#the pre-wedding angst was peak
minimitchell · 5 months
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Underrated Ballum scenes [11/?]
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streets-in-paradise · 10 months
Third Fate - Achilles x Fiancee!Reader
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Requested by Anon
" Hey, I found your tumblr and I'm loving what you do here, mostly troy. I don't know if you're getting requests, but if you are, you can make one for Achilles based on that scene where he's told he can go and win glory in battle and have his name spoken for centuries or he can stay and be loved, have children, wife? I would love to see Achilles receive more love, with a wife and children. Feel free to make any changes you want, thank you very much in advance."
Hi, anon! I got this way sooner than what i expected because I was really in the mood to write it. The bittersweet mix of angst and fluff was exactly what I wanted to get into this week. Hope you will enjoy it :)
For a lenght concern i kept it in a pre war, pre marriage discussion of the prophecy. If once you read it you happen to like what i wrote here let me know and I can post a continuation showing what happens next ( i originally planned to do so, but it became too long so i prefer to save that for a second part)
Word Count 3.200
Warnings: Standard Achilles sexyness ( no smut, but if you watched the film you understand what I mean with this.) Some aspects of both, the canon of the film and the source material it is based on, were changed to fit the request in my envision of the story.
Summary: Terrible news disrupt the eve of your engagement to Achilles. He is called to fight in Troy and the spectacular war that the gossip foretells seems to be the destiny of greatness he had always dreamed with, but the price he has to pay for it is his happiness with you. The three days ultimatum Odysseus gave him is his moment to decide, but he won't do it without you.
Note: Inspired by two prompts by @creativepromptsforwriting
Prompt 1014 - " Well, the prophecy was a bit unclear about this part."
Prompt 1010 - " Let's not worry about the future. Let's just take this one kiss at a time."
"I like how that sounds."
Tags: @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @helie-brain
There was no easy way for him to explain to you what he had just found out. After Odysseus arrived bringing the news of the war in Asia you were already sad thinking of the distance that would keep your fiancé far away from you for an uncertain amount of time, but the real hardships surpassed your expectations. The whispers of fame claimed the conflict escalated enough to become the greatest war your world had ever seen, but you still imagined it as one war like many others he fought before. No matter the challenges found in battle, Achilles would always return to you. 
Except that he wouldn’t,not from Troy. His mother told him of an old prophecy announced before his birth assuring that war would be the peak of his consecration as a hero, but the price for this glorification was his death. From this fact fate allowed him only two options of choice. He could either stay in Greece and be loved during his lifetime knowing history would forget him, or go to Troy to make his name immortal facing his doom. 
To the end of his tale all you could do was cry, convinced that you were losing him forever. All your plans faded in just one instant, the life you dreamed together was gone. 
“ I’m not dead yet, look at me.” He sweetly mocked you. “ How can you be so sure already that I’m here to tell you I’m abandoning you to get myself killed?” 
You could tell he was trying, but that wasn’t making it any better. 
“ If you don’t go, you will regret it. “ Was your dry comeback. “I know you, Achilles. You live to fight, staying away from the battlefield feels to you like a punishment. I can never keep you for long, not even when war calls you to fight other greeks. Why would it be different this time? You were born for this war, not to labrate the fields and raise goats. If Troy is the fate of greatness that you deserve, I can’t ask you to abandon this life purpose for the sake of our wedding.” 
Despite how much he loved to see people worshiping as a hero, he was very aware to be a man in your eyes. Your approach was realistic and showed how well you knew him, much better than some of the men bleeding with him in war. If you fell for him, you did it knowing what to expect. Begging him to change his nature to fit the requirements of peaceful domesticity was never in your plans and you wouldn’t try it even if you were desperate. 
That didn’t mean he wouldn’t be able to surprise you on occasions, exactly as he did when he proposed to you freshly arrived from the victory against King Triopas and his giant Boagrius. 
“ Do you think I wouldn’t give it all away for you? Then I guess you don’t know me as well as you claim. “ He teased you with insistence. “ I can do well raising horses, I have some magnificent ones already. Do you know that horses are one of the most remarkable exportations of the trojans? If their city gets sacked by greeks and I manage to buy a few of theirs to mix with mine we would get an excellent rare breed. “ 
You cleaned your face and warned him against the mockery. 
“ Don’t play with me! With the memories of your proposal still fresh, fate demands me to let you go. Being your wife is my dream, but I can’t have you knowing I would be destroying everything you worked so hard for. The immortality of your name is a cause bigger than me, the happy marriage we could have had or the children I could have given you. It can’t be a coincidence that this war gets unleashed precisely now, just as we are taking the first step to formalize our union.” 
“ They are pressuring me to choose, it’s true, but the load of this decision lies in the fact that I want both more than anything.” 
Achilles interrupted himself to take your hand, inviting you to abandon the distance you were forcing ever since he began to explain the situation. 
“ I need you by my side, it’s the only vulnerability I have ever allowed myself. A glorifying death doesn’t scare me, but surviving far enough without you would be torture.” 
Your lips parted in sincere amazement for that confession, so unusual of him. 
“ A slow agony. If the war doesn’t kill me first, lovesickness will.” He continued. “ The comfort of lonely men fighting in foreign lands is dreaming with their distant wives at night, the hope of returning to them makes life bearable. I would not have this, from the moment I would board my ship I will be aware you are lost to me. All I would have is the wound of my pierced heart still bleeding love for you and plenty of time to wonder how wonderful it would have been to make you mine… Sooner or later I would lose my mind. Knowing glorious death would be the only comfort already promised to me, I would roam the battlefield searching for it. It’s most likely I would perform incredible acts worthy of being remembered, but I would do it as the insane man who is desperately looking for the warrior meant to kill him. The poets would write for centuries about the madness of Achilles.” 
“ Aren’t they singing that already? Many people have described you as a madman.” You teased him, unsure of how to comfort him. “ Not that I mind, but that is a fact.” 
“ They have no idea, unfulfilled passion would consume me in such an incredible way that Paris would feel a reasonable man hearing about me.” 
He dragged you even closer so he could hold you in his arms and you fell for his touch chuckling sweetly. 
“ Would you be competing against both princes at once while fighting the trojans?” 
“ The warrior prince and the lover boy wish they could compare to me, I win in each one of their expertise areas. “ He followed your provocation, then whispered at you. “ I fight as fiercely as I love. “ 
You bit your bottom lip to avoid an audible response, but your flustered face was speaking for you. For an instant you felt as if nothing had changed between you and you have never heard the terrible omens. 
“... Maybe that’s why no woman is meant to have you, the great goddesses would be jealous. “ You theorized out loud while caressing his cheek. “ It’s too much, like Icharus flying too close to the sun… Although I would be lying if I deny I would gladly burn and fall for you.” 
Achilles stopped the flow of words taking your breath away with kisses that numb your senses, but not your mind. He had the habit of expressing important things in short, ambiguous phrases or not saying anything at all. When the hungry kissing began to escalate and you felt his hands roaming the sides of your body you understood that was his answer. If he would be saying goodbye, he would at least try to keep himself distant to make it easier for both of you. Given that his involvement on the war would ruin your chances to formalize, he would be encouraging you to find someone else. 
 He was pulling up your skirt slowly, evidently searching for the heat underneath. The opposite of what you would need from him if he would be about to leave you, so you stopped him right away because you realized what that meant. 
" This isn't the time to act impulsively. I know you love me as strongly as i love you, but you have to choose what truly matters the most to you. If you decide to stay, others will be making history and maybe the pleasures of the thalamus will not be enough to cure the resentment for what you will be missing. Think carefully, hearts can change and the future wife you adore now can one day become the load that brought you down. " 
Although a sensical objection, that didn't seem to preoccupy him much. 
" Never, you were made for me. The omens were very clear, staying grants me a blissful life with you for the price of letting my name fade. I have only two options: be loved and forgotten or waste my life following the fool's orders until death will reward me with immortal glory. Between spending the rest of my life with you or with Agamemnon, I think it's clear where I would rather be. "
The sacrifice was too great, ultimate proof of his love for you. Behind that relaxed phrasing Achilles attempted to de-dramatize giving up his biggest personal dream for the one you shared, what you still considered wasn’t fair. 
Responding with an equal offer was not only what your heart began to crave, but an alternative solution neither of you had considered. 
“ There has to be another way, your mother never said what I must do in all of this.” 
He wasn’t sure of where you wanted to point, but began to suspect it. 
“ Well, the prophecy was a bit unclear about this part.” 
The mischievous happiness renewed in your eyes let him know you had just found hope in the most insane of places. 
“ Don’t give me that look, this is what happens for leaving you a while alone with Odysseus! Now you think you can outsmart destiny and find me a third end.” 
You smirked with pride before presenting your idea. 
“ I can’t interfere with yours, only my own. If no part is clearly stated for me in this sacred command sent to you, then nothing stops me from choosing one. Instead of having you abandon your dream to stay with me, I’ll follow it with you.” 
His eyes were wide open staring at you, disbelief making him feel you were then playing with him. 
“ Are you telling me we could just get married and board the ship to Troy the morning after our wedding night? What kind of honorable nuptials would that be? When all the wives of the country would be giving their farewell to their husbands, would you follow me like slaves are meant to? War holds no virtuous position for a woman to occupy, it would be a stain to your reputation your parents would curse me for. “ 
“ If your baby cousin can go, so can I.” You justified yourself.” To stop me you will have to stop Patroclus and we know that is not going to happen.” 
The exactitude of your threat made him feel frustrated. Not because he wouldn’t love having you with him, but since he was refusing to publicly humiliate you like that. All Greece would know you were going to be the only wife following her husband to Troy for unexplainable reasons and they could judge your morals. Decent wives were meant to wait for their husbands and take care of their homes, not let passion distract them from their social duties. War camps were masculine places meant to be despised by the women, since their only female presence was typically in a state of degradation. Besides, Helen had already caused a moral breach shaming the greek concept of marriage and that was the reason pushing the fight. People would be judgemental of your relationship, they would question you for immorality and him for lacking authority to make you stay like a normal wife should. 
He wasn’t thinking about him anymore, of protecting his name and the weight of his masculine prestige. He was extremely worried about you and the consequences it could bring when he wouldn’t be there to protect you. 
“ Do you sincerely want to go to Troy and watch me die?” 
“ It’s still better than watching you sail knowing you will never come back.” You terminated in response . “ I have heard the city is built to withstand a ten year siege, enough time for us to have a life together before destiny will reclaim you.” 
Arguing with you was hard, even if the idea was insane you would find ways to make it sound logical. 
“ A camp on the trojan beach is no place to start a family. “ He replicated softly, just letting you know he was trying to make you understand you couldn’t ask that. “ What are we going to do when the children come? Because they will, eventually. If you become my wife no omen of death is going to stop me from making love to you.” 
You smirked innocently, ready to deliver a justification. 
“ I'm not naive, Achilles! Do you think I don’t know what happens in those camps? Captives get pregnant all the time, so it's not impossible to go through it there. It may not be ideal, but I can make it. If you would leave me here and break our relationship to protect me from your fate, you could still put a baby inside your finest war trophy girl.” 
“ And who said I’m leaving?” He questioned you. “ I’m not doing it and I am not breaking up with you. Now stop with this nonsense, my wife can’t be giving birth surrounded by death.” 
“ But trojan women can? Because births aren’t going to stop there. “ You insisted, sitting near and acting as if you were two civil parts on a trial. “ Hector has a baby boy, if he can be a father in this mess so can you.” 
The provocation made him hold a groan, but he turned back and kicked the nearest surface as a frustration release outlet. 
“ It’s different for him, his wife is a princess and they have a city to defend. “ He tried to articulate in fast speaking, doing all he could to not show signs of anger growing because of your stubbornness. “ I don’t want you to have the life of a war captive, to denigrate yourself for me.” 
It was very sweet, you were feeling his pain but he had to understand yours too. 
“ As long as you are still breathing I will not accept a life without you. When the time comes I will embrace grief, but I’ll cry for you as your widow. In the meantime I don't want no one else, I’ll have the ground of your tent as thalamus and I’ll have your children.” 
He gave a few steps towards you, presenting one more solid concern. 
“ What will be of all of you when I'm gone?” 
That should have been a strong preoccupation making you desist, but it didn’t. 
“ We will be alright. They will inherit your share of the sacking, we know your death is linked to the fall of Troy so I can assume we will win something. Given that the House of Aeacus would possess fresh new heirs to renew the bloodline, I may even be able to bargain with Agamemnon the throne of Phthia for one of them. He hates you, but he would not be politically capable to refuse if you become the maximum fallen hero of the war he just won.” 
At that point he felt true powerlessness because he just couldn’t convince you out of it for your own good. 
“ They can’t grow in a warzone, think of the ruthless people they will become.  Those kids would not know any better until it would be too late for them. I don’t want a soulless soldier as heir, people saying Achilles’ son has surpassed the brutality of the father.” 
“ Let our little monsters run free through the camp, they will turn out fine if we guide them right. “ You imagined out loud, not scared at all by the dark warning. “ I can’t wait to see them messing around, you will be in tears the first time one of them will grab a wooden sword trying to copy their father.” 
Illusion was starting to make his negative stance harder to maintain, he loved what you were saying. It sounded so wonderful that he couldn’t help find some sensical feeling in it. There was only one detail you haven’t solved for his resistance to fall completely. 
“ How would I fight the enemy worried for you? You will be the only married woman around thousands of men and although I'm terrifying to most of them, I can’t keep control at all times. Some of those men will not be myrmidons, they will not know who you are.” 
“ That’s the best part: I’ll keep Patroclus bussy.” You announced with excitement, knowing well he wouldn’t resist it. “ I know you don’t trust him in an open battleground yet, but he would not accept being left behind so you have to take him or he would never forgive you. With me on board you have a safe mission to give him that would keep him away from combat but still make him feel a hero. By the time you will judge him ready to charge into battle my presence will be naturalized and his vigilant eye won’t be needed anymore.” 
Hope was truly hitting him because he started to feel as if the crazy plan could work if you all would make it work out. Most of the persons he loved the most could be with him for the rest of his lifetime, making the surviving gap before the consecration worth living. His little cousin, his best friend and his wife along with his future children all gathered like some warrior family. 
A taste of happiness before the end, walk the two roads simultaneously into a third fate. 
“ Blessed be your stubbornness, you wonderful woman! “ He praised you, surprise making his attitude switch as he rushed towards you. “ How can you be in every detail? You are insane, but I love you. I don’t deserve you, I can’t believe this.” 
He made you smile and by that point you knew you were about to win. 
“What exactly? My incredible ingeniousness, my gorgeous looks?” 
“ That you love me so much, '' He admitted, then picked you up bridal style. “ That you will be my wife and I will brag about having you to both greeks and trojans. I will not rest until you will be the most honored person in that camp alongside me, your sacrifice will be part of my legend and maybe that will be my start to repay you. “ 
His immense gratitude was making you chuckle due to the unusual intensity, but he wouldn’t stop. 
“ I’ll love you to my last breath, I promise you that.” 
You were all smiles while caressing the strands of hair falling at the sides of his face. 
“That’s all I want. No other payment you can offer matters to me because my will for sacrifice comes from love, just like yours.” You purred blissfully. “ Let’s not worry about the future, let’s just take this one kiss at a time.” 
Mesmerized as he was, he replied against your lips. 
“ I like how that sounds.” 
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freshlyrage · 3 months
Running Like Water
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Chapter 22
pairing: Javier Peña x OFC (written as xReader)
fic warnings: NSFW Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI) language, strained family relationships, mentions of drug abuse, discussions of insecurities and body image issues, daddy and mommy issues
fic tags: Best friends younger sister, Life-long crush, Friends to lovers, Unrequited love, slow burn, Push and Pull, Small Town Dynamics, Secret Relationships, latina MC, Fluff and Angst, OFC!Jessica Alba face claim, sorry Lorraine I’m bringing you into this, Time jumps, 2 year age gap, pre-canon
word count: 4.4k
a/n: Hi, I am back. Thank you for your patience and kind messages.
This is a peak for the story, next chapter is indeed the wedding and then the story picks up a bit. I am excited for this next leg.
Happy Double Update, read chapter 23 here
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Javier Peña says the words often. Javier’s first words were love and papi. He was his dads best little buddy so it came as no surprise that the first words he ever formed were a manifestation of how much he loves his father. He ended every night with an I love you. He hung his Houston home phone after sharing his farewells and I love you’s. 
It was easy to know how loving someone feels, but sometimes Javier got confused. 
He told his first girlfriend in 6th grade that he loved her. He isn’t sure he could remember her name so he’s sure he was confused that time too. He told Lorraine he loved her, often, in passing and sometimes he felt guilty about it. He sometimes pictured telling her in some grandiose way but their relationship had quickly progressed to the likeliness of a separated couple. So in Houston, if they weren’t fighting; she’d squeeze his shoulder and say, I love you, goodnight. 
Or when Javier was in the force he’d kiss her cheek and say, Love you, after she said, be safe. He feels bad about it, he feels bad because he might have confused her. Maybe she thought his love you’s before work were declarations of the act of being in love. He realizes that he was never in love with Lorraine. He loved her, he spent many years with her. At many lonely points in his life he considered her his only companion, his friend. For a while he thought all of that was good enough, a fathers love and scattered I love yous from an estranged girlfriend. 
Then Javier thinks of you and he isn’t sure he can get confused anymore. He can pinpoint the switch, the moment where his heart couldn't take anymore of his own games. It would be easy to say it was the second he saw your face when he came home but that wasn’t it. He’s sure he fell in love with you while he was with Lorraine. What a painful realization to have?  He’s been trying really hard to be a better man, but that fact right there— it sets him back. 
He remembers picking that orange out of your locker, he remembers desperately attempting to extend your interaction. He had been up in arms thinking about you, your face circling his brain during inappropriate moments. But as he followed you around the hall, chest constricting with every one of your movements, smiles, sighs—he knew he was a bad man. 
But in between the constant state of repentance for loving you while having someone else in his bed—he found himself basking in his love for you. Like on the drive back from your lacrosse game. It was rare that he rode alone, but Lorraine had work after the game. He pressed a goodbye to her cheek as she hopped in a friend's car. Standing at top of the hill, where the parking lot overlooked the field. You were still there, standing with wind bitten cheeks and dirt up the sides of your legs. Mouth guard dangling between your lips with a scowl as your friend Monica talked your ear off in between squirts of water.
Javier felt light headed and hard. He patted his pocket for his keys and turned on his heels to  quickly find refuge in his dad’s truck. 
He rolled his windows down when (I love you) For Sentimental Reasons by The Righteous Brothers rang through his truck speakers. Tapping the wheel, singing off key and picturing you blinking your pretty warm eyes at him with a shy smile like you did. He felt utterly ridiculous when he slowed at a red light and was faced with just how loud he was being. Tilting his baseball cap tighter to conceal his face as he mumbled the rest of the song. 
He realized he was in love with you in that truck.
He tells you in that truck half a decade later. 
And there is no singing, or wheel tapping. There certainly wasn’t a Texan breeze instead still heat down in the bayou. And you aren’t covered in dirt and amused, instead covered in tears and frozen. Your face crinkling with another wave of emotion as you lean your temple against the window. Brows creased, face covered in red blotches. “You—what?” You made a face like it was so shocking. Like you hadn’t been trying to tell him all weekend. 
“I said that I really love you.” He isn’t backing down, his voice is stern and unmoved. Despite wanting to crumble into you and hold you until you stop crying, he knows he can’t be weak here. With the same stern tone he follows a bit quieter, “And I’m not sayin’ it in the way I should’ve told you when we were kids—when you needed it the most, but I'm telling you now so you don’t doubt it.” When he had to be firm and strong a slight southern drawl rolls from his lips, he pulls from his father when he needs to be firm. Picking up on his linguistic patterns when it’s needed. 
Your cries are no longer audible but instead just cheeks lined clear. “Javi-“
“Loving you is easy, being in love with you has been much easier.” He turns forward once more, cranking the ancient truck with a rumble that hides another audible sob from you. “I’ll take us home. And when we’re home I’ll take care of you–I don’t care how it’ll look to your mom or your fuckin’ big brother.” And he begins to drive. Almost angry with his movements like he’s bothered that you’re shocked by his love. His jaw clenched as he drove away from the rolling lawns of rich Lousianians. There was no way of reading his mind but truthfully, he wasn’t upset with you–Javier? Never. He was running circles in his own head, fighting the urge to make a u-turn and beat your father to a pulp.
Instead he talks to keep you distracted more so himself. 
At that moment you wished you didn’t need to be cared for, but if it was anyone in charge of that job–you could only pray it was him. You hiccup.
“My feelings for you changed when I saw you in 7/11 all those years ago. I tried to act like seeing you like that didn’t fuck with me. I was crushin’ on you so badly I started acting like a damn fool.” He makes a sharp turn and you stare at him behind blurry eyes. “I’m sorry for taking so long to tell you. I know you’ve wanted to say it for a while. I couldn’t find it fair, I put you–us through all of this. I should be the one to say it first.” He sniffles and reaches a hand to the overhead compartment, taking his yellow tinted sunglasses. Effectively covering his eyes. 
It’s silent for a moment until you scoff. The sound has Javier’s neck snapping, it’s the first sound other than sobs. Your nostrils flare, and you almost laugh. Laugh at all of it. Laugh at the years you spent pining over someone who felt the same, at how stupid this all was. How you put so much value on a man who never bothered to find you or even care. Javier looks at you with concern as you short stop at a red light, he’s probably thinking you’ve gone mad. Giggling to yourself through red eyes. 
“You’ve always gotta beat me to it huh? You called me first, kissed me first, said I love you first. Shoot–even when we were kids, I would ignore you out of shyness but you always came running to say hi to personally torture a timid girl like me.” You shake your head and wipe your tears. You used to find it cruel, the way Javier had to always center you in every setting you were in. After every first move he’d make, you sat in your bed later that day thinking–damn if only I had done it before him. 
His lips twitched at their corners, his beautiful smile shining through, shaking his head and looking straight back at the changing light. “You snooze, you lose, baby.” He shrugs and steps on the gas. You sniffle still smiling, god you had whiplash from the emotions flowing through you. For now, for this moment, you were something that felt like content. Free maybe, free of a father who seemed to have his own head in his ass anyway. You were sad, yes, heartbroken even, but man did you feel lighter. You look to your boyfriend as he drives the car you practically grew up in. Sitting in the same seat you’ve sat in hundreds of times before. And you’re just so glad to be next to him. 
“Well then, I really love you too Javier.” 
His brow wrinkles above the shades, “I know.”
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Four hours into the ten hour trip the two of you had stopped three times. It was late at night already, the two of you won’t make it until four am the next day at least. As the sun sets Javier asks you if Laredo feels like home to you. 
You wish you weren't so embarrassed about your answer. 
“Well, it didn’t feel like home when I was in Miami. I would come home for break and the house felt so empty. Frankie and Genie were traveling, and you were gone and Monica moved away–Liandra was abroad. I cried every night of January, missing the way it used to be. So I guess it feels like home when everyone’s home.”
Javi could have predicted the answer because it was the same for him. The emptiest he had ever felt was when he came home a few months ago to no one but his father. Laredo was home because of the people who loved him. 
Laredo felt like home this time around, it didn’t surprise him that New Orleans felt like home this weekend. Maybe it was because you were beside him.
Javi fell asleep at the wheel and you had to steer for a split second. It scared him so badly he allowed you to drive to the nearest motel. When you offered to drive the next stretch he looked to you with a firm scowl and that idea died fast. Locking up the car and paying a skeptically low price in between the border of Texas and Louisiana. 
The two of you crash in bed, your legs sprawled over his chest like a koala. He holds your head in the crook of his neck. If you weren’t so tired you would have taken advantage of another night alone. You tried, slowly making out-all tongue and quiet moans. Until he began to snore and you followed suit. 
Slapping the alarm at 6 am. Brushing your teeth, showering and changing into tiny shorts and a tank. Javier nearly chokes at the sight of you. 
The two of you head out on the road again.
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 You’re sad once again once you gain sight of your house. Afraid to face your mother, knowing what you know. Afraid to sympathize with her in a way you never have before. You begin to cry again, practically begging Javier to turn around, begging him to drive to another motel. 
He promises to take you inside, “I’ll talk to her baby, I’ll take care of it. Let me take care of it.” He lets you breathe for a bit while he unloads your bags from the trunk. His sunglasses pushed over his hair, he somehow opened your door for you with busy hands. Leaning against the car, awaiting your strength.
Shutting your eyes tightly, once, then twice, blinking sense into your body. You step out into the stiff heat of home. Hair pooling at the front of your chest, sticking to your face in its natural waves, your eyes swollen, tips of your fingers brushing under your lashes. Drying all that you could. Javier stares at the ground and the two of you cross the street. 
“You head up to your room and unpack, I’ll talk to your mom. I’ll tell her to give you space. She can gather herself before the two of you– you know.” His hand grips the strap of your bag, how desperately he wished his hands were free so he could hold yours. You nod anyway, your own fingers coming up once more to feel the earring pierced in your lobe. It provides a strange swell in Javier’s chest. He was being so kind, offering to talk to your mother but you knew it had to be you first. How you ached to be taken care of, this though, this you had to do. You were in pain, what's a little more?
The front door is open anyway, you step through. 
Frankie, Genie and Melissa are all sat at the island. Frankie’s brows screwed in confusion, a smile splitting Genie’s face and Melissa with a frown. 
To hell with doing this on my own. 
“I’m going to unpack!” You blurt before anyone could utter a hello.
Startling everyone you run upstairs without your bags. Leaving Javier in the entryway with far too many bags for a weekend stay. Flip flops making a shockingly loud noise on the carpeted stairs. You turn the corner, your hands fumbling at the familiar coolness of your doorknob. You throw yourself into bed and immediately begin to panic. To hell with your dad, why was everyone here, for crying out loud? Of all times your selfish brother could stop by– today! You hoped to god Javier was down there using his DEA sweet talking skills. 
God it would be so much easier to snoop if this house wasn’t so damn massive. Goddamn inheritance.
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 “Is she alright?” Genevieve asks, setting her tea down. Her shirt is tight enough to reveal the slightest formation of a bump. Frankie is giving Javier a death stare, all serious. Javier chuckles, setting down the bags and walking over to the bar in which they all huddled. Melissa hurried to pour him a glass of sweet tea. Javier nods a thank you. He hopes this conversation is quick so he could come upstairs with you. 
“She–” He sips, his eyes locked with Frankies. He’s trying to kill him with his mind, Javi thinks. He gets it for a second, showing up a day late with his sister who had obviously been crying. Thank god your hair was down, you had been marked up with hickies from the weekend. Javier changed his gaze and locked in on Melissa. “She met her father yesterday.”
Melissa did something Javier has never seen her do. The overly friendly yet passive aggressive lady, the total asshole that ran the Diaz household–Melissa Diaz– dropped her head in shame. 
Burying her face in her hands, not crying, no she doesn’t do that. She breathes slowly through her nose, muttering tiny sentences in Spanish, perhaps prayer. But Javier was distracted by her, distracted enough to miss Frankie having the same reaction. Muttering a Fuck, earning a squeeze from Genevieve. 
Melissa looks up from her hands, a wrecked expression–something between anxious and heartbroken. Javier felt so out of place delivering this news. “So she knows.” 
He nods, his attention turning back to Frankie who was now pacing with the bridge of his nose pinched. Javier understands Melissa, he understands why she never told you. Javier heard all that your father said, it truly had sounded like one of the most heart wrenching experiences a young mother could go through. But Frankie– “You knew?” Javier’s voice booms, he never wants to fight with your brother but Javier’s protective side is noxious. 
Frankie shakes his head, his hand dropping. “Course’ I knew!” He shouts back. 
“Tone it down!” Genie shouts and like always, Frankie listens with a deep breath. Javier calms it too, standing feet away from someone he calls his best friend. He wasn’t sure if that was even the case anymore, maybe if it was ever the case. 
“She was too damn sensitive. We were waiting until she was ready to let her know.” Frankie shakes his head, his eyes locking on the image hanging behind Javier’s head. You with a window space between your teeth in the first grade, eyes shut mid image. Javi has passed the image a million times, he knows the one from the way Frankies angry eyes settle. They settle in the way everyones does when they think of her, when they think of you.
“She’s twenty two.This experience was really hard for her–the-the things he said to her, Frankie.” He’s nearly choked up, his hand shaking as he gestures at the stairs, the anger was building in his chest and it wouldn’t go down. He turns to your mother whose eyes were wide and glassed “And Ms. Diaz, I sympathize with you. I really do. But you knew she was going to see him–she told you and all you could do was make her feel more alone. Threatening to kick her out?”
Frankie’s eyes snapped to his mothers now. “Mom? What?” Her lip quivered and for the first time in her life Frankie looked at his mother as if she wasn't a perfect reflection of mother Mary. Genie scoffs too. For a moment Javi feels bad for her, then his eyes fall to the fridge, fall onto a christmas magnet. Holding up a picture of the two of them on the couch of the church basement, her in a ridiculous dress and him in that cable knit sweater he loved once. 
In black ink,
A.D (16) y J.P (17) 1979.
And he’s reminded of the holidays. 
“I didn’t mean it. She just never listens to me. I told her not to go.” Her voice shook and there were tears, Javier had never seen the woman cry before. Not in this way. “She has a family here, I was hurt that she wanted a relationship with that man!”
Frankies furrowed brow relaxes for a moment and he’s back under the spell of his mother, he steps closer and Genie grabs her hand in comfort. “Mom, it’s alright–”
“Jesus fucking christ.” Javier laughs, rubbing his tired eyes. His eyes are tired of yellow lines, green lights and tearful eyes of the woman he loves. So fucking tired of being the only one who can see clearly even through all this exhaustion. The three shot glances back at Javier. Frankie scoffs an, how dare you curse in front of my crying mother sort of scoff. “You rarely treated that girl like family. She spent Thanksgiving with me! My dad has thrown her birthday parties since she was fourteen! I carried her to my house and my dad patched her knees. So I’m sorry that Andrea’s interest in a family elsewhere hurt your feelings.” Genie has covered her mouth in shock and the looks on your family's face could only be compared to one of a child who was just reprimanded by a teacher.
With his chest rising and falling in anger, Javier points at the fridge. Your mothers eyes snap to the polaroid image of a young tired you and a grinning Javier. 
“Andrea was fifteen in 1979.”
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You fell asleep by the time Javier comes up to say goodbye. He watches you curled in a ball in the middle of your bed and he yearns to sneak in next to you. But he couldn't. Instead he opened your drawers and sat at the edge of your bed sorting your luggage. You surely did overpack, he feels a bit guilty for not giving you enough time to dress in all the pretty things you folded neatly. The silence rings out in your room, just enough for him to hear the mess he made down in the kitchen. He stayed as quiet as possible to  hear the bickering from upstairs. 
How dare he speak to me that way! He hears your mothers muffled screech. He also hears words of I’m calling his father. He snickers at that, how stupid. Shaking his head and placing your shorts in your second drawer (the one with the carving of your name in it, where all your shorts went) he surprisingly hears your brother respond. 
He–had a point mom, we haven’t been the best to her. You know that.
Javier freezes with his brows shot high. Javi never really included your brother in the blame until recently. In high school he just thought his best friend was an immature shitty older brother– that's the way brothers were. But the older Javier got older the more he thought about you, the more he thought about your mother and your brother. The more bitter the taste on his tongue settled. From the recent stern talks he had with Frankie he saw that he cared but for things that truly didn’t matter as much. Scalding in anger at the thought of his sister with Javi but completely indifferent to the neglect he cosigned. 
Javier never thought he would hear Frankie agree with him on this topic. So he stayed frozen and quiet enough to hear him.
We tried–I tried. Melissa cries. Javier finds it hard to feel any sympathy for your mother.
Obviously not hard enough–thanksgiving! 
Was that true? She spent thanksgiving alone? Genie’s voice slipped in. 
There was a scoff, It was only three times! 
Javier decides to stop listening.
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You wake up at eight in the night and realize your sleep schedule is fucked. You had a week to recover. The upcoming Saturday was finally the wedding and the second round of summer school doesn't pick up again until the end of June. You felt Javier kiss you goodbye in your slumber. You also knew at about 6 pm your mother slipped into your room and spoke to your half asleep body. Your back faced her as your body slept but your mind wasn’t. You could hear words unspoken by her once before. You almost heard sniffling but you weren’t sure. 
He wasn’t ready and I was. I was so angry–I’m still so angry and I take it out on you–Andrea, forgive me. She kisses your shoulder, and your mind tells you to flinch but your sleepy body leans into her rare affection. 
She says I’m sorry, I’m sorry I don’t know to be your mother. 
You're not comforted but you're relieved to hear it. 
You chose not to forgive her. But you listen while she tells you the story of your life in all honesty for the first time. 
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Your mom doesn't ask you to take care of your baby sister, you offer it instead. You watch her practice her wedding speech. She cries at each attempt and if you weren’t so upset you would laugh with her about it. You miss Javier dearly, it's only been a day but you suppose you’ve been spoiled rotten by the weekend away. You think of calling him the second you woke up but you decide to cool it. You pick up your sister from the living room floor and walk her around the neighborhood in the new stroller your step-dad bought. You saw them in a catalog a few months back, gasped at the price and closed it quickly. 
You suppose it was nice to be alone, you spent the entire walk thinking of your father, of your mother. You pictured your half sisters, people who hadn’t been a thought in your head until two days ago. You wondered if they suffered differently, maybe they suffered more having a man so cold in their lives. On your way to the park you pass a flyer for Peña’s Ranch Hand, and you don’t cry about your father for the first time. You walk right past the park and end up at Chucho Peña’s residence. Not for Javier, just for his father. 
Don Chucho is smiling ear to ear when he finds you with little Sol, he says “Javi isn’t home mama.” You laugh and surprise him by saying you were here to see him. 
You recline your napping sister and sit at the dinner table, served with sweet tea. You laugh for a few hours while he tells you stories of a young Javier accidentally overfeeding his first fish named, papi, because that was the only word he knew. He tells you he would smell the weed from the basement almost every time, you drop your face in your hands in embarrassment. You all truly thought you were insulation masters with the door crack stuffed with towels. “That smell came straight upstairs, I was just happy you guys weren’t out on the streets you know.”
The sun sets and you thank him for always being there. He kisses your head and says, “You have always been like a daughter to me, thank you.” You decided maybe you could be alright with this little family. 
You reassemble the stroller and the door opens before you could even reach for it. Your face is met by a small breeze and the imposing view of Javier in a suit. His face had been his natural tough set, pouted and bothered to be alive. He doesn’t register it’s you for a moment, but his face softens entirely when he realizes his eyes weren’t deceiving him.  Your lips quirk and your head flies to look behind your shoulder to find the hall completely empty, Chucho out of view. Javier looks too and wastes no time in leaning forward to press a quick kiss to your lips. “Leaving so soon?” He whispers before standing up straight.
You blush like a schoolgirl, gripping the stroller with your life. “Yeah, just wanted to visit your dad.” You jut your chin at your sleeping sister. “Also she fell asleep during our walk.”
Javier’s eyes brighten at the sight of Soleil sleeping so peacefully. “Qué preciosa.” He kneels running his knuckle across her cheek and something in your belly tightens at the sight. “I can take you two home.” He says once she straightens up again, with a groan like an old man. You look out the door behind him, the sky still bright pink and the sun warm. 
“I’ll walk, I’ll call when I get home.” You smile and he nods. You look over your shoulder once more. “See you later baby.” You step on your tip-toes and kiss his cheek, you head on your way. 
Javier watches you leave until you're out of sight and he begins to breathe funny. He’s almost glad it's him that has to leave at the end of this because he can't bear it be you to walk away. 
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broomsticks · 1 year
femslash fic recs: ginny + infidelity
for a request on the @hpsaffics server! most are smutty; there is some dead dove. i do admit i went slightly overboard with the number of fics on this list. i make no apologies 😂
dead dove content includes: noncon, heavy kink, underage, incest.
⭐️: my personal faves, but ymmv!
the same as they always had been by violetclarity (6k, M): a long term affair
Honoring the Head Girl by Viridescence (3k, E): poly femslash, written pre-OOTP. Hermione is eagerly looking forward to the secret Gryffindor ritual for honoring a new Head Girl.
⭐️ Consequences by Inell (800, E): ginny/hermione/pansy, who’s polyjuiced into luna. CW noncon, mind control and other heavy kink.
⭐️ Apples and Oranges Too by drawlight (ripeteeth) (1k, E): forbidden love. podfic elsewhere on AO3
A Helping Hand by Rorimore (3k, E). "My git brother not fucking you right?" Ginny wondered, leaning in closer towards the table.
The Hand We've Been Dealt by Kylo_Ken (5k, E). When Hermione discovers her fiancés affair, she does what any sane woman would do; she sleeps with his sister.
Can I Tell You Something? by SleekGeek (4k, E): ginmione, pre romione wedding.
⭐️ Just bring me flowers by Anakletos (300, M). poetry! incredible pining!
⭐️ Green Light by iota_after_dark (6k, E). What if the best way to get over Ron was to get under Ginny? there’s no cheating in this one, romione are “on a break” and hinny are open — but the ginmione smut is Very good.
⭐️ the Aesthetic of Realness by imaginarium_imperfecta (25k, E): ginsy, pansy planning the hinny wedding. When you don't know what you want your wedding to be like, you call Pansy Parkinson. That's her job: To figure out what you want, and then give it to you.
⭐️ Chasing the Sun by sdk (1.5k, M): established hinny, infidelity and angst. They don't touch anytime it's real.
Vases of Vanity by Slumber (1k, T): Pansy and Ginny meet at a benefit while both are married to other people. steamy!
Yes, Mrs Zabini by Dramione818 (7k, E). in which pansy is ginny’s boss and married to blaise.
⭐️ Water & Earth by @venom0usbarbie (series, 8k, E). bill dies pre-story, gorgeously written fleurinny angst.
⭐️ The Peak of One's Girlhood by hjgmilf (2k, E). pre bill/fleur wedding, hermione and ginny throw her a bridal shower at the burrow. fleur/hermione/ginny.
Girl secrets by piximera (2k, E); what fleur does instead of getting a divorce.
⭐️ Fall by arcadian_dream (1k, M). on the eve of hinny’s wedding. podfic elsewhere on ao3.
(no smut just kissing, at most, in all but the last. lots of songfic!!)
not in love tonight (but i might fall on another day) (1k, T). established ginny/OC, linny kissing in the club fic set to ‘i kissed a girl.’
you should probably leave by awesomefatkitty (1k, T). luna pov linny, past hinny, more kissing and angst
Happily Ever After by Kitty September (KittyAug) (7k, T). ginny time travels to the past to fix it.
Those Who Choose by Lomonaaeren (3k, T) amicable divorce, hinny -> drarry and linny.
Speak Now by onlykatelyn (3k, T) hinny wedding, inspired by the song by taylor swift, ends in drarry and linny.
Values by Shadowmun (2k, E). ginny is the one being cheated on here -- consensual infidelity (of the ‘opening the relationship to reignite the spark’ kind), linny + luna/OFC
misc Ginny rarepairs
⭐️ Something We Do by sdk (1.5k, E): ginny cheats on harry with millicent, ft. hot angsty kink. You do what I want until I ask you to stay.
⭐️ The Flavour of Loss by @vdoshu (7k, E): postwar grief and mourning and andromeda/ginny, hinny, prev bella/andromeda.
⭐️ Starting Over by @val-creative (400, M): ginny/tonks, ginny is pregnant and finds herself having doubts.
Someone to talk to by FireOpal (Sandel) (3k, rated M but imo T?): ginny/hannah (ginny is cheating on harry), dialogue-only fic.
gather your peace like fine, woven threads by kwritten (3k, G but… imo maybe M? there is definitely implied smut): cho/ginny, eighth year fic.
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divorce arc my beloved
finally got the first 2/3 arc of my hangster divorce fic outlined. Here's a sneak peak at act 1 scene 1 & 2 & Act 2 scene 2 (my fav angst - ie the actual convo that leads to the divorce)
ACT 1 Scene 1 
from when they meet to when they fall in love
they meet in a bar in Tennessee when they were both running away from their pasts and towards something they wanted to be
They seduced each other and somehow it was an instant connection even as strangers.
then they hooked up and became vulnerable, telling each other their secrets not knowing they’ll be seeing each other again
they meet again in flight school. WHOOPS - now they know more 
they fucked around and fell in love 
they decide to say fuck it and be who they are, who they could be both in flight school and in their own personal lives (Renegades) Bradley being himself vs Goose Mav clone, Jake being someone other than a Seresin, the perfect son he left behind
they were great together in flight school. they didn’t mingle with the rest much, they only cared about getting through and getting deployed and being with each other
ACT 1 Scene 2
Jake takes Bradley home to meet mama seresin and sis + B proposing in malibu during vacation + small wedding + honeymoon somewhere 
first time Jake brings Bradley home is after flight school before deployment. He brings B to the Seresin farm. B gets Jake's sister to help him propose to Jake 
he proposes at Malibu on vacation (a couple of days), they get married next week in a chapel (only them and momma seresin and sis)
Jake tried to get Mav and Ice for the wedding but he didn't mention it properly and so it didn't even get to them personally, it just stopped at Ice's secretary who told Ice some random naval cadet sent an invite (this was pre TOP GUN so pre-Hangman being well known, before they were lieutenants)
B doesn't know Jake invited them. They get married.
They honeymoon wherever they get stationed (they get stationed together for a while and it doesn't matter if they’re in carriers a lot cuz like - they get days off on shore and they’re together so it’s fine)
And im going to skip a few parts (because Im not giving everything away) and go to the divorce hehe
ACT 2 Scene 2
the breakup and divorce
Jake comes back from deployment ready to talk but finds B drinking. Angry. Not talking. (they had a fight before this)
Jake asks what’s wrong, B doesn’t reply. Doesn’t say shit. 
They get into another fight. B throws out things like Jake can’t even be a good husband and be there for him, not be there for family
Jake tries to explain that he lost a wingman and he was not ok and that B wasn’t there for him either. That Jake needed time to fix himself first
Then B says something really stupid: that he should have known to expect Jake to not be there because ofc what else is he known for if not leaving people hanging out to dry. just like how he lost his wingman. 
“Too busy chasing a kill to be there for those that need you and it kills them. Why did I think you’d be here for me” (he’s projecting bc he just was so angry)
That was too far. “Then if you always knew you couldn’t trust me, then why did you marry me?” 
B can’t answer. He knows he can tell so many reasons, but he doesn’t know if all that applies to Hangman. Not now. 
Now they were trying to stay still in one place and build something and neither knows how to do it while still figuring out their careers.
J: Why did you marry me Bradley?
B: because it was easy. Don’t know if that’s true anymore. 
I have 2k outline done for everything pre-mission. please give me encouragement cus idk if I will actually end up writing all this o my own (motivation is hard to find lol) but ya if anyone wants to know more just hmu here or on discord :)
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hughjidiot · 3 years
Amphibia Fanfiction Spotlight 2: Electric Boogaloo
Well people seemed to really like my last Amphibia fanfiction spotlight post, so here's a few more of my favorite fanfics for anyone interested.
Orange Juice by Melah94 aka @melleficent. This AU is one of the biggest departures from traditional Amphibia fanfics, featuring the girls just being normal girls on Earth, and a plot of Sasha struggling with an eating disorder while her friends desperately try to help her get better. The author has done their research and shows respect writing about such a serious subject, and has a great grasp on writing all three of the girls, who still genuinely feel like themselves despite the vastly different challenge they're facing. Currently ongoing, you can read it here.
Little Honest Butterfly by IAmTheTimeLord aka @iamthelordoftime. This season 2 AU has a guilt-ridden Marcy confess everything about her finding the music box as soon as Anne and the Plantars arrive in Newtopia. As you might expect, it doesn't go well. Anne's conflicted feelings as she reconciles Marcy's actions and motivations make for some compelling reading, as does Marcy's slow guilt-ridden spiral into self-destruction. And with plans to add Sasha to the mix soon, the drama promises to get even juicier. Currently ongoing, you can read it here.
Getting Married but It's No Big Deal by Dragonlover_Spinel. If the angst and drama of the last two stories aren't to your liking, here we have a simple two-shot of a Sashannarcy wedding. There's a bit of angst to be found as the girls have natural pre-wedding jitters, but the story is mostly full of fluff, humor and plenty of wholesome moments between the women and their families (both adopted and biological) as well as each other. Also has a bonus third chapter containing a sneak peak of the story's sequel that follows the Calamity Trio on their honeymoon, for anyone interested in that. You can read Getting Married here.
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meganshinsou-tm · 4 years
naughty or nice ➝ [kirishima x reader]
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☙ naughty or nice prompt: new year claim
☙  cw/tw: angst, could be implied cheating but its not cheating, wrong place wrong time, a/b/o, heat/rut, simple speech/heat talk, knotting, blood, emotional smut, unprotected sex.
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Time is strange.
It can be described as seconds, minutes, days, months and years. It can hold so many emotions, events, so much pain and love in any interval. The strange thing about time is how all those seconds, minutes, days, months and years of pure bliss, unconditional love, happiness, trust and bonding, can all be shattered and destroyed in under a second.
It was a year ago when that reality hit you and Kirishima like a fucking freight train.
The agency that Kirishima and Bakugou owned and ran together, threw a New Year’s Eve party every year for their employees and loved ones. And like the good boss that he was, Kirishima attended every single year and of course you were right there by his side. You had been by his side for five years and him by yours. You two were the couple among your friends and the cliche fated mates. 
However, despite being together for so long, you weren’t bonded biologically just yet.
One of the things you and Kirishima had always shared were your hopeless romantic ideas and beliefs. You were waiting for the right moment, the right heat to make that permanent bond. And it wasn’t that you were unsure that the other was your life mate because that was one thing you were more sure of than death itself. Kirishima just wanted to make sure that that one moment you shared together would be the most unforgettable. It was a moment he was looking forward to more than an actual wedding and sometimes it would come before seeing the birth of your first pup. 
But as Kirishima twirled you around on the dance floor and held you close, he knew that tonight was definitely the night that he finally popped the question. 
His body was alive with excitement and nervousness, waiting impatiently for the two of you to get back home after the party. Change into your jammies and sit in front of the fire just in time to countdown to the New Year together. Share another first kiss of the year and follow it up with ‘will you be my mate?’
It was the perfect time to ask because your heat and his rut would be starting just a few days after. Being together for so long had your cycles synchronized and that only made the whole mating process that much better and easier to plan for. 
Yeah - he was the fucking man! He had this in the bag!
“What is up with you Ei?”
Kirishima hummed and looked down to see you staring back up at him. A quizzical smile dressed your face, there was a light blush on your cheeks and glossiness in your eyes from the effects of your pre-heat. A constant purr radiated from your chest and vibrated against his own. Kirishima smiled back and kissed your cheek before nuzzling against your scent gland and purring in return. The two of you reeked with sweeter pheromones and were so much more affectionate, if that was possible, due to the ‘honey-moon phase’ of your cycles.
“I’m just really happy baby.” He replied softly.
Kirishima forgot to add nervous as all fucking hell and maybe just a smidge bit horny but that wasn’t important right now. What was important was his sudden need to pee. 
He squeezed your hip gently and cupped your cheek with the opposite hand, pulling you in for a kiss that lingered long enough to garner a ‘get a fucking room’ from Sero in the background. When Kirishima pulled away he excused himself briefly, leaving you behind in a fit of giggles as you stormed towards the black haired hero with the threat of smothering him in kisses. Kirishima chuckled and exited the ballroom, unaware that he wasn’t entirely alone on his journey.
Some new rookie hero, fresh out of UA that just started at the agency decided to join him. She wasn’t his or Bakugou’s sidekick, she wasn’t anything to Kirishima. He had seen her rarely besides during the daily briefing meetings before their work days started. But she was crazy infatuated with him and a little intoxicated at the moment. And it’s that liquid courage that caused her to crowd and invade his space when he exited the bathroom. 
Kirishima was thrown off at first, hands coming up to rest on her shoulders so he could push her a safe distance away. The brief wave of her breath that followed was all he needed to know that she wasted.
“Uh - Aiko right? You okay there,” he asked with genuine concern as she swayed to the side, “Whoa you seem a little woozy yeah? How about we go find your friends and get you -”
Kirishima’s sentence was cut off though when the girl stumbled again conveniently right into his arms and she took the chance she had to place her lips against his. 
Red eyes went wide in shock and Kirishima found a grip on the girls arms again, but before he could get a chance to shove her as far away as possible and let out a very displeased scent, his ears picked up the sound of an all too familiar hurt whimper. His nostrils filled with the scent of burnt salt and withering rose petals and his heart dropped straight into his gut.
“No - no, no, no,” Kirishima growled as he shoved the girl away, “(Y/N) it’s not -”
Yet another sentence had lost its life once Kirishima saw you running away from him, tears running down your cheeks and a sob being muffled by your hand.
Bad alpha. Fucking disgrace. Unworthy of mate. 
Kirishima growled with rage and a hardened fist punched straight through the drywall next to him. He panted and heaved, face breaking out in his quirk and claws becoming sharp as knives. 
Unworthy. Unworthy. Unworthy.
The alpha inside of Kirishima was relentless in its scolding from the moment his feet finally moved from their spot and the entire time he rushed home in a panic. Not only were you absolutely fucking ruined because of him, but you were also alone, emitting low level heat pheromones and un-mated! Every single worse case scenario ran through his head as he ran red light after red light and he hoped and prayed to whatever god there was that you were home safe. 
When he finally breached the front door of your shared home, his nose scrunched up and a low growl left his lips at the putrid scent of his omega in distress. It was suffocating and thick and it felt those times that Kirishima would go hiking with Bakugou and be gasping for air once they finally reached the highest peak of their journey. His alpha was highly unsatisfied and yearned to comfort his omega and his legs took him straight upstairs to the source of the scent and stopped immediately outside the barrier of it.
Kirishima tried to enter the small office that was deemed your own little safe haven but there was a biological barrier that wouldn't let him. He grunted, trying to budge even an inch, whimpering and crooning, trying to convey that he meant no harm but the scent you were producing overpowered his actions. 
It was rejection. Pure rejection towards him.
Your body was balled up in a makeshift nest on the floor that was devoid of Kirishima’s scent. No clothing in it belonged to him, none of the blankets held any sign of him on them. You trembled and wailed into the pillow that you clung to, clawed nails digging deep enough to shred the fabric. You were so hurt, so distraught, and Kirishima felt like he was dying while having to watch it all.
Not only did your scent alone keep him from entering but the fact that you were in a new nest and hadn’t given him permission to step into it yet held him in his place. 
“P-Please ... baby please l-let me in. It’s n-not what you t-think,” he struggled and fell to his knees, tears brimming his own red eyes, “God, p-please just let me in with you.”
“I - I can’t e-even look at you right now,” you managed between sobs.
Kirishima hung his head low between his shoulders, literally on his hands and knees, begging. You lifted your head finally and looked in his direction, both of you making eye contact and freezing. Your lips trembled, face littered with tears, snot, drool, runny makeup. Kirishima’s eyes were rimmed red and puffy, lips parted and silently mouthing out apologies and pleas to be heard. You were the one to break the stare and wiped an arm across your nose before standing to your feet and walking towards the door. 
For a second, the alpha was hopeful as he looked up and went to rise to his feet. But that hope was shattered when you spoke again with a broken voice.
“Go away.”
Kirishima stood there looking at the stained wood before him. His teeth grit and he banged hard on the door, claws dragging down it as he let out a pained cry and slid back down to his knees.
“I’m so sorry,” he whined out and curled into himself on the floor.
Even though Kirishima knew you didn’t want it, he still pumped out comforting pheromones to try and help ease your hurt even just a little. Eventually you grew too exhausted from the breakdown and accepted it, letting Kirishima’s scent finally lull you to sleep. When he could hear your purring instead of sobbing, he let exhaustion take over his body. The alpha slept so hard that he didn’t even get a chance to stop you from leaving the next morning.
Kirishima woke in a panic, crawled into the open room to find the small nest on the floor empty. In the midst of rummaging through it he found a note.
‘Don’t send the calvary out for me, I’m fine. Going to stay at Mei’s for a little bit … I just need some time Ei. I love you.’
Immediately Kirishima was pulling out his phone, calling you and trying to reign in his highly pissed off alpha. 
“Eijirou I -”
“Please come home! You can fucking shun me all you want until you’re ready to talk, I don’t care! But please, I’m begging you (Y/N) just come back … y-your heat is in just a few days baby!”
Kirishima heard a small whimper on the other end. A bout of silence dragged on before you finally spoke up again and Kirishima swore he could hear both of your hearts shattering at the same time.
“I know.”
For the first time in years, you and Kirishima spent your heat and rut apart from the other.
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Taking out the last suitcase from the vehicle, Kirishima closed the trunk door with a grunt and turned around to look at you.
“I think that’s everything.”
You wrapped a hand around the handle of your luggage and looked around before turning your attention back to Kirishima. A smile small crossed your face and your opposite hand reached out for his own. Happily he took it inside his massive hand, giving a light squeeze as he leaned down enough to lick your cheek and nuzzle it with the tip of his nose.
You giggled and started to purr when he shrouded you in his scent, not caring that small hints of arousal intermixed with it. Kirishima trailed his nose lower towards your scent gland and placed a small lick to it with a low rumble from his chest. 
“Ei,” you whined quietly, feeling your skin prick with a wave of warmth before shaking your head and pushing the alpha away playfully, “Down boy! I wanna get at least one spa day in and some rest before you go all energizer bunny on me!”
Kirishima chuckled and gave a soft nip to your cheek before wrapping his free arm around you, his opposite hand grabbing his suitcase. You melted into his side and walked in step with the alpha towards the front doors of the resort you arrived at.
“Yes ma’am.”
Once inside, you continued to stay glued to Kirishima’s side while he talked with the front desk clerk and went about the process of checking in. Your eyes and head moved in order to take in the new surroundings and new scents. Your heat was only a few days away so everything about your body was hyper-aware and sensitive. 
Just a few days before Kirishima had surprised you on Christmas with a long planned trip to this place called Astoria. You were very aware of what it was and also very aware of how extremely expensive and high in demand it was! 
Astoria was the resort most soon to be mated or mated couples sought out to spend their heat-shares so it was a very popular spot. But apparently, Kirishima had been saving up for a two-week stay at Astoria every since his very first job back in middle school. Once again, Kirishima was an utter hopeless romantic and since he was a young pup, he had always dreamed of bringing his future mate to such a place. Once the two of you first met each other, he always knew you would be the one he’d spend that trip with. 
The place was located up in the mountains, nestled away from any nearby city. The scenery was breathtaking, the ground and plant life covered in thick blankets of fluffy white snow, a couple breeds of wildlife could be spotted all over prancing about. There was zero sign of any loud noises such as sirens, cars honking or trains speeding by. It was what you imagined heaven on earth to be like.
With a happy purr, you turned your attention back to the front desk clerk, listening in with Kirishima as they explained the amenities and services the resort offered. 
Astoria had plenty of spa services such as full body massages and masks, facials, waxing, saunas and such. There was even an on-site chiropractor! A five-star restaurant was also on the premises. And along with the room service, Astoria offered meal plans that you could set up before your heat and ruts started, guaranteed to be delivered to your room however many times you needed a day at scheduled times. Aside from those services, the rooms themselves offered plenty of bonuses. 
Each of them were padded well to help block out any scents from leaving or entering the rooms, it also helped to make them sound proof for obvious reasons. Housekeeping was on hand at all times eager to replace linens, towels, offer whatever they could to help make your stay as comfortable as possible. And of course the rooms held their own mini fridges that stayed stocked with water and healthy hydrating energy drinks.
Once you and Kirishima were given the full run down, menus and forms for your meal plans and room keys, you thanked the clerk and started towards the elevators in search of your room. You couldn’t help but feel giddy and excited to unpack and venture around the place with your alpha. Kirishima himself was practically purring as he held you close in the elevator and kissed the top of your head. 
You happily wrapped your arms around his waist, nuzzling close to his side and scenting the other with pure blissful pheromones. 
This trip was something you both deserved after the year you had. 
It was going to be the perfect way to celebrate how hard the two of you worked to right the incident that nearly cost your relationship the year before. If it weren’t for your biology, things would’ve gone back to normal the second you finally gave Kirishima a chance to explain what happened but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.
After that awful night Kirishima was finally able to explain what happened a few days later when you finally met face to face at a cafe. Right off the bat, you knew Kirishima was telling the truth, you didn’t need evidence of it, just knew. Kirishima would never purposefully hurt you, shatter everything you had built together - it was always so obvious how he was so unconditionally in love with you, just like you were with him.
It still hurt of course and biology was a bitch. 
Even though you both made up in your minds and hearts, his inner alpha and your inner omega were still distant. Your omega thought it was rejected and unwanted, Kirishima’s alpha felt like it was unworthy. Everything was thrown off and shattered and had to be rebuilt. It didn’t happen overnight, you knew that, but you loved each other so fiercely and were determined to get through it together. 
That day, you scented the other before leaving the cafe and it didn’t feel the same. What was once the most treasured interaction you had, felt unfamiliar and you hated it, you both hated your stupid biology for doing this. You couldn’t help the tears and quiet cries that escaped as Kiri held you close, whispering promises that it would be okay, that it was only temporary.
You went back home that night and the process began. 
Even though you chose to still sleep in the same room, Kirishima slept on a cot at the end of the bed. The bed was your nest - it was where you shared everything together and it had your claim to it. Understandably Kirishima wasn’t welcome there anymore … at least not just yet.
Over the months though everything started to pay off. Your scents started to blend again without a hint of uneasiness or fear. Scenting finally started to feel like breathing again and you no longer cried but giggled when Kirishima tickled and teased you sensitive glands with his nose and long lashes. Eventually he was welcomed back into your nest and Kirishima finally felt at home. You felt at home.
When it came to your heats and Kirishima’s ruts after missing one together, it was rough.
The two of you were so out of sync with the other after just one fucking missed cycle and it only made your heat pains worse and made Kirishima’s alpha feel like he couldn’t provide for you. The amount of tears those days of your first heat-share together again easily outweighed the amount of slick and cum. But like everything else it slowly became better. Every other month you started to get back into sync. Each cycle brought new want and desire for the other, less tears, less pain. 
Your last cycle together was one of the best - both your omega and Kirishima’s alpha finally started to bond again.
So for your last and final heat of the year, Kirishima decided to give his plan one more go and hoped and prayed with everything he had that this year it would go the way it should’ve the year before. And when you happily said yes to not only the trip but also to being his life mate, tackling him to the floor like an overexcited puppy - Kirishima and his alpha were over the moon. 
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After getting settled into your room and unpacking, you and Kirishima had immediately set off to explore Astoria. That entire day and night was spent getting pampered at the spa with the whole nine yards of self care, leaving the two of you purring loudly together when you finally left and went back to your room. Happy pheromones rolled off the two of you in thick waves uncontrollably without a single care. 
You were so relaxed and felt boneless that it didn’t take long for you and Kirishima to pass out for a long nap on the bed. A few hours later you woke up starving and decided to shower together and get dressed to go try out the on-site restaurant. Both of you ate enough to feed an entire army and passed out yet again when you returned to the room.
Your next two days were spent going on walks on the trails set up in the woods, hitting the spa again and acting like teenagers at the on-site arcade. When it came to your fourth day, the two of you were actually pretty tired and decided to stay in the cozy room and nap between the room-service binge eating sessions. Your heat and Kirishima’s rut were getting closer and it seemed logical to start preparing for it because it would probably only be another half a day before they hit. 
Currently, you were cuddled up together under thick covers, purring happily and nosing at the others neck like a couple of overly affectionate puppies. It was nice to just roll around together with playful bites and growls, fingers teasing and tickling at the other’s sensitive spots. With your cycles being only a few hours away it made your scents more potent and intoxicating to the other, had your skin feeling warm and flushed with a tingle underneath. 
When you managed to straddle Kirishima and pin his hands to the pillow underneath him, fingers intertwined, you let out a satisfied yip and leaned down to lick at his cheek.
“I win.”
Kirishima smiled wide and chuckled with a nod. He took in a deep breath, picking up on the slightest scent of slick from you and his alpha growled lowly. You smirked down at him and released his hands, nails dragging lightly down his palms and forearms, earning a continuous deep purr from Kirishima as they continued across his shoulders and chest.
“How much longer do you think we have,” you asked softly.
“Maybe only till the early morning - if we’re lucky. I think with us being so fucking relaxed right now though it might hit us sooner if we don’t hold it back.”
You hummed back in agreement, leaning over to rest your head against his chest and listened closely to his heartbeat and purr. 
“I think I might try to go get an hour in at the gym, maybe run a bit on the treadmill first, we also need to fill out those meal plans while we’re still able to think.”
“You can do that while you’re down there at the gym then, you know what I like,” you smiled and nipped at his chest, “While you’re out I’ll get my nest made and take a bath before you get back.” 
Kirishima smiled and pulled your face to his and gave you a soft lingering kiss, using the distraction to toss you off of him and onto the bed, his body quickly hovering over yours and his lips tickling your face and neck with kisses. 
“I win!” He chimed before hauling himself off the bed, you chasing after him with a slew of curses.
After a few more minutes of playing, Kirishima changed into his gym clothes, grabbed the paperwork needed to arrange the meal plans and headed out. Immediately you got to work on the nest, pulling out the small bag packed full of your favorite items that were saturated in the scents from home and of Kirishima. There was one particularly fluffy blanket, a few shirts of his that he worked out in all the time, they were clean of course but he used them so much that hints of his musk stayed in the fabric. The room itself also offered plenty of fresh blankets and pillows in the closet specifically for nesting and you added those into your items. 
Nearly thirty minutes later you stood at the end of the bed, hands on your hips and a smile on your face, satisfied with the structured mess you made. Every omega’s nest was different, some were tight and neat, others just jumbled piles. Yours was a bit of both. There was a prominent ring that had to be crawled over, the blankets and pieces of clothing laid out all about it in layers that made it look like the fluffiest place on earth.
Happy with your creation, you moved into the bathroom and ran a hot bath.
An hour later on the dot Kirishima returned. He huffed and wiped the sweat from his brow as he crossed the room. He saw the bathroom door was closed and smiled at the signature nest made on the bed. Kirishima was always so proud of the effort you put into making them, he knew it was no easy job and was also very meticulous. 
His fingertips ran along the barrier of it as he made his way to the balcony attached to the room. Leaving the door open, he rested against the railing with a bottle of water and looked out at the snow-covered scenery, thankful for the cold air that hit his overheated skin. The hour of gym time helped to bring his adrenaline down and calmed his alpha, keeping the literal beast at bay for at least another hour or two at most.
A few minutes later the sound of the bathroom door opening caught his ear, along with your thick scent. He growled to himself, taking a controlled breath to calm down before turning around to see you wrapped in a towel. You smiled at him but it fell quickly when your knees suddenly gave out with a gasp. 
Kirishima was by your side in seconds, catching you before you could even touch the ground. 
“Shit, you okay baby?”
You cleared your head with a shake and managed a smile at him, hands holding onto his shoulders while he helped you stand back up straight.
“I’m fine Ei, the wind just … your scent.”
“Shit I’m sorry - I forget how potent I can be after a workout,” Kirishima chuckled.
You purred when his large palm cupped your cheek, the other against your warm neck. His thumb brushed along your scent gland and you melted into him. Arms wrapping around his waist and face burying into his drenched with sweat shirt. He let out a laugh and kissed the top of your head.
“You smell so good Ei.”
If Kirishima didn’t have immense control over his alpha and hadn’t just ran his fucking lungs out on the treadmill, he may have mounted you right then and there. You reeked of arousal and slick, hands wondering his body desperately while gasping ‘alpha’ like a mantra. After a couple more seconds, Kirishima lifted you from the ground and you moaned at the roughness of it. Your arms and legs wrapped around him, hips already rolling in a frenzy for friction against his broad body and half hard cock.
“Calm omega, not yet,” he crooned against your cheek while turning to the bed and laying you down in the nest. 
Only his top half was in it as he leaned over and rubbed at your side gently. His nose ran along both sides of your neck before he took your wrists and brushed them against his glands - scenting you just enough to bring you back to your senses. 
You breathed heavily and Kirishima helped to remove the towel from your body. The balcony doors were still opened and the cool air helped to cool you down. 
“Give me just five minutes to shower baby,” he spoke while going to the mini fridge to grab you a bottle of water and a small snack, “Drink and eat this to hold you over and when I get out I promise you won’t have to wait anymore ‘cause I’m sure we’ll both drop in no time.”
You nodded and took the items, earning a kiss and ‘I love you’ from Kirishima before he left your side and slipped into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
When Kirishima finished his shower and entered into the room again, instantly he was hit with the scent of omega in heat. 
It was stronger than usual and caused him to stumble, hand holding himself up against the bathroom door frame. His head hung low and he breathed heavily, mouth watering and his quirk rippling under his skin. 
The air was so thick with need, arousal, desperation and … distress?
Kirishima suddenly panicked and he looked up, frozen in place once he saw you trembling on the bed with the heels of your palms pressed firmly to your eyes to try and stop the flowing tears and quiet sobs. It caused Kirishima to bolt towards the bed, only to halt abruptly at the edge of it.
The nest. 
It was new and he didn’t have full permission yet to enter it. 
“B-Baby will you let me in, please. You gotta let me in!”
You whimpered from hearing his voice. Even though it was right there, it felt miles away. Desperately you wanted to let him ... except your omega suddenly felt rejected all over again. Somehow in the short span of time he showered, your crazed pre-heat brain had your omega think he left you, rejected you again. And that hurt and rejection was overpowering any logical thinking.
Kirishima could only stand there helplessly on the outside, body trembling with need to comfort his omega and sad croons leaving him. Still he pumped wave after wave of his scent, reassuring and comforting and thankfully it was enough to give you clarity for a second.
You nodded quickly and cried out his name.
Instantly Kirishima invaded the nest, hovering over you protectively with his massive body. His elbows caged your head in between him and hands pulled yours from your face. He nuzzled the glands on your wrists, pressing his cheek to them, kissing them, wiping them against his own neck. Kirishima did everything in his power to smother you in his scent. He crooned again, nosing at your cheek and kissing it while he managed to move your bodies and have you held tight and close to his chest and in his lap as he sat against the headboard.
Your faces buried in each other’s neck and his scent, his hold helped to calm your omega and reel it in.
“A-Alpha left … don’t want omega again.”
Kirishima gasped, heart shattering and he choked on a sob, realizing what happened. Clearly your omega panicked without his constant presence in such a dire fucking time after what happened a year ago. He shook his head and cupped your face in his hands.
“No baby, that’s my fault. I’m so fucking dumb I - I should’ve left the door open or something,” he apologized and kissed at the tears streaming down your face, tongue slipping out to lick them up and clean your skin of them. 
It helped and you deflated at the care and love in the action. He was trying to help you heal. It helped to clear your head and let you breathe, let you think.
“E-Eiji-” is all you breathed before desperately reaching for him and pulling him into a kiss,
You both growled and cooed, holding onto each other so tight that your nails buried into the others skin but the pain was nothing.
You broke the heated kisses in between with more cries and gasps for air while shamelessly rutting against Kirishima’s cock that quickly grew heavy and hard, throbbing. His teeth bared and he hissed, bucking his hips up. You produced so much slick in his lap, the feel and scent of it clouding the alpha’s mind and senses, making him desperate to be inside of you so much that it hurt. Kirishima full on whimpered and you whimpered back in response, feeling the same pain. 
Soon enough, the two of you rutted so fiercely against each other that his cock slipped easily through the mess and popped inside of you without any resistance.
“E-Ei - fuck,” you cried out at the intrusion and sudden feeling of being so stretched out and full.
Kirishima groaned and growled loudly, hands gripping your hips and head falling to your shoulder. His hips fucked up slowly and yours rolled into him, meeting his pace.
Feelings of lust and sadness consumed you both and it was … strange. 
There was this burning itch in both of your guts that wasn’t even close to being shaken, even with his cock buried inside of you and slowly fucking up into you. Even as you clenched around Kirishima so tightly that it took his breath away.  It felt like you were chasing something that you were so close to, that you could fucking taste and smell but when you’d get a hair away from it, the smallest shred of a barrier kept you from it.
“Baby … I-I …”
It wasn’t until you heard the breaking and equal sadness in Kirishima’s voice that it finally hit you. You whimpered and let your forehead rest against his, shoulders shaking as you breathed out.
“I’m … I’m so scared Eiji.”
“... I know, I am too.. “
The admittance of fear from the both of you felt like a giant wave a relief suddenly. The invisible barrier started to crack. 
You looked at each other, both with tears and knowing small smiles. Kirishima crooned and took your face in his giant hands, holding you steady and to the earth, to him. There were sighs and growls, whimpers and coos as you still slowly and deeply fucked yourself on him. Kirishima grit his teeth and shut his eyes closed tight, making the globs of tears roll down his cheeks.
“I .. I’ll always be so - so sorry for what happened.”
“Y-You didn’t do -”
Kirishima growled and bucked his hips up roughly, cutting you off and making you yelp.
“That doesn’t matter (Y/N), your omega, my alpha, they still … they still hurt. They’re still both scared. Right? You’re scared that you’re not good enough - that I don’t want you?”
You whimpered with a nod, hands roaming up his thick chest and wrapping around the sides of his neck.
“And I’m scared that I don’t deserve you, that I can never be worthy of you ever again because what alpha hurts his omega - makes her cry and feel unwanted?”
Your head shook and you tried to scent Kirishima, showering him in your pheromones, purring and nuzzling against his scent gland. He accepted it all without question, happily drowning himself in it.
To Kirishima, it was like standing at the shore of a beach. The smell of sea salt was so strong that he could taste it on his tongue when he licked a stream of tears that reached your neck. It was like swimming, floating in ocean water side by side with thousands of rose petals - the rich subtle sweet scent of them balancing out the salt. It was perfect, it was home - it was you.
Tears ran off his lashes onto your shoulder.
“I love you so much baby … and I’m so sorry you hurt because of me but I promise, I fucking swear on my life - I’ll never let you hurt again. You were meant for me remember, you’re my fate.”
You purred and cried quietly into damp red hair, wrapping your arms around Kirishima and holding him close as he held you the same with his face in your neck.
“C-Claim me then ... seal our fate.” You breathed out with a slow and softly demanding roll of your hips that rendered you both breathless. 
Kirishima’s fangs ached instantly and his knot started to form. His alpha reared its head at the sweet demand. There was no question in it, it was an order. His mouth watered more on your neck to the point of drooling and he teethed at your gland, wanting so badly to sink into it. You whimpered and trembled in his lap, becoming sloppy as you still helplessly tried to fuck yourself on him.
The corner of Kirishima’s lips quirked up into a brief smile and he grabbed your hips, stopping them and taking over. 
You whimpered and pulled away, looking down between the two of you to watch his hips fucking up at a steady harsh pace that increased in speed only to slow down for a few thrusts before speeding back up again with the help of his hands bouncing you up and down on his cock. Kirishima kept it going that way for a while, panting heavily from how thick your scent was and the lewd moans you let out at watching him disappear in and out of you. 
He growled from the feeling of his knot catching on your cunt - slipping further and further with each thrust. You moaned and whimpered pathetically, hanging onto his shoulders and digging your nails into them. Your skin was flushed all over, hot and damp with sweat and tears. Your chest heaved erratically from breathing so hard and crying.
Your eyes locked with his - irritated and red rimmed but still so beautiful. There was no color left in them, nothing but black iris’s blown wide.
“P-Please alpha - claim me,” you panted and leaned in, offering your neck to him, “Need y-you, need to be yours forever.”
“O-Only if omega claims too. I need you so much more.”
Kirishima growled and let his own scent go without restraint, offering his neck. His alpha was submitting in return, wanting to become equal.
Your eyes lidded and you took in lungfuls of fresh rainwater, feeling like you were caught in a heavy downpour of it, soaked in it. It wasn’t cold rain but so warm and sharp with a hint of crisp lemon and ginger that made you melt and purr constantly. The scent was reassuring and protective, it was Eijirou and it was all yours.
Finally - a smile started to form across your face, small hands taking rough looking yet soft to the touch cheeks in their hold. 
You looked into equally blacked out eyes, glossy and soft, and so full of love. Another tear fell down your cheek but Kirishima knew it wasn’t full of hurt, not full of fear. It was happy.
The two of you licked each other’s cheek and purred together. The purrs turned into desperate moans once that barrier had become totally broken down and you were able to finally taste what you needed all along. 
“K-Knot - alpha please. Need knot … need claim - fuuck, need to be all yours. Please alpha, please!”
Kiri started to growl, slamming you up and down on his cock with more vigor, panting and drooling as his knot was closer and closer to locking inside of you. His balls tightened and ached, cock throbbing and ready. He tilted his head to the side, teeth just barely sinking into your gland before he pulled away to command breathlessly.
“Omega claim first.”
You trembled, the whimpers and moans leaving your mouth were choked off from how hard and determined Kirishima was fucking you. You managed to nod and buried your face in the crook of his shoulder, taking one more lungful of his beautiful scent in and licking the gland  before sinking your canines into it. Kirishima was fucking thick with muscle everywhere and you had to put more drive into the bite. But the second his massive knot popped inside of you, it helped you drive your teeth deeper and you locked your jaw - successfully claiming the alpha. 
Kirishima threw his head back against the headboard, nails digging deep into your hips and fingers gripping, bruising and scratching the skin of them as he emptied inside of you with a loud cry.  You whined when liquid warmth filled you, cunt clenching around the fat knot and milking it desperately.
You gasped for air after releasing Kirishima’s neck and licked your blood covered teeth. Arms wrapping around him and holding him close as your head fell to the side with a whimper.
“Alpha -”
Kirishima was on you before you could even finish, strong scarred arms holding you close while canines sank down and locked tight onto your gland. You came hard with a high pitched wail, fingers carding through red hair to grip tightly at his roots and body going rigid in his hold before falling limp. Kirishima hummed and nuzzled his face deeper before releasing, chest heaving and lungs aching from gasping so hard for air. He growled at the taste of blood, rose petals and salt water, the growl turning into a loving low rumble when he wasted no time in tending to the new wound with a gentle tongue.
In no time you were shrouded in exhaustion, eyes falling heavy and a soft purr tickling against Kirishima’s collarbone. Your fingers slowly twirled in his hair and he gently positioned the two of you laying on your sides in the nest, locked tight together by his knot. He kept you held close, hands rubbing up and down your back and petting your head.
“My sweet little mate - I love you so much,” he spoke into your hair.
You smiled sleepily and vaguely heard the sound of fireworks going off in the distance before replying
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jackiesarch · 4 years
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Updated: February 9, 2020
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Jacob Seed
don’t pretend you don’t love the pain — ao3 // tumblr
M | Jacob Seed/Female Deputy | Biting, Fluff, Established Relationship, Implied Sexual Content
She wakes to feather-light touch on the edge of her bottom lip, a sweep of sensation from the right corner of her mouth to the left.
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T | Jacob Seed/Female Deputy | Kid Fic, Domesticity, Mild Angst
Rook tells him she’s pregnant, and he loses his goddamn mind.
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T | Jacob Seed/Female Deputy | Kid Fic, Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship
Jacob nudges her awake early on a Sunday morning, long before the bunker is echoing with the sounds of daily life, long before anyone in their right mind should be awake.
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E | Jacob Seed/Female Deputy | Vaginal Sex, Overstimulation, Established Relationship, Humiliation
If she bites her lip any harder, Rook is going to put her teeth straight through it. As it is, her incisors are digging a cut so deep that she can taste the familiar tang of blood flooding her mouth.
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T | Jacob Seed/Female Deputy | Hurt/Comfort, Minor Injuries, Established Relationship
The ground is wet and muddy under her shoes, her feet slipping with every pounding step she takes toward the Veterans Center.
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T | Jacob Seed/Female Deputy | Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Established Relationship, Kid Fic, Guilt
He gets like this sometimes: quiet, brooding, despondent.
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G | Jacob Seed/Female Deputy | Fluff, Humor, Established Relationship
“For the hundredth time, no. I am not your damn babysitter.”
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T | Jacob Seed/Female Deputy | Fluff, Humor, Established Relationship
He cannot sleep.
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G | Jacob Seed/Lucy Evans | Fluff, Humor, Established Relationship, Teenage Characters
The hallway is quiet when Lucy trudges down it, lugging her heavy backpack with her.
audience — tumblr
M | Jacob Seed/Female Deputy | Established Relationship, Implied Sexual Content, Mentions of Voyeurism
Jacob’s grip is bruising as he shoves her against the wall, lips pressed to the side of her neck and thigh pressed tight between her legs.
the days — tumblr
G | Jacob Seed/Lucy Evans | Fluff, Humor, Established Relationship, Teenage Characters
If the tennis ball hits her wall one more time, Lucy thinks she might crush it in her hands.
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T | Jacob Seed/Lucy Evans | Fluff, Humor, Established Relationship, No-Cult AU, Weddings
“Is this your backwards-ass way of asking me to marry you?”
tipsy kiss — tumblr
M | Jacob Seed/Lucy Evans | Established Relationship, No-Cult AU, Drunkenness
Lucy presses him back against the counter and his mind reels.
chocolate — tumblr
T | Jacob Seed/Lucy Evans | Established Relationship, Post-Bunker, Canon Divergent AU, Fluff and Angst
Everything in this new world terrifies her in a way she hadn’t expected.
laughing kiss — tumblr
T | Jacob Seed/Lucy Evans | Established Relationship, No-Cult AU, Fluff, Pregnancy
When he gets home from work, the white-walled nursery he’d left that morning is painted a bright, happy pink.
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G | Jacob Seed/Female Deputy | Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, Humor
They’ve been putting off the grocery shopping for weeks now, and things are finally starting to get desperate.
John Seed
be alright — ao3 // tumblr
T | John Seed/Female Deputy | Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Minor Injuries
She is tired and afraid, but she needs to see him. She needs to see if he is okay. Besides — being in the wrong place is a specialty of hers.
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E | John Seed/Female Deputy | Pre-Canon, Vaginal Sex, First Time, Strangers to Lovers, Mild Dark Undertones
The first time she meets John Seed, Rook has lived in Hope County for all of three weeks.
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T | John Seed/Female Deputy | Established Relationship, Fluff, Sick Fic, Domesticity
All her life, Rook has been pretty healthy, decently resilient, but this — this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to her.
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G | John Seed/Female Deputy | Fluff, Established Relationship, Pregnancy, No-Cult AU, Domesticity
She makes dinner. That’s how John knows something’s up.
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T | John Seed/Female Deputy | Fluff, Established Relationship, Injury Recovery, Hurt/Comfort
He keeps escaping from the infirmary.
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T | John Seed | Pre-Canon, Child Abuse
He is ten years old the day he dies.
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M | John Seed/Female Deputy | Established Relationship, Implied Sexual Content
Rook wakes on her birthday to an empty bed. She rolls over, mind hazy, and finds the spot next to her cold, the sheets rumpled and pillows scattered.
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T | John Seed/Female Deputy | Humor
It’s late when the radio crackles to life. John turns his head in its direction, curiosity peaking – there’s only one person who buzzes in on this frequency this late at night.
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T | John Seed/Female Deputy | Established Relationshop, Angst, Unplanned Pregnancy, Bunker AU
The minute the doctor confirms her suspicions, Rook nods politely, leaves the examination room, and takes brisk but measured steps toward her room.
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G | John Seed/Female Deputy | Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff, Kid Fic, Bunker AU
Rook has to admit it: John is a surprisingly good dad.
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G | John Seed/Miriam Ford | Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, Kid Fic
All at once, Miriam is struck by how beautiful he is like this — quiet, pliant, peaceful.
insanity — tumblr
T | Joseph Seed, Female Deputy | Guilt, Dark Undertones
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
fireworks — ao3 // tumblr
G | Jacob Seed, Joseph Seed, John Seed | Family Fluff
The sign out front is colourful, reds and whites and blues, proclaiming ‘FIREWORKS SOLD HERE’ in dark black lettering.
nightmare — ao3 // tumblr
T | Staci Pratt, Female Deputy | Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Canon
She was trained for this, but she never knew it would be so hard.
i can’t believe you don’t like disney movies — tumblr
G | Sharky Boshaw, Female Deputy | Humor
“I gotta say, Dep, I am just devastated,” Sharky says. His voice breaks the silence in the car. “Fuckin’ crushed, actually.”
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an unexpected journey — ao3 // tumblr
T | Joel Miller, Ellie Williams | Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Injury Recovery
She knows it doesn't seem like it, but this is not a bad read.
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b99fandomevents · 5 years
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Thank you to everyone who joined our Fall 2019 Fic Exchange!!! 🍁🍂
At this point in time, all fics have been submitted and are beautifully compiled under the cut by the amazing @amez-santiago. ♡ (If you don’t see your fic here or notice any errors, please let us know!) 
Against The Cold | AO3
↝ by @thirteenbythirteen for @mashikkara
Five times Jake keeps Amy warm, and one time she returns the favor. 
autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place | AO3
↝ by @storyinmyeyes for @amysantiagoisfone
Jake comes over to check on a "sick" Amy and they end up snuggling together on the couch during the first storm of Autumn.
call my bluff, call you ‘babe’ | AO3
↝ by @space-nougat for @b99peraltiago
"Look, Jake, I know I'm asking too much of you, but I'm desperate now and you're the only one left." "I'm desperate now and you're the only one left-title of your sex tape," he exclaimed quickly, then added, "But seriously though, what are you talking about?" "I need you to be my fake boyfriend for Thanksgiving." Or, Amy needs someone to pretend to be her boyfriend for a day. Jake is available.
Carnival: Trial by Fire | AO3
↝ by @vernonfielding for @vic-kovac
Amy takes Jake to the Santiago family's annual carnival -- and introduces her to every one of her seven brothers. Will their relationship survive??? (Yes. There is seriously no angst in here.)
Every day is magical when I'm with you | AO3
↝ by @sandylovesfandoms for @amazingsantiago
Jake and Amy go Halloween costume shopping with baby (in honour of peraltiago baby 2020)
falling in love with you again and again
↝ by @yaboring-yabasic for @stolethekey
corn maze/harvest festival and hot chocolate/amy being cold
Giving Thanks | AO3
↝ by @impossiblyizzy for @lesbianperaltas
Amy is worried about hosting Thanksgiving dinner for the squad, but Jake is there to help.
“I Figured You’d Need This” 
↝ by @winnietherpooh for @viktorkrumn
Jake getting Amy hot beverages because she gets cold.
I call it magic when I'm with you | AO3
↝ by @letsperaltiago for @amyscascadingtabs
1. Halloween costume parties 2. Baking together (could be something Halloween-related or general fall coziness) 3. Peraltiago kids celebrating Halloween
i close my eyes, let it surround me | AO3
↝ by @stolethekey for @397bartonstreet
The flu is definitely messing with his brain, but a part of him never wants to be sick without her again. Maybe she could take care of him every time he’s sick or hurt or sad. Maybe he could take care of her, too. Maybe he wants the comfort she brings when she’s here. Maybe her coat could find a permanent place draped over his armchair. Maybe it could stay – and maybe she could stay – - jake gets sick. amy knits him a scarf.
i used to live alone before i knew you. | AO3
↝ by  @lesbianperaltas for @winnietherpooh
They sit back on their couch, Amy getting comfortable, placing her feet in Jake’s lap and he just looks at her—she’s not looking at him—and he thinks of how he’s never really had a person before her. He had always used to come home from a long case with a pack of beer and he’d watch Die Hard alone. It never used to be a problem until everyone slowly started to couple off in his friend group, and even then it never really got to him until he got a glimpse of what it feels like to have someone to hang out with and actually like to be around with. It was like slowly over time his partnership with Amy had started to become something more. They were friends then—friends that hung out sometimes after work, and somewhere Jake wanted more than just being friends. He wanted everything that Amy could give him. (or, Jake and Amy, some polish food and hot cider.)
i'm cold as the wind blows (so hold me in your arms) | AO3
↝ by @fezzle for @chipmunksallshipklefan
There’s something about how defeated he looks that’s troubling her. His eyes keep shifting to the floor, and there’s a forlorn quality in his voice that makes her think there’s something deeper afflicting him. or Jake comes back from undercover. Only he's not the same.
i’m gomez you’re morticia i feel so happy when i’m witcha | AO3
↝ by @amazingsantiago for @outofinspo
the addams family wedding rap origin story.
in daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee (how about love?) | AO3
↝ by @exploding-snapple for @thirteenbythirteen
Rosa rolls her eyes. “Besides, I never drink coffee.” Gina lowers her phone and leans forward; her Twitter updates can wait. “Rosa Diaz, are you telling me that you’ve never had a Pumpkin Spice Latte?” (An AU where Rosa’s a Target Sales Associate and Gina’s a barista for the Starbucks inside.)
In which Amy and Rosa go on a road trip and eat pie, but Rosa doesn't know the whole truth | AO3
↝ by @viktorkrumn for @impossiblyizzy
Amy and Rosa go on a short trip upstate for one of Amy's cases. It's Thanksgiving weekend and it sounds like they're about to have a lot of fun, but Rosa gets the feeling that Amy's hiding something...
it’s you and me, there’s nothing like this | AO3
↝ by @amyscascadingtabs for @cheddar-the-dog
“I still don’t get the point of why you would pay someone to scare you,” Amy mutters, rubbing her arms and jumping up and down on the place to keep herself warm. “The real-life world is plenty terrifying. Climate change. Racism. US Politics. I could go on and on.” “Because it’s fun, and while the things you mentioned are hella scary, they make for awful costumes,” Jake pointed out, already shrugging off his leather jacket to drape it across her shoulders. “I mean, how would you even dress up as climate change?” (Jake and Amy, and a yearly Halloween tradition.)
keep you warm (wanna keep you all) | AO3
↝ by @johnny-and-dora for @sandylovesfandoms
(“Thermodynamic equilibrium.” She’d grinned as he’d offered to warm up her hands on a coffee date a million years ago. He’d never found a use for his hidden talent as a walking space heater before they started dating. Now, here, everything’s always too warm and completely off balance.) or, florida man really misses his girlfriend.
Lie With Me (And Forget the World) | AO3
↝ by @mashikkara for @ofbuttsandbombs
The morning after Haloveen.
Never tell me the odds | AO3
↝ by @kamekamelea for @fezzle
Amy and Jake's meet-cute at a Halloween party. Oh, and Amy is a Wookie.
Of Ghosts and Pumpkins | AO3
↝ by @jake-and-ames for @vernonfielding
“I’m Jake.” He has barely uttered the words when something brushes his arm and out of the corner of his eyes, he sees a shadow glide out of the room. Jake can’t help it; he lets out another high-pitched scream. Amy stifles a laugh beside him. “Okay, let’s get you out of here.” Or Jake vs. some ghosts and a children’s safety knife.
one love, one house (no shirt, no blouse) | AO3 [E]
↝ by @amydancepants-peralta for @kamekamelea
His lips travel up her torso, ever so gentle over the subtle bump, and when he reaches the peak he pauses, looking up at Amy with an indescribable look in his eyes. The hand in his hair stops, holding still within the coils as she looks back at him, holding his gaze before breaking the silence. “Babe?” He smiles, a sign of reassurance she holds more valuable than most peoples words, and shakes his head slightly. “Nothing. Just ...” he drops another kiss to her belly. “Wow.”
put your head on my shoulder (you and I will fall in love) | AO3 
↝ by @vic-kovac for @letsperaltiago
(‘Aaaaaaaaaamy. Amy Santiago. Amy!’ She’s never, ever, been happier to hear Jake Peralta’s voice.) The squad visits the local fall festival; Jake and Amy encounter an endless corn maze, too much apple cider, and overdue confessions.
Safe as (Haunted) Houses | AO3
↝ by @vernonfielding for @vic-kovac
Amy and Jake chase a teenage car thief into a haunted house. And things get weird. 
Scarlet Season | AO3
↝ by @ofbuttsandbombs for @meepmorpperaltiago
It's autumn and school has just begun, the weather is cooler, summer is long gone, Amy's always cold again, Jake is singing Sweater Weather, the kids just want to jump in puddles and leaves and generally make messes, and Karen and Roger decide to renew their vows.
sweater weather | AO3
↝ by @amydancepants-peralta for @kamekamelea
Her face burrows into the fabric of his sweater, chest expanding as she breathes him in, and Jake’s smile grows bigger at the sight. He can still remember their first night together, how amazing she looked with her head against his pillow, the tiniest of smiles on her face as she mumbled that it smelled of him. He knew he was a goner then, and he still is now.
tell me again (about how it hurts) | AO3
↝ by @cheddar-the-dog by @exploding-snapple
it’s Rosa’s first thanksgiving after coming out to her parents - it’s very angst loaded and centers mostly on Rosa’s journey of it all
The Adventures of the Santiago-Peralta family | AO3
↝ by @meepmorpperaltiago for @jake-and-ames
peraltiago baby finding a hedgehog and the squad pumpkin carving together
The Blanket | AO3
↝ by @amysantiagoisfone for @amydancepants-peralta
As Jake and Amy's relationship becomes more stable, they start to learn each other's annoying quirks and wonderful traits- which is just what Jake wanted to do this weekend.
The winner takes it all | AO3
↝ by @chipmunksallshipklefan for @yaboring-yabasic
“Heist! Heist! Heist!” she continues to chant as they wander around the neighbourhood, candy bags held tight as they adhere to Amy’s pre-made chart of whose doors they’re allowed to knock on. And Amy’s already worrying about the impending tantrum when Jake whispers, “We should put a little fake heist on for her.” And so they end up in the living room, Jake and Amy grinning widely at Mia, as Jake holds Mr Zebra up high and Amy declares, “The winner needs to find and hold onto Mr Zebra until the clock says three, do you remember what the number three looks like Mia?”
↝ by @397bartonstreet for @johnny-and-dora
autumnal walk in the park
We Belong Together | AO3
↝ by @b99peraltiago for @storyinmyeyes
“In their two years and a half of relationship, it’s obviously not the first time they find themselves in such a situation – one of them making breakfast while the other joins them after waking up alone in bed –, but there’s something different about this particular morning. There’s a ring on Amy’s finger now, the promise of many similar mornings happening in their shared future shining bright against her skin.” (Post-5x04, the morning after The Proposal.)
Welcome to the party, pal! | AO3 [M]
↝ by @kamekamelea for @fezzle
Amy loses a bet to Gina and has to wear a Halloween costume of her choice. The night takes a surprising turn when Jake sees Amy all dressed up and can barely hold himself together.
when autumn leaves start to fall | AO3 
↝ by @outofinspo for @space-nougat 
Jake and Amy decide to go out on a cold Fall day to play with the fallen leaves 
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The Devil in Disguise
Dean Winchester x Reader
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Summary: Dean’s on the run from escaping a prison where a job went south. Sam is in the wind. With nowhere to go and an injured leg, Dean takes refuge in the only place he could find—an old remote cabin. Normally empty for long stretches, Dean happens to stumble in the same day that the cabin’s owner returns. After a rocky first encounter, Dean comes to believe that a distant connection they share could be the thing that saves his life and gets him back to Sam. But will it happen before Y/N’s finance, a prison guard at Green River, finds the secret she’s hiding in the woods?
A/N: The fic was inspired by the song “The Devil’s Backbone” by The Civil Wars. This is part 1 of ?? written for multiple bingo cards that go for both chapters. Set around S2 (Folson Prison Blues). New tag lists are at the end of the fic. I have tag spots open, let me know if you want to jump on or off for SPN (Dean and/or Sam, or RPF for Jensen)
@spngenrebingo Square filled: Wrong Place Wrong Time
@spndeanbingo Square filled: Cabin in the Woods
Warnings: (Part One): Language, Mild angst, Gunshot wound  
WC: 3.1K
*Banner created by me. I do not own any of these pictures.
Dean bypassed the barbed wire wall without the guards seeing him, but he didn’t have the luxury of the night to hide him forever. Sam had already gotten free, he wasn’t sure how, but he did. Maybe their old friend Deacon had been able to get him through the gates somehow, but at least his little brother was safe. He, on the other hand, still had some running to do and it would be daybreak soon.
The sirens started blaring, a long, whiny cry to alert the rest of the prison and community that they had lost a felon or two. Dean’s heart began racing as he surveyed his very limited options. He had no way to disappear fast enough; no car, no weapon, nothing but his GED and give’em hell attitude. Somehow he had to make those work for him. 
With his back pushed up against the stone wall, he crept along as far as he could. In the distance he could hear the dogs, snarling and foaming at his scent. Despite his labored, nervous breathes mingling with the cold air, he felt himself sweating with anxiety and exhilaration. The rush of adrenaline had set his impulses on fire and made him ready to do whatever he had to do.
“Son of a bitch,” he growled, realizing that his only real option was to take a chance and make a break for the treeline. It was a good fifty-yard dash, and regardless of pre-prison his diet of bacon cheeseburgers and six-packs, he was confident that he could make it. The forest was dense enough for him to get lost in, and in that kind of wilderness, he was sure he would shake them.
Dean waited for the spotlight to come back around one last time, and once it passed, he ran like a bat out of hell. He felt the bullet whizz past his head before he heard the echo of the shot. He didn’t hesitate though. Dean ran faster, nearly gone in the tree line before he felt the white-hot heat of the round pierce the calf of his left leg. He immediately stumbled and fell, then cursed at the pain that rippled through his leg as he got back up. The bullet slowed him down, but it didn’t stop him; Dean kept running and didn’t look back.
Time passed, he didn’t know how much exactly, but enough for the sky to become light and the sound of the dog’s barking to fade away completely. He had been running for what felt like miles and stopped for a moment to catch his breath. Dean leaned back against an old maple tree and finally examined his wound where the orange jumpsuit was now soaked with blood. He sighed in relief when he saw two holes in the fabric of the pants, now that he knew the bullet must have gone clean through. Stitches he could handle on his own, fishing out a bullet would be a different story. Still, he had to find a place to hold up, get supplies, food, water… a way to contact Sam. He took another moment to try and calm his breathing, then pushed off the tree and turned west, hoping that would bring him somewhere safe. 
Through a thicket of trees, he spotted a roof peak breaking through the mess red and gold leaves. Dean made his way there, first surveying the outside to see if it was empty or not. When he was sure that there was no one there, he approached cautiously, peeking in windows and looking for a way in that didn’t require breaking any glass. The back door of the cabin opened easily, and he ducked inside. 
The interior of the old place was well kept, and while it was currently empty, it hadn’t been for long. There was no dust or debris, the kitchen was clean and the one-bedroom had a nicely made bed and a bathroom with fresh towels. 
“Shit,” he mumbled and realized he wouldn’t be able to stay for any real length of time. Not that he should, anyway. Dean had been on the run enough times in his life to know you needed to keep moving.  
Making the most of what he had, Dean went through the cabinets and refrigerator looking for supplies. He found a few bottles of cold water and some cans of vegetables in the cabinet. Hunger wasn’t a priority, but he gulped down the water before limping into the bedroom and searching for clothes. Rifling through the drawers, he lucked into a clean pair of dark blue sweatpants and an old gray T-shirt. In the last drawer he opened, he saw the small, gray weapon lockbox and for the first time in a week, felt a genuine smile touch the corner of his mouth. 
Once Dean broke it open, he made sure the wood-handled Ruger inside was loaded and left it on the bed as he tossed his prison orange aside and got changed. Exhaustion was setting in, and the pain from his leg was starting to drain whatever energy he had left. He pulled the shirt over his head and tried to lift his left leg up enough to pull the sweatpants on, but it was enough of a movement to make his ears go fuzzy and black spots to appear before his eyes. Dean knew he was going under, but not even his give’em hell attitude could combat the amount of pain and fatigue that overcame him.
Dean woke sometime later to a distant sound. His long lashes fluttered involuntarily and as his lids slowly opened, his mind tried to discern where he was. He HAD been in prison, but now… flashes of barking dogs, branches slicing at his arms, a bullet piercing his leg. Pain flared loudly at the memory and Dean repressed a guttural groan as he did his best to sit up on the bed, using his right arm to help prop him up and the left hand to grab the gun. 
Another noise; closer now. A door to the cabin slamming shut. Dean was up and off the bed, Ruger in hand, pushing away the pain in his leg and the low rumble of his stomach. His heart was working overtime to pump blood through his body, only adding fuel to the overwhelming rush of adrenaline surging along with it. He went cold, completely willing to do whatever he needed to survive. Civilian or not, if the person standing between him and getting back to his little brother was his only obstacle, if pushed, he would make the hard choice.
Someone was in the kitchen, muttering and moving about. Dean inched closer to the door, tip-toeing in bare feet with the hopes that he wouldn’t creek one of the old floorboards. At the edge of the door frame, he pushed his back against the wall and readied the Ruger, before discreetly peering around the corner of the doorway into the kitchen. 
Dean saw her just as she turned and saw him. He had the gun up, eyes cold and steely against the trembling woman who stared in shock with wide, scared eyes. 
“Shhhh,” Dean warned. “I don’t want to hurt you…”
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The long stretch of road was laid out before her, lined with the brightly colored autumn trees. On the radio of her old Jeep, Patsy Cline was crooning about being crazy, and the bite to the air coming in from the driver’s side window made her smile. It had been a month at least since she had driven out to the cabin, and right now, spending a few days out there was just what she needed. Derek had been a bear since he had been put on overtime at work. The night shifts left him even more on edge, and the last fight she had with him was enough to make her want space for a few days. Using her current work in progress, she could at least use the excuse of needing quiet to write. Not that he minded when she said she was leaving. He claimed the overtime was necessary in order to pay for the wedding and it was just easier to do without her home waiting for him. Though, [Y/N] wasn’t dumb. She knew there was more to it, but shoved it aside for the time being. As the twisting roads wound her closer to her forest retreat, she thought it was more probable that the new intake officer, Rita Martin, was the real reason he didn’t fight the extra shifts. 
Arriving at the cabin, she turned the ignition off, pocketed the keys and grabbed her duffle bag along with the box of supplies from the back seat. Kicking the Jeep door shut with her foot, she walked up to the few steps to the porch and across the long stretch of old pine towards the front door. [Y/N] placed the box to the ground and cursed under her breath as the duffle on her shoulder fell quickly forward and knocked a few items out of the box before falling to the porch with a thud. 
She put them back in the box quickly and then lifted up the doormat to grab the spare key that unlocked the front door. It was not a great place to leave it, but she had a terrible habit of forgetting the key to the old place sometimes and didn’t want to get stuck that far out in the woods without being able to get in. She let the door open and then retrieved the box from the ground before entering. 
Standing in the middle of the place, she sighed with relief and the feeling of being there again. It wasn’t the best time in the world to head out that far, but the need to be alone with her thoughts outweighed the need to not get snowed in. 
The small living room was just as she left it, and she was relieved to see that she remembered to leave a good amount of firewood inside already. [Y/N] moved into the kitchen and placed the box of supplies on the round table towards the corner of the room. She turned to the fridge and was talking under her breath, questioning to herself if she had brought enough food. Unsure of how long she was going to stay, [Y/N] brought enough for a long weekend, but knew it could certainly run longer; especially if Derek was going to continue acting like an ogre. 
[Y/N] shrugged off her puffer vest, and turned to hang it on the back of the chair. That’s when she saw the man standing in the doorway of the bedroom off the kitchen. He was wearing Derek’s clothes and had her own Ruger up and targeted right on her chest. The man’s face was dirty, his arms scratched to hell and blotches of blood running through the fabric of the sweatpants on his left leg.  She wanted to scream—her panic begged her to call for help—but her mind knew better. There was no one for miles and doing so may only prompt the strange man to shoot. 
“Shhhh,” he warned.. “I don’t want to hurt you…” 
The man’s face drained to pale, and he swiftly became uneasy on his feet. [Y/N] had a moment where she didn’t know whether to make a run for it or go help the man who was clearly injured and frightened. Yes, he was pointing her own gun at her, but people do crazy things when they feel scared and trapped. 
He looked as if he would topple over from a stiff breeze, and a moment later, nearly did. [Y/N] lunged forward, catching the man’s shoulder and helping to prop him up before he went to the floor. He hadn’t passed out completely, but it was no secret that he was overly exhausted.
[Y/N] moved him towards the bed, as the Ruger slipped from his hand and fell to the floor. Paying it no attention, she was more concerned about the heat that was radiating off his skin. Despite the pallid complexion he currently displayed, the man was burning up. 
Once she got him to the bed, she drew in a deep breath and tried to wrap her head around what was happening. As she turned to go back and pick the gun up off the floor, she noticed the orange jumpsuit off in the corner. Her head snapped around to the man on the bed, who was slowly starting to come around again. Her attention went back to the jumpsuit. She knew what it was; where it was from. [Y/N] had seen enough of them in her day thanks to Derek. 
Bending slowly, [Y/N] picked up the Ruger, and just as she trained it on the man in her bed, he sat up completely, placing a hand to the side of his head and wincing in pain. 
“I’m--I’m sorry,” he grumbled, his throat raspy and cracked. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought the place was empty. Bad timing on my part.”
“Why are you here? Who are you?” she snapped despite the worry she felt for his physical condition. The longer he hesitated, the tighter she gripped the handle of the gun. It took her taking a few steps closer and relocating her aim from his arm, to his head. 
The man put his hands up in defense and tried to stand. “Alright! Alright!” he shouted. “I’m Dean Winchester, okay? I got shot and needed a place to hold up. That’s all. I thought the place was empty!”
He managed to keep his balance for a moment, but his calf betrayed him and buckled his knees, bringing back down to the bed. 
“Shot. How? By who?” she asked, her (y/c) eyes narrowing on him suspiciously. “Don’t give me that bullshit hunting accident story either, I see the orange jumper. I know where you’re from.”
As if on queue, a burst of static came from a distant place out from somewhere else in the cabin. It was quickly followed by a jumbled voice, but it was too far away to make any kind of sense. 
“What the hell is that?” he asked, the fever becoming more present on his face as he tried to comprehend what he was hearing. 
“My CB. No cell service out here. It’s the only way to reach the cabin. I haven’t seen the wound there yet,” she nodded towards his leg, but kept her eyes trained on his, “but I can tell you it's getting infected. Now, I have supplies that will help, but first, you tell me what happened.”
His face drew into a frustrated scowl, one that told her he realized how cornered he was and that truth was his only way out. Dean sighed in resignation as his shoulders slumped. “I was in prison. Found a way out. Got shot running away.”
“What were you in for?” she asked, but with much less bite than before. 
“B ‘n E… maybe a few other things,” he muttered. “But, I got myself locked up on purpose. I wasn’t supposed to actually be there.” He snorted a laugh and shook his head; even he seemed surprised by what he was admitting.
[Y/N] lowered the gun from him momentarily to try and process what he had just said. She couldn’t put the pieces together in her head and raised the Ruger again. “You need to explain better than that, Dean Winchester. I’m not someone you can lie to easily. I grew up a Preacher’s daughter, so I can smell bullshit from a hundred miles.”
Dean raised his eyebrows considering her reply and nodded. “Yeah, well. I’m not lying. What I do… my brother and I--”
“Your brother? Is he here too?” she asked, an edge of nerves lacing her question.
“No, he got out the right way. He should be safe.”
“The right way? What the Hell does that mean?”
“We had a plan, okay? Once the job was done inside, Deacon was helping us to get out.”
“Deacon? You mean, Deacon Kaylor?”
Dean’s face lit up. “Yeah, you know him?” 
“Yeah,” she replied hesitantly and once again, lowered the Ruger. 
“If I were to radio Deacon, and pass your name along to him… what would he say, exactly? What kind of job were you doing that required you to break into prison only to have to break out again?”
“He’d say just what I told you, that I didn’t belong there and vouch that he was trying to help us get out. As for the job, well, that’s a whole other story.”
“Good thing I’ve got time.” She was curious, but also leary of the green-eyed stranger currently bleeding on her grandmother’s favorite quilt. 
“Yeah, well, I don’t, sweetheart. You weren’t kidding about my leg, it hurts like hell and I can’t imagine it looks real pretty. I’ve answered your questions. Maybe you could come through on those supplies now? If not, I’m not gonna be conscious enough to answer anything.”
[Y/N] considered his point and nodded reluctantly, then tucked the gun in the back of her jeans, and covered it with her shirt. 
“Alright. Sit tight, they’re out in the other room. But… try one thing… make one move where I feel threatened, and I promise you, that leg will be the least of your worries.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Dean held up his hands in relent as she walked past where he sat on the bed and back out into the kitchen. 
[Y/N]’s mind was racing, trying to know what the right thing to do was. Should she call Deacon? Check up on this man who claimed to be innocent of whatever crimes had gotten him locked up? What could this job possibly be that he mentioned? Something was strange here, she could feel that in her gut, but she could also feel that he wasn’t lying. That line about spotting a liar a mile away wasn’t wrong. Growing up with Preacher Steve as a father had forced her to become quite attuned to bald-face lies, subtle ones, too. For Preacher Steve was as big of a liar as they came. Yet every Sunday, he stood on that pulpit and scared the people of Green River County into believing each and every one of his lies.
She was rummaging through the box just as the CB came to life again from the base it sat on in the living room. As [Y/N] walked slowly towards it, through the cracks of static and interference, she could hear the call being intercepted from the radio at the prison: ‘BOL: manhunt continues for the missing Green River, prisoner DEAN WINCHESTER...’
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SPN Tags: @kazosa // @wings-of-a-raven // @closetspngirl // @idreamofplaid// @screechingartisancashbailiff // @linki-locks11 // @winchesterxfamilybusiness// @spnhollis // @sandlee44 // @stoneyggirl // @clarinette07 // @negans-wife // @deans-baby-momma // @hobby27 // @breereadsthings // @katehuntington // @81mysteriouslyme // @mrswhozeewhatsis // @deathofmissjackson // @lauravic // @aomi-nabi // @akshi8278 // @whereismyangel-damnitdeanshare// @coffeebooksandfandom // @rebelminxy // @22sarah08 // @his-paradox // @adoptdontshoppets // @blackcherrywhiskey // @babypieandwhiskey // @lefthologramdeer // @maddiepants
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princessyennenga · 5 years
Linked from ElseworldsClips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_W32zM60dA
If the writers wanted to demonize Iris and put more baggage on Candice for playing Iris West, this would surely be one way to do it. 
So many writing errors are present here, and it would be a challenge to unpack them all, but I’ll try to keep it brief: 
Iris isn’t bothered that Nora worked with Thawne? Yikes. This is going to whiplash on Iris so badly. And clearly, according to the promo, it is wrong. There is Iris, at Iron Heights in front of Thawne’s cell, beseeching Nora to get away from Thawne. Obviously, she doesn’t think Thawne needs to influence her child, her and Barry’s child. But you cannot tell that to racist fanboys and fangirls, who viscerally hate Iris and frequently bubble over with that venom for no reason at all. 
The Insecure Girlfriend/Wife archetype. You know the kind of writing where the girlfriend is pouty and upset because her boyfriend won’t “open up” or “share” about all the life-altering burdens he is carrying on his shoulders. Alone. This is outdated and regressive. This leads to Iris ... 
Failing to Acknowledge Facts. Iris, I love you and will forever be a proud member of the IWDS. But girl. Barry didn’t walk into the Speedforce at the end of S3 to take a pre-wedding vacay. Did you not notice that said entity was tearing up Central City, being all extra and striking people with lightning? Either Barry paid his penance or Central City would have been a Black Hole. And girl, you SPOKE TO the Speedforce iteration of Nora Allen. It was not an invitation. Barry did not leave you. Barry was being apprehended, tried, convicted and locked up.   
Flashpoint. Please leave Barry alone about this, already. Not just Iris, but everyone. He was at the lowest point of his life, crushed by grief and despair. And the Flashpoint/Paradox episodes were rife with inconsistency and logic holes, so much so that even a Forbes writer pointed out one in particular. Personally, it is only dogmatic comic canon that Nora’s death was necessary to keep the world together. Has there ever been a plausible, credible or sustainable connection to things going wrong in Season 3 because of Flashpoint -- other than “just because?” Everything that Barry was blamed for in that season was retconned away or forgiven, so I’m personally tired of hearing about it. Oh, about John Diggle Jr.; please explain to me how Nora’s survival connects with John Diggle shooting male versus female swimmers on any given day and then we can have a conversation about why Lila should be perpetually pissed at Barry. The need to make the hero look like a dunderhead on his own show doesn’t count. 
Barry was a knucklehead. This time, the fandom is split on whether Barry’s decision was an “about damn time” moment where he starts acting like a leader, or selfish and emotional. Honestly, he was right to send Nora home. But he was also written terribly, not looking into her story for himself, always being blindsided and outsmarted by everyone around him. Barry Allen, genius? Have we seen him lately? Also, like Barry’s other decisions, this was poorly thought out, impulsive and emotionally driven. It will have consequences. Consequence #1: Where do we find Nora after this? Not figuring out how her ‘Flashpoint’ has changed Central City or her relationship with Iris. No. Back to Thawne, asking for help on a new speedster trick -- the very thing that made her father so angry in the first place. The reason this show doesn’t need strong villains is because the hero keeps creating problems that get in his way.
As it stands now, Iris is the only character on the show that consistently draws irrational, blinding rage from fanboys and fangirls all over the world. Particularly white racist American fanboys and Snowbarry crazies still predicting a WestAllen breakup and romance between Barry and Caitlin, like those prophets of doom who keep changing the date for the end of days. If I’m totally honest, fanboys from Asian countries with INTENSELY misogynistic and anti-Black cultures, viscerally HATE Iris and they go into Candice’s SM mentions relentlessly with abusive comments. Constantly wishing her character dead and often harassing Candice personally. Over something her character said two years ago!! But Iris being unbothered by Nora working with Barry’s “arch nemesis” and lying about it for months? This just reloaded their quivers, stupid writers! 
I know that the CW is known for teen angst. Teen melodrama and blah, blah. But aren’t a significant portion of its viewers in their late 20s and 30s by now? Some are grown with kids of their own and some of the recappers on SM have salt & pepper in their beards. In the era of peak TV, streaming content and roles for women and for Black women that have evolved, TV writing has to be smart or your show won’t make it. Tension can be done in a smart way. Arguments can make sense, instead of being muddied with bonkers logic from previous eras when TV and women characters were weak. 
Which brings me to my next point: This wouldn’t have happened unless Black women writers or other women of color were in the writing room. Maybe Barry and Iris would have discussed sending Nora back, and maybe people would say that’s not dramatic or exciting enough. But isn’t there a meta serial killer out there, still? This is unfolding over a single day (a looong day!) But in terms of the story itself, Cicada needs to be dealt with and then we can deal with Nora’s secret. But they’ve chosen to suspend the Cicada storyline so that we can waste our time on Snow Family troubles, where the anchor character is sure to be retconned -- again -- and the “actress” to delivers her lines struggles and twitches through her efforts to make us care.  Black girls who follow shows like this are smart, you hear me? They sniff out continuity errors, lapses in logic and they could have made this so much better.   
Enjoy Candice and Grant’s performances. I will. For them, it’s a day at work. Well, for Grant. But Iris haters who cannot forgive Candice for being a Black woman adored by the white male lead have more reasons to hate her, and the writers just handed it to them. 
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Is it too personal or may I ask what the long story that got you back into George is?
honestly i could use this ask as a way to really sit back and reflect on what’s going on in my life so yeah here’s the story:
(warnings for depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts)
so going way back to my junior year of high school, september 2009-may 2010, that was like…one of the happiest years of my life. I had some really great friends at the time, family life (from what i remember) was more or less going okay (although i remember my parents were pissing me off when i was in driver’s ed), i was getting out more, things changed in my youth group and over all it was just a great year?? and CSI?? Season 10?? was so good?? 
and then my senior year of high school started, I got into some shit with not just one, but TWO of my friends, one of which I was like..in love with, and I was getting scared because Things Were Changing and I had all this pressure on me to get a job, go to college, etc, etc. (I also did start a job in the summer between my junior and senior years and I had a crush at this job and our relationship got Complicated and we never did anything, I sort of pushed him away cause I thought I was too young to be with someone who was a couple years older than me, and I was just scared about it in general.) But I was still watching CSI. I still loved it. I still loved Nick Stokes/George Eads.
And then came my first year of college, again, still watching CSI, and I was trying–oh god I was trying so hard to keep my anxiety under control as everything was changing, I was in a brand new school where I knew like…nobody (well a few people here and there–I went to a popular community college in my vicinity so I did see a few people from high school) and again getting this pressure to succeed in college cause college just wasn’t a thing people did in my family–not until everyone began to realize how important it was (some of my cousins went back to school and got degrees and such)
and I was also trying to do my best to keep in touch with my friends, trying to mend the cracks in the two friends I had beef with, but another friend–who I had since seventh grade at that point–and I were getting closer and closer (she’s my absolute BEST friend at this point in my life tbh and uhm yeah I don’t know where I would be without her but I’ll get to that later)
and I was still watching CSI, still in love with nick, etc etc–but I was also getting into another obsession…Doctor Who
Sophmore year of college?? I think this is where depression was starting to get to me a bit. 
I had absolutely NO idea what I wanted to with my life. Family still pressuring me to succeed, things were getting Complicated with that guy at work, I started another job–so I was working two jobs at one point in my life and going to school which is uh Fun. I can’t remember much but I do remember in general being a bit freaked out over having to change schools cause that was a New thing and I was not good with change (because of my anxiety)
SO then we come to my junior year of college, and so began my dangerous Apathy phase, where I didn’t give a shit that I was failing tests because I wasn’t studying because Doctor Who basically consumed my life. I didn’t care about myself–It’s such a little thing, but I stopped brushing my hair at one point and wasn’t taking care of my body the way I should have–I had never gone to the doctor since my high school days, so I never had regular check-ups 
things at this point had ended with my first job and I’ve never seen or spoken to that one guy that I have Regrets with–to this day I wish we gave it a shot tbh, cause he seemed like a geuninely caring, nice guy? (not without his faults of course) 
and also uh…I think this was the year I stopped having a regular period. 
I’m talking like…I didn’t have a period for months, and I sure as hell wasn’t pregnant
I also stopped watching CSI, for many reasons, for the way GSR was being handled, for the way Nick was getting the promise of all these interesting storylines but NEVER DID and watching Nick/George obviously going through his own shit (cause he definitely gained weight in that season–and NO JUDGEMENT FROM ME TBH cause I’m, uh…technically classified as obese myself), and again, I was also SUUUPER obsessed with doctor who to the point where it was probably hindering my life
at some point in 2015 i did get my period again and was like “OH LOOK I’M ALL GOOD ON THAT FRONT” probably cause this is when I entered my first almost-relationship, a frequent customer at the store I used to work at asked me out and it didn’t work out in the end cause he was um…idk just Not For Me (and a gross ass kisser) but then after that one period, it disappeared again.
OH but in 2015, when CSI ended, I did watch the finale–Immortality even though I was SUPER pissed about Nick being gone (I did go back and watch just his final scene and cried like a baby) and then proceeded to rewatch grave danger for the first time in years at that point–I actually documented that on my blog here lol (and I did all of that instead of studying for a test that I failed the next day lmao)
so blah blah blah had tons of shit going on until 2016, which was possibly the lowest point of my life in terms of depression/anxiety, even though I had finally graduated college, I got a full time job (the same one I’m in now, three years later, very successful I might add–I just got promoted last year and I’m held in very high esteem by many of my superiors so it gets happy)
but in this full time job, I was moved to third shift for a few months, and was forced to work with this one woman who I like DESPISED–although not completely at the time, but to this day I really just can’t stand her (thankfully she quit lol) 
so the third shift transition was rough enough, but at least I was into a new show–Person of Interest and I was having the Time of My Life with it but it really did start getting me to think about my depression and mental health, which up until that point I had been ignoring, despite that one friend I mentioned earlier having pointed out to me many times throughout 2015-2016 that I needed to go to therapy (and I just didn’t think it would work, I didn’t want to do it, my social anxiety was screaming FUCK NO the whole time)
also the trump election thing happened and uhm yeah there was that. Got into a LOT of heated discussions…and lost like ALL respect for my step-father (who you’ll still see me refer to as “dad” but i’m pointing out he’s my step father in this instance because I would be ashamed to be blood related to him)
and despite our uh, troubles, my dad did try to get me to watch Macgyver, telling me that “hey, nick stokes is in it!” 
but my depressed dumbass was like “oh really? nice” AND THEN DIDN’T WATCH IT LIKE A FUCKING MORON
and on top of that, my house got INFESTED with mice and my parents did nothing outside of setting up mouse traps but it was getting to a point where we found like…five mice in a day and I was starting to see them in the daylight (which is a sign you have an INFESTATION) and ALL of my belongings were getting mouse shit and pee on them (my room is right next to the kitchen) and I ended up purging A LOT of things (including a binder of friendship from the one friend I had trouble with in senior year–which man that hurt to get rid of ((side note, you know what really fucking hurts the most about breaking away from that friend? we’ve known each other since pre-school and I mentioned in tags before about how we do still talk and shit and i am one of her wedding bridesmaids and shit but yeah…not like it used to be)))
and i was getting to a point where I honestly?? just wanted?? to die??
I would say it was like, late 2016 where I was even starting to think of scenarios where I could just…like…disappear? kill myself? I just did not want to exist anymore
2017 came along, fresh start, I kept telling myself. Still had mice in the mouse, but I was fully aware of my mental health issues at this point, and was starting to really listen to my friend more and more, really starting to consider going to therapy (especially now that i had health insurance)
(and also I was beginning to realize I have Feelings for this friend as well–although I gotta wonder if it’s actual romantic love and just not intense friendship cause we really are close friends but like…I could also see us as more? if she were open to it? but I know she doesn’t feel that way about girls and she’s got her own shit to deal with, and i respect that so I never push it or bring it up)
and then? twin peaks: the return came along. Season 3, episode 3, “Call for Help” a fucking masterpiece of an episode and something just…CLICKED in me. Something made me realize, I need to call for help
and so I did. 
2017 was the year of therapy, in which I talked about a lot of the shit above, and then I stopped going in I think 2018? when the therapist moved away, but my sessions were getting farther and farther apart anyway, and I felt like I was finally in a better place in my life. I had more coping mechanisms, more awareness of how to handle myself, and I began to realize I really needed to take care of myself more
so i went to the doctor for the period thing, seems like it was some hormonal imbalance cause i was put on birth control to get my hormones back in order (this is my first month off of them so fingers crossed it still works) and by the time august/september rolled around? 
I started writing again
and I’m not talking fan fiction, I suddenly had the inspiration to write this original story idea I have for a series that was HEAVILY inspired by CSI–in which the third book in the series is about a guy getting buried alive (and a girl trying to save him but doesn’t because ANGST but that’s another long ass story lol)
which, naturally, made me want to watch grave danger again, for the first time in three years. and then…I suddenly wanted to watch more csi?? from the very beginning??
and so I watched the first four episodes of season 1 again, and Nick/George was back in my life again. And it felt SO FREAKING GOOD.
Then, I watched Macgyver because I wanted to see new George content, and immediately fell in love with jack
Caught up with Macgyver and then finished my csi rewatch, this time watching all of season 13 (which I STILL HAVE MIXED FEELINGS OVER just like season 9) and 14-15 (which i regret not watching when it first aired cause it’s SO GOOD)
and I’m not saying like…Nick/Jack/George is the sole cause of my happiness, the cure for my depression/anxiety (cause that shit never goes away, you just learn to manage it better), nor is he the sole love of my life or anything, but…he’s a huge part of who I am, because in those years, when I was struggling, I lost myself. I lost Nick. But now I found myself again, I re-discovered my passion for Nick Stokes, and i’m just as happy as I was back in 2009/2010, and life is just so good
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years
💚 Oumami Oneshots 💜
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38z4syT
by OtakuP
Just some fluffy, wholesome, and angsty oneshots for one of my OTPS since it is soooo underrated! Hope you enjoy!
Words: 184, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oma Kokichi, Amami Rantaro, Saihara Shuichi, Akamatsu Kaede, Iruma Miu, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Momota Kaito, Harukawa Maki, Yumeno Himiko, Chabashira Tenko, Yonaga Angie, Shirogane Tsumugi, Hoshi Ryoma, Tojo Kirumi, Gokuhara Gonta
Relationships: Amami Rantaro/Oma Kokichi, Amami Rantaro & Oma Kokichi, Akamatsu Kaede/Saihara Shuichi, Akamatsu Kaede & Saihara Shuichi, Harukawa Maki/Momota Kaito, Harukawa Maki & Momota Kaito, Chabashira Tenko/Yumeno Himiko, Chabashira Tenko & Yumeno Himiko
Additional Tags: Pre-Game Oma Kokichi, Trans Oma Kokichi, Oma Kokichi Needs a Hug, Sad Oma Kokichi, Depressed Oma Kokichi, Pansexual Oma Kokichi, Oma Kokichi Has Bad Parents, Autism, Autism Spectrum, Anxiety, Anxiety Attacks, Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, Separation Anxiety, Menstruation, Trans, Trans Character, Transgender, Pansexual Character, Pancakes, Bipolar Disorder, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, Asexuality Spectrum, Bullying, Depression, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Notes, Gay Panic, Panic Attacks, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Family Fluff, Fluff and Crack, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Fluff, Fluff without Plot, Valentine's Day Fluff, Wedding Fluff, Sleepy Cuddles, Morning Cuddles, Couch Cuddles, Cuddling & Snuggling, First Kiss, Boys In Love, Boys in Skirts, Boys Kissing, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Angst and Feels, Angst and Humor, Comfort/Angst, Angst and Tragedy, Teen Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt, Gay Character, Gay, Feels, OTP Feels, Mental Breakdown, Mental Instability, Mental Anguish, Mental Health Issues, Pre-Game Amami Rantaro, Asexual Amami Rantaro, Amami Rantaro Needs a Hug, Triggers, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38z4syT
0 notes
Shorties Categorized!
Here are my shorties, but separated into different categories. They’re stuff like different genres, stories with several parts, or shorties with the same kind of theme. This will also get updated and reblogged every once in a while.
Also, if you want to see shorties with certain characters in major roles, search their names (Stephanie Meanswell, Mayor Meanswell, Miss Busybody, Lazytown Kitten, the rest are just with their first names (also, Robbie Rotten and Sportacus are tagged in all of the shorties, because pfft I don’t know)) on my blog, or if you want to see shorties with all of the kids, search “the kids”.
Also also, I have a separate tag for prompts (”prompt”) so you can check that out too.
This list includes these categories: -Their ‘getting together’ story -Getting Married -Angsty stuff -Stay up late with Sportarobbie :3 -Taking care of and comforting each other (or others) -The Lazy Town Ball -Sportacus’s Injury -Pride Month   -General Stuff   -Trixie discovering her gender   -LazyTown Pride -The Kids’ Musical -The LazyTown Ship Week -Specials (explained below) -My random attempt at a conversation with you, which gets updated whenever the rest of the masterlist does
Pre-relationship, getting together, secret relationship, and getting busted AKA
Their ‘getting together’ story
I - The Same Look Stephanie asks Sportacus why Robbie is always being so mean. She starts to notice that there might be something going on between Sportacus and Robbie, even though they themselves don’t seem to realize.
II- Think About It Stephanie talks to the other kids about what she thinks might be going on between Sportacus and Robbie.
III - Lovers Lie The kids go and confront Robbie and Sportacus about their feelings for each other.
IV - I Think So The kids try again to get Sportacus to admit he’s in love with Robbie.
V - Really? Sportacus goes and confesses his love for Robbie.
VI - But Don’t Tell Anyone Robbie hasn’t been out of his lair in a couple of days. Everyone starts to get a bit worried, and Sportacus goes to check up on him. Robbie has an important question to ask Sportacus.
VII - I Love Cake And I Love You Robbie and Sportacus hang out in Robbie’s lair, being lazy (despite Sportacus’s protests) and cute.
VIII - Keeping Secrets Sportacus convinces Robbie to come outside and hang out with him and the kids. Sportacus and Robbie aren’t the best at hiding their relationship - or even slightly above average.
IX - No Denying It Sportacus and Robbie are sitting in the park, holding hands. Robbie wants to say something he has felt for a very long time, but they have no idea that the kids are eavesdropping.
Proposal, engaged, and wedding AKA
Getting Married
C - Memories Sportacus has been preparing a special surprise for Robbie.
CI - It’s Going To Be Amazing The kids, Milford, and Bessie hear about Robbie’s and Sportacus’s engagement.
CII - Wedding Planners Robbie and Sportacus start planning their wedding with the help of the kids… Or more like the kids start planning with the help of Robbie and Sportacus.
CIII - Lights, Decoration, Action! Stephanie, Trixie, and Pixel start working on some things for Robbie’s and Sportacus’s wedding.
CIV - Composers Pixel and Stephanie try to get some music for the wedding done.
CV - Flower Boy, Ring Bearer, Groomsmaid Stephanie, Stingy, and Ziggy go and talk to Robbie about the outfits of the kids for the wedding.
CVI - Aren’t You Nervous At All? Bessie helps Sportacus with getting the perfect suit for the wedding, and they manage to talk about Sportacus’s feelings about getting married as well.
CVII - Sportahusband Stephanie gets to see a little sneak peak of what Robbie will be wearing at the wedding, and they talk about his feelings a little too.
CVIII - Happier Than Ever It’s time to think about the cake for the wedding!
CIX - Mister Rotten The wedding is getting really close! The kids are preparing all of the decorations, lights, and music, Bessie is planning the cake, Milford has just gotten his permit to wed Robbie and Sportacus, and now the couple is thinking about rings, and getting excited.
CX - Don’t Ever Stop Hating Me This is it. It’s Robbie’s and Sportacus’s wedding day. In the beginning there’s a lot of fuss, and the couple is actually quite nervous, surprising themselves, but in the end, they all are happy about the marriage of Mr Rotten and… Mr Rotten.
Angsty stuff
(Note that not all of these are extreme angst, they’re whatever I found fitting to put here. Tell me if you think I have more shorties that’d fit here, it’d really help me out :))
XVII - You’re Safe Now Robbie has a lot of nightmares, but luckily Sportacus is there and willing to do anything to make him feel better.
XIX - Worthless Sportacus asks Robbie about his childhood. The answer isn’t exactly what he was expecting.
XXIX - Show Me Your Tears Sportacus and Robbie have a fight. Both of them go through great struggles the other didn’t even know about, and once everything is revealed it can only end in tears.
XXXII - I’m Not The Me From Your Dream Robbie can’t sleep. Everything’s peaceful until he hears Sportacus’s crystal beep.
XLV - Not Fine Robbie and Sportacus are having a normal day in the lair, but suddenly something simple and small happens, which leads to Sportacus going into a complete state of panic. Robbie tries his best to help, but the situation is really something he has no control over.
LIX - Savior Robbie doesn’t know much about Sportacus’s past. He knows about his homeland, about his family and childhood, but there’s a large chunk he knows nothing about, from before Sportacus arrived in Lazy Town. Robbie asks Sportacus about his past, but the answer isn’t as simple and happy as he thought.
LXXII - My Wonderful Man Sportacus wants to tell Robbie something.
LXXXIII - They Can’t Hurt Me Anymore Sportacus goes through some of Robbie’s old stuff, and finds all the drawings and phtographs absolutely adorable, but Robbie doesn’t like them as much, as they bring back horrible memories of his childhood.
LXXXV - I’m Sorry Watching the kids slowly grow up is tough, and growing up yourself definitely isn’t easy either. Trixie wants to be more independent, but Sportacus is very protective over her and the other kids, which leads into a fight.
CXIII - You Deserve Everything Robbie has almost gotten used to being surrounded by people who love him - almost. He still has moments when he remembers things hadn’t always been this way, and those are the moments everything feels absurd and touching.
CXV - Unclely Love Stephanie’s diary is very important to her. She writes everything there, and it’s also a comfort item. But now, she has lost it, and she’s crushed. Everyone in Lazy Town tries to help her find it, but she simply cannot calm down.
CXVI - Don’t Ever Say That Again Sportacus and Robbie are stargazing, and the stars often wake up a lot of thoughts and feelings.
CXXI - If You Die, I’m Going To Kill You It’s a very snowy day in Lazy Town - too snowy. It’s a horrible blizzard, so everyone goes to the town hall, for safety and to meet up with everybody. But Sportacus gets stuck in the blizzard, and him being the hero, no one’s sure who’s going to save him now.
CXXXVI - Comfort Cat Sometimes Sportacus has nightmares. Quite often, they’re terrifying. He is so glad he doesn’t have to face them alone.
CXXXVII - You Can’t Always Be The Hero The kids are always getting into trouble, but sometimes Sportacus needs to understand that he can’t always be the hero.
CXLV - You Are Forgiven The villain Robbie used to be is long gone, but sometimes he thinks about those times and honestly feels bad.
CXLVI - I Miss Them The kids inform Sportacus and Robbie that Stephanie is upset about something, so they try to go and talk to her. It’s hard at first, but she finally agrees to talk and receives the comfort and support of both Robbie and Sportacus.
Stay up late with Sportarobbie :3
AKA Sleepless nights etc.
XI - Save Me Robbie can’t sleep and needs Sportacus. Now he just has to get Sportacus to come down from his airship.
XVII - You’re Safe Now Robbie has a lot of nightmares, but luckily Sportacus is there and willing to do anything to make him feel better.
XXVI - Protection Robbie continues having nightmares. Now he can’t sleep, but Sportacus keeps him company and makes sure Robbie feels safe and happy, even though taking care of Robbie makes him exhausted.
XXX - Stars Almost As Beautiful As You Robbie can’t sleep once again, so Sportacus and Robbie look at the stars. It’s truly something beautiful.
XXXII - I’m Not The Me From Your Dream Robbie can’t sleep. Everything’s peaceful until he hears Sportacus’s crystal beep.
XLVII - Party All Night Long The kids decide to have a slumber party, and because apparently Sportacus and Robbie are basically kids when it comes to social groups in Lazy Town, they’re invited as well.
L - I Love You Robbie, Sportacus, and the kids have a movie night in Robbie’s lair. It gets pretty late, and Robbie and Sportacus really don’t want to send the kids outside, in the dark, all by themselves, so they all spend the night at Robbie’s. 
LV - Stegosaurus Robbie can’t sleep once again. The tiredness he’s feeling is getting overwhelming, so Robbie gets restless and can’t stop laughing.
LX - I’m Tired But I Refuse To Close My Eyes For Then I Couldn’t Stare At Your Beauty Robbie still can’t sleep. He and Sportacus have a calm sleepless night, braiding hair, drinking tea, bickering, and generally being cute.
XCI - Family The kids are spending the night at Robbie’s lair and it gets stormy at night. Apparently Sportacus wasn’t exactly truthful when he told Ziggy that he isn’t afraid of anything.
CXIII - You Deserve Everything Robbie has almost gotten used to being surrounded by people who love him - almost. He still has moments when he remembers things hadn’t always been this way, and those are the moments everything feels absurd and touching.
CXVI - Don’t Ever Say That Again Sportacus and Robbie are stargazing, and the stars often wake up a lot of thoughts and feelings.
CXXIII - I Sleep Better In Your Arms You guessed it - Robbie can’t sleep.
CXXXVI - Comfort Cat Sometimes Sportacus has nightmares. Quite often, they’re terrifying. He is so glad he doesn’t have to face them alone.
CL - Midnight Giggles Stephanie, Pixel, and Stingy are staying over at Sportacus’s and Robbie’s lair, but Robbie and the kids can’t sleep. They try their best not to wake Sportacus up, but it’s pretty hard when all of them are tired but more energetic than ever.
Taking care of and comforting each other (or others)
XVII - You’re Safe Now Robbie has a lot of nightmares, but luckily Sportacus is there and willing to do anything to make him feel better.
XXXIV - Heal Me Robbie is ill, so Sportacus takes care of him. Robbie can be a little bit difficult sometimes, but Sportacus manages to keep him happy, and with Sportacus helping him, Robbie will probably get well in record-time.
XLVIII - Recovering Robbie has insisted on being by himself for a while. It’s been several days now, and Sportacus has to go and check up on Robbie, whether he likes it or not. Robbie isn’t doing as good as he’d like to, but Sportacus helps him, and assures him that someday he’ll get better.
LXII - Get Out Of Our Town Some random meanie driving through Lazy Town thinks it’s really entertaining and totally acceptable to make fun of Robbie and his mannerisms he can’t help. Luckily Sportacus and the kids don’t think it’s funny at all, and they’re there to stick up for Robbie.
LXXIII - Your External Beauty Is Just A Very Nice Bonus Robbie is insecure, but Sportacus absolutely adores him, and convinces Robbie that he is beautiful.
LXXV - A Danger To Yourself Sportacus has to try not to do any sports until his broken leg is all healed, but for him it’s an incredibly tough task. Now, Robbie has to make him stay still and have a rest.
LXXX - I Don’t Want To Be Alone Robbie is having a lot of trouble sleeping, as always. He still tries to carry on with his day, but Sportacus is really worried about him.
LXXXI - Caring Robbie suffers from awful migraines. Usually, he just waits for them to be over, but Sportacus won’t allow that, so he helps him the best he can.
LXXXVI - We Whether Robbie likes it or not, his body needs nutrition and vegetables, so Sportacus helps him with starting to eat more sportscandy.
LXXXVIII - Angels Robbie hurts his neck really, really bad, so Sportacus and the kids try to help him. The kids especially go over the top, doing everything they can to make Robbie feel better. Robbie is confused, and Sportacus finds it adorable.
XC - Follow The Balloons Even though Sportacus always tries to be happy and energetic in front of the kids, he always isn’t doing that good. Luckily the kids are very understanding and helpful, so they team up with Robbie to make Sportacus feel better.
XCI - Family The kids are spending the night at Robbie’s lair and it gets stormy at night. Apparently Sportacus wasn’t exactly truthful when he told Ziggy that he isn’t afraid of anything.
XCII - Perfect Sportacus starts getting worried about not being as fit as before, but Robbie convinces him that he’s still a long way above average, and either way, he’s perfect.
XCIII - Home Sportacus is writing a letter to his parents, and starts getting a little homesick.
XCIV - I’ll Never Let Go It’s not a surprise that there are still some traps left from when Robbie tried to get Sportacus out of town. Still, Robbie and Sportacus end up falling down one, on their evening walk, and getting out isn’t that easy. Luckily Stephanie, Stingy, and Pixel happen to be on a walk too, but they better hurry, for Sportacus can get quite claustrophobic when spending a long time in a trap like that.
XCVI - Caretaker Ziggy has a really bad fever, but Sportacus is away, so Robbie will have to take care of the poor kid.
XCVII - Assistance It’s a really hot day, and Robbie as always isn’t so good at preparing for the weather. He suffers from heat exhaustion, but luckily Sportacus and the kids are there to help.
CXII - Nap Time Sportacus gets a migraine, but he’s never had one before.
CXV - Unclely Love Stephanie’s diary is very important to her. She writes everything there, and it’s also a comfort item. But now, she has lost it, and she’s crushed. Everyone in Lazy Town tries to help her find it, but she simply cannot calm down.
CXXI - If You Die, I’m Going To Kill You It’s a very snowy day in Lazy Town - too snowy. It’s a horrible blizzard, so everyone goes to the town hall, for safety and to meet up with everybody. But Sportacus gets stuck in the blizzard, and him being the hero, no one’s sure who’s going to save him now.
CXXVIII - You’ll Find Yourself Trixie is confused and goes to Sportacus for help. Trixie is surprised to find out that Sportacus is quite familiar with her current problem.
CXXXVI - Comfort Cat Sometimes Sportacus has nightmares. Quite often, they’re terrifying. He is so glad he doesn’t have to face them alone.
CXXXVII - You Can’t Always Be The Hero The kids are always getting into trouble, but sometimes Sportacus needs to understand that he can’t always be the hero.
CXXXVIII - Rough Day Being a hero can be tough. There are days when everyone in Lazy Town seems to be getting into trouble, and it can be overwhelming to Sportacus.
CXLV - You Are Forgiven The villain Robbie used to be is long gone, but sometimes he thinks about those times and honestly feels bad.
CXLVI - I Miss Them The kids inform Sportacus and Robbie that Stephanie is upset about something, so they try to go and talk to her. It’s hard at first, but she finally agrees to talk and receives the comfort and support of both Robbie and Sportacus.
CXLVII - I Told Her Pixel is having a little bit of trouble - concerning a crush. The kid doesn’t know how to handle it, so he goes to Robbie and Sportacus for help.
CXLVIII - Considerate Robbie has gotten really sick and Sportacus takes care of him. Stephanie shows up as well to try and cheer Robbie up.
The Lazy Town Ball
XX - I Promise The mayor has decided to bring back an old tradition - the Lazy Town ball. Stephanie is extremely excited, not just for the ball, but to see Sportacus and Robbie all dressed up and dancing together. Robbie doesn’t believe Sportacus can prepare for the ball without his help, but lets him try.
XXI - Of Course I Do Stephanie teaches Sportacus how to dance for the ball. He isn’t that good, but they’ll get there.
XXII - Trying To Turn You Into A Princess Stephanie asks Robbie to make her a dress for the ball. Robbie has a soft spot for Stephanie, so he does make the dress. They start planning it together, and both of them are quite excited.
XXIII - But You Turned Out A Goddess Robbie finishes Stephanie’s dress for the ball. Both of them are left speechless.
XXIV - I Belong Here It’s the Lazy Town ball! Everyone’s all dressed up, they dance, they eat, they perform a song together… For once, Robbie feels accepted, like he belongs.
Sportacus’s Injury
LXXIV - An Idiot Like You Sportacus’s constant jumping around was bound to get Sportacus hurt since the very beginning. Robbie and the kids get Sportacus’s leg in cast, and take care of him. It’s going to take long for Sportacus to be completely healed, though.
LXXV - A Danger To Yourself Sportacus has to try not to do any sports until his broken leg is all healed, but for him it’s an incredibly tough task. Now, Robbie has to make him stay still and have a rest.
LXXVI - Get Better! Sportacus has broken his leg, and now the kids are trying to cheer him up.
LXXVII - Superhero The residents of Lazy Town get into trouble, as always, but Sportacus can’t save them because of his broken leg, so Robbie takes over - just for the sake of Sportacus.
LXXVIII - We’ll Play Soon Sportacus is getting tired of not doing any sports because of his broken leg. Stephanie, Pixel and Ziggy try their best to cheer him up, but it isn’t working too well. Luckily Sportacus’s leg might be starting to heal.
LXXIX - Back To Normal Sportacus plays volleyball with the kids - his leg is finally starting to really get back to normal.
Pride Month
General Stuff
CXXIV - Happy Pride Month! The kids are celebrating Pride month, and Robbie and Sportacus have never heard of it before.
CXXV - Time To Learn The kids decide to celebrate Pride month by learning more about the LGBT+ community and identities. Sportacus and Robbie find it touching.
CXXVI - Does Equality Taste Good? The mayor joins the kids in celebrating Pride month - they decide to make some Pride-themed food!
Trixie discovering her gender
CXXVIII - You’ll Find Yourself Trixie is confused and goes to Sportacus for help. Trixie is surprised to find out that Sportacus is quite familiar with her current problem.
CXXIX - You Found It Trixie has news for Sportacus and Robbie.
CXXX - Hello, Meet Me Trixie comes out to her friends.
LazyTown Pride
CXXXII - Are You Excited? The mayor and the kids come up with the perfect way to celebrate Pride month.
CXXXIII - We Are Proud There’s a Pride parade in Lazy Town!
The Kids’ Musical
CXXXIX - Lead Role The kids decide to put the Lazy Town theatre to use and plan to pull off a musical themselves!
CXL - Spicy Melodies The musical the kids are working on is starting to get on nicely. It’s time to compose the songs, and so Stephanie and Pixel have decided to get Robbie to help them out a little bit.
CXLI - Happy Life Sportacus and Milford help Pixel and Trixie with building the sets for their musical, and suddenly Milford ends up telling them what Robbie was like as a child.
CXLII - Great Job, Kid It’s time to get the costumes done for the kids’ musical.
CXLIII - Lesson One Of Acting Ziggy is quite nervous playing the lead role in the kids’ musical. Who else would he go to for an acting lesson other than the master of disguise?
CXLIV - Time To Start The Show Tonight is the night. The kids have worked hard on their musical, and now it’s time to get on the stage and show what they got.
The LazyTown Ship Week
LXV - Love Your Laziness Robbie joins Sportacus with his workout - sort of.
LXVI - Here With Me Robbie and Sportacus play some music together and improvise their own songs about each other.
LXVII - Fix It Sportacus’s airship breaks down, so he asks Robbie and the kids for help.
LXVIII - Silly Baking Robbie is making sugar free cake for him and Sportacus, and Sportacus decides to help, but he seems to only be distracting Robbie.
LXIX - Makeover Robbie decides that he wants to make Sportacus a disguise.
LXX - Happily Ever After The kids are making a book with a collection of their own fairy tales, and they ask Sportacus and Robbie to help a little, and tell their own story to add into the book.
LXXI - I Like Learning Sportacus and Robbie help Stephanie, Trixie, and Ziggy with their homework.
Consider it like this: My usual shorties are like the TV show, but these specials are like the spinoff movies which aren’t completely canon, but still kind of.
Smá Rob (this one’s good, and I’m really, really proud of it)
Sporro (this is bad)
Hhhhhhhhhhi! I’m back from camp! The camp was awesome! I’m excited! I’m about to write a new shortie! I just had ice cream! I also have two other writing things going on! Things are pretty great! I feel handsome right now! Yay!
72 notes · View notes
Hall of Fame
Summary: In 1936 Reader was a nurse for Sarah Rogers while capturing the attention of Bucky. Hesitate on starting anything due to your past and the job you had. Overtime you begin to follow your heart for Bucky, courtesy of Sarah’s wishes. What happens when the life you built could fall apart at any moment with the approaching war.
Words: 4054
Author: Caitsy
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader, pre-serum!Steve, Winifred and George Barnes, Rebecca Barnes, Sarah Rogers, daughter!Lydia/OC x Bucky Barnes
Warnings: Swearing, mention of death, character death, fluff, a lot of angst, pregnancy, death of child, murder, drowning.
Disclaimer: I do not own any character from Marvel nor do I own any pictures or gifs. Enjoy.
A/N Who doesn’t like Bucky falling in love and having kids! Yet in typical fashion of my writing of course it has to have angst. I wasn’t going to post this until tomorrow or the following day but the amount of support has been astounding.
Tagging: I’m tagging a lot of people so let me know if you don’t want to be tagged! Let us know if you would like to tagged in anything!
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He watched her across the busy restaurant barely giving his attention to the brunette beside him talking his ear off. You was quite the dame but the lovely spirited girl laughing at her companion had him enthralled. The brunette was rather peeved at the lack of the attention from the strapping male she had gravitated to.
“Bucky?” The girl huffed crossing her arms. Lips pursed together grumbling grabbing her bag and standing, “You…you jerk!”
“Sure.” Bucky distractedly said watching the interaction of the object of his affections with her male companion Steve. Steve?!
“Hmph!” The brunette screamed stomping out of the diner into the cold night. Whereas Bucky was shocked watching his small statured friend make a girl that was out his league giggle. The smouldering girl glanced over her friends shoulder to see an exquisite male lift his milkshake up in response to her glance. The pretty dame watched as Steve looked over his shoulder seeing the usual object of female’s affections smirking. Bucky. Steve nodded him over and watched an unusual response as Bucky tripped on his way over.
“Hey Buck.” “Hey punk.” Bucky response not removing his eyes from the girl.
“This is the nurse who’s looking after my Mom. “We’re four-“ “Five.”
“Oh! We’re five times removed cousin on my Dad’s side.” Steve finished smiling over at her. 
 “Hi. I’m Bucky the reason Steve isn’t pounded black and blue all the time.” Bucky grinned.
“Y/N Y/L/N. It’s nice to meet you.” Y/N smiled, almost beaming up at him. You reminded him of Steve despite being a little taller than average.
“Can I get you a milkshake?”
“I actually don’t have a lot of time to be honest.” Y/N said pushing a hair that had fallen down behind her hair, “I have to go check up with Mrs. Rogers. You had a better morning than yesterday.”
“Is you getting better?” Steve asked concerned.
“At this point you’s better than normal.” Y/N smiled sadly watching as Steve began to get relieved, “I don’t want you to get your hopes up, Steve it’s the calm before the storm.”
“What do you mean?” Bucky asked confused. He saw Steve’s shoulders slump as if he knew what was going to be said next.
“A lot of patients health peak before dramatically dropping.” Y/N said clearing her throat.
“Buck. It means Mom doesn’t have a lot of time left.” Steve mumbled looking down at the ground.
“I’ve been looking after Sarah because the cost of a nurse is high and the economy right now isn’t financial good for the Rogers.” Y/N admitted ignoring the look Steve was sending her, “I gave my paycheque amount, which is more half the usual amount.”
“What?” Steve exclaimed angrily.
“You’re letting me stay with you and feeding me. Doing this is more than enough payment. Drop it.” Y/N firmly told him.
Bucky watched enthralled as the woman in front of him went from soft spoken to very firm. It was both amusing and adorable to watch and for the first time he believed he may be able to answer Rebecca’s question. The question on Bucky would ever fall in love and get married. The answer stood right in front of him.
“Here.” Steve mumbled helping her into the jacket, “I’ll see you in awhile.”
“Sure.” Y/N smiled at both of the boys before walking out the door into the cold day.
Bucky smiled watching her until he couldn’t see in his sight anymore, hearing an agonizing cough following by more he looked to the side. Standing there was an annoyed Steve Rogers that was hacking after the first intentional cough. “You okay, Punk?”
“S-shut up!” Steve retorted straightening after re-catching his breath, “Please tell me you aren’t going to go after her.”
“What do you mean?”
“Buck, you don’t have a good track record in relationships.” Steve admitted watching the reaction of his best friend.
“What about that blonde-“ Bucky started.
“That was one date and you can’t remember her first name.” Steve sighed, “That’s proves you’re not good at being in romantic relationships.”
“I never found the right girl to have one with.” Bucky huffed crossing his arms. He didn’t want to admit that Steve was in fact right about that.
He was a ladies man that was sure, he loved charming woman that were willing. He had a knack for dancing and he didn’t want to brag but he was good looking. He had never found the girl that blew him away until Y/N and he had only just met her.
“If you aren’t serious about her then please don’t go after her.” Steve pleaded, “Life  hasn’t been kind to her.”
“What do you mean?” Bucky questioned confused.
“Y/N lost her fiancé a year ago.” Steve admitted looking down, “They had known each other since they were young and fell in love. He died a few weeks before the wedding.”
“Oh.” Bucky said shocked.
The leaves had fallen off the trees when October came leaving the apartment to begin to cool down a little more each day. Y/N was humming as you did the dishes killing time before you would help Sarah bath. At this point Sarah could joke around and tease her about the boy that followed her around with Steve. Bucky. Other than that Sarah could hardly move in the bed.
Her hands were covered in suds as the door to the apartment opened and both Steve and Bucky came into the small cramped room. They were joking around with each other and both smiled seeing Y/N in the kitchen.
“Hello boys.” Y/N smiled wiping her hands on a towel as the sink drained.
“Doll, have you changed your mind?” Bucky smiled charmingly, “One night of dancing.”
“I can’t. I promised Sarah we would read a book together.” Y/N replied starting to put the dishes away. You smiled in thanks as Steve began to help putting the stuff away. For the last couple months since they met Bucky had been trying to get her to go out with him. It wasn’t because you didn’t like him but it was more like you felt it was betraying Albert. It had been three years since his death and while it got easier the wound never healed.
“Come on.” Bucky said pouting. It almost had Y/N before you chuckled turning away.
“I’m sure there are lots of dames that would love to go out with you.”
“There’s only one dame I want.” Bucky chuckled sitting down at the small table, “Do you want to play cards with Steve and I?”
“No thanks. I don’t want to hurt your feelings when I win.”
“You can play then because you ain’t winning against me.” Bucky teased stretching his long legs out.
What Bucky didn’t know is that her family hadn’t had a lot of money growing up so family nights involved card games. Against her mother’s wishes her father taught her how to play poker and nail poker face also. You was proud to say you was an expert at cards.
“If you say so.” Y/N teased sitting down at the table with the two males. A tattered deck of cards already shuffled.
Two weeks after playing cards with Bucky and Steve it became clear that Sarah wasn’t going to make it past tomorrow. It was mid morning when Sarah urgently requested you go get her son, not wasting anytime Y/N, wearing her low height heels, raced off the diner where you first met Bucky.
Her hair fell out of her tight bun as the wind raced past and her breathing became heavy as you continued on. Mumbling apologies you ran around the people in Brooklyn until you came across the diner. Inside at a booth was the laughing pair. Both looked up in concern as Y/N crouched trying to catch her breath. “Whoa! Doll, are you okay?” Bucky questioned kneeling down to place a hand on her shoulder, “Did you run all the way?”
“S-Steve.” Y/n choked gladly taking the water he had been drinking. Gulping some of it you finished, “It’s your mom.”
Without another word the trio began a fast pace back to the apartment so that Steve wouldn’t collapse. Waiting a minute Steve grabbed the spare key and unlocked the door. Swiftly he raced towards his mother’s room where he heard a weak cough. “We’ll give you a minute.” Bucky sadly said putting his arm around Y/N waist. You didn’t bother moving away.
Nearly half an hour passed before Steve came out with cheeks stained of tears. His blue eyes swirled with sadness and tears as he sat on the couch. He sniffled before looking towards his friends.
“Buck. Mom wants to talk to you.” Steve cried.
“Okay.” Bucky replied walking into the bedroom.
“Sh.” Y/N whispered hugging Steve close to her. The small man choked on his tears as he hugged the taller girl even closer.
It wasn’t long before Bucky walked out to the living room motioning towards Y/N. The girl got up from the couch had wandered into the room where Sarah was weakly coughing. The woman motioned her nurse over to talk but instead Y/N began to care for her until her hand was very weakly shoved away.
“Marry that boy.” Sarah smiled up at her, “You’ve become a very important part of this family and I love you.”
“I love you too.” Y/N said brushing back the older woman’s hair.
“Take care of my boy but let Bucky take care of you.” Sarah sighed closing her eyes.
Ten minutes passed by slowly until Sarah Rogers died at 2:30pm on October 15, 1936. Keeping to the wishes Sarah said Y/N accepted a date with Bucky later that week.
The dance hall was filled to the brim nearly a year after Sarah had died leaving a heartbroken son. The blue dress was one of Y/N favourites because it twirled along with you and was warm enough for the weather. The black shoes strapped to her feet were a new pair from a couple months ago. Lips painted a bright red. You took Bucky’s breath away.
Both of them were twenty years old and deeply in love with each other, a redheaded woman across the room bit her lip. The female had always had a crush on Bucky Barnes and until Dot saw his girl had a ring on her finger giving up wasn’t happening. Dot wandered over fluttering her lashes.
“Hey James.” You smiled, “I’m Dot.”
“Uh…” Bucky tried off not knowing why the girl was there, “Can I help you?”
“Could you spare a dance for little ‘ole me?” Dot sweetly smiled looking up at the much taller man.
Y/N raised on eyebrow as you watched the woman sweet talking her boyfriend while he looked uncomfortable. You had never seen him look uncomfortable and it sure was a sight to see. Taking pity on him you grinned coming back to Bucky as he kissed the side of her head.
“All my dances are for this beautiful girl.” Bucky smiled looking down at his girl.
“Excuse us, we some dances to get to.” You smiled pulling Bucky onto the lively dance floor.
The night went by fast until Bucky had dragged you outside of a walk in a local park that was breathtaking. His arm was around you’re shoulder as you sighed enjoying the heat coming from him. She became confused when he stopped near a pond.
“Y/N Y/L/N, you captured my heart the minute I saw you in the diner. I know you haven’t had a good life before and I know you were going to have a family a couple years before. I don’t want to replace the man you loved before me and I never could. I want to know if there’s room in that large heart of yours for me and our future kids if you agree. I spent years not knowing I was trying to find someone. The ring isn’t big but I think our love makes up for that, so would you do me the greatest honour of becoming my best friend, wife and future mother of my kids by marrying him?” Bucky asked kneeling down with a tasteful ring with a small diamond.
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You’re hands flew to your mouth in utter shock and happiness. One tear trailed down your cheek as you furiously nodded your head while Bucky pushed the ring on your finger. Climbing up to his feet her deeply kissed you causing your tears to mix together.
“I love you.” Bucky whispered moving his lips to her forehead. “I love you too.”
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James and Y/N Barnes were married in the winter of 1937 in the midst of Bucky’s entire family, the small family you had left along with Steve. It was a small gathering in the local church with Rebecca serving as the maid of honour and Steve as the best man. It was awkward for Steve being ‘coupled’ with his best friend’s little sister.
The reception was short and sweet before the newlyweds retreated to the small motel room they had managed to get. The night was blissful as they consummated their love in that small dark room while snow fell calmly outside. Pulling you into his arms Bucky hugged you close as you both began to fall asleep.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Nine months after their wedding night the creation of their love was born late in the night of February 16, 1938 with a nervous Steve and Barnes family waiting in the room room. A midwife inside helping you deliver the little baby you had come to love so very much. Steve bit his lip anticipation almost killing you right there.
The door opened to the bedroom with an emotional Bucky grinning at his best friend in the world. The most beautiful sound from the room he had left echoed in the small apartment. Steve shot up and pulled Bucky into a hug.
“Lydia Adaline Barnes would like very much to meet her family.” Bucky cried happily causing cheers through the room, “If you would wait a few minutes for Y/N to get ready and you can come meet her.”
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Bucky returned into the room where you were being checked and cleaned up before the sheets were changed. Lydia now cleaned from the goo and cuddled on her mother’s chest. Bucky carefully sat on the bed next to his wife as he gazed down to the little girl that already had him wrapped around her finger.
“Hi sweetie.” Bucky whispered kissing the girl on the forehead watching as her blue eyes, the usual eye colour of a caucasian newborn, gazed into his.
The room became crowded once everyone was in the room just as the midwife left and gave the okay. George and Winifred closely watched their first grandchild interact with her father and mother. Rebecca squealed calling to the first to hold her niece.
“She’s so precious.” Winifred teared up, “Her name is so pretty!”
“Congratulations, son.” George said giving Bucky a thump on the back.
“She’s gorgeous!” Steve gasped gazing at the little girl.
“Would you be her godfather?” Bucky asked already knowing the answer. Steve nodded pulling his best friend in for a hug
You leaned against the door jam watching your husband playing with your daughter, she was now a little over a year with hair that had gone way too fast. She was crawling but had yet to say mother than ‘mama’ and ‘dada’ or even walk. She was a cuddle bug with a fiery personality already.
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“Come on sweetheart!” Bucky cooed towards his dark haired daughter. She giggled crawling towards him, “You can walk! I know you can! You were walking yesterday.”
“Dada!” Lydia exclaimed reaching for him. Bucky sighed leaning back biting his lip and running a hand through his hair.
Bucky had been very protective over Lydia, Addie for short, since she was born and worried heavily on her development. You, as a nurse, knew she was learning at her own pace and her development was on schedule. You had explained and even got Addie’s doctor to explain but it didn’t stop Bucky from worrying.
“Do you think that…I mean I don’t care if she’s…but I don’t want her to-“
“Buck. She’s fine. She’s just not ready to walk yet. My family were the same by not walking until seventeen months and Addie is only seventeen months ago. Remember she was walking yesterday but it’s a process.”
“I know. I worry too much.” Bucky admitted kissing Addie on the head.
“Yes you do.” You chuckled sitting on the ground with your small family.
It was difficult to maneuver while you were pregnant again with your second child. Both you and Bucky wanted your first two kids to be adequately close in age. By the time this baby came Addie would be almost two years old.
“How’s the little nugget.” Bucky question smiling at his unborn child.
“Making me tired.” You joked patting your bump. You were showing more than when you were pregnant with Addie.
You were four months pregnant despite appearing to be five months pregnant with a healthy baby. You were planning on another home birth with the family helping out with looking after Addie. You had the necessities and the clothes Addie had grown out of from birth to now. You had decided keeping everything was more cost efficient than buying new stuff.
“You can rest.” Bucky chuckled. “I already napped for awhile.” You said kissing Bucky on the cheek.
“Mama!” Addie squealed kissing your tummy. She didn’t really understand what was happening but she was still a very sweet little girl.
“Hey sweetie.” You grinned kissing her cheek.
You were humming again as you made yours and Bucky’s bed in the morning waiting for Addie and Will to calm down. They were both very different in personality despite the close age but both scared blue eyes with their dad. Addie had Bucky’s dark hair while Will had blonde hair.
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Addie was bubbly, outgoing and fiery in temper. Will was more reserved than his sister and reminded you very much of Steve to be honest but he was also only two years old. He was the calm child that adored his sister as much as she adored him. They were both troublemakers when they wanted to be.
“Momma!” Addie exclaimed, “Will hit me!”
“Addie, don’t take his toys.” Bucky exclaimed walking in the door. He was spending so much time with the kids and you in this time.
The news of soldiers being drafted war was going around shortly after America declared war on Japan. The nation had been shook when Japan attacked Pearl Harbour and soon men were racing to join the fight. Among a lot of tears and begging followed by a bad fight with Bucky led to the agreement that Bucky would enlist.
“Afternoon doll.” Bucky said kissing the side of your head. You giggled pushing him away to place the pillow on the bed.
“How was work?” You questioned kissing him quickly.
“Dull. Steve’s still trying to enlist.”
“Training him probably wasn’t the smartest idea.” You chuckled shaking your head.
“True.” Bucky laughed, “I know when I’m shipping out.”
“When?” You sighed burrowing deeper into his arms.
“Day after tomorrow. Steve’s upset he got rejected again so I’m taking him to an Expo. Managed to snag Martha to be his date so I can sneak back home to see my wife.” Bucky kissed your neck before feeling two sets of arms wrap around his legs. Looking down to see his children he scooped them into his arms.
“Daddy!” Addie giggled along with Will. Laughing together the Barnes family returned to the living room where the kids began to play together again.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” You whispered back.
Life drastically changed with the war getting more and more dangerous. Steve managed to get enlisted and some serum changed him to be much bigger than before. Addie began school shorty after the news of Bucky being found as a POW. That broke everyone’s heart but was nothing compared to when the Y/N and the kids lives were shattered forever.
In 1945, when Addie was seven and Will was five, you received news that your husband had tragically lost his life. Shorty after Steve crashed a plan into the ocean and you were lost in sea of mourning. Things were made worse when you learnt that during the time Howard Stark flew you to see a recovering Bucky you had fallen pregnant again.
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Addie and Will began helping around the house you had bought with savings while you tended to the newborn twins. You were beyond frazzled and getting help from your in-laws because four kids was something you had thought you would share with Bucky. What made it worse was that your newborn daughter Elizabeth James Barnes and Thomas Steven Barnes were born on Bucky’s birthday in 1946.
Even at ninety-nine you still had your memory in perfect health minus the cancer that returned only a few months ago. There was no fighting this time and you thought back on your life watching the men sitting in the chair next to you. Apparently Bucky and Steve hadn’t died at all with serum running in both of their veins.
Bucky had lost his life with you and the kids while Steve lost his chance of happiness with Peggy Carter. Even now with Sharon she could see the pain in his eyes.
“Can you tell me about our life?” Bucky’s rough voice questioned looking at his wife.
“We had four-“
“What?” Steve and Bucky exclaimed shocked.
“The night we spent together while you recovered from torture we conceived twins that were born on your birthday in 1946.” You sighed watching your wrinkling hands tearing up at the memories.
“Our children go Lydia Adaline was born February 16, 1938 and William George was born December 31, 1940. Our daughter Elizabeth James and her twin brother Thomas Steven were born March 10, 1946.” You wept looking at the pictures on your wall.
“You named him after me.” Steve smiled looking at the images.
“It seemed right. I got a lot of words on giving Elizabeth a male middle name but I wanted her to have a part of you.”
Bucky was crying at the news and how much he had lost.
“Addie is a retired teacher with two sons and one grandchild. Jamie is now a retired nurse with only one child. Tommy’s the police commissioner in New York and he’s got six children and ten grandchildren with another on the way.” You answered closing your eyes tightly.
“What about Will?” Hearing Will’s name fall out of Bucky’s mouth sent you into a mourning sobbing mess.
“Will. My little baby William drowned when he was 10 years old, i-it was painful because one of the older boys…” You trailed off remembering the day you learnt what happened, “This older boy was interested in people being brought back from death. For a solid hour and a half he drowned Will and resuscitated multiple times.”
“No.” The strangled voice of Bucky brought you back to reality, “How bad?”
“H-He…he had multiple fractures in his chest area, stomach…he was carved with a missing ear and heart.” You sobbed, “Will was the first human that monster killed and the first only one he took the heart from.”
There in the cold white hospital room with multiple family pictures, an elderly lady, and two young super soldiers the silence killed. The agony of losing her child was brought back tenfold and soon her heart monitor was beeping in one long noise. Bucky thrashed in Steve’s arms as his wife died from a broken heart with a side of cancer but he didn’t miss her last words that he returned like always.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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wanderlustywriter · 7 years
On Not “Peaking”
Have you ever heard the phrase, "She peaked in high school?"
I really hate when people say stuff like that.
Not because I think of myself as "peaking" in high school--look at any photo of me as a teen and that will be abundantly clear--but because it gets me thinking about the whole concept of "peaking".
No, I hate this phrase because it implies that your life is supposed to look like two sides of a mountain. That you're spending some years working towards some version of yourself, then you reach it--then it's all downhill from there.
I'm getting married this year, and despite my efforts not to treat planning a wedding as the life-consuming process many people (and American society) seem to think it is, it has caused its fair amount of stresses.
One of the things I'm trying really hard not to let get to me is obsessing over my appearance. Self-image is something I've struggled with for as long as I can remember. (I have a distinct memory of looking at myself in my ballet class mirror and being dismayed that my thighs were chubbier than the girl's next to me. This may sound normal--but I quit ballet in the first grade.) And now I'm throwing an event where there will be people taking photos of me, staring at me, watching me for an extended period of time. Oh god, just writing that out is giving me anxiety.
Amidst all this angst about trying to "look my best" (dieting, teeth whitening, hair trials) I had a makeup artist actually say to me, while frowning at a tiny line on my forehead, "Well, that's why it's better to get married in your twenties. You're out of your awkward phase, but you don't have any fine lines yet. That's when most women peak--around 25."
I am not 25. I am in my thirties. I had a flash of regret--why didn't I get married when I was 25? Then I wouldn't have to worry about all of this!
Then sanity returned.
Why didn't I get married at 25? Well, because I was a bit of a mess of a person then. I didn't know well enough who I was or what I wanted to be able to commit myself to another person.
(And I'm not knocking people who get married young. We all have different paths. Plenty of people know who they are at 25; I was not one of them.)
So I definitely did not "peak" at 25. How about now? I know who I am, what I want. I haven't gotten it yet--does that mean I have yet to "peak"? But what about the fact that I'm aging? Can a woman "peak" past 35? 40?
I don't know about you, but I can't look back at my life and view it as a steady climb. It would look more like a squiggle chart: peaks and valleys. There was my childhood, which was amazing, chubby thighs and all, though the rose-colored nostalgia haze I view it through probably has something to do with that. Then came the pre-teen and teenage years, which were hell on earth. College, amazing, but with its own struggles. Living abroad, amazing, but again, some struggles. My late twenties, which involved moving home, getting a "real" job, going through a rough breakup, trying to figure out life post school: really hard.
Because my late twenties were so challenging, for a long time, I thought I'd "peaked" in college. But through it all, I can point to some amazing moments at that point in my life.
And then came my thirties.
I feel like this decade I'm really in the process of coming into my own. Do I have everything I want? Of course not. I'm still working on a lot of things, among them career, debating having children, my writing. And as always, myself. Aging has brought up questions again about who I am, anxieties I thought I had long laid to rest. For me, it's a lot easier to feel confident when I'm comfortable with the way I look. That's something that comes from an adolescence feeling I wasn't good enough because I wasn't thin or pretty enough, and as a grown-ass woman it's something I feel I should be past by now, but I still struggle with it.
So am I still on my way to my "peak", even though I may not be as attractive as I was ten years ago?
Or... maybe I just do away with the whole concept of "peaking".
What if I just spend my life quietly and steadily trying to improve myself, accepting the peaks and valleys that come with it?
I can point to pros and cons in almost every stage of my life. (Adolescence didn't have a lot of pros for me ... though I write YA now so apparently tapping into that pain is useful.) But overall, at least in terms of developing a sense of self, I can look back and see steady progression. It's a slope that just keeps going up.
So I've decided I'm not going to "peak." I'm just going to keep working towards the best me I can be, fine lines be damned.
How about you?
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