#limestone & sulfur
fromthedust · 2 months
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Omphaloskepsi — contemplate these navels: including carved limestone (1), fired ceramic (2), modeled clay (1), 19th century carved marble (1), cast bronze w light liver of sulfur patina (1), cast bronze with verdigris patina (1), cast bronze from ancient Rome (2), life-cast plaster (1), an anorexic (1) and seventeen others.
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Results from the #paleostream! Turnersuchus, Batrachognathus, Platyhystrix and Kundurosaurus. Some details might confuse you here. I explain below.
The Batrachognathus here are flying around a curious structure, a "Steinerne Rinne", a rare occurrence in which small, calciumhydrogencarbonat rich creeks over time turn into natural aqueducts because of moss and algae taking the Co2 out of the water. Limestone comes out and encrusts the moss.
Platyhystrix is not only shown with an osteoderm-only-sail but also producing spermatophores. Some modern day salamanders do this after a mating dance instead of the usual watery copulation.
The last scene shows a Kundurosaurus unsure about the situation it is in. It has it's nest next to a blue lava stream. Blue lava is created by high concentrations of burning sulfur on the surface.
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topazadine · 10 days
Writing Research Notes: Caves
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Caves! Caves, my beloved.
Humans have been using caves for thousands of years: as shelter, storage, ritual spaces (including human sacrifice), passage networks, and, of course, as fun places to explore!
This is a quick and simple guide for people who may want to include caves in their stories but don't know much about them. If you are a speleologist or experienced caver, you won't get much utility out of this.
It's also more focused on plotting and story ideas than super detailed research; for that, you should head to the National Speleological Society, the National Cave & Karst Research Institute, or the National Parks Service. Think of this as a lil overview to get you thinking.
Okay, okay, not so little. I love caves and want to talk about them, ok?
Types of Caves
There are actually numerous different types of caves that can be found all over the world; some are enormously deep, like Veryovkina Cave, and some are enormously long, like Mammoth Cave! It all depends on what rock they are made from and how that specific rock interacts with water (usually).
Why do you need to know what kind of cave it is if you're writing a silly little story? It can help you figure out what it will look like and what people might be facing in there.
Solution Caves
the most common type of cave; it's likely what you think about when you think of a cave. Mammoth Cave is one of the most delightful examples. Look at that flowstone! Oh BABY
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These are formed by chemical reactions between water and soft rock species, like limestone or gypsum. These are the ones where you'll most likely find big beautiful cave formations, including the well-known stalagmites and stalagtites.
Special mention: weird solution caves! Carlsbad Caverns is a super special and bestest-boy cave because, unlike most solution caves, it was formed from below, not above. See, your run-of-the-mill solution cave is formed by the reaction between water and rock, which creates a weak carbonic acid that eats away at the rock.
Carlsbad was formed by sulfuric acid from sulfide-rich groundwater mixing with limestone. However, most of the gorgeous structures you see in the cave were formed in the usual way: carbonic acid + limestone.
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Carlsbad my angel wait for me I'm coming next year probably
Fracture Caves
An uncommon type of cave which is formed from one layer of softer rock, like gypsum or limestone, being weakened from water solution. Heavier, harder rock layers above then collapse in and form a cave. Seneca Caverns in Seneca, Ohio, (not to be confused with Seneca Caverns in West Virginia, a solution cave) is an example of this.
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Because these particular types of caves are not formed by solution, they tend not to have a lot of cave formations; there just isn't a lot of water percolating from above. They look more like a big jumble. Lots of weird crawls, sharp points where you might hit your head, and confusing passages. Think about heading into a rock pile.
There are also some fracture caves, like Wonder Cave in Texas, which are made by ancient earthquakes.
Lava Tubes
As one would expect, these are found in volcanic regions, like the Pacific Rim of Fire. They're made when volcanic eruptions start to eat through the rock below, forming tunnels. Sometimes, pressure from the top will cause skylights, which unfortunate people may fall into and get stuck.
Hawaii has a lot of neat examples, but did you know there are lava tubes underneath the famous Aokigahara Forest in Japan? It's true!! Narusawa Ice Cave is, wildly enough, covered in giant icicles. To go from boiling lava to ice ... fascinating. Nearby Fugaku Wind Cave (deceptively named but I'll explain that in a minute) is also super cool. Literally.
These caves are often even darker than a normal cave because of the volcanic rock. The rocks will also be pumice-like and skritchy.
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Eolian Caves
This is why Fugaku Wind Cave is deceptively named - there are actually some caves that are formed by wind (Aeolus was the name of the Greek God of wind).
This is common in deserts, where large sandstone cliffs will be scoured by wind for centuries or millennia at a time and begin to erode. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado has Native American villages built inside the shelter of an eolian cave.
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As one might expect, these are (comparatively) shallower; there won't be a ton of weird passages to explore. Good if you just need to shelter your character for a night.
Sea Caves (Littoral Caves)
These caves are found on coastlines (or ancient coastlines, in the case of some Norweigan caves) and are formed by, of course, sea waves crashing against the cliffs.
Sea caves are generally pretty shallow; they won't be extensive like a solution cave. However, they can be super neat depending on the specific rocks that have been washed away, which may break in very neat patterns.
Fingal's Cave in Scotland is a particularly awesome example, as it was formed by ancient lava that created basalt columns. The current cave was then created by waves crashing against the basalt columns, smashing them open.
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Glacier Caves
Does what it says on the tin. These are caves that are formed within glaciers due to natural heating and cooling over centuries. They are not ice caves, which are, quite obviously, caves that have ice in them. Rather, they are made of ice.
You get these mostly near the North and South Pole of course. They are incredibly dangerous and unstable, meaning that you really, really shouldn't screw around with them if you don't know what you're doing.
Kverkfjoll Ice Caves (again, deceptively named) are one of the most well-known examples, but sadly, they're starting to erode due to climate change, and soon enough will probably be gone.
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Assorted Bonus Classifications for Caves
These are the geological processes that form most caves, but there are also terms you'll hear related to caves that are mostly to do with the conditions for humans.
Show Cave
Most of the well-known caves (and the ones you'll go into as an average person) are show caves. Generally, show caves will have railings, lights, and emergency procedures, such as if someone falls and hits their head and has to be evacuated.
These are usually pretty safe for a jaunt, especially if they are run by a responsible company or a parks service. The National Caves Association is a non-profit association that organizes private show cave owners, promotes conservation, and encourages the safe enjoyment of caves. If you're outside the US, you'll want to look for the International Show Caves Association.
Wild Cave
These are caves that, for whatever reason, have not been made open to the public. Sometimes they are too dangerous, or the property owner doesn't want people traipsing on their land, or they're in a really inaccessible place.
They will often have locked gates to keep trespassers out; you may have to apply for the key or be a member of an organization (likely the National Speleological Society).
You should never, ever go into a wild cave without permission and the proper training. They are closed off for a reason: there may be massive drop-offs with no railings, or extremely tight squeezes where you might get stuck, or the ground may be unstable. If you find a cave in the wild, leave it alone.
Wet Cave
A cave with pools in it. Sometimes you might have to dive down to get to the next part of the cave, or it may just be some puddles. You'll get icky and dirty here. Generally these are ones that have both dry land and underwater elements.
A cave might not really be considered a wet cave if there's just a pool at the bottom of it, like the aforementioned Seneca Caverns. Generally it's more about whether you, in general, are going to get wet.
Ice Cave
Just one that has some ice in it. Not the same as a glacier cave, though many confuse them.
Underwater Cave
Have you noticed a theme? Cavers are pretty straightforward people. It's an underwater cave, probably a solution cave.
Caving Equipment
Ohhh you want to send your little guys into a cave! What are they going to need? It depends on the type of cave, but in the most basicest of basic sense, every caver needs this:
Helmet. Many cavers use ski helmets because they're fur-lined, good for chilly-ass caves. They are also very hard.
Kneepads. Cavers are cheapskates and will use skater or gardener kneepads. May also use elbow pads depending on how much crawling they expect to do.
Gloves. It's cold! And you don't want to scratch yourself up. Choose something with good grip, like gardening gloves or those light flexible work gloves.
Warm waterproof jacket. Expect to layer up with a comfortable long-sleeved shirt underneath. Breathable is good.
Jeans or other heavy fabric pants. They should go all the way to your ankles! Not shorts! You're going to get dirty in a wild cave btw. Most people will keep an extra change of clothes in their car or whatever they used to come in so that they don't gunk up their house.
Thick hiking socks. Again, caves are cold. Preferably made of wool.
Hiking boots. Or at least closed-toed shoes with a good tread. If you go into a cave in sandals so help me god ....
Three sources of light. Some will say you just need two, but one ain't enough. You need a backup. Many will put a headlamp on their helmet to keep their hands free, then have two handheld flashlights just in case.
Dry bag. For your snacks and such. Those kinds you use on boats are good because your stuff stays nice and safe if you drop it in a pool.
Snacks and water. Just remember to bring it all out with you! Don't leave anything in a cave that isn't meant to be there, ok?
Cell phone. You probably won't get service in the cave, but if someone gets hurt, you need to be able to get to cell service as soon as possible. Some Serious Cavers bring satellite phones.
Emergency kit. At least one person in your group should have an emergency kit and be familiar with first aid.
In general, any gear that is not made of metal should be cheap as hell. It's going to get dirty. Wear your shitty $20 Walmart pants and that pair of hiking boots you bought of Craigslist. If you rock up to your first trip in $200 ski pants, everyone will look at you like you're insane and gently tell you to calm down.
If you're going in serious vertical caves, you'll need some of these things, too:
Climbing harness. Caving harnesses are a little different than rock climbing harnesses, though some people will use a rock climbing harness to be a cheapo. For one, they don't have as much padding; you don't need it because you're already wearing a ton of clothing, and you don't want stuff that can get wet.
Rope. Strong, hefty, waterproof rope. Cavers use a single rope technique. This is assuming there isn't already a rope there, like if you've found a brand new cave.
Cams or bolts. Depending on the type of rock it is. Cams have expandable sides that you jam into a crevice and force open. Bolts are long-term options that are drilled directly into the rock; they should be made of stainless steel so they will last for decades. You should not put a bolt in if there is already something else you can use! Respect the cave!
Descenders. If you're going down in a cave, you'll need to rappel down, and descenders help control your descent so you don't fly all the way down and die.
Ascenders. What goes down must come up! There are a variety or different ascender devices, from simple handheld ascenders for short trips up, to foot and chest ascenders for long, long slogs up a rope.
In some caves, you'll see "daisy chained" ropes that people have put big loops in for you to use as an alternative to ascenders and descenders. You just stick your foot in and work your way up like you're going up a rope ladder. Sometimes there will be an additional rope hanging nearby if you want to use an ascender.
You have to be super careful using these, because if your foot slips, you are screwed! These are usually in smaller climbs, though.
Golden Rules of Caving
These aren't all of them, but it's a start. (Again, this is a beginner guide.)
Never go alone. Go with a friend or, better yet, a local caving club! You can find a directory of them at the National Speleological Society. If you get hurt and you're all by yourself, you're screwed, my friend. And STAY TOGETHER when you're in there.
Tell somewhere where you are going. Even if you go with a group, always make sure someone on the surface knows where you will be, how long you intend to be there, and who to call (like a local caving club or Cave Rescue group) if you don't come back. Just the same as when you're going into any wilderness.
Always ask for permission before entering a wild cave. Find out who is responsible for managing the cave and make sure they know you are in there. Again, you might have to get a key or demonstrate your experience. If you go with a caving group, they generally have someone who is responsible for arranging permission and getting the proper permits.
Be adequately prepared. If at all possible, know what the cave is like before you go in, such as the temperature, whether it's super wet, if you're going to need to crawl, etc. Wear the proper clothes, bring water and snacks, and such.
Know your limits. If you're a big guy, don't go into a squeeze you might get stuck in. If you're scared of heights, stay in horizontal caves. If you're not in good shape, then get in shape! And know that no one will laugh at you if you pussy out and decide to stay back. Better safe than sorry, always.
Bring at least three lights. Bring more lights than you think you might need - and batteries just in case. Though nowadays people use rechargeable flashlights, so you'll prob want to bring a power bank, too. But while it's charging, you'll need something else to keep, so that's where the three-light rule comes in. You can also get old-timey hand crank lights, which is cool.
Respect the cave. Caves are delicate, living ecosystems, as evidenced by the recent Cheeto Incident at Carlsbad Caverns. Don't leave trash in the cave; take everything with you. That's the reason they make expandable cams: you're supposed to take them out when you leave.
Don't touch formations. The oils on your hands can easily destroy these beautiful formations that have formed over thousands of years. And it should go without saying, but don't knock them down or take any home with you. Cavers are serious about conservation and keeping these places as pristine as possible for future generations.
Stay calm. Getting panicky is how a lot of people die. If something happens, be confident and listen to any instructions you receive from the group leader. Assuming you are not the group leader. In which case, why are you reading this? You know more than me, dude.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. Cavers are wonderful people and will try their damndest to save anyone, no matter how dire. Just read this heartbreaking story from one of the cave rescuers at Nutty Putty Cave to see what I mean. They tried for like 20 hours to get him out. A lot of areas in the US that have a lot of caves will also have dedicated Cave Rescue teams with the local police or sheriff's department. Don't be stupid and think you can figure it out yourself. Call for help.
Ways People Are Injured (or Die) in Caves
Okay, the part you probably really wanted to get to. How do people die in caves? Lots of ways, but these are the most common.
Falls. Sudden unexpected shafts can appear out of nowhere, particularly in caves that are already unstable. A woman died in Virginia after falling 100 feet in a cave (whose name I can't find). This can also happen in show caves if someone is attempting to descend and they fall off a ladder.
Hypothermia. This happened to two people in Ellison's Cave: they got stuck under a waterfall and froze to death.
Positional Asphyxia. The Nutty Putty Cave incident involved positional asphyxia, as did another, earlier death in Crooked Swamp Cave in New Jersey. This mostly happens when someone gets stuck upside down in a squeeze or a restriction that they crawled into head-first. Positional asphyxia can cause heart attacks because the heart can't handle all the blood pooled in the upper body.
Drowning. Here, I'm not talking about cave diving drownings, but about people drowning after a supposedly dry cave filled up with water after an enormous rainstorm. The Mossdale Caverns incident is one of the most famous examples of this.
Gas Poisoning. This happens in lava tubes or caves near geothermal vents, where poisonous gases rise from below the surface. Six people died in a cave in Tenerife when they were overcome by volcanic gases. It's also possible for this to happen in wet caves with air pockets, because there's no air circulation and you slowly start to eat up the limited carbon dioxide with your breath.
Getting Lost. Generally this is due to one of the other factors but I want to mention it as its own thing anyway. The Veryovkina Cave incident, which some news outlets have mistakenly identified as a fall death, was actually due to a mixture of hypothermia and dehydration. Sergei Kozeev was found hanging from the main rope after 9 months of being missing because he broke pretty much every single rule of caving. He wasn't able to get back up because he did not bring the appropriate ascenders. The cave is literally over a mile deep, my guy: you need foot stirrup ascenders or a chest ascender. Little hand ascenders won't do it.
Equipment Failure. Again, this is due to things like falls, but I want to point out that going into any wild cave is risky no matter how experienced you are. Cavers have died because their cams jammed in the rock or a bolt came loose while they were on a rope.
Weirder Ways to Injure or Kill Cavers
Oh these aren't good enough? You want a better option? Fine.
Bat Rabies. Bats like caves because they are nice places to roost at night. Bats are also one of the most common vectors for rabies in the United States. Play the long game! Kill your character years later when they've completely forgotten that they were bitten by a bat!
Diseases Previously Unknown to Science. Aww, it's bats again! Marburg Virus is a virulent hemorrhagic fever similar to Ebola, and it's mostly found in bats that live in certain African caves. Come up with something new!
Bit By Some Horrible Creature. Maybe you don't want to have bats? Fine. Have your character get bit by a small little bug. Caves don't have a ton of wildlife unless they're pretty shallow, but maybe your character found some new horrible species.
Earthquake. As one would expect, caves are even more vulnerable during an earthquake situation than above ground.
Falling Stalagtite. Or anything falling on them. Maybe combine with an earthquake for a super cool Final Destination style death.
Frayed Rope. I guess this isn't that weird, but good cavers scrupulously check their ropes and aren't going to climb down something they don't trust.
Sweating to Death. While most caves are cold, some, like the Cave of Crystals, are oppressively, horrifyingly hot due to geothermal activity. Unauthorized visitors to this wondrous cave have been almost immediately overcome by the heat and humidity, dying within a few hours.
That's about it! If you have any other questions, I'll try to answer them (I love caves).
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robdoghotdog · 5 months
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which earthly material are you?
canned beverages
basic but expensive
kind of a corpse
very crunchable
many colors!
soft uwu
contains fossils
gives a lot of unwarranted 'fun' facts
hard af >:(
extremely high maintanence tho
classic, (almost) always reliable...
better off with friends than alone
juicy, voluptuous, full o' fish, etc
mmm slurp slurp
if not wet, hard or gassy
hard af actually
lots of enemies for some reason ????
good for ur diet
been thru too much
transparent, real af
forbidden crunch
dirty mfer
cough cough
versatile flavor
has started wars
extremely toxic, and flammable
life of the party tho :)
but good <3
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
This story from Anthropocene Magazine tells us how some of the obscure research projects being conducted in labs around the world can produce some boring but environmentally stunning outcomes that can be beneficial to all of us. So be careful the next time you think "nerds." Excerpt:
A common mineral present just beneath the Earth’s crust could help to negate the carbon footprint of concrete, researchers report in the journal Royal Society Open Science. The study details a way to turn the mineral olivine, which also forms the green gemstone peridot, into an alternative for cement and other construction materials. The research team has launched a startup to commercialize their patented process.
Concrete, the most widely used material in the world, is a mix of cement, water, gravel and sand. The production of cement and concrete results in about 8 percent of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions.
Most of these emissions are generated when limestone is heated at high temperatures to produce powdery cement. The emissions come from burning fossil fuels for heat, but also from the chemical reaction itself.
Some manufacturers are reducing concrete’s emissions by replacing part of the cement with waste material such as fly ash and slag or adding other recycled materials. Studies have shown that this replacement does not reduce the strength of concrete.
Civil and environmental engineers at Imperial College London turned to olivine, a magnesium silicate mineral that is found in the rocks in the Earth’s upper mantle. The mineral naturally reacts with carbon dioxide from the air and turns into magnesium carbonate. But this process works at a very slow geological timescale.
The team wanted to see if they could speed up this carbonate-forming process. They crushed olivine samples and mixed them into sulfuric acid. This separated the silica from the olivine and created magnesium sulfate. When they bubbled carbon dioxide gas through the mixture, it reacted with the sulfate to produce magnesium carbonate, resulting in the sequestration of carbon dioxide.
The silica can be used as a cement substitute in concrete to add strength. And the magnesium carbonate can be used as a binder or filler in other low-carbon construction products such as bricks, blocks and board, the team writes in the paper.
Replacing 35 percent of regular Portland cement in concrete with the silica would give carbon-neutral cement, the researchers write. Replacing more than that could would make concrete carbon negative.
Further, they add that the olivine processing is not energy intensive and could be done electrically using renewable energy.
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tanadrin · 1 year
can't climate change easily be solved with infrastructure projects like sea walls that the dutch have
with sea walls? uh. i don't think there's enough concrete to build a sea wall across every coastline on earth. and lots of places it wouldn't matter--if you're building on porous limestone, it will just seep up through that. and then you get other effects--you will note that concrete sea walls do not occur in nature, and you're going to massively alter erosion patterns and increase your vulnerability to tsunamis.
sea level rise is only one part of the concern around climate change anyway. increased desertification, rendering currently densely populated regions far less habitable, droughts and flooding resulting from shifting weather patterns, destruction of property due to wildfires, and negative impacts on food production are all going to occur to some extent or another.
if the amount of carbon in the atmosphere gets really high, the severity of these effects will not scale in a simple proportional manner to the amount of warming. carbon sinks like the amazon may cease to function, ocean currents may be altered, ocean acidification may alter marine habitats so much that specific industries like fishing are severely affected.
at a certain point it will make economic sense to bite the bullet and engage in geoengineering projects like injecting aerosols into the upper atmosphere--these projects may have negative environmental effects (like acid rain in the case of sulfur aerosols), but they will be less than the climate continuing to heat up. unfortunately these would be stopgap measures only: problems like ocean acidification aren't going to be affected at all. if co2 levels get too high human brain function starts to be affected.
there really is no long term solution for the problems caused by co2 emissions other than there being less co2 in the atmosphere. because carbon capture technology is still not very sophisticated, this means our best bet, by far, is to just not emit that co2 in the first place. personally i think good ol' nuclear power shows promise--modern technology can make it pretty darn clean and safe! even if we ultimately want to switch to other energy sources, fission is a good transitional option while we flesh out those technologies. continuing to burn coal (the stopgap a lot of anti-nuclear types seem to prefer) is not.
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tallest-tulip-poplar · 5 months
In coal burning power plants, they reduce the release of sulfur dioxide (which causes acid rain) by pumping in limestone to neutralize the chemical.
The resulting reaction produces gypsum, a mineral used for making drywall.
Just a fun fact
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wuxiaphoenix · 3 months
Isekai Frivolities
If I were ever tossed into another world, there are some things I’d want to introduce just for fun. One of those would be soda water.
What? Fizz is tasty. Bubbles help wake you up, with or without caffeine. They can help settle an unsteady stomach. They make it easier to hydrate. And the little sparks of carbonic acid on your tongue provide a refreshing hit of endorphins that really help with stress. On top of that carbonic acid is a weak but effective disinfectant. If you don’t have anything stronger, like alcohol or peroxide, it’s better than nothing.
(No, I do not advocate using soda for wound treatment. Adding a dilute sugar solution to potential bacteria is a Bad Idea. Now, club soda; no sugar, just minerals and bubbly water? That might help.)
Soda water’s actually one of the things I could imagine making off the top of my head if I were dumped in another world. All you need is a setup where you can bubble carbon dioxide through water - adapting a still might do it - and a vessel to mix carbonate and acid in to make the gas. Vinegar and baking soda works. Sulfuric acid and limestone also works... but is a bit more hazardous. Treat with caution.
(On the upside - if you’ve ever wondered if marble carvings are ecologically friendly? Marble is metamorphosed limestone, and the chips do get recycled. Sometimes into soda!)
Something I’d like that would be trickier to pull together is chili sauce. Vinegar and a sweetener are probably obtainable anywhere you’ve got humans, or even humanoids. Tomatoes and chilis? Either the new world has to have an analog of the Americas, or I’d need to get really lucky and be carrying seed packets on me when I was yeeted to another planet. Otherwise I’ll be experimenting with various fruits and hot spices, and likely very grumpy about it.
Denim would also be a nice thing to have. I’ve avoided a lot of cuts, scrapes, and thorn jabs due to a good pair of jeans. This I know less about, outside that it’s a particularly hardy weave of cotton twill. That might be enough info for someone else to figure it out. Eventually.
Finally, one of the things I’d really like to get going in any other world would be a lending library. In part because if I’m stuck in another world, I want to have an idea of what’s “common knowledge” and popular culture. Also because if any meddling supernatural power thinks they’re going to rid me of escapism just by dumping me in another world, they’d better think again!
What kind of small joys and useful tidbits would you want in an isekai?
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lilac? but for like. specifically real rocks. i would love to know the weirdest or funniest real life rock
Lilac -> funniest submissions? (but for real rocks)
So, cummingtonite is totally a real rock. It is an absolutely ridiculous and tragic thing to name a rock, but that is geology for you. I mean we have dikes, cleavage, thrust faults, and spreading centers. All of these things are real geologic features and they are all absurd names for scientific phenomena.
That being said, cummingtonite will be included in the fun/fictional bracket because I don’t think anyone likes cummingtonite because of how it looks or its mineralogic features. We like it because of its name, let's not deny it.
So here are some submission comments of real rocks and minerals that made me smile:
Chalk - “the dessicated corpses of little itty botty sea creatures of the dayes of yore!” It sure is! chalk and limestone and anything with fossils is just a bunch of dead creatures coming together to make a rock.
Quartz - “some may call her a basic bitch. but if you ask me. she's the standard against which all others are compared. vote quartz best mineral 2023” Quartz really is a classic. Is vanilla BAD because it is basic? NO it is only considered basic because it is so classic.
Sulfur - “Yellow! Tastes Bad! Smells Bad! Melts into a blood red liquid! Has blue fire! Makes sulfur flats AND sulfur vats! (look up sulfur vats and check out the one with the railroad ones. Also look up the Ijen volcano)” This submitter’s enthusiasm for how fucked up sulfur is really made me day.
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Day Two of my Wizard Apprenticeship
Today I awoke before sunrise to help my wizard clean up from the party. There was a bonfire, and so much food the night before. It was fun, but it was a long day and night. We finished by first light and we stood next to the tower to watch the sun rise. When the light hit the top window of the tower, a honey rose glow fell over the land. We then returned to the tower for a light breakfast. After breakfast, my wizard had me help her create a concoction where the ingredients had to be cooked before being written into a symbol. My wizard said they are components, not ingredients…and it is a sigil, not a symbol…I need to remember that. She sent me to the cabinet to get some fermented limestone sweat. I opened the great cabinet to find unlabeled jars stacked everywhere. She said it would be a green-grey liquid that smells like rotten stone in the sun. I looked and looked and found two jars that could be the answer. I opened the first one and gave it a light sniff, it smelled like sulfur, so I returned it to the cabinet. I turned with the correct jar and as I exhaled, a large plume of green fire left my nostrils. It singed my fledgling beard and burned my shirt. My wizard said, “Fire spells shouldn’t be attempted before learning water and foam spells, practically…. but maybe you do have some aptitude.” I handed her the jar and we continued my lesson. Why is nothing labeled here?
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gemdragons · 2 years
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[ID: Digital painting of a long, lizard-like dragon perched on a diagonal plane of snow-like crystals. The dragon has segmented patches of short spines that resemble white fur. Longer, clear spines line its back and branch from its head like antlers. Its curling white tongue tests the air on a black background. End ID]
Selenite crystals are a formation of gypsum (derived from the Greek "gypsos," meaning "plaster"). This picture was inspired by the formations in the Lechuguilla caves, which were created when sulfuric acid came into contact with limestone.
Available as a print!
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hasufin · 10 months
The banality of disaster
i just finished reading an oddly fascinating book: The Wreck of the Carl D. Bradley.
This book, as you might have guessed from the subtle title, is about the sinking of the SS. Carl D. Bradley.
On paper, this should be a pretty damned boring book. Interesting to a very select group of people, certainly, but not of general interest.
If you're unfamiliar - which you almost certainly are, because even if you're "into" this sort of thing this disaster was far overshadowed by the more famous Edmund Fitzgerald, which at least got a song - the facts are thus:
The Carl Bradley was a Great Lakes freighter which hauled stone - mostly limestone - for the Michigan Limestone company.
In a heavy storm on November 18. 1958 the ship broke apart (either wholly or partially) due to hogging (wave action which exerted longitudinal force on the ship) and sank rapidly. Due to the intensity of the storm, rescue efforts largely failed and ultimately only two of the 37 men on the ship were rescued.
Subsequent investigation was unable to determine any particular cause of the wreck, and the inquiry concluded the Master of the ship had exercised poor judgement in going out in the storm. The only substantial recommendations were to improve the life vests of the time to have crotch straps, as there was some indication that some of the men drowned due to having to hold their flotation devices and thus became exhausted; and some improvements in the life rafts and lifeboats.
Now, the death of 35 people is not unimportant, but all told this doesn't seem to have the makings of an entire book. There's no thrilling conclusion, there's no unlikely hero, and even the technical details are wanting: a ship went out in a heavy Autumn storm and sank.
Schumacher does, however, bring a great deal of value in contextualizing and humanizing the story. He discusses some of the crew and officers, explaining why they were on that ship at that time - which ran the gamut from ambitious men who hoped to become captain or chief engineer, to those whose families were intertwined with sailing on the Great Lakes, to those who were somewhat less tethered and simply glad to get some regular income until they moved on to the next thing.
He talks about the community which was hit hard by this tragedy: the bulk of those lost came from a single small town which existed largely to serve the limestone industry. And here one is stuck by the difference in the era: of police and company representatives driving to the homes of each family affected not just out of respect but also necessity: many of them did not even have telephones. It's hard to really wrap a modern mind around the void of information, reliant on radio, hand-delivered material, and actual visitors for all news.
One point of frustration is the technical detail. Now, to be sure, there is some and it's a difficult matter to gauge how much to include. Moreover, no one has ever proven any exact cause. Eyewitness accounts say the ship broke in two amidships: that the survivors who were in the fore of the ship saw the deck tear apart and the fore and aft separate. Later investigation found the ship appearing to rest as one piece, but subsequent dives discovered that the ship had broken apart but the pieces came to rest together - though there is some suspicion the keel held together.
But no one has proven specific defects in the ship which would have caused this wreck. On the other hand, while the storm was exceptional, the Carl Bradley should have been able to weather it.
(My own suspicion is that it was a confluence of issues: the steel used in ships laid down at that time sometimes had excess sulfur, which made it brittle in cold conditions; the design of that particular ship made it more prone to twisting and hogging than most other ships; auto-loaders like the Carl Bradley - that is, a ship designed to be able to load and unload its own cargo rather than being reliant on dockside equipment - took more wear and more damage than similar ships as they could cycle faster and serve less-frequented harbors. there was some deferred maintenance which may have contributed; and modern weather models suggest Great Lakes storms could be more treacherous than was understood at the time. With the benefit of hindsight the captain should have taken refuge instead of trying to keep schedule, and most (but not all) other ships did just that; but it seems he did reasonably think his ship could handle it, and was fatally wrong.)
Yet what all this shows is that you can provide an interesting enough story without the typical elements. sufficiently humanized, just surviving is sufficient.
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l1supplychennai · 8 days
OPC vs. PPC Cement: Understanding the Composition and Grades
OPC vs. PPC Cement: Understanding the Composition and Grades
Meta Description: Learn the key differences between OPC and PPC cement in terms of composition and grades. Discover which cement is best suited for your construction project.
Introduction: Cement plays a critical role in the construction industry. Choosing the right type impacts the durability and strength of the structure. The two most commonly used cements are Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC). This blog will explore their composition and grades to help builders and engineers make informed decisions.
Composition of OPC and PPC Cement:
OPC: Made up of 60%-70% limestone, 17%-25% silica, 3%-8% alumina, and 0.5%-6% iron oxide, with smaller amounts of gypsum, magnesia, sulfur trioxide, and potash. Its lower fineness (225 sq.m/kg) makes it easier to handle.
PPC: Composed of 75%-77% OPC clinker, 3%-5% gypsum, and 10%-25% pozzolanic materials like fly ash or volcanic ash. Its finer consistency (300 sq.m/kg) requires careful handling.
Grades of Cement:
OPC Grades: Comes in 33-Grade, 43-Grade, and 53-Grade, indicating different levels of compressive strength.
PPC: While PPC doesn’t have specific grades, its compressive strength generally equals that of 33-Grade OPC.
Understanding the composition and grades helps in choosing the right cement for specific construction needs. Reference : L1Supply
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Limestone Market Size, Share, Growth & Forecast
The global Limestone market is expected to demonstrate the growth of ~4% during the forecast period (2021-2027). In developing countries like China, India, Brazil, and ASEAN countries, the growing population, increasing trend of urbanization in countries like India, government investment in improving the infrastructure sector are likely to boost the demand of limestone.
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For a detailed analysis of the global Limestone Market browse through https://univdatos.com/report/limestone-market/
The demand of limestone depends mainly on the performance of vast range of industries including construction, metallurgy, and chemical and industrial, among others. However, construction and metallurgy industries are the major driving factor for the growth of limestone market. In construction industry, limestone is widely used in architectural applications for walls, decorative trim and veneer as it provides both aesthetic and strength in the project. Further, limestone and its associated products are widely used in the metal industry in the production of iron and steel. For instance, lime is used as a fluxing agent in electric arc furnaces and basic oxygen furnaces. Lime removes impurities (silica, phosphorus, sulfur) from the steel being manufactured. It is also used to enhance the refractory life of the furnace. Therefore, with increase in demand of steel, demand of limestone would also increase as large number of steel is produced using electric arc method. The global production of crude steel increased to 1,878 million tons in 2020 from 1,435 million tons in 2010, showcasing the compound annual growth of 2.7%.
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In the light of COVID-19, governments across the globe had taken several strict measurements to curtail the spread of disease including lockdown which resulted in the halted construction activities in several nations and reduced production of chemicals and steel in the first half of 2020. This resulted in the less demand of raw materials used in the manufacturing of products. Since, limestone is a critical material in the construction and metallurgical industries, therefore with decline in the construction activities and production of metals, demand of limestone declined.
Based on application, the market is categorized into metallurgy, construction, agricultural, chemical and industrial, and others. Among these, construction category accounted for the prominent share in the limestone market. Growing population and increasing investment in infrastructure projects by the governments in developing economies is increasing the demand of limestone as it has myriad of applications in the construction industry. For instance, it is used as a loadbearing stone for masonry walls and columns, as a key component in concrete, as a cladding for buildings and for rain screeners, as a decorative element in residences. Further, it is also used as limewash, paving slab, lime mortar, and aggregate used in road bases.
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For a better understanding of the market adoption of limestone, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in the countries such as North America (United States, Canada, Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia, and Rest of APAC), and Rest of World.  Asia-Pacific held the dominating position in the global Limestone market and is expected to showcase significant growth during the forecast period owing to large base construction and steel manufacturing industry in the region. Further, government investment in improving the infrastructure propelling the limestone market.
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rajasthanlime · 1 month
How to Choose the Right Hydrated Lime Supplier
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Hydrated limestone, commonly referred to as calcium hydroxide is a multi-faceted substance that can be used in many sectors, ranging from construction to environmentally-related applications through to manufacturing of chemicals. The selection of the hydrated lime manufacturer in Rajasthan is essential to ensure the consistency and quality of the product that you purchase which will affect the effectiveness and efficiency of your business. If you're a construction firm, water treatment plant or a chemical producer the quality of hydrated lime will significantly affect your operations and results.
Understanding Hydrated Lime and Its Applications
Before you begin to select the best supplier, it is essential to know what hydrated lime is and the reason it is widely employed. Hydrated lime is made when you add water to the quicklime (calcium oxide) and triggering a chemical reaction that results with calcium hydroxide. This process, also known as slaking produces a dry, fine powder that is simple to work with and use to different industrial processes.
Hydrated lime can be found in a myriad of uses, including:
Construction Lime hydrated is an essential element in mortars and sands and various building materials because of its bonding strength and its long-lasting durability.
water treatment: This is used in order to alter the pH levels of water treatment facilities to make water safe to drink by reducing acidity, and also removing impurities.
Protecting the environment: The hydrated lime can be used in the treatment of flue gas to remove sulfur dioxide as well as other industrial pollutants.
Chemical Manufacturing This is a neutralizing agent in chemical processes, helping keep the pH levels at the right level and aid in the process of facilitating reactions.
In light of the vital role the hydrated lime is playing in these types of applications It is vital to work with an experienced supplier that will provide a consistent, top-quality product.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hydrated Lime Supplier
1. Quality of the Product
The grade of lime may differ greatly between suppliers and will have a direct effect on your business. A high-quality hydrated lime must possess a uniform chemical composition as well as fine particle size and have a low level of impurities. When you are evaluating a supplier it is crucial to inquire about precise specifications of the product as well as documents on quality control. This will provide an understanding of the company's manufacturing process and dedication to high-quality.
For example, a reputable manufacturer of hydrated lime manufacturers in Jodhpur will follow strict quality control standards making sure that each batch meets the requirements. The consistency of quality is especially crucial in areas such as chemical manufacturing and water treatment in which even small changes in the composition of products can cause major problems.
2. Supplier's Experience and Reputation
Experience is important in the industrial field This is particularly important when choosing a supplier of hydrated lime. A company with years of experience in the business will likely have improved the processes of production, developed solid relationships with suppliers of raw materials and have developed a thorough knowledge of the demands of their customers.
Reputation is another important aspect to take into account. Find suppliers with positive reviews and testimonials from other companies in your sector. For instance, the top lime producers in Jodhpur are well-known for reliable, constant quality and exceptional customer service. A business with a strong reputation is more likely to provide the highest-quality product at the right time each time.
3. Production Capacity and Supply Chain Reliability
When choosing a hydrated lime supplier, it is crucial to evaluate their production capacity and their ability to meet your demands consistently. If you require a small amount to meet a specific requirement or large quantities to support ongoing operations, the supplier you choose should be able to increase their production to meet your demands.
In addition to the capacity of production Consider the reliability of the supply chain. Delivery delays can affect your business operations and cause expensive downtime. A dependable company will be able to provide a solid supply chain that is in place and contingency plans to handle any potential disruptions. The top hydrated lime producers in India typically are able to operate multiple facilities for production as well as distribution centers, which means that they are able to meet demands across the country.
4. Technical Support and Customer Service
Support for technical support and customer service are crucial to the success of a relationship with a supplier. The supplier must be able to offer advice on the best application of their product for the specific application you have in mind. This will include guidance regarding handling, storage, and dosing to ensure you achieve the highest quality outcomes.
In addition, responsive customer service is vital to resolve any issues that are encountered. If you require a change to your order, ask questions about the specifications of a product, or fix any delivery issues A supplier that has solid customer service is in a position to help you promptly and efficiently.
5. Environmental and Safety Standards
In the present business environment it is crucial to select suppliers who adhere to stringent standards of safety and environment. This is especially important in sectors such as chemical and construction in which the use of dangerous substances is a common practice.
Check that your supplier is compliant with all applicable environmental regulations and has put in place security measures to safeguard their employees and the natural environment. A responsible producer of hydrated lime manufacturers in India, for instance, is one that puts sustainability first in their manufacturing processes and limits any environmental impacts of their activities.
6. Cost-Effectiveness
While price shouldn't be the only deciding factor however it is an important aspect to take into consideration. When looking at suppliers, consider their overall value, not just the cost per unit. The price might justify the higher cost if the company provides superior product quality with dependable delivery and top-quality customer service.
However, it is essential to check that the pricing of the supplier is competitive in the market. Find quotes from a variety of vendors and assess them on the basis of your total expense which includes the price for the item, transportation and any other additional services, such as technical assistance.
Why Local Suppliers May Be Advantageous
Partnering with local suppliers like those from Rajasthan or Jodhpur could provide a number of advantages. Local suppliers are usually more aware of the specific requirements of the industries in their area and are able to offer more personal service. Furthermore, having local suppliers can cut down on the cost of transportation and lead times which means you will receive the product faster.
For instance, the hydrated lime producers in Jodhpur are in a good position to service customers across Rajasthan as well as the states that border them. Their proximity to major markets allows for quicker delivery times and better customer service, which makes the ideal option for many companies throughout the region.
Selecting the best manufacturer of hydrated lime is a crucial choice that will affect your business. When you consider factors like the quality of the product, experience with suppliers production capacity and the quality of customer services, sustainability standards and cost-effectiveness, it is possible to make a sound decision that will meet your requirements. If you're looking for a reliable manufacturer of hydrated lime manufacturers in Jodhpur and reliable manufacturers of hydrated lime in Jodhpur or reliable manufacturers of hydrated lime in India By making the effort to analyze the options available will ensure you choose a supplier that will provide you with quality products that are consistent and reliable to help your business.
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electronalytics · 3 months
Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Market Analysis 2023 Dynamics, Players, Type, Applications, Trends, Regional Segmented, Outlook & Forecast till 2033
The global flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system market is expected to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1% from 2023 to 2033. In 2023, the market is expected to be worth USD 22,252.3 million and to reaching a value of USD 36,593.3 million by 2033. 
The Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) market pertains to the industry involved in the reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions from industrial processes, particularly those related to power generation and combustion of fossil fuels. FGD systems are designed to remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) from flue gases before they are released into the atmosphere, thereby mitigating air pollution and environmental damage associated with acid rain, smog, and respiratory illnesses.
Driven by stringent environmental regulations, growing public awareness of air quality issues, and the need for cleaner energy production, the FGD market has experienced significant growth in recent years. Power plants, refineries, chemical plants, and other industrial facilities are increasingly adopting FGD technologies to comply with emissions standards and reduce their environmental footprint.
FGD systems typically employ various methods, including wet scrubbing, dry scrubbing, and semi-dry scrubbing, to remove sulfur dioxide from flue gases. Wet scrubbing involves the use of alkaline solutions such as limestone or lime to react with sulfur dioxide and produce calcium sulfite or sulfate, which can be disposed of or recycled. Dry scrubbing utilizes sorbent materials such as activated carbon or sodium bicarbonate to absorb sulfur dioxide from flue gases, while semi-dry scrubbing combines elements of both wet and dry processes for sulfur removal.
The FGD market is characterized by technological advancements aimed at improving efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of FGD systems. Innovations such as advanced scrubber designs, optimized reagent utilization, and integration with other pollution control technologies enhance the performance and competitiveness of FGD solutions.
Furthermore, the FGD market is influenced by factors such as fuel type, plant size, regulatory requirements, and economic considerations. Coal-fired power plants, in particular, represent a significant market segment for FGD systems due to the high sulfur content of coal and the stringent emissions limits imposed by environmental regulations. However, the market is also expanding to include other industries such as oil and gas, cement production, and metal smelting, where FGD technologies can help mitigate air pollution and comply with emissions standards.
Trends: Identify and analyze trends relevant to the market you're researching. This could include shifts in consumer behavior, industry regulations, technological advancements, or changes in market demand. Look at both short-term and long-term trends to provide a comprehensive view.
Technological Developments: Highlight the latest technological innovations impacting the market. This might involve advancements in automation, artificial intelligence, IoT (Internet of Things), blockchain, or any other relevant technologies. Discuss how these developments are shaping the industry landscape and driving change.
Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of the market, including SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis, Porter's Five Forces analysis, and any other relevant analytical frameworks. Assess market dynamics, competitive landscape, and barriers to entry. Provide insights into market segmentation, customer demographics, and buying behavior.
Growth Drivers: Identify the primary drivers fueling market growth. This could include factors such as increasing demand for certain products or services, expansion into new geographic regions, rising disposable income levels, technological advancements driving innovation, or favorable regulatory policies. Quantify the impact of these drivers on market growth wherever possible.
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Market Segmentations:
Global Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Market: By Company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries General Electric Doosan Lentjes Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises Rafako Siemens Flsmidth Hamon Corporation Clyde Bergemann Power Group Marsulex Environmental Technologies Thermax andritz
Global Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Market: By Type Wet FGD System Limestone Seawater Dry & Semi-dry FGD System Others
Global Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Market: By Application Iron & Steel Industry Cement Manufacturing Industry Power Generation Chemical Industry Others
Regional Analysis of Global Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Market
All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
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Challenges: Identify and discuss the challenges that the market is currently facing. These challenges could include regulatory hurdles, economic instability, supply chain disruptions, intense competition, changing consumer preferences, or technological limitations. Provide insights into how these challenges are impacting the industry and potentially hindering growth or innovation.
Future Outlook: Offer a forward-looking perspective on the market's trajectory. Based on the analysis conducted earlier, forecast the future direction of the market. Consider factors such as emerging technologies, shifting consumer behaviors, regulatory changes, and global economic trends. Discuss potential opportunities that may arise in the future and how stakeholders can capitalize on them. Additionally, highlight potential threats or disruptions that could impact the market landscape.
Mitigation Strategies: Suggest mitigation strategies to address the challenges identified and capitalize on future opportunities. This could involve recommendations for businesses to adapt their strategies, invest in R&D, forge strategic partnerships, or diversify their product/service offerings. Provide actionable insights that stakeholders can use to navigate uncertainties and position themselves for success in the evolving market environment.
Key Report Highlights:
Key Market Participants: The report delves into the major stakeholders in the market, encompassing market players, suppliers of raw materials and equipment, end-users, traders, distributors, and more.
Comprehensive Company Profiles: Detailed company profiles are provided, offering insights into various aspects including production capacity, pricing, revenue, costs, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption patterns, growth rates, import-export dynamics, supply chains, future strategic plans, and technological advancements. This comprehensive analysis draws from a dataset spanning 12 years and includes forecasts.
Market Growth Drivers: The report extensively examines the factors contributing to market growth, with a specific focus on elucidating the diverse categories of end-users within the market.
Data Segmentation: The data and information are presented in a structured manner, allowing for easy access by market player, geographical region, product type, application, and more. Furthermore, the report can be tailored to accommodate specific research requirements.
SWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis of the market is included, offering an insightful evaluation of its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Expert Insights: Concluding the report, it features insights and opinions from industry experts, providing valuable perspectives on the market landscape.
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