#and then of course my screenplay
carcarrot · 2 months
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kjscottwrites · 8 months
And, importantly, share some recs!
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rad-roche · 5 months
watched ball of fire the other day, which is a very charming romantic comedy between a club singer/gangster's girlfriend and an english professor so furiously uptight that you could sharpen pencils in him.
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thoroughly enjoyed it, and it's not the sort of movie i typically go in for. very cute. the whole movie is 'gary cooper gets so horny that his eyeballs almost fucking explode'. pictured is the exact moment i knew it'd Bang
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also barbara stanwyck is in it and she looks like fucking this
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mihai-florescu · 2 months
I made it home......with such a headache though, this reminds me why i cannot do a full time job since i cant even handle an 8 hour class. Anyway. Let's deconstruct my classmates' projects... big fan of the ones that involve space: the guy trying to communicate with aliens via electric guitar, the guy trying to make music out of the sound of the stars, and the guy making songs about local history that he's gonna shoot into space on a record.
There were some projects on menstrual cycles, some on climate change and recycling, others on society and family, common topics, but im interested how they'll be approached/realised. But the one i was most curious about was from the guy who long ago proclaimed he's gonna change this dead industry of our major... he's gonna harness creativity for people to access whenever, apparently. Im guessing he's also making this program/app for his own agency he founded last year. You may have inherited wealth blue eyes and blond hair with your own agency and a dream to revolutionize the industry, but boy you will never be tenshouin eichi. End of review
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hplonesomeart · 2 months
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witherydithery · 29 days
Ah, yes, the upper levels of an English degree. Where only three courses you need are available in a term and two of them happen at the same time.
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caifanes · 6 months
A on my final paper let’s gooooooo
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delicatepoets · 7 months
woke up to the post i was creating last night when i got my hands on the saltburn screenplay 💀 im going insane about it lmao
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semiotomatics · 1 year
EEAOO has ELEVEN Oscar noms, more than any other film that got nominated this year. fam we are LIVING
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aesrot · 11 months
screaming crying i wish my exec. dysf. and my thick ass brain fog would give me a break so i could finally use my free time to learn abt the things im really interested in but alas
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cockadoodlebumtits · 2 years
Goncharov (1973) will be 50 next year, so what are the chances of getting a remake?
I want to hear who you’d cast if it happens!
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carcarrot · 9 months
well everyone now that sparkstember is over i can now devote my energy to being insane in other still sparks-related ways
#planning my next projects#on the one hand glad to not have to get a whole video done in the span of like 2 hours every day#on the other hand it was a fun creative challenge that gave me a sense of purpose. it was fun#but i need to keep myself busy as we descend into winter and ✨seasonal depression✨#if i dont get it done today over the next couple days im going to make something silly for goofball's upcoming birthday#and then once that's done i dont know. i want to get back to work on my screenplay and try to FINISH IT!! but idk how long that'll take#i also have to finally finish watching that film course i bought oops. maybe ill start it over#and then?????????#i have a vague Idea of a possible short film i could make. that would also be like a kind of prequel to my Main Film Idea#and its something i could actually reasonably do as a short film and its not like insanely big budget like every other idea i have is#and I'm debating abt emailing my old film teacher and being like heyyyyy maybe you could help me make this short film????#but id want to have this idea way more planned out and written before then. but OUGH WRITING ANOTHER SCREENPLAY???#WHEN I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED MY FIRST ONE??? sigh.#the road to making my Big Great Movie is long and arduous. will we get there. who knows#oh also debating abt writing a letter to those silly guys. but i don't knowwwww#OH lmao i keep forgetting to mention i finally got my passport (it actually came earlier than expected)#so like. goodbye everyone im heading to the sydney opera house on halloween (JOKE i am not that insane. but i wish i could)
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meringuejellyfish · 2 years
i had a dream about like hypothetical wha anime but my dream was kind of disappointing ngl not a good adaptation
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autism-corner · 4 months
why am i reading fanfiction for class.
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rugessnome · 1 year
...i found both someone complaining about how The Eyre Affair isn't like... a self-insert romance+some other stuff about it, and someone complaining (justly in my view) about that complaint in the Jasper Fforde tag the other day and now it's made me think about first or second person narration and how i don't generally interpret them in a self-insert way...
Anyway! vaguely related to self-insert but ...related to a mature fic... anecdote in the tags...
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max-nolastname · 1 year
rewatching troy (2004) (derogatory) to see if it was really as bad as people say and–
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the scream i scrumpt!
anyways...something something sing o muse the rage of achilles something something why are you full of rage because you are full of grief .... why are you full of grief because your are full of love something something [hector voice] there is nothing glorious about death or war something something there is no end to this cycle of violence and horrors something something black sails in greek myth signifying the arrival of a dead hero .... achilles is already dead it's his fate to die here
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