#lindir love
lonicera-edulis · 9 months
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Based on LOTRO, but I drew movies' versions of the characters. Also Hall of Fire was updated, but I finished this year old wip only now, so don't mind the incorrect color palette asdfghjkl
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thranduel · 3 months
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thanks for listening
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tanoraqui · 7 days
I’m not personally a headcanonner of Maglor living in Rivendell in LotR under a new name, but if he is, I adamantly believe that he is not Lindir (“song guy”) but rather Erestor (tentatively glossed “lonely brother.”) Tragic humor or bust!
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meteors-lotr · 10 months
Elladan: Ada, I like men
Elrond: Okay?
Elrohir: I like men too!
Elrond: Is there anyone of you kids who like women?
Arwen: Well……
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kat651 · 5 months
❤︎“While they all fall in love with her smile she waits for one who will fall in love with her scars.
-The Dreamer”❤︎
This is an reader insert interactive blog //reader friendly //read the rules and follow the guide to allow for proper conduct
The purpose of this blog is to enhance the volume of content for the hobbit and lord of the rings
This blog is ran by me
Master list (should be fully updated by end of august)
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warriorofthought · 7 months
Ice Bear
Summary: You always were close to Lindir but he suddenly finds your present disturbing and that hurts you. Can you both come to good terms back again?
Word Count: 2023
Warnings: a bit hurt and sad feelings
Linder X Reader
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In the serene woods of Riverdale, amidst the whispering leaves and the soft glow of moonlight, Lindir, the gentle minstrel of the Elves, found himself entangled in an unexpected situation. He had always been known for his kindness and compassion, but lately, he found himself feeling overwhelmed by the attentions of an ardent admirer.
As Lindir strummed his lute beneath the ancient mallorn trees, he sensed the presence of You approaching. With a courteous smile, Lindir welcomed you but his heart sank as You began to speak.
"Lindir," You began earnestly, "I must confess, I find myself drawn to your presence more than ever. Your melodies enchant me, your wisdom inspires me. I... I feel as though I cannot bear to be apart from you, as I was a child I was often by you, I miss that."
Lindir's heart fluttered with discomfort, for while he cherished You as a friend, he did not share the same romantic feelings. With a heavy heart, Lindir gathered his courage to speak his truth.
"Y/n" Lindir began gently, "I am deeply honored by your affection, but I must confess that I feel you have become... too clingy."
Your expression faltered, a flicker of hurt crossing your features. "Clingy? I... I only wish to be close to you, Lindir. Is that not what friends do?"
Lindir sighed, his fingers tracing the delicate patterns of his lute. "Indeed, friends do share a bond of closeness, but there must also be space for individual pursuits and interests. I fear that your constant presence leaves me feeling suffocated, unable to breathe freely."
Silence enveloped them like a shroud as You processed Lindir's words, his gaze cast downwards in contemplation. After a moment, he looked up, his eyes filled with remorse.
"I had not realized," You murmured, your voice tinged with regret. "Forgive me, Lindir, if I have caused you discomfort. I only wished to express my admiration for you."
Lindir's heart clenched with regret at the pain in your voice, but he knew that honesty was the only path forward. 
A flicker of hurt crossed your features, like a shadow passing over the moonlit glade. You stood silent for a moment, your gaze fixed upon the ground, before finally lifting his eyes to meet Lindir's.
"I have understood your words, I'm sorry for disturbing you" you murmured, voice tinged with sorrow. 
Lindir's heart ached at the pain in your voice, but he knew that he could not retract his words. And so, with a heavy heart, he watched as you quickly turned and walked away, disappearing into the depths of the forest like a fleeting shadow.
Days turned into weeks, and still, there was no sign of You searching for him. Lindir wandered the woods of Riverdale, his heart heavy with regret, longing for the familiar presence of his dear friend. But try as he might, he could find no trace of you, as if you had vanished into the mists of his memory.
And so, beneath the canopy of stars, Lindir played his lute, the echoes of his melodies mingling with the sighing of the trees. For even as the silence between them grew, he held onto the hope that one day, their friendship would bloom anew, like a flower blossoming in the wake of winter's chill.
A few weeks later 
Lindir manage to spot you as you do your usual duty and steps up to you. Your attention is immediately drawn to him as you hear him. You quickly look away and tried to leave but he steps into your way.
"don't you dare to step closer, i don't want you near me" you utter a bit too rough, the Sight of him brings pain.
Lindir stops moving and his heart sinks for a moment. You truly don't want to let him come any closer and it hurts Lindir more than he wants to show. He finally understands that his words had hurted you more than he thought.
"So..." He replies with a mixture of hurt and sadness in his eyes trying to come up with a conversation. "You would have wanted to keep spending time with me and see me and hear my stories like we used to?"
"Have I ever said I don't want that?"
Lindir is quiet for a moment as he lets these words sink in. He realizes how stupid he has been. Maybe things could go back to how they had been. Maybe you are not truly gone from him after all.
"Can I ask you something?" Lindir says as he slowly walks closer to you. "Will you please let me tell you one last story? I still know so many and I was saving at least one for you. You never got to hear it. Will you please let me do that?"
You slowly nod " is it about the ice bear?"
Lindir notices how much you are opening up to him at the mention of a story he wishes to tell you and it warms his heart.
"Indeed it is." He says and looks at you. A moment of silence passes and he then looks at the floor, as if preparing himself. "Shall I begin?"
"yes" you nod and sit down on a nearby bench.
Lindir is quiet for a long moment. He is really glad you want to hear his story, even after he messed up so much. And he wants to make it up to you for it.
"Once, very long ago, there was a group of elves who lived in a far remote area within the forests. And they loved to explore these woods. One day, they stumbled on a cave that was very deep within the depths of the woods. They explored the cave and soon began to be surrounded by a lot of ice."
Your eyes slowly move over to him.
"As they went deeper, they soon noticed that they were becoming surrounded by more and more ice. It was as if the cave was a large freezer. The deeper they went, the tighter the ice became.
But they were brave and went all the way down until they reached a huge chamber that was filled entirely with ice. In the middle of the room, they saw something that startled them immediately."
"the little ice bear?"
Lindir is silent for a second, surprised that you already know most of the story. However, that does not bother him.
"Yes, indeed. It was a tiny little thing, so small that it fit in the palm of your hand. It was lying on its side and barely moving. All the elves were worried that it was going to die because it was freezing.
Then, something unexpected happened. The little ice bear moved its head and suddenly it looked directly at them."
Your eyes slowly show a little bit of your excitement.
Lindir notices a hint of excitement in your eyes. He continues with the story.
"Everybody was shocked at first. But the elf who had been exploring this cave the most got closer with a gentle and cautious approach. He had always loved animals of all kinds and he could not stop himself from trying to save the ice bear. He moved closer and carefully picked up the little bear.
His touch seemed to have an immediate and magical effect, as the very ice that surrounded the bear began to melt. And the little bear regained its breath."
"Wow" you mumble
Lindir smiles at you, realizing that you are enjoying his story more and more.
"Indeed. As the ice vanished, it became visible that the cave was more like a freezer and the ice was like magic frozen on this animal. All the elves were completely astonished at what they could see.
In the end, the elf that had held the small bear in his arms decided to take him with him back to the woods. Since that day, the little ice bear and the elf were inseparable."
"They are friends now?"
"They are not just friends now. They are bonded for the rest of their lives. The ice bear is actually very clingy towards the elf and likes to ride on his shoulders. The elf always loves to pet him and even has given him a name."
Lindir pauses for a moment and then leans a little bit closer to you and speaks softly. "Would you like to know the name he gave him?"
You nod.
Lindir leans even closer, his voice almost a whisper by now. He can tell that this story is hitting a spot in you.
"The elf called the little ice bear 'Icely'. They are so bonded and so close now that it is as if they cannot be separated. Icely is always with the elf and the elf can never be sad because Icely will always be there to cheer him up."
"that sounds nice"
"And what if I told you that that small ice bear reminds me of someone?" He asks you. With a glance, you understand who he is referencing.
"Of who?" You ask, trying to hide your curious feelings.
“It's the one I care so much about and the one that deserves all the kindness and love I have to give. The one I miss every day after you started to avoid me."
"You." He answers softly. "I feel as if we are like the elf and the bear. We cannot be separated. Maybe what happened between us before was so hurtful, but now I am not ready to let you go either. I will never leave you and I will always be here for you whether you wish to admit it or not." He sighs slightly, a bit sad.
"I cannot explain the feeling. Whenever I am with you, I do not feel sad because you are there. Even when I do not have the best day, you make it brighter and happier simply by being there.”
Lindir gets a bit closer to you and he talks softly. His tone is sincere and his eye contact is full of kindness.
“I have told you the story of my friends to tell you this: you are my little ice bear. You are not a burden for me, I promise, i will never tell you something like that so rough, i will be softer."
"Lindir" your voice finally soft again and it drifted through the air like a whisper carried on the wind, "I have missed you."
"Y/n" Lindir breathed, relief flooding through him like a river breaking free from its banks, "I feared I had lost you forever."
You look at him with a hesitant smile, your gaze soft and searching. "I needed time to... to process our conversation, your words were a bit hard for me" you admitted, your voice tinged with vulnerability. "But I realize now that I cannot bear to be apart from you, Lindir."
A surge of warmth flooded Lindir's heart at your words, and he reached out to clasp his hand, their fingers intertwining like the branches of two trees intertwined in a forest glade.
"Nor can I bear to be apart from you, y/n" Lindir confessed, his voice barely more than a whisper carried on the breeze. “ You have always held a special place in my heart, a place of light and warmth amidst the shadows."
Your eyes widened with surprise, your gaze locking with Lindir's in an unspoken exchange of understanding. And then, with a tender smile, he leaned forward, and hug you in a gentle big warm hug that spoke volumes of the love that had blossomed between you both.
Underneath the canopy of stars, amidst the whispering leaves and the soft glow of moonlight, Lindir and you found solace in each other's arms, their bond strengthened not by words alone, but by the depth of their shared affection. And as they danced beneath the silvered sky, their hearts entwined like the branches of two trees reaching for the heavens, they knew that their love would endure for all eternity, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness.
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stardayzzing · 1 year
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I could post abt more popular characters but instead Im shoving this doodle of Lindir and Glorfindel in ur faces before I get ready for bed at *checks my non-existent smudged drawn on watch* late o'clock!!!
Thinking abt height differences...
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shirefantasies · 6 months
I don’t know if your matchup requests are still open and if not you can totally ignore this, but I was wondering if I could get a Lotr/The Hobbit matchup (preferably male).
A bit about myself:
Female / 5’7 / eneagram 6 / Gemini
My top two love languages are quality time and acts of service.
In my spare time, I love to read and write. It is a great passion of mine, and I hope to make something of it one day.  Sometimes I journal as well. 
I love to be outside in nature because it allows me to unwind after a long day. I also really like going on walks while listening to music in the mornings.
I do have a horrible habit of getting so wound up in projects that I forget to rest both mentally and physically. Taking care of mental health has been the primary struggle, but I have gotten better at it over time. 
I prefer to be kind to all I meet, but sometimes my desire for justice gets in the way.
I also really like watching people do an activity. Sitting in silence watching someone else do something they’re passionate about is very healing and cozy for me.
My personal aesthetic can be described as vintage-inspired; think long skirts and blouses. I love brighter colors such as pink and lavender, but I don’t mind darker tones on occasion, especially when the season calls for it. 
Some other things that I like are sunsets/sunrises, animals of any kind,  warm beverages like coffee or tea, a clean space, collecting gemstones, candlelight, and soft blankets. 
Things I dislike are bugs, getting rained on (I love the rain, don’t get me wrong, but the sensory experience of having rain fall on me is not ideal), large changes in plans, people talking too loudly, and just rude people in general.
Again, if your requests for matchups are not open, feel free to ignore this, but I thank you for taking the time to read this. 
Have a wonderful/blessed day, 
Heck yeah! I opened them indefinitely since I wasn’t overwhelmed with them :))) your Middle-Earthly match is…
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Our Boy Lindir :)
Returning to Rivendell on errand from Elrond, you are met with one of his most trusted confidants, another finely dressed brunette elf who greets you with a smile. “I wasn’t warned of any visitors,” he jokes, giving you a charming look, “who might you be?” “Finn, they call me,” you dismount and curtsy as your horse is taken away, “and I come for an exchange with Lord Elrond, if you please. If he is on business, I can-” “Stay, please,” the elf bids you with a sweep of his hand, “we hardly call ourselves the last homely house for nothing. If you can wait until after supper our lord shall be happy to make your audience.”
Easily you can, thus you are granted a room and a meal with the elves, where you are sat with none other than Elrond himself. Lindir, the elf who had greeted you, stands at his side, and you smile at him. Clear as it is that he is not partaking in the meal, you find yourself drawing him into the conversation once the discussion of your craft ends. The…servant perhaps? appears surprised to learn you are a collector and dealer of gemstones. “Don’t worry,” you tease him, “I don’t mine them myself too.” Supper goes well, your deal with Elrond for the gemstones he needed happily closed and yourself quite charmed, both by the fact Rivendell’s lord is making jewelry for his distant wife and by the gracious hosting of his servant.
Offering to walk you back to your room under claim of his home being quite the labyrinth, you ask Lindir how he finds his duties and what the most difficult part is. Simply put? Rude patrons. Your own distaste for the impertinent gets the better of you, and soon the pair of you are swapping stories outside your door. Laughing far louder than you’d have thought allowed in the great ornate settlement. Soon darkness overtakes the hall, however, and pressing a kiss to your hand, Lindir bids you a good night. It hardly escapes your notice the look of scandal across his own face, but in your kindness you choose not to address it.
Sunrise over the Valley of Imladris is one of the most majestic sights to ever pleasure your eyes; sipping the warm cup of tea another early riser shared with you, you glance beyond the spill of golden light to see Lindir making his way to set a harp near the tables. “Getting the players ready this early?” Shaking his head, he confesses the sunrise inspires him, inspires him so that he enjoys rising with the sun to compose songs. Lightning up, you carry your teacup over his way and share your own love of composition. Soon even the gorgeous sunrise fades as you are lost in song, melody overtaking your ears as Lindir sings a poem you’d penned on your travels. His passion is nearly palpable, flooding your heart with comfort and joy and all the same warmth of your invigorating tea. Passage of time utterly forgotten, your musical moment is only interrupted by Lord Elrond’s entrance and passing, quite amused, comment that you two are quite an unexpected gift, are you not?
Heat rushing to your face, you excuse yourself to attend to your jewelry-making. Once again, minutes or hours may have passed when a knock sounds at the door of your lent workspace. Stretching and wincing at the unpleasant pop, you stride across the room on shaky legs to open the door. Lindir! “I…I apologize, Finn, but we were rather concerned when we were told you hadn’t emerged again.” Raising the tray in his hands, one lain with a light meal and drink, he smiles. “We appreciate your work for Lady Celebrían, but please don’t forget to take care of yourself, too.” You could have kissed him then and there, but you waited a week until your departure, goodbye making the taste of his soft lips that much more bittersweet.
More and more frequently do your journeys take you back to Rivendell until the day comes that Lord Elrond himself appoints you his craftswoman…and winks as he inquires that you have more than just a home to return to now, do you not? He knows the trials of love between elves and mortals just as well as he knows it is a choice made freely.
Lindir honors that choice day after day, always appearing as if with prescience that you’ve thrown yourself into your work again. Sometimes you slip into sleep there in your space, awakening with your favorite blanket draped over your hunched form and a cheeky note inviting you for a morning stroll when you’re up for it.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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elswing · 6 months
thinking about my blorbos (the entire subculture of the telerin elves) again. does anyone happen to have any thoughts or headcanons on what they wear as swimwear? in my head different elven cultures have varying opinions on what's considered scandalous and some who are generally more "conservative" than others (i've seen a few people write about the noldor loving hair and considering touching it to be very intimate, for example, which i LOVEEEEEEE) and i like to think because most of their traditions and day-to-day life is spent near the ocean or swimming in it that they're a lot less bothered by nudity, but i'm not sure being naked would be practical all the time
i've tried to look up what people in our world used to wear before what we recognise as the swimsuit was invented, but all i could find involved veeeery heavy, uncomfortable garments meant to conceal women's bodies at all cost (and in some cases the men just went full commando) which doesn't match my thought process at all. as far as i can tell, there aren't a lot of fabrics that could mimic what we use in their time period and what they used as undergarments wouldn't be suitable in the water at all. if anyone has any thoughts PLEASE let me know i spend way too much time being bothered by this already
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eunoiaastralwings · 1 year
If this is alright could we have a dragon rider reader (got like dragon) with lindir if that's alright.
The Dragon Friend
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featuring lindir x reader
fandom tolkien- the hobbit the lord of the rings
a/n idk if this is how you meant it - please enjoy ! - who else but toothless ;)
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Lindir and you had been childhood friends - a friend he had grown to love and admire.
But unfortunately he had lost you during your childhood days - you had been taken and there was no source in finding you.
He sometimes remembers his young self searching and pleading with his and your kin to find you - but always there was no hope. . .
You were gone and he had to live with a broken heart. . .
He convinced himself you were dead and lived on in sorrow, reaching Rivendell.
So he was convinced he would never see you again until one surprising day he found you lying unconscious just outside the valley of Rivendell.
He was able to recognise you - many ages can pass and will always be able to recognize you.
In seeing this minstrel unlike himself and rushing to your safely - putting on else behind, he knew you were special to Lindir.
Linidr himself had insisted on carrying your unconscious body into Rivendell. It was a shock to everyone as he picked you up with care and brought you into the healing rooms.
When you gasped awake he was still right by your side - tending to your every wound.
You looked at him amazed - you would never forget those eyes of your beloved friend from childhood.
He was still the same Lindir in every way he acted and even smiled.
It was the same Linidr you always knew and it has a sense of home again after all these years.
His sudden overprotectiveness took you by surprise - and it made you blink wondering who this suddenly was.
“Lindir, I am alright. . .”
You tried to argue. 
“No, Y/N, you are hurt and wounded. You need to rest! Strict rest is needed.”
Lindir insisted, a little sternness in his voice - but his touch was still with care as he gently pushed you back to rest your weak body.
But you couldn’t - he was out there lost and scared, you needed to make Lindir understand and go back to him.
Lindit kept a close eye on you - while you always knew you could trust Lindir you didn’t know how exactly he would act towards the new you. . .and your little. . .or perhaps big flying friend were the better words to use.
You sighed twisting and turning at night - aching sore in different parts of your body from the crash landing as you were suddenly ambushed by orcs.
You waited until the dead of night and stepped out the bed and tiptoed out the room. Your heart was in your throat.
You weren’t technically doing anything though. . .
With a gulp - you ran swiftly and quietly as you could across the halls - ignoring the aches and burns in your body.
Somehow you managed to get past the guards - they probably ignored you seeing you with Lindir so often and did not think you were planning on leaving. . who knows but you thanked your lucky stars and hoped yourself out of Rivendell and outside.
You gently called out into the wind.
“Lith. . .Please where are you?”
You whispered - getting a little impatient with your pet dragon.
You knew he was here - he was playing with you, hiding his ash colored body from your sights.
You stepped out further.
Suddenly you were cut off by his sudden appearance and quickly scooped you under his wing to hold you close.
He let out a happy sound at the sights of you - his large tail swishing back and forth happily seeing you again.
You giggled and hugged him back.
“Oh - you good boy! You stayed hidden, good boy!”
You cooed - scratching the place right under his chin exactly where you knew he liked.
Suddenly a familiar voice hit your ear and you froze - Lithon turned around too. to see who was there he was being protective over you.
You gulped - seeing your childhood friend standing there in shock, the color drained from his face as he looked at the scene in front of him.
“Lindir. . I need you to stay calm. . .OK?” 
You said gently - stepping away from Lithon’s wings and walking over to him.
Lindir’s heart was beating a thousand miles per hour and his breath came out quicker.
He did not reply - suddenly he grabbed your wrist pulled you away the giant beast.
“Lindir! Wait!”
You tried - but he was already sprinting holding your wrist.
You winced at Lithon growled.
Lindir’s mind was haywire - he debated whether to call out Elladan and Elrohir now, or wait until he was at the entrance. . 
No no - he could ot risk the beast entering Rivendell.
“Lindir! Please, he is harmless!”
You tried - but then suddenly Lithon jumped in front blocking their way - looking predatory - and you rolled your eyes at his over dramaticness.
Lindir looked at you incredulously -then moved to shout out for the guards and twins.
Lindir wasn’t a fighter, he was a healer and protector towards you.
Quickly you covered his mouth and he looked at you with wide eyes.
“Lindir, please just listen! He is my friend. Lithon is good, please! He is trying to protect me as much as you are!”
You pleaded.
“Look. . .”
You looked unsure for a moment.
“Just watch, OK?”
You said and took a deep breath - holding your hands out in a calm motion and gestured to Lithon.
“Lithon. . .little one, it is OK. . .”
You said as he was glaring daggers at Lindir.
Then you held Linidr’s hand and your other hand reached out to Lithon
He looked between you both - then let out a sound that was something in between a scoff and a sigh.
Lindir watched in his utmost surprise as the dragon gently bowed to you and rested his head against your hand. . .trusting you.
“See? He is friendly. . .Lithon is good.”
You promised Lindir and gently brought his hand forward.
Lindir fought at first but you gave him pleading eyes and he sighed - letting his hand rest on the dragon just beside your hand.
Lithon let out a grunt before slowly relaxing.
Lindir watched in amazement and utter disbelief.
“See I told you. . .Li. .is ve…ry”
But suddenly Lindir’s ears could no longer hear you clearly - it was like he was suddenly underwater.
His vision was blurry then suddenly all was dark. . .
Lindir awakens again - his body sitting up straight in a sudden jolt.
Lithon was in front of him, lying on the sun like a cat.
He rolled his eyes and grunted at Lindir and turned away.
“Oh thank Eru, Lindir! You are awake!”
You chirped happily and hugged him tightly.
Lindir was taken back by the sudden gesture but he found himself quickly melting into his arms and his love for you returned.
You blushed seeing your close proximity - and Lindir mirrored the blush on his cheeks.
“Y/N. . .”
He whispered your name and caressed your hand - looking deep into your eyes.
You knew. . .You knew then and you know it now. . .You didn’t get the chance before and you were not about to let it slide through your fingers easily.
Neither was Lindir. . .it was known when he quickly and respectfully pecked your lips.
You rolled your eyes and pulled him to a full kiss. . .passionate and tender. . .making his eyes go wide in surprise and almost in awe.
A kiss that is warm, gentle, and full of love and affection. The love that you have inspired within one another is overflowing. . . 
Lithon let out another grunt making you both laugh.
“That dragon has a personality. . .”
Lindir said in amazement, looking at Lithon.
“Lith, he is not like other dragons. . . he has a soft heart really -he saved me and has been my friend since. I would have told you, meleth. . .I would I was afraid for Lithon. . 
Lindir blushed when you called him meleth.
“It is understandable, meleth nin - as always I see where the kindness in your heart lies.”
You grinned at him - your friend and lover now.
“Shall we take him for a ride?”
 You asked and Lindir was confused.
“A ride?”
“Yes - a ride” 
You said happily. 
Lindir really did know what he was in for - but he was willing to try if it meant he could make you happy.
He held onto you for the fear of his life as Lithon took off into the skies.
You rolled your eyes realizing Lithon was doing this own purpose - to give Lindir a friendly scare. . .
“Lithon, you useless reptile. . .”
You muttered with an eyeroll trying to comfort Lindir.
Lindir felt like his life was flashing before his eyes - his heart was in throat as he was carried among the clouds and dove into the sea with great speed.
When finally landed again - Lindir’s heart was beating out of control and he felt like he needed to lay on the grass.
“Oh sweet Eru. . .”
He whispered, laying there breathing hard.
“Are you OK? Lindir?”
You asked quietly, trying to comfort him.
“That was. . .dangerous!” 
He breathed and you felt rather sad.
“But amazing. . .” 
He breathed and laughed.
You grinned and kissed him again, toppling him on the grass again as he was about to sit up.
Lithon gave you love birds an eye roll but smiled to himself. . .
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Taglist form
tara's taglist: @wandererindreams @fizzyxcustard @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @asianbutnotjapanese @floraroselaughter @mismaeve
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thescrapwitch · 2 months
Lindir. Sweetheart. Darling character of mine. WHY???? This was just supposed to be a quick fic. It was just supposed to be a fluffy, SHORT epilogue-sort of story. What are you doing? Why are you making this so much longer???
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justpostsyeet · 3 months
I'm on a chapter which is making me sad. So, I'm going to make it everyone's problem and share a sad edit I made for it.
Ps - it's my first time making an edit. Hope it's good
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tiutale · 11 months
Glorfindel's eyes swept the Hall of Fire as his fingers finished the long braid draped over his shoulder. Damp still from the bath his mind clung to the near euphoric feel of being home.
The twins barked a laugh in unison at something Lindir whsioered conspiratorily to them. Elrond's fierce look made him grin. It was clearly no appropriate.
Erestor and Celebrian hid their smiles in their wine glasses. Definitely not appropriate.
"You gonna stand there outshining our fire or join us captain?" Gildor's playful voice danced with mirth as he strummed his harp in thoughtful moves.
"Sing for us Glorfy!" His eyes burned in playful irritation at Erohir's use of their childhood name for him. But he smiled indulgently.
"Yes do sing for us we have not heard you since Spring festivities." Celebrian's sweet smile melted his reserve. His mind though brought forth images of another time. With the same request. And his heart clenched.
The family before him. His chosen family. Blurred and melted into another from an age long before. In a city similarly hidden. Galdor's call for his songs in his ears. Ecthellion's laughin agreement. Rôg's playful grumbling over his lack of tone. Egalmoth rolling his eyes offering to lay them all out should he simply wish it.
A hand on his arm drew him back with a sharp gasp of air into starved lungs. His troubled emerald eyes locking into the storm grey of Erestor. Ever a steady presence in his worst moments Glorfindel gave a shaky smile. Returned by one of confident calm.
Looking to the now concerned but still smiling faces he let his heart remember his old found family. And rejoice in the new.
"Aye. I will sing for you."
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wineandthrandy · 1 year
Thrandy and Leggy go to Rivendell.
🤣🤣 Lindir *they're gonna drink it all* 😂🍷🍸🍹🥂🥃
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choices-and-voices · 1 year
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Random moments from Chapter 5 of Blades 2 that made me feel things, part 6/6
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kat651 · 9 months
imagine: finding out lindir is highly ticklish and using it to your advantage.
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Lindir sighed and collapsed in a couch. You went over and sat next to him. “You ok?”
He let his head fall in your shoulder. “I’m exhausted.”
You smiled and gently wrapped your arm around him. He’d been courting you for about a month now and you were slowly testing boundaries, not wanting to push him to far. 
You slowly rubbed up and down his side and suddenly he flinched, back arching. 
You looked at him with worry. “Are you ok? Are you hurt?”
You knelt before him, slowly lifting his shirt so you could see his side. “You flinched, let me see…” you saw no cut or bruise so you slowly ran your hand along his side again and he twitched again. 
“Lindir…” you whispered, gently pressing. He let out a sound. “What? Did that hurt?” You asked, fingers spreading out across his side. 
“No it just…” he made a face. “That tickles!”
“What? This?” You rolled your fingers over his side and he squealed. 
“Y/N!!!” He said as he burst into laughter. “Stahahahp!” He begged as he laughed. 
You ticked him until his ears began to redder and he clutched his sides. 
“There, you’re in a better mood now, mr. grumpy face.”
He shook his head. “Why are you so annoying?”
“Yes! Annoying!”
“You take that back.”
Lindir shook his head. “No.”
You sighed and shrugged. “Then you leave me on choice…” you attacked his sides again and he shrieked.
Lord Elrond heard his assistant’s destress and ran to see what was the matter. 
Lindir was in his back, laying on the couch as he begged for mercy. “Ok ok I take it back! Please staaap!!!” He noticed lord Elrond and turned red from embarrassment before calling out. “My lord! Help me!” 
Elrond smiled. “Oh yes, I’ll help…” he came over and lean to you. “Yah know… I think his feet may be a better target…”
Lindir screeched. “How dare you!!!” He gasped shocked that lord Elrond would ensue in the shenanigans. 
You positioned yourself so Linder couldn’t move and began to tickle his feet. 
“Y/nnnn!!! Can’t… breathe…”
You ignored him. 
Elrond spoke up. “Ok, I think that’s enough, his face is red as a tomato.”
You stoped and stood, leaving an exhausted, slightly sweaty Lindir to try and catch his breath. “Y-y/n…”
“Now my side hurts…”
You burst into laughter. “My poor sweet lindir! What am I gonna do with you? Do you need me to pamper you with kisses and get you some tea as I sing you a song?”
He smiled, eyes still closed. “That actually sounds nice…”
Elrond shook his head. “Lindir, you’ve the rest of the day off…”
Once lord Elrond was gone you knelt next to the couch and immediately began to cover him in kisses. 
He chuckled slightly from the feeling it left and pretty soon he grabbed you and pulled you in for a kiss on the lips. “Thank you, y/n…”
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