#like vacation stuff. which is fun and all but i have to buy tickets for a lot of things
carcarrot · 2 months
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cariantha · 8 months
Hope you didn't get these yet. :)
10. What is the last beverage you had? 14. What are you going to spend money on next? 72. Ever win a spelling bee? 87. Ever won a contest?
Hi friend! Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. That's no way to end a fun vacation.☹️ Get better soon!
Make Me Admit Stuff
I'm going to answer from my current timeframe which is a couple weeks after the attack. For a bit of context, I have this whole back story where Sawyer ran away to San Diego a few days after the funeral. She eventually reaches out and Ethan flies to CA to be with her.
10. What is the last beverage you had?
Ethan: "We went out for Italian tonight. I ordered a glass of red wine."
Sawyer: "I had a mocktail. Something with lemon and raspberry, if I remember. I'm trying to avoid alcohol while I'm on certain meds..."
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
Sawyer: "A plane ticket back to Boston?"
She looks at Ethan.
Sawyer: "I think I'm ready to go home."
Ethan leans forward and kisses her forehead.
Ethan: "Then I'll be buying those plane tickets. We're going home in first-class, baby."
72. Ever win a spelling bee?
Sawyer: "No. It's not that I'm a bad speller, but I'm more of a visual person. I have to be able to write it out and see that it's correct."
Ethan: "Yes, I won the spelling bee at my elementary school and then at the district level. I took second place in the regional competition."
Sawyer: "Oh, so close..."
Ethan: "I would have gone on to state, but I threw the regional competition. My dad insisted on taking time off work to come and watch me compete. He had to work overtime to compensate. It was the same year my mom left. I hated when he worked late. I cared more about having him home in the evenings and on the weekends than I did about winning."
Sawyer: "Aw, babe. You're making me cry..."
87. Ever won a contest?
Ethan: "Yes. Many."
Sawyer: "Which one were you most proud of?"
Ethan: "All of the ones where I kicked Tobias' ass."
Sawyer: "Ethan."
Ethan: "I'm kidding."
Sawyer: (glares at him)
Ethan: "I'm mostly kidding."
Sawyer: "For me, I won some science fairs when I was a kid. And I almost won the intern competition for the junior fellowship on the DT. I mean, I got the spot anyway, but I like to think that I would have won fair and square had the competition continued."
Ethan: "You would have."
Sawyer: "I think you were a little biased though."
Ethan: "Goddamn right. But that doesn't change the fact that you were still the best for the job."
A/N: Instead of annoyingly tagging everyone, I think I'll just make a master list when all my asks have been answered. It's been so much fun to write these little dialogues. I want to be able to go back and easily find them again.😛
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yelenabelovasbxtch · 2 years
Panel PT. 10
A/n: hey everyone! I am SO sorry this took so long to continue. I got distracted with other fics and honestly I wasn’t sure how I wanted this story to proceed. But here it is! The long awaited part 10! But if any of you have any suggestions or things you’d like to see in part 11 feel free to msg me or comment them below!
Concept: You go to Comic-Con and attend a Florence Pugh panel. What happens after surprises you. Part 10/?
Word count: 3343
Warnings: angst, fluff, smut, 18+, strap
Taglist: @jeyramarie @flosbelova @bridgecitybrad @justthis-stuff  @chloe7076 @ailenepuff @wandanatvoid @3xbyrn320 @thorya22 @ravenclawbitch426
Lmk if you want to be added to the Taglist!
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The two of you get cleaned up and hop out of the shower.
“So, I was thinking…” Florence says.
“Oh boy. Should I be worried?”
“No, not at all. I was just wondering if you’d like to meet my family?”
“Oh my gosh!! Flo! Yes omg of course! I would be honoured.”
“I’ve just- I’ve told them lots about you and my mom seems to love you already and Raff seems to think you guys will be best friends.”
“Yes, I would love to meet them. Does this mean we are flying to England?”
“Actually…I had another thought. My family’s been wanting to get away for awhile and I was thinking we could all go on a vacation together! That way it would be a level playing field not you meeting them on their turf or anything. I want you to feel as comfortable as possible.”
“That sounds great, babes. Did you have somewhere specific in mind?”
“Well I was thinking somewhere tropical but then— I remembered that roller coasters are sooooo much fun. So, I was thinking Orlando? So we could go to Disney and Universal studios?”
“Sounds perfect.” You say as you lean in and give her a quick kiss.
Florence gives her family a call and tells them what she has planned. They were thrilled and looking forward to it. Since we both had a two weeks break from filming, the timing was perfect.
The next morning the two of you started packing for your vacation. You were leaving later that night so time was tight however you managed to carve out about an hour to two to go buy a few matching outfits so you could be THAT couple in Florida.
The plane ride was not bad at all…well that’s what happens when you fly first class. You arrive in Orlando and stay at one of the on-site Disney hotels. You and Florence check into the hotel and make your way up to your room, which by the way is utterly gorgeous.
“Are we meeting up with your family tonight or tomorrow?” You ask.
“I got their tickets for tomorrow so that you and I could have a nice relaxing first night before they all show up.” She says with a smile.
As the two of you walk through the door to your home for the next couple of weeks you are shocked when you see what was set up.
“Flo…what are you up to?”
“What?” She says with a cheeky grin. “I said, I wanted us to have a nice…relaxing…night.” She says as she puts down the luggage and slowly walks up to you. She starts kissing you on your neck which is absolutely working on you. But you couldn’t help but feel icky after the plane ride.
“Flo— I want this so badly, I want you. But I feel kind of gross after flying today.”
A huge smile comes across her face.
“What are you grinning so widely at?” You ask.
“Well my darling…I have just the thing to help you!” She grabs your hand and pulls you into the bathroom where a bath has been drawn already with bubbles, rose petals and many candles.
“How in god's name did you time this so perfectly?” You say feeling the water and realizing how warm it was still.
“All I did was call in advanced love. Nothing much.” She says with a tug of your shirt. You raise your arms and your shirt is pulled over your head as you drop your pants to the ground.
Florence just takes a step back and admires you. She still can’t believe that you’re all hers. She takes her clothes off and crawls into the tub with you. The two of you were facing each other opposite one another and having the most relaxing time of your life. While things may have got hot and steamy a few times, the two of you still had the most relaxing time together. The two of you got out of the bath, rinsed off in the shower and put on the complimentary robes the hotel provided. Florence led you to the bedroom where there was not only a bottle of chilled champagne for the two of you but a variety of your favourite snacks and foods.
“Florence…you absolutely spoiled me!”
“Only the best for you. Besides, like I said before, it means the world to me that you’re willing to meet my family and I wanted to make sure that you are as comfortable and relaxed as possible on this trip.”
You pull her in for a hug and a kiss as she throws you back onto the bed behind you and starts kissing you all over.
“I want tonight to be all about you y/n. Whatever you want to do…eat…watch…anything.”
“Oh boy. More Star Wars?”
“We did just finish the OG trilogy, I think it’s time to start the prequels.” You say with the biggest smile across your face.
“Okay darling. Star Wars it is.” Florence says as she gets up off the bed and starts pouring you a glass of champagne.
She turns the movie on, the two of you are cuddling after having consumed way too much junk food and having the most fun you’ve ever had. Being here with the woman of your dreams was surreal. All you wanted to do was stay frozen at this moment in time, forever. You both slowly drifted off and woke up early the next morning to see her family when they arrived at the hotel.
You spent about 40 minutes trying to pick the right outfit for you and what you wanted Flo’s parents to see you in for the first time. You settled on your favourite because it was what you were most comfortable in and what said the most about you.
You had a feeling that her family was worried about her dating a fan so you knew you had to make sure they knew how much you cared for their daughter.
Once the two of you were ready you headed downstairs for breakfast in a small café where you would also wait for Flo’s family. Since Florence made all the reservations she has to be here for them to get into their rooms. Their plane landed about 25 minutes ago so to get their bag and then head to the hotel, they should arrive in about 10 minutes.
“Mama!” You hear Florence scream as she gets up and runs up to her mum as she walks through the front doors of the hotel. She practically tackles her family to the ground with hugs and kisses. Then she immediately spins around and pulls you close and introduces you to the family. Her mum was super eager to meet you, her dad was happy too but much more interested in getting to the room and unpacking…it’s a dads on vacation type of thing. Her sister looked exhausted from the plane ride over and her brother looked like he hadn’t even been on a plane. He looked that good. Clearly you could tell that Flo’s family just had the most blessed genes but none of them compare to Florence.
“It’s lovely to meet you darling.” Her mum says as she pulls you in for a hug.
“You as well, Flo has told me so much about you all. I’m so glad we all get to finally meet.”
Florence walks over with her dad and mum to the front desk to get them checked in while you stand there with Raffie and Toby.
“So did you guys have a nice flight?”
“We did, it was quite lovely actually. Florence flew us out first class so we had excellent food. Plus mum packed some extra snacks so that was nice.” Toby responds.
“Yeah it wasn’t bad, I pretty much watched the entire original Star Wars trilogy because the flight was 10 bloody hours long.” Raffie says.
“You like Star Wars?!” You say with an excited voice.
“Of course! Who doesn’t like Star Wars?” She says.
“I don’t know…It's been a long few days watching it with Florence.” You say with a laugh.
“Wait, you got her to watch Star Wars?” Toby says.
“Yeah, why?”
“She just would NEVER watch it in the past. She wouldn’t stop talking about how boring it is.” Raff says.
“Oh trust me, she fell asleep like 4 times but we are starting the prequels, we just finished phantom menace last night.”
“Ah no way! I was gonna watch that one next.”
“You guys should join us for attack of the clones!”
“Sure that sounds delightful.”
“What are we all getting so excited about over here?” Florence says.
“Oh we are just talking about how movie night is going to be Star Wars.” You say to your girlfriend with a smile as raffie and Toby are laughing like they’re up to something.
“Ah she told you ya?”
“Yeah she did, it’s about damn time Flo!”
“Yeah, yeah, go unpack your things. Mum and dad just got their keys.” Flo says to her siblings. “Why don’t we meet back here in the lobby in 30 minutes? You guys get settled in and then we can take off. I have a surprise for you.”
“Sounds good! See you in a bit and lovely to meet you y/n!”
“You too!” You reply. “Surprise….?” You say looking at Flo.
“Why yes my darling, I know how much you all loveeee Star Wars so much so…we have premium passes to Disney land where we get to skip all the lines including at the new Star Wars park!”
“No freakin way.”
“Wait! It gets better. There’s someone named sa-sav-savi?? I think is how you pronounce it?”
“SAVI’s WORKSHOP?” You say with excitement.
“Yes that. I got us a private session for that.”
“No fucking way. We are making lightsabers? You are the best girlfriend in THE world.”
“Ah well…I mean if you say so.” She says with a cheeky grin on her face.
“Now, how about we change into something a little more appropriate?” She says.
“Appropriate?” You say with a curious look.
The two of you arrive back to your room where there, laid out on the bed, Florence had gotten the two of you matching shirts that were Han Solo and Princess Leia themed with their famous lines “I love you” and “I know”.
You look at the shirts and turn to your girlfriend as you tackle her onto the bed with kisses and affection.
“Alright, alright, down girl,” she says with a laugh. “How about we slip you out of what you’re wearing and change into these hmm?”
“Sounds like a plan to me.”
Florence pulls your shirt over your arms and she can’t help but start to kiss all over you. You being shirtless is like a drug to her. All she wants is to kiss down your neck and leave little marks so people know you’re hers. You can’t help but lean into what she’s doing because it felt so fucking good. The way that her kisses make you feel, they raise the hairs on the back of your neck and goosebumps appear on your arms. A small moan escapes your lips and you didn’t even notice.
“Little excited are we?” She says with a smirk on her face.
“Oh shut up—I know you’re loving this as much as I am.”
“I really am and I absolutely hate that we have to head back out that door in a few minutes.”
“…does that mean we have time…?” You say. She looks at you with hungry eyes. “I’m kidding babes I know we shouldn’t. But trust me, when we get back here later tonight…you just wait for what I have in store.”
Florence lets out a loud sigh.
The two of you change and head back downstairs where Florence’s family is waiting.
“Ok lovelies! I have some exciting news…we are going to Disney!! But we don’t have to wait in any lines because we have a premium package.” Florence says with the MOST excited grin on her face as she hands out the passes.
The six of you take a trolley to the park where you’re greeted by a cast member who will be accompanying you on your day. When you got to the Star Wars portion of the park you practically had to pick your jaw up from the ground. You were pretty much just living out your biggest and nerdiest dreams. Luckily Florence’s family were also super into the movies so you weren’t alone. You went on all the rides…twice, you built lightsabers and Florence even took you on a mini shopping spree in the gift shop. You finished it all off with a drink and some food in the cantina where you got to try blue milk for the first time.
As Florence’s family was ordering their food you lean over and whisper to her how much of a fun time you had today and that she is the best girlfriend in the world. She smiles and steals a kiss before the waitress gets to her.
Overall, the day was amazing and you got to bond a whole lot with Florence’s family.
“So, what do we want to do now?” Flo asks.
“Oh love, we had an amazing time today but we are feeling quite jet lagged, I think your father and I are going to call it a night.” Says Florence’s mom.
“Okay no problem, did you guys want to come back to our room for a movie night?” Florence asks her siblings.
“Yes! Y/n and I have lots to talk about. We are pretty much the same person after what she’s told me today. I told you we’d be best friends. You better watch out or I’ll steal her from you.” Raffie says.
Your cheeks turn red with embarrassment from the compliment.
“Ha. Ha. You better watch yourself.” Flo says sarcastically.
All of you head back to the hotel and Florence’s family go back to their room to get cleaned up while you and Flo do the same.
“Meet in our room in an hour ya?” Flo says.
“Sure thing. She you guys in a bit.”
You and Florence head up to your room and as soon as you step through the door she pushes you up against the wall and starts kissing you.
“Someone a little excited yeah?” You say mocking her from earlier.
“Oh shut up. I know this is all you’ve been thinking about all day too. Don’t think you’re slick with all the hints you were dropping, that was quite naughty of you.”
“Oh yeah? I have no idea what you’re talking about. What hints?” You say with a grin.
“You don’t think I notice when you purposely push your ass up against me or put my hand on your thigh when we are sitting down?”
“Hmmm maybe…and what are you going to do about it?”
“Oh you are definitely going to pay.” She says kissing slowly down your neck knowing exactly what you like.
“I’ve got one more surprise for you love.” She whispered in your ear.
“Oh yeah? And what would that be, baby?”
She picks you up and carries you to the bedroom. You’re tossed on the bed and when you try to sit up she tells you to lay down on your stomach and don’t move until she tells you to. She peels your clothes off you and you just lay there waiting for her to come back into the room.
Your head is pressed down into the pillows and then all of a sudden you feel the bed shift and she’s on top of you..but something feels different this time. Something pushes up against you as she comes down on top.
“Flo what is tha—”
“Shut up. I’m going to punish you for all the teasing you put me through today. You’re going to take all of my cock.”
Fuck that turned you on so much. You and Flo had talked about using a strap but she always seemed a little hesitant.
She’s kissing down you back as you feel her push into your ass. Fuck you wanted her inside you so badly. You moan out her name as she kisses the sweet spot that makes you squirm.
“How badly do you want me baby?” she whispers in your ear.
“Fuck— so badly. I want your cock daddy.”
“Daddy huh? I think I like the sound of that.”
Florence pulls back and brings her hand down to your lips where she pushes past them and sticks one finger inside of you. You let out a loud moan.
“Fuck darling, you’re soaking.” You can hear a grin behind what she’s saying.
“Please baby, I’m begging you, put your big cock inside me.”
Florence grabs both sides of your hips and pulls your ass up for easier access. You feel the tip of her dick tease your entrance. It felt so good but she did it to the point that your legs were shaking and your knees felt like they were going to buckle. Just the tip slides into you and it feels so fucking good but you want so much more. You go to push your ass back on her but she pushes you forward and slaps your ass.
“Now, now, let's not be hasty.”
Your body feels weak, all you want, all you need is to feel her. She flips you over so you’re laying on your back and fuck does she look sexy wearing that strap.
Florence leans forward and starts sucking on your nipple while her hand trails the inside of your thighs making you squirm. She draws little circles near your clit that has you moaning out ungodly sounds.
“Fuck— Florence please baby, I’m begging you.” You say about an inch away from her lips as she was about to kiss you. Instead you feel her cock pound all the way into you. Your head shoots back as you moan out her name and she just smirks as she watches you.
“Fuck daddy, your cock feels so good in me.” You scream as your hand goes down to stimulate your clit. You felt like you were getting close to the edge and she could tell so she pulled both your hands above your head, not letting you touch yourself as she continued to pound into you. The faces and sounds you made had her incredibly wet. Although you weren’t touching yourself anymore, you felt like you were about to cum.
“Flo— I- I don’t think I’m going to last much longer.” You groan.
“Cum for me princess.” She says as one of her hands goes down to your clit and starts drawing circles in a quick motion.
Your back arches up as you cum all over her cock and moan out her name. She slowly continues to pump in and out of you as you ride out your high. Your body is practically twitching from that orgasm.
“Fuck Flo— that was so good.” You get out.
You felt exhausted but like you were flying above the clouds all at the same time. She collapsed on the bed next to you, out of breath.
“Fuck— that is such a workout love.” She says in her normal adorable tone.
The two of you just lay there and laugh.
“I guess we should get cleaned up before Toby and Raffie show up.” She says.
“Yeah sure but to be honest, I don’t know if I can move.”
“Hmmm let’s see…” she says as she leans over and starts tracing her fingers over a spot on your hip that is ticklish. You start squirming and laughing as you turn towards her and lock your lips with one of the best kisses of all time.
“I think you’re good love…but just to be sure I’ll come shower with you in case anything were to happen.” She says with a wink.
“Sounds good to me.”
— End of PT. 10 —
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charming-mage · 3 years
The Search For Marinette Dupain-Cheng
This is my take on my prompt The Search For Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
You know, I always wondered about Marinette taking care of Akumas while overseas. If she takes too long, she’ll scare her loved ones half to death. Can’t rush too much or else she risks losing her miraculous because of it. Since no one is aware of her identity, she doesn’t have anyone to cover for her.  Friends who are unaware of the truth will cover her for so long before they have to fess up.
In salt fics, the class usually doesn’t care where Marinette is on Gotham trips. Here, they give a shit.
In which Lila messes with some signs and Marinette gets lost when she comes back late (via Kaalki) after dealing with an Akuma attack in France. 
The two week school field trip in Tokyo was supposed to be an enjoyable experience. There’s booked reservations at classy restaurants, a fancy hotel with a big pool, shows, and tours throughout Tokyo. Lila is most looking forward to the fashion expo. If she doesn’t do something soon, it looks like she’ll miss out on that too. Marinette been missing for two days and Lila is already sick of it. 
All because she miscalculated in a spur of the moment plan.
“Marinetteeee! Where are you,” shouts a crying Alya. The girl spots a few tourists and shoves a flier in their faces. Nino joins in with his own fliers. “Have you seen my friend Marinette Dupain-Cheng? Cutest French girl you’ve ever seen with a heart of gold. So kind she’d innocently help a stranger, unaware they’re a bad guy.” The tourists each give a half hearted ‘no’ before speed walking away.
“Walk faster Lila! Marinette can be anywhere.”
Lila puts on a concerned mask. “Of course.”
All this time wasted just because she moved some signs. 
She hadn’t meant for Marinette to go missing. Only to buy some time so she can guilt trip Adrien to be her partner for the fashion expo. 
The day before, the class went to a big nature park. It’s notable for its many trails. The deeper you went into the park, the denser the trees are. They all partnered up and to her dismay she got Nathaniel instead of Adrien. The best thing about the artist is that he gets so into drawing the sights he doesn’t notice when she wanders off. It gave her more time to plot how to switch partners with the least amount of fuss.
During one of her secret plotting sessions, she heard a very loud conversation farther down the trail she’s on. Rose shouts for Marinette to not split up, and Marinette screams back a blatant lie about wanting to see a moose in the Relaxation Trial. Also to not expect her for forty minutes. Total hypocrite this girl is. ‘We can only be friends if you stop lying.’ Sure, and it’s okay for only Marinette to lie. Everyone else who does so is bad. Can’t even tell Rose you honestly want to ditch her.
When Lila noticed the Relaxation Trail sign nearby, an idea formed in her head. She ducked into a bush to hide. When Marinette ran into the trail and her map fell out of her bag Lila burst into action. 
It took a little adjustment to the multiple sign post. It wasn’t too hard as the signs on the pole were already a little loose. Just needed to switch the sign that led back to the meetup with the Reflection Trial sign. According to the map, the Reflection one is a winding trial leading to a dead end. Marinette would be forced to walk all the back as the park employees told them it’s easy to get lost if you go off the trial. Aside from putting some sticks on the map, it was left mostly alone as she wanted her rival to use it to get back to base. She may not have liked Marinette, but she didn’t want anything horrible to happen to her.
By the time it got dark, Marinette still hadn’t gotten back to the meetup point. Forty minutes had already flown by. Lila hadn’t noticed as she was trying to convince Adrien to switch partners and tell everyone it was his idea. If Marinette was here the noisy girl would have interfered. 
Rose’s cry of alarm got the others to find out Marinette was missing. The goodie two shoes wasn’t answering Rose’s calls. A quick check near the Relaxation Trial sign revealed Marinette’s map had flown into a bush.
The field trip went downhill from there. 
The police were called. Afterwards, it’s discovered the cameras in that area were down much to Lila’s relief. Even though she feels a bit responsible, she’s not admitting to anything. Even if she did confess, it’s not like it’ll help the police. Doing so will get her in huge trouble and gain scrutiny in her actions from then on. How will telling what she did help find Marinette? It’d be for nothing.
When it comes down to it, Lila’s self preservation is above Marinette’s well being.
Some good fun will keep her mind from unpleasant things. Too bad no one besides Lila is interested in the scheduled events. This is a vacation, so going to a few events is a must. The class just want to spend time searching for Marinette. The transfer student wouldn’t have minded hanging up missing posters or spreading the word. This class takes it to another level.
Every waking moment is spent looking for Marinette. Breaks become a treasured time. They walk many miles each day. Max posts missing posters in Japanese forums. Alya bothers the police for updates. Adrien even got Chole (who stayed in Paris) to pull some strings to get more attention in the local news.
Because of Marinette’s disappearance, they have to stay in groups of at least three. No exceptions. So if Lila wants to do anything, she needs to convince any group she’s in to go with her.
It’s more challenging than expected.
Day 5
"Hey guys, why don’t we take our break inside the museum we were supposed to go to? It has air conditioning and we can look at some stuff for a bit while we’re sitting down.”
“Sorry Lila, I’m not in the mood to admire art.”
“I agree with Nathaniel. Just doesn’t feel right.”
Day 8
“Let’s go on the sightseeing tour. We can look for Marinette while we’re on it.”
“No thanks.”
“Nah, a taxi is better as we can choose where to drive.”
Day 10
“.....my leg injury is acting up. It’s okay to leave me here. I don’t mind.”
“No way Lila. We’re not leaving you alone on a bench outside Universal Studios. What if we lose you too?”
Day 11
Lila has had it with these people. Reservations and events have been canceled. Solemn, awkward moping. Refusal to do anything but looking for Marinette. The only event left is the one she’s been most looking forward to: the fashion expo. Through some maneuvering and sneakiness, no one remembered to cancel the expo tickets.
There’s no way in hell she wants to miss this event: a lecture by Edna Mode herself. There’s rumors circling the fashion industry the famous designer is going to explore a new clothing line. Along with finding a muse for it.
The previous class activities can be let go without much struggle. Not this one, though. This could be the golden ticket to a very prestigious job. Even more than being a Gabriel model.
There’s a chance things might go right this time. The group is filled by pushovers Adrien, Rose, and Juleka. As long as she stays firm, they’ll go along with her plan.
With the directions in mind, Lila manages to slyly maneuver the group to walk outside Tokyo Big Sight. The sight of the Edna Mode banners hanging outside the arena fills her with excitement.
Lila coughs for their attention. “Guys, it’s time for our lunch break. We need the energy to keep this up.”
Rose reluctantly says, “Oh you’re right Lila. Can you pass out our lunches please?” 
“Sure thing.” She reaches into the bag and whoops. There’s conveniently no lunch bags in there. “Oh no guys, there’s only water bottles in here.”
“It’s okay Lila, we can buy some food nearby.” Rose digs out her phone. “Hmm... I think there’s a cheap fast food place nearby.”
“There’s no need to look far. We can just go into the expo. They have to have some food near the entrance.”
There’s silence at her words.
Juleka narrows her eyes. “Why do I feel you just want to go to the expo?”
Lila is surprised Juleka of all people is calling her out. “No, no. It’s just, why walk more when there’s food right here.”
“Lila, do you not care about finding Marinette?,” a sad Rose asks.
“How could you say that? Of course I do! We worked so hard and we deserve a break. Marinette would understand.”
Rose snaps. “Understand? Every minute counts! We might never see Marinette ever again. She could be injured and alone, kidnapped, or worse! If one of us was missing, she wouldn’t give up.”
The fire in Rose’s eyes startles Lila. Never thought she’d see the bubbly girl break her happy persona. 
“No one said anything about giving up. Besides, the police are looking-”
“That doesn’t mean we should sit by and do nothing.” Rose tears up. “It’s my fault Marinette is gone. If I didn’t let her run off on her own, she would still be here.”
Juleka gives a comforting hug to Rose. 
Adrien speaks up. “I know you don’t like Marinette, but I never thought you would sink so low. It’s one thing if you’re not interested in helping. It’s another to actively interfere in something our friends care about.”
“I d-d-o care. We can pick up search after we eat.” It’s not like Lila wanted to prevent them from searching for Marinette. Ms. Bustier has forbidden anyone from being on their own. So she needed someone to be with her in order to do something. 
Lila spent so much time reassuring them, they missed the lecture.
“---Breaking News! A French teenager stopped a missile launch by terrorists. Marinette Dupain-Cheng went missing during her class’ field trip. Miraculously, she disabled their base of operations, rescued a Princess, fought against pirates, escaped on the back of a deer, got their leader to surrender to the authorities-”
“That’s our every day Ladybug.” Alya hugs the TV with tears of joy. “Obviously she’d save the day while missing.” The reporter actually hissed when a stranger tried to tell her to stop hogging the TV. No one attempted removing her after that.
Since Ms. Bustier is currently with the police to bring Marinette back, there’s no one to reign in the partying classmates. Alix somehow convinced the hotel to give them a big complementary celebration cake. 
The only person not celebrating is an angry Lila. Glaring at her phone, the headlines riles her up every time she sees it.
Edna Mode’s First Baby Fashion Line
The Inspiration Behind the New Designs
“My godson is my inspiration-”
Jack-Jack is Edna’s muse. Lol.
To save you a google search, this park mentioned in this fic is made up. It’s based on a bunch nature parks I’ve been to before. Tokyo does have parks and nature trials, though. In case you missed it, an attack happened in the late afternoon and Marinette got back at night (when it got dark) in Japan Standard Time. Keep in mind there is a 8 hour difference between these countries.
With this completed, I can finish chapter two of Dupont’s Worst Nightmare. :)
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
Hi Bree! I enjoyed reading your headcannon of L&E's children! It was such a fun read, I'm hooked with their family life 🥰 Because of this, I got inspired to come up with a Q&A for the kiddos. The interview is set 12 years after Lilac & Ethan became new parents. You will be answering as the AllenSey kids (with special appearances of Lilac & Ethan, as well). Hope you enjoy 'em! x
For Jonah, Dolores, Jasmine & Violet:
• If someone gave you $100 what would you do with it?
• If you could change any rule, which one would it be?
• Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
• Most likely to hide a stray pet?
• Most likely to tell a lie to get out of trouble?
• Most likely to steal their sibling's secret stash (food/toys/new stuff/etc.)?
• What do your mum & dad do in their free time?
• What is the one thing mum & dad is not good at?
• What do you admire most about mummy & daddy?
For Lilac & Ethan:
• What made you laugh today?
• Did someone get in trouble recently? If so, what happened?
• What are the hardest & easiest parts about parenting?
• What are the unexpected perks of parenthood?
• What advice would you give to younger versions of yourselves when you've just became new parents?
For context, Jonah is 12, Dolores 9, and Violet and Jasmine are 6
For Jonah, Dolores, Jasmine & Violet:
• If someone gave you $100 what would you do with it?
Jasmine: Squishies!
Dolores: Yeah, so you'll stop stealing mine.
Jasmine: That was Violet.
Violet: I gave them back.
Dolores: After Minnie destroyed them.
Jonah: I would invest it.
Jasmine: What's ingest?
Jonah: Invest, like how Dad told us? That's why we have the beach house in Cape Cod?
Jasmine: I thought we had that because Dad owns the hospital?
Violet: Or because Mom is famous?
Jonah: *sighs* No, they double their money through compound interest when they invest.
Sisters: *stare blankly*
Jonah: Remember? When he sat us down that one time and explained the Rule of 72? If we take 72 and divide it by the annual interest rate, then we get the amount of years those $100 will double. So if I invest it at a rate of 5%, it will take 14 years to double.
Violet: ...
Jasmine: ...
Dolores: ... So you will be *counts with her fingers* 26 and have $200?
Jonah: Exactly.
Jasmine: *horrified* No, thank you. I want my money right now.
Jonah: If you invest--
Jasmine: I'm here for a good time, not a long time, big bro.
• If you could change any rule, which one would it be?
Dolores: The "no electronics after dinner" rule. I want to play Roblox with my friends before bed.
Jonah: I would change the "if you don't know how to operate it, leave it alone." Sometimes I want to break things apart and put them back together but Mom won't let me.
Violet: Leaving Jenner out in the yard during dinner is cruel. He's part of the family. He should be inside with us.
Dolores: Dad only made up that rule because you feed him half of your dinner.
Violet: Because he's a growing boy! He needs food.
Jasmine: I would change the "treat people and property with kindness or respect" rule. Sometimes I just want to kick a toy of my way after a long day--
Lilac: *throws her "the look" from the distance*
Jasmine: *falls silent*
• Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
Jonah: Providence with Grandpa Alan. He always takes us to the zoo or WaterFire. It's so much fun.
Dolores: California with abuelitos and tia Laurel. They take us to Disneyland every time!
Jasmine: Not fair! Last time we went, we couldn't get on any rides.
Dolores: Because you two are literal babies?
Jasmine: At least I don't sound like one.
Violet: Or smell like one.
• Most likely to hide a stray pet?
*All of the siblings point at Dolores in unison*
Jasmine: She hid Minnie from Mom and Dad last year for a good week before they found out.
Jonah: And convinced them to let us keep her.
Violet: Dad isn't convinced yet.
Dolores: They're becoming friends! Minnie let him pet her for like two seconds the other day. Before she bit him. It was so funny.
• Most likely to tell a lie to get out of trouble?
*All of them point at Jasmine*
Jasmine: What? Dad said it reminds him of mom. He said she can talk her way out of getting arrested.
Jonah: Out of getting a ticket. They're different.
Dolores: Oh yeah, because the Policeman liked mom. Liked liked her.
Jasmine: Dad was not happy about that.
• Most likely to steal their sibling's secret stash (food/toys/new stuff/etc.)?
*They all point at Violet*
Violet: I give it back!
Jonah: After Mom makes you.
Jasmine: Or after Jenner, Minnie, or you break them.
Dolores: Yeah, Violent doesn't know her own strength.
• What do your mum & dad do in their free time?
Dolores: They love to drop us off at Aunt Sienna's and disappear all night.
Jasmine: We don't mind though because she always makes us the best chocolate chip cookies ever.
Violet: I like going to Uncle Elijah's. His video games are so cool.
Jonah: I like it at Uncle Bryce's. One time, he let me break their toaster apart and showed me how to put it back together.
Dolores: Yeah, Mom was not a fan of that.
• What is the one thing mum & dad is not good at?
Dolores: Dad is not a good liar.
*They all agree*
Jonah: I remember the time Jenner ripped the boots Tia Laurel had given Mom. He told us not to say anything.
Jasmine: Oh yeah, he said Mom wouldn't even notice.
Dolores: But then as soon as she got home, he panicked and asked her what size shoe she was. Then told her he was going to the store to buy something really quick.
Jonah: Mom figured it out right away.
• What do you admire most about mummy & daddy?
Dolores: That they're doctors.
Jonah: That they save lives.
Jasmine: That they own the hospital.
Violet: That they're famous.
For Lilac & Ethan:
• What made you laugh today?
Lilac: Probably Jonah explaining the Rule of 72 to his sisters.
Ethan: *proudly* Definitely. And the girls having none of it.
Lilac: Imagine what they'll say when they find out you once drew a one dollar salary.
Ethan: I will never live it down. I already get enough taunting from you. I'd never survive it if all four of them join in.
• Did someone get in trouble recently? If so, what happened?
Lilac: *nods solemnly* The usual suspects.
Ethan: Dolores and Jasmine.
Lilac: Jasmine somehow hacked into her Roblox account and deleted all her friends. It was a bloodbath.
• What are the hardest & easiest parts about parenting?
Ethan: Figuring out what the hell is Roblox?
Ethan: It's a delicate balance that is achieved through fairness and consistency.
Lilac: *laughing* This is why I had to take care of that incident.
Lilac: The hardest part of parenting is finding a balance between being a disciplinarian but also someone they can approach and trust. It's terrifying to think that in holding them accountable when they make a mistake, you risk them resenting you.
Lilac: The best part is definitely watching them become their own person, with distinct interests and personalities.
Ethan: Absolutely.
• What are the unexpected perks of parenthood?
Ethan: Having four extra pairs of hands to do chores around the house.
Lilac: *laughs and smacks his arm*
Ethan: *raising his brows at her* Don't tell me you don't enjoy not having to worry about dishes for the next 12 years?
Lilac: *scrunches nose* You're right. I don't miss those. It's no wonder you finally listened to my argument that the dishwasher wasn't the best way to get them clean.
Ethan: That's because we've acquired four little dish washers since.
• What advice would you give to younger versions of yourselves when you've just became new parents?
Lilac: Just try your best.
Ethan: Don't say "and have fun."
Lilac: What? It's true!
Ethan: My advice to our younger selves would be: "However scared or anxious you are feeling right now, I promise you... It's ten times worse."
Dr. Ramsey is just being overdramatic with the last one. He loves being a dad. OMG this was so fun! Thank you so much, my love!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Stu Macher Sugar Daddy AU Headcannons.
So back when I did Kinky December, to close out that super fun event, I wrote this, fun little peice, an AU story about an older Stu Macher being your sugar daddy and it was on my mind and figured fuck it, why not do a personal headcannon post for this AU? If you like this and got any additions or ideas, have it, shoot me an ask or something! I like to think in this AU Stu has some big job he got via family connections in the financial district in New York and also while he and Billy have some certain tastes, they never indulged fully but that is part of where you come in! So let's get into it under the cut.
This is a sex worker positive space and sex work is valid work, if you don't think so, move on.
Rating: NSFW. Length: 1.5K. Warnings: Daddy Kink. General Poly!Ghostface Fuckery.
-Stu and you start this with the explicit implication of what your relationship was meant to be. He found you through the site you advertise yourself through for sugaring. The usual protocol followed after that. A date to determine how compatible you both were and you were both kind of surprised by how well you got along on that first date.
-You both obviously wanted to see each other again and so after discussing the usual things, expectations, wants, needs, allowance, and so the arrangement began officially.
-Neither of you expected how quickly it would escalate or how well you would truly get along. You and Stu got on like a house on fire. Conversation was lively and frequent, he was true to his word and gave even more than initially promised. Money was seemingly no object, he would pick up the tab without question, and would surprise you frequently.
-You dropped your other regular dates shortly after that. He didn’t ask you to but it was something you wanted to do, simply wanted to spend as much time as possible with him and be available whenever he needed and money wasn’t an issue at all anymore.
-It wasn’t just a business relationship anymore, developed into more than that and you couldn’t be happier about it.
-Yes you do call him Daddy, but not explicitly in public a lot of the time, something he asks, but it makes the times he TELLS you to call him it in public that much hotter. He calls you tons of pet names and you love it.
-He takes the title seriously. He actually CARES for you. It is about a hell of a lot more than just the sexual angle.
-You would stay over at Stu’s constantly, loved his place and he loved to have you around. He still insisted that you have your own place, paid for by him of course, he would even come by on occasion but much preferred to go out or have you over at his place. He liked you having your own space in case you ever needed it and didn’t want to intrude on YOUR space, even tho it was intruding at all.
-He loves to bring you to work events and show you off. Not just how you look and how well you are dressed and the finery he buys for you to trot you out in but also with the intelligent and insightful things you have to say and contribute. He also may or may not have given you pointers on shit pertaining to the business he was in prior to the event to make you look even better than you already were. You had done the going to work functions thing in your line of work a lot and were no slouch and it was something else that made this set up all the better.
-What is your poison because my God Stu is gonna be giving you it so much. You a fan of high end coffee? Yup you can count on him bringing you one or asking you out for coffee, dropping one off or sending someone over with one or hell getting an expensive and personal machine installed in your kitchen. You like getting your nails done? Well fuck how much babe, let him flash some cash and let you go get the most crazy nails your heart desires. You a foodie or a total lush? Lucky you! He loved going out to eat and for drinks. Or do you have a total shoe fetish? You getting any and all pairs of shoes you have ever even remotely laid your eyes on with even mildly passing interest. Clothes too duh, he loves to dress you up.
-So what interests you? Because Stu is interested in it now as well. He could listen to you go on about what was important to you for literal hours and you better believe he uses every little bit of info to better spoil you! While he loved to get you the more obvious things, food, clothes, money, basic luxuries you better believe he would get you items especially tailored to your hobbies and likes.
-Any place you ever wanted to travel too? Oh what a wild coincidence! All of a sudden a beautifully planned and paid for trip that Stu just HAPPENS to have tickets as well as his scheduled opening up all MAGICALLY coincides and you have the best time.
-The sex is insane. I mean duh, of fucking course, that happened early and often and was a big factor in determining your compatibility. He loved to spoil you in that way too, lingerie and toys and lavishing you with attention. My God he sure liked to use that mouth of his for more than just talking.
-He loves semi-public stuff. Loves pushing boundaries too. He adores going out for dinner with you looking just so dressed up and gorgeous and not being able to wait to get back to his place and fucking you in the back of the towncar on the way home.
-Having you suck him off under his desk at work on a lunch break.
-Having you ON that desk after hours.
-Fucking you on literally every surface of his apartment.
-So it doesn’t stay just Stu, you know that right? Once he is sure that you are an amazing fit he introduces you to Billy. Tells you that they have been friends for-fucking-ever and that you both liking eachother was important to him.
-You get along great with him too. You loved to see how they were together, he brought out this side in Stu that was so fun, not like he wasn’t fun usually but it was just kinda different, more playful you could say.
-You realize that you are introduced to Billy for more than just friendship.
-You are not opposed to this at all. You ask if they have done this before and the answer is yes. Sharing partners? Yep. Just them being together? Yes. Swapping? Naturally. Billy was hot and fun and treated you well too and again, the sex was fuckin’ good.
-So when the three of you were fully into the swing of this arrangement it was really fucking good. Plus you were literally never lonely. Some dates were just Stu and some were both and if Stu ever had to go out of town for some reason and you couldn’t come, well then Billy got you all to himself.
-He would insist that you stay at his place during those times to- “Properly keep an eye on you.” and you did not complain. Nights in with take-out that ended with you both on the couch or the mornings you’d share a shower before he had work or coming to his office all dressed up with lunch to impress his co-workers and maybe give him some head under his desk just like you do for Stu, all amazing.
His place was nice and you loved getting to have some time with just him, it was a great change of pace and Stu would love to come back to see you two being even closer.
-Stu coming back was so good too because of how he treated you when he missed you, a big date was a must after he was away and the way he fucked you after was specatular. The way he would whisper to you, asking about what you did this week and wanting to be filled in on all the dirty details of what you did with his best friend while he was away. You were all too happy to fill him in.
-Billy and Stu have some particular tastes. They suggest a weekend away, they have a game they want to play with you and you tentatively agree. You trust them both with your life and when you worded it that way the look they shared with a smirk should have been telling.
-A big rented beach house, a phone call, a “break in”, ropes and knives and costumes and more and oh my fucking God you got it. You understood it and were hooked and when it was all said and done and the ropes were being untied and you were still coming down with stars in your eyes and them praising the literal fuck out of you that they let it slip how often they had fantasized about this. That part of why they picked you, because Billy had been a bit more involved in the process of selecting you than you were initially made aware of, was how good they thought you would look being fucked by knifepoint.
-By what a-"pretty little victim you’d make” and well you knew you would be doing this again sometime. And it becomes a semi-regular occurrence in your sex lives.
-You spoil Stu in all kinds of ways. You surprise him with meals he loves, surprise visits when he is working, dropping in with the sweetest gifts, you try to remember all the little things he likes and love to listen to him. He knows he is in deep when you are traveling somewhere together the next day, a vacation, he works that day, comes back to his apartment to find you packed for him. You paid such close attention to detail and he felt so seen and appreciated.
-You do all the little things. Making breakfast the way he likes when you stay over, keeping in mind which clothes and lingerie he likes on you best, making notes when he particularly likes something you do or a color you wear.
-You still have your own life outside of your relationship. Friends and freedom, independence and it is all fucking great.
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heartz4mujin · 3 years
HI HAHA it’s been a while! i thought i would be able to keep up with a blog but i thought wrong 💀but i’m currently fixated on Bakuten!! so here are some random hcs hee hee
onagawa has definitely made a powerpoint on how ma-chan is the best tan tan girl, and he forced misato and futaba to listen to him
while they were doing this tsukidate walked into the kitchen and IMMEDIATELY left because he knew if onagawa saw him he would be dragged in too LOL
later he went to shichigahama and was like “don’t go into the kitchen, onagawa made another one of those powerpoints.”
they last like 2 hours too?? misato would literally rather be doing anything else, and futaba is just impressed as to how he has enough information to go on for so long
they all cry when dogs die in movies, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.
misato and watari’s lips are quivering, futaba is actually shedding tears, and the third years are full on crying
tsukidate is the type of person that when he trips and feels himself falling, he just does a handstand, then gets up and walks away like nothing happened.
everybody around him is like 😧
watari really enjoys MHA, his favorite character is kirishima
since futaba likes reading dictionaries, his mom entered him in a spelling bee in like his second year of middle school and he won first place
when misato stubs his toe or something, he doesn’t say ow. he just scrunches up his face in pain and slowly falls to the floor and sits there for a good 2 minutes (this may or may not be based off of me idk)
onagawa has never been to a tan tan girls concert, but the team is secretly saving money to buy him a ticket
tsukidate cried watching your lie in april
shichigahama is always making new sasa kamaboko flavors, and he’ll just randomly go up to any of his teammates and be like “can you try this and see if it’s good?”
tsukidate went on vacation once and trusted the team to take care of his plants (he gave them instructions and everything) while he was away. he was not pleased to see all his shrubs, succulents, and his bonsai tree flopped over dead.
literally did not talk to anyone for a day. he was not happy.
futaba always has blankets with him because he’s always cold
onagawa is not a morning person, you have to give him at least 30 mins until you try and engage in conversation with him
watari does not like spiders. at all (he’s said before: “yeah they’re manly and all, but they’re even manlier if they stay away from me”)
nobody likes game night because all they have is monopoly and uno, and tsukidate is incredibly good at monopoly as he wins EVERY SINGLE TIME. and futaba is also really good at uno
watari drinks milk straight from the jug
watari ALSO likes to leave empty cereal boxes in the pantry (which irritates tsukidate and onagawa)
misato is very easy to startle, so people will always unintentionally scare him and make him jump
they actually get together with ao high a lot
sometimes tsukiyuki will be nowhere to be found, chances are he invited himself over to ao highs dorms
they’re honestly not even phased
everybody, and i mean EVERYBODY is scared of mutsu.
the GLARES that he has given some of his teammates has literally sent chills down their spines
the team as a whole thinks that ominato should lighten up and not be so uptight so they all try to include him in stuff
he has laughed ONCE, and it was more of a snort
they were cracking jokes about some of the other gymnastic teams and he was like “pffft-“
everybody just turned their head and looked at him bc wow i didn’t know he was able to do that-
it’s not uncommon to just see tsukiyuki doing walking handstands around the dorms instead of walking normally
tsukiyuki can actually dance really well
ominato usually has headphones in, but the volume is always so high up they can hear him blasting Aomori Nebuta Dream with his stone face (nobody ever bothers to tell him tho)
tsukiyuki has snacks on him ALL THE TIME. like chances are if you were to stick your hand into his tracksuit pocket you would find like a bag of cookies
he’ll really eat anything but his favorites are oreos and potato chips
tsukiyuki has most definitely been mistaken for a 12 year old and he uses that to get free food
azuma needed braces. i can’t really elaborate on that, but yeah
despite his go getter attitude, he’s really respectful to adults and upper classmen (you would be shocked how polite he is)
another one that uses his baby face to get free food
ryugamori is really quiet, but once you engage into conversation with him his whole personality changes
he’s the type of person to talk on and on about what he’s passionate in, but once he realizes he’s been talking for too long he’ll get embarrassed and be like “oh sorry, haha” (no pls don’t be sorry continue)
surprisingly very competitive
despite his usually calm demeanor, he is terrified of haunted houses and stuff like that
went into one with the team and shrieked the whole time
all of them are so close where they can just be in the same room, doing different things and not saying a single word but it won’t be awkward
AND that’s all i’ve got lol, hopefully the bakuten fandom enjoys these, they were very fun to make!
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poptod · 3 years
Hey, I have an ask for Elliot struggling with disordered eating. Love you for keeping up with the gender neutral fics, not too many of those around.
notes: this was a little harder for me because i currently struggle with a disorder like that and at first i didnt want to do it, but i think itll be good for me WC: 1.3k
Warning: Obviously, this has eating disorders and general bad stuff going on. Read at your own risk, you know the deal.
Every now and then, just every now and then, the signs start to pop up. They worry you incessantly for about a week, but they go away fast. Things return to normal. He shows no remembrance of his strange behavior, or at least he denies his behavior was strange in the first place. It keeps coming up though––he'll stop eating, stops dead and claims he's too busy to remember. He stretches his hands towards the ceiling and his sweatshirt rides up, and you can't help but to notice the visibility of his ribcage. The accent of his collar bones. Usually the sight of them has you yearning to kiss him––now though, sickness wells in your stomach, and it feels as though you're taking on his hunger so he won't have to experience it. A buffer between Elliot and the real world.
You can't really take him to a doctor though. It's not a diagnosable problem, it's just––it worries you. Elliot maintains a pretty standard form of body throughout these waves of eating habits, so there shouldn't be an issue. He has it under control, according to him, but sometimes it gets bad, and you have no idea why. Does he have body issues? Is he legitimately just forgetting to eat?
The knife in your hands––freshly sharpened that morning––easily peels away the skin of the round pear, large in your outstretched palm. Generally you try to stay away from knives, as you have a nasty habit of frequently slipping up and cutting yourself, but your strokes are slow and methodical. A long line of yellow peel falls from the pear in one, curly stroke that you maintain for the whole of the fruit. When you cut it into slices juice runs down your fingers. You lick it away and clean everything up, only then taking the plate to Elliot, who is typing furiously on the computer.
Not once have you ever known what the hell it is he does on his computer all day. He even talks about it, but you just don't understand all the tech jargon, and he's surprisingly alright with that. To him, it means he can talk and talk about everything and you'll never leave for the horrid things he's done.
"Not hungry," he says, and his unused voice is barely audible above the clicking keyboard.
"You also haven't eaten in two days," you say softly, pushing the plate ever so slightly closer to him.
Two days––you counted, watched him carefully, but he didn't notice. He never does.
He says nothing and doesn't take any of the fruit. They're special, too––you had to go down to the Asian market to get them, and that's an hour drive in the city traffic. More than anything you feel useless––useless to help him, to understand him, useless to him. You could cry, but you don't. Not in front of him. He's never seen you cry and you're not about to let him see.
Instead you leave him there with the plate, lock yourself in the bathroom for about five minutes, and come back out.
Still hasn't taken one, you think to yourself, counting the number of slices on the plate.
Fourty-two minute TV episode later, there's still twelve slices. Sneaking out of his apartment to return to your own, still twelve slices, beginning to yellow. Your teeth grind yet you do nothing, which is what you usually do, which is what you hate yourself for.
Next time you bake chocolate chip cookies. He has a single bite of one but you nearly cry (again) with the amount of relief you feel. So the next time you make sugar cookies, cut them into fun shapes and decorate them with colored, homemade icing. You give him the heart colored red and blue––he eats the whole thing. Granted, it is one of the smallest cookies, but he ate the whole thing.
You grin like a maniac while mixing up a batch of banana bread, the mildly sour-yet-sweet scent reaching you as you hum. If you can find the right baking pan in your bag, you can make it into a cake, with sweet frosting you're sure he'll love.
"What are you doing," he asks in a monotone voice. You whirl around, finding him on the other side of the small kitchen.
"Banana cake, or bread, depending on if I can make the icing," you say.
"... why."
He doesn't even say it as a question. He says it as a statement.
"I don't have anything better to do," you lie. Actually, you're skipping out on a lot of work, all of which you will have to make up on your vacation days. Telling him straight out why you're baking all these things will only make him stop eating, you know that. 
After that he returns to his computer. Later that night you serve up the banana cake––which you manage to make a great frosting for––and the two of you watch an old 50's movie on sex education. He doesn't eat the whole slice, but he eats about half and that satisfies you.
"My cupboard is getting full," he notices one day, talking to you from across the kitchen. His head is stuck in the cupboard while you continue to stir the mix in your metal bowl.
Since the bowl is in your hands, you scooch over to him, looking over his shoulder. The four levels are mostly empty except the presence of plastic containers, all of which containing your various creations. You hadn't checked, but none of them are smaller, an indicator that he still hasn't eaten without you watching him.
"You should take your stuff home," he suggests.
"I think you need it more than I do," you say, and he has no rebuttal. He straightens his back and scans the cupboard once more before looking to you.
"You're a good baker," he says, "but I don't like cookies."
"Good thing I'm making pie then."
He eats half of the slice you give him, and none of the Chinese food you order for takeout, much like all the previous nights. You kiss his cheek before you leave and he lets you––stands still as you lean forward, doesn't flinch when you touch.
"At least keep drinking water," you say, desperate to reach him in some way.
"I know," he says, and shuts the door.
Your spine is pressed tight against the outer wall of his apartment, knees beginning to ache as they're held fierce to your chest. The stinging sensation in your nose reaches your eyes, forming tears that you despise, ones that come in big, fat rolls that mess up the fabric of your sweatshirt. He won't ever listen, will he? He won't ever take care of himself. Why doesn't he care about himself?
Probably because he's too worried about the world. There are things he does that you will never understand––both on computer and within the mind, and despite how many times he's talked about it, you don't get just how much effort he puts into helping the world. All that strength, all that fierceness, it pours into his work and leaves nothing left for himself but sickness in his stomach.
So why doesn't he care about himself?
He doesn't have the energy. It's spent, used on the world, on the poor, on the needy, on the desperate, on those clawing their way through a world that hates them, and on you.
You're so busy trying to take care of him you don't notice the little things he does––buying new ingredients for your creations, cleaning up the spots you miss, paying your parking tickets when you forget, washing the clothes you accidentally leave at his apartment. You don't need someone looking after you, but it's so nice you hardly notice it. Those little weights are off your mind, and the clarity shows just how thin Elliot is spread across everything he can't bear to leave to fend for itself.
There's not enough time in the world for him to help everyone, so he excludes himself. That's alright to him. That's logical to him, it's normal, it's all he can think of being right.
You just wish he'd let himself be taken care of.
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blissfulparker · 4 years
Seasick→P.4 Peter Parker
Parings→college!peter x reader
Summary→ when you give one lie to your mom that you have a boyfriend, she ends up buying an extra ticket for a cruise you guys are going on. Now you’re stuck looking for a fake boyfriend and eventually drag peter in. Except you and peter both like each other and don’t know how long you can last pretending.
Warnings→fluff, mentions of sex
A/n→hi! Sorry this is kinda late but I’m in school so every update is going to be kinda scattered🥺here is part four and it’s kinda long but let me know how you like it✨
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10 hours. For once in the entire year peter got 10 hours of sleep without having to wake up to adjust the pillow, wake up to take off the sheets, he slept for a full 10 hours and it was the best sleep he had gotten in years.
The bed was empty though, empty and cold. He could tell you already got yourself ready and left by the way your sandals that once rested by the door were gone and the bathroom was wide open. For you, someone who seemed to vist the bathroom about 8 times in just one day, peter had not seemed to use it once.
Went for a swim-(y/n)
Left on his bedside table on top of his phone. His phone which had three new messages from May, two new messages from ned, and one message from MJ. He wasn’t use to getting messages from her. Normally when he got messages from her it was for school, a lost assignment she needed, study questions, never would he expect to get one over the summer.
Be nice to her loser!
Was all it read. He chuckled a little before closing out from it and moving to Ned’s messages.
Did you kiss her?
Fake kisses can be real ones!
What’s it like living on a boat?
Peter cracks a smile at all of them and his fingers are quick to respond.
No we didn’t kiss, it’s not like that
It’s fun so far, her family is interesting
He leaves it at that, he’s not going to say much more out of respect for you. If Ned knew, Ned knew. He didn’t know what people knew about you. He didn’t know what you told MJ and Betty. He didn’t know if he knew you anymore. He wasn’t mad, just confused. Confused but understood just a little.
Interesting was the right word
Do yourself a favor and just kiss, you don’t even have to tell Betty and MJ😉
The text makes him blush and set his phone down. He can’t imagine what his first kiss with you will be like on this cruise. Will it be forced? Will it be willingly? Will it be just to prove a point? This whole relationship though was just to prove a point.
He thought maybe he could find you going for a swim. But there were 27 different pools on this ship, he already looked at the map. Seven hotels, 20 public pools, four of those pools being just for kids, three of them being for adults, five of them being apart of spas, 127 different restaurants, 100 different gift shops, 150 different bars, He’s got the whole place mapped out.
Before he could even finish the possibilities of where you could be, you come back into the room with your hair soaking wet. Towel in hand but your body is dry, he doesn’t look at you as you wear the small red bikini. He knows if he looks he can’t look away, so he turns away and clears his throat.
“It’s only 9am.” He says loud enough for you to hear from the bathroom.
“I know.” You call back.
“So what time did you go swimming?” He hears the shower turn on and doesn’t expect an answer but you come out with a towel wrapped around your nude body to answer him.
“I like to play the fun game of, get there early enough to sneak in and leave right before the lifeguards shift.” You wink before shutting the bathroom door and hoping in the shower.
Peter flops back down on the bed, in shock of all the things he just saw. He basically saw his life long crush naked, wet too. But he had to keep his head focused, had to keep playing the part of the fake boyfriend and had to still be your friend at the same time.
“I-um…” he knocks twice. “I’m going to get breakfast!” He yells at you. There’s a faint ‘okay’ but it was that you heard him.
You were right when you told him that being on a cruise felt nothing like being on the ocean. Walking through the hotel he felt like he was just on vacation somewhere tropical. The weather was nice so far and everyone wore shorts and tee shirts all day.
He found himself at the cafe, just going to get a coffee for the both of you and then breakfast sandwiches. That’s all he was going to do but the sound of your sisters voice calling him over made him stop in his tracks. He wasn’t prepared for being alone and having to show a relationship, but maybe she just wanted to know him and everyone was good about talking about themselves, so this would be easy.
“Peter!” The one who he met last night, maya, called out. “Peter come sit!” She pulled out a chair next to her before he could order. He walks over to take a seat, nervous of what would happen next.
“Uh, um, hey.” He tries to play off cool but her tapping her coffee cup, resting her nicely painted nails on her face, and leaning in, all made Peter nervous.
“How was your first nights sleep here?” She asks almost like she’s playing a game. He knew she didn’t care about his sleep, he didn’t even think she cared about your sleep.
“It was good, we slept—“ he started but she quickly cut him off.
“Oh I really don’t care how you sleep, I meant how are you two? How is she dealing with a boyfriend.” Her eyes squinted a little almost like she’s on to him, trying to read him.
“Well, we’ve been together since January and we’ve slept in the same bed before so it wasn’t strange to us. She’s good, she’s really good to me and I like to think I’m good enough for her.” He swallows hard. Hands rest on his sweatpants. his mind wonders and he can’t help the thought of what was she trying to do to him?
“You know...Europe, you mentioned last night about how you two knew your feelings then...it was awful what happened during your trip wasn’t it? Some sort of monster thing tried to take over? So sad. You know she really wanted to go to oxford? She wanted to study there for two years and she even said maybe once she’s done at Columbia and NYU she’s going to head over there. She’s very smart you know.” Her cup rocks back and forth in her hand. Was she trying to get him to break up with you? Why would you want to bring him or anyone along as a boyfriend if your family didn’t even like it?
“Wow, Oxford is like a dream.” He laughs a little, rubbing his hands. “But um...she hasn’t said anything about a transfer and she seems pretty happy at Columbia—“ he starts and she interrupted again.
“Did you know when she was a kid she wanted to be a doctor? She loved helping people and up until about the age of fourteen she wanted to be a doctor so badly but then she studies journalism and English literature, crazy how we always end up in something completely different.” She talks as if she’s jealous but what was there to be jealous about? She had a well life it seemed, the ring on her finger suggested that too.
“You’re married?” He asked changing the subject. she stares down at the bright diamond and brings it up for him to see more.
“Oh no, just engaged.” She takes a sip of the cold coffee and sets it down. “He lives in California, we’re moving to new York in the fall and having the wedding next year in the spring.” She told almost like she was bored with talking about that. When pepper got engaged it was all she ever talked about at the tower, not in a bragging way, just she was happy.
“But I don’t want to talk about my life right now, tell me more about you peter. She said something about a stark internship last night?” She blinks her eyes a few times, her eyelash extensions help bring fear.
“I work there now actually, it helps get me credit for my major and I’ve been an intern since I was fourteen. I um…I now just work on minor stuff like equipment, programming, stuff like that.” He tried to play off as nothing. Nothing, because he wanted to leave.
“So glad she found someone smart honestly, I was starting to loose all hope for her.” She says with a sigh as she leans back in her chair, she drops her sunglasses on her face as it starts to peak into the cafe. He wants to say something but he holds back, he holds back and keeps to himself.
“Peter!” Your voice hisses as you come into the cafe. He didn’t even realize he’s been sitting with your sister for 30 minutes. “Petey…” you come up to him with a kiss to his cheek. He acts sweet and touches your cheek.
“So nice to see you this early, Peter and I were just getting to know each other.” She smiles, her teeth perfectly straight and white, almost like she was just perfect.
“Oh really?” You say with a fake smile knowing you just got here in time to save peter. “Babe, I thought maybe we could go mini golfing today.” You sit on his lap trying to make your sister uncomfortable enough to leave.
“Ooo! You guys should take a painting class, Dan and I did it and it was so therapeutic. (Y/n) I know spas aren’t your thing or anything so you guys should definitely take a painting class! Maybe a couples massage! Peter don’t you think she deserves a massage?” She takes up her sunglasses and Peter agrees.
“We’ll think about it, Peter, let’s get some coffee and head back to the room? I’m feeling a little tired.” You pout, resting your hands around his shoulder he has his hands on your waist.
“Yeah sure.” He nods and your sister gives a sly smirk before you two get up and get in line. Your hand gripping his bicep and you never noticed or really seen until now and last night, how strong and built Peter was. Nerdy, computer science, shy peter was ripped.
You know she’s still watching, Peters hand is still gripping your waist as he lets you lean on his shoulder.
“What did she say?” You ask and he turns to see her now just looking at her phone.
“She just asked a lot about me.” He didn’t really lie, he just didn’t talk about how she mentioned transferring so much. It made him nervous.
“Sorry, I didn’t think she’d be down here. I should’ve warned you to stay in until I—“ you start and he looks at you with soft comforting eyes.
“It was okay, she doesn’t know.” He tells you with a soft nod. You sigh into his shoulder before it’s your turn to order. Who knew that this early in the morning you’d already have to start your fake relationship.
You get ready in the hotel, the first full day of being here and you're trying to get Peter out of everything before your sister breaks him. Either of your sisters break him. You realized you had to put more effort into this than you thought, pet names, hand touching, being giggly was not enough. It was almost like they needed proof that you've fucked to make a real relationship.
Peter sat comfy on the bed, looking through the pamphlet he snagged to get a better idea of the things he could do. If he's on a free cruise, everything paid for he might as well take advantage of that.
There was a knock on the door that made him look up. You were in the other room on the phone with MJ so he knew you couldn't hear it. He gets up and looks through the peephole to see it's just your mom on the other side. She's made him feel the most calm about this whole thing but has seemed to irritate you this whole time.
“Oh, peter!” she's shocked to see him answer the door. She holds a bag in her hands and looks like she's ready to go to the pool. “Sorry if i distrubed anything.” she looked behind him but didn't see anything.
“Oh no, (y/n) is just um...she was just getting ready.” he tells her and she smiles handing over the bag.
“Oh, okay! Well let her know we're meeting for lunch and then going to the garden as a family after lunch.” she smiles and hands him the bag, you come right behind him wearing your sweats and an old tee shirt.
“Mom?” you ask, standing next to peter.
“Lunch and musem at one.” she tells you and right as you were about to say something she stops you. “Don't debate it, be there at one.” she tells you in more of a stern voice. She hands you over the bag and you look at her confused.
“That's just some things I thought you might need.” she winks and then turns to leave. Peter shuts the door and you open to look in the bag. A box of condoms, plan B, and a few other snacks which made you groan.
“She has to be joking.” you toss the bag on the bed before rubbing your face.
“Y-your mom just buys you those things?” his face grows red. He remembers the first time he bought condoms, he was 17 and May found out and gave him an hour long talk on how to be safe and treat a woman right. That was the last time he would use his debt card to buy condoms or anything sex related.
“Sadly, yes.” you say as you take them out and shove them in the dresser. “So much for getting away from them today.” you sigh and he looks at how stressed you are, he thinks of comforting you as a friend but everything happening is already so weird, he really doesn't know how things will look after this.
“I mean it's just lunch right? We can probably sneak away at the musuem.” he offered and you smiled as he was just trying to help. He was just trying to help but he was so clueless.
“Maybe.” you told him before looking at the time. You rub your face again before getting ready to face yourself with a new pain.
It was almost like your family grew overnight. Your eldest sister who was the most bitter now had a man by her side, he didn't know how he was supposed to keep up with all of this, how much was he supposed to know? So you had sisters, and an aunt, your parents, he wasn't sure what else to expect. Your hand was tight in his as the two of you walked around the museum. Art hung from the walls and families walked in and out. Your family a little bit ahead, all going off into different groups.
“Where is any of this from?” you look to see your family far enough ahead to not see the two of you.
“Stolen. All art is stolen.” you told him and he bites his lip, not exactly the answer he was looking for but it was a right one.
“I meant more of its origin, but um, that works too…” he swallows hard. Right as things were peaceful your older sister comes up. The one that intimidated him the most was standing right next to him.
“You'd think maybe after the millionth time of being here they would have run out of stuff to put in here.” She speaks to you, Peter is frozen, not knowing the next move.
“Well, half of it is replicas, replicas or real. Most of it is borrowed.” you told her and she nodded.
“Did i get a chance to tell you that you guys are the cutest?” she was the only one with sleek brown hair, the rest of the family had curls.
“No, I don't think you did.” you had a new face on, one peter never had seen before. You were competing with her. “Where's jack?” you ask about her husband.
“I'm not talking about jack right now i'm talking about you and…” she looks at him and you are quick to speak up.
“Peter. It's peter.” you told her and she presses her lips together.
“Right, i'm bad with names, you know that dont you little sis.” she playfully hits your shoulder.
“How london?” you asked her. He could tell she had an accent, he was just clueless as to where it came from.
“Cold, but the people are lovely.” she tells you quickly. “For a couple that's been together for six months, you sure haven't kissed a lot. In fact, I haven't seen you kiss at all. Six months, jack and I were still in our honeymoon phase.” his grip tightens, he's worried for the second time someone would blow your cover.
“We just don't need to kiss in front of other people, it's not your business anyways.” you told her. She looked at Peter one more time before she heard her name being called. She gave you one last smile before her heels clicked away.
You didn't say a word after that. Your hand slipped from his as you cleared your throat and folded them. You didn't speak a word the rest of the time. Peter's hand rested softly on your back around your family but when you two were alone again he could tell you didnt want to be touched.
“Were going to go to the bar tonight okay sweetheart?” your mom came and kissed your cheeks and you nodded. Putting on a fake smile and nodding to her. She then turned and hugged Peter, Peter gave her a soft hug before turning back to you.
Your arm snaked around Peter as you felt your sisters watching. Peter felt it too, he turned to you softly, holding your cheek and leans in to place a soft kiss on your lips. You're shocked but then realizes what he's doing and fall into the kiss. His lips chapped, they taste a little like carmex and mint toothpaste. Your body melts into his as he harshens the kiss to a makeout before moving off of you.
“What was that for?” you whispered against his lips and he looked over to see your sisters moved on, your mom now holding a different conversation.
“They were watching.” he told you and you break eye contact remembering it's all just a show. You forget that he's just a friend and doesn't really like you. He doesn't have feelings like you do.
“Right.” you murmured. You move back from him before turning away before leaving the museum and going back to the room.
He didn't chase after you but when he got to the hotel he put his ear to the door and he could hear a faint cry, a faint cry that made him shove his key back in his pocket and turn away knowing the last thing you needed was your fake boyfriend to come in and confuse you while your messed up family made fun of you.
You hurt, a lot. And peter didn’t understand why you kept it all such a secret. Why you hid this from him but you did. He didn’t want to push anymore than he already did so he would have to go forward from here. Go forward and make sure he was the best fake boyfriend you’d ever had.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Don Rosa: “The Magnificent Seven (Minus 4) Caballeros!” or City Slickers 3: The Crystal City
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Saludos Amigos, the Ride of the Three Caballeros returns! After some time off to take care of other seasonal commissions and to finally get the life and times fo scrooge mcduck back on a steady pace, everyone’s three favorite chappies in snappy serapes are back for another go round.  This time i’ts back to comics one last time as we take a look at “The Magnificent Seven (Minus 4) Caballeros: which was the penultimate story from Duck Maestro Don Rosa, and as a result the final one set in present day, as while the next one would have a wraparound segment, it’s a flashback tiding up the one last bit of Scrooge’s past Rosa hadn’t clicked into place yet, and thus we’ll get to that eventually as part of life and times. And honestly it serves as a fittng and satisfying conclusion to Donald’s story. 
The geneisis of this one is rather simple in comparison to “The Three Caballeros Ride Again!”. Don Rosa REALLY enjoyed writing TTCRA, wanted to have another adventure with Donaldo and his boys, and given the previous story was a huge hit likely had no trouble convincing his publisher. And since he set the first story in Panchito’s home country of mexico, it only made sense to have the next story in Jose’s home country of Brazil. Adding to it Rosa specifically wanted to avoid using the amazon rainforest this go round, as to him pretty much every story involving Brazil focused on the massive and wonderful rainforest. And while a great setting, Rosa knew there was much more to the country and wanted to show it off. And to his credit.. he’s 100% right as i’ve seen dozens upon dozens of stories set in the rainforest but not nearly as many set ANYWHERE ELSE IN BRAZIL. If their lucky we get to see Rio, but that’s about it. So kudos to Rosa for wanting to display more of a beautiful country and show it had more to offer than merely it’s biggest attraction. As for what treasure they’d be after, the lost city of crystal stuck out to him, having been described in a goverment document that was so degraded when it was found there wasn’t much left to go on and searched for by a famous explorer who was the basis for indiana jones whose name I forgot but we’ll run into his name again later. So yeah not as much setup here and what tiny bit is left can be covered when we get to our villian. So with all that out of the way, let’s ride on!
We open with Scrooge firing Donald and throwing his ass out on the street, berating him for screwing up and then telling him to be back early tommorow to make up for his firing. Then Gladstone literally walks all over him becausae he’s a jackass, and Daisy then shrieks at donald for you know, being stuck on the floor, having messed up the shirt she ironed for him without.. actually you know asking for context, HITTING HIM, then telling him to pick her up for dinner at the ritz. 
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It’s like this intro was perfectly designed in a lab to piss me off. All three of the characters who on a good day ar excellent but on a bad are outright monsters, at their worst, treating Donald like crap, i.e. the reason to call them monsters, and generally abusing him for flimsy reasons. And again Daisy HIT DONALD. No that’s not right, she shoryukened his ass! She upercutted him! God damn. And her just casually doing that is played for laughs. In a lesser Rosa story this would only get worst and be “oh haw haw”.. instead... to my delighted suprise.. this is all treated seriously. Yeah really. Instead of being treated for laughs like normal, and not being a dark enough work comedically to make it work like say It’s Always Sunny, Donald is seriously depressed, beaten down phsycially and mentlaly and when the boys, who’ve been present for all of this and tried to help him up off the ground, ask why he takes this.. the answer is pretty damn bleak. 
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Just.. holy shit that’s dark.. and I applaud Rosa for not only recognizing this isn’t always funny, but for actually tackling it. And I will grant Donald being a butt monkey CAN be funny, especially when it’s caused by his own ego. It’s the basis of his entire career. It’s good stuff. My issue has been more that Rosa sometimes dosen’t get that either some aspects have aged poorly, even by the 90′s, and thus dosen’t adjust them or play them more for drama, sprinkling a bit of that in with the comedy. So to see him do that HERE, to acknowledge in some way his own faults and do something with them.. i’m very proud of him and it warms my heart that he could do something like this that shows he could grow and change, even SECONDS from the end of his career, but with no intention of ending his career at that point or even after finishing his next and last story. It just ended up happening that way and as such this story carries even more weight as for all intensive purposes, this is the final tale of Donald Duck for Don Rosa’s Barksian universe. This is the last big tale before whatever triggers Scrooge’s retirement, the last tale he wrote in the here and now. And while not perfect for some reasons we’ll get to from a character perspective? It’s a pretty good note to go out on. 
Anyways Donald somehow makes this SADDER by mentoing, when Huey, Dewey or Louie tries to make him smile that he hasn’t smiled in some time before sadly loping off to make their dinner before buying daisy’s. 
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Yeah... I just.. I need a moment.... Here’s my asistant iwth an important message
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Okay i’ve regained my composuer.. and yes I will be shwoing that off at every opportunity. I have generous friends. Now where were we? Ah yes with their uncle in a depression hole, can relate, they figure he needs a nice gift to get him out of it. The boys think he needs friends.. and of course the boys come to mind, though the fact their on the other end of the contient proves a problem.. but Huey, Dewey or Louie has a solution and takes the boys to the Woodchucks because of course they do> Their primary go to for anything is the guide which to be fair contains the entire sum of the world’s knowledge in a guidebook. 
So the boys, with the other two likely filled in on the way, plan becomes clear when they stop by Woodchuck HQ and talk to the guy in charge of the badge department, which ahs a fun acronym because of course it does, this is one of Rosa’s faviorite running gags and mine as well.. I just don’t have it in me stamina wise to type the whole thing out. Point is the boys ask that Donald be used as courier for a special shipment of badge’s to Rio. The authority guy is understandably a bit reluctant to give a non-woodchuck this duty, but the boys remind him that in a previous story, not sure if it’s barks or rosa’s, Donald apparently not only found the last remaning pieces of fort duckberg but saved them from the mill. As a result the Fort, which was the original HQ of the woodchucks until Scrooge threw them out, was apparently rebuilt. So the guy in charge is more than willing to not only give donald the duty, but an open ended plain ticket, i.e a vacation. The Nephews do have to guilt him a bit more to get donald a condsensed pamphlet based on the brazil chapter of the guidebook which at this point seems like overkill. Just.. buy him a guidebook boys. IT’s a bit much to ask that a portion of your heavily guarded and protected text be given to your uncle for a vacation and seems like a tad of a stretch but the gag, including the boys getting badges in guilt and convincing, makes it work. 
So after the boys set off to telegram the rest of the Cabs, we cut to donald arriving in rio, passing christ the redeemer on the way
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The Rio Woodchucks greet donald and take the package for him, giving him new orders to go by cable car to the observation deck atop Sugar Loaf Mountain. This is a real mountain in Brazil and frustrated Rosa because he couldn’t find any pictures of what the station looked like in the 1950′s, despite as he put in his notes having eager fans from the region, researchers and other contacts try to find it, settling for having vintage cable cars pulling into modern stations he got from photos from said contacts. If I hadn’t said it before i’ll say it now the man is a BEAST when it comes to getting things acurate, only bending it if it helsp the story and still making sure his drawings are as accurate as possible. It’s one of Rosa’s most adimirable traits. 
Donald took a Donde, some form of streetcar there, hanging on the back and .. uh I have no words for this..
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Donald Duck ran into a horse and it farted in his face. Just... why though. This horse naturally is Senior Marteniz, with Panchito currently being thrown out of a cable car for trying to put his horse in there which is fair. What isn’t is people having an issue with his hat. I mean.. people wear hats. I know it’s a bit big for the tight fit of the cable car but still it’s a bit weird to throw a strop about anywhere outside a theater or sports place where he’d be actively obstructing people’s view. And it appears to be the same weirdly crazy asshole.. Imean again the horse thing is resonable but calling it a “crazy hat” I mean yes it’s a big hat.. but ... you you do know mexico exists right? And sombreros? or other cultures at all you weirdly specific douche? 
At the top, after a quick and funny hat swap gag, Panchito reveals the triplets called him here.. as did Jose who assuemd it was  lovely senorita.. who uppercuts him. And it’s STILL more reasonable to uppercut some rando hitting on you, if not by much, than Daisy’s Domestic Abuse. Anyways the three put things together and Donald realizes via flashback the boys hoped his smile would return and said he’d have help. 
Donald, being utterly beaten down by life, apologizes.. but it turns out the boys needed this as much as he did. Jose’s night club career is flopping hard, with his agent unable to get him bookings and Panchito has barely scraped any money together for his ranch dream from last time. It’s a nice touch: That the boys , while having more exciting careers have just as much strife as Donald does and as much problem. It helps make them feel as real as donald, as characters with their own lives and adventures outside of him and their own wants and needs and it really helps the story come alive. Jose however has some suggestions to escape their blues. 
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But Panchito suggests instead they go for some adventure and go diamond hunting in the plains of brazil, which the two agree to.. and Donald’s a big gung hoe about carving his way through human flesh.. just jesus man.. get a therapist. Your Ducktales counterpart did and he seems mildly well adjusted. So the adventure is on.. and they all toss their hats.. off a mountain. First thing on the provisoins list hats.  Before we head on I just wanted to point out even though most of my audience here is likely unaware the movie exists that this Comic honestly reminds me of the 1991 comedy City Slickers starring Billy Crystal, Daniel Stern and Bruno Kirby. If your struggling on the name Daniel Stern, think Marv from Home Alone. 
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No.. the RIGHT marv. I may not be a huge fan of Home Alone but we respect Daniel sterns in this house. And yes if you didn’t know French Stewart played Marv in one of the sequels now you do. And i’m sorry you know that. 
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There we go. Right Marv and Wrong Dad from Christmas story. Back on point City Slickers is a terrific comedy I finally saw a few weeks back about three friends all facing mid life crisises, with Billy Crystal being unsatisfied with his career and undsure WHY he does, Daniel Sterns having cheated on his shrewish wife with one of his employees whose also now pregnant, and Bruno Kirby being a ladies man whose faced with the prosepct of settling down, go for a weeks vacation to a cattle drive, as Brunos character tends to set up these trips but this time they actually need it. They encounter cows, assholes and a cowpoke named Curly. It’s pretty good. 
But yeah they both feel kinda similar, if with far less drama and crumbling marraiges on the cabs end because you know, this is for children. I’m pretty sure it’s just a concidence but given Rosa’s love of film, even if it’s more 30′s and 40′s films, and how the City Slickers seems right up his alley, I wouldn’t he suprised if he saw it and simply took some slight inspiration from it. Either way the similarity makes me giggle a bit. Again the plots aren’t all the same but the basic setup is about the same, complete with the main character’s family making sure he goes. It’s a bit of a stretch but I thought it was pointing out and while this review is comissioned, how I go about it isn’t so if I want to take a few paragraphs to compare this to an excellent comedy you should defintely see with two underated actors, maybe three i know nothing of bruno kirby other than the man had horse allergies and thus had to take heavy medication every day so good on him, and a lot of fun. 
So our premise and pastiche firmly in place, our heroes fly out to the frontier to adventure and Donald even thought ahead on them needing two more mounts and bought them from the local farmer for 100 bucks: It turns out their a llama, who jose takes and an old ox which donald reluctantly takes and wonders how to steer.. which I just got the double pun. Nice touch.
So our heroes head on with Donald expressing suprise they aren’t in the jungle like the movies, Jose correcting him, you get the bit he’s going for. But as they travel Donald not only breaks out the pamphlet but also , once jose mentions finding el dorado, casually mentions he and Scrooge already found it in columbia, and when Jose incrediously mentions that maybe he also already found the lost mines of the incas.. turns out yeah they did that too. Dont’ know if it was a barks or rosa story for either, since I didn’t check that part of Rosa’s notes, but it brings the scene into greatness as the boys not only belivie donald and figure he’s not pulling their legs.. but marvel at his life. And it’s here Donald smiles a bit.. he’s already got his smile back realizing that as miserable as his life can be.. he’s still seen and done things no man, even his globetrotting pals, has sever done before or sense. Found long lost places, solved mysteries and rewrote history.. sometimes literally sometimes in the “found things that changed historical knowledge” sense. Point is.. he realizes he has more to his life than he thought and maybe it isn’t so miserable after all. 
Donald also mentions the local waters are filled with stuff and the other Cabs mounts quickly climb on his continuting the gag of the Cabs assuming donald’s some big expert by accident. For me personally it varies in how funny it is, sometimes it’s grating othertimes it’s genuinelly pretty good, your mileage will vary. We then get a page and a half of slapstick with various animals and this gag repeated and it’s eh. Not bad, and there’s a REALLY great visual bit where donald gets squeezed by an anaconda and not only is he comically and tightly squeezeled, but it takes a few panels for it to wear off. Other than that not bad stuff but nothing especially new or really that funny. 
Our heroes soon find a pit trap.. and a capybara in said pit trap.. which I also give myself credit for recognizing on sight. Who dosen’t like a good capybara? Their basically a large brazillian rodent if you were curious. Donald asks what can they do and hte boys take it as a secret test of character, and not just donald being kind of lost and decide to help free trapped animals instead of treasure hunt which Donald, much like his entire life, just reacts to with “what what are we doing now?”. But they manage to free the greatful Capybara and we get this inspired bit. 
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Naturally the sheer confusion of seeing this as well as being confronted with the relaly bizzare nature of his world, i.e. having both a rodent whose an old friend and one that’s clearly just a regular animal causes Donald to fall into the hole. He’s soon found by the natives.. and here we get one of the worst aspects of this story and one I honestly didn’t expect to encounter given Rosa’s research: Calling these indgeinous people’s.. “indians”. Yes really. 
We were in 2004 by this point, and even in the cultural cesspool of the early 2000′s, a time where micheal jacksons actions towards children were used for reams of jokes and where R.Kelly got off for the same just because “he makes the good musics”. What i’m saying is even in this time in history, we knew better than to use the term indian and I remember distinctily the term native american being in my text books even at this point as a kid. So Rosa, a world traveled knowledgable adult.. has no excuse for this, not even “It was the 50′s when this was set and they’d used this” as while he had Scrooge being mildly racist in “The Empire Builder from Callisota”, he didn’t you know, have scrooge use the fucking n word or other slurs during the story because you know that’s racist and he knows it’s racist. I’m coming down so hard on him because I expect BETTER. I can, even if it bothers me and I will give out about it, KINDA ignore the daisy stuff because domestic violence against men wasn’t as wellk nown, so while it dosen’t play well and I won’t pretend to enjoy it I can at least understand why rosa thought this was funny when it isn’t> This? The man clearly should know better, should know to use correct terms, and is usually better about this, but just isn’t here and for one of his last stories it’s REALLY depressing to see a man I have a ton of respect for fail this badly. It’s just a small element of hte story but it really sticks out badly and says bad things about an otherwise good man. Even a good man can really fuck up and Don.. honestly really fucked up even when, normally his portryal of indigneous people’s is really good.. and is for the rest of the story. This is just a really bad if really easy to miss bit I feel he deserves some flak over it. He knew better. This story proves he knows better in other ways and knows indgenous people deserve resepect. He just dosen’t show it in his laungauge and it’s disheartaning. 
Anyways, the Natives drop donald off with their cheif.. who turns out to not only speak perfect english, but has a rather nice modern setup and clothes. He’s the son of the former cheif whose dad, using a secret crystal city with a rich mine, paid for his son to go get an education in the US and hopefully bring back knowledge for his people. Instead all he learned was to be a greedy selfish asshat who calls his own people “savages”. This is what i’m talking about: While the indian thing is bad and Rosa should feel bad.. the rest of the story does treat these tribal peoples with genuine grace and care, as our main villian is shown as one partly because rather than respect his culture and simply use thenew knowledge of the outside world to help his people by educating them, bringing back new techniques and medcidnes while mixing it with thier old culture, the bastard prince simply wrote them off as savages and used his new learnings to rule them and get them into trapping, a buisness i’ts later made clear at the end of hte story they don’t like and only followed him because he’s their chief. And it dosen’t even come off as them following him as chief because their stupid, mainly just because of tradition and knowing they can’t escape him and he’d just find htem and find some way to cowtow them. The tribe here are innocent victimes forced into a life they don’t want by an asshole who became a colonizer instead of a hero and leader to his people and simply wants to sell them out as soon as possible to fiance a fancy and comfy life for himself.  The bad guy here is recycled from Rosa’s pre scrooge work, and works well here and honestly.. is a good villian and a good antagonist, something Rosa struggled with sometimes when not just using what barks made. He’s a chillingly realistic villian: someone who would step on where he came from instead of helping it and again treats these people as simple victims forced to be minons by circumstance and as the end of the story shows, and we’ll get to that, not nearly as stupid or “savage” as this cruel bastard thinks. And naturally being a cruel bastard, Chief, since his name isn’t given, plans to ransom donald as he naturally has no hangups about selling people AND rare animals. Thankfully Donald’s only a prisoner for a bit as Donald’s ox makes a back door and with the help of their mounts the boys free all the trapped animals and escape.. with Senior Martinez accidently taking the Chief’s necklace. Turns out that’s the sigal that signals his right to rule, so he figures if the tribe finds out it’s missing they’ll rightfully dump his ass and tells them to give chase, which the cabs find out about via a wild parrot. It’s better not to ask. 
So our heroes head into the wilderness to loose them and find a rocky slope, making their way up to some more plains. They now have both a high vantage, and a place to set up camp so do so. They also found out Martinez took the necklace, and now know why the chief is after them, but Panchito decides to keep it for now till they can figure out what to do with it. SO over the camp fire Donald decides that if they can find this lost mine that the Cheif’s dad used to go to,  they won’t need to look for diamonds the hard way and Jose’s skepticism is rebuffed by the fact that Donald’s found plenty of lost cities with scrooge.  So donald brings up the legend of the crystal city, with the guy who found it being colonel percy fawceet, and brings up more adventures you get the bit by now. Point is he mentions a crystal arch lighting up at night to ward off intruders.. and sure enough our heroes happen to be right by it, complete with a crystal road that simply had been covered by shale over the years. Donald decides to get some rest and head out in the morning, with a valid explination as to why not to worry about hteir perusers till then: It’s so dark that even if they left a trail, they can’t follow.. which the evil cheif agrees to though he finds the trail they dug up, pointing as an arrow and now realizing his dad’s treasure was real, plans to naturally exploit the hell out of it.  So the next morning, bright and early, our heroes have built a raft, and are greatful they looked in first as the waters are stalked with dangerous predatory creatures. How htey haven’t all killed each other, I do not no, but it looks cool so i’ll shut up now. So our heroes leave their mounts behind and head in up the stream via the raft and find the massvie and awe inspiring lost city.. as for why it hasnt’ been found they soon figure out why: THe stream in is dangerous, and jose figures it was delebratly packed with dangerous animals, and thus few would think to go in there, and the only ohter way up is scaling the cliffs it’s build into, but as the cities built into the sides of said cliffs, no one can see it from a distance. It’s a birlliant way to justify just WHY something remained lost and somthing barks is tremendous at. Our heroes soon find though that the canal go deeper and approaches a water fall.. and thus jump off loosing their only way back and thus heading in deeper to see if they can find another way out. Meanwhile the Cheif has found the swamp and recongizes his dad mentoning it and being a greedy jackass, and suddenly realizing that maybe his people won’t want to loot the city their swarn to protect, tells them to guard the Cabs mounts while he goes on ahead. 
Our heroes journey deeper into the unknown and after coming across pick axes mine carts and the like find the mines of fear.. lit with crystals and with wall to wall gems. So they’ve sucessful founds the lost minds of ophir, set up by one of king solomon’s realtiives. The actual King Solomons Mines had been found in a barks story, naturally and is also likely the basis for the african mines level in the ducktales game. 
Donald being donald.. ends up sitting on a giant anaconda who swallows him whole as he dosen’t realize just how big the thing is when his pals mention it to him, and only escapes through Dumb Luck, as is the duck family way, lighting a match and causing the Anadonda to spit him out and run... unfortunately not only does Panchtio loudley announce he dosen’t have his pistols, The Chief shows up with a gun. Naturally he intends to plunder, because jackass you see, and intends to leave the cabs stranded, with the anaconda picking them off one by one when they inevitibly have to sleep while he’ll come back with inflatable rafts and boats to loot the rest. The cabs bemoan the fact that their fucked.. and then this happens. 
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So with that Donald FINALLY snaps, tired of taking the world’s shit and determined not to be the looser everyone around him but his boys clearly think he is. Seriously Donald.. dump. her. ass. It’d also tell you to dump gladstone in a shallow ditch but given your love for hacking through human flesh and his luck I don’t want you to impale yourself. So thus.. Donald stops getting polite and starts getting badass.. shouting THAT’S THE LAST STRAW BEFORE.. .. welll...
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Bad. Ass. Also who knew Donald was part Kree? Wait .. how though? Questions for later. So as Donald gives the asshole his RICHELY deserved asshole a beat down, the anaconda pops up and grabs the boat.. with Donald STILL fighting the Chief the whole time. Holy shit. If this is your last time writing a character in a lead role what a note to go out on holy jesus. The cabs however show their CLOSE to as badass with Panchito roping the anconda and Jose attacking it once it curls around.. and unlike last time where his umbrella was quickly disarmed, here the Anaconda eats the tip.. only for Jose to expand it and on Panchito’s command, hook the damn thing. I didn’t relaize till writing this up just HOW badass this story’s climax is.. just holy shit this is awesome incarnate. 
Donald ends up loosing the fight eventually as asshole whomps him on the head with the gems.. and sends donald flying, destroying the gate regulating the water thanks to freeing the anaconda. As a result asshole escapes.. for about five seconds till he drops over the falls, presumibly to his MUCH deserved death and even if he surivives, likely wont’ for long without anything to defend himself. Goodbye asshole, you were a good villian but you’ll be better tarantula chow. 
Our heroes are still stranded.. but Panchito notices the Anadconda escaping and well... he decides to equal donald in badassery. Again..words do not do this justice. 
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Our heroes disembark, and find that the tribe has been held at bay by the noble steeds, and as I mentioned earlier, and why despite the frequent use of .. that word i’ve said enough already, this story isn’t too bad. The tribe, once free.. are perfectly intellegent and nice, only in the game because of tradition that asshole abused. Their going to head deeper into the valley on the offchance asshole makes it back so he can’t find them. So the tribe is free and seeing the emblem as the symbol of their opressor and not wanting it, they can likely make a new necklace honestly just without the gems, Panchito gets to keep it. So our heroes won, the adventure is over and our heroes head back to rio
In our final scene we get our wrap up with our heroes back in Rio to enjoy what’s left of their vacation.. which given the scope of events only two days of it have passed so far, so it’s nicely implied they have a day or two before Donald has to go back where he can just.. enjoy himself. Have an actual vacation now his soul is whole again. Our heroes went to the authorities, and it turns out the Chief was one of the most infamous trappers in Brazil, and is now again either dead or in no way shape or form easily able to come back into the country.. and when he does, he’ll now have every officer in the country on his ass.So in short he’s pretty fucked and i’m pretty happy about that.  Naturally our heroes dont’ get to keep the mines, because well... it belongs ina museum.. or to become a museum and cultural landmark and the boys know and respect that. But Jose and Panchito both still got something out of the deal: for starters they have their confidence back, as seeing tthey could keep up with donald after realizing what a legend their friend is restored their own weary souls. Meanwhile, Jose’s newfound fame as the man who found a new brazilian cultural touchstone means his agent was able to get him booked up for a year, while Panchito , after consulting with the good senior martenez, decided ot keep the broach, and use it to get their ranch. And Donald? What did he find?
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Donald found his smile again. He’s found himself again. After letting life beat him to near death, to just a souless shell. he’s found the real Donald. He’s realized that despite Scrooge’s finaical abuses he lives a rich full life. It’s part of why I compared the story to city slickers. While Donald’s life is far worse off than Billys, like him he finds himself again after the rousing adventure. And who knows what his future holds? Given Scrooge’s grave picture, yes Rosa drew that, he probably does marry daisy and work for the old bat.. but maybe now he can fight back, refuse to let htem walk all over him and actually find a healthy relationship with daisy and with his uncle before his uncle finally retires to Goldie’s loving arms. I could be wrong, it could be same as it ever was just he gets angry again.. but I like to think of something better for our boy. A better life and one more fufilled and more happy and one where he finally finds his pot of gold. He may not of found it yet but well.. there’s always another rainbow and he realizes that now just as his uncle did years ago. Donald is finally whole again to find his hapniess and a better life. Maybe with daisy, maybe with scrooge, maybe without them. Probably without Gladstone because he needs to cut that tumor out of his life, but still, he’s found himself and sometimes that’s all you need to find your purpose. So with that warm thought in my head our heroes play us out one last time. Well not for the restrospective obviously but still. 
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Final Thoughts; While I do prefer the previous story, on going through this again for the review, I did find this story utterly charming and a great way to send off our boys and Donald for Rosa’s work. While again that one word is very unfortunate and Rosa should’ve known better, otherwise the story is pretty imaculate, using history to build a thrilling story with tons of character and a tremendous arc for Donald. And as I said the villian is excellent and overally the story is pretty great. Maybe held back a bit by the racisim, but the rest of the story is so joyous, badass and well crafted, it’s easy enough to override the less savory aspects. Dosen’t mean they didn’t need to be noted it just means this story is magificent and as usual for Rosa’s work I recommend it. 
Next time on the Ride of the Three Cablleros: We go to Disney Juinor for Mickey’s Perfecto Day! ..... whelp at least it’s a short one. 
And if you’d like to comission your own review, their just five bucks, jsut direct message me, tell me what you’d like, and I will send you the link on my paypal and get to it asap. Thank you so much for reading and have a happy holiday. 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
When you were younger, did your mother or father ever let you open a few presents before Christmas or your birthday even arrived?  We open all our presents the night of Christmas Eve to begin with; but no, they don’t tease by letting us open a few of them before our usual schedule.
If you could receive a 100 dollar gift card for either blouses, pants, dresses, shoes or purses, which would you chose?  If I could change blouses to shirts, then I would go with that because I’ve recently gotten into t-shirts and sweatshirts and no longer the trendy and preppy tops I used to like haha. But if not, I would go for shoes.
What is your favorite thing to do after crying? Ex: Sleep, listen to music, have some alone time, talk to someone, etc?  It varies as it depends on how much I cried. The harder I cried the more I’d want to sleep it off, because it can actually get pretty exhausting. Sometimes I’ll reach out, sometimes I write. It’s really different every time, but at the end I’m just glad I can no longer even remember the last time I cried out of sadness.
Do you think Trump will be assassinated, or will he survive his term?  Well we know the answer to this. It’s satisfying to notice him disappear off the face of the Earth immediately after his term, though. I don’t have a clue what he’s up to now.
Last time you felt suicidal?  For some reason I felt down last Thursday and I felt the slightest, slightest tinge of suicidal thoughts. No idea where it came from.
Last time you had butterflies?  Ugh idk but it was probably BTS-related hahahahahahah
Biggest asshole you know?  Certain politicians.
Did you ever leave someone because you know you’d hurt them?  No, I was on the opposite side of the coin for this one. I was broken up with because they believed they would hurt me, if not already doing so.
What song did you last listen to?  Hip Hop Phile by BTS.
Ever ridden in a police car?  Nopes.
Ever witnessed a murder?  Hmm, not that I can recall. I do remember having to monitor crime stories for one of my very first journalism assignments and the one time I didn’t tag along to the fieldwork with my classmates, they got to witness a stabbing incident :/ By itself of course it always sucks to have violent situations like those, but as a reporter it would’ve been interesting to see the scene and its aftermath.
Have you ever lied under oath?  I don’t think so, no. I can’t even remember the last time I was put under oath.
Have you ever failed a subject before? I’ve failed exams but never an entire class.
Have you ever had a deadly animal as a pet?  No.
Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender?  Well yeah, I dated one.
Have you ever been in a hot tub before?  Sure.
Have you ever been to a movie that sold out?  I’ve never experienced trying to buy tickets only to find out they’re all sold out, but that’s also probably because we have hundreds of malls in Manila alone and you can always find a theatre that are still offering tickets.
What movie last made you too scared to go to sleep?  I’m not usually that way with horror movies, but I do remember running into a jumpscare on TikTok while I was scrolling at 3 AM. Not fun.
When you’re on a laptop, do you hook up a mouse or use the touchpad?  Touchpad. I never use a mouse.
What’s your mom’s mom’s name?  Agnes.
Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the person you like?  I’m not interested in anyone so this shouldn’t be a problem.
Have you ever been tempted to steal?  Sure, but the urge is never so strong.
What is the main character’s name in the book you’re reading? I’m not reading anything.
Do you have a favorite local band? Who are they? Nah. I did have a Ben&Ben phase, though I haven’t revisited their music in a long time.
Who’s the last person you saw naked, aside from yourself?  I’m not sure about completely naked, probably still my ex. As for partially naked, my dad sometimes goes shirtless at home as most Filipino dads do lol.
Who’s your favorite horror monster/killer?  The most iconic for me would be that porcupine looking ass from Resident Evil 4, I believe it was meant to be for one of the boss stages or something. Anyway, it’s memorable for me just because that fucker had been impossible to defeat and I loved watching my older cousin do attempt after attempt. I don’t think he ever got to beat him and by the time he did us cousins were already adults, lol.
On a side note, we called him ‘Porcupine’ as kids since a shitload of spikes would stick out of him unpredictably during the boss stage, and I thought that nickname had been just our thing; but I’m actually surprised that that villain actually comes up when you do a simple ‘Resident Evil 4 porcupine’ search haha. I guess other people called him the same thing too.
What kind of music do you prefer to listen to when driving?  I usually put on a playlist of BTS’ rapline; I tend to enjoy high-energy songs while driving.
Would you ever own a hairless rat, cat or dog?  I don’t see why I wouldn’t when it comes to the dog. I don’t want a cat or rat. 
All the people you’ve kissed, what did their names start with?  G.
What did you and your ex fight about most?  It was about the deeper, more profound stuff. We never saw eye to eye about the future, if we were helping the other grow, etc. Someone was always scared or insecure about something that the other could never help with fixing.
Don’t you love long hugs?  Sure, I love getting hugs as long as I’m comfy around the one giving it.
And long kisses?  Mhm, they’re nice.
Have you ever purchased condoms?  Only for Angela when she had still been too shy to ask for it herself. 
Have you ever gone on vacation with your boyfriend/girlfriend?  No. We had gone out of town for daytrips, but never for a fully-decked out vacation.
Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument?  I wouldn’t do anything that loud. My resentment’s a lot more reserved and subtle, definitely on the passive-aggressive side.
Would you leave a note on a car claiming responsibility if you damaged it?  If I left like a paint scratch, no. If I was somehow stupid enough to manage wrecking the car then yes.
Have you ever used someone's handicapped parking pass to get a parking spot?  Oh that’s just gross. No. I do remember unknowingly parking over a spot meant for the handicapped once just because the paint was so fucking faded. It was genuinely so hard to tell but in the end I ended up just getting out of the spot and looked for another just to be on the safe, unassholey side.
Are you embarrassed to tell people your job?  Not at all! I love telling people I work in PR and sharing the brands I work with...it’s just a bitch trying to explain what exactly it is I do on a normal day. I’m still blanking out on it now that I’m thinking about it, haha. PR’s a challenge to summarize in one or two sentences.
If you ran over an animal would you keep driving?  I honestly have no clue how I’d deal with it. Ideally I would pull over and help bring it to the side of the road, and try to ask for help from passersby as well. I’m still not sure what I should/would do next.
Where’s the best place to eat a romantic dinner?  French, Spanish, and Italian restaurants always seem to carry a pleasant, date-y atmosphere to them, so any of those cuisines should be ok. I also like quieter restaurants with warm yellow lighting, since that makes me feel at home the most. The place definitely doesn't have to be super popular; I would just want for it to serve good food.
What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?  Flying planes.
What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?  Probably something that’s booked with thrill-seeking adventures? Like a day of wakeboarding, paragliding, skydiving, riding an ATV...I would be exhausted as fuck and sleep for the next three days, but I can’t even begin to imagine how fun it would be.
When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? Writing stuff. < Yeah, essentially. My friends ask me for general life advice too.
Has anybody criticized the way your significant other looked like?  Yeah. But I always defended her.
Have you written or drawn anything for somebody else?  I mean I’ve written long letters, but I haven’t made a poem or song for anyone.
Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished?  These days it would probably be Arlan. He just finished his Masters in Journalism at Columbia and I couldn’t be more proud. I remember wanting to attend Columbia too, but seeing how my love of journalism turned out...I’ve long accepted the fact that that route was not meant for me, hahaha.
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?  Finish a painting, which can also serve as a callout to me lol.
What would you rate 10/10?  Seafood.
What do you hope never changes?  My relationships with my best friends.
Would you ever have sex with the last person you texted?  No, I barely have a clue who she is and she seemed decades older when she called me up this morning.
Is there anyone that you’d love to just spill your guts to?  I’m good.
Where is the person you have feelings at right now? 
Are you happy with your relationship status?  Yessssssss. I love not having to worry about another person to spend on LOL
When did you last cry? What for?  Two Saturdays ago. The one-year mark of my breakup had been coming up and an overwhelming wave of emotions just flooded me all of a sudden, I guess. There was happiness and relief from not being stuck in it anymore; feeling sorry for myself as I remembered the turmoil and deterioration I went through in the latter part the year; anger for the shit she pulled; and there was also just the general feeling of being grateful that I’m still here after everything.
Do you think you’re wasting your time on the person you love? 
When’s the next time you’ll kiss someone?  No clue. I’m not holding my breath for it and that’s okay.
Were you ever scared to death of anyone you knew? Or are you currently?  Yeah, unfortunately I’ve always been surrounded by at least one person who terrifies me.
What’s the longest you’ve been away from home by yourself?  Nothing more than a day. That’s something I have yet to try out.
Have you ever been made fun of, because of what you look like?  Athenna was relentless in her insults. I dunno why I was friends her for as long as I was.
Have you ever made fun of others, because of what they look like?  If they’re some random person on the internet with disgusting political views, then yeah; but it’s just thoughts I keep in my head and I never verbalized the bullying. But not anyone in real life. Do you think it’s cute when you’re leaving a place, and a guy says “no hug?”  If I’m friends with the person I’ll banter with them for a bit until I give in for a hug. If it was any other guy I barely know...I would be disgusted and throw them the dirtiest glare.
Do you wear short shorts (if you’re a girl)? I didn't know short shorts were specific to females. < LOL same. Anyway no, not these days. I used to but they’re not really a part of my personal style anymore.
Who are you the most uncomfortable around?  Relatives with the wrong political views.
Who has your heart?  Nobody.
Should cloning ever be allowed to happen?  I don’t see the point. No.
Are you impatient with really shy people? If it gets to the point that they seem aloof and radiate very I-could-not-care-less-about-getting-along-with-any-of-you vibes, then yeah I feel like I would get irritated pretty fast. But I was an extremely shy person once too, so I’m typically friendly with them and I would usually be That person who constantly stays next to them so they feel like they belong.
Does your house have air conditioning throughout, or do you have one that sits in your window?  It sits in the window, as with most households here.
What is the most ridiculous band name you’ve heard recently?  I haven’t encountered anything wacky recently.
Would you ever get a fashion mullet?  No.
Do you believe that Jesus lived and is returning?  No.
Do you believe in spiritual gifts?  No.
Do you believe in callings?  Not really, no.
If you were rich, would you get a professional photoshoot done?  Hell no. I get extremely sheepish in front of a camera and a thousand times worse at posing.
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missaureus · 3 years
EXplOration in Manila Pt. 2
 My roommates finally arrived past 1AM. I was super drained but I still managed to put on my bear nail stickers while waiting for them. The moment I opened the door we were already squealing because we haven’t seen each other since my Davao vacation on January that year. We chatted randomly and eventually dozed off. We only had a few hours to be physically prepared for a hectic day ahead.
The concert proper was still at night but we scheduled to go to the mall area at 10AM to distribute freebies under Team Jongin PH. I was wearing heels and my feet were already crying. Obviously, I am not used to it and it was a poor decision. Cafes and restaurants near the arena were banning meet-ups and large groups who were giving stuff to concertgoers because it would obstruct other costumers. What would they expect in a day like this? We respect establishments and would not go out empty-stomached. But I cannot blame them. With that, we ended up being stationed in a wing way distal to the arena. 
Many familiar faces were spurting inside the café. I got to introduce to them using twitter usernames. It was hilarious. I even messed up with my other internet friends who I failed to recognize right off the bat! I felt so apologetic. Probably out of exhaustion, my sugar was depleting! 
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Around 2PM, I had pasta and coffee as my lunch. I cannot indulge my palate that I had to share my small dish to a friend. My fight-or-flight hormone was doing its job generously that afternoon. I could not recall how much yards we had to stroll for unknown reason in and out the mall. 
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After giving away those packed stuff, we took some pictures in front of the arena in groups. After that, we went back to the condo to freshen up and get ready to line up. With my sequence number, around 400, I was near the end of the line. Surprisingly, almost everyone in my area was from the province, particularly Bisaya. We finally realized how the provincial assistance failed us that year. Probably the worse experience I had due to the hectic announcements for the Manila leg. At that moment, a hint of regret was circling my thoughts. Was it a right decision that I did not bite that one under the table offer? I could have experienced a barricade line. I just ignored that bleak light of what-if.
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Inside the arena, around 5PM, I was probably 5 or 6 lines away from the stage. It was way farther than my ElyXiOn stop but still a good and close view. There were still foreigners in our area. There was no sign of the event to start so I finally decided to listen to my feet’s plea --- to sit on the floor. The VIP area was more compressed than the first day. Thus, I had to stand in no time to reserve my spot. 
Around 6PM, the show commenced. The intensity of Filipino EXO-Ls’ heated cheer in response to the house rules was much more ear-splitting than yesterday’s. The setlist was not even rolling but one or two from our area were already dragged out, mostly foreigners. I swear, the level of security was not a joke this time! 
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With the same pattern of Moonlight being played, it was a hint for everyone to mentally prepare. The 1st VCR played on the big led screens. The ghastly intro was beating in a rising intensity until the EXOs finally set foot on stage. By the time Tempo played, not only the lightsticks but also the phones were raised up high to shot fancams. I was so stressed I forgot how the moshpit game should be played. I had to brace myself for over 2 hours! People in the pit were starting to make waves out of pushing and eventually I had to stop my fancam during Transformer because the bouncers were barring my view when they were trying to catch another bull-headed fan pinpointed by Filipino fans. 
Due to the endless commotion, I was ushered to the side barricade and had the opportunity to step on the platform for a much elevated view. I was so afraid of stampede I did not dare to move an inch from my position. I anchored myself to the barricade. From there, I had a better view for Gravity which is a personal favorite. A choreography does wonder to a song!
Baekhyun came out with the backup dancers for UN Village after the 2nd VCR was shown. Undeniably, he appeared to be exhausted which was obvious when he let the fans sing most of the song at the end. The fans did not fail to par the energy of the song with its fanchant..
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This was followed by the 3rd VCR then the powerful trio: 24/7, which played a huge part in my decision making of which ticket to buy. I was after Jongin’s position for this song. Unlike, ElyXiOn that each member had a fix spot every time they go scatter around, EXplOration was way opposite and random. All te members were so mobile throughout. Next, the general public’s favorite, Love Shot attacked. Followed by Oh La La La. 
The deafening shout from the crowd was breathed out when EXO started talking for the 1st ment. They individually introduced themselves with matching hello Philippines and mabuhay greetings. Finally, Monster! This was a stage missed out last ElyXiOn. I was happy to finally witness it live. The members then scattered on the main stage for Oasis. The led screen was an art it was dancing gracefully with them. Breathtaking!
A solo stage by the leader, Junmyeon, followed. Funnily, they were now confident to rip off in an oversea show excluding Japan and China. With that, the crowd was expecting so much from Been Through. The moment Junmyeon exposed his chiseled abdominal muscles, the crowd went crazier that the shouts reached the roof the arena. 
Finally, a ballad song! Jongdae entered the center stage and the light bulbs were simultaneously falling like stars. He sang Lights Out too perfectly and I commend the crowd for understating the sole assignment during this stage --- to stay silent to appreciate his vocals. The lights were already reflecting towards my tears pooling in my eyes. 
The SeChan duo then took over the stage after the 4th VCR. They entered the scene with their bigass luggage as props. They were playing with What a Life and Closer to You. After that, the rest of the members joined with Falling for You.
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A brown couch was dragged to the center stage for Wait stage. This ballad number was so heartwarming when the crowd sang along with the EXOs as if it was a duet. They appeared relaxed. Literally, feeling at home vibe in the living room.
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The 2nd ment started. SeChan playfully pointed their microphones to the fan to let then sing some parts of What a Life. As expected from Phixos, we are remarkable to the group as the loudest crowd among all hosts. The rule will always be, we do not do fanchant, we sing the whole song haha! The leader then teased Baekhyun with his sexy choreo in UN Village. Baekhyun did it  which made Chayeol crazy for it! Randomly, Jongin danced the sexy choreo of Been Through followed by Junmyeon. Out of nowhere, the crowd cheered loudly for Jongdae’s name suggesting for him to be next in line to do the steps. He was generous enough to do both choreos while singing Lights Out lol I swear they were so chaotic! After that, Sehun did it too! Chanyeol was not getting any free pass and the crowd cheered for his name next. He was crazy that I did not already care for his self-image at that moment. He did his own version of rolling hills and the crowd had gone mad for it! He eventually went near each member to grind at them lmfao! Guess what! Except for Baekhyun!!! Jongin had a secondhand embarrassment for this guy and even threatened to punch him. To end the chaos, the leader finally introduced Power as the next song. It was so fun there were also fireworks-like effects during the break dance part which was serve by the leader, supposedly it was Kai’s part but the members cheered for Junmyeon to do it this time. 
At this point, I was a battery at 2% already. I almost forgot what was next in line. A Kai solo! Jongin entered the main stage with the back up dancers, he was wearing a vest with nothing underneath it and a cap! To be honest, I loved his get-up on the first day more but the experience of him much closer to me is the best! I did the fanchant, I tried religiously but his performance was jaw-dropping that I kept on losing my focus, I went silent while covering my mouth! Surprisingly, he opened the only clothing coving his upper torso that finally exposed his amazing physique! By that time, I already got unleashed, I am still sorry for that crispy FUCK on my fancam hahhahahaha! 
Bad dream and Damage were performed on the main sage. I actually was not able to give my full attention to it because my phone notified I was out of storage. Out of impulsivity, I deleted all of my applications thinking that it would save me until encore stage. After that, EXO danced to the legendary title tacks in a form of a medley, Growl, Overdose and Call Me Baby. 
The 6th VCR was a hint that it was about to end and I went emotional. The boys playfully performed Unfair and On the Snow. The latter song is nostalgic. It is vivid how Jongin was enjoying this stage, wearing a black shirt and pants with his cap placed backwards.  SeChan were so cute during You give me yours, I'll give you mine part when Chanyeol gave the maknae a bouquet of flowers. The fans started throwing lots of stuff on stage, the floor got crowded. 
During the last ment, I befriended the person in front of me who is a Chanyeol-biased. We shouted in chorus Jongin’s name while raising a gom banner but unfortunately he did not respond. We just kept on laughing! We tried it to Chanyeol while waving a banner of him and he waved backed to our area enthusiastically using the doll he picked on the floor. While the others were busily doing their individual messages, ChanKaiHo were so bust playing with the coiled spring, I swear they were kids! 
During Jongdae’s part, the audience started chanting Walang uuwi! We also did this last ElyXiOn and finally this time it was already translated back to the boys! They kept on saying that they enjoyed the night so much with the fans and shamelessly said it was way better that yesterday hahaha! I had to agree. They said that they would love to come back to the Philippines for a concert and a vacation. During Sehun’s part, he secretly asked the translator how to say “Walang uuwi!” and Sehun said it back to the crowd cutely. Finally, after a year!!!
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The leader finally introduced the encore song, Smile on my Face. The confetti were starting to rain and feel our faces. The harmonization was heavenly that I almost cried. To be honest, I was sad but happy at the same time. The boys then arranged themselves on the moving platform. Until the last time, Sehun kept on saying Walang Uuwi!. They faded before my eyes, it was surreal! Thank God for letting me see them twice in a row! 
I looked for my friends in the pit and cried in unison! We took pictures outside the arena with some of our friends and decided to look for a place to eat. It was actually raining cats and dogs as if heavens knew how heavy my heart was that it was finally over. 
We went back to the condo with my packed order hahahaha I do not know what was into me that I did not touch my food. I just quenched my thirst bottoms up with a soda full of ice! I was so silent after that hahahaha. 
We slept around 2AM after consuming our fancams. The next day, we had breakfast in Naynay’s condo. Hnnng I miss her food! After that, we parted ways with my condomates and met some of my friends also before heading to the airport.
It was raining. The weather turned my departure more melancholic that it should be. But when I reached the arrival area, I was so touched my whole family came to fetch me. Thank you for supporting me and my happiness. Thank you for allowing me to have this memory when I grow old. 
This is my youth.
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stevenbasic · 4 years
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I’m usually not late for things but I was wayyyy late getting to our plane. Almost missed it, in fact. They were just about to close up the gate when I rushed in, jogged through the jetway and hurried down the aisle. Melissa was already in the seat next to mine…
“Welcome to your vacaaaation!” she sang to me in greeting, eyes twinkling with enthusiasm.
“It’s not...<mmmnf!>” I grunted, doing my best to lift my too-heavy carry-on into the overhead bin. Melissa watched me with careful concern. Jesus what did I pack? Rocks?? I noticed a strikingly tall, blonde stewardess headed my way, but luckily I was just able to manage it up and into the bin before she arrived. “Thanks, I got it…” I told her. That would have been humiliating. 
“It’s not...a vacation,” I huffed, dropping into my seat, finally able to stop moving after a frantic two hours of car trouble, early morning traffic and long security lines. My breathing was labored. “We’re going…<huff, puff>...to a conference...”
“At the beach!” she sang, tossing the in-flight magazine aside, smile going wide in eager zeal, “Aren’t you excited??? You get to be with me all week!!” Her eyes glimmered in merriment. 
“Great…” I mock-groaned, smiling despite myself. I had been anticipating this trip for weeks, but ‘excited’ might not be the right word...
At that, at my joke, she giggled and leaned into me, scooching down and laying her head affectionately onto my shoulder. Already, I noticed, her perfume had filled the air around us, and as I breathed it in I felt myself gently relaxing, calming me from my hectic journey in. It was making our little space here on the plane immediately more intimate. I felt it cocooning us pleasantly in her scent and - crap - beginning to stir my loins. It was then that I took the moment to glance down, really notice what my travel partner was wearing, and try not to goggle at the size of the bosom that stretched her long-sleeved white tee and the tanktop below it so tautly. Though her top did not show much cleavage, the shirt was thin and I could clearly see though it, see the bulge of her big breasts squeezed up over the top of her too-tight tank. “Seriously, I’m so  happy you asked me to come with you,” she said, grabbing my hand to hold it, “thank you so much.”
“Oh, uh, yes, sure, of course,” I answered, as Melissa gave my hand and upper arm a squeeze. Gurk...boob.  “I’m…excited too. Happy you could come.”
Now with its final, errant passenger on board (ie: me), the plane began to roll, engines coming to life to start us down towards the runway. Normally this is where I’d feel my pulse begin to quicken.
”Sheryl’s going to miss you?” she asked, brow furrowing. 
”Oh, uh, I dunno…” I responded, feeling a twinge of disloyalty to my wife already, seated here with a young, beautiful woman on my arm - even if she was my Office Manager, and we were headed to a professional event. Nothing, of course, had happened between Melissa and I - and nothing was going to - but my thoughts about her being on this trip with me were certainly less than innocent. And talking about Sheryl now seemed like just more betrayal. “She has so much stuff going on, she’s so busy,” I continued, thinking about the final, chilly words my wife had for me this morning as I left, “I don’t think it’ll bother her…”
“Oh I’m sure she’ll be thinking about you being so far away,” Melissa assured me, squeezing my arm again into a breast which felt as big as a melon, ”but she has nothing to worry about...I’ll take good care of you…” Another breathful of her perfume and I settled back into my seat, hearing the engines gearing up again, preparing us for takeoff. Breathe, dude, breathe... 
“Yeah I’ve been looking forward to this, getting away for a bit. We’re going to have fun,” I found myself saying, and immediately knowing I’d said more than I should; maybe the adrenaline had loosened my tongue, “I mean - I w-wish Sheryl could have come, but she’s...well…”
She’s been such a bitch recently.
“...she’s maybe, uh, happier doing the stuff she has to do,” I conceded. I watched Melissa cross her left leg over her right, towards me. 
“Well, I’m so excited to be doing this,” Melissa clucked, “and...to have you all to myself!” With that, she released my arm, and reached over towards me, leaning over my lap. “Here, let’s get your seatbelt fastened,” she said, as already she had both straps in hand. Dutifully, like a mother hen, she <clicked> my buckle into place and pulled the belt taut over my hips. “Ooo you’re skinny!” she cooed, her face now so close to mine, her smile wide and big and toothy and white, eyes sparkling, “But there you go...all set, Mr Skinnie-Minnie.”
I felt myself shiver.
“Not me, though,” she continued, sitting back now, “Here…” At that, she raised the armrest between us, eliminating the separator, the one border between her space and mine.  “...you don’t mind if we share, do you? I should have bought two seats for my hips.” 
I looked down and, indeed, Melissa’s wide hips - swathed into tight grey travelling pants - overflowed into my seat. My hips, in comparison, looked meager and thin, my legs like two sticks next to her healthy thighs.
“Ah haha yeah…” I agreed, as the plane pulled onto the runway and prepared for what I knew would be its acceleration. I wanted to try to stay calm. “B-Business class, hm? Nice.” I had tasked Melissa with buying out tickets, several weeks ago. “Was that in our budget?”
”Oooo you’d be so proud of me..!” she laughed, as the engines all began to roar, “I was able to get us nice seats...Evolution Pharmasoo-...y’know, the company my friend Abby works for? -  chipped in for an upgrade. Paid for our tickets, in fact!”
”Wait what?” I asked. That’s weird. I mean, I was used to getting swag, kickbacks, little favors from some of the drug companies I worked with. But this company, Evolution...I’d never even met with a rep yet, this girl Abby. Never prescribed their...whatever it was they made. A couple of my new employees were previous employees there, but that certainly didn’t warrant a set of free plane tickets. The thought that I was already in bed with a pharm company and didn’t even really know their products made me suddenly a little uneasy. That, and the roar of engines as we gained more and more speed...
“Oh don’t worry…” Melissa offered, as if feeling my distress shivering through me into the press of her chest, “they just really want to play nice. Promise me you’ll meet with Abby…?”
“Uhhh...oh….uhhh…” I felt myself stiffen, grasping my armrest with my free right hand. 
”Dr. J?” Melissa asked, with sudden concern, “are you ok?”
“Yeah…” I answered, closing my eyes as the plane had almost reached speed, ”not always a...big fan of flying.”
“Awww are you nervous?” she asked, like she was speaking to an anxious child, “here you can hold my hand.” I felt her take my left hand in hers and hold it onto her firm lap, onto her right thigh. I felt her squeeze it, and I squeezed back. The plane was nearly in the air, and a fresh waft of her perfume found me. 
“Take a deep breath,” she instructed me, which I did, “you’re going to be fine…”
I really, really, really didn’t like flying, and takeoff was one of the worst parts. But the comfort of her hand, the scent of her perfume, her soft warmth next to me...I had to admit, it was making me feel better, taking my mind to a different place. 
“Just relax,” she said, her voice deepening, serene, like liquid tranquility, “I’m here, you’re here, it’s just us…”
Alright I have to thank TopographicSociety for the Chloe Vevrier x Denise Milani fake, and my editing team - CaptainAmbiguous, Doubleburger, FantasticMrMoose, Ankle4u, among others - for their ideas and input. Thanks again also to everyone for keeping up with the story!
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softboywriting · 5 years
A Perfect Fall
Summary: You and Shawn have been best friends for most of your lives and since you were a teenager you’ve had a crush on him. He has no idea, or so you think. Things are about to change, and all it takes is a trip to the best pumpkin patch around for true feelings to surface. [fluff] [best friends to lovers] [fall/autumn theme]
Word Count: 4k
|Masterlist In Bio|
If someone were to ask you your favorite color you would say gold. Gold like the leaves on the trees in the middle of October. Gold like the letters of Shawn’s last name gilded across the back of the letter man jacket that sits over your desk chair at home that he left there a year ago. Gold like the sun going down over the river on a cool autumn night. But most of all, gold, like the color Shawn's eyes are when he sits across from you in a barn an hour from your house and stares out at horses in the nearby corral. He's beautiful. Breathtaking. Outstanding in every way. He's your best friend in the entire world and he has no idea that you're completely gone for him, or does he? Let's go back to how this day started.
Beeping, incessant, droning beeping. The sound of your alarm clock going off at its regular time, seven in the morning. Right now you should be getting up and making yourself appear to be somewhat human before heading to class, praying you remembered all of your homework. You should be scrambling through your kitchen, grabbing a banana for breakfast as you head out to meet Shawn in his Jeep. Not this week though. It's the first day of Thanksgiving break and you're so happy to be able to smash that snooze button and bury your face into a pillow.
Your phone goes off, a low buzz buzz against the pillow your head is on. You've almost fallen back to sleep, nearly reached that floaty state of perfect warmth under the blankets that gives you an express ticket to dreamland. Almost.
Buzz buzz.
"For the love of everything holy, can you go away?" You groan angrily into the pillow. As if the phone might switch itself into silent mode out of pure fear. That would be that day wouldn't it?
Buzz buzz.
You slide your hand under the pillow and extract your phone, turn your head just enough to see the screen and lay it against the pillow next to you. Three missed messages.
Shawn: you awake?
Shawn: get up loser i have coffee
Shawn: I'll come in there
You drop the phone on its face and tug your blanket up over your head. If he wants you to get up on your first day of this mini vacation from the hell that is your second year of college, he can come get you his damn self. He may be your best friend, and yes, you may be head over heels for him, but getting up early on vacation happens for no man.
The sound of rattling outside your window followed by a dull thump is a dead giveaway that Shawn has scaled your mother's new trellis and tripped on the old shingles of the back patio roof. Clumsy and dumb. That's Shawn for you.
"Get up, hey," he talks against the glass as if you'll hear him better by doing so but ends up only muffling his voice further. "I know you're up."
"Go away!"
The latch on the window wiggles, you can hear a familiar scrape of his student ID card from his wallet against the wood of the window frame. You watch as the ancient lock flips 180 degrees and the window slides up, sending a cold gust of morning air into your bedroom.
"You're a dick." Shawn grumbles, squeezing through the narrow window frame. He's had trouble getting through it since freshman year of high school. Really the only reason he's climbing through it now is to avoid making too much noise coming in the front door and enduring the wrath of your dad who is surely still asleep because he works nights at the packing plant in town. Shawn woke him up once by just walking too loudly and that was enough.
"You're a dick for waking me up on my vacation." You roll over and face the wall.
Shawn flops on the bed, leaning over across your legs and waving something in your face. "I am not, I'm the best person ever."
"Come on! Look at the tickets!"
You slip your hand out of the blankets and snatch the papers from Shawn's hand. Two all access passes to the Friendly Farms Pumpkin Patch. You narrow your eyes at him and he raises his eyebrows. This is such an unfair move. He knows how much you love pumpkin patches and he knows that you've never been to the Friendly Farms Pumpkin Patch because it's so far away and it usually costs an arm and a leg if you don't buy preseason passes.
"Eh? Whatdya say? Me, you, old J-Bone and the open road to the best place to get your pumpkins this side of the river?"
You groan and drop the tickets on the pillow. "Okay! Okay fine I'll get up." You shove the blanket back and it covers his lap. "But stop calling the Jeep "J-Bone" it's so weird."
"She has a name okay, and I'm gonna call her by it."
You sit up and shove him down on the bed. "Freak."
"Only for you." He smirks, sticking his tongue out and making lewd licking motions.
"Oh God please stop." You throw your pillow at his face and get up to get dressed in whatever was semi clean. Laundry had taken a backseat to classwork these days, you’re planning on catching up during the break.
One big hoodie, Shawn's that he left at your house a few days ago, a pair of leggings under some fitted sweatpants and a lopsided ponytail later and you're ready to go. As promised Shawn has a coffee in the Jeep for you as well as a croissant breakfast sandwich.
"How long is this drive again?" You ask over a mouth full of buttery sausage and egg goodness. "An hour?"
"An hour and a half."
"I'm gonna go to sleep then."
Shawn chuckles. He pulls the Jeep out of your driveway and heads for the highway. "I have a feeling you'll stay awake."
"Why's that?"
"The drive is too beautiful to miss."
Shawn is absolutely correct. The drive down the highway is way too incredible to miss for just a few more minutes of sleep. Of course you've seen the trees around your town turn shades of red, orange and yellow before but driving through open roads where trees grow in massive forests completely unbridled by man, is an experience you won't soon forget. Never in your life have you seen so many different hues of fall colors at one time.
"Shawn, pull over, I need to get out and do something."
Shawn looks over and quickly turns off the highway onto the shoulder where the gravel meets the grass. "Everything okay?"
"More than okay." You grin and unbuckle your seatbelt. You open the passenger door and slide out, leaving the door open as you tromp across the grass to the edge of the forested area. Behind you Shawn kills the engine and you can hear his door open then close followed by your door being closed.
"What are you doing?" He laughs, following you into the trees. "We're not even at the pumpkin patch and you're going crazy."
"I've been crazy. You know that, come on, we've been friends for how long?"
"Twelve years and counting."
You stop before a tree that has bring pinkish red leaves on it. They're like no others around it and you pick up a few of the ones that have fallen. "Pink leaves." You hold them out and Shawn takes one.
"These are pretty. I've never seen them this color."
"Take my picture? I wanna remember this tree forever."
Shawn takes your phone and types in your pass code to unlock it. He's the only person on the planet who knows it beside you and you know his as well. "Alright, do you wanna pose or something?"
"I'm gonna throw a bunch of leaves up in the air and if you can, try to snap the picture as they fall around me?"
"I'll do my best." He chuckles and kneels down a bit to get you in full frame for a better angle.
"Okay on three? One, two, three!" You fling an arm full of leaves up into the air and laugh as they rain down over you.
"Nailed it."
"Really?!" You rush over and Shawn hands you the phone. Sure enough it's you standing and grinning at the leaves as they fall around you with the pink tree in the background. "Oh my God it's perfect."
Shawn puts his arm around you and starts walking back to the Jeep. "I've been messing around with my friend Josiah's camera a bit. He showed me a few tricks for everyday stuff."
"Oh wow, fancy boy."
"Shut up, I am not fancy."
"Fancy pants Mendes learning all the tips and tricks on photography to pick up chicks."
He scoffs. "Yeah, as if. I just wanted to try it out. Josiah takes some awesome photos and it looks so easy, I was curious how he did it."
"I'm just teasing you Shawn." You pat his chest as you reach the Jeep and he pulls his arm away from you. "I think it's cool that you're interested in photography. It's definitely something that could be useful one day."
"Like taking photos of you today."
You smile and let out a little laugh. "Yeah, definitely like today."
Shawn gets in the Jeep and you haul yourself up into the passenger's seat. "You ready for the real fun to begin?"
"Hell yeah. How many pumpkins do you think we can fit in the back of this thing?"
"I dunno," he says, looking into the back where the seats are down and then looks at you. "But we're not going to find out."
"Buzz kill."
"Sorry, but I'm not having my Jeep chock full of pumpkins."
"Psh, it's for science."
Shawn's rolls his eyes and signals as he pulls out onto the highway. The two of you have at least another forty minutes before you reach the farm. Shawn turns up the radio and you decide to lean the seat back and just enjoy the rest of the ride.
The entryway to the Friendly Farms Pumpkin Patch is huge. There are wrought iron gates with metal pumpkin cutouts all along the bars of the fencing with ivy like casts on the top. Shawn drives down the bumpy dirt road to the designated parking area and stops to park near the ticket windows and actual gates inside. There are maybe a dozen cars already parked as well, which considering the popularity of the place isn't hardly anyone. It's still early though, they have just opened for business at nine and it's only about a quarter till ten.
Shawn opens the back of the Jeep while you grab your backpack purse off the floor of the backseat. "Do you need a water bottle?"
"Yeah." You walk around to meet him. "I thought you were going eco friendly?"
"I am." He hands you a reusable metal bottle. "I promise I washed it this morning."
You slip the bottle into your side pocket and chuckle. "Like we haven't been sharing germs forever."
"True." He closes the door and pulls the tickets out of his back pocket. "Ready?"
"I was born ready."
Shawn wraps his arm around your shoulders and heads to the ticket windows. You're excited beyond belief to see what is in store for you beyond the corn stalk covered gates before you. It's going to be perfect.
To say the pumpkin patch is beyond expectations would be about right. You and Shawn walk past the ticket booths and through the gates into a whole town built up around the fall theme. There are shopping booths, food booths, a sign for a corn maze, a hay rack ride, and the pumpkin patch. There is a whole slew of games and places to take photos as well and all that is just what you can see when you walk inside. There's a whole path along the shops that just keeps going and you are floored.
Shawn grins at you, beaming, because you're beaming right back at him. He knew this place was going to be great. Photos online just didn't do it justice. "What do you wanna do first?"
"Just...take it all in." You walk forward toward the center of the town like set up where there is a huge wooden windmill, hay bales and benches all sitting in a circle around it.
Shawn walks along beside you and chuckles. "It's pretty awesome."
"Awesome isn't the word." You laugh and plop down on a hay bale next to a smiley homemade scarecrow. "It's a dream, Shawn."
"I'm glad." He thumbs toward a nearby caramel apple stand. "Let's get a snack and start this day right huh?"
"You read my mind."
You and Shawn spend the whole late morning into the early afternoon wandering around, checking out the entire lay out of the pumpkin patch. You grab cider around eleven and then cocoa at noon. A late lunch consists of a shared smoked turkey leg, a funnel cake and some tomato salad that was being made fresh by some little old ladies at a booth near the center of the patch. The food is incredible and you and Shawn take turns feeding each other bites of this and that, giggling when one of you ends up with powdered sugar on your face from the funnel cake.
Spending time like this with Shawn is the best and worst thing to ever happen to you. It's a glimpse at what life with him would be like if you were together. Your heart swells every time he leans in to say something about the scenery that he’s noticed because you think he's going to kiss you.
Lunch wraps up and Shawn goes to toss your trash in a nearby oak barrel that's set up as a trashcan. He dusts his hands off on his jeans and pulls his sweater off over his head. "Here," he holds it out to you and you raise your eyebrows.
"Why do I want it?"
"Because you're going to get cold on the hayrack ride."
"Psh no I won't."
"Yeah you will." Shawn bunches up the sweater from the bottom up and holds it out for you to put your arms in. "Come on, I know you wanna."
You stick your arms out and he helps you get the sleeves over them and tugs the sweater down so your head pops through the neck hole. "It's so warm." You look down and pull out the soft knit fabric that's far too large on you. "You must be like a thousand degrees."
Shawn shrugs. "I'm always hot. You've slept with me, you know that."
"I-I-" You freeze, brain definitely going down a very different road from what Shawn means.
"Yes?" He chuckles.
"I have not slept with you."
"Well, not like that but... y'know." He shrugs and you knit your brows together.
What does that mean? Y'know what? What do you know? Does he want to sleep with you like that? What...just what?
Shawn waves his hand in your face. "Hey, earth to space cadet. The hayrack ride is gonna be boarding soon."
"Oh! Yeah!" You shake your head and start walking toward the signs pointing to the line for it. Shawn follows close behind, throwing his arm around your shoulders and leaning his head on yours.
You and Shawn take a seat at the back of the ride on a hay bale covered with a red plaid blanket. He's completely right about you needing his sweater. It is a lot colder up off the ground with the breeze from the moving ride blowing around you.
"Look, there's the pumpkins!" Shawn says, pointing to the left.
You look over through the slats of the walls of the ride. Sure enough there is a sea of orange pumpkins and deep green leaves that are yellowing with age as the plants are ready to be picked. There are a couple of very big ones and you definitely need one of those. You don't care how you get it to the car, you need it.
"Check those out," you say, pointing out the massive pumpkins.
"Holy cow those gotta be like fifty pounds."
"I want one."
You sit back and stare at him with your eyes wide. "Okay? You're not gonna convince me to get a few small ones instead?"
"Nope." He grins. "I'll buy you that pumpkin there."
"What's the catch?"
"No catch."
You narrow your eyes but don't argue the deal any further. He must have some motive. There has to be some catch. Maybe he'll say you have to move it or something. Seems fishy.
The ride stops at the entrance to the pumpkin picking area and you and Shawn get off with a few other visitors. There are tons of great pumpkins all around but you waste no time heading for the giant ones.
"How are you going to lift that?" Shawn pipes up as you reach them.
"Well, that's why I've got you."
"Oh? I'm gonna lift that?"
"Please?" You pout your lip out. "You said you'd buy it for me."
"I did." He chuckles, circling the giant orange mass. "I sure did."
"Regretting that?"
"Absolutely not."
You put your hands into the sleeves of Shawn's sweater and put them over your ears. They're cold and you wish you'd brought a hat or even some earmuffs. "Can I get it? For real?"
"Yes." Shawn kneels down and lifts the pumpkin up with ease. "Let's go."
"Isn't that heavy?"
"Not that heavy." He smirks and you walk next to him out of the patch to the line of employees waiting with ATVs that have little trailers attached for carrying visitors pumpkins to their cars or to the front entrance to drop them off until they leave.
"Name and car description?" The woman at the ATV asks as Shawn loads up the pumpkin.
"Mendes with an s. Black four door Jeep Wrangler." Shawn says, dusting his hands off. "We'll pick it up at the gates."
"Alrighty." The woman scribbles down Shawn's information and peels a sticker of her clipboard to put on the pumpkin. "You got a big one eh?"
"Yes." Shawn wraps his arms around you and lays his chin on top of your head. "Biggest one for my best friend."
"That's so sweet. Would you like to pay here or at the gate?"
"Here." Shawn pulls his wallet out and hands over a ten dollar bill, the rate for extra large pumpkins from the yard. "Thank you ma'am."
"It's what we do," she says with a smile and a tip of her floppy straw hat. "I'll see this baby up to the gates. Have a friendly fun time!"
You and Shawn wave her off as she drives away with your pumpkin.
Shawn pulls away from you and grabs your sweater covered hands. "Wanna go over to the barn and feed the horses?"
You glance over at the big red barn where they show the horses and cattle throughout the day. "Sure. It doesn't look took busy."
Shawn turns around and squats down. "Get on my back, I'll carry you over there."
"What? Why? I can walk!" You laugh and he pats his back.
"Come on!"
"Okay okay, don't have to tell me twice." You climb on his back and he hoists you up so he can hook his arms under your legs. It reminds you of when you were nine and you first met. Shawn was big then too, tall for his age and athletic as ever being in hockey almost year round. He would always give you piggy back rides around the yard to catch lightning bugs on hot summer nights.
Shawn drops you off on a haybale near the first stall inside the barn. There is literally no one in there at the moment and you have the place all to yourselves. "I'm going to get a couple of drinks. Any preference?"
"Cider is fine. Hot please."
He disappears and you lean back against the old wooden wall. Today has been one of the best days of your life hands down. It's everything you love all wrapped into one, a pumpkin patch, oversized sweaters, hot cider, pumpkin picking...Shawn. You sigh and chuckle to yourself. Did Shawn realize how romantic this is? Did he have any clue how it must seem to any stranger passing by? The two of you would be the cutest couple. The dynamic is there, but what you lack is a pair of balls to say or do anything.
"Hot cider." Shawn says, handing you your brown paper cup and sitting down on the hay bale opposite you. "Fresh too."
"Thanks." You smile as you sip the warm spicy sweet liquid.
Shawn stares out at the corral nearby, eyes catching and sparkling in the late afternoon sun. He's gorgeous. Everything about him makes your heart soar. From his soft eyes to his slightly rough hands curled delicately around his paper cup, he is truly the only person you've cared so deeply for.
"Can I ask you something?" You say softly, barely realizing you've spoken. Too late to take it back now.
"Why haven't we ever gone out?"
He chuckles, a wide smile spreading across his face like wildfire. "Haven't we though?"
"Can I tell you something?"
You lean forward, setting your cup beside your folded legs on the hay bale. "Of course, anything."
"This was supposed to be a date." He bites his lip and looks down, thumb circling the spout of his lid. "I was going to ask you out, like, for real."
"Yeah." He laughs, looking up, anywhere but at you. "I chickened out though. I didn't ask you, I just sort of handed you the tickets and said let's go. Which in retrospect was fine, but it's definitely not what I had planned on doing."
"You wanted to take me on a date?"
"You...you want to be more than friends?"
Shawn rubs the back of his neck. "Shit, I guess? It's weird. You make me happier than literally anyone I've ever dated. You get my jokes and you sass me right back when I get smart with you. You're really beautiful and sexy in this crazy everyday way without even trying. And you're so smart and- how could I not want to date you? I've literally been so stupid for my entire life because I-"
You lean across the hay bale and press your lips to his. It's a moment you've been waiting for since you were thirteen years old and first realized you had feelings for him. You didn't expect to be the one initiating the kiss but here you are and there Shawn is. You pull back and Shawn just gawks at you.
"That was...you...you taste like apple cider."
You giggle. "You do too, dork."
"Can we do it again?" He asks, putting his cup aside and leaning toward you. "I think I need another taste."
Shawn cups your cheeks and brings you in, kissing you lovingly like this is his way of making up for the last twelve years of your lives. He tugs you forward gently and you crawl over onto his lap, straddling his thighs as you grip his hair. It's been forever since he's had a haircut and it's a bit long, soft as can be, curly and absolutely grabable.
"Hey," he mutters, pulling back just enough to break the kiss. He bumps his nose to yours and you open your eyes to see his beautiful green and gold flecked hazel ones staring back at you. "Do you wanna go out with me?"
You smile and nudge his nose with yours once more. "I thought you'd never ask."
Please Reblog if you read, enjoyed, or just want to save for later!
Thank you so much for reading this piece!  - A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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Have yourself a Cody Christmas
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Michael Langdon X Jim Mason X Duncan Shepherd X Xavier Plympton X Y/N 
Warnings: Fluffy, a little non-sensical maybe, good Christmas fun, SMUT! Swearing! 
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You fix him with your best ‘I’m not pleased’ look, ‘Alright, we did it yes.’
Jim stuffs his hands in his pockets and makes sure to bump into your shoulder, ‘You naughty naughty girl.’ He taunts, ‘I should be so jealous. I bet it was awesome.’
‘Speaking of awesome.’ Jim says, taking your hand as you both head out into the cold again. ‘Have you heard about Duncan’s vacation plans?’
‘Not really.’ You admit, ‘Only whispers.’
‘New York.’ Jim approaches a bagel stand and starts perusing the menu, ‘All of us of course. Sometime in the New Year, or maybe over New Year. Would be cool to be in NYC for the fireworks.’ 
‘That would be wonderful.’ You can picture it all now, ice-skating with Xavier at Rockefeller Centre, watching Jim trying to not look like a fawn on the ice. You can assume Michael would be naturally talented at it, as he is at anything that requires grace. Duncan would be watching like the good parent, buying hot chocolate. Shopping at Macy’s and Saks, The Met. 
‘So he’s gonna book the tickets soon.’ You’ve missed most of Jim’s speech while you were fantasising. 
‘For New York?’ Jim’s chosen a bagel stuffed full of pastrami which he’s biting into with relish. ‘First Class probably, knowing Shepherd.’
‘He can spend some time with Annette too, she’s been spending lots of time in the city after all the Presidential scandal.’ 
‘What would you prefer to see?’ Jim seems to be angling for something that has you considering him with caution. ‘If you could chose, or to do?’
‘Are you already planning our schedule, Jim?’
‘I…I just wanna make sure we get to spend time together.’ You know that tone in Jim, the possession and desire to keep you whenever he feels like your time has been taken by the others.
‘This isn’t going to be like-’
‘Y/N, no.’ His scowl matches your own, a little mustard drooping onto his hand. ‘I just want to know what you would like to do in New York at Christmas time?’
                        WHAT SOUNDS MOST APPEALING?
                                 ICE SKATING IN CENTRAL PARK
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myinnerroomie · 3 years
              Today I want to write for pleasure instead of business. I want my mind to be productive, but I am sick of work.  I am sick of all the grad school papers and the stress of getting everything in on time, the stress of applying for this test, and studying for that test. The stress of pretending I care about the Air Force. And for what?  I feel as if I am not doing something to better myself, then I am failing.  In all aspects of life. And for what? What am I trying to accomplish?  What do I want out of life?  The answer is everything.  More than I’m getting.  So I fill the void with military and homework and physical activities.  All of which are healthy right?  What’s the problem?  I can do more.  I am so capable.  I see that. I know that I’m not meant for this.   However, I signed up for it, right?  I’ll finish what I signed up for and move on and appreciate what I learned.  In the meantime, I feel it necessary to point out that I may be jobless in 2 months, maybe not.  The stress of never knowing what is going to happen is real.  And I’m sick of it.  However, it pays the bills (quite nicely), I’m staying in a condo by the beach (where I’m sitting on the balcony typing), and it’s frankly beautiful weather and I’ll go for a run later. It’s really my fault that I haven’t found a job yet.  I should never have relied on reserve like this anyway.  I have no fear that I’ll figure something out when the time comes.  Actually, life is way better than it really has ever been.  
I’m so free (aside from the military which ironically is the thing that saved me). Oooh.  Let’s get into my early adulthood.  That should be fun.  So, embarrassingly enough, until this past year, I have always had a boyfriend.  We can get into my childhood later, but it probably stemmed from somewhere back then.  I have never thought much of myself.  Figured I’d go to community college like everybody else, then I went to a university like everybody else.  Majored in a stupid (fun) degree.  No real regrets about that though.  My self-worth was based on if people liked me, if I felt I looked good.  I do regret a lot of the actions of that sad, desperate girl.  Nobody understood, and I was good at faking it.  I did things that I have never admitted to anybody.  I literally could have been diagnosed with the same disorders as the other kids in the behavioral hospital where I worked.  Only mine weren’t for attention and I was deeply ashamed, so nobody knew.  I educated myself on the consequences of what would happen if I continued on that path, and slowly but surely, I got better.  And sadly, I can’t even celebrate that with anyone.  Shame, guilt, fear, worthlessness, pain – what I used to always feel.  Pride and confusion with all this freedom I have is what I feel now.
I used to think emotions were embarrassing.  I knew I hurt all the time, but I was never taught how to deal with it, so I would isolate myself and feel stupid.  Actually, that’s what I was taught.  Everybody has issues, and I’m not special. Get over it.  Why did it hurt so much?  Why can’t I get over it?  Why am I so miserable?  Why am I even alive?  Everybody dies anyway.  Oh, I know how I can deal with this: weed.  Ahh, there so much better.  Now all I’m thinking about is how I can’t remember what I’m thinking about. Yeah, I should probably go to class now.  Wonder if they’ll know I’m stoned. (turns out that they did).  But I was really enjoying class then. Very intrigued with Maslow’s hierarchy of need.  Hmm self-actualization.  Will I ever know my purpose and get to the point in life where I can fulfill that need??? Nah bro I’m starving…  You think everybody is staring at me eating these chips? -- Anyway, this is only the middle of the story.  I’m not even going to go back to my first boyfriend.  Let’s skip to the second one that cheated on me after 2 years.  Looking back now, he’s gross and bigoted. He was mean to me.  He lied to me.  He cheated.  Everything was an ordeal.  I just constantly lowered myself and made myself small for him.  He, of course, never reciprocated.  I wasn’t worth it.  Because I never showed any self-worth.  One good decision I made was to further my education and move to Hattiesburg for school which he actually made fun of me for doing. Anyway, I remember one time he had just come from the boat or whatever he was doing for work and invited his friend to our apartment.  I went to sit on his lap and he pushed me off and laughed.  I just went to my room and cried while he spent the night with his friend. That’s not me.  I hate I did that.  I hate that’s their memory of me.  Oh well.  I know they still talk shit about me back home.  That’s fine and that’s their problem.
Another reoccurring theme with boyfriends is my lack of any other friends and/or support. This takes me to my second boyfriend. I had been single for less than a year, and I met him.  It was so much nicer at first.  I felt like he cared about me.  He was so sweet.  Finally, everything was reciprocated to me, and I was happy.  I was happy to make him happy.  Again, with my screwed up priorities, man.  But I had grown up a little.  I just had this baseless fear that I would be alone forever.  But, I’m not necessarily the victim.  I did have this notion that I should be taken care of. I never expected to pay.  I expected some sort of money and to pay to go out and about.  That didn’t happen with this guy.  This honestly helped me become independent.  However, over time, he became more and more controlling. He threw me down and hit me in a NOLA hotel and the police were called.  He tore up my purse and a jacket. I remember feeling so much stress because he said he was going to leave me there, and I didn’t know how to get home.  Nor did I want to tell anybody why I was in that predicament anyway.  I thought it was all my fault and apologized and he stayed. How lucky am I? To stay with a guy that hits me and breaks my belongings (He also broke my tent.  If I ever went anywhere, he would be calling and obsessed. I couldn’t enjoy anything because I knew there would always be repercussions for having fun.   I literally broke out in hives at my friend’s house in Jackson one time because I told him no I wouldn’t come back to his place that night and it gave me so much grief.  He said he was going to break up with me if I did not drive back.  But I sure enough stayed my ass up there though. It was still embarrassing.  He threw a boot at me once because I was mad and didn’t want to sleep in the same room as him.  When I told him that hurt and showed him the bruise, he blamed me for acting that way. A few times, I tried to leave to go home, and he would grab me and not let me go.  I would be like if you don’t get your hands off me, I have every right to defend myself.  So I would straight up try to fist fight him to let go of me. He would laugh. Sounds healthy right?  Oh yeah, one time I did not do what he wanted and he threatened to get rid of my cat and locked all the doors to the house so I could not get to MY fucking cat.  So I waited until he got home and he just acted like he didn’t care at all about the strife he caused.  I think I may have even stayed that night at his house.  I hated him but I didn’t know what else to do.              
In the middle of all of this, I joined the military.  So yeah he came to visit me in Texas for graduation then said this was his vacation and that he was going to do what he wanted.  I’m like dude no.  I’ve been locked up for weeks.  It’s my vacation.  Another argument, more crying.  You’re a bitch if you stand up for yourself.  Okay months go on, we break up in tech school.  But I know he has my cat.  I also know he has a place to live.  Again, my fault.  I’m using him cause I don’t really know what else to do.  So I live at his house.  Then move to out of town.  He threatens to leave me again and tells me I’m shitty for moving away.  I move back to his place.  Back and forth, but he just stays and does whatever the fuck he wants with no consideration for me.  Eventually, I just started to dislike him.  I can take care of myself.  I got another place with a room mate.  His presence annoyed me.  I thought he was ugly.  I think that was mutual, and I was like dude:  Let’s end it. It’s miserable.  He agreed.  Easiest break-up ever.  Now did I do dumb things, and normal post-breakup things? Absolutely. Did I still text him a couple times afterwards? Yeahhh.  Also,  I made out with a 20 year old army kid at a bar. And I also slept with a married man.  That was a whole thing.  But most of last year, I have just grown.
I have nobody grabbing my arm now.  If I want to pack up and go hiking somewhere across the country, I’ll buy a plane ticket and go. If I want to hang out with friends, its fun again.  I do not rely on anybody for my self-worth.  2020 was extremely rough for me. I lost my house and all my belongings.  My car flooded in a hurricane (and of course I only had liability insurance).  It has all worked out anyway.  I didn’t even need any of that stuff.  Honestly, I never had the worst life.  That wasn’t the goal of this. You know, to complain.  It’s just that everything has gotten better. Losing everything helps put your life into perspective.  I’m so much more appreciative now.  I look at what I have accomplished and where I came from.  I used to think that everybody was more important than me, and that I needed them to like me and see me as worthy to be around.  Well, that has changed completely.  I don’t have to like you and you don’t have to like me.  That doesn’t make me less of a valuable person.  Everybody is not better than me and I have just as much a chance of being successful as everybody else.  I’m not a “bitch”.  Maybe some folks find me “annoying”, but you’re crazy if you think I will ever make myself small to fit inside anybody’s box that doesn’t like me.  I don’t “deserve it” to be living a miserable life. Life is hard.  Life is beautiful. It’s all about learning, and that’s what I have done. I win.  I’m free.  I can do anything.  While I do regret some of my past, all this has given me the drive to me who I am today and who I will be tomorrow.  Still gotta figure that one out.
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