#like u should only be making a kid if you truly know exactly what you're doing
morgansunflower · 3 years
Death Of Superman 1/2
Clark Kent X Wife! Reader
Bruce Wayne X Sister! Reader
Warnings :lots of angst, mentioned of conceiving baby
Words: 1092
Batman's sister Y/N Wayne, wife of Superman himself. Mother of Conner(Young Justice), Kon(90s Superboy) and Jonathan. The grief stricken family trying to cope with the death of their loved one.
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After Clark saved me and killed Doomsday. I ran to his side I put my arm underneath his neck. His suit torn, blood dripping from his face among other places. We have to get him medical attention! He can't leave me
"stay with me, stay.. Don't you dare leave me"
"that thing..is he? .."
"yes, you did it you saved everyone, my love" I said gently rubbing his cheek
"good it's all I ever wanted.." he touched my abdomen it was the look in his eye's my heart dropped. No! You can not leave me! I can't be pregnant "Tell" he inhaled "kid's I love them" he exhaled touching my face I touched his hand "I love you" tears fell from his face "what a lucky man I was.."
"rest you need your strength" I feel my eye's swell he dropped his hand "no! No! No! Don't you dare leave me!!"
I couldn't feel his pulse nor could I hear him breath. I shut my eye's holding his body closely, has my tears fell. I sobbed holding his body. I looked seeing my children Kon, breathing heavy as his tears fell and clinching his fist, Conner grabbed his hair shocked his tears falling, Jonathan sobbing holding onto Conner. I stood in my old home Wayne Manor wearing my black dress. Underneath my dress wearing bandaging around my arm's. All my children, Bruce's children and some of the League along with the team. As we all stood in the large living room. Picture frames of Clark and the kid's. Our wedding photos and of us throughout our loving marriage. 20 amazing year's. Now I only see him in my dreams, pictures, memories and in my son's. I see M'gann standing by Conner's side and Cassie comforting Kon. I am grateful my two oldest have loving relationships. I see my brother wearing his suit and tie, beneath bandages. He looks at me and I see a eight year old boy telling me that at least he didn't lose me. He glances to the table of food placed out. I shook my head gently unable to even think about eating. I hear, Selina talking as Bruce turns his head away from me. I leave unable to stand another moment in there. I walk down the hall to my old bedroom. I shut the door seeing my room exactly how I left it so many year's ago that feels like only yesterday. I see my Queen size bed, two nightstands and another door leading to my bathroom. On the end of my bed a bedroom bench. On my nightstand a picture frame. The picture of Clark and I. I sat on my bed wrapping my arm's around myself crying. I rubbed my arm's wishing Clark would. I started sobbing, I cover my mouth so my children wouldn't hear me. I feel the need to vomit I try to hold it back but can't. I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. As I stop I grab a cloth to wipe my face smelling disgusting. I feel my abdomen in pain and breast hurt. I sat on the floor crying I remember Clark feeling my abdomen knowing I'm pregnant. I remember the day he told me that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. I hear a knock on the door. I stutter holding my tears back. I do not want anyone to see me right now. I waited assuming whomever was knocking left. I stood walking to my bed. I laid down putting a cover on me. I feel so broken but I have to stay strong for my kid's and my unborn baby.
I sat up taking a deep breath, Bruce? "B-Bruce?" my voice breaking I took a deep breath
He opened the door I dry my tears "what is it?"
He sighed deeply "I wanted to make sure you were alright?" he held a plate of food and a glass of water
I look away from him feeling my eye's swell. With my arm's still around myself. He put the plate and glass on my nightstand. He walked sitting on my bedroom bench. I drank some water knowing I have to take care of myself.
"you're not going to eat?" he says bluntly
"I just threw up my dinner from last night incase you didn't notice the horrible smell, no thank you" I say bitterly
"how far along are you?" he says slightly different tone with more concern, of course he knows
I think for a moment I haven't been intimate with my husband since. Oh right 4 week's ago on the picnic we had. We rarely get to be intimate do to the League and patrol getting in the way
"4 week's"
There was a long silence "I don't believe he's dead"
I started crying "well then if Batman believes my husband is not truly gone then perhaps there's still hope"
Bruce, stood he walked sitting next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder and cried. He leaned his head on mine. I wrapped my arm around his. He kissed my head.
"I want you to stay here for a few week's or more. We should run some test at the watchtower" Bruce said his tone blunt as always
"just shut up, Bruce"
That evening Jonathan, Kon, Conner and I drove in the truck back to our farm. I need to throw up I hold it back with my hand on my mouth. I gulped pulling the truck over
"Ma, what's wrong?" I hear
I opened the car door I run into the grass throwing up. Conner held my hair back. I wipe my face as I finally stop. Conner touched my back and I can't help but remember Clark. I see Jonathan and Kon with worried looks
"are you ok momma" Jonathan asked worried
"I'm fine, boy's" I'm not ready to tell them I'm pregnant, not today "just sick is all" I took a deep breath burping "hmm excuse me. I'm ok I promise" trying to reassure my son's I'm ok
"here go sit down in my seat Ma I'll drive" Conner says calming though I can hear his worry
I groaned feeling sick "I'm fine, son I'll drive"
"Ma" he says sternly
I see the desperation in Conner's eye's, seeing Clark I nod "ok"
That night I laid in my bed feeling coldest night in my life. I have to stay strong for my children. I want to cry myself to sleep. Though I know my son's could easily hear my crys.
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chattegeorgiana · 3 years
You keep insisting that the ending Naruto pairings are the reason Boruto's sales are nowhere near as great as Naruto's, yet how come Boruto Naruto the Movie has brought in far more income than both RTN and The last combined? The Boruto Movie has gained almost 40.000.000$ while The Last only 20.000.000$ and RTN only around 17.000.000$. The reasons boruto is not as popular as naruto was is because the plot sucks, the anime has too many garbage fillers, the artstyle in the manga sucks, the new gen characters suck, and the manga wasn't even written by Kishimoto until recently. It has nothing to do with pairings. Hell, if NS became canon, people would've hated it even more, considering how hated Sakura was, and you even admitted she is the most hated character. And you also contradict yourself. First you say she's the most hated, then you say SP missed a marketing opportunity with her... like girl make up your mind? She's the most hated character in the franchize, in a poll she was chosen as the most hated by both male and female, even Kishimoto went out of his way to say girls came at him and said how much they despised Sakura, most people don't give a shit about her, using her as marketing strategy would've done more harm than good. She's even more hated in Japan and other Asian fandoms than she is in the western fandom, and that already says a lot! You're really arrogant to assume that the "silent majority" you speak of are all NaruSaku fans. I guarantee you it isn't. In fact, most people don't even care about ships that much. NaruSakus, you along with the SNS fans, SS fans, NH fans are part of the vocal minority that has nothing better to do than bitch about ships all day long.
But did I ever say that they were THE ONLY reason they are bad? They are an integral part of it yes, but not the only one.
Just because you saw some asks of mine here on Tumblr, you just throw these things around, like this is the only place I talk about the story of Naruto and this is the only aspect I do.
Yes, here on Tumblr I might do it through the virtue of the asks I receive, but that doesn't mean it's the only space I address these matters.
I have other social media channels as well where I discuss other aspects as well. Ya know, how like Boruto is nothing more than a tweaked "cooler" wanna-be version of Naruto, with no real substance whatsoever, a story that doesn't truly leaves a message behind, a morale, with characters that are the shells of their former selves or mechanics that are skewed and "free of" any logic.
But sure, make it as if that's the only aspect I talk about if that makes you sleep well at night.
As for the reason Boruto made so much? Well, I'll tell you why: because it had NaruSasu. Because they knew they messed-up with The Last, so they did the next best thing they could to try and keep the fanbase engaged.
Focused on the biggest portion of the fanbase that gathered around both shippers and non shippers by the virtue of focusing on Sasuke and Naruto and their offsprings. You know why? Because this way they catered to two human emotions: familiarity/comfort & curiosity.
Aka familiarity via having NaruSasu and curiosity to see the new gen kids.
Which yes, had momentum and seemed to have a perfect recipe: no focus on the ships that initially brought he whole mess (Sakura and Hinata were close to non-existent in that movie), and "repaying" the fanbase that was initially pissed at the fact that people thought this was gonna be a T7 movie because of the heavy Kakashi and Ssuke advertisement when they were there to be found for onlyyy few seconds, lol.
But you see, in the test of time, Boruto failed because of the aforementioned reasons.
You say that people would've hated the ending if NS would've been canon, yet curiously enough the number of people that are even non shippers and agree to the idea that NS should've been canon has been increasing over the years. Which in a really curious way was surprising to me too as an NS fan that returned to the fandom after so long.
So you see, I am not sure exactly about that aspect there. Not to mention, since when does a story has to do what the fanbase dictates it? The story should follow its course and intended narration and that's that.
Yes, Sakura was hated, but that's not a reason to not have Naruto end-up with her because within the story mechanics we had many proofs that indicated that they should've ended together, regardless of how people felt about them.
Kishimoto didn't say girls came at him, he said girls sent him letters, which are two different things, because to his face no one truly said that, minus the editors who kept pushing Hinata forward and their bias as well.
Lol at you saying that using her as a marketing strategy would've done more harm than good when she's the only female character being marketed right now via figurines and all those other things.
So reality seems to be contradicting you a bit on that side.
Not to mention, you say that she's the most hated even in Asia and Japan? LOL, where did u even take out these lies?
The hate phenomena has always been a western fandom thing, not an Asian/Eastern fandom one.
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You say that the pairings ripped with Sasuke and Naruto as well (funny how NaruSaku isn't dead even after years of being supposedly dead tho), for a character that should've been hated??
This whole hate thing was always a western fandom mirage, sadly, but in Japan and Asia she's always been loved. Like where did u even pull out that information from?
Also what I always said about a NaruSaku ending was that they could've taken a RTN route where they could've had ALL the pairings shown within a parallel universe, but sure, nice way to twist my words and make it like "I can't decide".
There are slight nuance differences which you either purposely not address or you don't know how to do the difference. The truth in this case only you know it.
But stop trying to act that high and mighty coming here on anon making it seem like ooh, I contradict myself and spread nonsense, just because you read a faction of all the ideas I discuss over my social media.
And now to address the silent majority argument. I never said silent majority are ONLY NaruSaku fans. That's what you assumed. Silent majority included NaruSaku fans yes, but also other fans who ya know, have some common sense within them and see how the story has been butchered for the sake of poorly treating a certain aspect of Naruto, which was the romantic one.
Which btw, you say that it wasn't a big deal, yet it was the no. plot included within the story, being presented as early as chapter 3, because chapter 1 and 2 revolved around Naruto wanting to become Hokage for people to acknowledge him and create bonds.
You say that the pairings aren't such a big deal in the fandom, yet guess what, SJ and SP directed a movie on that specific subject. Makes you wonder why now, doesn't it?
And it's a normal aspect to care about if you think about it for a manga that has been focused on BONDS. The romantic plot gets weaved in within the one about bonds really easily, because at the core of it it's about relationships.
And this whole world that we live it it's a relationship: between the body and the spirit, between then heaven and the earth, between friends, between relatives. EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD HAS A RELATIONSHIP BASIS: atom interacts with atom and here we are, living, breathing beings.
But sure, come to me and paint me in this way you're trying as if talking about relationships and their quality is a bad thing.
Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
You're free to have your opinion, sure.
I just happen to not agree with it.
And that's that.
Have a good day or night or whatever.
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nctseren · 3 years
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❝ For a long time, love was unattainable for her. She wrote, sang and dreamed about it, but she had never been truly in love.
The truth is that, and although she denies it, Kang Sohee is a hopeless romantic and she always has been. She often dreamed of meeting the right person and doing everything right so that love would last... and not fade like her parents' love.
However, love is strange and it does not come easy. She has learned that you can meet thousands of people and yet none of them will make you feel the things that you are supposed to feel.
She has also learned that you can mistake love. And as much as it hurts and breaks your soul, there are people you were born to love, and there are others you were not.
So, Seren doesn't have much experience in romance. And she's slowly learning that love and infatuation are two different things, that it doesn't have to hurt, that it should make you feel happy, and that you don't go looking for the right person, because eventually fate brings you together. ❞
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⟶crush list
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❝ I'm too shy to tell you how I feel.
So I'll hide behind timid smiles and soft hellos.
I'm afraid if I ask you: "what do you think of me? " your reply will be "I don't" ❞
duration of crush: 2014 — 2015
relationship: close friends, one side crush
current status: they haven't spoken in a long time but she still cares for him
their things: practicing together, sharing chocolates, him giving her books and then the next week sharing opinions about them, eating together all the time
playlist: kid in love by shawn mendes & u smile by justin bieber
Wang Yong came to SM Entertainment in late 2012 and Lee Taeyong quickly took care of him under his wing. He was quite a popular trainee, not only because of his looks, but also because of his great talent for dancing, despite his young age. He was to the younger ones what Kang Seulgi was to Sohee.
Wang Yong was a sweet guy, it was inevitable for girls not to have a crush on him, and anyone in his place would take advantage of it, but not him. He was focused on doing what he had to do: training hard. That's the reason why his only friends for a long time were only Taeyong and Hansol.
Kang Sohee (long before she was known as Seren) officially met him in late 2013, after watching him practice. They did not become friends right away, since it was not easy for him to open up to other people. However, when she became close to Taeyong, they inevitably had to become friends. And then they connected thanks to dancing, something they were both passionate about. They went from being acquaintances to partners who practiced together to friends. Then it was not only Wong Yong, Lee Taeyong and Ji Hansol, now it was also Kang Sohee.
2014 was a rough year for her, starting from the loss of her grandparents to learning that she was not going to debut with Red Velvet. It was the most difficult year for her in all that time locked up, but her friends were with her. And he didn't go unnoticed, no matter how hard he tried. He always carried an extra portion of food for her, left her books that he thought she would like and always pretended not to learn the choreography so that she could teach him and in that way distract her mind by doing what she likes the most.
It really wasn't difficult to like Wang Yong, he was sweet and a good boy. Soon she found herself thinking that she really liked the way he wrinkled his nose when he laughed, or how his eyes sparkled when someone complimented him and, most of all, the way he tilted his head when he was confused. And then every time he looked at her she felt something in her stomach (and no, she had thought the first time she felt it, it can't be diarrhea), her cheeks would blush and it was difficult for her to keep look at him.
He was her crush for a few months and suddenly their interactions were shy smiles and sharing chocolates. Until he was no longer making her feel like she was flying. He meant a lot to her because not only he was her first butterflies in her stomach, he was also one of her close friends and one of the most supportive.
Sometimes she still thinks about him, what is he doing? how is he doing? what it would have been like if he had debuted in NCT instead of her? SM Entertainment did not treat him well, apparently his voice was not good enough, in the future they had told him. All she knows is that he returned to his home in China, and all she hopes is that he's truly happy.
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❝ There's a boy I like.
He smiles so bright and my heart can't take it.
There's a boy I like.
We both love the same things.
There's a boy I like.
I think about him all the time.
There's a boy I like.
He's my best friend. ❞
duration of crush: 2017 — early 2018
relationship: bandmates, best friends, crush
current status: bandmates, best friends, partners in crime
their things: holding hands, sharing songs, singing, rapping, dancing together, telling jokes, listening to music, trying to teach her basketball, teaching him to play futboll soccer, doing karaoke
playlist: the one that got away by katy perry & walk you home by nct dream & everything has changed by taylor swift & catching feelings by justin bieber & whenever you are by 5sos
For a long time, Mark was the closest thing to a best friend that she had. They practically grew up together (and are still growing). They wouldn't exactly tell each other everything, but they did trust each other. And every day, especially when they missed home, they would get together to tell their funniest childhood stories, and then listen to music for the rest of the time, enjoying each other's company.
Maybe that's what made her have feelings for him. Maybe it was the inside jokes, the laughs, the songs, maybe it was all together.
It was different, of course. It didn't feel at all like her first crush. No, it was definitely stronger, because they were Mark and Seren — everyone was talking about Mark and Seren: NCT's 99 line, best friends.
Liking Mark was a fresh feeling, no discomfort, no obvious blushes, no big butterflies either. No, liking Mark was being at peace. Being comfortable in his presence, hearing him sing, sharing smiles, doing mischief together, it all felt too good... almost like she was born for it.
And maybe she was born to love Mark, but in another life. Because on this one Mark Lee and Kang Sohee were just best friends. And although at nights she sometimes dreamed of his eyes, the same ones that hold thousands of stars, in the morning she reminded herself that nothing could change the friendship they had.
That's one of the reasons why she didn't do anything about it, that and because she didn't want to ruin all their efforts just for a crush.
It was difficult for her, because months passed and she kept thinking about him. Until eventually she stopped seeing him in a romantic way, his hugs stopped making her feel things (things you're not supposed to feel for a friend) and at night his eyes and laughter stopped appearing.
Now that time has passed, she realizes that staying best friends with him is a hundred times better than a possible relationship with him. And she prays, Oh, she prays that Mark Lee's future partner can love and appreciate him as much as he deserves... As much as she could have.
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⟶dating list
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❝ I enjoy our time together. And your laugh, your voice, your kisses. I enjoy you.
We may not be in love and that's okay for us.
Because what matters right now is that we're both having fun. ❞
public knowledge: private (only friends)
duration of relationship: march 2018 — april 2018
relationship: fling
current status: friends
their things: hanging out with friends, kisses, supporting each other, hugs
playlist: we are young by fun feat janelle monaé & locked out of heaven by bruno mars
They met at some awards and immediately they knew there was attraction, so they exchanged phone numbers and soon found themselves talking every single day.
They both knew what it was and what they wanted, to be young and have fun.
Those two months sometimes felt like an eternity, because they genuinely had a good time together. There was always fun, affection and, most importantly, sincerity.
They both knew it was meant to be over, so they enjoyed it.
Having fun with Moonbin felt like riding the drop tower: they weren't afraid of it, they just felt the adrenaline and fun you feel being up there in the air. But just as fast it goes up, it also goes down. And even though in the end you seem to want more, you know enough was enough.
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❝ I loved you as Icarus loved the sun — too close, too much. ❞
public knowledge: private for three months until their members found out
duration of relationship: july 2018 — january 2019
relationship: kind of dated, never really had a "tittle"
current status: acquaintances, they don't really talk anymore
their things: secret dates, midnight calls, back hugs, kisses
playlist: sweet creature by harry styles & the scientist by coldplay & the end of love by florence + the machine & it will rain by bruno mars
Kang Sohee and Jung Wooseok were never in love, but they might as well have been.
They met in mid-2018 thanks to a close friend, and the physical attraction was so immense that without thinking they both decided to give it a try. It was all very fast, but the result had been good. They were something, no tittle, yet they didn't care because they were okay with that.
Their relationship was like trying a new dish, they didn't know what to expect: they didn't know if it would be sweet or salty, everything was so different. But they had liked it. They spent a good time together, sometimes hiding from their members, it was a little secret that only the two of them knew.
They loved what they had. Midnight calls, secret dates, just sneaking around their members backs like that. It was exciting and fun. They were young people enjoying themselves.
Until it became real. Too real.
Suddenly they weren't just missing each other's presence, but they craved for their touch and kisses.
It was almost like an obsession. Every time they were together they felt intoxicated. They needed more, they wanted more.
And that wasn't healthy nor they where ready for that.
So, because they cared about each other, they put a stop to it. God knows that if they had stayed together, they would have burned.
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❝ The Ego asked:
'What is Love? It's too big of a word for me. I don't understand it at times.'
The Soul replied:
'If you understand Kindness
If you understand Respect
If you understand Acceptance
Then you will understand Love.' ❞
public knowledge: private (only members and close friends)
duration of relationship: december 2019 — present
relationship: acquaintances to friends to lovers
current status: in love, best friends
their things: nose, forehead and cheek kisses, showing her his art, painting together, taking pictures, listening to music, dedicating songs, slow dancing, hype man! hype woman!, writing songs about each other, domestic dates
playlist: love someone by lukas graham & ily by the rose & common by zayn & have you ever been in love? by the ivy & love somebody like you by joan & sunday morning by maroon 5 & natural by zayn
Falling for Xu Minghao was like breathing, so natural, so effortless, without realizing it.
They met in 2018 and for a year they were just acquaintances: their bandmate's friend. There were few interactions, maybe greetings and a few smiles. But when she has a very persistent Boo Seungkwan as her best friend, it was only a matter of time before she eventually became friends with the rest of them.
Being friends with Minghao is yellow, like observing the sunset. It's relaxing, enthusiastic, supportive, positivity, happiness...
It was an unexpected friendship but suddenly they were sharing songs, painting together and hanging out a lot more than with their original friends. Soft laughs, little jokes, looks full of adoration — it was so obvious that there was something there, they could feel it and everyone could see it. And still it took almost a year for them to take the risk. Was it really mutual or were they just imagining it?
He was the first to take the step, because even if it was all in his head at least he would be at peace knowing that he tried and didn't just let her go.
It was silly, really, how much they wanted to be together and how much they doubted.
Loving Minghao is comforting, honest, understanding, compassion, teamwork, sometimes overwhelming, and a new feeling that completely scares her because she has never been in love or in a serious relationship, yet she is sure of one thing: discovering those feelings with him was her best decision.
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retvenkos · 3 years
okay, i know that we established the fact that i once shipped u with our unproblematic king, steph(v)en meeks, but let's completely scratch this thought out of our heads, and we're actually missing the huge picture is that you'd be an absolute adorable couple with neil perry. actually, in all honesty, you'd be compatible with every poet, bestie! but.
neil & u would have a golden retriever boyfriend x girlboss duo, who's power would be UNMATCHED
obviously, i feel like in whatever au of whomever you end up with you and charlie are the reluctant family friends!!
and i think it's a given that neil would catch feelings first. i don't make the rules!
charlie would then push neil to talk to you at joint school party's (u can't tell me that henley hall and helton don't do school events together)
at first you're like 'ugh, charles, wtf do u want' and out pops neil like that one part where miss jenn welcomes mr mazarra to supervise the kids in s2, like a puppy dog
poor boy is so eager to talk to you, since he's seen you around town, and u did tech for midsummer (yeah, neil's alive in this au for my sanity and yours)
he ends up following you for the rest of the night and u both end up watching the party from the school staircase, talking about everything and anything
eventually you start hanging out with the poets, and obviously have clara, linds, and i come as moral support for hanging out w/ teenage boys
you both grow super close, and during the spring show rehearsals (it's singing in the rain, because we all need neil perry as cosmo brown in our lives) at henley he's actually glued to your side, and when you're backstage, he's practically always staring off into the wings and the director gets vvv annoyed!!!
but you're probably the teacher's fave out of the techies, so u get a pass for constantly finding excuses for hanging out with neil during rehearsals
mr keating eventually meets you, and gives neil the biggest pep talk for asking you out, which neil swears he was "planning" on doing. (no he wasn't)
that doesn't work, so eventually todd says something to him.
nobody can tell u what he said exactly, all the boys know is that there was a lot of muffled yelling and unearthly screeching
todd is your #1 fan btw, u writers have to stick together, right?
cameron, is the boy that tells u neil likes u before neil actually does
don't yell at me!!! but i feel like you and cam would be besties, and cam telling u is the most affectionate thing ever (i'm a cameron apologist. just. remember that cameron actually really liked neil.)
u don't say anything, or get to, because afterwards cam simply! runs away?? laivgbiagvirau
leaving you actually clueless
so after that turn of events, cameron's a big dummy and goes up to neil and is like "she doesn't like u :("
like nO??? u actually didn't give her a chance to respond bestie!!!
so this leads up to the day of the show, mhm?
neil avoids u all night, and u even got him a boquet of flowers, and now u just feel stupid. like damn. did that freckle faced nerdy ginger just lie to my face on purpose?
u feel offended, and go outside of the back of the school, where surprise! u see neil sulking about you :(
you're gripping his flowers and oh no! it starts to rain!!
so u walk over to him, and hand him the boquet of flowers, mary janes starting to ruin and he just looks up with the brightest smile, and you swear it feels like the sun's coming out (it's not)
neil doesn't say anything after that, and probably starts singing 'u are my lucky star' underneath his breath, and it's an unspoken invitation to start dancing in the rain
u both catch cold the day afterwards, but it was worth it because u dorks can take care of each other as an official couple!
bonus: lindsay probably gushes over the waltzing in the rain, while clara and i go feral over the fact that u got sick jnwvtkjbnkj
n knee ways this was incredibly cheesy, but u deserve it for how many ships u do for all of us! i cannot actually express how much i adore the jesper ask (my beloved, PLEASE!!! i want to milo's goat mom and be the one he trusts with his pistols!!! that is all i-) and we actually need to talk about the fact that kaz & u would be a power couple (and a gorgeous one too, bestie!!) sometime else, because i have MANY thoughts on that.
ily and make sure to take care of urself today! <3
cASS!!!!!!!!!!! you don't know how much i laughed and smiled at this ask,,,,,, dps my beloved,,,,,,
first of all,,, you think i'm compatible with every poet??? my power,,, lol, no, but i love that for me.
and charlie as my reluctant family friend is truly a superior dynamic. we both annoy the hell out of each other but would murder anyone should they be mean to the other. we know far too much about the other, but also have zero idea how the other reacts when not around family,,,,,,,, it's actually becoming a favorite headcanon of mine.
and todd, cameron, and i being besties!!!! okay,,,,, but i get the distinct vibes that you would be related to one of the poets, and that’s also how we get an in to their meetings (someone’s like,,,, *sigh* can my little sister bring her friends to our meetings?) and i mean if i had to pick someone,,,,, it’s a tie between todd and pitts. i just feel like you would work perfectly as the more outgoing sibling of a shy idiot.
(and girl, about waltzing in the rain,,,, no doubt you and lindsay were the ones to teach me. imagine having a sleepover and teaching me to ballroom dance in your bedroom with the radio on. in this dead poets society au, we are having all of the cheesy rom-com friendship moments together. we go to malls together, we whisper about boys at our lockers (which are right next to each other for convenience), we go to the movies together only to see the idiot boys, we do makeovers for each other,,,,,,, covid has me yearning.)
also i love the characterization of cameron in this,,,,,, the whole running away and “she doesn’t like you :(” is hilarious, i dIED.
and we can be techies together!!!!!  i imagine clara and lindsay are actually performers, and after rehearsals when we walk home (because we all live in the same direction - spread across two neighborhoods for convenience) we share the tea between the actors and the techies. imagine our chaos <3.
anyway, who wants to daydream with me about this for the next 100 years???
and i’m so glad you love your jesper ship! i just love the idea of the two of you together. it’s golden. and me and kaz????? i have that energy???? i’m astounded and frankly, flattered.
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rayne-storm · 3 years
AUgust 14 - Chefs
Fandom: Tanz Der Vampyr
Alfred/Herbert, Graf/Sarah
This is my favourite musical. Straight up. You cannot get better than this. Maybe "Master and Margarita" but I haven't found a good bootleg of it.
I really hope you guys like this one!!!
Oh, there they were again. That damned truck with it's bombastic orchestral music, the catchy paintings, and the obnoxious sign boy. Alfred knew they were doing this on purpose, parking there because they knew how much it pissed off the staff of his own restaurant. Sure, it wasn't really "his" restaurant. It really belonged to Abronsius, the eclectic perfectionist who taught him everything.
And there the sign boy went, platinum hair flowing ever so delicately on the wind. He chatted up anyone that came by, and of course the mesh shirt mixed with the weird cape thing only made the spectacle that much more intriguing.
Alfred must have been glaring for too long because the blond eventually turned and winked straight at him through the window.
His face must have turned red because Abronsius asked him what was wrong, and he quickly made up some excuse about the heat before going back into the kitchen.
"You know," Sarah - the newest pastry chef - whispered, "their food's really good, and the sign dancer guy is single~" she teased.
Alfred felt his face pucker like he'd eaten a lemon.
Yes, the man was attractive, but from what Abronsius had said, they were all bad sorts there. But… well… whatever. Whatever. He had soups to make.
Three nights later. They were back. He had the evening off. Fuck. He was pissed. Abronsius had denied him a raise again. He shouldn't have been surprised, but if always stung when he was educated on exactly why he wasn't worth an extra two dollars an hour.
He knew he was young, sure, but he wasn't stupid or incompetent, he didn't have wrong priorities. He wasn't any of the things that stodgy old bastard said. And all he had wanted was two (2) more dollars. It wouldn't have even made him the highest paid (even discounting the profits he knew the old asshole was keeping).
So he wanted to make the man upset. As the sounds of Tchaikovsky drifted towards him, he couldn't help smirking. He hoped Abronsius was watching. Hoped Abronsius saw him ordering off the competition's menu, and he fully planned on eating right outside the restaurant, in full view from the large glass windows.
"Well hello there, finally come to see what all the fuss is about?"
Alfred nearly jumped out of his skin. He hadn't heard anyone approaching, but there he was: the sign guy. Blond haired, pale skinned, and just, umf, fucking beautiful.
Alfred felt his heart rate increase just from the sheer proximity.
"I-I-I, uhm, yeah. Uh, m-mostly, well, I, uh, wanted to p-piss off my boss."
Real smooth, dipshit!
Sarah was right. He was hopeless.
The guy grinned and, of all things, kissed his hand.
"Well, I'm glad you did. I thought I might have to venture into that tacky place to properly say hello."
Alfred honestly didn't disagree. The restaurant was called Knoblauch, which just meant "garlic" and the interior was kind of gaudy. Not that he would have ever dared say so.
"I, uh- wait. You wanted to see me?"
"Every day since I first spotted your adorable pout, yes."
It was effortless the way this guy flirted and Alfred was just getting more and more shy.
"I'm… um… that's sweet. Thanks."
"So did Sarah get you to take a look? She's been very chatty about you, you know."
Ah fuck.
"I, uh, I mean, maybe I guess, but, uh-"
"She says you're a single hopeless romantic, and I really hope she's right," the man interrupted, and whoops, there went Alfred's ability to speak anything but flustered gibberish entirely.
The man leaned down and grinned.
"My name's Herbert von Krolock. What's yours?"
Oh, Alfred knew this man knew, but he couldn't help answering anyway, stuttering it out.
Herbert grinned. "You're so cute! Do you wanna have dinner with me? Now?"
"U-u-uh, um, I mean, uh, I…. Yes…?"
Herbert took his hands (both of them, like this was some kinda romcom), and led him over to the side of the food truck, music playing louder there, and the magnificent frescoes truly visible. They were gothic scenes, dark balls. Alfred couldn't help liking them, for whatever reason.
Then another beautiful man appeared, pale and salt-and-pepper tied in a neat bun.
"Oh, the boy finally came. What shall we have tonight?"
Herbert smiled and nudged Alfred, who realized in a panic he had no idea what kind of food they even sold. The man seemed to take pity on him, luckily.
"Let's start you with a sampler, then. I know it's a wide variety… I'm glad you stopped by. Sarah speaks highly of you," he added with a small smile.
If he survived this Sarah was getting the bougiest fucking brunch ever.
Hebert led him to a small table over to the side to wait.
"You know, Graf is head over heels for her, but he's afraid his age will put her off," the blond murmured conspiratorially.
Alfred couldn't help snorting softly.
"She has a thing for older guys, actually. He should go for it."
Herbert grinned brightly. "I'll try to let him know that…"
Alfred couldn't help smiling. Was it something in the air? Who knew? He just… was having the best night he'd had in a long time.
The food was ready and Herbert got it, stopping only briefly to greet visitors. Alfred was a little surprised, since he always seemed so sociable before, inviting people in.
"What's the look for, hmm?"
Alfred was startled again by the quietness of Herbert's steps.
"O-oh! Nothing, really. Just… you always seem so chatty when…"
"When you spy on me from your little restaurant? I am. But tonight I'm on a date with a very cute guy, and he gets all my attention."
Alfred once again lost all coherence, nibbling at a strawberry to hide his sheepishness.
Herbert just chuckled, and began telling him about the food truck.
Graf (the owner, Mr. Sexy Older Guy) had taught himself to cook after dealing with a very hard childhood, and one day he decided he would take his knowledge out and feed others. He quickly became popular as a caterer at parties, the rich-people kind, like masquerade balls and that kinda thing.
He still did them sometimes. But his true love lay in cooking for the masses, it seemed, out on the street, in parks, at games. He decided to take the Balls and Parties with him.
"That's… really cool," Alfred admitted.
"Yeah? I think so. But we might have to give it up… he's thinking of doing a world tour in his golden years," Herbert began with a wry smirk, "as though he ever plans on retiring… but he wants an apprentice. I'm no good at anything except cold foods and people-pleasing…"
Alfred sighed and shook his head. Just his luck. He found a new favourite place and they were closing.
"I mean, you seem pretty good at what you do…" Herbert added suggestively.
"Wait, wait, what? Me?"
"Yeah. You. You're not the only one that spies from time to time. You seem really passionate about food. And fast. And competent in general."
Everything that Abronsius berated him for not being.
"I… is this all just a ploy? To poach from the competition?" He asked, stiffening. It was one thing to be all flirty and friendly, an entirely other thing to-
"What? No. Of course not! I'm not so shallow I'd do that."
Herbert looked genuinely hurt and offended. Fuck.
"I… I… I'm sorry it's just… I'm pretty often reminded that I'm a young, stupid know-nothing that'll never make it on my own and all…" Alfred muttered bitterly.
"That old hack doesn't know what he's talking about."
Graf's voice came from nowhere, and you know what? Alfred could live in a state of permanent heart-attacks. That was fine.
"What? You know him?"
"That pompous blowhard is the reason I never went to culinary school. Way back when, he made everyone's life hell because it had to be his way or nothing, because he knew how to cook 'properly' and we knew nothing."
"....so I take it he hasn't changed much."
"Nope. Almost ruined food for me. I decided I'd never go through anything that would turn me into a rude monster like that."
"Well, I'm quitting tomorrow, so I don't blame you."
Graf chuckled. "Why bother with that courtesy? Just come work for me. Rub it in his face. Bring the girl too. Take his two best kids from him."
Yeah. That… that sounded good.
"You know what? I think I will. If you'll excuse me, I have a call to make."
He walked over to the other side of the truck, a little ways away, where he could look in and see the kitchen. And there was Sarah, flinching at something the old bastard was saying.
He called her number.
He almost couldn't believe it when she picked up.
"Look outside," he directed. She did, and gave him a wave and a bright smile.
"How do you like it?!”
"So much I'm gonna work here. I quit. You should too. They asked for you by name."
"Say no more."
She hung up, and without further ado completely stripped off her uniform, leaving her in a sports bra and leggings (cause let's be real it got fucking hot in that kitchen sometimes), and she just sauntered on out.
Herbert started laughing, and Alfred turned just in time to see the look on Graf's face as his dulcet darling was strutting over.
"So, you want to give a recently unemployed girl a job?" She asked with a bright smile.
Alfred was glad he wasn't the only one who sometimes forgot how to speak.
Herbert took over, and the pair quickly bantered a deal, and Alfred just took a minute to watch.
They looked good, all together like that. Almost like a family.
Of course, then Herbert glanced up at him, and gave him another of those heart-stopping winks.
Carpe noctem and all that.
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gallickingun · 4 years
You're one of the first blogs I found coming into the fandom and lemme just say your writing is freaking amazing!!! 💕😍 As a new writer going into the fandom, do you have any tips and tricks you wish you would've known when you first started?
Ah, thank you so much! I’m so happy to have been one of your firsts! 💖
Hmmmmmmmmm, let’s see. Honestly, mainly connecting with people! I was scared shitless of @lady-bakuhoe​ until I started talking to her and realized she was a dweeb. But the chances are, your “favorite writer” isn’t nearly as scary, or busy, as you think they are. And most of the writers in this fandom are really kind, and just want to see others succeed! 
Recognize that you aren’t a bother, not a burden. And if someone sees you as such, then it’s likely you didn’t need to bother with them in the first place. Find and cultivate friendships that will encourage you and push you to do better, to always hone your craft and expand your vocabulary! I’m really lucky to know the people I know (looking at you @k-atsukidayo​) and they are ever so graceful in helping me, reminding me that I’m not a total garbage person all the time.
Use the tagging system correctly, and spell their names with the additional letters like it is in the manga/japanese versions. You won’t get nearly as many people to notice your fic if you call him “Bakugo” in the tags. And if you want to write it as Bakugo or Shoto in the fic, then feel free to do so, but make sure you add the ‘u’ in the tags! When people are browsing, those are the tags they go for, i.e. bakugou katsuki x reader and todoroki shouto x reader. Recognize that it’s your FIRST FIVE TAGS that count. So make sure it’s those that you are most impactful with. And also realize that tumblr’s algorithms are garbage and sometimes it doesn’t even matter how you tag it, so take that how you will.
Just. Keep. Writing. And don’t be afraid to try out the “minor” characters, even if you don’t fully understand them. Trust me, no one does. Does anyone know exactly how Kaminari would be with a girlfriend? No! No one really knows how any of these kids would be with a significant other, not truly. Which leads me to my next point-
Don’t worry too much about OOC. We can guess based off of their personality traits that are displayed to us in the show and the manga, but we don’t know every character to their fullest and truest selves, only Horikoshi knows that. Now granted, we know that Bakugou has a temper and Todoroki is a little shit, but we don’t know what kinks they’d have or whether or not they’d be into PDA. Make those guesses for yourself, and write the characters in a way that makes you feel good, feel comfortable. I don’t prefer Bakugou to call the reader a “dumbass” every line, so I don’t have him do that. Instead, I sprinkle it in here and there when I feel he thinks he needs to pretend to be tough. But that’s my own preference and therefore my own decision.
DON’T WORRY ABOUT NOTES. Seriously. Especially with COVID going on, there are so many more silent readers now than before. Just keep writing, regardless of notes, because even if it’s not popular on tumblr, it should be popular to you. And I promise that someone, somewhere, is reading your content, whether or not they’re telling you about it.
If you’re looking for interaction, and you’re of age, I would suggest to add the word “thirst” to your blog description. You can see thirst on Jo’s blog - it’s just short, rambling types of drabbles/blurbs about certain kinks or situations but it gets people interacting and also allows you to do short spurts of writing. That’s not really my thing because I’m a whore for worldbuilding, but there are others (like @kamehamethot​) who do a great job of it! 
I think those are most of my troubles, from what I could remember. I was always too worried that I didn’t know enough about each character, but I said screw it and wrote Moving Target before I’d even watched the show, and the piece did really well. It just goes to show that you don’t have to have read every manga page or listened to every dialogue snippet from the show to write these characters. And don’t be afraid to tag people either! Some blogs may not like it, but others are really just looking for more content! And I love getting tagged in stuff, even if it’s not my cuppa tea. If a blog is uncomfy with you tagging them, chances are they’ll either ignore your posts or reach out to let you know! And don’t take offense to that - each person is in charge of their own experience online, and if they want to adjust their experience by hopping off/on your tag list, it’s your job to respect that. 
Most importantly - don’t react to hate. Just don’t, man. It’s not worth your time and energy. If an ask makes you uncomfortable or you smell that it’s going south, just delete it. What are they going to do to you? It’s tumblr, bruh. 
Oh - AND THAT BRINGS ME TO THE ACTUAL MOST IMPORTANT THING. If you don’t like it, don’t write it. Even if it was a request. If you’re not feeling something, chances are it’s gonna show in your writing. Readers sending in requests will understand if a certain situation doesn’t strike your fancy. I tend to leave my requests in my inbox in the hopes that eventually they’ll excite me, but others just delete them. It’s your blog, your experience, so don’t be afraid to do whatever it is you need to do to make it the best. 
I hope that helped! Please feel free to message me if you need more help! And tag me in anything you write! except deku, that damn nerd.
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fullmetalscullyy · 4 years
your fanfic,, the good shit. if you're still doing prompts, can i ask you to consider one where roy's dogsitting and starts talking to hayate about how much he loves riza and how he wants to marry her. idiot doesn't know that she's just conveniently come home and is short circuiting in the corner
you’re too kind anon;;; imma start crying in the club 💖 tysm and i hope u enjoy!!!!
rated: t | words: 1312
“Here, boy,” Roy commanded to his charge, slapping his thigh. Hayate followed him into Riza’s living room, out of the kitchen. Roy sat on her couch and Hayate sat obediently by his feet. Roy cocked his head and looked at the pup, causing Hayate to copy him. After a moment’s deliberation, Roy patted his lap and motioned for the dog to jump up. Hayate shifted in place and whined, obviously unsure. “I won’t tell if you won’t, boy,” Roy whispered conspiratorially with a grin, bending forward to lift Hayate onto his lap.
Riza was adamant he wasn’t allowed up on the furniture, but technically this wasn’t the furniture. It was Roy’s lap and he wanted the comfort from the pup. Plus, Roy knew for a fact that Hayate was allowed up on the furniture, because Roy had seen him up on Riza’s couch countless times before when she was home. Perhaps she just didn’t trust him not to let Hayate run riot in her house while she wasn’t home… The cheek!
Hayate made himself comfortable and settled on Roy’s lap, his head resting on Roy’s knees. Sighing happily, Roy sat back in place and ran his hands over Hayate’s fur. He loved this little dog as if it was his own. In a way, he snickered to himself, he was Roy’s dog. No one could know about it right now, of course, but he and Riza had been together forever and that hadn’t changed since the Promised Day happened. They’d grown closer – in every way possible – and the thought made Roy grin.
“How are you doing, boy?” Roy asked, bending forward to look at Hayate’s face. He let out a sigh and Roy laughed in response, rubbing his head vigorously. “Yeah, I miss her too.” He’d only been dog sitting for two hours but he still missed Riza. Ever since they’d hooked up – discreetly, of course – every moment apart was agony. Riza had rolled her eyes at his dramatic claim, making Roy grin. He’d smile, because claims like that always drew a smile out of her too, and it was a wonderful sight.
But he still moped and pouted when she had to go somewhere without him.
Maybe he was just whipped. Roy chuckled. He was definitely whipped. He missed his girlfriend, so sue him. Well, his girlfriend, who wasn’t really supposed to be his girlfriend, but they’d both said fuck it and done it anyway. Roy snickered again at the pun.
Roy’s eyes roamed around Riza’s apartment and noted the photos she had placed on her coffee table. There were photos of them both, professional and personal. There was the team. Rebecca was in there too. Then there was the photo Winry had sent each of them of her new family. Roy’s smile turned into a grin after seeing that one. He hadn’t got around to finding a frame for his yet, so it was pressed in a book in his bookcase to keep it tidy and clean. He was so proud of those kids. He would’ve never admitted it to Edward or Alphonse, but they did feel like sons to him. Riza felt the same way. She was the only person who was aware of just how much Roy cared for them, and vice versa.
He grinned again. Despite all they’d been through, he was happy Riza was still there with him. It felt wonderful to share his life with her, even when they weren’t together. He hadn’t exactly told Riza how much she meant to him yet, but something told Roy she already knew. Still, it was different to hear it in person. Perhaps he should do it soon…
“Y’know,” Roy began, using both hands to pet Hayate’s fur. “I really do love Riza, Hayate,” he told his canine companion. “I’m so happy she hasn’t kicked me out on my ass yet,” he chuckled. “God knows I deserve it after all the headaches I’ve caused her,” he grinned. “But no, she truly is a gem and I honestly don’t know what I’d do without her.” Roy leaned forward again, watching as Hayate’s eyes looked up at him. “What would you say to me marrying her?” he mused aloud. Roy had spotted the joke gift he’d given her one Christmas. It was a sign that said, “all visitors must be approved by the dog before entering”, and it hung up on her wall. It looked tacky as hell, Roy had to admit, but it was a joke and he hadn’t expected her to hang it up, of all things. “Hm?” he prompted the dog.
Hayate sighed but his tail began to wag, the fur brushing over Roy’s stomach. That had to be a good sign, right?
Raising an eyebrow, Roy stared down at the dog. “A yes or a no would be great, buddy,” he joked. Hayate let out a quiet yip, lifting his head to lick Roy’s cheek. A grin broke out over his face. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he replied proudly. Sitting back, Roy beamed. “I’ll ask her to marry me then. I just need to find the perfect time –”
“Married?” a startled voice cried out in disbelief.
Roy froze. The hands petting the dog stopped and Hayate looked behind him, whining for Roy to continue. Obviously seeing Riza drew his attention away, and Hayate hopped down off the couch and padded over to his stunned master.
Standing in a flash, he whipped around, panicking slightly. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! “Uh…” Roy stated eloquently.
“Married?” Riza stuttered again. Roy blinked at her, the panic within him dying down when he noticed the state she was in. Her mouth was opening and closing like a goldfish in her surprise. Her eyes were wide and, he hated to say it, slightly crazed.
“Uh… surprise?” he grinned sheepishly.
That seemed to throw her over the edge because her eyes almost bugged out of her head. Roy felt a laugh bubbling inside of him. He’d never seen her so surprised before. It seemed like her brain was short-circuiting, unable to restart and function again after hearing that titbit of information. The laugh left him, and that caused Riza to frown. Then glare.
“I’m sorry,” Roy replied through his giggle. He approached her hurriedly, gripping her biceps gently in his hands as he gazed into her eyes. “I didn’t even realise you were home.” She wasn’t supposed to be back for another hour, that’s the only reason he was talking to Hayate about marrying her. Whoops.
“Married?” she stated again, disbelieving.
Roy nodded, his sheepish grin returning. “Not the most conventional way to ask – and not the way I planned to ask at all – but it’s out there now. So… What do you say?” he asked expectantly.
Roy felt his laughter bubbling back up again. That seemed to be the only word she could say. Her, Riza Hawkeye, his Captain, reduced to one word and completely speechless outside of that. It was entertaining, and Roy was glad he’d been the one to do it. This was unprecedented. He never thought this could be done! Gleefully, he was taking great pleasure in bringing her to this state, so shocked she couldn’t believe what he was saying.
“Yes. Riza Hawkeye, will you marry me?” he asked, his voice soft.
Roy rolled his eyes fondly at her, drawing Riza into his embrace.
“Married,” he confirmed, apparently finally speaking her language.
There was a long pause before she replied, and it had begun to set Roy on edge, but everything was right with the world when she finally replied.
“Yes,” she whispered, the grip on him tightening as she squeezed him, and her voice cracking in her joy. Roy grinned and returned the tight embrace, kissing her temple in response.
“Married,” he confirmed with the happiest smile on his face.
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cocomaxley · 5 years
Harry Potter & the CGW Squad
Part 1
Three out of the four CGW girls love Harry Potter. Just a fun little idea we threw around forever ago that finally got written. Hope you enjoy!
Part of the CGW TRR A/U, a collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @leelee10898 and yours truly. Catch up HERE.
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Pam, Anitah and Genevieve sat at the restaurant waiting for Alicia. “Who wants to bet that she's late because they're screwing in the limo right now?” Genevieve asked giggling. Pam rolled her eyes, “Not taking that bet.”
“You guys, we should have a Harry Potter movie marathon this weekend while the boys are camping!” Anitah squealed.
“This is what Alicia gets for being late,” Genevieve laughed. Alicia finally walked into the restaurant, trying to straighten her disheveled clothing. “Hey girls, sorry I'm late. I was...umm…well you know,” she giggled.
“Finally! I'm starving,” Pam grumbled. The girls talked and laughed through lunch. “Hey Alicia, since you were late, we planned our movies for girls night in,” Anitah said with an evil smile.
“No, no, no! I am not watching Harry Potter,” Alicia said rolling her eyes. “We're not watching Harry Potter,” Anitah said and Alicia let out a sigh of relief, “We are watching all of the Harry Potter movies!” Alicia groaned but knew she didn't have a choice.
Friday afternoon, Rashad was packing his bag and camping gear into the car. Genevieve met him outside since they were driving to the palace together, and he would ride with Drake to the campground. He looked at her and started laughing, “Sweetie, what are you wearing?” Genevieve was wearing a gray uniform skirt, with white button down shirt, yellow and burgundy tie, black cardigan and a black Hogwarts robe. She skipped up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him on the lips and said, “You had no idea that you married a nerd did you? Oh well, too late!”
“Well you guys can't get into too much trouble dressed like that. So I'm actually not scared of whatever you ladies get into tonight. I hope I don't regret saying that,” he chuckled. He opened the passenger door for her and they made the drive to the palace. They pulled up the driveway and saw Drake’s truck pulling up behind them. She giggled when Pam stepped out of the vehicle. She was wearing the Ravenclaw uniform which consisted of a black uniform skirt and blazer and a royal blue blouse along with her Hogwarts robe. Rashad shook his head and laughed. “Gryffindor, Gen? I pegged you for Slytherin,” Drake snorted.
“You seem to know your houses, Drakey...are you a closet Harry Potter fangirl?” She asked with a knowing smile. Drake’s face blushed, “I don't know what you're talking about. That's for kids.” He dropped his voice to barely a whisper, “If you say anything, I will deny it and then I will get you back. Remember I still owe you for Chicago, April Fools and a bunch of other times I can't think of right now.”
“Drake, you're so scary when you're mad...like a ferocious little kitten. Mrow,” Genevieve clawed her hand at him. “And you know you love me!” He muttered under his breath, “You’re right, I do love you…like the big sister I never wanted.”
Anitah waked out of her closet and Liam raised his brow, “My love, what are you wearing exactly?” Anitah smirked, “You don't like it, my King?” She unzipped the front of the black robe and showed him the Gryffindor uniform she was wearing. His eyes automatically snapped down to the the short gray skirt and white knee high tights. Liam swallowed hard, “I...I...never said that.”
Everyone was in the royal quarters waiting for Alicia and Leo. They walked in a few minutes later and Alicia stared at her friends. Her jaw dropped at the sight all of them dressed like they just got their Hogwarts letters. She burst out laughing, “You guys are the biggest dorks I’ve ever met in my life!” The three girls rolled their eyes.
The men kissed their wives goodbye and left for their camping trip. Once they arrived at the campsite, Liam said, “So they really like Harry Potter, huh?” Rashad nodded his head. Drake’s face turned red, and he couldn’t quite look at the other men in the eye, “Yeah, Pam loves it. I don’t get it.” Liam looked lost in thought for a moment before he said, “Maybe we should take them to the Harry Potter theme park in Florida? I think they’d love it and I can’t get the image of Anitah in that skirt out of my head…” He cleared his throat and stood up, trying to hide that he needed to adjust himself.
“I’m in. Gen will be super excited. She has been bugging me to read the books and watch the movies. She even tried to download the books on tape on my phone,” Rashad said. Drake perked up, “Yeah, sounds fun! I...I mean...there’s probably a lot to do in Orlando, right? Not just The Wizarding World of Harry Potter?” Leo raised his brow at him using the full name of the attraction.
“Well if we really want to make them happy, then we should probably watch the movies with our wives. We don’t want to look like complete idiots. I’ll have my assistant book the trip then,” Liam said. “Yeah, we own all of the movies! I mean...Pam...Pam has all of the movies,” Drake suddenly stood, walking to the cooler. “Man, you guys are so whipped. I’m so glad Alicia doesn’t like that shit. We’ll still go, there’s a ton to do there,” Leo said rolling his eyes. The guys threw their beer cans at him, Rashad saying, “Yeah, we’re whipped. Who have you been texting non-stop since we left, Leo?” Leo’s flushed crimson, “She’s sending me some interesting information about...about stocks…”
Sunday afternoon, after watching the very last movie, Alicia stood up and said, “I still don't get why you guys love these so much. It's just not my thing.” Anitah rolled her eyes, “Easy, because the books and movies are amazing!” The door opened and the men walked in from their camping trip. Liam suggested they all have dinner together after the men showered and cleaned up.
The group went to the dining room. “We had an idea while camping. I had my assistant make the necessary arrangements for all of us to go to the Harry Potter theme park in Orlando.” Anitah, Pam and Genevieve all let out excited squeals. “You guys need to get sorted into your houses and find your patronuses!” Genevieve babbled excitedly.
Drake let out a snort, “You know who would be in Gryffindor? Liv...all Weasleys get sorted into Gryffindor!” He slapped his knee, laughing at his own joke. The other guys and Alicia turned to him with questioning looks. “Drake, you seem to know a lot about Harry Potter. Is there anything you want to tell us, buddy?” Leo asked him with a smirk. Drake’s cheeks turned pink, “I may have watched the movies with Pam…”
Genevieve scoffed, “Please! He loves Harry Potter. When I say love, I mean love. He has Harry Potter boxer shorts that he asked Pam to buy him for Christmas. What were they, Drake? The Marauder’s map? Also, I know that you and Pam love to role play. Exhibit A, look at Pam’s skirt and notice that it’s been sewn by the zipper because Drakey here has ripped it.” Pam tried to cover a smile which made her bestie giggle. Drake just started at her with his mouth open. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Drake. I think it’s sexy that you like Harry Potter as much as I do. I’ll show you exactly how sexy I think it is when we go home later,” Pam whispered in his ear making his face turn two more shades of red.
After dinner they went back to the royal quarters, and Pam sent the men and Alicia the website to get sorted into their houses. Alicia was the first to finish, “I’m a puffball. What’s a puffball?” The girls roared with laughter. “Hufflepuff, Alicia!” Anitah snickered. Drake and Liam were sorted into Gryffindor with Anitah and Genevieve. Rashad became a Ravenclaw along with Pam. Leo joined Alicia in Hufflepuff. The trip wasn’t scheduled for a few weeks so they decided that each weekend they would watch the movies together as a group.
The following Friday after everyone had gone home for the evening, Liam looked at Anitah, “I think the only thing that you love more than Harry Potter is the New York Yankees, love.” Anitah grinned, “Actually, I am pretty sure I love Harry Potter more, my king. I’d like to show you something.” She pulled Liam down an unused wing in the palace. “What’s all this?” Liam asked her. She giggled, “Since the rooms aren’t used down here, I took one to store some things…” She opened the door and Liam’s eyes widened in shock. He stared into the room that was laid out like the Gryffindor common room. He stepped inside and felt like he just walked into a Harry Potter retail store. There were mugs, cups, Legos, blankets, clothing, stuffed animals, action figures, and memorabilia displayed around the room. “Is that a replica broomstick, my love?” Liam pointed to the Firebolt that was hanging above the fireplace. “Actually, that’s the one they used in the movie,” she smiled at him. “I don’t know if I should be proud or scared,” Liam said with his mouth still hanging open. “Well, my king, since we’re the only two that know about this room maybe we should take advantage of the privacy.” Anitah closed the door and turned the lock with a click. She walked over to him, and pushed him down onto the sofa. “Proud, I’ll go with proud. Umm, where’s that skirt, love?” Liam said as he captured her mouth into a heated kiss.
Pam and Drake arrived home and walked in the front door. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a sweet kiss. “Now, I believe you promised that you’d show me how sexy it was that I’m such a big Harry Potter fan…” Pam smirked and took him by the arm, leading him into the bedroom. She pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor. She ran her hands up his toned abs to his chiseled chest and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into passionate kiss. She started to unzip her skirt and Drake stopped her. “Leave the skirt on, baby. I’d like to rip it off of you again,” he growled, pulling her tight against his body and kissing her hard. He walked her over to the bed and laid her down, his hands roaming up her legs. “Drake…” she moaned as his hand disappeared up her skirt.
Leo and Alicia were laying in bed. “Babe, do we have to go? This trip is gonna be so lame.” Leo chuckled, “We can ditch them at the park. I'm sure there are plenty of places we can explore...clothing optional.” He pulled Alicia on top of him so she was straddling him. She could feel his hard length pressing against her wanting core. “I think you should get one of those skirts though...it might come in handy for when Bam Bam wants to come out and play.” Alicia smiled, “We haven't done the schoolgirl outfit yet. It would come in handy.” Leo pulled her down and captured her mouth in a hard kiss. “Now, are you ready for Bedrock, love?”
Rashad and Genevieve were getting ready for bed. She was standing in her closet, having just changed into her pajama shorts and tank top. Rashad came up behind her and kissed her neck. “Mmmm,” she moaned. “I have to admit, you looked sexy in that uniform,” Rashad continued to kiss down her neck. She laid her head back against his chest as his hands roamed her body. “Oh really? You should have seen me in high school. I was a Catholic school girl...with a very short skirt.” He growled in her ear, “Put that skirt back on...then meet me in your shoe closet.” He turned her to face him, “And, sweetheart? Wear those red peep toe Louboutins.” Genevieve felt a shiver go down her spine. All she could do was nod her head as she looked into Rashad’s lust blown eyes.
A couple of weeks later, the four couples boarded the royal jet for their trip. Anitah, Pam and Genevieve were giddy. Their husbands smiled at their excitement. Alicia sat with the three women, “I’m excited to get away. Don’t think you guys are going to make me change my mind about Harry Potter though. Not gonna happen.”
Anitah teased, “Don’t be so Sirius, Alicia. It’s going to be amazing!” This made Genevieve snort loudly. “Was that supposed to be a pun? Because I don’t get it…�� Alicia said with an arched brow.
“Alicia, why don’t you ask Leo to show you his wand and you can show him your golden snitch,” Pam giggled while Alicia rolled her eyes.
Drake chuckled, “Don’t be such a muggle, Alicia!” The three women could no longer contain themselves and burst out laughing. Alicia stood up and sat down next to Leo, “We need new friends…”
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calumcest · 4 years
i'm glad you're feeling better! and honestly i'm shook? i didn't even know you had that many career possibilities in other countries? like my brain automatically went from reading history and german (both truly great subjects btw) to lehramt.. honestly everything sucks about our education system and i'm sorry it's constricting your plans of moving here :( (pt1)
(pt2) though i can't understand why you'd want to leave london the literal best city in the whole entire world for germany like even with my very big love for berlin i just don't get it 🙈 (in case it isn't obvious: i love london with my entire heart) did you always live there? sendung mit der maus is truly quality tv :) did you end up rewatching it?
(pt3) your masters thesis sounds so interesting! i'd love to know more about it bc i only know a little bit about differences in gay rights between east and west but like next to nothing about how they handled hiv/aids and the influence of language is so fascinating too oh my god that made me crack up 😂 my mum grew up around hohenschönhausen 😅
(pt4) and yes exactly! like some jobs were treated so much more fairly and also what really surprised me was that according to my history teacher the east was actually a bit better/faster than the west in regards to womens rights (for example abortion was legal in the east earlier) okay so from your stories i definitely relate more to the british approach to criticism 😂 i can't tell people their ideas are shit bc i hate confrontation
(pt5) though i too was shooketh about how polite people in the uk are.. like just in a shop or sth everybody was always so nice it was weird 😅 so i get your mum's confusion. also i can't believe you apologise when someone bumps into you?? i mean this particular thing is sth i get very mad about bc i love my personal space but like just in general why do you apologise when it wasn't your fault? like yes i do apologise when i do it but if it's the other person's fault 😶
(pt6) yeah it definitely depends on the situation/person i think for practical reasons i say german first but try to mention berlin asap. aw thank you i appreciate it :) but oh my god i'm actually so sorry that happened to you, like while i love them for nostalgic reasons i agree that pfannkuchen(/berliner) can be so disgusting especially when you're expecting a crepe :( oh YES thank you so much i've been saying this exact thing for years!!
(pt7) like why do we need cases and genders when english works just fine without them? i don't wanna hear about genitiv ever again thank you very much. the correct plural is kakteen and kaktusse just sounds like a profanity and they went and made it an official possibility bc people kept saying it and ever since that i've hated duden with a passion. alex should definitely pay you for the promo & i've seen vegas mentioned on your blog a few times now so i'm gonna listen to it too :) -spoiler twin
thank u!! also i know right trying to explain that in germany was insanity they were like oh so ur working at a school bc u wanna become a teacher? :) and i was like absolutely not and they were like but u study history and german...SNDFJSNKDJF i think its insane that ur expected to choose your whole career path at the age of 18 though thats so stressful! 
omg have you been to london before? also i didnt but i did rewatch an old episode with my parents bc i reminded them about it and we were reminiscing and its STILL as good as i remember it being good old christoph and his green jumper
thank u!! god i dont actually know THAT much about the language yet bc i havent started researching but a few interesting points i’ve picked up are that 1. they always referred to drug users as ‘fixer/fixerinnen’ which is obviusly like...quite a politicised term when they had the option to say like drogenabhängige or sth 2. academics would constantly refer to ‘ansteckungsverdächtigen’ and the verdächtig in that is like...HMMM...not good 3. there was a medical panel held in 1987 in east berlin which used english terminology to describe sexual practices that carried increased risk of hiv transmission (e.g. fisting) and because lots of people didn’t speak english they weren’t actually being educated on what they should be avoiding/doing more safely SO!! theres a lot to look at i havent really started researching like i said i should though but theres already a lot of interseting things in there imo sorry this is probably super boring i just get very excited about it
oh absolutely!! it was because of necessity (the way the ecnomy was set up meant that they needed all available bodies working) but it meant that there were SO many more provisions especially childcare and you can still see that prevailing today theres a huge divide between east/west in terms of maternity leave and childcare 
omg SSNKDJFNKSJDFN honestly i have no idea we just do we literlaly apologise when we bump into lampposts its just an instinct bc u assume that its your fault bc you were in the way so u need to apologise for it but once the kids in germany started being like why the fuck are you apologising i had to physically stop myself apologising SKJDFNSJNDF
thats fair enough go di miss berlin so much i’m so desperate to go back theres stll so many things i havent seen bc ive never stayed longer than a week and its such a rich city you need more time to explore it i miss it so much lord take me back to the alexanderplatz galeria restaurant so i can eat overpriced schnitzel <3 whats your favourite german food? i have to say for me personally linsen & spätzle and maultaschen (my oma is swabian) for nostalgic purposes but marmorkuchen...schnitzel...bratwurst...klöße...weißwurst...brezel...lebkuchen...kaiserschmarrn...plätzchen...theres these lovely plätzchen my mum makes at xmas wait let me ask her what theyre claled i cant describe them. ok apparently theyre just schokoladenplätzchen ‘aber ich hab ein besonderes rezept von der ur-oma ha ha ha!!!!!!!’ (direct quote) GOD now i am desperate to go back to germany we cant get ANY good food here i swear to god . oh you know what i really love as well german junk food god you do junk food like nobody else the chocolate aisle in rewe <3 <3 <3 i miss the ja! chocolate chunk cookies so much
CORRECT i hate cases so much i’m so bad at them i still have no idea if its dem or den half the time how does it make a DIFFERENCE...also correct but the genitiv is dying anyway as we keep being told by our lecturers Der Dativ Ist Dem Genitiv Sein Tod <3 kakteen is a very intersting prospect i never considered that but the more i think about it the more i agree also kaktusse DOES sound like profanity but german swear words just arent that great anyway like fick please that upsets me so much ALSO i hope u enjoyed vegas! 
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