#like you know how teddy’s name is Edward
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Leigh please, we all know his God given name is Ketterdam Rietveld Jr. after his mother that birthed him
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mamaestapa · 5 months
Digital Animal: The Series|| AU Masterlist
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• pairing: bf!ethan edwards x reader x fwb! rutger mcgroarty
•series summary: fics, blurbs, and asks about the digital animal universe!
• warnings: mostly smut and fluff, threesome, friends with benefits, you basically have two boyfriends ;)
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• digital animal (SMUT)
• pretty in pink (SMUT)
• closer (SMUT)
• modeling lingerie for the boys
• ethan and rutgers relationship with you
• rutger fucking you
• ethan only trusting rutger with you
• ethan and rutger being soft with you after a situation at a party
• staying at the sophomore house with rutger and the boys being suspicious
• the boys love seeing you in umich colored lingerie
• rutger taking videos of you when ethan is away
• cuddling with ethan and rutger
• ethan and rutgers favorite positions
• how the team finds out about your relationship
• ethan and rutger making your period cramps go away
• period sex with ethan and rutger
• falling in love with rutger
• ethan being the dominant one
• ethan and rutgers reactions to you getting hit on
• when you prefer one over the other
• how the team reacts to the relationship
• getting into a bad argument with rutger
• what jerseys you wear to umich games
• pet names the boys give you
• ethan and rutger taking care of you when you’re sick
• when the boys get jealous of each other
• mark being the first one to find out about your relationship
• rutger making you squirt for the first time
• ethan and rutgers relationship
• ethan teaches you how to give head
• your lock screens
• taking care of ethan and rutger when they’re sick
• throat training with ethan and rutger
• ethan and rutger sending you pictures of the michigan teddy bear when they’re gone
• teasing the boys with pictures while they’re away
• dominant ethan
• ethan and rutgers relationship interactions
• how adam finds out about your relationship
• ethan and rutger arguing over whose jersey you’ll wear
• being ethan and rutgers passenger princess
• times where you’ve gotten into arguments with the boys
• valentine’s day with ethan and rutger
• leaving hickeys and marks all over the boys
• making tik toks with ethan and rutger
• ethan and rutger treating you like a princess
• pre-digital animal how you met the boys
• ethan eating you out 24/7
• rutger hooking up with other girls
• mark filling in when one of the boys is gone
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i never thought one fic would turn into a whole universe, but here we are and im so excited🤭
send some asks about this series! can be fic ideas, blurb ideas, or asks about literally anything you want/need to know about these three ;)
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padfootdaredmetoo · 5 months
Tommy x wife reader: Charlie and Ruby are theirs (no grace or lizzie) and they have a few other children, in order of their ages: Charles (Charlie) James (Jamie) Edward (Teddie) Ruby (Ru)
And just after Ruby dies and Tommy finds out he’s dying, his wife finds out she is pregnant again and she is just traumatised by it as she’s lost her only daughter and her aunt-in-law and about to lose her husband too
But Tommy doesn’t die and they have a baby girl, who they name Rose Elizabeth, because Ruby loved roses and after Polly and they nickname her Posy as a portmanteau of Rosy and Polly
Hey Love,
Sorry it took forever. This one is pretty sad and I really enjoyed writing it. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Peaky Themes, Childbirth, Child death, grieving.
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Not a single dull day had passed in Arrow House. It was always loud as the children ran around causing chaos. Today was so silent you could drop a tack in the kitchen and hear it in the attic. 
You lay on the floor of your youngest daughter's room. Your little girl. The grief clenched in your chest and you felt your heart miss a beat as your body twisted in on itself. You’d never felt such a loss in your life. 
Now you have a baby in your stomach, your husband is going to die leaving you with three boys. You knew you should be with him, enjoy his presence while you have him here amongst the living.
How could you worry about anything after watching your daughter slip from the world just a day ago? You remember holding her hand and singing to her. Thomas holding it together just until her eyes fluttered closed before falling apart in a way you didn't think him capable of. 
You sat there silently. Something deep inside you felt at peace. She was safe where she was. Polly was with her. Knowing something deep in your soul had never taken away from the way your brain and body worked. 
Your body hadn’t stopped shaking since it happened. Your limbs vibrating as you lay on her pink carpet. You felt discarded like all the stuffies and dolls that lay on the floor around you. Without her to come and breathe life into you, you would stay on the carpet like a doll. 
Teddie was the first person to find you. His small body came and curled up against your side. The warmth of him seeped into your icy body. 
A mother could only stop being a mother once she had no children left. And you had three. This moment of sadness and grief couldn't go on for the eternity you felt it needed. You had boys to wrangle. Little Ruby adored her brothers and you knew she wouldn't ever forgive you if you let them down. 
With the strength of a British Mum, you brushed the tears off your cheeks with the side of your hand. You sat up even though every selfish part of you screamed to lay back down on that carpet. To rot away to a place where you could hold her again. 
“Hey, Teddie.” You whispered running a hand down the small boy’s back. 
“Mum I’m hungry.” He mumbled.
“Teddie! Dad said we have to leave her alone.” Charlie was in the doorway, with his arms crossed. His tone was angry and you could swear he looked years older than the last time you saw him. 
“Darling, never leave me alone.” You said giving him a serious look. His face faltered slightly as he took in your words. “I’m still a mum. And mum’s make dinner, let’s go. Into the kitchen.” 
Teddie was happy and you picked him up even though he was far too big for that now. Walking down the hallway, Charlie surprised you when he opened Jamie’s door. 
You sat Teddie on his favorite spot on the counter and started getting out various pots and pans. 
“She’s up.” He said and your middle boy came into the hallway. Silently the four of you made it into the kitchen. Grief was creeping in all the shadows of the room as Charlie made a fire. 
“Ruby isn't coming home is she?” Teddie asked. Charlie let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose in the way only the eldest child could. 
“No, she’s with Aunt Polly now. They live in the sky.” Jamie answered softly. You gripped the edges of the pot tightly as you pushed down the intense feelings threatening to overflow again. 
The window opened and you could hear her voice on the wind that whipped around your face. 
Keep Going.  
That’s what you did. Death be dammed you’d made a deal with God to sacrifice and survive for these boys and that’s what you would do. 
With a cracking heart you closed the window and looked around the kitchen at the boy's stunned faces. 
“Please tell me you heard that as well right?” Charlie said with wide eyes. 
One dinner down a lifetime left to go. 
The weeks turned into a month and the pain did not relent. You had no moments of peace only the love felt by shared grieving. Esme was always around now. All the kids lumped together in Arrow House like the days of the Changretta feud. She made sure your hair got brushed and your outfits matched. 
Arthur came around every day. He kept Tommy together while they worked out all this conflict. He feels a war is coming and you couldn't imagine it could be anything worse than the one raging in your mind. Alfie stops by and tells you things that confirm it will be much worse. 
Three boys, and a war. 
You put your make-up on so you have a reason not to cry during the day. 
You spend every evening with Tommy. You know what he is doing is important. It could change the outcome for the rest of the families on the planet. So you sacrifice your time with him and survive on the couch reading. When really you just stare into the fire wishing everything would burn up to be reborn as something new. 
Three boys and one more undetermined in your stomach. Your hand rested there often. You expected to lose the baby so you didn't really think about it. If they did come into this world you prayed it would be before Tommy passed. Grieving with a baby in your stomach would be easier than grieving with a newborn. But you wanted them to meet their father, even if it was for a fleeting moment. You would suffer and survive. 
Tommy finally got over himself and got a second opinion. He hated doctors and you expected him to be in a foul mood when he got back from a series of appointments in London. Alfie accompanied him back and you placed a plate of biscuits and cups of tea on the kitchen table. The kitchen was for family, but Alfie somehow managed to get an invitation out of Tommy. You were always happy to see him, but were wary of the news he often brought these days. You took a seat and he grabbed your hand and held it.  Your mind flashed back to the good old days when something so small would have sent Tommy after him in a rage. 
Alfie knew better than to ask how you were keeping. Tommy finally sat down at the head of the table, he looked pale. Too pale to drive, which explains why Alfie had come back with him. 
“I’m not sick.” His eyes closed and he leaned back against the chair. 
“What?” You whispered. 
“The f-uck-ing doctor was working for that stupid mustache piece of shit,” Alfie said his voice was venomous but his smile was unshakeable. 
“You're not going to die.” Your eyes moved to Tommy and he shook his head.  
“Going to have to wait a while longer to steal you away, love.” Alfie's voice was all humor now, but he knew it was time to let go of your hand when Tommy flashed him a look. The look of the old Tommy. 
“I’m pregnant.” You blurted out. 
“Looks like I dodged a bullet. Last thing I wanted to be raising up another little Shelby brat.” Alfie was laughing and Tommy smiled. A genuine smile. 
You were happy, and then the brutal deafening sadness crashed down on you. The sheer panic of having a child hits again and the nausea has you throwing your head back in the sink. Tommy is there pulling your hair up. 
“Like she would ever go for you,” Tommy said easily taking a sip of tea.
“Shit,” Alfie says from the counter near you. He gets a glass for Tommy to fill with water. 
You told Esme and you both held on to each other as you cried. 
“I never thought I would say this but thank God Tommy will be alright.” She shook her head as the words strangled her. “You’ll never have to know what it’s like to raise em up with out their father.” 
You both cried on the kitchen floor for a long while. 
The time came and you had high blood pressure meaning you had to do things in the hospital. Something that made everything a thousand times more painful. But that was your baby, and you would sacrifice and they would survive. 
They kept trying to medicate you and Esme kept throwing nurses out of the room screaming at them in Romani when English wasn't scary enough. In the thick of it you kept crying out for Polly. 
You didn't want these strangers to help you. They didn't care about you or your baby. They weren't family. Arthur came and spoke to Esme in the doorway for a moment. You expected news that Tommy wouldn't make it in time or that something worse had happened. 
Instead, Esme handed you one of Polly’s rosaries to hold. You gripped the cold crystal beads and felt yourself split apart over all the reasons you were crying. 
Tommy showed up and commanded the room with Esme. The window blew open letting cold air around the room and you could feel her love for you. 
You gave birth to a little girl. 
There were no pictures taken as you bawled. You got her latched on to your breast and cried and cried. The nurses kept pushing for sedation but Esme started at them and Tommy pointed towards the door. Arthur came in and read a passage from his bible for you. You're not sure why exactly but it helped. It felt like a blessing that this baby would be alright. 
You brought her home the same night, itching to get out of the hospital. You carried her in and watched all your boys get excited. You handed her off to Charlie first. 
“I love it when they look like grumpy old men,” Jamie said with a smile, Teddie let out a loud laugh. 
“She does look like an old man.” 
“What did you name her?” Charlie asked his finger tracing down the slope of her nose. 
“Rose Elizabeth,” Tommy said sitting next to him placing his arm around his eldest son. 
“Posy then,” Charlie said with a sense of finality. 
Charlie, Jamie, Teddie, and Posy. Your heart was happy and sad at the same time. 
Jamie came round and put his arm around you. 
“Love you mum.” He whispered and you wondered when he got old enough to kiss the top of your head. The boys were strong like their father, and you had no doubts they were strong enough to carry you and Posy.
This chunk of time was easier than it was with the other four kids. Tommy took time off. Churchill had other moves he wanted to play and for now, Tommy wasn’t involved. 
He’d sit while you breastfed in the night, he’d change nappies, and read stories. You watched him be a girl dad again and the pain was harsh and beautiful at the same time. 
Esme helped you take down Ruby’s room. The idea of moving one of the boys to a different floor or wing of the house made your skin itch. Ruby’s room needed to be emptied. 
You aired the room out and you knew that she would be happy about giving it to her sister. Esme assured you at every turn that she wouldn't be angry at you. 
Eventually Arrow House moved on. Posy was very attached to the idea she had both an Aunt and a sister in the sky watching over her. 
The war came and what was left of the family did what they had to do. Thankfully Posy was there with you so you were never alone.
Thankfully when it was all over all your boys came home to you.
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What a Suprise~ Bill Weasley
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Waddling was all I could call the way I was walking.
But I couldn’t see my life being any other way.
An amazing man that loves me just the way I am.
An adopted son.
A loving family that’s there for me no matter what.
And a baby on the way.
But waddling was the least of my worries
There were worse symptoms of being almost nine months pregnant. Like constantly having to pee, having swollen ankles, barely getting any sleep at night, my mood changing at any and all moments, only eating things I crave, and my least favorite becoming nauseous at anything my nose deems disgusting.
But I had to remind myself that it would all be worth it.
To have that little bundle of joy in my arms will make it all worth it.
I had to make the days shorter by keeping me busy to make the final weeks of this pregnancy fly by. And that starts with me getting out of bed.
That was no easy task.
The amount of rolling around and grunting got the man lying next to me to stir awake. “Good morning love. Do you need any help?” Bill asked me.
I grumbled as I asked,” What does it look like hun?”
“It looks like my beautiful wife is trying to get out of bed when we both know your abs are no longer in working order,” he chuckles at me.
“Yeah yeah just help me get up so I can get ready before Teddy wakes up,” I grumble to him.
(Teddy a.k.a Edward Remus Lupin, the son of my late sister Tonks. He was put into my care after the second wizarding war when it was found that Nymph and Remus were gone. I’ve taken care of him ever since then. It's been three years.)
“Okay okay I’m coming,” he said back to me.
Bill pulls me out of our cozy bed and my feet hit the cold floor making me shiver. I stand in front of my husband giving him a kiss before I begin to walk towards the bathroom. I’m stopped before I take my second step by Bill’s hand gently holding my arm.
He carefully spins me around so as not to make me dizzy.
He then gets on his knees so he is level with your sizable bump. He then starts to talk to your bump,” Good morning little one. I just have a few rules for the day for you. One, don’t kick your mother in the ribs, Two, don’t come out early, and last but not least I love you so much, and can’t wait to see you any day now.” He ends the chat with a couple of kisses to my stomach tickling me in the process causing me to laugh. Which in return causes our baby to kick where the kisses were settled.
“Well if your done sweet talking the babe I am going to go and take a shower,” I say as I’m looking down at him.
All he does is look up at me with adoration something I’ve seen from him quite a lot these past weeks.
“What are you staring at?” I ask him.
“I am looking at the most beautiful woman in the world. Just trying to understand how I got so lucky to have someone like you,” he says in amazement.
“I’m still trying to understand what in Merlin’s name I had to do in order to have the most handsome, most loving, and definitely most daring husband to ever step foot on the world,” I respond with the same love and adoration.
He stands up again with a wide smile spread across his face.
He pulls me into a kiss.
He had to lean in order to reach my lips as there was an obstacle in his way.
“Now I’m going to shower,” I say back to him as I walk away.
“I will most likely be downstairs making breakfast when you are done,” he says back to me.
I walk into the bathroom turn on the shower and turn to look in the mirror just looking at myself hoping one day to see some of the same features in my little girl.
Yes, girl.
Bill hasn’t wanted to know so I haven’t told him, but I found out a long time ago.
Keeping the news a secret all to myself.
I walk into the shower as the hot water runs down my body washing away yesterday. I run my hands over my stomach to make sure I don’t miss a single inch of my body.
I go through my routine but still don’t want to get out of the hot water as it has raised my body temperature significantly since I’ve gotten in. The chill of the morning trying to sneak into the hot shower. Only getting out when the tips of my fingers start to wrinkle.
I dry off and put on the plush robe waiting on the back of the bathroom door. Hoping to keep the cool air at bay. Continuing to dry my hair as I wipe the condensation off the mirror in front of me.
While looking at myself I take a moment to take it all in before the day finally begins.
I brush out my hair and move to the closet to get dressed. Picking one of Bill’s sweaters and my trusted leggings. The only thing that still fits.
Just as I finished the exercise of putting my socks on I heard the little groans coming from the room down the hall.
I smile to myself as I make my way to the babbling toddler.
“Good morning Mr. Teddy,” I say to him. I’m only greeted with a barely toothy grin.
The boy in front of me has the face of his father but the eyes and hair of his mother. Finding out that he is a metamorphmagus like his mother was a shock and a relief. I was washing dishes when I heard Teddy sneeze and then heard continuous quacking. I walked into the living room to see him with a duck beak on the front of his face. Quickly calling my mother was the only thing I thought to do. She was over in a heartbeat to teach me how to change him back to his perfect self.
I chuckle at the memory as I make my way over to the blue-haired boy. He smiles at me jumping with excitement at seeing me coming to get him.
“Do you want to get dressed or have breakfast?” I ask picking him up.
He points to the small closet behind us as his answer.
“Alright let’s get you dressed,” I say.
Changing him has always been an easy task for me.
As long as he’s holding my wand. It hasn’t caused any accidents yet, but I know one day it probably will.
I put him down on the floor and told him to get breakfast. He then takes off down the hall the sound of his little feet hitting the floor echoes through the quiet house.
I smile as I follow him down the hall.
When he gets to the stairs he waits for me to catch up with him.
I tell him,” It’s okay you know how to do it.”
He then turns around and begins to slowly descend the stairs. He looks up at me every so often to make sure I’m still following. When he makes it to the bottom of the stairs he slowly stands and turns around taking off toward the kitchen. The smell of breakfast floats to my nose.
I waddle my way to the kitchen doorway in time to hear their conversation.
“Good morning my son. How did you sleep my little tyke?” he says to him.
Teddy babbles for a bit before he says,” Good dada.”
Hearing Teddy say that to him feels wrong but earned. We will tell him of his parents and just how heroic they were. When he can understand why we kept it a secret, but for now we will play the part.
“Oh really and you look so handsome and cozy in your sweater. Did you pick it out or did Mommy?” he says to the boy.
“Me,” he says proudly.
Which is true although I picked out two for him to choose from.
“Well, you definitely made a good choice. Nana Weasley will be overjoyed when she learns you’ve taken a liking to her sweaters,” Will says to Teddy as he tickles his little stomach making Teddy let out a loud giggle.
“See Nana,” Teddy says excitedly.
“We’ll see Nana next weekend okay,” Bill responds.
“Okay,” Teddy says back with a smile on his little face.
I stand in the doorway to the kitchen watching the scene playing out in front of me.
Bill is trying to make pancakes while still holding Teddy in his arms. I take this as my cue to step in and help him with making breakfast. I pour myself a cup of coffee to make my presence known to the man on the other side of the kitchen. I hear music begin to play throughout the cozy room. I turn to see the two of them begin to dance to the music around them.
I giggle at the two of them and move to take over making breakfast for my husband.
I finished making everything and brought it to the little table perfect for my little family. As I finish bringing the last of the food to the table Bill and Teddy dance their way over to me squishing me in between the two of them in slobbery kisses on each cheek.
“Oh thank you my loves,” I laugh to them as they sit down.
Teddy gets out,“ Welcome mama.” I start to put food onto a plate for Teddy so I can cut it up for him. The music still softly going in the background of our meal.
The rest of breakfast is spent talking to Bill about the current case he’s working on, and Teddy occasionally chiming in to tell us his opinions.
After breakfast, I’m at the sink washing the dishes from the morning while humming to the music in the house. Teddy is in the living room playing with his toys. And as I’m cleaning one of the last dishes I feel two arms snake around my waist or what was left of it from behind.
“You look so beautiful today,” he whispers in my ear swaying us slowly.
“Well, you take some of the credit. This is your sweater after all,” I say back to him as I sway with him.
“I can’t take any credit you’re beautiful wearing anything. Especially when wearing nothing,” he responds while biting my ear lobe ever so lightly.
“Thank you my love, but not gonna happen,” I sass at him.
“Okay if not that then could I have this dance with you, my lady?” he asks holding out his hand to me.
I nod my head yes, and take his hand. He pulls me in close to him and we begin to dance. I listen closely and begin to hear the song that’s playing. Our song. As I begin listening the song gets louder as we begin dancing our way through the main level of our home. It makes me remember our wedding. The songs, the dancing, the food, and him, my husband. One of the best days of my life as I’m sure there are more to come especially with our little one on the way.
We finally make it to the living room where Teddy begins to stand to his feet holding his arms out and asking to be held.
I instantly pick him up and we squish him in between us as we continue our dance around the toys in the living room. We begin to sing to the little boy in our arms. Causing him to giggle as he listens to us sing funnily at him.
The song begins to wind down and Bill spins and dips me one last time as the last note holds.
When I come back up I feel it.
The rush of water gushing down my leg.
I look up at Bill with shock all over my face. He’s still laughing with Teddy until he looks at me. His smile was replaced with worry as he instantly started to look me over. His eyes finally looked to the ground to see the puddle around us.
I can see the shock finally register on his face.
All I can do is smile with excitement. We knew it could happen any day and apparently, today was the day.
I took Teddy from Bill’s arms as he raced up the stairs to get our hospital bags.
I looked at Teddy with a smile on my face trying not to worry or freak out the young boy. Bill appears a couple of seconds later with two trunks in his arms.
It’s my turn to look at my husband with love and admiration. My smile is reciprocated by the ginger in front of me. I don’t know what the rest of the day has in store but I’m ready to do it with this man at my side.
I waddle over to Bill and he meets me halfway linking my arm with his we aparate to the burrow to drop off Teddy with Molly and Arthur.
When Molly sees us on the front steps she instantly knows why we're here. She’s already fussing over me before she opens the door.
She takes the excited toddler from my arms and tells us to go the instant Teddy is resting on her hip. As we turn to walk away to aparate to St.Mungos Molly grabs my arm and whispers,” Oh, and good luck my dear. Bring home my second grandbaby.”
I give her a nervous smile as I walk to Bill and we are off.
We arrive at the hospital and my first contraction hits my body.
The second one is not far behind it.
I am put in a wheelchair and bring me to a private room.
I look around at the room and take in the fact that this is where my little girl is going to be brought into the world. A day that feels weird now that it is here.
I'm put in bed and nurses start to fuss over me and my baby making sure that everything is going smoothly. As one of the nurses goes to check me a surge of pain goes through my body as another contraction hits me.
The nurse apologies as she’s done checking me telling me that I’m progressing fast and that I’m at 5 centimeters already.
5 more to go I tell myself.
5 more and I get to see my beautiful girl.
Time passed and it felt like an eternity.
But finally, I was ready to push.
I pushed for three hours.
I was exhausted, sad, happy, a whole bunch of emotions. I was about to give up when I heard it. Her cry.
A cry I’ve waited eight and a half months for.
I look over at my husband who’s been letting me squeeze his hand for the last three hours. I see him looking at the baby that is being laid on my chest with that same love and admiration he shows me every day.
She’s already stolen his heart and she’s barely a minute old.
“It’s a girl, my love,” I whisper to him as he puts his face next to mine to get a closer look at the babe.
“A great surprise indeed,” he says with tears all over his face.
After she was cleaned and bundled up snugly she was placed into my arms by the nurse who said,” I’ll give you guys some time to yourself.”
“Thank you,” I smiled towards the nurse.
Now we were alone with our baby.
Our second baby.
“You are the most beautiful girl in the world,” Bill says.
“Are you talking to me or her?” I quip.
“I’m talking to both of you. She looks so much like you already,” he ogles.
“Except for the full head of red hair and that nose. She definitely got those from you. We will have to wait and see what her eye color is, but my money is on blue,” I say to him.
“What are we going to name her my love?” He asks me.
“I think we’ll name her Agnes Nymphdora Weasley. What do you think about that little one?” I ask her.
All I get in return is a smile. Her first smile.
“You, Agnes, will do great and wonderful things and I know that because you will have me and your dad, and your brother at your side at all times. And you don’t even know it yet but you have six uncles and four aunts who love you. And your Nana and Papa Weasley, and your Granny Tonks. And so many more, and guess what they all love you so much. But I will say that your Dad definitely loves you the most I can see it in his eyes. You already have him wrapped around your tiny finger,” she smiles as I say that,” And of course, you know it too you little cheeky thing. You get that from your uncles Fred and George,” I continue to go on and on about your beautifully broken family until I’m fast asleep.
I woke up the next morning to hear Bill talking to someone.
I open my eyes and see Molly and Arthur.
“Where are the kids?” my groggy voice mixed with sleep and worry asks.
“We were waiting until you woke up for them to meet,” Molly says to me,” don’t worry he’s at the house with the rest of the family who are excited and ready to congratulate you.”
“I think I’ll need a day or two before that happens,” I say with a sigh.
“That is just fine my dear. We will be celebrating at the burrow whenever you’re ready to come by,” she says as she kisses me on the cheek,” in the meantime, I’ll go get the little man of the hour.” She then walks out the door with Arthur following close behind.
I then realize that Bill is holding our baby wrapped in multiple blankets. No doubt the work of Molly while I was asleep. I smile as I see him rocking her back and forth while humming our song to her.
I could feel my heart beaming with pride.
Then there is a knock on the door.
“Just a minute,” I say.
Bill and I both know exactly who is behind that door.
He walks over to me and carefully hands me baby Agnes. I get her situated in my arms, and Bill caresses my face in admiration as I do so. He takes the chair he’s been using next to the bed.
“Come in,” I say to the door not too loudly in case I might wake the sleeping baby.
The door slowly opens to reveal Teddy in the arms of Molly as she walks into the room. Arthur follows slowly behind them with Teddy’s security blanket.
“Hi buddy,” I say to him in a soft but excited voice.
All he does is wave to me as he pushes against Molly to be let down. She lets him down so he can come over on his own terms. Before he walks towards us he reaches and grabs his blanket from Arthur.
He then begins to walk around the bed to stand next to the chair Bill is sitting in.
“You want to come up,” Bill says as he reaches out his arms to Teddy.
Teddy nods his little head.
Bill puts him in his lap.
“Hi baby,” I say to him.
“Hi, Mommy,” he says back to me.
“Do you know who this is?” Bill asks him.
“Mommy,” Teddy says.
“That’s right, but who is Mommy holding,” he asks again.
He looks at me taking in everything before him. The bed with the white sheets, me with my hospital gown on, and finally I see his little eyes land on the bundle of blankets in my arms. He then stands up in Bill’s lap trying to get a better look at her.
“Baby!” he says with a lot of excitement. The smile on his face is genuine and infectious.
I became so happy that I felt tears of happiness build behind my eyes.
“Yes that’s right, baby, this is your baby sister,” I say to him.
“Hold, please,” Teddy says to me as he begins to climb out of Bill’s lap and onto the hospital bed. I instantly began moving to make room in my lap for the boy by holding the baby in one arm while he slid his way into my lap.
“Okay, hunny curl your arm to support her head, and then wrap your arm around her�� there you go buddy good job,” I instruct my son.
Agnes doesn’t stir one bit as Teddy holds her.
It’s like she knows who he is already.
“What do you think Teddy?” Bill asks.
“Pretty,” he says as he begins to slowly touch her head. I take off her hat so that he can see her full head of red hair, and he begins to stroke it back and forth.
“You’re doing such a good job baby. Being so gentle with her,” I say with a smile across my face.
I look up after hearing the silent sobbing from across the room.
Molly is in tears while Arthur tries to console her.
“Would you like to know what her name is?” I ask the grandparents in front of me.
Molly nods her head slowly while wiping her nose with a handkerchief. Arthur waiting to catch his wife if need be at what’s about to happen.
“Well, we decided to name her Agnes Nymphadora Weasley,” I say proudly to them.
I see the quiet sob leave Molly’s mouth at the name of our first baby girl.
Arthur says to us,” That’s a mighty fine name for your little girl. I’m so proud of both of you. More you than him Y/n.”
“Thank you Arthur that means the world,” I say in thanks.
~ The next day is spent relearning all the steps of having a newborn. The diapers. The feedings. The sleep cycle.
We leave for home after three days in the hospital.
We open our front door to see Molly busying herself with cleaning. While Arthur is in the living room reading out loud to Teddy.
“What’s all this?” I ask as I enter the house.
“Well, we’re here to help you of course,” Molly says matter of factly.
“Thank you,” I say to her.
As I continue to enter the house I begin to hear little feet padding towards us. I then see him come around the corner running straight towards us. I drop to my knees to greet him with the biggest hug possible.
“Hi, buddy. Did you have fun with Nana and Papa?” I ask him.
He nods his head as a response wanting to be held by me. So I picked him up.
“What do you… “ I don’t even get to finish my sentence as a big yawn comes from the small boy. “You wanna take a nap buddy,” I ask him.
“With you please,” he answers.
“Of course buddy. We’ll go upstairs and take a nap together you and me,” I respond.
“And Daddy, and baby,” he pleas.
“Okay, buddy we will go and take a family nap how about that,” I say to him.
He nods his head with sleepy excitement.
“Well, you heard the man. Up you get,” I say to my husband with a tired smile.
He begins to climb the stairs with the sleeping baby girl in his arms. I turn to look at Molly but she’s already shooing me up the stairs to follow my husband. “Okay, Okay I’m going,” I say to her,” thank you again Molly for all you’ve done.”
“No need to thank me, love. I had the help when I had mine thank Merlin. So I’m repaying the favor one grandbaby at a time,” she says back to me.
I smile one last time at her before I walk up the stairs to the bedroom I shared with my husband and for a while our baby Agnes.
I walk into the room to see that Bill is almost asleep, and Agnes is down for the count. I keep Teddy at my side as I slide into the plush bed. As I go to move him I see he’s fast asleep on my shoulder. I lean back onto the headboard and slide down onto my back with Teddy on top of me. I turn my head so I can cuddle into the side of my beautiful husband.
“Thank you,” he says to me out of nowhere.
“What are you thanking me for?” I ask with confusion.
“For giving me this. The life I’ve always wanted. My beautiful children taking a nap with me and my beautiful wife. All I can say to you is Thank you for bringing this life into the world,” he says while pointing at Agnes,” And for bringing him into my life,” he says while pointing at Teddy,” And thank you for choosing me to be the one you spend the rest of the life with,” he finishes with tears in his eyes.
I lean to him and give him the most deeply loving kiss I can.
“I will always choose you, William Weasley,” I say while looking into his eyes,” I will choose you in this life and every lifetime after that. I mean it.”
“And I will choose you in every lifetime as well my love,” he says back to me.
“Now I’m taking a nap and relishing in the quiet before the storm,” I say to him as I close my eyes.
He pecks my cheek and nose one last time before he pulls me into his side to hold me while we all sleep together in the true mark before the rest of our lives.
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epinebleue · 7 months
maniac (m) | lee taeyong
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when you try to summon your older brother, things don’t go as expected.
pairing: evil spirit!lee taeyong x reader (female)
genre: horror!au, mature, angst.
warnings: heavy depiction of death and blood, possessive behavior, explicit sexual content.
author’s note: i suck at writing horror, i’m so sorry. happy halloween!
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You’d always remember that night.
How the moonlight sneaked through the white curtains, how the shadow of the naked trees in your garden formed strange shapes that stretched across the floor and walls of your bedroom.
Not a sound could be heard, as if the world itself had gone mute.
You moved in bed to press your back against the wall behind you, wishing you could blend with it. That way, you would be safe from the horrors of the night.
You squeezed your teddy bear to your chest, looking for comfort. You had tried everything, from counting sheep to mentally singing lullabies, and all your efforts had been useless: you just couldn’t sleep.
And suddenly, there were lights.
You snapped your eyes open, glancing at the blue and red lights dancing around your room.
It took you seconds to realize that they weren’t coming from the inside, but from the street. Curiosity had always been a personality trait of yours, so you got out of bed to look through your window.
The lights belonged to a police car that had parked right below it, from which a man and two women came out, the man fixing his hat as he walked.
You watched them turn around the corner, disappearing. Seconds later, the doorbell ricocheted around your house. Once, twice. The third time, you heard your father's voice in the hallway. When you opened the door, he was walking past it.
“Stay in your room.” He said, rushing to the staircase with bed hair and struggling to keep his eyes open, still sensitive to the sudden light. Your mother followed, putting on her thick, blue robe.
“Mom?” You called, the teddy bear still caged in your arms. You didn’t know much, but you knew that police officers coming to your house in the middle of the night couldn’t mean anything good.
“Don’t worry, honey.” She patted your head on her way to the stairs. “Matt, stay with your sister.”
But once your parents were on the ground floor, you exchanged an accomplice look with your older brother. Matt kneeled at the end of the stairs and signed you to join him in the rebellious act of peeking through the bars.
One of the women spoke, addressing your parents by their last name. Each of them showed their credentials.
“I’m Officer Walker. This is Officer Gallagher, and she’s Doctor Edwards. May we come in?”
As your parents allowed them in the house, the doctor looked up, catching you red-handed. A soft smile appeared on her face, but you went stiff, like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
“Hello.” The doctor waved in your direction. “I’m Doctor Edwards. I’m really, really thirsty. Would you mind giving me a glass of water?”
Your brother frowned at the doctor’s request. He thought about it for a moment before grabbing your hand and walking down the steps, heading to the kitchen. You locked eyes with your mom on the way, encouraged by her quick nod. 
You took your usual seat at the table, the doctor sitting right in front of you. Your brother grabbed a glass and poured water into it, then handed it to her.
“Thank you very much.” Doctor Edwards took the glass to her lips. She drank a little and spoke again. “May I ask for your names?”
Your brother answered so quietly that she had to ask him again. When it was your turn, you spoke louder.
“Those are so pretty.” She left the glass on the table, away from you. “And what’s your other brother’s name?”
“Jackson.” You answered. Matt was distracted, looking towards the kitchen door as if something had caught his attention. “He’s in high school. He’s really smart, he’s top of his class.”
“Well, there’s something I have to tell you about Jackson.”
You could see right through the doctor. She wanted to say something but struggled to find the words. It happened to you weeks ago when you couldn’t tell your parents that you had lost your brand-new pencil case.
A sob reached your ears, followed by the heart-breaking cry that only loss could cause. Your little brain started to connect the dots as you jumped off the chair and ran to the living room and straight into your father’s arms.
The sudden realization that you wouldn’t see your brother ever again punched you in the gut.
You closed your eyes and wept, hoping it was all a nightmare that would end soon.
You would discover that, even though it was indeed a nightmare, you would never escape from it.
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There had been a time when you thought you would never place the last box on the floor of your new home.
For two years, you shared a house with other students. However, you were at a point in your life where you desired full independence and privacy. All it took was a little help from your parents and brother to find a cheap but cozy apartment on campus.
“This is pretty nice.” Matt said, poking his head through the kitchen’s pass-through window that connected with the living room.
“I know, right?” You rested your hands on your hips, glancing at the empty space. “I’m so looking forward to decorating it, maybe painting the walls. What about white with an accent? Yellow would fit…”
“I’d prefer green or blue.”
“No, I like yellow.” You shook your head at his recommendations, pressing your lips together. “It reminds me of the sun.”
“Only you would choose the ugliest color ever.” He teased. The kitchen supplies clinked as he shoved them in the drawers.
“You’re wrong. Red would be the worst.”
“Red’s cool.”
“It’s cool if you’re going for the “somebody died here” vibe, that’s for sure.” Your brother kneeled to store a pair of pots inside your oven. “I’m going to need your help for one last thing.”
You grabbed the biggest box and opened it. The vintage gold frame was the first thing to catch your brother’s attention, but you saw his eyes shine the moment he noticed what it surrounded.
It was a photo your dad had taken during Easter at your grandparent’s farm. You were a year old, wearing a green dress with tiny yellow flowers embroidered all over it that your grandmother had knitted. On your left, Matt, who didn’t like having pictures taken, frowned with his arms crossed. He looked tall for a five-year-old, but then again, he had always been taller than the average. At your right, Jackson, ten, smiled brightly as he bent over to hold you by the waist, preventing you from falling headfirst.
According to your mom, you had seen something moving in the grass and you were trying to grab it with your little hand.
The picture had been the family’s Christmas postcard that year.
“We looked adorable.”
“Talk about you, look at me!” Matthew pointed at his younger self in the picture. “I was so grumpy then.”
“Just then?”
“That’s pretty bold, given the fact that I’ve helped you move in.”
You decided to hang it right next to the entrance door. That way, your brothers would be the last thing you saw before leaving the house and the first when you arrived.
The wave of nostalgia caught you off-guard.
Living alone was another milestone you had hit, one Jackson would never witness. You were getting closer to yet another graduation he would miss.
At some point, you had stopped grieving your brother to start grieving those things that would never happen. It made the overcoming of the trauma much more difficult.
Not only were you sad, but also angry. Out of the people in your family, you had been the one to know him the least.
Matt could look back and reminisce on the good times he spent with Jackson. He had been the one who taught him to play sports. You had also shared meaningful moments with him, of course, but the connection hadn’t been strong yet.
Three letters that set your insides on fire. His time on Earth had been so brief, his departure had been so unfair. Many times, you found yourself wishing it had happened to somebody else.
Four people in that car, but your brother had been the only one to not make it out alive.
“Are you okay?” Matt muttered. You didn’t answer, simply rounding his waist with your arms. He stroked your back, letting you hug him and hugging you back.
“Thank you for helping me.” You said against his shoulder. “Thank you for always being there for me.”
“I’ll always be.” Matt glanced at Jackson in the picture. He missed his older brother, the person who had been his hero, so damn much, but it wasn’t the right time to tell you so. You needed a rock, and he would be it. “And he’ll always be, too.”
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You had absolutely forgotten how big the campus was.
Your brain had told you that assembling your new bed at midnight was a bad, bad idea, but you weren’t known for being rational.
You were running a spicy four hours of sleep when the sound of your alarm hit your head like a hammer, a reminder that you had to be in class in less than half an hour.
By the time you made it to class completely out of breath, the teacher had already explained the final project and grouped students in pairs. So you sat there, waiting for someone to adopt you into their group, aware of the fact that you had made a horrible first impression.
“Professor?” A girl at the back of the class raised her hand. “She can do the project with us, we don’t mind.”
God bless you, you thought as you stood up and walked over to the girl and her partner. You sat beside them in silence, only speaking to thank them.
For the rest of the class, you took notes and paid twice the attention you usually would, trying to make up for your late attendance.
The clock struck noon, signaling the end of the class. As you put your stuff inside your bag, one of the girls called your name.
“Do you want to go to the cafeteria to speak about the project?”
“Yes, please.” You nodded, hanging your bag over your shoulder. “I’m so sorry, I’m usually on time!”
You proceeded to explain the pain and suffering you had gone through at 1 AM after losing a screw in your wooly rug. Several hours later, you were able to sleep on a bed instead of on a mattress on the floor.
“It happens to the best of us.” The girl who had invited you to the group laughed, showing her perfect set of teeth. You couldn’t help but notice how stunning she was. “My name’s Heejin, by the way, and she’s Mihyo.”
The girl beside her waved at you, shyly.
“It’s nice to meet you, guys.” You said, opening a blank document on your tablet as soon as you sat on an empty table at the café, ready to commit to the project.
“So, you live alone?” Heejin took the spot in front of you, placing her things on the chair next to her, forcing Mihyo to sit by your side. “God, you’re so lucky. I’m tired of sharing my oxygen and personal space with horrible people.”
“I totally get it.” You replied, tapping the pockets of your jacket to check that your phone was still there. You had a bad habit of leaving your stuff everywhere, and your parents had made clear that they wouldn’t pay for another phone if you lost your current one. You had to be careful. “I grew up with two older brothers, so living alone has been a pretty big step for me.”
Mihyo and Heejin exchanged looks, a mischievous smile on their faces, before looking at you again.
“You have two older brothers?”
“How old are they?” Mihyo spoke for the first time. “Are they cute?”
“I think so?” You laughed, awkwardly. “Matt’s twenty-four.”
“What about the other?”
“Oh, he…” Even after all those years, you struggled to say the word. “He died.”
It slapped the smiles off their faces. As they rushed to cover their mouths in shock, you couldn’t help but be glad. That would teach them not to be so nosy when it came to other people’s business. You would excuse them, though, for the sake of your education.
“I’m so sorry.” Heejin said, attempting to grab your hand as if comfort from a stranger was exactly what you needed. You rushed to place them on your lap, avoiding any kind of physical contact.
“It’s fine, it happened years ago.” You rose to your feet, grabbing your bag. “I’m going to get some coffee and a muffin, do you want anything?”
You walked over to the queue, checking your messages in the meantime. Being away for some minutes allowed you to forget about the conversation and gave them some time to gossip about you. Two birds with one stone. You texted Matt about the weird interaction, promising to tell him everything over the phone that night.
Shoving it down your back pocket, you looked around as you waited.
There were students on their way to class passing by or just chilling with their friends on the grass. A certain someone caught your eye, a boy you hadn’t seen in months, only getting updates about his life through Instagram.
Moon Taeil was sitting underneath a tree with an open book in his hands. By his side, you recognized two familiar faces: Lee Haechan, a computer major, and Na Jaemin, a fashion student. Haechan turned around to check out a boy who walked past them and whatever he told Jaemin and Taeil about him made the pair laugh.
Taeil had the most beautiful smile you had ever seen, and you would’ve spent the rest of the afternoon admiring him if it hadn't been your turn to order.
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During the first project-related session, which took place at Heejin’s apartment, you realized that she wasn’t joking when she said her roommates sucked.
One of them, who greeted you with a growl as soon as you came in, had brought their boyfriend to the dorm, and the echo of the headboard hitting the wall was, to say the least, fucking annoying.
The other didn’t seem to understand that people were supposed to talk when working together, and she knocked on the other side of the wall every time you, in her opinion, were too loud.
No wonder Heejin wanted to run away.
“I’m so sorry about that.” The girl apologized to you and Mihyo once you were at the door, in the hallway, ready to leave.
“It’s not your fault,” Mihyo said, her backpack hanging from her shoulder as she struggled to shove the notes she had taken inside, “but we’ll need a different place next time.”
“You can come to mine.”
You were quick in your suggestion, refusing to go through that hell again. Heejin waved you goodbye as she closed the door, and you walked along with Mihyo towards the staircase, the air around you tense and heavy.
“Have you ever tried to speak to your brother?” The question took you by surprise, almost making you stop dead in your tracks. As you went down the steps, you allowed yourself to think about it.
“You mean like praying?”
Mihyo shook her head. “I mean like summoning him. One of my friends did it in high school with his dad, and he sent him a message from the grave.”
The want to laugh was so strong that you couldn’t help but snort as you opened the entrance door of the building. “That’s bullshit.”
“It’s not!” Mihyo snapped. “He told my friend something only he knew.”
“Yeah…” You cleared your throat, making Mihyo roll her eyes at your skepticism. “I’m sorry to break it to you, but they were totally pulling your leg.”
The girl shrugged. “Don’t believe me, then.”
And you waved at each other before parting ways.
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The idea of summoning your late brother was ridiculous. It would be a stupid thing to do and totally wouldn’t work. It sounded like the start of every bad horror movie. 
You repeated it to yourself, trying to vanish that what if that constantly showed up in the back of your mind, slipping through the cracks of your most rational thoughts. What if it worked? What if you got to speak to your brother even for a minute, tell him that you loved and missed him so much?
Trying wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Mihyo and Heejin rang your doorbell at exactly 7 PM three days later. Mihyo was carrying a rectangular board under her arm and a plastic bag from where she took out six tall, white candles.
“Are we really going to do this?” Heejin asked, throwing you a look of concern, shocked that you had accepted to participate in the nonsense.
Mihyo scoffed, surprising you. She had been so quiet when you first met her, Heejin having the upper hand every time. Now, she behaved like a different person.
“We haven’t even started and you’re chickening out already?”
“I am not chickening out!”
“Then come here and help me light up the candles.”
Not convinced at all, Heejin walked over to the center of your living room, kneeling beside her friend, who handed her a lighter. You observed the scene from behind, your arms crossed, biting your lips in hesitation. But curiosity had taken over, and there was nothing your rationality could say or do to stop you.
Embarrassing yourself once you realized that invoking spirits wasn’t possible was the worst possible outcome you could think of. More than half of the world’s population had used an Ouija board at least once in their life, you were sure.
The sun began to fall and darkness covered every surface of your apartment with its black cloak. The only light in the room came from the candles. You felt chilly all of a sudden, the tiny hairs on your nape bristling.
“Everything’s ready.” Mihyo announced, placing the Ouija board on the floor, in the middle of the circle she had formed with the candles. “Come sit.”
You sat beside them, careful not to knock any candle over. The last thing you needed was burning the whole building down.
“Just in case you don’t know how this works,” Mihyo grabbed a triangular pointer with a hole in the middle and showed it to you, “we place this on top of the board and ask a question.”
“And then?” Heejin’s voice was incredibly shaky.
“Then, we wait.” Mihyo’s dark irises fell on you. “Ready? Oh, and don’t you dare remove your fingers until we properly close the session. It would be a disaster.”
Trying to swallow the knot in your throat, you placed your index fingers next to Minhyo’s on the pointer and waited for Heejin to do the same. You pitied her a bit. She had been shoved into this mess for no reason other than friendship. Eventually, the girl had no other option than to add her index fingers, too.
“What was your brother’s name?” Mihyo whispered after a few seconds of silence in which you questioned your sanity.
“We want to talk to Jackson, her older brother.”
The girl spoke loud and clear, with no trace of hesitation. It made you wonder how many times she had done this, as she seemed so familiar with the procedure. An empty hole was starting to form inside your stomach, growing bigger with every second. You felt dizzy and sick.
“Jackson, are you there?”
Anxiety crawled into your skin. By the look on her face, it was crawling in Heejin’s skin, too. She reminded you of a statue, with her eyes fixed on the board and her fingertips glued to the pointer. You couldn’t even tell if she was breathing.
“Jackson, we would like to talk to you. Are you there?”
You had to blink twice to believe what your eyes were seeing.
The pointer had started to move, slowly, to the side, as if pulled by an invisible string. With wide-open eyes, you looked at Mihyo. The girl had gone speechless. The pointer’s hole reached the letter H, then I, and stopped.
“Hi.” Mihyo said, trying to remain calm. “Are you Jackson?”
This time, the pointer moved even before Mihyo could finish the sentence. It slid to the right, stopping on the word No.
Who are you then?, you thought, following the pointer as it moved again.
“C, A, R…” Mihyo chanted out loud. You stopped bile from reaching your mouth. “E, F, U, L…”
“Careful?” You frowned, glancing at Mihyo. “Wh-”
A screech ripped your throat, only drowned by Heejin’s screams.
The pointer had been lifted and thrown across the room as if someone had launched it. The object hit the wall to your back, then fell to the ground.
You couldn’t move, you couldn’t breathe. Half-lying on the floor, you couldn’t look away from the static item lying on the floor.
You missed when Heejin, who was a crying mess, got up to turn on the lights, the yellow glim flooding your living room.
You definitely missed the figure that hid in the darkness of the hallway, watching the scene with amused eyes.
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Two weeks had passed and you still couldn’t find a reasonable explanation for what had happened.
There were too many options on the table: a bad dream; a joke from Heejin and Mihyo, or even just Mihyo. But the dent on your wall proved it hadn’t been a dream, and Heejin’s reaction had seemed too genuine to be staged.
The three of you didn’t address the issue during your next meet-up, but Heejin refused to go to your apartment anymore, forcing you to book one of the rooms the library offered for group study sessions.
Weeks passed by, and you started to forget the event. Everything felt back to normal; everything, except for one thing.
You felt more tired than usual and it had reached a point where, sometimes, you even fell asleep without noticing. It was starting to become a problem. You had things to do and assignments to turn in. You couldn’t afford to lose that much-needed time.
“I’ll send you a photo of some really good vitamins.” Your mother insisted over the phone. “I’ve been taking them for months now and they work wonders.”
“I’m not a fan of pills, mom, you know that.” You closed the front door behind you, leaving your bag in the hanger next to it.
“Yes, but these are like gummies… Are you there, honey? I think the line died.”
“Send me the pic, yes. Mom, I’ve got to work on my homework, so I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
“Oh! Sure, baby. We love you!”
“Bye, mom. I love you, too.”
You ended the call, eyes glued on the dark, still hallway. Homework had been just an excuse to hang up on your mom. You swore you had heard something in your room, similar to footsteps. Your mind, trying to ease your nerves, told you it probably was the neighbors upstairs.
Even if you wanted to go and check, your feet stayed rooted to the floor.
And then, the sound of glass shattering made you run to the front door, holding onto your phone for dear life. When you opened it, a figure in front of it made you scream.
“Wow!” Moon Taeil was holding his hands up, as scared as you. “Are you okay?”
“I think there’s someone in my apartment.” Your heart pumped like crazy inside your chest, close to suffering an attack.
“What do you mean you think?”
“I don’t know! I just got here, I was on the phone with my mom and heard footsteps in my room and then…”
“Calm down, calm down.” Taeil gently pushed you to the opposite wall of the hall, away from your door, and leaned in a bit to peek at the inside of your apartment. Then, he turned around and whispered. “Is there anything I can use as a weapon? An umbrella, perhaps?”
“My dad gave me a baseball bat but it’s in the kitchen, under the sink.” You whispered back.
“Where’s the kitchen?”
“On your right.”
You watched Taeil disappear behind your door. Anxiety was eating you alive, you could barely breathe and there was a possibility of falling if you stepped away from the wall, but you couldn’t leave him alone. So, walking as softly as possible, you got in on time to watch Taeil grab the bat.
“Which one’s your bedroom?”
“The door at the end.”
“Stay behind me, just in case.”
“Wait!” You looked around the kitchen, trying to find something you could use as a weapon. A knife would suffice to scare off whoever was in your room. “Alright, let’s go…”
The boy made his way out of the kitchen and into the hallway. Your trembling hands held onto the knife, so hard that your knuckles turned white. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears.
He stopped in front of the door, glancing at you over his shoulder. He grabbed the handle before opening it abruptly, the wood panel hitting the wall. Taeil stepped in, swinging the bat, trying to catch the person inside by surprise.
But it was empty, and you stood there holding the knife up, dumbfounded.
Taeil lowered the bat. “Are you sure you heard footsteps?”
“I am!”
You brushed his shoulder as you walked past him, having noticed something missing. You rounded the bed to see what you were looking for lying on the floor: a photo your family had taken in Canada while on holiday, a few days before Jackson’s death.
Pieces of broken glass fell as you lifted it by a corner to leave it on your bedside table, where it usually was. 
“That must be what you heard.” Taeil supposed, leaving the bat on your bed.
“I guess so.” You muttered, glancing around to check if something else was broken. Weirdly enough, everything seemed in its place.
“I don’t want to come off as nosy, but,” Taeil scratched the back of his head, “do you have any idea who would want to break into your place? A toxic ex-boyfriend, maybe?”
“I’ve never had a boyfriend, so I doubt it.” You picked up a piece of glass from the floor and left it beside the picture. You would throw them away later. “I’m so sorry about this. You have places to be and I just… kidnapped you for nothing.”
“Don’t apologize, you seemed on the verge of passing out.” Taeil opened his eyes as if remembering something very important. “I’m Taeil, by the way.”
“I know.” You tried to fight the smile that was about to appear on your face. “You’re the golden boy of campus.”
“I thought people had stopped calling me that.” You told him your name when he asked. “You should change the lock, by the way, just in case.”
“Yeah, I better do that.”
After a few seconds of silence, Taeil spoke again, with genuine worry. 
“Do you want me to stay a bit longer? I don’t mind.”
Letting out a sigh of relief, you thanked him. Your heartbeat seemed to have gone back to normal, but you were still shaken. And confused.
Maybe you were lacking sleep, but you weren’t making up stuff. Someone had been in your room, someone had broken the picture.
But who? And why?
“Do you want anything to drink?”
“Water’s fine.”
A pair of orbs followed you both as you left the room, the pieces of broken glass, the bat, and the knife long forgotten. He clenched his jaw.
He hadn’t expected an obstacle.
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Thanks to the cozy lighting of your lamp and the smell of lavender coming out of your diffuser, you truly relaxed for the first time in weeks.
You didn’t even flinch when the footsteps in the hallway approached, slowly. The moment they reached your door, they ceased.
You didn’t have to wait much for the visitor to reveal himself.
In front of you, there was a boy. A pair of black sweatpants was the only garment he wore. It allowed you to admire his pale skin, which contrasted with his charcoal hair. 
He stood by the door, admiring you from afar. Then, he spoke.
“Are you scared?” To your surprise, you shook your head. “Why not?”
“I like the company.” You replied, giving him a sad smile. “I feel lonely.”
“Do you want to tell me about it?” Again, you shook your head. The boy walked towards the bed, his gaze on you the whole time. “What do you want?”
On all fours, you crawled to the edge of the mattress, hands going up to touch his neck. The skin was cold. It made you shiver, but you didn’t find it uncomfortable; quite the opposite. You craved more contact.
“I want you.”
The boy looked down, getting lost in your eyes. He smirked, realizing that kneeling like that in front of him made it seem as if you were worshiping him. In a way, you were. You just didn’t know it yet.
He caressed your cheek with a stone-cold finger. You closed your eyes at his touch, mouth falling open.
“What’s my name?”
And although you didn’t know, it rolled out of your tongue naturally.
You heard him hiss.
“Open your eyes.”
You obeyed. His skin was no longer pale, but it still felt cold against yours. You swore his eyes had gotten darker. At the sight, you pressed your thighs together.
“Now, lay down.”
You did as you were told, falling on the messy covers of your bed. Taeyong’s hands found your ankles. He caressed the skin with his palms, all the way up to your panties. Your breath hitched as he hooked his fingers in the elastic band, pulling down and letting them fall on the floor.
What followed was your pajama shirt, and soon you found yourself naked in front of Taeyong. No one, except for your mother, had ever seen you naked.
He scanned your body for a few seconds, his eyes finally landing on your breasts.
“You’re a beautiful creature.” Taeyong whispered, placing one knee on the mattress. Your stomach tingled in anticipation as he settled in the space between your legs. “Have you been touched before?”
You avoided looking at Taeyong’s face out of embarrassment. However, his breath hitting your wet core kept you well aware of his position. “No.”
Next thing you knew, he was pressing his open mouth against your entrance, sighing at the taste. You gripped the blue sheets beneath you, getting lost in the foreign but amazing feeling.
His tongue was warm and soft. He licked you eagerly, as if he had been waiting for this moment for years. He dragged his tongue from your folds to your clit, closing his lips around the sensitive bud. 
Something cold pressed against your entrance, and the contrast between it and your burning walls had you squirming away, only for Taeyong to grab your thighs to keep you in place.
Taeyong inserted a long digit inside you, your velvet walls especially welcoming. The tightness of your pussy reminded him that he was the first person to ever stretch you like that. It made his dick twitch in his pants. He was greedy, and the way you swallowed him served as an encouragement to pull out, shoving two fingers instead. He heard you curse as his mouth released your clit.
You were a sight for sore eyes: moans spilling from your mouth, holding onto the sheets to ground yourself. 
“Does it feel good?” He asked, already knowing the answer.
“Yes.” You sighed, licking your dry lips.
The boy pumped his fingers slowly, enamored by the way they disappeared into you and the noises your arousal made each time. Soon he found himself setting a faster pace that had you arching your back, hands falling on his dark hair.
It didn’t feel like your first time at all.
There was no pressure, no doubts. Taeyong knew how and where you liked being touched. There was a connection between the two of you, something difficult to explain.
Taeyong’s tongue found your clit again, and you grabbed a fist of his hair. The growl he let out made you grind against his face. Taeyong stood still, letting you fuck his tongue, but never ceased the movement of his fingers, pushing them further.
Your orgasm wasn’t far, you knew even though you had never felt anything like that. It was like a wave that hit you hard, bruising your skin.
Taeyong, amazed, watched as you came. Your walls hugged his fingers so tightly, you tasted so fucking good. He couldn’t stop, he just couldn’t.
But the overstimulation was unbearable and, eventually, you moved away.
Under your attentive gaze, Taeyong took off his pants. He was thin enough for his hip bones to stick out. His biceps flexed as he grabbed your thighs once again, sliding your body down the bed. His pale skin glowed under the light in an iridescent effect that got you hypnotized.
It was easy for Taeyong to slip into you, being fresh out of an orgasm.
You had seen a lot of movies about first times, fantasizing about your own. Not in a million years would you have imagined all the sensations it would bring.
It hurt a little, but you bit your lower lip, not wanting to look like a loser who couldn’t take dick. Taeyong caressed your frowned forehead in an attempt to ease your pain, but he kept on pushing, only satisfied once he was balls-deep in.
The sting of pain was an open wound that Taeyong tried to stitch up by leaning down to whisper words of encouragement in your ear.
And it worked.
He had barely been inside you, but you wanted him to move. You wanted to know what sex felt like. You wanted the pleasure, the passion, all of it.
Moving your hips made Taeyong understand. He pulled out slowly, only to thrust back again roughly, making you gasp and whine.
Taeyong leaned down, pressing his bony chest against yours, and took the opportunity to make you round his hips with your legs. You fit together perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle.
“You take me so well.” He confessed, quietly, as if the walls could hear. “You’re made for me.”
And, for the first time, Taeyong grabbed your face with his long digits and kissed you. It was passionate, messy, needy. His lips and tongue, once cold as ice, were like a spring day now.
There was a subtle change in the mood. Taeyong was well aware that something had shifted inside him, a change of priorities. You were top on the list now, and he would treat you as such.
He increased his pace with every thrust. You embraced his shoulders, further pressing him against your chest. Not once did Taeyong stop kissing you. He would swallow your noises like the most expensive wine.
“You’re close.” Taeyong said at your walls trapping his dick. You simply nodded, eyes shut, looking for his lips in the dark. He sat up, grabbing a handful of your breasts and squeezing them.
Your hands flew up to grab his wrists.
“Yes.” That proud tone was such a turn-on. You wondered if you were losing your mind. “Say it again.”
Your voice barely made it out as he pounded mercilessly into you. There was a weird feeling in your tummy.
An electric shock crossed your body from top to bottom. Taeyong exploded into you, letting out a grunt that covered your skin in goosebumps.
You were awake. Strands of hair stuck to your sweaty forehead, and the sheets beneath you were uncomfortably damp.
You touched your entrance with your middle finger, moving your hand away the moment you felt the wetness.
What the hell had just happened?
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Forming a friendship with Taeil wasn’t on your bucket list for the year, but you guessed it was bound to happen.
Ramen nights on Fridays became a tradition and meeting up to study in the library was mandatory.
Everything you have heard about his persona before actually knowing him turned out to be true.
He was the kind of person to choose his words carefully, speaking his mind with the utmost respect towards everyone. Always the smartest person in the room, you couldn’t help but stare at him with tender eyes, amazed by the knowledge he carried.
Falling in love with him was bound to happen.
“I’m choosing the movie next time.” Taeil grunted at your words, putting his coat on.
“It wasn’t as bad as you’re making it seem!”
“I literally predicted the ending as soon as it started.” You smarted, your only purpose being as annoying as possible. “It was bad.”
“Fine.” He walked over to your door but didn’t open it. “Should I bring candy next time as an apology?”
The fact that he knew you loved sweets made you smile.
“It’ll do.”
None of you moved. Taeil glanced at the picture by the door, giving you the feeling that he was trying to stick around a little more.
You wouldn’t complain.
“I want to ask you something, but I don’t want to look stupid.”
You quickly responded.
“You’d never look stupid.”
“Do you have feelings for me?”
You wondered if your sincerity would take a toll on your friendship. But if Taeil was asking, there had to be a reason.
“Why are you asking me this?”
“Because,” Taeil sighed, “I have feelings for you.”
You couldn’t help it. You tiptoed and crashed your lips against his. They were soft, just like him.
The kiss was a dream come true. You held onto the collar of his coat and he grabbed the sides of your face, both pulling each other closer, and giggled when you had to break it off to catch some air.
He left shortly after, having set a day for your first official date. You had wondered if you should have invited him to spend the night, but Taeil was a gentleman.
He would never.
That night, Taeyong burst into your room like a hurricane. He threw every single item on your vanity to the floor. He punched the mirror, which broke under his fist, yet not a single drop of blood stained his skin.
There wasn’t an ounce of fear in your system, deep down knowing the reason why Taeyong was so mad.
He locked eyes with his disfigured reflection in the mirror before turning around.
“Do you love him?” He asked, his nostrils flaring up.
You shrugged. “I like him.”
“Do you love him?” Taeyong repeated. Finding no answer, he straightened his back. “What’s my name?”
“Do you love me?”
“I desire you.”
He wasn’t satisfied with your answer, though knew better than trying to change your mind. He told you to turn around, his dark voice sending shivers down your spine. You got on all fours and waited.
Where Taeyong had been kind and gentle the first time, he was rough and violent. He ripped your underwear in half, making you gasp, and he grabbed your hair as he forced his way into you, ignoring the whimper you let out.
His thrusts were erratic. You knew he wasn’t chasing his high or yours, he just wanted to cause pain, inflict dominance. He wanted you to know who was in charge, who you belonged to.
And you allowed him to have you his way, equally drown in pleasure and worry. You weren't yourself when you were with him, he unleashed a side of yourself you couldn't recognize.
Taeyong freed your hair, but his hands soon closed around your neck. Air got stuck in your throat as you desperately tried to inhale.
He wasn’t playing.
“If you bring him here again…” He growled, his demonic tone ringing in your ear. “I’ll kill him.”
You lurched awake, gasping for air.
There was no way that had been just a dream. It had felt too vivid, too real for it to be a figment of your imagination.
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, adrenaline still pretty much flowed through your veins.
Something felt off. 
The light coming from the streetlamps was dim, yet it allowed you to scan the room. 
The door was open, but you couldn’t put your finger on whether you had left it that way before crawling into bed. Your eyes moved towards your vanity and mirror; nothing out of place. You caught movement from the corner of your eye in the wall beside your window. Squinting, you tried to make out a figure in the darkness.
And you found it.
He had been observing you way before you saw him, inhaling your fear like the best drug ever made.
With no reason to keep hiding, Taeyong took a step into the light. He looked at you with the intensity of a predator about to kill, but you couldn’t move.
Taeyong opened his mouth.
You jumped out of the covers, falling to the floor because of your numb legs. You looked back to Taeyong, who had taken a step closer, and crawled towards the switch on the other side of the room.
His footsteps were light, but his presence was strong. You knew where he was even if you couldn’t hear him.
You punched the switch before turning around. Under the lights, everything seemed perfectly fine.
But your uneasy heart and shaking body knew better. They knew that Taeyong was still hiding in the darkest spot he could find, observing.
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Your apartment was haunted.
Nothing else could explain all the things that had been happening ever since the Ouija session went wrong.
Getting help was urgent, and you knew exactly where to find it.
That’s how you found yourself knocking on Mihyo’s door eagerly on the morning of the next day. A wave of surprise washed over her face as soon as she saw you.
“Oh…” She muttered. “Hey.”
“Hi.” You hesitated for a moment. “I have to talk to you. Can I?”
Mihyo took a step to the side, letting you in. You sat on her couch, drying your sweaty palms by rubbing them against the rough fabric of your jeans. Mihyo sat on an armchair, in front of you, and waited.
You didn't know how or where to start. Although Mihyo was familiar with the paranormal world, you feared she would think you were losing your mind. Hell, even you did!
“So, what’s wrong?”
“Please, don’t think that I’m crazy.” You began, aware that the phrase would set a difficult start. “Ever since the… incident, weird things have been happening in my apartment.”
“What do you mean by weird?”
You breathed in, trying to calm your nerves. Recalling the events gave you chills.
“Some weeks ago, I heard footsteps in my bedroom, and even though no one was there when I came in, a picture I had on my bedside table was on the floor. But the worst thing is that I’ve been seeing someone, a man, in my dreams. And not only in my dreams. I think he’s haunting me.”
Mihyo bit her lip throughout your confession, finding it hard to make eye contact with you. During the few seconds in which nothing, not even your breath, could be heard in the living room, you thought that perhaps you were a little bit crazy. You definitely sounded like it.
“I’m going to ask you something, but don’t take it the wrong way.” Mihyo spoke. “Have you, like… had sex with this man? In those dreams?”
The fact that she was asking gave you goosebumps, because it meant she knew something that you didn’t, and judging by her tone, it wasn’t good news.
Slowly, you nodded.
“Are you a virgin?”
Awkwardly, you switched your position on the sofa, playing with your fingers. “Yes.”
Mihyo straightened her back, sighing.
“Well, the good news is that you aren’t insane. The bad news is that you’re right.” As you rubbed your face, unable to form any coherent sentence, Mihyo continued. “Apparently, there are some ghosts that prey on virgins, using sex as an energy drainer. Have you felt more tired lately?”
“I have, but I thought I was just burnt out.”
“He’s feeding on your energy to get stronger. That way, he’ll be capable of crossing the threshold and stepping into our world. If he does so, he’ll be able to do whatever he wants.”
You blinked twice, speechless. The situation was simply overwhelming.
“So, basically, I’m fucked.” Mihyo couldn’t even disagree. “But if we were invoking Jackson, why did he appear?”
“An Ouija board isn’t a phone, you see? The person answering might not be the one you were calling.” You cursed under your breath. “I guess he has been waiting for someone to open the door, you know?”
“What do I do, Mihyo?” Your lip trembled, and upon seeing you on the verge of tears, Mihyo sat down next to you, patting your back. “Should I move out?”
“The apartment isn’t the problem. He’s stuck to you. He’ll follow, wherever you go.” A sob ripped your throat. If only you had known better. “But don’t worry, we can fix this. We must open the session again and close it properly this time. The only problem is, those who were there the first time should be there again.”
Obviously, it was Heejin Mihyo was referring to. To be honest, you wouldn’t blame her if she refused.
“How’s she doing?”
“We barely speak now.” Mihyo admitted, rather sadly. “She’s been avoiding me, but her roommates told me she has been acting weird: she can barely sleep, she’s having nightmares, and she’s not doing well in class.”
The burden of guilt felt right on your back.
“God, how could we’ve been so stupid?”
“I’ll convince her.” Mihyo took your hand, trying to give you the illusion of safety. “Don’t worry. We’ll fix this.”
Much to your surprise, you found them both waiting at your door.
Mihyo was right, she looked terrible. She had bags under her eyes and had bitten her nails to the point of gnawing on the skin. Although the wounds had been tried to be covered with bandaids, you could still see them. It looked like she hadn’t washed her hair in weeks. Heejin muttered a low hello to you, and nothing else came from her mouth.
A blast of cold air hit your face the moment you stepped into your place, making you shiver, but not from the cold. It came from a window that you didn’t remember leaving open, but you knew better than to scare Heejin to death. You simply walked towards the window and closed it.
Just like the first time, Mihyo lit up candles and placed them on the floor, forming a circle with the Ouija board in the middle.
You couldn’t shake the eerie feeling of something possibly going wrong, very wrong. But, if you wanted your old life back, you had to suck it up and solve it, so you were the first to sit in front of the board and place your index fingers on the pointer. Mihyo followed and, after a moment of hesitation, Heejin.
“What’s his name?”
“Taeyong.” Mihyo nodded, letting you know that the session was about to start.
“We want to talk to Taeyong.” She said out loud. “Taeyong, are you there?”
He didn’t take long to answer, the pointer moving to the word yes.
“It’s not you that we wanted to contact, Taeyong. It’s time to go back where you belong.” The pointer remained in its place, and you allowed yourself to fantasize about the idea of him being gone. “We’ll close the session now.”
That familiar voice ricocheted against the walls of your living room, turning your stomach. You thought you had just heard it in your head, but as you glanced at the girls before you, you understood that it hadn’t been the case. Heejin was white as paper, on the verge of passing out. She made the pretense of separating her fingers from the pointer, only for Mihyo to scream at her to stay where she was.
“Taeyong, you don’t belong here!” Mihyo screamed. “You have to go!”
It happened in the blink of an eye.
Taeyong appeared where the Ouija board was, stomping on Mihyo’s hand. The girl let out a gut-wrenching scream as she held her hand, eyes fixed on her crooked, broken fingers. Taeyong slapped her with the force of a thousand men, and she fell limp on the floor.
Your first instinct was to grab Heejin and drag her up with you, making a run towards the door. You tried to be quick but Taeyong was quicker, grabbing Heejin’s hair and yanking her back, causing you to fall. Pain spread from your shoulder to your wrist.
You looked up in time to watch Taeyong slam Heejin’s head against the wall, the noise of something cracking flooding the room, and watched in horror as he threw her away as if she was nothing, a string of blood sliding from her forehead down to her cheek.
The apartment fell silent.
“You.” His black eyes fell on you. You were paralyzed. “How could you do this to me?”
You opened your mouth, trying to say something, but nothing came out.
“I tried to be understanding. I allowed him in here, thinking that fucking you like a bitch would make you develop the slightest loyalty towards me. And what do you do?”
Taeyong took a step forward, snapping you out of your trance and forcing you to crawl back.
“You try to send me back. As if I meant nothing to you.”
For every step he took, you moved away. Eventually, there was nothing but a wall behind you. You pressed your back against it, thinking that if you pushed enough you would go through it.
“I’m not a monster.” He said. Then, he crouched down and pointed at the girls. You couldn’t bring yourself to look. “This is your fault.”
A single tear rolled down your cheek as you opened your mouth once again. Struggling to find the words that got stuck in your throat, you ended up whispering.
“I’m sorry.”
Taeyong tilted his head to the side. For a second you thought that you would get away alive. He looked at you with nurturing eyes, the way you glance at a child who has said something incredibly innocent and naïve.
“I know you are. I am, too.”
You didn’t have time to process his words as he straddled your lap. Desperation and fear flooded your mind as Taeyong closed his long, bony fingers around your neck, stopping any air from getting to your lungs.
But you wouldn’t go without a fight. You kicked the air, you scratched his face, his eyes, but it was like trying to catch vapor.
You thought of your parents, of Matt. Losing another kid, another sibling, would break them. You thought of Heejin and Mihyo, who had lost their lives because you didn’t know better. You thought of Taeil, lamenting not having said something sooner.
As you slowly lost consciousness, you came to terms with the fact that you were going to die. Through your half-closed eyes, you took your time to take in the face of your murderer.
He was insanely beautiful, like the fallen angel.
You breathed in so quickly that you choked, coughing as you got up. You jumped over Heejin’s dead body, repeating to yourself that there was nothing you could do for her or Mihyo other than find help.
You left the door open and ran down the empty hallway. When you turned around the corner, you found yourself inside your apartment again, in your hall. You could see your furniture from your position.
You swore you had left your apartment. You tried again, and again. Yet every time you turned around the corner, you appeared in your hall.
No rational explanation could make you understand what was happening. It felt like a sleep paralysis experience: knowing that you were dreaming but unable to do anything to wake up. Except this was real life, and you were trapped.
Then, you saw it.
It hadn’t been Heejin’s body the one you had jumped over. It had been yours. Your open eyes pointed to the ceiling, devoid of any life.
Your body collapsed and you fell to the floor, on your knees, weeping like a child. You called for your mom, your brother, Taeil.
“There’s no need to cry.” Taeyong’s words were sweet like honey, but they made you want to vomit. “It’s not as bad as it seems.”
“Why are you doing this to me?” You cried. “Why, why?”
“You told me you were lonely.” His faked innocence didn’t go unnoticed. “I was lonely, too, but now I have you.”
“Please, please, let me go…”
“Now we have each other.” The smile on Taeyong’s face was prominent but never reached his eyes. “For eternity.”
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No reposting or translations allowed.
© epinebleue 2023
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eddiethedeppressing · 4 months
THIS IS ALL ABOUT ME :D🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🧚‍♀️
[Btw welcome to the blog of Chaos >:3]
I’m a minor :) so ,20+ , please go away:3
I’m transgender,genderfaun,bisexual? And asexual!
I use He/They/xe/bee/fae/void please use them( i mean it🤺🤺/j)
My names are : Edward ,Eddie , Felix and/or shark :D ( please use them all :3 or you could choose one ☝️:]
Btw my birthday is on the 28th Nov >:3
KIT CONNOR ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
I’m a therian :/ and my theriotypes are : Red fox , border collie and robin !
I am mentally ill :( i have depression, ed, social anxiety, anxiety, separation anxiety, sh addiction and probably more .
I know how to skateboard ( i am absolutely shit at it ) i also have an electric guitar that I don’t know how to play :D
I am not good at school. lol
I have a GAY friend group
There is a king ruling my country ( *cough cough im British 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
I hate my mum.
Rhincodon Typus 🦈🩵🩵🩵🐋
TV SHOWS I LIKE: BNA , Rick and morty , heart stopper , the owl house, gravity falls, star vs the forces of evil , HEATHERS, Bluey, Bee and Puppycat , Kipo and the age of the wonder beasts , Hilda , Helluva Boss , I am not okay with this and tadc . I am planning on watching Good Omens it’s just I don’t have time:)
Musicians/bands I like :cave town , Noah fincce, mother mother , the wallows , TX2 , girl in red , TV girl , Clairo, Alex g , cults , Good Kid , Melanie Martinez, Oscar lang ,Sum 41, Madeline Mae , AC/DC and Jack Stauber.🫧
I’m neurodivergent: I have ADHD and autism lol🧍‍♂️
The founder of bread sluts🍞🥐🥨
I REALLY like animals . I even remember some scientific names of foxes a red fox is called ‘ vulpes vulpes ‘ and an Arctic fox is called ‘ vulpes lagopus’ . Pretty cool eh?
I have sensory processing disorder😭😭
Sagittarius :D
I have a BILLION teddies/plushes hdjdhevgshshshsjsjsjsbsnjsjsjdjdjdnsvsgsghshsudjbckjsfwvjdodgwcsjcidggebskxjsfsgsmdj:))
I also really like flowers, I have millions of drawings and fake 3D ones . My parents don’t trust me with real flowers so they give me fake ones :|
I’m in your walls
My favourite colours are BLUE and YELLOW
OMG JAKE AND JOHNNIE AAAAAAA AND SAM AND COLBY AAAAAAAAAAAAAA ( I’m not one of Sam and colbys creepy fans like I don’t want them to fuck me , I just like their content and Humor )
PLACES I WANT TO GO: Florida , Australia, Tokyo , Paris and Germany :D🇺🇸🇦🇺🇯🇵🇫🇷🇩🇪
Please don’t be a dick.
Have a good day :D🧚🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️
Bread slut😊
23 notes · View notes
imvenusasaboy · 18 days
Chapter 15 - Simulation Swarm
prev - chapter 1
The detective wasn't the first Hosah Levi, and he definitely wouldn't be the last. The original, the blueprint, everything the shifter was supposed to be, that was his uncle.
Hosah's dad was heartbroken when he lost his twin brother. That was the Hosah Levi. There wasn't much to explain his disappearance. No body, no camera footage. Just gone without a trace. Safe to say, it was a closed casket funeral.
A sad, but common occurrence for shifters. You shrink in the wrong place at the wrong time, you're gonna end up trampled on, kidnapped, washed away by the rain, or all of the above all at the same time.  That was why Hosah's dad was so hesitant to let him take the job offer in New York. It was silly. His son was a grown man, he had his own place in Colorado with a steady job and a couple classes to go to in his off time, so why should he have to worry about being allowed to take opportunities?
The truth was, his father had always thought of him as incapable. Not in an insulting way, but in an infantilising, coddling way, which was arguably far worse.
Whenever they spoke on the phone, their conversations always ended sour with an argument, about how Hosah should quit and come home, about how he should call more because every day that passes by without absolute confirmation of his safety causes immense stress to his entire family, or just about anything they can think of on that particular day.
Today however, the argument was about coming home, as it usually was.
"It's just not safe out there. You know how long it's been since you last called? Three days. Hosah, you understand how worried I get, don't you? You know how much can happen in three days. It'd be so much easier for you to just come back to Colorado. Your room is the same as how you left it. Please." His father pleaded down the phone.
It was always the same two or three points with him. You're not like everyone else, you're a vulnerable person, you can't get around your own apartment on your own so how are you supposed to navigate the city, I'm scared for you, blah, blah, blah. Quite frankly, Hosah was bored of it. He'd admitted to himself that he wasn't going to be able to hack complete independence for much longer, but he'd never, ever, admit that fact to his dad.
With his phone balancing between the side of his head and his shoulder, the shifter tried his best to stay on the call as he painted away in the short time that Teddy would be out for,
"No- no I know there are risks," Hosah repeated words he'd said a thousand times before, "That's why I'm not.. living alone anymore."
He still hadn't told his dad about Teddy. In fact, he hadn't told his dad about anything that had been happening lately. He rarely did, actually, Joel Levi didn't need the added stress.
"You have a girlfriend?" That was another thing Hosah hadn't told his dad about. Or really, hadn't told anyone about. Asides from Jules, as she knew everything.
He debated his relationship status with Teddy before responding, "No, but I have a roommate. New co-worker. He's nice. I like him."
"A co-worker is who killed your uncle, you know." Father dearest reminded him. It was never actually proven whose blood the small red stain on the office floor belonged to, but Joel had his theories.
It was best to not bring up the uncertainty of the true events of his Uncle's death around his father. After all, they were twins. Connected at the soul, or something like that.
"Right," Hosah mumbled instead of arguing, a route he rarely went down now that he thought about it.
The other end of the line crackled before the voice was picked back up again, "-this guy that you've moved in with?"
The shifter could only assume the first word in that sentence was supposed to be 'who'. Putting Teddy into words was a difficult task, at least, if he didn't want to end up gushing like a school girl when talking about her latest hallway crush, that is.
"His name's Edward. Super tall, like, the top of his head brushes against door frames kind of tall. Italian. Red hair, met him like a month and a half ago." Hosah described, his lips instinctively curling into an embarrassingly wide smile as he spoke.
"And this guy," Joel began, static and all, "He's good? He helps you? He's nice, gentle, sweet, caring, all that?"
The shifters face flushed a slight red as his father listed off all of Teddy's best qualities, "Yeah, yeah of course." He clarified.
"I could probably do a better job." His father scoffed as he usually did. Nothing was ever good enough, whether it was washing the dishes or taking care of his son, he might as well just be doing it the whole time all by himself because nobody else could do it as good as him.
"Yeah," Almost on queue, the sound of keys rattling on the other side of the door cut Hosah and his father's conversation short, " I have to go, 'kay? Got stuff to do. Call me some time tomorrow or whenever you can and I'll pick up. Okay, loveyoubye"
The shifter rushed to end the phone call so he could firstly, cover up Teddy's birthday gift, and also greet him as he came through the door.
"Sorry, did I interrupt something?" Teddy asked from across the room, standing in the open door. Yeah. His head just about would've brush against the wooden framing.
How someone could look so effortlessly picturesque, Hosah would never know. The shifter stared for a moment, completely lost for words, just taking in the rather mundane sight in front of him. Teddy's pale face had been nipped by the cold breeze, it seemed, as his cheeks and nose were reddened, although a more pink colour than his scruffy, brownish red hair that had clearly been rattled by the same wind. He looked a little disheveled with his scarf lazily wrapped loosely around his neck and his coat missing a few buttons from being completely fastened. Still, even in clothes he'd thrown on in about half a minute, Teddy looked perfect.
Hosah had almost forgotten what his roommate had even said in the first place as he opened his mouth to respond, "Uh, no, no, I was just on the phone to my dad, actually."
"Cool." Teddy had gotten into the habit of stealing the shifter's favourite words and phrases, "Have you told him yet?"
Right. It was probably best to keep his family in the dark about his current situation, he didn't want to worry them, or, god forbid, endanger them.
"Wellll..." Hosah wasn't really sure how to word it in a way that his roommate would understand.
"I mean, you don't have to." The sudden shift in views left the shifter without knowing what to say, half expecting an argument to come out of the conversation. Teddy continued, "It's your business, and if you don't want to, or you're not ready, or.. Whatever reasons you have, you're not obligated to say anything."
"You're right." Hosah nodded.
"As per usual," The taller of the two muttered under his breath as he strolled up to his roommate, giving his blond hair a ruffle before pulling the head into his shoulder, or, more like his chest given their height difference.
It was the little and casual pieces of affection like this that drove Hosah crazy. He felt like a rabid dog with how desperate he'd become to experience the brief touches over and over again.
"Did he say anything?" Teddy asked, hand still cradling the shifter's head, their legs intertwining as they stood at an, in any other case, uncomfortably short distance from each other.
Although, since it was Hosah and Teddy, this kind of close proximity was just right.
Hosah thought for a minute, focused on fidgeting with the loose threads that hung out of his roommates thick, bobbly knitted sweater, "Mmm," He hummed, "Just the usual, come home, it's dangerous out there, you need someone to take care of you,"
"God," Teddy laughed, "If there's one person that doesn't need taking care of in this world, it's you."
Hosah looked up, the overhead light reflecting in the big black holes he had for eyes, "You think?" He asked, chin resting on the taller of the two's chest, as he couldn't quite reach his shoulder as his hips leant against Teddy's.
"Cmon. First time you were.. I don't know, shifted I guess, you made me a cup of coffee. I mean, I know I wouldn't even be able to make it from room to room if I were like that." Teddy hesitated as he got to certain parts of his sentence.
Hosah had never really known how to take compliments.
"Whatever," He scoffed, regrettably worming his way out of Teddy's cradle, turning his back to him as he tried to forget the much needed words of affirmation.
He was right, Hosah wasn't completely incapable, but that's not what he'd been told his entire life, that's not what he truly believed. All Hosah really thought he wanted was to find someone who would take care of him like the helpless creature he was, but even he knew that wasn't completely the true to his deeper feelings. His own heart and mind were things even he would never be able to fully understand. That was Hosah's problem. He'd spent weeks, months, years stuck on a goal, and as soon as he'd meet it, he'd realise he actually wanted the opposite all along. Despite how much it hurt to admit, his stalker was spot on. Hot and cold. If anyone ever saw Hosah sticking to his word without any contradictions, that was not him, and they were to eradicate this imposter as soon as possible.
"You know it's true," Teddy teased, following behind the shifter as he rushed into their now shared bedroom to find a shirt to put on.
A defensive snap he hadn't felt the urge to indulge in came rushing out of his mouth, "Then why do you.. I don't know. If I'm so capable, why do you insist on doing everything for me. You're not my crutch. Clearly I don't need my hand being held."
He regretted the words as soon as he said them, but the deep rooted anger and sadness Hosah held toward this topic got the best of him.
Teddy stood in an astonished silence as he leant in the door frame.
"Because I want to." The tall figure blocking out the hallway's light laughed slightly as he spoke, a laugh that said, 'Isn't it obvious?'.
"I want to take care of you. I want to make things easier if I can. Yeah, you're capable, but that doesn't mean it's not still nice for someone to go out of their way to help you. If I asked you to get me something from the fridge, you'd do it, right? You just... need to let me help you. I won't if you don't want me to, but you need to decide that for yourself." Teddy continued.
Right now, all Hosah wanted to do was to shrink down and sit in the giants hands. 'Yes, of course you can take care of me, you can clip my wings and tell me what to do, and I'd do it without question.' , he thought.
Hosah turned to face the towering figure, "I just.. I don't want you to see me differently, From now, to when I'm small." He explained, his voice much quieter, as if he had something in his throat as he spoke.
"I don't think of you differently." Teddy put it bluntly.
"That's easier said than done." The shifter shrugged as his eyes moved down to the floor as they usually did when he got apprehensive over something.
"Hosah." His tone had shifted, now much more stern, but not necessarily angry, "You're probably the one person in the world I have the most respect and admiration for. I'd be an idiot to think of you any less than I would.. I don't know, some highly intelligent Nobel prize winning scholar dude, doesn't matter if you're five foot or three inches."
"I'm five seven." Hosah corrected, stood with his arms folded and his head hanging low, clearly not having much to substance to carry his arguments anymore. That was the problem with logical people, they solved all your issues far too fast, not giving you the time of day to just be angry about it before finding a solution.
"Five seven, then. Like I said, doesn't matter. I.." Teddy lost his words, he sounded tired, maybe sad, enough to make the shifter feel guilty for the entire discussion.
"I love you, Hosah." Finally, after maybe three long seconds, Teddy spoke again.
What? Seriously? Hosah's brain moved at a hundred miles an hour, surely he couldn't have heard right, there was no way in the world. He tried to say something, but instead, all that came out were stuttering gasps. He could feel his face becoming hotter by the second as his eyes stayed locked onto the carpeted floor, unable to even consider lifting them to look at Teddy's, probably smug, face.
As expected, the figure by the door laughed at Hosah's pathetic attempt at responding,
"What, do your friends not tell you they love you usually?" Teddy smiled, moving in closer towards the shifter, placing a hand about the size of Hosah's entire head on his shoulder.
Of course, how could he be so stupid.
"No, it's just, I thought you meant it differently for a second. Ha-ha." The shifter tried his best to keep his cool, but his furrowed eyebrows and blushing cheeks gave him away.
The pale hand traced up Hosah's neck until it found its way to his face, cupping the burning cheek in its palm, the thumb caressing the smooth, tanned surface, which didn't fail to make it a much deeper red colour. The shifter stood silently, his mouth slightly agape, although still holding his breath with a sharp inhale of surprise at the touch.
"Well," Teddy spoke softly, smiling just enough for his crooked tooth to stick out from his top lip, "Maybe I do, in a way."
That was all he wanted to hear. The words Hosah had prayed would come out of his mouth from the moment he opened it. It all came together, after weeks of debating whether he even had a chance or not, he could finally answer all his questions. But, as a million cases in his head came to a close, around the same amount were opened right back up again, this time with more dead ends and false leads, leaving them to go cold with the lack of any kind of explanation.
"Don't mess with me like that." Hosah's head hung down, his hand barely able to wrap around the wrist of the man cupping his cheek.
Despite how hard his chest beat and how the butterflies fluttered in his stomach, he couldn't help but blink the tears out of his eyes as he feared it was all a big joke. An elaborate plan to make a fool out of himself, living the rest of his time with Teddy in utter shame and embarrassment as the awkwardness of their unreciprocated feelings hung heavily in the air, polluting the apartment until they'd both suffocate in the unresolved, unspoken and unmentioned tension.
"I'm not messing with you. I'm serious." And he really did sound serious.
There was no way, though. No way that someone like Teddy, someone so sweet and so gorgeous, could ever be attracted to Hosah. He wouldn't believe it no matter how many times he heard it. The shifter couldn't help but scoff, his grip tightening around the wrist.
"Hosah," Teddy's other hand grabbed hold of the other side of Hosah's face, lifting his chin with both of his thumbs until the brown eyes met his own, "It's true. Of course it's true. I thought I was being obvious with all the touchiness." He was laughing, but the shifter was still too discombobulated to see the humour in any of it.
"You're so confusing, I don't know what you think." Hosah gave his roommate a playful jab in the stomach, unable to say anything else about the news he'd just been told.
The feeling could only be described at euphoric. The shifter had felt like a monstrous pervert with what he'd been thinking of Teddy. His brain would start to sizzle and fry just at the thought of a time where his forearms were visible as he loomed over the shifter's shrunken form; to Teddy, it was probably nothing, but to him, it was absolutely everything and more. It was always these tiny details that had him the most worked up. Hosah didn't really care about if they were jacked or if they were insanely beautiful, although those were definitely bonuses, but he cared about nice hands, good, thick calves, broad shoulders, all the things that would come in handy.
"You don't get to talk about confusing, you've been giving me mixed signals since day one." Teddy pressed his forehead against the shifter's, the tips of their noses touching as they did, well, however long ago it was. The days had been blurring together lately.
It took much more energy than usual to stay regular sized. "That's just the way I am, I guess," Hosah smiled despite the rush of conflicting thoughts and feelings, as he grappled against his own body to keep the few inches he felt slowly draining from his body.
"You don't have to hold back, it's okay." It was getting quite obvious that the shifter was now standing on the tips of his toes, and Teddy always picked up on everything, even things Hosah would try his best to hide.
And in the blink of an eye, Hosah was back to his usual self. Although it wasn't exactly entirely normalised, the shifter felt the most comfortable when he was about this height. Three inches tall, a slight bit bigger than Teddy's thumb. It was perfect, he could slip and slink under the radar without anyone realising he was even there in the first place. Hosah had become used to being a shadow in the city, everyone is here because they dream big, being exceptional in your home town out in butt-fuck nowhere just didn't cut it here, and the shifter had come to accept that. He accepted it the moment he had to quit baseball because he just couldn't be a regular height for long enough, he accepted it when he'd finish a painting and still feel like he could do so much more, and most importantly, he'd accepted it when it had been told straight to his face.
There was no chance of him being a big shot out here, which is why it scared him so deeply when someone like Teddy saw him as he was, something special. Not just another face in the crowd, but an individual with good qualities and flaws, scars and all, he saw the shifter as someone worthy enough to fall in love with.
He didn't get it. Who was he in comparison to the giant that sat on his hands and knees over him. He was nothing, a weed growing from the cracks in the sidewalk, an inconvenient breeze that ruffled the hair of the passers by, truly forgettable and insignificant when compared to the likes of Teddy. It made sense why the police didn't bother with the almost a hundred letters, and why they didn't bother looking into his uncle's sudden dropping off of the face of the earth. People like him didn't even take up space in this world, making them all the more worthless. He needed to take a break from work, stop analysing every word his stalker wrote to him, as it seemed to really be getting to his head and psyche.
"I.. I don't know what to do now." Hosah admitted, finally looking up to see the giant face above him. This is what he wanted, but now that he had it, what else was there to look forward to?
"I mean.. We don't have to necessarily do anything." Teddy's voice was much more hushed, something he'd taken into account ever since hurting the shifter's much smaller ears.
Hosah didn't say anything, he didn't have the mental energy to think of anything useful to add. The pale hand which dwarfed him in comparison inched closer to the shifter's shrunken form. They were good hands. Almost paper white, although his knuckles and fingertips were still red from being out in the cold. Nice, large, gentle hands. It was all Hosah could really ask for. Teddy's fingers weren't like his own, they were straight, and cut off almost like perfect rectangles at the end, although they were anything but sharp and rough. His recollection of the digits seemed to be correct, as a bent finger brushed the same cheek the same hand once held in its palm. This was nice. No confrontation of their feelings, just silent touch.
"I didn't expect it to be like this." The shifter finally commented, leaning into the touch like it was the last time he'd ever receive it.
Although he wasn't looking at his face, he could tell Teddy had that stupid, goofy smile on his face that he always wore whenever he had a one-up on Hosah.
"What do you mean?" Teddy said in a quietened laugh. The shifter wondered what the pair looked like from a different angle, and how ridiculous the giant would be from a birds-eye sort of view, as he sat on all fours with his back bent almost inhumanly in order to get closer to Hosah in his new form.
"In the movies they.. I don't know, they confess their love and they kiss passionately and suddenly they've got it all figured out and it's smooth sailing from there. But I still have no idea. It's all the same, except, I guess some things have been... cleared up." The shifter rambled on with no control over what specifically he said, not that this was a problem when in Teddy's company.
"Maybe it's the kissing passionately part we're missing. That's the key," The giant joked, but with how he looked towering above the shifter, his hair cascaded forward, the overhead lamp looking almost like a halo from this angle, honestly made Hosah want to try it out.
The shifter gave a sigh of amusement, "Don't get too ahead of yourself."
"Right," Teddy inhaled sharply, second guessing himself before continuing, "If you want to go.. Really super slow, we should do that. I don't want to bring all of this onto you when there's a lot going on. I don't know. It feels kind of sudden, I just.. Said it, I couldn't really hold it in for much longer."
"It's okay. I don't think I would've really lasted either. Things don't have to change, we don't really act like just friends anyway." Reminiscing on the month, or, however long it'd been as it felt like years, that they'd known each other, Hosah realised just how couple-y they'd acted all along. He didn't know any just friends that held hands on the street or that held each other in the night.
"Maybe not," Teddy sighed, his smile softy spread across his perfect pink cheeks, a satisfied and content expression that told Hosah all would be okay.
And for a moment, it really did feel like everything would be okay. There was no stalker in the window, there was no sudden phone call of a case reopening, there was nothing, in fact. The city was unusually quiet, as if everyone and everything had stopped in place just for the two of them to have this moment.
The giant really was beautiful, Hosah thought to himself as he sat, leant back with his neck craned up to face the figure that towered over his shrunken body. A kind of once-in-a-lifetime, unforgettable type of beauty that one would dream about for years after seeing a glimpse of out of the corner of their eye, or in the reflection of a window, or when the train passes through a crowded station. The sort of face that would make you do a double take in the street, which people most certainly did.
It was all his little features that stuck out the most, especially at such an angle. His hair curled at the ends, clearly wanting to go into coils but either it wasn't long enough or it wasn't being taken care of properly to be able to do so. His cheeks were covered in small, dark freckles, as were his arms and his legs, and even his hands and fingers. Even Teddy's nose was perfectly sculpted, completely straight and symmetrical, unlike his thick, bushy eyebrows that Hosah itched to pluck at and clean up as he obsessively did his own. He wondered how far his freckles went down, if the giant had one on his stomach and chest like his own abnormally large and almost quite garish mole on his abdomen which completely dwarfed his belly button.
"You look deep in thought." Teddy commented, shifting from his knees to laying on his stomach on the carpeted floor. They could've just moved to the bed, as the sun had already long set; the creepy cat clock that hung menacingly on the crowded wall was just about to strike eleven.
The shifter stood to his full, minimal height, the hand making him look as small as ever in comparison. Each crevice of the palm fit perfectly into his own, as if they were two pieces of a much bigger jigsaw puzzle that needed to be put together to reveal the full picture. Hosah wasn't really one to believe in fate or a magical red string, but as his fragile body went limp against the flesh wall, each groove of his back being effortlessly supported by the- slightly calloused but still, blissfully soft palm, he thought for a brief second that this was just right. He didn't need the cabin by the lake, or his job at the detectives agency, he didn't even need anyone else in the world to keep him company, just Teddy and this moment would be enough for him.
Hosah thought about what the doctor had told him the previous day; a concept called the butterfly effect, that one seemingly small and insignificant choice or event can cause a long trail of consequences, completely altering the course of someone’s life forever. That theory seemed to check out, as from the clouded window, he could see the stars shone bright through the light polluted city sky for the first time in years.
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aliceindaisychains999 · 3 months
I ain't a coward, German Circus (Ultimis Richtofen x Me)
also, IronPetals headcannon.
Dempsey has on multiple occasions attempted to get you to agree to get a cat...you guys got 2 cats named Garfield and John (He likes Garfield and thought theme fit nice with an orange cat)
That’s the courage I wanna see!!!
(Also can I just say I LOVE that headcanon. I actually imagined we were going to have an orange cat ahead of time. I like the name Garfield much better! Fitting enough, I never owned a cat before so I can learn how to be the best cat mom from the best cat dad 💖)
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German Circus
Edward isn’t often someone to open up so easily at his rawest self. You’re blessed enough to know this soft, sensitive side of him. It comes out most when he’s heavily exhausted or the two of you are alone. He’s actually more gentler than he lets on.
If events ever played out to where Moon happened, you better believe he’d miss you to pieces! He infodumps to Stuhlinger about you all the time
Two songs come to mind for you two: Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby by Cigarettes After Sex and The World We Knew (Over and Over) by Frank Sinatra
Often holds you from behind, resting his chin over the crook of your neck. If you two are sitting together, he will abruptly reach for your hand during a conversation and kiss at your knuckles. “I’m sorry, meine Liebe. I just can’t help but get lost in your voice. It just soothes my soul.”
Teddy thinks he’s all slick when telling you another dark/dirty joke. But if you can outwit him enough, he might throw a mini hissy fit over you thinking of a better one than him.
I can already see you drawing on a chalkboard somewhere in Der Riese when Samantha breaks from sending zombies. He’s leaning back on the desk chair requesting endless commissions of self portraits from you
🇩🇪Draw me as if I were a historical statue. Sehr gut! Now, draw me posed dramatically with a frame of roses around me. Ahaha! I love it! You have the midas touch in art, mein Freund. Now, this one’s a bit detailed but I think you can handle it. I need you to draw me gagging out a zombie wit-
🧨ANDREW! Come on, man! I wouldn’t be making commissions for that freak if I were you. Shit’s gonna get sick real quick.
🇩🇪On second thought, draw Dempsey a new face! Help him look less ugly!
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angelwheat · 1 year
You did one for a tall S/O, and as a tiny person I'd love to see Primis + Ultimis with a really short S/O as well, like 5" 2 and below if you don't mind?
Call of Duty Zombies
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1.0 & 2.0; Short S/O
we show love to all personal differences here ❤️ thank you for the request dearie. i apologise for the wait.
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2.0 (Primis)
Tank Dempsey
Dempsey knows you can't help being short, but he can't help teasing you. Because you're much shorter than Dempsey, he tends to ruffle your hair a lot as you're at perfect height. Much to your dismay, though it's all in good fun. But you are at perfect height to be cuddled. When you hug him, you're head rests on his chest and he loves it. He often picks you up to kiss you, and he's deemed you the name "baby".
Edward Richtofen
He'll admit that he finds the drastic height difference rather funny, but it's also cute. Edward messes around sometimes by not leaning down when you're standing on your tip toes as you're trying to reach up and kiss him, but don't worry he never carries it out long enough to upset you. He can't help it! To him, your height is adorable.
Nikolai Belinski
So. Much. Teasing. But it's all in good fun. He quite often picks you up when you least expect it, which often has you squealing in surprise. Nikolai is the tallest of the 4, so there's no doubt that the height difference is drastic. He's fond of picking you up to kiss you and is willing to give you piggyback rides. He has many teasing nicknames for you, but has all the more reason to call you "little one."
Takeo Masaki
Forehead kisses! He finds the height difference adorable and can't help the little forehead kisses to show how much he treasures you. Takeo now doesn't feel so tiny compared to the others. He often hugs you from behind and rests his chin atop your head. It's just perfect. Though he secretly finds it adorable when you're reaching up on your tip toes to get something high and he can't help but smile. Don't worry, he'll help if need be!
1.0 Ultimis
Tank Dempsey
"She's short, whatever..... Okay, it's pretty damn cute." He plays it off like it isn't cute but the height difference makes him chuckle a lot, especially when you're standing next to him. He often likes to sling his arm over your shoulders when you're beside him. That way you can snuggle into his side. He can pick you up and hold you over his shoulder with ease, and he's startled you a few times by doing this. He'll carry you to the bedroom that way ;)
Edward Richtofen
He's devious and uses the height difference to his advantage... in a playful way. Sometimes, Richtofen will purposely put things of yours high up out of reach to tease you. He won't helplessly leave you struggling to retrieve things though. In truth, he finds your height endearing and often finds himself putting his arm over your shoulder whenever you're next to him. He uses a high-pitched voice to coo and call you adorable to annoy you.
Nikolai Belinski
He surprises you by hugging you nearly all the time. Nikolai adores it when you sit in his lap. You just fit so perfectly in his lap, and he's better able to cuddle you that way. He's like a giant teddy bear to you, and he finds it the sweetest thing when you fall asleep snuggled up to him. Has a habit of booping your nose when you're grumpy.
Takeo Masaki
He's short compared to the others, but to him, you're tiny. He won't openly admit it, but he finds your height extremely cute. Takeo softly ruffles your hair or pats your head gently when you're beside him. He doesn't feel so inferior to the others, but he'll stand up for you if you're being teased about your height. He chuckles to himself when he's sees how tiny you are compared to things in general.
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aemiron-main · 1 year
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Edward Creel Post List
Who The Fuck Is Edward Creel- Original Discovery of Edward Creel Post (x)
Who Is Edward Creel? If You’re Confused About Him, Read This (x)
Edward Creel is Vecna and Henry Creel is Innocent: The First Shadow, Edward Creel, Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde, and Carl Jung’s Theory of the Shadow (x)
The Creels’ Disappearing Door and Magic, Colour-Changing Wallpaper (x)
I Know Why Will’s Birthday Is Important To Vecna/Henry/Edward- Original Post About Will’s Birthday Being The Same Day As The Creel Murders In Edward’s Timeline (x)
Yep, The Creel Murders Happened On Will’s Birthday In The Edward Timeline/According To The Indianapolis Gazette- Confirming The Dates (x)
Birthdaygate and When Did The Henry-Edward Split Happen And Was Edward Watching The Creel Family From The Void Or Via True Sight From Another Timeline? (x)
Edward Creel and the Lost Brother (x)
Edward Creel is Totally Vecna- Eddie’s DND Scene (x)
Edward Munson and Henry Creel and Being Blamed For Murder (x)
Revisiting The “If We Just Go Based On Henry’s Monologue, We Would Have No Clue Alice Even Existed Until The End And He Never Mentions Her By Name” Post With The Context Of Edward (x)
The First Shadow: Shadow(s) of The Past and LOTR (x)
The Shadows of The Past Have a Very Long Reach (x)
The First Shadow: Demons In Your Past (x)
The First Shadow Poster vs ST4 Poster Parallels (x)
Edward Being Bolded On The S4 Movie Board (x) 
You’re Not A Child vs I’m Not A Dog  And Henry Or Edward Being “Not A Child” (x)
Edward and Henry and 001 vs 000 (x)
Henry’s Colour-Changing Socks (x)
I Don’t Know What That Thing Is But It’s Not My Son- Victor, Henry, Edward, and Vecna (x)
Why Are We Seeing Through The Eyes of Someone The Same Height As Henry So Often? And Why Did Henry Look Up At The Camera? (x)
How Does Timeline Theory Stuff Tie Into Other Events In ST and How Does It Tie Into The Themes of ST and How Are The Duffers Going To Pull It Off Without Blindsiding the GA? (x)
Something Was Wrong With Me Vs What Is Wrong Why My Boy (x) 
Lost In The Darkness vs Hiding In The Darkness vs Hiding In The Shadows vs Good At Hiding (x)
Is Sam Owens Edward’s Father/Victor Creel From Another Timeline? (x)
“Well, my hair was buzzed and I didnt have these sweet old tatties yet”: Another Eddie Munson vs Edward Creel Parallel (x)
Just Move Your Date This One Time: Edward and Moving Dates (x) 
All Your Theories About It Are Wrong, Because I’ve Seen One and Fought One: Edward Creel is Vecna/001 (ft Which One Is It?) (x) 
The Lab IDs That Kali Dumped Out Vs Edward and Henry (x)
Edward Creel and the Criticism of Eddie Munson Being a Pointless Character (x)
Henward’s Plinko Reflection (x)
That’s The One: Will and 001 and Edward Creel (x)
Henward Standing Like Alice Vs Standing Like Young Henward (x)
I’m Eleven, You Long Haired Freak (x)
Edward, Eddie, and Straitjackets (x)
Joseph Quinn and Jamie Bower Doing Press Together, ST5, and Edward Creel/Vecna Using Eddie Munson as a Flesh Puppet So That Jamie Is Freed Up To Play Henry Creel (x)
Reblog of Stav’s Post Regarding Edward Creel, Eddie Munson, Reefer Rick, Richard Brenner, and Will’s Vanishing vs Eddie Hiding Parallels and Eddie Being Mistaken For Rick (x)
Eddie The Banished vs Edward Creel and Eddie’s Death Scene vs Edward Creel/001 Getting Sent To Superhell (x)
Eddie Munson, Edward Creel and The Literal and Figurative Iron Maidens (x)
I Wouldn’t Remember Me Either: Edward Creel, Eddie Munson, and Being Forgotten (x)
“The Duffers Don’t Like Plot Twists Out Of Nowhere So Edward Won’t Happen”: Well Good Thing Edward Has Way More Foreshadowing Than Vecna or Henry Ever Had (x)
Old Post About Brenner-Henry (now Edward) Parallels During The Interrogation Scene With Jocye and Brenner and Edward Possibly Being The Same Person Somehow (x)
A Silly, Terrible Play and Murray and Yuri vs Henry and Edward (x)
Eddie, Teddy, Edward, Henry and Who Framed Roger Rabbit (x)
Many Worlds: Multiple Timelines In ST is Not A Stretch (And Hugh Everett’s Many Worlds Was Released The Same Year Edward Creel Moved To Hawkins) (x)
Kas The Bloody Handed and Henward and Twinners and The Changeling (x)
Bradley, Murray, and The Edward Timeline (aka I Was Right) (x)
Murray’s Conspiracy Board and the Edward Creel Reveal (x)
Edward’s Candles vs Eddie’s Candles (x)
I’d Say You're Asking Me to Follow You Into Mordor: Eddie Munson, Mordor, Edward Creel, and March 22nd (x)
A Good One and Eddie Munson (x)
When And How The Hell Did El Learn The Name “Henry”? (ft. “Henry- not you.”) (x)
The Twins In Front Of 001 (x)
How Did The Edward Paper Get Into The Henry Timeline? (x)
That’s The Same Damn Tub AGAIN! (Initial Post About ST vs Before I Wake and The Tubs in ST- Did Henry or Edward Get Drowned and Dumped in the Quarry?) (x)
That’s Not Me That’s Him (x)
Was There a Version of the Massacre Where Henry and Edward Fought Eachother? (x)
The Evil One, Ghostbusters, Edward and Peter (x)
Edward Creel, Peter Bishop, and Fringe: They Don’t Remember Him- How Could They? He Never Existed. (x)
Edward Underwood, Victor Creel, and Edward Creel (x)
I Might Be In A Bit of Trouble Here: Eddie, Edward, and Radios (x)
Ozzy Osbourne, Henward, Eddie Munson, Drugs, and Gene Mutations (x)
Ruth, Nevada, Parallel Timelines, and Edward (x)
Edward Scissorhands and TFS (x)
Two Years and Some Brother We Dont Know About (x)
“This Is Old Wallpaper,” “We’re In The Past,” and Even More Edward Timeline Evidence (x)
Edward Crumbs in the TFS Audition Tapes (x)
Edward and Easter Brunch (x)
Fred, Edward, Ted, Scott, Michael, Timelines and Newspapers (x)
I Am Henry Creel vs You’re Not Henry: Changing Rooms, Fringe, Henward, TFS, Walls, and Convincing Edward That He’s Henry (x)
TFS and The Edward Timeline: We Definitely Saw Edward Timeline Events During TFS (x)
Two Slick Cats: TFS and Henward vs the Everly Brothers (x)
MR ELECTRIC SEND HIM TO THE THEATRE REALM: I Could Not Pretend- Did Henry Send Edward To Do The Play In His Place? (x)
The TFS Newspapers About The Creel Murders (Edward Creel is So Real) (x)
It Was Victor's Uncle That Died: South Bend, Edward and the Creels- Reference to Edward in the NEW FULL WEEKLY WATCHER?? (Also Comparing The Various Weekly Watcher Articles)(x)
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Let's Talk Teddy Lupin and His VERY REAL Mother, Nymphadora Tonks
Recently I looked through the Teddy Lupin tags and something that jumped out at me was how many Wolfstar raises Teddy posts completely dismiss Tonks. Many of them dismiss that she existed - if she did, it was to provide a child for Remus and Sirius, and she is out of the picture. She is irrelevant and pushed out of the way for Wolfstar to get a kid. (Ditto with Jegulus, Harry, and Lily.)
I understand that there are some who are very anti-Remadora and refuse to acknowledge the role she played in making Teddy happen. But let me list the many, many ways this irks me, not just as a Remadora fan, but as a Tonks fan, and as a human who has spent quite a bit of time thinking (and writing) about reproductive donation.
Anyway. I know it's all fiction/fan fiction and a part of me wants to say let people have their fun, but hear me out, because that reproductive donation bit matters a lot to me.
You can't get Teddy Lupin without Tonks. Even his name is in reference to Tonks. Teddy was named after Edward "Ted" Tonks. Teddy Lupin is Tonks's child. He is also a Metamorphmagus. She is such an integral part of who he is that dismissing his mother's role in his creation and life is deeply unsettling. Insisting that Sirius is Teddy's other parent and pretending Tonks doesn't exist is such a disservice to Tonks as a character (who is a badass).
Let's get to reproductive donation, then. This is something I have studied for years. I am not a donor-conceived person (DCP) but I have researched DCP feelings/attitudes and I'll be the first to tell you that many (though not all) DCPs would be appalled to have their parents (social) dismiss and outright deny the existence of their genetic parents. Go check out We Are Donor Conceived if you don't believe me.
Even if you are a huge shipper of Wolfstar and hate Remadora, dismissing Tonks is troubling for me because of this, too. You can have your slash ships and still acknowledge a child's genetic origins. It's literally the same as real life - you can have LGBT families who acknowledge their children's genetic parents.
Though it might seem like a competition (and real life grownups have issues with this too!) there's no reason a child can't know and have a relationship with their genetic parents, especially if it's involving donor gametes. (I mean donor loosely here, as I'm assuming most Wolfstar/Teddy stans think Tonks donated, while real life "donations" are more like transactions - you can ask me about my opinions on this in my ask box OR check out We Are Donor Conceived.)
All of this is to say that if you ship Wolfstar raising Teddy Lupin, please, please acknowledge that Tonks exists. She is not evil. She is not an afterthought. She is his genetic mother and she is important.
(Admittedly, I have a bias because I love Remadora with every fiber of my being, but I have the same issue with Jegulus/Harry/Lily and I'm largely apathetic about Jily. These thoughts spring more out of my academic/professional studies involving reproductive donation and the industry that surrounds it.)
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hellcheer-heaven · 1 year
Eddie and Chrissy would spend a quiet Saturday afternoon together kissing on his bed. She would have her fingers tangled up in his curls, and his hands would be grasping at her hips. Their lips connected in the most loving of embraces, stopping only to catch their breath before continuing. Eddie’s lips began to venture down to her neck, cradling her skin with his mouth in the warmest of kisses. She’d giggle and whisper his name, wrapping her leg around his leg as she craned her neck back. His big hands would travel along her form, giving her pleasant little squeezes along the way. He’d drag his mouth, wanting to peck as much skin as he could. Chrissy looked down and watched him intently, nibbling her lower lip as well. His hands then rested along the sides of her chest, pressing his face between them.
This was certainly a new sensation for Chrissy. She never really imagined that their little one on one time would end up with her boyfriend nuzzling her breasts with his face.
She cleared her throat, “Eddie, what are you doing?”
Perhaps she wasn’t loud enough or that he was too busy, either way he was still rubbing his face upon her upper torso. She tapped the top of his head and he stopped, quickly looking up.
“What?” He asked genuinely surprised.
Her cheeks felt warm, “Eddie what are you doing?”
There was confusion behind those teddy bear eyes, his brain making the connection regarding his little intimate act. His face was as red as a siren, getting off of her and giving her space, keeping his hands at his sides. “Oh my god Chrissy, I’m so sorry! I- I- I just… I…”
Eddie appeared as if he committed a crime that he was willing to confess, but the words just wouldn’t come out. Chrissy wanted to confess to something too, but she was having the same issue.
She moved back a lock of her hair, “Do you, um… do you like my boobs?”
Eddie gulped, he was in trouble and he knew it. “Y-Yeah, I do. But I love everything about you sweetheart.”
She got closer to him, fingers lightly brushing his hand, “Well I know that, and I love everything about you too.” Her free hand played with her necklace, “I was just surprised that you did that.”
He hurried again to apologize, sounding as if he said it in one breath, “I’m sorry! I’ll never do that again! I’m sorry!”
Chrissy leaned in and pecked his lips, seemingly causing his brain to reset itself. “Eddie I’m not mad at you. I didn’t expect it, that’s all. And I… I kinda thought you looked very cute doing it.”
The boy was like a deer in the headlights, yet even behind those frightened eyes there was love. As he came back to reality, he took a moment to breathe before speaking, “So you’re not grossed out or offended?”
She chuckled, “No, of course not. I liked it, it felt different, but it was nice.” Her fingers intertwined with his, “And I liked how gentle you were being with me.”
He gulped down his worries, giving her a smile reminiscent of a Peanuts character, wide and slightly crooked. “Th-Thanks babe.” His eyes went back to her chest before staring into her eyes. “So um… do you want me to do that again?”
Chrissy laid back down, a smile as bright as her soul. Eddie’s own smile grew as he positioned himself like so, nestling his cheek between her bosoms once again. Her beating heart had a pleasant sort of rhythm to it. This was nice, it actually felt much more enjoyable to just simply lay there instead. If the two of them could stay like this for the remainder of the day, then this would truly be the most wonderful moment in their lives.
Chrissy ran her fingers through his hair, “Edward?”
His answer was slightly muffled against her blouse, “Yes, Chrissy?”
She felt so playfully naughty when she asked, “Are you going to do that again?”
His big brown button eyes sparkled, she could feel his devious smile against her clothing. Chrissy giggled as he motioned his face, wrapping her arms around his neck as she laughed at the ticklish feeling.
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melkpotter · 8 months
Okay okay, now think about the relationship between Teddy and Draco.
As we all could have guessed, the Malfoys went quiet after the war. Imagine Narcissa saying "fck this" and going to make peace with Andromeda.
They made up and everything, and Draco and Andromeda got closer too. I always think Andromeda is a mother hen person. So she always invites Draco to her place. While there, Draco meets his cousin Teddy. I don't think Draco has ever been someone who loved babies very much and played games with them that’s why he is not so close with him. But Teddy loves people, like most of the babies, and loves Draco.
Teddy’s hair color turns bright yellow when he saw Draco. When Draco look confusingly at him or rolls his eyes, he just laughs.
When Teddy 4-5 years old he hugs Draco every time when he sees him. Draco don’t like it but doesn’t complaining, he’s just patting his head.
Draco doesn't seem to like Teddy very much on the outside, but he actually cares about him a lot (“If you dare to touch my cousin, I will finish you off” Draco said to 4 years old little boy who is not doing anything wrong).
Draco -unconsciously- taught Teddy all the swear words he knew. Sometimes on purpose (D: “Call Harry a d*ckhead.” T: “What does mean d*ckhead?” D: “A nice compliment.”)
When Harry learned about this strange relationship between Draco and Teddy, he and Draco got into a "who Teddy loves more" competition. Harry always won -sorry Draco- (H: “Shut up Malfoy, of course I am his favorite, I am his god damn godfather.” D: “I am his fuking cousin, Potter. Family comes first.”)
Draco taught Teddy how to play wizard chess.
When Teddy 11 years old, few days before his first Hogwarts year. Draco and Narcissa came to Andromeda for tea. Teddy was nervous, like every 11 years old wizard/witch. He didn’t hug Draco. D: “Did you stop hugging me?” T: “I am just nervous, never mind.” Andromeda: “Calm down Teddy, everything will be okay. Didn’t you listened Harry, he said you will be an amazing student.” Teddy just smiled and Draco rolled his eyes when he heard Harry’s name. Teddy chuckled at him, “Don’t you like Harry?” D: “This is our thing, he doesn’t like me and I don’t like him.” Narcissa: “Grow up, Draco.” Draco looked his mum and winked at Teddy -I never thought Draco would wink at a kid but here we are- D: “Why are you nervous about Hogwarts, Edward?” T: “I want to be both a Gryffindor like my father and a Hufflepuff like my mother. What if I'm neither?” D: “First, Slytherin and Ravenclaw are good houses too, maybe better. Secondly, You are a Hufflepuff, everybody knows that.”
And yes, Draco calls Teddy “Edward” just for annoy him.
Long story short, they are good cousins.
(I'm not sure about the conversation few days before Hogwarts at all but let it stay)
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wastheheart · 4 days
Meta and Esme's relationship with each of the members of the Olympic Coven.
*         send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a   head  canon   based   off   of   this   !!!   || @twistedtangledfate (thank you!)
(Doing this pre-Bella & R.enesmee)
Carlisle is the only member of her coven that she feels safe being emotionally and physically vulnerable with. While it's true that Edward can hear her thoughts, and by extension can act as a confidant, Esme always confides in Carlisle first and foremost. He knows how to soothe her, how to make her laugh as if she'll never breathe again, and most importantly, he knows how to make her feel supported in every aspect of her life.
At first, Carlisle refused to allow Esme to reciprocate such loyal, loving support, but as their love blossomed and he realised that he deserved as much grace and kindness he showed Esme, Carlisle slowly started allowing her to have his back as much as he had hers.
The beginning of their relationship was rocky to say the least. Edward was worried about Esme replacing him, and Esme was worried about Edward thinking she was replacing him. When they both realised that wasn't what was happening, their relationship improved tenfold.
She has such a soft spot for him because of the mere fact that it was merely him, Carlisle and her when she opened her eyes in this life. He also helped her verbalise the first, most painful memories of her human life, helping her form them into explanations for Carlisle when Esme felt as if it was unspeakable. Edward refused (unless she insisted) to tell Carlisle anything about her truth, allowing Esme full autonomy in whatever she wished or did not wish to share. He continues to respect that even now, demonstrated most clearly in Breaking Dawn with her conflicting thoughts and feelings about the existence of Renesmee.
As much as Esme is fairly maternal, Esme's relationship with Rosalie is most similar to that of a big sister who helped raise their little sister. Esme has, and always will have, an "open door policy" with Rosalie.
As much as Edward and Rosalie bicker, Edward often comes to Esme privately when he's concerned about Rosalie because he knows that, besides Emmett, Esme is Rosalie's closest confidant.
Esme will often make more time to simply be with Rosalie. She knows from experience that outright asking Rosalie if she's okay will often be met with defensiveness, so she waits until Rosalie is ready to open up to her and Esme will listen to everything she has to say. Once Rosalie has said her piece, Esme will offer two choices; if she wants solutions to her upset, or if she simply needs to talk it out. The approach isn't fool proof, but it's what works best for them and other than Emmett, Esme does truly believe she's most likely the only other member of this coven to see Rosalie's true nature— not the façade she plays in lieu or armour.
Emmett intimidated Esme from his sheer size. When Rosalie brought him home, seeing him lying down didn't do his size justice. As soon as he found his feet in this life, Esme was quite literally taken by surprise.
He soon proved that she had no reason to worry, he was truly a big teddy bear and so incredibly caring and sensitive. He also soon proved to be very protective of those he loved, and often told Esme that he appreciated her and the love she showed towards him— that although he couldn't quite remember his mother, he knew she would be glad that Esme was there to fulfil that role for him now.
Alice's disposition is so cheery and happy, it's often easy to forget that Alice's gift ways heavily on her shoulders. It took Alice longer than Rosalie to start opening up to Esme, and who could blame her with the past she endured, but Esme began to heal that maternal relationship in Alice. Again, Esme never saw herself as Alice's mother, merely able to offer that role should Alice ever need it.
Alice and Edward quite often and naturally support each other, but if Alice ever needs to emotionally recharge, Esme is there to help her. She often sits with Alice in her room, allowing this usual whirlwind of a woman rest her head against her lap as Esme runs fingers through dark hair. They chat about everything and nothing; subjects ranging from fashion to nuclear physics, Esme enjoys wherever their conversation goes.
Then they continue on their way, but never hesitating to extend a helping hand to one another.
Jasper was perhaps the most difficult member of her coven to get used to. As much as she adores and respects him now, Jasper's introduction, unfortunately, brought a lot of baggage up for Esme. It was no way a reflection in his character, but his height and the way he carried himself was reminiscent of Charles— especially the last few memories she had of him after coming home from war.
The first year was difficult for the both of them; Esme was taken by surprise by the emotions Jasper brought with him, but her trust in his character was worth it completely.
Understanding where Esme's initial panic came from allowed Jasper to become more settled, thus allowing Esme to become more settled too. Now, if Esme ever struggles with her c-p.tsd, Jasper is often the first person to find her and try and help soothe her which she is immensely thankful for. In turn, Esme has become a confidant for Jasper, and despite the fact he is older than her, both mortally and immortally, Esme's encouragement and validation means a lot to him.
After Bella's birthday unfolded, Esme was there for him without a doubt. She never judges him, but instead holds out a hand for him to take should he need it. Esme knows better than anyone else that, in one's most difficult of times, you need support and not judgement.
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triviareads · 4 months
ARC Review of The Boyfriend Subscription by Steven Salvatore
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Rating: 4/5 Heat Level: 4/5 Publication Date: March 26th
A queer Pretty Woman-inspired romance; Divorced and about to lose his beloved plant retail business, Teddy Hughes is faced with no choice but to leave New York City... until he meets Cole Vivien. Cole is the CEO of a gay dating app and needs a fake boyfriend to impress a potential investor and bring to his sister's wedding, and offers the position to Teddy.
My review:
I LOVED the the first meeting between Teddy and Cole; the chemistry was there right off the bat interspersed with these moment of comedy, like when they swap tops on the steps of the Met and Teddy finds himself wearing a harness as he enters a five star hotel (but deals with it in the best way, namely, not giving a fuck and cheerfully making other people uncomfortable).
Teddy (Teddy... Ted... inspired by Edward, perchance? Though he's the Vivian of the story as far as him being hired as a fake boyfriend for a week) is an energetic and endearing hero. Life's dealt him a few hard knocks and I appreciated his moments of vulnerability as much as I enjoyed how upbeat he was. Cole is super smooth and charming but is also pretty anxious and image-conscious, a product of his upbringing and his position as the CEO of a company trying to go public. Cole kind of functions as both the Edward and Vivian of this story, as both the CEO and sex worker, and he's the one with the infamous no-kissing rule.
I love the concept of Cole not only being a CEO and creator of a queer dating/hook-up/OnlyFans-esque app VERSTL (I see what Steven did there), but he's also an extremely popular performer on the platform. Cole publicly calls himself an entrepreneur and a sex worker, which I imagine does a lot in terms of destigmatizing the profession and industry (even if he's in a position of relative privilege). That being said, I'm not sure if I buy his family not knowing that he's a sex worker, especially if his company is about to go public and they're pretty prominent in the business world too. But whatever, it's romanceland; I'm in it for the vibes, not the realism.
So, this book clocks in at about 288 pages, and I started to wish that it was longer as I got to the second half of the book which is centered around Cole's sister's wedding. The plot started to feel pretty rushed: there was parental drama, a reporter outing Cole, Teddy's overprotective friends who Cole thinks might be conning him, a shitty employee, etc. There is sexual assault off-page, but we are barely given any time to contend with that before the main characters abruptly have to leave for the wedding. Ultimately, I think the story wraps up neatly, complete with an effective grovel on Cole's part, but it's the middle bits that could have done with more expansion.
The sex:
The sex was a pretty solid mix of sweet and sexy; there's lots of tender cuddling and heavy-petting and blowjobs. There is one sex scene with some fairly rough sex, which is something Teddy demands but later regrets because he was asking for the internet version of Cole— the fantasy instead of the irl version of him.
My one note was that there were some odd breaks/skips in the sex scenes. For example, there's a scene where Teddy is going down on Cole, but we don't actually see Cole orgasming. Instead, there's a skip and it seems like both Cole and Teddy have gotten each other off and now they're lingering in the afterglow. This happened a couple times.
I enjoyed The Boyfriend Subscription; it had all the beats of a romcom starting with a stellar meet-cute and great chemistry between Cole and Teddy that carried throughout the book, even when the plot was a little over the place. This book is a part of a new Harlequin imprint called Afterglow Books, which consists of diverse, romcom-type romances, so I'm looking forward to reading more books in this imprint!
Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.
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areyougonnabe · 1 year
in your antarctica ships for terror ships post where is joplittle! what about the joplittle girls whomst are we to enjoy!
this is a very difficult Q because joplittle is so unique, v much a product not only of victorian repression but also the creativity of the fandom!!!!!
the specific joplittle flavor is a little more difficult to find in an edwardian setting compared to victorian, especially bc in antarctic content you don’t get the fully immersive navy environment which contributes so heavily to that flavor.
IF what you like about joplittle is the shared loyalties but differing relationships to a Difficult captain… wuzzmack or like. hurley/someone ???
IF what you like about joplittle is the class differences… teddy/any of his PO hotboys
IF what you like is an incredibly sopping wet and insecure naval officer being encouraged to greatness by an obsessively loyal, competent yet mildly deranged and off-putting (to others) romantic partner… scott/kathleen ksjdjdjfjjfkf LISTEN
IF what you like about joplittle is handsome dark haired men smooching… deb/gran (enemies to lovers version)
i guess the real joplittle would be something made up completely out of thin air but which yet is incredibly compelling and even inevitable-seeming… but there’s almost TOO much information to go off of as to how everyone felt about each other, which takes away the fun in joplittle of making those determinations for yourself! like if you looked at it purely scientifically the answer to the equation of disliked lieutenant named edward/handsome steward that would = teddy/hooper, but we do know who teddy had mega crushes on and it sadly was not hooper even though he was a hottie :( and also teddy’s personality is as different to ned as it’s possible to be LOL
i suppose there are infinite possibilities though and i encourage you to smush these men together like dolls until you hit on the magic combination that hits all your buttons!!!!!!!
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