#list against boredom
arcaneyouth · 1 year
what if i just ranked every single one of my ocs
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theostrophywife · 11 months
le coup de foudre.
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pairing: regulus black x reader.
song inspiration: my love mine all mine by mitski.
author's note: this was a result of me binging dune and call me by your name. whoever fancasted timothee chalamet as regulus deserves a forehead kith cause look at him. he's so boyfriend coded it makes me sick.
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Regulus Black did not believe in love at first sight. 
It was a foolish notion. One that contradicted his pragmatic beliefs. At his core, Regulus was a realist. In his world, love was not a luxury one could afford. Regulus was raised with the expectation to marry according to class, wealth, and most importantly, blood status. The noble and most ancient house of Black only took the purest of the pure. 
After all, toujours pur, always pure, has been his family’s motto for centuries. There has never been any doubt in his mind that he’d marry another member of the sacred twenty eight. It wasn’t a matter of if, only a question of when. 
During his sixth year, his mother made her intentions very clear. Walburga Black was adamant that he begin his search for a suitable bride. Leave it to his mother to compose a list of ladies she deemed suitable to become the future Mrs. Black. Regulus was to adhere to the carefully curated roster. They were names that he’d seen a million times before. Greengrass, Prewett, Rosier. Girls he’d grown up with and inadvertently had absolutely no interest in. 
Still, his mother was insistent so Regulus complied. He took the girls out on dates. The formula was rather simple: dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town followed by a walk around the city square in which he offered to buy his date a dessert like the proper gentleman his mother raised him to be. Despite the fact that Regulus had the entire process down to a science, the dates were always unsatisfactory. 
He was polite, of course. Opened the door, pulled out their chair, asked the appropriate level of questions to get to know his counterpart, but by the time the appetizers arrived, Regulus was on the verge of stabbing himself with the butter knife just to rouse himself from boredom. 
Regulus placed no blame on the girls. They were only doing what their families had raised them to do. Sit pretty, chew gracefully, agree with his opinions. All while wearing breakneck heels and a smile to boot. It was all terribly fucked up, but this was the world they lived in. 
The more he went on these dates, the more he realized that he didn’t want some pretty, docile wife. What he truly needed was someone who was willing to challenge him, to call him out on his bullshit, to argue with him when his own stubbornness prevented him from seeing reason. Regulus came to the horrible, earth-shattering realization that he probably wouldn’t find a woman like that on his mother’s list. 
As he walked back from another mind numbing date, Regulus grappled with this newfound dilemma. He didn’t want to endure another one of these disastrous dates. He didn’t want to sit through an entire meal making small talk. He definitely didn’t want to disappoint another girl by not kissing them at the end of the night. 
It wasn’t like any of them liked him anyways. Though they loved the idea of Regulus Black, he was quite certain that they wouldn’t afford the same affections to Reggie—the real and true version of himself. The one that Sirius often said Regulus kept in a neatly locked cage.
He wished he could be more like his brother. Sirius had always been the brave one. It was that infamous Gryffindor boldness that prompted his older brother to rebel against his family’s expectations. Instead of heeding to their mother’s ridiculous list, Sirius chose to date Remus in open defiance to Walburga’s orders. It resulted in him getting kicked out of 12 Grimmauld Place and burned off the family portrait, but Sirius didn’t seem to mind one bit.  
In a lot of ways, Regulus envied his brother. Sirius had the guts to stand up for himself. He wasn’t burdened by the crippling pressure of pleasing their mother. In all honesty, Reggie wondered if such a thing was even achievable. As he brooded, Regulus found himself on the shores of the Black Lake. His body had taken him here on autopilot. It was his only place of refuge in the castle. 
Regulus paced the rickety wooden dock. His mind was working so fast, so many thoughts spinning in his head, that it felt like he might work himself up to a fit. This has always been his problem. Sirius often said that he lived in his head too much. He frowned, trying and failing to get ahold of himself. For once, he wished he could just shut his brain off entirely.
Just then, Regulus felt a drop of water hit his head. He looked up and found dark, gray clouds hovering over the horizon. The stormcloud broke open and unleashed torrential rain all around him. Fucking fantastic. The world truly couldn’t give him a bloody break, could it? 
With a sigh, Regulus began making his way back. The ground was sodden underneath his feet, his boots sinking into the sand and dragging behind his black coat. The waves lapped violently across the shore as the wind lashed against the murky waters. Regulus was almost at the edge of the beach when he spotted you. 
A flash of movement from the corner of his eye. Regulus stopped dead in his tracks. There, at the mouth of the Black Lake, in the middle of the pouring rain, stood a girl with the most breathtaking smile he had ever seen. 
Regulus was fairly certain that you had History of Magic together. He sat behind you in class, passed by you in the halls, even reached for the same book in the forbidden section of the library once, but Reggie had never once seen that smile. The gravity of it threatened to knock the very breath from his lungs. 
There was something carefree about you. The way you spread your arms, tilted your head back, and laughed in the midst of the rain and thunder. Almost like you were welcoming the storm. 
It was only when your eyes locked that Regulus realized he was staring. You cocked your head at him, trailing your gaze from the curls plastered against his cheek to the nice button down and freshly pressed trousers that were now soaked from the rain, down to the shiny leather boots that were now digging into the sand. You seemed amused at the sight of him.
Ever the perfect gentleman, Regulus snapped out of his daze and jogged over to you. Without hesitation, he raised his coat over your head to shield you from the rain even though you were already both drenched. 
“What are you doing out in the rain?” Regulus asked, his voice full of genuine concern. “You’ll catch a cold.” 
You stepped out of the refuge of his expensive looking coat and held your hand out, catching droplets in your palm. “I don’t mind. I just…I just needed to feel the rain on my skin, that’s all.”
You supposed it must’ve seemed strange to him, but the rain always made you feel better. Lately, life had been just a little too overwhelming. There was so much pressure to do well in classes, to hang out with friends while balancing your clubs and sports, as well as making time to write back to your parents. When it all became a bit too much, you tended to come to the Black Lake for some sort of refuge. The rain was just an added bonus. 
If Regulus found your behavior bizarre, he didn’t say. Instead, he just smiled softly. “Well, you got your wish. It’s soaked out here.” 
“I know,” you responded with an enthusiastic nod. “It’s nice, isn’t it?” 
“Standing out in the pouring rain? On a beach where lightning can strike me down at any second? Yes, it’s absolutely splendid.”
Your mouth quirked in amusement. “No one’s telling you to stay out here.” You nodded towards the castle. “You’re more than welcome to take your brooding inside where it’s warm and dry. Not to mention, free of the dangers of lightning strikes, which are extremely rare by the way.” 
“With my luck, I might be the poor one in a million git who gets torched while getting insulted by a pretty girl.” 
“Did I insult you?’ you quipped back. “I hadn’t noticed.”
“You accused me of brooding.” 
“I didn’t accuse, I stated. Even the Wizengamot would have to rule that you were, in fact, brooding.” 
Regulus raised a brow. “What happened to innocent before proven guilty?” 
“Unfortunately, the evidence is overwhelming and the verdict is set. You, Regulus Black, have been sentenced for glaring at the Black Lake so menacingly that even the giant squid refuses to come to shore. Off to Azkaban you go.” 
“Do you promise to write me letters? Update me of how the world’s progressed without my dazzling presence?” 
“It would be my genuine pleasure.” 
Regulus chuckled at your dry humor. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d bantered like this with anyone, much less with a strange not-so-stranger. You sat down on the wet sand and patted the spot beside you with a grin.
“Why don’t you take a seat and tell me all about your troubles.” 
Beyond the bleak horizon, the spires of the castle peeked through the gray clouds. Regulus thought of the common room where his housemates would no doubt be gathered around the ornate fireplace for warmth. Knowing his friends, they’d probably be indulging in spiked hot chocolate and playing some childish drinking game. A few minutes ago, nothing appealed to him more, but now Regulus found himself choosing the violent rain and soggy sand. All because of you, his mystery girl.
You leaned back on your elbows and cocked your head at him. “What ails you, Mr. Black?” 
“That depends. How much do you bill per hour?” 
“Fortunately for you, I’m in a generous mood so I’ll throw in a free session. Consider it my pro-bono work.” 
“How kind of you,” Regulus said with a serious expression. “My brother’s been nagging me to see a mind healer for years. All that childhood trauma, you know.” 
A small smile tugged at your lips, revealing a set of dimples that he found rather charming. “I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not.” 
“My brother is Sirius. I’m Regulus, remember?” 
You snorted in a very unladylike manner, which only made Regulus grin. There was something so unapologetically you in your laugh that was absolutely endearing to him. Regulus smiled and knocked his shoulder against yours. 
You mimicked the action and smiled back at him. “All sarcasm aside, I was being genuine. If you want to talk about it, I’m here to listen.” 
"Do you often offer therapy sessions to complete strangers?"
"Only to surly Slytherins with sad eyes and pretty curls," you quipped back. "And we're not strangers. I sit behind you in potions. We're practically best mates."
"You think my curls are pretty?"
"Like a little cherub's. Are you quite sure you haven't escaped from the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? You look like one of Michelangelo's angels. Except with way more scowling." Regulus grinned. He got the feeling that you always said whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. It was refreshing. "There's a smile. See? Our session is already progressing."
"I think you might get more than you bargained for with me, I'm afraid."
You met the challenge in his words head on. "Try me."
“You were right. I’m definitely guilty of brooding.” 
“What happened?” 
Regulus hesitated for a moment. He had never been the type of person to be candid with his feelings, especially not with someone he barely knew. Usually, he just kept his thoughts to himself and ruminated on them in the privacy of his dorm until he drove himself mad by overthinking, but your presence brought him an unexplainable ease. For once in his life, Regulus chose not to question it. 
“I’ve had a long night,” he said, tucking his knees up to his chest. “I just got back from a date.” 
“It didn’t go well?” 
“It was…fine. It’s always fine. But it’s the same thing over and over again, just with a different girl.” 
“I wouldn’t have taken you for a playboy, Regulus Black.”
Regulus chuckled. “I’m not some unscrupulous rake, I assure you.” 
“Yes, that much is obvious from your use of the word unscrupulous.” You tucked your legs underneath you. “So why go on all of these dates if you find them so tedious?” 
“It’s my mother,” Regulus explained. “She has this list.” 
“A list?” 
“Yes, a list of girls that I’m to court. Noble, pureblooded, proper ladies of society that my mother has deemed worthy of marriage.” 
“You’re seventeen years old. Shouldn’t you be worrying about quidditch games and potions exams?” 
Regulus nodded. “Yes, one would think. But my family has always been different. Since my brother left, my parents have been obsessed with grooming me into becoming the perfect heir.” 
“How do you feel about that?” 
He sighed. “Stifled. Exhausted. Smothered. I can feel the weight of their expectations weighing me down every second of every day.” 
“I’m sorry, Regulus. That’s a terrible burden to carry.” 
Regulus shrugged. “Others have it worse.” 
“It doesn’t mean that your problem is any less heavy.” 
To Regulus, the acknowledgement felt oddly validating. Even though you knew nothing of his circumstance, there was wisdom in your words and you delivered it delicately, like you actually cared to hear his troubles. You were devoid of the judgment he'd grown accustomed to and he found that rather freeing.
“It’s just…sometimes I think that I’ll never be the perfect son. My brother, he’s always been the brave one. Classic Gryffindor,” he said with an eye roll. You chuckled, but stayed silent. It was obvious that Regulus had a myriad of thoughts to unpack tonight and you were more than happy to just listen. “Sirius has never cared what anyone thought about him, least of all our parents. I admire that about him, but I just don’t think I’m wired that way. I care too much.” 
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing,” you said softly. “Apathy is so common nowadays, finding someone who can admit that they care is refreshing. Though, I think it’s not without limits. You can’t please everyone. No matter what you do, someone is going to have something to complain about. You might as well be yourself.” 
“That’s exactly the problem,” Regulus pondered. “All of these girls on my mother's list, I think they like the idea of Regulus Black, but he’s an illusion. It isn’t the real me.” 
“Then who is the real you?” 
“I don’t know,” he said honestly. “I’m just Reggie. I like playing quidditch and reading depressing literature and memorizing obscure history facts. I hate messy rooms and orange juice and anything that crawls.”  
You smiled. “And what kind of girl does Reggie like?” 
“Someone witty. Someone funny. Someone who’ll argue with me. Someone who doesn’t just nod and agree with everything I say."
"So what you're saying is that you don't want a nice girl?"
Regulus shook his head. "No, I think I need someone who challenges me. Who sees me for who I am rather than what I represent. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure the girls on my mother’s list are lovely, but I don’t think they’d actually like me if they knew who I really am.” 
“I don’t know, Reggie seems like a great guy. That Regulus bloke, on the other hand…” you scrunched your nose in disapproval. 
“Hey!” Regulus chided, “I’m pouring my heart out to you. That took a lot of courage, you know.” 
“You’re very brave, Reggie,” you said with a grin. “But you know what would be even braver?” 
Regulus squinted in the rain as you stood to your feet. Lightning crackled over the horizon, illuminating you with an ethereal silver glow. You held out your hand to him. “Come dance with me.” 
“Deathly afraid of being struck by lightning, remember?” 
“Sorry, what?” You asked as you shimmied around him. It wasn’t graceful by any means. It was the goofiest thing he’d ever seen and yet he’d never been so enthralled. You danced without a care in the world and it made him genuinely laugh. “I can’t hear you over all the fun I’m having.” 
"This is ridiculous," he said over the roaring thunder.
You shrugged. "Perhaps. But everyone's allowed to be a little ridiculous sometimes. Besides, I was asking Reggie not Regulus."
“Are you really trying to peer pressure me into dancing with you?” 
“That depends,” you replied with a cheeky smile. “Is it working?” 
Regulus conceded with a sigh and leapt to his feet. The youngest Black brother bowed like a proper gentleman. “May I have this dance, my lady?"
“You may, good sir.” 
You grinned up at him as he took you by the waist and waltzed with you across the sand. Surprisingly, Regulus let you take the lead. He chuckled when you stepped on his toes and laughed even harder when you tried to twirl him. Towering a good foot over you, Regulus had to fully crouch for the maneuver to work. 
Finally, you gave up the formality and just spun around in dizzying circles. There was absolutely no rhyme or rhythm to it. Just two idiots dancing in the rain with the biggest smiles on their faces. 
Your coordination, or lack thereof, caused you to almost faceplant into the sand. Regulus yelped as you took him down with you. By the time you recovered from the laughing fit, the two of you were red-faced, out of breath, and laying side by side along the shore. He turned over to you and brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear. 
“That was the most fun I’ve had in years.” 
“See? There’s more to life than just being moody and melancholic.” 
“So this mystery girl of mine keeps reminding me,” Regulus said with a smile. “You never told me your name, by the way.” 
“Wow, you don’t even know my name? I’m offended, Reggie. We’ve only been in classes together since fifth year.” 
“I—we’ve never been introduced—” 
You broke out into a smile and giggled. You thought it was cute that Reggie was so easily flustered. “I’m just kidding, Reggie.” 
He sighed in relief as you stuck out your hand. “Y/N. My name is Y/N.” 
Regulus slipped his hand into yours. He cocked his head, studying your eyes and your smile and those cute little dimples. 
Y/N. The last name on his mother’s list. The one he saved for last because he didn’t know who she was. 
The French had a saying—le coup de foudre. The infamous phrase translated to a bolt of lightning or love at first sight. Regulus had long dismissed it as flowery prose, but thanks to his mystery girl, he started to think that maybe the Parisians were onto something because meeting you tonight felt preordained. A date with fate. Like a bolt of lightning streaking through his dark, endless skies.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” 
You grinned. “It’s nice to meet you, Reggie.” 
Regulus smiled and laced your fingers together. He was frozen, it was raining, and he was fairly certain that you were both probably going to catch a cold, but he didn’t care. In that moment, as he stared up at the sky, blinking back the rain, and intertwining his fingers with yours, Regulus had never felt more content. 
So no, Regulus did not believe in love at first sight, but love at second, third, and even fourth glance? He smiled a little as he gazed back at you, letting his gaze linger as he drank in that infectious laugh and sunny grin. 
You made him think that maybe, just maybe, a girl like you could convert a skeptic like him into a devout believer.
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jlheon · 3 months
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(𝓹airing) — lhs x fmr ꣑୧ 𝓸ne-sided enemies to lovers ; fluff & kissing (𝔀ordcount) one-thousand one-hundred thirty 𝓹eng's note. flirty hee i collapsed! can’t tell if this is e2l but we ball! 𝓫ookshelf
𝓼ynopsis. you give heeseung detention once again for his habit of loudly chewing gum
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every time you write up lee heeseung for detention you lose a year off your lifespan.
“detention,” you roll your eyes as you slip the bright red piece of paper to the boy sitting at his desk on his phone.
“again!” heeseung sarcastically cries, taking one glance at the slip and pushing it back to you. “will you be the one supervising?”
“unfortunately,” you sigh, shoving the paper more aggressively at him, hoping it’s more effective. “you better show up this time.”
“last time it was your annoying vice president watching over,” he replies. “if you’re there i’ll be there too princess,” heeseung winks.
you think it’s unfortunate how lee heeseung has one of the prettiest faces you’ve ever laid eyes on.
he obnoxiously chews gum during class even though it is strictly against school policy with that stupidly pretty smirk adorning his even prettier face.
girls left and right whining over the fact he never looks their way makes your blood boil for an ‘unknown’ reason. you pass it off as being annoyed that they even like the boy despite his actions, but maybe you feel bitter about the fact the only time lee heeseung looks your way is to blow a bubble of gum in your face to piss you off.
at the end of the week, lee heeseung managed to garner three detention slips.
meaning you’ll have to spend three hours on friday alone with him in a classroom making sure he does absolutely nothing.
detention was one of your least favorite things about being student council president.
yes, you are so grateful to be in such a high position in student government but sometimes giving up your friday afternoons to supervise your troubled peers is a bit tiresome.
today, it’s your week, and to your luck, the only person listed for detention on your clipboard when you walk into the vacant classroom is none other than lee heeseung.
“there’s my favorite girl!” heeseung struts into the room with his freakishly empty backpack and headphones hanging loosely around his neck. it amazes you every year how he moves up each grade despite never having any supplies nor assignments on him. “i was going to skip but then i saw your pretty pink skirt from the hallway.”
“sit down lee,” you say sternly, sitting down at the teacher’s desk.
“anything for you angel,” heeseung smirks as he takes the chair from the nearest desk and places it next to yours.
“at a desk,” you scoot your chair as far as possible until it collides with the wall.
“come on baby,” heeseung whines. “it’s just me and you.”
“it’s protocol,” you try again, hoping to get your point across.
“loosen up a little princess,” he says while moving his chair closer to yours as much as possible, the proximity making your cheeks heat up an embarrassing amount.
“i’m doing my job heeseung,” you frown, crossing your arms. he thinks you're adorable.
“you’re doing good just sitting and looking so pretty,” heeseung teases. “were you thinking about seeing me in detention while getting dressed today?”
“shut up,” you huff, facing your body toward the wall while unlocking your phone.
in your peripheral vision, you see him putting his headphones on and grabbing his phone from his pocket. you’re already letting him sit next to you so you must reinforce the strict no-phone policy for your pride and to cancel out your wrongdoings.
“give me those,” you say as you remove his headphones and snatch his phone.
“you’re so strict,” heeseung rolls his eyes, slouching in his chair, and accepting the boredom about to take over him for the next three hours.
“why do you always write me up?” he breaks the silence.
you ignore him.
“other people chew gum all the time,” heeseung tries again. “so why is it a problem when i do it?”
“maybe because you chew so loud,” you finally reply, back still facing him. 
your answer does not satisfy him. he decides to push your buttons more and pulls out an empty gum wrapper from the pocket of his jeans and starts loudly fiddling with it. hoping to simulate him putting a piece of gum in his mouth.
your ears are quick to pick up the familiar sound and you turn around in your chair.
“are you seriously having gum right now?” you ask annoyed, facing him completely. “i’m going to write you up again!”
“i’m not,” heeseung smiles teasingly.
“you’re a shit liar,” you say as you move to stand up.
“why don’t you come here and check for yourself,” heeseung pats his lap.
“i’m not sitting on your-” is all you manage to get out before he pulls you to rest on top of him.
“see,” heeseung opens his mouth, letting you see the emptiness with your own eyes.
after, you can’t help but stare at his lips after his mouth is shut again. your stares are obvious but you are somehow lost in a trance.
his arm wraps around your waist, the tips of his fingers ever so slightly brushing your bare skin that your shirt doesn’t cover.
heeseung brings his free hand behind your head and slowly brings your face towards his as he leans in impossibly close.
“i’m going to kiss you,” he whispers, looking for any signs of discomfort from your end.
you stare at him like a deer in headlights once you finally break out of your trance. taking a second to register his words before shyly nodding your head.
heeseung’s lips finally touch yours and he thinks detention with you has never been more worth it.
the softness of your lip gloss-coated lips against his slightly chapped ones is addicting for him.
when you push against his shoulder for air you can’t help the flustered expression that washed across your face. his lips now adorn a pinkish hue from your lip combo, the shades of your lips now matching.
embarrassed by how easily you gave in, you lean down to bury your head in the crook of his neck, making him let out a chuckle.
“let me take you out on a date?” heeseung asks confidently, hands rubbing your sides softly.
“please,” you say quietly into his neck, still in disbelief about the kiss.
“how much longer do we have left?”
you reach for your phone and see that only thirty minutes has passed since heeseung arrived. you’re not sure whether to be thrilled to have more time with him or sad that you still have two and a half hours to kill.
“two and a half hours,” you tell heeseung, setting your phone aside again.
“great,” heeseung grins.
“great?” you ask confused, he between the both of you should be the one wanting to get the hell out of here more.
“i have two and a half more hours to kiss you.”
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essiemclaren · 2 months
watch me win
in which lando was paid to fake date y/n!
pairing: mean!lando x reader
tw: cursing and rude behavior
day 1
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lando's text with reader
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reader's post on twitter/x
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lando's text with reader
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lando's text with his friends
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He said yes to his friend Stroll’s offer, not because he needed the money. He was doing it for fun and because he was bored. The dare to date her for the whole month of August sounds like the perfect distraction. The challenge was simple: make her fall for him and then crush her heart on the last day. It was cruel, but that’s what made it exciting for him. Lando already had a list in his mind of all the dates they would go on, each carefully planned to make her fall deeper for him. He wasn’t playing the attentive boyfriend yet—no, he was testing the waters, seeing how easily she could be swayed. “Oh, I’m a very good listener,” he said in the middle of their conversation. In his mind, he added, “I’ll even keep notes of all your little secrets and insecurities.” Of course, he meant every word, but not in the way she thought.
After their first outing, he only knew the basics: her favorite color, the subjects she hated, and that she loved chocolate croissants. But even these small details were enough to start his list. “Eager to please,” he noted when she laughed too hard at his jokes. “Seeks approval,” he added after she asked him what he thought about her favorite book. It was almost too easy. Lando took pleasure in knowing that every sweet word he whispered to her was a lie, every smile a part of his act.
He watched her closely, mentally preparing for the deeper truths she would eventually reveal. Each fact she shared was a potential weapon in his arsenal. She had no idea that he was already plotting how to use her own words against her. The game had just begun, and she was already falling into his trap. She was just a pawn in his game, a temporary amusement to stave off his boredom. Lando couldn’t wait for the day when he would reveal the truth. He felt a twisted sense of satisfaction imagining her face crumpling in realization. This was going to be fun and he is determined to win.
a/n: NOT THE UPDATE YOU WERE WAITING FOR IM SORRY 💔 but this has been sitting in my drafts for too long! to the anon who requested this, im sorry for delaying this PLEASE FORGIVE ME 😩🙏 but i hope i got your request right 🩷
i think im going to make this as a short series! let me know if you like this!!! 😩 ask for a tag 🫶
love from essie 🫂
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caitlinsclark · 2 months
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AFTER MIDNIGHT caitlin clark caitlin clark x reader | summary: you learn that only the best things happen after midnight when caitlin's involved. based on this concept. ✰ suggestive not but full on smut: makeout scene and it gets spicy, so read at your own digression as always yikes ✰ last part of my 500 follower celebration! word count: 2.5k masterlist and tag list
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You’d always been told that dangerous things started to happen after midnight, that nothing good could possibly occur at such a late and treacherous hour. And you didn’t believe that until you seemed to find yourself even more entrapped in Caitlin’s easy charisma, falling in deeper as the night progressed.
Originally, you had denied coming out in favor of being literally anywhere else. You loved Caitlin and spending time with her. The puppy named Conner that followed her around on a leash? Not so much.
“You have to come,” Her perfect lips forming a pout, “Who’s gonna dance with me?”
Your breath hitched, your tongue darting out to wet your dry lips as you tried to gather a response that wouldn’t drip in jealousy and reveal your cover.
“Uh, maybe Conner?” You posed with a bitter taste, practically cringing at the thought of her agreeing with you. But the unimpressed look on her face left you wanting to giggle like a school girl.
While Conner had a newfound obsessed with Caitlin, she had been obsessed with you for months. Unknowingly, you had assumed by now that the two were official, and they would’ve been if Caitlin didn’t put off saying yes in hopes that you would succumb to her charm and run into her arms.
Though your oblivion and simple denial stopped you from reading into the way she didn’t even seem enticed by the mention of her current “pursuit”, only by the promise of your presence.
The basketball player wasn’t sure how much more obvious she could make it as she held your face, staring into your eyes in a more than friendly manner, “No.” Her lips stayed in a straight line, a comical way of telling you that your claim was outrageous.
So much said with one simple word.
That’s how you wound up leaning against the bar with one hand swirling your drink around in boredom. You and Caitlin had been enjoying your time together originally, completely entranced in the energy of one another despite the buzzing energy from the crowd surrounding you.
She was wrapped around you from behind, arms caging your neck in snugly, providing more warmth for you than the alcohol in your hand. You could’ve been drunk simply on her touch and you wouldn’t have known any better.
“Wanna do another shot?” She’d leaned in closer, which you didn’t think was possible, to whisper in your ear. She giggled after at seemingly nothing, swaying as she basked in the fuzzy feeling of your bodies so close.
You turned your head to look at her, feeling her breath on your lips with how near you ended up being. Her nose daringly brushed yours when she leaned forward, still waiting for your response. 
With an intense focus on not lurching forward and claiming her as your own in the middle of this crowded bar, you nodded and cheered when she ordered two more shots for the both of you.
Almost as soon as they were slid over from the bartender, a hand reached out to snag one. You were left looking puzzled at the place where your shot had been with your mouth agape. 
“Thanks, babe!” Conner grinned toward Caitlin, taking the shot meant for you and downing it. He wasn’t put off by the way Caitlin stood firmly in not doing her own shot with him. In fact, he didn’t even seem to notice as he wrapped himself around her from behind, sickeningly similar to how she had just been holding you.
The pit that formed from the alcohol pooling in your stomach didn’t compare to the way it grew right then. You ordered your own shot, quickly slinging it back with a tenacity that had Caitlin frowning at you.
You were eager to replace the feeling of her hands on your skin with something else. If only you knew that the alcohol just intensified the warmth she sparked.
You paid the disappointment on the brunette’s face no mind as you sent a curt wave to the both of them and turned away from the vile view of them tangled up. You sat down with Kate who was occupying a couch in the corner with a few of her other teammates and your friends.
You thought Caitlin and Conner would stay in their own little bubble, but were somewhat shocked to find Caitlin following close behind you. That thing was trailing behind her too, but whatever.
The alcohol in your body made your limbs feel loose and free, plopping directly on Kate and wrapping around her affectionately. The blonde continued her conversation with Gabbie unbothered as she simply brought up a hand to pet your hair.
“Everyone’s favorite cheerleader,” Kate squeezed your cheeks in adoration which showed through the bright grin beaming right at you. The flush of your cheeks wasn’t only from alcohol as the entire team smiled at you in a silent agreement, but the only one you focused on was Caitlin’s.
Conner’s agitating voice popped up from the corner, poking Caitlin in her side in a way that didn’t amuse her, “Not everyone’s favorite.”
The fun atmosphere was slowly being suffocated and dying in front of your eyes with Conners impeding presence. You made a face, how could he be counted as a cheerleader when he had only come to two games?
Caitlin excused herself with a cough to go to the bathroom seconds later, not addressing his statement at all. The absence of an eager agreement is what left you smirking silently to yourself, fueled by the way she’d eyed you as she walked out. 
It wasn’t lost on you either how she chose to instead sit right next to you when she returned, childishly tugging your arm so you would cling to her instead of Kate. 
You tried to ignore her but she held up a pair of shots with an alluring grin and you couldn’t help but fall victim to her temptress beauty.
The small ‘please, babe?’ as she batted her eyes at you was the final push that had you clinking glasses and making up for the last moment that had gotten interrupted.
Her arm wrapped possessively around your shoulders, using the strong hold to tug you half in her lap just how she liked it. The burning sensation of Conner’s eyes on you was buried underneath the absolute fire that Caitlin ignited as she brushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear that had fallen loose.
The building bass of the music thumping throughout your body could easily be mistaken for your heartbeat fastening at the touch.
You couldn’t tell which it was as her features glowed in the blue light of the club. With a quick sobering glance to your watch, you knew it was getting late. After all, your mom always said nothing good happened after midnight. You could leave now while you’re ahead and not chance your luck at a painstaking rejection.
But when the brunette covered your watch with her own hand, gently using her other thumb to turn your chin back to her and asked with her big brown eyes glistening at you, “You’re staying, right?” 
You felt yourself giving in to her immediately, “As long as you are.” She preened at your enthusiasm to stay with her, none the wiser about your internal hesitance to continue this night. 
The tube top adorning her upper half showed off the building muscle she’d grown over the past season. And you were just a girl at the end of the day, so you indulged in the way her strong hold enveloped you in the most secure grip you’d ever experienced.
There was a good amount of alcohol in your system, and suddenly everything seemed like a good idea. It seemed like a good idea to completely lean into Cait, toying with the hem of her shirt between your fingers. It seemed like a good idea to agree to playing a game with your friends. And it seemed like a good idea to choose dare when Kate had asked.
You should’ve known with the way her face held a maniacal smirk with purposeful eyes directed toward yours and Caitlin’s intertwined bodies.
“7 minutes in heaven, get in the other room!” The group erupted in cheers and wolf whistles as the blonde stuck her tongue out, clearly satisfied with herself.
The buzz in your veins was only prompted by the cheers your friends let out as you stood up and held your hand out to Caitlin expectantly. 
She raised her eyebrows at you with the most adorable red hue covering her cheeks, like she was scared you were going to take it back. And you stared back, matching her expression that was being broken through by a goofy smile when she took your hand and stood up.
Despite her being much taller, you extended your arm and twirled her into your hold. She laughed with her head falling back, easily melting into you with heart eyes.
You directed your words to Conner, “If you don’t mind.” But you barely even looked at him too focused on the beauty in your arms, not even waiting for a response before heading toward the door.
“You can be the favorite cheerleader and cheer from all the way out here!” You giggled and let yourself get whisked into the other room by the brunette clinging to you. Caitlin’s joyful laugh wasn’t hidden at all and you couldn’t even try to conceal the longing look you held as you scanned her features. Not that you cared to when she was staring at your mouth with lust-ridden eyes.
Your lips connected in a heated decision, a sort of heavenly that angels themselves would be envious of. Caitlin moved slowly with determination, savoring the feeling that she had been forced to only imagine for the last few months. And her wildest dreams never got even remotely close to the euphoric rush through her veins as you slid a hand to rest on her chest.
You pull away, your movements leisurely as you had no rush to separate from her. Her forehead leaned against your own for a quiet moment, lips brushing just slightly in a way that had you impatiently leaving light kisses that she happily hummed into.
Caitlin had always been greedy and it proved when she lifted you up without warning, setting you down on a nearby side table as she pulled you back in with a newfound intensity.
The moan that left her throat had your thighs squeezing her waist, desperately trying to pull her closer. Though close wasn’t close enough as she instead tugged you to the edge of the table and pushed her front against yours.
You maneuvered your knee in between her legs, lifting it so you could press it against her core. Caitlin whimpered against your lips, a sound so pretty that had you weakly moaning with her in response. The brunette pulled away from your lips and you would’ve whined if not for the slow and intoxicating kisses she trailed along your jaw, mind focused on stamping your neck with marks as much as possible.
Conner opens the door and it’s ego boosting the way Caitlin doesn’t even pull away from you. With her head still tucked into your neck, she sucked gently on your soft skin with a determination that left you breathless. Her hands held you steady as you got off the table, and you thanked her mentally for the control she had because your knees would’ve buckled otherwise.
“What the fuck is going on?” Connor’s voice boomed louder than the music. Not even the red LED lights matched the red hue of his face as he took in the scene.
“Sorry,” but your tone held no remorse, “I know you usually don’t get to hear a reaction like that from her.” You grimaced playfully, biting your finger tip slyly as you watched him seethe.
And you gave yourself a mental point when you saw Caitlin bit her lip to stop a growing smile. 
Conner took a step up, challenging you silently with balled fists by his side, “Who the fuck do you think you are?” 
You couldn’t find it in yourself to be threatened when his cursing sounded like a twelve year old who just learned the word. Caitlin put her arm protectively in front of you, her large build almost swallowing you whole and you wanted to lean into it forever.
“The one making out with the girl you want,” You shrugged and basked in Caitlin having to hide her face in your shoulder as she giggled.
The vein in his forehead was protruding as he scoffed, insecurity oozing from his body.
“What, are you gonna fight me?” You raised your eyebrows and nodded toward his clenched hands, “Remember when I beat you at the hammer game at the Carnival? Don’t embarrass yourself.”
Caitlin found herself looking at the ground to hide the happiness fluttering on her features at the memory. She wasn’t even the one to ask for the stuffed animal that been sitting on her bed for the last year. You’d seen a golden stuffed animal that resembled her dog, Bella, and pulled her over insisting that you win it for her. 
Conner had pushed in first, slapping money down on the table and ordering for the worker to ‘give him the hammer’. You all watched with scrunched up faces as he didn’t even get it halfway up the tower. Caitlin couldn’t take her eyes off you as you handed the worker your dollar bills, kindly asking for the hammer before lifting it above your head. 
When the bell went off, she’d sprung into your arms, regardless of her stature overpowering you and you welcomed it. Even though the two of you toppled over, you kept the air light with laughter she clung to you. She’d held that stuffed animal close to her chest the entire night, glaring at him when Conner asked to hold it for her.
“And the boxing one,” Caitlin murmured to you and you shared a snort, gleefully reminiscing on the way he’d stormed off after being shown up by you in another carnival game.
Similar to the way he’d stormed off angrily now, chest heaving and feet stomping their way out of the club. He resembled a tantrum throwing child who didn’t get the toy they wanted.
You two found yourselves doubled over in laughter once he was gone, gravitating closer like magnets as you each cherished the beautiful sound of the other. With the nuisance finally eliminated, you’d thought there would be a necessary talk. Something that needed to be said to clarify the intensity of what had just occurred. 
But Caitlin simply flashed her dazzling smile at you and you felt something in the air change. The chaste kiss she placed on your awaiting lips said more than words could.
Everything good happens after midnight.
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TAGLIST! @lovermcres @glorioushamsterqueen @miedmead @blueagle45 @pbloverr @cavillary @elizabethkitley @1-800-fantasy @into-f0lkl0re @mysticchildsuit @sapphicmermaid
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wintfleur · 6 months
omg stella telling her brothers she’s starting an only fans as a prank!! they would kill her
౨ৎ it’s just a prank!
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﹕─┈ pairings ( Estella Hughes oc! X siblings! Hughes brothers )
°. — details ( g; fluff, humor. w; Stella being a little goofy and her brothers are being protective. wc; 2.6k )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( omg nonnie you are a genius, I had so much fun writing this !!! So sorry it took so long for me to get out. I hope you guys enjoy it !!! )
°. — ( in no way am I meaning to offend anyone who does do only fans or anything like that, by writing Stella’s brothers not being supportive of her doing only fans. I hope that makes sense )
°. — ( feel free to send any requests of things you would like to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts! I would absolutely love that! Please comment if you would like to be added to the tag list! )
au masterlist — you can find asks under #💌stellahughes!
Stella was laying in her bed ⸺ well technically the guest bed in the guest room in her brother's jack and Luke's apartment. She was having her annual visit, and it was the time of day where her brothers were both napping, and she wasn't in the mood to go out by herself. She was honestly feeling quite bored not having her brothers around to annoy, that's why she was aimlessly scrolling through TikTok. But her boredom was quickly healed when she watched the latest TikTok lily sent her, a mischievous smile forming on her lips as her mind already formed a plan. 
Stella swiftly slipped out of bed and grabbed her hoodie and put it over her tank top before leaving the room. She heard the faint sound of her brother's voice coming from the kitchen, she could tell that they just woke up from their tone. Both of her brother's heads turned to her as she walked into the kitchen, Luke giving her a tired smile as Jack just groaned and rested his head on the cold island counter they were sitting at. “Can you grab us the milk?” Jack groaned tiredly and Stella rolled her eyes but got the milk for them, nonetheless, setting the carton next to the box of cereal the two were about to destroy. 
Stella pulled out a box of fruit snacks and set them on the counter, only using that as a distraction so she could prop up her phone to film them without them seeing it. She started the video and gave the camera a wink before she turned around and faced her brothers who were shoveling cereal into their mouths. Stella leaned back against the counter and asked, “Can one of you drive me too best buy?” 
 “Sure! What do you need at best buy?” Luke was quick to agree, wanting to spend more time with his little sister, Jack looked at Stella curious on what she needed at best buy, he was about to open his mouth to offer to give her his card, but she was already talking. “Oh! I need to get a ring light, i left mine at home.” 
“Why do you need a ring light?” Jack askes with a confused frown. Stella had to stop her lips from curling up into a smile at the genuine confusion, oh her poor brothers have no idea what they're getting into. Stella gave her brothers a smile and tries her best to sound as calm as she could as she speaks “Oh i need one to film my new only fans video and i left mine at home.”  
Stella bit her lip and turned to face the counter, pretending to do things, knowing that she would not be able to face her brothers without bursting out into laughter. The camera perfectly got both of her brothers' reactions. Luke choked on his cereal in shock and started coughing. Jack dropped his spoon in his bowl as his body went still in shock as he looked at the back of his little sister's head. 
“What did you just say?” Jack asked his sister, hoping that he and Luke heard wrong. There was no way she was serious ⸺ she couldn't be. Stella let out a quiet breath and tried to collect herself before turning around to face her brothers. She turned back around to face her brothers, holding everything in so she wouldn't laugh, she gives them a smile pretending to be unbothered “I need to get a ring light so i can film my on⸺” 
“We heard you!” Luke quickly cut Stella off after catching his breath from his fit of coughs, he shook his head in disgust he did not want to hear his sister repeat it. Jack looks at his sister in fear and shakes his head no, repeatedly muttering no under his breath. Poor boy was stressed. “Stella, you can't be serious! You can't have only fans” Jack nearly shouted as he placed both of his hands on the island counter. 
“And you sure as hell can't film your . . . your videos in our guest bedroom” Luke scoffs his face twisted in disgust, he did not need to know this about his sister, and he did not need to think of what she could be doing in their guest bedroom. “Gross” Jack whined in disgust at his younger brother's words. 
“Why not I really need the money” Stella did her best to frown, giving her brothers her puppy eyes that she knew always worked in her favor, but this time it was different, they were not going to fall for it. Jack's eyes nearly pop out of his sockets at his sister's revelation, she was doing this because she needed money? He quickly reached into his pocket for his wallet while Luke questioned her in shock “Money? Your doing this for money?” 
“Obviously” stella giggled with a shrug of her shoulder, gently biting her lip to hold in her laughter when she sees Luke hold his head in his hands and jack hold out his wallet for her “Here take my wallet, buy whatever you want as long as you delete your account.” 
“Awee you're going to buy my ring light for me?” Stella playfully cooed as she reached for the wallet, very much enjoying messing with her brothers. Luke's eyes widen and he quickly snatches Jack's wallet before she could grab it, over his dead body. Luke scoffs at the audacity “Neither of us are going to sponsor your bad decisions.” 
“Oh, trust me i don't need any more sponsors” stella stated as she tried her best to sound innocent and oblivious. Luke's mouth dropped in shock and Stella was sure she was going to see steam coming out of Jack's ears any second now. Jack pulled his phone out of his pocket with a mission “Thats it I'm calling Quinn, he can talk some sense into your delusional ass self.” 
Stella’s eyes widen and she quickly grabs jacks' phone out of his hands before he could get the chance to call their eldest brother, she also wanted to pull this prank on Quinn when she comes to visit, and she wasn't going to have them ruin that even though she wasn't really looking forward to it. Stella quickly shouted when she noticed the two heated stares from her brothers “Wait! Wait! It's just a prank!” 
Neither of her brothers believed her until she broke out into a fit of giggles and turned around to grab her phone, lifting it up and showing them that they were being filmed. A loud laugh leaves her lips at the sight of her brother's reaction to her phone. Both of their shoulders sag in relief and Jack drops his head onto the island counter and lets out a loud groan of annoyance, while Luke just crosses his arms and glares at his sister. Yes, he was relieved that it was all fake, but his heart was almost beating out of his chest from the stress she just put him through. 
Stella gives the camera a small smile before stopping it, she slides it into her pocket and clears her throat and gives both of her brothers an awkward smile. She could tell that they both were a little upset from the prank. Stella tries her best to sound enthusiastic as she asks her two now grumpy brothers “Who wants to help me plan out the same prank for quinny!” 
Now that got a smile on both of their lips . . . 
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Now Stella was way more nervous to pull the prank on quinn than she was with Jack and Luke. Quinn was different. She knew it was just a prank, but she was still scared to see Quinn’s reaction. She was honestly going to blow the whole prank off, but she was starting to get annoyed by the many texts from an impatient Jack asking her if she's done it yet. Not only was she nervous to do it, but there was also just not a good time for her to do it yet. 
She has been busy almost every day, going out with her brother almost every day, Elias and Brock joining them. She was having a great time, so she really didn't want to ruin it by pranking her older brother by making him believe she was starting an only fans account. But she said she would, and Stella doesn't go back on her word. Ever.  
Stella quickly glanced at her brother who was focusing on the video game he was playing on the living room tv. They were spending the day inside, neither of them wanting to go out during the hot day. Stella discretely sets up her phone against a pillow next to her, her phone getting a good view of both of the siblings who're sitting next to each other. 
Stella lets out a nervous sigh before quickly starting the video and leans back on the couch, letting her phone get a great view of both of their side profiles. Quinn was leaning forward with his arms on his knees and a controller in his hand. Stella sat Criss cross on the couch and tilted her head to look at quinn as she spoke “Quinn i have to tell you something.” 
“Hmm yeah, what is it?” Quinn quickly glanced back and forth from his sister and the tv a few times before settling his gaze back on the tv. Stella nervously bit her lip for a second, quickly glancing at the camera before looking back at her brother. She spoke calmly “I think I'm going to start an only fans.” 
Quinn physically recoiled in shock at his sister's words, and the both of them were surprised that his neck didn't snap with how fast it turned to her. The controller dropped out of his hand and hit the rug covered floor. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not believing the words coming out of his sister's mouth “Excuse me?” 
“I’m thinking of  ⸺ “ 
“Why the fuck are you thinking about that?” Quinn asked in a sharp tone as he fully twisted his body to face her. Stella felt her lips twitch up at how high his tone got; it always did when he was upset. Stella pursed her lips before she could smile and ruin the prank, she continued to speak calmly “A lot of people have asked me  ⸺ “ 
“Who the fuck is asking you that?” Quinn questioned stella, his tone angry as he thought of people trying to convince his little sister to start an account, fucking perves his hissed in his mind. No! Quinn was not going to let this happen. She must not be thinking straight, he continued to think. 
“You’d be surprised, apparently I'd make a lot of money!” Stella pretends to be excited at the thought, even giving Quinn a smile. Oh, he's so going to kill me, Stella thought to herself as she watched her brother's concerned expression turn into anger. Quinn shook his head in disbelief, bringing his hand up to rub at his temples as he closed his eyes, a sigh of stress leaving his lips before he opened his eyes and looked back at his sister. 
“Estella, you are 19 years old! You should still be playing with your barbies or somethin!” 
“The minimum age is eighteen . . . I’ve been researching it” Stella hummed as she nodded, biting her lip to stop herself from giggling at the dramatic exhale he let out.
“Oh, is that right” quinn muttered sarcastically under his breath, he didn't know how to approach the situation. He definitely did not agree with the idea of Stella doing that, but he also didn't want her to feel like he was judging her or was disappointed in her . . . but he knew it was a little late for that from his reaction. Quinn let out another sigh before speaking much more calmly “Stella . . . is this really something you want to do?” 
“I think so” she mumbled, starting to feel bad from how stressed he looked. 
“Well, I um . . . all I ask is that you really think about it okay?” Quinn spoke softly as he reached for Stella's hand, softly squeezing it. Yes, he wanted to forbid her from doing it, but he also didn't want to take her choice away from her, she had to make the choice herself, and he didn't want her to feel embarrassed to talk about things with him. He continued to speak as he locked eyes with Stella “This is a big decision, you know. Once things go on the internet, they never come off. Just really think if this is what you want to do.” 
Stella internally awes at Quinn's words, his initial reaction showed that he did not agree and was not happy with her words, but he calmed down and gave her a mature and sweet response. Quinn lets out a surprised “Oh!” when he feels Stella lunges towards him, wrapping her arms around his shoulder for a hug. Quinn is confused for a second, but he quickly returns the hug. Stella squeezes her eyes shut and speaks loud enough for her phone to pick it up “It's just a prank.” 
“What!?” Quinn exclaims as she pulls back from the hug, a giggle leaving Stella's lips at the confused look Quinn gives her. “It's just a prank quinny” Stella gets out between her loud laughter, her head tilting back against the couch. Quinn let out a heavy sigh, his body still tense even with the confession of it being a prank, he had to make sure “So you're not going to make an only fans?” 
“No, I'm not, don't worry!” Stella continues to giggle, her laughter only getting louder when Quinn lets himself lean back on the couch, his hand resting over his fast-beating heart. Quinn shuts his eyes and lets himself calm down, his body relaxing. “Oh, thank god!” 
“Why would you do that stella! Are you trying to kill me?” Quinn quickly shouts as he sits back up, many questions running through his mind. Who gave her the idea to do this? Why would she do this? And do you think I can guilt trip her into cooking dinner? 
“It was Jack's idea!” Stella was quick to throw her brother under the bus, quickly reaching to grab her phone to pause the video before it got too long. Quinn's eyes widen, and a look of betrayal comes across his face at the fact that she videotaped the whole thing. The last thing the camera gets is a shocked Quinn looking over a giggling Stella's shoulder. 
Stella tilts her head to look at her brother who got really quiet, her eyes widening at the glare he was giving her. She noticed a familiar look of mischief in his eyes, and she quickly got up from the couch and rushed down the hallway to hide in the guestroom, just as she closed the door, she heard the sound of his loud footsteps and the sound of him shouting. 
stellahughes has just posted a TikTok!
[caption: do you guys think jacks gonna be mad i blamed him? ]
username1 is Luke okay? I thought he was going to pass out from how hard he was coughing
username2 I- the way she blamed Jack. I can’t 😭
username3 they were stressing omg!
username4 the protective glare Quinn gave Stella when she said people were asking for it 🤭
username5 stella sweetie, are you okay?
Stellahughes no, I’m hiding from Quinn in the closet 🫤
Qhughes Hmm good to know
username5 did I just get Stella Hughes killed 😳
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°. — taglist ( @privatemythss @cixrosie @toasttt11 @lxvelyzoe @lovings4turn x )
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
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Summary: Anon request - "hi my birthdays on monday the day before yours so i was wondering if you could do a fwb w zach and reader and like its smut and then after zach confesses he likes her???" 
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, FWB relationship, confessing feelings, oral (f rec), hair pulling, biting, hickies, scratching, choking, unprotected sex, filth and fluff, also Zach will have his own place in this one shot. 
Word count: 2.6k | unedited 
Happy (late) Birthday! I hope you had the best day! Ily 🤍🎂 
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
Usually you and Zach were professional with the hookups. 
Get in. Get done. Leave.
But something about this final time was.. different.
You sit down on your couch, finding a way to break yourself of this boredom that you've been trapped in all day. 
A smirk comes across your lips as your eyes meet Zach's name in your contact list. 
One of your favorite things to do, besides fuck him, was fucking with him. 
You go to your text thread and laugh slightly as you type out your message, Hey so I heard that you were flirting pretty heavy with your guest today.
You set your phone down in your lap to lean forward and grab the remote. As you lean back, your phone goes off. 
You laugh, shaking your head no as you read his response, Aw sweetheart. You sound like you have that bug that's going out? You know the one called jealousy. 
You tilt your head, I don't get jealous, thank you. Strictly professional business, remember? 
You laugh slightly, shaking your head as you wait for the bubbles to leave and his text to appear, I can honestly say that you are a liar. 
You scoff, fuck you. 
You pull your lower lip between your teeth as your eyes scan his text, Come fuck me yourself you coward. 
You tilt your head, a smirk etched onto your lips as you type out, What are you doing right now? 
Zach immediately replies, About to get in the shower. 
You stand up, walking over to grab your keys, Wait for me. I'm on my way.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The door opens as soon as you reach the stop of the stairs and you smirk as you walk in the door, right past Zach, "Thank you." 
You turn around, eyes scanning over his shirtless figure, "So.. did you wait for me?" 
Zach locks his door and walks over to you, "What do you think?" He smirks and leans in to close the space between your faces. 
You drop your bag, hands immediately going to his cheeks. His hands slide down to slip inside of your sweatshirt, "Nothing underneath?" Zach raises his brows, "Must be desperate for me tonight." 
You roll your eyes, "Yeah, whatever just kiss me." You pull his face back towards yours and his hands slide to your hips, pulling you closer to him. 
He bends down, lifting you up and your legs fall around his waist. He walks into the bathroom, turning to press you up against the wall. 
His lips move down your neck, biting and sucking little marks into your skin. 
You whimper, moaning out with each new mark, "Zach." You breathe out, "Please." 
He kisses back up to your lips, "You gotta take your clothes off for me, baby." 
Baby should raise flags. 
Red flags. 
That's not in the can part of the imagined rule book for this. 
But you just go with it, "Okay." You nod, letting your legs fall from around his waist. He sets you down, stepping back so he can flip the shower on. 
His eyes meet yours then slowly trail down your body as you work to reveal it all to him. 
"Come here." Zach reaches out, pulling you to him once your hand is in his. His lips are on yours, his hands slide all over your body like they haven't been there a million times already. 
You slide your hands down his chest, nails dragging over his skin, and pull the band of his sweats away from his waist. 
You slip your other hand down, "Mm. No boxers. Must be desperate for me tonight." You smirk and Zach shakes his head, "You're my favorite pain in the ass." 
He smiles and presses his lips to yours, bending down slightly to push his sweats down. You help push them down before your hand wraps around his cock. 
A small moan escapes and you smirk against his lips. 
Zach walks you over to the steam filled shower, pulling the door back before he walks you back a step. 
You gasp at the hot water washing over your body and Zack smirks, "almost as hot as you." 
You bite your lip and pull him in for a kiss. Your lips move in synch, graduating to a heated, beautiful, full of passion make out. 
He slides a hand down your body, biting down on your lip and tilting his head back as his fingers work your clit with small circles. 
You grip his shoulders, parting your thigh as you tilt your head back. A moan falls through, causing Zach to smile. 
His head dips down and he kisses down your chest, fingers slipping back to rub the opening of your soaked cunt. 
"Z-Zach." You whimper, "I need you." 
"What was that, baby? Couldn't quite hear ya." Zach whispers in your ear and you give your whole being over to him, moaning out loudly, "I fucking need you." 
"That's what I thought you said." He chuckles quietly as his fingers slip into you, "Can you say it again?" 
You rest your head back on the walls nails gradually digging into his shoulders, "Fuck. Zach." You look at him, scrunching up your face as he pushes his fingers in more, "I need you." 
He smirks and pulls his fingers out, "How do you need it, sweetheart?" 
You wrap your arms around his neck, lifting one leg to rest on the outside of his thigh, "I don't care how, just fuck me." 
Zach instantly lifts you up, cock pressing against where you need him most at the moment. 
You lean in, pressing your lips to his as he slips inside of you. You both moan, hands gripping into each other tightly. 
"You always feel so fucking good." Zach mumbles against your lips and you nod, "Mhm." 
You slide a hand to the back of his head, tangling your fingers in his hair. You earn a groan from him as you pull, "Shit." 
You tilt your head back, moaning out loudly as his hips Slam against your body. 
"We can do this later." Zach says reaching over to shut the water off. 
Your heart sinks because at first you didn't know what he meant. 
He walks out, you still in his arms, and he tosses you on the bed. You let out a laugh, "Zach, I'm soaked!" 
He crawls over your body, giving you a smirk as he nods, "Oh I know you are." He raises his brows and leans down to kiss down your body. 
You let out gasps and whimpers as you feel him suck different spots into your skin. 
His hands push your thighs open and he immediately kisses down to your clit. 
You gasp, brows furrowing as his tongue laps over it, "Shit." You look down, watching as he licks down and pushes his tongue into you. 
You tilt your head back, arching your back as you lay your hands on his head, tightening your grip on his hair. 
He groans against you and you whimper, "Fuck, that feels so good." You lay your leg over his shoulder, pulling him into you more. 
His hand slides a hand over, slipping two fingers inside of you as he kisses your inner thigh. 
You slide a hand down, rubbing circles onto your clit. 
"There ya go baby, atta girl." Zach bites his lip as his eyes flick from your face to where his fingers are. His eyes move to fixate on yours still rubbing circles. 
"Fuck." Zach groan, moving his hips, "I need you." 
He pulls his fingers out and quickly moves up so his body is over yours. He pushes your leg open further as he looks down to watch his cock slip into you slowly. 
"Oh fuck." You moan, back arching. 
Zach's eyes travel up and down your body, watching your boobs bounce as he thrusts slow and hard into you. 
You reach as Zach speeds up his thrust. You pull the corner of the pillow that your head is resting on, moaning out loudly, "Fuck, fuck fuck." 
Zach leans down, lips connecting to yours. He slows his thrusts down, mainly focusing on the kiss he's sharing with you right now. 
This wasn't just like any other get in, get out time. 
This was, dare you say almost like, lovemaking? 
Whatever it was, you liked it and you really didn't it want it to end. Ever. 
"I love you." Zach whispers, and that completely catches you off guard. You stare up at him, hand on his cheek as you try to decipher on whether or not it's an in the moment type of thing or.. what. 
"I love you." He whispers, pausing everything as he kisses you. 
You nod, pulling your head back slightly, "I love you." 
Zach tilts your chin up, resuming his thrusts as soon as he kisses you. After a short moment, he rolls over and you crawl on top of him. 
He reaches down, inserting his cock back into you and you moan into his neck. Your chest is pressed against his and his hands slide down to grip your ass. 
The movements are at a slow pace, usually they're fast. 
You honestly didn't think you and Zach knew what slow was.
He moves your hips up and down, moaning into your mouth as he slowly thrusts from below you. He slides a hand up, laying it in the center of your back, holding you to him. 
You rest your forehead against his neck, moaning out as your hand slides up to lay on his cheek. You tilt your head up, moving in to kiss him. 
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum." Zach whispers and you nod. 
He rolls you back over, lips attaching to your neck as his thrusts pick up speed. 
Your eyes roll back and you squeeze his cock, moaning as you feel your orgasm rolling up through your body. 
You drag your nails up his back, earning a groan from his lips, his back muscles flexing under your touch, "Fuck, fuck." 
He slides a hand up, laying it onto your neck as he kisses you. His thrusts grow sloppy as his grip on your neck grows tighter. 
He pulls out, making you both gasp, "Shit." He breathes out as you reach down to stroke his cock a few times. 
He opens his eyes and looks down at you, "Well fuck me." 
You smile, patting his cheek, "I already did." He nods, a smirk growing huge on his face, "Yeah, I'll be honest. You did." 
You give him a grin, "I think it was pretty.. mutual." 
He tilts his head, "Um, yeah, I'd say so, too." He sits up, letting out a groan, "Great going." 
"What?" You ask sitting up onto your elbows, "What did I do?" 
He points to the bed, "You literally soaked my sheets." 
You laugh, "That was all you. You didn't dry me off." 
Zach scoffs, "I'm sorry, I had more important things on my mind." He gets off the bed and grabs a towel, walking back over to you. 
He sits down, turning towards you so he can wipe off his mess on your waist. He stands up, "Pick a shirt or something." 
That meant you weren't leaving. Which was, in all honestly, strangely weird to do. You're so used to just getting dressed in the clothes you came in and leaving. 
You stand up, watching as he slips his sweats back on and walks out to the living room. You slip on your underwear and pull on one of his sweatshirts before following him. 
He's lying on the couch, arm resting on the arm rest as he clicks through movies. You walk out more and he moves the blanket that's covering his legs, "Well don't just stand there lookin' pretty." 
He nods towards the couch and you smile, walking over to sit down in front of him. You lay down, back against his chest, and he fixes the blanket to cover your legs, too. 
"Good?" He asks and you nod, "Uh huh." 
You chew on your lip, remembering what you exchanged. 
"So.." you start out, pausing for a second because you were really unsure of what to say, but Zach knew exactly where this was heading and sprung into action, "So.." 
You slowly turn your head to look up at him and he laughs "ummm.." he purses his lips, trying not to smile, "I want you." 
He nods and looks down at you, "Like in the I caught feelings like an amateur.. well well well, if it isn't the feelings I've been trying to avoid kind of way." 
You tilt your head slightly, "You're cute when you're flustered." 
Zach groans, "I'm trying to be serious, here. Y/n, please." 
You smirk, "Key word, trying."  He rolls his eyes, "Fine then you don't get to pick the movie." You look back at the tv with a smile, "We probably won't finish it anyway." 
"Whoa whoa whoa." Zach waves his hand, "Now before we go assuming the best possible outcome." He laughs slightly, "We need to make one thing clear." 
"And what's that?" You ask looking back up at him and he looks sown at you with a funny look, "Whether or not you want me too, duh." 
You laugh slightly and lean up plant a kiss to his lips, "Je pense que vous le savez." 
"You speak French?" Zach asks surprised and you nod, tilting your head, "You don't?" 
"Only between your legs, sweetheart." He smirks and you laugh, "Oh my god." He laughs, "Too. Good." 
He reaches up and puts on a movie before leaning down to kiss your face a few times. 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The next day, you wake up, glancing over at Zach before heading to the bathroom. As you pass by the mirror inside, you stop and step back. 
You turn and face it, leaning in as you move your hair. 
You laugh slightly when you see the back to back hickies on your neck, "Oh my god." You whisper to yourself. 
But then you get curious as to where else he put any. You lift up your shirt, eyes widening as you see the small bruises littered over your skin. 
You look at the door as you hear Zach walk out of his room. You walk over, opening the door, "So." You laughed stepping out with your shirt pulled up above your boobs, "What are these?" 
His eyes widen and he raises his brows, "Those, sweetheart." He walks over to you, hands on your hips, "Are the greatest tits I've ever seen it  my life."
You smirk, tilting your head, "Thank you, but I was talking about the hickies." you pull your shirt down and Zach pouts, "Aw hey, don't ruin the fun." 
"You fucking branded me with hickies." You motion to your chest, laughing as you look at him. 
Zach shrugs, "Just gotta make sure that if anyone gets a peak, they know you're mine." He gives you a wink and nods towards the couch, "Now come on, let me give you more." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
To the person who requested: sorry it was a day late, but I hope you like it! 
Anyway, thanks for reading! I love you all! 
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated! 🖤
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promise-you-doie · 2 months
Best Friend Ever | S. Eunseok
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Eunseok x (f) Reader | Fake dating to lovers
Word count: 20k
Warnings: Cursing, suggestive
Genre: Fluff, Suggestive
A college student rejecting attention is taken aback when a famous athlete asks them out. Confused and suspicious, they confront their past experiences and insecurities as they navigate a newfound curiosity about the athlete's intentions. The story explores personal growth, unexpected connections, and the courage to leave one's comfort zone.
The college classroom buzzed with the low murmur of students chatting and the occasional squeak of chairs being pulled out. Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room. In the middle of it all sat You, Your eyes drifting lazily around the room as you waited for class to end, your mind already elsewhere, disinterested in the present. 
A sigh, heavy with restlessness, escapes your lips as you rest your chin in the palm of your hand. Your other hand is used to tap the head of your pen against your laptop, a rhythmic echo of your impatience. You try to divert your eyes from reading the time, but you can't help but glance at it here and there, each glance a testament to your mounting anticipation. 
You startle when a small note lands on your desk, seemingly out of nowhere. Intrigued, you open it, ignoring the sensation of someone's gaze on the back of your head. 
The note simply reads "Hey," followed by a smiley face, but you know exactly who it's from. 
You whip your head around to face your best friend three rows behind you. Sohee's wearing a wide grin on his face when he waves at you. But you only glare in return, a mix of annoyance and amusement in your eyes, before turning back around to face your boredom. Once again just waiting for- 
"That's all for today. Class is dismissed." Your professor's voice echoes through the room, and you can almost feel the collective sigh of relief. It's all you need to slam your laptop shut and jump out of your seat, joining the rush of students eager to leave. 
Sohee is already standing at the door waiting for you, mainly because he saved a lot of time by not having to pack up. You always thought he only attended lectures to distract you, but he would always argue differently. 
As soon as you meet him by the door, he throws his arm around you and pulls you along with him, guiding you out of the classroom before the rest of the students come trampling over you. 
"I'm starving," Sohee mumbles, his voice barely audible over the bustling noise of the hallway, a cacophony of footsteps, chatter, and the occasional laughter. He winces when you push him away from you. 
"People already think we're dating," you say, your eyes scanning the passing students, each of them engrossed in their own world.
"You say that like it's a bad thing."
"That's because it is. I don't like people getting the wrong idea," you say, your voice tinged with a hint of unease. 
"I know what it is?" Sohee taunts, his finger jabbing the air. "You're afraid you'll fall for me if I stand too close." 
You roll your eyes, trying to dismiss the thought. "I can guarantee you that's not the case." Sohee hums in disagreement and continues walking ahead of you until you have to follow up with him. 
This was the nature of your relationship. Sohee often liked to hint that maybe you were into him as more than just friends, and you'd be there to shoot it down every time. 
It was annoying sometimes, but Sohee was like a brother to you. You expected him to be annoying. 
"What should we eat? Burgers? Pasta? Pizza?" Your best friend begins to list off. He waved his finger around in the air as if he were actually flipping through the options. 
"We should go for-" "Y/n." A somewhat familiar voice stops you mid-sentence. 
You didn't have to turn around to know that Eunseok was calling for you. You were only confused as to why. After all, you and Eunseok existed in starkly different worlds. 
He was the star of the school. D-1 athlete, attending on a full scholarship. It's impossible to live in the same city as him and not know who he was. The same didn't apply to you.
No one knew who you were. Not because you were super shy and avoided attention, but because you just preferred to hang out with your two friends, Sohee and Ningning, and binge on card games and pizza on Friday nights, a quiet and content life that you cherished. 
So why would Song Eunseok, a well-known college basketball player, be calling out for you?
"Hey," He says when he finally meets up with you, his voice a mix of nervousness and determination.  
"Hello?" You say, confused. Sohee, obviously just as puzzled as you are, bunches his eyebrows together and sticks his lips out into a subtle pout. 
"Will you go on a date with me?" Eunseok's unexpected question hangs in the air, shrouding the scene in a thick layer of suspense. 
Things were just getting weirder and weirder. Him picking you out in a crowd of people was odd enough, but now he was asking you out on a date. 
There's only one logical explanation for this. 
He was pranking you. You had your fair share of brutal jokes, especially among ruthless high school boys who always made it clear that no one would ever seriously be into you. 
You thought things like that only happened in grade school, but old habits do die hard. 
You snark. "No, thank you." The words come out harsher than you intended, a clear sign of your internal conflict. You attempt to walk away, assuming he'll accept the rejection and leave you alone. You should've known better. 
"Please," he pleads, halting you in your tracks. You pivot and stride back toward him.
"I'm not falling for any of your tricks." 
"One date." He holds each of his hands up in the air. "No tricks, I promise." The look on his face tells you that he's being genuine. Yet, you still look to your best friend for an answer. 
Except he only shrugs. You don't know what you were expecting from him anyway. He was never helpful before, and he won't be beneficial now. 
"When?" You ask, turning back to Eunseok. 
"Are you busy right now?" He shoots. 
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Eunseok pulls out the chair so you can sit down first. You accept his offer and place your bag on the floor beside you. You notice how empty the lunchroom is. 
"If you wanna get into my pants, you're gonna have to do a lot better than this." You comment, your voice echoing in the empty school cafeteria. 
"I'm not trying to get in your pants." Eunseok's voice cuts through the silence, and his glare makes you feel small and insignificant. You shift in your seat at the sudden discomfort. 
"Well then... What do you want?" You hesitated, trying to read his true intentions. 
"I need you to be my girlfriend," he replied casually as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
 "You need me to?" Leaning in closer, you were intrigued, eager to understand his unconventional request.
"My family is starting to think I'm gay." He admits, and it makes you jump back. Who would've thought that star athlete Song Eunseok was battling with his sexuality? 
"I'm not," he says with a knowing look as if he could hear every thought racing through your mind.
 "Huh?" You blink in astonishment, your eyes widening, and shift in your chair, the leather creaking beneath you as you settle back in.
"Look, I just need you to meet my family here and there. Nothing serious."  
"Are you asking me to fake a relationship with you?"
"Yes, exactly." He nods with a severe expression, showing no sign of amusement. It was as if he had done this before.
"I'm not interested," you declare firmly, rising from your seat and gathering your belongings. 
Eunseok's voice quivers with desperation as he says, "I'll pay you," attempting to entice you to stay.
You express your disdain by poking your tongue through your cheek. The sound of your bag dropping to the floor fills the room as you turn to face him. "Money doesn't sway me. You can't just dangle it over my head and expect me to jump when you tell me to," you assert, pressing your palms onto the table.
To your surprise, Eunseok smirks. "You're a smart, independent woman," he says, and you nod. 
"I am." 
"I admire that about you." He stands up so that now you have to look up at him. "Which is why I chose you of all people."
"That's flattering. How much are you paying."
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"Wait, you're dating him?" Sohee exclaims, yanking his head out of your empty fridge.
You nod, "Yeah." Your lips pressed together, a silent testament to the weight of the secret you were carrying. It wasn't easy to lie to your best friend, but you knew you had to. He had a terrible habit of just talking, talking to any and everyone about any and everything. One time, in fifth grade, you told him about a crush you had on some guy in your class. You don't remember how word got around to the entire school, but you remember that the tracks led right back to your loose-lipped best friend. The potential consequences of this secret being revealed were too significant to risk. 
"So he asked, and you just said 'yes'? No questions asked?" Sohee asks, his voice filled with disbelief. 
"Pretty much." You shrug. 
Sohee ponders, his body plopping down on the couch in front of you. You could always tell when he was thinking because his bottom lip would poke out, and he scratched the back of his head. It was rather cute, but you'd never admit that aloud. "This doesn't make any sense." He finally mutters through a pout, his brows furrowing in confusion. 
"What's not making sense?" You ask calmly, crossing your arms and leaning back against the sofa. 
"Did he cast a spell on you or something?" He sits up. "You hate ball players." 
"I do." You nod. "but he's different." You don't have to convince yourself you knew Eunseok very differently from the other sports players you were previously acquainted with. For starters, none of them would ever consider you to be their girlfriend, real or not. 
"How would you know that after just one date?" Sohee almost shouts. 
"Look, will you just trust me? I know what I'm doing." You said, your voice filled with a determination that Sohee had rarely heard before. He takes a deep breath and throws his head back against your small orange sofa. All the thinking was draining him. 
"Do you trust me?" 
"I guess I have no choice." Your best friend reassures you. Tiredly, rubbing his hands against his face. 
"Good," you exclaimed with a smile, jumping up from your seat to stand in front of him with your hand held out. "Now, let's go get some food. I know you're hungry."
"You're not gonna start ditching me to hang out with your new boyfriend, right?" Sohee sits across from you in the diner that you frequented too often. Usually, you'd visit with Ningning, but she was pretty busy these days. 
"He'll never get in between us." 
"Promise?" He asks, peering up through his eyelashes. 
You never made promises unless you knew for a fact you could keep them, which is why you wrapped your pinky finger around your best friends without a shadow of hesitation. You were certain you would never break this promise.
"It's so strange now that you have a boyfriend." Sohee breaths just as your phone begins to vibrate.
Eunseok: Hey, I need you.
You: First off, that sounds weird. And secondly, I can't. I'm busy
Eunseok: You need to be busy with me.
You: why are you so weird?
"I'm gonna ask for refills," Sohee announces, his voice cutting through the buzz of conversation in the air and causing you to pull your eyes away, momentarily captivated. "Alright," you reply with a smile, and as Sohee walks off, you feel the familiar buzz of your phone vibrating in your pocket, drawing your attention once again.
Eunseok: My family wants to meet you.
You: Hard pass; I'm hanging out with my best friend. Maybe next time :)
Eunseok: $100
You: I can't just leave him.
Eunseok: $250.
You: Deal.
Eunseok: Perfect, I'll meet you at your place.
"Are you leaving?" Sohee asks, his disappointment palpable in his voice."Sorry, Hee. I'll make it up to you, I promise." You rush, reaching into your wallet to leave a twenty-dollar bill on the table. While Sohee plops down in disbelief, his mouth slightly agape. 
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"What are you wearing?" Eunseok asks, leaning against his sleek silver 2021 Jeep Wrangler. 
"I tried to be normal," you frown, looking down at your chosen outfit.
"Normal looks weird on you," he advises. "Go change."
"But your parents-" "Will like you, no matter what. Just be yourself," he cuts you off and grabs your shoulder to turn you back towards your apartment complex.
“And be fast.” He says last. 
You ask, "How is this?" while standing in front of him, extending your arms so that he can take in your entire outfit. "Much better," he nods in approval and courteously opens the car door for you to get in. His car is immaculately clean and impressively modern. Nothing like you’d see any other college student drive, athlete or not. Maybe Eunseok was an exception because he wasn’t just any athlete but one of the best. 
You can’t say you cared enough to know. You were more worried about other things. 
“You don’t have any exes I need to know about, right?” You ask, “You know… anyone who still has unresolved feelings and isn’t really good at talking things out.” 
“No one is going to show up at your door,” Eunseok reassures, his eyes focused on the road ahead, offering you a sense of security. 
“And do you have STDs or anything?” 
‘Why is that important?” He breaks his concentration to look at you.
“You’re right.” You nod, twirling your fingers and looking around until you see something outside of the window that catches your attention. 
“Any other questions?” He asks through his smirk, one that you were already beginning to hate. 
“Why me?” Eunseok opens his mouth to begin to speak, but you stop him before he can, “And don’t try that fake feminist bullshit on me. I know how you men are.” You add. 
To which he lets out a small laugh, “You were the first person to come to mind because I knew I’d never fall for you, so I don’t have to worry about things getting complicated.” 
It sounded harsh, but you were used to it. No guys ever looked in your direction. The ones that did only wanted one thing, and it wasn’t a cool, loving, caring girlfriend. The problem wasn’t that you were ugly. You were just too different. The way you talked, the things you liked, the way you dressed. You were far too strange for anyone to love you. Well, except for Sohee, of course, but that was only because he was a little strange himself. 
“Likewise.” You hum and continue gazing out of the window. 
When Eunseok reaches the driveway of his family home, he parks and turns almost his whole body around to face you. “Okay, first, I need your phone,” he demands with his hand out. 
You ask, “What do you need my phone for?” Yet you still hold your phone in the palm of his hand and patiently wait for him to reveal his plan. 
“Here you go.” He passes your phone back with his contact on display. 
“My everything?” You read aloud, your eyebrows instinctively furrowing. You thought that was the worst of it, but when your phone closes, you catch a glimpse of his face on your lock screen. “No offense, but I don’t wanna see your face every time I open my phone.” 
“You can change it back later.” He says unamused. 
“Okay but who’s gonna believe that we're so in love after two days?” You ask, folding your arms. 
“That reminds me, if they ask, we've been dating for three months.” 
“Don’t you think they’ll find it strange that we’ve been dating for three months, and you haven’t mentioned having a girlfriend?” You question. 
“Will you just trust me on this?” He asks, reminding you of when you asked Sohee the same question. You give him a half nod and breathe, “You’re the one paying me, so I guess I have to.” 
Eunseok’s little brother greets him as soon as he gets out of his truck. Wrapping his small arms around Eunseok’s legs. “Hey, critter, where’s mom?”
The little boy you assume is around six years old, seeing as you could hear his lisp when he says, “She’s in the kitchen talking to dad. I don’t think they know you’re here yet.” And suddenly, the kid turns to you. His smile, no longer evident, was replaced with a look of concern. You mirror his expression as the boy asks, “Who’s this?”
“This is my girlfriend.” Eunseok introduces you, moving to rest his arm around your waist. Your initial instinct is to push him off of you and slap him, but you do your best to try and muster up a smile instead. The only problem is that you don’t know how to fake a smile, and you think you might’ve scared the boy while trying to.
“You couldn’t just say hi to my little brother?” Eunseok scolds you the second the small boy disappears into the house. 
“Kids make me nervous.” You defend yourself as you pull his arm off of you. “This is gonna be an extra ten bucks, by the way.” You add, referring to his hand placements. 
“Maybe I should’ve gone with someone else.” 
“It’s not too late!” Your suggestion falls on deaf ears when he grabs your hand and guides you into his family home. Which you didn’t realize was so big until you got inside. Everything looked so expensive. “Woah, I didn’t know you were-”
“You’re here early. I haven’t even started prepping yet.” Eunseok's mother unintentionally cuts you off to welcome him into a hug. “And I’m assuming this is your girlfriend.” She adds, looking at you. 
“Yeah, this is Y/n,” Eunseok speaks for you. 
“Aren’t you just the prettiest thing.” You were never good with compliments, mainly because you weren’t used to getting them. So, while you should’ve smiled and replied with a humble “thank you.” You say, “I know.” Instead. 
Eunseok's head swiftly turns in your direction, and his mom's smile drops. "I mean, Eunseok tells me that all the time. It's become a habit of his." Nice save, you think to yourself, noticing how Eunseok's shoulders relax. 
"You're a very lucky girl. You know there's no one like my son." 
"You're right; never in my life have I met anyone like Eunseok." You grin, knowing that you don't mean it the same way she does. 
"I'd say I'm the lucky one. Y/n's top of her class and she just started her internship for a space program. Plus, she's funny and gorgeous, and she supports me. Not to mention, I've also never met anyone like her." Eunseok wraps his arm around you to pull you closer to him. 
Strangely enough, you didn't feel the need to rip his arm off and punch him in the face like you wanted to the last time. Instead, you're more impressed that he even knew about your internship and thought you were funny. Although you were sure, he was just saying that to feed that facade you two had going on. 
"I would just say we make a good match." You add. 
As the older woman beams and compliments the both of you on how good you look together, you exhale in relief. But when Eunseok's father strides into the room, his gaze sweeping over you from head to toe, you realize his mom was just a warm-up act.
"You into fashion?" The older man's voice is so deep it echoes through your eardrums. Your knees buckled, and if it weren't for the hand that Eunseok kept firm around your waist, you would've run out of the door screaming. 
"Uh, um, yeah. Well, no, actually. I mean, it's… cool… sometimes."  You stumble over your words. Your heart races the more he looks at you; you feel like he knows everything. He knows you're lying to him; he knows you're accepting payment from his son to keep up this act, and he probably knows about that pen you stole from Sohee last week. 
“I like it, it’s different.” His father says, referring to your outfit. “Good choice, you better treat her right.” He turns to the tall, younger male beside you. 
“I intend to,” Eunseok responds. 
“Why don’t you give her a tour of the house? I’ll call you down when dinner is ready.” His dad suggests and leaves you and Eunseok alone for a moment. 
Rather than allowing Eunseok to guide you, you grab his wrist and pull him up the stairs to the first room you find, which, luckily for you, happens to be his room. You rush to lock the door and stomp back towards him. Your voice still shaky from the interaction with his father, you say, “I don’t wanna do this anymore.” 
“What you have to.” Eunseok pleads. 
“No, tell them I died in a tragic accident and that you can’t ever move on from me. That'll solve both of our problems.” You argue. 
“It’s not that bad.” He says incredulously, holding his arms over his chest. 
“It's not bad. It’s horrible.” 
“My parents like you already, I can tell.” Eunseok pleads, attempting to convince you. 
“That’s worse, you idiot.” You catch yourself from yelling too loud. “I’d rather they hate me so they won’t wanna see me again.” 
Both of you take a break from arguing to respond to his mom when she asks. “How are you guys doing up there.” 
“We’re fine.” You say in unison as you stare at him with the look of death. 
“I can see why it’s so hard for you to get a girlfriend.” You insult. “After today, we’re done.”
“What? Are you breaking up with me?”
“I am.” You assure him as you walk away. Opening the door to find his brother on the opposite side. You pause for a moment, unsure of what to say or do. He blinks at you and you awkwardly coo, “Hey, little boy.”
“Are you really dating my brother?” The kid inquires, staring up at you with a puzzled expression.
“Umm, yeah.” You wanna roll your eyes. You couldn’t believe you were still going with this bit after arguing that you were done.
“That makes me happy because you’re really pretty. Do you wanna see my room?”
“Sure, why not.” You think aloud.
“Yay! Come on, it's this way.” The child cheers, tugging on your wrist to lead you to his room. 
If possible, your body entered a whole other dimension. The model solar system scattered around the ceiling was the first thing that caught your attention. The life-sized astronaut standing in the corner of the room made your heart leap out of your chest. Hands down this was the coolest room you had ever seen in your life. 
“What the fu-“ You stammer, catching yourself before you can finish your sentence. 
“Don’t worry.” The boy sings, “I won’t tell anyone.” 
Your joy came to a harsh halt, when Mr Song announced that dinner was ready. The small boy remained by your side while you glared at his older brother. You roll your eyes when Eunseok pulls a chair out for you and gestures for you to take a seat. 
You accept the seat reluctantly, but refuse to thank him. The room is quiet, exactly how you prefer to keep it. 
"How long have you been dating Eunseok?" His father abruptly interjects, shattering the fragile silence you had painstakingly maintained. 
"Um." You gulp, your voice betraying the effort to conceal your discomfort, "Like three months… an- and a half?" 
"Three months?" Mr Song repeats, turning to Eunseok. For a small moment all of the attention is off of you, which allows you to release the breath you've been holding for over five minutes. "How come we're just now finding out about her?" 
The question makes you tap Eunseok's leg because you already warned him about this. "Just trust me." He said, but now he's stuttering and tripping over his words. "I- well, she-" 
"It's my fault." You interrupt, "I wanted to make sure we were compatible before I just sprung myself on his family." 
"Let me just say we are absolutely delighted to finally meet you. You are such a charming young lady," his mom gushes. "Did you know you're the first girl he's ever introduced to us?" 
“Really?” You ask, unsurprised. "You know, it's actually really funny that you say that because sometimes I find myself questioning if he's-" and as you're about to finish the sentence, a sharp pain shoots through your abdomen. To his parents, he was just being affectionate, innocently wrapping his arm around you to demonstrate his love for your personal space. None of them would've guessed what was honestly going on.
"What were you saying, honey?" Mrs. Song smiles, anticipating ‌ hearing the rest of your thoughts. 
"Sometimes I wonder if he’s even real." You force a grin, your words laced with a hint of bitterness that you hope goes unnoticed.
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“It was lovely having you.” Mrs. Song beams happily, standing by the doorway of their family home. 
You reply, “It was nice being here.” While subtly removing Eunseok's arm from around your waist, or at least trying to. But his hold just got tighter with each attempt you made to push him off.
“I don’t want you to go.” The small boy pouts in front of you. 
“Don’t worry, she’ll be back,” Eunseok responds to the boy for you.
“Promise?” The little boy looks up at you with glossy eyes and one of the sweetest smiles you’ve ever seen in your entire life. How could you say no to such a sweet face?
“I promise.” You reassure looking everywhere but the boy in front of you. 
“I can’t wait to see you again.” His mother claps. “Drive safe.” She cheers as Eunseok guides you to his car. You wait until the front door is shut, and no one can hear you before you push him away from you and hold your hand up as if you’re about to slap him.
“I should kill you.”  You growl. 
"At least let me drive you home first.” He suggests holding his truck door open for you. You wanna slap him, choke him, kick him in his knees, and make him beg for mercy. But you roll your eyes instead and take your spot in his passenger seat. 
“Your family is kinda cool, even though your dad scares the shit out of me.” You mutter, staring out the window at the passing cars on the road. 
“You know you’re welcome anytime.” 
“I think it’s best we keep this professional. I don’t want you to ease up on payments because you think we’re friends.” 
“That’s fair.” Eunseok nods. 
“You and I could never be friends. We’re too different.” You add, resting your head against the back of your seat. 
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“I’m starving.” Sohee whines, throwing his head against the back of your couch. 
You laugh, “you always are.” Squishing his cheeks together. 
“This isn’t funny Y/n. I could die if I don’t eat something in the next 2 seconds.” 
“You’re not going to die. I ordered pizza 20 minutes ago; it should be here any minute.” As if on cue, there’s a knock at your door, and before you can say or do anything, Sohee is shooting up to retrieve it. 
“Oh, it’s you…” Sohee squints at the tall ball player in front of him as soon as he opens the door.
“Who is it?” You ask, jumping up from your couch to stand next to Sohee. “Oh… Eunseok. What- umm. What are you doing here?” 
“My mom saw how much you liked the food yesterday, so she asked me to bring you some leftovers.’ Euseok pushes the bag full of containers in your direction. 
“Did she really? Are the green beans in here too?” You ask, snatching the bag from his hand. 
“Yeah, I think she packed everything.” Eunseok scratches the back of his neck.
“I feel like I just abducted and woke up on Venus.” You squeal, rushing towards your table to dig through the bag.
“She’s thankful,” Sohee explains for you. 
“Well, tell your mom I said thank you. Bye, love you.” You rush, pushing him out of the way and slamming the door in his face. 
When you turn back on your heels you’re surprised to see Sohee staring at you with an equally surprised expression on his face. “Are you guys saying that already?” Sohee asks 
“Well, we’re moving kinda Fast because… You know… We just never know when we’re gonna … die.” You laugh awkwardly.
“You know you’re really unpredictable,” Sohee continues to stare.
“What do you mean?” You plop down at your table, half waiting for his explanation but mostly interested in the food in front of you.
“You guys have nothing in common. He’s well known and attractive, but you never cared about that kind of stuff.” Your best friend watches as you unpack the leftovers your “boyfriend” just bought you. ‘You say you love him, but can you name just one thing you like about him?” 
If you were in a serious relationship you might’ve cared about what it was that Sohee had to say, but nothing about this was real. So you couldn’t care. You couldn’t care even if you tried. 
“I like him because his mom knows how to cook.” You answer with your mouth full.
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"What did you guys think about that movie I told you to watch?" Ningning asks, walking between you and Sohee. The hallways are full of students and teachers as the three of you walk through the somewhat heavy crowd. 
"I didn't watch it." Sohee shrugs while eating the burrito he begged you to buy because he was "so hungry, he could pass out."
You answer, "It was horrible," ready to give a detailed description of why you hated it and everything that was wrong with it.
"Wasn't it," Ningning replies. 
"I can't believe I let you talk me into watching it." You gasp.
"I had to make sure it wasn't just me." She says, but you don't fully process it because you feel the ghost of someone's hand about to grab yours. On instinct, you attack; what else were you supposed to do? Unfortunately, right after you turn around to punch the stranger in the face, you freeze. The stranger isn't a stranger but your (fake) boyfriend, standing there with a shocked expression and blood dripping from his lip.
"Oh my god." You shriek, "I didn't mean to -"
"It's okay; don't worry about it," Eunseok mutters, but the growing puddle of crimson red liquid tells you that it definitely isn't okay.
"You're bleeding!" You acknowledge reaching for his bottom lip. 
"It's fine, I'll be fine. Let me just take you to class." 
"Well, let me clean you up." You continue, staring at his busted bloody lip. 
"It doesn't even hurt." He cheers, shaking his head. 
"I won't be long; I have my first aid kit right here." 
“You carry around a first aid kit?” He questions, his eyebrows raising in surprise, as you push him into a random empty classroom. “Do you just punch people often?”
“It was an accident.” You answer, your voice softening, as you rip a sanitary wipe open and tap it against his lip. “Why would you even be grabbing my hand in public anyway?” You ask, while continuing to repair his busted lip. 
“You’re my girlfriend; I’m supposed to treat you as such.” He mumbles.
"Fake girlfriend." You respond, your voice tinged with a hint of bitterness, as you sit up with a tube of ointment on display. "Apply this again before you go to sleep tonight, and it should be healed in no time. And don't lick your lips. This stuff tastes disgusting."  
"I don't imagine it would taste like strawberries." He remarks. 
You back away from him with your hands on your hips. "Whatever, you still didn't answer. Why were you sneaking up on me?"  He doesn't say anything for a short few moments, and you can tell that he's thinking about how to say what he's going to say. 
"So my dad is good friends with my coach, and word got around." He mumbles the last part, but it’s intentional this time.
"Word got around?" Your eyes widen at the thought, "So I'm stuck with you?" You ask, raising your hand to push your hair out of your face, and rolling your eyes when you see Eunseok flinch at your sudden movements. 
'You say that like it's a bad thing." 
"It's certainly not a good thing." You shout again. Which only makes Eunseok lean away from you, arms shielding his face. 
"Relax, I'm not gonna hit you." You breathe, "Although I should." 
"Are you mad?" Eunseok says after a long silence. 
You respond sarcastically, "No, of course not." You tilt your head to stare at the basketball player in front of you, wondering how you managed to get yourself into this situation. "In fact I couldn't be happier." 
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"Since when were you and Eunseok a thing?" Ningning asks, emphasizing Eunseok's name. 
Ever since the interaction between you and him in the hallway, all you heard was his name. 
"A month," Sohee answers on your behalf,
"You knew?" Ningning whips her head around to the boy. "How come I'm just finding out about this?" 
"I tried to keep it as private as possible." You answer. 
"What, so you told Mr. Blabber mouth over here?" Ningning’s accusatory finger points at Sohee, who's innocently munching on his sandwich. "You know, you guys really make me feel left out." 
"That's what happens when you choose other people over us?" You shrug. 
"It would still be nice to know about what's going on in my best friend's life." Ningning debates.  "And what about you? Are you datin—never mind?" Ningning stops herself. Both of you know ‌that Sohee was never private about anything. The entire planet would know if he got a girlfriend. Considering he couldn't keep a secret even if his life was at stake.
"How did you even start dating? You two are so… different." The girl rests her chin in her open palm. 
"That's what I said! What could you possibly like about him? He's just some dumb ball player."  Sohee adds. 
“Dumb ball player? You might have a crush on Y/n, but that does not give you the right to down-talk the Song Eunseok.” Ningning jumps up, swinging her finger around.
All you can do is facepalm. This is why you never tell them anything; it always causes an argument. Too immersed in your friends in front of you, you don’t notice when Eusneok appears next to you until he says, “Do you mind if I sit here.” 
“Don’t you wanna sit with your other friends?” You look around the area for all the possible seats he could take besides right next to you. You were starting to think he didn’t understand what personal space was. 
"You're here." He says, occupying the seat without your permission. 
"The more I look at it, it kinda makes sense," Ningning interjects, tilting her head. 
Sohee soon does the same, only to mumble, "I still don't get it." 
"Okay, what are you guys thinking for tonight?" You try to change the subject. You feared that if you talked too much, you'd accidentally reveal how you felt about Eunseok and that this entire bit was fake.
"Why don't we just do Pizza?" Ningning suggests, but Sohee is quick to knock down the idea. 
"We always do pizza. Why don't we do tacos." 
"Mm yeah, tacos sounds good." You nod, "Let's do tacos." 
"I don't want tacos." Ningning frowns, "How about sushi?" 
"I'm good with sushi." Sohee agrees. 
"Perfect, we're going with sushi." You clap, but your joy is short-lived as Eunseok's sudden grip on your wrist startles you, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. 
'What are you guys planning?" He asks.
"Every Friday, the three of us do a game night. It's... it's kinda boring." You say, your voice trailing off, hoping he won't ask to come along. But he doesn't seem to catch the hint.
"Oh really? I'll bring the drinks then." He volunteers
"Oh no, you don't have to." You wave your palms around and shake your head. 
"I don't wanna come empty-handed."
"You don't have to come at all; it's okay." You smile sarcastically. "I'm sure you have better things to do."
"What's better than hanging out with my girlfriend?" He asks, smiling sweetly at you while Ningning squeaks about how cute the two of you are. 
"Since I'm such an awesome girlfriend, I'll let you hang out with your friends tonight." You say through gritted teeth. Squinting as you push his hands away from you.
 "And since I'm an even better boyfriend, I'll hang out with you instead." He grins, overpowering you and pulling in closer to him by your waist.
Sohee grimaces at the sight, "You guys aren't gonna be doing that the whole night, right?" He asks.
Despite all of your attempts to change his mind, Eunseok still finds himself in your living room arguing with Sohee about who knows you better. And leave it up to Ningning to encourage their foolishness. 
“Okay, this one’s easy; what’s her favorite color?” Ningning stands in front of the two boys with flashcards. 
“Blue!” Sohee calls out first. 
“Blue, purple, and green,” Eunseok calls out almost exactly at the same time as Sohee. They both look at you in sync for the answer as your smile grows.
“My favorite color is blue.” You confirm, “and purple and green.” 
You watch Sohee, your melodramatic friend, drop to his knees, his hands gripping his hair in mock despair. “You’re so dramatic,” Ningning chuckles, her laughter filling the room before shuffling the cards to ask another question. 
“Alright, what’s her go-to movie for movie nights.” 
“Umm,” You laugh when Eunseok looks straight at you for the answer. 
“E.T.,” Sohee calls out, jumping and pointing his index finger. He doesn’t have to look at you to find out if he’s right because he knows he is. That’s been your favorite movie since the both of you were kids; you kind of grew out of it since then, but you never missed an opportunity to watch E.T. 
“And the winner is-.” Ningning pauses, eyeing the two boys down for suspicion. “It’s a tie.” She beams. 
Sohee nods and holds his hand out for Eunseok to shake, “You’re cool, I guess.” 
“Thank you.” Eunseok smiles. 
“I still think you don’t deserve her, but you’re not as bad as I thought.” Your best friend explains, looking off to the side. 
“It’s getting late, I’m heading out.” Ningning breaks through the handshake to walk towards your front door. “Let’s go, Sohee.” She calls out behind her. 
“But I wanna finish hanging out with Y/n.” The boy cries but follows after her when she shoots him a deadly look. 
As the door closes behind Sohee, it's just you and Eunseok, the silence amplifying the sense of isolation. 
“I see your lip got better.” You acknowledge it when he sits down on the floor next to you. 
Eunseok taps his bottom lip, “It still hurts, though.” He says. 
You laugh and cup his cheeks with both hands, gently wriggling his face around. “You poor baby, do you want me to kiss it better?” You ask, but he stares at you blankly, his eyes filled with a mix of confusion and amusement. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You lean back from him, but his eyes never leave you. 
“Thanks for inviting me.” He finally says, leaning back against his palms.
“You invited yourself.” 
“Well, thank you for accepting me; I had fun,” Eunseok replies.” You said you do this every Friday?”
“Do not show up at my door every week, Eunseok; my neighbors are gonna think-” We’re dating.” He adds, finishing your sentence. 
“Just don’t show up here every weekend, okay,” 
“Why are you so mean to me?” 
“I have to make sure you understand that we aren’t friends,” You assert. “And when this deal ends, I’ll probably never talk to you again. So don’t get too comfortable.” 
The next afternoon, you're walking through ‌semi-crowded hallways. Sohee and Ningning, being who knows where you mentally plan what you're going to do once you get home. The plans include changing into sweatpants and watching Netflix until you fall asleep on your couch. 
The thought almost brings a smile to your face; there's nothing you love more than the soft touch of your couch, the familiar scent of your home, and the comforting silence that surrounds you when you're doing nothing in the comfort of your own home. 
Amid your blissful thoughts, you feel a hand wrap around your wrist, breaking your reverie. Instinctively, you roll your eyes before you check to confirm that it's Eunseok. "Come watch me practice." He grins when you turn to face him. 
You ask, "Why would I do that?" Pulling your wrist away from him. 
"So you can meet my friends." He says. 
"Why would I do that?" You repeat. 
"Because I met your friends." 
You say, "I'll pass," but Eunseok quickly grabs your wrist again. 
"Come on, it'll be fun." He doesn't wait for you to agree or disagree before he pulls you towards the gym. 
You were quickly learning about Eunseok. He didn't understand physical boundaries, or any boundaries for that matter, and he loved to ignore everything that came out of your mouth. You could say this was your fault. You let him dangle money over your head, and now you're stuck with him for the next few months. 
Eunseok shifts his hand from your wrist to intertwine his fingers with yours. And before you know it, you're surrounded by sweaty basketball players in the gym. You hear their shoes squeak against the gym floor, along with the bouncing of basketballs. This was the first time you'd ever entered the school gym, considering you never had a reason to. Sports aren't your thing, and before now, you never imagined that you'd end up with a sports player. 
"Yeah, no, I don't want to do this." You mutter, your voice barely audible as you try to walk away. But with your hand still firmly held by Eunseok, a simple tug is all it takes to bring you back into the uncomfortable setting. 
He pleads, "Just this one time.' 
"What am I supposed to do here?" You frown, looking around the dimly lit gym, the sound of sneakers squeaking on the polished floor echoing in your ears.
"Relax and watch your boyfriend play basketball." He smirks down at you. 
You whine, "You're not even my boyfriend." You use your other fist to punch his chest weakly, but as always, your words fall on deaf ears. 
"You're late." A stranger calls out from a few feet away from you. His tone seems harsh, a clear sign of tension, but you ignore it by clinging onto Eunseok. As the unnamed man gets closer, his eyes find yours, and he begins glaring at you, his silent threat hanging in the air. 
“Y/n this is Sungchan.” Eunseok gestures towards the boy in front of you, "And Sungchan, this is." You notice his breath hitch when he pauses. “Y/n.” 
Sungchan looks at you again, but he doesn't do anything else to acknowledge you. "Don't show off because your girlfriend’s  here." He says last before walking away. Allowing you the chance to finally breathe.
"I don't think this was a good idea." 
“Don’t worry he’s not always like that.” Eunseok explains to help make you feel better but it does the direct opposite. 
“Great so it’s just me.” You frown. 
He turns you around so that your facing him, as he takes each of your hands into his own. “Don’t think too much about it okay.” 
“I won’t.” You nod. 
“I’ll go get changed, you can wait over there.” He points with your hand still connected to his. “When were done I’ll treat you to lunch.” 
“If I have to sit here for an hour I’m leaving.” 
An hour quickly turned into two, but you remained planted on the bleachers. You would never say it to him, or even aloud, but you actually enjoyed watching him play. It was entertaining to see how much he enjoyed basketball and how broad his smile was when he turned to you every time he scored. 
You never thought you’d be this into sports, or maybe it was the boy playing the sport.
As practice comes to an end, Eunseok approaches you. “I want to introduce you to my friends.” He says. You look behind his shoulder to see Sungchan already looking at you and shake your head. 
“No, I’ll pass.” You stand up in front ‌of him and grab your bag to leave. 
“It’ll be quick.” He says,
“I have things to do, Eunseok.” You say, Attempting to walk away. Eunseok lets you take two steps before he reaches for your wrist to pull you into his arms and picks you up, barely enough for your feet to hang above the floor. 
“Eunseok.” You slam your fist around his arms, “Put me down.” You continue, but he only laughs, finally landing you on your feet when you’re in front of his friends. 
“Y/n this is Shotaro.” He points to the smiley boy standing beside Sungchan, “That’s Seunghan. That’s Anton, and you’ve met Sungchan already.” 
“How long have you guys been dating?” Shotaro asks before finishing the rest of his water bottle. 
Eunseok answers, “Four months.” 
"Four months, and you haven't told us," Seunghan asks. 
"I wasn't ready to meet anyone yet," You say, your voice dripping with sarcasm. Eunseok chuckles nervously, attempting to diffuse the tension. Your gaze meets Sungchan's, a silent exchange of unspoken words, before he finally breaks the silence.
"Well, if we're finally meeting you, that must mean you're serious, huh?" He says, looking at you.
"You never know what could happen. We might break up tomorrow." You look up at Eunseok, hoping he'll get the message.
Eunseok responds, "But we're not breaking up anytime soon." Wrapping his arm around you. 
Though you're mildly upset with Eunseok, you're even more uncomfortable with the way his basketball mate is eyeing you down. And while you'd usually push your (fake) boyfriend away, you feel the need to hold him closer, mainly because he was the only person in the room who felt somewhat familiar to you.
"Anything could happen," you say while simultaneously resting your head against him, hoping to ease that anxious feeling you're getting. 
Eunseok notices something's wrong when you begin to get unusually touchy—turning in his arms to rest your head against his chest. Their voices become nothing but distant sounds as you disassociate into your thoughts. 
"Are you ready to go?" He whispers into your ear. 
You mutter, "I've been ready to go since we got here." You feel the vibrations in his chest when he laughs. 
"Let's go." He says, reaching for your hand.
"Wait, you don't —""Aren't you hungry?" He interrupts, and you nod, allowing him to guide you out of the gym.
"Didn't know you could be so clingy." Eunseok comments as he reaches to open your drink since you were struggling with opening it yourself. 
He grins, "Here," when passing your drink back and watching you get flustered.
"I don't think we should keep meeting each other's friends." You blurt after thanking him. "It'll just make things more awkward after we break up. They'll want to comfort us and all that weird stuff." 
The way Eunseok looks at you makes your heart skip a beat. Out of nervousness, you take a bite of your sandwich to distract yourself from his gaze. "You're thinking about breaking up already?" He asks.
"How long did you plan on doing this?" You respond, "You know we'll have to stop eventually." 
Eunseok sits back in his seat, "I like introducing you as my girlfriend." he says 
"I think you need a real relationship instead of paying me to pretend with you. It's embarrassing, actually." 
"Maybe I like pretending with you," You look up to see that he isn't even looking at you. He has your heart skipping beats, and he couldn't even give you the decency to look at you.
"Enjoy it while it lasts, 'cause it won't be long." You assert to hide the way you're feeling. 
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"I'm thinking about buying a skateboard," Sohee reveals. The clinking of plates and forks around you fades into nothing when you look at your friend wide-eyed. You were used to spontaneous, crazy ideas from him, but they didn't usually include potential suicide.
 "A skateboard?" You repeat
"Do you even know how to skate?" Ningning asked, playfully teasing as she took a bite of her salad.
Sohee looks away. "No, but I have free will and think it could help land me a girlfriend."  
"I think it just would make you look like an idiot with a skateboard." You shrug, "But to each their own." As you wrap your sentence up, you check your phone for the notification that just came in. 
My everything: I miss you
My everything: Let's hang out.
"You know what? I think a skateboard might actually suit you, suit you," you say, trying to dismiss the message you just received.
You observe Sohee's face lighting up. "I knew you'd agree with me," he beams. Then, he turns to Ningning and asks, "Why can't you be more supportive?"
"I can't wait to watch you fall on your face." You add, and Sohee's smile gradually fades. Your phone vibrates a few more times, drawing skeptical glares from both Sohee and Ningning.
"Aren't you gonna answer that?" Ninging speaks up first, her voice tinged with concern. You feel a familiar pang of anxiety as you glance down at your phone, quickly dismissing the call with a hesitant shake of your head. "No, um, it's just spam or something, no one really important," you mumble, hoping to convince both yourself and your friends. Sohee leans in, his brow furrowed in thought. "Have you tried blocking them?" he asks, his tone suggesting a practical solution to what seems like a trivial problem.
"It's no point. They're just going to keep coming back. I'll tell him we aren't friends, and he'll keep bothering me because he doesn't understand anything I say." You vent, the tension in the room thickening as you mindlessly stab the chicken on your tray. 
Sohee readjusts himself in his seat, feeling visibly uncomfortable now since the vibe in the room has changed. "I think blocking him might help with that."
You reach for your phone and press the power button, watching as the screen goes dark. "That should take care of it," you mutter, placing the phone face up on the table. With your attention no longer occupied by the phone, Sohee visibly relaxes, and Ninging seizes the opportunity to steer the conversation in a new direction.
"So, how's everything going with Eunseok?" she asks, a cautious grin spreading across her face.
“Why are you always bringing him up?” You whine. 
“I just wanna know the details. How come you never share the details?” She persists.
You shake your head, “There’s no details to share.” 
“I find it hard to believe that you two are actually dating,” she argues, her top lip turning up. You have nothing to say to that; you’ve been trying your best to sell your act, but you're no actor, and you were never really good at pretending to like people that you didn't.
“We're dating. It’s real.” You nod, using your drink to avoid eye contact. 
“Well, why does it seem like you don’t like him?” Ningning rests her elbows on the table, which makes you nervous for some reason.
"Like him? Please, I like him so much you could even say I love him," you reply with a forced laugh. "Can we change the subject?"
“There’s a basketball game tomorrow; I know we don’t usually go to the games, but I think it could be fu-” Ninging trails off when you throw your head back and groan. 
“I’m not doing this.” 
“Why don’t you wanna go support your boyfriend.” Ningning doesn’t back down. You always told her she could be a lawyer since she had the knack of always getting the truth out of someone. You just hated that she always used her talents on you.
"Sohee, what kind of skateboard are you thinking about getting?" You ask, ignoring the way NIngning looks at you. 
"You know you make it hard for me to believe that two of you are actually dating." She challenges, her tone laced with skepticism.
"I don't know what to tell you. Go ask him yourself, I guess." You shrug
"Name five things you like about Sohee." Ningning spurs randomly. 
"Easy, Umm, he's a good listener; he's fun to be around. He knows the best food places and has a good sense of humor. I like his smile and his fluffy hair."
"Okay, that's six things." 
"I can make it seven. He's fun-sized," you add with a chuckle, the humor in your voice lightening the mood. 
"Okay, great, that's seven. Now, name one thing you like about your boyfriend." 
"He's… Well, he's good at basketball." 
"You know, Ningning is right. I'm more convinced you have a crush on me than you do your boyfriend," Sohee interjects. 
"Whatever, think whatever you want. I don't care." You throw your hands up in defense.
"Yeah, you're not very convincing." Ningning laughs, and Sohee joins her. 
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The gymnasium is filled to the brim. You just hope that it's full enough for you to go unnoticed by your boyfriend or any of his teammates. You lost Sohee and Ningning to the concession stand and the group of girls who stopped to ask Sohee if he knew how to skate.
"I'm going to go find seats," you call out, but with all the commotion happening around you, neither of them hears you. 
So you roamed the busy gym by yourself, hiding at the sight of any jersey you saw, especially any jersey with the number thirty nine. Unfortunately for you, there were hundreds of jerseys, with thirty nine going around.
"Hey." A somewhat familiar voice appeared behind you, causing you to stop right in your tracks. You think you'd rather have run into Eunseok, but Sungchan finds you instead. 
You slowly turn to see the tall boy hovering over you, already dressed in his basketball attire. "Hey." You say, sucking in a breath. His gaze is much different than the one he had a week ago; it's softer now, and you think you even see a smile. Still, you hold your breath, scared he might yell at you at any second now that Eunseok isn't around. 
"Umm," he shakes his head, "He's down there." Sungchan points to the very boy you've been avoiding. Thankfully, he's turned away from you, seemingly preoccupied with another conversation. 
"Oh, thanks." You nod.
"I can walk you down if you want." He insists, and you shake your head. 
"No- I think I'm gonna go to the restroom." You point. "I might've drank a little too much." 
"Yeah," he stands, lingering around like he wants to say something else, and you continue holding your breath. "Do you know where the restrooms are? or do you want me to walk you?" 
"I think I can handle finding them on my own." 
"Yeah, yeah, of course." 
"Yeah," you laugh. Shortly after, he laughs along with you. "Good luck with the game, Sungchan." 
"Thanks." He says just before you run off to hide in the restroom. The idea seems great at first, but you begin to have your doubts when you see rolls of toilet paper stringed along the floor, and each stall has evidence of someone else's previous activities. 
You're sure you can find somewhere else to hide out until the game starts, no big deal. 
However, when you see Eunseok leaning against the wall outside, waiting for you, you aren't so certain.
"Damnit, Sungchan," you think to yourself as you look the other way and attempt to pass your boyfriend. 
You thought you had almost slipped away when you felt his hand wrap around your wrist. "You really are here," He grinned as you turned to face him.
"Not because I want to be." You huff, "My friends forced me to come." 
"But if you tell them that you're better without me here, I bet they'll leave me alone," you think aloud. Eunseok smiles to match yours; based on that alone, you get a peak of hope. 
"Yeah, of course." He nods. 
"Okay, umm, just go wait over there. I'll find them, and then you can just say something like, 'Why are you here? I told you not to come. You're going to make me nervous and go home seriously.' And they'll buy it." You grin.
"Oh, you're the best, thank you. I'll be right back!" you yell, drifting farther away to find your friends. 
"Guys," you panted, holding onto your knees as you caught your breath. “The game is about to start. We need to-" You snatched the water bottle from Sohees's grip and finished the rest of it, which just happened to be the entire thing. 
"We should go sit down, don't wanna miss the game." You pop up.
"But-"Ningning frowns, gesturing to the one person in line in front of her. "I've been waiting here for thirty minutes. I want my hotdog." 
“No time. Let’s go.” You rush, pulling her along with you to the spot you and Eunseok agreed to meet up at. 
Just as promised, Eunseok looks surprised to see you. “Hey, what are you doing here?” He asks, pulling you into a bear hug. 
“I came to watch you play obviously.” You mumbled into his chest. 
“I thought you told me you wouldn’t come.” He says loud enough for your two friends to hear. “I guess you wanted to surprise me.” 
Your eyes go wide and you attempt to push him off of you but that only makes him cling onto you tighter. “Eunseok.” 
He coos, "I'm so glad I have a girlfriend that supports me." Easing up on his hold. "I know I'm gonna do much better now that you're here." He grins despite the way you're glaring at him. 
"You two are so cute. We're going to give you some space." Ningning calls from behind you while Sohee continues to glower at the entire thing. 
"What the hell was that?" You ask as soon as they leave.
"I'm kind of busy right now, but we can talk afterward, right?" He smirks and leans down to kiss your cheek. "Wish me luck." 
"Break a leg." You shout as he backs away from you. "Or both of them." 
The game starts while you're still stomping your way through the gym, your lips turn down into a mean frown, and your arms crossed over your chest. Ningning spots you first and waves her hand around for you to sit between her and Sohee.
"You look mad." Sohee acknowledges.
"Mad? Why would I be mad?" You laugh sarcastically. "I'm not mad."
"He looked at me." The girl behind you squeaks. "Eunseok looked at me." 
"Because of that." Your best friend mutters.
"Y/n isn't a jealous person. it's going to take a lot more than some freshman to tick her off." Ningning speaks up, but she's proved wrong when you turn around and glare at the younger girl. 
"Where'd you get that?" You ask, referring to her jersey.
 "I made it." She beams, "Eunseok is my favorite player."
"Give it to me." 
"No, it's mine." She pouts, possessively holding her garment.
You breathe and reach into your back pocket for your wallet. She looks at you confused when you pull out a hundred-dollar bill. "What's your name?" You ask.
"Lea." She says barely.
"Alright, Lea. I'm going to give you this." You wave around the money, "and you're going to give me that jersey. Okay?"
She nods hesitantly.
"Good girl." You coo, passing her the money and waiting patiently as she pulls the shirt over her head and passes it to you. 
It takes less than a second to slide it over your clothes and marvel at how good it looks. "Perfect fit?"  You smile, and she smiles back, holding a thumbs up. 
"That went a lot better than I thought it would," Ningning comments, her voice filled with relief and amusement, while Sohee picks at the material of your newly acquired jersey.
"Wow, did you actually make this?" He turns to ask, and Lea nods. "This is so good." He continues playing with your shirt until you push his hand away. 
"Do you skate?" She asks. Sohee looks down at the useless skateboard and then up at you, who's giving him a knowing look, anticipating his lie.
"Umm, no, I just thought it would be cool to walk around with." He utters, "But I'm learning."
"That is so cool." She giggles. 
"You think so?" 
You look at Ningning, eyes furrowed, and Ningning looks back at you with the same expression. Neither of you thought that his plan would actually work. 
"Do you wanna come sit by me?" Lea taps the empty spot next to her. He looks to both of his friends for permission, and you nod. 
The game goes on pretty well for the next 30 minutes, or so you assume. You weren't really sure; you just cheered when everyone else cheered and booed when everyone else booed. "Woo." You jump out of your seat, fist in the air. "That's my boyfriend." 
"You're cheering for the wrong team." Ningning informs you. 
"Oh." You pause. "Boo, you suck." Your best friend laughs as you lower back in your seat and continue to watch Eunseok play quietly for the rest of the game. Occasionally locking eyes with Sungchan.
Once everything is over, Eunseok finds you first. "Hey," he announces, interrupting your conversation with Ningning. 
"Hey," You gasp, feeling his warm breath on your neck. He wraps his arms around your waist and draws your back to his chest.
"Do you mind if I walk her home?" Eunseok asks Ningning, his chin resting on your shoulder.
"You can't; we have to look for Sohee." You explain but Ningning shakes her head.
"I don't mind; she was talking about you too much anyway. It was starting to get annoying." Your best friend beams when you scowl at her. "I'll see you tomorrow. Have fun. Bye." 
And when she skips away, Eunseok only pulls you closer to tug on the hem of your shirt. "What's this?" He questions. 
"Someone gave it to me. I figured it'd be rude if I didn't wear it." You lie. "I'm not wearing it for you."
You're scared you'll spill everything if he looks at you any longer. Luckily for you, he just nods and changes the subject. "Sungchan told me you wished him good luck." He says, taking your hand in his.
"I did."
"You told me to break a leg." He responds, sticking his bottom lip out unintentionally. 
"Isn't that a phrase of encouragement? You know, like when people say 'break a leg' before an audition because they want them to get the part." You start rambling even though you know exactly what you meant.
"They don't tell them to break both legs." He says.
You bite back a laugh. "Well, I just wanted you to do really good." 
The sky is pitch dark, not even the stars shine on the warm night. The only light comes from the dimly lit street lamps, casting long shadows on the deserted streets. But you're not gazing at the heavens. You're too busy navigating the path, trying to avoid colliding with Eunseok every few steps.
"Oh, how come you haven't responded to my texts? Is your phone broken?" he asks, breaking the silence you were slowly getting used to.
"No, my phone is fine; I just didn't wanna talk to you." 
He raises an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Ouch," He teases, a smirk playing on his lips.
"I have an idea." You stop and jump in front of him. "Why don't I help you find a real girlfriend? Then we can stop this." 
He looks up and pretends to think, giving you a few seconds of silence before he smiles down at you. "Nope."
 "I don't want to." He shakes his head.
"Have you ever thought about how this is affecting my life?" You whine when he grabs your hand and pulls you back next to him.
"I have, actually. You get a weekly stipend, free game tickets, and an amazing boyfriend. Could things get any better for you?" 
"I have two friends who keep poking their noses into my romantic life and a weirdo who doesn't listen to anything I say." You mutter. 
"I guess there's that too." He grins. "You still have an amazing boyfriend, though, so I think that evens it out." 
"You're not my boyfriend." As suspected, your words go into one ear and straight through the other. He keeps his same stupid grin on his face and your hand wrapped in his until he walks you to your apartment.
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“I wonder what my girlfriend is doing.” Sohee pouts, tucking his chin into the palm of his hand. 
“Probably thinking of all the ways to break up with you.” Ningning laughs, and you start to laugh with her, but it quickly turns into a coughing fit. 
“Sorry, guys.” You sniff.
“Don’t worry, girl. It’s fine.” Ningning reassured but continued to back away. 
Sohee passes you a napkin. “Are you getting sick?” 
“I hope not; I don’t wanna cancel our game night.” 
“We might have to,” Ningning speaks. “Don’t worry, we always have next week.”
“But we’ve never missed a week.” You cry, “We’re going so strong I don’t wanna ruin it.” 
Ningning shakes her head. “My health is-“ She stops when she notices how you and Sohee look at her. “Your health is far more important than game nights.” She corrects herself. “So just get some rest. We’ll try again next week.”
You sniff, “Okay.” 
And just as planned, you took Friday off, as your cold just got worse. Your head was banging, your throat was dry, and your nose was so stuffed you could only breathe through your mouth. 
You rotted in your bed, your body temperature far too warm for you to relax, but the room far too cold for you to leave your covers, which was very ironic to you because you set the temperature to seventy-five degrees before you got into bed the night before.
Just as you were about to drift into a peaceful slumber, a sudden knock at the door shattered the tranquility. Frustrated, you reluctantly left the warmth of your bed and trudged through your apartment, emitting groans reminiscent of a zombie. 
"Game nights canceled." You sneeze into your elbow. 
"I heard." Eunseok sneaks his way past you and into your apartment.
"Why are you here then?" You question. 
"To check on you." He responds, "You weren't answering my phone calls."
"I'm sick; I don't really feel like talking right now." You sneeze again. "We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" You rush, pushing him towards and out of the door. He tries to get a few words in, but he's not able to say anything before you yell, "Bye." And slam the door in his face. 
Exhausted, you made your way back to the couch, too weary to even consider returning to your bed.
Around twenty minutes later, there's another knock at the door, and you want to cry out of anger. The more you get up, the more your head hurts. Once again, you're met with Song Eunseok. "Do you listen to anything I say?" You ask, but he only smiles fondly at you.
"I brought medicine." Eunseok covers his face with the hefty medical supply he bought for you. 
“I didn’t ask for it.”
He presses a kiss on your warm cheek. “You’re welcome.” He says before squeezing in past you and closing the door. You fold your arms and watch him find his way to your kitchen. He sits the bag on the table, slides his hoodie off, and folds it over your chair.
“I have a headache, Eunseok; I don’t have time for your games today.”
“Perfect, I bought Tylenol.” He shakes the bottle of supplements.
“Your coach is gonna hate me if I get you sick too.” You plead.
Eunseok finally pauses his movements to say, “I’ll be fine,” nonchalantly as if you weren’t losing your mind at the thought of him missing any of his practices of games because of you—all of the girls who’d line up at your door because their favorite player isn’t playing. You were just sorta getting on good terms with Sungchan; imagine how he’d react if you got his teammate sick.  
“I can hear the death threats now.” You whine, “I’ll take all the medicine, Eunseok. Just go home, please.”
Despite your cries and pleas, he only sighs. “I have to make sure you eat. You can’t take medicine on an empty stomach,” Eunseok informs ever so calmly.
Tilting your head back, you throw your arms down. Your lips naturally fall into a frown. “Why are you making this so hard?” 
“Why are you being so dramatic?” He leaves the kitchen to stand in front of you. Each of his hands lands on your shoulders. The warmth of his touch seeps through your clothes, calming your nerves. “It’s just a small cold. You’re not going to die, and neither am I.” He adds, guiding you to sit on your trim, cozy sofa. “Just relax.”
Something about the way he says it actually makes you want to relax. You inhale and let your shoulders fully rest. “See, that feels nice, doesn’t it?” He coos, his voice soothing and comforting.
“But if you get sick-“ ”I’ll be fine because you’ll be here to take care of me.” He finishes.
He’s not going anywhere; you’ve come to that conclusion when he begins pulling out pots and pans and chopping vegetables in your kitchen. However, you can’t say that it bothers you. With each passing day, your feelings towards him were shifting. You were learning more about him as a person. He was someone that his little brother looked up to, someone that his friends admired and respected. And slowly, he was becoming someone you adored, someone you were starting to have deep feelings for.
You were becoming more comfortable with his presence, so much so you could even say you craved it at times. 
“Drink this.” He mutters, holding a bottle of electrolytes to your lips. This time, you don’t fight him; you don’t have the energy. He taps a napkin under your chin to clean and sits the empty bottle on the coffee table.
“I don’t want to eat; I want to sleep.” You mumble, eyes half closed, when he picks up the homemade soup. 
“Just eat a little, then you can sleep.” 
You open your mouth to say something else but Eunsoek uses that as an opportunity to start spoon feeding you. The soup is warm, and delicious it almost distracts you from the fact that he was feeding you. 
“I can feed myself.” You grumble. Voice hoarse as you attempt to get the spoon from his hand. He’s quicker to pull it away from you.
“Would you just let me be a good boyfriend?” Eunseok asks, dipping the spoon and bringing it back up to the tip of your lips.
“You’re not-“ You huff and roll your eyes, accepting defeat. “Fine.” You breathe reluctantly  allowing him to continue spoon feeding you. The pattern continues until the bowl is empty, your stomach is full and your eyelids are heavy. 
“See that wasn’t so bad was it?” He asks but the only response he gets is a hum from while you shift on the couch and rest your head in his lap. 
“Can I go to sleep now?” You respond sluggishly against his thigh. 
Eunseok croons, “I won’t stop you.” As he slides the polyester blanket up to your shoulder. Pushing your hair out of your face when you curl up against him. 
As soon as he gives you permission, you let yourself drift off to sleep. Maybe it was the warmth of the soup, the soothing effects of the medicine, or perhaps it was the gentle way he strokes your head. You find yourself much more at ease with his presence compared to two hours ago when you were tossing and turning in bed, struggling to find a comfortable sleeping position.
As you awaken, you find yourself nestled in your bed, cocooned within the worn, soft pink comforter. The morning sunlight streams through the curtains, gently warming your face as you slowly open your eyes. A deep yawn breaks the silence as you slowly stretch your arms and arch your back. You notice that your breathing feels clearer, and the scratchiness in your throat has significantly decreased since yesterday. 
Knowing you have only one person to thank for that, you skip to your living room. Smiling internally when you see Eunseok asleep on your couch, his legs hanging off the sofa because of how tall he was. You kneel in front of him and lay your hand on his chest just barely, but it's enough to wake him up. 
As his eyes slowly flutter open, you hear Eunseok's gentle voice inquire, "How do you feel?" His warm hand reaches out to brush your forehead, checking for any signs of a fever. 
A soft smile spreads across your face as he then caresses your cheek. "I feel better," you murmur, savoring the tender touch.
"Are you hungry?" You ask eagerly, infused with warmth toward him. "I'm really not a good cook but I could order something."
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Fake dating was starting to get easier. Once you realized you were getting paid to hold some basketball player's hand and call yourself his girlfriend, everything else just fell into place.
Mostly everything.
You weren't as comfortable around Eunseok's friends as He was around yours. Avoiding them seemed to be the best option, but Sungchan was making that so much harder for you.
"Catch," Shotaro calls right before a basketball comes flying straight toward your head. You should've moved or even attempted to dodge it, but you go into shock, your feet planted firmly on the ground, and your eyes squeezed shut as the ball gets closer. You wait for the ball to come into contact with your face, but it never does. 
"Careful." Sungchan sounds, throwing the ball back to his teammate. Slowly, your eyes flutter open, turning to see Sungchan standing behind you. On instinct, you shuffle away from him but nearly trip over your own two feet, and he quickly reaches to grab you by your arm and steady you. 
"Sorry, I- umm- I didn't mean to interrupt you guys I was just looking for-" You weren't usually nervous like this, and it wasn't a lot of people who could get this reaction out of you but much like Euneseok's father, Sungchan scared the life out of you.
"He isn't here." He states. 
"Okay, thanks."  You scramble towards the exit without saying another word, your heart racing and your palms sweaty. 
Your second encounter with him was when you were walking down the busy hallway. Preoccupied by your phone, you weren't paying attention to where you were going. It was a habit of yours that Sohee was trying to help you break since you were in high school. But like you always say, old habits die hard.
Sohee: Quick, Lea is demanding I take her on a date. What do girls like?
Ningning: Teach her how to skateboard. I'm sure she'd love that. 🤭
Sohee: this is serious 
 You: I already told you all girls aren't the same. Ask her what she wants.
Sohee: I tried that, she told me to figure it out.
Ningning: 😭😭
You: dude. buy her flowers or something, she’d probably enjoy a cute picnic.
Sohee: She's allergic to bees. What if I take her on a picnic and she gets stung and dies like in that one movie.
You're still typing when you run face-first into the soft flesh of someone's palm. You blink once, twice before following the trail of their arm back to Sungchan's face. "Watch where you're going." He glares down at you, his stern gaze making you feel small and vulnerable.
You can tell he's trying to be endearing, but it sounds harsh and doesn't help your racing heart or the hundred thoughts swirling in your mind. Most of them conclude with you breaking into tears right there on the spot.
"I'm sorry." you spur and run the opposite way, knowing that it's going to take longer to get to your next class. 
Another time, you're wandering around the student library searching for a specific book. It was closing soon, and you knew you had to hurry, but the book was nowhere to be found. You had already asked the librarian three times, so you weren't really eager to ask her again for the fourth time, but you did anyway. Tiptoeing back to the main desk as if it would decrease your embarrassment in any way. 
"Hey, umm, are you sure the book is in section C? I checked a few times and couldn't find it," you ask.
"You can't find it?" The older woman repeats, and you nod. 
"That's too bad." She snickers almost like a witch, which would've intrigued you any other time, but right now, you were desperate. 
"Okay." You pull your lips into a tight-lipped smile and turn away from the desk. Treading back towards the section she advised you earlier and running your fingers through each book. You make it to the bottom of the shelf before you throw your head back and huff in sheer frustration. That's when your eyes land on the very book you've spent fifty minutes looking for, all the way at the top of the shelf. 
Quickly, you push yourself up on your feet and stick your arm over your head, except the book is out of your reach. You stand on your tippy toes and try again; this time, just as you're about to grab it, another hand comes into view and pulls it right over you.
"Hey." You call, spinning around to confront the book thief. But your arms nearly get weak when you catch sight of Sungchan, holding your book. 
It happens again: Your stomach is twirling, your heartbeat is unsteady, and your palms are so sweaty that if you wiped them against your shirt, you would probably leave handprints. 
"I kinda need that." Your voice, tinged with vulnerability, comes out a lot smaller than you had planned for it to.
"This?" He asks, showing off the book.
You nod, your eyes trained to the object in his large hands.
A faint smirk played at the corner of Sungchan's lips. "Why should I give it to you?" he teases.
"Because I'm your friend's girlfriend." You blink bashfully, hoping that would be enough for him. 
Suddenly, his lips straighten out into a thin line, and you think you might've even seen him straighten up. "Right," he mutters, handing the book over. 
Just like that?  You think to yourself, your relief palpable as you hesitantly accept the book, half-expecting him to pull it back right when you get the tips of your fingertips on it. 
"Thanks- uh, Thank you." You stutter. 
He utters, "Yeah." And walks away, leaving you even more confused than before. 
You figured things were probably never going to get easier with his friends, but that wasn't a permanent problem since you and Eunseok weren't going to be "dating" for much longer anyway. 
It's pitch dark when your eyes flutter open. From the lack of light, you knew it still had to be midnight. You throw your hand around and blindly search for your vibrating phone, not without wondering who could be calling you so late at night. 
“Hello?” You utter breathlessly into your phone speaker, eyelids half open and not knowing who’s voice you’re going to hear on the other line.
“I didn’t think you’d answer.” Eunseok sounds directly in your ear. The base of his voice causes your eyes to fully open. You can hear that he’s been up for a while, or maybe he hasn’t gotten any sleep at all. 
“What do you want?” You groan, “I’m not leaving my bed.”
“I just wanna talk to you, I can’t sleep.” His confession has you rolling over to face the ceiling. Suddenly you’re no longer tired and you wonder why that is. 
“You have friends to talk to.”
“We’re not as close as you think.” You can hear him shuffle in his bed, presumably to get more comfortable.
“Neither are we.” You debate but he knows that isn’t entirely true. If you really disliked him as much as you say you do you would’ve hung up on him the second you heard his voice. Yet you chose to sacrifice your sleep to keep him entertained and that told him everything he needed to know. 
“Fair, but I don’t like them as much as I like you.” Eunseok responds after a long period of silence. 
“You’re always saying weird stuff.” You try but fail to contain your smile. 
“I’m just being honest.” He says.
Choosing to ignore his indirect confession, you turn on your side and you can hear that he turns in his bed too. There’s another moment of isolated silence but it isn’t awkward. Hearing his slow breaths on the other line is quite calming.
You whisper, “Eunseok.” 
“Can I ask you a question?” You ask
“How come you can’t find a real girlfriend?” 
For the next ten seconds he doesn’t say anything and you check the phone a few times to make sure he hasn’t hung up. “I haven’t found anyone that caught my eye.” Eunseok finally answers, but that’s far from the answer you were expecting.
“No one?” You ask. “I don’t believe that.” 
He laughs breathlessly against your ear, “Well how come you aren’t dating anyone?” He flips the question around.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed. But you’re the only weirdo willing to date me.” You giggle and expect him to do the same but it’s quiet on his end, except for the ruffling of sheets when he sits up on his elbows.
“You and I both know that’s not true.” He nearly scolds. “Sungchans been interested in you for a long time.” 
“Really?” You jump up. Somehow it makes sense when you think about it. The distant stares, the nonchalant attitude. You just wondered if Sungchan knew how scary he was when he was trying to flirt.
"Yeah," Eunseok sighs, "He was pretty pissed when he found out about us, but aside from him, I'm sure there were other guys who've asked you out."
You play with the closest thing to you, which happened to be the fluffy pink bunny Ningning brought you for your birthday a few years back. Humming as you think about the handful of boys that have asked you out on dates, you twirl the bunny's long ears absentmindedly, "No one that I was interested in." 
"So you're interested in me?" You can practically hear his smile when he speaks. 
"You're paying me. Plus, I wanted to see what was so great about the Song Eunseok." You tease. 
"And what have you learned?" He asks
"You're annoying, but you're not as bad as I thought you'd be." It goes silent again. Only the sounds of your wobbly ceiling fan and the noises from his background fill the room. After so much silence, you begin to bite your cheek in anticipation. Had he fallen asleep? You think to yourself.
"I'm glad you agreed to do this with me." He finally speaks, and you jerk your head towards the phone. "I like having you as my fake girlfriend." 
"You're always saying weird stuff." 
"You'll get used to it," Eunseok responds. The tone of his voice tells you he's most likely fighting to keep his eyes open, that is if he hasn't already given up trying and just let himself sink fully into the comfort of his bed. 
"You should get some sleep; we have class in the morning." You say just above a whisper, half afraid to disturb his sleep.
He mumbles, "Don't hang up." Which causes your lips to turn up against your pillow. 
"Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark." You say sarcastically. 
"I'm just not ready to end the call," He murmurs, his voice rough and drawn out. You wish you could succumb to sleep as easily as he does, but you're left with your face buried in the soft cotton pillow, eyes wide open, mind racing.
 If this was fake, why did it feel so real?
You utter, "We still aren't friends, Eunseok." But the only thing you get in response is a soft snore. 
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Muffled coughs, dim lights, anxious tapping. There’s no place in the world you hate more than the library, yet here you were, head buried in your notebook, bouncing your leg up and down. 
“Mind if I sit here.” Eunseok appears out of nowhere, sliding into the seat right next to you before you can grant him permission.
“What are you doing, Eunseok?” You sigh, pushing your hair back. 
“You looked like you could use some company.” He whispers back, a smile spread upon his lips. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay quiet.” 
You suck in a deep breath and go back to focusing on your notes. Eunseok follows your lead, keeping as quiet as he promised he would. He stays so quiet you almost forget he’s there. 
His presence becomes known again when you feel stares coming your way. You can practically feel the heat of the gazes burning into the side of your face, occasionally looking up to lock eyes with a stranger or two. 
You ignored it at first. It's just a few sets of eyes on you, no big deal. Soon, it becomes too many eyes for you to bear. Mainly because you know why they're looking. You sit up in your seat and glare at the cause of your distraction.
"This isn't gonna work." You breathe. 
Cluelessly, he lifts his head from his laptop. "I didn't do anything." He frowns. 
"You didn't have to." You gesture your head towards the wandering eyes and hushed whispers. "They're not looking at me." 
"I can't help that." 
"I know you can't, but I really need to finish this essay, and I'd rather do it without people staring," you explain. Judging by the look on his face and the way he nods, you think he understands.
"I guess I'll just see you tonight then." 
"I told you not to show up at my apartment." You scold as he packs his stuff up. He doesn't say anything, and you know he's ignoring you on purpose. "Hey." You call out and catch when a smirk plays on the corner of his lips. 
“I’m serious, Eunseok, don’t stop by.” You half whisper, but it counts for nothing when he leans in to press a kiss to your cheek.
He’s gone before you could yell at him any further. You slouch in your seat and sigh as you check the notifications on your buzzing voice phone.
Sohee: Can’t make it tonight. Lea wants me to help her dog sit 
Ningning: You know, I’m starting to not like this new girlfriend of yours.
You: No worries, ningning and I will have enough fun for you. 
Ningning: We won’t?? I’m not third wheeling you and Eunseok.
You: Noo please, this is the one thing I look forward to every week. He won’t be there I promise. Don’t do this to me please. 
Ningning: Lie to me again. 
You: Fine, Eunseok and I will have enough fun for the both of you. 
You breathe in frustration right before you bury your head into your arms, biting your lip to stop from crying. Tears swelling up against your waterline as you sniffle. Two weeks without your weekly hangouts you were just inches away from losing it.
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You sit contently in your apartment, alone. Lights from the television flash on the wall behind you. “I taught him how to talk now. He can talk now.” You quote along with the movie, followed by a laugh. 
You pause the movie and throw your legs over the couch when you hear a knock at the door. Assuming it’s the pizza you ordered, you open the door, but the man behind the door isn’t wearing a pizza delivery uniform, and he certainly doesn’t have your medium two-topping pizza in the palm of his hand.
“Eunseok.” You frown with disappointment. 
“Don’t be too excited to see me.” He sneaks in past you, taking notice of your empty apartment and the miscellaneous pieces of popcorn thrown around the front of your couch.
“Everyone canceled.” You mutter. 
"Perfect, so it's just us." 
"What are you doing here, Eunseok?" You turn to face him, arms crossed. "I'm sure there are better things for you to do right now."
"Maybe, but I'm already here, so I might as well stay." He pats your head. 
Just then, there's a knock at the door, and this time, you're certain it's the pizza you ordered half an hour ago. "I'll get it," Eunseok says before you get the chance to, and you save your breath because you know he's going to do what he wants no matter what you say. You watch as he strides to the door, his long legs eating up the distance. 
"I have a medium pepperoni and mushroom pizza for-" The delivery guy stops when he looks up to see who he's speaking to. "Song Eunseok?" He babbles, "No way, I'm a huge fan." 
"Are you?" Eunseok laughs, and you roll your eyes when you know he can't see you. "How much do I owe you?"
"Don't worry about it, man." The delivery pushes the pizza box into the palm of Eunseok's hand. "Enjoy it." He runs off, not giving Eunseok the opportunity to say anything else. 
The tall basketball player turns to you with an annoying grin budded on his lips. "We got free pizza." He holds up the box.
"I saw." You murmur nonchalantly, grabbing the box from his hands and striding towards your couch. You can practically feel Eunseok's breath on the back of your neck from how close he treads behind you. 
"Pepperoni and mushroom?" He questions, plopping down on the sofa right next to you. 
"I didn't expect any guests." You utter, with your mouth full. 
As the night continues, you end up with your head in Eunseok's lap, gazing up at him while he mindlessly dances his fingers around your skin. 
"How long have you been playing basketball?" You murmur, intertwining your hand with his. 
"Since middle school," he answers, "My dad wanted me to get out of the house more often, so he put me in basketball camp. From there, I just fell in love with it."
"Did you ever think you'd love it for so long?" You ask another question just to hear him talk.
"No, but I never imagined I'd fall out of love with it." 
"Do you ever get tired of playing? Or just lose motivation sometimes?" 
Eunseok nods, "I do sometimes, but then I feel guilty." He glances down at you, "It's become a part of me, and rejecting basketball feels like I'm rejecting myself."
"Wow?" You gasp in awe. "This is serious for you." 
"Yeah." He breathes, "very." You sit up halfway as he readjusts himself in the chair, and he gently pulls you back down once he feels comfortable again, clamping his hand around yours. "So what about you?" He utters.
"What about me?" 
"Tell me about yourself."
"There's nothing to tell." You murmur bashfully, "I'm just a nerd who loves the idea of outer space."
"Why?" Eunseok asks, watching you fondly as you think about how you're going to answer. 
"I like the idea of how big and vast it is, how much life it holds." You sigh, "It reminds me of how small I am. That's a comforting thought for me because I know that nothing really matters." You look back up towards him and catch the way he's looking down at you. Suddenly, you become hyper-aware of the position you're in. Ripping away from his lap, you rush to the opposite side of the couch and clear your throat. 
"But that's why I love Astronomy." You laugh nervously. "Are you thirsty by chance?" You ask, jumping up and running towards your kitchen. 
"Not really." Eunseok stands up on his feet to follow you. He leans against the wall while you slide back on your counter, sipping your soda and staring into thin air so you don't have to look at him. He's the first to break the thick layer of awkward silence you've single-handedly created in the room. "My brother's birthday is coming up in two weeks. He really wants you there." He treads closer to you.
"Does he really?" 
"My family likes you." He murmurs, "Everyone likes you." 
"Because they think I'm your girlfriend." You retort, and he slides closer.
"Because you're you." The compliment causes your breath to hitch, "There's no one like you." He adds, in a hushed tone. 
Looking down at the floor to avoid looking in his direction, You respond, "You're being weird again.". 
Eunseok couldn't explain his feelings about you because he knew you wouldn't listen. He thought if he showed you, you'd finally understand. He lifts your chin and dips his head down to press a chaste kiss against your lips. When you don't push him away like he half thought you would, he does again to test the waters. Yet you still don't do anything, so he tries it one more time; this time, it's more than just a simple peck. 
It starts off small and gradually grows deeper and feverish. You slide your arms around his neck and pull him down towards you. His lips are gentle against yours, just as you imagined they would. It feels so right to have his body pressed against yours, his large hands tugging at your waist, but it feels too good. It feels so good that you begin to feel guilty.
It only takes a slight push on his chest for him to break the kiss and look down on you through hooded eyelids.
“We shouldn’t do this. “ You breathe heavily. You’re so sure this isn’t what he wants. He’s just lost in the heat of the moment. You both are. But the way he looks at you makes you doubt yourself. You rest your head against his chest, sighing, “We can’t do this.” 
In the end, you were only trying to save your feelings.
“We don’t have to.” He sounds patting your back gently, and you hate it. You hate that he makes it so hard for you to hate him. He’s so tender and patient with you; you hate that you love it. 
“I think you need to go home before we end up doing something we both regret.” You mumble against his chest. 
“Why would I regret it?” he asks. You can feel the vibrations from his voice through his skin.
You lift your head to look at him, stuck on how to answer. “We-“ you open your mouth to speak, but you’re instantly cut off with a kiss.
“I’m exactly where I want to be.” He kisses you again.
Sooner than later, he has you caged in his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist while he carries you with ease. Maybe that was the perks of "dating" a basketball player. 
Slowly, he lays you on your bed. His lips only leave yours to pepper more kisses around your collarbone, trailing all the way down to below your waistline.
Your eyes shoot to the ceiling above you. You're far too shy to watch the other things he does to your body. He's gradually undressing you piece by piece until you are completely naked in front of him. While he remained fully clothed, this made you feel vulnerable and completely open to him. Not many other men could say they've seen you like this, but Eunseok could see all of you. The thought caused your entire body to shudder. Fortunately, he was there to ground you, his larger hands roaming the sheets to find yours as he made your skin heat up.
"Oh goodness, Eunseok." You mutter, biting on your lip.
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"How was the dog sitting?" Ningning asks Sohee. You sense a bit of annoyance in her question, but you don't speak about it. 
"I don't wanna talk about it." Sohee deadpans.
Ningning shrugs, "Okay." and turns to you. "How was your weekend?" 
Instantly, you shake your head and look down at your food. "I don't wanna talk about it." Except Ningning doesn't let up on you as quickly as she did Sohee. 
"What happened?" She prods, and thankfully, Sohee steps in. 
"I'll tell you what happened!" He huffs. "Lea asks me to dog sit with her. I do, and then she gets mad at me for paying too much attention to the dog. It's called dog sit, not Lea sit." 
"Have you thought about just breaking up?" Ningning suggests. 
"Yeah, you guys seem to argue a lot." You join in, "which is understandable because you're an idiot, but not even Eunseok and I argue as much as you do. And I ha-"
You trail off when both of your friends stop to look at you. "Hate being away from him. It breaks my soul." You save yourself. 
"Exactly." Sohee pipes up, "The thought of breaking up with her kills me. I love her too much; she's crazy, but she's the only one for me. I'm certain."
"You've been dating for two weeks." Ningning grimaces, and you scoff at the conversation. 
"When you know. You know."
"Right…" The girl nods, shifting her attention towards you. "So, how about you?"
"Me?" You ask for confirmation. "I'm okay. In fact, I couldn't be better. I'm so okay that okay wants to be me."
"Did you and Eunseok get into a fight?" Ningning asks, reading right through your anxious demeanor.
"You didn't break up, did you?" Sohee asks. Almost as if he summoned him, Eunseok slides into the seat next to you. 
"Who's breaking up?" He asks before pressing a soft kiss on your cheek. 
Ningnings eyes remain on you, her eyes squinting as she reads your body language. How you jolt away from him, the awkward smile, the lack of physical touch.  Something's definitely up, and she wants to find out.
"How was your weekend?" She aims her question towards your boyfriend, resting her chin in her palm. 
"My weekend was amazing." He glances back at her. Mentally, you thank him for not making things too obvious, and Ningning curses him for that exact thing. 
"What made it so amazing?" She questions further.
"Um-" "He was able to knock some really important stuff off of his to-do list." You jump in to answer for him. 
Interesting. She thinks. "What was on your to-do list?" She asks.
"Wow, you're asking a lot of questions," He laughs awkwardly, oblivious to the way you're bouncing in anticipation, biting down on your lips until you think you taste blood.
"Yeah, what's with all the questions?" Sohee seconds. 
"I just wanna know the details." Ningning defends, "Unless you have something to hide." 
"We had sex." You blurt shamefully, tucking your head into the crook of Eunseoks neck to shield you from embarrassment. The pressure became too much for you to bear. 
She knew something was up, but she didn't expect to drag that information out of you. "Oh?" she gasps. 
"Me too." Sohee joins, burying his face in his hands. "And we did it in front of the dog." He confesses. You pull your head from Eunseoks shoulder to glare at your best friend. 
"In front of the dog?" You ask and he nods, his bottom lip poked out. 
"I'm not proud of it." 
"You're disgusting." Retorts Ningning, “All of you.” She points to Sohee, "but especially you."
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If anyone asked, you'd tell them you were more than confident you could live without caffeine. But realistically, you knew that was a lie. Because you often had days like these where you'd spend all night cramming for a test and wake up a zombie the next day. 
Usually, you'd be responsible enough to make sure you had your credit card on you, but this particular time, you were running on forty minutes of sleep and a dream. 
"Oh, please." You beg the barista, with long copper blonde hair and a weak excuse for a goatee. "I'll do anything. Just this one time, no one has to know." 
The man shrugs carelessly, "There's nothing I can do." 
"Except there is," you whine. "Just this one time." You beg, but your efforts count for nothing as the employee begins to work on other tasks, ignoring you as if you weren't even there. You throw your head back and groan, stomping towards one of the seats and throwing your bag down. 
Not even ten seconds later, you hear someone else enter the cafe, but you don't care enough to lift your head from the palms of your hands. "Hey,' you hear a painfully familiar voice, and you imagine yourself vanishing in thin air.  
"Sorry, I can't talk right now, kinda busy." You mumble into your hands. 
"Doing what?" He chuckles, sliding into the chair in front of you.
"Contemplating suicide." 
"Woah." Sungchan pulls your hands from your face, forcing you to look at him. Close contact usually makes you freeze up, but you're preoccupied at the moment. "Don't talk like that."
"It's a joke." You roll your eyes. "I'm just super exhausted and have a super important test today. I left my wallet at home, and the barista won't give me one free pass, and I haven't had my weekly hang-out with my friends in three weeks." You throw your head down. "I'm gonna lose it, Sungchan, I'm gonna lose it."
"Would it make you feel better if I got you a coffee?" He asks, his hands still hooked around your wrists. 
You lift your chin to face him, eyes lighting up when you ask, "You'd do that? really?"
"It's just a coffee, it's nothing serious." His lips quirk into a bashful smile.
"It's very serious," You murmur, "My future career is on the line."
"Okay, just wait here. I'll be right back." He slips away for just a few minutes before he finds himself back where he started, right in front of you, this time with an iced coffee and a croissant.
"I figured you'd feel better if you had breakfast as well." 
"You're amazing, Sungchan. I owe you one."
"Consider it a favor. You're my teammate's girlfriend. It'd be wrong for me to just leave you here." He murmurs. You both stare at each other for a while. Each wanting to say something but not knowing how to say it or where to start.
Sungchan seems to find the words faster than you do. "I don't want things to be awkward between us." 
"We wouldn't be so awkward if you didn't scare me so much." You scold him, and he laughs. 
"I don't mean to. You just-" He pauses mid sentence.
"I what?" 
"You have to get to class Y/n." Sungchan stands up and places his palm on the center of your head. "You're going to be late." 
"What?" You ask, but he doesn't say anything else before he leaves the cafe, and you're left to try and figure out what just happened.
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"Wow, this is a lot of children." You gasp at all six- and seven-year-olds running around Eunseok's family home. 
"It is a children's party." Eunseok remarks.
“Y/n.” Eunseoks little brother runs up to you, wrapping his arms around you when you squat down to meet him at eye level. "You're here."
"Of course." You smile to match his, unaware of the hurdle of children surrounding you until the young boy turns away from you. 
"This is my brother's girlfriend. Look how pretty she is." The boy gloats, and the others take turns showering you with compliments. 
"You have really cool hair." One kid shouts.
"You look like a rockstar." Says another.
"I wanna be like you when I grow up." The last kid speaks, and by now, your cheeks are red. Overwhelmed with compliments, you look up at Eunseok, expecting him to help you. 
He doesn't. He laughs with his arms crossed, amused to see how much the children look up to you. 
They remained huddled around you for a bit longer, each asking you questions and sharing pieces of information about themselves. However, once Mrs. Song called out that the piñata was ready, the kids disappeared from in front of you. 
Eunseok reaches out to help you, and you accept it. Tightening your lips into a line when you're grounded in front of him. 
"I told you everyone likes you." He smiles, interlocking his hands with yours. 
"I should've believed you." You say.
You didn't expect so much to change when you took Eunseok up on his offer. You didn't expect that the gym would be like your second home or that you'd care about basketball all of a sudden. You didn't expect to be standing here at a child's birthday party, being randomly showered with compliments ever so often. Or having one child after another tug on your wrist to join them in yet another activity. 
By the end of the party, you're exhausted, your feet hurt, and your cheeks are numb from smiling too much. Yet your lips remain turned up into a slight permanent smile.
"Looks like you had fun." Eunseok comments once you've reached your apartment door. You nod, and your smile grows.
"I did." You giggle. "Your parents really know how to throw a party."
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He says, swinging one of your arms back and forth. While you use the other to unlock your door.
"I'll see you tomorrow." You hum when the door is open, standing on your tippy toes to press a kiss to his cheek. "Goodnight Eunseok."
He tightens his hold on your hand before you can get too far from him, pulling you right back. You frown before you speak. 
"My feet hurt, I need to get to bed." You complain, looking down to your shoes. 
"I have a game coming up saturday." He says, fidgety. "I think I'll play better if I had my girlfriend there." 
You roll your eyes, a faint smirk tugging at your lips. You do a weak job of trying to contain the butterflies in your stomach. "I'm not your girlfriend." You laugh, but he's looking at you like he's still waiting for an answer. "If I'm not busy that day, I might stop by." 
You watch his smile grow, and his hand wraps tighter around yours. "Can I go to bed now?" 
"Yeah, of course." He leans down to press his lips against yours. "I'll see you on Saturday then."
"I said I'll think about it, Eunseok." You respond, but you know he isn't listening.
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Saturday rolls around, and you find yourself back in the gym. Just as always, it's pretty filled, and you have to push through crowds of people to get to your seat. Ningning trails not too far behind you, both of her hands occupied with the hotdogs she couldn't get the last time. "These are pretty good seats." She says once she takes her seat beside you, both of you leave just enough space for Sohee. 
"Do you see him?" You ask, leaning against Ningning as you scan the area for Eunseok. She shakes her head, mumbling something with her mouth full, but you don't spend too much time trying to figure out what she's saying as your eyes land on the very boy you've been searching for. His back is turned towards you, but you know it's him because of the number thirty-nine that's displayed along the back of his jersey. You can't help the giddiness you feel when you see him. The best you can do is bite your lip, but it doesn't do much to contain your emotions. 
You watch him for a bit longer. Your eyes are trained on him as if he is the only person in the room, And when he turns around to face you, your heart skips a beat, "Oh, there he goes," Ningning nudges you with her elbow. Yet you're too focused on the basketball player in front of you to even register what she's saying. 
'Why didn't you tell me you were here?" Eunseok asks, already pressing a kiss on your lips,
"You seemed busy." You reply, "I didn't wanna interrupt you."
You look away when his coach yells for him, but Eunseoks eyes remain on you. "You're not gonna leave, right?" He asks, and you shake your head. 
"Wish me luck," Eunseok says last as he pulls you into another kiss. 
"Good luck." You hum loud enough for him to hear. You catch his smile before he backs away from you, swiftly making his way towards the floor before the game starts. You're left with a big grin on your face, oblivious to the way your friends watch you.
"What did I just watch?" Sohee asks, breaking you out of your trance.
"When did you get here?" You change the subject unintentionally.
"He got here a while ago." Ningning answers, "You were just too occupied to notice." 
You turn away in embarrassment, searching for anything to distract you. That's when your eyes land on another couple, "Is Lea coming?" You ask
"No, she said since she's not into Eunseok anymore, sports don't really entertain her." Sohee shrugs.
You and Ningning gasp, "Oh?" at the same time. 
"But it's been a while since the three of us hung out, so that's why I'm here." He continues, "Do you think she misses me?"
"Doesn't matter." Ningning shakes her head, "If she missed you that much, she'd be here with you." And just as she wraps up her sentence, Lea plops down right on Sohee's lap. 
"Great." Your friend sucks her teeth, glaring at you.
You watch Sohee's smile grow and see as they break off into their own conversation. Both of them forget that you and Ningning were even there. That's how it stays throughout the entire evening; the two of them remain wrapped up in eachother while you watch Eunseok on the floor.
Your eyes are stuck on his every move. It's almost magnetic. Every so often, his head would shoot up in your direction, and he'd lock eyes with you. 
When the game ends, you're the first person he looks for. A wide grin is evident on his face as he effortlessly lifts you in his arms and collapses his lips onto yours. For a second, it feels like it's just you and him, but you're harshly reminded of the crowd surrounding you when you hear his dad's voice. You scream and slide off of Eunseok, shielding your face in his chest. They proceed to have a short conversation, but you're too busy burying yourself in your own embarrassment to hear anything they're saying. 
You know the conversation is over when Mr Song squeezes your shoulder and wishes you a farewell. "He's gone," Eunseok whispers against your ear, but you only shake your head. 
"I want to die." You mutter against him, to which he simply laughs and wraps you into a bear hug. 
Eunseok quickly changes his clothes after telling your friends that he wants to be the one to take you home. Neither of them found an issue with it since Sohee wanted to stay with Lea, and Ningning had her Netflix series to catch up on. 
It's almost pitch dark. The wind blows through your hair as you walk towards your apartment, presumably. If it weren't for the fact that Eunseok was holding your hand, you would've already wrapped your arms around yourself to preserve your warmth. 
Without asking, Eunseok slips his hand from yours to wrap his jacket around. You let out a sigh of relief at the newfound warmth, but that's when you realize this isn't the way to your apartment.
"Where are we going?" You ask, halting as you look around.
"There's a party-"Eunseok begins to explain.
"I don't want to go to a party. I wanna go home." You whine. He pulls you closer when you attempt to pull away from him.
"I'll pay you." He bribes you, but you shake your head. 
"That's not gonna work this time." You try once again to back away, and just as before, he pulls you right back. Only this time, he wraps his arms around you.
"Then do it for me. I just made it through the finals, and as my girlfriend, I think you should reward me."
"Pretend, girlfriend." You correct him, "I don't owe you anything."
"Actually, you do; it's your duty to appear as my real girlfriend." His growing smile sends shivers down your spine, "What will people think if I show up alone?"
"Whatever they want." You shrug, "It's not my reputation at stake." 
"You're so stubborn." He laughs, pulling you along with him. 
The "party" could be classified as a hangout. Most of Eunseoks' teammates are there, including Seunghan, Shotaro, Anton, and a few other people you've seen around campus. Despite the low crowd, you still cling to Eunseok. He doesn't seem to mind it as he wraps his arm around your shoulder, holding you closer than you already were. 
The music was just a few notches below what you'd consider too loud, and surprisingly, it didn't smell like sweat and alcohol. On the contrary, the scent of the room was quite pleasant. As Eunseok converses with some of his friends, your eyes wander around the space. You notice the seventies-inspired decor, the record player tucked in the corner, and a life-sized sculpture of the school mascot standing beside it. But It's the pool table that catches your eye. 
You turn away from Eunseok as you watch the crowd surrounding the table. Each of them places a twenty dollar bill on the stool beside the table before they start the game, and you can't help but watch, knowing that you'd win if you were given the opportunity.
The players are in their element, the cue sticks gliding like silk in their hands as they aim for the vibrant balls on the table. The sharp crack of the cue ball against the others reverberates through the room as precise shots are made, and the players exchange confident smiles and spirited banter. 
The anticipation in the air is palpable as the game reaches a crucial point. The onlookers lean in their expressions, reflecting the tension of the game. As you watch, you feel the excitement building, imagining yourself stepping up to the table, calculating angles, and planning your shots with precision. 
As the game draws to a close, the victorious player triumphantly pockets the final ball, claiming the prize money. The room erupts to cheers and applause. "Do you wanna play?" Eunseoks voice breaks you out of your trance. You blink up at him and shake your head, but he can see right through you.
Swiftly he pulls you along to the table, and sits a twenty dollar bill on the stool. "You'll do great" he says followed by a kiss to your temple. Eunseok slides his hand out of yours, and backs away from you.
You gingerly picked up the cue stick, feeling the smooth wooden surface in your hand, and carefully applied chalk to its tip. Your eyes surveyed the arrangement of colorful balls, already visualizing each shot in your mind. With a sense of determination, you leaned over the table, your gaze fixed on the target. The world around you seemed to slow down as you prepared to take your shot, your mind calculating the angles and forces needed for a successful strike.
Taking a deep breath, you executed your shot with precision and finesse. The cue ball glided across the felt, expertly striking the others in a harmonious dance as the balls ricocheted off one another, following the calculated path you had envisioned. 
The game progressed with a steady rhythm, the players engaging in friendly banter and playful teasing as they vied for dominance. Every successful shot garnered a mix of applause and good natured ribbing, enhancing the camaraderie and a sense of shared enjoyment. The room was filled with warmth of shared fun and spirit of healthy competition. 
You step up when it becomes your turn again, lifting your stick and sliding down the table just centimeters before the cue ball. You take your shot. The satisfying thud as it made contact with the colored balls echoed through your ears. Your hands flew up when the last ball found its pocket. 
The first person you look for is Eunseok. You throw your arms around him, and he wraps his around your waist, hoisting you into the air. When you slide off of him, he holds your hand open to place the prize money in the center of your palm. "It's all yours." He murmurs. 
You scoff playfully, trying your best to suppress a smile. "You're so cute." 
"We're still not friends." You blurt. 
Eunseok grins, "I thought that was obvious," he says. "I mean, friends don't do what we did." 
He's amused with how your cheeks flush red and how speechless you've become. You don't even bother trying to come up with some snarky remark. Instead, you mutter, "Shut up." and Eunseok laughs. 
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The sound of basketballs bouncing against the waxed floor meets your ears the second you walk into the gym. You smile softly when you catch sight of Eunseok. You throw your bag off to the side and take a seat, watching as he bounces the ball around before he takes his shot. That pattern continues a few more times before you make a noise to let him know you're there. 
Eunseok turns around immediately, an involuntary smile approaching his face. He runs over to you with the basketball in his hand. He's sweaty, and his hair is stuck to his forehead, but none of it bothers you. You still grin when he approaches you.
"Why did you call me here?" you ask teasingly.
He doesn't answer your question at first; he just kisses you, and you kiss him back. "If I make this, you have to let me be your boyfriend." He says, and you can't help but smile.
You don't get to say anything before he's running away from you and towards the court. He bounces the ball longer than he should, and just when he goes to shoot, he misses. You giggle to yourself but bite your lip when he turns to look at you. You get up, walk towards him, and wrap your arms around his abdomen, "You don't need to shoot a basketball to ask me to be your girlfriend, weirdo."
"I thought it'd be less embarrassing to miss than it would be for you to reject me." He says, defeated.
"Who said I would reject you?" 
You watch his eyes light up right before he leans down to kiss you, wrapping his arms around your waist and sweeping you off your feet. 
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333 notes · View notes
starlightguh · 13 days
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Word Count: 4,655
Summary: Somehow Sylus and you have a strange bond from his Evol. Neither of you know the meaning of this or what exactly it is. After searching for some answers and ending up empty, you end up giving in to a strong temptation in the form of the tall and cocky Onychinus leader.
Tags: Smut, enemies to lovers, divergent from canon lore since we don’t have his backstory yet
AN: This is an 18+ fic, so MDNI! This is a multi chapter story that you can also read on my Ao3, I will try and post updates both on here and there, so please enjoy!
Being trapped in the Onychinus headquarters felt like a nightmare. It had only been a couple of weeks but I had been desperately missing familiar faces, sights, and sounds.
Since being trapped and forced to stay with Sylus as he tries to resonate with me, I’ve felt just like another bird trapped in his extravagantly large cage.
Recently, our Evols bounded us together in a way I never thought possible. When the red mist handcuffs appeared around both me and Sylus’ wrists the confusion and panic had settled deep in my bones and still hadn't gone away.
He even recommended cutting my hand off as a solution. Of course, he wasn’t serious, but the situation at hand caused him to briefly panic.
But no matter how dire the situation, that man gets on my nerves unlike anything else.
I currently lay in the large plush bed of my current living quarters in Sylus’s mansion of nightmares. The dark red silk sheets felt so smooth and luxurious against my skin, but my eyes were just focused on my hand. Nothing was there, but I stared at it as if to summon the answers to this mysterious situation into my palm.
Feeling a mix of frustration and boredom, I decide to go poke around Sylus’s lair and see if I can dig up any books or something that could lead me down a research path as to what’s happened between us.
Since the incident a few days ago, nothing has really changed, other than more heavy creases between Sylus’s brows. As of late he’s been more blasé about it and that’s just another thing about him on my long list of ‘things Sylus does to piss me off.’
I shiver as I step out of my room into the empty and echo-y dark hallway. Being barefoot and in a thin white nightgown, I was left vulnerable should a certain crime syndicate leader decide I was useless. But somewhere deep in my body I knew I was safe within this crow-obsessed man’s lair.
I wandered, a bit aimlessly, around to see if I could find the proper library. Truth be told, the only places I had explored were the kitchen, the armory, Sylus’ room, and the long hallway near my room. I had a vague idea of where Kieran and Luke’s room was, since they would sometimes tease me about visiting them for a ‘bedtime story,’ but I never had an interest to give in to their silly demands.
It felt like I was constantly poking my head in and out of rooms, most of them looked very untouched. For someone with a big mansion he surely never used it. Most occasions Sylus was out on ‘business ventures’ and on the other occasions he would be in his room, the dining area, the terrace, gym, and once and a while asleep in the lounge area’s couch. But beyond that he never seemed to use the space in his extravagant home. And he hasn’t yet dared come near the quarters I was currently living in. At least I have some privacy there.
It was strange. I felt captive, yet very free at the same time. He never restricts where I can go and explore my curiosity, in fact, he encourages me to snoop. How annoying, I sigh to myself.
As I reach a wing of the manner I’ve never been into before, I open a set of double doors to a very spacious and well stocked library. I smile to myself pleased with my venture as I flick on a light and scrunch my face as I take in all the dust and cobwebs littering the various large black shelves that wrap around the whole room.
There must’ve been thousands of books covering the shelves of the walls, the only other furniture to grace the room was a large black leather upholstered chaise lounge, and a small side table with a simple gold lamp. I hummed as I approached the first wall of books nearest to me.
My eyes start scanning the shelves for anything useful. I grab a couple of books that look like they have research and information on Evol and sit down in the lounge chair to start my research.
As my eyes scan texts for what only feels like a few minutes, a deep and sultry voice reaches my ears.
“Are you trying to have a competition to see who can stay up the longest? Are you sure you could compete with me?”
My head pokes up to see Sylus leaning in the entryway to the library. His long legs were dressed in black silky lounge pants and his chest was hardly covered in his matching silk robe. His pale white skin was tantalizing as the warm light from the library illuminated his fair features.
His red eyes looked at me with mirth in them, while his face was painted in an amused grin as he stared at my lounging form.
“I was just feeling a bit restless is all…” I rolled my eyes at his haughty demeanor.
He walks over to me in smooth strides and looks down at the reading material. Or he’s trying to stare down my nightgown, who knows with this man.
“Anything good? I’m afraid you’ll find my collection lacks the whimsical fairy tales I’m sure you enjoy…But I might have one or two children’s books you could find amusing,” he teases.
My face doesn’t move at his attempts to provoke me, I don’t have the energy to entertain his taunts. “I’m trying to see if I can find any information about this unique connection we have…So far nothing’s come up.”
He frowns a bit at this, his expression is hard to read. I can’t tell if he knows any more or less about this situation than I do. He did seem just as surprised and upset as I did when this occurred.
“I don’t know if there’s anything quite like us…As I said before, you and I are more alike than you know,” his silver hair shakes as he moves his head in a dismissive manner.
“But I’m nothing like you! You’re crazy! You live up in this empty castle where you sit around and plot the demise of people! Innocent or bad you selfishly propel yourself to the top of everything, and for what? A home you barely enjoy? An empty life full of nothing but death and destruction? Tell me Sylus, how are you and I alike?”
I slam my book shut and stand up. I don’t meet his insane height, so I glare upwards. My patience has run thin and I’m tired of being kept on a string with him. If he knows something I don’t, why doesn't he do something to cast me aside? Certainly the aether core can’t mean that much to him if he hasn’t cut it out of my chest yet.
He lets out a deep and guttural growl as he uses his Evol to wrap around my body and lift me up higher in the air.
“Sweetie, it’s almost embarrassing to see yourself in this much denial. Honestly kitten, you cannot be this naive… You're just painting me out to be the boogeyman because you’re little head can’t understand what’s really happening.” he tilts his head with a frown and continues, “You think you’re so self righteous with your little hunter title, but are you also not causing death and destruction for those around you on your little missions? That you’re also coming home to an empty bed?”
He then forces a smirk on his face as he finally spits out, “Or am I wrong to assume that? You certainly have enough men around you to keep your bed warm kitten.”
I try and lash out against his Evol and let out nothing but frustrated yells and grunts. “What the hell is wrong with you?! Put me down!”
He brings me down, but he uses his Evol to pull me closer to his face, we’re pretty much nose to nose as his red eyes look at my face with disappointment.
“Who is it…Is it that little space hunter who should be dead by now? Is it that ridiculous artist? Don’t tell me,” he pauses and puts his large hand on my face to cup my cheek, “You’re sleeping with your own doctor?” He lets out a deep chuckle at the thought and there’s something behind his eyes that sends a shiver down my spine.
I grit my teeth and reply, “And why should you give a shit about something like that?”
His hand slides down and grips a bit at my throat. Not hard enough to hurt me, but definitely enough to make my eyes go wide with shock. “Because once I find a high value prize, I don’t like to share.”
He swiftly takes his hand off my throat and puts me down, he goes to strut out of the library. I presume he’s storming off to go to his room to pout, but something in me stops him.
“None of them…” I call out and pause a moment before continuing, “I guess you’re not wrong in that element…We both have our empty castles to defend.”
He stops in his tracks, he glances to the side back at me, “I hope you keep it that way kitten, for their sakes.”
Without another word he stalks off like a gloomy shadow. What the fuck is his deal? Is all I can think to myself as I rub my neck.
After that sudden outburst between us I go back to my quarters with a headache. I lay in the lavish bed once again and my mind begins to wander. I do hope the others he mentioned aren’t worried for me…
Rafayel was the last person I talked to before entering the N109 zone. I hope he isn’t trying to do any more shady stuff at the nest. As for Xavier, he’s probably too busy running away from the bounty he has. And Zayne….I feel a bit of pang in my chest as I can clearly picture his worried hazel eyes. I silently hope he’s too busy with his research in Snowcrest to even think about my whereabouts.
But how dare Sylus insinuate I’d have late night proclivities with any of them. Besides Zayne, I hardly knew Rafayel or Xavier, and with all my curiosity of the information grandma left me, I have no time to think about being intimate with someone.
After a few minutes of dancing around the idea of intimacy with any of those prospective suitors, my thoughts seem to betray me as they recall the dance I shared with Sylus…Or the instance of laying on top of his nearly naked body searching for that crow broach….The way he felt hard beneath me-
I shake my head and slap my cheeks, nonono go away horny thoughts… I sigh to myself. Maybe I just need to get laid… It’s been what feels like eons since I’d been intimate with another person and with all this stress, frustration, and seductiveness of Sylus running around, I felt no better than a horny teenage boy.
Sleep was avoiding me and no matter how hard I tried to think of literally anything else, Sylus’ half naked body kept popping up in my head.
I’m getting a drink, I can’t handle this
With another frustrated groan I get up from the bed to leave this room and stalk my way to the dining area that has a gold metallic wine rack in the corner. I decided to just grab the bottle for myself. As I twisted it open and drank straight from the source I couldn’t help but growl with frustration as the bitter dark red liquid went straight down my throat.
After the warmth of the alcohol hits my stomach, I turn around to go and stomp back to my room when my face smacks into a soft and plump set of pectorals.
Great, just fucking perfect, I think to myself as he chuckles and placed his hand on my lower back.
“Sweetie,” I shiver as his deep velvet voice coos to me, “I’m sorry about our little spat earlier,” he forces my face away from his chest to make me look up at him. “But you know…I didn’t think you would turn to my liquor cabinet as a way to blow off steam.”
I glare up at his stupidly handsome and cocky face, “Well consider this bottle of wine your apology.”
He pauses for a moment as he leans in to study my face more. His right eye is glowing as it feels like he’s looking into my very soul. I shiver as I suddenly feel more exposed than ever.
For a moment I feel as if I did in our first encounter, dizzy, confused, and painfully, empty. The whispers of “Devour him,” and “So empty,” echo through my hazy brain.
Suddenly he leans back away from me and that feeling goes away. As I remain frozen, Sylus bursts out into laughter after a moment of pause and suddenly his hand on my lower back tightens its grip.
“Well, I must say this is not how I envisioned things to go…But after seeing what it is you desire most right now…I’m more than happy to ease your frustrations Sweetie.”
My face flushes, fucking damn his stupid ‘desire’ seeing eye! That’s not fair!
“Sylus be serious…” I look away from him.
“Oh I am,” he grabs the bottle from my hand and takes a swig himself, “And here I thought you were disgusted with me…Seems like my kitten is still ever in denial,” he leans in to whisper in my ear, his nose brushes against my skin just below my ear and my back straightens out in attention to his hot breath and fleeting touch. My skin lines itself with goose flesh as his face lightly brushes against my skin and wanders down my throat.
“Mmmm,” he purrs as his lips find a spot on my neck to lick and suck.
I let out a yelp of shock as my hands latch onto the silk of his robe. Sylus just pulls away with a chuckle.
“Hmmm,” he looks down at the bottle of wine in his hand, “Does my kitty need liquid courage to be honest with herself?” He tilts his head and I’m too stunned to retort.
He chuckles and takes a swig from the bottle and leans down to capture my lips and pour the liquid from his mouth to mine.
“Mmph!” I can’t help but yelp as I’m forced to quickly swallow a large mouthful of wine as his mouth now has full access to explore mine.
It’s hot. The room temperature, his body, my body, the atmosphere, it feels like he just lit a fire in me. It all but consumes me as I decide to close my eyes and let his tongue try and find all the things I cannot say on the tip of my own.
As some of the wine had spilt on the side of my lip, Sylus, like a man possessed, goes to lick it up. After our lips are separated is when I notice something tight around my wrist.
We both looked down and the red misty handcuffs seemed to have appeared again.
“Huh…Why is it here now?”
“Let’s save your questions for later Sweetie…” he clears his throat after speaking, “Do you want me to continue? I’m not going to stop unless you say no to me right now.”
His eyes were serious, but they also held something else. It was the first time I ever saw a desperate expression cross his face. This nonchalant crime lord since I met him has always laughed in the face of danger or a challenge. But in this current moment, it seemed like he would crumble if I refuted.
Fuck it.
“Go ahead Sylus,” I say a bit too breathlessly for my own ego, but in the next minute he picks me up fireman style and he’s quickly gliding us to the double doors of his bedroom.
Before my mind can catch up, my back is hitting the plush of a mattress and his lips are kissing down the exposed neckline of my nightgown.
He had set the bottle that was in his hand on the nearby nightstand and both his hands were gliding down the expanse of my body.
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” he moans out as he lowers the top of the gown to expose my bare breasts to the open air.
His mouth quickly latches on and my head bends back and my legs twist upwards as his large body is currently parting them. I place my hands on his shoulders as his suckles.
“You don’t need to talk… I know,” he pulls away from my chest to reply. He looks sincere and still a little desperate, it’s sending me into a tizzy, but honestly, I’m too turned on to really process everything at the moment.
Suddenly large and hot hands are raking up the hems of my nightgown to meet the sides of my underwear as they’re quickly pulled down.
“Kitten…” he sighs as his head lowers to be face to face with my bare center. He breathes a teasing puff of air at my now hot and aroused sex.
Without a second of hesitation his lips dive in to taste me and I let out a shocked moan as the hand that’s still being shackled by the mysterious Evol grips into his silver locks.
Both my legs wrap around the center of his back as he slowly but purposefully laps his tongue around areas I’ve never even felt before.
“F-Fuck! Sylus,” I cry out as he then decides to just drink the source of wetness from my hole and his tongue enters me.
He places his hands on my stomach and just hums in approval. To think this tongue that’s always lashing out teasing insults is fucking me right now, I moan at the thought that crossed my mind as I feel nothing but a pooling heat drip down into Sylus’s greedy mouth.
It’s hard to stay focused on anything at all as his mouth is lapping up my insides like it’s his final meal. Between that and the feeling of his large hands that reach the whole expanse of my stomach pushing down on me.
I can feel his nose brush against my clit as he works his mouth to devour me whole, and it feels like an invisible thread inside my body just snaps. Suddenly I’m screaming out his name and all he does is chuckle into me and move his other hand to softly grab my non-Evol locked one.
“Fuckfuckfuck,” I cry out as I fully come undone all over his face. Unable to care or think about how his face must be covered in my essence. I feel my body slack in relaxation from an intense release.
Suddenly, a burst of dark matter and energy explodes throughout the room, causing both of us to pause and snap out of our lustful haze.
I’m panting and his wet face comes up from under my dress to show me his bewildered and almost bloodlust expression. After a moment's pause he lets go of my hand and chuckles as he licks his luscious lips.
“Perhaps we should’ve just done this from the start…” he looks down at me with a smile and a look of genuine pride.
“What just…?” I’m still very breathless and dazed from my orgasm.
“That, my lovely kitten, was our resonating.”
Sylus looks so genuinely happy and proud that I can’t help but let out a “huh…”
His eyes darken, “Which means we should further test how much more we can do,” he whispers as he flings off his robe and goes to strip from his trousers.
I lift my wrist and still notice our strange Evol connection, “Well this is still here.”
“It might stay there for awhile Sweetie, we’re not done yet.”
His eyes never leave mine as he removes his boxers. My eyes widen at the sight of his length.
Holy… I think back to the glances I’ve stolen of the bulges of his tight leather pants and I had assumed that he was very well endowed, but seeing it full on display….I was rendered speechless.
“Like what you see?” He teases as his hands are pulling on my nightgown to fully remove it.
I can’t explain why, but suddenly I was relaxed as I was caged underneath him. We’re fully exposed to one another and I would’ve thought the idea of that would be horrific, but currently, it felt…Safe. A dance of a nostalgic feeling trickled within me, but I couldn’t place where those feelings stem from.
He must’ve noticed the shift in my demeanor, as he leaned down to capture my lips. The taste of wine and my sex mingled together as our lips met. It’s no surprise that Sylus’s lips lead me to his whim as his tongue would coax my mouth to his will.
To be expected from the man who always has control.
I let my hands wander down the muscles of his back as we kiss. I decide to rake my nails up and down his back in a light and feathery teasing manner.
Sylus shivers and pulls away, “Be careful kitten…”
He warns as he reaches down to grab my spread legs and places them from being wrapped around his back, to straddling his shoulders.
I hiss at the strength of my muscles as he lines himself up with my body. Sylus looks back at my face, his red eyes are surprisingly gentle as he whispers, “There’s no going back from this Sweetie…You’re finally mine again.”
Before I could really think on his words he slowly enters me and my eyes nearly roll into the back of my head at the feeling.
The voices from that hazy daze I had earlier seem to all simultaneously sigh in contentment along with me. Full, finally full.
Meanwhile Sylus is ontop of me hissing a string of curses, “You feel so good Kitten.”
His praise makes me whimper a bit, he keeps leaning down to kiss and nip at my collar bones as he keeps inching into me.
I feel like I’m drowning as he finally bottoms out and I can’t help but gasp and whine, “Moremoremore,” I cry as I feel teary eyed.
“Who knew you were so greedy?” He chuckles as he begins to thrust at a gradual pace.
“S-Sylus please,” I groan in frustration at his slow movements.
“Please what Sweetie?”
I dig my nails harder into his back as I pull myself up to his ear, “Fuck me like you mean it damnit.”
He snaps at that and suddenly he slams roughly into me and sets a more aggressive tempo to his rhythm.
Sylus leans back to grab at my hips with a throaty groan, “You’re a spoiled kitten,” he pauses as he keeps thrusting at his intense pace, “But I’ll give you anything you want…”
My hands can no longer reach his back or chest so the scrunch the silk sheets around me as I throw my head back and cry. I can feel the tip of his cock buried deep inside me as it pounds into a sensitive spot within me.
I feel like my soul is leaving my body as he takes his thumb to start rubbing my clit. “SylusSylus,” I cry out his name as my back is arching higher and higher, “I’m-I-“
“You can come kitten it’s okay,” he gasps out.
It was like my body could hear his words as I felt nothing but pleasure at my crescendo. I was putty in his hands as he slowed his pace to reach his own peak.
“Sylus,” I whisper, my own voice nearly unrecognizable to my own ears.
“Yes?” His voice choked out as he was clearly struggling to hold on.
“It’s okay….To come inside me…I want you to,” I pant out.
“F-Fuck,” his head drops to my chest again and with one harsh thrust I fill his hot seed spill inside me. I purr and humm at the feeling and I go to bring my hand to play in his hair, when I notice the dark embers flickering from my palm.
“Is this…?” I show him my palm.
“Mhmm…If a certain someone is more attracted to me now we can resonate,” his brow lifts in question as he peers his now tired eyes at me, “Unless you want me to do this every time we need to resonate?”
I tug at his hair to retaliate against his taunting tone, “Don’t start with me Sylus…Let me enjoy this…”
He gives me a soft smile and goes to move himself off me, “Alright…But don’t think you’re safe from me tomorrow kitten.”
I whimper a bit as he detached from me, his spend dripping out of me. He stands from the bed and puts on his robe to walk over to the bathroom as he grabs a fluffy white towel. “Here, let's just clean up and go to bed. I have all the time in the world tomorrow to figure out this Evol bond with you.”
I hum in agreement and finally exhaustion hits me as Sylus wipes between my legs. I blink slowly and don’t realize I’ve fallen asleep until the next morning when I’m trapped in the embrace of two strong arms wrapped around me.
I try to move to go to the bathroom but he grips me tighter and whispers, “Don’t go…” into my ear.
I shiver at his pleading voice and just reply back, “Sylus…I just need to use the restroom…let go…”
He tsks his lips and sets me free, I can’t help but giggle at the absurdity of the situation. First I wanted to beat the shit out of him and then the next instance we were fucking.
I look in the bathroom mirror and notice dark splotches in my collarbone and neck, I sigh in disappointment at his handiwork. How am I going to cover these…I bet Luke and Kieran will have a field day if they see these.
When I glance down at my palm again I notice a strange red mark on my hands now. I brush my fingers over it and it seems to light up a bit when I touch it.
“Hmm?” I leave the bathroom and return to the bedroom where Sylus was looking around confused. “What is it?”
He looks at me and shakes his head, “it just felt like you were calling out to me…”
I look down at my wrist and show it to him, “Do you know what this is?”
He grabs it with a look of concern. “I think we might be even more connected now…”
“Even more? What do you mean?”
He just shakes his head and stands up, “I’m not entirely sure…but I have some theories… You up for a joyride?” He raises a brow.
I pout at his dismissal of answering me properly, “After breakfast…”
He laughs and his eyes light up in amusement, “But of course Sweetie… I’ll make sure you’re fed first.”
Who knows where he wanted to take me…. But as we ate breakfast together I couldn’t help but reflect on something Sylus said last night… “You’re mine again…”
As I ate my food I felt like I had more questions than I would ever get answers for…But something deep in my gut tells me to trust Sylus for now. I’ll have to find a way to get answers behind his back since he never wants to tell me anything.
I just hope the answers I find don’t break my already confused heart.
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fox-wisp · 1 year
The Breakup
just something i wrote out of boredom, and i was thinking of making this maybe something bigger, just dunno which character i wanna use yet outta the ones i listed below
Warnings: vague drabble lolol, break up, possessive/yandere like behavior, slight bit of violence but like not really but like yeah don't let nobody do this to you irl punch them babe
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“You leavin’ me?” 
His voice made you almost jump out of your skin. Every fiber of your being was begging you not to look back, but you knew that you had to. You had to get this over with or you’d never be able to do this.
Despite everything, it was still a delectable sight to see him leaning against the frame of your shared bedroom door, arms crossed while he gave you an almost bored expression, obviously not impressed with the sight of you surrounded by open suitcases, your belongings haphazardly thrown into them. “Well?” He pressed you to answer him, head tilting the slightest bit. 
You’d practiced a million times how to do this. How to break up with him, how to end things peacefully. Yet here in this moment your mouth felt dry and you couldn’t find yourself to muster up the courage to explain just how you’d decided to take the cowardly way out and try to escape from this relationship while he was gone. You couldn’t answer him, but you couldn’t look away either. The sight of him always put you in trance, it was a big reason as to why you tried to do this while he was gone. Something in your expression elicited a laugh from him, it almost sounded cruel, but you knew better. He was hurt. “You know what? Don’t answer that, ‘s pretty obvious anyways.”
You couldn’t help but flinch when he started taking slow steps towards you, orbs fixated on yours as if he was trying to look into the depths of your soul. “I didn’t wanna hurt you…” Your voice was only a whisper, but he could hear you. He always heard you. You closed your eyes in anticipation, waiting for the inevitable blow up. Instead you were surprised by fingers gripping your cheeks harshly. Your eyes snapped open to meet his and the intensity of his gaze sent shivers down your spine. He looked amused, but his anger was evident in his tight, unyielding grip on your face. 
“Don’t wanna hurt me?” He repeated your words mockingly, chuckling. “Too late for that, but it’s okay babe. You can have your space. I understand.” His words were condescending as he leaned closer and his grip on you tightened. You couldn’t help the whine that escaped your lips due to the pain in your cheeks. It was ignored. “But if I catch you with another man I’m gonna make your life a living hell.” 
Your heart dropped to your stomach at his words. “W-what?” You were able to stutter out despite him making it harder. 
He ignored you, opting to push you onto the bed on top of the clothes you’d been in the process of packing. “I suggest you hurry up before I change my mind.” Were his parting words as he calmly turned on his heel and left the room. A loud slam followed, he’d shut the front door so hard it shook the house. You couldn’t help but peer out the window to watch him get into his car and pull out of the driveway recklessly, no doubt leaving to find a way to release the anger that you’d stirred within him. 
You should’ve been quicker. Now that he knew, he was going to be well prepared to never let you go. 
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 – eren jaeger, levi ackerman, satoru gojo, suguru geto, toji fushiguro, mikey (manjiro sano), shuji hanma, tetta kisaki, tengen usui, sanemi shinazugawa, douma
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https-milo · 14 days
asks you say?
maybe smth domestic w/ bakugo?
he works so hard when he trains he deserves a break with appy slices and milkshakes <3
ari you have a beautiful brain
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katsuki bakugo x reader
Summary: All he does is train, train, train. But that's so boringgggg!!
m. list
1k words
pre-established relationship • Year 2-A(literally not mentioned at all, neither is the final war) • fluff • mayhaps OOC bakugo
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"Katsukiiii," You groaned in complaint as you flopped dramatically on his bed. He sat at his desk, hunched over the newest assignment Mr. Aizawa gave us. He didn't verbally answer but tilted his head up slightly to let you know he was listening, however, his eyes were still glued to the paper in front of him.
"I'm bored," You huffed, staring at him as you turned to lay on your stomach and kicked your feet.
"Why is that my problem?" Katsuki asked. He tried his hardest to sound annoyed, but you could hear the amusement hidden in his words.
"Because you're my super awesome and really strong boyfriend!" You replied easily with a cheesy smile.
Bakugo scoffed and rolled his eyes. But he put the assignment away and pushed back against his desk to roll away in his chair. He turned to face you, "What do you want to do?"
You placed a thoughtful finger to your chin, "Hmmm, I don't know!"
Katsuki's eye twitched, "You don't know?"
You giggled, "Nope! I just wanna be around you."
He opened his mouth to reply but couldn't find the words. He ended up scoffing again and crossing his arms, "You're so stupid." He turned away, an idea hitting his head. "You just want to be around me?"
"Yep! But watching you do homework was too boring," You yawned to emphasize your point.
"Let's go train," He said, standing up with a cocky smirk on his face. Your eyes widened as you stood up.
"I am not training with you," You huffed. "The last time we did, we had to explain to the class you weren't an abuser."
He scoffed, "Maybe you shouldn't have such weak skin."
"Maybe you shouldn't LAUNCH ME INTO A TREE?" You countered and poked his forehead. Katsuki rolled his eyes and dragged you by your hand out of his dorm.
"Fine, if you don't want to train with me, you can watch me," Katsuki said, leaving no room for arguments. You let him drag you to ground beta and sat on the sides as he stretched.
"This isn't going to cure my boredom, y'know?" You shouted once he started exploding different obstacles. Despite being far from him, you could hear his scoff.
"Maybe if you joined me, you wouldn't be bored!" He shouted back, blowing a tree into pieces with one blow. Your sweat dropped.
"I'm still sore from my spar with Kirishima a few hours ago," You groaned. For 2 hours, you sat aimlessly on the ground, picking at the grass while he screamed obscenities and different death threats at the inanimate trees. It was pretty entertaining to watch. But when you noticed his heavy breath and the way his body started shaking, you immediately stood up and flung your arms around him.
Katsuki hated being weak, but you noticed his warning signs like they were your own. It came so naturally to see his every action. But, because he hated admitting weakness or tiredness, you always made excuses for him to stop overworking himself that revolved around you - especially in front of a group of people. You'd be dead if you said "Oh Katsuki! You look tired, let's take a break, kay?" in front of the class.
"Katsukiiii, I'm hungry!" You complained, shoving your face in his chest to feel his accelerated heartbeat. He relaxed involuntarily at your touch, he hadn't even noticed he was getting tired. That was the biggest bonus when you watched him train, you made sure he didn't overexert himself. He took a few big breaths and you smiled slightly, looking up at him. He rolled his eyes and patted your back. "You know what sounds good?"
"What?" He asked as he chugged his water bottle. You didn't answer and just watched as he drank, literal hearts in your eyes as his Adam's apple bobbed and water dripped down his chin. He noticed your staring and flung water at you.
You shrieked, "Hey! Can't I admire my boyfriend?!"
"Not when I'm asking you a question," He replied as he rolled his eyes. "What do you want to eat?"
"Let's get some fruit! I want apple slices!" You answered.
Katsuki quirked a brow, "Apple slices? Are you five?"
You lightly hit his arm and huffed, "No! Is it a crime to enjoy the little things in life, such as apple slices?"
Katsuki bit back his chuckle and just dragged you by your hand again out of the forest. You laced his fingers with yours and smiled when he didn't retract his hand - not that you expected he would. It was just a good feeling to be loved.
"You're so stupid," He said suddenly. You looked up from your hands and noticed he was staring at you with the faintest shade of red across his cheeks. No one else would've noticed, but you were basically a magician when it came to what Katsuki Bakugo was feeling.
A cheesy smile appeared on your face, "I love you too, Kats."
Once again, he was stunned to silence and continued dragging you to the dormitory kitchen. You giggled at his flustered state. You didn't take any offense to him not saying "I love you", you were well aware of how emotionally stunted he was. He grumbled incoherently as he grabbed a couple of apples and started to cut them aggressively.
"You don't have to do that!" You scolded. You rushed over and took the knife from his hand. The whole reason you asked for apples was to get him to take a break! The audacity of this man! "I can cut my own apples!"
"Shut up, no you can't!" Katsuki replied, taking back the knife and blocking the cutting board.
You blinked at him for a second before laughing, "I can! I'm not actually five!"
Katsuki grumbled something under his breath before slamming a plate of apple slices in front of you. "Here. Eat." You nodded and grabbed the plate before you dragged him to the couches.
"Thanks," Katsuki quietly said, his arms were crossed and he sat on the end of the couch instead of right by you.
Swallowing your first slice you tilt your head at him, "What?"
He refused to look at you but sighed, "Thank you for stopping me."
You blinked before widely smiling. You moved closer to him, your shoulders were touching. The plate of apples sat in the middle of his right thigh and your left. You grabbed a piece and fed it to him, "Anytime."
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
"this wouldn't happen" I DO NOT CAREEEE 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x Child!Reader
Summary: You have pens
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"Sorry," Mumma says as she bounces you on her hip," She's in a grumpy mood today."
You grunt, angling your head away as Tia Patri tries to rub at your cheek.
"Very grumpy," Tia Patri notes before smiling at you anyway and waving you goodbye.
"Okay," Mumma says, readjusting her grip on you so you can tuck your head into the crook of her neck," There we go. I think someone needs a little nap."
"No," You whine," No nap...jus'...jus' you. Jus' Mumma."
"Okay," Mumma agrees," Just Mumma."
You've been out of whack ever since the flight over for the semifinal Champion's League match. Mapi's still returning from her knee injury so she's been dropped to the bench and continues her rehab even though she's on the squad list so Ingrid's kind of been solo parenting for a bit.
It's not that Mapi won't help but she very much can't do things like play rough with you like you enjoy or bounce you on her knee to calm you down.
Ingrid hasn't done that a lot since she started dating Mapi, who dived head-first into things like that in an attempt to win you over.
"Mamí too," You insist as you whine out a low note.
"Are you having big feelings?" Ingrid asks as she fishes out her phone to ask where Mapi is.
You nod tiredly against her, practically limp but still with enough energy to kick and snap your displeasure.
Ingrid wonders if it's a lack of stimulation. The plane ride had been long and you didn't have any of your usual things to keep you occupied.
Your story books had all been packed in the big suitcase (the last time Ingrid will ever trust Mapi to pack your bags) and your colouring book and felt tip pens had been deemed too messy for you to use on the flight. That coupled with your inability to stay asleep for more than twenty minutes, means that you're exhausted and bored.
It's a dangerous combination.
Ingrid shoots off a text to Mapi about the situation and walks the length of the hallway, quietly hushing you and allowing you to suck at her collar even though she knows that it's going to feel bad against her skin later on.
Mapi replies quickly, saying that she's in the canteen with Alexia.
"Mumma," You whine as Ingrid makes for the elevator," No go out! No want!"
"We're not going out," Ingrid assures you but the damage is already done because the exhaustion and the boredom finally catch up with you and you burst into a round of frustrated tears.
Ingrid bounces you more firmly as you babble and sob and whine all the way down. The staff sends her sympathetic looks, some of them having children themselves, and the rest of the team look equally distraught as you clearly feel when Ingrid (frazzled and stressed) bursts into the canteen.
Mapi's at the table in the corner, a packet of temporary tattoo pens by her side as she transfers a sketch from her book onto Alexia's arms.
Alexia's been talking about getting another tattoo and Mapi had drawn up designs easily.
She's animatedly talking about the one she's transferring to Alexia's arms interspersed with flicking through the book to show alternative ideas.
She stops immediately though as your cries echo through the room and Ingrid approaches.
"What happened?" She asks," What's wrong? Is she hurt? Sick? She had that tummy bug a few weeks ago. Is it back?"
"She's having some big feelings," Ingrid replies, sitting down next to Mapi," I think she just wants some company while working through them. Look, she's already calming down."
She's right.
Your gasping breaths are evening out again and the tears roll down your face mostly silently. With your Mumma and Mamí now together, you're happy to just sag against Mumma and allow Mamí's conversation with Tia Ale to wash over you.
You slowly reach out for the pink pen that's resting on the table. You pick it up. Mamí doesn't use the pink a lot, especially when she's drawing ideas on people like she's doing with your Tia.
Mumma leans with you as you angle yourself towards Mamí's arms where some of her tattoos are on show.
"Open," You tell Mumma, your voice a little scratchy from all your crying and general unease. Mumma takes the lid off for you.
You press the tip against Mamí's arm, taking a lot of care to colour in the lines of the pictures she's got there.
She stops drawing on your Tia when she first feels the press of the nib against her skin.
You give her a little teary eyed smile when she catches your eye.
"Following in your footsteps," Mumma says fondly, finally able to plait your hair into a neat braid," Little tattoo artist."
"Yeah," Mamí agrees, moving to uncap all the pens on the table," Make sure to get in as many colours as possible, alright?"
You nod.
Mamí continues to draw on Tia Ale as you continue to colour in her tattoos.
The repetitive action soothes you and you make pretty swirls in her arm pictures even after she's finished showing Tia Ale her designs.
"Finished?" She asks.
You nod. "Finished."
"Ingrid," Mamí says," Take a picture of this." She flexes her arm. "I want to brag to everyone about how much more exciting she's made my arm."
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mj0702 · 6 months
The other Bronze – Part 12
I tell you guys - this was a very complicated birth 😅😅 I hope you enjoy it and next part (if wanted) will be more happy and chaotic again ❤️❤️
I want to thank all me patient anons... and of course @valewosomtb and @samkerrworshipper for having me back in every situation... and new to that list is @georgiaswifey who literally saved me ass from dying this week due to boredom ❤️❤️
After breakfast all of you boarded the bus to St. Georges Park for the first training of Camp. You of course tried to sit next to G just for Lucy to pull you up by your shirt and push you further down the way disposing you next to Mary as she slipped into the row next to you
“You can't be serious?” you growled towards your sister and her actions
“Dixie Chicks serious” your sister smirked back as she pushed you slightly into Mary
“Yeah... you do actually behave like Aubrey” you grumbled as you let Mary pull you into her side without even watching the interaction as she looked out of the window
“You ready for training Bubs?” Lucy asked now and you knew she was just being concerned after what happened a few days ago in Barcelona
“Yeah... if it gets too much I just go into the bosses office... I promise I won't bolt” you reassured her
“Okay... if you need anything Kei and I are always there okay” your sister said insistently
“Yeah I know...” you smiled softly
“Hey y/n” Rachels head shot up from the seat in front of you
“Yeah...” you already saw the glint in her eye which meant fun
“Truth or Truth?” the blonde asked grinning
“Ehrm... truth?” you played along smirking
“Good choice... okay... Have you ever faked sick to get out of a party?” Rachel grinned knowing the answer already
“Not a party but school and training, yeah” you shrugged your shoulders
“Training????” now Lucy looked up from her phone
“Sure... it's like suuuuuper easy.. down a bottle of water and sprint a few meters... boom... getting sick everywhere” you answered nonchalantly “Go on Rache... I'll give you one more”
“Excuse me?? Hold on.. when...” your sister interrupted
“Just before we had that “friendly” against the Arsekiddos...” you shrugged as Beth Mead turned around glaring at you
“It's Arsenal” she corrected you and you saw that she wasn't as serious
“There's a reason why there's an ARSE in Arsenal... and if you cut out the “rse” you get Anal... so... you can't argue with that” you smirked and shrugged your shoulders
You absolutely loved your Arsenal women but it's just as much fun to rile them up
“You just wait Pumpkin... you just wait...” Meado smirked back and you knew the worst thing what would happen would be a noogie “I'll just tell Viv to not bring any stroopwaffle back from camp this time”
“You wouldn't” you exclaimed shocked
“Oh I will...” Beth smirked
“You can't... Viv's me friend” you whined
“I licked it it's mine” Meado smirked evilly
“Oh god... disgusting” you shuddered as she winked at you
“Have you ever been nude in public?” Rache now spoke up again and a few heads turned towards you – including Keira, Georgia and Lucy
“I mean... Less, Toons and I went moonlight skinny dipping last year... does that count as nude in public?” you looked expectantly at Rachel who just bursted out laughing at Lucys horrified face
“Totally counts... got room for another?” now Millie got involved as well
“What's the weirdest thing you've done on a plane?” the larger blonde asked
“I... got on the wrong plane” you mumbled embarrassed as the bus around you interrupted in laughter
“You what? How can you get on a wrong plane??” Millie asked shocked
“It's easy when you're seven and just walk behind a man and the attendant mistakes you for his daughter and just pushes you through....” you fidget with fingers
“Where did you end up??” Mary asked chuckling
“Lucy??” you looked at your sister for help
“Iceland... she ended up in Iceland” your sister growled remembering the exact moment she realized at the airport that you were gone – and how she freaked out when the airport security from Reykjavík Airport contacted her telling her what happened. And how she needed to fly to Iceland to pick you up since you were a minor who wasn't allowed to fly on your own
“Beautiful country” you said wishfully as your sister groaned loudly
“I had to pick you up” Lucy huffed out
“But you can't deny that Iceland is a beautiful country” you shrugged your shoulders
“May I have a throw in as well?” now Leah asks not even waiting for an answer “y/n... truth or truth?”
“You can royally fuck off Williamson” you sneered and suddenly the whole bus was quiet and everyone was looking at you with wide eyes
“y/n!!!” Lucy said sternly “Apologize... Now”
“She first” you said reluctantly
“No... you will stop using your ass as a hat and get a grip” your sister gritted out “She's the Capitan and you will NOT talk to her like this... and if you can't accept her as the Capitan then it's still Leah and you will not talk to Leah like this – the person Leah not the player Leah”
“I wasn't talking to the person Leah” you huffed out “I was talking to the Capitan Leah”
“Okay wow... the different Leahs giving me headaches” you heard Tooney mumble which made you chuckle and had the effect that the situation got a little bit lighter
“Talk to me pumpkin” the blonde said softly as she ushered your sister away to take her place sitting down.
“I'm not talking to the Capitan... because she fucked up” you grunted pushing yourself further into Mary like a three year old
“Then talk to your friend” Leah tried again
“We're in a professional environment...” you grumbled
“Okay...” Leah accepted that she wouldn't get anything out of you just now
She leaned back in now her seat and sighed deeply. After a minute she pushed herself out of the seat walking to the front of the bus. She sat down in the first row next to Sarina
“I need to talk to her in private before training” Leah came straight to the point not even looking at Sarina but keeping her eyes trained forward
“I think so too...” the dutch said lowly “... but first I want to know why you roomed them together”
“I wanted that they maybe talk and whatever caused the riff between them could maybe resolved... I want her on the team too... she's good and she needs something to occupie her... I don't want to ever see her like two years ago.. never again” the blonde said lowly so just Sarina heard what she said
“What happened two years ago?” Sarina asked confused and concerned at the same time
“You don't know?” Leah asked surprised
“No” the dutch shook her head
“She tried to overdose... she called Leila because she got scared and Leila rushed over and basically forced the pills back out... then Leila called Hempo and Hempo called Beth... you know how the chain works... we got her to London on the lie of her missing Millie because even her parents didn't catch on...” the blonde said seriously
“I had no idea” Sarina said shocked
“Neither do Lucy and Keira” Leah said insistently
“No one had the guts to call them?” the dutch smirked
“We would all be dead if they knew... Keira just moved to Spain.. what would you think would have happened if we call her that y/n just tried to commit suicide?” the blonde snorted humourless “But seriously Sarina... I need to talk to her”
“I'll can excuse you for 15 minutes... but Leah... you may be the Capitan but I can tell you know... what happened between them won't be resolvable...” Sarina warned Leah
“You know?” Leah asked surprised
“I was there... I saw what happened... and I'll be honest with you Leah... it was bad” the dutch said as the bus came to a halt in front of St. Georges park “But the only one who should talk about this is y/n herself....”
“OKAY EVERYONE... YOU KNOW THE DRILL!! YOU HAVE 20 MINUTES TO GET ON THE PITCH – LOOK AFTER THE NEWBIES!” Leah yelled as the bus came to a stop and she pushed herself out of her seat facing the team
The players shuffled of the bus one by one the sensible veterans (not Millie and Rachel) showed the new players around and took them under their wing knowing how nerve wrecking it can be. Just as you exit the bus Leah was by your side
“Not you... you and I will go to the office” the blonde said and before you could complain (or bolt) she already had your arm in a death grip pulling you along
“That's literally textbook kidnapping” you said outraged
“If I wanted to kidnap you I would whack you over the head so I would have some peace while kidnapping you” the blonde grumbled as she pushed you into an empty office
You stood in the middle of the room while Leah went over to the big table leaning against it arms crossed over her chest
“Look... I just tried to do what I thought was right – I want you on the team... I need you on the team – I need you FOR the team” Leah started talking but stayed away from you.
She knew you well enough to read your body language which told her you wouldn't accept physical touch from her right now. So she stayed leaned against the table but let her arms fall to her side to signal you that she doesn't mean any harm
“You don't realize it but you are the glue in this team... and I'm sorry that I didn't talk to you about the rooming situation but I wanted to just give you a little push... both of you... I know you were friends and suddenly you two can't even talk to each other... I just wanted to get you to talk” Leah said apologetic
“There's a reason why we don't get along anymore” you said reserved
“I know that NOW...” the blonde rolled her eyes “I mean I don't know WHY but I know there's a reason...”
“So you talked to Sarina” you mused defenesly
“I did... If you wonder she just said it was bad nothing else” Leah said quickly
“So why are you so desperate for us to get along?” you asked weary
“As I said... I want you on and for the team... you know Sarina would give her last... waffle thing for you to join the Lionesses” the blonde tried to make you understand her point
“I can't play anymore...” you plopped down in one of the chairs
“But you can help us win... you have an eye for situations and plays like no one else... but I also know YOU... you might be grown up as a footballer – but as a person you are still a 16 year old girl... and I REALLY want you on this team but I fear that you wouldn't be unbiased...” Leah said softly “I know you can be.. I know you will be... but I needed to do something”
“Very wrong approach” you scoffed
“I know.... and I'm sorry” the blonde sighed
“Okay...” you shrugged your shoulders
“Okay?” Leah asked confuse
“Look... I am the reason LJ is still on this team... I won't tell you what happened because I know you love me and you will try to make it up to me somehow... but I told Sarina to keep her on the team... I told Keira not to do anything... so I may not be her fan personally... but as a player I can act civil and give my unbiased opinion” you told the Capitan seriously looking her straight in the eye
“Keira knows?” the blonde asked surprised
“Not by choice... she overheard something she shouldn't have... but that's beside the point... you fucked up... you apologized... we're good” you grinned “... AFTER you get Viv to bring me back stroopwaffle”
“You really had to get the comment about Arsenal out there didn't you?? How long did you work on that one?” Leah smiled back
“Not long... Leila and Greensie helped... we had fun” you shrugged grinning
“So... we're good Pumpkin?” Leah asked again
“Yeah... we're good Lee” you smiled as you pushed yourself out of your chair walking over to her and let yourself fall into her arms
“I love you Pumpkin” the blonde mumbled into your hair
“Love you too Lee” you mumbled against her neck
The two of you stayed like this for a minute until it knocked on the door and Sarina stuck her head inside
“Need you on the pitch Leah...” was the only thing the dutch said smiling softly seeing you in her captains arms
“Okay... let's go Pumpkin” Leah pushed you two off the table but kept her arm around your shoulders “Let's get out there and be great”
You entered the pitch together with Leah under the watchful gaze of Lucy and Keira but as soon as they saw that you had a small smile on your face and Leah had her arm around you they went back to their warm up
“They made up” Lucy spoke lowly as she stretched next to Keira
“Good... I already have you, LJ and G to keep an eye out for... not to mention Bitsy... if I needed to added Leah to that list too I would have shot myself” Keira mumbled back
“What do you mean me??” your sister exclaimed
“You were a dick to G yesterday and this morning... keep it up Lucia and you and I will have a nice talk once back in Barcelona” the blonde murmured back before standing up being done stretching “I know you actually don't mean any harm to them but I think you don't know how much both of them need your approval”
“It's not like G asked me to give my blessing” Lucy grumbled
“But she will one day” Keira said sternly before walking away
“Hey Liefje...” Sarina smiled as you joined her on the side-line watching the doing some basic drills to get the newbies used to the style and pace of style
“Ehrm.. why are there just 24 players on the pitch?” you puckered your lips and bashed your eyelashes
“Huh?” Sarina started to count the players – with you already knowing who was missing – and then whistled.
The girls came over confused why their coach called them over
“Where is James?” the dutch asked sternly looking at the vets while you had to bite your tongue really fucking hard to keep a straight face
“She was next to me in the locker room” Lucy said confused as she turned around looking for LJ
“Leah?” Sarina looked at her Capitan expectantly
“No clue” the blonde replied “I thought everyone was already out since I had something to take care off...”
Finally LJ emerged from the tunnel looking stressed – and she was barefoot.
“James... you're late... five laps after training” Sarina said strict
“Coach please... It's not my fault” LJ tried to reason with the dutch “It's y/n fault” she send you an evil look
“Moi??” you pointed at yourself innocently “I didn't do anything”
“I'm pretty sure I didn't pack two left cleats this morning... nor did I pack socks with holes in them” LJ sneered towards you
“I mean... I know Less has two left feet James...” you got quickly interrupted by Lessis “Hey... wait.. naah.. sounds about right” before you looked LJ dead in the eye “... but I never thought you have two... your passing is 90 something...”
You knew you were pushing your luck here but after what happened yesterday in your room you didn't give a flying fuck anymore
“You changed my cleats...” LJ growled
“I didn't do anything... if you accuse me of doing something...you better prove it” you growled back using her own words against her
“Okay... enough” Lucy pushed herself between you two to defuse the situation “Bubs... did you change LJs cleats?”
“How and when should I have done this?? You didn't let me out of your sight... I wasn't even allowed to say good morning to me girlfriend” you exclaimed annoyed
“True... you were with me the whole time” your sister mumbled but unsurprisingly Keira threw you a smirk knowing you somehow pulled this prank off
“I KNOW IT WAS YOU!!” LJ now exploded behind Lucy not believing you one bit
“Prove it” you said calm and looked her straight in the eye
“Okay... you do it again... LJ I have a second pair in my locker come on... you can have them” Lucy said as she pulled LJ away so the two of you wouldn't start fighting
“That backfired Bitsy” Keira grinned as she stood next to you
“Keira... sweet lovely Kei...” you grinned evilly “... since when does my sister pack a second pair of cleats?”
“Huh?” Keira looked confused before recovering “Never...”
“Exactly... so take a guess who threw the second pair in her bag?” you smirked seeing your plan enfold perfectly
“Why Bitsy... why would you help LJ?” the blonde mumbled
“Is it help if she has to do a three hour training session in shoes that are not hers?” you mused
“What do you mean?” Keira look at you lost
“The cleats are fitted to Luce feet... so either they are too big or too small... so tomorrow LJ either can't walk or she doesn't feel comfortable in her own cleats anymore and that will affect her play one way or the other” you smirked evil before turning around leaving an stunned Keira behind joining Sarina a little bit down the line.
“Evil Genius” Keira smirked to herself before walking over to Leah and Georgia
“It was her wasn't it?” Georgia asked immediately when Keira joined them
“Of course it was...” the blonde chuckled
“She told me you knew... tell us” Leah said hoping to get something out of her best friend
“No... not my business.... I promised her I wouldn't take any actions and that includes not saying anything because if people like Millie or Mary – or god forbid Lucy - get word of what happened than a pair of mixed up cleats would be LJs smallest problem – Millie would go all brickwall on her and Lucy would go out for the kill” Keira said seriously and even G caught on not to push the matter
“Wow... it must have been bad” now Tooney interrupted
“It was... and that's the last time we'll talk about it” the blonde said sternly fixing Tooney with a glare “Did I make myself clear?”
“Totally” Ella held her hands up in surrender
“Oi... less chatty chatty more runny runny” you yelled over to the four players grinning with Sarinas hands on your shoulders as she stood behind you like a proud mother
“What did I do now??” Lessi asked confused
“You did nothing?” you asked back confused
“You just say “Less chatty”...” Lessi said bewildered
“Not Less.... Less” you tried to make your point clear “as in... not so much... not as in Less Russo”
“Eh?” now you lost Lessi completely
“No talking – yes running” you huffed out
“AH... yeah that makes sense” the blonde finally catched on and smiled brightly
“Good... now run” you shooed her away
“What would you do with them now?” Sarina asked you as you watched the team getting back to their passing drills.
She wanted to include you more since she planned to take you with the team to the world cup
“Are you asking as a head coach – because that would be bad if you had no clue how to prepare a team or as Mama Rina who just tries to get me to sign for the team again?” you smirked keeping your eyes fixed on the pitch
“Neither... just interested” the dutch smiled as she stepped next to you
“Group B doesn't click... you should change players” you said focused
“And group B is?” Sarina asked not knowing which group you dubbed as “B”
“Walsh, Greenwood, Stanway, James, Carter” you mumbled trying to find the problem “Their play is off... switch Walsh for Clinton”
“Keira!!” Sarina yelled towards the midfielder “Switch with Grace”
“Better but still off...” you mumbled again after a few minutes after Keira and Grace swapped their places “G!!!” you yelled and beckoned your girlfriend over which caused Lucys head to snap towards you
“Yeah?” Georgia panted a little bit after she jogged over to you
“Cut the crap” you growled and your girlfriend looked at you with big shocked eyes
“I...” G started to stammer not knowing what to say
“No... cut the crap” you said sternly and even Sarinas eyes widen “I know what you're doing... stop it”
“No idea what you're talking about” your girlfriend mumbles out looking at you sheepishly
“You don't work against her...” you said furious
“I didn't” G defended herself
“You did... your passes to her are sloppy and you know it... IF you play a pass to her that is... I know what you are doing but this matter doesn't concern you” you fixed your girlfriend with a glare
“You are my girlfriend... of course it concerns me... Kei said it was bad and I won't...” Georgia started before you interrupt her
“You won't anything... And right now I'm not your girlfriend... I'm just someone because if I'd be your girlfriend right now this would be highly unprofessional and we don't do unprofessional... and the whole situation... NOT. YOUR. BUSINESS” you now sneered “You will be the player I know you are... the player who plays for her team and country... and not for her team minus LJ”
Now Sarina caught on and was actually impressed how you grew as a person that you don't back down from even telling your own girlfriend off.
“Now cut the crap and get your shit together or I'll convince the head coach that it would be beneficial if you'd run some laps with LJ after training”
Georgia looked at you like she seen a ghost but nodded slowly
“Good...” you huffed “... now go and be the player I know”
Your girlfriend scrambled off quickly and you already could see the change in the whole play after you ripped her head off and screwed it back on in place the right way around
“That was...” Sarina started and you raised an eyebrow at her “... big... I didn't think you would rip your girlfriend a new one”
“If she deserves it I would rip Lucy a new one... I don't need anyone to fight me battles” you huffed still a bit angry
“They don't fight the battles FOR you... they fight battles WITH you” the dutch said softly “And Leah told me what happened two years ago... want to say something about that?”
“Nope...” you popped the “p”
“You know we'll talk about it...” Sarina said and this time it was her who had the sternness in her voice
“Ugh... Williamson really can't keep her gob shut” you groaned
“She thought I knew.. and now I'm thankful for her slip up” the dutch said “... What do you think about a 3v3?”
“5v5 … So G is basically forced to pull her finger out of her ass and start acting like a teammate again” you said back easily accepting the topic change
“If I would be a petty asshole... wait.. I AM a petty asshole...” you grinned at your adoptive mom “swap Greenwood with Bronze”
“Why would I do this?” Sarina raised her eyebrow again
“So my sister is forced to play alongside my girlfriend and not against her” you grinned “This gonna be fun”
Sarina actually swapped teams around a little so it wouldn't be to obvious and in the end team blue contained Bronze, Clinton, Stanway, Carter and James. They were up against team yellow who was Bright, Daly, Walsh, Greenwood and Mead.
“Georgia… drop back and come more in the backside” Sarina yelled with her Dutch accent
Your head snapped up (as did several heads from the team) finding the eyes of your girlfriend immediately as you both start to blush furiously while both of you stated a deer caught in the head light look.
“That’s… that’s not how you say it Mama Rina” you cleared your throat multiple times as you tried to avoid looking at your Sister.
“What did I say wrong?” the Dutch woman asked confused as several of your girlfriends teammates started to snicker and Millie even going so far as in clapping Georgia on the back
“Didn’t know you had it in ya, Stanway” the east midlander said grinning like a Cheshire cat
“oh no that wasn’t her…. That was me… I had it in me” you said offhandly realizing a split second later WHAT you just said as you already saw Lucys twitching eye as she turned towards your girlfriend looking her dead in the eye
“Run” was the only thing your sister said dangerously low.
Georgia already turned around sprinting away with your sister hot on her heels
Millie, Rachel Alex and Mary busted out laughing as Georgia ran past them her face red as a fire extinguisher.
“SORRY BABE!!!” you yelled after her as she sprinted past you your sister not far behind.
“See Bitsy… THIS is why I always tell you to think before you speak” Keira said standing next to you as she grabbed a water bottle.
“I don’t understand what the issue is” Sarina looking confused from one player to the next
“Backside is… your behind… you know Mama Rina” you tried to explain as much as possible with saying too much just for having the Dutch woman staring at you lost
“You basically told Stanway to come in someone ass” Rachel blurted out
“Oh… that’s… unfortunate” Sarina said after the words have sunken in.
“And little Bronze here basically confirmed that that’s what G already did” Millie laughed as she pulled you into side
“I didn’t mean too… it just… slipped out” you whined embarrassed
“I bet it did” Millie bursting out laughing as you punched her in the ribs which clearly didn’t phase her
Just as you wanted to respond what an incredible ass Millie is being your girlfriend sprinted past you again
“Stop her…” you heard her faintly begging voice as her breaths came out labored
“Keira please…” you turned to your basically other sister at this point
“Oh no… I’m not getting involved… that’s the Captains job.. or the head coaches job” Keira grinned widely
“Leaaaaaah…. Pleeeeeeeease” you begged at the England Captain now desperation clear in your voice
“Nope… you started it – your problem” the blonde smirked finding the whole situation highly entertaining
“Ugh” you moaned “you know… at least I get them to run… you weren’t as successful earlier”
You knew it was a cheap dig at Leah reminding her how she tried to get Lucy and Georgia to run only to find Lucy staring daggers at the younger one who preferred to hide behind Millie
“I swear I will pull a napoleon move on you and send you to exile” the blonde captain threatened you but her eyes were shining with mischief
“You can’t do that… Mama Rina wants me here to figure out what’s wrong with you lot” you said quickly turning around to the womens head coach “She can’t do that right?!”
“I mean… she IS the captain…” Sarina smirked
“HA!!” Leah yelled out victorious
“I promise I’ll be quiet” you begged again “but please don’t let her kill my girlfriend”
You looked around to find your girlfriend in the stands climbing quickly over the seats as Lucy followed not as graciously but still close
“At this point one or both of them will get hurt…” you heard Keira muse beside you which caused Sarina AND Leah springing into action
“LUCY!!!” Sarina yelled and whistled loudly and you saw your sister stop dead in her tracks turning around as the Dutch waved her back over
“I nearly had her” Lucy exclaimed annoyed as she stood in front of Sarina
“And I would have been one midfielder down…” the Dutch deadpanned back “… now back to training”
“We talk later” your sister shot you a dark glare which made you shrink into Millies side
“Don’t worry kiddo… she’ll get some energy out and she’ll be much more calm” Millie said reassuring feeling your hesitation
Your girlfriend opted to stay in the stands bending over her hands on her knees as she tries to catch her breath
“Lucy… Georgia… a word please” Sarina called out to both of them which made your sister turn on her heels to walk back to her head coach.
Georgia was a little slower to come down from her place but made it eventually standing next to Leah so she wasn’t in your Sisters reach
“I understand it’s a… rather complicated situation” the Dutch started “… but if you can’t remain professional on the pitch I will not hesitate to send you both home.. I let you have your moments understanding that you both love her… but keep it either to a minimum or best case – leave it completely.. we have a tournament to prepare for and I can’t have two of my best players at each others throats”
“Sorry Sarina” Georgia mumbled ashamed feeling like a small kid that got scolded for having a cookie before dinner
“Yeah… sorry Coach” Lucy chimed in
“And now kiss” you chuckled finding joy in the fact that for once it wasn’t you but Lucy who got told off.
This comment resulted in a murderous glare from your sister, an eye roll from Sarina, a REALLY shocked face (and a tiny scared squeak) from Georgia and a REALLY hard slap on the back if your head courtesy of Leah.
“Good… now go and rejoin the team” Sarina smiled before turning to you “… and you… you will go inside into my office – I’ll join you in a second”
You looked horrified thinking you’re in trouble with the teams head Coach – which people could trust you on… it’s not fun
“You are not in trouble” the Dutch clarified as she saw the horror on your face “I need your observant brilliancy…” she smiled at you encouraging stroking over your head like a mother would
“Which team am I looking at?” you asked after you sighed put relieved
“Spain… they were always very good but since last year they’re killing it… I want to know why and I want a way to throw them off” Sarina said seriously
“Just drug up your players and let them loose… that’ll throw them right off” you mumbled under your breath but Sarina understood you anyway laughing at your grumpy mood
“I heard you had quite the experience in Barcelona, kleintje” the Dutch chuckled before sending you off to her office.
You just settled into the big leather chair which was normally occupied by the blonde head coach herself as Sarina stepped through the door seeing you in her chair. She just glared at you raising an eyebrow waiting for you to move. You did so with a loud groan and a huff before you plopped down on the other side of the big table into one of the chairs
“Sitting in my chair” the blonde tzked under her breath but you saw the smile tugging around her lips “I have a proposition”
Your ears perked up and you looked at her interested
“I want you as part of the Team… we’re preparing for a world cup and I want the best people…” Sarina started looking for any reaction in your face but up to now you didn’t move a muscle
“You know better than anyone I can’t play… my knees are more fucked than Lucys” you said calmly leaning back in your seat
“I don’t want you as a player… I want you as an analyst / assistant coach… I know it’s very unusual with firstly your age and you having no experience in either of these positions but I know how good you are… you pick up on the smallest things and I fully believe you could change the Game.. I also want that World Cup Title” Sarina explained and you saw she was serious about it
“I talked to FIFA about it – no pressure but I wanted to know the legal side of it… as long you have a “guardian” they see no problem since other teams send girls your age as players” the Dutch said furthermore
“Who would that guardian be?” you asked equally as serious
“whomever you want… as long as they have an English citizenship and there isn’t a conflict of interest” the blonde answers your question already knowing this would be the first thing you’d pick up on
“So Lucy is out of question” you mused to yourself
“If you keep it professional she doesn’t have to be ruled out” Sarina said lovingly knowing how much your sister means to you
“No… people could pick up on it and throw a fit… “ you said rolling your eyes
“So you accept?” the Dutch looking at you interested
“I’m not saying yes… but I’m also not saying no” you answered honestly “I need to think about it”
“Of course, mijn kleine Liefje” Sarina smiled lovingly
“You know… at this rate just adopt me already ” you smirked sensing that the serious part of your meeting was over
“Your sister would have my Head if I announce our new analyst “Y/n Wiegman” …” the Dutch deadpanned
“I mean…. I WOULD be funny” you smirked your eyes shining with mischief
“I could also announce you as a Stanway” now it was the blondes moment to smirk as you frantically shook your head
“Oh I bet Georgia and your sister would be over the moon” Sarina teased you
“They might be but I'll be six feet under” you mumbled
“I won't let that happen” the dutch grinned and pinched your cheeks
“What is it with you today Mama” you groaned as you tried to get away from her
“I missed you Liefje... and I'm happy for you” Sarina smiled letting go of you before pulling you into a loving hug “And I'm so so proud of you how you handle the whole situation”
“Thanks Mama Rina” you mumbled a little embarrassed as you pressed your face against her
“Now.... I need you to find a weak spot in the spanish play” the dutch pushed you slightly away from her and kissed your forehead “be great”
You sat down in her chair and started re-watching the spanish games from the Euros. As you expected the spanish play was nearly perfect – but just nearly. You watched every game while your sister, girlfriend, best friends and your platonic soulmate ran sprints and laps and went to the gym for recovery. You didn't even notice how much time has passed as you got mesmerized by the spanish play. The quick accurate passes. The wordless communication between the players. The link between Alexia, Jenni, Aitana and Marionna. It was truly mesmerizing. BUT – you found a weak spot which made you smirk internally. You looked up when you heard the door open again and saw Sarina entering her office.
“Liefje...” the dutch smiled softly “... it's time to leave”
“Already?” you looked confused
“You've been in here for hours... training is over... you didn't even notice me looking after you three times” Sarina said smiling
“Oh... yeah no.. sorry” you scratched the back of your neck embarrassed
“The team is already on the way back to the hotel...” the dutch said as she walked over to you to shut her computer down
“Do I have to walk back??” you blurted out shocked which caused Sarina to burst out laughing
“No... I have a rental” the dutch laughed “But you still owe me laps for interrupting my meeting yesterday” she winked
“Lessi and Toons too” you shrieked
“They already did their laps... come on... one lap” Sarina winked
“I don't have shoes for running” you tried to get out of it
“Run barefoot” the dutch shrugged her shoulders like it was the most obvious answer
Unknown to you she had a plan. She hoped when you feel the grass of the pitch again that you might be more open to be more involved in training.
“You can't be serious?” you looked at her shocked your eyes wide
“One lap” the dutch nodded
“Ugh” you groaned but started to walk past her towards the field
You sat down at the sideline slowly taking your shoes and socks off. Sarina stood back knowing well enough not to disturb you since this was something you need to experience on your own. That was part of the reason she send the bus on the way without the two of you on board. She didn't need prying eyes nor did you. You probably wouldn't do this right now if you knew there were still people around – even if it were just your sister or your girlfriend. You sat there for another minute with bare feet and Sarina saw your eyes were closed and you wriggled your toes a little bit like you remembered the feeling of grass under your feet but at the same time try to memorize it. Then you pushed yourself up and took a few careful hesitant steps before falling into an easy jog. She saw you rounding the corner flag picking up speed down the goal line before slowing down at the next corner flag. Slow easy jog down the opposite sideline, around the next corner flag picking up speed again – not a full sprint but definitely faster before rounding the fourth flag and slowing down again. To Sarinas surprise you didn't stop. You kept on running but she saw a relaxed smile on your face. Not only relaxed but also relieved. Like you just needed the little push – the little push Sarina provided to get you on the pitch again. The dutch knew you never stopped working out so it was no surprise to her that you kept going for another four rounds making it five in total before stopping at your shoes. You bend over your hands on your knees you panted. You weren't completely breathless but you were breathless in the best way. You don't know why but suddenly you feel tears leaving your eyes and a soft touch on your lower back. You leaned against Sarina both of you just standing there you enjoying the support the dutch offered silently and Sarina just enjoyed the moment she get to spend with you. To see you like this meant more to her than any victory in any big tournament – for the last three years every time Sarina looked at you she saw that broken girl on the ground who was clutching her leg crying in pain but you weren't screaming. You were just laying there writhing in pain crying silently. Sarina was quick to pass the field dropping down to her knees next to your body. You looked so broken and so small. Back then she didn’t know what to do at first but the second your hand fisted itself into her shirt she knew she needed to protect you – and get you into a hospital asap. Sarina untangled your hand from her shirt but immediately held onto your hand with her own. She called her best physio who then came running with two medics. The dutch ordered herself to stay calm for your benefit and it was exactly what you needed. Even when the medics turned you onto your back and she saw the blood seeping through your pants.
It didn't matter how much you pretended to be fine Sarina always saw that little crying girl. But not right now. Now she saw one of the strongest people she ever had the pleasure working with. Right now standing next to you while you catch your breath showed her just how much you've grown. You were still a kid by heart she knew – but as a person you grew up so much. You started to fight your fears even if it started small with five laps around the pitch
“I'm proud of you Liefje” Sarina said lowly rubbing small circles on your lower back
“I'm fucking wheezing after five laps... nothing to be proud of” you panted back
“You started to fight your fear... that's something to be proud of... and now come on – I REALLY don't want to end up on your sisters bad side because I brought you back late” the dutch winked and smiled.
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phfenomena · 9 months
❝playing a dangerous game.❞ || william h. bonney x f!reader
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inspired by playing dangerous by lana del rey <33
| WARNINGS- daddy issues (yikes), kissing, unhealthy amounts of the color pink, mentions of getting shot, small suicidal thoughts
billy the kid x reader fluff
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(divider by @dollienini)
she was as pure as snow, untouched by man, not yet trampled or turned into slush. her father sought to that daily, to ensure his daughter was ‘safe’. but safe doesn’t mean loved. she got her loving from outside sources, like maple spouts in the woods, going out with her girls, or in this case, the loving lap of an outlaw.
she’s sitting on his right thigh while the outlaw, named billy, is continuing his game of poker. a game she’ll never understand, her father deemed that an unnecessary topic for a lady to learn. but what did he even deem?
she’s giggling and offering her thanks to every compliment that floats her way, she can’t outrun them. they’ll always find her in a frilly pink dress. the pit in her stomach feels as if every compliment and disdainful comment adds ten pounds, until she’s swallowed up and feels like a piece of meat.
but billy wouldn’t let that happen. what’s different about billy is that he cares, he cares if she’s uncomfortable, he cares when she’s upset over her overbearing father, and he even wills himself to care when she complains about something that would never bother him. her champagne problems.
she’s sitting on her blush pink bedspread and fidgeting with whatever laid on her shelf. she was grounded, again, for coming home after sunset. billy and her simply lost track of time, but he’d never pay for it. right as she begins to spiral into the boredom and weigh the merits of suicide, a small tap against her window reaches her ears.
her face lights up at the noise and she rushes to unlock her window and swing it open. her room was on the ground floor but it was still a jump for him, his long legs stepping in as quietly as possible. her arms found purchase around his waist as she lightly jumped up and down. “billy! i was gettin’ so damn bored. my father grounded me again so i’m stuck here.” he sucked on his teeth and set his hat down on your desk before taking a seat on your bed and laying back.
“his mistake, leavin’ his pretty daughter alone with the maids while he’s out shooting my friends? better hope’d i’m not next on his list.” his voice is honey to your ears, making you skin feel warmer and leaving your stomach fluttering. it was bound to happen whenever he was around.
she sat next to him and their thighs touched before she realized how gruesomely underdressed she was. in only a sheer sleeping gown with her thin robe, she panicked. he’d only seen her in her full gowns. covered head to toe, yet here she was in front of him. he wasn’t even looking at her, his eyes closed and his head faced towards the ceiling.
“i tried convincing him that it’s not the sheriffs job to chase after you, better save him the face when you get away.” her voice is small while she studies his outfit. it’s different than usual, he was wearing a different shirt. and his boots were free of the mud and caked manure. did he clean up for her? he hummed an agreement and chuckled at her comment.
“did you…did you clean up to come see me, billy?” she says in a teasing tone while poking his shoulder. he covers his face and groans rolling away from her as she laughs and pulls him back. he uncovers his eyes and looks up at her. she just looks so pretty and clean. he’s almost scared he’ll break her- as if she’s porcelain.
she takes his hand in hers and soothingly rubs her thumb back and forth. “that’s really sweet that you cleaned up. adorable, actually.” there it is again, she says something like that and his stomach is doing flips. “well, they do call me the sweetest man in the west for a reason.” he manages to sound confident but internally he might as well as died.
she lays down next to him and props her head up on her hand. god, the way her hair falls, the way the candles behind her make her look like some biblical figure, and the way she somehow always manages to get a laugh out of him.
“i know you’re scared of my father and all but i really like spending time with you, billy. you’re different from other men i’ve known. you don’t make me feel like i’m heading for the butcher. you make me feel really happy.” she whispers out, acting as if she raised her voice he might disappear.
he ignores the ‘other men i’ve known’ to cease the bubbling jealousy inside of his chest. he props his head up the same way as her until they’re eye-to-eye. his free hand goes to fiddle with the lace of her robe as he’s trying to will himself to look into her eyes, like she’s a prettier medusa.
“you’re playing a dangerous game, angel. troubles gonna follow where i go. but i have loved every second i’ve spent with you and i’d like them to never end. my life isn’t safe for you though, you’ll get hurt and it’ll probably drive me to murder.” he jokes at the end but his words still soaked into herskin like a warm brandy.
she sits up and leans her face into his, gently meeting his lips. it was only for a second, but she was on fire. his hand reaches the back of her, braided and curled as usual, and pushes her lips back onto his. his hands cupping the sides of her face. so gentle. like a man should be.
she pulls the hem of her dress up and moves to straddle him, not breaking the kiss, which is heating up and he’s beginning to kiss down her neck when her door flys open “miss, do you have any-” her maid is stood in the door with a look of shock and the tomatoes she was previously holding ended up on the floor.
the girl scrambled up and grabbed the maids shoulders “don’t tell father about this and i swear to god i will do your work for a week, i’ll even pay you just please, please, do not tell father.” the maid nods slowly and picks up the tomatoes. a small smile playing at her lips.
billy’s covering his face and she was about to comfort him but he started laughing. genuinely clutching his stomach laughing, and she joined him. she sank to her knees on the floor and just laughed. “do you think she’ll really make you do her work for a week?” he managed to wheeze out. she holds her head in her hands and nods “oh, definitely! she never wants to work anyways.”
they were gravely embarrassed and her father will definitely find out, but at the end of the day, it’s always billy.
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braunaza · 2 months
saccharine summer .•° ✿
➸ ᴇʟʟɪᴇ ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍꜱ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ
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➸ salty seas and sweet strawberries
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ᴍʏ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ
∘◦❀◦∘ i haven’t really written anything before so this is a first for me! open to any and all criticisms or ideas cus this lowkey sucks but please bear with me. i hope you guys enjoy this tho. happy summer!
∘◦❀◦∘ warnings -> (very) light swearing
∘◦❀◦∘ loser!ellie x (lowkey) loser!reader + acquaintances to lovers + friends(?) to lovers, fluff!!
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“Are you serious?” Ellie asked, her voice wavering too loud against the quietness of the study hall.
Jesse shrugged apologetically in response to Ellie’s outburst as Dina shot her a sympathetic look. The inner of Dina’s dark eyebrows curled up inwards remorsefully, before speaking.
“I’m sorry! I wish I could stay but Talia’s taking me to Europe.” Dina responded in a  hushed tone; contrasting Ellie’s.
“And I’m going to Korea. Seeing my extended family and all that.” Jesse added.
Ellie couldn’t help the sigh that left her mouth, filled to the brim with disappointment, as she leaned back on the broken school chair. The corner of her slit eyebrows knitted together as a contorted look of frustration passed across her freckled face.
“You’re both going to be gone all summer?” Ellie muttered as she took her hands out of her pockets and brought them upwards, massaging her temples. Jesse lightly scratched the back of his neck but didn’t answer. Dina didn’t dare respond either. An awkward quietness filled the air between the three of them blending in with their still scenery. The silence gave Ellie her answer.
Ellie had never liked summer. The humid heat made her feel gross; only to be heightened by the copious amount of sweating that occurred due to the summer’s blaze. The never-ending boredom didn’t help. Especially now that Ellie was going to be alone for the next two months. She already knew how this summer would play out. She’d end up spending the whole time inside, in fear of both pollen and UV rays, re-playing the resident evil series on her bygone PS4. Ellie could already hear Joel’s voice; nagging her to leave the comfort of her bedroom and have some fun in the sun.
“At least you won’t be completely alone.” As Dina spoke up, Ellie snapped out of her thoughts. At her words, a slight scowl traversed Ellie’s face. She knew that Dina was referring to you as a few days ago, Ellie had overheard you expressing your dismay at not travelling this summer. This meant that Ellie was left alone with you.
It’s not that Ellie had a problem with you. You were simply Dina and Jesse’s friend. Not hers. You were just too nice. It pissed her off. In fact, everything about you irrationally pissed Ellie off. From the way your sunny smile shined so brightly to your obnoxiously loud giggles. But what agitated Ellie the most was your fruity perfume. The one that she could smell from a mile away; overpowering whichever room you currently occupied. To her, you were summer personified.
You were so sweet; it sickened her. And she was stuck with you.
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Ellie’s face scrunched up tightly as you waved a vividly coloured piece of paper in her face. The current assault ended with Ellie snatching the sheet out of your loose grasp. As she held it up, she allowed her eyes to scan over it. It was a list. An annoyingly aesthetic list.
“What is this?” Ellie asked as she lowered the yellow page, your eyes peering over the top of it expectantly.
“A bucket list!” You responded with too much enthusiasm as your everbright smile flashed at her. “I made it for the two of us to do over the summer.” Ellie’s pale green eyes scanned the sheet again. She couldn’t help the small laugh that left her lips as she read the last point.
Kiss someone.
As Ellie chuckled, your head tilted to the side slightly in confusion. Ellie took her eyes off of the decorative paper and moved her gaze onto you. Her slit eyebrow perked up slightly, simultaneously out of confusion and disbelief, before speaking up once again.
“I’m not into you like that.”
Ellie’s blunt statement only added to your confusion and deepened the puzzled expression that adorned your face. That’s when the realisation hit you. As embarrassment overcame you, your head lowered to the school’s wooden floor; focusing on Ellie’s worn down converses. You let out a small, yet awkward, laugh in a poor attempt to laugh off the misunderstanding.
“That’s not what I meant. I didn’t mean it like that.” You stuttered bashfully, your eyes finally drawing back to Ellie’s face.
“It was meant to encourage us, you know. Use it as an excuse to step outside our comfort zones.” You continued. “Neither of us are exactly the pinnacle of popularity. It might be nice to have a makeshift hot girl summer.” The expression left your mouth before you could think; resulting in you cringing at your own word choice.
Ellie paused for a moment as she listened to your yapping. The scowl that usually adorned her face when conversing with you had faded.
“That’s lame.” The moment of softness was over; broken by Ellie’s frank statement. A groan left your lips before pouting slightly. If Ellie didn’t want to hang out with you this summer, you’d probably turn into some video gaming loser who never left their room. You needed her to agree.
Not wanting to give up, you continued to stare at Ellie; your eyes peering up at her with pure desperation. Eventually, her eyes gently closed before letting out a quiet sigh.
“Fine. I’ll do your stupid bucket list.” A look of absolute glee spread across your face as you swung your arms around Ellie’s neck and pulled her into a tight hug.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” You squealed into her neck. As you practically latched onto her, Ellie awkwardly patted you on the back as the hug swayed from side to side. From this close your obnoxious perfume was phenomenally stronger. God, you were too sweet.
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It was an unspoken rule that the first day of summer was for relaxing. The day was to be spent laying around doing nothing. Ellie was prepared to devote the day to League of Legends, yet she found herself being dragged out of bed at the untimely hour of eleven to go to the beach. You claimed that it would a fun way to start the holiday and would put her in the ‘summer mood’.
By miracle, you had chosen the perfect day. The sun had been out shining since the early hours causing the air around you to dramatically heat up. Ellie could already feel the sweat running down her back. It was disgusting. She had even tried to cool herself down by swapping her jeans for jorts and leaving her flannels behind. You, however, didn’t seem affected by the blaze. In fact, you seemed to be completely in your element.
Ellie had been complaining the entire walk over. To her, it was far too hot. Yet every time she grumbled about it, you’d shoot down the comment. You’d claim that it ‘wasn’t that bad’ and that she just ‘needed to get used to it.’
“You remembered to bring a swimsuit, right?” You questioned as you continued your journey with too much pep in your step. Ellie nodded in response as she trailed along begrudgingly beside you. “Sunscreen?”
Ellie let out a small groan before nodding lazily again.
“I brought everything with me. I’m not stupid.” Ellie retorted at your nagging. Due to the combination of heat and tiredness, she wasn’t in the best mood. The last thing Ellie needed was for you to be nagging her all day.
After traversing the streets with the burning sun on your backs, you finally arrived at the local beach. Unsurprisingly, it was packed with many families. This caused the loud chattering from the groups to overpower the peaceful sounds of the waves. The whole thing seemed so overwhelming to Ellie. You, however, took no bother to it. You scanned the shore to find an empty spot for the two of you to sit and as your eyes landed on an open space, you began to make your way over forcing Ellie to trail along behind you.
As you began to settle yourselves in the spot, Ellie chucked her army green satchel onto the ground allowing grains of sand to creep into its crevasses. Meanwhile, you gently placed your tote bag down before taking out a pink and white towel. The difference between the two of you was staggering. You lay the towel gracefully on the shore before Ellie plopped herself down on it.
“It’s so hot.” Ellie grumbled for the one millionth time as she held her hand over her face, sheltering herself from the searing sun. “I feel like I’m gonna burn up and die.”
You giggle at her dramatics before responding.
“Come take a dip with me.” You piped up. Ellie was about to retort until she caught a glimpse of you taking off your oversized shirt which hung loosely on you. Underneath revealed a blue bikini adorned with graphic white flowers. Did everything about you have to be aesthetic? Looking at your stylish beach outfit made Ellie feel uncharacteristically ashamed about her own.
“I can’t.” Ellie responded as her eyes quickly shifted to her feet digging into the sand. An unexpected sense of embarrassment washed over Ellie as she spoke. “I need to put sunscreen on first.”
She didn’t tan. In the sun, most people brown slightly with a topaz colour glossing over their regular skin tone. Ellie wasn’t most people. With the presence of the sun, Ellie burnt tragically, causing her naturally pale skin to redden and flake. Not only did it look horrible, but it also hurt like a bitch.
After rummaging around her satchel for a few seconds, Ellie eventually found her desired object. Taking it out, the item was revealed to be a bottle of ‘SPF 50 Sunscreen’. Ignoring the slight snicker from you, Ellie pulled off her Smiths shirt; leaving her in a black sports bra. You watched her impatiently as she began to lather the white lotion over her arms and legs.
What felt like a century passed as Ellie’s soft skin finally began to absorb the cream. The time had been spent making awkward small talk here and there, and you constantly checking the time on your phone. You were absolutely desperate to dip your toes in the sea.
“Let’s go!” You cheered as the recommended thirty minutes passed. Quickly, you pushed yourself up onto your sandy feet. At the sound of your eager tone, Ellie couldn’t help the slightly chuckle that escaped your lips. She allowed herself to be pulled upwards, by your hand, and dragged towards the water.
“Wait! I’m still in my shorts?” She pointed out causing a small ‘oh’ sound to leave your lips. Ellie unzipped her jorts and kicked them off; revealing a pair of black swim shorts patterned with bold yellow bats. She was wearing a Batman swimsuit. A Batman swimsuit. As hard as you tried, you couldn’t help the cackle that bursted out of you. Total embarrassment erupted through Ellie. “Don’t laugh at me!”
“I’m sorry.” You chortled in between your fit of giggles. Ellie shot you a glare only for her self-conscious expression to return a second later. “It’s cute.” You said half-seriously as you continued to laugh.
Eventually, when you managed to collect yourself and stop laughing, Ellie found herself being tugged towards the sea again. You braved up first; dipping your left foot into the crisp water.
“It’s not that cold.” You spoke as though your whole body wasn’t shivering. Carefully, you submerged the other one in as well; leaving Ellie on the shore. The pale girl looked apprehensive as she observed you walking deeper into the ocean. “Once you’re in it gets warmer. You just need to acclimatise!” Finally, Ellie took the plunge and stepped into the sea quickly.
“That’s fucking freezing.” Ellie yelped out.
You couldn’t help but giggle at her frigid body and screwed up face.
“You’re being a big baby! It’s not that bad.” You teased, causing Ellie to shoot you a scowl as her whole body shook.
An evil thought entered your head as Ellie stood there shivery. You pursed your lips together as you contemplated your diabolical actions. Eventually, your intrusive thoughts won. In one swift movement, you dipped your hands into the water, cupping it, and throwing it onto Ellie’s body. A loud squeal exited the girl as the nippy water splashed onto her. Ellie gaped at you in disbelief before returning with a splash of her own. That resulted in a water fight between the two of you, despite your grown age.
For a moment, Ellie was grateful that you had dragged her out that day.
“Truce! Truce!” Ellie called out as she tightly squeezed her eyes shut.
“You got sea water in my eyes!” Her complaint came out as an uncharacteristic whine. “It really stings.”
You let a sarcastic ‘aww’ sound as you took Ellie’s hand into your own and led her out of the sea. When you reached your previous spot on the beach, you sat softly on the sand before chucking your tasteful towel at the girl. Ellie shoved her face into the towel as she continued to grumble about the stinging sensation.
Still in your swimsuit, you tossed your head back letting the sun beam down on you. As you lay on the sand letting the heat dry you naturally, Ellie scrubbed herself down before tossing the towel over her auburn hair in a pathetic attempt to stay in the shade.
“If you go through all this and still burn, I’ll laugh.” You commented with a slight smirk at the ridiculous imagery beside you. Ellie shot you a glare before retorting.
“I thought you were supposed to be nice.”
“I’m an absolute sweetheart.” You countered causing Ellie to roll her eyes.
“Yet you’d laugh at my hypothetical pain.” She muttered with the towel still sitting on her head. Instead of continuing the banter, you decided to counter by snatching the towel from Ellie’s head. This action caused Ellie to let out a yelping sound before she grabbed the item back.
“Let the sun dry you instead. Let nature do its thang!” You laugh as Ellie both internally and externally cringes at your words.
“It’ll dry me out too much. I will burn.” Ellie emphasises.
A warm silence envelopes the both of you, as you bask in the sun’s radiance beaming down. For a moment, as she looked at your radiant presence laying in the sand beside her, Ellie thought that perhaps your quiet company was rather pleasant.
That was until the eerie music of an ice cream truck sounded, invoking a childlike squeal from you. All of a sudden, you jumped up and chucked your shirt back on over your damp bikini.
“Ellie, we’ve got to get ice cream.” You pleaded as you began to rummage through your bag for your purse. Ellie remained on the ground as you scrambled about. “It’ll make this beach day perfect!”
Slowly, Ellie picked herself up from the ground and sighed. She knew she would give in to your shenanigans eventually anyways.
“Fine.” She huffed, causing excitement to fill your sparkling eyes. “But you're paying for mine.”
“What am I? Your boyfriend?” You retorted, causing a grossed out expression to cross Ellie’s face.
Ellie shrugged on her shorts as you pressured her to hurry up. The second her zipper was zipped had you begun pulling her towards the van; joining in the queue of little kids. When you reached the front of the queue, Ellie ordered a single with a flake. It was a classic. However, when you ordered a strawberry flavoured ice cream, Ellie couldn’t help the small chuckle that left her.
“What?” You questioned as you took the ice cream from the seller.
“Nothing. It’s just very you.” Ellie commented with a slight smile dancing on her lips.
As the two of you walked back to your area, you both let the quiet sit between you as you enjoyed your ice creams. Ellie glanced at you before taking in a deep breath and letting out a soft sigh.
“Thank you for dragging me out today.” Ellie spoke with a bashful expression. You looked deeply at her face as she began to speak, however Ellie failed to meet your eyes. She looked rather cute like this. “It wasn’t as horrible as I thought it’d be.”
You couldn’t help the sweet smile that enveloped your face at her words. Perhaps you didn’t sicken her as much as she thought?
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russo-woso · 2 months
Falling in love || Kyra Cooney-Cross x Catley!reader
Prompt list here. Request here.
Summary The beginning of yours and Kyra’s story
“Kyra meet my sister Y/N, Y/N, Kyra.” Steph introduced you both as Kyra walked into the living room.
Kyra had just moved to Arsenal and still didn’t have any electrical products, like a tv, sorted so Steph had invited her round for a movie night to save Kyra from boredom.
Unlike your sister, you didn’t play football, instead you dreamed of becoming a teacher, but you didn’t want to live in Australia, hence why you followed Steph to England.
Steph had promised your mum to look after you and the best way to do that was if you moved in with her and her fiance, Dean.
“Nice to meet you, Kyra.” You told her, jumping up from your spot on the couch to greet her.
Kyra didn’t respond straight away, instead just looking at you.
You had to admit, she was very cute but you couldn’t date one of Steph’s teammates.
Although she’d never stated it, you felt like you were betraying her if you did.
“So, I thought we could just order some pizza and then watch some films, sound alright?” Steph asked you both, desperately wanting to change the subject to save the awkwardness.
“Sounds perfect.” Kyra spoke up
After watching a movie and putting on another, you looked over to find Steph fast asleep, but Kyra still wide awake.
As you were looking over at her, she looked at you.
There was clearly a sense of awkwardness that had risen so you tried your hardest to try come up with a conversation starter.
“So, Kyra, how are you enjoying London?” You asked, stuttering a few times as you looked at the girl.
“It’s nice, the weathers bad, better than Sweden though.” Kyra responded, a small smile resting on her face.
“I know, I went to Sweden last year with my friend from uni and she’s Swedish and had pre-warned me that it would be cold. Long story short, it snowed the whole week I was there.” You explained, and Kyra let out a giggle.
“It does tend to snow a lot there. You mentioned university, what degree are you doing?” Kyra questioned, continuing the conversation.
“An educational degree, I want to be a primary school teacher.” You responded and she nodded.
The rest of the night was filled with laughter and getting to know each other.
The sounds of talking and giggles taking over the sound of the movie.
Steph, who had woken up at some point due to laughter erupting from you and Kyra, couldn’t help but smile at the sound of her sister and close friend.
That night, as Kyra was leaving, you swapped numbers, promising to meet up again soon.
What you didn’t realise was that soon meant soon soon. Like in the morning soon.
It was a last minute decision but you’d asked Kyra if she wanted to meet for a coffee before she had training.
Kyra messaged back saying yes almost immediately and you replied back with the address of your favourite cafe.
“Hey, Ky.” You said as you saw her sat down at a table.
She got up and hugged you, before you both sat down opposite each other.
Similarly to the previous night, the conversation flowed and you found yourself staring in awe at Kyra.
There was just something, everything, that you loved.
After that morning, you both found yourselves making up excuses to see each other.
As much as you loved seeing Kyra, you couldn’t help but feel guilty.
You could feel yourself falling for the girl but she was your sister’s teammate.
Could you do that Steph?
You didn’t know the answer to that question until the match against Chelsea.
A few nights before the match, you had been at Kyra’s apartment, her having cooked dinner for the two of you, when she’d asked in conversation if you could come watch the match.
Now, normally, you didn’t go to many matches, only going to watch big games that meant a lot to your sister.
But Kyra asking you was different, you wanted to watch the match, you wanted to watch her play.
Steph couldn’t believe her hearing when you told her.
She must have asked about four times for you to repeat before the message actually went to her brain.
The following Sunday, you travelled to the sold out Emirates stadium.
Although you hated watching football, you had a really good time, getting to see your sister and Kyra win 4-1 over Chelsea.
You made your way to the players exit, hoping to see Kyra before she went home.
“You played amazing, Ky.” You whispered into her hair as you hugged her tightly.
“I only played like five minutes.” Kyra pointed out, a saddened smile on her face.
“Yeah but you changed the whole play when did come on.” You tried to cheer her up, genuinely telling the truth.
“I guess.”
“Anyway, Steph’s waiting in the car for me. I told her that I wanted to wait to see you and that I’d only be five minutes but someone is a slow changer.” You teased her, and a light pigment spread over her cheeks. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
As you were walking away, you heard your name being called.
“Y/N, wait.” Kyra shouted. “Go on a date with me.”
“A date?”
“Yeah, only if—” Kyra started but you cut her off.
“—I’d love to, Ky. Message me.” You told her, pressing a lingering kiss to her cheek, before walking away.
You got into the car with a massive smile on your face making Steph look at you with the biggest smirk ever.
“Something’s got you happy, huh? Is it Kyra?” Steph playfully questioned you. “Aw, look at you blushing.”
“Fine, fine. Kyra asked me on a date. Would you be okay with that?” You asked her hesitantly.
“Of course I would. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because she’s your teammate and I don’t know.” You told her
“Ladybug, you’re my sister, I just want you to be happy, and if that’s with Kyra, then I’m happy for you.” Steph said, using your childhood nickname.
“Thanks, Steffy.”
“Now, when’s the date? What are you wearing? Where is it?”
You groaned as the questions kept coming.
“Do you know what? I really do love you Steph, and I know I don’t mean this, but I really hate you right now.”
The following Saturday, Kyra took you to a small restaurant on the outskirts of st albans which just so happened to be your favourite restaurant.
“How did you know this was my favourite?” You asked her as you sat down at the table.
“I remember you telling me back when we first met.” Kyra replied, sending you a smile.
Your heart melted at the fact she’d remembered something so little from months ago.
Over dinner, you and Kyra laughed, and spoke, and just told each other everything and anything.
To say it was an incredible night was an understatement.
After paying the bill, you and Kyra went back into the car and started to drive back to Steph’s house.
Once more, the conversation never died down, you and Kyra finding something to laugh about.
The drive came to an end as Kyra pulled outside the house.
You turned to look at her, resting your hand on hers which was still perched on the gear stick.
“Thank you for tonight, Ky. I think it was genuinely one of the best nights of my life.” You told her and she smiled.
“Me too.”
As you went to leave the car, Kyra grabbed ahold of your arm.
Without needing to be told anything else, you turned to face her again, but smashed your lips onto hers.
Kyra immediately kissed back, smiling into the kiss as it came to an end.
“That was amazing.” Kyra said, a smile taking over her face.
“I’ve waited to do that for months.” You told her and she hummed in agreement.
“You know, my mom used to tell me what it was like to fall in love. Even in my wildest dreams, I never thought it'd be this good. The past few months have been the best ones of my life because I’ve been given the gift of falling for you.” Kyra admitted and your heart melted at her words.
“Oh, Ky.” You didn’t know what to do, there was no words that could express how you felt so instead, you placed your lips on hers. “I can’t believe you chose me to fall in love with.”
“You should believe it. You’re kind, you’re gorgeous, you’re clever. Ways there not to like?”
“You know, if there’s one thing I’ve learned about you over the past few months, it’s that you’re a sweet talker, Kyra.” You joked, and she laughed lightly.
Once again, you connected your lips together, but it was soon interrupted my your sisters face staring at the two of you through the car window.
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