#like you guys haven't been exposed to that because it's all on my main
utilitycaster · 21 days
How can Molly's death be considered a major mistake? It's the crux of the entire campaign.
so I think about this a lot, because you're right, and it really comes down to like...a lot of factors in how people interact with fiction, and some stuff I feel about fandom.
The short answer is that Molly is some people's favorite character, and they really wanted to watch him for 141 episodes and not just 26, and they didn't get to, and so it's valid to feel sad about that. But I think what personally grinds my gears is the idea that it's a mistake and because this is a Fan Favorite character he SHOULD have come back. Setting aside the fact that he had both his fans and his detractors from the start and a lot of people (myself included) who found him irritating didn't say much for a good chunk of C2 because, well, he was dead, this isn't a fucking competitive reality show. You don't get to vote on your phones to decide who wins a resurrection.
I think the longer answer is that there is a certain type of person in fandom, born of a certain type of person in social media communities, who just...is not willing or interested in considering not just that their experiences, preferences, and philosophy are not universal, but also that they are not objectively best and correct and that everyone who disagrees is wrong. It's often really common in, though not exclusive to, people who have particularly limited experiences - young (like, teenager/early 20s), people who haven't lived in a diverse area or in multiple different areas, people who for whatever reason do not get out much - which both makes sense (haven't been exposed to a ton of different perspectives irl) but also means that you get people who, for all they may talk about global politics, kind of unconsciously seem to act as though everyone they interact with online is a variant of someone from the same 3000 person town in the United States in which they've spent all 21 years of their life. ANYWAY getting back to the main point I feel like Molly attracted a lot of that kind of person, who just...doesn't get that while Molly is, to them, a deeply validating expression of gender identity, for many people he is "guy you meet at your friend's birthday party in a two-bedroom 6 floor walk up and within 5 seconds he has pissed you off so profoundly with his overfamiliarity that you go into the kitchen and mainline as much vanilla vodka as possible to not stab this guy with a secondhand knife that says "CHEESE!" on it even though you hate vanilla vodka and it's summer in NYC and you're on the 6th floor in a small apartment with too many people so it's approximately 117 degrees Fahrenheit in this kitchen and the vodka isn't much cooler, and you succeed in this goal, and then after sending your friend who couldn't make it because they were at a family thing that weekend a picture of a rat on the tracks of the 3 train with a caption "this u?" at 1:54 in the morning you're like "so this guy Molly was there" and they're like "oh my god I met him at Cameron's last party, he SUCKS" and you're like "I KNOW". Like a lot of people just do not get that Molly was very popular with their circle, and also a lot of people either were neutral-to-not-feeling-it. This is before we get into the post-death idealization of who he was that takes him from "irritating but I think he'd have grown on me in some ways eventually had he lived" to "horrible and insufferable fake-ass bitch."
And then we get to the true impasse: the idea that something that does not fulfill every single one of your personal wishes might still be a great story.
I'm certainly not perfect, and there's things I thought I wanted for the end of C2 that I didn't get, and there's some things I do wish we'd have gotten to see (or that we'd have done in C3), but I like to think that I try to remain at least partially open to the possibilities. I like to think that my enjoyment of a story isn't contingent on whether one single character survives, even if they are my favorite (and I say this as someone whose favorite ASOIAF character was immediately Ned Stark, a statement that should surprise no one who follows me) nor that the story precisely reaffirms my existing worldview. I want stories to tell me something new and interesting that wouldn't come from my own head, and I want them to sell me on it. I think that a lot of people lost the thread of the importance of representation, namely, they forgot that while it's great to see people like you in a story, you should also be trying to see people not like you and perspectives that aren't yours. I am extremely defensive of my and other people's right to say "I didn't like this story and here is why" without someone being like "Give it a chance! Here's why I think it's good" but at the same time, there is a difference between "I really wish Molly had stayed alive and I don't like that he died," and "everything that happened after he died was A Mistake because it wasn't what I Wanted, and someone should fix this." Like that's what toddlers do. That's not an adult way of interacting with narrative.
So those people don't even get to the point of "the entire campaign is deeply influenced by the loss of Molly; that is what binds the rest of the Nein together and makes them what they are; the fact that Lucien wears the face of a departed friend is crucial to the entire final arc comprising about 20% of the campaign; and the fact that he does not come back, but someone new, with new chances and new choices to make does is emblematic of a campaign about people who find that they cannot undo their pasts, but neither are they trapped or damned by them." They're stuck at "guy I liked died and I'm throwing a tantrum 6 years later."
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“His large, rough hands adorned with rings, tenderly kissing the strings.”
*this is my very first gnr/slash fic. I’m not proofreading it either it’s just something for the depraved slash girlies*
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✰slash!xfem!/age!gap/praise kink/daddy issues/extreme!smut/NSFW ✰
Did not narrow down slashes age here. Anywhere from 40-current age- left up to reader
Because of your "fading talent", your dad thought it would be best to force you into guitar lessons. He told you if you took lessons seriously, that he wouldn't make you get a job. Guitar was your job.
You never resented guitar playing. It was your first love. You knew you were good at it. You could lose yourself in playing and the world would disappear. And you didn't want to disappoint your dad. You constantly felt like you weren't meeting his expectations of being some sort of renowned guitar player. But you knew nothing else and felt good at nothing else but guitar. It felt like you're only option as a career path.
Your dad worked in the music industry for over 20 years. He saw the success that could come from being a musician. He had connections and everyone knew him and he knew everyone. You remember tagging along in and out sporadically throughout growing up. It was just the two of you. You had met cool bands and musicians and other famous figure heads. While it was "cool", you also didn't care much as it had monopolized your childhood. Long nights, early flights, the rush of recording studios, backstages, waiting around on your dad in meetings. Probably sometimes being in places not meant for a kid. You became indifferent and tired.
But now you were older and the expectations of you were even more elevated. Your dad wanted more from you. You weren't sure if it was for profit or fame anymore for him. He never seemed quite satisfied and never gave any sort of clear affirmation.
You hopped out of the blacked out suburban with your equipment. Your dad closing the door behind you. You stepped into the cold night air. A shiver ran up your exposed legs under your skirt. Although a brisk walk from the parking garage to the recording studio, you wished you had dressed a little warmer. But dressing like a rockstar wasn't for wimps! You liked to model your style after female rockstars you had met growing up but always ended up just looking like some little groupie.
The recording studio was more or less an old penthouse with a recording area built in one of the rooms. It was nice but had this eerie grungy appearance that made it seem like it could have been a trap house in the 80s. While you tried your best to fit the role, you looked like you didn't belong there. Even your dad looked cooler than you. Suddenly you started to feel insecure. As you walked down the dark hallway inside, music became louder as the smell of cigarettes did too. A hazy light shone through a cracked door at the end of the hallway. Was this a guitar lesson or a concert? Your dad pushed through the door and you followed tucked behind him timidly. Immediately old friends of your dads excitedly gave him greetings and hugs complete with hearty slaps on the backs. You stood there nervously clutching your guitar. "You guys remember my daughter, Y/N!" Your dad announced you, stepping back to reveal you hidden behind him. Your cover suddenly exposed. "Well I'll be damned! If it isn't Y/N!" They all exclaimed happily. A scruffy man with blond hair embraced you fatherly and gave you a small gentle noogie on your head. "Man look at this kid! Haven't seen you since you were what, 12! Look at you all grown up now!" He said simultaneously exchanging his eyes from you to your dad. You grinned sheepishly embarrassed at the attention in the room on you. Guns n Roses. Man they were so fucking cool. You'd met them a few times growing up when your dad worked with them off and on. This part of his job was pretty cool. It was more like family friends than the world famous rock legends. Except when you were younger, the barrier between you and them was bigger. Your dad shielding you from the crazy drunken scraps, sessions and other rockstar mischief. You'd meet and then your dad would leave you with his assistant in another office or the tour bus while he fucked around with the guys elsewhere. But now you were an adult like them! You finally got to be on the inside. In the ring with the rockstars. This made you even more intimidated. 'Am I getting lessons from rockstars?' You panicked to yourself. Suddenly completely doubting your skill at all. They can't see you play! They'll laugh for sure. There's no way.
The music playing on the speaker suddenly changed to a softer tempo, "She Rides" by Danzig started playing. The slow intro intertwined with the dark atmosphere of the studio. Dark purple velvet curtains limply hung from the ceilings, old trunks full of excess junk and costume attire, records plastered the walls, the only light in the room glowing from dim warm lamps throughout the room. It felt safe and comfortable in here, like an old theatre. Cigarette smoke danced through the warm glow of the lamps.
The feeling of eyes on you started burning the back of your head. Someone was watching you. You turned your head to the left corner of the studio. A broad shoulder man sat open legged on a old couch and became illuminated by the warm glow of the lamp. The smoke trailed from his full lips out from under his dark full curls decorating his tan face. He had remained quiet and out of frame when the greetings went on. You dad shooting the shit with the other men in the room.
It's Slash. Your heart beat a little quicker in your chest. Oh my god of course, how could I forget SLASH! You became suddenly star struck for a brief moment. He was the GOD of guitar. He's so badass and he's so talented and he's....staring..at me? Your thoughts left your head. You felt his gaze on you like you were being hunted. Like his prey? You tried to examine him back, thinking you were being inconspicuous. His luscious curls sat atop his large broad frame, shirt slightly tight across his massive chest. His legs spread open as he relaxed into the couch like a lazy king on a throne. A cigarette pursed between his soft lips as he strummed a guitar. He kept his eyes on you, strumming without even looking. His large, rough hands adorned with rings, tenderly kissing the strings.
"Your new guitar teacher!"
You snapped into reality. "What?" You responded sounding a little more eager than you wanted to but so in disbelief. " Slash was kind enough to lend his time to you. You remember him right?" Your dad said flippantly. He walked over to the couch, harshly scooting you along with him. No fucking chance. You tried to lock back in and play it cool. Slash lifted his guitar off his lap and set it aside. He leaned forward on the couch to greet you. His gaze on you now more apparent and obvious. He scanned you up and down. "Well look who's all grown up." He said in a teasing but serious manner. He half smirked at you. You weren't sure how he intended that to come across but the way it landed made your stomach flutter and your cheeks flush. "I've been told you're quite the player these days" He said, still scanning you. Was everyone else in the room so oblivious to the electricity unfurling? Or was it just you? Was his blatant hungry gaze all in your head because you wanted it to be real? Because you wanted slash to think you were pretty? Because you thought he was attractive? No. It was real. His primal gaze on your body was definitely real. How was everyone else missing this? The energy in the room? Did your dad not realize the borderline dangerous fixation that slash's eyes cast on you? You snapped back again, remembering why you were there.
What you yourself were oblivious to was the fact that his eyes had locked onto you the second you entered the room. Not recognizing the delicate girl who looked like a brand new doll getting thrown into a junkyard. She stuck out like an Angel to him. Her soft and bright features contrasted the worn out room. She looked pretty but young. How young? Who was this girl? This wasn't Y/N was it? His friends daughter he had agreed to tutor although half drunk at the time of his agreement. It couldn't be her, this girl here now was grown up and filled out. He couldn't help but pour his eyes over her entire body. Her soft and smooth legs, her thighs tucked under a little black leather skirt that hugged her hips so perfectly. A nice little ass under there too. God she was perfect. His pants grew a little tighter. He couldn't stop looking at her. She's like a timid little bunny, he thought to himself. Too timid. Too young. Need to check yourself, he snapped back into reality as she walked over to the couch. It was Y/N. Wow- She had to have been 19 or 20 by now if he remembered right. Still, what would a bright young girl like herself want with a old man like him? He steadied himself. Remember why she's here. She's not your next meal. Yet.
It was nearly midnight at the studio. But to everyone in the music industry it might as well have been 5'o clock in the afternoon. The night just getting started to most. After and hour or two of your dad catching up with the guys and some other musicians, the penthouse became filled with people. This was one of your average studio parties it seemed. Not so much a lesson. You did wonder why the lesson was so late at night in the first place. Now it was apparent that your dad had wanted to party with the crews and the lesson was a back burner idea. You were not really a partier. In fact not at all. As the party began to rage louder and heavier, the more you stuck out like a sore thumb. You felt silly and out of place. Surrounded by drunk messy adults, heavy metal blaring through the sound system. Everyone had filtered out of the studio and you sat on the couch once occupied by Slash earlier in the night. His peppery, musky cologne lingered on the couch, it smelled so good. He smelled so good. You couldn't stop seeing the image of his face in your mind. The depraved, hungry stare he had locked onto you earlier. It simultaneously struck butterflies and fear into your body. Your dad had disappeared into the party and it honestly gave you relief that he wasn't there to hover over you, casting shadows of his disappointment in you through every undertone of every word he spoke. Technically though, that did mean you could practice without anyone's judgement.
You began unpacking your guitar on the floor, checking the strings, your picks, your sheet music. You put your headphones on and turned on none other than Guns N' Roses. Trying to drown out the heavy metal playing in the other rooms. You hummed to yourself while you fiddled with your things.
Moments later, the door opened slowly and slash entered. He was alone, holding a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He immediately saw you over the corner by his favorite spot. He quietly shut the door behind him and made his way to the couch. Seeing you oblivious to his gaze, he quietly studied you from the couch. His thoughts once again snaking their way through impure desires. The way your reddened knees held you on the floor. A small glimpse of cotton panties poking out from under your skirt. Your thighs curving across your calves like a puzzle piece. He watched the way your delicate small hands tried to handle the far too oversized guitar laid across your lap. Fuck she's so cute he thought. He could hear the GNR song "Think about you" playing from your headphones. Unaware you weren't alone, you softly chirped out a few lyrics to yourself as you hummed.
"I think about youuuu, deep inside, I love you best."
He let out a breathy chuckle
"I think about youuuu, you know you're the one I want..."
He could watch you in your own world forever like this. Your sweetness enveloped the room. A breath of fresh air he had been craving for so long. It made his heart pound in his chest. He licked his lips. Studying his student. The adoration danced with a dark and perverse stream of wishes. To get closer to you. To feel your warmth and inhale your sweet scent. To touch you. Your soft and delicate skin. To have you. He had to have you. He left the couch and stood behind you. The light from one of the lamps now being shaded threw you out of your little world and you slowly turned around in confusion.
"Oh my god!" You yipped out in a fast spool of fear, embarrassment and shock. You twirled back to him on your knees. His tall dark body towered over you like a monolith. He smirked big. Looked down at you on your knees in front of him sent aches down his chest and into his abdomen. It drove him crazy. It was exactly where he wanted you if it were up to him. Your innocent eyes peering up to him. Your fear almost adding a little bit of extra sweetness to him. You looked so cute to him when you were scared. You quickly took off your headphones. "Didn't mean to scare you doll face." He chuckled maliciously. You hesitated to believe that was true.
Suddenly Slash broke the thin barrier of space that had been aching to be ripped apart between the two of you. His large strong hands wrapped around your small wrists and he yanked you on your feet. At full stature you still only met his sternum in height, still peering up at him. The warmth of his strong hands touching your skin shocked you in the best way. Deep swirls pooling inside you. His scent now strong in your presence. You were so close to him. Almost body to body. Your doe eyes glittered up at him. He let out a slight huff as his serpent stare connected with you once again. Like a hungry animal. "This perfect body. I need to ruin her pretty cunt. Fuck me..." he thought. He glanced down at your chest concealed in your tight shirt and then back to your face, know you saw him do it too. He wanted you to see. A slight curl of his lips as he did it. His big hands still wrapped around your dainty wrists. You slightly try to pull them away as to relieve him of his duty to help you up but his grasp tightens and his lips curl. "You've grown up little bunny" he broke the thick silence in his scratchy and deep voice. Giving one more soul stealing stare and he let you go before you could reply. He sat on the couch, resuming his king like pose. He took a drag from his cigarette and sucked the smoke into his nose. Staring at you as he slowly let the smoke trickle out of his lips and nose. God did he know what he was doing? Fuck he was so hot you thought. You wanted to just climb on top of him and steal the smoke right out from his mouth. "So I've been told" you sneer back. "And you're sassy now too? Tsk tsk" he clicked jokingly. "So.." you ignore his quip. "When do I get this lesson of yours?" You ask earnestly. His eyebrow raises. Was that a serious question? He thought. The innocent and curious nature of your voice. He tried to ignore his pants becoming more uncomfortably tight again. He placed a guitar over his lap and strummed to hide anything. "I have a couple things I could teach you little bunny."
You wondered if his statement was two folded or if you were just imagining things. The conversation could have easily been interpreted as normal to an unsuspecting person. So your reply you camouflage in case his intention isn't what you thought. "I want to learn so many things. I'll be the best student. I promise" you say sweetly. That drives him crazy. This girl knows what she's doing doesn't she? He thought. He thinks on a reply before saying anything. Combing his mind to think what the next move is here. Calculating.
Everything else falls away and you deem it in this moment to finally have something YOU want for a change. No more expectations. If it fails it fails but it's not like you lose anything. It's not like anyone cares, let alone this massive superstar in front of you who can have anyone he wants.
Your need for his touch makes you brave and you trace your fingers over his as he plays. He doesn't stop at this though but glances at you. "I can be a real good student, Slash." You coo to him in exactly the right tone to drive him crazy. This now stops him. Hearing his name escape your perfect lips. He needs to have you. All to himself. As soon as possible. He traces his ring decorated fingers over yours on the neck of the guitar. You hover your face at the head of it. His fingers slowly snake up the neck. He takes a final pause before connecting with your skin once again. His thumb grazes your bottom lip. Goosebumps explode across your arms. The tip of his thumb dips into your mouth, he rests it atop your tongue. "Sweet girl" he whispers gravelly. He doesn't know your slit is wet with eagerness just as you don't know his cock is throbbing with excitement. He removes his thumb slowly from your mouth and grips your jaw with his robust hand. He pulls your face forward to him. "Do you want to be a good girl for me Y/N?" His hand tightly gripping your face. You ignited something inside him. You awoke something so primitive. He set his guitar aside and you quickly took its place on his lap. Your light warm weight resting on his crotch. You felt his bulge already at full extent. It felt good against your panties. You give it a slight grind as you secure yourself on top of his lap. He lets out a low sharp groan and gently throws his head back, leaving his thick neck open for the taking. You start peppering small kisses up his neck. His warm silver scruff brushes against your lips as his jaw clenches. You meet his ear.
"I want to be your good girl Slash." You whisper in his neck. You felt him throb underneath your wet panties.
He needs to fuck you. You were like a precious gem to be scrounged after. He wanted all of you. He needed to make you his. To own you entirely.
Climbing him like a jungle gym. He pulls you back with your hair in his fist. He grips your face again tighter this time and makes you look at him.
"Are you sure you want this?" He asks.
"Please" You cry.
You lock the door The air seems to leave the room. Is this really happening? What's happening? Does he just want to fool around? To kiss me? To fuck me? God I need him to fuck me. Your thoughts raced at the reality before you.
Suddenly his hands snake around your waist. His warmth flush against your back. You let out a small gasp of surprise and pleasure. His large hand grips your entire neck tilting it to the side. He sprinkles gentle kisses down your neck and you let out a sigh of pleasure. "I'm going to ruin you Y/N. You know that?" He cooed. "I'm going to make that pretty cunt of yours mine." He taunted. You let out a whimper.
I want to ravish her but at the same time I feel like I could break her in half at a single touch. He thought.
Fuck it. I need to have her."
You become blind with pleasure and melt into his arms. Still gripping your neck. He walks you both backward and falls back on the couch, towing you onto his lap. Still behind you, he fists your hair in his hand and the other travels down to your thighs. You get increasingly needy for more. You grind your ass on his lap. His ringed fingers tease up your inner thigh. "You ready to be a good little bunny for me?" He affirms one more time before letting himself go feral on your body.
"Please Slash"
"Please what baby? Use your words honey"
"Please fuck me. I need you. Please." You whine.
That was all the confirmation he needed. He just wanted to hear you say it again. Hearing you beg for him pushed him over the edge. He grips your hair tightly again. Ensuring your neck is wide open. He is suddenly completely animal. He dives into your neck and collar, this time his kisses are many and messy. He bites your neck. You whimper louder this time and he moans into your neck in reply. "That's its sweet girl. Let me hear that pretty little voice of yours" he pants
His fistful of your hair, guiding your neck open. His other hand slides up your skirt and finds your panties.
"My little bunny is already wet? That's a good girl." He praises into your ear from behind. You arch your hips into his hand. Needing more.
"Needy girl, aren't you?"
His hand moves from your hair to your breast. His large hand completely covering it. He gives it a strong squeeze and then slips it underneath your shirt and bra. You gasp as you feel his rough hand hold you. He loves the way your tits feel. Grinding your ass on his lap he begins rubbing circles on your panties. Right where it feels so good.
"I've wanted to do this since the minute you walked in tonight. In your tight little skirt. It drove me crazy." He whispers with hot breath on your ear. Still working his hands simultaneously on you. He shoves his hand into your panties and starts toying with your soaked cunt.
"So wet for me huh dollface?" He grins feeling his way through your warm folds. He hikes you up higher on himself and enters a finger inside you.
"Oh fuck Slash." You moan.
"Spread those pretty legs for me doll"
"This pretty pussy is mine now, you understand?" He growls in your ear. His hands so muscular and talented, he effortlessly slides in and out of your pussy while making perfect pinches on your nipple simultaneously. The years of guitar playing shining through his fingers. He plays you. His thrusts feel so fucking good inside you. You grind down on his fingers, he holds you tight in his arms like a wild animal trying to squirm. You grind your ass back on his cock, feeling his size through his jeans. He groans. "I need to see that pretty cunt". He exits you and places you on the couch facing outward and he kneels before you. He lays you back and grabs your legs and pulls you forward to his face. He carelessly flips your skirt up and hikes it over your hips, exposing your panties underneath.
"You don't need these anymore" he says. You raise your hips as he slides your panties down and off your legs. The cool air washes over your exposed bottom.
Now bare, he spreads your legs open wide and looks at your pussy as he prepares to dine on it like a wolf with fresh meat. "Such a pretty cunt" he gives it a slap and before you can fully react to the surprise or pain, his face disappears into your legs. His warm tongue glides right into your pussy.
"Oh fuck." You moan softly. You can't think straight. You lace your fingers into his thick curls.
Heavy rock muffles in the background but all you focus in on is the sounds of his lips on yours. He eats you like a savage. He looks up at you through dark eyes and flattens his whole tongue up your pussy in one long stroke.
"You taste so good baby."
You whimper. You need more. He looks at you with hooded dark eyes. He needed more.
He stands up and unbuckles his belt. You sit up on your knees and take over. Your hands stop his own and you look up at him. "Can I do it please?" You almost beg. He takes no time to think on that and allows you to continue. Your eyes line with his tanned happy trail peeking out from under his shirt. You dip your fingers into his waistline and feel a massive warm shaft. The other hand pulling down his waistline. You free his throbbing cock. It glistens along its thick veins. The girth is incredible. You waste no time and lick the pre cum off the tip. That send him into a craze. He tips his head back and groans loudly. "Fuck baby. Be a good girl for me." He commands. You take him in your mouth -or try to. He's so big but you manage to take it all in down to the back of your throat. You gag slightly on its size. He tastes so good. You Bob your head up and down. Swiping your tongue all over in a messy fashion. He fists your hair again and starts guiding your head on his hard cock. He lets out a deep hiss and pants faster.  You look up and see the muscles in his throat clenching. He looks down at you as he continues thrusting into you. "That's a good girl. That's such a good girl" he pants in disbelief and pleasure. Sweat beads down his face. Tears well in your eyes as you choke on his size. Giving a few last hard thrusts he slips himself out of your mouth and caresses your messy spit covered face. Looking at you on your knees if front of his cock, the hungry look on your face. It makes him throb. It's almost painful. "Lay down baby" he says. You obey and lay back vertically on the couch. He removes his pants and shirt, exposing a muscular yet softly toned and tan abdomen, decorated with a large tattoo across his stomach. He then leans over and removes your shirt and bra. All that remained was the small leather skirt riding up your waist more like a sash than a skirt now. He hovers over you, his necklaces hanging from him. He opens your legs and gives his cock and few pumps before teasing your soft wet entrance. "Look how sweet you look." He smirked devilishly. "Please fuck me slash" you beg. He grits his teeth out of pleasure to hear those words come from your mouth. Hours earlier this was nothing but a perverted fantasy in his mind. But now he had you, naked underneath him. Ready for his cock. He leaned down to your face and gripped it once more. His hand on your face, he licked your breasts briefly. You try to tip your head back but he forces it forward. " Look right at me honey. Right here. Let me see that pretty face as I fuck you. Are you ready? You're so ready." He grumbles out. He smiles at you, a painful grip on your face, forcing you to look straight at him. His tip brushes the leaking wetness from your pussy all around like a paintbrush. And then slowly he slides his cock in.
You want to squint your eyes shut in pleasure, he gives your head a firm shake to remind you to look at him "I know baby I know." He growls. He himself tries to control his voice through his own searing pleasure. You whimper loudly
"Oh fuck Slash oh my god" You sharply inhale and whine out.
"That's it little bunny, let me hear your pretty voice".
He coos as he begins thrusting in and out of your wet hole. His grunts vibrate your body. His thrusts rock your body like ocean waves. He begins a faster rhythm almost If only to watch your breasts sway up and down with each thrust. His stance towering over you.
You continue letting out moans. Your moans are like honey to him. Weakening his limits with each sweet cry out.
"Oh that's a good girl taking my cock." He coos again.
"Slash I can't-" words fail you. You begin feeling a familiar tenseness overtake your body. 
"Is my pretty girl going to cum out of her pretty cunt?" He teases.
His rhythm increases. His rough skin slapping agains your soft supple skin. Sweat drips down his tanned abdomen. The power of each thrust inside of you increasing.
He feels your wet walls tightening around his cock. Looking down at you getting fucked by him- he was close too.
"Slash I'm-" you moan
"Be a good girl and cum for me doll-face. Look at me, look at me."
"That's it, you can do it" he encourages before tipping over his own edge. His grunts louder and more animal. His chains sway above you. He slaps against you. His brow furrows and his sweaty curls drape along his face as he pants like a dog in heat.
The bittersweet finale of stars bursts throughout your body. Your pussy tightens over his cock once more in ecstasy.
"Oh that's such a good girl" he grunts as he also reaches his breaking point. He releases hot white spurts inside of your quivering cunt.
A loud grunt leaves his throat. His large cock twitches inside you, finishing you off with pure pleasure. He smiles still thrusting inside you. Shoving his cum deeper inside
"That's a good girl, take it. Take it all." he whispers
The wetness leaks out of you as he pulls out. You both panting for air.
"God you're beautiful. You're perfect" He says breathlessly. He looks at his disheveled masterpiece below him. Completely braindead fucked. You blush hard. A shyness making its way back to your senses. He continues eyeing you. He softens his hand on your face, thumbing your cheek gently.
He protectively dotes on you as he helps re dress you again. Taking pride in taking care of you like this. You feel satisfied yet silly. You blush as he finishes and smooths him hand down your hair. "I own you." He whispers.
To him. The most beautiful girl was now his and his alone. He felt prideful and protective of his girl. He didn't want anyone else here to even glance at you. You were too sweet and kind for a place like this. Parts of him questioned his own morality for corrupting something so delicate. But he was too far gone.
He had unlocked the door with luckily no one having tried to find them in the past hour. In precise timing, axl drunkenly stumbled through the studio door. "Studying guiar at a time like this?" He slurred.
"Careful now girlie or you'll end up the teachers pet."
"Alright fuck off" Slash Ushered him out the door and closed it. He locked it again.
You sat embarrassed on the couch and he sat next to you.
"You are a little teachers pet aren't you?" He smirked.
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iz-star · 5 days
My thoughts and guesses / theories about Zayne's upcoming main story branch.
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Like I've said in previous posts, I've been hella busy with work and most of all, exhausted so I haven't been able to come here and scream about the game updates (let alone draw something) but I still want to summarize my reactions from the past few days.
About the main story update, I'm really excited to see what's going to happen! I love the Dawnbreaker references but I have to be honest, I don't really think this is Dawnbreaker, he's still Dr Zayne (they both are part of each other somehow, but you understand what I mean).
Here's why:
At first, I genuinely thought this time we really would get the chance to interact with Dawnbreaker since Zayne is wearing DB's outfit and not a jumpscare outfit like in Snowy Serenity but the more I watched the trailer, the more I realized that this is still Dr Zayne which both makes me feel alleviated (cause if it were to be Dawnbreaker, it would leave us wondering where Dr Zayne is) and scared cause if he gets to suffer/ sacrifice himself in this time line like he did as Foreseer and MoF, I don't know well how I'll handle it.
He's a male lead so I don't think they will kill him off (? but somehow with Zayne one never knows, he's honestly always surprising us. In any case, my wildest theory is that if something happens to Dr Zayne, then we'll continue his branch with Dawnbreaker... idk? Anyway, don't really pay too much attention to this since it's most unlikely that something like this happens.
The impression I got after watching the trailer so many times is that this is actually Dr Zayne in the process of becoming 'Dawnbreaker' (maybe not exactly his other self but the concept) which has been one of his biggest fears; the reason? Because the Xander Sciences experiments, the severe cases of Protocore Syndrome and Metaflux anomalies are probably speeding the process of humanity to get doomed since in Dawnbreaker's world, humans turning into wanderers is something pretty recurrent and the very reason Zayne is a killer and his world is apocalyptic. Dr Zayne knows of this, he knows using protocores in human hearts is dangerous (the very reason he gave up his research in university), he also knows that to be exposed to big quantities of metaflux is what turns humans into Wanderers, he knows it because when he and William fought side by side in Mt Eternal, it was in order to destroy a Protofield that got out of hand and the Metaflux anomalies there were bringing to land more Wanderers. It was until they destroyed the protofield when William started to turn into an Abomination and then, a Wanderer.
In the trailer, Dr Zayne says something like 'We have no choice but to destroy this place" so my guess is that there is another big Metaflux anomaly like in Mt Eternal but this time in a place where there is a lot of ppl and due to being exposed to it, they're turning into Wanderers, something that Zayne as a Doctor can't cure: "Aren't you a Doctor. You should've save me!"
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In fact, this is something he can only cure as Dawnbreaker:
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I'm really interested to know who was the guy who asked Zayne to kill him. My guesses are:
William (and this probably a flashback).
Greyson (most unlikely since the voice didn't mach but goshh could you imagine the angst if it was him??)
So if there is another Metaflux anomaly it means that there's a Protofield that got out of hand and it probably was in either Akso Hospital or Xander Sciences company cause they had a special patient that accoring to what they say in the trailer, had a fragil heart that would've stopped long ago.
If I'm not mistaken (and since I'm currently sleepy and feeling lazy) in the World Underneath anecdotes Carter and Xander Sciences tried to keep some patients alive or to revive them using protocores and keeping him in pods but it didn't work? However, long before these anecdotes were released, we knew that there were already organizations doing research about immortality:
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It seems that 'A special energy field' is necesary in order to reach better conditions to regenerate the human heart. What if this 'special energy field' is something similar to a Protofield? If we remember correctly, in both Rafayel and Xavier's myths MC's heart was necessary for them to live immortal lifes? In Rafayel's case, she seemed to give ppl some kind of energy? But at the same time she couldn't leave their city neither. In Xavier's case, her heart was like an unending source of energy for Philos core and they wanted to feed Philos core with her so they would stop to sending humans and then Philos core would stop crearing wanderers.
In both cases, it seems that MC is the source of energy of a Protofield that both gives it enough quantities of energy to keep it balanced and making ppl within this field to be immortal (like her) without the risk of becoming wanderers. In Rafayel's myth, she was already the source of this field, so there are actually no wanderers in this myth. In Xavier's myth, she wasn't the source of it so they were creating wanderers bc of it.
What if in this case, Xander Sciences discovers that the key to reach immortality lies in creating a Protofield with enough energy to create the needed conditions to regenerate human hearts for indefinite amount of time and that the KEY to achieve this lies in MC's aether core??
What if what Zayne is trying to protect here is MC's heart so they won't use her to reach immortality, EVEN if he knows that this most likely will avoid tons of deaths and will stop the creation of wanderers and ALSO will avoid his future as Dawnbreaker but even so he chooses to save her, just like he did as Foreseer and Master of Fate.
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And lastly, he mentions "When that day comes... When I can't wake up" my only guesses are:
His nightmare of becoming "The Grim Reaper" will become true.
By destroying the Protofield that is creating the anomaly, he also freezes himself?
Maybe he steals part of MC's power or even he takes the creatio protocore he gave to her as Foreseer and uses it on himself so instead of using her as the source of energy for this Protofield, he offers himself as this unending source of energy? (This one is quite wild and seems unlikely to happen but I still wanted to mention it ahaha).
Anyway these are all my thoughts for now. Please take this with a grain of salt, since these are only silly theories and nothing official. We'll have to wait some days more to discover the truth.
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drysaladandketchup · 2 months
hi! sorry you can absolutely delete this if u don’t feel like answering or anything cause this is kind of vent-y (?) and isn’t like… actually a question but i am SO annoyed at some hockey fans and how they decide to treat leon. i am german and i live in america and the way leon gets treated in fanfictions and hockey discourse gives me serious flashbacks on how i am treated here. ik leon speaks perfect english but i wish people remembered that that’s still his second!!! language!!! it’s not his native language!!! sometimes he will come across differently then he actually is!!! his words will get twisted and he will be misunderstood because it’s not his native language!!!! every time he’s described as pissy and arrogant and rude (in a genuinely rude way) a vulnerable german kid living in america dies… 😔😔😔 and then the mattdrai fanfictions (admittedly i have not read that many because im just a not a big fan of the pairing but it was one of the main ships that got me into the fandom) i just hate that he seems to be so villainized (?). i might be biased (i am) lol but i am soo sick of it rrrr sorry sorry this got way too long. you just spoke about it before so i felt like you might understand where i'm coming from. peace
Oh my dear anon, people continuing to personify Leon as arrogant, emotionless, and rude is becoming my villain origin story. I'm happy to vent alongside you. I have talked about this before, and it does still bother me when I see it. Because I'm biased too. I love this guy haha.
Just for context, I'm Canadian, born and raised, and as of yet haven't lived in another country where I've had to fluently speak a second language or adjust to a culture I was not raised with. So I am by no means someone who can speak on that experience. But I'm sorry you've faced that kind of judgment.
I've written my thoughts on this subject before, here and here, so I'll try not to rehash everything I've said in the past. But as you say anon, I do think Leon is woefully misunderstood. He himself has said he thinks he's misunderstood, and that he comes off as too direct at times, that it's, 'probably the German in me.' He speaks English perfectly well, very fluently, and he's been living in Canada so long it would be weirder if he wasn't culturally affected and adjusted in some way. But he's still very much German; socially, culturally, linguistically. You don't just lose one entirely just because you've been exposed to and entrenched in another.
Sometimes he says things that can come off differently in English than probably intended, or at least that are easily misinterpreted by a North American audience, but that's a far cry from being 'pissy', as he's been branded by fans and media alike (also as an aside even people speaking their first language get their words mixed up and twisted sometimes, so I think we should just cut everyone some more slack when speaking maybe?).
And look, admittedly I've called him bitchy at times in my tags, as a joke, because yeah like literally any other person on earth, sometimes he says or does something that is snarky or poking fun or off-brand humour. But that's not inherently bad, nor is it inherently German. That's just part of his personality, a singular behaviour in a singular moment. I don't genuinely think he's an angry or aggressive or mean person. I think he's literally just a human being with multitudes.
His occasional tone of voice or his sometimes blunt way of speaking or his sarcastic sense of humour--things that could at least in part be because of his being German but are also not at all exclusive to or ubiquitous among Germans--is why some people make him out to be this aggressive or mean-spirited person, but like... obviously that is not only not true if you pay even an ounce of attention to him beyond a few choice soundbites and clips, but it's also insulting in general. As you say, people assuming the worst of you simply because of differences in communication or expression is the farthest thing from okay. Insinuating that he's brutish or emotionless or rude because he's German is obviously bigoted. It's xenophobic. Not to mention, as you said, it just makes it that much harder for other Germans to approach this audience without fearing they'll be judged the same way.
Now, obviously I don't know the guy personally, I only know what of him is public, but he seems like the farthest thing from rude or standoffish or arrogant. He really isn't any different from any other player (skills not withstanding), but for some reason he doesn't seem to get the same leeway between his on-ice persona and his off-ice persona, or from one instance to the next. For some reason, he's held under this microscope and reduced to his 'worst' moments more than a lot of other players I've seen. He does anything without a smile on his face or makes even one joke or comment that's less than flattering (or falls flat due to language differences), he's immediately made out to be a bad guy.
And to touch on mattdrai, which I do love a lot--and it's okay if it's not something you're into anon, you don't have to justify what you do or don't like :)-- I've said before that I think Matthew and Leon aren't always written very true to life. And I totally agree with you that the issue I sometimes see with Leon's characterization is that he is written like he's arrogant and lacking in emotion (at least outwardly), sometimes even acting like some overly-aggressive bully, and that's just so far from the reality that we know. And yes, some writers, like some fans, actively point to the fact that he's German to explain that. As if that's just how all Germans are, by nature of being German. Which, as I said and as you know anon, is so many kinds of wrong and horrible.
Yes yes he does dumb things on the ice sometimes and he and Matthew (and others) have exchanged shoves and whacks and chirps over the years. But again, if folks watched literally anything with Leon outside of those moments, they'd know that those are incidents, not his whole personality. I'm not over here pretending like he's never done anything wrong or questionable or stupid, but who hasn't? He's not a villain for that. Just like he's not perfect. We're all human.
Oof sorry anon this response got away from me a bit lol. Sorry if this got a little off topic, but I am nothing if not someone who rants and rambles. This topic drives me nuts; I can only imagine how upsetting and frustrating it is for you, as a German living in America.
But my ask box is always open for venting <3
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taxman-talkman · 15 days
☕ and ah your least favorite proxy ?
meme from here.
Admittedly I had to think on this one for a little while. I went through a couple lists of different manufacturer notes and I even just tried looking at the more generalized productions. Probably one of my least favorite in generalized productions is:
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The Terra Embattor... MOA? (It's actually referred to as a MOA despite its production being based on Bursa schematics.) Its design is fairly clunky and, I think, kind of ugly at the end of the day. You wind up with this very weird and ugly mishmash between a MOA and Bursa. It has the same weight capacity as a MOA and is just a weirdly weighed down, problematic attack proxy for the Vallis. Another L via Nef Anyo's production team. Please put these things out of their misery.
Another thing is that although they follow similar schematics to a Bursa, MOA parts are generally used in their production. Now, don't get me wrong, I talked earlier about how MOA parts are also sometimes used in the production of standard issue prosthetics but the issue is the weight and (of which the joints on the Embattor cannot handle) maintenance of Embattors. Because of their production and all (and... Production quality which is severely lacking) you need to have experience with both general MOA maintenance AND Bursa maintenance AND specialized proxy maintenance because they are Orb Vallis specific. They are a huge pain in the ass.
As far as larger production proxies?
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Yes. Razorback. I think they're stupid and my main issue with them is that for a combat proxy, they fall apart constantly. At the very least unlike Embattors you only need to have some experience with Jackal or Hyena models to understand the fundamentals but, even then, you can't stop these fucking guys from falling apart. They suck. A specialized proxy like this should not be easily falling apart. I get that they're usually set against the Tenno and all pretty often but even during Grineer incursions, these guys just wither and die. It's embarrassing.
Somewhere along the production line also the joints for this proxy were... I guess skipped for quality check? Every single one of these that I've ever seen deployed has had massive issues with its front joints. They lock up constantly and it has something to do with the bearing surface in those exposed front arms.
Whatever composite material they use for the padding on the feet also tends to break away really easily and they deform over time because of the pressure and environments they sometimes put these things in.
Conclusion: In general I'm not really against cross-production of proxies or anything. I actually do like the idea of a MOA-Bursa cross. What I take issue with is the production line of those proxies and the delivered quality of them. There's plenty of exploratory engineering that could be done with a lot of different crosses and a lot more to be done with the current designs that we could update and improve upon. They just haven't been because cost outweighs innovation. Even though some current designs are just... Money sinks. (Looking at Razorback.)
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persiesposts · 9 months
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My thoughts on Iron Flame!
What I liked:
*I really respected Violet for sticking to her convictions with Xaden, she knew what she needed for her to have a successful relationship with him and she wasn’t willing to compromise on that.
*I KNEW DAIN WASN’T GOING TO BE AN ANTAGONIST FOREVER. I’m very glad of this because I’m so tired of the guy best-friend turned antagonist trope. I’m glad to see aspects of Violet and Dain’s friendship returning/ reforging into something that can grow healthier with time.
*All the secondary characters have my heart and soul. Rhiannon especially, justice for my girl because she was so patient and such a good friend when she had every right to be upset with Violet for shutting her out.
*I really liked Sloane! I wish we had more time with her and I’m hopeful to see more of her in the next books.
*Tairn just makes this series for me. I adore that dragon. The sass was as strong as ever. My favorite exasperated dragon dad. This only reaffirms my statement that he’s just dragon Kratos
*ANDARNA!! What a sweet baby, she just wants to be like Tairn. He may not have sired her but that’s her dad right there. I saw it coming but I thought it was so cool that she’s the 7th dragon breed. I can’t wait to see the signet that manifests.
*I loved learning more about the lands outside of Navarre, the culture behind Tyrrendor was especially fascinating.
*The main characters are young adults and they FEEL like young adults!! (I know this will contradict with a critique kinda but hear me out). They have to grow up quicker than most and make decisions no one should ever have to make but there are the moments that remind you just how young they are that just smack you in the face and I love it.
*The spice in this was much stronger than the first which I was a big fan of. Overall much more descriptive which made for a more pleasant read IMO.
What I didn’t like:
*The pacing in this book felt really rushed when compared to the first. I understand the need to convey some urgency but it made the story feel hastily put together.
*Tying into the above point, for how rushed the story was there was a lot of information crammed in. It felt like I was reading two books put into one. I wish there had been a bit more time spent on certain parts, especially with establishing the connections between characters.
*I love Violet but damn that girl cannot make up her mind! I love angst as much as the next reader but I do wish some of her lamenting over communication issues with all the other characters could’ve been cut down. It began to feel really frustrating after a while and like the time could’ve been spent re-establishing the bonds of the characters.
*I’ll be honest, I hate the miscommunication trope. In all its forms (this counts since they’re keeping secrets from one another). It can be a really handy literary tool but sometimes (including this time) it feels overused and like an easy way to create tension. There’s a way to handle the trope effectively, the first half of the book proved that but after that it just felt like a placeholder for not exposing important info right away. They’re in the middle of a revolution! There will be things that won’t be communicated right away, that’s more than enough of a reason!
Final Thoughts:
Overall I really enjoyed this book! The characters still feel true to their established characterization from the first book but you can see their growth and where they could wind up in the future. This book felt a lot less self contained than the first which was a smart move that helped it stay away from the dreaded “second book syndrome”. There was solid movement and change that felt like it mattered. I definitely have my qualms with the writing but it didn’t break my immersion and I still felt very invested in the story Rebecca Yarros was telling. It felt both like an ending and a beginning in the best way possible and I’m really looking forward to where the story will take us next!
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barilleon · 9 months
My Emergent Narrative at Sandrock
Lately I've been playing My Time at Sandrock, a life sim where you are a builder who moves into a desert town and uses your construction skills to better the lives of its inhabitants. You mine ore, chop wood, build things, make friends, fall in love. It also has a lot of narrative content. Maybe even more than a Rune Factory game. And with so many sidequests, things are bound to clash into each other.
The main quest concerns a bandit named Logan, whose face is plastered on wanted posters all over town from the day you arrive. Once a beloved member of the Sandrock community, Logan now terrorizes the town in a series of very weird and flashy moves: hijacking a train, kidnapping the church minister, and blowing up the water tower. As the main character, it's your job to help the sheriff stop him. On the (in-game) one year anniversary of my arrival in Sandrock, I tried that. And something amazing happened.
Warning: Major Sandrock spoilers under the cut!
To set the scene: I'm dating the barkeep, Owen. He's a sweet guy, not too bad in a fight, and his cooking is unbeatable. He's also the town storyteller, and every Saturday night folks in Sandrock gather at the Blue Moon Saloon to hear him tell one. A few nights ago, he asked me if I would participate. Instead of storytime, he wanted to do a play he wrote. It was a weird play, but I'm a supportive boyfriend so I learned my lines and set the date for the performance: my one-year anniversary of being in Sandrock.
That morning, I pursued the main quest, chasing a lead on Logan across the desert. I fell off a cliff, a ledge so steep that the companions who were with me didn't believe I could survive. They returned to town to spread the news: Leon the Builder was dead.
But I wasn't. I miraculously survived, and had fallen into the bandits' hideout. It's here I learn, from Logan himself, that things are not as they seem: he and his crew are working to expose an international spy and saboteur in Sandrock. They need me and my expert building abilities for their next plot. And everyone in Sandrock is a suspect.
I agreed to help, and they warned me: trust no one, tell no one.
With my worldview completely warped, I return to town. Everyone celebrates because I'm not dead. But with the knowledge that I now have, it's difficult for me to stay optimistic. Which one of these characters is the spy? It could be any one of them.
I check my quest log and realize that the day isn't over. At 6pm tonight, I have to perform in my boyfriend's play. I head over to the Saloon to prepare for the part. We run lines a few times, but I have to admit: my heart's not in it. Will the spy be in the audience? Or worse: could he be on stage with me?
We come out on stage, and we perform pretty well! Things are going great. The audience loves it. But then Owen starts changing the dialogue, speaking to me not as my character but as me. It's then that Owen asks me to marry him.
Reader, in any other universe I would have said yes then and there. That Owen (or the game logic) managed to time this event on the anniversary of my arrival in Sandrock is meaningful enough-just like a real proposal! But the fact that this happened on the same day I was told I couldn't trust anyone--it was too much for my builder to bear.
I chose the "run away" option, which promptly ended the cutscene. I haven't spoken to Owen since, and I don't think I will until this business is done. I'm pretty convinced that Owen isn't the spy, but there's too much going on for me right now. I can't think about marriage. And I can't even tell Owen about it, because the bandits swore me to secrecy. And if he knew the truth - that I was collaborating with public enemy number one - would he forgive me? I hate keeping secrets from a partner.
I bet that normally that event is really sweet, but Sandrock really taught me a lesson in how important timing is. Sure, the main story beats will always be the same, but the order in which they're experienced can seriously change the context of the story.
I'm sorry, Owen. I know you deserve answers. But right now I've got none to give. But come hell or heartbreak, I'm gonna save Sandrock.
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
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Two teens are sitting in the carpet, watching YouTube videos on a phone, they pause it and look up judgementally.
"As a former teen, I understand the appeal of sitting on the floor instead of couches, but as a back-pain-prone creaky-knees adult, I no longer share these views"
"Are you two the couple having gay sex on the second floor?"
"When will I ever be free from the consequences of my actions"
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"Nope, wrong person, we are the gay detective couple that were investigating the second floor"
"Oh, cops"
"Private detectives"
"Yeah, man, there's no gay cops"
"That makes more sense"
"Anyways! We need you guys to go to -"
"Actually, there is something else."
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"There is?"
"Are you two Simon Coli and Owen by any chance"
"Uh, yeah? I'm Owen"
"I'm Simon"
"Do you happen to know anything about Mr. Coli's speedrunning incident ?"
They look at each other
"... Not really"
"Yeah! It was something about an anonymous link to a video of him doing a weird tour, right? We just read the news about it"
"I see"
"Another quick question"
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"Are you lying to me?"
They freeze up
"Ah, I mightve been a little too intense there. Whoops"
"... Care to share your thought process, partner?"
"Oh! This is the part where the main detective says their hypothesis! What would Benoit Blanc do? Ah, yes! Slight undressing!"
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"You're right Owen, it was an anonymous link sent to a reporter. It is interesting that you remember that specific detail.
You see, Mr Coli is known for being a man who cares a lot about his public image, it is weird that he would willingly put a video proving him guilty of multiple crimes and being put as a speedrun for a game, it's a bit silly isn't it?"
"And sure, maybe he just did it on a whim, maybe to just be funny or something"
"But wouldn't it make more sense
That it wasn't him who made and uploaded the video?"
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"Ah, signs of anxiety, how familiar I am with them.
Still, as much as I think I'm right, this hypothesis doesn't have much to stand on, This just feels like something someone younger would do. Maybe if I apply a bit of pressure to them, they'll say something? I don't want to be mean to kids, though..."
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"Partner. Partner help. Understand my telepathic message Ángel!"
"Owen, by any chance, you don't happen to know the speedrunning account Eugene happened to use when he was younger, right? Is not like he showed you it or anything.
And Mr. Little Coli, I suppose Eugene was never interested in telling you about his company or factories or anything. That would be crazy!"
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"What. Where did he get that from. Did he talk to them before?
And he's not even undressing!"
"Ah, it would also be very convenient if they knew someone who owned a lot of cameras"
An anxious atmosphere hangs over the room
"Um, we are not trying to arrest you or anything!! I think it was very , uh, poggers? If you exposed him like that?"
"... Never say poggers again."
"Duly noted"
"Let me be honest, we think your dad invited us here to kill us all. And we need to know the truth of the speedrunning incident to finally figure out what he is planning exactly"
"Wha... We're going to die?!"
"Ah, don't worry! We are taking care of it! Look! I haven't died yet!"
Ángel makes a weird expression
"Let me get to the point. I think you guys made the video without him knowing.
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The fact that it was recorded as some kind of tour, replacing the sound of voices, and that it would be unlike Mr. Coli to set himself up like that makes me think it was some type of secret recording
And what Ángel said would fit really well to this theory, too.
There is no motive to the speedrun because it was never supposed to be a speedrun.
So please tell us, we need to know what it is that actually happened"
"Our lives could be at risk"
"... You won't snitch to the police or anything?"
"The only thing I've ever told the police is 'I request a lawyer' "
The teens look at eachother
" ...Um, it was the three of us actually"
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ihearyou-jikook · 1 year
JK, his visitors, & lil CK undies
Look, when I saw the Weverse notifications go off for Tae and JK yesterday I just sighed at work thinking, here we go yall.
I’m not gonna go over all the deets. We got good people out here like @kanmom51 doing the hard work, and Tumblr isn’t even putting it on the TLs so I highly encourage you to check it out here:
I do want to talk about how the wannabe Jikookers are crying like it's the end of the world because Tae….AND Hobi mind you, were at JK’s house. Like yall……🙄
First of all, ya boy Tae, he has a track record. If you know, you know. 
He’s that friend that does shit either without thinking of the consequences and/or likes to shake things up cause they think it's funny. I have a few troll friends like that. I love them dearly.
JK is a genius and quick on his feet.
He was like: Initiate damage control even though I really need to finish this laundry and get my ass to bed. I got shit to do tomorrow, damn.
I mean, are you guys really out here ignoring how much JK was huffing and puffing throughout that live while folding laundry? Almost in disbelief that he was even doing it. 
But the man knows how to multitask, he out here folding them CK undies like a boss. I really should be taking notes, need to start folding my husband’s undies properly cause JK out here putting me to shame.
Oh and another question for wannabe Jikook supporters.
Are you guys really out here still confused if Jikook shares a space at any given time? Like really?
Between JM’s celebration live on April 4 and JK’s undie live, they out here dropping hints left and right. And this is only in this past week. There have been many puzzle pieces that have been dropped in the past few years that all add up to them cohabitating somewhat regularly.
It really doesn’t matter if they are cohabitating or not, that doesn’t define a relationship, but they are literally serving you delicious appetizers with these hidden-in-plain-sight hints consistently and you keep refusing it. 
I don't know, maybe you like how it feels.
But I am full on these appetizers and we haven't even gotten to the main course yet. Jikook takes good care of me. I stay fed.
Check out Kanmon51’s post about JM’s celebration live from April 4 if you haven’t already.
And lastly just as Kanmon51 mentioned, K-Kookminers/K-Jikookers whatever you wanna call them, they know what is up. They are not pressed by Tae | Kook shippers.
If you don’t understand that Jikook are Korean men, who live in Korea, exhibit Korean culture, check off every box of a Korean couple in their culture, and are a queer closeted couple, then what are you doing claiming you are a Jikook supporter?
If you don’t get it, well don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I'm over here thinking about JK nicely folding some Jimin red CK undies and how nicely Jimin ties his man's hair back neatly. 🫠
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Every day since coming to the Primus Club, the main floor of the casino had been packed wall to wall with customers. EMMA : (…It seems like they get a lot of business…So far we haven't found anything fishy…We really need to do something quickly…) NAVI : Master~ Let's play~ EMMA : No, Navi! You have to stay in the key for now. EVAN : This place is like a sea of human desires. I don't like it. EMMA : Even more reason to stay in the key. EVAN : What did you just say to me!? EMMA : Nothing!
HIMMEL : Do humans come here with the dream of getting rich quick? These people smell of gloom and perdition…I can feel their dreams dying…Happiness so fleeting…All that is left is sorrow….
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EMMA : Are you okay, Himmel? MATEO : Hey! Is Sion here? EMMA : He's not around, sorry Mateo. Do you guys sense any trouble here? NAVI : I sense restlessness… I'm not sure what to call it…It's strange… EMMA : Is that the presence of another Black Fairy? NAVI : I don't know. All the other Black Fairies are feeling it too…
?? : Hey, what are you doing out here? EMMA : Everyone hide! Hearing a sudden voice, I rushed to hide behind the nearest pillar. Eavesdropping on the conversation going on. YMIR : Come with me. I'll upset the girls if I am late. GRANDFLAIR : Why must I come to work with you? YMIR : Because, you look like you have a strong arm. You will make a splendid bodyguard. You see, many people have grudges against me. They're always complaining about how I steal their girls, when I'm simply trying to do my job.
YMIR : People are the worst. GRANDFLAIR : …… YMIR : On top of that, there has already been a lot of commotion today. GRANDFLAIR : Commotion?
YMIR : You might be new here, but don't play stupid. You know that this casino is owned by a dangerous underground organization. GRANDFLAIR : I'm not sure what you're talking about.
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YMIR : Haha, you don't have to lie to me. It's common knowledge here in Graveland. According to my information, that nefarious organization has been smuggling in a lot of illegal things as of late. Dangerous things. YMIR : That is why everyone is so on edge. Even I am scared. I don't want my perfect face to be mangled, that's why I need you to protect me. YMIR : Oh, my apologies. Was that insensitive? Your scars look wonderful on you! It just wouldn't suit my brand. How did you get them anyway? Did you go to war? If so, why did you retire? GRANDFLAIR : I retired for a variety of reasons. YMIR : Ah, I see. I'm sorry. I shouldn't pry. As I listened in on their conversation I couldn't help but fixate on the part about smuggling in illegal things. Could they be talking about the gun? Before I could think much on it, another voice echoed through the hallway. LEN : Why do I gotta take care of the little shit!? SION : Who are you calling a little shit? At this rate I won't learn anything. Sheesh…This guy is worse at teaching than Est. LEN : What the hell did you say?
CAMUS : Len, Sion's position is on the billiard floor. That is your area. If anyone is going to teach him, it should be you. LEN : Well I don't wanna! Get someone else to do it! CAMUS : It is part of your job as a member of Primus Club to ensure these newcomers are not accidentally exposed to danger. I won't tolerate any dereliction of duty. LEN : Ha! What are you gettin' all pissy about? That's not like you. CAMUS : ……… LEN : Whatever has crawled up your ass, don't take it out on me. You might be the Bloody Lady's former executive, but no matter how much you slap me around, I ain't gonna do it. CAMUS : Len, do I need to sanction you? LEN : Ugh! Fine! I get it! I'll take care of this little shit! CAMUS : Does this seem like a good arrangement for you? SION : Yes. I'm sure I can learn a lot from this little shit. LEN : HEY! I'm not a little shit! EMMA : (The Bloody Lady's former executive, huh? So he left the Bloody Lady to become a manager of Primus Club?) As I thought about it, I suddenly heard someone's footsteps and looked up to see Seven standing there, staring at me.
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SEVEN : ……….. EMMA : Seven! What are you doing here?
ITSUKI : Emma and the others infiltrated the Primus Club four days ago…I'm getting a little worried. I hope they will be alright. ITSUKI : I could easily serve customers, I wonder why they didn't bring us along? CROW : They said that we would mess up and cause too much trouble. NOAH : I don't understand. I could do it. CROW : Nope! They said you would mess it up too. NOAH : I will be king one day. I can deal with some pesky humans. CROW : I think you kinda just proved their point. KAI : I don't get it. If Sion can do it, I can do it even better! ITSUKI : By the way, has anyone seen Rouge? NOAH : Don't worry about that idiot. KAI : Idiot? That's a little harsh, isn't it? CROW : Anyway, we should continue to gather intel on the Bloody Lady from outside. MAN IN BLACK : Hey, you assholes, take us to the Bloody Lady. CROW : Hmm?
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gillianthecat · 10 months
punishing myself/avoiding Tasks (punishing myself for and by avoiding Tasks)* by binging Extra-ordinary You, a 2019 high school romcom kdrama. started watching because Lee Jae Wook is sooo beautiful and compelling in Alchemy of Souls and I was curious to see him in something else. And I don't know if it's that I was already primed to like him but he is by far the most charismatic actor on the set. his character is asshole with hidden depths and tragic backstory, and he is making those hidden depths way to deep and upsetting the balance of the love triangle. which isn't even really a love triangle but he's making me want it to be. it doesn't help that the main actor comes across as so incredibly bland and forgettable. some of that is the character, but like also it just feels like there's nothing happening behind the eyes there. whereas Lee Jae Wook has so much going on in his head at all times and is simply on fire.
also i would actually be interested in the story of kyung and dan oh falling in love in spite of being written to fall in love and rebelling against that. he's to much of an asshole to make that story work, but with some slight tweaks it could have been great. sigh. i suspect the Haru romance will continue to be fairly dull despite some interesting premises.
mostly i'm still watching to find out the deal with the dried shrimp fairy. who honestly i think should have been given the lead as they have a similar "look" but that actor can actually act.
i also enjoyed the supposed "main" love story. i hate hate hate bully romance, but i am entertained by awkward rich assholes being totally flustered by falling in love and this comic book premise gave it enough distance that i could enjoy Nam Ju. Props also to that actor for making it work. (My Beautiful Man being of course another (and far superior) path to making this story work)
Maybe I just don't like sweet guys? Who am I kidding, I've long known i don't like purely sweet (fictional) guys. they need a little bite to them to compel me.
It also makes me appreciate much more the work that Seo Yul's actor is doing in Alchemy of Souls—another sweet devoted character played by a pretty idol actor, but he's got me riveted every second he's on screen. Some of that is the inherent tragedy of his role, but Haru has a tragic side (though I'm genre-trusting he'll get his happy ending) so I think it's just that Seo Yul has a better actor.
*the mid semester adhd breakdown finally hit, starting Wednesday. I was really hoping a could avoid it but then i ran out of clean underwear and needed to do laundry and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. also i was supposed to do thanksgiving with my family and even though it was a very small low key casual thing i'm finding I couldn't face bring around people at all. maybe i should go do that thing that's a week late. which is like 90% done and it's so stupid I haven't finished it but it was originally late because i was sick and then I just felt more and more angst about it being late. Of course i am still coughing and today was the first day with no digestive issues, so that doesn't help. On the other hand in good news we did get 100% on our presentation Tuesday. i was completely exhausted Tuesday night but I survived. mentally i feel like i'm on another planet right now and i know i will get back eventually but it's always a question of just how long it will take to get there. not sure that this makes any sense or I want to expose the ramblings of my broken brain but sure why not.
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ilaiyayaya · 1 year
Ew Ew Gross Don't Touch Me Ew
A lot of my friends throughout my whole life have been really into constantly making sexual jokes or comments, often literally bordering on, or even blatantly going past the line of sexual harassment. In a lot of cases more interactions than not would eventually devolve into something really disgusting and I've never really liked it, but for a long time (and even now to a much smaller extent) I kinda just dealt with it and felt like it was just me being too sensitive (which as a side note, the thought of yourself being overly sensitive is pretty much always a bad line of thought in my opinion, everyone has different levels of sensitivity to different subjects and that's perfectly normal, you should never have to endure something just because those around you have a higher tolerance to something than you). When I was in school especially, a lot of my friends' main form of comedy, or not even necessarily comedy, literally just typical interactions in some cases, would just be like, blatant sexual harassment, I don't even really feel comfortable listing many examples, but the number times that I had parts of my body grabbed for "jokes" is ridiculous. "Oh but like it's fine because we're all friends and also all guys and therefore it's all fine and cool and not possible to be harassment and you're the weird one for feeling uncomfortable when someone makes a joke about sexually assaulting someone else". Even now a lot of my friends' sense of humor is just like, making really unfunny penis jokes, and it's definitely not anywhere near the degree of what some of the people I knew in school were like, but like it still 100% makes me super uncomfortable and I pretty much never say anything about it, I think I've literally just become hypersensitized to this stuff from being exposed to so much of it growing up. It's especially bad for me because I'm nonbinary, and I've have pretty bad dysphoria for a really long time, and constantly having my body grabbed or touch by people around me that think it's funny feels pretty fucking shit. Most of the people that I knew from school that did the worst of it I haven't talked to since graduating and I have no plans to talk to them again, I still have a few friends from school that I talk to, and they still do the same shit, albeit to a significantly toned down degree, less actual touching and more just saying the word "penis" and hoping someone laughs. Ooh ooh, one particular example that I just really want to get off my chest is something that happened at my high-school graduation, I graduated during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic and so it had been the first time I had seen most of my classmates in nearly 2 years. There was one person in particular that was one of the worst in regards to the sexual stuff in the years prior, and immediately after seeing this person for the first time in years, someone that I was not really close to at all, and was only really friends with by proxy, they walk up to me, grab my hands, and my hair and say "wow your skin is so smooth, your hair is so soft!" (for context, I had grown out my hair significantly and had lost a lot of weight, this was also during the middle of my NEET period), which on it's own is technically a compliment, and a really nice one to be fair, but coming from this particular person, I could not describe the levels of disgust and discomfort I felt in that moment. Like this was literally the first interaction I'd had with this person in 2 years and like before even saying hi they just grab me without even asking like wtf.
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I'm not disgusted with like, absolutely anything sexual, it's mostly just like, comments directed at me, or like, really gross jokes (especially when they're also not funny). It's not even an issue of not being desensitized, it moreso just stems from more deep-rooted issues, but like, people around me constantly prodding at those issues gets extremely frustrating.
This one took like, way too long to physically write, I started the first draft of this like 2 days ago, which is mostly because this was really hard to write without pissing myself off thinking about it. The first draft of this was like, way more rage-filled like I needed to chill out 4 reel. It's also because I'm way too overly self-conscious which makes it really hard to consistently write these on any kind of regular basis, which hopefully will become less of an issue over time. A big part of why I'm writing these is to overcome that extreme self-consciousness and have a place to openly vent about this kind of stuff while not allowing myself to worry about who sees it and what consequences that may bring, it's why these are public and not just private posts that only I can read. But yea if I go like a decent period of time without writing one of these, even as much as like 2 or 3 weeks, it's probably not because I've given up on it, but more likely because I just can't confidently post anything at the time for whatever reason, I pretty frequently go through depressive phases and the last few weeks have been one of those, and that definitely gets in the way of writing. I am going to keep writing these for as long as I feel doing so is helping me, even if I have to force myself to do it, but please understand if I ever go silent for a while (I know nobody else really reads these except me, which tbh is kinda good because it'd be even harder if I knew a bunch of people were looking at them, but this is mostly just a note to myself that it's fine if I go a while without posting anything, and that I don't have to full give up just because I failed to consistently post for a few weeks, which I have a really bad habit of doing with a lot of things).
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You’ve been giving some great fashion advice lately. How would you describe your sense of style
I'm no fashionista. My main strengths are "offbeat" and "occasionally very lazy," with occasional flourishes in the "unhinged" direction.
I don't wear a lot of makeup and generally go out without makeup. At the same time, I'm very willing to wear an eyeliner sharp enough to cut you (I have found one that doesn't fall apart quickly). I like to try out new ideas for how to get eyeliner to work for me. I'm currently experimenting with the fact that, if I draw a circle over my eyelid first, the eyeliner lays out perfectly in the shape of a circle.
Occasionally I will buy a pair of women's leggings on eBay or something, which are cut for women with different proportions than me and only reach my knees, and then I will wear them all day.
If I have hair that falls to my shoulders or past my chin, I will get it cut in that funny way where the front is like one inch long and in a weird squirrel type brush on the top and sides. (I haven't done this in a while, though.)
When I was 15 I started wearing my hair in a perpetually-not-neat ponytail/bun combo, and would not let anyone cut it. I was fascinated with this bun and would religiously practice it every day until it stopped working, whereupon I would do another bun, because I had figured out so many tricks to make it work. (I was really bad at hair and makeup until I started experimenting with different techniques.) Nowadays I have a different bun I've been using for years. Whenever I see my mother she looks very proud of the fact that I no longer have a severe "teenage girl with terrible ponytail" hairstyle (I didn't have terrible ponytails in general, I just didn't have a good one).
Sometimes I try to dress like a "technology enthusiast" and wind up in the "future (apocalyptic cyberpunk)" version of the generic "guy wearing jeans and a polo shirt," a version of this look I never actually see, even though it is quite obviously what many people who look like me on the street think they are dressing like. (I can't help it, I just love wearing suits, but I don't have the money or confidence to pull one off.)
The best advice I can give is to eschew "luck" entirely and just go with things that are really awful. A man with long, curly hair can look amazing if he wants to. A guy who likes pattern shirts with elbows exposed? Great. A woman with a classic cut hair bob who loves to wear sunglasses? Welcome to the club.
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pandas-pandemonium · 2 years
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I posted 164 times in 2022
That's 58 more posts than 2021!
45 posts created (27%)
119 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 110 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#twst spoilers - 8 posts
#twst chapter 6 - 8 posts
#asks - 7 posts
#twisted wonderland - 4 posts
#yandere sentient twst asks - 3 posts
#yandere obey me - 2 posts
#twst guide - 2 posts
#yeah - 2 posts
#happinesss - 2 posts
#yandere headcanons - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#if you want original works i have quotev for that but i haven't updated any of my stories in years so uhhh
My Top Posts in 2022:
they're Really keeping Idia/Ortho's OB design a secret huh
The painnn
I have so many things to talk about idk where to start??
i cannot add a spoiler tag on mobile so SCROLL PAST!!!
Okay now...
First up:
the Pomefiore fan in me is So SOO happy??? Epel got his UM - Sleep Kiss, Rook being a good senpai and guiding Epel with his new magic spell, Vil being so happy to see them, Mann
His voice when he saw Epel like-🥺🥺🥺 Villl you missed your friends so muchh
I love Pomefiore so much, their dynamics are eVeRYTHiNG
Ortho?? Um- Ortho?? He really went "Sayonara bitches" the moment the dorm leaders didn't agree with the plan to reset the world like- Buddy??
And also-
What happened to Ortho from "That Day" that Idia gave up so easily?? He really went down to the Titans chamber, then Phantom Ortho was all, "Nii-chan, I've been dreaming of the day i could see you!" and Idia was all, "Leave it up to your big bro" and just- OBed...
It's pretty cool seeing his OB gem tho. At least now we know where it is?
Grim... It's crazy how he can sniff out blot immediate honestly. By the end of this chapter, Idek if Grim will be the same after this. Any sign of someone OBing sets him off into feral mode. Yuu is going to be so heartbroken when they find him.
Also, Idk if he broke out already, but if he hasn't, someone is going to get hurt when he does.
It'll be pretty funny if they found him gnawing on OB Idia's heels tho lmao
we now have to wait until April or longer... Man... and I read this in one sitting too
118 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
Speculations on Claude's difference in character in 3 Hopes vs 3 Houses
Writing this because I'm so tired of seeing so many angry comments and tweets and posts about his supposed character assassination (among other things) and because I have faith in my guy. As of writing this, I've only just finished Part 1 of Golden Wildfire and only know some tidbits from spoilers (which I willingly exposed myself to)
The main gripe people seem to have about Claude's character is to do with how forceful and unwilling to hear people out and inquire about situations and people's motives. Personally, I don't see it as character assassination but rather a different way he could have developed if he hadn't gone through White Clouds in 3 Houses or met Byleth, or hadn't had to kill his half-brother, Shahid.
What I think was the turning point for Claude's forceful and aggressive actions, was very likely the event that he killed his own brother. We see traces of 3 Houses Claude, him trying to reason with Shahid and wanting to talk things out but alas, Shahid doesn't care and Claude ultimately makes the decision to kill him. Post-battle, we see Claude is very clearly affected by that event.
6 months later, Claude reforms the Alliance into the Leicester Federation and is placed as its king.
Perhaps it's all the stress built up from the war. The Alliance has been going through battle after battle and it's taking a toll on him. It doesn't help that because he wasn't in the Academy for a year to get to know his classmates and learn to trust others, he feels like as the Alliance Leader (as of Part 1), he has to shoulder all the decisions and be responsible for everything that happens. The Roundtable Conferences don't help with his frustrations either.
Through supports and the story itself, Claude has shown signs of disdain for the Alliance's system, but he hasn't really seen the need to change it, although it is inefficient. Then Shez comes along and goes, "Hey, why don't you make yourself the sole leader so decisions will go by faster during wartime?" and it opens up a possibility he hadn't even thought about. If he becomes the sole leader and doesn't need to go through the endless circling of decisions waiting for all 5 lords to come to a unanimous decision, things will be done faster and he can do what he wants to do quicker.
Back to Shahid's death and his impact on Claude's mental state - it definitely changed him. Perhaps after making the choice to kill his own blood, he made the decision to no longer hold back. He can't be too "soft" or hesitant anymore. He needs to be more resolved in his decisions and perhaps that is why we see the Claude we see in 3 Hopes. The aggressive, cutthroat Claude who doesn't consider choosing to hear people out. This can be seen in his decision to send troops to the 3 lords' territories to create public order instead of Lorenz's suggestion to send an envoy first. Claude even says that they'll "probably make half-baked excuses anyway" and that there's no point talking things out. This is pretty much where I've left off from the game, but it's clear that Shahid's refusal to reason with him still affects him.
I do think that perhaps the writers could have shown that a bit more, but Claude is way more reserved in his emotions and willingness to express himself and it may have been difficult to show that internal turmoil. Either way, I still think calling Claude's change of character, "character assassination" is going too far especially if you don't consider the prior events and the what-if's and differences in situation and events that occur between both games.
119 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
I have a big weakness for self-aware, yandere characters so your headcanons are a miracle to me. Could you do something with Deuce where the player always compliments him whenever they get a card or see him? He is my best boy and I love him so darn much that I always louldy anounce it when I see him :,) Thank you!
A/N: Figured I should get this out since the 2022 January Masterchef event and the New Years event are so Deuce-focused. (he's a good boy and I love him)
Yan! Sentient! Twst AU - Deuce being complimented
Every time Deuce receives a compliment, he can't help but feel all warm and shy inside
You're just so nice! So kind! The fact that you acknowledge his efforts and his presence is so rewarding. He sometimes feels like he doesn't deserve all that praise
The compliments you give him fuels his desire to make sure the mirror gives you his cards more often - his Dorm SSR, his Birthday Suit SSR and more!
Unfortunately, despite having a UM, his magic still isn't strong enough to really have much of an effect on the gacha system
It does mean however, that your praise has a greater effect on the blue-haired first year
"You came home! My precious boy!"
Deuce has to do everything in his power to not overload in embarrassment
Yes, he's your precious boy and he hopes he won't ever lose that position
He's also especially thankful towards the developers of the game whenever he gets an event that he features in
It just means that you'll be paying more attention to him!
Deuce truly hopes that you'll always love him and that your attention and love for him doesn't wane any time soon.
If it does, he'll be truly heartbroken...
309 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Yandere! Mammon and his obsession with being "first"
Mild/Implied NSFW
Note: This is slightly spicy, and completely unprompted. Just something that's been sitting in the back of my mind lol. Please don't send me NSFW requests! My NSFW rule still applies to even mild spicy requests.
Mammon who learns that you're a virgin who's never had their first kiss
Mammon who insists on taking all your firsts upon learning about it, cockblocking all his brothers when they attempt to have some alone time with you; he can't risk you casually giving away your first kiss or first time to someone else, after all
"[Name], you've never had your first kiss?"
His eyes are wide, and his body trembling with pure ecstasy
"If you haven't then... I'll do it! I, the Great Mammon will be the one to give you all your firsts! After all, I am your first demon!"
If you let him, he's over the moon, bragging about it to anyone in passing
If not, well...he hates to do it, but he'll have to take it by force
Cornering you in your room, forcing you down on the bed as he steals your first kiss, impatiently undressing you, eager to take everything
Mammon's not going to let this chance slip by
He's the avatar of Greed and he's desperate to take and take whatever you've got
359 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Yandere! Asmo has been on my mind a lot lately
Mildly spicy headcanons, so mild you'll barely notice it
Asmo who claims to be so deeply in love that he wants everything about you
He wants to be in you, in some way or another and vice versa
Exceptionally clingy
"Hey MC, why don't we take a bath together? Just you and me~?"
If you refuse...well, he'll just take whatever you may have left behind
your bathwater
Absolutely loves it if you ever borrow his makeup or skincare products
It's like having his scent all over you!
May or may not take up the habit of using your lipbalm or lip products on his own
It's an indirect kiss! How romantic, no? Though he'd much prefer the real deal
Hates it if you ever wear someone else's perfume or get someone's scent on you
"Hey, whose shampoo did you use?"
"Mammon's?! Why didn't you ask me?!"
This simply won't do. He's dragging you to the bathroom to smother anything of his own onto your body
It's how he stakes his claim on you, after all
366 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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atsumiye · 3 years
put a ring on it!
summary: your first trip to vegas was supposed to be a fun girls trip that included getting drunk, going to clubs, and even going home with a few strangers. however, that all comes to a halt when you lose your job, get wasted, end up in a strangers bed and now your married? with divorce off the table for a while, how do you two manage being exposed to the public? by continuing with a (now legal) fake marriage of course.
masterlist ll fifteen ll sixteen ll seventeen
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“so what’s your plan for tonight then?” sofia continues rubbing your back as she speaks, “my threat of making his life miserable still stands.”
you laugh, turning to look at her, “i appreciate the help but i’ll just move on i guess? i mean, it isn’t really moving on. we were never together but i’ll get over my crush and get through the rest of the year. it’s almost time to meet the lawyer too, so i’ll be fine.”
sofia rolls her eyes, “if you were fine you wouldn’t have been sad about the whole situation.”
“i wasn’t sad! just....shocked!” you sigh and sink lower into the couch, "look, he never really did anything wrong. from what i've been told about her, he doesn't like her. so its not like he invited her over on purpose. and after hearing how horrible she was to him? i would be shocked to see her too."
you bring your head up from the back of the couch to look at sofia, "honestly, this just solidified the idea that we aren't really together. we will just be a funny story to tell in a few years! and now that i think about it, id much rather have him as a friend than not have him at all."
its silent for a few moments as you both let your thoughts sink in, "damn y/n, when did you get so grown up."
you scoff, "marriage can do that to you."
sofia and you continue onto other topics of discussion before she leaves to give you time to set everything up for tooru.
you rehearsed the main ideas you wanted to mention to him, the first being to apologize. but now as he sits on your couch, you can't remember a single thing you wanted to say.
but you had to be the first one to speak. you initiated this meeting. you ran away without an explanation when his ex girlfriend came. and you made him seem like the bad guy in the end, even though he wasn't.
"im really sorry for just running away the other day." you look down at your lap and begin to pick at your fingernail, "i should have stayed for literally 5 more seconds and i think things would have turned out differently."
you hear him laugh, "yeah, i would have told you that i was trying to push her off of me. and that i haven't seen her in a few years, and truly never wanted to see her again."
you meet his eyes and take a deep breath, "we were just having such a good time and i think i just got a bit too into the role of being your wife, you know? so it kind of made me develop a small crush on you?"
"no, its okay tooru." you smile up at him, "it was my fault for taking things too seriously, because im not actually your wife or girlfriend or anything like that. we are just two strangers who ended up being apart of each others lives in a weird way. so im not mad and i hope you aren't mad at me either. lets just move on and forget it. we can pretend like that day and my little crush never happened."
he is silent for a second, "is that really how you feel?" he whispers out. and maybe if your heart wasn't hurting, you would have missed the way his eyes got a bit misty before he blinked it away.
"yeah. i think that's the best for us both."
he nods slowly, taking a deep breath before plastering a big smile on his face, "well, you'll still come to my game won't you?"
"of course! im still your wife aren't i?" you nudge him with your elbow and smile back at him.
he turns to face forward, his smile dropping from his face completley.
you were going to move on. that was final, and as much as it hurt you to come to the conclusion, you would both end up being strangers again at some point in the future. the marriage wasn't real beyond legal aspects, you both were drunk and everything you've felt up to this point in your relationship was just caused by the idea of having a happy ever after.
so you'd move on. life would continue, the world would keep spinning and maybe if you were lucky, you'd get to keep tooru by your side for just a little while longer.
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sixteen- strangers again
- y/n bought all of tooru's favorite snacks that morning
- tooru hasnt heard from valentina since that night
- sofia went to go visit her parents but told y/n that she would come back if y/n needed her too
- tooru left 10 minutes after their conversation began
- the game tooru is talking about is his first game of the season
- there will be lots of paparazzi and companies, and could help push tooru as a player
- they both posted the instagram photos after tooru left
- they didnt discuss it both being in black and white before hand, but the comments were loving the way they matched their posts
- let me know what you think <33
taglist: @decaffeinatedtealover @broken-from-fandoms @nanamisbento @t2iara @rintarovibes @bakarinnie @tooru-luvs @szeonn @jojowantstocry @sunavf @geektastic84 @lilith412426 @speakfrenchbetweenmythighs @kenmaslov3r @crustycookiebestie @art-junkie-13 @joy-laufeyson @tetsuhoes @neologyro @chirity-chu @shoyotime @sakusasimpbot @captonite @definitely-yours @kamalymaly @iamapotat @iwasource @putmeinyourdeathnote @ashwontcare @faithfulferns @fullyproblematicstudent @earthinlatin16 @riceballsandanime @sadcrxissant @kvroomi @cinderella-2003 @theoriginaleclipse @amarinthe @alicesprimary @rat-p1ss
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pretoriafics · 3 years
Teenage Dream Pt. 2 (Interactive story)
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Man! I think this one is the most amazing thing I'd ever written! I'll request from all of you guys special attention at the end of this chapter. I'll let you a message, and I'm pretty sure you will love it!
Derek took you to his loft. While you are alone, you start to understand the environment you were now part of. Word count: 2.056 Pairings: Different Dimension!Reader x Derek; Different Dimension!Reader x Platonic!Laura; Different Dimension!Reader x Platonic!Cora; Different Dimension!Reader x Platonic!Talia Contain: It’s pretty fun; AU Warnings: English is not my main language <3 PART 1 ALTERNATIVE VERSION TEEN WOLF MASTERLIST
You finally entered Derek's loft. Oh, man... It was just like in the tv show!
You enter the loft just like if you had entered paradise. With your mouth opened in pure fascination, you swirl around your feet while looking around. Derek came just behind you with arch eyebrows. It would be funny if it doesn't be scary.
"Oh. My. Godness. Is it here that all the pack meetings are made?"
Derek didn't reply to you. Instead of it, he just stares at you. He gives a few steps forward, getting closer to you.
"What's your name?"
You swallowed hard. Derek was with his usual cold expression, arms crossed in front of his chest, and no patience for bullshit.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)."
"Good. Look (Y/N) (Y/L/N), you will stay right here. You will not get out, you will not call anyone, or speak with anyone. If you run away from here, I'll kill you faster than you could say to me what happens at season one. Did I made things clear to you?" Shrunken in fear, you just nod, and Derek narrows his eyes to you. "Okay. I need to see someone that you probably know, so-"
"Braeden? Jennifer? Deaton?"
Derek sounds confused to hear the first two names. So, you simply thought that he didn't meet them yet.
"Not of your business."
He gives his back to you, walking out of his loft and closing the door, locking you there. And, wow, you have Derek's loft all for you! Oh man, it just like on the fanfics!
Well, you were curious and excited as hell. Your first thought was something pretty plausible: You used to watch Teen Wolf when you were a teenager. So, being inside the series was just like time-traveling. Smartphones aren't a thing yet, and Dua Lipa music still unknown. As a way to test this theory, you walk in the radio's direction and turn it on. The music that started to fill the room was Friday by Rebecca Black. Yeah, you remind that song, and you instantly felt nostalgic. But it could be just random music on the radio, right?
You switched the radio station, and then Party Rock Anthem By LMFAO starts to play. Well, another song of 2011... But you aren't so sure yet, so you switch the radio station one last time. You almost fell on your back when Domino by Jessie J fills the room. You took a confirmation that yeah, you were back in the 2011's. You are probably during the events of season one.
Well, Scott has just been bit by Peter, Derek just came back from town, and... You are now in the middle of all of that.
"Oh, man!"
You can't do anything for a while. So, all you could do is wait for Derek and whatever he was doing now. You look around while Jessie J sings on the radio, giving you a few nostalgic feelings. Well, you would take a relaxing bath. There's just one problem: All the clothes you have is the one you're wearing now. Without giving a damn, you walk to Derek's wardrobe direction.
"I'm sorry sour wolf, but I'll borrow a few clothes of yours." You open it and take a black shirt. Man, you felt thrilled! "Jeez, this is so like the fanfics!"
You go to the bathroom's direction, taking off your kitten pajama, and putting yourself under the hot water of the shower. Man, Rude Boy by Rihanna starts to play on the radio. You couldn't contain a laugh. It was funny because you were taking a shower and would wear clothes from a legit rude boy.
And, well, you started to sing. It was everything really nice for a few minutes: You were wearing Derek's shirt, listening to a few old pieces of music, and, now, you were in his kitchen making a sandwich.
When you sat on Derek's bed, with your wet hair and your sandwich, Starstrukk by 3OH!3 and Katy Perry started to play. Yeah, that time alone was being nice! You move your body in the music's rhythm while bites your sandwich, still sat on the mattress. You should enjoy that peace while it lasts!
The sandwich was cool, the music either... But you realized that, now, you had a golden chance that every fan would die to have: You are alone in Derek's flat. What kind of things he hides there?
After finishing your sandwich, you look around. You stand up from the mattress and walk around the loft. Getting upstairs, you could find some supernatural books, some weird things that you thought could be some magic stuff, and his laptop. Oh, man! What else hides in his internet searches?
You hold yourself, trying to decide if you should snoop his history on the internet or if you should see what he hides on his bedside table drawer.
When you go downstairs, Animal by Neon Trees fills your ears. You run to Derek's bedside table and opens his drawer. You found his cell phone charger, as well as the laptop one, a coin with a triskelion and... tons of condoms.
Your eyes got widen. This is definitely the kind of thing the TV show hasn't expose.
Also, you noticed Derek's loft needed some... cleaning.
Bored as never before, you walked to the kitchen searching for some cleaning stuff. You found some on a cabinet: A mop and a few other products. Oh, perfect! You took them and, soon, you were sliding the mop through the flat while sings Animal. The flat smells like lavender now, and the floor is so clean that you are proud.
You heard Magic by Rivers Cuomo and B.o.B on the radio, and you sing with the music reminding the parties at your friend's house after school. Suddenly, the door finally opens, and you heard Derek's voice.
"...She's not lying, and I need to know if you already saw something like that before."
You froze with the mop on your hand when you saw Derek. He froze as well. It was understandable: A complete stranger is cleaning his flat and wearing his clothes.
"...Oh, hi! I've borrowed your shirt."
Then, a female voice came behind him.
"There are tons of things that could cause this kind of thing. We need to investigate."
Talia Hale came after his son, as well as Laura and Cora. They also froze with the scene of you wearing Derek's clothes and cleaning his loft. You? Well, your eyes almost had pulled out of your face when you saw them. Talia inhales the air to her lungs, clearly smelling the air.
"Are this... Lavender?"
"Yeah, it is." Laura replied her mom, looking at Derek after that "I think lavender suits you. It's perfect for your flat. It is really your thing, Derek."
You were so confused! What are they doing there? Your chin fell, letting your mouth opened in pure disbelief. Derek rolled his eyes at Laura before look at you again.
"...She'll freak out."
"Oh. My. Gosh. Oh my gosh!!" The mop fell on the floor, and you ran through Talia, Cora, and Laura's direction. "What the hell are you doing here?!"
The Hale women look at each other, and Cora looks at you.
"Well, mom came here to help Derek with, uh, you. And I guess you already know us."
"You shouldn't be here!" You stare at Cora "You should be in South America! And both of you" You stare at Talia and Laura "I can't even talk about you two! Jeez!"
You put your hands on your head, with your mind blowing while the Hale family enters into the loft. Derek turns off the radio before staring at you again.
"I thought you were used to seeing me with them."
You stare at him, with your eyes widen. Your mind was full of theories already.
"Derek, you are definitely not understanding what is happening here. Your family shouldn't be here."
He arches his eyebrows, noticing there's something pretty wrong here.
"What do you mean?"
"Look" You approach them, looking at everyone "I'll do just one question: Did your house was burned some years ago?"
They look at each other, with the engines on their head trying to work. Talia stares at you.
"Yeah, but we had fortunately escaped."
"How about your brother?"
"Peter was the only one that hasn't managed to."
Oh, man... That means one thing. Scared as hell, you sat on the mattress. Derek started to feel anxious and approaches you.
"What's happening?"
You breathe in, staring at the family.
"It shouldn't happen. At the TV show, Talia dies at the fire. Cora ran to South America, Peter got burnt and goes to a clinic, Laura turns herself into alpha, and she stays with Derek. It means that I'm not on the TV Show. I'm inside a fanfic."
Oh, man... It means, basically, that you even haven't so sure about what will happens next. If you were inside the TV Show, you could predict the future. You couldn't do it if you were inside a fanfic.
While you were in complete shock, Talia looks at her family.
"Well... I'll search the most plausible theory of (Y/N)'s arrival. I think we can start looking for some witches near. It can be some work from a coven."
While the Hale family talks about you, you still sat on the mattress, thinking about what the heck was going on. Well, what kind of fanfic did you got into? Was It an insert-reader one, or was It just a common one? Are you the protagonist?
You would test your theory, and you would do it right now.
Knowing the opportunity was just right there, you ran through the flat's door. However, Derek notices your escaping.
"She's running away!"
A mess quickly takes form inside Derek's loft: His announcement made all the Hale run after you, trying to avoid your escaping. They don't know anything about you yet. It could be dangerous to have you simply walking around Beacon Hills.
Fast, you ran through the building until you go outside. A storm quickly takes form, and heavy rain starts to fell from the skies. To everyone's surprise, you stopped in the middle of the asphalt, looking at the sky.
"Hey!" You yelled to something up there "I want a sign! Hey, writer! Readers! Anyone! Am I inside of a fanfic? Answer me! Send me a clue, anything!"
A thunder lightens the skies, and you fell on your knees with a lack of a clue that could help you to find out what was going on. Then, you felt a hand grab your arm.
"Enough, weirdo." Laura said, holding you while the Hale family surrounds you to keep you from running away "You'll stay inside the loft."
With all the last hopes of yours, you look up from the skies. The rainwater runs through your body while you wait. You just want a sign! A clue!
Then, you thought you had seen something. Laura pushes you, making you stand up from the asphalt. And when she was started to drag you to the loft again, you saw something falling from the sky. Derek saw it too.
"Laura, wait."
Everyone looks up, noticing what the heck was that: It was a post-it paper falling from the skies in your direction. When it came close enough, you took it.
Man... When you read it, your face became pale as a candle, and you simply pass out on Laura's arms. Caught by surprise, Laura holds you while everyone runs in your direction. Cora took the post-it paper from your hand and, when she read it, she stares at her family completely incredulous.
"What?" Derek looks at her, in urgency to know what was that. Cora swallowed hard, starting to read the post-it paper out loud.
"Here says: Author's note: Yeah, you are inside a fanfic. Author's note two: Your story has just started, girl."
Yeah, for sure, the Hale family stares at each other in complete shock. Of course, they weren't expecting that your call for a sign would be replied to. Especially by me, the author of your story! Ha! And honestly? I'll think carefully if I'll help you during your journey inside your favorite TV Show, because, honestly? I'll not let things easy for you.
FINAL AUTHOR'S NOTE Here's the thing about this series: I'm the author mentioned at the end of this chapter, y'all are the readers mentioned in the story AND the (Y/N) of this story. Consider that the (Y/N) is the "you" from a different dimension, okay? Why should you consider this: Because you all can communicate themselves with the (Y/N) of that story! At every ending of the chapter, I'll request you to send me something to help the (Y/N) inside the story. You will send it through my ask, right here. Well, the (Y/N) has requested to the readers sent her a sign that she is really inside of a fanfic. Send me your clue for (Y/N) through my ask, and I'll put it on the next chapter to makes her freaking out.
I'll be waiting for y'all!
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