#listening to unravelling as an audio book
majorproblems77 · 4 months
You know that feeling you get when you reread one of your stories and you think. Omg i wrote this?
Thats me right now...
How on earth did i do this?
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theaudiofiend · 8 months
Writeblr Introduction
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Hello everyone! This is a bit of a different Writerblr introduction. I wanted to join this wonderful community and chronicle some of my writing projects that I plan to one day turn into an audio roleplay series, maybe even a book, who knows. I'm a Voice Actor and you can call me Fiend. I very much enjoy creating supernatural worlds and am inspired by podcasts like Welcome To Nightvale and The Magnus Archives.
About The Writer
Bisexual with nonbinary tendencies
He/They Pronouns
Three and a half cats in a trenchcoat, actually
I enjoy puzzles and tactical games
I'm Autistic (creating magic systems is one of my special interests, actually)
A world history and mythology nerd
Lover of videogames (RPGs, horror, souls-like)
I could talk for hours about Dark Souls. Days and months even, if you ask me about Bloodborne. Tread carefully.
I enjoy writing about supernatural mysteries, mythology, gay monsters, GNC characters, philosophy, unique magic systems, character-driven narratives and also building complex worlds.
About The Projects
I have created a multilayered Universe for my projects, in which I write different character-driven narratives that affect a world consumed by mystery and the supernatural. These are meant to be interactive stories, so each character interacts with the listener and will be voiced by me in my upcoming audio series!
Beast Beneath The Moonlight: A story about Gabriel, an idealistic intern at a hospital whose life goal is to save as many people as he can. He is turned into a werewolf and is then forced to confront his inner beast, contemplate mortality and understand the true meaning of strength.
Written in Blood: Killian, a very old vampire from a bygone era, struggling to cope with the death of his lover centuries before, trying his best to live his remaining days in peace until his very bloody past starts to catch up to him.
Fiends With Benefits: Levi, a half-demon caught between the Mortal and Supernatural world, expected to be the best by both worlds while not being accepted by either. He lives under his predecessor's shadow until a plot that could unravel Fiend Society is brought to light.
There will be more stories within this world, so stay tuned.
General Aesthetics and Tropes
Urban Fantasy, Hidden World, Supernatural Creatures Are Among Us & They Are Incredibly Hot, Magic is Real, Angst, LGBT+ themes, Bi Vampires, Dark Romance, Sexual Themes, Monsterfucking, Understanding the Nature of Humanity despite not being Human, The Struggle between Logic and Emotion, Found Family, Actually Horrifying Vampires as Well as Stupidly Sexy Vampires, Lesbian Victorian Ghosts, Werewolves but Not Always Wolves. Wait, there's more... Fate Doesn't Exist, God Isn't Real but The Devil Is, Interconnected World where Magic and the Mundane meet, Cosmic Horror, Religious Horror, Body Horror, Death and What Comes After, Interpersonal Drama, Introspection, Tarot-based Characters, Slight Anime Vibes (Gasp), Paranormal Mystery, Hidden Worlds within the Hidden Worlds, Mythology is Real, Man is the real Monster, Dark is Not Always Evil and Light is Not Always Good.
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c-schroed · 1 year
Podcasts I Adore - Re: Dracula or This Year, Our Friend Jonathan Has a Podcast!
"I had for dinner, or rather supper, a chicken done up some way with red pepper, which was very good but thirsty. (Memorandum: Get recipe for Mina.)"
I wanted to join "Dracula Daily" ever since I heard of it. To me, this is a stroke of genius; it's just the perfect approach to this book. I mean, not only is Bram Stoker's horror classic an epistolary novel with precise dates given for every journal entry or letter written by one of its protagonists, it also spans quite an ideal amount of time, i.e. roughly half a year. Long enogh to give it a feeling of something interesting and important slowly unraveling, short enough to not feel like too much of a commitment.
So yeah, I really wanted to join "Dracula Daily". Especially because I wanted to read the novel in English for years already (so far I've only read its German translation, because that's my native language). But, alas, I do not find the time so easily to add a book to my to do list, so I ended up not joining this lovely book club last year, fearing I'd miss out on most of the entries sooner or later.
Enter "Regarding Dracula". Right after seeing it for the very first time I knew this will be perfect for me. I already have a habit of listening to audio drama on my daily commute, and preferably in the form of fictional podcasts. So quite literally, @re-dracula had me at hello.
And gosh, they did not disappoint. Although I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed to find out that the format is more that of a classical audio drama, with voice actors speaking every line of their respective character. Originally, I was hoping for a more podcast-like approach, meaning that each actor speaks all of the text of a journal entry or letter, period. As if Jonathan would make a podcast instead of notes in his journal. I simply like it when audio fiction uses the possibilities of podcasts, and "Dracula" felt like something that could profit from this way of storytelling, too. So yes, I admit it: I was a bit disappointed. But not for long.
After hearing just a few sentences of Karim Kronfli as Dracula, I immediately understood the decision to breathe life into each character this way. I mean, I love Ben Galpin's work as Jonathan, but Dracula really, really profits from Kronfli's nonchalant but still breathtakingly powerful and confident take on this charakter.
And Mr. Kromfli is not the only one who makes a redefiningly marvellous job here. So far, all the voice actors go far out of their way to make me fall in love with each and every one of them: Ben Galpin's Jonathan is heartbreakingly relatable, Isabel Adomakoh Young's Mina is capable and charming beyond measure, and Beth Eyre's Lucy is just gorgeous. Yes. I'm in love.
In addition to all that talent of its cast, "Re: Dracula" also has a neat and absolutely on point score and sound design. And, just like the basic idea of "Dracula Daily", it really gives you a feeling of how time passes between the journal entries and letters. Haven't heard anything of Jonathen for a while? One does start to worry a bit. Lucy answering to Mina just two days after the Mina's letter? Wow, that was quick, I guess (not sure how quickly the postal service worked back then, though). Even if one has read "Dracula" again and again, I am sure this form of presentation can grant new insights!
So, if you, like me, are a more eager listener than reader, or if you happen to like close-to-perfection audio drama, then please give this a shot! I bet you, like me, will soon be finding yourself eagerly, yearningly awaiting the next bit of news from your good friend Jonathan, who hopefully soon returns from that terrible business trip of his. 9 out of 10 points.
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stankycowboy · 7 months
WRITER BASICS. meet the author.
ALIAS / NAME. Dhoome
BIRTHDAY. August 31st
HEIGHT. 5'6"
HOBBIES. Writing, drawing, very hobbyist film shorts, video games, board gaming, deep diving my obsessions
FAV. COLOUR. Purple? Black?
FAV. BOOK. The Gunslinger (or The Mist? I listen to it constantly.)
LAST SONG. Sick — VRSTY (blame Wilds)
LAST MOVIE / SHOW. Technically Changeling, but I was scrolling episode 7 of The Sandman, The Doll’s House ( go figure :) )
RECENT READ: The Ritual, Holly, The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country (1-7), Nightmare Country: The Glass House (1-4), The Sandman: The Doll’s House, The Sandman: The Kindly Ones, The Sandman: Episode 7, The Doll’s House (script), Near Dark (script, assume I’m always reading it), I fairly regularly am reading my Old West Dictionary (but not cover to cover). If audiobooks count: The Sandman Audio Drama vol 1, The Luminous Dead, The Child Thief, The Gunslinger, The Drawing of the Three, The Wastelands, Doctor Sleep, Cyberpunk 2077: No_Coincidence
INSPIRATION. Well, there just happens to be this movie… Ever since @ulfhrafnx showed me Near Dark I have been obsessed. I used to be a fairly active writer, both on Tumblr and on my own, but had a long hiatus. Something about the movie clicked with me and after some encouragement I just started writing again. I get most of my general inspiration just from “supposing”. Kind of how Stephen King describes it. A scenario pops into my head and I find the first sentence, then the scene sort of unravels. Writers like King, Shirley Jackson, Clive Barker, Joe Hill, who also write with vivid imagery really spark my imagination. When someone can change my mood with a turn of phrase I find that very powerful. It may just be silly exposition on a website, but if I can make people see/feel/hear the things I describe (sorry about some of them), that is everything I want. My base inspiration for writing is projecting the scene in my mind into other people’s. I want them to get to the end, sit back and be able to have gone to that same place with me. If/when that happens, I know I can keep writing.
STORY BEHIND URL. Lady said “I’m surprised it wasn’t taken”. Honestly, they are just very key Severen words. He is The Savage One, he is a cowboy. There you have it.
tagged: @ohsunshine
tagging: I feel like everyone I know was tagged, how’sabout you just steal it if you want to do it. You have my exclusive permission.
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audiofictionuk · 2 days
New Fiction Podcasts - 4th May
D20PR - CASA XANATHAR Audio Book La raccolta di Podcast legati al Serial "Casa Xanathar" realizzati da Rodinas, fondatore del canale twitch di livecast "D20PR". Un Serial folle, assurdo e fuori dagli schemi incentrato sull'altrettanto folle vita dei membri della gilda criminale più fuori di testa di tutti i Reami Dimenticati. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240418-07 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f4f3cd44/podcast/rss
The Pirate's Prisoner Audio Drama An immersive fiction podcast, following the journey of a slightly disgruntled pirate and the merchant's daughter who is her unlikely prisoner (gay) (very gay). https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240426-02 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f52280bc/podcast/rss
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halb da Audio Book Thekla Liebmann nimmt euch mit auf eine Reise in parallele Universen und surreale Kulissen. Ihre modern tales und short stories sind schemenhafte Episoden und Momentaufnahmen, die inspiriert sind von alltäglichen Absurditäten. An der Grenze zwischen Scie-Fi , Fantasy und der nicht weniger skurrilen Realität. Dreamy, flirrend, queer. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240405-06 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/halb-da
KHAMOSHI - Hindi Audio Thriller Audio Drama “KHAMOSHI,” a spine-chilling Hindi audio thriller that delves into the murder of a boy named Jahan. Tormented by bullying since childhood and adopted by at the age of 12, Jahan’s life is a tapestry of hidden pain. Inspector Ved, a seasoned officer whose wits are put to the ultimate test as he unravels the complexities of this baffling case. As Ved digs deeper, he encounters a web of deceit that challenges the very notions of friendship, bullying, and societal norms. With each twist and turn, “KHAMOSHI” promises a journey filled with suspense and adventure. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240414-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f4b50ec4/podcast/rss
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Double The Popcorn Audio Book You think there’s anyone I haven’t seen? Fucked around with? Followed? You think there isn’t a version of you I haven’t tweaked to be the very d-d-darkest you could be, with flesh in your fingernails and blood in your cheeks like a really fucked-up squirrel? I. Have tried. Them all. And pal… they don’t fucking work. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240418-08 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/malevolent-double-the-popcorn
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Mournwynd Audio Book An experimental audio experience featuring; dark tales, whispered curses, horrifying found footage, and a cacophony of noises resembling words. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240414-04 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/mournwynd
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Surrogate: The Director's Cut - The Podfic Audio Book Black Market Voices proudly presents Surrogate: The Director's Cut - The Podfic! Fully scripted, cast-acted and with audio effects, some of the fandom has come together to attempt this monumental task, and we are overjoyed to finally let you hear it. What is it? Well, you'll have to listen and find out won't you? Make good, peons, I don’t have all century. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240417-04 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/surrogate-the-directors-cut
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Dreaming Machines Novels Audio Book If you like books like Dune, movies like Star Wars, and magic systems akin to Brandon Sanderson novels, then check out the Dreaming Machines series and the currently posting book one: Asunder. This is the audiobook for the Web Novel Dreaming Machines Series found at our dreaming-machines-novels.com website. Currently Asunder: Dreaming Machines Book One is actively being posted. A novel about a post-apocalyptic world ran by machines, but where humans are attempting to regain control. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240429-01 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2356546.rss
Tales from the Labyrinth Audio Drama Step into the realm of imagination with “Tales from the Labyrinth,” a fictional podcast that invites listeners on a journey beyond the bounds of reality. Each episode presents a mesmerizing “story of the week,” reminiscent of the classic allure of “The Twilight Zone,” but steeped in the rich tapestry of fantasy. From enchanted forests to mystical kingdoms, and from ancient prophecies to modern-day magic, “Tales from the Labyrinth” explores a myriad of worlds where anything can happen. Delve into the depths of imagination as you encounter mythical creatures, brave heroes, and mysterious forces that challenge the very fabric of existence. Join us as we unravel the threads of possibility, weaving together tales that will transport you to realms both wondrous and perilous. Whether you seek adventure, mystery, or simply an escape from the mundane, “Tales from the Labyrinth” promises to ignite your imagination and leave you spellbound with each enchanting episode. Embark on this fantastical journey and discover the limitless wonders that await within the labyrinth of your mind. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240420-04 RSS: https://media.rss.com/talesfromthelabyrinth/feed.xml
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I Witness: The Lazarus Project Audio Drama Welcome to "I Witness," where every sound tells a story and every moment holds a mystery waiting to be uncovered. Join us on a journey into the heart of intrigue and investigation, where our team of relentless investigators leaves no stone unturned in their pursuit of truth. In this gripping audio drama, listeners will be transported into a world of suspense, as each episode unravels a new case that challenges perceptions and tests the limits of imagination. From unsolved crimes to unexplained phenomena, "I Witness" explores the depths of human curiosity and the relentless pursuit of justice. With immersive sound design and captivating storytelling, "I Witness" sets a new standard for audio entertainment, offering listeners an unforgettable experience that will keep them on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Prepare to be captivated, prepare to be amazed, prepare to become an eyewitness to the extraordinary. This is "I Witness." https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240421-05 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2349066.rss
The Wedding DJ Audio Drama Jason is caught between a rock and a hard place. He loves his girl dearly, but his life seems to be going nowhere. Kevin, his best friend and fellow bandmate, makes a suggestion that will drastically alter Jason's destiny. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240407-03 RSS: https://media.rss.com/theweddingdj/feed.xml
From This Mouth That Bleeds Audio Drama "Humanity took to the stars and left us for dead." Lieutenant Lorelei Reeves is a first-generation, three-star pilot for the United Forces of the Red Remembrance. She is the only pilot capable enough to helm the UFRR's greatest mystery; Acheilus, an antiquated shark mecha from before The End. It is a time of peace; the bitterness from the Coalition of The Last Frontier's abandonment has long since diluted away in favor of lucrative trade deals from space - goods that could only benefit the UFRR's longevity underseas. But Lorelei cannot help but taste the tang of deceit between her teeth. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240426-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f564e790/podcast/rss
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MISPER Audio Drama An original audio drama about missing people. Start with episode 1. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240428-01 RSS: https://feeds.libsyn.com/522388/rss
DragonMetal Saga Audio RPG Join in for our second live Dungeons & Dragons stream! Together with our amazing fellow Twitch streamer friends: extirpatefate, druid_irl, and BananaTomOG. Please enjoy the next chapter in our new ongoing series of our D&D campaign called "DragonMetal Saga." Thanks for sharing our continuing adventures! This campaign is using the 5th Edition version of Dungeons & Dragons. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240409-03 RSS: https://media.rss.com/dragonmetalsaga/feed.xml
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The Camp Dragon Online Podcast Audio RPG The Camp Dragon Online Podcast Presents Daring in Dastanir! An Actual Play Podcast featuring the professional Dungeon Masters of Camp Dragon Online as players! Some of the adventures are retired modules from the Camp Dragon Online vault and others are brand new, exclusive material! Come listen to unique mechanics devised by our Dungeon Masters and encounter never-before-seen monsters and magic! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240402-05 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2334314.rss
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La Maestra Audio Drama Vuelve en versión podcast la histórica radionovela escrita por Manuel Canseco Noriega sobre el trabajo de enseñanza de la maestra Clara Elizalde y su lucha por devolver la esperanza a los jóvenes más necesitados. La Maestra, una radionovela que te hará recordar, reír y reflexionar. ¿Cuánto hace falta una maestra cuando vemos jóvenes descarriados? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240415-04 RSS: https://feeds.simplecast.com/vxtzGHqw
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Gestalheim Productions - Three Mask Planning Audio RPG It started with Gnolls, led to a tavern that heralded a vision, then snowballed from there. Now, with directives from various sources and more questions than answers, a group of adventures seek answers admit devine rumblings. All the while they try to keep one of the party alive and answer the most pressing question: what is the coin Delani holds? It's harder than it seems. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240405-07 RSS: https://feeds.transistor.fm/gp-three-mask-planning
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COLD TAPES Audio Drama Set against the backdrop of Antarctica's six-month Winter Over, which is marked by perpetual darkness and isolation, our story delves into the intertwined lives and claustrophobic relationships of a small group of international scientists and crew stationed on a remote research base, Bowers Wilson. In addition to the extreme conditions, the research station crackles with sexual tension, unexplained mysterious psychotic events, hidden criminal pasts and strange global conspiracy theories, thrusting any wannabe detectives into a gripping narrative surrounding the mysterious death of 33-year-old behavioural scientist Andrew Fairfield. With only sixteen people left on the base, the murderer must be one of them. Join the diligent and obsessive DCI Tessa McCallister, as she works around the clock to spearhead the police investigation from the UK and solve the murder from over 9,000 miles away. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240414-06 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/coldtapes
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Monster Parade Podcast Audio Book Bite-sized flash fiction for those with the monster-munchies. Each monster is handcrafted from scratch, catered to your cravings for the uncanny. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240409-04 RSS: https://api.substack.com/feed/podcast/2450930.rss
The Belles - Fantasy-Hörspiel-Serie nach Dhonielle Clayton | WDR Audio Drama Camelia ist eine Belle - mit der magischen Fähigkeit, den Menschen in Orléans Farbe und Schönheit zu schenken. Die Menschen am Königshof sind grau, ihre Welt wird von Hässlichkeit bestimmt. Camelia will zeigen, dass sie die Beste ist, wenn es um Verschönerung von Gesichtszügen, Hautfarben und charakterlichen Eigenschaften geht. Doch hinter den Palastmauern lauern dunkle Geheimnisse. In 12 Folgen erzählt die Fantasy-Serie mit opulentem Orchester-Soundtrack von Magie, Intrigen und einer gefährlichen Schönheitsdiktatur. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240417-05 RSS: https://www1.wdr.de/mediathek/audio/wdr/the-belles/the-belles-100.podcast
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ASHFALL - Ein Fiction-Podcast Audio Drama Weihnachten 1999: Der amerikanische Transport-Unternehmer Julius Ackerman veranstaltet seine alljährliche Feier, der sowohl die eigene Familie als auch jene seiner fähigsten Mitarbeiter beiwohnen. Im Laufe des Abends zeigen sich zerrüttete Familienverhältnisse in den Reihen der Ackermans auf: Julius‘ Tochter Jane weigert sich noch immer vehement, sich in die Familiendynastie einzugliedern und Sohn Franklin eckt nicht nur mit seinem Schwager an, sondern erpresst auch seinen eigenen Vater. Denn dieser treibt unter dem Banner der Wohltätigkeit ein vermeintlich doppeltes Spiel. Noch ehe die Familienstreitigkeiten ad acta gelegt werden können, stürmt ein Trupp bewaffneter Söldner die Weihnachtsfeier und nimmt alle Beteiligten als Geiseln. Der Weihnachtsabend droht, in einem Massaker zu enden. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240410-04 RSS: https://ashfall.podigee.io/feed/mp3
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The Kona Lodge - RPG Actual Play Podcast Audio RPG We are a Tabletop Roleplaying Game Actual Play podcast that focuses on Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Pendragon, Traveller, D&D and more. Currently we are playing the Delta Green campaign, "God's Teeth". https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240330-06 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f43d927c/podcast/rss
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Trials and Scriptulations Audio Drama Produced by the Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers’ Script Club. Members write a script, cast the actors, and then record their performance. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240425-02 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/adminqv/feed.xml
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I Delitti Di Montescuro Audio Book I Delitti di Montescuro sono una serie di cinque racconti gialli formato audiolibro che narrano le vicende di un commissario di Polizia, Max Palmieri, impegnato a risolvere strani casi di omicidio che avvengono in una cittadina posta ai margini del mondo conosciuto, Montescuro. La collina degli spiriti, Il dodicesimo miglio, la loggia del Cerbero, Progetto Area 20, il Bagatto e il Codice Announaki. Raccontato in prima persona, i Delitti di Montescuro è il mio primo progetto di audiolibro autoprodotto da dilettante. Fatti, luogi e personaggi sono puramente casuali. Buon ascolto e buon divertimento. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240420-06 RSS: https://www.spreaker.com/show/6155800/episodes/feed
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Heist Audio Drama Just a couple of gal pals guarding the art--and each other's hearts. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240419-02 RSS: https://feeds.libsyn.com/520598/rss
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Echoes of Kuliang Audio Drama This audio drama series paints a captivating picture of love, peace, and friendship, transcending time and space. In 1901, a young American boy named Milton Gardner set foot on a life-altering journey to Kuliang, China. For a decade, he immersed himself in the enchanting marvels of this distant land, forming deep bonds with his cherished companions, Dashan and Haiyan. However, as his family bid farewell and returned to the United States, Kuliang and the memories of his childhood friends became eternally imprinted in Milton's heart. Throughout his lifetime, Milton yearned for a chance to return to his beloved homeland. Until finally, in 1992... https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240422-04 RSS: https://cgtn-radio-data.cgtn.com/rss/programother/631
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The Dark Pulse Audio Book The Dark Pulse is a dark fantasy/horror story about a man named Nolan who is captured --along with his family-- during an invasion by the brutal Republic of Kalyko...and explores the lengths a man will go to in order to restore his family's safety and freedom. It is set in an 19th-Century-Earth-like fantasy world riven by war, and secretly undercut by ancient, malevolent forces with their own nefarious agendas. Call it THE DARK TOWER meets 1917 (film) by way of BERSERK (manga). https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240313-12 RSS: https://feeds.libsyn.com/517948/rss
Don't touch me Audio Book Audio version of the book Don't touch me, by Serina Noy. Censored version. Dom S. is the face and soul of the Confessional Club, a queer nightclub with a very exclusive private area: a BDSM dungeon. One Friday night, something happens to him that will upset his life. We immerse ourselves in the protagonist's mind, a thirty-year-old man who plays the role of the violent dominant in his sexual relationships. But is it really just a role? And what would happen if he was the victim? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240430-01 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f518e494/podcast/rss
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Tell Me Where It Hurts by Marco Jose Audio Drama Ang mundo ni Ara Angeles ay umiikot lamang sa Cuenca, Batangas. Nagtatrabaho siya nang maigi para mabigyan ang sarili at ang pamilya ng pagkakataong magkaroon ng mas maginhawang buhay. Pero nagbago ang lahat nang makilala niya si Aivan Vinn Montemayor. Anak ng may-ari ng rancho. Mataas ang antas ng pamumuhay. Mayaman si Aivan. Mahirap si Ara. Magkaibang mundo. Langit at Lupa. Ang pagkakaibang ito ay pilit at paulit-ulit silang paghihiwalayin. Pero hindi hahayaan ni Aivan na mawala si Ara sa buhay niya kahit ilang beses pa sila saktan ng tadhana. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240429-02 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/tell-me-where-it-hurts-by-marco-jose
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The Starcrier Conflict Audio RPG A scifi space mecha opera using the LancerRPG system with a story of found family out amongst the stars and a tale about what it truly means to be human in the face of something so terribly alien. Set in the far reaches of the Orion Arm, limited by relativistic space travel, and teeming with factional politics, join our cast of new mech pilots in the Union Navy Lancer Auxiliary Corps as they set out on a journey forewarned and forgotten. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240501-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/the-starcrier-conflict
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thejaymo · 4 months
Listening to books was not the same as reading them. But whereas before, I had taken the value of written and audio books as mutually exclusive, I began to entertain the idea that maybe an audiobook was its own thing. I began to recognize the disparagement of audiobooks—whether open or implicit—as a certain kind of ableism. The written word is seen as a default, and any translation of it, as with my dyslexic students, was a mark of inferiority. But hadn’t we been telling stories long before we’d thought to make symbols to represent them? Maybe audiobooks still could not replicate, for me, the experience of seeing words on the page. Maybe they didn’t have to in order to earn their keep.
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(aka the month in which I listened to a lot of audio books while doing jigsaw puzzle)
House of Hollow
Author: Krystal Sutherland
First published: 2021
Rating: ★★★★☆
I correctly predicted the biggest twist about halfway through, but no matter, this was a thrilling and engaging read! I am not big on body horror, but this worked and had the perfect mix of creepy and mysterious. Really enjoyed myself. Giving it four stars because I am not sure about repeat value, but I can see myself picking it up again in the future and finding out.
Anežský klášter v Praze
Author: Helena Soukupová
First published: 2011
Rating:  ★★★★★
Pomineme-li komplex bombastického Pražského hradu, je Anežský klášter pravděpodobně nejvýznamnější středověkou budovou v Praze a tato kniha jasně ukazuje, proč. Toto nádherné místo, které přestálo staletí a všechny nešetrné rány, které mu byly uštědřeny živly i lidmi, i dnes vyzývá k zamyšlení, zastavení a modlitbě. Genius loci je tu tak silný, že jej jistě musí pociťovat i lidé vnímající náboženství jen jako historický přežitek. Helena Soukupová předkládá v této knize svoji zjevnou lásku k osobnosti a dílu Anežky Přemyslovny s vědeckou precizností, ale zároveň stylem, který je čtivý i pro méně znalé. Publikace překypuje detailními fotografiemi (monochromatickými i barevnými).
Author: Susan Stokes-Chapman
First published: 2022
Rating: ★★★★☆
While this was pitched to me as the retelling of the Pandora myth - it is not. It merely uses the ancient story to lay out a rather delicious mystery with hints of the supernatural. I found myself more interested throughout than I had expected!
Compendium of Marian Devotions
Author: Ed Broom
First published: 2022
Rating: ★★★★★
There are two reasons why you might want to read this book: 1) you are a devout Catholic 2) you are interested in Catholicism (no matter your other spiritual leanings) In the first case the books gives you some good affirmations, provides details about apparitions and other dogmas of marianology. In the second, it gives you a clear glimpse into why Mary is so important to Catholics. It is richly and beautifully illustrated and also lists some of the most common Marian prayers.
Author: Frances Hardinge
First published: 2022
Rating: ★★★★☆
Another vividly imaginative adventure from Frances Hardinge. This one felt a bit too long, to be completely honest, but her writing is still wonderful and I would kill to have so many original ideas as she does!
The Nickel Boys
Author: Colson Whitehead
First published: 2019
Rating: ★★★★★
... because 2023 is obviously the year I choose to cry over books and love it (though apparently "loving" is not really an appropriate word for appreciating this topic).
O lásce
Author: Anton Chekhov
First published: 1976
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Mé první setkání s Čechovem dopadlo velmi dobře v tom ohledu, že jeho styl je nesmírně čtivý a dobrý. Trochu horší je fakt, že některé z těchto devíti povídek vlastně nemají konec, či je ten konec příliš náhlý a čtenáře zanechá velmi, velmi nespokojeného.
The Wrath to Come: Gone with the Wind and the Lies America Tells
Author: Sarah Churchwell
First published: 2022
Rating: ★★★★★
Absolutely frikkin fantastic and important! I read Gone with the Wind when I was 19 and liked it, but I also really cared for the "love" story between the characters and pretty much viewed the rest as a backdrop I could gloss over. (for context I am a white European from a country that never had any colonies, never participated in the slave trade, and our own ancestors who were serfs were liberated in the 1780s. Moreover, the American civil war was more or less a footnote in our history classes.). I have seen the movie more than once though (again focused on Scarlett and Rhett rather than anything else) and liked it a lot. I began to realize the whole thing was problematic later, but I had no idea just how problematic and downright awful it really was until reading this book. Aa Churchwell herself says, we should not scratch the book out of our minds nor ever screen the movie again, but we should be mindful of the realities it shows (of the past and the present) and view it as evidence of delusion and mindset. That way Gone with the Wind can be redefined from the great American novel to a learning experience and a warning. Will we learn though? Our ancestors did not.
Author: Laurie Lico Albanese
First published: 2022
Rating: ★★★★☆
An interesting and more than capable debut, beautifully written and quite ambitious. Besides trying to capture an experience of a person with synesthesia and trying to create a story that inspired one of the most famous classic books, she also attempts to encompass the witch trials and slavery in the US. She mostly succeeds, though the beginning felt a bit too slow for me, and from time to time I kept wondering whether some of the plotlines were unnecessary. Loose threads, so to speak :)
The Dance Tree
Author: Kiran Millwood Hargrave
First published: 2022
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Kiran Millwood Hargrave poured her pain into this book and for a while, I was considering not rating it because of that, however, in the end, this IS a piece of fiction, no matter how intimate and personal to the author. I am used to the quality writing by Hargrave and she does not falter here, unfortunately, the book is just incredibly depressing and thus difficult to read. The main problem is the lack of a plot while all attention is given to minute details of the main character´s aching heart. Everything else, including the dancing plague and the other character´s subplots, is merely touching the edges of her mind - and being in that mind is really, really difficult for a reader. This one is definitely a manifesto of pain and a book I respect, but I will not be reading it again.
Magic Flutes
Author: Eva Ibbotson
First published: 1982
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Please I beg of you: do yourself a favour and STAY AWAY from the audiobook narrated by Kate Lock who has a pleasant voice but for whatever reason decided to turn every single character into an impossibly annoying cartoon. Just AWFUL. That said, this is a book I kind of enjoyed with all its clichés (and there are MANY) and in spite of many a wince-worthy description of secondary characters. It could be because I needed something sweet and nice after a bunch of books about the holocaust, miscarriages, and slavery. It is a fairy-tale, complete with a princess, a rag-to-riches protagonist, an empty-headed lady villain, class prejudice, and naive views of days gone by.
She and Her Cat
Author: Makoto Shinkai
First published: 2013
Rating: ★★★★☆
If you love cats, this is definitely a book to pick up when you feel sad. I found it to be very wholesome if a little basic.
A Village in the Third Reich
Author: Julia Boyd, Angelika Patel
First published: 2022
Rating: ★★★★★
Having read a lot about the horrors of WW2, on the battlefield, in occupied territories, and of course, in the concentration camps, my question has always been: who were these people following Hitler so blindly? The SS I understood to be evil and power-hungry individuals, but how is it possible that the German nation actively elected the Nazis and lived by their hateful rhetoric? Julia Boyd tries to show how the Hitler era impacted the "ordinary" Germans living in a backwater area and manages to paint a vivid portrait of the village existence from the 1933 elections to the aftermath of the war, which left them with nothing. I am still not sold on the author´s assumption that even among the Nazis there were "decent" people (since one kind of belies the other), but I think that the sense of community with interpersonal conflicts, differences of views, varying desires and selfish interests has been captured perfectly in this book.
Russia at Play
Author: Louise McReynolds
First published: 2002
Rating: ★★★☆☆
W hile far from uninteresting, this is more of a thesis than a book, if you know what I mean. Touching on the fascinating topic of how the Russians pre 1917 spent their free time and how entertainment culture was shaped (and shaped the public in response), it is very dry with run-on sentences. I would also recommend having a thesaurus nearby.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Author: Betty Smith
First published: 1943
Rating: ★★★★★
A sleepy afternoon with the hot sun deflecting off of pavement, with the quiet bustle of a city for a company. That was the feeling I had while reading this book. And in spite of the fact it depicts poverty and hardship, it also captures perfectly and vividly the joy of childhood, which can be magical if only you have a place to stay and people who love you. I loved returning to the Nolan family every day.
A Darker Shade of Magic
Author: V.E. Schwab
First published: 2015
Rating: ★★★★☆
Not bad, not bad, but I guess I have expected more world-building and little more depth to the plot, since the books are so beloved and the concept is really wonderful. Let´s see if the rest of the series changes my mind.
Alice: The Girl From Earth
Author: Kyr Bulychev
First published: 1985
Rating: ★★★★★
An absolute delight of a book! Fast-paced, adventurous, full of great ideas and, a bit unexpectedly - even humour! If you are worried this is a "soviet propaganda" book, you need not worry. Besides a passing mention od the 1st of May parade on the Red Square, there is really nothing political - unless a dream of a better world is a political one.
The Fall of Númenor
Author: J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
First published: 2022
Rating: ★★★★★
These books and stories are still as beautiful and fascinating as they seemed when I first stumbled upon them.
We Are All So Good at Smiling
Author: Amber McBride
First published: 2023
Rating: ★★★★☆
This is one of those books that feel important simply because in spite of all the fantastical elements in it, it touches the raw nerve of everybody who has ever struggled with depression or any other similar mental state. I felt that the language fluctuated between gorgeous and "needs a bit more work" in places, and it took a little while before I truly fell into pace with the story. The more it progressed, though, the more invested I was. One thing I have to note: I listened to this as an audiobook narrated by the author. And I never would have guessed it was meant to be "poetry". That was something I only found out later when looking up some info. I just thought the format was... a little strange. Still functional n what it wanted to say. Also, the book cover is incredibly beautiful!
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jamteayang · 1 year
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Stars, Hide Your Fires cover reveal 💖
Dusting off this blog to post ✨ book news ✨ Ever since I first saw the early cover sketches by the stellar @christinaillos​ in my inbox, I’ve been counting down the days until the cover reveal would go live. I mean, just look at that gorgeous cover. 
On a personal note, I had an absolute blast editing this sapphic YA sci-fi book by the wonderful Jessica Mary Best. It’s writing like Best’s that make being a kidlit editor so much fun -- I cried, I laughed, I got chills, and I spat out my tea while snort-laughing. (Also, if you haven’t listened to Best’s audio drama The Strange Case of Starship Iris, you need to do that ASAP.)
Anyway, enough nattering from me! Here’s the description:
A wanted thief. A murdered emperor. A killer loose on the station. KNIVES OUT goes sci-fi in this gripping YA mystery set in space, perfect for fans of THE DARKNESS OUTSIDE US and IRON WIDOW. As an expert thief from a minor moon, Cass knows a good mark when she sees one. The emperor’s ball is her chance to steal a fortune for herself, her ailing father, and her scrappy crew of thieves and market vendors. Her plan is simple: 1. Hitch a ride to the planet of Ouris, the dazzling heart of the empire. 2. Sneak onto the imperial palace station to attend the emperor’s ball. 3. Steal from the rich, the royal, and the insufferable. But on the station, things quickly go awry. When the emperor is found dead, everyone in the palace is a suspect—and someone is setting Cass up to take the fall. To clear her name, Cass must work with an unlikely ally: a gorgeous and mysterious rebel with her own reasons for being on the station. Together, they unravel a secret that could change the fate of the empire.
If you want a lil sneak peek, the first chapter can be found here. And if you want to go straight to preordering (excellent choice!), why not preorder from Bookshop.org or your local indie? Stars, Hide Your Fires launches this summer on July 11th 🚀 Hope you’ll check it out! And since I’m breaking the seal on posting here -- if you have any questions about editing, kidlit (i.e. YA lit, MG), working in publishing etc, don’t hesitate to shoot me an ask! 😁 (I’m also on Instagram at the same handle 👋) 
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whimsicaldragonette · 2 years
Audio ARC Review: What Souls Are Made Of: A Wuthering Heights Remix by Tasha Suri
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Just look at this *gorgeous* cover!
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Publication Date: July 5, 2022
What Souls Are Made Of, British Fantasy Award-winning author Tasha Suri's masterful new take on Brontë's Wuthering Heights, will leave readers breathless. As the abandoned son of a Lascar—a sailor from India—Heathcliff has spent most of his young life maligned as an "outsider." Now he's been flung into an alien life in the Yorkshire moors, where he clings to his birth father's language even though it makes the children of the house call him an animal, and the maids claim he speaks gibberish. Catherine is the younger child of the estate's owner, a daughter with light skin and brown curls and a mother that nobody talks about. Her father is grooming her for a place in proper society, and that's all that matters. Catherine knows she must mold herself into someone pretty and good and marriageable, even though it might destroy her spirit. As they occasionally flee into the moors to escape judgment and share the half-remembered language of their unknown kin, Catherine and Heathcliff come to find solace in each other. Deep down in their souls, they can feel they are the same. But when Catherine's father dies and the household's treatment of Heathcliff only grows more cruel, their relationship becomes strained and threatens to unravel. For how can they ever be together, when loving each other—and indeed, loving themselves—is as good as throwing themselves into poverty and death?
My Rating: ★★★★★
***My Review below the cut.
My Review
My favorite of the Remixed Classics series thus far!
I wasn't a fan of Wuthering Heights when I read it some years ago. There was too much tragedy, and the characters were all awful people. But I still jumped at the chance to read this because Tasha Suri is a fantastic writer, the synopsis is intriguing, the cover is stunning, and I have absolutely loved every installment of the Remixed Classics series thus far.
And it absolutely lived up to and exceeded every one of my hopes and expectations. I loved the split narration between Cathy and Heathcliffe. I loved their distinct voices and the way the narrators performed their chapters. I loved how, though they were distinct, their childhood belief that they shared one soul felt true. I especially loved how this story deviated from the original.
The character growth of both Cathy and Heathcliffe is immense. They do not start the book as 'likeable' people, either of them, but I was rooting for each of them to find themself from the beginning, and by the end I loved them.
The ending is a satisfying conclusion and very obviously a new beginning and I would happily read more books exploring where Cathy and Heathcliffe go and how they choose to pay the debts Cathy's father owed as they set their ghosts to rest.
Speaking of ghosts, I loved the fantastical elements to the story. They were at once jarring and a natural extension of the plot. They felt right and true.
The discussion of the East India Company's atrocities in India, colonialism in general, the way rich white men viewed all non-white foreigners, expecting them to be grateful to serve them, was sickening. The revelations about Cathy's father were blows to Cathy and to the reader.
This story was hard-hitting and the language was gorgeous and kept the haunting gothic atmosphere of the original. I was riveted and couldn't stop listening. I loved that I never knew what was going to happen. There were points where one of the characters would face a choice, and I could see where one choice would lead - to something like the plot of the original Wuthering Heights - and I would desperately hope they would choose the other path, even though it wasn't clear what lay at the end of it.
I loved the element of found family that Heathcliffe stumbles into -- I'm a sucker for a found family plot -- and I really wish there could be a sequel where Cathy gets to meet them. I would love to see what she would make of Heathcliffe's life and choices in Liverpool. At the same time I love where Tasha Suri chose to end the story. It felt… right.
This is my favorite of the Remixed Classics series thus far. Highly recommend.
I also highly recommend the audiobook because it is absolutely gorgeous and the narrators really bring the story to life. It is emotional and haunting and gothic and perfectly matches that gorgeous cover.
*Thanks to NetGalley, Feiwel & Friends, and Macmillan Audio for providing an audio arc for review.
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Gundam Wing Secret Operation (1996) Side B (Part 11)
Heero = H; Duo = D; Quatre = Q; Trowa = T; Wufei = W; Treize = TR; Zechs = Z
H: Operation Five: Mission Accomplished.
D: (Stretches) We’re finally done! Since we’ve got so many quiet guys on the team, I was kinda worried that making a cassette book would be an impossible task. However, things turned out to be a lot easier than what I’ve expected!
H: Duo, did you really think so?
D: (Laughs awkwardly) Uh, yah, good work everybody! Thanks for your hard work!
W: Thank goodness. I don’t ever want to do this again.
D: Aw don’t say that, didn’t y’all have fun doing this too?
Q: Let’s see…this is Duo’s…and this is mine…Heero’s…
T: Quatre, what are you doing? Q: Oh, come take a look at this. These are fan mails that are dedicated to us!
D: Wow, that’s a lot! Is this everything?
Q: You see the boxes that are stacked over there? Apparently those were also sent in by fans!
D: That’s a whole mountain worth of letters right there!
T: This shows just how many people are out there rooting for us.
Q: We are really lucky to have received so much support. As a token of gratitude, why don’t we respond to some of the questions and requests from our fans before we go?
D: Quatre, that’s a great idea! Hey Heero, Wufei! Why the hell are y’all leaving already!
[T/N: either one of Wufei or Heero or the both of them said something here, but the original track’s audio cut out so it was incomprehensible. My best guess is that they said something along the lines of “My job here is done” or “I have no obligation to share personal information with strangers”] 
Q: Heero, Wufei, that’s not proper! You have got to be thankful to the people who have shown so much support for us, isn’t that right, Trowa?
T: I agree with Quatre. We should at least express our gratitude.
D: That’s right y’all, a little fan service won’t hurt! Speaking of which, Quatre. What kind of requests did we receive?
Q: Let me take a look…The person who received the most letters is Duo!
D: What can I say, it’s hard being popular!
Q: YN-san from C602 colony and many more have requested to see Duo with his braid undone. To be fair, even we haven’t seen Duo with his hair down before.
D: Well, this hairstyle is pretty much my trademark. It’s so much work having to tie my hair back up though…
W: That’s on you for let your hair grow out without trimming it. 
H: If it’s that much work, just cut it short.
D: Hell nah! My current hairstyle suits me perfectly. Ain’t no way I’m gonna chop my hair off. Oh well, I’ll let my hair down for the sake of all the cute ladies out there. Here I go!
[Sound of hair unraveling]
D: How is it?
Q: Woooow, that’s really long! Duo’s hair is so wavy and soft! Didn’t you say that braiding your hair takes a lot of work? How come you don’t let your hair done more often? 
T: The lack of gravity in space probably makes it difficult for Duo to navigate around with his hair flying in all directions. 
Q: I see, it’ll be troublesome if your field of vision is blocked by your hair, right?
D: Besides, it’s hard to move around with long hair if I don’t tie it up.
H: That’s why I told you to cut it short. Anything that would get into the way of a mission is unnecessary.
D: Just let me live my life and stop judging my hobbies! But anyways, to all the cute ladies who sent in the request, what did you think? What, you can’t see it because this is a cassette book? Whoopsies, my bad! 
Q: Unfortunately, the listeners will have to use their imagination. The next letter that we have got here is…
D: Wait, give me a sec to tie my hair back up!
H: Just carry on, Quatre. Let’s not waste our time waiting for Duo.
D: You heartless jerk!
Q: This is for Trowa! “Trowa is very good at befriending animals. Are there any secrets to that”? 
T: There are no special tricks or secrets involve. However, wild beasts are simple creatures that stop being hostile when they realize that you mean no harm. 
Q: I’ve heard from Miss Catherine that after Wufei was defeated by Treize, you brought him to the circus and sat next to him by the bonfire for two hours. And that afterwards, the two of you became really close friends! Trowa, it is amazing how you managed to tame Wufei! 
W: Why am I being lumped together with wild beasts?!
D: Close enough. Finally, I’m done braiding my hair! Let’s see, the next letter is…for Quatre. “I have heard that Quatre-kun has 29 older sisters. What are they like”?
Q: Although there are sisters that I have yet to met, all of them are amazing people. They are all part of my precious family.
H: Even so, whoever is to marry Quatre in the future is going to have a rough time.
Q: Wait, why?
H: Having to get along with 29 sister-in-laws sounds like hell.
T: Moreover, they will also have to deal with the fanboys in the Maganac Corps. One would need to be very resilient in order to be able to handle that.
W: I don’t think there are any woman out there who would willingly walk into a lion’s den like that.
H: If that’s the case, Quatre’s status as a bachelor is set in stone.
Q: Stop making grim predictions about my future!
D: Com’on Quatre, let’s not linger over this and just move onto the next letter already! It’s for Wufei! Here you go.
W:...What the heck is this.
D: It’s a request for you to deliver this line. Just go ahead and say it!
W: …Alright. We’re near the end anyways. (Clears throat) “Woman! Are you listening to me, woman”?
D: As requested by KT-san from C316 Colony and many more!
W: I don’t understand women. Does getting yelled at bring them joy?
Q: I think it depends on the person. But more importantly, I wonder how that our male listeners felt about that.
D: Don’t worry about the dudes, they’ll be fine. Alright, the last letter is for Heero! “Where did you buy the stuffed bear that you gave to Relena in the last episode”? (Laughs) Heero and stuffed toys? What an odd combination! What did you wear to the store?
Q: (Chuckles) Duo, stop laughing so much!
T: That’s right, even if he was surrounded by girls inside of a fancy toy store, Heero is the type of man who would carry out his mission without feeling ashamed.
D: (Laughs) Stop, you are making me imagine that!
W: (Snickers) How lame, buying a present just to please a woman!
D: (Out of breath from laughing) So? Where did you buy the bear, Heero?
H: I didn’t buy it.
D: Stop playing dumb! That’s not gonna work against us.
H: That wasn’t something that I bought. I made it myself.
Q: Really? You made a stuffed bear? 
H: That’s right. I have undergone intensive training that would allow me to prevail in any mission. Therefore, I have extensive knowledge in mobile suits piloting, computer hacking, gun-handling, and history and languages of the various nations on Earth. Furthermore, subjects such as politics, economics, horseriding, fencing, social dance; and domestic skills such as woodworking, cleaning, and cooking were also part of the curriculum. Nevertheless, in order to be able to make my own clothes when infiltrating, I was taught how to sew as well. 
D: Why on earth would anyone teach their spies how to sew??
Q: That is extremely impressive, Heero! Look at me, I can’t even sew a button on by myself!
T: Having mastered all of that, you would make a perfect bride, Heero.
[SE of the boys stumbling]
D: Why the hell would he be the bride?!
Q: For the rest of the fan mail, I will make sure to hand them to the recipients. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to send us a letter!
H: Mission accomplished.
D: Now that Heero has said his catchphrase, I think we can finally call it a day. Let’s go grab some food on our way home y’all!
T: Wait a second.
D: Trowa, did you have any unfinished business? 
T: This has been bothering me for a while now, but it seems that we haven’t finished filling up this entire cassette tape.
D: You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me! 
Q: Oh my, Trowa is right! We still have a few more minutes to go until the 30 minute mark.
W: Seriously? Did we miscalculate the time?
H: It’s…it’s my faulcbwdigyivwehfvyi (Duo jumps in, covers Heero’s mouth with his hands in an attempt to stop him from self-detonating).
D: Don’t you dare! Trowa, Wufei, hold down his legs! Quatre, grab the self-detonation device that he’s holding on his hand!
Q: Roger! What what what what do I do with this thing??!?!!???
D: Don’t be too rough with the device or else you might trigger its activation!
H: Give me back my self-detonation device!
D: Calm the fuck down! Even if you were to self-detonate that ain’t gonna solve our problem!
T: What are we suppose to do now? The cassette tape will be ruined if we don’t do something about this.
D: When faced with problems like this…
Q: When faced with problems like this?
D: Just shift the responsibility onto someone else and make a run for it!  
W: Are you planning to run away from your problems?
D: I’m not gonna complain if you volunteered to stay behind alone and clean up after our mess.
W: (Grunts)
T: It seems that we don’t have any other options.
Q: I feel bad about this, but this is our only way out.
D: Let’s hurry up and get the hell out of here. To the voice actors who voiced us, I’ll leave the rest to y’all!
H: It’s…it’s all my fault!!!!
D: Enough Heero. Let’s go!
[The boys run away]
[Part 10] [Cast Comment]
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7/17/2022 DAB Chronological Transcription
Isaiah 18-22
Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible Chronological I'm China. It is so great to get to be back here with you guys today and to start a new week with you. Welcome. Today we are continuing to in the book of Isaiah with chapters 18 through 22. And since it is a new week, we will be switching up the translation. And this week we will be in the English Standard version.
Lord, I thank you for your word. And Lord, I just consistently feel this feeling when we read Your word and Your just and Your judgment. Lord, my heart feels led to pray and ask that you would give us clean hearts and clean hands. I thank you that there is a way that we can even come to you and pray and ask for it instead of a sacrifice, instead of having an exchange with a priest in a temple. Lord, I thank you that we have Your Holy Spirit and what a gift that is. And so Lord, I just pray that you would make us new, that we would be refreshed in Your Spirit. And Lord, even as our brains are trying to unravel what that truly looks like, I thank you that you are showing us that you are renewing us in Your Spirit. I thank you that Your Son came to give us life and life more abundantly. And so Lord, I pray that in a way for us to live life more abundantly. Would you cleanse us and would you renew us? What may we desire to be cleansed in a whole and renewed? And what might that look like and how everything around us will transform from the inside out. Lord, I just thank you that you're a safe God, a safe father, and a friend to depend on. And so it is in Your precious name that we pray. Amen.
Daily Audio Bible.com is our website. That's the place where you can see what's happening here in the community. So be sure to check that out so that you can get connected and to stay connected. If you're on Facebook, you can go to Facebook.com dailyaudiobiblechronological and you can also get connected through Facebook if that's your social media of choice. That is all for today. I'm China, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer Line:
Good morning DABers of all channels. This is Mike from South Jersey. It's been a long time since I called last requesting prayer for my marriage. Been well over a year, I know probably more like two years ago and I just wanted to say that this testimony is longer redo. About over a year ago my wife contacted me out of the blue, so to speak. We knew that was the Lord prompting her. She has saved and just was giving wrong counsel by counselors who were not speaking God's truth. That's for sure. And she texted me and we started by going to a friend's wedding together and a few different other things after that. Now we're meeting almost every day, so praise God for that. Thank you so much, Lord. Shout out to Brian and Joe. Also China and Ben and Ziko. Listen to you guys every day. Just an amazing podcast and amazing family you guys are. Of course, we have the worldwide family as well. So love you guys. Thank you so much for your prayers. People praying even though it's been a long time. So God bless you all and I will get back with a praise report when we finally start living together again. Thank you so much. God bless.
This is Adrian from Maryland. I've received a request from my dear friend in Texas. She used to go to the same church as I did in Maryland. She reached out to me on Facebook and this is what she said. She said, Adrian, I have a prayer request. The whole country, which is where I live, is having triple digit heat and no rain. This is an excellent combination for fires. So far we've been lucky. There have been a couple of small fires, but our fire departments have been able to deal with them. There are some pretty strict water restrictions in effect as well. The Guadalupe River, which has always supplied most of our water, is so low that the Water authority has switched to wells. It is a pretty dangerous situation, so please pray that we get rain and lower temperatures. Please pass this prayer request along. Dear Lord, please. There's so many, the whole western part of the country has high temperatures and dry conditions, drought conditions and increased wildfires. Please leave all of these conditions, we're begging you. And please, everybody, the more of us who can pray for this, the better. When two or more of us, the more of us yes, please are gathered in his name, he will listen to us and he will help. Thank you so much. This is Adrian in Maryland, His Mighty Tortoise. I love you all.
This is Charles from Brandon, Florida. I had called in previously requesting prayer that my knee surgery would go well, and it was scheduled for July 7, but it had to be postponed because the week before I was to have the surgery, I came down with a cellulitis infection in the same leg that I am supposed to have surgery. So it would have compromised the surgery if I had it done. So mixed bag blessing that it didn't happen after the surgery was supposed to take place. And I'm actually thankful that it had to be postponed so that there wouldn't be any issue with the surgery and the infection in that leg. And I want to thank Chicago Pig and Kate who prayed for me. I know that the prayers will continue to go forward and I'm really thankful that people care enough.
Hi, this is a grandmother calling from Florida and I am asking for prayer for my son and his three small children. My daughter in law has mental illness and they are going through a divorce and custody issues and it's very painful and I don't even know how to pray sometimes for all of them. If you just would love my son and his family and that justice would be served and that Jesus's light would shine in all of the darkness and all the deception lies would be exposed and that he would have favor with God and with the courts and that he would be able to see his children every day. This is such a really difficult thing and I'm very close to them also. It's very complicated and it's been going on for so many months and it's heartbreaking to see what happens in something like this. Just pray for protection over my grandchildren's minds, their hearts, and for my son also to continue.
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dargeereads · 12 days
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  THE VILLAINS WE MAKE BY NATASHA KNIGHT   Release date: April 23rd   Series: Heroes and Villains Duet, book #2   Genre: Dark Romance / First Love / Jealous/Possessive / Anti-hero / Touch her and die / Forced Proximity / Marriage of Convenience / Billionaire / Heroine in danger / Divided loyalties / Friends to enemies to lovers / Girl/boy next door / Damaged hero / Damaged heroine / Love at first sight   The Heroes and Villains Duet is COMPLETE!   “You can’t marry him if you’re already married to me.”   Step into the gripping world of The Villains We Make, the final book of the Heroes and Villains Duet, by Natasha Knight! Unravel the tale of possessive anti-heroes and dangerous love.   Available Exclusively in KINDLE UNLIMITED! Amazon US: https://bit.ly/3U7SZhM Amazon INTL: https://geni.us/wsz5G Audible US: https://bit.ly/4b7gAWv Audible UK: https://bit.ly/3QdPlBA Apple Audio: Coming Soon!   Start the DUET TODAY! Amazon US: https://bit.ly/3UEYAhA Amazon INTL: https://geni.us/oAPX Audible US: https://bit.ly/3TONZhX Audible UK: https://bit.ly/4cQgSTo Apple Audio: https://bit.ly/3xODu6F       Blurb   You can’t marry him if you’re already married to me.   That was how Silas Cruz proposed to me—more like demanded, really. He didn’t exactly give me a choice.   He’s dark, jealous and incredibly possessive.   And he’s just one of the villains in my story.   I used to think he was my hero.   Still, there’s one thing I know for sure. Whenever I need him, whenever I’m in danger, he comes for me. He’s proven that time and time again.   Now, the game has changed, the stakes life and death.   But loving Silas may be the most dangerous thing for me. Because he’s the man who holds my heart in the palm of his hand.         About Natasha Knight:   Natasha Knight is the USA Today Bestselling author of Romantic Suspense and Dark Romance Novels. She has sold over half a million books and is translated into six languages. She currently lives in The Netherlands with her husband and two daughters and when she’s not writing, she’s walking in the woods listening to a book, sitting in a corner reading or off exploring the world as often as she can get away.   Connect w/Natasha:   Website: https://natasha-knight.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/natashaknightauthor Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheKnightSpot Twitter: https://twitter.com/NatashaKnight13 Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@natashaknightromance Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/natashaknight13/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/natashaknight13/ Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6478732.Natasha_Knight Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/natasha-knight Amazon: https://amzn.to/2DWdlEu NL Signup: https://natasha-knight.com  
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bestsellersbooks · 2 months
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Download Never Lie An addictive psychological thriller Audiobook & eBook Edition
Click here to Download your Audiobook & eBook
Newlyweds Tricia and Ethan are searching for the house of their dreams. But when they visit the remote manor that once belonged to Dr. Adrienne Hale, a renowned psychiatrist who vanished without a trace four years earlier, a violent winter storm traps them at the estate… with no chance of escape until the blizzard comes to an end. In search of a book to keep her entertained until the snow abates, Tricia happens upon a secret room. One that contains audio transcripts from every single patient Dr. Hale has ever interviewed. As Tricia listens to the cassette tapes, she learns about the terrifying chain of events leading up to Dr. Hale’s mysterious disappearance. Tricia plays the tapes one by one, late into the night. With each one, another shocking piece of the puzzle falls into place, and Dr. Adrienne Hale’s web of lies slowly unravels.
Click here to Download your Audiobook & eBook
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ear-worthy · 3 months
Australian "The Easey Street Murders" True-Crime Podcast Debuts
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People in the U.S. may not know how popular podcasts are in Australia. In the last five years, the percentage of Australians who listen to online audio monthly has grown by nearly 50% to 78%. With nearly 71% of the population aged 12+ listening to online audio weekly, digital audio and podcasts have become major sources of informational, educational, and entertaining content for Australians.
Unlike many Americans, a majority of Australians use podcasts to get diverse perspectives on life and culture. In the U.S., many listeners comfort themselves with the confirmation bias they receive from shows like Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, or twice-convicted Steve Bannon. The most downloaded podcast in Australia is Stuff You Should Know – a podcast on society and culture. It is currently averaging monthly downloads of 2.8M with over 300k+ monthly listeners. The most listened to podcast in Australia is Casefile, a true-crime show.
Casefile is an Australian crime podcast that first aired in January 2016 and is hosted by an Australian man who remains anonymous. The podcast, produced by Casefile True Crime Podcast, is usually released on a Sunday for three consecutive weeks, with a bonus episode on the fourth week. The series deals with solved or cold criminal cases, often related to well-known murders and serial crimes. 
ARN’s iHeart together with Australia’s #1 Crime podcast Casefile, have just launched a bone-chilling new podcast, "The Easey Street Murders." 
The show will unravel one of Australia’s most haunting cold cases. Listeners on the iHeart app will have access to binge the entire series from launch, with episodes dropping weekly on all other podcast platforms. The story goes like this: Forty-seven years ago, tragedy struck Easey Street, Collingwood, when Susan Bartlett and Suzanne Armstrong were brutally murdered in their own home. The inexplicable nature of this crime left a scar on the nation's conscience. Despite a million-dollar reward and years of investigation, justice remains elusive. The haunting question lingers: who is responsible for this unfathomable act? Award-winning journalist Helen Thomas, known for her dogged investigation of this case, has dedicated over a decade to unraveling the mysteries behind Susan and Suzanne’s tragic deaths. Initially investigating for ABC’s Background Briefing and chronicling her findings in the book "Murder On Easey Street," Thomas leads audiences through the labyrinthine depths of this enigmatic case in the podcast.  Thomas conducts in-depth interviews with the victims’ loved ones, unearths overlooked witnesses within Easey Street, and engages retired law enforcement officers who were present at the scene of the crime, painting a vivid and haunting picture of that fateful night in January 1977. 
"We know that justice delayed is justice denied. But after nearly 50 years, how long, much longer do Suzanne Armstrong and Susan Bartlett have to wait for their killer to be found?" says Helen Thomas. 
This podcast is true to its true-crime roots. Check out The Easey Street Murders.
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audiofictionuk · 4 months
New Fiction Podcasts - 12th January (Part 2)
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All Tales Audio Book "All Tales" is an ever growing collection of original short stories written and produced by Leo Bloom and Prati Soum- and is released bi-weekly. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240101-09 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2295851.rss
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Dissection - An Original Story Audio Book When a killer shocks the world by circulating graphic footage of himself torturing people to death on camera, it falls on a covert military intelligence agency to track him down and bring him to justice. Leaving behind cryptic clues in the videos as he announces his actions and taunts his viewers, they must rely on every clue, every footprint and every trace that gets left behind in order to find out who he is and what his motives are. As they unravel a web of clues and cryptic signs, they start to uncover the intricate connections between the killer, the victims, and all parties involved in a search that takes them to all corners of the globe. As they find themselves gradually unmatched in intelligence and technological ability, it’s a race against time to bring the killer to justice before his endgame can be achieved, as each victim is not only a death they failed to prevent, but a catalyst that accelerates the frantic and desperate actions of a number of parties they weren’t prepared to deal with. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240102-04 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/shahishtiaque/feed.xml
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Dungeons & Dimensions Audio RPG Three adventurers from the land of Ooo go on a crazy quest through the different dimensional realms. Join Fern the Human, Jack the Wolf, and Marshel Lee and there crazy quest full of crazy and familiar characters. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231108-02 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/65943868d5efc50016350940
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The Morning After Potion Audio Drama The year is 1813, and a young alchemist, Wynifred Martin (Sarah Taqvi), develops the first contraceptive for women: The Morning After Potion. Naive to business, she partners with ruffian, Jackson Haaksmore (Jonah Robinson), in developing this new brew into a revolution by way of women’s health. Soon, the ramifications of her alchemy take noble society by storm, and the resulting whirlwind of romance and politics threatens to ruin Wynifred’s life. Will the mob see her imprisoned? Will she forever be trapped in a loveless marriage? Or perhaps there’s a worse fate awaiting our young alchemist. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240103-07 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/ee530af4/podcast/rss
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Flourish Audio Drama After a traumatic childhood, Amelia attempts to rewrite her story and struggles to reclaim her right to flourish. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231223-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/ed2b2490/podcast/rss
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Of Dice and Pen Audio RPG Listen along as the Penmaester takes the wayward heroes along on a journey into Vah' Ren. Rionn, Karma, Patch, Alexandria, Laeya and Q all have their own reasons for finding their way to the same place. Fate and circumstances have their own reasons for throwing the group together however. With the help of their Dungeon Master the group will adventure on and encounter all sorts of dangerous and exciting things. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240105-03 RSS: https://feeds.captivate.fm/of-dice-and-pen/
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Captain Maxx and the Starfighters Audio Book Ten year old Captain Maxx and her misfit crew roam the galaxy in search of their next payday. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240102-05 RSS: https://feeds.simplecast.com/chX6_msD
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CrackedAtlas Audio Book Cracked Atlas present gnarly tales from the dark underbelly of modern life. Featuring a mixture of high drama, music and black comedy, taking you on a journey through the absurd. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240102-06 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/6592c05d10e210001646ca34
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The Secret Magic of Jake Driver Audio Book Eleven-year-old Jake Driver's world is turned upside down when he receives an acceptance letter to the mysterious Evergreen Academy for Gifted Youngsters. Jake has grown up in the secluded wizarding village of Willowbend and struggled to match the talents of friends who seem destined for greatness. But when Jake is summoned to attend the elite Evergreen Academy hidden deep in the Scottish Highlands, he begins to wonder if there is more to his own budding magical abilities than he realised.  https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240106-01 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2298199.rss
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Sonoro Limited Series Audio Drama Get your headphones and dive into the best audio series. Here you can find the fiction and non fiction stories created and published by Sonoro. Sonoro is a global entertainment company focused on creating premium, culturally relevant content that starts in audio and comes alive in TV, film and beyond. Sonoro collaborates with leading and emerging Latinx storytellers – writers, producers, and directors – from over a dozen countries to develop original franchises in English, Spanish, and Spanglish. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240108-01 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/SONORO4368830398
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Winnie Taylor's 4th and Inches Audio Drama 13-year-old Winnie moves in  with her dad, Derek, a retired quarterback, whose promising career ended badly. When Cleveland loses their starting QB, Winnie gets Derek back in the game and this time…he might actually find a way to win! With the love of a father and daughter at its center, Winnie Taylor’s 4th and Inches bring a classic underdog sports story to the world of podcasts. Starring Ruth Righi as Winnie Taylor, Jeremie Harris as Derek Taylor and Tony Todd as Coach Fitz. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240108-02 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/EDEUA7383726952
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Leclerc & Lafontaine Audio Drama Ein Erzähler, sein treu ergebener Assistent Jeffrey und eine Hand voll unbezahlter Praktikanten produzieren ein Hörspiel und hauchen den Figuren Leclerc & Lafontaine Leben ein. Die Kommissare tauchen an den unmöglichsten Orten auf und treffen auf zahlreiche skurrile Persönlichkeiten. Das Schicksal der Welt und womöglich das des gesamten Universums, liegen bald schon in ihren Händen... oder auch nicht. Ja, wahrscheinlich eher nicht. Dafür haben die Kommissare Leclerc & Lafontaine aber jede Menge Spass und garantiert keine Langeweile! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240108-03 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/leclerc-lafontaine/feed.xml
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SIGN OFF Audio Drama A world on the brink. The ultimate what if. In this scripted podcast, tensions between the U.S. and Russia spiral out of control. Life on Earth hangs in the balance. Through the lens of two television broadcasts, listen to these chilling, unthinkable moments rendered in eerily believable detail. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240108-04 RSS: https://feeds.simplecast.com/9wD988M2
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A&M Audio Adventures Audio Drama Rock podcasts and audio fiction plays with snappy characters in a fleshed out aural world from the east coast of Ireland. More than just a radio show, we create full-feature comedy adventures and story-filled rock shows. Original, scripted and with HD sound design. Twisted tales and immersive podcasting. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240101-10 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/aandm/feed.xml
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The Bugs Labyrinth Audio Book The Bugs Labyrinth is a horror story podcast where each Episode we dive into a new Event Report given to us by the shadowy Institute Organization, and read to us by The Bug. Join us as we dive into the Labyrinth and find the secrets held within. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240110-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/thebugslabyinth
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time4hemp · 3 months
Stop by often!
Take a 420 brake with us three times a week.
Thank you for taking Time 4 Hemp.
Hello and welcome to our brand new blog dedicated to exploring the wonders of the hemp plant! Here at Time 4 Hemp, we're passionate about all things hemp-related, from its incredible medical benefits to its diverse industrial applications. Join us on this exciting journey as we delve into the world of industrial hemp, hemp farming, hemp fuels, hemp foods, and a plethora of other hemp products.
There are many different ways to say high.
Get ready for a multi-sensory experience! In addition to our informative blog posts, we'll be rolling out new audio podcasts and video content to provide you with even more ways to explore the fascinating world of hemp. Whether you prefer to listen on the go or watch engaging visuals, we've got you covered.
This blog is proudly hosted on the historic Time4Hemp.news platform, a renowned hub for cannabis-related news and information. With a legacy of providing reliable and insightful content, Time4Hemp.news is the perfect home for us to share lots of news with views.
Behind the scenes, you'll find Casper Leitch, the visionary creator of this new blog. With a rich history spanning over three decades in the Hemp Movement, Casper has been a driving force for advocacy and education since 1991. From grassroots activism to pioneering online platforms, his dedication to promoting the potential of hemp knows no bounds. He continues to lead the way using all the new AI tools that now make it possible for Casper and friends to raise the dead....well, ALMOST anyway.
Voices from the grave.
Through this blog, not only will we be releasing new content, we will be releasing OLD content in a new way. AI now makes it possible to quickly comb through the more than 3,000 hours of archived material on this site and locate interviews with information that is still important for today's audience to see and/or hear. We will also use content from several hard working hemp activist who were interviewed for a broadcast and have since passed away and - with the magic of AI - bring them back to life and share their message with a new audience of hemp and cannabis lovers.
An example is the short video at the top of this blog post. It features Chris Conrad who (is still alive) was the very first guest on the very first show to broadcast January 5, 1991. Nothing has been done to it with any type of AI program, it’s just a 2-min clip from the show. If you’re really looking for a brief summery of the many different types of products that can be made from the hemp plant, this short clip is about all you need to see. With all the amazing editing that can be done quickly with AI tools, that video might get seen by more people and open more minds to the importance of the hemp plant: Mother Natures greatest gift to all of humankind.
Playing with new toys.
In the future, we will put a video like that through a handful of AI programs and jazz-up the presentation so as to get more eyes and ears to see and hear it. We will do a blog about Chris Conrad and his work as a hemp activists in a future post. I do encourage you to do a Google search on him and check out some of his books.
We will be experimenting and having a lot of fun with all the different kinds of AI video editing tools and art programs that we can get our hands on. We intend to use them in every and any way we can to raise the voice of the global hemp movement and educate the whole world about how HEMP CAN SAVE THE PLANET.
Please share us with your friends.
Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery and empowerment as we unravel the mysteries of the hemp plant. With new content added three times each week, you won't want to miss out on the latest insights, trends, and stories from the world of hemp. Stay tuned, share us with your friends, and let's explore the limitless possibilities of hemp together!
May your path through Life be filled with love and laughter.
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