#like. idk we worked on strategies to distract myself from some of the thoughts and stuff but it was always like. I was supposed to stop
running-in-the-dark · 7 months
okay I need to know this now. can't stop thinking about it (haha....) since I read that post.
so. you're supposed to just be able to stop thinking about things?? whenever you want? like. anything? even the really bad things? just. decide to not think about it anymore/at that moment/whatever??
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nullio · 2 years
Damn 5 whole followers 🥵🥵
Jkjk- it's time for more ranting abt Inside Job cause nooone else in my life watches it so I'm stuck with my myself and I 😔😔
The Gang(tm) throwing Brett a surprise party ,,,
Brett for sure had some sucky birthdays, actuall ass of a time birthdays
So imagine it's Brett's birthday, idk if the crew would be the type to pull the "let's ignore Brett and pretend we don't care it's his birthday then surprise him" cause that would prob give him another complex
So instead they genuinely have no clue it's his birthday, and he doesn't bring it up cause he's just so used to dissapointment at this time in his life
Mayb Regan reads it in a file, maybe Myc reads his mind on accident or heck maybe he does let it slip that it's his birthday but he really downplays it "it's fine! Just another day in the year, yknow?"
But NO. That's un acceptable. Reagan IMMEDIATELY pulls the team (minus Brett) into a strategy meeting. She's had one too many sad/failed birthdays to let her friend willingly go party-less this year
I wanna say Gigi is on decorations, you KNOW she has an eye for that shit but I'd give that role to Andre (or maybe they collab)
He's the party animal, he knows what partying looks like and can adapt any room (think Tom Haverford) he's on lights and uhhh
It is at this point that I must admit to my audience that I don't go to parties. Ever. Anyway <3
•Andre (and maybe Gigi) on setup. •Gigi makes a plan to keep Brett distracted throughout the day. •Myc needs to decipher was Brett wants for his birthday. Either by digging through his thoughts or just by asking straight out and almost blowing their cover lmaoo. •Glenn is doing heavy lifting, physically heavy lifting. Putting up speakers, moving shit off desks, moving tables (btw they're either parting in the main office or in Reagans lab maybe) also fuk u, Glenn is the DJ, he has good music taste •Reagan is simply the head of operation (and the wallet of the operation) she just want to see her friend be happy. Gigi=shopping. Cake, drinks, she pulls a caterer out of her ass- she's doing this correctly or not at all
Hijinks absolutely ensue, nothing goes to plan. Someone drops the cake, Myc can't get a read on what Brett wants and is complaining about having to spend so much time with him (bonus points if the only thing he wanted was to spend time with his work family) Gigi and Andre can't decide on a theme. The caterer dies, shit is hitting fan
I'm too dumb and tired to come up with a good resolution but they cobble together a party, Reagan catches Brett right before he's supposed to leave and is like
"I'm so sorry, can you stay and help me with an assignment? It's an emergency"
And Brett being Brett agrees to help and he 🥺 he gets led into the office/lab and everyone there says surprise and Andre launches off one of those massive annoying confetti canons. Ppl are dressed up
Brett 100% stands in shock and just starts crying but dw they are the happiest of happy tears
Everyone hugs b/c I SAID SO and they party >:)
Here's miscellaneous stuff
They ended up getting him like 4 boxes of Legos, idk much abt men or adults but they seem to like Legos
The cake was dropped at some point so the frosting is smeared and omg. The cake decorator spelled his name wrong- that's my favoutie cliche gag every single show has ever done, spelling someone's name slightly wrong on a banner or whatever
"It says Happy Birthday Brent?? 👁👁??"
The punch bowl is not safe from Andre and the Gang knew that so the one sitting at the snack bar is a decoy (its water with red food colouring)
I think Brett is a Georgia boy so mayb they got a pitcher of genuine sweet tea (I think sweet tea is a thing in Georgia idk)
They have a makeshift dance floor and there are 💗multiple injuries💗
I'm sleepy, please take surprise party into consideration- gimme ur party headcannons >:( do it now
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get-shiggy-with-it · 3 years
#1 Victory Royale
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✧ pairing: college student!spinner x student!afab!reader
✧ word count: 4.4k
✧ warnings: college au/no quirks, light angst, mostly soft/fluff, smut, could be hate fucking if you squint, afab reader but no pronouns, this is pretty tame, by like my standards, I wrote this at work, not really a warning, but it felt like you needed to know that
✧ summary: relationships suck and Spinner is starting to think maybe he does too
✧ ao3 mirror
✧ a/n: Hey y'all, welcome back to more college au bs from me. This is set in the same universe once again as all my other college pieces. A very sweet anon asked if we'd ever get to see more of Spinner, so here he is! Also with another cameo from shiggy's bitch (endearing) cause I can't help myself.
Spinner’s groaning echoed through the tiny apartment, the heavy sound of creaking couch cushions under his weight following.
“What?” his long-suffering roommate shouted out their bedroom door, rapidly shoving clothing and a toothbrush into an overnight bag.
He let out with another, louder dying animal wail. He’d been like this since they woke up—wallowing in some strange concoction of self pity and Red Bull on the kitchen floor when they walked in for water two hours ago.
“Motherfucker,” they mumbled, tossing their bag to the floor and marching, more than a little disgruntled, into the hall. “What do you want?”
Spinner was sitting upside down on the couch now, feet up against the wall tapestry and cotton candy hair splayed out on the floor. He stared blankly as his friend came into view—arms crossed, frowning at him from the end of the hall—and opened his mouth once more, letting out another garbled grunt that had one of the neighbors pounding twice on the wall to shut his dramatic ass up.
“Dude seriously, are you gonna tell me who pissed in your cereal or are you just gonna scream until the guys next door kick a hole through our wall?”
They almost felt bad as he looked away, sniffing and letting himself slump farther off the sofa until he was sprawled completely on the hardwood and staring, glassy eyed, up at the ceiling.
When he finally spoke a full sentence, his gaze was locked on the water stain above him from a year ago when the upstairs neighbors flooded their apartment trying to make jungle juice in the bathtub.
“I don’t know, I’m just in my feels as the kids say,” he sounded so dejected—strange for someone who was perpetually energized to a frustrating degree—that their shoulders immediately slumped from a hardass square to a softer, more sympathetic angle
They padded over to join him on the floor.
“Care to elaborate, oh roomie of mine?”
There was a pause and Spinner tapped his nails against the hardwood idly before responding.
“I guess I’m just feeling, like, fucking I don’t know,” he sighed, knocking his head against the dusty boards, “left out I guess? That’s not quite right, but it’s just Magne mentioned last time she came to The League meeting that Jin was seeing somebody and it just got me all introspective and weird…”
“Hm,” his roommate hummed thoughtfully and studied the way the textured white ceiling gave way to the rings of brown water damage, like a dead and dying flower, “I thought you and Jin weren’t ever that serious?”
“We weren’t,” Spinner groaned again and rubbed his eyes. “We went on like, one date a year ago and I haven’t thought about it really at all since then. I’m not sure why hearing he’s got someone else now made me so fucking...jealous I guess.”
“I mean, maybe you just never really gave yourself the time to process it?” they asked and received only an annoyed huff and accompanying groan. “Sorry, should have asked if you were looking for advice or just wanting to rant. My bad.”
“No, it’s fine. I think it’s just…”
Spinner trailed off and they shifted as the hard floor bit at their back and made it ache. The muscles were sore already as it was, and Tomura blowing their fucking back a few times a week wasn’t really helping. They’d created some kind of perpetually horny monster, but something told them cracking a joke about it wasn’t really going to help the situation much. Thankfully, Spinner found his way to filling the silence a minute later.
“I don’t think it has anything specifically to do with Jin. Yeah I liked him, we’re still really good friends and I don’t feel like I need him to be more than that. It’s just that—and this is gonna make me sound like a massive asshole—but with you and your new fucking boyfie and now even Jin finding someone to date I just keep seeing reminders everywhere of how motherfucking isolated I am.”
“Oh,” they felt their face burn a bit, guilt frothing as they were forced to acknowledge the fact that in all the time they’ve spent holed up with Tomura, Spinner had been discarded like an old Steam game, bought impulsively on sale and never played again. “I’m sorry I haven’t been prioritizing you—”
“No, no, no shut the fuck with that,” he waved his hand to cut them off and pushed himself up on his palms. “I know I’m not being fair about it, and I really am happy for you guys, but idk man….I just feel like I’m never gonna find that you know?”
Beside him, his roommate remained sprawled out on the floor like a homicide tape outline and was just as deadly quiet.
“I just,” he continued, running an angry hand through his hair, “I know I could be such a good partner. Like I’m funny and I’m not a fucking creep, which is actually a plus to most people.”
He shot a side glance down and they rolled their eyes, sitting up and knocking his shoulder roughly till he toppled back to the dirty floor and they stood above him.
“Fuck off,” they chuckled.
His roommate watched as the laughter seemed to infect him like a bad cold, creeping down the back of his throat and shaking in his chest.
“No I’m serious, I would be such a fucking great boyfriend. I give goddamn top quality cuddles and I actually know how to do laundry, what more does one need truly?”
“Damn bro, you’ve known how to fold your own clothes this whole time?”
The giggling spread into the quiet space, rocking through both their shoulders and leaving the air feeling light—fresh like the first nights of Spring. When it finally petered out into friendly silence, they were both far lighter.
“I just like the way you fold my t-shirts, the sleeves don’t get those weird creases when you do it,” he muttered and stood, doing his best to fix the wild pink locks that stood on end from his fidgeting.
“Yeah I’m sure,” his roommate rolled their eyes and turned back down the hall.
When they left for the night to stay over with their boyfriend, Spinner tried not to acknowledge the way he subconsciously glared at their back as they walked out the door, skipping yet another League meeting to swap spit with that guy from their English class.
He tried even harder not to think of how their bed would be warm and their legs would have legs to tangle with, their chest have a chest to lay against, while he heated up instant noodles in the microwave and fell asleep alone on their living room couch.
Not to mention that tonight was the big tournament with that new group on campus. He was really banking on his bff (best fucking friend as they were always sure to clarify) and him teaming up to crush those assholes from The Commission or whatever they called themselves.
Fucking lame as shit name in his opinion.
In any case, he’d have to settle for Magne again, and she was such a loose cannon they were sure to get their asses handed to them. She was a great fucking tank, he’d be the first to admit, but strategy was not a strong point of hers and they desperately needed that tonight.
He could feel the sinking weight of failure rolling in the pit of his stomach already even as he dragged himself into his room to tug on an old pair of jeans.
It bothered him way more than it should, the idea of losing some gaming tournament that, by all means held little to no actual significance.
Spinner knew the stock he’d started placing in games was growing to an unhealthy degree.
He knew that.
But self awareness rarely did anything to alleviate the irrational fear of failing at one of the only remaining consistencies in his life.
It stung worse when the tournament kicked off and by the third round, Spinner was the only remaining League member in the brackets.
“Fucking shit…” he muttered to himself, the small basement room alight with the blue glow of the monitor and the sound of frantically smashing controllers.
Behind him on the couch—stolen long ago from the theater building—Magne held him by the shoulders as he grit his teeth and leaned into the movement of his avatar on screen.
“You got this babe,” she shouted, cheek pressed up to his ear. “Make ‘em eat shit for me!”
“I would if you stopped distracting me,” Spinner hissed back.
Really it wasn’t Magne’s aggressive and somewhat bloodthirsty style of encouragement that shook his focus so badly.
It was his opponent.
The fucking president of The Commission sat, thighs spread and pressed to his, resting your weight on your elbows and snarling beside him in the couch.
Your face was split in this heart stopping grin as you quite deftly dodged all his attempts to get a hit in and managed to land a few of your own in the process.
And you looked really hot doing it.
Which was definitely just a side effect of the punch he (didn’t) drink and the body heat fueled temperature of the room—sweaty skin against sweaty skin making his mind wander against his will.
The shifting in his seat was absolutely just to illogically make him move faster and had nothing to do with how tight his pants now seemed.
So much for not being a fucking creep.
Your teammates were gathered in a circle behind you, enraptured and exuding the kind of smug confidence that said quite clearly The League was fucked from the second they walked in.
Not even two minutes later your hands were thrown up, punching the air and your team piling over the back of the couch to drown you in a sea of celebratory limbs.
Spinner felt himself deflating even as he was toppled off the couch by your screaming members and The League collectively cursed in the background.
Truthfully he’d known the chances of winning were slim.
Ever since his roommate started getting busy with classes and clubs that ‘looked good on their resume,’ The League had gone downhill rapidly. It was a problem since long before that Shigaraki guy swooped in and stole them away, but Spinner couldn’t stop himself from lowkey holding that against him.
The League had consumed so much of his life in college, functioning as a haven where he was finally respected and belonged to an extent he’d never experienced before.
The stink of failure and loss, not of the game but the only space he’d ever really occupied without complaint, burned his face and made the room feel more suffocating than usual.
Magne looked as though she wanted to give him one of her signature—and admittedly very comforting—hugs, but the deadly look of disappointment on Spinner’s face must have made her think twice.
The rest of his team seemed to read this sudden downward shift in the room as they began to filter out, climbing the steps onto street level and away from the suddenly stuffy, uncomfortable meeting spot. Normally everyone would stay and finish off the drinks snuck past the janitorial staff, eating Doritos until well past midnight. This time they couldn’t wait to be rid of him.
He couldn’t really blame them.
The multimedia building was a strange place after hours. Once Spinner might have called it something rare and liminal, now it felt more like a prison.
He stood, packing up the consoles a bit more roughly than necessary when someone cleared their throat behind him.
He turned to see you, standing alone with hands on your hips and scowling like you were the one who just got their gaming reputation ruined.
“Dude what the fuck was that?”
Spinner bristled at the knife sharp point of your tone.
“Really?” he asked incredulously. “You seriously waited around to rub your win in my face?”
You rolled your eyes and took a step closer around the couch. “I’m not talking about the fucking game dumbass. Why the hell are you pouting like I stole your fucking candy or some shit? You ruined the vibes man.”
“If anyone was ruining the vibes, it was you and your cocky ass team.”
Spinner felt himself stepping closer too, pulled in by the celestial weight that accompanied any kindling argument.
“Me?” you pointed to your chest and scoffed, “Wow, I was really hoping you’d actually possess a bit of emotional maturity, but if this is how you get after a loss I’m not shocked your fucking club is bleeding members.”
At some point the two of you had gravitated close enough that he felt the puff of your last breath on his cheeks. Two comets, ready and willing to collide.
“I’m not being the asshole in this situation, you know that right?” Spinner glared down his nose at you, heart pounding in his ears. “Maybe you shouldn’t make fucking unfounded assumptions about people you don’t know.”
“So then why are your panties in a twist over a fucking game?” you retorted.
He was peripherally aware that your eyes had taken on the same laser focused quality as they had during the last round. Determined and locked onto him without sparing a glance to anything else.
It was this same undivided attention that he’d envied in you as you played, and as Spinner felt it trained on him, his pants once again felt uncomfortably restrictive.
“It’s not about the fucking game okay!?” his voice came out hoarse and far more petulant than he’s been aiming for.
Though he quickly felt the embarrassment give rise to a secondary heat as you both breathed each other’s air and searched the face across from you.
“Then what is it about?”
That strange, unexplainable, inexplicable rush of potential filled the small gap that remained between your bodies—the kind of tension Spinner was beginning to think he’d never feel again.
He’d kissed plenty of people. Almost more than he’d like to admit, or that they’d like to admit more accurately.
But when his flickering eyes found your hard stare still and unwavering from his, it felt incredibly natural to lean in and press his lips against your fading frown.
It was slow going, the few centimeters that separated you seemed like miles as he moved slowly, never breaking eye contact until his mouth was finally slotted over yours and you weren’t pushing him away.
There was still a bit of lingering confusion, as this was decidedly not what either of you appeared to be expecting from the prior conversation. That coupled with the fact that Spinner wasn’t entirely sure he remembered your first name made the feeling of your tongue prodding at the seam of his lips all the more startling.
When he gasped, you slid your hands up his chest and licked into his mouth. Tongue tangling between breaths, Spinner felt himself getting lost in the familiar and coveted taste of another mouth, another body, another hand that grasped, that desired, that wanted him.
Your knees dug into the cushions on either side of Spinner’s thighs as you bounced in his lap. He fought to keep his eyes open against the pleasure of his cock sinking into you over and over again, so he could watch the way your head was thrown back and your chest heaved with the exertion.
He dug his hands into your hips and let his head hit the back of the couch, feet planted on the floor to help his hips thrust up into you, earning him some of the prettiest, stifled moans he’d ever heard.
Truthfully, he had not expected to fuck you. He figured you might be down to just make out for a bit until the cleaning staff came and booted you from the building, but both your pants had quite quickly and naturally found their way to the floor.
Neither of you spoke much, which he was thankful for. That would have been far too complicated of a conversation, especially considering you really didn’t know each other all that well.
Spinner usually liked to do a bit of ‘getting to know you’ type activities before he hooked up with people, which he did with surprising frequency for somebody so starved for a long term thing. Sex just fucking felt good and it was this eagerness that was his downfall. Most people he’d fucked around with seemed to read the urge to get into their pants as a diminished interest or emotional attraction and Spinner ended up with more friends with benefits than actual friends...or benefits.
Regardless, it was fine by him that the only form of communication passing between you for now were scattered groans of pleasure and the wet slap of your ass against his thighs.
He’d nearly forgotten how fucking amazing pussy felt.
For no particular reason, Spinner had always found himself fooling around with bodies more similar to his own. Not that he had any real preference, though the lack of experience often made him a bit nervous in the whole ‘pleasing your partner’ department, despite many helpful lessons from his roommate.
That was all to say that Spinner was incredibly thankful you reached down to guide his hand that had clumsily begun rubbing circles on your clit. That is until you simply knocked it away and went back to riding his dick like a fucking champ.
Then he did speak.
“Wanna make you cum,” he mumbled and really did sound like he was pouting this time.
You peered down at him, slowing your pace so you sat flush in his lap, grinding his cock deep against your walls. Spinner keened as you clenched around him, pussy so deliciously warm he felt himself near to drowning in the feel of you.
“Mm fuck,” you panted, leaning in to steal a few more messy kisses from him before lifting up and enveloping him in the slick heat all over again. “Don’t worry about it.”
“No,” he nipped at the column or your throat, careful not to leave any lasting marks just in case. “If I’m finishing, you’re fucking finishing.”
You pulled back and stared at him for a moment. He felt you purposefully tightening around him just so he would squirm under your curious gaze. After a moment you smirked and rolled your eyes again, taking his hand and guiding his fingers back to that little nub just above where his thick length was seated inside you.
Spinner was proud of his dick, it was hefty but not so long that it was a hassle to fit—just enough to reach all the important bits. He was sensitive as hell too most of the time, so just about any pressure felt amazing. But the best part of it was watching whoever he was fucking fall apart on his goddamn perfect cock.
So when you whispered, “Like this,” and showed him the rhythm and motion you liked, he pulled himself back from the brink to pay attention, speeding up until that look of cooled control slid right off your face.
“Ahh, yes fuck...” the words tumbled from you freely now. “Shit, yeah just like that—”
Spinner could get fucking drunk off the low groan that left you as he planted his feet more firmly and bucked his hips up. He must have hit something good by the way you choked and moaned boarding on too loud, though he had neither the heart nor self control to stop you.
“Feel good?” he grunted, picking up the pace and force he thrust into you, so that you had to loop your arms around his neck and hold tightly as he speared you on his cock.
“Fuck...yes..” you whimpered into his shoulder which did wonders for his ego.
Spinner kept up his rubbing frantic patterns on your clit and feeling the gradual constriction of your walls around him—the coil growing tight and ready to snap. He nudged your cheek with his until you pulled back a bit to face him.
“I want to see you,” he murmured, sucking your tongue into his mouth for a moment and tearing himself away so he could watch as you came undone around him.
You gave him a strange, soft look and pressed your forehead to his, eyes zoned in on only him.
The rest of the room, the whole fucking basement and campus melted away under that stare.
Your nipples peaked through your shirt, brushing against his as you were jostled into him by the movement of your hips. As you reached your peak, words devolved into increasingly breathy gasps. It took Spinner an incredible amount of concentration not to fucking paint your insides then and there.
Your pussy was so goddamn tight and warm and milking him just right, it was a fucking impressive feat to remain staunchly at the edge of his peak as your mouth fell open and your fingernails scratched at his back when you finally came—the telltale spasms around his cock and the near sobs coming from you more than enough indication.
He lost himself well and truly then.
Lost in the false sense of intimacy that came with being allowed to see you fall apart, this person he barely knew yet made him feel immensely important in that moment. Your breath and spit was in his mouth, the smell and feel of you soaking his length pushed him beyond the realm of conscious thought.
There was only a deep and burning need to be closer to you. So, so much closer.
His hands moved of their own accord, hooking under your thighs and flipping your bodies so your back hit the cushions and he hovered above you. The angle allowed him to slide deeper, pulling out and thrusting his hips in fast, hard strokes that hurtled him towards release.
Spinner couldn’t keep himself quite now either, panting and moaning and gasping unashamedly with his eyes screwed shut as you took his cock so unbelievably well.
It wasn’t until your hands, softer than he’d imagined, cupped his jaw and pulled him down to meet you that he was brought back down from whatever higher plane of existence his impending orgasm whisked him too.
Your lips weren’t nearly as frantic as the rocking of his thighs, the slap of his balls against your ass. The sweetness was an odd but welcome contrast.
“I’m gonna—fucking mm...” he tried so hard to get his tongue to form the words but he could feel himself slipping further as you started clamping around his length again.
“I know,” you breathed against his lips, faces pressed together and unmoving eyes steady on his own. “Ahh, inside if you want.”
He did want.
Oh fuck did he want nothing more in that moment to stay sunk in your warmth and pump you so full, but the last few remaining logical braincells reminded him that was not a great idea. Not without a more in-depth conversation neither of you was in a state to have.
“Shouldn’t...” he groaned and moved to pull out but your ankles locked around his ass and forced him back down.
“It’s okay,” you huffed and rocked into him, squeezing around the sensitive head of his dick just once, just right and that did him in.
It was something in the way you looked at him, so that he could feel nothing but secure—nothing but safe wrapped up in you. Something about the way you pressed him closer, in the movement of your thumb on his cheek.
It scratched some deep seated, lonely itch in Spinner.
Made it feel like this meant a hell of a lot more than it probably did.
In seconds he was blowing his fucking load right into you, milking himself in your heat until he was spent and overstimulated. You were kind enough to pull him to you, turning your bodies so you laid side by side on the coach, his softening cock slipping from you in a gush of release.
For a minute or so, neither of you spoke, just stared, long and comfortable at the stranger you’d just fucked on the gaming club couch.
Fucked wasn’t really the word he’d use at that point to describe what you’d just done, but anything more than that felt presumptuous.
You broke the silence as he nuzzled into your palm.
“You really needed that didn’t you?”
Spinner couldn’t help the familiar, infectious laugh that rattled in his chest. He liked the smile it earned him, far more genuine than any others you’d worn that night.
“Uh, yeah,” he said. “Yeah, I guess I did.”
You hummed, nodding in response. “Mm, me too.”
And somehow, for no real logical reason, Spinner knew you understood. That you felt the same isolation, the same starvation for love, for holding weight in someone else’s world.
That the games were just a placeholder, a way to fill the space, to get lost in other lives, in other stories where he did matter. Where his actions had foreseeable and measurable worth. That’s why it hurt to lose. Not for the glory, but for the destruction of the only remaining diversion from how empty his reality felt.
Even if it wasn’t really.
Even if there were friends and benefits and friends who offered both. His roommate could let him rest his head in their lap on movie nights or sleep in his bed on occasion when the heat went out and he got cold too quickly. But none of that quite filled the hole like you now, holding his face and knowing the struggle without him having to explain it.
Nothing like you pulling him in and kissing him too familiarly for someone he’d only known a day.
Magne used to say something about shit like this. Something like how people bond in train cars when there’s a rat eating a slice of pizza and you all watch it happen. Some weird camaraderie forged in the shared experience of life being a little fucking freaky a lot of the time.
That was how it felt when you slipped your leg between his and brushed your lips together again. Content to lay, half naked in the media building basement, making out with some guy you beat at Smash and fucked right after.
Reveling in the brief but meaningful feeling of mattering in some small, strange way to someone else.
Of holding weight.
Of being held.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Okay I really enjoyed this week’s episode! It set up a bunch of cool stuff that I can’t wait to see, and it was a fun watch. We got a number of desperately needed partner/Digimon moments, and we got some much needed Taiyama friendship action going on - as well as some other stuff I super appreciated (but still want more of). I’m so stoked for how the team is coming together.
We didn’t get a few things I normally would have expected, and I’m never quite sure if I feel that way because it’s truly missing or if it’s just that “this ain’t your momma’s Digimon Adventure” yadda yadda. I don’t think i’ll ever get used to Taichi being so serious in comparison to his 99 incarnation (but, I get the feeling he is more in line with original V-Tamer Taichi, so there’s that).
So not a slam dunk for me, but all in all, it was good!
I just took as many Taiyama pics as I could so why don’t we just knock one out of the way before we begin xD
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They look so coooool all beat up and windswept
More below!
Sooo last week, the aptly named Eyesmon evolved into the equally well-named Orochimon. I always think “hydra!” (thank you Hercules) so initially my thought was that the plan would be for each of the kids to take out one head. Then I remembered, we only have six kids so far... and then I got a better look at it:
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(this cap’s from much later but it shows the whole body so)
there was clearly one head that was significantly different from the others and appeared the most connected to the body! So the strategy was clearly lop off the central head because that’s what’s controlling the rest! A la VenomVamdemon only slightly less gross hahaha
Meanwhile back in real Tokyo, as Koushirou explains, the electronic pulse generated from this freaky Digimon’s battle is affecting anything digital, or even just anything that uses electricity.
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Our kids try to fight but it’s pretty obvious they’re out of their league. I did totally love MetalGreymon and Zudomon leading the charge together sort of. Because I continue to be a sucker for Taichi/Jou growth parallels! Anyway they both get knocked out and de-evolve so Taichi calls for them to regroup.
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Aww piggyback
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The way Jou carries Gomamon like an infant though ;___;
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Sora and Garudamon lead the retreat, scooping everyone up and carrying them out of danger and omg look at Gomamon he looks so cozy gaaah
but not before Taichi realizes someone’s not with them... it’s Yamato of course... he’s just standing there... staring...
Why? Because “my little brother’s in danger in the real world!” That is adorable. Stupid but adorable.
Also stupid yet adorable... Taichi immediately runs to go get him. I have no idea WHAT his plan was but I am eternally grateful that he is such a dork because it gives adorable dorkiness like this:
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and this
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and ultimately this
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weregarurumon tries his best he really does
(no but really this is now my PREFERRED method of transportation for these two, one each tucked under WereGarurumon’s armpit and just dangling like that while he runs like crazy protecting his precious cargo... also look at Taichi holding onto Agumon’s arm the whole time eeeeeiiiii I love those detals it almost distracts from WereGarurumon’s expression of shock when they inevitably get shot and fall to their doom x’D)
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yeah so everyone gets shot and falls to their separate dooms, and this was 100% just an excuse to put Taichi and Yamato alone together. The shonen action anime equivalent of “and there was only one bed!”
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Jou continues to cradle Gomamon like his very own son
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The kids wonder what to do and Jou has a cool moment here and there (like legit cool, where he acts all responsible)
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... er, I did say “moment” :P
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Meanwhile Koushirou is all cryptic and scary. That is his main job after all. You may think it’s to be the team brain, but it’s actually to make sure we viewers know just how terrible things really are so we can lose all hope of survival even though we already know they’re going to win x’D
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I mean that is pretty scary tbh
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Taichi breathes a sigh of relief. I wasn’t exactly surprised that he’s not running out to fight - even 99 Taichi usually understood when it was time for a strategic retreat. At the same time, maybe it’s just me, but I totally got the sense that he was scared in this scene. Not out of his head with fear, but definitely worried, I mean none of them seemed to have any effect on this monster earlier. It’s interesting to feel his tension.
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“Yamato why did you just stand there in the street while we were trying to make our getaway?”
“Because... my little brother’s right in the center of danger back home... I can’t let this monster continue its rampage or he could get hurt...”
“Yeah man that’s all fine but I mean why did you just stand there in the street like an idiot I’m pretty sure you won’t be much use to your little bro if you’re steamrollered?!?!”
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He looks so surprised that all this has been because of brotherly love. I can’t remember, is this the first Taichi’s hearing of Takeru? I know he wasn’t there when Yamato told Sora & co but maybe it was mentioned way back when they jogressed... Either way I wonder why he doesn’t say “I get it, I have a sister back home too that I’m worried about too.” Seems like a moment for bonding ya know?
That is the one thing I felt was missing here... we went through all the trouble of getting Taichi and Yamato alone together, and all that happens is Yamato confides something in Taichi that he’s already shared with the others. I mean, Taichi also shows his willingness to help Yamato and work together, and I think that is the important thing we’re supposed to take away, as Yamato’s all touched by it... but uh, for the most part I felt like not much happened in this scene, at least not that we haven’t already seen before.
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Takeru’s phone, he’s waiting for a call from “oniichan” T-T my precious boy
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And we actually get to see him!! His face!! His adorableness!! Ahhh Takeru I miss youuu!
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Family photo! Parents’ faces not shown in the usual tradition of “divorcees in kids’ shows”! Also the tell-tale brothers are holding hands, but parents are standing as far apart as possible...
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Meanwhile Taichi’s mom and sis are trying in vain to evacuate while their car flips out. Hikari sees an image of Orochimon broadcast on a nearby building and flinches away. No one else seems to notice it so maybe this is just her special ability like in 99 Adventure?
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Traffic’s at a complete standstill and everyone’s electronics are going bonkers so Mama Yagami has them get out and head for the trains. Unfortunately this is what everyone else decides to do as well, and Hikari winds up like Simba in the wildebeest stampede, only there’s no one to jump in and save her so she tragically dies. :P
taichi: I see your ‘brother in danger’ and raise you one ‘dead sister.’
yamato: screw you
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Then he remembers to praise his partner!!! All by himself! (Finally!) Gomamon’s so happy! It was so unexpected and he’s ecstastic!
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Piyomon instantly gets jealous!!!! It’s so adorable!!! Sora is quick to reassure her that Garudamon is indispensable.
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“And I’m the prettiest, right Mimi?”
“When you’re Lillymon, anyway.”
lol the return of Mimi only appreciates Lillymon’s sense of fashion tickles me. an essential Mimi characteristic
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Tentomon shyly and awkwardly tries to wring a compliment out of Koushirou too. It works, Koushirou is quick to tell Tentomon that he’s super cool as AtlurKabuterimon. I will be honest though, I wanted him to fail, just because we need to let these kids actually develop!! Their arcs are over so quickly! It took 99 Koushirou 52 episodes to be able to say “I love you” (I think it was “thank you” or something in the original Japanese but the point is he was being super honest and vulnerable at long long last). Imagine what an important moment this would have been if Tentomon’s “and me?” had been met with “huh? uh uh... I was thinking about how to defeat Orochimon... what are we talking about?”
That is something I continue to miss, not just with Koushirou but with everyone... their personal weaknesses just don’t really feel like weaknesses the way they did in 99 Adventure. And I’m just wondering why? For me, that was a driving force of what made 99 Adventure really great. It wasn’t afternoon special “stories with a moral” type drivel, because what they learned in the moment still had to build upon, and they would fail again, and learn again, and become their best selves slowly. And they’d risk a lot in the meantime. It was powerful to ten-year-old me. We are at ep 17 now and by this point in 99 Adventure, we’d had tons of scenes like that. I keep thinking “okay it’s early, we’ve got time!” but at this point it’s not so early anymore! But comparing with 99 Adventure is also a useless effort and I continue to choose to enjoy this show as its own separate thing and believe there’s still lots to come.
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Taichi expresses his willingness to fight alongside Yamato even though as Yamato warn’s “it’s gonna be totes yabai”
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Taichi: “I eat yabai for breakfast”
Yamato: “smiles”
jokes aside... the way Yamato smiles at Taichi is so cute! It’s hesitant, but once it’s there it doesn’t waver. He’s clearly starting to get used to relying on Taichi for backup, at least, and it’s no question that he feels friendship for him and the others, he’s just reluctant to admit it. The question is how all this will hold up when the situation’s reversed.
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I LOVE this particular cap, Idk, there’s something about the sheer determination on Taichi’s face and the trust in Yamato’s as he looks back at him while they ride Garurumon directly into Orochimon’s line of fire... Fizz I think you’re reading too much into the animation. DON’T MESS WITH MY DREAMS OK I KNOW THESE KIDS BETTER THAN I KNOW MYSELF
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obligatory Best Boy cap
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Suddenly, in the real world, the fight is broadcast on the screens!! I was expecting this to happen every time a screen flickered, but once it did, I was like wow!! they’re going to let the whole world in on the secret of the digital world already!? and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that
BUT... that’s not what happened, maybe. Because so far the only ones who for sure are seeing these images of Digimon and the Chosen Children are Hikari and Takeru. No one else reacted to Orochimon and Mama Yagami doesn’t go “hey, that’s my son!” We could argue no one noticed because they were busy evacuating like maniacs, and Mama Yagami was busy looking for Hikari on the ground and not looking up at the screens. But it feels impossible that someone wouldn’t notice! So my current theory is only Hikari and Takeru can actually see these images... at least for now.
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The fight rages. Meanwhile, the others soon catch up, as the only reason they were separated in the first place was to let Taichi and Yamato have a Moment. One thing I really liked though was Sora more or less leading the charge to join Taichi and Yamato. I want more of “second in command Sora” now and forever. (My personal headcanon since I was a kid was always that if something happened to Taichi, Sora, not Yamato, would take over. Tri did not go that way though :P)
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Burning eyes of courage!!
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They beat Orochimon by taking off his central head, as predicted. Then they all go and take a nap in the street. It is full of d’awww.
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Gabumon and Agumon mimicking their partners’ body language always get’s a mega d’awwwww
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Taichi: “That was yabai!”
Yamato: “I warned you it would be.”
Taichi: “Yeah, but we made it somehow!”
Yamato: “... smiles”
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Uggggghhhh I can’tttttt with these two
Like Koushrou, Yamato is totally whipped by Taichi’s smile... oh dear... my heart is pulled in two directions... Taiyama... Taishirou... “my number one my number two...” (anyone else remember that dumb song there used to be tons of love triangle amvs on youtube set to it...)
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I mean just look. look at Yamato looking at Taichi. he can’t make himself look anywhere else. ToT
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Sora and Piyomon also win Adorable Award of the Day.
Honestly everyone gets it... I apologize for not having any cute Tentomon resting on Koushirou scenes capped! It’s because they drew Tentomon’s head freakishly big and I just couldn’t do it bahahaha but they were cute too
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And that’s the end of... oh oh wait, did you think the battle was over? YOU NOOB. xD
every veteran Digi fan was not at all surprised to see this countdown appear and what looks like yet another bad guy evolution next week. Also next week...
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... looks like Takeru’s finally going to join us!! Yaaaay! Very dramatically too it seems!
We got a glimpse of Hikari in a similar moment BUT... I’m not convinced Hikari will truly be joining us. She was separated from her mom and is clearly going to have a Digimon interaction of some sort like Takeru, but I think this is “eighth child” build up, one because the current ending theme is completely Takeru centric, and two because it just makes sense to me that Takeru would be Crisis One and Hikari will be Crisis Two. Idk of course it’s just a hunch.
Fizz before you said Hikari was killed in the stampede I WAS KIDDING
kidding about children dying??? OMG Y’ALL
maybe though Hikari’s swept away by those people, gets her Digivice, then is promptly captured by... idk evil Digimon, or shady government officials? More likely, she gets her digivice and helps but keeps it a secret and plans to show her brother when they reunite... we’ll see!
This ep I give 8/10!!
Ending with one more cool Taichi cap from next week’s trailer!
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zodiyack · 4 years
Tell Me It’s Real
Requested by anon: So I had this idea for a fic where the reader is pretending to be in love with Roman to get close to him. The reader is a viglante and plans to take him down when she earns his trust. he finds out about her plans and he’s upset because he really likes her. But instead of killing her he keeps her as a prisoner. Sorry if that’s too specific. I love your work!
Pairing: Roman Sionis x reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, alcohol, drugging, crime, soft!Roman, mention of murder, kidnapping(?), mention of Roman’s homemade removal surgery (aka face skinning), mention of Stockholm syndrome? idk, movie reference
Note: I hope this is what you wanted! I’m sorry if I went a bit offtrack! I also I apologize, I was rather tired when writing the first half of this!
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Taglist: @stardancerluv​​ @matth1w​​ @redspaceace​​
Masterlist | Birds of Prey Masterlist
Part Two
Her lips formed into a smirk against his. He was tempted to deepen their kiss, but for now, he was being interrupted with a business deal. With him being more focused on the pain across from him who was pleading for a deal, he didn’t notice the flicking eyes of his girlfriend. The way she subtly listened to their conversation.
But just because Roman hadn't noticed didn’t mean Victor didn’t take caution. He saw her, just as he did every time she did something of the sort. He was curious to know why, but he left it be. As Roman’s best friend and employee, he knew the boundary of accusing Roman’s lover of anything without solid evidence.
He tried photos. But Y/n was the same as he was with her. Both keeping an eye on each other. He tried to set up cameras. But she was always one step ahead, always being out of the view of the lens or the footage would “somehow” be glitchy, deleted, ruined, just never the way he knew it was supposed to be.
It all added up for him. However, not for Roman. Head over fucking heals for Y/n; he refused to believe anything that was said of her. From Victor or someone else. He never believed.
This was the time. Victor was determined to catch her. She had to fuck up at some point, right? No human being was that perfect.
“Rome?” Her breath tickled his neck, distracting him from the conversation. She nipped at his ear as he made a “mhm” sound in response to his name. “I’m feeling thirsty. What about you?”
“Exactly the same as you, angel. I’ll get Vincent to g-”
“No!” Victor’s head snapped up, both him and Roman had a look of confusion and shock at her sudden raise of voice. “I mean, no. I’ll get them myself.”
“Oh...if you’d like. Come right back though, alright, Angel?”
“Yes sir. I love you, Romey.” She kissed him roughly before setting off to get the promised drinks. Now that she finally had control over him, her plan was being set into motion. He finally trusted her. She knew of the reports being made of her, she knew how Roman turned them down like they were just rumors, it all was just proof that it was the perfect time for her to begin.
She went up to the bar and asked for two cups of a random alcohol. When the man handed her the drinks, she thanked him and walked to a dark corner, pouring pills into one of the cups. Thank god she accepted Harley’s offer.
“Wait! Please, just let me go, I just started my life free of Mr. J! I’ll give you something in return!”
“Harley, what on earth could you possibly have that would stop me from turning you in?”
She fished around in her pocket, smiling brightly when she found what she was searching for. “Here,” she held out a bottle of pills. Specifically the kind you’d use to drug someone. The kind to knock them out. “take ‘em!”
“What the hell would I need these for? I’m a fucking vigilante, I’m throwing you guys in jail, not kidnapping you.”
“You know exactly what they’re for!”
Her arms folded over her chest, inhaling deeply and rolling her eyes. “No, Harley, I really don’t.”
“Oh come on Y/n! Don’t be so modest! I know you’re goin’ for the big one! Roman Sionis?”
Her eyes widened. “H-how did you-”
“Easy! You and that other... scary.. cop lady want a case against him. You’re the only new person so he has no idea who you are, meaning it’s easy for you to sneak right in and turn him to putty in your hands before... ya know-” She shook the pills next to her face. “You may have gotten some people in jail, but if you build your reputation up too quickly, he’ll have you shot dead before you can even reach the lot of his club.”
“And how do I know you won’t go blabbering to him?” Y/n drawled, taking the bottle from the blonde.
“Really? He hates my guts. I thought you knew that already? Oooh righttt, you’re new. Sorry, I just forgot for a sec due to how good you are at this hero shit.”
“Anytime sweets!” She glanced down at her wrist, checking an imaginary watch. “Welp, nice talking to ya, but I gotta go. Seeya!” Before any words could leave Y/n’s mouth, Harley was already on the back of the bus, holding onto the rail and catching an illegal ride.
She sat back down, smiling at her boyfriend and handing him the cup with the drugged drink. One of the men across from her initiated a conversation. It was the perfect timing for something against her plan.
Victor had seen her. He’d seen the pills. Stealthily, but obvious enough for Roman to notice him, he switched the cups. and shrugged when Roman raised an eyebrow.
“Could I make a toast?”
Y/n turned to Victor, smiling and grabbing the glass in front of her. Victor spat out some bullshit toast and downed his glass, the rest of the table following his action. A few moments went by and Y/n started to sway, she struggled to keep her eyes open.
“Angel? Are you alright? Do you need us to leave early?”
“I’m.. I’m fine Rome. I p-promi...promise...” The last “promise” of her sentence was whispered. Her head hit the table and her eyes fell closed. Roman jumped up, no knowing what was going on or who to blame.
“You! What the fuck did you do to her Victor?”
He assumed quickly, based off Victor switching their cups in front of him. “It wasn’t me. That cup was from her, meant for you. Remember? I didn’t do jack-shit to her.”
It hit him. Finally. It hit him like a thunderbolt striking his tall form. Moments he should’ve taken note of. The times she was caught in suspicious actions and brushed it off with some excuse he believed. There was still one more thing.
“Out.” No one moved. Rarely anyone heard him. If they did, they didn’t listen to him. “Out!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CLUB!” Just like that, they did. People swarmed, racing to the exit, not wanting to face the furry and wrath of Roman Sionis. “Zsasz-”
“On it boss.” He began to pick her up and head into the direction of where Roman’s infamous unconsented facial removal surgeries took place. 
“Where the fuck are you going?”
“Don’t listen? I know. As I was going to say, chain her up... please. Don’t hurt her, don’t kill her,” He turned to the rest of his employees, “you got that? NONE OF YOU LAY A FUCKING HAND ON HER! Or it’ll be your face I skin next.”
Audible gulps sounded through the room. No one moved. Not even an inch.
“Well? GO!”
. . .
She woke up, vision blurred and wrists feeling sore. Her eyes were watery and her throat felt dry. She couldn’t have messed up, she knew exactly what glass it was in! No matter her mistake, she was obviously in for it now. ‘Fuck.’
“Well well, look who’s awake Roman!” A voice sneered from in front of her. Y/n managed to look up, meeting the eyes of Victor Zsasz. “Look at you now. So helpless. You’ve failed, ya know? Just one little brat who ca-”
“Enough, Victor.”
Victor’s eyes never left Y/n’s. He stared her down while mumbling an apology to Roman, obviously not genuine. She took the chance, smiling mischievously, and spat in his face.
“You bitch!” His hand raised to meet her face, but Roman stopped him quickly.
“Victor. I said enough.” Y/n could hear his steps approaching her. Great, she really was gonna die. “Please leave us, friend.”
“Yeah whatever.”
He left, just as Roman had asked, Although she acted fearless and literally just did something that could’ve gotten her killed on the spot, a tinge of fear made it’s way to her gut. Roman seemed intrigued with his girlfriend. Was she really afraid or was she skimming through her mind for an escape strategy?
She was too busy shivering with wide eyes, confused by Roman’s actions.
“Listen... I know, I should kill you. I mean, if anyone else had done it, I would’ve peeled their fucking face off and then made them suffer a horrible death, but you... I fucking loved you. I- I love you.”
“Roman. P-please I-”
“No. I’ve already figured it out, Angel.”
“Roman! I beg of you, please don’t kill me.. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have hurt you like that! I hurt you by using your heart rather than a less emotional tactic and I’m sorry!”
Roman tutted, walking around Y/n and kneeling in front of her. “Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. You’re right, it hurt me in a very unfair way, but your apologies won’t excuse your attempt of knocking me out.”
“How did you-” She thought back, Victor keeping his eyes on her, her finding what she thought to be an unoccupied corner and not bothering to check her surroundings. “Shit.”
“O-huh-ha-o! You finally figured it out! Well, he switched the glasses, and look where we are now. The woman I love, trying to kill me. What is this, Mr. and Mrs. Smith?”
“Could be.” she sighed. “Are you gonna...” The chains rattled against the floor as she moved her hands in a circle motion over her face.
“Skin you? No. I’m gonna keep you here.” He stood up.
“Am I gonna die?”
“No to that question as well.” Roman started towards the door. “There is, however, a way you can get out of this.”
“And that is?”
He turned slightly, eyes meeting hers. “Well you gotta make sure it’s the truth. Some guy is coming by and he loves his machinery. Something about it shocking you if you lie?” A goofy “oops”-kind-of-smile rested on his lips.
“But what is it that I need to do?”
The door slammed shut and the locks clicked into place. “Tell Me It’s Real.”
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦  
Part two? Also I’m sorry if this story is like...REALLY ooc or something, I just went with the flow. 
And with the movie reference part (Mr. And Mrs. Smith) I could totally write an au for that as a Roman Sionis if y’all like that idea. Him or another character, I don’t mind, I just like the movie a lot
✘ Bowie
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amerasdreams · 3 years
I have been listening to True Spies podcast on Spotify. It’s apparently connected to a thing called Spyscape, which has a museum/experience thing in New York. They also have an online test for your personality and intelligence.... well those intelligence tests all of course have to do with math. and they are TIMED. somehow I got thru guessing most of them.... didn’t score 0 but didn’t score great. 
so guess what I scored on intelligence!  and personality scores mean I’m more prone to health problems and being unhappy.... :( 
(here I woke up thinking I can be uniquely me, I don’t want to be like anyone else anyway, I can embrace that... but how can I when what I am is this pathetic)
I shouldn’t have done this, I know what these tests do, make me discouraged and hate myself more. they even said I’m not imaginative and creative-- things I value most besides intelligence (and intuition/empathy...) 
they did say the “spy role” I was most suited for, which is what I’m most interested in, intelligence analyst. But in the more “practical” side, for jobs, it mentioned medical things, technical things, which I wouldn’t be good at and don’t like, business marketing-- working for a business I don’t care about, a job with no meaning....  it even had mathematician! when I’m obviously not good at math. the only jobs I might be interested in are psychologist/criminologist... idk.... to late for me to get any career anyway, let alone somehow what I really want
they did a risk assessment, where you blow up the balloon before it pops to get “money” - yesterday I started it and panicked when the balloon popped the first time and closed the window. then when I was walking the dogs it occured to me it was a test lol and I would just have to keep risking popping the balloon... so today I saw it as more of a game and not the ‘scary balloon popping oh no I lost money!” -not even real money. idk about fun.... all these things were stressful esp the intelligence test. 
today I started the test, thinking it might help me, get insight into what I can do, instead, it discouraged me, I’m what I thought, mediocre and not suited for much, they only gave a “role” to me because they had to give me something. It said the intelligence analyst is inquisitive--when it just said I wasn’t -  idk how this even fits with the test bc analytical? that wasn’t one of the dimensions and doesn’t seem like I scored high on implied analytical powers, same with determined-- 
how can i live with myself being like this, having no role and no future according to any dimension that really counts. don’t want to be plodding away at menial tasks when I want to do something Imaginative, Creative, Intellectual-- ha can’t even do that
oh I’m proving them right, easily stressed and sensitive and reactive -- 
I’m not including the risk assessment bc I don’t think it’s accurate-- I’m really very risk averse in all cases... oh we know that already so. 
results (bold/parentheses is mine)
Unlike Alan Turing would, you scored moderately low {yay!:(} on this attribute. The result, driven by your performance in the personality tests, suggests that, on the whole, you struggle with complex mathematical and analytical problems. {so how can I be an analyst?} That said, you can usually spot patterns and find links in data – as long as the information you have been given isn’t too abstract. (I like big picture things.... abstract things... apparently I’m not good at it)
Like other people with a moderately low Mental Horsepower score, you are more likely to ‘go with your gut’ when making decisions rather than to apply logic and reason (that’s true.... logic is mystifying. fits with being INFP-- logic is my weakest point). It is unlikely that you will sit down and win a game of chess, and you probably rely on your satnav rather than read a map yourself. (yep.... chess is too much strategy... I can’t see ahead like that .. hm how could I be an analyst)
Because you are not a very conceptual thinker, you are better in roles where you can do things ‘automatically’ rather than applying any abstract reasoning skills. You are not bad at visual-spatial or mathematical tests though, and with training and practice, your skills will definitely improve.
Mental Horsepower relates to our general cognitive ability and our capacity to think about, reason with, and understand abstract concepts. It particularly links to analytical and mathematical skills, but also covers memory, comprehension, language, learning capacity and judgement. These are hugely significant skills for success at work and in everyday life.
Psychologists have developed all kinds of tests to measure cognitive ability. Some of these involve predicting outcomes from patterns in data (also known as inductive reasoning), while others focus on mentally flipping and rotating images. We use both of these approaches in our Mental Horsepower tests at SPYSCAPE.
Recent neuroimaging research shows that intelligence is linked to brain patterns, and that these patterns are unique to each of us (meaning you can’t change them :(  )– much like our fingerprints. In one study, these brain ‘fingerprints’ were used to successfully predict people’s scores in IQ tests.
While IQ tests are probably the most common method for determining cognitive ability, there is some debate over whether they provide a complete picture. For example, theories suggest that there are many different types of intelligence which are not accounted for in these tests. Still, it is generally accepted that people who score highly on tests of cognitive ability are on the whole better at completing intelligence-related (so that career’s out... if it was ever in lol) tasks in the real world.
Unlike Jason Bourne, you scored extremely low (low on everything! what a wonderful person!) on this attribute. The result, driven by your performance in the personality tests, suggests that you are far more vulnerable to stressors than most people (I knew that). You are likely to have a very strong emotional reaction to negative events and your brain becomes highly active when you see something you perceive as unpleasant (like this test!). Although this means you find it hard to relax, it also means you are really tuned in to your surroundings ( and what’s the upside of that? nice consolation prize....)
Like other people with extremely low levels of composure, you are highly likely to experience anxiety and burnout. (with things that aren’t really stressful to anyone else. just stepping outside. just being inside-- doing thigns like this.. doing most things actually-- help how can i live) You can be far too critical of yourself (well how do i stop? if this is how I am like), especially when you are stressed (which is almost all the time), and this can make it tricky for you to overcome problems (which is never, which is why I’m still living w my parents). You also dwell on the past far more than people with high composure.
On the positive side, you are responsive to your environment, which means you are more likely to anticipate negative outcomes and find ways to avoid them (like almost everything). You are also sensitive and caring, and your observant nature means you look out for yourself and the people close to you. (what’s the point of that when you can’t do anything, or get to know new people)
It is unlikely your colleagues will turn to you when there is an emergency or crisis at work. This is because you struggle to keep your emotions in check, and challenging situations can get the better of you. When this happens, you are not great at maintaining focus or making tough decisions.
Composure relates to how our brains respond to stress. In tense situations, your brain activates an area called the hypothalamus, which releases adrenalin and cortisol – also known as stress hormones.
A bit of stress now and then is important for survival, because it alerts us to the dangers around us. Small amounts can be useful, but too much over a long period of time is bad for our health (oh goody). Studies show that the adrenal cortex, the part of the brain that releases stress hormones, is also linked to the healthy function of our immune system – and people who are more prone to stress are also more likely to get sick.
There is also a connection between composure and working (short-term) memory. Composed people perform better on tasks where they need to recall and use relevant information while they’re doing something else – for example remembering the steps of a recipe when cooking a meal.
Unlike diligent Mission: Impossible hero Isla Faust, you scored moderately low on this attribute. The result, driven by your performance in the personality tests, suggests that unlike Isla, you find it difficult to keep focused on long-term goals {Idk about this. goals are all i focus on.... well. I think about them often but Idk how to create the steps to get there and so things fizzle out and I get-- discouraged what else is new). You get distracted or bored quite quickly and are often drawn to new ideas and projects instead of finishing what you are currently doing (well.... hm. I finish novels...). You understand what is important in life, but you sometimes skip the details. (I’m not a detail person... I can be but they often seem irrelevant)
Because you prefer not to a follow a schedule, hobbies that require regular training are not for you. In fact, your interests change quite regularly, and you find long-term commitment a challenge whatever the activity. Friends and family know that if they want you to do something, they need to encourage you to get organized. When they press you, however, you do things pretty well.
You take a relatively flexible approach to work. As such, you get distracted easily and do not always complete the task in hand. Because of your tendency to do this, you are likely to change jobs – and perhaps even career – fairly regularly (I want variety... Idk, this sort of fits, sort of doesn’t).
Conscientiousness shapes how likely you are to follow rules, regulate your own behavior and get yourself organized. The more conscientious you are, the more motivated by goals and tasks you are likely to be.
According to what psychologists call the ‘Big-5’ model, conscientiousness is a core dimension of personality – and one of the five key traits that drive human behavior. Whether you are high or low in conscientiousness can help predict your success in social, academic and professional situations.
If you have high levels of conscientiousness, you are probably more productive and better at adapting to new situations (that’s true, I’m not) that come your way. However, this does not mean that being conscientious is always a good thing, because research also shows that being too conscientious can lead to overthinking. (I do that too...)
Some studies suggest that people who are more conscientious are healthier – and they might even live longer. This might be because conscientious people are more likely to exercise regularly, eat healthily, and avoid smoking or drinking too much alcohol.
It’s hard to say where conscientiousness comes from. One study found a link with areas of the brain relating to attention and cognitive control. There is also evidence to suggest that genes play their part. It’s likely that social factors such as your upbringing influence how conscientious you are, too.
(I think I’m sort of this, sort of not because I’m borderline INFP -- P is flexible, impulsive while J is more structured-- I’m slightly more Perceiving. goes to show Myers-Briggs is pretty good at describing personality accurately....)
Unlike Carrie Mathison in Homeland, you scored moderately low on this attribute. Your score was driven by your performance in the personality tests, and it suggests that you are pretty cautious about new ideas, beliefs, cultures and theories.
Like other people who scored moderately low on this attribute, you are not so willing to take on board other people’s views (that’s true). You will consider what people have to say, but you are likely to stick with your own opinion. You feel more comfortable in familiar situations and surroundings (well, yes...), and you do not really feel the need to explore new places (I kind of do, though... I want to but I often... don’t. because it’s too hard).
Because you aren’t motivated to learn or acquire new skills (Idk about this... depends on if it’s something I’m interested in. I’m learning like 15 languages on Duolingo...), you are less likely to seek out new opportunities at work. And the longer you stay in a job, the worse your motivation is likely to get. In general, you tend to perform better when you start a new position, although you will carry this out using the same approach you always have, rather than approach it in a new way. You like real-world, practical work that has straightforward solutions.
Inquisitiveness is an important trait for discovering new things and building a better understanding of people and of the world around us. Psychologists have developed tools for assessing and measuring how inquisitive a person is.
These are based on extensive research into personality and are designed to evaluate five facets related to inquisitiveness: (i) intellectual curiosity; (ii) aesthetic sensitivity; (iii) active imagination; (iv) attentiveness to inner feelings and; (v) preference for variety.
Furthermore, personality researchers have identified two types of inquisitiveness; ‘epistemic’, which refers to information seeking ( I think I’m more information seeking?) behaviour and ‘perceptual’, which refers to experience seeking.
A bit like Alec Leamas in The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, you scored extremely low (yay. well I knew this... and from answering the questions... )on this attribute, which suggests that you prefer to spend time alone and keep yourself to yourself. You avoid parties, meet-ups and other noisy gatherings because you find them overwhelming (wayyyy). If you really have to socialize, you need plenty of quiet time afterwards to help you rest and recharge.
Like others with an extremely low sociability score, you don’t like being the center of attention and often struggle to start conversations. You think a lot before speaking and regularly find it hard to express your thoughts and ideas. Because of this, you often let others do the talking, and you don’t take part in small talk either. This behavior means you might come across as socially reactive, and people may think you only talk to them when you feel you really have to (as in, extremely negative, and I shouldn’t exist. although... i do talk to them if I have to.... haha I do take part in small talk because I think I have to. or people will think I’m rude. but I don’t like it. I’m sensitive to how I’m perceived and don’t want to be seen as too antisocial, but I talk to others out of fear not of want... yikes. no wonder no one wants to be around me. well I don't want to be around them. well - I want to be around people I know well. for limited amounts of time... need less to recharge from people I know than strangers. I want to be with them, I don’t want to be with strangers-- it’s only stress and not fun at all. but how do i get past the stranger part to the friend part if I don’t like being with strangers and it’s all stressful adn overwhelming? How do i participate in society, have people to talk to, have any sort of success??? - shouldn't exist.).
Because you are more comfortable working independently (please. HOW???? besides working for myself... haha can’t work for anyone else bc can’t get past the interview, these ^ traits are obvious and not something any employer in their right mind wants), you will be more productive – and much happier – managing your own workload, tackling problems alone, and avoiding company brainstorms and powwows.
How sociable you are can be linked to your levels of happiness, positivity, and wellbeing. In fact, sociability relates to a variety of positive outcomes in life, including how successful you are at work, how well you cope with challenging situations, and even how physically and mentally healthy you are. (yay. I’m doomed. I might as well kill myself now)
People who are highly sociable are more positive emotionally (case in point!) than those who are less sociable. In one brain imaging study, people with a high sociability score had higher levels of brain activity when they saw images of happy faces and other positive emotions.
The same part of the brain that processes emotions also helps interpret information from social contexts, which means we can judge a social situation and then respond appropriately (social situations, like math problems and logic, are mystifying to me. yay the things that are highest linked to success--).
There is some evidence to suggest that highly sociable people might be better at detecting and decoding the meaning of social cues –  including how they analyze and read people’s faces (oh, I know that. I have a hard time judging people’s faces, in fact I often think they are mad at me or judging me by their faces when they probably aren’t. I even have trouble finding out what emotions go with what emoji! besides the basics. i mean why, how are there so many emojis....). This means they are likely to find social interaction easier to deal with than others (lol yes. it’s . not easy. why. do i have to be born like this. always been. hell..).
There is also research to suggest that highly sociable people have more connections between regions of the brain that involve visual stimulus and regions that process social and emotional stimuli. (brains are better, we get it)
Sociability might also be associated with the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is linked to reward-seeking behavior. It is thought that people who are highly sociable may have an enhanced response to dopamine in the brain, which makes them pursue rewards such as attention, status, power or pleasure. This would explain why, when they get these things, they feel happier or more satisfied.
^ ALLL negative attributes, I need to just kill myself now, no future. 
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lesbeet · 6 years
long post ahead
ive been thinking nonstop about the possibility of me having adhd since my sister and her boyfriend brought it up to me last week (i’m FINALLY seeing my therapist today so we can talk about it) and i’ve been doing a lot of research and i found the howtoadhd channel on youtube
and literally the number of times in the past 2 hours alone that i’ve teared up or started legitimately crying because of how much i relate to things that these videos are saying is ridiculous, like some of them are word-for-word things i’ve said that i had NO inkling of an idea could be related to adhd
like this one video of this guy who was diagnosed at 43 and said that prior to his diagnosis he had just accepted that he would feel dissatisfied for his whole life, that he would never feel content, i’ve been saying that for YEARS and just was resigned to it and chalked it up solely to my depression
and just like. having been able to do well in school as a kid but constantly being told that i’m “not living up to [my] potential” and now that i’m in my early 20s and my intelligence can’t compensate for like....not being able to regulate my emotions and not being able to organize my life and not being able to motivate myself to do things, which is supposedly why a number of people get diagnosed around this time, because metrics for success are different in adulthood (you can’t just take a test and rely on being smart to compensate for all the other problems), and i was always just. thinking that i fucked up and wasted my life through laziness or whatever the case may be
i’ve always considered myself to be “crafty” and “resourceful” in the sense that i may not go about doing things in the typical way but i can almost always find a way to accomplish what i need accomplished, even if it’s unconventional -- apparently that’s common with adhd too! like i’ll say “oh i couldn’t figure out how to do [x] so i did [y and z]” and someone will be like “why didn’t you just do [thing everyone else does]” and usually i either couldn’t figure out how, or it didn’t occur to me, and my way was weird and unconventional, but it worked for me!
and then of course i’m just recognizing all these signs that have always been there that i either didn’t notice or attributed to other things -- i’ve been trying to observe the way my attention functions this week and literally i space out and miss things SO much more often than i ever realized, like i miss so much information because i’ve drifted off. or i get really stuck on things in conversations and even after everyone else has moved on i have this urge to bring it back so i can say that last thing i’ve been rehearsing over and over for the past 5 minutes so i didn’t forget it, and now it’s in my head and everyone is talking about something else and it’s SO inconsequential but i have to forcibly drag myself away from whatever the thing is (yesterday my sister and her friend and i were talking about early 2000′s fashion and i wanted to make a comment about wearing ugly scarves as belts and they saw a dog and moved on to talking about cute things our dogs have done and i just couldn’t stop thinking about the scarves as belts thing for like 10 minutes until i just had to sigh and be like...well i can’t bring that up again now)
when i was younger i would rush through tests so i could go back to whatever book i was reading and i just thought it was a silly quirk like “oh i just like to read lol” but i realized i still do similar things -- if i’m reading a book or watching a show or working on something, THAT is what i’m doing. anything else, whether it’s work or sleep or eating or hanging out with a friend or fulfilling any sort of responsibility? that’s a break from the thing i’m doing. if i’m reading a book, even if it’s the 3rd time i’m rereading harry potter for the year, for example, then in my head, i’m reading harry potter. i have to go to work all day but then i can read harry potter. all i’m doing is thinking about reading harry potter. i rush through my responsibilities so i can go BACK to reading harry potter, because that’s what i’m doing and anything else is just taking a break from reading harry potter. (you see how this can negatively affect the accomplishment/fulfillment of important tasks and responsibilities)
and my sister has pointed out things that i didn’t really notice, like she said it’s really difficult to hold a conversation with me when i’m excited about something because i can’t calm down enough to let the other person talk. and i’ve always known that i tend to finish peoples’ sentences for them during conversations, which i always thought was a way of showing that i’m listening! but ive realized it’s actually that, if i already know what you’re going to say, and you’re saying it too slowly, i get impatient and i need to blurt out the rest for you so we can move on and i can say my next thing before i forget it
and like obviously all people experience some symptoms some of the time, daydreaming isn’t exclusive to adhd, neither is walking into a room and forgetting what you’re doing there. but this week as i’ve been paying attention, i notice i do it CONSTANTLY. the other night i opened up my phone before bed because i remembered i hadn’t set my alarm, so i picked it up from where i place it for the night (i was about to go to sleep). 15 minutes later i put my phone back down and decided to turn in for the night again, and then realized i still had never turned the alarm on because i got distracted and did other stuff. and things like that happen with almost comical regularity, now that i know to look for it.
i’ve known i have executive dysfunction issues for a long time so i won’t go into those, but like we’ve known i have problems with directions and organization and spatial processing and knowing how to complete tasks for a long time
the rejection-sensitive dysphoria is something i didn’t really realize was part of adhd, but it makes SO much sense. i think it’s part of why i thought i had bpd for a while, because a lot of the symptoms were similar and i knew i was dealing with something more than just depression and anxiety but didn’t know what, and a lot of the symptoms i experienced also seemed to fit the bpd diagnosis even if my actual behavior and personality didn’t seem to
there are so many more things i’ve noticed this week and thought about differently but i literally can’t remember what they are lmao i think i’m gonna try to write stuff down so i don’t forget to tell my therapist today but like. 
so many of these things i didn’t realize had anything to do with adhd, like emotional dysregulation, i’ve always known i have horrible mood swings and trouble regulating my emotions, i’ve always noticed a lot of these different symptoms but it never occurred to me that they could all be part of the same thing??
like i haven’t been tested or diagnosed yet and i’m worried i’m getting carried away but the only time i’ve ever felt this sort of relief was a few months ago when realizing my dad is a narcissist. like the feeling of “oh my god, i knew this was something i experienced but i didn’t think i could attribute it to anything” and “oh my god, this is word for word something i say all the time, i didn’t realize it was part of a pattern”
and it genuinely made me cry! hearing people talk about things that describe me that i never would have guessed might have to do with adhd, finding something that seems to encompass a very broad range of symptoms that i previously thought were unrelated or results of a myriad of things (and obviously they all play off of one another but that’s a whole separate issue)
but it would explain so much of my behavior and challenges -- why i struggle with finishing up a task or project once the big, complicated part is done; why i get super obsessed with something and then once it wears off i never mention or think about it again; why i’ve always needed my mom’s help to clean my closet or pack for a trip, even though i felt like i was way too old to need help with that; why people constantly are like “i know you heard me say this because you said ‘ok’” about things i genuinely have no recollection of
but i just can’t stop thinking about that guy talking about how he was just resigned to thinking he would never been satisfied or content with his life because that is something i have been feeling and saying FOREVER, for years ive just been like “everything is so hard, the idea of spending the rest of my life struggling to get up in the morning and going to work every day, dealing with all my responsibilities, i feel like i’m exhausted and underwater just thinking about it, i’m never going to feel fulfilled or satisfied, it’s always just going to be slogging through my responsibilities and it’s never going to end” and apparently that’s....a normal thing, and i just thought it was depression and maybe part of it is, but maybe the reason i struggle so much with those every day things is because my brain is wired differently?
and maybe i’ve fucked up because at this point i think i’ll be really disappointed if i don’t get the diagnosis because i’m not really sure what else could explain these issues, it certainly makes sense and i feel like it fits and i feel relieved just thinking about having that answer, and it certainly negatively impacts almost every aspect (if not every aspect) of my life. so like if i don’t get diagnosed idk what i’m gonna do and i probably fucked up by spending the last week obsessing over it lol
but like....the relief i feel every time i read or hear or see someone with adhd say “i experience [x]” and i’m like holy shit??? me too???? and it just. feels like maybe there’s an explanation for all this horrible dissatisfaction and unhappiness i thought i was going to be stuck with for the rest of my life, and there are other people who experience these things and there are things that can be done, medication and therapy and strategies and...my whole life doesn’t NEED to feel like a challenge, maybe it’s not an indisputable fact that i’m just going to have to live with forever.
if you read this far and you have adhd (especially if you were diagnosed after childhood) i would love to hear your thoughts on this, obviously i didn’t list every single symptom and experience and i know there are more but these are all i could think of at the moment, if i seem like i’m way off base obviously please let me know
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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(requested by anon)
Kai Parker x Reader word count: 4 771 / reading time: 17 minutes warnings: mentions of smut (?!) is that even a warning? idk but just to be safe. summary: Mystic Falls is under attack; Kai and Reader are keeping a secret from her friends, though secrets have a way of coming out. *gif by me ________________________________________
Y/N dragged her feet across the floor, left her coffee mug on the desk next to her laptop and glanced at her boyfriend who was currently asleep in their bed. It was barely 6am, the first sunrays were seeping through the semi-closed curtains but none of it seemed to catch her attention. No. That was all Kai, who barely had a sheet covering his bare naked body. There were spots of blood on the pillow and a couple of other places as they had ‘wrestled’ the night before which would be nightmare to clean but none of it bothered her. Instead, just before she pulled her chair to sit down and give her history assignment one last look before sending it in, she tiptoed as quietly as she could and bent over him. Her fingers ran though his messy hair for a moment, her lips touched his briefly and almost instantly he returned the kiss. Before she knew what was happening, Kai had grabbed her and tossed her under him on the bed. His body pressed against hers firmly while their fingers intertwined on either side of her head and he continued to kiss her as if he was starving. For all she knew, he was. It was just how her life with him was. They had gone for not being able to stand each other to not being able to stand being away from each other in a couple of months. Though their romance was still a forbidden love because if her friends caught up on what she had been up to, or the real reason why Kai had softened up the past few months… things would not end well for any of them.
   “Kai—“ she barely managed to whisper, instantly getting lost in his eyes. His lips curled up into a wide smile and he brushed his nose against hers for a second before kissing her briefly again. Y/N used his momentary distraction and rolled on top of him. “Slow down –“
   “Not possible.” he grinned, intertwining his fingers with hers while she held his hands against the soft pillows. “You know, you look so fucking hot in my t-shirt. I’ll never get over it –“
Y/N shook her head smiling. “Yeah, well. You have the best t-shirts. So soft and they smell so nice. Mine are awful. Awful…”
Kai laughed under his breath, sitting up in the bed while her hands hooked around his neck and his slid down her waist. “Why are you up so early?”
   “Cuz –“ she tried to pull away from him but he wouldn’t let her. “—I got school work to finish. You know, some of us are still in high school.” she pushed his hands off her and got to the desk, taking a sip from her coffee as she leaned in against it. Kai braced himself on his elbows, his eyes remained focused on her the entire time, following every curve of her body and something told her he knew she was not wearing underwear… “And because there is a crisis. Remember? Cade? Katherine? Sirens –“
   “And you know I want you as far away from this as possible. It’s not safe –”
Y/N ran her fingers through her hair, folding her hands on her chest right after. A long moment passed in silence and Kai’s eyes pierced into hers. Keeping things from him was her least favorite thing to do, mostly because her boyfriend caught up with her lies and secrets pretty quick. And whenever she didn’t spill the beans on her own, he had his own way of torturing the truth out of her. “That’s kind of hard to do when Sybil is my new history teacher –“
   “What?!” Kai jumped up from the bed. Her gaze instantly drifted down south towards his semi hard lenght. Damn, what wouldn’t she do to freeze time and spend a few decades all alone with Kai. Just the two of them, skin to skin; travelling across the world and just being happy without worrying about any of this. “Why haven’t you told me this before? No, you are not going anywhere today.”
Y/N bit her lip, placing her hand on Kai’s chest while trying not to think what would happen if she were to stay there with him all day long. “I can’t hide. That’s not me and you know it.”
   “It’s too dangerous –”
   “You are out there.” she placed her hands on his shoulders, unconsciously feeling his biceps. Damn, she bit her lip. “You think I don’t worry 24/7 about you? My own friends want you dead –”
   “I can take care of myself and that’s different. You are a human, I’m a heretic.” he argued. “I can easily take all your friends down with a flick of my wrist. Sybil and her weirdo babysitter sis too.”
   “Or she can siren you to –”
   “To what?” he tried to meet her eyes but she kept avoiding his gaze up until the point she tried to push him away. “Y/N?”
Her gaze met with his. “You know what she did to Damon. I don’t – I don’t know what I’d do if she messes with your head and –” her eyes watered a bit and she wiped her nose with the back of her wrist. “Kai, it’s too dangerous not only for me to go out there –”
Kai gripped her wrists and pinned them behind her back, leaning towards her. “You are the most important person in my life, Y/N. Sybil cannot erase you from my head, or my heart or my soul. You are seared on them for good and nothing’s going to change that. Ever.” he gazed longingly into her eyes. “You are my everything… I love you more than you could possibly imagine but you should’ve told me about Sybil. I am your boyfriend –“
 “Excuse me?”
 “You are not my boyfriend.” Her eyes remained focused on his, watching the nervousness grow in them. “You are my soulmate, the love of my life –“ his lips crashed against hers in an instant and she could feel his length rub against her inner thigh. So close, but so far away. “—Kai –“ she took a shallow breath, keeping her eyes closed for a moment longer remembering the feeling of his lips on hers. “I’m gonna be late –“
  “For where?” he nibbled on her earlobe. “The bed is in no hurry, neither is the desk, nor is the wall. I’m going to be your private tutor for the day because there is no way I am letting you out of my sight until this is all over. That’s an order. You do what I say when I say it –”
Y/N’s lips curled up into a smile. “So over protective, and so so fucking hot when you get so bossy. Makes me think all those naughty things –”
Kai’s expression changed between grin and a serious look within seconds. “Oh? No, no. S-stop it with the googly eyes and the lip biting or the first lesson today will be a disciplinary one.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows. “Awh but daddy, if we stay home I will have to be tied up. Otherwise I’d crawl over the desk to my smocking hot teacher and spend the rest of the day learning new high notes in which I can moan his name –”
Kai shook his head interrupted her with a kiss. His mind had been drifting away since the second he had woken up shortly before she had ‘woken’ him up, and a part of him really wanted them to stay at her place and spend the day ‘studying’. The other knew he cannot miss the strategy session at the boarding house –
   “Alright, alright, I am not going to school today.” she muttered, feeling a little out of breath. Kai almost sighed in relief when he noticed her expression flash with something he couldn’t pick up on. There was something else he didn’t know, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. “I am crashing the strategy session at the Salvatore house.”
 “You are?” he grinned. “So, you mean to tell me I get to spend the entire day with you?”
 “Yes –“ she pushed him off her and headed towards the walk in closet. “—and no. You can’t make those eyes at me. You can’t look at me like that and get my heart racing as if I’ve been running a marathon –“
  “Can’t I?” he braced himself against the door, taking in every inch of her body as she got dressed. Y/N grabbed her black ripped in the knees skinny jeans but he shook his head. “Short black skirt? P-please? No underwear… F-for me?” She shook her head smiling and grabbed the skirt instead along with a slightly puffy white buttoned up shirt, getting dressed as quickly as she could. “Perfect.”
Y/N bent over to put on her ankle high Converses. “Kai, I am serious. You can’t let your wondering hands go places. You can’t make comments and you definitely can’t –” she looked up at him, but he had a spaced out look in his eyes. “Malachai!”
  “What?” he said innocently. “Just enjoying the view –“ he caught his t-shirt just as she threw it at him. “I know, I know. A house full of vampires. Gotcha. I’ll behave, promise.” he put the t-shirt on and whooshed himself around the room to get dressed. “I’ll go pack your lunch. Be back in a jiffy –“
Y/N shook her head smiling, fixed her hair and grabbed her laptop before putting it in her back and taking Kai’s phone and hers from the night stand. Her mind spun around at the thought how Kai would be right there by her side all day, struggling to control himself while she would be fighting herself not to steal a heart-eyes glance or get a little taste of his lips, however brief it might be.  Something told her if someone was gonna crack it would be her, though who could blame her.
   “Focus Y/N –“ she muttered to herself, walking in the small kitchen/living room where Kai was already done packing her lunch and two to-go coffee cups. “What are you going to eat?”
Kai spun around and in a flash had her pinned against the doorframe. “You –“ he brushed his fingertips against her cheek, tilting her chin up before his lips collided with hers. His body pressed against hers and for a moment she forgot how to breathe… and whose air she was breathing in the brief seconds she managed to get some air. “Just one –“ he whispered before kissing her again. “—one more kiss.”
  “S-stop –“ she tried to push him off but her heart just wasn’t in it. “Kai, you want to leave me breathless before we leave so you have to give me mouth to mouth every spare second we get alone at the boarding house, don’t you?”
  “No.” he shook his head, his lips curling into a wide smile. “Yes, yes. Okay. You got me addicted to your lips and everything about you. I need you in my bloodstream asap or I might die –“
Y/N gripped his shirt and pulled him down for another kiss before pushing him off her. Quickly she tiptoed to the counter to grab her coffee and lunch bag when she felt him playfully slap her ass. “Hands to yourself.” she scolded him. “No puppy eyes, no quivering lip –“
   “Fine, fine.” he sighed. “Let me just grab my phone and we’ll –“ Y/N pulled his phone from her bag. “You think you are so smart, don’t you?” Y/N shrugged her shoulders, passed him his phone and walked out the door without saying a word, heading towards the elevator with him at her tail. They stood in silence while waiting for the doors to open, stealing glances at the other as usual whenever they were in public.  “So do we carpool or –“
  “Sure, why not.” she took a shallow breath, meeting his eyes. “Saving the planet is always on the agenda, but remember –“ the elevator’s bell interrupted her. Kai gave her a slight nod and they walked in. As soon as the doors closed and it was just the two of them, Kai’s lips and hands were all over her making her forget whose air she was breathing… until the doors opened again and he pulled away as if nothing had happened.  Y/N stared at him and took a shallow breath. “We keep us between you and me. We ran into each other on the way there.”
   “Gotcha –“ Kai smiled innocently at her, holding out the building door for her.
It took them less than 20 minutes to get to the boarding house, all the while during the car ride he wouldn’t let go off her hand. His gaze barely left her during the entire ride and on the few occasions the red light stopped them, he used his opportunity to steal a kiss or two. Though the closer they got to the Salvatore house, the harder things got and by the time he parked the car in front of the house their act had started. Who knew who might be watching out the windows. Y/N ran her fingers through her hair, lifting herself on her toes for a moment to check if there was someone in the living room and rang the bell. Kai stood awkwardly next to her, taking a step away when he heard someone coming towards the door.
   “Hey, Y/N –“ smiled Caroline, opening the door. Y/N smiled her friend, whose smile faded away quickly when she saw Kai was there. “Are you stalking her or something? You keep showing up everywhere she is –“
Kai walked inside without waiting for an invitation. “Relax Clarisse. I ran into her on her way to the Grill. Isn’t your motto ‘All hands on deck.’ No, wait. It was ‘Protect the humans in Mystic Falls’ or something?” he glanced at Y/N, who rolled her eyes and made her way to the sofa. “Can’t let our golden girl die before graduation right?”
   “We don’t have a motto.” Caroline closed the door, taking a step towards them. Kai poured himself two fingers bourbon and sat on the opposite end of sofa, though his eyes kept drifting towards his girl. “I’ll go get Damon, you stay away from her –“
Kai raised his hands in defence while Y/N pulled her laptop onto her lap and glanced at her friend. “No rush. I have to proof read this history paper for the –“
  “—history teacher from Hell?” interrupted Kai. Y/N pursued her lips to try and hide her smile before glaring at him. “Sorry –“
  “Whatever Sybil is up to at the high school, grades come first. Whitmore or Harvard or Cambridge – they won’t care about the Devil and his minions being let loose on Earth and me being in the middle of it.” muttered Y/N, her gaze drifting towards Caroline who was almost out of the living room in that moment. “Cannot get into law if my grades are flunking –“ she winked at Kai, who scooted a little closer to her. Her finger pressed the power button on the laptop and she mouthed at him ‘Stop looking at me like that.’, glancing back at the screen.
Kai grinned at her and took a sip of his drink, watching her eyes widen the second she glanced at the screen a moment before she closed the lid. “Everything okay?”
Y/N stared at him and turned her laptop towards him, opening the lid before making sure she couldn’t hear footsteps. Not that it mattered seeing how her friends could move faster than the light. “What is this?” she said in a hushed voice, pointing at her desktop wallpaper where instead of a picture of the waterfall near by the Wickery Bridge where was her and Kai’s secret make out spot out of the way, was currently a picture of a shirtless Kai in her bed with barely any fabric covering his –
   “That’s me.” he smiled innocently at her, though his eyes sparkled with fire and mischief. “You like it?
    “I know it’s you—“ she shook her head unsure of she should smile at him, kiss him or slap him for his little surprise. “—but how it got here?”
Kai scooted towards her, whispering in her ear. “I wanted to surprise you when you opened your laptop in the morning. I had no idea you’d end up coming with me here –“
  “Color me surprised.” she pecked his lips. “And to answer your question – I love it. But if I had been at school – you could’ve sent me to the principal’s office. Detention doesn’t look good on college applications.”
Kai grinned at her. “As if I’d let that be a permanent mark in your file.” he leaned in closer. “Chocolate –“ he whispered in her ear. “How do you always smell like chocolate? It’s driving me nuts –“ Y/N turned her head sideways when he whooshed himself away. Her gaze drifted away and as soon as her friends popped up, she slammed her laptop shut. “Damon –“
Caroline glanced between her and Kai. “Everything okay? How’s your paper?”
Y/N looked up confused. “What?”
  “The history paper for the teacher from Hell?” Damon waved his hands before her eyes. “It was such a big deal you had Stefan wrapped up into helping you. It better be good –“
  “Oh, it’s – hot like a supernova. Definitely gonna bang that one later –“ Y/N muttered, catching Kai’s amused look for a second. “Ace it, I mean.” smiled Y/N, putting her laptop back in her bag. “You know me. I am never the one in trouble –“ her glance drifted towards Kai for a split second. “—though someone else is.”
Damon and Caroline glanced at each other and then at Kai and Y/N. “Who?”
   “Sybil.” stated Y/N, glancing at her friends. “Who else?”
Damon poured himself a drink. “Yeah well, after what she almost pulled yesterday our little siren is lucky I haven’t ripped her head off for hurting my favorite little Gilbert.”
Kai glanced at Damon and then at his girl who kept avoiding his glance and somehow found a way to scoot away from him even further on the sofa. “After she pulled what yesterday?” his eyes remained fixed on Y/N. “What happened?”
Y/N brought her knees up to her chest. “Nothing –“
   “I wouldn’t call you almost getting barbecued to the stake like a Salem witch nothing but –“ Damon muttered. Kai’s eyes widened and Y/N jumped up from her seat, taking Damon’s glass from his hand. “Be my guest –“
Kai jumped up right after here. “That’s why you were covered in dirt and ash last night—“ he muttered to himself, gripping her wrist. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
   “Cuz I knew you’d freak.” she yanked her wrist back while Damon stood between them confused. “Plus, I wasn’t hurt –“
   “You weren’t hurt?!” Kai exclaimed. “You could’ve died!!” Caroline and Damon glanced at each other while Y/N ran away from Kai and he kept going after her. “Don’t walk away from me.”
   “I have legs, I can and will walk away –“ she said in a hushed voice. “—because we are not having this conversation here.”
Caroline stepped towards them. “What’s going on?” she turned towards Damon who shrugged his shoulders, squinting his eyes a little. “Why is he so upset?”
    “I don’t know and I don’t like it.” Damon muttered watching Kai and Y/N have a silent starring contest. “You don’t think they –“
   “No, no way.” Caroline’s eyes widened. “Not after he put her sister into a magical coma.”
Y/N ran her fingers through her hair. “Malachai, please –“
Kai shook his head. “You kept this from me. I thought we were done doing that.”
She tried to touch him but he pulled away. “I’m sorry.”
   “You – you are sorry?” he gripped her hand and put it on his chest completely forgetting where they were. “Feel this? The air is being pulled out of my lungs and my heart being slowly torn right out of my chest, by you. Do you even realize what even the thought of me losing you is doing to me?”
Y/N shot him a warning glance but he didn’t seem to care they were in the middle of the Salvatore living room and her friends were there. Not only that but Bonnie just walked in with Matt. “Behave. Keep us between you and me. That’s all I asked.”
   “Doesn’t apply to your safety.” he tucked in a strand of hair behind her ear. “This comes above all else—“
Damon grabbed Kai’s wrist and yanked him back, then turned towards Y/N. “Explain. Now. You got five seconds before he loses his head.”
   “What’s going on here?” Bonnie wondered, dropping her jacket on the sofa. Matt raised his eyebrows, glancing at Kai and Y/N who pushed her way past Damon and took her boyfriend’s hand in hers. “Why are you two holding hands?”
   “Kai and I –“ she glanced at him and sighed. “Last night after the whole incident I went to the Grill to get a drink and ran into Kai. He took me home and… that’s it.”
   “That’s it?” Damon shrugged his shoulders. “What was he talking about then saying –“
   “We kissed.” Kai protectively pushed Y/N a little behind him. 
  “What?!” Bonnie, Caroline, Matt and Damon exclaimed in unison.
 Damon growled.”I’m gonna rip his head off –”
   “I kissed her… because I like her and she likes me. I know you don’t like it or me especially after everything I’ve done. I deserve that, I am not a good person and I own that. But being with her these past few months… It’s something. And under other circumstances this warm and fuzzy feeling I get whenever I’m around her would be absolutely revolting to me, but I love it more than anything.” he sighed, gazing lovingly at her. “I love her –”
Damon started laughing and for a few moments it all seemed perfectly fine up until the point he pushed Kai ten feet away and turned towards Y/N. “Have you lost your mind? You want a boyfriend, I will find you a boyfriend. How about that boy who took you to prom a few months back –“
   “Who? Jake? Y-you know Kai is the one who actually took me to prom and I made Jake up, right?” she said quietly. Damon’s eyes widened and he grabbed her shoulders, pinning her to the wall. Caroline rushed towards them but Kai was faster and pushed Damon off Y/N. “Jesus –“
     “Nope. Just me.” Kai grinned. Y/N mouthed ‘Shut up’.
Caroline pulled Damon back. “Let her explain. Might not be what we think.” she glanced at Bonnie who was currently pouring herself a drink, clearly having a hard time taking in what was happening. “Y/N might be the youngest of all of us, but don’t forget who was the one who outsmarted Katherine –“
    “Youngest, best-est, brightest… Hottest. –” grinned Kai, completely avoiding everyone’s looks. He only had eyes for his girl and her cheeks burned red at his words. “My girl–”
Damon groaned while Caroline closed her eyes, pressing her lips together trying not to comment on Kai’s words. “Tell me you are on vervain –” the vampire asked.
    “You think Kai compelled me to love him?! Are you insane?! You wanna know the truth? Here it is – ” Y/N said, holding tightly onto Kai’s hand. “You vanished, Damon! You and Enzo. Elena was in a sleeping curse, Jeremy is God knows where and everyone was busy looking for you. I lost everything and everyone in a blink of an eye because of Sybil… Except Kai, who was there every time I was alone at the Grill, or when I needed someone to talk to who didn’t mind listening to me ramble for hours. Kai who made sure I got home safely every night and kept me safe from all those guys who kept getting too handsy.”
Kai poked her in the stomach. “Awh, don’t skip on the best part. The first night I followed her home to make sure she got there safely and my little fireball here pulled a knife on me.” he grinned. “I swear I’ve never been more arous—“ he cleared his throat. Everyone except Y/N almost collectively groaned at his words. “—ed than when she gripped my hand behind my back and shoved me face-first against the door, and then put the blade under my chin and tilted my head towards her. Something happened when our eyes met and I just… knew it was her I had been looking for all my life without realizing it.”
    “Awwhh –“ she hugged him with one arm, both of them looking at each other with heart eyes. “You never told me that.”
    “So what?” Bonnie snapped. “Just because he acted like a decent human being for once, you decided he is a good boyfriend material? He is a murderer!”
Y/N sighed quietly and stared at her friends as if to say ‘Really? You are going with that one?’ “He is the man I love –“ she stated, feeling Kai squeeze her hand for a moment before he leaned in towards her, inhaling her scent. Damon growled. “I know you all have complicated history with him, but the Kai I know is not the Kai you see. He is not the same person he was back when he came out of 1994 –”
    “Yes, we remember he turned from an evil caterpillar into a slightly less evil butterfly –” interrupted Damon with his usual snark. “But he still is who he is –”
    “He is not the person he was after 1903 where you left him –“
    “To protect Jo and everyone else!” Bonnie took a step towards her. “He killed his entire family –“
    “And whose fault is that?” Kai said. Y/N kicked him in the shin. “I am just saying, I never would’ve –“
Bonnie shot him a glare that made Y/N’s blood freeze and the second she saw her friend’s hand shoot up, she stood between them. “There is nothing you can do or say to change that. I am old enough to live on my own, old enough to make my own decisions. You hurt him, you hurt me.”
Kai grinned and wrapped his hands around her from behind. “My girl. So fiery.” He pulled her up a little until her feet kicked at the air and he heard her laugh. “Love it.” he kissed her cheek as he let her feet back on the ground. “Love you –“
     “I love you too –“
Damon groaned. “Ugh… my ears are bleeding.” Y/N rolled her eyes and took a step towards him, wrapping her arms around him. There was one thing Damon couldn’t resist – her hugs. Perhaps because in a way it made him feel close to Elena again, or maybe he just didn’t want to break little Gilbert’s heart. “You have lost it. Positively and when you end up dead, and you will, just make sure Elena knows I was against it and tried to make you see reason.”
    “You can’t be okay with this?” Bonnie protested. “What if –?”
    “I’d never hurt her.” Kai said quietly, glancing at every single of his girl’s friends. “I’d die before that happens or before I let anyone else hurt her. I’d gladly sacrifice my life to keep her safe.” He caught Damon’s gaze. “You know I’m telling the truth. You might not trust me about anything else, but trust me about this –“
Damon groaned wrapping his arms around her, studying Kai’s face. “Just… no more kissing and googly eyes and the L word mention around us, okay?” he kissed her head. “Or I might forget and just rip his head off for even daring to breathe the air around you.”
Y/N pulled away with a smile on her face. “Thank you.”
Kai leaned in to whisper in her ear. “What did Sybil do when she messed with his mind? We might need to send her a ‘thank you’ card.”
    “Only thing keeping me from killing you right now is because Elena would never forgive me if I killed her little sister’s… whatever he is, even if he is the one who put her in a coma.” muttered Damon. “Don’t push it.”
________________________________________ MASTERLIST- SMUT ‘17 MASTERLIST- FLUFF ‘17 / MASTERLIST - FLUFF/ANGST ‘18
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Out and only got spotted by your nosiest neighbour Rio: 👋 Doris, don't give Nance my deets and we're sweet, babe 😙 Buster: 😂 Buster: Didn't doubt you could handle it Buster: I've had girls do it still off their heads, like so Rio: Yeah, but they probably wanna be seen Rio: think they hot shit out here laying claims by getting caught Buster: They do like to try and leave shit behind Buster: I ain't gonna call you back babe I'll just throw it out Rio: Cold 😂 Rio: Hope they ain't leaving anything worth having Buster: Feel free to go through it next time, babe Rio: 😑 Buster: Come on, we got some Chanel, YSL, all the classics Rio: I told you before, I don't want your sloppy seconds Rio: even if they branded Buster: Suit yourself Rio: That's the idea, yeah Buster: 😂 Buster: You going home? Rio: Yeah, I got hoes of my own to kick out, apparently Rio: Picking up food first 'cos priorities Buster: I would've fed you if you let me Rio: Just checked her snap and she's been having a feast so fuck it Imma treat myself Rio: No need, plus if Nance saw two lots of stuff going up, she'd wanna peep the talent coming down Buster: She don't do sloppy seconds either, don't worry Rio: Charming, not gonna insist she'd make an exception for me though 'cos weird Buster: Don't take it personal, ain't never seen her with a girl since she said she wanted one Buster: That's weird if you ask me Rio: Well, it's not like she's got unlimited options Buster: Dublin's well gay what you chatting Rio: The clubs aren't really her scene are they Rio: so that leaves her with whatever gay girls are at School, maybe they're ugly idk Buster: How does she know she doesn't like clubbing if she's never even been? Rio: I get you, but I think you can imagine being in a room with loud music and lots of sweaty drunk people without doing it, you know Buster: Whatever Buster: It's not like there's only clubs as in clubbing anyway Rio: She'll find someone, in her own cute, dorky way Rio: You should tell her 'bout it, she might not be in the know Buster: Yeah that's a convo I wanna have Rio: I'll tell her then, always in other people's business me, idc Buster: At least you said it Rio: It isn't a bad thing wanting to help people, you know Rio: if she don't want it she can tell me to fuck off, like, if she appreciates, i'll give you the credit Buster: I never said it was Buster: Well, only when I didn't mean it Rio: I mean, it's not a bad thing about you Rio: grant you, Nance probably would be weirded out on this score but you can show you care still Buster: I can't show what I don't feel Rio: Sure Buster: I get that you're about your sibs but me and her aren't like that Buster: Got more in common with the cleaner and see her more when we're both around Rio: You've not always been like that though Rio: Do you miss it? Buster: I've not always been fucking you either but that was then and this is now Rio: Yeah, things change Rio: doesn't exclude changing back, that's all Buster: There's nothing to change back Buster: We aren't kids anymore, that's all Rio: Okay Buster: I can't still hold her hand through everything and she doesn't want it, yeah? So it is what it is Buster: What are we talking about my sister anyway for? Rio: Of course not Rio: but it doesn't have to be that or nothing, like Rio: 'Cos I just had to play hide and seek with her, duh Rio: Still shook Buster: You love it Buster: Dangerous woman, like Rio: And you don't, I suppose? Rio: Everyone likes the idea of being caught, as long as it doesn't actually happen, lemme enjoy it 😜 Buster: We can let it happen, just not by her Buster: Plenty of strangers around you can get the thrill from Rio: You make it sound like it was my idea to go back to yours Rio: not my plan Buster: You make it sound like you want me to regret it Buster: I'm not sorry I can't get enough of you Rio: Me either Rio: You can be obsessed with me if you like, I won't complain Buster: I know you wouldn't Buster: You'd be moaning but not like that Rio: Promises, promises Buster: When haven't I kept one? Rio: Your records pretty good, can't lie Buster: 😏 Rio: As for the sex Rio: all wins there, spotless, like Buster: I'll put you down as 10/10 in my little black book, like Rio: I'll call you out if you give me anything less Buster: I don't need to lie to motivate you, don't worry Rio: your usual tactic, is it? Buster: I've done it Buster: Not like I've got a set strategy though Rio: Tailormade Rio: You do spoil us Buster: Aiming to please, as standard Rio: Well you've got my review now Rio: Use it as you need Buster: Cheers, babe Buster: Stick it on my apps Buster: Dates will be rolling in Rio: You're so welcome Buster: Yeah Buster: How's Inds? Rio: She's loving life but grilling me on mine Buster: What's the story now? Rio: I figured don't tell any lies but be vague Rio: not gonna get caught out Rio: never gonna assume it's you, we're golden Buster: Good Buster: Don't need her to be the one catching us for you to live you fantasy either Rio: Oh hush Rio: not totally fucked my brains out, please, make it sound like I've got some sense Buster: You better turn back around then Buster: I'll do you again Rio: Don't worry, babe, not gotta be braindead to want you 😉 Buster: Too kind Buster: Must be why I miss you already? Rio: Must be Rio: nothing to do with how great I look morning after 😜 Rio joined the chat 7 hours ago Buster: You're never gonna look as good as you do when you cum but you don't look bad, like Rio: I'll take it Rio: since we couldn't round 2 before I left and really 🏆 Buster: Since you couldn't trust yourself to stay quiet any longer, you mean Buster: When can I see you again? Rio: Didn't reckon you'd wanna risk Nance OR the cleaner hearing those adorable lil noises I get you to make Buster: Babe, come on, we both know it's really about how you want me to say your name Rio: 😳 Buster: So answer my question Rio: I've got work at 4 Rio: but sounds like I'm going to need to clean up the flat so Rio: tomorrow, maybe? Buster: I'll send the cleaner over when she's done here Buster: She's seen worse Rio: Boy, no Buster: Babe I'm joking I ain't got her as well trained as you Buster: She's not just gonna do what I tell her Rio: She better not Rio: and you better stop Buster: Stop what? Rio: I don't know Rio: stop being so distracting Buster: If I was trying to be distracting you wouldn't be able to ask me to stop Rio: Buster Buster: Yeah, baby? Rio: You're making me wish I never left Buster: Then come back Buster: Whenever you can Rio: How am I supposed to wanna get anything done when you exist and I could be fucking you instead? Rio: Might still have a brain but I got no sense Buster: When your break? Call me and I'll come find you Rio: Usually take it like 8, before the night crowd comes in and shit gets hectic Buster: Alright Rio: just me and the 'quick one after work' knobheads 'til then Buster: Is that you saying you need me to entertain you? Rio: Don't let it go to your head Rio: but sure even you've got better craic than the bankers, christ 🙄 Buster: I can easily promise it's not my head it'll go to Buster: Especially if you keep giving me compliments like that 😂 Rio: 😂 Rio: Watch this Guinness be ALL head if you're gonna make my thoughts wander like that Rio: soz lads Buster: I can't help it, you're such a sweet talker, Cavante Buster: The punters won't blame me, sure they know it Rio: You know Rio: If I'm gonna serve shit pints, gotta be the best barmaid some other way Buster: Nobody can take that from you whilst they're also taking those shit pints Rio: Exactly Rio: Tell me we should share the tips out evenly again, Tina Rio: put in half my work and we'll talk, babe Buster: I've seen her, she's got no room to be trying to tell you anything Rio: Ain't heard I'm 👵 obvs and reckons just 'cos she's got 20 years and double the pounds on me she can tell me shit Buster: 😂 Rio: God, I can hear myself btw Rio: Not the moaning anyone is after but at least I'm saving a poor punter by doing it digitally Rio: you can always leave me on read Buster: you wish, babe Buster: You think you're suffering now wait until I properly start distracting you Rio: Please Rio: Wait 'til you go Home and I'm racking up airmiles like no one's business Buster: Technically I am home, just the 2nd Buster: I can stay as long as I want Rio: Well, 'til September Rio: really got me out here feeling like a pervert, McKenna 😏 Buster: The uniform not one of your fantasies then? Got it Rio: Not's a bit strong Rio: all about that role reversal, doing it for my sistas, obvs Buster: I'll just bring the tie then Buster: See I can't make you change your mind Rio: 🤤 Rio: One way to make me stay, babe Rio: 👀 you Buster: I've got plenty of others too, like, you'll see Buster: There's no way you'll be ready to go anywhere Rio: I wasn't ready today Rio: Stupid life and other people Buster: You can say it, sisters. who'd have 'em, right? Buster: Couldn't let me be an only child, like Rio: 😂 Chat to me when you've got 5 Rio: Poor Nance, I can't kick her out her own gaff and you couldn't kick her out the womb, like Buster: I did try, on both counts so it's your turn to be fair Rio: I'm good, not sure I'm THAT good Rio: arrange a playdate for her and June like 👋 Buster: She'd love it Buster: Those two sneak around together more than us Buster: Never out the corners at fam functions Rio: Bless them Rio: Gutted they ain't straight so they can't do it forever, like Buster: They might Buster: Not like either of them are hooking up with anyone Rio: How do you know? Rio: Sneaky, like you said Rio: didn't bump into any babes on the stairs but Buster: Shut up Rio: Awh babe Rio: 😚 Buster: Don't Buster: Anyway you're at school with her, you'd know Rio: Yeah but I've been slipping lately Rio: well out the loop Buster: I can get her and put her on if you want a catch up, like Rio: Didn't say I was mad about it Rio: love her like but, you're more fun Buster: I better be Buster: Don't be trying it on with my twin, cheers Rio: Don't be gross 😂 Buster: Thank Christ I don't have an identical brother Buster: Still the hot one, like, but closer race Rio: Willing to kick it that cliche, not too proud Rio: maybe he'd have a great personality tho Buster: Yeah 'cause who wants a shy ginger lesbian Buster: Unlucky Nance Rio: Stop being rude, honestly Rio: She's beautiful, I just don't fancy her myself, like Buster: Shut up, she looks like my mum, you gonna say you would? Rio: So do you though 😂 Rio: Strong genes and a strong lewk 👌 Buster: Seriously, draw the line at working your way through my fam, yeah? Buster: Stop yourself Rio: I think I'll manage Buster: Cheers Rio: You're still my favourite, don't worry Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause you're mine Rio: 😋 Rio: Gonna be smug about it Rio: not just 'cause it means i get you all to myself but 'cos that makes my odds shit hot, like, damn i'm 🔥 Buster: You can be Buster: You know I don't wait for anyone, they come to me Buster: And I don't jump through this many hoops to fuck a girl either Buster: I'm breaking all my rules for you Rio: Yeah, not to mention the unspoken one we both are Rio: Worth it though, yeah baby? Buster: Yeah Buster: You know it Rio: Yeah I do Rio: I still want reminding Buster: Me too Buster: Nance may have done it first but still tempted to play her game and leave my London life like Buster: You'd miss the uniform, obviously, but I'd make it up to you Rio: 😏 Rio: The pipes are calling, boy 🍀 Rio: What Unis are you applying to anyway? Buster: The best of course Rio: Expect no less Rio: Could end up anywhere then Buster: Yeah Buster: If only to piss Nance off like Buster: I'm tempted to be here 😂 Buster: No other reasons Rio: 'Course Rio: Whatever motivates you 😉 Buster: 😏 Buster: I won't be getting top marks if I keep letting you distract me though Buster: Well, not at school at least Rio: We already got plans for you, me and your desk Rio: You got this Buster: Don't put them in my head when you haven't scheduled them in yet Buster: Fuck Rio: Gotta, then you'll be wanting to study ALL the time Rio: not gonna give you room to say I drag you down, boy Buster: But I wanna give you all the room to drag my head or my hands down if that's how you want it Rio: Baby Rio: you're killing me Buster: Not yet Rio: You are though Rio: don't even have to touch me and I'm there Buster: I'm there with you, babe Rio: Good 'cos my break ain't long and I want to cum with you Buster: It'll be long enough to me to cum with you and make you cum again for me Buster: Don't worry Rio: I'm not Rio: You're so good to me Buster: You're just so good, end of Rio: Do my best Buster: I know Rio: Only for you, though Buster: Good Buster: I'll fight for you if I have to but Buster: You're all about this cute face so Rio: Yes, boy! 😍👏😂 Rio: Keep it in the ring Buster: Should hit the gym today really Rio: Think I've worked you out enough you don't need to be too worried Rio: do it for the 'gram tho Buster: It's better than the one at home too, one thing Dublin does right Rio: You love it Rio: so 💚 Rio: get sweaty Buster: 🍀 Buster: Shame you won't be with me Rio: Honestly Rio: no chance of me keeping up on that score but catch me out here like 🤤 you want me to spot you??? come bench press up on me daddy! 💦😍 Buster: Well now that's all I want Rio: Same Rio: Gutted Buster: Fuck tomorrow, give me tonight Buster: I don't care how late you're working Rio: Fuck Rio: Yeah, okay Rio: Can be home before Inds wakes up, that Summer life got her sleeping 'til tea time basically so Rio: why not, I need it Buster: If you don't want to come back here again, I'll book us a room Rio: I don't care either way, down to sneak and be good for you if I have to Rio: but if you wanna hear how you're making me feel properly then Buster: Christ Buster: You're so fucking sexy Rio: It's how you've got me Buster: I wanna hear everything. I don't know how I got this far not having you any time I want Buster: We should've been doing this for so much longer Rio: I know Rio: now all I wanna do is be your little fuck doll Rio: make up for the lost time and then some Buster: I need it Buster: I need you Rio: Go get all worked up for me, baby Rio: then you can come and take all your frustrations out on my body Buster: You're gonna be the death of me, Cavante Buster: You know that, yeah? Rio: If that's how I gotta go Rio: I'm not mad about it Buster: I'm only mad when I can't have you Buster: And nobody can blame me for that, like Rio: I'll keep you smiling Buster: 😏 Rio: Welcome, world Rio: that little face 😚 Buster: You're an idiot Rio: Ha, you love it Buster: Yeah Rio: Drew's here Rio: What does Ro think he does all day, genuine question? Buster: What? Buster: Are you joking? Rio: No? Buster: Embracing that sad old man stereotype Buster: What's he want? Rio: Just a drink, I guess Buster: He can get a drink anywhere Buster: And with Indie, like Rio: Not if I'm serving 😂 ain't getting the sack for her Buster: You know what I mean Buster: He's there 'cause you're serving Buster: Without her Rio: Nah Buster: Babe, yeah. How are you looking today? Catch yourself on Rio: Not special enough to make a point of it Rio: no doubt got loads of customers 'round here Buster: We'll see Buster: I bet he'll come at you with his chat Rio: It's chill Buster: Says you Rio: What? Buster: Don't you want you and Indie to stay good Rio: Of course Rio: but she don't need me to be drama about it Rio: it's fine, I've got it handled Buster: She don't need her dad staring at your tits but it's still happening Rio: So that's my fault is it? Rio: Find my cardigan hold on Buster: I'm not saying it's your fault Buster: I'm just saying tell him to fuck off Rio: and I'm saying I can't Rio: not when he's just being friendly Buster: Bullshit is he Rio: Please don't make a fuss Rio: I'll just pretend I've gotta go change barrels or something, sure he'll be gone before I'm back Buster: I ain't, I'm reacting how you should be Buster: If one of your friends was like this with Indie you'd lose it and he's a grown man Rio: That's different, not like he's a random Rio: it's just Drew, s'what he's like Buster: Yeah it's different, it's worse Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: It doesn't matter, it doesn't worry me Rio: just forget I said it, yeah Buster: No Buster: If he was like that with my sister he'd be fucking dead Buster: And I don't even like her Rio: Yeah, he's a bit of a dick but Rio: what can we do? He's always gonna be around, like Rio: just gotta deal Buster: I could tell my aunt, for a start Buster: Or my mum Buster: Or yours Buster: I can't kill him but they would Rio: Well, don't do that Rio: Nothing's happened, I can't be out here saying it has Buster: Yet Buster: And look where saying nothing about Ryan got you Rio: That's completely different Rio: and has nothing to do with this Buster: Yeah but the point's valid Buster: How bad to you want things to be before you admit it is Rio: Nothing's going to happen Rio: I'm not going to let it, even if that is what he had in mind Buster: I know you don't want it to, that's what I'm saying Rio: He's not that dodgy Rio: we're fine, trust Buster: It's not you I don't trust Buster: He shouldn't even be looking at you like that Buster: It's fucked Rio: Can't expect him not to, yeah? Rio: kinda my vibe, how I dress Buster: Don't Buster: I mean it, it's not your fault Buster: It's mine for being jealous Rio: Nah, you've got some points Rio: I just don't know what to do with them Rio: and idc if you're jealous, just get to prove you don't have to be Buster: I just hate him thinking of you how I do Rio: I know Rio: I don't want that either Buster: Why can't he just leave? Do everyone a favor like Rio: Go where? Rio: Only leaves to go Prison, like Buster: I don't care and who else would, anywhere that ain't here Rio: Indie would Rio: still her Dad, even if he don't act it Buster: Yeah but you know it'd work out better for her in the end if he wasn't around Buster: She'd smoke less if nothing else Rio: Yeah Rio: I know Rio: you reckon he'd've been kneecapped by now Rio: definition of 🍀 Buster: Tempted to do the honors for him Buster: Cunt Rio: I know you're being serious right now Rio: but it's hot Buster: I know you don't need me to but I'll still protect you, babe Buster: Like you said before, there's so much lost time Buster: If I'd got my act together before you wouldn't have to deal with Ryan Rio: Babe Rio: You don't need to feel bad about that one, not like you could've done anything about that Buster: I know Buster: Sorry Rio: Shh Rio: You don't need to be sorry either Buster: We'll just forget it, yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Already have Rio: Only you on my mind, I've told you Buster: Thank fuck you can't tell anyone what a twat I am Buster: Secret's safe like Rio: Promise Rio: I like having it just for me too much Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Show me all the shit no one else gets to see Rio: I want it all Buster: You've got it, babe Buster: Can I come and see you if I promise not to knock Drew out Buster: I know it's ages until your break but Rio: 'Course Buster: I'll fit right in, won't I 😂 Rio: Totally Rio: so in touch with your roots rn, babe 🍀 Buster: Is that why you're so hot for me? Buster: I'll do the accent if it helps Rio: Nah, sick of locals Rio: I like yours, can close my eyes, pretend it's Prince Harry 😉 Buster: Fuck off Buster: I knew you had a thing for gingers Rio: 😂 knew you'd say that Rio: it was that or having a thing for receeding hairlines so Rio: i made the best choice i could tah Buster: You've already made it, just keep your eyes open and be with me Rio: 😍 Rio: can't even be mad Rio: that was smooth Buster: Yeah, well Buster: I am Buster: And I'm getting ready so what do I wear for this shithole? Rio: Since you've promised no fighting, don't have to worry 'bout blood stains Rio: Just jeans and a button-down would cut it, no need to go OTT Buster: Unless you've got some kind of vampire fantasy on your list, like Rio: It ain't 2009 Rio: though you've got the hair and the abs Buster: Fuck off Buster: I'm way sexier than that twat Rio: 😂 Rio: You gonna be jealous of Edward Cullen now? Buster: Like I said, I don't need to be Rio: What happened to him anyway Buster: Maybe he'll stop buy for a pint of your finest Rio: Ooh Rio: I can only hope so Buster: 😒 Rio: 😘 Buster: Alright I look good Buster: On my way Rio: 🙌💃 Buster: [Sends a selfie that's not as posey and just generally better than his insta snap] Rio: okay you cannot be coming in here looking like that Rio: imma die 😍 also have to jump you immediately sorry Buster: Babe, I'm out the door I can't be running back to change now Rio: Don't you look so fine Rio: gotta practice being stealth appreciating Buster: Practice all you want but how you look at me is already perfect Buster: I don't care if a few old blokes know how that I wanna bend you over the bar Rio: PLEASE Rio: So sad I ain't closing now but not 'cos we're still gonna have fun Buster: You'll forget all about what could've been in a second 'cause I'm not far
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smol-pilots · 7 years
code: calico
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: role play fuck my brains out bc i just virtually sucked someone's cock and got nothing in return
Stranger: why did you do that?
You: that's not a bad question
You: idk i thought i'd get something in return
Stranger: i guess so. some reward :D
You: yeah exactly
Stranger: it's like in movies, why girls are sluty
Stranger: they want something in return
You: hah i mean it's only fair isn't it?
Stranger: i think its kind of self deception
You: that's also not a bad remark
You: i always blindly believe men
You: i mean not blindly but
Stranger: we believe what we want to believe.
Stranger: so the important thing is what we want
Stranger: i mean, people want to "live happily ever after"
You: tru
Stranger: they imagine family, love and so on
You: but what do i want
You: i don't really fit into that tbh
Stranger: o.k., so what do you want
You: i mean i don't want family
You: i guess i wouldn't mind love but i don't expect it
Stranger: o.k., maybe you want relationship?
You: i don't even know what it feels so
You: i can't really feel any romantic feelings towards people?
You: it's kind of
You: sad actually
Stranger: do you feel like life is meaningless?
You: yeah
Stranger: maybe out of boredom you just try to have some "fun"
You: i mean exactly
You: i don't expect anyone to love me because i know i probably won't love anyone so
Stranger: oh
Stranger: by the way
You: yes?
Stranger: one good song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voi-aQlvP68 heard it yesterday in a movie
Stranger: stange movie, "Calico Skies"
Stranger: strange
You: i'm listening to the song and i really like it, thank you!
You: noted, i'll put it on my to-watch list :)
Stranger: what you said reminded my of the lyrics of this song
Stranger: she's kind of sad because she knows a man will love her, be she will not so much
You: okay i really like the song??? the voice is so nice also i rly like this type of music
Stranger: do you watch Game of Thrones?
You: i watched like 2 season but then i stopped hhh you?
Stranger: i watch it. yeah, 2 season was impressive. the red wedding, isn't it?
You: yup
You: i see there's so much drama now hahah
Stranger: :) yeah, they lost it, i guess
Stranger: the beggining was building impressive,
Stranger: anyway
Stranger: you are f or m?
You: f
You: you?
Stranger: m
Stranger: so why girls suck cocks, it quite nonsensical
Stranger: gross acitivyt
You: i mean tru but i guess it's for the dude's pleasure? also it's kinda fun to have so much power over someone
Stranger: yeah, but this is zero sum game - pleasure for the dude, but for the sucker what?
Stranger: nah, it never appealed to me
You: it's a lot of work actually but i guess all of this is just giving and receiving
Stranger: i think physically it's quite troublesome
Stranger: for a woman
You: i mean it usually takes time??
You: and then everything just starts to hurt bc the dude can't come that fast and it's just
You: uh
Stranger: yeah. crazy stuff
Stranger: but people do many crazy things :)
You: hah that's true
Stranger: what's your country?
You: uk
Stranger: old good uk :)
You: hahahahh
You: you?
Stranger: russia
You: oh nice!
You: ive never been there but i rly want to go to moscow
Stranger: come sometimes, we'll drink a lot of vodka together
You: oh my god no vodka always kills me
Stranger: :D
Stranger: it kills everyone
You: that's like my top three worst drunk moments all involved vodka it's the devil
Stranger: ha ha ha
Stranger: wine is also tricky, it is very intoxicating
Stranger: try a lot of red wine
Stranger: you'll see :D
You: i love wine tho
You: but yeah it also hits pretty hard hahahah
You: how old are u tho?
Stranger: 28
You: ah i'm 24
Stranger: vow vow, we would make a perfect pair :D
You: hahahh we really would :)
Stranger: anyway, why people always try to pair at all?
Stranger: natures call?
You: i have no idea
You: i mean is it really tho
You: i don't think it's nature, it's the culture
You: the society
You: everyone is always shocked when i tell them that i'm single and i don't want kids because they're like??? but how??
You: everyone expects things according to the society they live in and it's kinda annoying sometimes
Stranger: yeah, it's quite strange. everyone want to live by that stream: family, kids, happy life. no alternatives
You: exactly
You: it's like i'm obliged to live my life by this rule
You: and i'm weird if i don't follow
Stranger: but even if people remain single, they want to get romantically involved
Stranger: that is also strange
Stranger: it's like some software inside of us,
You: tru. i sometimes catch myself wishing i'd have a boyfriend and a house and two kids and a dog bc i remember i wished for all that when i was a child. and then once again i see that my parents told me that this is how it is? you get older, you get married, have kids, a house, a job and that's what i also wished for when i was younger
You: i was raised by these values
You: and now that i'm older and i don't want that anymore but i feel like at the same time a part of me maybe still hopes that one day everything would just go the way a young me dreamed it to be
Stranger: when i was younger, i also had dreams about family. and all people about 20 yo i know have the same. almost all.
You: really?
You: what do you want?
Stranger: with time i have seen that this is very big struggle, family, kids, relationship, and "you do not get what you imagine". so i drop those young dreams. they were not realistic. it was illusions of young person. i did not know life and did not know the world.
Stranger: i want to rise above the problems of this life. to get free.
Stranger: not to get entangled more and more
You: the first part!!
You: i really believe that this is what contributed to the majority of crap i had to go through as a teenager and up to this day
You: u see but how does one get free
You: i feel like time to actually! enjoy this life is running out and at the same time i feel there's just sooo much left of it and i'm just passing by, doing things that don't make me happy
You: (bc i don't really know what makes me happy)
You: (imma go brush my teeth and shit i might be gone for about ten minutes okay?)
You: (and shit does not mean take an actual shit i just meant it as "and other stuff")
Stranger: o.k., yes, please do the needful. i'll have some time to reflect. :)
Stranger: i see it like this: I want to be happy just by existing. To rise above my own mental structures, that don't let me feel happy, don't let me feel light and content. I think, if one in his soul "takes everything very easy", not burdening himself with so many false ideas about why he is this or that, and just tries to be, to exist authentically, as a being that is free, then it is good state of consciousness.
Stranger: just to feel that lightness.
Stranger: do i need to do something for that, some big projects of life? I dont think so. Just need to give up some mental stuff. It's all in the mind.
Stranger: if man will simply change his mind, he can be happy. And so many jobs, responsibilies and relationships will not make him happy. It will be just a lot of troubles.
Stranger: anyway, we are all after happiness. the only question is, where is that real happiness
You: that's actually a very interesting perspective that i do find myself agreeing to but at the same time i feel like in theory it sounds ideal and simple but it's really hard to just let go of what's in your mind
Stranger: you are right :) it not easy
You: i was very hung up on the happiness thing as i felt unhappy all the time. and i wondered whether or not you're ever really happy in life. and i asked my mother (u know the older the wiser or smth) and she said that happiness isn't really a long period of time but rather a moment here and there that makes you happy to be alive
You: and that thought made me really sad at the time because i always felt like happiness is something that comes in time - when you get older, wiser, more experienced etc but now i'm discovering my mother wasn't really wrong?
You: at least that's how i experience life
You: my colleague tho, she lovES life. literally loves it. the most positive bright cheerful happy person i have ever seen w my two eyes. and it's just weird bc what did she do how did she achieve this bliss how can she see this life so full of good things
You: it's just
You: so weird
Stranger: it depends on what we do. I think, it's real assessment of ordinary life - happiness are just rear and fleeting moments. but i my life there were some periods where i felt very happy for considerable periods of time. no i do not feel so happy. and with age, happiness diminishes, i think, because the body begins to make a lot of problems. then one is not as energetic as before. and you have to work and survive with less and less energy to accomplish that.
Stranger: i thing technologies, computers, internet steal a lot of happiness
Stranger: i went to asia for some time, and after few months i revived the joy of life
You: that's true but it's also what made it really tough to keep living - that it won't get better in time. i was really sad and depressed for the majority of my teenage years so being alive while people kept telling me it's only gonna get harder wasn't really a good thing for me i guess. but at least my expectations weren't that high hahah
You: that's true but at the same time i depend on them to distract me from life so it's really in contradiction
Stranger: it can get better
You: ohh where did u go
Stranger: it must
You: i mean that's what i want to believe but like someone give me idk an age at which it gets better hh
Stranger: with good strategy, there is way. i think so. because I experienced it for a while. I does not depend on the age
Stranger: i may be unhappy for the rest of my life, if i do not try, and stay as i am
Stranger: but if i will apply whatever i learned about happiness, i may achieve something, as i had before.
You: that's a really nice and positive thought
You: i'll keep it in mind
Stranger: if there is hunger, there must be food. so if we are hungry for happiness, it must be out there. or inside of us.
Stranger: oh my god, it's 1 am here
Stranger: forgot myself while talking this stuff :)
You: but it's just so annoying my time is ticking?
You: hahahah
You: i really enjoyed it tho
You: it's rare to find someone to have this kind of conversation with
Stranger: o.k., lets think of a keyword by which we can find each other on omegle again.
Stranger: :)
You: okay
You: :)
Stranger: i know. "Calico". you'll find me by this.
You: good one. i'm going to write it down so i don't forget :)
You: also so i don't forget to download the songs
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