#listen yesss I want it xd
infloresco · 5 months
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cont. from here -- @piratebento
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Most of her morning had been spent in the flower shop. February is one of the busiest months of the year, which wasn't surprising with Valentine's Day right around the corner. But she needed a break, and her mind immediately went to Franky who was hard at work on the rooftop. Leaving Koala in charge of the store, the retired archeologist made her way up. The door had been open and quickly her eyes fell upon Franky hammering away. Instantly her eyes lit up, lips stretched into a smile as their gaze connected.
The liquid disappeared in a matter of seconds, and just as fast she was being scooped up her feet. With a laugh, Robin is shaking her head with a grin. "There's no need to hurry. I hope you're not overexerting yourself." Her arms wrapped around his neck before placing a quick kiss on his cheek. "Did you have anything to eat?"
0 notes
covenofwives · 4 months
Wait Till I Get My Hands On You
Sequel set after Halloween Mansion
With DreamXD having a sleep over with the Dream Team, GeorgeHD and Sapnap4K take some affectionate time alone.
Happy (late) Valentines Day everyone. It felt most appropriate to have a 4D fic for this day of love because they are both the best couple.
Before you read please heed some warnings. There is no actual tickling in this fic, it is all anticipation and descriptive tickling. Teasing tickles. It also includes descriptions of feet nibbles for tickling so if that makes you uncomfortable please don't read.
This fic also very HEAVILY shows HD and 4K being affectionate. It is all SFW but they do get very touchy with one another so if you're not a fan of the ship or just not comfortable with that, also don't read. Your mental health is more important.
“I think XD’s crashing out with the boys.” Sapnap4K said.
He was stood at the doorway to GeorgeHD’s room, built as an addition to George’s cottage not long after they reunited. The Nether God had shrugged off his coat and removed his boots. He’d changed out of his usual clothes, now shirtless and in long shorts.
“Are you sure?” GeorgeHD asked. He had not long flopped down onto his soft bed, stretching out and getting comfy when 4K entered. It had been a long day and he was looking forward to settling down for some much needed sleep.
The plan originally was to have their siblings, Dream, George and Sapnap, sleep out in the front room while the God’s crashed in HD’s room. So HD raised his eyebrow to 4K’s news.
Not that the Nether God was a liar. But he was always chancing it for HD and himself to be alone.
“I just checked on him and he’s completely asleep.” 4K slowly grinned.
HD tilted his head. “So…?”
“Can we cuddle?”
And there it is. Absolutely called and read like a book. HD could feel his lips pull into his own grin, while 4K’s smile turned sheepish.
“You’re positive XD is sleeping there?” HD purposefully asked slowly.
“Yesss…” 4K whined cutely, and came to the end of the bed.
“He’s knocked out asleep! What more assurance do you want?” 4K crawled up the bed. Giving the best puppy eyes and pout he could give. “Please, Starlight?”
HD chuckled, in part to hide the whine for his pet name being said so sweetly. His cheeks were already hot and running with the soft red colour for love. “Fine…” He relented, and was immediately pounced on.
The God’s giggled between their mild wrestling match. 4K got into position, laying over HD and resting his head over HD’s chest. His arms wrapped around under the Overworld God as he let out a long sigh.
“I missed this…” 4K purred.
“What? Cuddling?” HD wrapped his arms around 4K’s neck. His nails found the spot where his neck met his back and scratched, feeling 4K melting over him.
“Yes. And more. Touching you. Being close and affectionate to you.” 4K nuzzled into HD.
“You can always hug me.”
“Not as much as I want. Not without giving it away, or making them suspicious.” 4K sighed again. He pressed his ear to HD’s chest, listening to his heartbeat. “I would kiss you at every waking moment if I could.”
HD frowned as a stab of guilt took his heart. Yes, it was troubling and unfair to keep their relationship a secret. There were certainly moments HD held himself and there were times they could get away with a hug or kiss there. 4K was overly affectionate and cuddly but the hugs and kisses never lasted as long as either of them wanted.
Even tonight the two made an agreement not to steal any small moments of affection, as pulling apart would sting, but neither could resist a chance when it presented itself.
HD opened his mouth to speak, maybe to offer soothing words, but it was cut off by a sharp giggle as 4K pulled back and pressed a kiss right in the centre of HD’s chest.
“Fohour Kahahahay…”
Even without seeing 4K’s face, he could hear the grin in his voice. “Yes, love of my life?”
“Yohour beahard is tihihicklihiy…”
4K gave a long pause, debating with himself in a hum before he – surprisingly – pulled back. “You’re right.” He agreed and settled on HD’s chest again, this time resting his chin on him. “We need to save all your tickles for your punishment.”
The blush on HD’s cheeks flushed down his neck, flustering him as he tried to find the words. “Sh-Shush! Shuhut up!” He snapped to 4K’s giggling. “That’s not for a while anyway!”
“Yes. It will take a while to set it all up.” 4K agreed. “And I want you absolutely untouched with tickles so you’re extra sensitive.”
The thought sent tingles through HD’s skin and a shiver down his spin. He could feel his blush growing warmer, darker than the soft red hue down his cheeks and his stomach flipped from that thought.
“W-Wh-What if I become immune to them from that?” HD gently prodded.
“Very unlikely, a sensitive thing like you.” 4K looked at HD with half-lidded eyes. A lazy grin on his face. “You skin would be so jumpy over the slightest breeze. All your robes and fabrics would probably be tickling you as you walked, as you laid down, doing anything cause your skin just craves tickles so much. You’d probably cave in, and have your little helper hands tickle you silly just from the madness of it.”
HD just about caught the gasp in his throat, though the shine in 4K’s eyes said he didn’t catch it fast enough. There had been times when HD just felt so lee and sensitive he needed a good tickling and his ephemeral hands helped with that. He’d been caught and honest about using them in such a way but his skin prickled with excitement thinking of holding them off. Going for a week completely untickled.
“I suspect when we do get to the forfeit you’ll be begging us to tickle you silly.” 4K nodded, careful to take his chin off HD’s chest.
“W-Will I?” Was all HD could ask.
4K nodded. “Oh yes…”
He left the conversation silent, which was so unlike 4K. If HD’s mind had been in a clearer state, they would have noticed the obvious trap. They knew 4K better than they knew the back of their hand, but their overly sensitive skin and head clouded with the thoughts of tickles didn’t pick up on the tell and they spoke without thinking.
“Th-Then what?”
“What, what?” 4K asked.
“Wha-at would you do?” HD gulped. “T-To tickle me…”
4K grinned again. Got them. “Hmmm….” He pushed himself up, shuffling up and leaning over HD. He braced his arms on either side of HD’s head while the tip of his nose touched HD’s. His hair slowly fell out of his ties and curtained around the two, shadowing them from the world as his warm body pressed down onto HD’s. “Do you want to know?”
4K’s voice was low and rumbled. It felt like it purred in HD’s chest, warming his heart as it thumped so loudly. “Yes…”
The smile 4K gave him fluttered HD’s heart and he was overwhelmed with a surge of love. Half of him wanted to kiss 4K, and the other half wanted to beg him to tickle him.
“Well, I can only speak on me. And what I’d do, so I hope that’d be enough.”
More than enough. HD wanted to scream, but 4K moved closer till his lips were against HD’s ear and he didn’t want to dare interrupt him.
“Your ears are so red.” 4K whispered. His breath only slightly tickled, and caused HD’s ear to flick, which 4K chuckled at. “You know, I think that’s where I’ll start. Your perfect little ears. So sweet and kissable. I’ll give them light little kisses while drawing my claws slowly down towards your earlobes. You’d be giggling soooo much.”
HD could feel those giggles bubbling in his chest. He could feel his face absolutely burning and was thankful 4K couldn’t see it.
“Then I’ll move down to your neck. Little kisses all the way down the front of your throat while my claws skitter so softly down. You’ll be an absolute mess, love. You’ll be begging for more tickles.”
I’m begging for tickles now… HD held back his whine. His knuckles were white from gripping onto the bedsheets below, holding himself back from grabbing at 4K. He knew if he laid a hand on the Nether God, he’d try and tickle him for retaliation and 4K seemed in the mood to punish him if he tried it. He might stop talking all together, and that seemed like a fate worse than death to HD.
“Next is absolutely your armpits. And you’ll be tied up somehow of course so every single one of your spots will be so easy to get to. We’ll need to work out that detail later, but lets just say you’ve got your arms tied up. Your armpits are helpless and open as I tap all up and down them. Usually you’d giggle when I do that, but I think you’d laugh this time. So worked up and on edge. Can you imagine your skin tingling from it? The desire to want to be tickled but also your body’s instinct to shy away from it. You’ll be going insane…
“And when the tickles do come. When I finally dig my thumbs in and drill into those armpits, you’re gonna scream. You’re gonna scream so loud the dead could hear you. Everything you’ve ever wanted tickled into your armpits. But we can’t stop there. I’m gonna move right on to your favourite spot. Your lovely stretched out ribs.”
HD’s ribs tingled just from the mention of them. The thought of 4K’s hands on them, kneading and skittering all over them, drove him wild. He was surprised his face hadn’t melted off from his blush. He was sure 4K could feel the heat.
“You must be dying for me to get at those ribs. Those perfectly shaped ribs just waiting for me. You know how hard it is not to nibble those ribs every time I see them? They look so delicious. Absolutely begging for my fangs on them. For my beard to scratch at your soft skin. That’s the only reason I’m really keeping this thing. So you get double the tickles when my fangs are on you.”
A breath caught in HD’s throat, which he knew for sure 4K heard it if the rumble in his chest was any indication. His stomach felt awash with butterflies fluttering all around while also flipping and jumping at every breath and sweet word that whispered in his ear. His hearth thumped against his chest, pressed flush against the Nether God.
Every part of HD screamed to be touched. Dying to have 4K’s fingers tickle and caress all over him. It felt like if he didn’t get tickled in that moment he was going to go insane.
4K took in a breath, pressing his wide chest more into HD’s. The Overworld God was cursing himself for keeping his top on to bed. He could have had the chance for his torso pressed against 4K’s. The wispy hairs on 4K’s chest and trailing down his stomach could have tickled even just slightly. Usually 4K’s annoyingly long hair would tickle him just slightly, but it seemed the Nether God planned that, and kept his hair carefully parted out the way.
“I’m going to give each and every one of those ribs the attention they deserve. Nibble each of them lovingly and carefully. Give them the kisses they crave so much. And then after lovingly kissing them all, I’ll knead into each space between the bones. Run my knuckles up and down them. You’ll be screaming then, absolutely begging me to keep tickling you there. But that’s not fair. Your other spots deserve attention too.”
HD almost wished to keep on his ribs. Even with the ghost tickles coursing through him it was better than nothing. But he needed to be touched. He needed really tickled.
As if answering a prayer one of his helper hands silently appeared hovering above him and HD held back his whimper. There was no way 4K could see it, or even know it was there. Most of him was covered over with 4K laying over him but his left knee was just slightly sticking out. He could easily reach over and tickle himself. His nerves felt like they were on fire but he was sure he could hide his reaction from 4K well enough.
The hand crept closer and closer, just inches from touching HD and giving them sweet release when suddenly the hand was grabbed. It was wrapped up by a blob of lava that suddenly crept up from the side of the bed and trapped.
“Ah-ah-ah…” 4K tutted in HD’s ear, making a shiver crawl down their spine. “Sneaky sneaky HD… But I’m afraid I can’t let you get your tickles yet.”
The ephemeral hand was squeezed into disappearing and the lava blob fell back down as HD whined.
“P-Pleeease… J-Just a little tickling…” HD begged. Their pride already thrown out the window.
“I can’t have that Starlight~” The way he said the nickname was like a fire lit in HD’s heart and spreading over his skin. “I’m personally making sure you won’t be tickled until the forfeit.”
It felt like the worst fate possible to HD in that moment. It was like he was simultaneously floating and being crushed. His skin was so sensitive he didn’t want anything to touch him, and at the same time he wanted only 4K’s hands on him. He couldn’t think right, and only whimpered weakly.
“I’m… I’m go-oing insane…”
4K’s left hand beside HD moved, placed over the top of HD’s head. It wasn’t like HD was untouched throughout it all, but something about the touch on his head was comforting. It grounded him. His heart calmed and the prickling on his skin soothed ever so slightly.
“Is this better?” 4K still whispered, but his voice was deeper. Serious. “Is this okay?”
“Mm-hmm…” HD hummed as he nodded. Partly nodding, partly nuzzling into 4K’s cheek.
Another kiss pressed against HD ear. Slightly tickling him but comforting him more. “You still okay to keep going?”
A smile broke out on HD face and he nodded again. “Yes. Please.”
“Good.” 4K’s grin pressed against HD’s ear before another kiss was pressed in. “Cause I absolutely want to get to your sides.”
HD broke out into a soft giggle, his sides tingling from the mention.
“But… Not yet. I’m going to skip them for now and leave them for last.”
HD had to hold back his scream of frustration. Instead letting it out through rubbing his head against 4K’s hand.
“I’m gonna go down to your hips next. Your perfect hips that always jump for joy when you get tickles. Now they get the tickles they so crave. They are gonna be squeezed all up and down. Thumbs kneaded right on their curves and claws skittering down to your thighs.
“We’ll need something to keep your legs locked in place, even though I really don’t mind when you try and kick me. It’s so cute watching you struggle, and kick your tickly feet right into me. Not very smart really, but you don’t need to worry about that with your legs tied down. You just get your tickles with no fuss.”
“Nohoho nooohoho…” HD giggled. He brought his hand up to his mouth, muffling his giggles and giving small bites to the back of his knuckles.
“It’s more maddening when you can’t kick your legs isn’t it? My nails skittering all up and down your thighs. Leading down to your knees. Squeezing over your kneecaps. That drives you mad, doesn’t it? I remember watching XD lay over your legs. Slowly squeezing your knees and you were screaming; begging for him to stop. But now you just have to sit there and take it, as my claws trace down your knees and down to your shins, towards your very helpless feet.”
At the mention of them, HD felt a jolt through his foot. He curled his toes and tried to push his sole down to the bedsheets, but 4K’s own foot blocked that.
“You only giggle when your feet at tickled. Except for when your little toes get tickled. Then you squeal.” 4K stopped to let out a chuckle. “How do you think it would feel if I nibbled your foot?”
HD’s brain short-circuited; stopping all train of thought with a sudden halt. Even the tingling feeling in his skin stopped to process the words. And then they returned, running over HD’s skin and leaving him feeling more sensitive than ever.
“Your feet aren’t that ticklish but we’ve never tried nibbling them. I know you get all giggly when you’re nibbled, even on your sides, but what about on your foot? What about on your toes?”
HD felt insane with the thoughts running through his head. The images of 4K holding his ankle and bringing his grinning fangs closer and closer. Imagining the feeling of those terrifying fangs running over the sensitive skin of his feet. HD didn’t even want to think of it, but 4K filled in the details for him.
“Would you still giggle? Or would you sheik and laugh? I know you’d absolutely be kicking my face if you could. Luckily you’re tied down. I could spent hours nibbling your feet and there’s not a thing you could do about it. I can take my sweet time starting at your heel. Working up to your high arches. I definitely can’t resist nibbling the sides as well. Then I can get to the ball of your foot. Which is gonna be fun. If I’m nibbling there, guess where my beard is gonna be? Pressing right into your foot, tickling you more and more. You’re definitely already a mess.
“And then we’re finally at your toes. Your sweet sweet toes that are absolutely trying to wriggle away. You can’t do anything. Nothing as my fangs get ever closer. Inching towards your toes. You are gonna scream when they’re nibbled. I bet it’s gonna tickle like nothing you’ve ever felt before.”
HD was sure his face would have melted from his blush. His shoulders and neck were pink, through he was trying his best to bury his head into 4K’s hair. Whenever he moved his ear out of 4K’s range, the Nether God would growl and nuzzle his way back in.
“Finally… We can get to your sides.” 4K purred. “Your sensitive sensitive sides. So helpless. I think even if I untied you at this point you couldn’t fight back. You’d be so tired after the feet nibbling you couldn’t fight back at all. But it’s more fun to keep you tied down. You’re more ticklish when you can’t move, and I want your sides at the maximum level of ticklishness possible. They’re so sensitive to everything. I could knead on them for hours just listening to your laugh. Or scratch them up and down and hear your bubbly little squeaks. You’ll be soooo over sensitive by then. I could probably just put my hands over your sides and you’d be giggling.”
It felt like that could happen right now. HD was sure if 4K just looked at his sides he’d break into helpless giggles.
“But I think you’ll be absolutely begging for me to tickle them. Out of breath and cheeks red from laughing but you still won’t be satisfied until your sides get the tickling they sooo crave. Until my hands are on you, wrecking you and you’re screaming with laughter until your sweet voice gets quiet.”
Even though 4K’s words stopped, HD could feel his purr still rumbling in his chest and settling down. HD’s heartbeat thundered against his chest, which he knew 4K heard as the Nether God laughed a little.
“Looking forward to those tickles huh?” He took his hand back from HD’s head and pressed on the bed to push himself up. “How red is your face?”
In a panic, HD tightened his arms around 4K’s neck. He pulled the God back down while squeaking out a “No!”
“Ack!” 4K’s arms fell out from under him. “H-Hehey!”
“No!” HD squeaked again. “You can’t see my face until my blush is gone!”
“What?! That’s not fair!” 4K whined. He pushed himself up, this time preparing for HD’s pull back, but instead of resistance HD just followed him. Keeping his arms wrapped around 4K’s neck he was pulled up, still keeping his face hidden in 4K’s neck and fiery hair. “Wha-? You little gremlin!”
4K made half hearted attempts at shaking HD off. But it became harder when the Overworld God also wrapped his legs around 4K’s waist and eventually he admitted defeat. It was all through giggles though, and as he flopped back down on the bed, HD unwrapped his limbs.
“My blush is saved.” HD taunted as he allowed 4K to pull back. His lover had a pout and huffed, but it quickly turned into a taunting smile.
��You’ve saved it, this time.” 4K claw tapped on HD’s lip. “But I can easily bring it back any time I want.”
HD could already feel his cheeks heating and kicked his leg into 4K’s side. “Stohop! Stop. You’ve had your fun.”
“I think you were having more fun that me. I had to absolutely hold myself back from just jumping and tickling you right there. You body was vibrating for it.”
HD scoffed but he couldn’t deny that. He was pretty sure he would have died happily if 4K started tickling him there.
“At least it gives you something to look forward to.”
HD scoffed again, but this time was more teasing. “Hardly.” He started playing with 4K’s hair while the taller God settled on his chest again and looking up at him. “When I’m in the forfeit, there will be four others tickling me too. And they will not have the patients you have for driving me wild. They just want me laughing.”
“Hmm...fine that’s true.” 4K admitted with a shrug. “So then maybe you just have to be extra nice to me and I’ll have that tickle session with you privately.”
Heat flooded to HD’s cheeks again and the colours swirled with excitement. “Wait! How-How do I nice? What-What do you want for nice?” HD babbled, uncaring his words came out rushed and unintelligible.
“You’ll need to think of that, Starlight.” 4K ginned, clearly enjoying this power. “For now, I want to spent my night cuddling with my boyfriend before I have to pretend that’s not the only thing I ever want to do.”
“No! W-Wait. Tell me!”
They bickered, though it was more HD pestering and 4K gently shushing him. Eventually he got him quiet with kisses. Deep, passionate kisses that melted HD’s mind until he was jelly in 4K’s hands and they could settle into a cuddly sleep.
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teawinx · 6 months
I can completely see the girls trying to help Krystal before she get a way to get around ,like Roxy calling a giant dragonfly to help her fly,Selina turning into/creating a butterfly to carry her,Linsay making a cloud of sand to Krystal ride,Kelli making a "sound bubble" making her flight with the bonus of Krystal Listen her fav songs,idk how Mifty and Rachel would to it lol
Also i can completely see Roxy helping her find a way of mobility as a Thank You bc Krystal teach her to fly😭
That's one of the best things about og Winx, the sense of community and support between the girls. No Winx left behind, ever.
And that's EXACTLY what I want for TRC, the characters being a community who love each other and use their own skills to improve each other's lives
I think Krystal would have mixed opinions on her various options. She'd be soooo freaked out by a giant dragonfly carrying her around XD
Yesss Roxy would absolutely do that!
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stemms · 4 months
Hola. I have an idea.
Tommy is a prince.
This is a modern AU.
After a party……Tommy realized that he wasn’t having fun at all and wanted to go home. Usually, he would go home with a friend or two but right now…..he wanted to be alone.
So, he got on his horse and left. (He has a horse, bite me. Horses are fun!!!!)
Anyways, he is riding his horse, trying to find his way back to his castle home…..only to hear hooves pounding on the ground behind him.
He turned around, only to see a shadowy man riding a horse at full speed towards him.
Tommy, having a terrible feeling about this man, begged his horse to go faster. (He didn’t have any reigns or anything. He only has a saddle on his horse. He doesn’t want to hurt ol Clementine.)
His horse listened to the prince and raced as fast as she could while Tommy held on for dear life.
Unfortunately, the shadowy man’s horse was much faster. And thus he was able to catch up to Tommy so quickly.
Then, as the prince continued to plead for a way out-
The figure yanked him off his beloved Clementine and placed him in front of themself.
Tommy yelled out as much as he could as the figure held him close. But unfortunately, only he, the horses, and the figure were near.
And thus, he was stolen away in the night.
What do you think? Wanna develop this AU with me? XD
Hello, thank you for sharing this idea, I'm losing my mind over it hehehe :) Many of my c!Prime ideas revolve around c!Tommy's kidnapping, so this is right up my alley lol :)
I'm so emotional about c!Tommy never using reigns to avoid hurting Clementine, and the fact that begging her to go faster was more than enough because they have a Connection,,, I love them so much <3
This idea is chilling in the best way, I can vividly visualise every part of it hehehe :) And yesss, I'd love to develop it with you, it'll be fun :)
Since c!Tommy is a prince, after his disappearance was revealed, people probably assumed that it happened because of his status or wealth, right? But because he's still quite young, I imagine that his first encounter with c!Dream was marked by his childish attitude, contrasting with his status. Knowing c!Dream, c!Tommy was probably unaware of the man's presence... So, intrigued by the teen, c!Dream began stalking him, and it was only a matter of time until he claimed what was rightfully his :) :) :)
Whatever c!Dream's status was, I don't think he cared about c!Tommy being a prince, but rather the fact that he was utterly amusing, and so different from others :)
You know how princes are supposed to receive a complex education and live under strict rules? Perhaps, c!Tommy wasn't particularly dedicated and obedient in that regard? In that case, c!Dream could easily take advantage of it, and impose himself in the role of his mentor :) He probably often made him doubt his own knowledge, even in things that he knew well, so that c!Tommy could trust the man's reasoning more and obey.
Also, what if, in order to make the teen more dependent on him, c!Dream made him write and read out loud certain lines related to him? For example, "I belong to you, and you alone". "I'll be nothing without you", "I should always listen to you without questioning", "You're always right", etc.
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zu-is-here · 11 months
Hey zuu
Oh hii Gayfish! (*'▽'*)
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Oh no reason to worry about it! (ówò) Your family comes first so there's nothing wrong in delaying <3
My bad I'm empty-handed either but happy birthday to the twins! (〃ω〃) Your latest reblogs with them are such a nostalgia ☆
How are you doing today? *^* Heheh yours is sooo cute too! Pink rulesss (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)♪
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Take your time╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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Bruh!! It was such a mistake to use mascara cause I cried all my tears out in the end ;w; Did you like it?
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OH yay!! (*゚∀゚*)
[spoilers for Barbie]
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Ah I can feel you! (ówò)
Perhaps I didn't take it so politically cause Ken's attempts were more ridiculous than depressing to me, although there's a deep message here.
I guess this is not so much about patriarchy or matriarchy, but about the right to be whoever you want without being obligated to anyone?
That's what made me cry in the final, when Barbie asked her creator to be a human and not an idea and felt what it's like to be one ;w;
Oh!! (°▽°) I suppose it's really individual cause I didn't cry at all when I watched Everything Everywhere All at once, and while everyone was talking about how Great this movie is (it is! *^*), I was like "?? Well that was 60% crazy, 30% fun and 10% sophistic :'D"
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Looks like it's controversial indeed ("ó3��) What do you think would be a better ending? *^*
Pff true, she acted so good xp I also enjoyed Alan, he looks so confused the whole movie XD
Speaking of the other movie— did you watch Oppenheimer? *^*
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Sadly no cause we can't watch it in cinema now :') But if they'll make it legal, I'll definitely go the second time all pink! \(//∇//)\
Oh these men ε-(´∀`; ) Alternative? :0
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Awww true! (〃ω〃) That's some real things <3
> Also no I haven't seen the other movie, but my friend has, and she really enjoyed it! So has jan!
This is not as exciting as Barbie is heh, but I'm a big fan of Christopher Nolan's films, and he nailed it again <3 (The adult scenes were superfluous though, but a man can have at least one in his career right? x)
[text ahead cause of the images limit xp]
> Alternative? You know like goth, punk things like that
Ah I see! (゚∀゚) Looks like it's not common for them in our modern world x)
> Other then the movie zu, how have you been? What you been up to?
Working on the next part of Trapped! (☆ω☆) Hopefully I can finish it before opening commissions, that's when the real work starts xp
Do you have other news to share? *^*
> Good luck with commisons zu!!
Nothing new, just been listening to phantom still, I wonder if there were any songs left out of the movie that you might not have heard
Thank youuu Gayfish! <3
So addictive (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)♪ Oh I wonder too *^*
> Recently I've been super into Notes and Notes twisted every way. As well as Why have you brought us here? Have you heard any of these before?
Woah— I don't remember listening to the first one! (°▽°) And I like how leitmotif repeats in the second one ☆ The voices are ssso good... *^*
> Oh! Did you just go off and listen to them now?? I love them to!! The way the voices mesh in the argument, and how christens name being repeated 3 times is a common motive.
Yesss! ♪ The musical must be better in terms of listening to them, cause in the movie, watching them steals almost all the attention :'D
> And the tunes of "His eyes will find me there, those eyes that burn"
Is the same as "hunt down this murderer, he must be found" in the finally
OH right!! (*⁰▿⁰*)
> It's also sad, how much the songs are starting to reflect christens trauma. She's so frightened, and his fear is growing ever strong, its twisting her perception of it all. All up until the point kf no return, and then the phantom singing all I ask of you.
The moment she realises that he knew about her and her lover the whole time. And she hears his true motive has truly been her the whole time, and she stands up and rips off his mask
Trueee, that was so intense in the movie as well ;w; Thought that's where the viewer knows that Erik saw them and knew about them, but the music shows it another way *^*
> I still haven't seen the movie, but the musical is spectacular visually as well.
I wonder if you'd enjoy the 25th anniversary recordings, it's very well shot.
The only thing that turned me off from the movie si that the phantom was cast for his appearance, not his voice, when it really should have been the other way around for a character who's a musical genius.
Awww I would! *0*
I've heard that many actors tried to get this role (Antonio Banderas as well?) and they took vocal lessons for this cause singing songs on their own was a prerequisite ☆
> Did you know that the longest running Broadway phantom played the role for 7 years? Almost every night for 7 years! The way they hop from one song to the next, his poor voice.
He got the biggest round of Applause at the end of the show
FOR real?? \(//∇//)\ That's crazy yet respectable!!
> One thing that was pointed out to me, which kinda kills alittle bit of the tension, js when Eric is over hearing All I ask of you, he's hiding behind the horses bottom, in the statue XD idk if makes me.laugh.
In the book he's ontop of a very high up statue, and it's a wonder he even heard them.
You know I've actually been to that oprea house
PFF well he's hiding after all xd You've been there?? (*゚∀゚*)
> Also I'm sorry if you are getting tired kf talking, idk if you are busy with trapped and would rather take a break?
Oh I really enjoy talking to you about them! *w* We can both take a break though, no rush anyway <3
> Well if you do wanna watch it, you can rent it on you tube. It's my favourite versionnnn.
Of course if you get the chance to actually watch it ! Do!
I'm going to be keeping an eye on it, waiting for it to return, Andrew said that it should come back, so if it ever comes back to London, I will tell you just in case it co-alines with a time you could visit!
I know I want to see it againnn.
Awww that would be amazing, thanks! \(//∇//)\
> Ok! We can take a break heh, sorryy
But I'll see if I can find a picture of the oprea house and send it over!
It's alright! (ówò) I'll be looking forward to it *^*
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@help-im-a-gay-fish OH wow!! \(//∇//)\ This is a great photo, "catching a moment" <3
He did a really good work at trying to make it as real as possible though *w*
> Me ans Jan found a night tour of the opera housessss I think we might goooo
*GASP* That's awwwsome! (〃ω〃)☆
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 8 days
I've noticed you're a fan of Ultimate Ask Blog. Do you ever think you might draw something for the Nagito + Mahiru friendship mini-arc?
Yesss, I'm a big fan of Ultimate Ask Blog! XD And I love the Nagito + Mahiru friendship mini-arc! The interpretation of the DR characters in this blog really matches my own interpretation of them. In particular, when Mahiru asks "So, can I be your friend?" and Nagito replies "I don't deserve it," it was exactly how I would have interpreted it, and it was so good! (Although they did become friends in the end!)
But so far I don't have any specific ideas I want to draw about them. I think that since their story will probably continue in the future, if something comes to mind that I want to draw, I will!
For those who are interested, I have collected links to posts related to the Nagito + Mahiru friendship mini-arc below:
It all started when some asks were sent asking Mahiru to cheer up Nagito. (A little earlier, some harsh messages had been sent to Nagito, and he seemed a little down!)
She then actually tries to talk to Nagito.
Once again, she tries to talk to him.
She delves a little deeper into his avoidance of social interaction.
After listening to his explanation, she comes to her own conclusion.
And the other day, a story was posted about them giving each other birthday presents for the first time, and it was so cute! 😊💕:
That's all. Thank you for asking! 💖
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madrone33 · 6 months
So I read the first book in the Percy Jackson series ‘The Lightning Thief’ a few months ago, and then I realised there was a musical after randomly coming across ‘The Campfire Song’ in a Greek Mythology song playlist on yt. So I finally listened to 'The Lightning Thief' musical! Yay! And now I have way too much in my head, and now I’m shoving it all onto the internet! Be warned, this isn’t really ordered or even coherent :)
I'm too used to Hamilton and Epic lol, I kept getting surprised when there were time skips between songs. Only 19 songs instead of 40? Skipping or compacting battle scenes? Actual spoken lines most of the time? Wow.
I really like 'Prologue/The Day I Got Expelled', 'Another Terrible Day', Percy's part in 'Their Sign', 'Put You In Your Place', 'The Campfire Song', 'Good Kid', 'Lost!', 'Drive,' 'The Tree on the Hill', 'The Last Day of Summer', 'Bring on the Monsters'. So most of them lol.
Tho my favs 5 are probs 'Prologue/The Day I Got Expelled', 'The Campfire Song', 'Good Kid', 'The Tree on the Hill', 'The Last Day of Summer'.
I love Percy. He's so sassy bitter exasperated done with all this shit XD. I almost like him better than in the book lol.
Also Luke. I actually sympathised with him a lot. Probably because the resigned bitterness all the half-bloods feel about their parents is emphasised a lot more in the songs, at least to me.
Kinda a play by play of my reactions?:
L: The gods are real. Like the Greek gods.
A: Like the ones you learned about but weren't paying attention to.
L, A: Well, they don't pay attention to you, either.
All: Especially if you're their kid.
[… that’s rough buddy]
All: *bitterly carefree* Yeah, the gods are real. And they have kids. And those kids have ISSUES!
P: Look! … I didn't wanna be a half-blood.
[Yesss! It’s actually happening omg. Also his VA is amazing]
P: And, honestly, I'd be totally be fine if I could make it to the next grade!
[someone give this kid a hug plz]
P: It wasn't dirty socks or my stepdad. It was danger that I smelled.
[pffft he really just did Gabe like that lmao]
P: *sarcastic* Maybe you don't know what a half-blood is because your life is normal and happy and not constantly in danger-
P: That's when this story should probably start. We were geeking out on ancient Greek at the New York Metropolitan Museum Of Art.
[honestly just impressed they managed to make this long ass title rhyme and fit the beat]
Ch: Anyone? Any student?
[lol, yeah no kid wants to bring attention to themselves like that]
P: My best friend was acting strange, at which he so excelled.
[damn Percy’s kinda savage]
P: Grover, you're a good friend.
G: Awww… *amused pity* Dude. I'm your only friend.
[bro Grover is even more savage!]
All: The day it all went down!
P: I saw something odd in Mrs Dodds’ frown.
All: The day it all got weird.
P: The day I got expelled!
[the sudden switch to just saying ‘yeah shit got weird’ is hilarious]
MD: I have heard much about you, Percy Jackson.
P: *vaguely impressed, dry* Really? That's very dedicated for a substitute.
MD: Kicked out of five schools in six years. One might question your parentage.
P: *mutter, protective* Hey, don't talk about my mom-
MD: *smug* And your father? That's right… You don't know who he is! *starts laughing maniacally*
P: *defensive, wary, demand* What's this about anyway?
[I just love his vocal delivery on those lines. He’s a total mama’s boy, for good reason, Sally’s awesome. But also, yeah, I’d be freaked out too if my teacher isolated my from the group and then started talking this shit]
P: *tentative, freaked out* Um… I didn't know what just had happened. Was that all a creepy, crazy dream? *incredulous, questioning his own sanity* My teacher was a creature, then she vanished in the ether with a demon scream.
P: The day I got- Expelled?!
P: *bitter, hurt, resigned* You think I’m trouble, just like everyone else.
[oof the way his voice is just so resigned, like he’s used to this, which he is. And Chiron, you’re not helping. God, this kid needs competent adults in his life]
S: He warned me that things might be hard if… you were like him.​
P: *sarcastic, harsh, bitter* Was he a screw up too? *tired, shame, resigned* Sorry, mom. If I was only- normal.​
[no Percy that’s not what she means! Don’t call yourself a screw-up :( ]
P: *vacant, pleasant* This is weird. *bland* Oh look, a strange man in a Hawaiian shirt.
Poseidon: *in THE goofiest voice ever* "What belongs to the sea can always return to the sea." It's a seashell.
P: *mild, moving on* … Like I said. Weird.
D: *sarcastic, grimace* Oh, you're alive. I suppose that's good news for you, but it means a lot more paperwork for me. So don't expect me to be happy to see you.
D: *grumble, pissed, sarcastic* Great! You haven't been debriefed. This is way out of my pay grade. Which is saying a lot, 'cause I don't get paid!
[average teacher’s salary smh]
D: *snarl, irritable* Someone find Professor Hay-For-Breath and tell him Peter Johnson is awake, so he better clip-clop over here!
P: *unimpressed* It's Percy Jackson.
D: *can’t care in the least, snaps* Whatever!
D: *throws up hands, done* Does no one watch the orientation film?
D: To tell you the truth? The best thing is to *aggressive table banging* BREAK UP WITH THE GUY!
[I am cackling rn]
D: *loudly and musically complaining about how much his job sucks*
P: *in complete confusion* Mr. Brunner! You’re a horse?! WHAT IS HAPPENING??
P: *bitter, pissed* My mom raised me all on her lonesome. When I would reach out, no one else would be there! *incensed* Well I want my birthday cards and fishing trips! Child support and homework tips!
[Poseidon! Pay 👏 your 👏 child support 👏]
P: *gritted teeth, holding back tears* So- So who is he?
L: *dry, bitter jazz hands* Welcome to the dysfunctional family.
[I know Luke’s technically the bad guy, but let’s be real. He’s cool]
C: You're gonna drown, you ain't gonna float!
C: Don't mean to boast, don’t mean to brag!
[I adore those high notes on ‘drown’ and ‘don’t’. Actually. Just- all of Clarisse and Annabeth’s high notes and slides are incredible]
[yo, 'Put You In Your Place' kinda sounds like 'Do What you Gotta Do' from Descendants 3. And I love that.]
A: *bright* Go to the boys bathroom!
P: *raised eyebrow* And…?
A: *questioning Percy’s intelligence* Stay there? *the ‘duh’ is implied* It’s your first day. We don’t want you messing this up.
P: *rocks on his heels, mild* Okay. Just stay here. Just stay in the bathroom, and stay out of-
C: *teleports behind him, smug sneer* Trouble? Ha!
C: Maybe the minotaur died from a case of laughing too hard from seeing your stupid face!
[that burn tho]
L: *wry* Offering to the gods. *rolls eyes, sardonic* It's not enough that they're omnipotent and all-powerful, they need to feel appreciated. *raises glass, dry* To the gods.
All: *lacklustre, cynical* To the gods!
P: *curious, cheery* Chiron! Who’s your dad?
Ch: *delicate* Oh! Well. My father is Kronos. *pause* Remember my lecture. He ate his children.
*awkward silence*
L: *winces* … Chiron wins.
*unanimous agreement*
P: Oh, no no no! If I try to sing, it’ll probably cause an avalanche.
[haha get it? ‘Cause Poseidon’s the Earthshaker? Anyone?]
P: *soft* My mum was named Sally. She loved scary movies.
[was. WAS. I’m crying]
P: Did he not want me? Or not want the stress? Too bad he's the worst, and my life is a mess! Oh no… *grins sharply, starts getting into it* I hope he shows even a trace, ‘CAUSE I’VE GOT SOME CHOICE WORDS to throw in his face!
All: *cheer*
[hell yes! Tell him Percy!]
P: *frustrated, bitter* I try, I try to be a good kid! A good kid! *tired, resigned* A good son.
[noooo 😭]
P: *pleading, defensive* I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid! (Scoff) *dismissive, resigned* Yeah, Percy, that's a good one.
[Nooo Percy! You are a good kid!! Stop talking down on yourself like this-]
P: *furious, bitter* And no friends! And no hope! And no mom- *broken* She's taken away.
P: Yeah, I'll do it. Not 'cause my dad needs me - he's been less a dad and more absentee.
[preach Percy!]
P: *triumphant* We're gonna march straight down to the gates of hell!
L: *interjects, nerd emoji* Underworld.
P: *waves off* Close enough.
P: *serious wtf energy* Guys. We just exploded a bus.
A: *casual* Yep.
P: *nah yall don’t get it* That was being attacked by demon triplet math teachers!
A: *unconcerned* Oh yeah.
P: *disbelief, dead eyed* Is the whole trip going to be like this??
G: *vacant, panicking* All our food was in there. All our clothes were in there. All our food was in there!
A: *umm…* Take that bus to Los Angeles.
P: *deadpan* We're not on the bus.
A: *rolls eyes* I know.
G: *blank* To Los Angeles.
P: *sarcastic, incredulous* We blew up the bus.
A: *exasperated* I know!
G: *having a minor breakdown* To Los Angeles.
P: So what are we supposed to do??
A: *shrugs* Wait for another bus?
P: *throws up hands* What if we blow up that one too?!
G: *anxious* It’s not safe to stay out here in the open, when Monsters are trying to eat us alive!
P: *sardonic, exasperated* How do they know where we are, when we don’t even know?
P: *sarcastic* Fantastic, gang. Well, I don’t wanna die in the Garden State!
[Grover talking to the squirrel like Aang talking to Momo is killing me.]
Squirrel: *helpfully* You’re all screwed.
G: *brightly* Thanks, buddy!
S: *cheery* Welcome!
*ominous thunder*
P: *strained* I think the gods are trying to tell me they hate me!
A: *dry* I’m getting that too.
P: *quiet, tense* Hungry monsters on the ground.
A: *soft, scared* Angry gods are in the sky.
G: *despairing* No safe places to be found.
P, A, G: *helpless* Wanna run. Wanna cry.
P: *exhausted, grieving* Can't go back to any home.
A: *anxious* Camp is way too far away.
G: *hopeless* Can't protect my only friends.
P, A, G: No place to go. No place to stay!
[no bbys it’s gonna be ok! Just wait a few more, uhhh, books?]
P, A, G: We're lost in the world, and the world is freaking awful!
P, A, G: *wild eyed* Who put the fate of the world in the hands of three unprepared scared half-bloods? It's crazy!
[^ this. Someone get an actual responsible adult on the phone]
A: *fierce, stubborn* But I promise you, I'll never be invisible again! Someone will notice! *quiet, longing* … Me.
[come on. Get these kids someone who loves them already!]
[Grover just being the best optimistic hype man in ‘Drive’]
G: *warm* ‘Cause people are counting on us, and I'm counting on you!
P: If you hadn't bought all those dam snacks–
G: Uh, it was the Hoover Dam, and I was hungry!
[that dam joke lmfao]
A: *gives him a Look, once again questioning his intelligence* You're joking, right? In The Odyssey, if you went to sleep in a lotus bed, one night could last one hundred years!
P: *waves Annabeth off* I'm sure that's irrelevant. Um, excuse me miss, how long have you been at this hotel?
B: *cheery* Why, my brother and I arrived just yesterday: May 1st… 1939!
P: *pasted on smile* Uh, we can sleep on the road.
P: *bright* Oh look, a bus to Los Angeles!
A: *sceptical* Are you sure that's a good idea?
P: *reasonable* This one we just won't blow up!
G: Ha!
G: Ask Annabeth, she knows.
[Grover proceeds to tell the whole story himself]
P: *thrown* But- I thought I was the only kid of the Big Three gods.​
G: *ominous, tired* You are now.
G: *grieving, raging* And maybe if I’d been a little bit braver! Maybe if I’d stayed behind to fight! But ‘maybe’ doesn't let me go back and save her… ‘Maybe’ doesn't make it alright.
G: *quiet* And it’s there reminding me of all I failed to be…
[y’know, Charon being voiced by a woman kinda reminds me of Hades in ‘Ulysses Dies at Dawn’]
Charon: Who has two turntables and three sick heads? Everybody give it up for D.J. Cerberus!
[omg this is so funny for some reason]
Charon: *to Percy* You ain't ever gonna save what matters! *to Grover* You ain't gonna protect your friends! *to Annabeth* You ain't ever gonna be remembered!
[The callbacks are so good!!]
P: *resigned* Seems my good intentions, always crash and burn. *helplessly frustrated* Everything I try to do will fail! Never once will I prevail! Going wrong at every turn…
[the way it’s set to the melody in ‘Good Kid’ is heartbreaking]
Hades: *throws up hands* Oh, come on!
P: So this could be the end, but I ain't sad. 'Cause you're the two best friends this screw-up ever had.
[happy crying because he has friends, and sad crying because he’s still calling himself a screw-up]
Ares: I’ll put you in your place!
[like daughter, like father]
P: *firm, eyes blazing* I'm the Son of Poseidon. I never asked to be. But I'm the son of Poseidon! Now face the tide inside me!
[screaming yes Percy kick his ass!!]
P: *quiet* Stay or go. Pick one.
[I just love how he sings that sm]
D: *growl, done with life* Attention, campers. It's the last day of summer. If you intend to make me miserable year-round, please inform us by sundown. Otherwise, the cleaning harpies will eat anyone who remains! Perry Johanssen, this means you.
P: *rolls eyes* It's Percy. Jackson.
D: *snap* Whatever!
A: *bitter, casual* My dad couldn't deal with the monster attacks, and my stepmom couldn't deal with me.
[nooo someone give her a hug]
[the way the music becomes discordant and not quite right, with minor chords and dark piano when Luke pulls Percy aside is such cool foreshadowing]
L: *bitter, dark, disillusioned* My quest was supposed to be the biggest thing in my life. I came back changed. But the rest of camp was exactly the same.
P: *numb realisation* … You’re the Lightning thief.
L: *simple, apologetic* The Oracle warned you. "Betrayed by a friend."
P: *horrified, disbelief, hoarse* … You set me up. *furious, disgust* You were trying to free Kronos! WHY?
L: *strained, earnest* He promised me the power to defeat our parents!
P: *furious, disbelief, bared teeth* Yeah? He's using you! To get back at the gods!
L: *honestly can’t care anymore, running on anxiety and spite* Good.
L: *empty, helplessly raging, hopeless* I’ve been here since I was a kid! I did everything they ever asked, yeah I did. And for what?
[bro why does everyone in this thing need a hug? They’re all just traumatised kids whyyyy]
L: *quiet, desperate, resolved* So I’ll do anything. I don’t care if I hurt anyone.
[the way you can hear in his voice how much he does care, because that’s exactly why he’s doing all this. AHHH-]
L: *bitter, broken, ragged* It doesn't pay to be a good kid. A good kid. A good son.
[screaming, crying, throwing up]
G: *longsuffering* Are we ever gonna once have it easy?
P: *bright* Nope!
P: Don't feel bad 'cause we're usually about to die :D
[ah yes, gallows humour]
S: They’re breaking your heart? Then try to hear it pound!
[I love her VA. She’s beautiful]
C: They'll put us in a box, but we won't be contained!
[yess Clarisse!]
P: 'Cause the sea doesn't like to be restrained!
[he said the thing!]
All: I'll make mistakes, but my own, and it frees me!
[for some reason, I just really love this line]
[that whole last part where they’re all overlapping is godly]
Damn that got long, but uh. That’s... probably all for now. So. Yeah.
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copyspaghetti · 10 months
Tenegaru (twit), honeypotluck (ao3), an anonymous secret 3rd person and I talked about a Mob Psycho X Undertale AU and I made art for it
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[ID: Pixel art of Reigen Arataka reimagined as an anthropomorphic foxlike monster in an undertale AU. He sits in a mostly barren office, with a table, a laptop, a printer, a potted plant in the corner, and a window with the blinds half drawn. The ambient light is red-ish. He is backlit by the yellow window. Reigen has one arm behind his head, is reclining in his chair, and has the other paw lifted up with the pointer finger and claw stretched out. The left text box reads "* Welcome to Spirits & Such * I'm Reigen Arataka * Greatest PSYCHIC of the 21st CENTURY" and the right text box reads "Buy", "Sell", "Talk", "Exit", "3G", "2/8". The talk-option is selected by the red heart. /End ID]
AU notes under the cut
Anon: Okay I haven’t left yet. But I would love to see an UT/DT style Spirits&Such shop for him.
Lucky: tbh him being some kind of trickster that follows frisk!Mob around in a UT au. literally everybody knows reigen is full of shit, but Mob is so trusting lmao. somehow all of the shitty things Reigen sells Mob along the way actually end up being useful in wacky ways.
Tenegaru: weird buffs, good heals.
Anon: That would be neat! I can see him as maybe a foxlike monster or even a Boss Monster w shit stats lmao. God what would his voice clip sound like??? 🤔
Tenegaru: aa aaa aaa aa a a a a a ae e e e e ee ee æ ee.
Anon: Just any clip of Sakurai screaming and just take a sample and repeat it.
Me: Shit stats yesss but he has his special moves and they're the stupidest ever but he keeps winning.
Anon: *This is one of Reigen’s signature moves.
Tenegaru: salt splash rains salt.
Me: A single flake of salt rains through the screen. He's like oops running out, anyway.
Lucky: "ask this magic 8 ball special questions and it will always show you the right path to take! and that'll be a gazillion gold, kid" *mob literally is never lost and thinks it's because the 8 ball has all the the right answers after all, but it's just that he's extraordinarily lucky*
Me: XD excellent choice, Mob.... The blue flowers all say stuff about how Reigen is a fraudster like negative reviews.
Lucky: "it's not nice to lie" - mob, defending reigen's honor. he refuses to listen to anybody about the fox lmao. 😭 imagine it actually makes reigen feel bad.
Me: I think Ekubo would be a monster he meets like the Mad Dummy.
Anon: He’s a ghost that takes the form of a ratted dummy and he’s just walking around, leaving fluff around everywhere lol.
Tenegaru: i dunno maybe he’d be like lancer and start out as an enemy but join the team like he does in canon lol.
Anon: Mixing both UT and DR together forgive me. [Referring to the party of Kris, Ralsei and Susie vs. Solo Frisk (with inner Chara)]
Lucky: eku joining the party and kind of quietly keeping mob out of trouble is sweet.
Anon: How would timelines be into play? That’s another question 🤔 Ekubo would show up from time to time on the title screen. He says you’re doing good in leading Mob in the right direction when you’re a Pacifist. But if you so wanted, you could reset everything….. or switch your current route up and start killing. Who knows.
Me: My vision: Mob runs into a weird dummy in the junkyard that is being worshipped by small random monsters and the dummy comes to life and it's Ekubo and then he follows Mob around. One of Ekubo's moves is making a little minion attack you.
Anon: Ohh please! That’s adorable. They try to make you laugh too.
Me: Do they tell horrible punny jokes in style with the original UT?
Anon: Oh god yes! We need that ROFL random humor in there too.
Me: Mezato, what would she be?
Anon: Honestly, I haven’t thought about it yet. I was mainly thinking about the main party like in DT and how they’d function. But I do know Mob would be the only human fs.
Me: I think maybe Mezato is a mini fox, same kind as Reigen, but Reigen insists that he's the only real fox around so clearly Mezato is something else XD you know how there are lots of dogs like lesser dog ? This time there's a lot of foxes.
Anon: Maybe a fennec fox?
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celestie0 · 2 months
HI ELLIE OKAY I JUST FINISHED TTPD AND I AHVE OPINIONS 😭 first half of the album was ehh idk how to feel abt fortnight considering it’s the single for this album I think it was good not that good though it wasn’t amazing like lavender haze I really loved ttpd (the song) I think my boy only breaks his favorite toys were good but so long London was a HUGE disappointed I think we all hyped it up so much and we all ended up getting disappointed because it wasn’t what we wanted or expected but daddy I love him WAS SO GOOD especially the lyric Where it goes “I’m having his baby no I’m not,but you should see your faces” GAGEDDD I WAS GAGED I also really liked fresh out of the slammer especially the kind banging sounds ik it wasn’t banging but bear w me 😭😭 guys English isn’t my language you can’t blame me fr 😂😂 who’s afraid of little old me WAS SO GOOOD and I can do it with a broken heart especially when she goes “I’m so depressed I act like it’s my birthday everyday Im so obsessed with him but he avoids me like plague” and the upbeat music makes it so much better the anothology was so much better then the normal version definitely really loved the black dog that song really stood out to me imgonnagetyouback WAS SO GOOD I saved that one I hate it here was also really good 😭 thanK you aIMee THE SHADE THROWN AT KIM ?? Taylor mother fucking swift did it AGAINNN 😭😭🤞🏻 she ate her up so bad if I was Kim I would be so embarrassed rn 😭☠️ Cassandra also stood out to me I think this was abt the kimye situation Robin was ehh I think it’s a grower for me honestly but the Bolter and the manuscript were pretty good as if noe I think I’ll probably enjoy the album way more if I just listen to it more a little disappointing but that’s fine cuz there were amazing tracks on here and tbh I am not mad at it now I just need to watch the fortnight music video but I’m too overwhelmed rn so I need a break a little ���� now I’m just probably gonna wait for Somone to break down the tracks and point out the hidden clues in the mv 😭😭☠️
hiii bb omg your opinions are pretty much exactly mine LOL <333
yeahh i agree w you, w midnights lavendar haze was likee....it set the TONE for the album yknow hahaha. i remember first listen for it n i was like aight im locking in after hearing that. but i heard fortnight n was like...ehhh i hope it gets better. i liked ttpd too i thought it was lyrically p good song plus the line ab the ring omg i was gagged. yea SLL was disappointtinggg i was rlly looking forward to that one ripping my heart out LOL but it...didn't
"but daddy I love him WAS SO GOOD especially the lyric Where it goes “I’m having his baby no I’m not,but you should see your faces” GAGEDDD I WAS GAGED"
HELP SAME HAHAHA I WAS WATCHING A BUNCH OF TIKTOKS YESTERYDAY OF PPL REACTING TO THAT LYRIC AND IT'S SO FUNNY xD tbh when i first heard it it didn't really sink in for me so i was just vibin w it but then i was like damn. imagine if she announced to the world she was pregnant through a song like that ahhah i was shocked when i heard it again in second chorus. she was so insane for that
agghh idk 'who's afraid of little old me' and 'i can do it w a broken heart' were big time misses for me lol i haven't listened to them again since first listen but it's just cuz i don't really like those kinds of songs from her (specifically referring to the lyricism on these ones) but idkkk i could just be a hater LOL cuz my friends rly liked icdiwabh but it might grow on me, we'll see,, it's def catchy!! kinda silly but she kept it so real
YESSS i think the black dog is in my top three from album :'') i had it on repeat driving to work yesterday and i cried ??? w every listen ??? idk something ab the end of the bridge where she holds the note on "old habits die screaming" omg i sob. and i'mgonnagetyouback was also SO GOOD i think that song is the type of edgy ts lyricism i enjoy (as opposed to icdiwabh & who's afraid of lil old me)
THENK YOU AIMEE WAS WILDDD i think that's the song that had me the MOST GAGGED BC GAT DAYUM. the part where she alludes that kim's kids will be coming home from school singing songs that SHE WROTE that only the two of them know are throwing shade at kim plsss. that's wild n i'm so glad she had the balls to release that song hahah good for her
i also really liked clara bow, the part where she said "you look like taylor swift" alluding to how someday she too will be gone n only remembered for her legacy was wilddd n made me emotional ngl. also i lovedd peter too def in my top three too. also loml is probs my fave
sameee i haven't watched the new mv yet haha i think i might stream it on tv later tonight. sorryyy bb that' you're overwhelemd hope you're taking care of yurself n that your exams szn is going okay!! <33 ty for sharing your thoughts w me
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aro-geo-turtle · 2 months
Hfth ep 54
—yay moth made it to moths family! I totally missed that moths dad was that guy who joined the dreaming boxes
—I wonder if moth and ray will reunite in the future
—this seems like there a whole small community living here, hope we get to know more of them, seems like a good place.
—road trip gang road trip gang! Jfbdjdbsj diggory “I wish I had a whole personality” XD wow diggory. And Percy was a horse girl [boy]! Damn it’s really Olivier bullying hours huh
—hallowed rat king. Wonderful.
—this is a new approach from lady Ethel and it’s creeping me the fuck out
—yesss trap the rats. Oh wait. It can split. Shit. Damn this is one powerful trance ability
—kitty cat! Kitty cat! Yessss listen to Olivier we need to keep the cat. New members joining the party!
—Percy seems so much noticeably happier this episode. Out of the forest, away from everything that happened with his dad…he’s teasing Olivier and talking about being a horse kid and looking at the cute cat. You can just hear in his voice how much more carefree he sounds <2 good for him
—hmm so demons can run out of fire. Interesting
—I love how hard this podcast goes on the “souls/fire = money” metaphor, it’s great. The fact that all demon magic is fueled by people’s souls is unnerving tho. …do demons have their own souls???
—very worried by this deal of barbs, but it seems pretty clear of his intentions. He just wants part of the power Polly stole. And of course Polly just wants to protect his family 😭
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
Stede doesn’t deny Izzy anything when he’s tiny because he’s too little to understand things like rules or routines enough to get why he’s being told no. He’ll sometimes say “in a little bit, sweetie” if the request is something like a bottle before dinner or tablet time when they’re about to go for a walk, but he always makes sure he gives Izzy it when it’s time and says something like “thank you for your patience, I appreciate you listening and waiting” so he knows mama listened and remembered, even if Iz didn’t. Ed tries to teach Izzy how to make that work in his favour but the baby just doesn’t get that he could probably get an entire toy store and cake for dinner if he used his special baby powers to ask mama.
Oh my goodness yesss!
He's just too tiny to fully understand what rules are or what the word 'no' is!
Tiny Izzy doesn't really have many wants, his main three are; food, cuddles/mama attention and his tablet- he's not an extravagant babie, not even aware that he has these baby powers!
Ed does and you knoooow he tries to get his baby bro to play the system so they could stay up a bit longer before bedtime or have Mama let them have pancakes for supper xD
But, Izzy is just happy as can be with his bottle and being picked up, much to Eddie's dismay
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quilleth · 2 years
Blorbo Bingo for your favorite MXTX character? :D
>:3 This is a tie between Xie Lian and Shang Qinghua (i know. you're so shocked by this information) so I did both xD Idk what to think about some of the categories but still xD
Xie Lian
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Explanations and Shang Qinghua bingo under the cut because otherwise this is going to be very long and that will bother me lol
May be feral: my good dude spent an entire book going feral and burnt down a capital. like...he may have gotten over that but the potential's there xD
Can do no wrong: so a lot of the crimes were like...kind of orchestrated by someone else pulling the strings. but also Xie Lian should get to go ape shit if he wants. he's dealt with people and the heavens for 800 years.
Actually the Favorite: mine and also many characters in the book. this is not a good thing for him xD
Cryptid: the gods on his return "the fuck?! he's still around?!"
The adult in the room: specifically when around Feng Xin and Mu Qing xD
Accidental father figure: he saw Banyue and little Pei as humans and went oh these are my children now. and Lang Qianqiu. And then also took over taking care of Lang Ying
In desperate need of therapy: are they really an MXTX character if they aren't? (ok maybe some side characters don't, but not in TGCF!)
Angst machine: i'm once again just going to point to the entirety of book 4 and also anything with Jun Wu
Eats out of the garbage: this is basically just canon xD
Honorable mention: certified himbo. Xie Lian's not dumb of ass enough to actually be a himbo but he's close xD
And Shang Qinghua
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May be feral: he did orchestrate the immortal alliance conference thing, and kicked lgj's ass. and successfully worked as a spy for at least a couple decades. like sure most of it was because of the system threatening to kill him again, but still!
Started out as a joke character: me at first: teehee hamster man is funny. after reading more: oh no...oh shit..i'm attached. aside from the fact i was already a little biased going in because i saw fanart of moshang before i read the book and went "yesss! the Height Difference, idiots to lovers rep we deserve" :3
Can do no wrong: he's a gremlin and i support him. also customer service and admin people should get to go ape shit every now and then. as a treat. yes i'm biased
bastard (affectionate): see above
pathetic meow meow, a soggy rat: i can't explain this one except that he's very sad and very pathetic
in desperate need of therapy: he needs some serious help with self worth, and the anxiety, and the everything from his first life/ family. and also to be blanket burritoed and given cookies and cocoa
angst machine: listen. he's funny and amusing on the surface but everything with his family and giving up on everything he wanted just to scrape by a living, and having no friends, and the (erroneous but he didn't know that at first) knowledge that the person he's closest too was going to kill him. again. like...please. i will cry
a muse sent by the gods: i have had so many fic ideas over the last year and written so much and that hasn't happened in a long time!
it's not their blood, i promise: see may be feral
relate to them maybe a little too much: oh look that one is a cynical, anxious MESS of a human being that has no idea how to be around other people because his parents fucked him up. mood. also living the height difference lifestyle ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Chihuahua energy: he is shaking in his little booties because someone looked at him and now he's spiralling wondering what weird thing he did. or a demon threatened to eat him. or both.
honorable mention: eats out of the garbage. like...the boxes of instant ramen aren't garbage, but they're certainly not healthy xD has he had a decent meal ever in either main sv events or as an adult in his first life? possibly but not often!
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omoghouls · 2 years
Is this something - Izzy being a brat, just the littlest demonest first mate on the seven seas. He isn’t even in headspace, he’s just having a day where everything is annoying him and it’s definitely because he stayed up late and woke up early then refused any offer of help and/or a nap until he started yelling at Swede for no reason. Ed and Stede grab him - taking an arm each - and bring him down to their room, planting him in a corner and telling him he’s in timeout, he should be quiet and think but can speak if there’s an emergency. It’s torture listening to them talk, strategise, flirt while having tea but even worse torture to be expected to stand still and face a wall while being so desperate to go that his tummy is bloating out and pressing against his waistband. He wiggles and shuffles a little until the ship jolts suddenly and he starts to flood his pants, turning to the captains and wailing that he’s making weewees and it IS an emergency and he NEEDS his potty chair.
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YESSS omfg Izzy can be suuuch a BRAT with a capital B, he's just got angers in him that come out in back talking and being naughty, it's how he gets the feelings out (and sometimes he'll be a brat just because he can lol)
So he absolutely needs some time in the naughty corner, time to think about his actions! And ofc Izzy is huffy and will gives them the silence treatment!
But, that doesn't last long when his bladder is underbearably full ;0; poor guy still doesnt want to talk, he's mad at them and they said only to talk if it was an emergency
Naturally, piddling on the floor is probably deemed an emergency!
Ed is so quick to bring the potty over to try to catch the last few streams of urine that are coming from the now weeping swordsman-
When he's finished and just an absolute mess, Stede is like "Okay, I think you've learned your lesson, my poor lad, having to go wee-wee is an emergency, you could have told us sooner, love." He says as he helps guide Izzy to the bathing room, wiping away the tears clinging to his face ;^;
Izzy just cries, probably blubbering out apologies for peeing on the nice floor, that he didn't do this on purpose! Which Stede just shushes him and takes the upmost care of Izzy, making sure he's all cleaned up and changed into something cozy and dry♡♡
He's definitely more meek after this, just clinging to Stede and Ed, not making a peep xD♡♡
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dolliedarlin · 2 years
Honestly, Mr. Baji show some effort please and thank you🙄!
Tamaki: My specialty ;)!!
Yes!!! I love scary games and movies but it’s a MUST that I watch or play them with someone present other wise I’m a huge scaredy cat too!
Hobbies: Yes it’s very refreshing talking to someone with similar interests! Everyone's workout journey starts differently, don’t get down on yourself:)! Ah yes, that satisfying feeling after knowing you did beneficial hard work!!!
‘Feel the burn’ *deep man voice* Oh yes, feel free to ask me whatever! Do you have any goals?
Listening to loud music while dancing like a headless chicken is so therapeutic!!!
Side note….kirishima helping you workout….Ahhh like if a weight is getting hard he will help spot you, to makes sure you aren’t overwhelmed!! Kiri monitors your water intake too, making sure you drink in between sets. He pays close attention to when your feel like you ‘can’t’ he helps you push passed it! AND FOREHEAD KISSES AFTER EVERY EXERCISE WHILE TELLING YOU HOW GOOD YOURE DOING AND HOW GOOD YOU LOOK!!!!! He’s too much!
yes yes and yes! did you get that mr baji? thanks~
tamaki : even though scary games/movies aren't my thing...i'll play/watch them with you...and we can be scaredy cats together! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
hobbies : yesss! omg! a common misconception i had before was that working out would tire me out when it's the exact opposite and motivates me instead XD the beneficial hard work after feeling is heaven! it feels so good!
my goal is just to work hard so i can be lazy yknow? i want that muscle so i can burn more at rest but! appearance wise, i wanna just lose a little bit more of my chub, get a 'snatched' waist and improve my flexibility but also tone up with some smei-beefy muscles XD
wahhh! it feels so nice being able to talk about the gym someone else that i'm comfortable with bc i don't really have any athletic friends - we're all nerdy introverts who love boba and yummy carbs at heart <3
right? and ooo~ i haven't tried the headless chicken dance moves yet i might try that out next time, my go-to move is usually the 'wiggly wiggly octopus' highly recommend (≧▽≦)
OMGGGG! HE WOULD SO DO THAT! OMG! AHHHH! i can also see him being your gym crush so you ask him to spot you and when you start struggling, he steps closer and puts his hands out, not touching you but you can feel the warmth from his hand near you and then he says words of encouragement for you to do one more! you manage to do it and almost collapse but he helps you collapse safely and then he says 'well done! you did so good!' and you fall for him even more! and he's conflicted bc he starts really liking you too but doesn't want to come across as a creep! AHHHHHHH! (´つヮ⊂)
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I posted 3,365 times in 2022
That's 2,962 more posts than 2021!
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3,260 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,315 of my posts in 2022
Only 31% of my posts had no tags
#hp fanart - 451 posts
#drarry - 439 posts
#hp fanfic - 324 posts
#art rec - 318 posts
#signal boost - 296 posts
#yesss i love this - 232 posts
#hp fests - 222 posts
#harry potter - 218 posts
#draco malfoy - 184 posts
#drarry fanart - 171 posts
Longest Tag: 39 characters
#and it shouldn't always have to be free
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I’ve got one more character portrait I wanted to get out of my system before I need to work on other projects, so here’s Derek for ya! I honestly wasn’t sure how Sourwolf was going to turn out, but he actually exceeded my expectations. He was thankfully easier to draw than I thought he would be (the grumpy characters I do draw are hard AF to get right), so he was a breath of fresh air. I could definitely get used to drawing him more (and maybe doing some really cool things with his eyes). Also, swooning over that facial hair and the shadows, and this general colour palette was really great to work with. You can view Derek as part of the work Snapshots of Time on AO3. Thinking about maybe working on Scott or Lydia next, but we’ll see!
191 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
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What were the words that you said to me that made me feel so special now? Here’s my @sterekweek-2022 contribution for the “Sing Me A Song” prompt! This art piece went in its own direction, and I just followed the path it took me. Lyrics are based on Finch’s song, “Stay With Me.” You can also view Makes Me Feel Alive on AO3.     Folks who are familiar with my work know I live for anything inspired by songs and lyrics, so I obviously had to see what I could come up with for Sterek. Thankfully, I have a gazillion songs and lyrics that work so well for them! :D Drawing an almost kiss scene was fun since there’s something raw and emotional about this moment Derek and Stiles are about to share. I loved drawing Derek’s leather jacket, and Stiles’ plaid button-ups have been teaching me new ways to work with patterns and simple clothing. And the way the mixed media spread ended up really embraces the October and spooky feels. I may have another Sterek surprise for ya for Halloween, so stay tuned!
194 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
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Welp! I’ve been sitting on this for quite a while, but I can now scream and squee about the gorgeous Perciver art @rxbbits made me for Where do we go from here? !! This very art piece inspired me to finish There’s a guiding light (on AO3) Since that fic deserved a follow-up and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write something inspired by this beautiful art, I just posted a ficlet that links to both of these pieces. Title: I’m always by your side (<- on AO3) Rating: General/Teen WC: 1.5k Tags: The Burrow, Post-War, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Honesty, Patronuses, Fluff and Angst, Reassurances, Conversations, Summer, Angst with a Happy Ending, Doubt, Memories, Oliver Wood-centric Summary:  In this moment, they existed. In this moment, they could truly appreciate each other’s company as the sun went down. [Or: Oliver and Percy have an honest conversation for the first time in ages and find comfort when two silver guardians make appearances again.] The ficlet uses @wood-you-rather-challenge prompts On the count of three, travel and Everything that kills me makes me feel alive and rarepair_shorts Rare Pairings Challenge 2022 prompts the Burrow and second chances. ANYWAY, my gods, I love the art that goes with this so much. I can stare at it all day because it reminds me why I love these two. They’re soooo precious!! Eeep! XD A BIG thank you to Matteo for listening to all of my ideas, talking all things Perciver with me and making this piece truly come to life. Make sure to check some of Matteo’s other Perciver art pieces or support his work! <333
268 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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Well, it looks like I can finally share this, after not being able to say anything for...I don’t know for how long?! Anyway, here’s what I made for @hd-wireless this year, which is my first Drarry fest piece of the year so far! Drarry has been with me through and through for a long time, and if you were to look at my Drarry playlist, Three Days Grace’s “I Hate Everything About You” is 10000% in there. I’ve loved this song for ages, and it sums up Harry and Draco’s relationship so well, it’s not even funny. I am so glad @sunflower-swan prompted this song so I could snatch it right up! More rambling about how I came up with this piece are in my notes. Cheers, and I hope you enjoy! Title: Every Feeling That I Get (<-see the full work on AO3) Rating: Teen Medium: Digital art Content and Tags: Mirrors, Hands, Love/Hate, Sectumsempra , Fiendfyre, Getting Together, Snogging, UST, Shirtless, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Rivalry, Feelings Realization, Memories, Post-War, Growing Up, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Enemies to Lovers Summary: The events from their malicious past somehow bring Harry and Draco together in a new way.
272 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Since it’s spooky season, this has a perfect time to delve deeper into more Teen Wolf and lore. So far, it’s been really fun to geek out over monsters, mythology and all things supernatural again. To do that (for a fandom that’s still newish to me) has helped me loosen up my expectations, look forward to trying new things, and I’ve been slowly getting back on track to finish up current art and fic WIPs. I guess this was the breath of fresh air I needed get out of that corner of roadblocks and feeling stuck. It seems to be working! I’m still getting my feet wet with Sterek (a ship I didn’t know I needed and one I adore sooo much). So, here’s a little something for @averysterekfall! I may have let this one run away, since there’s art AND a triple drabble that go together. :D If you like Teen Wolf and Supernatural references/crossovers, this might be your cuppa. Cheers and enjoy! Title: It’s Enough For Now (<- on AO3) Rating: G WC: 300 (w/ art) Tags: Autumn, Blankets, Comfort, Huddling For Warmth, Feelings Realization, Uncertainty, References to Norse Religion & Lore, Episode: s01e11 Scarecrow (Supernatural), POV Stiles Stilinski, Monster of the Week, Exhaustion, Pagan Gods, Mixed Media, Digital Art, Triple Drabble Summary: “You know, I could get another blanket,” Stiles points out, breaking the silence. “Or let me grab my hoodie from the couch—”   “It’s fine,” Derek interjects in a low voice. He tugs the blanket gently, pulling Stiles closer. “Stiles…” [Or, Stiles and Derek end up sharing a blanket after coming back from the pack's latest supernatural adventure.]
314 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
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leffee · 16 days
How Vinnie’s friends would react to Vinnie cutting off his very long hair for a short cut.
Zoe: "Vinnie, darling, you look absolutely stunning! But I must admit, I'll miss the endless styling possibilities your long hair provided. It was like having my own personal canvas to work with."
Pepper: "Whoa, Vinnie, where did all your hair go? Did you get into a fight with a lawnmower *laughs* you're rocking the new look though!
Russell: what made you go for such a big chop? You look different, but I gotta say, I'm proud of you for making such a bold change." *he fixes Vinnie's short hair with his hand, offering a supportive nod.*
Minka: Hey, Vinnie, where’s your hair? can I pet your head!? It looks so short now, like a freshly groomed puppy!" "You know what, Vinnie? I should totally paint your new look!” *she continues petting his head, brainstorming artistic ideas.*
Sunil: Whoa, Vinnie, what happened to all your hair??Are you okay?? *runs his fingers through Vinnie's hair*Hey, it looks good, but it's definitely gonna take me some getting used to..." who knows, maybe you'll decide to grow it out again someday."
Penny: Wow, Vinnie, I didn't expect this! But you know what? You look great!! Although, I'll admit, I'll definitely miss braiding your hair. It was always so much fun experimenting with different styles." *she offers him a supportive smile and a hug* “Do you like your new look?" *she gazes at him with a mix of curiosity and genuine interest, eager to hear his thoughts.*
- Second one done I hope you like this one I definitely love this idea-
I love this idea too, as much as I like him with really long hair, the idea of him one day just chopping off all this grass is very nice, cause it would be such a big difference.
Yeah, oh Zoe would be devastate by not being able to style his hair now. She loves her shorter hair and all, but that's why having someone with such long hair on hand was nice but now it's gone, and Pepper never let's her mess with her hair and everyone else has it short, at least in my headcanon.
Pepper's "did you get into a fight with a lawnmower" is just xD, but yeah. He had this long hair for ages, so when one day he comes and it's gone? You'd think that maybe, just maybe there was some sort of accident since he didn't say he was planning doing that. I think he just had an anime girl moment when he looked at himself in the mirror and had some deep thoughts and then decided to have it cut, not with a lawnmower though!
With Russell? Vinnie's basically just happy to get touched, so while Russell's praising him he kinda just leans into his hand, not listening, cause he likes the touch. ...Wait, no touching the hair! It will get greasy D: it's still his best feature after all.
Same with Minka he's just 🤤, while at the same time he doesn't want it to get greasy, so he's "Wait stop-" "Wait, no-" "Wait-" "...Freshly groomed puppy?" He's not sure it's that's a compliment or not, but he'll take it. 
Minka: Hey, Vinnie, where’s your hair?
Vinnie: It's gone, reduced to atoms.
Again with Sunil, yesss run his hand through his hair yes mmmmm.
And Penny too misses braiding his hair awww, I don't blame her, those two are so cute together. I think she would still play with his hair even if it's a bit harder now.
And guess what, his hair might be mostly gone, but you know what that means, his neck is now soo open and vulnerable, I think this should be taken advantage of >:3. Neck affection stuff might just be my favourite kind of affection, either between romantic or platonic partners, it's just a really sensitive part of body and elicits such cute reactions. I think we should do it with Vinnie.
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