#podrick x arya
sweetaprilbutterfly · 10 months
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Arya Stark and Podrick Payne
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bookgendrya · 1 year
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She looked at their filthy hair and scraggly beards and reddened eyes, at their dry, cracked, bleeding lips.[…]The water splashed across her fingers and down her sleeve, but Arya did not move until the cup was brimming over. When she turned back towards the cages the townsman moved to stop her. “You get away from them, boy-“ “She’s a girl,” said Harwin. “Leave her be” “Aye” said Lem. “Lord Beric don’t hold with caging men to die of thirst. Why don’t you hang them decent?”
Her face throbbed. Her shoulder bled. Breathing hurt. The pain crackled up her arm like lightening. She cried out for a maester. “We have no maester,” said a girls voice. “Only me.” […] “She can’t go much further. She’ll die.” “One less lion. I won’t weep.”
“You stand accused of murder, but no one here knows the truth or falsehood of the charges, so it is not for us to judge you. Only the Lord of Light may do that now. I sentence you to trial by battle.” The Hound frowned suspiciously, as if he did not trust his ears. “Are you a fool or a madman?” “Neither, I am a just lord. Prove your innocence with a blade, and you shall be free to go.”
At the hollow hill, what you said about being King Robert’s men, and brothers, I like that. I like that you gave the Hound a trial. Lord Bolton just hanged folk or took off their heads, Lord Tywin and Ser Amory were the same. I’d sooner smith for you.”
“…till you stand before m’lady.” Renly stood behind the girl, pushing hair out of his eyes. Not Renly, Gendry. “M’lady means for you to answer for your crimes.”
“Whatever treachery you think I may have done, my lady, Podrick and Ser Hyle were no part of it.” “They’re lions,” said the one-eyed man. “That’s enough. I say they hang. Tarly’s hanged a score o’ ours, past time we strung up some o’his.”
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sunnyie-eve · 8 months
GOT & HOTD Masterlist
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❃ Back To You
Paring: (Robb Stark x OFC Tyrell!) (Jon Snow x OFC Tyrell!)
Summary: When Adeline Tyrell was just the age of ten a criminal stole her from her family. She never knew his true intentions because Ned Stark saved her. When finding out she was a Tyrell, he sent a letter to her family only for them to thank him and say keep her. She was the same age as his first son and her family hoped in the future they could possibly married if they ever discussed about it. Only if they all knew what the future had instore for them.
❃ Calamity Within
Paring: (Jacaerys Velaryon x Cousin! OFC Targaryen!) (Aegon II Targaryen x Cousin! OFC Targaryen!)
Summary: At a very young age Lilibet learned just because you share blood means nothing sometimes. The hardest part was realizing blood may be thicker than water, but that just meant you get drained trying to battle drowning within it. However, sometimes all you need is a comforting hand for support.
A/N: Since the show already changes the ages I'm going to do the same too slightly. Also to no surprise incest so…
❃ Devious Opportunity
Paring: (Aegon II Targaryen x Cousin! OFC Targaryen!)
Summary: You may not control all the events that happen to you nor get to make decisions for yourself. However, sometimes you can make the decision right by doing it on your own. Growing up Aegon and his cousin Celeste had a very different life in many ways. Choices, support, and comfort from family was just a few. In such a chaotic world, Aegon finds solace and purpose in the simple act of wanting to choosing for himself with the help Celeste.
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infictionalwonderland · 2 months
game of thrones masterlist,
jon snow —
nothing yet.
robb stark —
nothing yet.
sandor clegane —
nothing yet.
podrick payne —
nothing yet.
oberyn martell —
nothing yet.
gendry —
nothing yet.
daenerys targaryen —
nothing yet.
arya stark —
nothing yet.
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drymushroomfics · 5 days
Sandor Clegane x Female Reader
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Chapter Four
You sit up, looking around. Brienne is standing close by, looking confused.
"Podrick, where are our horses?", she asks.
You stand up quickly, realizing all three horses are gone. Panic sets in, and you're quick to gather your things.
"I hobbled them.", Pod replies to her.
"How did you hobble them?"
"A figure eight, like you taught me."
"If you did it like I taught you, then the horses would be here!"
"Are you lot done? Maybe we can find who took them if we get a move on?", you suggest.
Brienne looks at you with a nod.
"It's at least 30 miles to the Eyrie from here. You're carrying the saddlebags.", Brienne snaps at Pod.
He nods and quickly gathers their bags.
You all start walking toward the Eyrie.
Your mind starts to wonder as your eyes scan the trail ahead of you.
You were always fiesty. You never let anyone treat you with too much disrespect. You always stood up for yourself. That's what got you into trouble, mostly.
Maybe that's what Sandor Clegane liked about you the most. He always called you bullheaded.
You remember one night when you'd mouthed off to King Joffrey and Meryn Trant blackened your right eye. Sandor had been furious at you for talking back to the King, but he'd been even more furious with Trant.
"You have to be more careful, y/n... What would you expect me to do if the King had ordered me instead of Meryn fucking Trant?", he lectures you.
"I would've expected you to do your duty, Sandor."
"You want me to hit you?"
"You've got to hold your tongue, bunny... Or I might not be able to stop it next time."
"Fine... But does that mean you'll pay Ser Meryn Trant a little visit?", you ask with a smirk.
"I'm going to teach that cunt what happens when he puts his hands on what's mine."
He pulled you close and kissed you deeply.
He had threatened him and cornered him later that night. He left him with his own black eye. He figured it was fair to give him what he gave to you.
You had never seen anyone stick up to anyone for you. It warmed your heart.
You're still not sure why he wasted all that time on you. If he had no problem leaving you at Blackwater, then why did he care if Trant beat you?
You're pulled out of your thoughts by Pod and Brienne.
"I see the horses.", Pod says, relieved.
You're also relieved when you spot your mare up ahead.
That's when you also spot Arya Stark. You feel your heart beating faster.
"Morning.", Brienne smiles at her.
"Morning.", she replies, swinging around a small sword.
"I like your sword. Are we getting close to the bloody gate?", she asks her.
"About 10 miles more."
"Did you hear that, Pod and y/n? Only ten miles to the bloody gate."
"Are you a knight?"
"But you know how to use a sword?"
"I do.
Brienne gestures to you, "She's quite mean with a dagger."
"Does your sword have a name? Or your dagger? I've never heard of people naming daggers though."
"Oathkeeper.", Brienne responds.
"Memorial.", you respond, unstrapping it from your leg.
"Mines needle.", Arya tells you.
"Good name.", you reply.
"Who taught you how to fight?", she asks both of you.
"My father taught me.", Brienne replies.
"I taught myself.", you reply as well.
"My father never wanted to. Said fighting was for boys."
"Mine said the same, but I kept fighting the boys anyway. Kept losing, and finally father said, If you're going to do it, you might as well do it right.", Brienne explains.
Your heart practically leaps out of your throat when Sandor walks up to the four of you. Confusion and annoyance on his face.
"Seven blessings. I'm Brienne of Trath. This is Podrick Payne and my friend Y/N.", Brienne introduces.
Sandor looks directly at you, and his eyes widen for a moment.
"You want something?", he asks.
"That's Sandor Clegane. The Hound.", Pod says, fear laced in his tone.
"You're Arya Stark.", Brienne says, a relieved look on her face.
You're guessing she didn't know what either of the two looked like.
"I asked if you wanted something.", Sandor repeats, putting his hand on the handle of his sword.
"I swore to your mother, I would bring you home to her.", Brienne tells Arya.
"My mother's dead.", she replies."I know. I wish I could have been there to protect her."
"You're not a Northerner."
"No. But I swore a sacred vow to protect her."
"Why didn't you?"
"She commanded me to bring Jamie Lannister back to Kingslanding."
"No?", Sandor quiestions, stepping closer to her, "Fancy sword you've got there. Where'd you get it?... I've been looking at Lannister Gold all my life. Go on, Brienne of fucking Tarth, tell me that's not Lannister gold."
"Jamie Lannister gave me this sword."
"The bloody gates ten miles!", Arya chimes in, her voice growing loud.
"I swore to your mother by the Old Gods -"
"I don't care what you swore!"
"You heard the girl! She's not coming with you."
"She is."
You watch as they draw their weapons.
"You're not a good listener. Valaryian steel... I've always wanted some Valaryian steel."
"Come with me, Arya. I'll take you to safety.", Brienne offers.
"Safety?! Where the fuck's that? Her aunt in the Eyrie's dead. Her mother's dead. Her father's dead. Her brother's dead. Winterfell's a pile of rubble. There's no safety, you dumb bitch. If you don't know that by know, you're the wrong one to watch over her.", Sandor exclaims, regusing to back down.
You feel so much rage and anger coursing through you. You waited for this day to come, and you will give him what he deserves.
"And that's what you're doing, Clegane?!", you chime in, moving next to Brienne.
"What the fuck are you doing, y/n?"
"Still remember me? I'm surprised. You haven't seen me since... Since you left Kingslanding, I believe."
"You don't understand."
"I understand, and I don't need some fucking excuse, dog! You're trying to watch over this girl?! How?! You swore to protect me once and look where that got me. Do you really think the safest place for anyone is with you? You'll do nothing but poison them. That's all the bloody Clegane's are; A fucking poison."
Y/n lunges at him with her dagger and he's quit to dodge.
"Figured you'd learn something by now.", Sandor jokes, tapping his sword on the ground.
"Fuck you.", you spit, turning around and slicing meerly an inch from his face.
"You did. As I recall... A lot."
You groan, lunging at him again, this time he doesn't dodge fast enough and the handle of your dagger lands on his cheekbone, cutting it open.
"You're quick. Still like a bunny. Hopping about."
"Shut up.", you shout, your ears starting to ring.
He holds up his sword, "If you want to fight me, go ahead. That puny fucking dagger I gave you won't do much."
You hold it up anyway, trying not to think about the fact that he recognized it.
"I can hold my own quite well since someone decided to run and leave me on my own."
"I didn-"
He's cut off by you stalking toward him. He's always loved how fiery you were. It seems you hadn't changed.
He swings his sword and you dodge, using your quick reflexes to your advantage. You know you can wear him down.
You twist yourself around, knocking your shoulder into his back, full force. He stumbles a little. Not before elbowing right into your lip, busting it open.
You taste the blood and smirk as he turns toward you.
"You always were fuckin' stubborn.", he smirks back.
"So were you."
He barrels toward you suddenly, almost catching you off guard. You dodge once more, lowering yourself to kick right between his legs. He groans, dropping to his knees. That's when his sword unexpectedly catches your arm, cutting a huge gash.
"Fuck.", you groan, feeling the burning pain.
You look up, realizing you and him have slowly fought your way up a mountain.
"Bastard.", you grit out.
He takes in a breath, looking at you and noticing your arm. Something flashes through his eyes.
"I didn't fucking leave you!", he yells.
"Of course you fucking did, Sandor! I waited... You never bloody came... I waited!", you yell back, tears welling in your eyes.
Out of nowhere, Brienne steps in front of you, holding her sword to his throat.
"I have no wish to kill you, ser.", she says, "But I will if it means saving my friend and the girl."
You move back a little watching them, ready to help at any moment.
Sandor grabs her sword with both hands, squeezing. Blood oozes from them.
"I'm not a knight.", he growls before pushing her sword out of the way and landing a blow to her cheek.
Everything moves so fast as they brawl. Your head spins watching them roll around on the dirt. When Brienne starts to scream and land blow after blow with a rock, you feel bile forming in your throat. You realize that you can't let him die. Not without answers.
"Brienne, stop!", you yell.
You grab her around the waist and she falls to the ground. You look up and your eyes widen as he falls from the cliff edge.
"No!", you scream, standing.
"This is what you wanted!", she yells at you."I need to know the truth , Brienne!" You run as fast as you can, trying to make it to the bottom.
You can hear them yelling for Arya and you don't care.
When you find him, Arya's kneeling over him. You watch her grab his coin satchel and leave. You don't bother going after her. You know Brienne will surely find her. It's not your job to interfere with her plans.
You turn your attention to Sandor.
You can hear him choking on his own blood as you step closer. He turns, looking at you.
You kneel down to him and he grabs at your arm, blood still soaking through your tunic at the gash.
Every pint up feeling you've had for Sandor starts to pour out of you and you start to cry.
You touch his cheek, "I've hated you for so long... Now look at you. Revenge doesn't feel as good as people say."
He almost laughs.
"I di-din't leave you, y-y/n... I se-searched for you."
You've never heard such pain and sadness in his voice. It almost breaks your heart to hear and you hate yourself for it.
He chokes again, more blood running from his mouth. His eyes meet yours and his hand finds yours. You find yourself holding it. You haven't felt his touch in so long. Your body naturally reacts and you sniffle, trying not to cry again.
"Please... kill me."
You can see tears welling in his eyes. You pick up your dagger with your good hand, moving it to his heart.
Taking a breath, your hand starts to shake.
"I-I can't... I wanted to for so long, but... I can't."
You look up and realize his eyes have closed.
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shiggyshita · 1 year
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ShiggyShita’s GOT Masterlist
You can req any of these characters for hcs,drabbles,oneshots,and x reader or x [another character]
if there’s a character you’d like me to do that’s not on the list, please req it!
(read inbox rules)
work key: ���-fluff ⚔️-angst 🕷️-smut
Jon Snow -
no works yet
Bran Stark -
no works yet
Robb Stark -
no works yet
Ned Stark -
no works yet
Jorah Mormont -
no works yet
Podrick Payne -
no works yet
Tyrion Lannister -
no works yet
Oberyn Martell -
no works yet
Jojen Reed -
no works yet
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Sansa Stark -
no works yet
Arya Stark -
no works yet
Daenerys Stormborn -
no works yet
None of these characters are mine! -All from Game Of Thrones-
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xxlittle0birdxx · 1 year
Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Podrick Payne/Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister & Sansa Stark Characters: Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Tyrion Lannister, Sansa Stark, Podrick Payne, Tywin Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Olenna Tyrell, Selwyn Tarth, Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane Additional Tags: Forced Marriage, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode: s04e02 The Lion and the Rose, Canon Divergence - The Purple Wedding, Jaime saving Tyrion, Eventual Pod/Sansa, The Quiet Isle, the wall - Freeform, Tarth, evenfall hall
Sansa brought her horse to a sudden stop, staring at a small figure crouched over a larger one.  She leaned forward, eyes narrowed, squinting. Sansa urged her horse forward a bit more.  ‘Arya?’ she murmured. The figure straightened up, twsiting to survey them. Sansa nudged her horse into a walk. It can’t be… No one’s heard a whisper of anything about Arya for three years. The person’s face swam into focus. She was taller, with the hint of womanly curves where she had once been all angles and planes. Her hair was shorter. But Sansa would never forget the face. Not until the day she died. She’d loved it. Sneered at it. Dearly wanted nothing more than to slap the cheeky grin from it when they were little. But it was a face she knew as well as her own. ‘Arya?’ Sansa shrieked, booting her horse into a gallop.  
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crazysleepydreams · 2 years
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It was a little over two months into the semester for Robb and Aegon and from what the Starks knew, the young men had only had one unfortunate incident: something to do with the Greyjoy boy and Aegon’s new friends. Ned, Catelyn, Benjen, Asha and Lyanna where happy that Aegon had started to make friends: he had so much difficulty, it was surprising that he'd made friends with an extroverted but kind Lannister and another boy called Payne who was pretty nervous and introverted, if Robb was to be believed. If Aegon was to be believed, his friend Tion Lannister was a lovable, gentle, slightly insane agent of chaos who was actually quite an introvert himself and Pod Payne was an angel sent to control said agent of chaos, being kind and patient if a little insecure at times, but also pretty thick in some ways…  
The adult Starks all wondered about the incident caused by the Ironborn as it seemed to still cause some distance between the two cousins, but both were tight lipped about it and when pressed said that it wasn't their place to talk about it. So they had to wait until they saw the Greyjoy again or met Aegon’s new friends. The good news was that both cousins were still alive and doing well. 
That left them with their adorable, but headache worthy trio that were all too eager to grow up. This year was the first time that the twins didn't share a homeroom and it seemed to cause them some anxiety, luckily Arya shared a homeroom with Sansa. Brother and sister had done their best to hide it, but it seemed that their soulmarks were bothering them more than usual. Arya knew what was worrying her cousins, but wouldn’t share anything about it. So being responsible adults, Arya’s and twins’ parents plus Lyanna huddled together and created a plan to catch all three trouble makers and try to get them to talk: if that didn’t work they’d let Lyanna give them The Look until one of them fessed up.
Arya had an uneasy feeling when she and her parents came to visit her cousins and she noticed that her aunt Lyanna was there as well. As soon as she made eye contact with the twins, Aray knew that they too were aware of the fact that the adults were up to something: by the look in their eyes it seemed they knew as much as she did. The three of them tried to get away from the adults and into the twins’ shared study / game room, but it seemed that their aunt Lyanna had caught onto this and wasn't about to let them get their stories straight: about what Arya wasn't sure, but between the three of them they should be able to piece together something… So while Bran was about to excuse them, their aunt interrupted him.
"No running off to plan how to get away from us, pups." Said Lyanna fondly, as she looked at the three of them. "You'll stay here and listen to what we have to say." After saying her piece, Lyanna looked to her brother Eddard who silently communicated something with his wife before clearing his throat.
"First of all, none of you are in trouble." Assured Lord Eddard Stark to the three teens sitting in front of him. "But we all have realized that there is more going on than just Bran and Sansa ending up in different homerooms: something you are aware of, Arya." As Ned named each teen he looked them in the eyes for a moment. "So you can either tell us or tell us." Concluded the dark haired man.
As soon as the teens heard that they weren't in trouble they relaxed: after looking at each other and some signs made hurriedly by hands along with some pulled faces, it seemed that they all were on the same page and staying stubbornly silent… Ned, Benjen and Lyanna would feel very proud of them staying together as a pack should, if it weren't for the worry they felt. It was truly admirable and cute that they were so sure that they could deal with whatever it was with the soulmarks all by themselves, but at the end of the day they were still pups…
"Children, we know that something is going on with the soulmarks, we aren't completely blind: my Arya wouldn't spend so much time reading about the subject if it wasn't urgent; so please tell us what is going on? Maybe we can help? Maybe we can't but at the very least we can face this as a proper pack…" Asha spoke softly, trying to play into the Starks pack mentality without much luck.
It did momentarily work, for all suspects looked at each other, but after a face from Arya the other two showed their defiant will: at this a small display Benjen couldn't help, but chuckle, which was rewarded by his wife with a slap to the back of his head. After that he had a sorry look and Lyanna loved it! And it seemed that it also amused Sansa, Bran and Arya, but the adults weren't done with them yet.
"Bran, Sansa, you both are as much Stark as you are Tully. I know that I'm just a cousin of Lord Tully, but I do know their words and I've taught them to the both of you: family, duty, honor." Said Catelyn, and everyone could see the twins' reluctance starting to wither. "We are all family here: trust us. Let us do our duty to you by helping you honor the promises we made to the both of you when you were younger." 
At those last soft spoken words from Catelyn the twins and strangely Arya, too, seemed ready to yield and speak, but again it was with a single word from Bran that kept them united and sitting tall. "No." Was all the young teen said almost bitterly: to what he was saying “no” to the adults had no idea. They were sure he wasn’t denying them as family nor the duty that they had to each other... Was he denying them the possibility to honor the promises they made to the twins when they were just 8 years old? Or was Bran denying something else… Eddard felt that his son was denying something else, something they were overlooking, but that the younger ones had very much in mind. And try as he might, he couldn’t understand what it was: with the twins, Bran more so than Sansa, it might be anything, it might even not be something that had anything to do with THEM.
“The Tullys!” Exclaimed Lyanna, suddenly remembering something she hadn’t thought about in ages and was sure none else would think about either, but knowing what she knew from the twins themselves, she believed that she was right on track. “The union between Houses Tully and Stark has happened before: yours isn’t the first marriage between the two houses Cat, Ned…” Was all she said, looking at her brothers, hoping that they might catch on. Catelyn felt a little excluded, but her sister-in-law was talking about the history of their houses, and not being a member from the main branch, there were things she didn’t know; still, she tried to make sense of the words the best she could. But hadn’t all noble houses married each other at some point? House Stark had married both major and minor houses and even non-nobles in its very long history? What difference could one more marriage to house Tully do to their history? When Ned realized what Lyanna was hinting at, his eyes widened: it was speculated that the last Lady Stark of Winterfell before their House regained the North's independence for a couple of centuries was born a Tully: one that along with her generation discarded or, better said, twisted their words if the story about what caused the war of the Five Kings and the small tidbits given by Bran and Sansa were any indication.
“Shit!” Said Ned, when he realized that they had tried to convince them to talk about their soulmark, and thus their soulmate, by speaking the words that once were used to defend the attempt to murder said soulmate while calling it just and fair. It also seemed that Arya appeared to know a great deal more than they initially believed, if her offended look after she realized she had almost fallen for those words was any indication. “Look, Bran, Sansa, forget the Tullys’ words or don’t, just forget what they once were used for. Either way we'll be staying here: no phone or internet or anything until one of you starts talking. There are enough of us to get us all drinks from the kitchen and if the three of you hold out long enough, we can always call for dinner to be delivered.” Stated Ned, while Catlyn looked offended at him. By Benjen's grimace, after Lyanna had whispered something in his ear, Ned could tell that he connected the dots too. Now all his younger brother had to do was to find the moment to explain everything to his wife, so she'd know why Ned said what he did. Luckily, Asha was a very relaxed woman and a clever one too, so she probably already realized that the Tullys and their words were not to be mentioned when speaking of the twins’ soulmate.
"Catelyn dear, let's go and make some tea for everyone: these are three stubborn pups… we'll be needing something to kill the time." Said Ned, hoping that once in the kitchen his wife would let him explain. Anyway, how long would the three troublemakers withstand sitting at a table in silence without their phones before folding under The Look from Lyanna Stark? They probably would start talking before the first hour was over.
Benjen was mighty impressed by his daughter, niece and nephew. More than two hours ago, when they had passed the first hour mark, he'd asked his elder brother how long the kids would be able to keep going: to which Ned responded that he'd expected them to have yielded already and really how much longer would they be able to keep going? It seemed that somehow, somewhere the Starks must have allowed a Nymeros-Martell to marry into the family because two hours later all three pups remained Unbend, Unbowed and Unbroken… Well, kind of, since they were still bending over the table doing their biology & history homework: which was allowed because they were using their textbooks and each others’ notes to do it. What were they supposed to say when Sansa brought it up? No? The pups weren't even talking to each other! They had also placed their phones in the middle of the table as they were asked to do. It was truly maddening, not even Lyanna was able to get them to spill the beans using The Look.
He himself was doing his best to read a book, Asha was speaking to her mother on the phone in another room, Cat was immersed in her own book, Lyanna was checking that everything for her next trip to Sothoros was in order while Ned was working on his laptop and reading any notification the kids got aloud, hoping to rile them up: not that they had gotten many… those pups needed to socialize more. Benjen was sure of it. Three mobile phones belonging to three teens and only 8 notifications in 3 hours between them all? And not even a single text! The pack had failed the pups…
"What in the name of the Old Gods does this mean!?" Exclaimed Ned, looking at Arya's phone trying to decipher something… this caught the attention of all three teens: when the twins looked at Arya, they saw that their cousin didn't know what could be happening either. That peeked Arya’s father’s interest and he gestured for his brother to pass him the phone.
"I couldn't tell you…maybe spam?" Said Asha, sounding doubtful, while looking over her husband’s shoulder.
There was a text! And it looked like this: 🙋‍♂️👉🐺&🦁🎮🌒⁉️ by some Tion. He tried to understand what it might mean, but what the hell can a string of emojis translate to?
"What an interesting way of encoding texts." Commented Lyanna from above him.
"You understand it?" Asked Catelyn.
"What!? No! Gods no, but it's still interesting." Admitted Lyanna and they all had to agree with her silently.
Soon Arya got another text from the same guy. 🐺🎮✔️❗👇🆓️❔ this one was another string of cryptic emojis. Benjen shared a look with the other adults who nodded.
"Arya, can you please explain this to us?" He asked his daughter who very innocently looked at her mobile before a wolfish grin formed on her face. The twins looked like they also were trying to decipher the meaning of the emojis: thank the gods for small mercies.
"Yeah, that's Tion texting alright." Said his daughter.
"And who is this Tion and what is he saying?" Asked Asha with a saintly patience.
"Tion is a friend of Jon with whom I just clicked." Explained Arya not really caring what anyone might think.
"Tion Lannister? That new friend of Aegon?" Benjen asked, feeling protective of his lil girl. She might be a wolf, but this guy was at least Jon’s age and was texting his baby girl! "How did you meet him?"
"Cersei's cousin?" Came from the twins half drowning his question out.
"Yeah, Jon's friend, Cersei's cousin - aren't all Lannisters cousins anyway? Tion is a great guy I met through Jon, we needed another player for our squad, and Tion was the only guy whose ego wouldn't be harmed by playing with a younger girl and also taking a thrashing from said girl with a smile. Jon introduced us on Discord about seven weeks ago, to discuss how we were going to play and how to alert each other when we needed help. After playing a couple of times we exchanged phone numbers and now we text… you met him last week when we were facetiming with Jon and playing, when you came tell me that it was bedtime, mom." Explained Arya looking at Asha in the end, this caused everyone to look at her.
"I thought that the other boy was a classmate of yours: he looks so young, I wouldn't think of him to be older than fifteen. He was very polite." Said Asha to defend herself, blushing when she realized her daughter was right. “Almost sweet: wasn’t he explaining something about history to you?”
"That's true, he gets that a lot. He's eighteen, but really babyfaced, even Jon wondered if he was old enough to be in uni when they first met or so they told me." Shared Arya with an amused smile. “And yes, I wasn’t really getting the historical figure of Maester Aemon Targaryen and why his decision to take the black colored part of our history. Tion was way better at explaining who he was, what he did and where he stood in that mess of a family tree than our droll teacher.”
“So what is he texting here, dear?” Asked Asha, while Benjen was wondering if he should be worried that an eighteen year old Lannister was in contact with his daughter - soulmark or not. On the one hand the teen was Aegon’s friend and his nephew was protective of Arya, but on the other hand this teen was an eighteen year old male: those were dangerous, he’d know having been one himself. Even if it was highly unlikely that he would be dangerous, his girl wasn’t even fifteen yet.. Decisions, decisions.
“Ok, quick lesson in Tionesse: first emoji is him saying “Hi” or calling out, second is a finger pointing at something meaning “You” in this case, or rather “me”, the Wolf is Jon since he is a Stark, the Lion is himself since he is a Lannister, the gaming console is about gaming, moon means “tonight” in this case and the question mark is what it is. What he means in the first text is: Hey you, Jon and me gaming tonight? or a variation of the same question. In the second text he confirms that Jon is all for it and asks me if I’m free to play with them.” Arya deciphered the texts easily and Lyanna could understand the use of the emojis somewhat now, even if she didn’t believe that it was a very effective method of communication: Arya herself had said that they could be interpreted in different ways, how was anyone ever sure what Tion was trying to tell them?
“How did he help you, in the name of both the New and Old Gods, with your presentation about Maester Aemon if this is how he texts?” Asked Ned, feeling perplexed; the twins were also wondering how reading emojis was easier than listening to their boring history teacher.
“...He sent me some PDFs and after reading them, or rather reading the pages and paragraphs he had highlighted for me, I called him to help me with some remaining questions I still had; besides, he also texts normally when the mood or the need strikes him.” Explained Arya, wondering if she wasn’t the only idiot present in the room. “And yes, he’s Cersei's cousin, the one with the soulmark: while I haven’t asked him much about his soulmate, I did ask about his experience with his soulmark. He has been more than happy to give me some tips and reading material he deemed accurate from his experience: how the hell do the two of you think I’ve been able to help you both with your problem?” Explained the raven haired teen to the two redheads, as she turned to look at them, before realizing she had put her foot in her mouth.
“Arya!” Both twins whined at their cousin for her hot headedness causing all adults to smile: who’d thought that all it would take to throw the stubborn girl off her game were some texts asking her if she wanted to play online with her cousin and his Lannister friend?
“Shit! Sorry! But hey, don’t hate me! Eventually someone had to give in and I think it's fair, that it's me: I don’t have a soulmate who by some magical shit can send me calming feelings via the mark.” Complained Arya, making the twins groan. “Anyway, may I text Tion back telling him I’m all for gaming tonight?”
“Sure you may, dear, I think that all that’s left to do is talk with your cousins. Why don’t you come with me and finish your homework in the living room?” Said Asha, taking Arya’s phone from her husband, who was still undecided about Tion, before returning it to her daughter and helping her move her books to a different room. 
The twins eventually spilled the beans: they explained that they had noticed that whenever they felt agitated and traced their soulmark, they would usually start feeling better soon. Eventually they came up with a theory that it could be their soulmate sending calming thoughts their way in those moments; which would mean that when their soulmark flared up out of nowhere and flooded them with foreign negative feelings, it might signal that their soulmate was in distress. That discovery made them try to send positive feelings back to their soulmate when they sensed that he was not doing well, even though they couldn’t know for sure if their efforts made any difference. The siblings were convinced that this connection was at least partially working because their Lion would often seek Bran out for comfort - usually after sending positive thoughts in response to soulmate’s negative emotions Bran experienced a slight burn and a feeling of gratefulness and happiness reflected back at him. However, they were concerned that Sansa received no such feedback when she tried sending positive feelings to her soulmate to help him. The young Starks confessed that what worried them was whether Sansa’s mark was a two way connection as Bran’s or if by rejecting her soulmate in their last life she had severed her bond to him in this life. Bran and Sansa also explained Arya’s part in all of it and how they had been trying to track their soulmate down, but had no luck finding a match among Lannisters using social media. Theoretically, Tion could fit the profile since he was a Lannister and had a soulmark, but  Arya had told them that it couldn’t be him because, according to Tion, he and his soulmate were exactly as he would have it. So they weren’t sure where to start looking next. The name Tyrion was almost as common in the Westerlands as Tion or as Bran and Richard in the North.
After more than three hours of silent interrogation, Sansa and Bran felt slightly betrayed by Arya because of her words about how they had received positive feelings through their mark… But if they were truthful they weren't really angry at her. The twins were more upset at their failure to find their Lion or to understand what was going on with Sansa’s soulmark and they had to accept that no matter how sweet the adults’ words were, they hadn't been able to help them either…
“I still can't believe you betrayed us to play some games with Jon and your new friend!" Exclaimed Sansa, frustrated at all that had been happening lately, and looked at Arya who, like Bran, was sitting on a bean bag. Bran rolled his eyes at his sister before looking at his cousin who did the same: he interpreted this as that she wasn't taking Sansa's dramatic display to heart.
“Sansa, you’re not angry at Arya and we all know it, so just stop complaining this much.” Said Bran, after about five minutes of his sister’s rambling. Sansa glared at him before huffing and sitting down on her own beanbag.
“You’re right: sorry, Arya.” Came from the redhead, while she started playing with her wristband.
“Don’t worry, I know you are just being bitchy because you secretly hoped that the adults would be able to help, but just as we already expected they couldn't.” Replied Arya, not really bothered by her cousin's anger at her: often enough it was the other way around. Also she didn’t have a whole magical mambo going on and wondered what might be happening in said mambo. Arya really didn’t envy the twins for their magical shit.
“Thank you, Arya… So how did you really meet Tion?” Asked Sansa, hoping to distract herself from the question that plagued her mind: did Tyrion ignore her or was she unable to reach him due to her rejecting him in their last life? 
“Yeah, you usually don’t warm up to people that fast and when you do, you tell us.” Continued Bran, knowing where his sister was going and also welcoming the distraction it could bring them: plus teasing Arya was just too much fun to pass on.
“As I already said, we met with Jon on Discord to discuss our strategy and, well, the two of us just clicked.” Said Arya, trying to sound nonchalant.
“You guys just clicked over strategizing for some video game?” Bran was slightly confused, but only slightly, because this was Arya and someone whom Jon described as an agent of chaos.
“Well, we didn’t click over that… we clicked after I saved his arse and then he contacted me and Jon on Discord so we could all talk with each other at the same time. He thanked me for saving his arse and then we started just goofing around: yanno, killing others with our combined effort. Then suddenly Jon started freaking out ‘cuz he had been surrounded and gotten killed and he said something along the lines of ‘Tion! Why didn’t you get your arse here to help me?’ And Tion went like ‘Dude, you're my friend, but we both kinda of suck at this game, so I had two options: stay with the deadly she-wolf and win the round as a team minus one member or die with you and leave said deadly she-wolf to roast us both later.’ It was so funny because Jon stayed silent for a few moments and then apologized to Tion for not realizing that he had given so much thought to the said decision. But the thing is, I was talking with Tion that whole time, while Jon was asking for help, and he hadn’t realized Jon was needing help! It was funny back then and it's still funny now.” Explained Arya, sniggering, as twins understood what happened.
“So the two of you bonded over strategy and trolling Jon.” Stated Sansa.
“Well, kinda? I mean, yes that was the moment I realized that I wouldn’t have trouble playing more often with Tion instead of another of Jon’s friends. It also helped that Tion doesn’t suck at the games no matter what he said. But he is genuinely a likable guy: he is funny, he can take a joke and he doesn’t baby me! He also has no trouble helping me with homework or answering a question I’ve got without being a smartass. I don’t really know when, but we clicked.” Finished explaining Arya, knowing that her cousins thought she had a crush on Tion: which she didn’t. He was… well, he kind of was like Jon in her mind, or something like that, so she didn’t think she had a crush on the guy: that would make shit so awkward.
The three cousins continued talking about anything and everything, avoiding the twins' soulmarks for the moment and focusing on Arya’s newfound friend. Arya shared what she had learnt about the connections between soulmarks: it looked like now they knew a little more than before, but not much. And then they had dinner and Arya left for home to spend a couple of hours playing some highly explicit and bloody video game with the guys.
That night Bran woke up after dreaming about his past life: it seemed like a sensless loop of getting crippled and loosing hope, meeting Tyrion and getting hope back, becoming an emotionless robot-like being, seeing Tyrion again, praying to whoever would listen for their plan to work, surviving, becoming close with Tyrion and loosing him again… the dream was like an endless loop of the best, the worst and the most stupid things he’d done back then: pieces of a whole, yet a whole he couldn’t pierce together: what plan was he praying for to succeed? What did he survive? What did he do after Tyrion died? Why does it feel like the last question is the most important one?
After waking up Bran - who was not broken anymore - couldn’t fall asleep again, so seeing as it was still the weekend, he decided to make himself some hot cacao, but to do that he’d have to get up and go downstairs to the kitchen. The former Three-eyed raven didn’t like getting up when the dreams were so fresh in his mind, it always made standing up and walking a thing he was hyper aware of -- he was terribly grateful for the use of his legs, but still, he could do without the hyper awareness and thinking about how to take the next step. It was needlessly troublesome and annoying. After giving himself the prep talk, Bran stood up with his plan made. When he reached the hall he walked past Sansa’s bedroom and stood there for a moment to listen: it was easy to know when his sister was dreaming - she slept restlessly. He briefly wondered that if one were to stand outside his door at night they might be able to tell if he was simply sleeping or DREAMING - as he could with Sansa. There was absolute silence behind the door, so at least his sister was having a good night's sleep. 
Bran started to hum a song he’d heard countless times in his last life, a song he had somehow enjoyed, but he couldn’t remember its lyrics and from what he knew there was no folk song that resembled the song he seemed to remember late at night. He hummed the song with longing and sadness; it wasn't just his own longing and sadness, he felt as if it was the appropriate way to hum the song. While he hummed his ghostly song, he reached for the milk to make his hot cacao and poured it into the pan as he turned the stove on: suddenly he heard a sound behind him and turned only to find his father looking into the kitchen with a solemn look.
“Good evening, cacao?” He asked his father, and he hated how distant his voice sounded, how detached he sounded from the world and those around him.
“Ahhh… yes, thank you, Bran. Trouble sleeping?” Asked his father, while he entered the kitchen and took a seat at the small table that stood there.
The boy took his time to answer the question while he prepared the hot cacao for the two of them: how should he answer that question? It wasn’t as if he couldn’t sleep if he really wanted, it was more like he didn’t want to sleep more, he’d had enough for the night… He kept humming the song absentmindedly while he poured the drinks and put them down before sitting with his father.
“It’s not so much that sleep eludes me, it's more like I want to avoid certain dreams at the moment.” Explained the teen, looking into his cacao while his father made a noise in the back of his throat, which he took as some affirmative.
“What is that song called?” Asked Ned. At Bran’s questioning look he added, “The song you were humming just now.”
“I don’t remember… not really. It once was a folk song, but I couldn't tell you anything about it.” Bran explained after taking a sip of his cacao.
“Ah, so it’s like that half-man song that plagues Sansa at these hours?” Asked the father curious.
“No.” Answered Bran firmly. “That is a despicable song that shouldn’t have survived the pass of time…”
Eddard just nodded and took a sip of the cacao his son made. He stayed silent as always, wondering what he should or shouldn’t bring up at times like these: times where his son was more Bran the Broken than Brandon Stark, twin to Sansa Stark. Even if he wasn’t sure what he had to tell his son during these times, or his daughter when she was in Bran’s place, he still took the decision to stay by his side in silence: until morning came, or Bran went back to bed, or someone else who was better qualified woke up or his son dismissed him, whatever happened first. 
Please enjoy and leave a review! Thank you @albinokittens300 and my beta elliecat78 . I'm sorry for the delay, can't promise It won't happen again.
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all-about-that-rec · 2 years
Chapters: 49/49 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Sandor Clegane/Original Character(s) Characters: Bronn (ASoIaF), Podrick Payne, Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Sandor Clegane, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister, Qyburn (ASoIaF), Gregor Clegane, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Edmure Tully, Varys (ASoIaF), Vargo Hoat, Roslin Frey, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Euron Greyjoy, Melisandre of Asshai Summary:
Jaime Lannister has defected from the Crown and left his sister in order to fulfill his pledge to join the war against the undead. But the journey will not be as simple as it sounds. Jaime finds that the road north is paved with choices - and he will not be traveling alone. This story picks up right where season 7 left off.
Completed work. Post-season 7 canon divergence, written before season 8 aired.
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chloe-skywalker · 11 months
Protection - Jaime Lannister
Jaime x fem!reader Stark
Warnings: GOT
Word count: 2,033
Summary: Reader is a Stark stuck in King's Landing after everything and including her fathers death. The only one that seems to care about her is shockingly Jaime Lannister.
Authors Note: I think after the changes Jaime’s character made from being held captive by the Stark’s and losing his hand plus his time with Brienne that he would be protective of the Stark girls. The oath he made to Catelyn he didn’t want to break, so I think that means something. Just like he couldn’t himself but he helped himself and Breinne by sending her to go look after and find Arya and Sansa. - I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to be romantic or him protecting her because she resembled what he thought a daughter of his own would be like or if he was honoring his promise to Catelyn. I tried to leave it open.
Game Of Thrones Masterlist
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Y/n didn’t understand what she had done in life to deserve this treatment. To have the recent events happen in her life. To watch her little brother almost die from a horrible fall, to then having to watch her father be executed, she didn’t know where her youngest sister was, she had to watch her other younger sister be tormented by a brat that was only going to become a awful king, and her older brother by a year had started a war to get them back with their mother by his side.
But how she had managed to have the Queen’s rath bestowed upon her in physical abuse. Y/n didn’t know how that happened and she knew for fact she hadn’t done anything to deserve it.
But Y/n had been in Kings Landing long enough to know that Cersei and Joffery didn’t need reasons to be cruel. It just seemed to be part of their personality.
Tyrion was the only kind one to Y/n and Sansa. Along with his friend Bronn and man servant Podrick. Y/n didn’t trust anyone else in the Red Keep.
Lately Y/n noticed Jaime, ever since he got back he had been trying to get close to her and Sansa. But neither Stark knew what to make of it. He really was trying to get closer to Y/n, but Y/n was worried that it was some kind of plan from Cersei.
It was a normal sunny day, Y/n actually thought it’d be a good day to go out and walk or ride but leaving her room? That didn’t feel like a good idea, given her appearance.
Suddenly in the incredibly quiet room there were sounds of knocking on her chamber doors. Y/n gave a soft ‘come in’, just loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear.
Upon seeing Jaime Lannister Y/n nervously started ringing her hands at what they might have planned for her now. “Ser Jaime. To what do I owe this visit to?”
Jaime shook his head. “I’m not here on any business.”
“Oh?” Y/n was curious but she still wanted to be cautious. So she kept her head down. For more than just that reason though.
Jaime noticed the way she was holding herself and it reminded him of a scared animal. So he raised his arms to show he didn’t mean her any harm. Her behavior made his eyes fill with concern. “Y/n, I’m not going to hurt you.”
Y/n realized that this could be very bad so she needed to back track. “Ser Jaime, I-I meant no o-offense.” She stuttered shaking her head but still keeping it down with her hair framing her face to cover her face from his view.
“You made none. No reason to apologize.” He quickly reassured.
As they stood there Jaime took more notice of things. Things that were making him more concerned by the second. So he took enough steps to be standing right in front of her.
“Y/n, look at me. Please.” Jaime asked, but when he noticed how she was so hesitant to do as he asked. Jaime slowly raised his hand to lift her chin, as gently as possible to not spook her. When she was finally looking him in the eye, face to face is when Jaime noticed. She has a bruised cheek bone which to him looked almost like it belonged to a fading black eye, and she had a cut on her eyebrow and her lip. No wonder she was hiding her face, he thought. “Who did this?”
“No one, Ser Jaime. I fell that’s all.” Y/n quickly tried to dismiss, hoping he’d let it go. If she said something and he was sent by Cersei, then it’d get worse. If he was genuinely concerned for her and she told him, he might not believe her. His twin sister did it after all.
“Please don’t lie to me, Lady Y/n.” He pleaded with her. His concern was growing more and more. But he also had his suspicions. “Who did this?”
Y/n cast her sight back down to the floor, not wanting to lie to his face. With how much genuine concern was in his eyes and actions, she felt bad lying to him. “No one, Ser.”
Jaime let out a sigh, he could clearly see she wasn’t going to verbalize her answer. Which inwardly gave him his answer anyway and he could feel anger bubbling up inside of him. He knew in his gut who did this, and he wasn’t going to let it go. “Can I see you later Milady?”
Y/n nodded, stepping back still not lifting her gaze. Of course she said he could. He seemed to be one of the only people who cared as of late, but also she didn’t really have a choice. Not in her situation. “If you so wish to, Ser Jaime.”
Her behavior honestly scared Jaime slightly. She didn’t seem like the same girl he met in Winterfell or the same one that was in Kings Landing when he lft and was captured.
Ever since that encounter Jaime had been visiting and spending a lot more time with Y/n Stark. No one would bother her with him at his side.
But Jaime had yet to have that talk with his sister. But today was the day, he had heard some concerning things from the handmaidens assigned to Y/n and he was fuming.
“Ah, brother. What is so urgent that you came barging into my chambers without knocking.” Cersei spoke sarcastically as he barged into her room.
“What did you do to Y/n Stark?” He asked, getting straight to the point, face red with anger.
“The little bitch. Well, what did she say?” Cersei scoffed at even turning to look at her brother.
“Nothing. She said nothing. I came here to you on my own.” Jaime wanted to yell, how could she be so cold.
“How do you know it was me? The girl is quite clumsy.” Cersei smirked, and Jaime wondered if Y/n’s excuse of falling was something she was told to say.
“Oh, I know your handy work when I see it.” He scoffed stating a fact that not even Cersei could argue with.
Cersei could tell he wasn’t gonna drop it once she looked at him, so she sighed and said. “I assure you she deserved it.”
“I can guarantee that she didn’t.” He countered. Jaime knew how petty his sister could be and revenge was something she enjoyed. She wasn’t going to fool him.
“You weren’t here.” She shook her head and growled out her words. Why was he even bringing this up?
“Doesn’t matter.” Jaime didn’t need to be there to know Y/n didn’t deserve his sister's warth.
“Why do you care for this girl?” Cersei asked with a furrowed brow.
“No. Why? Why do you care for her so much? After everything her family’s done to ours?!” She yelled at him getting up from her vanity table and stormed over to where he stood.
“She had no part in that!” He yelled back, done with trying to be social.
“Why do you protect her?!” Cersei spat with clear jealousy. Of course she noticed him protecting her but why was what she couldn’t figure out and that angered her more and more. Someone having her twin's attention other than her never sits well with the golden haired Queen.
“Don’t touch her again, Cersei. I mean it.” Jaime stated in a low voice. His expression and tone shocked Cersei. He’s never used either on her and deep down it did shake her a bit. He’s never been this mad at her, or this deeply apparently.
Jaime was going to make sure that Y/n was taken care of. No one would harm her ever again. That he’d promise her. Not even his sister. If Cersei did she’d regret it because he was done with her cruelness.
“And what will you do if I do decide to touch her again?” She questioned as he looked at her so seriously she honestly was starting to feel uncomfortable.
“You don’t want to find out.” He stated before turning to leave, as he opened the door Jaime felt pride in himself. He stood up to his sister for something he believed in.
“Is that a threat?” Cersei asked with narrowed eyes trained on her brother's back.
“Its a promise.” Jaime said before slamming her door behind him. He felt good and now he felt a weight lifted off of himself and Y/n. Sure he still had to watch their backs but Cersei wouldn’t do anything to go against him if she was as smart as she acts.
^     ^     ^
It had been a pretty normal day but Y/n just felt that they all blended together since so much had happened. Things had shockingly gotten better since Jaime and her had become close. But nothing good ever lasts is what she had learned being in King's Landing.
“Come in.” Y/n said upon hearing knocking at her room doors. She turned to face the door after hearing it open, seeing Jaime enter with caution. “Ser Jaime.”
“Lady Y/n.” He bowed his head with a soft smile on his lips, but as he looked around the room and noticed the uneaten food sitting on the table. Jaime’s concern came bubbling back up 10 fold. The handmaidens had told him she was skipping some meals and it worried him. But seeing it was worse. “The handmaidens said you haven’t eaten today.”
Y/n shrugged looking away from him. “Not very hungry.”
Jaime knew that part of it could be the stress of what's happened. It could also be her injuries that made it painful to chew, or it could be something Jaime really hoped it wasn’t. He didn’t even want to think about that idea.
Jaime stepped over to her, brushing her hair away from her face with his hand. Uncovering the still recovering injuries to her face. “Does it hurt?”
Of course it hurt still but he had been so kind to her she didn’t want to worry him. So she shook her head softly. “Not much anymore, Ser.”
“You don’t have to keep up the formalites with me, Y/n.” He smiled softly hoping to make her more comfortable around him. Show her he meant no harm.
“I shouldn’t-” She looked at him with wide scared eyes.
“I’m telling you you can. So you can.” Jaime stopped her calmly, looking her in the eyes. He could see how scared she was to do anything that might cause her to be harmed. Anything that might make it so she could be punished. “I won’t hurt you like my sister.”
“I-” Y/n’s eyes widened, just when he made her a little more comfortable again he say’s that. Y/n shook her head at him in fear. She didn’t tell him who did it so how did he know? Now that he knew what would happen to her? What would the Queen do to her now? Y/n was panicking on the inside.
“You didn’t have to tell me, and don’t worry I’ll protect you from Cersei.” Jaime told her, she had to know. But seeing her so panicked made his heart clench, so he started running his hand through her hair to comfort her and calm her nerves and mind. Jaime grimaced at her reaction for a second. This poor girl was terrified and it was all because of his family.
“How?” Y/n asked him while looking at him like he’s crazy. How could he, a knight, protect her from the Queen? Nobody could control Cersei.
“In any way I can, and I will. She will never harm you again. No one will. Not on my watch.” Jaime vowed to the poor girl that was stuck in this predicament. Not by her own choosing had any of this happened to her. And he was going to stop it and make her life better.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @misspendragonsworld
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beautifultypewriter · 7 months
Hi! I love your account, I’ve been reading your Game of Thrones stuff (I actually just finished the show for the first time!) and I was wondering if you would write another Podrick x reader work? You can take it however you want, maybe the two of them having feelings for each other and dancing around it until something/someone makes them admit it? Pod quickly became my favorite character, he’s too good and trustworthy! Thanks for reading all this! :)
Hi!! Thank you so much and I’m so sorry for the delay! I love this concept though! So cute and so perfect for Pod. I love him. Before anyone comes for me, I know this is not how the dynamics were in the show, but I don’t care. I’m doing what I want. Hope you like it!
*Also this kind of has spoilers for the later seasons, so proceed with caution I guess*
Sansa had stopped talking when she noticed that you had stopped responding. She followed your line of sight and smirked as she saw what had taken all of your attention. She cleared her throat and your eyes snapped back to her, your cheeks heating up as she gave you a sly smile, “Something distracting you?”
You scoffed, looking away from her, “Not at all, my lady.” Slowly you turned back to her and she shook her head.
“You should just say something to him,” she looked off into the distance, her face turning grim, “life is short.” You slipped your gloved hand into hers, squeezing it gently. She forced a smile and met your gaze, squeezing your hand back.
You gave her a soft smile, “I really appreciate your advice, but I think it’s best,” Sansa’s smile turned into a smirk as she quickly glanced at something over your shoulder before meeting your gaze again. Your eyebrows furrowed, but you continued, “If I just-”
“Sorry to interrupt,” you froze as the voice reached your ears, the man seeming not to notice as he went on, “but I wonder if I might have a word.” You turned your head to see Podrick looking directly at you and you felt your heartbeat quicken. He turned quickly to Sansa, “If it would not be an inconvenience, my lady.” He looked between the two of you, waiting for one of you to reply.
Sansa continued to smirk as she pushed you towards the man, “Of course not.” She nudged you again, “Please take all the time you need.” Slowly she turned to look at you, her brows lifted slightly as she waited for you to say something.
Holding up your hand, you opened your mouth, “Um…” Closing your mouth, you looked at Sansa and then at Podrick, “Actually, I have forgotten that I am meant to meet with Arya,” you pointed over your shoulder, taking slow steps backwards in the snow, “so I really should get going.” Your pace quickened slightly and you hoped you would stay on your feet as you forced a smile to your lips.
Podrick was frowning as he reached towards you, though he knew you were too far away for him to reach, “Perhaps we could speak later?”
You waved a dismissive hand, “Sure!” Spinning on your heel, you hurried away, stoping briefly to turn back towards the disaster you left behind, “I’ll find you.” You spun around again so quickly that you missed Podrick’s wave. Once you were out of the courtyard, he deflated. His shoulders sagged and his frown deepened, a million thoughts running through his mind, as he rubbed the back of his neck. Sansa stared at him, her own frown forming as she looked at the spot you had just disappeared from. Podrick glanced at her, the tips of his ears turning red as he remembered that she was still standing next to him.
He cleared his throat, “My apologies, my lady. I should…” He looked around the courtyard, trying to find something to get him away from his embarrassment.
Sansa gave him a soft smile as she gently patted his shoulder, “Don’t be discouraged. You should still tell them.” Podrick’s ears burned as he stuttered, trying to deny whatever the Lady of Winterfell was implying, but she only shook her head and walked away. Podrick was frozen in place, words still failing him as he watched her go in the same direction you had gone only minutes ago.
The hour was late when you got word that Sansa had wanted to speak with you. You rushed to her Solar, not wanting to keep her waiting. As you pushed the door open, you breathed heavily, “I’m here, my lady. What did you need…” any other words caught in your throat as you stared at Podrick. He was stood by the fireplace with a bunch of wildflowers clutched tightly in his fist. Sansa was no where to be found. The door fell shut behind you and your mind went blank. Pod smiled at you and you returned it, at least you hoped you did. You might have grimaced.
You were snapped from your thoughts as Podrick cleared his throat and held the flowers out to you, “Might we have that word now?” You could see the redness creeping up the back of his neck and a true smile broke out on your lips.
With a nod, you stepped closer and took the flowers from his outstretched hand, “I would like that.” Pod grinned and moved closer, his fingertips brushing gently against your knuckles.
88 notes · View notes
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Arya Stark & Podrick Payne - Modern AU
20 notes · View notes
godjustkys · 4 months
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╰┈➤ ❝ masterlist;
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- Teen wolf
- Marvel Cinematic Universe
- Supernatural
- The Walking Dead (AMC)
- Merlin (BBC)
- Dune
- Game of Thrones
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S
- The Maze Runner
- Lord of The Rings
- The Hobbit
- Harry Potter
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine
- IT
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Dead Poet's Society
- Shameless
- Handsome Devil
- The Black Phone
- Sweet Home
- Arcane
- Spider-man Universe
- The Goldfinch
- The Last of Us
- The Beekeeper
- Weak Hero Class 1
- Bad and Crazy
- Demon Slayer
- My Hero Academia
(the anime list will get updated as long as I continue watching anime.)
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Characters I will to write for;
Teen wolf:
- Stiles Stilinski
Stiles Stilinski x top!m!reader (smut)
- Scott McCall
none yet..
- Derek Hale
none yet..
- Allison Argent
none yet..
- Lydia Martin
none yet..
- Isaac Lahey
none yet..
- Jackson Whittemore
none yet..
- Peter Hale
none yet..
- Malia Tate
none yet..
- Kira Yukimura
none yet..
- Liam Dunbar
none yet..
- Theo Raeken
none yet..
- Jordan Parrish
none yet..
- Erica Reyes
none yet..
- Ethan Steiner
none yet..
- Aiden Steiner
none yet..
- Christopher Argent
none yet..
- Mason Hewitt
none yet..
- Danny Mahealani
none yet..
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
- Tony Stark
none yet..
- Peter Parker
none yet..
- Bruce Banners
none yet..
- Thor Odinson
none yet..
- Loki Laufeyson
none yet..
- Steve Rogers
none yet..
- Natasha Romanoff
none yet..
- Stephen Strange
none yet..
- Wanda Maximoff
none yet..
- Clint Barton
none yet..
- Bucky Barnes
none yet..
- Carol Danvers
none yet..
- Shuri
none yet..
- Sam Wilson
none yet..
- Okoye
none yet..
- Wade Wilson
none yet..
- Pietro Maximoff
none yet..
- Vision
none yet..
- Yelena Belova
none yet..
- Peter Quill
none yet..
- Gamora
none yet..
- Nebula
none yet..
- Matt Murdock
none yet..
- Frank Castle
none yet..
- Xu Shang-chi
none yet..
- Eddie Brock
none yet..
- Dean Winchester
'What a perv.' Dean x top!m!reader (smut)
- Sam Winchester
none yet..
- Castiel
none yet..
(I have little knowledge of supernatural.)
The Walking Dead:
- Rick Grimes
none yet..
- Carl Grimes
none yet..
- Michonne
none yet..
- Negan
none yet..
- Daryl Dixon
none yet..
- Eugene
none yet..
- Rosita Espinosa
none yet..
- Maggie Greene
none yet..
- Glenn Rhee
none yet..
- Carol Peletier
none yet..
- Andrea
none yet..
- Gabriel Stokes
none yet..
- Dwight
none yet..
- Simon
none yet..
- Merlin
none yet..
- Arthur Pendragon
none yet..
- Morgana Pendragon
none yet..
- Guinevere
none yet..
- Lancelot
none yet..
- Mordred
none yet..
- Gwaine
none yet..
- Percival
none yet..
- Elyan
none yet..
- Leon
none yet..
- Paul Atreides
none yet..
- Leto Atreides
none yet..
- Chani
none yet..
- Feyd-Rautha
none yet..
- Duncan Idaho
none yet..
- Stilgar
none yet..
Game of Thrones:
- Ned Stark
none yet..
- Catelyn Stark
none yet..
- Robb Stark
none yet..
- Jon Snow
none yet..
- Theon Greyjoy
none yet..
- Sansa Stark
none yet..
- Arya Stark
none yet..
- Tywin Lannister
none yet..
- Jaime Lannister
none yet..
- Cersei Lannister
none yet..
- Tyrion Lannister
none yet..
- Tommen Baratheon
none yet..
- Joffrey Baratheon
none yet..
- Daenerys Targaryen
none yet..
- Jorah Mormont
none yet..
- Sandor Clegane
none yet..
- Samwell Tarly
none yet..
- Margaery Tyrell
none yet..
- Tormund Giantsbane
none yet..
- Brienne of Tarth
none yet..
- Podrick
none yet..
- Ramsay Bolton
none yet..
- Jaqen H'ghar
none yet..
- Grey Worm
none yet..
- Rachel Greene
none yet..
- Phoebe Buffay
none yet..
- Monica Geller
none yet..
- Ross Geller
none yet..
- Chandler Bing
none yet..
- Joey Tribbiani
Joey Tribbiani dating headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
The Maze Runner:
- Thomas
none yet..
- Newt
none yet..
- Minho
none yet..
- Gally
none yet..
- Frypan
none yet..
- Aris
none yet..
- Janson
none yet..
Lord of The Rings:
- Frodo Baggins
none yet..
- Samwise Gamgee
none yet..
- Pippin Took
none yet..
- Merry Brandybuck
none yet..
- Aragorn
none yet..
- Legolas
none yet..
- Boromir
none yet..
- Faramir
none yet..
- Galadriel
none yet..
- Arwen
none yet..
- Éowyn
none yet..
- Éomer
none yet..
The Hobbit:
- Bilbo Baggins
none yet..
- Thorin Oakenshield
none yet..
- Kili Durin
none yet..
- Fili Durin
none yet..
- Tauriel
none yet..
- King Thranduil
none yet..
- Elrond
none yet..
Harry Potter:
- Harry Potter
none yet..
- Hermione Granger
none yet..
- Ron Weasley
none yet..
- Fred Weasley
none yet..
- George Weasley
none yet..
- Draco Malfoy
none yet..
- Blaise Zabini
none yet..
- Oliver Wood
none yet..
- Seamus Finnigan
none yet..
- Luna Lovegood
none yet..
- Neville Longbottom
none yet..
- Dean Thomas
none yet..
- Severus Snape
none yet..
- Sirius Black
none yet..
- Regulus Black
none yet..
- Remus Lupin
none yet..
- James Potter
none yet..
- Lily Potter
none yet..
- Bill Weasley
none yet..
- Bellatrix Lestrange
none yet..
- Cedric Diggory
none yet..
- Lucius Malfoy
none yet..
- Narcissa Malfoy
none yet..
Brooklyn Nine-Nine:
- Jake Peralta
none yet..
- Amy Santiago
none yet..
- Charles Boyle
none yet..
- Gina Linetti
none yet..
- Rosa Diaz
none yet..
- Terry Jeffords
none yet..
- Ray Holt
none yet..
- Richie Tozier
none yet..
- Eddie Kaspbrak
none yet..
- Beverly Marsh
none yet..
- Bill Denbrough
none yet..
- Stanley Uris
none yet..
- Ben Hanscom
none yet..
- Mike Hanlon
none yet..
- Henry Bowers
none yet..
- Patrick Hockstetter
none yet..
Diary of a wimpy kid:
- Greg Heffley
none yet..
- Rodrick Heffley
none yet..
Dead Poet's Society:
- Neil Perry
none yet..
- Todd Anderson
none yet..
- Charlie Dalton
none yet..
- Knox Overstreet
none yet..
- Steven Meeks
none yet..
- John Keating
none yet..
- Fiona Gallagher
none yet..
- Lip Gallagher
none yet..
- Ian Gallagher
none yet..
- Debbie Gallagher
none yet..
- Carl Gallagher
none yet..
- Liam Gallagher
none yet..
- Mickey Milkovich
none yet..
- Mandy Milkovich
none yet..
- Kevin Ball
none yet..
- Veronica Fisher
none yet..
- Jimmy Lishman
none yet..
- Karen Jackson
none yet..
Handsome Devil:
- Ned Roche
none yet..
- Conor Masters
none yet..
- Dan Sherry
none yet..
The Black Phone:
- Finney Blake
none yet..
- Robin Arellano
none yet..
- Vance Hopper
none yet..
- Bruce Yamada
none yet..
- Billy
none yet..
- Griffin
none yet..
Sweet home:
- Cha Hyun-su
none yet..
- Lee Eun-hyuk
none yet..
- Pyeon Sang-wook
none yet..
- Jung Jae-heon
none yet..
- Seo Yi-kyung
none yet..
- Lee Eun-yu
none yet..
- Yoon Ji-su
none yet..
- Jung Ui-Myeong
none yet..
- Jinx
none yet..
- Vi
none yet..
- Viktor
none yet..
- Caitlyn
none yet..
- Silco
none yet..
- Sevika
none yet..
- Ekko
none yet..
- Vander
none yet..
- Mel
none yet..
- Jayce
none yet..
Spider-Man Universe:
- Peter Parker (A. G.)
none yet..
- Peter Parker (T. M.)
none yet..
- Peter B. Parker
none yet..
- Miles Morales (Earth 1610)
none yet..
- Miles Morales (Earth 42)
none yet..
- Miguel O'Hara
none yet..
- Hobie Brown
none yet..
- Pavitr Prabhakar
none yet..
- Gwen Stacy
none yet..
The Goldfinch:
- Boris Pavlikovsky
none yet..
- Theodore Decker
none yet..
The Last of Us:
- Ellie Williams
none yet..
- Joel Miller
none yet..
- Tommy Miller
none yet..
- Tess Servopoulos
none yet..
- Abby Anderson
none yet..
- Dina Woodward
none yet..
- Lev
none yet..
- Yara
none yet..
- Jesse Pinkman
none yet..
- Manny
none yet..
- Owen
none yet..
- Mel
none yet..
The Beekeeper:
- Derek Danforth
none yet..
- Adam Clay
none yet..
Weak Hero Class 1:
- Yeon Si-eun
none yet..
- Oh Beom-seok
none yet..
- Ahn Su-ho
none yet..
- Park Hu-min
none yet..
- Kang Woo-young
none yet..
- Jeon Seok-dae
none yet..
Bad and Crazy:
- Ryu Soo-Yeol
none yet..
- Do In-beom
none yet..
- K
none yet..
- Oh Kyung-Tae
none yet..
- Boss Yong
none yet..
- Andrei Kang
none yet..
Demon slayer:
- Tanjiro Kamado
none yet..
- Nezuko Kamado
none yet..
- Zenitsu Agatsuma
none yet..
- Inosuke Hashibira
none yet..
- Genya Shinazugawa
none yet..
- Kanao Tsuyuri
none yet..
- Aoi
none yet..
- Shinobu Kocho
none yet..
- Tomioka Giyuu
none yet..
- Rengoku Kyojuro
none yet..
- Uzui Tengen
none yet..
- Mitsuri Kanroji
none yet..
- Obanai Iguro
none yet..
- Shinazugawa Sanemi
none yet..
- Muichiro Tokito
none yet..
- Gyomei Himejima
none yet..
- Muzan Kibutsuji
none yet..
- Akaza
none yet..
- Douma
none yet..
- Gyutaro
none yet..
- Daki
none yet..
- Kokushibo
none yet..
- Murata
none yet..
HASHIRA; hashira headcanons, pt.1 (angst)
My Hero Academia:
- Izuku Midoriya
none yet..
- Katsuki Bakugou
none yet..
- Shoto Todoroki
none yet..
- Tenya Iida
none yet..
- Ochako Uraraka
none yet..
- Denki Kaminari
none yet..
- Eijirou Kirishima
none yet..
- Tokoyami Fumikage
none yet..
- Shoji Mezo
none yet..
- Momo Yaoyorozu
none yet..
- Hanta Sero
none yet..
- Kyoka Jirou
none yet..
- Mashirao Ojirou
none yet..
- Mina Ashido
none yet..
- Yuga Aoyama
none yet..
- Monoma Neito
none yet..
- Shinsou Hitoshi
none yet..
- Rumi Usagiyama
none yet..
- Keigo Takami
none yet..
- Aizawa Shouta
none yet..
- Hizashi Yamada
none yet..
- Oboro Shirakumo
none yet..
- Touya Todoroki
none yet..
- Tomura Shigaraki
none yet..
- Toga Himiko
none yet..
- Jin Bubaigawara
none yet..
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adding anime back cause I watched demon slayer,,, :3
38 notes · View notes
fadingdaggerr · 2 years
close to home
part one | part two | part three | part four
pairing: brienne of tarth x gn!reader
summary: continuation of a piece of home now set in mid-late season 4 when brienne is searching for arya and sansa, about a year and a half since the first chapter.
warnings: got s3-4 spoilers, canon typical violence but mostly in conversation, descriptions of injuries and death (brief), the classic lesbian ‘dancing around each other’
note: i told ya it would be slowburn :) sorry for the slow updates, college sucks and i am so behind because i keep getting overwhelmed and procrastinating
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the news the king joffrey’s demise spread across the kingdoms with fury. little birds of your own running to send you word, quick hands tying notes to the bird. when a raven reached the camp, larkin was bobbing and weaving through the crowd. the red seal meant trouble, the kind that would likely cause the vein in your forehead to bulge and you to probably break something.
running into the tent, he comes to a screeching halt, a meeting progressive in front of him. your eyes look at him, he waves the notes, red seal on display. you wave him over frantically, meeting pausing just as fast as larkin entered.
the king is dead. poisoned. not sure who yet, but lord tyrion blamed. lady sansa missing. more to follow. suggest a move north.
- eoin
you read the note aloud, silence followed, everyone stunned. the glass to your right was thrown against the ground. this meant war was coming. winter was already drawing closer, but bloodshed was soon to come. the lannisters would never let this go.
eoin knew well of what move you’d make, you began the move north. it was slow, a complicated path to ward off unwanted followers. the weeks grew long, the desperation you felt for another raven was palpable. the further north we traveled, the harder it was word easily and discreetly.
orion brings a scroll, red wax, cloud pressed in.
your lady knight is leaving king’s landing within the week, looking for ladies sansa and arya. lannister man gave her a sword. moving north with a squire.
- rahim
the second you read the words ‘lady knight’ in fast., messy handwriting, your hands gripped the parchment a little tighter. a squire? had she been knighted, had they rightfully acknowledged her at last? you opt to ignore the use of ‘your’ in front of her nickname. instead you write a response, adding updated travel routes that will be followed, as well as advising the use of coded messages from now on. the scroll was passed to orion with directions of a new bird to land towards the east side of the city.
leaving the tavern with podrick and the wolf-shaped bread from hotpie left brienne with some semblance of hope. she could not save lady catelyn, but she could fulfill her promise and protect her daughters. if she ever found the bloody devils.
“where to now, my lady?” podrick asked, despite knowing the answer.
“north. if sansa fled, she’ll go somewhere familiar, to someone she trusts,” brienne was certain, and podrick nodded. he had only been under her service for a short time, but he had already gained large amounts of respect for her.
so north they went, and went, and went. brienne had been slowly teaching podrick to sword fight. he was nowhere near being able to defend himself, but the spirit was there. when the practice was over, they’d eat in silence. brienne wiped off her small knife, tucking it next to the horn that stayed in her storage. she hadn’t unraveled the sheathed dagger that was carefully knotted around the horn, afraid of acknowledging it, but keeping it near.
two months into her travels, she is awoken while stars still paint the sky. she rubs her eyes, growing slightly, she almost falls back asleep, assuming the noise was podrick or imaginary. but there it is again.
she sits up, hand automatically falling on her weapon. a blaring, deep in the woods. it’s far away, so the sound just barely reaching her ears. one more faint sound, then silence. and it remains. she lays back down, shaking her head to toss away the distractions. ‘probably some locals,’ she muses to herself, before falling asleep once again.
another month passes, and brienne swears she is being watched. she’s positive it isn’t her squire, he minds his business, and his stares don’t feel this imposing. a rustle in the trees above her caught her attention, but she saw nothing, she assumed it was animals of the forest. she looks around, but there’s still nothing. no one. she’s going crazy, is all she can think. ‘all this stark ladies business has driven me mad!’
a younger man in your company, dorin, comes rushing through the crowd, he’s walking, although very fast. he gracefully dodges each person, bumping into no one, uttering no words as he slithers between them.
he silently approaches you as you’re sitting on your desk. he likes to give people a scare when he can, but you notice him, turning and catching him off guard.
“what can i do you for, dorin?” you say without looking at him, smirking to yourself as you look a potential supply routes.
he clears his throat, “i spotted a tall woman, blonde. accompanied by a man, quite a bit shorter than the woman, with brown hair. a horse for each. and quite the fancy sword on her hip, but i could only see the hilt. not well given my altitude, still it looked beautifully crafted.” dorin’s reports always had perfect detail, he had climbing expertise, and he didn’t ask question as to why you had him survey the woods. he was perfect for the job.
“thank you dorin, that’ll be all. send ragnall to me on your way out,” you say diplomatically, hiding the giddiness that filled your chest.
“you called?” ragnall stood in the entrance.
you swing so your legs dangle off the desktop, “yes. gather two others and please nicely escort the travelers one hour east to of our camp. nicely. got it?” you raise and eyebrow.
“yes, commander,” he grumbles, hoping for something more exciting, but heads to follow orders. you jump off the desk, and move just outside the tent.
“boy!” you call out, hands cupped around your mouth. less than twenty seconds, and larkin was headed to you, stopping just before you. “ready two cots and make way for two horses, we got visitors in two,” and he’s off. and you’re patiently waiting in your tent, hands twisting and pulling at each other in your lap.
brienne was washing up when she heard podrick yell for her, she is quick to come to his aid. sword drawn, she stands protectively in front of podrick.
“what is your business here?” she asks, eyes stern and angry.
“lady brienne, we’re here to escort you to camp,” ragnall speaks first, hoping she’ll recognize him best. her sword immediately slides back into her scabbard.
the entire walk back to the camp her hands were sweating. she explained to pod meeting you with jaime, and how she found out about the skyforth. he listens carefully, and she’s careful not to talk to much about you. she does mention you’re from tarth, and that it was nice to know someone from there, easily explaining away any overflowing joy.
she saw the tents growing closer, the guards closest the opening moving to make way for everyone and the horses. her eyes darted around for the largest tent, with the large table and the desk you sat on instead of at. their horses were taking over to the others with a quick promise of their belongings being brought to their own tent. podrick looked to her for confirmation, she assured him it was okay, she trusted these men and their commander.
ragnall led her to the tent she had she looking for, her eyes unblinking as they approached. they stopped as ragnall lowered his head to enter the tent to announce their presence. she heard your voice say something, but couldn’t make it out. still, she bit back a smile, podrick did not notice.
ragnall’s arms opened the curtain. she took a breath and steadied her mind quickly, ducking into the tent, podrick behind her.
you. all black attire as she had assumed was your typical choice, your cour cloak was draped across a chair. you looked less imposing without it, but she knew that was not the case. you’re deadly, just like her, fierce like her, angry like her. but she knew you were soft underneath, she had seen it with larkin and a little with herself.
brienne. clad in castle armor, only lacking lannister lions on the pauldrons. a lion’s head pommel on her sword mad your fingers twitch, questions filled your head. all of them became fuzzy when your eyes moved to her face. her hair was lighter from the sun exposure of travel, freckles blooming on her cheeks. you took in a deep breath.
“brienne of tarth,” you step forward, arm extended to shake. she does so quickly, smiling gently.
“commander. let me introduce you to my traveling comp-” she hears him clear his throat behind her, “my squire, podrick.”
he sticks his arm out to you with a smile, but you speak before him, “podrick payne.” you shake is arm, chuckling at his shock of you knowing his name. you knew of him, your little birds had told you all about pod. and by just looking at him, you liked him already, he’s much better than not-so-pompous and thinks-he’s-pretty.
“it’s nice you have you back, lady brienne. and with a squire no less. have your talents finally been appreciated by the crown?” you ask with genuinely.
she lets out a dry laugh, “no, they haven’t. the armor and sword were a gift, to help me keep my promise to the late lady catelyn.”
“i was heartbroken to hear of her death. we only met once, but she was a kind and fierce woman. i pray to the gods for her and her children,” you look at the floor as you speak, then to brienne, “does your new sword have a name?”
she smiles, excited to speak of her new weapon, “oathkeeper.”
“a good title for both you and your sword,” she’s too stunned to respond, “hungry?” podrick nods happily.
podrick asks you loads of questions, most of which with a full mouth, you happily answer. after a minute, your eyes widen, dropping your fork as you scramble from the table. brienne’s thoughts catch up with yours. larkin. she hears your usual call for him.
before you’re even back at the table the boy is running in, faster than lightning. he had a huge, goofy smile on his face. brienne was shocked to see the boy a whole head taller since she had last seen him, no longer such a little boy.
“lady brienne!” he yells excitedly, almost running to hug her but sticks with sticking his arm out quickly. she returns it her equal passion.
“how are you larkin? how’s your training going?” she asks with real, genuine curiosity. you watched with a soft smile as he spoke with excitement, talking about everything and anything. brienne listened intently, nodding and asking questions. podrick noticed your smile, but only got half the reason.
“he your son?” he asks, no food in his mouth this go around.
you’re about to speak when you’re cut off by larkin, “pretty much.” your heart almost explodes in that moment, you won’t cry, you can’t, not until you’re alone. your nose twitches, and you grab your cup and large drink. brienne takes note of your rapid blinking that pushed back a wave of tears.
“um, larkin. you didn’t introduce yourself to podrick here, he used to squire for lord tyrion,” you change the subject to save your ego. podrick looks to brienne, who looks at you. how did you know that? she hadn’t told you that.
“wait, for the i-” now is your turn to cut off larkin.
“aye! don’t call him that boy, he doesn’t like it,” you look to brienne, “i know everything. little birds, you know this,” you read hers and pod’s faces easily. larkin had a million questions and so many things to say, and podrick was matching his enthusiasm.
“go show podrick the practice yard, he’s learning to sword fight as well,” you say, “you can talk all you want down there, give him a tour.” they leave immediately, even twice his age, pod had a childlike air about him.
there was tension in the silence, brienne wanted to break it, “how have you been?”
i swallowed and took a deep breath, “we’ve been traveling north, trying to stay as far away from the mess in king’s landing as possible. larkin told you about training, it’s just been moving i guess.”
“not what i asked. how have you been?” she leans towards you.
you can hardly look at her, “would it be bad to say ‘i have no fucking idea’?” you rotate the glass in your hand.
“no, i understand. i have been in the same position as of late,” she honest in her words. she’s felt a hole in the center of her chest all her life, one that felt like it was slowly filling in your presence.
“it’s good to see you again, brienne of tarth,” your eyes look into hers. she looks back.
“it’s good you see as well, no name of tarth,” she jests. “i believe i was promised your name upon our next meeting.”
“and i recall saying ‘maybe next time,’ did i not?” you get up from the table. she follows.
you walk down to her tent, giving her space to remove her armor, she knew it wasn’t necessary here. she kept her sword close, grounded by the security and weight of it against her hip. she emerges in her dark linen pants and blue tunic, and you’re sure her eyes couldn’t get any more blue. you kept your staring to a minimum, turning to continue the stroll. brienne stayed behind you for a moment, watching you now. your hair longer, not bothering to cut it while you traveled, the new scar on the back of your neck, disappearing underneath the collar of your shirt.
when she reached your side again, she took a second to take in your profile. the bags under your eyes visible, eyes straight ahead, jaw set. the world had been cruel since you last met, she could see that much. wooden swords clashing together broke her attention, seeing podrick and larkin practicing together. you and brienne both chuckled at larkin’s noticeable higher skill.
you kept walking, letting ‘the boys have their fun.’ you sat at the fire pit, brienne sits on the same log as you this time. you. it’s sit in comfortable silence now. she feels your staring, eyes fixed on left ear. your eyes traced the shell, where there was a light scar from your first encounter. she turned to face you, you look away, facing the fire once again.
“i like it, you know. the scar. it’s a nice reminder,” she says.
you laugh, “you like that i threw a dagger at you?”
“not at all. i like that i won’t forget meeting you.”
you liked this as well, a permanent reminder of you with her. you only wish you had more that memories to remember her. you relied on memories of the flames lighting up her face, orange fire making her turn golden. you thought about her often when you couldn’t sleep, which seemed to be most nights as of late.
“you seemed to have accidentally left something in my stores,” she jokes.
“i was wondering when you’d mention that,” you sound nervous, and you continue quietly, “i was hoping you may hear the horns one and respond.”
it all made sense. she had heard you a month ago, calling, sending word to others, it was a call to bring others to you. to bring them home. she didn’t mention it, not wanting you to know she had failed you.
“i found my way regardless. how did you find me?”
“dorin. he’s quite the climber,” you watched her face twist, then fall. she had felt herself being watched the last time she was here, she never thought you’d have spies in the trees. you messengers in the capital being so well hidden made more sense.
“i’d gotten word of a certain lady knight leaving king’s landing, with a squire, no less. we were already headed north, as were you. i hoped our paths would cross, and maybe i willed it myself,” your voice is happy, but you still don’t look at her. she didn’t want to admit that your words had her heart racing, that you made her weak.
“i’m glad you did,” and you both just enjoy each other’s company.
supper comes, and podrick and larkin return, sweaty and covered in dirt. larkin stands next to the table as podrick moves fo sit down.
“were you raised by pigs?” you question. “go wash that shit off you before either of you sits down in one of my chairs,” larkin is quick to run at the aspect of sitting with everyone. brienne tilts her head towards podrick, he turns and follows the other boy.
“and they say women are the ones that who need orders to follow,” brienne says, and you laugh heartily. she bathes in the sound, a sound she caused. she wanted to hear your laugh again and again, and even more after that.
you look at her from across the table, face unreadable, “will you leave tomorrow?”
if her heart wasn’t already racing, oh gods would it be running for it’s life. she suppresses a shakiness that is migrating from her hands to her voice, “i think pod and i are quite weary from our travels, we may stay an extra night. just so we’re well-rested, of course.”
“of course,” you smile.
in the morning hours, brienne is greeted with a sight that almost tears her lungs from her chest. you were dressed down, no longer in your uniform. instead, black pants and grey tunic rested upon you, tunic untied at the top. your hair was wet, dampening the collar of your shirt. a dagger was still tethered to your thigh, you were never without one it seemed, an extension of you. you looked calm, peaceful even. no one else was awake, you had no responsibilities right now.
she approaches you, hoping you wouldn’t catch her admiring you. your content face grows a smile, crinkles around your eyes deepening. brienne was beautiful. no one could convince you otherwise, if they disagreed they must be blind, or dense, or both. she’s wearing a darker blue tunic, making her eyes look brighter. the sapphire in her irises encrusting your heart.
“good morning, commander,” she says slyly.
“good morning, lady brienne. sleep well?” you meet her halfway, only about a foot of space between you both. you smelled like honey and pine.
“best sleep i’ve had in months, truly. this is the first bed that hasn’t been made of leave or reeked of piss,” she says dryly, humor evident in her eyes.
“i’m glad. last you were here, you couldn’t sleep. i guess it’s because you’re no longer around strangers.”
“definitely not. except for you, i still haven’t got your name,” she wants to know, no, needs to know. she wants to say your name, to think of you more than just ‘the commander.’
you wanted to hear her say your name, but years of hiding had made your skin thick and your distrust in people thicker. you trusted her, but not the rest. “soon,” is all you say. she takes this answer, knowing she wouldn’t get another for a while.
you move away from her, eyes still on her face. she followed as you began walking, all the way to the tree line. you looked at her, silently asking if she wanted to come with you. she nodded, she thinks she’d follow you anywhere.
walking in the woods with you was peaceful. the crunching of sticks beneath you, the wet leaves dampening the sound of your footsteps. everything is quite, light, pretty. brienne feels like she left her stresses behind her at the tree line, all her doubts were in the tall grass. she stands behind as watches as you move slowly, crouching behind a tree, your movements carry no noise. she tries to move closer, but you look at her sharply, and she stays still. she watches you move quickly, hand going to your ankle, dagger out and thrown quickly. a large bird falls from branch across the stream.
you spring up from your spot, quickly and expertly crossing over the stream on slippery stones to retrieve the bird. you come back the way you left, holding up your prize to brienne, a satisfied smile on your face.
“breakfast for two, m’lady?” you ask with a bow, then begin walking. she laughs at your words, following you back to camp.
“how could i say no to that?”
getting back to camp meant getting back when everyone had risen. podrick was with larkin again, both shooting arrows into hay bale targets, both missing miserably. the bird was grabbed by a man who strolled by, yelling ‘gimme an hour’ over his shoulder. the camp was lively, brienne smiled to herself. it felt like home.
nightfall reached the camp, different groups stay around the different fires. the chatting, laughter, and music carried brienne around as she searched for you. after breakfast you had disappeared to discuss future plans with the leading men of skyforth, leaving brienne to fill the time without you. she wished she could have gotten more time to see the green of the forest paint your face. she almost wished you had been unsuccessful in your hunt, selfishly wishing she could have wandered beside you for just a moment longer. what has gotten into me?
she sits at fire, losing herself in the flames. she watches the dancing of light a little longer, feeling someone’s presence. she doesn’t have to look to know it’s you, but she does anyways, just to see you. you look at her just as intently, sitting to her left.
she meets your eyes, one concealed in darkness, the other shining in the fire’s light. she looks back to the flames. your eyes stay on her, she feels them searching her, the attention crawling on her like a gentle ladybug. her feels ears warm as she feels your eyes stay there, she blames it on the fire. that is until she sees a hand slowly rising to the shell of her ear. your fingers graze over her scar with a feather-light touch, the scar you put there. you were so gentle, brienne almost thought she was imagining it. she turned and look at your face, lips turned down, crease between your eyebrows prominent. you were ashamed of yourself for hurting her, no matter what she said earlier.
brienne’s hand comes to grab the one by her ear, holding your hand to display your scarred knuckles to her. she could she little ones around your fingers, faded and old, likely from your days before being a master of the dagger. she liked those ones, but the deeper ones, she hated.
“ask whatever you want,” you spoke softly, “i can feel your mind working, can practically see it too.”
her thumb runs over your knuckles, a question in itself. you answered, “most are from fighting, first one was when i was was taken from tarth, last was about two months after you parted. i try to keep my distance, but sometimes i’m impatient.”
she laughs lightly, trying not to break this quiet moment. she’s already about to burst at the seams from holding your hand, and you’re in the same condition in your own mind. you’re so focused on not shaking, that your haven’t stopped staring at her eyes in the orange glow. they were crystalized sapphire seas gifted to her, the only one worthy enough to be trusted.
“which one was the worst?” brienne asks, her voice is careful. you wince are the thought, pulling your hand from hers to move your cloak away and lift your tunic. just below your left ribs was a large, jagged scar, it was clear that the injury had been deep. brienne resists the urge to trace your scar as you did hers, her hands twitching.
you lower the tunic back down, “we got raided four years ago. assholes just went straight for the kids, so i threw myself in there. got four out of five down, last one got me with my own blade, took it from my back.” you take a deep breath, “he went for the kids, so i took the knife out and slit his throat. larkin and two others had to carry me out to the healers. they were just little babes, they shouldn’t have had to do that.”
brienne places a hand on your knee giving it squeeze, “they were able to save you because you saved them. they know you’d never let anything happen to them.” your hand sits atop hers and squeezes back, a silent ‘thank you.’
“i may ask you anything?” she clarifies, already knowing what she needs to know. the only thing she had been thinking about for a year.
you lean forward ever-so-slightly and whisper, “anything.”
“what’s your name?” she whispers back, she almost feels like she’s learning your deepest, most damning secret.
you close your eyes and huff a laugh through your nose, you knew she’d ask. you look back up to answer, but a large gust of laughter bursts your bubble. you’re both suddenly aware of other people moving closer. drinking hour has begun for the men, and the children are playing pretend with the practice swords. podrick was sitting with everyone, pretending he hadn’t been watching you and brienne every now and then, only being able to you slightly around her shoulder.
as everyone’s approaching the fire, you whisper the answer she’s being dying for. she reads your lips, going to test the name on her own tongue. your hand covers her mouth, free hand making a shushing motion, laughing behind your finger. you can feel her grin beneath your hand and it overwhelms you. you quickly take away your hand.
podrick sits himself on a log near you both, brienne’s eyes snap to him and are practically screaming ‘not a word.’ he just takes a sip of ale. ragnall brings you and brienne each a drink. he bends down to speak to you quietly, his words only traveling to your ears.
“don’t get too attached, commander. she’s here for bed and meal, nothing else. she’s leaving tomorrow and war is brewing,” you shove him harshly away from you, and he walks away, knowing you’d tell him to ‘piss off’ anyways. you visibly deflate, but take a strong sip to drown his words. brienne is enraged by him taking your smile so quickly, how quickly doubt clouded your eyes from his words. she wants to ask, but you shake your head.
“it’s nothing, he’s a killjoy,” you say as if it were nothing, but the shake of your leg gave you away. you press you palm into your knee to still it’s motion, brienne is confident she now despises ragnall. she’s not the only one who notices your mood plummet, because before she can even think of what to do, larkin jogs over.
“commander, could we do dagger practice? i want to learn throwing in the dark,” he tugs the sleeve of your upper arm. you stand immediately, arm wrapping around him shoulder.
“pinch me i’m dreaming,” you say as you squeeze the boy into you, hugging him tightly as he laughs, “did i just hear that you want to throw daggers? willingly?” you pull away and pretend to inspect him, angling his head is odd directions as he laughs, “are you sure you aren’t a witch, a shapeshifter?”
brienne watches the scene before her with a smile. how easily your spirits were lifted by someone you loved, especially this parental love you felt for larkin. she could never make you smile this much, she knows that larkin is the only one who can, but she wants to get close regardless. podrick watches brienne look at you, he finds himself sad for her that they have to leave in the morning. he knows there’s something more, and he knows brienne will ignore it as long as possible.
larkin begins to drag you, your voice carries over your shoulder, “you two coming or not?”
the four of you go to the targets. your demeanor changes from parent to teacher quite quickly. podrick attempts to throw into the target as well, missing terribly, while larkin’s land on the outer rings. yours create a horizontal line, one in the middle and one on each side. brienne throws a single dagger, she hits the target towards the bottom, but ‘at least hit she hit it,’ as pod grumbled put it.
larkin headed off to bed as the sky became devoid of light, podrick went for another drink and to warm by the fire. this left you and brienne at the targets. she watched you throw dagger after dagger, each hitting its destination as if you were moving it with your mind. you had covered the target almost completely, none of the daggers touching. she walked with you to retrieve them all, helping you silently.
“what did ragnall say to you?” she asks, breaking the tense silence. you paused for a moment, then continued.
“nothing of importance. he’s all work, no fun,” you grunt as you pull the center dagger out. the ones in the center were deep, some were down to the wood in the middle of the targets. “i’m sorry, i just… he’s an ass, and he knows how to make me cross,” is all you can say.
“i’ve got my own one of those,” brienne jests, trying to lift the mood.
“ah yes, but he’s all the way in king’s landing. mine is practically up my ass every time i think about sitting down,” you point a knife at him from across the camp, pretending to throw it, “prick.”
she laughs at your childish behaviors, “i think we should head back to everyone else.”
you roll your eyes, “and i think that if i’m within five feet of that ferret, i’ll choke him. i’ll stay right here.” brienne barks a laugh at your words, moving to grab a torch off the side of a nearby tent to light the small fire pit by the targets.
“would anyone question you for doing so? you’re the commander,” she says with a joking tone.
“probably not, but don’t tempt me, lady brienne. i have very little self-control,” you say back, sitting down next to the fire. brienne’s mouth shuts quickly, and she moves to sit with you.
she blames the heat rushing to her cheeks on the flames once again. she grows brave and responds, eyes coming back to your face, “maybe i should continue then.” she smiles at your eyes lighting up.
brienne’s mouth moves faster than her mind, “what did you mean the time we saw each other?”
your eyes fell to your lap, “i said a lot of things, be more specific.”
“that you know your own thoughts,” she wants to how if you see her the same as she sees you, all encompassing.
“stories people make up, men make up, when they feel small, are nothing of importance. i’ve met you, spoken to you, seen you,” your words make brienne feel a little sick, “so far the only truly thing they’ve said is that you’re tall, and from tarth. two things!” she looks at her hands, her mind raging against her.
you lean and grab her hand, “you are not a beast,” she looks at you, “or ugly, or any of that shit they dare say about you. they’re intimidated by you, you’re powerful and alluring,” you’re speaking from your heart it seems, “if you asked me, i would say you’re quite beautiful, perhaps handsome even.”
brienne tried not to think about it much as she fell asleep. she definitely didn’t think about you holding her hand and calling her beautiful and handsome. or the shy smile you gave her that made her heart squeeze in her chest, breath shaking with each exhale. or how you held her hand for an hour until you got up to smother the fire. or how you walked her to her tent and said goodnight to her quietly, like it was a secret message from you to her. or how you looked back as you walked away, lingering there for a moment.
the next morning, you stare at the roof of your tent for gods know how long. if you didn’t leave the tent, she wouldn’t go, right? of course she would, she has an oath to keep, a you tell your selfish mind. you rise, putting on your uniform, the weight of your cloak holding you together.
once you step out of your private tent, larkin is by your side in minutes. he’s quiet, much like last time. you had both grown fond of brienne, and he now had a friend in podrick, making this goodbye harder. your arm sits around his shoulders, muttering to him as you walked around to get breakfast.
larkin’s mood lifts upon seeing his new friend, jogging over to pod and talking animatedly. brienne was sitting a bit away, lost in thought as she ate. you looked her for a moment, taking in the sight of the morning sun casting a dream of light across her face, lighting her up like an angel. you moved to go sit with her, grabbing a pear from the center of a tablet you passed. you sit across from her, and bite into your snack as you wait for her to notice you.
brienne here’s a soft crunch near her, head rising until her eyes meet you. tired eyes, pear in hand, hair still down, you were quite a sight to her. she just smiled lightly while looking at you, you returned it. neither of you spoke, just sitting together, enjoying the last moments before she departed.
you feel eyes on you, turning to see ragnall with pointed eyes, staring holes into your skull. brienne sees your brows furrow, hand going to your ankle. before she can even say ‘don’t,’ a dagger flies through the air and buries itself into the beam he’s resting against, only a hair above his head.
“pay mind to your own business, ya owl-looking fuck. blink once in a while, won’t you?” you seethe, and brienne sees a similar anger from the first time she met you and smiles to herself. the men around ragnall laugh at your comment, one pulling the dagger out and bringing it to you with a ‘nice one.’
brienne finishes her food as you slowly finish your pear. you leave the food tent walking towards the horses, and she follows behind you. your hand comes up to the face of a light brown horse with white splotches across him, he nibbles at you hand in greeting. you grab a folded parchment, grabbing her hand and placing it there, palm flat over it.
“these are preliminary travel routes. they’ll probably change, but you’ll probably still be able to track us down. if- if you wan- if you needed to,” you pull your hands away, locking them behind your back.
brienne looked at the parchment, then you. her voice is soft, “thank you. maybe one day it won’t come to tracking each other down.”
“maybe there will be a time where we travel with each other instead of away,” you almost mumble. brienne’s heart almost couldn’t take it, the way you stared at your feet while you spoke and fluttered your eyelashes. gods, i hope so.
“maybe,” she says back, eyes never leaving you.
saying goodbye to you was going to be harder than last time, she didn’t want to say anything. she wishes she had left before you woke up, so you wouldn’t be able to see the homesickness in her eyes as she got further from you. she lead her horse to the front of the camp while you lead podrick’s, eyes catching each other’s every now and then.
larkin was with podrick, listening closely to whatever he had to say. you looked to brienne, “use the horn, will you? if i start following you now, you’ll never get rid of me.”
she smiles at your words, her voice speaks lowly, “who said i was opposed to that?” your brow raises, eyes looking directly into her. you’re about to comment back, but podrick and larkin make their way over.
you settle for, “goodbye, lady brienne,” you turn, “podrick. safe travels to you both, may we see each other again soon.”
she and podrick hoist themselves onto their horses. she looks at you, her eyes raking over your face, you had hardly slept either it seems.
“thank you, commander,” she smiles tightly, “i’m sure you’ll find a way to keep an eye on us.”
you laugh, “who says i don’t already?”
you approach her horse, petting him gently and you speak to brienne, “i mean it, use that horn if there’s any trouble, if you need anything. even just a meal and a bed, doesn’t have to be battle. please, just… just use the damn horn.”
she leans closer to you, “i promise you,” you’re trying so hard not to faint from the closeness, “and i don’t break promises.”
i said slowburn did i not? also if anyone else would like to be tagged in part 3 (there might be a part 4) just leave a lil comment on here :) feed back appreciated, love ya
tags: @another-unoriginal-username @the-bagel24
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skinnywalker · 2 years
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drymushroomfics · 24 days
Sandor Clegane x Female Reader
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Chapter Three
Walking into a tavern, you spot a familiar face. Someone you had met before working in Kingslanding. Someone who had saved you when you were merely a child. "Brienne of Tarth.", you say, walking up to her and her companion. She looks at you, eyes focused on yours, trying to remember you. "Don't remember me?… I don't blame you. I was just a little girl when we knew each other.", you tell her.
Her brows forrow before a lightbulb seems to go off. "Y/n?? The little girl who I used to play with in the gardens?", she asks, a smile on her face. "That's the one." You take a seat at the table with them and began talking. "This is my- traveling companion, Podrick Payne. Pod, this is y/n." "Very good to meet you! How do you know, Lady Brienne?", he asks you. "My mother worked in the kitchens for her father, Lord Selwyn Tarth… I helped out and Brienne would play with me outside. We'd fight with sticks in the garden. He'd get so angry when he caught her playing with one of the servants. After Brienne left the isle, I did to." "What have you been up to since then?", she asks you. "I've been fighting and traveling mostly. I worked in the kitchens of Kingslanding for years but circumstances led me to leave. What have you been doing then? I see you've got some very nice knight armor. Are you a knight then?" "Not a knight… Just a warrior keeping my oaths." "You were always so noble. I remember the other servant boys would pick on me and you'd scare them all away." "That sounds like Lady Brienne.", Pod adds. "What about you, y/n? Did you know, Pod, that as a small girl, she would stand right up to my father when he yelled at me. I was older than her and a little bigger. To this day, I still have never seen anyone stand up to him like that." You and her laughed. "So what brings you out here?", you ask them after asking the tavern girl for a meal. "We're looking for someone.", Pod tells her. "Who? Maybe I can help." You can see the hesitation on their faces. "I am not an enemy Brienne. I have no ties to anyone. I'm traveling alone with my mare… I could help you. Who are you looking for?" "The stark girls.", she whispers. "I haven't seen Arya since her fathers execution… and Sansa… She's gone? She was at Kingslanding when I left. Why are you wanting the girls?" "I promised their mother that I would protect them with my life. I swore an oath. and yes, Sansa is gone. She fled with Littlefinger after the King's murder. "The king's dead?" She nods, "Poisoned at his own wedding." You think for a moment, unsure of what to make of the information. "Who did it?", you asked in a hush tone. "People believe it was Tyrion Lannister and Sansa together." "I don't believe Sansa Stark would've done such a thing and if so, Littlefinger is surely to blame." "We believe so… But we have a trail on Arya. Only a day ago, we learned who she may be traveling with. Imprisoned most likely." "Who?" "The Hound. Your face turns red. "T-the Hound…. Why would she be with him?", you ask, your interest growing. "I don't know. Probably holding her hostage.", Pod adds. "I'll help.", you tell them, "Whatever you want me to do, I'm in." Brienne nods, turning to Pod and instructing him to ready the horses. Brienne notices your expression, "Why are you so red faced over the Hound?" You nod slowly, "It's a long story. He betrayed me and I want my revenge." Brienne nods, "Alright, old friend. I'll take the girl and you can have that blasted dog."
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