#litg cherrygate
mrsbsmooth · 1 year
I don't understand why y'all quickly forgive Lurik so easily for switching from Casa Amor, but y'all quickly trashing Mason/Levi during Cherrygate arc. Aren't they interchangeable?
No I get where you're coming from! BUUUUUUUT I think the difference is that Casa Amor fucks with everyones head.
You must remember: Casa Girls will actively lie and manipulate the guys in order to get back into the main villa. They have a vested interest in spinning the story in their favour
The way it's presented is S2 is that Lurik and MC have a really good connection, but it really hasn't been that long for them. But they go to Casa, and suddenly get blasted from all sides that MC is either: a) disloyal b) a game player after the money c) not actually as into them as they make out to be
You have to remember that the girls were away for three days. That's a long ass time when you've been 'dating' someone for less than a week. It's almost half the total time! If you'd been dating someone two years, it's like being absolutely no contact with them for ten months! Honestly I don't think we give Bobby&Gary enough credit for not cracking on baahahhaa.
Honestly, Henrik makes way less sense than Lucas, because that man just does whatever he feels suits him on any given day. But Lucas?? Makes total sense. He is so concerned with how he looks, how he presents himself, he would be freaking out about the idea of looking like an idiot if MC brought some guy back and he didn't. So of course he would bring someone back.
Compare all of this to season 1, where the only extenuating circumstance is "Oh, Erikah said you had something going on with someone else."
Like, okay, cool. But you could've come and SPOKEN TO ME about it, I was RIGHT THERE! You could've come back downstairs and woken me up, and said "hey, MC, I need to talk to you about something Erikah said, It's playing on my mind and I can't sleep."
Neither of them did that. Instead, they kissed another girl behind our back, less than 20 metres away. And for that reason, what they did is less forgivable.
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girlsontourgirlsontour · 10 months
I’m only mad about cherrygate because Levi stole me from my one true love Jake when he coulda just picked cherry in the first place
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alitgblog · 10 months
the way s2 mc wore cherrygate pajamas was iconic and one of the more underrated things I will miss with the death of the og litg app
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The OG bombshell 🍒
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ts4-bachelorblog · 1 year
Week 7: Selvadorada
(Read Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 here.)
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As the group settled into their rustic Selvadoradian rental, Cherry and Dracula got ready for their first official one-on-one date.
"Last week was a lot, but I'm feeling refreshed," Dracula declares. "I'm ready to explore the jungle, and these last few connections. This is the final week before hometowns, so it's crucial I figure out whose families I'm ready to meet. Starting with Cherry. I woke up wanting to chat with her today, so I'm really excited for our date." "Finally, I get a whole day alone with Dracula!" exclaims Cherry. "I have been waiting so long for this!!"
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They started at the cantina, where Cherry befriended a stray dog.
"That was adorable," gushes Dracula.
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At the bar, Dracula comforted Cherry, who still felt sad about Marley. She cheered up with some deep conversations, and they resumed flirting.
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They got day drunk, gave each other back rubs, blew each other kisses, slow danced, and shared a kiss outside the bar.
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In the evening, they began exploring the jungle...and each other, in a bush. Then Dracula drank from Cherry's wrist.
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They stargazed together...
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...and chatted by the waterfall, where Dracula gave Cherry a rose and a kiss.
"Cherry and I are very compatible, and we've grown so close from our quality time. I know I don't want her going anywhere, at least for now," Dracula raves. "I'm not going anywhere," says Cherry.
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Back at the rental, Dracula was still hungry. He brought Marisol to his room for a bedtime drink, and then kissed her hands in thanks.
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dawnsbreaking · 2 years
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Jake knew exactly what to do when she got like this. He kept to the kitchen, bothered her only to make sure she was eating, watched with an adoring stare as she paced the floor of their shared apartment, brain-storming with big headphones covering her ears. Such were the perils of being engaged to Ruby Whitmore, bestselling romance author on a deadline for a highly-anticipated fourth novel.
read on Ao3
Jake knew exactly what to do when she got like this. He kept to the kitchen, bothered her only to make sure she was eating, watched with an adoring stare as she paced the floor of their shared apartment, brain-storming with big headphones covering her ears. Such were the perils of being engaged to Ruby Whitmore, bestselling romance author on a deadline for a highly-anticipated fourth novel.
He was grateful for the experience granted to him by their four year relationship. The first time he’d seen her nearing a publishing deadline, he’d been completely out of his depth. Horrified, watching his sweet girl become a writing, editing, pacing zombie. They’d been together just six months and Ruby had been wary of the relationship getting serious at an important career intersection. She was finishing her sophomore novel and desperate to live up to the success of her debut.
But Jake had stuck it out. He’d started coming over to her apartment just to sit in the same room while she worked. He’d started cooking for her every night, showing up unannounced with ingredients his restaurant would have tossed out. He’d listen to the sound of her fingers on a keyboard and the sizzling of peppers in a pan and feel perfectly content.
He told her he was falling for her on a night like that. After watching her work, making her dinner, heart soaring at the grateful smile she gave him.
For his troubles, a line in her author’s note.
Thank you to my dear friend Jake Wilson, without whom I might have starved in the process of writing this book. 
“Just a dear friend?” he’d joked when he read it. They’d been dating for a year and some change by the time she got a proof copy. He read the book in two days, finished it on her couch with her feet in his lap after a celebratory dinner.
She’d pulled herself closer, looping arms around his neck. Kissed his cheek. “I wanted the thanks to be timeless. Just in case.”
“I’m still offended,” Jake said. He hadn’t been really, he understood the hesitation to put feelings into print.
“You’re not really.” She’d told him. “Tell me what you thought of the book.”
And he did. Over and over, until it came time to tell her what he thought of the next one.
Her third book came the next year, they were on the verge of moving in together when her deadline zombie months came. Moving was tabled until publication.
He was mentioned in the author’s note a second time.
Thank you to my boyfriend, Jake Wilson, for keeping me sane and well fed.
When Ruby gave him his proof copy, he’d flipped straight to the acknowledgements, read the line, kissed her in the doorway.
“Move in with me,” he’d said. “Please.”
And she did.
Between books three and four, Ruby took a break. With bills split, both Ruby and Jake could afford to focus on each other more. He’d transitioned from cooking in a fancy restaurant to teaching at a nearby culinary institute. The job suited him, his exceedingly gentle nature made him a wonderful instructor. The two of them made a happy little life together and Jake realized all at once that he wanted it to last forever.
A week after their engagement, Ruby pitched a book to her editor. Jake overheard the phone call in bits and pieces.
“The love interest is a chef… Right, yeah… She’s from a small town… No, I’ve already started… Thank you! I’m really happy… I think I want the wedding to happen before publication but I’m not sure…”
It took Ruby a whole month to tell Jake about the story after getting the go-ahead from her agent. He’d been waiting impatiently to tease her for writing a love story with a chef for a love interest. Secretly, he’d always hoped to serve as inspiration for her writing. They were laying in bed, just about to sleep, when she told him.
“I started book four,” she said.
He mustered surprise. “Really? That’s great!”
“Don’t make fun of me,” she said. “But the love interest is a chef.”
It was impossible to keep himself from laughing out loud. Even though he’d known, hearing her saying it was priceless. “You’re kidding.”
“I told you not to make fun of me!” She laughed easily, though. He knew she’d been bracing herself for the teasing. “It’s just such a rom-com profession. I had to.”
“I’m not making fun of you-“ He flipped over, bracing himself on his elbows to hover above her. “-but I am going to be a smug asshole about this forever.” He kissed her, feeling warm, making her blush.
And here was the beginning of the deadline zombie phase. He was in the kitchen, tending to a seasonal pumpkin soup, she was blasting rock music through her headphones and pacing circles around the living room. Business as usual in the Wilson-Whitford home.
He was almost startled hearing her voice. Just a moment before, Ruby had been on a completely different planet. He turned, finding her already in the kitchen, headphones in hand.
He leaned against the counter, smiling at his beautiful girl. “What’s up?”
“Can you be my rubber duck for a second?”
If it weren’t for her serious tone, Jake would have laughed out loud. “What do you mean?”
She twisted the headphones in her hands. “You know, how computer programming students talk to a rubber duck when they can’t find a problem in their code?”
“I do not.”
“Okay, well…” She giggled. “I read about it one time.”
“You need me to listen to you talk about your book?” He was almost afraid to suggest it. Ruby had always been guarded about her ideas, talking things through with her agent or editor if at all. Jake wanted to be let into the process, just to see how her mind worked. He loved seeing the way all his favorite little pieces of her made it to the page, but he respected her desire to keep the rougher edges of the process to herself.
Blessedly, she nodded. Jake turned down the burner to keep the soup base just below a simmer and swooped Ruby into his arms, hoisting her to sit on the kitchen island in front of him.
“I’m all yours,” he said.
While he chopped the rest of his autumn vegetables, Ruby explained the basic plot of her book. When she began elaborating on her characters, Jake had to fight to keep the grin from his face. The main character of the novel, Juliet, was a neurotic librarian, brilliant if a little lost in the clouds, and the love interest, Richard, was the proprietor of a new restaurant in town, effortlessly sexy and down-to-earth.
“I’m writing part of it from the man’s perspective, I don’t usually do that but, I don’t know, it’s a popular style now.” Ruby chewed her thumbnail, deep in thought. Like a rubber ducky, Jake didn’t have to say much to help her think through her issue. He was stirring the soup again by the time she’d caught him up on the basics, adding all the vegetables he’d just chopped.
He put the lid back on the pot, turned back to her. Leaning with his hands on either side of her on the counter, he said, “Are you having trouble with the man’s point of view?”
She frowned. “Maybe.”
“I happen to know a guy,” Jake joked, “he’s a sexy chef exactly like Richard Walton. Could probably connect a few dots.”
Ruby rolled her eyes. “Maybe. As long as this dude doesn’t have a huge fucking ego about his fiancée writing a character kind of based on him.”
Jake leaned closer, their noses almost touching. “And if he does?”
“Unfortunately, I still might need the help.”
“What are you stuck on, in particular?” Jake moved one hand from the counter to her thigh, watching her eyebrows knit together at the sudden transition from teasing to flirting. 
“It’s… Um. So,” Ruby stammered, flustered for all her fictional experience with romantic advances much more blatant than this one. She cleared her throat. “I just don’t know how to express, like, desire from the male perspective. It feels like it should be different somehow.”
Jake hummed, low in the back of his throat. “It sounds like you need a hand from a sexy chef.”
“Would you please stop referring to yourself as a sexy chef in the third person?” Ruby laughed, shaking her head at him.
“You could start with the way her nose scrunches when she laughs,” Jake said. “He might like that.”
She leaned back, caught onto his game. “Juliet isn’t based on me.”
“So you’re writing about me falling in love with some other girl?”
“I…” Ruby frowned. “Fine. If we’re being technical, all of my characters are a little bit me.”
“I know,” Jake said. “That’s why I love your books.”
She blushed again. Compliments never seemed to get through to her, since she was always focused on writing the next great thing. He was surprised to see that make any impression.
“But if Juliet doesn’t scrunch her nose when she laughs,” he said. “He probably likes the way she purses her lips when she’s thinking. Probably wants to kiss a quizical look right off her face.”
“Should I be taking notes?” Ruby raised a hand to Jake’s face, then, dismissing the pretense just slightly. She stroked the stubble on his cheek with her thumb, studied him. Seemingly from nowhere, she said, “You’re so good to me.”
Jake smiled, followed the worry in her brows down to her eyes. “You’re easy to be good to.”
She shook her head at him. “No, I know this part of the writing is miserable. I’m sorry I shrink away so much to get the books done.”
“Baby,” he said. He raised a hand to cover hers. “I love this part of it. I love getting to help you through it.” He kissed her forehead. “I love getting to watch my brilliant future wife be brilliant.”
She kissed him, looping her arms around his neck to pull him close. He loved the feeling of her hands in his hair, her body pressed against his.
When she pulled back, he could see the wheels turning in her head with increasing speed. The beauty of one of her breakthroughs.
“I think I’ve figured out the scene,” she said. “You’re an even better rubber ducky than you are sexy chef.”
Jake chuckled. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
She hopped down from the counter, landing between his arms and pressed against him. “You should finish your soup,” she teased.
Without moving away, Jake reached behind him and turned the burner off entirely. “It’ll survive being reheated.”
She giggled. “I should get back to my book.”
“I think you should do some research on, um, desire? From the male perspective?”
Ruby laughed, feeling the punchline of his joke pressed against her thigh, then she relented. She wrote many things from experience, after all.
After the deadline came a renewed focus on wedding planning. The couple hoped to be married and honeymooned before the book release, leaving Ruby more free to plan signings. She’d be going on a book tour for the first time that year, which was an exciting milestone even if she knew she’d miss Jake and their cozy apartment.
When the proofs for her fourth novel came, Ruby couldn’t wait to give one to Jake. It was the middle of the day and he was still at the culinary institute with a class. She surprised him on campus, knocking on his classroom door with the book behind her back.
A student answered, but she recognized Ruby from the pictures displayed on Jake’s desk. She let Ruby in without a second thought.
“Ruby?” Jake smiled, his face betraying worry and confusion despite his excitement to see his fiancée.
She nodded at the classroom of students, staring at her from their messy workstations.
“Sorry,” she said. “I just wanted to give you this.”
Ruby handed him the book, kissed the corner of his mouth. “I love you,” she said. As soon as she’d arrived, she was gone again, leaving Jake dumbstruck in her wake. 
She’d bookmarked the acknowledgements for him.
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xa176 · 4 months
Here are some of my fav LIs from each season of litg (we all have different and similar opinions, please be respectful)
•S1: Jake and Talia. Jake was a slow burn but really did care for Mc and was just afraid to show it until last minute, coupled up with him the moment I had a chance, plus when Cherrygate happened… Jake put a protective arm around you as you walked away from your current partner. Talia is so gorgeous and thoughtful, when my Mc was coupled up with Mason, him and Levi started getting into it and Talia told them to stop swinging their dicks and made sure my Mc was ok. I of course replayed it and took the Talia route 😊 have not regretted it.
•S2: BOBBY!! No words can explain when my s2 Mc and him just meshed together. Literally so thoughtful, kind, loving and funny. He really was head over heels for Mc in the end and really cared for his friends! When drama would happen, he would be the first to try fix things together.
•S3: Harry and AJ. Harry is cute looking and I love his backstory of his family basically saying he is adopted and he has two other siblings (I think, it’s been awhile and I of course am not able to replay it) he explains he such a good brother and his old t-shirt looked kind of cute on my Mc. AJ gives off golden retriever energy and she’s so beautiful! Her style is beyond stunning and playing her route was heart warming for me.
•S4: Youcef. Now towards the end of the season I realized I’m a sucker for slow burns. At first I thought he and Bruno were ugly when they showed up in the hot tub date. But as we got to see more of his personality somewhere in between… I had to make my Mc couple up with him. But seriously… fusebox did him REALLY dirty. I remember someone saying this… every time he smiles he looks like he’s in pain. He kind of does tbh. I love his personality but he could have looked better. Also playing his route is the sweetest and the only time you are on track with his route is when you say honesty is the best policy when talking with Tiffany, Bruno and him.
•S5: now f*ck this season! My Mc coupled up with Suresh and took her f*cking money because screw that season. Worst season ever.
•S6: Lewie, Bella and Andy. Lewie is major Golden Retriever energy, I just find him so attractive that I made my Mc immediately coupled with him right away, he just wants everyone to get along and when things go south I think his Captain instincts kick in and try to keep the vibes going. Bella is the most patient woman ever in all the seasons, she literally waited for Mc. She’s just so out of this world too! Her smile is just… UGHHH I WAS SO IN LOVE THAT I HAD TO DO HER ROUTE TOO!! WORTH IT! Now Andy, he was the most popular casa boy this season, I mean look at him! How can anyone resist his smile? And his little prank you see if you brought him back to the main villa on movie night and his little dance, ugh my heart. (I had to play the Ryan route so I wouldn’t have felt guilty for leaving Lewie to be dumped) and he works with animals, I love animals!!
•S7: Joyo. This season wasn’t really worth it since it lost all its excitement after Mc went into the main villa. Joyo immediately caught my eye so I stayed loyal and now I’m replaying for a Raphael route.
•S8: Claudia, Bea and Max. Claudia is so gorgeous AND SHE DESERVED MY MC MORE THAN THEO. My opinion on Theo was that he was still a playboy and disrespected Claudia by trying to flirt with my Mc, like Theo I don’t want you, I want your girl you are not treating correctly. Bea is so gorgeous and if you aren’t on her route, she’s literally your best friend and you get the option to have a little date with her when you guys are in casa together. As I am writing this, I notice that I’m a huge sucker for golden retriever vibes. Max’s color yellow def suits him! Adorable and I found it funny when he pied off your last LI (in my case, it was Jin) and basically showed he wouldn’t back down just because Mc and the last LI had history.
•S9: I have no opinions so far on my favorites but Natasha be looking like she could be a bit of me. She’s beautiful. I just hope Fusebox brings back people from later seasons and people we weren’t able to romance at all. Like being Eddie back, he did not deserve to go and how he experienced love island. I want him to have a chance with my Mc this season.
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mercedesdecorazon · 14 days
I’ve been seeing stuff about Love Island All Stars so, I’m a bit curious to learn about the MCs that you had for throughout the seasons! What were they like, who did they romance, stuff like that
Yes sure! Some are spoilers but not really. Bear in mind that my MCs are all black women.
My LITG MCs and their stories summarized
Season 1:
My MC is Rachelle and instead of being an OG, she is a bombshell along with Rohan, with Cherry being an OG. She couples up with Levi which leads to conflict with her and Jen. Levi is wishy-washy which leads to her getting it on Mason with no restraint, causing conflict with Allegra. On the next major recoupling, Rachelle goes for Mason but Erikah, angry at the attention Rachelle is getting, whispers to Mason that Rachelle likes only Levi, leading to Cherrygate. The storyline is the same mostly as in the game, with Rachelle burning through the Villa and everyone with deadly precision: she dunks Mason, Erikah and Cherry in the Water Dunking Challenge. She is known as the infamous bombshell who caused mayhem in the Villa.
She gets together with Jake near the end of the season and they date outside the Villa but broke up.
Later on, Rachelle starts dating Tim. They get married and have two children. The end.
Season 2:
My MC is the lovely Rosalia and you can read some of her story here. Her main love interest is Lucas and I changed the Season 2 story up a bit. Check it out.
[Rosalia is currently married to Lucas, and as of now, they are traveling the world together. They have a house, two cats and no children - bad economy and they're content with just each other. Lucas enjoys being married to the love of his life, and Rosalia is happy to be with the man she loves.]
Season 3:
My MC is Azere and she is my cinnamon roll MC: very sweet, sensitive and naive. Perfect for the drama free Season 3. This girl would not survive Season 1, 2, and 5.
She is paired with Harry first, then Harry is stolen by Genevieve which makes her cry. Then she paired with Camilo for the rest of the season, crying when Camilo flirts with Lily.
After the show, Camilo ghosts her and after the disastrous Boat Party with Harry and Camilo making fun of her, Azere distances herself from the Love Island show and is currently single.
Season 4 (Bombshell):
Tanya is my second bombshell MC and she shakes things up in the Villa. She pairs with Will but he dumps her for Thabi, making Tanya despise them both. Tanya is paired with Bruno but the Dylan situation happens, and when Bruno kicks Tanya out of bed and banishes her to the outside beds, things are over between them. Bruno goes for Valentina, leaving Tanya heartbroken.
She pairs up with Youcef as friends and she is eliminated just before the finale. As of now, she and Youcef still are together but are very private.
Season 5 (Ex in the Villa):
My MC Coco leaves the show early on, after Meera and Arlo come into the Villa. You can actually read my one-shot about it here:
She goes quiet on social media after Suresh and Gabi win the show, and she has blocked everyone from her season of Love Island.
Coco returns to reality TV as she is cast on Too Hot to Handle Season 1, and she has a blast! Even with the sex ban. Suresh isn't there to harass her, and her other cast mates are cool (except Justin, but that's beside the point.)
She is currently dating Theo from THTH and she is very happy.
Season 6 (Double Trouble):
Thanks to her twin sister Amelia, Cheryl finds out during her time in the Villa that her sister dearest had slept with her boyfriend Zeph. It was humiliating.
After the show Cheryl has cut Amelia off entirely and Zeph had reached out to her, to apologize for everything. Cheryl accepts the apology but doesn't forgive him.
As for right now Cheryl is single and her friend Coco had given her a heads up about Too Hot to Handle....
Season 7 (Casa Amor):
Unlike my other MCs, Jenna is a Casa girl so her time in the Villa is much shorter, sadly.
Jenna manages to turn Alex's head during Casa Amor and he brings her back to the Villa. Alex's original partner, Estelle is left single.
Unfortunately for Jenna, Estelle makes her time in the Villa tough - making snide comments, pulling Alex away from her and making herself the victim. Alex doesn't even defend her.
Alex dumps Jenna and returns to Estelle, leaving Jenna infuriated. She is later on eliminated from the show.
Here is Jenna's one-shot in Casa Amor:
Season 8 (Tempting Fate):
Eve is my third bombshell and her story in the Villa is pretty basic. She couples up with Oakley and they had their ups and downs. That's it.
But Eve and Oakley are still dating so that's good.
Season 9 (All-Stars):
Jenna (from Season 7) feels that she didn't get a fair shot in the Villa so she is the only MC that returns to Love Island (because the rest of these hoes won't do that.)
She starts off as an OG (yay!) and is paired up with Hamish who chooses her. Later on, Christine steals him away and Jenna is paired with Henri and then later Jude.
She and Hamish remain friends in the Villa throughout the season and he is the one to tell her about Jude cheating on her during Casa Amor with Uma. Jenna is devastated because she thought Uma was her friend as they were in Casa Amor together in their original season and they hung out in real life too.
(The Uma storyline works better with S7 MC because they were in the same position before and presumably knew each other well.)
Anyways chile, Hamish couples up with her as friends after this and they get close.
Zeph enters the Villa and Jenna pays him no mind after what he did to her girl Cheryl.
Hamish and her begin to make a romantic connection, much to everyone's (except Natasha) surprise. They begin to date.
They win the show and Jenna shares the money with Hamish. They make history as the first Casa Islanders to win the show (in my LITG universe!)
Jenna and Hamish are still together ❤️
That's it!
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summeroflove-if · 4 months
old school litg fan here since s1 👋 i feel it in my bones after reading everyones tumblr posts on here that noah is gon be involved in a cherrygate or roccogate. rocco broke me 💔 pixelated man from s2 and im still mad years later like it really happened to me or sumthin 😂
i know u cant give spoilers so lets say ur li does something bad will they get a redemption arc or be crappy all the way to the end? if u break up with them and move on will it be mentioned?
🤞🤞 i got my fingers crossed noah is just in a way like gary and im freaking out over nuthin. litg s2 when hannah returned later in the season i remember gary got mad at my mc for being all jealous. my rl bff told me i needed to replay the episodes and trust gary even if it felt like full on with him and hannah and everything would be okay 🙄🫤 it was so yeah hard to do tho
lovin sol its what litg shouldve been years ago 👏 cant wait for more
#im more like lottie than i care to admit
#ignorin them noah 🚩🚩 even if they hit me over the head
#not stealin theo from my bestie izzie even tho i wanna
Let's focus on your question: Will the RO get a redemption arc if they do a crappy thing? The answer is dependant on you. Even if they learn from their mistakes, they're not going to show you that unless you give them room to do so. That doesn't mean taking them back regardless but if they want to explain themselves, you have to let them do so.
As for situations like Cherrygate or Roccogate? I have a situation brewing that's a bit of a combo, but it only happens if MC is kissing people in secret.
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
LITG Double Trouble: Ep 5 Recap
Just my thoughts and commentary on EP 5
Spoilers under the cut...also my current LI is Lewie so I'll just be saying his name bc I dont know if certain routes are slightly different.
THANK YOU GRACIE FOR THAT DARE!!!! Ozzy here I come!! AHHH and he came to dance for MC...as much as I wanted to explore things with Marshall the SECOND we can couple up with Ozzy im doing it and staying loyal. This is my Noah route.
HAVE YOU AND AMELIA EVER PRETENDED TO BE EACH OTHER....I AM SCREAMING!! IT'S HAPPENING PEOPLE...Cherrygate 3.0 will be happening this confirmed it
OMGOMGOMGOMG THE DIAMOND SCENE WHERE U PICK A BOY...obvs picked Ozzy and dared him to kiss the girl he most fancied. ngl I totally thought fb was gonna make me pay to watch him kiss Grace and he actually chose MC?!?! DEAD
tbh idk if its because literally everyone had this theory but did the reveal that Zeph was into Amelia fall flat? it just didnt seem like a big secret to me...and Amelia was so apologetic and it seemed like she actually had zero part in it and it was more the ex than anything else. actually I wouldnt even call it an ex MC said all they did was kiss a bunch.
WHEW...normally I hate all the stupid text interruptions but ngl I needed it when Lewie was asking where our head was at. Also I feel like fb shouldve added something about the kiss with Ozzy. I get that its a diamond scene and hidden but if it happens it should unlock another bit of convo later bc it seems so weird to me that he'd ask me where my head was at but not about the kiss.
ola Roberto!!! also Lewie my ick was I dont like clingy men and sir ur being a stage 5 clinger rn! Let me go on my date in peace!!
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
Can I ask?
Why is Mason/Levi are not very well loved LIs in S2, even if they're not part of Cherrygate depending on your choices?
Personally, I don't think it's just Cherrygate that makes people dislike them.
A lot of people don't like Levi because of the whole Jen situation- he tells us over and over and over that he wants to be with us, but then doesn't break up with her or tell her not to pick him. And it's only after we finally couple up with him that Cherrygate happens. The guy's been telling us for days that he only wants us, then turns around as soon as we're coupled up and kisses someone else??? The fuck??? And Mason's the same. After all the drama and possessive bullshit with Allegra, he turns around and kisses someone else?
It is frustrating. And look, the lemonade route is a fun one, where you absolutely rake whichever boy over the coals for it and make him grovel, but ultimately pick him at the finale.
However, every single one of us is aware that there are only three LIs from S1 who are worth pursuing: Jake, Talia, and Tim. Sooooo idk why you're wasting time on Levson/Mevi anyway. Jake Wilson is right there.
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girlsontourgirlsontour · 10 months
I don’t care about cherrygate I care about why erikah did a complete 180 and hates mc now?!
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alitgblog · 3 months
s9 vol 6: oh fuck I was joking last time but am i.. is this gonna be a Hamish route for me??? 😳
i guess first of all, the kelly/kat drama. I know it's yet again Finn and Kat but I'm happy they're dealing with it in a different way (although if S5 is Suresh's island, I can't help but think S9 is Kat's island 🙄). The thing that annoyed me the most is MC not being able to say anything? Like Kelly brought up the note, I feel like MC and Finn should've said something.
however we do get this, which, as someone with a friend whose name starts with K going through relationship troubles with a Korean man, actually I'm offended they took my joke and made it less funny,
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but snog marry pie! Most of the girls (my MC included) choosing to kiss Hamish? It's like we all forget how bad a kisser he was in S6 like what happened. however, uhhh kinda worth it like I was initially intrigued about a Finn or Stefan route but Hamish is really coming in as a dark horse with chat like this (especially considering how sassy MC can be this season)
and the thing too is even though hes clearly changed bc they're making him a serious LI this season, there are several moments where I'm like yeah that's the same guy that had the audacity to ask S6 MC to run away with him at the end of S6
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Then I played by rules like Chen, and chose a different person to snog, a different person to marry, a different person to pie. And then Hamish gets his little moment kissing and marrying MC, which kind of undermines the big moment which is his speech where he pies himself? like the talk on the terrace later this volume is great and I love the flirty banter between him and MC but he's so wishy washy about Natasha and it just doesn't really get addressed?
Kat's partner (in my game, Jude) is a whole mess. Like it'd be one thing if he's gonna be like "hey I'm sorry I was just defending Chen because I misinterpreted some stuff I thought you did" but it's another to do all that meanwhile he was also being shady about flirting with Melissa???
Then they call the incident Melgate bc... fusebox struck gold with Cherrygate and has been trying to recreate it ever since and has always failed. I never clicked the gem scene that would prompt Kat to tell you this story, and so I was so confused until they explained it in the next episode and that was so annoying. Then they do the thing (again!) where they like shame you for not being a friend (Kat's like "I tried to tell you"). this is worse than when you had an ugly dress and the girls were like God you look awful.
Jude being vague during the game was annoying bc i know theyre just stretching it out but also absolutely I could see that happening on the show where he's like "you know what you did. we'lltalk about it later" and it cuts to MC in the beach hut being like "judes being a real bitch. of course I know what I did but which time are you referring to"
Chen being constantly voted the sweetest during the challenge and then awards night is great but also just reminds me that his character is gonna be so vague from now on bc he's sharing a personality with three other guys. like its gonna hurt to break him but also he's not getting the care from the writing team that they've been giving the other routes so unfortunately he's boring rn 😬. doesn't even have the audacity to be mad just has to go away and think. And Chen just keeps taking L's too with MC (at least in my game) flirting with everyone and Jude in his ear saying MC can't be trusted. like if he twists in casa I'm not even sure if the audience would blame him (they would bc they love MC but ya knowww)
God don't remind me I'm missing not only missing actual litg season 2 but also what I have instead is Kat and Finn season 2
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anyway MC being able to say never have I ever had a steamy shower with someone? she's so messy
also with Natasha explaining more of what she did in casa on her original season has me making things up in my head bc you gotta be a pretty memorable casa girl for the game to pretend you're an all star but she didn't even make it to the actual villa so that's even harder to imagine, but I'm going to pretend she flirted with one of the guys while also sneaking behind his back with Roxy and people ate that up. then he tells her he wants to bring her to the villa and she rides off into the sunset with Roxy instead (or Roxy breaks her heart goes in the villa with a guy idk)
I'm starting to think Kat's gonna end up either with Finn or if MC is with Finn, then single but then we get a reunion episode and she reveals she's dating Finn's brother bc she has a TYPE (also wouldn't be out of the ordinary for fusebox bc of the grace/ozzy/marshall thing but it's still icky to me lol)
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then lastly for brunch we got the first of TWO prompts this volume to lay to learn about your own backstory?? I mean no question I'm upset about paying for information but your OWN character??
I had no problem saying no though like I feel like there's enough context about Sarah Ann for me to guess (side note, if anyone from Casa comes back with Sarah Ann I'm throwing hands)
OK but awards now. I feel like awards night is usually an end of season thing when the producers of the show have not much drama left bc the couples are solid and they want to throw in drama for the last week, but seeing as this is a game and they can just write in the finale whenever, I guess here is alright. (I wonder if that means no movie night then though?)
the clip they showed of Natasha? honestly, I respect her more for it. like idk she just seems more real than this perfect character flirting with MC all the time if she's venting to Hamish about also being sick of Kat and Finn or small things like Kelly taking long to get ready.
Here's where I did wish there was more branching like I think if you didn't do anything with Finn you should get a nice award, like about being loyal, while the clip still showed Finn being sneaky. like I don't doubt that if this were real, the producers of the show WOULD show the note and then getting cut off before MC realizing it's Finn and not her partner, but it's irritating to get blamed for that and even worse, MC does not get a real chance to defend herself, we just listen to everyone else's reactions.
anyway in my game MC should've been shown pieing off Finn at the pool and then Jude apologizing realizing he didn't understand what he saw. and then subsequently after show the clip of MC trying to kiss Finn at the shower and him rejecting her bc I personally loved that moment and I actually gasped when I thought they were gonna show it instead of cutting it off (bc again, not enough branching)
I did spend the gems on the second MC lore thing bc I was like ehh why not it's the end of the volume and like wow I get why I like s9 mc now, she's so Bobby coded 🤣
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once again, I do appreciate the effort going into Hamish's route rn bc he has actual consequences and regrets for hooking up with Melissa and it getting exposed. OK maybe not actual consequences bc I think the game will just continue to pair up him and Natasha but the fact that there are some repercussions at all AND he gets to talk out his feelings and regrets about it with MC on the terrace after? And then he continues to show interest in MC and explain his reasons for not being with her and also the whole hi trying to look for validation from his dad? sorry Finn and Chen, the writers are playing favorites
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I did not think we were getting casa lmao. there's no casa in the actual love island all stars and love island games so I was surprised but I'm curious about who the other boys are, if they're all gonna be international or are we gonna see at least one more UK islander? if Cassius is coming in during casa it feels like he's gonna be overshadowed and his route is probably merged with some international guys, which I guess makes enough sense like we didn't know him during season 7 anyway but I'm just curious.
oh yeah and this guy
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late to the party like I know the game keeps reminding me of him, but the more they did the interested I was, but I could be brought back
OK fingers crossed they don't dump single islanders post casa
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loveislandthegame · 10 months
i didn’t post my thoughts about the “LI sleeping on the daybeds” cliffhanger yet, so i’ll do it now: it’s just a game, and it’s not that serious at the end of the day, but What the hell?! i’m miffed. is the alleged AI that's writing this season malfunctioning?
my MC has been nothing but loyal to rafa, to the point that i replayed & chose the boys love triangle so she could sleep outside with this fool instead of bonnie. i really hope that MC isn't forced to reassure him/apologise. especially since she just did! that annoying ass movie night drama was in the previous volume. it's not MC's fault the other OGs are suddenly flirting with her, especially since you can't even interact with them once you're in the villa. if anything, rafa should be upset with alex . alex is the one that keeps betraying his trust, not MC
also, it's ridiculous that OG LI's Ex is lurking around the villa 24/7 waiting for something that will make MC look bad, and it's even more ridiculous that the other islanders are believing her nonsense. (side note: it also makes 0 sense if you're not pursuing your OG LI. she should stop bothering you) is MC just not allowed to have conversations with other people ? 🙄
this is pretty much just rehashed season 4 drama, so it'll probably have the season 4 solution. the truth comes out, everyone drags Ex for lying, MC and LI are stronger than ever, happily ever after.
tho some people on the litg subreddit think it’s about to be cherrygate up in here. yikes. if that happens, then i take back what i said about not wanting the two guys pursuing MC (in my case alex + bryson) to be actual LIs
i’ll pick alex, steal the money, run off with whoever is the finale host, make a scene, burn the villa down, whatever FB lets us do
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lorirwritesfanfic · 1 year
WIP Titles Ask Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @andthatisnotfake 😊
Unlike the other times I did this, my list is a bit smaller because I'm not writing much (it's not because I'm out of ideas, I just don't have enough time to write them down). Anyway, here's a glimpse on my WIP folder:
OTP asks folder
Niceness Test (Hamid x Daphne)
Thoughtful (Hamid x Daphne)
Untitled (Nate x Stella)
Natella answers/outlines
Damid answers/outlines
Kinktober forgotten folder
Morning Delight (Banner x Kate)
A Little Roleplay (Logan x Carla)
Untitled - Annabelle x Veronica
Untitled - Hamid x Daphne
Desire & Decorum folder
MTB folder
A Love Match
Things They Can't Control
If It Was You
No More
Declaration Of War
Je Ne Parlerai Pas
Mini series + one shots folder
Unfortunate Circumstances - Part 4
A Promise - Part 4: Imperfect
A Promise - Part 5: The Last Chance
TRR folder
FTWTK folder
Bachelor & Bachelorette party
One Last Night
A King's Escape
The Wedding/Coronation
HEA folder
Missing Queen
Lack Of Privacy
One shots + mini series
Into You
The Five Stages - Acceptance
A College Romance - Part II
LITG folder
Cherrygate aftermath
MOTY folder
Stephanie and the tragic fate of chickens
Open Heart folder
Wrong chat window
BB - Wanted folder
Untitled (Adrian x OC)
Untitled (Adrian & Samantha, Jax x Samantha)
TWC folder
Blood Ties
Tagging: @missameliep @lilyoffandoms @princess-geek @noesapphic @storyofmychoices and anyone else who feels like sharing their WIP folder content 😊
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thatwheelchairchick · 2 years
Hi! For the ask: 10, 15, 26, 29
Thank you for asking!
10. Which character do you always forget exists?
A good chunk of the season 4 characters if I'm being honest, and Lily from season 3.
15. If you had the power to make one character exist in real life, which character would it be?
I feel like I'd be sorely disappointed by whoever I pick, but the idea of Tai or Rohan in real life really appeals.
26. Which character do you relate to most?
I have all of Noah and Marisol's worst traits, which is also why I'd clash with them really badly. I like them both, but one, they make me feel very self-aware, but two, I wanted to strangle them both on their routes, which is why I never finished Noah's.
I also relate to Gary, his family set-up feels similar to mine, and I adore my nan, so although we're very different personality-wise, I get where he's coming from a lot of the time and relate to how he feels.
29. Which character’s route would you change if you could?
I like Jake but I hate his route, how he makes very little effort with MC when he has the chance and then leaves it to last minute to confess.
I'd prefer it if his route was framed in the way of either Levi or Mason 'stealing' MC at the recoupling and then him being furious about Cherrygate since they've just fucked up his potential relationship to then snog another girl.
LITG Ask List
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