#like to me it shows them really becoming more mature and closer to eachother. felt really sweet to see
dexter-erotoph · 6 months
little rant about roy and kinda hatzgang in general for a second… i Really liked him this episode lemme explain. tons of people love roy but i feel like they don’t actually like. ofc they like him but they don’t entirely recognise and appreciate that he really is a bad person because of how he’s been brought up . and that’s what makes him GOOD it’s the times that reminds you he’s just a kid and he really wants to be good especially for his friends who are there for him despite everything. and i feel like how he was here was a really good way of reminding everyone like roy IS a bad person and he lashes out at anybody that he feels like is threatening him and that’s what makes him a great character. idk i just think the way he behaved was a really good reminder of that
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gashinabts · 4 years
Camera Boy (m)| Part I
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader, Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, MATURE, 18+
Summary: Jungkook loves filming. Jungkook takes up your offer on filming you throughout the day...and night.
Warnings: Unprotected sex, hair pulling, sex filming, slapping tits and ass, degradation, humiliation kink, mention of public sex, teasing, slut is mentioned a lot. 
A/N: I haven’t posted in like months. I’m sorry for the lack of posting I haven’t been in the right mental state at the moment. I promise I will be posting more!! Thank you for the people who comment and like my fics.  It really means a lot for me!!!! Yoongi, Jungkook, & Reader are the same age (18). There will be THREE parts to this :))))
Part 1 2 3
*** This is my work, no reposting this and my other works on any other platforms. I do NOT take plagiarism lightly.  
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Jungkook is a quiet guy, who spends his time filming and editing videos. He is in the audiovisual club and was always seen around school with his Panasonic Lumix gh5 filming the school events since he was also part of the year book club. Not many of his classmates knew him by his name but as JK, even during roll call teachers would call him by JK. His fashion taste was dark, often dressing in all black and wearing bucket hats. Sometimes he would just fade away in the background but he didn’t care. 
Jungkook was editing a video for the cheer team in the audiovisual club classroom, but his fingertip halted at the mousepad when he felt a presence entering the room. He sees you walking in with your white tennis skirt and pastel green cardigan. He doesn’t understand why you would dare walk in this room. You’re Y/N, the school’s sweetheart, nice to everyone and everyone wanted to be your friend. He watches you smile and come closer to him, grabbing a chair and sitting next to him. “ Hey, Jungkook. What are you up to?,” you lean over to see his laptop screen.  He smells the light floral perfume and he feels like he shouldn’t have the privilege of smelling your floral scent. 
This wasn’t the first time you spoke to him, a couple times you would say hi to him during the events he filmed. But you did that to everyone saying ‘hellos’ and ‘how are yous ?’, because you didn’t want anyone to feel left out. “ Uh-editing this video for the cheer team. This would be my last video I would do for this school,” he scratches the back of his head. In the next three days he wouldn’t be a high schooler anymore. He would leave this place and major in film in a college in California. 
“ Cool, I really like your videos. I heard that you were going to UCLA and doing film. That’s pretty exciting, maybe we’ll bump into each other around campus,” you smile gently. 
Jungkook was shocked to hear that you knew what school he is going to attend. In the back of his head he wished that you guys would bump into each other and become friends. “ Maybe...so what’s up?,” he closes his laptop to face you. Which he regrets since he won’t be able to focus on anything you say since you are so pretty. 
“ I want you to film me...I want to give it to my friends as a goodbye gift,” you cross your legs. “ I’ll pay you for your hard work,” you reach into your bag grabbing your wallet. 
“ No, it’s fine you don’t have to pay me,” he stops your manicure nails from grabbing some bills. 
You shake your head and he watches as your diamond earrings sparkle, “ No, I insist. I would feel really bad about it, Jungkook. Your work is top quality, better than those shitty Youtubers, even better than some of Quentin Tarantino works,” you proceed to take out the money. 
Jungkook eyes widen at your statement. No one has ever complimented his videos like you did. The closest compliment he has ever gotten from someone is ‘Looks good.’ Your soft hands brush his as you hand him the money, “ Thanks. We can start after I’m done with the cheer video,” he quickly puts the money in his pocket. 
You get up, tugging at your skirt since it rose up when you sat down. “ Great! I’ll see you later,” you gave a small wave and left the classroom.
“ I’m going to start filming, alright?,” Jungkook asked as you throw some things out of your locker in the trash can. 
“ Go ahead,” you smile at him. “ Look at how much stuff I have. It’s all useless stuff now,” you throw some more math tests away. He films you walking around the halls and greeting some people. Along with some chit chat, he admires the way you genuinely care about what your friends are talking about. He likes the way your hands move while you talk, and how touchy you are with your friends. He notices that you playfully hit your friends’ shoulder when they make you laugh really hard. Jungkook learns more about you when you answer the questions he gives you. He learns about what you love about your friends and how much you are going to miss them. 
You invite him to your house and he films you baking a cake for Mina’s birthday. You tell him the story of how you and Mina became friends. The fondness of your voice can be heard at spreading the strawberry icing on the cake. “ Want some?,” you ask, showing him the leftover frosting on your index finger. He looks confused by what you're asking. “ The frosting. Have some,” you bring your finger closer to him. 
Jungkook wonders if you know what you are doing. He could have not possibly licked the sweet frosting off your fingers. “ I-I uh no, it’s okay,” he fumbles with his camera, turning it off and hastily putting it in his bag. “ I think this is it for today,” he puts his backpack on. 
“ Okay...see you tomorrow,” you walk him out of your house.
The cafeteria is filled with the tune of Happy Birthday, Jungkook films you as you bring the pink cake in front of Mina. Zooming in on Mina’s face, he sees the evident rose blush that turns brighter as all the attention is on her, your lips kiss her cheek as you wish her a happy birthday under your breath. 
“ Jungkook, you can stop filming and have some cake,” you say as you slice a cake for him. His eyes widen and you chuckle as hand him the cake. The lunch table is filled with laughter and he feels like he’s almost part of the friend group. Some of your friends ask him questions and bring him in some of the conversation. Jungkook starts filming again and asks more questions towards your friends on what they are going to miss the most about each other. By the end of lunch he feels like he’s got good content and wants to start editing. 
You walk with him towards the AV room, and you hug him just outside the classroom. He feels your slightly smaller body engulf him in your warmness. His arms are awkwardly staying by his side and his heart rate quickens as seconds pass. You pull away and smile at him, “ Thank you Jungkook. It really means a lot for you to do this.”
“ No problem. You did pay me for this…,” he awkwardly states. He wants to slap himself for always being too abrupt with you. “ I mean it was kinda fun filming you. You radiate this wholesome energy,” he tries to compliment you. 
Laughing lightly you hit his shoulder, “ Wholesome, huh? I was thinking maybe we should keep in touch so we can have eachothers back while in California…” you quirk your eyebrow, shrugging your shoulders nervously. Jungkook face blanks and you quickly retract your words, “ Nevermind, we don’t have to-”
“ No, I’d like that!,” his voice raises at the end. He rubs his head, “ Yes, let’s keep in touch.” Your phone pings and you smile at a text message quickly typing away. Jungkook clears his throat causing you to look up at him, “ I feel like we have everything for the video. I should be done editing by the end of the week.”
“ Cool, I’ll see you later,” you wave at him and watch him enter the classroom.
At home Jungkook is meticulously working on the video not wanting to disappoint you. He’s in deep entrance of you talking in the video, he jumps when he feels a hand on his shoulder. Taking off his headphones he sees his mom staring at his laptop and he closes it immediately. “ Mom! Why did you knock?,” he whines. He doesn’t know why he feels embarrassed, it’s not like he was watching porn.
“ I did knock but there was no reply. Who’s that your girlfriend?,” she gleefully smiles wanting to peek more at the video.
Jungkook groans and leaning his head back,“ No, just a girl. She paid me to do this video for her friends.” 
She hums lightly brushing her son’s slightly long hair, not wanting to bother her son anymore she quickly states that dinner is ready. 
Jungkook thinks you're going to ignore him the next morning since he was done filming you but you don’t. Instead you walk towards him snapping a polaroid of him and laugh at his surprised expression. “ This marks the end of a chapter to the beginning of a chapter in our life,” you tell him waving the polaroid. 
Jungkook rubs his eyes from the sudden flash, “ What do you mean?,” he asked for more information for your vague providence. 
 The short white dress you wear waves in a similar fashion as gold hoops dangle from your ears, “ We are ending our chapter of highschoolers today but I’m now beginning a chapter with you...as in the beginning of our friendship,” you look closer at the photo smiling at his doe eyes.
“ Y/N!,” your name is called out by Chaeyong. 
“ I’ll talk to you later, yeah?,” you watch him nod and walk towards Chaeyong.
Jungkook sighs and puts his headphones on and plays on his phone as he walks to his locker. He bumps into someone and he is about to say sorry but the words couldn’t come out. Yoongi stands in front of him with a glazed expression. Never in his time of attending this school has he come this close to Yoongi. Yoongi is a quiet kid, he can’t be described as a delinquent since he doesn’t start in any trouble but he does voice his opinion from time to time and teachers hate that. Afterschool he watches the football team on the bleachers smoking cigarettes with his friends. The teachers don’t say anything because it’s after school hours and honestly they couldn’t care less if he would end up getting lung cancer in his mid thirties. 
Yoongi’s skin is soft and pale, and his eyes are dark, he has this intimidating aura that Jungkook didn’t feel comfortable with. “ Sorry,” Jungkook finally mutters out. Yoongi doesn’t say anything but walks past Jungkook, lightly brushing his shoulder with his. He can smell the dark cologne trying it’s best to bask the nicotine scent. Even though this may be the last time seeing Yoongi, he does not want to get on his bad side. 
Jungkook just got out of the shower when he sees that he got a missed call from you, he calls you back curious to what you have called him for. You immediately pick up,“ Hey! Are you busy right now?” 
Jungkook puts his phone on speaker, “ No, not really...why?,” he answers while putting on his boxers. 
“ Just bored...wanna hangout?,” you let out a sigh. 
Jungkook fingers combs through his damp hair, looking at his appearance through his bathroom mirror. He’s wearing comfortable baggy clothes and he wonders if he should dress up. “ Sure, what are we going to do?”
“ You ask too many questions. Just come over and bring your camera!” Jungkook wasn’t able to say anything afterwards because you hung up. His father was shocked to hear that his son wanted to borrow his car because Jungkook wasn't the type to hangout outside of school with his friends. Jungkook’s father was actually happy to hear this and asked if he needed any money and he politely declined his father. When arriving at your house he saw that no one else was parked on the driveway, his anxiety getting the best of him. He decided not to park in the driveway since he didn’t want to seem rude. He shoots you a text upon his arrival, and you open the door for him, greeting him with a smile.
“ My parents are visiting some family members and my sister is probably gonna spend the night with her boyfriend...so it’s just us,” you lead him to your room. He looks around your room and easily spots a minimalist aesthetic “ Sorry I just exercised. I’m going to take a quick shower,” you tell him, urging him to make himself comfortable. 
Jungkook gulps and sits on the chair by your desk. He sees makeup products and some old homework assignments that you yet to discard. There are several manga volumes and decide to read one hoping that you don’t mind. He’s a couple chapters in when he hears someone calling your name and coming upstairs, he freezes staring at the door wondering if your parents came home early. The door opens and he jolts when he comes face to face with Min Yoongi. 
“ What the hell are you doing here?,” Yoongi walks straight to Jungkook grabbing at the collar of the shirt. 
“ Uhh-I-I Y/N-,” Jungkook stammers out, cringing at how stupid he sounds. What the fuck why is Yoongi in your room? 
“ Yoongi!,” you yell at him. You come out of the bathroom only wearing a large t-shirt that covers just about to your mid thighs, your hair is still wet dripping on the shirt, and you come between the two men before Jungkook ends up with a black eye. Yoongi calms down as soon as you touch his wrist and he rolls his eyes at Jungkook gaping at the sight of him in your room. “ I didn’t expect you to come this early, Yoongi,” you look at Yoongi. You look nervously at the sight of Yoongi fuming ready to tear Jungkook's head.
“ What’s he doing here?,” Yoongi points at Jungkook. 
“ I’m just as confused as to why I’m exactly here…,” Jungkook is picking up his camera bag ready to leave the house. 
Your hand touches Jungkook's arm to cease him from leaving without your explanation, “ Stay please. Just let me explain,” you make eye contact with Jungkook. Nodding he sits down on the comfy chair, while waiting patiently for you to explain. Yoongi continues standing up despite you telling him to sit down too. “ I want you to film me and Yoongi,” you say confidently but there's a nervous shake near the end of your sentence, tugging nervously at the hem of your shirt, you look at Jungkook to see his reaction. 
Jungkook heart races,“ Doing what?,” his voice shakes, he knows what it is but he needs to be absolutely sure.
“ Me fucking her, you idiot,” Yoongi grunts looking at Jungkook. Yoongi looks at you with concern, “ You are not doing this because of last week. Baby, I was half kidding of doing a sex tape,” he comes closer moving some of the wet hair strands out of your face. 
Grabbing gently at his hand you kiss the back of his hand, “ I want to do it. When Jungkook was filming me I thought it wouldn’t be so bad for him to film us...just as long as no one else sees it, right?,” you look between Yoongi and Jungkook. Yoongi nods his head immediately in agreement but Jungkook looks hesitant scratching at his head.
“ I’ll do it. You can trust me, Y/N,” Jungkook finally says. Jungkook thinks to himself that this is the only opportunity he’ll ever see you naked so he’ll be an idiot to say no. The thought of him filming you in such a vulnerable way is erotic yet beautiful to him. 
“ Really?,” your eyes widen in excitement. Walking towards Jungkook you grab his hand giving him a comforting squeeze. Yoongi sighs at your actions but you ignore him looking at Jungkook’s pretty eyes. 
“ Yeah of course, Y/N. Let me get my stuff ready,” Jungkook feels your hand leave his and he goes through his camera bag. He watches you go to Yoongi and he hears Yoongi talking softly to you, caressing you as nod cutely to him. “ I’m all set,” Jungkook speaks clearly, interrupting the conversation that you and Yoongi had. “ Just do whatever you guys are comfortable with,” Jungkook gulps when Yoongi leads you to the bed.
Yoongi brings you on his lap, not hesitating to bring his lips to yours. You sigh at the feeling of his hands massaging your bare thighs feeling them move closer to your ass. The kiss grows more messier with each second, and you start grinding on him trying to relieve yourself. His hand grabs the back of your neck and he hums while forcing you to look at him. “ Who said you can do that?,” he tsk at the sight of your desparation. Yoongi turns your head whispering, “ Look at the camera.” Listening to his command you see Jungkook behind the camera and you feel more shy at Jungkook looking at you in a desperate state. “ Don’t act so coy. You like the thought of someone watching us,” he laughs lightly, his hand going under your shirt rubbing your stomach up and down not going anywhere you need him the most. “ Camera boy,” Yoongi sardonically calls Jungkook. 
“ Yes…,” Jungkook replies with hesisitance. 
“ Come closer to us,” Yoongi continues touching your body. 
Jungkook slowly walks closer to you and Yoongi, he has the camera focus on your face and smile shyly at him. Yoongi kisses your neck leaving a few love bites, finally letting his reach to your breast fondling it as you stare at the camera. “ Yoongi, I want more,” you squirm when he pinches your nipple at your plea. “ I’ll be good for you,” you beg and turn your head so you can kiss him again. It seems like he’s done with the teasing when he pulls your shirt over your head, quickly wrapping his mouth on your nipple. Tossing your head back you moan at the feeling, Jungkook brings the camera closer to your face. It turns you on more that he’s watching you in this state. 
Yoongi's mouth leaves your nipple and lets out a dark laugh, “ Look at her, she’s a whore for attention,” he slaps your breast causing you to hiss in delight.  Yoongi stares into the camera “ Did you know she would beg me to fuck her behind the bleachers?” The question is more posed for Jungkook rather than the camera. If Yoongi is honest he doesn’t like Jungkook. His distaste for Jungkook started when he noticed that his girl was taking an interest in Jungkook. Yoongi would see all pretty and perfect for the camera boy around school. He wanted to punch Jungkook when he sat too close to you during lunch looking at you like a kid in love. 
“ Yoongi don’t,” you whine at him for not to spill more stories about your devious sexacpades. Yoongi manhandles you, taking your panties off, throwing it to the side, and commands you to get on all fours. You love when he gets serious and mad since he takes all his emotions on you as he fucks you. His hands rub your folds spreading your wetness, the pleasure gets the best of you and you slightly drop your head down. 
He grabs your hair forcing you to look at the camera, “ Look at the camera,” he holds your hair tighter. He inserts two of his fingers in your entrance preparing you and you just want him to just shove his dick in you but he always makes sure you are completely prepared. “ Fuck, look at you soaking your sheets like a slut,” he laughs trying to make you feel more humalited. “ Always making a mess. Remember when I fucked you in the boys restroom at school,” he asked. Of course you remember he fucked you from behind and he gagged you with your own panties. You shake your head not wanting to let Jungkook know that you weren’t the model student in school. Yoongi let’s a boisterous laugh, “ Really? C’mon Camera Boy won’t tell anyone, right?,” Yoongi looks at Jungkook. 
Jungkook is all lost with words, he didn’t know you had this side of you. It was just twenty minutes ago he found out that he were dating Yoongi and now he finds out that you would have sex on campus. The thought of you getting fucked in the bathroom turned him on, he envisioned you trying to keep your cute little moans quite. He wondered if you went back to class as if everything was normal with cum inside you. A small part of him wished it was him doing those things to you. He finally answers Yoongi, “ I won’t tell anyone,” he gives you a look of comfort.
“ Good because I would kill you if you do. See Y/N, no need to deny how much of a slut you are,” Yoongi kisses your shoulder. Your cheeks redden despite how much of his statement is true. He lets go of your hair and you hear him rustling with his pants, turning your head you see him stroking his cock. You have the sudden urge to want to taste him in your mouth. He makes eye contact with you and you can’t help but feel butterflies in your stomach. Turning your head back you stare at Jungkook, noticing his pants gone tighter. You wonder if Yoongi would be open to having Jungkook join. Maybe have him jerk off at the sight of you getting fuck by Yoongi. Or have him fuck your mouth as Yoongi takes you from behind. The options are endless and you get more wetter at the dirty thoughts. Your thoughts get interrupted when Yoongi slides his cock into you. His hands grab your hips possessively fucking into you deep and slow. 
“ Fuck Yoongi,” you moan his name. His thrust is getting deeper and his hands tighten as you clench around him. “ Do I feel good?,” you look at the camera.
He groans and his thrust are faster, “Shit-yeah. I could fuck you all the time,” he slaps your ass. Nodding your head in agreement, “ Your gonna miss me fucking this tight pussy? ,” he slaps your ass again. You can’t answer because he spreads your legs further apart trying to hit you deeper. Making you land face first onto the mattress. Your face is probably not in view to the camera but you don’t care, you just want to get lost in the feeling of Yoongi fucking you to obilivion. 
Jungkook comes to the bed and Yoongi watches him carefully as he pushes some of the hair that completely covers your face. Pushing the hair back he can see your pretty eyes that swarmed with lust along with your plump lips leaving out moans. “ Her face was covered. I just wanted a better shot,” Jungkook tries to defend himself.
Yoongi scoffs, “ Whatever man,” and he continues to fuck you at a faster rate. Causing you to moan his name louder. “ Such a fucking slut. Prancing around in your short skirts around school knowing guys would stare at you,” his hand finds your clit and pinches it. “ My little slut,” he whispers.
You feel your approach coming “ Can I cum? Pleaseee,” you whine more with each thrust. He rubs your clit faster, and you cry at how good he is fucking you. 
“Come for me,” he slaps your clit. Your eyes roll back as you moan loudly as he keeps hitting the spot that makes you see stars. You can tell that Yoongi is about to cum as his movement gets sloppier, squeezing your waist. He groans your name as he cums in you. Yoongi slumps down on you, “Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he whispers in your ear. You smile dumbly at his compliment. Yoongi gets up from your back, pulling himself out of you. Yoongi looks at Jungkook still holding his camera, “ You can stop recording,” he looks down and sees Jungkook sporting a boner. 
“ Sorry,” Jungkook turns off the camera. 
“ You’re good,” Yoongi disregards the needless apology. Yoongi hastily pulls up his boxers and pants, bending down he helps you turn around so you are now laying on your back. Leaning down he kisses you softly on your cheeks making his way to your lips. You sigh happily into the kiss. “ I love you,” he kisses you one last time. 
“ No, I love you,” you smile cheekily. 
Yoongi smiles pinching your nose,“ Brat.”
Jungkook stands in your room not knowing what to do just simply watching the interaction you have with Yoongi. “ I’ll have the video sent to you by tomorrow morning,” he interrupts the scene. He makes his way to his camera bag.
“ You should stay,” you tell Jungkook. Yoongi gives you a look, getting up from his position and going to your bathroom. You hear the water faucet and you assume he is getting a wet towel for you. Jungkook eyes widen, not knowing to accept or refuse your proposal since Yoongi is against the idea. “ Stay. I’ll order pizza and we can all watch movies. You know as a thank you for filming us,” you give him a hopeful smile. 
Yoongi comes back with the wet towel, grabbing your shirt on the floor along with new panties.“ Jungkook, you can stay,” he looks at Jungkook. “ Spread your legs for me baby,” Yoongi kisses your knee. You do as you're told and he cleans you.
Million things are going inside Jungkook's head.  Should he stay? Would that be weird? Wouldn’t it be more weird if he declined, he did see you and Yoongi naked already-- “ Jungkook what pizza toppings do you want?,” you ask while scrolling on the delivery app. He must have been spaced out for a couple minutes since you have clothes on. Yoongi is combing your hair through his fingers while looking at your phone. “ As long as it is not pineapple,” Yoongi comments.  
“ Anything is fine,” Jungkook finally answers. He hears you hum and you order whatever topping you want. Jungkook puts his equipment on your desk, he decides to sit at the end of the bed not wanting to cross the line. 
You finish ordering the food, laying your head on Yoongi’s chest, you stare at Jungkook awkwardly sitting on the bed. “ Come closer, we don’t bite,” you tell Jungkook. You pat beside you so he can come forward. Jungkook looks at Yoongi for permission and you roll your eyes. Looking at Yoongi, he nods his head as if to say okay. One Punch Man is playing and surprisingly there is no more tension in the room, but filled with careless laughter. The doorbell rings, “ Pizza is here, I’ll be back,” you kiss Yoongi on the cheek. 
Jungkook prayed that you didn’t leave him alone with Yoongi but you already left. “ Jungkook, you’re going to the same school as Y/N, yeah? ” Yoongi asked but he still continues watching the anime.
“ Yeah,” Jungkook answers nervously.
“ Take care of her for me,” Yoongi finally looks at him. 
Jungkook feels like Yoongi's words hold a deeper meaning but regardless Jungkook nods, “ Uhh-yeah okay.”
Yoongi moves his attention back to the anime once he hears your footsteps.  
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vegalocity · 3 years
Kiss 9- first kiss for Amnesia Spicynoodles? (Whether as Red Boy and Xiaotian or Red Son and MK, your choice).
Affection meme
9. first kiss
Goddamn i gotta get back on that AU
That's actually a very clever shorthand for the difference between 'the Son of the Monkey King' and 'The Monkie Kid' Anon hope you don't mind me using it!
Also since this is technically the first real THING i'm writing for this Au it got a lil crazy
It was.... weird... falling into this rhythm with Red Son.
Even he'd seemed surprised at how quickly he'd agreed to join their team while they were hunting down the weapon that could finally end the Lady Bone Demon. Sure he'd reasoned that he was doing it for the sake of his father, that their family had been taken advantage of by that demon, and this was little more than 'enemy of my enemy' but barely time at all had passed before he may as well have joined simply because he wanted to.
There weren't a lot of bunks on Sandy's Hovership, and at the start of all of this, everyone was so on edge (and in Monkey King's case injured) that it just made more sense to sleep whenever it struck rather than sort out bedroom options and who bunked with whom.
Which had lead to some interesting things so far, such as Monkey King tending to curl up against Tang as he was reading or something and taking a nap right there and how Tang seemed like... wayyy too comfortable with it despite how he'd first reacted to seeing him on New Years.
Pigsy was ALWAYS crabby in the mornings, but he was getting exponentially more frustrated after waking up for something or another he never seemed to be able to relay when he woke (probably some frustrating reoccurring dream that keeps blotting out when he wakes up, MK didn't remember his dreams much either so he could relate)
And about thee days in of Red Son working with them, he'd knocked out during some down time, and while he was sitting near him. The ship rumbled, Red Son hadn't woken, but he slid to the side until he was leaned against MK's shoulder. and... It was comfy. Red Son was warm, and soft.
And before he'd known it he was being startled awake by Xiaojiao making delighted cooing noises and the flash of her camera. And when he jostled Red Son woke up as well. He'd met his gaze for a second and his artist brain noted that his eyes were a rather lovely shade of amber, not even fiery orange or honey brown, but pure, precious stone amber.
and for a moment it had felt... nostalgic... in a way he couldn't place. and the puzzled look on Red Son's face mirrored his confusion at the sudden thought, before the demon slammed up the walls again and pushed MK away, face burning bright red.
But from there it had spiraled.
It was just so... easy? he supposed would be the word. It was almost startling how easy it was to fall into this rhythm with Red Son. Not a few months ago he was a nominal enemy, yet here they were finding themselves sitting next to eachother more often than not, sometimes close enough for shoulders to brush, their unconscious bodies rolling over at once to tangle together like it was the most natural thing in the world.
At one point they were facing a demon that had cast one of those 'greatest fear' spells over the lot of them, and before it had hit he'd felt Red Son slip his hand into his own with a small startled gasp. And before the world went black and he was covered by spiders and the looming specter of his own failures he'd squeezed back.
That had actually happened just hours ago, and MK's hand was still tingly. Everyone was a little shaken up from that one. (Monkey King had holed himself away in one of the few bedrooms there were and he sounded physically pained when MK had tried to check in on him and he'd answered that he'd rather be alone. he was pretty sure Tang was allowed in, and he tried not to take that personally. It was probably a whole 'Mentor doesn't want his student to see him freaked out' thing. If he didn't stop taking everything so damn personally he'd be a sucker for the next fear spell or whatever.) And unlike the others, Red Son didn't have any loved ones on this ship to help reassure him.
So... if their... something or another... that had been developing was gonna mean anything, that probably meant it should fall on him.
Red Son was where he'd expected him to be, half buried in engine guts in Sandy's work area, his hands were shaking and there was a far off look in his eye.
MK had to physically lift him and drag him away, and it was a lot harder without the Mystic Monkie Strength, but he managed.
in fact he'd gotten all the way to the kitchen area and Red Son had stopped struggling in his arms screeching to be let go (yet never trying to flare his fire and forcing MK to drop him) before his stamina gave out and he had to deposit Red Son in one of the chairs.
"Noodle boy i swear this truce will end in an INSTANT if you do not explain yourself-"
"You're freaking out."
"YES I AM! You would be too if your current ally just lifted you up from what you were doing and carried you to the deserted part of the ship because even the Pig is too on edge to be in here!"
"I mean from this afternoon. Red son, you've been pale as a sheet since we got out of there and your hands are STILL shaking." He watched as he hurriedly hid them in his pockets. "You need to talk to someone. And it may as well be me."
"I- I don't need to talk about ANYTHING! Presumptuous Noodle Boy... Bold of you to assume I'd just pour my heart out at some perceived internal detriment which you have no proof even exists!" The bluster and casual insults were considerably less convincing than they were when they were enemies...
...maybe he was just starting to see through them better.
Red Son pulled his hands back onto the table, as a sort of subtle show of how fine he totally was, and clenched his fists to keep them from continuing to shake.
"Red..." The nickname felt... natural. He couldn't quite explain why, but he supposed they'd been Something-or-Another-ing long enough to make it reasonable. Red Son's glare abated and was replaced quickly with a shocked expression. But he didn't shout to not be called something so short, so MK considered that a signal to continue. So he continued with what felt natural and placed a hand over his clenched fist.
The defensive anger was all but gone. And that puzzled, yet slightly awed look he kept sharing with Red Son during moments like these replaced it and those amber eyes darted down to their linked hands, as if he didn't quite know what to do next.
Eventually Red Son came to a decision, and MK let him fiddle around with his grip until their hands were linked properly. And it felt... it was that weird sense of nostalgia again. And as everything else neither of them could quite explain it felt right. familiar. Natural.
"It's not really worth talking about." Red Son responded after the moment passed. yet he didn't pull his hand away. "I know better than to believe what it had showed me."
"I mean, I SHOULD know better, right?" He looked away from MK then, but squeezed his hand a little tighter. "I mean- they're my parents. and they agreed me coming along with you all to take down the Lady Bone Demon was the best course of action. I know they wouldn't disown me because they believed I was becoming more aligned with you all than with the family. That just because we're friends doesn't mean I'm somehow betraying them!" Red Son was working through it in his head, and he didn't seem to really realize that he'd admitted to seeing MK as a friend, so he just squeezed his hand a little tighter and filed that away to celebrate later.
"It's irrational, and it's ridiculous that I actually feared the idea."
"It's not ridiculous, If you think it's irrational then it probably is, but it's not ridiculous. " Red Son looked back at him then and raised a brow. "I mean, who isn't afraid that they're letting their parents down in some way?" He remembered how nervous Xiaojiao was about the idea of disappointing her family, and he was always worried that he'd disappointed his fath-....
What was he thinking about again?.... right, Xiaojiao and her parents.
Red Son took his attention again and the confusion zipped right out of his mind. he gently detangled his hand from MK's and was moving to stand.
"I suppose you're right. And... In that regard I should probably thank you for allowing me the chance to properly process."
"Anytime, Red."
He stood as well, with nowhere else to go, he supposed he'd probably just go out onto the deck and do a little one-man training, heavens knew he needed it.
Red Son put a hand on his shoulder before either of them could pull away and when he turned back to face the demon-
Red Son was looking at him with intent. determination. And it was only then that MK realized that maybe holding someone's hand while they talked about some Real Shit with you, constantly sitting next to each other so as to be closer, falling asleep on each other, and sometimes when you wake up you glance at their mouth wondering how easy it would be to just...
Maybe that wasn't just all friendship overtures.
And maybe they'd had a name for their little something-or-another already.
Neither of them were ever very good at this whole 'self control' thing anyway.
Red Son was just as warm as he'd anticipated. His calloused fingers hooking under his chin as if to keep MK in place. And it was... chaste. Nothing like the fierce passionate devouring of another's mouth that he'd anticipated a demon to go for (that he'd daydreamed about) Almost... child-like. As if Red Son hadn't kissed anyone since before he hit Demon Puberty and didn't know how to do it right. And the action alone made MK feel very much like a child as well. Which was ridiculous he was a grownass man and Red Son was a fully matured demon, and the shortest most chaste little peck made him feel like a squeaky voiced kid.
When they parted he peeked his eyes open just a bit, and it seemed like Red Son had realized the same thing, the two of them shared a soft chuckle.
But then Red Son started to pull away, and that wouldn't do. MK wrapped his arms around the demon's shoulders and properly kissed him this time.
And it didn't feel quite as natural, but it did feel right.
So that was what mattered.
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mosswillow · 4 years
Learning To Love - Steve Rogers x Reader (featuring Texas vibes)
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Summary: Life always does this thing where it puts you in situations you swore you were done experiencing. You’re done having relationships, but they may not be done with you.
Warnings: Smut, feelings, angst, interrupted assault  (In relation to this, attacker going unpunished, intimidation, stalker vibes.), mature themes, 18+ adult content, slow burn?
A/N: This is a gift for @joannie95 for the Hoelentine’s Day challenge! I hope you like it. This isn’t a dark fic but it is a little heavy, there’s a healthy dollop of anxiety and feelings throughout with a happy ending.
Thanks to  @amythedvdhoarder @chrissquares and @drabblewithfrannybarnes  for putting this whole thing together, it’s such a fun challenge!
By clicking keep reading you confirm you’re over 18. This is mature content, be careful.
When asked to describe yourself it’s the first word you think of. Your very first boyfriend spent months emotionally abusing you and by the end of the relationship it’s what you truly believed about yourself. Every relationship after has been the same. Your insecurities and inability to trust causing tension that eventually sabotages any chance at making things work; and with each failed relationship your view of yourself becomes more and more loathsome. Self hatred and depreciation surround you in a cloak of misery, convincing you that they’re your friends.  It’s all your fault, you deserve all of it, You’re unlovable.
So you don’t do relationships anymore. You want nothing more than to love and be loved, to hold hands and kiss under the moonlight. You want a partner to share your life with, an emotional connection that transcends yourself, creating a whole new person.
If only you were good enough, worthy enough for love.
But you’re not.
“No eating in here Dr. Rogers,” you chide.
Steve looks up at you and gives a smirk.
“How about a little bribe.” He holds up a bag of beaver nuggets. You roll your eyes and look around before sticking your hand in and grabbing a few puffs.
“I knew you couldn’t be perfect all the time,” He teases.
“Don’t you have an office or something?”
“I like it better here, I get to be scolded by a beautiful librarian and don’t have to deal with the other professors.”  
You’ve known Steve for years. He started teaching at the same time you joined the library staff at Rice. He’s genuine and kind. You’ve watched him help countless students outside of office hours. Everyone likes him, including you. You really like him a lot. That’s why you can’t let yourself entertain the possibility of being with him. You can’t lose him. You can’t bear the inevitable conclusion of him looking you in the eyes and telling you he’s done, that you’re too much for him.
“Well you’ll have to pack it up, they’re sending everyone home because of the hurricane.”
“It’s barely even a hurricane, more like a tropical storm,” Steve scoffs.
“Sorry, I don’t make the rules.”
You close the library down before heading to your car. The wind has already started and the sky darkens by the second. You smell the slight scent of sea air and know it’s close. The humidity, which you forgot could even get this bad, causes you to start sweating profusely and you want to get home and take a shower before the storm starts. You have a pint of blue bell waiting for you at home along with a stack of unread books, a quiet night sounds perfect.
You whip around and see a familiar face, a grad student who visits the library often. Alex, you remember.
“Sorry, I just closed the library down. You'll have to wait until the school opens.”
He takes a small step forward, close enough that your personal space is violated, while at the same time far enough to where the invasion feels almost accidental.
“I’ve watched you around campus, noticed your schedule.” It’s not an accident.
It’s not unusual for students to flirt with you but this is less flirting and more just creepy.
“Oh, um yeah I work a lot.” you take a step back and he follows.
“You don’t have a boyfriend.” He states.
You stare at him and take another step back, hitting your back on your car. You grab onto the handle and he reaches out and grabs your hand.
“Hey don’t be like that. I’m a good guy. I won’t hurt you.”
You pry your hand away..
“One date, say yes.” He says, slowly pushing his body towards you.
“No, I have to go.”  
You press yourself against your car as his body goes rigid.
“You’re such a fucking tease, parading around me for weeks.”
He takes a tiny step back but places his hands against your car, caging you in. You close your eyes and freeze in fear. Your mind screams at you to move but your body just won’t.
He’s suddenly pulled away from you and when you open your eyes the only thing visible is Steve’s back.
“She said no, why don’t you move along and maybe spend some time considering why you feel entitled to women who clearly aren’t interested.”
Alex and Steve stare at each other for a few slow moments before Alex scowls at you and walks away.
“Are you ok?” Steve turns to you.
“I’m fine.” you lie, crossing your arms to avoid shaking.
Steve raises his eyebrows and looks you up and down. You’re not entirely sure how it happens but somehow you end up sitting in the passenger seat of Steve's truck, looking at your apartment building. Rain has started coming down in earnest and you dread running through it.
“Are you going to be ok alone?” Steve asks
“Are you?” You reply.
You look at eachother and your mind clears. His blue eyes stare at you with concern. Steve's hands are still on the steering wheel, clutching on like it might disappear if he lets go. You don’t want to be alone and you can tell that he doesn’t either. You want to feel safe and right now Steve is the only one who makes you feel that way. It would be so easy to invite him in, you know he would say yes.
“You don’t have a car. do you have food? Bottled water? A portable charger?” Steve asks.
“You’re the one that said it’s barely a hurricane.”
Steve sighs and releases his hands from the steering wheel.
“Just call me if you need me.”
You nod and climb out of the truck. The transition from the hot rain to your air conditioned apartment causes you to start shivering and even after you change and cover yourself in a warm blanket you still shake uncontrollably.
The storm lasts three days, worse than you were expecting but nothing like Harvey.
Steve shows up at your apartment bright and early a bag of conchas and breakfast tacos in hand. You climb in his truck and buckle your seatbelt. Steve eyes your book bag before backing up.
“You’re not going to work are you?”
“It’s been three days.” you reply.
He looks at you like you’re crazy and you shift uncomfortably in your seat.
“It wasn’t that bad, you got there before anything actually happened,” you say.
He opens his mouth and breathes in before biting his lip and driving you to work without another word.
Steve walks you to your car every day after work. You don’t ask him to, he just does. It’s an unsaid expectation you both have. The first week is awkward, You both say almost nothing to each other. The second week though Steve finally breaks the silence.
“How have you been?”
You shrug.  
“I filed a complaint. He’s barred from the library and promised not to come near me.” you say.
Steve purses his lips.
“Do you feel safe though?”
Steve stiffens and you reach out and grasp his shoulder.
“Thank you for walking me to my car.”
“Of course,” Steve closes the door for you and you drive away.
Steve cracked something on your exterior. You had been pushing off the feelings before Steve asked you how you were and now you can’t push them down any longer. You get in the shower and let the warm water wash over you. At first you feel raw and then angry and then for the first time since it happened you cry. It feels silly, to let something so seemingly small affect you so much. It could have been so much worse, it’s not like anything actually happened. Maybe that’s what scares you, not what happened but the implication of what could have. He invaded your space and intimidated you, making you feel small and helpless. If it wasn’t for Steve…
You let yourself fall apart until the water turns cold, then you pick yourself up and wrap yourself in a soft towel.
You look at the woman in your bathroom mirror and see someone who isn’t you. She’s broken and hurting, her eyes swollen from crying. She looks like she’s about to fall over from exhaustion. She didn’t deserve what happened to her. She has every right to feel upset and frightened about it. She didn’t deserve to have her safety threatened, nobody deserves that.
You didn’t deserve it.
You go to work the next day and the day after that. Days turn into weeks turn into months and the fear slowly leaches out of you as you reach out for help. The woman in your bathroom mirror deserves therapy and so do you.
Steve is always there. He walks you to your car every day. He starts texting you and you text him back. You go out to dinner with him, an ethiopian place this weekend and a mediteranian food truck the next. You form inside jokes and slowly you find yourself telling Steve little things about yourself.
“Why are you single?” You ask him one day.
“I had a girlfriend, she’s not with us anymore. After she… I guess I just… I wasn’t in a place for a long time to date anyone, I cringe now at some of the things I did while dating after she passed.”
He leans back and gives you a little smile.
“I’ll know when it’s the right time to jump back in - when it’s the right person.”
You open up about your past and he listens. He tells you about growing up as the smallest kid in his class, how he was bullied and how suddenly people started treating him differently when he hit a late growth spurt. You feel closer to him than you’ve ever felt with anyone.
Steve walks you to your car. Tomorrow is your off day and you stop to thank him and remind him you aren’t working the next few days. He’s looking at you and shifts on his feet, you furrow your brows in concern.
“It’s Valentine's day tomorrow.” He blurts out.
You take a step towards your car, knowing where this is going and not wanting it to go any further.
Steve is the one who holds you together, his friendship helping you in so many ways. He holds power over you though, power to throw you aside and break you apart. You can’t be cast away, not again.
“If you don’t have plans maybe I can make you something for dinner at my place?”
You turn away and grab your door handle.
“Sorry, I’m busy.”
“Oh of course, yeah that’s fine.”
You watch Steve bring his hand up to his forehead in the rearview mirror as you drive away.
That evening you write the text, it’s cowardly but you don’t think you can face him.
I don’t need you to walk me to my car anymore. Thank you for your help but I think our relationship should be professional from here on out.
What? No, we’re friends. Are you ok?
You turn your phone off and take a sleeping pill only to be woken in the middle of the night by pounding on your door.
Steve stands in your doorway. His eyes are red and his hair is messy. He takes a deep breath and runs his hand through his hair.
“You weren’t answering your phone.”
“I turned it off.”
Steve stares at you and you look away.
“What is this about?”
“What is what about?”
“We’re friends. I’m not going to stop being your friend just because you don’t want a relationship. I know this isn’t one sided, that you feel the same way about me. Why are you trying to push me away?”
You cross your arms and look down and he leans over, putting himself in your line of sight.
“If I let you in I’ll get hurt,” you confess.
“Why do you think that?”
‘I..” You stutter
It’s not one moment. Not any one breakup you’ve been through. It’s not even what happened months ago during the hurricane. It’s everything. It’s self hatred, overthinking and analyzing. It’s all the anxiety and stress of life that compounds into fear. Fear of failing and of loss, of getting hurt and breaking. You feel like the only way to keep yourself up and moving is by pushing him away.
“You’re so scared of being hurt but Y/N, you’re hurting. You’re doing to yourself the very thing you’re so scared of.”
Tears start forming, Steve brings his hand up and wipes one away before pulling you into a hug and letting you cry into his chest.
He shifts his face close to your ear and speaks softly.
“I have fear too, but you know what I’m the most scared of? I’m scared of not being your friend anymore. We don’t have to be in a relationship but please don’t cut me out.”
His voice hitches and his grip tightens.
“I love you, I care about you and always will.”
You pull back and look at him, a tear escapes one of his eyes and he promptly wipes it away.
“I’m scared,” you say.
“I am too.”
Your heart beats rapidly as you look up into Steve's bloodshot eyes and see the pain that you’re feeling mirrored back at you. Steve holds power over you but for the first time you realize that you hold that same power over him. You never thought you would be willing to put yourself in a vulnerable position again but somehow, here you are. You put your hand over your heart and feel the life pump out if it and through your veins.
reaching up tentatively, you bring your hand to his face grabbing his cheek gently. You stand up tall and slide your hand behind his neck, bringing him in and kissing him. Tension releases from both of you as you press your lips together, embracing in a warm hug. You pull away and he brings you in for another kiss, this time pushing you into your apartment and kicking the door closed behind him.
It’s a flurry of body parts and heat. You’re ripping off each other's clothing. Steve kisses your neck and you bring your hand to his chest and feel down his abdomen. He groans when you get to his dick and the next thing you know you’re on the bed arching your back as he slams into you. You open your mouth to moan but nothing comes out, Instead your eyes roll to the back of your head as an orgasm washes through you and carries you away.
“Fuck, I’m coming,” He says.
He stills on top of you and then looks down making eye contact before rolling beside you and pulling you into a hug.
“That was...” Steve starts
“Amazing.” you finish.
You pry yourself from Steve and walk to the bathroom to clean up, stopping at the mirror to look at your post sex appearance.
Maybe there’s no way around it. Maybe life will stick you in situations and force you forward against your will. You weren’t trying to let Steve into your life but somehow here he is.
For the first time you don’t don’t feel like this unlovable person. You’re not scared he’s going to leave you or that you’re going to ruin the relationship.
You have a feeling you’ve never truly experienced before and now it all makes sense. Somehow in the last few months you’ve learned to love. You look at yourself in the mirror and see someone worthy.
You’ve spent all your time and energy pushing people away when you should have been building yourself up. You thought that taking care of yourself meant hiding away and putting up a wall.
Self care isn’t a bubble bath or a glass of wine and It’s not something that happens out of fear or anxiety. It’s affording yourself the same kindness and forgiveness that you would give anyone else. It’s looking at yourself in the mirror and recognizing that you deserve to love and to be loved. It’s giving yourself permission to feel however you feel without guilt or shame. It’s love in its purest form and you deserve it.
You are not unlovable.
Steve walks up beside you and kisses your temple.
“When you said you loved me...” you start.
“I meant it.”  He says quickly.
You turn and look at him, biting your lip before saying something you’ve been so scared of for so long. You kiss his cheek and smile.
“I love you.”  
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yeongalaxy · 4 years
Long time no see
a/n: Yeonjun smut
Warnings: Contains mature stuff, 18+, Passionate lovers, Relationship, Tour, Sex, dom!Yeonjun × sub!Reader
Word count: Hella long and interesting
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You were lying in your bed, scrolling through Instagram and desperately waiting for that one call you've been waiting for the whole day.
But you were not getting it.
You got to your calling history to see that last time Yeonjun called you was yesterday evening, before you went to sleep.
He usually always calls you at least two times a day if he's not so busy with his schedule. He and the boys are currently on the tour and you haven't seen eachother in a few months now.
It's the longest you went without seeing him or having any physical connection with him and you were beyond desperate for his touch and his pressence. But it was merely your fault that you refused to come along with them on the tour, saying that you'd be way too bored at the dorms all alone and all the flights and driving.
Yeonjun and you are together for a quite some time now. It was really hard for you at the beginning, with all the 'dating a celebrity' shit going through, but you somehow managed to get used to it.
But you're still uncomfortable with him wanting to show you to the public, because you know how much hate both you and him would get, and you for sure didn't want to make him regret his choice to be with you, so you just managed to keep your relationship private.
You're happy with him. You really are.
You miss him so much that at this point, you started hugging his pillow while going to sleep, imagining it's him.
You were so sleepy, but you waited for him to call you.
You're not sure how much time passed, but you dozed off, and the sound of your phone immediately woke you up because only one person had that ringtone saved when they call you.
And it was him.
You immediately picked up. "Hey" you say, half asleep. "Hey baby, did I wake you up?" he says, his voice soft and sweet. "No, I was waiting for you to call" you smile, resting your phone right next to your head, putting him on the speaker.
You hear him chuckle. He clearly knows you've been waiting for his call and probably went crazy while doing so, yet you were so tired and still managed to wait for him, what made him feel a bit sorry for you, but you understood that he had business to do.
"How was your day?" he asks. You could feel his soft smile while he's resting on his bed, one hand behind his neck while he's starring at the ceiling.
"Very boring, as any other day. Went to work, came home, ate, watched movies, did a spa evening and that's all. Nothing new" you say in half asleep voice.
"And yours?" you add after a short silence.
"Busy. As always. I'm so tired and I miss you so much" he says. You smile to yourself, hugging his pillow.
"Jjunie?" you say after some more silence.
"Say baby"
"I need you so much"
"I need you too sweetheart"
"No baby, like, I want you so much. I want you to touch me, kiss me. I need you here, I'm so desperate. I can't wait for you to come back home"
"I know baby, I know"
You don't respond to his words. "Baby? Are you asleep?" his voice goes through your phone, but you don't hear it anymore. You fell asleep pretty fast due to how tired you actually were.
He chuckles to himself. "See you soon babygirl" he whispers and hangs up the call.
---later that night---
Yeonjun quietly opens the door to your shared bedroom and finds you peacefully sleeping on his side of the bed, hugging his pillow tightly while half of your body wasn't covered and your belly and legs were perfectly showing off to his eyes.
"So cute" he mutters to himself, then leaves his stuff in one corner of the room. He comes to the bed, gently covers your body and removes a strand of your hair from your face. You slightly shift, but don't wake up.
Yeonjun gets out of his clothes and puts on some shorts and a plain black T-shirt, then quietly joins you in the bed. He gently hugged you from behind, what makes you shift more and you lashes slowly open.
You feel a very familiar scent and slowly turn around just to see your favorite pair of eyes starring right into yours. "Jjunie? Is that you?" you whisper, rubbing your eyes.
"Hey baby" he mutters, a little smile leaving his lips. You touch his face to make sure that you're not dreaming, and the next thing you know is, you're hovering over him, hugging him tightly around his neck, while your whole tiny body rests over his muscular one.
He giggles as you shower his face with multiple little kisses, stradling him with your legs on the either side of his torso. "I missed you so much" you say cupping his face in your palms, looking straight into his eyes.
He sits up, holding firmly on your waist with his hands. He moved your hair from your face, studying your face like he never saw you before. He wanted to savor every little thing about you right now.
He's looking if you changed, lose or gained weight in your face, but nothing seems to change. He carres your cheeks and you melt in his touch immediately. "I missed you too babygirl" he says softly, making eye contact with you.
You smile and give him a passionate, long kiss on the lips. He hugs you around your waist and pulls you closer to him, wanting to feel every inch of your body. You back aways just enough to catch a breath, and touch yoir forehead with his.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?" you half whisper, drawing invisible circles on his chest with your hand. "Surprise" he says, doing the same thing with his hand on your lower back.
"I was worried why you and the boys weren't answering my phone calls" you say, leaning against his shoulder. You finally felt happy, feeling his presence right beside you.
"I saw you were calling Beomgyu too" he smiles.
"At least 10 times. Soobin too. I called you all, and none of you responded" you pouted, while hugging him tightly.
"Because we were on the plane baby, I saw you called me at least 20 times" he kisses your forehead.
"I was so worried that something happened to you" you say.
He doesn't answer, you both just enjoy each others company for a moment.
After what seemed like a whole hour of silence, Yeonjun speaks up.
"Baby?" he half whisper. "Hm?" you muffle, enjoying him caressing your back. "You still up for that 'I need you soo much' stuff?" you look at him and see the playful smirk on his lips under the shinning moon.
His hands went down to massage your thighs as he bites his lip while looking directly in your eyes. You slowly nod, and in the next moment, his lips were connected with yours.
His kisses are so slow, so passionate, like he wanted to savor this moment forever. You slowly start to straddle his lap, feeling him already hardening underneath you and a small moan escapes your lips.
"God, I missed this so much" he whispers against your lips, then kisses you again, this time with a little more passion that before. He wasn't gentle, yet, he wasn't rough. He was just perfect.
He slowly turned you over so you were laying on your back, while he moved from you just to take off his T-shirt. "Wow" you gasp once you see his body. "You've been working out a little, huh?" you smile, touching down his chest to the hem of his shorts.
You tug at them, signaling for him to take them off. He does so, taking his boxers off along with his shorts. You take off your T-shirt, which was actually one of his, revealing your bare chest to him.
You tug at your panties and he helps you pull them down, while chuckling. He pumps himself a few times, then hovers over you and kisses you.
"You're really impatient, aren't you?" he whispers, his long fingers teasing your core.
Your only respond could be a moan escaping your lips.
"You're so wet for me baby" he growls in your ear, making you shiver, while he positioned himself at you. Suddenly, you feel a hurricane of pleasure go through your body as his shaft fills you and streches you just perfectly.
"Oh God, so tight" he moans, stopping once he was fully inside of you. He looks in your eyes, then kisses you passionately as he starts to move his hips.
You moan against his lips as you hug him around his neck and gently tug at his yellow blondeish hair. "Faster Jjunie, please" you plead to him, half moaning, half whispering against his ear.
His movements become faster, more passionate and stronger with every thrust. He was hitting that one weak point of yours so perfectly, you couldn't help yourself but strach his back with your nails as you moan loudly.
"Fuck y/n, you feel so good" he moans, kissing and biting your neck. Your bedroom was filled with hot moans, the sound of skin slapping and your passion for each other.
"J-jjunie, I'm gonna c-cum" you moan loudly and throw your head backwards as the feeling takes over your body. "Me... Too baby" you hear him, and with the few more fiercefull thrusts, you both come at the same time.
"Fuck" he moans and gently pulls out of you, looking at your dripping core with satisfaction. "How beautiful" he mutters, then closses the gap between you with a sweet, sloppy kiss.
He lays down next to you and you firmly hug him around his upper body, resting your head on his chest. "I love you" you softly say, drawing circles on his bare chest. "I love you too baby" he kisses your forehead.
You both lay there for a while, then he gets up, picks you up in brid style and takes you to take a shower together.
"Let's get you cleaned up, sweetheart"
A/N: Weeellll, my first one is here! I sincerely hope that you like it hahahaha, it's heeelllaaa aasss long but I hope it's not boring🤭
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emilywritezsnafu · 6 years
Only Love is All Maroon
Chapter 1: Nothing’s More  - read below or on ao3
Snafu stays on the train and follows Eugene home to Alabama, as he requests
Tags: Merriell “Snafu” Shelton/Eugene Sledge, Post-War, Period-Typical Racism, Mental Health Issues, Homesick Snafu, Heavy Angst, Unhealthy Relationships
Warnings: Very slight implied domestic abuse and period-typical rasicm. This will be explored more in chapter 2.
Listening To: Flume by Bon Iver
Maybe, it was Eugene's warmth that made him stay.
Merriell had forgotten his Mother's tender touch during his time in the Pacific. Had no idea what the taste of home cooked gumbo felt like on his tongue, as his palette grew too rough and dry from eating the canned shit the Marine Corps supplied. Merriell couldn't find that glowing feeling in the centre of his chest when he thought of Louise's sweet face anymore; couldn't even tell anyone what his baby sister's eyes looked like. He tried to keep all of that as far away from the war as he could- that dark, fucked, unforgiving war, no place for such divine pieces of his soul. Yet in the process, Merriell pushed the memories away too far. So far away, that he watched the sweet memories he once found solitude in as they danced into the grey skies of Peleliu, to evaporate into fog, mixed in with the harsh rain of bullets that replaced what had once engulfed Merriell, what had made him Merriell- that sugary boy from the bayou with a smile that could light any dark place- was kicked out by bloodied Jap teeth and ripped flesh. He was no longer Merriell. He was only Snafu.
So when he felt that small comforting warmth from Eugene's hand, as it pressed reassuringly in his side at night, Snafu felt safe. He'd forgotten, or perhaps lost, that amazing feeling of hope and light and sunshine on a rainy afternoon and breathing easy after a long cold and his Maman's cooking so-
So he chased it. Snafu chased that feeling like a dog chased his tail, like the earth chased the sun. He followed Eugene because he was desprate for that feeling of love that he left behind in that savage fight for life and fresh lungs. Merriell looked at Eugene and saw these beautiful things and wanted, and wanted, and wanted and after so long of not having- of living only in fear and cold, wet days on the islands of the Pacific Ocean- he craved the golden touch of Eugene's hands holding him and those lips against his own. Sledge was soft eyes and bright lights, and although he had hardened so much during that war, Eugene had showed Merriell that he could still breath down there. Without saying a single word, he had melted Merriell back to himself, had kept him sane.
That's why when Eugene asked him to 'please, come to Mobile with me', he could not resist. He watched as they skipped his home, the big easy, and thought of his sister and Maman, warm in their shack by the river side. And he thought he missed them, because he did. And then he thought that maybe that was what he was really missing, and maybe he should go back-
But then he felt that hand press against his side. And he closed his eyes, and reassured himself i'd be okay. He had Eugene by his side, after all.
When they arrived in Mobile, it was hot. The sun beat down on their necks as Eugene and Snafu jumped down from the train's steps onto the burning platform below. Merriell flowed through the crowd of people surrounding the area as he followed Sledge. He tried not to pay mind to the judging stares of the civilians of Alabama. It was minutes before they'd finally managed to pop out of the large crowd, landing in front of a small car and a smiling Sid Phillips, all blond curls and bright skin.
After a quick reunion and a few tears shed, Snafu began to feel awkward standing there in the background. Wealthy eyes bored into the back of his curls like a shovel in damp sand as he curled his exposed, sunkissed arms into his chest. A glimpse of his Mother's tuckered-out smile flashed in his mind as Eugene reached to grasp at the edge of his elbow. His breathing slowed. Sidney gave him a tight-lipped smile. You don't belong here, you don't belong here, you don't belong here-
The drive to Eugene's home was only 5 minutes but seemed to draw out like sweet molasses. Merriell began to think up of a nice nickname for Sidney- maybe Sid Liver-lips. "Where you from?" "How long'd you serve?" "Why'd you come?" Snafu hears, but does not speak. His eyes fixated on the rusted red hair that sat upon Eugene's head. He remembered a time when his hair was a soft orange, the colours of everything and nothing all at once. The straight, sweet locks stood out in the Pacific, had contrasted with that shit green and brown that seemed to had engulfed and overpowered Merriell's sight for so long. He remembered thinking that it was such serene relief to see real colour once again, so tired of that grey and darkness Snafu had grown to expect.
Now, the colour had since blended in. Not the same as it was, still bright, but not enough. He'd thought things would be different when he came back home, yet instead he was trapped in that shaded fog, searching for that vivid rouge that lit a spark in his soul. Eugene's hair had turned more mature, Merriell reasoned, much like Eugene's soul had too. Much like most things did after seeing what they had seen.
It took Merriell several seconds to realise the car had grown quiet. Sid was peering at him with questioning eyes through the mirror while Sledge twisted around to show full concern. Snaf's voice caught upon barbed wire.
"Sorry." He mumbled. He thinks he hears his own voice reply, and he thinks Sid answers, but all he knows is the enquiring look Eugene was giving him. His eyes looked blanker then they used to.
Merriell looked away.
When they arrived Merriell was taken into a world he'd never seen before. Sidney pulled the car into a long winding driveway that lead up to the big white mansion Eugene had grown up in. The yard surrounding is bright green and pristine. There's two large pots of flowers on either side of the porch, and big collums that seemed to be holding up the front side of the house. Snafu thought back to his childhood home, with it's slanted rooftop, crooked flowerboxes and a garden shed infested with mold. Mére had tryed to make it as much a home as possible. She was never satisfied with it. Merriell ached for it.
Hesitantly, he followed Eugene out of the car and onto the deck, raised a hand to Sid as he drove off with a promise to be back.
The rest of the evening was a blur to Merriell. The Sledge's house was beautiful, yet quite, and their only seemed to be Gene's parents living in the home. They seemed nice enough, although Snafu couldn't help but notice the closed off smile Mary had given him after she'd given him a long once over. Her eyes stayed trained on his bare forearms, darkened from the glowing sun of the Pacific. With a jolt, Merriell realised, he had almost become as dark as his Mother. He tucked his arms into his chest.
After a long family reunion and an even longer set of questions thrown down Snafu's ears, Eugene had told his parents they'd be skipping out on dinner. They just needed a rest.
In Eugene's bedroom, located up two sets of stairs and down a long hallway, they kissed.
Eugene dragged him to the double bed located against the far right wall of his large bedroom. They kissed like they where drowning people taking their first breaths. Merriell let Eugene take, take, take; felt him search his mouth with his tongue, felt teeth clank against eachother and drag his lip out. It was ecstasy. A warm hand curled around the back of his neck, tugged the sweet curls that were plastered their from sleep. A raspberry moan crawled out of his throat without warning, traveled up past Merriell's lips into Eugene's mouth and landed into the pit of his stomach, planted tenderness that grew and overtook him in mere seconds. Merriell felt him shiver and pull away, felt his warm hands move to cup his cheeks, thumb under his eyes, brush his dark lowerlashes. He pressed his eyes shut and rested his forehead up against Eugene's.
They stood their swaying, breathing in eachother, forehead's pressed together. Snafu rested his forearms on Eugene's strong shoulders, let them lazily hang and clank against eachother behind his love's freckled neck. He opened his eyes and looked into Eugene's, found those warm brown orbs already looking at him with such strength that almost made him pull away.
Instead, Merriell sighed, hugging his arms tightly around Gene and resting a cheek against the side of his neck, rubbing his nose along the constallation of freckles that crawled up Eugene's throat like the night sky. "I love you."
Those long arms wrapped around Merriell's waist, criss-crossed, and pulled him impossibly closer to Eugene's body. A hand wrapped around his thin waist. "I love you too, Snafu."
And in that moment, it was enough.
The next morning Merriell wakes up to the feeling of thin hands travelling the sides of his body, his ribs, the short expance of his brown back. Merriell smiles and blinks his eyes open to see Eugene face to face with him, orange head propped up by his pale wrist. A wide smile tugs at those lips, and oh, how Merriell yearns for them. He settles for a small smile back.
They eventually make it downstairs where Eugene told him breakfast would be waiting. Snafu follows him into the kitchen, eyes located only on the back of Eugene's rusted hair, eyes straining to find that bright colour. He's thrown out of that trance when Eugene takes a seat at the table located aross from the kitchen counter, and is about to sit down himself when he looks to the kitchen and does not see Eugene's mother cooking away, or his father.
Instead, two women dressed in long maid's uniforms are assembling what Merriell persumes to be the Sledge's plates, his plate. Their complexion's are dark, bodies thin and overworked. One of the girls, who can't be more than 20, has such strain on her face. Her freckled forearms and neck almost match the colour of Merriell's own, and he blinks. He thinks of his Mother, her calloused hands shuffling through the few bills she'd collected for their months bills. He thinks of her forced smile, that lying grin spoiled by her tired grey eyes, bloodshot. He remember's the bruise she'd once came home with on her cheek, that reassuring look she tryed to give him as she scrubbed at the stains on her uniform.
He blinks, and without thinking, travels to the kitchen. He takes a plate from the other women's unexpecting hands. Her skin is much darker than Snafu's. "I've got it, thanks," he drawls. Her eyes are green and questioning.
"It's not a problem, sir-"
"Please," he says.
After recieving a nod, he grabs his plate and starts to pile on the food that was waiting on the sun-lit kitchen counter. He tries to ignore the feeling of Eugene's eyes on his face, but more importantly, tries to ignore that voice in his head saying, screaming; you don't belong here, you don't belong here, you need to leave. His fingers shake.
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thesffcorner · 5 years
What If It’s Us
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What If It’s Us is a YA collaborative romance written by Adam Silvera and Becky Albertalli. It follows two boys: Arthur, a high school junior who is in New York for a summer internship at his mother’s law firm; and Ben, a New Yorker who is spending his summer in remedial chemistry classes. The two meet at the Post Office, as Ben is sending a box of his ex-boyfriend’s things, but they separate before they even get each other’s name. So could it be serendipity? This book, was not for me. I need to stress that it’s not because it’s a bad book; it’s a perfectly serviceable YA romance, and it even has some genuine moments. But man, I’m too old for this kind of story. If you are a teen, or like reading YA that’s geared pretty young you might enjoy this; if you are like me, you will just mostly be bored and disappointed. To start off, it was a struggle to get into this. Just based on the writing here, it’s unlikely that I will ever pick up another Silvera or Albertalli book. I found both of their writing styles grating, especially Albertalli, whose character Arthur was so insufferable for the first third of the book, I almost gave up. What got me through the end, was some of the humor and the sheer curiosity to see how it would end. Let’s start with the writing. I vastly preferred Silvera’s chapters over Albertalli; he is much more cynical and down to Earth, Ben was a character I related to a lot more, and his sense of humor was much closer to mine. The parts of this book I liked the best were the scenes between Dylan and Ben (who I thought had way more chemistry than Arthur and Ben, imho), and their banter was hilarious. Silvera has a good grip on writing dialogue that’s sharp, fast and funny, with characters making a joke and riffing on it until it becomes absurd, and that’s exactly the type of humor I enjoy. However, his sections weren’t flawless; in fact, I think as the book went on, I found I cared more for Arthur’s part of the story, while Ben’s meandered, and a lot of the things that made Ben and his story interesting were pushed in the background, for the sake of the romance. Albertalli’s chapters started out really poorly; the first chapter from Arthur was incredibly grating, and I couldn’t stand his naive, overly-enthusiastic, sheltered energy. He was incredibly pushy and obsessive, and the extra mile he went to, to not only talk to Ben, but also find him bordered on stalker territory. He does improve as the book goes on, and I appreciated the few moments he matures and shows some teeth. But I had the same issues with Arthur’s chapters as I did with Simon from Simon and the Homo-sapiens Agenda; the overly happy tone, the really corny jokes, the obsession with musicals, celebrities, and especially New York. What I will give this book credit for is that Silvera and Albertali have nicely contrasting writing styles that worked really well together. When Arthur and Ben do find each-other, their dialogue is appropriately funny and awkward, and I could tell that the people writing their relationship were friends. I also had no issue distinguishing between Albert or Ben, even though both PoV’s were first person. Where a lot of the issues started for me, was the plot. As someone who lived in NYC, I can totally believe that Arthur and Ben would be able to find eachother again after separating without knowing each other’s names. What I had a hard time believing was the speed at which their relationship progressed, and some of the relationship they had with the side characters. This book, has some of the wildest coincidences and contrived moments I’ve read, and it really, really didn’t work with the main theme of the story. The essential question of this book is: what do you do, if you find your soulmate at the worst time? Do you try and make it work? Should you even try if you know it won’t last? Can you truly know it won’t last? It’s absolutely the worst time for Albert and Ben to date; they are both seniors, Ben lives in NYC and Albert in Georgia. Ben isn’t good at school, and his college prospects are both limited and he himself isn’t particularly interested in college. Albert is applying to Yale. Is it even worth to pursue a relationship, if they know they have at most 2 months? The book tries to take a ‘realistic’ approach to these questions, not just with the ending (which we’ll get to), but everything else to. The first date Arthur and Ben have is awkward. They fight. They misunderstand each other. There is a bit where one of the characters gets tickets to a really popular Broadway show, but due to his perpetual lateness, they miss the chance to see the show. But at the same time, this is a book where bitter exes magically become friends again, where a parent flies her kids’ best friends all the way from Georgia to New York for a single day, and two boys fall in love in the course of 2 weeks. Look, you can either have a genuinely ‘realistic’ look at relationships between young people, be they romantic or platonic, or you can make it cheesy; it can’t really be both. The entire plot with Ben is about how his friend group ended up hooking up with each other and now they no longer speak to one another. You can’t expect me to believe that they will just magically become friends again after that. The same thing goes for Arthur; yes the situations are presented as uncomfortable and awkward, but it still felt overly contrived. Everything that the boys are worried about ends up not being true: Arthur is afraid his best friend isn’t okay with his sexuality, and his parents are divorcing? Nope, false alarm. Ben might have to repeat junior year, and his friend has a heart condition that sends him to the hospital? Don’t worry about it. I’m not saying I want this book to be misery, and it’s not that bad things don’t happen; heck, some of the best scenes are the more serious ones, like Ben and Arthur’s fight about the show tickets, Arthur’s fight with his friends, Ben calling Arthur out on a microaggression, and the homophobic man on the train. But because the book can’t quite decide between Silvera’s unhappy-ending, cynical storytelling, and Albertalli’s upbeat, motivational/uplifting comedies, it ends up reading incredibly uneven. But what really made this book not fun for me was the romance, and by extension the characters. Let’s start with Ben, because I liked him a bit better. Ben has a lot of emotional hang ups; he’s just exited his first serious relationship, he’s failing school, he has bouts of moodiness, he’s insecure about his finances… he has a lot going on. But he’s trying to cope with all of that, and his friendship with Dylan was the best part of the book. But like I pointed out, he not a consistent character. None of his insecurities are really resolved or properly discussed; he relies heavily on Arthur for emotional support and self-esteem, but he also doesn’t trust Arthur. He hides really dumb things from him that just pile up, and he really does do a lot of things that signal that he really doesn’t care as much about Arthur. A lot of his hang ups, like his lateness, his insecurities, his reluctance to share seem to disappear and appear only as the plot needs them. I was never sold on Ben loving Arthur, and his reluctance to even try long distance was telling. At first, I couldn’t stand Arthur; he was grating, annoying, a stereotypical wide-eyed boy, obsessed with musical theater, with overbearing parents, incredibly sheltered, in awe of New York to a ridiculous extent. I will full on admit that I am in the minority here; most people prefer Arthur over Ben, I just don’t like these types of characters. He does improve significantly, but he never gets over that extra quality that drives this whole plot forward. He does everything to an extreme; his search for Ben is extreme, his jealousy over Ben’s ex, his neurosis about dating, the reasons he gets angry with Ben and even rushing headlong into a sexual situation he’s not ready for. Throughout the book, he’s constantly the character who’s pushing things too fast, too far, and because of that his relationship with Ben felt really uneven. It’s hard for me to believe that he feels ‘forever’ about Ben, when they’ve known each other for at most, two months. The last thing I want to talk about, is the ending. It’s left open, and I can’t say I liked it. There are open endings that make sense and feel appropriate; here, it’s not that the ending doesn’t make sense, it’s just… not satisfying. It feels like the authors didn’t know how they wanted to end the book, so they just… didn’t. It doesn’t answer the question the book is asking, it just goes “well, what IF” and that’s just not a good ending if you’ve already been reading this book just so you could see the answer. Overall, I didn’t really enjoy this book. There are better queer romances out there, and if you are very young, or a die-hard Silver/Albertalli fan, you might like it. Everyone else, skip this, and read Red, White, Royal Blue instead.
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Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You
This is my first ever smut, so go easy on me, please.
Warnings: explicit language, oral s!x (female recieving), generally very smutty so don't read if you're not into it.
Summary: You interview an up and coming rock band Palaye Royale and your blood red shirt catches Sebastian's eyes as it is just revealing enough.
You walked up to the only mirror in your little apartment that you shared with your best friend Janette. It was the vintage leaning floor mirror you see in old movies, with the cheap golden coat of paint half scraped off. You were trying to style the perfectly monotone outfit for a very important interview you had today. Last Friday you had been given only a few info on the group you'd be interviewing for your local television programme on up and coming rockstars and you did enough research on them to know they were a very attractive group of brothers.You were trying on the blood red fitted shirt with quite a good amount of cleavage on show when Janette suddenly barged in dressed in pyjama shorts and a bra. It was Saturday so you weren't surprised, she usually laid in bed on weekends and had a Vampire Diaries marathon or did some hot yoga if she was up for it. You guessed it was the latter today. »Gurlll, that shirt looks absolutely gorgeous on you,« she gasped with a huge smile on her face. »Yes, if I am ready to start a brothel with Palaye Royale as my main guests,« you answered as you started to undress. She grabbed your hands while they were half way above your head and said: »No, I am being serious, it suits you and besides, it's not like you're there to show yourself off. As you became a journalist, you placed a heavy burden on your shoulders to present your television network in the best possible light and you, my friend, are shining brighter than the goddamn sun in this shirt. Just put those tight black skinny jeans on and you'll fit right in with the band.« She had her way with words, you had to admit. You decided to follow her advice.   When you walked into the studio everything was already laid out: a huge beige sofa facing an armchair the same exact colour. You sat on your spot and ran through your notes on the band again. Suddenly you heard the doors of the studio open with a sudden bang like somebody was ready to take them off its hinges. You looked up and saw three grown men jostling eachother and laughing like they walked in their own home. You frowned at their interaction but you weren't ready to interrupt them. »You're actually expecting me to believe that you weren't the one to break my favorite glass that I was deliberately hiding from you?« That was Remington, you could recognize that voice anywhere after listening to both of their albums for a week now. »You can't really say that the fridge was a very good hiding place to be fair,« said the guitarist, Sebastian. He looked like the maturer version of the other two brothers and you were somehow drawn to him despite his strange taste in hairstyles. Your eyes glued to him and he must have noticed because his gaze met yours in a matter of seconds. He smiled shyly and calmed the other two down. You quickly adjusted your shirt, as in you pulled the cleavage part as far up as possible because you felt extremely exposed, and showed them to the sofa. Your notes suddenly slipped off of your knees and you started to apologize vigorously. They were scattered all over the floor and you felt a sudden wave of heat run to your cheeks as you lowered to the ground to get them. »Jeez, Seb, you should seriously watch where you're looking and like help her instead, maybe?« Said Emerson as he picked up two of the sheets closer to where the eldest was sitting. You looked up, unable to comprehend what he was implying. Sebastian had his eyes on the one thing you were trying to hide so hard. Well, two things to be exact. He looked away and crossed his long legs, a secretive grin forming all over his face. You cheeks felt even hotter and you couldn't help but look back to the ground. It wasn't in your nature to flirt mindlessly like Janette would all the time. As the cameras turned on, you started asking your questions. Compared to how flustered you had been just moments before, you were completely relaxed when the cameras were filming. Remington was the one to give the most answers while Emerson only spoke when he had everything thought out completely. His words were that of a poet. But you were surprised that Sebastian was keeping quiet so you tried to address him directly a couple of times before giving up since his answers were mostly short and moody. As the interview was over you thanked them and proceeded to shake each of the brother's hand. Emerson and Remington both enthusiastically thanked you for the fun they'd presumably had but when you held Sebastian's hand you suddenly felt a strong grip so you couldn't really do a proper shake. You looked up from your hands to meet his piercing eyes. The curve of his lips was almost as straight as his eyebrows, his expression careful to reveal as little as possible. The other two chuckled like they were the only ones to know what was going on and Emerson whispered: »Well, I guess you're screwed.« They quickly joined the filming team headed to the nearby bar. »You shouldn't have worn red, you made our bull here pretty damn excited,« shouted Remington over his shoulder. You were left entirely alone in the huge basement-like studio with no windows to cry for help through. You tried to gently remove your hand from his grip as it was getting quite uncomfortable but as you did that he only pulled you closer to him. He raised his eyebrows and that grin from earlier formed all over his face again. »He was right, you know? I don't really like my interviewers wearing that particular shade of red. It's something about it that makes me feel a certain way.« He looked down to your cleavage again and one of his eyebrows twitched just so much that you noticed. Your cheeks flushed furiously but you caught yourself feel something tingling inside the lower part of your belly as he put his free hand on the curve of your back. You were so close together that you could feel his breath on your lips. You automatically bit your lips as his gaze found them. They weren't used to getting this much attention from anyone just like you weren't. He suddenly pulled you into a passionate kiss that led his hands to move further down until he grabbed your ass with all his might and almost growled while he did so. You almost lost your breath as the tingling sensation transformed into a heated need in between your thighs. You never really felt this way before and the kiss only continued to get more and more sloppy and hot. As he finally let you breathe his lips explored your neck. He bit the part right above your collar bone and you were sure that would leave a mark but it produced so much pleasure that the thought just faded away. You weren't ready to let your body take over completely just yet so you held his chin up and said: »Listen, I really don't want to be just one of those women you fuck while on tour.« He frowned while one of his hands proceeded to play with the collar of your shirt that wasn't that far away from your nipples. »To tell you the truth, I've been on tour for about a month now and I haven't seen a woman wearing that particular shade of red before.« Your voice started to shake as his hands cupped your breasts as you told him: »No, I seriously mean it. I haven't really done this before.« That last part was almost whispered because of how shy you were about it. He just laughed as his kisses playfully landed in the valley between both breasts. Your hands automatically gripped his hair as you were feeling dizzier and dizzier from the shortness of breath. »You mean, you haven't slept with a rockstar before? Hahaha, I'll be flattered,« he managed to get out in between kisses that were now resuming to go lower and lower until he was just under your still clothed belly button. »No, wait, stop!« You exclaimed as you tugged on his hair. »You don't understand. I haven't really....well, I'm still...« He got completely serious and stood up from under your belly button. »You mean to tell me you haven't fucked at all? Ever? With those two hidden right under that beautiful face of yours?« He pointed at your chest that was now even more on display as before. You looked at the ground and shook your head. »Well, that is something I would feel very privileged to do. If you'll let me, of course,« he said. It was like he transformed into a whole other person he had been just a second before. His smile was warm and kind and there was nothing but pure happiness in his eyes. You got closer to him and put a gentle kiss on his lips. He held you in a tight hug and now proceeded to tug on your shirt. He waited for you to lift your arms and slowly removed your shirt. »I think I liked the previous pace better, you know?« You whispered into his ear. He laughed. »Well, shit. This is the first time I'm taking someone's virginity. I don't k...« You cut him of with a kiss that included quite a bit more tongue than the previous one. He gladly returned the favor. His tongue clearly knew his way around yours as your thirst for him became even more unbearable. You stopped to tug on the collar of his black shirt, leading him to your office. By the time you got there his pants had quite a noticable bulge and his breathing was getting heavier as he was observing the lace of your bra cut into your skin just above your tense nipple. As you entered the office he grabbed your waist and slammed you on the floor because your table was covered in papers, a computer, a table light and it just didn't seem all that comfortable. His kisses were becoming more and more passionate and scattered across your body like it was his own little playground. You unzipped your pants and pointed at his shirt, implying that he should also take it off. As you were trying really hard to get out of your skinny jeans, you observed the way he hastily pulled up his shirt, exposing his masculine body and you swore in your mind because Janette made you wear this pair of jeans. When you finally managed to take them off, he sat on his knees taking in every inch of you, the bulge in between his legs getting harder and bigger. You smiled playfully with one eyebrows raised and pulled your legs from under him only to tease him while opening them wide. The black and pink lacy panties were the sexiest pair you owned and you just tried to point that out to him. »Are you really sure you haven't done this before?« He asked as you giggled. He lowered his head to your panties and bit on the lace to try and pull them off. There was a fire burning inside your lower abdomen and you weren't keen on doing this slowly so you helped him slide them off. He licked your burning hot clit only to tease you and started to move his tongue up to your belly and to the matching lacy black-pink bra. He moved his head up to face you from in between your breasts and proceeded to unhook your bra. His tongue made his way around your nipples and you arched your back in pleasure. »Now, I really want to taste you good, baby,« he whispered as he lowered his face back to your thighs, making a path of kisses up to your hot spot. He licked your folds and started to move his tongue graciously around your clit, inserting first one and then another finger inside you. You didn't know you were able to experience so much pleasure at once. You held his head and tugged on his hair while breathing heavily. »Sebastian, Sebastian....Please, just fill me up,« He stopped at once right before you were about to come, your back arching like never before. He pulled out his fingers and you heard the sound of him licking them. He got himself adjusted above you, looking straight into your eyes and he unzipped his pants. You could suddenly feel his member barely touching your entrance and you couldn't help but whine. You wanted him inside like you had  never wanted anything before. »I love the way you say my name, darling. I am going to make you scream it now,« he whispered into your ear. He aligned his cock with your opening and slid it inside without a warning. You clenched your fists on his back and sighed in awe of the pain. He let you adjust for a couple of moments and started with a steady pace. You couldn't keep quiet so you moaned louder and louder. »Say my name,« he demanded. You started with a long moan: »Sebaaastiaaaann...« And he seemed to really enjoy it so you continued. As you were reaching your high you started to get louder and louder, screaming out his name as you came. You felt everything you could ever feel at once flush over your body like it was magic. »SEBASTIAN!« You exclaimed as your walls clenched around his cock, making him produce a loud groan of satisfaction. His moves started to get sloppy and he started trembling as he released into you. You both started panting heavily as he slowly pulled out and laid down beside you, exhausted from all the fun you'd just had. Both of you looking at the ceiling, his hand slowly found yours and gently held it as he moved his head to face you. He was dead serious with his eyes staring directly into yours as he said: »That was fucking beautiful.« You smiled at him before trying to get up but his hand pulled you back into his embrace and he laid just one more soft kiss on your lips. Then you both got up from the floor and started dressing up. While you tried to hook your bra back up he teasingly unhooked it again. When you tried tried to scold him, turning towards him, he looked at the ceiling, pretending to be innocent. Suddenly, he got closer to you and passionately kissed you again, groping your boobs violently. As he stopped he bit your lower lip and pulled it. This time, you stepped behind your table so he couldn't reach you and finally you were able to hook up the bra. When you were both dressed up you left the studio and walked to their tour bus. Emerson, Remington and their crew waited in front of it, talking and laughing. Walking up to them they all went really quiet, almost too quiet as Remington started giggling and the others couldn't keep a serious face. Sebastian grabbed your hand and said: »I think we found ourselves a new roomie on the bus.« Your eyes widened and you let out a small gasp. »Yeah, we could all hear that,« Remington said and made the others laugh uncontrollably.  »We don't have enough room, though. I guess you'll just have to join him in his bed,« Emerson added after a couple of minutes when the laughter finally stopped.
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daigina-3 · 6 years
AHHH BRI YES!!!! That’s all I can say cause I gOTTA WRITE
Send me a prompt!
47. “Go on, I dare you.”
If there was one thing Eva Mohn could never resist, it was a dare.
Eva liked to think of herself as an adult. Or mature teenager, whatever. She was reasonable, laid back, whatever happened- it was no big deal.
But she could never handle a threat to her pride. So of course, Russ season was filled with nights that would become some of her most embarrassing and exciting party stories- and the ones she couldn’t remember were Noora and Chris’s party stories.
Chris especially loved retelling the story of how Eva found herself skinny dipping in a fountain on royal property- which is the story Eva found herself listening to again at a Pepsi Max party- okay they’d renamed themselves “Flawless Since ‘99” but they’d always be the Pepsi Max girls.
Eva groaned into her fourth glass of wine while half the Pepsi Max girls screamed with laughter as Chris recounted Eva doing her best Queen of Norway impression, naked and soaking wet in a fountain.
Eva was just glad there weren’t any security cameras around to incriminate her at the time- probably.
She tuned out of the conversation once Chris moved onto talking about the time Eva and Sara- well. Eva wasn’t drunk enough yet, honestly.
She scanned the crowd- Sana chatting with Yousef in the corner, Noora and Eskild dancing with a reluctant Isak, Ingrid and Jema doing body shots- and Vilde.
She was getting hit on by some guy, leaning up against the wall with a tight smile, probably wanting to be anywhere else. She’d broken up with Magnus just before Russ time started, with no warning to Margnus or the girls, and hadn’t really been with anyone since.
Well- hadn’t dated anyone. Hadn’t even really hooked up with anyone- anyone except-
Eva handed her glass to the girl next to her and slipped away.
She was half way across the room when Cilde spotted her, her eyes widening in an obvious cry for help. Eva straightened her shoulders and walked up to the two, ready to win herself an Oscar.
“Hiiiiii, Vilde,” Eva slurred as she skillfully tripped over herself to get to her blond friend. Vilde steadied her with one hand, the other trying to keep her drink steady.
“Eva!” Vilde laughed as though this were coincidence.
Eva saw the guy on the other side of Vilde perk up. He was getting ready for a show- but this was a private screening. Sorry, pal.
“Vilde,” Eva put on her best worried face and pointedly ignored the fuckboy licking his lips at their proximity. “I need you to come with me,” Eva lolled her head to one side.
“What’s happened?” Vilde asked, throwing nervous glances between her the other dude as Eva tugged at her arm.
“Noora drank too much and she’s throwing up everywhere! It’s so gross Vilde. I think some of it’s in my bra,” Eva pouted exaggeratedly.
She glanced at the nameless boy, who’s face was now much less one of interest and much more one of disgust. Good, Eva thought- maybe a little too viciously as she pulled Vilde away from him and closer to her.
Vilde didn’t question it and went with her, and they stumbled out of the back patio doors, leaving Nameless Guy without so much as looking his way.
“Eva,” Vilde slowed them down once they were outside. The music from inside was muffled, Christmas lights strung up around the house cast a warm vanilla glow on both of them. “Noora doesn’t drink, though?”
Eva smiled at this girl in front of her- she’d learnt a long time ago that Vilde wasn’t dumb, but, God, she was so trusting sometimes. “No, she doesn’t. But I didn’t think you wanted to be there anymore.”
All the tension seemed to melt away from Vilde’s body and she gave Eva a relieved grin.
“No, I didn’t, really.”
They sat on a swinging bench, half a meter apart. Eva found a wine bottle and they passed it back and forth.
“You’re so brave,” Vilde said, passing her the bottle. “I would never have been able to do that. Like, step up like that. I know I should but.”
Eva gave a very graceful pfff of disbelief. “Am not.” She took a swig, realizing that there wasn’t a lot ledt.
“Are too!” Vilde laughed. “Whenever someone tells you to do something crazy- you just. You do it! I don’t get it.”
“I don’t do everything I want to,” Eva argued. She leaned back on the swing, rocking them forward and backward, her mouth set in a pout. Doing a bunch of stupid dares didn’t make you brave.
She looked up at Vilde, her blue eyes wide and wisps of her blonde hair coming out of her neat ponytail. Vilde took the bottle from her.
Doing what you‘re afraid of doing sober while drunk didn’t count as brave, Eva thought.
Vilde pointed to a girl just inside, visible through the kitchen window, holding a half empty bottle of wine. “I dare you to swipe that girl’s wine,” she smirked slowly. Her pink lipgloss was smudged a little from the wine bottle.
Eva looked at her and scoffed through her smile. “Serious?”
“Serious,” Vilde nodded.
“Whatever,” Eva lolled her head to one side and then the other. Looking away from Vilde, at Vilde again. Vilde. No Vilde. Vilde. “That‘s easy. Peasy.” Eva stares as Vilde finished off the wine with a wrinkle of her nose. Her cute nose. She didn’t really like red wine, so Eva didn’t know why she was drinking it so earnestly now. “Call me when you have a real dare.”
“Okay, then. A real dare.” Vilde sat up straight, and Eva followed. “Kiss me.”
Eva’s head spun. She was suddenly aware how not-apart they were sitting. How did that happen? How did Vilde’s leg get so close to hers, so that she could feel Vilde’s knee pressing against hers.
Eva couldn’t help rucking a loose strand of wispy blonde hair behind Vilde’s ear. Her finger lingered, tracing her ear, her jaw. Her skin felt nice.
“Go on,” Vilde whispered, her voice feather light. “I dare you.”
They were so close. And she could do it. Lean in, just a few inches, and their lips would touch.
It wouldn’t be the first time.
And that was Eva’s problem. Didn’t they do this every time? They’d find eachother, and pretend, and be coy, and be drunk, and be nothing, until Vilde would press her body close and they were something for a few minutes.
Eva wanted that something.
“I can’t,” she pulled away. “Vilde, I’m sorry.”
Vilde looked like Eva had slapped her across the face. “I- no. No, that’s fine.” Vilde took a breath, and turned on a polite smile so quick that Eva’s heart dropped into her stomach. That wasn’t what she wanted. “It was just a stupid dare.”
“Listen, can we-“
“I actually,” Vilde interrupted. “I, uh, have to get home. I had no idea it was so late.”
The world was falling down around Eva, way, way too quick for her drunk brain to comprehend. “No, wait-“
“See you Monday, Eva!”
The screen door slammed, and she was alone.
Sunday, 14:34
Eva Moan: Hey cool party last night!
Eva Moan: Hey, can we talk? Please?
Eva Moan: Vilde? I’m really sorry about last night
Vilde🌸: Sorry! Still hungover. I don’t remember a thing from the party lol
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meimi-haneoka · 6 years
“I’m not that little girl you have to protect anymore” ~ Interview with Yukana (Meiling’s VA) in Animage 06/2018
I had the chance to give a look to the interview with Meiling Li’s voice actress Yukana that is being featured on the Animage issue currently in stores, the June one, and I felt so touched by her words that I decided to make my usual “highlights” post! This interview is highly focused on Meiling, so if you don’t like her....you know what to do! As usual, I’m not a native English speaker, so forgive me if my translation sounds a bit off. If you mean to repost or translate this in another language, send me a message/credit me, thanks!
The title of the interview is “She became a little bit more mature ahead (of everyone else)”
Yukana starts the interview saying how she didn't even think Meiling would appear at all in the Clear Card anime, because she’s is an anime-only character, although the interviewer points out that she blends so well with the CCS world, that is hard to believe she's an "original character".
Yukana continues saying that when they announced that CCS would get a new series, she was very happy and wanted to fully support it as "audience" , because it's a work full of memories for her. When she met Aya Hisakawa (Kero's VA) during the recordings for a different work, she congratulated her for reprising her role as Kero-chan. Then, precisely in those days, when she looked at her schedule book she found "Card Captor Sakura" and was honestly believing there was a mistake or something, because she didn't understand how Meiling could fit in the story since she doesn't appear in the manga...it was a very pleasant surprise for her as well! Yukana points out often how much she loves CCS.
She was very surprised when Meiling said "I have the intention to go to Japan during summer vacations" in episode 6, thinking "Will I really join everyone else? When is this 'summer vacation’ ?" Then, Meiling finally shows up in episode 13, and Yukana says how she enjoyed the fact that she stayed at Sakura's home, in a place where they had the opportunity to get closer because very "intimate". She mentions how the scene of Meiling drying Sakura's hair left a strong impression on her, because in that situation the two became very close.
The interviewer goes on mentioning that Meiling looked rather matured.  Yukana: "If you look at the previous series by Meiling's point of view, you can actually perceive it as a story of a girl's growth. Her beloved Syaoran was struggling with the events surrounding the Clow cards. Precisely because she loved him a lot, she wanted to help him with her own strength, but she's got no magical powers. She obtained both knowledge and physical abilities by putting a lot of effort, but no matter how she works hard for it, she'll never be able to obtain magical powers. Such young Meiling could not accept this sad reality, that's why I think she was trying to give some kind of stability to her heart by considering Sakura a rival, in the beginning.  While Sakura and Syaoran were experiencing growth as people who can handle magical powers, she had to fight hard against all the things that resulted in nothing, Syaoran's feelings included, and had to overcome them, so she became a little more mature in the process."
The interviewer asks if the reason why Meiling avoided Syaoran, who worried over her, was coming from that experience.  Yukana: "Yes, probably. Meiling is already confident with herself, so I think she looks at still clumsy Syaoran feeling like a mother or a sister. She understands that Syaoran is doing it out of care for her, but to Meiling sometimes it seems (his worry) is misdirected. So I was thinking that, slightly annoyed by that, she's probably feeling like "It's not me the person you must watch over. I'm not that little girl who must be protected by you anymore." I think that she conveyed a little of that feeling to Syaoran, when they had that conversation over the phone while Meiling was going back to Hong Kong."
The interviewer says "It seems Meiling graduated from the childhood love" Yukana: "The Meiling of the previous series was just content with being looked after and treasured by Syaoran. But, she ended up realizing that being protected like you would do with a person weaker than you, out of sense of duty and desire to protect, wasn't the feeling she wanted (from Syaoran). Of course, I think there isn't just that, but...once she realized that, being treated with care became also difficult for her."
The interview continues mentioning that Yukana had a lot of fun while Meiling and Sakura prepared gyoza together. The recordings were being held at evening so she became really hungry after that scene! Yukana also mentions she liked the episode where everyone became animals. Her favorite was Tomoyo as a sheep who was carefreely sitting while everyone else was in a panic (note: I think Yukana's memories of the episode are slightly off here).
The interviewer takes the opportunity to say that Meiling's care for Sakura and Syaoran looks similar to Tomoyo's. Yukana "Tomoyo gave Meiling a lot of support in the previous series. Because she is someone who had to get over (love) all by herself, and now she thinks about "Sakura's happiness" first and foremost. I think we can say that, just like the current Meiling, she's a character whose priority is someone else's feelings, even if they aren't directed towards herself. But this time, it seems to me that Meiling has got a very firm focus in her heart, so much that she doesn't need to sympathize with someone else to carry on her own will anymore. We can also say that Meiling and Tomoyo's relationship is one where they can understand eachother without even exchanging a word. In Tomoyo's case, Sakura is ultimately the focus, but Meiling gives me a different impression, Sakura and Syaoran are both important existences to her at the same level”.
The interview continues with Yukana's/Meiling's impressions on Akiho, where she says it was interesting how she immediately put herself in an equal position as Akiho, once she realized that she didn't use keigo with her to put distance between them, but just because it was a habit. Yukana remarks how amazing it is that she can assess these situations without even being a Japanese native speaker.
As expected, the interviewer asks about the Cantonese lines she had to say during Meiling's stay. Yukana says that after receiving the scenario, she started to look for a Cantonese speaking person in a hurry, through the friend of an acquaintance. Since nowadays Japanese anime is a worldwide thing, she wanted to make sure her pronounciation would be as close as possible to the real Cantonese language, so she had this person recording some things that someone living in Hong Kong would normally say, and some other things a bit more slowly, then she practiced on those.
The interview concludes with the interviewer saying that, as a fan, she/he hopes to see Meiling again, and Yukana says that while she'd be very happy if she had the opportunity to appear again, she doesn't want it to be forced, because it must be fitting the story. If the possibility for a proper role for Meiling does exist, she would be glad to participate again! BONUS:
In a small circle on the side of the interview, Yukana talks about the scene where Meiling dries Sakura's hair. Drying someone else's hair, or having her hair dried by someone else is an act she likes a lot. Hair holds a lot of meanings for a girl, and touching someone's hair or letting them touch it makes the “distance of the heart” shrink. She feels that thanks to that scene, Meiling and Sakura's relationship deepened once more.
In another circle, Yukana mentions how she feels that this time, starting by a new relationship with Syaoran, Meiling became sort of a guide to Sakura, who’s currently got her heart shaken by many events. Probably this seemingly more mature Meiling wanted Sakura to feel and think about certain things. Among her family, friends and also her role as a cardcaptor, in the whole situation surrounding Sakura, which one is the most important thing to her. She wants her to grasp it tightly and think about what is the best way to protect all of those above. Yukana says that although there are wonderful adults like Fujitaka, this is a story about children gaining something with their own strength. In this situation, the current Meiling becomes sort of an adviser.
Aaaand that’s it! Honestly this interview made me love Meiling even more, but most of all, it surprised me because I didn’t even imagine Yukana had such a good insight on CCSakura’s world.
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bangchanshehe · 7 years
Andromeda pt.5
You were no one, a goody-two-shoes who always played by the rules. When you decided to change yourself and live a little more dangerously you got caught up in Taemin’s trap. He had no use for you and no desire to have you. You were a toy and a time killer. But, he just so happened to have a lot of time and you happened to be his new favorite play thing.
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You sat down on the couch and tried to gather all of your wits before you tried to carry on any other type of conversation.
What did this all mean? And why were you so willing to believe it? Taemin and Minho hadn’t exhibited any signs to make you think that they were anything other than human so why did you believe it when he said that he was a vampire?
You looked over at Minho who sat at the opposite end of the couch looking absolutely defeated and guilty. Taemin stood above the two of you from across the couch giving Minho a look like he was the dirtiest thing that he had come across. It looks could kill you imagined that this would be the look to do it.
You looked down at the floor and cleared your throat, affectively making both of the men turn their attention towards you. Minho looked concerened for you and tried to scoot over to your side to comfort you but taemin gave him a look that screamed ‘I dare you to try’.
“Can someone please explain everything to me again?... slower this time?” you asked with a soft voice
Taemin rolled his eyes and looked to Minho to explain the mess that he had gotten everyone in. Minho sighed and stared up at the ceiling before he began to talk.
“We, are all vampires, everyone that you met at the club besides the women. We live here in this house together.” He started and looked towards you to make sure that you were taking what he was saying to you well. But you refused to look at either of them. You had your eyes permanently trained on the ground as you tried to add everything together. “As vampires we have a mate…. Someone who is supposed to be made for us and us for them. Taemin is your mate.”
You looked up towards taemin who was looking down at you as if he was gauging your reaction. You didn’t say anything to him but merely looked over his features.
“But how is he supposed to be my mate?... he’s not even attracted to me! He let you have me!” you exclaimed furious that this is the way that things had panned out. “And… honestly I’m not attracted to him.” You said softly hoping that they didn’t hear that last part.
“And who are you attracted to? HIM?” Taemin yelled and pointed at Minho
It was your turn to roll your eyes at Taemin now. Why did he think that because you were his “mate” or whatever that you had to drop everything and run to him? He also admitted that he didn’t want you, so why should you go to him?
“Well I don’t excatly want to force myself into a relationship where I’m not happy nor wanted” you growled out to him
Taemin smirked at you and scoffed  “Not happy?... I would treat you like the fucking queen. Not wanted?... do you have any idea how appealing you are?” he stated like what you had just said was the absolute dumbest thing he had ever heard in his lifetime.
You shook your head at him in silent fury. Bull shit, you thought to yourself. You peeked over at Minho who was looking down at his lap as if this was the last place on earth where he wanted to be. You turned towards him in your seat and silently wished that he would look at you. Just once that’s all that you wanted. You just needed for him to confirm it for you that this was real.
“And what happens to us?” you asked him hoping that the stupid quiver in your voice wasn’t too obvious.
Minho slowly turned his head to look at your from the corner of his eyes before he looked back down in his lap. “We stop” he said
“this is so stupid… this is the first time that I like a guy who’s liked me back in the longest fucking time… and now it doesn’t even matter?” you said out loud
“I know and I am sorry.” Minho confessed “I should have never started anything knowing that it was going to end up like this, but he’s right!”
Your gaze sharpened on Minho and you were prepared to kill both of the men who stood before you, one for being an absolute idot and the other for being and even bigger idiot.
How could they be so carless and selfish? This is exactly why you had trust issues! The good guys always end up being the bad guys and the bad guys… well they’re still bad. So either way you didn’t win.
“as soon as he claims you it’ll be like I never even felt anything for you, because all of this” he gestured in between the two of you “is only because of the bond between us brothers.”
You looked at him and instantly any sort of emotion that you felt in the last 24 hours was pointless. It was all a big fat scam and he knew it. He only used you to feel good because of his freaky little psychic connection.
It didn’t matter how old or mature men seemed to be… they’re all the fucking same.
“So what happens if I don’t want to be with you?” you asked Taemin with the malice dripping from your voice making it obvious that you had no intentions of being with him.
He looked at you softly as if he hoped that his answer would make you feel some pitty, “you want the long version or the short version?” he asked you and when you didn’t answer he sighed and continued “I’ll start to halucinate and I’ll eventually go crazy. I’ll become violent and uncontrollable. And eventually the madness will lead me to my own self destruction”
Your glare softened and you started to feel some remorse for him. It wasn’t as simple for him to move on like you had the abilty to.  He couldn’t cry the heart break out and redecorate his house like you had done in the past. It wouldn’t take him a simple few weeks of heart break to get over you… it was a literal life or death situation.
You groaned out in frustration and ran your fingers through your hair. How did you become the person wrapped up in all of this monumental drama? You had always been a good girl and never did anything wrong and always worked hard and did what you were told.
You histerically started to laugh as you realized that all of those girls who you used to be jealous of because they had more than one man now seemed measily and pathetic. You didn’t have two men, you had one and the other didn’t love you but needed you to survive.
“If Minho feels this way about me then what about you? Why don’t you seem to be affected by me?” you asked Taemin
Taemin shuffled on his feet and then finally sat down in a leather chair that faces the couch.  “At first I didn’t want anything to do with having a mate. I felt like I was too young and it wasn’t fair for me to have met my mate when all of my brothers were significantly older than I am.”
Your jaw dropped and you turned to Minho completely uncomfortable now that you realized that he was actually ages older than you in the disguise of his former self.
“Wait-“ you put your hands up to stop Taemin and asked “exactly how old are you?” you eyed him skeptically. You wouldn’t have guessed that he was over 40 and Minho couldn’t be over 60… right?
“I will be 75 in july, and Minho” he glanced over at him and chuckled “He’ll be 142 in December”
You coughed on the air around you and as soon as you caught your breath you allowed your jaw to drop dramatically. You looked at minho and imagined the toned body underneath his clothes. Grandpa’s still got it! You thought to yourself and like he had read your mind Minho looked over at you and showed a small smile. he turned away quickly to not show his happiness by your amusement and Taemin’s obvious agitation.
“After I’ve just told you that you still look at him that way?” Taemin asked in disbelief
You looked over at him and quickly blinked as you tried to disguise your obvious glances at Minho, knowing what was underneath the thick clothes.
“So what are we gonna do?” Minho asked to anyone who could answer him
Taemin and you stoped and looked at eachother knowing that what ever happened would be up to the two of you. Mostly you.
“What are we gonna do?” Taemin asked you acknowledging your importance.
You sat back and sighed thinking about what would change if you agreed to become taemin’s mate.
You’d probably end up continuing life as normal but just as a taken woman… and even if it wasn’t a relationship that you necessarily wanted it didn’t mean that you would allow for Taemin to go insane and put lots of people in danger.  That was too selfish.
“Im not promising that I’ll ever fall in love with you… and I’m not saying that I’m going to take advantage of your affection either but, I’m not a murderer. I’m not going to let you just die” you said without looking at taemin. “what exactly do you have to do to claim me?” you asked
Taemin’s eyes started to look amazed and hopeful and he sat a little bit closer to the edge of his seat
“It’s really simple….” He started but the laughter from Minho immediately stopped him from continuing
He looked over at Minho and the fire that was in his eyes suddenly dissaparead. Minho covered his mouth and let out a few sorry’s but you knew that he didn’t mean it.
“What is it?” you said focusing back on Taemin hoping that he would continue
“Well, I have to bite you and drink some of your blood.” He said
His tone seemed off like that wasn’t the end of his sentence and you looked at him expectantly waiting for the rest to come.
“and we have to have sex” he finished with his head hung
You nodded your head and thought it over. The biting thing was expected. You didn’t think that it seemed to surreal or jaw dropping. It seemed just like standard vampy stuff. But the sex part was something that you had to think about.
He “loves” you and your supposed to love him back and its part of the process to save his life… Could you really sleep with him that easily? Even though as of an hour ago you were completely swept up in Minho? Even though you really believed that you had something incredibly special with him?
You looked over at minho and he didn’t face either you or Taemin. You knew he probably didn’t want to have to hear whatever answer you had for Taemin, but he was semi-responsible for this predicament that the two of you were in. you felt sorry for him but also, felt angry that he didn’t have to feel the pain of the seperation between the two of you after Taemin had claimed you.
At this point you didn’t want anything to do with either of these men. You just wanted to go home and move on like normal people were able to. But you were a part of something much bigger and you owed it to Taemin to try. You wouldn’t allow your selfishness be the end of his life.
“does It hurt?” you asked softly
“of course it hurts.” Taemin said with a smile in his voice “but after ive claimed you you’ll start to enjoy the feeling of being bitten, because it will make our bond stronger each time” he explained
“and how long do you have before…?”
Taemin sat back in his chair and sighed softly “I don’t know exactly, but considering that I’ve already thought about murdering my brother twice today I would say that I’ve probably got maybe a week or so.”
“wow… that’s really soon!” you said speechless by the unforgiving time frame that was given to these guys who had found their mates.
The room had gone silent as the men awaited your answer and you could hear the sound of the hand ticking on a clock in the room. You rung your hands together and decided if you actually wanted to say your answer out loud.  The men both looked at your nervous gesture and looked at you apologetically.
“I think, that I’m okay with it. I know that im not going to let anything happen to you…but I cant promise you that ill let you claim me right away.” You said softly
Minho quickly stood up from his postion and turned to leave the room without giving the two of you a single glance. You knew it had to be hard on him since he was still feeling feelings for you and hearing that you were ending things between the two of you (even though it was inevitable) was happening as of now.
You watched as he dissapeared from taemin’s office to probably retire to his own study or his own room. You wanted to follow him and apologize but decided that discussing the life or death plans with taemin were a tad bit more urgent. You turned your attention back to taemin and he looked like he was about to cry.
“I can’t believe that this is actually going to happen.” He said
“so now what do we do?” you asked him
“well now that you’ve agreed to be my mate you need to move in with us, it’s the-“
You gasped when he said the words “move in with us”. How in the world had your life flipped upside down in the matter of thirty minutes. You looked at him like he had grown a second head and he blinked his eyes at you like he was uncomfortable being under your shocked gaze.
“MOVE IN?” you yelled
“yes, and it would be probably be best if you quit your job too, just-“
“woah, woah!” you said with your hands up “I can understand the move in thing, since we will be mated together but you really want me to go as far as quitting my job?” you asked in complete and utter disbelief. You couldn’t believe that he would have the gall to make you do something so huge.
“Well if something were to happen to me I don’t think you’d excatly want me to show up at your work sex crazed and thirsty for your blood” he said sarcastically.
You scoffed at his jab and sulked in your spot “so you want me to basically be here all the time?” you asked and taemin just nodded his head at you. “what am I supposed to do then?”
Taemin looked around the office and bit his lip as he contemplated your question.  “we can get to know eachother a little better and then maybe we wont have to wait until im at the brink of death before you’ll have sex with me” he said with a smirk.
You scoffed and imagined kicking him in the shin for his lewd comment. How in the world were you expected to be with him for the rest of your life? The thought suddenly crossed your mind
“wait, does this mean that im going to grow old and nasty and you’ll always look like this?” you asked him and he laughed at your bizzare question
“Only if I don’t change you.” He said plainly “but eventually you will end up falling in love with me… and whenever that happens then ill change you!”
You laughed at his confidence “what if im 55? Or what if im older?” you asked thinking that you’d cornered him into backing down
“Vampires mate for life…. And nothing else is important once they’ve found their mate.” He said dropping his smart expression but instead looking at you like he was trying to convince you that what he was saying was the absolute truth. “it wouldn’t matter if you were 40 or 99, because I would always love you like it was the first moment I met you”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words and you had to admit that it sounded like a great deal… It was just too bad that you weren’t in love with him. Regardless though, you felt like you had solved another clue in the Taemin mystery. He wasn’t just sarcastic and broody, but actually believed In love and looked forward to it. Despite the bad boy image that he portrayed he actually was pretty romantic.
You cleared your throat and looked away from him and focused on the wall across from you. “So I’ve quit my job and I move in tomorrow…” you said to no one in particular, but rather just saying it outloud as if it were a confirmation.
“tomorrow? Why? I’ve already got a room ready!” he said matter-a-factly
Your head snapped back to look at him so quick you thought your neck might break.
“this place has like ten extra bed rooms… of course one of them is for you!” he justified
“yes, but I need my things!” you exclaimed
“okay, so lets go get your things!” he said as if he were asking you to simply run an errand for him
Your mouth hung open and your eyes were wide “your serious…?”
“yes, lets go” he said with a  small smile
You closed your eyes for a moment and hung your head for a moment. You silently prayed to the gods that they watch over you as you did something that was probably considered worse then blasphimous.
You were going to have to get used to doing things at the same speed as the boys if you were going to live here and clearly they had a no nonsense attitude, which usually you would apreciate, but in this life altering moment you wished that you had some more time to yourself. You enjoyed the silence for a few more moments before you stood up and nodded your head.
“okay… lets go.”
Taemin smiled at you wickedly before he approached you and quickly whisked you off of your feet. You didn’t have time to scream or yelp in surprise before he put you back down on the ground. You steadied your feet and looked up at him with a scowl but noticed that you werent in the office anymore. Instead you were in a garage where there were rows of luxury cars parked. You turned around and spun in a circle as you took in the new atmosphere. You stopped when you finally faced taemin again and tried your best to hide the smile that was desperately tugging on the side of your lips.
Taemin smiled at your astonishment and walked over to the nearest car and opened up the passenger door for you. You quickly shuffled around him and buckled up in the red sports car. It was nicer than Minhos and you avoided the desire to look around and admire the car by looking straight ahead.
“Whats your address?” he asked you as he started the car
You told him and he quickly backed out of the space and sped out of the garage and out into the street.
You held onto your seatbelt for dear life as your heart beat in your throat. If the house full of vampires wouldn’t kill you then Taemin’s driving surely would. You closed your eyes and tried to focus on your breathing as he made his way into town and zig zagged through traffic.
“please stop!” you begged keeping your head inbetween your hands and knees. You felt like you were going to puke at any moment and wanted nothing more than to fall to the stationary ground and kiss the earth.
“okay” he said with a smile in his voice.
The car jerked to a stop and you took a cautionary peek outside to find yourselves parked outside of your apartment complex. You laughed like you had absolutely lost your mind and you slapped your knees as you felt the tears leave your eyes.
“if you…ever do this again… I will kill you” you said inbetween your laughter
Taemin’s smile immediately droped from his face at your promise and he quickly apologized
“I’m sorry”
“How did we get here so fast?” you asked
“well, really your appartment is only like ten minutes away” he stated
“It took us TWO MINUTES TO GET HERE!” you yelled at him in the small space
He winced at your volume and nodded his head with his hands in the air in defence. “it wont happen again” he promised
You laughed one more time before you opened your door and started towards your front door. Taemin took the time to walk like a human being and patiently wait for you to open the door. But as soon as it swung open Taemin pushed you inside>
“What all do you need for now?” he asked
“I don’t know like almost everything in my bathroom and a few things from my closet?” you answered
“okay, lets split up ill take the bathroom and you pack your clothes okay?” he offered
You headed into the closet and pulled out the luggage set that you had and sat it down on the bed for taemin to pack your belongings and left your own in the closet with you.
You grabbed as much underwear and comfortable clothes as you could find. If you didn’t have to work then there was no reason to have to dress up. Might as well enjoy the relaxing time ahead of you while you could.  You grabbed pajamas and packed at least one nice outfit. If you were going to have to abandon your job then you needed to atleast go in and formally apologize to your boss.
You were about done with packing as little as you could when taemin came out of the bathroom with his suitcase completely full and zipped up.
“I didn’t pack everything in the bathroom so you might want to check and make sure that I grabbed what you needed.” He said with a hint of a smile on his face
You eyed him skeptically and walked into the bathroom. It looked like he had packed every single thing that he could. The shower was empty the cabinet was empty and your shelf was empty. What did he mean that he didn’t pack everyth-.
Oh no, oh no no nonononon NO!
You looked in the bottom shelf of your towel rack and found your small bag sitting in its usual space with the top unzipped and wide open with your dildo staring straight at you. You smacked your hands over your face and sunk to the floor.
Why did he have to find that? And why did he have to even mention it? Why couldn’t he play it cool and just move on from it?
“Since you’ll be living with me now you wont need to bring that with you” he said behind you crouched down to your level.
You wanted to push him over, but just to spite him you zipped up the small case and carried it out of the room defiantly.  You threw it in your suitcase and zipped it up.  You grabbed your tote and packed it with random things that you would need like your charger, laptop and a few books and movies to bring along with you so you wouldn’t loose your mind, while taemin put the luggage in the car. You silently said good bye to your tiny space called home and left when you heard the sound of taemin’s foot steps outside.
 On the way back home Taemin was a decent person and decided to drive at the speed limit and as soon as you got home he lifted the luggage out of the car and whisked you away to your new bedroom.
You admired the space that seemed like it was obviously decorated for a womans preferences and walked around the room to see all of the amenities. A small chandelier to light up the bathroom and closet. A four poster bed with a sheer canopy above. A marble vanity set with gold finishings and no lack of grand floral artwork lining the walls. The walls were painted white and all of the furnishings were a beautiful matching white handcarved wood. The bedding was a soft pink and the mountain of pillows that sat on top of the bed added color to the room.
Although you didn’t want to admit it the room was absolutely beautiful and just your style. It was simple and yet classically beautiful. You smiled and jumped on the bed to test how soft and fluffy the bed was and squealed with excitement when your body seemed to melt into the matress.
“well, ill let you and your toy get comfortable…” he said with a cocky grin “if you need anything, uh.. we don’t really sleep so you can find me in either my study or in my room which is actually just across the hall” he said
You let out a sarcastic “ha!” at his mention of your toy and nodded your head a his instruction.
He left you in your room and you began to unpack all of your belongings and set up your bathroom and your closet.  You loved that you didn’t  have to decorate the room any since none of your belongings would quite fit the class nor the design of the room.
You noticed that it was near midnight and you quickly stopped what you were doing and decided to shower. No matter how much you wanted to finish the heaviness in your eyes only got worse by the minute.  
You but on your comfiest pajamas and jumped in bed with a smile on your face. It felt so good to finally just lie down in bed. The sleepiness immediately took over and you drifted off to sleep. But not even five minutes later you were awaken by the sound of your door slowly opening. You didn’t dare open your eyes to see who was there so you held your breath and remained still.
You could hear the sound of footsteps getting closer to you and you suddenly felt the matress dip. You squeezed your eyes together and prayed that who ever this was would go away.
You could smell the stentch of cigarettes and hard liqour fill your lungs from the person behind you when a pair of strong arms pulled you into a broad chest.
“I know you’re awake baby, but just try to close your eyes and go to sleep.” A deep raspy voice said from behind you
Your eyes snapped open as realization hit you.  Minho!
You wanted desperately to curl into him and hold him all night. You wanted for him to say that everything was going to be okay. That as long as you held onto each other nothing would happen. But nothing was going to happen as you planned. Not a single thing.
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Last night was home to the first good conversation I’ve had in a terrifyingly long time. The first that felt completely natural, that I didn’t have to force or pretend or feel awkward or self-concious about at all. It was’nt even five minutes, it was before my Jazz Ensemble concert. It was me, one of our pianists from the #2 Jazz band, and the boy I have a crush on. 
I felt really good - so alive and engaging and extroverted. We talked about Jazz, a topic I am passionate about and which they are too. It was great. Later, a while before and after I played, I sat next to him in the audience. We didn’t say much, only a few words in-between performances, but he was enjoying the concert and so was I. He seems like a really, how do I say... enthusiastic? Person? He’s reactive. He doesn’t just sit there and stare, he smiles and reacts to the music and really enjoys it. I like that.
I forgot how wonderful it can be to like someone. I wasn’t just better when I was around him, I was better all that night, better at talking to people, better with myself. I felt really like myself, like the me I know I can be and the me I wish to always be. That me that shows up on rare occasions, when I see a really amazing movie, when I have people over and really have fun, when I’m doing fun work I love, when I get new music I love, and... when I like someone. 
I don’t really know him. Heck, I don’t even think he knows my name. This isn’t self-disparaging, but he has no reason to. I’m not in any classes or ensembles with him, I only see him around. And I only know his name because I asked my friend, and he had to check Facebook. O yeah, I’m a creep. So we’re friends on Facebook now, I’ve looked at a few of his photos, and it’s possible he has a boyfriend, at least he did a few months ago. That or they’re just really really good friends and closer to eachother and huggier than I’ve ever been with another human being. But, I don’t see any of those photos from after October so it’s possible they’re not together anymore. I can’t be sure though. 
At this point I’m trying to not come on too strong and let things progress naturally. I’ve been the dogged pursuer before and that’s not good. I’ve learned. That’s not the way to do it. Before I went after them and kept going until in no uncertain terms they rejected me. Longer than I should have, because somehow getting rejected like that felt better than feeling like I didn’t try my best. I was stupid, but it was my best at the time. My best now is now more aware, more balanced, more mature, better. 
 I want us to become friends, but naturally, becaue of things we have in common and things we like about eachother and that we make eachother better, not that we simply fill a spot for eachother. That’s not what it’s about.
We’ll see how this pans out.
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The History of baby outdoor toys
Belive it or not, when minimal kids are as well youthful, they could not realize the whole world of Grown ups, consequently at this time, all kinds of toys which include stuffed animal toys, R/C toys, toys faculty bus and so on are their near companion, according to the scientific exploration, through the youngsters complete development and advancement stage, Youngsters toys Perform the vital function. Citation necessary Andrew Witkin, director of selling for Mega Models informed Trader's Business enterprise Each day that, "They help create hand-eye coordination, math and science skills and in addition Allow Little ones be Artistic." 20 Other toys like marbles , jackstones , and balls provide very similar functions in baby enhancement, letting little ones to implement their minds and bodies to study spatial associations , bring about and effect , and a wide array of other capabilities. The toys Now we have picked all help the developmental phases in childhood by way http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=baby toys of play, which is vital for supporting brain progress and cognitive competencies - Participate in permits kids to use their creative imagination and encourages imagination, physical and motor expertise, be that by offering them Guidance to stick to in an enjoyable way, the chance to method information and facts, Specific emotion and clear up complications, or possibilities to develop. I am happy this web page is up,it would make me really feel so a lot less alone.I have been fearful that I have been hexed or curse...I know that lifetime is usually a journey and lifestyle's tricky,and many others.Have confidence in me,I realize that...I have been harassed to the way I appear Despite the fact that I'm in Superb shape,don't have any known medical problems or deformities of any sort,harassed for the way I dress(vogue is my favorite passion),anything.In any case,in October of 2010,I went to a buddy's bash and certainly one of my other friends brought HER Pal(we are going to just call her Joanna)was seemingly shy and While I did not clearly show it and was pleasant and polite to Joanna,I got a really bad vibe from her,I've sturdy instincts,a thing just did not come to feel appropriate for the months my previous Pal-we will simply call her Claire-grew to become closer and nearer to Joanna and acted extra catty to was all for the duration of my senior calendar year of high school and Claire and Joanna's junior calendar year.I have constantly picked to be sober,and Claire was also,but ever given that she started off hanging 'round Joanna,she started drinking heavily,smoking a great deal of weed,and much more-Joanna is an enormous druggie,she smokes weed everyday(she's quite trustworthy https://baby-bath-tub.com/baby/baby-toys relating to this and has never made an effort to cover it;I Just about Assume she's happy)and does tricky drugs often,also popping capsules as drinks closely as well,and sleeps close to alot.Anyhow,Claire drifted from me and would arrive to high school Monday early morning only to tell me how drunk her and Joanna got And the way they drove all-around like that, my ex-we'll connect with him Dave-began hanging with working day in school,Joanna arrived as much as him and requested him to skip 4th period of time and take a wander along with her(they'd never ever spoken right before,but she realized I dated him),so he did and so they talked about lots of non-public issues.Later that working day he was sitting down close to me and conversing,and he or she came nearly him,claimed nothing,practically batted her eyelashes,and he was like,'Do you need anything?'and she type of nodded plus they walked hung out alot after that and he soon developed emotions for her,so he questioned her out around Fb,in a message.I saw the reported 'I am not declaring no,I'm declaring not now,but I have a sense if we did,it'd be good :)'.She advised everyone nevertheless that he was a creep that she's under no circumstances day Which he was Ill,Inspite of what she'd explained to him in which was about this time that I last but not least acquired over him and was proud of a brand new boyfriend whom I actually loved,but it was so she began hanging about my new bf-we are going to get in touch with him Jake-and factors experienced felt as excellent as they might be with Jake,but the next Joanna befriended him,he started off acquiring drunk,smoking weed once again and now tough prescription drugs and hallucinogenics.I am not declaring Jake's blameless-it was HIS choice to do People factors-but she's a bad influence.I observed that Joanna normally wears a pentagram necklace and it has stated that she thinks Satan is a polite and fascinating gentleman.I come from a really Catholic family members,while I do not determine as strictly Catholic,I just believe in God and my Specific relationship with him,but I don't publicize it at all and actually prefer to continue to keep it I acquired really cautious of Jake and Joanna hanging out,soon they grew to become near,creating to eachother on Fb and sharing day she even named him when we were on a day and did not desire to get off the cellphone with him.I get that Awful feeling that he's cheating on me and accomplishing medicine far too,but he denies commences performing very shady and when he goes out I start to feel that he is with denies I figure out in the future-following aquiring a Awful month,struggling to move all my courses to graduate high school promptly,no luck with a movie audition I'd,and,after possessing my picture taken every single day for the school yearbook(on account of my 'exciting',specific,and wild outfits-they wanted to give me a whole webpage within the arts segment depicting my outfits every day with the calendar year),the photographs 'disappearing',so some thing I had been searching forward to the whole yr has become long gone-in any case,In any case that,I discover from Dave and Jake's mates that Jake's been sneaking out to smoke weed,get drunk,and do 'shrooms with Joanna.I crack up with him and get into a verbal battle with Joanna,stating that while It can be his fault for choosing what he selected,which i'm Weary of her consistently pursuing Jake all over and giving him medications(she was the just one Together with the hook-ups),that It truly is Incorrect to sneak all over with Others's boyfriends,much less present them medication guiding the girlfriend's attempts to argue with me,but verbally,I demolish her.About a week afterwards,Jake and I are at the mall when quickly my head starts to pound,my vision gets blurry,I break out into a cold sweat,I experience woozy and nauseous,and so on.I'm going house and try to snooze it off.I awake the next day in AGONIZING suffering,I are unable to speak,have sensitivity to light and sound,feeling cold and sizzling simultaneously.I go to the health care provider plus they explain to me I've one thing referred to as hand,foot,and mouth sickness.I'd sores on my in my mouth,but ON my worst soreness of my existence,it lasts for over a doctor responses this is almost always observed in small children and she or he doens'y know how an 18-yr-old like me could have gotten it.I go through that it is a relation from the herpes simplex virus,but I have under no circumstances had herpes or any STDs at considering the fact that then,my everyday living's absent from lousy to even worse.I've been registered with the sole modeling company that'll get me,plus they've uncovered no do the job for me.I am aware I am not ugly,and I'm in excellent shape so I do not know why.Faculty was depressing,it was a Local community school and everyone there was about thirty rather than nice to me...even Older people mocked the way I gown.I found out that Jake was cheating on me with Joanna and that they are ideal close friends...Jake in no way apologizes and starts to harass me and threaten me and say I must apologize to Joanna...for no was sweet and caring.Good friends are already suggest to me for no cause.I believe Joanna tried out to close in on my everyday living...first she made an effort to steal Claire from me,and Claire and I did quit remaining close friends,she attempted to consider Dave from me,then seemed to transform her mind and consider or entice Jake from me.Practically nothing has absent correct considering that then,I am miserable on account of my situation and I am unable to adjust these modeling or acting get the job done,no new mates,and it's actually not like I'm not seeking-I consider very challenging.Joanna can be a Satanist and normally looked at me strangely,I understand she practiced black magic,she often mentioned Satan and for some purpose appeared to have it in for me.I do not know why she went soon after me,but I;m pretty sure she hexed me or some thing,that hand foot and mouth sickness seemed like the biggest indication,Particularly following she misplaced that(verbal)battle with really should I do?Thanks for studying my long,very long Tale,I really value it and it feels great to let this out.
From time to time intended as decorations, keepsakes, or collectibles for more mature youngsters and adults, most dolls are supposed as toys for children, commonly girls, to Perform with. 4 In Historical Greece and Ancient Rome , small children performed with dolls fabricated from wax or terracotta , sticks, bows and arrows , and yo-yos When Greek little ones, especially ladies, arrived of age it absolutely was customary for them to sacrifice the toys of their childhood towards the gods. It really is frequent to search out stuffed animals toys such as stuffed teddy bear, stuffed canines, stuffed cats and so on, meanwhile, lots of parents are prone to acquire this sort of stuffed animal toys for his or her young children on account of their Attractive and cartoon style, as well as comfortable hands contact sensation.
Nonetheless, as mothers and fathers, following getting lovely stuffed toys for youngsters, it isn't the finishes on your function, in the following, you have to consider there topics, how to wash them, ways to maintenance them and the way to lengthen their Doing the job lifestyle. Transform your nursery or playroom right into a haven of pleasurable and action for your personal minimal 1 with Tiny Fowl Told Me. House to an attractive array of rocking horses, push together puppies, rocking animals, newborn tender toys, toddler toys and extras, our collections are specially made to seize a Kid's imagination and persuade explorative Enjoy. I am confident in lifestyle you will find a lot of mom and dad who encounter precisely the same concerned circumstance like Rudy's mom, based on the youngsters improvement gurus, it truly is a traditional phenomenon Should your kids are too much mad with one specific toys or items.
To find the most appropriate instructional toys that promote child developmental, Understanding progress and exciting for kids to Perform with, it really is vitally significant. Children from various age groups have varying preferences for toys and online games, and while in the things to do they are able to do. On this hub, I wish to offer a partial checklist of age-acceptable babysitting online games, toys and routines that may assist in the growth and advancement of infants aged 0-six months. Educational toys for infants and children that really encourage the development of complex capabilities, motor competencies, coordination abilities and language skills, aid the child to be aware of and learn ideas superior.
It may assistance to elucidate my enthusiasm for kids musical toys and my belief within the roll which they Engage in in children's early development by sharing a short overview of my early childhood and teenage yrs. Thus, it is necessary for fogeys to manual toddler to play with toys in good ways to educate baby's language capabilities. Introducing a baby to Appears, vibrant colors and action-primarily based toys could make playtime far more enjoyable and pleasing and it is a good way to improve a child's Inventive abilities and creativity from an early age, educating him/her to unlock the wonder and excitement of the globe about them by simply producing "feeling" of it.
"From beginning, mom and dad will have to pick out toys and Understanding instruments for their baby which can be pleasurable and fulfilling to play with and that also foster sensorial expansion to make sure a more comprehensive improvement system," states Dr. Kathleen Alfano, foremost baby Researcher and Director of the Fisher-Price tag Child Investigate Office. Dad and mom are always there to wander their boy or girl as a result of different paths of existence, and in order to include to their hard work you will discover Studying toys, many of that are customized to enhance and enhance developmental competencies. Starting from little one Necessities to boy child toys and girl Barbie dolls, Hoopos convey whole range of Young children Engage in and enjoyment at your attain... (browse far more)
We have now an outstanding choice of wood newborn and toddler toys which will stimulate and engage your son or daughter and assistance them to create their Participate in expertise. Infants enjoy to take a look at faces, so dolls and stuffed animals make a great option for 1st toys. During the very first 6 months, They could discover to the touch and grasp for toys, and it's important that mothers, dads, siblings, grandparents together with other family members interact with these small infants working with toys together with other interest-grabbing objects to assist with improvement.
Yet another study performed by Jeffrey Trawick-Smith took sixty unique youngsters ages a few to 4 and noticed them playing with nine diverse toys deemed greatest for advancement. These toys give approach to a novel environment in which kid's Participate in is isolated and impartial on the social constraints put on Culture leaving the kids cost-free to delve to the imaginary and idealized Edition of what their advancement in life might be. 18. The earliest toys are produced from products found in mother nature, for example rocks, sticks, and clay A large number of decades in the past, Egyptian small children performed with dolls that experienced wigs and movable limbs which have been made from stone, pottery, and wood.
Playing with toys is thought of as important when it comes to rising up and learning about the whole world about us. Young young children use toys to find out their identity, assist their bodies mature strong, find out trigger and influence, explore associations, and practice expertise they'll want as adults. Wood infant toys which include rattles and baby mobiles are perfect presents for babies as they help them to develop Individuals critical early Understanding abilities including hearing, touch and sight. While V-Tech and LeapFrog toys improved or Improved childrens' psychological and motor expertise, most parents think that nothing at all else really delivers out the imagination and creativeness in their children like wood toys mainly because Using these, there's no button to press so that it'll begin to move, light up or Participate in so... (examine extra)
The Playskool is a great firm controlling the toy market from pretty previous situations as a way to develop the motor expertise and also carry pleasure within the encounter of kindergarten aged young children and new born. A resource of enjoyment, healthier engagement and ground breaking way to shine the actions with the toddlers the toy performs a crucial function within a baby's everyday living. Lincoln Logs were initially developed by Frank Lloyd Wright and later on promoted inside the fifties towards the dad and mom of the newborn Boomer era, which makes this construction toy a popular choice of Infant Boomer grandparents who keep in mind twiddling with these toys whenever they have been youngsters.
This Engage in time with toys is an important variable for your healthy advancement and growth of kids since it stimulates the imagination and develops focus. Playtime with toys not just produces a chance for youngsters amusement but also implies a sense of instruction and Bodily advancement. Meant to really encourage Perform and Understanding, even though delivering several hours of entertaining, our selection of child and toddler toys incorporates Fisher Selling price, Leap Frog and Peppa Pig.
They create photos of a time when youngsters were proud of harmless Perform, ahead of the times of bleeping and exploding toys and movie game titles. These two little ones also are internalizing social guidelines in their respective play circumstances: the newborn waits patiently for her stuffed toy to look, while The varsity-age little one must take care of an impending loss inside a ball video game.
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