#lisa smith
furrgroup · 10 months
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Lisa isn't really big on dating but you're pretty cool so a little date is probably fine, right? (Voted for on Patreon)
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odinsblog · 1 year
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“Professional” white women have disrespected Angel Reese and told her to “shrink don’t shine” ever since she was in high school
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“I was sleeping when she came into my bedroom at about 11:30, and she was really upset,” her mother, also Angel Reese, recalled. “Then she showed me why.”
The 17-year-old Reese had become unnerved after seeing comments about her on a social media post.
Overtime women’s basketball Instagram page had posted a video clip praising Reese on Tuesday. But that post prompted the user of the Instagram account of an opposing coach to send a direct message to the Overtime WBB page, criticizing Reese and claiming her success was because she was “genetically blessed.”
Chloe Pavlech, who curates much of the Overtime women’s basketball content, was going through the messages when she discovered the message:
“Celebrating a player (w god given height and talent) and zero humility or impulse control. As a female coach of female high school ballers, I find this behavior repulsive, unacceptable, unflattering and unnecessary. You can have swag while not acting like a punk. Highlight some other girls in the conference who aren’t as genetically gifted …”
Pavlech found a second direct message from the coach’s account in response to a different video in December celebrating Reese:
“She’s not the greatest player that’s ever come out of this area. She’s genetically blessed. And lacks any humility. Guess you haven’t watched the film of her…”
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not acting like a punk. Highlight some other girls in the conference who aren’t as genetically gifted …”
Pavlech found a second direct message from the coach’s account in response to a different video in December celebrating Reese:
“She’s not the greatest player that’s ever come out of this area. She’s genetically blessed. And lacks any humility. Guess you haven’t watched the film of her…”
The area that was whited out (by Pavlech) is the coach referencing a fight that Reese was involved in during a scrimmage last season against a non-league opponent, an altercation that earned her a three-game suspension.
“Angel had to apologize in front of the student body, and she’s played this year knowing if anything else happened she’d be off the team for the year,” her mother said. “People come at her, but she plays at a college level against high school girls. When she steps on the court she doesn’t hold back. She’s going to go at you until you sit down.”
Pavlech took a screenshot of both messages from the coach and posted them on her personal Overtime Instagram page (that post, as seen above, has since been removed). Pavlech included her own message at the top of her Tuesday post: “Why do women try to tear down young girls?”
“I was shocked that an adult — especially a coach — would be talking about a young girl in that manner,” Pavlech said. “The context of those remarks was also surprising; she was DMing in response to a very positive video Overtime WBB had posted about one of the country’s most gifted young talents.”
The direct messages came from the Instagram account of Lisa Smith, who, as of Thursday morning, was listed as the head coach of Archbishop Spalding High School girls basketball team. Later Thursday, Smith’s name had been removed from the site, with athletic director Jeffrey Parsons now listed as the current head coach of the girls team.
(continue reading)
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nicomxm23 · 11 months
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Feliz día de los Muertos! 💀🎉💜❤️💙
Rosita © @fxe4596
Lisa © @arjb612
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danceofthedruid · 1 year
Une relation qui commence
w/ @scentofhistory
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Il y avait bien longtemps à présent que la jolie blonde avait commencé à éprouver des sentiments pour le plus jeune des six enfants Weasley, la famille qui avait recueilli la jeune Smith au décès de ses parents. Pourtant ses sentiments, la jeune sorcière n'avait jamais osé les avouer à haute voix, seule sa meilleure amie, Fleur, était dans la confidence et l'encourageais à sauter le pas pour trouver le bonheur. Heureusement pour la jeune Smith, elle n'avait pas eu besoin de faire le premier pas, puisque tu l'avais fait à sa place, ce qui lui avait permis d'avouer à son tour, les sentiments qu'elle avait à ton égard. Une première étape d'une longue série, du couple que vous formez à présent.
ㅡ Qui te dit qu'on vas devoir attendre de rentrer au terrier ? Je viendrais te rejoindre discrètement dans le dortoir le soir, je doute que McGonagall apprécie, il faudra que je fasse attention.
Te répondit alors la blonde avec une lueur de malice dans les yeux, après tout, il y avait des occasions qui méritaient d'enfreindre quelques règles quand c'est nécessaire.
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asoftepiloguemylove · 3 months
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Frederick Kiesler Inside the Endless House // The Haunting of Hill House (2018) cr. Mike Flanagan // Lisa Robertson Magenta Soul Whip // Joan Tierney Why Are You Haunted? // V.C. Andrews // Heather Havrileskyb Haunted Womanhood // Shirley Jackson The Haunting of Hill House // The Haunting of Hill House cr. Mike Flanagan // Tracy K. Smith Ash // Anatomy (2016) cr. Kitty Horrorshow
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theanticool · 1 year
Naoko Kumagai vs Lisa Smith 2 - 5/20/1994
AJK Destiny V
The legendary Naoko Kumagai defending her WKA World Flyweight title
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swanofglass · 1 month
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justcallme1anangel · 6 months
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black palm trees, pink tiger stipes
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carolinemillerbooks · 2 years
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/the-futures-emerald-city/
The Future's Emerald City
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A strategist for the democratic party, Lisa Smith, sums up her political view of the world. It’s radical that being reasonable is radical and being normal is abnormal. ( ”Radical Reason” by Joe Hagan, Vanity Fair, October 2022, pg.43.)  Profound as well as surprising, the comment comes from a magazine with a picture of an actress exposing skin on the cover.  Incongruity is a specialty of human beings.  Whether it works as a successful survival tactic remains to be seen. The average span for a mammalian species is 1 million years, so ours is young by 700,000 years.  (“The Beginning of History,” by William Macaskill, Foreign Affairs, Sept./Oct., 2022 pg. 13.)  Having proved we are clever enough to plunder the earth to meet our desires, we appear to have brought ourselves to the brink of extinction.  Either we will go up in a cloud of nuclear smoke because we can’t get along with each other, or we will compete until we fish the oceans dry. The world we have created is one we no longer can manage with ease.  As Smith portends, humans must reach a consensus about what is normal and abnormal soon. Most of us agree we aren’t in Kansas* anymore. Bill Clinton, our 42nd President, believes we can find our way to the Emerald City if we bypass a divided political system and place our faith in philanthropy.  The basis for his sentiment is insubstantial hope.   I think there is a longing for people to get together and meet with an end in mind.  I want to ask what people and what end Clinton promotes. The guiding principle at the moment seems to be the will to power. Without a driving incentive for cohesion, cooperation has as much chance to survive as a dead Lilly that is plunged into a water glass.   William Macaskill, a philosopher who teaches at Oxford University, approaches human survival differently than Clinton.  He begins with a question. Can humanity manage “the danger of its own genius?” (The Beginning of History,” Foreign Affairs, Sept/Oct 2022 pg. 12.) He believes we’d increase our longevity if we shifted our attention from the present to the future.  Do we want to preserve the planet for our descendants? Regardless of differences in religion, culture, or politics, a majority would opt to save the planet for our unborn generations. The question is, how do we achieve it? Macaskill isn’t alone in his concerns for the future. Writers Dani Rodrik and Stephen M. Walt make a startling proposal in “How to Build a Better Order.” (Foreign Affairs, Sept./Oct., 2022, pgs. 142-155.) Past attempts to reign in repugnant governments with sanctions do little to effect change or liberate the oppressed. Generally, the pain falls hardest upon the powerless. A future world, they say, will need to accommodate non-Western powers and tolerate greater diversity in national arrangements and practices. (Ibid, pg. 145)  That means the political stage must make room for dictatorships like North Korea, the Taliban, and the military dictatorship of Myanmar. Macaskill agrees and points out the benefits of bringing incorrigibles into the fold. With their existence no longer threatened, military spending in those countries would decline, and, presuming corruption doesn’t explode, some money might be left over to feed the hungry. The arrangement would reduce the need for cyber war, or nuclear and bioweapons. (“The Beginning of History,” by William Macaskill, Foreign Affairs, Sept./Oct., 2022 pg. 19.) History shows us cooperation between advisories is possible when mutual destruction is at stake. After World War I, nations turned their backs on gas warfare. A few leaders have flaunted the Geneva Protocol, but they are deemed to be war criminals and imprisoned if caught. Nuclear agreements, though old and out of date, remain in force for the same reason.  Cloning is another example of universal cooperation. That scientific breakthrough may be appropriate for farm animals, but no nation has broken with the consensus that human cloning is abhorrent.    Using the future to guide the present provides a greater incentive for cooperation than Clinton’s call for collaboration.  His appeal to our better angels ignores nature’s pecking order, the instrument for natural selection. Mutual survival is a more compelling incentive, especially when, today, people of all philosophies recognize that human life is at a flexion point. Those who imagine we can save the future by returning to the past are already dead, fossils of a bygone era.  Humans have no choice but to observe the dictates of time. We must go forward. If the future threatens our extinction, then we must change the rules of engagement. To quote Eric Hoffer, In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.   *Reference to The Wizard of Oz.
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blkinfilm · 5 months
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Jason’s Lyric (1994)
Instagram: blkinfilm
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licdracuyalli · 4 months
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don't show these mother fckrs to a twenty years old teenager or they could become their personality
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slutir · 6 months
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hi :33
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danceofthedruid · 1 year
Un petit week-end entre meilleures amies
w/ @eresartemiamor
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Cela faisait maintenant plusieurs semaines que Lisa attendait impatiemment l’arrivée de sa meilleure amie, qu’elle n'avait pas vue depuis bien trop longtemps à son goût. Toutes deux s’étaient connues lors du plus grand évènement de Poudlard, le tournoi des trois sorciers, faisant participer l’école de Poudlard, mais également celles de Beauxbâtons et de Durmstrang, un tournoi réservés aux sorciers âgés de plus de dix-sept ans, mais la participation imprévue d’Harry qui n'avait jamais déposé son nom dans la coupe de feu avait tout changé et avait également permis à la jolie blonde de rencontrer celle qui est désormais sa meilleure amie, Fleur Delacour, participante pour l’école de Beauxbâtons. Mais depuis le temps avait passé et même si les deux meilleures amies avaient un échange épistolaire, la jeune Smith était ravie que la jeune Delacour vienne enfin lui rendre une petite visite, ce qui lui permettrait de lui raconter bien des choses qui ne peuvent pas forcément ce dire dans une simple lettre, notamment sur sa présente relation avec Ron, bien que Fleur ait été l’une des première à qui la jeune Smith avait confié ses sentiments, puisqu’elle craignais d’en parler au rouquin qui avait capturé son coeur, il y a bien des années désormais.
Mais pour le moment, Lisa quitta rapidement le Terrier, non sans un dernier baiser à son amoureux et à sa belle-mère qui l'avait recueillie et adoptée comme sa propre fille et qui était désormais ravie qu’elle fasse officiellement partie de la famille en tant que petite-amie de Ron. Son trajet vers le Chaudron Baveur ne fût pas bien long grâce aux flammes de cheminettes qui l’emmenèrent en un instant, à quelques rues seulement du lieu de rendez-vous, la jeune Smith était tellement impatiente de retrouver sa meilleure amie et de passer tout un week-end avec elle, il était d’ailleurs question que Fleur passe la nuit au Terrier, pour la plus grande joie de Molly, qui était toujours ravie d’accueillir des filles chez elle, elle qui n'avait eut qu’une fille et six garçons. En attendant, la jolie blonde voulait profiter un maximum de la présence de son amie avant de retourner chez elle avec Fleur. D’ailleurs elle ne tarda pas à retrouver son amie à l’intérieur du Chaudron Baveur et ne tarda pas à l’étreindre, ravie de pouvoir enfin la retrouver après tous ses longs mois sans la voir, puis toutes deux s’assirent et passèrent commande d’une bonne bière au beurre, avant de reposer chacune, leur regard azuréen dans celui de l’autre.
ㅡ Il y a tellement de choses à raconter si tu savais ! Déjà Ron s’est déclaré, nous sortons ensemble depuis quelques mois, Molly est ravie, tu n'imagines même pas ! 
Te répondit alors la jeune Smith sans se défaire de son sourire habituel, repensant au jour où le jeune Weasley lui avait déclaré son amour et qu’elle avait fait de même, formant désormais un couple et dont elle avait du mal à se séparer, quitte à enfreindre quelques règles de l’école la nuit pour aller le rejoindre et dormir avec lui, dans la plus grande discrétion, pour ne pas subir le courroux du professeur McGonagall.
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shinyelfriend · 1 year
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My Supernatural fanart
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999pinkprincess · 5 days
i think i would be a really interesting movie character.
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kellohara · 1 month
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via lisa leslie
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