heartnosekid · 1 year
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the red-spotted purple (limenitis arthemis astyanax) | source
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gnomeonamelon · 1 month
It's kind of incredible that they've never interacted.
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I'm only halfway through The Tyrants Tomb so there's still time but I doubt they will have a half brother bonding moment.
For the sake of reference, Lester is 17 here (and so is Dionysos' mortal form here).
Both of their punishments are the same here, where Zeus strips them of their power and memories, turns them into mortal children, and drops them off somewhere. Their abilities and awareness shift over time and they can only regain their divine forms after completing a great task worthy of Zeus' notice.
Lester was cast out after the Giant War in 2012 due to his interfering with the quest. He existed for 8 years and regained his memories in 2020 (due to mysterious divine intervention).
On with the designs:
I figured his design would be based off of a crow for the sake of being a joke amongst the Olympians (those in favor of his banishment at least) since they are seen as the less beautiful and elegant cousin of the raven, a sacred bird to Apollo and a reminder of his misdeeds.
There's not much to say here since it's just a normal kid in normal clothes. I'd imagine he'd gain more accessories and color as his story went on to represent his growth.
Dionysos (I need a name for this kid):
His design is inspired by an African Leopard for fairly obvious reasons. While his design is 17 here, it is probably a blend of many periods of his mortal life. He is dressed for either a rave or Pride, his color scheme inspired by the color of wine and ivy leaves.
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coolbugs · 1 year
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Bug of the Day
There was, I swear, a 5-minute break in the weather today where the sun came out, so I ran outside with the doggos (who are not fans of rain) and was surprised to see this new visitor to the back yard: Limenitis arthemis astyanax - the Red-spotted Purple. It was actually still raining even though the sun was out, I suppose this butterfly was as confused as I was...:-)
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herpsandbirds · 1 year
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Red-Spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax), family Nymphalidae, Providence Forge, Virginia
photograph by Enchanting Butterflies
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ixix82 · 4 months
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The red-spotted purple, Limenitis arthemis astyanax (Fabricius) is considered a Batesian mimic of the poisonous pipe vine swallowtail
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podartists · 1 year
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Limenitis reducta | Les Papillons dans la Nature (1934) | Paul-André Robert (1901-1977)
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otus-scops · 1 year
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Limenitis reducta / Le Sylvain Azuré.
Sud de l'Ardèche, France.
26 mai 2023.
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zef-zef · 10 months
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Genocide Organ live @ Limen Festival, Plan B, Moscow, 06.04.2013
source: flickr 📸: Victoria Vorontsova
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@philoursmars submitted: A Marseille, par un été très chaud, le noir et le blanc de ce beau papillon (un Sylvain azuré ?) dans le vert des feuilles.
Very beautiful! Looks like an admiral (Limenitis sp., maybe Limenitis reducta?)!
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twig-tea · 11 months
Liminality in Last Twilight
Here are the two main definitions of liminal:
of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold [or limen]: barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response
of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition : IN-BETWEEN, TRANSITIONAL
(the above phrasing from mirriam-webster).
Hopefully y'all are already picking up what I'm putting down; this show is all about that liminal space both these characters are in when they meet, and the limen of Day's vision is a major moment already highlighted in the trailers. I thought it would be useful to track those moments of liminality and see if they have significance/if this lens adds to my understanding of the show. After EP 1, I'm pretty confident this is intentional and adding value to at least my watch, so I'm committing!
Incidences of liminality in Last Twilight EP 1
Start of the series is Day waiting for his game to start; that liminal space right before the game begins
Similarly the first time we see Mhok is on that trolley thing under the car; a tool used to move from one space to another
Mhok is placing sequential bets, living in that liminal space before the game ends and money is owed
The uncertainty around Day's health in the game; where he can't tell what's happening, and is transitioning from playing the game to unwell and needing to leave
The first instance of limen represented to the audience via blurry camera, when Day looks up at the lights
Porjai unable to get out the words to Mhok about what happened to Rung, and the extended liminal space of not knowing what happened to his sister
The liminal space of having been locked up and now free but still not free from having a record
Also just undergoing any job search especially while unemployed is liminal space
Day trying to get a caretaker/adjust to his new life
20% vision: a defined limen for Day's sight
The car in the garage waiting to be paid for; refusing Mhok's decision and extending it for another 6 months
Day and Mhok meeting for a second time in the elevator (a liminal space)
Day waiting for a cornea transplant, with an unknown amount of time before it will happen (if it happens at all)
Day and Mhok meeting for the third time in another liminal space, this time the middle of the street
Another instance of limen represented to the audience using blur, this time of the street and of Mhok's face (thank you to @pondphuwin for your post that made me go back to notice this)
Again, when Day offers Mhok the job, Mhok makes a firm decision and is to told to think about it more--he keeps getting thrust back into liminal space
In Mhok's flashbacks, he thinks back to moments of liminality: the car, the job hunt, and then being told not to let opportunities pass him by
Tagging the ol' ephemerality squad as well as folks I've seen post about this show or who I've spoken with about this show so far, because I want other thoughts on this, but no pressure. I won't tag anyone who doesn't engage with this idea in any future posts unless you ask, and I won't mind!
@chickenstrangers , @clara-maybe-ontheroad , @colourme-feral , @distant-screaming , @lurkingshan , @neuroticbookworm , @rocketturtle4 , @slayerkitty , @thatgirl4815 , @ranchthoughts @waitmyturtles , @wen-kexing-apologist, @bengiyo, @heretherebedork, @respectthepetty, @my-rose-tinted-glasses
Whether or not you want to follow along, I would love help noticing the visual instances of liminality because I tend to not process visual changes well and it means I don't clock a lot of visual things. So please tag me in anything like that, even if you don't want to be tagged!
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heartnosekid · 11 months
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briarwitchcreations on ig
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gnomeonamelon · 2 months
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Hello! I wanted to post some designs for my versions of the PJO trio! For the sake of reference: Annabeth and Percy (in that order) are 19 and Grover is 32/16.
These designs are meant to be a fusion of their TLO and their HoO designs (Percy and Annabeth both have their new weapons but old hair and Grover's missing his Lord decor)
ANs Below! (idk if you need a spoiler warning if you're here but abandon all hope, ye who enter for there are secrets abound)
All of their colors were taken from their animal inspiration of choice (hence why everyone has a different shade of orange). The only one that had an added color was Percy because Skyrian horses don't have a shade of blue in them (despite their names)
Since I'm already talking about Percy, given that everyone in a mile radius seems to have a crush on this teenage boy/ young man, he ends up being a bit of a badboy heartthrob (at least in appearance).
In this universe, Hera severs the connection between Percy and Riptide, causing her to not be able to return to Percy's pocket (and she can bond with a new wielder, but we'll come back to that). When he joins The Legion, they cut his hair significantly, brand him, and he eventually gains an imperial gold spatha (a massive Roman sword typically used by cavalry/ on horseback)
He and Annabeth keep the streaks of white they gained in The Titans Curse >:(. Percy also gains a new scar from Luke/ Kronos (mirroring his own).
It was mentioned in The Hammer of Thor that Annabeth was noticeably growing her hair out which makes me think it was originally much shorter.
Since Athena is a virgin goddess and a goddess of the arts, I imagine that she and her siblings were sculpted in Athena's and their mortal parents' images and brought to life Galatea style as a gift to her favored. Annabeth was probably originally made of marble before being brought to life.
Annabeth originally wields the xiphos/ dagger Luke gave her and makes up for her lack of brute strength and speed with sneakiness (invisibility). Percy would teach her to use a sword and, when he goes missing and is presumed dead by the general Greek public, she wields Riptide (a makhaira), taking advantage of her hard-won skill and brutality, no longer hiding behind her cap.
All of his shapes are so round <3 Beloved <3 His pose came out a little strange, but the ideas are all there.
He's considered part of the staff, being paid by the camp to be a Searcher for them (he uses his pay to fund his search for Pan when he's not looking for demigods).
His skirt mirrors the length of a male Greek chiton and he is both more comfortable in mortal clothing than other satyrs and pants are not suited for his leg shape (also just a little wink and nod at Zoe saying Grover's not a boy in TTC). He also loses the Rosta cap just after Battle of The Labyrinth as those horns will not fit bestie.
After becoming Lord of the Wild, Grover wears leaves and flowers in his hair and horns (there's definitely some juniper in there) as well as probably gaining a new outfit or potentially loosing clothes entirely.
Their Ages:
I decided that the reason all the campers are roughly the same age is because their powers develop roughly in line with Erik Erikson's Stages of Development. The gain power boosts at roughly 2, 6, 11, 18, 25, and 65 (if they live that long).
Grover found Percy when he was 11 but didn't bring him to camp until he was actually attacked by a monster when he was 13 (almost 14).
I decided to add a normal summer where there are no quests, and the Trio can just train in between TLT and SoM.
The Prophecy has been changed to 18 (when the Big Three demigod becomes an adult psychosocially).
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oliviarosaline · 7 months
Red-spotted Purple Butterfly
Limenitis arthemis astyanax
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As an evolutionary defense mechanism against predators, this nonpoisonous species mimics the poisonous pipevine swallowtail butterfly in appearance, with which it usually shares the same geographical area. It is a great example of batesian mimicry.
Aug. 14th, 2023
St. Louis County, Missouri, USA
Olivia R. Myers
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miseria-fortes-viros · 10 months
bestie what shape are limes where you come from
help my beloved tumblr mutuals are bullying me for my poor fruit identification skills :((
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Viceroy Limenitis archippus Nymphalidae Family
Photograph taken on September 15, 2024, at Kerncliff Park, Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
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raw-wild · 2 months
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Lorquin’s Admiral | Draginous
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