#lil bub was so sleepy <3
bubblergoespop · 5 months
My Top Milo Quotes
i wanna devour this man so bad. the original version of this is at least triple the length omfg. @mrsmiagreer it’s finally here <3
“From one pretty face to another.”
“Bedroom? Oh. Ohhh. [gremlin giggling]”
“Cute?! You’re gonna come here, into my home, uninvited, and tell me I look cute when I’m mad? First of all sweetheart, you’re damn right I’m cute—“
“Jesus Christ who taught you how to do healing magic, a construction worker with a jackhammer?!”
“Me and Ash give each other shit all the time. He calls me a runt, I call him a bitch bottom, we laugh, we move on.”
“Cuddled up with you, in front of a fire? That’s a one-way ticket to sleepytown, USA, population: this guy.”
“I do not spoil him! Well whaddya want me to do? He’s my lil guy.”
“I swear to god, if I’m lyin I’m dyin, he looks him dead in the eye and says “if concerns about the future of your relationship with Amanda are weighing on you too heavily, I’m sure I can get by with just Milo and Asher here.”
“Are you Lasky?”
“Touch me and your life will be measured in milliseconds. I can see myself out.”
“It’s back. I’m back.”
“And next thing you know, boom, you’re sitting here, a broken man, barefoot with no fucking dress socks.”
“‘So Mr. Greer, what was it that ultimately pushed you over the edge?’ Oh, I don’t know officer, might have something to do with the walking terror I call a mate.”
“So what if I am sappy? I’m running on sleepy middle of the night brain, you get what you get. Shhh. Hush. Don’t you be mean to me. I’m trying to help.”
“He’s a good little dude. Isn’t that right, bub?
“I got to hold my favorite person in the whole world. And only occasionally had to threaten to choke them out.”
“Mmm. You’re cute. Yeah, I called you cute. What are you gonna do about it? Get grumpy? Just makes you look cuter.”
“Do not call them my ‘titties’ you asshole!”
“Personally, I think I’m better at getting clothes off a ya than putting em on, but I’m ever at your service, baby.”
“No no no, don’t do that button. Yeah. Yeah, leave that one undone.”
“There’s my sweetheart.”
“Yeah. Well, it beats for you, sweetheart. A little more sappy shit for the road.”
“There ya go, that looks perfect! Yeah, what you’re wearing right now! You look fucking incredible in it. Yeah, I know you haven’t even started changing into the next look, what’s your point?”
“When I say you’re my mate, I mean it with every inch of me. When I say it, my core lights up like a firework. And when I feel your core answer it, and mirror it back, it feels like the fourth of fucking July in my chest.”
“I mean, obviously we’re gonna look fucking great no matter what, it is us after all”
“Hey, I know Ash is your mate, but would you mind if I use that choke collar you have for him real quick?”
“The power couple”
“And the energizer bunny takes a tumble.”
“And you won’t believe this next part but, uh, as a wolf, I don’t have hands.”
“You don’t have to ask, baby, I trust you. I know you’ll be gentle.”
“You feel like forever in my arms.”
“Oh my god, do they think my house smells weird?”
“I don’t want this for you, baby.”
“These muscles got more knots in em than you had wrapped around you the other night. And that’s saying something.”
“You run through my blood like oxygen, sweetheart.”
“Whose mouth is this?”
“And do not wear that belt, how old is that thing? It looks awful!”
“You’re not alone. I’m here. The pack’s here.”
“You want to see a hissy fit, bootlicker?”
“Cmon, head up. Up for me. There you go. I wanna see this pretty face.”
“Kissing my palm like that… you’re too fucking cute.”
“I just wanna feel you.”
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tinycatstars · 10 months
Could you do little eridan and maybe cg feferi? (btw I love ur story’s!!)
ee thank you so much!! i know this one is a bit short, sorry for that, but hereee u go!! some momma fef and little eridan for uuuu :D please enjoy !! <3 <3 <3
lil tw for panic attacks !
Feferi really didn’t expect to be woken up in the middle of the night by her phone ringing, but hey, there’s a first for everything.
She sluggishly grabs her glasses off of her nightstand to see that Eridan was calling her. Eridan wasn’t one to call, which was the first sign that something was wrong. Secondly, when she picked up the call and sleepily asked “...Eridan? Why’re you calling me this late?”, all she heard from the other end was wails coming from the other; Panicked hyperventilating and crying. 
That woke her up quickly. “Glub! Okay, Eridan, I’m on my way now. Are you at your hive?” she asked, panicking as she got dressed. Between sobs he whined out an “mhm”.
“Be there soon!” She said, and before she could hang up, he cried out “No, don’t go!”
She sadly smiled at his response, “I’ll stay on the line bub, okay?” He hummed, still breathing way too fast. She left her hive soon after that, swimming up to the surface to reach Eridan’s shipwreck. Thankfully, he didn’t live too far away.
“I’m here, Eridan, I’m gonna hang up the phone now”, she says loudly as she enters through his doorway, making sure he had heard her. She could hear Eridan hiccup, his crying was still loud and unbearable to hear, but it had calmed down a little.
She finds the little in his room, curled up on the floor. He had a thick blanket wrapped around him, his glasses were slightly askewed on his face, tears tracked down his face. Feferi thought he looked so small, physically and probably mentally.
Definitely mentally, she thinks, as he sticks a thumb into his mouth and begins to chew on it.
“Momma…”, he whines, reaching out to her with his free hand.
“Hi, baby, Momma’s here now”, she says, bending down to sit on the floor. She picks him up and sits him in her lap, encasing the little in a warm hug. 
He sobs into her shoulder, both out of relief and exhaustion. Feferi holds him tight, letting him cry out all of his big feelings. She began to rock him gently, whispering reassurances into his fins as he wailed to his momma.
After a while, Eridan calms down. He slumps in Feferi’s arms, he had already tired himself out from the nonstop crying. “Is someone sleepy?” she asks, to which Eridan slowly nods.
“What was that all about, hm? Can you tell Momma what’s wrong?” Feferi pressed. She didn’t want to pressure her baby, but she was really concerned to why he was this upset this late at night.
Eridan just shook his head, whining as he buried it into Feferi’s shoulder. She sighs, “That’s okay, bub, you don’t have to tell me”.
She looks over to the clock that was hung on Eridan’s wall, it read 1:23 am. “Are you ready for bed, bub? Or would you like some milk to help?” 
Eridan thinks for a moment before mumbling “Milk” around his thumb that he had moved to his mouth. He sucked on it as Feferi moved him to her hip so she could pick up the smaller. Eridan really didn’t weigh anything, so it wasn’t very hard to carry the other troll to the kitchen.
She grabs his baby bottle and fills it with milk, putting it in the microwave for a moment. The bottle was black with purple fish and bubbles covering it, something she thought was so cute and just so Eridan. She tested the milk before handing the bottle back to Eridan, and sure enough, the temperature was perfect. He gratefully accepts his bottle, chewing on the teet as he drank his milk.
“Let’s head back to bed, baby, ok? Momma’s gonna spend the night tonight”, Feferi said. They made their way back to Eridan’s bedroom, and thankfully he had something else they could cuddle on besides his recuperacoon. She couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable that would be. In the corner of the room was an actual bed, home to Eridan’s many blankets and stuffed animals. Most of them were cute sea creatures, all gifted to him by Feferi. 
She sits Eridan down on the bed so she can go find his pacifier. His little stuff was hiding somewhere in his room, she just couldn’t remember where!
Eventually, she finds the soother tucked underneath some old research papers, which were littered all over the bedroom. It had a protective cap on it, so she wouldn’t need to leave the room to wash it. Feferi didn’t think Eridan would react very well to her leaving right now.
She makes her way back to the bed, replacing his thumb with the pacifier he probably had been yearning for all night. He gives his Momma a wobbly smile, his arms outreached, silently asking to be held.
 She gives in, giving the little one a tight hug before getting into bed, tucking them in and making sure Eridan was comfortable. She carefully takes off his glasses, setting them on the endtable of the bed. She tracts a thumb underneath his eyes, gently wiping away his dried tears. Maybe he would talk about what had happened later, but she didn’t feel like putting any extra stress onto him now. Glub knows he would just start crying again, exhausting himself even more. 
For now, they were just going to cuddle and go to bed. She wraps her arms around the little, gently pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Momma loves you, Eridan”, she whispers.
“Love you too…” he mumbles, and soon, he’s fast asleep.
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lovelytaes-blog · 2 years
birthday cake (1)
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pairings: husband!jimin x wife!reader
synopsis: where it's your husband's birthday; the pg version (;
genre: absolute fluff, smut (in the pt. 2!!!!); established relationship
warning(s): none!
word count: 0.2k
↳ serendipity drabbles
↳ main masterlist
note: hello again, I apologize for being sooo inactive, life is super busy and I just haven't been motivated to write a ton... but here's a reallllyyyy short drabble for our baby mochi's birthday!!! I am still in the process of writing out pt.2 which will be a littttttlleeee more 18+ lol - so please be patient with me ((: much love xx
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“Happy birthday!!!”
            Jimin’s peeks out of his eye at the early sound of your giggles and Yona’s babbles next to him. He’s greeted with the cutest sight of your daughter; drool dripping down her lips as she claps her hands together in front of his sleepy figure. His sleepy eyes drift to you, who was carrying a sweet little cake that resembled a duckling - the cute little animal that resembled your husband perfectly.
            “Mm, thank you my baby.” He smiles blinking up at you both, his eyes turning to crescents.
            “C’mon, little dove, give daddy a kiss.” You whisper, thrusting Yona closer to Jimin making her squeal with delight as she attacks her father with slobber and giggles. Jimin grins from ear to ear, gently sitting up, careful not to knock over the babbling baby and the little cake you had in your other hand. Yona’s eyes sparkle at seeing her father gently reaching for her, as she topples towards him.
            “Awh,” Jimin squishes her against his cheeks, “thank you baby, thank you.” Yona leaves open mouth kisses on his cheek, as she squeals with joy. Using her little hands to push Jimin’s cheek closer to her, she grasps his hair, tugging on it with giggles.
            “Dove,” Jimin groans, gently peeling her strong fingers away from his aching scalp, and you in a fit of laughter as she pouts with annoyance.
            “Happy birthday, bub.” You laugh, kissing his other cheek, as the three of you make your way out of the bedroom, cake in hand while Jimin smushes his daughter into his chest, and into the kitchen to start his birthday breakfast.
pt 2
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i know i know, not my bestttt - soorryyyy, i really wanted to post something short and sweet for dad!jimin with his lil family. i promise pt two will be... a little more haha.
until then, lovelies<3
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saetoshis · 1 year
hi bubs !!!!! here to tell you i am still so so sooooo happy that yuannie came home <3 i think about him everyday fr 😟 thinking about being the general’s pretty thick melanated wife that waits for him at home with open arms is so much fun 🤭
HI BABY UWAAA 🤭 ur so right SO REAL jing yuan is so into thick women ik we talked abt this bro but like. YEAH !1!2!/$/!-!!!!?? (i love black women n thick women so im projecting n headcanoning based on my own likes as i do with every character but its real nonetheless LMFOAHAJ) BUT NO FR LISTEN LIKE the second he comes inside hes got a lil sleepy look on his face n he looks so needy when he sits down on the couch with a lil pout to invite you over. holds you close, grabs your waist n caresses ur thighs n tells you he had a dream abt u while he was napping at work 🤭 kiss his neck a lil n maybe he’ll tell u abt his dream in detail EHEHEJEE
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8unn13s · 1 year
hehe! :3
I'm big into hypnotherapy, and my partner has trouble with their sleeping habits
trying to make it so whenever they cuddle a specific one of their stuffies they get alll sleepy, and whenever they need to get up, they can put them away! they only really cuddle this particular one at bedtime, so i thought it was a nice appropriate trigger
giving my lil bubs healthy sleeping habits with my silly psychology magic
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yoon-kwan-kyun · 5 years
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Kihyun with Malsuk in his arms is my favorite concept wbu
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maizumis · 3 years
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ft. timeskip! miya atsumu, matsukawa issei, iwaizumi hajime, suna rintaro, tsukkishima kei
tw: suggestive❗ cursing, female reader
note: she looks so perfect standing there in my American apparel underwear; I edited but I'm a lil sleepy so sorry for typos </3
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❦ATSUMU woke up at the feeling of an empty bed, the two of you went for an afternoon nap after a long day of practice and work, feeling a little worried, he got up from bed and threw on a pair of sweatpants and went to the kitchen, where he saw you in his boxers and shirt "damn, am probably still dreaming" you give him a confused look "I'm pretty sure you're just an idiot bub, it's okay I still love you" he starts moving his head from left to right, going towards you "no, no, ya don't understand, am seeing an angel" he stops in front of you and before you can answer, he picks you up by both your thighs, shirt rolling up your waist and boxers stretching a little " ‘tsumu, the food!" he clicked his tongue "and I don't care, I wanna kiss my baby" next thing you know, miya atsumu’s tongue is practically down your throat
❦MATTSUN opened the door of your house and saw you in all your glory, his high school jersey fitting you above your knees, needless to say, a smile came to his face "I'm home" moving your head towards the way your husband stands, you greet him back "hi ‘ssei! I missed you! look what i found!" you tell him while signaling to the jersey "it's still fits so big! I remember all the matches, damn how did I had the energy to cheer so fucking loufhmp—" he cutted you with a kiss, one hand in your ass while the other one was in the back of your neck, putting you closer to him "damn this day can't get any better, first the jersey and now the boxers?" he says with a little wiggle of his brows "as if you don't like it as much as I do"
❦IWAIZUMI by routine is the first one to wake up and make breakfast, but not this time around, this week the team was more handful than usual, resulting in his mind and body drained; "babe, why did you got up— nevermind" you leave the kitchen to give him a good morning kiss "I wanted to do something for you haji’, ‘m sorry" he picked you up, both his hands in your ass "you don't have to be sorry when you look so damn good in my clothes— fuck" you giggle and give him another kiss, this time more deep and intentional, moving your hips a little while doing it "is the hajime iwaizumi getting all hot and bothered?" a smirk came up his face while his hand squished a flesh of your ass "yeah, and what about it?"
❦SUNA came home to the sight of you on your tummy in the couch, watching something in the tv. before speaking, he dropped his bag and silently thanked the gods for this moment "what a pretty sight to come home" you rolled out of the couch because of the sudden sound "rintaro what the actual fuck! could you at least tell me you are here before speaking? you scared me!" his large body was now walking towards you "I really like your clothes, where did you get them?" your arms found place around his neck while you rolled your eye "umh very smooth of you, I actually found them in the drawer next to mine" he grabs a hand of your ass and squishes it, hard "mhm, you should get more clothes from there, you look pretty hot on it"
❦TSUKKISHIMA saw your figure get out of your shared bedroom at 13pm "good morning kei" he let out a chuckle "good morning? more like good afternoon to you" he didn't pay you attention until he looked up and there you were, Sendai frogs jersey and one of his light blue underwear, even if his cheeks were pinkish, he wouldn't drop his attitude "you can't blame me kei, I was tired" the cup of coffee that was on his hand is now on the table, his body walking towards you, placing his right hand in your chin so he could give you a kiss "okay then, good morning, did you have a hard time picking your clothes?" you snuggled your face to his hand while wrapping your arms around his toned torso "mhm, I didn't find anything comfy... kei, I think we should nap a little" "didn't you just wake up?" "so?" he sighed, already giving in, picking you up bridal style, he carried the both of you to bed, again "anything you want then, princess"
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1tsnoya · 4 years
This request is a little nsfw because of nudity. Could I please request headcanons for Nishinoya, Sugawara, Tsukishima, Asahi, and Hinata seeing fem!reader naked for the first time because they both want to take a shower (or bath) together. She get flustered because she is worried about what they think. Nothing sexual happens just boys appreciating their girlfriend’s beauty. I hope this wasn’t too confusing. Thank you!
✧・゚ taking a bath with their s/o ✧・゚headcanons
↳ a/n: queued post. i’ll answer asks/dms in the morning. i’m not ignoring u i promise
↦ pairings: nishinoya x reader, sugawara x reader, tsukishima x reader, asahi x reader, hinata x reader
↦ warnings: nudity but besides that — fluff!
🌟taglist: @spriteandnicotine @fatheadthemango @tokobaby @virgosetter @tobiokvgeyama @bokutoscake04
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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→ [6:54PM] noya<3 : are you still waiting up for me? >:p
→ [6:54PM] y/n : of course bub. i’m outside
→ [6:55PM] noya<3 : YAY ILL BE OUT IN 2 MINUTES
→ you had walked the short route to meet your boyfriend after volleyball practice
→ he said that he wanted to watch movies and cuddle after 🥺 so obvi u were down!
→ he was so happy to see you when he walked out of the gym
→ he picked u up and spun u around like the little kid that he was, “sorry i’m sweaty babe. gotta shower when i get home”
→ oh?👀shower??
→ this is when the bath idea popped into your head, his family was out of the house for the next two hours anyway
→ so u got the courage to say something about it, “i’ll run a bath for you if you want”
→ omg his eyes lit up - “really!? you’d do that for me?”
→ “of course dum dum”
→ so when you got back to his place, you went to the bathroom to run him a hot bath
→ and you came back to him thrown on top of the couch, his gym bag next to him
→ “nuh uh,” you smacked his arm playfully, “bath’s ready.”
→ you literally don’t know HOW but he got the energy to jump back up and run to the bathroom... was he not just falling asleep???
→ anyway. you walked back to the bathroom and he was already in the bath
→ his head was thrown back and he already looked relaxed, “thank you, baby”
→ “it’s no problem. i know how tired y- huh?”
→ he was doing those Grabby Hand thingys towards you, “join me silly”
→ uh what
→ well he did offer so👀 not like you were thinking about it or anything haha
→ he didn’t make it weird or anything either. when you hopped it, he kissed you on the cheek and helped shampoo your hair into a mohawk
→ since the gel in his hair was washed out and it was soft from the conditioner, you get running your hands through it mmmm he looked so cute with his hair like that
→ you almost fell asleep like that, it felt comfy having him there with you<3
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→ okay you have NO CLUE who came up with the idea and why
→ you two were studying and it was getting late so koushi went to take a bath, it was just an instinct for you to follow
→ you just kept talking to him on the way to the bathroom LOL like it hadn’t phased you yet
→ and he kept listening like, “mhm, love” “yeah no i completely get that” “of course, doll”
→ it finally hit you when he started running the water
→ “oh my god. i’m so sorry! i didn’t realize i should-“
→ “get in with me!” and he stuck his tongue out like >:p
→ cmon. said this before and i will say it again: SUGA IS SUCH A FLIRT. YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT HE WOULDN’T-
→ “are you sure? i know you’re tired so it���s okay”
→ what does this lil shit do? :’) he cupped some water in his hands and threw it towards you, “oops. now you have to get in!”
→ bruh :’)
→ he got in first and looked away when you got undressed respectful boy even though he lowkey wanted to
→ and you hopped in on the opposite side of the bath so you two were facing eachother
→ “so.. come here often?”
→ :’)))))
→ you splashed towards him, “wow. very funny, koushi”
→ he joked around some more and put some bubbles in the bath
→ next thing you know, there’s bubbles in your hair and his and you’re laughing
→ “you look like an old lady, kou!”
→ “so do u!” and he kept adding more and more bubbles on top of your head, “you’re the cuter granny though”
→ wha:’)))
→ you started getting sleepy and when he noticed, he got out to dry off and bring you a warm towel
→ so you got dressed and borrowed one of his hoodies to wear and a pair of his boxers
→ he thought you looked adorable but teased you for the rest of the night:p
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→ you were walking back to your place after school for a project and your boyfriend was a little on the grumpy side
→ “kei. what’s wrong?”
→ “nothing?”
→ “you literally got mad at the fact your shoelace came undone”
→ busted
→ “sorry. i’m just... tense”
→ “oh.. what’s stressing you out?”
→ “not like that. my body is just... sore i guess”
→ being the loving partner that you were, you blurted out, “let me run you a bath and some tea when i get home!”
→ “it’s fine, (y/n)”
→ “no it’s not! you’re overworking yourself”
→ and that was true. tsuki just didn’t like admitting it
→ “fine...thank you”
→ so you continued your walk with shared earbuds. once you got home, you threw your bag down and ran to the bathroom to start the bath.
→ he lazily followed behind, “you don’t have to (y/n)”
→ “too late! the bath is ready”
→ so you looked away as he got undressed and settled himself in the water
→ just as you were about to walk away, he softly grabbed at your wrist, “not gonna join?”
→ wwwhshhjhhhshhjkljshhghhhhhh
→ ur face = red
→ he noticed how pink your cheeks got, “oh. sorry. i thought...never mind”
→ well since he mentioned it 👀 why not
→ he was expecting you to walk away but instead you were undressing to get in the bath with him
→ he respectively looked away, “you sure?”
→ you planted a kiss on top of his head, “yes, hun”
→ when you got in, you massaged his shoulders holy shit yeah they were tense
→ he was melting into your touch, which was kind of new, he obviously appreciated what you were doing
→ he gave you a little kiss on the forehead, “thank you for doing this”
→ :’))) soft tsuki makes my heart go !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love him
→ you stayed there for a while, he started playing some music on his phone and your eyes were closed as you were rested between his legs
→ you wished that you could stay like that forever
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→ asahi would be TOO nervous to ask you to take a bath with him :’) my bby is just too anxious
→ so ✨YOU ✨had to ask him
→ or at least like... hint at it lol
→ you guys were on the couch watching some movie
→ ans he was lowkey falling asleep with you in rested between his legs
→ you looked up at him and poked at him, “love, i’m gonna go take a bath”
→ he yawned as you got up, “oh okay. i’ll wait for you here”
→ “why?”
→ “what do you mean?? you’re going to take a bath?”
→ “yeah? come with me”
→ he got so red and started waving his hands, “n-no it’s fine!! go enjoy your bath!”
→ “come on azuuuu” you were tugging at his arm and next thing you knew you were dragging him to the bathroom as he was assuring you
→ “iTs fiNe (y/n)!! really- i’ll just stay on the couch i dontwannabotheryohitsokAy-“
→ “babe. it’s fine. it’s just a bath”
→ “nObjt idontwannamakeyouuncomfortabBle oranything”
→ “we’ve been dating for like a year. why would i be weirded out?”
→ so you finally got him to agree to join you in the bath after like 7 minutes of reassurance
→ it was so warm and cozy for him so what did he do??
→ he fell asleep with you in his arms
→ he was tired to begin with so it really was just ✨lights out✨
→ even when you got out, he was still sleepy
→ after you dried off, he was still tired so he fell asleep with his head in your lap on the couch as you played with his fluffy hair <3
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→ he had texted you in the afternoon about some new show that he wanted to watch
→ [5:01] sho<3 : Y/N !!!! SUNSHINE !!!!
→ [5:01] sho<3 : OUR SHOW !!! STARTS SOON
→ so you texted him that you’d be on your way in 20 minutes
→ and when you got there - baby natsu answered the door
→ natsu: “hiiii! shoyo is in the bath right now”
→ she held your hand to the bathroom door and yelled “SHOYOOO! Y/N IS HEREEE! pause okay HAVE FUN” and then she skipped away
→ that little girl sure could YELL hsbshhd
→ so you lightly knocked at the door - “sho?”
→ “y/n! come in”
→ you walked in to see your boyfriend in the bathroom, scrubbing strawberry shampoo in his hair
→ “children’s strawberry shampoo? really sho?” you laughed as you squatted next to him
→ “duh! how else do you think my hair smells good? want some?”
→ did he?? just smoothly ask you to join him in the bath??? wha
→ before you could answer, he put some on his hand and ruffled it into your hair
→ “now you can smell like strawberries!”
→ :’)))))
→ you got in and he started adding bubbles to the bath like the little kid that he was
→ he even gave himself a beard with the bubbles���i love him he totally would
→ “my phone is over there- you can put the show on if you’d like”
→ 🥺🥺🥺
→ so you set the phone up carefully as you started the show
→ and you rested in between his legs as he massaged more shampoo in your hair
→ the whole room smelt citrus-y and he placed his head on your shoulder, giving you a quick peck on the cheek
→ “you smell good”
→ “hm. i wonder why”
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qui-02 · 4 years
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Note:Ok! Hello hope you are doing well! Thanks for requesting again I hope you like it @violetarks !Ok this ended longer than expected so I am going to do a part 2 with momo and Todoroki hope you don’t mind the wait.P.S this seems so familiar but I just can’t remember where or when it happened or if this is still continuing. 🤡 lmaoooo 😂
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When you started going to school in the mornings he would notice your eye bags from all the nights you couldn’t sleep. He also noticeed that you were relying on green tea or in any other sources that contained caffeine like Monster energy drinks to get through the tough day. Since he has a soft spot for you he would ask “what are those grey things under your eyes dumass!?”
The first day you told him “ooo don’t worry I just stayed all night long looking for Yarichin bitclub and I finally found it so I decided to watch it for the amazing opening , guess I got lost on the time.”Then the other days that this happened you would brush it off every day telling him “I am ok I just couldn’t sleep last night” and continued your new daily rutine. You just didn’t want to bring him into your own problems and overall you didn’t want to bother him,Since he was already busy with school and stuff.
When this continued for several weeks and close to months and he noticed that you were closed to zombie like in the tough insurance training and you weren’t as energetic and overall you he SANPED.
“Ok idiot you are sleeping in my dorm tonight!” You where shocked that he was so straight forward with what he just said. “ But Tsuki I am alright I don’t have to go to sleep to your dorm, I will be alright don’t worry about me.” The blond boy wasn’t going to fall for your cheap old lie that you have been saying for a couple of weeks now.
The day came to an end and you where chilling with the girls in the common room when they all said that it was late and they were going to bed. You all said goodnight when suddenly Bakugo appeared and dragged you to his room and locked the door. “ Tsuki what are you doing?” He just stared at you and then he said “ I am helping you sleep dumbass, what else would be doing?”
You turned the lights off and said good night to your lovely boyfriend. He looks so cute when he is sleeping. You were admiring his features and then soon you found yourself sleeping.
You woke up you thought that you had slept around 8 ours and it was time to get up and get ready for school. You tilted your head too see the time and it was 12:03 AM you were disappointed you went to bed at 9 pm you had only slept 3 hours! You stared at the ceiling for a couple of minutes but for you it felt like years.
“ Can’t sleep idiot?” a sleepy voice said. “ Hmm... wait Tsuki how did you now? Did I wake you up I am so sorry baby.” Bakugo sensed that you were awake “ I just new that you were awake,ok” he asked questions about what you usually do when you wake up at night. “ I usually try to fall back asleep but it seem impossible to do that, so I just talk to my friends on discord until I fall back to sleep from the tiredness.”
Bakugo wanting you to fall back to sleep he activated his explosive quirk and heated his hands just a tiny bit and placed them on your tummy. It felt so nice and warm to have his hands warming you up. Then he did something that he would be extremely ashamed if anyone found out. He started cuddling you your back was pressed against his build chest. That is a side of him that only you can get to see. He also started humming a sweet lullaby to help you.
You felt so warm and special, soon your eyes were closing. When you opened your eyes again you saw light coming from the window. You did it! You sleept through the night like a normal high school student! He heard little snores from your sleeping boyfriend. Gosh he looked so damm cute that you managed to get out of his grip and grasp your phone to take a cute picture of him. You were definitely making that your phone wallpaper. You also noticed that you had 50+ notifications from your friends. You where definitely reading that later to catch up with the discord chat.
When Bakugo woke up you booth got ready for school. The weekend came and Your sweet ass boyfriend had bought you one of those cute animal plushies that you put them on the microwave so they are nice and warm when you go to bed. He just tossed that seal plushy into your dorm room. When you opened the doorm you saw the plushie. You new exactly from who that came from. You went and look the giver of the gift, when you found him you gave a big bear hug and a lil kiss on his cheek. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING IDIOT!!?” You just laughed and answer “thanks for the present I love it!” He blushed which was a beautiful sight “Whatever.”
BONUS: “sawarasenai🥰kimi😸wa⛓shoujo👻na💅no?böKù🌸Wâ🧚ÿARiçHiñ🙈BįCChī😾ńO😩oSû👅Dà🎉yooooo!” You loved that intro so much that you couldn’t stop singing it even though the lyrics were dirtier that the own WAP themselves. “Y/N AS A CLASS REPRESENTATIVE I ASK YOU TO PLEASE STOP SINGING THIS VULGAR SONG” then your boyfriend came and joined the conversation “YES DUMBASS I HAVE TO AGREE WITH 4 EYES ON THIS PLEASE STOP I CANNOT GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD” Your boyfriend said in a very angry voice. You were laughing your ass of at this.
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This amazing boyfriend that you have dear reader noticed at the moment you first started drinking Monater energy drinks . Like he new that you lectured Denki on why he should stop drinking them if he wanted to have a long and healthy life free of diabetes type 2 and stuff. He looked at you and at the drink in shock , “ O this don’t worry babe I just feel tiered so I asked Denki for one don’t worry it’s just 1 drink.” He believed you he thought she just sleep bad for 1 night that’s all.
Then you weren’t paying attention to class nor hero training he got very worried for you. Or you were basically falling asleep in all the free time you had just like Aizawa sensei. You were using the day to nap for a while. Basically he noticed that your whole routine had turned upside down. You drank green tea like it was no tomorrow you sometimes did in secret because we all now that caffeine kept you going.
He went to goggle to see if he could figure out something for his tiered S/O. Since we all now that he isn’t the smartest he left that aside for a while. You told him that you were heading to bed and Kirishima did the same.
The clock hit 2:38 AM you were wide awake, you tossed and turned trying to fall back asleep. You soon gave up so you started watching complications of Nikocado Avacado and Orrin fighting because the night was long and honestly that hopeless couple mad you laugh so hard. You could spend hours just watching them fighting because it was so funny 🤣.
Your boyfriend couldn’t sleep either thinking about you. So he decided to go and chek on you and see if you were sleeping but he new that you were wide awake because his boyfriend instinct told him that. When he opened your dorm he saw the bright and white light of your computer, you where also holding back a big ass laugh so you wouldn’t wake anyone else for some reason.
You noticed you boyfriend that was standing in you dorm room half asleep. You feel really bad for him because you had worried him so much to the point he had to come and check on you like he was your parent. “Kiri baby what are you doing here?” He opens his mouth and stared talking “ Pebble you should be sleeping, let’s go down stairs and make some tea to help you sleep ok?” He ended that sentence with a big yawn.
You guys went downstairs and got yourself a nice cup of warm chamomile tea. He hoped that would help you fall asleep. “Is the tea good pebble?” He said with a sleepy voice you didn’t answer for a while you were admiring his red hair that was down, you didn’t get to see that sight very often. “Ooo sorry,yes yes it’s really nice thank you bub” you finish your tea and headed to kirishima manly room.
You both settled down on the comfortable bed. Kirishima proceeded and cuddled you. Your chest was pressed on his chest and he had his chin on top of your head. Before you tried to fall back asleep he gave you a sweet kiss on the forehead.
“Rise and shine” your lovely boyfriend said in a happy and cheerful tone! You opened your eyes and saw the red haired boy smiling at you. “Morning bub I slep well thanks to you, so thank you for the help!” “No problem pebble I am glad I could help!”
You both got ready for school and stuff. Kirishima is the type of boyfriend that buys you cute gifts because he thinks it is manly and most importantly because he thinks that you would like them. So this time your gift was a 14 pound weight blanket that was a lovely grey color.
When it was the weekend he came into your room with the blanket. You let him into your room and asked “bub why do you have that blanket?” He placed it down on your bed “since you have trouble sleeping I thought that this might help pebble.” You rushed to him and gave him a hug and a sweet kiss on the lips “thank you so much Kirishima you are the best! Also I love the gift.” Then you spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other.
BONUS: Kaminari soon found out about your heavy present. He thought why not yeet that heavy ass planet to Bakugo and make a run for your lives. Being the idiot you are you said “sure why not” Let’s just say you got a very mad Bakugo with neck pain and Iida scolding you and Kaminari and of course the rest of the Bakusquad laughing their ass off.
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134340am · 2 years
hi yuna, your suga piece was so cute!! how are you doing? okay i hope <3
hello joonie!!! ☺️♥️ thank you for reading omg i’m really glad you liked it + the mention of an archaeopteryx was DEFINITELY in reference to biz prop i’m so happy you got it!!! :*) i should probably try to finish the show… lol
i’m doing okay — my mouth is still a little numb from the dentist’s last night which is a lil weird but i think it’ll go away after a while. and i just woke up so i’m a little sleepy but i’m feeling alright :-) thank u for asking!!
how bout u bub? how r u feeling ~ (happy friday btw!)
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srn-clrwtr · 4 years
(teamjacobthot) spare headcanons? 🥺 spare wolf pack autumn headcanons? 🥺 your pumpkin carving ones warmed my heart ❤️
!!! yes ! i wrote most of this during my lunch break, and TRIED to write it on my way home, but tumblr kept crashing. hopefully this is okay !!!!!
apple picking + other fun activities @ cute farm... which is most definitely inspired by a small farm around me
!!! so this little farm is very much known for their orchards !! i actually looked it up and washington produces lootttsss of apples. didn’t know that
despite this, it also has a corn maze, a tiny lil barn/petting area for people to visit their animals
they also sells various jams nd jellies! ofc, this includes a taste test center <3
kinda gross now that i think about it cause of covid but,,,, we r going back to the 2000s
it was originally emily’s idea to go, and after several months of asking (she had been asking since spring time) they finally gave in!!!
so they had to travel a tiny bit, so they made a day out of it !!! it would prolly be the first time they all left on a day trip together.
it’s a nice day too, sunny nd a little breezy... and just a tad chilly. emily brings a coat just in case.
at the lil farm, they ofc spend time trying out the various samples, which is where they split up:
emily nd sam want to go on a hay ride (i might die from cuteness) before going apple picking. they want to skip out on the corn maze, it takes too long and emily is there on a mission::: she has lots of pies to make at home
she has pies to bake. and embry also wants apple crisp.
they hold hands a lot nd talks about the future. it’s nice to be alone for once.
jake, embry, nd quil go to the corn maze. and like idiots
they choose the hardest level. and get lost. and separated. for like two hrs lol
at one point, before they get separated, jake tries to scare quil... he ends up jumping out at a small child.
he’s embarrassed embarrassed, and obviously panics. he gets cussed out by an angry mom. quil and embry refuse to let him live it down
seth nd leah go to the barn first to visit lil animal friends :( seth tries SO HARD to make friends with the chickens but faILS. he gets pecked a lot.
he gives up and goes to pet nd feed the goats. they’re a little nicer, even if they do push for food.
i have this feeling that cats gravitate towards leah
so a cranky barn cat most definitely comes to say hi as she watches her brother have fun... plus she’s warm, so it jus, sleeps on her?? she falls in love.
soon several more come. she is now a cat mommy. temporarily.
paul nd jared linger back to keep eating food samples. they eventually get kicked out HAHAH
paul goes to meet up with leah nd seth !!
he actually succeeds in befriending the chickens
seth is jealous
jared goes to the corn maze :)
he eventually runs into embry !! where they try to make it out of the maze....
it takes a bit tbh. even with their two heads put together.
but jared starts better than the other three did
after a v v v long time
anyway so they finally all make it to the end, jake nd quil waiting patiently.
they go off to find sam and em!! both of which are carrying large bags of apples. sam has two :)
it’s sam’s job to go find the other bubs, so he lets the others carry his apples to the car. they’re honestly all a little sleepy and they all wanna go home...
sam finds leah passed tf out with several cats surrounding her, with seth and paul close by.... both have chickens in their laps.
paul has taught seth the way ;-; they converse quietly together
UGH i’m actually sO sad :(( i wish we were able to see their friendships like this
clearwater x lahote friendship is unmatched
i can go on a whole tangent about that
i digress
seth noticies sam first !!!! so he waves nd is the first to wake leah up
she doesn’t say anything,,, sleepy ofc... just wordlessly nods her head nd starts to walk towards the cars
and they go home, happy
i refuse to let sm ruin cute pack dynamics to favor the cullens anymore
this was so fun to write! and honestly was on my mind most of the day. feel free to add on too, my brain is only capable of articulating so much information
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girlgrouptrash101 · 4 years
Dating Poly!DoDaeng
Request: “Hi can you make a Yoojung & Doyeon(Weki Meki) Poly Dating? Thx”
A/N: this is my favourite ship of ALL time bye
- C
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Get ready for the #1 Tol and Smol girls
seriously Yoojung and Doyeon really are the most loving and bestest girls aroundld like you couldn't be LUCKIER
CEOs of tiktok like y'all be going viral every other day of the week
which often involves learning new tiktok dances until like 3am in the morning but god damn it's worth it for your girls
Yoojung really being the greasiest out of all three of you and making you and Doyeon 'cringe'
though we all really know you two are just whipped for every little thing that she does
not only are they the best girlfriends, but you guys are best friends as well!!
you always have SO much fun together like there is never a single minute of boredom in the relationship, it's simply not allowed
which also means your dates end up being chaotic asf like who even KNOWS where you'll end up
however when you don't feel like going off the rails and being the crazy trio you usually are, staying at home and cuddling is also an amazing way to spend the day
especially when Doyeon goes in the middle and you and Yoojung cuddle into her, it really couldn't make you feel more protected and loved
and then Doyeon gets to give you two as many forehead kisses as she wants,,, which is usually a whole whole whole LOT
Yoojung loves to be held or holding either of you, she seriously cannot go 5 minutes without some form of contact with you and Doyeon
like she will hold your hand for HOURS don't even try her because she will take on that dare
100% THAT couple that matches your outfits, phone cases n y'all even got matching socks for sure
as well as sharing clothes, nothing comfier that being all wrapped up in your girlfriend's hoodie let me tell you THAT
n when Yoojung steals one of Doyeon's hoodies and Doyeon is like "Did anyone see that hoodie of mine???"
and Yoojung is standing there in a hoodie that goes down to her ankles and she's like "mmm nope sorry!!"
Doyeon and Yoojung always reach you weki mekis choreographies, especially when you come to keep them company in the practice room when they've been stuck in there practicing for a while
which also means the rest of Weki Meki end up being your great friends too
you always get invited to performances and special stages, and it's so amazing being able to see the two girls you're in love with fulfil their dreams of being performers :')))
Karaoke dates for SURE BRO
Yoojung be like let me just SCREECH into this mic for a hot minute while you and Doyeon end up rolling on the floor laughing from your girlfriend's antics
you usually end up staying there until you get kicked out, either for being way too loud or for literally staying there till the early hours of the morning like guys.... let the poor employees go hOme f 😔😔😔
Doyeon loves to take you and Yoojung shopping because she can pick out so many outfits for you two to try on that you wouldn't wear usually
the shop often ends up becoming a runway, all three of you strutting your stuff up and down the aisles in the most ridiculous of outfits
Doyeon also refuses to walk ANYWHERE unless her arms are wrapped around both yours and Yoojung's shoulders
not only does it make her go uwuwuwu to have her babies tucked into her side, it also assures her that you're both safe n sound :D
both of them would probably get jealous quite easily, but at the end of the day it would be more playful than anything
plus all you gotta do to put their minds at ease is give them all the kisses they could wish for uwu
speaking of kisses, Doyeon is definitely the one who acts shy about it, but then grabs either you or Yoojung and just kisses you like there's no tomorrow
and you and Yoojung are like.... why are you so good at that do it AGAIN
Yoojung is definitely the CEO of neck kisses (mainly because it's the only place she can reach bye JDSJS)
Scrapbooking dates!!!
sounds cheesy asf but it's so adorable, you guys take Polaroids wherever you go and keep a scrapbook with all the pictures in it
n you love to write little notes and details about that day and what happened so you guys can look back and remember all the amazing times you've spent together
like that time Yoojung took you and Doyeon to an amusement park on a date but then got too scared to ride any of the rides herself
but you just won her a big teddy bear from one of the claw machines and she was a happy little bub once again 🤩
And those days when Doyeon whips out her leather jacket and you and Yoojung are just DROOLING LIKE SHE IS SO HOT HOW-
Yoojung would 100% be the hopeless romantic out of the 3 of you, not going 10 minutes without confessing her love to either of you
10/10 the most loving and secure relationship, and the three of you truly have the closest bond that nothing will ever break 😔🥺♥️
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NSFW From Here:
Yoojung the CEO of foreplay let's be real here
she will tease you and Doyeon until one of you is just like 'fuck it' and drags the other two to the bedroom
well... Doyeon certainly wouldn't be limited to the bedroom, she will take you and Yoojung wherever she feels like it
Yoojung loves being choked for sure
and Doyeon loves choking,,, the perfect match mayhaps
Yoojung absolutely loves sending nudes to you two when you least expect it as well, always wanting to catch you off guard and rile you up to no end
you best believe Doyeon saves every single one of yours and Yoojung's nudes, just a lil something to help when she's away from you guys and misses you ;)
Doyeon absolutely LOVES watching you and Yoojung put on a show for her, it actually drives her insane
until she's finally had enough and needs to make you two feel good herself
Yoojung is 100% so into experimenting with different things, like blindfolds, sensory play, wax play like anything she can try she will
and somehow, even though Yoojung is the one who loves marking you and Doyeon up, she always ends up being the one with the most marks on her
you cannot deny Doyeon has such big dick energy... which equals big strap energy iykyk
Shower sex is an absolute MUST in this relationship like when they both come back worn out and sweaty from practice it's their favourite way to wind down for the evening ;)
like when you were apartment shopping together for the first time the main thing that you guys wanted was a big ass shower to get freaky in... but that's your business honey
aftercare usually consists of Yoojung passing tf out and needing to be tucked into bed n you and Doyeon snuggling up beside her until you all fall asleep uwu
but you best believe that when you wake up the morning... that's just time for another round because Doyeon LOVES morning sex
because it's sleepy n soft n lil whines and you guys just being so close and intimate 🥺
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cotccotc · 3 years
my dearest, dearest v who is anything but irrelevant ! i hope my random questions and idol pic exchange can provide some measure of comfort <33
i present to you a quirky combo of people: chan, jeongin and jisung !!
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they’re all polaroid aesthetics, so pov: they’ve come for a chaotic games night at your place and decided to mess around with your polaroid camera after being eliminated from an intense (and highly competitive) round of mario kart. you pretended to be mad at them for using up your film (film is super expensive so i would be— but also not bc they’re skz) but end up pinning those photos on your polaroid wall because they’re cute.
and my random question, imagine... skz as p&r characters, who would be who?
i hope this serves as a bit of a comfort !!
— your twinkie bub <3
hellooo 🥺 i would try to debate u on that but i’m too sleepy so u win <3 and thank u bub 🥺 i love u 💞
GAHHH cuties 🥺🥺 and i love that description !!!!!!!! oml i might have to make that into a moodboard ... skdjd and yes it would be Very hard to be mad at such cuties 🥺🥺🥺
i present to thee: skz being in love with each other sjdj
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they’re so cute & soft & fluffy !!!!!!! look at the way chan looks at felix i could cry-
minho: april ludgate. no further elaboration necessary.
changbin: ron swanson. seems very intimidating and all but underneath u can tell he’s just a big teddy bear :) except obviously changbin is much less intense and guarded jsjd
hyunjin: i have literally no clue help-
jisung: tom haverford. incredibly hilarious, sometimes without even trying to be !!!!
jisung: tom haverford. incredibly hilarious, sometimes without even trying to be !!!!
felix: leslie knope. always wants to help whoever might need it & brings an optimistic perspective to things !!
seungmin: ben wyatt. serious and sarcastic at times, but is also a total cutie with a lot of love hehe
jeongin: donna meagle. very confident & cool, with a lil bit of sass !!!!
omg pls tell me ur thoughts too !!!!!!!
— ur victorian twinkie fwen whose mind makes no sense <3333
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nc7dr3am · 3 years
“hello my loves!! let’s chat~~”
TAGLIST (lmk if u wanna join! it’s for all of my lily verse content, even the other oc blogs): @aqueenieme​ @moonbeamsung​​ @atinygracie @jinsoulorbitzen12​ @btshook
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“how are you tonight? could we have a tmi?”
i am very sleepy. i’ll be going to bed soon, actually.. for the tmi... i’ve had three coffees today
“lily!! read any good books lately?”
YES!! i am reading ‘to live’ by yu hua and it’s very .. thought-provoking, i suppose. i’m reading it in chinese, as well, to practice. mila and evie help me occasionally if i need it. please read it!!
“nct siren!!! i’m so excited- can you tell us about hyeyoung and evie?”
i’m excited too~~!! hyeyoungie unnie is very talented at dance and singing. she is a kind and caring unnie, and she calls me her baby. she is one of my very best friends, and i rely on her a lot. evie is also extremely talented, and her voice is very unique. she is a really cool unnie and plays with me a lot. she is also one of my best friends. i love them so much🥺
i know you all will love them- support them, okay? they deserves the world.
“how is the dorm these days? honey and mr. darcy are PRECIOUS... but isn’t jeno allergic?”
yes, jeno is allergic, but you all know that won’t stop him from cuddling them .. dummie. but at least mr. darcy is hypoallergenic! honey sheds quite a bit, though .. also, i’ve actually recently moved out of the dream dorms
LMAOO I NEEDED THIS BABE HAH jimin na is too much of a lil wimp for the streets. but! i live with my nct siren members now! i love it!! it was hard to say goodbye to my dreamies, but i literally see them constantly anyway
“have you been resting enough? i love your solo and your promotions but i hope you’re eating and sleeping well :((“
thank you for caring, babe!! don’t worry though, i’m okay. i appreciate your kindness more than you know.
“lily babe what smells do you associate with the dreamies? and siren?”
*answered on ten different instagram story posts, one for each member*
oh my god there’s so many of them .. mila is definitely oranges and green tea. she uses green tea lotion, but the smells just remind me of her as a person since this is what we’re basing it on
i know we’re not really doing LITERAL scents, but hyeyoung unnie uses this givenchy perfume, l’interdit. it smells floral, but with spice. she reminds me of clean laundry and roses.
evie unnie is like paint. she’s an artist, so when i smell paint, i think of her. and champagne!! floral scents remind me of her as well, but bright floral scents, not the soft ones like hyeyoung. and rain. mixed bag
jaemin oppa reminds me of clean but slightly floral smells. i think if i had to pick a smell for him, it’d be this one aloe and rose toning spray i have. lavender is also a good one for him. calming smells
jeno oppa is like a soap? yknow just the regular body soap with no added scent? it still smells good and it’s just nice and familiar. also, like when something is baking in the oven on an early morning.
fullsun is like if you’re walking somewhere nice and catch a scent of some nearby flowers and freshy cut grass. the way summer days smelled when i was a child. i also would choose honeysuckle for him
renjun oppa is like a forest? he also reminds me of the smell of books, or paper. i’d also pick a beach, but on a cloudy day and there aren’t many people around and the air. he’s like nature
jisung reminds me of the summer nights smell where you have a bonfire. do you all know what i mean? i dunno, it just fits him! and he’s like a nice fresh smell. maybe like when the air smells colder.
chenle reminds me of a pool and i don’t know how to explain that. on another note, mint. he always has a bit of a minty smell in person, too, so that’s probably why. also cologne because he has a lot of it
mark oppa really reminds me of just... that comfortable home smell? and candles? i think amber and cashmere too... those warm, comfy scents. laundry and clean hair. nice smells. he doesn’t wear cologne btw but he always smells nice
“if you can’t talk right now and are doing hot girl shit, what are you doing?”
deadass just rewatching the twilight saga
“should i get a sugar daddy”
i feel like i will get in trouble for answering this
“me love you long tim”
who’s long tim
“do you also still use l’interdit for your perfume?”
OKAY so i use it every now and then!! it’s hyeyoung’s signature smell, and i liked it so sometimes i switch it up and use that. my regular perfume is amazing grace bu philosophy. i’ve used it every day for years
“do you watch crack videos? ily”
ily too!! +yes and i ENJOY THEM it’s very much my sense of humor. johnny irritated me when he only laughed a little. i also watch edits you all make of me >:) i see a lot of czennies posts.
and yes that should scare you
“do the kitties get along with beetle? and are there any other pets in the siren dorms?”
our pets get along pretty well. honey was very hostile at first, but she got used to mr. darcy pretty quickly and they’re best friends. the cats are indifferent to beetle but sometimes they cuddle. and there’s not anymore pets yet!! well, mila has a goldfish too- she just got him and his name is bird.
“bestie i would drink your spit”
i KNOW you didn’t think i would see/respond but i’m built different
“jimin my love what should i do if my ex is trying to get back with me? he kinda broke my heart nd cheated but i still have feelings :(”
um babe he is a FLOP for breaking your heart nd a FLOP for cheating. please don’t get back with his bum ass. idc if it’s harsh- no excuse for cheating. if you trust someone with your heart and they cheat, you know they’re not to be trusted with them again. stay strong bub- i believe in you!
“lily babe your solo was beautiful shskdhs can we expect more solo/lily-written things soon?”
okay i. cannot maybe should not say anything but uh .. LOL
“jimin may i please have your hand in marriage”
okay so i definitely scrolled your account, i definitely think you are beautiful, and i am definitely in love now. also i accidentally liked an old photo gosh i seem creepy i am so sorry
but basically she said yes
“who have you texted most recently?”
*the photo for this story is the cats*
i feel like you wanted to hear a member or one of my friends but i was texting in a group chat with me and my parents. i sent them this picture of my cats, and i also told them i miss them
“ma’am what are your favorite shows”
favorite show of all time is euphoria! i also love the end of the fucking world, joe pera talks with you, the office, seinfeld, i’m now very into steven universe!!!”
“cat girl?”
maid costume is better
“what did u get johnny and jisung for their birthdays!!?”
OO yes!! he loves hats a lot so i got him a balenciaga cap. he really loved it. i also made a decorated corkboard with pictures of our members having fun. i put string lights around the frame and put pretty things on it with evie’s help
johhny is hard to get presents for because he buys whatever he wants. i ended up getting him a pair of vetements slides and a bottle of wine i know he likes. 
also!! i got seulgi unnie and i matching bracelets <3
“why is no one talking about the fact that her favorite show is euphoria oh my GOD”
hhhhhh it’s literally art. the best show i have ever seen in my entire life. a few of the other members have watched it, as well, but evie is also really into it. it made hyeyoung cry the whole time.
“favorite food and song right now? i love you you’re so precious”
i love you more, darling!! food is gyoza, but i really love all dumplings right now. my favorite song at the moment is lovely day by bill withers
“STEVEN UNIVERSE OMG tag siren as the crystal gems”
OKAY hyeyoung is def pearl, shes our mom. mila is garnet, for obvious reasons. i’m steven :D
and evie is amethyst but my mind also is saying greg universe so do with that what you will
“answer 100% honestly there’s a gun to your head who is your favorite member”
“will you flirt with me queen”
no problem baby :) your recent is fine as hell i’ll be in your dm’s waiting
“are you in love”
how can i not be when i am living on the same planet as you
“girl don’t be shy send us hand pics”
“do you have any western artists you’d like to collab with?”
it’s britney, bitch
“i really hope the dating rumors with renjun didn’t but strain on your friendship :(”
okay i actually really wanna address this because a lot of y’all have been saying this stuff, but it didn’t mess up anything. we’re adults now, we’ve known each other for years, and none of us are stupid- including the other guys. we know there will be rumors about us, it’s fairly obvious, but nothing will ever change the fact that we are all best friends, and nothing more. i’m so, so grateful for all of you that were kind, and believed me us when we told the truth. renjun and i, once again, for the people in my dm’s and asks, are not, and never were, dating. our friendship is as strong as ever, babes. 
it’s time for me to goooo, i’m sleepy! goodnight, petals! see you soon~~
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almightyellie · 4 years
not a request just an observation: ben is 100% the type of boyfriend to care about his girl more than anything, especially when things get heated 🥺😍 always triple checking if she’s okay with what’s going on, asking if she needs a little break or like when he can see her face scrunched up in pain when she’s on his cock he reaches over for the lube!!! a REAL MAN. and he 100% has a gummy stash in his night stand and whenever he can see that she’s even remotely tired he’s like “here :)” (1/?)
(2/?) he gives u a lil gummy and then he’s checking up on her for ages after all like “u wanna sleep? or u want me to run u a bath?” and i can GUARANTEE he’ll sacrifice himself for u like after u cum and ur too sensitive and overworked to let him cum inside u he’ll clean u up first and make sure ur all good before he sorts himself out 🥺🥺🥺 he’s just such a fucking softie and he lets everything go off ur terms like if u tell him u wanna ride him he’s all up for it but then when ur legs get —>
(3/?) all achey and tired he’s like “cmon love lie down, let me fuck you” and sometimes if ur throat is all sore after u sucked his dick he’ll make u one of those nice hot honey lemon drink things 🥺 n after he’s gone realllllly rough on u he gives u a back massage and puts ur favourite playlist on and gives u so many kissies 🥺🥺 and if u ever ask him not to leave hickies he’s all 😔😔😔😔😔 but sticks to purely kissies. fuck it i’m YEARNING
oh. BITCH.....you have absolutely no right to make me so soft. we know that i think ben is the softest bub in the WORLD but this made me a c h e. he would be so perceptive and always making sure that you’re having a good time above all else. further, i think even just in everyday life he's always trying to just be a good boyfriend for you? like he’s one of those guys that would wear a hair tie around his wrist for his girl if she needed them. or he always keeps a blanket in his car bc he knows car rides make you sleepy and he keeps tylenol in his center console just in case you have a headache or something and he keeps snacks in his glove box for you. hnnnng i want ben to be my BOYFRIEND
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kuroosweakness · 3 years
Thoughts and junk of 🐾 anon
Im hungry😔
Why does PE exist? Like I get exercising but literally why you can do it any other time
Oof hungry be gone
I have a headache kinda
Ohedo~Julia~Nighto~! ^^
Your Heat is like an amazing vocaloid song and maybe I might kin it..
Ok but Nibasa Core by plasterbrain just might be my theme song
Noooooo my period started earllyyyyy😭😭
*rolling girl casually plays in my head*
Im kinda tiredddddddd
It’s been some time since I’ve drawn anything really wow
I’m allergic to dogs and cats but I want a dog so bad
Maybe I’ll stop feeling so lonely then:(
It’s not that I don’t have anyone, I have friends I talk too and am surrounded by all my family and have a health relationship with all of them
:p I’m sleepy a lil bit but I’m in school so can’t sleep
Being a girl is painful but I don’t wanna be a guy either😔
Pencils pencils pencils
Speaking of pencils, I used to pick up mechanical pencils laying around in school and draw with them bc I prefer mechanical over normal number 2 pencils
Why are they called number 2 pencils?
Ohhhhh that’s why that makes so much more sense nowwwww
I had a dream that I lost my hearing and that was scary
I also had a couple dream where anime characters I simp for appeared AND OMG WHEN KUROO WAS THERE AAAAAAAAAAKDKSKFKSKDK
*^* I love him am </3
My friends and family are tired of me constantly talking about every anime character I fall in love with💔😭😭
Why did my grapes taste spicy?
Gin ibushi is Bb I love him sm💙💙
Maybe I’ll change my pfp to gin next
Akfkskdk more coming soon💙✨
ahhh hii!! 
i hope u eat some food really really soon <3 
IKR pe is .... yikes. i mean, pe holds good intentions and it’s quite fun sometimes, but most of my memories tied in with pe are quite ... bad :’ 
i especially didn’t like the partner runs or team games because sometimes i didn’t have any to be with. i’m also not on the very athletic side so whenever i hear that we’re running- *sighs* 
ohhh finding friends through zoom is quite hard. especially because there aren’t many opportunities to interact. the right friend will come along :))
it’s been so draining/tiring these days :’ 
draw something! anything!! :)) i’ll draw with you! 
my period’s supposed to be here but ... it’s not lmao. i just sure hope it doesn’t pop up out of nowhere 
:(( i’m sorry to hear about your allergy. we’re on the boat of wanting a dog :’ maybe a plushie can help? i’ve been clinging onto my plush bear.  i’ve heard that there are some dogs who are hypoallergenic :) 
:( i can’t say i understand how you feel, because i’m not you, but feel free to talk to me at any time! i know i reply quite late...i’m trying to get better and better :’) 
ahhh feeling sleepy during school is an all-the-time thing for me 
RIGHT! being a girl is really really hard ... but to be a guy? lmao no thanks. there’s nothing wrong with being a guy of course, i just can’t imagine being one. 
nice to hear that we both prefer mechanical pencils :) i have no idea...is there a number one pencil? or a number three? 
omg that sounds like a terrifying dream 
kuroo 🥺!! 
lmaooo i posted on my close friends story about how i made a presentation for kuroo and yeah, they’re tired of it by now 
grapes...spicy? uh oh 
you made a friend??? :)))) that’s awesome to hear!! tell me about ‘em! :D i can’t imagine how hard it must’ve been and i’m happy for you 🥺
i’ll be waiting for the more to come :) in the meantime, take care bubs! <3 
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