#like. it's bad. but it's not [insert chronic illness] right?
queer-crusader · 1 year
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the girl next door 18
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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“You know, sweetie, I was thinking,” Steve stacks the plates and gathers the utensils, “if you’re going to take those pills, I don’t think you should be alone.” 
You blink and sit up, rubbing your neck. You’re not a good liar. You weren’t planning on taking them. You were just going to go home and lay down but he keeps bringing it up. Maybe he’s suspicious. 
“Oh, I think I’ll be okay--” 
“Look, honey, your mom’s already in the hospital. I’d hate to see you in there with her. For my peace of mind, will you stay? Just for the night. That way we can head out bright and early to get mom,” he suggests. 
“Well...” you trail off, staring at the wall. 
He’s being pushy but for good reason. He’s looking out for you. You’re the one going against doctor’s orders and why? Because it’s embarrassing to think it’s that bad. Depressed? No, just pathetic. 
“Here, you can borrow some of my clothes,” his voice muffles as he goes into the kitchen and the plates clink in the sink. He reappears and grabs the boxes from the table, wiggling free on and peeling the flap open, “take a shower and relax. You need a good night’s sleep.” 
He pulls out the insert then reaches for the doctor’s note. He pops out a tablet and holds it out to you, “says you might get lightheaded. Let me know if you need anything, okay?” 
“I... It’s okay. I’ll go home to...” you bat your lashes at him and give up. He’s just as hard to argue with as your mother, although in a much different way. Your mom is stubborn and mean, but he’s concerned and you’re the one being obstinate. “Okay.” 
You take the pill and stare at it. It’s so small. You probably won’t feel a thing. You shrug and grab your glass of water and swig it down, tossing the tablet in your mouth before you swallow. You gulp thickly and set down the glass. 
“Right, let me get you something to sleep in. And a towel,” he says as he claps his hands. 
You nod and stay at the table as he strides off. You look down at your lap, thumbs twiddling around each other. As nice as he is, you’re starting to feel like just another burden. 
Before you can sink too far into self-pity, you make yourself get up. You take your glass and carry it into the kitchen. You flip on the faucet and dump what’s left of the water. You rinse out the glass and place it in the rack of the dishwasher. You do the plates next, then the cutlery. As you close the door and it clicks, you’re startled by the shadow to your left. 
Where the counter extends, Steve stands on the other side. You blanch and fold your hands over your chest. You show your teeth sheepishly. 
“You didn’t have to do all that,” he smiles. “You’re a guest.” 
“I... I wanted to help,” you say, “um, but... I don’t know how to turn it on.” 
“Leave that to me. I put the stuff in the bathroom for you. If you feel like it, you can have a bath. Help chase away the stressful day,” he offers. 
“Shower’s fine,” you drop your arms and raises your shoulders, trying to make yourself smaller, “thanks.” 
“No problem, sweetie,” he comes around the counter as you go to move in the opposite direction. You nearly collide and press yourself against the drawers as he grazes past you with and apology, “just... gonna finish up.” 
He presses a button on the dishwasher door and you flit away. His cologne clings in your nostrils as his warmth lingers around you. Too close. 
You go upstairs and shut yourself in the bathroom. It’s a little bit of solace. It’s not much but it’s space for yourself. You see the towel hung from the rack and the clothes folded on the counter. The tee shirt is grayish blue and the shorts are drawstring and stretchy.  
You twist and turn the faucet, water running into the sharp-cornered tub but you can’t figure out how to get the showerhead going. You turn the water off then on. Off and on. What the heck? 
“You okay in there, sweetie?” Steve calls through the door as friction rubs against the outside. 
“Um, yeah,” you shut off the tub and back up. You go to the door and flick the lock back, opening it just a little. “How... I can’t get the shower...” your words jumble up with your embarrassment. How stupid. You can’t even figure that out. 
“No problem,” he steps in and you back up. 
He goes to the tub and flips on the water, pulling out the lever until the water flows from above. You could smack yourself. Instead ,you thank him and hug yourself. He turns and winks at you, “all good. Anything else?” 
“No, I’m fine,” you assure him. 
He nods and marches back to the door, turning to tap on the edge of the door, “alright, sweetie.” 
He shuts the door and you go to lock it behind him. You retreat and slowly undress. The clothes you’ve been wearing since the night before are slightly musty with sweat and the stench of the hospital.
You step under the showerhead and let the temperature seep in. You lean your head back as it splashes down your chest. You stand with your eyes closed, your mind slowing and your eyelids scratchy. You feel your muscles slacken and sway just a little. 
Oof. You open your eyes and steady yourself. You look around and find a bottle of woodsy-scented soap. It’ll have to do. You won’t use too much, either. 
The steam forms a cloud around you. The humidity clogs in your nose and chest and swirls in your head. You’re dizzy as you slap a hand on the tile and turn off the faucet. 
You stagger out. The heat of the water fogs the mirror, further setting you off kilter. You pull on the shirt and shorts then collect your own clothes. You leave the towel on the rod and lean into the door as you unlock it. 
You trip out into the hall and wander along, for a moment, forgetting where you are. You enter the bedroom with the purple bedspread and dump the armful on the dresser. You stumble and sit on the edge of the bed. You slump onto your shoulder and your head lolls. You think the medicine is kicking in. 
You close your eyes and descend into the grey. It’s as if you’re floating on water, swaying and rolling with the tides. Not quite awake and not quite asleep. You hear yourself droning nonsensically. Snort and jerk but can’t break free of the heaviness. The world is moving around you but your eyelids won’t peel back. 
Your head pulses as you sink further and further down. Your subconscious is so deep it’s suffocating. The dim darkens to an endless void through which you hurtle down towards no bottom. The blackness unfurls before you, swallowing you up. 
You wake to the ceiling above you. There’s warmth against your side and a gentle breath brushing over your cheek. You groan and look over as the slumbering form next to you. You nearly scream at the sight of Steve but you don’t have the strength to do more than babble. 
Your arms shake as you sit up, your muscles sore and strained. You hold your head as you try to think straight. You shut your eyes again and urge yourself to wake up. It’s a nightmare. Some twisted dream. 
Your lashes flick up and you tilt your head to follow the yellow light seeping in between the curtains. It’s morning already. Your vision turns vivid and you’re certain you’re truly awake. But how did you end up here? 
“Sweetie,” Steve rasps groggily as he rolls onto his back, “you okay?” 
“Steve,” you look down at the tee shirt, drooping down one shoulder, “how... why am I in here?” 
“Hmm,” he rubs his forehead and opens his eyes, “you don’t remember?” 
“You came in here, saying you couldn’t sleep,” he lifts himself up, his chest bare as the blanket falls away, “you wouldn’t go back to bed so... I just let you stay. You seemed pretty out of it.” 
“I... I did?” You gurgle. 
“Must be the pills,” he rubs your back, “we can talk to the nurse again. Sweetie, are you okay?” 
You don’t understand. Why would you come in here? How can you not remember? 
“Nothing... happened?” 
He laughs, “sweetie, what would happen?” 
He stares at you and you grimace, shaking your head, “nothing. Nothing, I just... can’t remember.” 
“Hm,” he hums and his hand slides lower, stopping just above your bum before brushing back up, “just sleeping. That’s it.” 
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longcovidshortstories · 7 months
Long covid has meant seeing lots of doctors, lots of times. I've met some amazing people. Doctors with empathy and curiosity. A long covid clinic doctor started our appointment but just telling me, "you're not crazy" and I burst into tears. A pulmonologist assured me that even if he couldn't figure out what was happening to me, he wouldn't let me leave his care until he'd exhausted his options and he felt he knew where to refer me next.
But seeing so many people, I can't help but have experiences that hurt. I've joined the chronic illness community; the invisible illness community. Long covid is new, poorly understood, and has the fun addition of having a political toxicity attached to it.
A bad doctor's appointment really stings. It holds onto me. It haunts me. Sometimes, it makes me angry. Why am I not being heard? Why am I being treated like my disease isn't real. Why is this doctor making recommendations that I couldn't possibly physically accomplish? I explained my physical limitations. They're real. I know that they're real.
It brings back all of the doubt that i already carry under the surface. Maybe I'm being dramatic. Is long covid even really a thing? Am I making this up? Maybe I just need to try harder. Have I tried yoga? Positive thinking?
Sometimes, it's small and inconsiderate things. Recommendations that ignore physical or financial circumstances that i just talked about in that same appointment. Test results read in snide tones alongside the "normal" range.
Sometimes, it's big and brash things. Recommendations of surgeries or programs that are extreme or inappropriate. Making me fight for my medical care.
Being sick is exhausting. Having long covid is exhausting. Having some kind of medical appointment nearly every week is exhausting. I live in a rural area and have to drive about an hour to reach any of these doctors. I don't want to feel like the expert on my disease when I go to the doctor. I'm tired. I have nightmares about hospitals. I want to at least know that when I give everything I have to be in that doctor's office, they will believe that I'm sick.
ENT 2021: No one really knows what's causing taste and smell changes in long covid, so there's not much I could really do for you. If it's really hard to live with food tasting like trash, I could sever your olfactory nerve. Then you shouldn't smell or taste anything. Maybe that's better? Although, if long covid is actually neurological, that might not actually help you at all!
Nutritionist 2021: Maybe try (insert very expensive home delivery food service).
GP 2021: Are you really, really sure you want to remove your IUD? Your insurance probably won't pay for another one for a while. The ultrasound showed it was still in the right place, so I can't imagine it's what's causing you any problems.
A Different Nutritionist 2022: I think you should sign up for an online eating disorder program. It's not long covid specific, so it'll mostly be group therapy with people with traditional eating disorders, but I'm just not sure how much I can help you.
Orthopedist 2023: You wrote "long covid" under preexisting conditions. What is that? I've never heard of it.
Speech Therapy 2024: Breathe out saying "e" for as long as you can....Hmmm, that was 4 seconds. You know the normal average for that is 20 seconds.
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evilminji · 8 months
For once! Purely BNHA! Because I CAN NOT stop Pondering It!
Quirk: Transfer.
Vague name, right? Well it would have to be. Because NO ONE would believe a Self Insert, even in a world of Quirks. They wouldn't WANT to believe. Because? The prospect would be horrifying and terrible.
It's far easier to say it's "Quirk Related Neurosis".
Because "no, no, you silly child! Your Quirk can't POSSIBLY have grabbed a random soul from another dimension, which it now holds, as the ONLY thing powering your body! You can't have died, with all the trauma and loss that entails, only to be shoved into the body of a toddler! Silly baby, such wild imagination! Maybe your Quirk 'transfers' memories, too!"
Except NO, asshole. They are the one with the metaphorical arm here. THEY are the one who would know which way it does and does not "Bend". But trying explaining a something to someone who doesn't want to hear it. Something that makes them uneasy, that is outside of their world view.
That touchs on the random, unfeeling, chaos of the Universe and how it relates to their soft and supposedly sensible lives. What do you MEAN sometimes Bad Things happen to good people? What do you MEAN sometimes, even if I do everything "right" and take every precaution, terrible calamities can occur?
That I could Die?
That my very Soul could be ripped away from it's rightful rest, too some far off land?
That can't happen! That's not FAIR. It's not RIGHT. Crimes are Illegal! You can't be telling me that sometimes people DONT uphold their duties! Abuse their power! That things are unfair and injustice can strikes, no matter HOW safe I think I am!
That's Scary!
I'd rather believe you were wrong.
That things Make Sense and there are Rules I have to follow. That I am Safe and you are just a liar. Bad things happen for a reason. Bad people are bad BECAUSE they are evil and bad. Let's not think about this any more. Let's talk about TV shows and take-out.
What a terrifying Quirk.
To be held, at the nonexistent mercy, of the Universe's randomness and decay. Reliant on the compassion and understanding of Others, to cope with what has occurred.
Because while the Universe is uncaring, your fellow man SHOULD be. Bonding together against that great and frightful void. Making sense of it all. The compassion of stardust and all that. Children born of this universe, who in turn look back and observe it. Yet? To them you are either mad... or a liar.
Do they hide it fast enough? Do they even think too, in time?
Or is their's a childhood being told "your past is nothing more that hallucinations and stolen memories" before being fed pills, for illnesses they do not have? Do they doubt? Break down and believe. After all, everyone around them is telling them their memories are false.
Not to trust their lying mind.
Children have so few rights. Madmen even fewer.
Do they lie? Smile, nod, and agree with whatever the doctors say? Do they know their mind or does this destroy them? Perhaps... they are lucky. Good doctors and better care. Long talks and learning to cope, with no one believing. After all, hallucinations don't "go away" just because you know they aren't real.
Why would their memories?
A childhood never quite forgiving the ones who locked them away. Being treated as "insane". Being alone. Not sure if you WANT to "make friends" but trying anyway. Because humans are social animals. Because you know what an alarmingly intelligent and self disciplined child, who ALSO happens to be notably asocial, looks like to people.
A life of fear and lies.
The chronic, extreme, stress, and what it must do to their health.
Does Transfer grow with them? Most Quirks do.
What a terrifying childhood. To know, one day, it could just... quit. A straining muscle that finally gives out. The Quirk that binds you into this body just... running out of strength. Letting go.
Maybe grabbing a different soul.
After all, no one ever said YOUR soul was special. And no one believes you. So no tests have ever been done. And that hold? How strong, you must wonder, IS it?
Do they drift? In and out. Does their body suffer, from stress and a soul barely bound to it? Poorly transfered, by an Infants first manifestation? Why was it a SOUL? The first thing they Transfered? Was it based on need? Or was it always meant to be this way?
Can the Transfer other things, now? Or still just themselves? Still nothing but Souls? Is it even a transfer at all?
And what happens if it stops? Or gets copied? Influenced in anyway? Do they have a moral obligation to avoid those they know could be potentially killed by them? Who could potentially kill them by accident?
And, oh! Oh the QUANDARY of children! Quirks are GENETIC. Any mutation or variation of their Quirk? Will bring about ANOTHER. Do they have that RIGHT? Too kidnap another soul? Even if it's just to no longer be alone? Too condemn them to live when they may not wish too?
Their whole bloodline would be Self Inserts. No guarantee they'd be from the same universe! But they would be Reincarnations just like you. Born into a Story. One you KNOW, by nature, can never be peaceful.
Because a peaceful world is not an interesting Shonen Story.
Just as Batman can never truely win, just as the day never truely stayed saved, so too will this world forever decend back into chaos. So a new Protagonist can rise to meet it. What RIGHT would you have, to knowingly bring an innocent person into such danger, trapped in the body of a child?
I ponder the Self Insert Quirk.
How horrifying and numbing it must be. How crippling, the terror that, this? Is merely the beginning of a Tale that will destroy them. To be inserted into story's they long ago forgot, again and again, with no way to stop it. Forever.
Damned to be set dressing in another's grand campaign, even as they slowly go insane.
What a horrifying Quirk.
The Self Insert Quirk: Transfer.
@hdgnj @hypewinter @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter @lolottes @babbling-babull
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utterentropy · 28 days
Have you ever wanted to join a Discord server where the entire premise is just that you pretend you're a chronically online adolescent version of your favourite characters?
A server where there is no you, no anyone, no actual people talking about real sad people things in our sad people world, but rather just fictional characters during the prime angst age just chatting and posting about their lives in their respective worlds?
Where there is virtually no limit on what character you can play, so long as the media isn't like saying something bad is okay or one extremely niche fandom or one almost as niche character, where you can just act like you've always been that character (or well, as many as you'd like) in a Discord server, conversing about their life in a dystopia, or a world of anthropomorphic animals, or a magical school, or the apocalypse, or the empyrean ranges of a world of Gods, or a medieval wasteland, or something that makes absolutely no sense to have Discord and be obsessively on the internet but you don't care and we don't care and you make it work anyway?
Where all sensitive real life subjects are not to be discussed, and all server members remain mysterious and pretty much all of what you know of them is their silly little blorbos…
Oh yeah, also like everyone in the server so far are MASSIVE Rain World fans so Rain World characters are hugely encouraged.
But I should probably say what's not allowed first.
-Racism, sexism, transphobia, xenophobia, homophobia, religiophobia, ableism, sanism, all of this regardless of your reasoning.
-Com-shipping, people just generally aren't comfortable with it and I request you leave us be.
-TERFs, "MAP"/"NOMAP"s, Xenosatanism, right-wing
-Real life-venting (projecting through your character is allowed!) and discussion of serious real world topics (politics, mental illness, discourse, real world events, etc.)
-Cringe culture, we're all just havin' fun and there's no need to get onto us for being strange
What is allowed:
-Angst, fluff, comfort RPs, in-character arguments, and just casual, Discord-style chatting
-Sensitive topics for roleplay purposes (we'll tell you what needs to be spoiled) in a non-romanticised manner
-Any and all characters with very few exceptions (this means generally controversial fandoms, such as Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Dream SMP, Countryhumans, Eddsworld etc. are allowed, so if you're uncomfy interacting with those people I advise you steer clear)
-Those who identify as/with a fictional character roleplaying as the character they identify as (I find it might be very therapeutic for you)
-AUs of canon characters (I love AUs sm pls pls pls pls pls)
-Characters that are absolutely horrible people (which the exception of sexually violent characters)
-Characters that don't really make sense to be on Discord but they are anyway, regardless on if there's a good reason or not
-Beginners of character-making/roleplaying
-Neurodivergent, queer, trans, alterhuman, etc. folks
Just remember, this is NOT a place to chit-chat and get to know people. This is a place to pretend you're a character on Discord and be very firm on that being who you are. It is EXTREMELY encouraged to only use the OOC channels if you wanna ask a question or for permission, or to DM someone in-character.
If you do decide to come, we'll be happy to have you!
We intend to have a very casual atmosphere so if like…… you argue a lot, or are a very blunt/mean/serious person then pls don't stop by
Please reblog this and spread this as much as you can!!! I wanna have a good time and have an escape for people through this little server :)
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kiigan · 7 months
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⇾ Main rule: ㅤPlease be nice and respectful. I try my best to make this blog a safe space for everybody, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc., and I expect the same courtesy in return.
ㅤMore info in general about how I run this blog and how I am as a roleplay partner can be found [here] and [here].
⇾ Followers and Mutuals: ㅤI don't do follow-for-follows and I'm not here for numbers. If I follow you, I want to interact with you and I assume that is also why you follow me. I reserve myself the right to unfollow/block blogs that I cannot see myself interacting with and/or that make me uncomfortable in any way, and I highly encourage you to do the same to me if it's ever needed.
ㅤFor personal blogs: I usually do not follow back personals because I like to keep a focused dash or else I get easily overwhelmed. Personals are welcome to interact, however! Feel free to send questions, anons, memes/promts, etc. Personals are also welcome to like and leave comments on my posts but, please, refrain from reblogging roleplay threads (it messes up the notifications).
⇾ Interactions: ㅤAlways feel free to come poke at me in the DMs (or to ask for my Discord!), tag me on a starter, ask me for a starter, send something to my inbox. Unprompted asks are always welcome and the memes/prompts I reblog don't have expiration date, feel free to send at any time. Also, always feel free to continue asks. And I don't really care for reblog karma, reblog all the things directly from me if you wanna.
ㅤI prefer plotted interactions, but I'm also open to winging stuff. Also, I do prefer interactions with at least a half-paragraph of content, because honestly I am very bad at one-liners. Multiple threads with the same person are welcome, as well as interactions with different muses from a same multi-muse blog. Fair warning: I sometimes get wordy in my replies! Please never feel like you have to match reply length. Provided there's content to work with and we're having fun, that's what matters to me.
ㅤI add some formatting to my posts (mostly, different colors and font sizes) and I don't use icons, and I'm okay with any style in my partners' replies. If you need me to keep my own replies looking simple and unformatted, just let me know.
ㅤLast but never least: please don't ever feel like you owe me anything. I'm very patient when it comes to replies (also I can be incredibly slow myself) and roleplay is for fun, not to add to irl stress. Take care of yourself and always put your well-being first!
⇾ Content: ㅤThe following themes feature heavily in my portrayal: children as soldiers, children expected to act as adults, blood and injuries, death, (progressive) chronic/terminal illness, (progressive) blindness, mental illness symptoms, genocide represented by the Uchiha massacre, segregation and discrimination perpetrated on the Uchiha clan, canon-typical violence, canon-typical eye gore, manipulation associated with the use of genjutsu.
ㅤThese themes will NOT be tagged, because they are integral to Itachi as a character. Other potential triggers are tagged as: [insert trigger] cw. Sexual content is tagged as nsft cw and will usually be placed under a Read More cut. If you need something in specific to be tagged, let me know. As for myself, please tag anything related to animal harm/abuse/cruelty. I’m open to exploring dark/ angsty/ dead dove themes, provided both muns are of age, rightfully consent, and are comfortable with it.
⇾ Relationships: ㅤYes please. Developing and exploring dynamics between muses is actually one of my favorite things to do! I'm open for all sorts of bonds: romantic, platonic, family, friends, friends with benefits, exes, enemies, rivals, hateships, crackships, all of it. This blog is multi-ship and each thread happens in its own universe, unless plotted otherwise. Regarding sexual content, I personally feel comfortable writing it explicitly, however I will always respect what my partners prefer (like making it vague or fade to black entirely).
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acewitch-writes · 1 year
im sorry you had to go through that in ur fics. i think people self-insert onto sirius so bad they take personal offense to people who do him differently, despite that being a natural part of reading anything. i read through ur blog and i realized that there's really no winning in this fandom unless u like a certain kind of characterization that is atyd-inspired, but not even atyd-accurate. from a remus bias perspective, that mostly interacts w the fandom via ao3 fics, it feels the same way u feel abt sirius: like people hate him and want to punish him. i started thinking abt how some fics would be read from a sirius bias perspective (i love him too, after all) and i realized it was the same way lmao. nobody wins. i hope you either find an enjoyable niche or a better fandom, and that today's trends will fizzle out ♥
I have always had an unhealthy obsession with Remus as a person who is chronically ill and disabled. I had a pretty sheltered childhood and struggled with making friends. I was awkward and weird as a kid. So naturally, I relate to canon Remus to my very SOUL and it has been genuinely painful to watch him slip further and further away. I don't even read fanfiction anymore unless I know and trust the author because at this point, Remus is just an OC based on another OC in nearly every fanfiction, even the ones that try to claim to be a canon compliant character study of Remus Lupin.
And Sirius is often just... there. As the love interest for this OC that shares Remus' name and that's pretty much it. He is made small and weak, a damsel in distress for the big strong alpha male to protect and dominate.
And you're right, the funniest part about all of this is that ATYD wasn't even THAT bad. It was a snowball effect where readers flocked to the fandom with 0 knowledge of the marauders, claimed the atyd OC Remus as canon, and then twisted Sirius into this unrecognizable shell of a character, stripped of all of his depth and masculinity and power, because it made fetishizing Remus easier by using Sirius as a shallow self-insert.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 2 years
Sorry to keep going on about this but I have anti-vaxx parents so it's important to me, but homeopathic groups are so fucking predatory. They specifically target people who are justifiably wary of the medical system (mainly women of color, especially black women) and people who are either chronically or terminally ill and desperate for something that makes them feel in control of their illness.
They push bullshit "traditional medicines" and use all the right buzzwords to make people scared of both medical professionals and standard Western medicine and then they push themselves as the "safe" and "natural" alternative. They employ cult tactics to make people scared of the world so that they don't feel like there's anyone they can trust except [insert "wellness" company].
They leap at any bit of fear, any tiny medical complication or bad experience, and they use that as their opening to dig into people's heads. The best case scenario for a lot of the victims of these groups is going fucking bankrupt because they spent thousands on what is essentially water that had a leaf in it for a very brief moment, but a lot of people end up dying because they put their trust in these scams. People try to use crystals and colloidal silver to treat their cancer, get "chakra" massages for their heart conditions, drink pennyroyal tea to induce "natural" abortions.
A lot of these groups also end up turning into actual cults, which is a whole other can of worms. The founders of these companies become controlling, violent, turn themselves into religious figures. Then suddenly people in the group find themselves transferring their "ascended" leader's mummified corpse across state lines in the car trunk.
And then the victims get blamed for it, mocked and harassed. And I get it but I'm also the child of someone who is neck deep in that mindset and I've seen much how fear is the driving force. And the more and more misinformation and disinformation becomes common not just online but also on the news and on tv, the more people end up falling into these groups.
You can argue that people who fall for those things are just idiots who don't know how to do research, but the simple fact is that search engines? News sites? Youtube? Social media entirely? Those are becoming increasingly dominated by "wellness" cults and anti-science nonsense and it's getting harder and harder to pull people out of that spiral. Especially right now, with how fucking terribly the US government at least has handled covid; people know they can't fully trust government agencies to take care of their health, and these predatory groups are just giving them explanations for that distrust, even if those explanations are wrong.
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mental-mona · 4 months
10 things not to say to someone with bipolar disorder
These are the 10 most unfortunate comments that I and other friends with bipolar disorder have gotten over the years, with an explanation of why they're so wrongheaded.
"So you'll take that and be fine in the morning, right?" Yes. No. Maybe. See, once my mood's gone off the rails, anything can happen. It's possible that I'll temporarily raise the dose of something or add something in and wake up in the morning feeling perfectly fine, but it's also possible that recovery will take weeks, especially if my meds weren't adjusted optimally to begin with. Alternatively, I might wake up the next morning in a normal mood but feel like a zombie because of the medication's side effects.
"Have you tried antidepressants?" No I haven't, at least not by themselves. If I have taken them by themselves, most likely bad things happened. See, when you give people with bipolar disorder SSRIs without mood stabilizers, they go manic. Imagine that in your brain there's a switch. In depressed people it has 2 settings, depressed and normal. In people with bipolar disorder it has 3 settings, depressed, normal, and manic. Antidepressants flip that switch from the lowest to the highest setting, regardless of what you intended "highest" to be.
"Have you tried [alternative/additional therapy]?" Just to clarify: the prevailing psychiatric theory is that bipolar disorder is a chronic biochemical imbalance in the brain. If what you're pushing makes some kind of sense, I might consider it, but the best it will do is make me feel slightly better or give me a coping mechanism. It won't make the problem actually go away; only medicine and psychotherapy combined with lifestyle changes can do that. Yes, there are some amazing herbs out there, but many of them conflict with various prescription drugs and can't be taken by people with certain medical conditions. Yes, prayer is wonderful and G-d is a great listener, but doctors are His healing hands.
"This is happening to you because you [insert vice(s)]. If you'd just [insert virtuous thing(s)], you'd be fine." If you're lecturing me about getting enough sleep or cutting back on substance use, you are likely correct. If you're lecturing me about almost anything else, then yes, I might feel better overall, but it won't stop me from having random biochemical blips that make my mood go nuts. Also, you sound obnoxiously self-righteous when you lecture me like that; if you still feel the need to suggest whatever it is, please phrase it better.
"I have no idea what to do with you." If you mean that you have no idea how to treat me overall, ask me! Hopefully I'll be able to outline my basic emotional support needs. If I can't or won't, Google guidelines for supporting someone mentally ill and go from there. In fact, you should probably research that regardless. If what you mean is more like "I want to do you a favor but don't know what you need," know that I probably won't be able to answer a generalized "what do you need?" Instead, ask about something specific you can help me with, e.g. a meal. If I can't give you a straight answer on the specific thing, it's now my problem, not yours. If what you mean is more along the lines of "You need more help than I can give you" or "I don't have the energy to deal with you all the time," then you should have said so, albeit gently.
"When's the last time you took your meds?" or "Are you going into an episode?" in response to a strong emotional reaction. I am a human being with the same basic emotional responses as everyone else. Please do not pathologize my feelings and/or brush off an outburst as the product of a diseased mind until you have talked to me and tried to understand what I'm reacting to and why. If you're still concerned, watch for other signs of an altered mood, and tell me if you see them.
"Are you sure the meds aren't making you sicker?" If by "sicker" you mean more mentally unstable, then no, they're most likely not. It might appear that way because episodes often keep getting worse without treatment and whatever meds my doctor's prescribed either haven't had a chance to take effect yet or just aren't right for me, but I should stabilize within a few weeks once we get a handle on what works. It does occasionally happen that a psych med will make things worse, but it's unlikely. If by "sicker" you mean something physical, then indeed they might be, but sometimes that's a price I must pay for emotional stability. Hopefully it's only a temporary adjustment period. That said, if the medications' side effects are unbearable I can always ask my doctor if we can try something else or change the way I'm taking the meds in question.
"You're crazy." "Crazy" is a very loaded word when applied to the mentally ill, and some of us are more sensitive to it than others. Even if I'm ok with the word in one context, I might not be in another. If I choose to use the word to describe myself and I seem genuinely comfortable with that description, it might be ok to jokingly call me "crazy" in conversation with me. However, if I'm desperately asking you to reassure me that I'm not crazy or I shy away from the word altogether, definitely avoid it. Oh, and even if I'm cool with using the word in conversation with you, I'm almost certainly NOT ok with you telling other people that I'm "crazy." As a rule of thumb, if you're unsure whether the word is acceptable, assume that it's not.
"OMG I feel so bad I didn't know what life is like for you I'm so sorry that I reacted like that!" or "I feel so useless that I can't help you!" Odds are that you said this in reaction to my explaining how bipolar disorder can make my life hell and/or how it changes things even when I'm not actively cycling. Odds are that when I explained this to you, I was looking for support. You have just turned the tables and made it about you and how you're a bad friend, thereby forcing me to expend energy that I may not have had in order to reassure you that it's ok. Fail.
"Do it! I dare you!" in response to a description of manic urges. If I'm fully manic, I have very little judgment or impulse control. If I have an insane urge to streak down all of Main Street, your egging me on might be all the impetus I need to actually do it. It'll stop being funny when I get arrested for indecent exposure, and I don't think you really want to be the reason it came to that.
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modern--dionysus · 5 months
I'm Oliver/Oli, a 32 year old trans masc fag puppy (he/pup/it) with a penchant for trying to be arty when I'm really just goddamn horny. I'm neurodivergent, disabled, a wheelchair user, chronically ill & chronically in pain. MINORS DNI/DNF THIS BLOG.
I'm a lover of all things & people on the weirder side of life, T4T relationships of all kinds, & being unsettling & generally strange. However I've recently come to terms with/realised that i am more than likely a gay trans guy than anything else. I'm v open to intersex, trans and nonbinary men as well as cis men.
DO NOT reblog anything I post to MEN DNI blogs. I am securely trans masc. Do NOT misgender me. This makes me very uncomfortable and I will block you.
My likes, soft limits & my hard limits can be found under the read more. I would suggest you read it before you follow me! I only tag CNC/CDC, everything else is probably untagged.
If you want my Discord or Snapchat or whatever please just ask!
If I post irl nudes/whatever you have my expressed permission to comment positively or neutrally on them.
I love random messages and stuff. Talk to me, flirt with me, tell me how much you wanna rail me or get railed.
Alignments & Titles:
Dom [----✨️----] sub
Top [---✨️-----] bottom
Titles I enjoy as a Dom: Angel, Divinity, Deity, Divine, variations upon that theme; (Key-)Keeper; Master; Prince; Sir; Alpha.
Titles I enjoy as a sub: (dumb) pup, puppy, dog, variations upon that theme; prince, princeling, lordling, variations upon that theme; (good/bad/dumb) boy; probably more I haven't had chance to experience yet.
Words for my body that you can use: literally anything tbh. I have no preferences here.
YES ✨️Overstimulation, forced orgasms, forced ruined orgasms. ✨️Orgasm control, orgasm delay, orgasm denial, edging. ✨️Chastity play. ✨️Rough sex generally, anal or vaginal or otherwise. ✨️Impact play, especially hand spanking and paddles or floggers. ✨️Size kink, especially when linked to… ✨️Monster fucking. Big monsters, small monsters, you name it. Anything except bugs. Especially tentacles, beasts who pass the Harkness test, divine beings and demons. ✨️Werebeasts especialy werewolves. ✨️Puppy play, as a keeper, an Alpha pup or a regular pup. ✨️Roleplay during sex, assuming different personalities, wearing costumes, etc. Especially royalty and divinity play but inclusive of many other scenarios especially high fantasy and omegaverse ones. ✨️Switching roles or positions. ✨️Body worship, boot worship, genital and ass worship. ✨️Corruption/faux innocence and purity play. ✨️CNC, CDC. (ALWAYS TAGGED FOR BLACKLISTS) ✨️Non-penetrative sex such as intercrural sex. ✨️Crying in the context of being overwhelmed with emotion or stimulation. ✨️Begging, humiliation, degradation. ✨️Food play, but not so much feeder/feedee, more like eating food off a person etc. ✨️Cuckolding and cuckqueaning. ✨️Electrical stimulation. ✨️Leather, latex, other fetish wear. Big boots especially. ✨️Power play and exchange. ✨️Primal play, Predator/prey. ✨️Daddy Dom play BUT ALWAYS a Sugar Daddy/Mommy thing, not an ageplay thing. I do not do ageplay myself and would rather not interact with ageplayers. ✨️Clothed/naked sex. ✨️Exhibitionism/voyeurism. ✨️Certain clothing fetishism, including gloves, lingerie, stockings/tights and big heavy boots. (Sometimes all at once, gasp!)
Soft Limits: ✨️Feet and associated fetishism not already covered. Not for me, I prefer my feet in boots or stockings, haha. Would consider for the 'right' person but it's not my 'thing'. ✨️Swallowing urine or blood. ✨️Forced gender play. ✨️Fisting.
Hard Limits/No Thanks: ✨️Extremely large insertions/cervix/bowel penetration. ✨️Unnecessary bullying and cruelty. I am a Soft person and a Service top at heart - I don't vibe well with hardcore humiliation and degradation myself personally; I'd rather make you cum than make you upset. ✨️Vomit/Scat. ✨️Sexualised Agegre or ageplay in general, but especially Infant ageplay and ABDL. ✨️Detransition content of any description, even when voluntary but especially when forced. ✨Using the wrong gendered terms and pronouns intentionally. ✨️Piercings and tattoos and anything else permanent. ✨️Eyes and anything to do with them.
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themswritinwords · 1 year
The Hundred Fifty Seven Deaths of the Immortal Ethan Ellis: Cast profiles: Ethan Ellis
The man himself (Ethan) - he/him; 24 years old biologically, 310 years old chronologically; Quietly Depressed Optimist in Desperate Need of a Hug and a Nap
Depressed, traumatized, self-sacrificial, dysfunctional, exhausted--what's not to relate to love?
Just woke up during his own autopsy. That's definitely not going to unearth any poorly-buried Issues!
What do you mean endless gallows humor and self deprecation aren't healthy coping mechanisms?
*slaps bruised and blood-stained noggin* This bad boy can fit so much mental illness and metaphor in him.
The result of a necromancer-wannabe's attempts at immortality; ex-human-guinea-pig with all of the attendant moral, philosophical, and psychological conundrums that come with death being a temporary condition.
One of three "successful" experiments. The other two adjusted pretty well, all things considered. Ethan did not.
Alas, they didn't have therapy in colonial America. You know what they did have, though? An abundance of dangerous life paths and causes worth dying for. That's not gonna reinforce any dangerous thought patterns or unhealthy mental states, I'm sure!
Longest streak between deaths has been just shy of 4 years. All but one of them has been his own dang fault. He is fully aware of this, but in a deeper sense, he is entirely unaware of this.
Always cared more about others than himself. This got infinitely worse when he realized he could die without consequences (supposedly).
Animals hate him! and no that is not just the start of a clickbait article. Every animal he's met since getting immortal'd has tried to put him back in the ground. He used to be a cat person, though.
Chronically friendless and self-isolated. People don't handle the dead guy coming back to life very well, and he's gotten more than one witness in life-ruining trouble by reviving in front of them. He finds it easier to just stay away from people on all but a surface level. (Again, I can't imagine that's going to cause problems down the line....)
Travels like an overripe peach, which is to say he is the King of Motion Sickness
Repeated resurrection has turned the man into a caloric dumpster. Over the course of a day and a half he consumes ~30 chicken nuggets, four burgers, a large fry, a medium bag of chips, a popsicle, and half a cup of ice and he's still desperately hungry.
Flip flops between annoying little brother energy and annoyed big brother energy depending on who he's arguing with at the time.
Wants: Everyone and Everything to leave him tf alone (also a shower)
Needs: One good reason to live and way fewer reasons to get himself killed
Immediate goals: Keep his only friends from getting dragged down with him and all his issues
Long term goals: None, and that's rather the point (not that this is a recurring theme in my characters or anything....)
Character arc can best be described as: that quote that's like "Dying is easy, living is hard;" the shift from hope, caring, and love as passive traits to hope, caring, and love as active choices worth making
Favorite things about writing him
The Catharsis. There's a reason so many of my OCs end up with mental illnesses and unhealthy patterns of thought. Ethan is just the most explicit of these self-inserts.
The snarcasm and humor were both challenging and so fun. I'm not a witty person by nature, so it took a bit of perspective shift to get right. I think I got better a dialogue overall by writing him.
He's a very internal and thought-ful person, and it was an interesting balance to write. He always thinks more than he says and feels more than he thinks.
Not to toot my own horn, but his third act breakdown and "Oh Sh*t" moment were a delight to write and some of my strongest writing moments.
His voice is very informal and sarcastic, and it was fun to write genuine horror in a goofball, this-might-as-well-happen sort of way.
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deliciouskeys · 1 year
You said you don’t have any WIP drafts but what’s your wildest ideas for Butchlander fics that you haven’t even attempted?
Here are my dumbest Id-est ideas (frontal cortex did not approve these, all end up being horror and/or comedy):
The only cure for Billy Butcher’s temp V illness is Homelander’s cum (and it’s not a cure, just a chronic disease management system, alas)
@vanshoundd ‘s chibi art sent me on a demented foray into de-anthro micro pet AU that feels less OOC than it should.
Butchlander body swap ideas I once listed
Logistically insane sex scene: I really want to read a scene where HL sadistically takes Billy up above NYC skyline level and proceeds to have sex with him midair. HL’s pants are pushed down to his boots and he’s inserted Billy to be between his legs, so they’re pretty entangled but not securely. And unfortunately every time HL gets lost in the pleasure they drop fifty feet before he remembers himself, and Billy’s like… in tears at a certain point because it’s fucking terrifying, and they’re not even always right side up, but he’ll be damned if he lets this cunt drop him during a climax, so he holds him tightly and tries to leverage against his body to fuck into him hard, even though his legs are dangling, and he has the strength because of how angry he is at all this, and that’s what HL wanted all along.
Boxing Helena: Billy breaks a lot of bones and has to be immobilized in bed for many weeks and HL whisks him away to his penthouse and keeps him there, with medical staff taking care of him (so like Stormfront). Because he “feels bad for him”. But within days he’s starting up unwanted sexual contact and Billy doesn’t really have a way to refuse. All Billy can do is redirect HL towards exhibitionism, tell him to show him things on his own bed, and verbally appreciate it. Billy realizes HL is a very lonely sad human being (isn’t that every fic), and hopes to god Ryan has a soundproofed room elsewhere in the Tower.
HL’s dick starts to vibrate when he’s getting close (ischiocavernosus super developed and not static). It might be a step forward in human evolution, but it’s actually hard to give him oral or even a handjob without going numb.
HL baby trapping Billy who in turn baby traps him into leaving Vought is an actual fic that I actually post but I consider horror comedy motivated largely by Id that is relatively wild
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Some people's gender is just "Henchman", and I met a lot of those people.
This will be a long, self-centered, self-mythologizimg, rambling narrative about my youth where nobody comes off well. There is no moral to this, and there is no real story either. Insert the "This is not a place of Honor" copypasta here.
During my childhood/adolescence, I did not know I was really fucking chronically ill. I just thought that everything people do while not lying down just sort of sucked somewhat and people are ok with it. If an assignment required lots of handwriting, which took me significant effort and pain for very ugly results, I interpreted that to imply a view of us as so filled with respect for authority and desire to please that we would studiously do our work.
There is a lot of genuine callousness to the way children and teenagers are treated, and that naturally builds some frustration. Now imagine being able to vicariously release that frustration through one incredible asshole of a fellow child, someone locked in an endless battle against the teaching staff to be left alone about not doing homework, but also someone who shows up surprised to every exam before acing it.
A mythical figure simultaneously at odds with and one with the world. A transcendent Bodhisattva moonlighting as Cú Chulainn. Someone achieving what you are told are the goals of school, while being maligned for a lacking work ethic nonstop.
That is why I had friends as a child. There is no other explanation - I certainly didn't take initiative. I was too busy dissociating from my aching form by consuming an endless stream of books from the massive free library near me. At all times. Especially during classes. I would carry around separate novels in English and German to justify my actions to my English or German language professors. The amount of nonsense that happened to ensure my divine right to be uninterrupted in my pursuit of literature is difficult to describe. One of the persistent holdouts was my mathematics professor - despite the fact I'd annihilated the entire rest of the school and most of the country in every national mathematics competition, despite eventually making it to the god damn internationals, I was not allowed my printed opium.
... Ok it's midnight and I've spent way too long talking about books. Let's try to remember people. Ow ow ow ow pain pain bad idea.
I had some very close friends, overwhelmingly the kind of kids who could not yet quite figure out how to socially weaponize their intellectual interests. To them, I was Napoleon, and I don't have a complex, I think it's quite simple.
For so long, since kindergarten, I'd been told I just "thought I was better than everyone else/too good to put in effort"... That I started to believe it. I like to think it's a kind of humility - they wouldn't be wrong, right? I'm not special enough to be the one they all get wrong.
That's where the trouble started. I still believe I had a kind heart, but I had a black belt in the rhetoric of intellectual superiority and many eager students.
It's hard to describe what it was like to attract people (platonically and otherwise) based solely off being a smug asshole who knew too much. Fandom culture sometimes feels way too close to home, I feel like one of those people who misguidedly relate to Tyler Durden, except it's Gregory House and Wholock. I'm pretty sure that the few and unfortunate summer-camp-for-gifted-teens girls who tried to approach me before I realized I was unique in being aro/ace- they projected some hateable tumblr sexyman on me. and that's-that's harrowing.
I don't feel like any of the changes in my life have truly come from anything except realizing the things that were wrong with my body the whole time, except that one thing. The thought of someone wanting to be "the Watson" or "Wilson" to my dysfunctional bitch witticisms IRL has grown kind of horrifying.
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townofinaba · 4 months
-I am tracking the tag townofinaba!
-This is an in-character rp blog for a few p4 muses. I will be highly selective who I rp here with because muse is low and it's mainly to test a few I enjoy. I may not even rp with anyone but friends at first while I do.
-My social anxiety is really bad-- I really struggle to initiate conversation. If a person reaches out I'll happily interact with them though; I'm kind of a social-vampire, and feeling invited in helps a lot. On the other hand, once I'm spoken to, I talk a LOT, so I apologize in advance and hope it isn't too overwhelming. Feel free to tell me to tone it down!
-I think communication is vital to a hobby like this. If you have a question or issue, please let me know! Also, If I do something insensitive or hurtful, please let me know and I'll try to do better next time. Also, this blog does not condone any bigotry, and I refuse to write anything depicting incest or pedophilia.
-I will not do mature threads on this blog. Most of the muses are teenagers.
-I likely am going to be selective in what I rp. I will answer asks and reply to things from anyone, so feel free to send in! But while I want to interact, I also only have so much energy. I have the right to refuse to answer RPs or starters or asks.
-I am also chronically ill in a few different ways, so sometimes I will disappear to recover or not have much energy. I have no problem waiting for replies to rp or messages, and I hope we can be patient with each other as needed to have a fun time. Take your time, and I'll get to you as soon as I'm able, too.
-No autohitting, godmodding, or metagaming. If you want something to happen specifically, talk to me and we can work out why or how.
- I will always give at least a paragraphs or two in an rp response but even if you give me several pages, my reply may be succinct. I'm trying to be better about not putting filler in a reply just to match lengths. I also don't really enjoy backtracking dialogue in a thread, since it gets confusing really fast. I totally get wanting to respond to everything, but doing so to every talking point ends up with the muses having like six differing conversations at once. So I might skip things I want to respond to, to avoid that, and my replies may be smaller to keep the flow of interactions smoother. Hopefully I'll give my partner enough to work with. If not, let me know!
-I'm fine with writing pre-established platonic relationships with canon characters from persona 4, but I'm very hesitant to jump into anything romantic. I've had some weirdness with that in the past, since interpretations can vary wildly. Related, but I'm gonna try to stick to canon, but mine will likely be divergent in ways as well.
-All Icons I use will like be from p4 canon, if i use any. I don't expect anyone to use them to write with me. I also don't format my posts except for fun on rare occasions where it feels fitting. I don't expect anyone to match my format, and I hope my simplicity won't be an issue for anyone.
-Anything triggering or issue causing I will try to tag. The format for tagging will be ‘#cw *insert trigger here*’. Example being #cw injury. I will try to be consistent! Please feel free to ask me if I need to tag anything!
If you read through this, then thank you very much! I hope to interact with you soon, and if not, then I hope your day is great and I appreciate you looking at my blog!
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acupuncturemelbourne · 5 months
The Restorative Practice of Visiting Experts Offering Acupuncture For Digestion
One of the most popular forms of acupuncture for digestion entails inserting tiny, sterilised needles into certain body locations. This promotes the body's natural flow of energy, or qi, which has several benefits including pain relief, less tension and anxiety, better sleep, and more. Acupuncture may help with problems connected to reproductive issues, respiratory issues, and digestive disorders.
Tumblr media
All-Natural Mental Health Support
Acupuncture for stress and anxiety has helped many people to heal. People may experience anxiety and depression in certain situations when they have a physical illness, such as chronic pain. If this is what you're going through, acupuncture for stress and anxiety can help treat the underlying injury or sickness that's impacting your mental health. It is important to note that they do not assert that acupuncture is a panacea for ailments resulting from stress, worry, or depressed emotions
Stress, Nutrition, and Lifestyle's Effects on Digestive Health
For additional ways to lower stress and enhance general well-being, you might also choose to try complementary therapies like yoga, meditation, and relaxation techniques.
Anxiety: Excessive stress can cause digestive disturbances that manifest as indigestion, bloating, and irregular bowel movements. Stress causes the body to go into "fight or flight" mode, which takes energy away from digestion.
Food: Eating a diet heavy in refined sweets, processed foods, and bad fats might cause digestive problems. Constipation can be brought on by a lack of fibre, and acidic and spicy meals can aggravate acid reflux.
Existence: A sedentary lifestyle and a lack of exercise can impede digestion and exacerbate issues like constipation. Furthermore, eating too rapidly and irregularly might put stress on the digestive system.
The majority of acupuncture sessions are meant to be repeated. While some patients report significant improvements right once, most see more gradual and moderate changes over time. Maintaining your other anxiety therapies, such as counselling or medication, is also crucial.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
🌻 local sunflower forgets they are chronically ill and get surprised when they suddenly feel like shit for days in a row. nothing new. i was sitting on my bed and thinking why i am feelings soo bad and then it hit me. anyway
cultural hcs... yk i am very excited for snezhnaya cuz i am slavic myself and to see any kind of representation is!!! omg!!! a little scared tho but GAHSGHFH but it made me want to write something, probably with my miss alchemist, focused on like... snezhnaya. holidays. how people live. things like this. daily life of snezhnayans and stuff and the idea is sooo cozy and yum. i dont myself have much cultural hcs but i think there should be more of them, especially if people base them off their own experience because its just... so human. to put a part of urself wherever ure in. we should do more human things without shame
(on a side note, ive read both parts of achilles heel and i WILL be reblogging them soon. the next time i go and queue all my bookmarked posts AASGHHDGF but i already have to say, i loved them so much and i love dadlone. thats my guy.)
me and my anons and moots being chronically ill together fr....... i hope you feel even a little bit better soon though. i hope your pain becomes a bit more manageable. <3333 can relate though. i never learn my lesson. i feel good one day and overdo it and then i feel awful the next day
UNDERSTANDABLE i am biracial. latino and white descent specifically, and if you listen to natlan's theme, it has very... latino sounds to it. which scares me and excites me! is it too delulu to think that maybe we'll get a hair texture other than really straight or mildly wavy.... i think that is WAYYY too delulu of me to hope for, but i can hope. my hair texture is very thick and curly and i never see my specific hair type represented in popular media, which is sad, but it is what it is tbh. but you really are so right. i wish fans of... any media ever weren't afraid to insert themselves into the universe they enjoy. it is such an honest human experience to seek connection and representation. but people are soo afraid to do it for some reason? i personally think it is so beautiful to want to insert yourself into something you enjoy. it is such a human desire. i love it sm.
also AKDJHFDGFH take your time!!! those posts won't be going anywhere, i just like to advertise them a lot bc i am super proud of them <3
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