#lindir with freckles
i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
What do you say about Lindir having freckles?
Let me think about this for a second...
Lindir could absolutely be someone who gets sun-freckles and HATES them.
When they're all going for a calm afternoon by the water, Lindir stays under a grotesquely big parasol, and refuses to come out from under it.
When he's asked about it, he simply states that he doesn't like being too much in the sun, but everyone has noticed that he doesn't mind as long as he's wearing long sleeves and keeps his head down.
Someone (Erestor?) will then divulge the fact that he's been looking up ways to get rid of the freckles he gets in summer.
Here is where potential reader comes in and tells him that they think it's truly cute and proceeds to counting them every day. Lindir then enjoys how excited they get upon realising there's more as days go by.
So, in short, yeah, that would be terrific! That would be so damn cute!!!
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lovefairymina · 6 months
“what are ya doing?”
“Lindir, I’m counting your freckles…”
“because there cute,” *kisses cheek*
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“Oh?” he gasped the moment your lips collided with his cheek. He grew quiet for a fraction of a second before he cast a timid smile, turned his other cheek and gave a gentle tap of his finger against it. “Don't forget this side too.”
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Fotfictober Prompts: 5 - Handholding
Summery: A shy Lindir holding your hand after he comes to the realization after his confession to you that you are courting
Character(s): Lindir, Elrond, Reader, Glorfindel, Elladan
Pairing: Lindir x Reader
Reader Pronouns: He/They
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Lindir hid his face behind the book he was taken to Elrond, as you came around the corner talking with your brother Elladan, he tucked himself into a servant corridor instead of using the main corridor, he sighed as he removed the book from his face, his cheeks where flustered red.
It had only been a few days since you had accepted Lindir's confession which was admittedly an accident since he was singing below your room his confession not realizing you were in he thought you were on Patrol with Gildor and Elrohir, now every time Lindir saw you or your name was even mentioned he got shy and flustered.
You were the son of his lord, not just that you were an ellon, while relations with the same sex were not looked down upon Lindir always had that little voice in the back of his head telling him it was wrong to like Ellons most probably from his parents before Lord Elrond showed him kindness and allowed him to stay in his realm as his assistant, did he really have a right to like one of his sons.
"There you are" Lindir jumped and turned to the voice he sighed when it was only Glorfindel.
"What do you want" Lindir said as he started making his way to Elrond's office
"You seem to be extremely on edge around Y/n what happened with you and him" Glorfindel said following Lindir
"What no, nothing happened with Y/n" Lindir said Glorfindel hmmed in disbelief
"Really you don't sound that convincing" Glorfindel said
"Why would anything happen with him, I haven't seen him recently" Lindir said
"Because you are avoiding him, look Lindir, I know that it is not my place to interfere in what is going on with you and him but, every time some mentions him or they are in the room, you get flustered and turn into a stuttering mess and all that confidence I helped you with completely crumbles, I would say you are in love with him, just confess to him, I am sure he also likes you, he talks fondly of you" Glorfindel said
"He does" Lindir questioned the lord, he had only admired you from afar before he accidentally confessed his love to you, Lindir was always to shy to even talk to you he almost exploded with embarrassment every time Elrond told him to give you a message.
You had managed to finally catch Lindir "Meleth why have you been avoiding me, have I done something wrong, have I upset you" you questioned Lindir worried, Lindir couldn't quick walk away from you, you would just worry even more.
Lindir looked away trying to hide his blush his hand brushed against yours and he took one of his fingers in his you looked down in curiosity as he intertwined his hand with yours.
"You haven't done any thing wrong, your perfect as always, I- am just overwhelmed" Lindir said
"You could of told me Meleth why didn't you" you questioned Lindir looked to you, you had a puzzled expression on your face
"What if you were mad, what if you didn't like me and just agreed due to pity, what if" You stopped Lindir
"I would never be mad at you Meleth, I love you for who you are, and you are a overwhelmed, shy, flustered, cranky, introverted elf and I love every aspect of your personality" you told him
"But" Lindir said
"No but's Lindir, you cannot convince me that I do not love you for every part of you" You said
"Even my freckles" Lindir questioned
"Especially your freckles they are like little constellations, like Varda took all the stars from the sky and painted them onto you, they make you even more perfect" you said squeezing Lindir's hand in reassurance, Lindir looked from your intertwined hands to your face, you gave him a smile.
"Gi melin Meleth nin Always and forever nyello nin" You said pressing your forehead against his
"Really" Lindir asked unconvinced
"Really, I will be your knight in shining armour hmm should i get shining armour do you think that would blind my enemys and cause to much of a distraction for them to notice me" You questioned
"Please don't you would be to noticeable so they would all go after you" Lindir said you chuckled
"I was joking do you know how ugly that would look, I have some fashion sense" you said Lindir hmmed
"I highly doubt that all you were is hunting gear even in war, you worry me a lot, you have armour and yet you never wear it, it's the recipe for death" Lindir said
"a small price to pay for good fashion" you replied
"No I would much rather you have no taste in fashion and wear armour to protect you then to not wear armour and say it is not fashionable and die" Lindir said
"I wear it some times, I need new armour mine doesn't fit well, it keeps rubbing and gets soar" you said
"I'll get you a new set of armour" Lindir said going to walk to the forges he only stopped when he was stopped he looked back to see you were still holding his hand, he blushed as he realized how long you both had held hands for.
"And that's how I fell over into the pound" came your brother Elladan's voice
"Your an idiot you know that" Elrohir said, you looked to the corner the two were turning around and pulled Lindir into you hiding your intertwined hands, your brothers stared at you both.
"Have we interrupted something" Elladan questioned you looked to Lindir to realize you pulled him so close he was only centimetres from your face, you looked back to your brothers to see Elrohir pulling Elladan back the way they came.
"Leave Y/n alone" Elrohir grumbled, you looked to your hands and let go of Lindir's who took your hand back and his other arm which rested on your chest due to being pulled into you tightened around your robes, you looked to Lindir with a questioning look, his blush had returned and an even deeper shade of red going from the tips of his ears to his neck, Lindir moved his head upwards and pushed himself up onto his tip toes and pressed his lips to yours.
A million thoughts where rushing through Lindir's head, what if you didn't like the kiss you stiffened and held his hand tighter when he had started, how long should he kiss you for, should it just be a quick peck, you where courting, but this was public what was the right PDA Lindir was never taught it before so he didn't know, Lindir was slightly shocked when he felt a tug on his hair but you had melted to his touch and the kiss, he backed away from you looking at you, as soon as he backed away you had let go of his hair.
"Did we just" Lindir questioned in slight panic and shock
"Yes yes you did" Lindir jumped to the voice attempting to get away from you but you just held his hand tighter stopping him from doing so, Lindir squeaked seeing his lord.
"You both might want to do that behind closed doors and away from prying eyes, you are lucky no one came down this corridor and this bit of it has no windows, but next time you could be not as lucky, I am glad for you both and Lindir welcome to the family now, but next time do that in private I don't want Glorfindel to come squealing to me like a little girl that you both had finally started courting" Elrond said
"Of course Ada" you said awfully composed for just being caught, Elrond picked up the book Lindir dropped when you pulled him in, and walked off back to his study, Lindir had a deep blush on and he hid his head in his hands
"You distracted me to much from reason" Lindir sighed before he bid you good bye with a very shy peck on the cheek, the rest of the day Lindir saw you, you had a smug little smile on your face and your spirits where high.
Elvish translation:
Ada - Father
Gi Melin - I love you
Nyello Nin - My singer
Meleth - Love
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queenstarlight2 · 2 years
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Imagine making yandere Lindir undress as you kiss every freckle on his body till he can’t take it no longer and worships you on his bed calling you his goddess 
(part 2)
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sanisse · 2 years
hello once again~! so I apologize I have no real thoughts other then poly! lindir with glorfindel & human male!reader. it’s been bouncing around my head this ship & any thing you got for it I’m good with it 🥰 ( just none of those kinks like water sports or y’know anything like that if you go the more nsfw route please ; v ; they are not my cup of tea other then that go wild 💖 ) Thank you sm in advance 💖💖💖
love these two  🥰 and thank you for being my first masc!reader request! I’m really excited to do one. 
I hope this works for you!
Each Moment, Like Woven Thread | Glorfindel/Lindir/Masc!Reader
Spice Level (1-5): 🌶🌶🌶🌶
Pairing: Glorfindel/Lindir/masc!human!reader 
Warnings/tags: no warnings for this one. Fluffy. blink and you miss it body worship, blink and you miss it subby!Lindir, blowjobs, threesome, poly relationships, hand holding, double penetration (Lindir sandwich :D ) 
Minors DNI. Your media consumption is your own responsibility.
The sweetest evenings are the ones you spend together, when the air is so drenched with all the blooming spring flowers outside that you can almost taste the flowering mint outside your window. The wind is a lazy thing, curling through the curtains to fan across your goosebump-covered skin.
Glorfindel looks up from the game of checker’s he’s playing with Lindir and reaches out to rub your shoulder.
“Are you cold? I can shut the window.” 
They always worry. Your grasp of temperature is so different from theirs.
You hum and lean your head on his big shoulder. “No. It’s kind of nice, actually.” 
It had been an unusually warm afternoon. The chill from the evening air is a pleasant change. 
Still, without being asked to, Lindir gets up to poke at the embers smoldering in the fireplace and breathes life back into them. The contrast between the licking heat radiating from the fire and the cold blue-tinged air makes you shiver again, but it’s a nice kind of shiver.
“You sure you’re not cold?” Glorfindel asks, still concerned.
You bite back a laugh and kiss his cheek. “I’m sure. Finish your game.” 
Lindir is the one to beat Glorfindel tonight. When they’re through, he collects the game and neatly shelves it before joining the two of you on the couch. 
That’s how it begins.
That’s how it always begins, really. And for all the two of them like to gently tease you about how easy it is to rile Edain up, it’s usually Lindir that kicks off first. To be fair: really it’s Glorfindel and the way he runs his fingers through Lindir’s hair, massaging his scalp until Lindir’s eyes slip closed and he turns to kiss him.
You like to watch them. They’re so perfect together. There’s something so right about them, about the way they fit together. Glorfindel’s sun-kissed freckled skin against Lindir’s milk-white curves. Glorfindel’s rippling muscles, his huge arms and the way they wrap around Lindir’s much smaller, trim little frame. And their hair, of course: the mingling black and gold. 
It takes you all of three minutes of self-indulgent gawking before you join them, leaning in to kiss Glorfindel’s neck. 
Glorfindel makes a surprised, happy sound into Lindir’s mouth, then turns to kiss you. 
It’s warm, brimming with sunlight and affection. You smile against his lips and cup his cheek in your hand, and Glorfindel winds one giant arm around your waist and rocks you forward until you’re astride him on his lap. 
The three of you trade languid kisses, lazy touches-- Glorfindel loves to drag his mouth down your neck, nipping your jaw, running his hands over every inch of you, slipping up beneath your shirt. Lindir’s hand joins his and you hiss in a breath at the sensation: the matched touches. Lindir’s hand is much smaller, but smooth and slightly cool compared to Glorfindel’s warm, lightly-calloused fingers that drag against your skin just-so-- 
You rumble a noise into Glorfindel’s mouth which he returns with a chuckle. 
“I don’t know what I did to deserve either of you,” he says, kissing you again and then turning to take Lindir’s chin and pull him in for a kiss, too. Lindir melts at the touch, blue eyes saucer-wide and full of adoration as he takes in the two of you. 
“You look so perfect together,” he says. 
It’s your turn to laugh. You rest your head in the crook of Glorfindel’s neck. “I was thinking the same of you.” 
Lindir flushes a pleased shade of red. Shuffles like he wants to be even closer to the pair of you, but Glorfindel grumbles something and pats your rear.
“Up. There’s hardly enough room for all three of us on the couch.” 
So you take each other to bed. Glorfindel tugs his shirt over his head on his way over and Lindir helps you out of most of your clothes by the time you hit the mattress. You and Glorfindel turn your attention to him. You take out the brooch at his throat and unbutton his coat while Glorfindel bites his ear, tells him how gorgeous he looks, and Lindir writhes and pants and says thank you, heru-- to which you and Glorfindel correct at the exact same time: “Glorfindel.” 
He has such a hard time ridding himself of the habitual obsequence even in this constellation the three of you have found yourselves in. 
Lindir whines and corrects himself to, “Glorfindel,” and then he breathes your name in the exact same tone as you finally push his coat off his shoulder and lean in to pepper kisses on his neck. 
He is just so unbearably pretty. 
Glorfindel is, too. He’s built of fluid, graceful lines like a great cat, and he moves like it. Like he could snap you in half with one quick motion, like he’s acutely aware of that-- every movement deliberate and full of control. 
“I am not fragile,” you insist. 
“No?” Glorfindel says with a lopsided grin. “I think Lindir could take you apart to pieces.” 
Despite yourself, you moan. 
Glorfindel coils his arm around you again, pulls you toward him until your back is flush with his broad chest. Then he’s going for your trouser laces. Slips inside. Makes a delighted noise when he finds you hard.
You hiss and buck up into the touch. Glorfindel kisses the side of your head. You can’t see him, but you can see the significant look Lindir gives him before Lindir crawls over to you on all fours and dives down to take your cock in his mouth.
It’s so good. Lindir is so good at this and it’s hardly fair. His mouth is so wet and hot, and he never has any trouble taking you right down his throat. Your have to let out a sharp gasp, immediately lightheaded, and sag back against Glorfindel’s chest.
Glorfindel makes another soft sound of approval, reaching around you to push Lindir’s hair out of his face for him. Lindir looks up at you both through his lashes, hollows out his cheeks, and sucks. 
You buck up into his mouth and Lindir chokes, then moans, and the vibration around you might as well be the death of you. He’ll be the death of you. You have no idea how he always manages to still be so adorable when he’s doing something so utterly lewd. 
He isn’t a tease. Lindir wastes no time pleasuring you, bobbing up and down, flicking his gaze up to you and Glorfindel and then back down to his task. You know that he’s pleasuring you, but he’s also putting on a show for Glorfindel, and by the growing bulge you feel against you, Glorfindel’s enjoying himself just as much as you are.
It doesn’t take very long for the pressure to build, spiral, in and in and in like a collapsing star until you shout and burst right down Lindir’s throat.
Lindir takes it, swallows around you, pulls back to suck on the tip until it’s almost too much and you have to pull him off.
Damn him, he licks his lips. 
“Took you right apart,” Glorfindel says triumphantly.
“Oh, shut up and fuck him,” you say, tone fond. “I want to watch.”
“Please?” Lindir gasps out at once, two bright spots of color blooming on his cheeks. 
Glorfindel gently pushes you out of his lap and reaches for Lindir, who crawls forward and helps Glorfindel shuck himself out of his trousers. As he does, you finish undressing Lindir and leave him in a puddle of purple and blue silk, then trace the curve of his spine, his hip, reach down to take his pretty pink cock in your hands and relish the way he cries out at the touch. Glorfindel buries his fingers in Lindir’s hair, kisses him, and you --pleasure-drunk and hazy as you are-- find the lubricant in the bedside drawer and pass it over to them.
Lindir rests his head on Glorfindel’s shoulder, panting, while Glorfindel works him open. Lindir reaches for your hand and you take his without hesitation, lacing your fingers together and giving his hand an affectionate squeeze. He shoots you an excited, sweet smile. 
You lounge back against the headboard. Glorindel, content that Lindir’s ready, slowly guides Lindir down onto his cock. 
The sound Lindir makes is divine. 
They’re divine --the two of them together-- as Glorfindel grabs handfuls of Lindir’s ass and Lindir rides him, still holding your hand, half-shaking with how full he feels. He regards the two of you with unbridled adoration and a measure of disbelief, forever completely unable to fathom why the two of you want him.
“Beautiful,” you say on impulse. You squeeze his hand again, then lean in to kiss his plush mouth while Glorfindel slams up into him. “You’re so beautiful.” 
Lindir chokes out another tiny whine. He lets go of your hand to find your cock again, to stroke you, which drags a moan straight out of you. 
“Join us?” Glorfindel asks. His voice is ragged and thick. 
“We’ll have to flip around,” you say. 
“No, just like this--” Glorfindel thrusts again, lets out a soft growl, nips at Lindir’s chest. “I think he could take us both.”
Lindir mewls. “Yes!” 
“Are you sure?” you ask, even though heat floods through your spine at the thought. Glorfindel’s big, especially for someone as small as Lindir. You don’t want to hurt him.
Lindir nods frantically, places himself flat against Glorfindel’s chest, and murmurs pleasepleaseplease as Glorfindel’s pace slows, and when he’s begging like that-- 
You kiss him again. Kiss Glorfindel. Then settle behind them. Glorfindel stills. The two of you make sure Lindir’s slick and then, slowly, slowly, you push in.
Lindir gasps-- a sharp, short little sound. Glorfindel lets out another rumbling growl. It’s so tight and slick and incredible that your vision blurs for a second.
Panting, you rub little circles on Lindir’s back. “Is it too much?” 
“No!” Lindir exclaims, slightly addled, voice dripping with lust. “No. Please--- more? More.” 
You push the rest of the way in and Glorfindel lets out a stream of Quenya curses. His head falls back against the headboard with a distinct thump. Lindir is an earthquake beneath your hands, fluttering around both of you, whining and moaning and begging one of you to move. 
It’s overwhelming in the best possible way. 
Glorfindel is the first to find his senses. He starts to move, the whole length of him gliding against the whole length of you and Lindir is squeezing you so perfectly and you know-- you’re positive-- that if he hadn’t made you come earlier then you certainly would be coming now. 
The three of you catch your rhythm, and time seems to dissolve like sugar. There’s nothing, nothing better than the slide, Lindir’s clenching heat and the sweet half-tortured noises of pleasure he’s making, Glorfindel’s groans, and the way it feels to be so close to the two of them. 
Lindir comes first, spilling all over Glorfindel’s stomach, shaking and screaming and saying thank you and I love you both so much over and over again like a litany, which tips you right over after him. Then it’s Glorfindel’s turn-- and you’re all a shuddering tangled knot together on the bed, hazy and drowning in pleasure.
As you come down from it, Glorfindel reaches up to stroke your face, to push your hair back with a fond smile. You return the smile, kiss the back of Lindir’s sweat-slicked neck. Stroke his quivering, heaving sides, then pull out and shift to lie next to the two of them.
Lindir’s eyes are still blown wide with lust and slightly glassy. You trace the pad of your thumb over the curve of his mouth.
“Good?” you ask. 
He nods enthusiastically. Sleepily reaches for your hand again. 
Glorfindel, too, is getting sleepy. He throws an arm around Lindir and shifts a little closer to you. 
“Bath later,” Glorfindel bargains. “Too tired to move.”
You hum your agreement. Every single limb is wooden. You’re absurdly sated and too happy to think about being anywhere else but here, right where you belong, with the two of them. 
You drift off to sleep-- the three of you together, and it’s bliss.  
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Can I ask for Headcanons about Lindir with freckles, because it is my life.
Here you go nonnie!
May or may not have went overboard, I really loved this request!
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weezlbot · 2 years
rivendell elf aesthetics/tag yourself
elrond. red and purple velvet. scent of wood and spice. fireplaces. a warm blanket. bread and raspberry jam. the smell of old books. teachers. red ribbons. wine in a plain wineglass. tea in a porcelain cup. silver circlets. crown braids. kintsugi pottery. a quiet study. a comfortable chair. a pot of black ink. 
celebrian. pearls. white silk. pink lipstick. high towers. fur lined robes. flowering trees. crying at movies. white sheets on a marriage bed. coffee with your mom. kintsugi pottery. stuffed animals repaired with patches and stitches. thigh high socks. 
glorfindel. sunflowers. buttercups. citrus fruit. a bright sword. lemon cake. laughter that’s a bit too loud. gold jewelry. white horses. white ribbons. freckles on the cheeks and nose. pina coladas.
erestor. the smell of lavender. violets. maroon. velvet robes. the quiet of a library. red wine in jeweled goblets. rubies. cherry jelly. the smell of old books, again. garnets. cat’s eye jewels. a chaise lounge. soft voices. 
lindir. chapped lips. shiny mahogany. violins, clarinets and harps. poetry. fingers stained with ink and imprinted on from strings. tea with honey for a tired throat. singing until you lose your voice. misty valleys. a past shrouded in mystery. 
elladan. compasses. maps. navigating by the stars. trees so tall you can’t see the canopy. open fields. bathing in rivers. braids. hugging mom. your brother’s face in the mirror. your twin’s scent on your clothes. 
elrohir. your reflection on your brother’s face. open fields. rocky islands. telling time by the sun. tying knots. hunter’s traps. ponytails. holding your mother’s hand. your scent on your twin’s clothes. 
arwen. white gems. daddy’s girl. blue silk. sleeping as a cope. marrying rich. studying psychology. being wiser than you look. complicated but loving relationships with your parents. strawberry jam. sweet drinks. thigh high socks. 
gilraen. rust red. dark brown horses. high stone walls. bitter grief. coparenting with someone that’s not your husband but makes a good dad. estel. emeralds. rubies. diamonds. dirt on gold jewelry. he was your best mistake. you’d do it again in a heartbeat. 
aragorn/estel. bright futures. shrouded pasts. leather boots. emeralds. the smell of the earth. high towers. the weight of expectation. poetry. ale. singing. storytelling. horses. hiding your face. growing pains. first aid. healing hands. students. dirt, but in a good way.
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lockedloki · 3 years
Random headcanons for the House of Elrond
A/N: have these whilst I'm working on all of your requests!
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Bruises easily
Is bi
Has elven asthma
Is an amateur horticulturist - this started as a hobby of tending to his and Celebrian's balcony garden, which then grew into him growing new plants for illnesses, injuries etc. He wants to help as many as he physically can but he is incapable of seeing his own limits regarding healing others, and this only got worse after Celebrian's capture and rescue.
Has! Freckles!
She has very pale eyebrows
Has adhd
Has a better relationship with Celeborn than with Galadriel, he was much more lenient, encouraging even, regarding her outdoor education and spending time in the woods studying creatures
Was told to avoid spicy food when pregnant with twins, but when she discovered she was pregnant with Arwen, she said fuck it and treated herself with Dwarven and Elven delicacies alike
He sleeps with his socks on
He has a dark scar on his left elbow from when he fell and cut it open on a rock when he and elrohir went cliff climbing as elfings
He suffers from hearing loss as a result of head trauma
The Beauty™
Has faint scar on his nose
Broke his nose when he and Elladan drunkenly tried to ride a horse seated backwards
Has a pale beauty mark under his right eye
The Brawn™
Has a temper
Loved helping Elrond with administrative and diplomatic work even as a elfling, this is why she and Aragorn made such a great team regarding the restoration of Gondor after the War of The Ring
She suffers from chronic pain in her feet, her heels and her knees.
Loves spicy food
The Brains™
Super protective over the kids after Celebrian's ordeal
Loves elflings and can often be found under a puppy pile of elflings of varying ages
Loves saying "back in my day..." like some old geezer
Absolutely had a big fat ol' crush on Maedhros Fëanorian(Gasp! Scandalous! )
Tries to downplay his affection and fondness for the twins' antics but he's not very good, as he can sometimes be found sharing old pranks he used to pull with his siblings with the Peredhil
He loves being Arwen's confidante as she tells him everything, and he's usually the first to know about a new crush👀
He had a younger brother and two sisters, one older and one younger
He has a severe dislike of any loud noises - thunderstorms, dogs barking, screaming, hoofbeats thundering, etc etc
He gets migraines, and they tend to be more intense the worse his stress was recently.
Selectively mute and is a very anxious person in general
He does not like dealing with strangers
Gets lost in thought easily, leads to him tripping over his feet and or robes
His favourite flower is a peace lily! He has one on his bedstand that was a gift from Elrond one Yule
And! He also has a big potted jasmine right by his bedroom door!
Bonus! Asfaloth
Easily bribed with carrots or apples, but would stomp someone to death for you if you brought him a slice of fresh bread with a generous helping of peanut butter on it
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Could I please get an Lotr & The Hobbit Matchup please? I’m a Bisexual Neurodivergent Girl, and a Writer who’s also working as a Houskeeper, Gardener and Farmhand at the moment. I’m also interested in teaching, and I’m an excellent storyteller with a lot of experience in life. I live in the Mountains, and I’ve been described as having “Aragorn or Merry Brandybuck Vibes” and also as “Bohemian” or “Owl-like”. I also love art and aesthetics, as well as folklore, and my love language is absolutely gift-giving. My favorite pastimes include spending time in books stores, going to town and checking out the shops, baking and writing. I pace while thinking, I’m stronger than I may look, and I have a very good sense of intuition for the weather, as I can always predict when it’s going to rain or snow. I’m very short (4’ 11”), with long messy brown hair, light blue eyes, pale skin that’s covered in freckles and moles, and my favorite things to wear are sweaters and my wool-lined corduroy jacket. I’m also an INFP Aquarius Hufflepuff. Thanks so much, your blog seems super cool btw!
Hey there, love! Okay, first of all, you sound like such a lovely and interesting person! And tysm! I'm glad you find my blog interesting, it really means a lot to me!
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I think you and Sam would be perfect for each other!
Our dear Sam would absolutely adore you! He'd love every single one of your characteristics, from your beautiful eyes to your fascinating mind. Though he's sweet and loyal to a fault, Sam is also a very simple man, or well, hobbit. This would cause him to get really insecure sometimes, but a gift and a loving smile from you would convince him that everything would be alright.
Sam would absolutely love baking with and for you! You two would try your best to stay focused on the task, but most of the time, your baking session would turn into either a cuddling or sweet kissing session! He'd also love the way that your beautiful and soft-looking exterior contrasts with how tough you are on the inside.
I know I already said it, but I can't stress this enough, Sam would ADORE you! Almost worship you! He'd love to walk around town with you, holding your hand while he proudly holds his head up; it's almost like he's saying "Hey! Look! This beautiful woman is mine!".                     
The Hobbit 
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I ship you with Lindir!
When I read your description of yourself, the first character that popped into my mind was Lindir! God, I'm convinced you two would be a match made in heaven! Our dear elf boy would absolutely adore listening to all your stories, and at one point, would probably suggest that you two write them down.
You both would be able to bond over your mutual love for bookstores and writing! Oh! and he'd find the way that you pace while thinking utterly endearing, sometimes telling you riddles or asking you hard questions just so he'd get the chance to see you pace around! Lindir would also find the height difference delightful, he'd usually scoop you up into his arms when you least expected it and would pepper your face with kisses, cooing about how cute he finds your freckles the whole time!
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oldtowrs · 6 years
PROMPTS: 12: "The sun may not be shining, but that doesn't mean that you don't light up my world brighter than a thousand suns ever could," and 22. "That's the day I fell in love with you."
A/N: shameless fluff because i’ve been feeling emotionally like shit and could use some lindir cuddles of my own. And please POLITELY alert me of any grammatical errors or any other errors because I am writing this on my phone and I want this to be the best it can for you guys. :)
WARNINGS: fluff!!! consider yourself warned.
WORDS: ~ 1400
The sun above Imladris was hidden behind a thick blanket of low-hanging clouds, shrouding the glimmering, ivory towers and buildings in a calming bluish, grey light.
I awoke to the soft calls and chirps of the birds outside perching outside the windows as a light breeze wandered in through it, ruffling the curtains on its way in. The tingle of Lindir’s milky skin against my own accompanied the tickle of his breath against my skin, the pressure of his lips as they lightly grazed the base of my neck and the warmth of his arms as they enveloped my torso and held me close.
A sweet sigh of content escaped my lips as I turned to face the ellon behind me, taking in the sight of him. His dark brown tendrils of hair tumbled gently down the hills of his shoulders and sprawled out behind him on the pillows. His eyelashes brushed the curve of his cheeks gently and on occasion the would flutter as the ellon I loved dreamt peacefully.
I skimmed my thumb over the mess of nearly faded freckles on his face and admired the shade of his lips, the tint seeming as if they were kissed by fields of sun-kissed roses.
Lindir wasn’t handsome, but downright beautiful in all that he was.
It must have been in my fondling that he had awoke, for his lips twitched with a hidden smile before returning to their normal position in an attempt to fool me into thinking he was still asleep.
“Lindir,” I hummed sweetly, pressing a kiss to the gentle edge of his jawline, “I know you’re awake, darling.”
When his eyes still did not open, I pressed my lips to his with the force of a gentle gale, earning a soft sigh and hum of content from deep within him and the lovely feeling of his lips turning upward in a smile beneath mine.
“Okay, okay!” he laughed sleepily as he pulled out of the kiss. His voice was still gently mellifluous and honey-filled, but it had been given a roughened edge by the night, and it was music to my ears. His morning voice was something I so dearly loved.
“You got me,” he confessed. “Even though that was hardly fair. You know I can’t resist your kisses.”
“Please,” I teased as I huddled closer into his warmth and the homey scent of his milky skin as the breeze picked up and rushed over my bare arms, “you can’t resist any of me, even if you tried.”
A small chuckle echoed in his chest as he readjusted his arms so they fit more closely together and held me in a tighter version of the loose hug he held me in throughout the night.
“Too true, love,” he hummed happily, as he rested his cheek against my titled forehead. “I love you, Y/N.”
“And I love you,” I replied, listening to his heartbeat as I gazed out the window.
“It’s rather grey today,” I stated glumly.
“The sun may not be shining,” Lindir said, his tone becoming tender and thick with love, “but that doesn’t mean that you don’t light up my world brighter than a thousand suns ever could.”
The sudden sweetness, void of any joking or teasing, caught me faintly off guard as my heart swelled with love for Lindir. I gazed into his brown eyes and saw the admiration in his chocolatey irises glimmer like golden rays of afternoon sunlight, as if I actually was the sun and I was just looking into a warm reflection of myself.
“Ever the romantic, aren’t you, Lindir?” I hummed happily, as tears welled in my eyes. I found that with his lack of hysterics, mine had disappeared as well, as if they’d flown out on the breeze with the wings of our love.
“Well, yes,” he confessed. A delicate smile graced his lips and his eyes followed his long, elegant hand as it carded through the strands of my own, slightly sleep-tangled hair, “but only with you. You bring out the sweetest in me, darling.”
“You know,” I said softly, as if the volume of my voice, if not barely above a whisper, would shatter the delicate moment in which we laid peacefully, “this reminds me of the one day you took me to the meadow.”
“How so?” Lindir asked, his eyes meeting mime, mirth and love mingling in the dark pools.
“Well,” I said shyly, heat flushing my cheeks with rosy hues at the memories, “I just remember you weaving flower after flower into my hair. I remember begging you to choose a color scheme that matched my dress that day, but you would have none of if. You kept saying that none of them could match my beauty, but that maybe if they were all put together, then maybe they could try.”
“They never did match yours, you know?” Lindir asked quietly, his voice becoming unfathomably softer with the fondness set in those memories from that day in the meadow.
“Maybe,” I said, closing my eyes to try and recall the arrangement, “but I think they came pretty close. They were so beautiful.”
“They were far from even scratching the surface that is your beauty, darling,” Lindir cooed, slipping a rogue piece of hair behind my ear with his long fingertips.
The swell returned as waves of love crashed upon my heart once more, thundering with intense passion. I couldn’t help but smile.
“That was the day I fell in love with you,” Lindir confessed. “I think I’d known I’d loved you all along, but that was the day I knew for sure. I saw you’re smile and the way the sunlight seemed to gather around you, trying to kiss every inch of your skin... I heard the sweet twinkling of your laughter... and I just knew. I knew you were going to be the woman I would love with all of my being for the rest of my existence.”
Tears brimmed in my eyes at the sweetness of it all, as if my soul was trying to escape my body to be closer to his. And then I looked into his and saw the same and thought that maybe his soul was trying to do the same with mine.
“And do you still feel that way?” I asked warily, some part of me wondering if the sweetness was too good to be true.
“Love,” Lindir said, his thumbs wiping away the tears that had started to fall from my eyes, “I fall in love with you each and every day I’m alive. I see you, just like this, in my arms with the tenderness of sleep still in your beautiful face and I can’t help the love that fills my heart. I see you in your dresses, brushing your hair and I can’t help but think, ‘how did I find such a beautiful woman and how did I get her to be mine.’ Y/N, I quite literally fall in love with you every moment I am yours and you are mine. I love you Y/N, so so much my darling.”
“I love you too, Lindir,” I smiled, placing an adoring kiss upon his lips as my tears wet both our cheeks.
As our lips parted, he brushed the tears off both our cheeks with such delicacy, the love pouring through his fingertips. “There’s no need to cry, love. I’m just telling you I love you.”
He smiled slightly, but even as he told me not to cry, I could see the tears brimming in his own eyes. I smiled at the irony.
“You’re about to cry too,” I sniffed, wiping at the tears on his cheeks.
“I know,” he smiled, a small laugh escaping his lips. “I just love you so much.”
“And I love you too, darling,” I replied, before kissing him and cuddling into the warmth of his side once more. “I love you so much more than you’ll ever know.”
“Oh, but I do know,” he mumbled loving, interrupting himself by pressing kiss after kiss into my hairline and enveloping me in his arms once more, “because I love you just as much.”
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starofmandos · 7 years
Seven facts about you char?
(( Seven facts about my baby bean? A i g H T.1. She literally cannot find it in herself to hate anyone. Even those who hurt her, she's more likely to mourn the loss of what coukd have been than hate them. She's too soft and kind hearted for things like hatred.2. She loves birds. So much. Any and all birds. If she had her way she'd be a bird herself. She loves the freedom they have, and how sweet and innocent they are with her.3. She is very easy to make blush. It takes hardly anything at all to get those freckled cheeks turning adorably pink.4. She's a hopeless romantic. Any kind of romantic gesture is bound to get her heart wildly fluttering away, and gentlemanly/ladylike attitudes towards her will have her secretly fanning herself. Good thing she doesn't have Victorian novels anywhere for her to read XD (she's even worse in the modern verse cause she's spent thousands of years single at this point)5. She's hard to make angry. She's more likely to hold things in and fret about in in private than say anything. She doesn't let herself be walked on, of course, but she isn't one for fights.6. She believes in love at first sight, so if someone used that on her she might die of blushing.7. Lindir is everything to her. Her Ada is her only "sturdy rock" in her life, the only one she can hope to be with her for all the long ages of the world. Without him she'd be devastated, lost, and detached from the world in her grief. ))
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Scales and Freckles
Summary: Lindir Fluff with Dragonshifter Reader
Pairing: Lindir x Male!Reader
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Lindir hummed as he ran his hand over the scales on your shoulder he did it gently careful not to wake you, he knew better than to wake a sleeping dragon, especially one who would crush him in a hug and not let him escape if he were to wake you at the moment, he lay on your chest, you arms draped haphazardly over his waist, even if you where half Dragon you still had their tendencies.
Lindir always enjoyed touching your scales, Your scales were smooth and pleasant to touch at least that was what Lindir found, you always had a raised body temperature compared to him, it was nice in winter but a pain in summer as you surprised hugged him and he would grow 10 times hotter.
Dragons were heavy sleepers and you were no different, you could also fall asleep anywhere, you fell asleep once when Glorfindel attempted to play the harp in the hall of fire which didn’t end well he sounded like a dying pig but after his horrifyingly terrible performance Lindir had noticed your grip around his waist had tightened and you were asleep, making his performance be suspended until you woke up which wasn’t even soon.
His hand slid to your hip and traced his hand over the scales on them you groaned in pleasure as a response yet you were still asleep, or were you really because the next thing Lindir knew he was down on the bed with you over him a large smirk plastered on your face, the Elf blushed having been caught in his actions, he half expected to be crushed in a hug from which he could move in, but you did something entirely unexpected.
You managed to slip Lindirs shirt off and you buried yourself in his neck Lindir shivered as you kissed down it, but he also realized you were kissing each one of his freckles, elves rarely had imperfections like having heterochromia, Legolas had it admittedly it was central heterochromia but still he didn’t get teased but Lindir who had Freckles which is also extremely rare and considered an imperfection to elves did, but then again Legolas was a prince and Thranduil would act harsh on anyone who did and Lindir was a simple servant to his Lord. 
Lindir had noticed you had pulled away from him and tilted your head like a dog at him he smiled and wrapped his arms around your neck you took it as a signal to continue, while some people teased him, he had a dragon to worship his body like you where doing at the moment, Lindir had overheard many a time about the jealous elleths and ellons who wanted his dragon but he knew you wouldn’t go anywhere, Dragons were loyal to there mates although Dragon mating is different to Elvish mating and you both were a very odd couple a Dragon and an elf nobody would have thought the two races where compatible.
“I Love you Lindir” you hmmed against him as he haphazardly stroked your hair you shot back up to face him making the Ellon jump slightly to see your over  dramatic face in his, you and Glorfindel shared a lot in common and you're tased in mates was not that different to each other's.
You lowered yourself onto your forearms and kissed the tip of his pointed ear, as soon as you had started courting you had found all of Lindir’s weak spots his freckles and his ears being one you use commonly that or his neck but that was often covered with his clothes just like his thighs.
Lindir pushed your shoulders back, and you tilted your head at him again in confusion “I need to get dressed for the day” Lindir said he was however caught in a crushing hug Lindir blushed and tried to push you back enough so he could wiggle out but he could not as he did not have the strength you were very much stronger than him in every way Lindir sighed he knew he would have to wait for Lord Elrond to realizes and then find him, you listened to the Lord more than you listened to your mate in matters like these, so Lindir would just have to wait with the perfect view of your face and you would peck kisses all over his face in the meantime.
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Summer Rain and a Sad Lindir?
Summery: reader finds Lindir on one of the benches in garden in the rain and he's sad? so the reader cheers him up.
pairing: Lindir x Reader
A/n: oop this was suppose to be GN reader but I guess it turned into male reader (he/they pronouns)
taglist (forgot I had one of these for a while): @eunoiaastralwings
@elablackcat (it's kinda a wing fic and has Lindir in it thought you may like it besides take it while your waiting for all my wip wingfics)
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Summer rain was always something people looked forward to as much as they disliked the rain and the fact the twins tracked mud into the house which annoyed Erestor and Lindir very much.
You yawned as your hands where shoved in your pockets as you walked though the house you sighed and hmmed in discontent when you noticed someone familiar in the garden and sitting on the bench, yes you were new to Imladris and yes you only stay their as Elrohir saved your life well not life your wings from orcs, but you quickly familiarized yourself with those who lived inside the last homely house.
You walked out of the house and towards Lindir, you paused not wanting to frighten the poor elf but you realized he was crying, why would he be crying who had hurt him, you would punch them in there face for hurting Lindir, you had become very close to Lindir he was a gentle and helpful soul who you had grown to care about dearly.
You cast your wing over his head acting as an umbrella as you stood besides him looking away "You'll catch a cold out here" you huffed as much as you cared about Lindir you never actually showed it or showed him it.
"Elves can't catch colds" Lindir said which was true
"If your clothes get all soaked you will get cold" you said still not looking at him.
"What about you" Lindir questioned
"I am an Eagle of Manwë it does not matter" you huffed Lindir hummed he noticed you were holding out a cloth Infront of him he took it from your hand slowly.
"What happened to make you cry" You asked still not making eye contact with him.
"Nyeldo started teasing me about my freckles again and how I'm Imperfect and how I can't be an Elf and I'm just masquerading as one" Lindir said Nyeldo had been his rival for as long as you could remember they were both grate Minstrels and Nyeldo held a grudge against Lindir as Lord Elrond had picked him to server at his right hand and not him.
"Are you sure he's not the one masquerading as an Elf he sounds like a snake" you said crossing your arms Nyeldo was also jealous that you took a liking towards Lindir you did have a rather high reputation from the first and second ages and then deciding to stay and take an elvish form no other eagle had done that they all left children in middle earth and returned to Manwë.
"He's perfect in every way, he's amazing with a bow and a sword and with his words, he's better than me in everyway" Lindir said
"You have something he doesn't" you said crouching down and facing Lindir still with your wing over him as an umbrella, Lindir looked at you and you poked him right in the chest although it was slightly to the left.
"You have a heart, You are the kindest person I have ever known and I know Rog and Glorfindel, you may not be as perfect in appearance and skill as other elves but you know were all that went, it went into your heart Lindir and your skill in music but still you can see things good things in others which others can't admit you can be slow on the take but it's still their" you said to him before standing back up and looking away from him Lindir hmmed.
You had become quite tempted with finally confessing to the Elf who was under your wing both literally and metaphorically although the pairing was quite strange, an elf who doesn't know how to wield a sword and prefers a diplomatic way to get peace and is 'imperfect' and an a great mystical creature who could probably fight a whole army of 300 men (or orcs or even elves) by himself and would probably run blindly into a fight, just to get someone he loves back even if he never had a plan.
Yep that was you and Lindir in a nutshell, quite an odd couple by hey Erestor was living for it (from the shadows of course) and Glorfindel would never let him live it down if he enjoyed the romcom of you and Lindir being completely oblivious of each other reciprocation of your feelings.
“How are you always there at the right time and know just what to say, it’s like your following me” Lindir said
“Trust me I’m really not, it’s just a coincidence” you said it wasn’t a coincidence you checked in on Lindir admittedly from a distance every time you had a free moment this time was no different.
You sighed as you watched the rain drops fall into the pond and the moon's reflection 
“Thank you” Lindir said you hmmed raising an eyebrow not taking your eyes off the pond
“For looking after me, i fear I am a burden for both you and Elrond, you both do so much for me and I can’t repay you” Lindir said, you knew Elrond thought of Lindir as a son he had told you himself and warned you if you hurt him he would release his years of pent up anger on you which you understood that Lord must of had lots and you weren’t exactly secretive but Lindir wasn’t exactly clear to see if someone had loving feelings towards him he assumed everyone hated him because he was ‘Imperfect’
“You don’t need to thank us or repay us, you know you're not the only elf to have freckles, Maedhros had them as well but not many people know that, you should stop wearing your winter clothes in summer you will heat up and pass out, Maedhros never cared what people thought of his freckles besides I think there kinda cute, and they suit you much better than no freckles” you said looking away from Lindir you swore you saw his ears turned a dark shade of red.
“Elrond thinks of you as a son, he would never want you to repay him for his kindness he would simply refuse if you tried to, and your never a burden Lindir, and I don’t look after you that often name one time I have” you said
“That time while I was by the border scouting were new watch towers should be and those orcs attacked me” Lindir said
“I was doing my job, I was on patrol for Gildor. I am a guardian of Imladris. Those orcs got into our borders, it is my job to eliminate them, it was just a coincidence I found them while they ambushed you” You said.
“What about that time when you helped me take books from the library to Lord Elrond” Lindir said to you.
“I had to bring him maps, helping you was a side effect of it” you said 
“What about that Time I fell asleep in your wings and you didn’t move and you said you did it because you thought i needed rest” Lindir said
“You did need rest and if my wings made you fall asleep then so be it, you needed it you spent 2 weeks up with zero sleep and zero rest to organize the perfect dinner for Aran Thranduil just before you had Dwarves who bathed in the sacred fountain and were stressing you out” You replied to Lindir you huffed and crossed your arms.
“What about all those times I found myself back in my own bed in the comfort of my room when i fell asleep in the most random spaces” Lindir asked
“That’s an exception” you said to Lindir you had not notice the small smile come onto his face, nor did you notice him get up until he wrapped his arms around one of yours.
“Your going to catch a cold standing in the rain why don’t we go inside” Lindir said you couldn’t argue with him you would catch a cold if you stood in the cold any longer given how long your patrol was the previous day and it was freezing out that you could see your own breath, Lindir got you to your room and you both hung your clothes up to dry and you got him clothes to borrow yes they may be oversized on him and have wing slits in them which he didn’t need to you wrapped him in a cocoon of blankets to keep him warm and you may of wrapped your now dry thanks to Lindir wings around him and hugged him to keep him extra warm.
“You know just Like how Elves have that whole intimate deal about hair, the eagles have that for their wings” you said as you did not mention it to Lindir before the poor Ellon turned red in embarrassment given how many times he had touched your wings.
“I did not know I deeply apologize, if i of know” you cut him off
“If you known than you wouldn’t of done it, what if i liked it though, I never brought it up before now as I liked it but I brought It up now because you have the right to know” You said with a hmm your wings were soft they were like clouds to sleep on and Lindir loved it, but if it was so intimate to you he would be embarrassed.
“You know I think I know why I go out of my way so much to help you or comfort you, because I could of just left you crying on that bench like everyone else did, and I think it is because I am completely and utterly head over heels in love with you Lindir” You told the elf if Lindir could of gotten any more red he would have.
“I’m sorry but did I hear you right Your In love with me, who would love me, I am imperfect I have so many flaws” Lindir said
“No Lindir, you are perfect, I love every part of you from the top of your head to your toes to every freckled constellation you have on your body and I definitely love how I can be the knight in shining armor to rush to your aid and save you” You said Lindir looked up at you from were he sat in front of you to see your mischievous grin but he sighed to tired to fight it or hid it any longer so he leaned his head back on your shoulder
“Gi Melin ana Meleth nin” Lindir said
“Wait you love me to, I didn’t think you would like me back”  You questioned the Ellon in front of you as you furrowed your brows Lindir only hmmed in response to you, which you took as agreement.
“I never thought You would reciprocate my feelings, your always so grand and you like an Elf like me” Lindir said
“I enjoy the Little things in life and the great grand emotions and shows is just an act” you reply to Lindir while kissing his neck making him laugh
“Why does that tickle” Lindir said
“I don’t know why does it tickle Meleth-nin” you replied placing a kiss on his forehead as he had turned to face you and wrapped his legs around your waist and arms around your neck, your chin rested on his chest as you looked up at him and grinned as he smiled back down at you.
“You deserve all of Arda Lindir” you said, pecking him on his lips. The blankets had fallen when he move so he was wrapped in your wings.
“Your wings are really soft” Lindir said blushing and changing the subject quickly you laughed.
“You know depending how you touch them they can be rather sensati-” you got cut off mid sentence as Lindir stroked your feathers haphazardly 
“Sensitive” you said burying your head in his chest 
“I have always wondered can you still feel your feathers after they detached from your wings, I mean you can control them with your brain which must mean you have a lot of control over them and concentration” Lindir said
“Yes i can” you said as your arms held Lindir closer to you he continued to pet your hair as he asked questions about your wings he had always been curious before and now you were technically courting he could ask these questions now as you always seemed to avoid them in the past and now you were answering them for him.
“Your feathers are still quite wet” Lindir said
“They will dry quickly, unless it’s making you uncomfortable” you said
“No it’s fine i was just seeing if you knew” Lindir said you sighed in contentment at the moment you and Lindir were having you wished it could last forever but you knew it couldn’t, but you could enjoy it for as long as possible, you could listen to Lindir’s heart beat while he started singing under his breath while stroking your hair and your wings indefinitely, it was small moments like these that reminded you why you stayed in Middle Earth after most of your Kin flew back to Manwë and Valinor and why you decided to become a skin changer and have an Elvish form.
Without that you wouldn’t be able to have Lindir nor would the elf of known you, some days you really hated that you stayed and wished you flew back to Valinor but memories like this and Lindir, Glorfindel and Elrond also made you glad you stayed when everyone you loved and cared about and know as Kin and family and you held as brothers flew back to Valinor, you were alone but these moments made up for it.
Elvish Translation:
Gi Melin - I love you
Ana - to
Meleth Nin - My Love
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queenstarlight2 · 2 years
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Imagine kissing yandere Lindir’s freckles and calling them cute
(will do part 2 tomorrow)  
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
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He's Half my Soul as the poets say, he's my whole world
Dandelion Obsession
No other place i'd rather be than by your side.
Jealousy (queenstarlight kinda Request)
Summer Rain and a Sad Lindir?
Scales and Freckles
Parental Love | Massages
Our Sweet Boys Are Stress Bakers
He’s Half My Soul as the poets say, He’s my whole World
Butterfly dating (Glorfindel x Lindir)
Cranky Minstrel
As the Advent Calandar Commands
New Years Kiss
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Fairman's Bet
Afternoon Tea - Elrond
Learning to Outlive Your Friends and Other Tales of Immortality
Fluffy (relationship) HC's
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Smuag's Daughter
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In-between Bookshelves
Where do we go from here | Part 2 | | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 (eunoiaastralwings request)
Misletoe (Erestor x Glorfindel)
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Third Age Glorfindel
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Take these broken wings and learn to fly | Part 2
In my Arms Tonight
Butterfly dating (Glorfindel x Lindir)
Glorfindel and his man tits
Misletoe (Erestor x Glorfindel)
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Early Mornings
Summary: The Reader is a child of Lord Elrond and the Husband to Lindir, Early morning fluff with the reader and Lindir
Ft: Male Reader, bit of angst but mostly fluff
Pairing: Lindir x Male!reader
Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings
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The sun crept threw the window and shone threw the curtains, a cool morning breeze also came with the sun, bird song filled the room from the birds outside that were perched on the trees.
you hated early mornings you preferred to lie in with your Husband but he loved early mornings they had been his muse for many songs before you came along, but you could help but like the golden glow of the sun which shone onto his freckles it was cute.
Your arm was cast haphazardly over Lindir on top of the duvet, as always Lindir's shirt had ridden up during the night, Lindir always slept with his stomach bare even in winter as the shirts tended to ride up, your legs however were protectively intertwined with Lindir's, your face was in the crook of his neck were it was always found in the morning.
His chocolate coloured hair was spread out on the pillow, as yours was half on the pillow and half over your face.
Lindir woke first as always he was an early riser given he worked for your father closely he had gotten used to it, one of his hands was wrapped around you it had pulled you closer into him, he blushed at the close contact, even with how long you had both been married Lindir still blushed at little things like holding hands int public.
But something he thought he would never get used to was waking up with you in the morning, how your mouth hung slightly open and how your nose scrunched in reactions the normal stoic, wise guardian who was Gildor's right hand man who had Galadrhim training was gone and it was replaced with a Kind, caring and generous, loving and gentle ellon who was the son of the Lord of the Valley.
You were much like your father in a sense those who treat you with kindness you repay them with how they treat you and with those who threaten you and the people you love or hurt them you return it with a wraith tenfold back to them.
Lindir had asked many times why yet you always return with treat other how they treat you that is the only thing which works, in that sense you were very different from your father.
"Gi melin" Lindir said as you came around from your sleep he kissed you on the forehead leaned up and kissed Lindir on the lips as a morning greeting still to tired to talk.
"Morning to you to sleepy head" Lindir said
"Why do you wake up so early song bird, you always steal the chance to watch your sleeping face by waking up and watching mine" you huffed
"Just get up earlier" Lindir said
"Why would I do that if I don't need to go on Patrol" you shot back at him.
"Because You won't wasted the day away lying in" Lindir said
"What if I want to do that" you said resting your head on his chest.
"I will not stop you although I will wonder if that is what you really want to do" Lindir said moving a strand of your hair out of your eyes.
"Well I can't really do that because you always end up waking me" you huff as you rolled back onto the bed, Lindir cast away the Duvet and got up.
"Why must you make me freeze" you somewhat wined as you pulled the Duvet back over you Lindir chuckled and grabbed your arm and leg and pulled you out of bed.
"Maybe wear better night clothes so you will not get cold" Lindir said looking down at you, you shot up.
"And I know for a fact you do have Patrol today it's just later, I know Erestor's tables I have to pass them along to Lord Elrond, and if I let you sleep in knowing this and you are late, I will also be at blame" you pouted at his statement but did not argue against it as you knew it was true, you slumped over Lindir's shoulders as he was trying to get his clothes for the day out.
"As much as I love you herven please let me get dressed" Lindir said
"Never" you muttered into his neck, Lindir sighed turning to you and hugging you back.
"You really do love getting attention don't you" Lindir said
"Only yours song bird" you returned to him
"At this rate we will both be late, I checked you have a meeting before you are to go on patrol" Lindir said
"Why must you remind me, as much as I am glad Erestor's does what he does, I hate meetings with him" You said as Lindir passed you your clothes you angrily put on your clothes you hated meetings but Lindir wouldn't let you skip even one.
"Sometimes I really hate how responsible and how goody two shoes you are, but sometimes it's really adorable" you pouted to Lindir who turned back to you his tunic undone, you walked over and did it up for him painfully slowly. you smoothed down the tunic after and looked up from your hands to Lindir.
he put your cloak over your shoulders and buckled it down he spread it out so it covered your arms "The star on your cloak it is not Elronds, nor is this a cloak it's a old banner flag" Lindir said
"It's Gil-Galad's star, the star of my actual father, Elrond simply took me into his care after the battle of the last alliance" You said, Lindir's thumb traced down the scar which reached from the right side of your forehead to the left side of your chin and slightly down your neck.
"The same battle you got this scar" Lindir hmmed
"Very same, the scar I got trying to save my father, I was young and immature, I shouldn't of even been there, I shouldn't of talked Elrond into talking my father to let me come with them, I should of just stayed put" You said Lindir glanced to the bottom of the flag you made into a cloak, it was burnt and weather stained at the bottom, Lindir took it in his hands.
"I could repair this for you" Lindir said you snapped it back.
"No" You snapped at him anger flashing in your eyes it scared Lindir, you sighed.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to, it's just" you paused as Lindir put a figure on your lips.
"You don't need to explain Meleth" Lindir said you looked at him and wrapped him around in a hug.
"I knew I was right falling in love with you songbird" you said as you buried your face in his hair.
"You have a meeting Erestor's won't want you late and Elrond wants me we should go" Lindir said you nodded and kissed him on the lips and bid him goodbye and you both went your separate ways.
As much as you complained about them you love early mornings with your songbird.
Elvish translation:
Meleth - love
herven - Husband
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