#like this small line from ben that makes me feel entirely too much
minimitchell · 5 months
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Underrated Ballum scenes [11/?]
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
all the right answers
See the full 14 Days Collection here! See my full list of works here!
Summary: You have to ready yourself for a renewal test on one of your certifications and your best friend and roommate Tom wants to prove to you that you're ready with a little game.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 3.2k words
Warnings: 18+ | smut (minors & pearl clutchers i better not see you here *shakes fist*); fingering; oral sex (f receiving); implied p in v at the end; technical jargon involving the Java programming language [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: besties to lovers; and they were roommates
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Why am I even doing this, it's not like I'm gonna use this certification ever again. I don't even code anymore, you thought derisively to yourself as you went over the review questions of the exam you hadn't thought about since you passed it over five years ago.
The groan that escaped you was hoarse, as if your throat was scratched up from going almost the entire day without any use and without any water. When you leaned back in your chair and stretched your arms above your head, you could swear you heard joints cracking and popping decades before they were even supposed to.
"Isn't this a pretty sight," a playful, unjustly beautiful voice floated into the room, followed by the jarring sensation of large hands grabbing hold of you by your ribs and proceeding to tickle you. Your eyes snapped open and your heart stuttered at the sight of Tom's face hovering so close to yours with a brilliant, devious grin on his face.
"Stoooop!" you pleaded as you broke out into giggles, trying and failing to twist your body out of his hold, your hands weakly pushing at his shoulders as your stomach began to ache from laughing so much.
It was only when your laughter became less audible and began to sound more like your voice was heaving through sandpaper that he let up and pulled you into a warm embrace, lifting you out of the chair and off your feet. "How goes your reviewing?"
You groaned again as you rested your head on his shoulder. "Remind me again why I'm doing this?"
"Don't ask me, love. I'm just as confused as you are. You really don't need to go through this…what is it again? A renewal exam?" You nodded your head from its position on his shoulder. "Our line of work doesn't seem to require that type of certification anyway," he chuckled, and you felt him press a quick kiss to the side of your head, your heart once again jumping in your chest.
"But it looks pretty on my resume under Miscellany," you explained in a playful tone. "Plus the test's still free and next week's the only free time I have to actually go there and take the renewal test. It's either the free test with 20 questions or taking the entire thing from the start. 75 questions, Tom. I don't have the brain power to mentally prepare for 75 questions!"
You froze as you realized that you were still off the ground, in his arms, your comparatively soft body pressed against his sculpted form. Too close. Even if he was your dearest friend, and you'd been living together for the better part of the year.
Actually, especially because he was your dearest friend and you'd been living together for the better part of the year. You two had a good thing going, and there was no sensible reason for you to fuck it up by letting it be known to him that you'd started to develop feelings.
"Erm…you should--probably put me down now." You let out a small squeak as he proceeded to walk further into your bedroom, briefly adjusting his hold on you to secure you in his arms. A few large strides later and he gently sat you down on the edge of your bed, lightly touching your chin before stepping away from you. You made a motion to follow him, make it back to your desk to keep studying, but he held a finger up at your direction, a playful stern look in his eyes as his gaze pinned you where you sat. "What're you up to, BumBum?"
"Firstly, you are never to hang around with Ben for that nickname alone. You're two halves of a whole menace."
"Only half?!" you pouted. "I gotta up my game then."
"And secondly, I'm going to prove to you that you're ready for your exam. I'll give you seven questions. Randomized from this list you've compiled." He waved around the paper you'd been scribbling in for the last three days.
"I know I'm not ready."
"Tell you what, love. You get every question right and I'll take you out to dinner tonight. That Italian place you love."
"Tom, no, that's the one where you get papped every time you even go there to pick up an order. We'll figure something else out. And besides, I'm not gonna get them all right." He rolled his eyes at you. "I'm not kidding, BumBum."
"Dinner. Like I said." He looked over your reviewer one more time, the look of concentration in his eyes as his lips moved in hurried motions, mouthing the words to himself, putting you in a haze. "First question. What's a ternary operator?"
This is a bad idea already I should've stopped him the second I remembered how sexy he made Math sound and now he's out here making me reconsider returning to Java from this alone. You tried to clear your head of any crude thoughts that always seemed to fill your mind whenever you were within the same breathing space as the man. "It's a condensed version of an if-then-else statement. Makes what could have been at least three lines of code into just one."
He nodded, putting the reviewer down and walking towards you, taking your hand and lifting it up to press his lips to your knuckles. "Very good."
"Uhh…what was that?" Your mind was reeling from that little kiss. He'd never done that before; at most he'd kissed your hair or your temples, never anywhere else.
"Making things more interesting," he answered, a tiny smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "For every correct answer, I give you a reward."
You could feel arousal beginning to pool between your thighs at the implication behind his words. Surely he wasn't suggesting…? No. You were buds. That was all you were, and you'd resigned yourself to that knowledge long ago. In a desperate attempt to lighten up the atmosphere between you two, you commented, "I don't remember agreeing to a kiss as my reward, BumBum."
"Oh no, darling. Your reward comes at the end, if you answer all seven questions correctly. These rewards are for me." He chuckled as your eyes widened at his words, leaning in until his lips were mere inches away from your cheek. "Give me an example of a redundant import."
How is it even possible that the sexy instructor voice got even hotter? you thought as you began to ache even more for him. "Importing a c-class that belongs to the same p-package," you stammered.
He hummed an "mmhmm" before pressing his lips to your cheek in a soft kiss, feeling his hand wrap around the side of your waist as he did to pull you closer to him by the slightest. "Now give me the other one."
How your mind was still able to pull the answer from your stock knowledge was beyond you. "Importing java dot lang. All new classes by default have it as a silent import." You fought against the instinct to melt into his touch when you felt him press a kiss much closer to the corner of your mouth. "So that's three down--"
"No. Two." He pulled you closer against him as he brought his free hand up to lightly hold your chin and turn your head to face him. "I said every correct answer, not every question answered correctly. And at the moment I will cling to those semantics because I wanted an excuse to kiss you again."
He leaned in closer, his lips so close to yours you could feel the warm breath of his exhales on your skin. "Tom, what are you doing?"
"I believe the internet would call it 'ruining the friendship'." A sound got caught in your throat at his admission. "But personally I don't see this as ruining. Perhaps…augmenting. Making something already great…even better. If that's what you want, too." He touched his nose to yours. "If it is, then you answer this correctly. If not, then answer wrong, we stop this, and forget it happened."
Holy mother of fuck. This can't be happening. Is he actually telling me he feels the same?! "Next question, then," you murmured, fighting the urge to just skip everything and close the distance between you two.
"What is the term for freeing memory on the heap by deleting--"
"Garbage collection." His gaze met yours, the intensity in them increasing your ache for him as a devilish grin formed on his face. "Don't bother making me wait I know I'm right--"
Your words were silenced as he captured your lips in a searing kiss, his hand moving from your chin to cup the back of your head. You whimpered against him as his lips moved against yours, his hands moving so that they were on either side of your waist, maneuvering you so that you were straddling his lap. "Next question?"
"Fucking hell you wanna keep going after you just kissed me breathless?"
He only answered you with a chuckle as his hands began to roam your sides, moving his head to hover his lips close to your neck. "I'm still proving that you're ready, love." He lightly traced along the column of your neck with his nose as his hands worked their way down to the hem of your sundress. "Why do you need both the development kit and the runtime environment?"
The thoughts began to fog in your head as his hands slid under your dress and caressed the skin of your thighs, working their way to the waistband of your panties. You tried to form words, but it all came out in unintelligible whimpers.
"Come on, Y/N, answer the question because I really want to kiss you again."
"Just kiss me, then," you hissed. "Please, I want this, too. Kiss me whenever, wherever, and  however you want just please--"
The words left your mouth as he flipped you over to your back on the bed, your back landing against the mattress with a soft thud and a little squeak escaping your lips. "Tempting as that is, I really do want you to succeed in this exam of yours, so please don't make anything harder than it already is." He emphasized his point by rolling his hips into yours, the feel of his covered erection rubbing against your clothed and aching slit causing you to let out an obscene moan of his name. "Please. So that we could start working on our…something better."
You took a steadying breath and composed your answer. "So that you could see not only if the code compiles, but you can see how it runs as intended or if there would be any runtime errors that won't be caught if you just have the development kit."
"Good girl," he groaned, leaning down and bringing his lips to the point between your neck and shoulder, lightly sucking on the skin and letting out a sound that resembled a mix of a sigh and a hum, the vibrations against you making a beeline for your aching, throbbing clit.
He kept his lips on you as his hands began to hike up your dress up your thighs, bunching the fabric around your waist.
"I can't believe you memorized that entire reviewer," you blurted out, your mind still a haze with what had just transpired over the last few minutes, and yet also reeling with the possibilities of what else he had in store with his three remaining questions.
"I've memorized pages worth of Shakespearean dialogue, my love, this is nowhere near as difficult--"
"Your love?" you cut him off, the endearment making your heart pound in your chest.
He pulled away from you just enough to look at you, his steel blue eyes shining brilliantly with so much emotion you felt as if you were drowning in them. "Yes," he murmured. "I've loved you for quite some time. And these last few months have felt like the world was taunting me with what a life with you could be like if I could just stop being a coward and tell you how I felt. I didn't want to rush into it. I was willing to go as slow as you wanted for fear of scaring you off--"
"I love you, too." The smile that broke out on his face was so blindingly beautiful it tugged on your heartstrings. "I never told you because I thought there was no way in this world you'd feel the same so I friend zoned myself on your behalf. That way I'd never have to live through the pain of having you do it."
"We're fools," he huffed out, breaking into relieved chuckles.
"Guess you could say we're two halves of a whole idiot."
A devious grin overtook his features as he leaned down, his lips hovering over yours again. "Then we should finish this session of ours. So that we may make up for lost time." He surprised you by pressing a quick kiss to your lips. "Question Five?"
You nodded, your breathing growing heavy as his hands returned to the waistband of your panties, his lips ghosting over your skin as he made his descent downward, stopping at the side of your lower stomach, fingers hooking under your waistband. "Answer this one correctly and I'm going to take these off. Is that alright?"
"Yes!" you nearly shouted, desperate for this little game to be over so that you could get to that 'making up for lost time' that he mentioned. "Ask me already. I need you," you whined.
"What happens to the value of a literal when you put an underscore?"
You scrambled inside your brain for the answer. Fuck, you could have sworn you just looked at that page. "N-Nothing," you answered, a relieved smile across your face. "The underscores are just for the readability and for the benefit of other developers who would have to move within that code in the future."
"My beautiful little genius," he breathed against your skin, pressing his lips to the side of your hip as his hands made quick work of tugging your cheeky underwear down your legs, discarding it on the floor with a little flick of his wrist, all the while kissing and sucking at the spot by your hip it was sure to leave a mark. "This next one has four answers, my love."
Your eyes widened as he sank to the floor, placing the backs of your knees on his shoulders, lips hovering by the inside of your thigh. "So…four kisses?"
He lightly ran the tip of his nose along the soft skin, making you shudder at the sensual tenderness of it all. "Yes, darling. Now tell me…Where can you not place an underscore in your literals?"
You bit your lip as you anticipated his lips on your skin. "The beginning and the end of the literal…" A soft whimper escaped you as he placed a soft kiss on the lower half of your inner thigh, followed by another kiss on the opposite leg. Then he carefully moved your body further down on the edge of the bed, the backs of your thighs now resting on his broad shoulders. "Before and after a decimal point."
"Sweetheart," he groaned, pressing a kiss higher up on your inner thigh, so tantalizingly close to where you were desperate for him. "You're so gorgeously drenched for me." He placed the fourth kiss on the opposite thigh before facing your sex with eyes that you could only describe as ravenous, his pupils almost completely blown out and darkening his eyes with his now obvious intent. "I think you know where the next one will be."
The ability to form words had all but left your brain, the only coherent one left being a barely audible, "Fuck…"
"No, my darling. That's for after your reward." You hid your head in the crook of your elbow at the sound of his low chuckle, undoubtedly seeing how your core clenched around air at his words.  "Final question?" You shuddered as you felt his fingers trace along your folds and teasingly circle around your clit.
"Yes. F-fuck please just ask me I can't take any more."
"We need to work on your endurance then," he murmured, making you shudder and clench around nothing again. "But I can't wait anymore, either. So final question. How do you compare two strings against one another and why?"
You sighed in relief, hearing a question that you'd rehearsed time and time again since you graduated college. "Dot equals method. Because if you use double equals the way you compare literals it will compare the object's address within the heap, and not the value stored within the String object." The words escaped you as if by muscle memory.
"I told you you're ready, darling," were his last words before he once again pulled your body closer to him and your hips left the bed as his lips closed around the throbbing bundle of nerves above your entrance and two sinfully long fingers easily slipped inside your drenched heat.
The world began to blur into nothing as you drowned in the sensation of him licking and sucking at your clit, your words reducing to nothing but whimpers of his name and babbled pleas of more. When his fingers curled up and began to relentlessly stroke at that spot inside you that had you seeing stars in the back of your eyes, your hips begun to buck against his mouth. "Tom please," you squeaked, your desperation growing. "I'm--"
"Look at me, darling," he murmured against you, the sensation shooting straight up your spine and into the back of your head. "Look at me while you come."
Your eyes snapped open and met his ardent stare, every limb in your body growing weak at both seeing and feeling his smirk before he began to speed up his ministrations, winking at you before he let out a drawn out moan that pushed you off the edge.
He eased you from your climax in long, slow licks and strokes until your breathing evened out before pulling his mouth away and withdrawing his fingers from you. You braced yourself as you felt him slowly moving up your body. "Last question."
"Are you…fucking…kidding me?" you managed to say between pants, looking up into his near-blackened eyes.
"Indulge me, Y/N. Please?"
You let out a whimper as you began to feel the tip of his cock brush against your folds. "Will you be mine?"
All air left your lungs again as you looked at him, the unmistakable desperation reflected in his own eyes. You nodded your head, quickly feeling your arousal begin to build again as a devilish grin spread across his face, lips shining in the light from your release. "Yes," you breathed out, whimpering weakly how much you loved him as he inched inside of you.
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A/N: Was this entirely self-indulgent because I myself am a Java developer with that exact certification and I wanted to use my knowledge for something other than my day job? For sure. Did I pull those review questions out of my own personal notes? Absolutely. Did I have a sinfully hot best friend who helped me review like YN did in this story? Hahahahahaha next question pls nobody touch me 🥲
Also this was the story that won the poll today, but I'm still waiting to see who's gonna win second place because that's what's gonna go up for Day 3 👀🫡
'everything' taglist: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @mygfloki @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @huntress-artemiss @lilibet261 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lovingchoices14 @devilsadvocactus @lokiprompts @sititran @ladyjames78 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @kats72 @ronnieissupermegafoxyawesomehot @creationsbyme @coldnique @athalialaufeyson @simplyholl @tallseaweed @sarahscribbles @unlucky-number-13 @ozymdias @maple-seed @ladyofthestayingpower @wolfsmom1 @km-ffluv @psychospore @loopsisloops
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ngray192 · 2 years
Ok, so a little while ago I posted about me writing scenes from a documentary that the Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous kids would do after they got rescued. So, since people wanted to see it; here it is...
"State your name, please"
"Ben Pincus"
"Sammy Gutierrez"
"Yasmina Fadoula"
"Just uh call me Brooklyn"
"Kenji Kon"
"Darius Bowman"
"What were your first feelings when you got to Camp Cretaceous?"
"I was terrified"
"I felt guilty because I was there to spy..."
"I just didn't want to be there. Camp was never really my thing."
"Can you elaborate, Yasmina?"
"I've never been too good at making friends. My life has always been about being the best as an individual, not as a team."
"I was ready to 'unbox Jurassic World'" She chucked a little when she said the line she had said so much during her time on the island
"I don't really know how I felt." He paused. "I guess I felt like I was lying to myself. I kept telling these kids how rich I was hoping it would make me feel better about how my dad just put me on this island to get rid of me for a few weeks."
"I was excited. My dad and I always wanted to go to Jurassic World and I actually did it, I got to see dinosaurs."
"I didn't want to leave them," their camp counselor, Roxie, said "but I was forced to. We tried everything to get them back, but after three months we lost hope. We didn't expect them to survive on their own for more than a month, let alone seven."
Yasmina put her foot on her chair, motioning for the camera to zoom in. "I had to get surgery for my ankle. When I distracted the Mossosaurus I had to jump onto the stadium. I tore a ligament right here," she pointed to a small scar and then sat back down. "It hurt like hell, but I just kept running. There was... so much running. Every day, we ran, and ran, and ran."
"I... couldn't hold on," Darius didn't look at the camera. "I couldn't hold on and he fell."
"Darius," the interviewer said his name gently, "Ben is fine. Everyone is fine."
"No, none of us are fine. We're all scarred, we can't sleep, I know none of us eat enough. None of us are fine, and it's my fault because I couldn't hold on."
"We blew up an entire tunnel to get to that boat. We almost killed Toro, we used Ben's hand sanitizer to light a fuse. And we still didn't make it. We had to go on fighting to stay alive cause it wasn't enough." Kenji looked down at his lap.
"That's when we met Mitch and Tiff." Darius said to the interviewer. "They pretended to be there to rescue us, but they lied. They were there to hunt dinosaurs, and almost killed us."
"We– we thought he was dead." Brooklyn had tears in her eyes. "We watched him fall. Darius blamed himself, Kenji wore his fanny-pack, Sammy cried and cried. Then he was back, with Bumpy."
Brooklyn smiled slightly, "She's Ben's best friend, an Ankylosaurus we met in the genetics lab. He called her Bumpy because she had asymmetrical head bumps."
"We watched people die. After a while, it just didn't phase us." Ben said, not looking at the camera. "That can change someone. We saw dinosaurs eat people, see what was left while we walked through the jungle, and we changed. Darius went into 'leader mode', Brooklyn went into 'Esther Stone mode', Kenji just shut down and acted like it wasn't happening, Sammy tried to stay positive, Yaz just kept pushing herself, and I-" he stopped talking. "I got dangerous."
"Dangerous how?"
Ben looked up, his eyes were glossy. "My only thought was survival. I was ready to beat the shit out of that Hap guy even though he wanted to help us. I blew stuff up, I even tried to stay on the island."
"Why would you want to stay on the island?"
He shrugged, "People want to do crazy things when separated from civilization."
"I couldn't do anything. I wish I could, but I was useless. Yaz nearly killed herself for Sammy, Darius did everything to get us home, Brooklyn's YouTube videos helped us countless times, Ben had a fucking dinosaur, but me? I was absolutely useless." Kenji put his head in his hands.
"I'm sure you tried your best, Kenji" the interviewer was calm.
"How would you know?" He stood up off the chair, looking at the interviewer, "I showed Darius Toro. I wanted us to go in the tunnels. I didn't pack so we didn't set sail and the Scorpious came. I was gonna give Wu the computer and let the world be ravaged by dinos. I trusted my dad. I wasn't helpful at all when we were there!"
"Some good things happened when we were there," Sammy said, smiling a little. "I got to meet so many amazing people. I stopped a corrupt company. I met my amazing girlfriend. It was horrible, yes, but it wasn't all bad."
"Did you have a favorite moment on Nublar?"
"When Bumpy and I ran over Dr. Wu's laptop."
"The night we saw Tiff and Mitch's campfire. Kenji brought out Dave's mixtape and I swear it was the funniest thing ever. We were all dancing and laughing, I wish Ben was there." Sammy chuckled softly.
"This one day Ben and I had to bring Pierce, Firecracker, Angel, and Rebel to the new watering hole. That's when I told him I had feelings for Sammy and he did this stupid voice when he was 'helping me' by pretending to be her."
"When Ben saved us. Kenji and I were about to be caught by Hap and all of a sudden he falls. Behind him Bumpy and Ben were just standing there and it was one of the most amazing and confusing moments of my life."
"Seeing my brother get off that boat. We got the proximity alert and I was so worried there was gonna be another problem, but there wasn't. He got my call and I got to see him again, I never thought I'd get to see him again."
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thedarkestgreys · 2 years
My 5 Favorite Fics I've Ever Written
thank you @sarahcakes613 and you know this is going to be hard because we're both aware I'm not a fan of my own writing 👍🏻👍🏻
In No Particular Order!
since nothing has changed me quite like you - Star Wars Sequel Trilogy // Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren // rated T // 6 Chapters Complete // Sith Princess Kira Palpatine x Smuggler Turned Reluctant Jedi Ben Role Reversal AU
She smiles, a real, genuine thing that crinkles her eyes and nearly blinds him. Suddenly, it’s Rey back in front of him, finally. “You’re going to help me kill him, Ben, and then we can be done with all of this. The Sith, the Jedi. Everything.”
Ben grins back. “You’re serious.”
“I’m tired. Of war. Of missing you. Of being alone,” Rey tells him, tears welling up in her eyes as her voice cracks.
slow hands - Marvel Cinematic Universe - Eternals // Druig/Makkari // rated E // 11 Chapters Complete // Post Thanos Snap AU set prior to and during the events of Eternals (2021)
“Familiar?” Druig can’t help but needle at her, because he’s nothing if not a total asshole a majority of the time.
Makkari turns back at him with sad eyes. I’m sorry. She signs once, then twice, and she’s halfway through the motions a third time before he raises a hand to stop her.
“S’alright. You didn’t mean anything by it. For all you know, I would’ve made you leave.”
Makkari, the most beautiful, wonderful, understanding human to grace this earth just shakes her head at him as he tells her that.
No you wouldn’t have. You missed me.
Stages - Game of Thrones - ASOIAF // Jon Snow/Sansa Stark // rated E // 6 Chapters Complete // Book/Show Canon Hybrid AU Six Different Titles Sansa Stark Carries Over The Course Of Jon Snows Life
“What are you staring at my lord?” Sansa asks him when she finally takes notice of his insistent stare through her looking glass. Setting down her brush, she turns to look at him fully, a small smile playing on her pink lips.
“Just my wife.”
“Is that all I am then? Just your wife? Should not a king shower his bride in compliments? Rave about my wits and keen mind, declare that I am the most beautiful lady in the whole realm?” Sansa eyebrows arch with a certain grace, a smirk blooming on her lips before her words turn into high, tinkling laugh.
“I'm only the king before the court San, while sitting on that blasted throne or in an endless meeting with mine and Dany's councilors. In here, in our chambers, I simply wish to be your husband, and for you to be my wife. Let the courtiers speak about your wits and political prowess.” 
but the wolves came and went (and we're still standing) - Game of Thrones - ASOIAF // Podrick Payne/Arya Stark // rated M // 9/14 WIP // Season 7 & 8 rewrite told from the perspective of Podrick Payne
“Stay alive,” the woman who against all odds he’s come to love urges one last time. He jerks his head in the direction of his lady in explanation and farewell.
“Anything for you,” he says with as much sincerity as he can put behind his words, not taking the time to watch for her reaction, knowing that whatever it is could shatter him completely one way or the other.
Moments before a battle that will seal the fate of the entire world isn’t exactly the time for all of this.
your violent overnight rush - Euphoria // Fezco/Lexi Howard // rated E // 14/42 WIP // Post S2E8 AU where the raid goes down differently and Fez and Lexi find their way back to each other
“Don’t,” she whispers, an accusing finger pointed at him. “I get it. I fucking get it, okay? Your line of work makes me a liability, I can understand that, and you’re afraid to lose me because of it. But don’t you think I’m afraid of losing you, too?”
Fez has started to look a little defensive, a bit angry even. He opens his mouth to speak, but Lexi cuts him off again because she’s not quite done. “Your feelings aren’t the only ones that matter here. I knew the risks before I even walked into your store for the first time. But I did it anyway. I let you in, I shared so much of myself with you because you made me feel seen for the very first time Fezco. Before you, no one really gave a shit about what I had to say, about my thoughts or feelings. And then you-”, she pauses, to master herself for a moment. “But then you spent all New Years Eve on a fucking couch with me actually engaged in a real conversation while a party raged around us. You saw me. How could I not fall for you after that?” She’s not yelling, not quite anyways. Frustration rolls off of her in waves as she yanks a hand through her unruly curls. “You done?” Fez asks evenly from the bed where he’s still watching her pace. “Depends on what you have to say,” she bites back, twirling on the spot to look at him.
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
Space Ghost Week
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Space Ghost Coast to Coast #61: “Cahill” | August 28, 1998 | S05E04
Thank god for my Space Ghost Coast to Coast Volume 4 DVD. I bought you for a song back in 2007, and you’re not just a potential source for 200 dollars on eBay for me. You are also slightly more convenient to throw on than torrenting the episode and putting it on my Plex server is. 
Yet another episode with a “Waiting” title card and a cold open in the commissary. Shaking my damn-ass head. I really dislike this cold open. Space Ghost utters the line “Storm’s a ‘comin’” which is a perfectly fine way to set up this episode where a storm does indeed a come. But the rest of it is wacky non-sequiturs, like Moltar talking about eating Jello, and a cut away from the theme song to Space Ghost saying “I got a monkey”. Honestly, “I got a monkey” is a strong contender for least-favorite moment in the entire series. It’s especially childish and grating to me.
Speaking of writing, this one has three writers credited: Mike Lazzo, Ben Karlin (who wrote a small handful of previous episodes), and Brian Posehn from Mr. Show. I misremembered this being solely credited to Posehn. Brian is a lovely guy, so I’m glad that we can all pretend he didn’t write the stuff I didn’t like.
I do like this episode, I promise, but it’s far from a favorite. It’s a fairly normal episode, except there’s a running joke that Space Ghost is extremely afraid of lightning while an intimidating and gloomy storm breaks out. That whole element makes the episode a nice mood piece, and adds legitimate production value and humor to the show. It’s one of those things that makes Space Ghost be Space Ghost.
Space Ghost attempts to interview absolute legend Garret Morris, who is fucking hilarious in this. He might be the only original SNL cast member that got funnier with age. Dying of drugs, dying of cancer, sexually assaulting a young woman on a movie set while ironically observing Covid-19 protocols, selling vodka in a glass skull, screaming at Dan Harmon via voicemail, primarily doing voice work, and Kate & Allie are all funny in their own ways, I suppose. But Morris is one charming mother fucker and he out-charms all those bozos. Even George Coe. Even Don Novello!
Meanwhile, Moltar has meteorologist NOT AL ROKER, I’M NOT RACIST AND KNEW RIGHT AWAY THAT IT WASN’T HIM, I mean, Mark McEwen in his control room. Space Ghost is too scared of the lightening and forgets about him, basically, but Moltar has a great time with him. They have an awkward chemistry. Moltar seems like he has a bit of a man-crush on him. It’s cute stuff. Sample dialogue: 
Moltar: I would never blame you. Mark McEwen (doing an Elvis impression): Thank you very much big guy. Moltar: I’m totally serious. (awkward silence)
Speaking of Moltar being cute: there is a line in this where Moltar is reading meteorology jargon from a book and sorta fumbling over the words “Microinductor dyloptiloid” it and then sardonically adds “not a word I use everyday”. I’m genuinely not sure if that’s a written joke or if they are honoring their tradition of including improv and outtakes as if it’s written dialogue. In a script it would stick out, but it does feel like one of those moments even if it’s not. Another moment, where Space Ghost says “Is there anything more funny than somebody just drastically white trying to speak colloquial hood?” also feels blurry to me. It seems like some stock thing George Lowe would say as an actual conversation starter that was captured while he was going off-book.
One of the lesser episodes of the season, but goddamn there’s some good stuff in it.
hey kimosabe. the lewis lectures still rock my world. Any chance of bringing those dogs out of the kennel now that lazzo is gone?
Um... (theatrically) don’t look at me!
from prince-moth-mothy-moth-moth:
just found out about your page as i'm rewatching sgc2c, literally in the middle of season 5 right now, ha! looking forward to seeing your thoughts on Cahill, feels like one they had a lot of fun making
Garret Morris’ interview must’ve been so great to conduct. They must’ve been aware that they were capturing lightning that day. I hope my relatively lukewarm review didn’t disappoint too bad.
also from: prince-moth-mothy-moth-moth 
also im guessing you'll probably cover Dinner With Steven at the end of the 98 episodes?
Wasn’t planning on that in particular! Seemed like a thing to watch in preperation for covering “Snatch” next season. But I might change my mind. Generally I don’t sweat covering the Space Ghost ephemera too much because when I do Space Ghost Week it’s on an accelerated schedule. But more and more I’ve been thinking how there should be a concentrated effort to preserve all that stuff in some kind of shareable archive. At the very least I should start a spreadsheet.
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
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♡   —   pairing: kazutora x reader
♡   —   summary: after a long day at work, you want nothing but to spend a calm night with your boyfriend. however, you have no idea this is the night were all his demons finally get the best of him.
♡   —   tags/warnings: female reader, angst, breakups, hurt feelings everywhere, mention on mental illnesses and nightmares, based on ben platt’s song ‘carefully’, mention of tora’s job in one of the future timelines.
♡   —   a/n: i enjoyed writing kazutora so. damn. much. also, i’m quite proud of this one and the small details i added~ thank you @ofoceansandtombstones​​ for being my lovely beta <3
♡   —  masterlist
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And all this time you've had a gentle way of holding me
So could you please release me that way too?
— “carefully” by Ben Platt
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“It’s open, come in!”
The first thing Kazutora sees when he opens the door of your apartment is you, kneeling on the kitchen floor and picking up pieces of a broken baking dish. Red sauce has splattered everywhere and his mind betrays him for a second, imagining an accident far worse than what has truly happened. He blinks twice and starts to notice the small details that finally slow down the fast beating of his heart. There are pieces of chicken breasts next to the open oven door and what he thinks are sliced carrots next to your right knee.
You hiss when you pick up a piece of the shattered glass, the sharp end pinching your finger. Kazutora comes back to his senses, widening his eyes as he realizes he’s just been standing there.
“Hey, let me. You’ll cut yourself,” he warns, walking up to you. Grabbing both your hands, he eases you into your feet and then guides you to the living room. “I’ll take care of it,” he promises as he goes back to the kitchen and starts cleaning up the mess.
You let yourself fall on the sofa with a loud thud and let out an exasperated sigh.
“I just had the most awful day,” you whine, taking off your apron and leaving it on the arm of the sofa.  “Work was hell, I got scolded by something that I didn’t do— like always, only this time my boss was all like: ‘You gotta be more careful, we wouldn’t want to lose such a valuable employee’. Like he was going to fire me over someone else’s mistake?!”
Your voice is getting louder by the minute and you take advantage of the fact Kazutora is in another room to keep the volume. You have been waiting the entire day to see him and vent about what a trainwreck you day had been. Just as always, he listens intently, the only noise coming from the kitchen being a soft scraping sound as he picks up everything and throws it to the trash. 
“Then, I went to the store and of course they had run out of basil. Tell me, how does a store that big run out of basil?” you ask. There’s no answer from the kitchen so you continue. “I mean, yeah, I could have gone to another store but my feet were killing me. I’m just not meant to work in heels the entire day,” you sigh tiredly, swinging your feet.
You reposition yourself, now sitting cross-legged on the sofa. Putting your right hand on your left shoulder, you stretch your neck, feeling your sore muscles releasing a bit of tension with a small ‘pop’.
“I ended up preparing something entirely different than I had planned for dinner. I tried to let it go but just as I was going to put it in the oven, it slipped my hands and—”
“I think we should break up.”
Words die in your lips the moment you listen to your boyfriend speak. The silence becomes loud and abrasive as you struggle to understand what was happening. Why was Kazutora breaking up with you with such a small voice? What had triggered him to come to that conclusion? Why had he decided to bring it up now? You turn your head to the kitchen door and watch him slowly make his way towards you, doubtful steps as he takes a seat on the other side of the sofa, avoiding your eyes at all costs.
“What?” you ask, your voice hoarse. His lips form a tight line and you see him swallowing nervously.
“I’m not doing okay— haven’t been for a while. I— it’s been two years since I left prison and I still haven’t— I don’t— I don’t know what I’m doing,” he explains, looking down at his hands.
You nod slowly, trying to comprehend where he’s coming from. Turning your body towards him, you take a deep breath before speaking.
“It’s okay not to know,” you assure him in a soft voice. “Just… take it slow. One day at a time and then I’m sure you’ll—”
“I haven’t been sleeping well,” Kazutora confesses and you notice his voice wavering a little. “I— I keep having nightmares about— about that day and— and also about the motorcycle shop. Those two mix up and…” he takes one of his hands to the side of his head, his fingers grazing his temple. “And I’m hitting Baji in the head. And there’s so much blood— so, so much blood and—”
Leaning forward, you take his hands. They’re shaking and extremely cold and you rub your thumb over his knuckles, trying your best to soothe him.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe now, Tora, you’re—”
Kazutora pulls his hands away hastily, leaving a tingling sensation on your palms.
“I can’t!” he says as he shakes his head. You spend a moment looking at your empty hands, never before having felt your boyfriend’s rejection. “I feel like I’m drowning and— You know what? I think relationships just aren’t for me,” he shrugs, his hands moving in exaggerated gestures. “That’s why I never cared for dating, never got myself involved in that kind of shit, not until—”
He finally looks at you and, fuck, you wish he didn’t. You’re not sure if you have the strength to deal with such hurtful discourse. You lick your lips and take yet another deep breath, deciding to ignore his hurtful remark.
“I’m… so sorry you’re feeling this way,” you say, slowing down your words, trying your best not to show how hurt you were. This isn’t him, you tell yourself. So no need for that tightness in your throat. “But you have to understand it’s not because of me. It’s because of everything that you’ve gone through and how hard it’s to deal with them. I don’t blame you, it is hard. But this… us,” you gesture to the both of you. “This is a good thing. Despite all the pain and hurt we’ve both been through, we—”
“Please, stop,” he says, raising his hand and pressing his eyelids together. “I can’t be with you anymore. That’s it, that’s all—”
“So you don’t love me anymore?” you counter. You scoff in disbelief, shaking your head. Kazutora’s eyes shoot open and you notice his pupils shaking in fear, like a deer caught in headlights.
“I love you,” he breathes out, and for a moment you see the boy you fell in love with in his amber eyes that are quickly filling with tears. “I do love you but it’s killing me. I feel like I’m dying,” he chokes out. He looks away from you once more and starts tugging at his fingers. “I’m rotting inside and I don’t know what to do to make it better. I just want it to stop. I want it to stop and— I don’t want you around when I’m like this. I want to figure out what the hell is happening and—”
“But if you love me and I love you then why—”
“I’m not happy with you!”
Kazutora widens his eyes, scared by his loud outburst. He parts his lips, silently muttering nonsense as he tries to come up with words that can make it better. You lower your head and he wants to punch himself over it. He doesn’t want to make you cry, not after everything you’ve done for him. Is he really going to be the person that hurt the one that made a home for him in her embrace? Is he going to hurt the only person that was brave enough to pick up the pieces of his shattered soul?
“I’m…” he babbles, in a soft voice. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”
You snort. “No, you really did mean it, Tora.”
He can sense the hurt and sadness in your voice, even if now you’re the one that won’t look at him. He watches helplessly as you stand up and walk towards the living room window in complete silence. The apron you took off is still on the couch and the vast memories of all the times he embraced you while you were wearing it quickly fill his mind.
He wishes there was a way he could keep you. But no matter how much he wants to, he knows there really is no other way. He’s thought about this countless times. He has gone to work without getting proper sleep, stared at his blank tv screen for hours on end, trying to come up with a plan where he could keep you. Was staying with the person he loved the most too much to ask?
No matter in how many shades of light or with how much care he handled the memory of you, the only way he could spare you the greatest amount of pain was to leave you— even if he knew he’d end up shattering your heart as well.
Kazutora notices the way your fingers tightly close around the edge of the window, your knuckles turning white. He had come to terms that he’d lose you today, yet he never expected for it to be this way. It doesn’t matter, he tells himself. If hating him would mend your wounds faster, then he’d take it. Anything that would make the heartache he was causing you a little bit lighter. He knew you were the last person on Earth that deserved to go to bed carrying that much pain in her soul.
Looking out the window, you focus on a small girl walking her dog on the street. It’s a brown labrador and by the size of it, it’s barely a puppy. Rather than walk, it jumps on its four legs, his little head looking back at the girl every chance he has as he happily wags his tail. The pet shop Kazutora and Chifuyu work at immediately comes to mind. Would it be like this from now on? Small things eliciting memories of your days together without your consent and leaving a sour taste in your mouth?
You will need to find a new commute, you think, as you had been stopping by the pet shop on your way home for the past year. Is there another bus that you could take? As you try to remember the lines and their respective routes, you’re engulfed by the memory of the first time Kazutora dozed off with his head resting on your shoulder as you rode the bus together. You close your eyes and you can clearly see his peaceful expression and slightly parted lips as he slept, his fingers tightly intertwined with yours. His breathing is slow and his hands are cold and you wish you could go back, even for a minute and place a kiss on top of his head, since you wouldn’t be able to do so from now on.
Where exactly had you failed? You had just been complaining about your day when he dropped the bomb. Did you complain too much? Did you talk too much? Or was it you the one that was too much? You tried your best and supported him as much as you could but as it turns out, it hadn’t been enough. Good intentions were nothing but useless as you were now saying goodbye to the man you had loved the most.
You didn’t realize you were crying until you felt Kazutora’s cold knuckles against your cheek, wiping your tears. You gasp, startled by his touch and take a couple steps back until your back hits the wall. It takes a few seconds for him to bring his hand now, unsure on what to do next.
He looks so scared and small— it fills your heart with frustration. Your whole body is screaming to take a step forward and comfort him, cradle him in your arms like so many times before, assure him he’s safe with you and that he doesn’t have to worry anymore. That, if you can still go home to each other at the end of a bad day, you can take anything life throws at you.
But that’s the thing. You’re not each other’s home anymore. You don’t get to bury your face in his neck and hum happily when his perfume reaches your nose. You don’t get to have him take a nap on your lap as you watch a series or feel his lips ghost against yours seconds before colliding in a kiss.
You hate it. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, crossing his arms in front of his chest and looking down at his feet. “Please, don’t cry.”
“You know what, Kazutora?” you say, wiping your tears with the back of your hand. You taste venom in your words, yet that doesn’t stop you. “If you’re not happy with me, then what are you doing here?”
He flinches at your words. Biting his inner cheek, he nods, still incapable of holding your gaze.
“Yeah, okay,” he mutters. “I’ll go. I really am sorry.”
Kazutora turns on his heel, walking towards the door. Maybe it’s the way you know he’s not coming back this time that makes your desperation afloat. You don’t want him to go and you also know you can’t make him stay. And even if somehow you could find a way to keep him by your side, it would be worthless.
He’s just not happy with you.
“Are you happy somewhere else, though?” you ask, your words leaving your mouth before your head has time to process them. He stumbles on his feet and stops. “Because if you just can’t manage to be happy, then it’s not on me.”
Kazutora doesn’t have to turn for you to know he’s second guessing himself. The next seconds feel like years as he just stands there, mid-way to the front door, thoughts so messy and loud you can almost hear them.
“That doesn’t matter,” he finally says with his back to you. He closes his fists and you see his shoulders rising and falling as he takes a deep breath. “This way you don’t have to deal with... with the mess I am and—”
“Oh, please, I knew what I was getting into when I started dating an ex-convict.”
The weight of your words fall onto you the moment they leave your mouth. You squeeze your eyes shut, muttering a curse. It takes no time for you to walk towards Kazutora, standing between him and the door.
“Shit, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Tora, I didn’t— you know I didn’t mean it that way. Fuck, I’m so sorry,” you whimper, tears flowing free down your cheeks. Your wave your shaky hands, desperate to make your point across. “I just wanted to say I knew things would be difficult but I loved you— I love you and I—”
Kazutora shakes his head, a gentle yet sad smile on his face as he takes your hands in his. He holds them in front of his chest, squeezing them gently as they don’t stop trembling.
“Stop, it’s okay,” he assures you. “That’s what I am.”
“It’s not,” you protest. “I mean— yeah, but you’re more than that. You’re so much more than that. You’re caring, you’re noble— you’re so tender with the animals at your shop. You’re so sweet with me, always checking if I’ve eaten and offering to help me out if I have chores I need to do. You always come pick me up if I’m working late. You— you’re so fucking special to me.”
Kazutora’s lips form a tight line. “I wish I could see that,” he whispers.
“Then just— let me try. Let me try until you can look at yourself the way I do,” you almost beg. You let go of the hold he has on your hands to gently cradle his face. “I’ll do anything, but... don’t patronize me. I’m not a little girl. Whatever life throws at me, I’ve always been able to handle it. No— we’ll handle it. Together. Like it’s always been, you and me, I just— please, I don’t want you to go,” you cry. “We were going to be happy together, you were going to live with me and I’d give you half my drawers and half my closet and half… half everything. Please, don’t go. Don’t go, Tora.”
The sadness in his amber eyes only confirms what you’ve been fearing this whole time. You sob, your thumbs softly stroking his cheeks as you feel the world crumbling around you. This time, he doesn’t stop you, letting you cry as you hold his face, coming to terms with the fact he’s really leaving after all.
Your hands move to his hair, gently threading your fingers across his long, dark locks. Tracing the outline of his face, you push one of the dyed streaks away, only for it to fall back right where it was before. You can’t help the small smile that forms on your lips. He’s so pretty, you think, as the pads of your fingers gently caress his face. Your thumb grazes the space between his bottom lip and his chin and you dream of a world when he’s not saying goodbye, but rather falling asleep under your touch on your shared bed. You never knew loving someone as much as you loved him was possible-- yet the way your heart was crumbling in pieces was evidence of how much your soul was aching by being separated from the person it belonged to.
Sniffling, you rub your cheek against your shoulder to wipe your tears. You swallow before raising another question.
“Is this a… temporary thing? Or for good?” Your voice comes out in a whisper as you place down your hands on his shoulders.
“I don’t know,” he answers. He wants nothing more than to put his arms around your body like so many times before, but he’s aware that it will only make things more difficult. “But I don’t want to keep you waiting in vain. You should move on.”
Kazutora realizes how much he hates the idea as it leaves his lips. The idea of you starting over with someone else rots in his tongue. He doesn’t want you to hold anyone’s face the way you were just holding his. He wants to keep you all to himself, to go to endless visits to the grocery shop, to watch you fall asleep during movie night and then pretend you didn’t, to massage your hands as you tell him about his day.
But you don’t deserve the guck that’s forming inside his mind. He knows it’s only a matter of time before it comes out pouring and reaches you. And he’ll be damned if he lets himself ruin the one good thing he’s had in his life for many years. He promised to himself he wouldn’t let his ill state of mind touch his loved ones. Never again.
He watches you nod and feels his heart shattering, even if everything is going just the way he intended. You rub his shoulders and look into his eyes, a sad smile on the pretty lips he would never get to kiss again.
“Okay,” you sigh. “We’ll end this but… when you leave, never doubt how loved you were. No— how loved you are. I don’t know what is coming for either of us but… I do know a part of my heart will always belong to you, no matter who I hold hands with. I will always love you, Tora.”
Your words are enough to finally break him. Kazutora clutches your body tightly against him as he loudly sobs against your shoulder. You hold him, tears flowing free once again as you try and soothe the man you love, leaving small kisses on the side of his head and whispering soft reassurances that it’s okay. It’s not, you tell yourself. It’s never going to be okay. But it has to be.
Carefully, you move him back to the sofa, helping him sit down while he refuses to let go of his hold on your body. You lean on the back pillows, both your arms cradling him while he whimpers like a small child. Kazutora clutches the fabric of your sweater with desperation, wishing there was a way he could stay with you.
Why does he have to give up the person that had put a smile back on his face? He can’t quite remember a time when his stomach had hurt out of laughter before he ever met you. Or when he’d experienced such peace as the night he stayed at your apartment and got to see your sleeping face first thing in the morning. He’s never loved anyone as much as he loves you and, for all he knows, he may never love like this again. 
But he could never risk tainting you. He would never be able to forgive himself.
Kazutora softly pulls away from your embrace. His eyes are blotchy and red and you’re sure yours look the same or even worse. His nose is red, like it always does when he cries. It’s endearing, you think. Everything about him, from his hair, to his eyes, his hands— you’ve come to love every part of Kazutora. And that’s exactly why it’s so hard to let him go.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he says in a whisper, resting the side of his head on the back pillows of the sofa.
“Like what?” you ask, gently pushing his hair away from his face and behind his ear.
“Like I matter to you. Like I’m making a huge mistake.”
You take a deep breath. Imitating him, you rest your head on the back pillows as well, so you’re both facing each other.
“I don’t— I don’t fully understand what you’re going through,” you admit, your eyes locked on his. “But if you need to… get away, then you should. You’ve been nothing but loving to me. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy, whether it’s with me or not. You deserve to fully experience all the beautiful things life has to offer.”
Silent tears fall from both your cheeks and his.
“I should be thankful I got to love you for this whole year. Because even if it ends this way… God, I loved you so much,” you sniffle, letting out a small laugh. “And I felt so loved. Isn’t that magical in itself? That we got to love each other at the same time?” you wonder with a sad smile.
Kazutora parts his lips, yet the doorbell interrupts him before he can even speak. You look at the front door, your eyebrows furrowing for a moment before you realize who’s probably there.
“Food’s here,” you say, wiping the tears from your face.
“Food?” Kazutora asks, confused.
“Yeah,” you sigh. “Didn’t I tell you? The baking dish broke so I called that restaurant, the one with the burgers we like.”
“Sorry. I wasn’t really listening back then,” he admits with a pang of guilt. He sits up on the couch and turns his head at you. “I’ll leave you to it, then.”
You sit up as well. “I ordered for the two of us. C’mon, stay for dinner. Let’s… remember us this way, okay? Without so many tears and sadness,” you offer, tilting your head towards him. “I even ordered your favourite one.”
Kazutora rubs his face with his sleeve, erasing the trail of the tears he just shed. Looking at you, he nods, drawing a small smile on his lips.
“Okay. I’ll get it.”
He only walks a few steps towards the door before he feels you tugging at the back of his shirt. Turning around, he notices you’re standing right behind him. Your eyes look up to him, biting your bottom lip and not even a ghost of the smile you previously offered him.
“Before that, uh— I want you to know I… I mean it,” you firmly say, taking in all his facial features, loving how they soften every time he looks at you. “I’ll always love you. No matter how many years go by or if I ever stop being in love with you— I’ll still love you.”
“I’ll always love you too,” he replies, taking your hand and squeezing it softly. “I don’t think I could stop even if I wanted to.”
You finally let out a soft chuckle and squeeze his hand back. The doorbell rings again and you walk around Kazutora to get to it. This time, he’s the one that stops you, not letting go of the hold of your hand. Looking back at him, you notice the soft pout in his lips and how they softly tremble, looming more tears.
“It’s okay,” you assure him, and you know you’re saying it to yourself as well. “Who knows, we might get together again someday. Have our own Casablanca moment. We’ll always have the pet shop,” you joke, trying to fight back to tears that threaten to fill your eyes as well.
It’s Kazutora’s turn to chuckle, only this time he does it along with you. You let go of his hand only to hold his face tenderly, a soft smile as you look at the man you love. Standing on your tiptoes, you press your lips against the beauty mark under his right eye. You feel his hands setting on the small of your back and watch his smile widen when you fall back on your heels.
Locking your fingers with him once more, you open the door.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
👀 PLease tell us your thoughts about the Jedi babies re-growing up among different cultural contexts.
Oh fuck okay
Context: original post, chrono The specific post this ask is referencing: here
Summary of the AU: Disaster lineage got tossed back in time. Anakin stayed 21-ish, but Obi-Wan and Ahsoka got deaged, took new names for time-travel reasons (Ylliben and Sokanth, or Ben and Soka), are now staying with the True Mandalorians under Jaster Mereel because the Force said to, go back to the Temple after about a decade. They grabbed Shmi about three months after arriving.
So as far as the cultural background goes, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka had similar upbringings. She spent a few years on Shili first, but both spent the majority of their childhoods up to age 13/14 being raised in the creche. So that's the basis that they would default to, in a vacuum.
Nobody is raised in a vacuum.
Along with the Jedi cultural background, they're being raised by Tatooine natives in a Mandalorian environment.
Shmi and Anakin are both former slaves who have desert survival baked into their bones. The longer Anakin spends around her, the more his accent slips, the more he talks about old folktales, the more he uses idioms that don't exist on a cityplanet like Coruscant. All the things that he tamped down to be a Jedi come floating back to the surface, and Shmi's never known anything else. Anakin's knowledge of slave customs make her feel more comfortable, which in turn makes him feel better, and so on.
Mandalore is just... the culture they're living in. You don't grow up in a new culture with a new language without picking up on it personally. (Source: I moved to the US when I was a little under two years old.)
I think the thing I'm going to focus on as an example is the way each of these cultures approaches family, and then maybe how they approach the keeping of peace/what peace means.
Jedi: Where you come from means little, only the legacy you leave behind in your students. Mandalore: You protect your clan and your children; adoption is a major cultural value, if not actually practiced consistently. Tatooine: You can lose your family at any time, so you value what you have in all its forms. You don’t forget where and who you came from, to family of blood and family of choice alike. You cling to your memories and what little you still have of them, to what your master cannot take away.
These are all valid ways to approach family, and each of these approaches can have significant meaning to different people. But they do all, to a certain degree, conflict with one another, despite all three being fairly communal cultures.
The Jedi have a culture, one that’s built on a shared ability and religion over thousands of years. It’s not just an organization, but a continuous community with legends and traditions and art and records. But it’s one that is built on new blood coming in from the outside, volunteers who join because the religion speaks to them (near literally, given the nature of Force Sensitivity), given up by families who couldn’t or wouldn’t teach them in a way that let their talents flourish instead of pushing it all down.
For the Jedi, a culture built on people coming together due to something they have in common intrinsically that their families of blood do not, it makes sense to put emphasis on letting go of that past when they can, and to place importance on teaching lineages. It’s not just the official master-padawan pairs, either, but that’s the most obvious and easily paralleled element. Moreover, a lot of the Jedi culture is about gaining knowledge, so obviously spreading it is good, and also on supporting the galaxy to make it a better place; to view the Jedi order as a heavily communal culture would make sense, since their values are all about selfless betterment of the universe, which on a larger scale is about the galactic conflicts, but on a smaller scale is about supporting their own community, the children and the ill and elderly.
So that is the specific culture that Obi-Wan and Ahsoka grew up in, one that holds blood family as relevant but not particularly crucial to one’s identity, but is structured so people leave behind legacies through education in a manner that often becomes adoptive family (depending on your definition, I guess). Jedi are encouraged to connect to their home cultures, if not their families, with practices like the coming of age hunt for Togruta leading to the young Jedi taking a trip out to Shili to engage in that cultural milestone. This can also be viewed as a way for the Jedi to maintain personal connections to the wider universe, a (not entirely successful, but certainly attempted) way of keeping them from becoming too isolated and insular from the universe at large, and losing touch from what the galaxy actually needs of them.
They’re now growing up with two cultures that do place emphasis on blood and found family.
Mandalore, as presented in The Mandalorian, has their traditional values set as being heavily associated with their armor, battle skills, and childcare. While that’s clearly a set of values that aren’t actually followed by everyone with full sincerity, we can assume that these stated cultural values do have at least some impact on the way the society is structured, since we do see more traditional characters (Jaster, Din) adopt orphaned children and then have the Mandalorian elements of their immediate circles support that claim.
(We’ll ignore Jango and the whole clone army thing because the amount of Sith influence is up for debate and also holy trauma, Batman.)
However, we also see that a lot of Mandalorian culture is built on their family histories. On the New Mandalorian side, we see emphasis placed on the fact that Satine is House Kryze and that she’s a duchess. Her bloodline is relevant, though not the most important thing about her. On the Death Watch side, we have Pre and Tor placing emphasis on the fact that they’re Clan Vizsla, descended from Tarre, that this is important to why they deserve what the darksaber represents, this is part of why they not only deserve to lead, but should for the good of Mandalore.
Bo-Katan’s armor is a family heirloom. Boba’s armor was Jango’s, but before being Jango’s, it was Jaster’s. Armor is important enough to pass to family, but the family can be adopted. This all tracks.
The resol’nare specifies loyalty and care for the clan/tribe among the six tenets.
These two elements seem relatively well-balanced: the importance of adoption and the importance of family as a larger unit on the level of a house or clan.
And then you have Tatooine, which also balances blood and adoption, but for entirely different reasons, that being this: it can always be taken from you.
For all that a Mandalorian could historically expect their family to die in battle, and a Jedi could expect to lose their master the same way if things went poorly, those were usually choices. A Mandalorian was raised to walk into battle, and then they could make that choice to do so. It wasn’t often much of a choice, but they could feasibly turn their back and choose to be a farmer or a doctor or something, and support the people who went out to do battle instead of being the one on the field themselves. A Jedi could choose to be a healer or an archivist or join one of the Corps.
A slave does not get that choice. A slave can be killed or sold on a whim from their master. It’s not a one-time trauma, but an ever-present fear. Your parent, your child, your sibling, your spouse, all of them can be separated from you at any time. You can always lose them, and you have no choice but to grin and bear it, or try to run and die before you reach freedom.
In a context like that, I imagine Tatooine places a very heavy emphasis on family, both of blood and of choice, and on treasuring what you have while you have it. A person is always aware that they can lose whoever they have in their life, and so they make the most of their times together, have clear and consistent ways of expressing that love (I imagine primarily direct verbal confirmations and physical contact, practical gifts like water and fruit). Childcare is important, elders are venerated. Those who survived that far have valuable wisdom, and the children are to be given what happiness they can have before reality wipes that ability from them.
The family ‘networks’ among Tatooine slaves are smaller and tighter knit. There’s less trust for outsiders, but once you’re in, you’re in until you are taken away. Still, families are torn apart regularly, and often can’t contact each other after being separated if they’re sold far enough away, so families stay small because they’re always being broken up. Unlike Mandalore’s tribe/clan system, or the Jedi’s wide, loosely-structured community, Tatooine’s slaves form smaller groups that cling for as long as they can, and try to support each other. (There are selfish ones, of course, especially the newbies, but... well. Most try.)
Tatooine is also much more likely to assign a familial role (e.g. referring to an elder as ‘grandmother’). It’s not uncommon in the others (multiple Jedi refer to their masters as a parent or sibling, like Anakin’s “you’re like a father to me” line), but it’s not as baked-in that such a role should be given.
So on a structural level, we have two people from a community culture with little emphasis on blood family or formal familial roles are now being raised in a community that has them asking “what can you do for the people around you first, and then the wider world?” by people who tell them “your family, blood and found, is the most important thing you have; never let anyone take more from you than they possibly can.”
And that shit has an effect.
For all that Sokanth and Ylliben were once raised with a knowledge that their duty, their goal, was to better the galaxy as a whole, they are now being told that the community that raises them asks their loyalty back, because societies are built on support networks, and if you support the tribe, it will support you. There are parallels to that kind of thinking among Jedi, because it is basic social theory, but it’s not presented as the same kind of cultural value. It’s not given as something to strive for, just a basic fact.
This, for instance, means that once they’re back at the Temple, they have a tendency towards suggesting study groups and other ways of supporting people in their immediate circle, often structured in very unfamiliar ways. Again, this isn’t uncommon among Jedi, but it’s not done in the same way, or with the same emphasis. The Jedi also often approach problem-solving in a different order, so the step of “meditate on it and you may find your solution” often comes before “gather information from people who know more about it than you do,” while Ben and Soka have by this point learned to do it the other way around, because that’s what the Mandalorian system taught them: rely on your family first.
Meanwhile, the Tatooine element of their upbringing has them being much more willing to just... casually refer to ‘my dad’ and ‘my sister’ and so on. They use those words. It’s not just “my master is like a father to me,” but “this is my father.” They don’t hesitate to talk about the family they had and still have in Mandalorian space. None of the Jedi begrudge them it, really, but it’s always a shock to hear for the first time, and between the Tatooine refusal to pretend the connection is gone and the Mandalorian tendency to err on the side of roughhousing as affection, they’re just... odd. It’s not like none of the other Jedi know family outside the Order--some of the old books had Obi-Wan visiting his brother on Stewjon once in a while--or like none of the active Jedi are loud or boisterous, but the specific manner in which Soka and Ben interact with the Order, especially when their dad is around, is very weird.
More Soka than Ben, really, but that’s mostly just because Ben’s a very quiet person until he gets a little older, so it’s harder to notice on him.
Point is, while they still hold to their duty to the wider galaxy and will continue to keep that duty above almost anything else in their lives, the way they talk and act about the subject of family, especially in private, is heavily influenced by their new cultures.
This is already very long but I promised I’d talk about peace so let’s go:
The Jedi seek peace as an absence of war and conflict in the portion of the galaxy under their purview, in hopes that they will prevent as much suffering and death as they can.
The Mandalorians are varied, but Jaster Mereel’s group (which is the community the Skywalkers are with) is likely to view peace as unrealistic to achieve in the long term. They do not seek war, but they know the world they live in, and are prepared to protect against violence as their first resort. They always expect an attack, even if they don’t seek it.
The Slaves of Tatooine view peace as the calm in a storm. It is the status quo. Nobody has escaped tonight, for the guards aren’t searching, but neither is anyone dead. The Master you have is in a good enough mood to not sell you, to not kill you, to not beat you. Peace as an absence of suffering is impossible, so you seek for your master to be peaceful, that is to say: not raging at you.
The scope of each of these narrows significantly. From the known galaxy, to the wars that meet Mandalorian space, to the household one serves.
A community like the Jedi can choose to address peace as something to be sought on a large scale as an absence of war. They primarily function within the borders of the Republic, which has its problems but is largely structured to prevent such things from occurring until the Sith interfere. The Jedi have a structure that allows them to address peace as an ideal to be sought, at least within the borders of the territory they serve.
Mandalore, meanwhile, has been at war on and off for... ever. When they are not at war with themselves, they’re at war with someone else. ‘Peace’ is just the time between wars, and they know that if they do not attack first, they will be forced to defend. Jaster Mereel was known as the Reformer, and part of that was that instituting a code of honor, one that was intended to prevent Mandalorian warriors from acting as raiders and brigands, but rather acting as honorable hired soldiers, or taking roles such as the Journeyman Protectors. Given that, I imagine that he views war as something inevitable, but also something that can be mitigated.
War doesn’t touch Tatooine.
Oh, it might raise taxes and import rates. It might prevent visitors who come for the races. It can do a lot of things.
But to a slave, these are nothing. The only thing war does is affect the master, the person who chooses when their slaves get water, when they get beaten, when they are no longer useful enough to keep around or keep alive.
The peace of a slave’s live is dictated by how much abuse they are subjected to by the person who owns them.
What this means for Soka and Ben is... well, they are viewed as war-hungry by the people who don’t know them very well. They have armor. They focus on fighting, both with and without their sabers. They know tactics better than most masters. They claim that war is coming, and don’t seem too sad about it.
(It is a fact to them. War will come. All they can do is meet it. They’ve already done their mourning once.)
They also... well, Shmi tells them things in hidden corners. How to duck their head to hide the hate or fear in their eyes. How to watch for the anger in the tendons of a hand. The laugh of someone who enjoys the pain they’ve caused, not just the adrenaline of a fight. She is free, and so are they, but she has not forgotten how to hide in the shadows until the master’s ire has turned elsewhere. How to be small and quiet and unseen until the danger passes.
A Jedi’s first resort is words. Their second is their saber. But the Jeedai hold their heads high, and the Mandalorians do the same.
“You rely on the Force, and you have your pride,” she tells them, her hands on their own. “But there will come a time when you will not be able to remind people that you are free. You will not be able to say that you are a person, that you deserve the respect of a living sentient. Perhaps it will be a politician who treats everyone like that. Perhaps you will be captured by an enemy. Perhaps you will be undercover. You will not be able to fight, with words or with weapons, and you will have to know how to survive.”
Tatooine does not have peace. Tatooine only has survival.
And while Jedi fight for the survival and peace of the universe, they are refined and composed. Mando’ade fight like warriors of old, and Tatooine slaves fight like cornered, rabid anooba.
The galaxy comes first, but when the chips are down and the Sith come out to play, Soka and Ben do not need refinement, because they know how to toss aside their pride and live.
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nevermindirah · 3 years
is a character! who Gregadiah What-Is-Math Rucka gave us almost no information about!
I've gone through Tales Through Time #6: The Bear and #1: My Mother's Axe with several magnifying glasses and done a lot of googling and taken my copy of the Tanakh off my shelf for the first time since (well, since the last time I needed to read Torah for TOG reasons, which I think was Booker Passover headcanons) and here's the best I can come up with.
In The Bear we meet someone who goes by the name Isaac Blue:
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Read on for a lot of comic panel analysis and historical research and Jewish flailing!
So what do we know about this Isaac Blue person?
He's Lorge, he's got curly hair, he's basically a taller version of Joe as drawn by Leandro Fernández (ie an antisemitic stereotype why the fuck did they approve this character design?? and then why did they double down and copy-paste it to Yitzhak??):
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He's got a mezuzah on the doorpost of his house in Alaska!
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I screamed about the mezuzah way back in January in this post where I (very reasonably) assumed this character was Joe and spun myself a tale about how Booker is still Joe's brother so the mezuzah stays up even though Booker isn't welcome in that house for a century. Bottom line: the mezuzah is a tradition with origins in the commandment from Deuteronomy 6:9 to "write the words of G-d on the gates and doorposts of your house" and evolved over the course of the Rabbinic period into the modern mezuzah we see here.
I did unnecessary levels of google image search to glean absolutely no useful information about Yitzhak’s origins from this panel:
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I've decided the variant cover of TTT 6 is Yitzhak because of a panel in My Mother’s Axe, shown here, and what's likely an unnecessarily deep reading of Exodus, discussed further down:
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The person at the right of the bottom panel is wearing the same clothes as in the TTT 6 variant cover and has the same shoulder-length curly hair and hairy forearms.
Left to right, the people in this panel are Lykon (I'll never get used to him being white in the comics), Andy, Noriko (I think? why doesn't Andy mention her by name here?), and Yitzhak. Andy's robe has a stereotypically Greek design on the sleeve cuff, and I had to stop myself 10 minutes into a Wikipedia rabbit hole because Gregorforth doesn't think that deep about this shit. The solid clues as to timeline that we get in this panel are:
Andy's iron axe
the presence of Lykon, who Andy first met in 331 BCE
So all we know is that Yitzhak is an immortal, he was a contemporary of Lykon, and he's Jewish.
Isaac is the most common Anglicization of Yitzhak (which in turn is the most common Anglophone transliteration of יִצְחָק‎), and Greg always uses the (transliterated) Hebrew when he refers to this character. Yitzhak is the long-awaited child of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis, the child who G-d commanded Abraham to sacrifice but spared at the last minute. I see what you did there, Gregory.
Why Isaac Blue? This is where I pulled out my Tanakh. According to the New JPS translation, blue is the first of three colors of yarn listed in Exodus 35:6 among the gifts requested of the Israelites to construct the priestly garments for the Tabernacle and later the Temple. Then in Numbers 15:38 the Israelites are commanded to "make themselves fringes on the corners of their garments throughout the ages; let them attach a cord of blue to the fringe at each corner."
And now for sandbox timelines party! Gregadiah gave us ALMOST NOTHING to go on, so I'm gonna make my own fun.
I, like many modern Jews, think the stories in the Tanakh are foundational mythology that are valuable because of how they've shaped our people but that contain some fucked-up shit and either way aren't meant to be a record of historical facts. Modern scholarship generally agrees that the community we now call Jews emerged as a distinct group of Canaanites sometime in the late Bronze Age (cw this video's host says the Name of G-d aloud despite being a religious studies scholar who knows that is not a name anyone but the Temple priests are allowed to say). The first non-Biblical written record of the people Israel is from an Egyptian source c. 1200 BCE, and the Biblical kingdom of David and Solomon was probably an exaggeration of whatever really happened during the Bronze Age Collapse. We start getting into historical-fact territory a few centuries into the Iron Age:
588 BCE Solomon's Temple destroyed, Babylonian exile begins
538 BCE Cyrus of Persia allows Jews to return to Jerusalem
515 BCE Second Temple construction complete
332 BCE Alexander the Great At Something I Guess conquered Judea, beginning the Hellenistic period of Jewish history — 331 BCE Andy & Lykon find each other
167 BCE another jerkface Greek king desecrated the Temple and basically outlawed Judaism
164 BCE recapture of Jerusalem and Temple rededication during the Maccabean Revolt
70 CE destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans, beginning of the Rabbinic period of Jewish history that we're still in now
What if... and hear me out... what if immortals come in pairs, and the pairs are:
Andy & Quynh
Joe & Nicky
Booker & Nile
What if Yitzhak was a priest of the Second Temple? What if he and Lykon killed each other just like Joe and Nicky would in the same city around 1300 years later, but instead of enemies-to-lovers speedrun with an absurdly long happily-ever-after, when Lykon died permanently Yitzhak decided to separate from Andy and Noriko and become the hermit we later see in Alaska?
We don't know how old Yitzhak is compared to the others, only that he was a contemporary of Lykon at a time when Andy was using an Iron Age version of her mother's axe. Other plausible origins for him:
a Jew of the early Rabbinic period, maybe a child or grandchild of people who were still alive before the Second Temple was destroyed
a Judean of the Second Temple era under the Romans or Greeks or Persians, maybe a priest, maybe not
an exilee in Babylon, maybe of the generation who got to return, maybe of the generation who was exiled (he doesn't look like he was 50 at his first death but who knows, he could've been mortal for both)
an Israelite of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, maybe a priest of Solomon's Temple or again maybe not
an Israelite wandering in the desert with Moses
THEE Yitzhak, ben Avraham v'Sarah, our patriarch who was brought up for sacrifice and then spared, and then spared again, and then spared again, and again, and again...
or! he could also be a Canaanite or other Levantine who predates the people Israel, who at some point in his very long life chose to join our mixed multitude, who like Andromache before him (and like Avram and Sarai would in this case do after him) took a new name to reflect the magnitude of influence this people has had on him
Why do I keep saying Yitzhak might have been a priest? It's thanks to the one detail in the artwork I could plausibly connect to solid research without getting a PhD real quick. Take a look at the gorgeous detail on the opening of his robe in the TTT 6 cover. He's dressed in rags, holes and dirt everywhere, rough stitches probably from hasty repair work — except for the neck opening. Compare that to this description from Exodus 39:23 of the construction of the priestly garments for the Tabernacle: "The opening of the robe, in the middle of it, was like the opening of a coat of mail, with a binding around the opening, so that it would not tear."
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The next verses describe the intricate designs for the hem of the priestly garment. Yitzhak's ragged garment looks like the hem was torn off entirely.
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Am I overthinking this? Yes I am! You're welcome!
My friend and historical research hero @lady-writes​ is in a Discord server with Gregadiah and asked the man himself some questions about all this. He clearly thinks he's being sneaky?? No shit Yitzhak is Jewish, dude, I want DETAILS!
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I will not be giving up my Jewish Booker headcanon, I've put too much thought into it by now, the internalized shame of antisemitism explains Booker's depression too well for me, and it just adds so much richness to Booker/Nile both being children of forced diasporas. Fortunately (for him, not me, bc I'd do it anyway!) Gregothy supports fan headcanons even when they're not in line with his own:
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One last thing before I close like 100 research tabs and go back to writing historical fantasy and/or porn! I love that, despite that atrocious caricature of a face design, our canon Jew and our fanon Jew are both Lorge and Soft and Kind, flying the face of the antisemitic stereotype of Ashkenazi Jewish men as small and weak, but also not falling into the New Jew / Muscle Jew stereotype that Zionism created. (I am trying SO HARD not to talk about Israel/Palestine for once ughhhhhhhhhh) Anyway here's a (US-centric but very good) primer on both these stereotypes of Jewish masculinity. Is this why I'm forever projecting my transmasc diasporist feels onto Jewish Booker the service sub? 🤷🏻‍♂️
I’ll reblog a second version of this with full image descriptions so that there’s a version accessible for folks who need IDs as well as a version accessible for folks who get overwhelmed by walls of text.
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Best friend’s ex | Benny Weir x reader
Fandom: My babysitter’s a vampire
Request: “ Um if you don’t mind can you write for mbav? Something along the lines of the reader and Ethan try a fake relationship thing cause Ethan asked her to? Like to get to Sarah/ or get her attention. And everyone is shocked cause they thought Benny and the reader would date instead cause all 3 of them are childhood friends”
Genre:Fluff mostly but I guess a little angst torwards the end
Warnings: some arguing and also it’s LONG, don’t say I didn’t warn you
A/N: This has a little Ethan x reader too but over all it’s Benny with a guest apperence from jelous!Benny torwards the end (or at least that’s what I was going for)
“Wait, you’re dating?! Like for real dating?!”
 You clinged tighter to Ethan’s arm “Yeah, we are” but you weren’t. You didn’t want to lie to your friends and it was honestly making you kinda uncomfy but you were doing it for E.
“Ok so how long has this been going on for?” asked Benny. You and your entire friend group were gathered around his locker and you decided to break the news to them about your and Ethan’s “relationship”, which was all bullcrap. He had asked you a couple nights before to pretend. He was hoping it would get him closer to Sarah.
“Um, no more than a month” E said, trying to sound as confident as possible and doing a fairly good job at it. Of course you saw right through him but everyone else seemed to buy his act.
“Well that’s...interesting news” Sarah laughed awkwardly
“You think so? Why?”
The group went silent for a moment
“Well, just cause” Sarah started, nervousness laced into her tone “I mean I would have guessed that Benny and Y/N were going to get together eventually.” Rory and Erika just nodded in agreement while Benny tried to suppress a nervous laughter.
“I mean, come on guys” he said “ I’ve known Y/N for just as long as Ethan.” 
“Yeah, but you two just always seemed, I don’t know, closer?”
“Well” Ethan interrupted “ seems like you were wrong on that one.”
Suddenly aware of how rude she sounded, Sarah babbled some lame excuse and left quickly, face red from embarrassment. Rory and Erika left as well, each in their own direction, but not before congratulating the couple once more. Benny was the only one left.
“You good Benny?” E asked
“Yeah, I guess it’s just interesting seeing you like this”
“I hope you’re not mad or anything I mean we…” you were quickly cut off by Benny
“No, no, absolutely, not! I’m really happy for you guys! My two best friends are in love, that’s really cool!” A pink tint made its way onto your cheeks hearing Benny say “in love”, even though you knew it wasn’t true. E smiled at you and hid his face in your hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he placed his hands on your hips, swaying you two back and forth for a moment
“Alright, well I gotta go. Chem starts in a few” you told your boys and headed to class, not before hugging both of them and leaving Ethan with a quick peck on the cheek
As soon as you got to class however, you texted your “boyfriend”
“Think that went pretty well”
“I think so too. Everyone seemed to buy it!”
“I know!” you said and the conversation ended like that. 
You switched your attention back to your teacher, who was discussing your next assignment but even though your eyes were on her, your mind was replaying Sarah’s comment on repeat. You and Benny, huh? You couldn’t say you disliked the idea or that you’ve never thought about it. You’ve always felt different when hanging out with him compared to all your other friends.You felt more free and comfortable. You couldn’t stop the smile on your face from the fuzzy feeling you got just thinking about Bens and you together.
“So how long are we gonna be doing this for?” you texted Ethan. Now that you thought about it, you could never date Benny after this. The sudden realisation made your stomach twist in knots. He would never even go on a date with you if he thought you to be Ethan’s ex! Bro code or whatever but you couldn’t blame them!
“I don’t know for sure, I don’t see why it should last more than a couple months.”
“Ok” you didn’t mind helping E. He was a great guy and one day, some amazing girl is gonna see that and be all over him, even if it’s not Sarah! And he’s going to fall in love and have a beautiful wife and a happy family and this thing you are doing right now is just gonna be a silly high school memory to look back at. You tried not to overthink everything like you usually do and go with the flow, have fun.
It was surprisingly easy to do. Holding hands and occasional cheek kisses didn’t mean much and you never had a “proper kiss”, telling everyone you were simply not fans of PDA. It didn’t feel much like you were a couple, just closer friends. Touchier.
About 4 months down the line, you and Ethan go on your last “date”, which really just meant pizza night at Morgan’s.
“Thanks for all this Y/N, I know you didn’t have to and it might have been awkward at times but it means a lot that you went with it all this time” Ethan says sincerely while pouring you a glass of soda
“Don’t be silly E! You are one of my best friends. I would do anything for you.”
“Yeah but, now you and Benny won’t be…” he didn’t finish his sentence, as if he wasn’t sure if bringing this up was even a good idea or if it was gonna make you mad. You told E about your crush on your best friend not long after your first day as a “couple”. You couldn’t lie to him and quite honestly, you needed someone to vent to. The more you thought about Benny, the more it hurt and while you weren’t mad at Ethan for bringing it up now (you knew he had the best of intentions), it was putting you off
“Let’s not talk about that tonight” you said softly
“Right, yes, of course! Sorry” you giggle and reached out for your glass of soda, raising it up
“A toast!” you declared dramatically, making E laugh “To our breakup!” Ethan raised his own glass and clicked it with yours 
“To our breakup!” he said before you both took a sip of your drinks
You laid down on the couch, getting ready to watch Scare Finder. Your head was resting on one of Ms. Morgan’s decorative pillows and you placed your feet on E’s lap. He rolled his eyes at you and you giggled
“I love you!”
“I love you too babe” he joked before laying down next to you and wrapping you in a hug. The couch was a bit too small for the both of you to lay down side by side and you felt the left side of your body  hanging off the edge but E’s arms were around your waist, holding you and you felt safe
“Can we..” Ethan whispered nervously “can we keep cuddling during shows even if we aren’t boyfriend- girlfriend anymore?” 
“Yes of course” you giggled
“Good, cause this is really comfortable” he whispered in your neck
“I know, I love it too”
 Your breakup was a much bigger deal than you anticipated.Your friends seemed not only shocked, but heartbroken too. You didn’t tell them anything about why you ended your relationship, saying it was too early and you didn’t feel like talking about it but that you were still close friends and nothing was going to change
Things went back to normal afterwards, except now you were single and so was Benny and you couldn't help the invisible pull, dragging you closer and closer to him. Everyone of his silly jokes made you crack up and you couldn’t even be mad at him when his failed spells ended up in a big mess that you and the friend group needed to solve. You hadn’t realised how much you missed him until you broke up with E. Whether or not that relationship was real, it felt like a real reason to stay away from Benny. It felt like you were taken because everyone else belived you to be. You couldn’t make a move on him because everyone knew you to have a boyfriend but now you didn’t and you couldn’t help yourself from looking at B in a different light.
You were over at his house, helping him pack some herbs he had to organise for his grandma, as punishment for wasting all her old ones on some spell. You were stuffing dried leaves in tiny jars, while Benny was busying himself attaching little tags to them, with the name of each plant.
“Thanks again for coming to help me, you didn’t have to”
“Anytime Bens, you know I’m always here for you” you looked at him and smiled sweetly. He looked into your eyes and said
“I know, Thank you” you nodded and switched your focus back on the plants, hoping he wouldn’t notice the blush on your face. Lucky for you, he started telling a story that happened in his geography class and things slowly fell into their usual, casual place, at least up until you had to leave.
You placed the last little jar in its respective spot on the shelf
“I think this is it, right?” Benny asked
“It should be”
“Perfect, I’m in dire need of a snack. You want chips? I have some upstairs”
“No, it’s late, I should head home”
“Um, ok yeah. No problem” but none of you moved after that, you just looked at one other for a little bit, until the awkwardness got too much and you took your backpack and headed to the door
“Thanks again” Benny said right when you reached the door
“No problem” and then time froze again. You got lost in his pretty eyes and barely noticed his chest rising and falling faster with every second that passed until, you both found yourselves in each other's arms, kissing deeply and desperately, as if you’ve waited all your life for this. Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling at loose strands, his hands running up and down your back, bringing you as close to him as possible. All your senses were intoxicated with him and finally, the little pit in your chest disappeared. Your lips fit together like puzzle pieces but than, all of a sudden, Benny pushed you away aggressively
“No, I can’t do that!” his back turned to you, but you saw the red in his face and his hands went to his head, massaging the back of his neck just like you had been doing
“No, no, you are Ethan’s ex and we can’t do that! I can’t do that!”
“B, listen to me!” you tried to step towards him but at your slightest movement, he jumped back, finally turning to face you
“Y/N, that was a mistake and I’m sorry! We shouldn’t have done that! It was a mistake” your eyes stung from the tears threatening to spill down your cheeks
“Don’t say that…” you could barely hear your own voice and were genuinely surprised when B replied
“Of course it was! As much as I wanted to do it and as right as it may have felt, it’s barely been a few weeks since your last relationship with MY BEST FRIEND and your best friend too and we can’t, I CAN’T do this to him! You, you guys dated and…”
“But we didn’t!” you said
“Of course you did, are you out of your mind?” Benny looked at you, teary eyed and desperate “I saw you, we saw you! Holding hands and cheek kisses! He had his arm around your back every moment of every goddamn school day and every time I wished it was me! He had all of you and he could hold you during movie nights and spend all his free time with you and kiss you and run his hands through your hair and everytime he did it I imagined that I was in his spot, hoping you would look at me with the same love and admiration that you looked with at him but now it’s too late! It doesn’t matter that he didn’t cherish you better while he had you because I still can not take you! I can’t do that to him!”
“Benny it wasn’t real!”
“What does that even mean Y/N?” he was yelling now, but you knew he wasn’t angry, just hurt. You saw the tears in his eyes and how hard he tried to stop them from running down his face.
“We weren’t ever dating! We just pretended!” the madness in his eyes turned to a question, an invitation for you to continue “It was all a show Bens. He wanted to impress Sarah. He asked me to fake a relationship with him.”
Benny leaned over the table, resting his body on his arms. He seemed to be thinking for a while, until he said “That’s a stupid idea”
You laughed “I thought so too when he told me” Benny seemed to think some more before saying
“Such an Ethan idea to have” which only made you laugh more
“So it was never real?” he asks you finally
“No! It was just an act” but even now, Benny couldn’t say anything. He was looking at his hands nervously. You took a deep breath and said the one thing you could think of
“He knows if that’s what you are wondering” the boy looked at you with questioning eyes again “Ethan I mean”
“Ethan knows what?”
“That I like you” Benny straightened and looked at you with soft eyes once more, you felt your cheeks heat up and turned to walk away but Benny quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you into him, holding you in a tight hug. 
“So, does that mean I can kiss you again?” a small smile tugged at your lips
“Please do”
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football-writing · 3 years
Ben Chilwell - insufferable
Prompt: "I'd rather argue with you, than kiss someone else." "You can't deny what's between us. We're perfect for each other."
Summary: Ben and Y/N are neighbours. They also seem to argue just about all the time.
Warnings: a little neighbour enemies to lovers something, a LOT of sexual innuendos, some curse words
"Ben, move." Her voice was stern, as annoyed with him as ever as he blocked the way to her door.
"C'mon, Y/N. I just wanna talk."
"You kept me up all night practising that goddamned piano with your stupid windows open. No, I will not talk to you. Now, move." She was getting agitated with him, foot tapping on the pavement as she wished for him to hurry up.
"You listen to me playing piano? How sweet. It's almost like I'm serenading you, isn't it?" He knew exactly what he was doing. How to rile her up and push her buttons. It's not something he had meant to happen - he'd obviously rather get along with his neighbour. But the way she puffed her cheeks, the intensity with which she looked at him as she got more and more annoyed made his belly erupt with butterflies.
"Get fucked, Ben." Was her only reply as she pushed his chest to get to her door, Ben gladly taking a step aside with his arms up in surrender and a shit-eating grin on his face. God how she wished she could wipe it off of him.
"Sure. You free tonight?"
She'd opened the door then, stepped inside and smacked it straight in the poor boy's face.
He wondered if the sexual comment was perhaps taking it a bit too far - knowing she didn't mean it like that at all. He wondered if he should knock on her door to apologise, too. But just then, her frontdoor opened again.
"And by the way, the piano sounds absolutely horrendous." Smack. She immediately closed the door again.
He let out a boisterous laugh, then. Her antics were just so cute.
"Can't get better if you don't practice." He yelled through the closed door.
"Leave me alone, Ben. I'll call the cops for stalking." Her muffled voice sounded right back, but he could tell even then that she was saying it with a smile.
"Alright, alright. Party at my place tonight. Join if you wanna." He called out before finally leaving her be.
She'd contemplated going, she really had. She wasn't that interested in spending the night at Ben's house, particularly because if his friends were anywhere similar to him, she'd be in for a hell of a night. But then again, she didn't have much else to do, and she could use a good distraction.
So there she was, knocking on his door on what she considered an appropriate time to arrive after the party had started. Perhaps she had peaked out the window to know when his friends arrived, coming half an hour later just to make him sweat as to whether or not she'd take him up on his offer.
"Ah, the queen herself made it." Ben said as soon as he opened the door, taking notice of the outfit she'd picked out. It was casual, but god, did it look good on her. He licked his lips before moving aside to let her in.
"Welcome to my humble abode, darling." He said as he trailed after her through his hall.
"Don't stare at my ass, Ben." She didn't even have to look back to know why he wanted her to walk in first.
"Too late."
She only chuckled as she walked into his living room. People were scattered around, some guys playing Fifa on his tv, others chatting amongst themselves and dancing to the beat of some random pop song. She wasn't entirely sure where to go, or who to speak to, as seemingly everyone was preoccupied with whatever they were doing.
Ben noticed, and placed his hand firmly on her lower back. She twisted her face to look at him, an uncertain look in her eyes, though she didn't swat his hand away.
He nodded for her to move towards the kitchen, his hand staying pressed against the small of her back to guide her.
The kitchen was a little quieter, and she rubbed her sweaty hands against her thighs as Ben got her a drink.
"I knew you wouldn't pass up an opportunity to spend time with me." He mentioned cockily as he handed her a red cup. Though the gesture was sweet, the words accompanying them made her want to roll her eyes. Were all footballers this annoying?
"Actually, just here for the free drinks." She replied as she lifted her cup.
Silence fell between them as she took small sips of her drink. She wasn't quite sure what she expected, but for him to keep standing next to her definitely wasn't it. Eyeing the people in the livingroom didn't lessen her confusion. He'd invited some girls over, dressed in tight dresses to show of their perfect figures. Why had he invited her? To stop from complaining about the noise?
"Are you not going to chat up those girls?" She questioned as she nodded her head in their general direction, not making any eyecontact with the boy next to her.
"Why, you got some sort of voyeurism kink?"
"Hm. Could probably give you some pointers. You don't look like you're very good at flirting." She replied nonchalantly, though her eyebrows raised at his bold remark.
"They're actually my friends' girlfriends." He explained truthfully. It was the first time she looked up at him during their little bickering. He was focused on drawing patterns with his finger on the counter behind them, which meant she could truly observe him.
He's not unattractive at all. His long hair messily falling over his forehead, his strong jawline still visible under his neatly kept beard. She wondered what his body looked like underneath his clothes. He'd always looked quite fit to her, something she'd attributed to his strict workout routine as a footballer. Still, his arms were muscular too, biceps twisting and veins twirling underneath his skin as he kept drawing invisible shapes on the counter surface. She just wanted to reach out and caress his biceps, the unholy thoughts filling her mind as she kept eyeing him from beside him. If he wasn't such an ass, maybe she would've wanted to pursue something with him. Maybe.
"You admiring the art, babe?" He questioned as if on cue, stilling his movements to look at her with a curious smile on his stupidly pretty face.
"God, you're so fucking full of yourself." She spat back as she rolled her eyes in annoyance, turning her focus away from him. He started to lean closer to her side, his arm snaking around her as his scruff teasingly rubbed against her cheek.
"You love it, really." He whispered lowly in her ear. The drop in his voice made her shiver, clenching her legs together. She cursed herself for letting him have this kind of effect on her, and so she composed herself as she took a tentative step away from him.
"I don't. But I'd love if you went to bother those girls instead. Maybe I can have some fun watching you flirt." She held her fingers up, moving them to indicate quotation marks at the last word as she threw him a fake smile.
"I'd rather argue with you, than kiss someone else." He replied matter-of-factly.
"Really, now?" She perked.
"Yeah." His voice sounder hoarse and rough, no effort in concealing the feelings currently coarsing through him. He raised his bottle of beer to take a sip, licking his lips before wrapping them around the bottle. She had a perfect view from beside him, seeing his adam's apple bop as he swallowed, the light perfectly illuminating his plump and moist lips that turned into a smirk as soon as he set the bottle down again. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. Unfortunately for him, she could play that game, too.
So she took a daring step closer to him, resting her hand on his bicep that was definitely more defined than she previously imagined. She stood on her toes, reaching to whisper in his ear, her lips 'accidentally' grazing over his earlobe.
"Your little teasing makes me think youd rather kiss me too." She whispered seductively.
He didn't even reply, just grabbed her face to pull her into a kiss. He wouldn't have even thought of doing that half an hour ago, but now that she was teasing him, too, he figured it's what she wanted as well. Which is why he was so shocked when she pushed at his chest, her brows furrowed as her lips pressed into a thin line.
"Gross, Ben, have some decency." She scolded him. Truth is, she was much too aware of the other people in the room, not sure what they would make of their little predicament. Besides, if he started kissing her now, she wasn't so sure she could contain herself any longer. What's this boy done to you?
"C'mon, you can't deny what's between us. We're perfect for each other." He tried to reason with her, reaching out for her hands that she quickly moved out of reach from him. Was he really this oblivious, or was she just playing with him?
"I can actually." She smiled triumphantly at him as she pushed herself away from the counter. "And I don't believe in perfect."
"Y/N." He warned.
"Benjamin." She daringly spoke back, biting her bottom lip as she looked up at him through her eyelashes. So, playing, then.
"You're insufferable."
"So are you." She said as she walked away from him, back to the hallway and opening his frontdoor, he was calling out after her, wondering if he really fucked up for her to be leaving now. She turned on her heel just as she stepped outside, looking right back at him with fiery eyes. He leaned against the doorway to look at her. He wasn't sure he trusted his legs to hold him up when she was looking at him like that.
"I don't kiss before the first date." He smiled at that. If he wasn't intrigued by her quick comebacks and arguing, he sure was now. She was playing his game, and she was winning, too. Though he tried his hardest not to show her.
"So go on a date with me." He deadpanned as he nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.
"Actually, I don't date footballers."
"Fuck you." He let out a laugh, then. One that vibrated throughout his chest.
"Maybe if you ask nicely." She added as she beamed at him, throwing him a wink. He tried to think of something to say, anything. But he was left a stammering mess, eyes wide at her explicit remark as she spun around and started walking the short distance back to hers. She had just swiftly shut him up, something not many people had the gift of doing. He was glad she didn't spare him another glance, because he was sure the angelic laugh that would erupt from her lips would cause his crimson cheeks to burn even harder. Damn him and his stupid games.
Damn her and her ability to see right through them.
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semischarmed · 3 years
I was out on a socially distant walk by the woods when I notice a fire dance across the night sky and into the woods. Against my better judgement, I decide to investigate.
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A small glowing silver ball sat among the forest wreckage. I reach out, almost by trance, and immediately feel a spark course through me on contact. In the process, my clothing ignites in brilliant green flame. Then, I feel a presence. Immediately, I turn around, still holding the orb. Amidst the green flame was a puddle of metallic gray slime. It vibrates before sending out a little slimy limb which slowly rocks side to side, as if to examine me, before jumping for my face.
For once in my life, I react quickly enough and instead catch the thing in my hand. It was slick, and unbelievably cold. The mass begins to glow dimly, as I hold it out in front of me. I stare at it expectantly as it again forms a tiny limb, re-examining me. In a flash of green, the little wad of silver goo transforms into what appeared to be a tiny silver human. No, human’s not quite the right word. It was humanoid, sure, but the proportions were all wrong, almost cartoon-like. It had a larger more bulbous head with large reflective eyes and a small, near indiscernible mouth. The hands were larger as well, while the arms and legs were far thinner. Despite strange the sight before me, I sense no ill intent. Its beady little black eyes watch at me, displaying not only life, but intelligence. Words cannot explain how I knew, nor can it explain why I ask my next question out loud in a language it certainly did not understand. “What are you”?
Its eyes begin to glow as it opens its mouth to speak, “Human...” it states in plain english. I jump back, almost dropping the thing out of my hand before catching it. “Thank you. I have chosen a form and language most suitable to your own. I am weak from my crash and from your atmosphere. You are not afraid or angry?” It takes its little arm and gently strokes my skin. “Your body appears to be incompatible with my physiology... perhaps due to your contact with my craft. As I understand it, your species is incredibly hostile. If you are intending on destroying me, my only wish is for a swift and painless death.”
I stood dumbfounded until I realized the small orb-egg-thing he came in was some kind of craft. “uh... this yours?”
“You seem unafraid of my presence and do not appear to intend to destroy me, despite these circumstances. Perhaps my information is incorrect? Has your planet had contact with other such beings previously?” it asked. “No.. uh, I can’t explain it but you don’t really seem like a bad-“
“-Guy” it corrected me. “My closest equivalent to your species is what you would classify a male. You appear shocked. Are you alright?”
Holy shit an actual, real-life alien! And it speaks English! I screamed in my head. Despite the absurdity, I cannot help but respond plainly, “Oh, um, this planet has not had any contact before. At least not that I’d be aware of.”
“I see, you are a friend then. Thank you human, I am in debt to you” it states. Looking at the small humanoid before me, I cannot help but want to protect it. It obviously did not intend to do anything or it would have killed me by now. Still, I felt somewhat bad, he really did not seem like a bad guy and, from the movies, it never usually ends well for the alien.
“You came in a big crash, right? So the government or whatever is probably looking for you. We should probably find a safe place for you, um... what can I call you, anyway?” I ask. It looks at me in silence again, then flashes an impossibly bright, green light from its hands before pondering for a moment, and stating “You have not lied. Thank you for your sincerity and your support. I may be called Ben.”
“Ben?” I can’t help but chuckle a little. “You travel all the way across the universe and you’re just plain old Ben?” Its formed its own little smile, which I find endearing. “My true name is—“ the rest was unintelligible. “Ben it is!” I laugh, “Look, we need to get you out of here. I’ve seen what they do to aliens in the movies.” Ben produces a small oddly heavy rock. “Understood. Please. Drop this into my crash site. It should cover our traces” it states in a weak smile before falling over momentarily. I oblige.
“Cool, cool. So...um.. what now? Also, are you alright?” I ask.
“Your planet... It is poison to my form. I am moments away from death. I need a genetic input to adapt to this atmosphere. I would feel safest inside a human.” Inside?
“Well.. uh... i dont really have much going on, on a friday night so...”
It smiles again. “I appreciate the gesture, friend, but as I have mentioned, our forms are incompatible. As such, I require a different vessel. Please select any of your choice.”
“You’re a little forward, buddy” I add playfully.
“Apologies human, your language is somewhat difficult to grasp. I appreciate any and all attempts at assistance”. The little silver alien in my hand sits down.
“Ok, let’s get you somewhere safe... Anyway I know just the guy....”
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Fucking Austin. That smug tool was the my bully from way back when and was/is a massive jerk. He was also fucking hot and he knew it. I think he got off on it too- After years of torment, I couldn’t wait for this little alien to do whatever it needed to do inside him.
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The walk back is embarrassing as my naked form scrambles in the dark, hoping to avoid any onlookers. Thankfully, it was the dead of night, and our neighborhood is fairly empty. I walk up to his garage, lit by a lone bulb, where he was presumably working on his car. Sweat and grime cover his torso. Of course, he strips to shirtless as soon as he notices me, offering me a tantalizing peek, like he always did when he brought a girl over. “Why are fucking naked you creep. The fuck you want, fag?” He sneers as his eyes immediately lock on to the small orb I am using to cover my junk.
“THIS!” I shout, extending out my other arm, holding little alien man. For a moment, nothing happens and he raises his eyebrows in amusement. It quickly shifts in shock when Ben springs to life, jumping onto Austin’s bare chest. The little silver man clings to his sweaty chest hairs, using them as leverage to scramble up Austin’s face.
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“The fuck?!” He spat as he swats at the little alien. With a fervor, Ben dodges and continues inhumanly and follows with his quick dash, crawling up to Austin’s right nose. Austin attempts to get the little silver man off him but to no avail. Despite his shape, Ben is incredibly slippery, and Austin’s thick fingers cannot get a good grasp.
Austin screams as Ben has lodged himself inside Austin’s right nose, secreting a silvery slime while he burrows ever deeper into him. Austin’s eyes shut tight and his mouth opens in anguish. “FUCK!” he shouts as he tries to pull my friend’s tiny legs out. Ben is victorious in this struggle and Austin’s fingers again slip. “AHRRG” He shouts, while right side of his face crinkles in pain. I watch in amusement as Austin is reduced to small, rhythmic grunts. “....Fu-...Fu-... FF....hu...hu”. I no longer see any semblance of my alien friend so he must have crawled deep, deep inside of Austin.
Stillness washes over Austin before he starts again, mumbling slowly. “S-stop.... get out” he repeats, as his body starts swaying back and forth and his head bobs forwards and backwards. His eyes roll to the back of his head in delirium. Abruptly, he screams “GET THE FUCK OUT” in an angry growl and one eye rolls back go lock on to me. “YOU!” He shouts. Before he can move any closer, the veins in his body flare to life and I notice they start writhing, throbbing, coursing with some silvery liquid before returning to normal. Austin’s face quickly goes from anger into unconscious stupor as a line of silvery drool escapes his mouth and his entire body begins trembling. He slumps foward and then falls. I run forward and struggle to try to hoist the massive pile of quivering meat up. Still, he topples over, falling right on top, crushing and pinning me beneath the weight of his muscled form.
Despite the situation, I am completely entranced. I can barely breath from the weight of Austin on top, only managing steady, shallow breaths. He continues convulsing, causing the day’s worth of grime and sweat to smear onto me. Hot. Just feeling him like this, feeling his skin meet and rub across mine, was turning me on. This was physically the closest I have ever been to this man. His convulsions slowly die down, until he is just sleeping on top of me, pinning me to his dirty garage floor. I remark him, the breathing in his shallow breaths, the heat from his previous struggle, his salty, putrid sweat that now caked both of us. I was taking in all the Austin that I had previously only dreamt of having.
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His gentle sleep is broken when his eyes shoot wide open. They’re incredibly wide, dilated, glassy. Silver tears escape their corners. His lips curl into an open mouth, breathy smile, and he motions to speak “..... ahhhhhhh” he states moving the muscles on his face and vocal cords as if for the first time. Despite the absurdity of the situation, I could clearly tell what was happening. Enough movies and TV and wishful dreams to more or less grasp what had just occured. The man before me was not Austin-at least, not the Austin I knew. This was all Ben.
“Sorr-“ he murmurs, as he pushes himself and his weight off me. He watches himself, first moving his digits one at a time, while he examines how muscle and sinew stretch and contract to accommodate his commands. He gently rubs his hands together, as if to wash them, remarking on every feeling. With these gentle fingers, he traces over his left bicep, following it’s curves and valleys, as if he had sculpted them himself. He tugs a little at strands of his armpit hair, remarking on the new texture, before sniffing the droplets of sweat that had clung to his fingers and making a sour face. “You humans are so fascinating. It’s like this body is constantly producing its own serum. what a wasteful process. Such a high temperature as well... your are.. inefficient models.” He licks his right bicep like a cat, which causes a stirring in my pants. “Still, these byproducts of your living... they are quite delicious”.
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Austin’s tour then follows his chest. “I see you are bound to your forms, with no ability to shift”.’ He cups his left nipple, remarking at the musculature within. “Hmm... that description is inaccurate...You appear to be somewhat capable of physical change, though not as drastically as my species.” He twirls a finger around his left nipple, smiling slightly at the stimulation. “Oh...though your species has a far heightened pleasure ceiling. This is...” He trails as he repeats the maneuver with his right nipple and stifles a moan. I stand, awestruck and slightly horny at the sight of my former bully pleasuring himself. He continues, taking his hands further down and feeling each ab before he stops at his pants. Austin pauses, curious, raising his head as if to scan his own brain for information, before flatly stating his catchphrase “Bet you’d like to suck this fat cock, wouldn’t you?” He spat to the side before immediately resuming his former tone, “Apologies, human emotions are... difficult to reign in. This vessel is responding to my intrusion unpredictably...“ He then wears Austin’s personality again. “But anyway thanks bitch, for giving me this hot, hot, jock cock. Time for me to pay up. I got cash... booze... weed... other shit” he winks. “So what’ll it be?”
In the heat of the moment, I could only reply back what I wanted. What I’ve always wanted. “Let me suck your fat cock” I reply automatically.
The mood shifts immediately and Austin’s face is perplexed. “This function you are requesting, it does not lead to procreation. It lacks any of your societal benefit...What good does it do you?” I decide to push a little further than I normally would have. “Let me show you” I state, giving him a wink. I strip Austin down and gently grab his thick cock, relishing in the moment. It flares to life, slowly hardening, increasing in size. I clasp my hand a little tighter around the rod start with slow, rhythmic strokes. Of course, I look to the face Ben was wearing for any cues, but it remains emotionless. I start to pull away before Ben finally speaks up “I see... benefit. Please, continue demonstrating”. Fuck. After all these years. All his teasing, he was finally here and he was finally mine.
“My body appears to recall this... this behavior is consiered gay, yes”
“Fuck yeah it is....”
“My body... these memories I have commandeered indicate this is something Austin is neither familiar nor entranced with. I will try to apply its equivalent knowledge accordingly” he stated flatly, somewhat confused at the situation. “Apologies... as I have mentioned, your language is a little complex.” I ignore him and continue.
“I personally.. to find this behaviour... hmmm.... acceptable...but.. he.. appears to.. I... Hmmm.... Fuuuuck!” he screamed, as his body abruptly leaned forward. His emotionless face begins to dance with a wellspring of feeling. It cringes first, then flashes into one of bliss, then pain, anger, intimidation, until settles into sneer. Mine of course flashes imminent doom. Oh Shit.
“Uh.. little buddy? You there?” I ask nervously. He grabs me, dragging my face near his. I am prepared for the worst.
“You know, he really fucking hates this. I can feel him resisting... Fuck you!” He spits. I still cannot tell who is who, until he clarifies. “Austin must really, really hate you.... but I dont” He leaned his face further in, giving me little chance to react before he jams a thick slimy tongue into my mouth. When he pulls back, his face then showed an odd emotion-cute, even. He was looking for approval. I, turned on by the past events, quietly nod in shock. Emotion immediately shifts back. “Come here, bitch!” he screams, pulling me back to him, bringing our faces close together while he hocks a wad of Austin’s spit at me. That part, I was familiar with and I instantly wince, expecting the normal pummeling I’d get. Instead, he sticks his hand down to scoop some of cum he had just released and aggressively smearing it all over my face and running Austin’s seed through my hair. “You’re mine forever, you get that right? Fuckin twerp. You fucking want this, right?” Austin stated with a sneer. He jams his tongue into my mouth again for another sloppy kiss and I explode cum in my underwear. Goddamn this was hot. Fuck. All those years of torture and in the end, here he was, seeking my approval, seeking to be mine. The sneer plastered on his face shifts immediately to one of concern and validation-seeking.
“Are you alright, friend? I apologize for the scare, I was attempting to follow-“
“No, no, no...” I mumble in heat. “Turn... FUCK...turn whatever the fuck that was back on. This is, god, this is everything.”
My little buddy complies, rolling Austin’s head and eyes back before immediately shifting his face back to his trademark sneer and giving my face a sloppy lick. “Bro, this body fucking hates you. You know? Feelings are created by brain and all that shit, like damn... all I wanna do inside this hunk of flesh is give you the pummeling you fucking deserve.” he states menacingly, before giving my face another lick. “But dont worry I fucking love you, bro. Look at me when I’m fucking talking. I am Austin. New and improved. Maybe this was what I was missing in my home-world. Maybe your degenercy has tainted me. Maybe this vessel has. To be honest, we don’t really give a fuck. Well, he does but I speak for us both now. This little... experience...has been a delight and a revelation. According to this meatbag’s brain ‘you’re gay as shit’ so, help me to help you. Austin’s gay as shit now too. For you at least. Help your daddy Austin betray his species find me some more of these kinds of males. Whichever you like. I’ll make our wildest dreams come true.” He comes in for another sloppy kiss, and sticks his muscular hand down my pants, corralling my seed and scooping out it out moments later. It is slick with my cum. “Hahaha this body finds this act so revolting. According to his memories, he finds you utterly disgusting. Well... I’m into it, let’s stick some of you inside Dear old Austin. I’ll stuff your cum so deep in him, he’ll never get it out. Our boy is quite the fighter too, he’s resisting me, even now”. Austin regains momentary control. “NO FUCKING WAY” His arm struggles and shakes as it brings the cum-covered hand to his mouth. In the end, Ben is successful and Austin has no choice but to jam the slimy hand to his mouth, slurping each digit individually, caking his insides with me. “Mmmmm but you taste so fucking good...bro... well to me at least. This body physically hates this. Too bad our little Austin isn’t in control right now. And when I’m done with him, he’ll come back wanting more”. He repeats the gesture with his other hand, and cracks his neck, piloting Austin far more naturally. “As long as we keep him well-fed, I can continue to pilot this hot piece of ass without resistance. We will transcend this meat-suit. With me running the show from this fucking hot bod, and you at our side, we will be unstoppable.” He states in deranged glee. I worry slightly until Austin’s persona flips to Ben’s normal formal tone. “Ah, apologies, as you know, this body thinks very highly of himself” he states with a slight chuckle ”but no worries... no more outbursts.”
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“Some more information about myself, while I make some rearrangements to this body’s brain. My species has the ability to commandeer others into vessels, though I believe this is a byproduct of our formless nature more than our intended purpose.  You see, home-world has isolationist tendencies. We keep to ourselves. I am somewhat aberrant in this matter. We are powered by genetic diversity, yet they choose to remain within the one world when there is a whole universe outside of home to explore. I am different. I want it all, I want to see, hear, feel, experience what this wonderful universe has to offer. For that, I was cast away, to travel this lone plane with my craft. This life is a quiet one, so I am fortunate to have met you.” He strokes my cheek lovingly with Austin’s hands. I initially wince out of habit, but he seems to have understood. “Thank you, for everything,” Ben says sincerely with a kind smile. I beam back but immediately blurt out what had been on my mind throughout his whole monologue “why me though?”
“As you know, each human’s genetic output is a mix of information.”
“Uh huh” I trail, struggling to follow along.
“Well, your specific combination produces a nectar to our species which we would find intoxicating. Perhaps it had been slightly altered by my crash.”  Ben stares at me with Austin’s eyes, relaying an intelligence that my former bully had never previously had. “Beyond that, in my eons of travel, I have never met a more kind or accommodating individual”
“I like your genetic material, your signature, your blend...it is... hmmm...there is no equivalent phrase for this- at least within your capacity of emotion- but make no mistake, it’s delicious and I would like some more.” His demeanor shifts. “Do you like Austin? Do you like me?” He asks in a playful tone as he circles Austin’s nipple with his finger. Austin then grabs my arms, rubbing them across his abs. “Yeah, this meatsuit is a fucking keeper, isn’t he? I can tell you love this bitch” He teases with Austin’s mannerisms. Ben has been getting really good at this, he’s practically imperceptible from Austin when he’s acting. I nod eagerly in approval, still feeling up my former tormentor as he stretches his arms and gives a yawn.
“Good, good. Well he’s all set. Let me just get our friend Austin prepped. I will to give him some autonomy but, given my penchant for your genetic information, you may see a slight adjustment to his personality.” He winks. “Please bring my pod over, I must conserve some energy, I believe to you humans to understand the equivalent to be hibernation.” I pull the pod up to Austin. “Lower bitch” he commands, grabbing my arms and pulling the pod to his dick. He strips Austin naked before wrapping Austin’s vascular hands over mine, moving them in a way that splits the pod open. He then uses Austins hands to slowly wrap my fingers around his dick. “Pump,” he commanded. I comply, masturbating his dick until it explodes a stream of silver all over the pod. The silver gel congeals into the pod and Austin’s body drops unconscious. I catch the pod and gently place it on his table.
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I watch Austin expectantly. He wakes, showing me a look of confusion before sternly asking “the fuck are you looking at, fag?” He then sniffs the air, raising his thick biceps to quickly verify if the smell had been emanating from his armpits. He grimaces, “Goddamn I reek...Did you do this?” Eyes lock with mine as I see only fury blazing. His eyes go wide as his face displays the recollection of our nightly encounter. He quickly runs over, blocking any escape route out of his garage. “You bitch!” He shouts. Before I can react, Austin pushes me up to the wall, shouldering my body and neck and locking me and my airways in place. He raises a fist, and I flinch until... well... nothing. I watch his face, attempting to discern what had just occurred. He releases his grasp slightly, allowing me to finally catch my breath.
He was still furious. Unimaginably so, but I see it tinged with something else as well... shame? And I then notice another feeling, as I begin to feel his heartbeat and breathing quicken. It’s an emotion I have only been able to see in him once- only when Ben had been controlling him. It was lust. He again motions angrily to punch me with a muscular right hook, before stopping his own hand, mere inches from my face.
“I UGH...FUUUUCK....” he shouts, looking away seemingly angry at himself before he punches the wall beside me, leaving a dent. He looks back at me, motioning to give my cheek a tender stroke before he catches himself and shakes his head in anger. “That spiteful bitch! I dont know what little trick you pulled you little asshole, but... hmmmm” he moans, smelling the scent of my fear and desperation... ”man have you always smelled this good?” he mumbled quietly to himself. I decide to take a little risk with this opportunity “Yeah bro? I taste pretty good too,” I state seductively.
That seems to have set him off. He was still somewhat angry obviously, but the lust only seems to have only deepened and overtaken him. He rushes our bodies closer. Sweat drenched abs hover tantalizing close to my stomach, as his sculpted biceps and vascular forearms bound my cheeks. He leans in, inches from my face.
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“You want this ass, right? I can be a fag too, only for you” he whispers, leaning even closer to me as I breath in my prior bully’s hot steamy breaths. I instantly go hard. He notices and proceeds by planting a slow, sloppy kiss on my lips. I have to admit, Austin was a great kisser, better than Ben even. Hungrily, Ravenously, his lips pry mine open as his thick tongue dances inside my mouth, greedily tasting me. I reciprocate. In turn, he hugs our bodies together, and I feel his large form encapsulate my own with a warmth and an odd tenderness that I had never even fathomed him capable of generating.
He pulls back, breaking me out of my trance. “But, can you put that little thing back in me... I... uh... together...we uh...look, I want him back. I need him back.“ He begs. “Something...missing inside me.... fill it”.
Goddamnit Ben. I gesture with my head to the motionless pod containing my friend while I chuckle to myself. “He’s sleeping”. Slight adjustment my ass.
He looks back at the pod, obviously disappointed. Then he looks at me, gaze softened, the facade from his usual persona all but broken, “Sorry, can’t help myself... well fuck it, I know you always wanted this anyway,” he mumbled as he nuzzled my neck and shoulder, taking in my essence in deep inhales. I feel myself blush as he continues and then does a quick survey of my body. “When he’s using me.. I can feel... I-I know he loves you... look, I know he wants more... but you fucking better- I’m gonna stay your fucking favorite right? You can use me too, or whatever. I can be your bitch. I can be whatever you want me to me... Just, keep me around, ok? And keep him inside me” I muse at how the old me would have killed to hear similar words from Austin, years ago.
He pauses for a moment, looking away in disgust at his own actions before yielding and scratching his head as he forces out his next words:
“look man... just... the thing that’s missing from me... well this is gonna be weird ask bro, but...can you cum in my mouth?”
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I’m a little bit shit with the titles but thats neither here nor there. Used some other similar stories I’ve read in the past for inspiration. Hope y’all like it. Next one’s probably gonna be a continuation on that Chrysalis one. What kind of possession stories are your favorite? 
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regencyslxt · 3 years
Wrong Conclusion
1410 words.
Imagine reconnecting with Benedict after a less than easy split.
a/n: i'm not too sure how I feel about this one, but i hope you like it anyway! x
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The doors in front of you brought back fond memories, the boxing ring sat inside was your home away from home before you left a year ago. You had chosen to flee instead of fight, something you are sure both Will and Simon will interrogate you about should they still spend their days here. You were very well aware that there were people inside, not many but some, as the candlelight gleamed through the windowpanes onto the street. Anxiety crept into your chest as your heart raced. What if they do not want to see me? Will they be happy I am home? Have they missed me? These questions replayed repeatedly in your mind. Questions that would be answered if you could just push yourself through those doors.
You took a deep breath, grasped the handles, and made your way inside. Your eyes took in the sights before you: the ring was still there but the ropes had been changed, the benches on the side-lines looked shinier. Have they been polished or waxed? Everything had seemed to be in better shape than it was when you left. But you were not here to judge the décor, you were here to see old friends or at least that’s what you told yourself. Telling yourself you were solely here for the purpose of seeing your friends once again made this less difficult than it needed to be. However, fate did not seem to be on your side as you glanced at the few people gathered around the bar. A certain man catching your attention, Benedict Bridgerton. You wish you could say you were happy to see him but as your eyes met and the look of shock and hurt made its way onto his face you couldn’t help but feel small in the place where you were once at your best.
“Where were you last night Ben? I missed you very much, I had to dance with Anthony and you of all people know just how much he despises the dance floor.”
“I was at home my dear, I am sorry I could not attend Trowbridge.”
“Oh, but your mother had said you were not home when she returned late last night.”
Silence surrounded you.
“Ben is something wrong? Is there something going on I need to know about?”
He held your face in your hands and stroked your cheek ever so gently.
“Of course not…You need not worry your pretty little head with my concerns, they are mine to deal with my love.”
“If you are sure.”
“I am. Now, I must be heading home before your mother scolds me for being here so late, I will see you tomorrow though yes?”
“Yes, you will.”
As he walked away your heart broke, knowing that the packed bags in your room said something entirely different.
“Are my eyes deceiving me or is Y/N Y/L/N standing before me?” Will bellowed and smacked Simon’s shoulder forcing his attention your way.
Your stare broke from Benedict and a smile graced your face.
“Hello old friend,” you said as you embraced him.
Simon made his way towards you and wrapped his arms around you, placing a kiss on your temple.
“Come on, I’m sure you have missed the boys,” he assumes as he drags you to where the three eldest Bridgerton men are sat.
“Hello Y/N,” Anthony says nodding to you. Colin tilts his glass in your direction in acknowledgement before offering you a glass of bourbon.
“Hello Anthony, Colin,” you reply taking the glass from Colin’s hand.
Benedict on the other hand was stunned. It has been a year since you last saw each other and in such little time you seemed to have changed for the better, you looked radiant and your knuckles were not bruised and battered like they always were when you were here. You were always making use of the punching bags despite it being ‘unladylike’. That was one of the many things he loved about you. Still loved about you. He stood abruptly, stalling the conversation you had started up with the other four gentlemen.
“Miss Y/L/N.”
You looked at him, an air of uncertainty forming around you both.
“Mr Bridgerton. May I ask how you are?”
He scoffs, “I am very well and you? You look as though you are happy.”
“I am happy to be back, I have missed London very much.”
“I am sure London has missed you too.”
You fiddle with the gloves in your hands unsure as to what to say next. You go to speak but he asks something before you can,
“May we speak in private?”
“Yes, I believe we have a lot to talk about.”
You looked towards Will and he gave you a warm smile. Benedict nodded and motioned in the direction of the separate room in the back. He offered you his arm as you began to walk and you took it with little to no hesitation. You both found yourself sitting across from each other, waiting for somebody to speak.
“I understand why you left.”
Your breath catches in your throat at his statement. You glance at him noticing his fingers tapping against his knee, a habit he had when he was nervous. Disregarding the new boundaries that may have been set, you placed your hands on his and moved closer to him.
“I understand that you felt you had to, that my being secretive led to you forming your own ideas of my activities. I just want you to know that I was never with another, I never was and I haven’t been since you left and if you allow me a chance to explain I promise you everything will make sense.”
“Benedict…I had to leave because we were drifting apart. You couldn’t tell me what it was you were going through or what you were doing, and I couldn’t bring myself to stay where I wasn’t wanted.”
“But you were wanted, I wanted to tell you I did but I just couldn’t. I wanted to keep it to myself for just a little bit longer.”
“What was it?”
“I- I was going to an art exhibition...”
“An art exhibition?”
“Yes, but I wasn’t just going to see art, I was making it. I was sketching and painting and learning from Mr Granville. To improve what skills I already had.”
You felt foolish. All the times he had cancelled plans last minute, or just didn’t turn up he was there. And instead of trusting him you had jumped to the conclusion that he was with another woman, that he had grown tired of you. Your eyes welled and he was quick to hold your face in his hands the same way he did before you disappeared.
“Ben I am so sorry,” you squeaked. Your voice barely there as you tried to hold back your cries.
“I should have spoken to you or waited until you were ready to tell me. I should’ve stayed. I should’ve. Maybe if I had we wouldn’t be in this position.”
“Nonsense, I should’ve been honest with you. This is my fault I let you get away and I can only hope that you are free from any other engagement or marriage, “he reaches into his pocket as he speaks and pulls out a small box. He opens the box and shows you the ring it holds inside. You cover your mouth in shock at the realisation of what he means.
“because I have had this ring in my pocket every day for the past year in the hopes that you would come back and bring my heart too, which has undoubtedly been yours since the moment I beheld you.”
The tears in your eyes are now falling down your face, but you pay them no mind.
“I would be honoured if you would accept my proposal to be my wife, and I know this may seem sudden but I have waited not so patiently for this day to come and I simply cannot let you slip through my fingers once again.”
“Oh Ben…I couldn’t possibly say no.”
In a moment, your lips were pressed to his, thankful that the upcoming marriage would allow you to do so whenever and wherever you pleased. He was going to be yours and you were going to be his and you were going to spend the rest of your lives making up for lost time.
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bioodorange · 3 years
||The Pastas At The Beach||
this was originally like an entirely different post but ehhh this ways better!
disclaimer Im setting this like, at a beach with a boardwalk and such next too it? Public beach, small time vacationing!
and that they conviently like..pass as human
I hope you guys enjoy!! remember too check out my announcement board!
taglist: @frozensriracha @creepy-bi-day @capricornartistsstuff @krayolacolor
Jeff the Killer
Jeff doesn't really do much at the beach
The salt water irritates his skin and he burns easily, doesn't want too deal with it
Spends most of his time asleep
Hogs all the damn towels by sprawling out all over all of them
Gets sand over everything that they brought with them
Forgets how wind works and it gets everywhere
When its time for some of em too go get food, he always fucking goes
Wants too walk around and do something, and maybe not get blamed for all the fucking sand when everyone sits back down
He wears one of those like protective long sleeved shirts? and red swim trunks that are just somewhat obnoxiously bright
While getting the food he has a brilliant idea
Befriends the fucking seagulls
Lures them back too their umbrellas and just vibes with his bird army
atleast he's not alone anymore?
Ben Drowned
first off I know like he doesn't go swimming
but imagine if he did
his fucking goggles get filled up with blood
gets weird ass tan lines from the blood on his face like, when he's not swimming
has too wear the goggles when he puts on sunscreen-
ok ok thats it
fucker wears like mountain dew swim trunks
and those arm floatie things despite not going anywhere near the water
He tries too sit around Jeff but that gets boring fast-
Just walks the fuck off without telling anyone, on a journey for adventure
Will spend literal hours sitting underneath the boardwalk until someone finds him
After that they get him like one of thise beach toy kit things
Sally's nice enough too fill the bucket with water too, so they can make sand castles and stuff
She walks along the shore line with him, gets pretty shells too
Also if Ben were too go in the water
He's a fucking shark magnet with all that blood-
But don't tell him that, he won't come back too the beach
Ticci Toby
Toby is very excited too go to the beach
He didn't get out much as a kid
Siked as hell too get in the water
Drops his stuff off as soon as possible and runs right into the water
And thats when he realizes he can't fucking swim
Awkwardly flaps his arms around until a wave moves him along too back where he can stand
Everyones kinda confused when he comes back like "?? You were so excited, what happened?"
"I can't swim :(("
Cody volunteers to teach him right away, like the great brother he is
The thing is Cody is a horrible fucking teacher
Another few minutes of Toby getting owned by some waves and Cody just screaming stuff like
"Use your arms Toby- no not like that how I showed you- no I'm not going too help how are you supposed to learn-"
That's when Kate drags him back too shore and Doby and Brian teach him instead
In a bit he learns and ends up having a lot of fun
I feel like Toby would really like boogie boarding?
A lot easier then surfing but still a good time
Also they have too tie a red scarf around his arm so they don't loose his ass in a crowd, or in the water
Third Base
so far, Doby's the only one on this list who actually came prepared
I feel like he'd use one of those face lotions that has SPF 30 in it already?
Smart enough so he doesn't have too smear sun screen around his face, can just use the spray stuff and get going
Also has shoes and sunglasses too go with each like swimsuit/outfit he brings
Mans is put together
Really likes collecting shells and stuff
Walks with Sally, shows her how too find them
Wakes up kinda early as it is? So its easy for him too go too the beach early and find the shells before the tide pulls them back out
It's one of his favorite times, actually
The suns just rising, a few shops are opening, only a handful of people are on the beach
Does it everyday as his "alone time" before everyone else wakes up
Spends most of his time with everyone kinda relaxing?
I can see him really liking those beach volleyball games
Or just playing frizbee in the shallow water!
Really, really enjoys making sand castles
Builds a moat and everything so it stays up when the waves start coming closer
Cody, another kid who never got much beach expierence
But acts like he did
Buys one of those waterproof, phone lanyard things
Forgets too fucking close it properly
Doesn't have the first idea of what seagulls are like
"Oh come on buys its fine-" gets fucking owned for his cheesestick
Lowkey scared of them after that
Refuses too eat on the beach after that
Sits with ben under the board walk and curls around his chips
Spends most of his time in the water
Wants too see how far he can go before the lifegaurd calls him back
Finds it funny as shit too just slowly go deeper while grinning at them
Until a wave slaps him in the back of the head
And then he gets scared of the deepwater too
After he looses Swimming Coach privellages gets really fucking salty and sulks on the beach
Kate takes pity on him and walks around the boardwalk with him
But he also didn't know you have too reapply sunscreen after you go swimming
Gets really really bad sunburn
Jeff, Ben and Toby take turns slapping it whenever he gets too cocky
This is gonna be a Dad Tim one, fight me
Really has no idea what the fuck is going on, but still manages too keep everyone together?
Tells the same story, atleast twice a day, about the killer wave that almost took his shorts off
Gets in fights with seagulls whenever they get realitively close too the group
Also buys one of those crappy beach wagon things too put their stuff in
Buys a mug and cheesy beer koozie
Doesn't enjoy the beach that much but gets excited too go?
Ends up sitting down for most of the time unless he gets dragged on walks
Might just kinda walk until the water is at his knees and just kinda stand there, and nod a little
Giving mother nature his approval
He takes Sally out and holds onto her stomach, lifts her up over the waves whenever they come
Asks her what she can see, before he drops her back down
Tries it with Ben, gets kicked in the gut-
Favorite time is when it's dark and they go
Not for a long time, just a few minutes too walk along the shore before it gets dark
Designated photographer
Is supposed too be taking photos but mostly gets footage of the stupid shit that happens
Like Jeff not being able too figure out the dishwasher or Clockwork wrestling with her dresser where only half the drawers worked
Just kinda sits back and watches things go up in flames
He's the designated like playlist guy too? On the drive over, whenever he got bored just
"Hey what song should I play?"
And watches chaos ensue
His vacation is watching everyone else have a bad time
Makes up for it though, saves them a shit ton of money by making dinner every night.
I feel like he genuinely enjoys late nights on the beach, like Tim
Gets some beautiful photos of the water, and people taking walks that he's pretty damn proud of
Maybe once or twice he'll join Doby for a walk too get pictures of the rising sun
Likes getting small things from the gift shops
Shark teeth, maybe a cheesy snowglobe
Something silly but nice too remember the trip by
Eyeless Jack
first things first, ya know those double-lens glasses? Like you flip up the sunglass part and theres normal lenses underneath? Someone gave him those
But their are crappy eyes painted on the normal lenses
He's very confused but its just ridiculous enough for him too like
The beach isn't his favorite place, I HC him as nocturnal and most things are open during the day
He takes too the rides and crappy carnival games that are open late at night
He can't see everything super well but makes up fun things for himself
Enjoys going on rollercoasters that he has no idea what the hell the drops look like
Fucking hates bumper cars
Can't tell where everyone's coming from or when
More nerve racking then fun
Whenever they go to the beach beach he just kind of chills
Akwardly curls up on a towel because he's big as shit
Where ever they stay he walks around, uses his echo location shit too find out all its quirks
"This walls more hallow then that one- those support beams in the lobby are doing a very shitty job of keep things together"
Loves sitting out on the balcony and just smelling the salt air, listening too people laughing and the ocean waves
Just the small details a lot of people miss
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The Hargreeves + Love Languages
Not technically for Valentine’s Day, but the timing lines up pretty well! Here are my theories for the Hargreeves and their primary love languages. 💕
Luther: Words of Affirmation
“Sometimes these things just take time.”
Luther both expresses and seems happiest receiving affection through words of affirmation, which makes a lot of sense for him, given how Reginald used the faintest scraps of praise to earn his undying loyalty for years (the only positive about this man being back is that now the kiddos get a chance to kill him themselves). We see it in how he interacts with his siblings. When Allison confesses how lost and alone she feels after losing Claire, he gently encourages her. When he and Vanya begin to mend their relationship he instantly becomes her #1 hype man (we love to see it). Even Elliot! We also see how even the smallest encouragements from other people clearly mean so much to him, whether it’s his siblings, or, you know, Jack Ruby. 
Diego: Acts of Service
“I know what it’s like to love dangerous people.”
Ah, Diego “I have to save everyone, wtf is self care?” Hargreeves. Not only are acts of service the primary way he shows affection, they are also pretty much the only way he knows how to. Like, Diego will tie Klaus to a chair to help him get sober, and attack a bunch of angry vets for him, but when he tries to talk he ends up wistfully recalling the time Klaus got his mouth wired shut. He gets incredibly attached to people who help him, even if they have ulterior motives for doing so (read: Lila and to some extent Herb), and goes to ridiculous lengths to help them in return (literally throwing himself in front of a huge onslaught of bullets to protect Five). Which makes sense, considering his relationship with Grace really developed because she was willing to help him work on his speech when no one else would. 
Allison: Receiving Gifts
“I’m the luckiest man in all of Dallas.”
“Is that right?” 
Okay, first of all, Allison Hargreeves is 100% the kind of person to pick up little gifts for Claire literally every time she’s out of town. We see the two people in the series that know her best, Luther (who’s attachment I’m deciding to interpret as 100% familial... don’t ruin this for me) and Raymond, both give her gifts to show her how loved she is. Ray picks up a book for her, and she just about melts on the spot. She kept the necklace Luther gave her for years. We also see her giving gifts as a form of affection, from using her powers to get Ray a nice suit, to the “feast” she sneaks in for her and Luther as children. It makes a ton of sense for her as a character, too. I think on some level, Allison fears that none of her relationships are as real as she wants them to be, so having someone say “I was somewhere else and thought of you, here is something that it never occurred to you to ask for” means so much to her in proving that she is loved in return as fiercely as she loves. 
Klaus: Quality Time
“Logging in some quality bro time before the end of the world.”
We see multiple instances where Klaus is seeking out time with his family as a way of expressing affection. He leaps at any opportunity to accompany Five on a mission, and the aforementioned incident with Diego. He takes Allison and Vanya for tacos to spend time with them. He just wants to spend time with his family, y’all. It’s honestly kind of adorable. It’s how people show affection to him, too. Diego drives him places, and we see when Klaus is at a low point, he takes special care to come back in and check on him. It also makes sense for reasons of sad, because we know that Klaus is never really alone, and the constant presence of ghosts is dulled by spending time in other people’s company. Because of this, he associates spending time with the people he’s close to as being both comfortable and safe. 
Five: Acts of Service
“Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for my family.”
This little gremlin really went out and said “I’m going to save the whole entire world for my family,” like, honey. Doing stuff for people is the primary way he shows affection. He’s constantly fighting to save his family, and carries Dolores around constantly. He shows up when Vanya asks for help. We also see it in the way he responds to other people. Like, Hazel does one nice thing for him and he’s like “oh, we’re friends now.” Vanya makes him sandwiches to show him that he’s being taken care of. Reginald actually gives him legitimate advice for once. Donut shop guy (R.I.P) buys him his coffee. That small smile he gets in the elevator when they all show up to talk to Reginald together and he sees that they actually do care. Five has been doing everything by himself for so long, and having someone else step in, even if he won’t ever admit it, means the world. 
Ben: Physical Touch
“Can you hug me as I go?”
Ben was a little harder because we don’t really see him interact with that many people other than Klaus, but he really made it his mission to hug all of them, so it kind of works. The moment with Vanya, the hug with Diego, even how he just wants to occupy the same space was Jill as soon as he can, Ben just really wants physical contact with the people he cares about. The first thing he does when he realizes he can touch things is play patty cake with Klaus. Which makes the fact that he spent 20+ years incorporeal and unable to touch anyone... kind of devastating actually. It also makes sense because we know that Ben hates the destructive capabilities of the Horror, and the fact that someone is okay with being physically close to him means that they trust him and aren’t afraid.
Vanya: Words of Affirmation
“You’re plenty elegant.”
All things considered, it makes a lot of sense that words of affirmation would be the way Vanya feels most loved, most seen. Reginald Hargreeves verbally dismissed her whenever he had the opportunity, and we see her clinging to anyone who says nice things about her. Leonard talks her up constantly, and she falls for him instantly. In a much nicer (and more genuine) way, Sissy tells her frequently that she’s valuable, that she’s wanted. Vanya talks herself down a lot, and Sissy will not hear it, lol. We also see it in the way she reached out to other people! She’s so encouraging and supportive of Sissy. In a beauty parlor, she just gushes to both Klaus and Allison, “this family’s amazing” even though they’ve kind of just exposed themselves as the trainwrecks they are. It’s cute af. 
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Fearfull Proposal
Summary: henry plans a romantic proposal... and instead of coming clean about your secret fear of heights and ruining his romantic plan, you put on a brave face... well until your nearing the top of the london eye.
Warnings: fear, fluff, swearing, typos.
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You quivered as you rose higher and higher over londons skyline.
Fuck why? Why the fuck had you got in this dangling glass death trap. A faulty few bolts and you'd be plummeting into the fucking thames!
Henry was standing by the window looking out at the glittering lights in awe.
You were standing with your back turned to the houses of Parliament hands clutching the rail eitherside of you knuckles white. Knees knocking.
God this was the stupidest thing you'd ever fucking done! And it was your own fault.
"Babe, look! God big ben looks soo small never been on this at night"
You hummed nodding but continued looking to the floor.
Henry paused when you didnt correct him with the whole 'big ben is the bell' you usually countered
He turned looking back to you and his stomach dropped.
"Babe? Whoa are you okay there love?" He asked frowning as he saw your eyes clenched shut almost as if you were in pain.
You were trembling and pale to the point he fearded youd pass out.
"Here come sit down and relax, i packed some snacks-" he said placing the specially packed bag of snacks and screw top mini wine bottles.
"No! No I'm fine... I will just stay here... By the saftey bar" you said giggling nervously sparing him a glance and patting the metal you were holding onto for dear life..
Henry faltered and really took in your apperance unsure what to do. It wasn't like he could get you off, you had to ride the ride.
"Babe? Are you scared of heights?"
"Nooo dont be sillyeee- OH MY GOD IM GONNA FUCKING DIE!" you began laughing him off then screamed as the ride stopped.
Instantly you ducked crouching whilst wrapping your arms around the silver bar shouting bloody murder.
It didn't help you were bathed in purple light so couldn't see shit.
Henry got up and rushed to you standing over you arms rounding you holding you securly.
"No, no its fine love... shh its fine baby, they said it could stop to let people on poppet remember?" He said quickly rubbing your sides as you cowered trying to fend off the temptation to look at the thames below.
"Y-yeah fuck hen- im sorry i just..." you mewled turning towards him tucking your head to his chest.
"Scared of heights huh? Why didnt you tell me?" He sighed pressing kisses to your head as you whimpered adn the ride began moving once again.
"Because you went to all this trouble, you planned this surprise and i didnt want to ruin it, you were soo excited" you sniffled blinking at him.
"Hey shh you silly girl, you should have told me. You wouldnt have ruined anything you silly sausage" he cooed winding himself around you tighter.
He was actually annoyed at himself, how the fuck had he not known his girlfriend of a year and a half was scared of heights?
He'd suspected a fear of heights when you both went on holiday for your birthday, but youd managed to convince him it was a fear of flying and planes... not heights.
And come to think of it you didnt even like the glass lifts in shopping centers, you ran to the corner and held on eyes locked onto the doors the entire time.
So this was the worst surprize he could of planned for tonight. Things weren't going to plan. Fuck.
"Babe im sorry" he apologised feeling like an asshole.
"No no dont be, this was extremly sweet bear" you said quickly not wantin to make him feel bad fpr your own short commings.
"Theres noting sweet about terrifying you"
"Do... do you want to sit down? Ill hold you the entire time" he offered peaking to the central bench where both your bags sat.
"I.. yes okay i think sitting will be better" you said then yipped as he prompty scooped you up and placed you in his lap securly.
"Im so sorry love, I just wanted to make this special and romantic" he muttered holding you as close as he could letting you know that you were safe and sound.
"It is! It is love really im just a baby" you said quickly grasping his face pulling him closer before peppering his face with kisses.
"Your not a babe we all have our fears" he said quietly pressing his forehead to yours.
"You dont" you sighed closing your eyes trying to ignore the snails pace of the pod that still rose over london.
You could barely feel it, but your fear amplified it.
"Oh but i do~" he replied peering at you, as yur eyes fluttered open.
"Like what?" The questionnescaped before you could think.
"No" he said eyes now becoming worried, anxiety clouding them.
"Yes, at the moment thats my biggest fear" he said releasing a shakey breath as you frowned at him not following but didnt dwell as your ees darted to the side seeing the houses
"You see, i was trying to be all romantic and wait untill we got tp the top, but i think you'll be too terrified"
"Henry?" You said leaning back unsure about the serious tone he seemed to take.
"I brought us here, to the spot we met two years ago today..." he said drawing deeper breaths as the reality of what was about to happen hit him.
"Was it really?" You asked surprized he'd remember something like that. Anniversary? Definitely. But the day you first met? And asked for a selfie with a series of embarrassing squeaks? No you didnt think he'd remember.
"Yep. I remember doing a promo and shoot on this thing, then got off and was sat next to you in wagamama"
"And i squeaked for a selfie" you groaned with a small giggle.
"Im glad you did, i scanned instagram for days after- scouring my hashtag trying to find you... i kicked myself for not getting your number~"
"I still cant belive you did that... but im gld you did henry"
"Who'd have thought the nervous little thing trying not to even breath in my direction would be my girlfriend six months down the line"
"Or that we'd last this long?" You quipped at him trying to reme,ber to breath.
"And.. hopefully a lifetime? Despite me dragging you intoyour actual living nightmare- which i promise to never do again! Not even lifts"
You scowled and tilted your head to him not sure if you heard him correctly.
Untill he pulled the small velvet box from his pocket.
"Henry?! What? You cant be serious?"
"Oh but i am love, as much as i want to do this right and drop to one knee i doubt you'll thank me for releasing you?"
"Dont you dare let me go!"
"I think you'll find im trying to do the opposite~" he chuckled opening the box revealing the simple elegant ring three tiny diamonds.
"Im trying to marry you..."
You gasped eyes glazing over as you locked on to the dainty ring pinched between his fingers.
"I love you y/n, and i want to know if you'd become my wife and share your life with me. Will you marry me?"
"Oh god yes of course its a yes henry i love you bear!" You cried throwing your arms around him making him grunt and quickly clench his fist arohnd the ring before he dropped it.
He groaned into you rocking from side to side littering your head with kisses before peeling you away to sit the ring on your finger.
You looked at the glittering stones on your finger weeping. You may have been cursing yourself for getting into this godforsaken glass bauble in the sky.
But now you were he happiest woman alive.
"I love you bear"
"I love you too"
"Would you like some wine? I brough the little cute bottles you like" he offered nodding to the bag of snacks.
"Err lets not push it hun" you whined not sure wine at this altitude was a good idea.
You kept glancing at him still sniffing and giggleing unable to look from your ring for long.
"Gotcha, no wine"
"You look surprized i said yes?"you quipped needing to talk and take your mind off the fact your at the tippity top.
"I made you face one of your nightmares i thought you'd slap me silly when i ask" he scoffed pressing a kiss to your cheek unable to stop.
"Never love... but please never ever get on this thing again okay?" You pleaded fluttering your lashes at him pleading.
"I swear. Never again, but seeing as this is our one and only ride we should take a few selfies? Mark the occasion?" He said standing letting your feet hit the floor but never once did he let go.
"Absolutly, gotta show off my new fiancé" you hummed rising to share another kiss with him not really paying attention to the height you'd now reached, you had more important things to think about. Like sharing the rest of your life with this glorious man.
"My thoughts exactly" he grinned pulling out his phone aiming it at the two of you, makeing sure to have the hand that rested on his chest donning his ring in shot.
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irishseeeker · 3 years
                      row, row, row your boat with ferocious jealously 
Kate Sharma is taking a boat ride with a man that isn’t him. Anthony Bridgerton decides he doesn’t quite like that.
Anthony Bridgerton was livid.
“What?” Anthony snapped, his tone harsher than intended as he snapped his head away from the source of his rage and back to look at his pestering brothers.
Benedict, frowning at his brother’s harsh tone, raised an eyebrow. “What on earth are you glaring at?”
Colin was smirking triumphantly over the glass in his hand, which made Anthony want to throttle him more. “I wonder what our dear brother could be glaring at. Or should I say-who.”
The widest lopsided grin spread out on Ben’s face.
Benedict, the traitor, quickly caught on as he followed Anthony and Colin’s eyeline to where Kate Sharma herself, dressed in a dark purple dress that made her brown skin glow and his legs weak, was talking to him. No-she was laughing with him. He couldn’t possibly be that funny.
Was it a pity laugh? Surely it was a pity laugh.
Anthony had never hated a man so much in his life as he hated William Trent. He was the second son of an Earl and Anthony had spoken to him a few times at Whites. Anthony didn’t know him well at all, he had been in Benedict’s year at Eton and Oxford and they had only met a handful of times.
Anthony still despised him.
Since when had he been courting Kate? Anthony couldn’t have possibly missed news that significant. He came from a family of gossips who would have said something, he attended most of the same balls as Kate did-he didn’t recall them dancing, much less speaking.
Kate’s ring of laughter rang through the air and it was like a knife to the chest, puncturing every bit of sense he had left in him. Anthony didn’t care much for sense at that moment.
All he knew was he wanted to be the one to make her laugh.
That fact itself rather terrified him.
“What do you think of Trent, Ben?” Colin’s teasing tone wasn’t lost on Anthony and he was this close to getting thrown into the river that was a few metres away from them.
“I rather like him. We went to Eton and Oxford together. Decent. Funny,” Benedict drawled, his lopsided grin close to falling off his face as it was stretched so widely. “Very popular with ladies, I believe.”
Anthony was clenching his jaw so hard, it began to ache. His grip was so tight on his wine glass, it was close to smashing in his hands. “I hope you two are enjoying yourselves.”
“Oh brother,” Colin said, patting his eldest brother on the shoulder with the same, teasing grin. “We truly are.”
This was ridiculous. He didn’t want to come today. The last place he wanted to be was at a full of young ladies on the marriage mart, their families and potential suitors. He had to come, as he is meant to be courting and finding a wife. He was also the head of his household. He was meant to be courting Edwina.
Anthony hadn’t thought about her since they had briefly greeted each other when they arrived. All he could think about, from the moment he saw Kate and her head full of bouncy, dark curls , was her. How much he wanted to wrap one of those curls around his fingers and pull her away, behind a tree and-
He had to stop this. This endless torture of imagining things that would never be. He had already chosen a wife. Kate had dragged her sister off just as Anthony and his brothers greeted the Sharma women.
Kate had barely looked at him as she said those two words, “My lord,” that made the hairs on his arms stick up and an uncomfortable warm feeling spread through his stomach.
Those feelings only ever happened when she spoke to him.
He wanted her to whisper them in his ear while he had his way with her. He wanted her to whisper them in his ear in their bed. He wanted her to whisper them in his ear while she was sat on his lap, dancing in his arms, for the rest of their bloody lives-
“It looks like Miss Sharma is going for a boat ride down the river.”
Colin’s voice snapped Anthony out of his dangerous thoughts and the fury quickly spread through Anthony’s entire body as he watched Kate take that bastard’s hand and walk towards the boats that were lined up along the bank of the river.
Not on his bloody watch.
“What an excellent idea,” Anthony said, shoving his glass into his brother’s chest as he clapped his hands, looking around for Edwina. “I’ll go find Miss Sharma.”
“I believe Miss Edwina Sharma has already been escorted into a boat.” Benedict chimed in, gesturing towards a boat that was being rowed by a man Anthony couldn’t recognize.
Anthony had to act fast. He had to ask a young lady quickly to take a boat ride with him so he could catch up with Kate. He would row the bloody English channel just to find out what they were speaking out and what was so bloody funny about Trent.
He scanned the crowd around them, most of the young ladies beaming at him but he struggled to put a name to most of their faces. He needed someone he could tolerate, that didn’t talk too much and someone that wouldn’t make him want to drown himself more than he already wanted to at the thought of Kate and that imbecile rowing along the river together.
He left his brothers, making his way through the crowds and spotting a few familiar faces. He nodded his head in greeting as people spoke to him, hastily turning around as he spotted Cressida Cowper and her mother making a beeline for him.
Colin had once compared them to the Queen’s yapping little dogs that never seemed to shut up and follow you everywhere and Anthony struggled to not laugh every time he had the displeasure of making their acquaintance.
There were many things Anthony would do to get closer to Kate Sharma and that man but trapping himself in a boat with Cressida Cowper would not be one of them.
He didn’t like bullies.
There, standing in a shockingly blinding bright yellow dress with embroidered sequins, was his saving grace.
Penelope Fetherington.
“Miss Fetherington,” Anthony said, slightly out of his breath as he approached her, bowing his head. “Would you do me the honour of accompanying me for a boat ride along the river?”
He felt slightly guilty, noticing she was alone and looking uncomfortable. Eloise was sick at home in bed, she had made her first season quite the strain on their family with her habit of complaining about everything and unwillingness to participate in anything.
“My Lord,” Penelope squealed, her round cheeks darkening as she bowed her head. “Oh! That is very kind of you. But-well, you don’t have to. I’m really okay. If your mother-”
“I want to,” Anthony said quickly, the guilt growing inside of him as she spoke. No one should have to feel as if they’ve only been asked because someone’s mother forced them to. Even if his intentions weren’t honourable, he’d try harder to make sure she didn’t feel like that. “Do I seem to you like a man who does what he doesn’t want to do?”
Penelope’s anxious expression faded slowly into a relaxed one, a small smile appearing on her face. “I would love to, my lord.”
“I will admit, Miss Fetherington,” Anthony spoke quietly to her, offering her his arm as they made their way to the river bank. Anthony pushed people out of the way until they were right behind Kate and William. “I do enjoy boat rides. However, I needed to escape the preying mothers and their daughters on the bank. My mother would have pushed me onto a boat if I didn’t pick a suitable young lady and I couldn’t have picked better company.
Penelope’s giggle, which was louder than expected, caught the attention of Kate, Trent, Cressida Cowper, another gentlemen Anthony hadn’t met and of course-Colin.
Colin, who had wormed his way into a conversation with Kate and Trent and grinning mischievously at his brother as he did so. Benedict had been wise enough to stay away.
“Viscount Bridgerton.” Trent said quickly, smiling and bowing his head as he addressed him. Anthony’s bow was stiff in return.
“Good afternoon,” Anthony said stiffly, feigning slight confusion and real distaste as he stared at him. He wasn’t very impressive up close. His jacket looked cheap and his hat was slightly wonky. Anthony surely didn't have anything to worry about. This man didn’t look funny. “Have we met?”
It was rude, but Anthony couldn’t find it in himself to care.
He chose to ignore Colin’s loud snort from beside him as well.
“William Trent, my Lord.” He said, blushing slightly as he shook Anthony’s hand while he pushed his shoulders back and stood up straighter. He looked scared. Anthony knew instantly he wasn’t a good fit for Kate. She would walk all over him. Anthony relished in how intimidating he could be sometimes. “May I introduce-“
Anthony could feel his blood boiling. How dare he. The hand that was free from Penelope’s arm curled into a fist, he knew the expression on his face was thunderous. No one had to introduce Kate to him. No one. If anything, he should be the one introducing Kate to people. That should be his job. Except it wasn’t and it could never be. “There is no introduction necessary. Good Afternoon, Miss Sharma.”
“Lord Bridgerton.” She said plainly, frowning slightly at him. Her voice and frown, and those two words once again, having an exhilarating effect on him like nothing else has before.
Anthony’s manners quickly made themselves known as he turned to Penelope. “May I introduce Penelope Fetherington?”
“Sir,” Penelope said kindly, bowing her head. “Kate.” Her smile was much wider as she greeted her. Kate’s smile and something inside of his stomach twisted.
“Lord Bridgerton,” A voice from beside them piped up, belonging to, unfortunately, Cressida Cowper. “I would be happy to accompany you on the river. Sir Byrne will take Penelope off your hands-”
“I don’t believe I asked you, Miss Cowper,” Anthony said sharply, turning to glare at the intruder who had wiped the smile Anthony had been staring at right off Kate’s face. “I believe I asked Miss Fetherington.”
That shut her right up. Anthony didn’t like to think too badly of ladies of the ton but Cressida Cowper was truly unpleasant. That was the nicest word he could think of that wasn’t severely inappropriate.
“But, Miss Cowper,” Anthony said, his revenge so sweet he couldn’t help the smile breaking out on his face. “My brother Colin would be happy to accompany you.”
The colour drained right out of Colin’s face.
Anthony couldn’t help but glance at Kate, who caught his eye before looking down at the ground, desperately fighting off a smile.
Anthony clapped his brother’s shoulder as they moved towards the bank of the river where footmen had set up the boats for the passengers. He moved quickly to make sure they got the boat right beside and behind Kate and Trent. Kate and Trent were saying something quietly but Anthony could see the smile on her face and it infuriated him more.
It wasn’t that he didn’t expect Kate to have suitors. How could she not? She may be different to some ladies of the ton but everything different about her made her stand out from the rest. Not to mention, she was absolutely beautiful. He couldn’t stand in a room with her lately without glancing at her every ten seconds.
Any man would be a fool not to want her. Of course she was going to be courted.
He just wished she wasn’t.
He had no right to, he shouldn’t, but he did anyway.
Trent, the incompetent idiot, was caught in a conversation with a man on the bank. Kate, of course, took it upon herself to get herself into the boat.
“Be careful.” Anthony said, jumping at the opportunity to offer her his hand after he helped Penelope into their boat. Kate stared at his hand for a moment, before, begrudgingly, accepting it and stepping into the boat.
“Thank you.” She said stiffly, avoiding eye-contact as she settled into the boat. The moment their hands touched, her touch erupted a sensation that traveled from the top of his fingers, all the way up his arm and into his chest. This was seriously getting out of hand. Anthony needed to get himself together.
“Enjoy your boat ride,” He said quietly, noticing out of the corner of his eye Trent was finishing up his conversation. “Kate.” Anthony made his way back to his boat, smiling briefly at Penelope as they waited for Trent to begin rowing so Anthony could quickly follow.
Once they started moving, Anthony had a small swearing fit under his breath but the chances of Penelope hearing his language was quite high. Another boat had pulled out in front of them and separated them from Kate and Trent. Anthony was manically rowing to try to catch up with them up the river and his arms were beginning to ache.
Penelope spoke up. “I was sorry to hear about Eloise. I hope she is feeling better soon.”
Anthony didn’t miss the sly smile on Penelope’s face, which momentarily distracted him from glaring over at Kate and Trent’s boat. “I would be willing to bet the deed to Bridgerton House that Eloise has made a miraculous recovery by this evening.”
Penelope laughed. Anthony couldn’t help but join in.
“I apologize,” Anthony said, both of them sharing a smile that his apology wasn’t sincere at all. They both knew Eloise quite well. “Betting is not an appropriate topic to discuss with a young lady.”
“Please do not apologize, my lord.” Penelope said, smoothing out the bright yellow skirt of her dress and fidgeting with a few beads.
“We have known each other for a long time, Penelope. Please, call me Anthony.”
“Okay, Anthony,” Penelope said slowly, testing out the name before smiling shyly. “I will not say anything. What happens on this boat, stays on this boat.”
Anthony quirked an eyebrow at her before returning back to glaring at Kate’s boat. He couldn’t help that his attention drifted there. He didn’t mean to be rude but he was just dying to know what they were talking about. He could see Trent rowing, and Kate laughing, and he couldn’t help the ache in his chest that he wished it was him.
“I do hope Miss Sharma is okay.”
Anthony looked back at Penelope, his arms slowing down slightly as they were really beginning to ache. He didn’t want to seem too obvious in his endeavours to get closer to Kate but he would be willing to capsize the boat between them to get closer to her. “I believe I saw Miss Sharma get on a boat earlier, with a gentleman I didn’t see. Is there a reason she wouldn’t be alright?”
Surely Kate wouldn’t have got on a boat if Edwina was ill or in some sort of trouble. Kate was always by her sister’s side, looking out for her. It was one of her traits Anthony admired the most.
“I didn’t mean Edwina.”
They briefly stared at each other in silence, an awful sinking feeling in Anthony’s stomach settling in as if he had been caught in the middle of an act. Subtly had never been his greatest form. If Penelope knew what Anthony was thinking, who was he thinking about, what he was trying to do-well, he was screwed.
“I was speaking with Kate earlier and well, she is not too fond of boats,” Penelope said, glancing upwards as they rowed under an oak tree. “I’ve always enjoyed the water. Kate, however, doesn’t. The movement makes her feel quite sick. I believe she tried to avoid a boat trip but Mr. Trent was quite persistent.”
It was as if the clouds had cleared and the storm inside of him had faded away, making way for the sun to shine brightly through.
Anthony tried very hard to smile. He focused on pulling each oar back and forth to hide his smile but he wasn’t having much luck. Kate was with him out of pity. Kate hated boat rides and she was probably miserable a few metres ahead of them, desperately wishing to be anywhere but on a boat with Trent.
A man who had to beg a lady to do something she didn’t want to do wasn’t the right man for her.
He wasn’t the right man for Kate.
“I hope the experience isn’t too unpleasant for her.” He said idly, desperate to keep up some sort of calm, cool and collected façade that he wasn’t thrilled to hear the news. The boat ride was actually quite pleasant, they chatted away while Anthony picked up the pace to make sure they were behind Kate and Trent as they pulled back into the bank of the river.
Anthony stood up and helped Penelope out of the boat herself, waving off the footman and smiling as she bowed. “Thank you so much for a lovely afternoon, my lord.”
“Anthony.” Penelope blushed slightly, her eyes catching something behind him. Anthony turned around to see a rather flustered Colin, desperately rowing and splashing to make his way to the back with a very displeased Cressida Cowper. Penelope bowed her head again before turning around and walking back towards her family’s tent, to her very pleased looking mother who was pretending she hadn’t been watching them the entire time.
“That was nice of you. To ask Penelope.” The voice next to him, one he could recognize in a crowd full of people, caught him by surprise as he turned around to see Kate Sharma beside him. She wasn’t glaring at him like she usually was, which was an excellent start.
“I like Penelope. I know this may come as a shock to you, Miss Sharma,” He said teasingly, the smirk on his lips the most genuine and amused all day. “On the rare occasion, I can be nice.”
To Anthony’s surprise, Kate laughed. The low, joyful laugh was like Christmas to him, flooding his veins with dopamine like no other. He never wanted to stop hearing it.
Anthony made her laugh.
It was the best feeling in the world.
He was secretly thrilled she approved of him inviting Penelope. He didn’t know why, but he had found himself lately needing her approval. He was desperate for it.
Kate’s eyes darted around them before landing back on him, quickly bowing her head. “Well, I will see you at your ball tomorrow evening.”
He bowed back, a small smile playing on his lips. “You will, Kate.”
“Well,” She said, gulping slightly as she fidgeted. She appeared flustered, her neck and cheeks reddening slightly. Anthony desperately wanting to kiss it away. “Good day Lord Bridgerton.”
“Anthony.” He quickly corrected her.
Kate wasn’t buying it. “My Lord.”
“Good day, Kate.”
He watched her nod her head before turning around, making her way back up the slight hill of the bank. He watched her fierce, bouncing girls fly in the wind until she disappeared into the crowd.
It was a good day, indeed.
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