#like.... not even modded or though an emulator
centrally-unplanned · 2 years
Today is the 20th Anniversary of the release of Haibane Renmei, which is a great time to post art. Good art, you ask? Oh the best - early 2000′s wallpapers from the dregs of the internet, of course! 
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Nothing says “graphic design is my passion” like throwing black font on a black background because, like, its the Black Parade? It has to be black???
Another genre of Wallpaper at the time was the ‘anime + poetry’ blend, which Haibane was a poster child for:
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Posted by “Knight Of Lain” in 2005 as their first wallpaper, King tier shit. This genre really died out by ~2010, but I think early internet had a lot of quasi-spiritual, “Christian-ish but I don’t like, read the bible ya know?” teens for whom Haibane’s ennui & iconography really hit home. Those people are either practicing capital-W Witches or Gwyneth Paltrow now.
Something I did discover when browsing DeviantArt was the people who uploaded “wallpapers” that were just screenshots? Of their desktops? So like their UI was still there, so you couldn’t really download it as a wallpaper:
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At the time that would be frustrating, now its perfect Y2K-core vibes. “Posted in 2006″ yeah I gathered that, show me the Warcraft 3 mods don’t tease me like this!!
To diversify a bit, I did find this Winamp skin in the Museum, fully ‘flipped image’ and everything like how it was done at the time:
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I find this particularly amusing because I know why it exists - Serial Experiments Lain was hugely popular with the techno scene for obvious reasons, so there are tons of winamp skins for that show, and Haibane is related to Lain, so even though Haibane shares like none of Lain’s aesthetic in that regard...why not right?
On the more professional side, Megatokyo Author Fred Gallagher absolutely did a Haibane-inspired sidestory in his webcomic in 2007! He loved the anime and I think its ‘genre’ was something he was trying hard to emulate in the late 2000′s:
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Link if you want to read it, though the Haibane elements are more aesthetics than plot.
To end this a little meta, Haibane wallpapers, like everything back then, were built out of “constituent parts”, official art from scanned artbooks and promotional material, cut & recoloured in photoshop. One of the big source ones at the time came from this image, if I recall correctly:
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Which is funny, because it kindof isn't from Haibane Renmei? That isn’t Rakka. Its from Yoshitoshi Abe, in a doujin he published in 1998 *called* Haibane Renmei, but it was extremely different from the show. Its just a collection of standalone art jumping between cute and gothic-creepy, and these angels live in modern Japan:
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The latter creepy stuff is actually kindof funny, as you can tell this guy is definitely designing for Serial Experiments Lain at the time - which shares that sensibility deeply - but its an aesthetic that would barely survive in the actual product by the time the *true* predecessor doujin of the anime, Haibane of Old Home, would be released in 2001. But since so many Haibane fans *were* alt-edgy goth loving freaks due to how Haibane was situated & transmitted in western anime cultural spaces at the time (and its inherent themes, not taking that away), pulling from the extant creepy art out there was a natural instinct. So that og image just...became Rakka.
You can check out the 1998 doujin here in full if you want - if you are a fan of NieA under 7, the other anime based on one of ABe’s doujin, you will definitely notice some proto-characters for that story in this.
(Also since it has happened before, every art featured here is unironically great, their creators are great for making them. Cringe is dead, I love all of this) 
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ganondoodle · 9 days
Hello ! Ive been following your totk rewrite project for a while and I was wondering if you are going to make it into a new game or even a mod for totk (Similar to botw's Second Wind mod) .
i am so sorry but .... i have to disappoint you, the totk rewrite is all just theory, so to say; while i have the aspiration to become a gamedev i can barely make a character move and have no idea how to mod (and after nintendos crackdown on emulators idk if its even possible at all anymore), additionally all the things im doing with it would be way too huge to be implemented, quite impossible even since it literally changes everything aside from the bare basics
i may talk about what im changing and how game mechanics work but its all just talk really, this whole project is, essentially, a way for me to cope with how massively disappointed and frustrated i am with the canon game, and to some extent also a way for me to think about pretty much everything that goes into a game, like practice in a way, but nothing more, a kinda ... wasteful bunch of alot of work just for me to deal with my hurt feelings
so .. it wont be something anyone can actually play, god do i wish though lol, just art and writing whenever i can find time for it bc thats all i can do, sorry :(
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murdercide626 · 11 days
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I recently discovered this Sonic fan-game from 2018 called Metal Sonic Rebooted, and it's so frikkin good! :D
The basic premise is that Dr. Eggman has created a new line of badniks to hunt down the Chaos Emeralds, and Metal Sonic is determined to find the emeralds before they can, destroying all in his path, to show the doctor that he's still his ultimate creation. (Awww. He really wants his dad's approval. lol)
I really love the way Metal controls in this game. In addition to the basic Sonic moveset, Metal also has a jet-powered forward dash, and a mid-air vertical dash, which are both really cool, but cost a bit of rings to use. Thankfully Metal doesn't drop all of his rings when damaged (only losing 15), unlike his fleshy counterpart. Naturally, Metal also can't drown underwater. The perks of being a lifeless automaton!
Another gameplay mechanic I like is that you can find certain item monitors that summon Bomb (from Knuckles' Chaotix) as a partner! Much like Tails, Bomb follows you and mimics your actions, but if Bomb gets damaged he'll drop some rings and explode, and he won't come back until you find another Bomb monitor (unlike in Chaotix where he'd regenerate instantly after exploding). It's just really neat that the Sonic&Tails buddy system has been recontextualized as a power-up! And if Bomb survives to the end of a level, he'll follow you into the next one. Kinda makes me want to challenge myself to try and keep Bomb alive from the beginning of the game to the end. lol
I also really love the level design and music of this game! I like that it has an almost grungy feel in some levels, which fits for a game starring a ruthless villain like Metal.
Though I haven't finished the game yet, I'm really loving it so far! Makes me wish I heard about it sooner!
What gets me is that this game is technically a mod, being a hack of Sonic 2. But so much of it is altered to the point you'd think it was made from the ground up! Makes me wonder if this game could run on actual hardware. I would love to have this game on a physical cartridge and run it on my old Genesis!
If you're interested, here's a link to Sonic Retro with more info, and even a download link for the game (though you'll need a Genesis/Mega Drive emulator to run it). Also, be wary of light spoilers in the article.
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callmearcturus · 2 years
the best handheld gaming options today
ohyesididnotjustdothat: Idk if u were serious or if this is even a good time, but that rec list for handhelds sounds like it'd be baller ngl
yeah sure, i like to do the research so others don't have to. it's turning into my gimmick
Let's do this by
Best Starter Device
Best Midtier Device
"But What About Sony" Device
Best Thing If You Don't Want To Invest In A Steam Deck
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Best Starter Device/Low Budget: Miyoo Mini
as soon as this fucking thing came out, everyone was talking about it and I can see why. This thing is adorable, it's sturdy, it is the most pocketable device in the space, and it reliably plays anything up to the PSX generation. It has shoulder buttons on the back, comes with a very decent user interface out of the box, and that screen is both gorgeous and it has extra lamination so it's well protected.
And it sells for less than 70$. There's a very loving fanbase around the Miyoo Mini with people pushing the hardware to its limits and supporting it, so it's a good pick.
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Best Midtier Device: Retroid Pocket 2+
the + is important, this is a refresh and update to the original RP2 with a lot of improvements.
Full disclosure, I wanted to get myself a Powkiddy RGB10 Max 2 (a mouthful) because it has super good ergonomics and a huge screen. But its not about the screen, it's what you do with it, and RP2+ is just head and shoulders above the competition and tends to be priced at 99$, which is cheaper than the competition as well. That this thing exists while the Ambernick RG552 has the audacity to ask for 225$ is staggering.
This fucking thing will play SNES, GBA, PSX, sure. But thanks to its chipset, it'll also play N64, Nintendo DS, Dreamcast. There is a community-maintained GDoc with testing of the device with advice on how to wring the best results out of the RP2+. Also its one of the only devices where the manufacturer lets you buy spare parts if something breaks, which is something more folks should do. Also this thing is getting active updates both officially and from the community. Like.... it's a good fucking purchase.
This is what I'm getting and I'm planning to explore the NDS and Dreamcast libraries for the first time.
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"But I want to play PSP as well as older generations!": CFW PS Vita
This was my first foray into the space and I fucking love it. The amount of shit you can do with a custom firmware (CFW) Vita is mind boggling. I just downloaded a free port of Fallout 2 from the Homebrew Browser that's runs on the Vita itself. Last night, I opened Adrenaline, which is Sony's own PSP emulation software and booted up Chrono Cross. There is a very sneaky little app I won't name that literally just lets you directly, cleanly download any PS Vita game onto the device.
The screen is fucking beautiful, the device feels luxury, it's got bluetooth, it can run older libraries all the way up to N64 (though it chugs on some GBA games for some reason).
And while a lot of other custom handhelds are trying to get PSP games to run, this is the device that was BUILT to run them, and it cannot be beat. No fucking with settings, no swapping cores in hopes another will run better. It just works for that amazing fucking library. And setting up the CFW is very fun and has a great step by step guide online.
Honorable Mention: CFW 3DS/3DS XL
One of the things these handhelds struggle with is emulation of the dual screen Nintendo devices. It's super easy to emulate the top screen, and for many games the bottom screen isn't actually necessary to play. But for the ones where it is, there are few viable handhelds you can really use.
But much like the Vita, the 3DS has a vibrant and thriving mod community. Once you have it set up, it's the most reliable avenue for the Nintendo catalog, and with Nintendo shutting down support for it, that's two generations of extremely large catalogs at risk of disappearing.
Also, once you've got it set up, you can go to hshop, pick the game you want to play, scan a QR code with your 3DS, and just install it. The pirate game is so fucking advanced. The only reason I don't play mine more is the battery life bugs me. If I put my vita to sleep, in a month it'll still have power. If I put my 3DS to sleep, it's dead in 2 days.
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The "I Don't Mind Spending For the Best Option That Is Fully Futureproofed" Option: The AYN Odin
Starting price 230$ before shipping and you'll be waiting at minimum 3 months for it to arrive.
This will play everything. This is right now the only device to reliably run the PS2/PSP generation. It will also flawlessly stream Game Pass, PS Now (or whatever they're calling it these days), Stadia, Moonlight, Parsec, and Nvidia's service I forget the name of. If you're daring, you can sideload windows and play a respectable amount of full PC games. It has very good controls, super nice shoulder buttons, a turbo mode with a cooling fan, and that enormous fucking screen.
This is the device every motherfucker wants but you will be paying and you will be waiting to get your hands on it. It's the best device you can get without investing in a Steam Deck. (Also you can very easily get away with the Odin Lite over the Odin Base or Pro unless you are planning to sideload Windows, just FYI.)
Final Thoughts: There's a lot of good options out there and a lot of people covering them, but I personally like Retro Game Corps the most. He has in depth reviews of goddamn everything as well as video guides to setting up specific devices, learning Retroarch, exploring firmware options as they release, and WRITTEN GUIDES to everything on his site. Dude is a marvel. I would watch his stuff to see what sounds good, then watch other reviews for the same device. (This is what talked me out of the Powkiddy and into the RP2+.)
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rainofaugustsith · 5 months
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SWTOR sent out a "since you've been gone we've made updates" email about a week ago. Unfortunately, it had nothing in it that was in any way motivating to even peek at the game again as a free player. 
Now that I'm out of SWTOR and in a game where the devs don't treat the players like complete shit and try to emulate Game of Thrones - I'm far happier. From what I know of the complete clusterfuck that is now the story, even more so.
As much as I miss Viri and Lana running around and some of the planets, I don't miss most of what SWTOR was or is. 
Here's the letter I would have loved to have seen, though. 
*** Note - this is a satire/wishlist written by me, NOT an actual email from SWTOR ***
Dear Former SWTOR Player, 
We miss you! Since you've been gone, we've been making major changes. Most importantly, we're now committed to the best player experience we can give you! Check out the changes we've made:
The Return of Play Your Way!
Solo player? Small groups? Love to raid? Don't worry, we've got you all covered! No matter how you want to play, you'll have full access to everything SWTOR has to offer. In line with the Play Your Way philosophy, we are also introducing easy, normal and nightmare modes for all content. Play as you wish!
Expanded Accessibility
In line with our enhanced Play Your Way philosophy and our commitment to inclusive gaming, we are now introducing more features to make your experience accessible, such as a toggle to disable flashing/strobing lights, several caption size/font choices and color contrast options for colorblind players and migraineurs. 
Find Out What Happened!
Did you miss part of the story? The three raids on Oricon and Iokath and the final mission of the Macrobinoculars quest chain will now have tourist mode. You will not get XP or any mission rewards from tourist mode, but you'll be able to watch the story cut scenes associated with these raids to complete your Oricon, Macrobinoculars and Iokath adventures. 
Dedicated Story Updates!
Tired of waiting months and months for the tiniest story updates? So are we! We've invited back some of SWTOR's best writers to update the story far more regularly. We will also be introducing the Alliance Fork, to allow Alliance Commanders who have chosen to remain independent or act as saboteurs to strike out on their own. 
Companion Packs!
Want more time with Vette, Lana, Torian or Quinn? We've got you! Companion Packs contain hours of stories, quests and features with your companions of choice, whether they're romantically involved with your Commander or platonic friends. Earn access to Companion Packs by getting your companion's influence to level 50 and completing their combat achievements. 
Gearing for All!
Whether you raid or solo, you'll be able to earn moddable gear again with a simplified gear system. 
Rolling Back Prices!
Travel costs for quick travel have been rescinded. Costs for augmenting gear and removing mods have been significantly lowered.  
Toxicity Not Welcome!
We will be actively working to create an in-game environment that is welcoming to all players, including increased monitoring and action against griefing and bigotry in chat channels.
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ancientgreekyuri · 3 months
Tagged by @scroldie ^.^
Are you named after someone?
Nope! My mama named me after a song she heard on the radio 💖
When was the last time you cried?
Recently over something silly but I forgot the reason... I think it was over a videogame 😭
Do you have kids?
I am a 25 year old weirdo girl ain't nobody having babies with me right now
What sports do you play/have you played?
I like swimming and I like going out on walks... idk if it counts but I've been boating + fishing before and that was fun even though it made me so so so so so scareds too 💞
Do you use sarcasm?
Not really, I just don't think to...!
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Outfit for sure... I tend to avoid looking at people's faces if I can help it 💔
What's your eye color?
In the "dark brown that's basically black" category
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, I'm too much of a wimp for scary movies even though conceptually they do interest me 😭
Any talents?
Umm I can draw and write... my family says I'm a good singer but I don't think I believe that. I have a really good eye for colour coordination. I'm a pro when it comes to storage and organization 💝
Where were you born?
I'm not gonna answer this but I will say that I've lived in the same state my entire life 😭
What are your hobbies?
I like reading and I'm a #gamergirl. I like sewing but I don't do it a lot. I know how to weave a little bit but it's time consuming. I want to get into modding and emulation though!
Do you have any pets?
I have two kitty cats, Mocha (calico girl) and Cinnamon (tabby boy). I don't feel like hunting for a picture of them right now though sorry 💔
How tall are you?
5'3 or 5'4 the jury is confused on that one (I'm visibly a little shorter than my mom, but somehow my mom is consistently measured at 5'3 while I'm consistently measured at 5'4. Very odd!)
Favorite subject in school?
I'm sure this is predictable but English and History ❣
Dream job?
Oh god 😭 honestly I love the idea of working at a museum or doing something with archiving but we'll see what happens
💗 I don't feel like tagging anyone so feel free to do this and say I tagged you...!
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snapscube · 1 year
Hi Penny really been enjoying your dive into Dragon Quest VII! Been curious, what made u decide on playing the PS2 version over the 3DS version of the game?
(gonna assume you meant DQ VIII and answer for that!) A few things! Obviously the 3DS version was tempting with the extra content and all that (especially knowing now that one of the added party members is Red UGHHGHHGHGHGHGHGGHGG god i wish) but the PS2 version, in turn, has
an orchestrated soundtrack (VERY IMPORTANT, Strange World does NOT hit the same through MIDI)
better visuals! i like the color palette of the PS2 visuals a lot better, and there's a lot more detail in the environment that brings things together nicely.
randomized battles, which is obviously gonna be different for a lot of people and a lot of situations in terms of whether it's considered a pro or a con. normally, i don't prefer random encounters BUT in my experience with DQ11 i found that when I had the option of skipping combat encounters I really would not level up as much as I should have before hitting a roadblock and needing to grind for at least a couple of hours. so far, though there has been a LITTLE grinding, being forced to engage with the combat system in the overworld while exploring and get a consistent flow of XP has really helped pace my playthrough a lot better!
Not to mention, at the time of choosing which platform to play on, I did not have any capture solution for 3DS fully setup and I was really resistant to the idea of emulating since I prefer playing on original hardware when I can help it. I've since settled on the fact that until I can get my hands on a hardware capture mod, emulation is gonna be the way to go for any 3DS/DS streaming I do. And I've got a setup that I think looks nice and runs well now but, again, at the time I did not.
Honestly though the BIGGEST reason, even after considering all of this stuff, is that when I think of Dragon Quest I think "large, cozy adventure". It has real nostalgic vibes even though I didn't grow up with the series. A perfect cozy-up-with-tea-before-bed kind of series. And I'm not sure if any game system complements those vibes better to me than the PS2 does. The PS2 has this pitch-perfect nostalgia factor in nearly everything about the way it runs, the way it renders visuals, and thankfully a lot of those things are in tact even when running on a backwards compatible PS3. And it does that without losing the inherent feeling of scale you get when playing a console game on a TV compared to a handheld game on a small screen. That perfect balance of comfort vs. scale is the biggest reason why I chose the PS2 version, and so far I do NOT regret the decision.
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skqw · 7 months
Arid Athenaeum is a techless puzzle-routing map by Adam Korinek (Anzen_) focused around dash-refill dash blocks. The map is heavily inspired by Revita, entirely built with custom graphics and even adding some gameplay changes. The big change is no grabbing, and the elevators as goals carry over too.
The first thing to note is that the custom graphics are absolutely stunning. I haven't played Revita, so I don't know how closely the sprites replicate the original game, but it all fits so smooth in Celeste's pixel art style.
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It's also -- thankfully -- unintrusive. It's just enough to be pretty and to give off the right vibes, and it doesn't fall in the category of maps so saturated with custom graphics that it's hard to tell what's going on. It feels like exactly the right amount of effort for what the map is going for, I hope the mapper thinks it paid off as well!
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Gameplay starts off with a fair amount of easing into the new feel. There's new mechanics of course, but the no-grab limitation is just as much of a foundation to the map as the refill dash blocks. Platforming and movement is built around this, you need to know how to use walljumps to increase height and distance; it's not just a disabled-neutrals-style gimmick. It's emulating a different game, after all.
The refill dash blocks come in one or two-dash variants, and are paired with spikes and dash spikes. Interestingly, spikes on refill dash blocks are the only ones that can be sideways or downwards. Dash spikes only allow you to touch the block if you're dashing, functionally the same as dream spikes if those are familiar to you.
The core gameplay loop of the map comes down to figuring out which dash blocks to break in which order, often involving when certain blocks are accessible and storing a two-dash state for use somewhere else. Fully utilizing your dashes and planning ahead always feels very clever. Gameplay segments are almost always limited to the size of the screen, so the player is given the opportunity to pause and think about the room before they try it. Spawn points are plentiful as well.
It's one of the easier routing maps I've played, but it is a good exercise in the style of dash and refill-centered routing puzzles. The map is techless as I said, and I think I can get away with calling it red beginner. However, with as much as the map departs from Celeste, a decent intuitive understanding of the physics. Some segments are technically trickier than others by a decent enough margin that the difficulty ramp may feel uneven to players still getting the hang of the game.
I do have two gripes with the map. First off is just the camera, which does just stem from the style of map. Moving between gameplay segments moves the camera very quickly as it changes target, which is a bit jarring. This is really just an issue when gameplay is close to screen transitions, when the player might fall of a ledge or interact with entities they cannot see because the camera hasn't focused yet. This is more of an issue on downwards movement, where the camera doesn't move down until the player is near the bottom of the screen, essentially making it a leap of faith. I understand why it was done like this, but it did pull me out of the map a little and this is one of the cases where it's more important for the map to be Celeste and not Revita.
My second issue is the sprites for the refill dash block spikes. They look a bit too similar to tell apart from a glance, since dash spikes and regular spikes are mixed together a lot more as the map progresses.
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It feels mild in retrospect, but not knowing the layout of the levels made it matter more. I just wish that the dash spikes were a little less spiky, I guess? More of a shape distinction, since the colors are pretty set in stone.
Don't let these minor complaints get in the way of enjoying the map, though! It has a great, unique theme that goes beyond visual style. It's really not only a Celeste map, and it doesn't feel like one either. It's comfortable for anyone who's beaten the game before, and it can serve as either a good starting point for getting into routing maps or as a reading exercise for experienced players. A couple strawberries and a fully completed debug challenge room are the cherry on top. What else can I say besides to give it a try?
Remember to leave a like on the GameBanana page if you enjoyed! It really, really helps.
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l-amplights · 5 months
What's Patapon? The artstyle reminds me of some mid 2000s thing which I like immediately
YEAH the first game came out in 2007/8 so i guess its mid 2000s lmao
patapon/2/3 is a rhythm/ real time strategy game series for the psp in which you play as the patapon god/almighty patapon and use music to command an army of patapons on their journey to earthend which involves taking down big bosses and taking down the enemy tribe trying to stop your quest
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highly recomend checking out some gameplay and/or the music or even playing it yourself the devs are super chill about emulation as people literally emulate mods for the 3rd game in their discord server lmao
theres also a new game like it by the same creators called ratatan which was kickstarted in september and is due to release in 2025 if you want a more modern take on the gameplay, judging by the ask though youd probably prefer patapon
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game-boy-pocket · 5 months
Happy New Year.
It was a pretty good year for my gaming hobby and being a Nintendo fan. As usual, I did spend a majority of the year just replaying games I loved, but there were a few new, and new-to-me games that I played this year.
Around this time last the year I was on a Rare kick, playing through all the Donkey Kong Country trilogy, DK64, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo Kazooie, and Conker. and Mark Kurko's Snowglow Village remake, and this spilled into January.
The Rare stuff also lead to a N64 kick in general, as I found a few decent Mario 64 hacks that worked on real hardware, and I also finished a run of Kirby 64 I started a few years ago and abandoned close to the end.
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I managed to make it through a short and easy but very charming Fievel Goes West platformer on SNES. I've got a lot of nostalgia for Fievel so, no regrets there.
I started going back and fourth between The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, and Banjo Kazooie - the Jiggies of Time, and it was interesting to visit areas of the game as Link only to come back to them as Banjo, this also marked the first time I ever replayed a full length romhack from start to finish.
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I picked up several Super Mario World romhacks. Some of them worked out, others didn't, either because of romhack difficulty or hardware incompatibility, but it really was kind of a Mario year for me.
Smash Remix got some amazing updates adding Marina, King Dedede, and Goemon, among other things. I can't wait to see where else that game goes. But speaking of Smash Bros, I also discovered the Akenia build for Super Smash Bros Melee, and I was thrilled to play that game with some characters that came later in the series like Lucas, Diddy Kong, Charizard, Sonic, and Wolf.
And I cleared two Gameboy games for the first time, Donkey Kong Land, and Final Fantasy Adventure, hopefully I can get to their sequels in 2024.
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From there I marathonned a ton of Mario games... the SNES version of Super Mario RPG ( little did I know a Switch remake would get announced later this year ), New Super Mario Bros U, Mario Kart 8, which I managed to get 3 stars on every cup and every difficulty rating, Mario Galaxy, New Super Mario Bros DS, and Super Mario Odyssey, all in preperation to hype myself up for the Super Mario Movie which, against all odds, was fun as hell and filled my little Mario fanboy heart with joy.
Also found mods for Wario Land and Donkey Kong Country returns that made both games far more enjoyable to me. Wario's default walking speed was increased, and Donkey Kong Country's motion controls were mapped to buttons.
Revisited Sonic Riders again, and sadly kind of realized it was not as good as I remembered, having only two grand prix that are largely copy pastes of each other with different lighting. Still prefer the concept of those games than sticking Sonic in a car though.
I discovered a pretty amazing Ocarina of Time hack called the Sealed Palace, which is a it obtuse, but still very good, and I really need to get back to it, I had nearly finished it but went on a hiatus when other things caught my attention. Will finish it in 2024 hopefully.
And one of the big highlights, I finally became the proud owner of an NES. My family had one as a child but it was more for my parents than for me. I mostly played NES games via Nintendo's re-releases or emulation.
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Among the games I played for NES, the whole Mario trilogy, Zelda, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, Final Fantasy 1, Dragon Quest 1, Metroid MOTHER, Kid Icarus, Super Mario Bros 3+, Mega Man 2, Kid Icarus, Duck Hunt, and I started up Final Fantasy 2, but have yet to finish it.
And in April I went to Super Nintendo Land. The experience was slightly soured for me but I had fun and got some cool merchandise. The actual ride was a little underwhelming though, and I didn't even get to go to the Toad Cafe.
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In anticipation for the Legend of Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom, I replayed Link's Awakening, and Breath of the Wild, had a great time with both of them.
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And then Tears of the Kingdom came along and completely absorbed my life for two months. I still miss playing it. Maybe i'll replay it sometime in 2024? It'll be interesting to see if my opinion changes at all, but so far, this one is in my top 3 Zelda games. It's not perfect, but honestly, mention any Zelda game to me and I can give you a laundry list of flaws for each of them, so a Zelda game not being perfect is old news. But it doesn't make them any less great. I think this one is just contentious because 1. it took 6 years, 2. purists of the old Ocarina Cone style of Zelda games are worried that they'll never enjoy Zelda again. They have my sympathies but honestly I don't ever want to go back to the old style of Zelda unless it's for a 2D game.
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I actually tried to give Skyward Sword another try, I bought the Switch version, but like with every attempt to replay that game since it's launch, I just find myself really irritated by all the exposition that I just quit playing early on.
Against my better judgement I bought Sonic Origins Plus on Steam, and it has some performance issues. I really didn't need it, I love that Amy is playable but I kind of prefer her Sonic Advance move set, which fans had already modded into the genesis games. I think i'd rather just get an actual Sega Genesis to play these games on someday.
I finished raising every single digimon on my Digimon Version 20th v-pet, which is essentially like completing the "pokedex" but for digimon. Sadly not every virtual pet tracks that information, so I won't get to attempt that again.
There was a double dose of Ninja Turtles with TMNT II the Arcade game for NES and Shredder's Revenge on the Switch, I think a certain movie came out around this time of year that put me into a Turtle frenzy because I also started watching the cartoon around that time of year.
I am not mentioning every little NES game or hack I play but I want to higlight two excellent Zelda hacks called the Legend of Banjo and the Legend of Super Mario, which are exaclty what they sound like, Zelda 1 but with a Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario makeover respectively, both are very well designed and arguably a lot more friendly to players that aren't experts at Zelda 1, and do a great job at selling the illusion that they're intended to be Mario and Banjo games.
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One of my big regrets for the year was Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3, Slime Speedway, which I bought because 1. I was done with the Mario Kart DLC and wanted more racing game, and 2, I was on a nickelodeon kick and was hyped up from the pre-release of Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2.
Slime Speedway is just not very well made. I am generally accepting of low FPS but two genres of games that shouldn't have them are racing games and fighting games. And it's very sad because I feel like NKR3 could be one of the better Mario Kart clones if it was better optimized and had less annoying sound clips... Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2 was a good game but my hype deflated when I learned it would be cutting ELEVEN characters. Also the Switch version performs like ass but I really wanted to be able to take it to a friends house, so I didn't do the smart thing and buy it on Steam.
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October is usually when I do my month long Halloween celebration of only consuming spooky media. But Nintendo and Sega had the nerve to plan big Mario and Sonic releases that month, interrupting my plans. But I did manage to slip in some spooky gaming, with Luigi's Mansion, an Evil Dead hack of Wanpakku Grafitti: Splatterhouse, and a Super Mario World Halloween hack, as well as a Kirby Halloween romhack. There was also the promising Super Mario 64 hack - Super Mario and the Monstrous Manor, but it seemed to lose it's spooky flavoring half way through, so I put it on pause for now and will come back to it in 2024.
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I don't need to say much about Super Mario Wonder. It was wonderful. Easily the best 2D Mario in decades. It can definitely stand toe-to-toe with the original NES trilogy and Super Mario World. But Sonic Super Stars on the other hand? It's fine, but the bosses suck ass, especially the final boss, who isn't even interesting since it's just the Sonic 3 and Knuckles final boss again but without the Doomsday Zone sequence.
Super Mario RPG came out in November and it was a delight. My second time playing the game that year, I never would have seen it coming in a million years, but i'm so happy that it did. I already want to replay it.
I was put into the mood for Square RPGs, something I always felt like I missed out on growing up. So I started up Final Fantasy IV, which I played before, but never finished. I need to get back to it but I am officially at the point where I stopped playing last time, about to storm some tower in the underworld while the red wings are being distracted by tanks.
In December I started feeling Donkey Kong again and played the first two DKC games, and a few levels of Tropical Freeze, I thought i'd finally try out that new Funky Mode. I then realized that I was playing the exact same games around this time of year last year. Pure coincidence, but I do kind of want to play the rest of the Rare platformers...
I bought my first ever Mario sports game in Mario Tennis Aces, and I had a blast with it, though the adventure mode was surprisingly difficult, I have also bought Kirby and the Forgotten Land but have not really dug into it much. I guess my appetite for Kirby isn't what it used to be, that and my mood lately has been mostly on Mario. Maybe I should finish Yoshi's Crafted World, I got that in 2022 and have not played it at all this year...
Mark Kurko did his annual Christmas Romhack for Banjo Kazooie. I played it on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas Day, I replayed all his past romhacks. I think I might make that a new tradition, to replay all the christmas BK hacks, and whatever else I have. I found a decent Mario 64 Christmas hack as well, though it's only a single level.
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And to cap off the new year, I started up a run of Animal Crossing for the Gamecube. I've been at it for a week and a half now. I am curious to see how long I can keep it up. But I have already found two NES games, and I kind of want to see if I can get the whole set and build an NES arcade in my basement, just like old times.
There's not much for me to look forward to in 2024 as far as I know, just the Mario vs Donkey Kong and Paper Mario TTYD remakes really, as I'm not too interested in the Peach game. But I hope we get some exciting announcements. I just am not ready for that announcement to be a Switch 2, I'm so tired of buying new machines.
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blithesrps · 20 days
🫂 PDA and 🌑 Fears for the Kingscholar twins and Talesin? And 🎮 Games, for Olive, either with the twins or with Kit?
🫂 PDA — what are their opinions on public displays of affection? are they comfortable with touch, or is that a big 'no' in their friendship?
The twins are incredibly touchy, both genuinely and as a calculated manipulation tactic. With Talesin though everything is of course genuine. Being close and touching him brings almost the same kind of comfort that they get from one another's touch. Kana likes to drape her arm over Talesin's shoulder while Ton loops his around his waist. Both of them become absolute kittens if he pets their hair. Honestly the more public they are the more pointed they'll be with their affection: staking their claim, as it were.
🌑 Fears — how open are they about their fears? who's the bravest? do they ever help one another conquer their fears?
The twins proclaim that Talesin is the bravest, with Kana behind him and Ton third. Ton is no wilting flower, but he is someone who prefers to observe a situation and feel confident in his ability to succeed before putting himself (or either of them) at risk. The twins most ever present fear is losing Talesin, either in a more normal social sense or due to his lineage. I don't think they've ever been able to vocalize it to him though. They're still in that place of being hesitant to express just how much they need and love him. Anything smaller than that and they absolutely recruit Talesin in finding a solution. On a passive sense, Talesin is a great source of bravery for the twins. He always meets challenges with an open heart, and that goodness is like the brightest sun for our shadowy twins. They try to emulate him more than they'd admit, especially Kana.
🎮 Games — what's the friend group's go-to party game, and what does each person suggest to play when they're in charge of choosing?
SUCH A FUN QUESTION. Honestly the twins and Olivine are probably huge D&D players, or other tabletop roleplaying games. The twins love the strategy and theatrics and Olive loves getting to play a role. They only really do that on summers when their families are in the same place though. During shorter visits Olive always suggests Mario Kart or Mario Party but the twins usually force him to play Overcooked with them. 9/10 it ends with Olivine in tears so Azul finally banned it in his house. For Olivine and Kit it's strip poker. Jk jk not really but jk. Olive really likes playing something open world and fantasy based with him, maybe even just World of Warcraft. Also since he helped her with horror mods she likes playing those with him since it's a special thing he did for her. Sometimes she likes to just curl up with her head in his lap and watch him play instead.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hi! I want to thank you for the amount of effort you all put into this blog<3 you mods are amazing and I can't count how many wonderful fics I've found here
I do like the nesting trope a lot, but all works I've read so far are mostly about misunderstanding or misinterpreting things before everything gets better or is talked through. Do you happen to know any nesting fics where Aziraphale and Crowley both know from the start that it is, in fact, a nesting and that they do it for each other and no one else? Thank you!
Hello and you’re so very welcome! You can find more nesting fics on our #nesting tag, but here are a few where they don’t misunderstand who they are nesting for...
Falling Free by Sodium_Azide (T)
With nothing holding them apart anymore, Aziraphale takes the first steps and first offerings in making things formal between himself and his demon. His Crowley deserves to be wooed the very, very old-fashioned way.
Courtship Behaviors of Corvus Corax by vgersix (T)
It's been weeks since the world didn't end, and Aziraphale hasn't swept Crowley off his feet or carried him to bed yet. The demon can't understand it, and keeps waiting (increasingly impatiently) for the angel to make a move. Finally, enough is enough, and Crowley decides the multitude of human courtship rituals he's attempted clearly aren't doing the trick. His last ditch effort? Some less than human courtship rituals. They have feathers... angels have feathers... He thinks he might just be onto something, here...
The Nesting Habits of Angelus Principalum by obaewankenope (NR)
“Angel,” Crowley draws out, dragging the word along behind him as he somehow manages to emulate a snakes slithering while in human form along the north corridor—between the shelves with books on space and science-fiction—looking at their contents suspiciously. “Is that—it—is that a 3D model of the moon? How—where did you even get that?”
Aziraphale bounces a little on the balls of his feet. “I do know how to use the internet dear,” he says, somewhat proudly. “I even have accounts on a handful of websites not dedicated to books.”
Out Of Season by Kat_Rowe (T)
Questions posed in this fic:
Where's the bloody tea tin?
Why is Aziraphale molting at the wrong time of year?
And why are his new feathers coming in the wrong color?
DIY How to build your own Garden of Eden by ximeria (T)
Post-not-end-of-days Crowley feels a change is needed, but he can't do it alone. Not to mention, he's not entirely sure what it is, this nebulous thing that he wants. He just knows it involves Aziraphale.
Grooming by Elphen (M)
Sequel to 'Nesting'. As new nestmates, there's a few things that need to be navigated for Crowley and Aziraphale, even though so many things are the same. One of them is the ritual of grooming that is done between nestmates. Getting there means they need to communicate, though, which is easier said than done.
- Mod D
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drizzileiscool · 4 months
NO I HAVE NOT PLAYED NEO YET!!!! I AM POOR!!!!! PLEASE DON'T SPOIL ME ON IT!!!!!! I've played some of the demo though!!!!!
I first decided to get into twewy last month. I saw that there was a switch version available, but I was unable to play that version. I did, however, have a ds emulator, but after talking to some people I realized I probably would've gotten arthritis playing it on emulator.
When I was just about ready to give up, I decided to watch the first episode of the anime. I enjoyed it a bit.
I was then told to not watch the anime.
So you may be wondering.. "How did you play twewy?"
I played the mobile version. Solo mix. Yeah that one. The one not available for current gen phones.
I found a link to a modded version on an old reddit thread that was updated for current gen android phones, and one of my friends helped me get it set up, and I was finally ready to play.
During my first few hours, I didn't actually like neku all that much. Honestly, he was a dick. i remember what you said about plushies, neku. i will not forgive this as a plushie enthusiast.
While playing the game, I was under the assumption that I would get to change partners whenever once I unlocked it. Rhyme seemed cool, so I was hoping to get to partner with her.
And then the game killed her off.
Despite not knowing anything about rhyme, she was still my favorite character. Besides beat of course, but that's later during week 3.
I remember that I was crying when I first saw her death. I was all like "why did they make such a cool character design, just to kill her off?? that doesn't make sense."
earlier today I saw a tweet on twitter that said "cute cosplay idea for couples!" and it was a rhyme cosplay and a shark costume and I nearly lost my shit laughing, so I guess I'm over it.
When week 1 was ending, I remember feeling like "wait, that's it?" of course, I was wrong.
anyways week 2 now uhh uhhhhhh-
when I first met joshua and learned that I could scan him I was all like "huh???". also excellent foreshadowing there, square enix!
at this point, I didn't really know what to expect anymore. the game broke one of its already established rules, "players can't scan other players" so I had no idea what was coming next anymore.
uhhg. don't got anything else to say about this week except I genuinely thought hanekoma was the composer.
I was extremely shocked to learn that joshua killed neku during this week, and was even more shocked to learn that it was a misfire (and then I learned it wasn't a misfire but that's in week 3 and we haven't gotten to that yet!)
alright, before I started week 3, I actually didn't like beat all that much. that changed a LOT during week 3. he is now one of my favorite characters.
later that week, I had finally learned joshua was the composer and was actually extremely shocked lol.
oh uh I also got spoiled on how beat and rhyme got hit by a car from ign so uhhhh oops
I beat the game. I loved the credits theme (and will rewatch the credits later) and really liked how neku threw off his headphones to symbolize how he won't shut himself off from the world anymore.
10/10 game, really enjoyed playing it!
also there was a scene early on where neku went up to a reaper and said I know what you are and I didn't get to screenshot it :(
so.. yeah! my experience with twewy! good game! one of my favorites now! getting neo soon!
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sapphire-rb · 27 days
;0; pleaSe PLEASE PLEASE DOCUMENT UR JOURNEY I am so interested in how the hell you even did the stuff with RAM and duplicated Malroths. How would modding that stuff even work?? Could you mod in quests like relationship stuff with Malroth? Would there be a way to have a DQB2 modding scene? Are those worlds able to connect to the servers and be experienced?? PLEASE I WANNA KNOW.
Alright then! Here's everything I could find on the internet about code-related stuff in DQB2:
RAM editing: Using Cheat Engine. Nothing revolutionary. For steam there's already files on the internet you can download and use without any RAM searching. Since I use an emulator I need to constantly find the place it decided to write the data to. With that you can change your position, health, hunger, stamina, gratitude points, time of day, and stuff like that.
Save editor: Here's the thread with everything knowdledgewise about save editing. This is useful for hacking in items, villagers, going to all islands (including Malhalla and Skelkatraz), appearance, level and max health, and other stuff like that. In there there's also map editors but they're very clunky.
Modding: There isn't any modding comunity for the game because the file structure just sucks. Its one big file (Linkdata) and another index file that tells the game where to find stuff in the big file. Any editing has to change the big file. There is a program made by turtle insect (who is basically the one that made all of the dqb2 modding tools) that extracts the files and reinjects them back. So editing it is possible, but very tedious.
The extent of modding in this game is texture editing, documented in this video. The thing is, every change is local, and unless both parties had the same edited linkdata they wouldn't see the edited stuff.
For text editing there was a translation tool back on the demo days, but ever since the official translation released the file structure changed and the tool became outdated. (It wasn't updated since it became obsolete, there's already a translation after all)
The Malroth stuff was with the save editor. I'm trying to find where the game stores stuff like the amount of textboxes per dialogue and the animation sequences to change them around but it's going to take a while until I get something working.
It's all local changes though. It wouldn't be seen in the servers. Things in the save data file would, like edited villagers, but any linkdata shenanigans wouldn't.
[I have written a lot of Malroth dialogue I want to edit in and post sfdgfsdgsdf but I feel like I'll have to bring a sledgehammer to the code and break it in half to get it working]
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gear-project · 3 months
Annon-Guy: Any thoughts when you first fought the final boss of each game? (Only counting MAIN Boss Characters and not the alternate ones found in Xrd and StrIVe)
GG: Justice
GGX: Dizzy
GGX2 and GGAC: I-No
GG Xrd SIGN: Ramlethal
GG Xrd Revelator/Rev 2: Jack-O'
GG StrIVe: Nagoriyuki
I didn't play Guilty Gear or Guilty Gear X and X2, but from Accent Core up to StrIVe, I-No and Ramlethal are challenging opponents, Jack-O's a cakewalk and Nagoriyuki... he deserves to be forced into Elphelt's shinnagins for all his BS "Shishirayuki" crap!
(I like Nagoriyuki, but seriously, whoever though it was a good idea to bring SNK Boss Syndrome back into StrIVe needs a good slap in the face! However, if it's Daisuke's idea... just good stern constructive criticism will do.)
They're on Emulator.
And that's Shizuriyuki... by the way.
As for my first impressions:
Justice was challenging in GG1, but not nearly as tough as she was in later games, especially in Mission Mode...
In fact, I was mad that you couldn't play as Justice in the original Arcade Mode of Guilty Gear 1.
Thankfully they fixed it for Survival Mode in later games.
Dizzy in GGX has a special place in my heart.
I wouldn't call her a "boss" so much as a "phenomenon".
It's kinda like meeting a beautiful girl you like for the first time.
Yeah she's powerful, yeah she's dangerous, yeah she can destroy you... but that's part of the AWE of SHE.
As for I-No... hmm... I don't remember having a hard time with her... not even against Megalomania... wonder why?
Hmm... oh well, she was, a boss I guess... In Mission mode she was tougher because you had to defeat her with only air combos.
I kinda wish her God Form was a boss in Strive, come to think on it...
Ramlethal was a boss in Xrd Sign, but... all she really had going for her was the Explode move and an "armored" Calvados... honestly her boss form in Strive is a lot harder to fight against.
And to be more honest, Elphelt in M.O.M. mode as a boss was even harder... I'm not even kidding.
I have to wonder if Elphelt will get a boss form in Strive?
Jack-O'... hmm... in Revelator she wasn't much of a boss... yeah she had a few strong servants but, it wasn't much to note... I think the only thing she had was her Calvados Bomb attack that did extra waves of hits and damage, but that was only when she had Tension.
I'd argue a boss form in Strive would be much harder.
And let's not forget Valentine in GG2 Overture... she was way tougher (though you had Izuna and Dr. P as backup during the fight... would be nice to fight her again one day...).
Err..... to say nothing of "Boss Jack-O", which I came up with...
Honestly, Nagoriyuki in Strive was a challenge but... honestly Gold Slayer is more of a challenge, simply because one mistake will fill his Lifebar back up because of his Vampire powers... and he has Nagoriyuki's dash speed to boot, so he can easily cross you up as well.
I played a lot of bosses over the years, even tinkered with some of my own... but honestly it's a hobby of mine to make boss mods or at least tinker with them whenever I get the chance.
By and large, if I say a boss isn't hard... well, that's only from my perspective... so you don't have to agree with it. I'm actually better at playing against bosses than I am against real people... which makes me sound weird, but that's part of my interests as a gamer.
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poopyballz28 · 2 years
Some Baki characters as streamers/YouTubers
I was down right obsessed with YouTubers and YouTube shenanigans when I was younger. This one came to me while reminiscing.
• Just your average gaming streamer. He really favors combat and fighting games. Probably has emulated and played Street Fighter a lot. It's one of his favorites.
• He can get a little awkward at times, but he quickly opens up as he gets more comfortable, and starts to have some fun joking around while playing.
• Collabs with Kozue quite often. They weren't immediately open with their romantic relationship, but after a while they came clean. Everyone was freaking out about it on twitter. Everyone saw it coming but thought they were adorable together anyways. Kozue and Baki's streams are always so fun and cute, with an endearing atmosphere that keeps dragging viewers in.
• The two get playfully competitive in Baki's combat games and they have a lot of fun together. Baki also joins in with Kozue on Animal Crossing and they lay in the same bed in Kozue's Sanrio themed house while both blushing like little idiots 💗
• His fans love him to death. They would protect him through any costs. He has so many TikTok edits of him just being cute during streams. He's seen some of them (after Kozue sent them to him) and he thinks they're pretty funny.
• I'd like to think he collabs with Katsumi a lot too. They are definitely best friends. They probably play Mario Kart together and get stupidly competitive. Kozue would probably join in too and win the race, having the other two completely shocked.
• Mostly streams combat games or shooting games. He's abnormally good at them too. People think hes using mods or something but no he is just that good.
• He has quite a huge fanbase even though he's quite a silent person. He does talk from time to time of course but a lot of the time he's just soullessly staring at the screen absolutely destroyed and enemy with the coolest tactics you've ever seen.
• Definitely had some rage moments where he couldn't control his rage. Probably broke a couple controllers.
• Some of his fans are douches while some others are obsessed fangirls. The fangirls make thirsty TikTok edits of him while the douches make fun of the fangirls and are just rude asf dudes who just think he's badass and make shitty phonk edits of him. He's pretty popular with a male and female fanbase evenly.
• He probably has a separate Instagram account where he posts work out stuff and shows off his body. After his fangirls found his page there have been edits galore of this man.
• He replies to donations by just saying "Thanks." in a deep tone then continuing where he left off. The fangirls cream every time hearing his voice. Can't believe I just wrote cream. Gonna commit soup of side.
• She usually plays really cute and peaceful games like Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing.
• Her Animal Crossing island is DECKED OUT. She has pretty scenery and decorations. I bet she has like 800 hours on that game alone. She sometimes makes little tutorials on how to make proper decor and stuff. She probably does chill streams where she just sits and talks to her fans.
• Her hangout and chill streams are so adorable because sometimes she'll ramble about her favorite anime and her viewers think it's very cute.
• Her fans protect her at ALL COSTS. She's so precious and they would defend her with their lives. She's probably got really emotional on stream because of how much she appreciates her fans support. She communicates with fans very frequently and replies to comments all of the time.
• She is, in all sense of the word, unproblematic. Everyone is convinced she's never done anything wrong in her life. She's just a silly little girl recording silly little games on her silly little desktop.
• She usually only plays cute and peaceful little games but sometimes she'll branch out into different stuff. She's either playing the cutest game ever made or the scariest most graphic game ever made. She really enjoys DOOM.
• Very toxic gamer. Always seems to be frustrated at something and curses so much its a bit scary. His constant anger evens out because thankfully he's really funny.
• He's usually streaming combat games or shooting games. He's pretty good at video games but if he dies even once, his viewers are going to bully him and a rage clip will probably be released soon after. He's always trolling and being a dick on online games to fuck with people too.
• His fans are something else. They do his bidding whenever he asks and they're all evil like him. He often raids online games and hundreds of people show up.
• Collabs with Suedou and Katsumi frequently. Their trio is pretty popular.
• He's often in controversy for being a dick and kind of offensive sometimes. You either love him or you hate him and wish he would delete his account. No in between.
• Makes Suedou and Katsumi play multiplayer horror games with him to freak them out since he's not scared of horror games at all. He loves to hear their screams of terror because he is evil. You already knew that though.
• Streams a variety of games he finds interesting and will have little work out streams where he wears very minimal clothing. Chat is just spamming "hot damn 😮‍💨😮‍💨" "may i please bite a chunk outta dat ass" "lawd have mercy 🥵" "PLZ LEMME HIT"
• Unlike Katou and his fans, Katsumi's fans are pretty chill but they all heavily simp for him. He has tons of TikTok edits of him laughing at something on stream or working out with short shorts on. WAIT. There's probably an edit of him where he's just looking cute and the audio is "pussy tight pussy clean pussy fresh" THAT'S THE SHIT HIS FANS DO. He's gotten a lot of popularity for being pretty, funny, AND strong. The whole package.
• His rage certainly isn't as unbridled and scary as Katou's is, but there might've been a time he got unreasonably angry at a rage bait game and broke something in a fit of rage. Fans call it "The Incident."
• His collabs with Katou are GOLDEN. There are whole accounts dedicated to funny clips of them doing bits or just talking about dumb shit. They're really funny together.
• He's not particularly the type to indulge in new age technology stuff but I have a silly idea that he records how to cook or bake Chinese cuisine.
• Whenever he gets a nice comment on a stream, he bows and thanks the person. He's very formal and respectful. His fans think it's real cute.
• His cooking tutorials are very easy to follow and his gentle but assertive way of speaking in them make them even better.
• Sometimes to fill in the silence, he'll tell little stories from the Shinshinkai or from his childhood of constant training etc etc. These all have given him a dedicated fanbase of people who absolutely adore him and his stories.
• Honestly, most people watch his videos for a stress reliever or just for fun.
• He's incredibly good at cooking. The finished plate always looks heavenly.
• Occasionally someone from the Shinshinkai would join him and spice up the video. I imagine the whole stupid Karate trio showed up before and ruined everything. Almost burnt the whole place down. It's a pretty beloved episode though because of how many funny moments there were.
• He kind of reminds me of Noriaki Kakyoin so in this AU lets say hes a heavy gamer.
• I like to think instead of the customary combat game, he likes horror games and stuff like that. He's probably streamed Dead by Daylight, Silent Hill and Outlast on his channel. And again, he's really good at these games, especially at Dead by Daylight. He loves to be the killer and he wins like 80% of the time.
• I see him watching an important characters death scene with a complete straight face. When the cut scene ends he just continues doing what he was doing. This has been clipped and went viral.
• His fans are all really chill to match his energy. But they do like to tease him and joke around in chat to get an emotion out of him. I just know they make fun of him for being British I just know it.
• Similar to Jack, he doesn't talk a crazy amount. He's usually focusing on the game, but he will talk about various things that have to do with the gameplay or monsters/players.
• He definitely has used mods or some kind of cheat in a game a couple times. He doesn't particularly need them most of the time, he just likes playing dirty.
• He's definitely collabed with Katsumi a good amount of times. Katsumi gets Hector joking around and talking more, their fans think their dynamic is super cute, they have a lot of funny moments with each other.
• Yes, there are people who ship the two, what of it.
• I bet him and Katsumi have a whole separate fandom of 13 year olds who draw shitty ship art of the two of them.
• I also feel like he's collabed with Katou too. I think they would have a really silly friendship. They are almost complete opposites of each other, but they both love to be smug and play dirty. They're real funny together.
Imagine Katou, Katsumi, and Suedou playing Phasmophobia wouldn't that be hilarious. Katou would always shut doors on the two of them and hope the ghost locks them in behind him and kills them. Suedou literally just gets shit done (strangely efficient) but whenever the ghost appears he immediately confronts it and tells it to fuck off. He's died a lot to this. Katsumi is TERRIFIED of ghosts, real or not. Whenever he sees the entity he immediately runs in the other direction. He pretends to be brave the whole way through but Suedou and Katou know the truth. The two of them definitely left Katsumi behind by accident then went back to the door of the building and heard Katsumi's muffled screams from the other side. They have never laughed so hard in their lives.
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