#all just dumb doodles that will never come to life :(
ganondoodle · 4 months
Hello ! Ive been following your totk rewrite project for a while and I was wondering if you are going to make it into a new game or even a mod for totk (Similar to botw's Second Wind mod) .
i am so sorry but .... i have to disappoint you, the totk rewrite is all just theory, so to say; while i have the aspiration to become a gamedev i can barely make a character move and have no idea how to mod (and after nintendos crackdown on emulators idk if its even possible at all anymore), additionally all the things im doing with it would be way too huge to be implemented, quite impossible even since it literally changes everything aside from the bare basics
i may talk about what im changing and how game mechanics work but its all just talk really, this whole project is, essentially, a way for me to cope with how massively disappointed and frustrated i am with the canon game, and to some extent also a way for me to think about pretty much everything that goes into a game, like practice in a way, but nothing more, a kinda ... wasteful bunch of alot of work just for me to deal with my hurt feelings
so .. it wont be something anyone can actually play, god do i wish though lol, just art and writing whenever i can find time for it bc thats all i can do, sorry :(
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theoldoor · 2 months
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a little late for summertime dont you think
just some post-talia bummery from these two i love them to the point that i have to remind myself that one isnt even canon like this is torture.
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I dont have much to say for this post as ive said pretty much everything about post-talia them posts prior, I DO however, have a lot of talia rambling to do- which will be saved when i doodle enough stuff for it
They still have that little bickering and bantering thing going on, passive aggressiveness with one another and being the one who gets the other into silly troubles despite both being elites. Like how Jade said Topaz and Aventurine bickers like kids, these two however, bicker like those alt older brothers in coming of age movies and his bromantic bro bestfriend (ive said this before so manu times but i cant find a better way to describe them)
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mayeb something like todd and wallace but theyre vashwood if you get what i mean - i’ve also been subconsciously projecting vashwood onto these two considering fenrir calls aventurine “vasha/vash/vashu” while aventurine calls fenrir “that wolf/wolfy/dumb dog” and ive yet to realize that until very recently when i was writing something for fenrir that goes like “he valued life as others and he also bets it on me.” and i get reminded of “he feared death twice as others” and it just hits “ive been projecting vashwood onto these two oh my god”
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fenrir cares for aventurine more than he wants to, but he does regardless.
"You should never ask anyone for anything. Never- and especially from those who are more powerful than yourself. They will make the offer and give it of their own accord."
It’s something that Fenrir live by, is that genuine help would come without the need for obligations afterwards. During Talia, Fenrir actively create scenarios around him that make people that he’s dependent on rely on him, out of obligations or respect. So whatever help Fenrir gives, he calculated them all so that they’d be beneficial “technically” to him.
Yet for certain individuals, those he love dearly such as Hermia, Boothill and Aventurine- He was willing to suffer a loss for them, which, for a person all for survival like Fenrir, is a tough decision to take. He broke his own ideals and virtues so that he could protect and satisfy these people, his family and he hates whenever he does that because it showed him that someone is having control over him and he’s at their mercy, which means they could just leave him and he’s very vulnerable to them. To put trust in these people so much that he’d voluntarily help them is like to trust them with his life.
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i also like the concept of Talia recycling everything, even people considering some people would see that they’ve been “used” beyond so they were given a chance again. that’s why i felt like aventurine was suitable for this considering his past and his potential inferiority complex there.
the foundation between aventurine and fenrir relies on a lot of trust, and gamble as they could not read one another. it connects back to aventurine’s eidolons being game theories and avidity’s being about desires and non-co-operative game theories (one wins at expense of another while game theory is both party wins through trust and cooperation). fenrir’s eidolons are still in writing, but i want it to be based on 7 deadly sins or something, he does have a lot of religious references for the new lore rework.
fenrir was created before i know of aventurine, but i did tweaked a lot of things about him when aventurine came out. though the fundamentals still stayed, they were just made for each other rurururouuouogugh….
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jnnul · 1 year
things he reminds me of (nct dream)
a/n: i know i was supposed to post this on friday oops 😭 i just...have so many thoughts when it comes to love and these boys are some of my greatest muses
genre: fluff/slice-of-life maybe, just love, different types of love, young dumb broke kids in love, LOVE, idk did i say they’re in love yet, tw: mentions of kissing & hickeys lol
word count: 1.4k (idk either man)
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gif credits: @jsuh​
that moment when you realize how much someone truly loves you
guitars that have so many stickers, you can barely see the wood
buying a new fuzzy blanket
the little scratch of stubble when you kiss
laughing when his glasses poke you in the forehead
falling asleep with your legs on top of his on the couch
massaging his head when he’s had a long day
oversized sweatshirts to avoid the paparazzi when he’s coming over
long facetime calls even though it’s three in the morning in his time
voice messages instead of texts bc he wants to hear your voice
hearing your voice in a song
turning your little doodles into the cover of his next solo
whispers about the future that dissolve into the hot summer sky as he looks at you with eyes filled with hope
musky cologne that reminds you of the forest after it rains
the color gray
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gif credits: @faerenjun​
never letting you open the door yourself
succulents for every anniversary until you have a forest in the living room
brushing his lips over your forehead before he leaves for work
having a faceless picture of you and him as his background
buying you a necklace with his initials and a matching bracelet with yours
always, always, always feeding you because he’s scared you won’t eat if he’s not there
teaching you mandarin and kissing you every time you get a word right
filming a ‘day in my life’ vlog every couple weeks that you rewatch on your anniversary to see how you’ve grown
sunset lamps that don’t work the way he thought they would
painting together in absolute silence
having a french window with billowing curtains and a bench that the two of you sit on
adopting a dog together only to find out that the dog is a demon
fighting for the remote but he lets you win every time
rubbing your shoulders when you’re stressed
forgetting why you were so stressed when you look at him working so serenely
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gif credits: @seomarkno​
the thunder that rolls in ten seconds after lightning that shakes the high-rise apartment
quiet cups of coffee as the two of you wait for the rest of the world to wake up
words of endearment that are saved only for the most intimate moments
the wracking shoulders when he tries not to cry because he doesn’t want to burden you
the soft comfort in sleeping in his arms
the feeling of all of his worry melting away when you reach for him, even in your sleep, and look for his love
the color red that stains your white dress when you and jeno get wine drunk
waiting for the other to come home to them
home-cooked meals that are a little too hot so he has to blow on it
fights that turn into whispered i love you’s because he can’t stay away from you for too long
listening to the same song, even when you’re hundreds of miles apart
opening all the jars for you, even if you say you can do it yourself
watching a show together and hoping for different pairings
mature conversations about investing in the future
meeting his family a little too quickly - but it’s okay bc they love you
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gif credits: @huangrenjuns​
quirked eyebrows as you vehemently counter his argument about ice cream
making you sit on his lap as he games until ungodly hours to feel your warmth
kissing the nape of his neck bc you love the way he melts in your arms
dropping the cake on his birthday, only for him to eat it anyway so you wouldn’t feel bad
secret getaway trips that you have to beg and plead the company for
telling him how much you love him and seeing his eyes well up
feeling his heart swell with pride when you come home with a new accomplishment
only saying i love you when he really means it - but he says it every morning
gently explaining to you why you should love yourself the way he loves you
green accents everywhere bc you think it’s vibrant 
calling him a loser affectionately
looking at him like he put the stars in the sky
the deep rumble of his chest when you’re curled into him
the way he hums when he thinks you’re not listening but you are
being able to calm you down within 30 seconds no matter what
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gif credits: @jaemtens​ (thank u for doing the lord’s work)
letting him play with your hair until it looks ridiculous
making peach cobbler but you accidentally added too much sugar
waking him up with a mug of fresh coffee and so much affection
letting him pull you into a dark corner to press a soft kiss to your lips
him tugging a blanket over you as you fall asleep waiting for him
carrying you from the kitchen counter to the sofa, insisting that he was going to cook for you tonight
letting him buy you pink accessories bc he says you look soft
getting the silent treatment from him when he’s mad but he can never stay mad for too long
promising him that you’re never going to leave him when he’s scared about your relationship getting discovered
surprising him backstage at an overseas concert
seeing his eyes light up when you walk into the room, no matter how long it’s been since you started dating
feeling the hard planes under his shirt when you bandage his back after a long dance practice
texting you at insane hours to sneak over to his place and order takeout
frowning when he sees you wear revealing clothes only to say, “you wear whatever you want, baby. i can fight.”
he can’t fight but he tries to seem tough for you anyway bc that’s what he thinks you want. you don’t. all you want is him.
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gif credits: @jjsungie​
oversized jerseys which all say ‘curry’ on them somewhere
buying him presents only to find out that he already has it
seeing him cry when you tell him about your deep and personal secrets bc he’s never felt so much pain for someone else before
convincing you to get matching tattoos but both of you pussy out
renting out an entire arcade to go on a date
not letting him rent out an entire arcade bc wtf who does that chenle
always celebrating your anniversaries in a lowkey, private, and humble way
going 50/50 on everything in the relationship even if chenle would rather die than make you pay
playing rock, paper, scissors to decide how to split the chores. for. everything.
playing cards against humanity except the two of you are just looking for the craziest combinations
brightly colored scrunchies for his hair, not yours
stealing the blankets bc you run cold and he runs hot
wearing sweatshirts to colleges that neither of you attend
sober advice bc he doesn’t understand why you get stressed sometimes
knowing that you compliment each other, rather than complete each other
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gif credits: @leemarkies​ 
thinking he’s rizzing you up but it just looks rlly silly
asking you what-if questions at ungodly hours and then leaving you on read
do not disturb until he dies. and then he comes back with a pinterest reaction meme.
feeling frustrated when he can’t tell you how much he really loves you
getting confused between love, lust, and like but knowing that he feels so incredibly safe and warm with you
fighting his instincts to run every time he realizes how down bad he is for you
having to physically drag him out of the dance studio bc he’s going to collapse from exhaustion
not letting anyone but you touch him when he’s sick
telling you abt his dreams to become a big star
rambling about his theories abt humanity and the universe for h o u r s
not realizing that his sweatshirts are disappearing until you wear them around him
nearly having a heart attack the first time you give him a hickey (and then asking for three more)
the purple light glinting in his eyes as he rewatches his stages for mistakes
gently coaxing him to be a little less perfectionist
splitting a pizza with you and thinking it to be peak romance bc it is to you and him
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stardust-sunset · 3 months
You asked for Curtis bros and you shall receive 🤭
-Chronically bad vision. All of them. And I think it goes " Ignores it->Contacts-Glasses" in that order (Oldest to youngest)
-They all enjoy different types of art, and will support eachother constantly in the matter. I also believe it goes painting/sewing->doodling/drawing->Writing (same order)
-Ponyboy makes good money when he's older and is able to send Darry into a very early retirement 🥲
-Darry gets a father's day breakfast in bed every year. Even if he isn't their father, they want to appreciate him in some way+ also honor the tradition they had with their actual dad when he was alive.
-Whenever Darry shows up to parent/teacher meetings or just any school event he gets hit on by all the moms, and Ponyboy is absolutely MORTIFIED. Darry thinks it's funny and sometimes he plays into it a little. Just to irk pony more.
-Introvert(good with people)->Extrovert(Bad with people)->Ambivert. (same order)
-I like to think Soda introduced Dally to the gang, and that both Pony and Darry thought they were dating, and were like "It's alright if you...ya know. but..him?" Soda had to defend his life against these allegations but everyone ended up liking salt a whole lot anyway.
-The Curtis Brothers have "family meetings" where it's just the three of them sitting around a table and complaining about each other for like twenty minutes straight ���� sometimes other members of gang will be there and when they try to speak during the meeting, all three of the brothers will turn on them.
-Soda spent two whole days being consoled and comforted because he was crying over some dumb broad(it was Steve) and I think both Darry and Ponyboy knew this but to make Soda feel better they'd just stick with the lie.
-Darry can cook, and Ponyboy can bake and soda does a damn good job with the dishes so sometimes when they're all feeling up for it, meals are heavenly. Dinner, then dessert, then a movie.
-They're all super competitive, so everything's a competition. Who can brush their teeth the fastest, who can finish their meals faster, who can get to the car first.
-Ponyboy loves books and reading, as we've come to learn, so his optimal gift for any holiday or event is just books. His Christmas list? Books he wants. He enjoys this because it's inexpensive, good entertainment, easily attainable, and something he actually enjoys.
-When soda and Darry were little(Pony was just a baby) they would blame everything on pony 😭 stuff on the wall? How'd pony get a marker? A mess in the kitchen? Who left pony alone? This backfired once pony was old enough to speak and started rating them out for every conceivable thing they could do, even when they werent doing anything wrong. "Mama, Darry got himself a glass of water." "Mama, Sodas coloring. What? No not on the wall. Just in his notebook but,"
-Never Cries->Cries over everything->Cries when it matters(Same order)
-If Darry comes home after a hard day and Pony and Soda knew it was a hard day, sometimes there will be a bath drawn and a nice clean house and a half-decent dinner on the table. They really care about him but it's so hard to show it.
-Thats all. Have a nice day :')
(nearly accidentally posted this w/out anything attached NO)
but OHHH YES-i ate this upppp thank you!
the three definitely make everything a competition, they totally do. they’re just boys lmao also pony with glasses UGHHHH I NEED TO DRAW ITTT-y’all need to stop diving me art ideas (don’t it’s actually really fun and keeps art block away-but also i love how the fandom just agrees soda is a huge crybaby-them blaming everything on baby pony is so real, pony doesn’t even know how to write and soda has clear ink on his hands from drawing on the walls and all fingers go to pony who’s probably sitting there drooling on himself because he’s 1 😭 also the moms fully being 20-30+ his. senior is so funny to me because they’ll ask for his age and he’s like ‘i’m 20’ and they’re like 😨”-also them being artsy AHH-you’re gonna make me fall more in love with those dumbasses
these are incredible in my gosh-thank youuuu!! if anyone else has any hcs they wanna share my inbox is WIDE open!
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sociopathicartist · 2 months
heyy!! I was wondering if you could do a fluff (romantic) oneshot in which Sans (UT) has a gothic gf who is actually really sweet, kind and caring towards others despite the way she expresses herself. I'm just really curious as to how that dynamic will play out in their dating life ^_^
hey! thank you for requesting, i’m gothic in style so i loved getting requested this! i scrambled through a lot of ideas, but thought doing this in a letter format would be the best for showing the full dynamic that sans loves instead of cramming tons of info into a single scenario one shot. hope you enjoy it!
i’m not too sure why i’m writing to you this time. i guess all the smiles and loving comments you give me whenever i write to you have finally got ‘under my skin’, and i’m writing you another letter right now, probably to be slipped into one of your bags or under your pillow for you to find.
i know a lot of people give you weird looks for the way you dress. i know the barrage of compliments you get when we go anywhere out in public annoys you, but i also know that you accept every compliment anyway despite wanting to be left alone because you don’t want to be mean, and you don’t want to fall under the stereotype that people place on you by just giving a small smile instead of a loud, outgoing thank you.
you’ve never said that to me directly, but i’ve been with you long enough to know how you feel.
i never really understood why people thought you were scary or mean for the way you look, figures they’d think the walking skeleton was scarier, or the seven-foot robot they watch on tv who has a chainsaw that can come out of him at will.
i never thought you looked scary, and i never had the fear that you were going to insult me whenever i asked you for directions down the street where we first met. why would i look at you differently for the way you look whenever everyone looks so different all the time? isn’t it a normal thing to be different?
even though you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen (even if you turned into a worm, which yes, i’d still love you), it wouldn’t matter to me if you woke up tomorrow and decided to change your entire look. your looks aren’t what matters to me, even though i do like the cool eyeliner you wear or the t-shirts you have with bones on them.
i’ve never been loved by someone like the way i am by you.
i can’t get your alluring voice out of my head, and every time i roll over in bed to see the silly letters and doodles you’ve given me that i have pinned to my wall, i can’t help but be reminded of how much i love you. (even though i never forget, baby.)
it makes me so happy to see how much you hang out with papyrus, and how genuinely you treat him. i love seeing you chill out with our friends, and how happy and relaxed you look. i love how you’ve never made me feel dumb for not knowing certain human traditions or cultures, and how you just explain them to me and give me easy reminders when i forget something important.
even when your black lipstick leaves kiss stains on my skull that are hard to rub out, and when you steal my jacket to wear whenever you’re upset or missing me, i’ll never take away from how amazing you are.
maybe i’m gushing a bit too much. it’s a lot easier to write this all out rather than say it directly to your pretty face.
i just want you to know that i’ll never look at you differently for how you dress and that i’ll never be embarrassed and ask you to tone down your makeup or outfit for when we go out. i can’t wait to hang out tomorrow and wrap you in a tight hug, listening to your pretty voice as you tell me about how your day was.
i think i’m going to save the other mushy stuff for a later time. i just wanted you to be able to read this when someone gives you a weird comment or makes a snarky joke. maybe it’ll help you remember that some short skeleton out there thinks you’re the coolest (and hottest) creature to walk on this earth.
i love you, and i’ll be thinking of you always.
- sans.
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ladykailitha · 2 years
We Love Steve Part 2
Steve got up shortly after Eddie left. And would have sneaked away if it wasn’t for the message on the door.
“Gone to Hellfire Club, be back later. I know you. Don’t you dare leave until I get back. I’m serious. I will hunt you down.
-Eds” With a little doodle of a devil sticking his tongue out.
He let out a little laugh. He had to admit that maybe Eddie did love him. He had been so shocked by the confession...Steve was so sure that it had slipped out accidentally. But Eddie had meant it.
And he loved Eddie, loved being with him, he made the buzzing in his head distant. Almost quiet.
He was wondering if he should go back to the sofa or go lay on Eddie’s bed when the door opened to reveal Eddie coming back.
Steve blinked. “Eddie?”
Eddie flashed him a smile. “You weren’t thinking about going anywhere, were you, big boy?”
Steve blushed and shook his head, holding up the note. “I know better than to disobey my boyfriend.”
Eddie’s face lit up and a small smile found its way to his features. “Good.”
“I was just trying to decide, sofa or bed,” Steve said softly.
“Bed,” Eddie decided immediately. “We both need rest after the night we had.”
As they lay there comfortably, Steve in Eddie’s arms, he murmured. “I’m sorry I ruined your guys’s game.”
“It’s okay,” Eddie said. “I’ll make it up to them next Saturday. I just couldn’t concentrate knowing you were here by yourself.”
Steve kissed his cheek. “Thanks.”
Eddie kissed his lips and Steve melted.
Eddie caressed Steve’s hair until the boy had fallen asleep.
Max waited until everyone was settled before she spoke.
“Right, here’s the detz,” she said. “Steve thinks that he stops giving us rides to basketball or to the movies, or anything like that, we’ll stop calling him.” There were a lot murmurs, but she held up her hand. “Just wait, it gets worse.”
“Worse?” Dustin croaked.
“He also thinks that if he stops letting us have parties at his place, we’ll stop calling,” Max continued. “And then there’s the real kicker. The one that upset Eddie so much that he couldn’t concentrate.”
“Must be bad,” Lucas said. And everyone nodded.
Max pursed her lips. She wasn’t exactly sure how to say it. “Steve thinks he’s too stupid for us to want to hang out with him and that we wouldn’t if he hadn’t saved our lives.”
The room was dead silent for the longest moment in Max’s entire life, before the room exploded in protests.
She let them go on for a bit before she calmed them down.
“But none of that’s true,” Dustin said, tearing up.
Will shook his head. “When was the last time we had a party that wasn’t at Steve’s?”
Everyone looked at each other, begging for someone to say something that was at least recent. But no one could come up with anything.
“Or when was the last time we invited Steve out to movie or to go to the mall and didn’t make him drive?” Max asked.
“But he has the biggest car, next to Eddie’s van,” Mike complained.
“So?” Lucas asked. “You’re parents have a pretty big car, Nancy could drive us. But we never ask, because we assume Steve will just agree to it.”
Mike looked down, disgruntled.
“Everyone calls him stupid or dumb, but is he really?” Erica asked.
Again they all fell silent.
“He’s really good at tactics,” Dustin murmured.
“He figured out the song at the mall,” Erica mentioned.
“And then there’s how many times he’s hit his head,” Will said softly. “That’s bound to have caused problems.”
“All the times he’s protected us,” Dustin agreed.
“So are we all in agreement not to call Steve stupid, just because he isn’t book smart?” Max asked.
Everyone nodded.
“But what about the rest of it?” Lucas asked. “We have to do something nice for Steve, show him that we do care. Because Eddie’s right. He does so much for us, but what do we do for Steve?”
“When’s his birthday?” Erica asked.
Everyone looked around.
“No one knows when his birthday is?” Max asked incredulous. “Not even you, Dustin?”
Dustin shook his head. “I’ve never really thought about it.”
“Nancy might know,” Mike muttered. “I’ll go ask.” He got up and went upstairs.
“This is a bad start,” Will said. “If we don’t even know when his birthday is. He knows all of ours.”
Mike came down the stairs a few moments later. “No go, guys. Nance doesn’t know either.”
They all stared at him in shock.
“Would Robin know?” Lucas asked. He was starting to get desperate now.
Max shook her head. “I doubt it.”
It didn’t matter who said it, only that everyone agreed.
“Eddie?” Dustin asked, raising his head. “Cause even if he doesn’t know, it wouldn’t be weird for him to ask.”
Max nodded. “I know Steve works tonight, so I’ll head over to Eddie’s and let him know the plan. And if it’s already past, then we’ll just throw a surprise party for him anyway. We don’t need a reason. But his birthday would be a good excuse.”
“I’ll ask my mom if we can have it here,” Mike said from the bottom of the stairs.
Everyone nodded.
“Maybe we can get Gareth and Jeff in on it,” Erica suggested. “Have it be after a D&D session. Invite Robin and Nancy, maybe Jonathan and Argyle too. So that when Steve comes to get Dustin and Will we can surprise him.”
“El, too,” Mike added. Erica nodded.  
“And they can park at our house,” Lucas added. “We’re just around the corner, everyone can walk over so Steve isn’t spooked by all the cars.”
“Looks like we have a plan,” Dustin said.
“Now all we need is a date,” Max said.
Eddie and Steve were lying in bed that night, cuddled up together.
“I’m still sorry about ruining your game yesterday,” Steve said. He had come over after work and had flopped face first onto Eddie’s bed, completely exhausted.
“Don’t be,” Eddie said. “You have been holding that inside you for so long, it was only a matter of time before it exploded. I’m just glad it was at me and not one of the kids or Robin wouldn’t have been able to handle it.”
Steve just buried his head further into Eddie’s shoulder.
“Red stopped by, they’re all really worried about you,” Eddie continued.
“I never intended to be a burden,” Steve murmured.
Eddie twisted his body so he could look Steve in the eye. “You aren’t. What you are is too stubborn to ask for help and let me tell you as a former member of that club, it’s shitty place to be.”
Steve sighed. “I’ll try to ask for help more often. I’m just so used to not having anyone around to lean on.”
Eddie knew that the Harringtons were never home, he just never realized how badly it had warped Steve.
“Well you have me now, darling,” Eddie said softly, kissing the top of Steve’s head. He paused. “You know what I just realized, I don’t know when your birthday is.”
Steve groaned. “No one does.”
That brought Eddie up short. “Wait, no one? As in none of your friends in the history of ever, no former girlfriends, none of the kids know? Not even Dustin?”
Steve just shook his head.
“It’s on a holiday.”
Eddie frowned as he tried to figure it out. “Let’s see. It’s not one of the holidays that are different every year, because then it wouldn’t matter most of the time. It’s not Christmas, you love Christmas.” He tapped his finger on his lips.
“Oh I know!” he said excitedly.
“Don’t say it,” Steve murmured.
“It’s Halloween!”
Steve got up and drew his knees to his chest. Eddie forced himself to sit up too.
“That’s why you hate Halloween. It’s not because it’s spooky or whatever it’s because it’s not an ‘appropriate Harrington birthday’, is it?”
“Yeah.” Steve buried his head in his arms.
“Well it’s a good thing you have a boyfriend that loves Halloween and can make it extra special for you,” Eddie said with a grin.
“You don’t have to,” Steve murmured to his knees.
“We’ll just have to see about that...” Eddie said. And tackled Steve back to the bed tickling him until Steve begged for mercy.
Part 1 Part 3
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disasterousduo · 3 months
Moon with No Sun Ch. 1 Broken
Moon’s view
I was in pain… so much pain…
I went inside the daycare, where Sun was cleaning.
He saw.
He saw it all.
The oil coming out of my left eye and my left arm. Both were missing. My pants were ripped here and there; I looked ruined.
Sun immediately rushes to my side and asks, “What happened??” He asks, a worried look on his face.
Sunny’s view
I had been cleaning up the daycare after the children and was going to set up a game me and my brother could play for our YouTube channel. When my brother came into the daycare, it was an oily mess.
“What happened??” I ask, worried for my brother.
“Nothing..” He responds, looking into the distance.
“Moon! This is not nothing!” I respond a little too loudly.
He flinches.
I stare at him before sighing, "Look, Moon. I didn’t mean to yell; I’m just worried about you. You know I love you and just want the best for you, right?” I hesitantly go to touch him, and he leans in.
“I know…. It was just a fight… I swear.”
“If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine.” I sigh as I continue, “Let me help you get fixed-“
“I tried… I went to parts and services, and they couldn’t find the parts, even said that they couldn’t buy more… I can’t be fixed." Moon interrupts me.
"Well, then you could always-“
“I am not taking about your parts, Sun! You’re my brother, and I’m not going to let you get ruined because of a dumb mistake I made.” He interrupts me again.
“Ok… have you charged recently?"  I ask, changing the subject. 
Moon checks his battery. “Fuck… 1%……” and with that, he falls onto me.
“I’m sorry, Moon… It’s the only way.” I say as I look down at him, tears in my eyes.
Moon’s view
I checked my battery... only 1% left…
“Fuck… 1%……” And with that, I blacked out.
At some point, I woke up again.
I look around, trying to remember what happened, I put my hand on my head… It was killing me…… wait….. I….. I felt something on my head that wasn’t there moments before… It felt like…. 
Sun’s…. Rays….
I look around for Sun……. 
And there I see… Sun…. Lying on the floor… left eye, arm missing, and rays… missing, oil spilling out of where they once were. Pants were ripped up, and it looked like he’d been like that for a while… an hour at most… maybe more… 
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I went to touch him, and there I saw.
My arm……………
It was his………
It couldn’t be…
No no no no nononoNoNoNoNoNoNo No No no no no nononoNoNoNoNoNoNo No NoNONONo No no no no No no no no nononoNoNoNoNoNoNo No NoNONO No no no no nononoNoNoNoNoNoNo No NoNONO nononoNoNoNoNoNoNo No NoNONO NONONONONONONONONONONON!!!!
I felt oil go down my neck… I realized I had been clawing at it.
I ripped more of Sun’s pants as a bandage for my neck, then left the daycare.
I would never come back here; I would live life anew somewhere else… wherever life took me.
(Yes, I know I used the same background as ch 1 of July 16th, I was to lazy to make a new background, so I used @crumpet-doodles’s background they made me for July 16 ch.1)
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toast24 · 8 months
Doodles of my Spore creatures.
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Well it's official. These guys won't be leaving my brain anytime soon. I mean, I'm not complainig. I'm being more creative because of that, coming up with lore for them and characters maybe? This is all new for me, I've never made a single original character in my life for some reason so I guess this was bound to happen eventually.
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Also I've decided to finally think of a name for them(Their in-game name was stupid and their planet is named Toster...)- Alpferds! Because they're like horses or something. I'll see if that sticks around.
I hope at least one person is happy to see how they look in the game. And how should I end my rambling? Uhh. Let's just say that I might post something about my captain's story concept tomorrow. It's probably going to be a bit dumb, i'm not a good writer or anything, but why not. I'm happy with it. If someone took their time to read this then, uh, congratulations I like you.
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spaghoffee · 8 days
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Small update on what's been going on in my life atm under keep reading!! (Also have this doodle of the autismos in their spring fits to make up for my inactivity lol)
I have a Secret Project™ going on irl that involves Victor, so it's been keeping me from continuing the comic that I started about a month ago at this point SDKJFJLSKDF I'm just really fixated on the Secret Project™ and I need to finish it before anything else (cause that's how my brain works unfortunately) so yeah no properly rendered art until then! I WILL ALSO POST ABOUT THE SECRET PROJECT™ WHEN I'M DONE WITH IT, I PROMISE!! I'm pouring my life and soul into this shit, started it months ago, dropped it cause of dumb uni business, and only got the motivation to actually finish it this past week
I've been asked by a couple people about my commission details already and I'm just gonna be fully transparent about how I've been procrastinating on getting my shit together when it comes to that;; I've never done comms before and I don't even have my bank account set up yet so I've really gotta get started before the month ends (hell, it was supposed to be my goal last month but yyyeah it's hard to get the will to do big stuff like that sometimes >m<;;;) I WILL start taking comms eventually!! Though I kind of already have a waitlist I guess lol I'm nervous, haven't even planned out my prices yet
I've been writing several short spaghoffee fics in the past couple weeks as well, and I even have a masterlist doc of my written stuff; I might post the masterlist when I'm done with this one mainline story idea I had? Hrmmm we'll see
I'm really happy to be making more sdv mutuals and all but aahhh I'm really worried that I'm boring to talk to cause I get really nervous to start conversations myself wahaha... no wonder I end up talking to other people through someone else 👁️👁️ But yeah I'm sorry for being bad at interacting!! guhh
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moonlit-escape · 26 days
oh, go on, tell us about ur oc!!!
(✧ ▽ ✧) i thought you'd never ask,,, well, i'll tell you all about Aktis first !!
✧ okay so he has two versions, his og mystreet version and his pdh version. i'll do mystreet first
✧ some general info: he is fair-skinned, rather tall, fairly well built (yet kinda skinny) with short honey blonde hair, hazel eyes, and light pink glasses!
✧ arms are covered in cute, colorful little doodle tattoos (some of them he designed himself!)
✧ usually wears plaid trousers with some kind of chain (usually colorful, always cute) and a t-shirt or button-up / sweatshirt combo tucked in
✧ and for when he works out or it's especially hot out, he wears a pair of shorts and a sort of open-side muscle shirt
✧ favourite food is pineapple chicken fried rice (sweet + savory belong together!!)
✧ loooves coffee shops and likes to try out every single drink from the menu
✧ has two dogs!! one is a small bundle of energy, the other is a big big snuggle buddy
✧ he LOVES cute things and he LOVES looking cute
✧ has a decently-sized collection of anime girl figurines, and a HUGE collection of plush stuffed animals
✧ very very kind, friendly, and lovey. he has absolutely no problem showing affection and intimacy, and can be Very touchy with people; depending on how well he knows them, obviously. never touch a stranger
✧ a bit of a flirt. like a Natural flirt. but, the worst part is, he has No Fuckin Idea he's even doing it
✧ like this man. constantly praises and compliments people, winks after making a joke or playful remark, and flexes to show off his arms when he notices people checking them out (he thinks theyre looking at his tattoos)
✧ and so he's got some people who are just absolutely smitten
✧ but it's like he's just so unbelievably friendly that he doesnt even realize. that the stuff he does can be flirting
✧ so he's just Killing Them.
✧ bros never intentionally flirted with a person once in his life i swear
✧ he also cant tell when someone is flirting with him either
✧ like he's just so friend-shaped that he can't imagine. anyone ever wanting more than that from him. and also he's not the typa guy to pursue people he's interested in by flirting
✧ like he's pretty straightforward when it comes to affection and feelings, so if he's into you, he'll tell you
✧ he might not tell you in a way that. you'll understand at first. bc he regularly tells his friends he loves them n shit
✧ but like. he'll make it pretty obvious eventually
✧ unfortunately, he will not understand if you feel the same way, too, until after a bit either. because boy he dumb as shit abt all this romance stuff
✧ like he Oblivious oblivious
✧ he's a romantic little sweetie, though
✧ he designed most of his tattoos himself in highschool and college; he was the type of kid who would always doodle on their paper. and it got to a point where if there was a paper in front of him, he would doodle on it
✧ homework? doodle on it. pop quiz? doodle on it, too. essay? thats got a doodle. notebook? loads of doodles in it. paper cup? yea, it's getting a doodle on it. no paper surface is safe from his cute little doodles
✧ friends would lend him class notes or pass messages during class just to get a doodle on their paper. he'd even write some encouraging words below it
✧ only knew a few people in the cast in highschool, but they lost touch in college. none of them really recognize him yet since he's had quite the change from when he was a highschooler
✧ changes like going from 5'0 even. to 6'2.
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fostopia · 2 years
Ok you guys seem to really like both my style and the Tethered AU doodle I did so Here’s more about that au + the old doodles I did of it
The official tags are #tmc tethered au, #tethered au, and #tethered together Starting off! This au came to life after my RP partner and I started up one together based on a plot idea I had. The idea of the Tethered AU [I also call it Tethered Together sometimes] is one that obviously strays from canon (because canon killed my Vol 1 and 2 victim duos, and I love them too much to let them go /p) Basically, after their deaths Mark and Cesar die they become ghosts, both spirits hold a resemblance to how they offed themselves due to M.A.D.-- Mark has a bullet wound and Cesar has a neck wound. [fun fact about Mark, he never stops bleeding. This poor guy stains so much shit] Mark’s ghost has angel wings because of his devotion to religion when alive; his devotion makes him-- in a sense-- holier than Gabriel for apparent reasons; he now has wings.  Now here’s where the Vol 2 victims come in. After Mark and Cesar met up in the afterlife [or well, a few months after because Mark couldn't stomach even looking at Cesar for a while due to alt!Cesar] they ended up staying at Cesar’s house-- after all, being dead means they didn’t have much reason to leave, and Mark doesn’t like being seen by humans. They’re still there when Jonah and Adam show up. The two do still have their argument, but Mark stops Jonah from leaving (by appearing in the back of the van and scaring the shit out of him) and Cesar stops Adam (who wasn’t affected at all) Though these two are a little bit dumb, Mark and Cesar accidentally ‘tether’ to them, so Adam and Jonah are just stuck with these two ghosts.
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I like to imagine that this is the dynamic the quad has
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That’s the main premise of the au I’ve got in writing, but there is something else I plan to dabble in. “What is that” you may ask? Well. You know the little doodle I put with Jonah going ‘I feel an impending sense of doom right now’? That is where alt!Cesar comes in.
I like to imagine that alternates cannot physically attack or interact with humans unless they have a physical body-- the alternate that killed Cesar took over his body.
ANYWAYS Here are some of the little things I have about this au off the top of my head
First about the characters Sarah is included because she plays a minor role :D
Cesar - any/all - ADHD - Mexican
Mark - he/him - ADHD, PTSD, GAD - Filipino American
Jonah - he/they - ASD, ADHD, GAD - Colombian + Peruvian
Adam - he/him - BPD - British American
Sarah - she/her - ADHD - Filipino American
Jonah and Adam are 17 and 18 [ordered by age]
Mark and Cesar were 17 and 18 when they died
Sarah is 19
Jonah and Mark both suffer from general paranoia so they're constantly on edge
Jonah and Adam met in school when they were 9/10 and met Sarah freshman year; she told them about BPS and Adam wanted to take the leap to try and figure out what happened to his mom so he dropped out to focus on it Jonah had a semi-promising future ahead of him but Adam was all he had left to lose, so he dropped out as well to join Adam on his search.
The ghosts are able to go invisible to avoid being seen. Mark is too nervous to show himself to Sarah, so he stays hidden around her.
If I can think of anything else I'll edit this but ask questions if you'd like!!
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Camp/Underworld Quotes #5
Koiyan, running the Blood Bank and cooking for the Dionysus kids: Why am I mothering kids that are not my own head-mates?
Shadow, from the headspace: Mommy issues.
Koiyan: Gods damn it why must you be right Shadow-
Zagreus: Are you drinking enough water?
Koiyan: Sometimes my tears get in my mouth.
Zagreus: Nope, we're going to the fountain chambers and make you drink actual water.
Cyrilla: All the sudden I got a random burst of energy, and I think it's my body's last hurrah before it completely shuts down.
Koiyan: Being smart has never stopped me from being a complete fucking idiot.
Cyrilla: If I die, you can have what little I own.
Koiyan: Wait. What do you mean "if" you die?
Cyrilla: My unending existence is fuelled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full.
Koiyan: *Sighs* Let me call your therapist again.
(Honestly it could be flipped as well)
Koiyan, having just switched back to front for the first time in months: Onion rings are vegetable donuts.
Cyrilla, used to Koiyan being dumb after switching: Sure...
Koiyan: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.
Cyrilla: Okay?
Koiyan: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake.
Koiyan: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio-
Cyrilla: Jesus, that one is a little-
Cory, interested: No, no, Koiyan, keep going.
Zagreus: You spent all our money on THIS??
Koiyan, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
Zagreus: Lucifer is fronting isn't he?
Koiyan: Yes.
Koiyan: I told Thanatos that their ears turn red when they lie.
Cyrilla: Do they?
Koiyan: No.
Cyrilla: Then why did you tell them that?
Koiyan: Because I can do this.
Koiyan: Hey Thanatos! Do you love us?
Thanatos, with their hands over their ears: No.
Zagreus, coming in late: Sorry I was late, I was doing stuff.
Thanatos: I was stuff.
Koiyan, Zagreus, and Cory: What’s up? I’m back.
Cyrilla: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead
Revival trio: Death is a social construct.
Cyrilla, holding up their class notes: And then this doodle of a burrito because when I first read Aristotle, I thought it was pronounced like “Chipotle”.
Cyrilla, in shock: Wait a minute, is it “Chip-o-tottle”?
Koiyan: Slash gamemode creative.
Cyrilla: Dude, this isn't Min-
Koiyan: *starts levitating*
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bogusboxed · 2 years
Boxtober - Day 26: “Headcanons For A Sick S/O”
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Day 26: - [The Puppeteer, Bloody Painter, Nurse Ann & X Virus] X GN!Reader “Blankets” x “I’m doing it, shut up.”
-I do not own any of these characters and do not take credit for them.
The Puppeteer
-If he figures out you’re sick, prepare to be stuck in one place for a while.
-Typically, if he wanted to keep someone in place, he’d use his strings, but he understands it's not the most comfortable thing, so he opted for the next best thing. Which is to cover you in blankets and then proceed to string you up like a caterpillar in a cocoon. It's best not to struggle, or he might laugh at you.
-He might act bossy near the beginning when it comes to your sickness. He'll say things like "I’ve got a mission to attend to" and so on, but the second you cough, he’s right there holding you. This man is a liar about not wanting to help you and will fold when there is any form of pain coming from you.
-And if you dare try to get out of bed for anything, he will pick you up. He doesn’t care if you fight back. All that's going through his head is the fact your sick and need help.
-"I have to go get something!"
"I’m doing it. Shut up."
-He doesn’t mind losing a target or two if it means you're okay. He knows how it feels to be left alone in a time of need, so he will never do that to you.
-Though you should expect him, since he’s a poltergeist, to stay up all hours of the day watching you, if you feel too intimidated, just tell him to cuddle you or he's worsening your condition. And he'll do exactly what you ask, just wanting to make sure you're okay.
-One downside to all of this is that he can’t get you medicine or buy you food in person due to being a ghost. So, he bugs his friends to go and do it for him, which is most of the time, Helen. So, please thank Helen after you recover because he’s probably messed up like twelve paintings due to Jonathan scaring him.
Bloody Painter
-If you tell him you’re sick, he will instantly panic. He’ll probably find a reason to blame himself for not seeing the signs earlier as your dedicated partner.
-And if it's so bad you get bedridden, he won’t let you get up in the sweetest way possible. Either by kissing your forehead to dumbfound you or hugging you back down. He could never find it in himself to hurt you because he's a puppy when it comes to you.
If you tell him you’re getting bored, he’ll bring you some sketch paper to doodle on, and if you want, you can ask him to play Pictionary. Though he’ll beat you at it, if you get a little upset, he’ll let you win, even if he is a literal Picasso.
-A random, dumb idea to have him do is to have him paint the Mona Lisa next to you. I don’t know why I added this, but I think it’d be fun. I also think if you praised him hard enough, he’d say something like "It’s just a sketch" to further his ego.
-If you manage to sneak out, whether it was when he was asleep or when he left for a moment. He’ll usher you back to bed in the nicest way possible, almost like a human to an animal, to be honest. And if you suddenly become too sick to get back, he’ll cradle you in his arms and bring you back. Though he won’t mention your escape attempts, knowing it sucks to be sick.
-Though unlike The Puppeteer, he can go and buy you snacks. He can also get delivery plus medicine due to being human. Even if he doesn’t like to show his face in public, he wouldn’t mind doing it for you.
-But for some reason, when you’re sick, he tends to get more protective of you. It's most likely due to your vulnerable state and how much he’s worried the other creeps will take advantage of it. And if they dare to try anything with you. Well, let’s just say you won’t be the only one bedridden.
Nurse Ann
-Probably the worst in the best way possible to come up with this. If you’re with her, she’ll be able to predict when you're about to be sick and will have been preparing for this very moment. And you’ll notice she's becoming more present in your life as well as more possessive.
-The second you cough, she'll bring you to bed, because she already has a personal infirmary just for this. And if you stay put, you’ll recover from this quicker than you normally would with anyone else.
-And she’ll keep you there in the most doctor way, either by nodding her head in disappointment or by holding you down. She is more aggressive than others, which may be just due to having experience. She just doesn’t want it to evolve into something worse, and if that means a scratch or two, then it's worth it. She is a nurse, after all.
-Though even with all of this, she’ll bring you blankets and do things normal nurses wouldn’t do. She may even go as far as to cuddle with you, but expect her to pull away if she feels you're getting too hot.
-Behind all of her cold-hearted actions is just someone who is extremely worried about your health. She couldn’t stand losing you and sees you as her responsibility. Since she is a nurse.
-If you can manage to escape from your hospital bed, she will hunt you down. She would never hurt you to the point of worsening your condition, but she wouldn't mind scaring you back to your bed. But, if you ever show signs of surrendering mid-chase, she’ll soften up instantly and swing you over her shoulder back to bed.
X Virus
-Oh no. Unlike Nurse Ann, you’ll be in bed longer than you should be. He will go out of his way to extend your stay and may even cause you to get worse. But, he typically has the best intentions in mind, except when he doesn’t.
-He’ll probably be heavily interested in the worst way possible. He’ll make you think he’s trying to help you. But he may test something out on you. He won’t do anything viral that’ll kill you, but something more minor. But, the second he realizes that he’s making it worse, it tears him apart. He had bad intentions at first, but it quickly dissolves into guilt when he realizes what he did.
-He’ll panic at first, fighting his impulsive thoughts, and eventually run to EJ for any sort of help. He knows he doesn’t have the mental capacity to help you at first, so he gets EJ to help out first. And once he gets the basics, he turns into a sweetheart. However, expect EJ to also keep an eye on you. Which Cody and you are both fine with, seeing as Cody can't be trusted with his thoughts.
-Though he messes up at first, he realizes that you are not a test subject and that you are his partner. It stems from his struggle to sympathize with humanity, thinking that it was okay. But, when you aren’t okay with it, he changes it. So feel free to ask anything of him. He is willing to do anything to atone for his actions.
-And if you get up from bed with something contagious, he’ll ask you politely to get back in bed but won’t try and stop you. Even though he wants to, he can’t bring himself to stop. On the other hand, EJ will most likely stop you and get you back to bed knowing Cody won't help.
-If after all of that, you ask him to cuddle, he won’t hesitate to do so. He’ll drop everything, even if he was working on a virus for the operator. He doesn’t care, he just wants to help you out. Though he’ll bring way too many blankets.
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
Okay I'm coming in hot for director's cut - so sorry if you've already answered this, but I'm curious how "Pencils" came to be in your mind / I'd love to hear any thoughts you have about this series.
- @superblysubpar 💛
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Thank you for the ask @superblysubpar I’m coming in slow AF with my answer. Sorry about that babes. Been a helluva week. This ask made me smile though-
As far as Pencil’s nickname is concerned, I can tell you that it comes from a very innocent and a very sweet place; I simply believe that they first met/ knew of each other/ were in each others orbit/ in one class back in middle school.
Eddie being the scrungly non conformist metal baby that he was back then, probably didn’t care to come equipped for class, and then he gets sat behind this cool girl in scruffy jeans and too big plaid and sneakers, always humming cool songs and sending a withering glare at the empty headed preppy kids en route to high school stardom, when they picked on anyone (him mostly)
He doesn’t know why he does it. Maybe he’s looking for an olive branch, but either way he asks this cool girl in front of him, on the first day of class if he can borrow or steal a Pencil.
And she smiles, and says sure and hands him one. No problem.
Every class she smiles when he lopes in late and slips behind her. Every time he asks for one despite having several in his bag he plays dumb, just because of the rush of talking to her. Better than any sugar rush or sabbath riff.
He wants to approach her outside class, but he constantly sees her with this popular girl glued to her side as she rambles on about boys. He scuffs his converse and lets his courage shrink. Maybe pulls clownish stunts to see her laugh. And it all goes into distant orbit of being aware of each other by the time high school comes around. Aware but distanced.
Then, one fateful night, years and years and many grades later, he’s just done a deal with an asshole jock in the woods at Kyle whatshisnames party, and when he steps back onto the green green lawn, to scurry along home, imagine his shock when he finds that same girl, primped and partied up in a poppy outfit-
Pretty as ever too. So so pretty.
He’s never forgotten Pencil girl. Pencils. the nickname snapped out his mouth then with fervour and a toothy grin. Pencils. Always holding one in class. Doodling away. Drawing the shape and shading on hands or pill bugs or flowers and weird dogs and buildings and streets on the margins of her books or legal pads. The artist through and through.
Wants to study it one day, she said. Draw and draw til her fingers drop off. Draw comics and stage sets and paintings-
He’s never forgotten her small acts of kindness where everyone else had slung venom. Passed him answers on little torn scraps of paper for the pop quiz. Lend him pencils when he needed them. Or an eraser. Or stifled a laugh when he said something funny to frustrate the teacher.
She’s sat there, on this lawn chair, drunk probably, and there’s evidence of tears under her eyes and she’s just small and all alone, and he just, he can’t have that. He can’t leave it like that.
This time Eddie puffs his chest up and grins, eyes dancing bright, this time, the chance seems way too good to let slip through his fingers.
He can’t look away now he’s seen her. This is fate. It’s destiny even. If this shit show called life could ever hand him something kind and good, then here it is baby. Lit up in flashing gold tulip bulb lights like a goddamned broadway theatre.
Don’t miss this one again, kid. Hope don’t come knocking twice.
He cracks his knuckles. He boldly goes to see if she remembers him.
Here goes nothin, Munson-
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larkermarker · 1 year
Some spooky month oc refs
Ok wooo this was a long time coming. I have 6 & 1/2 of these guys and I’ve tried to draw them all in the same style like three times. Tried to do this once last December and again in March. Got two of them done so far a few days ago.
I’ll start with some of the first characters I made (or headcanoned a design for) all the way back in November of 2022.
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Character info and some extra doodles below if you want :p
Levi Sulphur
My boy. My pride and joy. His initial character did a 180 from a grumpy college student to a college student struggling with what he wants to do with his life. Levi’s a sweet guy who is a bit socially awkward. He tries his best not to inconvenience anyone. Even if that includes burying his feeling so he’s not a bother. He’s there for other people if they need a shoulder to cry on. He does have a jealousy problem that he’ll never admit. Who wouldn’t be envious of all the people around him that have their life together when he doesn’t?
Levi doesn’t have a job but he lives with his dad and younger brother. He loves to game and watch movies, especially with his brother. The two of them have a close friendship. Levi volunteers for almost anything to get himself out there and to maybe meet new people. Volunteering at a special event a certain candy store was hosting may have also lead to him developing a big dumb crush on a certain clerk. He commonly gets mistaken for his uncle so Levi and the police are very well acquainted by now.
Ethen “CB” Sulphur
Yeah this is where the “6 and a half OCs” comes in. CB is just Costume Bob from the fifth episode that I’ve shoved a bunch of headcanons into. I gave him the name “Ethen” before we knew the background vamp guy was named Ethan. I didn’t want to change my hc name since he and Levi’s names are a play on the demon Leviathan. So I just refer to him as CB to make things less confusing.
The nickname CB in my hc came from his mom when he was younger. Nobody knows what it actually means besides her. And one could only try to guess since Mrs. Sulphur is no longer around. His personality is basically the same from the episode he originally appeared in. Just gave him an interest in demons and Mokey’s Show. Also he tries to help others around him but he ends up getting in trouble most of the time due to bad luck. Also his open book and defensive attitude doesn’t tend to help. He also doesn’t have many friends outside of his older brother and Susie. CB gets jealous over how well others can befriend his fellow peers when he struggles to fit in. CB has a grudge with the Hatzgang but can’t do much about since he’s older then the trio and doesn’t want to come across as petty against kids younger than him. No matter how much he wants to, especially with Roy, punt them into the sky. So overall he’s not a bad kid he just has terrible luck in general.
My hc is that for Halloween CB went as a demon from the Mokey Show’s Christmas specials. He doesn’t think much about his actions before he does them.
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peachielabel · 28 days
Trust Me Not AU Character Stuff
Ok ok so I was going to wait for my boyfriend and just keep posting art, but he’s going to be busy for a while so I’m just gonna do this!! Also…I warned y’all that this was a lot of text…so <3
I’m doing the major relationship/personality changes, so characters we haven’t planned on changing or haven’t gotten to yet won’t get things. Mostly, the characters that I’m talking about are Sword, Rocket, Medkit, Zuka, and Broker. I may mention Venomshank, Ban Hammer, and Darkheart, but they haven’t changed much? They’re just here as of now. Crazy how we haven’t planned anything for the Blackrock phighters, especially because this is a Blackrock centered AU…
I don’t really have art to go with this…! Though I may draft it and make doodles (you’ll be able to see if I did lol, only one who has a crazy different design at the moment is Rocket though, so). Anyway! Ramble central time…
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Rocket’s personality is still very chaotic. He’s hyper, though he’s a little more violent than before (more because of pent-up anger than actual aggression). His temper seems to be easily triggered and he’s very quick to snap back with dry humor or sharp retorts. Honestly, he’s still Rocket, he just has more temper and attitude caused by him trying to burry emotions and come off as “tough enough” to be in Blackrock (and to help himself deal with the choice he made to abandon everyone he cared about just because he was upset).
Rocket’s relationship with his father is rocky at best, not because he doesn’t love Zuka, but because of the chain of arguments they had that led to Rocket running away. Rocket’s mad at Zuka for banning him from phights for what he sees as “a dumb reason” (he was involved in an accident that blew off part of his horn…and almost did worse). He feels like Zuka’s taken away one of his favorite things unwarranted, and the constant scolding for the week after his grounding wasn’t helpful. This anger towards Zuka is why Rocket stops carving his horns once he runs away.
Rocket’s relationship with Sword is still very important to him, despite his very obvious efforts to push Sword away (this is a Swocket AU…idk what y’all expected 😣). He was never mad at Sword, but he felt he needed space, even if that space allowed his thoughts to wander and gave him horrible ideas. He cares very much for Sword, and abandoning him was a hard decision for Rocket, but he felt like if he was going to go through with running away to Blackrock he had to cut all ties. The reason he doesn’t kill Sword during all their encounters is because he cares for him, though he still wounds him as a way of warning him to keep away (which doesn’t work). He’s absolutely crushed when he kills Sword, it was completely unintentional and it’s a very harsh wake-up call.
Rocket’s relationship with Broker hasn’t changed much, though tension has eased slightly (or it had before Rocket ran away). Rocket appreciated how Broker had laid off him though, even if Zuka didn’t. He’s not as mad at Broker as he is at Zuka.
Rocket’s relationship with Medkit doesn’t change until after Sword’s death. He’s currently on the run from Medkit, and he’s rather intimidated by him. Rocket understands his life is on the line more so now than it was before.
Rocket has Ban Hammer on speed dial…that…that is all…
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Sword’s a lot more tired and visibly stressed now. The others are getting more worried about his mental state as he seems to be coming apart at the seams. His thoughts are more scrambled and his head is fuzzy. He’s trying his best here guys…
Sword has been getting very close with Zuka, spending more time with him than with his own father (but like, when did he really hang out with his father to begin with?). Part of Sword wants to be upset with Zuka for how hard he was on Rocket, but he can’t bring himself to do it because he was also worried for Rocket’s safety and he knows how guilty and upset Zuka feels. He promises to try and reach Rocket to mend the relationship.
Sword’s relationship with Rocket is a hot mess right now. He cares so much for Rocket, and this situation is tearing him apart from the inside out. He feels extremely guilty and responsible for Rocket running away because he believes he didn’t try hard enough to reach through to Rocket while he was clearly hurting and upset. His forced optimism that his Rocket is still in there despite everyone telling him otherwise pushes him to romanticize the fights they have, often letting Rocket win intentionally because he doesn’t want to hurt Rocket…even though it’s very obvious Rocket is willing to hurt him. While his head is more clear while he’s around Rocket, he lets his emotions cloud his judgement, which ends up in his death. He has a moment of clarity right before he dies, sharing his feelings with Rocket as his final words.
Sword is skeptical of Broker still, he keeps Rocket’s dislike for the demon in mind when around him. Though, he’s beginning to wonder why Rocket has such a strong hatred for him. He’s witnessed Broker seem genuinely worried for Zuka (often trying to find ways to cheer him up) and knows he’s been trying to find Rocket himself. He has tried to stay optimistic and have faith in Broker.
Sword trusts Medkit with his life, sharing all of his concerns and anxieties with him. He feels the most safe when he’s around Medkit now that he doesn’t have Rocket (they still have that brother-like relationship, that’s based and is NOT going anywhere).
Sword’s relationship with Venomshank is very poor. Venomshank is the main demon telling Sword to give up on Rocket, so he’s not too pleased with him at the moment. Despite their rocky relationship, Sword tries his best to impress his father.
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Medkit’s personality does not change until after Sword’s death. He becomes more irrational in his thinking and rather impulsive (acting out of greif). This leads him to be increasingly more reckless and aggressive.
Medkit feels bad for Zuka, offering his assistance in trying to find Rocket. He ends up getting captured by Ban Hammer because of this. While he respects Zuka, he grows rather frustrated with him once Sword dies, claiming that Zuka should not shelter Rocket and that he must be accountable for his actions. He doesn’t do anything to intentionally harm/upset Zuka, though he understands that his actions will do so anyway.
Medkit cares deeply about Sword, seeing him as a little brother and someone he has to look out for (no matter how reckless or irritating he can be). Watching Sword suffer so much made Medkit wish he could help more, which leads to him agreeing to help in the search. He misses Sword very much and has made it his goal to avenge his death.
Medkit doesn’t want to trust Broker, but he does. He’s seen how Broker’s been trying his best to find Rocket (and how he helped Medkit escape Banlands) and tries his best to put his personal opinions aside for the time being. However, he wishes Broker wouldn’t let Zuka coddle Rocket as much as he does (after Sword’s death).
Medkit felt bad for Rocket initially, he really wanted to believe that things would work out, even despite the fact that Rocket gets him arrested by Ban Hammer. However, after he learned Rocket had killed Sword, it didn’t matter if it was intentional or not, he felt things had gone too far. He feels Rocket isn’t taking the effects of his actions to heart as much as he should, and hopes to avenge Sword by bringing Rocket to justice…whatever that means…
He’s not fond of Venomshank. He feels that his parenting needs to be heavily improved upon (big brother instincts, we love to see it). After Sword’s death, Medkit is disgusted by the fact that Venomshank seems rather indifferent, saying that Sword “should’ve heeded the warnings.” If he wasn’t preoccupied trying to take down Rocket, Venomshank would be labeled as “the problem” and probably “the target”…
Medkit constantly complains about how Scythe will have his head for how much time he’s devoting to this mess. He seems intimidated by her more than truly being afraid of her.
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Broker is Broker (he hasn’t been changed much, he’s one of our WIP characters)! Most of his personality changes consist of caring about Zuka’s well-being. While it seems like he’s trying to improve on expressing empathy, he’s still heavily manipulative and sly, leading to everyone wondering how much he actually cares about the situation.
BrokerZuka ended up canon here…so bear with me…(😞/silly). Broker feels the need to constantly check-up on Zuka. He tries to tell Zuka that this isn’t his fault, but to no avail. Zuka seems to be the only one he obviously cares for, as he constantly is much gentler and empathetic towards Zuka. After Sword’s death, he took a step back from meddling in Zuka and Rocket’s relationship, allowing Zuka to handle it how he saw fit. He doesn’t feel like Zuka is handling it right, but he doesn’t want to upset anyone after all that’s happened.
Broker knows Sword is upset. He’s tried to have small chats about things with him, but is often brushed off, much to his frustration. He can tell Sword is trying to warm up to him, which he appreciates, but it’s still very obvious that Sword doesn’t trust him entirely. In an attempt to keep things lighthearted, he frequently tries to tease Sword and crack jokes (Sword doesn’t act like he enjoys it though).
He knows Rocket dislikes him, but he still tries to bond with him…definitely just for Zuka’s sake. While he agreed that Rocket should’ve been more careful, Broker began to take notice of how the constant criticism and arguing began to weigh on the kid. He stopped taking Zuka’s side and just started staying out of it. He tried to talk to Rocket multiple times, but he would get brushed off and blocked out. When Rocket ran away, he decided to take matters into his own hands (after Rocket gets Medkit captured by Ban Hammer). He thought that talking to Rocket would fix things, though he is frustrated when he is shut down again (and joins Medkit in Banlands). After Sword’s death, Broker is distant from Rocket in an attempt to give him space. He feels bad, but knows that nothing will get Rocket to talk to him.
Broker teases and toys with Medkit in an attempt to keep things relatively “normal” between them. After Sword’s death, he began keeping a closer eye on Medkit because he knew how close he had been with Sword. Upon learning about Medkit’s plans to deal with Rocket, Broker starts being more prickly around him. He’s trying to come up with a way to deal with Medkit before anything happens.
Ban Hammer…when I catch you Ban Hammer…when I catch you…
Broker is pushing his luck with Scythe due to how much time (and resources) he’s putting inti finding Rocket. He knows Scythe is already annoyed about Medkit spending time on this rather than on his mission, and Broker can tell she isn’t pleased with him either. He’s trying to keep her from flipping her top.
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(Another WIP character) Zuka is rather reserved and quiet. He’s constantly tired and always seems ridden with guilt. It’s very obvious he fears the worst and blames himself. He seems to drag himself around all day trying to “fix” the issue himself. While he would like to go solo, he’s made it obvious that he can’t.
Zuka’s relationship with Rocket isn’t the best. He’s very concerned for Rocket, though he doesn’t express it properly and it leads to several minor conflicts. He feels extremely guilty about Rocket running away, and watching Rocket go to Blackrock was a personal blow to Zuka (it affected him a lot more than he’d like to admit, especially the way that Rocket changed his whole appearance). After Sword’s death, he attempts to comfort Rocket, though it comes off more as babying. He’s very worried about Rocket’s mental state.
Zuka really appreciates how Sword is trying to stay positive in this situation. He can tell how stressful and upsetting it is for Sword, so he tries to be understanding and patient with him (even though half the time it comes off as Zuka just being too tired to fully care). He feels bad that Sword is beating himself up about Rocket leaving and makes attempts to cheer him up frequently.
Broker is the one demon that Zuka seems to confide in. He doesn’t want to seem like a burden/worry Broker, but Broker clearly sees through it. Zuka takes comfort in how Broker tries to help him through this whole thing no matter how many times he tries to say he’s fine. Even though Zuka tries to hide it, Broker always ends up getting him to spill his feelings. He’s grateful Broker is willing to help as much as he is, and he’s even more grateful he has someone with him during this.
Zuka appreciates Medkit’s help as much as he appreciates everyone else’s. He knows Medkit is helping more because he wants to help Sword, but that doesn’t matter to Zuka…until Sword dies. Broker informed Zuka about Medkit’s plans, so Zuka’s trust for Medkit is almost completely gone. He’s cautious around Medkit and avoids bringing up Rocket.
Zuka is two seconds from storming up to Scythe and telling her to calm down/j unless…
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