#little apple nightmares
paintedkinzy-88 · 1 year
So which noodle is the older twin? In all your aus
Nightmare, usually! I think Dream gives little brother vibes in past Dreamtale, so I like to think he lost whatever rock, paper, scissors bs they did to decide haha. It’s mostly apparent in Little Apple Nightmares, tho.
The only difference is TTS, merely because they aren’t brothers at all so it makes no difference XD
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skumhuu · 9 months
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✨👑 Throne 👑✨ pages 17-18
< • >
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askthecmcs · 1 year
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[this is my way of saying please send in fall/halloween/nightmare night related asks]
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ancha-aus · 2 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Kitten Lair
Hello I am back! @spotaus get in here friend!
And I know... I know... a bit earlier in the timeline again but i had an idea :D
:D :D :D
Because i am weak! :D
timeline wise: Nightmare got changed into a child like three and a half months ago in this drabble. so the gang has been in farmtale for two weeksish.
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No beta! We going :D
Ccino pauses the clenaing of the counter as he waits impatiently for the last customer to leave. He loves and adores his cat cafe but it is already past 5 and he has been passive aggressively cleaning the tables around them.
Luckily the customers finish up soon after and leave with a cheerful wave.
Ccino rushes to turn the open sign to closed and turns off the main lamps. He closes the roll curtains and gets to work on cleaning the last table.
He however waits with cleaning the coffee machine, just in case.
Ccino keeps glancing at the enterance as he goes about cleaning up the cat toys and hearding the cats out of the kitchen once again. He fills their food bowls and puts fresh water into the water bowls and water fountains.
A glance at the clock shows that it is already half past six and Ccino sighs again.
No show again.
one of the cats stares at him and mews. Ccino glances over and knows it is Berry. He chuckles nad pets him "I dunno little Berry. Maybe I am overreacting..."
He can't help it. Ccino had just gotten used to having Nightmare visit once a week.
Many would proabbly tell him to tell the Stars. to make it obvious something was wrong. There had to be after all with Nightmare visiting.
Except that all Nightmare would do at first was study the cats. Ccino had once managed to collect all his courage, which wasn't a lot mind you, and ask Nightmare what he was doing.
Nightmare had looked at him before answering calmly. That he wanted to study the cats.
Ccino had been very worried. Mostly because there was one small detail about his cafe that people just seemed to ignore. there were the normal cats. the cats that ccino took in and helped find new owners for.
Then there were the special cats. the cats he would never let anyone adopt.
How do you explain that the reason a cat has blue fur is because the cat is somehow connected to an important player in the multiverse?
Yeah. He can't explain that.
Yet... none of the cross-multiverse customers ever seemed to notice. And that is saying something as the cats are not subtle!
But... Nightmare hadn't been here for that. He would always come after closing. He would just spend his time watching the cats interact and play togehter. And then he would leave after an hour.
Ccino had watched him watch them. Taking note that Nightmare never once actually reached out to touch them, even after the cats had gone over to investigate him!
he had pointed it out to nightmare once. just to see. mentioned that the cat near him now really liked pets. Nightmare had frowned slightly before slowly and so carefully petting the cat near him.
That had been a turning point. it is just... it is hard to see someone as evil and unredeemable when he just stared in wonder at a cat who accepted his petting.
Nightmare would keep coming by and Ccino would start to ask him what he wanted drink or food wise. Nightmare had been confused but Ccino had just pointed out the cafe part of the whole situation.
Nightmare would always order the same two things. An ice coffee with a lot of cream and sugar and the white chocolate cheesecake.
He would sit in a chair and just pet the cats that seemed to follow him around.
Nightmare meeting his own cat had been a sight to behold honestly. Noot had sneaked into the area without Ccino noticing only to have Nightmare suddenly have his own cat version licking his skull as if Noot had been planning on licking the goop away.
Trying to keep Noot or any of the gang cats away from Nightmare had been a struggle and eventually Ccino just gave up. He let the special cats near the outcode and nothing bad happened. Nightmar ejust petted the cats that came near him and left the ones who didn't alone.
Ccino sighs and turns off the coffee machine when it hits seven.
He is worried.
Which is stupid! There is no reason why Ccino should be worried about Nightmare! Maybe the other is just busy or something!
But here he is. waiting anxiously for one of his favourite customers to return.
Yes Ccino knows it is weird to grow slightly protective over a god but people just don't get it. Seeing someone interact with animals can change your perspective of someone and the way Nightmare just seemed so fascinated and mystified by the cats? Ccino can't explain how the wonder was just something he hadn't seen on just any customers. Nightmare had looked like he was only learning about cats for the first time in his life.
Ccino shakes his skull and focusses on the cats. he quickly finds Noot and their newest arrival.
Ccino smiles "Hey there Noot. How is your little friend doing?"
Noot opens his one eye and looks up before moving one of his four tails and revealing the little kitten that had just appeared.
Ccino has a good idea of who this little cat is. He had heard the rumours going around. About Dust and Cross having been spotted with a tiny babybones.
Ccino figures that is the kitten. Still strange that Noot was the one to first show up wiht the kitten just riding his back. It wasn't until a while later that the others in the cat gang got invested in the kitten, Dust- euh. Murder was first. Murder would pick the kitten up and go towards a spot and lazily clean the ktiten in the warm sunlight. Killer- well Stain was next. He went all up in Murder's business to get near the kitten. All while Noot just watched over them. Rust had been next and made sure to bring food to the tiny kitten. Rust never seemed to mind the ktiten playing even if it hit the headwound. Oreo was last but was now all over the kitten. staying near and watching continuously.
Another curious thing. How the five adult cats made sure to keep the new kitten far away from any of the other cats. a few tried and Ccino had been worried Murder would live up to his name for a moment there.
Ccino smiles nad pets Noot "Maybe that is why he hasn't visited... I am going to assume you are the baby's main babysitter with how often you are clsoe to the kitten."
It is just.. Noot has been getting slower and weaker. it may not be obvious to others but it was obvious to Ccino. the way Noot tended to hide more. ate less. spend more time just laying around instead of stalking others. How Noot would no longer climb to high places and just stay near the ground.
It is worrisome.
But Ccino has no idea what to do with this information... In matter of fact everyone seemed happy about the fact that the gang was quiet.
Ccino carefully strokes the soft fur of Noot "I am sorry i can't help more."
Noot however looks fully calm as he pushes his skull into the hand for a pet before turning back to the kitten and cleaning him.
Ccino follows the sight. It is a pretty little kitten alright. A beautiful black coat which seems to shine a slight purple in the direct sunlight. soft purple eyes and just the cutest little pink nose and pink toebeans.
The tiny kitten mews uphappily as Noot cleans him. some of that very soft fur sticking up from the cleaning.
Ccino sighs as he pets the older cat, noting that the sharp eyes seemed duller as well, before going to check the other cats. seeing the four other cats join their leader and kitten.
Ccino tries to calm himself as he goes back to the kitchen to finish cleaning and preparing.
everything is going to be okay.
Look. I am not gonna lie. I am weak for Ccino and Nightmare having been friends :D
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starswirly · 3 months
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[ * Doodles! And some designs for older Somniafable Nightmare ]
(OG Dreamtale -> Jokublog)
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lil-inky · 2 years
Little Noots just chilling…🍏
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frostwing213 · 3 months
This used to be such a bragging point when I was little
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This and the mlp train set, and the mlp balloon.
I might have been a little obsessed
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spotaus · 18 days
If I have energy I want to draw out some designs for an au I'm spontaneously writing.
(Medieval times, there's a Prophecy. Nightmare rules over this kingdom and is supposed to complete this prophecy, he refuses to because it would harm the people. Dream was sent away and banished by Night because he was dis-illusioned into thinking the prophecy was a Good Thing abd what he was raised to complete. Night collected his Knights (Killer, Dust, Horror, and Cross most recently) and trains them and tells them the truth of the prophecy. They're loyal to him. One day the magic of the prophesy (Apple Magic) leaves Nightmare unexpectedly, returning him to the state he was in before he accepted the mantle. This puts a target on his back and gives Dream a huge advantage in maybe making a comeback. The Knight's decide that their King (newly a young lad and variably scared and frightened) must be protected and they run the kingdom as he normally would, while also ensuring he survives and that the prophecy can't be completed.)
#yes this is fueled from RealAge AU vibes#and yes I technically have circled back around to my own initial post but like#the visual of these specific guys who've had various hardships in their lives suddenly like... idk... gaining a purpose and a protector in#Nightmare then seeing him reduced to a fraction of what they'd known him as. and still deciding to follow and care for him?#this au gives off distinct Older Brother energy because Night is like... 13-ish and not young enough to#baby but not old enough to resume his duties immediately#and he's got this like... awkward teen anxiety suddenly flooding through him that he doesn't know how to cope with#so the guys turn around and use lessons Night taught them while they adjusted to help him#Night's weak from Magic-loss? well he used to make sure Dust got bed rest and a meal so that's what we'll do!#Night is losing a huge chunk of his autonomy? They found a hobby for Killer so what does Night like?#just... yeah#plus Dream fully believes his bro pushed him out due to greed for power and had gathered forces to rally with him during exile#so he's the returned golden prince#and I imagine here that the final stand involves the knights scattering to stop Dream's forces while Killer stays with Night (<- most loyal)#and Killer hides Night right before Dream shows#and Dream says a bunch of vitriolic stuff about how Night ran and sacrificed his men and such and cuts down Killer with a near fatal blow#and Night finally manages to get out of wherever Killer stashed him and there's a moment where#Dream is seeing his little brother abd Night is seeing the man who lost his rights to be called brother when he attacked his Knights#and like... idk man#also Error is definitely Night's court magician/wizard because he bends reality in ways it really shouldn't#and here Error is younger because. i. I like the idea of an Errormare subplot but also like. the idea of scary spooky Overlord NM looking at#the wizard who just turned a vase inside out who's like 10 and learning he's a runaway and sponsoring him? yeah that's silly.#turns out Apple Night appreciated Error's raw talent. after the fact Night realizes he admires Error. insane tonal whiplash from his Knights#who have Zero protocol for courtships and kinda like. just watch it happen after the chaos is over#Okay that's all. i need to do my homework
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fineapplequeen · 2 months
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It feels like an eternity ago when I started this, but I love how it turned out. Just passive Nightmare and some forest faeries. He wants to trust them, but most the time they play tricks on him, so he just leaves them alone.
Close ups under the cut
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imtrashraccoon · 3 months
I want to post more headcanons and just stuff in general, so here are my headcanons for Dream and Nightmare as well as their backstory for The Nightmare of Apathy.
Dreamtale belongs to jokublog. I just really like these characters and wanted to do something unique for them.
The Guardian of Feelings
Once there was a goddess of all the feelings in existence. She was called Nim and her role was to safe guard the emotions of mortals. Despite being a vital player in the multiverse, very few mortals knew or even cared about her existence. She was desperately lonely and longed for the company of someone who could understand her ways as a god.
This led her to create two new guardians, which she named Dream and Nightmare. Unfortunately, the process of creating and finding appropriately shaped vessels to contain their magic took a lot of Nim's own energy. So, as her last act as The Guardian of Feelings, she created a special tree and entered into it to rest. This tree became the Tree of Feelings and the twins home for the next few years.
The Tree of Feelings
With the last of Nim's energy, the tree began to bear fruit in the form of magical apples. These apples represented both positive and negative emotions, meaning for the first time, emotions were divided into two types.
The golden yellow apples represented positivity and Dream was tasked with keeping them. They had the capacity to rapidly heal injuries at the risk of side effects later on and provided instant relief for any overwhelming negative emotions. Eating even one bite would flood the consumer's mind and soul with positive emotions, however if too much is eaten at once, it can become dangerous.
The black iridescent apples represented negativity and Nightmare was tasked with keeping them. They had the capacity to heal injuries at a slower but more effective rate and provided instant relief for any overwhelming positive emotions. Eating even one bite would flood the consumer's mind and soul with negative emotions, eating too much at once is also dangerous.
Still, the key was balance and the twin guardians were tasked to distribute the apples among anyone in need as they saw fit. For the first few years, this was no issue as not many mortals knew about the Tree of Feelings, but eventually a village was established nearby.
The Twins
While the twins were sort of like blank slates at first, the more they interacted with mortals, the more they began to develop into their own individuals.
Dream became bubbly and enthusiastic over the smallest things. He dressed in bright colours and did his best to endear himself to the villagers. He easily made friends and quickly became the favourite guardian, especially because the golden apples were more pleasant to consume.
Nightmare became more reserved and almost shy around large crowds of people. He dressed in more muted colours and while he tried to make friends with the villagers, they hated him and the black apples because of how awful they felt when eating them.
The End
As the years passed, discontentment began to take root in many of the villager's souls. They began to believe that only positive emotions should exist since what use did negativity have? The twin guardians were pretty much inseparable from each other and took their duties to guard the tree seriously.
However, one day, Dream was lured away and tricked to eat a golden apple. The resulting surge of positive emotions and power was thrilling for the young guardian. Some of the villagers began encouraging him to consume more of them since it seemed to benefit him and they secretly wanted him to become more powerful than his brother.
At first, Dream resisted and didn't eat any more apples, since he knew they were dangerous to consume in large amounts. Besides, Nim would've wanted them to be given to those who needed it, not kept to himself.
Eventually, he began to eat more since the extra power felt good and his body began to change with each apple he ate. (He was probably pressured into it by the villagers as well.) His pale eyelights turned bright yellow and his bones began to almost glow gold. He even started to get gold markings along his ribs and limbs.
Nightmare knew something was wrong when Dream began acting more distant and spending a lot more time with the villagers. He also grew concerned when the golden apples began to grow more numerous compared to the black ones and that his brother's appearance had changed.
He confronted his brother but Dream had become drunk on power and brushed him off. With Dream distracted, some of the villagers attacked Nightmare and nearly killed him. In desperation, Nightmare ate some of the black apples and gained enough power to defend himself from them.
The negative emotions from the black apples quickly overwhelmed him and he began to eat more, spiralling further. Every negative emotion he'd been holding in from his interactions with the villagers spilled out and he turned his attention to the village itself.
Dream was horrified when his brother began attacking and killing people with little regard. He tried to get him to stop but soon had to step in physically. The twins fought but it quickly became apparent that Nightmare had the upper hand.
Before Nightmare could kill his own brother, Nim managed to freeze the skeleton in stone to protect him. Nightmare continued his rampage until the Tree of Feelings was felled by a villager who had hoped it would bring the violence to an end.
When Nightmare came to his senses, he realized that everyone was dead. His brother was frozen in stone, possibly dead, and his mother the tree was dead too. He didn't know what to do and he stayed in the area for a while to grieve. He eventually left and began to travel the multiverse. He was barely twelve at the time.
Eternal Darkness: Minor Spoilers for TNA!
At some point, years later, Nightmare discovered a particular universe. The people were simple and they seemed to think that he was a god. Nightmare decided to have a new start. If people saw him as a deity, who was he to disappoint them? He couldn't be a benevolent ruler, even if he had wanted to.
Nightmare laid waste to the world. He destroyed villages, infrastructure, and livelihoods. He killed close to half the population and by the time he was done, the world was steeped in negativity.
His overwhelming negative aura had an effect on the environment and Nightmare purposely extinguished the sun. The moon and stars became the only light for the remaining denizens. The flora and fauna adapted and changed to suit the new darkness.
Nightmare went out of his way to destroy anything that referenced the sun and set himself up as reigning Lord over everyone. He had a castle constructed and demanded taxes from the remaining population. He ruled through fear for the next five hundred or so years, until Dream broke out of the stone.
Dream looked for his brother but couldn't find him in the remnants of their old world, so he turned his attention to the multiverse. For a little while, the former guardians were able to coexist without running into the other. Dream grew up quickly due to the golden apples' lingering power but his mental and emotional state was still stunted.
Dream began to help people and made several friends like Blue and Ink. This helped him mature some but Nightmare still had much more world experience over him.
Eventually, they met each other and while both were shocked to see the other alive, they weren't happy to see the other either. Nightmare was hit with a wave of emotions he had long since buried and was hesitant to fight. Although, the memories were still fresh in Dream's mind, he immediately tried to attack Nightmare, forcing him to defend himself.
The brothers had several more conflicts for the next couple of years. They never did sit down and try to properly discuss things, as both were too angry and proud. Until, Dream finally got fed up and recruited some friends to attempt to finish Nightmare once and for all. In doing so, both brothers were seriously wounded but managed to survive. Nightmare retreated back to his world to recover and a month later, met Aylin for the first time.
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paintedkinzy-88 · 2 years
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bigbrainbiology · 8 months
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Justice for my girls 😭 💔
Ref :'( ->
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flowrrfieldz · 11 days
this took me forever bc i redrew and fucked around with so many frames (plus procrastination..) BUT!! here it is !! and i am very proud of it !!:3
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askometa · 5 months
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felicitea-va · 1 year
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thelunarsystemwrites · 7 months
Nightmare the caregiver headcanons!
(Just me ranting abt undertale au agere, featuring the bad sanses! This is gonna be a new AU-)
Nightmare: Caregiver. Very calm and sorta stoic, occasionally tired of the nonsense but has a good habit of keeping his cool. He may seem uninterested, but knows where all of his boys are, at all time. It's almost scary-
Killer: Middle. He's on the younger side of a middle, being 9 - 10 when regressed. He likes annoying Nightmare, and being playful. Calls nightmare "Pops" or "Dad"! He likes gaming a lot when regressed, which can be anything he can be chaotic in. (Mostly minecraft, but sometimes older games like COD.) He also occasionally slips younger, around 6? And when he's that young, he follow Nightmare just about everywhere, VERY talkative little.
Horror: Little. He's a toddler essentially, 3 - 4. And a very spacing out, unaware one at that. Nightmare absolutely has to keep an eye on him at all times, due to the fact that he will try to chew on anything and everything. To combat this, Nightmare shape shifts one of his tendrils into a harness, keeping Horror secure. Also, he goes completely non-verbal while regressed!
Murder/Dust: Little, very tiny. We're talking he goes 0 - 1, maybe 2. He's an Involuntary regressor, as he believes he doesn't really deserve it. When he's regressed, he's very clingy, and wants to be carried at all times, since he misses Papy's hugs and carrying him. Speaking of Paps! He often helps encourages Dust to ask for things he needs, like a binky, or bottle, blanket, so on!
Cross: Flip. He's not really the regressing type, so he's more of an age dreamer/partial regressor! When regressed, he's pretty quiet, likes to read, or bake (with supervision) he really can't tell his regressed age, which nightmare will reassure him that, it's okay! And, really Cross prefers being a babysitter, mostly to watch Killer. He's better with older kids!
And with that... i feel like I should be writing a story about this, huh.
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