#little bit of luka
wooawi · 8 months
Take Two Chapter 15
preview under the cut
It only took a bit of listening to Tikki and Marinette’s back and forth for Alya to fully and completely let her guard down. It had been a day. One of the days of all time, truly, and she was more than ready for it to end. But…
“Felix,” she said. She avoided looking at him, not sure she wanted to see an almost grown man after he wet himself, and instead stared at Marinette and Tikki, still bickering like toddlers. “Felix, I know you’re alive. Answer me.”
Only a muffled snivel greeted her in reply, and she sighed. She had just one last thing to do before she could finally head home and take a much needed nap, yet here went another Agreste (adjacent) making it harder for her.
“Man, forget you,” she decided. “Duusu, you there?”
Duusu appeared beside Felix and zoomed across the park like she hadn’t seen the outside world in forever. Alya thought back to the kwami’s circumstances and cringed. Maybe they should have tried harder to recover her. “I’m here! Hi everyone!!!”
Every single hero on the park floor groaned as if they were still waking up but all gave a little wave. Alya caught Plagg’s hulking form asleep by Juleka’s twitching foot, and she smiled in his direction.
“Duusu, could you do me a favour?” She asked. The kwami immediately stopped flying around and turned to face her. Her giant mouth was deep set in a frown, and her empty eye sockets were narrowed so much, they were practically closed.
“Fuck off. I’m never doing anything for you atrocious humans ever again. This bitch is done with being used and abused.”
What a steep change in attitude. Jeez, what did her past owners do to her? Alya looked over at Felix, who was still crying in a puddle of his own pee. Then she thought back to Gabriel Agreste, a man who would rather hurt those around him than ask anyone for help regarding his– Oh fuck!
“Emilie is still in the basement!”
“Who is where?”
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enden-agolor · 5 months
for valentines day requests maybe lukas healing injured jesse with hurt/comfort? or maybe sunshine institute stuff?
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BRO FORGET WAITING TIL VALENTINES DAY I NEED TO DRAW THAT NOW!!!!! WTF!!! we were robbed of sunshine institute Lukas! he would have taken such good care of Jesse…
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randomminty · 3 months
Not to be heretical in a Miku house, but any chance for some love for vocaloid Luka?
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Shes my favourite so yes of course. heres luka <3
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rassicas · 9 months
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(cw: blood, injury) a collab comic me and @roachgore did back in 2020 that i can't believe i haven't posted here because this is Official OC Lore. he did rough layouts and grayscaling, i cleaned and inked In which Verna escapes the clutches of a vicious Salmonid gang, and ends up meeting a suspicious isopod surgeon and a short-tempered inkling named Lukas.
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sillysiluriforme · 4 days
so high rn and just saw ur ml au God i love when ppl make it #real like yeah chloe wld ask about cocaine and yeah luka smokes weed and has an emo outfit U GET ME
Thank you !!! Things will only get weirder from now on
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lonelysa1lor · 7 months
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Monthly re-read of Flurbys fics and found this gem again. I'm in my redraw era again [Old art here]
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rainbowbarnacle · 5 months
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There, I took some better pictures of Rose. 8)
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mystic-myrtille · 1 year
Anyway here’s a little Migration fix-it with Lukanette I wrote for @airi-p4 based on this post ☺️💙 (Airi I‘m sorry this took so long kdhskahshs)
Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!
Gold record stepped through the portal on the Eiffel tower, ready to capture Luka. As he threw his golden record at the guitarist, Ladybug got herself into position, ready to strike as soon as the akumatized villain would be off guard. All according to plan.
The golden record touched Luka and he immediately turned into a light blue record floating in the air.
Now's the tim-
„I love Marinette~“
Ladybug froze.
„You know, I'll tell you who I love~ The most amazing, talented and smartest girl I know~ Funny and brave as well, the most extraordinary girl~ It's Marinette, you know, I love Marinette, you know~“
Ladybug watched the record wide eyes as Luka sang... about his feelings? For her?
Luka still had feelings for her??
„Her eyes are the prettiest blue, you know, like have you seen them?“
Ladybug blinked a few times, the mission completely forgotten as her attention was now entirely on Luka's song. A song she definitely hadn‘t expected at all.
She had been sure that after their break-up, it was over between them.
They were buddies now. Really good buddies. Especially considering how he had seemingly doubled down on his support of the, as Alya had called it, „Adrinette train“, she had assumed that any sort of romantic attraction, at least on his part, must've eventually worn off. Which she would understand, honestly. She had been a complete disaster as a girlfriend, of course Luka would move on quickly, and she knew that such a pure soul deserved better. So so much better.
„M'lady?“, Chat's voice spoke through the little ear piece. „Is everything okay? What about the plan?“
„Hold on,“ Ladybug replied. Even though she was still aware that letting Vinyl Luka sing could end with their identites being exposed, but then again, his heart seemed to have other priorities she was very interested in listening to.
„She'd the sweetest and I hope she's happy forever,“ the song went on, „from the bottom of my heart, you know. She's wonderful and and hot, I hope she knows~“
Ladybug slapped a hand over he mouth to keep herself from squealing. Luka wanted nothing but for her to be happy? And to know that she's wonderful? And hot!? Nobody has ever called her hot before! The thought of Luka thinking of her as hot… yeah that definitely did things to her…
Wait, what was she thinking??
„The most extraordinary girl, clear like a musical note, you know~“
Ok, now that was just entirely unfair! As if the entire thing hadn't already caught her completely off guard, this line gave her full on deja-vu, how Luka rested his hand on her shoulder to look deep into her eyes, smiling like she was the most precious thing he had ever seen to just casually drop the most beautiful love confession she had ever heard in her life, something even Adrien couldn‘t top.
„I love her more than my guitars, you know~“
Ladybug was too captivated to register anything that wasn't Vinyl Lukas singing, that she didn't realize her partner standing next to her until he poked her. She jumped with a loud „Agh!“
„M‘lady, what‘s going on?“, he asked confused.
„What are you doing here?,“ she scuffed, „didn‘t I tell you to stay put?“
„You weren‘t reacting and I got worried, so I came to look if everything‘s okay,“ he explained in a defensive tone, „What are you doing, what happened to ‘needing to do this quick, otherwise he tells Monarch out secret identities?‘ “
Ladybug fumbled with the needle. „Uhh… oh that. Well, he hasn‘t done that yet, so… uh…“
Shit, was she still blushing? God, hopefully Chat won‘t notice…
„So what, you wanna- wait a sec…“
Chat's ears pointed to the vinyl. „Is he singins about… Marinette?“, he muttered more to himself than anyone else, his tail flipping seemingly irritated. Ladybug swallowed. Chat sounded as if he was jealous. If he got jealous and threw a tantrum in any way, they were screwed…
Then again, didn’t he reject Marinette himself not too long ago? He had no reason to care…
Expect judging by the way he narrowed his eyes at the Luka record (which was now singing about getting lost in the bluest eyes, making Ladybug‘s mind go „same“ followed by a panicked „wait what am I thinking??“), maybe he wasn‘t so unbothered by that after all.
… What was his problem with Luka's love confession?
… and more importantly why was she the complete unbothered, quite thrilled even, by Luka's love song?
„Okay, let's end this,“ Chat said, then ran.
Golden record inspected the Luka record with a confused look.
„Wow, that's lame,“ he noted. „Nobody in this family has any talent. I'll teleport you to spa-“
The butterfly mask appeared over his face. „No! He knows their identites, he‘ll sing them any minute now…“
„Monarch, he's been going on non-stop with compliments and love confessions for 10 minutes, I don't think-“
The mask popped up again. „He‘ll sing!“
„Oh, just give it up already, this is getting pathetic. You'll find another way!“
He was about to open the portal to space, when suddenly, he was struck to the ground, his golden record flying in the air, only for Chat Noir to yell „Cataclysm!“ and turn it into dust.
Then a swarm of small ladybugs washed over him.
Luka sat up on the floor, looking around confused before the events of ten minutes ago came back to him, when he had lured the akuma to the Eiffel tower. And... oh god!
Had the plan worked? He hopefully hadn‘t said anything, right? Right??
Chat Noir walked up to him, offering a hand to help the musician stand up.
„Thank you,“ Luka muttered, still feeling a little dizzy, „Did the plan work?“
„Sort of,“ Chat said with a netral expression, „We had to improvise, but we won. It's all good now.“
„So I didn‘t blabber your identities?“
„No, you did not,“ Chat replied, rolling his eyes.
Luka smiled relieved. „Ok, good.“
He turned around to Ladybug, standing a few feet away. As soon as his gaze met hers, her cheeks became as red as her superhero suit and she looked away.
„Uuhh, yeah,“ she stammered, „Y-you didn't do anything wrong, you were hot- I mean perfect. Perfect.... bait. For the akuma. Akuma bait. Yeah.“
She rubbed her neck with her hand, looking entirely too flustered. Luka found that awfully cute.
„M'Lady, are you not feeling well? Your face is red,“ Chat noted sounding a little bitter.
Ladybug fumbled with her hands. „Uh, what? But of course not, I'm perfectly fine. I've never felt better my entire life! Don't worry about me, Luka was the one who got hit by golden record!“
She slowly looked at Luka again. „How do you feel? Are you okay?“
Luka smiled. „I'm okay, thanks to you.“
She gave him a shy smile back.
„Oh you little…!“
A voice caught their attention. Oh right, they‘ve completely forgotten about Mr. Roth, who was just getting up again, looking angry. „You take right after your father, Jagged Junior. You‘re just as talentless as the rest of this talentless family!“
„Wha- you take that back!“, Ladybug exclaimed, „You wish you had just an ounce of his musical abilities, you-“
She felt a hand on her shoulder and turn around to see Luka was now standing next to her, a calm smile on his face. „Even though I appreicate you standing up for me, don‘t bother with him, it‘s no use. Really, his words don‘t hurt me.“
Ladybug met his eyes and the way he smiled at her made her lips form into a smile as she was hit by another deja-vu. From when they had stood up to him together after he had stolen their work. They did make a pretty good team, huh?
„Ahem,“ Chat brought the attention back to him. He seemed even more annoyed than before. „So yeah, the day is saved and everything's wonderful, I’ll just take care of of more thing.“
Then he walked right over to Bob Roth, grabbed the man and threw him off the plattform.
Ladybug and Luka gasped. „Chat!“
„Don‘t worry, I‘ll catch him,“ Chat said as he casually walked over to the egde of the platform, then turned around again.
„Before I go,“ he turned around one last time looking at Luka, sounding a little cocky, „cute song, but I‘m afraid that it’s not going to work out between you two. Marinette's already taken.“
Luka furrowed his brows in surprise, but before he could ask any follow-up questions, the cat hero leaped off. He hurried over to the edge of the platform, Ladybug following him, to see Chat indeed catching Bob just in time.
„What the… I can‘t believe he just threw a man off the Eiffel tower!“, Ladybug uttered in disbelief. „What is with this guy?“
„Well, at least he caught him,“ Luka said, not sure what to make of that strange situation.
He looked over to Ladybug and met her eyes. „You okay?“
Ladybug clung to the railing, opening her mouth only to close it again and advert her gaze, blushing again. Luka blinked confused. After telling her he knew her identity, he expected her to act more upset. He wasn‘t entirely sure how to interpret this reaction.
„Ladybug, I-“
„Did you mean what you just sang?“, Ladybug blurted out, immediately slapping a hand over her mouth. „S-Sorry, didn‘t mean to yell… I-I mean... uhm...“
Luka tilted his head. „Is everything okay? Did I say… or sing something weird...?“
„Not at all,“ Ladybug reassured him, still blushing, „It's just that... you said something about… well…“
Luka took a few steps in her direction, closing the distance between them and put his hand on her shoulder. „Okay, let‘s try to calm down first, shall we? So deep breaths in-“
„Oh my god, Luka,“ Ladybug exclaimed irritated, „you just casually sing a song about how I‘m hot and you love me more than you love your guitars and expect me to pretend like I‘m fine?!“
Ladybug slapped a hand over her mouth. God, why did she never think before speaking??
Luka didn‘t move. He just blinked at her, processing what she had just said, until his eyes went wide and his furious blush matched hers.
„Wha- I mean, uhm… oh, I sang that?“ he stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck. „Wow… huh, so that‘s what Chat meant earlier. Well, glad we have this mystery uncovered.“
„It doesn‘t matter what he said,“ Ladybug rolled her eyes, thinking back to Chat’s unnecessarily rude attitude from earlier. „But… Luka, is it true? Do you love me?“
There was a hopeful glimmer in her eyes and she found herself wishing that he‘d say yes. Please say yes.
Luka held her gaze for a few seconds before looking down to his shoes. „Well, the akuma did make us share what‘s in our hearts, so…“
There was a moment fo silence between them, Ladybug taking a few seconds to fully process what Luka had just admitted to. But once she did, she felt her heart beating faster. Just like back then, when he had told her how he felt for the first time. Only that this time, he didn‘t walk away right after.
„B-but that shouldn‘t matter… you‘re taken, like Chat said, and I‘m not getting in the way. You‘re happy this way and that‘s all that-“
„But am I really?“
Luka finally looked up again.
„I mean,“ she continued, „if I really was so sure, wouldn‘t I be with the supposed boy of my dreams already? Instead of constantly feeling insecure about myself and actively avoiding him? And what does it mean that me learning about another boy loving me doesn‘t make me feel upset? And instead made me doubt a decision that… actually was mostly made for me?“
Luka tilted his head. „W-what do you mean?“
Ladybug shrugged.
„Maybe I‘m not so sure after all. I was happy when you were my boyfriend back then. A different kind of happy. A… less stressful happy?“
Luka chewed on his lips. „But that didn‘t work out because I was noisy and couldn‘t handle you having secrets you didn‘t want to share. So… I don‘t know…“
Ladybug stepped closer and looked deep into his eyes. He was thrown off guard by how close she was standing to him all of a sudden and swallowed.
„You being upset about somebody lying to you doesn‘t make you a bad person, you know?“
„But I shouldn‘t have tried to reveal it either!“
„You were akumatized, Luka.“
„But I could‘ve resisted,“ he said, „and I didn‘t. And then I found out on accident and kept it from you. I messed up big time and honestly, I‘m not sure I even deserve yout trust ever again. I just… I‘m so sorry for keeping quiet about this for so long. If I just had said something sooner, I could‘ve avoided this whole thing and…“
Ladybug didn‘t reply. She‘d lie if she said she didn‘t mind at all, it did hurt a little, knowing he hasn‘t been honest with her. But…
„You had good intentions,“ she said, „and I know we both didn‘t handle the situation perfectly, but that‘s really because of reasons we had no control over. I know keeping secrets this big in a relationship can hardly work out but…“
She took his hand in hers.
„But now we know our secrets, right?“
Luka blinked a few times, then smiled a little relieved. „Y-yes, I guess we do…“
Ladybug smiled. „I want to make a confession. I‘m actually a little happy you know. And understand why we had to end things. It was never because I didn‘t like you, I did. I really did…. And I think I still do.“
Now Luka was the speechless one.
„But… Adrien…?“
Ladybug shrugged. „I don‘t know. He still holds a special place in my heart, but… I feel so stressed out all the time. He sang a song for me few days ago and I completely freaked out and maybe that‘s a sign that… we‘re not meant to be romantic with each other. With you, it‘s different. With you, I feel like… it‘s okay to be myself.“
She squeezed his hand and smiled even wider. „Just myself.“
Luka chuckled and looked away for a moment, trying to hide his blush before realizing there‘s no use and looking back at Ladybug.
„So… what now?“
„Well… if you want, we could maybe… go out sometime?“, said Ladybug, „I mean, there‘s a chance I might have to do superhero but, but…“
„We can do something spontaneous,“ Luka suggested. „And if you have to go, I‘ll wait for you. Since I know you’ll come back.“
Ladybug smiled. „That sounds lovely.“
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esse-p · 16 days
finally done, it's my first vocaloid original!
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starshapedpetals · 7 months
i don’t really play project sekai but i just found out about the sanrio collab & the little twin stars are probably my favorite sanrio characters AS WELL AS LEN BEING ONE OF MY FAV VOCALOIDS !!! LOOK AT THE KAGAMINES !!! THEYRE SO CUTEEE !!!!
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mcskullmun · 6 months
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Comic WIP thingy but ya boy doesn’t know colour theory or just… anything about colouring so this may never get finished
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seas-of-silver · 10 months
The young rabbit hero quickly motioned to the surprised teenager to get into her portal before desperately shouting out, "Luka—Viperion, I need your help!"
The young rabbit hero quickly motioned to the surprised teenager to get into her portal before desperately shouting out, 'Luka—Viperion, I need your help!'
Luka tsked. 'Civilian and hero identity? Bunnyx, you're slipping.'
Bunnyx growled. Luka put his hands up as he chuckled in mock surrender.
'Be glad you found me when I was home alone, Alix,' he said as he entered the Burrow.
'Who's breaking rules now, snake boy?' Alix grouched, snapping the portal shut and stomping across the Burrow, grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him along with a ferocity that made him immediately switch into focus.
Luka knew how playful Alix was; cheeky by nature, a jovial competitor, and while she was a realist, she would be able to find levity in heavier moments. Normally, if he pulled her up on a slip, she'd roll her eyes, cock her hip and sass right back at him with an anecdote of when he himself had stuffed up, just to make it an even playing field. Normally, there'd be a little more banter. This, however, wasn't normal, and it put him on edge. As he observed her, she was pale, sweating, tired, jittery... scared.
'What happened?' he asked.
'No spoilers,' she shot back curtly as she pulled him in front of another portal.
'Hey.' He pulled his wrist out of her grasp. 'If you're going to send me out of my time into something that obviously has you rattled, I'm going to need to know what I'm walking into - which includes what led up to whatever this is.'
Bunnyx sniffled, and that's when he saw it. It wasn't just sweat trailing down her face. Luka wrapped her up in a hug.
'What are you doing, man?' came her muffled voice from against his chest. 'You-'
'I can spare a moment to make sure you're okay,' he told her. She returned the hug, and he felt his shirt dampen with tears. He wasn't sure how long they stood there, but eventually she pulled away.
'Th-the villain, the new holder of the Butterfly,' she began as she wiped her eyes and attempted to refocus herself, 'she's... so much worse that we could have ever imagined. Hawk Moth, Shadowmoth, Monarch - he had at least some boundaries, some morals, some rules about what he did, some lines he wouldn't cross... but her? She's just... there's nothing she wouldn't do, and it's horrifying.'
Bunnyx shivered, her pale facade tinging green.
'Should... should I ask why you couldn't get the Luka of that time?' he asked cautiously. Bunnyx just shrunk in on herself, and his heart sunk at the mortifying, unthinkable reasons she wouldn't, or perhaps couldn't-
'Spoilers,' she whispered with a glimmer of a smile, and he relaxed. So perhaps it wasn't as bad as he wasn't imagining, right?
'We're down a few members of our usual team, and the ones who are fighting are being pushed to their limits,' Bunnyx continued. 'This akuma is complicated, relentless and devastating. When we get on site, I'll inform the team that you're here, and after that, observe, report back to the team, and for goodness sakes - don't let the akuma see you. It'll be game over if you do.'
'What, like Medusa or something?' Luka joked, but at Bunnyx's nod, he grew solemn.
'And that's just one of the akuma's abilities.'
Luka heaved a heavy sigh. 'Anything else I need to know?'
'Don't touch the goo.'
Luka raised an eyebrow.
'Seriously, don't touch the goo,' Bunnyx warned him.
Luka nodded slowly as he called on his transformation. 'Goo is a no-go. Got it.' He looked back at her. 'See you soon, yeah?'
'Yeah,' she agreed softly. 'Be careful.'
He smiled before stepping through the portal. He was halfway through when he felt a hand pull him backwards.
'Wrong portal, dummy!' Bunnyx scolded, shaking her head as she lined him up with the portal to the left of the one he just walked through. 'What would you even do without me?'
'I'd probably be really bored,' he countered as she shoved him unceremoniously through the portal and onto a secluded rooftop.
'I got the young Viperion for you, team' Bunnyx announced into her comms. 'Don't lose him - he can't stay up past his bedtime.'
'Copy that,' he heard the chorus of voices through his earpiece as he put it in.
'See you later, Vipey,' Bunnyx said to him as she slapped his shoulder in farewell.
'Later, Energiser,' he replied, chuckling as she flipped him off before hopping back into the Burrow, the bright portal swirling shut behind her.
Ask game: Give me the first sentence and I'll write a short piece for it!
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good-beanswrites · 1 month
Fe Aspec Week Day 7: Free Day -- Legacy
This one took me forever to settle on something I liked -- I was toying around with some ideas about Lukas's epilogue text and the idea of legacy, as well as a bit of meta impact. A few scrapped drawings and 1k words later, I've got this 😂
As always, thank you so much for running this week!! 💜💚 I always have so much fun with the pieces, (it's been the only event week that I can regularly commit to because I always have a blast haha!) and seeing others' amazing work! It's been such a great time :D
Forsyth stepped back from his canvas. He wiped hair from his forehead, hoping he wasn’t smearing any paint there. He studied his work, then his model, then his work once more. He gave a decisive nod. 
“Well. I tried.”
Python choked back a laugh. “That’s not quite the confidence you want to hear from your portrait painter, you know.” He walked up to the canvas, but Forsyth was quick to angle it away from him. 
“Oh, hush, I wasn’t even painting you! I’ll have you know, it was rather difficult trying to paint something without having it in front of me.”
“What are you talkin’ about, Luke was sitting right there for hours!”
At his mention, Lukas perked up. He’d been lounging in front of Forsyth, his eyes lowered to sift through a pile of student writings. He’d been scribbling notes in the margins, absentmindedly angling his face this way and that when Forsyth requested.
“And I am incredibly grateful for his presence. However, I did not want to capture him looking like a sleep-deprived schoolteacher –”
“– but that’s exactly what he is –”
“– so I attempted to recreate my personal favorite expression of his.”
Lukas smiled. “Oh? And what would that be?” He placed the papers aside, giving Forsyth his full attention. Lukas nodded to the canvas, encouraging him to reveal it. 
“Well… you see… the point of this whole project…”
Forsyth searched for the right words. The point of the whole project actually struck him months ago, back at Rigel Castle. 
He and Python had sat for their own portraits, which would later be hung in the great hall to commemorate members of the Brotherhood. Forsyth could have cried seeing he and Python’s likenesses full of dignity and chivalry. The whole time, though, he couldn’t shake the feeling of injustice that boiled in his stomach: Lukas would get nothing. 
Sure, his name would appear in the records as the royal family’s right-hand advisor during and after war, but his image would disappear entirely. He left the Brotherhood to fulfill his dreams long before the kingdom was stable enough to commission a professional painter. With his brother furthering the bloodline and becoming the major focus of the household, Lukas was relieved of all marriage obligations – and opportunities for a couple’s portrait. Paintings alongside any future children were out of the question, as well. 
“It’s terribly unfair!” Forsyth had cried. “Are war and romance the only means to remember a man? Is he any less worthy because he will never marry?”
“You’re overthinking things, Fors.” Python had hardly spared him a glance. “Plenty of good people don’t get their paintings done.”
“And that is just as much an outrage!” 
He brought his concerns to Lukas, who seemed at peace with the situation, as Python was. The pair’s disinterest only caused Forsyth more urgency. After a bit of deliberation, he knew there was only one path forward. 
“I shall take this into my own hands.”
They would find out he meant this very literally. He showed up at Lukas’ schoolhouse with various brushes clutched in his hands, an apron thrown over his chest. He pulled up a nearby seat, propped up an easel, and got right to it. It became their routine: once classes dismissed for the day, Lukas would busy himself with reading through his school materials, and Forsyth would busy himself with work of his own.
He’d done his research beforehand, but had never actually painted anyone’s portrait. He looked again at the finished product.
“I was hoping to capture… er… the point of this work is to commemorate your independent situation… and thus… I remembered the days after you first told me, you were the happiest I’d ever seen you. The face is still a rare one, but after that night, I’ve seen that side of you more and more. I just thought…”
He gave an audible huff. Screw it. 
He turned the canvas around. 
“I am sorry. Perhaps I should have gone with a more dignified look, like the other knights’ portraits. I am aware that I have yet to accomplish a professional’s level of –”
“It’s perfect.” 
Forsyth blinked. 
Lukas stared at the canvas. He appeared to be working out his next words. Meanwhile, Python let out a long whistle. “Lookin’ good! Not too shabby, for your first masterpiece.”
“‘Not too shabby’ is an understatement.” Lukas stepped closer to the piece, his voice full of warmth. “Thank you, friend.”
In the painting, Lukas wasn’t sitting straight-backed and stiff; it was focused on his bust, leaning a bit in relaxed movement. He wore casual clothes, none of his usual professional garments. He smiled. His mouth was a little lopsided, a little odd, pinching his eyes a bit, showing some teeth, but not all – and it was a perfect replication. This was Lukas’s true smile, not the one he put up for others to view. 
Python gave him a poke. “So, now what? Where are we gonna do with it? We can’t just smuggle it into the royal gallery. And I don’t think Lukas is the kind of guy who wants to stare at it here in the school all the time.”
“Well, I… er….”
“I mean, we can certainly just go and hang it up somewhere around town, but I don’t think he’s looking for that, either.”
“I just thought he’d want it! For his legacy!” Forsyth huffed. His eyes shone with The kind of determination that the others knew not to overstep on. There was no stopping him now. “It’s important that he’s remembered through the ages! I think of all the heroes that inspired me – the way I gazed at their images in my fathers’ textbooks, gaining hope from their stories…”
“You’re hoping that Lukas ends up in some dusty textbook someday?”
“Indeed!” He beamed, not realizing that Python didn’t see it as a grand victory. “Just imagine: centuries from now, some harrowed scholar, crushed under familiar struggles. They get a hold of a secondhand book, and suddenly, bam!” He gestured to the painting. “They look upon his face and see that everything will be alright. They’ll think, ‘if Sir Lukas of Valentia can do it, and smile so purely at the end of it all, surely I can too!’”
He clenched his fists, caught up in his own excitement. His gaze was somewhere faraway, imagining this incredible future.  
Python scoffed. 
“It sounds like they’re just as much of a hopelessly sentimental dreamer as you are. They’ll probably think, ‘gods, now I need to study up on this guy too?”
“Or, if they’re like me, maybe they’ll think, ‘mmm, that is one fiiine –”
“Alright, alright. I think it’s a real nice gesture, Fors.”
Lukas had been quietly taking everything in for a while. Now he spoke. “I truly believe this is perfect. As you said – this is an expression only saved for rare occasions. It’s difficult for me to smile so genuinely. I… I never really see it myself.”
He placed a hand on Forsyth’s shoulder. “We can hope it reaches others someday, but regardless, I am grateful to have seen it right now. It inspires me about the future. I… I cannot thank you enough.”
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festering-bacteria · 2 years
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wanted to do something w/ the individual pairings for my silly polyship :)))
i picture these as like, they’re having a sleepover or something
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toastytrusty · 10 months
so i rewatched church and state yesterday--
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and i can't stop thinking about this scene. like. rome was breaking down and out of everyone in the audience it cut to lukas and then mencken; lukas looking genuinely concerned and sympathetic and mencken looking kinda amused and dissapointed. and there were Multiple scenes of it cutting directly between lukas and mencken. and after the funeral is when lukas goes to mencken to make sure he can get ahold of waystar. after seeing roman crying and knowing what kind of person mencken is. like. he Does care about roman he does he does he does roman's well being is a genuine motivator for him i'm not delusional its real it is
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fishymom-art · 9 months
i finished season 4 of magnus archives and i am NOT okay
everyone's traumatized, but 4 lesbians, a muffin gay and a terrified asexual got a little win so that's good
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