#like.. madi is my best best best friend so i dont include her when i say stuff like this bc theres no dispute
foxdies · 2 years
like i’m dating my best friend.. yknow how that feels?
#like.. madi is my best best best friend so i dont include her when i say stuff like this bc theres no dispute#but we love each other strictly platonically; shes like my sister#axel is my best friend.#i've felt close to him practically since i met him.#we are so similar and what we arent similar on is not a contest of negative points.#its more just little things i feel differently about or me just Being A Meaner Person than him ashjwdhw#he's so dear to me...#having someone i can talk to in ways where i dont have to struggle to communicate#to try to explain what i mean or how i feel#to figure out whats the right thing i should be saying#to have someone who already knows; who connects with me on such a. basic wavelength#it feels very good.#like madi and i connect on a ton of shit like this too but we're different enough i#still have to have her explain some things to me bc i dont understand#but w axel i think the only thing i ever had to explain to him was a joke i was making about someone's characters lip size amskwhdwjdhw#very arbitrary and inconsequential stuff#being on a level of sameness is. unspeakably good.#like i literally can't even explain and i dont think i need to because he would know what i meant.#my problems with my past partners have usually been that i dont socially perform the way they'd desire#and i understand that; the reactions have ranged from severely ableist to just gentle conversations about social incompatibility#but i've never felt like that w axel#even when we had small periods of days where we weren't talking much#i was never bothered by it and i dont hink he was either#having someone by my side who doesn't. think i'm ignoring them. or understands when i need to be alone#or when i'm just derping out and dont have anything to say#its liberating. its genuinely very relieving.#especially with both of us being concerned with communication and speaking plainly to each other if we ever are bothered by something.#ahhbphphph.#i just feel very good. i feel like this should've happened ages ago.#i feel unbelievably grateful he came into my life. the shit we weathered together. that he chose me.
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clarke-kom-eden · 6 years
Some season 5 meta, Clarke's struggle to connect. (And Bellamy's attempts to help).
Completely just my opinion and me working out my feelings on season 5, i love all characters, all ships, this will always be the 100 positive here! Feel free to disagree too, its just for fun!
What felt so different in Season 5, for me, was that there were almost no little Bellarke touches. After the reunion hug, there's the slight shoulder touch while Clarke is on the radio to Raven, then nothing. We usually get a knee rub, or a hand snuggle...something! But zilch.
In fact, apart from Madi, We barely see Clarke connect with anyone.
Even when Bellarke are stood shoulder to shoulder, or doing their power strut, look at the distance between them compared to previous seasons.
But who is responsible for it? Even though Bellamy has someone, is it him, or Clarke or both?
We know that Clarke is having trouble connecting. When she sees Bellamy properly in 5x04, at first, she doesn't even move. She's almost so convinced that he's not really there, he physically has to pick her up and pull her to him. If you watch the hug too, she is the one that pulls away first, still unsure of whether it's real.
Because, she's spent 6 years thinking about what it would be like to reunite with her friends, only for it to happen under these circumstances of extreme fear and stress. He literally shows up exactly when she needs him to, when she needs rescuing. She must truly believe that she's dreaming it.
But Bellamy tries to stay close with her. He touches her shoulder while she is on the radio to Raven. He is still trying to connect.
Then, he asks her how she survived alone, and she shrugs it off. This is the perfect chance to tell him about the radio calls, but she chooses not too, instead saying she's tired and leaving. This was before she even knew he was with Echo. Did Bellamy see this as a kind of rejection? (Did she think she'd have more time to reconnect with him, before finding out he was with someone and keeping herself at even more of a distance?)
Bellamy continues on with his fight for the valley, and concerns himself with taking down the eye and making plans etc, but Clarke is still only concerned with Madi. She even wants to leave, at great risk to herself. She only stays because Madi tells Octavia about her true nightblood origins. Clarke is out, out of leading, she doesn't want to be 'Clarke' anymore.
Then again in 5x07, Bellamy tries to talk to Clarke, just as he used to, about Octavia, and she just walks away. 'That is not my sister', he tries, but again she dismisses him, as she's distracted by what's happening with Madi.
She goes on to make a deal with Diyoza without first discussing it first with Bellamy or anyone. Bellamy forgives her for this. He knows Octavias behaviour is out of line and that she's trying to protect Madi. He gives her plenty of chances again to connect, offering her understanding, 'Mama bears don't think'.
Madi has been Clarke's only focus for six years. We see it over and over. Clarkes life before praimfaya was all about looking out for her people, keeping her people alive. She's continued on with this same pattern of behaviour, except this time, all of that focus and energy was put onto just one person. That's all she's known for six years. It's hard for her to make the transition back to looking out for the greater good.
But that moment she leaves Bellamy, Gaia and Indra, really tips her over the edge. She's left him to die, now, she really has to keep Madi safe, or what was the point? She has to make what she did worth it, by any means possible, and her behaviour becomes even more desperate. It's not just about her just being a mum. This is extreme, this child was her salvation, her lifeline during her isolation.
But what life is she leading Madi into? That survival is the be all and end all? At what cost. At Madi growing up with only McCreary's men for company?
Until of course, he's alive, Bellamy is alive, and It's finally the jolt she needs. There's still a chance for her to be Clarke again, to make it right, to save her friends and to be the hero she used to be; to not live with more loss and regret.
She's given the forgiveness she desperately needs from Bellamy, again, he shows her that understanding and generosity that she showed him all those years ago.
But why does he forgive her this so easily? We've established he's tried to connect with her and been met with Clarke being distant.
Let's go back to 5x09, Madi at this point, knows this version of Clarke better than him. She tells him that Clarke would never forgive him (for giving her the flame). But I dont know if he believes that. He obviously believes what he's doing is for the best, to save all of them, including Clarke, and in the past, they have always forgiven each other for some fairly awful things. Perhaps he feels like they can resolve it later. (And he was right too, in the long run). But he doesn't know this Clarke, or consider the effect her isolation has had on her decision making, and he is genuinely shocked when she shows up and hits him.
When Bellamy eventually finds out about the radio calls, it's the reminder he needs about what Clarke had endured. She was alone, all that time, and she missed him. She was forced to survive almost alone. In isolation. He knows what that kind of isolation is like, how difficult it can be, as it was forced onto his sister her entire childhood.
He realises, that during those six years, Clarke did need him, even if she's had trouble showing it since his return. He realises how hard it was, and forgives her. She needs that forgiveness, just as he did so long ago, that she was willing to offer him.
He is kind, and she is so surprised by this, maybe she feels undeserving of it. She asks, 'You're not mad at me?'. It's a hopeful moment, and with his new knowledge of the radio calls, he's able to once again offer her the chance to reconnect.
When they wake up and see the new world, again, it's Bellamy that brings her in and holds her. He knows she needs to be shown that the connection is ok.
It's what makes the ending so much more important. Bellamy made the move to be close to her, to pull her in, and Clarke accepted. So next series, will this continue?
There's still a lot to work through, Clarke needs to relearn her place in the group. Monty and Harper still saw her as a leader, even after everything that happened, they trusted her. That should mean a lot to her, and she'll want to do better because of it.
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thefatlannister · 6 years
do you think they’ll come back to the whole “how’d you do it” convo with bellamy and clarke and he’ll find out about how she radioed him everyday? or do you think that was that cus it felt like a good place for her to tell him but she was also like yeet when an emotional aspect to the conversation came up
Well this is the question isn’t it?? I think everyone in the Bellarke fandom is probably asking themselves this right now.
So, I’ve been team “I don’t think they’re going to address the 2199 calls” since the beginning of the season. That’s for a couple of reasons: 1) I’m trying to lower my own expectations lol but mostly 2) Clarke does NOT say Bellamy’s name in 5x01, Eden. She says his name in the call at the end of 4x13, but the writers do not have Clarke SAY BELLAMY’s NAME in 5x01. Now, it’s extremely clear from context that he’s who she’s talking to (”I’m proud of you” + “this would be so much easier if I knew you were alive” + calling her other friends by name). 
So it’s not that I don’t think we’re meant to think Clarke was talking to Bellamy the whole time; it’s that after an 11 month hiatus, if “Clarke radioing Bellamy” was about to become a Big Romantic Catalyst for bellarke, I would expect the writers to really flag it in 5x01 by having Clarke say his name, thus kind of putting a pin in that for the general audience. So, going in to 505, I was very pessimistic about the chances of Clarke’s The Notebook calls to Bellamy ever being relevant again.
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When I was watching this scene, when Bellamy asked, “how did you do it?” I literally froze because - are they really going to go there??? are they really going to have her TELL him that she spoke to him every day?? that the memory of him, his love, his partnership, was what got her through?? Because honestly, between the pause and Eliza’s acting, and the awkward way the scene ended - with the conversation LITERALLY UNFINISHED - that’s how it FEELS. It feels like she was about to tell him that he helped keep her alive, but then she chickened out at the last minute.
Like, idk what the stage directions were, but Eliza’s acting here makes Clarke’s hesitation in response to this question very clear. And if the answer is only and always just “Madi,” what awkwardness is there to be had??? In any sort of just world, this “omission” on Clarke’s part is a set up for her to reveal, down the road, probably when her and Bellamy are embroiled in some sort of angsty conflict, that it was in fact HIM that helped her survive 6 years without a peer on the ground.
Now, I’m also not going to pretend that this show always does what is just lol. They drop threads all the time, and as Bellarke has been building for seasons now, there are several scenes that were seemingly set-ups for later reveals that were pretty much forgotten (2x09 “Love is weakness”/”I was being weak” and 4x06 “Clarke, if we don’t see each other again-” come to mind). However, there are a couple of reasons that I feel like s5 might be the season where these kinds of ~romantic bellarke~ threads actually come home to roost.
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One of the reasons I think that is something that a lot of fandom, included myself, has picked up on, which is the relatively muted nature of Bellamy’s reaction to finding out Clarke is alive. Like, the cast and writers have told us until they’re blue in the face that Bellamy is less “heart” than he used to be, less fiery, but there’s a difference between finding balance and like, not having a visible/visceral/conflicted emotional reaction to finding out that, contrary to what you believed, you weren’t responsible for killing your best friend/partner/woman you’re lowkey in love with by proxy. 
Like Bellamy is clearly happy to have Clarke back, but he hasn’t verbalized really ANYTHING about how it feels to have this huge bomb dropped on him after he lived his life for six years in honor of her. After he mourned her and missed her and memorialized her and moved on from her. This omission of a nuanced reaction on Bellamy’s part makes me think either 1) the writers really fucked up and don’t care bout Bellamy/bellarke or 2) They’re saving big relationship-defining angst feelings about the Separation and Reunion for midseason Bellarke angst. Needless to say I’m hoping it’s door #2.
What does that have to do with the truncated fireside chat scene? Well, in my deepest darkest Bellarke wet dream fantasies, they have some blow up fights or angsty as shit moments later this season where all of these omissions and half truths and old wounds get put on the table, subsequently setting fire to the tentative automatic partnership bellarke have fallen back into. Something else that makes me hope we’re in for some knock-down, drag-out emotionally raw air-clearing angst is, of course, the last shot of 505. 
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So I don’t know if the show is really going to go full love triangle, and honestly I don’t much care, because THIS SHOT is intentional. Arguably, the shot of Clarke’s reaction to becho kissing is the first objectively nonplatonic framing of bellarke in the show. This shot tells me the show is ready to acknowledge in some way that Bellamy and Clarke’s feelings for each other go beyond platonic partnership. And to me, THAT means the door is open for all their baggage to come home to roost later this season. Because we as a fandom know that if the writers ever had Clarke and Bellamy really fully put all their feelings on the table, there would be no backpedaling into platonic territory. But if they’re willing to frame shots like the one above, I think they might finally be ready to stop just dropping hints and actually follow their own trail of bread crumbs to some MAJOR developments on the bellarke front.
Which brings me back around (finally) to your questions: will Clarke ever tell Bellamy that she called him every day for six years? The short answer is i don’t know!! If we do indeed get some relationship-changing moments between Bellarke, I would say it is highly possible, even likely, because this fact would be such an emotional bombshell for them - for Clarke, because she would essentially be admitting out loud that she loves Bellamy, and for Bellamy because he wouldn’t be able to escape the implications of Clarke staying so intimately connected to him for 6 years while he thought she was DEAD.
And THAT’S why I think Clarke hesitated. Because Clarke had six years to come to terms with the fact that she loves Bellamy, a fact that she was able to work out for herself by “confiding” in him every day. But when Bellamy comes back down, she realizes that she was in love with the Bellamy that LEFT, the Bellamy that has remained static, a ghost at the other end of her radio for six years. But this Bellamy is solid and real and DIFFERENT and, as she finds out at the end of 505, this new Bellamy is someone else’s. This Bellamy has moved on from her in a way that she never did from him. 
So while I’m betting Clarke at the end of 505 was glad she hadn’t spilled the beans about Bellamy being her personal diary for 6 years earlier in the ep, I think it is a Definite Possibility that this fact comes back up at the MOST inconvenient (read: most CONVENIENT, for me) time so that Bellarke can really lean into that fucking angst like I know they want to. *Clarke voice* I still have hope. Here’s to the possibility of emotionally fraught Fights and Reconciliations and Realizations, anon. 
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sanhatation · 7 years
ri’s thicc 2017 reflection post !
its still quite a few hours away from 2018 for me but i just wanted to take this time to reflect on my absolutely Lovely 2017!!! yay time 2 get sappy as i word vomit and overshare about my year on tumblr.com !!!!
thank you loads to all of my LOVELY followers !!!!!!!!! yall are the cutest, make my day on the daily ! i wish you the best 2018 that the world can offer !!! stay healthy, take time for yourself, love yourself, love others, and be kind! 💓💓
this Riley Rant here, is gonna be here for me than anything. like a Fat journal entry !! and i am an Oversharer so here she goes [jeopardy music]
to begin, i have met and befriended so many amazing people on here this year and WOW!!!!!! lovely and supportive and talented, beautiful aroha friends??? it doesnt get better than that!!!!! i would attempt to tag all of u but yall know who u are ;)) im endlessly grateful to those of you who have really made being on here worth it. heck ya sometimes im like “why do i even spend time on here” but then!!!! idk sunny comes swingin in with just a heart full of love or sara comes swingin in with her eggs or marian comes swingin in with her rare pairs or j comes swingin in with her baking posts and thats not even HALF of it !!!!! seriously.....love you guys tons.
to my friends who i have had the pleasure of remaining your friend this year and getting closer to u !! i love you. i really dont know how yall handle me especially 2015/2016 me?? a MESS! yall are the REALEST. again, yall know who u are ;)) i hope we can continue to talk and have fun in 2018, i wish yall the best. 
and lastly....heres a THICC shoutout to my six shining stars. 
as for me as an individual, 2017 was a freaking Whack year. it was incredible....dare i say, iconic. and now its time for.....RILEY’S 2017 HIGHLIGHTS !!!!!! (also includes: the sucky parts bc even those allowed me to grow !)
- man, did 2017 start out pretty rough when my country decided it was a good idea to elect a freakin cheeto for president. however! i had the lovely opportunity to attend the women’s march at my capital the day before inauguration !! and it was powerful!!!! truly an experience ill treasure forever!
- binch....thank u Winter Dream for my whole life. tbh i wont forget sobbing at my best friend’s house when it dropped. thank u Miss Again Dance Practice. thank u Miss You & Me MV. thank u Miss Cotton Candy Choreography. thank u. 
- ah.....when some pinhead started that tr*mp chanting at a basketball game lol! so iconic that we made the new york times! gotta love that....
- OMG !!! HOW TO SUCCEED !!!! an absolutely amazing experience. granted, the male lead was a Snake, but i had a blast. Rosemary will forever be close to my heart and ill always cry a little when i hear Brotherhood of Man or Paris Original !! such an awesome opportunity. i learned a frick ton about myself as a performer. i improved a ton in acting and dancing, and also came to learn that i am very good at receiving instructions and memorizing lines quickly. i learned that i need to work on some of my facial expressions and i also learned some of my habits ! i miss u Queenie H2$ :’’)
- had my first tap dance performance ever??? i really enjoyed learning tap, and i hope to pick it back up in the future !!!!
- BIIIIIINCCH i had the opportunity to visit my sister in korea!!!!!!! wow.....truly the BEST week of my entire year, maybe even LIFE! i went to the dog cafe, the sheep cafe, mcountdown, the lunar festival kick off, gwanghwamun palace, dongdaemun, shopped a ton around hongdae, ate food by the han river, visited namsan tower (but not without getting lost), hit the noraebang TWICE, walked into a private Fantagio board meeting, ate delicious chicken on a STIIICK, ran in the rain, ordered delivery mcdonalds, had the BEST fried chicken, met a bunch of monks, was led around dongdaemun by a very old korean man, SAW EUNWOO AND DOYEON AND RECEIVED MUCH LOVE AND NEARLY DIED, hit the convenience store literally every day, snuck out, GOT A WAVE FROM KEY :((( , bought Winter Dream and lots of skin care products and lots of cute clothes, had the clearest skin ive ever had in my life, went to a buddhist temple, witnessed a drunk man fall into the splits inbetween the ground and the subway, ran up and down 1000 subway stairs, fell in love with a man named Peanut, drank too much banana and strawberry milk, sobbed my face off at the festival as korean grandmas bowed to me, tried tons of new foods (including the nastiest bowl of cheese ramyun ive ever had in my life), bought lots of socks, rode an airplane for......like 40 hours in total? literally the best week of my Life
- had my junior vocal recital ! it was a cute girl. i felt my acting had really improved since sophomore voice recital !! 
- had prom on my 17th birthday and had a jolly good time !!! my mom made my dress and i felt like a Stunner
- dream pt. 01...she rly is that Bad Bih. best era. miss her loads. none of us ever deserved her. 
- les mis !!!!!! two whole weeks.....another Best Time. i learned so much, made so many lifetime friends, had a blast, sang my heart out.....such a freaking good time. i miss her
- got to spend the ENTIRE summer with momo!!!!!!!!!!! literally the ENTIRE!!!!! and what did we do? hit the park, watched lemonade mouth and fantastic beasts and starstruck and that random unicorn movie, made the Best slime, made that ICONIC weki meki video, laughed a ton, cried a ton, stayed up all night for the sunrise, stayed later for the sunset & thunderstorm, walked home in the pouring rain & lightning (IT IS VERY WET), went to the beach, met many dogs, got me hairs cut, befriended that Cat, and went to a painting class
- cabin week !!!!!!!!!!! whatta lovely time
- my brother’s wedding !!!! honestly? my best outfit of the year... had a bangin time. his wife is truly a cutie and i love her tons!
- there was that Mess in august and i still feel sorry to those who felt hurt because of it. i learned a lot about how things especially on the internet can be easily misunderstood and misinterpreted, so u gotta be EXTRA careful with your words ! 
- through that i also came to accept that u cant get everyone to understand or like u, and tbh that is okay for now. all we can do when we make mistakes is try to understand & learn, apologize, and try to better ourselves. and sometimes even when u do that, u still may not be liked. and thats okay. as long as you are trying your best and recognize mistakes, its all good. 
-skinny dipped at girls time wow what a freaking TIME
- woah dude i dropped out of my arts school lmao!!! the BIGGEST change in my life since 2014.;..wow! i dont even have the words to say how much stress was lifted off of me and i love senior yr !!!!
- momo came to CT!!!!!! 
- seeing svt live !!!!! but tbh the best part was seeing momo, “I LOVE A MAN WHO CAN SEW”, “I!!!!!!!!!! LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JIHOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, “IM UNDERAGE”, and when Mo BLASTED to that other line
- my mom, sister, and i took an eight week painting class! i finished two paintings and learned a ton!! honestly a good time
- dream pt. 02.....shes that other Bad Bih....absolutely adore her
- i also learned that its okay to cut people off who are toxic. especially if you have already informed them that they make u feel bad, they are not worth trying to please or keep around. take care of yourself. similarly, its okay to block people, and you dont owe them an explanation
- MADI CAME HOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my other half...missed her so much :(((
- riley’s calligraphy christmas !!!!! was so much fun and i loved people’s reactions and i loved learning arohas favorite astro lyrics !!!
- ah...............one of the hardest weeks of my whole life. the pain still lingers, and i know itll hit me again like a boulder the next time we see only four of my angels standing on stage. for four months, i was worried sick about another member, and i even knew he was hurting, that his mental illness was real. my heart aches and there is a piece of it missing, but it will never be replaced. i know you are much happier now, jjong. i love you. 
- and also because of that, i have been able to think a lot about how i live my life. thoughts like ‘am i watching out for my family and friends enough?’ ‘am i listening enough?’ ‘is this funny comment worth it?’ ‘am i happy?’ im trying to be better. to not take things for granted, to only be kind, to always be there for those i love, for those who love me. and i will try my hardest to not complain about small or petty inconveniences. to try harder to be optimistic. 
- christmas was with my whole family for the first time in five years ;;; she was such a cute girl!
and now on to the next act !!!! its called RILEY’S NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS !!!!!!!!!! 
1. lets start with the basic stuff that im 99% not gonna pull through on: keep ur room clean. keep everywhere u go clean, it makes mom upset. eat better, u know there is other foods in this house besides peanut butter and pepperoni and popcorn. 
2. send out at least one Lovely Ask per day. i made this goal sometime over the summer, and i did it for a few months until i started to forget ;; its not that hard, u just gotta remember to do it !! 
3. sis.....quit Procrastinating.......GET ur FREAKING application done...do ur homework the night before lmao! call who u need to !!! write those thank u cards!!!! go get them scholarships!!!! enter that graphic design contest lmao!!! just DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! time is wasting
4. just be happy 
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9, 14,18,19,21,22
9. fandom character who you would really like to play
Ummm blaise zabini for sure!!! pansy parkinson! daphne/astoria greengrass! i love slytheriNS! a fred/hermione au cos who doesnt miss fred! Also ronan lynch from the raven cycle??? And andrew minyard from the foxhole court series??? I would dieee fuCK. i love my probelmatty boyss umm Jace Lightwood too cos damnnn and im def missing some people but yeah 
14. your favorite rp friendship
kddkfh i already answered one of these but i could go on for rp frienships forever so marlene mckinnon and evan rosier. @pocmuzings played marlene and omggg they were childhood best friends and then he crossed over to the Dark Side and she was like ??? da fuq ??? and anyway they were so angsty and emo whenevr they talked and they cared about each other and me and G have a thousand hcs about their friendship including how he tries to warn her when Voldemort gives the order to murder the McKinnons and he tries to save her but he can’t and wow I’ve made myself sad again, anyway this is ur daily reminder that I love Marlene and Evan with all my heart and would literally die for them, she was literally one of the honestly good thing about his life and this one time she was attacked by a Death Eater and he went to see her @ Mungo’s and it was honestly just so sad and omggg when she saw his Dark Mark… this is getting too long and im making myself cry bUT YEAH
18. your favorite rp universe/world
Probably harry potter tbh? I mean, i have roleplayed only in harry potter universe for 3 years up till like 3 months ago so I’m a bit biased but everything is better w magic amirite! Fantasy if we’re talking genre! i really really wanna do something mythology based thooo
19. your favorite non playable character
Omg, i have so many! ok so Cenric D'eath, i play Lorcan D'eath and hes a half vampire in hp and Cenric is his dad whos the full vampire and I have Alexander Skarsgard as his fc and hes been alive for like 1500 years and hes just a badass vampire but him and Lorcan are so close and I have so many hcs about them. I also just love vampires! 
ALSO, ALSO Amelia Hawthorne, she’s the daughter of Matthias Hawthorne and Audrey Rhodes played by @eizawrites and skdhkdfh she’s going to be the cutest kid ever and i LOVE i HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS
21. your latest rp character
Im not sure how to answer this cause I have literally been plotting several characters and idk which one is the latest agsjhaks but anyway, me n @stereotypicalcancerwrites are doing a vampire plot where the guy turned the other guy and then abandoned him and he meets after a century and its already got me soooo emo and im using zayn malik as fc and did i mention i love vampires and also its Gay™ sO and  then im playing a herman tommeraas fc against @blackthornswrite hes like kinda a fuckboy but hes been in love w his best friend for years but she was in this other terrible relationship and he wants to die daily rip they’ll be the death of me ANND AND ALSO me and @kazdarling are doing a Grisha universe mumu and idk abt fcs yet but agjdiabdj ive wanted it for a million years and we’re doing ALLLLL the ships and and ALLLL the AUs and all the OCs and im going to play aleksander morozova aka the darkling aka the original emo, he wears Only Black,  and idkkk who else yet but i dont think im going to survive it! Especially cos madi’s playing kaz against me and i might actually die, i cant take it
anyway stop me from making so many characters but also don’t i want em all
22. a plot that you’d like to play out
hdkjksdjkj too many!!!!! ok so i have wanted like a m/m wanted where they are both really toxic/terrible people and mb also kinda like fuckboys and they HATE each other and theyre stuck on some roadtrip together or wherever like theyre just forced to be together for whatever reason like fuck! me! up! and its just a really, really messed up relationship and they get high and jealous all the time and so much tension! sexual and otherwise! its such a random idea tbh but ive wanted it forever! idk i love morally corrupt boyfriends who start off hating each other gimmme
and omgggg an icarus/apollo plot i would honestly die i have so so so many hcs dkfhkhd and um a f/f high society plot shksdh with lotsa secrets and lies and travelling and parental ~expectations~ and making each other jealous, all that jazz i love Rich Aesthetics alsoooo all the royal plots tbh! and all the exes plots??? i just want all the plots damn :/
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yenneferw · 7 years
For the character thing: Oswald (Gotham), Max, Anne, Jack, Thomas, John, James, and Billy (Black Sails), and the Doctor :D (il your blog)
tAww thank you! :-D And thank you for all the characters! Sorry for answering this so late lol
Also I didn’t even realize I wasn’t doing it in order I just saw James’s name and I fuckin went for it lol oops
Aaaalso sorry it’s so long I have a lot of feelings
Oswald Cobblepot:
Why I like them: Oswald’s such a cute little fuck and he’s very devious and the underdog so I latched onto him early on and he’s one of the only things left about Gotham that doesn’t make me sad after all the queerbaiting 
Why I don’t: I really didn’t care for when they always had his teeth dirty that was,,,,,,,,,,, too much. Also some of his hairstyles have been a bit more questionable than others. Also the fact that he was made canonically gay just to queerbait like yay a gay guy but,,,,,,, meh 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): It’s been a bit since I watched it but the episode where he was pining over Ed and trying to tell him he loved him was a good one for him he looked cute and I liked his plight 
Favorite season/movie: I really liked his rise to power in season 1 and if I remember correctly he finally ended up somewhere in the end after all the shit with the gangs so that was really cool 
Favorite line: I can’t think of one right now but I’ll make up for it with my favorite Look ™ which is how he’s always able to look like he’s kind of on the verge of tears
Favorite outfit: Idk anytime he’s wearing a suit is good
OTP: Os and Ed obvs 
Brotp: Mmmmmm idk him and Ivy seem cool as friends even tho I haven’t watched in a while
Head Canon: don’t ask me headcanons,,,,,, i’m so bad at headcanons a lot of the time
Unpopular opinion: I don’t know the fandom well enough lol i’m bad at his
A wish: Nygmobblepot,,,,,, alas,,,,, which isn’t to say it’s bad to hold out hope but i’m so cynical and bitter :-/
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Death, heterosexuality
5 words to best describe them: clever, manipulative, ambitious, cowardly (but shh it’s okay he’s not always cowardly), vengeful 
My nickname for them: Os I love when ppl call him Os lol
James Flint:
Why I like them: do you want me to write a book,,,,, I love him so goddamn much it hurts…….. He’s just so smart and he deserves so many hugs, he’s a gay icon, he tries so hard to do right even tho he’s a fuckin murderous pirate, he’s a murderous pirate that likes his books and his tea and gardening with his best friend, his eyes are the prettiest things on god’s green earth….. love him 
Why I don’t: not applicable I refuse to insult my boy lmao
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Probably the one where Miranda died or the one right after bc Toby Stephens is such a good actor and also he fuckin burned the town down for hurting his best friend and??? goals. Or the last couple of episodes bc that shit iwth John………… and then the reuniting with Thomas………… wow
Favorite season/movie: I really liked his rise back to the top from season 2 bc it makes me sad to see him failing and he starts going on a mad and grieving downward spiral after season 2
Favorite line: “This ends when I grant them my forgiveness, not the other way around” I’m sure there are more bc his speeches are all beautiful (like the “there be dragons one”……. kill me) 
Favorite outfit: Everything he wears is perfect 
OTP: flinthamilton is literally the only thing that waters my crops anymore, although silverflint gives them a nice solid rain every once in a while and is hella valid too
Brotp: James and Miranda is so beautiful that I regularly cry about them but I also liked when James and Madi were teaming up
Head Canon: He and Thomas break out of the plantation and become feared pirates again, also he was dating John and Gates lmao
Unpopular opinion: He’s gay and not bi like not for bi erasure or anything but like he just gives me such a gay feel you know what I mean. And also I don’t think what he had with Miranda was really anything 
A wish: for him and Thomas to be happy 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for him and thomas to be sad lmao
5 words to best describe them: Intelligent, vengeful, loving, sad, amazing,,,,
My nickname for them: idk I don’t have nicknames I guess I always call him James and not Flint and it seems like a lot of people just call him Flint lol (also “lvoe of my life” does that count)
Why I like them: oh my god. oh dear i love her. When will your fave. She’s so brave and smart and loving??? like I called James loving but Max is on another level. She’s so protective of the people and the things she cares abotu and loves, and she’s so fucking smart. And she’s so brave to pursue everything she wants to pursue, like she’s a wlw of color in the 1700s and yet she still rules Nassau without giving any fucks about conventions and shit
Why I don’t: oh man is there a reason. I don’t like that she went to Woodes Rogers’s side for a while and betrayed Anne and Jack but I understand why she did so I’m not angry with her for it
Favorite episode (scene if movie): whenever she walks on screen,,,, but idk I can’t think of anything specifically but I liked it when she took over Nassau from Eleanor 
Favorite season/movie: I liked her arc in season 4 even if I really didn’t like all the decisions she made, and I really liked how she ended up in the end so probably season 4
Favorite line: she’s so smart and wise so like everything she says but also I really like her speech to Anne “I am so sorry for working so hard to protect the wrong things, for failing to see that there is nothing important that does not include you” 
Favorite outfit: that yellow dress oh my god! does anyone else remember that yellow dress! it was so pretty she looked so pretty! She has really good style in general but I love that yellow dress 
OTP: Maxanne
Brotp: Her friendship with Idelle is nice and also I like her friendship with Jack
Head Canon: again I’m so bad at headcanons
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think I do
A wish: For her to rule Nassau and continue dating the love of her life Anne Bonny and support her piracy and have her position in Nassau fully supported by everyone alive 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: death? sadness? she deserves literally the best all the time
5 words to best describe them: compassionate, perceptive, brave, honest, wonderfulbeautifulgorgeous i love her
My nickname for them:I don’t have one for her
Anne Bonny:
Why I like them: She’s amazing honestly I love her sailor’s mouth and I love her bravery and her principles and how logical she is. And I love how kickass she is and how she’ll do anything for the people she loves and I love when she stops being guarded around people and her face Softens, I’m gay for how she looks out from under the brim of her hat 
Why I don’t: I honestly can’t think of a reason……. ok I guess I don’t like that she got violent with Max in the beginning when she was having her gay crisis and like killed Idelle’s friend…….. but honestly reblog if you get murderously violent while having a gay crisis
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I can’t think of something specifically but like when she was with Max and they were just soft and dating that is my reason for waking up in the morning, AND when she saved the ship with the glass and all god wow i died
Favorite season/movie: Mmmm season 2 was prime maxanne season wasn’t it…….. good shit
Favorite line: I can’t think of any rn but wow every time she opens her mouth it’s a gift
Favorite outfit: idk generally her pirate outfit? and her hat is amazing
OTP: Maxanneeeee
Brotp: her friendship with Jack is something I would die for they make me so happy
Head Canon: I don’t know that I have any idk maybe that she and Max are still dating after the show ends?
Unpopular opinion: I don’t know that I have one about Anne
A wish: That she’s happy with Max and potentially Mark/Mary too if she wants to be
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Being unhappy,,, not being with Max or Jack,,
5 words to best describe them: strong, logical, angry, devoted, the world “fuck” 
My nickname for them: I don’t have one for her
Jack Rackham:
Why I like them: he’s so funny and I really like his goals and his arc like he starts out as this guy who just wants his name remembered and that’s still him in the end and I like that that goal doesn’t change, but he finally gets to be the single pirate captain in Nassau which is really cool for him, and he’s also super smart I love him
Why I don’t: I didn’t like his first reactions to Anne and Max, he was kind of a dick about it, but I’m glad that he eventually accepted them and got closer to Max and all
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I liked his scenes with Blackbeard and I also like his earlier scenes where he’s more comic relief-y and I really like when he gets to be a Pirate Captain Dude, that’s not an episode but I just like these particular moments with him. I really liked when that one girl at the Guthries’ was like “Do you know Captain Jack Rackham????” and he was like…………………….. i’ve made it guys
Favorite season/movie: Mmmmm honestly Jack is really consistently awesome throughout like so is everyone else but he’s really well-characterized and grows a lot throughout and I can’t really pick which season of him I like the best
Favorite line: there are so many “if you’re all going to act like children, then I will be your daddy” it’s not my favorite but it plagues me every waking moment of my life and I can’t ever escape it, to rogers: “you and I were neck and neck in this race til the end. But, jesus, did I make up a lot of ground to catch you,” and I really like his speech to Teach about Vane but I can’t find it for the life of me
Favorite outfit: man all of them, Jack Rackham is the most extra well-dressed man in Nassau
OTP: Jack and happiness…….. 
Brotp: if anyone answers this with anything other than Jack and Anne then I’m not sure they watched the same show like to each their own but I can’t imagine a life where their friendship isn’t my fuel
Head Canon: he had a major crush on Charles Vane. I don’t always love Charles Vane so I think he could’ve done better but he definitely had a crush on him
Unpopular opinion: again I don’t think I have one I”m not good at this
A wish: for him to be the most feared pirate around just like he wants to be i’m so proud of him
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for him to be hanged or something especially if it was in front of anne or for him to have to watch anne die
5 words to best describe them: cunning, ambitious, sarcastic, idealist, stubborn
My nickname for them: i don’t have one but like….. another love of my life….. actually everyone that anon asked me about is one of the lvoes of my life anon must know me well
Thomas Hamilton:
Why I like them: oh my heck he’s beautiful. He has such a good heart and such a good vision of the world. He wants things to be so good and the world doesn’t deserve him at all. He’s so caring and loving and gentle and understanding and he just wants to see a world where people aren’t afraid of him and his sexuality and people aren’t afraid of pirates because he understands that a lot of them are just people who society has really hurt like James turned out to be, he’s such a good leader and if England didn’t suck he could’ve done so much
Why I don’t: the wig that’s all that wig killed me like I don’t even like regular wigs but that big ass brown wig haunts me
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the flashback scenes even tho it’s very short they kill me. His smile as he looks at James. I too would go to war with society over that smile 
Favorite season/movie: lol i mean he’s really only in season 2 unfortunately for us all. That little bit in season 4 is revolutionary but season 2
Favorite line: I feel like I’m not gay enough if I don’t say “Know no shame” bc god can you get a better gay line than that I’m in love
Favorite outfit: anything but the fucking brown wig I’m sickened by that wig
OTP: flinthamilton is unbury your gays, straightbait, and overall beautiful so like………. gay icons
Brotp: his and Miranda’s relationship was not as characterized as James and Miranda obviously so I’m not as undyingly in love with them but they were super good and I’m sure they were just as good as James and Miranda but for obvious reasons that wasn’t onscreen as much
Head Canon: he becomes a pirate dude with James after escaping the plantation no one can convicne me otherwise
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think so 
A wish: for him to just live in peace and for him in another universe to actually get everything he wants out of life
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: what if he had actually died. my heart hurts. why did i type those disgusting words
5 words to best describe them: visionary, optimistic, sympathetic, intelligent, twink extraordinaire. that’s six words you say? how can you counter twink extraordinaire 
My nickname for them: my boy james’s SOULMATE
John Silver:
Why I like them: He’s so…………. like I like his self preservation and I fucking LOVE his characterization and his journey from selfish coward to selfless leader, he might be the best characterized character in this show like the show is really really good at characterization but John Silver obviously had a long way to go to become Long John Silver and He Did That. He’s also so sweet and soft sometimes and I love his curly hair
Why I don’t: I just………. my heart is always with James so when he sort of went the opposite ways I couldn’t help but be on James’s side….. like I still love him and understand his view……. but i’m sad
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I really like the episode where he starts talking shit at dinner to the entire crew and outing that guy for fucking a goat and I also really like the episode where he loses his leg and I really liek the last couple of episodes. I just like a lot of him ok he’s great
Favorite season/movie: I like the beginning of his Long John Silver story when he redeems himself to the crew in season 2 but I also like his coming into Long John Silver in season 4
Favorite line: oh my god he says a lot of good things but I don’t know who I would be if I didn’t say “I will stand here with you, for an hour, a day, a year while you find a way to accept this outcome so we might leave here together” and then the parallel speech to Madi…….. I’m alive and living and this is going to kill me
Favorite outfit: anything but his beginning blue jacket that jacket is the worst lol
OTP: silverflint or him and Madi
Brotp: before Billy…… was cancelled, him and Billy were good buds and I liked it
Head Canon: that he dated that one guy who drowned with the goat Muldoon or something 
Unpopular opinion: do people like his blue jacket? I hate it
A wish: that he can at least be happy with Madi at the end and their relationship is eventually fixed which I think the thing on the cliff alludes to
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: death…… sadness…….
5 words to best describe them: manipulative, secretive, loving, enduring, perceptive as fuck
My nickname for them: none but what if everybody called him Johnny
Billy Bones:
Why I like them: ok have you seen him. he’s so handsome CHRIST. But also he’s always like the voice of reason which is really nice up until season 4. I think I latched onto him bc I already really liked Tom Hopper because of Merlin but he’s also pretty strong in the face of torture and everything he stands for being turned against on his ship, even if it’s not always what I stand for
Why I don’t: season 4? I don’t know her. Also he doesn’t like James and I. would die for James
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I liked it when he was quartermaster for a bit he was a p good quartermaster in season 1 and I also liked the episodes where he “made” Long John Silver and Captain Flint
Favorite season/movie: Idk probably season 1 bc that is when things are still gentle…… innocent…….. good…..
Favorite line: the fuck tent line is iconic. “perhaps we can all agree to forgo, you know, just this once, a fuck tent” when will your fave
Favorite outfit: shirtless 
OTP: idk he definitely dated Ben Gunn js
Brotp: him and Gates
Head Canon: he is asexual as fuck have you ever met him? asexual biromantic. sorry i make the rules and I stick by them 
Unpopular opinion: this isn’t an unpopular opinion i’m sure but billy after s3 can choke. before s3 he’s fine. after…… don’t talk to me about that 
A wish:for him to come to his fucking senses and stop being a horrible idiot
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for him to stay a fuck lik ehe was at the end fo s4
5 words to best describe them: headstrong, loyal, sentimental, ideological, determined
My nickname for them: i dont’ have one but can you imagine if ppl called him bilbo 
The Doctor:
Why I like them: I mean this really depends on which Doctor you know? this one’s probably going to be long bc I’m gonna do a bit about all the new whos. So 9 I like because he’s very brave and determined in the face of everything he just lost and because he has such a good heart when he easily could have been so cold. And when he is faced with how he has hardened some, he always works on getting better and being a better person. also idfk but like christopher eccleston is all of our uncles who brings us the cool like $20 iTunes cards. 10 I like because he’s so loving that it kind of ruins him. Like that kind of is the way of the Doctor but he just keeps on loving and loving and loving until he’s traveling alone desperately looking for some fun and some companionship so he doesn’t have to feel the hurt of Rose and Donna and doesn’t have to feel how badly he misses Martha. He’s like. He’s like the guy that goes and gives you a giant bag full of shit that would suck if you just got it alone but in bulk like deodorant and tissues and socks and shit. 11 I like because he’s very fierce and fiercely protective but also silly and fun like I like how he can be bouncy and stuff and then the next moment he’s been quiet and scary or loud and scary or gentle and wise. 11 forgot to get everyone anything but he’s the main source of laughter so everybody pretends they’re not disappointed bc his gifts are usually cool. 12 I like because. Eyebrows. But also because he’s a lot different than other Doctors like hte Doctor tends to do morally ambiguous things sometimes but it feels like 12 is so much more morally ambiguous than others. He’s angry about everything that’s been done to him and he feels grief from things he hasn’t thought about in a while and it’s an interesting and different twist on him. 12 intentionally got everyone nothing and ate all the vegetables and left. why am i relating them to christmas? i’m materialistic 
Why I don’t: I don’t feel like going that in depth again but I’ll just say I don’t like how Moffat’s Doctors become what the story is about. The story I feel like is supposed to be about not only the Doctor, but the story and the companions, but Moffat’s Doctors are so much the centerpoint of the story that it loses some of the really really cool things from RTD’s era and some of the spirit of the Doctor. moffat is why my farm animals have all run away 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): this is really hard lmao. I’m gonna pick an episode a Doctor. 9- The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances. I like “Everybody lives!” that’s the best. 10- Midnight. That acting tho and really seeing 10 scared and helpless is something different and really cool. Also The End of Time bc it’s literally the best episode of anything in existence. 11- Idk I can’t really decide. Maybe “The Big Bang.” I love 11 but for the life of me I can’t ermember a fave ep. 12- I’ve onyl seen s8 and part of s9 but I like that one episode where the Doctor thinks he’s dying with Missy I can’t remember what it’s called
Favorite season/movie: 9 lol he only has one. 10- 2 or 3 I really can’t decide. 11- 5. 12- I’ve only seen 8 fully lol
Favorite line: that requires…… so much thought and so much work. They say a lot of cool things. The Doctor is all about speeches and one-liners lol
Favorite outfit: 11 has the best outfit ngl but 10′s is a close second
OTP: Rose and 10 obvs who doesn’t love them, I mean River and the Doctor have always been good, idk my otps for Doctor Who usually involve companions and their partners
Brotp: all the companions every single one of them I’m alive. have you ever met amy pond. have you ever met martha jones or donna noble. have you ever MET jack harkness 
Head Canon: I have……….. a lot I feel like i couldn’t type all of them up first of all the doctor is gay so jot that down
Unpopular opinion: mmmmmm I’m sure i have some but I can’tt think of them 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for 13 to be a straight white man or for Chibnall to be as bad as Moffat :-/
5 words to best describe them: genius, kind, hopeful, loving, vengeful
My nickname for them: I don’t know that I have any but I might that I’m not remembering
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blonde & bubbly : 10.29
in this episode: a recap of the hills at the one year mark and the most recent awards
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sabine: hello and welcome to very first episode of blonde and bubbly! i’m sabine al-masri and i’m here with my lovely cohost, business partner, and beautiful fellow blonde madison ware.
madi: hi everyone! Like Sabine just said, I’m madison and i’m so excited to be here today and chat with you guys today! For the very first episode of our new podcast we’re going to do a little recap of everything that happened to past year on the show, to celebrate the one year anniversary of the reboot! 
sabine: so since i have only been here since june, madi will cover the first half of the hills and i will cover the second, so madi, the floor is yours. also, today’s podcast is sponsored by veuve clicquot, madi and i will be opening and drinking a nice bottle of 2008 vintage brut rose on today’s airing.
madi: thank you peach! so when the reboot of the show started back in november 2016, there was a completely different atmosphere if i can say so. A lot of the first cast members left, i think there less than ten original members left? Kazi got with Mia in december and Finn was with a girl named Kate. The first couple of the show were Brenda and Miguel, i cant exactly remember if they got together at her iconic birthday party or not. Miguel was such a funny guy, he always had jokes and was nice to see on the timeline. They’re both parents now. A few weeks later came Sonny, Quentin and Noemi, some of the most appreciated cast members here. Then Sawyer,Sabrina, Xavier and Thomas. Thomas and I rapidly got close and became best friends, although people always said we had a thing and were dating, which was not true. we were also in a sorta triangle love type of thing. at the time i was helping a friend, named kai, who needed a fake girlfriend. so of course i said id do it and pretend to be with him and all. but i was very close to thomas, and everyone could see it. they thought i was cheating on kai with thomas, sawyer even came at me for this, i remember it perfectly. then kai left and thomas’ kid was born and he got with riley. i had this thing with a guy named reese, but he was always fighting with everyone on the timeline and never actually happy? i remember nobody understood what i liked in him. He was actually a very nice guy, but had definitely a lot of issues. 
sabine: and for the second half of the hills recap, i have a shit memory so i’ll be using things from gossip as highlights. i don’t remember much from the beginning of my time here, but there was that raf, kai, bella drama i remember. that love triangle. that was kana was a huge player too, and him and erin had their drama. sawyer was with aiden, yaya and carina were that on and off thing. 
madi: then summer came along and we got a lot of new people, including toni, aries & adrian. a lot of the old problematic cast left, thank god. things were rather calm at that moment. I think just a few weeks before that i broke up with reese and then we almost got officially back together but he cheated on me with one of my friends, so i was having kind of a rough time. but i got back on my feet and traveled and forgot about him. 
sabine: It was  also around that time that Antigone joined the show, right? funny story here, we used to be friends and then i hated her and now we’re the best of friends again. i didn’t like her “married men” phase and not a lot of people did either, i remember she got a lot of shit for it. larkin was a cry baby back then and so was astraea. some anon i remember called atlas and jinyoung from the start so congrats to that anon. i never knew that erin was pregnant with kana’s baby, was that true?
madi: Acutally i still dont know if this is true or not!
sabine: there was that huge baby fever eruption over the summer and people had those stupid rumors about kazi cheating on mia. can i just say? to anyone who thinks kazi and mia would ever cheat on each other? you’re an idiot. oh, elijah got mugged right? that was wild.
madi: the cheating rumors have been here since the start and they’re just..pathetic. It’s sad to think that someone spent a year sending those to a gossip. and it’s so sad to see two of your close friends go through that.  i also forgot to mention, the golden couple had their wedding back in july. it was a beautiful ceremony, however, like at every events on this show, someone acted like a fool and made it all about them. that someone? is crazy astronaut girl. yes, astraea. i think she broke her hand at the reception then wouldnt stop complaining about it. she was probably in a fight with blayze.
sabine: he has a thing with astraea! she was literally in love with him. dean and barbie were together at that point. i think thomas and i were dating at this point too, it was kind of on and off around the time of the wedding. okay here’s another anon i want to point out. “who the fuck is libby and why do people like her”. to answer that libby is an amazing human being and people don’t like her, they love her. javon and naomi were a thing. jagger and thorne became athing. sofia and finn were a thing. antigone and raf had their beef.
madi: astraea was obsessed with blayze and with the idea of having a boyfriend really. there were a lot of couples at that time, and they all broke up a few weeks later. 
sabine: and this part is gold, when asked who the cutest couples were, gossip responded “gia & fitz, aiden & sawyer, finn & sofia.” that just shows you how far we’ve traveled. and people thought bryce was some kind of casanova who went around breaking hearts for fun, which couldn’t be further from the truth. a few weeks later aries and toni got together and stayed together for a while, until she broke things off. another bashir joined the show too, Abel. he and sabrina immediately got into a relationships. around the same time or so, antigone and adrian had broken up, again. and missy joined the show. she had a thing with him, and sadly left because she didnt feel welcomed. 
madi: then fall came along and some people from the past came back, like effy, cyrus and sofia. and this is where im going to stop the recap, because if you’ve watched a few recent episodes of the show, you know what happened. if you havent, you can always watch them all online on mtv’s website! 
sabine: and now moving on to last night’s awards, there are some that i saw and was like bullshit, you know? what did you think mads?
madi: i think the reactions we inevitable! i kinda expected them and thought i wouldnt be surprised by the results of the votes, but i was. 
sabine: the first award that kind of threw me off guard was the most under appreciated one, i don’t know how rallo weaseled his way in there but i don’t think he should have placed. i mean if people really got to know him the way i have, i would say there’s not much to appreciate.
madi: really? i love rallo, he’s one of my best friends. he knows literally everything about me. i didnt expect people to vote for him tho, but im actually happy they did. i see a lot of his tweets that arent about his idiotic musicallys get unanswered and it angers me. i hate when people here ignore others. 
sabine: for cutest couple, i would have placed q, sonny and noemi in first place. they’ve just always been constant and loving and i don’t think, as far as i can remember, them having issues. so i think they should have at least tied for first, or been first.
madi: i think it wasnt a surpise that mia and kazi won. what i was surprised to see tho is that antigone and adrian won, seeing by the anons on the gossip i never knew people really thought they were cute or so. it’s nice to see them top a couple like mazi. i also completely agree with what you said on quentin, noemi and sonny, we love an unproblematic couple. to be honest, i hate to pick between couples, i feel like im always betraying one of my friends, am i the only one? probably.
sabine: here is what pissed me off the most, the cutest couple that never was. adrian and toni, me and kazi, and fitz and gia. i don’t know why any of those recieved votes or the votes that they did, but whoever voted for those hasn’t been paying attention. adrian and toni for starters, aren’t close like they used to be, so maybe a couple months ago they would’ve actually made a “cute” couple but now, no way. me and kazi, are just friends, i’ve said before he’s like a cousin to me. and fitz and gia were a couple weren’t they? or am i wrong?
madi: well first of all, adrian and toni were never a couple i believe so? just like kazi and you, right? a troll sent yall names and people just decided to go for you guys. as for fitz and gia, they were together for a long time and were very cute, so i understand why some people voted for them. 
sabine: well that’s a wrap on our very first podcast. thank you so much for tuning in, and next week we’ll have a special guest joining us. madi, will you sign us off?
madi: it would be an honor! thank you everyone for listening to us! i hope to see you all during the press tour, we’re madison & sabine from the hills, blonde and had too much bubbly so it’s time to say goodbye and we’ll see you next time! 
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