only one.”
“OH YEAH?? OK! *mf does reversal spell*” *three cats appear* *they start running all over the common area* “FUCK!!!!”
and hyunjin’s is a lil pup named kkami
“kkami is an ugly name for a familiar”
changbin does Okay in school . he does better than he did in Mortal School
“wtf do u mean we still have to learn algebra”
“we still need witch accountants, mr. seo.”
“i still need a Will To Live, mrs. kim.”
changbin liked to keep quiet about his family.
he knew that “half-breeds” got made fun of a lot, and were treated as lesser witches, so he just kept his mouth shut and avoided family talk.
it took about a year for his secret to get out.
he was sitting in the dining hall with hyunjin and minho Minding His Own Goddamn Business when a mr Jaebum walks in
jaebum was a few years older than minho; he would be graduating soon
he slid into the seat across from changbin, sending him a sinister little smile,
“hello, half-breed.”
the dining hall went silent.
changbin froze.
“i don’t know who the FUCK you think you’re talking to-”
“it’s okay, min. he’s right.”
minho and hyunjin: JFSGJBDB;L?
of course, that didn’t Change anything
changbin was their FRIEND
and he was a good warlock so ??? who fuckin cares
jaebum, apparently
changbin stared down at his tray, tears blurring his vision
he’s sensitive :(
minho saw his eyes watering and almost fucking HEXED JAEBUM
hyunjin held his hand under the table what a good boy
jaebum didn’t stop there, though
“you should go back to your mortal school and learn your stupid mortal things you useless-”
“what the fuck did he even do to you? why do you care?” omg minho u legend
“he’s not like the rest of us. he doesn’t deserve to go here.”
“hey jaebum have you ever tried shutting your fucking mouth?” a new voice spoke
everyone turned to face this new voice
oh look! it’s you! with ur lil entourage (it’s literally 2 ppl) behind u
“excuse me?” jaebum stood. he wasn’t the tallest guy, but he could be Quite Intimidating. u didn’t back down though.
“you heard me. you might want to watch your tone, though.”
“oh yeah? and why would i do that?”
“you shouldn’t speak to a l/n like that. who knows what would happen if my father found out.”
another hush fell over the dining hall.
everyone knows the l/n family. they have to, the l/ns are only one of the most powerful witch families in the whole World.
your father was on the Witch’s Council, along with the fathers of your two friends behind you, seungmin and jisung
the three of you grew up in salem and were homeschooled by seungmin’s mom, so the three of u have been best friends for ur whole lives
and the three of u turned 16 this year so !! here u were
today was ur first day, and when u walked into the dining all, u saw jaebum teasing a poor kid
and that doesn’t fly with u
the three of u put ur trays on the table when jaebum leaves
“tell me if he gives you a hard time again, yeah?”
changbin is??? JSKLGJS???
minho, changbin, and hyunjin all look like :0 and you, seungmin, and jisung are just staring back like :]
and that’s how ur lil squad forms !!!
u, jisung, and seungmin are the youngest so u don’t have classes with them, but it’s fine !
lunch exists for a Reason
“for eating.”
“shut up, jisung.”
but you guys spent all your free time together ! and u guys really clicked !
its like u were destined to be friends (◕‿◕) it was written in the stars (◕‿◕)
but out of your three new friends, you were closest to changbin
maybe it was bc you stood up for him on the first day, but there was just Something Different about him, yk?
sometimes the two of you would sneak off campus at night to go watch the stars in the woods
u guys would cast dumb little spells at each other
one time u turned him into a goat ON ACCIDENT but he was
So mad.
so he turned u into a chicken and it was.
a fun night!
your familiar was a bat, so she would go and fly away with prince and i’m sure they had a good time
you just felt so? nice with changbin
you could talk about anything and everything for hours on end and never get bored
little did u know, changbin felt the same way!
but he came to the conclusion faster than u did:
“oh man i think i like y/n.”
“i know.” hyunjin said from the bottom bunk.
those two were roommates. yes it’s just as chaotic as it sounds.
“bro its so obvious? y/n breathes and ur like omo look how cute!”
“i don't say omo.”
“ur literally useless.”
“AM NOT.” hyunjin sat up, “I could help you two get together.”
“hell no.”
“omg we’re all going to hell so i’m taking that as a yes! see u later, binnie!”
“WHERE ARE U - ok he’s gone”
hyunjin ran over to ur dorm, Aggressively knocking on the door.
“hyunjin ur gonna make ur knuckles bleed if u do that any harder.”
(seungmin is kind of in love with hyunjin but honestly who isn’t)
“i’m looking for y/n.”
“you found them.” you said from behind hyunjin, making him nearly Jump Out Of His Skin.
he dragged you away from your dorm, leaving a very confused seungmin in the doorway.
“this is super important sneaky sneak business, okay?” hyunjin sat you down at a table in the library. he sat across from you, taking your hands in his.
“you’re being weirder than usually, hyunjin.”
“i need you to be honest with me,” he stared down into your eyes, using that glare he used when jaebeom was Anywhere near you guys.
“are you trying to cast a spell on me right now, hwang?” you glared back, pulling your hands away.
“Fine. Why are you trying to put the truth spell on me?”
“do you like changbin?”
“of course i do, we’re friends-”
“no, y/n, you dumb bitch,” hyunjin sighed, pressing his palms against the table, “like. do you Like Like him?”
you furrowed your brow, wondering why the Hell he would ask you something like that.
i mean … you had never thought about changbin like that …
and it wouldn’t be Terrible to date him …
he was funny … and nice … and a good warlock …. and cute …….. and you’ve held his hand before ……….. that was nice ……………… and maybe you’ve thought about kissing him but Only once or twice !!!
oh man
“oh man. i think i like changbin.”
“oh thank fucking god, it would’ve been really awkward if you didn’t.”
“i have 2 go.”
and hyunjin left you. very confused. in the library.
so hyunjin NYOOMS back to his dorm
yk how he does with his long ass legs
“hello tiny roommate.”
“absolutely go fuck yourself.”
“ok….well i have tea…...and i guess ur not getting it…..”
“hyunjin you fucking local its 2019 why are u still saying that.”
hyunjin pouted, “so u DONT wanna know that y/n likes u back??? ok FUCK u then!!” he climbed into his bed.
wait for it…..
“oh fuck.”
“oh my god ur so loud JUST. confess or sumn u big idiot.”
hyunjin be like [ napping noises ]
changbin be like [ PANICKED NOISES ]
how is he supposed to just CONFESS??? that's not EASY
hyunjin thinks its easy bc he’s never confessed to Anyone
everyone confesses to Him
its scawy :(
but changbin Is Not A Coward
(yes he is)
the next day at lunch, changbin is …. Off
“hey binnie!” u put ur tray down next to him and send him a Big Big smile
the butterflies in his tummy go HFJSKGGJ and he goes “hey!” but his voice cracks
he flushes a bright cherry red and u think he's the CUTEST BOY EVER
but he keeps squeaking and blushing and can't exactly look u in the eye :(
how is he supposed to when he knows that U Like Him !!!! u like him !!!!!
he’s in his last class of the day (algebra - gag) when he thinks of an idea
and it’s a good one too !!!!
“that’s the worst idea i’ve ever heard.”
“shut up seungmin if hyunjin did that for u u’d literally cry.”
“WH - I - get out of my room.”
u get a text from changbin that says “meet me in the common room!! it’s importante (that’s spanish for important)!! ^.^”
his little emoticon u go <3____<3
so u text back “okie!!” and get ready to go to the common room
it was like . 11pm . but u didn't really think about that
u and changbin hang out a lot at that time so !
the common room was Empty when u got there
“Hello??? binnie???”
no response
u cast a lil spell to make a light appear on the tip of ur finger (u literally could’ve just . Turned on the lights . but this is more fun) and sit by the big statue of Satan himself and Wait.
ur only waiting for like 30 seconds when u hear It
u instantly recognized the song bc U Loved The Song
it was zion.t’s no make up and u went [ caveman spongebob ]
the light on ur finger went out as you clenched your fist, looking around for the source of the voice
the lights in the common room came on; dimly, but still on.
and rose petals started to fall from the ceiling
this was weird
pretty! and u were kind of on the verge of tears! but pretty!
and then u saw him
Seo Changbin.
why is seo changbin singing to u
since when can changbin Sing like that???
“SHHSHSHSHHSH let me talk before i lose my confidence!!!
so…..you’re…..really great.”
“I SAID LET ME TALK. you’re really great. really Really great. and i think …. i think we get along really well. like……..we’re bros, right? wait- bros probably isn’t the best word for this- oh my god.”
“changbin...are you...trying to say something?”
“i like you !!! and i know you like me back-”
“hyunjin has a big mouth.”
“oh my god.”
there was silence for a moment.
what are you supposed to do now?
you were happy.
u were fricking Ecstatic!!! changbin liked u back!!!!
u were gonna kill hyunjin but!!! yippee!!!
“so do i just….are we- are we a thing now?” changbin broke the silence
“oh!” you stood from your spot on the floor, “y-yeah!”
“ok sick …. so i can do this now-” he made his way towards you, grabbing you by the waist and pressing his lips against yours.
his other hand came up to hold your face, and you were glad that he was holding your waist so tightly or you might’ve fallen down, your knees were so weak.
since when can changbin Kiss like that
“i-in front of satan and everybody, huh…” you giggled after he pulled away.
“satan’s fine. i’m sure he loves a good teen romance.”
“you’re an idiot, seo changbin.”
“but i’m your idiot :DDD”
and your first order of business as a couple : Operation Seungjin.
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kaiokentimesten · 4 years
1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it? 
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now? 
3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time? 
Few hours ago 
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger? 
5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
6. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? 
7. What exactly are you wearing right now? 
I'm wearing my smeg head shirt, black shorts, and striped green socks 
8. How often do you listen to music? 
All the time. I'm literally listening to music right now 
 9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? 
Neither. I wear leggings. If I had to pick, though, sweats 
 10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2013? 
LMAOOOO. My life changes dramatically every year, usually for the worst 
 11. Are you a social or an antisocial person? 
 12. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘A’? 
 13. What about ‘R’? 
Double nope 
 14. Can you drive a stick shift? 
I can't even drive, yo  
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you? 
 16. Are you going out of town soon? 
I fucking wish 
 17. When was the last time you cried? 
Earlier today 
 18. Have you ever told someone you loved them? 
 19. If you could change your eye color, would you? 
YES. 100%. If it had to be a realistic color, I'd want it to be this bright, icy blue 
20. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for? 
Not at the moment, but it's possible 
 21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having. 
Still fucking depressed over [redacted] even though I really shouldn't be 
 22. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? 
I don't know. I've never been kissed on the forehead by a guy 
 23. Are you dating the last person you talked to? 
I was 
 24. What are you sitting on right now? 
Desk chair 
 25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? 
 26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? 
 27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? 
Sky(or Bea as she’d rather be called now)
 28. Do you get a lot of colds? 
29. Where is the shirt you are wearing from? 
Eddsworld. I know, I'm a loser 
 30. Does anyone hate you? 
I'm what we like to call an "acquired taste". So, yeah. A lot of people 
 31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room? 
 32. Do you like watching scary movies? 
Eh. Depends 
 33. Do you want your tongue pierced? 
  34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
Either this year or 2017 
 35. Did you have a dream last night? 
 36. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? 
 37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? 
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you? 
Probably, but they shouldn't 
 39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? 
Probably, but they shouldn't 
 40. Did you have a good day yesterday? 
 41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship? 
 42. In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl? 
In person? Probably not 
 43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? 
Maybe, probably not 
 44. What’s the best part about school? 
Talking to my friends 
 45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? 
Bold of you to assume I have Facebook 
 46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school? 
 47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head? 
All the time. I can't stop living in the past 
 48. Were you single over the last summer? 
 49. Is your life anything like it was two years ago? 
Double nope 
 50. What are you supposed to be doing right now? 
Writing, probably.
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pretzel-emoji-anon · 4 years
From this ask game
1. There really is no meaning
2. My mom doesn’t let me post pics online :/ but if I know you really well or we know each other irl i can dm you one
3. I don’t have any tattoos yet but I wish 😔
4. I cried just now because of a sad song but the cry only lasted like 3 seconds because I didn’t want to get a headache
5. My ears used to be pierced, not anymore
6. Fall Out Boy’s my favorite band
7. Turn off: Being an asshole
8. Top 5 numbers: 1 2 3 4 5
9. Tattoos I want; I have a whole list! Ask me about them!
10. ~t~u~r~n~~o~n~s: Uhhhh who knows. Dm me
11. 13 - 16 age range
12. Ideal date: Making food together, then going to a cemetery for a picnic. Then, once it gets dark, going into the woods and walking around together. Then going home and making a blanket fort and cuddling until we fall asleep
13. Life Goal: Publish a book before I’m 50, live till I’m 26
14. I want a nose piercing really bad but it’d probably hurt
15. Polyamorous,,,,,,,,, in relationships™️
16. Fav movie: Heathers (1988) but there’s also probably another movie I’m not thinking of that I like more
17. I got to cat-sit my ex neighbor’s boyfriend’s mother’s cat for several months when I was younger
18. Phobia: Lizards, snakes when they aren’t moving, heights, being judged, and probably a handful of other things
19. Middle name: It’s 5 letters and has a dark orange vibe
20. 5’3” (but 5’6” in my tallest pair of heels)
21. Duh, yeah I’m a ~v~i~r~g~i~n, I’m a babey
22. Shoe size: 8.5 women’s US
23. I’m Omnisexual, but I just call myself queer
24. Only drugs I do are caffeine, Zyrtec during allergy season, whatever my doctor tells me to take when I’m sick, and ibuprofen/Tylenol when I’m sick 👈😎👈
25. I miss lots of people, at the minute, my friend Erie who I haven’t talked to since before the pandemic
26. I regret practically everything I do
27. Mikey Way is attractive
28. Marshmallow-Cherry from a local shop downtown is my favorite ice cream (technically Its gelato but whatever)
29. I’m insecure about everything but the first things that come to mind are my appearances, my talents, and my interests
30. Last text: “It’s fine 😂”
31. Nope and I don’t plan to until I am legally if age 🙃 minors can get arrested for taking ~n~u~d~e~s 🙃
32. I don’t think I’ve ever painted my room
33. I’ve never kissed anyone ;—;
34. Nope, i always sleep clothed because I’m insecure about my body
35. Yeah, I dance in front of my mirror practically every day since I’m too embarassed to do it in front of human people
36. Yeah, I think I’ve had crushes before but like romantic attraction is so weird
37. I have not been dumped yet 🙃
38. Nope, I’ve never stolen money, only a single gummy bear from Publix when I was like 4 (plus piracy but I could go off on why piracy isn’t as bad as stealing—)
39. Do friends of my parents count? When I was too young to be left alone I’d have to go with my mom when she dropped off my dad and his friends at bars occasionally
40. I don’t think so. I’ve been in fights, but I’ve never used my fists specifically
41. Nope, I’ve never really had a reason to sneak out plus I’m too scared anyway
42. I think ? It’s complicated
43. Not yet,
44. I’ve never made out with anyone ;—;
45. Yeah? I don’t really get this question
46. Yeah but only to do stuff like ride a bicycle outside
47. Nah most of my neighbors are adults and I’m not really into that
48. Yeah, but when I say “ditch school” I mean my brother picked me up 20 minutes early to get ready for Halloween
49. Platonically
50. Not to my knowledge
51. Yes, several times
52. Yeah
53. Many times
54. I don’t know
55. Yeah
56. Nah, I live in Florida,
57. When I was little. Also I do cosplay now
58. Maybeee
59. All the time bro
60. Only when I was sick
61. Too young :/
62. Nah, Florida doesn’t get earthquakes
63. I can’t remember, probably though. Florida has a lot of snakes.
64. I don’t drive but my mother has
65. Nah
66. Nope
67. Nope but I’m anxious about it
68. All the time
69. Yeah but nothing serious
70. I’ve attempted but I have no strength in my body and it is not easy
71. I’m always lost, dude
72. Yep! I drove to Cali a few (?) summers ago
73. Yeah
74. All the time
75. Embarrassingly yes (it’s only embarrassing because my singing voice is god awful)
76. Yo all the time yeah
77. Thankfully not
78. I’m babey so no
79. No ;-;
80. Yes
81. ;-;
82. Nope
83. Probably
84. Doesn’t get cold enough in Florida
85. No?????? I got in trouble for wearing leggings, nudity would get me expelled!
86. Nope
87. No but I’ve stood
88. Yeah? I’ve been brushing my teeth since I was three ( to my memory)
89. YeAh
90. No
91. No but I’ve jumped into a pool with all my clothes on :) I don’t like swimsuits and there’s no way in hell I’d skinny dip
92. Nope because no one thinks I’m hot
93. Not yet
94. I find slightly blurry pictures of inanimate objects funny
95. Yep
96. No and I don’t intend on ever
97. Nope
98. All the time
99. Nothing seems real, dude
100. I have a secret blog
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 46-47: We Have an Extra Episode, Just Blow Up the Island, I Dunno
Yo can you even believe this season is over?
It was honestly a two-season season, when you think about it. This tournament that was only like a week in showtime but two years in watch time if it was 2001 and I was tuning in every week. Kinda nuts when you think about it.
Anyways, it’s over, and not even the Kaibas are willing to really let it end. They’re camping out in their bunker they just set to explode, just watching everyone run around like ants while the sirens wail across the island (do you NEED emergency sirens if no one else lives on this island?)
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And we get one more time for the writers of this show to flip over the Kaiba timeline like pancakes and I just...
I can’t believe they did this to me, but at the same time I can totally see how they just let this one fly under the radar, just wait for it, it’s coming.
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(read more under the cut)
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So this sort of explains a little bit more of why Kaiba insists on building Kaibaland when it already exists, as apparently the Japanese Kaibaland was just the first of a franchise. Like seriously what child dreams of Franchising? He has Kaibaland but is like “I won’t be truly happy at all and I will try to cut people up with card games until there are more Kaibalands. That will surely make me happy. More Kaibalands.”
But then, sitting in the middle of the orphanage, he stands up in his 70′s ass sweatervest and proudly proclaims:
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This borked timeline.
Back in the present Joey is feeling stressed out so he’s turned to his only coping mechanism, that’s right, he’s hassling people.
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Duke, who has a million motivations to want to kill Kaiba, since he works for Pegasus, brings up the bright idea of “or I dunno, we could leave them? Like they very much caused every event of the last week to happen outside of the random ass cultists.”
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And so, now that Joey has exhausted things to hassle, let them be Roland or the massive engines on the blimp-plane, he decides to board the helicopter. I kid you not, Tea turns to Joey as they’re boarding the copter and says basically along the lines of this:
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WTF, show. Like what? Like whaaaat? Anyway, don’t think about how big a helicopter is on the inside, because we’re just gonna shove everyone in here like it’s a mosh pit. Good thing that no one actually packed any luggage or pajamas, so at least that will keep the weight down.
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Please admire the height of Yugi compared to Roland.
What followed was an explosion that the show did for...some reason. This didn’t need to happen. This was needless anxiety and it’s like..the season’s over why are we doing this???
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So this is just a very Yugioh moment where...they didn’t really HAVE to blow up the island at the last minute. They didn’t HAVE to break the engines on the blimp-plane and they absolutely didn’t HAVE to put Seto Kaiba in a jet in the same very un-aerodynamic shape of a blue eyes white wife.
But they did.
If I’ve learned anything from watching Yugioh is that you must always, at every moment, be going 400%.
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Seto just wanted to make a simple visual statement of “I want to move on from the past” so he decided to uh...do a very theatrical statement that was so theatrical that everyone thought that not only he and Mokuba had died, but that they, themselves, were about to die (and they were, they absolutely were)
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Please admire the way they drew Seto from the side in this scene.
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Anyway, now that the completely unnecessary “lets blow up the island and destroy the ecosystem” drama is over, and Kaiba’s off to encourage Global Warming in some other part of the globe, it’s time to send Marik off on his boat. It’s time for him to go have Marik Boat Time and never ever become a spinoff series although you know I would absolutely watch the hell out of that.
So, they choose the most idyllic landscape to do it, here in the abandoned warehouse district, surrounded by shipping cranes and strangely empty cruise liners. Ah, that twilight hour sunset. The way the sunlight kisses the corners of the abandoned warehouse’s windows.
I am absolutely shocked our background artist didn't use the chance to paint it neon orange. They love neon orange so much but I guess they save the neon for dramatic scenes. This one they left a more natural Instagram creamy color palate.
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(PS at this point I guess Bakura decided to go home or go to the hospital. Whichever reason he decided to bounce, he bounced without saying goodbye to anyone apparently. That or the show just decided that no one cares about Bakura so he was the only one we didn’t say a farewell too, which is hilarious since he’s one of the most popular characters on this show.
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Bro broke it to me, this whole story line of the puzzle and the tablet and all that--nah. By the time we get to it I’ll have forgotten all of the lore, pretty sure. Bro did ask me if we could skip S4 and I said no we are here for the worst parts first, Bro. When it gets horrible is when we’re finally getting to the good stuff.
Then, Duke suddenly remembered that before this tournament, he was only going on a walk between laundry loads but ended up abducted twice over, stranded on a submarine, an island, and nearly exploded. That and he had to sleep on one of Kaiba’s weird cube couches and that probably sucked. But it’s time for him to pull out his colors and add some bounce sheets to his whites for the dryer.
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Can you believe they had Duke Devlin for two seasons but he only dueled once? Lol.
I can’t believe there was never a purpose for Duke Devlin other than to be eye-candy. I’ve only ever really seen this trope done to girls.
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Mai also suddenly remembers that she doesn’t live here.
TBH, if Mai wasn’t put in a coma, I think she would have just left the tournament after she lost. She’d have pulled out a hang-glider from her pack and just sailed away rather than spend another minute with people she isn’t absolutely required to hang out with. That seems more her jam.
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And then they had to frame up this Joey/Mai ship and...it’s just so funny when you remember that Mai is like waaay to old for Joey. She’s like 24 and he’s a baby but he’s pretty sure that he’s disappointing her so much by not telling her all about how he’s crushing. He’s pretty sure she just has no idea when it’s like, no, she does, and she does not want you to acknowledge it.
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As she goes off, Tea for some reason decides to make it her responsibility for Joey to go out there and I guess...mortally embarrass himself in front of his much older crush? I mean you don’t really have to admit to your teachercrush that...you like her? Like, Mai is just a teachercrush right? Like he respects and admires her, she’s pretty, and there’s no other girls but Tea and Miho? Like that’s it?
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This weird ass couple. And I mean it’s a weird pairing just because it can never happen on screen, but as some of you have pointed out--it is probably the healthiest couple in Yugioh. Mostly because we know that it will never happen. Unlike everyone else where it’s like, Joey better go eat both those pieces of paper with those phone numbers on it because holy hell a 16 yo dating a 12 yo is pretty freakin wild. What are those boys even going to talk about with Serenity? How wild fractions are? How to make a replica of a cell out of Jello for the science fair? Because that’s the level she’s at.
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I was an architecture student once (I know. Ya’ll who’ve read many of these have probably noticed I attempted to major in nearly every art alignment so it’s probably very confusing to figure out wtf I actually ended up finishing in school (it was Illustration) ) so I just can’t with Yugi’s house. We have seen several rooms inside this house and none of them, absolutely none, line up with the outside of Yugi’s house (which is smack dab in the middle of the inner city for some reason??? Like does Yugi have PARKING? This is the most expensive two story house in Japan, it comes with free parking.
And like...I have tried to lay it out but it doesn’t make sense. The stairs of the shop go directly into the front door. The second floor would be half a staircase, so where is this living room? And assuming that Yugi is on the top floor with the slanted roof window...how? Is it the entire floor? what is going on here?
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It’s a cartoon, I shouldn’t think about it, but this house is a Dr. Who police box. Anyways, Yugi decides to sneak out of the house by going down the stairs that are again, right in front of the front door. You cannot go through the front door of this house because these damn stairs are directly in the way.
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Hey check out who’s alive, it’s Grandpa. I guess he’s...fine? I guess he just woke up on the floor of Bakura’s hospital room and was like “Screw that, I’m going home.” and then just peaced out here until Yugi came back.
I respect his moon pj’s to go with Yugi’s star pj’s.
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I can’t imagine being in Grandpa’s position and seeing your boy go out there and get nearly killed by crazy ass cultists again and Seto Kaiba (who put him in a coma), and then catching him Sneaking Out. Like if I were Grandpa I’d just set up camp right outside of the front door because holy hell Yugi is so attracted to danger he’s just gonna waltz around the city in the middle of the night to play cards.
Also I looked up Taco Bell in Japan thinking that this wouldn’t be a thing (from what I’ve heard, the only food Japan cannot do is Mexican) but not only does Taco Bell in Japan completely exist, guess what the menu is like? Just go ahead and guess in your head, I’m gonna go over the menu right now because this is very important.
I was expecting it to be pretty wild with a black taco shell made out of squid ink or something but surprisingly, it’s mostly the freakin same but different meats. Like they have a few more pork options (I guess instead of chicken?) and they have a shrimp taco--which I feel like we’ve done in the States before but everyone didn’t like that. Also, you can apparently get a crunchwrap, but it’s in a triangle shape instead of an octagon. They just changed the shape and called it a “stuffed grilled giant nacho”.
Obviously, they do not have a Ranch Doritos taco since America is the only place that is fully obsessed with Ranch. I have heard from so many people from Asia that “can we just not have Ranch today? Can we have a single spread without this weird garlic sauce? And...are you dipping your pizza with it? Is there one thing you haven’t coated with Ranch Dressing?” and it’s like no. There isn’t. Would you like to try our taco bell taco that is frosted in messy Ranch dust?
Like it really feels like this is the one fast food joint where everyone else has the normal Taco bell, and weirdly WE are are the people with the weird ass version of Taco Bell. Even Japan was like “you guys do you over there with your pink Starburst flavored frozen icee and your Quesarito...we’re just gonna put some extra cheese on a taco and call it ‘double cheese.’”
But here’s the craziest thing on the menu--the Taco Bell in Japan has FRIES.
What would Taco Bell fries even taste like? Would they taste...tacoey? I mean I know that nacho fries are a thing that kinda comes and goes but I’ve never had them actually. Its never the right moment for nacho fries when Nacho fries are still on the menu.
but, I will say they do have one kind of weird thing on the menu I see online. I say “kind of” because it’s...just weird, it’s not actually all that out there as compared to our weird things in Taco bell. They got something called the “honey cheese pocket” which was a small plain flour tortilla filled with melted Monterey Jack cheese rolled into a cigar that you dip into honey.
...I mean...it probably tastes good, but if you released a honey cheese pocket in the States and pretended that’s Mexican food, I’m pretty sure every state touching the south border would cry a single Zesty-ranch-doritos-taco-shaped-tear. I know I would, at the same rate I’m stuffing honey cheese pockets directly into my mouth.
AND...apparently you can just serve alcohol in a Japanese Taco Bell. Which is interesting, because we had that episode of Season Zero where Yugi had to find alcohol in a burger joint, which seemed really odd to me at the time, but I guess you can just serve alcohol in whatever restaurant? Anyways, Taco bell has alcohol so now Yugi can light people on fire in a Taco Bell, if he really felt like it. Go ahead and append your fanfictions accordingly.
+++++++++END OF TACO BELL RANT, BACK TO CARDS ++++++++++++
So, can you imagine having a friend who forces you to wake up at o-dark hundred in order to play cards when you already attend all of the same classes and see eachother every minute of the day otherwise? Can you imagine having a friend like this?
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Then again I’m not 100% on whether Pharaoh needs to sleep. It’s pretty clear that Bakura’s ghost doesn’t sleep much (or apparently eat much) so maybe it goes the same for Pharaoh as well that he needs Yugi to remind him how to be human.
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Then there was this weird review episode they slapped on at the end. I...don’t know why they put it there, it was really more of an afterthought since nothing really got added or taken away from the finale. It was just a review episode of “in case you didn’t watch this season, here’s what happened this season” But the episode wasn’t over before Tea angsted the hell out about this kid that I guess she’s...
Tea thinks in her head about Yugi more than she talks directly to Yugi. That’s really my biggest issue with this couple. Tea can be so lukewarm towards Yugi and visa versa and then occasionally Tea will just snap and obsesses over this boy, but never tells him about it directly. Except for that one time in the blimp, which was more about “please don’t die”. But have they talked about how freakin anxious she is about how he’ll die? Nah.
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It just feels like the writing team had one person who really liked Tea/Yugi, and then the rest who were like “fine, wtv” and so we get a real inconsistent narrative of this pair, that only seems to come up for drama, but then goes right back to being invisible moments later. Like sightings of a giant squid.
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Ah, back where they started, on a date with a ghost. I think. This might be a date? It started at 2 PM so I don’t know that counts as a date yet.
These two are a lot.
And honestly...If it was going to happen it should have happened at some point in the end of this arc. She made such a big deal about him going off to card war, and now he’s back and she’s like...ok, cool.
They’re not gonna even talk about it? Or like...maybe high five it out? High five out those feelings? Man I feel so bad for anyone that shipped these two.
But anyway,
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I’d add it to the Yugioh Death Count but that’s assuming that I don’t find an excuse to use this font again.
So yeah, that’s it for Season 3 (I wrote in Season 4 just now and had to really think about it because like...it really does feel like I went through 4 seasons, at least, of this show since every season is like 50 episodes)
Originally, when I started this, I thought there were only 3 seasons of Yugioh total. This was the end goal.
But I guess I’m committed now, so we’ll start up Season 4, which bro tells me is “completely different and not what you expected” but I probably won’t post until 2 weeks from now because this is a side hobby and I don’t need to wax long about my main-life stress, but youknow how it is: the more stuff I add the more stuff adds up. However, I do cope with stress by typing, so maybe I’ll just make sooo many updates to combat it? I dunno. But the blog will be back for S4. Eventually. When I get to it.
Many thanks to all y’all who’ve left many kind comments, I’ve been kind of tasked for time lately, so I haven’t really responded to many, but know that I see them and I’m thankful for them and I tell bro about them and he finds many of them amusing and y’all are just very, very nice. Wish Tumblr had an actual comments system since the only way to reply is like...it’s weird. If I reblog my own post I run the risk of it then being out of chronological order for people wanting to read that link I put at the base of each post so...I have to either make a new post to reply or reply within the post and I dunno if y’all can even see that type of reply...it’s tumblr problems.
Anyway, I’ll have a Graveyard for next weekend, maybe an art post, I dunno. But, I’m not dead, just watching how weird the next season is and making a buffer.
And here’s that link to read all these recaps in chrono order from the beginning
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