#like. if you reverse the robins then whoever you replace Dick with now has to be the template for kid-sidekicks everywhere.
arbitrarycategories · 17 days
my own reverse robins au has me in a vice-grip I swear. Little Duke Thomas I love you so much.
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trashystar420 · 4 years
Babysitter Maribat AU AGE Reversed Chapter 2!
“I am very sorry for the delay, Ms. Dupain-Cheng, it is a pleasure to meet you” Bruce Wayne spoke. Marinette had to resist the urge to gap like a fish, because god damn, he hot. Selina definitely knows how to pick em. But due to her years of masking her own emotions with a smile, she responds back in kind.
“The pleasure is all mine, sir” and giving a knowing look to Selina, who rolled her eyes and gave one back.
“Just be sure to treat her right.” She warned playfully, but the venom was there. Selina had to cover herself, lest she burst into a fit of giggles, while the man she wrapped her arms around had to do a double take. Giving a dutiful nod, he starts to introduce his boys.
“This is my youngest son, Dick Grayson.” Mari had to refrain herself from cooing at the adorable kid before her. But the sparkle in her eyes was fully noted by everyone else, and they felt pity for her. ‘She won’t be thinking that for long.’ Bruce thought bitterly.
“My second youngest, Jason Todd.” Jason merely rolls his eyes at her, and Mari can’t help but give a knowing smile.
“My second oldest, Tim Drake.” Said boy was too busy on his phone, and barely acknowledges her. Giving a meek wave. Bruce and Alfred both gave dejected sighs at the rude behavior of the young teen. Damien rolled his eyes, and shakes the hand of his replacement.
“Damien, Damien Wayne” he answers, the Bluenette returns the handshake politely. And with some serious warnings from Bruce, and some recommendations on what to do and what NOT to do, and a lot of pulling on Selina’s part, Bruce reluctantly went. Once the mansion door closed chaos ensued.
“Think you can manage?” Damien asked haughtily. Mari simply rolled her eyes at him and walked towards the two troublemakers. Dick noticed first, and hid behind Jason. Jason made an intimidating face to the Bluenette. Mari gave a nod, knowing that the warning was received. After staring into the young boy’s blue eyes, the babysitter gave a warm smile. One that threw off the the troubled child.
“I know this might seem tedious, but how about we introduce ourselves again? I didn’t get to hear your voices.” She offered. Jason gave a guarded expression, while Dick reluctantly looked up at the Bluenette, still clutching his older brother. Damien could only watch the scene, completely confused as to what was going on, even Tim looked slightly apprehensive.
“My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I’ll be your babysitter” she outstretched her hand, offering a handshake to the two.” Jason looked at it wearily, but Dick took it first. ‘So cute’ she thought
“D-Dick Grayson” said boy answered timidly. That had Tim and Damien gap. It took Tim a week for Dick to even speak to him. For Damien it took a good year for Dick to gain the courage to look at him. A pang of jealousy went through the older boys. Alfred was shocked again, for the second time.
Giving a warm smile, she spoke.
“I really love your voice, Mr. Grayson, I hope to hear it more.” Dick blushed , but remained eye contact. Jason was smirking.
“And hello to you-“ Mari purposely pauses for Jason to say his name. Jason sighs, and playfully rolls his eyes at his new babysitter. However, that did not deter the young woman’s hand away. The boy reluctantly returned the handshake. Muttering his name, his eyes casted down.
“Jason Todd.” He meekly gave. Marinette has to RESIST the urge to hug out the two precious beans before her. It gets harder by the minute. Jason then pointed out the box she placed on a nearby table.
“What’s that?” He asked hopefully knowing the answer. Dick also noticed the box and was curious as well. Marinette gave another warm smile as she got up from her crouched position.
“How about I show you instead?” As she retrieve the box and opened it. The mansion was flooded with the sweet aromas of the mysterious French pastries. Strawberry, blueberry, chocolate, vanilla, and many more. It was a colorful batch of delicious looking goods. The boys all stared hungrily at the baked goods, wanting them soo badly, but refrained from taking them. Tim also looked hungry, while Damien scowled at the scene before him.
“What are those?” Dick meekly asked, while Jason nodded. She giggles again and responds in kind.
“These are called Macaroons. They are a dessert back in France. I didn’t know what kind of flavors you two liked, so I just made a bunch and hoped for the best.”
“T-t-those are f-f-for us!?!?” Jason pointed to himself and his baby bro. Marinette couldn’t help herself, she was laughing at their stunned faces. It was just soo fricken CUTE.
“Yes. Think of this as a bribe for you two to behave. And if it goes well, then I can come back again with even more treats.” Dick was clutching Jason’s jacket even tighter, while Jason was drooling like a dog. Afred sighed at their rude behavior. Tim was trying so hard not to laugh, while Damien was seething. Whoever this harlot was, is obviously using magic.
“Hey Alfred, is it ok if I can give them their treats now?” She asked, Alfred gave the nod.
“Thank you Alfred!!”
“You da best!!!”
“Do you think the mansion will stay in one place Selina?” The apprehensive bat asked, poking his medium done stake with a fancy fork. Selina rolled her eyes.
“Relax Bruce dear, my girl’s got this. If there is anything you need to know, it’s that Marinette Dupain-Cheng is not a quitter. Trust me, she’s even more stubborn than me.” Bruce still eyes her warily, but let’s out another sign. Selina felt bad for her lover, and put a reassuring hand on his.
“You need to destress a little dear. Say, how about we stay at my place for tonight?” Bruce perked up at the offer, and off the two went to do god knows what (ya I know what they do but do you?!).
“Wow Pixie-Bob you’re really good at this.” Jason complimented as he was beat yet again in ultimate Mecha strike three. Dick wanted to fight Mari next so the older bro gave the controller to him.
Damien had already left to the bat cave to let off some steam after the events that went on in the house. It was a miracle the house didn’t even burn down yet. Tim was also down there doing a real quick scan over the ungodly stack of papers,on another case in Killer Frost. The atmosphere was tense, until Tim spoke up first.
“What do you think of the babysitter, Demon Spawn” Demon spawn growled at the nickname, but gave his answer.
“A witch.”
“I am genuinely surprised she hasn’t been killed yet. And all those two are doing are playing video games!?!? Like NOrMAL kids!!!! How did she do that?”
Damien also wished to know how a stranger such as her, could lower the guards of his brothers when he’s spent years with them, and never seemed to get along with them.
He proceeds to cut another dummy into sixteen pieces with deathly accurate precision. Sheathing the blade, the older boy made his way to the costume racks.
“What are you doing?” Tim asked, already knowing the answer.
“ patrol” he answered. Tim sighed.
“Well try not to kill anyone demon spawn” he chided. Damien ignored him as he went off into the night as Robin.
“But Mari I wanna stay up longer!” Jason protested to the stern babysitter, already holding a sleepy Dick.
“No means no mister, what did we talk about with behaving?” Mari reminded him. Jason widened his eyes and pouted to the floor. The Bluenette made a sympathetic smile, and gingerly places a delicate finger on the chin of the child.
“How about a bed time story?” Jason practically jumped.
“I am terribly sorry if any of the boys gave you a difficult time” Alfred began, only to falter when the Bluenette giggles again.
“Don’t worry about it Alfred, the boys were absolute angels.” Now Alfred couldn’t help himself, try as he might, as he started to laugh at that. Marinette gave her farewells and went off into the night. Bruce returned the following morning.
A nervous knock, and Alfred answers the door.
“H-how much damage did they do, oh god I can’t look!” Bruce covered his eyes, wanting to deny the harsh reality that would come to him. However Alfred simply patted the man out of his breakdown.
“I assure you Master Bruce, the mansion is still in one piece, all thanks to Marinette.” Bruce gatherer the remaining courage he had and scanned the entire mansion. Not taking off his coat he ran to every nook and cranny. He checked every closet, only to find them all clean. He checked the bathrooms, bedrooms, hallways and dining halls. Going so far as to check under the rug to see if there were any hidden messes.
Nothing. The mansion stayed in one piece.
“The BATCAVE!!!!” He practically screeched as he bolted towards the supposed secret lair of his ‘secret’ vigilantie work. Only to find that it was neat. Everything was were it was supposed to be.
Feeling his knees go weak, he collapsed to the floor, not caring how he looked and laughed. He fricken laughs. As tears stream down his face. Tears of unbridled joy. The family butler offers him a handkerchief, the bat gladly accepting it.
“I believe a thank you card should be addressed to one Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Along with a rather generous tip, don’t you think?” Bruce was still crying, and only gave a nod. As if out of habit, the man summoned a blank check , signed his name and wrote $10,000 on it.
“Be sure to deliver this to Ms.Dupain Cheng for me Alfred. Make sure to include a gift along with a card as a part of my gratitude. If you will excuse me I need to make a phone call.” Bruce left to recollect his thoughts, while Alfred left with the check already on the task at hand.
Holy shit you guys chapter one was well recieved and I thank you all for reading, liking, and reblogging the shit out of it. I couldn’t wait I had to write chapter two to get it out of my system. You all really mean so much to me ahhhhh
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addicted-to-dc · 7 years
Batfamily X Reader- Sense Of Normality
I am so sorry for not posting anything!!! I know this took longer than usual, but I’m going to get back on schedule.  Enjoy!!!!
Warning: Swearing, attempted murder (the usual)
“How in the hell did this happen?” Jason asked, staring at the baby struggling in Bruce’s arms.  “Of course it had to be Demon Spawn, why couldn’t it have been Replacement?”
Tim scoffed, keeping his attention on the Batcomputer, “I was not turned into a toddler because Damian shoved me out of the way, bless his murderous heart for doing that.”
“Let me repeat Jay’s first question,” you said with an aggravated tone, “how in the hell did this happen?”
“Obviously Demon Spawn got zapped by this de-aging ray,” Tim responded, ignoring your tone.  “How would someone reverse aging?”
“I don’t care,” you gritted your teeth, “just turn my brother back to his normal self.”
“He does look cute, though,” Dick said from behind the three of you, now holding Damian.
You glared at Dick, “This is not the time to comment how ‘cute’ Damian is.  We need to find that idiot who messed with the wrong sister.”
“No killing,” Jason said in a deep voice, receiving  a Batdad glare from Bruce.
You turned over to Jason, “You’re the one who contacted me, telling me Damian’s condition, so if you’re uncomfortable with my methods, then you can go-”
“I kill people almost every night,” Jason interrupted you.  “I’m just saying Bruce’s inner voice.”
Rolling your eyes, you looked over to Bruce, “I understand that he is your son and you are teaching him your ways, but he is still my brother.  Whoever harms my brother harms me, so this is a personal affair.”
“Looks like we’re going on a man hunt!” Dick exclaimed excitedly, scaring the dozing Damian.  “Oh, sorry, Dami.”
“Clearly one of us has to stay,” Bruce stated, glancing at Damian, “to watch Damian.”
“Not it!” Jason shouted immediately, making a small smile appear on your face.
“I’m dealing with the pompous ass who is responsible for this,” you said, folding your arms and raising a brow.
Sighing, Tim slammed his head onto the computer, “I’ll do it, it’s the least I can do for Demon Spawn.”
“Okay then,” Dick said and walked over to Tim, handing Damian over to him.  “Don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do.”
“You would drop him the second he barfed on you,” Tim rolled his eyes and turned his chair around, typing with one hand and holding onto Damian with the other, “and you know it’s true.”
You rolled your eyes, “Let’s go before the manhunt ends before we even start it, and yes, knowing Grayson, he would drop Damian.”
“Hey!” Dick shouted, an offended look appearing on his face.
Bruce sighed, “We will partner up and search for the person who did this, Tim, do you know who is responsible for this?”
“Yup,” Tim responded, typing as fast as he could with one hand.  “Here he is.”
A photo of the man appeared on the enormous screen, revealing his features.  The man, Abel, was a scientist that had worked for LexCorp until he was fired for unknown reasons.  Scoffing, you walked over to the weapons wall and grabbed one of Damian’s extra katanas.  You examined the blade before sheathing it, walking towards your motorcycle.
“Todd, you’re with me,” you stated.  “I tolerate you the most.”
“You know you love me,” Jason flirted and jogged over to his bike, placing his red helmet on before starting the motorcycle.
“Maybe I will if you help me gut the man who did this,” you said, speeding out of the Cave.
“Challenge accepted.”
“Please,” the man said, backing away from you until his back met with a wall, “have mercy.”
“Tell me how to reverse what you did to Robin,” Jason said, twirling his gun, “and then I’ll show some mercy.”
“It’ll reverse itself!” the man shouted.  “If he isn’t repeatedly exposed to the ray, then he’ll revert back to his normal age in a day!!”
“Good to know,” Jason commented, walking away from the man and over to you.  “He’s all yours.”
You smirked and walked over to the man, unsheathing Damian’s katana.  The man’s eyes widened and looked over to Jason, who was whistling and looking around the abandoned building they were at.
“You said you would show mercy!!” the man shouted, “I told you the truth!!”
“He said that he would show mercy,” you stated, crouching down to his level, “but he didn’t say anything about me.”
“(Y/S/N), step away from him now,” Bruce ordered from behind you, making you roll your eyes.  “That’s an order.”
Sighing, you stood up and walked away, glaring at Bruce, “He deserves much worse than you have in mind for him.”
“Return to the Cave,” he told Jason and walked away, handcuffing the now shaking man.  “Make sure that Robin is okay.”
“You got it, Party Pooper,” Jason saluted and wrapped an arm around your waist, grappling out of a large broken window.
“I could have done that myself,” you said, your arms wrapped around his neck.
“What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t?” Jason smiled, letting go of your waist after he landed in the alleyway.
“A competent one,” you retorted, climbing onto your motorcycle.  “Let’s go, I need to check if Drake has dropped my brother on his head.”
When you returned to the cave, you were surprised to see a slightly larger Damian running around while Tim was chasing him.  Raising a brow, you looked over to Jason, who also had a surprised look on his face.  Tim was Damian’s least favorite brother, but now that he was younger, he apparently loved him the most.  You haven’t seen Damian with that carefree smile in years, and it was good to see it again.
“I see he’s still alive,” you said to Tim, who froze immediately.
“He wanted to play tag,” Tim muttered, scratching the back of his neck.  
“(Y/N/N)!” Damian squealed, butchering your name. “Hello, little brother,” you greeted Damian, lifting him up from the ground.  “How was your time with Drake?”
“Fun!” he shouted, squeezing his little arms around your neck.
“Okay,” you wheezed, “can you let go of my neck?”
“Okay,” he said and released your neck, looking over to Jason.
“J-jay!” he said and made grabby hands. “Up!”
“Come here, buddy,” Jason chuckled lightly.  “You’re kinda cute when you’re not scowling and trying to kill people all the time.”
Damian giggled and grabbed Jason’s white streak, wiggling his fingers through it.  
“Okay, Squirt, let’s get you upstairs,” Jason said and shifted Damian so he would be on his back, “and maybe we’ll beat your sister to Alfred’s cookies!”
Giving you a wink, Jason ran to the elevator with Damian squealing behind him.  You chuckled and ran after them, knowing that this is an opportunity to provide Damian some sense of normality.
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