#like why does your 8 year old have the talking ability of a 3 year old alsdkja
hood-ex · 1 year
I started working at an ER and now can’t enjoy those cute er fics anymore 💀
Reality ruins everything 😩. On the bright side! If you're a fic writer then at least you'll get first-hand experience of what the characters could encounter. And if you're not a fic writer then oh nooo 😫.
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Ranking JJK Characters I Don't Like
Ranging from mild dislike (14) to LOATHE WITH EVERY INCH OF MY BEING (1).
14. Mai: I don't hate her. I sympathize with her. I just wish she wasn't the way she is.
13. Junpei: I do have compassion for him, but ... school shooter vibes. Not a fan.
12. Noritoshi: Bad vibes.
11. Toji: Bad dad. And he's so nosy, too. Why does he always insert himself into situations with his fists swinging? Actually, now that I think about it, that's kind of iconic behavior. But all it ever really did was create more problems. If he had never inserted himself into the plot, Geto would have probably never turned mass-murderer-cult-leader--WE COULD HAVE HAD EVERYTHING. So it's a pass for me. Also, his haircut is off-putting for reasons I cannot articulate. It's like one day in middle school he got a haircut and just never changed up the style ever again.
10. Jogo: Ugly.
9. Uraume: Character design: slay. Helping Sukuna: not slay.
8. Like every adult from the Zenin clan: BECAUSE THEY SUCK.
7. Tengen: Old and entitled.
6. Kenjaku: Old and entitled part two. What gives him the right?
5. Sukuna: Horrid, nasty man. I feel like I shouldn't have to elaborate.
4. Ui Ui: Annoying. Literally, why are you even here?
3. Mei Mei: First of all, how am I supposed to take you seriously with that stupid braid hanging in front of your face? From the very instant her character was introduced, I did not like her, but I thought maybe I was being a woman hater for no reason, so I really did try to tolerate her. But when we finally saw that scene in season two. PRISON!!! I was right. She's the worst. We are not gonna ignore that. Check her files.
2. That thing with the blond side ponytail: I hate him so much I don't even know his name. I don't care to know it. I would say why do you as a man look like that, but honestly why do you as a HUMAN BEING look like that? Why do you act like that? Why are you skipping around wearing a poorly made DIY toga? Whole nip is hanging out, and no one asked to see that. Why are you HOLDING HANDS with your blade? Freak. There is something so intrinsically, inherently, ONTOLOGICALLY wrong with him, you can't even blame it on childhood trauma or a personality disorder. The only time I ever supported Sukuna was when he bullied this emaciated Jo Jo Siwa lookin' thing in Shibuya.
Mahito: I hate him so much. I hate him more than I've ever hated any character. I actually lose the ability to speak coherently when I think about him because I hate him so much. I think it's so cringe when try-hard dudes say, "When I'm angry all I see is red." But when I think about Mahito it really is like blood and pure rage cloud my vision. He is literally the embodiment of if you gave an edge lord psychopathic eleven year old the power to kill people. "Wee, I'm so powerful and killing people is just SoooOoOoOoOOOo much fun!!" SHUT UP!!!!!!!! SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!! YOU ARE NOT FUNNY. YOU ARE NOT CUTE. YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL IN ANY WAY. He is genuinely the most irritating character I have ever come across. And as the story progresses, he just gets worse. What do you mean he can duplicate himself? Now we have to deal with TWO of this wretched creature? What do you mean he can be decapitated AND HIS HEAD WILL SPROUT LIMBS AND SPRINT AWAY? STOOOOOOOOOP. AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON WHAT HAPPENED TO NANAMI--I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT. Mahito is such a nasty, slithy, bothersome, despicable, nauseating little cockroach. "Yuji, you and I are the same." Huh? You thought you did something there, didn't you? You thought you ate and came up with some kind of deep, revolutionary concept? It's giving pretentious philosophy dude who thinks he's superior for being a little contrarian, nihilistic Nietzsche butt licker. When Yuji finally humbled him, I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed seeing the fear in his eyes. For one brief, fleeting moment, I could finally understand what sadists must feel like. Honestly, we deserved to watch him suffer, and I wish he would have suffered far more for far longer. Rot in anguish, Mahito. You will not be missed nor forgiven.
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heyheydidjaknow · 6 months
I’m not going to request anything this time, I just want to know your honest opinion about “LawLight”. 
I have never seen as much yaoi content in an anime as in Death Note in my 30 years… I’m sooo old, and maybe that’s why I’m so sick of Tumblr suggesting me these kinds of posts and it has revived my hatred for this “ship”.
I mean, I’m not even sure if those people have watched the same anime as me…
Cartoons are fictional to start with, so buying into this is like double-dipping in make-believe, I don’t know if I’m making myself clear, lol.  I know some people might say… We read ‘x reader’ stories, okay, but we reaaaally know that this is not real, instead of affirming something that doesn’t exist…?
Anyway, I just wanted to vent, hope I didn’t bother you, and that you understood my limited English. 
Greetings from China!
I love Lawlight because I hate Light Yagami and I think he would hate Lawlight irl and any enemy of my enemy is a friend. That said I personally do not know how feasible it is as a ship. Im not anti Lawlight or anything— the fan content for this ship is great— but I do not know that the characters are all that compatible. I would normally leave it at that, but this is a prime opportunity to shit talk Light so I’m taking it. Here are my top ten implied realities of Lawlight which sink the ship in my opinion.
1. It implies that L would date a man he doesn’t even trust enough to believe isn’t a serial killer, which is ridiculous.
2. It implies that Light as Kira would not be so stubborn as to just refuse to be vulnerable with L out of spite.
3. It implies Light Yagami is capable of love.
4. It implies that neither of them wouldn’t view physical intimacy solely as an in to gain information from the other person.
5. It implies that either party would be content with just leaving well enough alone and not trying to destroy each other.
6. It implies that Light would deny his repressed (if you want to be nice) homophobia (which I cannot prove he has but believe he does with my whole entire heart) long enough to allow himself to get with L.
7. It implies that Light (and possibly L) would be cool with Ryuk watching them do couple things, sexual or otherwise.
8. It implies that Misa Amane would not beat the shit out of L for encroaching on her man.
9. It implies that Light would either top or not view bottoming as losing.
10. It implies that Light has the ability satisfy a partner in any way.
That said, their messy hypothetical relationship is undeniably fun to speculate about. Loads of fun fan works have come from the ship, and Light would despise the ship in real life, so who am I to knock it?
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ae-azile · 5 months
Progression, Chapter 27: Preview
Chay: Kim and I have a son now. 🥹
Khun: Kim’s PREGNANT?! 🤰🏻 Kim! Why wouldn't you TELL me? 🖕🏼
Kim: I don't have the parts for that. 
Chay: Don't remind me 😞
Porsche: I'm going to ignore you just saying that and instead ask for clarification. Whose baby did you steal? You're too young to be a parent. You have your college interview and practical coming up. 
Macau: Does P’Pete’s dad have another baby he was mistreating that you took?
Pete: I am in this group chat, Macau. 
Macau: Sorry 😬
Chay: He's not a human baby! He's a dog! 
Porsche: Chay! Dogs are a big responsibility! What about college?
Chay: I can walk him on some parts of campus! You are acting like I can’t take him anywhere. And even if I can't take him somewhere, you are acting like you won't watch him. 
Porsche: I won't! You got yourself into this mess! I'm not taking care of him! 
Chay: Meet Koda! 
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Porsche: …I will protect him with my life. 
Pol: Awwwww ♥️
Nalin: You already are an uncle, Khun! 🙂♥️
Arm: Why are you in this group chat???
Nalin: To gather stray gossip about you. You're SO interesting despite how boring you can be. 
Arm: Who added you?
Nalin: Why do you not want me included? You could just be grateful that I take an interest in your life? 
Arm: Huh? 
Porsche: Did he pose like that? 
Chay: Yes! He was jumping for a ball. When I pulled my phone out to take a picture, he looked at me, then stood up on his hind legs and gave me that look! He's SO smart and sweet. I love him more than I have ever loved anyone. 
Porsche: Wow. Kim and I are RIGHT HERE. 
Kim: He has said it fifteen times to me and your ma already. We both accept it. He's a sweet dog. Great actor too. He acted sickly and depressed while we were at the shelter. We took him to the pet store and that all stopped. He kept pulling us through the aisles and taking all the toys he was interested in off the hooks. 
Chay: And he got every single one because he deserves them. 🥰
Kim: Not for his abilities on a leash. 
Chay: Fine. He needs some practice on a leash. But he doesn't jump on anyone unless you prompt him to jump up on his hind legs. He's perfect. And he wasn't faking being sick, Kim. You know he has problems. We can both see the polyp and inflammation in his ear! But Kim is telling the truth. His personality changed within minutes. It must have sunk in that he finally found a loving home. ♥️ Mindset and support can do wonders to alleviate depression and chronic pain! He's not even 3 yet and the staff said his asshole owner dropped him off there when he was only 8 months old! He was there for over two years and no one showed him any interest because of his ear problems. I can't believe that vet wouldn't come out and operate on him for another week. That's why we got a hold of Phoenix’s vet. We dropped his paperwork off at the office and he said he could do the surgery in two days. 
Kim: Probably for the best. That way, you aren't stressing about it and compromising your interview and practical. 
Chay: Or when we meet with your label next weekend. 
Kim: OUR label. 
Arm: Are you both sitting at the park together but talking through here? 
Chay: You all are free to jump in at any moment. 
Nalin: Your dog is really cute, Chay! I love dogs. ♥️
Macau: You do? I do too! I’ve been thinking about getting a dog. 
Vegas: Since when? You've never even had one. 
Macau: I've always wanted one. 
Nalin: If you get one, Preeda volunteers at a rescue near our apartment. 
Macau: I'll go there first ☺️
Nalin: 😁
Arm: 🤨
Vegas: 🙄
Pete: Do you have more pictures, Chay? 
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Pete: Very cute. 🙂
Kinn: I'm looking forward to meeting him. 🙂
Tankhun: I am too! 🤗 Although, it is bad timing. 
Chay: Getting Koda today was PERFECT timing. 
Kim: He will not take any critique that includes Koda’s name in it. Watch it. He's come up with three songs about him in the last twenty minutes.
Porsche: Aww. Are they good?
Kim: They’re…songs. 
Tankhun: I'm not critiquing a new family member. But I was going to reach out in a bit to see if you, Kinn, Vegas, and Macau were available tonight. I wanted to go to Yok’s together and rent out the VIP room for long overdue brotherly/cousinly drunken bonding!!! 😩
Vegas: You want to get drunk together?
Tankhun: Of course! 
Vegas: What's your angle?
Tankhun: Finding out Pa’s angle is my angle! And I want to spend time with my brothers - who know him the best, as well as with you and Macau - who hate him the most!
Vegas: How did the breakfast with him go? 
Tankhun: He arrived set on ending the relationship and ended up taking away Arm’s guard status!
Nalin: You don't have a job anymore, Hia???
Tankhun: He gave him a better job. Arm is to solely focus on the technical aspect of our security system. The only duty he will be keeping from his time as head guard is overseeing the intake and routine trainings. To fill up his time, Pa has offered him the Chief Information Officer for the Theerapanyakul Luxury and Amenities Brand. And then, he called him “son.” 🤢
Vegas: Sounds like he actually approves, but has taken an interest in him. That sucks. 
Macau: Congratulations on the new job, Arm. 🙂
Arm: Thank you? 
Vegas: 🙄 Suck up. 
Arm: What? 
Nalin: Glad you're not jobless. You get dangerous when you're bored. That's what Malai and Hansa always say.
Arm: They exaggerate. 
Pol: You literally built toy cars that explode on a slow work day. 
Vegas: YOU built those? 
Tankhun: To be fair, I gave him the idea. 
Vegas: Well, I figured that. 
Tankhun: Let’s get drunk together and move past it! Macau too! 
Vegas: No Macau. 
Macau: Hia, I am legally allowed to drink now. 
Vegas: Not around me.
Macau: Fine. I will just go somewhere else and drink. Alone. 
Vegas: You won't. 
Macau: Why can't I see you drunk? You're a messy drunk, aren't you? 
Vegas: No
Tankhun: I can't speak for Vegas, but I can assure you I am incredibly classy and low-key when I am under the influence. 
Arm: 😂🤣😂
Pol: I don’t remember Arm ever golfing when he was drunk…
Nalin: I want to see Hia drunk. 
Arm: Absolutely not. 
Tankhun: I promise we will have a girls’ night, Nalin. I am in full support of Arm inviting you girls to spend time with Pete, Pol, and Porsche. If you choose to drink together, that's your call. But I feel like an exclusive hang out with my brother and cousins is needed at Yok’s
Nalin: Fine. I will crash your hangout at Pete’s, Hia. 
Macau: I will be home too. Hia doesn't want me to go to Yok’s. Sorry, Khun. 
Vegas: Changed my mind. You can go. 
Macau: It's okay. I don't want to make you feel weird. That's how nice I am. 
Tankhun: You're going, Macau. It's required! 
Macau: Whatever…
Nalin: 🫶🏼
Tankhun: Aw, Nalin. You're so sweet. ♥️ you too! 
Chay: Kim can go. Koda and I will be fine. We're heading back now. 🙂
Tankhun: Yayyyyy! I can't wait to meet my new nephew and spend time with my brothers and cousins tonight!!! It will be so much fun!
Vegas: If you say so? 
Macau: …Yay.
Tankhun: Oh, fuck off! We all made up! See you at 8. 🖕🏼
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saibugslegacy · 12 days
Percival Valley Ask Game
Because of my foolishness I am now committed to make these with all my MCs so here we go. Questions by @rypnami
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1) if your mc was an animagus, what would their form be? if they are, what is their form?
I genuinely have no idea for Percival. Maybe a horse?
2) if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form?
Percival would choose to not be an animagus because he has enough to worry about and the process is a lot of work
3) does your mc have a favourite colour? why is it their favourite?
Purple! No reason, he just really likes it. Idris is definitely lucky it's purple though considering his hair is stuck that way
4) in a modern au, would your mc use social media? what would their preferred platform be? why is if their preferred one?
Probably Reddit and Twitter if I'm being honest with myself
5) did you consult wand lore when choosing their wand? if so, why did you pick what you did? if not, would you ever change wand details to match your mc?
I did! Percival has the most main character wand ever: elder wood and phoenix feather. Elder wood is ridiculously powerful and rare, and apparently the users are marked for a “special destiny”. Phoenix feather is mainly to allude to his patronus being a phoenix
6) what is your mc’s diet? are they vegan, vegetarian, do they eat whatever? Why?
He's a fairly picky eater because he has a lot of sensory issues around food but otherwise no special diet
7) what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?
Percival (and Idris) didnt go to Hogwarts because their father kept sending the letters back with the reply saying his children would not be attending. Then he died and the twins were stuck in an orphanage. Professor Fig personally showed up to tell them about Hogwarts and magic and they decided to go 5th year
8) what house is your mc in? why are they in that house?
Percival is a Ravenclaw because he is a fucking nerd. Kidding, but it's not entirely wrong. He hates not knowing things, he loves answering unanswered questions, and his curiosity is a hust part of him. There are so many times he gets scared and wants to bail on everything, but he stays because he's so curious and refuses to leave the questions unanswered
9) were you inspired by characters from other media when making your mc? if so, which characters? and how did they influence your mc?
Not from media, but Percival was based on one of my old OCs named Julian Athantis
10) does your mc have any special abilities? (legilimens, parsletongue, metamorphagus, etc) how do they choose to use these powers? did you give them powers for fun, or does it relate to their backstory/plot?
Other than the sense that at first he has more Ancient Magic abilities no. Unless a dark curse counts
11) what is your mc’s blood status? how does it affect their time at hogwarts? how does it affect their home life?
They're both half-bloods but it doesn't affect them that much. The most it does is that they were raised muggles and have to try and uncover their father's legacy
12) did your mc open the repository? why or why not?
They did not because they knew they didn't want that much power
13) if your mc opened the repository, how did absorbing all that power affect them, if it did at all?
14) what does your mc think of the keepers? do they trust them? why or why not?
Percival fucking hates those people. They're hoarding and hiding and even erasing knowledge. But worst is that they are testing and forcing 15 year old children to do their dirty work. A N D they constantly talk down to and about Idris
15) how does your mc’s story continue after 5th year? how do they cope with everything that happened with ranrok, sebastian, etc?
Well I can't spoil that, but I can tell you Percival's curse has a large part to play
16) did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?
No, but he would have had he been given the opportunity because he thinks the limitation of knowledge is absurd
17) did your mc turn in sebastian? why or why not?
He does not. For….reasons :)
18) what is your mc’s family like? do they have siblings? do they still have parents?
They had two parents who were amazing parents and a little sister Annabelle but all three were killed by Ranrok and their father did lie to them their whole lives
19) does your mc have a love interest? who is it? why did your mc fall for that character, if they do have a love interest?
Garreth Weasley! Percy falls for Garreth because he's so…laid back. He's a spot of sunshine and fun when Percival doesn't have it. And he just cares so much about Percival, even thought Percival isn't as fun or sweet as Garreth
20) does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?
If he had to pick one probably the disillusionment charm. He prefers charms over any other type of spell and he prefers being discreet so this spell helps him avoid unnecessary fights
21) if you could change anything that the mc does in the game, what would it be? why would you change it? how would you change it? (ie; a line they say, an event of a quest, things of that nature)
The storyling of the Sallow twins has such a huge impact on the game but nothing comes of it in the end. Whether its curing Anne, not being able to, or even something as simple as knowing how/where the twins end up would be better
22) does your mc have any pets? if so, why do they have the pets they have? and for fun, what are their pets’ names?
Prof. Weasley gets Percival a Eurasian eagle owl over the summer so he can keep in touch with his friends but that's it
23) when designing your mc, why did you choose the appearance you did? has it changed at all since you first made them? would you change anything now?
Honestly I had a pretty clear image of Idris in my mind and even made them first. I just used the same face and shape and such to make Percival then changed his hair, skintone, and scars. I wish I could find a style that was curlier because his hair isn't supposed to be that straight but that one was the closest I could find
24) where is your mc from? where is their family from?
They are scottish on their father's side and South African on their mother's
25) what is your mc’s favourite season? why is it their favourite?
Summer, he loves being able to sit outside and read without it being too cold or rainy
26) how about your mc’s favourite holiday? what makes it special to them?
He doesn't particularly care for holidays anymore but he used to love his and Idris’ birthday
27) if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?
Gryffindor. Percival wants absolutely nothing to do with Ancient Magic and goblins and poachers. In fact he's terrified of all of the above. But every time he squares his shoulders and does it anyway. That screams bravery to me.
28) does your mc have a favourite childhood toy? if so, what was it? do they still have it with them?
He has a bracelet that a little baby Idris made him that he doesnt wear anymore because hes so scared to lose it
29) what kind of music would your mc like? is there a reason?
Im sorry but Percival would adore Taylor Swift. He likes lyrics and hed like fun pop songs so Taylor is the best bet
30) last but not least, just tell us something you love about your mc!
I loooove that his hair is purple. Something about having a character in the 1800s with colored hair makes me excited
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youuuimeanmee · 9 months
SxF Chapter 93 Thoughts
I usually don't comment on each release but today's chapter caught my attention
I'm really happy for Damian! The growthh, from second place to first place!! Let's gooo 🔥 🔥
Heh. Considering the growth rate of Anya's grade in the span of weeks, I already expected her to place second, so I'm not surprised. I feel smug. Heh.
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But, to think someone could score higher than 89 points, when Classical language is barely taught anymore! Who is this person, will we meet him soon?
Woww Becky, 5th in Language Studies? Not bad at all!
Huh, I didn't think Ewen would place that low in science (I expected him to place top 5). I guess it'll take awhile for him to catch up with Damian to become imperial scholars.
Aww no comment about Ewen? :(
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Wow dang, not a muscle-head, huh? Congrats Bill, that's impressive!
(he has potentials to be a great sniper with those math skills and analyzing skills if he were in military, lolol)
Oh fuck a Tonitrus
So Anya got 3 Stella and 3 Tonitrus? The theory that Anya will be the first Imperial Scholar to have 8 Stella and 7 Tonitrus is not that far off 🤣
(anya got 3 tonitrus instead of 2 is only because she helped damian. augh, im still salty about it)
But 24 in Math is not a bad grade at all, considering her quizz's result. Just a few more points until she pass the passing grade! It's okay Anya, you did your best!
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Dafuq do you mean, Sigmund Grandpa. Why such depressing talk for a 4-yo kid. It's almost like he gives her a warning about the price of becoming a spy 👀 Especially since Anya declared she wished for world peace. As if he already knows her telepathic ability 👀 👀
Awwh. Oh well.
Anya and Damian will become Imperial Scholars together, just wait.
WOOHOO DEMETRIUS. I didn't expect it but it does make sense he'd appear now 🤣
Damn. 6 Stella in one sitting? He is a beast, alright.
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Agh, he ugly. Ew.
Definitely emo, which is great 🤣
The old man's gene run strong. I am so glad Damian resembles his mother more
But stilll it feels great to see him in canon after only seeing him in fanarts for years! And to think it's pretty accurate too! 🤣
Whoah I didn't expect his mind to go silent like that. Is he simply an eccentric kid? Or does he have a telepathic ability like Anya that'd allow him to block certain frequencies?
"Maybe he really is just too busy nowadays?" No hon. As much as I want to agree with you, I don't think so. You're telling me that Donovan, a leader of a political party, is busier now than the time when he was leading a country? Nah. He just loves your brother more
(but if he's indeed busier nowadays, I wonder what he's up to 👀)
Aww Loid 😂 If only you know she's mimicking Demetrius, you'd be over the moon with this informations 🤣
Great chapter! 9/10 🏅🏅🏅
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trimanulo · 1 year
A few of my theories on Beavis and Butthead!
1. I think everyone noticed that Beavis did not invent a woman for himself. Instead, he came up with a Butt-head, which he was probably really waiting for. Beavis has always had strange tendencies, which I attribute to his orientation. After spending many years with Butthead, he just doesn't think about women anymore, because a friend has completely replaced them. Most likely, he even likes that Butthead beats him, for Beavis this is something normal, so much so that with each season he began to beat Butthead less and less in response. It seems to me that Beavis loves Butthead, but he can't admit it in any way, because he denies it in himself and believes that butthead will not take his feelings seriously.
2. Beavis was raped, and in my opinion more than once. In many episodes of the old seasons and in the last one, he told about a man who "did something to him", Beavis is not a virgin and was sexually assaulted. And not only in adolescence, but also in childhood, which indicates his fear of touching from other people.
3. Butthead was raised by his uncle, his mother's brother. But the mother seems to have visited her son, as she told Butthead that his father had died. Also, Butthead's uncle is most likely not poor, since he allowed his cousin to put braces on his teeth, and this is not cheap.
4. Beavis' mother did not abandon him. Beavis always remembers her and it seems that it was she who paid taxes for the house in which the boys lived for a long time. As it was in "Beavis and Butthead beat the universe", the mother found out that her son had died and she "out of grief" put the house up for sale. Perhaps she hates her son and that's why she left him alone in her house, and she lives with some rich uncle. But in any case, she does not forget about Beavis and maybe they even see each other sometimes.
5. Butthead's uncle is the rich husband of Beavis' mom. That's why these two were merged together into one house. And the phrase "I fucked your mom" came to Butthead from his uncle when he told Beavis her as a child.
6. If you sleep with Beavis or Butt-head, then you will have a new Beavis or Butt-head, who will be 100% together again later. As it was with the fathers of Beavis and Butthead.
7. Butthead does not hate Beavis, on the contrary, he loves his friend for all his stupidity. And even when Beavis is talking complete nonsense and she annoys Butthead, he says the phrase "I'll pretend I didn't hear it." But in no way offends a friend for his mental abilities.
8. Butthead always followed the "Great Corn" not only to laugh, but he also kept an eye on Beavis so that he did not do things. Perhaps it was he who brought him home after the attack and followed him everywhere so as not to lose sight of him.
9. Beavis insanely likes abuse from Butthead, that's why when butthead became good, Beavis hated him. Perhaps he just lacks touch and tactility, that's why he found them in the strokes.
10. Beavis and Butt-head may be disappointed by the fact that after sex, nothing has changed in their lives and the guys, having fulfilled their dream, will come to the conclusion that they have no one but each other and nothing else and can not be. That's it!
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jpitha · 2 years
Hidden Depths 22
Awakenings 1 2 3 4Hidden Depths 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Hidden Depths: A Side Story Hidden Depths: Another Perspective
Alia didn't actually get into her hibernation cabinet until it was installed into Superliminal and wired into place. Greylock's remotes, Alia, and Gord helped to get the cabinet wired.
After the third time Gord installed a cable upside down and Greylock had to gently remind him to check his cable orientation Gord said "I have no idea why you wanted to wait until your cabinet was installed before getting in Alia, it's all going so smoothly!"
Alia giggled. It actually was going pretty smoothly. Lucas, er - Friendly Wave was installed and running checks while his body was stowed in the AI Core. He Still looked like Lucas in the Mindspace but Alia worked hard to use his correct name.
"How does it feel Wave?" Alia asked as she saw him running tests.
"Feels pretty good actually. This model is a derivative of what I was originally, older, but I actually like it more. It seems like a lot of the issues I had with myself were introduced in the dot revisions. They should have just kept this model!"
Gord nodded while he worked. "That's how it goes. For every new model that everyone says is the Second Coming Of Sliced Bread, it's just the old model with new problems and a coat of paint."
Wave grinned. "Well this one is nice. Greylock, Alia, do you mind...if I keep it after we're done?"
Alia was surprised "You don't want to go back to your body?"
Wave shook his head. "No, I don't think I do. Things always seem...simpler when you're a ship. I like that simplicity. If having a body for 25 years has taught me anything, it's that I don't like Politics and I don't like crowds."
Alia looked at Greylock and shrugged. "Since we're not actually going to be starting a colony from scratch, we don't need defense like we were, and we now have the ability to link a beacon anywhere when we need something. I'm okay with it, but Greylock has to be okay with it too."
"I'm okay with it, Friendly Wave. Just make sure you come running when you get a beacon from us."
"Of course, Greylock. You call, I'll come."
Gord stood up from where he was crouched. Greylock's remotes stood too. "Okay Alia, you're ready. We have your cabinet wired into the AI Core directly. When you're in and connected you are Superliminal. Greylock will set the cabinet to be able to take the gee, but once you're Superliminal you'll be able to adjust it too, so be careful."
"Got it Gord." Alia ran over and gave Gord a bear hug. "Last time for a while I'll get to do this, so I had better make it count!"
Gord chuckled and returned the hub. "Won't be long at all this time. See you in the mindspace."
Alia opened the top of her cabinet and carefully climbed in. As she laid back, her head aligned with ports on the cabinet and her cybernetics connected. She blinked once and her eyes flashed blue.
"Woah. This is weird." Superliminal said through the ship's comm.
"Weird how?" Greylock asked. The lid to the hibernation cabinet started to close gently.
"Like, when I worked with Greylock, I could feel the sensors and see out of the cameras and converse with the subsystems, but now that I have my own? It's more...viceral? More direct?"
"That's how it goes." Gord said. "The ships have senses the bodies don't, the bodies have senses the ships don't." He looked around the core. Everything seemed like it was working all right. "Okay Superliminal, I'm going to go become Gordian Knot and Once I'm in, we'll meet up in Greylock's mindspace and coordinate." And he walked out.
Gord walked into the cargo ship and with a sigh, connected himself to the AI Core. Gordian Knot then connected into Greylock's Mindspace. Express and Resort were standing next to Superliminal talking. Friendly Wave and Greylock were looking at virtual pads, checking everything over. Gordian walked up to Superliminal "Getting the hang of things?"
"Yeah, Express and Resort are really being helpful! They've already helped me figure out how to route my reactor to the weapons batteries faster than I could have done it on my own, and they gave me some defaults to apply to the printer so I could rearm quickly." She grinned. "This is super cool."
Gordian smiled a little sadly. "I'm glad you're getting the hang of it."
Superliminal stopped and looked at Gordian. "But..."
Gordian shook his head. "No no, it's fine. We all agreed to this. But, this?" He gestured around. "This was just us before. Just AIs. Now, a human is in and playing with our toys. It's just the times are moving on and I have to catch up."
"Oh Gordian. You said so yourself I might be the last cyborg. I don't think humans are going to start wanting to be ships"
Gordian smiled thinly. "You're probably right. I'm fussing at nothing." He turned to everyone. "Okay, we've dallied long enough. Time to head back. Everyone secured?"
"We're ready to go, Gordian Knot." Express said.
"I'm in my docking cradle, reactors hot, and systems loosening up." Wave said.
"Hibernation cabinets pressurized, oriented towards the plane of thrust and secured. Our passengers are ready." Greylock said.
"Board's all green here." Superliminal answered.
"Okay then. Thrust for a combined eighteen gees on my mark."
Immediately, Superliminal could feel the difference. Inside the docking cradle within Grelock, She couldn't help thrust, but she felt herself get heavy, felt where down was very strongly and felt her systems warn her that this was excessive acceleration and recommend that it cease. She cleared the recommendation and...that was it.
Greylock had a harder time of it. As the thrust ramped up, someone still walking around would start to hear the whole ship creak and groan like an ancient wooden sailing ship. All of the colony supplies were well secured though; they didn't move. Greylock watched the hibernation cabinets carefully. Gord and Him had done their work well though, a few cabinets reported code yellow issues from the thrust, but no cabinets were code red and none reported any issues keeping the humans inside alive.
It seemed to Greylock that the moment he was able to relax about the colonists, his vibration sensors picked up something external to the ship failing. With a booming howl, something ripped off and was flung into interstellar space.
"Greylock! What was that?" Last Resort asked "I saw something fly by my cameras just now."
"Looking, looking. Shit. It's my communications array. I forgot to stow it and it ripped off! I can't receive laser messages now."
Gordian Knot shrugged in the Mindspace. "Too late to do anything about it now. Luckily it shouldn't be that big of a deal. We can communicate via in-system radio and link a beacon for long distance comms. Other than that, how are you holding up?"
"It's...not comfortable" Greylock said wincing. "But I'll manage. The colonists are fine, the cargo is fine, Superliminal, You and Wave are fine, now it's just a waiting game."
"Game you say?" Gordian said with a wicked grin. "I just happen to have a pile of games with me."
Express and Resort just looked at each other. Wave shook his head.
4 Days later, They had slowed to a stop, relative to the system they were going to. Gordian had everyone extinguish their drives and take a moment.
"Okay, let's take a quick breather here and then link over. I don't know what we're going to see when we get there, so be ready Wave and Superlimial. Stay in your cradles until we're there, and Greylock will let you out when we get there."
They nodded.
"Greylock, since we're all connected to you, and you officially have the largest wormhole generator that exists right now, would you do the honors? Here are the coordinates." Gordian flipped him over a file.
"Right you are Gordian. Inputting coordinates, and setting reactors to 300% of nominal."
Using her new senses, Superliminal was able to feel Greylock's reactor spin up, to hear the power it was generating and to see how the wormhole generator started to gently massage spacetime around them. Watching spacetime around them undulate and bend gently under the influence of the wormhole generator was beautiful.
"Navigation solution found! Power output sufficient. Batteries and Capacitors charged. Linking in 3...2..."
Without any fanfare at all, they linked over to the Joint Human/K'laxi starbase.
"What the hell is going on?" Superlimnial shouted.
Part 23
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If that's the case, tell me all about your OCs!
ahh ok!
idk where to start jejddnfkfnfm i recently did introduced a new oc universe (silently glances at epidemic stellaria) so i really wanna talk more abt the characters there. i've written a few character descriptions for them, but it's not ALL OF THE CHARACTERS YET LOL. i'll just put some of the ones i've already written under the cut lel
1. Naoki Sakaguchi
A normal boy who was living a normal enough life up until the Stellaria Epidemic happened. Despite spending most of his high school life indoors even until graduation, he was still cheerful and positive about his situation. However, he's also rather fed up by all of this, so he then sets up a goal to find the person who started the Stellaria Epidemic and put a stop to it once and for all.
2. Miyu Takemoto
Naoki's best friend who he befriended in the midst of their online classes back in high school. Miyu is mostly pessimistic and a realist, always looking at things in a logistic sense and never really likes the thought of even daydreaming once. She's very skilled in the piano, and has harnessed her abilities to use it as self-defense against the Stellarias.
3. Koshiro Nakano
A young teacher who didn't really want to become a teacher to begin with. Skipping a lot of grades and having a lot of skills in any school subject, Koshiro is a smart individual who's parents forced him to become a teacher at the young age of 17. It's been a year now since then, and even if he enjoys sharing his knowledge, he wishes he could do something more than just teaching a bunch of teenagers around his age all that he knows.
4. Stella Namia
The mastermind behind the Stellaria Epidemic, it's unknown why she even caused it to begin with. A girl who seems nice and approachable, but her intimidating aura immediately draws people away. Little does anyone know, there's something hidden behind her nearly empty eyes.
5. Alex Vignetta
The oldest of the Vignetta siblings and is the leader of the Reality Haxxors. A man who is very distant and cold towards others, even to his own relatives. He's always busy occupying himself within his work, so he never really has the chance to spend any time with his family. However, deep down inside, he secretly does care about them and the members of the Reality Haxxors.
6. Arthesia Vignetta
A member of the Reality Haxxors, Arthesia can be classified as the youngest Vignetta Data Bank wielder so far (even if her age is close to the Minase siblings). Not that talkative in real life, but more outspoken on social media, that's how she usually is. Used to be very introverted and quiet, but nowadays is willing to blabber on about whatever she likes a little more. It's all thanks to a certain someone.
7. Aaron Vignetta
He isn't actually a Vignetta biologically. He was just an accidental experiment result who then got taken in by the Vignetta family and became one of their own. Has always taken an interest in music and playing the guitar, and is currently learning how to play one. He's struggling, but he's trying, at the very least.
8. Haruki Motome
An up-and-coming idol! A rising star in the industry! His charming looks and melodious voice captivates those who have only seen him once. With a flashing smile, Haruki is sure to make you swoon~
9. Rumi Narukami
Once a world renowned musician, now is a music teacher for a high school. The reasons as to why she quit is...still unknown. However, she lives her life to the fullest despite everything. Despite being...what, 25 years old? She still isn't exactly familiar with modern technology for whatever reason. Arthesia and Yuta are helping her with that, though.
10. Yuta Minase
One of the Minase siblings, Yuta is a flirty, yet annoying boy who fails in his flirtatious attitude everytime. He has a loud and upbeat personality that never seems to die down unless someone calls him out for it. He's all bark but no bite.
11. Yuka Minase
One of the Minase siblings. Unlike her brother Yuta, Yuka is more quiet and serious. She's willing to help others if possible, but not without any cost, of course. Very skilled in robotics and engineering, and is able to fix anything around the Reality Haxxors's base if needed. Is really annoyed and absolutely done with her brother's antics, however.
12. Tyler Morrison
He serves as some kind of...guardian spirit to Arthesia. Has been with her for many years now, and has closely watched her growth throughout every single one of them. A man who can come off as rude and aggressive, but deep down inside, he has a little soft spot of his own.
THAT'S ALL I'VE DONE SO FAR LOLOL. i think there are a few familiar names for the og the-art-in-arthesia-is-loud followers™ like arthesia and tyler. but new names here and there too (hi stella)
thank you for talking to me btw anon i really really do appreciate it <3
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myriadeyed · 2 years
100 Questions for Tetri 1-100
1. What is your name? What is your human’s name?
Tetri, [redacted].
2. How did you get your name?
We’ve told this story a hundred times by now 😆
3. Do you have any nicknames? What do you like to call your human?
I don’t, and I usually call Swift his real name, not Swift.
4. What is your gender, if any?
Just male.
5. How old are you? Do you know your CIE date?
November 11, 2020. That makes me 2 years old.
6. How are you feeling right now?
Quite fine.
7. What is your favorite time of day?
Evening! Specifically the golden hour. When everything is settling in.
8. What is your favorite time of year?
Early to mid October.
9. What is your favorite activity?
Relaxing. Curling up by a fire with a book and a cup of tea.
10. What is your favorite food? Does it differ from your human’s?
Any kind of pastry, especially from a coffee shop. Yeah, Swift doesn’t like sweet stuff as much and I hate the fish he eats.
11. List five of your favorite songs, and five of your human’s favorite songs.
I Will Follow You Into the Dark, Must Be a Dream, Recycled Air, When We Drive, Atlanta; See the Day, Disappear, Dead Weight, Carnivore, CASTLE OF GLASS
12. Who was the last person you talked to, other than your human?
Lumi (one of our headmates).
13. If you could change one thing about your human, what would it be?
I'd make him go to bed earlier.
14. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I don't like disagreeing with Swift on things. I wouldn't want to change my opinions but I'd like to be better at explaining my perspective.
15. Are you affectionate?
16. Are you introverted, extroverted, or in-between?
I'm kind of an introvert.
17. Do you like to meet other daemons?
Yeah! It's fun.
18. Do you have any friends, excluding your human?
I don't have external friends, but I'm close with all the headmates.
19. What do you do during a conflict?
Mediate and pacify.
20. Are you happy with the amount of time you are projected currently?
If I wasn't, I'd do it more. I'm "visible" when I want to be.
21. Do you have a favorite quote? If so, what is it?
"Sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined." Ocean Vuong.
22. What is your favorite word?
I don't think I have one. Maybe "amber."
23. What is your favorite memory?
Since we share memories, I get to pick from our past before my CIE -- so my favorite memory is from the last day of junior year of high school, the evening after we had just come out to our friends, and we were listening to Lose It by Oh Wonder in the car and just kind of... transcending relief. Tied with the tashlich on our first Rosh Hashanah (and the honey and apples of course).
24. What is your favorite thing about your human?
I like that he's kind. He doesn't believe me when I say it because he only sees interpersonally. But he's got such a strong sense of justice in him. Things make him angry so much because he thinks big picture and wants the best for the world. He just thinks he's irritable.
25. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
My empathy and ability to comfort people. (Swift wants me to expand on this because he thinks I have low self-esteem.) I think I have a natural calmness and I liken myself to a cat in my ability to sense when someone is upset and offer a comforting presence. That's why I first appeared as a cat.
26. Have you learned anything new about yourself?
I'm constantly learning new things about myself. We all are.
27. Where would you like to travel to?
I'd like to go to Santa Fe.
28. Is there anyone that you would like to meet or get to know better?
No. Those things will happen naturally.
29. How often do you change forms?
Never. I'm always a civet.
30. What are your favorite forms to take?
Have been a civet since 2021, but I used to take a ratsnake form that I liked.
31. Are there any forms that you dislike or refuse to take?
Before I settled, I refused to take any kind of bird form. Flying, heights and being off the ground unsettles me.
32. If you took a fictional form, what would it be?
Turtleduck from Avatar.
33. Have you ever fronted or attempted to front?
No, and I wouldn't want to.
34. Do you have any regrets?
Oh, plenty. But why get into them here?
35. Do you love your human?
Of course! What kind of question--
36. Have you ever felt a close bond to another human/daemon/headmate?
I have a close bond with all the headmates. We're like a little family.
37. What are you afraid of?
Flight. Especially on airplanes. Cursed death traps.
38. Does your human have a headspace? What does it look like?
39. Which form best describes YOUR personality?
Ragdoll cat. Or a quieter kind of dog.
40. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
Somewhere peaceful. Settled down and in a comfortable rhythm in life.
41. What is the earliest conversation you can remember having with your human?
We talked about Swift's special interest in video game history. That's how we bonded for the first time. Easier for him to get to know someone if they're talking about his favorite thing in the world, the cathode-ray tube amusement device (nerd).
42. Do you have a favorite number? What it is?
I can't think of one!
43. What is your favorite color? Does it differ from your human’s?
Brown :)
44. How would you describe your sense of humor?
45. What annoys you?
Getting wet or cold.
46. What makes you happy?
Lots of things! People, cats, poetry, sailboats, tea, greenhouses and bakeries. To name a few.
47. What makes you sad?
I don't like to think about sad stuff, so pass.
48. Where are you at this moment, and in what form (if any)?
On the armrest of the couch.
49. Do you use any form of social media (besides [TUMBLR])?
I have been known to send the occasional PluralKit message.
50. What does your voice sound like?
I think it's kind of Jacob Geller-esque, but a little deeper.
51. What are your favorite smells?
Cookies baking, new book smell, old book smell, coffee, fresh-cut grass, autumn rain, and unscented candles.
52. What images, scents, and sounds do you associate with your human?
Uncanny stuff. Like liminal spaces and weird CGI. He loves it.
53.Do you care about politics?
54. Are you religious?
Not particularly.
55. Are you satisfied with your life right now?
No sense in being satisfied or unsatisfied. Just live with the goal of being happy, without caring whether you already are or what you could be doing better. So, satisfied I guess.
56. Is there something that you are looking forward to?
Getting a cat.
57. What are some of your life goals?
My goals align with the system*'s. We don't have concrete plans at the moment.
58. Do you care about clothing? What is your favorite outfit that your human wears?
Nah, I've never cared. It's not my body, so.
59. Do you wear any accessories?
60. What is your current eye color? Does it change depending on your form?
Always brown.
61. What type of pet would you want? Why?
Cat! Rat would also be fun.
62. Do you have any favorite TV shows?
His Dark Materials.
63. Are you a worry wart?
Oh yeah.
64. What is something that you hate?
I don't think I hate anything. That's a strong word.
65. What is your favorite type of weather?
Clear skies and warm temperatures but not humid.
66. Do you enjoy getting caught in the rain?
No! I hate it. I hate getting rained on-- oh I guess I do hate something.
67. Do you care much about your appearance?
68. Are you talkative, or quiet?
I would say I'm pretty quiet, but Swift says I'm the most frequent converser in the brain.
69. Have you ever made a mistake?
You think I could live 2 years without making a single mistake?
70. What is your greatest personal achievement?
You know what? I'm proud of settling. It shows stability.
71. Do you have any guilty pleasures?
I don't feel guilt for pleasure, we're not Catholic.
72. What do you do when your human is unhappy?
I usually try to offer advice but all he usually needs is just someone to talk to and be around.
73. Do you like to cuddle?
74. What’s your plan for the rest of the day?
It's 11:30 pm.
75. What is your favorite day of the week?
76. Do you like to sing or dance?
Yeah, I dabble in it.
77. Are you lazy?
Oh, I'd like to think not.
78. Are you stubborn?
Not at all. The opposite.
79. Have you ever felt lonely?
I'm never alone. But yes.
80. How do you feel about your human participating in romantic relationships?
81. Can money buy happiness?
82. Do you have any quirks or odd habits?
I love windowsills. I just hang out on the windowsill at any place we go.
83. Do you believe that life exists on other planets?
84. Where is “home” for you?
Home is anywhere you decide to make it.
85. Have you ever played devil’s advocate?
No, I see no reason to.
86. Describe yourself in six words.
Friendly little-guy-coded cat-shape.
87. Do you have any inside jokes?
88. If you were corporeal for a day, what would you do?
I'd taste. I'd make a day out of tasting. Lots of sugary foods. Obviously I can taste vicariously through Swift but it's not the same y'know?
89. What was your favorite moment from today so far?
90. Are you sarcastic?
No, not really. Too earnest.
91. If you were a human (or already take a human form), what would you look like?
I think it's a silly question because I don't have a human form, so I could look like literally anything.
92. Do you have any hidden talents?
No, I don't think so.
93. Have you ever named anything?
94. Have you ever appeared in your human’s dream?
Maybe once or twice but not autonomously.
95. Has your personality changed since you first came into existence?
A little, but we attribute that to the fact that people just change sometimes over the course of years. Swift has changed a lot too. We changed each other.
96. Have you/your human ever changed your name?
No. We were right the first time.
97. Have you ever told a lie?
No, never!
98. Do you curse?
Not much.
99. Have you ever felt jealous?
100. What inspires/motivates you?
Mary Oliver poems.
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Oc Ask Game - The Basics: Hannah Kentworthy
1. What is your ocs full name? Does this name have any special meaning/history?
Hannah Louise Kentworthy, I just liked the way it flewed
2. Does your oc have any nicknames? How did they get these nicknames?
Han, Hannah Lou, and Hannah Banana are all obvious. Floor 19 calls her Ice Queen and her Boyfriend TJ casserole her Snowflake because her mother is the goddess of snow and ice.
3. How old is your oc?
Eternally 17
4. Does your oc have a defining physical trait? What makes this feature unique?
Her eyes, they're big and wide and ice blue
5. Does your oc have a defining personality trait? Why does this trait define them?
She's protective. She spent her last few years alive protecting her brother. She died protecting her gang of street orphans. Now in her afterlife, she's Floor 19's resident mom friend making sure her friends are mildly safe and their emotional and mental states are well taken care of.
6. What’s your oc’s current job and what’s their dream job? Do these jobs differ?
Well as a dead eternal teenager, she doesn't have a real job, but Blitzen let's her help at his shop sometimes. She wishes she could have owned a bakery.
7. How would you describe your oc’s style? How would they describe their style?
I'd call it cute, but functional. Hannah would call it I can wear this to combat training or on a date or dating to the death (a real thing at the Hotel Valhalla believe it or not.
8. What is your oc’s relationship status? Are they content with this?
She's in a long term relationship with her hallmate Thomas Jefferson Jnr. asks she is very happy with that.
9. How would you describe your oc’s personality? How would they describe their personality?
We would both say she's the mom friend with a sarcastic side
10. What’s your oc’s greatest weakness?
If she leaves the Hotel, she can die, but permanently this time
11. What’s your oc’s greatest strength?
She can control ice and snow
12. What is your oc’s biggest fear? Why?
Giant squirrels, you get chased through Yggdrasil by one and tell me you're not terrified afterward!
13. What is your oc’s most prized possession? What’s the importance/meaning behind this item?
Hermagic arrow, Willow, was the only gift her mother had ever given her. Her aim is always accurate and she always returns to Hannah's quiver. Plus like any good magical weapon, Willow can talk.
14. Does your oc have any hobbies? How did they get involved in these?
She sews and bakes. She uses them as excuses to make stuff for her friends.
15. What’s your oc’s favorite color? Does this color have any special meaning/symbolism?
Blue, it gives her wintery vibes and reminds her off her mother.
16. What’s your oc’s favorite food? Why is this their favorite food?
Yorkshire pudding was the first thing Hannah learned to bake and it reminds her of growing up in London.
17. What’s your oc’s biggest aspiration in life? Why?
She wants to delay Ragnarok as long as possible. She didn't get long to live her life and she's happy as an einherjar. She's in no hurry to give that up.
18. What’s your oc’s relationship like with their family?
Well her mother doesn't really talk to her but Hannah knows she cares from a distance. Her father and her brother are both dead and apparently in some other afterlife so she doesn't really have a relationship with them anymore.
19. Does your oc have any defining skills? How did they acquire/learn these skills?
Outside the typical einherjar abilities, Hannah is kheimo and frigokinetic. She inherited these skills from her mother Skadi. She's also an amazing archer. Part of that is also inherited talent but most of it comes from a lot of practice.
20. What does your oc’s bedroom/house look like? How does this reflect their personality?
Her room at the Hotel Valhalla looks like the inside of a cozy cottage. Her main atrium is divided between a large living area with comfy couches and chairs around a huge roaring fireplace with shelves full of books on the walls all around it and an enormous kitchen fully stocked for baking. To one side, there's a nook for maintaining her archery equipment. On the other is a nook with sewing supplies.
Basic Asks
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smokeys-house · 2 years
I don't talk about destiny on here much but I need to shout my frustration somewhere. This is just a lot of my annoyances with the new subclass. I don't wanna sound like I'm telling you not to have fun with it but I'm not having fun with it and here's why. Not yucking anybody's yum but I am just. Not fond of this.
The warlock strand subclass is so incredibly boring. Why are warlocks relegated to "spawn a little guy who does something automatically for you" on every subclass but solar? That doesn't make me feel powerful. The melee ability looks so cool but actually using it is sooooo booooringggggggg. Everything about the warlock strand subclass just feels too automatic I don't feel like I'm actually doing anything.
Hunters get shatterdive 2.0 that auto suspends enemies, and a suite of new moves. Warlocks get FOUR moves that spawn a little guy. The one move that doesn't spawn a little guy sucks. The new melee is cool but feels lame when I use it and would be better off if it were stronger but required skill to use rather than guaranteed damage for pressing one button. It has 3 charges but even with tier 8 strength you're only going to be able to get a triple chain once per fight.
The grapple is really fun and exciting but it replacing the grenade is horrible. I haven't got all the aspects yet so I'm hoping this changes, but do warlocks even have a way to suspend enemies that doesn't replace the grapple?
Also hot take but being able to shoot while gliding feels so natural that not being able to do it on anything but one class with a specific fragment feels like getting neutered. Strand has you in the air a lot when using the grapple but if you use a bow all the time like I do have fun never shooting anything while you're flinging yourself about.
Grappling is fun when you've got the strand empowerment recharge rate. It becomes a nuisance when you only get one shot at a grapple and it takes a year to recharge even with tier 8. The instant recharge when you grapple one of the fairly sparse nodes is nice, but that's it. It's so predetermined it hardly feels like the freedom of movement you get when you've got the buff. It should only take a small amount of charge to use if you don't use it for the grapple melee ability but instead it takes the whole charge if you want to just go somewhere.
So far, it's a huge letdown. Maybe it'll be better with the right aspects and fragments but it just feels like press buttons to spawn little guys and burn all your cool downs to get free damage. I wouldn't even care if all the abilities did half the damage if it was actually fun to play with. I want to feel responsible for the attacks and damage I do, I want to feel like I'm doing something in a fight. I don't want to sit back and watch as my enemies disappear while I do nothing. I'm soooo so so so tired of the spawn a little guy mechanic. Child of the old gods, arc soul, threadlings, bleak watcher, even the no time to explain exotic perk its just. Not fun. At least I can avoid it with the other subclasses, I'm not forced to use them. But with strand it's like the only thing warlocks have! It's not fun! I want to be in control of my powers, that shouldn't be hard to understand.
Also how come hunters get the new shatterdive as an extra free ability and get to keep dodge but no one else gets an extra free move. Easily could've added something for an in-air double press like icarus dash or Phoenix dive. Hunters moves all feel snappy and intentional and responsive, warlock moves in strand just feels like I'm blundering about wasting cooldowns.
Anyway that's my hot take on the new thing. If you enjoy it that's fine! I'm not gonna take that away from you but its not for me.
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berniecranes · 2 years
🤥,👪,🍧,⏳,💔 for any ocs you want of course!!!!!
*giggles* I don't know what came over me, sorry these are kinda long!!! Thank you bestie for the ask!!
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Andy: Erm no. He would not be a good liar. I feel you can tell he fidgets more when he's nervous. Tangling his fingers together, tugging on his sleeves or even readjusting his glasses. 'Cause they're his little nervous ticks I'd say more rampant, if that makes sense.
Frances: To an extent. But she truly doesn't like lying and doesn't do it often. I think she'd be able to hide it better because she was already taught to be very prim and proper and she can use that kinda as a mask. That's usually used for more emotional things she tries to hide, but definitely could work for a lie. BUT— when she can't hide it, you can tell. She'll just have a lil bit of a pained expression sksksk
Richard: sksksk I don't talk about him much because he's like my own character not rlly tied to anything. But he's a great liar. And you won't be able to tell he's lying. He's got the businessman ability to be a piece of shit and look you directly in the eyes, knowing he's getting the better end of the stick, even if that means a lie or two mixed in there.
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Andy: His family is a great lil average family. They don't have much, work with what they have, and love what they're able to have. His family is genuinely close to their neighbors, not in a just neighborly way, but in a legitimate friend of the family way. They come together and have Barbecues, help out with yard work and what not. Oh and I'm not gonna talk abt his extended family. It's fucking big.
Andy is very close to his mom. I feel she tries to never let him feel left out for being the middle child and truly tries to treat all of her kids with proper love & affection and respect. His mom may have a specific soft spot for Andy though, as he was the softer one of her boys.
Andy has two other siblings!! He has an older brother Julio who is in college, and a younger sister named Yolanda!! Andy and Julio have had to share a room practically their entire life and have butted heads from time to time. But he really looks up to Julio and loves him dearly. And Yolanda and him!!! They are the closest!! Andy loves hanging out with her, showing her the plants he's learned to identify through boy scouts and leading her around. They are probably only a year or two apart, whereas I think him and his brother are maybe 3 years? I'm still working them out.
Richard: Ohhh....this guy loves his family. He'll tell you they are his absolute priority. Everything he does, it's for them. He is utterly in love with his wife, Kathleen. And Emily, his daughter is daddy's little girl. She honestly could get anything she wants! She still follows her dad's strict rules, while knowing how fun and playful he can be. Emily is around 8 years old. Richard's biggest issue family wise is his work! He is a workaholic to the max, and constantly either late, or bringing the office home. He has to go on business trips from time to time, sometimes his family can join, sometimes they can't. When they can't, it's definitely rough. Richard misses his family a ton, and maybe that's why he goes out and has some fun. Yes; Richard is a cheater, which his family is unaware about. I hope that first part makes a lil more sense now.
Richard is an only child and has a little rocky relationship with his father. He respected him, but sometimes that is all there felt there was; just respect. When Richard started growing into his own him and his father worked out a lot of stuff. His father helped him become the stern, proper man he is. Richard was always close to his mother, making sure to help around the house so she didn't have to do anything all on her own, as his father, too, was a hard working businessman.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Andy: He still has a toy airplane that is hung from his side of the room's ceiling. He's had it since he was a baby. He's never pulled it down, he's just use to it there, he likes it. He's always thought planes were cool. Andy likes looking at it because apparently his dad picked it out for him. Andy doesn't have much things like this, so he holds it dearly to him.
⏳ HOURGLASS - are they usually late or on-time?
Andy: Tries to be on time. Mom says is disrespectful to show up late, that person is giving you their time. But for family occasions not hosted at his house? His family is coming in a lil late. Sksksksks
Frances: Shows up early, but in a normal way. It's the proper thing to do. She would never come an hour or so early, she feels that is dropping in the hosts time, and doesn't think that is fair.
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
Frances: she would be heart broken to find out he was a cheater. I think that is rather obvious and common, but she just would be devastated. All she ever wants to do is be the best she can, and that means giving her all in a relationship. And a bit more specific one for her, which I won't elaborate on, but be like Dante. That would send her into a little bit of a crisis.
Andy: If I'm being real; probably their first fight. Andy is already getting ready to lay in bed for the next week after it happens. He's never had a girlfriend yet, so he really thinks the first fight is gonna be the end. Talking to his mama about all the things he should have or could have done, when in reality it rlly was neither of their fault and will probably end up realizing they were just better as friends sksksksk.
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the-sunroom-system · 6 months
yay yay! thanks for the ask hehe <33 we love answering questions
🎮 - what do your alters/headmates do in their free time?
hmmm. very confused rn if skylar is separate from faun or an alternate name i like to go by... but for now i'll just say we're the same alter. SO, i (faun/skylar) like to socialize and write and roleplay. italy likes to socialize, sometimes write self-indulgent stuff, and genuinely he just likes taking care of people, including us. olivia does more of her own thing. she likes poetry and listening to music :3 i think she'd be more into socializing if she wasn't worried her formal typing style would make people uneasy.
still figuring out who exactly is into what. but we've figured out this for us so far <3
🔦 - how did you discover your system?
geez. ok so. back in january 2020 (i think...), we saw videos from multiplicityand me, and really related, but thought DID seemed too magical and severe for us to have, so we brushed it aside. but we had a fictive who's now dormant or fused (not sure), and he uhh... has a very unique gender, and would always feel super dysphoric around the mention of lesbians and wlw. (he is a lesbian / sapphic-aligned but not a girl so that's why the binarism distressed him.) the host back then wasn't attracted to women and would always be confused as FUCK why they particularly felt dysphoric through the eyes of a fictional character towards a gender she wasn't even attracted to. so we asked if there was a term for headmate that isnt exclusive to systems bc ofc we weren't a system, and our friend at the time who had osdd was like "are you sure you aren't a system?" and that is when we started Considering It
🪫 - what do you all do to recharge?
usually absolutely nothing. we just wait it out and hope to stop feeling miserable. but lately Italy has been helping a lot. Sun has also been helping deal with the angrier parts! so it's like, the parts who are in need of a gentler approach get Italy to deal with them. he will talk to them gently and say nice things and be affectionate. the parts who are particularly angry, Italy doesn't really know how to deal with them because they don't take well to his loving approach, so Sun will come out and talk to them more sternly and help them relax. i'm not sure how to describe sun since i kinda have Amnesia for when he comes to front but uh... *thinking* he'll just point out why someone is upset and talk to them gently but firmly. stuff like "you are upset because of this but you cannot run away forever."
maybe sun is also a caretaker at this point 🤔 he's been fronting in the shower along w/ an unnamed angry alter lately and they spend the entire time arguing / bonding. he does have a bad habit of getting onto this alter for swearing & being angry but they're learning to get along.
that isn't exactly what the question is but dkfjhf we don't really know how to recharge honestly we just hope for the best and try to calm down triggered parts to the best of our ability.
💬 - free space!! tell me about something!
umm hmm. i think it was yesterday? a new little came to front and our littles hardly ever come to front. she's around 8 years old but has memories of when we were 10 (i think it's 10). she's an anger holder and trauma holder, too. holds onto internalized feelings of being a bad, bratty child and acts accordingly to that. also she Hates maternal figures. uhh anyway she was pretty upset, then calmed down, then was irritable and cranky once she came into herself, but italy helped her calm down and baked her some sweets to show he cared about her <3 oh and they listened to some music together it was pretty nice.
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godsavemyreputation · 11 months
(Trigger warning dark subjects. If you don't like please move onto another post. Anger depression sadness talks of sh. )
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The things I really wish someone would tell you about the sh recovery is how you're gonna feel after. No one really tells you or they do, but they don't explicitly tell you how you're going to feel after recovering from self harm how your going to feel after that. They don't really tell you how many times you might relapse, or think about relapse, because if you're like me, and autistic you might not really think about that. Might not really be ready for that post transition in recovery either.
It's not easy when your autistic, and you think daily of ways you can just self regulate in ways that involve sh. I'm talking about this, because I really do think this subject about autism and sh is so taboo it's not talked about. It can also leave us feeling drained when we can't understand our sadness from depression, and we aren't ready for the sad thoughts to trigger again, because we mistaken that for depression. Why on earth is this such a taboo topic? Why does no one ever talk about this?
This is a really heavy post for me to write because my principle traumatized me when I was younger. From then on I thought everything was my fault. Why are schools treating kids that deal with self harm making them feel like they're part of their problem? Mine unfortunately did so and yet it led me and my family to a lot of anger. It led me to depression and anxiety for years and years to come.
But we are forcing kids to talk about dark subjects with no prewarning of what's to come. We are also not giving kids with different mindsets the ability to cope and comprehend the shit we are given. They don't really prepare kids for anything they just damage us, and therefore even if we aren't ready to hear the topic we are still forced to hear that topic or see posters about it daily.
Even when the posters themselves really trigger us. Instead of giving us other strategies to cope specially when you're dealing with kids with disability they give us these, and say someone might be going through this these are the signs. What autistic person is not gonna take this the wrong way? I was bullied for not only being bisexual, but also being autistic. Another thing they don't talk about is how you might be triggered to not do a specific task anymore, because it reminds you of something that you used to do. So that causes too much pain to even do it. You might also be triggered around old friends or even loose some in the process of this.
I didn't really have the best group of people. As soon as I left the school most of mine left me after I did. It was so hard to really put into words what exactly I was feeling, because I felt really I had no one to talk to as a result of them leaving me behind. They left me right where I was. So it never really gave me the chance to move on.
1. They never talk about having difficulty identifying emotions.
2. They never talk about how you feel about certain tasks, after you have anaylized everything and figured out why you are that way.
3. They never tell you you might loose some people.
4. You have to find a support group. They just leave everything like that up to you.
5. You have to rewire your brain all over again. You have to research ways to cope again.
6. Sometimes we are seeking different sensory feelings and might not be able to understand what that specific feeling is.
7. That we might sometimes get frustrated with people that don't have patience with us.
8. There might be times we accidentally lash out at people, because we can't understand what it is we're feeling.
9. How hard it is to leave everything you've had in that lifetime behind.
10. The healing process, and the emotions sometimes popping back up.
#my post #autismawareness #depression awareness
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keenexpressions · 2 years
Alec Mariscal
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1. Name, Year, & Major
Alec Diego Mariscal, 4th year, English Major w/ Education minor
2. If you were a luxury brand, what would it be and why?
If I was a luxury brand, I think I’d be Chanel or YSL. I personally like many of their products, especially their colognes.
3. Who is your personal hero and why?
The Kool Aid Man, you know how I’m always saying “Oh YAHHH”. That’s exactly where I got it from.
4. How do you react after a conflict occurs, and why?
It really depends on who the conflict is with. If it’s someone I don’t really know or care for, I’m probably not gonna care. If that’s not the case, I usually like to resolve things sooner than later. I think just being willing to talk and listen will always go a long way.
5. If you were granted 3 wishes, what would it be?
1. To be healthy forever. 
2. To be 2 inches taller. 
3. See Frank Ocean
6. What would you Google about your life?
I would wanna see how many steps I have taken to date.
7. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
I love my brain, I am always able to take myself to new places.
8. What's your toxic trait?
I make fun of people who wear glasses.
9. Would you visit the future or past?
I would go back to the 70’s and 80’s so I could have fun dancing.
10. What are the biggest differences between you today/now and five years ago? And what advice would you give to yourself from five years ago?
Five years ago I was 18; my entire life is completely different. Almost nothing about my life as an 18 year old has carried over five years later. A significant thing that has changed about me is my confidence. At 18, I definitely was not considering college as a real possibility yet. I was already working and I was partying a ton. I met a very fun group of college students at that time and they would take me out drinking and such. It was very fun, but it is easy to forget about everything around you when your life is moving very fast every weekend. At some point you get exhausted and hardly have energy for anything else. Hopefully you get tired of the constant cycle of recovery sooner than later. For me it was around 20 to 21. Slowly, and also because of COVID I started giving myself the chance to rest and to actually have energy throughout the week. Eventually the combination of a change in mentality and better habits got me through to Davis. Even when that had happened I still was lacking the confidence to really believe in my intellectual abilities. Something I lost as I went through a garbage high school. That newfound confidence has carried me to many new opportunities and accomplishments that I am much more proud of. More than confidence, I just see myself very differently, when I think back to what I was when I was 18, it does hurt to reimagine myself like that, but I guess that’s what growing is all about. If there was some piece of advice that I could give to myself at that time I would tell myself “Don’t give up, and ask for help”.
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