#lineless art styles are hard lol
iceicewifey · 5 months
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edwardbonnets · 2 months
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decided to give the "draw your own inky icons" a try now that i know how to mod the game myself 😌🌸✨
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tormentum-ab-intra · 3 months
skeledog Leander WIP
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the skull here is actually modeled closely after a deer skull, just compressed to fit a dog's overall face shape. also tried to make the eyes a little less wide-set than a deer's without making them completely front-facing like a dog's. here's the rest of the (still un-rendered) body:
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i'm testing out the screen recorder i just downloaded so if that ends up working the way i want it to i'll have a timelapse of this piece when it's done :)
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w1f1n1ghtm4r3 · 4 months
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shasta art dump? yeah why not
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sunnyscript · 6 months
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[ID: three images of a lineless Alastor fanart and sscreensho redraw of his movie director costume from episode 1. His skin is gray and there is a lavender-ish light casting a glow on his right side. He is standing smiling, his right hand is holding his radio-can behind his back while his left is snapping its fingers. The palette of colors used floats on his upper right. The upper left has a transparent background a deep purple shadow, the upper left has a lagoon green background and a greyish blue shadow and the last one has a deep but bright pink background and a pale and greyish green shadow]
Click on image for better quality.
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capricioussun · 8 months
I wanna try that evil art style challenge but I feel like I don't have a style??? Which. Isn't really possible but I can't even think of like...what the opposite of the traits I use would be ???
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moonviewer · 1 year
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drew a princess for no reason 
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bepoucorp · 28 days
Sup bepou
Wanted to ask how long your vids and your art usually take⁉️ Not to sound nosy haha just curious i always take so long to draw 😔💔💔💔 *cue sad music* Art is so hard *sobbing crying im so tired kdkffdkfgioe idk*
Also you have delicious ahh Art /pos
Hi 🍡 , THANK YOU! my vids and art kind of depend on how difficult it is and how much motivation I have for the piece?
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"NO DONT DO THAT-" took me like 3 days to make... but "POV: Your Boyfriend falls into a Vat of Acid but its Batjokes" took me atleast 3~ months to make!
- (both are fully colored animations but one is obviously longer than the other, + the boyfriend one i tried a lineless style) the filipino batman comic took me about 1-2 days to create, while, my telltale comic took about 5~ish hours? - (both are fully colored + shaded comics, but the telltale one is shorter while the filipino batman one is like?? its lined and a little longer? I actually planned the dialogue out unlike the telltale one (and it shows LOL)) it all really depends ya know? I also *trained myself/practiced to draw faster*! I'm also one of those people who have to finish an art piece in the same day or else I'll lose steam. (of course this isn't always good/possible, but its kind of how i function with art) thanks again for asking! I love to share my process LMAO
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kozachenko · 5 months
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I've crawled out of my cave after playing Final Fantasy IX for a long ass time what have I missed?
Artist's Notes:
I'M BACK BABY! A while back I made a post with a new style experimentation thingy but I ended up deleting it because it was just kind of a boring face thing, I was planning on doing more art but then I started playing Final Fantasy IX and uhhhh yeah so that game has kind of taken of my brain for the past two weeks and I am 20 hours into the game because I love it so much. I wanted to draw Vivi because Vivi is just really fun to draw ok? I've kinda been feeling really burnt out with my lineless style, mainly because of how hard it was to do lighting. I'll show one of my initial art style tests on the bottom of this post. Again, used to have it be an individual post but it was just one face so it was kinda boring, so might as well include with this one on the subject of art styles. I wanted to kinda mix some aspects of my older style with the sketchy shading lines with a more painterly way of doing the lighting (mainly in the shadows). All in all, I think that's my favourite part about this drawing, it feels nice to finally be able to do some proper lighting again, and I want to experiment even more with my lighting and rendering in future pieces. Also, part of the pant shading got kinda lost in the sketchiness, so for next time I'll probably focus on the clarity of the more sketchy parts of the drawing, since I did go with my initial sketch for the final drawing. I also gave up on the background since I had no idea what to do for it, and I didn't put too much detail into the staff as I forgot which one I gave him in my current playthrough and I didn't want to risk spoiling myself via looking up references, but that's ok I like how the singular yellow circle on it matches Vivi's eyes. Also I was having a bit of trouble figuring out how to draw his body and how to pose him, but I like how the pose turned out a lot. It was inspired by his idle animation when in a battle in game where he does a little shimmy.
Ok I need to talk about Vivi's design because I love it so fucking much oh my god-
I absolutely love how his face is just in complete shadow and only his eyes stand out, it's so cool and unique and I love how they recontextualized the original black mage design from the classic Final Fantasy games. How they did it I won't say because I don't wanna spoil the game, but someone give this poor baby a therapist because he goes through a lot. Actually, same can be said for all of the FFIX cast, they all need therapy (again, I won't spoil anything, please go play the game for yourself).
While I do love almost all the characters in the game, even though Vivi is most fun to draw, my favourite character has to be Zidane (the main protagonist of the game). He's a really fun protagonist, and they could have easily written him as a misogynistic jerk who doesn't respect women but they didn't, and I really appreciate that. He's just an overall cool dude who's a really nice older brother figure to Vivi and also just has a cool character design (who I also want to draw eventually). Initially in the game I was planning on grinding levels for Vivi to make him the tactical nuke of the party, but then that title went to a different character (who was initially multiple levels behind the group since I grinded the party in the starting area way to much before they joined, but now they are two levels ahead of everyone and have pulled the team through a lot of tough battles, again I won't say who it is because it is kind of a spoiler and the way the gameplay actually ties into their character arc is just so good omfg). Once I eventually finish the game I'll probably write a full review on here, so no spoilers until then lol
Also, I've kinda been burning out a bit with making Touhou art, which also made me a bit burnt out with Touhou stuff in general (although I will continue keeping up with the manga) so getting into other things (i.e. Final Fantasy and even Fallout since I've watched the first season of the TV show which is a whole other post for another day) has helped me refresh and given me something new to think about. I've ended up in the exact place I feared ending up, where I would start drawing fanart for it not because I wanted to but because I felt like I had to, so I'm taking a bit of a break. When I do draw Touhou fanart again I'll try to draw for the sake of myself, and to all the other artists and fanartists on this platform (and on any social media for that matter), take care of yourself and don't forget to take breaks when you need to!
(Ok part of that last paragraph was definitley influenced by the good ol' "it's 9:00pm and I need sleeb, but the message at the end still holds up, always take care of yourself)
Oh yeah, and here is that one style experiment I did btw
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Man I really fell down the "Yoshitaka Amano art enjoyer" to "Final Fantasy fan" pipe line didn't I?
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 2 months
More secret Vox project updates
(don't worry, Issu, it's not the ZIne lmao, I just have Radiostatic brainrot lmao I'm not spoiling Zine work BUT ALSO IF YOU GUYS DON'T KNOW THEIR IS GONNA BE A BADASS RADIOSTATIC ZINE @radiostaticzine if you wanna look around!)
BUT ANYWAYS, updates! :3
I've got some WIP shots & some BG stuff!
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Apparently in the process of drawing Charlie's shoes, I realized that I accidentally understand how feet are shaped now? Wild. So happy about that, hope it sticks LMAO
I also finished the background that recreates one of the shots from Stayed Gone! I'm not going for exact replicas, bc personally this project is more fun for me when I don't get up my own ass about recreation and let myself just draw with a little of my personal art style seeping in there XD
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With and w/o the crowd for your viewing pleasure lmao
I'm having A LOT of fun doing these lineless renders for the backgrounds, it's been an incredibly satisfying process, and I really think I've reached two of my art goals for this year!
Get comfortable creating (preferably lol) interesting backgrounds
Get more comfortable with using a saturated color palette
I feel like thanks to this project, I've really hit both of those goal posts! It's really been an exciting year in my art journey so far. I've come so far just since January! I've been doing art for twenty years and 2024 is the first time I just really feel like my art is somewhere I'm comfortable with! I definitely have things I want to improve and grow towards, but I honestly couldn't be happier with what I've been able to make - I hope that doesn't come of as self-aggrandizing, I've just worked so hard to be able to do things like this project and I'm so proud of myself for never giving up on all of this.
Also, this shot below illustrates what the base of this project looks like! I drew each of the main frames I knew I wanted traditionally in my sketchbook (its easier for me to visualize things when I can touch them, flip though pages, etc.), and then set those to the timings I wanted with the lyrics and everything, and most of the main shots are just refined versions of these initial sketches :D
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That's all I should probs share right now since I don't wanna give away the whole project lmao BUT progress has been made and I'm jazzed af :3
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tomwaterbabies · 2 months
Your art is very beautiful! May I ask what brushes you use? I'd love to get the same effect with my art! (Oh, and I use Clip Studio Paint! Not sure which you use, but hopefully I can still find the same or similar brushes. Lol)
thank you very much!! Yeah for sure, here's pretty much all of the main brushes I use. I also use clip studio paint!
lineart/sketch brushes:
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firstly, most of my stuff uses cy's grease pencil from this pack. it's funny bc i downloaded it years ago and didnt really like it at first. but when i tried it again a couple years ago i was like wait... this is SO good. i use it for sketching and lineart (first image). there's also csp's default "flat marker" which im apparently obsessed with (second image here). it's good for shading too! lastly (third image) i'll use the stumpy pencil pack here, this one i pretty much just use for lineart but it's by far my favorite clean lineart brush. i'll be honest i had to do weird conversion to get it to work in csp and i have no idea what i did at this point BUT ! if u search up how to convert it im sure The Internet can aid you as well. i think
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when it comes to coloring i mainly use this water color pack and then this gouache pack (which doubles as what i use for my semi-lineless painting style- the second row here). if you see any coloring that looks more painter-like and textured it's most likely me using the gouache pack. sometimes i like to do the solid/base colors with an opaque brush and then use the water color to shade bc i like the textured look :P
side note: when i shade using another layer set to multiply, i'll either use the flat marker or cy's watercolor brush (both in the entry above this one)
Additional Stuff:
both of these for certain background help
this set of overlays (not a brush, but i figured i'd add it since it definitely helps adding texture to my work)
these textures (again, not a brush. i use these so that my backgrounds arent just Blinding White- mostly for myself bc plain white is hard on my eyes lol)
As You Can See I'm like. constantly messing around with new brushes. I actually have well over a hundred that I've downloaded LMAO. If you ever see a piece by me and want to know what I used, please let me know!! I'm usually able to remember the brushes I used, at least some of them :P especially more recent stuff, I've been experimenting a lot with painting methods and various new brushes
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anonbeadraws · 1 year
for the weirdly specific ask game: super curious about 5, 12, 21, and 27 :>
Thank you so much, I'm gonna respond to all the lovely folks who asked me here too about the weirdly specific art ask game! (Thank you to @phantomseptember, @wyrmzier , @grumpyoldsnake, @philcoulson-redtapeninja @swordsandspectacles and the other anons for asking!)
1. Art programs you have but don't use? I don’t think I have one! I’ve been playing on Photoshop for so long, though I’m thinking on getting Clip Paint Studio for comics at one point!
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)? Mmmm, often find I draw folks looking to the left, but wouldn’t say I prefer one way or the other, especially when I’m flipping the canvas at least three times to make sure they’re all even!
3. What ideas come from when you were little? Mmm, lots of fantasy things, I have this old story about the green man that I made when I was 16 and it’s been rolling and remade ever since! It really needs another go other, it was my first dip into anything non cisgender before I knew, y’know?
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw? Mmm, probably cars. Hate drawing cars, so annoying.
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself? Ohhh, probably, 80%, but that’s what happens when you’re chronically online like me lol
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw? Mmm, love a big floofy skirt or shirt, all those folds, very hard but so satisfying when I get rolling
12. Easiest part of body to draw? Mmm, eyes n’ mouth? I wanted to get good at them ever since I was a kid, cause they’re the expressive bits! I want to get better at Hands, the gay part of the body.
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing? I honestly can’t think of any? I guess I try n see the good in any art, even if it’s not my vibe; the colours, the lines… There’s always something
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)? At home! I try and keep Digital art to my desk, but If I’m doing ink art for fun, it’s on my bedroom floor, praying that I don’t mess the carpet
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy? Mmmmmm, mouths and hair?
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways? Ohhh, mmm, lineless art! the amount of effort that goes into it, love it!
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with? Iiii should be doing it more! But it’s usually a pretty lady with voluminous hair and fangs, it’s a good go to!
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated? Mmm, I think, it’s this piece, It really vibes with what I want to make at the minute, deep shadows, good lines, good Shapes! Thanks again for asking me!!!
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piowasthere · 26 days
I’m curious- how long does it take to draw a sketch versus a rendered drawing?
I really love your art! It always amazes me with how detailed it turns out to be.
I hope you have a great week!
it really, really depends
a doodle like the ones i often do for the asks can take up from literally 5 min to i'd say 30 min? depends if i want to shade it in any way tbh
as for full rendered pieces - hours, usually days i can do one in one day (hard to call it a day when i start at like 12pm end up 4am but ykwim) but it can also take like 3 or 5 depending on how many breaks i take
honestly comes down to how many characters and the environment cuz the thing that takes up the most time, i'd say is coloring and shading i can sketch up pretty quickly and i don't go for super clean, smooth line art anyway i like the messy, free style (also saves a lot of time) so filling in the colors takes a bit and i honestly don't enjoy it all that much (that's why most doodles r just shaded and not colored)
and then it just comes down to what the bg is and how it affects the char cuz then it's just shading both to fit in, to look natural and blend tgt nicely (or not at all cuz i like funky, neon and eyestrain lol)
2 pieces i can think of rn that took me the longest (that i still consider fresh enough to take up for consideration) r the SAMS anniversary art and first piece for my Calamari Lunar i did both took me like a week from what i can remember
the former bc of the amount of characters on it, each one had to be done fully and separately so it just took a bit the latter cuz it's a really detailed, lineless, heavily shaded (also cuz it was me designing a char, so it always takes a bit back and forth until it just feels right)
i'd love to give u actual numbers, but i don't keep track of it that much and my program doesn't say it either (at least idk abt it) so i'm just going off of my memory, how long i feel like it took and mayhaps looking at dates of when i send a friend a sketch, when i first started talking abt it, the file info vs the posting date but usually idc enough to do so, and often it just simply isn't possible
TL;DR a doodle can take like 5-30 min and rendered shit a few days most often cuz i'm slow af; it all comes down to what the piece is
also tysm! so glad u enjoy my little hellhole wonderland of mental instability and mostly just thirst traps! :D
yall have no idea how actually happy it makes me when ppl notice small details i put into my work there's just smth in my brain that says it needs to have so many lil details and things and be so well done even if it's gonna get blurred out, shaded til binary and covered by 8 diff layers of shit
das the talk.
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valeriapryanikova · 2 years
hihihi !! came across your tumblr while looking at hermitcraft/life series art (your art is lovely by the way, definitely going into my cool people with cool art collection) , and saw that you use/used krita !! as a krita user, i would love to know your main brushes and canvas sizes, and art process too :D would love to get into things like illustration but no clue where to start ,,
hello! since i get asked about stuff like that relatively often and i'm usually too lazy to answer properly everytime i'll use this ask to answer all of those in one big post :D
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i don't think i have main brushes? i jump from style to style quite frequently and i love love love trying out new stuff so the set of brushes i'm using for any given drawing can change drastically but there're a few that came to my mind
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i've been vibing with the first brush the most lately! it's kinda has spray paint feel to it?? but not really? idk but it's fun to make messy sketches with :D 2nd and 3rd are probably the brushes i find myself coming back to most often bc they're just really basic lol
all of the brushes ^ are default krita brushes bc i dont like downloading brushes from the internet so if you wanna find cool non default krita brushes you'll need to ask sm1 else sorry
(btw my advice: don't care about brushes. limiting oneself to a certain set of brushes can also limit the creativity so don't do that)
Canvas Size
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my default canvas size is 2000 x 2000 px and it usually goes up from that if i need other proportions for a piece - basically that means that the shortest side of (almost) any of my drawings is minimum 2000px (2000 x 3000, 2500 x 2000, etc). for pixel art it's the same rules but for minimum of 200px!
social media eats the quality of images really hard so i usually don't see the point of drawing on bigger canvases than that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Art Process
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there isn't much to say about the art process for me bc i'm sure my process is not too different from everyone else's process lol for lineart stuff it's the usual:
super messy, super quick sketch
cleaner sketch (depending on the art style and the vibe i'm going for this step can be skipped)
messy colouring (also can be skipped sometimes; this step is just for myself to find the colour palette i wanna use and to determine whether i like the drawing so far or not so i can change the idea or completely abandon the piece)
clean lineart
flat colouring + shading
adding small details, colouring the lineart, making lighting prettier, etc. (this one cannot be properly described bc for me it's usually a mess of tweaking everything and nothing until i like the final product)
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for lineless stuff i don't have a process - i put pretty colours on the canvas and just,, Pray for the best or smth lmao
it most likely won’t be helpful but i do have youtube channel where i (once in a blue moon) post speedpaints! they might help in understanding what my art process is
and that's it i think? i hope this was useful at least in some way :D it's not the best idea to ask me about any of art related things bc my approach to art can be summarised with throwing stuff at the wall until smth sticks lmao
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weirdducky17 · 2 years
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KFC In My Own Style!!
I came up with their designs when I was doodling in the middle of exams, I was really bored lol. I also decided to draw them in lineless to practice it more!
Frisk has more rounded shapes to indicate a certain softness of character. I gave them a warmer skin tone as I thought it would suit them best instead of the bright yellow their original sprite. I gave them more bandaids as I imagine they're a very curious child who often gets in minor accidents when exploring.
Yes, Frisk is Non Binary (as they have no canon gender) and panromantic in my headcanon, their pronouns are They/Them!
Chara has more sharper angled shapes in their hair and undershirt but still added some round shapes to give him the child like softness he should have. I made him Demiromantic as I imagine he would have trust issues since he was unalived as a kid by other humans— (Pronouns are He/Him, my headcanon is that he's a cis boy!)
Kris is more referenced with his overworld sprite as I made minor changes to make him more distinct instead of being an older Chara, gave him sharper and longer features to show how more mature he is compared to the two kids. Ngl my brain kinda died designing Kris? He was very hard to translate into my style XD
I imagine that he's not comfortable being labeled anything as he would be fine with dressing in either feminine or masculine clothes. He would go by He/Him pronouns as he's used to being addressed with them 💕
Hope you guys at least stuck around for my artistic rant? XD
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fever-project · 7 days
How would you describe your art style?
+ Are there any art challenges you'd like to do (after sefember hehe)? (Like the 'evil' artstyle challenge, or drawing the same character in other people's artstyle, some super intense improvement focused challenge, etc. etc.)
How would I describe my art style lol. It’s like, a weird mixture of anime and cartoony style, leaning towards more of an anime-esk style. The line art brushes I use make my art have more sketchy vibe I think? I also tend to use decently saturated colors, not too saturated but nothing too dull.
Any art challenges I would like to do, hmm…an evil art style is kinda hard for me to do, mostly because I feel like it would be too easy and ergo too boring xD. I already can draw in an art style that’s kinda opposite to my usual(thick, smooth line art, super saturated colors, more exaggerated anatomy etc etc). Drawing in other people’s art styles is also not too hard. I guess these don’t feel too challenging for me to count it as an art challenge lol lol
Maybe I should try to draw lineless art again, specifically with the Procreate lasso tool. I’ve done that a few times before a while ago, it was fun. I think I should try to do that, actually.
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