#listen i ship the ninja turtles together
nonbayanary · 11 months
What if the Maou trio and Sena in my TMMDemons AU start fucking each other? What then?
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
2012 Caseynardo’s Love Story Headcanon
How the Leo x Casey ship would come to be if I wrote TMNT 2012
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Their love story starts during the farmhouse arc in season 3 when Casey notices Raph is under a lot of stress and pressure from being the temporary leader of the group while Leo is injured and recovering. He’s got a lot on his plate: taking care of Leo because of his injury, looking after Mikey and Donnie, and even being the one who is making sure Mikey, Donnie and April are all keeping up with their ninja training. Because of this Casey offers to look after and take care of Leo so Raph can focus more on training everybody, and Raph accepts.
This decision results in Leo and Casey spending a lot more time together while living on the farmhouse. Casey would keep Leo company at the house while the others were off training, and together they would hang out, play video games, joke together, watch movies (sometimes Spaceheroes), and also chat and get to know each other more. Overtime the two actually became really close, and they realize they had a lot more common than they originally believed. They are both the oldest siblings of their families and they are willing to do everything in their power to protect them and keep their younger sibling(s) safe and happy (Reminder: Casey canonly has a little sister). They both relate to the feeling that they feel more like a parent to their siblings then an actual sibling because their fathers are never around to take care of them because they are always busy so they unwillingly take on the responsibility.
After this moment of realization and bonding, Leo began to develop feelings for Casey first. Spending so much time together Leo began seeing another side of Casey realizing there’s more to him than just being the reckless troublemaker that his brother hangs out with all the time. Leo admires that no matter the difficult and hard situation Casey is in, he always looks at the positive side of it all. Casey comes from a broken family and lives a difficult life (Note: I believe the writers have confirmed that Casey’s parents are divorced, that’s why I say “broken family”) but yet he still holds his head up high and keeps going. He’s actually more mature than Leo thought.
Casey also began to develop feelings for Leo around this time because Leo was the only person who genuinely listened to him and understood his struggles. April never truly did that. She listened, but didn’t understand, and for Raph he understood but hardly listened because he (like many others) don’t take Casey seriously. Also around this time Casey feelings for April began to fade. He still cares about her, and loves her as a friend, but not in a romantic light. He also grew tired of the love triangle, because he knew that April was growing feelings for Donnie at this point, so he found it pointless being in a competition where he already knows what the results will be, but that doesn’t stop him from still messing with Donnie when it comes to April related stuff.
So Leo (being the closest bisexual I HC him to be) becomes very overwhelmed with his new feelings for Casey, while Casey (who I also HC as bi) is chill with it and doesn’t overthink his feelings but thinks Leo doesn’t feel the same for him, when in truth he does like him too, Casey’s just very oblivious. Whenever he would get close to Leo (hugging him, touching his shoulder, etc) Leo gets really flustered and blush and then panic like an idiot, Casey just thinks that he’s making Leo uncomfortable. Leo also doesn’t realize that Casey likes him to because he thinks Casey still likes April because he still sees him rivaling with Donnie for April, which reminder Casey’s only doing this now to mess with Donnie not because he likes a April anymore.
During and after they leave the farmhouse, there’s pining feelings between them, sometimes even friendly flirty. Later on the Kraang are defeated, New York was saved by the Turtles and Mutanimals, and the city is trying to go back to normal. One night while on patrol, Casey ask Raph if Leo ever talks about him when he’s not around. Raph immediately picks up what’s going on (their little moments of flirting we’re obvious to him, but everyone else was blind) and quickly tells Casey to just go for it and ask out his brother, because out of everybody Raph knows Leo had a terrible first experience with romance (Note: Leo’s romantic feelings for Karai disappeared the second he found out she was his sister, something the writers should’ve done, and because of this Leo had a hard time excepting romance again. *Cue “I Think I’m In Love Again” by Kat Dahlia*)
A little nervous, Casey takes Raph’s advice and asked Leo if he wants to go on a date with him. Leo is shocked by this and believe Casey just means to hang out as friends, but Casey tell him that he’s liked him for a while and wants to go on an actual date with him and Leo happily accepts.
Keeping their newfound relationship a secret from everybody else, except for Raph because he obviously now knows, the two have their first day at the hockey rink. The two have a really fun time and by the end of the date they come close to sharing their first kiss, but Leo stops himself. Leo tells Casey that he really does like him and wants to be in a relationship with him but Leo knows he can’t right now. At the moment he has too much stress and pressure of being leader, Karai is still out there lost in her mutant snake form (though Leo is not interested in Karai romantically anymore he still cares about her because she is his family and he wants to bring her home), Shredder is still out there, and who knows what others threats will soon come their way. Casey is sad but completely understands, telling Leo that he will wait for him. The two agree to be friends after that date and the story continues on as per usual with the occasional flirty banter between them both. By season 4 everyone picks up what is going on between them, and some wonder when are they finally going to get together. It’s a “right person wrong time” situation.
By the end, they would officially get together and their relationship would be confirmed during the season 5 episode, When Worlds Collide. Remember that scene of Leo in the dojo training with Karai? Have that scene play out and just replace Karai with Casey ;)
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mermmarie · 2 years
I have a thousand other things to do this month, but I just found this event and I REEEEALLLY wanna participate!! 😭 Even if it’ll just be something small. Thanks to @tmnt-tychou​ for creating this event! You can find the prompts list here!
Without further ado…
~ * BOND * ~
(Bonnie and Donatello)
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1. In which TMNT universe does your pairing exist?
Rise!! (Although, Bonnie and Donnie are a thing in the Bayverse universe as well. 😋💜)
2. Introduce us to your OTP.
(Sometimes) Mad Genius Ninja Turtle meets Bunny Themed Human Thief!
3. How did they meet?
Oh, in the good ol' 'boys on patrol fashion' except Bonnie is the perpetrator Donatello and his brothers are after instead of a victim.
She's pulling a heist and gets caught by one of Donatello's handy inventions, but he gets careless and she magically escapes somehow, thus starting a mildly infuriating (for Donatello) game of cat and mouse..... er-- bunny and turtle??? Lol.
4. How is the relationship now?
Less.... infuriating. Lol, no, it's actually very good.
It takes a long while to get there however. What with Bonnie being a criminal and all. Kind of hard for them to be a thing when Donatello is supposed to be a hero to New York.
Donatello also has trust issue (outside of the fact that Bonnie is a thief) due to a past relationship with a girl that reminds him of Bonnie... However, when he finally gets past that, there is an obstacle from Bonnie's side that still diverts him from pursuing her fully. It's a complex situation for the both of them, but it helps that Bonnie is stubborn and Donatello can't turn down a challenge.
5. What is each other’s love language?
You would think being a thief, Bonnie's would be "gift giving' but no. Lol. It's touch. Upon first meeting someone she presents herself as reserved. But after becoming comfortable with the person (and or turtle) she is very hands-on. Be it affectionately-annoying pokes and prods, or lovingly-tender touches and caresses. And though it takes a lot of time and trust for Donatello to allow her to touch him, he yearns for it once they are in a stable relationship.
I feel like Donatello's is pretty obvious but... Gift giving / Acts of Service. (C'mon. He's just that guy.) It actually plays a big part into their whole story. To make things short however, Bonnie is kind of used to having to provide for herself and has a hard time believing anyone is genuine with their gifts towards her until she meets Donatello. He's the first being to give and assist her without requiring anything in return and that makes her heart go Doki-Doki.
6. Do they get married or have any kids?
Yes to both!!
They get married in their late 20s! It's an impromptu thing on Donatello's part, but of course, Bonnie's more than thrilled to take his hand in marriage.
They have two girls in their early to mid 30's!!
Jessie Aurum Hamato
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Jamie Argenti Hamato
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They are five years apart (so 15 and 10 in these respective pictures) and are named after the famous outlaw, Jesse James/Team Rocket by Bonnie. (Their middle names are by Donatello based off elements of the periodic table and of course they are part of the Hamato clan ^^)
7. What is your favorite thing about this pairing? (Gush as much as you want!)
Probably their ship name "Bond," LMAO!! (Listen, you don't know how many ships I've had that just didn't have compatible names!! 😭) But also their complex build up. I know I was vague about it here (I didn't want to overload) but they go through a lot of shit together and learn how to be vulnerable with one another. I hope to share more of it soon cause I think it's quite a fun story.
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Anywhoo!! I don't think there's any requirements on tagging, but I'm going to encourage some peeps to participate!! @seafoamtaffy @usikuagani
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
I’m mostly here for the batjokes content the only ship I have in Naruto are kakuhida kisaita and Naruto x gaara but Gai and Kakashi isn’t a ship I thought about I like it
Listen they are just - so! Gosh-darn!! Cute!!!
I also love kakuhida - as you may be able to tell, messy sadomasochistic ships are my jam. Which makes it all the stranger that Kakagai dug its teeth into me and refused to get go!
When did I start liking these wholesome ninja dilfs who raise eight dogs, seven children and innumerable turtles together?? Who develop a healthy and stable relationship over the course of several decades???? WHEN????
Kakashi and Gai have such a sweet backstory, with the whole 'childhood rivals/gai crushing on kakashi as a kid' thing. They basically get married in Boruto and go on this whole honeymoon together! It's all so snuggly and comfortable and sweet. I mean, these are two hardened killers - raised from very early childhood to Do Murder - who have survived multiple wars, against all odds. They've always loved and supported each other through grief and loss and depression and mental breakdowns and suicidal ideation and disability and more grief, but now they get to retire together and live happily ever after and -
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annonniiiiieeeee · 2 years
Hey, I’ve actually got a few questions to ask you as you’re a writer, so if you’re alright with answering them? But it’s alright if you aren’t, I’m just curious! ^w^
What inspired you to write a Rise!Leosagi fic?
What was your favorite scene to especially write for A World of Samurais and Ninjas?
And -
Do you listen to music when you write? If so, is it the songs from the playlist you put together for the story, or is it songs that get you into a certain mood for writing?
It’s not a problem at all.
I fell in love with rottmnt. I saw people talking about the movie and I’ve always loved animation so I figured I’d watch it and I got hooked. I love all the characters and their relationships. I love how much it focuses on familia love.
Leo was (obviously) my favorite.
As I went down the rabbit whole that is joking a fandom I saw Usagi’s name popped up and I love doing deep dives and research. This lead to me watching tmnt 2003 episodes for context and deep diving into the Usagi comics lore. I really love the relationship they had in 2003 and wanted more of it but in a universe I was more familiar with. So I went out to find it.
And while there are great leosagi stories in the community both of 2003 variety and of Leo x Yuichi, nothing really hit exactly what I was looking for.
Mind you we would not be here with out “The Rabbit Has Always Loved The Turtle” by HailSam (if someone has their tumblr let me know) and the “The Tortoise and the Hare” series by @bluepeachstudios their stories really had me falling in love with this ship.
I had read and seen plenty what if Leo was thrown into cuz dimension instead of escaping the prison dimension and was like what if. I watching Inuyasha and played Pokémon legends of arceus and something about putting a modern day person in feudal Japan has always been fun for me. So I took inspiration and I wrote.
I have experience helping my friend set up dnd coma pins and making mini intro coma pins for kids who are just learning how to play. And I love world building so it was a fun exercise in my skills. I got to learn more about feudal Japan, the turtles and Usagi. It’s was really fun for me.
I write kinda like how a movie is filmed. I would write what ever scene was in my head at that moment and then figure out how to build up to it. At first I was just playing around. I wrote the flower crown scene first followed by Leo revealing his powers and then the confession and I realized I was to far in not to make it a story. I started laying out all the prices and planing it all out. I knew the ending I wanted right away and now it was just putting the prices together. I also knew I wanted to honor rise and focus on the beautiful family relationships they gave us and build them which is why you get so many chapters with the rise family.
My favorite scenes are probably Usagi seeing leo under the tree (AWoSaN 8) as it is what started this madness. But I also love their confession (AWoSaN 12) and gift exchange (AWoSaN14)
I am also very proud of some of my horror scenes the Krang’s almost escape in (AWoSaN 9) Shingen’s death (TWoFFaF 1) and I am very proud of Hikiji’s backstory as I already have it written but you will have to wait for that.
I actually don’t listen to music while writing. I can do it when I’m sorry boarding or imagine the scenes but not when I’m actually writing. My brain hooks on the the noise around me and then I can’t write or I’m writing the song lyrics. I will listen to instrumental music when editing as long as I don’t know the words to the song. My brain will start sing along to the instrumental and then we’re back to the original problem. So normally it’s me, my thoughts, and my dog who is not happy that I’m writing and instead of petting him
I listen to the playlist I made when I need ideas or need to get into the mood to write/story board. That and to pick out chapter titles.
In conclusion I have the worst case of brain rot and you all get to benefit from my torture.
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theartofeverything · 5 months
☕ Do you do warmup sketches before drawing? (Bonus: do you have any to share?)
📚 How many layers do you typically use?
🐻 Your go-to things to draw when you need comfort?
🙌 Draw a doodle with your non-dominant hand
🎼 Your favorite music to draw to right now?
Answer as many or as little as you want, and no pressure to respond! :3
Usually not really. I’ll often doodle in class but when I have the time to do an actual art piece I generally get streight into it. I did do a set of expression studies in preparation for drawing Emperian Weeping Donatello though.
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@cupcakeslushie is the GOAT of anxty expressions and I study her work like holy scripture. Also, thank you @honestlyhalfweirdo for the pose inspiration!
That canvas there all in all was 30 layers including reference photos, but I usually use around 15 to 20
My go too to draw is always ninja turtles, almost always my In This Together characters, but specifically for comfort I often do ship art either for Leo/Usagi/Karai or Raph/Casey(aka Mona Lisa, but shhh, I’ve got a comic in the works explaining that 😉)
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Behold, the most beautiful Leonardo you have ever seen.
How can this hand have so much skill at playing the viola and not be able to use a pencil to save its life?
Ok, so this one’s kinda funny. I really like discovering new music but I do it in the most deranged way possible. Every time I see someone mention a song online I copy the link to their post and paste it in my notes app. So then when I want to listen to some new tunes I just open up notes and click on a random link. I’ve been introduced to some really interresting songs that way, like Redesign Your Logo by Lemon Demon.
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 1 year
Is SSDF Leo gonna get into a romantic relationship during the story?
Would it be with an established character or an oc?
And what's his sexuality anyways?
This au has me in a chokehold
First of all Im glad you like this au so much
Now the questions
Im heavily considering it and have some ideas...
Skipping question two real quick, Leo is bisexual he just doesnt know it yet, after all he didn't have time to explore and figure things about for majority of his adult life, he was too busy taking care of four children (and far too anxious and depressed to even think about meeting people anyways.)
And back to the second question (and also technically the first) on who I would pair this very tired turtle with (and why I am very hesitant to do this)
Honestly the more likely route would be Leo and Hueso. I think it would be pretty cute, they're both very tired single parents and they've already been close for years. (And the kids would absolutely make jokes about Hueso upgrading from uncle to step dad)
The reason why I am so hesitant to actually go through with this is because I do not want to attract the freaks of the fandom. (You know the ones that ship Hueso with RISE LEO) and I do want people thinking I support that either. Listen to me, SSDF Leo and Hueso are both fully grown ADULTS (Leo being 30 and Hueso being 36, yes an age gap but again THEY ARE BOTH GROWN ADULTS)
But I know for a fact that there would be at least ONE idiot with the reading comprehension of a goldfish that would scream about me being "proship" or whatever and either be a disgusting little freak or accuse ME of being a disgusting little freak. (which is exactly why if I do decide to go this route, it would be a very subtle relationship and I especially wont put that in the relationships tag)
As cute as that would be I am still on the fence about going with that route.
Now the much safer option would be Usagi, go the classic Leosagi route but they're both single parents. (Burb actually suggested awhile ago that Leo's kids and Jennika could try to parent trap their dads together. That would be absolutely hilarious) It would take a longer time to develop considering that Usagi REALLY doesn't like Leo for a long time. (Leo's a ninja, he seemingly abandoned Venus and Jennika to die even though thats not at all true, yada yada yada) so it would be a much more rocky relationship building than the first option. But it would be the option that wouldn't risk me getting as much flack (or possible freaks) but its also the option I have thought about considerably LESS
Idk I'm still going back and forth on which option would be better, or even to include that at all. (Imagine if all three of them got into a poly relationship. The kids would get FOUR dads! That would be very funny)
Sorry if this wasnt the answer you wanted but I hope you enjoy either wau
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jhilsara · 2 years
Hello everyone! In case you’re new here I periodically do request sketches. These are quick and always meant to be fun! So please do not treat these like a genuine commission- that’s not what they’re for and I’ve had a few ppl get snippy with me in the past.
So this week I’m keeping requests open! I’m on a vacation rn and I’m also opening up to more than Ben 10. Please read through all of my rules.
1. Only Ben 10, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (I’m hyperfixating rn), and Owl House
2. No crossovers with other fandoms, there is no guarantee I know what they are
3. Only sketches (these are supposed to be quick/I’m actually doing an art challenge this month)
4. Can send in ship requests
5. Can send in memes (in fact I encourage this!)
6. Will NOT draw; NSFW, Incest, OCs/original characters, fetish art, weird age gap ships, mechs.
7. If I feel uncomfortable about what you have requested I can reject drawing it. This is supposed to be fun and FREE thing I am offering. If you don’t listen to my rules, or are rude about it, I don’t have to draw it.
This is meant to be fun and silly so please do not send stuff to start discourse with me. This is mostly to give me drawing prompts and do something fun together fandom wise!
Also, whatever ship is sent is as a request I will not judge or start ship discourse with the ship as long and it is not in my I WILL NOT DRAW , it’s safe.
Requests will close at midnight on Oct. 15th.
Also- it’s Halloween so don’t be afraid to request anything fall or spooky related ;)
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Spoilers for Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles the movie.
As someone who's probably more of a casual fan of Rise. (I've liked what I've seen of this show, I just haven't watched every episode.) I actually really enjoyed the movie
One of the many things to praise the movie for is the animation. It's so good. The team definitely got a bigger budget for the movie and it shows.
I also thought they did a great job with keeping the tone of the show while also having serious and emotional moments depending on the scene. Krrang was treated like a serious threat and the tone of the movie shifted once they were introduced.
I really liked how all the characters were written and handled. Seeing how much Leo grew during this movie. Raph giving him some tough love when getting onto him for not listening and working together. Not because he wanted to fight with him. But because he wanted Leo to understand that he's hard on them because of how much he loves his brothers and wants to keep them safe. And he can't do that if they're not all on the same page.
And I really liked this version of Casey Jones. He looked up and admired Leo because of what he taught him in the future. But he also had no problem telling Leo hard truths and what he needed to hear. In the future he's still arrogant, he doesn't work with a team and he never takes the time to consider how his choices affect everyone else and that's what cost him his family. Leo needed to hear all that, if he was going to be the leader the team needed.
While I wish she had a bigger role in the movie, seeing Casey's reaction to Cassandra was pretty funny. I think this was another fun version of the character and depending on the future of the show, I wouldn't mind seeing this version again, if they had a reason too that made sense.
I liked what they did with the other characters. Splinter taking the situation seriously when Casey told them about the Krrang. Seeing those two and April teaming up later.
Donnie and Mikey teaming up. Donnie losing his battle shell twice to protect Mikey and to control the Krrang ship. With Mikey being worried about Donnie getting hurt and Donnie assuring him he would be fine without it. Mikey trying to use his powers like Casey said he could. And having Raph and Donnie help him at the end to save Leo.
While a small moment I liked when everyone thought they lost Leo. We see them focusing on Donnie a moment where he's crying and he stops a moment to put a hand on his face and looks and he realizes he's crying. From what I've seen of the show Donnie it seems doesn't like expressing his emotions like everyone else. Or just has trouble expressing them in a good/healthy way. So I'm glad the movie took the time to show him crying like everyone else and to see his reaction when he realized this.
I hope this movie does well. (It is trending according to the Netflix home page.) While I can completely understand why some fans don't like the show, I think it does get a little too much hate. The show does deserve another chance and I really hope it gets one. But if the movie does end up being the series finale, it's definitely not a bad way for Rise to go out.
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theygotlost · 2 years
FRANCIS. and donnie. and…… 🙈 ezzie… ezzie dax.
jesus christ this is long. im putting it under a readmore
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual. I don't think he realized it until his teen/adult years and now it doesnt really affect his life much now since he married piama so young but I can also see him using the fact he likes men as a way to rebel against lois (sidnote i wouldnt really consider lois homophobic if any of her kids came out she would be like "well i believe in equality so I'm going to make all you boys' lives equally miserable regardless of your sexuality. idgaf if you're gay go clean the toilet". um anyway). i just think it would be funny if piama had a celebrity crush or something and she was like wow hes sooo hot and francis would b like yeah he is 🤨😳
Gender Headcanon: i think hes a whiny little cis boy sorry. francisgender
A ship I have with said character: i do think he and piama are cute together :) i just wish she was in the show more and had an actual personality and stuff >:(((((((
A BROTP I have with said character: I like when he's with the rest of his family and gets to hang out with his brothers :) DEWER ESPECIALLY there is something so special to me abt him taking care of dewey and being kinder to him than malcolm and reese are
A NOTP I have with said character: Any other time in the early seasons when he dated a random girl for 1 episode i was like. um ok? but i didnt really HATE any of those
A random headcanon: uhhhh i feel like i should have something prepared to say here but idk. I think he listens to. weezer. fuck this 
General Opinion over said character: FEMINIST WOMEN LOVE FRANCIS. also you already know every opinion ive ever had about francis already but hes so pathetic and stupid I need to squish him between my thumb and forefinger
don of tello lol:
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Gender Headcanon: i dont think he is cis or trans i think he is a turtle . i think he can swimming in the water for algaes.  hope this helps
A ship I have with said character: nobody... tbh the ninja turtles are kinda unshippable to me. theyre just Creatures they dont “date”. But im not that far into the show yet so maybe there is another character that he can have a yaoi moment with later. But im not counting on it
A BROTP I have with said character: obviously all 4 of da turtle brothers are awesome together but DONNIE AND MIKEY ARE BESTIE VIBES!! Theyre my 2 favorites and i love their dynamic esp since they get paired up kinda often. I feel like they are the closest to each other out of all of them cause they’re both kind of the “weird” ones. Theyre neurodivergent and a minor. Also i like that donnie calls mikey “michael” its funny
A NOTP I have with said character: theres not really any viable shipping options to like or dislike . other than like the really reprehensible stuff like incest which is just like Why. do you know how sad and upsetting it is that so many tmnt blogs have to stipulate “no incest” in their bio? Can we all be normal and regular please?
A random headcanon: definitely the most online guy. Its really funny to enivision him being like a discord mod and getting into fights with people on reddit. Basically this 👇
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General Opinion over said character:  he’s kind so annoying but in a funny and endearing way (much like many of my favorite guys...) but he ourple so that makes up for it. My favorite tutle
Sexuality Headcanon: Dax and all their symbionts are like. Inherently and canonically bisexy
Gender Headcanon: everyone likes to take the “I’m having trouble with my pronouns!!” line out of context 😑 but for real she said “some mornings I don’t know if im a man or a woman until i pull back the sheet” which um... kinda transphobic... we CANCEL the ezri!!!! Jk she can be whatever you want baby. Any pronouns 
A BROTP I have with said character: she has no friends lol sorry. Theres not really any bestie vibes between her and sisko the way there was with jadzia
A NOTP I have with said character: ONE MILLION TIMES JEZRI. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!! umm also when she started making out with worf i was like fml. That episode got me feeling so worfzia warrior but only because i was thinking “damn i wish jadzia was still here and worf was making out with jadzia instead.” it just feels weird to me 
A random headcanon: idk what do you want me to say. shes so tumblrina.General Opinion over said character: i know ive tormented you enough with the senorita awesome video but that really is how i see her. Im so sorry sam please dont be mad at me but I just don’t like her that much. She’s so #QUIRKY and its really grating. And I know that she didn’t formally complete her training but she is NOT a good ship’s counselor. If i went to my therapist and told her i was depressed or whatever and she was like “yeah sometimes i wanna kill myself too 😋 the #intrusivethoughts are so AWKO TACO!!” i think i would blow my brains out. But in Field of Fire when she was trying to solve that murder case and was hunting down that vulcan guy with a cool gun that was the ONE epsiode where i liked her and thought she was cool. I would like her more if she was badass like that more of the time
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Tumblr’s Top Fandoms of 2020
It’s been a weird and often devastating year, and our social media has reflected that. Tumblr has just released its top fandoms of 2020 and it’s fascinating to see how a year of pandemic and quarantine has affected transformative fandom and broader cultural trends. In a year when almost everyone spent a lot more time at home, Animal Crossing: New Horizons was the most blogged about topic on the social media platform, followed by animated dramedy Steven Universe, Belgian SKAM adaptation WtFOCK, K-pop supergroup BTS, and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. We talked to Tumblr’s Trend Expert Amanda Brennan about how she interpreted the biggest trends of the year, how this was a big year for animation and international media, and why 2020 was the year everyone stopped worrying about what was cool and just embraced what they love. But, first, some 2020 Tumblr statistics:
Top 20 of 2020 
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Steven Universe
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Artists on Tumblr
Critical Role
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Boku No Hero Academia
Black Lives Matter
The Witcher
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
The Magnus Archives
Reylo Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe
Sanders Sides
Catradora Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Zuko | Avatar: The Last Airbender
Top 25 Ships 
Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe (m/f)
Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (f/f)
Richie Tozier & Eddie Kaspbrak, It (m/m)
Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier, The Witcher (m/m)
Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens (m/m)
Zuko & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender (m/m)
Luz Noceda & Amity Blight, The Owl House (f/f)
Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl (f/f)
Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook, BTS (m/m)
Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural (m/m)
Live Action TV
The Witcher
The Mandalorian
Good Omens
Skam France
The Umbrella Academy
Doctor Who
The Untamed
Killing Eve
Animated TV
Steven Universe
Avatar: The Last Airbender
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
The Owl House
Invader Zim
The Dragon Prince
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Gravity Falls
TV Characters
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
Adora | She-Ra
Geralt Of Rivia
The Old Guard
Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker
Birds Of Prey
Little Women
Sonic Movie
Lord of the Rings
Movie Characters
Kylo Ren
Harley Quinn
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Richie Tozier
Chris Evans
Henry Cavill
Sebastian Stan
Adam Driver
Tom Holland
Pedro Pascal
John Boyega
Robert Pattinson
Tom Hiddleston
Timothee Chalamet
Katie Mcgrath
Jodie Comer
Daisy Ridley
Margot Robbie
Lili Reinhart
Naya Rivera
Brie Larson
Florence Pugh
Jodie Whittaker
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Warrior Cats
The All for the Game series
Pride And Prejudice
Midnight Sun
The Secret History
The Raven Cycle series
Carry On
Six Of Crows
Authors of Books
J.K. Rowling
Rick Riordan
Erin Hunter
Nora Sakavic
Jane Austen
Stephenie Meyer
Donna Tartt
Maggie Stiefvater
Rainbow Rowell
Leigh Bardugo
Video Games
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Among Us
Pokemon Sword And Shield
Sims 4
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Persona 5
Video Games Characters
Obey Me Lucifer
Obey Me Mammon
Tom Nook
Cloud Strife
Arthur Morgan
Animal Crossing Villagers
Anime & Manga
Boku no Hero Academia
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Mo Dao Zu Shi
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
One Piece
Fruits Basket
19 Days
Anime & Manga Characters
Midoriya Izuku
Bakugou Katsuki
Wei Wuxian
Aizawa Shouta
Todoroki Shouto
Kirishima Eijirou
Lan Wangji
Levi Ackerman
And, now, our chat with Brennan. (This Q&A has been edited for clarity and length.)
Den of Geek: I’ve heard you refer to the users as the Tumblr hive-mind or the orchid, whatever it is. I was just hoping you could generally talk about what the Tumblr hive-mind is to you? Which is the way of saying, who uses Tumblr generally? And how and why? If you can even extrapolate those things. Go!
Amanda Brennan: Most of our audiences is Gen Z; it’s at 48%. Our new user registration with Gen Z is even higher; I’m pretty sure it’s 60%. These are people who come to Tumblr because they love something so much they just want to share that love with people who love it as much as they do. I know that feels like a giant umbrella, but that’s the thing: Tumblr is what you make of it. If you love sports, sports Tumblr is intense hockey Tumblr, so good. If you love TV, you’ll have all of that. K-pop Tumblr, totally amazing. Furby Tumblr is off the hook and they make these incredible creations. I’ve recently gotten into Stained Glass Tumblr.
There’s layers upon layers. No matter what you love, there’s something on Tumblr for you. That’s both the easiest thing and the hardest thing about it. You have to go in being like, “Alright, I’m so into this thing, what does Tumblr have for me?” It’s not like the other social media networks, right? It’s really about what you love rather than who you know.
Yeah, I like that. I did want to ask you specifically about the process of how you track trends and how you make decisions about what to track?
We built the whole taxonomy that powers fandom metrics based on what Tumblr talks about. I’m a librarian, as you know, and I kind of reverse engineered it. My first year in review at Tumblr in 2013, they handed me a spreadsheet and they’re like, ‘OK, go to town.” So I was like, “Cool, let me pull out the threads that I see.” We really let the data tell us how to analyze it, if that makes sense. So when it comes to what we track, I have a running notebook that I’ve kept all year of the things that I’ve wanted to have in year in review.
The Witcher has been on my list since it came out. Animal Crossing has been another one. The Old Guard had a huge moment. I was just writing notes, like, “Oh, what is this thing? And we’ll keep an eye on it.” I have an amazing team. We all are into our own pieces of Tumblr. So we’ll all work together to just keep an eye on different fandoms. I don’t know if you know about Minecraft YouTuber fandom?
Yeah. I was actually listening to the latest Fansplaining last night and they mentioned it in that. I was just like, “OK, a new thing.” There’s always a new thing to learn about.
There’s always a new thing. That’s the beauty of Tumblr. It’s so fluid in fandom. You can go from one fandom to another and then you’ll see like, “Ooh, what is this thing?” I’ve got Supernatural on the brain, as who in the fandom doesn’t right now. [This interview was recorded on the day of the Supernatual series finale.] I was telling someone, the whole reason I got into Supernatural was because I saw a gif from the show on Tumblr and I was like, “What is happening? Let me go back and watch this entire series.” That’s the vibe of Tumblr, right? You see a thing and you’re like, “Oh, I need to know everything about that.”
Read more
Supernatural Series Finale: Why Dean’s Fate Works
By Juliette Harrisson
Supernatural: The Internet’s Best Reactions to the Series Finale
By Kayti Burt
Hmm. Yeah, for sure. I was interested in talking to you or getting your insight into how trends you saw or data you saw that were maybe tied to the very unique experience of being in the middle of a pandemic.
Yeah. I was looking back at the predictions that I had made last year and like four of those things didn’t even come out. It was just so unexpected. There’s two things that we really saw tied to the pandemic. The first was “cottagecore” as an aesthetic. It kind of touched everything because it’s soothing, it feels comfortable. In March and April in the early days, when you didn’t know what to do, you’re stuck in a forest isolation. Cottagecore has got this vibe of chosen isolation. It was very fantasy-driven and something to reach out for.
That evolved also into nostalgia. I think this year’s really big theme is nostalgia and comfort. We saw huge returns to fandoms like Twilight and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Avatar going on Netflix was such a world-breaking moment. Not only did it introduce a new, younger fandom to the show, there’s a lot of Avatar content once you get into it, but it brought people back to a younger time in their lives. Remembering and rewatching. The Avatar fandom, as you see, it’s all over all of the lists. Zuko is number 20 on all of the things on Tumblr this year. Avatar was able to redefine people’s year. Because you know what, we’re all at home, I’m going to binge Avatar. Reignite my love for this fandom.
A lot of TV too, because TV is episodic, you get lost in it. Movies had a really rough year. When we look at the movies, movies like Megamind were trending this year. That comfort movie that you go back and watch 17 times.
Yeah. I was curious about that too. The balance or proportions between older fandoms and newer fandoms, like the Avatar example. I was curious how much that changed this year? How much you thought it was tied to the pandemic? How much is tied to accessibility and things, like Avatar coming to Netflix? Do you think that is an interest in older fandoms? Or that it’s going to continue past the pandemic?
Yeah. I think another high-level theme of this year is the rejection of cringe culture. I’m getting a little ahead of myself, but I’ll tie it all back in. I think people are realizing what their values are and not being afraid to admit that they like a thing. Not caring what other people think of the things they like. Unabashedly loving the things they love. That’s why I think we do see a resurgence in these older fandoms.
Because people who may have loved them their whole lives, or may have been nervous to share that they liked it when they were younger they’re not afraid anymore. They’re like, “You know what? Twilight, it’s not that great, but I love it. This is my emotional support vampire.” Recognizing that you can be critical of something. You can see where its flaws are, but you can still love it. That duality of fandom is something that is going to persist into next year. That freedom to just like a thing, because you like it. Be able to see its flaws, but still be like, “You know what? Overall, this brings me joy and the world is melting down.”
I’m on board with that mission, that plan for 2021. I did want to ask about the role of non-English language media, especially live action stuff. Generally because I was someone who fell into The Untamed this year, but I saw that there were two SKAM remakes as well that are on the top 10. In general, have you seen over your time at Tumblr, and maybe especially in the past few years, an increase in non-English language content? Do you think that is mostly English speakers and Americans being more open to that or being able to find it easier? Or do you think it’s also an influx of people from outside the United States coming to Tumblr? Or both?
Interesting. The data that we work with is actually stripped of all user information. I don’t really have an insight into where these people are coming from. I do think that users in general are more open to content in any language. Tumblr is more interested in characters than where the story comes from. Thinking about The Untamed, it’s just such a compelling story, it doesn’t matter if you have to read subtitles.
To parallel it to something in major pop culture, Parasite. People are becoming more open to just watching content because it’s good. SKAM is really fascinating to me because the number one live action show is wtFOCK. Then, I think two years ago, 2018, the original SKAM was number one at some point. This show really transcends language barriers. It transcends geographical barriers. At the core, the story of the teenagers is just so relatable to anyone. We’ve seen lots of translation happening and not just into English. Translation of SKAM into other languages, just because people want more of these characters and their iterations, no matter what locale they’re based in. I’m waiting for some professor to have a class on it, because it’s so fascinating to me.
I also wanted to ask about how you thought the election cycle affected Tumblr this year, if there were any trends or data that you were like, “Yes, of course this is what people were doing on Tumblr this year.”
Tumblr has always had this backbone of social justice. This year, it came out stronger and in more force. No matter what fandom you were in or interests, everyone I know on Tumblr was participating in sharing social justice stuff. Even politics, if they weren’t from the US, those kinds of memes that were like, “I feel for you”. The way that fandoms do. I see your show is ending and I’m sorry.
The one thing that Tumblr really had leading up to the election was such an appreciation for the postal service. Especially Gen Z, their world is so much larger due to digital connection. Mail order, just as well as sending letters and keeping in touch with your digital friends is just as important as keeping in touch with your IRL friends. All of the artists on Tumblr, so many of them turn to mail order to replace cons. This is their livelihood. By the time the fall hit and the postal service was having all these issues, people are ready to jump in. There were the Transformers dressed like mail people.
There were all these comments like “support your postal workers,” “support the USPS.” It really boils down to the fact that we are all connected and the mail service is something in the US that connects everyone. Even overseas. Supporting these artists whose livelihood went from IRL to online and having to deal with all of this.
And the “Super Putin Election.” The confluence of those elements. I was just surfing on my personal computer and I was on Tumblr and I saw a post being like “Destiel’s canon.” I’m like, “Excuse me?” I immediately texted my team. I was like, “Open up your work computers, let’s go.”
It’s time.
We all signed on trying to figure out what’s going on and watching the numbers. That, to me, is thrilling. I said this to someone else, but it felt like the night of The Dress. To have that moment where everyone on the internet is feeling the energy. The things that kept getting layered on top of it. Putin and Sherlock and all the anime mysteries. It was breakneck speed, and it was really thrilling just to be in that moment, and so Tumblr.
I did want to ask you about an increase in animated fandom and potentially anime fandom. A lot of these things I’m anecdotally or just observing things in my own little corner of the internet. It just seems like animation and anime, probably at least partially because Netflix has accumulated a much larger anime collection and seems to be investing in these sorts of things. Have you seen that increase? Could you talk about it, if so?
It plays into what we were talking about earlier, twofold. That nostalgia vibe, the late nineties anime vibe, that art style. Also your comfort zone and being open to more stuff just because it’s good. Not worrying about reading subtitles and stuff like that. But anime in general had a huge year. Haikyū!! ending also transposed into other fandoms because that moment of the final panels, it brings people together. People being so excited to see this massive thing come to a close. You might not be familiar with Haikyū!! in general, but you’ll see the fanart and be like, “Oh, I feel that.” It’s the emotion of it.
The popularity of Avatar did also open people’s doors to like, “Oh, well, what else can I watch? What else do I want to learn about”? Boku No Hero was consistently on our Week In Review every week. BEASTARS is another Netflix anime that’s at the top. Then Mo Dao Zu Shi, thinking about The Untamed, the story of Mo Dao Zu Shi is so fascinating. I don’t think I can name another piece of content that has that storyline. People are just ready to take it all on.
I did want to ask you, I think you’ve probably talked about some of these already, but what were some of the biggest fandom moments for you on Tumblr this year?
Oh boy. So many things going canon. Catradora was a huge, huge moment. I cried watching that. The Witcher, Jaskier, introducing this whole new world to Henry Cavill. I saw a post yesterday that was like once Superman was goth, a lot more people realize that he’s hot. Repurposing and looking at things in a new way. Among Us, so huge. There is a user who is doing a comic about White and Pink being in love. She’s giving them lore. She’s giving them backstory, personalities. It is amazing.
Unus Annus, I am not very into streamers, but I’ve caught some of those videos. When they had their final stream, I was tuning in. I was like, “Are you really going to delete the channel?” Then they did. Just watching the fans have that moment, even though I am not in that fandom, it was wonderful so meaningful.
Harry Potter being taken by the fans. Fans own Harry Potter now, and that’s what matters. The Old Guard also came out of nowhere and really blew Tumblr away. The Immortal Husbands. I love that ship. I’ve got to touch on almost all of the places, MCR, My Chemical Romance. Those fans have woken up and they didn’t get their tour, but they will. They’re not going to sleep until they do.
Because we maybe all have Supernatural on the brain, to a certain extent. I’m just curious how you think, that show’s been on for 15 years. The fandom has gone through literal generations. How do you think the fandom is going to change?
There’s always going to be a supernatural gif for everything. People will continue gifing it. It’s going to surpass what it is and it’s going to become that comfort show. This is a personal anecdote, but when I go to the dentist, every single time supernatural is on. It’s just like, “Oh, I get to watch my boys while I’m getting my teeth cleaned. That’s good.” It’s always going to be there. It’s always going to be there for people when they need it the most. We’re going to see a lot more fan creations. People love these boys, men now they’re adults. People love these characters. I haven’t watched this season. I am going to watch the finale tonight. I’m going in almost cold. I know that a lot of fan favorites have returned. My prediction for Supernatural fandom going forward is seeing these side stories come through in fanfiction even more than they already do. Lots more Charlie. That’s personal of mine because I love her.
I don’t think you’re alone in this.
Yeah. Who doesn’t love Charlie? Seeing these smaller characters come out and just shine in their own fan works, more so than the world might’ve provided them in canon.
It feels dangerous to make fandom predictions based on what happened this year, but if you have any predictions and or hopes for the coming year in terms of Tumblr and fandom?
Where we’re at now and going forward, it’s all about true authenticity. Screw what people think. We’re rejecting our old ways of thinking. We’re about flipping perspectives and forgetting what you thought was important in exchange for what you truly love. 2020 has helped us all figure out what our values at our core are. It’s about choosing something that makes you happy, that supports you, and your people. Choosing the happiness of those around you and making sure that you’re fighting for the goodness in life. Which sounds really sugar sweet, but one of the things, again, that I love about Tumblr is it is about putting people first based on the things they love. That’s what I see happening.
Explore the rest of Tumblr’s Year in Review lists here, and let us know what your biggest 2020 fandoms were in the comments below.
The post Tumblr’s Top Fandoms of 2020 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3lPIRa9
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gildedmuse · 4 years
I was totally going to post about what makes Raizo awesome, answer a question and fill a request but then my phone got destroyed. While I spend the next day or so fixing that. Here. Enjoy this....
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Poor guys, their dreams were crushed...And it was a simple dream. They just wanted mystical shadow assassins to be real. ...And now I'm imagining a crossover between One Piece and Ninja Turtles.
@gildedmuse replied:
Which one does Luffy inevitably ask to join his crew? Cause I feel like the easy answer: Michelangelo. But actually I think it would be Master Splinter.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I can see Luffy and Law fighting to get all five on their crew, and being forced to settle on shared custody. 😂
@gildedmuse replied:
I asked my brother and his expert opinion was, "I don’t know, you're probably right. But Donatello and Franky be bros."
Also, we agreed that Raphael is just an angry Zoro. Which I was like, "You don't think Luffy would ask Law to join his crew?" 
His reply, "Well, he hasn't asked yet. Probably jealous of all that sweet time Law got with Zoro on the way to Wano." 
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Clearly! 😂 I think Donny would get along well with Law, too, as would Leo, while Raph and Mikey would prefer Luffy if only because he gets into the craziest adventures.
And Master Splinter would just want to listen to his shows.
@gildedmuse replied:
Leo: We need a plan. 
Luffy: Good point, Lion Turtle! 
Luffy: Huh. I guess never heard you before because you're not a giant turtle ninja guy.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Oh my god, that's exactly what would happen! 🤣 And Zoro teaming up with Raph to pick on Sanji, while Donny joins up with Usopp and Franky to build some crazy stuff while Mikey rolls around the deck with Chopper like a dork.
@gildedmuse replied: 
Raphael's and Zoro's Sole Interaction: 
Raphael: *Nods to Zoro* Nice swords. 
Zoro: *Nod returned* Nice Sais. 
Small But Morally In The Right Group Of Fans: Oh, well, I would ship the FUCK out of these two.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
That sounds about right!
Poor Master Splinter, I think he'd hide on the Polar Tang for some peace and quiet...
@gildedmuse replied:
Leo suggests all the most Law like shit only Luffy actually acknowledges him and takes it into consideration because he’s a goddamn ninja turtle. Law spends the entire time just over Leo's shoulder in various states of sullenness, outrage and indignation. This is exactly the advice he gave yesterday and Strawhat-ya straight up ignored.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I figure he'd just take advantage of it and work with Leo to get things back on track after a while, still muttering under his breath about how Luffy never listens to him.
@gildedmuse replied: 
For some reason all I see now is Law being like, "Alright, I'm agreeing to leave Leo here because God knows someone should reign in the Strawhat. But goddamnit, Raphael comes with me. You only get one!" 4
Luffy: Okay if we also keep the rat monster! 
Nami: No, Luffy, that doesn't make sense. There are 4 turtles and 2 of you! 
Luffy: Oh, yeah, thank God we have this navigator-
Bepo: That is not what navigation is! 
Luffy: What do you mean we only get one?
Law: -pointing between Zoro and Raphael- You. Only. Get. One.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I can definitely see Luffy just assuming everything Nami does as a 'navigator' thing. And Law trying to barter for Donny so he doesn't get stuck with Mikey. 😂
Oh my gosh, YES. 🤣
@gildedmuse replied:
You know Zoro tries to just stare down his captain as Luffy looks between the two like he isn't secretly nervous. Like... He believes in Luffy and their connection but also.... It's a goddamn ninja that's also a turtle and has goddamn awesome sai. So... You know, could go either way. He understands. It's a fucking ninja turtle.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I would definitely be torn! And there's Sanji, egging Luffy on to keep the turtle. 😂
@gildedmuse replied:
Sanji: come on he's exactly like Zoro only useful! 
Zoro: Oi! 
Sanji: What? At least if we're stuck out at sea we can make turtle soup out of him. 
Chopper: Using food to guide Luffy's logic isn't fair! (Turtle soup does sound yummy though)
And Zoro just standing there like come on, Chopper, you too?
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Mikey asking to go on the Tang because he doesn't want to be made into soup, while Raph grabs him by the mask like, I'm not getting stuck with you!
@gildedmuse replied:
I love that both Raph and Zoro are like well, you know what? I've accepted my date of being forced to go with Law. That is some good sidekick vision. They know who the fucking protagonist is!
Actually, phone, I meant fate but fuck it. I'm sticking with date.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Raph hates it, but he's a natural second-in-command. And he also doesn't want to be stuck with Leo. 😂
There are no accidents.
@gildedmuse replied: 
Raphael: Well, I'm choosing Law. 
Zoro: -At the same time- We'd obviously both like to stay with our actual Captains so- 
Zoro: Wait did you just pick Law? 
Zoro: -Eyeing Leo- 
Zoro: Yeah... I'm gonna go ahead and go with Law as well then.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Luffy goes all anaconda on them, like NO! Law only gets one! Zoro's mine!
@gildedmuse replied:
On the sidelines Nami, Chopper and Usopp who do not want to be left without a super strong swordsman are just like WHAT!? 
Zoro can't explain. There's just something about some other dude with blades that he would definitely fight To The Death that he inherently trusts.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Sanji is trying to convince him to let Zoro go while Leo just tries to massage away a headache, and Donny raises a hand, like "I...also want to go with Law now."
Though I could also see Zoro taking Leo as a sparring partner.
And Usopp bartering for Donny, while Brooke quietly hides Master Splinter behind him.
@gildedmuse replied:
But that would be like Zoro taking Law as a sparing partner. Like I see it... I get where you're coming from. But there is sparing partners vs people you want to be on a crew with. Said with all the love in her heart. (Also, let's face it, it's Zoro. He can argue about it but whoever Luffy says they're taking... Those are now the people he would die for.)
@dragonprincess18 replied:
True...Zoro would do pretty much anything for Luffy. Except be nice to Sanji. There are lines.
@gildedmuse replied:
Also, for the record, Bepo considers them all minks and try to treat them as such and the turtles just like, "Well, no bro." And Bepo continuously shocked by this. Continuously.
I mean there are lines than there are fucking impassable mountains forever separating two spots.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Yeah, Bepo would be so confused. 
Exactly, there are some things that can't be done.
@gildedmuse replied:
Luffy: Zoro, I need you to die for this crew
Zoro: I have already accepted this sacrifice and moved to make it so. Just as long as you become pirate king and my crew lives.
Luffy: Zoro, legitimately the only way the crew will survive is if you are nice to Sanji for like an hour... At most.
Zoro: Well, Captain, you and the crew can go fuck yourselves cuz that ain't happening.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Yup. That's a canon conversation they've had in their minds. No need to voice it, Luffy knows. It's hard enough when Zoro has to work with Sanji for two straight minutes!
In comparison, Leo and Raph are best friends!
@gildedmuse replied:
For the record, if you were writing some weird NT/OP fanfic that was also ZoLaw friendly that is right there how you would get Zoro on the Polar Tang. 
Law: Actually, we'd have to take the turtle bladesman. Obviously yours is too invested in staying here with you... And black leg-ya who will also be on this ship. 
Law: -I got your swordman. Whatcha gonna do Strawhat? But nonverbal cuz Law-
I mean yeah because Raphael clearly a second. I know this because I have an unfortunate love of seconds. Like just love a main character or at least the fucking leader goddamnit. But still... You always love your captain, even if he has a stick up his ass.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Luffy pouting, but letting Zoro go... Because he plans on never letting Law leave, either. 😝 Neighbors!
 It's an unfortunate truth. Especially when you're the second-oldest.
@gildedmuse replied:
Oh well you've broken me. That's too cute. Just Luffy pouting like fine... But NAMI NEVER LET THAT SHIP OUT OF YOUR SIGHT! 
Zoro just like "I'm an adult and also.... Two years."
Luffy: I will never. Let you. Leave me. 
Zoro: I am in no way trying to. 
Luffy: -Dark eyes of Determination- Never.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Law standing there like, I'm never getting away from this, this is my life now, what did I do to deserve this? While the turtles are mostly relieved they're all staying together.
@gildedmuse replied:
Law: -Despair- 
Bepo: There there captain. At least you got a Swordsman now. 
Law: I AM A SWORDSMAN! Leo-ya is a swordsman! Why does no one think of us!? 
Penguin: Well no one actually forgot about Leo, we just accepted him as staying with the Strawhats so.... 
Meanwhile, Across The Ship
Zoro: Alright, so Kid and Drake are out. Why not the Bonney Pirates? 
Nami: Again,not physically here. 
The only argument regarding Law being all, "You know what? Fine take him back" is regarding if it's Zoro's destructiveness or Luffy's stubbornness that drives him to the edge.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Zoro: It's me or the shitty cook. 
Sanji: I'm not going anywhere, mosshead! 
Zoro: See? 
Chopper and Usopp: 😭
Or both. Both is possible. And Luffy will still follow him everywhere because "We're allies, Torao! That means we're friends, and friends don't run from friends!" "THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!"
@gildedmuse replied:
Law: GET OUT! 
Nami: Now would you say it was Zoro or Luffy's behavior that finally broke you? 
Law: Excuse me? 
Nami: Look, there is actual money on the line here, Law, so I will not hesitate to kill you.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Law: ...Luffy. 
Nami: I knew it! Pay up! 
Usopp: Aw man, I swore it'd be Zoro's sense of direction...
@gildedmuse replied: 
Bepo is just like "Usopp is not wrong it's pretty bad you guys " No one pays him any attention. Maybe if he was a fucking ninja turtle....
When a Kung Fu polar bear just isn't enough
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Law is a grumpy panda teddy, and Luffy knows it. There's no denying it now. They've all seen it. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he and Mikey both read Sora: Warrior of the sea.
Poor Bepo, he's still cute enough for me! *hugs Bepo*
@gildedmuse replied:
I mean you know Raphael reads that shit but doesn't openly tell anyone right? Because I feel that is definitely true.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Raphael has a reputation to uphold. And a baby brother to annoy. 😂
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zelgadis55 · 4 years
Chapters: 21/? Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Michelangelo (TMNT), Mikey, Dogpound, Chris Bradford, Hamato Yoshi | Splinter, Leonardo (TMNT), Leo, Donatello (TMNT), Donnie, Raphael (TMNT), Raph, April O'Neil (TMNT) Additional Tags: Mikey is captured, Bradford wants revenge, and Shredder allows it, pet trope, Abuse, Rape/Non-con Elements, Violence, not graphic, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Hurt Michelangelo (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT)-centric, Turtles, TMNT, Mind Manipulation, Cruelty Summary:
Bradford has always blamed Michelangelo for his misfortunes and especially for his mutation so when he manages to capture the young ninja, he's going to make sure he knows exactly what it's like. 2k12 AU.
Warning: Warnings for physical and mental torture in this story abound, as well as for implied and highly disturbing situations. Trigger warnings may apply for some chapters. There will not, however, be gruesome details. Some things are best left up to the imagination.
               How Much is that Turtle in the Window                                                       ch 21
Leo opened one eye to look at him and then the other before carefully stretching. "Sorry, could you repeat that, Mikey?"
Mikey huffed in frustration. Tapping with that heavy paw was tiresome and that wasn't even taking into account the effort of putting the letters together in the first place.
"I'm sorry but by the time I realised you were talking to me, you were already half done," Leo apologised guiltily. "Maybe next time you should get my attention first and then say it."
{But u mediate,} Mikey explained slowly, tapping laboriously away with his left paw. He rolled his sore right shoulder, made worse by putting his weight on it when leaning forward to tap – still, it was less painful that way than tapping with his right. It was no wonder though, that Donnie wouldn't let him do too much at once.
"Mediate?" Leo questioned in confusion, concentrating on trying to translate the dits and dahs. "Mediate what?"
'No!' Mikey blinked in annoyance. Why did Donnie have to leave him alone with Leo? Donnie was the only one that understood him well. Leo tried but he was even slower at translating than Mikey was at tapping. He shifted from his approximation of seiza to cross-legged, lifting his paws onto his knees and closing his eyes and tried breathing as deeply and slowly as possible, wincing slightly at the tight metal clamped around his throat making the deep breathing difficult. Then he looked expectantly up at Leo.
"Oh, meditating?"
'Yes,' Mikey blinked in relief. Then, {U get mad wen dis... trbed.}
For a minute, Leo struggled with translating and then his face cleared in understanding before falling as he realised Mikey was scared to get his attention first.
"It doesn't matter if I'm meditating or not, little brother, if I'm the only one here and you need me, you don't hesitate to get my attention. I promise I won't be mad. Okay?"
{'k,} Mikey reluctantly agreed, torn between trusting Leo's word and his own messed up survival instincts born of the last almost year.
"So what did you want?"
{Go out,} Mikey tapped eagerly, faster than earlier.
"Slow down, Mikey," Leo chuckled, "I'm not Donnie, give me time to translate."
Mikey pulled a face and repeated yet again, this time far more slowly.
Leo's face fell. "You want to go outside," he said flatly.
'Yes!' Mikey blinked desperately, glad that Leo finally understood. {Need air! Pls!}
"I'm sorry, Mikey, but it's not safe out there."
{D an' R out.}
Leo sighed. "Yes, they are and I can't say I like it."
Mikey pouted, looking back and forth between Leo and the door anxiously.
"Unfortunately, they had to go out there. Donnie needs a chance to scout the ship too. He needs access to the computers and records if he can, so we know how long until we reach New York. Also, to find out if there are areas we need to avoid when out on the ship."
{Need air an' c sky,} Mikey repeated, his tapping becoming faster and sloppier in his desperation. {Won't go 'way. Stay close. Pls, L!}
"Mikey, you need to slow it down, you know I can't keep up," Leo burst out over the top of him, exasperated and frustrated by his inability to understand.
Slamming a paw down in frustration, Mikey bared his teeth, growling with his breath and Leo's eyes widened in shock.
"I understand how you feel, Mikey..." he began.
No, he didn't! He had no clue and he wasn't listening!
"... but it's just too dangerous for you to go out there when you can't defend yourself or even hide or run. You need to understand that I'm just trying to keep you safe."
It was far too late for that! Maybe he should have tried harder earlier and then he'd actually be safe now! Mikey snorted disdainfully and turned away,
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24382507/chapters/73582983   or   https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13593827/21/How-Much-is-that-Turtle-in-the-Window
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dizzydennis · 4 years
@beevean tagged me, so here I go!
Three ships: To be honest, I am not really into shipping. I like Sonic and Amy as I just want them to be part of the main cast together, but I’m not really hardcore into SonAmy.
Last song: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme. The iTunes rip is so clean and crisp! It’s just a fun song to listen too and it comes from a great cartoon.
Currently reading: The English version of Good-bye Tsugumi by Yoshimoto Banana
Currently watching: Nothing at this very moment, but I have been enjoying Nitro Rad’s reviews on the Frogger games. He’s my favorite Youtuber and I love almost every single thing he puts out.
Currently consuming: My own state of mind as I’m stressed about so much lately. If we mean food then just good ol’ water. I love you water so much! (Not kidding either!)
I tag @aawesomepenguin , @sakiaii , and who ever else wants to do this. Have fun!
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Deca-Dence 5 - 6 | Moriarty 3 - 4 | Yashahime 4 - 5 | Maou-jou 4 | I7 s2 5 (22) | Akudama 4 - 5 | HypMic 5 - 6 | Taiso Samurai 4 | HPGC 4
Deca-Dence 5
“…cannon won’t ignite in time!” The subbers spell cannon as “canon” later as well.
Off to the cliffside, where Kaburagi goes to die…
Deca-Dence 6
“Maybe someone intervened.” – I think Minato did, somehow.
This Death Dive reminds me of Wipeout.
Moriarty 3
I once made up a quote that goes, “When life detests you, fight back.” I think it’s also roughly along the lines of advice Albert needs.
I remembered an odd line from Macbeth: “Brother, he has killed me!” Seriously, Moriarty is scarier than some actual horror anime, I swear…Update: It’s actually “he has killed me, Mother!”, but same impact.
I had my hands over my mouth from the moment the fire began. That’s how intense this is.
This ED…doesn’t sound like an ED. It sounds like the OP for a different anime, like Joker Game or something. Also, having Saito Soma as Gentaro and Moriarty…is a bit unsettling because they have a lot of overlap but one’s basically the evil twin of the other.
Yashahime 4
“…was raised here…”
“…we can…”
I felt a heart twinge when I saw Towa tear up…man, it’s been years since I last dealt with Inuyasha properly.
“…nights where I can’t fall asleep.” – So…you’ll play it a lot then, Setsuna.
Oh, so Kirara is a nekomata? I never knew until now.
According to the mythology, the kirin rules over the middle…so why is Kirinmaru the monster in the east?
Is “s***” unwarranted here? I didn’t have the volume on, so I don’t know…Going back, I think Moroha said “kuso”, but it’s still kinda weird to have a swear word in a mostly family-friendly series in a slot near Detective Conan. (Then again, Detective Conan is where I learnt “kuso” from…so my standards are probably not as up-to-scratch as they should be.)
Rin! People keep saying Rin is the mother of the girls and it’s basically the only conclusion that could be done, considering the relationship the two had…but it’s still kind of squick…(Says a person who has no problem with SGRS s2’s ending.)
Update: Someone on ANN said the teacher’s name (Osamu Kirin) being similar to Kirinmaru is sketchy and I agree.
Maou-jou 4
There’s no pun for Rocket Turtle…that’s kinda startling, actually.
I’m not going to translate the eyecatches anymore. Seems they were actually translated in the manga and someone just copies them over or something.
I’ve seen some characters use wa when they really aren’t that feminine. However, the voice Suwabe uses for the Sorceror leads me to believe this guy really is trying to be feminine, even if in just a vocal capacity.
…aw, no puns here too.
Oh no, the seal…!
…hmm? The Scissors Sorceror’s info is…we’re not allowed to look at it. That’s what the red text says.
…my brain exploded for a second when I suddenly heard jazz music. It’s a Detective Conan parody! *screams*
Iina! doesn’t really mean “Lucky!” It means more like “cool!” or “It’s good, isn’t it?”
I7 s2 5
I missed these boys!
I like the Kinako transition. It’s cute.
I don’t really like it when Tenn looks at the screen…it gives me 1st person cam vibes.
Why is Tsunashi being called “this”, anyway?
Oh yeah…mensore = youkoso = welcome.
Uh oh…is Yuki actually evil???
Riku (earth) vs. Tenn (heaven). Hmm.
I still can’t believe they don’t believe Gaku is the soba guy. It’s so obvious!
Someone on staff ships Gaku and Tsumugi together…hmm…
Oh! So this is DESTINY, huh? I’ve probably heard it on Spotify before, but I don’t recognise it by sheer sound like I do HypMic. (Then again, the half-year off the airwaves probably really hurt I7, man…)
Akudama 4
Say what you will about how bad Funi translations can get…they’re definitely entertaining!
Geesh, Doctor gets all the sexy shots, but Brawler gets all the ab shots. Can I get a sexy Courier shot…?
“…she’s right.” – There’s a lot of dialogue here, so…uh, who’s “she” in this case?
What’s a “bro fro”?
Wow, Brawler, talk about being punched into next Tuesday…(partially joking)
Swindler’s face, LOL. (I know she’s an ordinary gal, but calling her “Swindler” is shorter to type.)
I remember reading around and people agree Swindler works at the Seal Centre.
The shark and bunny’s shirts say things like “Kanto/Kansai”, “earth, air/water” and “pollution/clean” during their montage.
“feminist” – Uh, ex-squeeze me?! Feminism does not equal “ladies first” or “going easy on ladies”. Update: I went and listenend to it and although one of my ears is mysteriously almost constantly plugged these days, I’m fairly sure Doctor did not say “feminist” (in katakana). Update 2: Then I listened to it again and…I’m not sure anymore.
LOL, Hoodlum hit the in-series camera. With his face.
Oh, vault = garage or storage. Right, how did I not know that?
Cat, nooooooooooooooooo! Don’t die!
HypMic 5
After the two “darker” divisions, it seems almost strange to not have a “dark” introduction about the seedy underbelly of alt. future Japan…
Oh, my gosh. That’s Ichijiku on the phone.
The studio has the word “drops” on it.
Lemme guess: Neither hand!...Yup.
The only spoiler I know for this ep. is it’s a Halloween episode, and “Ramuda ruins Halloween”. That quote is way too subjective to mean anything, though…
…hmm, Gentaro doesn’t say “shousei” in that sentence involving “this humble bard” (not that I heard, but one of my ears is mysteriously plugged after I stayed up late browsing Twitter on my phone – don’t tell anyone that, though! They’re not meant to know!). Gentaro is not a humble bard (although that would translate “shousei” quite correctly in the Shakespearean), he’s an author.
LOL, that “ding!”
Gentaro actually says “ghostbusters” in katakana, LOL.
I almost thought this Shinjuku man was Doppo…but no, this Aoyama Cemetery exists. It has nice cherry blossoms.
The “dun dun dun” soundtrack is great. It really sets the atmosphere.
Gentaro really is an idiots’ minder, just as I used to characterise him. (Then the FP and M manga and developments regarding Ramuda being evil changed my mind.)
I-Is this just gonna be an episode of FP being scared and Ramuda yelling? It’s fun for a bit, but when you’re stopping to analyse every few seconds, Ramuda’s voice is gonna get annoying eventually…
Kurosu seems to be a cross between Jyushi and Doppo.
This ep…makes FP look money-crazy. Dice is only money-crazy when he’s broke…because of course you would be…but the others aren’t.
That rock track that plays when FP hand out flyers is cool!
Are they…eating squid?...Welp, squid jerky. I’d say I’m correct.
Oh, so they’re all street photographers? Not just Tom?
I was wondering…how would the “tie to a different division” occur in episode 5, considering episode 6 is where the plot really kicks in? Turns out…they tie back to BB, which is not a thing I was expecting at all.
BB have a BB tablet…makes sense, because I think Hypster have iPhone cases for each division.
Oh, they’re planting the seeds of Ramuda’s ability here, so to speak. By knowing what Hypnosis Mics are capable of doing, you can see the building blocks of Rap Abilities as well.
Okonbanwa! The extra O is meant to make things formal, but only in front of nouns (sometimes it’s “go”, e.g. goshujin), so it’s Ramuda being overly formal to be cutesy and unconventional.
*lightbulb goes off in head* It makes sense that the group affiliated with illusions and randomness does the Halloween episode, actually.
…Yargh! Of course all these onee-sans are FP stans!...*lightly touches temple, as if to get rid of a headache* I should’ve known.
The new song is “Shibuya Ghost Night” by Tokyo Health Club, Yuki “T-Groove” Takahashi and Yuma Hara.
*stops video before the darn airhorn sounds* Thank goodness…hey, isn’t this quote from Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka…?
This episode is very seasonal, but doesn’t really make sense outside of airing on Halloween. C’mon, couldn’t you have given us a Sasara appearance instead of having Ramuda yell down the house…? I knew the FP episode was going to be either lighthearted with a dark undercurrent, like the BB ep (considering we haven’t gotten to Ramuda dying yet), or full-on lighthearted, but…I somehow wonder if the staff had an empty spot labelled “Fling Posse episode” due to COVID and went, “Okay, it airs on Halloween this year, let’s make it Halloween-inspired”…or something. Also, I feel Gentaro got the short end of the stick here.
Update: As for yakuwarigo, Ramuda trends towards the feminine side, which is not something I noticed until my groupwork partner pointed it out to me. The message in this episode has a “yone”, which proves that point even further. “Dayo~n” is a variant of the gender-neutral “yo” ending. Meanwhile, I have game samples that prove Dice uses “ze” like BB/MTC, while Gentaro uses “yo” and desu/masu like Jakurai, so it was really Ramuda anyone wanted to pay attention to since his speech patterns are the most feminine-leaning, possibly due to his extensive hanging out with ladies. (I once read a Tofugu post on how non-binary people deal with language that said if you hang out with ladies a lot, you take on feminine yakuwarigo and if you hang out with guys a lot, you do the same in that direction, but I clearly remember Ramuda using “sa”, which is a slightly male-leaning ending.)
Taiso Samurai 4
There’s something in the background which stops me from listening to it and one of my ears is blocked, but I gotta find out what Tackey was saying about the NHK Cup (the joke, I mean). Update: So I think it’s ninja/nukihara/kekkou, but I may have heard that wrong due to my blocked ear…I should get someone to clean it out properly.
Here’s the YoI monologue about competitions again. <- (neutral on it) Also, NHK is in English letters/romaji in the term “NHK Cup”, but the “Cup” isn’t (it’s in kanji).
Sekigahara had a huge historical battle.
Huh? This episode’s called “Samurai Musume (daughter)”, so…where did “Battling Samurai” come from? That’s one of the previous episodes, right?
Selfies, before they were cool.
I was wondering if Leo actually calls Rei “Rachel” like he calls Jotaro “Joe”…and he does. I just haven’t paid much attention to the audio, that’s all.
The Battle of Chibi? Never heard of it until now, but the Battle of Red Cliffs is the same thing.
Leo Naruto runs…LOL.
If Rei was in 4th grade in 2002…are we going to see the characters in the present in the end? She would be 28 in 2020.
I guess I should’ve guessed from “hat trick”, but a Bergkamp trap is related to soccer.
There’s a random Japanese-sounding track in the background…didn’t expect that.
A cemetery…on the day after Halloween.
“Grandma’s place” = the bar…Ohhhhhhhhhh. I was wondering, didn’t the grandma and Rei live together? Then it all came together.
Jim Beeam (sic), LOL.
I wonder, are Tackey and Ayu dating like he asks?
Gotta love a man in a suit! *chef’s kiss*
Yashahime 5
Who’s this Tokotsu guy again…? Also, the “ja” in Jakotsumaru means “young”.
Oh, Myoga. It’s been a while.
Can there be 4 Perils when there’s only 3 of them…?
Well, it makes sense that a dog demon would have demon fleas…in a sense.
Why is “trying to swallow up this world and turn it into a degenerate age” (or whatever Kirinmaru’s aim is) so vague? You could say the present is already an age of mass degeneracy…
Maybe the Dream Butterfly took Moroha’s memories…?
Wait, why is Myoga only allowed to drink Moroha’s blood when she puts on the rouge?
So this is an arhat. Also, aren’t morals an Anglophone ideal imported into Japan and the rest of Asia? That’s what separates Towa from Setsuna.
Akudama 5
This drone definitely won’t come in handy at all…(sarcastic)
There’s an Evangelion feel to these “masks”…
That box is like Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs! It’s great!
I like how the kids jump to the potential fact (?) this is a Swindler trick.
You can see Courier’s bike in the background when the bunny says “…and I mean everything.”
*Knights of Sidonia music starts playing* Search! And! Destroy! *record scratch as music stops*
I think this little discussion between Courier and Swindler will go down in Akudama Drive history as one of my favourite moments because it’s the little conversations that count. Also…does Courier have a mechanical hand, or is that just me thinking weird things…? Is that a glove?
Ooh, scars. Sexy. (On the Executioner Master, at least.)…Now I get why the guy wears that mouth covering.
HypMic 6
Halfway through the season already…? Yikes, how time flies. By the way, my assignment’s come and gone so I don’t need to focus on it anymore.
Hmm? Why did the subbers put “Prime Minister” when Ichijiku merely says “yes”…?
Wait, 1st question: how does one sign up for a rap battle? I don’t think that’s ever been answered. 2nd question (well, not a question): Dice is paying attention to Otome now…
I’m fairly sure that red brick warehouse was just that…as in the Red Brick Warehouse in Yokohama, which was also featured in Bungou Stray Dogs. Update: Oh, it’s (partially) a shopping mall…? I didn’t know that until now.
See, I told you they’re (Tom, Iris and Rex) probably foreigners…
That one shot of Jakurai? *chef’s kiss* Beautiful. Give me a million of ‘em. (Okay, I’m kidding to some degree, but I can’t help staring at it. Jakurai’s just too pretty…)
“Tweet-like lyrics”? Eh? When was Twitter a collective pessimist?
Oh, that’s basically the scene from the drama track. Where the heck is Jakurai fishing though…? I always imagined it to be at a river or a pier, not some concrete complex. Update: According to a user on Twitter, the fishing place is called “Ichigaya Fishing Centre”. It is, as you would expect, found in Shinjuku. Apparently, even Osomatsu-san featured the place...which would explain why it looks vaguely familiar to me.
Wow, I can’t believe how upfront they’re being about Ramuda breaking up TDD.
Ramuda thought in his deep voice…I almost didn’t recognise it for a second. It doesn’t even sound like Shirai. It sounds more like…Hayami, in fact.
“F*** yeah!” - …and they’re still going with the F bomb. Keep being you, subbers, keep being you.
That shot of Saburo in a dimly-lit room almost looks like the SR card in ARB, except in that one he has his headphones on (and might be outside, to my memory).
Oh, so the round thing really is Ichiro’s ring. It’s got an “I” on it too, i.e. the Roman numeral for one.
*Ichiro explains what happened to TDD from his and Samatoki’s side* - I don’t think we’ve ever seen the story from Ichiro’s or Samatoki’s perspective enough to know either thought this (or this way).
“Jiro! Saburo! Let’s go!” - …and Tom’s just taking photos as they leave, LOL.
I didn’t expect the TsudaKen guy to be back again, really.
Well, if this Google route is to be believed, “Sadamezuka’s soul” only lasts about 30 minutes by car crossing from one point to the other, hence Jiro’s remark.
Googling “Toyotama” and “Toyotama Line” gets you…Ghost of Tsushima links…?
…hmm. I’m not listening to it on a hugely loud volume, so I can’t quite tell what the pun is, but I think the word for “monk” in this case is “bouzu”. Then what’s the word for “electric dynamo”…? Update: The pun, according to Takahisa Maeyama, is Erekiteruteru Bouzu.
That ticking thing was really effective in terms of the song…but sasuga HypMic. Things went ka-blammo again.
So we’re probably going to see BB’s first DRB round next ep…or Matenrou doing another takedown similar to ep. 3. Or both. Both is good. (Or it could be the FP/M side of things, much like we got the BB/MTC side of things here.)
...Uh, shouldn’t that be “dawn”? The anime’s generally been very good about this (aside from the obvious typo in the BB logo), but…welp, they’ve done it now.
Update: The LOVE you see Hifumi and Doppo near is this one.
Update 2: As for the yakuwarigo, it…turns out, to no one’s surprise, it stays oddly consistent across all media, although individual treatment of the characters can differ depending on the author.
Ooh, is this Element of Light?
Fate/Stay PreCure! Here we come!
Moriarty 4
Why is the “to” capitalised? (Is that even capitalised?)
I kind of knew the grapefruit and the heart condition and/or quinine would be relevant somehow…and boy howdy, was I right! I just didn’t really know what it was going to do, that’s all.
I thought the ED didn’t match very well, but looking at the translated lyrics…now it kind of makes sense.
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marabout2772 · 4 years
About me
Copy and repost with your answers !
Tagged by: @lilac-bramble - Oh my god thanks this is the first time I get tag ldkslaksk😳 (I'm currently very excited about that haha)
(Also I'm still struggling with english, so sorry if there are some mistakes)
Three ships: OnLy tHrEe??? Okay okay, I will try to pick up my faves. Fistly and without any hesitation, kakuhida, they're the reason I live. I mean look at them !! They're so perfect together jdlaksla- NEXT, I think huuuuuh ... maybe fukumori from bungou stray dogs?? Or maybe erasermic?.. idk maaan I love both sooo much. And last but not least, doflacroc from one piece, this ship holds a special place in my heart, so yeah. I don't know if you noticed but, there's a lot of daddy vibes here
Last song : strange day from three days grace, I love this group so muuch, could listen to them for the rest of my life
Last Movie: ...teenage mutant turtle ninja 👉🏽👈🏽😶 I don't usually watch movies, but I can make exception when it comes to tmtn
Currently reading: I'm... ashamed to say that I'm not reading any book currently. Wait, does fanfictions count ? Cause I'm re reading all the kakuhida i can find fic right now. Yeah I'm kinda starved for new content
Currently consuming: huh its 12am in my current time zone, so I'm not consuming anything, except my phone battery
Food I’m craving : ... inexplicably, I'm in the mood for vanilla cake
Tag people you want to know better: I don't know a lotta people here, but I would love to know about you @lotus-baby and @crimsonkingart !!
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