#literally probably the most comfortable out of all my hoodies but like. im so scared to wear it
foolishgamers · 2 years
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now i’ve got one hoodie for each dteam member :)))
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haik-choo · 4 years
karasuno first years out late w/ their s/o
request: Could you write how 1st years (yachi too pls🥺) going out with their s/o late at night ?
a/n: this is such a cute little concept i -- 
-tsukishima, kageyama, yamaguchi, hinata, yachi
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tsukishima kei.
not gonna lie, he’s often awake late at night. he’s a night owl and doesn’t mind sacrificing his sleep to watch some youtube videos
occasionally, he even goes out late at night, slipping past his parents and brother’s room and softly closing the front door with his headphones covering his ears and his hands stuffed in his pockets
so when you text him at 3am and ask if he can go out with you to the convenience store, he agrees in seconds to meet you at the halfway point between your houses
wastes no time in putting on his sneakers and a hoodie; he wants to get there quickly so that you aren’t left out by yourself
tsukishima knows there’s creeps out there, which is exactly why he jogs to the halfway point and is relieved when he’s the first one there
as soon as he sees you in the distance he fast walks to catch up to you, and slips his hand into yours
he totally brings bluetooth earbuds so that you two can listen to the same music instead of his wired headphones <3 uwu
is always on the lookout for any weirdos, and if he spots someone eyeing you up he shoots them the nastiest glare
eventually wraps his arms around your shoulder while your hand is sitll in his and its that cute little thing where your arms is across your chest holding his hand </3
pays for whatever you get at the store, ignores your complaints and tells you to shut up when you continue to insist on paying
“im trying to be a good boyfriend for once, for the love of god PLEASE shut up”
secretly takes a candid photo of you at some point in the night and sets it as his home screen -- NOT his lock screen, and when you see it he outright denies having taken it
tsukishima: you told me to take a picture of you
you: stop lying i know you’re a closet hopeless romantic 
convinces you to stop at the park and eat the snacks you both got there, music still humming in your ears as the moonlight washes you both in cool tones
tsukishima when he’s alone with you is so soft -- he literally kisses your hand and temple and mutters very softly “love you” 
all in all, tsukishima kei is the perfect night-owl boyfriend to go on snack-runs with 
kageyama tobio.
"why would i go out right now. do you know what time it is. i have practice in the morning”
kags really out here kinda hurtin’ your feelin’s ngl boy doesn’t understand the vibes LOL
honestly you probably woke him up, he’s asleep at like ten every night (even tho he still has homework to do he just flat-out ignores it LOL) 
only agrees to go out walking with you because you said he could bring his volleyball and you’d toss a few for him....and also because he’s a little worried because it’s so dark out
doesn’t walk with you to the park but meets you there LOL
he deadass has his wholeass duffel bad with the ball, two waterbottles, two towelettes, volleyball sneakers and everything
“you know,,,,we’re not playing a game, right, tobio?”
“yeah???? and??? what’s your point”
acts nonchalant but is totally having fun and is lowkey glad you asked him to go out so late because it’s cool out, there’s no one to bother him, and you just look...really good under the stars
he’s not a cheesy person but...god you just take his breath away sometimes. not that he’ll ever say that though
you ask to take a break like thirty minutes in because you are LITERALLY dying meanwhile he hasn’t even broken a sweat (”you’re already tired? maybe you should workout more” “shut UP kageyama”)
you both sit on the bench, and you’re lowkey waiting for him to reach for your hand but they’re just folded in his lap as he stares out in the nothingness of night
kageyama can’t take a hint. we know this. he’s incapable of knowing what you want unless you flat out tell him; so you have to be a very honest person
he doesn’t even really initiate skinship, not because he doesn’t want to, but just because it never really crosses his mind
plus he doesn’t feel the need to constantly show affection because he thinks it’s obvious that he likes you
despite this, he is good at spotting weird people, and he’s pretty protective of you, so you’re completely safe with him. trust him, he’ll keep you safe
all in all, have patience and stamina because kags will play volleyball with you until you pass out. also, he loves you 
yamaguchi tadashi.
is in bed by 11pm but doesn’t actually go to sleep until two am because he’s scrolling through tiktok on his phone
sees your text about wanting to go out for a late night walk and maybe go through the little forest near your house and automatically sends a text that says “ill meet you at your window! can you pack some snacks? :)”
he walks all the way to your house, even if it’s more convenient to meet halfway because he wants to protect you! he’s not the strongest nor is he the most intimidating, so all he really has to offer is his presence
despite not being strong nor scary, yams literally has eagle eye. you can’t tell me that he can’t read people in a heartbeat -- he’s extremely perceptive 
also texts you to not bring a jacket because he’s bringing on of his own for you !!! so sweet what the hell
he waits at your front door and when you step out he automatically pushes his volleyball jacket into your hands and he takes the bag of snacks from you and sticks out one of his hands UGH such a gentleman
lets you ramble about anything and stares at your side profile as he listens 
joins in with a few quips here and there but ultimately is pretty quite and lets you speak or lets the silence cozy into the conversation
sees that there’s a guy sitting on a bench up the road and he switches places with you so that you’re further away from the stranger 
also wraps a protective hand around your waist until you both are past the random dude but yams will glance behind yall every once in a while
when you two reach the mini forest he ends up taking the lead claiming that he knows a good spot
and damn, he’s right
it’s a little clearing that is illuminated solely by the moonlight and he sets the bag of snacks down beside him before sitting down himself, apologizing for not bringing a blanket that you two could sit on 
pats the spot next to him so that you sit right beside him and he leans back with his hand on yours ONGMIRG 
is the super cheesy type and tells you that you look really pretty and that,,,he kind of wants to kiss you
you: *experiencing heart palpitations* and you did this for what. 
yamaguchi: ...because i love you?
you: *K.O*
all in all, yamaguchi is the boyfriend that completely indulges your late-night escapades <3 
hinata shoyo.
is either completely fast asleep and doesn’t see your text or was awake and not planning to sleep for the next five hours, no in-between
but if he’s awake and sees your text, he agrees right away and asks where you want to meet up and what time because homeboy probably has to bike to get there AgAGAGAGA
literally doesn’t even show up in sneakers. he’s wearing sandals and shorts with a short sleeve top 
“i came in my pjs”
“i see that.”
asks if you two can bike around instead because he doesn’t want to have to wheel his bike around for like an hour 
he tells you to hold on tight because the bike was built for one person, and when you press against his back his warmth is literally so,,,comforting 
has no sense of awareness and will scream going down a hill in the middle of a neighborhood, no fucks given
so, no, he doesn’t notice any weriod people even if there are some around
you always end up running into some weird people and you get new interesting stories every other day because let’s be honest hinata is a magnet for crazy shit and crazy people (usually crackheads) 
you both just ride around as he talks about his day, usually his sister always comes up in the conversation( “she asked me to marry you the other day” “doirhgAEROIHFGRE SHOYO WHAT” “what? i told her i would. i keep my promises!”)
after like thirty minutes he begs for a break and you stop at a little 24/7 ice cream store that is run by the sweetest elderly couple
you share a sundae because you don’t want to eat too much this late at night
he plops on the bench right outside the store with his bike leaning against the metal handles, and h snuggles up to you and watches you scroll on your phone
he talks a little here and there, but for the most part, he goes quiet, and it’s during this time where you’re unaware of his gaze that he just takes his time drinking in your features in the yellow light of the lamppost 
he can’t read the mood most times, but this time he does, and he stays quiet, and he thinks to himself
that he really will marry you one day
all in all, hinata gives you the impulsive young teenage experience of late night bike rides while eating his fair share of ice cream
yachi hitoka.
another either or, except this time she’s either fast asleep or stressing over homework and the nine tests she has the next day
when you ask if she can go on a walk with you she’s hesitant because she doesn’t want to get in trouble with her mom and she’s a total goody goody and terrified of doing anything reckless; but then she remembers that her mom was on a business trip and so she, very cautiously, says yes
you: good. i’m outside your door btw
yachi: i never had a choice did i
you have to meet her at her house because she’s way too scared to walk by herself at night; she might even make you factime her as you commute because she’s worried for you
jumps at every little thing, even the crows cawing make her shit herself
instictively grabs onto your sleeve and nervously look around the entire time, to the point where she doesn’t hear what you say
so you offer to go to a little cafe that’s still open and right away she nods
she’s so adorable, she bows really deeply when you two walk into the store and apologizes for it being so late
and finally, because you two are safe, she’s calm and smiling as she sips at her strawberry smoothie
awkwardly and very shyly reaches out for your hand on the table and gently lays her palm on yours
canon: yachi totally has freckles and you can’t convince me otherwise 
her face is red and her freckles are just on display you can’t help but coo at her and tuck some hair behind her ear because god could she get any cuter?
you two end up staying for like a hour and a half and very shyly she asks if you could walk her home 
and this time on the walk she’s not overly cautious and seems to enjoy the nighttime breeze and your hand softly clasping hers
does that cute thing where she lays her head on your shoulder or arm while you both are walking and looks up at you through her eyelashes and asks if you could give her a kiss on the cheek </3
you: stop. please. im going to die.
when you’re at her door she literally just stands there awkwardly for a few seconds before tilting her head upwards and pressing her lips to yours and then promptly running inside
video calls you three seconds afterwards to make sure you get home safely 
all in all, you might need to be the impulsive one, but yachi enjoys spending late night time with you more than she admits. also please kiss her thanks      
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How do I put up with you?
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Why is there barely and Bambam angst ?like anywhere?😖
summary: You and bambam have an argument as he says you are buying to many clothes. You both end up having an argument which leads to Bambam fucking you until you fall asleep.
CONTAINS: ANGST  , SMUT , FLUFF. ALSO  (hair pulling and oral sex )
F/N= friends name
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN I BUY TO MANY CLOTHES” you say sitting on the couch with your arms crossed and an expression on your face that was starting to scare Bambam. This whole thing started when Bambam saw you walk into the house with like 6 bags of clothes and an extra bag full to the brim with makeup. Its not that Bambam doesn’t like it when you shop and neither is he stingy , but he had noticed lately how often you went shopping and by now his whole wardrobe along with your own was full of your clothes. 
It started with Bambam speaking to you calmly but it all just rubbed you the wrong way and you got defensive and by now you both were yelling in each others faces .”DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT I HAVE TO HANG MY CLOTHES IN THE TOILET BECAUSE I HAVE NO SPACE IN MY WARDROBE BECAUSE OF YOU”.  In the beginning of this argument when Bambam began yelling at you it shocked you as it was very uncommon for him to yell at you, but now you wanted to fight back. 
“THEN WHY DONT YOU BUY YOURSELF ANOTHER WARDROBE!” at this point Bambam felt so angry he felt like he was gonna explode. You were really taking this too far. “You buy all this stuff out our shared account and were gonna go bank corrupt soon and we all know who contributes the majority of the money in the account and its clearly not you.” Bambam replies in an annoyed tone clearly stopping himself from yelling.
This crossed the line for you. Bambam knew how insecure you were about you job as a fashion designer as you were still a beginner so you weren’t really making a lot of money. Instead you were stuck being an assistant for another fashion designer who payed you very less. Despite how less your pay was you still always put it in your and Bambams shared account so it was fair for the both of you. This truly hurt you because there was no way you were expecting that from Bambam. 
You remained silent now just looking at the floor trying not to cry, It was getting too difficult as now your eyes were stinging and your throat was closing up because of how badly you wanted to cry. From the corner of your eye you could see Bambam watching you. You kept your gaze on the floor as you walked out the living room straight to your and Bambams bedroom and locked the door. You heard him say something but you were so blanked out that you didn’t even hear. As soon as you entered the room you let it all out. You laid there on the bed and cried. You had been told many times by fans and others that you were just a failure and fashion designers earnt  nothing and thats why you were with Bambam;because you were a gold digger and just wanted him for his money. 
This was always a part of your relationship that made you feel insecure. You didn’t like the fact that bambam had to pay for if not all, most the things you bought. Even your mum had told you to get a real job. So now was the time you got a real job. Your friends family owned a cafe and she always offered you a job there so you both could work together. You declined the offer kindly and decided to follow your dreams. But you were clearly not living in the real world if you thought you could just follow your dreams and become whatever you wanted. At this point you needed money. You didnt want to spend any of Bambams money from now on. Especially not after how he reacted. 
So you called your friend and it took less then two rings for her to pick up and answer in a cheerful tone “HELLO OMG WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU HAVENT SPOKEN TO ME SINCE AGESSS” you chuckle at her excitement and answer back “F/N i just spoke to you yesterdayy” she let out an over exaggerated sigh and answered “Anyways why did u call its not like you to call me when your with your fancy boyfriend .”You roll your eyes at her even though she couldn’t see and laugh. 
“Umm, can I work at your cafe from tomorrow I know this is very short noticed but-” she cut you off with an excited squeal and she answered “OFCOURSE YOU CAN IM LITERALLY THERE RIGHT NOW AND ITS SO BORING” you smile at her answer. You were truly lucky to have her. ”Okay ill be there  tomorrow morning” you respond. You could hear a customer behind her and she answers back in a rush “Okay ill see you i gtg” and before you could even answer she cut the phone. 
You fell back on to the bed and let out a breath you hadn’t realised you had been holding. You would no longer spend Bambams money. You lay there in a bed for a while before you heard a timid knock on the door. So now was when he had decided to apologise. You ignored him before the knock turned a little louder. After ignoring it for a while you heard him twist the door handle and let out a sigh .”Can you open the door I just wanna have a shower.” You were dumbfounded. He really just wanted a shower? You went and opened the door not even looking at him for a second before laying back down on the bed and going on your phone. Bambam was just as stubborn as you and also didn’t spare you a glance as he headed to the wardrobe in front of you. You watched him from behind as he opened the wardrobe .A bag of your clothes that you had just bought recently fell out of the wardrobe and all your clothes in the bag fell on the floor. 
Bambam looked back at you as if to prove his point but you quickly closed your eyes not wanting him to think your paying any attention to him. He let out a groan and began picking up your clothes that had fell on the floor and put them back in the bag that you lazily hadn’t gotten rid of. He began looking through his clothes and took out a pair of grey shorts and a loose black shirt. You watched him as he took out his towel and shut the drawer. Even though you were really angry at him you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. This time when he looked back at you , you didn’t look away. You looked at him as he looked back at you with a blank expression. He looked away quickly heading to the bathroom.
By the time Bambam got out it was beginning to get dark. You headed to the bathroom as soon as he got out and had a long warm shower. Usually you would wear one of his shirts or hoodies but today you didn’t want to. Instead you wore one of your own loose shirts and headed to the bed after turning off the lights. Even in the dark you could see that Bambam was already half asleep .You thought to yourself ‘am i petty enough to sleep on the sofa or make him sleep on the sofa?’ You decided to against it as you were not in the mood to get back pains especially when you had work tomorrow. You also decided that there was no point telling Bambam that you have work tomorrow. He would probably be glad that you would no longer have to spend his money anyways. (you were wrong)
You laid down on your side of the bed instantly wrapping yourself around the blankets and it felt so good after a long day of arguing with bambam. You were laying there in your own thoughts until you felt an arm wrap around your waist pulling you closer. Bambam always done this in his sleep and usually you found it adorable but not today. You took his arm and not so gently removed it from your waist moving further away from him. But all your effort went down the drain as he pulled you close again and mumbled something in his sleep. You decided there was no point moving him away any longer as it would result in you staying up all night. You got yourself comfortable in Bambams arms (even though you didn’t want to) and fell asleep in seconds. 
You woke up to the sound of your alarm going off extremely loudly and a grumpy looking bambam sitting crossed leg on the bed with his arms crossed staring at you. He had a pout on his face and he seriously looked like he was about to cry. For a second you nearly forgot about yesterday and were about to jump onto and cuddle him but then you stopped yourself. The alarm went of so you could get ready for work. You turned off the alarm and you could feel Bambams eyes on you. When you finally looked at the time you realised you didn’t have long left and that you should begin getting ready.
Bambam finally spoke as he saw you get up from the bed in a rush. “Where are you going.” You honestly didn’t want to reply but you didn’t want to have disturbed his sleep to not even tell him the reason why. ”I have to go to work.” he looked deep in thought for a second before he spoke again “But you have no work on Saturday”.You groaned and answered him “Well now I do and you should be glad because ill no longer spend your money and ill pay you back all of the money you’ve spent on me dont worry.” 
He had nothing to say. Bambam did not expect you to take everything so seriously. He didn’t want you to overwork yourself and there was no way you could pay him back for all the money he spent on you. It was simply too much. Bambam didn’t meet your eyes as you left for the bathroom. He waited for you to get out the bathroom and the second you walked out he cornered you against the wall with both his arms on either side of your head. 
“Your not going work. ”He says firmly looking at you in such an intense way that you had to look away. You adjusted your towel under his stare and spoke “I do. Now move out of the way i’m gonna get late.” He looked at you for long enough for you to finally look back at him. He looked angry and it was clear to you it was getting hard for him to remain calm. You moved around so you could get away from him but he wouldn’t budge. 
This whole thing was starting to annoy you. First he told you that you waste all his money and now that you wanted to make more money for yourself he wasn’t letting you do it. You couldn’t understand what was wrong with him. “OMG WHATS WRONG WITH YOU IM GONNA GET LATE TO WORK BECAUSE OF YOU , SO FUCKING ANNOYING UGH.” You screamed in his face whilst hitting his chest with your fists and he didn’t even flinch for a second. You hadn’t even realised that you were hitting his chest until he held both your wrists with his hands. 
Now he looked really pissed of. He tightened his jaw as he spoke “How dare you speak to me like that.” The confidence you had a second ago had now all disappeared. You looked away from his as he spoke , your wrists still in his hold. When he saw that you weren’t gonna answer him, his hold on your wrists tightened and you let out a whimper. It was clear that you had pissed Bambam off too much. There was no way he was going to let you get away with this. 
“Take off your towel and get here” he says while he lets go of your wrists and moves to sit on the edge of the bed. You didn’t want to annoy him even more by not doing as he said so you began to strip yourself of your towel as he watched your every move. You tried to hurry as you quickly took of your panties after your towel and walked towards him feeling very exposed. 
He motioned for you to lay across his lap so your ass would be right in front of him on his lap. Now you knew exactly what was about to happen. ”Good” You hear Bambam say as he rubbed his hands all over your ass occasionally squeezing your skin. You were laying there your eyes getting droopy until you felt a harsh slap on your ass that made you jolt awake. You let out a whine as Bambam messages the spot he just hit .You could still feel the sting of the previous slap until he slapped the same spot again .He began messaging the spot again and by now you had tears in your eyes. He gave your ass a last strong slap before he told you to get off his lap. The last hit was so bad that tears began to fall from your eyes and you let out a groan. 
When you stood up the pain on your ass magnified and you winced at the feeling. Bambam also stood up after you and you felt so small in front of him. He towered over you as he spoke “Get on all fours on the bed.” You done what he said immediately getting on your hands and knees on the bed. You waited for him to do something as you couldn’t see him. You heard some shuffling and by the time you saw Bambam he was only wearing his boxers and getting onto the bed. 
You could see his bulge through his black boxers and you wondered to yourself how long hes been hard for. You faced forward as he was on his knees right behind you. You felt his hand wonder around your ass and you winced at how sensitive your ass had become. His hand wondered up all the way up your spine to your neck. He pushed your neck down and you took that as a sign to move your head to the bed and then his hand reached to the centre of your back. You understood what he meant and you arched your back. 
After you were in position Bambam moved his finger down to your pussy moving your wetness around. He had no idea that this whole situation would arouse you so much. He moved his head in between your legs from behind you instantly licking the lips of your pussy. You tried your best not to make a sound as his tongue didn’t go in but licked the outside of your pussy. He used two of his fingers to open your lips and he began drinking up all your wetness. He was moving his tongue so fast and his fingers were also circling around your clit. You felt like you were gonna pass out. 
For what felt like an eternity ,Bambam continued to eat you out and by now your legs were giving out and you felt like you were about to cum. You let out a particularly loud moan as his tongue circled around your entrance and you moved your hips back onto his face out of desperation to reach your orgasm. He held your hips firmly now stopping all movements of your hips and continued .As your orgasm approached your body began slightly shaking and Bambam knew you were about to cum. He moved his face away suddenly and you let out a whine now feeling extremely needy. 
“Did you really think it was that easy?” He says with a small chuckle and you let out a groan in response. It was clear that he had pulled down his boxers as now you could feel the tip of his cock circling around your pussy. You could come just from the feeling of that. You could feel how hard bambam was and you had no idea how he could remain so composed even though he was rock hard. You wanted him to fuck you so bad , you moved your hips back and let out a needy wine. You heard Bambam mutter “What a slut” as he moved the tip of his dick to your entrance. He pushed it in all the way in one go and you let out the loudest moan you had let out that night. 
You felt intoxicated as bambam held onto your hips tightly as he thrusted into you hard and fast. You could feel his anger and hurt through the way he was moving. Bambam pulled your hair making your back arch even more as he fucked into you. You could hear his grunts and it was all getting too much for you. Your legs couldn’t keep you up any longer as you were about to cum. 
Bambam could see that your legs were about to give out so he held you up his grip tightening around your hips as he moved his hips even faster.” Aagh im gonna cum” you say in between breaths and it was getting too hard for you to speak. You heard him hum as he sped up pushing your head into the bed as he continued to fuck you. 
With another harsh thrust you could feel Bambam reaching deep inside of you and you let out a whine as he hit your special spot. He noticed this and continue to thrust into the same spot until you screamed out his name as you came. Bambam was really close to and he slowed down a little in case you felt very sensitive.When he couldnt control himself any more he took hold of your hands putting them behind your back as he held your wrists. He fucked you even harder letting out all his built up anger and with a grunt you could feel Bambam filling you up. 
He pulled out as you collapsed onto the bed completely breathless and you both were covered in sweat .He laid down beside you not looking at you. You remained silent until he spoke “You don’t need to over work yourself. Theres no shortage of money.” You didn’t say anything as sleep was begining to take over you.You didnt know what bambam said after that as you fell into deep sleep not even caring about the argument anymore. 
Bambam looked to see if you were still awake as he wanted to apologise but he smiled when he saw you now completely asleep. He felt guilty for saying the stuff that he did but he seriously no longer had any space of his own. He moved a piece of hair that had fallen on your face and noticed how exhausted you looked. He placed a gentle kiss on you lips and got up to get a towel. 
He returned to your sleeping figure on the bed and tried to clean you as gently as possible. You were so deep in your slumber that you didn’t even move an inch as Bambam pulled your legs apart in order to clean you properly and to remove his cum from your body. After he had cleaned you up he heard the sound of your phone ringing and decided to check who it is. It was F/N. Bambam picked up the phone to hear immediately “ OMG Y/N WHERE ARE YOUU I TOLD MY MUM YOU WERE COMING TO HELP TODAYYY , SHE WAS SO EXCITED SHE EVEN-” Bambam cut her off by answering. He had realised that you were about to start working at your friends cafe.”Uh hi its bambam , Y/N’s asleep right now and she wont be coming today ill let her know you called.” Bambam was hoping your friend wouldn’t get upset that you weren’t coming. After a second F/N replied “Ah um okay let her know I called” and after that she immediately cut the phone. 
Bambam laid down next to you and let out a sigh whilst wrapping his arms around you. He smiled as he pulled you closer and mumbled “stupid” with a chuckle .”I love you” he said before he also fell asleep.
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Can I request how the feral boys would ask you/ what they would do for your first time sleeping over as their girlfriend? That sounds weird but I hope you know what I mean lol. I love your writing by the way!
hi friend , and thank u ! i appreciate it <3 this is a super cute idea and i had a lot of fun writing it ,,,,, im so soft for them i can't . xoxoxoxoxo , starlight
AYO LOOK AT THESE : the smallest bit of smut but overall fluff ! soft feral boys content , come get yall juice
reblogs are always appreciated !!! <3
wouldn’t be planned tbh , you’d been at his place all day and you’re both too tired to drive
you’d start to call an uber and clay would turn your phone over
“you could… stay here, if you want?”
it was a no brainer
of course you’d stay with him
clay would be so excited , smiling through his sleepy haze
he’d finally get up from his computer just to shower you with kisses all over your face
he’d tackle you back onto his bed , his soft , silly kisses turning into lingering, hard kisses
all teeth and tongue and his hands all over you
he’d get one of his legs between yours, shuddering at the way you’d whine into his mouth
his hands would make their way down to your hips
he’d grind your hips down on him , your sleepiness only making you more sensitive
you bet your ass that he’d make you cum just from grinding on his thigh
he lives in a constant state of horny™ even when he’s tired
clay would be so cocky at how he’d made you finish , doing virtually nothing
but he would go so soft at the way you were exhausted after that , yawning and rubbing your eyes
‘baby’ , ‘love’ , ‘pretty girl’
so affectionate 
you could’ve fallen asleep just like that but clay makes you get up and change
“baby , you don't want to sleep in your clothes” 
“sleep in mine instead”
you would just grumble back at him until he would physically lift you out of bed
clay would help you out of your clothes 
he’d put you in his sweats and a giant dream hoodie
just incase sap walked in for some reason
doesn't want him seeing any of the goods™
he’d carry you to the bathroom and find an extra toothbrush
clay would absolutely try to talk to you while brushing his teeth and the two of you would laugh s o hard at each other trying to talk with mouths full of toothpaste
again , he would pick you up and carry you back to his bed , shutting the door behind the two of you
“don't you want to say goodnight to sap?” “no :)”
the two of you would fall onto his bed and be asleep within 10 minutes , completely tangled in each other
he talks in his sleep
but you snore
so its even
☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁
soft george my beloved
he’d probably plan your guys first ‘sleepover’
he would want to make it special , and definitely do something memorable
george would bring it up to you like a week before
he’d practically invite you like it was a birthday party :,)
i can't
he’d make reservations for a nice dinner before and get all dressed up
george would pick you up and hold your hand on the console
he’d open all the doors for you 
he'd pull out your c h a i r
yall would definitely be cracking jokes all throughout dinner in the middle of this fancy restaurant
george would ABSOLUTELY knock his silverware off the table at some point
you would have to fight to not spit your drink out , laughing so hard
he’d skip on desert at the restaurant and take you to dairy queen or something
it would be the two of you in your fancy attire , sitting outside some tiny ice cream parlor
looking at eachother like you were the only two people on earth
yall are in L O V E 
once you two got home george would carry your overnight bag in 
he would change immediately 
bc he h8’s fancy clothes 
but wanted to dress up for you 
after you guys changed into pajamas , you’d stay up talking for hours
he’d tell you stories of him and all the feral boys
you’d tell him stupid things you did as a kid
the two of you would want to make the most of the extended time you had together and stay up until like 2 in the morning
george’s voice would get all low and raspy from talking for so long
you’d fall asleep on the couch together when you physically couldn’t hold your eyes open anymore
george would wake up when the sun started shining through the blinds
he would carry you up to his bed 
then promptly fall back asleep with you in his arms
☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁
snapmap my love .
this man doesn’t plan shi t
it would be very spur of the moment , the two of you laughing at some joke that he made when he’d grab your hand suddenly v serious
“will you sleep with me tonight?”
he’d look so earnest while asking that and you would BURST into laughter
it would take nick a hot sec to realise what he’d said and once he did . he would simply . disintegrate .
he would be so dramatic about it too
“i was trying to be romantic ! stop laughing at me !”
and you would just sit there , laughing so hard that you couldn’t produce noise anymore , just silent wheezes
you would start to cry and nick would pOUT
you would just nod , literally unable to produce words
but sap would brighten up at that
“so you’ll stay the night?”
once you got control of yourself , the two of you continued on doing what you were doing
it was like a normal day other than the fact that it ,,,, wouldn’t end
you two watched movies and played minecraft all day , being lazy together
you’d doordash dinner or order pizza or something so you didn’t have to leave the house
he’d have to stream and you would just chill , eating pizza in bed
once it became apparent that the stream was gonna last longer than planned , you would quietly come up behind him and drop a kiss on his cheek
he’d grin at you but be confused ???
you’d text him so your voice wouldn’t pop up on stream
‘gonna take a shower / keep myself busy’
he’d text back a single ‘👍🏼’
sapnap texts like a dad and NO ONE can tell me otherwise
you’d shower and get dressed , then wander down to the kitchen trying to find something to do
scavenger hunt™ for cookie ingredients
you’d bake his favorite and surprise him with a warm cookie im s o f t
the SMILE that would cross his face my god
he would feel so loved
he’d mute stream to thank you, putting his hands around your waist and burying his face into your stomach
you k n o w he’d find some way to end stream early after that , wanting to be with you
the two of you would finish off all the cookies , watching scary movies together
he’d hold you when you jump at all the spooky shit
you’d do the same for him bc sap is baby
chat . i'm kinda scared . lowkey .
you were both half asleep by the time you made your way back up to his room
you’d be lights out the minute your head hit the pillows 
and he’d be big spoon
☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁
karl would probably ask you that day , texting you before you’d even come over to ask if you would stay the night
you two had technically slept over before , but never at karl’s place (usually pulling all nighters with the feral boys on stream or with the beast crew)
you can not tell me . that karl . would not build a fort . with you .
and he would 100% go all out with it
he’d get lights to string up on the inside (the twinkle ones for sure)
he would get a fuckton of pillows and the softest blankets he can find and pile them in
karl would essentially make a nest for the two of you
you’d spend the first hour alone sharing soft kisses and cuddling so close that you weren't sure where you ended and karl began
he’d hold you , letting you lay on his chest and listen to his heartbeat
you’d talk about everything and nothing at all , just wanting to hear each other’s voices
until someone’s stomach growled
he’d laugh until he couldn't breathe 
you had tears rolling down your face , your stomach hurting from the giggles 
he’d either take you to get food before or doordash your favorite
because neither of you can cook blESS
you’d pick out cute , matching pajamas for your first official night together
he’d end up giving you his clothes to sleep in 
because he likes you wearing his stuff 
and it's more comfortable than your fancy pajamas
he’d cover his eyes and face a blanket/wall while you were changing
the only time either of you would leave the fort would be for more snacks or to go to the bathroom
karl would bring his laptop in and turn in a movie as you two were settling in for the night 
(some super dumb kids movie) 
(my brain immediately went to the lorax) 
(i’ll see myself out)
and he’d stay awake until you fell asleep, your face buried into his t-shirt
it made his heart so full that you felt safe enough to fall asleep with him
he’d play with your hair and trace over your features as soft as possible
because you're just so beautiful when you’re asleep ??
karl murmurs how much he loves you , everything that he loves about you while he knows you can't hear it
he’d drift off with you still in his arms, his lips pressed to the top of your head in a sweet, gentle kiss
and the two of you would stay like that the entire night , keeping each other warm
im so soft for him
can u tell
karl jacobs my love
☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁
everyone writes big q as a stupid dumb dummy
and while he can be that at some times
this man would be so fucking thoughtful ??? when it came to his girl ?????
you literally can't tell me otherwise .
much like gogy he would plan something special
but like
he can COOK yall
he’d make you a nice ass dinner
and set up a picnic in the backyard 
he’d light candles and make it all fancy
literally it would be a scene out of a movie
once you finished eating dinner the two of you would watch the sunset
he’d play guitar and sING FOR YOU
you’d stay outside soaking in the heat even after the sun had gone down
stargazing for as long as you could
alex would put his arm around you and have you lay on his chest
you’d listen to his heartbeat while you pointed out the big dipper
he’d make up his own constellations aljidhkuvgfhadj
you two would only go inside because you were being eaten alive by mosquitos
one of you would play music off your phone and yall would slow dance in the kitchen
he would repeatedly tell you how much he loved you , pressing tender kisses to your neck , your jaw
until a fucking ad would play
and alex would just lose his shit
he would laugh so hard he’d ipad kid cough
then you would simply ascend
the two of you would be laying on the kitchen floor absolutely D Y I N G of laughter
you’d stay there for a while , trying to recover
by the time you did , your ribs were sore from all the giggles
alex would pick you up and throw you over his shoulder , walking you up to bed
he’d suplex you onto the mattress
the two of you are children around each other tbh
that would lead to a wrestling match
until you’d found your way onto his lap , pinning him by his wrists
w h e w
the way that man would kiss you after that ? bye im gone
lets just say by the time he was finished you would both be exhausted
he’d tell you how pretty you were , how good you did
the two of you would fall asleep with tangled limbs , half kissing
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh IWA ROUTE
a/n: uwuwuwuwuwu my mans iwa chan :’)
uwu filo!iwa in this :)
and also, listen to lauv while reading this since i wrote this and that song was playing on repeat O_O and also this song
this is my self-request uwu
Tumblr media
onwards we goooo
hihihihihihi yey im so excited for this yall dont even know
when iwa first saw you, he thought you were just a cute little thing
your shorter height, your puffy cheeks, and the wide eyes you had whenever you saw someone, or him, do a really cool spiking move
he initially thought of you as a cute little sister hes never had
ehehe that finna change
then the,,,, bullying thing happened
if youd like to read this part, its right here
when he saw you bloodied, all battered,
dear lordie he was finna break some ankles
like that image of you will probably stay in his memory until he dies of the ripe age of 200
ngl it kinda traumatized him a little bit of how tired and pained you look with the tears rolling down your face and the blood that was escaping your body through your wounds
god you didnt deserve any of that
you deserved the world and the universe yet some people dared to take away your worth
ooo he was so mad
miyo was,,,, hurt??
can i say that??
i dont wanna,,,, explain bara arms iwa hurting a girl so youre gonna have to imagine that for yourselves
but at the end when they said slap, he didnt just ✨S L A P ✨ her
he ✨ B R O K E   S O M E   A N K L E S ✨
oiks is actually scared of him after that
like oiks had to peel him off of her and towards the infirmary where you and the team were
oof the first and last time oikawa tooru ever said that full name
he was breathing heavy and he was so ✨ A N G R Y ✨ with what she did to you yet he hears your soft scoldings, telling him off for hurting a girl
he wanted to see you
like right now
iwa tore himself from oikawa’s grasp and ✨ N Y O O M E D ✨ himself to the nurse’s office
there, you sat on the bed with the others scattered either on other beds or on the floor 
you smiled at the sight of him and he walked towards you and engulfed you in his arms
‘youre okay now. im here’
he whispered and you buried your face into his chest, breathing in his unique scent
lavender mixed with peppermint
he refused to leave your side so he ✨ M A D E ✨ some room on the bed beside you to sit and he wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you close
you held his hand while oikawa talked to you and as you shamefully bowed your head
but you were forgiven and everything was all good until the third years really got into plan
makki and mattsun promised to handle it all as they had family in the justice field while oikawa would go and get the girl suspended
‘but what about me?! i want-’
‘iwaizumi, you literally hit her. it’d be best if you’re not involved right now as you were the only one who physically touched her in a harmful manner like that’
ong when it come to y/n, the meme team is replaced by the assassin team
he tried to fight but in the end, 3 overpowered 1 and he was forced to sit back and opted to comfort you instead
he made sure you were safe to walk home but that day, you were the one who asked him to spend time with him
just you two
like after seeing him seethingly enter back into the room, you reached out and held his hand in yours, eyes trained on your fingers fiddling with his
‘iwa-san,,,, you said you downloaded the new godzilla movie?’
you whispered but he could still hear you and his heart swelled at your meek voice
‘yea, i did. and my mom bought those chips you like’
your eyes flitted up to meet his eyes and a soft smile spread on your lips and there was this thumping in his heart
maybe that was the first time that iwaizumi hajime felt differently towards you
a smile that seemed to be differently perceived than the rest
and it wasnt for the whole team
it was for him
and him alone
the trek to his house was quiet but you would hum nursery rhymes or the songs you heard earlier in the radio while skipping every few steps and tightly holding on to his hand
iwaizumi’s olive eyes watched you still radiate energy despite being so hurt for a long time
they then trailed to your linked hands and he unintentionally squeezed it, only figuring out he did it when you looked up to him and squeezed it back with a smile
he wanted to do something to make you forget of what happened
he didnt want you to think about the cruelty and pain so he was going to make sure you would continue smiling 
thankfully, his parents werent home so he wouldnt have to explain why he has a bandage-covered girl with him 
iwa led you upstairs to where his room was and your eyes widened when you saw what was inside
tiny action figurines of animes like bakugo from boku no hero academia or a tiny pikachu on his desk
there was a large country flag that you didnt recognize and a few godzilla posters and volleyball players decorating beside it
however, besides those normal things you wouldve expected,
there were many polaroids
polaroid pictures that were everywhere with no specific layout pattern and just placed anywhere that had room
iwa watched as you dazedly walked forward and entered the room to move towards the wall by his desk that had the most pictures against it
from pictures of him and oikawa to the third years to him and his parents or just the sunrise and human silhouettes
your fingers reached forward and traced the picture of him and the third years when they were still first years and took a spontaneous trip to the beach
‘mattsun stole his dad’s car and drove us to the beach without a license’
iwaizumi’s voice answered your questions and you looked back, shimmering eyes
this room,,, wasnt just a normal, teenage boy’s room
this was a room that represented iwaizumi hajime
from his natural character description like his love for volleyball evident in the volleyball player posters to the underneath description that was hidden like his love for godzilla and his love of taking pictures of the people he cares about the most
it was all that made up iwaizumi hajime
your feet took you to stand in front of him, still standing at the doorway, and you stood on your toes to try and be eye-level with him
‘youre really cool, iwa-san’
you whispered and his ears turned red, not from the compliment, but by the close distance between you two
iwa clearedhis throat and ruffled your hair roughly, pushing you down slightly back to the balls of your feet
‘i already knew that, brat. now go and sit over there and be comfortable or whatever while i go get the food’
he hurriedly turned to hide his growing red face but you stopped him
‘iwa-san,,, ano,,, can,, i borrow a hoodie?’
you mumbled, nervously thinking he might refuse 
but he grunted a response, not bothering to turn around
‘take your pick’
you smiled and thanked him before bounding over to the wardrobe that was pushed against the wall across his bed that was against the corner by his window
inside had so many hoodies and there were also shirts that were hung up on the other half
they were all graphic tees that either had american bands or anime or game references
opting for a mint green hoodie that says ‘SONIC NYOOM’, you had an undershirt under your button up and as you slipped the bloodied long sleeve off, he swung the door open, eyes focused on the tray of coke filled glasses
then he looked up and almost dropped it at the sight of you,,, like that
he shrieked and carefully but hurriedly backtracked back to the hallway
ofc you were shocked too but you quickly put the hoodie on and went to get him
iwaizumi’s heart was hammering in his chest and he was VERY red with embarrassment 
how could he see you like that?!
a girl who wasnt his shouldnt be seen like that by his eyes!
a touch on his arm reminded him of his position and he was still holding the tray but it was clear from the liquid in the cups that he was shaking slightly
‘iwa-san, its okay. i still had a shirt on so dont misunderstand’
you reasoned and he nodded, still not looking at you
the beginning of the movie was quite awkward as you both were sitting next to each other on the floor, backs against his mattress while the laptop played godzilla in front of yall
but it seems it was just him who was feeling this way bc you were intrigued at this weird monster that was squshing building under its foot and you continued munching on the food
iwa stood up and coughed
‘im going to take a shower’
you paused it and stared up at him, a chip halfway in your mouth
‘oh? you want me to wait for you?’
he agressively shook his head
‘no! its okay i watched it already. just,,,, watch it’
at the end, his words came out jumbled in his hurry to go and calm his heart down
you shrugged and unpaused the movie to continue watching
iwa spent his time in the shower, thinking and trying to think of stupid thoughts like the time oikawa almost choked on a peanut when they were in middle school to distract him of thoughts of how adorable you were
‘no, i said she was like a sister to me. and a sister she’ll remain’
okay ngl even though theyre not related, im worried yall would be like ‘iNcESt’ but bls a lot of people have tried to sibling-zoned people yet realized they liked them in THAT way
as he wrapped himself with a towel, he then realized
oh my god he didnt bring clothes
iwa frantically looked around and he saw his mother’s sakura themed robe and he paused, arguing silently with him if he should wear it
well, it was either that or he went back into the room and showed you,,,,,, this
sucking in a sharp breath, he kept the towel around his waist and slipped his arms through the tight arm holes and he awkwardly tried to keep it tied since he was so much bigger than his tiny mom
what is happening
you saw the door opening and excitedly turned to tell him about this one scene when your voice died down in your throat at the sight of him 
here was iwaizumi hajime, ultra muscle buff man who gets abs with a simple glance of the gym, wearing an all too-tight pink, cherry blossom print robe that was so tight the tie around it was shaking to keep it together
he whispered and that snapped your remaining surprise to double over in laughter
‘its so cute! iwa-san, youre so cute!’
you shrieked and he growled and hurriedly went to to grab grey sweatpants and a shirt before running straight back to the bathroom
when he finally came back out, his face was still red and he was pouting as he sat next to you back to his seat
he could feel you staring at him while looking constipated as you held your laugh in and the second your eyes met, your giggles fell out
iwa rolled his eyes
‘yes yes let it out’
‘hehe, iwa-san, i didnt know you had that style’
‘it isnt! i didnt want to walk in here practically naked with you in the room!’
he growled and you nodded, still not quite believing it
‘hai hai. just say you like pink, i wont tell’
you waved and iwa felt offended
‘what do you mean ‘hai hai’?! its really not!’
your lips pursed to keep more giggles in and iwa growled again before lunging to grab your sides and tickling you 
of course being careful to not touch your wounds
you shrieked at the ticklish feeling and iwa laughed as you made weak attempts to push him off
‘huh? what was that? whatd you say? cant talk anymore, can ya?’
he teased
‘NO!!!! IWA-SAAAAN!!!!!’
you shouted in between your laughter and he finally let up when you squealed out your apologies and promised to never say it again
you breathed air into your lungs and sat back up to recollect yourselves 
iwa saw the strands that escaped your bun and they were scattered everywhere looking messy with your flushed cheeks and teary eyes
oh my god you were beautiful
he was so happy that you still kept that smile despite what happened and he was going to fight to keep it there
it was about nearly the end when you finally realized how different iwaizumi’s hair looked
‘oi, iwa-san, your hair is not naturally spiky?’
he continued eating the chips while still watching the movie
‘what would you expect? even shittykawa’s hair is like this. did ya know that he wakes up extra early to curl it into that shitty mess?’
your jaw dropped
later, you asked him how he does his hair for school and he blindly reached for the gel that was resting on his desk before tossing it to you
you looked at it and flickered over to his hair and then you had the greatest realization
you pointed and he stopped eating, turning to give you a confused look
you shrieked in an another round of laughter
you doubled over to the floor, clutching your stomach and iwaizumi’s flustered expression made you laugh harder
he knew you were smart but,,, not this smart
you figured out his secret
the secret he’s hidden since he was practically a toddler
even his best friend, the guy hes known since he was born, never made the connection
yet here you are, figuring it out not even a year of knowing him
was this part of the many reasons he,, felt his heart beat for you?
oikawa was relieved that you had the bright twinkle in your eyes the next time he saw you and you were actively talking to iwaizumi in that early morning practice
‘oh? y/n-chan, is iwa-chan your best friend now?’
he tried not to sound jealous for his own best friend’s closeness to you and he added a teasing smile for extra measure
okay that hurted me a bit
iwaizumi snarled and blasted the volleyball towards his face before he could even yell or shout
‘iwa-san, dont do that’
you chided softly, small hands wrapping around his muscly arm
but iwa patted your head
‘deserving people deserve things to happen to them’
you rolled your eyes but smiled at him
‘hai hai’
the next week, iwa still kept a close eye on you in case someone else decided to mess with you 
but you told him that you swear youd tell him if someone did and he trusts you so he backed off a little
one day, he was eating lunch with the other third years in their classroom when you busted through the door, excitedly holding your phone
‘iwa-san! i figured out what country your flag was!’
he was halfway of shoving rice in his mouth when iwa looked at you
‘oh? you couldve just asked me though?’
you pouted and went to pull a chair from another desk to sit beside him
‘nooo. i wanted to work for that information. so you’re from the philippines, iwa-san?’
he nodded proudly
your eyes shone with interest
‘really?! you look japanese so it must be one of your parents. hey, iwa-san, which island are you from? i read about them and they have like 7641 islands-’
the others watched as you read through the article in your phone and iwa wasnt even following your words, instead staring at you with a dazed look and a lovesick smile
mattsun, makki, and oikawa exchanged looks of surprise because in all the years theyve known him especially oikawa, iwa was never interested in girls and such
he was a straight forward man with goals and straight sight to get them done with no distractions like relationships or love
yet here he was
slowly falling in love with you without even knowing he is
he continued to fall with the simplest things about you
from the perfume that you wore everyday to the way you would tuck your hair behind your ear when you were talking to someone
little quirks he used to miss was now being noticed even if you were right behind him and not in his line of vision
now, the boys were starting to see the difference of their precious ace
it was as if when he started to like you, they knew immediately by how he was acting
then one day during practice, you were late and they were all looking around for you and when they couldnt find you, they met back in the gym with nervous looks
iwa was already pacing around, a scary aura radiating off of him, and kindaichi, who went with him to look around the school, warned the others of iwaizumi’s worry
‘he was slamming doors open and he was walking so fast i had to run to even keep up with him’
then you busted through the gym door
you were actually picking up food for the team and sweets and you were held up when makki’s puffs were still being cooked
they rallied around you to make sure you werent hurt and you assured them but iwa pulled them away like picked them up and threw them off to the side and took you in his arms
iwa thought you were hurt and he was so worried something happened to you again
the hug was bone-crushing with how hard he was squeezing you but you felt his worry though and you freed your arms to wrap them around his neck
‘im okay, iwa-san’
you whispered in his ear and he nodded
‘let me hold you for a second’
he mumbled and you nodded
‘oi, theres food in the bags so make sure you eat it all. coach paid for it all so dont leave behind anything’
the mention of the food distracted them from you and iwa and they piled on top of each other to reach their food first
iwa was grateful that you distracted the others from seeing him being vulnerable towards you
‘i thought-’
‘shh,,, you have me right here, right now. safe and sound’
you knew how much seeing you all battered messed him up and his attempt of making you forget about it has been
and his worry of you being gone without no sign of where you went will forever be there and he will always have that thought in the back ofhis mind
the next time you came over, you actually met his parents
since you went home early before, you didnt catch his parents when they came home around 10 minutes after you left
but this time, they were already home with his mom cooking dinner while his father was sitting on the dining chair reading a newspaper
iwa walked through the door, shouting he was home, and you did the same thing to be customary
oof his parents were surprised
his mom turned around to share a look of surprise with her husband
sure they havent seen tooru in a while but they were pretty sure his voice wasnt that high pitched
‘hajime, did you hit tooru so much you ruined his-’
then his mother stopped talking at the sight of you holding iwa’s hand tightly when yall stepped around the corner
you sheepishly smiled at them and bowed your head in greeting
oh my
so this was why iwaizumi hajime-san was really really really handsome
his parents were freaking good looking
like his mother was aphrodite with her flawless melanin skin and doe shaped eyes with a mole under her left eye
and his father was like ares, so handsome yet still manly and his appearance was a special type of good-looking with his buffness and ruffed appearance
‘iwa-san, i didnt know your parents were gods’
you mumbled, still staring at them
iwaizumi choked and coughed, flustered
‘oh my!’
his mother placed a hand over her mouth
his father stood up to walk in front of you and held his hand out
‘i’m hajime’s father’
you let go of hajime’s hand to shake his own with both of your hands
‘really nice to meet you! i’m l/n y/n! seijoh volleyball manager! first year!’
you introduced then stepped aside to fully bow 90 degrees
iwaizumi thought it was so cute of how flustered you were at meeting his parents
‘ay nako! nak, i didnt know you had such a beautiful girlfriend!’
she squealed and hurriedly went to stand in front of you and gently grasped your arms to stand you back straight and took a good look at you
‘youre so beautiful, iha. nice skin, pretty eyes, ang ganda!’
even with your research of tagalog, you didnt quite understand what she was saying
iwa noticed your slightly confused expression and he laughed, tucking his hands in his pockets
‘sorry, my nay speaks in taganese when she gets excited’
‘tagalog and japanese’
you nodded in understanding
it was time to put your basic reserach to test
‘hello po’
you greeted her and nervously took her hand and pressed the back of it to your forehead before slowly lowering it down and letting go
her wide eyes made you think you did something bad or even offensive!
she shrieked 
‘YUNG-!!! YUNG-!!!’
okay im terrified
iwa noticed his mother’s malfunction and gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder and veered her back to her kitchen
‘sorry about her, l/n-chan. its just,,,, hajime hasnt brought home a girl before. and you doing that mustve done it in for her’
you worriedly watched hajime calm his mom down with a smile and talking to her hushed
in their perspective,,,
‘shes so nice, nak! marry her, okay? shes very pretty and she made an effort to please your nanay, so go and marry her!’
ohmylord im nervous
initially, iwa only wanted to go and hang out with you and watch a movie
not have a full dinner with his family
lmao i shouldve told you that youve been friends for months now
his mother cooked sinigang and adobo and more filipino dishes, adding even more when she saw you were joining them
the dining table was covered with a large plate full of food and you were so fascinated because this was a side of iwa that you wanted to know more about
you said, not thinking, at the deep-fried fish that still had its eyeballs intact
iwa genuinely thought you would’ve shyed away from it in disgust but your eyes were glistening with genuine interest
‘iwa-san! youre so lucky you get to eat this stuff!’
you told him, looking over at his direction
while mrs iwaizumi was lading in the soup into the big bowl, mr iwaizumi was sitting at the dining table, watching your interaction and hajime telling you what each food was and your noises of surprise
he watched his son laugh when you said the palabok reminded you of the orange boy hinata 
and he also watched his son look at you so lovestruck and exactly like how he looks at his wife
soon, his mother finished and they rounded the table before saying a quick prayer to bless the food and digging in
‘so, what do you want to start with, iha?’
mrs iwaizumi asked and your wide eyes looked around
‘hm, im not sure. whats your favorite iwa-san?’
you looked to your right towards hajime who was busy eating and stopped before pointing his lips towards a direction
‘that one’
you asked 
mrs iwaizumi laughed at her son’s actions
‘sorry, l/n-chan, my son has adapted my traits. he was pointing to this, adobo. do you want some?’
‘yes please’
the smell made your mouth water and you started to tuck in
maybe it was your managerial instincts, but you used your napkin to wipe hajime’s lips and he was also used to this and turned his head to make it easier for you then he went to grab the water jug and re-fill your glass
once it was done, you both silently went back to eating
his parents watched his exchange and it was like watching a married couple taking care of each other
‘so, l/n-chan, you said you were their manager’
mr iwaizumi started and you nodded, wiping your lips
‘yes. i have been for a while now and please, call me y/n’
‘hajime actually told us he had a new manager for his team and tooru told us too. but we didnt know you were a girl. its just so interesting for hajime to bring you home as he has never really had any female friends’
mrs iwaizumi’s comment made you chuckle and iwa’s eyes widened in embarassment
‘nay! of course ive had female friends! ive had friends from all genders!’
he reasoned but you teasingly smiled at him
‘ah, im not really surprised. iwa-san doesnt exactly have the appearance that girls are brave enough to approach’
he sent you a betrayed glance
‘hah?! what’s that supposed to mean?!’
you shrugged, going back to your food
‘im just saying that you always have this intense look in your eyes and youre always frowning. but its cute so its fine. and besides, i dont think theyve seen you laugh since you dont really smile a lot, iwa-san’
‘but you’ve seen me smile!’
‘eung. but its only to me. if they knew the stuff i knew like you being a godzilla fan or your collection of succelents, theyd see you like oikawa-san’
mrs iwaizumi held her husband’s hand on the table as they watched you both bicker and tease each other with a smile
hajime has always been on the rougher side of things and he doesnt really have many close friends other than the team and even then, tooru is the only one he can really be himself around
yet here you are, bringing out the boy hajime really is and making him laugh, a sound his parents dont really hear outside the house
and your eyes
god, your eyes held admiration, life,,,, and you might not know this yet,, but love
her eyes trailed her son who teasingly headbutted you and you faking a surprise and doing the same
then you heard his father’s cough which brought you back to where you were and the situation and the people that were there
you felt embarrassment creeping up inside you and you bowed
‘im sorry for acting like that, iwaizumi-san. i-’
‘no, dont apologize, darling. please, dont’
her soft smile made the nerves in you ease and hajime’s father winked at him and he knew exactly what his father was trying to say
after dinner, you volunteered to wash the plates but they veered you away from there and towards the living room 
‘oh my god, pops! stop her!’
hajime whined because he knows what his mother was going to do
she was going to show him his baby pictures
you sat on the beige couch and watched as she reached under the coffee table and revealed a few albums that had iwaizumi hajime written on the cover
‘now, y/n-chan, hajime wasnt always this pouty. in fact, he used to always have a smile on his face and laughed at the littlest things! like right here! a leaf fell on him and he-’
stories of his childhood was exchanged throughout the night and you were laughing so hard that tears were falling out of your eyes while hajime wrapped your shoulders with his arm and he would squeeze you tightly whenever you made fun of him
‘oh dear! iwa-san! you-!’
you didnt finished as you continued to laugh and he sighed
‘nay, can we go eat dessert now?’
he asked his mother and she was beginning to feel sorry for him so she smiled and nodded
‘okay. hajime, come help me’
‘iwaizumi-san, i can-’
‘no, y/n-chan. dont you worry your pretty little head about anything and just look through more of these pictures’
hajime followed his mother to their kitchen before she stopped and turned around
his mother’s height was around 5′1 so she had to look up to meet his eyes and her hands were clasped around his biceps
she is definitely beautiful and he cursed at how little he got from his mother other than her skin color
mrs iwaizumi married her husband and immigrated to japan to have a family and your polite action from earlier moved her as she hasnt experienced that in nearly 2 decades
‘nay, shes,,,, just a friend’
he reasoned, a wobbly smile to cover up his want for that title to change
yet mothers def knows best and saw right through it
she gave him a firm look with furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips
‘nak, dont lie to yourself. i raised you to never tell a lie and lying to yourself is considered lying to someone. she’s not your KAibigan, shes your kaIBIGan’
now, hajime knew a little bit of tagalog as his mother made sure he was able to at least speak to his relatives back home
so he got a hint of what she was saying yet was confused 
then he realized it
his blush creeped up his neck and he chuckled, ducking his head low to avoid his mother’s eyes
‘nak, listen to me. papunta ka pa lang, pabalik na ako. youre still growing and you may be confused right now, but make sure to think wisely and dont live with regrets. nanay doesnt want you to go through it all by yourself since she knows how hard it was. so please, listen to me and pursue her. shes special, hajime. she makes you so, so happy. i see it in your eyes, her eyes, god has fated you together. i feel it’
now if a filipino mother actually tells their son to go after a girl, thats a pretty big thing as its known that mothers are the hardest to convince and are fiercely protective of their sons, especially if its an only son, but mrs iwaizumi literally tells hajime to go court you because she sees how happy you make him and is willing to let hajime go to you 
definitely his mother’s words stuck to him and as he walked you home, he was busy thinking that he was quiet and you were worried as he would be talking right now
‘iwa-san? you okay?’
you asked and he blinked, taken back to reality from his daydream
‘hm, yea’
he answered to look at you
hes been pining for months now and he slipped his hand into yours, holding it tightly
uwu if you want to see iwa moments with y/n, read through the seijoh manager series as theres a lot of them in there
he wanted you yet, he knew it would be selfish of him to keep you in the future
he would be a college student while you’re in your 2nd year
would you want to be so far away from him?
could you handle it?
‘yanno, iwa-san, your dad told me something interesting’
you suddenly said, squeezing his hand and kicking rocks while looking up at the night sky
‘what was it? something embarrassing?’
he immediately feared that they told you that story when he was still potty training and he fell straight into the toilet 
‘hmm,,, no. he told me that he met your nanay when she was a high school student and he was a in an intern at your lolo’s company’
iwa listened and he had a smile at how you said the tagalog word for grandfather
‘he said she almost ran him over by her bike and she fled but they met again when she visited your lolo. through that, they became friends and then she confessed to him. apparently, he declined because she was younger than him, although just 3 years, and he was leaving for his own country in a few months so he didnt know if she would wait for him’
were,,,, you reading his mind?
iwa knew of his parents story yet with you telling it, it sounded a million times more interesting
‘yet she promised him. thats it, just a promise. that she would remain faithful to him, she would keep herself for him and when she finally graduates, she would go and find him and they could be happy together. he said it was the longest 3 years of his life yet when he saw in the airport, he felt like the wait was worth it. because he gets to hold the embodiment of happiness in his arms for the rest of his life’
you finished and he hummed
‘times have changed, y/n’
‘even you?’
you stopped walking and he naturally stopped too
‘would you wait for me like he did if i promised myself to you? if i promised you that despite the few years of waiting, i would still be yours and remain yours until we’re ready to be together?’
iwa’s heart was drumming in his chest and he wanted so desparately to look at you in the eyes but you were making that impossible as your head was bowed and your eyes were fixed on the concrete you both stood on
‘of course, i would’
your head snapped up and e/c clashed with olive eyes 
‘i would wait for you. we may,,, be young right now. and they might think we’re,,, being impulsive. but i dont care. because right now, all that matters, is you and me. we can think about the consequences later, but right now, i just want to kiss you’
he admitted, red ears seen by the moonlight
your body shook
‘do it, no balls’
well,,,, he has the balls
and under the moon, at 8:34 pm, iwaizumi hajime kissed you
it didnt come as a surprise to the team when yall announced your relationship
well,, you both actually didnt tell them outright until like weeks later
what can you say?
you and iwa are very private people and you dont really like to show off in public
even though yall lit rally are stuck to the hip and he does things that he doesnt even think hes doing but he is totally doing
you were only caught by,,, guess who
mrs iwaizumi
it was weeks when she met up with mrs oikawa bc theyre totally best friends and thats why their sons are best friends
she told her of her son’s girlfriend and how sweet you were and how mrs oikawa should be jealous that her son doesnt have a girlfriend like that and the standards for oikawa’s future girlfriend was raised just by that teasing
oikawa literally came into after school practice after a phone call with his mother, fuming
you were talking to kindaichi and yahaba with iwa beside you, arm around your waist totally not obvious guys
and yall just saw an angry oikawa stomping towards yall
‘y/n-chan, iwa-chan, why the hell did my mom just call me and tell me that im not allowed to bring home a girl if she doesnt have h/c with s/c (skin color) and e/c and h/m (height measurement)?’
you shrugged
‘oikawa-san, i’ve never even met your mom before’
but iwa had a hunch
‘ahh,,,, my mom mustve been bragging to your mom. yanno how they are’
oikawa shot him a disbelieving look
he ranted, completely unaware that he just outed your entire relationship to the team
tbh they werent even surprised
like they were all ‘damn now shes taken. but cant say i didnt see that coming’
they took it pretty well too
they know how iwa is and they literally respect this mans and if anything, out of the whole team, he is the best candidate for your boyfriend
dating iwa is totally normal and yall just have increased touches?? like i dont know how to explain like he’s constantly holding your hand or arm around your waist or shoulder etc
literally nothing changed
you still have dinners at his house and iwa also knows your family and all that
and the most important thing is,
he kept that promise
even when he was literally at the other side of the world,
he still remained yours and you kept your own promise and waited patiently for his return
a little girl with bouncing dark brown hair was giggling as she maneuvered herself around the tall people
a shout from her parents and little sister was only making her run faster until she crashed into the legs of the person she’s been looking for
his blue jersey was similar to hers and she raised her arms up with a bright smile
she yelled and he chuckled before hoisting her up to his arms
‘ah, reyna-chan, didnt mom and dad tell you to wait for them? look! tala-chan is crying because you left her’
she followed his finger to her little sister, who was in her father’s arms, crying and reaching out for her
she screeched
finally, her parents were there and you were scolding her for running off
‘reyna, just dont do that again’
you said and she nodded, pouting and holding her uncle’s thumb
‘thank you, tooru-san. i dont know what i would do if she got lost’
oikawa grinned then gently patted the hat-covered head of the newborn baby girl that was strapped to your chest
‘hehe, its okay, y/n-chan. after all! uncle is always there to save reyna-chan!’
she shrieked when he held her up and hajime shook his head in his antics
‘where’s the others? i saw them in the stands but-’
he was cut off when he heard the shouts and yells from the other side that could only belong to your boys
kindaichi’s voice echoed through the place and mattsuhana were rushing to greet their goddaughters
tala shyly accepted the arms of mattsun while makki was squealing quietly when darna was holding his finger tightly as she slept
‘taka-san, wanna hold her? she’s easier to hold when she’s sleeping’
‘oh can i?’
his eyes held the stars as the 11-month-old raised her fist then lowered it back down, sleep still heavy on her
‘waaa~ darna-chan is growing really quickly’
kunimi whispered, peering over his senpai to look at the baby whos eyes kept fluttering
you chuckled while looking at oikawa and him playfully bouncing reyna
‘tooru-san, congratulations on your win. it seems you’ve beaten hajime this time’
you complimented and the brunette smiled brightly at you, adjusting the little girls in his arms
‘ei, y/n-chan, i’ll beat him next time, and next time and the next time!’
every time he said ‘next’ he gave his goddaughter a kiss on her cheek making her giggle
your husband was pouting at the reminder of japan’s loss and you reached over to wrap your arms around him causing hajime to turn his head away from you
‘aww, my 4th baby is sad now’
you cooed and cupped his face delicately on your hands making him sulk and whine
the others, watching the scene, continue to be surprised at this side of their captain that remains to only be caused by you
‘ugh, nearly a decade later and theyre still sappy’
yahaba gagged and watari slapped his back
‘let them be happy’
‘come on! im in the mood for spaghetti! you like spaghetti, tala-chan?’
mattsun cheered with kindaichi and she raised her hands to share the same energy
once everyone was situated in a restaurant and ordered, small talks were shared around the table of the past
‘haha, spaghetti is how your baba found out about you, tala-chan’
yahaba’s comment made the walking group laugh at the memory of seeing the video you sent in the seijoh group chat
‘i wanted to be creative with my second child since my firstborn was revealed by this loudmouth’
oikawa winced at the indirect diss at him
‘y/n-chan! i was really excited to find out i was going to be an uncle!’
‘youre already an uncle, bakakawa!’
hajime has toned down the insults to keep it pg for the children
they started to argue, the oldest daughter looking disinterested as she sees this happening or hearing it whenever her dad and uncle video chat
‘it took me forever to find a ‘prego’ pasta sauce in the grocery store like i dont know why. was there a shortage?’
you complained, remembering the frustration
your fellow first years snickered at you and kindaichi prodded fun at you
‘is that why you just outright told him you were pregnant the day you found out?’
you rolled your eyes and watched makki and mattsun and tala watch the youngest as she wiggled her fists in the air and was awake enough to babble ‘makki’ over and over again
that was her first word and although she is now able to say a few words, she still repeats her first word over and over again
‘we had a fight and it just came out so of course i didnt have time to prepare!’
you defended and hajime finished his antics with oikawa just as you said that
‘what-what was your words again? ‘i really want to push you off the roof right now but i want my baby to meet their bastard father first?’‘
you gasped at that regretful statement and punched him in the arm
‘hajime! stop!’
you whined and covered your face with the sleeves of your his hoodie
‘hehe, y/n, you should do that again’
kyotani teased and you glared at him
‘shut up kyotani’
eyebrows were raised
‘eh? are you more hormonal?’
‘do you realize you already have 3 daughters?’
‘iwaizumi-san really wants to have a volleyball team family’
‘at least wait a year and a half, you animals’
‘so,, like hes that good huh?’
hajime growled and leaned over to intimidate but you snarled and jumped on your feet, being held back by the arms by kindaichi and hajime to stop yourself from leaping across the table to kill yahaba
‘keep talking like shite and i’ll make sure none of you become the godfather of this baby’
okay what
one, did you just curse
and two, this baby?!
‘im big sister again?!’
reyna ruined the surprised silence and then chaos ensued
you just realized what you said and smirked at the chaos you created and sat back down, leaning on the back of the chair and smugly taking a sip of your water
‘oh the power i hold in my hands’
you teased and oikawa pointed at you
‘when! how long!’
you looked at hajime who was so shocked that his eyes glazed over and a passerby wouldve thought he was dead
‘apparently 3 months’
oikawa started counting and his eyes widened at that thought
‘you-! you stayed in argentina! in my house! my house-!’
‘yep. both of them created under your house’
hajime fainted 
oikawa screamed
a/n: okay i admit i got a little too carried away with this one. i just love filo!iwa and this was mostly written in his pov bc cmon we all know we love iwa and fell in love w him the moment we saw him
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nct-lian · 4 years
nct 127’s relation to lian
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taeil used to wake her up for school when she was still a teenager :((
such a soft but overlooked duo
will appreciate each other forever and ever
lian teaches him roasts in english that he can say to johnny
remain each other’s hype man and woman
taeil was the first to suggest he and the other nct members react to the trailers of her dramas on video so they can boost them in popularity
promotes the HELL out of lian’s solo career over twitter
lian loves coming up behind him and just giving him hugs because he’s soft (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
they watch movies together a lot! but taeil has to come down to the fifth floor because lian hates it up on the tenth one
he was once able to grab her hand in an airport and they held hands the entire time :(( a few pictures went a little viral
they share hoodies NSHDHSHCJA
lian keeps bugging him to get an instagram
taeil will ALWAYS take her side in silly arguments she and the other members have sometimes
he makes fun of her height because she’s shorter than him-
he also used to help her with her homework :(
cried when lian went on her first date
“my child is growing up (´∩`。)”
had to do a background check on the guy before he even allowed him to come in contact with her again, though
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johnny is her dad, period
no questions asked he is her father
will give her piggyback rides all the time
he was once woken up by her jumping on his bed and asking if they could go shopping
at 6:00 am
he actually got up, got ready and took her shopping but since it was so early, the stores were all closed
he took her out for japanese fluffy pancakes, though!
whenever lian is sick, johnny makes her his mom’s homemade chicken noodle soup recipe :((
speaking of johnny’s mom, she loves lian to death and always asks johnny if he’s taking good care of her
if they’re not being asked any questions or having to translate anything during interviews, they always whisper jokes in each other’s ears to try and make the other one laugh
because of how lian dies during the trailer of her new drama, johnny cried in front of twenty-two other men while they reacted to it
he was NOT embarrassed
“how are you guys not crying? this is so sad. what a cruel world we live in ໒( ˵ •̀ □ •́ ˵ )७”
kept screaming at lian’s “dream of you” performance video
he once effortlessly picked up lian and moved her somewhere else because she wasn’t standing where she was supposed to be
everyone says that their ship name is something a white, suburban mom would be named. now nctzens pronounce joann like “joanne” ・x・
it was said on the zach sang show that johnny used to measure her height every month to see if she grows or not, and that’s the only reason why he has her height memorized
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has lost lian in so many airports it’s not even funny
“hyung, what happened to lian?” “oh, you have GOT to be kidding me-“
whenever he doesn’t see her he goes into panic mode and starts asking if anyone has seen his little sister
“about this tall with really shiny hair? her cheekbones are insane, i swear. OH OH OH SHE WAS WEARING JOHNNY’S HOODIE- you don’t know what johnny’s hoodie looks like.. okay, well thank you for your help.”
one of the first members that she was comfortable with
lian said that he was her role model :’(
as the leader, he’s always taking care of her and will not sleep until he knows for sure she’s eaten
because of how lian never participated in any of nct’s first bit of promotions due to being too uncomfortable around them, she was allowed to skip out on the viewings of their relay video letters
but she was still required to make one for somebody and that somebody was taeyong ˵ ຈ ︿ ຈ ˵
she said that she was glad he was her leader and that she hoped to become closer one day
he cried
declares that he will take care of lian till the day he dies
taeyong had yelled at lian’s former manager until he voluntarily quit working for her- he had found out that lian was being overworked to the point where she collapsed during their dance practice and he wasn’t okay with it
always cheering her on backstage when she performs solo
he always tries to include her in guiding the members for their dances because he knows how happy it makes her
instead of having her carry her glasses around with her, he does it instead :D
“nana, do you have to wear your glasses now?”
taeyong tucks her into bed every night he can ᕕ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)ᕗ
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totally doesn’t have feeling for her, yeah
yuta is obsessed and when i tell you he’s obsessed, he’s obsessed
did i mention obsessed?
he’s jealous of everyone :(
yun stans insist that the only reason yuta is so touchy with winwin and mark is because he’s trying to cover up his feelings for lian
bye if that’s true-
hyuck wanted to give her a hug (a rare occurrence) and yuta straight up just said,
“mine. go away”
i have proof guys :// johnny recorded it and literally posted it on instagram
lian died internally when yuta cut his long hair because she couldn’t put it into ponytails anymore :((
but his hair is growing back now so she’s able to do it again :)
yuta teaches her japanese every tuesday and thursday!
we don’t bring this up because it’s pretty embarrassing but,, when nct 127 were backstage before performing kick it, yuta asked doyoung (who was in a direction where he could get a clear view of lian’s face) if lian was staring at him
how do we know this, you may ask?
it was caught on camera and everyone made fun of him for a solid week straight
he’s caught staring at her from afar way too often for comfort
lian says that he’s very pretty
much like the other memebers that have instagram, he makes story countdowns that he posts about a week before lian plans to release her solo music
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another member of the lian protection squad
doyoung was the first to start calling her cupcake
it all started when doyoung was sick and lian made him cupcakes to make him feel better
will slap anyone who makes a flirty remark towards lian
was embarrassed for yuta when he asked if she was staring at him
said “no” and walked away
lian is the only one who ever shows him any mercy :’)
they have very similar taste in decor so they often go shopping together for things to put around the dorm
doyoung said that he spends the most time in lian’s room because it smells like vanilla all the time
he spoils her SO MUCH
like so much
half the plushies she owns at the moment were gifts from doyoung
has a tendency to watch over her and make sure she’s content at all times
“cupcake, are you hungry? i can make you some food if you’d like” “oppa, it’s 3:00am-“ “and?”
they take such pretty instagram pictures :((
at one point in time, doyoung was jealous of his older brother because lian used to crush on him a tiny bit :0
not because doyoung likes her or anything, she just couldn’t stop talking about how nice he looked in revolutionary love
disapproves of the staff giving lian such short clothing sometimes
“um, excuse me, she can’t wear that. are you crazy? go get her a new outfit, please”
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not many people bring this up because we know it’s honestly a sensitive topic :|
but he lowkey has deep feelings for her (he makes it so obvious sometimes it’s kinda disappointing to see how oblivious lian really is to it)
jaeli + yun love triangle anyways
jokes aside, though, jaehyun loves lian so so much
once cried to johnny about how he doesn’t know what to do and that he didn’t want to make anything awkward by confessing to her
makes sure to be near her as often as possible
once scared away a whole kim taehyung from talking to her during isac ╰[ ⁰﹏⁰ ]╯ (let’s pretend bts were there for 2019 pls)
“jungkook, keep your friend away, please :D”
didn’t work, though, because they ended up having a conversation later in the day either way
*in the 97’ liner groupchat* “HYUNG IM SORRY HE RAN AWAY I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DOl
it was uncalled for but what can you do amirite ┐(´~`)┌
lian pokes his dimples a lot and squishes his cheeks
just randomly hugs him but he’s not complaining
johnny isn’t picking sides but he became team jaeli after jaehyun broke into tears in front of him for the first time since they were trainees about how much he loves lian
sad,, i know
lian judges jaehyun for not sleeping with sheets
continues to believe he is not a human being, but a robot created in a lab
jaehyun smiles at her for no reason
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an instant bond formed between them when they first met!
jungwoo learned a lot about her and has developed so many ways to deal with her anxiety :(
gave the staff a guide on how to keep her calm when he went on hiatus because he couldn’t be there with her
buys her colouring books because he knows that they calm her down well!
liwoo went viral and become a popular ship when lian accidentally changed the nct 127 instagram profile picture to a jungwoo icon
she got scolded but it was iconic orange haired jungwoo with a chain-
an untouchable duo when they do double aegyo
nctzens think jungwoo is her favourite member
maybe because lian said he was
“ “who’s your favourite member?” hmm i’ll have to say woo-oppa!”
*cue jungwoo laughing at yuta’s face because he was that shocked*
they share secrets with each other so now they probably know the other like the palm of their hand
even though he’s off his hiatus, he still has to guide the staff members through lian’s little moments because sm staff suck at their job sometimes
they’re the two members who go grocery shopping together
more like jungwoo dragging lian to the grocery store with him but okay
jungwoo loves kissing her cheeks (〃▽〃)
their vocals mixed together are confirmed to be noises from heaven
lian misses his blonde bowl cut :/
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leader of lian’s natural length hair committee
like when i tell you mark hates her extensions-
mark was the first friend lian was able to make in nct!
they bonded over canada and it was very rare to see them speaking in korean
mark goes into straight panic when he’s with her sometimes
has to remind himself they’re like siblings
lian ans mark covered “your eyes” by hoody and jay park during a vlive!
it was adorable :((
lian had him saved in her phone as “android user” but now she doesn’t know what to change it to
they had a fight in 2019
mark let’s her call him the weirdest freaking nicknames ヽ ( ꒪д꒪ )ノ
mars bar, markie, mork, marko
he says it’s because czennies consider her to be addicting and since marijuana is addicting as well he thought it’d be a good fit
someone on twitter absolutely ENDED HIM though and wouldn’t stop making fun of him (;⌣̀_⌣́)
they can read each other’s mind just by looking at each other
“dude i hate this shit why does she keep asking us who we wanna collab with?” *cue lian laughing hysterically*
“what’s so funny (゜-゜)” — interviewer
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haechan makes fun of her kissing scenes in dramas
calls her short all the time
“lian give me a high five- oh haha nevermind it’s too bad you’re so short”
they’ve actually been so close to fighting each other and i’m not even joking
they’re the two members who fight the most out of all of them
but despite this, they love each other very much
hyuck says he’s the only one who’s allowed to make her mad
and if anyone else makes her mad he’d kill them
limark 2019 fight flashbacks where haechan kept threatening mark
there are actually moments when they’re clingy with each other-
haechan loves her hugs :((
like ??????? one minute they’re at each other’s throats and the next, they’re all lovey dovey hugging each other make it make sense ?????
lian could be speaking english and he’d say, “korean, please. i can’t understand canadian”
“shut up <3”
hello haechan cried and wouldn’t let go of her during her and mark’s graduation ceremony in 2018
she makes fun of him for it but never takes it too far
he goes to her for dance advice
during their nct 2018 weekly idol appearance when they were doing the random kpop dance thing, they beat everyone أ‿أ
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creepypocky · 3 years
hellloooo may I request a matchup please? Both romantic and nsfw if that’s alright with you. Im bisexual, my pronouns are she/her, I’m an INTP virgo and I’m 5’8”. My style is constantly changing but I adore 70’s type fashion, I tend to wear a lot of jewelry like many rings, multiple necklaces, I adore collecting earrings and so on. I have five piercings and I absolutely want to get more!
My hobbies are definitely two totally different things: on one hand I love baking, I usually give the baked goods away because I actually don’t like sweets, and my other hobby is a little more on the weird side but I love finding people. I know that sounds a little spooky, but a lot of my family works in the government and my dream job is probably private investigator. I’m exceptionally good at finding people and things, and I love snooping around where I don’t belong. I’m super passionate about exploring abandoned buildings and while I’m average at photography I really enjoy taking pics of the places I explore.
My love language is definitely gifting people things and being able to just *exist* comfortably in the same space as others. I’m not very affectionate verbally or physically but I welcome people who are and I’m pretty used to it. I have a problem called I love arguing with people. It’s definitely a toxic trait but I love debating with others and I’m always expecting to come out on top. Of course playful banter is welcome too, a relationship wouldn’t really be healthy with constant arguing but I really appreciate people who can take teasing and dish it out just as well.
As for nsfw stuff: I definitely love being scared and just the kind of thrill that comes with being chased (I mean why else would I be here lol) I’m a switch leaning sub (tho if my partner was someone who’s submissive I could take control) and with my love for arguing definitely comes a more bratty side. I would love someone I can rile up and I love being bossed around. I don’t mind being roughed up a little bit, including manhandling and leaving marks.
Hello mortal~ :)
Hehe, I'll get to this <3 it took me a little bit to know who to match you with but I'm sure about this now. <3
|| I match you with: Jeff The Killer! ||
Hon, he thinks your jewelry is super cool and pretty and he will even buy you more jewelry without you even asking for it. Let this jackass spoil you. He loves to see your piercings and watch you get more, he thinks you just look so beautiful with them and will take you to get more if you ask him to. He won’t admit it but he mostly just adores the smile you have when getting them.
Pleaseeee, Jeff LOVES sweets. Bake all of the sweets you want for this man he will happily eat it all up, especially if it’s your baking. He just breathes in your essense as he practically drowns himself in the sweets you bake for him.
You like finding people? Babe, this guys job is literally to stalk and kill people. He is practically the KING of finding people aside from Hoodie and some of the other creeps. If you ever need help finding someone he’s got your back and will most definitely help you, otherwise he’ll just have fun watching you do it yourself.
Jeff is really a “fuck you” guy so he also snoops around where he doesn’t belong. Will do it even just to piss whoever told him not to off. But if you ever want to go investigate somewhere private and not allowed, he’ll definitely help you get in there and out without getting caught. Of all of the creeps, he’s basically the guy who can smuggle anyone in anywhere aside from in public because, well, his face isn’t exactly normal.
Jeff is also not the best at expressing his love or affection verbally, but he very much does love you. He’s just super aloof and/or awkward about love, but when you give him gifts he appreciates them a ton even if he doesn’t say it, he will cherish everything you give him. He also appreciates you being around him in general and is pretty good at taking signs, he understands you have feelings for him even if you don’t outright say it. He’s good at just pulling you against him though and holding you tight. He’s a lot better at physical affection than he is at verbal affection.
Broo, he loves arguing with people too and just debating. He can be the biggest asshole ever in an argument and will sometimes even just talk out of his ass and start making claims that make zero sense just for the sake of it, and will somehow win an argument with just that because of his way with words. Would probably have a harder time debating with you though.
He likes to tease you a lot and just be a dick in general, he wouldn’t ever go too far or hurt you seriously though. He loves you way too much to treat you like that. He will tell others that tease you to fuck off though because it’s like a, “Yeah no, only I’m allowed to fuck with her.”
He will definitely chase you down, little lady. He has a bit of a fetish himself where he’ll just randomly make you his prey and will want to hunt you down, and when he catches you he can be ruthless.
He’s a bit of a dom but would sub for you if he was having a bad day or feeling depression/out of it. Otherwise, he’s definitely into topping you and putting you in your place. Likes that you’re a bit of a brat because he will most definitely force you into submission and will love it when you fight back, he’ll leave all kinds of marks on you and will hold you down and he rams his cock in you from behind.
He’ll manhandle you too, he’ll grab you by your neck and force you to stay still as he pounds into you. Will make you ride him, he’ll grip your hips and maybe even dig his nails in them as he forces you to bounce on his dick.
He will also call you names if he’s enough in the mood, if you’re being extra bratty will do all kinds of degrading names and will slap you around.~
He doesn’t know how he feels about aftercare, but once the deed is done he will light a cigarette and will lazily hold you against him. Maybe kiss your forehead and just whisper loving things to you if he’s tired enough and not paying attention to what he’s saying.
All in all, you’re precious to him. <3 Pls never leave or break his trust for you baby. <3
I hope you liked this, honey. :) Make sure to take good care of yourself and have an amazing day/night.
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ayatosmlktea · 4 years
best boyfriend series | kirishima
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A/N: So there is a list me and the gal pals have compiled of who we think are the best boyfriends in the entire world. I haven’t been in a thirsting mood for so long probably bc im mad ✨depressed✨ so the only thing on my mind is soft boys and how amazing they are. This is the most writing I've done in months but I wrote this for Bri’s birthday a while back and am now sharing them with you bc we could all use some wholesome kiripima 
I wrote these as the thoughts came to my mind so...its not really organized ANYWAY enjoy!
- Your sense of humour and easy going personality is what draws him in even if he doesn’t realize it to be love in the beginning
- Even when he’s training with bakugou his eyes are always searching you out, the way you handle your quirk takes his breath away he just thinks you look so badass in combat
- Every time you ask if he wants to study together his heart starts racing so fast it feels like it’s going to burst out of  his chest and he has to fight back the blush that burns the back of his neck and ears whenever you giggle
- As you and Mina become closer, you start hanging out more with the bakusquad.
- Kiri finds himself getting increasingly distracted by you, he notices every little thing like the way your eyes shine whenever you smile, the way cover your mouth when you laugh which bothers him because the entire world deserves to see how beautifully radiant you look when you’re happy
- He notices the way your body language changes when you’re tired, how your attitude gets a little grumpier when you’re hungry and through learning all of that Kiri steps in to make you whole
- When you’re tired he passes you his notes to copy after class just giving you a knowing smile and ignoring the way his heart flutters when you stare at him like he’s your knight in shining armour
- He doesn’t like the way that Denki and sero playfully flirt with you, it makes him feel weird although he knows he has no right to be jealous so he ignores it
- During your second year you start dating Shinsou and Kiri can feel his world come to a halt, his heart plummets into this stomach but he puts on a fake smile and tells you that he’s happy for you and he hopes Shinsou treats you right
- You don’t seem to notice the way the light in his eyes is gone, how much more time he puts into training now that you’re busy with your new relationship and as bitter and mad as he wants to be he knows you deserve to be happy, even if it isn’t with him so he pushes his feelings down and acts like he isn’t being punched in the gut every time you kiss shinsou and not him
- Your last night in the dorms before summer vacation Kirishima finds himself being woken up by a quick series of knocks on his door
“Denki I told you already pennywise is not under your be-” he stops mid sentence when he finds you outside of his door, sniffling with red rimmed eyes
- He’s barely awake and processing what’s happening as he opens his door wider so you can come inside before one of the teachers catches you out of bed and on the boys side of the dorms
- He can hear that you’ve been crying and are still trying not to when you apologize for waking him up so late but you didn’t know who else to go to and suddenly his entire body is burning with anger when you tell him that Shinsou broke up with you
- He can’t help but let out a broken laugh, Shinsou never deserved your heart in the first place. If he couldn’t see how dedicated you were to the people you loved, how you cared for your friends and put their needs above yours, how incredibly talented and hardworking and beautiful you were then he was the dumbest man alive
- You’re suddenly quiet and Kiri realizes that he’s said all of that outloud and the overwhelming urge to disappear consumes him. He was sure that you were going to get up and walk out and never speak to him again but you don’t
- Instead you ask if he means what he said so quietly he can barely hear it and despite how hot his cheeks are burning with embarrassment he tells you he does
- He stops you when you lean in to kiss him and his heart hurts when he can see the rejection and embarrassment paint your features but he tells you that it’s not because he doesn’t want to kiss you, because of course he wants to, but he doesn’t want to take advantage of your feelings when you’re going through an emotional time
- You two spend the summer hanging out- just as friends, he wants to give you time to get over Shinsou because the last thing he wants is to be your rebound
- But with every day that goes by he finds it harder not to kiss you, not to hold your hand, not to text you every second of the day, not to tell you that he loves you
- The realization that he loves you doesn’t scare him, but it is the first time he admits to himself and accepts it rather than trying to bury it and so after he walks you home and you turn to go into inside he grabs your wrist and pulls you in for a kiss
- It’s not the most coordinated kiss but it sets every nerve in his body on fire and you’re both clinging onto each other like it’s your only lifeline. You break apart with the biggest smiles on your face and in that moment Kiri knows he’s going to spend the rest of his life with you
‧͙⁺˚*·༓☾  ☽༓·*˚⁺‧͙
- Well i wasn’t planning to write all that so now let’s get into WHY he’s the best bf
He’s 100% devoted to you, literally you could be in a room full of fkn models and his eyes would be focused on you because he thinks you’re the most beautiful woman to walk the earth
Any other relationship you’ve had in the past does not even come close in comparison to how Kiri treats you
- He would give up his life to make sure you’re happy, seeing you upset breaks his heart because he cannot stand the sight of you crying. It literally tears a whole in his chest
- If it’s within his power to deal with, he will make sure that whoever hurts you does not make the same mistake again. Maybe its a little unethical to use his pro-hero status to strike fear into the heart of creeps who won’t leave you alone at work, or the girls who enjoy gossiping about your relationship behind your back but he does not give a single fuck
- Your happiness comes before his and if you aren’t happy, he’s not happy.
- If he hears people talking about your relationship and making it seem as though you’re only with him for the fame or money he’ll tear them down with the brightest smile on his face not missing a beat
- While he acts all big and scary fighting villains, when he comes home to you at the end of the day he is the most cuddly person you’ve ever known. It doesn’t matter how exhausted he is, he always grabs you in for a hug and doesn’t let you down until he’s satisfied.
- Kiri is really big on skin to skin contact, expect him to constantly be slipping his hands under your shirt and wrapping his arms around you at the most random times
- When you guys are getting ready to sleep he’ll pull you snug against his chest and bury his face in the nape of your neck,
Your scent helps him fall asleep, not in a creepy way but in a ‘you’re safe and here with me so i can close my eyes knowing that everything is okay’ kind of way.
‧͙⁺˚*·༓☾  ☽༓·*˚⁺‧͙
- In my humble opinion, once kiri catches feelings for you they’ll never fade
- Even if you fight, it only reminds him of everything you two have built together and that you’re worth fighting for
- You hear a lot of your friends complain about how their boyfriends never listen to them, or how they don’t know what they like, you watch them shamelessly flirt with other guys and wonder what it must be like to be in such an unsatisfying relationship
- Kiri knows you better than you know yourself, he’s so in tune with you and your body that you don’t even need to ask him to do anything, he just knows
- He remembers little dates that most boyfriends dont, your first kiss, your first date, the first time he said “i love you” outloud
- He also is the first one to say it and it happens when you’re just hanging out in his room
- He’s known that he’s been in love with you for months but didnt want to say it too soon and have you freak out but after nearly six months in it’s driving him crazy not being able to tell you he loves you
- When he does your eyes glisten with tears and he freaks out thinking that he’s said too soon until you’re crushing him in a hug and tell him that you love him too
- When you’ve had a bad day at work or life is just becoming too stressful for you to deal with he puts everything else on hold to comfort you
- Makes you your favourite meal for dinner, gets your favourite show ready to watch after your shower and massages your feet while you snack on some ice cream for dessert
- Ever since you’d started dating Kiri had a habit of “accidentally” forgetting his hoodies at your place, spraying them with a bit of extra cologne while you were in another room
- He loved it when you wore his clothes, it filled him with a feeling he couldn’t quite describe but it solidified in his mind that you were his
- After almost four years of dating he knows that he can’t spend another second without you being his, forever
- He stays up all night looking at engagement rings but none of them are good enough for you so he does a little more research and finds a place that makes custom rings and has the date the first time he kissed you engraved on the inside of the ring
- He 100% cries the second he sees you walk down the aisle, if he thought you were beautiful before, there’s nothing else that compares to you on your wedding day
-  Everything else drowns out around him and the other thing that matters is you, sliding your rings onto each other fingers and sharing your tearful vows and then you’re pronounced husband and wife and his entire being is elated
- He kisses you with a passion and fervour you’ve never felt before, like he’s pouring his soul into the kiss , every promise he’s ever made and will make and all the things he can’t find the right words to say are transmitted
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kissygrayson · 5 years
LANDSLIDE: Chapter 2 - Happy Birthday Liam
… in which Y/N and Harry fall in love at university.
series masterlist
“Are you ready?” Amy asked entering Y/N’s bedroom. Y/N was sat at her desk in front of the mirror. Her makeup was scattered across the desk and a thousand dresses and skirts lay on her floor. 
“The party started already” Amy said noticing her best friend wasn't dressed yet, still sat in her joggers and hoodie. Y/N sighed. 
“I have nothing to wear” 
“You literally have a million dresses right here!” Amy said bending down to grab the few dresses. 
“They're ugly” Y/N muttered, turning in her seat to face her best friend. 
Amy left the room leaving Y/N confused, then returning with a white crop top and and black denim skirt. 
“Wear this, please!” she pretty much begged. Y/N took the outfit then going to try it on in her bathroom. 
“Well?” Amy questioned “Do you like it or are we going to be another 90 years?” she laughed. 
She left the bathroom, a small smile on her face. She shuffled through the boots and shoes beside her bed then chucking on her black doc Martens. 
“Is that you done?”Amy asked with a huff. She felt like she’d been waiting forever. 
“Okay I'm done, can you stop complaining for a second?” Y/N laughed. 
The girls quickly put the essentials into their bags and left their flat. They passed their neighbour Mary on the way out, she usually sat on a seat outside her flat - for no reason really, other than wanting to see the drama that usually happened across the hall between the couple that lived in the opposite flat, Josh and Beth. 
“Hi girls, you both look nice!!” she smiled sweetly, warming her hands with the cup of tea in her hand. 
“Thank you Mary, anything exciting happen tonight?” Y/N asked with a laugh, gesturing to Josh and Beths side of the hall. 
Mary laughed “No not yet, soon though im sure. You guys going anywhere exciting?” 
Amy gave Y/N a look, telling her to hurry up. They where already an hour late. 
“Going to a birthday party, we should get going though. We spent too long getting dressed” Amy said smiling. Mary nodded watching as the girls got into the elevator and left the building.
The girls finally found the building after searching for so long. They had walked up and down the same street for 20 minutes then realising the apartment was right in front of them. They entered the building hearing loud music, knowing exactly where the party was taking place. They walked up the stairs then coming to face with Liams apartment. A few people stood outside, some smoking, some just chatting and of course a few making out. 
“Shall we just go inside?” Y/N asked Amy. Amy nodded. 
The pair stepped inside a few hundred people cramped into Liams flat, most of them dancing to post Malone who was currently playing from the speakers. They stood awkwardly to the side, Y/N’s eyes searching the crowd to see if she could spot Harry or anyone else she knew. 
“Y/N!” Harrys voice called out as she finished her short search. A smile spread across her face, Harry making his way towards the two girls.
“You guys just got here?” he asked.
“Yeah, took us forever to find the place” Y/N laughed. “This is Amy” she said introducing the blonde to Harry. 
“Harry” he said with a smile in which Amy returned. 
“You girls want a drink?” he questioned. 
“Please” Amy groaned. Both girls then following the older boy to the kitchen where a thousand bottles of alcohol and snacks sat along with a few people. Harry handed both girls a bottle of beer then getting one for himself as they made small talk. 
“So, do you both take the same classes or?” Harry asked followed by a drink of beer. 
“No, Amy’s taking art” Y/N smiled. 
“Wait” Harry paused then shouting “Yo Zayn!” 
A boy around the same age as Harry entered the kitchen, a warm smile on his face and a red cup in his hand. Amy spun on her heel to look in the direction of him noticing he was in her classes. 
“Zayn, this is Amy, she's also taking art” Harry introduced the pair, Y/N shook her head giggling when she realised what Harry was up too. Harry gave her a silly smile telling her to be quiet. 
“Amy, I recognise you!!” Zayn said pulling the blonde into a hug. 
“Please tell me you haven't did the work yet for Monday” she said with wide eyes. The class was to draw something that inspired them, Amy was yet to find that thing, leaving her homework to last minute - as usual. 
“You haven't?” he questioned. Amy shook her head. 
“Follow me Amy” Zayn laughed. Amy looked back at Y/N shrugging her shoulders, Y/N whispering for her to go. 
“Look at you playing cupid” Y/N laughed once the pair left the kitchen. 
Harry smirked “Its what I do best” 
Before Y/N could say another word Harrys phone ringing interrupted the pair. 
“Ill be right back, stay here” he said while running off to answer it. 
Y/N stood awkwardly. She didn't really know many people at the University, never mind this party, so standing alone was her only option. She gave a small smile to the girl stood beside her who just drew her a dirty look back. Typical she mumbled to herself. 
“Have you seen Liam?” A female voice said interrupting her thoughts. 
Y/N looked to her left noticing a brunette that sat behind her in her Friday class. 
“Y/N?” she questioned also noticing the familiar face. 
“Sammie right?” she asked back then offering her a drink.
“Im okay, thank you though. Just looking for Liam, I swear that boy is always disappearing” She laughed.
Y/N smiled “I wouldn't know, you're the only person I know here other than Harry”
“Harry Styles?” Sammie asked taken a back. 
“Thats the one” Y/N smiled, slightly confused. 
“Be careful Bella” Sammie said. Careful? The boy seemed harmless. 
“What?” She asked eyebrows furrowed. 
“His ex girlfriend is a literal pyscho!” She laughed. “No but seriously, they broke up a few months ago and she's bat shit crazy. So please be careful” Sammie finished giving the girl a comforting smile. 
“We aren’t dating, just friends” Y/N awkwardly said. She wasn't sure what to feel anymore. “Thanks for looking out for me though. Do you know where the bathroom is?” she questioned. 
Sammie pointed down the hallway telling her it was the door to the left, then running of to find Liam. 
Y/N made her way along the hallway, passing a few people on her way to which she gave them a small smile. She turned left seeing two doors, opening the first one her eyebrows furrowed. This certainly wasn't the bathroom, she thought to herself. 
The walls where black, a few posters and photo frames scattered the walls. A laptop sat on the desk near the window, a TV and playstation beside it. She took notice of the white picture frame to her right sat on who she assumed was Liams chest of drawers. The picture was of 5 guys, one of them being Harry and another Zayn, the other she soon recognised was Niall and the two brunettes she didn't at all, surely one was Liam though. 
“Y/N?” She heard Harrys voice call from beside her. Harry exited the bathroom that joined to whoever bedroom she was standing in, a confused expression on his face. 
“You okay?” He asked. 
“Yeah sorry, I was looking for the bathroom. I should go” She hesitantly said. Harry took a step closer to her, shutting the bedroom door. 
“Do you really wanna go back out there?” He laughed taking a seat on the double bed. She shook her head with a laugh. 
“I kinda hate parties too” Harry said with a smirk. Y/N took a seat beside him. 
“Arent you supposed to be the bad boy, Styles?” She said returning the smirk. Harry chuckled at the girl, I guess she had heard the rumours. 
“I’m really not as bad as you think” he said. 
Y/N shook her head still smiling “Sure Harry. So why’d you hate parties?” She asked. 
“Sophie is always there, I try my best to avoid her” he laughed nervously, knowing Y/N had probably been warned about her by now. 
“Sophie? Your ex?” Y/N asked confused also worried. Harry seemed nervous now, so maybe Sammie was right in saying she was crazy. 
“Yeah, she's insane” Harry laughed. “But just ignore her” He quickly said making sure the younger girl wouldn't be scared and decide not to speak to him anymore. 
“You haven't dated since her?” Y/N asked curiously.
Harry shook his head laughing “Dated? More like I haven't had a proper conversation with a girl without her evil eyes staring at me”
Y/N eyes widened in shock. Maybe this was more serious than she thought. She’d never been in a proper relationship before, sure there where little things here and there, but shed never been commited to anyone, so she wasn't quite sure how Harry was feeling right now. All she knew was that this boy seemed nervous, scared even. 
“Cmon she can’t be that bad” Y/N giggled trying to lighten up the mood. Harry raised his eyebrows shaking his head. 
“Y/N you really have no idea” he laughed. 
The pair sat in Liams room - she soon learned it was his room, for the next hour or so, getting to know more about each other. Y/N had learned that Harry had met most of the boys in high school, some of them shared classes with him and the others he played football with. He also hated the university library, calling it fate that she happened to be there the one day he was. She knew from that day in the library that he was soon to take over his fathers company, what she didn't realise was how big a deal that was. His father owned what seemed like a thousand hotels around the world much like her cousin Ollie, most of them in the US, some in Dubai, the UK and the list went on. They where some of the fanciest hotels in the world, only the best of the best could afford to stay the night there. Y/N was shocked. 
Harry soon learned that Y/N had moved from Italy to Oxford to do nursing school. Her mother passed when she was 2 leaving her father to raise her on her own in Brighton, soon she met her step mother when they then moved to Italy and was blessed with two half siblings, Issac and Oscar. They also realised they both adored Fleetwood Mac, Harry claiming he was good at singing then promising he’d sing for her one day - he rarely sang in front of anyone, she must have been special. 
Their meeting was cut short with Y/N’s phone ringing, Amy telling her to meet her outside. Realising that it was now 2am, she waved her goodbyes to Harry, him making sure she knew he’d see her again soon. 
“So what happened with Zayn?” Y/N smirked, hooking her arm in her best friends as they both walked back towards their flat. 
“I’ll tell you everything when we get home. Now you tell me what happened with Harry?” 
taglist: @vinylhazza @cryinabtharvey
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How to Survive a Factory Tour - Chapter 5
A Sanders Sides / Charlie and the Chocolate Factory FanFiction
I am so fucking exhausted. And hungry. Well, I always am, but recently I’ve been more so than usual.
For the past few days, a lot of my co-workers have been off for Christmas. This meant little old me had to pick up god knows how many extra shifts. For the past few days, I’ve had to skip out on proper meals, only having a quick snack when I got home.
And, no, by snack, I do not mean the Wonka bar. Still haven’t eaten it. No one has.
Two days after Roman Prince won a ticket, I expect Remy to say the fourth ticket’s been won. You know, since there’s been a pattern of them being found every two days. However, when Remy comes in, he simply orders his drink, chats a bit and leaves. It’s honestly surprising, especially with the tour being in five days.
Anyway, I continue working for the next few hours, praying the tips at the end will be worth it. Then, finally, my manager comes out and dismisses me, but not before dividing my share of the money in the tip jar. I hang up my apron, pull on my hoodie and leave the shop.
If there’s one good thing about being poor in Florida, it’s that you never have to worry about freezing. With winters of 75°F, it doesn’t matter that my thin, patched-up hoodie is the warmest thing I own.
It doesn’t mean the walk home is perfect, however. My stomach’s being as loud as an earthquake. Shut up, will you. Just wait until Mom comes home and hopefully she brings some dinner.
I soon arrive at our little shack, gently opening the front door and stepping inside. “Thomas, I’m home!”
I pause, waiting for my brother to reply. There’s no response. “Thomas? Hello?” Nothing. “Thomathy? Thomas the dank engine?”
Still nothing. I feel my heart rate picking up. Oh god, what if part of the ceiling collapsed on him... o-or the lack of food in the house caught up on him and he starved...
All the worst possibilities come to mind. Thomas is supposed to be here, he always is when I come home. Something’s wrong, he’s hurt, I just know it. I can’t breathe. Everything’s going blurry. My heart’s thudding too hard.
Suddenly, everything’s black.
”Virgil! Virgil, wake up!”
I come back to my senses to find myself led on our lumpy couch, and someone leaning over me.
”Th-Thomas...? You’re okay?”
”Virge! Thank god you’re awake! I was so worried... What happened?”
I sit up, Thomas helping me adjust. “I... You weren’t home. I got scared something had happened, and...”
”Panic attack, huh?” Thomas asks. I nod. “I’m really sorry, Virge, I should’ve left a note so you knew I was heading out...”
It was only then I notice a shopping bag at Thomas’ feet. “What’s that?”
Thomas takes a deep breath. “I have a confession. While I have put most of the money you earned for me towards college, I’ve also been saving up for something else.” He reaches down into the bag and pulls out...
”A video camera? What do you need a camera for?”
”I felt bad that you and Mom were doing so much for me but I wasn’t doing anything in return. I’ve wanted to get a job for a while, but I didn’t know how to get one that fit around my school schedule. I decided I needed to do something where I can organise my own hours and I didn’t need to get a whole lot, so I figured maybe...I could do YouTube. I’ve got the camera, and Remy said I could record at his and edit and upload on his computer. Hopefully, I’ll get enough viewers to monetize and get some money to help us, all the while making fun content.”
”Thomas... that is fucking brilliant.”
Thomas smiles. “Thanks. But none of that matters right now. You literally just passed out, you need to get your strength back.” He gets up and leaves the room, heading to the kitchen. A few moments later, he comes back and pushes something into my hand. “Eat.”
I look down at the bar. “I... I can’t.”
”Why not?”
”The money was meant to be for you...”
Thomas rolls his eyes. “It’s okay! It was only a dollar or so for this. You deserve a reward for everything you’ve done for me. Now, open it and eat.”
I sigh, knowing Thomas won’t give in. He can be really stubborn if he needs to be. I start peeling back the wrapper.
Thomas and I both stare at the ticket. He breaks the silence.
”This is gonna make a great first video.”
I pause before holding it out to him. “You have it.”
”What?! No way in hell! You won it and bought it with your own money. And as I said, you deserve a reward.” Thomas pushes the ticket back into my hands. “Virgil, you’re going to Willy Wonka’s factory.”
I practically slide into the room upon hearing Emile’s yell. I plop next to him on the sofa and watch the TV screen.
There are three guys there, and I can’t tell which the winner is. One is wearing sunglasses, a white t-shirt, a black jacket, black jeans, and has an arm around the shoulders of the person in the middle.
The one in the middle has brown hair, and is wearing a purple shirt, ripped black skinny jeans and a patched black and purple hoodie. He looks pretty uncomfortable at all the attention.
The third looks identical to the second. He looks more comfortable on camera than who I presume is his twin brother. He was wearing a grey shirt, an old brown jacket, and jeans.
As I watch, they’re revealed to be called Remy Sleep, and Virgil and Thomas Sanders. Virgil’s the one who won the ticket. He seems so shy! Well, I’ll make sure to make him feel welcome during the tour.
Speaking of the tour, Virgil lives in Florida, and in the same town as the Wonka factory! That’s awesome! He’s sooooo lucky. Imagine being able to buy Wonka bars nice and fresh. I bet they’d be even more delicious then.
Oh boy, four out of five tickets have already been won with five days to go! I can’t wait to find out who wins the last one!
It seems my predictions have been proven right yet again. The next ticket was found in Florida. Just the one in Australia left now.
There’s not much else to say about the ticket being won, really. Nothing worth saying. Robert still blames me, so some things never change.
Joan and Talyn have been trying to find a way to hide a camera on my person so they can see the factory for themselves. It’s rather funny to hear their extravagant ideas, though I doubt I’ll try any. They’ll have to settle with my explanation.
They’re going to be coming with me to Florida, though. Of course my family aren’t, but Joan and Talyn didn’t want me to be alone, so got tickets for the flight too.
I totally didn’t beg them to come because I have a fear of flying...
Okay, I watch Air Crash Investigation too much. It’s educational and very intriguing, if slightly anxiety inducing.
But the point is, they’re coming with me. We’re arriving the day before the tour and leaving the day after. Joan and Talyn are going to be heading up to Orlando the day of the tour to go to Universal Studios. They’re going to meet up with me once the tour’s over. Everything’s arranged, and I’ve even written up schedules for us all so no one will be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Some may call it excessive, I call it efficient.
But I digress. The point is I’m fully ready and prepared...
To wipe this in my brother’s face.
Oh, how perfect! An emo nightmare just won the final ticket and is coming with us on the tour! How wonderful!
That was sarcasm, in case you couldn’t tell.
Call me quick to judge, but I’m not too fond of those edgy, melodramatic, dark emo types. They just seem to always bring down the mood. I’d rather my time at the greatest factory in the entire world didn’t be ruined by some moody, angsty, and by the looks of it, very socially awkward guy.
But I guess it’s too late now. He’s got a ticket, he’s going. Fun.
However, lets brush that aside for now. There’s more interesting stuff than ‘Virgil’ or whatever his name was winning a ticket.
The day after I’d won my ticket, my dads were out so I hosted a party at my place to celebrate my victory. It was great. We played spin the bottle and I got to kiss none other than school heartthrob Nate Christopher. It was probably one of the greatest moments of my life. Valerie even took a picture and sent it to me so I could “treasure the moment I could pretend Nate was gay and into me”.
Why are all the best guys straight? Let’s hope I’ll find the one in Florida and he’ll actually be gay, or bi, or pan, or just likes dudes in general.
Anyway, in the middle of the party, I got a call from Pa. He said he and dad had arranged, not just flights and hotels, but a two-week holiday in America. First, a week and two days in Florida, two days in the town with the factory, then the morning after the tour we’ll drive up to Orlando to go to Disney World. Then, we’ll fly up to New York, which is where we’ll spend the rest pf the two weeks, because Dad managed to get us all tickets to see Be More Chill on Broadway! I’m so excited, it’s going to be the best two weeks of my life.
Tags: @clone-number-1, @pumpkinminette, @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing
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itspialotta · 5 years
Idk a little view in my life i guess.
Hi i’m Pia Lotta,
i was born on 27th of July 2004 wich i regret, but certainly cannot change. I also don’t like the place where i live. Germany. Without a doubt a very known country. Well i live on the countryside in a little village. I drive with my bike to school wich is 8 km far. Although in winter my mom drives me, because i don’t like being in the school bus. Not that i don’t like busses, no i love them, i love sitting there on a sit next to the window, listening to music. I just don’t like crowds, people pushing and you touch people you mostly don’t even know.
In my school is limited space that’s why year 5,6,7,8 are on one school let’s call this one ‚Main school‘ year 9 and 10 are in a different school further away, lets call that one ‚My school‘ because that’s where i go. I’m currently in year 9 but after summer holidays i obviously go into year ten.
Anyways i drifted away. I usually meet up with my best friends Haley and Paula and one of our good friends (Larissa). We always have a speaker and listen to music and chat while driving to school. Often it’s music like 5sos, The vamps, New hope club, Nirvana sometimes Why don’t we. And other artists we adore.
In my school i don’t have a lot of friends, but I don’t think that’s important. I have a couple of guy friends and a couple of girl friends. They’re cool, i like them we laugh a lot. One of my favourite subjects are English and Art. I love English because when i graduate i want to do either work and travel or go straight to the USA to work there. I love the english language it’s way more fun and i feel like i can express myself better. :))
Anyways when i come home around 2 or 3 pm i usually eat. A lot. Wich isn’t good, but i like food a lot. But i’m also insecure about my body. I live in a little apartment with my mom and my little brother. My moms name is Corinna and my brothers name is Newt (im obviously changing everyone’s name but mine) He’s currently 12 and part time annoying.
This is way more exhausting than i thought, i don’t even know why the fuck i’m writing all of this when literally no one will read it. I’m just really really bored.
Yeah anyways i love music and i would love to to something with music in my future, but of course i’m not talented at all. I cannot sing and i can’t even play any instrument. I love listening to it though, a lot. I love lyrics and how every instrument harmonies with everything. i love the sound of a guitar string strung, i love every bassline in a song. and i’m utterly in love with drums. I often don’t even sing the lyrics, although i’m in love with every single lyric in my playlist, i sing the drum or bassline.
i’m in a lot of fandoms so it may accur you that i have Wattpad. Of course i do. I love it. I love reading stories and how you can just sink into them, i don’t even hear anything else when i read, i’m literally in the book. I can see everything they describe and more. But what i love most about Wattpad is the writing. The writing is something i will never get enough of. It is like all the stress just vanishes more and more with every word written, and not just that. You can create a whole new world, a whole new person, something new. You can create something. And that’s what i love. I started Wattpad at the age of 11. I got it because of my huge obsession with Harry Potter, wich is constantly a part of me. My friends used to call me Luna or Hermione because they thought i am like them. And i certainly have to agree. Then the phase with all of the bands started, i got into it mostly because of my Dad. Nickelback, Nirvana and more. But into the 5sos fandom i got because of my friend Haley. She dragged me into it.
I’m also in love with Photography, nature in specific, but as well the anatomy of the human being. i love the art of simple moments pressed on paper and when you look at the paper it’s almost as if you can smell the flowers, taste the fresh air, hear the humming of bees. Or you look at it and memories start playing in your head, Photography is the art to hold something you don’t want to let go, because it’s art by itself.
I love vintage stuff, wich might be because i adore the 90s and 80s. The fashion was way ahead of their time. And i would love to wear all those clothes and outfits i have on my pinterest bord, but i can’t. Simply because i’m in my own way. Wich is impressively stupid, even for me, but my eyes and brain definitely feel as if i shouldn’t and couldn’t in any way wear that. My body is just not made for that. So i just shrug my shoulders and throw anything on, wich in most of the cases appears to be a huge Hoodie and a jeans.
im also a very organized person and i must say that i’m definitely a perfectionist. But i also should mention that my room sometimes isn’t the cleanest, i usually tidy up twice a week. So to notice is that my inner perfectionist is only coming out when i’m not in my own room, i have to put everything where it belongs, every paper i write can’t have a single mistake and everything has to be sat at the perfect place. When i tidy up, i do everything. If i’m once in the flow i can’t get enough of organizing and everything. Even if it’s my own room.
i must say though, that i have found an personal interest in watching this screen hanging on my wall, while sitting and laying in my bed for whole days, turning every half hour to make it comfortable again. In 50% of the time, i do basically nothing, i watch mostly vlogs and other youtube videos. The other 50 percent are divided in two 25 percent pieces. One of them being, watching series and movies on Netflix the other one is me putting on a playlist of music because i’m too lazy to charge my 3 speakers. Since i do this very often i can just lead to the next point.
I’m socially awkward and don’t like people. This may sound either strange or unbelievably stupid, but let me explain. I like talking to people, as long as we’re either in school or on the internet. but even then i get bored after a while and just say that i’ll be gone for a minute, when in reality i just turn on the TV or pull up Wattpad. I especially don’t like meeting up with people, it puts you to a responsibility where you can’t leave, because you feel uncomfortable. i never know what to talk about, but try to keep the conversation going, due to politeness. I always want to be somewhere else, by myself. Because i can do whatever i want when i’m alone, I don’t have to see if the other person is fine, i don’t have to ask if they want anything. And most importantly i don’t have to be scared that they’re bored or annoyed. Because my constant Concern is that i don’t want to bother or annoy people. To be honest, i always think i annoy people. Just like right now, if anyone is even reading this right now, i’m really sorry for you because at this point you have to be either bored or annoyed and asking yourself why you even read this. I’m really sorry :(
I guess there isn’t much i can talk about at this point, i don’t know if you actually read this, but if you did, i applaud you for not falling asleep and making it this far.
If you have any questions you can obviously ask them, you can always send me a direct message. If you want to know more about an aspect of my life or you want me to write down my opinion on stuff, because i usually always have an opinion that you can just send me a direct message or comment ;)
There’s probably a lot of wrong spelling in there so i also apologize for this.
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ikesenmotonari · 7 years
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yay that ikesen oc thing. she’s a multifandom oc but hey im not creative so i might as well JAM her into another universe lets go lads
idk who to tag but if u have an ikesen oc go for it i wanna know bout em!!!
i was tagged by @nyktoon-ikemenlove thank you sweetheart!!!
Age? Height?
“Hi! I’m Melody Wyverne, but my friends if I had any would call me Mel, Mells… that fun stuff! I’m nineteen and I’m five foot two!”
She’s petite, on the curvy side. She’s 5′2″, or 155 cm; she is only nineteen and wants to go home. lmao
What’s your fashion like? [Time travelers – pre & post-wormhole!]
“Er, pre time-jump I was a fan of sleeveless hoodies and high-waisted jeans. I didn’t go out much, so I dressed comfortably. Now I wear kimono and hakama… it’s pretty. I sure hope it didn’t trouble people too much to make these…!“
The top one is an older doodle. thonk emojis
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Where are you from?
“I’m from Canada, actually. I lived alone for a bit then my dad reached out to me and asked me if I’d like to spend some time with him in Japan. So uh, I just wanted to talk to him again and thought this would be a good way for me to intern somewhere… it might as well be his business right? Then the storm thing.“
Her mom is French, her dad is English. She’s got a ridiculously high IQ level and no social skills whatsoever, so she knows most Japanese and speaks it pretty okay despite her North American kind of accent. Is that a thing? thonks
Feudal era – pros and/ or cons?
“There are pros?!“ She’s not very happy being surrounded by blood and death…
Pros? Cool clothes. Cons? HAVE YOU MET THESE PEOPLE?!
If you’re not in your homeland/time, do you want to go home?
“Gosh. Absolutely.“
What’s your home life like?
“Well, I’ll run you through a usual day! Ah… well, I’d eat something, then play with my cat, talk to Avery for a bit, then… yeah I’d spend the rest of it at the garage, just working on my projects! It’s… I like working. It’s not healthy, and I’ve been told… but it’s nice, you know?“
Melody doesn’t go outside.
She scarcely leaves her property and the only close friends she has is a cat and a cyborg (a man with no arms). Her parents split years ago and she wasn’t properly socialized as a kid. Being raised as a certified genius? It’s… lonely. She doesn’t know how it’s affected her, but being thrown back in time is forcing her to look at things differently.
You just got your dream job! What is it? / Or, what’s your line of work?
“I’m a programmer on the side, but first and foremost, I make prosthesis for people. I have a background in medicine and engineering I suppose…”
Any other hobbies or skills? Do you use them / how do you use them in the Sengoku period?
“Not really… I can barely take care of myself as is, haha! Erm. I can’t use my skills much at all in this era. Other than some simple automatons, there’s also guns I can piece apart, but I’m more hesitant with those… all I can do is use my expertise in biology I guess. There’s a lot of injuries going around, and I’m glad I’m not completely useless.“
Where is your base of operations? Azuchi Castle? Kasugayama Castle? A pirate ship? Running all over the woods or in a secret monastery? Some other cool place?
“I woke up in a forest near Azuchi and stayed in a neutral tea house for a while before Lord Masamune pretty much dragged me to the castle. So I stayed there for a few months, and the warlords grew on me, but… I… got kidnapped. So I guess my base of operations is a pirate ship.”
“…I don’t like it. Don’t get me started on their captain…”
How do you feel about killing and violence?
“I just wish there’s another way past it all. I don’t think I’ll ever understand the logic behind killing someone. I… I’m a doctor. Not a murderer.”
Have you learned to fight? If so, what’s your weapon and/or fighting style of choice?
“Nope, actually. But there’s some good guys on board that might be willing to teach me! At least, I hope so. The only thing I’m leaning towards are guns, unfortunately, but they’re the closest thing to a modern mechanism I can get. Eep… I don’t know how to fight! I don’t want to!”
What are you fighting for?
“Um, my life?!“ It changes. Eventually. ;3
What are your feelings about authority?
“As long as they’re not bullies? Fine.” She pauses. “Lord Nobunaga was different though. I didn’t understand him fully, but he doesn’t really make fun of me or anything. He’s just curious I guess. I don’t tend to question authority unlike some pirates.”
How do you handle someone invading your personal space?
“I just get really uncomfortable and back away if I can. I can’t bring myself to yell at people unless they’ve seriously whittled down on my patience. I didn’t know I had it in me, actually… huh.“
…do you invade people’s personal space?
“Ha…. haha! Yeah, sometimes. I get nosy okay? I didn’t even know what personal space was until I was eleven!”
Are you more open, or more reserved? Are you secretive?
“Avery says I’m an open book. I have nothing to hide, no secrets to keep. There’s not much that happened to me before, so I guess I’m some kind of blank slate? Gee, that sounds so harsh…”
Is this the first time you’ve been truly in love?
 “Love? Have you spoken to these people?”
Eventually? Yeah. Yeah this is her first time.
What’s your style as a lover? (interpret this as innocently or not-innocently as you please ;) )
She’s sweet, affectionate and balanced. She knows when to handle time with her partner and time working on whatever independent activities. Though she’s quite a dense person overall and won’t realize if she’s even fallen for someone, she deeply and wholeheartedly trusts them. It takes a while for her to know this.
Also, she’s 99% submissive and slightly masochistic. As well as a rope bunny.
What are your favorite ways for someone to show you love?
Touches, fleeting ones. Tight hugs, any kind of embrace. Show her something unconditional, undivided. She’s been isolated for so long she convinced herself she won’t have someone to love, so she carries on merrily alone, not knowing how deprived she is of human contact. Hmm.
Take her on an adventure. Bring her out of her comfort zone. Show her what the world could be like… you’ll change her.
Do you use a petname or endearments for your lover(s)?
Not really, she would give nicknames if she could! She already says things like ‘honey’ and ‘dear’, but nothing too mushy unless it becomes super playful and joking.
How do you feel about…
Nobunaga? “He’s such a complicated warlord… I don’t know if I’ll ever understand him. But he’s shown some really keen interest in me. Is it because I’m a Westerner? Either way, Lord Nobunaga scared me and he still does. But after spending months in the castle and talking to him, he’s not actually as mean as I thought he was. I don’t know why he laughs at me though! I guess the things I do seem really silly to him!”
Hideyoshi? “Oh he’s super nice. He taught me how to make tea when mister Mitsunari and I put way too much leaves in. He tends to scold me for staying up though, but I can’t help my insomnia without my pills! It’s really comforting to know that Lord Hideyoshi is looking out for me though. The things he does reminds me of how Avery takes care of me, so I guess he’s like a big brother? Heehee.”
Masamune? “He was the one who brought me to Azuchi castle, and boy is he wild! His energy shocked me honestly, it’s like he never runs out of it. He’s so cool though! He kinda scared me too, and I’m pretty sure he can stab me once told to, but he’s been really playful. I didn’t know I’d have so much fun in Azuchi thanks to him. And he makes amazing food! Though he should stop bugging me to eat three meals a day…”
Ieyasu? “Aw man, I wish I can talk to him without him speedwalking away or trying to avoid me! He’s reading stuff about medicine, right? I’d like to know what he’s learning. It’s no doubt super different from modern medicine. I try to talk to him sometimes but Lord Ieyasu’s always busy… was it something I said?”
You know that question about invading personal space? Melody leans in to peer over at his books sometimes. She’s a bit too friendly to his liking.
Mitsunari? “I relate to him a lot. He’s really friendly and sometimes I’d spend my free time reading with him. Time goes by so fast though and either Lord Hideyoshi or Lord Ieyasu would step in to tell us we’ve missed dinner…”
Literally. They are so alike. They got along swell.
Mitsuhide? “S-Scary… have you heard of those rumors about him? I mean, in person he’s okay, but he’s just tall and intimidating to me. He did take me out to the marketplace once and show me around, which… well, nevermind. I guess he’s nice. Apparently Lord Hideyoshi told him to stop teasing me, but I don’t recall being teased?”
She’s dense. 
Shingen? “Big man. Very tall, and… I think he was flirting with me. Whatever it was, he’s… really.. erm, polite and all, and I met him along with Yukimura and Sasuke at the forest tea house before I was taken to Azuchi. I don’t know him too well, but with what Lord Nobunaga told me, he must be a strong warlord…”
Kenshin? “I never met the guy. With a title like the ‘God of War’, I don’t think I want to…!” Fear.
Yukimura? “He’s… he’s kind of… what’s the word, gruff, isn’t he? I met him along with Shingen and I guess it’s a good quality to be honest and stuff. I think we got off on the wrong foot.”
She spilled tea on him. You can imagine the rest. Sasuke came in clutch.
Sasuke? “He’s super great. I wish I had more time to talk to him! He kinda saw right through my attempt to hide the fact that I’m from the future and he gave me helpful advice on fitting in and staying under the radar. Eep, sorry I got dragged to the castle, Sasuke! We can talk about astrophysics another time…! Seriously, I’m so grateful to him. Without his advice I’d probably be in big trouble.”
Kennyo? “He went near the tea house once and was feeding the fish in the koi pond. He’s scary, but… he’s nice. I served him tea and some dumplings. I had no idea he hated Lord Nobunaga so much…”
Motonari? “Ugh… infuriating. I didn’t know I could be so angry at someone before I met this guy. The nerve he has, to kidnap me in broad daylight, spit on Azuchi defenses, and then use me as his impromptu surgeon for the high seas! Hmph. … I… I don’t know. The more time I spend with him, I feel like I’m not going anywhere - you know, I try to get along, I really do, but I think he’s keeping me away? Like, he just tends to stay shallow with people. As annoying as he can get… I want to know why. He’s shown how playful he could be, and his crew loves him. He gives me the same vibes as Lord Nobunaga, actually… intimidating, but I want to know more about him.”
Any other friends/notables?
“I have a friend named Avery and he’s awesome! He took care of me ever since I was eleven, he was twenty-one at the time and now he’s thirty. He’s like a dad to me. Oh, and this isn’t too important, but he has metal arms. I made those! Er, the updated ones, actually. Just to make sure they’re functioning like real arms and all. The prototypes were made by my mom and he was severely injured, so the surgery took a while. He and I grew really close after my parents’ divorce. He lives a few blocks down, and he has eight dogs. Don’t ask ME why, you should ask HIM. … I miss him. I hope he’s okay.”
She also has a cat named Charlie. He’s a grey ragdoll. That’s… that’s about it.
hooray for my shallow motonari headcanons with trust issues
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craske · 7 years
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im really hyped to share it, hope you’ll like it!!
-Hey campers! I have great news!-
Max and others sat there, over a plate with questionable mashed potatoes, which were said to be quartermaster’s speciality. And yet these tasted like dirt. Everyone around had the same faces of doubt and disgust, because even the smell of this food was bad. And since when potatoes smell bad? Not a good sign. At all.
David, smiling and happy as ever, came in and stood there where all campers would see him, but most of them didn’t pay attention, which didn’t demotivate David at all. Max knew that there was almost nothing to make this man lose his optimistic attitude. And he couldn’t decide if it was impressive or just simply annoying. So he just sighted.
-Noone cares David. You made up some lame activity at 7 am, did you expect us to be jumping around? Or climbing on a wall?- Max said. It was true, yesterday David told campers that they will go out for some wood walk. And as if it wasn’t bad, they’d have to leave at 7am because David “wants campers to experience wilderness when at its most beautiful part of day!”. Nobody was excited. Well… Maybe Nikki, but sugar flows through her veins, so she jumped out from her bed as soon as she heard the trumpet, which Max wished he would never hear again.
-Oh come on Max! You will see how Mother nature wakes up to start new day! Lizards go find some warm spots, owls find their nests to rest, day birds sing the loudest at this moment and we might see deer with young! Isn’t it exciting?- David exclaimed, making Max even more grumpy. What does this man take every morning?
-But this is not only great news, fellow campers!- Counselor said, with no effect. Everyone still didn’t seem to bother, but have such things ever discouraged David? Nope.
- I received a call yesterday, a new camper is joining us today!- he exclaimed, and this time, surprisingly, some people looked at him with curiosity. At the same time Neil looked concerned, Nikki was close to exploding and Max just hit his forehead at the table.
-Not another Jermy Fartz…- he mumbled.
-It would be wierd at least if another kid like Jermy came- said Neil, sticking his fork into potatoes. He picked up the plate and turned it upside down, neither potatoes nor fork hit the table, they stayed in their place, sticked to the plate as if glue was used.
-This is…concerning…- he said, when putting his plate back on the table. His friend wasn’t even suprised about this, he never ate these potatoes anyways.
-Now i’m just more concerned about this trip David planned for today. Though on the other hand… maybe bear will maul me or some shit- said Max.
After the breakfast campers went back to their tents to grab important stuff and prepare for the walk into the woods. And nobody was eager to leave their tents after entering, but David literally dragged some of the kids outside, so it was clear, there is no way to avoid this. David was talking about stuff they will see, really happy about this, even more happy than the usual, which was slightly wierd for Max.
-Well… i think he is excited that new camper is coming today- said Neill, when Max pointed it out. Nikki just shrugged.
-Or he just has even better humor, i dunno- she said and ran forward, because she saw their camp mascot platypus, who disappeared two days ago. Everybody was a bit concerned, but only because it would mean they’d have to go look for new mascot. And nobody was willing to do it.
-There she goes…-
-Nikki will dominate all animals around, you’ll see-
-Yeah, maybe she’ll become alpha of some wolf pack or something-
Max laughed at this, but then got quiet and looked to the side, as if he remembered something not so nice. But he came back to reality after a moment. Kid smirked.
-What do you say we go half a mile with this loser and then turn around and go back to camp?- he said to Neill, who thought for a moment.
-What will we be doing there?-
-I dunno, maybe slacking off? Doing what you are supposed to do during summer?- said Max with irony in his voice. He wasn’t in a good humor today and felt like being super salty about everything. Neil just groaned in response.
-You really want to be pain in ass today, huh?-
-You have no goddamn idea-
When group reached the main cabin, in which they had eaten breakfast earlier, suddenly the group stopped. David looked a bit distressed, because somebody was on the roof of the lodge.
-Hey! What are you doing up there? Come down before you’ll get hurt!- he yelled, running towards the house. The person was sitting on the side of the roof, with their legs hanging down. And kid didn’t seem too concerned about where they were sitting.
David went inside the house, probably for the ladder, but when he was struggling to pull it through front door he noticed the kid got down on their own.
-Uhmm this won’t be necessary, mister- she said.
Other kids watched it mostly with interest, but nobody was nervous about this situation. They just looked at the new camper, who was actually probably 14 year old girl. She was wearing green hoodie with short sleeves, red long-sleeved shirt under it, blue shorts and typical high boots perfect for some treckking. She also was wearing yellow lumberjack gloves, but the thing that was most unusual about her was that her hair were dyed to be bright blue, though some brown was visible in places where hair was growing.
She stood there looking a bit guilty, but not scared. David put ladder down carefully. He would have big problems with Gwen if he broke it, because it was their only one and it is never sure when it will be useful.
-Gosh darnit you scared me! How did you get up there?- he asked when approaching that new girl. She scratched her head in embarrassment and smiled.
-I uh… climbed? I mean, i jumped on that box by the wall and grabbed the edge of the roof… i will get into trouble on my first day, won’t I?- she said. David looked at the girl and smiled, still a bit shocked after what he saw.
-Oh don’t worry about it! You kids would go anywhere! So, you are new part of our group for this summer, right?- he leaned towards the girl, who was visibly more comfortable when knowing she isn’t in trouble anymore.
-Yeah! I came here few minutes ago but nobody was here so I thought waiting will be good thing to do- she said.
-Well, if you are our new camper, please introduce yourself to us!- David exclaimed, grabbing her shoulder to turn her so he can face the group of other kids. She surprisingly didn’t seem to be intimidated, more like happy that she can finally leave her excess behind.
-Um… Hi, im Meg!- she said, rising her right hand slightly. David clapped his hands, excited.
-Well, it’s very nice to meet you Meg and I’ll let you know that you arrived just in time, because we were leaving to go to the woods for long and amazing trip!- he said. At the same time Max watched it all, bored. Let’s be honest, he didn’t expect a new camper to appear here in this way, but it’s nothing special. He tried to escape during his first day, just like Nikki  and Neil. Well… they wouldn’t try it if Max didn’t persuade them to do so.
He felt he won’t like this girl, Meg. She seemed annoyingly happy, just like David. Ok, nobody can be this fucking happy 24/7, but still. He smirked after a moment.
-We’ll see how excited you are ‘bout this shitty trip- he said quietly.
But there was one thing that he noticed, how she shivered when David touched her shoulder. It was wierd.
-Ok campers! Let’s go meet mother nature!- said David and went in the direction of that one path they mostly used when going into the forest. Everybody letted out a tired sigh, but followed David anyways.
-Zis isn’t going to be a good time- said Dolph who was walking in front of Max. Meghan waited for the group to pass, and then joined it at the end, happy to go to the forest.
Finally! Away from city, in the place where air is fresh, birds chirp and no sound of cars. Meg was really tired of that lil wierd city so he decided to take some vacation, it would be good for her health. Aaaand… she had a feeling her friends were getting fed up with her. So it will be good for everyone!
She was walking silently, watching the group and surroundings, excited to be here. Kids in front of her weren’t talking much, maybe because of the hour of waking up… There was… girl with green hair, dude which looks like Shakespare, magician, a black girl in some kind of cosplay, some brute, cool girltm, little boy who kinda resembled her of that one german dude, kid who apparently wants to be an astronaut, dude with fluffy brown hair and next to him boy with fluffy black hair, This is one interesting group, Meg felt that it’s gonna be great month. But there was no sight of that one kid with blonde hair she saw through the window of bus when she was coming here. She even pointed out to that scary driver some camper was out there in the forest, but he didn’t seem to care… or he didn’t hear her. It’s not sure, because he is so old he might be deaf.
-Uhm… sooooo…- she started, trying to make a conversation with two boys in front of her. Dude with brown hair turned around to look at her, though he seemed nervous, while black-haired dude didn’t even react.
-This is everyone in group, right?-
-Yeah, David wouldn’t let anybody stay in the camp during this trip- said that guy with brown hair.
-Oh by the way, what’s your name dude?- she asked, coming closer to hear these two in front better.
-Oh, I’m Neil and this is Max- Neil said while pointing at boy next to him, who just looked back at her. It’s been a long time since she saw somebody this bored. Well… guys in school looked like this few days ago.
-You are… Meg, right?-
-Yeah! And I’ll be honest with you guys, i have a feeling this is going to be one of the best summers ever!- she said, filled with excitement, while Max said to himself that he will always stay at least 5 meters away from her.
At that moment Nikki came back, covered in mud and with some twigs in her hair. She was holding something fluffy and small in her hands and before she said anything Meg ran towards her and kneeled, her irises really big.
-Is that a squirrel?- she asked, not stopping to look at the animal Nikki brought. She nodded furiously.
-Yea! And it has this funny thing on it’s head see?- She said
They were left behind, which made Max sigh in relief.
-I won’t be able to not do something to her. She is like… David or some shit- he said, not bothering to check if two girls are catching up.
-At least it isn’t another Jermy Fatrz- said Neil, but Max wasn’t sure which one of them would be worse.
-Hah, i dunno man-
After minute or two girls caught up, talking excitedly. Boys noticed they both had some scratches on their faces… Well, Nikki had some more new scratches. But they both looked really happy.
-Wow, I haven’t been attacked by a squirrel in a long time! Last time was when somebody feeded park squirrels with coffee-dipped nuts. It was wild dude!- Meg was talking loudly.
-Wow it even bit you! Didn’t it hurt?- asked Nikki, excited just like new camper, who shrugged and showed her hand with thick glove on.
- Nope, i didn’t feel anything! These are really useful!- Meg said, proudly.
-You wear them all the time?- asked Nikki, and Meg nodded in response.
-Well… Yeah! Just, you’ll never know what will happen next moment!- she said and two girls finally caught up with the group.
-Guyguyguyguys! That squirrel attacked us! It was wild! But we kicked it into the bushes!- said Nikki, really happy about this little adventure.
-Uhh… are you sure you won’t get sick? Some animals carry diseases… Well, al of them- Neil pointed out, while Max just shrugged.
-Oh don’t worry, you body must experience everything to be less vulnerable in the future- answered Meg, which ticked Max off even more.
-Wow, and i thought we can’t have more smartasses in this godforsaken place- he said, which caught Meg off-guard. She looked at him for a second. Wow, so this is the typical camp douche who can’t have fun apparently. She just needs another tactic when it comes to mr. Grump.
-Man, at least there are some smart people, huh?- she said, smirking. It sounded surprisingly salty, but Meg immediately dropped the salty mask and smiled again.
-Oh dude, come on. How bad can it be?- she said. Max turned around with a bit of satisfaction on his face.
-Oh you’d be surprised-
Nikki sighted.
-Well, you just have to be carefully around Nurf because he can pull out a lot of knives from his pockets. And we still don’t know where he gets these- she said.
-And uhh… David can be annoying- Nial added. Meg looked forward. David was leading group deeper into the forest, but they still were in this more open and brighter part of the woods. And the counselor seemed as ecstatic as when he greeted Meg back at camp.
-He seems nice. Is he always this happy?- she asked.
-Unfortunately, he is almost never down and I swear it makes me sometimes want to snap someone’s neck. Especially his- Max was the one to answer this time. Meg looked at him, slightly concerned about this last thing.
-Oh…- she said and for next hour they all four were silent, though when the group started walking around on more mountainous terrain, then everyone was wheezing, trying to catch up with David, because that son of a devil apparently had so much energy that mountains were the same as simple campgrounds. Even Nikki had enough of this and she just like others, literally threw herself on a ground when a break was announced. Max at that time approaches David, really mad.
-Wow, you’ve put us through such a shit I swear David, this trip must be worth this hell- he said aggressively, but counselor just patted the boy on his head.
-Oh Max, haven’t you noticed how wonderful it is? Haven’t you seen all these animals?- David asked cheerfully.
-Well, i saw one squirrel attack Meg and Nikki, but eh- boy shrugged. His words slightly concerned David. Why didn’t he know about this? He quickly approached two girls, talking while lying on that one bigger rock. It was pleasantly warm thanks to the sun.
-And then that bus caught on fire and…-
-Um, girls? I’ve heard you had a… situation… with wild animal. Are you both ok?- David interrupted Meg’s story, but she didn’t seem to mind.
-Nah, we’re good- she said and quickly got back to the story she was telling. Nikki was listening carefully.
-And believe me or not, we actually didn’t suffer! I had barely any burns or scratches! But my pal, he yhh… got blasted away by a bomb in that suitcase…- David didn’t hear anymore bc he had to go forward and check out their trail. He planned to avoid Sleepy Pine at all costs.
-Ok my feet will hate me for next few days and don’t expect me to get outta my bed- Meg said something, what everybody was thinking. It was long past evening meal, maybe 11pm at best. Nobody wanted to go eat anyways, sleep was their ultimate desire and as soon as the group reached the main lodge, they went to their tents as fast as they could. David had to show Meg her tent, which Gwen set up while they all were gone.
-Everyone wake up at 7am for breakfast in main lodge, where you get food made by our Quartermaster, you also can choose diffrent drinks. But no coffee-
Meg wasn’t listening, she just wanted this dude to go away, she was super tired and she couldn’t breathe good, but she tried to hide it. During the entire walk she had big difficulties with keeping up, especially on that mountainous part of track. She thought she’d suffocate.
-Ok David, i really need to sleep, thanks for everything- she finally said with hardly hidden pain. David smiled.
-Ah no problem. Good night! We are really happy to have you here at Camp Cambell!- he said and left. Meg quickly entered her tent and checked if tent drapes are closed and took off her shirt. Beneath which there were bandages wrapped around her torso, binding something to it. She took these off as fast as she can, revealing small, blue set of wings. She spreaded them as much as she could in this tiny tent and took few really deep breaths. It was such a great feeling, being able to finally breathe normally. She couldn’t leave the group to take these off, it would be suspicious. But let’s hope it won’t be the same during the rest of camp. Or she’d just pass out one day, and then people would be curious and they might find out…
Ok, don’t think about this, it won’t happen.
She took off her gloves too, revealing clawed hands covered with green scales, which were going all up to her arms and down her back. That’s why she was wearing those, but… Yeah lumberjack gloves are simply handy, today’s action with squirrel proved it.
-Damn, what a relief- Meg said and chuckled when throwing herself her bed. She finally could swear without anybody judging her.
-This is gonna be such a great summer- girl said and as soon as she closed her eyes she fell asleep. She really wanted to leave that city, it was starting to be really tiring, the everlasting noise and stench of her hideout behind that one library. Now she was there, surrounded by woods, with no sound of cars. Simply sounds of night.
It’s gonna be indeed best summer. Unless people find out what she really is…
But it won’t happen.
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sleepinglightt · 7 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?My boy toy 
2. Are you outgoing or shy?I’m outgoing with most people, I’m only shy around people I️ think are cute 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?My dad!! I️ get to see him on Christmas break :))
4. Are you easy to get along with?I️ think so? I’m really nice to pretty much everyone unless you’ve fucked me over or you’re not nice to me
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?Yeah 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?Taking gender out of the equation, I’m attracted to people that have kind hearts and interesting personalities 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?I️ hope so 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?My boy toy 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?Not really 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?My best friend 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?It’s literally just laughing emojis 
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?Playboy shit- blackbear Up in this- blackbear U- h.e.r. (BIG MOOD) Ivy- frank ocean Verbatim- blackbear 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?YES 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?I️ believe in miracles, but I️ don’t really believe in luck 
15. What good thing happened this summer?Lots of good things happened this summer, but a lot of bad things also happened 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?Yeah 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?Yeah, and I️ hope I’m right and I️ hope they’re nice to us if they ever come here 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?Nope 
19. Do you like bubble baths?Yes yes yes 
20. Do you like your neighbors?My neighbors are old and kinda weird but they’re nice 
21. What are you bad habits?I️ bite my nails and I️ pick at my cuticles 🙃
22. Where would you like to travel?I️ kinda wanna go to like Iceland or something?? I️ think that would be kinda cool 
23. Do you have trust issues?Yeah, especially with men 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?Going to sleep at night bc then I️ don’t have to deal with anyone or anything 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?All of it lmao 
26. What do you do when you wake up?I️ normally just try to go back to sleep but then I️ realize I️ have to go to school and I️ cry internally 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?I️ like it the way it is I️ guess idk 
28. Who are you most comfortable around?Probably my best friend 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?Yeah
30. Do you ever want to get married?Yeah, one day I️ wanna get married and everything even though it kinda scares me 
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?My hair is so long that when I️ put it in a high ponytail it still goes to my shoulders
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?Missy peregrym and Ellen page, final answer. 
33. Spell your name with your chin.Ao c (my name is Alex but that’s what ya get I️ guess) 
34. Do you play sports? What sports?I️ used to play softball, volleyball, and basketball but I️ quit a few years ago 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?I’d rather live without TV 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?Yup 
37. What do you say during awkward silences?I️ normally make a stupid joke, and then instantly regret it 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?Let’s not go here lmao 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?I️ like to shop at thrift stores, zumiez, and target I️ guess? 
40. What do you want to do after high school?I️ just wanna be happy 🤷🏻‍♀️
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?Yes, I️ honestly give 3rd, 4th, and 5th chances bc apparently I️ love being walked over 🙃
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?It means I️ either don’t like you or I’m really sad and I️ have a lot on my mind 
43. Do you smile at strangers?I️ always smile when I️ make eye contact 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?Outer space 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?Food
46. What are you paranoid about?Literally everything, I’m not even over exaggerating 
47. Have you ever been high?Nope 
48. Have you ever been drunk?Nope
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?Not really 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?It was tie dye rainbow
51. Ever wished you were someone else?All the time 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?There’s a few things, but the main one is not being able to stand up for myself and not speaking my mind 
53. Favourite makeup brand?I️ really love Anastasia Beverly Hills 
54. Favourite store?Target 
55. Favourite blog?Ummmm idk 
56. Favourite colour?Either yellow or dark green 
57. Favourite food? NOODLES 
58. Last thing you ate?I️ had hot Cheetos 
59. First thing you ate this morning?I️ had a donut this morning 
60. Ever won a competition? For what?I️ won a bunch of softball tournaments back in the day, does that count? 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?Nope
62. Been arrested? For what?Nope
63. Ever been in love? Yup yup yup 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?I was literally like 12 and it was with a boy in a church parking lot and we went out to his dads car and he kissed me and our front teeth hit together it was “romantic” 
65. Are you hungry right now?Nope
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?I️ don’t have very many tumblr friends ://
67. Facebook or Twitter?Twitter 
68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now?Nope
70. Names of your bestfriends? Briann, briann, and briann 
71. Craving something? What?Affection
72. What colour are your towels?They’re multicolored 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?I️ sleep with literally no pillows. I️ know, I’m weird 
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?I️ sleep with 1, don’t judge
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?Probably like 15-20?
75. Favourite animal?Dogs
76. What colour is your underwear?Burgundy
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?Vanilla
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?Strawberry
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?Dark blue
80. What colour pants?They’re pajama pants and they have lil dogs on them, super cute
81. Favourite tv show?The x files
82. Favourite movie?THE NEW SAW MOVIE IM OBSESSED 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?mean girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Mean girls bc I’ve never seen 21 jump street 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?Gretchen bc I️ really relate to her 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?Dory 
87. First person you talked to today?My boy toy 
88. Last person you talked to today?The day isn’t over yet
89. Name a person you hate?I️ don’t say his name bc he doesn’t deserve my time 
90. Name a person you love?I️ love a lot of people
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?Not really? 
92. In a fight with someone?Nope
93. How many sweatpants do you have?I️ only have like 1 pair 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?I️ have like 10
95. Last movie you watched?Jigsaw
96. Favourite actress?Ellen page
97. Favourite actor?Ryan Reynolds? 
98. Do you tan a lot?Nope
99. Have any pets?I️ have a dog
100. How are you feeling?Kinda sad, but it’s okay 
101. Do you type fast?Yeah 
102. Do you regret anything from your past?I️ regret A LOT of things
103. Can you spell well?I️m a decent speller
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?Yeah :/
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?Yes
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?Unfortunately 
107. Have you ever been on a horse?Yeah 
108. What should you be doing?I️ don’t have anything to do 
109. Is something irritating you right now?Yeah 🙃
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?YES
111. Do you have trust issues?I️ have a lot, especially with men and I️ answered this already 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?I️ haven’t cried in front of anyone in a long time
113. What was your childhood nickname?In softball they called me my last name but idk if that counts. I️ also got call “ghost” and “skeleton” bc kids are dickheads
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?Yup :)
115. Do you play the Wii?I️ used to, but my wii broke 
116. Are you listening to music right now?Nope
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?Yes
118. Do you like Chinese food?Yes
119. Favourite book?Looking for Alaska (yeah I’m basic) 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?Not really, I️ just get really paranoid
121. Are you mean?I️ can be, only when you get on my bad side though 
122. Is cheating ever okay?Nope
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?Nope
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?Nope
125. Do you believe in true love?Yeah 
126. Are you currently bored?Yeah :/
127. What makes you happy?Coffee and cold weather
128. Would you change your name?Nope
129. What your zodiac sign?Gemini
130. Do you like subway?Not really 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?Like them back apparently bc that’s what happened lmao 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?Didn’t I️ already answer this??
133. Favourite lyrics right now?“Fuck on ur bitch like I’m Hefner” 
134. Can you count to one million?Probably not
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?I️ don’t even remember honestly 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Open, I’m not allowed to have my doors closed but it freaks me out and gives me anxiety 
137. How tall are you?5’6
138. Curly or Straight hair?I️ have straight hair but I️ prefer curly hair bc it’s really pretty 
139. Brunette or Blonde?I️ have a thing for brunettes not even gonna lie
140. Summer or Winter?Winter
141. Night or Day?Night 
142. Favourite month?December
143. Are you a vegetarian?I’m trying to be 
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?I️t doesn’t matter, it’s all great 
145. Tea or Coffee?Coffee
146. Was today a good day?Kinda? 
147. Mars or Snickers?Snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote?I️ don’t really have one
149. Do you believe in ghosts?Yeah
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? There are no books near me at the moment
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ol-razzle-dazazzle · 7 years
1-50 for the ask game and I'm not sorry. ✨
ALSO TAGGING MY GF BC IM GAY @perfect-murderer
Under a read more bc long post 
1. Wake her up with kisses lesbian or play with her hair while you wait for her to wake up lesbian- Wake her up (wake her up inside) can’t wake up (wake her up inside) SMOOCH HER
2. X files lesbian or twin peaks lesbian- X-Files, I’ve always been gay for Scully
3. Pit Bull lesbian or corgi lesbian- I’ve never though about this but corgis! they look so happy and small!
4. Sweet tooth lesbian or saturates-everything-in-hot sauce lesbian- I can’t stand spice and I love sweet stuff (like my gf...and lemon candy)
5. Sunflower lesbian or white lily lesbian- As much as I love lily gay symbolism, sunflowers
6. Rose gold lesbian or white gold lesbian- this hit that ice cold I actually prefer rose gold
7. Dunkin’ donuts/Starbucks lesbian or strictly local cafe lesbian- I’ve never had Dunkin Donuts/Starbucks so cafe!
8. Sunrise lesbian or sunset lesbian- Sunsets, they also tend to be the best time to go crab catching~
9. Emily Dickinson lesbian or maya Angelou lesbian- I THINK EMILY DICKINSON (IS A LESBIAN)
10. Dark sexy ball gown or cute bright ball gown lesbian- depends...if the dark one shows too much skin (I tend to not like showing skin personally) then bright, but I love a dark dress as much as anyone!
11. Strawberry lesbian or watermelon lesbian- Watermelon lesbian all the way, though nutella dipped strawberries...
12. High waisted shorts lesbian or loose rolled up jeans lesbian- Loose jeans...I’m too ‘thicc’ and too short for any jeans to fit me comfortably tbh
13. 60s chic lesbian or 60s hippie lesbian- chic
15. Choir lesbian or garage band lesbian- Garage band, most of the choir girls who’ve I’ve had crushes on turned out to be homophobic :/
16. Twirl her around lesbian or get twirled lesbian- TWIRL HER TWIRL HER TWIRL HER but like, if there’s a dip I’m fuckinG DIPPING BUT I LEAD OKAY EVEN IF I’M TERRIBLE 
17. Sit com lesbian or artsy independent dramatic romance film from France lesbian- I like the ‘gal pal’ sweet lesbians but they’re both paired up with guys sadly (COUGH COUGH PARKS AND REC) so probably dramatic? I’m a drama loving bitch
18. Bicycle lesbian or bus lesbian- Mike on his bike and bus lesbian is wlw mlm solidarity (blease ask me about the legend that is Mike) but yeah sadly bus lesbian, I can’t ride a bike and whenever I do I hum the HGSS bike theme and fall. Trains and ships are better
19. Jelly fish lesbian or dolphin lesbian- Jellyfish!!! BUT CRABS ARE PRIME!
20. Biology lesbian or physics lesbian- Biology lesbian by far, gimme that gay bats and crabs and sexual mitochondriac tension
21. Studio Ghibli lesbian or Cartoon Network lesbian- As much as I love SU and OK KO and whatnot, I gotta go with Ghibli (is there a gay Ghibli movie? blease say)
22. Take the spider outside lesbian or scream at her to take the spider outside lesbian- take the spider outside! I always do that, even if I’m scared
23. Serena Williams lesbian or Ronda Rousey lesbian- Serena...those muscles...those legs...she’s absolutely gorgeous
24. Prismacolor lesbian or faber castell lesbian- Faber Castle always, though I have gotten Prismacolor for birthdays and they’re high quality it always seems too...elite for me
25. “Campers are for the weak” lesbian or “I will die before sleeping on the ground” lesbian- Campers are for the weak, but use a damn sleeping bag and tent yo
26. Calling every female character they see their girlfriend lesbian or “Dana Scully isn’t your girlfriend, I am” lesbian- SCULLY I’M GAY but the latter, I wouldn’t want any character to actually date me they should date each other
27. Roller skate lesbian or ice skate lesbian- when I was a wee bean roller skates but like...I always used to fall. So Ice Skates? No yoi but like it’s cold and cute and lowkey holding my gf so she doesn’t trip more like clinging onto her legs as I do the splits and break all my bones
28. “Christmas carols are dumb and over played” lesbian or belting out all I want for Christmas is you at the top of their lungs lesbian- Dumb and overplayed, I will listen to my gf and join her but like,,,tragic shopaholic mother backstories,,,always, always playing, always there. 
29. Buy her something lesbian or make her something lesbian- depends, I love making things but I have like, no dexterity so probably buy?
30. Cherry mojitos lesbian or cherry flavored vodka lesbian- ...I must betray the rat bois...but mojitos. I hate mint but it’s so fucking ~*fresh*~ (I don’t drink but I’ve made ‘mocktails’)
32. Tummy kisses lesbian or thigh kisses lesbian- t...thigh kisses....////
33. I’ll fight anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian or I’ll psychologically destroy anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian- Both, nemo impune lassit bitch- Edgar Allen Poe
34. Fall asleep in her arms lesbian or rub her back until she falls asleep in your arms lesbian- rub her back until she falls asleep in your arms
35. Floral pattern lesbian or tie dye lesbian- floral pattern, love those rainbows but plants dude,,,
36. Snake lesbian or frog lesbian- *tries not to make a kanako/suwako reference* Snakes, they blep, as much as I love memes. 
37. Send her memes lesbian or “if you call me the rarest Pepe one more time I swear to god”- SEND HER MEMES SEND HER MEMES I WANT TO NUT (Never leave her Unconditionally love her Treat her right)
38. Star Wars lesbian or lord of the rings lesbian- Star Wars, i’m not hugely into either but star wars
39. Spice girls lesbian or 5th harmony lesbian- no clue,,, but probably 5th harmony?
40. Pink hair lesbian or blue hair lesbian- depends, light cotton candy pink but on someone else blue (gimme that dark or lilac purple any gay tho)
41. Maple syrup lesbian or berry syrup lesbian-Maple syrup slorp slorp slorp
42. Vinyl lesbian or cassette lesbian- Vinyl? 
43. Paris lesbian or Amsterdam lesbian- never been to Amsterdam so probably Amsterdam? 
44. Jazz lesbian or swing lesbian- hHHhHHhHHHhhHhH DONT MAKE ME CHOOSe I LoVE THEM BOTH oKAY????
45. Pin stripes lesbian or plaid lesbian- Pin stripes forever, flannel looks good on other people but not my thing
46. Mini golf date lesbian or bowling date lesbian- bowling because there’s usually an arcade and snacks! I usually enjoy the shoot em ups and pinball and I’ll fuking destroy at air hockey and cause copious collateral damage, but mini golf is senseless whacking destruction so if there’s no security cameras mini golf
47. D E S T R O Y her at Mario kart lesbian or let her win lesbian- try but end up losing, but at least I have the cutest character-cart combo
48. Pullover hoodie lesbian or zip up hoodie lesbian- Zip ups forever, but like, not those shitty half crop top zip up shit, gimme an actual hoodie you heathens
49. Band tshirt lesbian or fandom tshirt lesbian- I got pokemon t-shirts so fandom?
50. Love her with your entire heart lesbian or lover her with your entire soul lesbian- uhhh both??? If souls are actual things then souls, bc giving someone your blood pumper would be messy, and I’m a gay ass demon
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hey jude!!! just read ur last anon abt being nb and wondered if u could talk abt ur own gender experience?
well basically i didnt grow up in a very open household, like rly Zero discussion of gender, so i know i Experienced gender entirely but i played almost exclusively with the boys in my class until probably grade 6 or 7, & at puberty, even tho i was a better athlete than most boys in my class still, i started hanging out with girls more, at recess, etc. i was always into androgyny, even if i had no idea (& i didn’t) what that was—i liked some femme things, absolutely, but i wanted nothing to do w skirts or pretty shoes. i wanted to be in adidas running sneakers 24/7 if i could help it, & i wore a uniform to school w the option of a skirt/pants, & im p sure i always wore pants. at the time this, to me, seemed more functional, & it was, but it was also, as i can understand now, something that made me feel Less like a girl, although not at all like a boy.
when i was older, 12, 13, 14, my parents wanted me to dress nicer, & i was v much into like american eagle shit, although by mid hs i was into some vintage stuff. one rly big odd style influence for me was mia wasikowksa in this weird movie called restless bc it was this v soft femme androgyny & i think for me this kind of gender expression became very important to see & understand. it wasn’t that she didn’t look like a girl, or that she wasn’t a girl, but she also sometimes looked like a boy, or wore boys clothes, but she wasn’t butch. idk this movie sent me for a loop honestly lol. 
& obviously my understanding of gender expression didn’t correlate (& doesn’t correlate!) w so many gender identities, & “passing” is extremely harmful as a notion, etc. but when i was younger my understanding of gender & sexuality was very limited & began to expand when i saw very femme but still andro ppl, even tho i couldn’t articulate it at the time. 
when i was a teenager i knew i didnt want to rly have a single thing to do w any boy, which made me sure i was a lesbian bc thats the only narrative i’d rly known abt queerness, or queer women, or even queer ppl who presented as femme. there werent any out lesbians at my school (no fucking way), & the only out queer kid at all was a white gay guy a year older than me, who was popular in the way white gay boys can be popular in high school. but i read voraciously, was fascinated by the crossdressing in shakespeare (paris in the merchant of venice was a particular fixation of mine?) & anyway. i knew i was queer, i knew i liked girls, & i knew i was outrageously uncomfortable w my body, particularly my breasts. for a long time i thought this was because i was ashamed of my sexuality, when i came to sort of understand that, but ofc now i know abt dysmorphia & dysphoria, so yknow. knowledge.
when i went to college i came out big time, & it became very important to me to both be queer & look sort of queer but not queer enough to be Queer—i wanted ppl to be like ‘maybe into girls, but maybe straight.’ as im sure many of us know, this was a lot of internalized shame abt a lot of things, so that sucks. however, i cut my hair which was like the first comfortable thing i had done for my appearance in a v long time, & also smth which my parents hated & i did anyway. i wore a Lot of rly femme stuff bc they hated it tho? so this was all v confusing for me bc my parents are v homophobic, & here i was in college starting to read queer theory & gender theory & falling in love w like. the most beautiful, brilliant girl, & also spiraling into a mixed episode after i got diagnosed w bipolar I, which sort of put everything else on the backburner for a year. 
eventually tho i sorted that out (as much as u can sort smth like that out) & i started to rly pay attention to androgyny. i went to europe & i think theres a whole bunch of nuances to fashion that exist there that certainly arent here, & i spent a winter in warsaw so there were aspects to fashion & expression there that were entirely abt functionality, which i was v attracted to. in college, as well, & especially after college, gender became smth i was v much invested in bc i was (& absolutely am) a feminist, so my place in the canon & zeitgeist was one as a queer female writer. it was so so central to who i was, & what i was writing abt. every single thing i wrote in college was in some way a balm, some sort of piece abt myself, learning abt trauma & the body. sorting through a lot of hurt. i could write a theory piece abt elizabeth bishop & reading it back now i know it was also abt me, that kinda stuff.
when i went to toronto i rly rly started being invested in looking critically at gender & my experience of it bc being read as a woman was smth that was grating on me, even tho i had identified as woman for so long, & had no desire at all to transition. i know 100% i am not a trans man, so that was confusing for a long time because i sort of knew there was a space between but it was very hard to conceptualize. eventually i sort of came to understand gender is a color wheel where cis boys are blue & cis women are pink & then theres literally a ton of other colors out there, so yknow. lots of different experiences of gender. some days i feel much more strongly like i identify w women (in mostly political situations, it matters to me to be read as “female” sometimes bc rights for ppl w vaginas AND trans women are FUCKED UP in so many places). some days i hate the idea of identifying as a woman. i also never want to identify as a man. so when i was in toronto i rly started to know a LOT of queer ppl w so many different expressions of gender. & we were all young & lovely & open & fucked up & we would get fucked up but we would also go read together in the park & wander around alleys in the snow & like. there’s a Muchness to toronto that i experienced that helped me, personally, understand these intersections between my own sexuality & gender & expression as much more than just a gay woman who isn’t butch & isn’t femme. i was rly lucky to become part of a community that identified as Queer, & so i became v much understanding of these different aspects of my own identity that fell outside of binary—my sexuality, my gender. Queerness is a vital & profound thing to me & i was rly able (& so fortunate) to have a close friend group of mostly queer ppl & then a few of the actual literally most incredible allies i’ve ever known & will ever know. 
so then from there i just rly kinda thought abt things & like i got a binder & stuff in TO but rly started to evaluate my dysmorphia & dysphoria (i had struggled really badly w an eating disorder in/post college) & was able to sort out that so much of it had to do w feeling uncomfortable in the way my body was read in the world. & that will always happen bc i LOVE makeup & i have a “feminine” voice & sometimes i love skirts & i shave my legs bc i like how it feels sometimes & i dont ever want to go on T—none of these things make anyone ANY gender, but ofc theyre coded as “female.” but i’m learning to just yknow educate where i can & take a lot of solace in the community of ppl i have fostered who support & understand my Being. i’ve also allowed myself to be invested in aesthetics & fashion & how much a role that plays bc like. yah fuck Yah i look cool shit bc my friends love it & absolutely i wanna wear the same vans maia mitchell has & i want a melodrama hoodie & i LOVE local toronto designers & their angsty patches abt sad songs & whiskey but i love fashion born out of histories that is connected to smth i can understand, like queer punk movements, or smth my friends & i share, like blundstones (which are gender neutral, which is cool). i’m fascinated in how ppl express their Selves, & we are so unfortunately Finite in our bodies in the sense that that’s rly how the world, in our day to day interactions, processes who & what we are. so i invest in the care of mine by trying to listen to it, trying to make it comfortable—& clothing is a huge thing that can do that. also its fun so anyone who thinks loving (ethical, cool) fashion is vain can eat my ass
anyway lmao now i have a p decent sense, atm at least, of what makes my body its most comfortable (even if that is v far from Comfortable at times). i love my tattoos, & i basically never rly want long hair again i’m p sure, & i love makeup, & if i could wear vans or blundstones every day for the entirety of my life at this point that would be incredible. those are easy things, & i try to allow my body, in its cultural place, to have access to them as much as possible, which is so important to me in a sense of having access to a physical space that matches my mental space of gender identity. politically sometimes i feel v v much a “woman” in terms of my lived experience, & i allow that of myself as well. sometimes when i write it’s important to me that my poetry be read as a queer person but also someone who is culturally coded as a woman, bc those are still always central concerns of my work—the trauma, the power there. but day to day i’m mostly happy spending my time obsessing over other things, like what to call this new genre of music halsey & lorde are making, or why my dog stevie is a Fanatic when it comes to ice cubes. ive come to enough terms w my gender, & my sexuality—& the expression thereof—that unless someone is talking abt gender, or someone asks me a question, it’s not smth that is constantly on my mind, which is. Nice. its so nice lol. 
also i would like to point out that i know my experience being non binary is rly rly white & western in so many ways & i get that. my cultural experience of non binary gender is also v much this like. ive felt frustrated before but never in my life have i felt scared to be non-binary while i was like out & abt in the world, bc i still pass as a cis white woman literally everywhere all the time (which has its pros & cons but like, still, a lot of privilege). so i do try to keep all of that in mind as well when i try to center myself & all that jazz
& who tf knows where all of that will take me. i feel like, bc ive learned to listen to my body & my brain so much better than i did when i was younger—even when they might hate themselves—i am so much better at filling up a space in the world that occupies smth healthy. which is not smth i take lightly, & i’m also so open to changes, as long as they feel good & beneficial & true. which is sort of new for me. who knows man ur mid twenties are a wild ride 
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