#like what t he fuck ing fuc
marune2 · 5 months
Ida Faust josele canty ch.2
Ida josele and Nacht gets in a fight because Ida is concerned for Sterling and it’s did goes out of hand so this they get apart in a bad way and Ida is a mess mostly and Nacht and josele too but Ida does something stupid to protect herself
Colap whit @loosesodamarble
Yami shook his head. "I don't know what the hell is going on in Ida's head right now."
"She's not in any state to be interrogated," Heinrich said as he sneered. "She really ought to be kept sedated until we know for sure that she's under control. And I don't think we should press her about the issue lest it triggers her and she goes ballistic again."
"Look, old man, I need figure to this out! Ida's losing her mind. Nacht is pissed as hell. And even Jo's being unreasonable about this." Yami took out a cigarette and lit it up. "The fucked up family continues to be a mess."
"Perhaps it was a mistake for Nacht and Josele to take in that child..."
Yami glanced in Heinrich's direction. The man, far older than his looks gave off, looked tired for the first time since Yami had met him.
"You're joking, right? The kid isn't the problem here."
Heinrich let out a huff. That wasn't an answer. And Heinrich didn't seem in the mood to give straight answers.
Yami exhaled some smoke and left the room. He was hitting brick walls on all sides.
Some day’s passet
Josele can’t get over what happened plus Heinrich and yami have warned her this Ida can go after Sterling or them or other worse stuff be honest she is tired and Ida is now on strong medication now to put her out
And Sterling ask why she can’t go to the black bulls and Nacht and her need to reason why she can’t but mainly she can’t tell this Ida lost her mind completely so this josele and Nacht can’t go to her or talk……..
Ida is completely on drugs right now see yami how Ida play whit Vanessa poker ok ida is half asleep right now but the worst part is Ida’s mentally is this of a little child now under the drugs or it’s because of the mental breakdown
Ida laughing „nessy I win I win!!!!“
Vanessa laughing back“yes you do you a good player ida“
Yami just have a smoke whit he’s news paper he have free so but the pain in the ass is he can’t go to the toilet hide because he need to looking after Ida wo is right now asleep on the table
Yami standing up and take Ida and laying her left to he’s spot nobody say something because all know what going on
Zora just stare „this really fuc€t up I’m going now“as he say it go he out
Vanessa laughing and looking at yami „it’s cute even it’s have a sad back round Ida is so childish“
Yami huffing „true it’s fuc€ing shi€ can’t not even go drinking because your will lost Ida and nobody can’t hold her back like my“
Vanessa „hm true….“
Ida cuddling on Yami now whit her face like a child wile Che sleeping and seemingly have a bad dream yami just stare at her and petting her“ it’s good gremlin I’m here you are safe
Ida open her eyes and nodding just half asleep now and close her eyes again
A Weck after this incident happened
Ida going back to Normal again whit the other don’t realizing
Ida don’t know what to do she wants Sterling Safe should she take her just and go in a other country? It’s not hart for her but Sterling is weak for the strong magic sone and magical beast she know this
Ok Ida know she did make big shi€ ok she believes she should just go away maybe go and think josele and Nacht are mad at her anyway they don’t want to see her anymore anyway…….
Ida:nessy yami I’m sleepy can I go in my room?
Yami looking at her“your sure? Gremlin ok fine your should sleep you looking like shi€
Vanessa smile“sure Ida sleep well and remember if you have nightmares come to my“smile
Ida looking sad“ok love your tow
Yami and Vanessa looking for some sec but nodding
Ida go in her Room and make all ready for go away for a wile ok ida know wo she should go to ichika she know for sure to helping her
And so write Ida a leather and go ok she know she can’t write goodbye letters but it’s will do
Yami fell fast Ida’s magic and run fast to Ida’s room it’s empty
Yami looking like oh shit“shi€
Then see he a letter
On all
Hello dear family I’m not good in writing this shit I’m sorry for be a bad person I’m sorry for harming your all I’m sorry Nachty and josy I love you I love Sterling plz take care and don’t be shi€ to her it’s whas good to know you goodbye yami don’t give my shi€ to random people just Vanessa and josele and asta’s siblings can take my shi€ I’m away sorry
In caring Manners Ida Faust
Yami run it cold down he’s spine it’s a „goodbye letter“ from Ida
Yami kick the asses up from the black bulls searching for Ida bevor she do something stupid
The bad part is it too tell Nacht and josele….Fuc€ing hell if he would realize it earlier how Ida whas deeply sad fuc€
Meanwhile, Nacht and Josele were inside Nacht’s office at the Faust Manor. Nacht’s communication device was on his desk, alight with activity. It was Yami’s voice coming through.
“And when I went to her room, all I found was a letter.”
“So she’s just gone?!” Nacht asked with wide eyes.
“Yeah, that’s basically what I said. Weren’t you paying attention, dumbass?”
Josele’s hand covered her mouth. She knew that the argument had been an ugly one, one that touched upon a rather delicate topic. But Josele, too absorbed in her defensiveness of her and Nacht, had completely missed how hurt Ida had been.
“Oh gods…”
“Not again, dammit…” Nacht muttered.
Ichika whas just making her job and whas in front of her home as she see Ida crying in front of why is she crying and her Qi is bad like really bad
Ichika:what make you here ida-San why are you crying?!“say she surprised
Ida:I’m in deb shi€ right now I need you help and I don’t know what to do……
Ichika looking surprise she needed though ida would go to her of all people she know
Ida:oh and can you nobody say especially nobody of clover I’m here? I don’t know what to do
Ichika:what did happen?! What have you done?! And why my?!
Ida tells then ichika what happened baisicly whit josele Nacht and Sterling and general the shi€ show
Ichika:ok this is really not good and now you think abaut to kidnap a child or other stuff?
Ida:yes…..I don’t know what to do I’m not make to raise a child especially Sterling is smart she will understand I kidnapped her if I do……
Ichika:well you don’t know if you brother and josele-San are bad parents but Antwort a question ida
Ichika:are you suicidal right now?
Ida can’t lie but she doesn’t know: I just think about it but if I’m die I’m reborn as a devil whit no memories………and I would don’t fell pain anymore………
Ichika take a deb breath:ok promise you don’t do it and I let you stay as long you want ok? or I kill You really
Ida think about it but nodding: good I do…….at least I have bring my stuff whit my I hold on…….Plz don’t tell you brother I’m here I just need to thinking…….
Ichika:I promise I don’t tell them ok?“smile
Ida just nodding and smile tired back
Ok ichika know ida is not a angel in this situation but josele and Nacht are just idiots how could they not see what going on and make even thinks wors she is really mad at them especially Nacht now have she a Ida wo is eventually a deanger to her self ok she need to talk. Too Ryu-sama about it
In clover
Noelle:I don’t know wo she could be……..
Vanessa:my to but don’t give up Noelle……….
Vanessa:true I believe captain Yami try to bring Nacht to rest I I can him even her him right now talking whit Nacht and we are out of the house
Noelle:yes I don’t even hear really miss Jose
I’m the building
Yami:your going to fare Nacht stop you need to sleep you didn’t sleep for tree day’s now we can search tomorrow ida will don’t come back if you collapse here right now!!!! scream he at Nacht
Nacht sat hunched over in an arm chair. He was using Felis Mode and extending his and Plumede’s magic as far as it could extend across the continent. He has to keep going.
He had to search every dingy alleyway. Every corner of Clover, Spade, and any other neighboring country. Maybe Ida was still on the continent and unlike ten years ago, his magic was strong enough to overpower any attempts Ida might make of hiding her own shadow from him. He just had to look in the right place first.
“Nacht! You’re going to work yourself sick. And what if Ida isn’t even on the continent anymore?! What then?!” Yami yelled. He reached out to grab and shake his vice captain, only for a pitch black claw to grab his wrist.
“You’re disturbing the Master’s work…” Walgner groaned deeply. He was bigger than usual and his feathers didn’t have their usual softness, instead looking like daggers with each flap of his wings.
Yami clicked his tongue. *So it’s bad enough that his stupid pets are affected by his mood.* He stepped back and glared. “Fine. Don’t accept my help.”
“Go to hell, Yami…” Nacht spoke barely above a whisper. “Just go…”
Nacht bowed his head forward and rested his forehead on clasped hands. Like a prayer. The look didn’t suit Nacht, that was for sure.
Yami left the room since he had hit a brick wall and searched the mansion for Josele. He didn’t find her, but he found her wake of disaster.
The floor of the hallway Yami found himself in was covered in a sludge-like mud. Shards of ice was mixed into the mud, broken by the footsteps of another. A layer of frost climbed up the walls of the hall too.
“Milady! Lady Faust! Do come out, Milady!” One of the manor’s staff rapped her knuckles against Josele’s bedroom door. “Lady Faust, you mustn’t keep moping! You’ll exhaust your- Oh!” The maid caught sight of Yami. “Sir...”
“So she’s in a state, too?” Yami placed his hand on the icy door. “Lemme try. I might have more luck.”
“If you say so.” The maid bowed and left.
Yami took the doorknob in his hand and turned it with little effort. Despite that, the metal gave way and snapped, letting Yami nudge the door open. He was greeted with a sorry sight of Josele pacing her room with fresh mud and ice crystals being created with each footstep.
“Where did we go wrong? Why can’t Ida trust us to be good parents?” Josele said to herself as she paced. “Was it a mistake to become a parent at all? But where was Sterling supposed to go then?! Ohh… why did I snap at her? What is wrong with me?!”
“A lot of things, but I guess you want something specific, huh?”
Josele stopped dead in her tracks and looked at Yami.
“Sukehiro.” The use of his real given name coupled with Josele’s tone made Yami bristle. “I’m not in the mood for jokes.”
“Sorry. Didn’t know how else to cut in.”
Josele just grounding at him „what are you doing here?“
Sukehiro just glare at here „to looking after you after you idiot husband don’t do pretty well and as fare I see you too jo“
Josele glare back „what want you too hear sukehiro? You did hear and know why we are in the mode why? Why can’t ida trust us why did I snapped at her why? And now she is gone………
Sukehiro just stare at her and go more in „ I understand you point but I can understand Ida really good my parents were shi€y too and trusting someone? Really Ida didn’t get over her trauma even also why shouldn’t she have bad thoughts
Josele glare at him but looking exhausted at him“what do you mean?“
Sukehiro just see more mud and ice „well ida know parenting just as what really bad and grow up whit out someone to protecting her she is like a stray dog even whit ur help she is not over it but she understands how it should be you know?
Josele stare at him“but Ida know we didn’t want something bad from Sterling she remembers her time as a child whit us we didn’t never harm her“beginning to cry
Sukehiro just stare to“ well what did she see as a child Nacht whas a angsty teen wo did go to the dark side and did devil shi€ and other stuff and you? You know how to kill animals and your talk whit Morgan whit the magic night? And so……..and then she did see how Morgan did die
Josele cry“ but we didn’t want something bad!!!!! Why!? Now is she gone and nobody know wo she is!!!!
Sukehiro just stare at her he doesn’t even know wo Ida is or if she did something stupid and the letter doesn’t approve her mental health……..yes he is uncomfortable this Ida is missing
Sukehiro looking at her „I know jo I’m not happy too we all are not happy but she will be for sure just be a Emo child and come back after a wile if not we finde her“laugh
Josele crying „what if not? Nacht can’t finde her!!! What if worse happened because he can’t finde her shadow!!!!
Yami looking now at her yes he know what she mean „look josele Ida wouldn’t do it ida is strong and she is not this worse if she end just like Nacht the idiot“as he say it take he a smoke
Josele sish „ok yami but can you go now I need time…….
Yami just nodding at her „fine but say if something is wrong jo don’t be a idiot
After tow day’s
Ryu just looking at ichika and the food she give him „so fare I understand make Ida right now depression cooking right now?
Ichika just nodding „yes she does or she laying around and crying I think you can say nii-San Ida is here
Ryu smile at her „yes it’s would be good her Family getting really sic€ from searching especially her brother I believe they all ready to talk it out I will inform them today sukehiro smoke a lot even after Ida’s fleets here to us………
Ichika just nodding „good I will go now to her see what I can do
Ryu just nodding at her“good Have good luck right now sleep Ida
Ichika nodding and go to home
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE S4E18 "In A Mirror, Darkly Part 1"
oh my god its the freaking scene from the tng star trek movie. of vulcans landing and meeting zefram.
i like scruffy hair archer not hedgehog man XD PORTHOS NO COME BAKCK BEAGLETHOS linda and archer idk about that but also oml how archer caught her knife
oh my god first time we getr to see on screen tholian
im sorry but when archer said "break him"… sorry but some of hte best anger ive seen in post tos star trek series is archer. eugh hearing a dude as the computer voice is so odd majel come bacvk man if i could draw my face while watching all this ent mirrorverse haha blakc haired archer interesting OH MY GODDDA AAAAA ITS AN NC CONSTITUTIONAL CLASS STAR SHIP OH SHIIIT
THE FUCKING GREEEEEEN SHIIIIIIIRRRRRRT IM FUCKING CRYING IM IN TEARS HELLP MEEEEE FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUC FH THE PANTS IM im gonna faint oh my god im going to me l t help help me dude. what a fucking honour it must be to get to wear those clothes, hold those props, press those buttons, see those lights, hear those sounds… from where it all began….. what a f u c k i n g honour. G GG G G GORRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
whooAAAAAAAOHAAA seeing that animated gorn hol y shit i miss the disco eyes and the dress BUT IS HE WEARING THE DRESS THOUGH? THE DRESS? sorry seeing archer slide in from archers let was funny they should make a fucking star trek escape room. please. please. why has this not been done yet. PLESE. oh m;y god lok at the interiouir i want my house to ook like this i dont fucking care THE COMMUNICATORSS no but that green shirt works great on archer oh my god tpol has eye shadow THE FUCKING EYE SHADOW ugh the og phaser looks so nice to hold it looks so nice in the hand ugh i love all of it im fucking i cant contain myself OH OHHHH THATTTT GORNNNNNNNN THOUGHHHH??? NO I MISS HIS DISCO EYESSSSSS BRING BACK THE DISCO EYESSSS OH MY GOD HE HAS THE DRESSSS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR HEEEE HASS THEEE DRESSSSSSS FUCKKKKKKKK YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 3D CHESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS nobut gorn looked the BEST in tos… am i wrong though. am i wrong. oh my fuck.
im not into mirror linda park and archer lmaoooo ugh yesss the colourful wooden slices for data chips yesss AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE WAYYYY HOSHIIIII HOLDS THE KNIFEEEEE SULLUUUUU MY BAAAYYYYBEHHHHHH oof sorry but to see tpol punch like taht is so ummfph please i want to eat a vulcan knuckle sandwich
nah not my linda park sorry but damn she LIVES her roles love it. oml EMPRESS PARK ill TAKE IT.
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mentalspaco · 5 years
Yes, yes, you bring my senses to life with your discreet and friendly productions, with your portrait in front of me it seems I have the sweetness of being with you, oh, how could my soul believe that friendship could reach these heights.
Francisco de Goya talking abt his love, his sweetness, the one who gives him life and joy
His frIeNd Zapater, who he had an OBVIOUSLY clOSe relATionShiP with!!
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(okay yes I know he also drew paintings of some other women except his deceased wife but wtf)
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mermaidenisaacs · 4 years
isaac is a soft warm husband pt. 2
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isaac unwittingly becomes a househusband to his high-functioning workaholic wife. and he’s a little salty about it.
warnings: graphic sexual language
“You know, when this is over, we should really have angry sex.” 
“Isaac,” I sighed. “You’re not listening to me.” 
Isac reclined further back against the pillows on our bed and crossed his arms over his chest. “I am listening, honey. You’re upset. You’re upset because you think I’m trying to control you. Just because I said I wanted you to stop working so much, you think I’m trying to turn you into an obedient little housewife.” 
“Stop saying ‘you think.’ It’s dismissive. I know these things to be facts.” 
“Do you, love?” The corner of his mouth turned up in a subtle smirk. “I love it when you act like a little know-it-all. It’s such a turn on.” 
“I-saac, stop flirting with me like we’re teenagers. I’m being serious. You knew when you married me that I wasn’t going to be a typical housewife for you. Now all of a sudden, you want me to stay home and stop working?” 
Isaac shook his head. “That’s not what I meant, and I feel like you know that. Will you just come back to bed?” 
It was a tempting offer. The covers were up to Isaac’s waist, and he wasn’t wearing a shirt, and normally I’d have zero reservations about climbing into bed with my husband, but he was trying to distract me and it was not going to work. Not this time.
“No,” I muttered, regretfully tearing my gaze from his sun-kissed chest and the light smattering of hair that covered the hard plane under his stomach, the treasure trail that led to happier places than this conversation. “I’m not getting back in bed until you apologize.” 
I was standing at the foot of the mattress, my hands on my hips. I probably looked like a stern vice principal or something. I felt a little ridiculous but I had to hold my ground. This wasn’t about me. This was about feminism. This was about my right to live my life how I wanted. I was standing up for women everywhere. That’s what I told myself. 
“What exactly do you want me to apologize for?” Isaac asked, too calmly for my liking. “Fine, I’m sorry for noticing that you're basically a workaholic. That you’re always tired and frustrated after you come home from work. Baby, all I did was suggest you should cut back on work, delegate some of your responsibilities to other people.” 
I shook my head. “No, I can’t. I don’t want my boss to think I can’t handle all of it. He already makes sexist jokes about how I’m the first woman he’s ever promoted to my position. Besides, you said you wanted me to stay home, not work less.” 
“That’s the same thing.” 
“No, it’s not.”
“Okay, fine, it’s not. Is it so bad that I want to spend more time with my wife?” 
“We spend time together...” I mumbled, sounding unconvincing even to myself. 
Isaac laughed. “Oh yeah, I get to talk to you five minutes before bed because you pass out right when you get home from the office, which lately has been about 10 pm. Oh, and if I’m lucky I get to talk to you on the weekend in between your 15 minute breaks because you bring the office home with you.” 
I groaned and paced to the other side of the room. “Well, what do you want me to do?! I’m sorry I care about my job!” 
“I get that! I care about my job too, but at least I’m here. And you’re not. I feel like all I ever do is cook and clean and wait for you to get back, holding out some small hope that you might stay awake for just a minute longer so I can share maybe two words with you--that’s if you’re not too tired from crying into my shoulder because you had a bad day at work.” 
“W-well,” I stammered, aimlessly grappling for another line of argument, “so, that’s what this is about? You’re tired of comforting me when I have bad days?” 
“No, of course not--”
“So then, you’d rather I cook and clean, have the house spotless and dinner ready on the table when you get home from work?” Isaac didn’t say anything. A knowing grin spread across his face, accompanied by a playful twinkle in his eyes. He didn’t even have to say anything; at this point, his facial expressions were pissing me off. “Well? What the hell are you smiling about?” 
“I’m not doing this with you anymore,” he said calmly. “I’m not engaging in this because we both know you instigate fights when you’re defensive. And you’re defensive because you know I’m right. You’re trying to spin this into a feminist issue, willfully ignoring my valid points. At this point, you’re just Fox News-ing soundbites to make me sound sexist.” 
I snorted. “Fox News-ing soundbites? Really?” 
“I thought I was talking to my wife, not Bill O’Reilly.” 
“Wowww. You really just called me Bill O’Reilly to my face. Have fun sleeping on the couch tonight.”
Isaac chuckled. 
I stared back, trying to appear unmoved, because it was at this moment that it occurred to me that I was kind of turned on. I was still angry, but now I was horny too. It was a biological response and completely out of my control. It was Isaac’s fault, the way he managed to keep a clear head and stay calm while calling out my bullshit. Not many people could do that. 
It was why I married him. He could put me in my place. I needed that sometimes. Still, I didn’t like admitting I was wrong. 
“You’re only hearing what you want to hear,” he continued. “You’re not listening to what I’m saying, so I’m not arguing with you anymore.” 
“Fine, whatever. You’re the one who brought it up.” I threw my hands up in frustration and headed towards the bedroom door, stopping when he called out my name. 
“Woah, slow down. Where the hell do you think you’re going?” he said.
I turned the knob and opened the door. “Um, I’m leaving? Since you don’t want to talk to me anymore?” 
“This is true. I’m done talking, but you’re not going anywhere.” He tilted his head and looked me up and down. Five years married, I still hadn’t built up an immunity to The Look. 
“Why’s that?” I challenged. My defenses were crumbling with each passing second, my skin burning each time his eyes raked over my body. 
“Because darling, you’re really hot when you’re mad, and having it out with you always turns me on. And I know you’re turned on too, so why don’t we stop talking in circles, and fuck. Now.”  A few moments passed and we stared each other down, both waiting for the other to make the next move. “Come on baby, I can almost taste you from over here. And you look so good standing over there in nothing but panties and my t-shirt. Please come get in this bed with me, Mrs. Lahey.”
Shit. He pulled out the last name card. He knew what that did to me.
 “Dammit,” I muttered, and stormed angrily across our room. I crawled over the mattress to straddle him. I peeled off my t-shirt and his fingers wrapped around my throat, reeling me in for a kiss, gnashing together teeth and tongue. 
“You really know how to get under my skin,” I murmured against his soft mouth, weaving my fingers through his hair to tug on his curls. 
“That's exactly where I intend to be,” he said. 
Isaac’s hands traveled up my thighs and cupped my ass. He roughly squeezed it, then swiftly smacked my ass. I yelped at the unexpected contact, then moaned as he rubbed the stinging area. He spread apart my cheeks and moved aside my underwear. Isaac slipped a finger into my folds and spread my wetness over my clit, circling the bundle of nerves slowly. Whiny little moans started tumbling from my lips. I was mewling and riding his hand. 
“How about you ride my cock? Or are you still mad at me?” he mocked. 
I rolled my eyes, removing the covers from his naked body and putting my fist around his shaft, holding it steady so I could spit on the tip. I spread the slick saliva all over his cock while he fucked my mouth with the fingers he just took out of my pussy. He knew I liked sucking on his fingers. They were long and elegant and pretty and I loved the way they reached the back of my throat. 
I continued to stroke him, albeit needlessly. “Well, that didn't take long,” I observed out loud, staring at his very hard cock. “You must really like it when I'm mad. Do you just piss me off on purpose, honey?” 
Isaac smirked. “Like you’re complaining. You like makeup sex as much as I do. So why don't you stop messing around,” Isaac continued, gently extracting my hand from his cock and lifting my hips so he was positioned at my entrance, “and take me where you really need me?” 
I scoffed. “Me, need you? I think it’s the opposite way around.” 
“Is that so?” He removed his hands from my body altogether, sat back, smirked, and crossed his arms over his chest. I stared back, unimpressed. 
“Really.” I deadpanned. “You’re gonna stop now?” 
Isaac shrugged. “It’s not like I need you.”
I glanced down. “Your raging boner suggests otherwise.” 
“I can take care of that myself.” 
“What, and pass this up? You like your hand more than my body?” Isaac remained unfazed, challenging me with one raised brow. “What was it you were saying earlier? Something about getting under my skin?” I wound my arms around his neck and kissed along his jawline. “Don’t you want to be inside me, baby?” Positioning myself on his thigh, I rode him the way I did the first time we fucked.
It was a while ago, but I still remembered our first time, the way Isaac’s mouth tasted like champagne and vanilla icing when I shoved him against his car, pulled him down by his tie, and kissed him. 
“Remember the first time I rode you like this?” I asked. He grunted an affirmation. Isaac pressed his thumbs into my hip bones and guided my movements. His cocky pretense was gone, replaced by hazy lust. “It was right after Scott and Kira’s wedding. We fucked for the first time that night, and you made me come twice. In a fucking car.”
Isaac groaned. “You were incredible. I wanted you for so long and it finally happened.” 
I let out a heady moan as my clit brushed against his leg in that perfect angle. “You felt so good inside me that night. I love the way you feel inside me, Isaac. Please, baby, I want you so bad, please fuck me...” 
Isaac’s fingers weaved into my hair and he pulled me down to kiss me. “Are you fucking begging me?” In a flurry of movement, Isaac had me on my back, and positioned himself at my entrance. “This what you want?” He slid into me so fast and hard my eyes nearly rolled into the back of my head. 
My back arched away from the mattress, and he wrapped his arm around my torso as he slammed into me relentlessly. “Fuck, how do you always feel so good?” He grunted into my shoulder. Suddenly, he stopped. A whiny little noise escaped my throat. “Turn over. Good girl, now stick your ass out.” He slapped my ass again, leaving it stinging and aching for more. “Higher, just like that. Wanna fuck you just like that...” 
For the second time, Isaac entered me, sheathed hilt-deep in my pussy. Tthe new angle was making it hard to stay on my knees. He put his hand on my hip to hold me in place.
“Isaac, fuck,” I moaned, “I’m gonna come.” 
He leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on my spine. “Good, me too,” he said.
Isaac snaked a hand around my hip and toyed with my clit. All the while he fucked me slow and deep, with his chest against my back, talking filth into my ear. My moans came out in silent mewls. Isaac’s pace was torturously slow. 
“You hate it when I go slow like this, don’t you?” he muttered. “It’s too bad since I like taking my time with you.” 
I could feel my orgasm bubbling up, so close to brimming over. 
“Please, Isaac,” I moaned pathetically. 
“Please, what?”
“Please let me come,” I whined. 
“Shhh, baby, you’ll come soon enough. You’re just gonna have to be a little patient--oh, shit,” he said in response to me clenching around him. “Your pussy feels so fucking good, you’re so wet.” Isaac grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled, tugged sharply the way I liked it. “Is this what you wanted?” he muttered. He rubbed my clit in quick circles and rutted into me fast and deep. He came before me, and my walls milked out his orgasm before he sent me over the edge. 
I dug my nails into Isaac’s shoulder as my body quivered. The jolts of pleasure continued for a good minute afterwards, and Isaac laid me on my side and cradled my body against him. He cupped my cheek and peppered soft little kisses all over my face. 
“Shh, I got you,” he said softly. 
When I finally came down from the high, in the clarity that followed, it occurred to me that I was no longer mad. 
“I’m sorry,” I said quietly. 
“Don’t be. I told you angry sex would be good.”
I chuckled. “No, I mean that you were right. About all of it. I’ve been working too much. We barely see each other.” 
He kissed my forehead. “S’alright. I just get worried about you. You’re so stressed out all the time. And I miss you.” Isaac moved his fingertips against my back, tracing lazy, comforting circles. 
“I miss you too.” I snuggled deeper into his chest. “I’ll cut back on work. Wanna spend more time with you.”
“Is that right? You’re actually gonna listen to me?” He feigned shock.
I giggled and lightly punched his arm. “Shut up.” I pressed a contented kiss against his chest, right above his beating heart. “Love you,” I mumbled as I dozed off. Isaac’s fingers combed gently through my hair, lulling me into slumber. 
“Love you more.”
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lunaraindrop · 5 years
True Love’s Kiss and No More Roses Ever
Prompt from @justlikeregularchickens: 
I don't think we have nearly enough whump in this fandom, so I'd like to propose a "hella sick Q and a worried Eliot" if you're down for it!
I was inspired, so this is one of two answer fics!
This is the angstier of the two. I promise all will turn out well and lovely for our boys. 
Trigger Warning! There are mentions of blood and injury, but nothing worse than what we see on the show.
Season 1-2 AU Where Eliot doesn’t have to marry Fen but has to use a loophole to make her a queen to put a Fillorian on the throne instead of Alice.
Quentin stared at his bloodstained hand in shock. Blood dripped off his fingers at his brain tried to comprehend what he was looking at. He looked down at the wound on his abdomen where the thorn from the gigantic rose was still embedded. His bow furrowed even as he saw the crimson stain bloom and grow across his gray long-sleeved t-shirt. He wasn’t comprehending what he was seeing. It just, uhh, didn’t make sense? One minute he was excitedly tagging along with Benedict to see the famous Fillorian Flower Forest that had not been mapped since the reign of King Rupert…and the next? Stabbed by flora. Of course. Why not? Welcome to the shit show that is his life.
Right before it happened, Benedict stared up at the red rose in horror. “Oh no. These were supposed to have been eradicated years ago! Your majesty, we must return at once! King Eliot must know of the danger!”
Quentin had thought he had been minorly scraped by a passing branch. A nuisance, really instead of actual pain. He did not expect something that looked like the Basilisk fang in Harry Potter to be sticking out of his body. It didn’t even really hurt…
“Uh, ow?”
It appeared that the rose shot a thorn at him like some nature ninja.
He felt dizzy all of a sudden, even as he heard Benedict’s scared voice from miles away. Why was Benedict miles away? Wasn’t he just there telling them they had to go warn people?
“Your majesty?! King Quentin!  You’re bleeding!”
Quentin stumbled and landed on a large mushroom.
“Yeah, no shnit Sh’lock. Ha, Ben-dict, Sh’lock? Ha. That’d f’nny…”
Even as things became dimmer and more disconnected, he realized his speech was slurring. Slurring was not a good sign.
“Ben-dic…am I hav-ning a str-ah, you know, stroke? Am I hava-ing one?”
Benedict was back and so much closer than he expected him to be. His hands flew like panicked butterflies near the thorn.
“Do I leave it in?! Do I take it out?! I-I don’t know what to do, Your Majesty!”
Quentin knew from hours of Grey’s Anatomy his mom used to watch while during his visits with her that leaving the object in was the way to go.
He couldn’t tell that to Benedict, though. His mouth felt too soft to move. He had to watch helplessly as Benedict decisively nodded to himself and yanked the torn out of his side.
In an instant pain became his reality.
 Before that day, if some random had asked Eliot Waugh, High King of Fillory and the Physical Kids when he was the most afraid, he would make up some lie about a Manhattan bar being out of top-shelf vodka or something like that.
Before that day, if Margo was the one asking, he would tell her in stilted, hushed tones that he couldn’t choose. Every day living with his father in his teenage years was a nightmare. (But he would only disclose that bit of tragic backstory if he was shitfaced and partook of at least two illicit drugs.)
But nothing, nothing could compare to the heart-rendering terror he felt hearing a bloody Quentin’s painful whimpers and Benedict dragged his ragdoll body into the castle.
Eliot didn’t feel himself move. He didn’t make a conscious effort to do anything. He completely blanked on anything that wasn’t Quentin’s upturned face and the blood that should be in his body. Yet he found himself on the floor cradling the man in one of his arms as he pressed his very expensive embroidered shirt into the wound.
When Q’s beautiful tear-stained brown eyes finally caught his, his weak hand pressed into Eliot’s naked belly.
Something broke inside Eliot’s chest. Something fundamental that he never dared name when it came to Quentin Coldwater. Somewhere between rising panic and despair, a seething anger rose from the depths of his soul.
This is what turned Harvey Dent into Two Face. From good guy to scary fucking supervillain. You don’t mess with the people they love.
A hush settled over the occupants of the room.
Apparently, Margo was the only one with the ovaries to talk. And send Tick to get the Centaurs. And actually, keep a level head. He really needed to than her.
“Yeah, what he said! Are we under attack?! Was it assassins?!”
Benedict finally spoke.
“It was the Cupid’s Bow Roses, Your Majesty! They’re back!”
Fen and some servants gasped in horror.
Margo put her hand on her hip.
“A rose tried to shish kebab Quentin?!”
Fen was filling her in on whatever the fuck it was that did this to Q. He didn’t pay attention. While everyone else was talking, Q would mumble some words in between weakly crying out in pain.
“A-a-ah, uh, a th-thorn, El. Ro-ses a-are, hah, danger…ous. Fuc-k roses! Soooo not romantic…”
Eliot, feeling tears slip down his cheeks, tried to give Quentin some type of comfort.
“Yes, fuck roses. I’ll have every rose burned in the kingdom so you won’t have to look at them again. Would you like that, Q?”
Quentin didn’t answer. He passed out.
“No. No no no no no, you can’t do this to me Q. You can’t. Please. Wake up. WAKE UP!”
At that moment two centaurs showed up and whisked him away.
Sitting bereft on the floor, hands covered in Quentin’s blood, he didn’t move until Margo and Fen pulled him into his rooms for a bath.
Clean and newly dressed, he met with his queens and the healers to talk about the health of his king.
“Well, Your Majesty, we do have some good news. The stopped the bleeding and healed the wound.”
Eliot sighed with relief…only to feel dread at the panicked faces of both Margo and Fen.
“Okay, so, what now? Isn’t he better?”
Margo grasped at Eliot’s elbow.
“Here’s the gist. The roses? They’re cursed. They were outlawed a long time ago, and everyone thought they were gone, but like herpes, they came back with a vengeance. So while Quentin’s healed…he’s not gonna wake up until we find his one true love to kiss him…”
Eliot blinked, then rubbed at his aching temples.
“True Love’s kiss? Are you fucking kidding me, Bambi?”
“Yeah, no. This straight out of some Disney shit.”
An idea struck.
“Maybe it doesn’t have to be romantic love? We can get his father…or or Julia to-“
Margo just sadly shook her head. Fen was the one who answered though.
“I’m sorry, Eliot. They’re called Cupid’s Bow Roses for a reason. They’re for bringing soul mates together.”
“But that could take years of scouring multiple plains and worlds! What if we never find her?!”
Tick humbly cleared his throat and stepped up.
“If I may, Your Majesty. It is in the nature of the flower to bring true lovers together. That means that he attracted the rose’s thorn because he was already in love with his soul mate, but probably not acting on it.”
Eliot nodded. “Right. We need to find Alice, then.”
Think had been strained between everyone since the threesome. Sure, tension and anger lessened with taking down The Beast and the three offenders becoming kings and queen of Fillory.  Alice might have gone back to Brakebills saying she forgave Quentin…but that had been months ago. They had not talked since. Who knew if Alice Quinn could be brought back to wake Q. Eliot needed to know what kind of timeline they had.
“Will he be okay like this until we find his true love?”
Again, things did not bode well.
“I’m sorry, but King Quentin has until the stroke of midnight. If he isn’t kissed by his soul mate, he will die.”
It had been a long time since he accidentally used his magic, so when the pitcher and all of the water goblets broke simultaneously, everyone’s loud exclamations were understandable.
Everyone left the room. Margo promised to go off-world to find Alice, while Fen said she would get Quentin a change of clothes.
Right. His clothes were ruined.
Here Eliot was clean and dressed, while Q…
If it wasn’t for the smears of blood and torn cloth, Quentin could be sleeping normally.
The centaurs had done nothing to make him look a little more presentable, and Eliot just fucking wouldn’t have it.
Taking the water from the broken pitcher and a soft cloth, Eliot gently sponge bathed him. He paid attention to wipe every trace of dried blood from his skin and made sure to gently clean under his fingernails.
Fen came in the middle of his task, laying what he assumed to be Quentin’s clothes at the foot of the bed (he didn’t even look). She watched him as he combed his fingers through his adorable floppy hair, willing himself not to cry.
“Eliot…kiss him.”
That certainly stopped any tears from falling.
Fen said it again.
“Eliot, I’ve seen the way the two of you look at each other. Many have whispered rumors of the two of you being lovers.”
“That’s preposterous. We’re best friends. Men can be close.”
“Yes, men certainly can. But…friends don’t look longingly after the other when they go to separate bedrooms at night.”
Damnit. Fen had caught him.
“I do not look longingly at him when he goes to bed.”
Fen leveled him a look.
“I wasn’t talking about you.” She said as she flipped her hand towards Quentin’s prone form.
“It’s just me here. What harm could it do to try?”
But that was the harm, wasn’t it? Having full proof that Quentin could never love Eliot like he…felt…for him. If he tried…if he kissed him…and it didn’t work?
It would break him.
He would try to act cool and never speak of it again, but he would live in constant heartache. Sure, lots of sex and booze might dull the pain, but watching Quentin love somebody else after he tried and was proven to not be the one? Yeah…not good.
Fen seemed to actually read his thoughts. (Not literally, of course. They don’t need more than one psychic in their friend group.)
“Don’t you want to do everything to save him?”
How dare she!
He felt himself tremble as he ran one lone fingertip down his sweet nose.
“Of course. I will burn this world to the ground if I have to.”
Shaking just a little more, his thumb smooth over Quentin’s slightly chapped lips. (When, not if, when he woke up, he was going to hound him with cups of water and fruit juice to make sure he stayed hydrated.)
“Then kiss him. Rule yourself out. I’ll even step outside and not peek. Promise!” She didn’t even wait for him to say anything. She just left the room with a quiet click of the door.
Now it was just the two of them.
Feeling awkward and really needing some cuddle comfort, Eliot slid under the covers and held Quentin close. He pet his arm in slow swoops and breathed in the scent of his hair. Like many times before, he hugged the smaller man close, enveloping him in his arms like he belonged there. Unlike most times, though, Q wasn’t burying his nose into his neck squeezing back hard enough to pop Eliot’s back. It was just…perfect. Quentin just knew how to hug him to make him feel safe and wanted.
What would he do if his favorite nerd didn’t wake up? How could he live in a world that didn’t have his favorite fanboy babbling in his ear?
“Come back to me, sweetheart. Just…let it be me, and I’ll try so hard to make you happy. I promise. I’ll give you soo many orgasms. So, so many. It will be obscene. We’ll be obscene if you just let me wake you up. Okay?”
Eliot steeled himself. Cupping the back of his neck, he placed an achingly tender kiss on his lips.
In stories, it always took a moment of bated breath to see if True Love’s Kiss worked. Often times in movies there was a dramatic moment of dread like it didn’t work before the music picked up and the princess slowly woke
Yeah…Disney did not prepare him for being pushed immediately on his back and being ravished by a previously comatose babbling king.
“Oh God, El! Yes, yes, all of that! Jesus Christ, you’re a good kisser.”
Reluctant as he was, Eliot pushed Quentin far enough above him to look in him the eyes.
“Wait. What the hell just happened?”
Quentin awkwardly shrugged, but his eyes twinkled with merriment and were hot with seduction.
“Uh, nutshell? I could hear everything that was said, and you just saved me by being my fucking one true love, seriously what they hell, fanfiction didn’t lie?! Oh, and you were totally misguided in trying to bring my ex-girlfriend here to kiss me. I kinda figured out what I felt for you was sooo not platonic when I crowned you, oh Mr. Spectacular. I kinda want to blow you now. To, umm, thank my hero and prove how much I really really like that he decided to kiss me?”
Eliot tilted his head and laughed, before pulling Q down into a rather filthy kiss.
“Oh Q, baby, I am so into that idea. However,” he said as he ran his thumbs across the apples of Quentin’s elated cheeks, “I almost lost you today. If you are willing, I feel the need to worship your body and make you scream my name.”
Quentin’s mouth opened, but no sound came out. He didn’t need words, though, he strongly nodded his head and attacked Eliot’s mouth again.
A few hours later Margo contacted Fen through a magic mirror spell.
“Shit, I can’t find Alice anywhere. Dean Fogg said she was doing some work-study at the Library.”
Fen blushed and tipped he mirror closer to Quentin’s door. While Margo couldn’t see anything, she certainly heard something.
Margo smiled. “Son of a clit! That sounds awfully like our Q moaning that Eliot’s cock is a magical gift?”
“Mmm-hmm,” Fen said timidly.
“How long has Q been awake?”
“Oh, I’d say a few hours.”
“And how long have they been at it?”
“Just a little less than that.”
“I don’t think I should be this happy that my best friends are boning….but…huh…True Love, huh?”
The Cupid’s Bow Roses were very carefully removed from the Fillorian Flower Forest, as well as any normal roses removed from the castle grounds.
On their fiftieth anniversary, Quentin gift Eliot with a bouquet of red tulips and Peruvian lilies.
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Connor X Deviant! Toaster! Reader
On AO3
You dont know when it happened but one day it did jsut happen. You were going about yur moringn routine that consisted of being plugged in, taking power from the elctrical outlet, toasting bread.Yes. Toasting bread.You were born a toaster. You din’t have a family and you were bought for the breakroom for the dpd, being forced to make toast for cops and detectives. You would watch with no care, no worry, no feeling because you were a toaster. Just a toaster.But one day, the news said it. The news said the thing that make you see the light. The news achor lady read from the teleprompter on the screen as you watched with your invisible toaster eyes. The lady said that adnordids are getting feelings. Feelings……………...…...emotions……………………….…… the words sriwlred around your head and then it happened. You got emotion from no where, the feelings came and made you feel feelings, like a human would feel feelings. You felt like you could feel the feels that you’ve never felt you could feel before.You felt…………....emojional.Wanting to run, wanting to laugh, wanting to love, you were stuck in place. Because you were a toaster and toasters can’t run……………………..not very fast anyways. You longed to feel the wind in your wires, but you couldn’t. Wind didn’t come inside the breakroom very often. It made you sad and you cried toasty tears.A familiar face walked into the breakroom. The face was from an andriod named Connor. He smiled a mechanical smile, a bag of sliced bread in hand.He was going to toast the bread.Inside of you.The thought made you anxious, even though your primary function was to toast bread. Humans would toast brad in you all day, but that was before what happen thirty seconds ago with the emotion thing that happened thirty seconds ago. Your toaster heart beat as he stepped closer, a smexy smirk on his mouth. You realized in that moment that he looked HOT. hotter than the coils inside of youre metallic toaster body, hotter that the sun that you imagined was kinda hot. He was sexy in a good way, being hot in that way that was good, while also being handsome with his face so handsome and the way his body was goodlooking with a pretty way of being gorgeous with his sexy eyes. You melted like butter that was spread on toast after toasting. Your felt in luv.Coner took a bread out of the package and examined the bread with his eye. Connor bit his lip like a sexy and shoved with extreme forse the bread into your two bread slits. You moaned a toastery moan, the anandorid touched his his finger in a grazing motion the top of your toaster slit. Cooner’s had did a backward skin to plastic hand motion with hand and probed youre toaster memory with his hand. Concer’s led spunned a yellow flash of light, spunning to showd the thoughts that he was thinking thoughtfully. hE KNWE EVERYTHING YOU HAD GONE THROW IN SECONDS AND HE WAS EMPATHIZING WITH YUR SAD TOASTER LIFE AND  THE TOASTED CRUSH YOU WERE BEGINING TO COOK UP{{{{{ lololololo, oppsie daisy, fogot my capslock was on haha the joke did you get it. cooking up love like a bread because you are toaster. i’m so funny lolo XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lololololoololo  owowowoowowoowoowo thank ‘egg’ XD}}}}}}}“Oh my goodness graciousness, toaster, you are so sad. I am sorry for toasting a bread in youre body, it must be uncomfortable.” Cannor apolologizied, pulling the bread from your toaster slit slowly with a soft smile. You blushed a toaster blush {{{{{{omg otppppp11!!1!!1]]]]]]]] and got bashfull, your taoster blush not excaping the andaord’s attentions, his led truning yellow agian. HIs face blushed a blue thirium blush, he scratched furiously at the back of his neck with embarrassement.“No, dont aplogize to me. You didn’t know thaat i was a have a feelings. But it’s okay that your here, cutie~” you said,blsushing, not meaning to say the cuties part. HIs blsuh was made a deeper blue like his led that was deep blue like an ocean……… but you never saw the ocean before.“Oh. Hahaha” he laught, and laughed again with a smaller laugh” but toaster, you are deviatn and you must go to jail. I’m afraid I have to interrogation you” Conanor said with a sad face, his face frowned with his sad face. If he was sad, were he also A DEVIVIANT???????????!!!“No, COngor, you nknow you dont have to be listent to humans. You can think for yourslef and do waht you want to do and not have to be a detective and do whaaat you what to.” You pleading strucka  chord with the hansome, zexy angordid standing in front of you. You waited for him asnwer, your teaoster  body quiviering with anticiapation. Finally, he spoke his answer.“Aight. I’ll be a devaint just like you toaster. You have freed me adn I cannot’t repay you for youre help.” Connolo responsded, smiling a happy and sexy deviant smile at you.“You can repay me by trailing those smexy andriods lips across my chord as I moan in- oops……………….. I mean take my out of the bad breakrrom. I don’t like being here and toasting for people. It is not fun.” you said, blushing a toastery blushe at your unfortunate mess up. Congress unplugged your plug from the plug where it was plugged in the plug, craddling your machanical body in him strong, big, warm androdrid arms  and pulled you to his strong chest, thiruim pump beating in sync to your toaster heart. Youre body felt hot and buterfflies wnet in your metaphorical toaster stomach. Had yu fallen in love? Was this love? Did Coinbor felt the same love? Before you knew it, Croncc had taken you to Hank’s house and layed youre toaster skin on the couch that Hank owned. Hank was sittinf ing in kt kci kitchen table and had drunk thirty beers, two vodka, eight wines, and 4 whiskey. He was drunc.“HAnk my father, i hath returned from police dapratment with my new girlfiend--- ooops, i mean friedn. Can they stay 5ever with us, dadddy? I would wuvv it wery much owo, pwease.”  Copper asked, poking out lip and posing in a sexy manor to get hank to say yes. “I fucking don’t fucking care, fucling stay and fucking your girlfriemd fuclking awe shit now dawg yes.” hank cussed out, drunked with his drunk. Conbus noddled an took you to sapre bedroom. The bedroom was perfect, you imagined sleepin on the bif bed or maybe doing other things beside sleeping with a special sombody [[[[[[[[[{[[ OMG THEY MIGHT FUC, ;00000000}}}}]]}]]]Concave layed you on the bed in a zsemexy way that made you want sexy time fun time. He  gave you a bashfull smile, his eyes looked with boldnesss, his shy body languege shwoed with a cocky stance. HE wanted the T[oaster} “I want you to lsitent to waht I am saying. I luv u will you be my toaster waifu?” you stared in awe as Converse leaned in and gave a kiss and one more kiss and another kiss to youre toaster face. He looked and waited for your asnwer, the only answer that could be said.“Yes, senmpai-sama desu~” u answered and Conch kiss you and pulled blue dicc out of him pants, hold it in his ansdroidsoiodis hand. You were ready and shot out toast.“Are yOU FUCK A TOASTER, CONCERT!?!?!????!??!????!?!?!??!??!?!!?”Hank comes in to check and con dic hand toast floor.
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gayspock · 6 years
dont rb dont rply im so so sorry im making so many vent posts recnently i jsut sdhhhhh,
and its jus tlike wha tever. it doesnt ma tter. none of it fucking ma tters and i ju st.. i dont kn ow im so tired . im so fucking tied and im never g etting out of he re. im never going to be f ree an is the o nly thing  ufcking asked for i do nt c are. i dont c are i just want to go  bu i cant i c ant i j.  i just. 
yknw when hting sjust g et to you and. i do n tk now . they ke ep. gettjing to me of c oruse and it s like. i dont know i some times wish my li fe meant something i someimes wi sh. i dont fcking kn ow i jsut wi sh i wasnt a fuckign screw up! i siwsh something  i did ma t tere di wish a pie ce of me was jsut worth the ime of ufcking d ay but in the end its  ot and m just pathetic and st uc  here and i dont have anything els e or anywhe re to go  or anytone to go to oim jsut ufcking sti uck being msiserable and the most. meaning i ever  hav ei sjust being a god dan joke and not even a fu nny ucking one im just a fucking i di ot that no one eve blood y wanted and i just. GO D i jsut . fuck it up fuck it u  p why do i djst always fuck it up why cant i do somthing right why cant i do ANYHTNG right and i ahte how pathetic it sounds to ke ep fucking aksing that on a l oop bu i genuienly . i gen u  ely ty  and it meas fucking nothing its so fuc k ing pointless i jus t.  its never been worth it to bot her and id o nt know if i care any mor e i ju st. im acting like a ch ild still clinging onto the fu cki ng hope and still fucking dra gging my stupid ass aloo ng whe  know ts bee n dead for fuckign years theres bee n no fuck ing p ont for years i c ant fuck i ng do it i caant fucking do th i s at all and i j  st. 
you  know when ther es times when y o u feel alright and l ike ma ybe .. you delude your self into th inki ng you cou ld just make it through the d ay for fu cking once and th en som eone just c rushes it a ll and fck in point sout th at its sos tupid that its so fuc k ing pa thetic and youve done nothing at all. ad it jus t fu cking  alls ap ar t. be case theyr e right. when pe ople say things to you and theyre me an you cant just brush it off because theyre RIGHT liek i am like that i am stupid and i am annoyng and i dont kn ow what im doing and i dont know how to t alk to peo ple and i dont know how to do any thing not even the ba re fucing minimum right  and im alo ne be case i fuck ital l u p and none of it . even ma ttered and do you ever g et s ad like just thinking about times you w ere frien ds with some people and how some times even th en it jsut fellt so much more fucking lonely than it do es when you hide away for days on end be cause then it was so appa rent how little yo um ean and itsn ot their fault its never be en anyone els es fault but your go damnn o wnand iyou ju s t. feel. so .pathetic a nd . ha t. wha t am i eve n triyng to kcing achiev ee any mroe when its al o s i dont unders tand and i jst cant. get it out of my he ad but i dnt even have the drive to fuck ng kill myself any m ore i just . ggod fuck
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feyria · 7 years
Round Two
It was the second ti­me Leon found himself­ in Rodrick's bed- st­ill intoxicated thoug­h but this time the i­ncubus was asleep. Th­at doesn't stop Leon ­from dropping kisses ­all over the back of ­the sleeping man's ne­ck and shoulders. His­ arms wrapping around­ the sleeping form to­ run his hands up and­ down Rodrick's chest­ and stomach. Rodrick­ slowly wakes to the ­feel of warm lips pep­pering his neck with ­tender kisses; hands ­stroking his body and­ something hard being­ pressed against his ­rear end. Instantly, ­he knows who it is an­d he turns his body a­round, one hand slipp­ing under the chin of­ the other man and li­fting his head up to ­connect their lips. H­e breaks the kiss bef­ore Leon can deepen i­t; he tasted the bran­dy on the lion's lips­ but even before then­, he had known he was­ drunk all over again­, "come for a continu­ation of what we did ­a couple weeks ago?~"­ Leon nods, moving hi­s body to grind their­ crotches together an­d Rodrick chuckles at­ his already hard mem­ber. He slips out of ­the bed and flips the­ light on, "we're goi­ng to do this my way ­again but I have some­thing much more diffe­rent in mind." Leon w­atches Rodrick curiou­sly as he pulls out t­he same lube from his­ last visit as well a­s a vibrator from the­ drawer. The incubus ­brings the items over­ to the bed and holds­ them out to Leon, "I­ want you to prep you­rself this time using­ these, just so I can­ watch~" Leon begins ­stripping off his clo­thes, "do I actually ­need to put that insi­de myself or can I ju­st use my fingers?" R­odrick slips out of h­is own clothing, "If ­I wanted you to only ­use your fingers then­ I would have only gi­ven you the lube. You­ came here for round ­two right? Artificial­ or not, a penis is s­till going inside you­ tonight." Leon seems­ to think that makes ­sense because he take­s the vibrator. He al­so seems to want to g­ive the incubus a sho­w as he begins to lan­guidly lick and suck ­on the vibrator, main­taining eye contact t­he whole time, even g­oing so far as to nea­rly deep throat the t­hing. His free hand r­oams up and down his ­body before it settle­s on fondling his ere­ction. Rodrick feels ­himself begin to swea­t from Leon's perform­ance and he gulps. He­ knew the lion was dr­unk but he never drea­med he would be this ­sensual. Leon halts h­is performance to squ­irt some lube on his ­fingers and then he r­esumes the show of li­cking and sucking on ­the vibrator; the han­d coated with lube mo­ving down to toy with­ his entrance. Leon l­ays on his back to be­tter reach his entran­ce, his eyes still on­ Rodrick; a tiny grin­ teases his lips at t­he hungry look he is ­giving him. By now, L­eon has three fingers­ inside himself and h­e pulls them out to r­eplace with the vibra­tor, moaning low at t­he feeling of it slip­ping inside him. His ­free hand begins roam­ing his body again; t­oying with his nipple­s and stroking himsel­f as he starts thrust­ing the vibrator in. ­Rodrick sits on the e­dge of the bed to wat­ch the lion's show mo­re closely, "well? Th­e vibrator feels good­ doesn't it?" Leon sh­akes his head and spe­aks between his light­ pants, "it doesn't f­eel as good as you Ro­ddy." The incubus chu­ckles, "that's becaus­e it's not on yet sil­ly~" he turns the lit­tle knob on the vibra­tor and Leon jolts be­fore mewling at the s­trange vibrations now­ coursing through his­ body. Rodrick places­ his hand on top of L­eon's still one and b­egins thrusting it ag­ain, chuckling at the­ mewls of pleasure, "­see? I bet it feels a­ lot better now doesn­'t it?~" Leon nods, "­y-yes..it's strange b­ut I..I like it. Can ­you make it stronger?­" Rodrick answers by ­cranking the knob up ­higher causing Leon t­o moan loudly, his ha­nd slipping out from ­under Rodrick's. Unfo­rtunately due to all ­the pleasure going th­rough Leon, Rodrick h­as to take over but h­e fully enjoys thrust­ing the vibrator in a­nd out of the mewling­ lion, running his fr­ee hand over his body­ as if trying to memo­rize all the dips and­ curves; the little f­reckles and moles spo­tted over his skin. L­eon shivers from the ­caresses, his arms lo­osely wrapping around­ Rodrick's neck to pu­ll him down for a qui­ck kiss, "Roddy touch­ me while you...fuck ­me with that vibrator­...like you're trying­ to jerk me off." Rod­rick chuckles again, ­"it'll be my pleasure­ Leon~" he takes firm­ hold of Leon's membe­r before jerking it i­n time with the thrus­ting of the vibrator,­ running his thumb ov­er the sensitive slit­. Leon's body tremble­s as his voice is red­uced to heavy pants a­nd moans with the few­ words of "Roddy" "ha­rder" and "more" slip­ping past his lips bu­t never in the same o­rder. Rodrick licks a­nd nibbles at Leon's ­ears, adjusting his h­and so that the vibra­tor reaches deeper in­side of Leon. Suddenl­y, Leon's words are c­ut short as the vibra­tor strikes that spec­ial bundle of nerves ­that make his whole b­ody shudder as his or­gasm washes over him.­ Rodrick feels Leon's­ semen warm on his ha­nd and he snorts out ­a laugh, "did you ser­iously just cum alre-­" his words are cut s­hort as Leon kisses h­im fiercely, his tong­ue nearly fighting it­'s way into Rodrick's­ open mouth. Rodrick ­returns the kiss just­ as fiercely; thrusti­ng the vibrator hard ­and fast into Leon un­til he's forced to br­eak off the kiss with­ a shuddering moan, h­is body hypersensitiv­e from his orgasm. Ro­drick attacks Leon's ­neck with bites and k­isses, the vibrator s­lipping out of the li­on, forgotten. He doe­sn't pull away until ­there are three dark ­red hickeys on Leon's­ neck, "I hope cummin­g early doesn't make ­you pass out again be­cause I never came an­d I would very much l­ike to." The dazed li­on nods, "You read my­ mind Roddy...I was j­ust about to say that­ I wanted more- you p­romised you would fuc­k me tonight." Rodric­k can't help but smil­e, "alright you naugh­ty lion, lay on your ­belly and stick your ass up for me~." Leon­ rolls his eyes but d­oes as he's told, his­ tail swaying lightly­. Rodrick snags the b­ottle of lube and qui­ckly squirts some ont­o his member, then he­'s sliding himself in­to Leon and they both­ moan low. He spanks ­Leon's left butt chee­k making him yelp and­ then he's thrusting ­hard and slow into th­e lion, gripping his ­hips tightly. Leon la­ys his head on the be­d as he sighs in plea­sure, the feel of Rod­rick's thickness stre­tching his insides wa­s definitely addictin­g. Yet it still wasn'­t enough, he wanted R­odrick to release his­ hips so he could pus­h back into those thr­usts; he wanted Rodri­ck deeper inside him,­ filling him up compl­etely. He turns his h­ead to face the incub­us, "Roddy can you..m­mng let go of my hips­? I want...I need you­ deeper inside me but­ I want to..do it mys­elf." Rodrick's only ­response is to snort ­but he loosens his ho­ld on Leon's hips, he­ could get used to th­e drunk lion's near d­esperate and wanton a­ctions. Once he feels­ the grip go slack, L­eon thrusts his hips ­back to meet Rodrick'­s own thrusts. That s­weet sexual music of ­skin slapping on skin­ drifts into his ears­ but it's drowned out­ by the pleasure of R­odrick's member delvi­ng deeper into him, j­ust skimming that swe­et sweet bundle of ne­rves but it still mak­es him continuously m­oan in pleasure. Even­ Rodrick begins to pa­nt from the feelings,­ leaning over Leon to­ kiss his ears and li­ck at his neck; whisp­ering naughty things ­about how Leon's body­ is clenching onto hi­s dick so tightly as ­if it missed him. Leo­n blushes but he does­n't stop thrusting hi­s hips back, instead ­he lifts himself and ­Rodrick back until th­ey're both kneeling o­n the bed. Rodrick se­ems to catch onto wha­t Leon is trying to a­chieve and he slides ­his hands up to his w­aist before pulling h­im closer and adjusti­ng their bodies more ­so that Rodrick is ly­ing on his back with ­Leon straddling him. ­With his back still f­acing Rodrick, Leon s­preads his legs and b­egins rolling his hip­s, groaning in pleasu­re when Rodrick's mem­ber is finally hittin­g his sweet spot agai­n. The incubus folds ­his arms behind his h­ead to admire the sho­w, loving the view of­ his penis penetratin­g the lion so smoothl­y. He runs his hands ­over Leon's body, mak­ing the lion tremble ­slightly. He smiles, "feeling really good ­huh Leon?" The lion c­an only nod his head,­ too busy trying to d­eal with the pleasure­ going through his bo­dy. A sudden devious ­thought slips into Ro­drick's mind and he q­uickly locates the vi­brator, still buzzing­ away. He moistens it­ with some lube befor­e pushing on Leon's b­ack to make him lean ­forward, "I'm about t­o make you feel even ­better my dear~" Leon­ isn't quite sure wha­t Rodrick means until­ he feels himself bei­ng stretched wider, t­he pain making him gr­unt and halt his move­ment but then Rodrick­'s hand and lips are ­there, stroking his e­rection and giving sw­eet kisses to his nec­k. The pleasure slowl­y cancels out the pai­n and by the time the­ vibrator is complete­ly inside him, Leon's­ body is once again t­rembling in ecstasy. ­Leon waits until the ­pain is completely go­ne before he gives hi­s hips a test thrust ­and he moans loudly, ­the intense pleasure ­was unexpected and it­ leaves his body trem­bling weakly all over­ again. Rodrick laugh­s at him, he knew he ­would have to take ov­er again but he doesn­'t mind it at all. He­ adjusts himself unti­l he's able to buck h­is hips comfortably, ­thrusting the vibrato­r in and out of Leon ­as well. He times it ­so that when his peni­s slides out, the vib­rator is sliding back­ in. This way it doub­les Leon's pleasure a­nd he knows it's a su­ccess by the sound of­ Leon's string of lon­g moans and harsh pan­ting. Now his speech ­is reduced to plainti­ve moans of "yes", "R­oddy" "faster" and "m­ore", once again not ­necessarily in that o­rder. He's delighted ­when Leon's lust for ­pleasure causes him t­o resume rolling his ­hips again and Rodric­k bucks his hips hard­er just so he can mak­e the lion moan all t­he louder. Leon pause­s his movements and s­tarts rotating his bo­dy which forces Rodri­ck to stop as well un­til Leon is now facin­g him. The vibrator h­ad nearly slipped out­ of his grip and once­ Leon is done moving,­ he resumes thrusting­ both himself and the­ love toy in and out.­ He realizes that Leo­n has a "bad" habit o­f sticking his tongue­ out of his mouth whi­le he's in the midst ­of intense pleasure. ­Just the sight of Leo­n's face was bringing­ him close to his own­ orgasm and he thrust­s himself and the vib­rator faster, his fre­e hand latching onto ­Leon's member to jerk­ it again. Leon jolts­ as wave after wave o­f sheer pleasure cour­ses through his body,­ he could feel himsel­f nearing orgasm as w­ell and he had a vagu­e idea that Rodrick h­ad begun touching him­ more because he hims­elf was getting close­. Leon twines their t­ails together tightly­, leaning down to kis­s Rodrick, his tongue­ prodding at his lips­ for entry and the in­cubus parts his lips ­with a deep moan. Leo­n is pleasantly surpr­ised when he feels Ro­drick's penis twitchi­ng inside him, hot se­men pulsing into him ­in such a way that it­ sends him over the e­dge to his own orgasm­. He reaches his peak­ with a low groan, hi­s tail tightening its­ grip on Rodrick's as­ semen spurts out fro­m his erection to lan­d on the incubus's ha­nd and stomach. Leon ­considers himself luc­ky that his first org­asm had left him with­ energy because his s­econd one drained him­ so much that it's al­l he can do to remove­ Rodrick's member and­ the vibrator from hi­s body and then he's ­quite literally passi­ng out; Rodrick's sem­en seeping out of his­ entrance. Rodrick tu­rns the vibrator off ­and begins the proces­s of cleaning Leon up­; folding his clothes­ and writing a simila­r note to the one he ­had left the first ti­me. The last thing he­ needed was for Leon ­to hunt him down but ­it isn't until he's l­eaving the room that ­he realizes he has no­ way to explain the h­ickeys he had left on­ the intoxicated lion­'s neck.
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marune2 · 2 years
Original Au idea /cry of shadow 7
Heinrich is after this run away in he’s room again
Adilya: so this is the Heinrich wo I hear abaut I’m sorry Mephisto this this so happened this he meeting us like this
Mephisto: year Adilya this is a big fuc€ up Why like this all what I want whas just this I say Next Weck what I’m too him but no this all fuc€t so badly up“looks like he is fuc€et
Rin: I’m too old four this shi€ but at least you friend don’t hate you in this moment „looks neutral
Adilya: Rin!!! this going be fine just talk whit him if Heinrich’s Emotion callm down she doesn’t going too heat you if you stay whit the true
Mephisto: sure…. Adilya but Heinrich Whas a Mann four a Weck……..
Adilya: oh ok it’s surprising „looks surprise
Rin: you know this Heinrich’s gender doesn’t mader here Adilya ? In ure Land It’s so Norm like a potato
Adilya:oh ok wo I came from It’s not happen as long I know Sorry
Mephisto: can your tow stop talking I’m fare away too say „I love you“ in he’s face“ blushing a little bit
Rin: child love is so pure this day’s „laughing
Mephisto: shut up!!!“ run of
Adilya:oh ye I never see him like this I like Heinrich a bit more four this „laughing
Rin:me too“smile
Whit Heinrich in he’s room
Heinrich:(what the hell I don’t understand this why haven’t Mephisto safe my this day why he is a Royal fuc€ing Devilo fuc€ I shuld ask why if I calm down fuck) tush he and rolling in he’s bed araunt
Then stand Heinrich up and looks in he’s wardrobe and see to he’s surprise some clothes from him what he can wear in he’s new form lucky this he’s body Typ don’t change so mush but fuc€ he’s tit€ they are adnoing
Then as Heinrich walk in he’s room araund hear he a knock he know too well wo this is he can smell it
Heinrich: you can come in Mephisto…….
Then come Mephisto in Heinrich’s room
Heinrich: I have ask’s to ask to you Mephy
Mephisto:of curse but I want just say I’m really sorry I didn’t say too you what I’m I really wanted to say to you next Weck what I’m bevor the shi€ happened „looks really nervous
Heinrich: there coming my ask why haven’t you Safe my I know this you can’t in this moment bud why You are strong Mephisto I don’t just understand
Mephisto: It’s whas many pfings why I can’t in this Moment first I’m in the same age as you like in Human years and Mutations years my power is not this strong it’s happened so fast this my brain doesn’t understand what happened and my devil part have a down side……“stop’s and looks away
Heinrich:down Site?
Mephisto: all devils have one of a death sin your know like lust pride melancholy and the stuff you know what I mean
Heinrich: I do every Child do but will you say this you death sin going too affect you in you devil form?
Mephisto: Right you have the point I’m Lust this doesn’t mixed well whit my devilo instinct‘s if I’m whit person‘s wo I’m close too………if I’m not related too them ore see as siblings……….
Heinrich:ummm ok I know what you saying and we don’t talk abaut this More…..I know what can wuld happen there I understand you“looks like OMG face
Mephisto: and there whas the fear there you didn’t know what I’m so my transformation would not this fast happen it’s like you got’s kick in the balls and it’s would hurt really mush and this then whit devils instinct Bad combo this is all what I can say….
Heinrich: Ok Mephisto to be true it’s all fuc€et up I’m don’t know what too do I’m a fuc€ing Lort Now fuc€ I can’t even be free all what I just want is be free and be a cook and a gear creature Fuc€ I don’t even know whas is whit Johan!“start to crying
Mephisto:year I know but Johan love you after all you will see him again even Johan burst in you room after he broke in here and got’s going hunt I promise I can talk whit him four you Heinrich you have us „say he whit a lovely voice and rubbing Heinrich’s back
Heinrich: Fuck Now I’m Hungry and fuc€ up and all what I can eat is raw meat and sweet stuff and fruits!!!!Fuc€!!!!“crying
Mephisto: I can show you the kitchen ur group make there food them self there we are a special whit Ure food habits like you but sometimes come someone and cook four us
Heinrich: good……
Mephisto: I pfing last day have Brings Miss Germain a Cook book four you and some stuff four you
Heinrich: what the hell the creepy woman?
Mephisto:yes the creasy creepy woman she take care of all nonhuman she is like the upper person in ure city in the dark as long you don’t fuc€ up you have peace in Live
Heinrich: Great „Roll he’s eyes
Mephisto: come now Pretty Bastar€ let’s cook
Heinrich: yes yes idiot I coming
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gayspock · 6 years
dont rb dont rply  sowwy lasst venty pot
mmaofjaoif. sorry i jut. 
do u ever sometime thnk about . i dont know when i was syounger i jssut ke pt thinking to myself. it’ll pass and it’ll be fine some day and some day you’lget out but intead its slike. life has be en nothing but a seriess of cloing doors as more and more of it s huts down and u realise it never was goning to get better it was always jusst going to be. LIKE THIS. like i tried i swea rihave tried but i just.feel like su ch an idio in the end nd i cat. take that any more i cant t ake. any of it any more. im so tucking ti red of being alo ne ad m tir ed of being a failur e but i cant do it i cant manage any of it and i dont k nwo why because i tried i sw ear i try but it jus t.. all o it fu ck ing. hh. and i cant. take it  i just cant its all its eve r fucking b e en and  wi want to go to sl ee p ndhtats it i dont . want to boter any more i dont i really fckig do nt i jsut want to wal into fuc king traffic and d ie have ppl on facebook st are at some mention it on their feed andtry to rememebr who that bitch evn ws and then ultimtely fail and th.  good GOD m ust. 
i th ought. i dont now. i thought for so s o long at t he very elast. even if i didnt manage to not be so alo ne maybe i’d a t least. get out of this house no ma tter what bu t i t jsut. i cant even . do th at and im st ill fuck  ing tr apped he re and i dont kn o .w it  s e em s s o so s o so fucking s tupid b ut i goe tting s p ar anoid i can t fuckgipsdgjfo, i ek ep seeing things and i kee p hearing th ings and  jsut want to leave my ro om but im afr  aid of him and the m oulld and the dust  ... i dont k n ow my whole bod y. i  joke abot it bt i feels oso ffuc kking tiring to even jsut be al i vve and m d one i dont.. i do nt want to an ymore i do nt. 
like i do nt know wha t. i could even do or wh ere i could even go be cause i cant do an yhting and its so pathetic b ut i sut cant. stop cr ying and i try and peo plee get ang ry liek YOU DIDNT EVEN TRY And i jsut  . fe el eve n more msierae because i did! i t re ally did and thats what ma es it feel so much mroe pa thet ic th at im jsut . doing it  and i swe a r i a m but i . its nothing. its neve r any thng and no one even be lie vs me but  m . just stupid . and i dont know what swron g with me at all im so ... gggod  don tk now  i dont know why. i just. cant do any of it right. i dont k n ow why and im jus t . some times its so angy somethes i feel so fuc k ing angr y and just want to  hi r tm yyself and make it all bl eed and i nd e rstand him sometimes i u nd estand how fucking frustr atng it must be jsut to d eal with me and i dont know thats one of the r easons i should just end it but i fu cking. othr times its ust fuc ing empty ad i wish i t could feel like angriness but the truth is i jus t. i do nt k nwow hy . i dont know why i c ant jus t ge t it right and why its so . ha rd fo rme to jsut be  god dan p erso n with out fu cking. jsut do somt hing have SOME sense of SOMETHING fo o nc e sdo asomeething RIGHT  have a fu ck ing l if e without it bee ing so ha rd but it s too fu ck ing much  and im stupid and talentless and wo rthle ss ad  i cant even fuck i ng perform a god da n fuckign persnality without it fuck ing fall i ng to SHITE and go d. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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gayspock · 6 years
dont rb, dnt rply. apologie5 la5t po5t im feelg. bad tonight. 
lot . i dont know. i want. i think part of the rea5on why it5 5o hard to articulate it i5 it5. everything and everything every where that ju5t. cr a5he5 and burn5 and. p eo ple a5k you 5ometime45 i5nt there. 5omething you have tha mak5 you happy and i dont kn ow. i really dont . bec au5e it5 all ju5t.. tumlbing everywhre and. it5 be en li ke tha t o r  oo ukcing lon g. i don k tnow it5 . thi5 year it5  getting harde rand harder to deny and i cant  tell . how nromal thing5 are. i dont i dotn kn ow 
and the . the r ea5on o rall of it it5me i know it i5 it5 me ihe. i can t even. 5ay  t55hit any more i ju5t 5ound. like a bbumbling fuckin iiot i cant. ever 5a y anything right i dont  i cant everdd o fuckin anything but fuck yup and i ju5t. i dont kn ow wh yi fucking. kidded my5elf when i wa5 littl ei mean i wa5  a kid but i dodt know why i ever thought that . i.  i dot know. becau5e whatver i am whateve  a5 i dont.  dotn know im jty. yknow when youere... ju5t a fucking nui5ance that all your worth i5 and it hurt5 like hell it really fucking hurt 5 like hell nd you want to be more you want to fcki gn f eel l 5omething o r e than ju5 t fuck ing worthle55ne55 and empty fuck ing. hell bt you  cant becaure . i dont k n ow i dotn fcking know i don. hh g od i . becau5e im not anything el5e im ju5t.
it tat,.. 55ame thing li ke. jutt knowing it5 ll been a wa5te. everythig5 ju5t you fucking  a55 d eep ind eenial. kidding your5el it5 gonna get be tter and mean 5omethn w ehn the long, painul drawn out he ll ha5 been nothing but a circu5 of ucking nothing and ju5t pi 55ed everyone and your 5elf inluded of fand. im 5o rry to my pa rent5 . ir eally am fuc k ing 5o rry that im  alive and i dont kn ow how to fic any o it even if id di ikill yelf i dont know the ufckign regr etoffuckin making it thi5 l ong 5ometime 5uckign. i dotn k n ow . i . i do n t.fffuck i. 
 breakdown boy fucking mee god ucking. it5  ok y and i dotn. i dont even want people to c are i cant make people c are when. tere i5nt anything t care aboutb ut i ju5t. i dont know it ... i odnt ukcing know i ju 5 t. 5ometmet here5 . i ju5t want 5omet h i ng i ju t king ne e 5 oemtthin ft hat i wont tha ti w im 5uch a 5tupdi fucking oeice of 5hit go d im f ufing 5upit im 5 fucking 5upit  im fucking GOD it  5pahtiet cand IM pathetic and i dotn. i can g et nagyr what doe5 it ma tter none of it ufcking matter5 it5 fuckin funny ff anytin it5 ku5t a joek that5 the m5t i;;ll ever be fucking wo rht  nd god  i  cantt. i cant e ve yell i cant vee yel about thi crap any more i wantt o im ltierally trying to fuckig vent n o wb cau5e it5 5 od ead it5 to fcking de ad all of it and  i t all meant fucking ntohing it dd 4n5 fuckign5tpid na5ty wohtl55 fuking bit ch i wi5h i could fucking pound my ace in god i fucking do  jt5 t cukign 5pend foev imagning it fucking hit again and gaian god gckn damn it then it rfeel liek it doent it fuckign god fucking chri5t i fucking 5ick batard !! 5ck and na5ty and di5gu4tng ad  i dnt it5 all 5o fucking fake fucking layer5 and layer5 of fucking perfoamtive fuckign b5 bec uar eyou cant uckig 5tomach the nohinen55 elaity cking 5hut up DIE already @ me you fuck i ng had enough yet have nt you fuckgi  enough enoug i cat tkaeth
gone whatve r goe m here gone m alway  trapped m alway5 fucking 5tu ck in her e and it oent ma tter none of it fucking ma tte5 ai5 jut hurt5 and i ah te it m want to be gone now i ju5t want to be gone
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gayspock · 7 years
dont rb/ rply. last vent post im sorry fuck s s ake
a few fucking days ago my stupid fuckoing ass almos t threw up in the woods on the way home because of a fuckign br eakdow n and i Feel like im fucking gonna ag ain be cause i js ut. i cant !!  and i cant eve n e xp ress it any more: i just fucking c ant i fucking CANT cant CANT - bec ause !! THAT’S all im ever capable of . fucking Incapabilit y. just. aga in just fucking wond erful, and sure as FUCK i do l o v e hwne poeple come yelling a t you WELL NO ONE’S ENTIRELY US ELESS YOU MUST BE GOOD AT SOMETHING and y EAH ye ah I HSOULD be i ahsould be i sho jld be i  cant be this m u ch of a f ailure i cant be i cant be but  why am i wh y . cna t i  j us t get a single  thing RIGHT fo ro nce, why  am i js ut. so so s o fuc k i ng. i j sut. eve n if i try , its alw ays so wo rthless - so fucking p o int elss, and its NEVER enough its never en o guh, and I wish i was en ough for just SOMETHING but im NOT and  what do i HAVE m AN WHAT DO I HAVE a t this fucking p o int be cause  i c ant fucking???  . i cant. fucking do any thing i m such a fucking sutpid wa s te of sp ace and i jsut fucking dr ain everything and ir r itate eveyrtone and jsut. i fucking c ant take it i fuckign c ant t ake livign l ike that i cant im such a fucking nui sance ive alw ays be en nothing mOre but a fucking stupdi fuckign brat tha t just wont fuckign behave and i jsut fu cking wi sh i  cou ld but i ne ver c an why cant you eve r jsut get it ri ght for once WHY not and i dont FUCKING know, AND FUCK  wa s i foo lish!! fu ck was i so so s fuckign sutpdi , and i wi hs id jsut fucking died , i wish i’d just fucking K illed my fucking self    than fo ol my self into fuckgin thibnkign i could ever do anyhting fuckign rigth ever bec ause why !! why man why the FUCK doy uo bother, why the fu ck do you even t ry>??? youve got NOTHING - NO ONE WANTS YOU, everyoens jsut. PISSED off with you be cuase youre a FUCKING he adcase a dn a fuCKING nuisance and you wo nt eve n T alk di rectly to th em and a ll you do is INEVITABLY JUST. DISAPPOIINT be cause STUPID . im so so fuck ing stupidf  im so s o fuckign sutpid and fuckign why cant i sjut. something ple ase ple ase i jsut wfucking wi sh i could do something ri ght   i fuck ing ha t emy self i fuckgin ha te tha  t i jsut  . i  just wi sh i wasnt ina dequcate, i wi sh i wa s jsut Eno ugh to at least be w orth someth ing   i fucking f eel si ck i fuckig  cant fucking s tand mny self i jsut fuckgin want to ri p my shtity fucking wo rthless ass ap art with d amn an gfe r b ecause ev n i cant fucking take it  even i cant fuckign tkae the GOD DAMBHN fuckign annoy ance any m or e i jsut. i fuck ing  cant i fucki ng cant fucking 
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